instruction,input,output What is the MISC?,,It stands for Motivational Interviewing Skill Code. The MISC was originally developed in 1997 as a method for evaluating the quality of motivational interviewing (MI) from audiotapes and videotapes of individual counseling sessions. What are good use cases for the Motivational Interviewing Skill Code (MISC),,"The possible uses of MISC include: * Documenting counselor adherence to MI within clinical trial protocols * Providing detailed session feedback for counselors in the process of learning MI, including specific goals for improved skillfulness * Evaluating the effectiveness of training in MI by comparing counselor skills before and after training * Conducting psychotherapy process research to examine relationships among counselor and client responses * Predicting treatment outcome from psychotherapy process measures * Generating new knowledge about MI and its underlying processes of efficacy" According to the theory of motivational interviewing what predicts behavior change?,,"Paul Amrhein's study found that only client commitment language predicted behavior change. Other client behaviors like desire, ability, reasons, and need predicted the occurrence of subsequent committing language, and thus influenced behavior change indirectly but did not predict the actual change." During a counseling session which part is most predictive of behavior change.,,"The end of a session. Amrhein found that the strongest prediction of behavioral outcomes came from client speech toward the end of the session, when the client’s plan for change was the primary topic. Client commitment level at the beginning of an MI session, when clients discussed their reasons for presenting for treatment, did not predict the probability of behavior change" What are Motivational Interviewing (MI) adherent behaviors?,,"MI adherent behaviors are behaviors that a counselor expressees toward a client that are consistent with a motivational interviewing approach. They are, advising with permission, affirming the client, emphasizing control, support, reflecting, and open questions." What are Motivational Interviewing (MI) non adherent behaviors?,,"MI non-adherent behaviors are behaviors are inconsistent with a motivational interviewing approach. In general they are perceived as less empathetic. They are, advising without permission, directing, confronting, and closed questions." What is the definition of Advise according to the MISC,,"The counselor gives advice, makes a suggestion, or offers a solution or possible action. These will usually contain language that indicates that advice is being given: should, why don't you, consider, try, suggest, advise, you could, etc. Advise requires sub classification for whether the advice was given with or without prior permission from the client. Prior permission can be in the form of a request from the client, or in the counselor asking the client's permission to offer it. Indirect forms of permission asking may also occur, such as a counselor statement that gives the client permission to disregard the advice as in ""This may or may not make sense to you"")." Give two examples of advise with permission.,,"""Would it be all right if I suggested something?"" ""We could try brainstorming to come up with ideas about quitting if you like.""" Give three examples of advise without permission.,,"""Consider buying more fruits and vegetables when you shop."" ""You could ask your friends not to drink at your house"" ""You should really stop playing so many video games.""" What is the definition of Affirm according to the MISC,,"The counselor says something positive or complimentary to the client. It may be in the form of expressed appreciation, confidence or reinforcement. The counselor comments on the client’s strengths or efforts. It is not necessary to subclassify Affirm responses." As a counselor practicing motivational interviewing how would you define appreciation?,,"Appreciation is when a counselor compliments the client on a trait, attribute, or strength. The reference can be to a ""stable, internal"" characteristic of the client, something positive that refers to an aspect of the client that would endure across time or situations (smart, resourceful, patient, strong, etc.). It may also be for effort." Give four examples of a counselor demonstrating appreciation.,,"""You’re a very resourceful person."" ""Thank you for coming today."" ""You’ve made a huge cut in your smoking."" ""I’ve enjoyed talking with you today.""" How would a psychologist practicing motivational interviewing demonstrate confidence in a client?,,"The counselor would make a remark that bespeaks confidence in the client's ability to do something, to make a change; it predicts success, or otherwise supports client self-efficacy. These are related to a particular task, goal, or change. Ane example would be: Client: ""I don’t think I can do it."" Counselor: ""You’ve succeeded through some difficult changes in the past.""" How would a psychologist practicing motivational interviewing demonstrate reinforce a client?,,"Reinforcements are general encouraging or applause statements even if they do not directly comment on a client's nature, and do not speak directly to self-efficacy. They tend to be short. For example a counselor might say something like: ""That's a good idea"" ""Good for you!"" ""That's good""." When coding an affirmation what codes is it often confused with?,,"Support and Emphasize Control. Support takes on a sympathetic or agreeing quality, while affirm comments favorably on a client characteristic, bespeaks confidence, congratulates or encourages." How would a psychologist practicing motivational interviewing reinforce a client?,,"Reinforcements are general encouraging or applause statements even if they do not directly comment on a client's nature, and do not speak directly to self-efficacy. They tend to be short. For example a counselor might say something like: ""That's a good idea"" ""Good for you!"" ""That's good""." Which of these two statements by a psychologist is an affirmation and which is support and why?,"""That must have been difficult."" ""You’ve accomplished a difficult task.""","""That must have been difficult."" is support because it is sympathetic to the patient but not appreciative. ""You’ve accomplished a difficult task."" is an affirmation because it highlights the effort a client has made and reinforces that behavior positively." Which of these two statements by a counselor is an affirmation and which is emphasize control and why?,"""Thank you for coming today."" ""It was your decision to come here today.""","""Thank you for coming today."" is an affirmation because it demonstrates appreciation of the patient's effort and action. ""It was your decision to come here today."" demonstrates the emphasize control code because it highlights the client's autonomy to make that decision but doesn't reinforce, demonstrate confidence, or show appreciation." As a psychologist practicing motivational interviewing how would you define Direct?,,"Direct is when the counselor gives an order, command, or direction. The language is imperative. Some examples are: ""Don't say that."" or ""Get out there and find a job.""" What are some imperative stems which are directive?,,"""You need to ..."" ""I want you to ..."" ""You have to ..."" ""You must ..."" ""You can't ...""" Please list three examples of Direct.,,"""I want you to watch this video."" ""You’ve got to stop drinking."" ""You must have more respect for yourself.""" When coding direct what codes is it often confused with?,,"Direct is often confused with Affirm, Advise or Confront." Which of these three statements is Direct and why?,"""You could try looking for a job this week."" ""I want you to try to find a job."" ""There’s no reason for you not to be working.""","""I want you to try to find a job."" is direct because it is a command. It tells the client to do something instead of just suggesting it. ""You could try looking for a job this week."" is advise without permission because it suggests a course of action without demanding it. ""There’s no reason for you not to be working."" is a confront because it has a negative quality that exudes judgement and ridicules the client." Which of these statements is Direct and why?,"""You should be proud of yourself for finding a job."" ""Now get out there and get a job!""","""Now get out there and get a job!"" is direct because it is a direct order. ""You should be proud of yourself for finding a job."" is an affirmation because it is positive and complimentary. It highlights the clients effort in a positive way." What is emphasizing control?,,"When someone directly acknowledges, honors, or emphasizes the another person's freedom of choice, autonomy, personal responsibility, etc. It highlights a person's autonomy and ability to enact changes in their life. This may also be stated in the negative, as in ""Nobody can make you change."" There is no tone of blaming or faultfinding." What is emphasizing control?,,"When someone directly acknowledges, honors, or emphasizes the another person's freedom of choice, autonomy, personal responsibility, etc. It highlights a person's autonomy and ability to enact changes in their life. This may also be stated in the negative, as in ""Nobody can make you change."" There is no tone of blaming or faultfinding. Statements acknowledging the client’s autonomy in an accomplishment are coded as Emphasize Control rather than Affirm." When coding an utterance as emphasize control what codes is it often confused with?,,"Affirm, Confront, or Reflect." According to the MISC what is Facilitate?,,"These are simple utterances that function as keep going acknowledgments. ""Mm Hmm."" ""OK."" ""Tell me more."" ""I see."" Facilitate responses are stand alone utterances. They do not usually occur with other counselor responses in the same volley. Do not code as Facilitate if the vocal sound is a preface to some other counselor response like a Question or a Reflect. In these combinations, code only the second response." According to the MISC what is Filler?,,"This is a code for the few responses that are not codeable elsewhere: pleasantries, etc. It should not be used often. If these exceed 5% of Counselor responses, they are probably being over-coded. Examples are things like ""Good morning John."", ""Nice Weather we're having""." What is a conversational reflection?,,A reflection is a reflective listening statement where the speaker repeats back something the other person said. They can be more complicated where they mirror the ideas of the speaker through metaphor or analogy as well. In essence they capture and return something the other person said. How many types of conversational reflections are there?,,There are two. Simple Reflections and Complex Reflections. What is the definition of a simple reflection?,,Simple Reflections add little or no meaning or emphasis to what someone has said. Simple reflections merely convey understanding or facilitate further exchanges. Simply repeating or rephrasing what the someone has said qualifies as a Simple Reflection. Simple reflections might identify important of intense ideas but don't go far beyond the initial overt content. What is the definition of a complex reflection?,,"Complex Reflections typically add substantial meaning or emphasis to what the someone has said. They convey a deeper or richer picture of the someone's statement where a simple reflection usually just parrots it. Usually they contain significantly more or different content from what the person actually said. The following are almost always complex reflections: * Analogy, metaphor and simile. * Exaggeration or amplification by understating or overstating * “Continuing the paragraph” by anticipation of what the client might reasonably say next * Double-sided reflection containing both sides of ambivalence in a single Reflect * Summaries are usually coded as Complex Reflections when they add content or meaning to client statements." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yes on occasion. therapist: And sometimes you feel guilty after you drink. client: Sometimes I just don't like how much I drink. I sometimes finish a bottle in one night. therapist: So you're not proud of finishing a bottle? client: No, it's not like I get crazy or anything but I just don't like the amount that I'm drinking.","Right. By the way, binge drinking is defined for women as having more than, uh, three drinks and there are about five drinks in a bottle. So, you enjoy drinking wine because it helps make things, uh, a little bit more interesting when you're feeling down but at the same time you don't like drinking when you have more than you want it to and then the depression returns after you drink." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I'd say an eight. therapist: Okay. Why do you think it's not something less like a six? client: Well, I'm more ready than a six because I'm ready to cut back on my drinking and I don't wanna make my depression any worse. therapist: What would help you cut back to two drinks? client: Maybe having less wine in the house.",Having less wine in the house will help? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Maybe having less wine in the house. therapist: Having less wine in the house will help? client: Yes. therapist: What else besides drinking helps you relax and unwind in the evenings? client: Well, I like to watch movies, read a book, and take a bath but sometimes I drink when I take a bath.","So, it's not just wine that helps you relax. Um, there's reading a book, watching a movie, and taking a hot bath too." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Sure. therapist: Great. So, let's see how well you're doing with these new meds. client: Okay. therapist: And before you leave, uh, is it okay if we go over this screening form that you filled out today on your alcohol use? client: Sure.","Okay. Uh, thanks for filling this out. Uh, looks like you use alcohol two to three days a week?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Okay. therapist: And before you leave, uh, is it okay if we go over this screening form that you filled out today on your alcohol use? client: Sure. therapist: Okay. Uh, thanks for filling this out. Uh, looks like you use alcohol two to three days a week? client: Yeah, but only on the weekend.","Okay. And then when you do drink alcohol, you typically have five or six drinks." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: So, uh, are you saying I drink too much? therapist: How would you define drinking too much? client: Well, I-- If-if I was getting fallen down drunk or if I drink every night. Um, it's not like I get sloppy drunk or anything. therapist: Mm-hmm. Well, in this country, the guidelines are men can drink up to 14 drinks a week or up to four on one occasion and still be low risk. client: So I'm already at the week limit. And then I have four beers a night. Are you sure?",So a limit of four a night doesn't feel right to you? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, I-- If-if I was getting fallen down drunk or if I drink every night. Um, it's not like I get sloppy drunk or anything. therapist: Mm-hmm. Well, in this country, the guidelines are men can drink up to 14 drinks a week or up to four on one occasion and still be low risk. client: So I'm already at the week limit. And then I have four beers a night. Are you sure? therapist: So a limit of four a night doesn't feel right to you? client: I have five or six beers when I go out with friends to a bar. It's not a problem for me.","You're not alone in feeling that way. Uh, binge drinking can feel normal to some people." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, I didn't know about those things. therapist: Can I ask you, uh, what do you like about drinking alcohol? client: Well, I-I like beer. I like the way it tastes, I like the way it makes me feel. Uh, like when I'm around friends and it's not a problem for me. therapist: And so what about your drinking do you not like or is there anything that worries you about your drinking? client: Well, that was fine until I came here, uh, but now that I know about the health risk, uh, I have something I gotta think about.","So, on one hand, you like how beer tastes, uh, it's part of your social life to some extent, um, but on the other hand, you don't like the idea of it posing risks to your health over the long term?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: E-exactly. therapist: So weighing those things, you know, what you like about your drinking, what you don't like about your drinking, uh, where do you wanna go from here? Uh, what would you like to change about your drinking? client: Hmm, I'm not sure. Uh, something I have to think about. therapist: Well, how about hypothetically if I were to ask you, how would your drinking have to impact your life in order for you to be ready to change your drinking? client: Uh, I don't know. Maybe if I got sick or something, uh, maybe I'd wanna change things then.","So if you experienced a negative consequence from your drinking, uh, that would feel meaningful to you?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: Okay, great. See you next time. therapist: Hi, John. Nice to see you again. So, tell me, how are things going? client: Well, doc, I know you told me that I need to lose weight. And even though the scale didn't show today, I was able to lose about 5 pounds, but then I gained it right back. therapist: Well, I appreciate you bringing your weight to the forefront. Do you mind if we explore this issue further? client: No, by all means. I know we have to discuss it.","All right. Uh, well, it sounds like you've been struggling with your weight recently. And I understand how difficult it is to lose the weight and then have it come back again. So, tell me what you did to lose that initial 5 pounds." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, doc, I know you told me that I need to lose weight. And even though the scale didn't show today, I was able to lose about 5 pounds, but then I gained it right back. therapist: Well, I appreciate you bringing your weight to the forefront. Do you mind if we explore this issue further? client: No, by all means. I know we have to discuss it. therapist: All right. Uh, well, it sounds like you've been struggling with your weight recently. And I understand how difficult it is to lose the weight and then have it come back again. So, tell me what you did to lose that initial 5 pounds. client: I started watching what I ate and I ate less. I've been eating more fruits and vegetables. I've also been walking a lot. I'm walking up to 20 minutes a day now. I saw the weight come slowly off, um, and I felt better. But then when I watched it come back on again, you know, I gave up.",But you did have some success. Tell me how you felt when you lost the weight. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: No, by all means. I know we have to discuss it. therapist: All right. Uh, well, it sounds like you've been struggling with your weight recently. And I understand how difficult it is to lose the weight and then have it come back again. So, tell me what you did to lose that initial 5 pounds. client: I started watching what I ate and I ate less. I've been eating more fruits and vegetables. I've also been walking a lot. I'm walking up to 20 minutes a day now. I saw the weight come slowly off, um, and I felt better. But then when I watched it come back on again, you know, I gave up. therapist: But you did have some success. Tell me how you felt when you lost the weight. client: I felt great and I felt really proud of myself. I thought that this was something that I could do.","Okay. Well, it sounds like you realized that when you lost the weight you feel better and that it's gonna affect your overall health. So, tell me what you think changed that caused you to gain the weight back." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Obviously, I need to cut back on the fruit juice. But boy, do I love that OJ. therapist: Oh, I understand. Let me ask you this, on a scale from 0 to 10, 0 meaning that there's no way you can do it, and 10 meaning that you're 100% confident that you can do it, how confident are you that you'll be able to reduce the amount of juice you're currently taking in. client: Um, six or seven. therapist: All right. So, you're not a zero. So, that tells me that you've got some confidence that this is doable, this is something you certainly can do it. Why are you not a zero? client: I guess it's because I know that I need to do it to lose the weight.","So, you realize, again, that if you decrease the amount of juice you're taking in, you're gonna decrease your weight, you're gonna feel better, and you're gonna impact your po- health positively?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yes. therapist: But you're also not a 10, and that tells me that there may be some obstacles to your success. What would it take for you to be a 10 or even an 8 or 9? client: Getting the fruit juice of the house because I know if it's there I'll drink it. My wife does the shopping for us, so maybe if I ask her not to get the juice, that would solve it. therapist: Okay. Now, if the juice was still there, can you think of anything else you could do? client: I suppose I could replace it with, um, a low-calorie drink or drink more water.","Excellent. John, I get the impression that you want to stay in course with weight reduction. And the best way to do this will be to decrease the amount of juice that you're currently taking in. So if I saw you in two weeks and I asked you how much juice you're t- drinking and how you did it, what would you tell me?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: I agree. All right. Well, you-you know what? I'm not gonna start any medications today. Your levels were a little bit off, but I think we can handle this from a purely lifestyle standpoint. What do you think? client: Great. It sounds good to me. therapist: Excellent. I'll see you in two weeks. client: Okay. client: Well see, my-my wife's been getting on me a lot lately about trying to improve my health habits, and I really don't see what the big problem is. I mean, I've been working real hard. Sometimes I can't come home for dinner, so I'm having to go out to eat at Applebee's or something like that, so-- but she seems to have a bigger problem, I really don't see what the big deal is.","Okay, and so what I'm hearing is that you don't feel like your health is concerning you right now, or anything like that?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, a little bit, but nothing too-- you know. I'm not blo- I'm not bloated or anything. therapist: Okay. Okay. And how about going to see the doctor? Have you gone to-- for a visit or anything recently? client: Well, yeah, I've been to the doctor about maybe last year for a physical, but-- I mean, everything showed up to be fine, so— therapist: Okay. But you feel that you feel good? client: Yeah.","Okay. Um, and so what I hear is that you're-- you feel like your wife might be, uh, overreacting to this?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: Okay. Good. therapist: Hi, Emily. client: Hi. therapist: It's been a while. client: Yeah, it's been a while.",This is something new. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm-hmm. therapist: Um, so that's one-one thing, and the other is, um, I do see fair amount of chipped teeth- client: Oh, yeah. therapist: -just from contact with it. I wonder what are your thoughts about that? client: Well, I definitely don't want it mess with my teeth. I know I kinda already have low gums to begin with, like you've been telling me for a while, and I have to flo-floss, which I-","Yes, flossing." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Oh, yeah. therapist: -just from contact with it. I wonder what are your thoughts about that? client: Well, I definitely don't want it mess with my teeth. I know I kinda already have low gums to begin with, like you've been telling me for a while, and I have to flo-floss, which I- therapist: Yes, flossing. client: Um, which I'm not doing but, um, yeah, I guess, I don't really wanna wreck my teeth 'cause-- Yeah, I didn't really notice any of the chipping.",There's nothing yet. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, I definitely don't want it mess with my teeth. I know I kinda already have low gums to begin with, like you've been telling me for a while, and I have to flo-floss, which I- therapist: Yes, flossing. client: Um, which I'm not doing but, um, yeah, I guess, I don't really wanna wreck my teeth 'cause-- Yeah, I didn't really notice any of the chipping. therapist: There's nothing yet. client: I guess I'm not paying attention to it.","Yeah. There's certainly been-- There's no problems and you, as you said, only have had it for a short time." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. I guess if I really start to see a problem-- I mean, this might not last forever, but my teeth, I'm hoping- therapist: Mm-hmm. client: -will kind of stick [unintelligible 00:02:30] therapist: Emily, you said it so well it- client: Yeah.","-the-the piercing might not last forever, but your teeth really are-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, well, I said I went to the polytech and stuff- therapist: Mm. client: -and I went back there and got another form and stuff, and just helping me with that. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: Yeah.","Yeah. And, get-getting to the polytech and getting the forms, that's a pretty big deal." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: Okay. So, where did you get to in terms of telling her that, uh, reading and writing is not that [unintelligible 00:27:23] for you? client: Just-- I-I asked her to fill that out for me because I said I'd be too messy. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: Yeah.","So, I was thinking about how that stuff about not feeling confident around reading and writing has, um, really got in the way for you." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, um-- Well, I don't know. Hopefully, there's not so much of that stuff. Um, oh, well, I don't know. I could find out maybe someone who can help you, like, at the school, at the polytech, maybe somebody can help you out and stuff, or there might be computers there or something. therapist: Mm. Yeah? client: Yeah. therapist: So, all these changes that you've- that you've made, um, Billy, where-where is the offending fitting into all of that now? client: Not really fitting in. It kind of just gets in the way.","So, offending gets in the way of the life that you're starting to lead?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Not really fitting in. It kind of just gets in the way. therapist: So, offending gets in the way of the life that you're starting to lead? client: Yeah. therapist: Yeah? So, what temptations have you had to, kind of, go back to offending? client: Like like getting on the piss, but with Donna, there kind of keeps me busy.",Mm. So the drinking is something that we talked about can make it easier for you to offend. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. I just wanna have a bit of a laugh and like go smash some windows or go and nick a car or something, but yeah. It's kind of harder to think straight. therapist: It's harder to think straight when you've been drinking? client: Yeah. therapist: Yeah. Yeah. And so you've got Donna around at the moment? client: Yeah.","And that's helping keep you in check, as you said?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: And that's helping keep you in check, as you said? client: Yeah. therapist: Yeah. What would happen if she wasn't around say or at a party or? client: I'd probably just go be stupid with my mates.",Okay. So Donna at the moment who kind of being there is like a strength? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. 'Cause if there's just like if a mate said they're gonna go out and pick a car or something, she just bumps them out and then-then I don't know. She say that's stupid and stuff. And I don't know. It gives me something to do. therapist: Mm. What do you think? client: Just kind of stupid. Well, it's pointless, but still a bit of a laugh. therapist: Mm. Yeah. 'Cause I was thinking about that dream that you've got about the job and a life with Donna and- client: Mm.",-kids and stuff like that and how you were saying that the offending doesn't fit in with that dream or that idea. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Just kind of stupid. Well, it's pointless, but still a bit of a laugh. therapist: Mm. Yeah. 'Cause I was thinking about that dream that you've got about the job and a life with Donna and- client: Mm. therapist: -kids and stuff like that and how you were saying that the offending doesn't fit in with that dream or that idea. client: No.","So there's that on the one hand, but on the other hand, there's the kind of immediate, um, feeling when you've had a few to drink and you're with your mates and it feels like it would be a bit of a laugh?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: No. therapist: So there's that on the one hand, but on the other hand, there's the kind of immediate, um, feeling when you've had a few to drink and you're with your mates and it feels like it would be a bit of a laugh? client: Yeah. therapist: So you've got-got those two things going on at the same time. Yeah? client: Mm.","And it sounds like sometimes when you're in there with your mates and had a few drinks, it's hard to hold on to that vision of the future." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: No. Just, like, it's not normally my idea, like someone else would just suggest it and you kind of just, yeah. therapist: So it's not your idea. And you also go along with it? client: Yeah. You can't really be like, ""Oh no,"" just give me shit. therapist: Mm-hmm. What would happen if you say no? client: Just like, it can be shit and I still do it. They just-just call me a pussy or whatever and I don't know. And they'd talk me into it probably.",Mm-hmm. So it's hard to actually say no to your friends- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. You can't really be like, ""Oh no,"" just give me shit. therapist: Mm-hmm. What would happen if you say no? client: Just like, it can be shit and I still do it. They just-just call me a pussy or whatever and I don't know. And they'd talk me into it probably. therapist: Mm-hmm. So it's hard to actually say no to your friends- client: Yeah.",-'cause of what they- what they thought of you. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: They don't lead me into trouble. But- therapist: Okay. So tell me- tell me what it is that they do so I get a better understanding of it. client: Uh, like it's my choice though, they don't make me. therapist: Yeah. client: Yeah. I know it's just having grown up with, it's just what we've always done.",Okay. So that's just what you've always done. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Uh, like it's my choice though, they don't make me. therapist: Yeah. client: Yeah. I know it's just having grown up with, it's just what we've always done. therapist: Okay. So that's just what you've always done. client: Yeah.",But we're also talking about this idea that it doesn't fit with what your goals are or what your hopes are? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: So just hang out instead of go and do stuff, like stupid stuff. therapist: Okay. So-so Donna's helped calm you down and you'd like, um, them to calm down too? client: Yeah, 'cause then we could hang out together and stuff- therapist: Mm. client: -with our girlfriends and stuff.",So am I hearing that it's tricky in some ways to hang out with them sometimes- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -yes, someone who's got my back. therapist: So, someone who's loyal, someone who's got your back, yeah? What else? What else is really your definition of a really good mate? client: That's about it. It's-- yeah. therapist: Hmm. client: Someone who'll stand up for you.","Oh, so, someone who'll stand up for you?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I mean, support me. therapist: Yeah. How-how would you wanna be supported, Billy? client: Just don't give me shit about, I don't know. Um, yeah, just, if I- if I don't wanna go do something, don't, like, don't give me shit about it. therapist: Mm. Okay, so that's-that's the kind of support that a really good mate would give you? It sounds- client: Yeah.",-like these guys have been around for you- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Just don't give me shit about, I don't know. Um, yeah, just, if I- if I don't wanna go do something, don't, like, don't give me shit about it. therapist: Mm. Okay, so that's-that's the kind of support that a really good mate would give you? It sounds- client: Yeah. therapist: -like these guys have been around for you- client: Yeah, yeah, they [unintelligible 00:36:38]","-for quite some time, and they're really important to you." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I guess, like, if they actually know I'm going to polytech and stuff that they might understand. therapist: Okay. client: But, like I feel guilty if they wanna go and have fun, and I'm not with them. therapist: Okay. That's the second time you've used that word 'guilty'. client: Yeah.","Yeah? So, it sounds like it's a really-- something's really important to you about that." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: Yeah? So, it sounds like it's a really-- something's really important to you about that. client: Yeah. Like, just going out with them or spending some times with them-- time with them, but, like, I really wanna spend time with Donna too- therapist: Mm. client: -so, it'd be cool if we could spend time together, like, with Donna and my mates.","Okay. So, it's almost as if you feel a bit torn because you wanna be with Donna, but you also wanna be with your-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. Like, just going out with them or spending some times with them-- time with them, but, like, I really wanna spend time with Donna too- therapist: Mm. client: -so, it'd be cool if we could spend time together, like, with Donna and my mates. therapist: Okay. So, it's almost as if you feel a bit torn because you wanna be with Donna, but you also wanna be with your- client: Yeah.",-with your mates? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: -with your mates? client: Yeah, like-- Well, I know I get into trouble with them, but they're still my mates, and I- therapist: Mm. client: -feel--","Yeah, so they're still important to you?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, like-- Well, I know I get into trouble with them, but they're still my mates, and I- therapist: Mm. client: -feel-- therapist: Yeah, so they're still important to you? client: Yeah.",Hmm. I also am hearing that you don't wanna get into trouble anymore. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: Mm. Yeah. therapist: Hi, Sal. Thanks for coming in today. client: No problem. therapist: I saw that your doctor made the referral and, um, and I really appreciate you taking the time to come and make that appointment. client: Yeah, it's-it's a bit of an inconvenience I'd say, but I'm here though.",So you made it in here- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, it's-it's a bit of an inconvenience I'd say, but I'm here though. therapist: So you made it in here- client: Mm-hmm. therapist: - and do you have a sense of-of what some of the doctor's concerns were that led her to refer you? client: I don't know, something about changing my life even more. You know, the smoking's been changed, and now it's, you know, cut down the drinking, get rid of those extra smokes, get rid of my dog. I don't know what else have to do.","So your asthma has been acting up and there's a lot of stuff, not just the asthma going on?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm-hmm. therapist: - and do you have a sense of-of what some of the doctor's concerns were that led her to refer you? client: I don't know, something about changing my life even more. You know, the smoking's been changed, and now it's, you know, cut down the drinking, get rid of those extra smokes, get rid of my dog. I don't know what else have to do. therapist: So your asthma has been acting up and there's a lot of stuff, not just the asthma going on? client: Yeah, there's a lot of stress too. My wife's still on maternity leave, she's not getting paid, she's with the baby right now. And I'm the only person that's working right now, and plus I got to change all these things that are going on in my life.",Mm-hmm. Almost— Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I don't know, something about changing my life even more. You know, the smoking's been changed, and now it's, you know, cut down the drinking, get rid of those extra smokes, get rid of my dog. I don't know what else have to do. therapist: So your asthma has been acting up and there's a lot of stuff, not just the asthma going on? client: Yeah, there's a lot of stress too. My wife's still on maternity leave, she's not getting paid, she's with the baby right now. And I'm the only person that's working right now, and plus I got to change all these things that are going on in my life. therapist: Mm-hmm. Almost— client: Yeah, it's a lot.",Almost overwhelming it sounds like. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Okay. therapist: It really-- You're in the driver's seat, so it's just to kind of put all the cards on the table, so to speak. client: Okay. Um, okay, that sounds good. As long as I'm not changing anything and we're just kind of putting, um, I guess, pen to paper or something. therapist: Yep. client: Um, okay, so my asthma.","Okay, so asthma is one." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, okay, so my asthma. therapist: Okay, so asthma is one. client: Yeah. therapist: What else? client: Um, the fact that they want me to get rid of Oscar, that's-that's my dog.","So your dog, and-and the doctor's saying the dog's—" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, the fact that they want me to get rid of Oscar, that's-that's my dog. therapist: So your dog, and-and the doctor's saying the dog's— client: Well, he's-- Yeah, he's saying it's a main-- It's a main contributor to my asthma problems. therapist: Okay. client: Which I don't- I don't- I don't- I don't buy it and I can't just get rid of him like that, but it's something that's there.",That's pretty shocking to be told that you have to get rid of your dog. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, he's-- Yeah, he's saying it's a main-- It's a main contributor to my asthma problems. therapist: Okay. client: Which I don't- I don't- I don't- I don't buy it and I can't just get rid of him like that, but it's something that's there. therapist: That's pretty shocking to be told that you have to get rid of your dog. client: Yeah. The dog has been there before my wife. I know I've had him longer.",Hmm. So that's a huge stress right now? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. The dog has been there before my wife. I know I've had him longer. therapist: Hmm. So that's a huge stress right now? client: Yeah. Yeah, it's- it's a big stress, it's like my best friend, so that's one of the important things. Also, I guess, cutting down these last cigarettes I've been working on. therapist: Okay, so smoking and-and I'm working towards quitting completely sounds like that's a goal for you? client: Um, finances is a problem right now too.","Okay, so money." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. Yeah, it's- it's a big stress, it's like my best friend, so that's one of the important things. Also, I guess, cutting down these last cigarettes I've been working on. therapist: Okay, so smoking and-and I'm working towards quitting completely sounds like that's a goal for you? client: Um, finances is a problem right now too. therapist: Okay, so money. client: Time, I got to come to all these appointments and I'm taking time off work, which obviously is the money factor, right?","Right. Right, right. So the appointments and time." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, finances is a problem right now too. therapist: Okay, so money. client: Time, I got to come to all these appointments and I'm taking time off work, which obviously is the money factor, right? therapist: Right. Right, right. So the appointments and time. client: Mm-hmm.","Um, and some of these things are kind of related to each other I think we're already seeing." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: No. It's just overwhelming when you see them everything they're, you know? therapist: Right. Well, so where would you-- I mean, if you-you had to pick somewhere, one or two kind of high priorities or-or things to talk about in our time this morning, where would you wanna start? client: I think- I think the thoughts about the dog has been definitely bothering me, that's been one. therapist: Okay. client: And, um, my-my asthma is out of control too. So maybe those two.","Okay, and those are ones that are pretty related to each other-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, it's really stupid. Uh, I was at a pub crawl last night and you know how pub crawls are. You have a few drinks and then I thought it was a really good idea to catch up with my friends who are, yeah, they're in front of me. So I just like jumped off the stairs of the bus and I was wearing these like stilettos 'cause it was a 90s-themed pub crawl. Anyway, and then I just like fell on my ankle. It was really embarrassing. client: Um, it's really stupid. Uh, I was at a pub crawl last night and you know how pub crawls are. You have a few drinks and then I thought it was a really good idea to catch up with my friends who are, yeah, they're in front of me. So I just like jumped off the stairs of the bus and I was wearing these like stilettos 'cause it was a 90s-themed pub crawl. Anyway, and then I just like fell on my ankle. It was really embarrassing. client: Um, it's really stupid. Uh, I was at a pub crawl last night and you know how pub crawls are. You have a few drinks and then I thought it was a really good idea to catch up with my friends who are, yeah, they're in front of me. So I just like jumped off the stairs of the bus and I was wearing these like stilettos 'cause it was a 90s-themed pub crawl. Anyway, and then I just like fell on my ankle. It was really embarrassing. client: Um, it's really stupid. Uh, I was at a pub crawl last night and you know how pub crawls are. You have a few drinks and then I thought it was a really good idea to catch up with my friends who are, yeah, they're in front of me. So I just like jumped off the stairs of the bus and I was wearing these like stilettos 'cause it was a 90s-themed pub crawl. Anyway, and then I just like fell on my ankle. It was really embarrassing. client: Um, it's really stupid. Uh, I was at a pub crawl last night and you know how pub crawls are. You have a few drinks and then I thought it was a really good idea to catch up with my friends who are, yeah, they're in front of me. So I just like jumped off the stairs of the bus and I was wearing these like stilettos 'cause it was a 90s-themed pub crawl. Anyway, and then I just like fell on my ankle. It was really embarrassing.",Sounds like a wild night. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, it's really stupid. Uh, I was at a pub crawl last night and you know how pub crawls are. You have a few drinks and then I thought it was a really good idea to catch up with my friends who are, yeah, they're in front of me. So I just like jumped off the stairs of the bus and I was wearing these like stilettos 'cause it was a 90s-themed pub crawl. Anyway, and then I just like fell on my ankle. It was really embarrassing. client: Um, it's really stupid. Uh, I was at a pub crawl last night and you know how pub crawls are. You have a few drinks and then I thought it was a really good idea to catch up with my friends who are, yeah, they're in front of me. So I just like jumped off the stairs of the bus and I was wearing these like stilettos 'cause it was a 90s-themed pub crawl. Anyway, and then I just like fell on my ankle. It was really embarrassing. client: Um, it's really stupid. Uh, I was at a pub crawl last night and you know how pub crawls are. You have a few drinks and then I thought it was a really good idea to catch up with my friends who are, yeah, they're in front of me. So I just like jumped off the stairs of the bus and I was wearing these like stilettos 'cause it was a 90s-themed pub crawl. Anyway, and then I just like fell on my ankle. It was really embarrassing. client: Um, it's really stupid. Uh, I was at a pub crawl last night and you know how pub crawls are. You have a few drinks and then I thought it was a really good idea to catch up with my friends who are, yeah, they're in front of me. So I just like jumped off the stairs of the bus and I was wearing these like stilettos 'cause it was a 90s-themed pub crawl. Anyway, and then I just like fell on my ankle. It was really embarrassing. therapist: Sounds like a wild night.",Sounds like a wild night. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, it's really stupid. Uh, I was at a pub crawl last night and you know how pub crawls are. You have a few drinks and then I thought it was a really good idea to catch up with my friends who are, yeah, they're in front of me. So I just like jumped off the stairs of the bus and I was wearing these like stilettos 'cause it was a 90s-themed pub crawl. Anyway, and then I just like fell on my ankle. It was really embarrassing. client: Um, it's really stupid. Uh, I was at a pub crawl last night and you know how pub crawls are. You have a few drinks and then I thought it was a really good idea to catch up with my friends who are, yeah, they're in front of me. So I just like jumped off the stairs of the bus and I was wearing these like stilettos 'cause it was a 90s-themed pub crawl. Anyway, and then I just like fell on my ankle. It was really embarrassing. client: Um, it's really stupid. Uh, I was at a pub crawl last night and you know how pub crawls are. You have a few drinks and then I thought it was a really good idea to catch up with my friends who are, yeah, they're in front of me. So I just like jumped off the stairs of the bus and I was wearing these like stilettos 'cause it was a 90s-themed pub crawl. Anyway, and then I just like fell on my ankle. It was really embarrassing. therapist: Sounds like a wild night. therapist: Sounds like a wild night.",Sounds like a wild night. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, it's really stupid. Uh, I was at a pub crawl last night and you know how pub crawls are. You have a few drinks and then I thought it was a really good idea to catch up with my friends who are, yeah, they're in front of me. So I just like jumped off the stairs of the bus and I was wearing these like stilettos 'cause it was a 90s-themed pub crawl. Anyway, and then I just like fell on my ankle. It was really embarrassing. client: Um, it's really stupid. Uh, I was at a pub crawl last night and you know how pub crawls are. You have a few drinks and then I thought it was a really good idea to catch up with my friends who are, yeah, they're in front of me. So I just like jumped off the stairs of the bus and I was wearing these like stilettos 'cause it was a 90s-themed pub crawl. Anyway, and then I just like fell on my ankle. It was really embarrassing. therapist: Sounds like a wild night. therapist: Sounds like a wild night. therapist: Sounds like a wild night.",Sounds like a wild night. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, it's really stupid. Uh, I was at a pub crawl last night and you know how pub crawls are. You have a few drinks and then I thought it was a really good idea to catch up with my friends who are, yeah, they're in front of me. So I just like jumped off the stairs of the bus and I was wearing these like stilettos 'cause it was a 90s-themed pub crawl. Anyway, and then I just like fell on my ankle. It was really embarrassing. therapist: Sounds like a wild night. therapist: Sounds like a wild night. therapist: Sounds like a wild night. therapist: Sounds like a wild night.",Sounds like a wild night. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: Sounds like a wild night. therapist: Sounds like a wild night. therapist: Sounds like a wild night. therapist: Sounds like a wild night. therapist: Sounds like a wild night.",Sounds like a wild night. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: Sounds like a wild night. therapist: Sounds like a wild night. therapist: Sounds like a wild night. therapist: Sounds like a wild night. therapist: Sounds like a wild night.",Sounds like a wild night. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: Yeah. therapist: Yeah. therapist: Yeah. therapist: Yeah.",Yeah. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: Yeah. therapist: Yeah. therapist: Yeah. therapist: Yeah. therapist: Yeah.",Yeah. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Uh, sure, uh, as long as we don't talk too much about like vodka 'cause I'm still, ugh, a little— client: Uh, sure, uh, as long as we don't talk too much about like vodka 'cause I'm still, ugh, a little— client: Uh, sure, uh, as long as we don't talk too much about like vodka 'cause I'm still, ugh, a little— client: Uh, sure, uh, as long as we don't talk too much about like vodka 'cause I'm still, ugh, a little— client: Uh, sure, uh, as long as we don't talk too much about like vodka 'cause I'm still, ugh, a little—",You're still feeling the effects of- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Uh, sure, uh, as long as we don't talk too much about like vodka 'cause I'm still, ugh, a little— client: Uh, sure, uh, as long as we don't talk too much about like vodka 'cause I'm still, ugh, a little— client: Uh, sure, uh, as long as we don't talk too much about like vodka 'cause I'm still, ugh, a little— client: Uh, sure, uh, as long as we don't talk too much about like vodka 'cause I'm still, ugh, a little— therapist: You're still feeling the effects of-",You're still feeling the effects of- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Uh, sure, uh, as long as we don't talk too much about like vodka 'cause I'm still, ugh, a little— client: Uh, sure, uh, as long as we don't talk too much about like vodka 'cause I'm still, ugh, a little— client: Uh, sure, uh, as long as we don't talk too much about like vodka 'cause I'm still, ugh, a little— therapist: You're still feeling the effects of- therapist: You're still feeling the effects of-",You're still feeling the effects of- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Uh, sure, uh, as long as we don't talk too much about like vodka 'cause I'm still, ugh, a little— therapist: You're still feeling the effects of- therapist: You're still feeling the effects of- therapist: You're still feeling the effects of- therapist: You're still feeling the effects of-",You're still feeling the effects of- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: You're still feeling the effects of- therapist: You're still feeling the effects of- therapist: You're still feeling the effects of- therapist: You're still feeling the effects of- therapist: You're still feeling the effects of-",You're still feeling the effects of- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: Oh wow, it was- therapist: Oh wow, it was- therapist: Oh wow, it was- therapist: Oh wow, it was- therapist: Oh wow, it was-","Oh wow, it was-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. client: Yeah. client: Yeah. client: Yeah. client: Yeah.",-really a rough night. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. client: Yeah. client: Yeah. client: Yeah. therapist: -really a rough night.",-really a rough night. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. client: Yeah. client: Yeah. therapist: -really a rough night. therapist: -really a rough night.",-really a rough night. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: -really a rough night. therapist: -really a rough night. therapist: -really a rough night. therapist: -really a rough night.",-really a rough night. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: -really a rough night. therapist: -really a rough night. therapist: -really a rough night. therapist: -really a rough night. therapist: -really a rough night.",-really a rough night. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: -really a rough night. therapist: -really a rough night. therapist: -really a rough night. therapist: -really a rough night. therapist: -really a rough night.",-really a rough night. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, well, me and my friends kinda, uh, we party on the weekend and, you know, we're all university students and so it's just normal, um, to have a few drinks. client: Um, well, me and my friends kinda, uh, we party on the weekend and, you know, we're all university students and so it's just normal, um, to have a few drinks. client: Um, well, me and my friends kinda, uh, we party on the weekend and, you know, we're all university students and so it's just normal, um, to have a few drinks. therapist: So a few drinks is nothing new to you? therapist: So a few drinks is nothing new to you?",So a few drinks is nothing new to you? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, well, me and my friends kinda, uh, we party on the weekend and, you know, we're all university students and so it's just normal, um, to have a few drinks. therapist: So a few drinks is nothing new to you? therapist: So a few drinks is nothing new to you? therapist: So a few drinks is nothing new to you? therapist: So a few drinks is nothing new to you?",So a few drinks is nothing new to you? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: No. I-I don't know. It's normal for university students I feel. client: No. I-I don't know. It's normal for university students I feel. client: No. I-I don't know. It's normal for university students I feel. client: No. I-I don't know. It's normal for university students I feel. client: No. I-I don't know. It's normal for university students I feel.","Okay, so at this point, you're not too concerned and you think that, you know, this is what the other students are doing?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: No. I-I don't know. It's normal for university students I feel. client: No. I-I don't know. It's normal for university students I feel. client: No. I-I don't know. It's normal for university students I feel. client: No. I-I don't know. It's normal for university students I feel. therapist: Okay, so at this point, you're not too concerned and you think that, you know, this is what the other students are doing?","Okay, so at this point, you're not too concerned and you think that, you know, this is what the other students are doing?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: No. I-I don't know. It's normal for university students I feel. client: No. I-I don't know. It's normal for university students I feel. client: No. I-I don't know. It's normal for university students I feel. therapist: Okay, so at this point, you're not too concerned and you think that, you know, this is what the other students are doing? therapist: Okay, so at this point, you're not too concerned and you think that, you know, this is what the other students are doing?","Okay, so at this point, you're not too concerned and you think that, you know, this is what the other students are doing?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: No. I-I don't know. It's normal for university students I feel. client: No. I-I don't know. It's normal for university students I feel. therapist: Okay, so at this point, you're not too concerned and you think that, you know, this is what the other students are doing? therapist: Okay, so at this point, you're not too concerned and you think that, you know, this is what the other students are doing? therapist: Okay, so at this point, you're not too concerned and you think that, you know, this is what the other students are doing?","Okay, so at this point, you're not too concerned and you think that, you know, this is what the other students are doing?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: No. I-I don't know. It's normal for university students I feel. therapist: Okay, so at this point, you're not too concerned and you think that, you know, this is what the other students are doing? therapist: Okay, so at this point, you're not too concerned and you think that, you know, this is what the other students are doing? therapist: Okay, so at this point, you're not too concerned and you think that, you know, this is what the other students are doing? therapist: Okay, so at this point, you're not too concerned and you think that, you know, this is what the other students are doing?","Okay, so at this point, you're not too concerned and you think that, you know, this is what the other students are doing?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: Okay, so at this point, you're not too concerned and you think that, you know, this is what the other students are doing? therapist: Okay, so at this point, you're not too concerned and you think that, you know, this is what the other students are doing? therapist: Okay, so at this point, you're not too concerned and you think that, you know, this is what the other students are doing? therapist: Okay, so at this point, you're not too concerned and you think that, you know, this is what the other students are doing? therapist: Okay, so at this point, you're not too concerned and you think that, you know, this is what the other students are doing?","Okay, so at this point, you're not too concerned and you think that, you know, this is what the other students are doing?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: Okay, so at this point, you're not too concerned and you think that, you know, this is what the other students are doing? therapist: Okay, so at this point, you're not too concerned and you think that, you know, this is what the other students are doing? therapist: Okay, so at this point, you're not too concerned and you think that, you know, this is what the other students are doing? therapist: Okay, so at this point, you're not too concerned and you think that, you know, this is what the other students are doing? therapist: Okay, so at this point, you're not too concerned and you think that, you know, this is what the other students are doing?","Okay, so at this point, you're not too concerned and you think that, you know, this is what the other students are doing?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Uh, uh I would say a little over that. therapist: Okay, okay. therapist: Okay, okay. therapist: Okay, okay. therapist: Okay, okay.","Okay, okay." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: Okay, okay. therapist: Okay, okay. therapist: Okay, okay. therapist: Okay, okay. therapist: Okay, okay.","Okay, okay." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Especially with midterms coming up. client: Especially with midterms coming up. client: Especially with midterms coming up. client: Especially with midterms coming up. client: Especially with midterms coming up.","Okay, so it's kind of a way to cope through stress?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Especially with midterms coming up. client: Especially with midterms coming up. client: Especially with midterms coming up. client: Especially with midterms coming up. therapist: Okay, so it's kind of a way to cope through stress?","Okay, so it's kind of a way to cope through stress?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Especially with midterms coming up. client: Especially with midterms coming up. client: Especially with midterms coming up. therapist: Okay, so it's kind of a way to cope through stress? therapist: Okay, so it's kind of a way to cope through stress?","Okay, so it's kind of a way to cope through stress?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Especially with midterms coming up. client: Especially with midterms coming up. therapist: Okay, so it's kind of a way to cope through stress? therapist: Okay, so it's kind of a way to cope through stress? therapist: Okay, so it's kind of a way to cope through stress?","Okay, so it's kind of a way to cope through stress?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Especially with midterms coming up. therapist: Okay, so it's kind of a way to cope through stress? therapist: Okay, so it's kind of a way to cope through stress? therapist: Okay, so it's kind of a way to cope through stress? therapist: Okay, so it's kind of a way to cope through stress?","Okay, so it's kind of a way to cope through stress?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: Okay, so it's kind of a way to cope through stress? therapist: Okay, so it's kind of a way to cope through stress? therapist: Okay, so it's kind of a way to cope through stress? therapist: Okay, so it's kind of a way to cope through stress? therapist: Okay, so it's kind of a way to cope through stress?","Okay, so it's kind of a way to cope through stress?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. client: Yeah. therapist: Right, and is that something that has been, you know, a way of coping for a while? therapist: Right, and is that something that has been, you know, a way of coping for a while? therapist: Right, and is that something that has been, you know, a way of coping for a while?","Right, and is that something that has been, you know, a way of coping for a while?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, I mean, the 10 drinks seems like not a lot, uh, for like-for me and like my tolerance. therapist: Mm-hmm. therapist: Mm-hmm. therapist: Mm-hmm. therapist: Mm-hmm.",Mm-hmm. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, well, I mean, clearly I don't feel good right now. Um, and it's-- I definitely feel more productive when I don't have a hangover. Uh, so I see a benefit. client: Um, well, I mean, clearly I don't feel good right now. Um, and it's-- I definitely feel more productive when I don't have a hangover. Uh, so I see a benefit. client: Um, well, I mean, clearly I don't feel good right now. Um, and it's-- I definitely feel more productive when I don't have a hangover. Uh, so I see a benefit. client: Um, well, I mean, clearly I don't feel good right now. Um, and it's-- I definitely feel more productive when I don't have a hangover. Uh, so I see a benefit. client: Um, well, I mean, clearly I don't feel good right now. Um, and it's-- I definitely feel more productive when I don't have a hangover. Uh, so I see a benefit.",So you can see some advantages to reducing the amount of drinking- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, well, I mean, clearly I don't feel good right now. Um, and it's-- I definitely feel more productive when I don't have a hangover. Uh, so I see a benefit. client: Um, well, I mean, clearly I don't feel good right now. Um, and it's-- I definitely feel more productive when I don't have a hangover. Uh, so I see a benefit. client: Um, well, I mean, clearly I don't feel good right now. Um, and it's-- I definitely feel more productive when I don't have a hangover. Uh, so I see a benefit. client: Um, well, I mean, clearly I don't feel good right now. Um, and it's-- I definitely feel more productive when I don't have a hangover. Uh, so I see a benefit. therapist: So you can see some advantages to reducing the amount of drinking-",So you can see some advantages to reducing the amount of drinking- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, well, I mean, clearly I don't feel good right now. Um, and it's-- I definitely feel more productive when I don't have a hangover. Uh, so I see a benefit. client: Um, well, I mean, clearly I don't feel good right now. Um, and it's-- I definitely feel more productive when I don't have a hangover. Uh, so I see a benefit. client: Um, well, I mean, clearly I don't feel good right now. Um, and it's-- I definitely feel more productive when I don't have a hangover. Uh, so I see a benefit. therapist: So you can see some advantages to reducing the amount of drinking- therapist: So you can see some advantages to reducing the amount of drinking-",So you can see some advantages to reducing the amount of drinking- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, well, I mean, clearly I don't feel good right now. Um, and it's-- I definitely feel more productive when I don't have a hangover. Uh, so I see a benefit. therapist: So you can see some advantages to reducing the amount of drinking- therapist: So you can see some advantages to reducing the amount of drinking- therapist: So you can see some advantages to reducing the amount of drinking- therapist: So you can see some advantages to reducing the amount of drinking-",So you can see some advantages to reducing the amount of drinking- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: So you can see some advantages to reducing the amount of drinking- therapist: So you can see some advantages to reducing the amount of drinking- therapist: So you can see some advantages to reducing the amount of drinking- therapist: So you can see some advantages to reducing the amount of drinking- therapist: So you can see some advantages to reducing the amount of drinking-",So you can see some advantages to reducing the amount of drinking- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: So you can see some advantages to reducing the amount of drinking- therapist: So you can see some advantages to reducing the amount of drinking- therapist: So you can see some advantages to reducing the amount of drinking- therapist: So you can see some advantages to reducing the amount of drinking- therapist: So you can see some advantages to reducing the amount of drinking-",So you can see some advantages to reducing the amount of drinking- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. client: Yeah. client: Yeah. client: Yeah. client: Yeah.","-um, that you consume during the week?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. client: Yeah. client: Yeah. client: Yeah. therapist: -um, that you consume during the week?","-um, that you consume during the week?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. client: Yeah. client: Yeah. therapist: -um, that you consume during the week? therapist: -um, that you consume during the week?","-um, that you consume during the week?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: -um, that you consume during the week? therapist: -um, that you consume during the week? therapist: -um, that you consume during the week? therapist: -um, that you consume during the week?","-um, that you consume during the week?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: That's okay with me. therapist: That's okay with me. therapist: That's okay with me. therapist: That's okay with me. therapist: That's okay with me.",That's okay with me. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. Sounds good. client: Yeah. Sounds good. client: Yeah. Sounds good. therapist: So, what brings you here, Bob? What's, what can I do to help? client: Yeah. Yeah, well, the only reason I'm here is 'cause my wife thinks I've got a problem with smoking. I've been smoking all my life and, uh, six months ago, uh, she thought, she got into this health kick, right? And now everyone who smokes is evil. And, uh, so that's why I'm here just to please her, get her off my back and—","So, you're not too happy to be here. This is the last thing that you want to be doing this afternoon." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. Sounds good. therapist: So, what brings you here, Bob? What's, what can I do to help? client: Yeah. Yeah, well, the only reason I'm here is 'cause my wife thinks I've got a problem with smoking. I've been smoking all my life and, uh, six months ago, uh, she thought, she got into this health kick, right? And now everyone who smokes is evil. And, uh, so that's why I'm here just to please her, get her off my back and— therapist: So, you're not too happy to be here. This is the last thing that you want to be doing this afternoon. client: Yeah. That's an understatement. I mean, I'm supposed to be at work right now, too, right? So-","You've taken time off you, it's costing you time and money being here." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. That's an understatement. I mean, I'm supposed to be at work right now, too, right? So- therapist: You've taken time off you, it's costing you time and money being here. client: Yeah, yeah. I'm only here because my wife forced me to come, you know. Like this has come to a head six months of just nagging me, relentless every day, because she was able to quit smoking and now I have to quit. therapist: So, let me ask you this, Bob, what are some of your wife's concerns about your smoking? client: Well, she's concerned about my health and she cuts out all these articles from the paper about second-hand smoke and—","Wow, that she's been showing you and making you read." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, yeah. I'm only here because my wife forced me to come, you know. Like this has come to a head six months of just nagging me, relentless every day, because she was able to quit smoking and now I have to quit. therapist: So, let me ask you this, Bob, what are some of your wife's concerns about your smoking? client: Well, she's concerned about my health and she cuts out all these articles from the paper about second-hand smoke and— therapist: Wow, that she's been showing you and making you read. client: Yeah, I've got to read this. That's my reading assignment for breakfast and I want to go out and have-- We used to go out and have a cigarette together at the table. Now I have to go outside in this weather, you know, what's that about? And she used to smoke more than me and now she's like holier than now?","So, you're pretty angry about it. It's pretty outraging that you're forced to change your whole life because of a decision she made six months ago." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, I've got to read this. That's my reading assignment for breakfast and I want to go out and have-- We used to go out and have a cigarette together at the table. Now I have to go outside in this weather, you know, what's that about? And she used to smoke more than me and now she's like holier than now? therapist: So, you're pretty angry about it. It's pretty outraging that you're forced to change your whole life because of a decision she made six months ago. client: And she's got my kids on this against me, you know, my son and my daughter, they're, it's like, they're ganging up on me, you know what I mean? therapist: So, from your perspective, do you see any consequences to your smoking? client: Well, the big one of course is how it's affecting my wife and the family. Like my dad's 85, he still smokes. I mean, yeah, you know, sometimes I thought of quitting, but I mean, I don't know. I don't know if I can-- I don't know if I can quit.","So, let me make sure I understand kind of the whole scenario 'cause there's a lot of pieces to it. Your wife is on your case and your kids are ganging up too. So, you're sort of isolated, you're put in a corner and you're being told this is something you have to do, you have no choice in the matter." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: And she's got my kids on this against me, you know, my son and my daughter, they're, it's like, they're ganging up on me, you know what I mean? therapist: So, from your perspective, do you see any consequences to your smoking? client: Well, the big one of course is how it's affecting my wife and the family. Like my dad's 85, he still smokes. I mean, yeah, you know, sometimes I thought of quitting, but I mean, I don't know. I don't know if I can-- I don't know if I can quit. therapist: So, let me make sure I understand kind of the whole scenario 'cause there's a lot of pieces to it. Your wife is on your case and your kids are ganging up too. So, you're sort of isolated, you're put in a corner and you're being told this is something you have to do, you have no choice in the matter. client: Yeah.","You have a few concerns about your health, but that's not really the driving force. It sounds like it's most of all that it would be nice if things just went back to the way they were before she quit smoking and that all of this stuff wasn't something that you had to deal with anymore. Does that pretty much sum up--?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, the big one of course is how it's affecting my wife and the family. Like my dad's 85, he still smokes. I mean, yeah, you know, sometimes I thought of quitting, but I mean, I don't know. I don't know if I can-- I don't know if I can quit. therapist: So, let me make sure I understand kind of the whole scenario 'cause there's a lot of pieces to it. Your wife is on your case and your kids are ganging up too. So, you're sort of isolated, you're put in a corner and you're being told this is something you have to do, you have no choice in the matter. client: Yeah. therapist: You have a few concerns about your health, but that's not really the driving force. It sounds like it's most of all that it would be nice if things just went back to the way they were before she quit smoking and that all of this stuff wasn't something that you had to deal with anymore. Does that pretty much sum up--? client: Yeah. Yeah. I-I'm just, I don't want to lose her or my family over smoking.",I get the feeling that your relationship is really important to you. That you would do anything. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: You have a few concerns about your health, but that's not really the driving force. It sounds like it's most of all that it would be nice if things just went back to the way they were before she quit smoking and that all of this stuff wasn't something that you had to deal with anymore. Does that pretty much sum up--? client: Yeah. Yeah. I-I'm just, I don't want to lose her or my family over smoking. therapist: I get the feeling that your relationship is really important to you. That you would do anything. client: Well, yeah, I mean, we've been married over 25 years, and uh, we've never had any major problems. Like this is-- this is the first problem. I don't even really see it as a problem cause we used to both smoke and I was trying to accommodate them by smoking outside, but it's feeling like we're going like this and I'm just concerned, like if this keeps going, like.","So, it strikes me that the way that we're talking about it, it's like it's all or nothing. Either you keep smoking the way you are, things continue to go downhill and get worse, your wife gets more and more on your case, or you put your cigarettes down starting the moment you walk in the door tonight and never pick them up again. It's almost like one or the other. It strikes me that as well there might be some middle ground here that it took you a long time to learn how to be a smoker and maybe it's going to take some time to learn how to stop smoking." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, whatever, you know. It's California, no one cares. therapist: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. client: How long is this gonna take? therapist: Yeah, we-- You know, we have about 15 to 20 minutes to talk today, total. Um-um, which certainly it's just the first of-of some sessions that we'll have together over the next six months. It'd be a natural question you'd wanna know how much time this will take, of course. Um, what else would you like me to know about you and your perspective that you think will help me work with you over this time? client: I just wanna get whatever I need to get done, done.",Okay. You're more focused on what you need to do to get this behind you? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: .Okay, mm-hmm. Well, I'm wondering then if it's okay with you and-and I have a form that we can use if you'd like, um, just to put out some different ideas on an agenda that we could share as we're working together so that I-I can support you to be successful in getting this behind you. Would-would this feel like a natural time to-to move towards figuring out where we might go together? therapist: Sarah, I'm so glad you came in for your well-woman exam today. I think we addressed a lot of your concerns. However, I would like to ask you more about your smoking. Would that be okay? client: Yeah, I guess. therapist: Okay. So about how much are you smoking over the course of a day? You had said it had increased over once or twice a day. client: Yeah, um, normally, I'm smoking, you know, like once in the morning, uh, once during my lunch break and then in the evening maybe like five or six.","Okay. So about eight cigarettes. So over the course of a day, just under half a pack?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: Okay. And that's changed over what period of time? client: Um, honestly, it's probably been over the past year or so that I- I've been smoking a little bit more. therapist: Okay. So over the past year, the smoking has increased. And that's been mainly in the evening? client: Yeah. Um, I have a two-year-old son as I mentioned, so I try to never smoke around him. So I'm normally kinda waiting until he gets to bed.","Mm-hmm. Well, that's the time when you can relax and unwind." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, honestly, it's probably been over the past year or so that I- I've been smoking a little bit more. therapist: Okay. So over the past year, the smoking has increased. And that's been mainly in the evening? client: Yeah. Um, I have a two-year-old son as I mentioned, so I try to never smoke around him. So I'm normally kinda waiting until he gets to bed. therapist: Mm-hmm. Well, that's the time when you can relax and unwind. therapist: Yeah, exactly. You know, I told you, my-my schedule is kinda crazy right now. I, um, I work full-time and I just started back at night classes. So, you know, all that combined, you know, I enjoy that time to myself in the evening.","Sure. Sure. Well, it's a time to relax and you've got a lot going on." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, I guess. therapist: Okay. Well, we do know that an increase in smoking and alcohol is associated with certain kinds of cancer; colon cancer, cervical cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer, and, um, also pancreatic cancer. It's also associated with liver and lung disease as well as heart disease, diabetes, and hypertension. So that's a lot of information, but I'm- client: Yeah. therapist: -interested in what your thoughts are, Sarah. client: Well, I-I'm just kinda surprised because, I mean, I don't smoke or drink that much. And I mean, compared to people I work with, you know, I-I smoke a lot less, and I feel like I've actually been trying to keep it pretty low.",So you're consciously trying to cut back. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Okay. therapist: Hi, Mrs. Smith. I wanted to let you know that at this appointment, we're gonna be giving Lilly some vaccines. client: Oh, I-I don't know if I'm comfortable with that. I've been reading a bunch of stuff lately about them. therapist: Hmm. Can you tell me more about your concerns about vaccines? client: Uh, yeah, well, I was just- I was reading that it's better to let them build up their immunity, like, naturally and stuff in their immune systems.","Okay, so you were thinking that maybe exposing Lily naturally to these diseases would be a better choice than using vaccines to help her get stronger?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Uh, okay. therapist: Okay. So, uh, before vaccines were developed, often when children had a natural exposure to some of these diseases, they ended up with, uh, sometimes death, disability, measles caused brain damage and, uh, deafness and blindness. Polio caused, uh, paralysis in children. And so, allowing children to have natural exposure to these diseases, sometimes was a little bit of a gamble, it could be dangerous. client: Wow, I didn't realize it was so dangerous. I've never heard of polio. therapist: Hmm. Some of these things I've mentioned to you, you're-you're not familiar with. Uh, and I think that's because we've done such a good job of eliminating some of these diseases that a lot of people your age, and even my age, are unfamiliar with those things. Um, so having shared this information with you, what do you think about the idea of vaccines for-for Lilly? client: Uh, I guess it's okay. I mean, I just I want her to be healthy and safe.",It's really important for you to make sure that she's protected and that you make good decisions and do your research before you make any medical decisions for her. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Wow, I didn't realize it was so dangerous. I've never heard of polio. therapist: Hmm. Some of these things I've mentioned to you, you're-you're not familiar with. Uh, and I think that's because we've done such a good job of eliminating some of these diseases that a lot of people your age, and even my age, are unfamiliar with those things. Um, so having shared this information with you, what do you think about the idea of vaccines for-for Lilly? client: Uh, I guess it's okay. I mean, I just I want her to be healthy and safe. therapist: It's really important for you to make sure that she's protected and that you make good decisions and do your research before you make any medical decisions for her. client: Yeah, I just want to do what's right.","So, again, I hear your overall goal is really, to not give up these things you'd like but to cut back on how much you have-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Uh, I guess it's okay. I mean, I just I want her to be healthy and safe. therapist: It's really important for you to make sure that she's protected and that you make good decisions and do your research before you make any medical decisions for her. client: Yeah, I just want to do what's right. therapist: So, again, I hear your overall goal is really, to not give up these things you'd like but to cut back on how much you have- client: Yeah, I guess so.","-on that. All right. So, I'd like to ask you, uh, kind of a scaling question about this 'cause I'm hearing that this feels really important to you that you'd be way up there on the high- on the high end of importance." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: So, I'm gonna ask the question this way, on a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 is not at all confident, and 10 is like, ""I'm very, very confident,"" where would you put yourself on a scale right now of confidence in starting this new plan? client: Right now, I'm probably- therapist: Mm-hmm. client: -gonna say a six.",A six. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Right now, I'm probably- therapist: Mm-hmm. client: -gonna say a six. therapist: A six. client: But I know when I go home and I see the food, it's probably gonna drop back down to a four.","Okay. All right. So, let's talk about that, um, so we should just assume we're gonna be at a four." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: The food would be good. Um, I get- I get support with-- my whānau is really supportive, but I'm- I'm worried about losing- I'm worried about losing my freedom. I'm worried about, um, about them taking over, or, you know what I mean? I have a freedom where I am now, I'm in charge of myself. That would probably be really good. therapist: In terms of that freedom and in charge of yourself, and the changes that we're talking about, and building your own family, and to enable you to do that, where do some of that freedom stuff sit with re-engaging back with your whānau and your children, your partner? Is it something you're gonna wanna hang on to, or how you're going to manage that? client: I don't wanna hang on to freedom if it this- if it means that I lose my kids. Um, I'm just, uh, I'm just worried about-- I'm worried about if I move in with family, that they, even if their intentions are good- therapist: Mm-hmm. client: I don't know. I'll do anything to get my kids back.","So I get a sense it's a little anxious being here today and, uh, meeting someone like me, and, um, what we're gonna be doing today is-is inducting, but also I wanna talk about, um, yeah, the issues that-that have got you here and we need to do some sorting out around, um, yeah how serious you are to sort of sort those issues. So?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, I don't really keep track. therapist: Yeah, yeah. So if we were to think back, say the last month, the last four weeks, how many times would you have gone down to the- to the pokies, the pub? client: I don't know. A few times a week. therapist: Yeah. Yeah. client: I don't know. It's if you're at the pub, you're, you know, that-that you're out there.",That-that you're up for the money and-and then-then they slot you. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: At times. therapist: At times. Yeah, so-so what you-- wha-what she might say to us about about- a-a-about your gambling? client: I don't know. You don't have any money, so-- And that she-she'll probably be quite happy if I stopped. therapist: Okay. client: But, um, I don't know. She-she doesn't really discuss it with me.","Okay. But you owe her some money and you get the sense that-- Or I'm picking up, you get a sense that she's not terribly happy." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I don't know. You don't have any money, so-- And that she-she'll probably be quite happy if I stopped. therapist: Okay. client: But, um, I don't know. She-she doesn't really discuss it with me. therapist: Okay. But you owe her some money and you get the sense that-- Or I'm picking up, you get a sense that she's not terribly happy. client: Mm.","Yeah, yeah, okay, okay. So Sarah might see it as an issue. And-and I guess there's a part of you also sees it as an issue, part of you, you know. Part of you may not, but a part of you does." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -you know, it did, so I'm here- therapist: Yeah- client: -so, I suppose— therapist: -so, what did it add up to, at the end of the day? What are we talking here? client: It's a couple of grand or something.","Yeah, yeah. It's a little bit here, a little bit there, so it then adds up, yeah? Yeah." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: Okay. So, what other things have you've been open to at other times in your life when you've been open to-to new ideas and being able to talk about stuff, that may be tough to talk about? client: I don't know. I am just usually pretty open with people. It's a bit different here tonight and- therapist: Yeah. client: -just not knowing what to expect then—","Yeah, and-and, coming in, talking to a stranger, you know, and someone who can be honest to what you did, talking to a stranger, coming in this time, what do you sense about how you're doing so far?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -just not knowing what to expect then— therapist: Yeah, and-and, coming in, talking to a stranger, you know, and someone who can be honest to what you did, talking to a stranger, coming in this time, what do you sense about how you're doing so far? client: I don't know. I suppose I'm saying that the money did add up, and that was enough for me to end up here, so- therapist: Mm. client: -I suppose I'm here for a reason. [chuckles]","Yeah. You know, like-- I-- And, some people wouldn't even, sort of, get in the door or wouldn't be as open as you've been today, okay, to an extent, so, you know, like I said, good on you, yeah. You know, being able to-- It's hard to come to a place like this and start to really open up, so, you know, you've just shown that you can do that. Yeah." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -I suppose I'm here for a reason. [chuckles] therapist: Yeah. You know, like-- I-- And, some people wouldn't even, sort of, get in the door or wouldn't be as open as you've been today, okay, to an extent, so, you know, like I said, good on you, yeah. You know, being able to-- It's hard to come to a place like this and start to really open up, so, you know, you've just shown that you can do that. Yeah. client: I didn't have a choice. [chuckles] therapist: Well, you have a choice about what you open up to me about. Absolutely, you have a choice about that, yeah. That coming, being on sentence, no, you don't have a choice about that, um, well, you have a choice, 'cause, I mean, you can choose not to come, and you'll be breached and get to head back to court. client: Mm.","Um, but you do have a choice about how you are here when we meet, and what-what we talk about here. So, um, you know, so you do have lots of choices within that. And, my sense is you're, sort of, you know, a young woman who will make some good choices about that 'cause you're not a bad person, and you know that." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: Well, you have a choice about what you open up to me about. Absolutely, you have a choice about that, yeah. That coming, being on sentence, no, you don't have a choice about that, um, well, you have a choice, 'cause, I mean, you can choose not to come, and you'll be breached and get to head back to court. client: Mm. therapist: Um, but you do have a choice about how you are here when we meet, and what-what we talk about here. So, um, you know, so you do have lots of choices within that. And, my sense is you're, sort of, you know, a young woman who will make some good choices about that 'cause you're not a bad person, and you know that. client: Mm. therapist: Yeah.",So you're sick of this? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. I-I just-- I can't shoplift anymore. You know, I got- I got caught again. And uh, you know, I-I got suspended, I got back to school, so I'm-I'm uh-- I'm gonna mess up my whole life here, unless I can stop this. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: Yeah, it's bad. My friends and I, we just-- I mean, it's fun and uh-- so I don't know what to do, but I- but I gotta change. therapist: Okay. client: I want it.","So, it sounds like you're ready. You're ready to give this up." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, it's bad. My friends and I, we just-- I mean, it's fun and uh-- so I don't know what to do, but I- but I gotta change. therapist: Okay. client: I want it. therapist: So, it sounds like you're ready. You're ready to give this up. client: Yeah.","But, maybe the path to doing that isn't so clear." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: But, maybe the path to doing that isn't so clear. client: Right. I don't know what I'm gonna do, I got some friends. These guys are-- they're bad news, but they're my friends. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: And, uh, and it's fun.",And it's fun. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: Uh-huh. therapist: So I wrote a prescription for antibiotics for Aiden. client: Okay. therapist: Um, I did wanna talk to you though. I'm a little bit concerned looking through his chart of how many ear infections he's had recently. And I-I noticed that you had checked the box that someone's smoking in the home. So I was wondering if you can tell me a little more about that. client: Well, um, It's just me and him and I do smoke. Um, I try really hard not to smoke around him, but I-I've been smoking for 10 years except when I was pregnant with him. But it-- everything is so stressful being a single mom and-and my having a full-time job. And so it's just-- that's why I started smoking again.",You have a lot of things going on and smoking's kind of a way to relax and destress. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Okay. therapist: Um, I did wanna talk to you though. I'm a little bit concerned looking through his chart of how many ear infections he's had recently. And I-I noticed that you had checked the box that someone's smoking in the home. So I was wondering if you can tell me a little more about that. client: Well, um, It's just me and him and I do smoke. Um, I try really hard not to smoke around him, but I-I've been smoking for 10 years except when I was pregnant with him. But it-- everything is so stressful being a single mom and-and my having a full-time job. And so it's just-- that's why I started smoking again. therapist: You have a lot of things going on and smoking's kind of a way to relax and destress. client: Yeah. Some people have a glass of wine. I have a cigarette.",Sure. And it sounds like you're trying not to smoke around him. Why did you make that decision? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, um, It's just me and him and I do smoke. Um, I try really hard not to smoke around him, but I-I've been smoking for 10 years except when I was pregnant with him. But it-- everything is so stressful being a single mom and-and my having a full-time job. And so it's just-- that's why I started smoking again. therapist: You have a lot of things going on and smoking's kind of a way to relax and destress. client: Yeah. Some people have a glass of wine. I have a cigarette. therapist: Sure. And it sounds like you're trying not to smoke around him. Why did you make that decision? client: I know it's not good for him. I mean, I've read those things about ear infections and asthma and stuff and-and, uh, but other kids have ear infections and their parents don't smoke.","So on the one hand, you're worried about how your smoking might be affecting him and on the other hand, you're not so sure if it's really the smoking that's causing these problems?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I know it's not good for him. I mean, I've read those things about ear infections and asthma and stuff and-and, uh, but other kids have ear infections and their parents don't smoke. therapist: So on the one hand, you're worried about how your smoking might be affecting him and on the other hand, you're not so sure if it's really the smoking that's causing these problems? client: Right. Yeah. I mean, he doesn't have asthma. Yeah. He-- I don't-- he hasn't had a lot of other problems that his other friends have, so. And I've thought about quitting before in the past, but I just don't- I just don't see how it's possible right now. therapist: What made you decide to quit smoking when you were pregnant? client: Well, he was inside me and we were sharing everything and I knew that he would get some of that. And I didn't-- I just didn't-didn't think I could live with myself if something happened to him.","Right now, though, it feels almost too difficult to even manage or even to try?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, exactly. therapist: How were you successful when you quit before? client: I don't know. I-I think about it now, I don't even know how I did it. I just- I just did it. You know, I just- I just couldn't imagine like him not being born or going into labor early- therapist: Mm-hmm. client: -and-and him having problems and stuff like that, all the stuff that they talk about with women who smoke. So I-- that was just enough to-to say, ""Okay, you know what, I'm-I'm not going to risk that."" so.",Mm-hmm. The risks were so scary then that you were able to stop? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I don't know. I-I think about it now, I don't even know how I did it. I just- I just did it. You know, I just- I just couldn't imagine like him not being born or going into labor early- therapist: Mm-hmm. client: -and-and him having problems and stuff like that, all the stuff that they talk about with women who smoke. So I-- that was just enough to-to say, ""Okay, you know what, I'm-I'm not going to risk that."" so. therapist: Mm-hmm. The risks were so scary then that you were able to stop? client: Yeah.",But they don't feel as scary to you now? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -and-and him having problems and stuff like that, all the stuff that they talk about with women who smoke. So I-- that was just enough to-to say, ""Okay, you know what, I'm-I'm not going to risk that."" so. therapist: Mm-hmm. The risks were so scary then that you were able to stop? client: Yeah. therapist: But they don't feel as scary to you now? client: No, I mean, we're two separate people. And like I said, I don't, I try really hard not to smoke around him. I'm pretty good about that. I-I don't let other people smoke around him. Um, so I, you know.",You're doing the best you can do. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: But they don't feel as scary to you now? client: No, I mean, we're two separate people. And like I said, I don't, I try really hard not to smoke around him. I'm pretty good about that. I-I don't let other people smoke around him. Um, so I, you know. therapist: You're doing the best you can do. client: Yes.",Okay. But it sounds to me too like part of you really does want to quit? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: No, I mean, we're two separate people. And like I said, I don't, I try really hard not to smoke around him. I'm pretty good about that. I-I don't let other people smoke around him. Um, so I, you know. therapist: You're doing the best you can do. client: Yes. therapist: Okay. But it sounds to me too like part of you really does want to quit? client: Yeah. I-I know that I need to, and I, you know, keep every new year I say, ""Okay, this year I'm gonna quit smoking"" but then something happens and it-it just doesn't. And quitting doesn't happen.",It's on your to-do list. It's just not making it to the top? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: If you did decide to quit on a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is not at all confident, and you don't think you could do it and 10 is you feel pretty certain that you could, where do you think you fall right now? client: Probably like a 5 . Kind of in the unsure area. Like I know I've done it before, so I know I can do it, but at the same time, it just seems really hard. And it's not the same situation. therapist: Well, what made you say five rather than two or three? client: I know- I know all the ways it's bad for me. And I don't want him to grow up thinking that it's okay to smoke. I don't want him to-to use any kind of-- I don't want him to chew or anything like that. Um, so I know I need to, especially before he gets old enough to understand what mommy's doing, but I just don't know if I can do it.","Okay. So it sounds like you have a lot of reasons why you'd like to quit. You have been successful quitting in the past, and right now you're just feeling a little bit hesitant about your ability to do it?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, I'm not sure yet. Maybe a few schools in the area, I'm looking maybe to apply out-of-state. therapist: Oh. client: So, maybe move away for college. therapist: Cool. client: Yeah.","So, kind of keeping your options open." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: So, kind of keeping your options open. client: Yeah, definitely. therapist: Great. And, do you have an idea about what you might want to study or? client: Yeah, maybe um, pre-law.","Oh, wow. Okay, that's exciting." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: All right, cool. Uh, what do you like to do for fun? client: Well, um, on the weekends I like to hang out with my friends, maybe go to like a party, or go to the mall to shop, or if there's like a school-related event, we'll go to like a football game or- therapist: Mm-hmm. client: -something like that, yeah.",You like to have a good time? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, I would say like a moderate amount. I'm not really-really popular or like, I have no friends. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: So, I'm like normal. therapist: All right. client: Yeah.","That's a good way to be, right?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -and I want them to, um, be accepting and love me. therapist: Okay. Do you have brothers or sisters? client: Yeah, I have one sister. therapist: Okay, great. And, how about friendship? client: Friendship, um, I've-I've grown close to many people that I care about. So, I would like them to be accepting of me as well.","Great. So, being a good friend and-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: -having people who are good friends, too, is important. And then, what about belonging? You mentioned that one too. client: Yeah, just a sense of like fitting in and not-- And like getting accepted- therapist: Hm. client: -in general, yeah.",Yeah. Wanting to be part of a group- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, not much, maybe like one or two drinks at the most. therapist: Okay. Can you tell me a little bit about how alcohol fits into your overall social scene? client: Um, I pretty much just have a drink to just have it like, so it looks like I'm drinking, even though I'm not. therapist: Hm. client: So maybe people won't bug me about drinking or something.","Okay, you're kinda getting pressure from other people who are drinking, and it feels easier for you to-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um. therapist: -often do you think that you are around alcohol. client: Maybe one or two weekends a month at the most? therapist: Okay. client: Not really much.","So, one or two weekends a month you're in a situation where there is alcohol?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, just I guess, at a party or something, someone's house. therapist: Uh-huh. client: Or, even if it's not a party, like a small social gathering, maybe there'll be like a few beers around- therapist: Hm. client: -or something.","So, mainly, just kinda hanging out with friends." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mostly just with us, but, sometimes I'll go to like a close friend's house and like I'm close to a family as well. So, we'll all just hang out. therapist: Mm-hmm. And, what about driving? client: Um, like drunk driving? therapist: Yeah. Do you ever go anywhere in a car after you've had any alcohol? client: Um, definitely not. I've never drunk-driven, and I've never been in a car with a drunk driver.","Okay. So, that's something that you've sort of made a decision about. It sound like you—" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, definitely not. I've never drunk-driven, and I've never been in a car with a drunk driver. therapist: Okay. So, that's something that you've sort of made a decision about. It sound like you— client: Yeah, because I know that's extremely dangerous, so. therapist: Okay. What do you know about how that's dangerous? client: Um, well, alcohol definitely impairs your judgment. So, I mean, driving under the influence of alcohol can lead to like crashes and accidents and things like that, so I'd rather not be in that situation.","So, you're really are trying to be safe and-and make sure that-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, well, alcohol definitely impairs your judgment. So, I mean, driving under the influence of alcohol can lead to like crashes and accidents and things like that, so I'd rather not be in that situation. therapist: So, you're really are trying to be safe and-and make sure that- client: Yeah. therapist: -you're not putting yourself- client: Yeah, definitely.","-in those situations? That's great. You know, it's-it's tough to do sometimes, and I really commend you for being able to-to stick with that." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, definitely. therapist: -in those situations? That's great. You know, it's-it's tough to do sometimes, and I really commend you for being able to-to stick with that. client: Thank you. therapist: So, you mentioned, you pretty much will like hold a drink or maybe have a drink or two. What do you thinks is the most alcohol you've ever had in-in one day? client: Not more than two drinks.","Okay. So, the-the absolute most-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, I've never really been drunk- therapist: Uh-huh. client: -so, I can't really say that I like that feeling or not, but, it's just like-- I mean, you're just in a good mood. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: So.","So, it just kind of makes you feel relaxed or?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, no, not really. Like I said, I don't drink that much- therapist: Mm-hmm. client: So, I-I wouldn't be able to tell you. therapist: Okay. And, any not-so-good things about alcohol? client: Um, definitely, yeah. I mean, when I'm at parties and stuff and it's getting a little later, some people, um, that drink-- Like, drank too much, they start throwing up, or they get hurt, or they're really loud and obnoxious, and that's not fun for anybody.","Mm-hmm. So, you've seen a lot of other kids who-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: So, I-I wouldn't be able to tell you. therapist: Okay. And, any not-so-good things about alcohol? client: Um, definitely, yeah. I mean, when I'm at parties and stuff and it's getting a little later, some people, um, that drink-- Like, drank too much, they start throwing up, or they get hurt, or they're really loud and obnoxious, and that's not fun for anybody. therapist: Mm-hmm. So, you've seen a lot of other kids who- client: Yeah.",-had some consequences- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, definitely, yeah. I mean, when I'm at parties and stuff and it's getting a little later, some people, um, that drink-- Like, drank too much, they start throwing up, or they get hurt, or they're really loud and obnoxious, and that's not fun for anybody. therapist: Mm-hmm. So, you've seen a lot of other kids who- client: Yeah. therapist: -had some consequences- client: Yeah.",-and decided that's not for you? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: It's just there. therapist: It's just there? Okay. And, I'm curious, you mentioned, you know, your friends are important to you, and your family's important to you, and, sort of fitting in is important to you. How does alcohol play a role with that? client: Um, well, definitely not in my family life, because my parents don't really condone- therapist: Okay. client: -alcohol use, but, friendships, I mean, when I'm hanging out with my friends, or we're at a party or something, there's usually alcohol involved.","Okay. So, from your family perspective, the drinking is not something that fits very well?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, well, definitely not in my family life, because my parents don't really condone- therapist: Okay. client: -alcohol use, but, friendships, I mean, when I'm hanging out with my friends, or we're at a party or something, there's usually alcohol involved. therapist: Okay. So, from your family perspective, the drinking is not something that fits very well? client: Yeah.","And with friends, you feel like it's easier to-to hang out with alcohol, or maybe you wouldn't have as much fun, or your friends wouldn't like you as much or?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, it probably will have a very small role, if any- therapist: Mm-hmm. client: -in my life, considering I have big plans for my future. So. therapist: Okay. Can you expand on that a little bit more? What do you mean? client: I mean, I don't think I would be, you know, drinking as much or going to parties as much if I'm studying for school, or in college, or trying to get in law school and things like that.","Okay, so, the-the alcohol is something that might make it harder to reach your goals?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, definitely. therapist: Um, so, when you're sort of looking ahead, how often do you think you might be drinking, say, when you get to college? client: Um, maybe less than I am now. I mean, I don't drink much anyway, so- therapist: Mm-hmm. client: -maybe, like, one drink every once in a blue moon.","Okay. So, you sort of have a plan to cut back on-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, maybe less than I am now. I mean, I don't drink much anyway, so- therapist: Mm-hmm. client: -maybe, like, one drink every once in a blue moon. therapist: Okay. So, you sort of have a plan to cut back on- client: Yeah, definitely.",-your drinking eventually? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, definitely. therapist: -your drinking eventually? client: For sure. therapist: How might that go? client: Well, I mean, I guess right now I would try to stop in high school, and once I get older, maybe just like, socially once in a while, but not anything big or anything.","Yeah, so, you don't feel the need to make any major changes, but you feel like you could make some adjustments that would make it easier or—" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Definitely, yeah. That's a good word. therapist: Okay. How important is it to you to make some adjustments to your drinking, on a scale of 1 to 10? Where 1 is not at all important, not something you're thinking about, and 10 is most important thing. client: Maybe a five or six. therapist: And why did you say five or six rather than like two or three? client: Because, um, it's not something I do not care about at all, but it's not something that's just constantly on my mind that I want to change about myself.","Okay. So, it is something you have thought about or something." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -if I can quit or not? therapist: Yeah. client: Maybe like an 8 or 9. therapist: Okay, and why'd you say 8 or 9 rather than even like 5 or 6? client: Because, like I said, it's not a big part of my life. So, it's not really that difficult","Okay. All right. Well, kind of keeping that in mind, it sounds like, um, you do have sort of a-a vague plan to make some adjustments in your drinking at some point-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, definitely, I'll have like all my senses there and I'll be aware of everything that's going on. therapist: Uh-huh. Anything else? client: Um, health concerns, I guess. I know alcohol is bad for your health. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: So, that would be one.","Okay. So, it's-- It sounds like you're actually pretty comfortable with setting a goal of not drinking anymore a-at least at the next part? and seeing how it goes." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: So, that would be one. therapist: Okay. So, it's-- It sounds like you're actually pretty comfortable with setting a goal of not drinking anymore a-at least at the next part? and seeing how it goes. client: Yeah. therapist: Okay. Do you think it would be all right if we met again to kinda check in on how it goes and-and see if it's working out for you? client: Yeah, that would be okay.","All right, great. And then, i-it sounds like some of the benefits you're expecting are, um, health benefits-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: Okay. Do you think it would be all right if we met again to kinda check in on how it goes and-and see if it's working out for you? client: Yeah, that would be okay. therapist: All right, great. And then, i-it sounds like some of the benefits you're expecting are, um, health benefits- client: Yeah.","-having an easier time with achieving your academic and career goals, and just sort of not having to deal with some of the consequences that your peers do." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: So. therapist: Your friends would be pretty comfortable with that? client: Yeah. I mean, at least my closest friends, for sure. therapist: Okay, great. Any other concerns or questions? Anything else I can help with? client: No. No, I think I'm okay.","Okay. So then, like I said, um, I'll try and see if we can meet up maybe in a few weeks and see how it's going-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yes. therapist: Family happiness? client: Yes, it's the most important because it's a little lacking, so I know that that's something that is very important to me. therapist: Okay. Would you like to talk more about that? client: Yeah. Um, I can just pretty much say that my family hasn't been on one accord, so, like, if-- I feel like if we all just can fall in the middle, which I know everybody doesn't really follow that track. So, um, I think for my part, 'cause I can't change anybody, is to be more present and, um, just listen and understand my family members, and-and be able to voice what I feel as far as how important family happiness-happiness is to me.","Mm. Because even though it's important to you, maybe they don't know it's important to you." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -what I usually pick. therapist: Okay. client: Um, and then the second one I said is religion. Um, it was number one at first, um, but somehow with a big situation that happened in my family you kind of lose sight of your faith a little bit, which is normal. And not a lot of people-- They, uh-- Well, in my church home, i-it just seems like, ""Oh, you lost touch of God, oh my gosh, you're the devil."" therapist: Uh-huh. client: You know? And it's kind of like, well we all face those challenges every day, we're not perfect, you know? And I feel like my faith is still there but it's-- You know, as long as it's still there, that's all that matters.","Right. So, right now, it really is important to you to put the family values first? And religion is still very important to you, but you feel like maybe you're losing faith a little bit?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: You know? And it's kind of like, well we all face those challenges every day, we're not perfect, you know? And I feel like my faith is still there but it's-- You know, as long as it's still there, that's all that matters. therapist: Right. So, right now, it really is important to you to put the family values first? And religion is still very important to you, but you feel like maybe you're losing faith a little bit? client: Yeah. I lost faith, and so I'm not afraid to say it. therapist: Uh-huh. client: You know? And once you say [unintelligible 00:03:12] people that don't really feel like that's—",Because you know that other people experience it too. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. I lost faith, and so I'm not afraid to say it. therapist: Uh-huh. client: You know? And once you say [unintelligible 00:03:12] people that don't really feel like that's— therapist: Because you know that other people experience it too. client: Yeah, I know that.","So, you know it's normal." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: You know? And once you say [unintelligible 00:03:12] people that don't really feel like that's— therapist: Because you know that other people experience it too. client: Yeah, I know that. therapist: So, you know it's normal. client: I know that it's normal.",But sometimes it's not something that people talk about. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, I know that. therapist: So, you know it's normal. client: I know that it's normal. therapist: But sometimes it's not something that people talk about. client: Yeah, well, it's a—",Especially in the church. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, it's like a shock to them when you say something like that. And it's like, ""Well, we all go through things where we're just not sure, and--"" I still have a little bit, I'm not saying that I'm off track, you know? I still have a little bit to go on. And the little bit that I do have are the positive things in my life that I look at and I'm like, ""Okay, well, I'm not in this situation, so I'm thankful,"" and- therapist: Mm-hmm. client: -you know, I'd still have faith to keep going on, but sometimes you feel as though, ""Where is God?"" therapist: Yeah. client: You know?",And it sounds like right now you're at a place of acceptance about that also. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -you know, I'd still have faith to keep going on, but sometimes you feel as though, ""Where is God?"" therapist: Yeah. client: You know? therapist: And it sounds like right now you're at a place of acceptance about that also. client: Yes.","Uh, that it's okay with you, and you-you know that it's gonna change because that's been your, uh, experience." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: You know? therapist: And it sounds like right now you're at a place of acceptance about that also. client: Yes. therapist: Uh, that it's okay with you, and you-you know that it's gonna change because that's been your, uh, experience. client: Yes.",You've done numerous values clarification handouts and every time they're different- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yes. therapist: Uh, that it's okay with you, and you-you know that it's gonna change because that's been your, uh, experience. client: Yes. therapist: You've done numerous values clarification handouts and every time they're different- client: Mm-hmm.",-so you know that it's going to change. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, I mentioned before that it was kind of, like, out of place for me, because when I did this one in particular, um, as-as-- I stated that there were-- The other three were important to me, but I haven't focused on it so I'm like, ""Okay, it's important to me,"" so I lost track of that and the other three— therapist: The other three? client: Um, number three was health. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: Number four is inner harmony, and number five is security.","Inner harmony, health, and security-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm-hmm. therapist: And the top two are family happiness and religion? client: And religion. therapist: Okay, and the three- the three other ones, inner harmony-- Let me see if I can remember them. Inner harmony, health and, what was the other one? client: Security.",Security. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: And religion. therapist: Okay, and the three- the three other ones, inner harmony-- Let me see if I can remember them. Inner harmony, health and, what was the other one? client: Security. therapist: Security. client: Yeah.","Inner harmony, health, and security." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Security. therapist: Security. client: Yeah. therapist: Inner harmony, health, and security. client: Yeah.",You feel like you're not really paying as much attention to them as you would want to? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -and, uh, I learned about the different way of looking at self-esteem. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: -and I've been definitely esteeming others. therapist: Uh. client: So, I've had, um, less time to have some inner harmony.","Oh yeah, right. The family has been so much coming first that you have sort of taken a back seat?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -because when I was, you know, 18 I was just so, like, free-spirited, open-minded. I was living life, now that I look at it, as a fairy tale. therapist: Mm. Mm-hmm. client: And so I got knocked to reality and reality said, ""This is not a fairy tale."" Um, you're now on board. Like— therapist: Okay. client: And so I felt like, ""This is not about you, you know, this is about everyone else.""","Mm. So, something dramatic happened?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: And so I got knocked to reality and reality said, ""This is not a fairy tale."" Um, you're now on board. Like— therapist: Okay. client: And so I felt like, ""This is not about you, you know, this is about everyone else."" therapist: Mm. So, something dramatic happened? client: Yeah.",That kind of shocked you out of that fairy tale life- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: And so I felt like, ""This is not about you, you know, this is about everyone else."" therapist: Mm. So, something dramatic happened? client: Yeah. therapist: That kind of shocked you out of that fairy tale life- client: Mm-hmm.",-and into a take care of everyone else thing? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. Um, yeah, I guess it kind of- it kind of started like five, six years ago. therapist: Okay. client: Um, it kind of escalated a bit. Um, I've just recently moved out, um, from living with my parents. So just made it a bit worse, I think. therapist: Okay. Is this the first time that you've left home? client: Yeah, I am- Yeah. It's the first time actually, yeah. Um, I was going to a few years ago. I just thought it'd be easier to stay at home, so.",Okay. So it has been quite a big step and a big change and it sounds like that that was what led you to go to your GP. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: So how has that, uh, changed things for you? client: Um, don't know, it's kind of, I haven't really told anyone, so, I mean, it's made it like better in sense. I feel, hopefully this is, this is it like, it- it'll help, but I don't know. I don't like thinking that I've like have to do this. I never thought I'd like be the kind of person you'd have to actually go and like get help if that makes sense. therapist: Okay. So how do you feel about being here today? client: It's like scared. I don't know. Hopefully, it will help.","Okay. So you'd, you're feeling a little bit anxious about today." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, don't know, it's kind of, I haven't really told anyone, so, I mean, it's made it like better in sense. I feel, hopefully this is, this is it like, it- it'll help, but I don't know. I don't like thinking that I've like have to do this. I never thought I'd like be the kind of person you'd have to actually go and like get help if that makes sense. therapist: Okay. So how do you feel about being here today? client: It's like scared. I don't know. Hopefully, it will help. therapist: Okay. So you'd, you're feeling a little bit anxious about today. client: Yeah.","Okay. So I guess just going back to why you went to the GP and how you've ended up kind of coming here today. So it sounds like you've been experiencing anxiety for quite a few years. Um, but just recently you moved out of home for the first time and, um, and that was what kind of led you to go to the GP. So how did that change things? How were things after you moved out?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: Okay. So I guess just going back to why you went to the GP and how you've ended up kind of coming here today. So it sounds like you've been experiencing anxiety for quite a few years. Um, but just recently you moved out of home for the first time and, um, and that was what kind of led you to go to the GP. So how did that change things? How were things after you moved out? client: Um, I thought that they'd be better, but 'cause I thought I'd have to kind of be independent and I suppose actually a lot worse. So I'm-I'm just kind of staying in the house a lot. I don't really have any friends or anything. I mean my family come and visit a bit, but it's not-- I don't know. It's kind of scary because I've just been kind of-- that should just end the flight by myself, which I always thought I'd like, but I don't actually like it. therapist: Okay. So what other kinds of difficulties that you have been experiencing? client: Um, I mean, I'm-I'm a photographer. Um, so I kind of-- It's-it's been stopping me a bit, my anxiety, from being able to get work and because every time, you know, there's, uh, an opportunity that is kind of involving me having to interact with people, I just tend to just turn it down. So it was kind of making things hard in that respect and um, just kind of friends wise and everything. I just feel like I'm just kind of increasingly more alone. So it's kind of stopping me from making friends and, you know, like relationships and stuff.","Okay. So you said that, um, your difficulties are getting in the way of you doing certain things. So they're, they're stopping you from taking up kind of certain types of work and as a freelance photographer, I guess that- that can be kind of a problem. And they're also stopping you or you feel like it's stunting you, uh, socially. You're not kind of able to make new friends and get to meet new people." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, I thought that they'd be better, but 'cause I thought I'd have to kind of be independent and I suppose actually a lot worse. So I'm-I'm just kind of staying in the house a lot. I don't really have any friends or anything. I mean my family come and visit a bit, but it's not-- I don't know. It's kind of scary because I've just been kind of-- that should just end the flight by myself, which I always thought I'd like, but I don't actually like it. therapist: Okay. So what other kinds of difficulties that you have been experiencing? client: Um, I mean, I'm-I'm a photographer. Um, so I kind of-- It's-it's been stopping me a bit, my anxiety, from being able to get work and because every time, you know, there's, uh, an opportunity that is kind of involving me having to interact with people, I just tend to just turn it down. So it was kind of making things hard in that respect and um, just kind of friends wise and everything. I just feel like I'm just kind of increasingly more alone. So it's kind of stopping me from making friends and, you know, like relationships and stuff. therapist: Okay. So you said that, um, your difficulties are getting in the way of you doing certain things. So they're, they're stopping you from taking up kind of certain types of work and as a freelance photographer, I guess that- that can be kind of a problem. And they're also stopping you or you feel like it's stunting you, uh, socially. You're not kind of able to make new friends and get to meet new people. client: Yeah, yeah. Um, it was kind of easier when I was at home because I was obviously, I mean, my parents, so it's fine, but you know, they would, I'd go to places with, um, or I'd kind of have people there, but more and more, I'm just finding myself just staying in a lot. I mean-- I went like two weeks ago for coffee with my friends and the whole time I was just kind of wanting to go home again. So I don't, I just don't want to-- I don't want that to happen. I don't want to lose everyone. So-","So you're kind of worried about how, where this is going to lead to." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, I mean, I'm-I'm a photographer. Um, so I kind of-- It's-it's been stopping me a bit, my anxiety, from being able to get work and because every time, you know, there's, uh, an opportunity that is kind of involving me having to interact with people, I just tend to just turn it down. So it was kind of making things hard in that respect and um, just kind of friends wise and everything. I just feel like I'm just kind of increasingly more alone. So it's kind of stopping me from making friends and, you know, like relationships and stuff. therapist: Okay. So you said that, um, your difficulties are getting in the way of you doing certain things. So they're, they're stopping you from taking up kind of certain types of work and as a freelance photographer, I guess that- that can be kind of a problem. And they're also stopping you or you feel like it's stunting you, uh, socially. You're not kind of able to make new friends and get to meet new people. client: Yeah, yeah. Um, it was kind of easier when I was at home because I was obviously, I mean, my parents, so it's fine, but you know, they would, I'd go to places with, um, or I'd kind of have people there, but more and more, I'm just finding myself just staying in a lot. I mean-- I went like two weeks ago for coffee with my friends and the whole time I was just kind of wanting to go home again. So I don't, I just don't want to-- I don't want that to happen. I don't want to lose everyone. So- therapist: So you're kind of worried about how, where this is going to lead to. client: Yeah. Um, yeah.",So you said that you first noticed the anxiety kicking in about five or six years ago. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, yeah. Um, it was kind of easier when I was at home because I was obviously, I mean, my parents, so it's fine, but you know, they would, I'd go to places with, um, or I'd kind of have people there, but more and more, I'm just finding myself just staying in a lot. I mean-- I went like two weeks ago for coffee with my friends and the whole time I was just kind of wanting to go home again. So I don't, I just don't want to-- I don't want that to happen. I don't want to lose everyone. So- therapist: So you're kind of worried about how, where this is going to lead to. client: Yeah. Um, yeah. therapist: So you said that you first noticed the anxiety kicking in about five or six years ago. client: Yeah.",So you would have been about 19. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Uh, I guess I'd finished school about a year before that. Um, and I mean, I-I've always been a bit shy, um, at school, but it was never ever, uh, like it didn't really affect the things as much as not at all as much as it has been doing the last few years ago, I guess. It just started when I- like my friends went to university, and, I don't know, I felt like I was expected to kind of move out or do something and then it just kind of escalated from there.I just stop going to parties or I'd just say no to invitations or I don't know, I thought my job would help because I mean, I love it. I've- I really like doing photography, but I'm just kind of getting less and less work as it goes on, so, which is my thing, you know, but— therapist: What kind of work is the most difficult for you in your job? client: I guess when it- I have to kind of be working with other people. Um, I don't like that. It's like when I'm trying to kind of- would do an event or something where there's a lot of people there, not just photographers, but actual, you know, if I'm like taking places with people that I don't know, I just kind of find myself saying, you know, I mean, I want to do them, but just is scary. So I just don't do it. therapist: So I guess, tell me a bit more about what happens then. So let's focus on maybe an invitation to do a job with, uh, you know, it's going to involve, uh, photography with- with a group of people and you're going to have to have social interaction. What kind of thoughts go through your head? client: Um, just, I mean, I get really hot and sweaty, and I don't-- I feel like everyone's kind of looking at me and thinking that I'm just like really stupid, and I feel like they're all going to be staring and thinking, I just can't do my job. And I'm just an idiot. And I mean, they'll think that I just look like a weirdo and I just try and-- I mean, I just kind of just try and get out of the situation or just focus on something else. So that's why I like doing shots where it's just me and the camera 'cause I- then I can just put all my attention on that instead of having to, you know, be with other people.","Okay. So it sounds like you have quite a lot of thoughts rushing through your head then at the point where you get that invitation and you think, ""People will look, people will stare, people will think I'm a weirdo."" So there's quite a lot about what you- what you think other the people will think. And how does that make you feel?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. I was doing a job where it was kind of like a- a Nature issue and I was having to work with a lot of different people. Um, and, um, when they told me about the job, I thought it would be fine. I thought it was just going to be a few other photographers, but there were actually people and, you know, I was taking photos of people kind of in the trees and stuff like that. And I guess- they asked me to, um— therapist: It's quite interesting. Was that a fashion shoot or something? client: Yeah. Yeah. It was a fashion thing. I think it was for some kind of-- I'm not sure if it was a campaign or something, but, it was- therapist: Okay. client: Yeah, it was, yeah, it was really cool, but I find it- found it really hard to try and focus on that 'cause I was so- I was kind of feeling really anxious and—",So it wasn't what you expected? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, it was, yeah, it was really cool, but I find it- found it really hard to try and focus on that 'cause I was so- I was kind of feeling really anxious and— therapist: So it wasn't what you expected? client: No. No. therapist: So how long ago was that? client: That was two weeks ago.",Okay. So it was quite recent. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: That was two weeks ago. therapist: Okay. So it was quite recent. client: Yeah. therapist: So on that particular day, what were the thoughts that you had in your head when you were in that situation? client: I just felt really- just really kind of hot. I couldn't really breathe and just felt like I wanted to just get out. And I was kind of trying really, really hard to just focus, and just, you know, like kind of hold the camera and just not think about anything, but I just felt like everyone was looking at me and like, when they'd say 'action' and they're trying to get me to start and I was just felt like everyone was just thinking I was really stupid and I shouldn't have been there and—","I can tell you're getting kind of anxious, even just thinking about that day." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: So on that particular day, what were the thoughts that you had in your head when you were in that situation? client: I just felt really- just really kind of hot. I couldn't really breathe and just felt like I wanted to just get out. And I was kind of trying really, really hard to just focus, and just, you know, like kind of hold the camera and just not think about anything, but I just felt like everyone was looking at me and like, when they'd say 'action' and they're trying to get me to start and I was just felt like everyone was just thinking I was really stupid and I shouldn't have been there and— therapist: I can tell you're getting kind of anxious, even just thinking about that day. client: Yeah.","Okay. So you're describing quite a lot there to me. So you're saying that you, you kind of got hot and sweaty, you said that you- you held the camera." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: Okay. So you're describing quite a lot there to me. So you're saying that you, you kind of got hot and sweaty, you said that you- you held the camera. client: Yeah. therapist: W-what was, do you mean you kind of try to hide behind it or? client: I was just trying to focus on it. I was just thinking if I could just hold it really tightly, it would just-- I don't know. I'd kind of just be able to just get through it and just focus.",So you're holding the camera very tightly. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I was just trying to focus on it. I was just thinking if I could just hold it really tightly, it would just-- I don't know. I'd kind of just be able to just get through it and just focus. therapist: So you're holding the camera very tightly. client: Yeah. therapist: W-why was that? Why was that helpful? client: Cause I felt like I was getting really like hot and flushed and I just thought, at least if I can just-- I don't know. It sounds weird, but I was just trying to keep my hands still on it. 'Cause my hands were kind of sweaty and like shaking like loads, like, and I could just tell everyone was looking and they could see, and I just thought if I just managed to hold onto it, it wouldn't be as noticeable, but—","Okay. So, okay. So it sounds like you had a lot of thoughts going through your head. Um, you said that you're worried that everyone's looking at you. What other thoughts were there that were in your mind?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Cause I felt like I was getting really like hot and flushed and I just thought, at least if I can just-- I don't know. It sounds weird, but I was just trying to keep my hands still on it. 'Cause my hands were kind of sweaty and like shaking like loads, like, and I could just tell everyone was looking and they could see, and I just thought if I just managed to hold onto it, it wouldn't be as noticeable, but— therapist: Okay. So, okay. So it sounds like you had a lot of thoughts going through your head. Um, you said that you're worried that everyone's looking at you. What other thoughts were there that were in your mind? client: Just-- I was just, just stupid and it was just really-- just felt really like kind of- like everyone was just going to be staring and just thinking that I-- Like- I just felt like everyone was looking at me and just, they could tell. And then just thinking of what was she doing? therapist: They could tell what— client: I was just really like sweaty and just—","Oh, it was all-all that they could see that-that was-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, um, I was trying to wear black so this kind of tries to cover it up and just like a lot of layers, so they can't tell but, I mean, my hands, like, they were so shaken. I was really red and just was-- Just wishing that I just wasn't there. therapist: So, I mean, you've already described it to me a little bit, but if you think about how you looked that day, how'd-how'd you say, how'd you think you looked? client: I think just very stupid and, like, I think my face was really red. I could feel it flushing and I knew that I'd- I was probably sweating and shaking, like my hands were definitely really really shaking. Um, and af-- it was, like definitely really noticeable. Everyone could definitely see. therapist: Okay and what-what did you do about-- How did you try and conceal that or hide that? client: Um, well, I again was trying to grip the camera, just look down, just trying not to do anything weird or-- 'Cause, I mean, they could probably tell I was being weird anyway, but hopefully if-- I just- I just tried really hard to just focus and look down, not trying, like not kind-- look at anyone else and just, yeah, just kind of trying get on with it as best as I could, but—",So you avoided looking at people. It sounds like you wore black as well in kind of preparation anyway. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: Okay and how did it end? client: Um, well, it kind of went on for like an hour or so, and then, um, people were going, um, just a-after every shoot people go out for drinks after just to kind of celebrate like that we've done it. I'd just- I went home straight away, just got on my car and went home. I just didn't want to be around them especially after they would've seen me being weird and I just wanted to get-get home straight away. therapist: Okay. therapist: Hey, can I help you? client: Yeah, I hope so. Um, my workplace has just gone smoke-free. I-I'm not-not very happy about it. I'm gonna keep smoking, but I was wondering if there's anything that-that can help me like get through the day. It's like, you know, go get my beer and smoke cigarettes after work.","So your workplaces went smoke-free and you're not too pleased, huh?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, I hope so. Um, my workplace has just gone smoke-free. I-I'm not-not very happy about it. I'm gonna keep smoking, but I was wondering if there's anything that-that can help me like get through the day. It's like, you know, go get my beer and smoke cigarettes after work. therapist: So your workplaces went smoke-free and you're not too pleased, huh? client: No. I'm not gonna quit smoking. I mean, I like it. It helps me relax. So, I mean, I don't see what the big deal is. therapist: Okay. Tell me a little bit about how smoking fits in your day. It'll help with the— client: I mean, I smoke a little less than a pack a day. It's not too bad. Um, I've probably smoked for the last five years, but I-I-I mean, could quit if I wanted to, but I don't really want to right now.","Okay. So you feel like, right now, smoking's a pretty important part of your life. It's not something you're ready to change, but if the time came when you did decide to quit, you feel pretty confident that you could go ahead and do that." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, I'm sick of feeling the way I do. I feel kinda sluggish. Especially with the winter coming, I think I want to have more energy. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: Um, I don't like the way my clothes fit or don't fit me. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: Just, I don't feel comfortable.","Yeah. So, you're not feeling comfortable with the way that, you said, your clothes fit." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm-hmm. therapist: What are some of the reasons why, um, it would be good for you to kinda make this change? client: Um, I know exercise is-- in the past, has always made me feel good. I felt good about myself, and just in general, exercise, I know, makes me feel good. I want to be a good example for my kids. I want them to feel like that's a part of life- therapist: Mm-hmm. client: -exercising. So, I want-- I really just want to go get back in a routine.","So, to heal-- feel healthy for yourself as well be a good role model for your kids?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: So, if you did decide to get exercising more into your daily routine, how would you go about doing it? client: Um, I don't know. I'd probably have to sit down maybe with my husband and try to figure out a good time for me to be able to do that, where he'd be home with the kids and I'd be going to do that, whether it's morning-time, evening, maybe the weekends. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: Just to find the time to be able to do it, or what works in our schedule.","So, it's that balance of doing something for yourself, but it sounds like you don't want that schedule to affect too much into your family routine." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm, I would like to say a seven or an eight, that that's how important it is to me. therapist: Okay, and how come not at like a five or a six? client: Because I'm really sick of being overweight. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: Not ha-- I just don't like being unhealthy. It doesn't make me feel good, so I'm motivated to change, it's just getting there.","So, to summarize, it's important for you to do this. You're starting to feel sluggish, you're not feeling healthy, and you know that you've got other people in your family watching you, and you want to be a good role model for them to know that this is gonna be just a part of your life, is your exercise. Yet for you, you're struggling just a little with the logistics of when to schedule time for you so it doesn't interfere too much with your family." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Not ha-- I just don't like being unhealthy. It doesn't make me feel good, so I'm motivated to change, it's just getting there. therapist: So, to summarize, it's important for you to do this. You're starting to feel sluggish, you're not feeling healthy, and you know that you've got other people in your family watching you, and you want to be a good role model for them to know that this is gonna be just a part of your life, is your exercise. Yet for you, you're struggling just a little with the logistics of when to schedule time for you so it doesn't interfere too much with your family. client: Exactly, yeah. therapist: So, knowing this, what do you think you'll do next? client: Mm, I'll probably, I don't know, find-- Now, while it's still somewhat okay outside, maybe pick days I'm gonna go for walks or runs, um, maybe look for a gym close to the house so that I know I can go there quickly or maybe that has daycare, um, yeah, maybe I'll just start to look for that, and find ways I can do it first.",That's great. It sounds like you've got some options and leads on how- on how to get that done. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm, I'll probably, I don't know, find-- Now, while it's still somewhat okay outside, maybe pick days I'm gonna go for walks or runs, um, maybe look for a gym close to the house so that I know I can go there quickly or maybe that has daycare, um, yeah, maybe I'll just start to look for that, and find ways I can do it first. therapist: That's great. It sounds like you've got some options and leads on how- on how to get that done. client: Yeah. therapist: So what's been going on? client: I just want my call, that's it.","All right. yeah, I was told that you're phone calls was taken away" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I just want my call, that's it. therapist: All right. yeah, I was told that you're phone calls was taken away client: [scoffs] Yeah. therapist: What-what happened? client: I don't know. Some of-- One of the officers, it's like he has it out for me or something. I don't- I don't know what it is. Something about me not making my bed, something about my attitude. I don't know, I just want my call, man.","Okay. yeah, it was weird when I, uh, got that report because for the most part since you've been here, uh, you'd been like, uh, model-model resident, uh, always making their bed, uh, been pretty, uh, respectful of the staff, of all the other residents. So, uh, is it something to do with you getting out in three weeks? It must be pretty hard." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: [scoffs] Yeah. therapist: What-what happened? client: I don't know. Some of-- One of the officers, it's like he has it out for me or something. I don't- I don't know what it is. Something about me not making my bed, something about my attitude. I don't know, I just want my call, man. therapist: Okay. yeah, it was weird when I, uh, got that report because for the most part since you've been here, uh, you'd been like, uh, model-model resident, uh, always making their bed, uh, been pretty, uh, respectful of the staff, of all the other residents. So, uh, is it something to do with you getting out in three weeks? It must be pretty hard. client: I just wanna contact my mom, that's it.","Mm-hmm. Yeah, you used to have contact with your mom, you know, almost every other night and now for just about a week, you haven't even gotten to talk to her. I can imagine that being pretty difficult. I remember you saying something about like your dad's birthday coming up?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I just wanna contact my mom, that's it. therapist: Mm-hmm. Yeah, you used to have contact with your mom, you know, almost every other night and now for just about a week, you haven't even gotten to talk to her. I can imagine that being pretty difficult. I remember you saying something about like your dad's birthday coming up? client: My dad's birthday is tomorrow. therapist: Okay. client: And I just wanted my call so I can talk to my mom. That's it.","Like I said, it's been, um, a long time and this is basically the first time that we've seen this behavior from you, so I know for a lot of other guys right before they get out, uh, a lot of anxiety, a lot of frustration comes around because they haven't been out in a while and then like the pressures of being on the outside are starting to settle in. So is that something might be going on with you?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: Like I said, it's been, um, a long time and this is basically the first time that we've seen this behavior from you, so I know for a lot of other guys right before they get out, uh, a lot of anxiety, a lot of frustration comes around because they haven't been out in a while and then like the pressures of being on the outside are starting to settle in. So is that something might be going on with you? therapist: Hi Carrie, thanks for coming in today. client: Thank you, my doctor [unintelligible 00:00:05] therapist: What brings you in? client: Well am having, um-- I've been an ongoing problem with smoking and trying to quit.","So, you'd like to give up those cigarettes?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well am having, um-- I've been an ongoing problem with smoking and trying to quit. therapist: So, you'd like to give up those cigarettes? client: Oh I've been wanting to, for a long long time in years. therapist: Yeah, so then it's, um, right now, uh, tell me a little bit about, um, right now at this point in your life why it's so important to quit. client: Well I have a 15-year-old daughter and she's highly against it. And, um, health issues, you know, I'm getting-- not getting any younger and I have asthma and I have chronic bronchi-- bronchitis and, um, I'm having a hard time breathing when I exercise and not to mention it's socially unacceptable really.",Like being a leper in a leper colony right now to be a smoker. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Oh I've been wanting to, for a long long time in years. therapist: Yeah, so then it's, um, right now, uh, tell me a little bit about, um, right now at this point in your life why it's so important to quit. client: Well I have a 15-year-old daughter and she's highly against it. And, um, health issues, you know, I'm getting-- not getting any younger and I have asthma and I have chronic bronchi-- bronchitis and, um, I'm having a hard time breathing when I exercise and not to mention it's socially unacceptable really. therapist: Like being a leper in a leper colony right now to be a smoker. client: Actually it's like being a leper in a non-leper colony.","'Cause you can't find a leper colony anymore. So, um, so it-it's really important for you to be a good mum-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well I have a 15-year-old daughter and she's highly against it. And, um, health issues, you know, I'm getting-- not getting any younger and I have asthma and I have chronic bronchi-- bronchitis and, um, I'm having a hard time breathing when I exercise and not to mention it's socially unacceptable really. therapist: Like being a leper in a leper colony right now to be a smoker. client: Actually it's like being a leper in a non-leper colony. therapist: 'Cause you can't find a leper colony anymore. So, um, so it-it's really important for you to be a good mum- client: Right.",-and model for your- for your daughter who's at this age where 15 would be a really common age at which she might decide to smoke. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Actually it's like being a leper in a non-leper colony. therapist: 'Cause you can't find a leper colony anymore. So, um, so it-it's really important for you to be a good mum- client: Right. therapist: -and model for your- for your daughter who's at this age where 15 would be a really common age at which she might decide to smoke. client: Right and, um, she's been expressing, you know, she walks in and she's like shhh and it's embarrassing for her friends and, um, and in-in turn, it's embarrassing for me.","Okay. So, you-you wanna look good, you know, and she's proud of you I'm sure anyway and then this just would be an added benefit. Yeah." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Right. therapist: -and model for your- for your daughter who's at this age where 15 would be a really common age at which she might decide to smoke. client: Right and, um, she's been expressing, you know, she walks in and she's like shhh and it's embarrassing for her friends and, um, and in-in turn, it's embarrassing for me. therapist: Okay. So, you-you wanna look good, you know, and she's proud of you I'm sure anyway and then this just would be an added benefit. Yeah. client: Right right, yeah.","So, and then you mentioned quite a few things about medical problems. So, um, you mentioned, um, asthma, um, acute bronchitis did you say—" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Right and, um, she's been expressing, you know, she walks in and she's like shhh and it's embarrassing for her friends and, um, and in-in turn, it's embarrassing for me. therapist: Okay. So, you-you wanna look good, you know, and she's proud of you I'm sure anyway and then this just would be an added benefit. Yeah. client: Right right, yeah. therapist: So, and then you mentioned quite a few things about medical problems. So, um, you mentioned, um, asthma, um, acute bronchitis did you say— client: Oh and emphysema the beginning stages of emphysema.","Oh my goodness. Okay. And so, and that-- yeah, that's very-- that's really scary beginnings of emphysema, I'm sorry to hear that." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I really couldn't tell you, um, I remember when my daughter was like five, um, I was-- it was humid out and I have a problem with humidity- therapist: Mm-hmm. client: -you know, for breathing, um, and, um, I was trying to stick my head out the window to gasp for air- therapist: Mm-hmm. client: -and my daughter became so frightened that she went next door to our neighbor and called 911 and it really—",Smart girl. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, and there is a support group that they have that you can go online or call- therapist: Okay. client: -but of course I didn't do either but- therapist: Mm-hmm. client: -um—",It just didn't fit for you to do the online. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -but of course I didn't do either but- therapist: Mm-hmm. client: -um— therapist: It just didn't fit for you to do the online. client: No. Yeah.","Okay. So, um, but you gave it a good try and it was just not a good fit for you like you-you really listened to what your body told you like nightmares, nausea, I mean those are really bad things." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: No. Yeah. therapist: Okay. So, um, but you gave it a good try and it was just not a good fit for you like you-you really listened to what your body told you like nightmares, nausea, I mean those are really bad things. client: And agitation really- therapist: Oh yeah. client: -because, um, you know, um, being at my age I'm going through the menopause stage which is part, you know, you'll have that anyways and then having 15-year-old that causes a little bit more stress so you don't need any extra stress, I don't think, as far as I'm concerned.","So, it's already piled I'm thinking up for you, you don't need anything else so you're looking for some relief and not something to make you feel worse." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Only when I was in the hospital. [chuckles] therapist: Okay. client: And even then I-I snuck out and had a cigarette, you know. therapist: Okay. So, what's the longest you've ever gone without a cigarette including being in the hospital? client: Oh God, I would have to say, uh, three days.","Oh, three days. You know, that's a long time and I felt, you know, that's a pretty long time to go without smoking and I would imagine, I think that's pretty good." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: And even then I-I snuck out and had a cigarette, you know. therapist: Okay. So, what's the longest you've ever gone without a cigarette including being in the hospital? client: Oh God, I would have to say, uh, three days. therapist: Oh, three days. You know, that's a long time and I felt, you know, that's a pretty long time to go without smoking and I would imagine, I think that's pretty good. client: But it was not really by choice, it was by, um, the situation I was in, I wasn't able to smoke so, yeah.",You were forced to- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Oh God, I would have to say, uh, three days. therapist: Oh, three days. You know, that's a long time and I felt, you know, that's a pretty long time to go without smoking and I would imagine, I think that's pretty good. client: But it was not really by choice, it was by, um, the situation I was in, I wasn't able to smoke so, yeah. therapist: You were forced to- client: Right.",-not smoke? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I mean, just cigarette. Um, so it's always, like, it's-it's a duel kind of problem I think- therapist: Mm-hmm. client: -you know- therapist: Mm. client: -I'm finding it to be.","It does, uh, it does a lot of positive things for you." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -you know- therapist: Mm. client: -I'm finding it to be. therapist: It does, uh, it does a lot of positive things for you. client: Mm-hmm.","And it sounds like it's paired, like a coffee and a cigarette. I mean, you know, probably hard to think about, ""How will I have a cup of coffee without a cigarette?""" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Oh, yeah. therapist: It'll-it'll take a good usually 10 years off your life minimum. client: As they say, my aunt was like, ""Put another nail in your coffin,"" you know. therapist: Okay. What do you think when she says that to you? client: More on kind of cocky and I say, ""Well, you know, Aunt Kathy, you were my role model, and back in the day, um, I used to envy and watch and think you were so sexy, and all the movies, the old movies.""",Glamourous. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: More on kind of cocky and I say, ""Well, you know, Aunt Kathy, you were my role model, and back in the day, um, I used to envy and watch and think you were so sexy, and all the movies, the old movies."" therapist: Glamourous. client: Yes, yeah. And that's what I associated with at the time and now it's almost, I'm ostracized for it. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: So, it's kind of like a double-edged sword.","So, and I would- I would-- it really is because it wasn't like that 20 years ago." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yes, yeah. And that's what I associated with at the time and now it's almost, I'm ostracized for it. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: So, it's kind of like a double-edged sword. therapist: So, and I would- I would-- it really is because it wasn't like that 20 years ago. client: Mm.",It wasn't like that for sure 30 years ago. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: So, it's kind of like a double-edged sword. therapist: So, and I would- I would-- it really is because it wasn't like that 20 years ago. client: Mm. therapist: It wasn't like that for sure 30 years ago. client: Mm-hmm.","So, it's become harder to be a smoker. You light up a cigarette-cigarette and people make assumptions about you." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm-hmm. therapist: -um, then we can pursue those things. So it's really just about what brings you joy in terms of how you move your body and I'm just here to help you figure that out. client: Cool, so both with the foods and the activity, we would be working to find things that I like to do- therapist: Yeah. client: -that I could do for longer periods versus more of like you said, the prescriptive approach.","Exactly. Yeah. So helping you find changes that feel sustainable because they bring you both nourishment health, but also pleasure." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: Fantastic. Thanks, Natalie. therapist: Hey, Mary. I wanted to bring up to you, um, that your battery died last night. So, can you tell me what happened? client: I don't know, and I still don't wanna charge it. therapist: So, it's something you just aren't willing to do? client: No. I got a lot of stuff to do, I don't need to charge it.","So, it's not really a priority for you right now, to be charging it?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Hey. therapist: Hi, I'm Tonny Brownie, I'm a pharmacist here, uh, and I- and I was wanting to spend just a little time with you talking to you about your cholesterol. I found out you're newly diagnosed and your medicine for your cholesterol. client: Yeah, my doctor talked to me about my cholesterol, that-that's-that's his job. therapist: Okay, certainly glad to hear that your doctor did spend some time with you, um, I-I see myself as somebody who works with your doctor, uh, to help you get the most benefit from your medicine, uh, because you are gonna spend money on it we wanna make sure that you get the most benefit from it. Uh, also sometimes it may be difficult to reach your doctor we're also here, uh, and so we try to work together, wo-would that be okay? client: Yeah, that'd be okay, yeah, you know, I'm not so certain I'm even gonna take the medicine cause, you know, he mentioned muscle weakness, uh, you know, I-I know I got high cholesterol, uh, and that I'm running the risk of stroke and heart attack down line but yeah, he mentioned muscle weakness and I've been thinking about that and, uh, you know I'm a truck driver and I got a haul the heavy boxes out of the truck on a dolly, and I can't afford that right now. Just that-that muscle weakness, uh, that-that bothers me.","So-so on the one hand, the doctor talked to you about high cholesterol, down the line possibly causing a stroke or heart attack-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, my doctor talked to me about my cholesterol, that-that's-that's his job. therapist: Okay, certainly glad to hear that your doctor did spend some time with you, um, I-I see myself as somebody who works with your doctor, uh, to help you get the most benefit from your medicine, uh, because you are gonna spend money on it we wanna make sure that you get the most benefit from it. Uh, also sometimes it may be difficult to reach your doctor we're also here, uh, and so we try to work together, wo-would that be okay? client: Yeah, that'd be okay, yeah, you know, I'm not so certain I'm even gonna take the medicine cause, you know, he mentioned muscle weakness, uh, you know, I-I know I got high cholesterol, uh, and that I'm running the risk of stroke and heart attack down line but yeah, he mentioned muscle weakness and I've been thinking about that and, uh, you know I'm a truck driver and I got a haul the heavy boxes out of the truck on a dolly, and I can't afford that right now. Just that-that muscle weakness, uh, that-that bothers me. therapist: So-so on the one hand, the doctor talked to you about high cholesterol, down the line possibly causing a stroke or heart attack- client: Oh, yeah.","-and that would be pretty serious. On the other hand, uh, when you found out that this drug might cause muscle weakness, that really alarmed you." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, that'd be okay, yeah, you know, I'm not so certain I'm even gonna take the medicine cause, you know, he mentioned muscle weakness, uh, you know, I-I know I got high cholesterol, uh, and that I'm running the risk of stroke and heart attack down line but yeah, he mentioned muscle weakness and I've been thinking about that and, uh, you know I'm a truck driver and I got a haul the heavy boxes out of the truck on a dolly, and I can't afford that right now. Just that-that muscle weakness, uh, that-that bothers me. therapist: So-so on the one hand, the doctor talked to you about high cholesterol, down the line possibly causing a stroke or heart attack- client: Oh, yeah. therapist: -and that would be pretty serious. On the other hand, uh, when you found out that this drug might cause muscle weakness, that really alarmed you. client: Yeah, that's the problem, that's what I face now with my job.",Especially with your job and- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Oh, yeah. therapist: -and that would be pretty serious. On the other hand, uh, when you found out that this drug might cause muscle weakness, that really alarmed you. client: Yeah, that's the problem, that's what I face now with my job. therapist: Especially with your job and- client: Yeah.",-preventing you from doing your livelihood. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, uh, I guess that's the-the way to go then cause I-I don't wanna be, you know, crippled by a stroke or a heart attack- therapist: Sure. client: -so take- taking the medicine sounds like the-the end of the game right now. therapist: Mm-hmm, yeah it would, I-I-I think that would, uh, go a long way toward reducing those risks. client: Yeah.","Okay, um, so if so where we are right now if I understand is you're feeling more comfortable about the concern about muscle weakness?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -so take- taking the medicine sounds like the-the end of the game right now. therapist: Mm-hmm, yeah it would, I-I-I think that would, uh, go a long way toward reducing those risks. client: Yeah. therapist: Okay, um, so if so where we are right now if I understand is you're feeling more comfortable about the concern about muscle weakness? client: Oh yeah.","Uh, you seem fairly committed to taking the medicine to reduce your risk so that you can enjoy your retirement." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, I've thought about it. I'm just-- It's not my cup-- I-I-I hear it from everybody, and, uh, I've tried- I've tried before, didn't work. I get it all the time. therapist: Okay. And it's like here I am one more person, the next- the next doctor who's saying, ""You need to quit smoking, David."" client: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, [unintelligible 00:01:13] hmm. therapist: Mm, and I'm sorry, that's not how I mean to come across at all. client: Yeah, I-I-I know I'm not an idiot and people know that smokers are, you know, ""How can you smoke today?"" [coughs] It's just not that easy to, uh, quit.","Mm-hmm, and if it was as easy as the doctor is saying or your partner-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, [unintelligible 00:01:13] hmm. therapist: Mm, and I'm sorry, that's not how I mean to come across at all. client: Yeah, I-I-I know I'm not an idiot and people know that smokers are, you know, ""How can you smoke today?"" [coughs] It's just not that easy to, uh, quit. therapist: Mm-hmm, and if it was as easy as the doctor is saying or your partner- client: Yeah.",-saying- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, I-I-I know I'm not an idiot and people know that smokers are, you know, ""How can you smoke today?"" [coughs] It's just not that easy to, uh, quit. therapist: Mm-hmm, and if it was as easy as the doctor is saying or your partner- client: Yeah. therapist: -saying- client: Uh, who wouldn't be?",-you have to quit. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I've smoked for 40 years, since I was 14- therapist: Mm-hmm. client: -and quit a couple of times, off and on in my 20s, but, you know, it's been consistent. And I can't see myself changing now. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: No matter what kinda talk I get or what they come up with.",It sounds like almost you've tried a lot of things that are out there and it's not something that you're— Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Prostate cancer, that didn't do it. therapist: Right. client: I don't know. I really don't know. I just don't really want it. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: I just-","So, this is something that you-you-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I don't know. I really don't know. I just don't really want it. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: I just- therapist: So, this is something that you-you- client: -have to-",-pretty much see yourself doing for- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -have to- therapist: -pretty much see yourself doing for- client: Yeah, a while, quite a while. Yeah. therapist: Yeah. Okay. Well, I really appreciate you being willing to even talk about it. And I get that right now, this is not something that you wanna pursue. Would it be okay if I brought it up in our next visit? 'Cause I-I know that you've said you don't want a lecture, but on the other hand, I am- I am concerned. client: Okay, yeah. I could go for that. I-I, uh, I'm always open to some-- you know, to listen. Yeah.",As long as I don't talk too much? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. [laughs] therapist: Okay. [chuckles] client: [unintelligible 00:03:34] options. I had some-- I had my surgeon just go like, ""You're- you're--"" like, ""Why do I even keep you as a patient?"" therapist: Hmm. client: He's good, though. [laughs]",[chuckles] You're glad to keep him as a doctor? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Thanks, doc. therapist: Okay. client: Okay. therapist: Thank you for coming in to see me today, Nina. I'm looking forward to getting to know you a little bit and hearing a little bit about you and what brought you in here today. client: Um, my doctor referred me. He said I had to come because I've- I've been a little irresponsible with this pregnancy. Yeah.",Okay. He's thinking you were a little irresponsible. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Okay. therapist: Thank you for coming in to see me today, Nina. I'm looking forward to getting to know you a little bit and hearing a little bit about you and what brought you in here today. client: Um, my doctor referred me. He said I had to come because I've- I've been a little irresponsible with this pregnancy. Yeah. therapist: Okay. He's thinking you were a little irresponsible. client: Yeah. Um, he said that I was drinking too much with it. Um, I-I haven't been a lot, but he said it was still maybe, um, would screw things up.",And you're feeling kind of concerned about that. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, my doctor referred me. He said I had to come because I've- I've been a little irresponsible with this pregnancy. Yeah. therapist: Okay. He's thinking you were a little irresponsible. client: Yeah. Um, he said that I was drinking too much with it. Um, I-I haven't been a lot, but he said it was still maybe, um, would screw things up. therapist: And you're feeling kind of concerned about that. client: Yeah. Yeah. Like I don't- I don't want to screw anything up with this baby, but, um, yeah, I'm just- I'm scared I already did.","Okay. So, you're concerned about the consequences, and you really care about your baby, and you want to give your baby the best start you can." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. Um, he said that I was drinking too much with it. Um, I-I haven't been a lot, but he said it was still maybe, um, would screw things up. therapist: And you're feeling kind of concerned about that. client: Yeah. Yeah. Like I don't- I don't want to screw anything up with this baby, but, um, yeah, I'm just- I'm scared I already did. therapist: Okay. So, you're concerned about the consequences, and you really care about your baby, and you want to give your baby the best start you can. client: Mm-hmm. Yeah.",And you're wondering a little bit about this time that we're going to spend together. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. Yeah. Like I don't- I don't want to screw anything up with this baby, but, um, yeah, I'm just- I'm scared I already did. therapist: Okay. So, you're concerned about the consequences, and you really care about your baby, and you want to give your baby the best start you can. client: Mm-hmm. Yeah. therapist: And you're wondering a little bit about this time that we're going to spend together. client: Yeah. He didn't really tell me what to expect. He just said, ""Go- go see her as well.""","So here you are today and, um, you're sharing that you have been drinking alcohol throughout your pregnancy." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. He didn't really tell me what to expect. He just said, ""Go- go see her as well."" therapist: So here you are today and, um, you're sharing that you have been drinking alcohol throughout your pregnancy. client: Yeah. Um, I didn't find out I was pregnant until probably two-ish months in- therapist: Okay. client: -and I had already been drinking then. Um, I've been really trying not to, but, you know, weekends come around, and, um, all my friends are kind of partying and stuff, and it's been hard to, like, break that habit.","Mm-hmm. So, there's this external pressure coming from the people you care about to sort of stay in the scene." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. Um, I didn't find out I was pregnant until probably two-ish months in- therapist: Okay. client: -and I had already been drinking then. Um, I've been really trying not to, but, you know, weekends come around, and, um, all my friends are kind of partying and stuff, and it's been hard to, like, break that habit. therapist: Mm-hmm. So, there's this external pressure coming from the people you care about to sort of stay in the scene. client: A little bit. I think if I- if I talk to them, it would be fine, but it's-it's weird, right? Like I'm the only one of my friends that's, like, taking this step and having a kid, and they don't really know how to handle that.","Kind of feels like You're between two worlds. In one world, you're preparing to be a mother and bring a baby into this world, and this other world is the world that you've been in for a while where you're kind of having a good time and-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: -drinking and your friends are- client: Yeah, like, I'm- I'm still, like, I'm only in my 20s, and-and for everyone else, it's like, ""Okay, it's party time,"" and now I kind of have to, like, break out of that. therapist: Okay. So, this party-time world's- are you feeling like this is something you want to move out of and move into that mom world? Or does it feel like I want to hang out there still too? client: There's, yeah, there's part of me that still wants to live that out because I'm not going to have another chance, like once this kid comes, it's-it's going to be over. I know I'm gonna- I know I'm going to have to change.","So, for you, you're feeling like once the baby comes and actually in your arms, then things are going to change, but right now, while you're pregnant, you're thinking, ""I can kind of hang out in both worlds a little bit,"" but part of you may be thinking maybe that's not the case. It's time to go to the mom world maybe." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: There's, yeah, there's part of me that still wants to live that out because I'm not going to have another chance, like once this kid comes, it's-it's going to be over. I know I'm gonna- I know I'm going to have to change. therapist: So, for you, you're feeling like once the baby comes and actually in your arms, then things are going to change, but right now, while you're pregnant, you're thinking, ""I can kind of hang out in both worlds a little bit,"" but part of you may be thinking maybe that's not the case. It's time to go to the mom world maybe. client: Yeah. Probably. And I'm also feeling like it's too late. I already screwed it up. therapist: Okay. So, you've got a lot of concerns about what's happened to- up until this point, as far as your drinking. What do you know about, um, drinking alcohol throughout pregnancy? client: Well, I know, like, they say not to, but I thought because my friends didn't really care, I thought, ""Okay. Like maybe-maybe it doesn't matter. Maybe it's just what they tell you."" Just like drinking, in general, is bad.","So, you were thinking because your-your friends weren't pressuring you to stop drinking, that-that it must be okay." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. Probably. And I'm also feeling like it's too late. I already screwed it up. therapist: Okay. So, you've got a lot of concerns about what's happened to- up until this point, as far as your drinking. What do you know about, um, drinking alcohol throughout pregnancy? client: Well, I know, like, they say not to, but I thought because my friends didn't really care, I thought, ""Okay. Like maybe-maybe it doesn't matter. Maybe it's just what they tell you."" Just like drinking, in general, is bad. therapist: So, you were thinking because your-your friends weren't pressuring you to stop drinking, that-that it must be okay. client: Yeah.",And then there's this other part of you that's- was thinking maybe it's not okay. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, like, I should probably have trusted my gut. therapist: So, your gut is telling you what? Tell me about that. client: It's telling me that what I'm doing is wrong and it's probably hurting my kid and that- that I'm gonna really regret that once I actually get my kid. therapist: And you really wanna do what's best for your babe. And kind of wondering, um, how to move forward from here, is that where you wanna, you know, kind of focus in on, or what are your thoughts about giving up drinking altogether? client: Um, I'm definitely it's not-- I think I could probably do it. It's just- it-it comes hard when you're, like, in that moment. You're around your friends and they're drinking and you don't wanna be- you don't wanna be the mom at that moment. You wanna be yourself. You wanna be who you were before.","So, you kind of have this identity, dual identity going on. I wanna be that person, yet, that person-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: It's telling me that what I'm doing is wrong and it's probably hurting my kid and that- that I'm gonna really regret that once I actually get my kid. therapist: And you really wanna do what's best for your babe. And kind of wondering, um, how to move forward from here, is that where you wanna, you know, kind of focus in on, or what are your thoughts about giving up drinking altogether? client: Um, I'm definitely it's not-- I think I could probably do it. It's just- it-it comes hard when you're, like, in that moment. You're around your friends and they're drinking and you don't wanna be- you don't wanna be the mom at that moment. You wanna be yourself. You wanna be who you were before. therapist: So, you kind of have this identity, dual identity going on. I wanna be that person, yet, that person- client: And so many people, when they have kids, they just vanish from their friends. And I don't wanna be that person. I don't wanna be that person that just has a kid and they're completely-completely different.","Mm. So, embraces this life of the picket fence and the, you know, the little house and having the baby in this-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, I'm definitely it's not-- I think I could probably do it. It's just- it-it comes hard when you're, like, in that moment. You're around your friends and they're drinking and you don't wanna be- you don't wanna be the mom at that moment. You wanna be yourself. You wanna be who you were before. therapist: So, you kind of have this identity, dual identity going on. I wanna be that person, yet, that person- client: And so many people, when they have kids, they just vanish from their friends. And I don't wanna be that person. I don't wanna be that person that just has a kid and they're completely-completely different. therapist: Mm. So, embraces this life of the picket fence and the, you know, the little house and having the baby in this- client: Yeah, suburbs. Yeah.","So, you don't wanna be that- that- that woman that's just sort of living in this house with the baby carriage, and at the same time, that world's kind of saying it's behind you." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: And so many people, when they have kids, they just vanish from their friends. And I don't wanna be that person. I don't wanna be that person that just has a kid and they're completely-completely different. therapist: Mm. So, embraces this life of the picket fence and the, you know, the little house and having the baby in this- client: Yeah, suburbs. Yeah. therapist: So, you don't wanna be that- that- that woman that's just sort of living in this house with the baby carriage, and at the same time, that world's kind of saying it's behind you. client: Yeah, I-I guess. Like, I don't wanna- I don't wanna lose my friends because of this. And I don't wanna put pressure on them to change because they're, I mean, they're good people. They're just—",You care about them. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, suburbs. Yeah. therapist: So, you don't wanna be that- that- that woman that's just sort of living in this house with the baby carriage, and at the same time, that world's kind of saying it's behind you. client: Yeah, I-I guess. Like, I don't wanna- I don't wanna lose my friends because of this. And I don't wanna put pressure on them to change because they're, I mean, they're good people. They're just— therapist: You care about them. client: Yeah.","It's just the scene that they're-they're still in because their life maybe hasn't taken that change that your life has made. And so now, you're here and you're not sure. You want the baby, but you're not sure about the suburbs and the picket fence thing. You're not sure—" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, I-I guess. Like, I don't wanna- I don't wanna lose my friends because of this. And I don't wanna put pressure on them to change because they're, I mean, they're good people. They're just— therapist: You care about them. client: Yeah. therapist: It's just the scene that they're-they're still in because their life maybe hasn't taken that change that your life has made. And so now, you're here and you're not sure. You want the baby, but you're not sure about the suburbs and the picket fence thing. You're not sure— client: I don’t want that.",You don't want that. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: It's just the scene that they're-they're still in because their life maybe hasn't taken that change that your life has made. And so now, you're here and you're not sure. You want the baby, but you're not sure about the suburbs and the picket fence thing. You're not sure— client: I don’t want that. therapist: You don't want that. client: No.",You want this baby. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I don’t want that. therapist: You don't want that. client: No. therapist: You want this baby. client: Yeah.","And you wanna be, um, take care of your baby as the baby's growing." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: No. therapist: You want this baby. client: Yeah. therapist: And you wanna be, um, take care of your baby as the baby's growing. client: Like, I wanna- I wanna be responsible for this thing.",You don't wanna let your baby down. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: And you wanna be, um, take care of your baby as the baby's growing. client: Like, I wanna- I wanna be responsible for this thing. therapist: You don't wanna let your baby down. client: No.","And at the same time, it's hard to let go of the past, but on the other hand, you're thinking, ""I don't have a choice. I've got to look this way."" Is that kind of what it feels like?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: No. therapist: And at the same time, it's hard to let go of the past, but on the other hand, you're thinking, ""I don't have a choice. I've got to look this way."" Is that kind of what it feels like? client: I guess so. I feel like I've already made a choice and already made some bad choices with this. therapist: Nina, I'm wondering, what's your hope for the future? When you think about where you are today, um, what do you hope for when you look ahead? client: Well, I-I kept the kid because I wanted-- It was almost like that push, that sign for me to, like, move forward and become like an adult because it's scary, right? Like I-I still feel like a teenager sometimes. And having that push to be a real person is really-- It's a lot of pressure and I-I want to raise this kid well. I don't wanna- I don't wanna let my kid down. I don't wanna, you know, I don't wanna regret choosing to have this kid because I think it's the right time, but I don't wanna- I don't wanna make mistakes that make me realize maybe I'm not ready for this 'cause sometimes it feels like I'm not ready for this.","You put your heart there that the baby is really- it was almost kind of like a sign for you that was saying, ""This baby is giving you a kind of a new chance at life, or giving you a plan B,"" and you guys both get to decide what plan B is gonna look like." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I guess so. I feel like I've already made a choice and already made some bad choices with this. therapist: Nina, I'm wondering, what's your hope for the future? When you think about where you are today, um, what do you hope for when you look ahead? client: Well, I-I kept the kid because I wanted-- It was almost like that push, that sign for me to, like, move forward and become like an adult because it's scary, right? Like I-I still feel like a teenager sometimes. And having that push to be a real person is really-- It's a lot of pressure and I-I want to raise this kid well. I don't wanna- I don't wanna let my kid down. I don't wanna, you know, I don't wanna regret choosing to have this kid because I think it's the right time, but I don't wanna- I don't wanna make mistakes that make me realize maybe I'm not ready for this 'cause sometimes it feels like I'm not ready for this. therapist: You put your heart there that the baby is really- it was almost kind of like a sign for you that was saying, ""This baby is giving you a kind of a new chance at life, or giving you a plan B,"" and you guys both get to decide what plan B is gonna look like. client: Yeah, I just guess it's easier said than done though. Like, it's, like, great, I can make all these changes and I can be a completely new person, but it's, like, at the end of the day, I'm still just who I am.","While this baby's growing in you and you think of all the opportunities that could come out of this, there's a part of you that says, ""I'm still that same girl that was drinking and partying,"" and-and maybe not living the life you wanted to live." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, I-I kept the kid because I wanted-- It was almost like that push, that sign for me to, like, move forward and become like an adult because it's scary, right? Like I-I still feel like a teenager sometimes. And having that push to be a real person is really-- It's a lot of pressure and I-I want to raise this kid well. I don't wanna- I don't wanna let my kid down. I don't wanna, you know, I don't wanna regret choosing to have this kid because I think it's the right time, but I don't wanna- I don't wanna make mistakes that make me realize maybe I'm not ready for this 'cause sometimes it feels like I'm not ready for this. therapist: You put your heart there that the baby is really- it was almost kind of like a sign for you that was saying, ""This baby is giving you a kind of a new chance at life, or giving you a plan B,"" and you guys both get to decide what plan B is gonna look like. client: Yeah, I just guess it's easier said than done though. Like, it's, like, great, I can make all these changes and I can be a completely new person, but it's, like, at the end of the day, I'm still just who I am. therapist: While this baby's growing in you and you think of all the opportunities that could come out of this, there's a part of you that says, ""I'm still that same girl that was drinking and partying,"" and-and maybe not living the life you wanted to live. client: Yeah. And I'm just- you know, you can't just one day flick a switch and become a new person.","While this baby feels like this is your second chance, you're wondering, ""Do I deserve that second chance?"" And then this other part of you that says, ""Why not? It's here and I wanna go for it.""" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, I just guess it's easier said than done though. Like, it's, like, great, I can make all these changes and I can be a completely new person, but it's, like, at the end of the day, I'm still just who I am. therapist: While this baby's growing in you and you think of all the opportunities that could come out of this, there's a part of you that says, ""I'm still that same girl that was drinking and partying,"" and-and maybe not living the life you wanted to live. client: Yeah. And I'm just- you know, you can't just one day flick a switch and become a new person. therapist: While this baby feels like this is your second chance, you're wondering, ""Do I deserve that second chance?"" And then this other part of you that says, ""Why not? It's here and I wanna go for it."" client: Yeah, I guess that voice is just a little more stifled by the other one.","Mm-hmm. You got a lot of people around you that are kind of pulling it down, and it's kind of taking you back to the old life. And the baby is a constant reminder that there’s this new life ahead." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Because I need to for my kid. It's- it's gonna be all screwed up if I don't. therapist: This part of you that says, ""I don't have an option to-to-to make this life better,"" it's wondering, ""Do I have the confidence to be able to make that life a reality?"" What do you think you need to increase your confidence that you can do this? client: I don't know, like, maybe- maybe actually talking to my friends and saying like- or maybe them actually being able to see this kid and go, ""Of course, of course, your- your choice makes sense. You--"" Maybe it would, you know, give them a wake-up call too if They actually, like, see it. therapist: So you're thinking that, um, once your friends see you with the baby in your arms that they too will see that there's a different path for them too? client: Or at least they'll feel less pressure to be who they want me to be.","Mm, kind of feel like you're pulled between two worlds there." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Or at least they'll feel less pressure to be who they want me to be. therapist: Mm, kind of feel like you're pulled between two worlds there. client: A little bit. therapist: It's not easy to be in that world and also having that constant reminder that the baby is coming and this baby is saying, ""I want this better life,"" and you want to give the baby a better life too. Who can support you, do you think when-when you look around who's in your circle right now, who do you think can support you in moving towards path B? client: Definitely my parents, um, and I probably need to, uh, go and meet some other-other people who are maybe, you know, having kids too so that I can see, like how it's done 'cause like, I only have a younger brother who's like not-not even close to that. So I don't really have anyone in my life that I know that's had kids recently. So I-I would like to meet other, you know, young moms out there who, you know, are kind of struggling with the same stuff I am.","And your parents are a support for you and support you from giving up the drinking, the alcohol use, that's something that they would support-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Definitely my parents, um, and I probably need to, uh, go and meet some other-other people who are maybe, you know, having kids too so that I can see, like how it's done 'cause like, I only have a younger brother who's like not-not even close to that. So I don't really have anyone in my life that I know that's had kids recently. So I-I would like to meet other, you know, young moms out there who, you know, are kind of struggling with the same stuff I am. therapist: And your parents are a support for you and support you from giving up the drinking, the alcohol use, that's something that they would support- client: I don't think they realize, uh, that I'm doing it or how much I'm doing it. therapist: Okay. client: And I know that if they found out, they would be really pissed.",That would be a concern for them as well as for you now. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: Yeah. Is that something that, um, maybe you and I could meet again about-and talk about having those conversations with-with the family, maybe having conversations about, you know, the folks, your-your friends that are currently in the lifestyle that you were involved with, um, and then sort of what it would look like to go down path B, is that something that you would be open to meeting with me about again? client: I think so, yeah, like the telling my parents and [unintelligible 00:13:45] this to my parents is probably the scariest thing. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: And having to talk to those friends, like right now I don't want to do that. It's- it puts them in a weird place.",Kind of feels like you're climbing Mt. Everest. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I think so, yeah, like the telling my parents and [unintelligible 00:13:45] this to my parents is probably the scariest thing. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: And having to talk to those friends, like right now I don't want to do that. It's- it puts them in a weird place. therapist: Kind of feels like you're climbing Mt. Everest. client: Yeah.",And you don't have equipment. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: And having to talk to those friends, like right now I don't want to do that. It's- it puts them in a weird place. therapist: Kind of feels like you're climbing Mt. Everest. client: Yeah. therapist: And you don't have equipment. client: It feels like I have to lec- I don't wanna have to lecture them and I don't want it to be like a lecture.",You're concerned that they're gonna kind of treat you like a child. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: It feels like I have to lec- I don't wanna have to lecture them and I don't want it to be like a lecture. therapist: You're concerned that they're gonna kind of treat you like a child. client: My parents or my friends? therapist: Oh, oh, you're talking about your friends. client: Yeah, lecture my-- Yeah.",You're wondering if they're gonna kind of be like children and you're gonna be like the parent saying- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: My parents or my friends? therapist: Oh, oh, you're talking about your friends. client: Yeah, lecture my-- Yeah. therapist: You're wondering if they're gonna kind of be like children and you're gonna be like the parent saying- client: Yeah, and I don't wanna be like that.",You just wanna be like peers talking. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, lecture my-- Yeah. therapist: You're wondering if they're gonna kind of be like children and you're gonna be like the parent saying- client: Yeah, and I don't wanna be like that. therapist: You just wanna be like peers talking. client: Yeah.",And you want them to support you. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: And you want them to support you. client: I wanna stay friends with them. I don't want- I don't want them to just- therapist: You don't wanna lose your support group, yeah. You just wanna them to support you in being healthy, while helping them, raising the babe, and so we're just taking path B. You don't wanna lose them, just maybe the lifestyle it sounds like. client: Yeah, like if there's a- if there's a balance between maybe not the paths, but the worlds, if there's a balance between that-",Mm. You kind of wanna have the best of both worlds. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I wanna stay friends with them. I don't want- I don't want them to just- therapist: You don't wanna lose your support group, yeah. You just wanna them to support you in being healthy, while helping them, raising the babe, and so we're just taking path B. You don't wanna lose them, just maybe the lifestyle it sounds like. client: Yeah, like if there's a- if there's a balance between maybe not the paths, but the worlds, if there's a balance between that- therapist: Mm. You kind of wanna have the best of both worlds. client: Yeah.","I want the friends and the relationship that I get from my friends, and at the same time, I don't want the party scene that goes with that." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, like I-I know I just can't cut off my friends altogether. therapist: Well, Nina, you know yourself best, and you know, you know, you know what your world looks like and what those, you know, like, you know the support that your friends give you and the support that you get from your family, you know that. And I-I really just wanna support you in being able to make those choices and have those conversations, and I wanna do whatever I can to support you with that. Um, and I'm just wondering if maybe we can kind of pick this up, um, in a next visit, but before we go there, I'm just wondering, is there some steps that you would be willing to kind of take or consider, uh, with-with regards to your drinking? client: Um yeah, like I'm so close anyways, that I know I need to now. Um, and I just also, like, have I completely screwed this up, like, is it already too late? therapist: You're concerned about the health of your baby. I just would love to share with you, Nina, that every day without alcohol is a good day for your baby, and you know, starting today to have zero alcohol is a great start, and I'm wondering if that's the sort of something you'd be open to as no more alcohol at this point. client: Mm-hmm, I have to do.","Okay, sounds like this is really important to you. You want to make this happen." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm-hmm, I have to do. therapist: Okay, sounds like this is really important to you. You want to make this happen. client: Yeah. therapist: Is there anything that I can support you with before we wrap up as far as giving up alcohol today? client: I don't think so. I think just knowing that it's not too late already is enough kick in the pants to get started.",You kind of got a reality check today. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Hi, Dawn. Nice to meet you. therapist: Nice to meet you, too. Thanks for coming in today. client: Thanks for having me. therapist: Yeah. Tell me a little bit about yourself. client: So I am, um, 28. And I moved out to Arizona about six months ago. Um, I really enjoy spending time with my family and hanging out with friends whenever I can. Work keeps me pretty busy. Um, But I'm really, um, looking to kind of make some changes to my diet and physical activity. I'm not really happy with where my weight's at right now, and, uh, so I thought it'd be good to come and talk with you about some of that stuff.","Yeah, you're feeling a little bit dissatisfied with your health patterns?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Thanks for having me. therapist: Yeah. Tell me a little bit about yourself. client: So I am, um, 28. And I moved out to Arizona about six months ago. Um, I really enjoy spending time with my family and hanging out with friends whenever I can. Work keeps me pretty busy. Um, But I'm really, um, looking to kind of make some changes to my diet and physical activity. I'm not really happy with where my weight's at right now, and, uh, so I thought it'd be good to come and talk with you about some of that stuff. therapist: Yeah, you're feeling a little bit dissatisfied with your health patterns? client: Yeah. Um, I'm really starting to notice how I feel more sluggish and just not-- My mood is shifted a lot too, which at first, I thought was because it's getting colder outside, um, but I do also think it maybe has some relation to my activity, or lack thereof, and also kind of the foods that I'm eating.","Okay, so you're feeling some low energy and you know, in the past, when you've been more active and eating differently, you've had more energy?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. Um, I'm really starting to notice how I feel more sluggish and just not-- My mood is shifted a lot too, which at first, I thought was because it's getting colder outside, um, but I do also think it maybe has some relation to my activity, or lack thereof, and also kind of the foods that I'm eating. therapist: Okay, so you're feeling some low energy and you know, in the past, when you've been more active and eating differently, you've had more energy? client: Right. Yeah. Especially during times when I'm more active is when I noticed the biggest cha-change in energy and mood. therapist: Yeah. Tell me more about that, those previous times that you've been active. client: Yeah. Um, well, I played sports in college, so that kept me pretty busy, and that was really fun, um, and I just think back now to, as much that I would cram into a 24 -hour period, and like, wonder how I did that, but I think that part of it was because I was so active physically, um, I just had way more energy throughout the day, mentally and physically to, um, you know, go to school full-time and-and still socialize with friends and do all that stuff. Um, so when I think back to like, probably like the peak of my life of when I felt my best physically, mentally it was that time.","You had energy, and you were like the Energizer Bunny, just keep going and going and going." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. Um, well, I played sports in college, so that kept me pretty busy, and that was really fun, um, and I just think back now to, as much that I would cram into a 24 -hour period, and like, wonder how I did that, but I think that part of it was because I was so active physically, um, I just had way more energy throughout the day, mentally and physically to, um, you know, go to school full-time and-and still socialize with friends and do all that stuff. Um, so when I think back to like, probably like the peak of my life of when I felt my best physically, mentally it was that time. therapist: You had energy, and you were like the Energizer Bunny, just keep going and going and going. client: Yeah, yeah, exactly. And now it's not so much the same. Um, like when I get home from work, I'm pretty exhausted, uh, it takes a lot for me to want to be physically active when I've spent all day staring at a computer and thinking and working. And so, um, yeah, that's probably been my biggest, uh, issue is like when work ends, going home and not really doing anything. Um, just trying to like unwind by watching Netflix or something else, right? therapist: So your days are just as full now that you're working and a career person, um, and your energy level isn't what it used to be. What-- Do you have any ideas about why that might have shifted? client: Um, well, I think part of it is that when I was in college, it wasn't really an option to go, like, I had to go to practice or I had to do those things because that was, in a sense, my job that was paying for school, um, and now there's not that same commitment to other people or to scholarship money. So that definitely has shifted, um, but I-I do feel like a-an urgency to go it just doesn't seem that like the step that's missing is for me to actually go to a gym or somewhere to be more active. Like, I think I want to it's just the doing it that seems to not happen.","Right. So in the past, it wasn't up to you whether you had the choice to go be physically active. Now it is up to you, and-and you're looking back at the last few years and saying, I wanna do things differently." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, yeah, exactly. And now it's not so much the same. Um, like when I get home from work, I'm pretty exhausted, uh, it takes a lot for me to want to be physically active when I've spent all day staring at a computer and thinking and working. And so, um, yeah, that's probably been my biggest, uh, issue is like when work ends, going home and not really doing anything. Um, just trying to like unwind by watching Netflix or something else, right? therapist: So your days are just as full now that you're working and a career person, um, and your energy level isn't what it used to be. What-- Do you have any ideas about why that might have shifted? client: Um, well, I think part of it is that when I was in college, it wasn't really an option to go, like, I had to go to practice or I had to do those things because that was, in a sense, my job that was paying for school, um, and now there's not that same commitment to other people or to scholarship money. So that definitely has shifted, um, but I-I do feel like a-an urgency to go it just doesn't seem that like the step that's missing is for me to actually go to a gym or somewhere to be more active. Like, I think I want to it's just the doing it that seems to not happen. therapist: Right. So in the past, it wasn't up to you whether you had the choice to go be physically active. Now it is up to you, and-and you're looking back at the last few years and saying, I wanna do things differently. client: Mm-hmm.",I want to be more physically active than I've been. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, well, I think part of it is that when I was in college, it wasn't really an option to go, like, I had to go to practice or I had to do those things because that was, in a sense, my job that was paying for school, um, and now there's not that same commitment to other people or to scholarship money. So that definitely has shifted, um, but I-I do feel like a-an urgency to go it just doesn't seem that like the step that's missing is for me to actually go to a gym or somewhere to be more active. Like, I think I want to it's just the doing it that seems to not happen. therapist: Right. So in the past, it wasn't up to you whether you had the choice to go be physically active. Now it is up to you, and-and you're looking back at the last few years and saying, I wanna do things differently. client: Mm-hmm. therapist: I want to be more physically active than I've been. client: Yeah, yeah, I think so. Um, that's not to say like, I wanna go run a marathon but I do think that it would help me a lot in terms of just having a better outlook on life, um, and better energy to- if I were to pick up some type of activity.",Great. And you've noticed a mood enhancement effect of exercise. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, yeah, I think so. Um, that's not to say like, I wanna go run a marathon but I do think that it would help me a lot in terms of just having a better outlook on life, um, and better energy to- if I were to pick up some type of activity. therapist: Great. And you've noticed a mood enhancement effect of exercise. client: Mm-hmm. therapist: Tell me more about that. What do you notice specifically about your mood on the days you're physically active? client: Just, I'm-I'm just happier and more upbeat and I think that even my outlook is more positive. So like, if I'm sitting in traffic, and I haven't been physically active, I'll probably grumble about it but if I'm sitting in traffic, and I have been, it's like, I just have a different outlook on things and I already feel like I've gotten something accomplished that day. So it just kind of like helps with that ripple effect into my day of like getting more things done.","Yeah, you feel more accomplished and-and you feel less irritated by the small stuff." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm-hmm. therapist: Tell me more about that. What do you notice specifically about your mood on the days you're physically active? client: Just, I'm-I'm just happier and more upbeat and I think that even my outlook is more positive. So like, if I'm sitting in traffic, and I haven't been physically active, I'll probably grumble about it but if I'm sitting in traffic, and I have been, it's like, I just have a different outlook on things and I already feel like I've gotten something accomplished that day. So it just kind of like helps with that ripple effect into my day of like getting more things done. therapist: Yeah, you feel more accomplished and-and you feel less irritated by the small stuff. client: Mm-hmm. Yeah, exactly.","Great. Well, let me see if I've got this all. You came to Arizona six months ago, you're trying to figure out new rhythms and patterns for yourself. You're looking back at the past few years, and in college, you were real active because you were an athlete, and now it's more up to you about making that choice of physical activity, and you're discovering that, um, not being active has affected your energy level and your mood, and that's something you're looking for more of, both of those things, energy and-and a mood booster." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm-hmm. Yeah, exactly. therapist: Great. Well, let me see if I've got this all. You came to Arizona six months ago, you're trying to figure out new rhythms and patterns for yourself. You're looking back at the past few years, and in college, you were real active because you were an athlete, and now it's more up to you about making that choice of physical activity, and you're discovering that, um, not being active has affected your energy level and your mood, and that's something you're looking for more of, both of those things, energy and-and a mood booster. client: Yeah. And then also to, um, like I mentioned, I'm not totally happy with my weight, um, and so hoping too that that would have some impact there and-and maybe help me, um, if my activity kind of gets resolved or improves, then my nutrition also, maybe would go along with it and get better. therapist: Yeah. Tell me more about your weight concerns. When did you start feeling dissatisfied with your body? client: Uh, probably about three, four months ago. Um, yeah, just my clothes started fitting tighter, which wasn't as comfortable, and, um, yeah, just not really super happy with my appearance, which has never really been an issue, um, in my life up until now. I've usually been pretty okay with that, and then in the last three months, I just feel, um, like I've had a lot more of a negative outlook on it.","Mm-hmm. Okay, so it sounds like a sort of a vicious cycle and-and maybe the lacking physical activity has made you feel less confident in yourself. I wonder if that's also a piece of this puzzle since you mentioned that's been a big difference from what was happening in the past." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. And then also to, um, like I mentioned, I'm not totally happy with my weight, um, and so hoping too that that would have some impact there and-and maybe help me, um, if my activity kind of gets resolved or improves, then my nutrition also, maybe would go along with it and get better. therapist: Yeah. Tell me more about your weight concerns. When did you start feeling dissatisfied with your body? client: Uh, probably about three, four months ago. Um, yeah, just my clothes started fitting tighter, which wasn't as comfortable, and, um, yeah, just not really super happy with my appearance, which has never really been an issue, um, in my life up until now. I've usually been pretty okay with that, and then in the last three months, I just feel, um, like I've had a lot more of a negative outlook on it. therapist: Mm-hmm. Okay, so it sounds like a sort of a vicious cycle and-and maybe the lacking physical activity has made you feel less confident in yourself. I wonder if that's also a piece of this puzzle since you mentioned that's been a big difference from what was happening in the past. client: Yeah, I think- I think the activity piece and then also to like, the foods that I'm eating, I don't think are that great. So that also kind of does the same thing, I think, to my appearance or the way that I viewed myself.","Okay. So you had a pretty strong self-confidence, pretty strong body image all the way up until a few months ago and, um, you're hoping to kind of get back to that place where you feel good about yourself." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yes, Dr. Brown is my doctor. therapist: Okay. What is it that's brought you to see me today? client: Well, I've come about my tummy problem. I've got terrible trouble with my stomach and, uh, Dr. Brown just doesn't seem to be able to get to the bottom of it. And I thought perhaps, uh, I'd come and see you to see if you could help. therapist: All right. Okay. Can you tell me a bit more about your tummy problems? client: Um, well, I-I have this terrible discomfort nearly all the time. Um, it very often feels bloated. I, um, uh, I swing between being constipated and having diarrhea. Um, I have sort of cramping feelings sometimes, and other times it stabs. It's a real stabbing feeling. Um, I often have the urge to go to the toilet and, um, and I pass very smelly wind.","All right. So, quite a few symptoms there-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, well, I-I have this terrible discomfort nearly all the time. Um, it very often feels bloated. I, um, uh, I swing between being constipated and having diarrhea. Um, I have sort of cramping feelings sometimes, and other times it stabs. It's a real stabbing feeling. Um, I often have the urge to go to the toilet and, um, and I pass very smelly wind. therapist: All right. So, quite a few symptoms there- client: Mm. therapist: - and some of them sound- client: Yes.",- quite troublesome to you. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yes. therapist: - quite troublesome to you. client: Yes. therapist: Okay. And how long has this been going on? client: Well, I, uh, I've traced it back to a holiday I had in Egypt about four years ago. I had, um, a horrible bout of sickness and diarrhea, and, uh, and I don't think my stomach's ever been really right since then.",Mm-hmm. Okay. Okay. So you think it began about four years ago after this holiday? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Oh, well, different tablets, you know, I don't have the same problem every day- therapist: Right. client: - so I'll take some tablets for certain, uh, symptoms, and- therapist: Right. client: - other tablets for other things.","So, am I- am I right in thinking you perhaps decide on a day-to-day basis-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, but, um, no, I've tried-- Well, you-- I don't think he's tried enough tests because he said after that, that they didn't find anything- therapist: Right. client: -and he-he's-he's just not sent me for anymore. That's it now- therapist: Right. client: - as far as he's concerned. Sent me back to the doctor.",Right. It sounds as though you're-you're not happy with that. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: - there's loads of tests that he could have sent me for. therapist: Right. client: Um, if I had a bit more money, I'd go private. therapist: Right. client: I just don't think he's got to the bottom of it.","Right. So you feel as though actually, enough hasn't been done in the way of-of tests?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, if I had a bit more money, I'd go private. therapist: Right. client: I just don't think he's got to the bottom of it. therapist: Right. So you feel as though actually, enough hasn't been done in the way of-of tests? client: No, he's not. There's loads more he could do. I'm sure.",Right. Okay. It sounds like you-you've had these problems now for about four years. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I just don't think he's got to the bottom of it. therapist: Right. So you feel as though actually, enough hasn't been done in the way of-of tests? client: No, he's not. There's loads more he could do. I'm sure. therapist: Right. Okay. It sounds like you-you've had these problems now for about four years. client: Mm.",You've-you've got a lot of various symptoms in your stomach. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: No, he's not. There's loads more he could do. I'm sure. therapist: Right. Okay. It sounds like you-you've had these problems now for about four years. client: Mm. therapist: You've-you've got a lot of various symptoms in your stomach. client: Mm.","Um, you've tried a lot of tablets. Some prescribed, some herbal remedies-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm. therapist: You've-you've got a lot of various symptoms in your stomach. client: Mm. therapist: Um, you've tried a lot of tablets. Some prescribed, some herbal remedies- client: Mm.","- and you've had some investigations, but you're not entirely happy that-that you haven't been investigated thoroughly enough." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm. therapist: Um, you've tried a lot of tablets. Some prescribed, some herbal remedies- client: Mm. therapist: - and you've had some investigations, but you're not entirely happy that-that you haven't been investigated thoroughly enough. client: Yeah.",Is that- is that about- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm. therapist: - and you've had some investigations, but you're not entirely happy that-that you haven't been investigated thoroughly enough. client: Yeah. therapist: Is that- is that about- client: I'd say so, yes.",- if I got the story right. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, I miss that. therapist: Right. client: I miss the girls. We used to, uh, we used to go out at least once a week. therapist: Right. client: To the pictures or for a drink. That's one thing.",Sounds as though that's something you quite enjoyed. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, then-- Well, my husband and I used to go out for meals. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: That's another thing we don't do anymore now. therapist: Right. client: Um, mm. Yeah, it's quite a few things, really.","Yeah, it does- it does sound as though over the last few years your life has really changed-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: That's another thing we don't do anymore now. therapist: Right. client: Um, mm. Yeah, it's quite a few things, really. therapist: Yeah, it does- it does sound as though over the last few years your life has really changed- client: Mm.",- quite a lot because of these symptoms. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, mm. Yeah, it's quite a few things, really. therapist: Yeah, it does- it does sound as though over the last few years your life has really changed- client: Mm. therapist: - quite a lot because of these symptoms. client: Yes.",It sounds- it sounds like you're doing the review of the things that you used to do. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: - he travels with his job, and he- therapist: Right. client: - can be away a couple of times a month. therapist: Uh-huh. client: Um, and that's not-- It-it's very often not good then, I have to say.",Right. So you notice it's a bit worse when your husband's not around? Okay. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: - and it was- it was too late to operate then. therapist: Right. Right. client: So, you know, when I go to bed at night now, um, I just feel to make sure there's nothing different going on. therapist: Right. client: And, uh, yeah, I worry about that.","So you're- you-you're kind of prodding, having a feel at night?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yes. therapist: Right. client: I just want to make sure there's nothing changing down there, you know? therapist: Right. Okay. client: Mm.","Okay. So just to-to make sure that I've got the-the story straight, you've-you've seen Dr. Brown for a couple of years." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I just want to make sure there's nothing changing down there, you know? therapist: Right. Okay. client: Mm. therapist: Okay. So just to-to make sure that I've got the-the story straight, you've-you've seen Dr. Brown for a couple of years. client: Mm.",You've-you've tried a variety of medications- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm. therapist: Okay. So just to-to make sure that I've got the-the story straight, you've-you've seen Dr. Brown for a couple of years. client: Mm. therapist: You've-you've tried a variety of medications- client: Mm.","- some prescribed, some-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm. therapist: You've-you've tried a variety of medications- client: Mm. therapist: - some prescribed, some- client: Mm.",- from the-the herbal shop. None of them really made a great deal of difference. You've had some investigations- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm. therapist: - some prescribed, some- client: Mm. therapist: - from the-the herbal shop. None of them really made a great deal of difference. You've had some investigations- client: Mm-hmm.","- but you perhaps feel you've not had enough investigations. And at times, you worry that this could be something quite serious like a-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm. therapist: - from the-the herbal shop. None of them really made a great deal of difference. You've had some investigations- client: Mm-hmm. therapist: - but you perhaps feel you've not had enough investigations. And at times, you worry that this could be something quite serious like a- client: Mm.",- a cancer. Is that-- Have I got the- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm-hmm. therapist: - but you perhaps feel you've not had enough investigations. And at times, you worry that this could be something quite serious like a- client: Mm. therapist: - a cancer. Is that-- Have I got the- client: Yes.",- story right? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm. therapist: Sometimes these things can go together. Uh, I guess I'm thinking about how you told me that last year, when your son got married, uh, and you were very busy- client: Mm. therapist: - and quite happy, that somehow your symptoms seemed less. client: Mm.","And, uh, when your husband's away, which is something you don't like very much, sometimes, somehow, your symptoms then will seem greater. So, I guess what I'm wondering, Barbara, is if there might be some kind of a link with you between how you're feeling in your mind, and what's going on in your life, and-and how much your symptoms trouble you. Do you think that's a possibility?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm. therapist: - and quite happy, that somehow your symptoms seemed less. client: Mm. therapist: And, uh, when your husband's away, which is something you don't like very much, sometimes, somehow, your symptoms then will seem greater. So, I guess what I'm wondering, Barbara, is if there might be some kind of a link with you between how you're feeling in your mind, and what's going on in your life, and-and how much your symptoms trouble you. Do you think that's a possibility? client: Well, I can't see that my mind can be causing this amount of pain.","Mm. I'm not saying that the pain's in your mind. Um, I guess what I'm saying is that sometimes the way that we feel, and the way that our lives are going, can impact how we notice our symptoms. Given that we've tried medication for you, and we've tried investigations, and we've drawn a blank really, with those, none of those have really helped you-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: No. therapist: - I guess I'm wondering whether now it would be a good idea to try a different approach to your problems. client: What-what sort of approach? therapist: Well, I guess, thinking a little bit about those other areas of your life, um, uh, I'm thinking about the fact that over the last four years, your life's really changed. It seems to have really shrunk down. client: Mm.",And it sounds as though you're not doing lots of the things that you used to do. That you- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: What-what sort of approach? therapist: Well, I guess, thinking a little bit about those other areas of your life, um, uh, I'm thinking about the fact that over the last four years, your life's really changed. It seems to have really shrunk down. client: Mm. therapist: And it sounds as though you're not doing lots of the things that you used to do. That you- client: No.",- used to get pleasure out of. Is that right? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: No. therapist: - used to get pleasure out of. Is that right? client: Well, I just can't do them. therapist: Yeah. client: I can't- I can't do them anymore.","Yeah. And I guess I wonder-- Uh, it sounds as though you've-you've dropped doing those things because you felt you couldn't do them, but I wonder if, in a funny way, what's happened is the fact that you're not doing those pleasurable things now, has kind of fed into you feeling-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, I just can't do them. therapist: Yeah. client: I can't- I can't do them anymore. therapist: Yeah. And I guess I wonder-- Uh, it sounds as though you've-you've dropped doing those things because you felt you couldn't do them, but I wonder if, in a funny way, what's happened is the fact that you're not doing those pleasurable things now, has kind of fed into you feeling- client: Mm.",- unhappy with the way that-that your life is at the moment. And-and I guess I wonder whether that can then make your symptoms worse for you. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm. therapist: - with your-your female friends once a week, and whether actually doing those sorts of things might generally- client: Mm. therapist: - improve your quality of life. I'm also thinking about the tablets that you're taking. client: Mm-hmm.","And the fact that you-you seem to be taking quite a lot of them, and I'm wondering whether it's worth, though, sitting and looking at them and-and maybe trying to rationalize them a little bit, and really decide which are helping you, which are doing nothing, and which may actually be making some of your symptoms worse, I guess." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Actually, it's been pretty good. I, um, I talked to my mom, which, uh- therapist: Right. client: -which is a big deal. And, uh, she was excellent. Um, I knew she would be. Um, and, uh, I've made an appointment for the, uh, for Stopping Violence and [unintelligible 00:16:15] therapist: Good to know, excellent. client: Um, I've cut down on the drink. I haven't stopped drinking, but, uh-- Yeah, so, uh, it's okay.",Things are looking pretty good. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I'm not sure, I'm thinking about it. therapist: What are you not sure about? client: Well, I'm not sure if I want to live with my auntie and uncle. [chuckles] Um, I think, yeah, I'll probably need to. I think probably living with, uh, with my mate in his flat is probably not that helpful. therapist: Okay. Just sort of interested, when you rang your mom and, um, told her what's happening, how difficult was it to talk about the issue of violence and being violent towards your partner? client: It was terrible. It was really hard. Uh, I think probably the hardest person to talk to about it, my mom. My, um, my old man, um-- Yeah, it was hard.","We-we talked about, uh, last time that this is hard stuff and that, um, we are prepared to kind of do the hard yard. So you've gone away, you've talked to your folks, put it out there about your issue of violence? Um, I'm thinking about, uh, with-with Tristan and the whole alcohol issue there. So it sounds like to me if you've- you've started to put quite a bit of stuff in place." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: Mm-hmm. client: Well. I need to- I need to, uh, to show her that she can trust me. That I'm serious about it. therapist: Yeah. therapist: Hi, Sarah, it's great to meet you. My name is Delwyn, and I'm a counselor here at the clinic. And I heard from your nurse practitioner that you recently had an annual exam in which the topics of smoking and alcohol use came up. Would you mind filling me in a little bit about that? client: Yeah, um, last week I met with my nurse practitioner, and I ge-I guess she's worried with how much I'm smoking and drinking right now. I mean, I-I did agree I would work on the smoking and try to cut back on that. But, as far as the drinking, I-I don't really think I drink that much.","So, you've decided you wanna cut back on your smoking a little bit, but, you're not really concerned about your drinking." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: Yeah. therapist: Hi, Sarah, it's great to meet you. My name is Delwyn, and I'm a counselor here at the clinic. And I heard from your nurse practitioner that you recently had an annual exam in which the topics of smoking and alcohol use came up. Would you mind filling me in a little bit about that? client: Yeah, um, last week I met with my nurse practitioner, and I ge-I guess she's worried with how much I'm smoking and drinking right now. I mean, I-I did agree I would work on the smoking and try to cut back on that. But, as far as the drinking, I-I don't really think I drink that much. therapist: So, you've decided you wanna cut back on your smoking a little bit, but, you're not really concerned about your drinking. client: Right, I mean, I don't drink that much and, honestly, it-it's just a good way to relax.",It's a nice sort of form of stress relief. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, um, last week I met with my nurse practitioner, and I ge-I guess she's worried with how much I'm smoking and drinking right now. I mean, I-I did agree I would work on the smoking and try to cut back on that. But, as far as the drinking, I-I don't really think I drink that much. therapist: So, you've decided you wanna cut back on your smoking a little bit, but, you're not really concerned about your drinking. client: Right, I mean, I don't drink that much and, honestly, it-it's just a good way to relax. therapist: It's a nice sort of form of stress relief. client: Yeah, exactly. You know, it's kind of like that me time at the end of the day.",Sort of escape from your hectic schedule. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Right, I mean, I don't drink that much and, honestly, it-it's just a good way to relax. therapist: It's a nice sort of form of stress relief. client: Yeah, exactly. You know, it's kind of like that me time at the end of the day. therapist: Sort of escape from your hectic schedule. client: Yeah. You know, I have a two-year-old son, and then, I work full-time. And, I also started going back to school. So, you know, just trying to juggle all that stuff. You know, it's tiring, and so, you know, at the end of the day, I just- I wanna relax and enjoy myself.","So, you're working, and then, on top of that, juggling being a single mom and going to school?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, exactly. You know, it's kind of like that me time at the end of the day. therapist: Sort of escape from your hectic schedule. client: Yeah. You know, I have a two-year-old son, and then, I work full-time. And, I also started going back to school. So, you know, just trying to juggle all that stuff. You know, it's tiring, and so, you know, at the end of the day, I just- I wanna relax and enjoy myself. therapist: So, you're working, and then, on top of that, juggling being a single mom and going to school? client: Yeah, and for work, you know, I'm a server. So, I'm on my feet all day, you know, and it's-it's really tiring.",It's pretty exhausting work. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. You know, I have a two-year-old son, and then, I work full-time. And, I also started going back to school. So, you know, just trying to juggle all that stuff. You know, it's tiring, and so, you know, at the end of the day, I just- I wanna relax and enjoy myself. therapist: So, you're working, and then, on top of that, juggling being a single mom and going to school? client: Yeah, and for work, you know, I'm a server. So, I'm on my feet all day, you know, and it's-it's really tiring. therapist: It's pretty exhausting work. client: Yeah, you know, it's hard trying to please customers all day. And then, at the same time, I'm-I'm worrying, am I making enough money to support my son, you know?","So, you're not only doing really tiring work and going to school, but you're also worrying about your finances." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, and for work, you know, I'm a server. So, I'm on my feet all day, you know, and it's-it's really tiring. therapist: It's pretty exhausting work. client: Yeah, you know, it's hard trying to please customers all day. And then, at the same time, I'm-I'm worrying, am I making enough money to support my son, you know? therapist: So, you're not only doing really tiring work and going to school, but you're also worrying about your finances. client: Yeah, and then, you know, with going back to school, you know, I have to figure out how I'm going to pay for everything. So, you know, i-it's just a lot right now.","Yeah, it does. It sounds like a lot that you're trying to deal with, and it makes sense that you feel like you need some kind of break or reward." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Not much. therapist: Okay, will you be interested in hearing about those recommendations? client: Sure. therapist: Okay. Well, so, the recommendation for women is to have no more than three drinks a day, and no more than seven drinks over the course of a week. Yeah, um, and, really, the reason for those recommendations is to just reduce the risk that people have trouble with accidents, or chronic diseases. Like certain types of cancers, or high blood pressure, and then also psychological problems. I don't know what you think about all that? client: I don't know, i-it just surprises me because, I mean, two drinks a day, that-that doesn't seem like a problem or risky, you know. And, I have family members who drink a lot more than that per day, and, it's not a problem for them. So, i-it just surprises me.","It just doesn't seem that abnormal to you, especially when you compare it with your family." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Sure. therapist: Okay. Well, so, the recommendation for women is to have no more than three drinks a day, and no more than seven drinks over the course of a week. Yeah, um, and, really, the reason for those recommendations is to just reduce the risk that people have trouble with accidents, or chronic diseases. Like certain types of cancers, or high blood pressure, and then also psychological problems. I don't know what you think about all that? client: I don't know, i-it just surprises me because, I mean, two drinks a day, that-that doesn't seem like a problem or risky, you know. And, I have family members who drink a lot more than that per day, and, it's not a problem for them. So, i-it just surprises me. therapist: It just doesn't seem that abnormal to you, especially when you compare it with your family. client: No. And then, I don't know, I-I'm just getting kind of annoyed, honestly, because, you know, I did agree I would try to work on my smoking, you know. But, with this whole drinking thing, it's like everything that I enjoy, you know, is being taken away from me right now. And so, if I give up drinking, like, what am I going to have to enjoy myself, you know.","Yeah, you really feel like you need that reward." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: No. And then, I don't know, I-I'm just getting kind of annoyed, honestly, because, you know, I did agree I would try to work on my smoking, you know. But, with this whole drinking thing, it's like everything that I enjoy, you know, is being taken away from me right now. And so, if I give up drinking, like, what am I going to have to enjoy myself, you know. therapist: Yeah, you really feel like you need that reward. client: Yeah, yeah. therapist: And then it also sounds like, um, your drinking has perhaps increased a little bit over time? client: Yeah, I mean, I guess it has. Probably just with being so stressed out every day, you know. I mean, I'm in my second semester of school right now, and so, adding that to everything, uh, it's a lot. And, you know, I'm trying to figure out child carry. Um, normally, my mom will watch my son, but, lately, she can't always. And so, I'm always kind of worrying like, will she be able to, you know. So, i-it's just stressful.","Yeah, and so it sounds like you've noticed that the more stressed you're feeling, the more you're drinking." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, yeah. therapist: And then it also sounds like, um, your drinking has perhaps increased a little bit over time? client: Yeah, I mean, I guess it has. Probably just with being so stressed out every day, you know. I mean, I'm in my second semester of school right now, and so, adding that to everything, uh, it's a lot. And, you know, I'm trying to figure out child carry. Um, normally, my mom will watch my son, but, lately, she can't always. And so, I'm always kind of worrying like, will she be able to, you know. So, i-it's just stressful. therapist: Yeah, and so it sounds like you've noticed that the more stressed you're feeling, the more you're drinking. client: Yeah, I-I guess that's right.","So, let me summarize a little bit what you've told me. It sounds like you have a pretty hectic, stressful life, and you really feel like you need some kind of-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, I mean, I guess it has. Probably just with being so stressed out every day, you know. I mean, I'm in my second semester of school right now, and so, adding that to everything, uh, it's a lot. And, you know, I'm trying to figure out child carry. Um, normally, my mom will watch my son, but, lately, she can't always. And so, I'm always kind of worrying like, will she be able to, you know. So, i-it's just stressful. therapist: Yeah, and so it sounds like you've noticed that the more stressed you're feeling, the more you're drinking. client: Yeah, I-I guess that's right. therapist: So, let me summarize a little bit what you've told me. It sounds like you have a pretty hectic, stressful life, and you really feel like you need some kind of- client: Uh-huh.","-reward or stress relief. Um, and then, on the other hand, you've noticed, um, that your drinking has increased a little bit over time. And also that the more stressed you're fe- you feel, the more you're inclined to drink." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Uh-huh. therapist: -reward or stress relief. Um, and then, on the other hand, you've noticed, um, that your drinking has increased a little bit over time. And also that the more stressed you're fe- you feel, the more you're inclined to drink. client: Yeah. therapist: So, I'm wondering, have you noticed any problems from your drinking? client: No. I guess, you know, the one- the one thing I can think of is, I mean, there will be evenings when I just kind of want to get my son to bed a little earlier, just so that I can have that alone time to unwind, you know, maybe-maybe smoke, have a couple drinks. Um, but, I do feel guilty about that sometimes, because, I should enjoy spending time with my son, but, instead, you know, I'm just wanting to be by myself and relax, you know. So—","So, you've noticed that it's starting to call to you a little bit in the evenings." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: So, I'm wondering, have you noticed any problems from your drinking? client: No. I guess, you know, the one- the one thing I can think of is, I mean, there will be evenings when I just kind of want to get my son to bed a little earlier, just so that I can have that alone time to unwind, you know, maybe-maybe smoke, have a couple drinks. Um, but, I do feel guilty about that sometimes, because, I should enjoy spending time with my son, but, instead, you know, I'm just wanting to be by myself and relax, you know. So— therapist: So, you've noticed that it's starting to call to you a little bit in the evenings. client: Yeah.",And it's perhaps taking you away from things that are more important to you? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: No. I guess, you know, the one- the one thing I can think of is, I mean, there will be evenings when I just kind of want to get my son to bed a little earlier, just so that I can have that alone time to unwind, you know, maybe-maybe smoke, have a couple drinks. Um, but, I do feel guilty about that sometimes, because, I should enjoy spending time with my son, but, instead, you know, I'm just wanting to be by myself and relax, you know. So— therapist: So, you've noticed that it's starting to call to you a little bit in the evenings. client: Yeah. therapist: And it's perhaps taking you away from things that are more important to you? client: Yeah.",And it doesn't feel good? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: And it's perhaps taking you away from things that are more important to you? client: Yeah. therapist: And it doesn't feel good? client: No.","Yeah. And so, it sounds like there's a bit of a dilemma there, because-- And I guess we should be clear, it's not the occasional drink that's an issue. Um, it's-it's really the quantity of drinking, and-and whether your drinking is escalating and interfering with things that are, perhaps, more important." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: And it doesn't feel good? client: No. therapist: Yeah. And so, it sounds like there's a bit of a dilemma there, because-- And I guess we should be clear, it's not the occasional drink that's an issue. Um, it's-it's really the quantity of drinking, and-and whether your drinking is escalating and interfering with things that are, perhaps, more important. client: Yeah.",And you've perhaps never seen it in that light before. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: No. therapist: Yeah. And so, it sounds like there's a bit of a dilemma there, because-- And I guess we should be clear, it's not the occasional drink that's an issue. Um, it's-it's really the quantity of drinking, and-and whether your drinking is escalating and interfering with things that are, perhaps, more important. client: Yeah. therapist: And you've perhaps never seen it in that light before. client: No. And, i-it's just, it's really hard to take in right now. I mean, yeah. I-I've never thought about it like this. And, so, you know, I-I do feel kind of worried.",I-it seems like it-it would be quite a hard pattern to change. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: And you've perhaps never seen it in that light before. client: No. And, i-it's just, it's really hard to take in right now. I mean, yeah. I-I've never thought about it like this. And, so, you know, I-I do feel kind of worried. therapist: I-it seems like it-it would be quite a hard pattern to change. client: Yeah. I mean, i-it's part of my routine right now, and, you know, I-I don't want to sacrifice something I enjoy, but, you know, I'm trying really hard, you know, to be a good mom. I'm-I'm trying to, you know, go-go back to school. I'm trying to work. So, I don't know how I can do all of that if I don't have a way to enjoy myself or relax, you know?","So, it seems like it would be really difficult to change because it's something that's really important to you right now." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: No. And, i-it's just, it's really hard to take in right now. I mean, yeah. I-I've never thought about it like this. And, so, you know, I-I do feel kind of worried. therapist: I-it seems like it-it would be quite a hard pattern to change. client: Yeah. I mean, i-it's part of my routine right now, and, you know, I-I don't want to sacrifice something I enjoy, but, you know, I'm trying really hard, you know, to be a good mom. I'm-I'm trying to, you know, go-go back to school. I'm trying to work. So, I don't know how I can do all of that if I don't have a way to enjoy myself or relax, you know? therapist: So, it seems like it would be really difficult to change because it's something that's really important to you right now. client: Yeah.","But on the other hand, it does sound like there are things that you- that you value that you don't want the drinking to interfere with." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: So, I guess I'm wondering if you've given any thought to other ways in which you could cope with stress without relying on the drinking so much. client: Well, you know, if there was some way that I could relieve some of my stress, I think I would feel better, and, you know, maybe at night, I wouldn't feel like I had to unwind in the same way. therapist: So, if you could somehow tackle some of these stressful issues, um, that could make a difference, and, what-what would that be, for example? client: Um, you know, probably my biggest problem is just childcare. You know, my mom normally watches my son, but she's been kind of backing out lately. And so, I'm worrying, am I going to have to call into work today, am-am I going to have to miss class? You know, so, you know, worrying about that really stresses me out, you know.","So, having more reliable childcare could make a big difference." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, you know, if there was some way that I could relieve some of my stress, I think I would feel better, and, you know, maybe at night, I wouldn't feel like I had to unwind in the same way. therapist: So, if you could somehow tackle some of these stressful issues, um, that could make a difference, and, what-what would that be, for example? client: Um, you know, probably my biggest problem is just childcare. You know, my mom normally watches my son, but she's been kind of backing out lately. And so, I'm worrying, am I going to have to call into work today, am-am I going to have to miss class? You know, so, you know, worrying about that really stresses me out, you know. therapist: So, having more reliable childcare could make a big difference. client: Yeah, definitely.","And it sounds like your mom has been an option in the past, but perhaps not so much anymore." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, you know, probably my biggest problem is just childcare. You know, my mom normally watches my son, but she's been kind of backing out lately. And so, I'm worrying, am I going to have to call into work today, am-am I going to have to miss class? You know, so, you know, worrying about that really stresses me out, you know. therapist: So, having more reliable childcare could make a big difference. client: Yeah, definitely. therapist: And it sounds like your mom has been an option in the past, but perhaps not so much anymore. client: Yeah. I mean, she watches him so much. I think she's just probably getting stressed out too. And, I feel bad because, you know, it's not her son, so i-it shouldn't be her problem, but, I need something that I can rely on better.","So, one thing that could make a big difference is if you could figure out some sort of more reliable, affordable childcare, and that would help you not want to drink as much." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm-hmm. therapist: Anything-anything else? client: Mm-mm therapist: Would you be interested in perhaps thinking about setting a goal with respect to your drinking? client: Well, I mean, I could at least try to going back to one drink a night instead of two.",Okay. Try to cut back a bit and see how that goes. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm-mm therapist: Would you be interested in perhaps thinking about setting a goal with respect to your drinking? client: Well, I mean, I could at least try to going back to one drink a night instead of two. therapist: Okay. Try to cut back a bit and see how that goes. client: Yeah. I mean, I-I don't know how it's going to go, especially with trying to cut back on smoking already, but, I mean, I can try.","Okay. So, you can give it a go and, I think doing managing, you might just learn a little bit about how easy or difficult it's going to be, and-and also what it's like to cope with stress in other ways." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: Okay, great. I look forward to talking next time. client: Okay. Thanks. therapist: Um, so you've talked a bit about like the emphysema. Um, what did the doctors say to you when you were diagnosed? I mean the obvious, right? client: Every time I go-- Excuse me. -to any doctor, you know, you need to quit smoking and—",Mm-hmm. Finger comes out. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Okay. Thanks. therapist: Um, so you've talked a bit about like the emphysema. Um, what did the doctors say to you when you were diagnosed? I mean the obvious, right? client: Every time I go-- Excuse me. -to any doctor, you know, you need to quit smoking and— therapist: Mm-hmm. Finger comes out. client: Uh-huh and I kind of go, let's move on, you know because I've heard the lecture. Um, and I really don't put much credence into what they say. I did have- I did have a neighbor who was smoked for many, many years and, um, she had the Oxygen-- Oxygen tank that she would have to sleep at night with the oxygen on and even that didn't deter me from that smoking. I don't really know. It's like, um, a power greater than myself. This is controlling me like this, you know, the angels on this side, the devil's on the other.",Mm-hmm. And there was a war going on? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Every time I go-- Excuse me. -to any doctor, you know, you need to quit smoking and— therapist: Mm-hmm. Finger comes out. client: Uh-huh and I kind of go, let's move on, you know because I've heard the lecture. Um, and I really don't put much credence into what they say. I did have- I did have a neighbor who was smoked for many, many years and, um, she had the Oxygen-- Oxygen tank that she would have to sleep at night with the oxygen on and even that didn't deter me from that smoking. I don't really know. It's like, um, a power greater than myself. This is controlling me like this, you know, the angels on this side, the devil's on the other. therapist: Mm-hmm. And there was a war going on? client: Mm-hmm, yeah. And common sense somewhere in the middle.","Yeah. Well, and your daughter." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Uh-huh and I kind of go, let's move on, you know because I've heard the lecture. Um, and I really don't put much credence into what they say. I did have- I did have a neighbor who was smoked for many, many years and, um, she had the Oxygen-- Oxygen tank that she would have to sleep at night with the oxygen on and even that didn't deter me from that smoking. I don't really know. It's like, um, a power greater than myself. This is controlling me like this, you know, the angels on this side, the devil's on the other. therapist: Mm-hmm. And there was a war going on? client: Mm-hmm, yeah. And common sense somewhere in the middle. therapist: Yeah. Well, and your daughter. client: Right.","And the social stigma, because you don't want your daughter to think of you like that, whatever that- that as a smoker, you know. You know there're people who make the assumption and it- it sounds like those are more important to you than the medical things, and who cares why it's important?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Right. therapist: And the social stigma, because you don't want your daughter to think of you like that, whatever that- that as a smoker, you know. You know there're people who make the assumption and it- it sounds like those are more important to you than the medical things, and who cares why it's important? client: Right. therapist: It doesn't matter. So what- what ideas do you have about what might be most helpful for you in quitting smoking? client: Well, you know, I was thinking along the lines of meditation. Um, you know, I- I do practice yoga, um, not consistently, but on and off. Um, and when I was in the hospital, I had to do that breathing apparatus and they didn't want to let me go now, like, you know- you know what, I'm not doing that it's already blurry then to this thing, to see the level, um, some pretty obstinate about it and yet I want to do it, you know?","So that was helpful for you that it's a, um, I can't remember. I know what you're trying to get a little ball." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. I mean, I- I, um, I've always liked therapy itself, and I- I've heard, I don't know if it's accurate, but if you have the willingness that is you're ease- more easily hypnotized, I don't know is it true? therapist: Yes, it is true. Yeah. It is. I mean, people don't come walking through the door who are not interested in it, you know? So, um, yeah, so that's-- So you'd be interested in something like that and, um, what- what other ideas have you thought about that would work for you? client: Well, I mean exercise, but really, you know, I have the mindset, you know, like, okay, tomorrow I'm going to get up and I'm going to do this, but I really am not a follow-through type of person with this. therapist: Okay. Okay. client: Because you know I've never been really athletic. I mean, so it's kind of like, I know that when you substitute something for something else, other than chocolate, which is my best friend too, [laughs].",Might become a better friend when you quit. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: It's the same thing. It's Wellbutrin, and when they found out by accident through what we call serendipity that you know what, Viagra. [laughs] That when- when people were on Wellbutrin that they tended to decrease and stop smoking, and, um, there were a couple of different reasons for that. Number one, people tend to get depressed when they quit smoking, because it puts you in such a state of deprivation and, um also-- well, so Wellbutrin really is a good antidepressant for them. therapist: The other thing is its a slight stimulatory effect and when people go off nicotine which is a stimulant the-they tend to get pretty tired overheard-- you know it's the opposite of however the nicotine makes them feel. And the Wellbutrin kind of with stimul-- you know stimulatory enough. [crosstalk] [unintelligible 00:05:56] And I-- the last I've read, and I've not kept real current about it, but I'm wondering about the-- what your thoughts are if any about the-- any of the nicotine replacements like the gum patch, the inhaler. client: Um, you know I'd be-- I've heard a little bit about them, but I mean I do know some people, but they're not exactly reliable, um, as far as you know really having a desire and sticking to it that they smoke on the patch and-and then it causes this you know extreme, you know? Like you're getting double the nicotine or whatever so it's almost like they're getting a buzz from it you know so that's my fear and the cost of the patch because it's not covered you know through your, um, your- your insurance and the Nicorette same thing it's very expensive you know. And I'm not really a gum sure but here I am because— therapist: Chewing gum. client: [laughs] but I mean I'd be interested I wish they'd make it more affordable for people or you know they haven't covered by insurance because you know the risk of it you know that the premiums for insurance- insurance for people who smoke are so high you would think that they would have like, um, what do they call that? Preventive. Um, I wish I never would have started and I'm proud of my daughter you know because I started smoking a little bit earlier than her age, and I'm proud that she is at this point not smoking this manifestation she might pick it up but it's- it's like-",That strong spirit of you got instilled with her. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: [laughs] but I mean I'd be interested I wish they'd make it more affordable for people or you know they haven't covered by insurance because you know the risk of it you know that the premiums for insurance- insurance for people who smoke are so high you would think that they would have like, um, what do they call that? Preventive. Um, I wish I never would have started and I'm proud of my daughter you know because I started smoking a little bit earlier than her age, and I'm proud that she is at this point not smoking this manifestation she might pick it up but it's- it's like- therapist: That strong spirit of you got instilled with her. client: Yeah-yeah, maybe I'm the best example of why she doesn't want to [laughs] you know therapist: Could be? client: Whatever you know and her friends. I think a lot of her friend's parents don't smoke and I'm constantly running like outside to smoke and-and-",It is becoming a pain in the butt Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Whatever you know and her friends. I think a lot of her friend's parents don't smoke and I'm constantly running like outside to smoke and-and- therapist: It is becoming a pain in the butt client: It is. It really is. It's a monkey on my back therapist: Mm-hmm client: And um for me smoking is like a calming effect, you know. And some people it's a stimulant you know and then for me, it's like, I look forward to relaxing on my couch after a long day and then watching my you know news or whatever the heck I'm watching or reading and having my cigarette, um, I'll tell you-",Like it's a little treat. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Right. It's been three months, and I've been doing pretty well. therapist: Good. client: Um, and I met a couple new friends. therapist: Nice. client: So—","So-so, uh, have-- last time we talked, you know, you were kind of cutting the-the ex-boyfriend out. This is because he was your dealer, so--" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Right. therapist: And how is that going for you? client: Right. It's been good. I haven't answered the phone when he's called- therapist: Okay. client: -and a couple of my other friends have tried to call me as well, and I haven't answered the phone. Um, so it's been good for me to just reach out and like, meet a couple of new people, um, in the neigh-neighborhood that I'm living in.","So it sounds like you've made some good changes. The change in your environment, and some of your behaviors, and, uh, and these new friends." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. And, um— therapist: Do you have any idea why that is? client: I do have an idea, I think, why that is. Um, I think that there's been a few things that have happened recently and something that really came to my awareness, when I visited with my family, is that I have consistently through my whole life, probably, put other people first. And I have consistently, uh, almost not even considered myself in the equation. It was, uh, kind of sad in a way, at the time that I realized it. Uh, I didn't realize how severe it actually was, but I was kind of glad that I realized it because I feel like it's never too late to change- therapist: True. client: -and I feel like I can- I can, uh, respect and value myself just as much as I have other people. I know that's important. And I feel like when I do that, I'm a better person for other people as well.",Mm-hmm. By not putting yourself on the back burner so much? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: And I can't be the best- the best me possible. therapist: For someone else? client: Yeah. therapist: For your family? client: For myself or for someone else, either way, yeah.","You think it is so much of a fact that you put yourself on the back burner that you were neglecting yourself, or that you were putting others so much before you that you just didn't even think about yourself?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: For myself or for someone else, either way, yeah. therapist: You think it is so much of a fact that you put yourself on the back burner that you were neglecting yourself, or that you were putting others so much before you that you just didn't even think about yourself? client: I-it's almost-- Like, I think that some people might not even think that I put that first, but in my mind and my emotions, I was carrying concern about what other people think, and I was letting that concern dictate my actions. Instead of letting my own values dictate my actions, I was letting what I thought other people wanted me to do to dictate my actions. therapist: Wow. client: And that's something that I had done for so long, literally since I was a child, that I didn't even know I was doing it.",There's so much of your-- Part of your paradigm? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: Yeah. client: So, that's what I want to do. client: Mm-hmm.And it's the first time in my life I haven't felt guilty for saying that. therapist: The very first time that you can remember? client: I would say so, yeah. I don't know if I've ever said that in front of people and not felt the least twinge of guilt for it. [chuckles]",That's not a selfish thing. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -it's not, it's really not. therapist: Cool, that's great. client: Yeah. therapist: Yeah. And so you felt you came about this change, and-and-and how does it make you feel? client: Well, it makes me feel jubilant. It makes me feel joyful. It makes me feel hopeful. It makes me feel like I count, like I matter. Uh, it makes me feel like I'm going to be able to do what I want to do with more joy and more passion, and less dread and a sense of responsibility, because one of the things that kind of happened along the way I really didn't notice, is that, um-- Like, let's say for example I like being a teacher or I like being a teacher or I like being a counselor to a certain degree but because of all the shoulds and all of the sense of responsibility and all of the caring about what people think, I started to lose joy doing things I actually enjoy doing.",Because you're- felt so obligated. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, it makes me feel jubilant. It makes me feel joyful. It makes me feel hopeful. It makes me feel like I count, like I matter. Uh, it makes me feel like I'm going to be able to do what I want to do with more joy and more passion, and less dread and a sense of responsibility, because one of the things that kind of happened along the way I really didn't notice, is that, um-- Like, let's say for example I like being a teacher or I like being a teacher or I like being a counselor to a certain degree but because of all the shoulds and all of the sense of responsibility and all of the caring about what people think, I started to lose joy doing things I actually enjoy doing. therapist: Because you're- felt so obligated. client: Yes, because it turned into an obligation instead of just really really a sense of like you know passion you know. My passion is gone completely. I don't know I'm just happy to, I feel like I got back in touch with myself. It's like I was like lost for a while and now I'm like back again, yes, now I remember why I wanted to do this or like why this is important to me because it is actually one of my values to be and help, but it just has to be, uh, balanced. therapist: Yeah, is that on your top five also client: No, but um, the other ones I have on there, uh are, number two, inner harmony. For the same reason, like I feel like I need to harmonious within myself before I can be harmonious with other people.",You get peace with yourself? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yes, and then I put family happiness. therapist: That's very good. client: Yes, because I think that when I'm at peace with myself, uh, that automatically contributes to my family happiness. When I am unhappy with myself, I bring my unhappiness to my family. therapist: Sure. client: Uh, yeah, when I don't have self-respect and I am only giving my family a say on who I am and what I should do, I'm angry at them, I quarrel them.",You feel resentful. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I resent them, I really do, when I am in the mode. But when I just say, ""Hey, I'm a person of this family and I deserve this much time and energy and attention and just more than anybody else,"" I don't care, you do what I do I do what I do life goes on [chuckles]. therapist: Right. client: And then I have health and achievement, and to me, this one on achievement says a sense of accomplishment and to me that kind of goes along with what we were talking about earlier like I think I can show up and be a teacher and be a counselor in many different, uh, capacities. I could be your- I could be- I could be a teacher and I could be a really bad teacher. I could still be a teacher you know, I could show up an I could just do a really poor job and I could go home and I probably could keep my job for a while, it wouldn't be the first time right? therapist: Right. client: But I don't feel good about that.",You don't feel fulfilled. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: And then I have health and achievement, and to me, this one on achievement says a sense of accomplishment and to me that kind of goes along with what we were talking about earlier like I think I can show up and be a teacher and be a counselor in many different, uh, capacities. I could be your- I could be- I could be a teacher and I could be a really bad teacher. I could still be a teacher you know, I could show up an I could just do a really poor job and I could go home and I probably could keep my job for a while, it wouldn't be the first time right? therapist: Right. client: But I don't feel good about that. therapist: You don't feel fulfilled. client: No.",Like you've done anything helpful. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: But I don't feel good about that. therapist: You don't feel fulfilled. client: No. therapist: Like you've done anything helpful. client: Right, right.",It's because you showed up and you gave out Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: No. therapist: Like you've done anything helpful. client: Right, right. therapist: It's because you showed up and you gave out client: It's not enough for me to just show up and get my paycheck. That doesn't, I don't feel fulfilled so it-it, that's the way I see it going together with the helping. It's not just about helping to like look good or to exhaust myself or do what I think I should do but to really give something needy, something substantive, something real.",Meaningful. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Right, right. therapist: It's because you showed up and you gave out client: It's not enough for me to just show up and get my paycheck. That doesn't, I don't feel fulfilled so it-it, that's the way I see it going together with the helping. It's not just about helping to like look good or to exhaust myself or do what I think I should do but to really give something needy, something substantive, something real. therapist: Meaningful. client: Yeah, meaningful, even if it's-it's small.","Sometimes it's the small things that really count, too." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: It's not enough for me to just show up and get my paycheck. That doesn't, I don't feel fulfilled so it-it, that's the way I see it going together with the helping. It's not just about helping to like look good or to exhaust myself or do what I think I should do but to really give something needy, something substantive, something real. therapist: Meaningful. client: Yeah, meaningful, even if it's-it's small. therapist: Sometimes it's the small things that really count, too. client: Yeah.","So all of these things put together feel like right now at this point in life, that it is really healthy change for you, like where you are right now." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. Yeah. therapist: That's great and is there anything else on the list you felt like it was coming close to some of the other top five that you had or something similar? client: Well, one of the things about this list that kind of surprised me is almost every time I have done this list, uh, creativity and freedom have been really high up there. And it didn't even make it to my top five. It was in my top 12. therapist: Uh-uh. client: But I think the conclusion that I came to is that I can be more creative and have more freedom if I have inner peace and self-respect. Part of what- part of what binds me, part of what takes my freedom away is when I just explain all over the place and I don't give any attention to myself. Part of what steals my creativity is when I'm- my mind is reeling around in stress and I am not- I can't even hear myself. I can't even hear myself think. How can you be creative if you can't even hear yourself?",All the chattering. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: All the chattering. client: Yeah, exactly, to me the creativity comes from the silence, comes from the quiet. It's literally-- I can just be in silence for even if for a few moments. It's amazing the ideas that come to me so quickly and so easily that would take me hours to figure out if I'm stressing. therapist: Thank you so much for sharing. client: Thank you, thank you for listening. client: I don't know, I'm just having a lot of hard trouble trying to lose the rest of the weight. Um, right now, it's like no matter how much I try to exercise, run, or whatever, it doesn't matter like nothing else is coming off.","Right, so you've hit a plateau in your weight and despite all the things that you're trying to do to increase your activity, it doesn't seem to be working on the scale?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: Thank you so much for sharing. client: Thank you, thank you for listening. client: I don't know, I'm just having a lot of hard trouble trying to lose the rest of the weight. Um, right now, it's like no matter how much I try to exercise, run, or whatever, it doesn't matter like nothing else is coming off. therapist: Right, so you've hit a plateau in your weight and despite all the things that you're trying to do to increase your activity, it doesn't seem to be working on the scale? client: No, and I don't know what I'm doing wrong because I keep trying the exercise but nothing's happening.","Right. So you feel like you're spinning your wheels, you're doing more exercising and it's not showing results on the scale?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I don't know, I'm just having a lot of hard trouble trying to lose the rest of the weight. Um, right now, it's like no matter how much I try to exercise, run, or whatever, it doesn't matter like nothing else is coming off. therapist: Right, so you've hit a plateau in your weight and despite all the things that you're trying to do to increase your activity, it doesn't seem to be working on the scale? client: No, and I don't know what I'm doing wrong because I keep trying the exercise but nothing's happening. therapist: Right. So you feel like you're spinning your wheels, you're doing more exercising and it's not showing results on the scale? client: Yes.",And you're not feeling so good about that? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: No, and I don't know what I'm doing wrong because I keep trying the exercise but nothing's happening. therapist: Right. So you feel like you're spinning your wheels, you're doing more exercising and it's not showing results on the scale? client: Yes. therapist: And you're not feeling so good about that? client: No, and even when I'm coming home, like, I'll go to the gym and then I'm noticing nothing is happening and I'll come home and I try to talk to my mama about it or even my father, and no one even cares about it. Like no one wants to support in it anyway.","Uh, so you feel like you're doing this all alone?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yes. therapist: And you're not feeling so good about that? client: No, and even when I'm coming home, like, I'll go to the gym and then I'm noticing nothing is happening and I'll come home and I try to talk to my mama about it or even my father, and no one even cares about it. Like no one wants to support in it anyway. therapist: Uh, so you feel like you're doing this all alone? client: Yes.",At home or you think that they'll be supportive but they're not giving- they're not giving you what you need? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: So I— therapist: Tell me about that. client: It's as though by me losing weight, it's like I'm somehow disconnecting from my family, and he thinks that I'm trying to form myself to fit into like this perfect American picture and I just want to be healthy, I just want to have a good body and he doesn't think of it that way. therapist: Well, thank you, Tanya, for meeting with me today and talking about this. So, there is something I'd like to ask you that we can kind of discuss in our conversation is what's one thing about yourself or something in your life that you'd like to change that maybe you've been feeling kind of ambivalent about? client: Um, well, you know, I have a lot of anxiety, and so there's this test that I have to take. It's a big test and I've kind of been putting it off just 'cause I get very anxious. I don't trust in myself that I'm going to do good at it. Um, and so that's something that's like always on my mind, it's been on my mind for many years and it's like, I gotta just do it. Um, but I always stop myself from doing that because of the anxiety. And I just want to, I don't want to feel that way.","Yeah. This anxiety is this obstacle for you and it sounds like it, then you're just not feeling confident that you could do it and do it successfully to this exam." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: It's as though by me losing weight, it's like I'm somehow disconnecting from my family, and he thinks that I'm trying to form myself to fit into like this perfect American picture and I just want to be healthy, I just want to have a good body and he doesn't think of it that way. therapist: Well, thank you, Tanya, for meeting with me today and talking about this. So, there is something I'd like to ask you that we can kind of discuss in our conversation is what's one thing about yourself or something in your life that you'd like to change that maybe you've been feeling kind of ambivalent about? client: Um, well, you know, I have a lot of anxiety, and so there's this test that I have to take. It's a big test and I've kind of been putting it off just 'cause I get very anxious. I don't trust in myself that I'm going to do good at it. Um, and so that's something that's like always on my mind, it's been on my mind for many years and it's like, I gotta just do it. Um, but I always stop myself from doing that because of the anxiety. And I just want to, I don't want to feel that way. therapist: Yeah. This anxiety is this obstacle for you and it sounds like it, then you're just not feeling confident that you could do it and do it successfully to this exam. client: Yeah.","And so, it's easier for you to just not do it." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Exactly. So, I just avoid it and put it off. therapist: Yeah. So, on a scale from 1 to 10, 1 being not confident at all, 10 being very confident. How confident are you that you feel you can manage your anxiety in regards to taking this exam? client: Um, maybe like a four or five. therapist: Okay. So, four or five. How combat, like, not like a two or three. client: I mean, because I-I have it set up after like so many years, so I still have a ton of anxiety about it, but I think I'm like kind of making it, maybe that first step. And so that's why I would rate it as like a four or five because I'm making that first step, but it's still scary for me.","Yeah. Yeah, and you also mentioned that you've actually made the appointment that you have to take this exam." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, maybe like a four or five. therapist: Okay. So, four or five. How combat, like, not like a two or three. client: I mean, because I-I have it set up after like so many years, so I still have a ton of anxiety about it, but I think I'm like kind of making it, maybe that first step. And so that's why I would rate it as like a four or five because I'm making that first step, but it's still scary for me. therapist: Yeah. Yeah, and you also mentioned that you've actually made the appointment that you have to take this exam. client: Yeah.",And before you've been putting it off. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I mean, because I-I have it set up after like so many years, so I still have a ton of anxiety about it, but I think I'm like kind of making it, maybe that first step. And so that's why I would rate it as like a four or five because I'm making that first step, but it's still scary for me. therapist: Yeah. Yeah, and you also mentioned that you've actually made the appointment that you have to take this exam. client: Yeah. therapist: And before you've been putting it off. client: Yes. And I already kind of put it off after s-scheduling it too. So, um, now I'm actually enjoying that because I-I already like changed date and everything. So now it's actually coming.","Okay. So, you've made this appointment before in the past and the anxiety has kind of taken over where you've rescheduled it." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yes. therapist: And this time, it seems like it's a little bit different this time. How come this time you feel like you might not reschedule this time around? client: Um, well I think it's this kind of long time coming. I just need to do it and then I can figure out, if I don't pass, I have to wait three more months to do it. And then I just study for the next three months. And if I do, then I can have that weight lifted off my shoulders cause it's been all a lot of weight on me and I think about it every single day. And I'm just sick of thinking about it. therapist: So that's really encouraging you thinking about how good you'll feel afterwards once it's done and taken. client: Yeah. But then I do worry, you know, that negative talk that, you know, when you have anxiety. So then I worry about if I don't pass it, you know, like people are going to ask me how I did and if I don't pass it I'm gonna have to tell them, it's embarrassing for me. Um, so that makes me really anxious.",Yeah. You kind of want to avoid that. Yeah. Have those other feelings that could come up and if you don't have. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: I'd love to hear from you. When was the time in the past that you were feeling anxious about something and you actually did it and it turned out well? client: Uh, I would say maybe like four or five years ago, um, I had to do a recording for work and I did not want to do it. I was trying to find every way that I can get out of during this recording. And, um, and then I played my recording and because of the way sometimes I carry myself, like not confident and very anxious, um, I think other people don't always believe in me. client: And so, um, when I played the recording, it actually ended up being one of the best recordings and like my supervisor and our national consultant, they were very like shocked about it because it because of just was the way I carried myself. So I thought, I don't really like compliments that makes me, um, anxious too again people compliment me, but it was a nice feeling because I really didn't trust in myself. And to know that I did a good job. therapist: Yeah. client: Um, it made me feel good.","So, in that experience, it really built up your self-confidence and it almost not only changed the way you saw yourself, but maybe how other people saw you and you really, you liked that feeling." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: Um, how do you think you could relate that to what you're dealing with now? client: I mean, I think again, like all that anxiety, the same anxiety I had with that I have with those tests. And so, um, but that if I pass this test, if I could have that same feeling that I had, like when I did a good job like the-- you know, I mean, I would like to have that feeling again. therapist: Mm-hmm client: You know.",So for you to create opportunities to create those moments that you can have that feeling again Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, considering this test is coming on the way in a few days, um, I think, for me and just like practicing and just really seeing how I do and if I do well, then I think my confidence might go up a little bit. therapist: Mm-hmm client: And maybe just having that faith in myself that, you know, that I can do it instead of just thinking that I can't. therapist: So that positive self-talk could really go a long way for you? client: Yeah. Mm-hmm.","So to summarize, it sounds like you are still feeling kind of anxious about this test coming up, you've rescheduled it, um, over the past couple years. Yet, this time around, you seem more confident to just get it done. And you've even mentioned times in the past where you were feeling anxious and you were successful about it and that you felt proud about yourself. And you liked the way it means, you see yourself and how others saw you, and it seems like y-you're ready to finish this exam and-and remind yourself that you can be successful?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: Okay. Well, thank you, Tanya. client: Thank you. therapist: Mm-hmm. therapist: Hi, Mary, how was your day? client: Fine. Where do you want me to sign?","Well, you can sign right there. Seems like you're not in the mood to talk today." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Not really. therapist: Okay. You know it seems like you had uh, a day at school. I noticed that uh, you missed your first hour of class today as well. client: Yeah, whatever. I just, yeah. therapist: It seems like that doesn't-isn't really a concern for you at this time? client: It's just like the same thing every day like, I don't really know why. Like um, so I signed your paper, why are asking me all these questions?","So you're kind of wondering what the point of these visits are, me coming to your house." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yup. therapist: Okay. Would it be okay with you if I kind of explained again kind of what this program is about? client: I guess so. therapist: You know that I will be stopping by every day just to make sure that you're here and following and-and responding to your GPS and making sure that that's charged up every day and that, um, if you're leaving the house without permission, that we will be aware of that as well. Um, and kinda just to get to know you as well when I come for these visits 'cause, um, you know that's kind of my role as your caseworker is just to-to monitor your day-to-day stuff. client: So you just wanna know my business?",It does kinda come off as nosy at times I'm sure. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm-hmm. therapist: I know uh, some clients have struggled with understanding that I really do care about you. And you know that when we first met that you had expressed a goal of, um, getting off this program as quickly as possible. client: Mm-hmm. therapist: So I know just kinda being here when you need to be here is one way of doing that. client: Mm-hmm.",Yet you still can seem kind of annoyed that this is something that we still have to do. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm-hmm. therapist: Yet you still can seem kind of annoyed that this is something that we still have to do. client: Yeah. I mean I guess I'll be here if I have to be but I can't make any promises that I won't leave. therapist: So you're still kinda concerned that you're not quite sure if you will be able to do this successfully? client: No, 'cause this just kinda feels like why do you need to know my business? Why do you care?","Um, and-and I'm sure that does seem kind of confusing too 'cause I'm sure you've got a lot of other people involved in your life right now with the courts I'm sure, I know that your mom is concerned about you as well and there's this one other person kinda checking in on you as well." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. I mean I guess I'll be here if I have to be but I can't make any promises that I won't leave. therapist: So you're still kinda concerned that you're not quite sure if you will be able to do this successfully? client: No, 'cause this just kinda feels like why do you need to know my business? Why do you care? therapist: Um, and-and I'm sure that does seem kind of confusing too 'cause I'm sure you've got a lot of other people involved in your life right now with the courts I'm sure, I know that your mom is concerned about you as well and there's this one other person kinda checking in on you as well. client: Mm-hmm.",I'm sure it's pretty overwhelming. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm-hmm. therapist: I'm sure it's pretty overwhelming. client: It's just like a lot. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: And you feel like there's all these rules.",Yeah. And there is and I'm sure that it is really struggling at times too. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Probably since last October. therapist: So, for about six months. I'm curious. What do you like about drinking alcohol? client: What do I like about it? therapist: Yeah. client: Um, I don't know. It's just fun to drink with my friends, like when we're at a party at someone else's house, and we're drinking with other people that we don't know. It tastes good.","Okay. So, it sounds like you feel relaxed and have fun when you're drinking with friends and you like the taste." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, I could probably drink something else when my friends are drinking, like just coke. therapist: Anything else to make things easier for you? client: I can probably hang out with some of my friends who don't drink or inviting them to parties and having fun 'cause not everyone drinks at parties. therapist: Okay. Is there anybody in your life that you can talk to about this, who give you some support for not drinking? client: Yeah. The-- My friends who don't drink would probably be happy that I'm not drinking either and yes, they'd support me.","Great. So you've come up with some reasons to stop drinking, like having hangovers and throwing up and getting into trouble. And you've developed some strategies to-to try to not drink, like spending more time with friends who don't drink or having non-alcoholic drinks when people around you are drinking alcohol. I think that's a great plan. I'm really proud of you for giving this a try. How about if I have you make an appointment for two months from now and then I'll see you back and we can see how things are going?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Okay. therapist: Hey, Mary, how are you? client: Fine. therapist: Um, I noticed some yelling going on in the house, what's going on? client: It's not really any of your business.",So nothing you want to talk about right now? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Fine. therapist: Um, I noticed some yelling going on in the house, what's going on? client: It's not really any of your business. therapist: So nothing you want to talk about right now? client: Mm-hmm.",My guess is you're probably involved in that. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm-hmm. therapist: My guess is you're probably involved in that. client: Hmm. therapist: Okay, I understand that sometimes if you're feeling angry or upset about something, the last thing you want to do is share with your caseworker at that time, but, um, you know I am here for you, and if there's anything you ever want to talk about or share with me, that is something that I would love to-to here, and I'll just see sit here and listen if that's something that you would find helpful. client: Okay.","Okay. You know what? I-it seems like things have been really a struggle for you lately, and I have noticed that you haven't been in the best mood, so I'm really- I am concerned about you, but again, it's your choice if that's something that you feel like you want to share with me." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -the short ones, the really huggy ones. [chuckles] therapist: Uh-huh. Uh-huh. client: So I actually decided, and I know this wasn't the smartest decision of mine, but I did not wear my insulin pump. therapist: Uh-huh. client: Which was the reason why I didn't want quite to address 'cause I know better. I-",You probably think that I'm going to get on your case about that or something. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yes, I know, I know, I know. therapist: Yeah. client: Like the learning is done but- therapist: Hmm. client: -but yes I guess it's unavoidable that we address it. [laughter]","Yeah and I-- Yeah, you really-- You're already like, you're taking a look at this and sure don't need me like-- Obviously, you don't want to be doing that in the first place, but—" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Like the learning is done but- therapist: Hmm. client: -but yes I guess it's unavoidable that we address it. [laughter] therapist: Yeah and I-- Yeah, you really-- You're already like, you're taking a look at this and sure don't need me like-- Obviously, you don't want to be doing that in the first place, but— client: Yeah.","Yeah, clearly, you made a decision because you didn't want to stand out in some way I'm guessing. So, let's-let's talk more about that. Tell me where would you like to take this?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm-hmm. therapist: Yeah. Yeah. My sense is we'll be able to work pretty well together. That's my, sort of, sense of, uh-- After last time, I thought, you know, ""Here's a young woman who's, you know, got some energy to get things together- client: Mm. therapist: -and, uh--"" So, really, what we'd like to talk about today is-is get a sense of, um-- Let's talk about the things that would be good to work with, um, over the next, you know, nine months together, really. client: Mm-hmm.","So, one of the things that we started to touch on, last time, was this issue of gambling, and, um, you were talking, last time, about how the gambling had, sort of, got you into trouble with your family." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: When I'm feeling uncomfortable? therapist: Yeah, yeah. If you could just say, ""Ken, hi, I am starting to, you know, tune it out here, starting to get uncomfortable,"" that would be really helpful. client: Okay. therapist: Yeah? client: Mm-hmm.","Yeah, thanks for that, okay. So, let's think about the-- It has to do with how you just sorted out the thing around the gambling 'cause last time you were here, you told me that you get a buzz, you know, it seemed like you were gambling a bit more than your girlfriends were aware of, and-and you said you owe one of your friends some money." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -so, you know, I think I'm a bit weird if I just sit-sit at the bar on my own. [chuckles] therapist: Yeah. Yeah, so-so, you fluttered last night with them? client: Yeah. therapist: Yep. Okay, okay. And-and when they stopped fluttering, were you still fluttering or did you stop with them? Where-where were you with— client: Oh, I had to stop halfway 'cause I'd ran out of money. [chuckles]","Okay. Okay. Okay. Yeah, yeah. So, you were saying before that, you know, there was, you know, money you couldn't really afford-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Maybe I wanna have traveled and found the man of my dreams. [chuckles] therapist: Yeah, yeah. client: I don't know. Kids maybe, but- therapist: Okay. client: -I'm not gonna- [sighs] I'm not gonna make a decent mom the way I am, at the moment, am I? So I probably need to get on track at some stage. [chuckles] I'll be pushing 30 and still in debt, at this rate.","Okay, okay. So, it seems like you're-you're, kind of, in a state in your life of considering your next steps." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I don't know. Kids maybe, but- therapist: Okay. client: -I'm not gonna- [sighs] I'm not gonna make a decent mom the way I am, at the moment, am I? So I probably need to get on track at some stage. [chuckles] I'll be pushing 30 and still in debt, at this rate. therapist: Okay, okay. So, it seems like you're-you're, kind of, in a state in your life of considering your next steps. client: Yeah.","Yeah? Yeah. ""Do I continue with the, you know, my little current lifestyle,"" and you are so much the party girl you used to be-- I was speaking to last time-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -I'm not gonna- [sighs] I'm not gonna make a decent mom the way I am, at the moment, am I? So I probably need to get on track at some stage. [chuckles] I'll be pushing 30 and still in debt, at this rate. therapist: Okay, okay. So, it seems like you're-you're, kind of, in a state in your life of considering your next steps. client: Yeah. therapist: Yeah? Yeah. ""Do I continue with the, you know, my little current lifestyle,"" and you are so much the party girl you used to be-- I was speaking to last time- client: [chuckles]","-wasn't that-- Is that right? Yeah? So, ""Do I live a party lifestyle-- party-girl kind of lifestyle, or am I got some other dreams to follow?"" So, they're hard calls to make. And-and it all-- And there are no three ways. We will have to make those calls at some point." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm-hmm. therapist: Yeah, yeah. Something we can- we can do over the next while is-is really get some very concrete things in place to support you to do that. client: Yeah. therapist: Yeah. So what's one thing you can do between now and the next time we meet? client: Find the scissors. [laughs]","Yeah, find the scissors." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Cut out the girls. therapist: Yeah, yeah, yeah. client: Then, um, I don't know if the debts are still gonna be there or not but I-I've gotta find- therapist: Yeah. client: -a way to pay them off and-",Truly. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: So let's talk about how we can organize a-a meeting with them. client: Mm-hmm, that will be good. therapist: Okay. client: Yeah. client: So, uh, I guess the issue is that, um, you know, my doctor seems to think that my-my blood pressure's a little high, but I really don't think that there's a problem. And you know, I eat really well. Um. And, you know, she suggested that, um, I watch my caffeine but really, caffeine is not a problem for me.","Okay. Um, but we were talking a little bit earlier-- earlier in our conversation, you had said that you did feel like it was maybe causing some of your agitation. So it's a little bit of, I'm not sure of what-- Um, so where are we? Did-did you-- do you feel like you do have some agitation out of coffee, or is it just no problem at all?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: So, uh, I guess the issue is that, um, you know, my doctor seems to think that my-my blood pressure's a little high, but I really don't think that there's a problem. And you know, I eat really well. Um. And, you know, she suggested that, um, I watch my caffeine but really, caffeine is not a problem for me. therapist: Okay. Um, but we were talking a little bit earlier-- earlier in our conversation, you had said that you did feel like it was maybe causing some of your agitation. So it's a little bit of, I'm not sure of what-- Um, so where are we? Did-did you-- do you feel like you do have some agitation out of coffee, or is it just no problem at all? client: Well, you know, sometimes it makes me a little jittery and, you know, I have to go to the bathroom more frequently than some of my co-workers, but-- And-and working, um, in the hospital, they don't really look so highly on-on going the bathroom frequently. But you know, it-it keeps me awake, it keeps me aware, it-it makes me more able to like, you know, do my job better. And so I really don't see that it's a-it's a real issue. therapist: Yeah. client: Um, you know, and-and-- I mean, maybe my blood pressure is a little high, but—","Yeah. So let me see if I had this. So y- so you got some positives, the-the awareness, and then you feel kinda on your game?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, you know, sometimes it makes me a little jittery and, you know, I have to go to the bathroom more frequently than some of my co-workers, but-- And-and working, um, in the hospital, they don't really look so highly on-on going the bathroom frequently. But you know, it-it keeps me awake, it keeps me aware, it-it makes me more able to like, you know, do my job better. And so I really don't see that it's a-it's a real issue. therapist: Yeah. client: Um, you know, and-and-- I mean, maybe my blood pressure is a little high, but— therapist: Yeah. So let me see if I had this. So y- so you got some positives, the-the awareness, and then you feel kinda on your game? client: Mm-hmm.","Um, and then there's some negatives with, um, you know, your-your co-workers, um, that they don't, you know-- then your boss may not want you, you know, checking out-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, you know, and-and-- I mean, maybe my blood pressure is a little high, but— therapist: Yeah. So let me see if I had this. So y- so you got some positives, the-the awareness, and then you feel kinda on your game? client: Mm-hmm. therapist: Um, and then there's some negatives with, um, you know, your-your co-workers, um, that they don't, you know-- then your boss may not want you, you know, checking out- client: Right.","-on the hospital floor, you know, for frequently." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Gotta stay on, yeah. therapist: Yeah, yeah, and then the blood pressure thing. Does that sound about right? client: Yeah, yeah. Well, you know, and sometimes, like I said, it does kind of make me a little jittery and, um, I don't know. I-I-I'm not- I'm not as happy and relaxed as I normally am. But you know, I-I really like it, and-and like I said, it makes me more aware of what's going on and-and I'm-- I-I feel like I'm much more observant. therapist: Yeah. How about frequency? Do you feel like you're good on how much coffee you're drinking? client: Yeah. I have about four cups a day.",Okay. Okay. And that feels about right to you? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -I just really like the flavors. therapist: Yeah. client: So I-I definitely don't want to give that up, but— therapist: I gotcha. Okay. client: Uh—",So that one's important. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: And then, of course, you know, working a 12-hour shift, I-I really think that, you know, the afternoon to keep me going until the evening is-is a really good idea too. therapist: Yeah. client: I could probably get up the mid-morning. therapist: I think that's great. client: Yeah, yeah, yeah.",I think so. So you've identified one of the four that might-- you might be willing to-to try- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: Good. client: I think I could do that. therapist: Tell me what you know about the flu shot? client: Uh, well, I know the flu can be pretty bad, but I'm in pretty good health, so I don't really feel like I need it. Uh, it's kind of just more for old people, right?","Mm, um, so you're thinking it's really just for people who are-are vulnerable to illness?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, my grandparents probably wouldn't handle the flu very well- therapist: Mm. client: -and my co-worker is pregnant too. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: So-so, yeah, I guess, I should, uh, get it for their sake.","Okay, so you've got some people in your life who are vulnerable to possible illness, and making this decision to get the flu shot will help protect them." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -and my co-worker is pregnant too. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: So-so, yeah, I guess, I should, uh, get it for their sake. therapist: Okay, so you've got some people in your life who are vulnerable to possible illness, and making this decision to get the flu shot will help protect them. client: Yeah.","Hi, Nick. Thank you for completing the CRAFFT questionnaire. I also appreciate you sharing some information about yourself." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: Hi, Nick. Thank you for completing the CRAFFT questionnaire. I also appreciate you sharing some information about yourself. client: You're welcome. therapist: sI see from the questionnaire, did you have got in trouble while using alcohol? Can you tell me more about that? client: Well, a friend and I would snuck out one night to go to the park, and we got a couple of beers from his house, but the cop came by, and so we threw them in the bushes. He was originally gonna give us a curfew ticket but ended up not to. Luckily, he didn't see the beer.",That must be really scary. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, a friend and I would snuck out one night to go to the park, and we got a couple of beers from his house, but the cop came by, and so we threw them in the bushes. He was originally gonna give us a curfew ticket but ended up not to. Luckily, he didn't see the beer. therapist: That must be really scary. client: Yeah, it was. If my mom would have found out, she would've killed me. therapist: I understand. So tell me, how often do you drink? client: Well, I've only tried drinking once or twice.","I'm gonna make sure I understand. You have tried drinking a couple of times, and you almost got in trouble once. Did I get that right?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, all I really know is that it's not good for you. therapist: Are you surprised what that might be true? client: Yeah, and a couple of my friends drink too. therapist: Well, you might not be drinking that much, and other kids are also trying alcohol. I'd like to share with you the risk of using. Alcohol and drugs could really harm you because your brain is still changing. It also-- you're very high risk for becoming addicted. Alcohol and drugs could also interfere with your role in life and your goals, especially in sports, and it could cause unintended sex. How do you feel about this information? client: I really didn't think about how this would affect me playing sports.","Based on your reason for your visit today, I feel like you really wanted to play soccer, and you have great goals about that." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, and a couple of my friends drink too. therapist: Well, you might not be drinking that much, and other kids are also trying alcohol. I'd like to share with you the risk of using. Alcohol and drugs could really harm you because your brain is still changing. It also-- you're very high risk for becoming addicted. Alcohol and drugs could also interfere with your role in life and your goals, especially in sports, and it could cause unintended sex. How do you feel about this information? client: I really didn't think about how this would affect me playing sports. therapist: Based on your reason for your visit today, I feel like you really wanted to play soccer, and you have great goals about that. client: Yeah, I would like to play soccer in college.",That's a great goal to have for yourself. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I really didn't think about how this would affect me playing sports. therapist: Based on your reason for your visit today, I feel like you really wanted to play soccer, and you have great goals about that. client: Yeah, I would like to play soccer in college. therapist: That's a great goal to have for yourself. client: Yeah, I would also like to get scholarships.",Scholarship will really help you achieving your goals. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, I would also like to get scholarships. therapist: Scholarship will really help you achieving your goals. client: Yeah. therapist: I would like to share with you these materials to show the risk of drinking at younger age. I also wanted to encourage you to think about these risks. What do you think about that? client: Well, I will take a look at it, and I'll definitely read it, and I don't wanna become addicted, and I would like to continue to play sports as long as possible.","It sounds like you're in the right track, looks like you care about your health, and you care about your goals in life. I'm here to answer any questions." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: It sounds like you're in the right track, looks like you care about your health, and you care about your goals in life. I'm here to answer any questions. client: Thanks for all the information. therapist: You're welcome. therapist: Oh, hello Scott. client: Hi.","Um, we were talking a little bit earlier, and you said you wanted to talk about exercising." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, I-I-I-I would feel better. My-- I'd-I'd be able to wear more my clothes. I've been growing around the middle and I'd like to, uh, you know, go back to where I was, you know, get into a 34, 36 waist, you know. therapist: Okay. client: I-I'm more comfortable-- I feel better. I think that's the main thing. therapist: Okay. Yeah, because your-your health really, to me, it's more important than your-your looks. I mean, don't get me wrong, I understand what you're saying, but, you know, it'd be great to get back in those jeans, but— client: Yeah, yeah. It-it-it-- I-I am- I'm not getting any younger than I [unintelligible 00:02:18]","Mm-hmm. Well, I think you know what to do. You've done it before." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, I use new needles every time, I never share. client: Yeah, I use new needles every time, I never share. client: Yeah, I use new needles every time, I never share. client: Yeah, I use new needles every time, I never share. client: Yeah, I use new needles every time, I never share.","Yeah, it sounds like your health is important to you." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, I use new needles every time, I never share. client: Yeah, I use new needles every time, I never share. client: Yeah, I use new needles every time, I never share. client: Yeah, I use new needles every time, I never share. therapist: Yeah, it sounds like your health is important to you.","Yeah, it sounds like your health is important to you." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, I use new needles every time, I never share. client: Yeah, I use new needles every time, I never share. client: Yeah, I use new needles every time, I never share. therapist: Yeah, it sounds like your health is important to you. therapist: Yeah, it sounds like your health is important to you.","Yeah, it sounds like your health is important to you." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, I use new needles every time, I never share. client: Yeah, I use new needles every time, I never share. therapist: Yeah, it sounds like your health is important to you. therapist: Yeah, it sounds like your health is important to you. therapist: Yeah, it sounds like your health is important to you.","Yeah, it sounds like your health is important to you." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, I use new needles every time, I never share. therapist: Yeah, it sounds like your health is important to you. therapist: Yeah, it sounds like your health is important to you. therapist: Yeah, it sounds like your health is important to you. therapist: Yeah, it sounds like your health is important to you.","Yeah, it sounds like your health is important to you." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: Yeah, it sounds like your health is important to you. therapist: Yeah, it sounds like your health is important to you. therapist: Yeah, it sounds like your health is important to you. therapist: Yeah, it sounds like your health is important to you. therapist: Yeah, it sounds like your health is important to you.","Yeah, it sounds like your health is important to you." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: Yeah, it sounds like your health is important to you. therapist: Yeah, it sounds like your health is important to you. therapist: Yeah, it sounds like your health is important to you. therapist: Yeah, it sounds like your health is important to you. therapist: Yeah, it sounds like your health is important to you.","Yeah, it sounds like your health is important to you." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, that's right. client: Yeah, that's right. client: Yeah, that's right. client: Yeah, that's right. client: Yeah, that's right.",And you showed up today to take care of your migraines. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, that's right. client: Yeah, that's right. client: Yeah, that's right. client: Yeah, that's right. therapist: And you showed up today to take care of your migraines.",And you showed up today to take care of your migraines. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, that's right. client: Yeah, that's right. client: Yeah, that's right. therapist: And you showed up today to take care of your migraines. therapist: And you showed up today to take care of your migraines.",And you showed up today to take care of your migraines. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, that's right. client: Yeah, that's right. therapist: And you showed up today to take care of your migraines. therapist: And you showed up today to take care of your migraines. therapist: And you showed up today to take care of your migraines.",And you showed up today to take care of your migraines. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, that's right. therapist: And you showed up today to take care of your migraines. therapist: And you showed up today to take care of your migraines. therapist: And you showed up today to take care of your migraines. therapist: And you showed up today to take care of your migraines.",And you showed up today to take care of your migraines. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: And you showed up today to take care of your migraines. therapist: And you showed up today to take care of your migraines. therapist: And you showed up today to take care of your migraines. therapist: And you showed up today to take care of your migraines. therapist: And you showed up today to take care of your migraines.",And you showed up today to take care of your migraines. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm-hmm, yap. client: Mm-hmm, yap. therapist: So, uh, you wrote on here that you've experienced withdrawal symptoms when you've stopped using in the past, is that right? therapist: So, uh, you wrote on here that you've experienced withdrawal symptoms when you've stopped using in the past, is that right? therapist: So, uh, you wrote on here that you've experienced withdrawal symptoms when you've stopped using in the past, is that right?","So, uh, you wrote on here that you've experienced withdrawal symptoms when you've stopped using in the past, is that right?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: So, uh, you wrote on here that you've experienced withdrawal symptoms when you've stopped using in the past, is that right? therapist: So, uh, you wrote on here that you've experienced withdrawal symptoms when you've stopped using in the past, is that right? therapist: So, uh, you wrote on here that you've experienced withdrawal symptoms when you've stopped using in the past, is that right? therapist: So, uh, you wrote on here that you've experienced withdrawal symptoms when you've stopped using in the past, is that right? therapist: So, uh, you wrote on here that you've experienced withdrawal symptoms when you've stopped using in the past, is that right?","So, uh, you wrote on here that you've experienced withdrawal symptoms when you've stopped using in the past, is that right?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Uh, yeah. I mean, I think everybody who uses at least has some concern of overdosing on some level. Right? Uh, so that's something I'm concerned about is accidentally overdosing. And, uh, yeah, I mean, I don't want to get an infection in my arm, you know, just the usual things. I have a hard time hitting veins sometimes, and I gotta dig around a little bit and I would get worried about, you know, hitting something that I shouldn't or, you know, getting infections. client: Uh, yeah. I mean, I think everybody who uses at least has some concern of overdosing on some level. Right? Uh, so that's something I'm concerned about is accidentally overdosing. And, uh, yeah, I mean, I don't want to get an infection in my arm, you know, just the usual things. I have a hard time hitting veins sometimes, and I gotta dig around a little bit and I would get worried about, you know, hitting something that I shouldn't or, you know, getting infections. client: Uh, yeah. I mean, I think everybody who uses at least has some concern of overdosing on some level. Right? Uh, so that's something I'm concerned about is accidentally overdosing. And, uh, yeah, I mean, I don't want to get an infection in my arm, you know, just the usual things. I have a hard time hitting veins sometimes, and I gotta dig around a little bit and I would get worried about, you know, hitting something that I shouldn't or, you know, getting infections. client: Uh, yeah. I mean, I think everybody who uses at least has some concern of overdosing on some level. Right? Uh, so that's something I'm concerned about is accidentally overdosing. And, uh, yeah, I mean, I don't want to get an infection in my arm, you know, just the usual things. I have a hard time hitting veins sometimes, and I gotta dig around a little bit and I would get worried about, you know, hitting something that I shouldn't or, you know, getting infections. client: Uh, yeah. I mean, I think everybody who uses at least has some concern of overdosing on some level. Right? Uh, so that's something I'm concerned about is accidentally overdosing. And, uh, yeah, I mean, I don't want to get an infection in my arm, you know, just the usual things. I have a hard time hitting veins sometimes, and I gotta dig around a little bit and I would get worried about, you know, hitting something that I shouldn't or, you know, getting infections.","Mm-hmm. So on one hand, using heroin feels like an escape from things you don't want to think about. On the other hand, it puts you at risk for an overdose in infections." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Uh, yeah. I mean, I think everybody who uses at least has some concern of overdosing on some level. Right? Uh, so that's something I'm concerned about is accidentally overdosing. And, uh, yeah, I mean, I don't want to get an infection in my arm, you know, just the usual things. I have a hard time hitting veins sometimes, and I gotta dig around a little bit and I would get worried about, you know, hitting something that I shouldn't or, you know, getting infections. client: Uh, yeah. I mean, I think everybody who uses at least has some concern of overdosing on some level. Right? Uh, so that's something I'm concerned about is accidentally overdosing. And, uh, yeah, I mean, I don't want to get an infection in my arm, you know, just the usual things. I have a hard time hitting veins sometimes, and I gotta dig around a little bit and I would get worried about, you know, hitting something that I shouldn't or, you know, getting infections. client: Uh, yeah. I mean, I think everybody who uses at least has some concern of overdosing on some level. Right? Uh, so that's something I'm concerned about is accidentally overdosing. And, uh, yeah, I mean, I don't want to get an infection in my arm, you know, just the usual things. I have a hard time hitting veins sometimes, and I gotta dig around a little bit and I would get worried about, you know, hitting something that I shouldn't or, you know, getting infections. client: Uh, yeah. I mean, I think everybody who uses at least has some concern of overdosing on some level. Right? Uh, so that's something I'm concerned about is accidentally overdosing. And, uh, yeah, I mean, I don't want to get an infection in my arm, you know, just the usual things. I have a hard time hitting veins sometimes, and I gotta dig around a little bit and I would get worried about, you know, hitting something that I shouldn't or, you know, getting infections. therapist: Mm-hmm. So on one hand, using heroin feels like an escape from things you don't want to think about. On the other hand, it puts you at risk for an overdose in infections.","Mm-hmm. So on one hand, using heroin feels like an escape from things you don't want to think about. On the other hand, it puts you at risk for an overdose in infections." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Uh, yeah. I mean, I think everybody who uses at least has some concern of overdosing on some level. Right? Uh, so that's something I'm concerned about is accidentally overdosing. And, uh, yeah, I mean, I don't want to get an infection in my arm, you know, just the usual things. I have a hard time hitting veins sometimes, and I gotta dig around a little bit and I would get worried about, you know, hitting something that I shouldn't or, you know, getting infections. client: Uh, yeah. I mean, I think everybody who uses at least has some concern of overdosing on some level. Right? Uh, so that's something I'm concerned about is accidentally overdosing. And, uh, yeah, I mean, I don't want to get an infection in my arm, you know, just the usual things. I have a hard time hitting veins sometimes, and I gotta dig around a little bit and I would get worried about, you know, hitting something that I shouldn't or, you know, getting infections. client: Uh, yeah. I mean, I think everybody who uses at least has some concern of overdosing on some level. Right? Uh, so that's something I'm concerned about is accidentally overdosing. And, uh, yeah, I mean, I don't want to get an infection in my arm, you know, just the usual things. I have a hard time hitting veins sometimes, and I gotta dig around a little bit and I would get worried about, you know, hitting something that I shouldn't or, you know, getting infections. therapist: Mm-hmm. So on one hand, using heroin feels like an escape from things you don't want to think about. On the other hand, it puts you at risk for an overdose in infections. therapist: Mm-hmm. So on one hand, using heroin feels like an escape from things you don't want to think about. On the other hand, it puts you at risk for an overdose in infections.","Mm-hmm. So on one hand, using heroin feels like an escape from things you don't want to think about. On the other hand, it puts you at risk for an overdose in infections." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Uh, yeah. I mean, I think everybody who uses at least has some concern of overdosing on some level. Right? Uh, so that's something I'm concerned about is accidentally overdosing. And, uh, yeah, I mean, I don't want to get an infection in my arm, you know, just the usual things. I have a hard time hitting veins sometimes, and I gotta dig around a little bit and I would get worried about, you know, hitting something that I shouldn't or, you know, getting infections. client: Uh, yeah. I mean, I think everybody who uses at least has some concern of overdosing on some level. Right? Uh, so that's something I'm concerned about is accidentally overdosing. And, uh, yeah, I mean, I don't want to get an infection in my arm, you know, just the usual things. I have a hard time hitting veins sometimes, and I gotta dig around a little bit and I would get worried about, you know, hitting something that I shouldn't or, you know, getting infections. therapist: Mm-hmm. So on one hand, using heroin feels like an escape from things you don't want to think about. On the other hand, it puts you at risk for an overdose in infections. therapist: Mm-hmm. So on one hand, using heroin feels like an escape from things you don't want to think about. On the other hand, it puts you at risk for an overdose in infections. therapist: Mm-hmm. So on one hand, using heroin feels like an escape from things you don't want to think about. On the other hand, it puts you at risk for an overdose in infections.","Mm-hmm. So on one hand, using heroin feels like an escape from things you don't want to think about. On the other hand, it puts you at risk for an overdose in infections." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Uh, yeah. I mean, I think everybody who uses at least has some concern of overdosing on some level. Right? Uh, so that's something I'm concerned about is accidentally overdosing. And, uh, yeah, I mean, I don't want to get an infection in my arm, you know, just the usual things. I have a hard time hitting veins sometimes, and I gotta dig around a little bit and I would get worried about, you know, hitting something that I shouldn't or, you know, getting infections. therapist: Mm-hmm. So on one hand, using heroin feels like an escape from things you don't want to think about. On the other hand, it puts you at risk for an overdose in infections. therapist: Mm-hmm. So on one hand, using heroin feels like an escape from things you don't want to think about. On the other hand, it puts you at risk for an overdose in infections. therapist: Mm-hmm. So on one hand, using heroin feels like an escape from things you don't want to think about. On the other hand, it puts you at risk for an overdose in infections. therapist: Mm-hmm. So on one hand, using heroin feels like an escape from things you don't want to think about. On the other hand, it puts you at risk for an overdose in infections.","Mm-hmm. So on one hand, using heroin feels like an escape from things you don't want to think about. On the other hand, it puts you at risk for an overdose in infections." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: Mm-hmm. So on one hand, using heroin feels like an escape from things you don't want to think about. On the other hand, it puts you at risk for an overdose in infections. therapist: Mm-hmm. So on one hand, using heroin feels like an escape from things you don't want to think about. On the other hand, it puts you at risk for an overdose in infections. therapist: Mm-hmm. So on one hand, using heroin feels like an escape from things you don't want to think about. On the other hand, it puts you at risk for an overdose in infections. therapist: Mm-hmm. So on one hand, using heroin feels like an escape from things you don't want to think about. On the other hand, it puts you at risk for an overdose in infections. therapist: Mm-hmm. So on one hand, using heroin feels like an escape from things you don't want to think about. On the other hand, it puts you at risk for an overdose in infections.","Mm-hmm. So on one hand, using heroin feels like an escape from things you don't want to think about. On the other hand, it puts you at risk for an overdose in infections." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: Mm-hmm. So on one hand, using heroin feels like an escape from things you don't want to think about. On the other hand, it puts you at risk for an overdose in infections. therapist: Mm-hmm. So on one hand, using heroin feels like an escape from things you don't want to think about. On the other hand, it puts you at risk for an overdose in infections. therapist: Mm-hmm. So on one hand, using heroin feels like an escape from things you don't want to think about. On the other hand, it puts you at risk for an overdose in infections. therapist: Mm-hmm. So on one hand, using heroin feels like an escape from things you don't want to think about. On the other hand, it puts you at risk for an overdose in infections. therapist: Mm-hmm. So on one hand, using heroin feels like an escape from things you don't want to think about. On the other hand, it puts you at risk for an overdose in infections.","Mm-hmm. So on one hand, using heroin feels like an escape from things you don't want to think about. On the other hand, it puts you at risk for an overdose in infections." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Uh, at home mostly. client: Uh, at home mostly. client: Uh, at home mostly. client: Uh, at home mostly. client: Uh, at home mostly.",In case you see someone overdosing? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Uh, at home mostly. client: Uh, at home mostly. client: Uh, at home mostly. therapist: In case you see someone overdosing? therapist: In case you see someone overdosing?",In case you see someone overdosing? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Uh, at home mostly. therapist: In case you see someone overdosing? therapist: In case you see someone overdosing? therapist: In case you see someone overdosing? therapist: In case you see someone overdosing?",In case you see someone overdosing? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I mean, that's a concern, of course, right? Uh, I'm on the app just in case somebody nearby is OD-ing and I can get pinged. But no, mostly I just keep it in case I overdose, uh, and, uh, I'm realizing now I have it but I haven't told my roommate about it so— client: I mean, that's a concern, of course, right? Uh, I'm on the app just in case somebody nearby is OD-ing and I can get pinged. But no, mostly I just keep it in case I overdose, uh, and, uh, I'm realizing now I have it but I haven't told my roommate about it so— client: I mean, that's a concern, of course, right? Uh, I'm on the app just in case somebody nearby is OD-ing and I can get pinged. But no, mostly I just keep it in case I overdose, uh, and, uh, I'm realizing now I have it but I haven't told my roommate about it so— client: I mean, that's a concern, of course, right? Uh, I'm on the app just in case somebody nearby is OD-ing and I can get pinged. But no, mostly I just keep it in case I overdose, uh, and, uh, I'm realizing now I have it but I haven't told my roommate about it so— client: I mean, that's a concern, of course, right? Uh, I'm on the app just in case somebody nearby is OD-ing and I can get pinged. But no, mostly I just keep it in case I overdose, uh, and, uh, I'm realizing now I have it but I haven't told my roommate about it so—",Your housemate may be willing to give you Narcan if they see you overdosing. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I mean, that's a concern, of course, right? Uh, I'm on the app just in case somebody nearby is OD-ing and I can get pinged. But no, mostly I just keep it in case I overdose, uh, and, uh, I'm realizing now I have it but I haven't told my roommate about it so— client: I mean, that's a concern, of course, right? Uh, I'm on the app just in case somebody nearby is OD-ing and I can get pinged. But no, mostly I just keep it in case I overdose, uh, and, uh, I'm realizing now I have it but I haven't told my roommate about it so— client: I mean, that's a concern, of course, right? Uh, I'm on the app just in case somebody nearby is OD-ing and I can get pinged. But no, mostly I just keep it in case I overdose, uh, and, uh, I'm realizing now I have it but I haven't told my roommate about it so— client: I mean, that's a concern, of course, right? Uh, I'm on the app just in case somebody nearby is OD-ing and I can get pinged. But no, mostly I just keep it in case I overdose, uh, and, uh, I'm realizing now I have it but I haven't told my roommate about it so— therapist: Your housemate may be willing to give you Narcan if they see you overdosing.",Your housemate may be willing to give you Narcan if they see you overdosing. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I mean, that's a concern, of course, right? Uh, I'm on the app just in case somebody nearby is OD-ing and I can get pinged. But no, mostly I just keep it in case I overdose, uh, and, uh, I'm realizing now I have it but I haven't told my roommate about it so— client: I mean, that's a concern, of course, right? Uh, I'm on the app just in case somebody nearby is OD-ing and I can get pinged. But no, mostly I just keep it in case I overdose, uh, and, uh, I'm realizing now I have it but I haven't told my roommate about it so— client: I mean, that's a concern, of course, right? Uh, I'm on the app just in case somebody nearby is OD-ing and I can get pinged. But no, mostly I just keep it in case I overdose, uh, and, uh, I'm realizing now I have it but I haven't told my roommate about it so— therapist: Your housemate may be willing to give you Narcan if they see you overdosing. therapist: Your housemate may be willing to give you Narcan if they see you overdosing.",Your housemate may be willing to give you Narcan if they see you overdosing. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I mean, that's a concern, of course, right? Uh, I'm on the app just in case somebody nearby is OD-ing and I can get pinged. But no, mostly I just keep it in case I overdose, uh, and, uh, I'm realizing now I have it but I haven't told my roommate about it so— client: I mean, that's a concern, of course, right? Uh, I'm on the app just in case somebody nearby is OD-ing and I can get pinged. But no, mostly I just keep it in case I overdose, uh, and, uh, I'm realizing now I have it but I haven't told my roommate about it so— therapist: Your housemate may be willing to give you Narcan if they see you overdosing. therapist: Your housemate may be willing to give you Narcan if they see you overdosing. therapist: Your housemate may be willing to give you Narcan if they see you overdosing.",Your housemate may be willing to give you Narcan if they see you overdosing. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I mean, that's a concern, of course, right? Uh, I'm on the app just in case somebody nearby is OD-ing and I can get pinged. But no, mostly I just keep it in case I overdose, uh, and, uh, I'm realizing now I have it but I haven't told my roommate about it so— therapist: Your housemate may be willing to give you Narcan if they see you overdosing. therapist: Your housemate may be willing to give you Narcan if they see you overdosing. therapist: Your housemate may be willing to give you Narcan if they see you overdosing. therapist: Your housemate may be willing to give you Narcan if they see you overdosing.",Your housemate may be willing to give you Narcan if they see you overdosing. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: Your housemate may be willing to give you Narcan if they see you overdosing. therapist: Your housemate may be willing to give you Narcan if they see you overdosing. therapist: Your housemate may be willing to give you Narcan if they see you overdosing. therapist: Your housemate may be willing to give you Narcan if they see you overdosing. therapist: Your housemate may be willing to give you Narcan if they see you overdosing.",Your housemate may be willing to give you Narcan if they see you overdosing. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: Your housemate may be willing to give you Narcan if they see you overdosing. therapist: Your housemate may be willing to give you Narcan if they see you overdosing. therapist: Your housemate may be willing to give you Narcan if they see you overdosing. therapist: Your housemate may be willing to give you Narcan if they see you overdosing. therapist: Your housemate may be willing to give you Narcan if they see you overdosing.",Your housemate may be willing to give you Narcan if they see you overdosing. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Okay. client: Okay. client: Okay. client: Okay. client: Okay.",So it sounds like you have two goals right now. You want to tell your housemate about where you keep the Narcan in case you overdose and you want some information on how to inject safely? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Okay. client: Okay. client: Okay. client: Okay. therapist: So it sounds like you have two goals right now. You want to tell your housemate about where you keep the Narcan in case you overdose and you want some information on how to inject safely?",So it sounds like you have two goals right now. You want to tell your housemate about where you keep the Narcan in case you overdose and you want some information on how to inject safely? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Okay. client: Okay. client: Okay. therapist: So it sounds like you have two goals right now. You want to tell your housemate about where you keep the Narcan in case you overdose and you want some information on how to inject safely? therapist: So it sounds like you have two goals right now. You want to tell your housemate about where you keep the Narcan in case you overdose and you want some information on how to inject safely?",So it sounds like you have two goals right now. You want to tell your housemate about where you keep the Narcan in case you overdose and you want some information on how to inject safely? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Okay. therapist: So it sounds like you have two goals right now. You want to tell your housemate about where you keep the Narcan in case you overdose and you want some information on how to inject safely? therapist: So it sounds like you have two goals right now. You want to tell your housemate about where you keep the Narcan in case you overdose and you want some information on how to inject safely? therapist: So it sounds like you have two goals right now. You want to tell your housemate about where you keep the Narcan in case you overdose and you want some information on how to inject safely? therapist: So it sounds like you have two goals right now. You want to tell your housemate about where you keep the Narcan in case you overdose and you want some information on how to inject safely?",So it sounds like you have two goals right now. You want to tell your housemate about where you keep the Narcan in case you overdose and you want some information on how to inject safely? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: So it sounds like you have two goals right now. You want to tell your housemate about where you keep the Narcan in case you overdose and you want some information on how to inject safely? therapist: So it sounds like you have two goals right now. You want to tell your housemate about where you keep the Narcan in case you overdose and you want some information on how to inject safely? therapist: So it sounds like you have two goals right now. You want to tell your housemate about where you keep the Narcan in case you overdose and you want some information on how to inject safely? therapist: So it sounds like you have two goals right now. You want to tell your housemate about where you keep the Narcan in case you overdose and you want some information on how to inject safely? therapist: So it sounds like you have two goals right now. You want to tell your housemate about where you keep the Narcan in case you overdose and you want some information on how to inject safely?",So it sounds like you have two goals right now. You want to tell your housemate about where you keep the Narcan in case you overdose and you want some information on how to inject safely? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: So it sounds like you have two goals right now. You want to tell your housemate about where you keep the Narcan in case you overdose and you want some information on how to inject safely? therapist: So it sounds like you have two goals right now. You want to tell your housemate about where you keep the Narcan in case you overdose and you want some information on how to inject safely? therapist: So it sounds like you have two goals right now. You want to tell your housemate about where you keep the Narcan in case you overdose and you want some information on how to inject safely? therapist: So it sounds like you have two goals right now. You want to tell your housemate about where you keep the Narcan in case you overdose and you want some information on how to inject safely? therapist: So it sounds like you have two goals right now. You want to tell your housemate about where you keep the Narcan in case you overdose and you want some information on how to inject safely?",So it sounds like you have two goals right now. You want to tell your housemate about where you keep the Narcan in case you overdose and you want some information on how to inject safely? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: Hi, Mrs. Smith. I'm Denise. I'm the social worker here at the clinic work that's working with Dr. Fields and the rest of the team. And, um, I know you were here to see Dr. Fields today, and I-I just wanted to let you know, I usually work with people who are similar to- have situations similar to you, and that have gone back home from rehab. And, uh, so I'd like to find out a little bit if you would, if that's okay, about how it's been going since you got home. therapist: Hi, Mrs. Smith. I'm Denise. I'm the social worker here at the clinic work that's working with Dr. Fields and the rest of the team. And, um, I know you were here to see Dr. Fields today, and I-I just wanted to let you know, I usually work with people who are similar to- have situations similar to you, and that have gone back home from rehab. And, uh, so I'd like to find out a little bit if you would, if that's okay, about how it's been going since you got home. therapist: Hi, Mrs. Smith. I'm Denise. I'm the social worker here at the clinic work that's working with Dr. Fields and the rest of the team. And, um, I know you were here to see Dr. Fields today, and I-I just wanted to let you know, I usually work with people who are similar to- have situations similar to you, and that have gone back home from rehab. And, uh, so I'd like to find out a little bit if you would, if that's okay, about how it's been going since you got home. therapist: Hi, Mrs. Smith. I'm Denise. I'm the social worker here at the clinic work that's working with Dr. Fields and the rest of the team. And, um, I know you were here to see Dr. Fields today, and I-I just wanted to let you know, I usually work with people who are similar to- have situations similar to you, and that have gone back home from rehab. And, uh, so I'd like to find out a little bit if you would, if that's okay, about how it's been going since you got home. therapist: Hi, Mrs. Smith. I'm Denise. I'm the social worker here at the clinic work that's working with Dr. Fields and the rest of the team. And, um, I know you were here to see Dr. Fields today, and I-I just wanted to let you know, I usually work with people who are similar to- have situations similar to you, and that have gone back home from rehab. And, uh, so I'd like to find out a little bit if you would, if that's okay, about how it's been going since you got home.","Hi, Mrs. Smith. I'm Denise. I'm the social worker here at the clinic work that's working with Dr. Fields and the rest of the team. And, um, I know you were here to see Dr. Fields today, and I-I just wanted to let you know, I usually work with people who are similar to- have situations similar to you, and that have gone back home from rehab. And, uh, so I'd like to find out a little bit if you would, if that's okay, about how it's been going since you got home." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. And my garden is coming along, and my neighbors have stuff-- It's-it's good. It's good to be home. client: Yeah. And my garden is coming along, and my neighbors have stuff-- It's-it's good. It's good to be home. client: Yeah. And my garden is coming along, and my neighbors have stuff-- It's-it's good. It's good to be home. client: Yeah. And my garden is coming along, and my neighbors have stuff-- It's-it's good. It's good to be home. client: Yeah. And my garden is coming along, and my neighbors have stuff-- It's-it's good. It's good to be home.","I know, I-I understand that it was really-- That was your goal. That was a really important thing for you to be able to get home and it sounds like you've been able to really en- enjoy parts of it, and I know you've been going to the- both the physical therapy and the Tai Chi and how's-how's that going?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. And my garden is coming along, and my neighbors have stuff-- It's-it's good. It's good to be home. client: Yeah. And my garden is coming along, and my neighbors have stuff-- It's-it's good. It's good to be home. client: Yeah. And my garden is coming along, and my neighbors have stuff-- It's-it's good. It's good to be home. client: Yeah. And my garden is coming along, and my neighbors have stuff-- It's-it's good. It's good to be home. therapist: I know, I-I understand that it was really-- That was your goal. That was a really important thing for you to be able to get home and it sounds like you've been able to really en- enjoy parts of it, and I know you've been going to the- both the physical therapy and the Tai Chi and how's-how's that going?","I know, I-I understand that it was really-- That was your goal. That was a really important thing for you to be able to get home and it sounds like you've been able to really en- enjoy parts of it, and I know you've been going to the- both the physical therapy and the Tai Chi and how's-how's that going?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. And my garden is coming along, and my neighbors have stuff-- It's-it's good. It's good to be home. client: Yeah. And my garden is coming along, and my neighbors have stuff-- It's-it's good. It's good to be home. client: Yeah. And my garden is coming along, and my neighbors have stuff-- It's-it's good. It's good to be home. therapist: I know, I-I understand that it was really-- That was your goal. That was a really important thing for you to be able to get home and it sounds like you've been able to really en- enjoy parts of it, and I know you've been going to the- both the physical therapy and the Tai Chi and how's-how's that going? therapist: I know, I-I understand that it was really-- That was your goal. That was a really important thing for you to be able to get home and it sounds like you've been able to really en- enjoy parts of it, and I know you've been going to the- both the physical therapy and the Tai Chi and how's-how's that going?","I know, I-I understand that it was really-- That was your goal. That was a really important thing for you to be able to get home and it sounds like you've been able to really en- enjoy parts of it, and I know you've been going to the- both the physical therapy and the Tai Chi and how's-how's that going?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. And my garden is coming along, and my neighbors have stuff-- It's-it's good. It's good to be home. client: Yeah. And my garden is coming along, and my neighbors have stuff-- It's-it's good. It's good to be home. therapist: I know, I-I understand that it was really-- That was your goal. That was a really important thing for you to be able to get home and it sounds like you've been able to really en- enjoy parts of it, and I know you've been going to the- both the physical therapy and the Tai Chi and how's-how's that going? therapist: I know, I-I understand that it was really-- That was your goal. That was a really important thing for you to be able to get home and it sounds like you've been able to really en- enjoy parts of it, and I know you've been going to the- both the physical therapy and the Tai Chi and how's-how's that going? therapist: I know, I-I understand that it was really-- That was your goal. That was a really important thing for you to be able to get home and it sounds like you've been able to really en- enjoy parts of it, and I know you've been going to the- both the physical therapy and the Tai Chi and how's-how's that going?","I know, I-I understand that it was really-- That was your goal. That was a really important thing for you to be able to get home and it sounds like you've been able to really en- enjoy parts of it, and I know you've been going to the- both the physical therapy and the Tai Chi and how's-how's that going?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. And my garden is coming along, and my neighbors have stuff-- It's-it's good. It's good to be home. therapist: I know, I-I understand that it was really-- That was your goal. That was a really important thing for you to be able to get home and it sounds like you've been able to really en- enjoy parts of it, and I know you've been going to the- both the physical therapy and the Tai Chi and how's-how's that going? therapist: I know, I-I understand that it was really-- That was your goal. That was a really important thing for you to be able to get home and it sounds like you've been able to really en- enjoy parts of it, and I know you've been going to the- both the physical therapy and the Tai Chi and how's-how's that going? therapist: I know, I-I understand that it was really-- That was your goal. That was a really important thing for you to be able to get home and it sounds like you've been able to really en- enjoy parts of it, and I know you've been going to the- both the physical therapy and the Tai Chi and how's-how's that going? therapist: I know, I-I understand that it was really-- That was your goal. That was a really important thing for you to be able to get home and it sounds like you've been able to really en- enjoy parts of it, and I know you've been going to the- both the physical therapy and the Tai Chi and how's-how's that going?","I know, I-I understand that it was really-- That was your goal. That was a really important thing for you to be able to get home and it sounds like you've been able to really en- enjoy parts of it, and I know you've been going to the- both the physical therapy and the Tai Chi and how's-how's that going?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: I know, I-I understand that it was really-- That was your goal. That was a really important thing for you to be able to get home and it sounds like you've been able to really en- enjoy parts of it, and I know you've been going to the- both the physical therapy and the Tai Chi and how's-how's that going? therapist: I know, I-I understand that it was really-- That was your goal. That was a really important thing for you to be able to get home and it sounds like you've been able to really en- enjoy parts of it, and I know you've been going to the- both the physical therapy and the Tai Chi and how's-how's that going? therapist: I know, I-I understand that it was really-- That was your goal. That was a really important thing for you to be able to get home and it sounds like you've been able to really en- enjoy parts of it, and I know you've been going to the- both the physical therapy and the Tai Chi and how's-how's that going? therapist: I know, I-I understand that it was really-- That was your goal. That was a really important thing for you to be able to get home and it sounds like you've been able to really en- enjoy parts of it, and I know you've been going to the- both the physical therapy and the Tai Chi and how's-how's that going? therapist: I know, I-I understand that it was really-- That was your goal. That was a really important thing for you to be able to get home and it sounds like you've been able to really en- enjoy parts of it, and I know you've been going to the- both the physical therapy and the Tai Chi and how's-how's that going?","I know, I-I understand that it was really-- That was your goal. That was a really important thing for you to be able to get home and it sounds like you've been able to really en- enjoy parts of it, and I know you've been going to the- both the physical therapy and the Tai Chi and how's-how's that going?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: I know, I-I understand that it was really-- That was your goal. That was a really important thing for you to be able to get home and it sounds like you've been able to really en- enjoy parts of it, and I know you've been going to the- both the physical therapy and the Tai Chi and how's-how's that going? therapist: I know, I-I understand that it was really-- That was your goal. That was a really important thing for you to be able to get home and it sounds like you've been able to really en- enjoy parts of it, and I know you've been going to the- both the physical therapy and the Tai Chi and how's-how's that going? therapist: I know, I-I understand that it was really-- That was your goal. That was a really important thing for you to be able to get home and it sounds like you've been able to really en- enjoy parts of it, and I know you've been going to the- both the physical therapy and the Tai Chi and how's-how's that going? therapist: I know, I-I understand that it was really-- That was your goal. That was a really important thing for you to be able to get home and it sounds like you've been able to really en- enjoy parts of it, and I know you've been going to the- both the physical therapy and the Tai Chi and how's-how's that going? therapist: I know, I-I understand that it was really-- That was your goal. That was a really important thing for you to be able to get home and it sounds like you've been able to really en- enjoy parts of it, and I know you've been going to the- both the physical therapy and the Tai Chi and how's-how's that going?","I know, I-I understand that it was really-- That was your goal. That was a really important thing for you to be able to get home and it sounds like you've been able to really en- enjoy parts of it, and I know you've been going to the- both the physical therapy and the Tai Chi and how's-how's that going?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, um. I-I didn't get- go to physical therapy this week, and the- or Tai Chi, actually. client: Well, um. I-I didn't get- go to physical therapy this week, and the- or Tai Chi, actually. client: Well, um. I-I didn't get- go to physical therapy this week, and the- or Tai Chi, actually. client: Well, um. I-I didn't get- go to physical therapy this week, and the- or Tai Chi, actually. therapist: So, I'm wondering if something happened that that led you not to go. You look a little, um, down.","So, I'm wondering if something happened that that led you not to go. You look a little, um, down." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, um. I-I didn't get- go to physical therapy this week, and the- or Tai Chi, actually. therapist: So, I'm wondering if something happened that that led you not to go. You look a little, um, down. therapist: So, I'm wondering if something happened that that led you not to go. You look a little, um, down. therapist: So, I'm wondering if something happened that that led you not to go. You look a little, um, down. therapist: So, I'm wondering if something happened that that led you not to go. You look a little, um, down.","So, I'm wondering if something happened that that led you not to go. You look a little, um, down." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: So, I'm wondering if something happened that that led you not to go. You look a little, um, down. therapist: So, I'm wondering if something happened that that led you not to go. You look a little, um, down. therapist: So, I'm wondering if something happened that that led you not to go. You look a little, um, down. therapist: So, I'm wondering if something happened that that led you not to go. You look a little, um, down. therapist: So, I'm wondering if something happened that that led you not to go. You look a little, um, down.","So, I'm wondering if something happened that that led you not to go. You look a little, um, down." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. Well, um. Actually, I-I had a little semi fall, I didn't fall down, I didn't fall down completely but I-I did-- I guess I still had the wobblies and I was hoping that the physical therapy and the Tai Chi would be- get me further along than it has, and I-I still don't have the balance. So, I'm thinking that maybe I was pushing too hard, that maybe I should cut back, you know, and kind of not try so hard to-to keep moving like that. client: Yeah. Well, um. Actually, I-I had a little semi fall, I didn't fall down, I didn't fall down completely but I-I did-- I guess I still had the wobblies and I was hoping that the physical therapy and the Tai Chi would be- get me further along than it has, and I-I still don't have the balance. So, I'm thinking that maybe I was pushing too hard, that maybe I should cut back, you know, and kind of not try so hard to-to keep moving like that. client: Yeah. Well, um. Actually, I-I had a little semi fall, I didn't fall down, I didn't fall down completely but I-I did-- I guess I still had the wobblies and I was hoping that the physical therapy and the Tai Chi would be- get me further along than it has, and I-I still don't have the balance. So, I'm thinking that maybe I was pushing too hard, that maybe I should cut back, you know, and kind of not try so hard to-to keep moving like that. client: Yeah. Well, um. Actually, I-I had a little semi fall, I didn't fall down, I didn't fall down completely but I-I did-- I guess I still had the wobblies and I was hoping that the physical therapy and the Tai Chi would be- get me further along than it has, and I-I still don't have the balance. So, I'm thinking that maybe I was pushing too hard, that maybe I should cut back, you know, and kind of not try so hard to-to keep moving like that. client: Yeah. Well, um. Actually, I-I had a little semi fall, I didn't fall down, I didn't fall down completely but I-I did-- I guess I still had the wobblies and I was hoping that the physical therapy and the Tai Chi would be- get me further along than it has, and I-I still don't have the balance. So, I'm thinking that maybe I was pushing too hard, that maybe I should cut back, you know, and kind of not try so hard to-to keep moving like that.",Mm. So you've been working really hard- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. Well, um. Actually, I-I had a little semi fall, I didn't fall down, I didn't fall down completely but I-I did-- I guess I still had the wobblies and I was hoping that the physical therapy and the Tai Chi would be- get me further along than it has, and I-I still don't have the balance. So, I'm thinking that maybe I was pushing too hard, that maybe I should cut back, you know, and kind of not try so hard to-to keep moving like that. client: Yeah. Well, um. Actually, I-I had a little semi fall, I didn't fall down, I didn't fall down completely but I-I did-- I guess I still had the wobblies and I was hoping that the physical therapy and the Tai Chi would be- get me further along than it has, and I-I still don't have the balance. So, I'm thinking that maybe I was pushing too hard, that maybe I should cut back, you know, and kind of not try so hard to-to keep moving like that. client: Yeah. Well, um. Actually, I-I had a little semi fall, I didn't fall down, I didn't fall down completely but I-I did-- I guess I still had the wobblies and I was hoping that the physical therapy and the Tai Chi would be- get me further along than it has, and I-I still don't have the balance. So, I'm thinking that maybe I was pushing too hard, that maybe I should cut back, you know, and kind of not try so hard to-to keep moving like that. client: Yeah. Well, um. Actually, I-I had a little semi fall, I didn't fall down, I didn't fall down completely but I-I did-- I guess I still had the wobblies and I was hoping that the physical therapy and the Tai Chi would be- get me further along than it has, and I-I still don't have the balance. So, I'm thinking that maybe I was pushing too hard, that maybe I should cut back, you know, and kind of not try so hard to-to keep moving like that. therapist: Mm. So you've been working really hard-",Mm. So you've been working really hard- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. Well, um. Actually, I-I had a little semi fall, I didn't fall down, I didn't fall down completely but I-I did-- I guess I still had the wobblies and I was hoping that the physical therapy and the Tai Chi would be- get me further along than it has, and I-I still don't have the balance. So, I'm thinking that maybe I was pushing too hard, that maybe I should cut back, you know, and kind of not try so hard to-to keep moving like that. client: Yeah. Well, um. Actually, I-I had a little semi fall, I didn't fall down, I didn't fall down completely but I-I did-- I guess I still had the wobblies and I was hoping that the physical therapy and the Tai Chi would be- get me further along than it has, and I-I still don't have the balance. So, I'm thinking that maybe I was pushing too hard, that maybe I should cut back, you know, and kind of not try so hard to-to keep moving like that. client: Yeah. Well, um. Actually, I-I had a little semi fall, I didn't fall down, I didn't fall down completely but I-I did-- I guess I still had the wobblies and I was hoping that the physical therapy and the Tai Chi would be- get me further along than it has, and I-I still don't have the balance. So, I'm thinking that maybe I was pushing too hard, that maybe I should cut back, you know, and kind of not try so hard to-to keep moving like that. therapist: Mm. So you've been working really hard- therapist: Mm. So you've been working really hard-",Mm. So you've been working really hard- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. Well, um. Actually, I-I had a little semi fall, I didn't fall down, I didn't fall down completely but I-I did-- I guess I still had the wobblies and I was hoping that the physical therapy and the Tai Chi would be- get me further along than it has, and I-I still don't have the balance. So, I'm thinking that maybe I was pushing too hard, that maybe I should cut back, you know, and kind of not try so hard to-to keep moving like that. client: Yeah. Well, um. Actually, I-I had a little semi fall, I didn't fall down, I didn't fall down completely but I-I did-- I guess I still had the wobblies and I was hoping that the physical therapy and the Tai Chi would be- get me further along than it has, and I-I still don't have the balance. So, I'm thinking that maybe I was pushing too hard, that maybe I should cut back, you know, and kind of not try so hard to-to keep moving like that. therapist: Mm. So you've been working really hard- therapist: Mm. So you've been working really hard- therapist: Mm. So you've been working really hard-",Mm. So you've been working really hard- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. Well, um. Actually, I-I had a little semi fall, I didn't fall down, I didn't fall down completely but I-I did-- I guess I still had the wobblies and I was hoping that the physical therapy and the Tai Chi would be- get me further along than it has, and I-I still don't have the balance. So, I'm thinking that maybe I was pushing too hard, that maybe I should cut back, you know, and kind of not try so hard to-to keep moving like that. therapist: Mm. So you've been working really hard- therapist: Mm. So you've been working really hard- therapist: Mm. So you've been working really hard- therapist: Mm. So you've been working really hard-",Mm. So you've been working really hard- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: Mm. So you've been working really hard- therapist: Mm. So you've been working really hard- therapist: Mm. So you've been working really hard- therapist: Mm. So you've been working really hard- therapist: Mm. So you've been working really hard-",Mm. So you've been working really hard- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: Mm. So you've been working really hard- therapist: Mm. So you've been working really hard- therapist: Mm. So you've been working really hard- therapist: Mm. So you've been working really hard- therapist: Mm. So you've been working really hard-",Mm. So you've been working really hard- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. client: Yeah. client: Yeah. client: Yeah. client: Yeah.","-through this whole thing, you worked really hard to get home." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. client: Yeah. client: Yeah. client: Yeah. therapist: -through this whole thing, you worked really hard to get home.","-through this whole thing, you worked really hard to get home." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. client: Yeah. client: Yeah. therapist: -through this whole thing, you worked really hard to get home. therapist: -through this whole thing, you worked really hard to get home.","-through this whole thing, you worked really hard to get home." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. client: Yeah. therapist: -through this whole thing, you worked really hard to get home. therapist: -through this whole thing, you worked really hard to get home. therapist: -through this whole thing, you worked really hard to get home.","-through this whole thing, you worked really hard to get home." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: -through this whole thing, you worked really hard to get home. therapist: -through this whole thing, you worked really hard to get home. therapist: -through this whole thing, you worked really hard to get home. therapist: -through this whole thing, you worked really hard to get home.","-through this whole thing, you worked really hard to get home." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: -through this whole thing, you worked really hard to get home. therapist: -through this whole thing, you worked really hard to get home. therapist: -through this whole thing, you worked really hard to get home. therapist: -through this whole thing, you worked really hard to get home. therapist: -through this whole thing, you worked really hard to get home.","-through this whole thing, you worked really hard to get home." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: -through this whole thing, you worked really hard to get home. therapist: -through this whole thing, you worked really hard to get home. therapist: -through this whole thing, you worked really hard to get home. therapist: -through this whole thing, you worked really hard to get home. therapist: -through this whole thing, you worked really hard to get home.","-through this whole thing, you worked really hard to get home." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yes. client: Yes. client: Yes. client: Yes. client: Yes.",And you- you've continued to work really hard with both the physical therapy and the Tai Chi and taking care of your house and doing all those things. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yes. client: Yes. client: Yes. client: Yes. therapist: And you- you've continued to work really hard with both the physical therapy and the Tai Chi and taking care of your house and doing all those things.",And you- you've continued to work really hard with both the physical therapy and the Tai Chi and taking care of your house and doing all those things. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yes. client: Yes. client: Yes. therapist: And you- you've continued to work really hard with both the physical therapy and the Tai Chi and taking care of your house and doing all those things. therapist: And you- you've continued to work really hard with both the physical therapy and the Tai Chi and taking care of your house and doing all those things.",And you- you've continued to work really hard with both the physical therapy and the Tai Chi and taking care of your house and doing all those things. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yes. client: Yes. therapist: And you- you've continued to work really hard with both the physical therapy and the Tai Chi and taking care of your house and doing all those things. therapist: And you- you've continued to work really hard with both the physical therapy and the Tai Chi and taking care of your house and doing all those things. therapist: And you- you've continued to work really hard with both the physical therapy and the Tai Chi and taking care of your house and doing all those things.",And you- you've continued to work really hard with both the physical therapy and the Tai Chi and taking care of your house and doing all those things. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yes. therapist: And you- you've continued to work really hard with both the physical therapy and the Tai Chi and taking care of your house and doing all those things. therapist: And you- you've continued to work really hard with both the physical therapy and the Tai Chi and taking care of your house and doing all those things. therapist: And you- you've continued to work really hard with both the physical therapy and the Tai Chi and taking care of your house and doing all those things. therapist: And you- you've continued to work really hard with both the physical therapy and the Tai Chi and taking care of your house and doing all those things.",And you- you've continued to work really hard with both the physical therapy and the Tai Chi and taking care of your house and doing all those things. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: And you- you've continued to work really hard with both the physical therapy and the Tai Chi and taking care of your house and doing all those things. therapist: And you- you've continued to work really hard with both the physical therapy and the Tai Chi and taking care of your house and doing all those things. therapist: And you- you've continued to work really hard with both the physical therapy and the Tai Chi and taking care of your house and doing all those things. therapist: And you- you've continued to work really hard with both the physical therapy and the Tai Chi and taking care of your house and doing all those things. therapist: And you- you've continued to work really hard with both the physical therapy and the Tai Chi and taking care of your house and doing all those things.",And you- you've continued to work really hard with both the physical therapy and the Tai Chi and taking care of your house and doing all those things. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: And you- you've continued to work really hard with both the physical therapy and the Tai Chi and taking care of your house and doing all those things. therapist: And you- you've continued to work really hard with both the physical therapy and the Tai Chi and taking care of your house and doing all those things. therapist: And you- you've continued to work really hard with both the physical therapy and the Tai Chi and taking care of your house and doing all those things. therapist: And you- you've continued to work really hard with both the physical therapy and the Tai Chi and taking care of your house and doing all those things. therapist: And you- you've continued to work really hard with both the physical therapy and the Tai Chi and taking care of your house and doing all those things.",And you- you've continued to work really hard with both the physical therapy and the Tai Chi and taking care of your house and doing all those things. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. client: Yeah. client: Yeah. client: Yeah. client: Yeah.","And you had this fall or semi-fall, and you're feeling like maybe- maybe you were pushing too hard?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. client: Yeah. client: Yeah. therapist: And you had this fall or semi-fall, and you're feeling like maybe- maybe you were pushing too hard? therapist: And you had this fall or semi-fall, and you're feeling like maybe- maybe you were pushing too hard?","And you had this fall or semi-fall, and you're feeling like maybe- maybe you were pushing too hard?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. client: Yeah. therapist: And you had this fall or semi-fall, and you're feeling like maybe- maybe you were pushing too hard? therapist: And you had this fall or semi-fall, and you're feeling like maybe- maybe you were pushing too hard? therapist: And you had this fall or semi-fall, and you're feeling like maybe- maybe you were pushing too hard?","And you had this fall or semi-fall, and you're feeling like maybe- maybe you were pushing too hard?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: And you had this fall or semi-fall, and you're feeling like maybe- maybe you were pushing too hard? therapist: And you had this fall or semi-fall, and you're feeling like maybe- maybe you were pushing too hard? therapist: And you had this fall or semi-fall, and you're feeling like maybe- maybe you were pushing too hard? therapist: And you had this fall or semi-fall, and you're feeling like maybe- maybe you were pushing too hard?","And you had this fall or semi-fall, and you're feeling like maybe- maybe you were pushing too hard?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: And you had this fall or semi-fall, and you're feeling like maybe- maybe you were pushing too hard? therapist: And you had this fall or semi-fall, and you're feeling like maybe- maybe you were pushing too hard? therapist: And you had this fall or semi-fall, and you're feeling like maybe- maybe you were pushing too hard? therapist: And you had this fall or semi-fall, and you're feeling like maybe- maybe you were pushing too hard? therapist: And you had this fall or semi-fall, and you're feeling like maybe- maybe you were pushing too hard?","And you had this fall or semi-fall, and you're feeling like maybe- maybe you were pushing too hard?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: And you had this fall or semi-fall, and you're feeling like maybe- maybe you were pushing too hard? therapist: And you had this fall or semi-fall, and you're feeling like maybe- maybe you were pushing too hard? therapist: And you had this fall or semi-fall, and you're feeling like maybe- maybe you were pushing too hard? therapist: And you had this fall or semi-fall, and you're feeling like maybe- maybe you were pushing too hard? therapist: And you had this fall or semi-fall, and you're feeling like maybe- maybe you were pushing too hard?","And you had this fall or semi-fall, and you're feeling like maybe- maybe you were pushing too hard?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: So I'm-I'm-I cut back, and I-I don't know if I should really even continue the Tai Chi because it's-it's very demanding. client: So I'm-I'm-I cut back, and I-I don't know if I should really even continue the Tai Chi because it's-it's very demanding. client: So I'm-I'm-I cut back, and I-I don't know if I should really even continue the Tai Chi because it's-it's very demanding. client: So I'm-I'm-I cut back, and I-I don't know if I should really even continue the Tai Chi because it's-it's very demanding. client: So I'm-I'm-I cut back, and I-I don't know if I should really even continue the Tai Chi because it's-it's very demanding.","Yeah, yeah. It's a lot of work." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: So I'm-I'm-I cut back, and I-I don't know if I should really even continue the Tai Chi because it's-it's very demanding. client: So I'm-I'm-I cut back, and I-I don't know if I should really even continue the Tai Chi because it's-it's very demanding. client: So I'm-I'm-I cut back, and I-I don't know if I should really even continue the Tai Chi because it's-it's very demanding. client: So I'm-I'm-I cut back, and I-I don't know if I should really even continue the Tai Chi because it's-it's very demanding. therapist: Yeah, yeah. It's a lot of work.","Yeah, yeah. It's a lot of work." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: So I'm-I'm-I cut back, and I-I don't know if I should really even continue the Tai Chi because it's-it's very demanding. client: So I'm-I'm-I cut back, and I-I don't know if I should really even continue the Tai Chi because it's-it's very demanding. client: So I'm-I'm-I cut back, and I-I don't know if I should really even continue the Tai Chi because it's-it's very demanding. therapist: Yeah, yeah. It's a lot of work. therapist: Yeah, yeah. It's a lot of work.","Yeah, yeah. It's a lot of work." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: So I'm-I'm-I cut back, and I-I don't know if I should really even continue the Tai Chi because it's-it's very demanding. therapist: Yeah, yeah. It's a lot of work. therapist: Yeah, yeah. It's a lot of work. therapist: Yeah, yeah. It's a lot of work. therapist: Yeah, yeah. It's a lot of work.","Yeah, yeah. It's a lot of work." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: Yeah, yeah. It's a lot of work. therapist: Yeah, yeah. It's a lot of work. therapist: Yeah, yeah. It's a lot of work. therapist: Yeah, yeah. It's a lot of work. therapist: Yeah, yeah. It's a lot of work.","Yeah, yeah. It's a lot of work." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: Yeah, yeah. It's a lot of work. therapist: Yeah, yeah. It's a lot of work. therapist: Yeah, yeah. It's a lot of work. therapist: Yeah, yeah. It's a lot of work. therapist: Yeah, yeah. It's a lot of work.","Yeah, yeah. It's a lot of work." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I'll really fall and hurt myself, and this way, if I don't move around so much, there's less chance that I will. client: I'll really fall and hurt myself, and this way, if I don't move around so much, there's less chance that I will. client: I'll really fall and hurt myself, and this way, if I don't move around so much, there's less chance that I will. client: I'll really fall and hurt myself, and this way, if I don't move around so much, there's less chance that I will. client: I'll really fall and hurt myself, and this way, if I don't move around so much, there's less chance that I will.","Yeah, yeah, yeah. And- so you don't want to hurt yourself." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I'll really fall and hurt myself, and this way, if I don't move around so much, there's less chance that I will. client: I'll really fall and hurt myself, and this way, if I don't move around so much, there's less chance that I will. client: I'll really fall and hurt myself, and this way, if I don't move around so much, there's less chance that I will. client: I'll really fall and hurt myself, and this way, if I don't move around so much, there's less chance that I will. therapist: Yeah, yeah, yeah. And- so you don't want to hurt yourself.","Yeah, yeah, yeah. And- so you don't want to hurt yourself." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I'll really fall and hurt myself, and this way, if I don't move around so much, there's less chance that I will. client: I'll really fall and hurt myself, and this way, if I don't move around so much, there's less chance that I will. client: I'll really fall and hurt myself, and this way, if I don't move around so much, there's less chance that I will. therapist: Yeah, yeah, yeah. And- so you don't want to hurt yourself. therapist: Yeah, yeah, yeah. And- so you don't want to hurt yourself.","Yeah, yeah, yeah. And- so you don't want to hurt yourself." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I'll really fall and hurt myself, and this way, if I don't move around so much, there's less chance that I will. client: I'll really fall and hurt myself, and this way, if I don't move around so much, there's less chance that I will. therapist: Yeah, yeah, yeah. And- so you don't want to hurt yourself. therapist: Yeah, yeah, yeah. And- so you don't want to hurt yourself. therapist: Yeah, yeah, yeah. And- so you don't want to hurt yourself.","Yeah, yeah, yeah. And- so you don't want to hurt yourself." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I'll really fall and hurt myself, and this way, if I don't move around so much, there's less chance that I will. therapist: Yeah, yeah, yeah. And- so you don't want to hurt yourself. therapist: Yeah, yeah, yeah. And- so you don't want to hurt yourself. therapist: Yeah, yeah, yeah. And- so you don't want to hurt yourself. therapist: Yeah, yeah, yeah. And- so you don't want to hurt yourself.","Yeah, yeah, yeah. And- so you don't want to hurt yourself." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: Yeah, yeah, yeah. And- so you don't want to hurt yourself. therapist: Yeah, yeah, yeah. And- so you don't want to hurt yourself. therapist: Yeah, yeah, yeah. And- so you don't want to hurt yourself. therapist: Yeah, yeah, yeah. And- so you don't want to hurt yourself. therapist: Yeah, yeah, yeah. And- so you don't want to hurt yourself.","Yeah, yeah, yeah. And- so you don't want to hurt yourself." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: Yeah, yeah, yeah. And- so you don't want to hurt yourself. therapist: Yeah, yeah, yeah. And- so you don't want to hurt yourself. therapist: Yeah, yeah, yeah. And- so you don't want to hurt yourself. therapist: Yeah, yeah, yeah. And- so you don't want to hurt yourself. therapist: Yeah, yeah, yeah. And- so you don't want to hurt yourself.","Yeah, yeah, yeah. And- so you don't want to hurt yourself." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: No. client: No. client: No. client: No. client: No.",And what are- what are your concerns about-- It doesn't sound like you-you feel like you hurt yourself in this fall. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: No. client: No. therapist: And what are- what are your concerns about-- It doesn't sound like you-you feel like you hurt yourself in this fall. therapist: And what are- what are your concerns about-- It doesn't sound like you-you feel like you hurt yourself in this fall. therapist: And what are- what are your concerns about-- It doesn't sound like you-you feel like you hurt yourself in this fall.",And what are- what are your concerns about-- It doesn't sound like you-you feel like you hurt yourself in this fall. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: And what are- what are your concerns about-- It doesn't sound like you-you feel like you hurt yourself in this fall. therapist: And what are- what are your concerns about-- It doesn't sound like you-you feel like you hurt yourself in this fall. therapist: And what are- what are your concerns about-- It doesn't sound like you-you feel like you hurt yourself in this fall. therapist: And what are- what are your concerns about-- It doesn't sound like you-you feel like you hurt yourself in this fall. therapist: And what are- what are your concerns about-- It doesn't sound like you-you feel like you hurt yourself in this fall.",And what are- what are your concerns about-- It doesn't sound like you-you feel like you hurt yourself in this fall. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, yeah, if I- if I lose my balance and fall down, I could- anything, you know, really get hurt, and then-then I wouldn't be able to be home anymore, and that's not what I want. I want to stay home. So I want to do what I have to do to-to-to stay home. client: Well, yeah, if I- if I lose my balance and fall down, I could- anything, you know, really get hurt, and then-then I wouldn't be able to be home anymore, and that's not what I want. I want to stay home. So I want to do what I have to do to-to-to stay home. client: Well, yeah, if I- if I lose my balance and fall down, I could- anything, you know, really get hurt, and then-then I wouldn't be able to be home anymore, and that's not what I want. I want to stay home. So I want to do what I have to do to-to-to stay home. client: Well, yeah, if I- if I lose my balance and fall down, I could- anything, you know, really get hurt, and then-then I wouldn't be able to be home anymore, and that's not what I want. I want to stay home. So I want to do what I have to do to-to-to stay home. client: Well, yeah, if I- if I lose my balance and fall down, I could- anything, you know, really get hurt, and then-then I wouldn't be able to be home anymore, and that's not what I want. I want to stay home. So I want to do what I have to do to-to-to stay home.",And it feels like the only way that you can really stay safe and not fall is to not do anything to kind of just hunker down. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, yeah, if I- if I lose my balance and fall down, I could- anything, you know, really get hurt, and then-then I wouldn't be able to be home anymore, and that's not what I want. I want to stay home. So I want to do what I have to do to-to-to stay home. client: Well, yeah, if I- if I lose my balance and fall down, I could- anything, you know, really get hurt, and then-then I wouldn't be able to be home anymore, and that's not what I want. I want to stay home. So I want to do what I have to do to-to-to stay home. client: Well, yeah, if I- if I lose my balance and fall down, I could- anything, you know, really get hurt, and then-then I wouldn't be able to be home anymore, and that's not what I want. I want to stay home. So I want to do what I have to do to-to-to stay home. client: Well, yeah, if I- if I lose my balance and fall down, I could- anything, you know, really get hurt, and then-then I wouldn't be able to be home anymore, and that's not what I want. I want to stay home. So I want to do what I have to do to-to-to stay home. therapist: And it feels like the only way that you can really stay safe and not fall is to not do anything to kind of just hunker down.",And it feels like the only way that you can really stay safe and not fall is to not do anything to kind of just hunker down. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, yeah, if I- if I lose my balance and fall down, I could- anything, you know, really get hurt, and then-then I wouldn't be able to be home anymore, and that's not what I want. I want to stay home. So I want to do what I have to do to-to-to stay home. client: Well, yeah, if I- if I lose my balance and fall down, I could- anything, you know, really get hurt, and then-then I wouldn't be able to be home anymore, and that's not what I want. I want to stay home. So I want to do what I have to do to-to-to stay home. client: Well, yeah, if I- if I lose my balance and fall down, I could- anything, you know, really get hurt, and then-then I wouldn't be able to be home anymore, and that's not what I want. I want to stay home. So I want to do what I have to do to-to-to stay home. therapist: And it feels like the only way that you can really stay safe and not fall is to not do anything to kind of just hunker down. therapist: And it feels like the only way that you can really stay safe and not fall is to not do anything to kind of just hunker down.",And it feels like the only way that you can really stay safe and not fall is to not do anything to kind of just hunker down. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, yeah, if I- if I lose my balance and fall down, I could- anything, you know, really get hurt, and then-then I wouldn't be able to be home anymore, and that's not what I want. I want to stay home. So I want to do what I have to do to-to-to stay home. client: Well, yeah, if I- if I lose my balance and fall down, I could- anything, you know, really get hurt, and then-then I wouldn't be able to be home anymore, and that's not what I want. I want to stay home. So I want to do what I have to do to-to-to stay home. therapist: And it feels like the only way that you can really stay safe and not fall is to not do anything to kind of just hunker down. therapist: And it feels like the only way that you can really stay safe and not fall is to not do anything to kind of just hunker down. therapist: And it feels like the only way that you can really stay safe and not fall is to not do anything to kind of just hunker down.",And it feels like the only way that you can really stay safe and not fall is to not do anything to kind of just hunker down. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, yeah, if I- if I lose my balance and fall down, I could- anything, you know, really get hurt, and then-then I wouldn't be able to be home anymore, and that's not what I want. I want to stay home. So I want to do what I have to do to-to-to stay home. therapist: And it feels like the only way that you can really stay safe and not fall is to not do anything to kind of just hunker down. therapist: And it feels like the only way that you can really stay safe and not fall is to not do anything to kind of just hunker down. therapist: And it feels like the only way that you can really stay safe and not fall is to not do anything to kind of just hunker down. therapist: And it feels like the only way that you can really stay safe and not fall is to not do anything to kind of just hunker down.",And it feels like the only way that you can really stay safe and not fall is to not do anything to kind of just hunker down. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: And it feels like the only way that you can really stay safe and not fall is to not do anything to kind of just hunker down. therapist: And it feels like the only way that you can really stay safe and not fall is to not do anything to kind of just hunker down. therapist: And it feels like the only way that you can really stay safe and not fall is to not do anything to kind of just hunker down. therapist: And it feels like the only way that you can really stay safe and not fall is to not do anything to kind of just hunker down. therapist: And it feels like the only way that you can really stay safe and not fall is to not do anything to kind of just hunker down.",And it feels like the only way that you can really stay safe and not fall is to not do anything to kind of just hunker down. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: And I'm not sure about the Tai Chi anymore. I-I think the physical therapy, I can understand that, but I'm not so sure about the Tai Chi. client: And I'm not sure about the Tai Chi anymore. I-I think the physical therapy, I can understand that, but I'm not so sure about the Tai Chi. client: And I'm not sure about the Tai Chi anymore. I-I think the physical therapy, I can understand that, but I'm not so sure about the Tai Chi. client: And I'm not sure about the Tai Chi anymore. I-I think the physical therapy, I can understand that, but I'm not so sure about the Tai Chi. therapist: Yeah. So the physical therapy is can- you can kind of still see that it's helping you to build your strength, which-","Yeah. So the physical therapy is can- you can kind of still see that it's helping you to build your strength, which-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: And I'm not sure about the Tai Chi anymore. I-I think the physical therapy, I can understand that, but I'm not so sure about the Tai Chi. client: And I'm not sure about the Tai Chi anymore. I-I think the physical therapy, I can understand that, but I'm not so sure about the Tai Chi. client: And I'm not sure about the Tai Chi anymore. I-I think the physical therapy, I can understand that, but I'm not so sure about the Tai Chi. therapist: Yeah. So the physical therapy is can- you can kind of still see that it's helping you to build your strength, which- therapist: Yeah. So the physical therapy is can- you can kind of still see that it's helping you to build your strength, which-","Yeah. So the physical therapy is can- you can kind of still see that it's helping you to build your strength, which-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: And I'm not sure about the Tai Chi anymore. I-I think the physical therapy, I can understand that, but I'm not so sure about the Tai Chi. therapist: Yeah. So the physical therapy is can- you can kind of still see that it's helping you to build your strength, which- therapist: Yeah. So the physical therapy is can- you can kind of still see that it's helping you to build your strength, which- therapist: Yeah. So the physical therapy is can- you can kind of still see that it's helping you to build your strength, which- therapist: Yeah. So the physical therapy is can- you can kind of still see that it's helping you to build your strength, which-","Yeah. So the physical therapy is can- you can kind of still see that it's helping you to build your strength, which-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: Yeah. So the physical therapy is can- you can kind of still see that it's helping you to build your strength, which- therapist: Yeah. So the physical therapy is can- you can kind of still see that it's helping you to build your strength, which- therapist: Yeah. So the physical therapy is can- you can kind of still see that it's helping you to build your strength, which- therapist: Yeah. So the physical therapy is can- you can kind of still see that it's helping you to build your strength, which- therapist: Yeah. So the physical therapy is can- you can kind of still see that it's helping you to build your strength, which-","Yeah. So the physical therapy is can- you can kind of still see that it's helping you to build your strength, which-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: Yeah. So the physical therapy is can- you can kind of still see that it's helping you to build your strength, which- therapist: Yeah. So the physical therapy is can- you can kind of still see that it's helping you to build your strength, which- therapist: Yeah. So the physical therapy is can- you can kind of still see that it's helping you to build your strength, which- therapist: Yeah. So the physical therapy is can- you can kind of still see that it's helping you to build your strength, which- therapist: Yeah. So the physical therapy is can- you can kind of still see that it's helping you to build your strength, which-","Yeah. So the physical therapy is can- you can kind of still see that it's helping you to build your strength, which-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. client: Yeah. client: Yeah. client: Yeah. therapist: -might have probably helped you break your fall this time.",-might have probably helped you break your fall this time. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. client: Yeah. client: Yeah. therapist: -might have probably helped you break your fall this time. therapist: -might have probably helped you break your fall this time.",-might have probably helped you break your fall this time. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. client: Yeah. therapist: -might have probably helped you break your fall this time. therapist: -might have probably helped you break your fall this time. therapist: -might have probably helped you break your fall this time.",-might have probably helped you break your fall this time. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: -might have probably helped you break your fall this time. therapist: -might have probably helped you break your fall this time. therapist: -might have probably helped you break your fall this time. therapist: -might have probably helped you break your fall this time. therapist: -might have probably helped you break your fall this time.",-might have probably helped you break your fall this time. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: -might have probably helped you break your fall this time. therapist: -might have probably helped you break your fall this time. therapist: -might have probably helped you break your fall this time. therapist: -might have probably helped you break your fall this time. therapist: -might have probably helped you break your fall this time.",-might have probably helped you break your fall this time. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. client: Yeah. client: Yeah. client: Yeah. client: Yeah.","Yeah. So you're feeling a little betrayed like it didn't-- ""Look, and I did this, I was doing my Tai Chi, and all of a sudden, I- here, look at this, I fall.""" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. client: Yeah. client: Yeah. client: Yeah. therapist: Yeah. So you're feeling a little betrayed like it didn't-- ""Look, and I did this, I was doing my Tai Chi, and all of a sudden, I- here, look at this, I fall.""","Yeah. So you're feeling a little betrayed like it didn't-- ""Look, and I did this, I was doing my Tai Chi, and all of a sudden, I- here, look at this, I fall.""" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. client: Yeah. client: Yeah. therapist: Yeah. So you're feeling a little betrayed like it didn't-- ""Look, and I did this, I was doing my Tai Chi, and all of a sudden, I- here, look at this, I fall."" therapist: Yeah. So you're feeling a little betrayed like it didn't-- ""Look, and I did this, I was doing my Tai Chi, and all of a sudden, I- here, look at this, I fall.""","Yeah. So you're feeling a little betrayed like it didn't-- ""Look, and I did this, I was doing my Tai Chi, and all of a sudden, I- here, look at this, I fall.""" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. client: Yeah. therapist: Yeah. So you're feeling a little betrayed like it didn't-- ""Look, and I did this, I was doing my Tai Chi, and all of a sudden, I- here, look at this, I fall."" therapist: Yeah. So you're feeling a little betrayed like it didn't-- ""Look, and I did this, I was doing my Tai Chi, and all of a sudden, I- here, look at this, I fall."" therapist: Yeah. So you're feeling a little betrayed like it didn't-- ""Look, and I did this, I was doing my Tai Chi, and all of a sudden, I- here, look at this, I fall.""","Yeah. So you're feeling a little betrayed like it didn't-- ""Look, and I did this, I was doing my Tai Chi, and all of a sudden, I- here, look at this, I fall.""" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: Yeah. So you're feeling a little betrayed like it didn't-- ""Look, and I did this, I was doing my Tai Chi, and all of a sudden, I- here, look at this, I fall."" therapist: Yeah. So you're feeling a little betrayed like it didn't-- ""Look, and I did this, I was doing my Tai Chi, and all of a sudden, I- here, look at this, I fall."" therapist: Yeah. So you're feeling a little betrayed like it didn't-- ""Look, and I did this, I was doing my Tai Chi, and all of a sudden, I- here, look at this, I fall."" therapist: Yeah. So you're feeling a little betrayed like it didn't-- ""Look, and I did this, I was doing my Tai Chi, and all of a sudden, I- here, look at this, I fall.""","Yeah. So you're feeling a little betrayed like it didn't-- ""Look, and I did this, I was doing my Tai Chi, and all of a sudden, I- here, look at this, I fall.""" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: Yeah. So you're feeling a little betrayed like it didn't-- ""Look, and I did this, I was doing my Tai Chi, and all of a sudden, I- here, look at this, I fall."" therapist: Yeah. So you're feeling a little betrayed like it didn't-- ""Look, and I did this, I was doing my Tai Chi, and all of a sudden, I- here, look at this, I fall."" therapist: Yeah. So you're feeling a little betrayed like it didn't-- ""Look, and I did this, I was doing my Tai Chi, and all of a sudden, I- here, look at this, I fall."" therapist: Yeah. So you're feeling a little betrayed like it didn't-- ""Look, and I did this, I was doing my Tai Chi, and all of a sudden, I- here, look at this, I fall."" therapist: Yeah. So you're feeling a little betrayed like it didn't-- ""Look, and I did this, I was doing my Tai Chi, and all of a sudden, I- here, look at this, I fall.""","Yeah. So you're feeling a little betrayed like it didn't-- ""Look, and I did this, I was doing my Tai Chi, and all of a sudden, I- here, look at this, I fall.""" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: But, um- client: But, um- client: But, um- client: But, um- client: But, um-","So you're just starting to question a little bit about whether or not it might be what is useful and, you know, it-it does really come down to what works for you and what-wh-what you decide will help you stay safe. And I'd like to work with you as I know Dr. Fields would, to-to help build a plan that will help you feel as safe as you can in your home-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: But, um- client: But, um- client: But, um- client: But, um- therapist: So you're just starting to question a little bit about whether or not it might be what is useful and, you know, it-it does really come down to what works for you and what-wh-what you decide will help you stay safe. And I'd like to work with you as I know Dr. Fields would, to-to help build a plan that will help you feel as safe as you can in your home-","So you're just starting to question a little bit about whether or not it might be what is useful and, you know, it-it does really come down to what works for you and what-wh-what you decide will help you stay safe. And I'd like to work with you as I know Dr. Fields would, to-to help build a plan that will help you feel as safe as you can in your home-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: But, um- client: But, um- client: But, um- therapist: So you're just starting to question a little bit about whether or not it might be what is useful and, you know, it-it does really come down to what works for you and what-wh-what you decide will help you stay safe. And I'd like to work with you as I know Dr. Fields would, to-to help build a plan that will help you feel as safe as you can in your home- therapist: So you're just starting to question a little bit about whether or not it might be what is useful and, you know, it-it does really come down to what works for you and what-wh-what you decide will help you stay safe. And I'd like to work with you as I know Dr. Fields would, to-to help build a plan that will help you feel as safe as you can in your home-","So you're just starting to question a little bit about whether or not it might be what is useful and, you know, it-it does really come down to what works for you and what-wh-what you decide will help you stay safe. And I'd like to work with you as I know Dr. Fields would, to-to help build a plan that will help you feel as safe as you can in your home-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: But, um- therapist: So you're just starting to question a little bit about whether or not it might be what is useful and, you know, it-it does really come down to what works for you and what-wh-what you decide will help you stay safe. And I'd like to work with you as I know Dr. Fields would, to-to help build a plan that will help you feel as safe as you can in your home- therapist: So you're just starting to question a little bit about whether or not it might be what is useful and, you know, it-it does really come down to what works for you and what-wh-what you decide will help you stay safe. And I'd like to work with you as I know Dr. Fields would, to-to help build a plan that will help you feel as safe as you can in your home- therapist: So you're just starting to question a little bit about whether or not it might be what is useful and, you know, it-it does really come down to what works for you and what-wh-what you decide will help you stay safe. And I'd like to work with you as I know Dr. Fields would, to-to help build a plan that will help you feel as safe as you can in your home- therapist: So you're just starting to question a little bit about whether or not it might be what is useful and, you know, it-it does really come down to what works for you and what-wh-what you decide will help you stay safe. And I'd like to work with you as I know Dr. Fields would, to-to help build a plan that will help you feel as safe as you can in your home-","So you're just starting to question a little bit about whether or not it might be what is useful and, you know, it-it does really come down to what works for you and what-wh-what you decide will help you stay safe. And I'd like to work with you as I know Dr. Fields would, to-to help build a plan that will help you feel as safe as you can in your home-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: So you're just starting to question a little bit about whether or not it might be what is useful and, you know, it-it does really come down to what works for you and what-wh-what you decide will help you stay safe. And I'd like to work with you as I know Dr. Fields would, to-to help build a plan that will help you feel as safe as you can in your home- therapist: So you're just starting to question a little bit about whether or not it might be what is useful and, you know, it-it does really come down to what works for you and what-wh-what you decide will help you stay safe. And I'd like to work with you as I know Dr. Fields would, to-to help build a plan that will help you feel as safe as you can in your home- therapist: So you're just starting to question a little bit about whether or not it might be what is useful and, you know, it-it does really come down to what works for you and what-wh-what you decide will help you stay safe. And I'd like to work with you as I know Dr. Fields would, to-to help build a plan that will help you feel as safe as you can in your home- therapist: So you're just starting to question a little bit about whether or not it might be what is useful and, you know, it-it does really come down to what works for you and what-wh-what you decide will help you stay safe. And I'd like to work with you as I know Dr. Fields would, to-to help build a plan that will help you feel as safe as you can in your home- therapist: So you're just starting to question a little bit about whether or not it might be what is useful and, you know, it-it does really come down to what works for you and what-wh-what you decide will help you stay safe. And I'd like to work with you as I know Dr. Fields would, to-to help build a plan that will help you feel as safe as you can in your home-","So you're just starting to question a little bit about whether or not it might be what is useful and, you know, it-it does really come down to what works for you and what-wh-what you decide will help you stay safe. And I'd like to work with you as I know Dr. Fields would, to-to help build a plan that will help you feel as safe as you can in your home-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: So you're just starting to question a little bit about whether or not it might be what is useful and, you know, it-it does really come down to what works for you and what-wh-what you decide will help you stay safe. And I'd like to work with you as I know Dr. Fields would, to-to help build a plan that will help you feel as safe as you can in your home- therapist: So you're just starting to question a little bit about whether or not it might be what is useful and, you know, it-it does really come down to what works for you and what-wh-what you decide will help you stay safe. And I'd like to work with you as I know Dr. Fields would, to-to help build a plan that will help you feel as safe as you can in your home- therapist: So you're just starting to question a little bit about whether or not it might be what is useful and, you know, it-it does really come down to what works for you and what-wh-what you decide will help you stay safe. And I'd like to work with you as I know Dr. Fields would, to-to help build a plan that will help you feel as safe as you can in your home- therapist: So you're just starting to question a little bit about whether or not it might be what is useful and, you know, it-it does really come down to what works for you and what-wh-what you decide will help you stay safe. And I'd like to work with you as I know Dr. Fields would, to-to help build a plan that will help you feel as safe as you can in your home- therapist: So you're just starting to question a little bit about whether or not it might be what is useful and, you know, it-it does really come down to what works for you and what-wh-what you decide will help you stay safe. And I'd like to work with you as I know Dr. Fields would, to-to help build a plan that will help you feel as safe as you can in your home-","So you're just starting to question a little bit about whether or not it might be what is useful and, you know, it-it does really come down to what works for you and what-wh-what you decide will help you stay safe. And I'd like to work with you as I know Dr. Fields would, to-to help build a plan that will help you feel as safe as you can in your home-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Right. therapist: -and to keep you there and to keep you feeling safe. therapist: -and to keep you there and to keep you feeling safe. therapist: -and to keep you there and to keep you feeling safe. therapist: -and to keep you there and to keep you feeling safe.",-and to keep you there and to keep you feeling safe. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: -and to keep you there and to keep you feeling safe. therapist: -and to keep you there and to keep you feeling safe. therapist: -and to keep you there and to keep you feeling safe. therapist: -and to keep you there and to keep you feeling safe. therapist: -and to keep you there and to keep you feeling safe.",-and to keep you there and to keep you feeling safe. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: -and to keep you there and to keep you feeling safe. therapist: -and to keep you there and to keep you feeling safe. therapist: -and to keep you there and to keep you feeling safe. therapist: -and to keep you there and to keep you feeling safe. therapist: -and to keep you there and to keep you feeling safe.",-and to keep you there and to keep you feeling safe. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: So— client: So— client: So— client: So— client: So—",So it really kinda strikes you that you're- that you're there alone and this could happen and-- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: So— client: So— client: So— client: So— therapist: So it really kinda strikes you that you're- that you're there alone and this could happen and--",So it really kinda strikes you that you're- that you're there alone and this could happen and-- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: So— client: So— client: So— therapist: So it really kinda strikes you that you're- that you're there alone and this could happen and-- therapist: So it really kinda strikes you that you're- that you're there alone and this could happen and--",So it really kinda strikes you that you're- that you're there alone and this could happen and-- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: So— client: So— therapist: So it really kinda strikes you that you're- that you're there alone and this could happen and-- therapist: So it really kinda strikes you that you're- that you're there alone and this could happen and-- therapist: So it really kinda strikes you that you're- that you're there alone and this could happen and--",So it really kinda strikes you that you're- that you're there alone and this could happen and-- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: So— therapist: So it really kinda strikes you that you're- that you're there alone and this could happen and-- therapist: So it really kinda strikes you that you're- that you're there alone and this could happen and-- therapist: So it really kinda strikes you that you're- that you're there alone and this could happen and-- therapist: So it really kinda strikes you that you're- that you're there alone and this could happen and--",So it really kinda strikes you that you're- that you're there alone and this could happen and-- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: So it really kinda strikes you that you're- that you're there alone and this could happen and-- therapist: So it really kinda strikes you that you're- that you're there alone and this could happen and-- therapist: So it really kinda strikes you that you're- that you're there alone and this could happen and-- therapist: So it really kinda strikes you that you're- that you're there alone and this could happen and-- therapist: So it really kinda strikes you that you're- that you're there alone and this could happen and--",So it really kinda strikes you that you're- that you're there alone and this could happen and-- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: So it really kinda strikes you that you're- that you're there alone and this could happen and-- therapist: So it really kinda strikes you that you're- that you're there alone and this could happen and-- therapist: So it really kinda strikes you that you're- that you're there alone and this could happen and-- therapist: So it really kinda strikes you that you're- that you're there alone and this could happen and-- therapist: So it really kinda strikes you that you're- that you're there alone and this could happen and--",So it really kinda strikes you that you're- that you're there alone and this could happen and-- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: So- and I don't wanna impose on my neighbors or my friends. client: So- and I don't wanna impose on my neighbors or my friends. client: So- and I don't wanna impose on my neighbors or my friends. client: So- and I don't wanna impose on my neighbors or my friends. client: So- and I don't wanna impose on my neighbors or my friends.",So you'd like to have a little bit more support- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: So- and I don't wanna impose on my neighbors or my friends. client: So- and I don't wanna impose on my neighbors or my friends. client: So- and I don't wanna impose on my neighbors or my friends. client: So- and I don't wanna impose on my neighbors or my friends. therapist: So you'd like to have a little bit more support-",So you'd like to have a little bit more support- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: So- and I don't wanna impose on my neighbors or my friends. client: So- and I don't wanna impose on my neighbors or my friends. client: So- and I don't wanna impose on my neighbors or my friends. therapist: So you'd like to have a little bit more support- therapist: So you'd like to have a little bit more support-",So you'd like to have a little bit more support- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: So- and I don't wanna impose on my neighbors or my friends. therapist: So you'd like to have a little bit more support- therapist: So you'd like to have a little bit more support- therapist: So you'd like to have a little bit more support- therapist: So you'd like to have a little bit more support-",So you'd like to have a little bit more support- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: So you'd like to have a little bit more support- therapist: So you'd like to have a little bit more support- therapist: So you'd like to have a little bit more support- therapist: So you'd like to have a little bit more support- therapist: So you'd like to have a little bit more support-",So you'd like to have a little bit more support- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: So you'd like to have a little bit more support- therapist: So you'd like to have a little bit more support- therapist: So you'd like to have a little bit more support- therapist: So you'd like to have a little bit more support- therapist: So you'd like to have a little bit more support-",So you'd like to have a little bit more support- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm-hmm. client: Mm-hmm. client: Mm-hmm. client: Mm-hmm. therapist: -and a little bit more connection maybe that-",-and a little bit more connection maybe that- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm-hmm. client: Mm-hmm. client: Mm-hmm. therapist: -and a little bit more connection maybe that- therapist: -and a little bit more connection maybe that-",-and a little bit more connection maybe that- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm-hmm. therapist: -and a little bit more connection maybe that- therapist: -and a little bit more connection maybe that- therapist: -and a little bit more connection maybe that- therapist: -and a little bit more connection maybe that-",-and a little bit more connection maybe that- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: -and a little bit more connection maybe that- therapist: -and a little bit more connection maybe that- therapist: -and a little bit more connection maybe that- therapist: -and a little bit more connection maybe that- therapist: -and a little bit more connection maybe that-",-and a little bit more connection maybe that- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: -and a little bit more connection maybe that- therapist: -and a little bit more connection maybe that- therapist: -and a little bit more connection maybe that- therapist: -and a little bit more connection maybe that- therapist: -and a little bit more connection maybe that-",-and a little bit more connection maybe that- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, that would be good. Do you think I should try to go back to the Tai Chi? therapist: Yes. I was going to say the other thing that I would say- that I would consider because the senior center, and I know you were really active in the senior center before- therapist: Yes. I was going to say the other thing that I would say- that I would consider because the senior center, and I know you were really active in the senior center before- therapist: Yes. I was going to say the other thing that I would say- that I would consider because the senior center, and I know you were really active in the senior center before- therapist: Yes. I was going to say the other thing that I would say- that I would consider because the senior center, and I know you were really active in the senior center before-","Yes. I was going to say the other thing that I would say- that I would consider because the senior center, and I know you were really active in the senior center before-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yes, great place. client: Yes, great place. client: Yes, great place. client: Yes, great place. therapist: -and I'm wondering if you feel like there's support there. They have a lot of activities going on at the senior center that- and I- and I don't know what was in the Tai Chi included that might be- not only serve the purpose of the exercise but really help with some of that support.",-and I'm wondering if you feel like there's support there. They have a lot of activities going on at the senior center that- and I- and I don't know what was in the Tai Chi included that might be- not only serve the purpose of the exercise but really help with some of that support. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. I guess I've kind of gone to the extreme. I tend to do that. [chuckles] Yeah. So, keep moving? client: Yeah. I guess I've kind of gone to the extreme. I tend to do that. [chuckles] Yeah. So, keep moving? client: Yeah. I guess I've kind of gone to the extreme. I tend to do that. [chuckles] Yeah. So, keep moving? client: Yeah. I guess I've kind of gone to the extreme. I tend to do that. [chuckles] Yeah. So, keep moving? client: Yeah. I guess I've kind of gone to the extreme. I tend to do that. [chuckles] Yeah. So, keep moving?","Yeah. It sounds so crazy, doesn't it? Like the- it- when it feels like inside, what you're- what I'm hearing from you is that it feels like inside like moving is unsafe." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. I guess I've kind of gone to the extreme. I tend to do that. [chuckles] Yeah. So, keep moving? client: Yeah. I guess I've kind of gone to the extreme. I tend to do that. [chuckles] Yeah. So, keep moving? client: Yeah. I guess I've kind of gone to the extreme. I tend to do that. [chuckles] Yeah. So, keep moving? client: Yeah. I guess I've kind of gone to the extreme. I tend to do that. [chuckles] Yeah. So, keep moving? therapist: Yeah. It sounds so crazy, doesn't it? Like the- it- when it feels like inside, what you're- what I'm hearing from you is that it feels like inside like moving is unsafe.","Yeah. It sounds so crazy, doesn't it? Like the- it- when it feels like inside, what you're- what I'm hearing from you is that it feels like inside like moving is unsafe." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. I guess I've kind of gone to the extreme. I tend to do that. [chuckles] Yeah. So, keep moving? client: Yeah. I guess I've kind of gone to the extreme. I tend to do that. [chuckles] Yeah. So, keep moving? client: Yeah. I guess I've kind of gone to the extreme. I tend to do that. [chuckles] Yeah. So, keep moving? therapist: Yeah. It sounds so crazy, doesn't it? Like the- it- when it feels like inside, what you're- what I'm hearing from you is that it feels like inside like moving is unsafe. therapist: Yeah. It sounds so crazy, doesn't it? Like the- it- when it feels like inside, what you're- what I'm hearing from you is that it feels like inside like moving is unsafe.","Yeah. It sounds so crazy, doesn't it? Like the- it- when it feels like inside, what you're- what I'm hearing from you is that it feels like inside like moving is unsafe." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. I guess I've kind of gone to the extreme. I tend to do that. [chuckles] Yeah. So, keep moving? client: Yeah. I guess I've kind of gone to the extreme. I tend to do that. [chuckles] Yeah. So, keep moving? therapist: Yeah. It sounds so crazy, doesn't it? Like the- it- when it feels like inside, what you're- what I'm hearing from you is that it feels like inside like moving is unsafe. therapist: Yeah. It sounds so crazy, doesn't it? Like the- it- when it feels like inside, what you're- what I'm hearing from you is that it feels like inside like moving is unsafe. therapist: Yeah. It sounds so crazy, doesn't it? Like the- it- when it feels like inside, what you're- what I'm hearing from you is that it feels like inside like moving is unsafe.","Yeah. It sounds so crazy, doesn't it? Like the- it- when it feels like inside, what you're- what I'm hearing from you is that it feels like inside like moving is unsafe." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. I guess I've kind of gone to the extreme. I tend to do that. [chuckles] Yeah. So, keep moving? therapist: Yeah. It sounds so crazy, doesn't it? Like the- it- when it feels like inside, what you're- what I'm hearing from you is that it feels like inside like moving is unsafe. therapist: Yeah. It sounds so crazy, doesn't it? Like the- it- when it feels like inside, what you're- what I'm hearing from you is that it feels like inside like moving is unsafe. therapist: Yeah. It sounds so crazy, doesn't it? Like the- it- when it feels like inside, what you're- what I'm hearing from you is that it feels like inside like moving is unsafe. therapist: Yeah. It sounds so crazy, doesn't it? Like the- it- when it feels like inside, what you're- what I'm hearing from you is that it feels like inside like moving is unsafe.","Yeah. It sounds so crazy, doesn't it? Like the- it- when it feels like inside, what you're- what I'm hearing from you is that it feels like inside like moving is unsafe." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: Yeah. It sounds so crazy, doesn't it? Like the- it- when it feels like inside, what you're- what I'm hearing from you is that it feels like inside like moving is unsafe. therapist: Yeah. It sounds so crazy, doesn't it? Like the- it- when it feels like inside, what you're- what I'm hearing from you is that it feels like inside like moving is unsafe. therapist: Yeah. It sounds so crazy, doesn't it? Like the- it- when it feels like inside, what you're- what I'm hearing from you is that it feels like inside like moving is unsafe. therapist: Yeah. It sounds so crazy, doesn't it? Like the- it- when it feels like inside, what you're- what I'm hearing from you is that it feels like inside like moving is unsafe. therapist: Yeah. It sounds so crazy, doesn't it? Like the- it- when it feels like inside, what you're- what I'm hearing from you is that it feels like inside like moving is unsafe.","Yeah. It sounds so crazy, doesn't it? Like the- it- when it feels like inside, what you're- what I'm hearing from you is that it feels like inside like moving is unsafe." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: Yeah. It sounds so crazy, doesn't it? Like the- it- when it feels like inside, what you're- what I'm hearing from you is that it feels like inside like moving is unsafe. therapist: Yeah. It sounds so crazy, doesn't it? Like the- it- when it feels like inside, what you're- what I'm hearing from you is that it feels like inside like moving is unsafe. therapist: Yeah. It sounds so crazy, doesn't it? Like the- it- when it feels like inside, what you're- what I'm hearing from you is that it feels like inside like moving is unsafe. therapist: Yeah. It sounds so crazy, doesn't it? Like the- it- when it feels like inside, what you're- what I'm hearing from you is that it feels like inside like moving is unsafe. therapist: Yeah. It sounds so crazy, doesn't it? Like the- it- when it feels like inside, what you're- what I'm hearing from you is that it feels like inside like moving is unsafe.","Yeah. It sounds so crazy, doesn't it? Like the- it- when it feels like inside, what you're- what I'm hearing from you is that it feels like inside like moving is unsafe." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. It's scary. client: Yeah. It's scary. client: Yeah. It's scary. therapist: Yeah. Takes a lot. Takes a lot. And you're the only one that'll- that can know what it is you're willing to work through that fear for. therapist: Yeah. Takes a lot. Takes a lot. And you're the only one that'll- that can know what it is you're willing to work through that fear for.",Yeah. Takes a lot. Takes a lot. And you're the only one that'll- that can know what it is you're willing to work through that fear for. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. It's scary. therapist: Yeah. Takes a lot. Takes a lot. And you're the only one that'll- that can know what it is you're willing to work through that fear for. therapist: Yeah. Takes a lot. Takes a lot. And you're the only one that'll- that can know what it is you're willing to work through that fear for. therapist: Yeah. Takes a lot. Takes a lot. And you're the only one that'll- that can know what it is you're willing to work through that fear for. therapist: Yeah. Takes a lot. Takes a lot. And you're the only one that'll- that can know what it is you're willing to work through that fear for.",Yeah. Takes a lot. Takes a lot. And you're the only one that'll- that can know what it is you're willing to work through that fear for. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: Yeah. Takes a lot. Takes a lot. And you're the only one that'll- that can know what it is you're willing to work through that fear for. therapist: Yeah. Takes a lot. Takes a lot. And you're the only one that'll- that can know what it is you're willing to work through that fear for. therapist: Yeah. Takes a lot. Takes a lot. And you're the only one that'll- that can know what it is you're willing to work through that fear for. therapist: Yeah. Takes a lot. Takes a lot. And you're the only one that'll- that can know what it is you're willing to work through that fear for. therapist: Yeah. Takes a lot. Takes a lot. And you're the only one that'll- that can know what it is you're willing to work through that fear for.",Yeah. Takes a lot. Takes a lot. And you're the only one that'll- that can know what it is you're willing to work through that fear for. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, I'm willing to work through my fears and difficulties to be in my little house with my little dog and my little garden. I've been there for- since my husband and I got married, and that's where we lived, and I don't want to give it up yet. client: Well, I'm willing to work through my fears and difficulties to be in my little house with my little dog and my little garden. I've been there for- since my husband and I got married, and that's where we lived, and I don't want to give it up yet. client: Well, I'm willing to work through my fears and difficulties to be in my little house with my little dog and my little garden. I've been there for- since my husband and I got married, and that's where we lived, and I don't want to give it up yet. client: Well, I'm willing to work through my fears and difficulties to be in my little house with my little dog and my little garden. I've been there for- since my husband and I got married, and that's where we lived, and I don't want to give it up yet. client: Well, I'm willing to work through my fears and difficulties to be in my little house with my little dog and my little garden. I've been there for- since my husband and I got married, and that's where we lived, and I don't want to give it up yet.","Mm-hmm. And that's a strong enough motivator for you and gives you enough purpose that you're willing to like kind of push through that fear that even though it's there and that, that sense of-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, I'm willing to work through my fears and difficulties to be in my little house with my little dog and my little garden. I've been there for- since my husband and I got married, and that's where we lived, and I don't want to give it up yet. client: Well, I'm willing to work through my fears and difficulties to be in my little house with my little dog and my little garden. I've been there for- since my husband and I got married, and that's where we lived, and I don't want to give it up yet. client: Well, I'm willing to work through my fears and difficulties to be in my little house with my little dog and my little garden. I've been there for- since my husband and I got married, and that's where we lived, and I don't want to give it up yet. client: Well, I'm willing to work through my fears and difficulties to be in my little house with my little dog and my little garden. I've been there for- since my husband and I got married, and that's where we lived, and I don't want to give it up yet. therapist: Mm-hmm. And that's a strong enough motivator for you and gives you enough purpose that you're willing to like kind of push through that fear that even though it's there and that, that sense of-","Mm-hmm. And that's a strong enough motivator for you and gives you enough purpose that you're willing to like kind of push through that fear that even though it's there and that, that sense of-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, I'm willing to work through my fears and difficulties to be in my little house with my little dog and my little garden. I've been there for- since my husband and I got married, and that's where we lived, and I don't want to give it up yet. client: Well, I'm willing to work through my fears and difficulties to be in my little house with my little dog and my little garden. I've been there for- since my husband and I got married, and that's where we lived, and I don't want to give it up yet. client: Well, I'm willing to work through my fears and difficulties to be in my little house with my little dog and my little garden. I've been there for- since my husband and I got married, and that's where we lived, and I don't want to give it up yet. therapist: Mm-hmm. And that's a strong enough motivator for you and gives you enough purpose that you're willing to like kind of push through that fear that even though it's there and that, that sense of- therapist: Mm-hmm. And that's a strong enough motivator for you and gives you enough purpose that you're willing to like kind of push through that fear that even though it's there and that, that sense of-","Mm-hmm. And that's a strong enough motivator for you and gives you enough purpose that you're willing to like kind of push through that fear that even though it's there and that, that sense of-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, I'm willing to work through my fears and difficulties to be in my little house with my little dog and my little garden. I've been there for- since my husband and I got married, and that's where we lived, and I don't want to give it up yet. therapist: Mm-hmm. And that's a strong enough motivator for you and gives you enough purpose that you're willing to like kind of push through that fear that even though it's there and that, that sense of- therapist: Mm-hmm. And that's a strong enough motivator for you and gives you enough purpose that you're willing to like kind of push through that fear that even though it's there and that, that sense of- therapist: Mm-hmm. And that's a strong enough motivator for you and gives you enough purpose that you're willing to like kind of push through that fear that even though it's there and that, that sense of- therapist: Mm-hmm. And that's a strong enough motivator for you and gives you enough purpose that you're willing to like kind of push through that fear that even though it's there and that, that sense of-","Mm-hmm. And that's a strong enough motivator for you and gives you enough purpose that you're willing to like kind of push through that fear that even though it's there and that, that sense of-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: Mm-hmm. And that's a strong enough motivator for you and gives you enough purpose that you're willing to like kind of push through that fear that even though it's there and that, that sense of- therapist: Mm-hmm. And that's a strong enough motivator for you and gives you enough purpose that you're willing to like kind of push through that fear that even though it's there and that, that sense of- therapist: Mm-hmm. And that's a strong enough motivator for you and gives you enough purpose that you're willing to like kind of push through that fear that even though it's there and that, that sense of- therapist: Mm-hmm. And that's a strong enough motivator for you and gives you enough purpose that you're willing to like kind of push through that fear that even though it's there and that, that sense of- therapist: Mm-hmm. And that's a strong enough motivator for you and gives you enough purpose that you're willing to like kind of push through that fear that even though it's there and that, that sense of-","Mm-hmm. And that's a strong enough motivator for you and gives you enough purpose that you're willing to like kind of push through that fear that even though it's there and that, that sense of-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: Mm-hmm. And that's a strong enough motivator for you and gives you enough purpose that you're willing to like kind of push through that fear that even though it's there and that, that sense of- therapist: Mm-hmm. And that's a strong enough motivator for you and gives you enough purpose that you're willing to like kind of push through that fear that even though it's there and that, that sense of- therapist: Mm-hmm. And that's a strong enough motivator for you and gives you enough purpose that you're willing to like kind of push through that fear that even though it's there and that, that sense of- therapist: Mm-hmm. And that's a strong enough motivator for you and gives you enough purpose that you're willing to like kind of push through that fear that even though it's there and that, that sense of- therapist: Mm-hmm. And that's a strong enough motivator for you and gives you enough purpose that you're willing to like kind of push through that fear that even though it's there and that, that sense of-","Mm-hmm. And that's a strong enough motivator for you and gives you enough purpose that you're willing to like kind of push through that fear that even though it's there and that, that sense of-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. client: Yeah. client: Yeah. client: Yeah. client: Yeah.",-concern about being safe. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. client: Yeah. client: Yeah. client: Yeah. therapist: -concern about being safe.",-concern about being safe. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. client: Yeah. client: Yeah. therapist: -concern about being safe. therapist: -concern about being safe.",-concern about being safe. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: -concern about being safe. therapist: -concern about being safe. therapist: -concern about being safe. therapist: -concern about being safe.",-concern about being safe. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: -concern about being safe. therapist: -concern about being safe. therapist: -concern about being safe. therapist: -concern about being safe. therapist: -concern about being safe.",-concern about being safe. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: -concern about being safe. therapist: -concern about being safe. therapist: -concern about being safe. therapist: -concern about being safe. therapist: -concern about being safe.",-concern about being safe. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: Yeah. Yeah. Well, we can definitely talk about it when you come in again like- therapist: Yeah. Yeah. Well, we can definitely talk about it when you come in again like- therapist: Yeah. Yeah. Well, we can definitely talk about it when you come in again like- therapist: Yeah. Yeah. Well, we can definitely talk about it when you come in again like- therapist: Yeah. Yeah. Well, we can definitely talk about it when you come in again like-","Yeah. Yeah. Well, we can definitely talk about it when you come in again like-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: -very normal. Absolutely. It's an absolutely normal thing to feel that, and especially when you've suffered something that you have and suffered to it, the stroke and the trying to get rehabbed and trying to find a way to get back home and going through the wobblies, this is perfectly normal. therapist: -very normal. Absolutely. It's an absolutely normal thing to feel that, and especially when you've suffered something that you have and suffered to it, the stroke and the trying to get rehabbed and trying to find a way to get back home and going through the wobblies, this is perfectly normal. therapist: -very normal. Absolutely. It's an absolutely normal thing to feel that, and especially when you've suffered something that you have and suffered to it, the stroke and the trying to get rehabbed and trying to find a way to get back home and going through the wobblies, this is perfectly normal. therapist: -very normal. Absolutely. It's an absolutely normal thing to feel that, and especially when you've suffered something that you have and suffered to it, the stroke and the trying to get rehabbed and trying to find a way to get back home and going through the wobblies, this is perfectly normal. therapist: -very normal. Absolutely. It's an absolutely normal thing to feel that, and especially when you've suffered something that you have and suffered to it, the stroke and the trying to get rehabbed and trying to find a way to get back home and going through the wobblies, this is perfectly normal.","-very normal. Absolutely. It's an absolutely normal thing to feel that, and especially when you've suffered something that you have and suffered to it, the stroke and the trying to get rehabbed and trying to find a way to get back home and going through the wobblies, this is perfectly normal." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: -very normal. Absolutely. It's an absolutely normal thing to feel that, and especially when you've suffered something that you have and suffered to it, the stroke and the trying to get rehabbed and trying to find a way to get back home and going through the wobblies, this is perfectly normal. therapist: -very normal. Absolutely. It's an absolutely normal thing to feel that, and especially when you've suffered something that you have and suffered to it, the stroke and the trying to get rehabbed and trying to find a way to get back home and going through the wobblies, this is perfectly normal. therapist: -very normal. Absolutely. It's an absolutely normal thing to feel that, and especially when you've suffered something that you have and suffered to it, the stroke and the trying to get rehabbed and trying to find a way to get back home and going through the wobblies, this is perfectly normal. therapist: -very normal. Absolutely. It's an absolutely normal thing to feel that, and especially when you've suffered something that you have and suffered to it, the stroke and the trying to get rehabbed and trying to find a way to get back home and going through the wobblies, this is perfectly normal. therapist: -very normal. Absolutely. It's an absolutely normal thing to feel that, and especially when you've suffered something that you have and suffered to it, the stroke and the trying to get rehabbed and trying to find a way to get back home and going through the wobblies, this is perfectly normal.","-very normal. Absolutely. It's an absolutely normal thing to feel that, and especially when you've suffered something that you have and suffered to it, the stroke and the trying to get rehabbed and trying to find a way to get back home and going through the wobblies, this is perfectly normal." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Really? client: Really? client: Really? client: Really? client: Really?","Yes. And actually, you-you have really demonstrated to me anyway, a lot of strength and courage because you have continued to persevere and work through this and not everybody does. And you have found a way to get home and you seem really committed to staying home. So you-you've got a lot of strength there that you're working with." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Really? client: Really? client: Really? client: Really? therapist: Yes. And actually, you-you have really demonstrated to me anyway, a lot of strength and courage because you have continued to persevere and work through this and not everybody does. And you have found a way to get home and you seem really committed to staying home. So you-you've got a lot of strength there that you're working with.","Yes. And actually, you-you have really demonstrated to me anyway, a lot of strength and courage because you have continued to persevere and work through this and not everybody does. And you have found a way to get home and you seem really committed to staying home. So you-you've got a lot of strength there that you're working with." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Really? therapist: Yes. And actually, you-you have really demonstrated to me anyway, a lot of strength and courage because you have continued to persevere and work through this and not everybody does. And you have found a way to get home and you seem really committed to staying home. So you-you've got a lot of strength there that you're working with. therapist: Yes. And actually, you-you have really demonstrated to me anyway, a lot of strength and courage because you have continued to persevere and work through this and not everybody does. And you have found a way to get home and you seem really committed to staying home. So you-you've got a lot of strength there that you're working with. therapist: Yes. And actually, you-you have really demonstrated to me anyway, a lot of strength and courage because you have continued to persevere and work through this and not everybody does. And you have found a way to get home and you seem really committed to staying home. So you-you've got a lot of strength there that you're working with. therapist: Yes. And actually, you-you have really demonstrated to me anyway, a lot of strength and courage because you have continued to persevere and work through this and not everybody does. And you have found a way to get home and you seem really committed to staying home. So you-you've got a lot of strength there that you're working with.","Yes. And actually, you-you have really demonstrated to me anyway, a lot of strength and courage because you have continued to persevere and work through this and not everybody does. And you have found a way to get home and you seem really committed to staying home. So you-you've got a lot of strength there that you're working with." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: Yes. And actually, you-you have really demonstrated to me anyway, a lot of strength and courage because you have continued to persevere and work through this and not everybody does. And you have found a way to get home and you seem really committed to staying home. So you-you've got a lot of strength there that you're working with. therapist: Yes. And actually, you-you have really demonstrated to me anyway, a lot of strength and courage because you have continued to persevere and work through this and not everybody does. And you have found a way to get home and you seem really committed to staying home. So you-you've got a lot of strength there that you're working with. therapist: Yes. And actually, you-you have really demonstrated to me anyway, a lot of strength and courage because you have continued to persevere and work through this and not everybody does. And you have found a way to get home and you seem really committed to staying home. So you-you've got a lot of strength there that you're working with. therapist: Yes. And actually, you-you have really demonstrated to me anyway, a lot of strength and courage because you have continued to persevere and work through this and not everybody does. And you have found a way to get home and you seem really committed to staying home. So you-you've got a lot of strength there that you're working with. therapist: Yes. And actually, you-you have really demonstrated to me anyway, a lot of strength and courage because you have continued to persevere and work through this and not everybody does. And you have found a way to get home and you seem really committed to staying home. So you-you've got a lot of strength there that you're working with.","Yes. And actually, you-you have really demonstrated to me anyway, a lot of strength and courage because you have continued to persevere and work through this and not everybody does. And you have found a way to get home and you seem really committed to staying home. So you-you've got a lot of strength there that you're working with." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -this, but, um, uh, I'm sort of glad I did. I'm very glad I did. therapist: I'm really glad you did too. I really appreciate it because that's the only way that we can work together- therapist: I'm really glad you did too. I really appreciate it because that's the only way that we can work together- therapist: I'm really glad you did too. I really appreciate it because that's the only way that we can work together- therapist: I'm really glad you did too. I really appreciate it because that's the only way that we can work together-",I'm really glad you did too. I really appreciate it because that's the only way that we can work together- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: I'm really glad you did too. I really appreciate it because that's the only way that we can work together- therapist: I'm really glad you did too. I really appreciate it because that's the only way that we can work together- therapist: I'm really glad you did too. I really appreciate it because that's the only way that we can work together- therapist: I'm really glad you did too. I really appreciate it because that's the only way that we can work together- therapist: I'm really glad you did too. I really appreciate it because that's the only way that we can work together-",I'm really glad you did too. I really appreciate it because that's the only way that we can work together- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: - to help you feel safer. And I hope you're going away home today feeling safer. therapist: - to help you feel safer. And I hope you're going away home today feeling safer. therapist: - to help you feel safer. And I hope you're going away home today feeling safer. therapist: - to help you feel safer. And I hope you're going away home today feeling safer. therapist: - to help you feel safer. And I hope you're going away home today feeling safer.",- to help you feel safer. And I hope you're going away home today feeling safer. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -any way to tell anybody. client: -any way to tell anybody. client: -any way to tell anybody. client: -any way to tell anybody. client: -any way to tell anybody.","Good. Well, you've got some good plans and we'll go check it out and make sure they happen." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -any way to tell anybody. therapist: Good. Well, you've got some good plans and we'll go check it out and make sure they happen. therapist: Good. Well, you've got some good plans and we'll go check it out and make sure they happen. therapist: Good. Well, you've got some good plans and we'll go check it out and make sure they happen. therapist: Good. Well, you've got some good plans and we'll go check it out and make sure they happen.","Good. Well, you've got some good plans and we'll go check it out and make sure they happen." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: Good. Well, you've got some good plans and we'll go check it out and make sure they happen. therapist: Good. Well, you've got some good plans and we'll go check it out and make sure they happen. therapist: Good. Well, you've got some good plans and we'll go check it out and make sure they happen. therapist: Good. Well, you've got some good plans and we'll go check it out and make sure they happen. therapist: Good. Well, you've got some good plans and we'll go check it out and make sure they happen.","Good. Well, you've got some good plans and we'll go check it out and make sure they happen." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Hi. therapist: Hi. You were saying over the phone, uh, you want to talk about exercise? client: Yeah. therapist: Okay, alright. Where would you like to start with that? client: Well, I'm, uh, I-I used to work out pretty good. I-I would go to the gym several times a week. I had kind of a schedule, um—",That's really a lot. Very good. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, and I-- But I was working at a different company, where I had a little bit different schedule, a little more free time than I have now, so I just don't have the time like I used to. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: And I-- And really, it's kind of an excuse, I guess, cause I-I could probably make the time, but it's-it's easier to just keep working or- therapist: Mm-hmm. client: -just being in bed or whatever.","But that goal of the half-marathon, you know, it's really important that you were willing to put all the time into getting ready for it, which, from what I've heard from other people, is almost like a job in and of itself." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I-it was. A-and it was huge for me cause I'd never really been a runner, you know, but it-it was very motivating, and-and— therapist: What'd you like about it? client: I don't know. I guess there's kind of an adrenaline rush to it. Kinda almost like, you know, uh, kind of a high, I guess. therapist: Uh-huh. client: So yeah-- That's-- I-I really enjoyed it. And I-I liked the feeling that I was doing something good for myself. I liked that, too. I-it kind of-- It so-- It gave me a little bit of self-esteem, I guess.","I-it a-almost, um, feels like you identified as being a runner, like an athlete?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I did. therapist: [unintelligible 00:01:40] client: I let-- I lit it on fire but I- therapist: Okay. client: -I did burn for a time.",Got into the culture? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: It is without any of the impact, so it is true. therapist: Okay. And-and what do you- do you-- Some folks, you know, [unintelligible 00:03:18] put on music, kind of- kind of. client: Yeah, I do headphones. therapist: Yeah. client: I got my headphones, and I got my, uh, kind of [unintelligible 00:03:24], if you know what I mean","Okay. Get your rocking out, running on the elliptical playlist." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I got my headphones, and I got my, uh, kind of [unintelligible 00:03:24], if you know what I mean therapist: Okay. Get your rocking out, running on the elliptical playlist. client: Yeah therapist: And, um, so you were-- You said that you’ve been going several times a week, which is really an extraordinary number, I-I think it’s four, five times a week? client: Yeah. I was going literally every other day, you know. And then, some days I would, you know, I’d run, and I’d go to the gym the next day, so I would-- I was very-- I don’t really feel it necessary to get back to that level, but I need to do something cause I’m doing nothing right now.",Nothing. Okay. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: And then I-- [unintelligible 00:04:41] kinda nice [unintelligible 00:4:42] gonna be troublesome. therapist: [unintelligible 00:04:45]? client: Um, I don’t know. I think- I think the time has just been the biggest thing, you know, and-and I-I guess the motivation really hasn’t been there. I mean, you know, it’s not like- I don’t really have a goal. I don’t really have a, you know I don't, other than maybe reducing my waistline, you know, I don't really have a-a set number like I'm gonna run a marathon and you know. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: You know, so I think the just running off the playlist. I-I guess maybe if I made a goal would helped too.","Mm-hmm- mm-hmm. So that-that-that half marathon was, uh, a very specific concrete thing and you could envision yourself, and you're ready for it and the day of and all that kinda stuff." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: Um. client: Plus there's people who have done that countless times and you can go read what their- therapist: Mm-hmm. client: -regimen was so you get feedback too. And then [unintelligible 00:05:37] did this from this day and so on.","So sometimes-- almost sounds like, um, your feedback would be, uh, useful to you. Like some immediate feedback in terms of like, um, like [inaudible 00:05:53]" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I think that'd be great. I-I never have really found anybody that like to exercise with the pace that I wanted to. They were all either going way too fast or not even moving at all. therapist: Okay. client: So it's kinda hard to meet up with somebody that can kind of maybe kind of give you a push [unintelligible 00:06:38]- therapist: Okay. client: -might be a challenge.","There might be something [unintelligible 00:06:43] because you're such a social guy. And so to be able to be exercising and be talking and enjoying yourself- you like the music too, right?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -might be a challenge. therapist: There might be something [unintelligible 00:06:43] because you're such a social guy. And so to be able to be exercising and be talking and enjoying yourself- you like the music too, right? client: Yeah, that's right, well I- therapist: And if you arrange to meet somebody there, you're very good at, uh, you know, uh, keeping the agreement. client: Okay, that's a great idea I hadn't thought of that-that's- I hadn't really, uh, I-I kinda dismissed that early on, I hadn't really even considered that, yeah.","And in for right now it just be, you'll be happy with getting there one time." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: If I could get there-- I know if I could get there-- if I could pick, you know, uh, these are the days I'm going to go to the gym and I know these things last time. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: So if I- if I could-- I mean, I wanna get there three times a week. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: I wanna get there on Saturdays or Sundays and Tuesdays and Fridays, or something like that, then I could probably [unintelligible 00:07:34]",And days that you know of on your less rigorous schedule that you're more likely to succeed [unintelligible 00:07:40] I really like how you're picking like three days a week instead of some days a week. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: So if I- if I could-- I mean, I wanna get there three times a week. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: I wanna get there on Saturdays or Sundays and Tuesdays and Fridays, or something like that, then I could probably [unintelligible 00:07:34] therapist: And days that you know of on your less rigorous schedule that you're more likely to succeed [unintelligible 00:07:40] I really like how you're picking like three days a week instead of some days a week. client: Right, yeah. Well, it's just not-",Very clear you understand the whole idea of giving yourself a day off in between. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I wanna get there on Saturdays or Sundays and Tuesdays and Fridays, or something like that, then I could probably [unintelligible 00:07:34] therapist: And days that you know of on your less rigorous schedule that you're more likely to succeed [unintelligible 00:07:40] I really like how you're picking like three days a week instead of some days a week. client: Right, yeah. Well, it's just not- therapist: Very clear you understand the whole idea of giving yourself a day off in between. client: Oh yeah, yeah, it doesn't do any good to just try to injure your- injure yourself especially when you're a bit normal like me.","Okay, yeah, I know that, yeah, yeah. Okay, so. So, um, so are you sure you wanna try to start out with the- that initial [unintelligible 00:08:07]" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Right, yeah. Well, it's just not- therapist: Very clear you understand the whole idea of giving yourself a day off in between. client: Oh yeah, yeah, it doesn't do any good to just try to injure your- injure yourself especially when you're a bit normal like me. therapist: Okay, yeah, I know that, yeah, yeah. Okay, so. So, um, so are you sure you wanna try to start out with the- that initial [unintelligible 00:08:07] client: You gotta get over there.","When you find someone to go with, great, if not, you get your own [unintelligible 00:08:12] your own music and uh, I'll be- I'll be trying just to-to see um, what is like for you, having actually done that [unintelligible 00:08:20]" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: It's good. therapist: Yeah. client: Um, another thing-- Wait, what, I had something, it's just [inaudible 00:00:03] that I wanted to ask you, um, now a lot of my friends have quit smoking. They're getting like ostracized, but, you know, I tend to, like, gravitate, you know, towards-- Like my ex-husband smokes, you know- therapist: Mm-hmm. client: -so I find it like acceptable in that regard.",You bond other smokers. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, another thing-- Wait, what, I had something, it's just [inaudible 00:00:03] that I wanted to ask you, um, now a lot of my friends have quit smoking. They're getting like ostracized, but, you know, I tend to, like, gravitate, you know, towards-- Like my ex-husband smokes, you know- therapist: Mm-hmm. client: -so I find it like acceptable in that regard. therapist: You bond other smokers. client: Mm-hmm, yeah.","That's very common. I mean, you go where you know, um, no one's gonna look down on you." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -so I find it like acceptable in that regard. therapist: You bond other smokers. client: Mm-hmm, yeah. therapist: That's very common. I mean, you go where you know, um, no one's gonna look down on you. client: Yeah.",And you're instant friends. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm-hmm, yeah. therapist: That's very common. I mean, you go where you know, um, no one's gonna look down on you. client: Yeah. therapist: And you're instant friends. client: Yeah, we share-- ""Okay, oh, a smoker, let's go out and have a smoke together,"" yeah.",And now a total stranger will give you a cigarette- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: And you're instant friends. client: Yeah, we share-- ""Okay, oh, a smoker, let's go out and have a smoke together,"" yeah. therapist: And now a total stranger will give you a cigarette- client: Mm-hmm.","-whereas like, you can't go up to him and say, ""Hey, can I have some of your McDonald's French fries,"" and take them out—" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, we share-- ""Okay, oh, a smoker, let's go out and have a smoke together,"" yeah. therapist: And now a total stranger will give you a cigarette- client: Mm-hmm. therapist: -whereas like, you can't go up to him and say, ""Hey, can I have some of your McDonald's French fries,"" and take them out— client: I like that piece of jewelry, can I? [laughs]","Right, yeah, but with cigarettes, there is a sharing. You don't see that with any other drugs?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I like that piece of jewelry, can I? [laughs] therapist: Right, yeah, but with cigarettes, there is a sharing. You don't see that with any other drugs? client: Right. Right, yeah. You can't have my stash. [laughs] therapist: You can't, no, not one of mine. So, um when are you thinking you might want to do this? client: Um, you know, I guess I'll have to like, you know, get all of my information together.",Okay. Do your homework. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Right, do my homework and set up my like to have everything available to me. therapist: Okay. client: And then maybe set up another appointment with you. therapist: Okay. client: And maybe I don't know if-if that's like something that you'd be, you know, willing to do with me is to- help me set a date.",Sure. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: That seems to be like, uh, a false setting up, you know, like, come on. therapist: Actually, you would be amazed how many people do it. client: Really? therapist: Yeah, yeah, they really do, and smokers. Yeah, and drinkers, they do, yes. Yeah. client: Or, like, you know, setting up-- but what is that that they say? Um, you know, like, it's- it's the terminology, you know, with all the anxiety and letting go, you know, like I'm gonna [crosstalk].",Like a new beginning. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Really? therapist: Yeah, yeah, they really do, and smokers. Yeah, and drinkers, they do, yes. Yeah. client: Or, like, you know, setting up-- but what is that that they say? Um, you know, like, it's- it's the terminology, you know, with all the anxiety and letting go, you know, like I'm gonna [crosstalk]. therapist: Like a new beginning. client: Yeah. Uh-huh, uh-huh. Yeah.","So, for you, it's your, you know, it sounds like you really want to be prepared." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Or, like, you know, setting up-- but what is that that they say? Um, you know, like, it's- it's the terminology, you know, with all the anxiety and letting go, you know, like I'm gonna [crosstalk]. therapist: Like a new beginning. client: Yeah. Uh-huh, uh-huh. Yeah. therapist: So, for you, it's your, you know, it sounds like you really want to be prepared. client: Right, right.","And yet, on some level, you know, that it's gonna be a lot of hard work for you because of, you know, you've already known how anxious you get about a stash-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Right, right. therapist: And yet, on some level, you know, that it's gonna be a lot of hard work for you because of, you know, you've already known how anxious you get about a stash- client: Right. therapist: So if you have a stash Nicorette gum if you decide to use it, I mean, you'd have to have other stashes, you know. client: Yeah, and you know, another thing, uh, uh, you know, it's so so bang, but the weight gain is like—",That worries you? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, and you know, another thing, uh, uh, you know, it's so so bang, but the weight gain is like— therapist: That worries you? client: Uh-huh. therapist: Yeah. So, so if-if your doctor says it's okay with the Wellbutrin, one-- uh, we see very little if any weight gain- client: Oh, really?","-with the Wellbutrin, yes." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, yeah. therapist: So— client: Yeah. That's true. therapist: So, we'll do that so we'll-we'll talk about the hypnosis a little bit more, you know, you'll talk to your doc. Um, you'll do your research, you know, about programs and stuff, I'll give you any information I have and we'll take it from there. But it's sounding like the quit date might be coming up fairly-- like within the next two, three months. client: Okay.","I, uh, mean that's up to you." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. That's true. therapist: So, we'll do that so we'll-we'll talk about the hypnosis a little bit more, you know, you'll talk to your doc. Um, you'll do your research, you know, about programs and stuff, I'll give you any information I have and we'll take it from there. But it's sounding like the quit date might be coming up fairly-- like within the next two, three months. client: Okay. therapist: I, uh, mean that's up to you. client: Yeah. And I mean and that's-that's a reasonable thing- [crosstalk]",You get to decide. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: You know, I always love, um, I've been in other group therapies- therapist: Uh-huh. client: -and the feedback is really nice and the support- therapist: Okay, yeah. client: -system is really good.","Okay. So, that really sounds like something we can do." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -system is really good. therapist: Okay. So, that really sounds like something we can do. client: Yeah. therapist: So, that would be can- the Cancer Society. So, we can look into that. client: All right, great. Good. Great.","All right. Well, I appreciate you coming in. We'll set up another appointment and, um, get our resources together. We'll take it from there and—" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah and, um, it was very-very beautiful to see and the instructor was very nice, but I felt kind of self-conscious because I'm still in my walker. therapist: Uh-huh. client: And I had to sit in the chair. I couldn't, you know, do what they were doing. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: So, it's-- it was-- I simply felt self-conscious.","Uh-huh. So, you thought it was beautiful and you liked the instructor, but you were a little self-conscious because you were in a chair?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: And I had to sit in the chair. I couldn't, you know, do what they were doing. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: So, it's-- it was-- I simply felt self-conscious. therapist: Uh-huh. So, you thought it was beautiful and you liked the instructor, but you were a little self-conscious because you were in a chair? client: A lot self-conscious.","A lot self-conscious, uh-huh." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: A lot self-conscious. therapist: A lot self-conscious, uh-huh. client: Yeah. therapist: What were you hoping to achieve with the, um, by going to tai chi? client: Well, like Dr. Fields told me, it helps with balance, and I'm still having the wobblies. So, I was really hoping that I could get to the point where I could benefit from what they had to offer. Um, yeah, mostly my balance, mostly my balance.","Uh-huh. So, you're hoping that it would help with balance, but you didn't see the- maybe the results you were looking for?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: What were you hoping to achieve with the, um, by going to tai chi? client: Well, like Dr. Fields told me, it helps with balance, and I'm still having the wobblies. So, I was really hoping that I could get to the point where I could benefit from what they had to offer. Um, yeah, mostly my balance, mostly my balance. therapist: Uh-huh. So, you're hoping that it would help with balance, but you didn't see the- maybe the results you were looking for? client: Not yet.",Not yet. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: [sighs] Everything. I want to be with my little dog. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: He's really so cute, and I miss my garden. therapist: Yeah. client: And I just miss being independent, going to sleep when I want to sleep and getting up when I want to get up and-and, uh, cooking for myself. The independence. Sure I miss being independent.","Uh-huh. So, you're wanting to get home to your dog, your garden, back to your life, your independence?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Oh, it's better. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: It still hurts. It- it's-- I'm getting better. I'm-I'm getting better. It's not quite as painful. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: Yeah, so-","So, it sounds like, um, you can see that you're making some progress in physical therapy-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: It still hurts. It- it's-- I'm getting better. I'm-I'm getting better. It's not quite as painful. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: Yeah, so- therapist: So, it sounds like, um, you can see that you're making some progress in physical therapy- client: Yes.",-and that you were hoping that the tai chi would help you with the wobblies. Uh-huh? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: [sighs] Um, yes-yes I-I do because I-- my friend, I think I told you, really, really loves it and I just, I wish I could go back, and yes I do. I'm not making much sense, but I do. therapist: Uh-huh. I think it's important, um, that you know that you're the one who has to make the decision about whether or not tai chi works for you. client: Oh, I don't really know yet after just one time. therapist: Uh-huh. client: Yeah. It's-it's-- I can't make that-- It wouldn't be fair for me to say it does or doesn't. It didn't that one time, but you know.","So, you haven't seen the results that you want yet-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Oh, I don't really know yet after just one time. therapist: Uh-huh. client: Yeah. It's-it's-- I can't make that-- It wouldn't be fair for me to say it does or doesn't. It didn't that one time, but you know. therapist: So, you haven't seen the results that you want yet- client: Yeah.",-but because Dr. Fields has recommended it and your friend has- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. It's-it's-- I can't make that-- It wouldn't be fair for me to say it does or doesn't. It didn't that one time, but you know. therapist: So, you haven't seen the results that you want yet- client: Yeah. therapist: -but because Dr. Fields has recommended it and your friend has- client: Yeah.",-and it sounds like you like the instructor- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: -but because Dr. Fields has recommended it and your friend has- client: Yeah. therapist: -and it sounds like you like the instructor- client: Yeah, I do.",-it sounds like you'd like to try and give it another chance? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, and the arrangement, arrangements a little complicated. therapist: Uh-huh. So, how confident are you on a scale of 1 to 10 with one being not at all confident and 10 being very confident that you can make the arrangements in order to get to tai chi. client: That I can make the arrangement? therapist: Mm-hmm. client: Five.",Five. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: And I would really fe-- If I could have some sup-- Like if somebody could help me do it. therapist: Uh-huh. client: My-my daughter can't visit that often and, um- therapist: Uh-huh. client: Yeah.","So, in order for you to feel more confident, you would like some help in making those arrangements?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: So, in order for you to feel more confident, you would like some help in making those arrangements? client: I would. therapist: Uh-huh. client: I would.",And is that something that your daughter can do for you? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, I can't think of any. therapist: Okay. client: That's-that's the main thing- therapist: All right. client: -the arrangements.","Well, it sounds like you can see that you're making some progress in your physical therapy." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: That's-that's the main thing- therapist: All right. client: -the arrangements. therapist: Well, it sounds like you can see that you're making some progress in your physical therapy. client: Yes.","And that you're wanting to give tai chi another chance, and that if we can help make arrangements for you to get there with the van to the rehab center, that you'll give it another chance." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I'm good, thanks. therapist: Good. Why don't you fill me in on what's been going on since I saw you last? client: Um, I guess everything's fine. I think my caseworker mentioned something about community service that I have to do or something. I don't know. therapist: Okay. client: I'm not sure of that.","So she talked to you a little bit about it, but it sounds like you're kind of unsure exactly the details." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I'm not sure of that. therapist: So she talked to you a little bit about it, but it sounds like you're kind of unsure exactly the details. client: Yeah, I know that she said I have to get so many hours in, but I don't- I don't know. I kind of was half-listening. therapist: Okay. So why don't you tell me what you remember from having your conversation with your case manager? What do you know so far about community service? client: I know that I have to get it done by the end of my probation, except I forgot like how many hours or if I'm supposed to find it or someone else is gonna find it for me or I-I told you I'm confused.","Okay, gotcha. So, you know, that it needs to get done-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: So she talked to you a little bit about it, but it sounds like you're kind of unsure exactly the details. client: Yeah, I know that she said I have to get so many hours in, but I don't- I don't know. I kind of was half-listening. therapist: Okay. So why don't you tell me what you remember from having your conversation with your case manager? What do you know so far about community service? client: I know that I have to get it done by the end of my probation, except I forgot like how many hours or if I'm supposed to find it or someone else is gonna find it for me or I-I told you I'm confused. therapist: Okay, gotcha. So, you know, that it needs to get done-","Yes.-you know, you have till the end of your probation-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: Okay. So why don't you tell me what you remember from having your conversation with your case manager? What do you know so far about community service? client: I know that I have to get it done by the end of my probation, except I forgot like how many hours or if I'm supposed to find it or someone else is gonna find it for me or I-I told you I'm confused. therapist: Okay, gotcha. So, you know, that it needs to get done- therapist: Yes.-you know, you have till the end of your probation- client: Yes.",-but you're a little fuzzy on the details. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Okay. therapist: And that is something that we'd kinda like to see you do on your own, but if you're really feeling like you're struggling, those are phone calls that either you and I can make together or you and your case manager can make together. client: Okay, so I would do that. And then do you know, can I get all the 24 hours in in like a weekend or how does that work? therapist: Well, I mean, 24 hours in a weekend sounds to me like it might be a lot of time. client: [unintelligible 00:02:20]",I can- I can hear that you are really eager to just get it finished- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Okay. therapist: Let's take a look. It says that on occasion you use, uh, drugs other than medical reasons. Which drugs do you use? client: I do some meth. therapist: Snort it, smoke it? client: Snort it, always snort it.",Don't inject it? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Just, you know, some alcohol. therapist: And, uh, um, you do this how often? client: Meth? therapist: Mm-hmm. client: Um, two, three times a month.",So you're an occasional meth user. You don't use very often? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Right. therapist: Only snort it? client: Right. therapist: Well, as I think you know, Methamphetamine use is associated with some health risks. And the amount that you're using it-it puts you in a category that we consider a risky user. And that contrasts with someone who it says addicted, um, someone who's a heavy user but it's not in a healthy category because people who use Methamphetamine tend to run to a number of consequences. And actually one of them is, um, sexually transmitted diseases. Do you suppose that your STD might be associated with your Methamphetamine use? client: Yeah, it could be because, uh, I was high when I had unprotected sex and I would not do that if I were not high.",So you're normally very careful and you use protection when you have sex? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Right. therapist: Well, as I think you know, Methamphetamine use is associated with some health risks. And the amount that you're using it-it puts you in a category that we consider a risky user. And that contrasts with someone who it says addicted, um, someone who's a heavy user but it's not in a healthy category because people who use Methamphetamine tend to run to a number of consequences. And actually one of them is, um, sexually transmitted diseases. Do you suppose that your STD might be associated with your Methamphetamine use? client: Yeah, it could be because, uh, I was high when I had unprotected sex and I would not do that if I were not high. therapist: So you're normally very careful and you use protection when you have sex? client: Definitely, yeah.",And it seems to you that methamphetamine may have clouded your judgment? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: Anything else happening with Methamphetamine in your life? Is it affecting you in any way? client: No, I mean, no. I mean, like I said, I only do it in clubs, you know, with my friends, uh, two or three times a month at-at the most. Um, uh, I don't think it's really having other impacts. But I'm-I'm concerned about this one. I never expected to get gonorrhea. therapist: Yeah, you know, I'm concerned bout it too and I'd actually recommend that you stop using Methamphetamine altogether. And, um, there-there are a lot of reasons for this but that's-that's would be my recommendation. client: I-I understand but it's I think that would be a hard thing for me to do. You know, I mean, I know I should but, I mean, that's like my whole social life. You know, I mean, all my friends go to these clubs. That's where- that's where I see them. You know, that's my sex life basically and, uh, meth is just- it's just a part of it. You know, I mean, everyone is doing it there. You know, so it's while I would like to stop it's-it's kind of hard to think about doing that right away.","So you recognize Methamphetamine has some problems associated with it and you also on the balance see that a lot of your social life and your sex life involves Methamphetamine, it would be difficult to quit using?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Uh, three. therapist: Why not a one or a two? client: I mean, this has been really uncomfortable, you know, gonorrhea is a really bad experience. And, uM, I know I don't think the same, you know, when I'm- when I'm on it. And, uh, I mean, what I have is bad enough, I could easily get AIDS. I could get HIV the same way. So that scares me a lot. That's why it's higher than a one or two. therapist: Are there any other concerns that you have about Methamphetamine? client: Well, I do just snort it but you don't know what it's cut with, you know, there could be something, you know. It could be really bad, um, if it was cut with something dangerous or something. I mean, I-I worry about that sometimes.","Mm, so when I was first talking to you, I thought that you'd have a very, um, really not much interest in not stoping using Methamphetamine but it sounds like you have a number of reasons why you really would like to stop using Methamphetamine. And that is, um, that it might be cut with something else, um, you could get another ST- STD including HIV." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: It's the hard thing, I mean, almost everybody I know uses it. therapist: Is there anyone in your life who doesn't use methamphetamine? client: My sister. therapist: Does she-- Have you talked to her about your meth use? client: I haven't really talked to her about it. I think she knows it I do it sometimes. I mean, we're pretty close. I think I could talk to her about it, and I think she would probably help.","So on the one hand, it would be difficult to quit using Methamphetamine because there are so many positives that you get from using it. But on the other, there are reasons why you want to quit using methamphetamine." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: My sister. therapist: Does she-- Have you talked to her about your meth use? client: I haven't really talked to her about it. I think she knows it I do it sometimes. I mean, we're pretty close. I think I could talk to her about it, and I think she would probably help. therapist: So on the one hand, it would be difficult to quit using Methamphetamine because there are so many positives that you get from using it. But on the other, there are reasons why you want to quit using methamphetamine. client: Yes.",And there's some things that you might be able to do that would make it easier to not use methamphetamine including talking to your sister and getting some support. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, or well, not to that extent, you know what I mean? Like, I-I would-- l didn't think I was at anywhere near a point that I would need to be sat down and intervened with- therapist: Okay. client: -if you know what I mean. therapist: Alright. client: I suppose.","I'm trying to understand you so far, something's concerning you and something's concerning your friends-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: No. therapist: Okay. client: No. I didn't really know. I guess you see sort of things like that in-in movies from America you know, but you don't really- therapist: Mm-hmm. client: - think that it would exist in your own country. Well, not if you grew up in Palmy.",Palmerston. Mm-hmm. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: - think that it would exist in your own country. Well, not if you grew up in Palmy. therapist: Palmerston. Mm-hmm. client: Um, I don't mean to be mean about Palmy but, you know, it's just the different kinda attitude, I guess, kinda- this done- therapist: Yeah. client: -to that sort of thing.",It sounds like you're ready to move up to something that was different. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, I don't mean to be mean about Palmy but, you know, it's just the different kinda attitude, I guess, kinda- this done- therapist: Yeah. client: -to that sort of thing. therapist: It sounds like you're ready to move up to something that was different. client: Yes-",And-and you came- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -to that sort of thing. therapist: It sounds like you're ready to move up to something that was different. client: Yes- therapist: And-and you came- client: -plus-",-here to Auckland. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -'cause-'cause like I found something in myself or something that was missing. therapist: And how does that feel for you now? client: Um, now, I guess, now, I'm just a little used to it. [clears throat] When I first got here, I was like, ""Wow, this is amazing."" This is hard, I guess, but, you know, it's been three years now, so it's just kinda like I've gotten used to it. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: I mean, I guess, I'm, let's say I take it for granted but, um, yes, it's just comfortable now. And, um, it's just a sort of what I do really. Yeah, so, I guess that the drugs are linked to that, I suppose. It's j-- Well, it's just a part of it, I don't really think-- I didn't really differentiate it. It's just kinda, ""Okay, I'm gonna go hang with my friends,"" and that sort of thing, you know, that Saturday, Friday night thing. And then it just happens really as part of that.","So coming out, feeling-- being gay-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, now, I guess, now, I'm just a little used to it. [clears throat] When I first got here, I was like, ""Wow, this is amazing."" This is hard, I guess, but, you know, it's been three years now, so it's just kinda like I've gotten used to it. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: I mean, I guess, I'm, let's say I take it for granted but, um, yes, it's just comfortable now. And, um, it's just a sort of what I do really. Yeah, so, I guess that the drugs are linked to that, I suppose. It's j-- Well, it's just a part of it, I don't really think-- I didn't really differentiate it. It's just kinda, ""Okay, I'm gonna go hang with my friends,"" and that sort of thing, you know, that Saturday, Friday night thing. And then it just happens really as part of that. therapist: So coming out, feeling-- being gay- client: Yep.","-being part of a gay culture here in Auckland, is feeling good-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yep. therapist: And you're not experiencing where these two things are separate? They just seem to be together more often than not? client: Well, I guess, now, that I think about it, maybe it's sort of gone beyond that, maybe I didn't notice that. therapist: So— client: I mean like I always-- Well, it's, you know it's kind of a thing that happens in the weekends but, I guess, sometimes in the weekdays. You know, I'll-I'll pretty much every weekend I'll have a big night, um, maybe two but sometimes, you know, in the weekdays like on a Tuesday or Wednesday or something if I just kinda feel like doing something then I might do that sometimes to see if someone else wants to come round and join me or, you know, occasionally by myself I might have a smoke by myself or something like that. And I guess that isn't entirely linked to that scene, I suppose.",It just sounds like something's worrying you about that there's-there's a part link there but there's not a link and that-that maybe that the drugs is-is becoming a more important part in your life. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -sounds shocking. But to me it-it's- it doesn't feel that way, you know, that's kind of where that, where it kind of doesn't sit right. I, [clears throat] that's why I kind of got a bit miffed at my friends a little bit, or I dunno, a bit defensive there. 'Cause you know, it sounds a lot, but it doesn't feel out of control or anything, you know. It doesn't feel, I dunno, people that need to go and see therapists or whatever you kind of go, ""Oh, they're an addict."" You know. They-- Their health is really bad and they need urgent help right now quickly, Uh, well, at least that's kind of the-the feeling you get. And I don't feel that at all. I don't feel like it's a real urgent thing. So that- therapist: Alright. client: -felt a bit weird. therapist: Okay. client: Yeah.","So you're worried a little bit about it and you're going to find out more about it, but you're-you're not gonna take on this notion of being a headache or anything as yet—" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Definitely. therapist: So tell me then, um, Ricky, what- what's the other side of the good things that-that using meth or doing some smoking does for you? Is there a downside to it? Are there problems that you're experiencing? client: Yep. Um. Uh, I suppose money is quite a big thing. Like, I used to have a lot more money sorta last year. I had a, quite a good job, like a, quite a regular acting job. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: Um, and it was like quite a lot of money that la-last year. So it wasn't such a problem then. And I suppose I sort of blew that money a little bit. Um, so now I don't have that acting income coming in as frequently and I'm working in a cafe like a sort of part-time and it's not bringing in as much. So now it's kinda like, and sometimes I need to borrow a bit of money or sorta need a bit of help with the rent sometimes.",Quite a lot's changed over the last year from— Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yep. Um. Uh, I suppose money is quite a big thing. Like, I used to have a lot more money sorta last year. I had a, quite a good job, like a, quite a regular acting job. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: Um, and it was like quite a lot of money that la-last year. So it wasn't such a problem then. And I suppose I sort of blew that money a little bit. Um, so now I don't have that acting income coming in as frequently and I'm working in a cafe like a sort of part-time and it's not bringing in as much. So now it's kinda like, and sometimes I need to borrow a bit of money or sorta need a bit of help with the rent sometimes. therapist: Quite a lot's changed over the last year from— client: Yeah. Yeah. A little bit.",It doesn't sound like it was part of the plan. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, and it was like quite a lot of money that la-last year. So it wasn't such a problem then. And I suppose I sort of blew that money a little bit. Um, so now I don't have that acting income coming in as frequently and I'm working in a cafe like a sort of part-time and it's not bringing in as much. So now it's kinda like, and sometimes I need to borrow a bit of money or sorta need a bit of help with the rent sometimes. therapist: Quite a lot's changed over the last year from— client: Yeah. Yeah. A little bit. therapist: It doesn't sound like it was part of the plan. client: No. But you know, that's the life of an actor, I suppose, ups and downs works and not works.",Sure. [chuckling] It's not a secure profession- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. Yeah. A little bit. therapist: It doesn't sound like it was part of the plan. client: No. But you know, that's the life of an actor, I suppose, ups and downs works and not works. therapist: Sure. [chuckling] It's not a secure profession- client: No.",-and it's-it's hard- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: You know am I-- You go in- you go into places, interesting places, but you know, I could just as well have saved that money and actually gone to interesting places I suppose. But I don't know. I wonder if it- if-if it's having an effect. I-I don't know. I can't say for sure, but maybe it's not so good for the face, I dunno. [crosstalk] Dunno if I look tired or-or run down or- therapist: Alright. client: -or if I actually am tired or run down, I suppose. Again, this is things that I haven't really thought about- therapist: Alright. client: -but now I'm starting to think about.",Right. And they got questions too- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -but now I'm starting to think about. therapist: Right. And they got questions too- client: Yeah. therapist: -to ask are they— client: Yeah.",You're beginning to-to think about those things and-and-and what effect they may have on you. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: -to ask are they— client: Yeah. therapist: You're beginning to-to think about those things and-and-and what effect they may have on you. client: Yeah.",And the choices that you might have about it. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: And the choices that you might have about it. client: Yeah. Hmm. therapist: What else? Are the-the-the-the problem of around the use of money, you know, the choices that you make around money, and the meth use has taken up quite a lot of the money- client: Yep.","-over the last year and maybe also the effect on-on um, your job and being able-- maybe you're not auditioning as well as you might." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. Hmm. therapist: What else? Are the-the-the-the problem of around the use of money, you know, the choices that you make around money, and the meth use has taken up quite a lot of the money- client: Yep. therapist: -over the last year and maybe also the effect on-on um, your job and being able-- maybe you're not auditioning as well as you might. client: Yep.","And maybe the effects um, also on-on your physical appearance. An interesting question around the effect of meth use on physical appearance." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -look into this or else we can't hang out anymore."" therapist: And that's a problem? client: That would be a problem, yeah. therapist: Why? client: If they didn't wanna hang out, well, then what have I got, I suppose?",They're important. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: You have to take a stupid amount to do any kind of like, or, you know, to die or to end up in a hospital. therapist: YHmm. client: So it's provided you don't-- you're not stupid with it. Then it's just a bit of fun but you can't really explain that to people who are-- have their walls up. So it's hard not to sit in this room full of people kind of going, ""Oh, you know, you really should stop the drugs, they're bad."" It's like, ""Well actually, you don't know what you're talking about."" therapist: Hmm. But Ricky, let me just check, 'cause I may got this wrong, just check with you that um, there are some friends that you've got who do use who are still concerned about you. Did I get that right from what you said earlier that-that those who are concerned about you and were part of this intervention some of them use. client: Yep. Yeah, a couple.",And you-- So they have their concerns and-and you are beginning to-to ask questions of this use as well and- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yep. therapist: I'm happy with that. What do you think will happen, what might happen if you can turn your-your uses- you're on now? What-what concerns do you have about not making any kind of change? client: Um, well I suppose the acting thing is a really big concern. therapist: Alright. client: 'Cause I want that to be my job, you know. I'm fucking sick of cafes.",This is gonna be your career. This is the career- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, well I suppose the acting thing is a really big concern. therapist: Alright. client: 'Cause I want that to be my job, you know. I'm fucking sick of cafes. therapist: This is gonna be your career. This is the career- client: Yeah.",-you want to make. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I'd like it to be, yeah. therapist: Mm-hmm. It's harder when you're trying to create your career, get that going. You gotta- you gotta be at your- at your top, top pitch. client: Yeah. therapist: Yeah. client: Yeah, 'cause I mean it's all you know, it's partly lacking and partly being at the right place at the right time. And if you're at the right place and at the right time and it is not on your game then there could have been a—","Yeah, and-and maybe the meth use is-is compromising that." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, 'cause I mean it's all you know, it's partly lacking and partly being at the right place at the right time. And if you're at the right place and at the right time and it is not on your game then there could have been a— therapist: Yeah, and-and maybe the meth use is-is compromising that. client: Yeah, it could be. therapist: Hmm. client: Yeah, and then I suppose also like money is linked into that as well, you know, I've-- I'm not doing as many courses and stuff as I used to be doing, 'cause it's, you know, don't have the money.","Alright, so it's back to the money thing again which is-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: Yeah. client: Yeah, and I don't wanna be that person. therapist: Let's just come back to another thing, uh, that we were talking about a little bit earlier, and it's around your meth use as well and-and-and with your gay friends, with gay lifestyle. And-and that sounds like you're saying that-that-that when you party, when you go into the clubs, when you're being with friends that the meth use is always there? client: Yeah.",The-the availability of it is there. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. Not-not necessarily P or whatever but yeah most people are doing something. Yeah. I suppose yeah it's kind of part of that scene that there's not a huge like, you know, you go to normal bars and most people are just drunk and wasted and like spewing everywhere and stuff and whereas that's a different scene. Like, people drink but they don't drink to that excess but they take other things and have a good time. And, yeah. therapist: And it might be hard to be part of that scene and not to be using drugs? client: Yeah. I mean there are people that do that. I suppose it-it would be hard. I-I haven't really thought about it, I suppose. That's all it is, all I've known that scene to be, you know, 'cause I'm quite new to it, you know- therapist: Right. client: -so from the beginning it was always there.",So there is a possibility that there are other parts of the scene that don't rely on drug use- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Oh yeah, well, they must be. I can't imagine everyone is there, I guess just the ma-majority or at least p-- the majority of people that I know, yeah. therapist: So that might be something that we can look at but later if you're interested in is maybe what are some of those other parts of the gay scene, whose still party and party medley, but when meth is not a- is not a dominant- client: Yeah. therapist: -factor in that partying, and we- where-where there are, uh, uh, uh, gay groups that support people who-who are not wanting to be-- they have a lifestyle that is heavily weighted to drug use. So there are some options there to look at some other ideas if you're interested and we might look at that, for you to think about- client: Yeah.","-to consider, so it's not about giving up anything, it's not about huge major changes, it's about how can I improve the situation." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: -factor in that partying, and we- where-where there are, uh, uh, uh, gay groups that support people who-who are not wanting to be-- they have a lifestyle that is heavily weighted to drug use. So there are some options there to look at some other ideas if you're interested and we might look at that, for you to think about- client: Yeah. therapist: -to consider, so it's not about giving up anything, it's not about huge major changes, it's about how can I improve the situation. client: Yep. Yeah.",It's what I'm hearing you saying bring-- be a little bit more in control of what's-what's going on for me. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: -to consider, so it's not about giving up anything, it's not about huge major changes, it's about how can I improve the situation. client: Yep. Yeah. therapist: It's what I'm hearing you saying bring-- be a little bit more in control of what's-what's going on for me. client: Yep.",So that I can pursue that plan. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm. therapist: -as an alternative. client: Yeah. Yeah, but I think you're right about, just something to look forward to, because it's that midweek slump, you know. So far away till people will be in their place where they can- therapist: Yeah. client: -hang out and have a good time.","Yeah. Yeah. And there are things that have gotta work for you, so that-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -if you quit smoking. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: Now the downside to that is I'm gonna gain weight. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: That means a new wardrobe, which I'd like to have, but I can't afford it.",Okay. So right now you're seeing that it's a part of your life. It's been a part of your life off and on for 18 years. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Now the downside to that is I'm gonna gain weight. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: That means a new wardrobe, which I'd like to have, but I can't afford it. therapist: Okay. So right now you're seeing that it's a part of your life. It's been a part of your life off and on for 18 years. client: Mm-hmm.",It's become a more important part of your life because you found yourself smoking at times that you thought I'll never smoke then. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: That means a new wardrobe, which I'd like to have, but I can't afford it. therapist: Okay. So right now you're seeing that it's a part of your life. It's been a part of your life off and on for 18 years. client: Mm-hmm. therapist: It's become a more important part of your life because you found yourself smoking at times that you thought I'll never smoke then. client: Right.","Yeah. And your worry is that if you stop, you will end up gaining weight. So I'm hearing this kind of list of things that don't feel so positive about stopping." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, withdrawal. therapist: Mm. client: They say it's awful. Um, being cranky. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: And if I do go through this, I just hope my friends understand and will support me in what I'm trying to do.",Mm-hmm. Okay. Yeah. So added to the other list is the having to go through the withdrawal- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Pleasure to meet you. client: Pleasure to meet you. client: Pleasure to meet you. therapist: I, uh, I'm a case manager with your health plan. I understand that you came in today to talk about your diabetes. therapist: I, uh, I'm a case manager with your health plan. I understand that you came in today to talk about your diabetes.","I, uh, I'm a case manager with your health plan. I understand that you came in today to talk about your diabetes." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Pleasure to meet you. client: Pleasure to meet you. therapist: I, uh, I'm a case manager with your health plan. I understand that you came in today to talk about your diabetes. therapist: I, uh, I'm a case manager with your health plan. I understand that you came in today to talk about your diabetes. therapist: I, uh, I'm a case manager with your health plan. I understand that you came in today to talk about your diabetes.","I, uh, I'm a case manager with your health plan. I understand that you came in today to talk about your diabetes." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: I, uh, I'm a case manager with your health plan. I understand that you came in today to talk about your diabetes. therapist: I, uh, I'm a case manager with your health plan. I understand that you came in today to talk about your diabetes. therapist: I, uh, I'm a case manager with your health plan. I understand that you came in today to talk about your diabetes. therapist: I, uh, I'm a case manager with your health plan. I understand that you came in today to talk about your diabetes. therapist: I, uh, I'm a case manager with your health plan. I understand that you came in today to talk about your diabetes.","I, uh, I'm a case manager with your health plan. I understand that you came in today to talk about your diabetes." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. I'm supposed to learn how to manage it. I just learned that I got diabetes and apparently, it's pretty bad 'cause, uh, she said my blood sugar was sky high, and then she laid all these huge consequences on things that can happen. That just sounds so disastrous and, uh, and then she told me I gotta do all this stuff. And man, I'm just sort of disappointed right now. client: Yeah. I'm supposed to learn how to manage it. I just learned that I got diabetes and apparently, it's pretty bad 'cause, uh, she said my blood sugar was sky high, and then she laid all these huge consequences on things that can happen. That just sounds so disastrous and, uh, and then she told me I gotta do all this stuff. And man, I'm just sort of disappointed right now. client: Yeah. I'm supposed to learn how to manage it. I just learned that I got diabetes and apparently, it's pretty bad 'cause, uh, she said my blood sugar was sky high, and then she laid all these huge consequences on things that can happen. That just sounds so disastrous and, uh, and then she told me I gotta do all this stuff. And man, I'm just sort of disappointed right now. client: Yeah. I'm supposed to learn how to manage it. I just learned that I got diabetes and apparently, it's pretty bad 'cause, uh, she said my blood sugar was sky high, and then she laid all these huge consequences on things that can happen. That just sounds so disastrous and, uh, and then she told me I gotta do all this stuff. And man, I'm just sort of disappointed right now. client: Yeah. I'm supposed to learn how to manage it. I just learned that I got diabetes and apparently, it's pretty bad 'cause, uh, she said my blood sugar was sky high, and then she laid all these huge consequences on things that can happen. That just sounds so disastrous and, uh, and then she told me I gotta do all this stuff. And man, I'm just sort of disappointed right now.","So you just- you just saw the doctor and, uh, you know, you sound like you just got blindsided, uh, with, uh, not only how, how frightening this seems that you have diabetes and that, uh, she-- you say she told you a whole lot of things that can happen with your eyes and circulation and all those kinds of things." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. I'm supposed to learn how to manage it. I just learned that I got diabetes and apparently, it's pretty bad 'cause, uh, she said my blood sugar was sky high, and then she laid all these huge consequences on things that can happen. That just sounds so disastrous and, uh, and then she told me I gotta do all this stuff. And man, I'm just sort of disappointed right now. client: Yeah. I'm supposed to learn how to manage it. I just learned that I got diabetes and apparently, it's pretty bad 'cause, uh, she said my blood sugar was sky high, and then she laid all these huge consequences on things that can happen. That just sounds so disastrous and, uh, and then she told me I gotta do all this stuff. And man, I'm just sort of disappointed right now. client: Yeah. I'm supposed to learn how to manage it. I just learned that I got diabetes and apparently, it's pretty bad 'cause, uh, she said my blood sugar was sky high, and then she laid all these huge consequences on things that can happen. That just sounds so disastrous and, uh, and then she told me I gotta do all this stuff. And man, I'm just sort of disappointed right now. client: Yeah. I'm supposed to learn how to manage it. I just learned that I got diabetes and apparently, it's pretty bad 'cause, uh, she said my blood sugar was sky high, and then she laid all these huge consequences on things that can happen. That just sounds so disastrous and, uh, and then she told me I gotta do all this stuff. And man, I'm just sort of disappointed right now. therapist: So you just- you just saw the doctor and, uh, you know, you sound like you just got blindsided, uh, with, uh, not only how, how frightening this seems that you have diabetes and that, uh, she-- you say she told you a whole lot of things that can happen with your eyes and circulation and all those kinds of things.","So you just- you just saw the doctor and, uh, you know, you sound like you just got blindsided, uh, with, uh, not only how, how frightening this seems that you have diabetes and that, uh, she-- you say she told you a whole lot of things that can happen with your eyes and circulation and all those kinds of things." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. I'm supposed to learn how to manage it. I just learned that I got diabetes and apparently, it's pretty bad 'cause, uh, she said my blood sugar was sky high, and then she laid all these huge consequences on things that can happen. That just sounds so disastrous and, uh, and then she told me I gotta do all this stuff. And man, I'm just sort of disappointed right now. client: Yeah. I'm supposed to learn how to manage it. I just learned that I got diabetes and apparently, it's pretty bad 'cause, uh, she said my blood sugar was sky high, and then she laid all these huge consequences on things that can happen. That just sounds so disastrous and, uh, and then she told me I gotta do all this stuff. And man, I'm just sort of disappointed right now. client: Yeah. I'm supposed to learn how to manage it. I just learned that I got diabetes and apparently, it's pretty bad 'cause, uh, she said my blood sugar was sky high, and then she laid all these huge consequences on things that can happen. That just sounds so disastrous and, uh, and then she told me I gotta do all this stuff. And man, I'm just sort of disappointed right now. therapist: So you just- you just saw the doctor and, uh, you know, you sound like you just got blindsided, uh, with, uh, not only how, how frightening this seems that you have diabetes and that, uh, she-- you say she told you a whole lot of things that can happen with your eyes and circulation and all those kinds of things. therapist: So you just- you just saw the doctor and, uh, you know, you sound like you just got blindsided, uh, with, uh, not only how, how frightening this seems that you have diabetes and that, uh, she-- you say she told you a whole lot of things that can happen with your eyes and circulation and all those kinds of things.","So you just- you just saw the doctor and, uh, you know, you sound like you just got blindsided, uh, with, uh, not only how, how frightening this seems that you have diabetes and that, uh, she-- you say she told you a whole lot of things that can happen with your eyes and circulation and all those kinds of things." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. I'm supposed to learn how to manage it. I just learned that I got diabetes and apparently, it's pretty bad 'cause, uh, she said my blood sugar was sky high, and then she laid all these huge consequences on things that can happen. That just sounds so disastrous and, uh, and then she told me I gotta do all this stuff. And man, I'm just sort of disappointed right now. client: Yeah. I'm supposed to learn how to manage it. I just learned that I got diabetes and apparently, it's pretty bad 'cause, uh, she said my blood sugar was sky high, and then she laid all these huge consequences on things that can happen. That just sounds so disastrous and, uh, and then she told me I gotta do all this stuff. And man, I'm just sort of disappointed right now. therapist: So you just- you just saw the doctor and, uh, you know, you sound like you just got blindsided, uh, with, uh, not only how, how frightening this seems that you have diabetes and that, uh, she-- you say she told you a whole lot of things that can happen with your eyes and circulation and all those kinds of things. therapist: So you just- you just saw the doctor and, uh, you know, you sound like you just got blindsided, uh, with, uh, not only how, how frightening this seems that you have diabetes and that, uh, she-- you say she told you a whole lot of things that can happen with your eyes and circulation and all those kinds of things. therapist: So you just- you just saw the doctor and, uh, you know, you sound like you just got blindsided, uh, with, uh, not only how, how frightening this seems that you have diabetes and that, uh, she-- you say she told you a whole lot of things that can happen with your eyes and circulation and all those kinds of things.","So you just- you just saw the doctor and, uh, you know, you sound like you just got blindsided, uh, with, uh, not only how, how frightening this seems that you have diabetes and that, uh, she-- you say she told you a whole lot of things that can happen with your eyes and circulation and all those kinds of things." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. I'm supposed to learn how to manage it. I just learned that I got diabetes and apparently, it's pretty bad 'cause, uh, she said my blood sugar was sky high, and then she laid all these huge consequences on things that can happen. That just sounds so disastrous and, uh, and then she told me I gotta do all this stuff. And man, I'm just sort of disappointed right now. therapist: So you just- you just saw the doctor and, uh, you know, you sound like you just got blindsided, uh, with, uh, not only how, how frightening this seems that you have diabetes and that, uh, she-- you say she told you a whole lot of things that can happen with your eyes and circulation and all those kinds of things. therapist: So you just- you just saw the doctor and, uh, you know, you sound like you just got blindsided, uh, with, uh, not only how, how frightening this seems that you have diabetes and that, uh, she-- you say she told you a whole lot of things that can happen with your eyes and circulation and all those kinds of things. therapist: So you just- you just saw the doctor and, uh, you know, you sound like you just got blindsided, uh, with, uh, not only how, how frightening this seems that you have diabetes and that, uh, she-- you say she told you a whole lot of things that can happen with your eyes and circulation and all those kinds of things. therapist: So you just- you just saw the doctor and, uh, you know, you sound like you just got blindsided, uh, with, uh, not only how, how frightening this seems that you have diabetes and that, uh, she-- you say she told you a whole lot of things that can happen with your eyes and circulation and all those kinds of things.","So you just- you just saw the doctor and, uh, you know, you sound like you just got blindsided, uh, with, uh, not only how, how frightening this seems that you have diabetes and that, uh, she-- you say she told you a whole lot of things that can happen with your eyes and circulation and all those kinds of things." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: So you just- you just saw the doctor and, uh, you know, you sound like you just got blindsided, uh, with, uh, not only how, how frightening this seems that you have diabetes and that, uh, she-- you say she told you a whole lot of things that can happen with your eyes and circulation and all those kinds of things. therapist: So you just- you just saw the doctor and, uh, you know, you sound like you just got blindsided, uh, with, uh, not only how, how frightening this seems that you have diabetes and that, uh, she-- you say she told you a whole lot of things that can happen with your eyes and circulation and all those kinds of things. therapist: So you just- you just saw the doctor and, uh, you know, you sound like you just got blindsided, uh, with, uh, not only how, how frightening this seems that you have diabetes and that, uh, she-- you say she told you a whole lot of things that can happen with your eyes and circulation and all those kinds of things. therapist: So you just- you just saw the doctor and, uh, you know, you sound like you just got blindsided, uh, with, uh, not only how, how frightening this seems that you have diabetes and that, uh, she-- you say she told you a whole lot of things that can happen with your eyes and circulation and all those kinds of things. therapist: So you just- you just saw the doctor and, uh, you know, you sound like you just got blindsided, uh, with, uh, not only how, how frightening this seems that you have diabetes and that, uh, she-- you say she told you a whole lot of things that can happen with your eyes and circulation and all those kinds of things.","So you just- you just saw the doctor and, uh, you know, you sound like you just got blindsided, uh, with, uh, not only how, how frightening this seems that you have diabetes and that, uh, she-- you say she told you a whole lot of things that can happen with your eyes and circulation and all those kinds of things." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: She mentioned my legs having troubles and- client: She mentioned my legs having troubles and- client: She mentioned my legs having troubles and- client: She mentioned my legs having troubles and- client: She mentioned my legs having troubles and-","And so you're really kind of reeling right now from, uh, all of that. And you sound a little bit pretty, pretty scared actually." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: She mentioned my legs having troubles and- client: She mentioned my legs having troubles and- client: She mentioned my legs having troubles and- client: She mentioned my legs having troubles and- therapist: And so you're really kind of reeling right now from, uh, all of that. And you sound a little bit pretty, pretty scared actually.","And so you're really kind of reeling right now from, uh, all of that. And you sound a little bit pretty, pretty scared actually." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: She mentioned my legs having troubles and- client: She mentioned my legs having troubles and- client: She mentioned my legs having troubles and- therapist: And so you're really kind of reeling right now from, uh, all of that. And you sound a little bit pretty, pretty scared actually. therapist: And so you're really kind of reeling right now from, uh, all of that. And you sound a little bit pretty, pretty scared actually.","And so you're really kind of reeling right now from, uh, all of that. And you sound a little bit pretty, pretty scared actually." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: She mentioned my legs having troubles and- client: She mentioned my legs having troubles and- therapist: And so you're really kind of reeling right now from, uh, all of that. And you sound a little bit pretty, pretty scared actually. therapist: And so you're really kind of reeling right now from, uh, all of that. And you sound a little bit pretty, pretty scared actually. therapist: And so you're really kind of reeling right now from, uh, all of that. And you sound a little bit pretty, pretty scared actually.","And so you're really kind of reeling right now from, uh, all of that. And you sound a little bit pretty, pretty scared actually." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: She mentioned my legs having troubles and- therapist: And so you're really kind of reeling right now from, uh, all of that. And you sound a little bit pretty, pretty scared actually. therapist: And so you're really kind of reeling right now from, uh, all of that. And you sound a little bit pretty, pretty scared actually. therapist: And so you're really kind of reeling right now from, uh, all of that. And you sound a little bit pretty, pretty scared actually. therapist: And so you're really kind of reeling right now from, uh, all of that. And you sound a little bit pretty, pretty scared actually.","And so you're really kind of reeling right now from, uh, all of that. And you sound a little bit pretty, pretty scared actually." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: And so you're really kind of reeling right now from, uh, all of that. And you sound a little bit pretty, pretty scared actually. therapist: And so you're really kind of reeling right now from, uh, all of that. And you sound a little bit pretty, pretty scared actually. therapist: And so you're really kind of reeling right now from, uh, all of that. And you sound a little bit pretty, pretty scared actually. therapist: And so you're really kind of reeling right now from, uh, all of that. And you sound a little bit pretty, pretty scared actually. therapist: And so you're really kind of reeling right now from, uh, all of that. And you sound a little bit pretty, pretty scared actually.","And so you're really kind of reeling right now from, uh, all of that. And you sound a little bit pretty, pretty scared actually." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, that's, yeah. It's not just being scared, you know. I don't want that to happen to me, but then when I, when-when she reels off all these things I gotta do and I'm sort of going oh, oh, you know, I'm not certain I can even get it done. So it's sort of sitting-- well, you know, I'm sitting here thinking that, oh my God, this is- this is what's gonna happen to me. client: Well, that's, yeah. It's not just being scared, you know. I don't want that to happen to me, but then when I, when-when she reels off all these things I gotta do and I'm sort of going oh, oh, you know, I'm not certain I can even get it done. So it's sort of sitting-- well, you know, I'm sitting here thinking that, oh my God, this is- this is what's gonna happen to me. client: Well, that's, yeah. It's not just being scared, you know. I don't want that to happen to me, but then when I, when-when she reels off all these things I gotta do and I'm sort of going oh, oh, you know, I'm not certain I can even get it done. So it's sort of sitting-- well, you know, I'm sitting here thinking that, oh my God, this is- this is what's gonna happen to me. client: Well, that's, yeah. It's not just being scared, you know. I don't want that to happen to me, but then when I, when-when she reels off all these things I gotta do and I'm sort of going oh, oh, you know, I'm not certain I can even get it done. So it's sort of sitting-- well, you know, I'm sitting here thinking that, oh my God, this is- this is what's gonna happen to me. therapist: So it sounds like-",So it sounds like- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, that's, yeah. It's not just being scared, you know. I don't want that to happen to me, but then when I, when-when she reels off all these things I gotta do and I'm sort of going oh, oh, you know, I'm not certain I can even get it done. So it's sort of sitting-- well, you know, I'm sitting here thinking that, oh my God, this is- this is what's gonna happen to me. client: Well, that's, yeah. It's not just being scared, you know. I don't want that to happen to me, but then when I, when-when she reels off all these things I gotta do and I'm sort of going oh, oh, you know, I'm not certain I can even get it done. So it's sort of sitting-- well, you know, I'm sitting here thinking that, oh my God, this is- this is what's gonna happen to me. client: Well, that's, yeah. It's not just being scared, you know. I don't want that to happen to me, but then when I, when-when she reels off all these things I gotta do and I'm sort of going oh, oh, you know, I'm not certain I can even get it done. So it's sort of sitting-- well, you know, I'm sitting here thinking that, oh my God, this is- this is what's gonna happen to me. therapist: So it sounds like- therapist: So it sounds like-",So it sounds like- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: So it sounds like- therapist: So it sounds like- therapist: So it sounds like- therapist: So it sounds like- therapist: So it sounds like-",So it sounds like- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: And it is discouraging, just like discouraging. client: And it is discouraging, just like discouraging. client: And it is discouraging, just like discouraging. client: And it is discouraging, just like discouraging. client: And it is discouraging, just like discouraging.","So it sounds a lot like, uh, on top of the fact that you've got something you're really scared about having consequences in terms of everything that can happen, what worries you also is all the different things that she told you you're going to need to do to get it under control. Can't imagine doing all those things, so you almost feel like all that bad stuff's gonna happen." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: And it is discouraging, just like discouraging. client: And it is discouraging, just like discouraging. client: And it is discouraging, just like discouraging. client: And it is discouraging, just like discouraging. therapist: So it sounds a lot like, uh, on top of the fact that you've got something you're really scared about having consequences in terms of everything that can happen, what worries you also is all the different things that she told you you're going to need to do to get it under control. Can't imagine doing all those things, so you almost feel like all that bad stuff's gonna happen.","So it sounds a lot like, uh, on top of the fact that you've got something you're really scared about having consequences in terms of everything that can happen, what worries you also is all the different things that she told you you're going to need to do to get it under control. Can't imagine doing all those things, so you almost feel like all that bad stuff's gonna happen." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: And it is discouraging, just like discouraging. client: And it is discouraging, just like discouraging. client: And it is discouraging, just like discouraging. therapist: So it sounds a lot like, uh, on top of the fact that you've got something you're really scared about having consequences in terms of everything that can happen, what worries you also is all the different things that she told you you're going to need to do to get it under control. Can't imagine doing all those things, so you almost feel like all that bad stuff's gonna happen. therapist: So it sounds a lot like, uh, on top of the fact that you've got something you're really scared about having consequences in terms of everything that can happen, what worries you also is all the different things that she told you you're going to need to do to get it under control. Can't imagine doing all those things, so you almost feel like all that bad stuff's gonna happen.","So it sounds a lot like, uh, on top of the fact that you've got something you're really scared about having consequences in terms of everything that can happen, what worries you also is all the different things that she told you you're going to need to do to get it under control. Can't imagine doing all those things, so you almost feel like all that bad stuff's gonna happen." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: And it is discouraging, just like discouraging. client: And it is discouraging, just like discouraging. therapist: So it sounds a lot like, uh, on top of the fact that you've got something you're really scared about having consequences in terms of everything that can happen, what worries you also is all the different things that she told you you're going to need to do to get it under control. Can't imagine doing all those things, so you almost feel like all that bad stuff's gonna happen. therapist: So it sounds a lot like, uh, on top of the fact that you've got something you're really scared about having consequences in terms of everything that can happen, what worries you also is all the different things that she told you you're going to need to do to get it under control. Can't imagine doing all those things, so you almost feel like all that bad stuff's gonna happen. therapist: So it sounds a lot like, uh, on top of the fact that you've got something you're really scared about having consequences in terms of everything that can happen, what worries you also is all the different things that she told you you're going to need to do to get it under control. Can't imagine doing all those things, so you almost feel like all that bad stuff's gonna happen.","So it sounds a lot like, uh, on top of the fact that you've got something you're really scared about having consequences in terms of everything that can happen, what worries you also is all the different things that she told you you're going to need to do to get it under control. Can't imagine doing all those things, so you almost feel like all that bad stuff's gonna happen." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: And it is discouraging, just like discouraging. therapist: So it sounds a lot like, uh, on top of the fact that you've got something you're really scared about having consequences in terms of everything that can happen, what worries you also is all the different things that she told you you're going to need to do to get it under control. Can't imagine doing all those things, so you almost feel like all that bad stuff's gonna happen. therapist: So it sounds a lot like, uh, on top of the fact that you've got something you're really scared about having consequences in terms of everything that can happen, what worries you also is all the different things that she told you you're going to need to do to get it under control. Can't imagine doing all those things, so you almost feel like all that bad stuff's gonna happen. therapist: So it sounds a lot like, uh, on top of the fact that you've got something you're really scared about having consequences in terms of everything that can happen, what worries you also is all the different things that she told you you're going to need to do to get it under control. Can't imagine doing all those things, so you almost feel like all that bad stuff's gonna happen. therapist: So it sounds a lot like, uh, on top of the fact that you've got something you're really scared about having consequences in terms of everything that can happen, what worries you also is all the different things that she told you you're going to need to do to get it under control. Can't imagine doing all those things, so you almost feel like all that bad stuff's gonna happen.","So it sounds a lot like, uh, on top of the fact that you've got something you're really scared about having consequences in terms of everything that can happen, what worries you also is all the different things that she told you you're going to need to do to get it under control. Can't imagine doing all those things, so you almost feel like all that bad stuff's gonna happen." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: So it sounds a lot like, uh, on top of the fact that you've got something you're really scared about having consequences in terms of everything that can happen, what worries you also is all the different things that she told you you're going to need to do to get it under control. Can't imagine doing all those things, so you almost feel like all that bad stuff's gonna happen. therapist: So it sounds a lot like, uh, on top of the fact that you've got something you're really scared about having consequences in terms of everything that can happen, what worries you also is all the different things that she told you you're going to need to do to get it under control. Can't imagine doing all those things, so you almost feel like all that bad stuff's gonna happen. therapist: So it sounds a lot like, uh, on top of the fact that you've got something you're really scared about having consequences in terms of everything that can happen, what worries you also is all the different things that she told you you're going to need to do to get it under control. Can't imagine doing all those things, so you almost feel like all that bad stuff's gonna happen. therapist: So it sounds a lot like, uh, on top of the fact that you've got something you're really scared about having consequences in terms of everything that can happen, what worries you also is all the different things that she told you you're going to need to do to get it under control. Can't imagine doing all those things, so you almost feel like all that bad stuff's gonna happen. therapist: So it sounds a lot like, uh, on top of the fact that you've got something you're really scared about having consequences in terms of everything that can happen, what worries you also is all the different things that she told you you're going to need to do to get it under control. Can't imagine doing all those things, so you almost feel like all that bad stuff's gonna happen.","So it sounds a lot like, uh, on top of the fact that you've got something you're really scared about having consequences in terms of everything that can happen, what worries you also is all the different things that she told you you're going to need to do to get it under control. Can't imagine doing all those things, so you almost feel like all that bad stuff's gonna happen." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. It looks like a massive task that I'm may not be able to handle. And then, yeah, all this horrible stuff happens to me. I mean, it's- it's a bleak-looking situation and a lot worse. client: Yeah. It looks like a massive task that I'm may not be able to handle. And then, yeah, all this horrible stuff happens to me. I mean, it's- it's a bleak-looking situation and a lot worse. therapist: Okay. And I-- And what I want to do is help you kind of break this up into some-some doable chunks so that we can get your blood sugar down. I, you know, on the one hand, your doctor is right, you know. Your blood sugar is very high and we do wanna get it down so that we don't have those consequences happen. Uh, and-and there are a number of things that you need to do in order to-to get your blood sugar down. Um, you know, on the other hand, we can take this a step at a time, so it's not so overwhelming. therapist: Okay. And I-- And what I want to do is help you kind of break this up into some-some doable chunks so that we can get your blood sugar down. I, you know, on the one hand, your doctor is right, you know. Your blood sugar is very high and we do wanna get it down so that we don't have those consequences happen. Uh, and-and there are a number of things that you need to do in order to-to get your blood sugar down. Um, you know, on the other hand, we can take this a step at a time, so it's not so overwhelming. therapist: Okay. And I-- And what I want to do is help you kind of break this up into some-some doable chunks so that we can get your blood sugar down. I, you know, on the one hand, your doctor is right, you know. Your blood sugar is very high and we do wanna get it down so that we don't have those consequences happen. Uh, and-and there are a number of things that you need to do in order to-to get your blood sugar down. Um, you know, on the other hand, we can take this a step at a time, so it's not so overwhelming.","Okay. And I-- And what I want to do is help you kind of break this up into some-some doable chunks so that we can get your blood sugar down. I, you know, on the one hand, your doctor is right, you know. Your blood sugar is very high and we do wanna get it down so that we don't have those consequences happen. Uh, and-and there are a number of things that you need to do in order to-to get your blood sugar down. Um, you know, on the other hand, we can take this a step at a time, so it's not so overwhelming." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: Okay. And I-- And what I want to do is help you kind of break this up into some-some doable chunks so that we can get your blood sugar down. I, you know, on the one hand, your doctor is right, you know. Your blood sugar is very high and we do wanna get it down so that we don't have those consequences happen. Uh, and-and there are a number of things that you need to do in order to-to get your blood sugar down. Um, you know, on the other hand, we can take this a step at a time, so it's not so overwhelming. therapist: Okay. And I-- And what I want to do is help you kind of break this up into some-some doable chunks so that we can get your blood sugar down. I, you know, on the one hand, your doctor is right, you know. Your blood sugar is very high and we do wanna get it down so that we don't have those consequences happen. Uh, and-and there are a number of things that you need to do in order to-to get your blood sugar down. Um, you know, on the other hand, we can take this a step at a time, so it's not so overwhelming. therapist: Okay. And I-- And what I want to do is help you kind of break this up into some-some doable chunks so that we can get your blood sugar down. I, you know, on the one hand, your doctor is right, you know. Your blood sugar is very high and we do wanna get it down so that we don't have those consequences happen. Uh, and-and there are a number of things that you need to do in order to-to get your blood sugar down. Um, you know, on the other hand, we can take this a step at a time, so it's not so overwhelming. therapist: Okay. And I-- And what I want to do is help you kind of break this up into some-some doable chunks so that we can get your blood sugar down. I, you know, on the one hand, your doctor is right, you know. Your blood sugar is very high and we do wanna get it down so that we don't have those consequences happen. Uh, and-and there are a number of things that you need to do in order to-to get your blood sugar down. Um, you know, on the other hand, we can take this a step at a time, so it's not so overwhelming. therapist: Okay. And I-- And what I want to do is help you kind of break this up into some-some doable chunks so that we can get your blood sugar down. I, you know, on the one hand, your doctor is right, you know. Your blood sugar is very high and we do wanna get it down so that we don't have those consequences happen. Uh, and-and there are a number of things that you need to do in order to-to get your blood sugar down. Um, you know, on the other hand, we can take this a step at a time, so it's not so overwhelming.","Okay. And I-- And what I want to do is help you kind of break this up into some-some doable chunks so that we can get your blood sugar down. I, you know, on the one hand, your doctor is right, you know. Your blood sugar is very high and we do wanna get it down so that we don't have those consequences happen. Uh, and-and there are a number of things that you need to do in order to-to get your blood sugar down. Um, you know, on the other hand, we can take this a step at a time, so it's not so overwhelming." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, I don't think too much trouble in taking the medicines, especially since I understand my blood sugar is really high. and- client: Well, I don't think too much trouble in taking the medicines, especially since I understand my blood sugar is really high. and- client: Well, I don't think too much trouble in taking the medicines, especially since I understand my blood sugar is really high. and- client: Well, I don't think too much trouble in taking the medicines, especially since I understand my blood sugar is really high. and- client: Well, I don't think too much trouble in taking the medicines, especially since I understand my blood sugar is really high. and-",So that's easy to do. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, I don't think too much trouble in taking the medicines, especially since I understand my blood sugar is really high. and- client: Well, I don't think too much trouble in taking the medicines, especially since I understand my blood sugar is really high. and- client: Well, I don't think too much trouble in taking the medicines, especially since I understand my blood sugar is really high. and- client: Well, I don't think too much trouble in taking the medicines, especially since I understand my blood sugar is really high. and- therapist: So that's easy to do.",So that's easy to do. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, I don't think too much trouble in taking the medicines, especially since I understand my blood sugar is really high. and- client: Well, I don't think too much trouble in taking the medicines, especially since I understand my blood sugar is really high. and- client: Well, I don't think too much trouble in taking the medicines, especially since I understand my blood sugar is really high. and- therapist: So that's easy to do. therapist: So that's easy to do.",So that's easy to do. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, I don't think too much trouble in taking the medicines, especially since I understand my blood sugar is really high. and- client: Well, I don't think too much trouble in taking the medicines, especially since I understand my blood sugar is really high. and- therapist: So that's easy to do. therapist: So that's easy to do. therapist: So that's easy to do.",So that's easy to do. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, I don't think too much trouble in taking the medicines, especially since I understand my blood sugar is really high. and- therapist: So that's easy to do. therapist: So that's easy to do. therapist: So that's easy to do. therapist: So that's easy to do.",So that's easy to do. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: So that's easy to do. therapist: So that's easy to do. therapist: So that's easy to do. therapist: So that's easy to do. therapist: So that's easy to do.",So that's easy to do. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: So that's easy to do. therapist: So that's easy to do. therapist: So that's easy to do. therapist: So that's easy to do. therapist: So that's easy to do.",So that's easy to do. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, I'm pretty- I'm pretty good at taking drugs. client: Yeah, I'm pretty- I'm pretty good at taking drugs. client: Yeah, I'm pretty- I'm pretty good at taking drugs. client: Yeah, I'm pretty- I'm pretty good at taking drugs. therapist: Yeah. 'Cause it looks like you need to just take your medicine, uh, uh, once a day from-from the prescription. So that sounds doable right now.","Yeah. 'Cause it looks like you need to just take your medicine, uh, uh, once a day from-from the prescription. So that sounds doable right now." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, I'm pretty- I'm pretty good at taking drugs. therapist: Yeah. 'Cause it looks like you need to just take your medicine, uh, uh, once a day from-from the prescription. So that sounds doable right now. therapist: Yeah. 'Cause it looks like you need to just take your medicine, uh, uh, once a day from-from the prescription. So that sounds doable right now. therapist: Yeah. 'Cause it looks like you need to just take your medicine, uh, uh, once a day from-from the prescription. So that sounds doable right now. therapist: Yeah. 'Cause it looks like you need to just take your medicine, uh, uh, once a day from-from the prescription. So that sounds doable right now.","Yeah. 'Cause it looks like you need to just take your medicine, uh, uh, once a day from-from the prescription. So that sounds doable right now." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: Yeah. 'Cause it looks like you need to just take your medicine, uh, uh, once a day from-from the prescription. So that sounds doable right now. therapist: Yeah. 'Cause it looks like you need to just take your medicine, uh, uh, once a day from-from the prescription. So that sounds doable right now. therapist: Yeah. 'Cause it looks like you need to just take your medicine, uh, uh, once a day from-from the prescription. So that sounds doable right now. therapist: Yeah. 'Cause it looks like you need to just take your medicine, uh, uh, once a day from-from the prescription. So that sounds doable right now. therapist: Yeah. 'Cause it looks like you need to just take your medicine, uh, uh, once a day from-from the prescription. So that sounds doable right now.","Yeah. 'Cause it looks like you need to just take your medicine, uh, uh, once a day from-from the prescription. So that sounds doable right now." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Oh, okay. client: Oh, okay. therapist: So it helps you know that when you're taking your medicine, when you're changing your eating habits, that it's really having an impact on your blood sugar 'cause getting your blood sugar down is going to keep you from having all of those other problems. How does all this-- where does this leave you now right now in terms of how you're feeling? therapist: So it helps you know that when you're taking your medicine, when you're changing your eating habits, that it's really having an impact on your blood sugar 'cause getting your blood sugar down is going to keep you from having all of those other problems. How does all this-- where does this leave you now right now in terms of how you're feeling? therapist: So it helps you know that when you're taking your medicine, when you're changing your eating habits, that it's really having an impact on your blood sugar 'cause getting your blood sugar down is going to keep you from having all of those other problems. How does all this-- where does this leave you now right now in terms of how you're feeling?","So it helps you know that when you're taking your medicine, when you're changing your eating habits, that it's really having an impact on your blood sugar 'cause getting your blood sugar down is going to keep you from having all of those other problems. How does all this-- where does this leave you now right now in terms of how you're feeling?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: And being able to talk with you and do this as we go along rather than-- I-I wasn't certain I could just, wham, put this huge program in[chuckles] into effect. Uh, but doing a step at a time and I, you know, that-- getting on the medicine, I don't think that's any big problem. That I can do I am pretty sure. client: And being able to talk with you and do this as we go along rather than-- I-I wasn't certain I could just, wham, put this huge program in[chuckles] into effect. Uh, but doing a step at a time and I, you know, that-- getting on the medicine, I don't think that's any big problem. That I can do I am pretty sure. client: And being able to talk with you and do this as we go along rather than-- I-I wasn't certain I could just, wham, put this huge program in[chuckles] into effect. Uh, but doing a step at a time and I, you know, that-- getting on the medicine, I don't think that's any big problem. That I can do I am pretty sure. client: And being able to talk with you and do this as we go along rather than-- I-I wasn't certain I could just, wham, put this huge program in[chuckles] into effect. Uh, but doing a step at a time and I, you know, that-- getting on the medicine, I don't think that's any big problem. That I can do I am pretty sure. client: And being able to talk with you and do this as we go along rather than-- I-I wasn't certain I could just, wham, put this huge program in[chuckles] into effect. Uh, but doing a step at a time and I, you know, that-- getting on the medicine, I don't think that's any big problem. That I can do I am pretty sure.",It sounds like you're very committed to that. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: And being able to talk with you and do this as we go along rather than-- I-I wasn't certain I could just, wham, put this huge program in[chuckles] into effect. Uh, but doing a step at a time and I, you know, that-- getting on the medicine, I don't think that's any big problem. That I can do I am pretty sure. client: And being able to talk with you and do this as we go along rather than-- I-I wasn't certain I could just, wham, put this huge program in[chuckles] into effect. Uh, but doing a step at a time and I, you know, that-- getting on the medicine, I don't think that's any big problem. That I can do I am pretty sure. client: And being able to talk with you and do this as we go along rather than-- I-I wasn't certain I could just, wham, put this huge program in[chuckles] into effect. Uh, but doing a step at a time and I, you know, that-- getting on the medicine, I don't think that's any big problem. That I can do I am pretty sure. client: And being able to talk with you and do this as we go along rather than-- I-I wasn't certain I could just, wham, put this huge program in[chuckles] into effect. Uh, but doing a step at a time and I, you know, that-- getting on the medicine, I don't think that's any big problem. That I can do I am pretty sure. therapist: It sounds like you're very committed to that.",It sounds like you're very committed to that. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: And being able to talk with you and do this as we go along rather than-- I-I wasn't certain I could just, wham, put this huge program in[chuckles] into effect. Uh, but doing a step at a time and I, you know, that-- getting on the medicine, I don't think that's any big problem. That I can do I am pretty sure. client: And being able to talk with you and do this as we go along rather than-- I-I wasn't certain I could just, wham, put this huge program in[chuckles] into effect. Uh, but doing a step at a time and I, you know, that-- getting on the medicine, I don't think that's any big problem. That I can do I am pretty sure. client: And being able to talk with you and do this as we go along rather than-- I-I wasn't certain I could just, wham, put this huge program in[chuckles] into effect. Uh, but doing a step at a time and I, you know, that-- getting on the medicine, I don't think that's any big problem. That I can do I am pretty sure. therapist: It sounds like you're very committed to that. therapist: It sounds like you're very committed to that.",It sounds like you're very committed to that. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: And being able to talk with you and do this as we go along rather than-- I-I wasn't certain I could just, wham, put this huge program in[chuckles] into effect. Uh, but doing a step at a time and I, you know, that-- getting on the medicine, I don't think that's any big problem. That I can do I am pretty sure. therapist: It sounds like you're very committed to that. therapist: It sounds like you're very committed to that. therapist: It sounds like you're very committed to that. therapist: It sounds like you're very committed to that.",It sounds like you're very committed to that. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: It sounds like you're very committed to that. therapist: It sounds like you're very committed to that. therapist: It sounds like you're very committed to that. therapist: It sounds like you're very committed to that. therapist: It sounds like you're very committed to that.",It sounds like you're very committed to that. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: It sounds like you're very committed to that. therapist: It sounds like you're very committed to that. therapist: It sounds like you're very committed to that. therapist: It sounds like you're very committed to that. therapist: It sounds like you're very committed to that.",It sounds like you're very committed to that. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, if I'm stressed or unhappy, that's when I usually wanna vape. therapist: What else could you do instead of vaping when you feel that way? client: Hmm, I like to play video games. therapist: Anything else? client: I can play basketball with my friend Sarah.",Playing basketball and playing video games are a way to feel better. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: All right. So why don't we start by you telling me a little bit about yourself? client: Sure. Um, as you know, I'm Andrea, I, uh, I'm a junior I'm in the marching band. I play the tenor sax. therapist: Oh, neat. client: Yeah, I'm also in the-- I'm a bit of a band geek. [laughter] I play, you know, in the wind ensemble and the jazz band, things like that.",Wow. You really are involved in music. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: They're pretty good. Grades have been pretty all right. Still like 3.7 ish. therapist: Okay, great, so you're doing well. What sorts of goals do you have for after college- oh, after high school? client: Uh, I'd like to, you know, I'd like to, of course, graduate high school, hopefully, go to a nice Ivy League school. therapist: Oh, all right. client: But I mean, that might not happen. And then I'd like to go on and become a doctor. Study psychology and then become a psychiatrist or something.","Okay, you have some pretty big dreams." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I really, you know, I really enjoy being in that team setting of, you know, being with other people and all working toward- together towards that one goal. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: And then in terms of respect, I-I kind of view that as one of like my major like rules. Like, I-I really do think respect is important, to respect myself and respect those around me, so. therapist: Okay. client: I place great importance in that.","Okay, great. So sort of being a part of a group and being a part of a team gives you a sense of, um, uh, belonging, like you said." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: And then in terms of respect, I-I kind of view that as one of like my major like rules. Like, I-I really do think respect is important, to respect myself and respect those around me, so. therapist: Okay. client: I place great importance in that. therapist: Okay, great. So sort of being a part of a group and being a part of a team gives you a sense of, um, uh, belonging, like you said. client: Mm-hmm.",And sort of a-a sense of purpose in a way. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I place great importance in that. therapist: Okay, great. So sort of being a part of a group and being a part of a team gives you a sense of, um, uh, belonging, like you said. client: Mm-hmm. therapist: And sort of a-a sense of purpose in a way. client: Yes, purpose.",And then the respect is really sort of all-encompassing. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm-hmm. therapist: And sort of a-a sense of purpose in a way. client: Yes, purpose. therapist: And then the respect is really sort of all-encompassing. client: Yes.","Not just authority, but respecting yourself, respecting your teammates or your bandmates and other people around you. Okay, that's great." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -as possible. So we'll like sleep over at a friend's house. And so that, you know, we're not driving and it's mostly within our friend group. So we're not worried about strangers putting weird things in our drinks. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: But, um, definitely some of the ideas people can have when they're stup- when they're drunk and can be really stupid. therapist: Mm-hmm. So you're trying to, like you said, not engage in really dangerous activities? client: Yeah","You're trying to stay put, you're not driving. You're trying to stay with people that you trust. Um, but yet it sounds like there's still some-some things happening from time to time." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah therapist: You're trying to stay put, you're not driving. You're trying to stay with people that you trust. Um, but yet it sounds like there's still some-some things happening from time to time. client: Sometimes. Yeah. therapist: Can you tell me a little bit about that? client: Well, I, especially don't like it whenever me or one of my friends, like we drink too much and we end up like throwing up or things like that, that I don't- that's not fun.",Yeah. Throwing up is never fun. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -and that didn't end well. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: But after that, I haven't- but I do have friends that still do sometimes, so I'll end up like having to take care of them or something and- therapist: Okay. client: It kind of puts a downer on my- on my fun.","Uh-huh. Okay. So, on the one side, some of the fun things associated with alcohol are people are just more relaxed, sorta, um, carefree can kind of let loose a little bit more, on-on the other hand, there's a little bit more, I guess, planning involved-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: But after that, I haven't- but I do have friends that still do sometimes, so I'll end up like having to take care of them or something and- therapist: Okay. client: It kind of puts a downer on my- on my fun. therapist: Uh-huh. Okay. So, on the one side, some of the fun things associated with alcohol are people are just more relaxed, sorta, um, carefree can kind of let loose a little bit more, on-on the other hand, there's a little bit more, I guess, planning involved- client: Yeah.","-because you have to make sure that you're doing it safely or as safe as you can. And then, um, there can be some other consequences like throwing up or even if it's not you, that sometimes you're stuck your-your fun is sort of ruined when you're stuck dealing with a friend who drunk too much. Okay. And the other not so good things about the alcohol?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: -because you have to make sure that you're doing it safely or as safe as you can. And then, um, there can be some other consequences like throwing up or even if it's not you, that sometimes you're stuck your-your fun is sort of ruined when you're stuck dealing with a friend who drunk too much. Okay. And the other not so good things about the alcohol? client: Yeah. People can get a little like sloppy, I guess. Like they're all loose, like with people in corners doing things that should be done in private- therapist: Mm-hmm. client: -and that kind of stuff.",So you're kind of stuck being exposed to things you don't need to see. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I just- I've, you know, I have an aunt who is an alcoholic. So I-I see like the issues that are involved and I've seen movies and things I know that drunk driving is an issue- therapist: Mm-hmm. client: So, I, you know, I wanna be as safe as possible in those terms and be in a setting where like we can let loose but still be safe like in someone's house or sort of my parents will tell me something. But-- So, I- like I know that there are dangers involved and I guess I wanna limit that. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: And so be where I have fun.","Okay. Yeah, it sounds kinda similar to your, um, your value of respect to yourself." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: So, I, you know, I wanna be as safe as possible in those terms and be in a setting where like we can let loose but still be safe like in someone's house or sort of my parents will tell me something. But-- So, I- like I know that there are dangers involved and I guess I wanna limit that. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: And so be where I have fun. therapist: Okay. Yeah, it sounds kinda similar to your, um, your value of respect to yourself. client: Yeah.","On the one hand, you- the drinking maybe helps with the belonging community to start." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: And so be where I have fun. therapist: Okay. Yeah, it sounds kinda similar to your, um, your value of respect to yourself. client: Yeah. therapist: On the one hand, you- the drinking maybe helps with the belonging community to start. client: Mm-hmm.","If there's too much, then it sort of—" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: On the one hand, you- the drinking maybe helps with the belonging community to start. client: Mm-hmm. therapist: If there's too much, then it sort of— client: Then it kind of defeats the purpose? [laughs]","Right. And then with the respect, one of the things you mentioned, is really wanting to respect yourself and not sort of cross boundaries, not sort of cross lines." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: And try to, you know, let loose but still be in control of my behavior so I'm not gonna go somewhere with a person I met- therapist: Mm-hmm. client: -into I don't know where to, I don't know what, and- therapist: Mm-hmm. client: -things like that.",Okay. So you're sort of looking for that balance- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -into I don't know where to, I don't know what, and- therapist: Mm-hmm. client: -things like that. therapist: Okay. So you're sort of looking for that balance- client: Yeah.",-of how much you can drink to have some of the positive benefits but not cross over. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I usually-- Well, I start off like I make sure that I make my own drink so I know what's in it and how much is in it. So in that way I control how much I drink. So, I usually just, you know, get one of those cups and then make one drink. And then I'll try to make it last as long as possible. And I'll be like, ""All right, this is my one drink"" and I'm good in that way. I still have something in my cup so people aren't gonna be like, ""Oh, here. Have some more."" I'd be like, ""No, I'm good. I have mine,"" and I'll still be, you know, having some to like let loose a little. therapist: Mm-hmm. Okay. And do you feel that that's working pretty well for you or do you sometimes exceed that limit or-or what do you think? client: For the most part, it works pretty well because, like I said, people, you know, people come asking me, trying to pressure me, I'll be like, ""No, I'm good. I have- You know, I still have something. I'll get some later."" And I never end up getting anything. Oh, but sometimes they'll be like, ""Hey, let's take a shot,"" and everyone's gathered around like the kitchen or something ready to take a shot. And then at that point, I'll be like, ""Oh, well, maybe I can take one more."" And that's when I start, you know, falling into- therapist: Okay. client: -way too much.","So, uh, uh, a portion of the time it's working well for you and another portion of the time maybe you would like-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: For the most part, it works pretty well because, like I said, people, you know, people come asking me, trying to pressure me, I'll be like, ""No, I'm good. I have- You know, I still have something. I'll get some later."" And I never end up getting anything. Oh, but sometimes they'll be like, ""Hey, let's take a shot,"" and everyone's gathered around like the kitchen or something ready to take a shot. And then at that point, I'll be like, ""Oh, well, maybe I can take one more."" And that's when I start, you know, falling into- therapist: Okay. client: -way too much. therapist: So, uh, uh, a portion of the time it's working well for you and another portion of the time maybe you would like- client: Yeah.",-would like to make some adjustments- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Like I-I-- You know, it is nice to let loose and have fun, but I'd also like it to be so, you know, I'm not damaging my body, you know. therapist: Right. client: Like my liver doesn't work by the time I'm like 22. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: And, um, you know, have my friends on board with a similar mentality so we can kind of work at it together as a group, as a- as a community.",Uh-huh. So kind of combining you alls- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I'd like to work on it but, you know, if I get around to it, I get around to it. If I don't, I don't. therapist: Uh-huh. Why do you say six or seven rather than like a four? client: Um, because I still think it's-it's important. therapist: Uh-huh. client: I still, you know. Like I said, I don't want to hurt my body. Especially going to med school like I know how things affect your body and also affect your-your social and your school work and things like. I know that once I get to college, it's not- it's not gonna-gonna work out being, you know, drinking every weekend and then like trying to wake up early and go to school, take an exam. Like I know that's not- that's not feasible. It's not a good idea.","Yeah, looking ahead, you can't keep drinking this way and reach the goals that you have for yourself." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I think if I made the decision that I was going to, for sure, then I think definitely like a 10 I know it'd be going through. therapist: Oh, wow. Okay. Why do you say 10? client: It's just because I know that once I make the decision, I know I can do it. It's making the decision in the first place. therapist: Okay. And so you mentioned the- you know, quite a few reasons why you would like to cut down. Um, have you thought at all about how you might go about doing that? client: Um, I'm thinking of maybe like trying to convince my friends without sounding, you know, dorky or something and be like, hey, you know, let's just stay in today. Like, let's not go out or something. Or just be like, hey, I'm not like-- I'm not going to drink today. And then even if my friends do, like being okay with them, drinking around me and not doing it, and then them being okay with me drinking-- Me not drinking and them doing whatever they want.","So sort of, um, trying to plan more activities that don't involve alcohol-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: It's just because I know that once I make the decision, I know I can do it. It's making the decision in the first place. therapist: Okay. And so you mentioned the- you know, quite a few reasons why you would like to cut down. Um, have you thought at all about how you might go about doing that? client: Um, I'm thinking of maybe like trying to convince my friends without sounding, you know, dorky or something and be like, hey, you know, let's just stay in today. Like, let's not go out or something. Or just be like, hey, I'm not like-- I'm not going to drink today. And then even if my friends do, like being okay with them, drinking around me and not doing it, and then them being okay with me drinking-- Me not drinking and them doing whatever they want. therapist: So sort of, um, trying to plan more activities that don't involve alcohol- client: Yeah.",-and then also trying to participate in activities without drinking yourself or maybe even drinking less than you're drinking. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I think so. I think it's-it's very feasible. I think it's possible. therapist: Okay. Um, so I guess we'll talk about, um, less alcohol activities. I'm just making some notes to myself and then maybe, um, reducing the amount of drinking that you're doing if alcohol is involved. Okay. Um, so that-that goal sounds feasible, you said? Would it be okay if we met in a couple of weeks to sort of see how it's going? client: I think so. I think that's good. therapist: Does that sound like something you'd like to do? client: Yeah.","Okay. Well, I really appreciate you spending the time talking to me, you know, it sounds like you have a lot of really good goals for yourself, really ambitious goals of going to medical school and, you know, becoming a psychiatrist or, um, some-some other form of physician. Um, you're really looking forward to doing well in school so you can get there." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: Okay. Um, so I guess we'll talk about, um, less alcohol activities. I'm just making some notes to myself and then maybe, um, reducing the amount of drinking that you're doing if alcohol is involved. Okay. Um, so that-that goal sounds feasible, you said? Would it be okay if we met in a couple of weeks to sort of see how it's going? client: I think so. I think that's good. therapist: Does that sound like something you'd like to do? client: Yeah. therapist: Okay. Well, I really appreciate you spending the time talking to me, you know, it sounds like you have a lot of really good goals for yourself, really ambitious goals of going to medical school and, you know, becoming a psychiatrist or, um, some-some other form of physician. Um, you're really looking forward to doing well in school so you can get there.","And it sounds like you have a pretty active social life and a-a lot of friends who you feel probably would be, uh, supportive, even if you cut down on alcohol and that, you know, there's a lot of benefits you see both to your body and your health, um, your school performance, and even some of the social stuff in terms of feeling a sense of belonging without having to deal with some of the gross consequences of-of, um, drinking too much." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I think so. I think that's good. therapist: Does that sound like something you'd like to do? client: Yeah. therapist: Okay. Well, I really appreciate you spending the time talking to me, you know, it sounds like you have a lot of really good goals for yourself, really ambitious goals of going to medical school and, you know, becoming a psychiatrist or, um, some-some other form of physician. Um, you're really looking forward to doing well in school so you can get there. therapist: And it sounds like you have a pretty active social life and a-a lot of friends who you feel probably would be, uh, supportive, even if you cut down on alcohol and that, you know, there's a lot of benefits you see both to your body and your health, um, your school performance, and even some of the social stuff in terms of feeling a sense of belonging without having to deal with some of the gross consequences of-of, um, drinking too much.","Um, so yeah, you know, it really sounds to me like you have a good plan in place and as long as you're willing and-and interested in meeting again, I'd be very excited to be able to talk with you about how it's going." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, what about does it interact with phenelzine? therapist: Oh, that I'm not sure of. Um, can I get back to you later on this afternoon with that answer? client: Oh, sure. therapist: Fantastic. Thank you. client: Thank you.","So, you've got this dream by the sounds of it, which is, you know, to have a partner, and a house, and a nice car-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Oh, sure. therapist: Fantastic. Thank you. client: Thank you. therapist: So, you've got this dream by the sounds of it, which is, you know, to have a partner, and a house, and a nice car- client: Yeah.","-so don't forget the nice car, and some kids, and be a- be a good dad-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. It kinda messes things up. therapist: Yeah. It kinda messes up that dream, that picture? client: Yeah. It makes it harder. therapist: Mm. Makes it harder? Yeah. Well, it can make it harder to keep a job, aye? client: Mm.",And harder to— Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm. therapist: And harder to— client: Like it's hard to get a job 'cause you have to say that you've done prison time and stuff, so it's pretty hard. therapist: Yeah. client: Yeah.",And we've talked about that idea of you getting a job and something to do with cars 'cause that's where your passion is. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Uh, I don't know if-if I would go into polytech, done courses there or something. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: Yeah. Like, if they've got jobs now. therapist: Okay, so you know some people? client: Yeah.",You've gone down that road of kind of going back to school in some ways and getting a tryout or- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: Yeah? So, what-what would interest you about going down that same, sort of, path? client: Just learn more about cars and just, kind of, hands-on job. therapist: Mm-hmm. Yeah, so what in particular? Like, if you could have whatever you wanted, in terms of that sort of work, what would you do? client: [sighs] Mechanic, or panel [unintelligible 00:18:02], or just-- I wouldn't care, I just-- as long as it's cars.","Mm-hmm. So, as long as it has to do with cars, you'd be sweet with that?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: Yeah. So, how confident are you that you could do something similar to these-these friends that you've got? client: Yeah. I could do it pretty easy. It's just, like, I probably know all this stuff already. therapist: Okay. So, it would be pretty easy. So, if it's pretty easy, what do you need to do next, Billy? client: Like, well, I went out and picked some forms and stuff, but it's real confusing, like, having to apply, so I-I just couldn't-- I don't know. I couldn't do it.","Okay. So, you actually went to the polytech—" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. Like, a computer or something. If you could write on a computer, I could do that. therapist: Mm. client: But, we don't have a computer. therapist: Okay. All right, so what-what do you need to do, Billy, to actually get to that point where you can fill out a form and post it off? client: Just ask to get someone else to do it I guess. I guess I could ask Donna, but it's been embarrassing.","Okay, so you feel like it would be embarrassing to ask Donna to give you some help-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -I'm sure most people can fill them out. I don't know, I just don't get it. therapist: Hmm. So, who else could you ask to help you? client: No one. I guess you. You could do it. Would you do it? therapist: Well, have you got the forms with you? client: No.","Okay. I'm wondering about-- because it sounds like this whole idea about filling out the forms, is getting in the way of this bigger dream that you've got which is around getting a qualification around something to do with cars-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: No one. I guess you. You could do it. Would you do it? therapist: Well, have you got the forms with you? client: No. therapist: Okay. I'm wondering about-- because it sounds like this whole idea about filling out the forms, is getting in the way of this bigger dream that you've got which is around getting a qualification around something to do with cars- client: Yeah.","-and getting on this road where you're staying out of trouble because you've got this, um, interest-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: -which you can do. So, it seems a real shame that the forms are gonna get in the way, so we need to find a way around the forms. client: Mm. therapist: Yeah? So, what do you think, between now and next week, you can do around the forms? client: I guess, I'd go pick them up and I don't know, I guess I could ask Donna, but she'd probably help me, I don't really want to.","She'd probably help you, but you don't really want to. It sounds like you're a bit embarrassed." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I guess, I'd go pick them up and I don't know, I guess I could ask Donna, but she'd probably help me, I don't really want to. therapist: She'd probably help you, but you don't really want to. It sounds like you're a bit embarrassed. client: Well, I don't know. Plus, well, I don't know if I could bother getting up at nine o'clock every morning and having to go to Polytec. I've got used to sleeping in. therapist: Mm. client: At night.","So, the whole thing about going back to poly-- going back to school-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, I don't know. Plus, well, I don't know if I could bother getting up at nine o'clock every morning and having to go to Polytec. I've got used to sleeping in. therapist: Mm. client: At night. therapist: So, the whole thing about going back to poly-- going back to school- client: Yeah.","-going back to polytech is-- would-would require a really big change in the way which you're currently living, and you're not quite sure if you can do that." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: At night. therapist: So, the whole thing about going back to poly-- going back to school- client: Yeah. therapist: -going back to polytech is-- would-would require a really big change in the way which you're currently living, and you're not quite sure if you can do that. client: Yeah. Uh, it would be cool if it's anything like school. Like, I didn't really enjoy school. [unintelligible 00:22:56] so writing and stuff, and I wouldn't wanna do that. If it's all hands-on though, it would be all good.","Yeah. So, there's something here about your level of-- about how confident you are around writing or how unconfident you are, that sounds like it's getting in the way." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: So, what's really getting in the way? client: For what? therapist: Well, this writing business. What's really getting in the way? client: Of what? Well, I don't get it.","Well, I'm wondering, like-- it sounds like it's a thing that you're putting up as saying you can't do-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Like-- therapist: [chuckles] client: Yeah. therapist: Yeah, we are having a really good conversation here. client: Yeah.","So, reading and writing is not a strong point for you." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -yeah, that have filling out forms. therapist: Yeah. client: Yeah. therapist: And, I guess that there will be manuals and stuff like that on- client: Yeah.","-your course that, you know, to-- the hands-on stuff, it sounds like you're really confident around doing, but it's the more reading, writing, book, kind of, stuff that you are not so--" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: -your course that, you know, to-- the hands-on stuff, it sounds like you're really confident around doing, but it's the more reading, writing, book, kind of, stuff that you are not so-- client: Yeah, I didn't think about that. therapist: Mm. client: Yeah, that'd suck if you had to read, like, a big manual or something. Hmm.",Mm. Okay. So- so like before you get to here where you got this dream and there's some things that need to happen before that. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, that'd suck if you had to read, like, a big manual or something. Hmm. therapist: Mm. Okay. So- so like before you get to here where you got this dream and there's some things that need to happen before that. client: Mm. therapist: Yeah. So, mm, we need to think about what's the very first step. client: He, um, introduced me to it too, so I've tried it.","So with his encouragement, you-you tried some drugs." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm. therapist: Yeah. So, mm, we need to think about what's the very first step. client: He, um, introduced me to it too, so I've tried it. therapist: So with his encouragement, you-you tried some drugs. client: Oxy.",You tried oxy? Okay. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: He, um, introduced me to it too, so I've tried it. therapist: So with his encouragement, you-you tried some drugs. client: Oxy. therapist: You tried oxy? Okay. client: Yeah.",Okay. And he encouraged you to do that. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Oxy. therapist: You tried oxy? Okay. client: Yeah. therapist: Okay. And he encouraged you to do that. client: Well, yeah he said it was a pain- a pain medicine.",He said that it would help you with some of the pain that you've been having. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, yeah he said it was a pain- a pain medicine. therapist: He said that it would help you with some of the pain that you've been having. client: Mm-hmm. therapist: Yeah. client: And it has, but I don't do it as often, it's just sometimes.","Okay. So you trusted him on that, and you tried it out and you found that it helped you in certain ways. What are some of the things that you said it's-- takes some of the pain away, it's not just-- you know." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm-hmm. therapist: Yeah. client: And it has, but I don't do it as often, it's just sometimes. therapist: Okay. So you trusted him on that, and you tried it out and you found that it helped you in certain ways. What are some of the things that you said it's-- takes some of the pain away, it's not just-- you know. client: Dealing with my grandma's loss.","Okay, so that's helped you." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: And it has, but I don't do it as often, it's just sometimes. therapist: Okay. So you trusted him on that, and you tried it out and you found that it helped you in certain ways. What are some of the things that you said it's-- takes some of the pain away, it's not just-- you know. client: Dealing with my grandma's loss. therapist: Okay, so that's helped you. client: Yeah. I feel alone, and I just, I miss her and, it does- it does help but,-",Mm-hmm. So it help— Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Dealing with my grandma's loss. therapist: Okay, so that's helped you. client: Yeah. I feel alone, and I just, I miss her and, it does- it does help but,- therapist: Mm-hmm. So it help— client: -I don't wanna have to rely on having to take that.","Okay. So it's not something you wanna rely on, you don't see yourself continuing to use this. It's something that you'v found at least for the moment very helpful?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. I feel alone, and I just, I miss her and, it does- it does help but,- therapist: Mm-hmm. So it help— client: -I don't wanna have to rely on having to take that. therapist: Okay. So it's not something you wanna rely on, you don't see yourself continuing to use this. It's something that you'v found at least for the moment very helpful? client: Mm-hmm. Yeah, and—","But it's not something that you wanna make a habit of becoming reliant on, or dependent?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -I don't wanna have to rely on having to take that. therapist: Okay. So it's not something you wanna rely on, you don't see yourself continuing to use this. It's something that you'v found at least for the moment very helpful? client: Mm-hmm. Yeah, and— therapist: But it's not something that you wanna make a habit of becoming reliant on, or dependent? client: Right.","Yeah, okay. Um, and-and so that's a lot going on right now for you? Yeah." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm-hmm. Yeah, and— therapist: But it's not something that you wanna make a habit of becoming reliant on, or dependent? client: Right. therapist: Yeah, okay. Um, and-and so that's a lot going on right now for you? Yeah. client: Yeah, it is.","You've been managing in the best way you can. You also have some doubts about it too, it sounds like?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Right. therapist: Yeah, okay. Um, and-and so that's a lot going on right now for you? Yeah. client: Yeah, it is. therapist: You've been managing in the best way you can. You also have some doubts about it too, it sounds like? client: Yeah, well, I don't really know too much about it, other than it makes me feel good.","Okay, so for now you know that it makes you feel good." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, I really like doing this, and, um, I-I rated health as my first- therapist: Oh, so it's your first? client: -uh, value. Yeah, because I really value physical and mental health, um, spiritual, emotional. Everything as a whole package, I guess, health. Um, and I'm working on, um, a certification to become a fitness trainer. Cal State [inaudible 00:00:40] there's a like extension program. I've been doing that for the last five weeks. I have a final exam coming up, like, Saturday. A little tense about it, I guess, but, um, I'm looking forward to, like, doing it, and I gotta wait for my results. Then, I got into an internship. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: Um, but it's kind of exciting, a different career path in my life. Being an office worker for so long is getting boring too-- physical activity, health, in that respect.","So, health being your number one, um, which is kind of pushing you into this new direction, as far as you being a prior officer worker? You're doing something that you're actually living to do." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, I really feel like-- yeah, I feel like really good about myself. therapist: So, yoga, is that based on the number two, like inner harmony? That's where that comes from? client: Yeah, that's part of it. Yeah, and then just feeling like, um, I don't have to please other people either. It's not a selfish thing to put myself first. And, uh, that's something I've always tried to do, make other people happy, please other people, and-and also put myself second, third, fourth, or whatever it is. And I always thought, ""Well, that's the way a good person should be.They should always put other people first, you know. And then there's times for that, you know. There's something going on, and you wanna go out of your way to help people, and you say, ""Well, my needs aren't so important right now."" I think that is okay to do once in a while. As long as you know- you know that you're not really, um, doing anything detrimental to yourself while you're doing it. And you realize, ""Well, I'm just-- I'm really helping this other person a lot, and it gives me satisfaction."" therapist: Mm-hmm. client: Not out of a sense of, uh, you know, ""I'm obligated to this person.""","Yes, yes, yes. So, basically, reflecting on how you felt before about you were coming second, third, and fourth. Um, it was- it was really a problem, you know, like, how could you be so, you know, selfish, and think about yourself when-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, that's part of it. Yeah, and then just feeling like, um, I don't have to please other people either. It's not a selfish thing to put myself first. And, uh, that's something I've always tried to do, make other people happy, please other people, and-and also put myself second, third, fourth, or whatever it is. And I always thought, ""Well, that's the way a good person should be.They should always put other people first, you know. And then there's times for that, you know. There's something going on, and you wanna go out of your way to help people, and you say, ""Well, my needs aren't so important right now."" I think that is okay to do once in a while. As long as you know- you know that you're not really, um, doing anything detrimental to yourself while you're doing it. And you realize, ""Well, I'm just-- I'm really helping this other person a lot, and it gives me satisfaction."" therapist: Mm-hmm. client: Not out of a sense of, uh, you know, ""I'm obligated to this person."" therapist: Yes, yes, yes. So, basically, reflecting on how you felt before about you were coming second, third, and fourth. Um, it was- it was really a problem, you know, like, how could you be so, you know, selfish, and think about yourself when- client: Mm-hmm.","-the reality is inner peace and inner harmony is based around, you know, self-self worth, and you know, self-- and-and dealing with-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Not out of a sense of, uh, you know, ""I'm obligated to this person."" therapist: Yes, yes, yes. So, basically, reflecting on how you felt before about you were coming second, third, and fourth. Um, it was- it was really a problem, you know, like, how could you be so, you know, selfish, and think about yourself when- client: Mm-hmm. therapist: -the reality is inner peace and inner harmony is based around, you know, self-self worth, and you know, self-- and-and dealing with- client: Self love.",-self love. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yes. Yeah. Um, then, and but also service, that's third because I really do enjoy helping other people. Being there for other people, you know, and-and if it puts myself out. Like I have my brother, his-his daughter, and his granddaughter they come over and, uh, I slept on-on the air mattress and, uh, me with my mother and my dad and my sis-- my-- his daughter in the other spare room that I have. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: And I do that, but I think, well, it's one night or it's two nights that I have a guest. I could sleep in my bed all the other days. [unintelligible 00:05:54] client: So, you know, even if it's a little inconvenient for me, or my house gets messy, or my kitchen is a mess, or whatever they don't pick up after themselves it's okay. You know, I'll live. You know, it's okay, it's not a big deal. Yeah. Before it was wisdom, because I really, that's, um-- it is high on my list and it might be higher if these other things weren't here. client: But I like I enjoy learning and experiencing different cultures going, um, to different places in the world and then just also being around people that live in the community that are from other cultures. And I think that brings a lot of wisdom. And just also being open to, uh, differences. And then like today, Election Day realizing that something might happen, uh, in the Congress or the Senate, that's gonna be sort of against my values but if it happens, it happens, and I have to deal with it and-and be at peace with myself with about whatever anybody else is doing I still have to have that inner peace within myself.","And in the sense of you saying in your words, you'll live." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: And I do that, but I think, well, it's one night or it's two nights that I have a guest. I could sleep in my bed all the other days. [unintelligible 00:05:54] client: So, you know, even if it's a little inconvenient for me, or my house gets messy, or my kitchen is a mess, or whatever they don't pick up after themselves it's okay. You know, I'll live. You know, it's okay, it's not a big deal. Yeah. Before it was wisdom, because I really, that's, um-- it is high on my list and it might be higher if these other things weren't here. client: But I like I enjoy learning and experiencing different cultures going, um, to different places in the world and then just also being around people that live in the community that are from other cultures. And I think that brings a lot of wisdom. And just also being open to, uh, differences. And then like today, Election Day realizing that something might happen, uh, in the Congress or the Senate, that's gonna be sort of against my values but if it happens, it happens, and I have to deal with it and-and be at peace with myself with about whatever anybody else is doing I still have to have that inner peace within myself. therapist: And in the sense of you saying in your words, you'll live. client: Right. Mm-hmm.","So, live, um, having that as a priority, um, do you feel as though, like you said before you'll live, but you know that you're able to look at, okay, these are my values, you know, and you're able to acknowledge [unintelligible 00:07:30] values." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: But I like I enjoy learning and experiencing different cultures going, um, to different places in the world and then just also being around people that live in the community that are from other cultures. And I think that brings a lot of wisdom. And just also being open to, uh, differences. And then like today, Election Day realizing that something might happen, uh, in the Congress or the Senate, that's gonna be sort of against my values but if it happens, it happens, and I have to deal with it and-and be at peace with myself with about whatever anybody else is doing I still have to have that inner peace within myself. therapist: And in the sense of you saying in your words, you'll live. client: Right. Mm-hmm. therapist: So, live, um, having that as a priority, um, do you feel as though, like you said before you'll live, but you know that you're able to look at, okay, these are my values, you know, and you're able to acknowledge [unintelligible 00:07:30] values. client: Yeah.",And learning the differences of the different cultures that brings you wisdom. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: And learning the differences of the different cultures that brings you wisdom. client: Yes. And school learning in the classroom and outside of the classroom. Where I've been in different Native American communities, reservations, place I spent two months in the summertime really, uh, learning about the cultures is a beautiful place to be, there's a lot of wisdom. And, uh, fun, pleasure, fun, satisfaction- therapist: Mm-hmm. client: -enjoyment. I think it's intertwined in a lot of things. It's fun to learn about pe-- other people, other cultures. it's fun to have the inner harmony. I think that- I think that was an all-encompassing thing about life. The part of it is to experience pleasure. Yeah.",So pleasure being your number five. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: And when I think of the flip side of that, uh, um, I-I know there's gonna be pain, disappointment, upset in my life, um, too that I accept that and that's part of joy. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: True joy comes from knowing it's not always gonna be happy. I'm gonna- I'm gonna be bummed out sometimes. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: I'm gonna be disappointed, I'm gonna be injured or whatever.",So you've taken that into account that- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: True joy comes from knowing it's not always gonna be happy. I'm gonna- I'm gonna be bummed out sometimes. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: I'm gonna be disappointed, I'm gonna be injured or whatever. therapist: So you've taken that into account that- client: Absolutely.",-things may happen in life. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I'm gonna be disappointed, I'm gonna be injured or whatever. therapist: So you've taken that into account that- client: Absolutely. therapist: -things may happen in life. client: Mm-hmm. Yeah.",It sounds as though your list is like definitely a story. I-It kind of attracts you in the beginning as far as your health and the number two was being service. Number three. Uh— Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Absolutely. therapist: -things may happen in life. client: Mm-hmm. Yeah. therapist: It sounds as though your list is like definitely a story. I-It kind of attracts you in the beginning as far as your health and the number two was being service. Number three. Uh— client: Inner harmony.","Inner harmony was number two, and having that peace of then to allow yourself to help other people or to serve-service." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm-hmm. Yeah. therapist: It sounds as though your list is like definitely a story. I-It kind of attracts you in the beginning as far as your health and the number two was being service. Number three. Uh— client: Inner harmony. therapist: Inner harmony was number two, and having that peace of then to allow yourself to help other people or to serve-service. client: Right.","Not being, you know, whatever you did for others. That being, um, as far as, like you said within yourself, that you won't be able to find, um, problems with helping other people. And, uh, that's when service which is your number three or number four, which has been wisdom. You learning different, you know, cultures and having that broad range of-of just opening your eyes and seeing the world in a whole another scope.And then five which being pleasure, which is also okay, I do see the whole world and I know that within myself that I'm able to, you know, accept that I will have things coming out of me as far as, you know, not being, you know, uh, it's like, okay, things might happen. You're gonna get bummed one day but finding joy and pieces [unintelligible 00:10:21]" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm-hmm. Yeah. therapist: Hi, I'm Bruce Berger. I work in the clinic and, uh, I noticed that you're in to pick up a prescription for Sarah's, uh, rescue inhaler- client: Mm-hmm. therapist: -for her asthma. I noticed that she's been in the emergency room five times in the last year for her asthma. What's that- what's that been like for you? client: It's been- it's been really difficult. Um, I hate to see her gasping for breath. And, um, I'm really worried, you know, when she has to go. Uh, so that's been-- it's really difficult when I have to take her.","Yeah, it sounds like you'd be willing to do whatever you can to try to prevent that from happening." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm-hmm. therapist: Are you having some difficulties with that? client: Well, I did research on the chronic inhaler and I found out that there were steroids in it and that-that I don't want her taking steroids. I did, uh, research on some of the potential side effects and some of the health problems that can result from taking steroids and I-I just don't want her to take those at all. I don't want her exposed to them at all. And then, uh, let me just go ahead and lay this out right now. Uh, because I'm sure it'll come up, but I-I do smoke. But I make sure that I do not smoke around her so that I make sure that it does not affect her. So- therapist: Okay. client: -I just want to let you know that right off.","Well, it sounds like you care about Sarah a great deal. You-you don't want her, uh, using steroids. You're worried about what kind of effects those would have on her and you're- you're working hard to keep your smoking away from her so it doesn't affect her asthma." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: She's that sensitive. If I realized that— therapist: It-it-it-- Yeah. It may not- it may not when she uses the chronic inhaler, uh, but you'll need to keep an eye on that. Obviously, it would be- what would be best if it didn't get on your clothes, or you quit smoking. client: Right. Um, so would it help, um-- You know, the thought of quitting smoking is a pretty daunting aspect. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: I mean, I know people who've tried to quit and it's-it's just it's- it's really difficult, you know. So I know, it'd be better—","Very hard. It's very relaxing, and-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Okay. therapist: Uh, again, if you get to the point sometime down the road where you're willing to quit for both you and her, uh, we'd be glad to help you do that. Because you're right it is- it's not an easy thing to do. client: Yeah. [chuckles] therapist: Okay. client: It's really difficult.","So it sounds like right now where we are, is you're willing to-to have her use the chronic inhaler-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: That sounds good. Thank you. therapist: All right. Good. client: Something clicked, I'd had a bunch to drink and, uh, and I knew I'd messed up. I totally messed up. therapist: How did you know you messed up? client: Because I was- because I was right there, man. I was right there in the same place when I'd come home and I'd pop a couple of those pills, it was the same deal, like and I wanted to stay there. I wanted to stay exactly right there. And I just felt like I'd ruined everything. You know, Erin's using the phone now, and he called me the next day and it was, uh, great, but I kinda felt ashamed of myself, and I don't want to feel that way again.","Was it that something happened, um, where you put something that was really important to you at risk? Is that what that was about, um, when you say you felt guilty, uh, you felt bad talking to Erin on the phone?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Something clicked, I'd had a bunch to drink and, uh, and I knew I'd messed up. I totally messed up. therapist: How did you know you messed up? client: Because I was- because I was right there, man. I was right there in the same place when I'd come home and I'd pop a couple of those pills, it was the same deal, like and I wanted to stay there. I wanted to stay exactly right there. And I just felt like I'd ruined everything. You know, Erin's using the phone now, and he called me the next day and it was, uh, great, but I kinda felt ashamed of myself, and I don't want to feel that way again. therapist: Was it that something happened, um, where you put something that was really important to you at risk? Is that what that was about, um, when you say you felt guilty, uh, you felt bad talking to Erin on the phone? client: Because of what-- Yeah, I guess, I think that's what I mean, yeah, yeah. Because you know, I mean- I mean I could have stayed, I could have got, I could have got absolutely hammered and I could have done it every night for the rest of the week.",So you saw yourself putting something that was important to you at risk. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Because I was- because I was right there, man. I was right there in the same place when I'd come home and I'd pop a couple of those pills, it was the same deal, like and I wanted to stay there. I wanted to stay exactly right there. And I just felt like I'd ruined everything. You know, Erin's using the phone now, and he called me the next day and it was, uh, great, but I kinda felt ashamed of myself, and I don't want to feel that way again. therapist: Was it that something happened, um, where you put something that was really important to you at risk? Is that what that was about, um, when you say you felt guilty, uh, you felt bad talking to Erin on the phone? client: Because of what-- Yeah, I guess, I think that's what I mean, yeah, yeah. Because you know, I mean- I mean I could have stayed, I could have got, I could have got absolutely hammered and I could have done it every night for the rest of the week. therapist: So you saw yourself putting something that was important to you at risk. client: But I don't know if I stopped because I knew I had to stop or because, you know, it was like right there, that's where I wanted to stay, you know? Anyway, I just, uh-- [crosstalk].","Here you are actually, three months on, three long months as you say, um, and things have been going really well, Uh, you even get a bit of—" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Because of what-- Yeah, I guess, I think that's what I mean, yeah, yeah. Because you know, I mean- I mean I could have stayed, I could have got, I could have got absolutely hammered and I could have done it every night for the rest of the week. therapist: So you saw yourself putting something that was important to you at risk. client: But I don't know if I stopped because I knew I had to stop or because, you know, it was like right there, that's where I wanted to stay, you know? Anyway, I just, uh-- [crosstalk]. therapist: Here you are actually, three months on, three long months as you say, um, and things have been going really well, Uh, you even get a bit of— client: They're better, yeah.","Yeah. Well, and then you get the kind of, I don't know if it felt like a green light or a yellow, it went from red to cautionary, you could see your kids, and that was something that was really what you were working for." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -and I found it was okay. It got a little bit scary on the weekend because, uh, uh, the urge has kept on coming- therapist: Sure. client: -to have a cigarette. therapist: Sure. client: But during the week, I was able to cut down at least two or three cigarettes a week, and that's just in one week. So-","So, you've been able to cut down by two or three cigarettes? That's amazing. I mean, given how much you were smoking." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: It just seemed to get worse when it was the weekend- therapist: Right. client: -and I was going out with friends and I was home a lot of the day- therapist: Yeah. client: -instead of at work. And I found that, um, it was really hard to stop those urges.","Okay. So, these automatic cigarettes, when you're socializing and you're-- you have time on your hands, really, are the problems that you're facing-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -instead of at work. And I found that, um, it was really hard to stop those urges. therapist: Okay. So, these automatic cigarettes, when you're socializing and you're-- you have time on your hands, really, are the problems that you're facing- client: Yes. therapist: -uh, and that you've noticed are more difficult than the others? client: But I marked it in the book. Uh, that's one thing I said to myself, I'll be honest in my marking down.","In marking it down, okay." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: Tell me about how your parents raised you? therapist: Tell me about how you've been feeling? client: Okay. I guess I've been getting bigger. therapist: Mm, what's that like for you? client: Uh, scary I guess.",So you're feeling uncomfortable with changes in your body? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I know you want me to see the doctor, I haven't called yet. therapist: Why do you think it makes you so hesitant to call? client: I don't know. It seems overwhelming to me. therapist: What about it seems overwhelming? client: Well, I hate making phone calls and I know I need to fill out all this paperwork. I don't know how to get there and I hate needles.","Mm. So some of your feelings, uh, of being overwhelmed or about the logistics of the appointment, and some of it is you just don't like medical appointments and medical people?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Sure. therapist: Okay. So we're working on a 10 point of scale 1 to 10, 1 being not important, 10 being very important. One being not confident, one being very confident. So on a scale of 1 to 10, which number best reflects how important it is to you to drink the-- what risk limits? client: I would say an eight. therapist: You'd say an eight. Okay. And on a scale of 1 to 10, how confident are you at the present time that you can drink below risk levels? client: I would say a four.",Amount of four. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm-hmm. therapist: Okay. And so let's look at those two. You're-you're thinking it's pretty important, but your confidence is down here, uh, a four, but it's not a one. What makes you confident that you can drink below risk levels and you remember what those are? client: Um, I think it's because you've told me I'm at risk and I have alcoholism in my family and I really don't want to go down that path. So I'm-I'm confident that I can change that at this point. therapist: Okay. So that gives you a good reason not to drink. Okay. Anything else? client: Um, well, I have a group of friends that doesn't drink that I hang out with. And I think when I hang out with them, it's not an issue. So that also helps me.",So you have a support group that gives you the ability to have fun and still drink below risk levels? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -probably a six. therapist: Correctly as it's prescribed. client: Probably a six. therapist: Probably a six. Okay. So you're pretty confident that you can do it. And why are you a six and not a two or three? client: Um, I'm a six because I think if I drink less, I'll be more reliable with using birth control. I tend to not use it when I'm-- I drank too much and I don't really care too much.","Okay. So it's kind of linked to your drinking, the fact that, um, that you can-- if you can take care of that drinking, you can take care of the-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Probably a six. therapist: Probably a six. Okay. So you're pretty confident that you can do it. And why are you a six and not a two or three? client: Um, I'm a six because I think if I drink less, I'll be more reliable with using birth control. I tend to not use it when I'm-- I drank too much and I don't really care too much. therapist: Okay. So it's kind of linked to your drinking, the fact that, um, that you can-- if you can take care of that drinking, you can take care of the- client: Yeah.",-birth control issue and this importance comes down as your reason why you're not down here. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm-hmm. therapist: So is that different from when you've come in here before? client: Yeah. And I still had to walk through those doors so- therapist: Yeah. client: -but, um, I just think about my kids, you know.",Yeah. So they're really important to you? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, oh, my mom. therapist: Yeah. Your is mum still down south? client: Yeah. therapist: Yeah. Does she know that you're here today? client: No.",So how might it be for her if she knew that you're talking like this today? That-- 'Cause it sounds to me like you're really serious this time making some changes. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I have, um, I've-- it's important to me. therapist: Good. One of the other things we're really conscious of with is, um, sometimes we do this work in isolation from others. And one of the things we want to ask people is about who they're going to be accountable to. I'm thinking like with your children, uh, your mom and other people that maybe you're interacting with. Who-who else in your life do you think would be supportive of you, and who would you need to let them know that you're actually going through this sort of program? client: I, um, I'm separated at the moment from my missus and- therapist: What was-- what was your partner's name? client: Uh, Kirsty.",Kristy. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, I don't know. I don't, um, have that many people- therapist: Okay. client: -that I am-- I don't have that many people I trust to support me. My mates, I love them but, um, yeah, I don't know. therapist: Okay. So as we're gonna do this work together and go through this, uh, this program, one of the things we-we don't want to do is fall into the same trough we did last time. So I-I just want to leave that with you to think about next time we come together. There may be two or three other people that you think of that can be really supportive, that we-we need to let know that you're [unintelligible 00:10:50] each gonna make these changes and this time, you're serious about it. So let your mother and, uh, and, um, your partner, how might that happen? How does that sound to you? client: Yeah, let's give it some thought.","Rick, I get a sense that you're kind of padding this walk a little bit on your own at the moment. Would that be true?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, I don't know. Um, have some-somebody just to listen. therapist: And, um, I’m just trying to imagine what do you think your mom would want to say to you if she was sitting here with us now and she heard you talking about this? client: She would- she would tell me that she loves me. She would tell me that she believes that I could do it. therapist: Mm. What do you think she might want for you, like upon her for your children? client: For them to have a father they can look up to.",I’m getting a strong sense that's what you want as well. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: For them to have a father they can look up to. therapist: I’m getting a strong sense that's what you want as well. client: It is what I want. Definitely. therapist: So, in terms of having the confidence to do this with the support of your whānau and ours, where do you think your confidence level might be now? client: If I had their support of my-my family and [silence] I want to say that would be higher. I just know I fucked it up in the past. If they were there to support me now, then I’d be 99% sure.","That's a huge move up the scale, isn't it? So getting your family on board, getting your whānau on board is going to be really important for us." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: Hi Billy. How are you doing? client: Yeah, I'm all right. therapist: Yeah. Hey, it's good to see you here and good to see you here on time. Yeah, it's really good to see a good start to the-- to your probation time with us here is to see you being here on time. So how did you get here today? client: Just caught the bus.","Yeah, caught the bus to-to that-- to the stop outside the office?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Just caught the bus. therapist: Yeah, caught the bus to-to that-- to the stop outside the office? client: Yeah. therapist: Yeah, okay. So I'm noticing that this isn't the first time that you've been to see someone at probation and it's not your first, um, community sentence. So I was wondering when you're sitting on the bus thinking about coming here, what was- what was going through your head about being here? client: Just a waste of my time.","Just was feeling like, ""Ugh, it's gonna be a waste of my time coming here.""" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Just a waste of my time. therapist: Just was feeling like, ""Ugh, it's gonna be a waste of my time coming here."" client: Mm-hmm. therapist: Mmh. So how come you thought it was going to be a waste of your time? What was it based on? client: Last time didn't really work out that well.","Yeah, didn't- didn't work out very well." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm-hmm. therapist: Mmh. So how come you thought it was going to be a waste of your time? What was it based on? client: Last time didn't really work out that well. therapist: Yeah, didn't- didn't work out very well. client: Nothing really helped me.",Okay. So you're hoping that it was gonna help you and it didn't. That was-- ended up feeling like a waste of your time. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Last time didn't really work out that well. therapist: Yeah, didn't- didn't work out very well. client: Nothing really helped me. therapist: Okay. So you're hoping that it was gonna help you and it didn't. That was-- ended up feeling like a waste of your time. client: Yeah.",Mm. So it sounds you're worried that it's gonna be a waste of your time this time too. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: Mm. So it sounds you're worried that it's gonna be a waste of your time this time too. client: Yeah, I'd say so. therapist: Mm, okay. So what sort of things do you think made it a waste of time last time? client: She didn't really listen to me, just told me what to do. She just bossed me around.","Okay, the probation officer we're talking about here?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, I'd say so. therapist: Mm, okay. So what sort of things do you think made it a waste of time last time? client: She didn't really listen to me, just told me what to do. She just bossed me around. therapist: Okay, the probation officer we're talking about here? client: Yeah, yeah, yeah.","Mm. So it felt like she bossed you around, didn't really listen to you." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: She didn't really listen to me, just told me what to do. She just bossed me around. therapist: Okay, the probation officer we're talking about here? client: Yeah, yeah, yeah. therapist: Mm. So it felt like she bossed you around, didn't really listen to you. client: Yeah, she didn't really care.","Okay, so actually having someone listen to you and hear about what you're saying is important to you?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -you wouldn't understand. therapist: Okay, and all of those things are true. client: Yeah. therapist: You're right. I don't know what it's like to be you and what I'm getting a sense of is that it's actually important that the person sitting opposite you in this role needs to understand what it's like to be you. Is that right? client: Yeah.","Yeah, okay. So I guess the invitation for both of us really over the next few months of, um, on the sentence is for us to get an understanding about what it's like to be you." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm-hmm. therapist: 100 is like, ""I'm totally interested and-and getting it nailed and sorted and, you know, getting on the straight and narrow."" Where would you be on that scale? client: Well, not too high. It's not like I'm out killing people or anything. It's just- therapist: Okay. client: -silly stuff.",All right. So it's kind of silly stuff that's getting you into trouble. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -silly stuff. therapist: All right. So it's kind of silly stuff that's getting you into trouble. client: Yeah. therapist: Is that what I'm hearing? Yeah. So in terms of dealing with it, where-where would you be, do you reckon? How interested would you be in dealing with that stuff? client: Mm, lots. When I stop getting caught. Don't wanna be back here again.","Okay, so you don't wanna be back here. You don't wanna be sitting here and-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: Is that what I'm hearing? Yeah. So in terms of dealing with it, where-where would you be, do you reckon? How interested would you be in dealing with that stuff? client: Mm, lots. When I stop getting caught. Don't wanna be back here again. therapist: Okay, so you don't wanna be back here. You don't wanna be sitting here and- client: No.",-to talk to a probation officer again. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: No, sorry. therapist: Okay. So where would you be do you think? client: Mm, like what out of a scale it would like fall? therapist: Zero being, ""Argh, not interested at all,"" 100 being totally into it. client: Mmh, 25.","25, okay." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm, like what out of a scale it would like fall? therapist: Zero being, ""Argh, not interested at all,"" 100 being totally into it. client: Mmh, 25. therapist: 25, okay. client: Mmh.",So I know that you're kind of 25% interested- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mmh, 25. therapist: 25, okay. client: Mmh. therapist: So I know that you're kind of 25% interested- client: Mmh.",-and really thinking about what's got you into trouble and hence something about what gets you into trouble. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mmh. therapist: So I know that you're kind of 25% interested- client: Mmh. therapist: -and really thinking about what's got you into trouble and hence something about what gets you into trouble. client: Maybe but, mm, yeah, I wanna stop getting into trouble.",You wanna stop getting into trouble. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Maybe but, mm, yeah, I wanna stop getting into trouble. therapist: You wanna stop getting into trouble. client: Yeah, but I don't think what I'm doing is that bad. therapist: Mm, okay. client: Just unlucky.","Okay, so getting into trouble and, uh, getting caught and-and we see [unintelligible 00:05:36] does about luck and this time being unlucky." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Just unlucky. therapist: Okay, so getting into trouble and, uh, getting caught and-and we see [unintelligible 00:05:36] does about luck and this time being unlucky. client: Yeah, the cops just have it out for me. therapist: Yes, tell me a bit more about that, Billy? Kind of give me the [unintelligible 00:05:46] the cops have got it on for you? client: Just 'cause growing up dealing with them and my mates and stuff and there's, you know, guilty before charged or whatever.","Mm, so it feels like you always seemed singled out and, um, end up being unlucky." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, the cops just have it out for me. therapist: Yes, tell me a bit more about that, Billy? Kind of give me the [unintelligible 00:05:46] the cops have got it on for you? client: Just 'cause growing up dealing with them and my mates and stuff and there's, you know, guilty before charged or whatever. therapist: Mm, so it feels like you always seemed singled out and, um, end up being unlucky. client: Yeah, me and my mates always get singled out.","Okay, so you get singled out and that's what, um, means that you end up getting-- having to go to court and get sentenced and end on probation." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, me and my mates always get singled out. therapist: Okay, so you get singled out and that's what, um, means that you end up getting-- having to go to court and get sentenced and end on probation. client: Yeah. therapist: Yeah. So I'm wondering, um, if there are things that you think, ""Well, I can see that that's got me into trouble,"" and, you know, kind of cops aside, things that might have got you into-into trouble. client: Just jacking cars and just stealing just, like, stuff and smokes and got done for that.","Mm-hmm, okay. So some stuff that you can think, ""Oh yeah, I had, you know, I did some stuff that yeah, got me into trouble.""" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, well, I- therapist: -trying to get a handle on that. client: -wanna stop getting in trouble. Don't wanna- therapist: Yeah. client: -end up in prison for the rest of my life for doing stupid little things.","Okay, so you don't wanna end up kind of being in prison again 'cause you've done some time inside. Yeah, and you don't wanna end up going back to prison, yeah. So-so that's one thing about wanting to make a difference and the way things are at the moment, yeah." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: A good-- yeah. therapist: So the things about that have got you into trouble in the past, um, how confident are you that, um, that you can do something to not keep going down the same path? Zero is like, ""I'm not confident at all that I can make any changes,"" and 100 is like, ""I'm so supremely confident."" Where would you be? client: Pretty confident if I had a good job but otherwise, probably have to keep stealing stuff, I don't know. therapist: Okay. client: So it depends.","All right, so if you were in a good job-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Pretty confident if I had a good job but otherwise, probably have to keep stealing stuff, I don't know. therapist: Okay. client: So it depends. therapist: All right, so if you were in a good job- client: Yeah.","-one with cars, one that-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: So it depends. therapist: All right, so if you were in a good job- client: Yeah. therapist: -one with cars, one that- client: Yeah, yeah, yeah.","-you really liked, you feel that you would be pretty confident to deal with the stuff that gets you into trouble?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: -one with cars, one that- client: Yeah, yeah, yeah. therapist: -you really liked, you feel that you would be pretty confident to deal with the stuff that gets you into trouble? client: Yeah, yeah, yeah, 'cause it's just small stuff that, you know, just 'cause I don't have any cash.","Okay, so you don't have any cash and that's the stuff that causes you to do the small stuff-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, yeah, yeah. therapist: -you really liked, you feel that you would be pretty confident to deal with the stuff that gets you into trouble? client: Yeah, yeah, yeah, 'cause it's just small stuff that, you know, just 'cause I don't have any cash. therapist: Okay, so you don't have any cash and that's the stuff that causes you to do the small stuff- client: Yeah.",-and get you into trouble. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, yeah, yeah, 'cause it's just small stuff that, you know, just 'cause I don't have any cash. therapist: Okay, so you don't have any cash and that's the stuff that causes you to do the small stuff- client: Yeah. therapist: -and get you into trouble. client: Yeah, just stupid little shit, yeah.","Okay, so if you had a job, you feel pretty confident, but if you don't have a job, your confidence is much-is much lower, is that-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: -what I'm hearing? Yeah. client: Yeah, no. That's- therapist: Okay. client: -not an excuse but, yeah, I'll probably keep doing it. Just try not to get caught.","Okay, so if you don't have a job you reckon, um, you'll probably gonna keep on offending." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, no. That's- therapist: Okay. client: -not an excuse but, yeah, I'll probably keep doing it. Just try not to get caught. therapist: Okay, so if you don't have a job you reckon, um, you'll probably gonna keep on offending. client: Yeah. Yeah, I just get bored and stuff.","Okay, so part of this, what's going on is you also getting bored?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, I get bored real easy. therapist: Mmh. Yeah, say something more about that. It sounds really interesting about you knowing that you get bored really easily. client: I don't know. I got a short attention span or something. therapist: Yeah, what-what makes you say that? client: Uh, just can't sit around home all day. I'd wanna go out and do something exciting.","Okay, so you wanna kind of get some action, don't wanna sit around-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Uh, just can't sit around home all day. I'd wanna go out and do something exciting. therapist: Okay, so you wanna kind of get some action, don't wanna sit around- client: Mmh. therapist: -all the time. But one of the things I'm noticing, we've been going here for a wee while now talking and, uh, I haven't noticed any lack of attention. client: Just talking about something I like. Like talking about cars is all good.","Okay, so we [unintelligible 00:09:47] something that interests you." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm-hmm. therapist: Hi, Billy, how are you doing? It's good to see you again. client: Yeah. therapist: Yeah, how's things been? client: Well, not too bad. Yeah, getting out of trouble.",Okay. So you're keeping out of trouble. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Ah, I got a lift from Donna. She's- therapist: Oh yeah. Who's- who's Donna? You haven't mentioned Donna before. client: Like she's my new girlfriend. therapist: Oh okay. Tell us something about Donna. client: Ah, just met her a few weeks ago and she's just, uh, real cool. She's really nice. Yeah, get along with her really well.","Hmm, you get along with her really well." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Ah, just met her a few weeks ago and she's just, uh, real cool. She's really nice. Yeah, get along with her really well. therapist: Hmm, you get along with her really well. client: Yeah. therapist: So what's special about Donna? client: Donna is easy to talk to unlike other girls that I don't really get along with. Uh, she's like and a good friend too so-",Oh okay. So someone who's both a friend and a girlfriend? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Donna is easy to talk to unlike other girls that I don't really get along with. Uh, she's like and a good friend too so- therapist: Oh okay. So someone who's both a friend and a girlfriend? client: Yeah. I can hang out with her and stuff and she gets all my mates and stuff. So it's all good. therapist: Hmm, yeah. It's really special when you find someone who can be both a friend and girlfriend, eh. client: Yeah, and I'm lucky.",Yeah. You were made to say you're lucky. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. I can hang out with her and stuff and she gets all my mates and stuff. So it's all good. therapist: Hmm, yeah. It's really special when you find someone who can be both a friend and girlfriend, eh. client: Yeah, and I'm lucky. therapist: Yeah. You were made to say you're lucky. client: She's just a really nice girl.","Hmm. Okay, so she dropped you off here today." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: She's just a really nice girl. therapist: Hmm. Okay, so she dropped you off here today. client: Yeah, it's good of her. therapist: So what does she think about you coming here? client: She thinks it's good. Yeah. Uh, she doesn't want to get in trouble and stuff.",She doesn't want to get you in trouble and I heard you say earlier on that you've been keeping out of trouble. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: She thinks it's good. Yeah. Uh, she doesn't want to get in trouble and stuff. therapist: She doesn't want to get you in trouble and I heard you say earlier on that you've been keeping out of trouble. client: Yeah, I was just getting busy with her and stuff. So it's all good. therapist: So what sort of things have you been doing together? client: Just, uh, just hanging out. Just watching movies and stuff just, I don't know, gives me something to do.",Okay. Gives you something to do. So we talked like back on that first time we met about how you reckon you've got a short attention span and like things to like to be doing things. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, I was just getting busy with her and stuff. So it's all good. therapist: So what sort of things have you been doing together? client: Just, uh, just hanging out. Just watching movies and stuff just, I don't know, gives me something to do. therapist: Okay. Gives you something to do. So we talked like back on that first time we met about how you reckon you've got a short attention span and like things to like to be doing things. client: Yeah.","So you're watching movies with her, you're hanging out?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Just, uh, just hanging out. Just watching movies and stuff just, I don't know, gives me something to do. therapist: Okay. Gives you something to do. So we talked like back on that first time we met about how you reckon you've got a short attention span and like things to like to be doing things. client: Yeah. therapist: So you're watching movies with her, you're hanging out? client: It's, yeah, just chilling with her. It's good.","Yeah, and keeping-keeping out of trouble." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: It's, yeah, just chilling with her. It's good. therapist: Yeah, and keeping-keeping out of trouble. client: Yeah mostly, yeah. therapist: Okay, what's the mostly? client: Uh, you know, [chuckles] mostly.","Mm-hmm. So when you say mostly, it kind of leaves a little bit of room for there to be some trouble." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Uh, you know, [chuckles] mostly. therapist: Mm-hmm. So when you say mostly, it kind of leaves a little bit of room for there to be some trouble. client: Yeah. therapist: Am I picking that up? client: Oh no, just stupid stuff. Just when she like-- she has to go to work and stuff, so I have to keep myself busy.","Okay, so she's- she's got a job." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Oh no, just stupid stuff. Just when she like-- she has to go to work and stuff, so I have to keep myself busy. therapist: Okay, so she's- she's got a job. client: Yeah. therapist: Yeah, what does she do? client: She just works the whole day just typing numbers and stuff.",Mm-hmm. So kind of 9:00 to 5:00 sort of job. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: She just works the whole day just typing numbers and stuff. therapist: Mm-hmm. So kind of 9:00 to 5:00 sort of job. client: Yeah. She actually goes there four days a week though. therapist: All right. client: So we get to chill on Friday.",Mm-hmm. So you two get to spend Friday together and the weekend. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: Mm-hmm. Okay, so when she's at work, what happens then? client: Well, uh, sleeping and then, I don't know, catch up my mates if they're not doing anything and just get up to mischief with them. therapist: Mm-hmm. So what sort of mischief are we talking about here, Billy? client: It's, uh, [unintelligible 00:13:34] for the cars out there, [unintelligible 00:13:36] no not-not normally. Yeah.","Mm-hmm. Okay, so you're kind of skating on the edges of getting in trouble again." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm. therapist: - I'm wondering if she knows that. client: No, not really. therapist: So what do you reckon would happen if she knew? client: She'd tell me off.",She'd tell you off. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: No, not really. therapist: So what do you reckon would happen if she knew? client: She'd tell me off. therapist: She'd tell you off. client: Yeah.",Yeah? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: Yeah? client: Yeah. therapist: Well, what-what are her hopes for you, Billy? client: Uh, okay, she wants me to be happy, I don't know. Me to get a job or something. So, get a nice car we could cruise around in it.",Mm-hmm. Yeah. So she wants you to be happy. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Just be able to buy her stuff. Nice car, nice house. therapist: Mm-hmm. A nice car, a nice house. Mm-hmm, what else? What must be a happy life for Billy? client: Just and it'd be good just me, her and just be able to provide for her would be cool. therapist: Mm-hmm, okay. So in five years' time, it's fast forward to the future. Five years time, how would you like it to be? client: Just settle down and maybe have some kids or something, family life.","Okay. So, you'd be with Donna, and you'd have a house, and you settle down, maybe have some kids?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Just and it'd be good just me, her and just be able to provide for her would be cool. therapist: Mm-hmm, okay. So in five years' time, it's fast forward to the future. Five years time, how would you like it to be? client: Just settle down and maybe have some kids or something, family life. therapist: Okay. So, you'd be with Donna, and you'd have a house, and you settle down, maybe have some kids? client: Yeah. It'd be cool.","Yes? So, it sounds like having children is something you've thought about? Um." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Just settle down and maybe have some kids or something, family life. therapist: Okay. So, you'd be with Donna, and you'd have a house, and you settle down, maybe have some kids? client: Yeah. It'd be cool. therapist: Yes? So, it sounds like having children is something you've thought about? Um. client: Yeah, I know she'd be a good mum, yeah. So—",Mm-hmm. She'd be a good mum? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I'd be all right. therapist: Mm-hmm. Yeah? client: Yeah. therapist: What would be special about you as a dad? client: Uh, I wouldn't boss them around.",You wouldn't boss them around? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: What would be special about you as a dad? client: Uh, I wouldn't boss them around. therapist: You wouldn't boss them around? client: No.",Mm-hmm. That's something- that's something that's come up before with-with-- when we've been talking about that idea about not liking being bossed around. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: No. therapist: Mm-hmm. That's something- that's something that's come up before with-with-- when we've been talking about that idea about not liking being bossed around. client: Yeah. therapist: What's that about, Billy? client: I don't know. It's just like-- My dad was really strict on me when I was little, and I don't want to be like that.","Okay, I see. You wanna be a different sort of dad-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: What's that about, Billy? client: I don't know. It's just like-- My dad was really strict on me when I was little, and I don't want to be like that. therapist: Okay, I see. You wanna be a different sort of dad- client: Yeah.",-to-to the dad that you had? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: -to-to the dad that you had? client: Mm. therapist: Yeah. Okay. therapist: So, we were, um- we were just talking a little bit about sustained talk, which most people call denial. client: Well, I'm glad I don't have any of that.[laughter]",You're a lucky man. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: -and you're gonna— client: Well, you were asking me why I don't like to take my medicine. therapist: Right. So, you're-you're a, um-um, a patient who's been diagnosed with some s- maybe schizophrenia, bipolar. client: I like to call it mild schizophrenia.","Okay, mild schizophrenia is fine. Good. Okay, so-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, you were asking me why I don't like to take my medicine. therapist: Right. So, you're-you're a, um-um, a patient who's been diagnosed with some s- maybe schizophrenia, bipolar. client: I like to call it mild schizophrenia. therapist: Okay, mild schizophrenia is fine. Good. Okay, so- client: And-and-and, uh—",-just a touch. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -if-if you had, you know- if you had to ride around in the back of a garbage truck all day like I do- therapist: Yeah. client: -uh, it's, uh- it's stressful, you know. [clears throat] But, the doctor- you know, the other doctor put me on this medicine and-and I gotta take it every day. And, I-I don't like it. Uh, I'll just be honest with you, I don't like it. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: It doesn't-- I don't like the way it makes you feel, um, I don't like the way it makes me act, and it's taken my sex drive, and just thrown it at the back of the garbage truck.","Well, that is a bummer. I mean—" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: It is. therapist: So you said the-the first one you said, you don't like the way it makes you feel? client: Right. therapist: So, tell me a little bit about what you don't like about- what you've noticed about it? client: Well, i-it's kinda like I'm in kind of a dreamy world. I-it kind of, I don't know, i-it just seems like I'm kinda like living in the middle of a cotton ball or something like that, where just things are kinda soft and, I don't know, I-- It just, the-the spice of life doesn't seem to be there. It seems like everything's bland, and nothing really-- Food doesn't taste the same, and things don't smell right, and—",Very dull. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Right. therapist: So, tell me a little bit about what you don't like about- what you've noticed about it? client: Well, i-it's kinda like I'm in kind of a dreamy world. I-it kind of, I don't know, i-it just seems like I'm kinda like living in the middle of a cotton ball or something like that, where just things are kinda soft and, I don't know, I-- It just, the-the spice of life doesn't seem to be there. It seems like everything's bland, and nothing really-- Food doesn't taste the same, and things don't smell right, and— therapist: Very dull. client: Very dull.",Very dull. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Very dull. therapist: Yeah. client: That's a good way to sum it up. And it's-- Well, you understand it, uh, it's just- it's not good. therapist: Mm. So, and then you said, you don't like how it makes you act, um, if you can tell me a little bit about that. client: Well, I feel like it's taken part of my personality and just thrown it away. I don't really feel like I'm all there, right. You know, like, um, I like to be spontaneous and funny, and-and all that night, and I- and I don't-- You know, by the time I come up with a-a funny remark to the situation, everybody's left the room, and-[laughter]-stuff like that. And-and-- [chuckles]","It's really, your timing is [unintelligible 00:03:13]" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: That's a good way to sum it up. And it's-- Well, you understand it, uh, it's just- it's not good. therapist: Mm. So, and then you said, you don't like how it makes you act, um, if you can tell me a little bit about that. client: Well, I feel like it's taken part of my personality and just thrown it away. I don't really feel like I'm all there, right. You know, like, um, I like to be spontaneous and funny, and-and all that night, and I- and I don't-- You know, by the time I come up with a-a funny remark to the situation, everybody's left the room, and-[laughter]-stuff like that. And-and-- [chuckles] therapist: It's really, your timing is [unintelligible 00:03:13] client: Absolutely.",So you feel slow. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, I feel like it's taken part of my personality and just thrown it away. I don't really feel like I'm all there, right. You know, like, um, I like to be spontaneous and funny, and-and all that night, and I- and I don't-- You know, by the time I come up with a-a funny remark to the situation, everybody's left the room, and-[laughter]-stuff like that. And-and-- [chuckles] therapist: It's really, your timing is [unintelligible 00:03:13] client: Absolutely. therapist: So you feel slow. client: And so, as you can can tell, I didn't take my medication today, I'm-I'm-I'm really on my game today. So.","So, it's, you know, thinking as quickly and responding as quickly and-and things like that-- [crosstalk]" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -for sure. therapist: Yeah. client: Well, you understand that. therapist: Yeah. client: You-you can- you can understand why I don't take it.","To tell you, it sounds terrible, actually. Yeah. So, that that-that really-- And then- and then, to top it all off, literally, I mean, no sex drive." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: You-you can- you can understand why I don't take it. therapist: To tell you, it sounds terrible, actually. Yeah. So, that that-that really-- And then- and then, to top it all off, literally, I mean, no sex drive. client: Right-right. therapist: And-and your wife, what does she have to say about that? client: Well, she wants to know who I am and what did I do with her husband.","Yeah. Where's Scott? Where did- where did Scott go? That feisty, spirited guy, where- where'd he go?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Right-right. therapist: And-and your wife, what does she have to say about that? client: Well, she wants to know who I am and what did I do with her husband. therapist: Yeah. Where's Scott? Where did- where did Scott go? That feisty, spirited guy, where- where'd he go? client: Yeah.",With the libido out the door. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I canceled my subscription to the spice channel. therapist: I didn't even know they had a spice channel. [chuckles] client: I don't know if they still have it or not. [chuckles] therapist: So they-- So, um, before you started taking the medication, though, when she was, you know, um-- Even though now she's like, ""Where is my old Scott,"" and stuff, well, were there any times when she wanted you to go on the medication? And, if so, what-what prompted those? client: Well, if I stay off the medication too long, I-- Some people might say there's a problem with that, you know.",You were right. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, if I stay off the medication too long, I-- Some people might say there's a problem with that, you know. therapist: You were right. client: Well, I guess running around the neighborhood with no clothes on isn't really good. therapist: Okay. client: Um, I thought I had a, uh—",Might get you into trouble [unintelligible 00:05:06] Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: You know, it's not all the time, it's-it's not- it's not a problem. therapist: Okay. client: Certainly not a problem. therapist: How would you know if it was a problem? client: Well, if I was like getting arrested for drunk driving.","So, if you got a DUI, you would really know." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I get edgy. therapist: Yeah. client: I-I-I get edgy. therapist: Yeah. And you don't like that? client: No-no. I'd-I'd like to just be normal as well. I'd real-- I'd like to just be normal where I don't have to take medicine, and I don't end up in the hospital three times a year, and I don't find myself in the neighbor's yard—",Running around naked. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: No-no. I'd-I'd like to just be normal as well. I'd real-- I'd like to just be normal where I don't have to take medicine, and I don't end up in the hospital three times a year, and I don't find myself in the neighbor's yard— therapist: Running around naked. client: With a statue. It's— therapist: Okay. client: They were really ticked about that statue thing this time, and I don't know why I keep going back over there, but—",You must like that statue. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: With a statue. It's— therapist: Okay. client: They were really ticked about that statue thing this time, and I don't know why I keep going back over there, but— therapist: You must like that statue. client: I really don't, but, apparently, when I'm in that state, uh, there's something about it, I'm not sure.","So, if-if-if we could maybe find a medication that didn't give you as bad side effects, perhaps you might not have to drink as much or at all or smoke a little weed to take the edge off. I mean, who knows? [unintelligible 00:09:55]" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I really don't, but, apparently, when I'm in that state, uh, there's something about it, I'm not sure. therapist: So, if-if-if we could maybe find a medication that didn't give you as bad side effects, perhaps you might not have to drink as much or at all or smoke a little weed to take the edge off. I mean, who knows? [unintelligible 00:09:55] client: Well, maybe. I-I-I guess that's possible. therapist: Yeah. client: I just feel helpless about this whole deal.",You're hopeless about what's going on. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, maybe. I-I-I guess that's possible. therapist: Yeah. client: I just feel helpless about this whole deal. therapist: You're hopeless about what's going on. client: Mm. I just feel helpless about this whole deal.",You seem at a loss of where to go from here. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I just feel helpless about this whole deal. therapist: You're hopeless about what's going on. client: Mm. I just feel helpless about this whole deal. therapist: You seem at a loss of where to go from here. client: No one wants to help me.",You feel like people aren't willing to help. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm. I just feel helpless about this whole deal. therapist: You seem at a loss of where to go from here. client: No one wants to help me. therapist: You feel like people aren't willing to help. client: No one wants to help me.",You feel alone. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: No one wants to help me. therapist: You feel like people aren't willing to help. client: No one wants to help me. therapist: You feel alone. client: Mm-hmm. I really shouldn't have done it.",You realize it's something you shouldn't have done. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: No one wants to help me. therapist: You feel alone. client: Mm-hmm. I really shouldn't have done it. therapist: You realize it's something you shouldn't have done. client: Mm-hmm. I really shouldn't have done it.",You're feeling regretful. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm-hmm. I really shouldn't have done it. therapist: You realize it's something you shouldn't have done. client: Mm-hmm. I really shouldn't have done it. therapist: You're feeling regretful. client: Mm-hmm. I couldn't help myself.","Uh, it's something that just happened." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm-hmm. I really shouldn't have done it. therapist: You're feeling regretful. client: Mm-hmm. I couldn't help myself. therapist: Uh, it's something that just happened. client: I couldn't help myself.",You're nervous that you've lost control of your behaviors. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm-hmm. I couldn't help myself. therapist: Uh, it's something that just happened. client: I couldn't help myself. therapist: You're nervous that you've lost control of your behaviors. client: It's actually been a fabulous week.",You've really had a good week. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I couldn't help myself. therapist: You're nervous that you've lost control of your behaviors. client: It's actually been a fabulous week. therapist: You've really had a good week. client: It's actually been a fabulous week.",You seem excited about that. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: It's actually been a fabulous week. therapist: You've really had a good week. client: It's actually been a fabulous week. therapist: You seem excited about that. client: Mm-hmm. I know who to hang out with, I'm not stupid.",You definitely know how to make good decisions. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: It's actually been a fabulous week. therapist: You seem excited about that. client: Mm-hmm. I know who to hang out with, I'm not stupid. therapist: You definitely know how to make good decisions. client: I know who to hang out with, I'm not stupid.","You know that, um, positive peer influences have been helpful for you." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm-hmm. I know who to hang out with, I'm not stupid. therapist: You definitely know how to make good decisions. client: I know who to hang out with, I'm not stupid. therapist: You know that, um, positive peer influences have been helpful for you. client: Mm-hmm. I'm letting the whole family down. They had such high hopes for me.",You feel like you're letting your family down. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I know who to hang out with, I'm not stupid. therapist: You know that, um, positive peer influences have been helpful for you. client: Mm-hmm. I'm letting the whole family down. They had such high hopes for me. therapist: You feel like you're letting your family down. client: Mm-hmm. I'm letting my whole family down. They had such high hopes for me.",You feel like you've been a disappointment for them. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm-hmm. I'm letting the whole family down. They had such high hopes for me. therapist: You feel like you're letting your family down. client: Mm-hmm. I'm letting my whole family down. They had such high hopes for me. therapist: You feel like you've been a disappointment for them. client: Mm-hmm. This is not what I want for my life.",This is not what you've envisioned. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm-hmm. I'm letting my whole family down. They had such high hopes for me. therapist: You feel like you've been a disappointment for them. client: Mm-hmm. This is not what I want for my life. therapist: This is not what you've envisioned. client: This is not what I want for my life.",You're willing to take steps to improve on that. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm-hmm. This is not what I want for my life. therapist: This is not what you've envisioned. client: This is not what I want for my life. therapist: You're willing to take steps to improve on that. client: Mm-hmm. I really want to get off the program.",You don't want to be here. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: This is not what I want for my life. therapist: You're willing to take steps to improve on that. client: Mm-hmm. I really want to get off the program. therapist: You don't want to be here. client: I really want to get off the program.",You seem motivated to follow the rules. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm-hmm. I really want to get off the program. therapist: You don't want to be here. client: I really want to get off the program. therapist: You seem motivated to follow the rules. client: Mm-hmm. I still crave smoking, even though I've stopped.",It's something that's always on your mind. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I really want to get off the program. therapist: You seem motivated to follow the rules. client: Mm-hmm. I still crave smoking, even though I've stopped. therapist: It's something that's always on your mind. client: I still crave smoking, even though I've stopped.","It takes a lot of, um, strength to still not smoke, even though you're still craving." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -ever really think about, like-like, how much I drink. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: Um, and, like, fi- like filling out, like, how much I'm drinking every day, it was like, whoa, you know- therapist: Hm. client: -like, I just didn't ever really think about it, like, that I was-- like, if I try to actually count the drinks, it's, kind of, a lot, I mean, it's, kind of, a lot.",You were pretty shocked at what you learned about your patterns. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, yeah, 'cause, like, I also, kind of, thought that, like, I drink, like, about as much as my friends did and then, like, I went back and I was, like, talking to my roommate about it and I was, like, telling her that, you know, I was drinking, like, like 10 drinks on the weekends, like, including Thursday, so like, Thursday, Friday- therapist: Hm. client: -Saturday, Sunday. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: And then she was like, ""Sarah, that's cra-- Like, that is crazy. Why are, you know, like, where are you drinking this?"" And I was- I was like, ""Well, you know, like, different places."" And I-I guess, like, I don't know, my friends didn't, like, know. Anyway, it's, yeah, I don't know.","Yeah, this information has opened your eyes in some ways and as you talked to your roommate about it, she was even shocked to know that you were drinking as much as you- as you realized when you did the questionnaire." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: And then she was like, ""Sarah, that's cra-- Like, that is crazy. Why are, you know, like, where are you drinking this?"" And I was- I was like, ""Well, you know, like, different places."" And I-I guess, like, I don't know, my friends didn't, like, know. Anyway, it's, yeah, I don't know. therapist: Yeah, this information has opened your eyes in some ways and as you talked to your roommate about it, she was even shocked to know that you were drinking as much as you- as you realized when you did the questionnaire. client: Yeah, and yeah, I guess it was just like, I thought that everybody was, like, doing it, you know- therapist: Mm-hmm. client: -but that's not really what was going on. [chuckles]","Yeah, the fact that your drinking stands out from others is clearly not something you had ever really taken into consideration before?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yes. therapist: Okay. What a great goal. So why do you want to make this goal for yourself? client: Uh, so people will get off my back. therapist: And who are these people? client: My mom she's always saying, you know, get to school. My PO will be like, you know, if you don't get the school on time, I can bring you back in for sanctions and I don't want to go back in.",So that's something you definitely wanna avoid? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Uh, so people will get off my back. therapist: And who are these people? client: My mom she's always saying, you know, get to school. My PO will be like, you know, if you don't get the school on time, I can bring you back in for sanctions and I don't want to go back in. therapist: So that's something you definitely wanna avoid? client: Yes.",Okay. So getting to school for your first hour is something that you're going to work on as your goal. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yes. therapist: Okay. So getting to school for your first hour is something that you're going to work on as your goal. client: I will try. therapist: So what are some specific steps you would need to take to get to school on time for first hour? client: I can't ever get up in the morning. So that's hard and then by the time I do get up, and then I get ready and get dressed, I miss the bus. So then I usually end up walking or see if I can find a ride. So it could be a bunch of different reasons why I'm late.","Okay, so it's not just one major thing?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: No. therapist: So knowing that a couple of things can really get in your way, what do you think would work best for you to get to school on time? What do you know you need to do? client: Get up on time would probably be a good start of making me get there on time. therapist: What time would you need to get up then? client: [sighs] If I'm gonna catch the bus I'll probably need to be up by 6:15 and sometimes that's just so hard to do, 'cause I go to bed so late and I don't know if I can do it.",So you're still kind of unsure if this is something that you could do yet you're saying you really wanna do it because you don't wanna go back for sanctions. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: [sighs] If I'm gonna catch the bus I'll probably need to be up by 6:15 and sometimes that's just so hard to do, 'cause I go to bed so late and I don't know if I can do it. therapist: So you're still kind of unsure if this is something that you could do yet you're saying you really wanna do it because you don't wanna go back for sanctions. client: Right. I could try- therapist: Okay. client: - and see how it goes.","Okay, so you're willing to at least attempt it?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: - and see how it goes. therapist: Okay, so you're willing to at least attempt it? client: Yes. therapist: So what time would you have to go to bed at night to make sure you're up by 6:15? client: I go about midnight now, so if I tried maybe 11:00. I can try 11:00.","Okay. Okay, so you're willing to go to bed at 11:00 and then you're going to set your alarm for 6:15 the next morning?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Uh, either tomorrow or the next day. therapist: Okay, so if I would write down here, um, what do you think- what would you want me to write? Tomorrow or the next day? client: Let's start tomorrow. therapist: Tomorrow. Okay, great. So who would be able to help you get to bed on time and make sure you're up on time by 6:15? client: My mom.",Your mom. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: My mom. therapist: Your mom. client: Mm-hmm. therapist: Okay. Anything that your mom could do to help you with that? client: [sighs] She can after my alarm goes off, if I don't get up, she could come in and wake me up and remind me that I said to you that I'm going to get up so that I have to do it.","So it's almost like you want your mom to make it say that this is for you. It's not because your mom's making you get up like you want your mom to remind you, ""Hey, remember, this is something that you want for yourself is to be in time for first-hour class""." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: [sighs] She can after my alarm goes off, if I don't get up, she could come in and wake me up and remind me that I said to you that I'm going to get up so that I have to do it. therapist: So it's almost like you want your mom to make it say that this is for you. It's not because your mom's making you get up like you want your mom to remind you, ""Hey, remember, this is something that you want for yourself is to be in time for first-hour class"". client: Exactly. Yup. therapist: Great. What could maybe get in the way of you not getting up by 6:15? client: [sighs] Not going to bed on time.",Not going to bed on time. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Exactly. Yup. therapist: Great. What could maybe get in the way of you not getting up by 6:15? client: [sighs] Not going to bed on time. therapist: Not going to bed on time. client: Yup, that's gonna be a struggle for me.",Okay. So if you are feeling tempted to stay up later- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yup, that's gonna be a struggle for me. therapist: Okay. So if you are feeling tempted to stay up later- client: Mm-hmm. therapist: - how could you respond instead? client: Just go to bed and turn off the lights, don't have my phone.","Okay, so a phone is a distraction for you. So keeping your phone away-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Just go to bed and turn off the lights, don't have my phone. therapist: Okay, so a phone is a distraction for you. So keeping your phone away- client: Oh, yeah. therapist: - and even actually turning the lights off and making sure that it's dark? client: Yes.",Kind of a reminder it's time to go to bed. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Oh, yeah. therapist: - and even actually turning the lights off and making sure that it's dark? client: Yes. therapist: Kind of a reminder it's time to go to bed. client: Have my mom check on me to make sure everything's put away.",And-and also the support of your mom too. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Have my mom check on me to make sure everything's put away. therapist: And-and also the support of your mom too. client: Mm-hmm. therapist: Great. So how will you know that you-your plan is working? client: When I'm at school on time, when the bell rings and I'm in class.","So for you being in your class, when that bell rings, then you know, this is the goal." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm-hmm. therapist: Great. So how will you know that you-your plan is working? client: When I'm at school on time, when the bell rings and I'm in class. therapist: So for you being in your class, when that bell rings, then you know, this is the goal. client: Absolutely.","So what I've been hearing so far- what again, what a great goal. You've already had some insight of how to do this. So for you, it's really important that you're getting to your first hour because you don't want to go back to sanction days. You don't having- like having all these extra people checking up on you and all those things.You've already have a plan of going to bed by 11:00, turning off the lights, putting your cell phone away. Even the support of your mom is really gonna be helpful for you, um, getting up at 6:15 in the morning with that alarm. I know that seems really early in the morning, but you seem willing to do it. And if you're not able to do it, your mom's gonna help you out as well." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: When I'm at school on time, when the bell rings and I'm in class. therapist: So for you being in your class, when that bell rings, then you know, this is the goal. client: Absolutely. therapist: So what I've been hearing so far- what again, what a great goal. You've already had some insight of how to do this. So for you, it's really important that you're getting to your first hour because you don't want to go back to sanction days. You don't having- like having all these extra people checking up on you and all those things.You've already have a plan of going to bed by 11:00, turning off the lights, putting your cell phone away. Even the support of your mom is really gonna be helpful for you, um, getting up at 6:15 in the morning with that alarm. I know that seems really early in the morning, but you seem willing to do it. And if you're not able to do it, your mom's gonna help you out as well. client: Well, yeah, I hope so.",What a great plan and you said you're going to start tomorrow. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: A respirologist. therapist: A respirologist diagnosed that, and-and how are you feeling right now? client: I'm- I'm really scared, uh, 'cause I don't feel well. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: I haven't felt well for a while. I'm getting coughing fits even when I'm on the telephone with customers.","All right. So it sounds like you've been smoking for such a long time and then this diagnosis was given to you, uh, and now that's really causing you to be afraid and frightened." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I haven't felt well for a while. I'm getting coughing fits even when I'm on the telephone with customers. therapist: All right. So it sounds like you've been smoking for such a long time and then this diagnosis was given to you, uh, and now that's really causing you to be afraid and frightened. client: Mm-hmm. I-I don't know what I'm going to do about it. therapist: Okay, okay. Now, have you thought about when you wanted to quit by? client: I'm giving myself six months, six months and-and, uh, that seems like a long time away, but I have a feeling I'm going to fail at this point in time. I don't even have 50%, uh, faith in myself.","Okay. So what I'm hearing you say is that, although you want to quit smoking in the next six months, you're feeling a bit, um, under-confident that you'll actually be able to do this and you're-you're worried about failing." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I'm giving myself six months, six months and-and, uh, that seems like a long time away, but I have a feeling I'm going to fail at this point in time. I don't even have 50%, uh, faith in myself. therapist: Okay. So what I'm hearing you say is that, although you want to quit smoking in the next six months, you're feeling a bit, um, under-confident that you'll actually be able to do this and you're-you're worried about failing. client: I don't know what to do. I've tried to quit smoking. I've had, uh, I've taken pills, I've taken the patch. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: I've gone through therapy. Uh, nothing's helped. I finally- I went to the doctor. I was actually in the hospital. They took me to the hospital for a week. That's the longest I quit.","Right. So you've been able to quit smoking, but only when you were in the hospital." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Uh, it's part of my life. It's, uh, I started smoking when I was 13, 14 at home. My parents smoked. All of their friends smoked. It was on television. Everybody looked so grand. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: Uh, smoking and all dressed up and-and fancy clothes and maybe having a drink in their hands and having a nice meal, um, I didn't really think about it. It's just an extension of me, I guess. It's-it's good for my nerves. therapist: Right. client: I mean, I feel like it is. I know when I've got that package in my pocket, or I know if there- if I'm going through some stress, I say, ""Oh, well, I'll have a cigarette and think this out.""","Sure. So, Jean, I want to make sure that I've understood what you've told me of what you find good about smoking. So it helps you calm down. It gives you something to do. It's been part of your image. You know, you feel sophisticated. You feel like a movie style. In fact, the way you talk about it, it seems like that's what it makes you feel like. Is that right?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -we all just do it as a little group of people, uh, my family. therapist: Right. client: The people I work with, we go out in the courtyard- therapist: Sure. client: -have a cigarette and talk. That's how you make friends. A lot of people, um, we're like a little group now, we're all- a little bunch of us.",So it's hard for you to quit smoking when everybody else around you is smoking. And it's so easy to go out and take a break and have a cigarette. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, it's bad for my health and it's scaring me 'cause I don't feel well. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: I haven't felt well for a while. I'm getting coughing fits even when I'm on the telephone with customers. therapist: Is there anything else that's not good about smoking for you? client: Um, it's expensive, really got expensive, and I smoked 30, 40, sometimes 50 cigarettes a day. And I'm starting to buy different makeup 'cause I'm starting to really age, starting to get lines in my face and wrinkles and my skin is getting really clogged up and I'm spending a fortune on cosmetics.","Okay. So let me make sure I've understood this piece as well. So the not good things or the not so good things about smoking for you are the effects on your health, effects on your physical appearance and how you'll look and-and-and the amount of investment that you're making in makeup and getting your nails done, et cetera. And then the cost of smoking." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, it's expensive, really got expensive, and I smoked 30, 40, sometimes 50 cigarettes a day. And I'm starting to buy different makeup 'cause I'm starting to really age, starting to get lines in my face and wrinkles and my skin is getting really clogged up and I'm spending a fortune on cosmetics. therapist: Okay. So let me make sure I've understood this piece as well. So the not good things or the not so good things about smoking for you are the effects on your health, effects on your physical appearance and how you'll look and-and-and the amount of investment that you're making in makeup and getting your nails done, et cetera. And then the cost of smoking. client: Yes. therapist: So-so let me ask you this, given everything going on in your life right now on a scale of 1 to 10, where 10 is the most important thing to do, and 1 would be the least important thing to do, how important is it for you to quit smoking? client: It's for me, for my health, and for the money and everything I've said, I would say it's 10 or- out of 10 that I should quit smoking.",Definitely most important. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: It's for me, for my health, and for the money and everything I've said, I would say it's 10 or- out of 10 that I should quit smoking. therapist: Definitely most important. client: Yes. A hundred percent, one of the most important things. therapist: Let me ask another question and follow up to that. Again, given everything going on, where 10 is the most confident you've ever felt about anything and 1 is the least confident, how confident are you that you will be able to quit? client: Um, I, I'd say 35 or 40% competent.",35-40%. Okay. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yes. A hundred percent, one of the most important things. therapist: Let me ask another question and follow up to that. Again, given everything going on, where 10 is the most confident you've ever felt about anything and 1 is the least confident, how confident are you that you will be able to quit? client: Um, I, I'd say 35 or 40% competent. therapist: 35-40%. Okay. client: Yeah. I'd like to say more, but, um-","Okay. Now, help me understand why you said 40 and not something like 10 or zero because you mentioned that you don't even want to quit." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, I'm- I guess I'm still a fighter, and I-I-I- it's starting to- I'm starting to realize it and I do feel pretty good that I came to see you. I-I- it was a step and a couple of people who care about me actually, uh, gave me a pat on the back that I came to see you. So- therapist: Mm-hmm. client: -this was a big step. So I guess, yes. Um, it wouldn't have been as high maybe last week. therapist: Okay. So you said 30 to 40%. What would it take to build that confidence to about 45%? client: Maybe if I could come to see you again, or maybe some ideas were suggested, maybe if there was a group or something. I-I don't know, but I-I need some help.","So if you got help, that would help you say that you went from 40% to 45%." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, yeah. I think so because, um, when I get the urge, I could maybe fight it and, um, maybe wait till the next urge- therapist: Mm-hmm. client: -and maybe mark that down that, uh, I didn't go right away when something went wrong. Um, yes, I-I can try that. therapist: Okay. And I can give you a little card that can help you keep track of it. And if you can bring that back to the next appointment, it could be something we could discuss. Okay. Anything else? client: No, that gives me something to work towards until I see you next week.","Excellent. Well, thank you so much for coming in today." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: Okay. And I can give you a little card that can help you keep track of it. And if you can bring that back to the next appointment, it could be something we could discuss. Okay. Anything else? client: No, that gives me something to work towards until I see you next week. therapist: Excellent. Well, thank you so much for coming in today. client: Thank you for seeing me, doctor. therapist: You're welcome.","So there are a lot of different directions that we could take. Um, you've mentioned wanting to make changes in your physical activity. You've mentioned wanting to make changes in your eating habits and also just wanting more body confidence. Um, what- what's on your mind is as far as a- as a change topic for the rest of our session today?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: Excellent. Well, thank you so much for coming in today. client: Thank you for seeing me, doctor. therapist: You're welcome. therapist: So there are a lot of different directions that we could take. Um, you've mentioned wanting to make changes in your physical activity. You've mentioned wanting to make changes in your eating habits and also just wanting more body confidence. Um, what- what's on your mind is as far as a- as a change topic for the rest of our session today? client: I think the activity piece is the kind of low-hanging fruit that I see. Um, I feel like it's gonna be harder for me to change some of my nutrition habits right out the gate, but if I can get into maybe an activity routine, that that could be good to help maybe some of the other changes happen later.",Yeah. Okay. So physical activity is feeling like the easiest change to look at first. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: You're welcome. therapist: So there are a lot of different directions that we could take. Um, you've mentioned wanting to make changes in your physical activity. You've mentioned wanting to make changes in your eating habits and also just wanting more body confidence. Um, what- what's on your mind is as far as a- as a change topic for the rest of our session today? client: I think the activity piece is the kind of low-hanging fruit that I see. Um, I feel like it's gonna be harder for me to change some of my nutrition habits right out the gate, but if I can get into maybe an activity routine, that that could be good to help maybe some of the other changes happen later. therapist: Yeah. Okay. So physical activity is feeling like the easiest change to look at first. client: Yeah, I think so.","Great. So tell me a little bit more about your motivators for getting started in being more physically active. I know you shared energy levels and I know you've shared, um, that you'd like to see a boost in your mood and feeling less irritable and stressed. Any other benefits that really make you wanna make this change right now?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I think the activity piece is the kind of low-hanging fruit that I see. Um, I feel like it's gonna be harder for me to change some of my nutrition habits right out the gate, but if I can get into maybe an activity routine, that that could be good to help maybe some of the other changes happen later. therapist: Yeah. Okay. So physical activity is feeling like the easiest change to look at first. client: Yeah, I think so. therapist: Great. So tell me a little bit more about your motivators for getting started in being more physically active. I know you shared energy levels and I know you've shared, um, that you'd like to see a boost in your mood and feeling less irritable and stressed. Any other benefits that really make you wanna make this change right now? client: Yeah, I think just to feeling like physically stronger, um, like physically more able. Uh, last night I like struggled with the jar of salsa, like opening it. So I think that just stuff like that, um, you know, would be in addition to mood and being more productive and energy and all that stuff. Um, yeah, that that would be a definite end goal for me too. And then really to like, I think if I am more active, I think my body image or my body confidence would improve also.",Yeah. So you're wanting to feel stronger so that you can open jars and other things and- and also just have a better sense of confidence. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, I think just to feeling like physically stronger, um, like physically more able. Uh, last night I like struggled with the jar of salsa, like opening it. So I think that just stuff like that, um, you know, would be in addition to mood and being more productive and energy and all that stuff. Um, yeah, that that would be a definite end goal for me too. And then really to like, I think if I am more active, I think my body image or my body confidence would improve also. therapist: Yeah. So you're wanting to feel stronger so that you can open jars and other things and- and also just have a better sense of confidence. client: Mm-hmm. therapist: Great. So on a scale from zero to 10, zero being not at all ready to make a change in the area of physical activity, and 10 being let's- let's do this. I'm excited. I'm ready. Um, where- where do you fall on that scale? client: Hmm, I'd say I'm about an eight.",Okay. So you're- you're feeling fairly motivated. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Hmm, I'd say I'm about an eight. therapist: Okay. So you're- you're feeling fairly motivated. client: Mm-hmm. therapist: Uh, why didn't you pick a six? client: Well, like I said, I just, I've identified like a lot of things that I think would be good. Um, if I were to be more active and I definitely wanna have that improved mood and energy, um, and feel better about myself. Um, so yeah, all of those things I think are what's really driving that- that rating.","Okay. You're noticing there- there are too many great benefits to being physically active and, um, today you've mentioned energy, mood, strength and body confidence." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, like I said, I just, I've identified like a lot of things that I think would be good. Um, if I were to be more active and I definitely wanna have that improved mood and energy, um, and feel better about myself. Um, so yeah, all of those things I think are what's really driving that- that rating. therapist: Okay. You're noticing there- there are too many great benefits to being physically active and, um, today you've mentioned energy, mood, strength and body confidence. client: Mm-hmm. therapist: Am I missing anything else? client: I don't think so.",Okay. Those are the big ones for you. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: - and- and what activities you might end up, um, choosing. client: Yeah, that'd be great. therapist: Okay. therapist: Good, so, um, we're here today to talk just, uh, about whatever it is you'd like to talk about it. client: Um, how about if we talk about, uh, the problem that I'm really having is, um, getting somebody motivated to do something, um, such as move out of my house.","Okay, so, um, there would be, so what you're, what you're attempting to do is, um, well-- Tell me, I guess, uh, tell me a little bit more about it so I understand it a little bit more." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, how about if we talk about, uh, the problem that I'm really having is, um, getting somebody motivated to do something, um, such as move out of my house. therapist: Okay, so, um, there would be, so what you're, what you're attempting to do is, um, well-- Tell me, I guess, uh, tell me a little bit more about it so I understand it a little bit more. client: Well, I-I offered my home to somebody and, uh, for, you know, uh, a transitional period. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: You know, and it seems that, um, it's hard for me to be assertive and say I think the, um, the, uh, transitional period is- has come and it's beginning to time to transition. So.","So that's a really kind thing of you to do to take someone into your home like that when they need help like that. And, um, but right now, you're thinking that, uh, time is up you'd like to get this person, you know, you're-you're-you're ready to have him or her move out and have your place back to yourself." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: You know, and it seems that, um, it's hard for me to be assertive and say I think the, um, the, uh, transitional period is- has come and it's beginning to time to transition. So. therapist: So that's a really kind thing of you to do to take someone into your home like that when they need help like that. And, um, but right now, you're thinking that, uh, time is up you'd like to get this person, you know, you're-you're-you're ready to have him or her move out and have your place back to yourself. client: Yeah, that's, it's absolutely right that I want, I-I want change but I'm not, I am kind of, like, weak in that area where it's, like, the ability to actually say the words. You're right, yeah. I'd like to be able to do that. therapist: Mm-hmm. And what would, uh, what would help you get to the point of actually, um, booting them out? client: Um. [sighs] I don't know, I'm-I'm, I guess, I'm kind of, um, I care about the person and, you know, there's a certain amount of comfortability of having somebody with you, you know, and I'm just, so, I guess I am at war with myself because part of me wants the comfort of having a companion and the other part of me is just, you know-- I-I cannot-- I am not really sure what I wanna do, you know.","Mm-hmm. So you kind of feel two ways about it. You-you'd like to, um, you feel like at some level that the time is up for that person to go, and on the other hand, there's a certain amount of security in having him in the house and in knowing he's around." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, that's, it's absolutely right that I want, I-I want change but I'm not, I am kind of, like, weak in that area where it's, like, the ability to actually say the words. You're right, yeah. I'd like to be able to do that. therapist: Mm-hmm. And what would, uh, what would help you get to the point of actually, um, booting them out? client: Um. [sighs] I don't know, I'm-I'm, I guess, I'm kind of, um, I care about the person and, you know, there's a certain amount of comfortability of having somebody with you, you know, and I'm just, so, I guess I am at war with myself because part of me wants the comfort of having a companion and the other part of me is just, you know-- I-I cannot-- I am not really sure what I wanna do, you know. therapist: Mm-hmm. So you kind of feel two ways about it. You-you'd like to, um, you feel like at some level that the time is up for that person to go, and on the other hand, there's a certain amount of security in having him in the house and in knowing he's around. client: Yeah, you know, it's kind of, like, the old sock- song saying hit the road Jack, don't you come back no more, no more, no more, no more. [laughs] And—",But you're not quite ready if you wanna sing that song. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um. [sighs] I don't know, I'm-I'm, I guess, I'm kind of, um, I care about the person and, you know, there's a certain amount of comfortability of having somebody with you, you know, and I'm just, so, I guess I am at war with myself because part of me wants the comfort of having a companion and the other part of me is just, you know-- I-I cannot-- I am not really sure what I wanna do, you know. therapist: Mm-hmm. So you kind of feel two ways about it. You-you'd like to, um, you feel like at some level that the time is up for that person to go, and on the other hand, there's a certain amount of security in having him in the house and in knowing he's around. client: Yeah, you know, it's kind of, like, the old sock- song saying hit the road Jack, don't you come back no more, no more, no more, no more. [laughs] And— therapist: But you're not quite ready if you wanna sing that song. client: [laughs] Well, first of all I think he would hit the road if I started singing that song 'cause I can sing. [laughs]","I thought you did a pretty nice job singing there right there, it's scary to be quite honest with you and I appreciate, I also appreciate your sense of humor in-in doing that." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, you know, it's kind of, like, the old sock- song saying hit the road Jack, don't you come back no more, no more, no more, no more. [laughs] And— therapist: But you're not quite ready if you wanna sing that song. client: [laughs] Well, first of all I think he would hit the road if I started singing that song 'cause I can sing. [laughs] therapist: I thought you did a pretty nice job singing there right there, it's scary to be quite honest with you and I appreciate, I also appreciate your sense of humor in-in doing that. client: Well, you know, in life you have to have a sense of humor in my- the way I view and otherwise, you know, I'd be like where's the news. [laughs] I mean, it's either—",That really helps you get through things is to be able to laugh about it. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: [laughs] Well, first of all I think he would hit the road if I started singing that song 'cause I can sing. [laughs] therapist: I thought you did a pretty nice job singing there right there, it's scary to be quite honest with you and I appreciate, I also appreciate your sense of humor in-in doing that. client: Well, you know, in life you have to have a sense of humor in my- the way I view and otherwise, you know, I'd be like where's the news. [laughs] I mean, it's either— therapist: That really helps you get through things is to be able to laugh about it. client: Yeah, yeah, I have to laugh, I mean, even comedians say, you know, uh, most of-- What I've heard about comedians is that they are really not always that happy and they use that in a comical way to, you know, deal with life, so, yeah. [laughs] I kind of, maybe I should go into that. [laughs] Like this girl—",Your new career. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm, well, I have to really think about it because- therapist: Some guilt? client: Yeah, yeah. Maybe some guilt and I, um, uh, I just, you know, [sighs] I go back and forth a little bit, you know. therapist: Uh-huh. client: Yeah.",Cause you wanna do the right thing because you're- because you're a good person and that's a- that's a really important value to you is that you- is that you help people out. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, yeah. Maybe some guilt and I, um, uh, I just, you know, [sighs] I go back and forth a little bit, you know. therapist: Uh-huh. client: Yeah. therapist: Cause you wanna do the right thing because you're- because you're a good person and that's a- that's a really important value to you is that you- is that you help people out. client: Yeah, I-I- yeah. I mean I- thank you. I-I-I appreciate you saying that I'm a good person. Like I feel I am. Um—",But you've done your duty. Duty is done. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: [laughs] therapist: So, uh, you were telling me earlier though that you've talked to some other people and he has some options about some other places to go to. client: Yeah. That's the good thing that he does. And I mentioned them. I-I-I discussed that with him. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: And that gives me a relie- a sense of relief. Like I'm not just, you know, saying yeah. You know, go find your own place or, you know, I mean, there are places where he has a safety net to go to and that-that is something that I think I feel better about and that it makes it easier to discuss and giving them options that he can-- Yeah, yeah, exactly.","So, you might have to literally like pack his bags and help them get to those places, um." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. That's the good thing that he does. And I mentioned them. I-I-I discussed that with him. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: And that gives me a relie- a sense of relief. Like I'm not just, you know, saying yeah. You know, go find your own place or, you know, I mean, there are places where he has a safety net to go to and that-that is something that I think I feel better about and that it makes it easier to discuss and giving them options that he can-- Yeah, yeah, exactly. therapist: So, you might have to literally like pack his bags and help them get to those places, um. client: Been there, done that. [laughs]",Okay. Are you-- This is something you've done before. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: So whe-when-when are you gonna do it? client: Well, um, I told him within a couple of days is, you know. I think, um, I-I- cause I have future plans, um, and some things that are up in the air with me as far as where I'm going to be living in. I've had this place for seven years, but I'm not sure, you know. Every day is a new- a new, uh, winding road that we go down, you know? therapist: Mm-hmm, Mm-hmm. client: Um.",And it's kind of scary. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, um, I told him within a couple of days is, you know. I think, um, I-I- cause I have future plans, um, and some things that are up in the air with me as far as where I'm going to be living in. I've had this place for seven years, but I'm not sure, you know. Every day is a new- a new, uh, winding road that we go down, you know? therapist: Mm-hmm, Mm-hmm. client: Um. therapist: And it's kind of scary. client: Oh, God, yeah, yeah. But, you know, and it's scary to have an extra, a huge extra trunk that you have to carry with you [chuckles].",And he's that extra trunk. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Oh, God, yeah, yeah. But, you know, and it's scary to have an extra, a huge extra trunk that you have to carry with you [chuckles]. therapist: And he's that extra trunk. client: Yeah, yeah. therapist: Okay. client: But I-I mean and it's not that I don't care about him, I do. But you know, it's just like, we're both- we're all adults here, come on.","Okay. All right. So, it sounds like you-you've actually worked this out until be out within a couple of days." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I like your way of thinking, girl. I-I'll tell him that. [laughs]. therapist: Well, thanks for-for talking and playing with our little things here. client: Thank you therapist: Right. Hi, Ruth, thank you for coming today. How are you? client: Um, okay. Just, I don't even know why I'm doing this anymore. I'm-I'm just so stupid. I'm such an idiot. I didn't know what the point of-of this is. I just- I just keep doing the same thing over and over, even though I know it can kill me. I just, I don't have any more willpower, ma'am. Yeah, [foreign language].","Well, Ruth, it sounds like you're very frustrated first of all. And you're saying that you're just tired. You've lost all your willpower." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Thank you therapist: Right. Hi, Ruth, thank you for coming today. How are you? client: Um, okay. Just, I don't even know why I'm doing this anymore. I'm-I'm just so stupid. I'm such an idiot. I didn't know what the point of-of this is. I just- I just keep doing the same thing over and over, even though I know it can kill me. I just, I don't have any more willpower, ma'am. Yeah, [foreign language]. therapist: Well, Ruth, it sounds like you're very frustrated first of all. And you're saying that you're just tired. You've lost all your willpower. client: Mm-hmm.",You don't want to continue. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, okay. Just, I don't even know why I'm doing this anymore. I'm-I'm just so stupid. I'm such an idiot. I didn't know what the point of-of this is. I just- I just keep doing the same thing over and over, even though I know it can kill me. I just, I don't have any more willpower, ma'am. Yeah, [foreign language]. therapist: Well, Ruth, it sounds like you're very frustrated first of all. And you're saying that you're just tired. You've lost all your willpower. client: Mm-hmm. therapist: You don't want to continue. client: No, it just seems that cutting myself is the only way out. And I just get suicidal thoughts and [foreign language], I'm just very, very like depressed and what's going on at home.","So you feel really, really like you've had it up to here." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm-hmm. therapist: You don't want to continue. client: No, it just seems that cutting myself is the only way out. And I just get suicidal thoughts and [foreign language], I'm just very, very like depressed and what's going on at home. therapist: So you feel really, really like you've had it up to here. client: Yeah.",Yeah. You're-you're tired. You're stressed. You feel so sad to the point that you're hurting yourself physically so that you can feel something other than what you're feeling right now. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: Yeah. You're-you're tired. You're stressed. You feel so sad to the point that you're hurting yourself physically so that you can feel something other than what you're feeling right now. client: Yes. Sometimes a pain in-in the body. It's, uh, to [unintelligible 00:01:27] handle and-and the pain inside of me. therapist: So you were in a lot of pain? client: Yes. I am.","I'm sorry about that. It must be very, very frustrating to feel all that pain and not be able to do anything about it. And it seems like the only thing that you can do right now is to cry." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yes. Sometimes a pain in-in the body. It's, uh, to [unintelligible 00:01:27] handle and-and the pain inside of me. therapist: So you were in a lot of pain? client: Yes. I am. therapist: I'm sorry about that. It must be very, very frustrating to feel all that pain and not be able to do anything about it. And it seems like the only thing that you can do right now is to cry. client: Yeah, yeah, suicide.","It's okay, Ruth. I understand. Pain inside." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yes. I am. therapist: I'm sorry about that. It must be very, very frustrating to feel all that pain and not be able to do anything about it. And it seems like the only thing that you can do right now is to cry. client: Yeah, yeah, suicide. therapist: It's okay, Ruth. I understand. Pain inside. client: [foreign language]","So your mom doesn't understand you and you don't have a dad, that's around?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, yeah, suicide. therapist: It's okay, Ruth. I understand. Pain inside. client: [foreign language] therapist: So your mom doesn't understand you and you don't have a dad, that's around? client: Yeah, 'cause she's a single mom and she struggles a lot. I wanna help her, but I can't help her. So it just makes me sad. I feel like if I don't live anymore, she'll be okay. And she wouldn't have to worry about me or pay my stuff.","So you feel like your hands are tied, you feel like you're a burden to mom. She's a single parent. She works a lot. You have all of these problems in your life. And it sounds to me like you feel like you're just adding more problems to her." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: [foreign language] therapist: So your mom doesn't understand you and you don't have a dad, that's around? client: Yeah, 'cause she's a single mom and she struggles a lot. I wanna help her, but I can't help her. So it just makes me sad. I feel like if I don't live anymore, she'll be okay. And she wouldn't have to worry about me or pay my stuff. therapist: So you feel like your hands are tied, you feel like you're a burden to mom. She's a single parent. She works a lot. You have all of these problems in your life. And it sounds to me like you feel like you're just adding more problems to her. client: Yeah.","And if you're not alive, that's gonna solve the issue for her. She'll do better." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Because it won't be a burden to her. therapist: And how are you a burden now? client: Because she has to pay for my food and my uniforms, um, to have a roof over our heads. therapist: And how do you help her now? client: Um, I try to be a good kid. I tried to go to school. I may not have the best grades, but I'm not failing any classes.","Okay. So then even by you coming here today, Ruth, and talking to me and opening up and telling me that you don't feel like you want to continue moving in and telling me and-and confiding in me that, you know, you hurt yourself and all this pain that you feel, that is you trying to help yourself out in one way or another. And that shows that you care. And even more, it shows that you care about your mom and that, in the end, it doesn't sound like you wanna leave her alone because you're still worried about ot-you're still worried about all the burdens on her that you're even thinking of removing yourselves to make her life easier. That shows me that you care about her so, so much, but right now the immediate solution that you have in your mind, it seems like it's-it's-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, I try to be a good kid. I tried to go to school. I may not have the best grades, but I'm not failing any classes. therapist: Okay. So then even by you coming here today, Ruth, and talking to me and opening up and telling me that you don't feel like you want to continue moving in and telling me and-and confiding in me that, you know, you hurt yourself and all this pain that you feel, that is you trying to help yourself out in one way or another. And that shows that you care. And even more, it shows that you care about your mom and that, in the end, it doesn't sound like you wanna leave her alone because you're still worried about ot-you're still worried about all the burdens on her that you're even thinking of removing yourselves to make her life easier. That shows me that you care about her so, so much, but right now the immediate solution that you have in your mind, it seems like it's-it's- client: That's the right one. therapist: -How could it be the right one? Ending your life hurting yourself when it's just you and your mom. And you just said, she's a single parent. She doesn't have a husband, you don't have a dad. It's just the two of you. So how could it be the right choice? But I understand your pain and I know where you're coming from. And I know that the release that you feel physically is something that helps you in the moment. Are there other things that we can help you find to start replacing, um, that behavior? client: Um, I don't know. I don't know. It's just, um, I'm not sure I can.","You're not sure. So you have a lot of on your mind right now. You just opened up to me. You told me that you've been cutting, that you've also been thinking about hurting yourself, killing yourself, not being here. Short-term, the cutting is helping you. You feel like a burden to mom, that stresses you out. That makes you sad. You see how much she struggles, but also on the same hand, we see how much you've been trying and how much you've been trying to help out by trying to go to school. We know your attendance is good. You go most of the time, you know, you're trying to keep up your grades.You have a C average, even having A in math, which we know was the lowest grade you had all semester. So all of those things shows how much effort you've put in and we see that effort. So you've been doing what you can and it's normal to feel like sometimes it's not enough. But that's-that's what we're here for so that you can tell us those things and we can help you." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Okay. therapist: Thank you for coming in today, Katie. I'm looking forward to getting to know you, and maybe just wanna start off with just sharing a little bit about you and what brought you in today? client: Uh, yeah, sure. Um, I guess, well, my doctor referred me to see you. Um, I guess he has some concerns about, um, my- my pregnancy and- and my baby. So, um, yeah, well, I'm doing what I'm told. therapist: So you're following through on meeting with me today and you mentioned he has some concerns. Can you tell me a little bit about that? client: Uh, yeah, he is concerned about my alcohol intake.",Okay. And I'm wondering if you have any concerns about that. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Uh, yeah, sure. Um, I guess, well, my doctor referred me to see you. Um, I guess he has some concerns about, um, my- my pregnancy and- and my baby. So, um, yeah, well, I'm doing what I'm told. therapist: So you're following through on meeting with me today and you mentioned he has some concerns. Can you tell me a little bit about that? client: Uh, yeah, he is concerned about my alcohol intake. therapist: Okay. And I'm wondering if you have any concerns about that. client: Uh, no.","No. Okay. So that's- that's not been an issue for you. Uh, it is an issue for him and not for you at this point." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm-hmm. therapist: Okay. So what about maybe sharing a little bit about your alcohol intake and maybe a little bit about what your- what your life's like a little bit for me today? client: Um, okay. Uh, well, I guess I drink like a glass of wine at supper every night, and just to, you know, relax a little with my friends if I go out. So wine has always been a kind of a family tradition with supper. So- therapist: Okay. client: Yeah.","So it was kind of been a part of your culture a little bit, and you know, just find alcohol, maybe takes the edge off a little bit and-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, okay. Uh, well, I guess I drink like a glass of wine at supper every night, and just to, you know, relax a little with my friends if I go out. So wine has always been a kind of a family tradition with supper. So- therapist: Okay. client: Yeah. therapist: So it was kind of been a part of your culture a little bit, and you know, just find alcohol, maybe takes the edge off a little bit and- client: Yeah, and I, you know, I-I have friends who have drank during pregnancy, and-and I see articles on Facebook and-and, you know, things that show that there isn't really a clear link between, you know, abnormalities or, uh, yeah, I just- I just think it's kind of an old wives' tale. So, you know, I'm independent and I'm gonna- I'm gonna do what I want, it's my body.","Okay. So you don't feel very comfortable with somebody telling you what you should be consuming, what kind of alcohol, and how much alcohol you should be consuming. And, um, it sounds like you've been getting some mixed messages, your doctor's saying there's no safe amount of alcohol you can drink, and asked you to come and see me. And then also, you've been checking- sounds like you've been checking things out a little bit." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, and I, you know, I-I have friends who have drank during pregnancy, and-and I see articles on Facebook and-and, you know, things that show that there isn't really a clear link between, you know, abnormalities or, uh, yeah, I just- I just think it's kind of an old wives' tale. So, you know, I'm independent and I'm gonna- I'm gonna do what I want, it's my body. therapist: Okay. So you don't feel very comfortable with somebody telling you what you should be consuming, what kind of alcohol, and how much alcohol you should be consuming. And, um, it sounds like you've been getting some mixed messages, your doctor's saying there's no safe amount of alcohol you can drink, and asked you to come and see me. And then also, you've been checking- sounds like you've been checking things out a little bit. client: Yeah. You know, I've looked it up to see, you know, kinda what I can say back, you know, to support my argument. therapist: Okay. client: Yeah, which is that, um, I'm going to do what I- do what I wanna do and what I know, right? So it's- yeah. I don't know, but, um, I'm here anyway. So-",So you know yourself best and you wanna be sort of the boss of your body and you don't want somebody else telling you what- what's okay and what's not okay. And it seems like you're not maybe too concerned right now about your substance use. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. You know, I've looked it up to see, you know, kinda what I can say back, you know, to support my argument. therapist: Okay. client: Yeah, which is that, um, I'm going to do what I- do what I wanna do and what I know, right? So it's- yeah. I don't know, but, um, I'm here anyway. So- therapist: So you know yourself best and you wanna be sort of the boss of your body and you don't want somebody else telling you what- what's okay and what's not okay. And it seems like you're not maybe too concerned right now about your substance use. client: Nope. I never have been.","Okay. And I'm wondering if that concern is coming from, ""It's been okay. I've got these messages from friends.""" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, which is that, um, I'm going to do what I- do what I wanna do and what I know, right? So it's- yeah. I don't know, but, um, I'm here anyway. So- therapist: So you know yourself best and you wanna be sort of the boss of your body and you don't want somebody else telling you what- what's okay and what's not okay. And it seems like you're not maybe too concerned right now about your substance use. client: Nope. I never have been. therapist: Okay. And I'm wondering if that concern is coming from, ""It's been okay. I've got these messages from friends."" client: Yep.","""Um, media has said it's okay to drink during alcohol. And so that concern, um, just sort of, I don't have it and, and maybe the doctor might be wrong.""" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Nope. I never have been. therapist: Okay. And I'm wondering if that concern is coming from, ""It's been okay. I've got these messages from friends."" client: Yep. therapist: ""Um, media has said it's okay to drink during alcohol. And so that concern, um, just sort of, I don't have it and, and maybe the doctor might be wrong."" client: Mm-hmm. I think so.",You're not sure if he's sort of playing things up a little bit there? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yep. therapist: ""Um, media has said it's okay to drink during alcohol. And so that concern, um, just sort of, I don't have it and, and maybe the doctor might be wrong."" client: Mm-hmm. I think so. therapist: You're not sure if he's sort of playing things up a little bit there? client: Yeah. I mean, you know-",It might be a bit extreme to- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Uh, yeah, I guess. therapist: Yeah? client: Sure. therapist: Well, if we take a look at the low-risk-alcohol drinking guidelines, what it says is for women, um, the safe limits are 10 drinks a week for women and 2 drinks a day. And that's if a woman isn't pregnant. And when it says in the guidelines, as far as drinking, uh, throughout pregnancy, there is no safe amount to drink during pregnancy. So really zero alcohol is, um, the woman should not be drinking any at all. And I'm just wondering what-what are your thoughts on that? client: Well, you know, I've-I've heard these kinds of things before, but I just- I don't see the evidence. I don't see the risk, you know, I don't, you know, if someone can like prove to me, or show a direct link or something like that.","So when you see it here in kind of black and white, you're not sure if this is, uh, you know, enough-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, you know, I've-I've heard these kinds of things before, but I just- I don't see the evidence. I don't see the risk, you know, I don't, you know, if someone can like prove to me, or show a direct link or something like that. therapist: So when you see it here in kind of black and white, you're not sure if this is, uh, you know, enough- client: It's the same thing. therapist: -to con- sort of convince you that-that it might be dangerous to be drinking through alcohol? client: Yeah. It's just a fancy little brochure saying what I've already known, I've already heard.","So you feel like, um, what the doctor's saying and this brochure just kind of feels like, yeah, it's just kind of blowing things up out of proportion a little bit." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: It's the same thing. therapist: -to con- sort of convince you that-that it might be dangerous to be drinking through alcohol? client: Yeah. It's just a fancy little brochure saying what I've already known, I've already heard. therapist: So you feel like, um, what the doctor's saying and this brochure just kind of feels like, yeah, it's just kind of blowing things up out of proportion a little bit. client: Mm-hmm.","And it sounds like you-you've got some solid information already that alcohol, you know, has been safe to-to have during pregnancy. Tell me about that information that you've-you've explored." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. It's just a fancy little brochure saying what I've already known, I've already heard. therapist: So you feel like, um, what the doctor's saying and this brochure just kind of feels like, yeah, it's just kind of blowing things up out of proportion a little bit. client: Mm-hmm. therapist: And it sounds like you-you've got some solid information already that alcohol, you know, has been safe to-to have during pregnancy. Tell me about that information that you've-you've explored. client: Um, well, I've looked up, um, different articles. Um, and I- as I said, I personally know people who haven't had any problems. Um, so that's about the extent.","Mm-hmm. You mentioned you looked up some articles and it sounds like evidence is really important to you. So, um, those articles, is that something recent? Um, you can tell me about that." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, well, I've looked up, um, different articles. Um, and I- as I said, I personally know people who haven't had any problems. Um, so that's about the extent. therapist: Mm-hmm. You mentioned you looked up some articles and it sounds like evidence is really important to you. So, um, those articles, is that something recent? Um, you can tell me about that. client: Like, uh, I don't like- have like a bibliography or anything. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: So I can't really- I don't really know when those were published. It's just stuff I've found, supporting the way that I look at it.","So you felt like, um, the information that you found supports the values that you have of being able to be independent and autonomous, to be able to make your own choice and the information that your doctor shared or spoke to you about, and then this brochure kind of feels like that's challenging sort of your values." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. Well, it's like all this brochure is saying is that, um, the same again, the same thing that I've heard, that the limits and that there is no safe amount of drink during pregnancy, but it's like, why not? therapist: Mm-hmm. client: You know, it's kind of like the ""why"" that it's like- therapist: Mm-hmm. client: -I never get that information.",Wha-what's the big deal if you're drinking and— Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yep. therapist: Okay. And I'm wondering as far as, um, bringing the baby into the world and, you know, your future as a parent, ho-how important is it to have a healthy baby to you? client: Um, well, it's-it's really important to me. That's a big priority of mine is to have a healthy baby and bring him or her up well and-and, you know, be a good parent. therapist: Mm. What does being a good parent look like? Tell me more about that. client: Um, not-not like being there at home with them, not being absent, um, taking care of them, feeding them, um, changing their diaper, which I'm not excited about. Um, you know, kind of the- those basics.",Hmm. Kind of like protecting your baby and- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, well, it's-it's really important to me. That's a big priority of mine is to have a healthy baby and bring him or her up well and-and, you know, be a good parent. therapist: Mm. What does being a good parent look like? Tell me more about that. client: Um, not-not like being there at home with them, not being absent, um, taking care of them, feeding them, um, changing their diaper, which I'm not excited about. Um, you know, kind of the- those basics. therapist: Hmm. Kind of like protecting your baby and- client: Yeah.",-guiding your baby and- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, not-not like being there at home with them, not being absent, um, taking care of them, feeding them, um, changing their diaper, which I'm not excited about. Um, you know, kind of the- those basics. therapist: Hmm. Kind of like protecting your baby and- client: Yeah. therapist: -guiding your baby and- client: Mm-hmm.","-you know, nurturing that baby is really important to you-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm-hmm. therapist: -you know, nurturing that baby is really important to you- client: Yeah. therapist: -and raising your baby well? client: Yeah, of course.","That's something that- that really matters to you and, um, I'm-I'm hearing you say that, you know, protecting your baby is important to you and at the same time, um, kind of clashes with some of the information that's in the brochure." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, of course. therapist: That's something that- that really matters to you and, um, I'm-I'm hearing you say that, you know, protecting your baby is important to you and at the same time, um, kind of clashes with some of the information that's in the brochure. client: Mm-hmm. therapist: What do you make about that- what do you think about that? client: Um, well, I just don't know- I just don't know where-where these brochures get their information or-or anything from, like, where's the hard evidence essentially.",You wanna see it in black and white. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, well, I just don't know- I just don't know where-where these brochures get their information or-or anything from, like, where's the hard evidence essentially. therapist: You wanna see it in black and white. client: Yeah. therapist: You wanna know that it's the latest and the greatest kind of thing. Um, this is information that, uh, that I have been sharing with you earlier, this is the latest information evidence-based, um, on the latest research since 2011 and, um, a lot of research has gone into what is-what is okay for a mom to consume, like, alcohol. There's the-the evidence that we have, um, but in the end, you choose what's best for you and what's best for your baby. What are your- what are your thoughts on that? client: Um, well, it surprises me that that's based on research from out of 2011, um, and I must have missed that. I guess, you know, if it is, um, you know, I do wanna do what's best for my baby and for myself. And if I have to quit drinking, um, I guess ultimately I have to-I make that decision, um, but, um, that's a lot of, uh, information to take in today.","Mm-hmm, kind of feels like, you know, you were making some really good decisions about your baby. You've done research and you wanna be able to bring your baby up well and take care of your baby. And I-I can see that that's really important to you. I hear you saying that and it kind of feels like this information isn't kind of what you were expecting to hear." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, well, it surprises me that that's based on research from out of 2011, um, and I must have missed that. I guess, you know, if it is, um, you know, I do wanna do what's best for my baby and for myself. And if I have to quit drinking, um, I guess ultimately I have to-I make that decision, um, but, um, that's a lot of, uh, information to take in today. therapist: Mm-hmm, kind of feels like, you know, you were making some really good decisions about your baby. You've done research and you wanna be able to bring your baby up well and take care of your baby. And I-I can see that that's really important to you. I hear you saying that and it kind of feels like this information isn't kind of what you were expecting to hear. client: Nope. therapist: What would you feel like would be helpful as far as next steps, like when you think about maybe moving away from drinking alcohol throughout the rest of your pregnancy? client: Um, well, first things first, if I could take a brochure home maybe, um, you know, show it to my partner and-and-and get-get their support, um, I think that's really gonna help me, and kind of changing our-our habits, or, you know, putting the alcohol away, out of sight. Um, I think that's probably the best thing I can do, like, today when I get home.","Mm-hmm, that's some really significant steps you're talking about. You're talking about putting the alcohol away, that's huge. That's-that's really big steps." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, well, first things first, if I could take a brochure home maybe, um, you know, show it to my partner and-and-and get-get their support, um, I think that's really gonna help me, and kind of changing our-our habits, or, you know, putting the alcohol away, out of sight. Um, I think that's probably the best thing I can do, like, today when I get home. therapist: Mm-hmm, that's some really significant steps you're talking about. You're talking about putting the alcohol away, that's huge. That's-that's really big steps. client: Yeah. therapist: I really want to thank you for, you know, exploring this with me today, and I'm wondering if we can kind of continue this conversation again, and talk about those steps, and how it goes with talking to your partner about giving up drinking and, um, the- giving you a chance to do some more research and, you know, maybe looking through these brochures and kind of just coming back and sharing a little bit more about, you know, what you thought about the information and what feels right for you. Is that something you'd be open to? client: Yeah, I think that- I think that would be a good idea, and maybe you could help me, yeah, with, like, ways to approach it because I think that my partner kind of has the same view that I- that I had. So-",We definitely can cover that again on our next meeting. Thank you for coming to see me. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: You know? therapist: Yeah. client: If I make an appointment with a client for 10:00- therapist: Yeah. client: -I expect them to start at 10:00, not 10:45.","Right, and you-- so you're busy enough, and—" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, I've got other things to do. I've got accounts to do. therapist: Yeah. client: I've got clients they're coming in. therapist: Yeah, yeah. client: You know?","And it wasn't essentially easy for you to make the time to come down, and you had to wait in the waiting room, and now I raised the subject of weight just when you're thinking of going." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -medication changed, but I really haven't got time to talk about my weight. I mean, you know, I'm aware of my weight. therapist: Right. client: I'm aware of the problems, and I'm also aware of the solutions. therapist: Right. client: Um, so I don't really need a discussion, it's- it's just I've got too much to do at the moment, you know?",Right. And so it-it-it's been a bit of a rush for you coming in. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: And every time- every moment out of my day- therapist: Yeah. client: -means that I have to work in the evening- therapist: Yeah. client: -or the weekends.",Yeah. It counts. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: About what-what, losing weight? Well, obviously, I-I want to. therapist: Yep. client: Um, yeah, I mean, who doesn't? I mean, I'm aware that I'm over my, uh, uh, b-b-b-balance weight, but I now know that it's causing problems. I mean, obviously, I get out of breath if I have to do something a bit howering, and I realize that I'm on this blood pressure- therapist: Right. client: -um, and-and maybe that's probably contributing to it.","Right. So you can see the links between your weight and your health, and you'd like things to be a bit better." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, yeah, I mean, who doesn't? I mean, I'm aware that I'm over my, uh, uh, b-b-b-balance weight, but I now know that it's causing problems. I mean, obviously, I get out of breath if I have to do something a bit howering, and I realize that I'm on this blood pressure- therapist: Right. client: -um, and-and maybe that's probably contributing to it. therapist: Right. So you can see the links between your weight and your health, and you'd like things to be a bit better. client: Yeah, I mean, there are rather other things, but I mean, yeah, the weight is a- is a- is a- something I would like to get hold off. You get on [inaudible 00:03:17]","You'd like to, if you could?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, I mean, I know, um, th- the theories of bit of exercise on a regular basis, um, a balanced diet. Um, but unfortunately, because of my lifestyle, because of being self-employed as an accountant, it's finding the time, uh, to exercise, but also, finding the time to sort of think, ""Okay, I'm gonna go shopping for this, that, and the other""- therapist: Yeah. client: -""I'm gonna prepare a meal."" therapist: Yeah. client: With me, it's very often—","Ready meals, and that sort of thing." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: With me, it's very often— therapist: Ready meals, and that sort of thing. client: Yeah, yeah. Food on the run, you know? therapist: Okay, yeah. client: Grazing.","Let me see if I can summarize what you've said, um, and then we'll see what next. Um, you lead a busy life." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, yeah. Food on the run, you know? therapist: Okay, yeah. client: Grazing. therapist: Let me see if I can summarize what you've said, um, and then we'll see what next. Um, you lead a busy life. client: Yeah.","Um, you run a business, and you've got a lot to do." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Grazing. therapist: Let me see if I can summarize what you've said, um, and then we'll see what next. Um, you lead a busy life. client: Yeah. therapist: Um, you run a business, and you've got a lot to do. client: Yeah.","Yeah. Um, you're- you're- you're aware of the- of the links between your health and your weight, and you are concerned, to some extent, about that, and ideally it sounds like you'd like to do something about it, it's just that your life is busy and rushed, and you tend to use convenience foods in order to get the work done." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -can be arranged, or I can pass something on- therapist: Yeah. client: -to something on to some-- and-and so it's not a wasted interview. So I can come here and say, okay, I've looked at my schedules, I've looked at things- therapist: Good. client: -whatever.","Good. And see if you can fix it up, and also give some thought to what we've talked about." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Okay. therapist: For driving. client: Okay therapist: And so, um, the officer at the- at the scene, um, when you blew the 2.8, he-he did-- he-- There was a- there was a problem. client: Yeah. He was, well, freaking out. He was--",Was he freaking out? Yeah-yeah. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Uh, my friend was having a, um- a get together as it was birthday party in, uh, downtown, and, uh, you know, it's not like it's a normal thing, but, uh, I did drink too much that night. You know, I just, uh-- And I used poor judgment. I shouldn't have driven that night. therapist: Right. Yeah. Um, I was-- Maybe, you could tell me about how much you drank. client: Um, I don't really remember. I know, uh, I dunno, I probably had five or six drinks, I would think, something like that. therapist: Mm-hmm. Five, six drinks, like? client: Um, yeah, they were a little bigger than that. I don't really-- I wasn't really counting, so, I don't really know.","Oh, okay. So, I guests maybe five or six." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, sometimes I drink, um, you know, maybe one or two, and then I- and then I won't drink for a while, you know. So, it's not really a-- There's not really a pattern- therapist: Uh-huh client: -you know, it's not really like a uh- it's not a habit, you know, therapist: Right. client: I-I don't know if I would consider myself alcoholic. You know, I just, uh, um, you know, again, it was poor judgment.","Right. So, it doesn't get in the way of your-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -you know, it's not really like a uh- it's not a habit, you know, therapist: Right. client: I-I don't know if I would consider myself alcoholic. You know, I just, uh, um, you know, again, it was poor judgment. therapist: Right. So, it doesn't get in the way of your- client: Oh, no.",-every day. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: That's fine. Okay. Um, so, what about the, uh- the first DUI, could you tell me a little bit about that? This was your second one? client: Yeah. therapist: And so, that's sort of why I was asking about it earlier in your life if that was a-- client: It seems like every time that I, uh, do drink more than a couple of drinks, I tend to get in trouble. And, the two times that I did, I got in trouble both times. [crosstalk]",It was those two times. Yeah. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: And so, that's sort of why I was asking about it earlier in your life if that was a-- client: It seems like every time that I, uh, do drink more than a couple of drinks, I tend to get in trouble. And, the two times that I did, I got in trouble both times. [crosstalk] therapist: It was those two times. Yeah. client: Yeah, pretty much. I mean, it's-- It sounds strange, I know, but, uh--",It sounds like bad luck. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. It's normally social. It would be, you know, maybe in events or something like that is normally when I would, um, maybe drink more than one or two. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: I guess I should probably just call a taxi cab or something, you know. That way, I wouldn't have this problem. therapist: Would that help? client: Um, probably, I think that would help. I think that would be something that I should, uh- I should work on.","So, it sounds like you've already been thinking about, uh, ways to-to get around safely." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. Yeah, or I can just stay home probably too. If I was gonna drink, I could probably stay home, then I wouldn't get in trouble either. therapist: You have been giving this a lot of thought. client: Yeah, a little bit. therapist: Yeah, good. client: Yeah, obviously, because I just don't-- You know, I don't like getting in trouble, and I don't, uh--",Trouble's not fun. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, oh, I'll never get in the car when I'm drinking again. That-- Yeah. I-I would never do that again. therapist: This, it-- What-what-what was different? client: Uh, I don't want to lose my license, you know. therapist: Hmm. client: I don't, uh, you know, I don't wanna lose my license.",Wow. You-you need your license- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Uh, I don't want to lose my license, you know. therapist: Hmm. client: I don't, uh, you know, I don't wanna lose my license. therapist: Wow. You-you need your license- client: Yeah.",-to get around. You need your license for work. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I think so. therapist: Yeah. client: Sure. therapist: Yeah. client: Yeah.","So, an event at your house." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: So, an event at your house. client: There you go. therapist: Yeah, good. That sounds good. Mike, has there even been, if any, um, a time in your life when you've thought about, um, not drinking at all? client: For my first DUI, I did, uh-- I didn't drink at all for about six months. And, um, I-I-I just didn't think that, um, I really had a problem with it, so, you know, I-I did start drinking again. But, you know, again, it wasn't uh-- You know, it was a little different last time, because I was drinking a little more last time than, you know, now. I don't really drink as-as much as I used to drink, you know, um, and, you know, after you know, I quit for six months, so I kind of knew that I didn't really have a problem.",Right. Six months. That's a long time. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, I know it was kind of strange. My friends didn't really hang out with me too much. Um-- therapist: Friends? client: Yeah. You know, I, uh. therapist: Whi-which? If you don't mind me asking, which friends were those? I don't mean to get too personal, but, the friends that normally drank with you or just your- client: No, my friends.",-social circles. Okay. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Just my social circle, I guess, uh-- therapist: Wha-wha-what do you think made-made them n-not hang out with you? client: Probably 'cause I didn't- I wasn't drinking with them, I guess. I don't really know. I mean, it seemed, uh-- therapist: Did you ask them? client: Um, no. I really couldn't because my girlfriend really wouldn't let me hang with them. You know? I mean, it was, uh-- She said that if I, you know, kept hanging out with them guys, that she wasn't gonna be with me anymore. And I just thought that it was better for me to, you know, calm down for a little bit and, uh, maybe things would get better with us, you know.",And your girlfriend's important to you- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Probably 'cause I didn't- I wasn't drinking with them, I guess. I don't really know. I mean, it seemed, uh-- therapist: Did you ask them? client: Um, no. I really couldn't because my girlfriend really wouldn't let me hang with them. You know? I mean, it was, uh-- She said that if I, you know, kept hanging out with them guys, that she wasn't gonna be with me anymore. And I just thought that it was better for me to, you know, calm down for a little bit and, uh, maybe things would get better with us, you know. therapist: And your girlfriend's important to you- client: Sure.",-and that relationship was important to you. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, no. I really couldn't because my girlfriend really wouldn't let me hang with them. You know? I mean, it was, uh-- She said that if I, you know, kept hanging out with them guys, that she wasn't gonna be with me anymore. And I just thought that it was better for me to, you know, calm down for a little bit and, uh, maybe things would get better with us, you know. therapist: And your girlfriend's important to you- client: Sure. therapist: -and that relationship was important to you. client: Well, it was until she left, you know.","At the time it was important, yeah." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, it was until she left, you know. therapist: At the time it was important, yeah. client: Yeah. therapist: Is it-- Why'd she leave? client: Uh, she left when I started drinking again.","Oh, after the six months." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: After the six months, she, uh-- You know, it's kinda, I dunno, she just said that it wasn't gonna work out, and, uh, she decided not to continue with the relationship. therapist: Oh, okay. So-so, um, you started drinking again, and then she left? client: Uh, it was about the same time. I really don't know which came first. It was about the same time. Uh, we were getting in a lot of arguments. I just didn't quite feel myself. You know, I-I-I wasn't-- My friends weren't around. I, uh-- You know, I missed going out with them. therapist: You felt isolated? client: Yeah. It was kind of weird 'cause I felt like she was trying to control me, and, uh- and uh, you know, I, uh-- And she was telling me what to do all the time, and I just, uh, didn't feel right about the whole situation. So, it was pretty much, we both decided, you know, that it just wasn't the right thing to do, so.","And, so you're-you're an independent guy-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Uh, it was about the same time. I really don't know which came first. It was about the same time. Uh, we were getting in a lot of arguments. I just didn't quite feel myself. You know, I-I-I wasn't-- My friends weren't around. I, uh-- You know, I missed going out with them. therapist: You felt isolated? client: Yeah. It was kind of weird 'cause I felt like she was trying to control me, and, uh- and uh, you know, I, uh-- And she was telling me what to do all the time, and I just, uh, didn't feel right about the whole situation. So, it was pretty much, we both decided, you know, that it just wasn't the right thing to do, so. therapist: And, so you're-you're an independent guy- client: Sure.","-and, no one's going to tell you what to do." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. As soon as my girlfriend left, I could go out with them again, you know. [laughter] therapist: Did they not get along with your girlfriend? client: Well, she didn't want me going out with them. therapist: Yeah. client: She thought that they really--",She was separate then from your other friends and- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: She blamed the first DUI on them. She said, you know, because I was out with them, that it was pretty much, you know, they-they made me drink too much that night. therapist: And what do you think? client: I think she was right on that. Yeah, absolutely. therapist: So, you-you-- client: I mean, if they wouldn't have gave me those shots, you know, towards the end of the night, I would've been all right. You know, I could have drove, and I wouldn't have, uh- I wouldn't have hit that mailbox.",You would have been fine if they didn't- if they didn't give you those-those shots. Yeah. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I mean, if they wouldn't have gave me those shots, you know, towards the end of the night, I would've been all right. You know, I could have drove, and I wouldn't have, uh- I wouldn't have hit that mailbox. therapist: You would have been fine if they didn't- if they didn't give you those-those shots. Yeah. client: Yeah. therapist: Oh, so, the-the-the mailbox, where did that come in? That was the- client: That was--",-first DUI that got you. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -remember how that happened. therapist: I'm-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to assume that- client: Yeah. therapist: -it was blackout that-- Forgive me for that. client: Yeah. Yeah. It's all right.","Um, so, that it was sort of after that that the girlfriend-- Your girlfriend, I don't know, well, her name. Um, your girlfriend decided-- The mailbox and she's--" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -um, I stopped drinking for, you know, like about six months, and, uh, you know, and we were trying to work things out, but it just didn't- therapist: Yeah. client: -it just didn't work. therapist: Oh. client: I think she became a little too possessive at that point.","Yeah. You felt like she was the only person that, um, you had in your life, you needed your friends and--" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, I think she just wanted to control me and I was tired of being controlled. therapist: No one likes to be controlled, uh, yeah. Yeah. Uh, and, in what ways, well, did you feel that, um, uh, at any time, did you feel controlled by your friends. You said they-they made you drink those shots. That-that sounded like maybe you felt a little controlled? But-- [crosstalk] client: No, I was-- They just-- No, they weren't- they weren't really controlling me. They just-- They shouldn't have given me the last couple shots, 'cause you, they-they knew I was pretty, you know, uh, messed up before that. So- therapist: Yeah. client: -you know, that when they- when they-- You know, when they gave me the last, you know, couple shots, that kind of put me over the edge.","Right, they weren't looking out for your best interest at that point." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: No, I was-- They just-- No, they weren't- they weren't really controlling me. They just-- They shouldn't have given me the last couple shots, 'cause you, they-they knew I was pretty, you know, uh, messed up before that. So- therapist: Yeah. client: -you know, that when they- when they-- You know, when they gave me the last, you know, couple shots, that kind of put me over the edge. therapist: Right, they weren't looking out for your best interest at that point. client: Pretty much, pretty much.",And then sent you out in your car. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -you know, that when they- when they-- You know, when they gave me the last, you know, couple shots, that kind of put me over the edge. therapist: Right, they weren't looking out for your best interest at that point. client: Pretty much, pretty much. therapist: And then sent you out in your car. client: Yeah. I mean I guess it was my decision to take the, uh- you know, the other shots, but I-I just-- I don't know. I really don't really remember too much.",It's a hindsight again. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: Yeah. client: Yeah. You can blame hindsight a little bit. I mean, that works for me. [laughter] therapist: Hindsight? Oh, yeah, they'll-- it'll take the- it'll take the blame. Um, so, you still-- Do you still, uh, you know, you started drinking again, and then, um, the second DUI, what-- Is it the same circle of social-social circle, same friends? client: Yeah. [crosstalk]",Same type of situation. [crosstalk] Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. [crosstalk] therapist: Same type of situation. [crosstalk] client: I mean, they've been my friends since, you know, uh, since high school. therapist: So, they're important to you? client: Yeah, absolutely.","Mm-hmm. Yeah. And-and sometimes, um, people have friends who are friends, but then there's friends who would stay on in our lives and are constant. So, these would be your constant core--" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Uh, no, I'm single now, so, you know, I don't really, uh-- [crosstalk] therapist: How's that going? client: It's all right, you know, I date a little bit but, uh, you know, I just don't wanna get serious right now. therapist: Oh what-- So, what does serious look like? Um-- client: Um, I just don't want to date someone in a regular basis. I don't really feel like I want to be in a committed relationship.","Yeah. That's all right, yeah. That's good. It sounds like you know yourself pretty well." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. Well, I mean I-I, uh- I, uh- I wouldn't drink as much, and if I- if I did, I would call, uh, a taxi or, um, you know, get some kind of a ride home, I think, 'cause, uh, you know, I just, uh-- I-I just don't wanna get in trouble, you know. therapist: Yeah. Is there somebody that you could call? client: Uh, I don't really think about that. I guess I would have to think about that, because if I was gonna go out and drink, I would have to think about that. Yeah. therapist: Right. client: I guess I could call it taxi cab or something, I don't know.",They'll come. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: What's that? therapist: Your bar money would be somewhere else, not in your wallet? client: Probably in my front pocket, I guess. therapist: There you go. Okay, yeah. So, that, y-yeah. client: Yeah.",That makes- that makes a lot of sense. So then you'd have your money tucked away someplace different. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: That makes- that makes a lot of sense. So then you'd have your money tucked away someplace different. client: Yeah. Well, if I put, uh- if I put it away, then I wouldn't spend it though, you know, [unintelligible 00:18:48] have it. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: There-there would be a plan that I would have to-",Sounds like a good plan. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I don't really hang out with people that really drink a lot though. I mean, they're-they're not like-- I wouldn't call them drunks, so, I mean, they can, you know, they can handle their-- [crosstalk] therapist: So, it would be up to them? client: Sure, I would think, yeah. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: Yeah.","It sounds like you have-- You've thought about this, and you're-you're willing to put some things in place, the-the wallet, um, money in the wallet and-and for the taxi-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: You know, it was a- it was, uh- it was pretty good. I just didn't feel like I had my friends around, and-and it just-- It seemed kinda boring. I mean, I felt good physically and, uh, you know, I, uh- I was more on time to work, I was doing really good at work and so forth, um, but, you know, it just, um-- The hard part for me was I just, uh- I just didn't have any friends around. I just kinda-- I felt isolated. I just didn't- I just didn't feel comfortable, you know. therapist: Six months is a- is a long time. There was, um-- Try to think back, were there- were there other people? Was it- was it just you? client: Well, my-my girl- my girlfriend and I were trying to work it out. But it just seemed like we were arguing all the time, you know. It just didn't seem like-- You know what I mean? Like the not-drinking part was good, but it just didn't seem like anything else had changed. therapist: All right. client: You know.","So-so, if you were not to-- If you were to go with the plan of maybe not drinking, which you mentioned-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, my-my girl- my girlfriend and I were trying to work it out. But it just seemed like we were arguing all the time, you know. It just didn't seem like-- You know what I mean? Like the not-drinking part was good, but it just didn't seem like anything else had changed. therapist: All right. client: You know. therapist: So-so, if you were not to-- If you were to go with the plan of maybe not drinking, which you mentioned- client: Yeah.","-um, uh, your girlfriend Mary is-is not a part of your life-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: You know. therapist: So-so, if you were not to-- If you were to go with the plan of maybe not drinking, which you mentioned- client: Yeah. therapist: -um, uh, your girlfriend Mary is-is not a part of your life- client: No-",-right now. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: No- therapist: -right now. client: -and I really don't see that working out really well. therapist: Would there be something else that would, um, sort of, uh, fill in that-- The-the friends area, do you think? client: Well, I don't know. I mean, it's a-- I mean, my friends drink though. So, it's kinda hard to- it's kinda hard to, you know, to be with them, and then-- When I'm not drinking, 'cause it's-- I just don't feel like I fit in, you know.","But, yeah, I-I see what-what you're saying, for sure. Um, there-there's those friends that they drink but they don't drink that much, I heard you saying." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -pretty much everyone I know like drinks. therapist: Yeah, so wha-what would-- What do you think it would do to the relationship of you not drinking but still being with the-these folks-- These friends? client: Yeah, I, uh-- therapist: Would-would it work out and-- client: I don't know. Just, it's weird, I-I think that, you know, kinda when I go there, you know, and-and hang with them at all, it's, uh-- You know, we- you know-",It's uncomfortable. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I've been with them since, you know, like high school. So, I can't. therapist: Mm-hmm, and- client: They mean a lot to me. therapist: -it's [unintelligible 00:24:05]. I-I-I know that you, um- you value friendship and-and friendship is very important, uh, and, I'm just wondering how important, um, it would be for, uh, you to remain friends with them and still have your-your sobriety. client: I guess maybe it would probably be not a bad idea to not hang with them for a little bit, I guess. You know, I mean, I-I-I-- Yeah.",And see what happens. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: Well, I sure-sure would, um, tell the-the people who-who need to know- client: Okay, good. client: -about the plans that you're striving for. Um, that I-- There would be, um, uh, someone to read this assessment-Mm. therapist: -and then, um- and then it would be up to you mostly. The choice is-is completely yours. And, um, it sounds like to me that there's no reason why you wouldn't be able to do this. You've given it a lot of thought, and you have some plans in place, and anything else that you might come up with, uh, to help you stay out of the driver's seat when you've been drinking. client: Um, probably just not really drink as much. I mean, if I just didn't drink, I wouldn't have to really worry about that too much either.",Then you wouldn't have to worry. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: All right. Well, thank you Mike. I appreciate this. client: Okay. Thank you. therapist: Thank you. therapist: Steve, before we're done with our visit today, I was wondering if you'd be willing to take a few minutes to talk about your drinking. client: Okay, like what?","Well, you filled out this survey for us today, which was great. Thank you very much. I just wanted to review a couple of things on here. I noticed that you said that you drink two to three times a week, drink three or four drinks at a time when you do drink, and weekly, um, have more drinks than that. So six or more drinks, it says on here." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Jeez, no. I didn't think I was that bad. therapist: That's why it's helpful to look at this and give some perspective. On a scale of 1-10, what is your readiness to change, 1 being I don't want to change at all, and 10 is I really want to change? client: I don't know. I mean, this is all news to me. I've, I don't want to do anything to put myself at risk and I've always thought of myself as a pretty healthy guy. I guess I'd put myself right in the middle of the five. therapist: Well, that's great. That's halfway there. What kept you from just giving it a one or two, something lower? client: Well, you know I'm training for the marathon, and that's why I'm coming in, is because I need to be able to get my sleep back on track, but I also don't think of myself as a hazardous drinker, and I'm certainly not an alcoholic. So, that's-that's why the middle-ground, five.","Mm-hmm. Okay. Well, that's a good place to start. So, I heard you say your health is important, and you're getting ready to run a marathon, so you wanna be able to do what you can to make that successful. And you also were a little bit surprised that you fell into this risky or hazardous category." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm, um, you know, I-I guess drinking no more than maybe three or four times a week, and-and on the weekends, which is when I would drink the most, cup back to no more than five or six beers. therapist: Okay, okay. Well, sometimes when people aren't ready to make changes like this, it helps if they write down their goals, it gives them a chance to see them in black and white. If you were to look at this little form here and figure out where you want to go with your drinking, what would you put down as your goal? client: Um, doing the math, I guess no more than 18 drinks a week. therapist: Okay. So that's an improvement. So you're headed in the right direction. I do wanna let you know that with 18 drinks a week, you're still falling above this low-level risk category, and that it would be my recommendation that at some point you would fall below into this 14 or less a week. But it's an improvement, and it's a great place to start, and I really commend you for your willingness to take a look at this and try to make some improvements. client: Thanks.","So I'm hoping that in your appointment next month, we can touch base on this and see how it's going." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: So I'm hoping that in your appointment next month, we can touch base on this and see how it's going. client: Sure. therapist: Okay. Good. therapist: There, um, what brings you in today? client: I don't know. I'm just having a little bit of, uh, having a little bit of trouble dealing with, uh, my criminal history and, uh, you know, trying to stay on the right path, but, you know, um, it's just- it gets, you know, it gets kind of overwhelming, you know. Um, I really wanna be, you know, a good productive member of society, but at the same time, you know, I got this background that nobody will overlook, you know. So it kinda makes it like, well, what, you know, do I go back to what I know?I mean, you can only work for $5, $6, $7 an hour for so long, and it's really frustrating. It's causing, uh, some anger issues to resurface and some depression to resurface and, um, you know, and, um, I don't wanna fall back, you know.",It's really getting in the way of you becoming who you wanna be. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yes, it is. therapist: Yeah. So what-what-what about your criminal record is blocking you from getting where you wanna be? client: I don't know what about it is, um— therapist: There's a, uh, your record has a conviction? client: Yeah. It has a felony conviction on it.","Okay. Ah, there's-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I don't know what about it is, um— therapist: There's a, uh, your record has a conviction? client: Yeah. It has a felony conviction on it. therapist: Okay. Ah, there's- client: And, uh—",-the big trouble. Yeah. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: And, uh— therapist: -the big trouble. Yeah. client: Yeah, it is. And it's- I hadn't anticipated that it would have been-- You know, so at the time, it was just like, ""Okay, cool. I'm not going to jail."" therapist: Mm-hmm. client: You know, and, um, now, it's like, okay, so this is more like a life sentence than it was a four-year sentence that they were offering. You know, I mean, I think it would have been bad either way, but, um, I hadn't anticipated that this was gonna be this difficult, especially since I went back to school and, you know, uh, got a degree and actually want to do, you know, some, um, corporate level or, you know, professional type of work.","Mm-hmm. So when you, um, when you put in applications or anything like that, the felony con-conviction, whether you know it or not, seems to knock you out of the ballpark. You're not even considered as an applicant?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: - I'm sure. The ones that really count are-are-are, you know, are kind of just, you know, uh, making me so angry and, you know, kind of spilling over into the rest of my life or the ones that I get face face, especially after a really good interview. And, you know, most of the times, I interview extremely well. And, um, it's, you know, I get the vibe that the job is offered almost halfway through the interview because, you know, they start telling me about what I'll be doing and what I'll be getting.And then, you know, when it comes to sign on the paperwork and I believe in honesty, so I tell them, you know, hey, look, this is what you're gonna find, you know, and, um, try to explain it. It's just-it's almost like night and day. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: Black and white. It just stops right there. ""I'm sorry. I can't really do much for you. I-- You have to go,"" you know, and it's— therapist: So do you- do you, um, put out there about the felony conviction before you even go for the interview? client: No. I mean, there's different situations, you know. Sometimes they ask and, you know, I'll say something like, you know, ""We'll discuss at interview"". Uh, sometimes, there are situations where if I probably put that, I don't get a callback and those situations I don't know about. You know, but there are also times where I get an interview through, um, you know, uh, uh, some sort of connection or something, or like a buddy of mine or a family member will send me on an interview. You know, I don't have to fill it out- fill out an application for that. They just usually, you know, give you the interview. And at the end-",Seems like it's a done deal. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. It seems like it's a done deal. You just have to go through the motion of having the interview. And then- therapist: Mm-hmm. client: -when I go through the interview and it goes well, and they're like, ""Okay, well, you know, I think we can do something"" and then, ""Here, sign this, sign that,"" and the other thing. And it's like, but we just had a great, you know, I mean, I qualify. Like what does that have to-- Seven years ago, six years ago, what does it have to do with anything? Now, especially because, you know, the type of conviction, it wasn't a non- it wasn't a violent conviction. It's not like I'm a danger to the staff around me. It's not like it's a, you know, a theft type of thing. It was, you know, it was a possession, you know what I mean? therapist: Mm-hmm. client: And",So you didn't hurt anybody. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -when I go through the interview and it goes well, and they're like, ""Okay, well, you know, I think we can do something"" and then, ""Here, sign this, sign that,"" and the other thing. And it's like, but we just had a great, you know, I mean, I qualify. Like what does that have to-- Seven years ago, six years ago, what does it have to do with anything? Now, especially because, you know, the type of conviction, it wasn't a non- it wasn't a violent conviction. It's not like I'm a danger to the staff around me. It's not like it's a, you know, a theft type of thing. It was, you know, it was a possession, you know what I mean? therapist: Mm-hmm. client: And therapist: So you didn't hurt anybody. client: No, I didn't.","You didn't hurt anything, right?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: No, I didn't. therapist: You didn't hurt anything, right? client: It's really frustrating because- therapist: Yeah. client: -it's almost like I-I don't wanna give up, but it's like, I'm not given any other choice, you know?","Yeah, 'cause you're-you're, especially with going back to school and having done all that footwork and stuff. I mean, you really have something to offer somebody." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: It's really frustrating because- therapist: Yeah. client: -it's almost like I-I don't wanna give up, but it's like, I'm not given any other choice, you know? therapist: Yeah, 'cause you're-you're, especially with going back to school and having done all that footwork and stuff. I mean, you really have something to offer somebody. client: I do, yeah.","Yeah. And, um, and at the time the big crisis was actually maybe prison and all the crisis around the arrest and-and, uh, you know, it's like you're a leper and the leper colony." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -you know what I mean? If it's gonna make things more efficient like as if-if you're what you're trying to say is if that's something that I could do and then if they get past it, then now I know that there's an actual intention by the hiring people to hire me. therapist: Right. If that's a deal-breaker and you both know it from the very beginning, I'm wondering if then really the interview is really something else. I mean, whether they get the job would truly be based on the interview and not-not your criminal record. client: Yeah, I think as far as maybe efficiency, you know, weeding out the things, not wasting my time, you know, but I had to tell you something, a lot of the people that don't care about that type of thing- therapist: Mm-hmm. client: -are not the sort of jobs that I really wanna be doing. You know what I mean? Um, I don't know, it's just really frustrating.","Not like you're working for the government or for a bank or, you know, the FBI where- those are not things you're applying for. They're jobs where you would wonder why a-a non-violent felony would even--" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Right, and then the other thing is anybody that I might tell that to- therapist: Mm-hmm. client: -that doesn't care- therapist: Mm-hmm. client: -are probably not jobs that, you know, are worth going to get the interview.","Mm-hmm, you didn't go to college for that." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: And the other thing that I saw was that it was very politically charged. You know, I didn't think that, um, I was, uh, you know, allowed to kind of get an interview right away with one of those counselors that they offer. Um, I-- it just didn't seem like a type of place that was willing to help, you know. And-and, uh, I saw that there was a lot of, um, I wouldn't say racism but I would say a little bit of racial favor, I suppose. And, uh, I found it really hard to get in and to get an interview with a counselor to match me up with a job. Um, I think that those-those types of groups are cool if they work. I just haven't had any luck with, um- at working with- through that group. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: You know? therapist: Mm-hmm. client: Um, you know, I don't know. I don't know if there's anything else out there.",Mm-hmm. So you're-you're Middle Eastern. So you wonder-- I-I bet you've had experiences where you really have experienced some absolute racism and prejudice because of that. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: You know? therapist: Mm-hmm. client: Um, you know, I don't know. I don't know if there's anything else out there. therapist: Mm-hmm. So you're-you're Middle Eastern. So you wonder-- I-I bet you've had experiences where you really have experienced some absolute racism and prejudice because of that. client: Mm-hmm.","And then, um, you walk into these places and they might just be almost storefront-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: So at some point, I would imagine that maybe I strike up conversation with the right person- therapist: Mm-hmm. client: -that would probably want to hire me regardless of that sort of thing. Um, I think that at the this point in time, that it doesn't really matter what degree you have. I don't believe that it matters where you went to school. I think it's all about who you know. You know, we live in a very politically charged city. And I think that even if we didn't live in a politically charged city, at this point, jobs are so scarce that people who know people who know people are the ones that are ending up, um, at work- therapist: Mm-hmm. client: -and getting jobs. And I think that, um, if I continue to, you know, go to school and, uh, you know, uh, get time from that felony, you know. So it's been seven years now and—",It's a long time. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -and getting jobs. And I think that, um, if I continue to, you know, go to school and, uh, you know, uh, get time from that felony, you know. So it's been seven years now and— therapist: It's a long time. client: Yeah. And at some point, I probably don't even have to report it, you know, and I have that going for me. It's been seven years. I have the fact that I'm, you know, uh, good at, um, interaction with people, that's good. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: You know, um, I've been clean from that sort of lifestyle for that long so that's-that's-that's up for me, you know, that's-that's good. Um—",And you can- you can prove that and document that. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: Yeah. A lot of folks can't. client: They don't. therapist: Yeah. And you've been going to school. I mean, all-all your movement is in this really positive, highly motivated way. And, um- and I think your-your thoughts and ideas about the fact that one day a conversation will- you'll strike up with somebody and it will happen to be with somebody who works for a company that perhaps does not have a policy against hiring people with felony convictions. client: Yeah. Well, that's my hope.",It's individual. Yeah. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: They don't. therapist: Yeah. And you've been going to school. I mean, all-all your movement is in this really positive, highly motivated way. And, um- and I think your-your thoughts and ideas about the fact that one day a conversation will- you'll strike up with somebody and it will happen to be with somebody who works for a company that perhaps does not have a policy against hiring people with felony convictions. client: Yeah. Well, that's my hope. therapist: It's individual. Yeah. client: Yeah. That's my hope.",It-it is individual. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: There's no-- I don't think, any State or federal law that says. client: No, no. It is an individual but you're right. Yeah. It's— therapist: Okay. client: But here's the thing is—","Right person, right company-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: No, no. It is an individual but you're right. Yeah. It's— therapist: Okay. client: But here's the thing is— therapist: Right person, right company- client: Right.",-we're looking for here. Yeah. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -blindly, people have implemented those types of, um, measures and they don't have any efficiency with them because they don't- you know, I mean, everybody is offering background checks now and stuff like that. And I'm- that's one of the things that I'm afraid of is that people are implementing all these security security measures, but they don't really know if the reports are even accurate, you know. therapist: I wonder what it'd be like if you ran your own background check and got the report to see what's in there. client: I have. therapist: Oh, you do? client: Yeah, I do. I have one and, uh, um.",Good for you doing that. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I have. therapist: Oh, you do? client: Yeah, I do. I have one and, uh, um. therapist: Good for you doing that. client: Right, yeah.",Yeah. Smart. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, I do. I have one and, uh, um. therapist: Good for you doing that. client: Right, yeah. therapist: Yeah. Smart. client: Yeah. Thank you. I don't know. I'm just, I guess-",Discouraged. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Right, yeah. therapist: Yeah. Smart. client: Yeah. Thank you. I don't know. I'm just, I guess- therapist: Discouraged. client: -what I'm really—","Discouraged, yeah." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, I'm really here because I think I'm- I-I- It's a very dangerous area for me when I'm discouraged because- therapist: Mm-hmm. client: -you know, all the- despite all the good things that I have going for me, the only thing that's loud and clear are the things that I don't have going for me. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: If that makes any sense.","Uh, yeah, it does. Uh, I am yet to- it-it seems to me just in this time we've been talking together that you, um, um, do have a sense that a lot of it has to do-do with, uh, timing, luck, who you know, and being, are you able to have that conversation where you know that you can sell yourself and your skills and, um, and your competencies and the fact that you've overcome so many things like, um, substance abuse problem and, uh, have been, you know, uh, a good upstanding citizen all this time. Um, to me, if I were an employer, you know, I would- I would be impressed with that." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I know that- therapist: Or start your own business. That was another thing that I thought was really-- client: Yeah, well, I think that's what I got. That's what I am doing. That's what I'm sort of involved with now is like, you know, find, um, you know, I'm still continuing to go to school, but I'm also starting, um, work for myself. Um, you know, it's not no Fortune 500 company or anything, but I do have a little bit of income coming in from that. therapist: Uh-huh. client: Um, it-it, uh, you know, it will all come together.",So being an entre- being an entrepreneur fits for you. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: You know what? Actually, one of the things is that I read is that is that's one of the things you gotta do is just, uh, start your own business. You know what I mean? Uh, you don't have to report to anybody. I mean, obviously, I can't work with, um-- unless I get a waiver I can't work with, like, I think the law says I can't work with kids or, um, like a hazmat stuff. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: Like truck driving and stuff like that. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: Uh, but that doesn't matter to me. You know what I- you know, I'm kind of- I'm trying to look at the things that I can do.","Well, that, you know, now that's a-a really different way of looking at it than how you were looking at what you can do versus what's getting in your way that you know you can't do." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Uh, but that doesn't matter to me. You know what I- you know, I'm kind of- I'm trying to look at the things that I can do. therapist: Well, that, you know, now that's a-a really different way of looking at it than how you were looking at what you can do versus what's getting in your way that you know you can't do. client: Right. therapist: So, um, what kinda- what-what are you starting? What's this business? If you-you don't have to tell me if you don't want, I know it's on the up and up, but you don't have to tell me if you don't want. client: No, it's, um, uh, like a party planning event, you know, like a wedding planning, not like a wedding planner, but like—",You'd be so good at that. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: No, it's, um, uh, like a party planning event, you know, like a wedding planning, not like a wedding planner, but like— therapist: You'd be so good at that. client: Like, you know, like corporate events when they have, you know, like an event, you know, they need- therapist: Uh-huh. client: -you know, they need chauffeured transportation, limos, they need that type of thing. I, um, I'm involved in the planning of the transportation from airports, uh, hotel arrangements, um, uh, booking of, uh, you know, the rooms. It's just, I guess just an event planner, but it's not through any sort of corporate, um, uh, company [unintelligible 00:19:40].",You-you would be the corporate company. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Like, you know, like corporate events when they have, you know, like an event, you know, they need- therapist: Uh-huh. client: -you know, they need chauffeured transportation, limos, they need that type of thing. I, um, I'm involved in the planning of the transportation from airports, uh, hotel arrangements, um, uh, booking of, uh, you know, the rooms. It's just, I guess just an event planner, but it's not through any sort of corporate, um, uh, company [unintelligible 00:19:40]. therapist: You-you would be the corporate company. client: Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm trying to get—",CEO. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, I think that's my only, uh, uh, I know it's not my only- therapist: One. client: -but it's-it's- it's a good, It's a good opportunity to, um, kind of work for myself. I would love to just be able to work for myself, you know? Um. therapist: You're comfortable with that? client: I am, I am comfortable with it and I do well. I do well at-at, you know, the few opportunities I've had to organize something like that. Um, it's okay. You know, um, at least I'm still going to school though, you know I'm going to be done with that.",I know. That's fantastic. It is. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I don't want to act out, you know, I mean, I'm, you know, I think I have- therapist: Acting out would be what? client: Well, you know, I dunno, um, going back to a lifestyle, you know, crime or, um, using, or you know, just destructive behavior- therapist: Okay. Gottcha. client: -and sort of destructive behavior. I don't wanna be destructive. I wanna be productive, you know.",Like you are now. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, you know, I dunno, um, going back to a lifestyle, you know, crime or, um, using, or you know, just destructive behavior- therapist: Okay. Gottcha. client: -and sort of destructive behavior. I don't wanna be destructive. I wanna be productive, you know. therapist: Like you are now. client: Like I am now, but it's-it's starting to get-- Like I said, I mean, I wouldn't have come in here if things were just peachy keen, you know what I mean? It sucks. And I'm getting sick of, you know, rejection and it's like almost, it makes me think like, why am I even going to school? You know? Should I just drop out and just, you know, get jobs that are, you know, I mean, that's not enough, that's not a viable option for me either.You know, I just, I don't, I wanna make sure that I'm centered here so that I can go out there and do the best I can with maintaining composure, and then trying to get ahead. But if I'm not okay here, here, you know, I just, I don't think that I have, I don't stand a chance, you know?","So the-the-the law of, um, felony convictions is-is something that you don't have any control over. I mean, nobody does. So, um, you know, and I'm thinking about how you were talking about getting all the way through the interview and then getting rejected, you know, versus being upfront about it and-and even on the telephone to see whether it's a deal breaker or not, because it must- it sounds like it's so much harder to have that good interview and walk out of there ad know you've done well, and then get turned down." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: No, he did. He said, you know, don't say anything until, you know-- I don't know if I know what he said. I think he said that he's not sure if they do. therapist: Okay. client: He said, just go ahead and give it a shot anyway, you know, and, um, I just, I figured I'd just give her a shot, but I think I like your, I think to spare myself some, uh, frustration and further agony- therapist: Mm-hmm. client: -I think that I might try that. I think I might try, you know, from now on you know, uh, finding like a tactful way of asking, you know, I don't wanna be blunt about it and go you know, ""Do you hire criminals?"" or anything.",You're not a criminal. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: He said, just go ahead and give it a shot anyway, you know, and, um, I just, I figured I'd just give her a shot, but I think I like your, I think to spare myself some, uh, frustration and further agony- therapist: Mm-hmm. client: -I think that I might try that. I think I might try, you know, from now on you know, uh, finding like a tactful way of asking, you know, I don't wanna be blunt about it and go you know, ""Do you hire criminals?"" or anything. therapist: You're not a criminal. client: I'm a former criminal though.",That's right. You're rehabilitated. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -I think that I might try that. I think I might try, you know, from now on you know, uh, finding like a tactful way of asking, you know, I don't wanna be blunt about it and go you know, ""Do you hire criminals?"" or anything. therapist: You're not a criminal. client: I'm a former criminal though. therapist: That's right. You're rehabilitated. client: Yeah.",A plus shining new guy. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. I mean the interview process- therapist: Uh-huh, uh-huh. client: -itself, no, I don't think I ever- yeah. No, I-I mean, I don't believe that I have a problem with the actual interview process. therapist: Yeah. I bet you're even better now. client: Yeah. It's been a lot.",You got lots of practice. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, exactly. therapist: Yeah, mm-hmm. client: You know, I know there's-there's just a lot of- a lot of bullshit. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: Yeah.","That's a great word for it there. Yeah. So, um-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, to figure out [unintelligible 00:27:30] anyway, you know. therapist: Yeah. So-so maybe you- if you- if you wanted to, and this is really up to you, you could check out the blogs, you know. Um, I can see if I can track him down and stuff and the John Howard Society. And, um, I'd be really interested if-if you wanna get together to see what you have found out. client: Yeah. I-I, you know, I, you know, like I said, I wanna make sure I come back and, um, kind of get my, um, you know, my overall mental health- therapist: Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. client: -you know, um, I wouldn't say stable because I'm not that unstable. I just—",But this has affected it. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. I-I, you know, I, you know, like I said, I wanna make sure I come back and, um, kind of get my, um, you know, my overall mental health- therapist: Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. client: -you know, um, I wouldn't say stable because I'm not that unstable. I just— therapist: But this has affected it. client: It has affected it.","Rejection-rejection, yeah." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, rejection. Yeah. therapist: Yeah. client: So, I just wanna make sure that I'm okay. So- therapist: Yeah. client: -I'll be back and we can, you know, we can discuss it further if you have any information and I'll share whatever I've got.",I'll do some checking around for you. I will. Yeah. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: So, I just wanna make sure that I'm okay. So- therapist: Yeah. client: -I'll be back and we can, you know, we can discuss it further if you have any information and I'll share whatever I've got. therapist: I'll do some checking around for you. I will. Yeah. client: Well, thanks for the suggestions. Yeah.","Oh, you are welcome. Thanks for being so open with me. I appreciate it." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, thanks for the suggestions. Yeah. therapist: Oh, you are welcome. Thanks for being so open with me. I appreciate it. client: No problem. therapist: Yeah. Okay. client: Thank you.","So, Jill, um, I know you're here to talk about your blood pressure today." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I drink wine- therapist: Okay. client: -mostly. Um, I go down to the little pub down the street. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: Have a few glasses of wine.",Okay. Kind of socializing? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Maybe if it's on a weekend, maybe six. therapist: Okay. Okay. client: Over a long-- over a period of time. therapist: Mm-hmm. Okay. So let me just show you on this, um, card here, um, from a medical perspective, we know that there's good evidence that shows that women you're age who drink more than, um, three drinks on any one occasion at any- at any sitting or more than seven in a week, are likely to run into health problems from their drinking, either problems they're having right now or maybe in the future. client: Are you serious?","Yeah. Surprised, ain't you?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Over a long-- over a period of time. therapist: Mm-hmm. Okay. So let me just show you on this, um, card here, um, from a medical perspective, we know that there's good evidence that shows that women you're age who drink more than, um, three drinks on any one occasion at any- at any sitting or more than seven in a week, are likely to run into health problems from their drinking, either problems they're having right now or maybe in the future. client: Are you serious? therapist: Yeah. Surprised, ain't you? client: Seven drinks in a week doesn't seem like that much?",It sounds like you're drinking a bit more than that right now. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Seven drinks in a week doesn't seem like that much? therapist: It sounds like you're drinking a bit more than that right now. client: Yeah, and I-I didn't think it was much, but that makes it look like I'm drinking way too much. therapist: Mm-hmm. From this, uh, drinker's pyramid over on this side of the card, you can see that the-the score on your screening sheet shows that you're up in the harmful category of drinkers. So that it's likely you're drinking, you know, in quantities probably more than about 90% of the folks who come in to see me here at the clinic. client: Well, I know my drinking has increased a little since I got divorced and moved to Portland, but I-I don't think it's that much of a problem.","It doesn't feel like a problem to you right now, yeah." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, I didn't realize that drinking was related to my blood pressure problems. therapist: Yeah. client: And I did fall earlier this year on my home from the bar and hurt my shoulder. I don't think the drinking made me fall, but it probably didn't help the situation. therapist: Okay. client: And though my son keeps telling me that I'm drinking too much, and it's scary to think that my drinking is harmful. It's a big word.",Yeah. Yeah. So you've got some good reasons to try to cut back a little bit. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: And I did fall earlier this year on my home from the bar and hurt my shoulder. I don't think the drinking made me fall, but it probably didn't help the situation. therapist: Okay. client: And though my son keeps telling me that I'm drinking too much, and it's scary to think that my drinking is harmful. It's a big word. therapist: Yeah. Yeah. So you've got some good reasons to try to cut back a little bit. client: Sounds like it to me.",Yeah. And it sounds like you're willing to maybe try not going to the bar quite as much and maybe drinking a little bit less when you go to the bar. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I think I can try to do that, yeah. therapist: Okay. So to what levels do you think you could do that? Where-where would you wanna go with your drinking? client: I guess I could use those numbers, and I can't make any promises, but I could try to drink less than three in a night and less than seven in a week. therapist: Okay. Okay. client: That mean I can only drink two or three times a week.",Mm-hmm. So you'd drink maybe just a couple of times a week and maybe a little bit less on each occasion? Is that what you're saying? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yes, I guess. therapist: -maybe you could tell me about how that's going? client: Well, I didn't do anything yet. I didn't go-- I know I was gonna go, but I didn't. But, um, I did look at-- there's the YMCA, they've got some classes that I think will be pretty cool to go to, and then there's this yoga class over at the Women's Center that's only like 10 bucks, so I could do that, um-- but I didn't go because I'm really afraid that like what if-- you know, what if no-one likes me? What if I don't have friends in there? therapist: Yeah, I know you've mentioned that in the past. When we were talking about the pros and cons of going out to one of these activities- client: Mm-hmm.",-you really mentioned that anxiety- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: -is a big con. client: Yeah. therapist: I remember that. client: Yeah, but I'm gonna do it anyway, because this is what I need to do to make-- you know, to make friends.",Okay. To make a change- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: I remember that. client: Yeah, but I'm gonna do it anyway, because this is what I need to do to make-- you know, to make friends. therapist: Okay. To make a change- client: Yeah.",-that you've wanted for some time. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. It makes me feel relaxed. therapist: And you also checked that sometimes you forget things when you drink. client: Yeah. therapist: What kind of things do you forget? client: Um, I forget how many drinks I've had like when a friend asks me or I forget whose house I'm at.",Sometimes you forget where you're at. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, yeah. I was drinking the last time I had sex. Um, the guy had been drinking too, and we didn't use a condom. therapist: Do you remember giving consent when you had sex? client: Yeah. We've had sex before and we've used a condom before. therapist: How do you think drinking alcohol affected using a condom this time? client: Well, we just didn't stop to put one on. We weren't thinking that way.",Sounds like drinking changes how you think in those moments? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, well, it's fun. I like drinking when my friends are drinking too. Um, I laugh more. It's just fun. therapist: Okay. And what about your drinking do you not like? client: Um, I don't like forgetting where I'm at sometimes. therapist: Anything else? client: I really don't want any STDs.","Right. So, on one hand, you like the feeling of being relaxed and having fun when you're drinking and on the other hand, you don't like forgetting where you are or forgetting how many drinks you've had and you don't like putting yourself at risk for STDs?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, I really don't want any STDs and I don't like wondering whether I have one or not. therapist: Okay. What plan could you come up with to make sure you achieve that goal? client: Um, well, I wanna count my drinks so I don't have more than two and I want to stop drinking once I start feeling drunk. therapist: Great. Who could help you reach this goal? client: Well, I have this friend who thinks I drink too much. She would probably be willing to make me promise not to have more than two drinks at a party.",Okay. And how about unprotected sex? It sounds like you don't want to experience that again. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, well, I wanna count my drinks so I don't have more than two and I want to stop drinking once I start feeling drunk. therapist: Great. Who could help you reach this goal? client: Well, I have this friend who thinks I drink too much. She would probably be willing to make me promise not to have more than two drinks at a party. therapist: Okay. And how about unprotected sex? It sounds like you don't want to experience that again. client: I'm going to talk with him and I'm gonna make him promise that we always use a condom and that we don't have sex drunk.","All right. So, you're very motivated to change your drinking and you have a plan to keep from drinking more than two drinks at parties and keep from having unprotected sex. I would like to share how it's working for you. What do you think about coming back in six weeks or so?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Like last week, I-I didn't get there at all until like Thursday during the week,- therapist: Mm-hmm. client: -so it was- it was a frustrating week like for the gym that way. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: I was kinda busy with some other things, but, um—",Mm-hmm. But you made it-- You made it one day- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -so it was- it was a frustrating week like for the gym that way. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: I was kinda busy with some other things, but, um— therapist: Mm-hmm. But you made it-- You made it one day- client: I-I got—",-instead of zero days. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I-I got— therapist: -instead of zero days. client: Yeah, and actually, I made it again on Saturday too. So. therapist: That's fantastic. client: Yeah.","Even with this, you know, pretty horrendous schedule going on." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: Even with this, you know, pretty horrendous schedule going on. client: Yeah. It's been a little-little hectic, you know. And, uh-- But, I-I don't like it too much because there's all these younger guys that can lift a lot more weight than me or they can stay on the treadmill longer and it-it-it's a little discouraging, you know. 'Cause I don't know if you've noticed, I'm not buff and they are. And it's-it's a little discouraging to think how much work it's gonna take to get, you know, kinda back towards that. therapist: So you-you'd like to get buffed? client: No, but, um, when-when I'm not at the gym, and I am my normal rational self, I realize that I'm, you know, way, way past the age of where I would really even want to do that, let alone want to spend the time it takes. But then while I'm at the gym, and I see the buff young guys, you know, lifting a lot of weight and all that stuff, then you know, the-- I don't know, the urge to be buff comes up in me.","So, but for right now, it sounds like the-- just having the pants fit better-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. It's been a little-little hectic, you know. And, uh-- But, I-I don't like it too much because there's all these younger guys that can lift a lot more weight than me or they can stay on the treadmill longer and it-it-it's a little discouraging, you know. 'Cause I don't know if you've noticed, I'm not buff and they are. And it's-it's a little discouraging to think how much work it's gonna take to get, you know, kinda back towards that. therapist: So you-you'd like to get buffed? client: No, but, um, when-when I'm not at the gym, and I am my normal rational self, I realize that I'm, you know, way, way past the age of where I would really even want to do that, let alone want to spend the time it takes. But then while I'm at the gym, and I see the buff young guys, you know, lifting a lot of weight and all that stuff, then you know, the-- I don't know, the urge to be buff comes up in me. therapist: So, but for right now, it sounds like the-- just having the pants fit better- client: Yeah.","-sounds really, you know, like it's making you feel good about yourself and—" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, a little bit less junk food. Um, like at times, when I'm like I feel like, ""Oh, I think I'll just go have a candy bar,"" or some worthless thing like that I'll actually have second thoughts before I do it. therapist: So you're at the second thought part. And what do you think would-- might take you, uh, over to actually doing it if you wanted to? client: Well, I think, uh, when I really start seeing some results at the gym, it's kinda, uh, I think the way it works in my mind is if I've worked out really hard and I've- and I've-- say I've lost a pound that week- therapist: Mm-hmm. client: -you know, and then as I'm looking at that double or triple fudge four-decker of ice cream Sunday thing, you know, that somebody is eating, I would say, ""Wow, that would be about two hours on the treadmill."" Then-then that would be probably-- the-- that would keep me from actually ordering one of those.","Oh, okay. The payoff just wouldn't be worth that two hours of treadmill versus that double fudgy browny thingy." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I cut myself the first time I called you thinking you would help me, you wouldn't help me so then I figured, what the hell I [chuckles] might as well just go all the way. And so, that's why I cut myself that deep. therapist: Well, I want to thank you for coming in today to see me. Um, I do understand from talking with your counselor that you've got quite a bit on your plate, you've got a lot going on. Can you tell me a little bit about that? client: Well, um, I have a two-year-old son, and then I work full time as a server at a restaurant, and then recently, I also started going back to night class, so you know, just the combination of all that, you know. I-I've just been feeling really stressed lately. therapist: Yeah, I could see that. Um, may I ask, are you also a single mom? client: Yeah.","So you've got a lot of stressors right now. You're a single mom raising a two-year-old, you're working full time, and you're going back to school. What do you think would be the most helpful for us to focus on today?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: So you've got a lot of stressors right now. You're a single mom raising a two-year-old, you're working full time, and you're going back to school. What do you think would be the most helpful for us to focus on today? client: Well, I-I told the counselor that I think childcare is probably my-my biggest issue right now. therapist: Okay. Can you tell me a little bit about that? client: Yeah. Um, well, my mom normally watches my son, but lately, it's kind of becoming a problem. You know, she like will back out at the last second, and so I've had to call in at work a couple of times. I've had to miss class a few times. So i-it's just stressful worrying about, you know, whether I'll be able to do those things or not.","Okay. So I'm hearing you say that the situation with your mom's not ideal. You actually miss class sometime and had to lose some work shifts as well, and that's problematic." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, exactly. therapist: Okay. Um, outside your mom, is there anyone else that can help with childcare? client: Um, well, I have a sister, but I don't really trust her to watch my son, and I don't really know that many people that-- the only thing I can think of, I have this one neighbor who stepped in and helped one time when my mom backed out. She-she actually has, uh, a three-year-old daughter, so you know, kind of worked out. therapist: Okay. client: Um, I don't really know her that well, but I mean, she seems nice and I-I think she did a pretty good job that night.",Hmm. So what I hear you saying is this neighbor was supportive when you really needed her to be. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, well, I have a sister, but I don't really trust her to watch my son, and I don't really know that many people that-- the only thing I can think of, I have this one neighbor who stepped in and helped one time when my mom backed out. She-she actually has, uh, a three-year-old daughter, so you know, kind of worked out. therapist: Okay. client: Um, I don't really know her that well, but I mean, she seems nice and I-I think she did a pretty good job that night. therapist: Hmm. So what I hear you saying is this neighbor was supportive when you really needed her to be. client: Yeah.","Stepped in last minute. Um, when you picked up your son, you didn't have any concerns and he seemed happy?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: [chuckles] No, no, not at all. He, he really hasn't been in the picture since my son was born. therapist: Okay, fine. You know what? We've got one really good lead with the neighbor. I think if you would follow up in pursuing that, you might find some relief and resolve some of your childcare issues. Um, how many days a week are you in school? client: It's-it's three nights right now, so I have class on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday nights. therapist: Okay. Um, so what would it look like if you had a plan where both your neighbor and your mom were helping you out? client: Um, well, you know, if my neighbor could even just take over one day of watching my son, I think that would help my mom quite a bit.","Okay. So what I'm hearing you say is that, if you could just reduce the amount of time that you're needing your mom, she might be more supportive, more onboard?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, well, you know, if my neighbor could even just take over one day of watching my son, I think that would help my mom quite a bit. therapist: Okay. So what I'm hearing you say is that, if you could just reduce the amount of time that you're needing your mom, she might be more supportive, more onboard? client: I mean, I think so, yeah. therapist: All right. Um, so what do you think would be your next steps in working out a plan between your neighbor and your mom? client: Mom, you know, just, I guess talking to my neighbor and seeing if she's even interested in this idea, and if she is, you know, telling my mom about it and, you know, hopefully, that will make her feel a little better and maybe a little bit more reliable.","Okay. Sounds like you got a good plan to follow up on there. All right. Um, now you mentioned that your son is two. When will he turn three?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I've heard of it, but I don't know that much. therapist: Okay. Head Start is a very affordable, very high-quality preschool program. Um, it was really created for parents and families, just like yours, folks who have a lower income and fewer resources, but Head Start really prepares your child both socially and intellectually for going to school. Um, and you know, by the time he turns three, you may find that that routine is something that's better for him to get used to before he starts kindergarten. Uh, would you like some more information on local Head Start sites? client: Yeah, I mean, it sounds like it would be really good for my son and, you know, it would help me out in terms of childcare for sure. therapist: Okay. Well, good. Um, all right. It sounds like you've got a good plan there going forward. Um, now I did see from the nurse practitioner's notes, you're also working on reducing your smoking and your drinking. How's that going? client: [chuckles] Well, you know, I-I've been working on it a couple of weeks now, and honestly, it's been a lot harder than I expected. Um, trying to break my routine in the evenings, especially has-has been hard, but, um, you know, a couple of nights I have reached my goal in terms of, you know, number of cigarettes I'm going to smoke and number of drinks. So, I mean, I've done okay some days, but others, not so much.","Okay. So what I hear you say is that it was a bigger challenge than you expected, yeah, but you're working on it. You're-you're still committed to it. So yeah, that's really to be commended. I just want to ask you one thing though. Have you thought about secondhand smoke and the dangers of that and how that might be impacting your son?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, I mean, it sounds like it would be really good for my son and, you know, it would help me out in terms of childcare for sure. therapist: Okay. Well, good. Um, all right. It sounds like you've got a good plan there going forward. Um, now I did see from the nurse practitioner's notes, you're also working on reducing your smoking and your drinking. How's that going? client: [chuckles] Well, you know, I-I've been working on it a couple of weeks now, and honestly, it's been a lot harder than I expected. Um, trying to break my routine in the evenings, especially has-has been hard, but, um, you know, a couple of nights I have reached my goal in terms of, you know, number of cigarettes I'm going to smoke and number of drinks. So, I mean, I've done okay some days, but others, not so much. therapist: Okay. So what I hear you say is that it was a bigger challenge than you expected, yeah, but you're working on it. You're-you're still committed to it. So yeah, that's really to be commended. I just want to ask you one thing though. Have you thought about secondhand smoke and the dangers of that and how that might be impacting your son? client: Yeah, yeah. I definitely have, so I-I try to never smoke around him, and if I do smoke at home, I always go out to the balcony to smoke.","Oh, okay, good. You know, I can tell you really have your son's best interest at heart here. You know, just from our conversation today, I can tell you're a really good mom. Um, let's reflect back on what we've discussed here so far. Now, we've got a couple of good options between the neighbor and Head Start programs for childcare. What do you see as your next steps in getting that going?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a nan reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: Yeah, it is. It's some damage to the roof of your mouth that happens from tobacco smoking and so I'm wondering if you can tell me a little bit how-- about how tobacco fits in your life right now. therapist: Yeah, it is. It's some damage to the roof of your mouth that happens from tobacco smoking and so I'm wondering if you can tell me a little bit how-- about how tobacco fits in your life right now. therapist: Yeah, it is. It's some damage to the roof of your mouth that happens from tobacco smoking and so I'm wondering if you can tell me a little bit how-- about how tobacco fits in your life right now. therapist: Yeah, it is. It's some damage to the roof of your mouth that happens from tobacco smoking and so I'm wondering if you can tell me a little bit how-- about how tobacco fits in your life right now. therapist: Yeah, it is. It's some damage to the roof of your mouth that happens from tobacco smoking and so I'm wondering if you can tell me a little bit how-- about how tobacco fits in your life right now.","Yeah, it is. It's some damage to the roof of your mouth that happens from tobacco smoking and so I'm wondering if you can tell me a little bit how-- about how tobacco fits in your life right now." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Tobacco. Well, I don't smoke cigarettes. I've never smoked cigarettes. I do go out with my friends. Um, you know, we go out to bars and, you know, we'll have a few drinks and smoke some of those little cigarillo-type things. I mean I wouldn't even think of them as cigars and they're certainly not cigarettes. Um, and I mean I'll have one or two of those in an evening with, uh, with my friends but certainly not 20 or 30 of them a day like you would with cigarettes and that's the only thing that could possibly have anything to do with tobacco. client: Tobacco. Well, I don't smoke cigarettes. I've never smoked cigarettes. I do go out with my friends. Um, you know, we go out to bars and, you know, we'll have a few drinks and smoke some of those little cigarillo-type things. I mean I wouldn't even think of them as cigars and they're certainly not cigarettes. Um, and I mean I'll have one or two of those in an evening with, uh, with my friends but certainly not 20 or 30 of them a day like you would with cigarettes and that's the only thing that could possibly have anything to do with tobacco. client: Tobacco. Well, I don't smoke cigarettes. I've never smoked cigarettes. I do go out with my friends. Um, you know, we go out to bars and, you know, we'll have a few drinks and smoke some of those little cigarillo-type things. I mean I wouldn't even think of them as cigars and they're certainly not cigarettes. Um, and I mean I'll have one or two of those in an evening with, uh, with my friends but certainly not 20 or 30 of them a day like you would with cigarettes and that's the only thing that could possibly have anything to do with tobacco. client: Tobacco. Well, I don't smoke cigarettes. I've never smoked cigarettes. I do go out with my friends. Um, you know, we go out to bars and, you know, we'll have a few drinks and smoke some of those little cigarillo-type things. I mean I wouldn't even think of them as cigars and they're certainly not cigarettes. Um, and I mean I'll have one or two of those in an evening with, uh, with my friends but certainly not 20 or 30 of them a day like you would with cigarettes and that's the only thing that could possibly have anything to do with tobacco. client: Tobacco. Well, I don't smoke cigarettes. I've never smoked cigarettes. I do go out with my friends. Um, you know, we go out to bars and, you know, we'll have a few drinks and smoke some of those little cigarillo-type things. I mean I wouldn't even think of them as cigars and they're certainly not cigarettes. Um, and I mean I'll have one or two of those in an evening with, uh, with my friends but certainly not 20 or 30 of them a day like you would with cigarettes and that's the only thing that could possibly have anything to do with tobacco.","So you've made a decision in your life not to smoke cigarettes, that's something you didn't want to do. It sounds like you're kinda concerned about the health effects of cigarettes. But you have been smoking the little cigarillos at least one or two every time you go out." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Tobacco. Well, I don't smoke cigarettes. I've never smoked cigarettes. I do go out with my friends. Um, you know, we go out to bars and, you know, we'll have a few drinks and smoke some of those little cigarillo-type things. I mean I wouldn't even think of them as cigars and they're certainly not cigarettes. Um, and I mean I'll have one or two of those in an evening with, uh, with my friends but certainly not 20 or 30 of them a day like you would with cigarettes and that's the only thing that could possibly have anything to do with tobacco. client: Tobacco. Well, I don't smoke cigarettes. I've never smoked cigarettes. I do go out with my friends. Um, you know, we go out to bars and, you know, we'll have a few drinks and smoke some of those little cigarillo-type things. I mean I wouldn't even think of them as cigars and they're certainly not cigarettes. Um, and I mean I'll have one or two of those in an evening with, uh, with my friends but certainly not 20 or 30 of them a day like you would with cigarettes and that's the only thing that could possibly have anything to do with tobacco. client: Tobacco. Well, I don't smoke cigarettes. I've never smoked cigarettes. I do go out with my friends. Um, you know, we go out to bars and, you know, we'll have a few drinks and smoke some of those little cigarillo-type things. I mean I wouldn't even think of them as cigars and they're certainly not cigarettes. Um, and I mean I'll have one or two of those in an evening with, uh, with my friends but certainly not 20 or 30 of them a day like you would with cigarettes and that's the only thing that could possibly have anything to do with tobacco. client: Tobacco. Well, I don't smoke cigarettes. I've never smoked cigarettes. I do go out with my friends. Um, you know, we go out to bars and, you know, we'll have a few drinks and smoke some of those little cigarillo-type things. I mean I wouldn't even think of them as cigars and they're certainly not cigarettes. Um, and I mean I'll have one or two of those in an evening with, uh, with my friends but certainly not 20 or 30 of them a day like you would with cigarettes and that's the only thing that could possibly have anything to do with tobacco. therapist: So you've made a decision in your life not to smoke cigarettes, that's something you didn't want to do. It sounds like you're kinda concerned about the health effects of cigarettes. But you have been smoking the little cigarillos at least one or two every time you go out.","So you've made a decision in your life not to smoke cigarettes, that's something you didn't want to do. It sounds like you're kinda concerned about the health effects of cigarettes. But you have been smoking the little cigarillos at least one or two every time you go out." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Tobacco. Well, I don't smoke cigarettes. I've never smoked cigarettes. I do go out with my friends. Um, you know, we go out to bars and, you know, we'll have a few drinks and smoke some of those little cigarillo-type things. I mean I wouldn't even think of them as cigars and they're certainly not cigarettes. Um, and I mean I'll have one or two of those in an evening with, uh, with my friends but certainly not 20 or 30 of them a day like you would with cigarettes and that's the only thing that could possibly have anything to do with tobacco. client: Tobacco. Well, I don't smoke cigarettes. I've never smoked cigarettes. I do go out with my friends. Um, you know, we go out to bars and, you know, we'll have a few drinks and smoke some of those little cigarillo-type things. I mean I wouldn't even think of them as cigars and they're certainly not cigarettes. Um, and I mean I'll have one or two of those in an evening with, uh, with my friends but certainly not 20 or 30 of them a day like you would with cigarettes and that's the only thing that could possibly have anything to do with tobacco. client: Tobacco. Well, I don't smoke cigarettes. I've never smoked cigarettes. I do go out with my friends. Um, you know, we go out to bars and, you know, we'll have a few drinks and smoke some of those little cigarillo-type things. I mean I wouldn't even think of them as cigars and they're certainly not cigarettes. Um, and I mean I'll have one or two of those in an evening with, uh, with my friends but certainly not 20 or 30 of them a day like you would with cigarettes and that's the only thing that could possibly have anything to do with tobacco. therapist: So you've made a decision in your life not to smoke cigarettes, that's something you didn't want to do. It sounds like you're kinda concerned about the health effects of cigarettes. But you have been smoking the little cigarillos at least one or two every time you go out. therapist: So you've made a decision in your life not to smoke cigarettes, that's something you didn't want to do. It sounds like you're kinda concerned about the health effects of cigarettes. But you have been smoking the little cigarillos at least one or two every time you go out.","So you've made a decision in your life not to smoke cigarettes, that's something you didn't want to do. It sounds like you're kinda concerned about the health effects of cigarettes. But you have been smoking the little cigarillos at least one or two every time you go out." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Tobacco. Well, I don't smoke cigarettes. I've never smoked cigarettes. I do go out with my friends. Um, you know, we go out to bars and, you know, we'll have a few drinks and smoke some of those little cigarillo-type things. I mean I wouldn't even think of them as cigars and they're certainly not cigarettes. Um, and I mean I'll have one or two of those in an evening with, uh, with my friends but certainly not 20 or 30 of them a day like you would with cigarettes and that's the only thing that could possibly have anything to do with tobacco. client: Tobacco. Well, I don't smoke cigarettes. I've never smoked cigarettes. I do go out with my friends. Um, you know, we go out to bars and, you know, we'll have a few drinks and smoke some of those little cigarillo-type things. I mean I wouldn't even think of them as cigars and they're certainly not cigarettes. Um, and I mean I'll have one or two of those in an evening with, uh, with my friends but certainly not 20 or 30 of them a day like you would with cigarettes and that's the only thing that could possibly have anything to do with tobacco. therapist: So you've made a decision in your life not to smoke cigarettes, that's something you didn't want to do. It sounds like you're kinda concerned about the health effects of cigarettes. But you have been smoking the little cigarillos at least one or two every time you go out. therapist: So you've made a decision in your life not to smoke cigarettes, that's something you didn't want to do. It sounds like you're kinda concerned about the health effects of cigarettes. But you have been smoking the little cigarillos at least one or two every time you go out. therapist: So you've made a decision in your life not to smoke cigarettes, that's something you didn't want to do. It sounds like you're kinda concerned about the health effects of cigarettes. But you have been smoking the little cigarillos at least one or two every time you go out.","So you've made a decision in your life not to smoke cigarettes, that's something you didn't want to do. It sounds like you're kinda concerned about the health effects of cigarettes. But you have been smoking the little cigarillos at least one or two every time you go out." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Tobacco. Well, I don't smoke cigarettes. I've never smoked cigarettes. I do go out with my friends. Um, you know, we go out to bars and, you know, we'll have a few drinks and smoke some of those little cigarillo-type things. I mean I wouldn't even think of them as cigars and they're certainly not cigarettes. Um, and I mean I'll have one or two of those in an evening with, uh, with my friends but certainly not 20 or 30 of them a day like you would with cigarettes and that's the only thing that could possibly have anything to do with tobacco. therapist: So you've made a decision in your life not to smoke cigarettes, that's something you didn't want to do. It sounds like you're kinda concerned about the health effects of cigarettes. But you have been smoking the little cigarillos at least one or two every time you go out. therapist: So you've made a decision in your life not to smoke cigarettes, that's something you didn't want to do. It sounds like you're kinda concerned about the health effects of cigarettes. But you have been smoking the little cigarillos at least one or two every time you go out. therapist: So you've made a decision in your life not to smoke cigarettes, that's something you didn't want to do. It sounds like you're kinda concerned about the health effects of cigarettes. But you have been smoking the little cigarillos at least one or two every time you go out. therapist: So you've made a decision in your life not to smoke cigarettes, that's something you didn't want to do. It sounds like you're kinda concerned about the health effects of cigarettes. But you have been smoking the little cigarillos at least one or two every time you go out.","So you've made a decision in your life not to smoke cigarettes, that's something you didn't want to do. It sounds like you're kinda concerned about the health effects of cigarettes. But you have been smoking the little cigarillos at least one or two every time you go out." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: So you've made a decision in your life not to smoke cigarettes, that's something you didn't want to do. It sounds like you're kinda concerned about the health effects of cigarettes. But you have been smoking the little cigarillos at least one or two every time you go out. therapist: So you've made a decision in your life not to smoke cigarettes, that's something you didn't want to do. It sounds like you're kinda concerned about the health effects of cigarettes. But you have been smoking the little cigarillos at least one or two every time you go out. therapist: So you've made a decision in your life not to smoke cigarettes, that's something you didn't want to do. It sounds like you're kinda concerned about the health effects of cigarettes. But you have been smoking the little cigarillos at least one or two every time you go out. therapist: So you've made a decision in your life not to smoke cigarettes, that's something you didn't want to do. It sounds like you're kinda concerned about the health effects of cigarettes. But you have been smoking the little cigarillos at least one or two every time you go out. therapist: So you've made a decision in your life not to smoke cigarettes, that's something you didn't want to do. It sounds like you're kinda concerned about the health effects of cigarettes. But you have been smoking the little cigarillos at least one or two every time you go out.","So you've made a decision in your life not to smoke cigarettes, that's something you didn't want to do. It sounds like you're kinda concerned about the health effects of cigarettes. But you have been smoking the little cigarillos at least one or two every time you go out." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: But that's- that's just like a- a social thing. That's something that my friends and I do. We-- We-- It's not habit or something that I have to have and, you know, talking about one or two when we go out for an evening. Not packs of them. client: But that's- that's just like a- a social thing. That's something that my friends and I do. We-- We-- It's not habit or something that I have to have and, you know, talking about one or two when we go out for an evening. Not packs of them. client: But that's- that's just like a- a social thing. That's something that my friends and I do. We-- We-- It's not habit or something that I have to have and, you know, talking about one or two when we go out for an evening. Not packs of them. client: But that's- that's just like a- a social thing. That's something that my friends and I do. We-- We-- It's not habit or something that I have to have and, you know, talking about one or two when we go out for an evening. Not packs of them. client: But that's- that's just like a- a social thing. That's something that my friends and I do. We-- We-- It's not habit or something that I have to have and, you know, talking about one or two when we go out for an evening. Not packs of them.","Yeah, so you're not-- You're not like those chain smokers, you're not smoking packs and packs a day." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: But that's- that's just like a- a social thing. That's something that my friends and I do. We-- We-- It's not habit or something that I have to have and, you know, talking about one or two when we go out for an evening. Not packs of them. client: But that's- that's just like a- a social thing. That's something that my friends and I do. We-- We-- It's not habit or something that I have to have and, you know, talking about one or two when we go out for an evening. Not packs of them. client: But that's- that's just like a- a social thing. That's something that my friends and I do. We-- We-- It's not habit or something that I have to have and, you know, talking about one or two when we go out for an evening. Not packs of them. client: But that's- that's just like a- a social thing. That's something that my friends and I do. We-- We-- It's not habit or something that I have to have and, you know, talking about one or two when we go out for an evening. Not packs of them. therapist: Yeah, so you're not-- You're not like those chain smokers, you're not smoking packs and packs a day.","Yeah, so you're not-- You're not like those chain smokers, you're not smoking packs and packs a day." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: But that's- that's just like a- a social thing. That's something that my friends and I do. We-- We-- It's not habit or something that I have to have and, you know, talking about one or two when we go out for an evening. Not packs of them. client: But that's- that's just like a- a social thing. That's something that my friends and I do. We-- We-- It's not habit or something that I have to have and, you know, talking about one or two when we go out for an evening. Not packs of them. client: But that's- that's just like a- a social thing. That's something that my friends and I do. We-- We-- It's not habit or something that I have to have and, you know, talking about one or two when we go out for an evening. Not packs of them. therapist: Yeah, so you're not-- You're not like those chain smokers, you're not smoking packs and packs a day. therapist: Yeah, so you're not-- You're not like those chain smokers, you're not smoking packs and packs a day.","Yeah, so you're not-- You're not like those chain smokers, you're not smoking packs and packs a day." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: But that's- that's just like a- a social thing. That's something that my friends and I do. We-- We-- It's not habit or something that I have to have and, you know, talking about one or two when we go out for an evening. Not packs of them. client: But that's- that's just like a- a social thing. That's something that my friends and I do. We-- We-- It's not habit or something that I have to have and, you know, talking about one or two when we go out for an evening. Not packs of them. therapist: Yeah, so you're not-- You're not like those chain smokers, you're not smoking packs and packs a day. therapist: Yeah, so you're not-- You're not like those chain smokers, you're not smoking packs and packs a day. therapist: Yeah, so you're not-- You're not like those chain smokers, you're not smoking packs and packs a day.","Yeah, so you're not-- You're not like those chain smokers, you're not smoking packs and packs a day." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: But that's- that's just like a- a social thing. That's something that my friends and I do. We-- We-- It's not habit or something that I have to have and, you know, talking about one or two when we go out for an evening. Not packs of them. therapist: Yeah, so you're not-- You're not like those chain smokers, you're not smoking packs and packs a day. therapist: Yeah, so you're not-- You're not like those chain smokers, you're not smoking packs and packs a day. therapist: Yeah, so you're not-- You're not like those chain smokers, you're not smoking packs and packs a day. therapist: Yeah, so you're not-- You're not like those chain smokers, you're not smoking packs and packs a day.","Yeah, so you're not-- You're not like those chain smokers, you're not smoking packs and packs a day." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: Yeah, so you're not-- You're not like those chain smokers, you're not smoking packs and packs a day. therapist: Yeah, so you're not-- You're not like those chain smokers, you're not smoking packs and packs a day. therapist: Yeah, so you're not-- You're not like those chain smokers, you're not smoking packs and packs a day. therapist: Yeah, so you're not-- You're not like those chain smokers, you're not smoking packs and packs a day. therapist: Yeah, so you're not-- You're not like those chain smokers, you're not smoking packs and packs a day.","Yeah, so you're not-- You're not like those chain smokers, you're not smoking packs and packs a day." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: Yeah, so you're not-- You're not like those chain smokers, you're not smoking packs and packs a day. therapist: Yeah, so you're not-- You're not like those chain smokers, you're not smoking packs and packs a day. therapist: Yeah, so you're not-- You're not like those chain smokers, you're not smoking packs and packs a day. therapist: Yeah, so you're not-- You're not like those chain smokers, you're not smoking packs and packs a day. therapist: Yeah, so you're not-- You're not like those chain smokers, you're not smoking packs and packs a day.","Yeah, so you're not-- You're not like those chain smokers, you're not smoking packs and packs a day." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Oh, no. No. client: Oh, no. No. client: Oh, no. No. client: Oh, no. No. client: Oh, no. No.",The amount you smoke is so miniscule you can't even imagine that it would cause any harm and yet here it is damaging the roof of your mouth. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Oh, no. No. client: Oh, no. No. client: Oh, no. No. client: Oh, no. No. therapist: The amount you smoke is so miniscule you can't even imagine that it would cause any harm and yet here it is damaging the roof of your mouth.",The amount you smoke is so miniscule you can't even imagine that it would cause any harm and yet here it is damaging the roof of your mouth. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Oh, no. No. client: Oh, no. No. client: Oh, no. No. therapist: The amount you smoke is so miniscule you can't even imagine that it would cause any harm and yet here it is damaging the roof of your mouth. therapist: The amount you smoke is so miniscule you can't even imagine that it would cause any harm and yet here it is damaging the roof of your mouth.",The amount you smoke is so miniscule you can't even imagine that it would cause any harm and yet here it is damaging the roof of your mouth. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Oh, no. No. client: Oh, no. No. therapist: The amount you smoke is so miniscule you can't even imagine that it would cause any harm and yet here it is damaging the roof of your mouth. therapist: The amount you smoke is so miniscule you can't even imagine that it would cause any harm and yet here it is damaging the roof of your mouth. therapist: The amount you smoke is so miniscule you can't even imagine that it would cause any harm and yet here it is damaging the roof of your mouth.",The amount you smoke is so miniscule you can't even imagine that it would cause any harm and yet here it is damaging the roof of your mouth. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Oh, no. No. therapist: The amount you smoke is so miniscule you can't even imagine that it would cause any harm and yet here it is damaging the roof of your mouth. therapist: The amount you smoke is so miniscule you can't even imagine that it would cause any harm and yet here it is damaging the roof of your mouth. therapist: The amount you smoke is so miniscule you can't even imagine that it would cause any harm and yet here it is damaging the roof of your mouth. therapist: The amount you smoke is so miniscule you can't even imagine that it would cause any harm and yet here it is damaging the roof of your mouth.",The amount you smoke is so miniscule you can't even imagine that it would cause any harm and yet here it is damaging the roof of your mouth. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: The amount you smoke is so miniscule you can't even imagine that it would cause any harm and yet here it is damaging the roof of your mouth. therapist: The amount you smoke is so miniscule you can't even imagine that it would cause any harm and yet here it is damaging the roof of your mouth. therapist: The amount you smoke is so miniscule you can't even imagine that it would cause any harm and yet here it is damaging the roof of your mouth. therapist: The amount you smoke is so miniscule you can't even imagine that it would cause any harm and yet here it is damaging the roof of your mouth. therapist: The amount you smoke is so miniscule you can't even imagine that it would cause any harm and yet here it is damaging the roof of your mouth.",The amount you smoke is so miniscule you can't even imagine that it would cause any harm and yet here it is damaging the roof of your mouth. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, we've-- you have a point there. Mm, now that you mention it, um, I have started having one or two at work, you know, when we have break since I have a couple of friends at work that smoke and so every time we have a break, you know, we all go out to the- the break place outside, um, and so I- now I go with them and I have one of these Swisher Sweets. Um, I like the peach flavor [unintelligible 00:02:32] they're so cute. But that's really only pretty recently. client: Well, we've-- you have a point there. Mm, now that you mention it, um, I have started having one or two at work, you know, when we have break since I have a couple of friends at work that smoke and so every time we have a break, you know, we all go out to the- the break place outside, um, and so I- now I go with them and I have one of these Swisher Sweets. Um, I like the peach flavor [unintelligible 00:02:32] they're so cute. But that's really only pretty recently. client: Well, we've-- you have a point there. Mm, now that you mention it, um, I have started having one or two at work, you know, when we have break since I have a couple of friends at work that smoke and so every time we have a break, you know, we all go out to the- the break place outside, um, and so I- now I go with them and I have one of these Swisher Sweets. Um, I like the peach flavor [unintelligible 00:02:32] they're so cute. But that's really only pretty recently. client: Well, we've-- you have a point there. Mm, now that you mention it, um, I have started having one or two at work, you know, when we have break since I have a couple of friends at work that smoke and so every time we have a break, you know, we all go out to the- the break place outside, um, and so I- now I go with them and I have one of these Swisher Sweets. Um, I like the peach flavor [unintelligible 00:02:32] they're so cute. But that's really only pretty recently. client: Well, we've-- you have a point there. Mm, now that you mention it, um, I have started having one or two at work, you know, when we have break since I have a couple of friends at work that smoke and so every time we have a break, you know, we all go out to the- the break place outside, um, and so I- now I go with them and I have one of these Swisher Sweets. Um, I like the peach flavor [unintelligible 00:02:32] they're so cute. But that's really only pretty recently.","Uh-huh. So smoking has kind of become a big part of your social life now. When you go out, you're smoking, and even during breaks at work, you're smoking." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, we've-- you have a point there. Mm, now that you mention it, um, I have started having one or two at work, you know, when we have break since I have a couple of friends at work that smoke and so every time we have a break, you know, we all go out to the- the break place outside, um, and so I- now I go with them and I have one of these Swisher Sweets. Um, I like the peach flavor [unintelligible 00:02:32] they're so cute. But that's really only pretty recently. client: Well, we've-- you have a point there. Mm, now that you mention it, um, I have started having one or two at work, you know, when we have break since I have a couple of friends at work that smoke and so every time we have a break, you know, we all go out to the- the break place outside, um, and so I- now I go with them and I have one of these Swisher Sweets. Um, I like the peach flavor [unintelligible 00:02:32] they're so cute. But that's really only pretty recently. client: Well, we've-- you have a point there. Mm, now that you mention it, um, I have started having one or two at work, you know, when we have break since I have a couple of friends at work that smoke and so every time we have a break, you know, we all go out to the- the break place outside, um, and so I- now I go with them and I have one of these Swisher Sweets. Um, I like the peach flavor [unintelligible 00:02:32] they're so cute. But that's really only pretty recently. client: Well, we've-- you have a point there. Mm, now that you mention it, um, I have started having one or two at work, you know, when we have break since I have a couple of friends at work that smoke and so every time we have a break, you know, we all go out to the- the break place outside, um, and so I- now I go with them and I have one of these Swisher Sweets. Um, I like the peach flavor [unintelligible 00:02:32] they're so cute. But that's really only pretty recently. therapist: Uh-huh. So smoking has kind of become a big part of your social life now. When you go out, you're smoking, and even during breaks at work, you're smoking.","Uh-huh. So smoking has kind of become a big part of your social life now. When you go out, you're smoking, and even during breaks at work, you're smoking." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, we've-- you have a point there. Mm, now that you mention it, um, I have started having one or two at work, you know, when we have break since I have a couple of friends at work that smoke and so every time we have a break, you know, we all go out to the- the break place outside, um, and so I- now I go with them and I have one of these Swisher Sweets. Um, I like the peach flavor [unintelligible 00:02:32] they're so cute. But that's really only pretty recently. client: Well, we've-- you have a point there. Mm, now that you mention it, um, I have started having one or two at work, you know, when we have break since I have a couple of friends at work that smoke and so every time we have a break, you know, we all go out to the- the break place outside, um, and so I- now I go with them and I have one of these Swisher Sweets. Um, I like the peach flavor [unintelligible 00:02:32] they're so cute. But that's really only pretty recently. client: Well, we've-- you have a point there. Mm, now that you mention it, um, I have started having one or two at work, you know, when we have break since I have a couple of friends at work that smoke and so every time we have a break, you know, we all go out to the- the break place outside, um, and so I- now I go with them and I have one of these Swisher Sweets. Um, I like the peach flavor [unintelligible 00:02:32] they're so cute. But that's really only pretty recently. therapist: Uh-huh. So smoking has kind of become a big part of your social life now. When you go out, you're smoking, and even during breaks at work, you're smoking. therapist: Uh-huh. So smoking has kind of become a big part of your social life now. When you go out, you're smoking, and even during breaks at work, you're smoking.","Uh-huh. So smoking has kind of become a big part of your social life now. When you go out, you're smoking, and even during breaks at work, you're smoking." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, we've-- you have a point there. Mm, now that you mention it, um, I have started having one or two at work, you know, when we have break since I have a couple of friends at work that smoke and so every time we have a break, you know, we all go out to the- the break place outside, um, and so I- now I go with them and I have one of these Swisher Sweets. Um, I like the peach flavor [unintelligible 00:02:32] they're so cute. But that's really only pretty recently. client: Well, we've-- you have a point there. Mm, now that you mention it, um, I have started having one or two at work, you know, when we have break since I have a couple of friends at work that smoke and so every time we have a break, you know, we all go out to the- the break place outside, um, and so I- now I go with them and I have one of these Swisher Sweets. Um, I like the peach flavor [unintelligible 00:02:32] they're so cute. But that's really only pretty recently. therapist: Uh-huh. So smoking has kind of become a big part of your social life now. When you go out, you're smoking, and even during breaks at work, you're smoking. therapist: Uh-huh. So smoking has kind of become a big part of your social life now. When you go out, you're smoking, and even during breaks at work, you're smoking. therapist: Uh-huh. So smoking has kind of become a big part of your social life now. When you go out, you're smoking, and even during breaks at work, you're smoking.","Uh-huh. So smoking has kind of become a big part of your social life now. When you go out, you're smoking, and even during breaks at work, you're smoking." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, we've-- you have a point there. Mm, now that you mention it, um, I have started having one or two at work, you know, when we have break since I have a couple of friends at work that smoke and so every time we have a break, you know, we all go out to the- the break place outside, um, and so I- now I go with them and I have one of these Swisher Sweets. Um, I like the peach flavor [unintelligible 00:02:32] they're so cute. But that's really only pretty recently. therapist: Uh-huh. So smoking has kind of become a big part of your social life now. When you go out, you're smoking, and even during breaks at work, you're smoking. therapist: Uh-huh. So smoking has kind of become a big part of your social life now. When you go out, you're smoking, and even during breaks at work, you're smoking. therapist: Uh-huh. So smoking has kind of become a big part of your social life now. When you go out, you're smoking, and even during breaks at work, you're smoking. therapist: Uh-huh. So smoking has kind of become a big part of your social life now. When you go out, you're smoking, and even during breaks at work, you're smoking.","Uh-huh. So smoking has kind of become a big part of your social life now. When you go out, you're smoking, and even during breaks at work, you're smoking." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: Uh-huh. So smoking has kind of become a big part of your social life now. When you go out, you're smoking, and even during breaks at work, you're smoking. therapist: Uh-huh. So smoking has kind of become a big part of your social life now. When you go out, you're smoking, and even during breaks at work, you're smoking. therapist: Uh-huh. So smoking has kind of become a big part of your social life now. When you go out, you're smoking, and even during breaks at work, you're smoking. therapist: Uh-huh. So smoking has kind of become a big part of your social life now. When you go out, you're smoking, and even during breaks at work, you're smoking. therapist: Uh-huh. So smoking has kind of become a big part of your social life now. When you go out, you're smoking, and even during breaks at work, you're smoking.","Uh-huh. So smoking has kind of become a big part of your social life now. When you go out, you're smoking, and even during breaks at work, you're smoking." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: Uh-huh. So smoking has kind of become a big part of your social life now. When you go out, you're smoking, and even during breaks at work, you're smoking. therapist: Uh-huh. So smoking has kind of become a big part of your social life now. When you go out, you're smoking, and even during breaks at work, you're smoking. therapist: Uh-huh. So smoking has kind of become a big part of your social life now. When you go out, you're smoking, and even during breaks at work, you're smoking. therapist: Uh-huh. So smoking has kind of become a big part of your social life now. When you go out, you're smoking, and even during breaks at work, you're smoking. therapist: Uh-huh. So smoking has kind of become a big part of your social life now. When you go out, you're smoking, and even during breaks at work, you're smoking.","Uh-huh. So smoking has kind of become a big part of your social life now. When you go out, you're smoking, and even during breaks at work, you're smoking." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, I was going to ask you about, um, whitening my teeth because I've noticed that they have more stains on them up than a few years ago, and so I imagine that has something to do with the smoking. client: Well, I was going to ask you about, um, whitening my teeth because I've noticed that they have more stains on them up than a few years ago, and so I imagine that has something to do with the smoking. client: Well, I was going to ask you about, um, whitening my teeth because I've noticed that they have more stains on them up than a few years ago, and so I imagine that has something to do with the smoking. client: Well, I was going to ask you about, um, whitening my teeth because I've noticed that they have more stains on them up than a few years ago, and so I imagine that has something to do with the smoking. client: Well, I was going to ask you about, um, whitening my teeth because I've noticed that they have more stains on them up than a few years ago, and so I imagine that has something to do with the smoking.",Yeah. So we're noticing some pretty negative effects in terms of your oral health with the smoking. Are there any other things that you're concerned about? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: Yeah. So we're noticing some pretty negative effects in terms of your oral health with the smoking. Are there any other things that you're concerned about? therapist: Yeah. So we're noticing some pretty negative effects in terms of your oral health with the smoking. Are there any other things that you're concerned about? therapist: Yeah. So we're noticing some pretty negative effects in terms of your oral health with the smoking. Are there any other things that you're concerned about? therapist: Yeah. So we're noticing some pretty negative effects in terms of your oral health with the smoking. Are there any other things that you're concerned about? therapist: Yeah. So we're noticing some pretty negative effects in terms of your oral health with the smoking. Are there any other things that you're concerned about?",Yeah. So we're noticing some pretty negative effects in terms of your oral health with the smoking. Are there any other things that you're concerned about? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um. Well, there's the expense, you know. Wi-with the economy and all, um, I- I have to be careful about my money and so, um, there is the extra expense of if I'm buying more of them than I used to. So the-the money aspect is also a concern. client: Um. Well, there's the expense, you know. Wi-with the economy and all, um, I- I have to be careful about my money and so, um, there is the extra expense of if I'm buying more of them than I used to. So the-the money aspect is also a concern. client: Um. Well, there's the expense, you know. Wi-with the economy and all, um, I- I have to be careful about my money and so, um, there is the extra expense of if I'm buying more of them than I used to. So the-the money aspect is also a concern. client: Um. Well, there's the expense, you know. Wi-with the economy and all, um, I- I have to be careful about my money and so, um, there is the extra expense of if I'm buying more of them than I used to. So the-the money aspect is also a concern. client: Um. Well, there's the expense, you know. Wi-with the economy and all, um, I- I have to be careful about my money and so, um, there is the extra expense of if I'm buying more of them than I used to. So the-the money aspect is also a concern.","Mm-hmm. So there's your oral health, there's the financial aspect, and then e-earlier you brought up some concerns about smoking cigarettes and how that can be harmful for you." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um. Well, there's the expense, you know. Wi-with the economy and all, um, I- I have to be careful about my money and so, um, there is the extra expense of if I'm buying more of them than I used to. So the-the money aspect is also a concern. client: Um. Well, there's the expense, you know. Wi-with the economy and all, um, I- I have to be careful about my money and so, um, there is the extra expense of if I'm buying more of them than I used to. So the-the money aspect is also a concern. client: Um. Well, there's the expense, you know. Wi-with the economy and all, um, I- I have to be careful about my money and so, um, there is the extra expense of if I'm buying more of them than I used to. So the-the money aspect is also a concern. client: Um. Well, there's the expense, you know. Wi-with the economy and all, um, I- I have to be careful about my money and so, um, there is the extra expense of if I'm buying more of them than I used to. So the-the money aspect is also a concern. therapist: Mm-hmm. So there's your oral health, there's the financial aspect, and then e-earlier you brought up some concerns about smoking cigarettes and how that can be harmful for you.","Mm-hmm. So there's your oral health, there's the financial aspect, and then e-earlier you brought up some concerns about smoking cigarettes and how that can be harmful for you." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um. Well, there's the expense, you know. Wi-with the economy and all, um, I- I have to be careful about my money and so, um, there is the extra expense of if I'm buying more of them than I used to. So the-the money aspect is also a concern. client: Um. Well, there's the expense, you know. Wi-with the economy and all, um, I- I have to be careful about my money and so, um, there is the extra expense of if I'm buying more of them than I used to. So the-the money aspect is also a concern. client: Um. Well, there's the expense, you know. Wi-with the economy and all, um, I- I have to be careful about my money and so, um, there is the extra expense of if I'm buying more of them than I used to. So the-the money aspect is also a concern. therapist: Mm-hmm. So there's your oral health, there's the financial aspect, and then e-earlier you brought up some concerns about smoking cigarettes and how that can be harmful for you. therapist: Mm-hmm. So there's your oral health, there's the financial aspect, and then e-earlier you brought up some concerns about smoking cigarettes and how that can be harmful for you.","Mm-hmm. So there's your oral health, there's the financial aspect, and then e-earlier you brought up some concerns about smoking cigarettes and how that can be harmful for you." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um. Well, there's the expense, you know. Wi-with the economy and all, um, I- I have to be careful about my money and so, um, there is the extra expense of if I'm buying more of them than I used to. So the-the money aspect is also a concern. client: Um. Well, there's the expense, you know. Wi-with the economy and all, um, I- I have to be careful about my money and so, um, there is the extra expense of if I'm buying more of them than I used to. So the-the money aspect is also a concern. therapist: Mm-hmm. So there's your oral health, there's the financial aspect, and then e-earlier you brought up some concerns about smoking cigarettes and how that can be harmful for you. therapist: Mm-hmm. So there's your oral health, there's the financial aspect, and then e-earlier you brought up some concerns about smoking cigarettes and how that can be harmful for you. therapist: Mm-hmm. So there's your oral health, there's the financial aspect, and then e-earlier you brought up some concerns about smoking cigarettes and how that can be harmful for you.","Mm-hmm. So there's your oral health, there's the financial aspect, and then e-earlier you brought up some concerns about smoking cigarettes and how that can be harmful for you." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um. Well, there's the expense, you know. Wi-with the economy and all, um, I- I have to be careful about my money and so, um, there is the extra expense of if I'm buying more of them than I used to. So the-the money aspect is also a concern. therapist: Mm-hmm. So there's your oral health, there's the financial aspect, and then e-earlier you brought up some concerns about smoking cigarettes and how that can be harmful for you. therapist: Mm-hmm. So there's your oral health, there's the financial aspect, and then e-earlier you brought up some concerns about smoking cigarettes and how that can be harmful for you. therapist: Mm-hmm. So there's your oral health, there's the financial aspect, and then e-earlier you brought up some concerns about smoking cigarettes and how that can be harmful for you. therapist: Mm-hmm. So there's your oral health, there's the financial aspect, and then e-earlier you brought up some concerns about smoking cigarettes and how that can be harmful for you.","Mm-hmm. So there's your oral health, there's the financial aspect, and then e-earlier you brought up some concerns about smoking cigarettes and how that can be harmful for you." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: Mm-hmm. So there's your oral health, there's the financial aspect, and then e-earlier you brought up some concerns about smoking cigarettes and how that can be harmful for you. therapist: Mm-hmm. So there's your oral health, there's the financial aspect, and then e-earlier you brought up some concerns about smoking cigarettes and how that can be harmful for you. therapist: Mm-hmm. So there's your oral health, there's the financial aspect, and then e-earlier you brought up some concerns about smoking cigarettes and how that can be harmful for you. therapist: Mm-hmm. So there's your oral health, there's the financial aspect, and then e-earlier you brought up some concerns about smoking cigarettes and how that can be harmful for you. therapist: Mm-hmm. So there's your oral health, there's the financial aspect, and then e-earlier you brought up some concerns about smoking cigarettes and how that can be harmful for you.","Mm-hmm. So there's your oral health, there's the financial aspect, and then e-earlier you brought up some concerns about smoking cigarettes and how that can be harmful for you." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: Mm-hmm. So there's your oral health, there's the financial aspect, and then e-earlier you brought up some concerns about smoking cigarettes and how that can be harmful for you. therapist: Mm-hmm. So there's your oral health, there's the financial aspect, and then e-earlier you brought up some concerns about smoking cigarettes and how that can be harmful for you. therapist: Mm-hmm. So there's your oral health, there's the financial aspect, and then e-earlier you brought up some concerns about smoking cigarettes and how that can be harmful for you. therapist: Mm-hmm. So there's your oral health, there's the financial aspect, and then e-earlier you brought up some concerns about smoking cigarettes and how that can be harmful for you. therapist: Mm-hmm. So there's your oral health, there's the financial aspect, and then e-earlier you brought up some concerns about smoking cigarettes and how that can be harmful for you.","Mm-hmm. So there's your oral health, there's the financial aspect, and then e-earlier you brought up some concerns about smoking cigarettes and how that can be harmful for you." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Oh, absolutely not. I mean I thought of it more as a- a fun thing to do with my friends, certainly not a smoking habit or anything that would be harmful. client: Oh, absolutely not. I mean I thought of it more as a- a fun thing to do with my friends, certainly not a smoking habit or anything that would be harmful. client: Oh, absolutely not. I mean I thought of it more as a- a fun thing to do with my friends, certainly not a smoking habit or anything that would be harmful. client: Oh, absolutely not. I mean I thought of it more as a- a fun thing to do with my friends, certainly not a smoking habit or anything that would be harmful. client: Oh, absolutely not. I mean I thought of it more as a- a fun thing to do with my friends, certainly not a smoking habit or anything that would be harmful.",Mm-hmm. So it's kind of surprising to you that something you've been doing and you've been doing more and more of it is actually pretty bad for you. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Oh, absolutely not. I mean I thought of it more as a- a fun thing to do with my friends, certainly not a smoking habit or anything that would be harmful. client: Oh, absolutely not. I mean I thought of it more as a- a fun thing to do with my friends, certainly not a smoking habit or anything that would be harmful. client: Oh, absolutely not. I mean I thought of it more as a- a fun thing to do with my friends, certainly not a smoking habit or anything that would be harmful. client: Oh, absolutely not. I mean I thought of it more as a- a fun thing to do with my friends, certainly not a smoking habit or anything that would be harmful. therapist: Mm-hmm. So it's kind of surprising to you that something you've been doing and you've been doing more and more of it is actually pretty bad for you.",Mm-hmm. So it's kind of surprising to you that something you've been doing and you've been doing more and more of it is actually pretty bad for you. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Oh, absolutely not. I mean I thought of it more as a- a fun thing to do with my friends, certainly not a smoking habit or anything that would be harmful. client: Oh, absolutely not. I mean I thought of it more as a- a fun thing to do with my friends, certainly not a smoking habit or anything that would be harmful. client: Oh, absolutely not. I mean I thought of it more as a- a fun thing to do with my friends, certainly not a smoking habit or anything that would be harmful. therapist: Mm-hmm. So it's kind of surprising to you that something you've been doing and you've been doing more and more of it is actually pretty bad for you. therapist: Mm-hmm. So it's kind of surprising to you that something you've been doing and you've been doing more and more of it is actually pretty bad for you.",Mm-hmm. So it's kind of surprising to you that something you've been doing and you've been doing more and more of it is actually pretty bad for you. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Oh, absolutely not. I mean I thought of it more as a- a fun thing to do with my friends, certainly not a smoking habit or anything that would be harmful. client: Oh, absolutely not. I mean I thought of it more as a- a fun thing to do with my friends, certainly not a smoking habit or anything that would be harmful. therapist: Mm-hmm. So it's kind of surprising to you that something you've been doing and you've been doing more and more of it is actually pretty bad for you. therapist: Mm-hmm. So it's kind of surprising to you that something you've been doing and you've been doing more and more of it is actually pretty bad for you. therapist: Mm-hmm. So it's kind of surprising to you that something you've been doing and you've been doing more and more of it is actually pretty bad for you.",Mm-hmm. So it's kind of surprising to you that something you've been doing and you've been doing more and more of it is actually pretty bad for you. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Oh, absolutely not. I mean I thought of it more as a- a fun thing to do with my friends, certainly not a smoking habit or anything that would be harmful. therapist: Mm-hmm. So it's kind of surprising to you that something you've been doing and you've been doing more and more of it is actually pretty bad for you. therapist: Mm-hmm. So it's kind of surprising to you that something you've been doing and you've been doing more and more of it is actually pretty bad for you. therapist: Mm-hmm. So it's kind of surprising to you that something you've been doing and you've been doing more and more of it is actually pretty bad for you. therapist: Mm-hmm. So it's kind of surprising to you that something you've been doing and you've been doing more and more of it is actually pretty bad for you.",Mm-hmm. So it's kind of surprising to you that something you've been doing and you've been doing more and more of it is actually pretty bad for you. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: Mm-hmm. So it's kind of surprising to you that something you've been doing and you've been doing more and more of it is actually pretty bad for you. therapist: Mm-hmm. So it's kind of surprising to you that something you've been doing and you've been doing more and more of it is actually pretty bad for you. therapist: Mm-hmm. So it's kind of surprising to you that something you've been doing and you've been doing more and more of it is actually pretty bad for you. therapist: Mm-hmm. So it's kind of surprising to you that something you've been doing and you've been doing more and more of it is actually pretty bad for you. therapist: Mm-hmm. So it's kind of surprising to you that something you've been doing and you've been doing more and more of it is actually pretty bad for you.",Mm-hmm. So it's kind of surprising to you that something you've been doing and you've been doing more and more of it is actually pretty bad for you. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: Mm-hmm. So it's kind of surprising to you that something you've been doing and you've been doing more and more of it is actually pretty bad for you. therapist: Mm-hmm. So it's kind of surprising to you that something you've been doing and you've been doing more and more of it is actually pretty bad for you. therapist: Mm-hmm. So it's kind of surprising to you that something you've been doing and you've been doing more and more of it is actually pretty bad for you. therapist: Mm-hmm. So it's kind of surprising to you that something you've been doing and you've been doing more and more of it is actually pretty bad for you. therapist: Mm-hmm. So it's kind of surprising to you that something you've been doing and you've been doing more and more of it is actually pretty bad for you.",Mm-hmm. So it's kind of surprising to you that something you've been doing and you've been doing more and more of it is actually pretty bad for you. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Because it's not a part of my daily life. I don't have to have, uh, a smoke when I get up in the morning. I don't smoke 20 or 30 of them a day, so it's not that much exposure and I-I feel pretty confident that I could stop. client: Because it's not a part of my daily life. I don't have to have, uh, a smoke when I get up in the morning. I don't smoke 20 or 30 of them a day, so it's not that much exposure and I-I feel pretty confident that I could stop. client: Because it's not a part of my daily life. I don't have to have, uh, a smoke when I get up in the morning. I don't smoke 20 or 30 of them a day, so it's not that much exposure and I-I feel pretty confident that I could stop. client: Because it's not a part of my daily life. I don't have to have, uh, a smoke when I get up in the morning. I don't smoke 20 or 30 of them a day, so it's not that much exposure and I-I feel pretty confident that I could stop. client: Because it's not a part of my daily life. I don't have to have, uh, a smoke when I get up in the morning. I don't smoke 20 or 30 of them a day, so it's not that much exposure and I-I feel pretty confident that I could stop.","Mm-hmm. So, it sounds like just to kind of summarize, you've noticed some negative effects of the smoking, you have some concerns about health effects that could occur, there's the financial aspect, and yet you feel pretty confident that you could quit if you tried. So, where do you think we should go from here?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Because it's not a part of my daily life. I don't have to have, uh, a smoke when I get up in the morning. I don't smoke 20 or 30 of them a day, so it's not that much exposure and I-I feel pretty confident that I could stop. client: Because it's not a part of my daily life. I don't have to have, uh, a smoke when I get up in the morning. I don't smoke 20 or 30 of them a day, so it's not that much exposure and I-I feel pretty confident that I could stop. client: Because it's not a part of my daily life. I don't have to have, uh, a smoke when I get up in the morning. I don't smoke 20 or 30 of them a day, so it's not that much exposure and I-I feel pretty confident that I could stop. client: Because it's not a part of my daily life. I don't have to have, uh, a smoke when I get up in the morning. I don't smoke 20 or 30 of them a day, so it's not that much exposure and I-I feel pretty confident that I could stop. therapist: Mm-hmm. So, it sounds like just to kind of summarize, you've noticed some negative effects of the smoking, you have some concerns about health effects that could occur, there's the financial aspect, and yet you feel pretty confident that you could quit if you tried. So, where do you think we should go from here?","Mm-hmm. So, it sounds like just to kind of summarize, you've noticed some negative effects of the smoking, you have some concerns about health effects that could occur, there's the financial aspect, and yet you feel pretty confident that you could quit if you tried. So, where do you think we should go from here?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Because it's not a part of my daily life. I don't have to have, uh, a smoke when I get up in the morning. I don't smoke 20 or 30 of them a day, so it's not that much exposure and I-I feel pretty confident that I could stop. client: Because it's not a part of my daily life. I don't have to have, uh, a smoke when I get up in the morning. I don't smoke 20 or 30 of them a day, so it's not that much exposure and I-I feel pretty confident that I could stop. client: Because it's not a part of my daily life. I don't have to have, uh, a smoke when I get up in the morning. I don't smoke 20 or 30 of them a day, so it's not that much exposure and I-I feel pretty confident that I could stop. therapist: Mm-hmm. So, it sounds like just to kind of summarize, you've noticed some negative effects of the smoking, you have some concerns about health effects that could occur, there's the financial aspect, and yet you feel pretty confident that you could quit if you tried. So, where do you think we should go from here? therapist: Mm-hmm. So, it sounds like just to kind of summarize, you've noticed some negative effects of the smoking, you have some concerns about health effects that could occur, there's the financial aspect, and yet you feel pretty confident that you could quit if you tried. So, where do you think we should go from here?","Mm-hmm. So, it sounds like just to kind of summarize, you've noticed some negative effects of the smoking, you have some concerns about health effects that could occur, there's the financial aspect, and yet you feel pretty confident that you could quit if you tried. So, where do you think we should go from here?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Because it's not a part of my daily life. I don't have to have, uh, a smoke when I get up in the morning. I don't smoke 20 or 30 of them a day, so it's not that much exposure and I-I feel pretty confident that I could stop. therapist: Mm-hmm. So, it sounds like just to kind of summarize, you've noticed some negative effects of the smoking, you have some concerns about health effects that could occur, there's the financial aspect, and yet you feel pretty confident that you could quit if you tried. So, where do you think we should go from here? therapist: Mm-hmm. So, it sounds like just to kind of summarize, you've noticed some negative effects of the smoking, you have some concerns about health effects that could occur, there's the financial aspect, and yet you feel pretty confident that you could quit if you tried. So, where do you think we should go from here? therapist: Mm-hmm. So, it sounds like just to kind of summarize, you've noticed some negative effects of the smoking, you have some concerns about health effects that could occur, there's the financial aspect, and yet you feel pretty confident that you could quit if you tried. So, where do you think we should go from here? therapist: Mm-hmm. So, it sounds like just to kind of summarize, you've noticed some negative effects of the smoking, you have some concerns about health effects that could occur, there's the financial aspect, and yet you feel pretty confident that you could quit if you tried. So, where do you think we should go from here?","Mm-hmm. So, it sounds like just to kind of summarize, you've noticed some negative effects of the smoking, you have some concerns about health effects that could occur, there's the financial aspect, and yet you feel pretty confident that you could quit if you tried. So, where do you think we should go from here?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: Mm-hmm. So, it sounds like just to kind of summarize, you've noticed some negative effects of the smoking, you have some concerns about health effects that could occur, there's the financial aspect, and yet you feel pretty confident that you could quit if you tried. So, where do you think we should go from here? therapist: Mm-hmm. So, it sounds like just to kind of summarize, you've noticed some negative effects of the smoking, you have some concerns about health effects that could occur, there's the financial aspect, and yet you feel pretty confident that you could quit if you tried. So, where do you think we should go from here? therapist: Mm-hmm. So, it sounds like just to kind of summarize, you've noticed some negative effects of the smoking, you have some concerns about health effects that could occur, there's the financial aspect, and yet you feel pretty confident that you could quit if you tried. So, where do you think we should go from here? therapist: Mm-hmm. So, it sounds like just to kind of summarize, you've noticed some negative effects of the smoking, you have some concerns about health effects that could occur, there's the financial aspect, and yet you feel pretty confident that you could quit if you tried. So, where do you think we should go from here? therapist: Mm-hmm. So, it sounds like just to kind of summarize, you've noticed some negative effects of the smoking, you have some concerns about health effects that could occur, there's the financial aspect, and yet you feel pretty confident that you could quit if you tried. So, where do you think we should go from here?","Mm-hmm. So, it sounds like just to kind of summarize, you've noticed some negative effects of the smoking, you have some concerns about health effects that could occur, there's the financial aspect, and yet you feel pretty confident that you could quit if you tried. So, where do you think we should go from here?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: That'd be wonderful. Thank you. client: That'd be wonderful. Thank you. therapist: I really appreciate you talking to me about this today. therapist: I really appreciate you talking to me about this today. therapist: I really appreciate you talking to me about this today.",I really appreciate you talking to me about this today. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: I really appreciate you talking to me about this today. therapist: I really appreciate you talking to me about this today. therapist: I really appreciate you talking to me about this today. therapist: I really appreciate you talking to me about this today. therapist: I really appreciate you talking to me about this today.",I really appreciate you talking to me about this today. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Thank you. client: Thank you. client: Thank you. therapist: --today. client: Well, there's a lot of things that bring me here today, but the one thing that I want to focus on is the fact that I really want my son to grow up in a great environment, and just have, like, more than what I had growing up.","Okay. So, you want your son to grow up in a great environment and to have more than you had?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -and-and I really want the best for him. therapist: Mm-hmm. Is there anything in particular that's happening right now where this is more of a concern for you than usual? client: Yes, um, me and his father, like, we're-- We were engaged and, um, we're just not at that connection anymore. We're focused on what we want to do in life, and that's kind of put a hassle on our relationship. therapist: What you want to do in life? Can you explain? client: Yes, I want to become a social worker. I want to help people. That's just what I love to do, and he, um, is currently driving trucks, and so it kind of like puts a damper on everything on our relationship, and we're just like mainly focusing on our son and-and it's just been hard, like, reconnecting.",So you feel that your differences in career choices is-is having an impact on your relationship with your son? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yes. therapist: -or just local? client: He drives long distance. therapist: And so sometimes he's gone away from home for, what like, days, weeks? client: Yeah. Days, and the longest was, like, a week.","Okay. And so he's a truck driver and you are an aspiring social worker, and you have a son who you want to give a really great life to, and you feel that you and your boyfriend are in different, going in different directions-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yes. therapist: -maybe? Is-- Can you elaborate on the part that you're maybe the most concerned about or that's the most on your mind right now? client: I'm concerned that when he was just local, we were able to do picnics and-and-and do the whole family thing that I just really love, and even though my parents weren't together, we would still, you know-- They were really civil with each other and we would go to Disneyland, we'd go to the-the fairs, and you know, I feel like it's different. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: Even though I'm not saying that we-we probably won't be together ever, there's a possibility that that could happen, but I still want that togetherness than apart.","Okay, okay. And so that-that realization that you're having right now is, it sounds like, it seems like maybe, just from your nonverbal, that maybe you feel like you need to make some sort of a choice. Is that right?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I'm concerned that when he was just local, we were able to do picnics and-and-and do the whole family thing that I just really love, and even though my parents weren't together, we would still, you know-- They were really civil with each other and we would go to Disneyland, we'd go to the-the fairs, and you know, I feel like it's different. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: Even though I'm not saying that we-we probably won't be together ever, there's a possibility that that could happen, but I still want that togetherness than apart. therapist: Okay, okay. And so that-that realization that you're having right now is, it sounds like, it seems like maybe, just from your nonverbal, that maybe you feel like you need to make some sort of a choice. Is that right? client: Yes.",Yeah? Okay. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yes. therapist: Yeah? Okay. client: I feel like, um, I'm not, like, valued. We're not valued from his perspective. I mean, that's- therapist: Mm-hmm. client: -what I can sense. I can't really make that a final say because he may feel something different.","Well, you know that he's not physically available-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I feel like, um, I'm not, like, valued. We're not valued from his perspective. I mean, that's- therapist: Mm-hmm. client: -what I can sense. I can't really make that a final say because he may feel something different. therapist: Well, you know that he's not physically available- client: Yes.",-to do these things that you want to do- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -what I can sense. I can't really make that a final say because he may feel something different. therapist: Well, you know that he's not physically available- client: Yes. therapist: -to do these things that you want to do- client: Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.",-like go on picnics. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yes. therapist: -to do these things that you want to do- client: Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. therapist: -like go on picnics. client: And so when he is available it's kind of like, I guess where he's at and where I'm at is just like, ""Why is that a problem for you?"" And I'm like, ""It is because I want--""","He's saying to you, ""why is it a problem?""" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -especially like how my parents had it, you know. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: They weren't the best of friends but they could come together and, you know, it was better together than apart- therapist: Yeah. client: -and so I'm feeling like there's a-a change and I don't know whether to roll with it or just accept it, accept it. And it's all a balance between mind and-and heart and that's the battle.","So, your heart says you want this great relationship where there's like a true family unit and you can go on picnics and be together but your mind says, what?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: ""Let's try to think of ways to make it better."" And I notice that not everyone's like me in that sense. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: And so, do I wanna eventually hurt myself in the long run? Or, you know, help myself by saying, ""Okay this is just accepting that he's not in that position, so let me just do what's for me in my heart and, you know- therapist: Mm-hmm. client: -stabilize myself to be the best parent that I can be.""","Okay, so you know what you want, you're not so sure that your boyfriend wants the same thing. His actions indicate that he doesn't." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Cause they open up to me and I'm able to listen- therapist: Mm-hmm. client: -and so I'm like, ""Out of all this, I don't know who I'd-who I'd talk to."" therapist: Oh. client: -and open up to—",So that's another realization. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -and so I'm like, ""Out of all this, I don't know who I'd-who I'd talk to."" therapist: Oh. client: -and open up to— therapist: So that's another realization. client: Yes.","It's like, ""Wow,"" it's really, really prevalent for you right now, you realize that you are the caretaker, you are the person who listens to other people but you don't necessarily have someone like that for you and so—" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Sure. therapist: I notice you use marijuana regularly, and I wanted to ask you more about that. client: Well, you know they just decriminalized it in Virginia, it's not a big deal. I'm not in trouble, am I? therapist: No. No, no, no. Not at all. Um, I just wanted to ask you how it helps you and how you use it. Can you tell me a little more about how you use it? client: It's not a big deal. It's just like a couple times a week to relax.",Marijuana is really useful in your life in helping you relax? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, you know they just decriminalized it in Virginia, it's not a big deal. I'm not in trouble, am I? therapist: No. No, no, no. Not at all. Um, I just wanted to ask you how it helps you and how you use it. Can you tell me a little more about how you use it? client: It's not a big deal. It's just like a couple times a week to relax. therapist: Marijuana is really useful in your life in helping you relax? client: Yeah. I mean, I'm here on an academic scholarship so I have to keep my grades up and I'm on the debate team, so there's a lot going on.","Mm. You're a very successful student and you have a lot of responsibilities, and it's really adding to your stress." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: It's not a big deal. It's just like a couple times a week to relax. therapist: Marijuana is really useful in your life in helping you relax? client: Yeah. I mean, I'm here on an academic scholarship so I have to keep my grades up and I'm on the debate team, so there's a lot going on. therapist: Mm. You're a very successful student and you have a lot of responsibilities, and it's really adding to your stress. client: Well, yeah. The truth is I'm the first in my family to go to college so I don't know, I guess, I'm in a bit over my head.",Mm. You've been very successful academically and the transition to college has been hard for you. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: Mm. You've been very successful academically and the transition to college has been hard for you. client: I've always been an anxious person. Pot just helps me calm my nerves. I'm I in trouble? therapist: I promise you, you're not in trouble, I wanna help. therapist: Uh, tell me besides helping you relax, what are some positives about pot? client: Well, some of these kids are just so much more sophisticated than me so I guess when I party with them, I feel like I'm fitting in. I don't know how else to explain it.","Hmm. Uh, when you use pot in a group you feel more at home with your peers and more accepted?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, some of these kids are just so much more sophisticated than me so I guess when I party with them, I feel like I'm fitting in. I don't know how else to explain it. therapist: Hmm. Uh, when you use pot in a group you feel more at home with your peers and more accepted? client: I don't know if I feel more accepted, more like I'm trying to fit in by using it. therapist: So how is it working to help you fit in? client: I'm not sure it is.",Mm. So smoking pot with your peers to try to fit in more but it doesn't seem to be making you feel more comfortable with your friends. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I'm not sure it is. therapist: Mm. So smoking pot with your peers to try to fit in more but it doesn't seem to be making you feel more comfortable with your friends. client: Uh, yeah. therapist: What are some downsides to smoking pot? client: I don't know. I- It helps me relax but I guess I'm nervous I'll get caught. Um, my parents would kill me if they knew that I smoked.",So smoking pot doesn't help you feel more socially comfortable with your peers and it increases your stress because you're worried about your family and legal consequences? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I don't know. I- It helps me relax but I guess I'm nervous I'll get caught. Um, my parents would kill me if they knew that I smoked. therapist: So smoking pot doesn't help you feel more socially comfortable with your peers and it increases your stress because you're worried about your family and legal consequences? client: Yeah. therapist: Can you think of any other downsides to smoking pot? client: Well, I don't have the money for it. I just usually bum it off to my roommate, her parents give her a lot of spending money but I don't know, it's kind of embarrassing to have to do that.",So smoking pot also reminds you of your financial situation and you don't have extra cash to spend on things? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: Can you think of any other downsides to smoking pot? client: Well, I don't have the money for it. I just usually bum it off to my roommate, her parents give her a lot of spending money but I don't know, it's kind of embarrassing to have to do that. therapist: So smoking pot also reminds you of your financial situation and you don't have extra cash to spend on things? client: Yeah.","Katie, it sounds like smoking pot is helping you somewhat in helping you relax and it's also causing you a lot of stress because you're trying to use it to fit in and that's not helping, you're worried about getting caught, you're worried about family disapproval. Having said all that, what do you think you wanna do about your pot use?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Okay. therapist: You mentioned at the beginning of our conversation that you have a history of dealing with anxiety, have you ever talked to a counselor about that? client: No. We don't do that kind of thing in my family. therapist: Can you tell me more? client: It's just not done. I don't know. It's something for crazy people and we definitely do not have the money for it.",Mm. So the idea of counseling in your family is for crazy people only and it's looked down upon and the cost would cause a problem too? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Okay, oh, actually, could I confide something in you that has been bothering me lately. Well, prior to that party, like, as you know, I'm a honor student and my parents, like, they keep me very, like k-kept down out of the, like so- like social life. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: And, um, about a month ago, my friends invited me to a party. And they used the fact that, Oh, I'm always doing my homework, I'm always studying that to allow me to go to the party. And on-- well, that party, I managed to convince my parents that I would spend the night at my friend's house. So, that's when I started drinking. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: It was a- it was a unique experience, as you can say. I guess you can say. And, I don't know, I-- It was fun, at least, in the moment. So, I kept doing it. Then this past weekend, instead of studying for an exam, I asked my-- I begged my mom to let me go to another party. And she, kind of, knew what I was doing. She asked me to, like, to promise her of no alcohol, no drugs. Then I'll pick you up by 12:00. And I-I was surprised. 12:00-12:00, that's basically when the party starts, but I told her whatever-- I thought- I thought to myself that I'll-I'll come-- I'll figure out to delay her, can you pick me up later? So later, so she-- I promised that-- She dropped me off, I promised her no alcohol, no nothing. So I-- we go, I have fun like I've been having. And I was drinking. And then the time- the time came for her to pick me up. And as soon-- I couldn't delay her from picking me up. And as soon as she picked me up, and I stepped in the car, she said, ""You drank vodka."" And I'm like, I-I didn't know what to say. I just looked at the floor. And I-I feel terrible because I-I betrayed my mother. I broke my trust with her that she expected me not to indulge in alcohol. And that's exactly what I did.","So, here you are. You're an honors student. You're a star athlete. You've, kind of, been doing everything you've been told for all these years, and maybe last month sometime, you started getting more involved in the party scene." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: And, um, about a month ago, my friends invited me to a party. And they used the fact that, Oh, I'm always doing my homework, I'm always studying that to allow me to go to the party. And on-- well, that party, I managed to convince my parents that I would spend the night at my friend's house. So, that's when I started drinking. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: It was a- it was a unique experience, as you can say. I guess you can say. And, I don't know, I-- It was fun, at least, in the moment. So, I kept doing it. Then this past weekend, instead of studying for an exam, I asked my-- I begged my mom to let me go to another party. And she, kind of, knew what I was doing. She asked me to, like, to promise her of no alcohol, no drugs. Then I'll pick you up by 12:00. And I-I was surprised. 12:00-12:00, that's basically when the party starts, but I told her whatever-- I thought- I thought to myself that I'll-I'll come-- I'll figure out to delay her, can you pick me up later? So later, so she-- I promised that-- She dropped me off, I promised her no alcohol, no nothing. So I-- we go, I have fun like I've been having. And I was drinking. And then the time- the time came for her to pick me up. And as soon-- I couldn't delay her from picking me up. And as soon as she picked me up, and I stepped in the car, she said, ""You drank vodka."" And I'm like, I-I didn't know what to say. I just looked at the floor. And I-I feel terrible because I-I betrayed my mother. I broke my trust with her that she expected me not to indulge in alcohol. And that's exactly what I did. therapist: So, here you are. You're an honors student. You're a star athlete. You've, kind of, been doing everything you've been told for all these years, and maybe last month sometime, you started getting more involved in the party scene. client: Right.",And it was fun at first. But now you're already noticing some consequences. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yes, right. Like I've been noticing I've been more lethargic and apathetic towards schoolwork. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: I haven't really-- I kind of just sit in class like-- I-- my mind is elsewhere, especially on the weekends, where instead of-- I was- I was instead of studying, I caught up with my friends, trying to find where we can-- I get alcohol based on their age and stuff like that. therapist: It's really changed your focus. What do you like about drinking? client: I don't know. It-It's because I'm a very reserved person, for the most part, not when- not when I'm dealing with sports or like-- you know, like a social environment. I tend to keep to myself because I'm very self-conscious, I would say. And when I- when I drink, I feel, I don't know, like, it relaxes me. I'm able to talk or engage with other people more easily. I don't know it just—","So, it helps you, kind of, loosen up, feel more relaxed." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I haven't really-- I kind of just sit in class like-- I-- my mind is elsewhere, especially on the weekends, where instead of-- I was- I was instead of studying, I caught up with my friends, trying to find where we can-- I get alcohol based on their age and stuff like that. therapist: It's really changed your focus. What do you like about drinking? client: I don't know. It-It's because I'm a very reserved person, for the most part, not when- not when I'm dealing with sports or like-- you know, like a social environment. I tend to keep to myself because I'm very self-conscious, I would say. And when I- when I drink, I feel, I don't know, like, it relaxes me. I'm able to talk or engage with other people more easily. I don't know it just— therapist: So, it helps you, kind of, loosen up, feel more relaxed. client: Exactly.","Sounds like you're noticing quite a few not so good things about alcohol though your mom got mad at you, you're having decreased focus, you're, kind of, not doing so well in school, maybe-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Kind of. therapist: -or any other things? client: Just different groups, friends or groups, girlfriends, like different people that I'm hanging out with because certain people are associated with that type of scene. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: So, that-that-that's also changed.","So, your-your friends that you were hanging out with, there's a little tension there now." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: It's just up to me not to take it so far, where I can't remember the night before, if I'm puking. All I remember is the toilet- therapist: Mm-hmm. client: -that's-that's not worth it, either. And I have to slowly build back my trust with my mother because that was that's a big blow. It's little so I guess may seem to other people. therapist: Yeah. client: But to me then it's a big thing.",Your mom is really important to you. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -that's-that's not worth it, either. And I have to slowly build back my trust with my mother because that was that's a big blow. It's little so I guess may seem to other people. therapist: Yeah. client: But to me then it's a big thing. therapist: Your mom is really important to you. client: Of course.",And how she feels about you is important to you. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: It's not a pleasant experience. Uh, it's not something that I wish to enjoy. So like even if I do drink, I don't want to drink to the point where that happens, like all the fun that I have and prior to that just it's not worth-it's not worth drinking. therapist: All right, what do you think's a realistic goal for you then? client: To make sure I have my studies. Well first, try to get-get back my trust with mother- therapist: Mm-hmm. client: -then just focus on my studies. Then if I have time for leisure time like I'll go party with my friends and just be as a party with them doesn't mean I have to drink. And I do one cup is not going to do anything to my life either. But I'd prefer not to do that. I prefer just make sure.","So your goal is kind of to do not drink at all or if you are at a party, uh, a maximum of one at the very most." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: To make sure I have my studies. Well first, try to get-get back my trust with mother- therapist: Mm-hmm. client: -then just focus on my studies. Then if I have time for leisure time like I'll go party with my friends and just be as a party with them doesn't mean I have to drink. And I do one cup is not going to do anything to my life either. But I'd prefer not to do that. I prefer just make sure. therapist: So your goal is kind of to do not drink at all or if you are at a party, uh, a maximum of one at the very most. client: Exactly. Just so I take part with the social convention but it's not. Hey guys.","Yeah. Chris, I really appreciate you talking with me about this. I know it seems like something that's been on your mind as it is and, you know, like I said I really care about you as a student and an athlete and want what's best for you. So I'm glad we were able to talk about this. It really seems like you have a good plan going forward, you know, really striving for not drinking alcohol at all and if you find yourself in a situation where there's alcohol, making sure to have that limit of one drink maximum. It sounds like something that will work for you." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: Yeah. Chris, I really appreciate you talking with me about this. I know it seems like something that's been on your mind as it is and, you know, like I said I really care about you as a student and an athlete and want what's best for you. So I'm glad we were able to talk about this. It really seems like you have a good plan going forward, you know, really striving for not drinking alcohol at all and if you find yourself in a situation where there's alcohol, making sure to have that limit of one drink maximum. It sounds like something that will work for you. client: And-and thank you for listening me listening to me. It means a lot to me. therapist: It's my-- yeah it's my pleasure. It's part of my job and it's probably like this so. I'm going to hurry up and get changed for practice. therapist: Hi, Sandra. client: Hi.","Thanks for coming in and talking with me for a couple of minutes. I understand you don't have very much time, but I really appreciate you stopping by." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: It's my-- yeah it's my pleasure. It's part of my job and it's probably like this so. I'm going to hurry up and get changed for practice. therapist: Hi, Sandra. client: Hi. therapist: Thanks for coming in and talking with me for a couple of minutes. I understand you don't have very much time, but I really appreciate you stopping by. client: Well, I came today because my daughter's in the hospital as well. I think it's important to quit, but I enjoy smoking. I'm not ready to give it up right now. My life is too much in turmoil.","So I get the impression that there are some things that you're concerned about, but that overall, coming in here wasn't necessarily the first thing that was on your mind when you came to the hospital with your daughter. Um, so can you tell me, what was it that made it possible for you to even come in? What-what were some of the things you were thinking about?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Hi. therapist: Thanks for coming in and talking with me for a couple of minutes. I understand you don't have very much time, but I really appreciate you stopping by. client: Well, I came today because my daughter's in the hospital as well. I think it's important to quit, but I enjoy smoking. I'm not ready to give it up right now. My life is too much in turmoil. therapist: So I get the impression that there are some things that you're concerned about, but that overall, coming in here wasn't necessarily the first thing that was on your mind when you came to the hospital with your daughter. Um, so can you tell me, what was it that made it possible for you to even come in? What-what were some of the things you were thinking about? client: I think it's important because I've-- I feel I'm a bad role model for my children, and my daughter's turning 12, and already, some of her friends have tried smoking, so I don't want her to think it's a good thing.",So the last thing you'd want is for your daughter to start smoking. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, I came today because my daughter's in the hospital as well. I think it's important to quit, but I enjoy smoking. I'm not ready to give it up right now. My life is too much in turmoil. therapist: So I get the impression that there are some things that you're concerned about, but that overall, coming in here wasn't necessarily the first thing that was on your mind when you came to the hospital with your daughter. Um, so can you tell me, what was it that made it possible for you to even come in? What-what were some of the things you were thinking about? client: I think it's important because I've-- I feel I'm a bad role model for my children, and my daughter's turning 12, and already, some of her friends have tried smoking, so I don't want her to think it's a good thing. therapist: So the last thing you'd want is for your daughter to start smoking. client: I smoked when I was young, and I certainly don't want it for her.","Hmm. And it sounds like your smoking, setting an example, those are some things that-that you're also, uh, a bit concerned about, um, but as you said earlier, not-not really ready to put down your cigarettes immediately." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: It's very enjoyable, relaxing, you know, a stress reliever. When I'm at work, we all go out and smoke and chit chat and, you know, talk about things. I would hate to not smoke, really. I'd be left out. therapist: What else? Tell me what else is good about it. client: Hmm, I like to have a cigarette after I eat. It sort of tells my brain I'm finished, stop eating, I'm full. So it's a- it's a way to-- you know, sometimes I'll have a cigarette instead of a snack, so it's a way to control my weight. therapist: Okay. So is there anything else that you like about it? client: Let me think. Well, I just enjoy it. I think it's, uh-- it's not good for me, I know, but I'm so used to smoking. I don't really think about quitting too much.","So let me make sure that I understand all of the good things about smoking, the things that you like about it, and let me know if I've missed anything or left anything out." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Hmm, I like to have a cigarette after I eat. It sort of tells my brain I'm finished, stop eating, I'm full. So it's a- it's a way to-- you know, sometimes I'll have a cigarette instead of a snack, so it's a way to control my weight. therapist: Okay. So is there anything else that you like about it? client: Let me think. Well, I just enjoy it. I think it's, uh-- it's not good for me, I know, but I'm so used to smoking. I don't really think about quitting too much. therapist: So let me make sure that I understand all of the good things about smoking, the things that you like about it, and let me know if I've missed anything or left anything out. client: Okay.","So it sounds like it's a way to relax. It's a way to socialize with your friends from work, and it's hard to imagine what it would be like for you at work if you couldn't go outside and smoke." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Let me think. Well, I just enjoy it. I think it's, uh-- it's not good for me, I know, but I'm so used to smoking. I don't really think about quitting too much. therapist: So let me make sure that I understand all of the good things about smoking, the things that you like about it, and let me know if I've missed anything or left anything out. client: Okay. therapist: So it sounds like it's a way to relax. It's a way to socialize with your friends from work, and it's hard to imagine what it would be like for you at work if you couldn't go outside and smoke. client: That's true. Yeah.","You also mentioned that smoking is a way to manage your weight, and concern that if you were-were going to quit smoking, what that would do in terms of, um, gaining weight, and that smoking after meals is pleasurable, that it's something that would be really hard to give up." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Okay. therapist: So it sounds like it's a way to relax. It's a way to socialize with your friends from work, and it's hard to imagine what it would be like for you at work if you couldn't go outside and smoke. client: That's true. Yeah. therapist: You also mentioned that smoking is a way to manage your weight, and concern that if you were-were going to quit smoking, what that would do in terms of, um, gaining weight, and that smoking after meals is pleasurable, that it's something that would be really hard to give up. client: Yeah.","I also heard that it's very much a part of your life. It's something that you've done for a really long time and almost impossible to think about yourself as a non-smoker. Does that capture, for you, some of the good things or things that are keeping you smoking?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: That's true. Yeah. therapist: You also mentioned that smoking is a way to manage your weight, and concern that if you were-were going to quit smoking, what that would do in terms of, um, gaining weight, and that smoking after meals is pleasurable, that it's something that would be really hard to give up. client: Yeah. therapist: I also heard that it's very much a part of your life. It's something that you've done for a really long time and almost impossible to think about yourself as a non-smoker. Does that capture, for you, some of the good things or things that are keeping you smoking? client: Exactly.",So I'm hearing there are some things you really like about smoking. What about the other side? Can you tell me about some of the not-so-good things? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Exactly. therapist: So I'm hearing there are some things you really like about smoking. What about the other side? Can you tell me about some of the not-so-good things? client: Well, I-I'm worried about my children. I feel like I'm being a bad parent, and um, I often wonder, you know, they've seen me smoke for years. I certainly don't want my 12-year-old daughter to start smoking, and some of her friends are already smoking. therapist: Sandra, can you give me an example of a time that you did something that you think left an impression on your daughter or set a bad example for her? client: Yeah, just this morning, I was outside having a cigarette, and then when I looked up, there she was looking out the window watching me smoke.","So this morning, that experience, it really brought home how she does watch you, and she does really look up to you and notice what you do. How did that feel when you looked up and saw her watching you?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, I-I'm worried about my children. I feel like I'm being a bad parent, and um, I often wonder, you know, they've seen me smoke for years. I certainly don't want my 12-year-old daughter to start smoking, and some of her friends are already smoking. therapist: Sandra, can you give me an example of a time that you did something that you think left an impression on your daughter or set a bad example for her? client: Yeah, just this morning, I was outside having a cigarette, and then when I looked up, there she was looking out the window watching me smoke. therapist: So this morning, that experience, it really brought home how she does watch you, and she does really look up to you and notice what you do. How did that feel when you looked up and saw her watching you? client: I felt terrible, you know, I was projecting-- I wanna be a good parent, and I don't feel this really is part of the plan.","And again, thanks for your honesty in talking about this. I appreciate that this is a- this is a tough topic. This is a-a hard behavior to think about giving up. Um, I guess one thing that- one thing that doesn't make sense to me is that, you know, on the one hand, you talk about how being a good parent is your highest priority, it's really important to you to set a good example for your daughter-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: It doesn't fit, you know. It's the opposite side of the coin. You know, I love to do it, but I don't think it's right. therapist: So what would it take for quitting or changing your smoking to be something that was more important, that raised it up in the list of priorities for you? client: I can't think of anything right now. therapist: Okay. client: I don't have any plans to quit. It's just something I'm thinking about.","So, it's-it's not so much that you don't wanna quit in a way, it's almost, ""How could I do it that would work for me?""" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: We can talk about it some more. therapist: [chuckles] Not necessarily the-the most exciting thing for you to do, but I appreciate you are willing to do that. Can I also ask you to do a little bit of homework between now and next week? I promise it's not too time-consuming. Um, we have a booklet that we like to give folks who are just thinking about changing, who aren't sure that this is something that they're ready to do, and one of the exercises is to write down your top three reasons for change, why you would even consider quitting smoking. And then to reflect on some of the good things as we talked about, as well as some of the less good things about quitting and about continuing to smoke. Is that something you'd be willing to do over the next few days? client: Okay, okay, I'll give it a try. therapist: Okay, here you go. client: Thank you.","So thanks for coming in, Sandra. We'll see you next week." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: All right. therapist: In summary, the Minnesota State Mankato security report states that you were stopped on stadium road last Friday, cited for driving under the influence and you're transported to detox. Plus the report lists your age as 20. Dylan, what is the accuracy of the report? And can you share with me some details leading up to the incident? client: Uh, I guess that sound- that sounds right. I mean, I was- I was kinda drunk and it happened like a week ago. I just, I drove over to my friend's house, um, just to go watch the game and, you know, we're having a couple beers and next thing I know the Vikings are kind of losing pretty big. So we drank a little bit more than usual. And I mean, at the end I had to get home and I couldn't find a ride. So I-I just drove. therapist: You decided to drink more than you intended because you were disappointed at how the Vikings were playing. And when your roommate couldn't give you a ride home, you decided to drive yourself home. Did I get that right? client: Yeah. That's-that's exactly how it happened. I mean, I'm a normal college kid. I like to drink and hanging out with my buddies. I mean, I, it wasn't a big house party or anything and I got busted.","Yeah, I understand that your intention was to have a good time while watching the game with your friends. You didn't think about what could go wrong when you drank alcohol underage because you were at your friend's house and not a big party and you made an effort to be safe by finding a ride home." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: You're welcome. therapist: Yeah, I appreciate it. So, um, uh, your mom had given me a call and said that, um, um, there were some problems with kids kinda given you problems at school and being mean and things like that, and, uh, that's a hurtful thing. client: Yeah. I stayed home two times already from school just 'cause of the bullying and everything. therapist: That's a- that's a lot of school to, yeah, and, you know-- client: And as I was out of school like more rumors started to happen as I was out of school. I come back and like these rumors are going around about me. Like one time when I stayed home, supposedly, I was in the principal's office the whole day and I had security guards like escort me to classes which that was not true 'cause I was home the whole time.",People like to make up stories. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, usually I try telling myself to just like, leave it be- therapist: Mm-hmm. client: -but if somebody says something about me, it gets me mad 'cause like what the heck, like you're talking about me so like I try to stop but sometimes I just say like a few words. Like I think now I'm trying to get like better. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: Like there's this one incident that somebody was talking to me, I just said like, ""Oh, wow, this is like really lame, like I'm just gonna leave,"" and I like let the conversation be.",That's pretty cool that you did that. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Like there's this one incident that somebody was talking to me, I just said like, ""Oh, wow, this is like really lame, like I'm just gonna leave,"" and I like let the conversation be. therapist: That's pretty cool that you did that. client: Yeah. I felt proud of myself. therapist: You should be proud of yourself, and how did you do that? client: I was just like thinking of like when I'm- whenever I like I'm saying like stuff back, mom gets really mad at me, she's like, ""Well, I'm not gonna help you anymore."" 'Cause, she tells me to like leave it be, but I really don't lis-listen to her so she gets mad. So I tried like thinking of like her feelings and like what would happen after if I say, ""This is lame, leave me alone,"" 'cause then they'll like stop and I won't get like yelled at anymore.","Uh, that says a lot about you and your mom's relationship though that you can kind of put yourself in her head and think about how she would feel about it." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. I felt proud of myself. therapist: You should be proud of yourself, and how did you do that? client: I was just like thinking of like when I'm- whenever I like I'm saying like stuff back, mom gets really mad at me, she's like, ""Well, I'm not gonna help you anymore."" 'Cause, she tells me to like leave it be, but I really don't lis-listen to her so she gets mad. So I tried like thinking of like her feelings and like what would happen after if I say, ""This is lame, leave me alone,"" 'cause then they'll like stop and I won't get like yelled at anymore. therapist: Uh, that says a lot about you and your mom's relationship though that you can kind of put yourself in her head and think about how she would feel about it. client: Yeah.","You know what I mean? It's pretty cool, not everybody can do that, so. So you could kind of put yourself ahead, uh, it's almost like watching a movie ahead-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I was just like thinking of like when I'm- whenever I like I'm saying like stuff back, mom gets really mad at me, she's like, ""Well, I'm not gonna help you anymore."" 'Cause, she tells me to like leave it be, but I really don't lis-listen to her so she gets mad. So I tried like thinking of like her feelings and like what would happen after if I say, ""This is lame, leave me alone,"" 'cause then they'll like stop and I won't get like yelled at anymore. therapist: Uh, that says a lot about you and your mom's relationship though that you can kind of put yourself in her head and think about how she would feel about it. client: Yeah. therapist: You know what I mean? It's pretty cool, not everybody can do that, so. So you could kind of put yourself ahead, uh, it's almost like watching a movie ahead- client: Yeah.",-and knowing how it's gonna turn out. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: You know what I mean? It's pretty cool, not everybody can do that, so. So you could kind of put yourself ahead, uh, it's almost like watching a movie ahead- client: Yeah. therapist: -and knowing how it's gonna turn out. client: 'Cause usually, if I get in trouble, mom gives me the silent treatment that I don't like. It's like she doesn't talk to me, I'm like trying to talk to her, she don't like wheezing being like, uh, I don't like it.","That's the worst, the silent treatment." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: -and knowing how it's gonna turn out. client: 'Cause usually, if I get in trouble, mom gives me the silent treatment that I don't like. It's like she doesn't talk to me, I'm like trying to talk to her, she don't like wheezing being like, uh, I don't like it. therapist: That's the worst, the silent treatment. client: Yeah.","Yeah, so, um, so but that worked for you, where you just let it go, you thought about your mom, you like what we would call like, you channeled to your mom, you know, and, uh, channeling mom, and then, um, you were able to walk away, and you were proud of yourself and nothing bad happened." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Like they all like stopped talking to me, and the funny thing was that their eighth-graders that like didn't even go to my old school like I don't even know how they said of talking to me, I was like, creepy. therapist: Yeah, so- and so when you- when somebody else told you that they or people said you that you're an easy target, um. client: Well, they don't really say that to me like I just like think that 'cause that's what I've like heard from my mom, and people talking to me 'cause I keep talking to them- therapist: Okay. client: -so they keep coming back at me.","Okay, so they-they kinda know how to hook you." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, they don't really say that to me like I just like think that 'cause that's what I've like heard from my mom, and people talking to me 'cause I keep talking to them- therapist: Okay. client: -so they keep coming back at me. therapist: Okay, so they-they kinda know how to hook you. client: Mm-hmm.",-and reel you in- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -so they keep coming back at me. therapist: Okay, so they-they kinda know how to hook you. client: Mm-hmm. therapist: -and reel you in- client: Yeah.","-right, and get you upset. And then bad things happen and then you get in trouble." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm-hmm. therapist: -and reel you in- client: Yeah. therapist: -right, and get you upset. And then bad things happen and then you get in trouble. client: Yeah. [chuckles] That happens a lot.","Yeah. So, yeah. And it's, uh-- So, um-- so you-you know that when you're kind of channeling your mom, that helps. It sounds like you taught yourself almost. Like there's-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: No, [chuckles] there's no pick. therapist: I wanted to pickle and stuff. client: Mm-hmm. And like I was supposed to be like again turn. I told my-- I went to my gym teacher like silently and said I can't be by this person, can I move to the next court. So he like switched us around so I won't be by her. And that like happened. therapist: That's a really good decision. client: The girls like what the heck like.","Yeah. No, but how smart on your part to know that if you would- if you would had to play with her, something bad would've happened." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -or something. therapist: Right? You knew that. So- client: Yeah. therapist: So you know actually which kids- client: Yeah, that's like—",-know how to push your buttons that real you in. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I mean, they might but like they're not like bad and they actually like help me. Like some of these girls that like so-called friends like- therapist: Uh-huh. client: -They're like they come to me saying like, ""Oh, did you really have to like punch this girl."" I'm like, ""No."" It's like you're not a friend if you'd actually believe that, you know what I mean? therapist: Yeah. client: Yeah, it's kind of annoying, 'cause it's kind of hard like going into high school and like knowing how to believe and who not to believe.","Yeah. That's-- that-- it's-it's really big unknown territory. Pressure High School class is probably 1,000 kids." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, 1,003. therapist: 1,003 kids. client: And then there's the sophomores also that you have like another 1,000, so it's like— therapist: 2,000- client: Yeah.","-potential enemies, friends, who knows which ones." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: And then there's the sophomores also that you have like another 1,000, so it's like— therapist: 2,000- client: Yeah. therapist: -potential enemies, friends, who knows which ones. client: Yeah, with these like the first rumors had started going around about like my friend and I, and like I lost him just 'cause of rumors. It's like, what the heck. Like I couldn't get over him for like gosh, who knows, it was like three months and I finally just had got over him.",That must have been hard for you. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, with these like the first rumors had started going around about like my friend and I, and like I lost him just 'cause of rumors. It's like, what the heck. Like I couldn't get over him for like gosh, who knows, it was like three months and I finally just had got over him. therapist: That must have been hard for you. client: Yeah. therapist: Yeah. client: I was like really, you're probably just jealous 'cause I was friends with him or something.","Mm-hmm. So but finally after three months, time went by-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I just found like other people and just like forgot about it. therapist: Okay. And so how else do you identify who your friends are that you can really trust who have your back? client: I say the ones that like not even that I've known the longest, but like the ones that actually hang out with me a lot, or like texting me a lot, or like calling. And the ones that are actually like that helped you before with like situations. And that they tell you stuff and they know they can trust you. Like one of my friends tells me everything about her. And like that's how I know she's a good friend 'cause she trusts me with things. therapist: You trust her back then? client: Yeah.","Okay. Well, that makes a lot of sense that people-- it goes both ways." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I say the ones that like not even that I've known the longest, but like the ones that actually hang out with me a lot, or like texting me a lot, or like calling. And the ones that are actually like that helped you before with like situations. And that they tell you stuff and they know they can trust you. Like one of my friends tells me everything about her. And like that's how I know she's a good friend 'cause she trusts me with things. therapist: You trust her back then? client: Yeah. therapist: Okay. Well, that makes a lot of sense that people-- it goes both ways. client: Mm-hmm.","You know. And, um-- So and for you, friends that, um, kind of, um, give you the attention that you'd like to have. Texting you-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: Okay. Well, that makes a lot of sense that people-- it goes both ways. client: Mm-hmm. therapist: You know. And, um-- So and for you, friends that, um, kind of, um, give you the attention that you'd like to have. Texting you- client: Yeah.","-calling and you hanging out with you, and stuff like that, rather than pretending to be a friend-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm-hmm. therapist: You know. And, um-- So and for you, friends that, um, kind of, um, give you the attention that you'd like to have. Texting you- client: Yeah. therapist: -calling and you hanging out with you, and stuff like that, rather than pretending to be a friend- client: Mm-hmm.",-when you know maybe they're gonna-- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: And she just like causes a lot of drama now. And like she came- Like the friends I met at high school, she came like into them like, you're not gonna know-- In college, you're not gonna know who to follow 'cause-- since you keep following with my friends, what are you gonna do in college like not being able to find your own friends? It's kind of annoying 'cause they're my friends and like I can't be by her and she comes to my friends. It's like- therapist: Mm-hmm. client: -get your own friends, [chuckles] stop following me. therapist: Mm-hmm. Wh-what don't you like about her? client: She just lies a lot and like just starts dramas about me and I haven't even talked to her like since eight grade. We only went to school together and she just like makes me lose other friends 'cause of the drama she starts","Okay. So she sounds like she's, um--" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -get your own friends, [chuckles] stop following me. therapist: Mm-hmm. Wh-what don't you like about her? client: She just lies a lot and like just starts dramas about me and I haven't even talked to her like since eight grade. We only went to school together and she just like makes me lose other friends 'cause of the drama she starts therapist: Okay. So she sounds like she's, um-- client: A nobody. I'm gonna say that. She's like—",Or-or not worth your time. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Ask for it. Yeah. therapist: Right, and what kind of things do you ask from them? client: I just ask them like if I'm like gonna get like sent down to the principal's office for like something happening, I call them to come down to, like, support my, like, backup information. therapist: 'Cause they can do that. They can- they can kinda give you some, uh, information like, uh, um-- they can give some accurate information, um, and back up your story versus the other person's story. client: Yeah.","So, okay. So we're-- You know what? Um, it sounds like you actually have some pretty good ideas about, um, how to handle this, and yet kids are-- I know kids-- actually, adults can be really mean too. But, um, I know in high school, i-it's really bad." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Like she doesn't know who to believe. therapist: Well, I would want this session though to be for you though, Molly. client: Yeah. therapist: I mean I'm willing to see her too, you know. client: Yeah.",It sounds like she really needs-- she'd like someone to listen to her. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: I mean I'm willing to see her too, you know. client: Yeah. therapist: It sounds like she really needs-- she'd like someone to listen to her. client: Yeah.","Yeah. So, um, we could maybe talk about some other ways of, um, helping, uh, deal with this because, um, it does sound like, um, people are, you know, just being plain old mean to you for no good darn reason." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: It sounds like she really needs-- she'd like someone to listen to her. client: Yeah. therapist: Yeah. So, um, we could maybe talk about some other ways of, um, helping, uh, deal with this because, um, it does sound like, um, people are, you know, just being plain old mean to you for no good darn reason. client: Mm-hmm.","Yeah. And, um, so you'd be willing to come back and talk about it then? Okay. All right. And I just wanna let you know that I think that you're, um, really doing a good job of-of, uh, dealing with how hard it is to be in high school, 'cause it is hard." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm-hmm. therapist: Yeah. And, um, so you'd be willing to come back and talk about it then? Okay. All right. And I just wanna let you know that I think that you're, um, really doing a good job of-of, uh, dealing with how hard it is to be in high school, 'cause it is hard. client: Yeah. therapist: It is. client: I've noticed that.","Yeah. And it is hard, and-and I-I think it gets better. My experience was it got a little better. The freshman and sophomore year, you know." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: -[unintelligible 00:13:12] people. So okay, anything else? No? Okay. All right. client: Mm-hmm. therapist: Thank you. therapist: Hello, nice to meet you again. And, uh, and what seems to be the-the problem or what-what prompted you to come along? client: Uh, just I'm sick of my drinking. I'm drinking too much. Um, I just thought, uh, maybe I need someone to talk to, get some help about it.","Okay, so you feel as if drinking is a problem for you at the moment?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: And I've been, yeah, getting into this habit of going out every Friday and Saturday, now, uh, drinking a lot. therapist: Yes. client: Um, to try to meet guys. therapist: Sure. client: And, uh, in the last few months I've been, you know, just drinking even more on week nights, and I never even used to do that before.","Okay, okay, so you've noticed over, I guess, uh, the last six months in particular since you decided, you know what? I'm going to take a risk and-a-and go out to try to meet a-a-a pot-potential partner again that it's with an increase in drinking." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: And, uh, in the last few months I've been, you know, just drinking even more on week nights, and I never even used to do that before. therapist: Okay, okay, so you've noticed over, I guess, uh, the last six months in particular since you decided, you know what? I'm going to take a risk and-a-and go out to try to meet a-a-a pot-potential partner again that it's with an increase in drinking. client: Yeah. Well, I just, I don't feel comfortable talking to guys normally. [chuckles] therapist: Okay. client: I don't know what to say, um, and I just, drinking helps.","Sure, sure. So you're noticing that the drinking at the moment is a way of perhaps calming the nerves?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. Well, I just, I don't feel comfortable talking to guys normally. [chuckles] therapist: Okay. client: I don't know what to say, um, and I just, drinking helps. therapist: Sure, sure. So you're noticing that the drinking at the moment is a way of perhaps calming the nerves? client: Yeah, for sure.",To-to-to speak to-to potential partners? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I mean, I guess, like most people do when they go out they drink. therapist: Okay. client: I've been doing that and just drinking more and more I guess. therapist: Sure. client: Um, and it's just-- it's not even working, I'm not really meeting people and I just end up with massive hangover for the rest of the weekend and—","That's interesting isn't it? You-- 'cause you kind of mentioned it there, like, you know, on one side of the coin, um, it helps calm the nerves to get yourself get out there and-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I've been doing that and just drinking more and more I guess. therapist: Sure. client: Um, and it's just-- it's not even working, I'm not really meeting people and I just end up with massive hangover for the rest of the weekend and— therapist: That's interesting isn't it? You-- 'cause you kind of mentioned it there, like, you know, on one side of the coin, um, it helps calm the nerves to get yourself get out there and- client: Yeah.","-talk to guys at the same time, on the other side it's not working you're finding. And i-i-it results in hangovers or?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -and I mean, I just don't-- I don't wanna do that every now and now I just think it's a bit too much. therapist: Okay. client: Yeah, I'm just I'm not eating properly anymore, I'm just eating less or just getting takeaway, getting crap food and- therapist: Okay. client: -um, I'm just, I feel like I'm not exerc-- well I'm not exercising like I used to. So, I just wanna cut, you know, stop drinking so much.","Okay, okay, so, uh, sounds like you really want to stop drinking, particularly during the weekdays?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, I'm just I'm not eating properly anymore, I'm just eating less or just getting takeaway, getting crap food and- therapist: Okay. client: -um, I'm just, I feel like I'm not exerc-- well I'm not exercising like I used to. So, I just wanna cut, you know, stop drinking so much. therapist: Okay, okay, so, uh, sounds like you really want to stop drinking, particularly during the weekdays? client: Yeah. Yeah I do. Yeah.","Right, because you're noticing it's having a negative impact on what you're eating." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -um, I'm just, I feel like I'm not exerc-- well I'm not exercising like I used to. So, I just wanna cut, you know, stop drinking so much. therapist: Okay, okay, so, uh, sounds like you really want to stop drinking, particularly during the weekdays? client: Yeah. Yeah I do. Yeah. therapist: Right, because you're noticing it's having a negative impact on what you're eating. client: Yeah. I don't wanna- I don't wanna, I mean, I don't wanna stop altogether, so.","No, I get it. Yeah. I mean, you know, it sounds like it's, it is helpful to a degree for you when you go out because it makes you feel a little bit more calm to talk to-to guys is that right?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -I'd have no social life if I didn't. therapist: Yeah. client: If I just said-said, ""No, I'm not drinking at all,"" and, you know, I don't feel like I'm an alcoholic- therapist: Sure. client: -or I don't feel like I need to","Yeah, yeah. So, you've got, you know, some benefits there then, you know. The social element, hanging with friends and-and going out together is something which is-is quite enjoyable. So, it's not a case of removing it completely but it’s a case of, ""Okay, I’m noticing this is impacting on me more than what I’d like to."" Yeah. Yeah, okay." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: Um, I guess 80 is quite high, what makes you say an 80 over say 50? client: Um, I don’t know, I just-just I don’t know, it just sort-- it just got up to a point where just, um, it seemed just too much, like no-nobody else is really drinking as much in the week as well and- therapist: Okay. client: -it seemed, as just, yeah, for the reasons I was saying, just seeing like I need to do something about it now.","Okay, yes, so you’ve got this real sense of, ""I've gotta do something.""" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, I don’t know, I just-just I don’t know, it just sort-- it just got up to a point where just, um, it seemed just too much, like no-nobody else is really drinking as much in the week as well and- therapist: Okay. client: -it seemed, as just, yeah, for the reasons I was saying, just seeing like I need to do something about it now. therapist: Okay, yes, so you’ve got this real sense of, ""I've gotta do something."" client: Just seeing it’s just gonna get worse, uh, wha-- that’s what it seems like.",That’s what it seems like. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -it seemed, as just, yeah, for the reasons I was saying, just seeing like I need to do something about it now. therapist: Okay, yes, so you’ve got this real sense of, ""I've gotta do something."" client: Just seeing it’s just gonna get worse, uh, wha-- that’s what it seems like. therapist: That’s what it seems like. client: Yeah.","So, at the moment, it's been a case of the last six months, this is a pattern that you’ve been noticing more and more, um, a sign that it has had negative impacts on your lifestyle which you’re not happy with and you are in you're in a position where, you know what? I wanna do something about it." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, yeah. Yep. therapist: Okay, how does that sound like a first step goal for you? client: No, that’s good, that’s-that's, yeah, that's- that is definitely what I’m gonna do. therapist: Okay. client: I just, you know, I'm so out of the routine, not exercising, I need to get back into things.","Okay, you sound really mad about it to-to turn it around." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: Okay, oh, that-that's excellent, okay. therapist: Thanks for coming in. Tell me what's been happening since we last spoke. client: Well, I, um, I did get an interview for a job. Um— therapist: Wow, that's so great. client: Yeah, but I wasn't able to go, um, cause my kids, I didn't have any one to watch them. And, um, you know, so the- that was sort of game over. I just, I had to cancel the interview and this, it's too bad because it was a really, a- actually was a job that would have been good, but I don't know.",You sound disappointed. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, I, um, I did get an interview for a job. Um— therapist: Wow, that's so great. client: Yeah, but I wasn't able to go, um, cause my kids, I didn't have any one to watch them. And, um, you know, so the- that was sort of game over. I just, I had to cancel the interview and this, it's too bad because it was a really, a- actually was a job that would have been good, but I don't know. therapist: You sound disappointed. client: Well, yeah, because it's- it's, you know, I didn't really have a choice. I guess I have to be- I have to make sure my kids are taken care of first. And, um, you know, I'm worried that this is gonna keep happening.",It's gonna keep happening that you have to turn down opportunities. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, yeah, because it's- it's, you know, I didn't really have a choice. I guess I have to be- I have to make sure my kids are taken care of first. And, um, you know, I'm worried that this is gonna keep happening. therapist: It's gonna keep happening that you have to turn down opportunities. client: Yeah. therapist: Mm-hmm, okay. Well, tell me, um, on a scale from one to 10, how important is it for you to get a job? client: Um, it sits about at a 10 because yeah, I mean, I'm the only one supporting my kids and, um, you know, it's just, what I'm getting from welfare is just not cutting it. So I really need to have a job and soon.",Yeah. You're-you're-you're it. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: Mm-hmm, okay. Well, tell me, um, on a scale from one to 10, how important is it for you to get a job? client: Um, it sits about at a 10 because yeah, I mean, I'm the only one supporting my kids and, um, you know, it's just, what I'm getting from welfare is just not cutting it. So I really need to have a job and soon. therapist: Yeah. You're-you're-you're it. client: Yeah.",You have to provide for your children. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: You have to provide for your children. client: Mm-hmm. therapist: Um, and tell me on a scale from one to 10, how confident are you that you could get a job? client: I mean, right now, I think I'm about at a three. I just seems like, you know, even if I'm able to get into the interview and get childcare, you know, when I show up, I've got this resume that it's- it's not impressive and it's got all these gaps of employment and I'm not as educated as other people going in for the same job. So I just feel like I'm not, um, I don't know, that employable.","So, it sounds like, you know, the childcare issue has been getting in the way, and so finding something that would work for you would be really helpful." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm-hmm. therapist: Um, and tell me on a scale from one to 10, how confident are you that you could get a job? client: I mean, right now, I think I'm about at a three. I just seems like, you know, even if I'm able to get into the interview and get childcare, you know, when I show up, I've got this resume that it's- it's not impressive and it's got all these gaps of employment and I'm not as educated as other people going in for the same job. So I just feel like I'm not, um, I don't know, that employable. therapist: So, it sounds like, you know, the childcare issue has been getting in the way, and so finding something that would work for you would be really helpful. client: Yeah.",And then also it sounds like you're kinda feeling not so great about your resume and your experience. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: And then also it sounds like you're kinda feeling not so great about your resume and your experience. client: Yeah. Yeah, because it's so limited and I've been out of the workforce and even when I was working, I mean, it's not, I don't know, it's not stuff that I feel like can lead to the job that I want now. therapist: Okay. What is it that you- what is it that you want? client: I just want something that is- is gonna be steady and where I can be, you know, even if my kids are in childcare during the day, that I can be home every night and spending time with them and, um, know you really like to get something where, um, I'm just making good money and- and I don't have to worry all the time about money.","Yeah. Yeah. So, if you had- if you had consistent work, it would change your life in a lot of ways." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. Yeah, because it's so limited and I've been out of the workforce and even when I was working, I mean, it's not, I don't know, it's not stuff that I feel like can lead to the job that I want now. therapist: Okay. What is it that you- what is it that you want? client: I just want something that is- is gonna be steady and where I can be, you know, even if my kids are in childcare during the day, that I can be home every night and spending time with them and, um, know you really like to get something where, um, I'm just making good money and- and I don't have to worry all the time about money. therapist: Yeah. Yeah. So, if you had- if you had consistent work, it would change your life in a lot of ways. client: Yeah. It would be huge.",Mm-hmm. It would provide the income that you need and you wouldn't worry so much. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I just want something that is- is gonna be steady and where I can be, you know, even if my kids are in childcare during the day, that I can be home every night and spending time with them and, um, know you really like to get something where, um, I'm just making good money and- and I don't have to worry all the time about money. therapist: Yeah. Yeah. So, if you had- if you had consistent work, it would change your life in a lot of ways. client: Yeah. It would be huge. therapist: Mm-hmm. It would provide the income that you need and you wouldn't worry so much. client: Yeah. And it'd be nice to just know what I'm doing and just have my routine.",Right. So every day you know where you're going. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. It would be huge. therapist: Mm-hmm. It would provide the income that you need and you wouldn't worry so much. client: Yeah. And it'd be nice to just know what I'm doing and just have my routine. therapist: Right. So every day you know where you're going. client: Yeah.","Okay. And you know, what's- what's happening for the- for the day, for the week." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: Okay. And you know, what's- what's happening for the- for the day, for the week. client: Right. Well, it would be good if I knew, you know, that my kids are taken care of too- therapist: Yeah. client: - so I'm not worried about them while I'm at work.",Right. Yeah. Because you're- you're the kind of parent that wants to make sure your kids are doing well. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, I mean, being able to make the interviews would be the priority. therapist: Okay, Yeah. client: Um, so chi- you know, taking care, having some childcare, having- therapist: Mm-hmm. client: - having someone I trust that I can call when I know I've got an interview.",Yeah. Because you definitely need to go to an interview in order to get the job. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, so chi- you know, taking care, having some childcare, having- therapist: Mm-hmm. client: - having someone I trust that I can call when I know I've got an interview. therapist: Yeah. Because you definitely need to go to an interview in order to get the job. client: Right. Yeah.","So having taken care of that part, having some reliable childcare would definitely help." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I get asked about education and training and – therapist: Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. client: - um, you know, I just, it, as soon as I asked about it, I just feel just like I'm not good enough- therapist: Okay. client: - since I don't have that.","Yeah, so if you had something on your resume that was around education training, maybe a certificate of some kind of a field that you're interested in, that you would feel proud of yourself." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: - since I don't have that. therapist: Yeah, so if you had something on your resume that was around education training, maybe a certificate of some kind of a field that you're interested in, that you would feel proud of yourself. client: Yeah. Well, something I could talk about in the interview too. You know, even if I was some type of certification where I could say, I could, you know, with confidence talk about- about that. therapist: Mm-hmm. Okay. What-- do you have any ideas as to what fields you might be interested in getting some more education, more training? client: I mean, I guess, I just don't really know what it's gonna be because I need to have a job now so I'm not really sure.",Like what's going to be fastest. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. Well, something I could talk about in the interview too. You know, even if I was some type of certification where I could say, I could, you know, with confidence talk about- about that. therapist: Mm-hmm. Okay. What-- do you have any ideas as to what fields you might be interested in getting some more education, more training? client: I mean, I guess, I just don't really know what it's gonna be because I need to have a job now so I'm not really sure. therapist: Like what's going to be fastest. client: Right. I almost feel like that's more important than what I'm interested in, you know, because I'm like, I'm not going to go back to school for four years right now.","Okay, and so if- if you were, it sounds like if you were going to do something you'd wanna to do something really quickly like a short- a short certificate." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I mean, I guess, I just don't really know what it's gonna be because I need to have a job now so I'm not really sure. therapist: Like what's going to be fastest. client: Right. I almost feel like that's more important than what I'm interested in, you know, because I'm like, I'm not going to go back to school for four years right now. therapist: Okay, and so if- if you were, it sounds like if you were going to do something you'd wanna to do something really quickly like a short- a short certificate. client: Yeah or something-- yeah, something that I could get immediate skills that would, you know, get me into some kind of a job now, even if it's not my long-term goal or, you know, career just- just get me into something and then I can always focus on.","Yeah, sort of like a short-term or transition into something else." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Right. I almost feel like that's more important than what I'm interested in, you know, because I'm like, I'm not going to go back to school for four years right now. therapist: Okay, and so if- if you were, it sounds like if you were going to do something you'd wanna to do something really quickly like a short- a short certificate. client: Yeah or something-- yeah, something that I could get immediate skills that would, you know, get me into some kind of a job now, even if it's not my long-term goal or, you know, career just- just get me into something and then I can always focus on. therapist: Yeah, sort of like a short-term or transition into something else. client: Yeah. Great. Exactly.",But that would be steady and pays well? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah or something-- yeah, something that I could get immediate skills that would, you know, get me into some kind of a job now, even if it's not my long-term goal or, you know, career just- just get me into something and then I can always focus on. therapist: Yeah, sort of like a short-term or transition into something else. client: Yeah. Great. Exactly. therapist: But that would be steady and pays well? client: Mm-hmm.","Okay, and allow you to afford everything you need to afford." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. Great. Exactly. therapist: But that would be steady and pays well? client: Mm-hmm. therapist: Okay, and allow you to afford everything you need to afford. client: Yeah, because even those jobs right now don't feel accessible for me. They seem like, you know-- seems like if-- maybe if I were better on the computer or you know.","Okay, so specifically getting some computer skills will help?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm-hmm. therapist: Okay, and allow you to afford everything you need to afford. client: Yeah, because even those jobs right now don't feel accessible for me. They seem like, you know-- seems like if-- maybe if I were better on the computer or you know. therapist: Okay, so specifically getting some computer skills will help? client: Yeah. I think so- I think so because I don't-- I can't-- I don't really have anything on my resume that talks about—",The technology. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, because even those jobs right now don't feel accessible for me. They seem like, you know-- seems like if-- maybe if I were better on the computer or you know. therapist: Okay, so specifically getting some computer skills will help? client: Yeah. I think so- I think so because I don't-- I can't-- I don't really have anything on my resume that talks about— therapist: The technology. client: Yeah.","Mm-hmm. Okay. So whatever and so far it sounds like getting a job is really important right now and you really need the money and you really need to take care of your children and it sounds like you have some ideas as to how you could get to these interviews for one, and then once you're there at the interview, feeling more confident about your skills, um, getting some child-- reliable child care certainly sounds very important." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: That would be great. therapist: So what would you like to do next, you think? client: Well, find the childcare resources- therapist: Okay, okay. client: - is- seems to be- that seems to be the—",That's a priority. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: - like maybe there's a weekend, I mean— therapist: Well, I'm glad we figured that out and I think you'll feel better over the next few days. client: Oh, thanks so much doctor. I'll just take it easy for a couple of days. therapist: Well, since I have you here and we still have a few minutes left, I'd like to bring up another topic. I noticed that your blood pressure and your weight have been climbing a bit over the past few years. We haven't really had time to talk about this much before and I may be able to offer some useful strategies. Would it be okay if we discussed weight and health for a few minutes? client: Yeah, I suppose. I know my weight is a problem, but every time I try to take it off, I end up gaining it back. I don't know what to do.",I know how you feel. Managing weight can be frustrating. Maybe we can just start trying to figure it out together and I'll be here to help you through the challenges. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Oh, wow, that sounds good. You know what? Come to think of it, I have some time before I have to go back to work and I saw a nice park on the way over here, maybe I can take a short walk after this appointment. therapist: That sounds great. client: And you know what? I used to really love to dance, but I haven't done that in such a long time. therapist: Well, dancing is a great exercise, especially because it's fun. client: Hmm. And I know my family would support me if I could just find some place where I can go dancing.","Oh, that's great to hear that your family is so supportive. And I bet there's a dance class somewhere around where you live or maybe even a dance fitness class at the gym." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: That's great. I'll see you soon therapist: Uh, welcome. And, uh— client: Thank you. therapist: I'd say my name is Mark and I work here at Green Prescriptions. And- client: Mm-hmm.",I know a little bit about you from the referral letter from the doctor. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Thank you. therapist: I'd say my name is Mark and I work here at Green Prescriptions. And- client: Mm-hmm. therapist: I know a little bit about you from the referral letter from the doctor. client: From my GP?","From your GP, yeah." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: And it revealed that apparently, I might have diabetes 2. Well, that's what he says. therapist: Right. client: Um, I-I think that I feel perfectly well. I-I'm, you know-- I understand people with diabetes are a little bit plumper than I am. therapist: Mm. client: But, um, that's really why I'm here. I'm on his command, almost.","Right, so he kinda gave you a directive?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: But, um, that's really why I'm here. I'm on his command, almost. therapist: Right, so he kinda gave you a directive? client: Well, he did. He says he's going to put me on some sort of program if it gets worse. therapist: Mm. client: But as I say, I-I feel absolutely fine now.","So it kind of came a bit of a surprise, you feeling okay." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, he did. He says he's going to put me on some sort of program if it gets worse. therapist: Mm. client: But as I say, I-I feel absolutely fine now. therapist: So it kind of came a bit of a surprise, you feeling okay. client: Yeah.","You go for this checkup with the doctor. And he says, ""You've got Type II diabetes.""" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: But as I say, I-I feel absolutely fine now. therapist: So it kind of came a bit of a surprise, you feeling okay. client: Yeah. therapist: You go for this checkup with the doctor. And he says, ""You've got Type II diabetes."" client: Mm, I'm very surprised.",Mm. Came out of the blue for you? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm, I'm very surprised. therapist: Mm. Came out of the blue for you? client: Yes. I think it did. therapist: Mm. client: Mm.",And you said you kind of don't fit that kinda Type II diabetes look. That you kinda have had this idea- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yes. I think it did. therapist: Mm. client: Mm. therapist: And you said you kind of don't fit that kinda Type II diabetes look. That you kinda have had this idea- client: I-",-you've been-been overweight with it. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I-I sort of look after myself to a limited extent in that way. Um, but I'm a busy person, I suppose I burn off the calories. And- therapist: Mm. client: I don't know, really. therapist: Mm. client: My lifestyle—","Hmm. So it doesn't quite fit in your head, Type II diabetes and-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -you know, why you are-- Look around you. therapist: Mm, mm. client: um, I just felt that, um-- I mean, I don't think he was wasting my time because why would he do that? therapist: Yeah, yeah. client: Right?",He's got a lot to do. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Right? Um, I just think that-- Well, I just don't feel like it, Mark. therapist: Mm. client: Um— therapist: So how are you feel in your head- client: I feel absolutely fine.",-and what the tests say kind of like don't join up. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I mean, I get around, I sleep pretty well- therapist: Hmm-hmm. client: I sort of you know- therapist: Hmm. client: - I'm-I'm compos mentis. So I don't—",Yeah. What's the problem? Mm. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I sort of you know- therapist: Hmm. client: - I'm-I'm compos mentis. So I don't— therapist: Yeah. What's the problem? Mm. client: What is the problem?","And how did this happen is probably kind of what you're also thinking. Well, how did this--?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, but he-he was saying something about, I don't know, family or whatever. I don't know. therapist: Yeah. client: And I don't know if it's hereditary. therapist: Mm. client: I think he said something about it being hereditary.","So he mentioned, it might be a family thing. And so you-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: And I don't know if it's hereditary. therapist: Mm. client: I think he said something about it being hereditary. therapist: So he mentioned, it might be a family thing. And so you- client: Yeah.",-maybe got from your parents or something of the sort. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: But he might well have it because he is- therapist: Mm. client: -a pretty cuddly guy. You know- therapist: Right. client: He's pretty big.",So he fits the picture- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -a pretty cuddly guy. You know- therapist: Right. client: He's pretty big. therapist: So he fits the picture- client: Well, yes, the stereotype,-","-when you think about what he-he-- Yeah, he's stereotypical." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: He's pretty big. therapist: So he fits the picture- client: Well, yes, the stereotype,- therapist: -when you think about what he-he-- Yeah, he's stereotypical. client: Yeah, I guess.","A little bit bigger, perhaps doesn't look after himself that well, and he fits that foot" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, I guess. therapist: A little bit bigger, perhaps doesn't look after himself that well, and he fits that foot client: Well, yeah. I mean, as far as I know, I hadn't seen him for- therapist: Yeah. client: -I don't know how many years.",Mm. So you got this knowledge as a witness there's some family history of diabetes in the past? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, yeah. I mean, as far as I know, I hadn't seen him for- therapist: Yeah. client: -I don't know how many years. therapist: Mm. So you got this knowledge as a witness there's some family history of diabetes in the past? client: Apparently so. Yes, apparently so.",Doctor mentioned that as being a factor. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: And why go any further, it's there? therapist: Yeah. client: Can't help it. therapist: Yeah. client: They live pretty long lives, they did, all right.",They managed with it. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: As you get older. therapist: Yeah. client: I mean, I don't-I don't leap over five bar gates like I used to, you know, um, as opposed to, uh, running with the backs now, I tend to spend more time, you know, with my old mates in the bar. therapist: Yeah. client: At the rugby club and-and-and the such like, yeah. And, um, the fish I'm hooking, I'm not after the kings anymore, I go for the snapper now, it's a bit easier, you know.",A slightly more sedate lifestyle. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, I haven't noticed. therapist: Mh-hmm. client: I really haven't noticed how, um, okay I get a bit--I suppose I get a bit out of breath sometimes. therapist: Okay. client: If I rush too much that-that's true. Um, I suppose, um, I don't go upstairs two at a time anymore, I use one at a time.",So a little bit sort of energy is not quite there sometimes? The vitality. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, more than I would normally. therapist: Yeah. client: But that would be, that would be about it. therapist: Mh-hmm. client: Um, is it getting worse? I don't know. I-I-I suppose. What worse? Is it-is it increasing? Well, to say, I don't really notice it.","You haven't noticed it. So it's a progressive, you know, you've just seen this, as-as you got older, things have slowed down. You know those activities you used to do, but that's kind of like what happens." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, as I say, uh, you know I-I don't do any regular form of exercise, I have to say, not anymore. therapist: Yeah. client: Um. therapist: Okay. client: But maybe I-maybe I don't know.","Hmm, a bit of a mystery there." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um. therapist: Okay. client: But maybe I-maybe I don't know. therapist: Hmm, a bit of a mystery there. client: I mean I've got uh, well I-I mean I've got a great lifestyle. I mean if it's very-it-it's very good. I mean I've got all my mates in down at the rugby club. And I've got uh, you know even in the summer when that's a bit damn. I used to coach rugby and I coached cricket when I finished playing. So-so I've got the-the guys in the cricket club, um, you know, for the-for the, uh, for the summer evenings. And, uh, and then, uh, the-then, of course, we've got the fishing, and that's all of us combined. We're a big gang, really.",Really? So what I'm hearing is there's actually a lot of aspects in your life which are really good. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: But maybe I-maybe I don't know. therapist: Hmm, a bit of a mystery there. client: I mean I've got uh, well I-I mean I've got a great lifestyle. I mean if it's very-it-it's very good. I mean I've got all my mates in down at the rugby club. And I've got uh, you know even in the summer when that's a bit damn. I used to coach rugby and I coached cricket when I finished playing. So-so I've got the-the guys in the cricket club, um, you know, for the-for the, uh, for the summer evenings. And, uh, and then, uh, the-then, of course, we've got the fishing, and that's all of us combined. We're a big gang, really. therapist: Really? So what I'm hearing is there's actually a lot of aspects in your life which are really good. client: Oh, I think my life yeah. My life is great.","From your perspective, things are going well?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I mean I've got uh, well I-I mean I've got a great lifestyle. I mean if it's very-it-it's very good. I mean I've got all my mates in down at the rugby club. And I've got uh, you know even in the summer when that's a bit damn. I used to coach rugby and I coached cricket when I finished playing. So-so I've got the-the guys in the cricket club, um, you know, for the-for the, uh, for the summer evenings. And, uh, and then, uh, the-then, of course, we've got the fishing, and that's all of us combined. We're a big gang, really. therapist: Really? So what I'm hearing is there's actually a lot of aspects in your life which are really good. client: Oh, I think my life yeah. My life is great. therapist: From your perspective, things are going well? client: My life is great, and then you turn around and say, ""Hey you've got-- you-you're ill, you're sick.",Yeah. It doesn't fit. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: And um, no I'm not. But you see, he said to me that he's gonna put me on some sort of, uh, a daily monitoring of, is it sugar levels? therapist: Mh-hmm. client: And I'm gonna have to take regular pills. therapist: Right. client: Well frankly, the only pills I take are sort of paracetamols.","Yeah. When you get uh, a headache." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well frankly, the only pills I take are sort of paracetamols. therapist: Yeah. When you get uh, a headache. client: For a bit of the head in the morning, you know. therapist: Yeah. client: Um.",So the idea of having to test-test your blood sugar and take medications is kinda like off-- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um. therapist: So the idea of having to test-test your blood sugar and take medications is kinda like off-- client: Come on, you know. therapist: And you know that's a bit too- client: Well, life is too short.",Too much. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: And um, I think she used to look after me because she used to do the cooking and-and-and stuff like that. therapist: Okay. client: And I have to say that I'm not the best cook in the world. therapist: Mh-hmm. client: Um, and-and being on the run all the time and you know once I get back home, it's, you know, it's time to go down to the rugby club or whatever it might be, uh, we're out with the mates. And, uh, I-I do I suppose my food is not as healthy perhaps as it used to be when she was around. She's moved down to Hamilton to live with her mother, if you've met her mother. Anyway, but, um.","So then, since you've been on your own since you've separated, divorced and you've noticed that the things you eat and how you eat has changed." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: And, yeah, yeah, yeah. I guess, you know, that's when you, well, or whatever reason, you split up in life. therapist: Hmm. client: You start looking at the home life of somebody else, you're thinking, ""Hmm, I use d to have this."" therapist: Hmm. Yeah, yeah. client: And you think, "" This is nice food, "" isn't it? and you know.",Yeah. And your-- part of your wife used to do a lot of that for you? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: And you think, "" This is nice food, "" isn't it? and you know. therapist: Yeah. And your-- part of your wife used to do a lot of that for you? client: Oh, she would do all the cooking. Yeah, yeah, therapist: Yeah. client: I mean, I never bothered to boil an egg in the water, you know.","And so she would kinda look after what you ate and healthy things that you had, spread in front of you and off you go." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Oh, she would do all the cooking. Yeah, yeah, therapist: Yeah. client: I mean, I never bothered to boil an egg in the water, you know. therapist: And so she would kinda look after what you ate and healthy things that you had, spread in front of you and off you go. client: Totally. I mean, I was just in charge of the wine, you know.",Mm-hmm. And now you have to think about what you might eat and sometimes you don't eat the best. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Maybe I'm just— therapist: Hmm. client: You know, because it-- you know this-- the pizza shop's just on the road. therapist: Yeah. client: And then there's-- I mean, okay, I confess that lunchtime, occasionally, it's uh, I'm hungry and McDonald's is very convenient",Yeah. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: You know, because it-- you know this-- the pizza shop's just on the road. therapist: Yeah. client: And then there's-- I mean, okay, I confess that lunchtime, occasionally, it's uh, I'm hungry and McDonald's is very convenient therapist: Yeah. client: -or Kentucky Fried or whatever.","Very appealing, isn't it?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -or Kentucky Fried or whatever. therapist: Very appealing, isn't it? client: You know, it's very easy. and then, um, then you think to yourself, well-- I mean, I do think of myself that maybe I should have a few vegetables around here or whatever. But then you go out into the supermarkets, you know, and you can pick up, uh, your- one of your TV dinners. therapist: Mm-hmm, Mm-hmm. client: So you bring those in and you open them up and put them in the microwave and there's vegetables there.","Yeah they look pretty good on the plate, don't they?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: So you bring those in and you open them up and put them in the microwave and there's vegetables there. therapist: Yeah they look pretty good on the plate, don't they? client: Yeah, it looks- it looks fine, you know, et cetera. I mean, so that will happen occasionally if I've got a night in. But cooking-wise, no, I haven't cooked anything, um, other than boil the water for the kettle for a cup o coffee. therapist: Yeah. client: -for ages.",They're food choices in what you eat and what's in your diet it's not what-something you actually you've actually been aware of or had to think about in the past. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, it looks- it looks fine, you know, et cetera. I mean, so that will happen occasionally if I've got a night in. But cooking-wise, no, I haven't cooked anything, um, other than boil the water for the kettle for a cup o coffee. therapist: Yeah. client: -for ages. therapist: They're food choices in what you eat and what's in your diet it's not what-something you actually you've actually been aware of or had to think about in the past. client: Yeah. I do miss her breakfast. I have to say, we used to have get a nice breakfast.",So one thing that you noticed is diet and the eating patterns and- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well— therapist: -when you eat. That's one aspect. What other aspects do you think you've-- you would be--? client: Well, I used to be quite a heavy smoker, right? I mean, I'd smoke a pack in a half a day. And I knew that wasn't doing me any good. therapist: Right. client: I mean the thing is when you're a-- I mean, I've always smoked. So, but when you're young and you're a sportsman, you know—",You kinda juggle those two things and kinda-- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, I used to be quite a heavy smoker, right? I mean, I'd smoke a pack in a half a day. And I knew that wasn't doing me any good. therapist: Right. client: I mean the thing is when you're a-- I mean, I've always smoked. So, but when you're young and you're a sportsman, you know— therapist: You kinda juggle those two things and kinda-- client: Well, the two things they balance out, you know and everybody else is",You still run and have a cigarette? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I mean the thing is when you're a-- I mean, I've always smoked. So, but when you're young and you're a sportsman, you know— therapist: You kinda juggle those two things and kinda-- client: Well, the two things they balance out, you know and everybody else is therapist: You still run and have a cigarette? client: You know, you pass a cigarette down the backline almost, don't you? You know, just before the game gets—","Hmm. Hmm. Yeah, part of the culture." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: That's why you played and it was a big buddy-buddy thing. therapist: Yeah. client: That was rugby and cricket was the same really. therapist: Hmm. client: Um, but now—","But over the years, you've actually reduced your smoking or you've stopped altogether or at times?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, but now— therapist: But over the years, you've actually reduced your smoking or you've stopped altogether or at times? client: Well I-I, yeah. I was getting a bit sort of-- I was getting a bit, you know, a bit wheezy and I thought, ""I'll cut this out."" therapist: Hmm. client: But I enjoy smoking. I really do enjoy it. So I cut it down to I suppose it's about 10 a day now.","Okay, so you meant to reduce." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well I-I, yeah. I was getting a bit sort of-- I was getting a bit, you know, a bit wheezy and I thought, ""I'll cut this out."" therapist: Hmm. client: But I enjoy smoking. I really do enjoy it. So I cut it down to I suppose it's about 10 a day now. therapist: Okay, so you meant to reduce. client: Yeah, yeah.",You were noticing that it's having an impact on your breathing and health wasn't so good. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: But I enjoy smoking. I really do enjoy it. So I cut it down to I suppose it's about 10 a day now. therapist: Okay, so you meant to reduce. client: Yeah, yeah. therapist: You were noticing that it's having an impact on your breathing and health wasn't so good. client: Yeah.","When you related that to your smoking, so you managed to reduce your smoking." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, yeah. therapist: You were noticing that it's having an impact on your breathing and health wasn't so good. client: Yeah. therapist: When you related that to your smoking, so you managed to reduce your smoking. client: Yeah, yeah. I sort of—",So you've made our decision to do that? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, yeah. I sort of— therapist: So you've made our decision to do that? client: it-it-it's-- you know, she will, ""Why don't you give up? You've gone so far, why don't you just stop?"" But I don't want to. therapist: Hmm. client: It's-it's-- I-I enjoy it, um—","Yeah, and it's hard to get to stop something you enjoy, isn't it?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Oh, yeah, yeah. I have two sugars. A couple of sugar in coffee. Yeah, yeah. therapist: Hmm. client: So we cut that down as I say. therapist: Hmm. client: But the problem goes that coffee, we're up to 8 or so, 10 cups of coffee a day now.","You're drinking more coffee. So what I've heard you say so far is, if I can just start right back from the beginning and you used to come in and sais, ""I went to the doctor."" You went for-- it sounds like you went for just a checkup." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: So we cut that down as I say. therapist: Hmm. client: But the problem goes that coffee, we're up to 8 or so, 10 cups of coffee a day now. therapist: You're drinking more coffee. So what I've heard you say so far is, if I can just start right back from the beginning and you used to come in and sais, ""I went to the doctor."" You went for-- it sounds like you went for just a checkup. client: No, you know, there's a friend of mine, one of the guys down the rugby club, he said- he said, ""I'm going for my annual, you know-",MIT. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: But the problem goes that coffee, we're up to 8 or so, 10 cups of coffee a day now. therapist: You're drinking more coffee. So what I've heard you say so far is, if I can just start right back from the beginning and you used to come in and sais, ""I went to the doctor."" You went for-- it sounds like you went for just a checkup. client: No, you know, there's a friend of mine, one of the guys down the rugby club, he said- he said, ""I'm going for my annual, you know- therapist: MIT. client: -warranty of fitness, sort of thing, you know. And I thought, now that's an idea, not been to one of those.","Got to check out, why not?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: So I'm 55, and you read in the papers, you know, it's that at 55 you will-- you know, heart disease is more prevalent therapist: Hmm. client: -and all these sorts of things that you get around this middle-age time. So I thought, ""Well, I'll go and have one."" And frankly, when I went along, I was very confident. I thought, you know, the doctor is going to saying, ""Hmm, I wish I was as healthy as you,"" sort of thing. therapist: Yeah. client: Um, but unfortunately, uh, he-he came up with this. And it's the only thing I think he really came up with. I think-",So everything else looked pretty good? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -and all these sorts of things that you get around this middle-age time. So I thought, ""Well, I'll go and have one."" And frankly, when I went along, I was very confident. I thought, you know, the doctor is going to saying, ""Hmm, I wish I was as healthy as you,"" sort of thing. therapist: Yeah. client: Um, but unfortunately, uh, he-he came up with this. And it's the only thing I think he really came up with. I think- therapist: So everything else looked pretty good? client: My cholesterol is quite good, not too bad.","Cholesterol good, your weight is good." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, but unfortunately, uh, he-he came up with this. And it's the only thing I think he really came up with. I think- therapist: So everything else looked pretty good? client: My cholesterol is quite good, not too bad. therapist: Cholesterol good, your weight is good. client: Yeah-yeah. Not too bad.","Um, you are smoking, but you've managed to reduce that." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: My cholesterol is quite good, not too bad. therapist: Cholesterol good, your weight is good. client: Yeah-yeah. Not too bad. therapist: Um, you are smoking, but you've managed to reduce that. client: Well, yeah, I've cut it down, yeah. I mean, that's been three years, mind.","And anything else, you know, you go ticking down the list. The tire is good, oil good." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah-yeah. Not too bad. therapist: Um, you are smoking, but you've managed to reduce that. client: Well, yeah, I've cut it down, yeah. I mean, that's been three years, mind. therapist: And anything else, you know, you go ticking down the list. The tire is good, oil good. client: Absolutely.",So we're looking good. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, yeah, I've cut it down, yeah. I mean, that's been three years, mind. therapist: And anything else, you know, you go ticking down the list. The tire is good, oil good. client: Absolutely. therapist: So we're looking good. client: And then we come to this-","And ah, hang on." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Absolutely. therapist: So we're looking good. client: And then we come to this- therapist: And ah, hang on. client: -too much sugar in the tank, or something. I don't know.","Yeah, there's something wrong with the, uh, with this bit." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: And then we come to this- therapist: And ah, hang on. client: -too much sugar in the tank, or something. I don't know. therapist: Yeah, there's something wrong with the, uh, with this bit. client: So, yeah.",And it doesn't quite fit with how you see your own lifestyle. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -too much sugar in the tank, or something. I don't know. therapist: Yeah, there's something wrong with the, uh, with this bit. client: So, yeah. therapist: And it doesn't quite fit with how you see your own lifestyle. client: No.","Because you've-- it sounds like what you've been doing, you've made some conscious effort to be aware of some of those things you might think are important." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I mean, yeah. I mean, you know, the thing is, you see, the thing is, and I mean, and probably you've-- I think you've heard this before, but people, they turn around, oh, uh, you know, doom and gloom prophets, you shouldn't drink. therapist: Mm. client: You shouldn't smoke. therapist: Yeah. client: And then I think to myself, ""Well, maybe I shouldn't socialize."" And then after that, ""Well, maybe I shouldn't be alive.""","So like a domino effect, and they'll all be just sitting-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: And then I think to myself, ""Well, maybe I shouldn't socialize."" And then after that, ""Well, maybe I shouldn't be alive."" therapist: So like a domino effect, and they'll all be just sitting- client: You know. I mean, what-what-what's going on here? This is- this is- this is so many people's lives. therapist: Mm-hm. client: And um, I suppose, you know, if it came down to it, then, and somebody said, ""Well, you can solve this problem by taking a pill once a day, um, you know, it will keep it down, and there will be no problems,"" Then I-I could go with that. But what I don't want to do, um, the doctor was saying, or insinuating, that I'd have to change my lifestyle.",A bit broad kind of like you've gotta change everything. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: You know. I mean, what-what-what's going on here? This is- this is- this is so many people's lives. therapist: Mm-hm. client: And um, I suppose, you know, if it came down to it, then, and somebody said, ""Well, you can solve this problem by taking a pill once a day, um, you know, it will keep it down, and there will be no problems,"" Then I-I could go with that. But what I don't want to do, um, the doctor was saying, or insinuating, that I'd have to change my lifestyle. therapist: A bit broad kind of like you've gotta change everything. client: Yeah. It was um, and I-I said, well, no. I'm sorry. [coughs] I'm not going to change my lifestyle. I've got to where I am. I'm reasonably happy. Okay, I wish I wasn't separated. Okay, I wish my kids were-were still around, um, you know. One of them is off now in, um, in-- back in Europe playing rugby in France.","Yeah. And your thought was, yeah, right, I hear that, but actually, I don't want to make all these big changes in my life." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: And um, I suppose, you know, if it came down to it, then, and somebody said, ""Well, you can solve this problem by taking a pill once a day, um, you know, it will keep it down, and there will be no problems,"" Then I-I could go with that. But what I don't want to do, um, the doctor was saying, or insinuating, that I'd have to change my lifestyle. therapist: A bit broad kind of like you've gotta change everything. client: Yeah. It was um, and I-I said, well, no. I'm sorry. [coughs] I'm not going to change my lifestyle. I've got to where I am. I'm reasonably happy. Okay, I wish I wasn't separated. Okay, I wish my kids were-were still around, um, you know. One of them is off now in, um, in-- back in Europe playing rugby in France. therapist: Yeah. And your thought was, yeah, right, I hear that, but actually, I don't want to make all these big changes in my life. client: No, I don't want to, because I don't feel that I need to.",Feel like you need to. Yeah. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I mean, it's you know, why? therapist: Mm. client: Um, I can't argue with a medical professional, Mark, because I know nothing, you know. therapist: The test, is the test, and experience, yeah. client: So, I mean, what-what-what-what suggestions would you have? I mean, what-what sort of-","I don't know. I think it's up to you where we start, and that's the question I've got in my mind. You've mentioned a couple of things that you've already made some effort, or been conscious of. You've mentioned the diet, you've mentioned your smoking, those are two quite important aspects that we often talk about here in how people work." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Where would I start? Well, I-- What if about if I cut down on sugar in the coffee? If we could have long blacks, no milk, and no sugar. therapist: Yeah. Hmm, that might be a start. client: I think I could- I think I could probably handle that. therapist: Hm. What we also find is that people make these little changes, small changes, and that starts to kind of well, it makes them- client: Something of a rollover effect.","-rollover, the domino effect starts to happen, and they start looking at other aspects." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I think I could- I think I could probably handle that. therapist: Hm. What we also find is that people make these little changes, small changes, and that starts to kind of well, it makes them- client: Something of a rollover effect. therapist: -rollover, the domino effect starts to happen, and they start looking at other aspects. client: Domino effect, yeah.","So rather than thinking, ""oh, my God, I have to change all these things. I've gotta stop smoking, I've gotta exercise more, I've gotta, you know, start eating more fruit and vegetables,"" you might start with these small changes, and then-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Domino effect, yeah. therapist: So rather than thinking, ""oh, my God, I have to change all these things. I've gotta stop smoking, I've gotta exercise more, I've gotta, you know, start eating more fruit and vegetables,"" you might start with these small changes, and then- client: I mean, how much exercise should I do a week? therapist: Um, I-I'm reluctant to give a prescription for that because I think it's really up to you. And I think it depends on how things go, as to how much you need to do. client: Right.","You mentioned earlier on, the doctors talking about you monitoring your blood sugar." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I mean, how much exercise should I do a week? therapist: Um, I-I'm reluctant to give a prescription for that because I think it's really up to you. And I think it depends on how things go, as to how much you need to do. client: Right. therapist: You mentioned earlier on, the doctors talking about you monitoring your blood sugar. client: Yeah.","So on how-- It depends on how-how that goes. Let's say, if you started doing that and you do some more exercise, you start to have longer blacks, rather than short blacks with lots of sugar. And you get down the sugar and you find your blood sugar starts to come down, then we're heading in the right direction." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Right. therapist: You mentioned earlier on, the doctors talking about you monitoring your blood sugar. client: Yeah. therapist: So on how-- It depends on how-how that goes. Let's say, if you started doing that and you do some more exercise, you start to have longer blacks, rather than short blacks with lots of sugar. And you get down the sugar and you find your blood sugar starts to come down, then we're heading in the right direction. client: Okay, so—","So it's really, I suppose, up to how things go for you, and you get that feedback. And if that's going in the right direction, you carry on doing and do some more of that." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: So, a-are we saying then that-that, really all I need to do, for this moment, is I can forget about everything, but cut out the sugar, uh, in the coffee and the milk-- I don't know, but you might as well, you know, milk without sugar is silly. But, um, if we do that, is that where we start? therapist: I think where we start is where you feel comfortable starting. client: Well, I mean that's something that's not difficult to do. therapist: Apples for breakfast. client: You start off at breakfast and get yourself an apple, a bit-a bit of apple and-and so on. Um—","So what I'm hearing you're kind of saying is, that there's-- You're now starting to think of some very useful little starting points." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, I mean that's something that's not difficult to do. therapist: Apples for breakfast. client: You start off at breakfast and get yourself an apple, a bit-a bit of apple and-and so on. Um— therapist: So what I'm hearing you're kind of saying is, that there's-- You're now starting to think of some very useful little starting points. client: Maybe.","Not huge changes, but some little things you could do." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: You start off at breakfast and get yourself an apple, a bit-a bit of apple and-and so on. Um— therapist: So what I'm hearing you're kind of saying is, that there's-- You're now starting to think of some very useful little starting points. client: Maybe. therapist: Not huge changes, but some little things you could do. client: Yeah.","And it's kind of dawning on you there may be some possibilities here for making some changes. Let me ask you this. Um, let's say you put some of these things in place and you start to make some of these small changes." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: Um, where do you see that taking you in the next set of three, four, five years? You know, where do you want to be in three to four years' time? What would be your ideal picture? client: Well, you know, and this is difficult because I don't feel unhealthy now. therapist: No. client: So, I suppose it would be fun to-- Maybe I should join a club or two, that's what I'm thinking because I'll be with mates.",Yeah? You like the social aspect? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: So, I suppose it would be fun to-- Maybe I should join a club or two, that's what I'm thinking because I'll be with mates. therapist: Yeah? You like the social aspect? client: I love the social aspect of it, and, um, there's-there's-- I know there's a bar in this club as well. I-- Don't-don't misunderstand me, I don't drink- therapist: No, no, I get that. I get that. client: -till-- You know, I'm not an alcoholic or anything like that, I—","So part of that whole keeping fit and exercise stuff is actually the social side of it, isn't it?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: So yeah, so to get that balance, and maybe that's what I'm actually missing in life, and maybe this is, um-- I mean yes I do get up in the morning sometimes, and I suppose I do feel a bit— therapist: Yeah. client: You know? Even after a decent night's sleep, you know? therapist: Haven't quite that- client: And you need-- I'm getting this cup of coffee and maybe I'm—",And the coffee helps a little bit because it perks you up? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: You know? Even after a decent night's sleep, you know? therapist: Haven't quite that- client: And you need-- I'm getting this cup of coffee and maybe I'm— therapist: And the coffee helps a little bit because it perks you up? client: And that gets me going. Yeah.",And the sugar in it helps too. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: And you need-- I'm getting this cup of coffee and maybe I'm— therapist: And the coffee helps a little bit because it perks you up? client: And that gets me going. Yeah. therapist: And the sugar in it helps too. client: Yeah, the sugar gives me the boost, I suppose. I-it's fantastic.","So what I'm hearing is that your life, your work, your routines are-- Sometimes you're driving or you've got to keep awake, get up in the morning sometimes and you haven't quite got that buzz or the energy. You need a shot, and then throughout the day you might need just more shots to keep that energy up." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Hmm. If I give up sugar in my coffee, give up the milk, black coffees, right? therapist: Yeah. client: if I find some social form of exercise, like squash. therapist: And an activity which has got a starting to finish and it's something you do for a slot. client: Yeah.",And then there's maybe some social aspects to it as well. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: if I find some social form of exercise, like squash. therapist: And an activity which has got a starting to finish and it's something you do for a slot. client: Yeah. therapist: And then there's maybe some social aspects to it as well. client: Yeah, and then—",You can see some benefits and some enjoyment that. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: And then there's maybe some social aspects to it as well. client: Yeah, and then— therapist: You can see some benefits and some enjoyment that. client: And then, you know, give this, say, six months, I don't know what period it would be, then go back to the GP and say, ""Test me again.""",That sounds like a great plan. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: And then, you know, give this, say, six months, I don't know what period it would be, then go back to the GP and say, ""Test me again."" therapist: That sounds like a great plan. client: And so maybe that would, uh— therapist: Yeah, sounds like a good idea. client: Maybe it's an idea. I mean—","I think anything you do, it has to be something you've decided. You know, just start where you want to start. You've mentioned some really good ideas about possibly getting a little bit more exercise into your life, doing something like squash or something of that nature. You've mentioned some really good ideas about reducing the amount of sugar you-you-you're-you're intaking during the day, and coffee is a good place to start. Having an apple for breakfast, I think you mentioned that, a bit of fruit." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, you see, I mean, I'm thinking, ""Actually it might not be a bad idea this,"" because [chuckles] it would mean I could socialize harder, couldn't I? No, no I'm just joking. Uh, but, um, yeah, I mean, why not? Why not? Why not? It might be fun, it's a new path. therapist: What's to lose? What's to gain? client: Well, it would appear that there is something to gain, and-- I mean, I-- What do I lose? I don't know until I do it. But I'm thinking that if I do it and I do what I'm enjoying doing, I won't miss what I'm not doing. Does that make sense? therapist: It does make sense, yeah. client: Um, yeah I don't mind. I-- It's not a—","So when you look at it, there's probably more to gain from making these changes than there is to lose." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I'll talk to Billy about, um-- Billy is, um, he's the gym bloke. therapist: Right. client: I'll have a word with him because I'm due down the club tonight. therapist: Yeah. client: Really.","So you've got to work these things on your mind. You know, the-- And workout where's the place to start." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Really. therapist: So you've got to work these things on your mind. You know, the-- And workout where's the place to start. client: Yeah, I think that you say where-where you're at now, where you're going, where— therapist: Yeah. client: -and-and-and this is what I've got to do. I think I'm in a rut. I think that's where I've—",You've been stuck? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -which he says can be managed, and you seem to be insinuating that it can be managed. therapist: Indeed, yeah. client: Uh, maybe this is a blessing, actually- therapist: So rather than-- client: -because I think to myself, ""Well, if someday, I am diagnosed with diabetes, I'd just carry on and-""",Carrying on. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Uh, maybe this is a blessing, actually- therapist: So rather than-- client: -because I think to myself, ""Well, if someday, I am diagnosed with diabetes, I'd just carry on and-"" therapist: Carrying on. client: ""-sitting in the corner of the bar, and chat, and talk and probably get fat."" I don't know, and make it worse. And, yeah, maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe.","So it's been a bit of a-a bit of a shock, but now you kinda reflect on it." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: ""-sitting in the corner of the bar, and chat, and talk and probably get fat."" I don't know, and make it worse. And, yeah, maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe. therapist: So it's been a bit of a-a bit of a shock, but now you kinda reflect on it. client: Yeah, that's cool. therapist: Maybe this is the- client: That's really cool.","-bit of a shake that I needed, you know, just sort of remind me. I might feel okay. I might-- From my perspective, your perspective, you're thinking, ""Well, what's the problem? Everything's fine.""" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, that's cool. therapist: Maybe this is the- client: That's really cool. therapist: -bit of a shake that I needed, you know, just sort of remind me. I might feel okay. I might-- From my perspective, your perspective, you're thinking, ""Well, what's the problem? Everything's fine."" client: Mm.","But now you seem to be thinking looking and thinking, ""Maybe things weren't, or aren't, as good as I thought they were.""" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: That's really cool. therapist: -bit of a shake that I needed, you know, just sort of remind me. I might feel okay. I might-- From my perspective, your perspective, you're thinking, ""Well, what's the problem? Everything's fine."" client: Mm. therapist: But now you seem to be thinking looking and thinking, ""Maybe things weren't, or aren't, as good as I thought they were."" client: Yeah, I mean, I think you're quite right. I think you just—",Things could be better? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm. therapist: But now you seem to be thinking looking and thinking, ""Maybe things weren't, or aren't, as good as I thought they were."" client: Yeah, I mean, I think you're quite right. I think you just— therapist: Things could be better? client: I don't know, you become sedentary, don't you? No, it seems that-- No, actually, this is quite exciting. It quite [unintelligible 00:31:28]","Yeah, I sense that. I sense that in you that you're--" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, I mean, I think you're quite right. I think you just— therapist: Things could be better? client: I don't know, you become sedentary, don't you? No, it seems that-- No, actually, this is quite exciting. It quite [unintelligible 00:31:28] therapist: Yeah, I sense that. I sense that in you that you're-- client: I think to myself, I think, ""Oh,"" I think go—",Quite invigorated with the idea of-- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I don't know, you become sedentary, don't you? No, it seems that-- No, actually, this is quite exciting. It quite [unintelligible 00:31:28] therapist: Yeah, I sense that. I sense that in you that you're-- client: I think to myself, I think, ""Oh,"" I think go— therapist: Quite invigorated with the idea of-- client: Yeah. I mean, this is- this is- this is cool, it's like an old challenge again.",Making some of these changes. Yeah. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I think to myself, I think, ""Oh,"" I think go— therapist: Quite invigorated with the idea of-- client: Yeah. I mean, this is- this is- this is cool, it's like an old challenge again. therapist: Making some of these changes. Yeah. client: This is good. And, um—",You're up for the challenge? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. I mean, this is- this is- this is cool, it's like an old challenge again. therapist: Making some of these changes. Yeah. client: This is good. And, um— therapist: You're up for the challenge? client: I think I am. I mean, I never thought about it, but when I think about it now it's, ""What am I doing here?"" Why am I like this? Why am I just happy contented to drift?",So think about when you were-- This-this is an interesting question to see what you think. You were- you were a coach. You-- Maybe you'll be a coach again. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: Modified and looked at, to get the best out of ourselves, to get the best out of the opportunities we have. client: I think you're- I think you're right. I think, um-- And again, you put them together and it's-it's-it's becoming-- It's-it's a sort of a-an individual team job, isn't it really? therapist: Yeah, yeah. client: That, okay, do a bit of this and do a bit of that.","Some good things I'm- some things I'm good at and there are some other aspects we think, ""Well--""" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I think you're- I think you're right. I think, um-- And again, you put them together and it's-it's-it's becoming-- It's-it's a sort of a-an individual team job, isn't it really? therapist: Yeah, yeah. client: That, okay, do a bit of this and do a bit of that. therapist: Some good things I'm- some things I'm good at and there are some other aspects we think, ""Well--"" client: Yeah, but I don't have to give up anything really, do I?",It's not about giving up your personality or- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: That, okay, do a bit of this and do a bit of that. therapist: Some good things I'm- some things I'm good at and there are some other aspects we think, ""Well--"" client: Yeah, but I don't have to give up anything really, do I? therapist: It's not about giving up your personality or- client: No.",-changing who you are fundamentally. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, but I don't have to give up anything really, do I? therapist: It's not about giving up your personality or- client: No. therapist: -changing who you are fundamentally. client: No it's not. It's not.","It's just tweaking things. Just fine-tuning a few areas and being a bit more aw-aware of one aspect of your life a bit more, like the food choices or whatever. Well, Mike, I-I've really enjoyed listening to your perspective, and your story a little bit, and it's helped me a lot to get an idea about where you're coming from, and a little bit about who you are, and what's happened in your past. And-and we've also talked a bit about what's going to happen next. And you've come up with some great ideas. What I hear you saying is that, you know, before all this, before you met the GP, things are going fine.Well, as you would of-- As, you know, as you'd seen it, you were just doing your thing, and getting on working, and being busy, and being successful, and then suddenly this diagnosis, this doctor tells you that you've got a problem." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: No. therapist: -changing who you are fundamentally. client: No it's not. It's not. therapist: It's just tweaking things. Just fine-tuning a few areas and being a bit more aw-aware of one aspect of your life a bit more, like the food choices or whatever. Well, Mike, I-I've really enjoyed listening to your perspective, and your story a little bit, and it's helped me a lot to get an idea about where you're coming from, and a little bit about who you are, and what's happened in your past. And-and we've also talked a bit about what's going to happen next. And you've come up with some great ideas. What I hear you saying is that, you know, before all this, before you met the GP, things are going fine.Well, as you would of-- As, you know, as you'd seen it, you were just doing your thing, and getting on working, and being busy, and being successful, and then suddenly this diagnosis, this doctor tells you that you've got a problem. client: Mm-hmm.","It comes along to me and talk today a bit about how you felt about that. Initially, it can be quite a bit of a-bit of a shock. It didn't quite fit with how you saw things." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: No it's not. It's not. therapist: It's just tweaking things. Just fine-tuning a few areas and being a bit more aw-aware of one aspect of your life a bit more, like the food choices or whatever. Well, Mike, I-I've really enjoyed listening to your perspective, and your story a little bit, and it's helped me a lot to get an idea about where you're coming from, and a little bit about who you are, and what's happened in your past. And-and we've also talked a bit about what's going to happen next. And you've come up with some great ideas. What I hear you saying is that, you know, before all this, before you met the GP, things are going fine.Well, as you would of-- As, you know, as you'd seen it, you were just doing your thing, and getting on working, and being busy, and being successful, and then suddenly this diagnosis, this doctor tells you that you've got a problem. client: Mm-hmm. therapist: It comes along to me and talk today a bit about how you felt about that. Initially, it can be quite a bit of a-bit of a shock. It didn't quite fit with how you saw things. client: True, true.","And as we've been talking, I'm hearing you're saying that maybe if you look back to where you were before you went to the doctor, things weren't quite that right, maybe. Things weren't as good as you thought they were." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: True, true. therapist: And as we've been talking, I'm hearing you're saying that maybe if you look back to where you were before you went to the doctor, things weren't quite that right, maybe. Things weren't as good as you thought they were. client: Now that I think about it- now that I think about it, maybe. therapist: Yeah. client: Maybe they were.","And what I also hear you saying, it's possibly the-- It's now possibly more possible, in your mind, that you could make some of these changes, rather than bring broad-brush, you know, huge changes to your lifestyles. It's not about changing who you are, it's not changing huge facets of your life, but maybe small steps that need to be taken." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Now that I think about it- now that I think about it, maybe. therapist: Yeah. client: Maybe they were. therapist: And what I also hear you saying, it's possibly the-- It's now possibly more possible, in your mind, that you could make some of these changes, rather than bring broad-brush, you know, huge changes to your lifestyles. It's not about changing who you are, it's not changing huge facets of your life, but maybe small steps that need to be taken. client: Yeah, you see—",What you're kind of thinking about what those might. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm. When your life comes to a halt- therapist: Mm. client: -your family splits up, or whatever, and you don't have anymore, I-I think you stop caring really. Uh, y-you know, you stop caring about yourself therapist: Yeah. client: Because everything is just f-",Nobody there too. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Nobody there, [crosstalk] it's true and so,- therapist: Yeah. client: -you know,- therapist: Mhm. client: -you don't care.",So now it's time- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -you know,- therapist: Mhm. client: -you don't care. therapist: So now it's time- client: So that's maybe [crosstalk]",-to think about looking after yourself a bit more. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -you don't care. therapist: So now it's time- client: So that's maybe [crosstalk] therapist: -to think about looking after yourself a bit more. client: Maybe, a bit selfish but maybe why not?",Why not? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Maybe, a bit selfish but maybe why not? therapist: Why not? client: Why not? Yeah, that's a good idea. therapist: Yeah. So, we've run out of time but I also want to ask you a final question, where to from here, what's next? client: Oh right, well, wha-what we talked about. Now, you know, uh, okay, uh, coffee. Right? No sugar.",You'll start with that? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Oh right, well, wha-what we talked about. Now, you know, uh, okay, uh, coffee. Right? No sugar. therapist: You'll start with that? client: I'll start with that. therapist: Yeah. client: Um, I'm gonna, um, I'll be talking to Bill, uh-",The gym. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -and I'm gonna go down to the rugby club and I'll- I know that will be accepted. I'll offer my services again because- therapist: Yeah. client: -it was reasonably successful. therapist: Yeah. client: And, uh—",And you also mentioned you'll perhaps go and- back and see the doctor and just give him a bit of an update as to- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: But this is what I'm gonna do. All right? And like I said, I'm gonna make the inquiries, I will start there- therapist: Sure. client: -I will give up, uh, I'll give up the V drinks,- therapist: Mhm. client: -I think, um, look for some better wine. [laughter] Um, and-and I-I'd take an interest really.",You are gonna make a start? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Oh, yeah, and what it is- therapist: [unintelligible 00:36:53] some of that. client: -because I don't really know. Yeah, yeah. therapist: Um, and I'd like to us- for us to meet again, so to catch up with you and make an appointment before you leave. Just to see how things are going and- client: Okay.",-see what sort of little changes you've managed to make. I'd be really [unintelligible 00:37:07]- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -and she freaked out, and she's going crazy over it. Um, I don't why she was going through stuff in the first place, but whatever, so, now I'm here. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: Um, I've been hanging out with a new cool crowd of people that I really like. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: Uh, a-and-and that's-that's basically it.","Yeah. So-so you've got this new group of friends and-and, um, you-you actually kind of like where you're at with things right now. And your mom was going through your stuff and found your stash, and it's just turned into a, you know, all of this." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, I've been hanging out with a new cool crowd of people that I really like. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: Uh, a-and-and that's-that's basically it. therapist: Yeah. So-so you've got this new group of friends and-and, um, you-you actually kind of like where you're at with things right now. And your mom was going through your stuff and found your stash, and it's just turned into a, you know, all of this. client: Yeah.",Yeah. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Uh, a-and-and that's-that's basically it. therapist: Yeah. So-so you've got this new group of friends and-and, um, you-you actually kind of like where you're at with things right now. And your mom was going through your stuff and found your stash, and it's just turned into a, you know, all of this. client: Yeah. therapist: Yeah. client: Yeah, basically.",Yeah. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: Yeah. client: Yeah, basically. therapist: Yeah. client: Mm-hmm.","And, uh, sounds like you're-you're pretty upset with your mom for-for doing that?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, basically. therapist: Yeah. client: Mm-hmm. therapist: And, uh, sounds like you're-you're pretty upset with your mom for-for doing that? client: I am.",Yeah. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm-hmm. therapist: And, uh, sounds like you're-you're pretty upset with your mom for-for doing that? client: I am. therapist: Yeah. client: I mean, it's my stuff, I don't know why she's—","Right. It's like your private place and, you know, it's-- that's-- it's your stuff." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I am. therapist: Yeah. client: I mean, it's my stuff, I don't know why she's— therapist: Right. It's like your private place and, you know, it's-- that's-- it's your stuff. client: I-I don't go- I don't go through her s- I don't go through her stuff. I don't go through her purse. I don't—",Yeah. So why should she go through yours? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Right. therapist: Yeah. Yeah therapist: Okay. So what ideas do you have, Natalie for, um, getting started in adding more physical activity? client: Well, I think, um, like when I was really active in the past, I enjoy going to the gym and I like that regardless of what's happening with the weather outside, that-that's always an option. Um, so I've kind of already started to look and see, like, how much gym memberships cost in the area. Um, I really like one that's like month to month and doesn't require me to pay out for like a year because, in the summertime, I just don't use that when the weather is nice, I like to be outside. client: So, um, I do think that that would be an option. Um, I did enjoy doing yoga in the past. I, um, I don't care for swimming, uh, because it requires a lot of extra prep time, and like, I don't- chlorine in my hair just doesn't really go very well usually. Um, but I really like walking, um, weightlifting, running is okay. Um, that was more at my, like, peak activity level, so I don't think I could start out running now, but I'd like to work up to it.",Great. It sounds like there are a lot of activities that you do like- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: Okay. So what ideas do you have, Natalie for, um, getting started in adding more physical activity? client: Well, I think, um, like when I was really active in the past, I enjoy going to the gym and I like that regardless of what's happening with the weather outside, that-that's always an option. Um, so I've kind of already started to look and see, like, how much gym memberships cost in the area. Um, I really like one that's like month to month and doesn't require me to pay out for like a year because, in the summertime, I just don't use that when the weather is nice, I like to be outside. client: So, um, I do think that that would be an option. Um, I did enjoy doing yoga in the past. I, um, I don't care for swimming, uh, because it requires a lot of extra prep time, and like, I don't- chlorine in my hair just doesn't really go very well usually. Um, but I really like walking, um, weightlifting, running is okay. Um, that was more at my, like, peak activity level, so I don't think I could start out running now, but I'd like to work up to it. therapist: Great. It sounds like there are a lot of activities that you do like- client: Mm-hmm.","-and I'm hearing a theme of climate control, [chuckles] being important to you and you've already been researching gyms." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm-hmm. therapist: -and I'm hearing a theme of climate control, [chuckles] being important to you and you've already been researching gyms. client: Mm-hmm. therapist: Tell me more about that. client: Yeah. So I just- on my phone, if I'm like in the grocery store, I'm kind of just looking through, and on Google, I'll type in like ""Gyms in the area"" and I'll look and see what's there. And, um, I don't ever want to sign up to learn more 'cause I feel like then they just keep emailing you forever. So at this point, I'm just trying to kind of figure out what I can, based on their website as far as cost goes, but that, um, month to month is kind of really important for me. Just like I mentioned, I don't want to be paying for six months or a year out.",Right. Okay. So you're looking for some-something that's reasonably priced- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm-hmm. therapist: Tell me more about that. client: Yeah. So I just- on my phone, if I'm like in the grocery store, I'm kind of just looking through, and on Google, I'll type in like ""Gyms in the area"" and I'll look and see what's there. And, um, I don't ever want to sign up to learn more 'cause I feel like then they just keep emailing you forever. So at this point, I'm just trying to kind of figure out what I can, based on their website as far as cost goes, but that, um, month to month is kind of really important for me. Just like I mentioned, I don't want to be paying for six months or a year out. therapist: Right. Okay. So you're looking for some-something that's reasonably priced- client: Mm-hmm.",-and that you don't have to sign a contract and you're right. It's hard to tell what the cost is just from looking on the website. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. So I just- on my phone, if I'm like in the grocery store, I'm kind of just looking through, and on Google, I'll type in like ""Gyms in the area"" and I'll look and see what's there. And, um, I don't ever want to sign up to learn more 'cause I feel like then they just keep emailing you forever. So at this point, I'm just trying to kind of figure out what I can, based on their website as far as cost goes, but that, um, month to month is kind of really important for me. Just like I mentioned, I don't want to be paying for six months or a year out. therapist: Right. Okay. So you're looking for some-something that's reasonably priced- client: Mm-hmm. therapist: -and that you don't have to sign a contract and you're right. It's hard to tell what the cost is just from looking on the website. client: Yeah.",And I completely agree [laughs]about wanting to avoid the sales pitch- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: And I completely agree [laughs]about wanting to avoid the sales pitch- client: Mm-hmm. therapist: -um, element of it. What seems like a logical next step based on-- You've kind of already gotten the ball rolling. What feels like a logical next step? client: Yeah, I think, um, you know, I've kind of looked around and seen what I- what's available to me. Um, I think the next step would be to maybe go visit one place and just see, like, what equipment they have. Um, I also think too, I'd like to be outside when the weather permits. I like to walk. I just- I don't like rain or snow or cold, like, um, I don't like doing things when I'm just not in a climate that's enjoyable. So if there is, uh, decent weather, I think going outside and, you know, getting some steps in or just walking would be a good first start for me.",Okay. So maybe visiting a gym and then also choosing a non-gym activity to sort of get started when the weather's permitting. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Sure. Yeah. therapist: I'm wondering about the price of the YMCA compared to other gyms. Uh, is that one that you have an interest in or have looked at already? client: I don't know that I've looked closely at that. I don't know much about their pricing or anything like that. therapist: Yes. And honestly, I don't either. [chuckles] I just suspect that it might be slightly cheaper than some of the more private gyms. client: I agree.",So something to look into if you're interested. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I agree. therapist: So something to look into if you're interested. client: Yeah, definitely. therapist: And they-- I would suspect they'd be less sales pitch-oriented than a private gym. So it might be a safe place to explore first- client: Mm-hmm.",-and to build some confidence in that conversation. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm-hmm. therapist: -and to build some confidence in that conversation. client: Yeah, no, yeah. That's a good-good recommendation. I'll definitely check it out. therapist: Okay. Great. So, um, in addition to exploring the gym possibility, what sounds like a logical next step for a non-gym activity to get started, some small goal that feels doable, um, and you have control over because it doesn't require the perfect weather- client: Mm-hmm.",-or the perfect gym? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm-hmm. therapist: -or the perfect gym? client: Yeah. I think, you know, finding ways to walk more would be good, um, even if that is inside somewhere. Uh, I've done the like trick of parking in the back of the parking lot and walking up to the store. Um, and like I've also been in Target and taken an extra lap, which is kind of dangerous too 'cause you might spend more money. Um, but I- I think if the weather's nice too, I would like to get outside and try to find a place to walk. Um, and two, I really did enjoy yoga, it's- it was good for my, like, flexibility and posture, and so I would be interested in maybe seeing too what classes are available in the area. I haven't looked at that at all. therapist: Okay. So exploring some yoga classes. Is-is doing yoga in your living room appealing to you at all? client: Home workouts have never really worked for me in the past just because there's so many distractions, and I can, like, set the mat out there and everything and get everything ready, like bottled water, everything's good to go. And then it just sits there and I don't actually do it, whereas if I go somewhere else, I'm already there. And so I'm doing it.","That's great. It's important to know this about yourself, what works, and what doesn't work, and what you feel motivated to do. So, it sounds like we sort of have two small goals right now. One is to maybe visit the YMCA and-and find out how much that costs-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. I think, you know, finding ways to walk more would be good, um, even if that is inside somewhere. Uh, I've done the like trick of parking in the back of the parking lot and walking up to the store. Um, and like I've also been in Target and taken an extra lap, which is kind of dangerous too 'cause you might spend more money. Um, but I- I think if the weather's nice too, I would like to get outside and try to find a place to walk. Um, and two, I really did enjoy yoga, it's- it was good for my, like, flexibility and posture, and so I would be interested in maybe seeing too what classes are available in the area. I haven't looked at that at all. therapist: Okay. So exploring some yoga classes. Is-is doing yoga in your living room appealing to you at all? client: Home workouts have never really worked for me in the past just because there's so many distractions, and I can, like, set the mat out there and everything and get everything ready, like bottled water, everything's good to go. And then it just sits there and I don't actually do it, whereas if I go somewhere else, I'm already there. And so I'm doing it. therapist: That's great. It's important to know this about yourself, what works, and what doesn't work, and what you feel motivated to do. So, it sounds like we sort of have two small goals right now. One is to maybe visit the YMCA and-and find out how much that costs- client: Mm-hmm.","-and the other goal being maybe just a walk, um, one time between now and the next time I see you. Um, and I say one time, you can, of course, go more than that, but just with snow in the forecast, it might be reasonable to start with a small goal like that and go for one nice day between now and a few weeks from now when I get to see you again. How do those two goals sound?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Home workouts have never really worked for me in the past just because there's so many distractions, and I can, like, set the mat out there and everything and get everything ready, like bottled water, everything's good to go. And then it just sits there and I don't actually do it, whereas if I go somewhere else, I'm already there. And so I'm doing it. therapist: That's great. It's important to know this about yourself, what works, and what doesn't work, and what you feel motivated to do. So, it sounds like we sort of have two small goals right now. One is to maybe visit the YMCA and-and find out how much that costs- client: Mm-hmm. therapist: -and the other goal being maybe just a walk, um, one time between now and the next time I see you. Um, and I say one time, you can, of course, go more than that, but just with snow in the forecast, it might be reasonable to start with a small goal like that and go for one nice day between now and a few weeks from now when I get to see you again. How do those two goals sound? client: No, that sounds good. I-I definitely think, um, I'll walk probably more than one time in the next couple of weeks, but, um, I also have this app on my phone that tracks my steps, uh, and it was like built into the phone. It's nothing I downloaded or anything. So I can also use that to kind of see if I'm getting more active 'cause right now I think I'm averaging like 2,000 steps a day, so it's like a lot of sitting.",Okay. So you'd like to kind of get motivated with- with the use of an app and that might help you get started. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I think I'm at a 10. therapist: Okay. client: Yeah. I think that, like I said, I think I'll find ways to walk. Um, and I'm at a point now where I've done as much research, I've found out as much information, I think, as I can on the gyms that are local here. Um, but I will check out the- the Y to see if it maybe is a bit cheaper and also a bit more, like, welcoming and doesn't require a- like, a six-month contract or anything like that. So I feel like those would both be good starts. Yeah. therapist: Wonderful. Are there any other barriers that would be helpful to sort of talk through? client: Um, well, if I'm trying to walk outside, the weather's always going to be one, but I, again, like I said, if I'm checking, uh, using the app on my phone to see my step count, I can maybe make more of a priority to walk indoors, um, and just find places inside that I could walk, even if it's just around the hallway or whatever that looks like-","Okay. So being creative with your indoor space is a-is a solution you've come up with yourself for - f there just aren't any good days, nice days outside." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. I think that, like I said, I think I'll find ways to walk. Um, and I'm at a point now where I've done as much research, I've found out as much information, I think, as I can on the gyms that are local here. Um, but I will check out the- the Y to see if it maybe is a bit cheaper and also a bit more, like, welcoming and doesn't require a- like, a six-month contract or anything like that. So I feel like those would both be good starts. Yeah. therapist: Wonderful. Are there any other barriers that would be helpful to sort of talk through? client: Um, well, if I'm trying to walk outside, the weather's always going to be one, but I, again, like I said, if I'm checking, uh, using the app on my phone to see my step count, I can maybe make more of a priority to walk indoors, um, and just find places inside that I could walk, even if it's just around the hallway or whatever that looks like- therapist: Okay. So being creative with your indoor space is a-is a solution you've come up with yourself for - f there just aren't any good days, nice days outside. client: Yeah, but hopefully there's one. So, yeah.","Great. Well, you came in today feeling pretty discouraged about your energy levels and your mood and, um, feeling lousy about your body in general. And, uh, today we've talked about a small-small step to get started and you're hoping to experience some mood boost and some energy as you get rolling here. Um, how are you feeling about today's session?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: Great. Well, you came in today feeling pretty discouraged about your energy levels and your mood and, um, feeling lousy about your body in general. And, uh, today we've talked about a small-small step to get started and you're hoping to experience some mood boost and some energy as you get rolling here. Um, how are you feeling about today's session? client: No, I feel really good. I think even coming in, I didn't have a like step-by-step idea of what I wanted to do next, but no, this has been helpful to know what those small steps are, and like you said, hopefully, I do start feeling better. Yeah. therapist: Great. Well, I look forward to checking in with you, and thanks so much for coming in. client: Thanks for having me. All right. client: The baby was up all night and I'm exhausted.","So, what you're saying is you've had a rough night?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: Great. Well, I look forward to checking in with you, and thanks so much for coming in. client: Thanks for having me. All right. client: The baby was up all night and I'm exhausted. therapist: So, what you're saying is you've had a rough night? client: Yes. She was up every three hours to eat, I don't understand it.","So, she needed to eat every three hours last night and that was really frustrating for you?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: The baby was up all night and I'm exhausted. therapist: So, what you're saying is you've had a rough night? client: Yes. She was up every three hours to eat, I don't understand it. therapist: So, she needed to eat every three hours last night and that was really frustrating for you? client: Yes. My mom told me that I started sleeping through the night when I was a month old, Lilly is six weeks.","Hmm. So, based on what your mom told you, you were expecting Lilly at this point to be sleeping through the night?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yes. She was up every three hours to eat, I don't understand it. therapist: So, she needed to eat every three hours last night and that was really frustrating for you? client: Yes. My mom told me that I started sleeping through the night when I was a month old, Lilly is six weeks. therapist: Hmm. So, based on what your mom told you, you were expecting Lilly at this point to be sleeping through the night? client: Well, what is normal for a baby this age?","So, where you said you'd like to start, Sal, is talking about your asthma and specifically about your dog and how one is affecting the other." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: The drinking, the smoking and the dust that I got, the, um, the scratch test for. therapist: Right. client: And-and-and that's what I know, and that I take the medicine for it. therapist: Okay. And that your pet has never been mentioned as a concern? client: No, I've had it for-for 12 years and now it's a concern. I don't understand.",Hmm. Yeah. And I-I can see that you've already worked hard to make some changes. You've almost quit smoking. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: And-and-and that's what I know, and that I take the medicine for it. therapist: Okay. And that your pet has never been mentioned as a concern? client: No, I've had it for-for 12 years and now it's a concern. I don't understand. therapist: Hmm. Yeah. And I-I can see that you've already worked hard to make some changes. You've almost quit smoking. client: Mm-hmm.",You're just down to your last couple of cigarettes- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: No, I've had it for-for 12 years and now it's a concern. I don't understand. therapist: Hmm. Yeah. And I-I can see that you've already worked hard to make some changes. You've almost quit smoking. client: Mm-hmm. therapist: You're just down to your last couple of cigarettes- client: Mm-hmm.",-and you're not even smoking those in the house. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm-hmm. therapist: You're just down to your last couple of cigarettes- client: Mm-hmm. therapist: -and you're not even smoking those in the house. client: Mm-hmm.","So, your house is totally smoke-free." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm-hmm. therapist: -and you're not even smoking those in the house. client: Mm-hmm. therapist: So, your house is totally smoke-free. client: Yes, just that work with the [unintelligible 00:01:24].","Yeah, okay. And you have also thought about cutting back on alcohol." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm-hmm. therapist: So, your house is totally smoke-free. client: Yes, just that work with the [unintelligible 00:01:24]. therapist: Yeah, okay. And you have also thought about cutting back on alcohol. client: Mm-hmm.",-and-and I think you mentioned done-done a little bit towards that. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm-hmm. therapist: -and-and I think you mentioned done-done a little bit towards that. client: Mm-hmm. I'm a little I'm a couple of down. I used to drink four at night, now I'm down to three at least. therapist: Okay, okay. client: Uh-huh.","So now almost like that's not good enough, like now you have to, now it's the dog and now-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm-hmm. therapist: -but I wonder what are your experiences with Oscar, you know, when he's in the house or-or maybe sleeping near you or you're around him, what happens with your asthma symptoms? client: Well, we keep them clean, like he's cleaned. So, all the dander doesn't really make sense, but I have been noticing that sometimes when he comes on the bed or just beside, I wheeze a little bit, but I think it has to do with, um, the hair, the, in my lungs cleaning itself up from the smoking. therapist: Okay. client: So, I don't know if it's that-that's where I'm confused. I don't know how this could be happening.","Hmm. So, it doesn't make total sense to you that-that it's all Oscar's fault and that-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: So, I don't know if it's that-that's where I'm confused. I don't know how this could be happening. therapist: Hmm. So, it doesn't make total sense to you that-that it's all Oscar's fault and that- client: Mm-hmm, Mm-hmm. therapist: That's that the only solution. client: But-but the wheezing is something that I've definitely noticed a little bit.","I guess I also wonder whether, regardless of-of if your asthma symptoms are connected to Oscar, that may be part of you feels like it's worth it because he's been-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm-hmm, Mm-hmm. therapist: That's that the only solution. client: But-but the wheezing is something that I've definitely noticed a little bit. therapist: I guess I also wonder whether, regardless of-of if your asthma symptoms are connected to Oscar, that may be part of you feels like it's worth it because he's been- client: Mm-hmm.",-such a big part of your life for so long. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm-hmm, Mm-hmm. I just want some medicine and I want to keep Oscar and I wanna feel better about myself because I'm making all these changes in my life and it honestly feels like my-my nose is just above the water. therapist: Hmm. Yeah. And-and in the end, you know, whatever you- whatever you do, about Oscar, about your asthma, about all the other things that we talked about on that agenda-setting worksheet, I mean, you are in the driver's seat solid. It really is your choice. client: Mm-hmm. Yeah, no, that feels good. That I, you know, at least it is my choice. I just feel like just about, I'm not feeling happy about just all these different things that are coming up. Um, and I'm kind of sad about things. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: And I don't know, I don't know what to do.","There's a lot of decisions and a lot of change with your wife, with the new baby." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm-hmm. Yeah, no, that feels good. That I, you know, at least it is my choice. I just feel like just about, I'm not feeling happy about just all these different things that are coming up. Um, and I'm kind of sad about things. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: And I don't know, I don't know what to do. therapist: There's a lot of decisions and a lot of change with your wife, with the new baby. client: Mm-hmm.","And now thinking about, looking after your health and wanting to be healthy for your wife and your baby." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm-hmm. I want- I want John Carlos to grow up with Oscar. So he has his friend when he's young, too. And, um, I just, it's a lot of stress and a lot of things you-you gotta think about then, um, I'm not feeling good about it. therapist: Mm-hmm, so what-what would need to happen or how would you know, when you- when or if you ever did have to make a decision about whether to keep Oscar with you or not? client: Man, uh, how would I know? I don't know. I think if my asthma got really bad and the medicine- she gave me the strongest medicine and it wasn't working. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: That would be the way right now 'cause I can't see, I don't know how I'm going to give this dog up.",Yeah and I get the feeling that it's something that you wanna think about that this is a really big decision- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Man, uh, how would I know? I don't know. I think if my asthma got really bad and the medicine- she gave me the strongest medicine and it wasn't working. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: That would be the way right now 'cause I can't see, I don't know how I'm going to give this dog up. therapist: Yeah and I get the feeling that it's something that you wanna think about that this is a really big decision- client: Mm-hmm.",-and it's not one that you're gonna make in a hurry. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: -correct? client: Exactly. therapist: So what I would recommend then, is to move your smoking outside completely. As a smoker, the ideal situation for a smoker in the house is if their home can be made smoke-free and the smoking is moved entirely outside, especially while he's experiencing this cold. client: Yeah, well, you know that sounds okay. While he's sick, I might be able to smoke outside in the next couple days or so, but the thing is, usually I'm craving a cigarette the most when I have a glass of wine at the end of the day. I put Jake to bed, I open up a bottle and I pour myself a glass and I'm finally able to unwind, so, I get a craving for a cigarette, so, I'm not sure long-term I'd be able to smoke outside.","Okay, so, what I'm hearing you say is that, it sounds like a feasible short-term plan, not ideal and not comfortable because what you really enjoy is that cigarette with a glass of wine, kicking back up on the sofa and chilling out perhaps while you're watching TV. And to maintain that long-term outside smoking outside in Canadian winters where it's cold and snowy, not realistic." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Exactly. therapist: So what I would recommend then, is to move your smoking outside completely. As a smoker, the ideal situation for a smoker in the house is if their home can be made smoke-free and the smoking is moved entirely outside, especially while he's experiencing this cold. client: Yeah, well, you know that sounds okay. While he's sick, I might be able to smoke outside in the next couple days or so, but the thing is, usually I'm craving a cigarette the most when I have a glass of wine at the end of the day. I put Jake to bed, I open up a bottle and I pour myself a glass and I'm finally able to unwind, so, I get a craving for a cigarette, so, I'm not sure long-term I'd be able to smoke outside. therapist: Okay, so, what I'm hearing you say is that, it sounds like a feasible short-term plan, not ideal and not comfortable because what you really enjoy is that cigarette with a glass of wine, kicking back up on the sofa and chilling out perhaps while you're watching TV. And to maintain that long-term outside smoking outside in Canadian winters where it's cold and snowy, not realistic. client: Yeah, exactly and another thing is that sometimes in the morning, after I've had a couple of glasses of wine, I kinda feel tired or groggy or low on energy, so, even that I'm not sure is completely relaxing. Especially if I've had a cigarette the night before, I always feel so bad.","So, on the one hand I'm hearing smoking and drinking at night as a way to chill out but at the same time the next day, you're not feeling so great." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Exactly. therapist: Would it be helpful to give you some information on low risk drinking guidelines? client: Sure. I've never heard of them. therapist: Okay. Well, Hailey, what they suggest is that women don't have more than one to two standard drinks a day or a total of nine standard drinks in a week. How does that fit for you? client: Well, usually I'm having more than two glasses but if you're saying that's gonna minimize some risk and I guess some of the grogginess I'm feeling the next morning, then maybe I should just try and have one glass of wine in the evenings?","So, it sounds like you'd be open to reducing as a way to still enjoy the wine but perhaps alleviate the way you feel in the morning, some of the hangover effects that sounds like you're experiencing." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: No. I think just talking about it was helpful, you know, and I'm- I'm glad you've given me some information. Maybe just this week I can think about it a little more, you know, I-I feel pretty overwhelmed right now. There's so much to do. My days are pretty full, so, maybe I can just s-sit on it for a week. therapist: Sure, of course, Hailey a-and again I really appreciate your openness and honesty about letting me know what's going on with, you know, the stress levels and coping and drinking. I just had a thought that there's also a good mom's group, we run out of our center. So if you'd like a referral to that or some information, I'd be happy to give you and while you think about it, if you want to, um, talk about this further with one of my colleagues, I'd be happy to make you an appointment. client: All right. That sounds good. Thanks, Dr. therapist: Thanks, Hailey. We'll see you next week. client: Dr. Morrow, I'm so relieved I'm not pregnant.","Huh, you feel like you dodged the bullet." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Even just being here today is like minutes ticking by. therapist: Okay. client: It's really good news. therapist: So what would have happened if you found out that you were pregnant? client: I don't even know. I'm-I'm not ready to have a kid. I know that. I know my life is not ready for that step.",Okay. That's a big step and that's not the direction you want to go in right now. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I don't even know. I'm-I'm not ready to have a kid. I know that. I know my life is not ready for that step. therapist: Okay. That's a big step and that's not the direction you want to go in right now. client: Yeah, no. therapist: Would you be open to kind of exploring the idea of birth control and family planning? client: Um, I don't really want to go there. I just-- that sort of stuff just weirds me out. Yeah, I take something fun and just makes it really medical.","Now, it's a discussion you don't really wanna have." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, no. therapist: Would you be open to kind of exploring the idea of birth control and family planning? client: Um, I don't really want to go there. I just-- that sort of stuff just weirds me out. Yeah, I take something fun and just makes it really medical. therapist: Now, it's a discussion you don't really wanna have. client: No.","At the same time, you have some concerns about the possibility of getting pregnant." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, I don't really want to go there. I just-- that sort of stuff just weirds me out. Yeah, I take something fun and just makes it really medical. therapist: Now, it's a discussion you don't really wanna have. client: No. therapist: At the same time, you have some concerns about the possibility of getting pregnant. client: Yeah, I mean I'm-I'm careful. I do what I can, but I don't wanna take anything for that.","So you found some ways to prevent pregnancy up until-- well, maybe, um, you've been pretty fortunate, and then there is also some times where you feel like, ""Oh, no. What if I didn't dodge the bullet?""" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, I mean I'm-I'm careful. I do what I can, but I don't wanna take anything for that. therapist: So you found some ways to prevent pregnancy up until-- well, maybe, um, you've been pretty fortunate, and then there is also some times where you feel like, ""Oh, no. What if I didn't dodge the bullet?"" client: Yeah. It's-it's scary. I mean, this is the first time I've ever had that sort of feeling of ""What am I gonna do?"" therapist: Mm-hmm. client: And-and that fear was like-- yeah. Up until now, I've been good, yeah.","Okay. So, you've been able to kind of avoid any kind of consequences, and right now, you're not feeling that talking about birth control is something on your-your list." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: Okay. I respect that. Thanks though for coming in to see me today. client: Yeah. therapist: And I'm glad that this appointment was a positive one for you. client: Thank you. therapist: You're welcome.","Hello, again, Mr. Green. It's really nice to see you again. If you remember last week, we looked at your results here and you've got impaired glucose tolerance and you were a bit worried about type two diabetes, your blood pressure and your cholesterol are up a bit too. So today, we're meeting up to talk through some of the things that you could do for yourself that might improve the situation. And as you know, there's all sorts of things can affect your health. So can we just have a bit of a general chat, but how are you getting on?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"therapist: You're welcome. therapist: Hello, again, Mr. Green. It's really nice to see you again. If you remember last week, we looked at your results here and you've got impaired glucose tolerance and you were a bit worried about type two diabetes, your blood pressure and your cholesterol are up a bit too. So today, we're meeting up to talk through some of the things that you could do for yourself that might improve the situation. And as you know, there's all sorts of things can affect your health. So can we just have a bit of a general chat, but how are you getting on? client: Well, I suppose you're gonna give me a row and tell me it's all self-inflicted and I've got to change my ways and give up the things I enjoy. therapist: Actually, I'm not going to do that because you're the boss. It's up to you what you want to do with you about your own health. client: The doc said I've got to take pills for the rest of my life.",You don't seem too happy about that. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Where do you think I should start? therapist: Well, I could give you my opinion. Um, and I can give you lots of information, but I think you know the score pretty well. And I think you'd know what I would say. client: Yeah, uh, you tell me, stop smoking and lose weight and take more exercise, wouldn’t you? therapist: Absolutely. Spot on. So stopping smoking would have a huge impact, that would have a big impact very early on. Losing weight would also have a big impact because that would help with your blood pressure, your cholesterol, and also lower your diabetes risk. So what-what'd you think about those things? Uh, client: Uh, I loved to lose weight but it's so hard giving up the things you enjoy.","It’s really tough. It's hard to know where to start, isn't it?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yes. I want to be there for them, but not a burden to them. therapist: Yeah. So w-where do you think you can start with that? client: Uh, I've been thinking about them a lot lately, and I want to be there for them. So have to do what I need to, to improve my health. therapist: What's kind of the first thing you might think about doing? client: You know, to start with, I could cut down on my drinking. Um, that's adding to my weight and to my blood pressure, isn't it?","Yeah. That would be a really good place to start, mm-hmm." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Uh, I've been thinking about them a lot lately, and I want to be there for them. So have to do what I need to, to improve my health. therapist: What's kind of the first thing you might think about doing? client: You know, to start with, I could cut down on my drinking. Um, that's adding to my weight and to my blood pressure, isn't it? therapist: Yeah. That would be a really good place to start, mm-hmm. client: In fact, I think I'll try and cut out the booze altogether. My wife says I drink too much at the weekends.",So I think it should be really supportive of that then. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: In fact, I think I'll try and cut out the booze altogether. My wife says I drink too much at the weekends. therapist: So I think it should be really supportive of that then. client: And I suppose I could cut out the crisps and pies at works. therapist: So what would you do to make sure you didn't get hungry at work? client: I'm gonna start having soup at lunchtime. I suppose a big bowl of soup would be far better than two pies.","Yeah. Well, a big bowl of vegetable soup. You could probably count that as one or maybe even two of your five a day. So it'd be a really good place to start. Anything else you could think about doing?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I'm gonna start having soup at lunchtime. I suppose a big bowl of soup would be far better than two pies. therapist: Yeah. Well, a big bowl of vegetable soup. You could probably count that as one or maybe even two of your five a day. So it'd be a really good place to start. Anything else you could think about doing? client: Well, there's one, one thing uh, I've done already, I've stopped adding salt to my food. The doc said that would help with my blood pressure. therapist: Well, that's good. That's probably benefited you already. And the other thing you might not be aware of is that salt intake is linked to loss of calcium from our bones, which makes the bones more fragile. So reducing your salt intake will really help with that too. client: Well, I didn't know that. Um, it's good to know. I'll tell my wife, um, she's still very fond of her salt and her mother had osteoporosis.","So well, maybe you can help her as well and that would be good. Well, I think you've got off to a really great start, Mr. Green. You're very well aware of what you-you need to do, and you've obviously thought about it and got some good plans in place. So you're going to reduce your-your alcohol intake, you've already started by reducing your salt intake. Um, perhaps when we meet up next time we could talk a little bit about smoking and exercise as well, when you're ready for that. So how do you feel now?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Right. Neat. What, um, what have I changed, what am I— therapist: What you've been thinking about, um, over the last little while about getting your life back on track. 'Cause I noticed you've— client: I've been thinking about how easy it would be to deal P again. therapist: Yeah. client: I mean, I've been thinking about, um, how I could actually set myself up the right way doing it the wrong way.",Sure. So what I'm picking up is-is that-that-that's a life that you know a lot about. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm. therapist: And you can make lots of money and set yourself up well. What's the other side, because I guess when I talk to guys like yourself who have done time, often they're thinking about actually, mm, maybe life can be with different. So I'm wondering where-where you're at with the kind of thinking about— client: Well, at the end of, you know, that last week inside, I was- I had that kind of, okay, what's next buzz? And, you know, it just doesn't work out here. therapist: Okay. client: I don't have a, uh, uh, I don't know what that is.",Sure. So life on the outside is pretty different than the kind of- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, I don't know why I haven't said that I will yet but I mean- therapist: Uh, tell me- client: -it's there. therapist: It's there and-and-and you've a lot of contacts? client: Yeah.","You've been in the system, so lots of context. So this isn't a new challenge for you." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Three weeks, one day. therapist: Three weeks, isn't it? client: Three weeks, one day. therapist: So what's been there? What's it about that you haven't done in three weeks one day? client: I don't know.",22 days you've actually made a decision not to-to pick up your old life and continue on. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I don't know. therapist: 22 days you've actually made a decision not to-to pick up your old life and continue on. client: Um, I'd- I- you know, I kind of told myself not to, you know, just before I left. And then I'm just kind of with it and I don't quite know why. [clears throat] I dunno, if, uh, there's no real reason why I haven't yet. It's just that I don't- I just don't think it'll work the way I always dream it will you know, I see myself up like, whatever, if I do that again, the next leg is a long one. A real long one. therapist: Okay. client: And I-I can't go back there. There's no way I'm going back there.","Right. So the one hand you've-you-you could sit yourself up and-and take the risk, but on the other hand, you know, that actually it might not last?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, I'd- I- you know, I kind of told myself not to, you know, just before I left. And then I'm just kind of with it and I don't quite know why. [clears throat] I dunno, if, uh, there's no real reason why I haven't yet. It's just that I don't- I just don't think it'll work the way I always dream it will you know, I see myself up like, whatever, if I do that again, the next leg is a long one. A real long one. therapist: Okay. client: And I-I can't go back there. There's no way I'm going back there. therapist: Right. So the one hand you've-you-you could sit yourself up and-and take the risk, but on the other hand, you know, that actually it might not last? client: No, never lasts.",Never lasts. Mm. You seem like a bit of a crossroads to me. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: And I-I can't go back there. There's no way I'm going back there. therapist: Right. So the one hand you've-you-you could sit yourself up and-and take the risk, but on the other hand, you know, that actually it might not last? client: No, never lasts. therapist: Never lasts. Mm. You seem like a bit of a crossroads to me. client: Yep. I've been in crossroads for 12 years.",Mm. But there've been times when those crossroads would be more sort of focused than other times. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: No, never lasts. therapist: Never lasts. Mm. You seem like a bit of a crossroads to me. client: Yep. I've been in crossroads for 12 years. therapist: Mm. But there've been times when those crossroads would be more sort of focused than other times. client: Yeah. And- [crosstalk]",Yeah. And it sounds like maybe like- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: She's told me that it's over if I do it. You know, I mean, she-- What tell you about, Fiona I mean she's been with me. She's the one who stayed through all the shit. And I owe her- therapist: Okay. client: -something. therapist: Okay. So you've been with Fiona for how long? client: 12 years.","12 years. Okay. So she's stood by you then for the time, [crosstalk] but this time she said, it happens again I'm out of here?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -something. therapist: Okay. So you've been with Fiona for how long? client: 12 years. therapist: 12 years. Okay. So she's stood by you then for the time, [crosstalk] but this time she said, it happens again I'm out of here? client: Yeah. She's actually got the black and white line down now.",Okay. And it sounds like you're listening to that black and white line. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: And I mean, I honest- I don't know, man. I don't know. I-I wish I knew somewhere I could start that, you know, could give it to her, but I-I can't. I-I don't know. therapist: All right. Well, let's-let's just play with this idea a little bit, Daryl. So what did Fiona fall in love with? What were the qualities of Daryl that she said, ""This is him""? client: I was pretty romantic. I mean, I was pretty quite smooth, and, um, you know, I was on top of my game, like, she- and she loved it. And we used to laugh in the [unintelligible 00:06:45], you know? And just- it was always really sweet, and people used to say, ""Oh, man, you two. You two have just got it,"" you know? And we lost it, so whatever that was, that's what she wants. We were young. How do you become young? Uh, you know, I'm old, and we'll keep growing old, but you know? therapist: I know. client: Like if I'm not careful, I will be.","Sure. Everyone will age, but that will happen on time." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I was pretty romantic. I mean, I was pretty quite smooth, and, um, you know, I was on top of my game, like, she- and she loved it. And we used to laugh in the [unintelligible 00:06:45], you know? And just- it was always really sweet, and people used to say, ""Oh, man, you two. You two have just got it,"" you know? And we lost it, so whatever that was, that's what she wants. We were young. How do you become young? Uh, you know, I'm old, and we'll keep growing old, but you know? therapist: I know. client: Like if I'm not careful, I will be. therapist: Sure. Everyone will age, but that will happen on time. client: Yeah, certainly.","Um, but that's okay. So-so it's she fell in love with this, the sense of fun, the sense of Daryl, and things have changed, but she's still with you?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: Yeah. And you're still with her? client: Yeah, yep. therapist: Yeah. So catch me up with the conversations you've had with Fiona about this crossroads you're at. You know, these 22 days, you haven't gone back, you've coming out and you're not back? You could pick up this dealing quite easily and probably some workout here tomorrow and get back into it. client: You know what? She hasn't even talked about the dealing, like, she won't even broach that subject. That's how black and white she is. She's- she'll be- she offers suggestions, you know? What I could do, and- or I kind of go with that, but none of them are-- You know, it's lovely that she's really finding things, but they're not the things. I mean, it-- I started kind of placating her and making it okay to keep giving me suggestions, but like, I need to come up with something because it's like awesome love, but you know, not in love, and she's getting sick of it already.","Okay. All right. So-so back together, things are starting to get tense at home, and your relationship a little bit?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, yep. therapist: Yeah. So catch me up with the conversations you've had with Fiona about this crossroads you're at. You know, these 22 days, you haven't gone back, you've coming out and you're not back? You could pick up this dealing quite easily and probably some workout here tomorrow and get back into it. client: You know what? She hasn't even talked about the dealing, like, she won't even broach that subject. That's how black and white she is. She's- she'll be- she offers suggestions, you know? What I could do, and- or I kind of go with that, but none of them are-- You know, it's lovely that she's really finding things, but they're not the things. I mean, it-- I started kind of placating her and making it okay to keep giving me suggestions, but like, I need to come up with something because it's like awesome love, but you know, not in love, and she's getting sick of it already. therapist: Okay. All right. So-so back together, things are starting to get tense at home, and your relationship a little bit? client: A little bit that. Yeah, little-little bit tense. Yeah, that's fair.",Yeah. Don't put words in your mouth. I'm sure if that is— Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: It [unintelligible 00:09:33] picking up? client: Yeah. No idea. therapist: No idea. Okay. So I'm wondering, you've been in the system a while. You're now 34, is it right from the pick-up? client: [nods].","Yeah. So, you know, often at 34, guys start to think about being with a girl in their life and what's important. And-and you would have also been part- not as a guy, so they've actually made some shifts and changes and thought, ""Time to move on""." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Okay, so, um— therapist: Tell me something about that. client: Well, he-he was- he was inside with me the first time I was ever inside, and now he's a drug counselor. therapist: Okay. client: So, he's the- he did it.",He did it? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I don't know what that is. therapist: Okay, so part of being here with me, and the work we might do, will be to find- try and find- search for that- client: Okay. therapist: -thing. Whatever it is. client: Good luck.","Well, it's a search, isn't it?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Fucking guts. therapist: Guts? Yeah? client: Is it a quality? therapist: I think it is. client: Yeah, I'd need some of them.","Yeah? So you're the sort of guy, Daryl, with guts?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: No, not yet. therapist: Not yet? client: Well, no I'm not. therapist: Yeah? client: No, I don't have that-that-that much courage.\",Yet you're sitting here with me today- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, no I'm not. therapist: Yeah? client: No, I don't have that-that-that much courage.\ therapist: Yet you're sitting here with me today- client: Oh, I have to.",-and-and-and you're talking about stuff. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: No, I don't have that-that-that much courage.\ therapist: Yet you're sitting here with me today- client: Oh, I have to. therapist: -and-and-and you're talking about stuff. client: Yeah.","Well, you're sitting here, and you're talking with me-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Oh, I have to. therapist: -and-and-and you're talking about stuff. client: Yeah. therapist: Well, you're sitting here, and you're talking with me- client: Oh, okay.",-about stuff that's-that's quite deep- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: Well, you're sitting here, and you're talking with me- client: Oh, okay. therapist: -about stuff that's-that's quite deep- client: Yeah.","-in a way. Um, that takes guts. That takes courage." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Okay. therapist: 'Cause you could've come in here and said- client: It's a bit awkward. therapist: -""Look, Ken, you know, I'll come in, report in, I'm outta here."" client: Ah, yeah. I could've done that","You could've done that, but you're not. So I'm wondering what's different? 'Cause you may have done that in the past, I don't know, Daryl, with other people like me, but-but sounds like something's different this time." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I used to take the piss outta you guys- therapist: Yeah. client: -all day long. We all do, but- therapist: Sure. client: -it's not funny. I mean, and you're-you're a good guy, I imagine. I mean, in fact, you don't deserve my shit. I just-- I don't know. Good luck.",I kind of see a sense of sadness there when you have to kind of think about this. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -it's not funny. I mean, and you're-you're a good guy, I imagine. I mean, in fact, you don't deserve my shit. I just-- I don't know. Good luck. therapist: I kind of see a sense of sadness there when you have to kind of think about this. client: Oh, sadness. You know, I don't wanna wallow, you know? You know, you've gotta take, you know-- You make your own opportunity in life, don't you? therapist: Yeah. client: I just never did.","Okay. So I'm interested in this idea, let's, uh-- Opportunities come and go all the time." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I just never did. therapist: Okay. So I'm interested in this idea, let's, uh-- Opportunities come and go all the time. client: Do they? therapist: They do. client: All right. Not to me.",Well you said before you had an opportunity to pick up and start dealing again. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: All right. Not to me. therapist: Well you said before you had an opportunity to pick up and start dealing again. client: Oh, yeah. Oh, heaps of those opportunities. therapist: And-and so-so-so there's opportunities- there's opportunities in one world, and I'm wondering about what might make it hard to see opportunities in a different world? client: Yeah, well, the different world isn't offering me opportunities. The different world is offering me a night shift, and minimum wage, and, you know, nothing. So it's like, set-set yourself up, set your goal up, or, um, don't, and that's your-your pro-social living, and that's your, you know, old behaviors.","Sure, sure. You're in the system-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Man, I've been fighting that system- therapist: Yeah. client: -and all it takes me back is to the-the inside- therapist: Okay, okay. client: -I mean—","So-So again, I'm-I'm wondering about this other world, and you're saying it doesn't look to attractive at the moment." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Well, I can't see it. therapist: You can't se it? client: You know what, if I knew what they'd look like- therapist: Yeah? client: -I-I might, you know, buy that.",Yeah? You just described to me how it looked like a minute ago. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: You know what, if I knew what they'd look like- therapist: Yeah? client: -I-I might, you know, buy that. therapist: Yeah? You just described to me how it looked like a minute ago. client: Did I?",Minimum wage- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -I-I might, you know, buy that. therapist: Yeah? You just described to me how it looked like a minute ago. client: Did I? therapist: Minimum wage- client: Oh yeah.","-night shift, petrol station." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, that looks really hard. therapist: Yeah? It is really hard. client: I know that's the right thing, uh, don't get me wrong. therapist: Sure. client: That is gut right there, going to a job you hate, going home, cooking yet missus a dinner, looking after your kids. I mean, that is-- That's what it real mean does, but I don't have that-- Th-those guts to do- to do what you do.","Sure. We talked about courage before and you've got the guts to be talking with me about this stuff today, and I'm wondering if you actually do have some courage to think about these ideas. I'm not saying that pumping gas at minimum wage is where you wanna go, but-but the guts to actually start steeping into this other world. I wonder if you do have, I'm-I'm-I'm just not sure." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I-- Hmm, maybe. therapist: Maybe. You're not convinced at the moment, I understand that and, um— client: No. You know, convince me because, you know, I kind of want to be. therapist: Sure. Well, it's hard to me to convince you- client: Right.","-'cause this is your life and this is your story, and you-you've got to walk your life and I can't walk your life for you. I only walk my. And so, but I can walk with you on this life to try and think about-- 'Cause I-I-- You know, I-I've no interest in actually you falling over and going back into-into a lifestyle a crime 'cause I know where it'll take you. And I'm hearing that with your relationship, where it's going to take your relationship too, [unintelligible 00:16:39] got the bottom line drawn pretty clearly." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm. therapist: So it seems like what's gonna push in this direction, just tip that balance a little bit to give this other world of go? Because it is new, it's different. It means doing stuff, a lot of stuff actually that-that's kind of mundane. client: It is the little things, yeah, like waking up, and having a cup of tea and sitting on the porch is kind of cool. therapist: It's kind of cool? client: Yeah.",Not part of on the wire? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -on the porch. therapist: You don't. And who's sitting on the porch with you? client: No one. It's morning, it's just me. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: Birds, trees, yada yada.",Cool. So I'm picking up this world actually has the freedom to you to be your own man? Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: -it's just massive. therapist: Yeah it is. It is. client: It is. therapist: Absolutely massive. And, uh-- So, is there a challenge you're up to, to start creating some-some-some of that sort of world for Fiona? 'Cause I'm hearing that— client: You know, people like me are unaccepted into that world though. You know? I've got-- I don't have qualifications. All my mates are in Australia working awesome jobs, mining for 160K a year, you know? Just being men digging holes. Like, if I could do that, yeah, all good but fuck, I have just come out of prison, I don't have any NCEA. I, uh, I had one opportunity and I fucked that because I can't do night shift 'cause I'm lazy. You know? Maybe the world is giving me opportunities and I just don't need them. Maybe I can't do that.","Sure. So what I'm hearing is, you're not convinced at the moment." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. I mean, yeah, it is obviously, it is first steps, but I mean, what's that? What's the first step into the pro-social life? therapist: Well, you trying to get a job, maybe and get into some routine. client: I just know if I get a job that I hate, I just won't do it. therapist: Okay. client: You know, I can make in an hour what I can make in a night or a week of nights. It's pretty-- You know, from where I'm from that a really-- You know, there's no decision at all, that's just like, what are you up to if you don't?","Yeah. I'm confused though at the moment because you're saying, ""Yeah, I could make in a night what you make in a week,"" but you've haven't. 22-22 days-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: -and you haven't done that. So-so tell me what that's about. client: I just told myself I wouldn't this time and then Fiona said, ""You will not"" this time. therapist: So you told yourself you wouldn't, so you're once you- you're the sort of guy that once you make a decision you're gonna go, you're staunch with that decision? client: Yeah, even if it's the wrong one, yes.","Oh, it's a decision whether it's right or wrong-- It's not gonna be-" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: I just told myself I wouldn't this time and then Fiona said, ""You will not"" this time. therapist: So you told yourself you wouldn't, so you're once you- you're the sort of guy that once you make a decision you're gonna go, you're staunch with that decision? client: Yeah, even if it's the wrong one, yes. therapist: Oh, it's a decision whether it's right or wrong-- It's not gonna be- client: Yeah, but I'm that kinda guy.","Yeah, you're that kinda guy okay, so once you make a decision. So you made a decision that you're not gonna- you're not gonna go back to dealing?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, but I'm that kinda guy. therapist: Yeah, you're that kinda guy okay, so once you make a decision. So you made a decision that you're not gonna- you're not gonna go back to dealing? client: Oh no there wasn't a decision to made, I just said, ""I won't yet"". therapist: Yet. client: Yeah, I said yet.",You're keeping the door open- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Oh no there wasn't a decision to made, I just said, ""I won't yet"". therapist: Yet. client: Yeah, I said yet. therapist: You're keeping the door open- client: Yeah.","-at the moment, is what I'm picking up." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: -at the moment, is what I'm picking up. client: I hate that. therapist: Yeah, okay, so that will be a call you-you've got to make. client: Mm.","I'm-I'm not gonna- I'm not gonna make that call. You'll make that call, but there's a consequence of making that call, and there's big consequences more time probably and Fiona not being around. On the other hand, what I'm picking up is a call to-to do some- do some stuff that may not be racy and exciting and in the big dollars, but me being with Fiona and engaging in this transition into a-a different life." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: So how much time have you been talking about this- client: Oh, fuck. therapist: -position? client: With anyone other than Fiona? No time at all, I'd say for about 10 hours with you.","Okay-okay, so the fact we're even having a conversation about it, it's kind of interesting?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: With anyone other than Fiona? No time at all, I'd say for about 10 hours with you. therapist: Okay-okay, so the fact we're even having a conversation about it, it's kind of interesting? client: Yeah. therapist: Yeah, so I wanna summarize, Daryl, what-what I picked up so far and then just so I make sure I'm really listening to you well 'cause it's important, isn't it? 'Cause, you know, it's important you're listened to- client: Mm.","-by people me. So what I'm picking up is-is-is that if you've-you've got this long 12-year history, you can make some big money or you can dealing, doing crime, that stuff, I'm-I'm picking up that Fiona's set the bottom line, is if you go back in that lifestyle, she's out of here, yet she stayed here for 13, 12, 13 years?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: Yeah, so I wanna summarize, Daryl, what-what I picked up so far and then just so I make sure I'm really listening to you well 'cause it's important, isn't it? 'Cause, you know, it's important you're listened to- client: Mm. therapist: -by people me. So what I'm picking up is-is-is that if you've-you've got this long 12-year history, you can make some big money or you can dealing, doing crime, that stuff, I'm-I'm picking up that Fiona's set the bottom line, is if you go back in that lifestyle, she's out of here, yet she stayed here for 13, 12, 13 years? client: Yeah, 12, nearly 13.","Nearly 13 years, so and-and so-so she stuck with you, and I'm pick up that's important to you, um, and-and-and yet you talk about it, it just seems easy, this bit over here, this whole lifestyle." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm. therapist: -by people me. So what I'm picking up is-is-is that if you've-you've got this long 12-year history, you can make some big money or you can dealing, doing crime, that stuff, I'm-I'm picking up that Fiona's set the bottom line, is if you go back in that lifestyle, she's out of here, yet she stayed here for 13, 12, 13 years? client: Yeah, 12, nearly 13. therapist: Nearly 13 years, so and-and so-so she stuck with you, and I'm pick up that's important to you, um, and-and-and yet you talk about it, it just seems easy, this bit over here, this whole lifestyle. client: Mm.","This other lifestyle over here though when we talk about, actually thinking about, you know, doing stuff, doing the stuff that-that everybody else generally does, [unintelligible 00:22:30] will gets on doing, it doesn't have that same kinda seem to excitement, and it doesn't seem to be a-a starting point for you over here." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, 12, nearly 13. therapist: Nearly 13 years, so and-and so-so she stuck with you, and I'm pick up that's important to you, um, and-and-and yet you talk about it, it just seems easy, this bit over here, this whole lifestyle. client: Mm. therapist: This other lifestyle over here though when we talk about, actually thinking about, you know, doing stuff, doing the stuff that-that everybody else generally does, [unintelligible 00:22:30] will gets on doing, it doesn't have that same kinda seem to excitement, and it doesn't seem to be a-a starting point for you over here. client: Uh, that it-it does kinda seem exciting.","Oh, it does?" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: It does, because it's so different. therapist: Right, okay. client: And I'm kinda over that one. therapist: Okay, you're over that one, okay. So, let's start to think about what might be the first step. client: Yeah.","Yeah, with while going in, I think you got a high steep." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: And I'm kinda over that one. therapist: Okay, you're over that one, okay. So, let's start to think about what might be the first step. client: Yeah. therapist: Yeah, with while going in, I think you got a high steep. client: Okay, I.","Yeah, a steep, you see before you had a mate who turned his back on offending." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: Yeah, with while going in, I think you got a high steep. client: Okay, I. therapist: Yeah, a steep, you see before you had a mate who turned his back on offending. client: Yeah.",And for him this 12-- You wondered that the 12-step stuff working for him. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah-yeah, it does work for him. therapist: Yeah, maybe that, I'm wondering the conve- the conversation with him that might be around actually how did he do it, and how did he stay without slipping back across the line, 'cause like-like get this crossroads you've got the path and go the other path and go here, so I'm wondering about conversation with him, what would it take to have that conversation? client: Uh, ringing him. therapist: Ringing him? client: Mm, yeah.","Yeah. You seem a little surprised, I'm-I'm [crosstalk] wondering about, surprising face." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: You-you know, it was a long time ago that we were inside. I just know that's what he's doing. It would be pretty odd calling but the- he'd probably be okay with it. therapist: So possibility to call? client: Possibility to call yeah. therapist: Yeah there's possible. client: Yeah.","Yeah, okay, and Fiona's been pretty staunch." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Possibility to call yeah. therapist: Yeah there's possible. client: Yeah. therapist: Yeah, okay, and Fiona's been pretty staunch. client: Mm.",Is someone who actually who has some pretty clear ideas about where she wants you as a couple to go- Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Mm. therapist: -I get a sense. client: Yeah. therapist: Yeah. client: Well, I just have to do what I'm told. I don't know.","Yeah, but I'm picking up though behind that doing what you're told, she's got some hopes." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Oh, yeah, I was being, um, chipping, I mean, yeah she has more hopes than me, you know. therapist: So what will it take for you to start thinking about some of her hopes and sharing some of her hopes? client: Um, like I do- I do but what it would take, you know, I mean, that's pretty freaking scary shit. therapist: Yeah? client: Yeah. And I would never admit to that.",You said before you're sort of guy that once you make a decision you're pretty staunch with that decision. Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Um, like I do- I do but what it would take, you know, I mean, that's pretty freaking scary shit. therapist: Yeah? client: Yeah. And I would never admit to that. therapist: You said before you're sort of guy that once you make a decision you're pretty staunch with that decision. client: Yeah.","So if you made a decision to go there, it might be a scary as shit but again it seems that, uh, it could work if see it look, this is important, this relationship's important, let me go for—" Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah. therapist: So if you made a decision to go there, it might be a scary as shit but again it seems that, uh, it could work if see it look, this is important, this relationship's important, let me go for— client: Yeah, but my-when I made my decision to not do that yet like I was very clear I understood I know that picture. If I'm gonna make a decision to do this, I kinda need to really-really know what that is. You know, not only to talk I mean- therapist: Sure. client: -what is the whole plan to-to call-call up you know and say, hey bro, hey bro, uh, how did you do that? I mean, really? Is it—","Yeah. That's-that's what I'm thinking- I'm thinking actually. Here's someone that actually has made a different decision then, uh, it sounds like that's the pathway that starts over here and I'm wondering. I wonder whether you might have wisdom about what it's like to t-to tread that path." Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.,"client: Yeah, but my-when I made my decision to not do that yet like I was very clear I understood I know that picture. If I'm gonna make a decision to do this, I kinda need to really-really know what that is. You know, not only to talk I mean- therapist: Sure. client: -what is the whole plan to-to call-call up you know and say, hey bro, hey bro, uh, how did you do that? I mean, really? Is it— therapist: Yeah. That's-that's what I'm thinking- I'm thinking actually. Here's someone that actually has made a different decision then, uh, it sounds like that's the pathway that starts over here and I'm wondering. I wonder whether you might have wisdom about what it's like to t-to tread that path. client: Yeah, like, I guess I could be wondering that too.","So you know there's a part of you going, I was thinking in this place that's hard work."