[ { "Head": "A + U-Architecture and Urbanism", "ISSN": "3899160", "Scope": "First published in January 1971, a+u – Architecture & Urbanism – is an architectural magazine in Japanese and English that provides information on architecture around the globe to a global readership. As Japan’s only monthly periodical dedicated to disseminating information on architecture around the world, a+u has been widely and actively read by the architecture community since its inaugural issue. The magazine’s research network extends around the globe, covering more than 100 countries. It features direct reporting on individual architects in various countries, and each issue is edited from a unique perspective to efficiently deliver the latest trends to readers. In addition, essays penned by architects, critics and historians help guide thinking on tomorrow’s architecture, greatly influencing the industry inside and outside Japan. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Acoustics Bulletin", "ISSN": "0308437X", "Scope": "The Bulletin is published by the IOA on a bi-monthly basis. Members can access all Bulletins. Non-members can access Bulletins from previous years, however they will need to become a Member to access the last 12 months. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Acta Academiae Artium Vilnensis", "ISSN": "13920316", "Scope": "Acta Academiae Artium Vilnensis (AAAV) is a peer-reviewed quarterly published since 1993 and intended for the study of art history and visual culture with an emphasis on the arts and their contexts. AAAV aims to promote scholarly research into European culture, to develop a shared perspective in art history, and encourage encounters, dialogues, and collaboration based on mutual awareness and the search for new approaches.\r\rThe articles were reviewed by two experts. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Acta Pediatrica Espanola", "ISSN": "16640", "Scope": "Cessation.Acta Pediátrica Española es una revista de pediatría general con especial dedicación a la nutrición e investigación. Se recibe en 22 países tanto de lengua castellana como inglesa y goza de gran prestigio científico entre todos los pediatras de habla hispana, especialmente cuando se busca información general muy actualizada. Desde hace 10 años también se publican artículos en inglés. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Historica", "ISSN": "02086050, 24506990", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Advances in Textiles Technology", "ISSN": "14720256", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Aerospace America", "ISSN": "0740722X", "Scope": "ScopeAerospace America provides you with the knowledge, ideas and inspiration that can help you shape your career and the future of aerospace. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Agenda", "ISSN": "20796", "Scope": "ScopeAgenda is one of the best known and most highly respected poetry journals in the world, having been founded in 1959 by Ezra Pound and William Cookson. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "AIMS Journal", "ISSN": "13579657", "Scope": "ScopeThe AIMS Journal spearheads discussions about change and development in the maternity services. It is highly regarded both by parents - who find it an excellent source of information and support - and by workers in maternity care.\r\rUntil the end of 2017 the journal was published for members only, with selected articles being available on our website. From the beginning of 2018 we are publishing our journal online, and making the articles available to all. We hope that this will ensure that they are read by more people, and are more easily shared amongst anyone with an interest in pregnancy and birth issues. Membership of AIMS continues to support and fund our ability to create the online journal, as well as supporting our other work, including campaiging and our helpline.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "American Book Review", "ISSN": "1499408", "Scope": "ScopeThe American Book Review is an award-winning, internationally distributed publication that appears six times a year. It specializes in reviews of frequently neglected published works of fiction, poetry, and literary and cultural criticism from small, regional, university, ethnic, avant-garde, and women's presses. For over thirty years, ABR has been a staple of the literary world.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "American History", "ISSN": "10768866", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "American Literary Scholarship", "ISSN": "00659142, 15272125", "Scope": "ScopeAmerican Literary Scholarship features bibliographic essays arranged by writer and time period, from pre-1800 to the present, and acts as a “systematic evaluative guide to current published studies of American literature” (ALA Booklist). Each volume of American Literary Scholarship covers content from two years previous to the volume. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "American Scholar", "ISSN": "30937", "Scope": "ScopeThe American Scholar is a quarterly magazine of essays, fiction, poetry, and articles covering public affairs, literature, science, history, and culture. Published since 1932 for the general reader by the Phi Beta Kappa Society, the Scholar considers nonfiction by known and unknown writers, but unsolicited fiction, poetry, and book reviews are not accepted. The magazine accepts fewer than two percent of all unsolicited manuscripts. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Anales de la Literatura Espanola Contemporanea", "ISSN": "2721635", "Scope": "ScopeAnales de la Literatura Española Contemporánea / Annals of Contemporary Spanish Literature publica artículos de investigación sobre cualquier aspecto de la literatura española de los siglos XX y XXI (desde el modernismo y la generación del 98 hasta el presente). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Anastasis", "ISSN": "2392862X, 23929472", "Scope": "ScopeAnastasis. Research in Medieval Culture and Art is an open access journal. We publish original articles in the areas of medieval art and medieval culture, the aim being that of stirring people’s interest for scientific research regarding the Middle Ages, thus trying to bring to light the appreciation of medieval art from a nowadays perspective, underlining the necessity of knowing the past and exploring it in order to preserve historical values, in order to better understand the present moment and to have a correct position regarding what is contemporary. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Annales de Bourgogne", "ISSN": "33901", "Scope": "ScopeLes Annales de Bourgogne sont une revue historique trimestrielle fondée en 1929 par Henri Drouot (futur titulaire de la chaire d'histoire de la Bourgogne à l'université de Dijon) et René Durand (alors professeur d'histoire moderne à la faculté des lettres).Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Annee Balzacienne", "ISSN": "846473", "Scope": "ScopeFondée en 1959, L'Année balzacienne, publiée par le Groupe d'Études balzaciennes, paraît en livraisons annuelles depuis 1960. Sa troisième série s'est ouverte en 2000. Chaque volume contient, sur Balzac et autour de Balzac, sur son œuvre et le contexte dans lequel elle a été produite, des articles de recherches d'inspiration diverse : études générales, biographiques, génétiques, historiques, stylistiques...\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Antik Tanulmanyok", "ISSN": "0003567X, 15882748", "Scope": "ScopeThis journal publishes original studies on the literature, language, history and material culture of Ancient Greece and Rome as well as articles concerning the Ancient East, medieval Latin language and literature, the history and culture of Byzantium and the reception of Graeco-Roman culture in Hungary. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Aperture", "ISSN": "36420", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Apollo", "ISSN": "36536", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Archaologie der Schweiz", "ISSN": "2559005", "Scope": "ScopeSwiss Archaeology is an association with approximately 2,000 members in all language areas of Switzerland, two thirds of which are archaeology enthusiasts, one third professionals.\r\rSwiss Archaeology aims to give archaeology enthusiasts an opportunity to become better informed while also promoting archaeological research in Switzerland.\r\rSwiss Archaeology as an organisation has the right - based on the nature and heritage protection laws - to object to planning and construction projects.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Archeologia dell'Architettura", "ISSN": "11266236, 20386567", "Scope": "ScopeARCHEOLOGIA DELL'ARCHITETTURA, is a journal that was founded in 1996 as a supplement to “Archeologia Medievale” with the intent of acting as a point of reference for the different schools of stratigraphic archeology that had been formed in some Italian Universities and research centers. The journal acted as a discussion forum for archeologists and restorers who had adopted the stratigraphic method which, at the time, was innovative. The journal is managed by an interdisciplinary board and an editing committee and publishes original articles on the theoretical and methodological forms which offer a new potential for knowledge both for the history of architecture in its various technical, economic, social, ideological and cultural aspects as well as those concerning the applications for the archaeological interpretations of buildings in the field of restoration and urban planning. The publication is divided into several sections; besides a selection of papers on a specific subject, usually the result of a symposium or seminar, there are also sections dedicated to articles on theory, opinions and reviews. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Architect", "ISSN": "19357001", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Architectural Digest", "ISSN": "38520", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Archivio di Storia della Cultura", "ISSN": "11240059, 2037688X", "Scope": "ScopeThe «Archivio di storia della cultura», founded and directed by Fulvio Tessitore, has been issued annually since 1988, and since 1997 has been published by Liguori Editore.\rThe journal is one of the main expressions of the Italian neo-historicism. Its mission is a renewed “history of culture” in reply to the epistemological crisis of the traditional status of historiography and philosophical research. Therefore, in its many year long life, the “Archivio” has assumed the movable and permeable character of the borders that separate the numerous “particular histories”, carefully listening to all the voices that do not reject philological and documentary verification. Each issue is divided into three sections: Memoirs, Discussions and Reviews, Texts. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Archivio Giuridico Filippo Serafini", "ISSN": "03915646, 22822828", "Scope": "ScopeArchivio giuridico Filippo Serafini is an interdisciplinary Journal, which has been considered – both in Italy and abroad – as an authoritative and qualified point of reference for the progresses of legal studies since its origins in the early years of the Italian unification, following a concept that, though not refusing specialization in itself, aims to avoid any excess of it.\rArchivio giuridico Filippo Serafini is a double-blind peer-reviewed Journal. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Archivo Espanol de Arte", "ISSN": "00040428, 19888511", "Scope": "ScopeArchivo Español de Arte, a specialized quarterly journal publishing only original articles, was founded in 1925 by the “Council for the Furtherance of Scientific Studies and Research” (Junta para la Ampliación de Estudios e Investigaciones Científicas).\r\rArchivo Español de Arte is dedicated to research in all areas of the history of Spanish Art and foreign art in relation to Spain, from the Middle Ages to the present. This publication is oriented preferably to the research and university community, both national and international, as well as to all professionals in the art field.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Art in America", "ISSN": "43214", "Scope": "ScopeSince 1913, Art in America has published groundbreaking critical insights about contemporary art and culture. Each monthly issue features exhibition reviews, interviews with leading artists, and in-depth essays by critics, curators, and scholars at the forefront of their fields. Recent thematic issues have examined topics ranging from digital technology in museums to contemporary Indigenous art. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Arte Cristiana", "ISSN": "43400", "Scope": "ScopeLa rivista Arte Cristiana, fondata nel 1913 da Monsignor Celso Costantini e presto affidata alla Scuola Beato Angelico, è pubblicazione scientifica di ricerca, di approfondimento e di dibattito sulle arti per la liturgia. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Assembly", "ISSN": "10508171", "Scope": "ScopeAssembly covers processes, technologies and strategies for assembling parts in industries like automotive, medical, aerospace and appliances.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Athenaeum", "ISSN": "46574", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal was established in 1913 as «an organ of the scientific life of Italian universities concerned with the literary and historical disciplines». Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "AusIMM Bulletin", "ISSN": "10346775", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Austrian Studies", "ISSN": "13507532, 22224262", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Austrian Studies is an interdisciplinary quarterly that publishes scholarly articles and book reviews on all aspects of the history and culture of Austria, Austro-Hungary, and the Habsburg territory.\r\rIt is the flagship publication of the Austrian Studies Association and contains contributions in German and English from the world’s premiere scholars in the field of Austrian studies.\r\rThe journal highlights scholarly work that draws on innovative methodologies and new ways of viewing Austrian history and culture. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Avant Scene Opera", "ISSN": "7642873", "Scope": "ScopeL’Avant-Scène Opéra est une revue bimestrielle qui \rconsacre chaque édition à l\"étude complète d\"un opéra, avec : \r• Livret intégral bilingue \r• Commentaire musical et littéraire \r• Discographie et Vidéographie comparées \r• Etudes des sources et des personnages \r• Chronologie des grandes productions. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Bialostockie Studia Literaturoznawcze", "ISSN": "20829701, 27200078", "Scope": "ScopeBiałostockie Studia Literaturoznawcze serves as a discussion forum for presenting especially studies into history of Polish literature. The journal publishes articles on literary theory, methodology of literary studies as well as comparative studies and literary criticism. It also presents works on foreign literature and works that combine literary studies and other humanities, with special attention to manuscripts which concentrate on the broadly understood special studies, including such new strands within the humanities as geopoetics, ecopoetics, ecocriticism, geo-cultural studies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Bibel und Kirche", "ISSN": "60623", "Scope": "Scope„Bibel und Kirche“ ist eine Mitgliedszeitschrift der Bibelwerke in Deutschland, Österreich und Schweiz. Sie erscheint 4x im Jahr und informiert über aktuelle Diskussionen und spannende Entwicklungen zur Bibel in Universität, Kirche, Schule und Erwachsenenbildung.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Bibliotekarz Podlaski", "ISSN": "16407806, 25448900", "Scope": "Scope“Bibliotekarz Podlaski” is a peer-reviewed scientific journal, which, according to the latest Ministry of Education and Science list, received 70 points in 2023. In 2019-2020 journal participating in the “Support for scientific journals” program of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. Currently, \"Bibliotekarz Podlaski\" participates in the program \"Magazines\" of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage. \rThe journal is published as part of the scientific activity of Książnica Podlaska. It was established on the basis of the popular scientific periodical published from 2000 to 2012: “Bibliotekarz Podlaski. Białystok – Łomża – Suwałki”.\rOn this website (see tab: ISSUES), we share all volumes of \"Bibliotekarz\" as open access journals – from the moment the journal was transformed (i.e. from issue 26 [1/2013]) according to the standards set for scientific journals. \r\rAll volumes of the original version are available on the platform of the Podlaska Digital Library at (http://pbc.biaman.pl/dlibra). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "BioCycle", "ISSN": "2765055", "Scope": "ScopeFounded in 1960 by Jerome Goldstein as the journal, Compost Science, BioCycle is the go-to resource on composting, organics recycling, anaerobic digestion and biogas, end product markets, policies and regulations, and community outreach and education. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Biophotonics International", "ISSN": "10818693", "Scope": "ScopeBioPhotonics is the global resource for research, business and product news and information for the biophotonics community and the industry's only stand-alone print and digital magazine. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Boletin del Instituto de Historia Argentina y Americana;Doctor Emilio Ravignani;", "ISSN": "05249767, 18502563", "Scope": "ScopeEl Boletín es una revista semestral de historia que intenta, a través de sus artículos, reflejar los mejores resultados de la labor de investigación en América Latina, así como de trabajos latinoamericanistas de otras regiones del mundo. Tiene el propósito de constituir un medio de comunicación entre los autores y el público académico especializado al que está dirigida; pero también aspira a llegar a un público más amplio, con la esperanza de contribuir a enriquecer los aportes y debates de la historiografía latinoamericana.\r\rEl Boletín publica trabajos científicos inéditos originales, debates historiográficos y reseñas sobre diversos tópicos de historia argentina y americana, con un amplio criterio en cuanto a los tipos de abordaje o especialidad, con énfasis en la expresión de autores de diferentes disciplinas y de diversos medios académicos. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Bollettino d'Arte", "ISSN": "3944611", "Scope": "Scope\rIl BdA nasce nel 1907 con la guida di Corrado Ricci, allora Direttore Generale dell'Amministrazione di Antichità e Belle Arti, come organo mensile d'informazione del settore del patrimonio artistico nazionale, perlopiù a cura dei funzionari interni al settore dell'amministrazione, poi via via aperto a collaboratori esterni.\r\rL'informazione sulle attività, con prevalente funzione di rapida messa a conoscenza di acquisti, restauri e importanti ritrovamenti, una sorta di notiziario, venne ben presto riassorbita all'interno della più ampia fisionomia di rivista di arte antica e moderna. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Border Crossings", "ISSN": "23835222, 26354829", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Brukenthal. Acta Musei", "ISSN": "18422691", "Scope": "ScopeThe Brukenthal. Acta Musei scientific journal receives contributions under the form of unpublished research papers, review papers written in English, in advance for the next three years of publishing. The fields of interest are: Archaeology, History, Art and Art History, Natural History, Restoration and Preservation of the Patrimony. The accuracy of the translation is author’s responsibility. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Building Engineer", "ISSN": "9698213", "Scope": "ScopeBuilding Engineer, the official journal of Chartered Association of Building Engineers, is a highly regarded journal and is read by professionals throughout the industry.\r\rThe mix of technical articles and latest industry news and trends makes it an essential read for both building engineers and other professionals in the built environment.\rEach issue covers a range of topics, ensuring that readers are kept up to date with the latest legislative and technologically developments in the construction sector.\r\rTopics Include:\r-modern methods of construction\r-heritage and conservation\r-management and collaboration\r-fire safety\r-inclusive design\r-sustainability\r-health and well-being. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Bulletin de Litterature Ecclesiastique", "ISSN": "74322", "Scope": "ScopeLe Bulletin de Littérature Ecclésiastique a été fondé en 1899 par l’Institut Catholique de Toulouse. Il a vocation à publier les travaux universitaires des enseignants-chercheurs des Facultés de Théologie, Philosophie, Droit Canonique et Lettres. Il publie également des contributions universitaires extérieures qui apportent un éclairage documenté sur des questions concernant aussi bien les sciences religieuses et la théologie que la philosophie et les sciences humaines.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Bulletin des Bibliotheques de France", "ISSN": "62006", "Scope": "ScopeIl naît de la fusion de deux publications professionnelles : le Bulletin de documentation bibliographique (alors publié depuis 1934) et le Bulletin d’information de la Direction des Bibliothèques de France (alors publié depuis 1952).\r\rComptant 12 numéros par an, la parution du BBF devient alors bimestrielle (6 numéros par an). Cette fréquence était notamment considérée plus en lien avec les articles de réflexion.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cahiers de Civilisation Medievale", "ISSN": "00079731, 02408678", "Scope": "ScopeLes Cahiers de civilisation médiévale (ISSN 0007-9731) sont édités par le CESCM (Centre d’études supérieures de civilisation médiévale – UMR 7302) depuis 1958, résolument pluridisciplinaires, ils ouvrent leurs pages à des articles originaux de synthèse ou consacrés à des sujets plus ponctuels dans toutes les disciplines concourant à une meilleure connaissance du Moyen Âge central (période romane : Xe-XIIe siècle) : histoire, littérature, histoire de l’art, histoire du droit, musicologie, philologie, philosophie…, promouvant à la fois l’interdisciplinarité et la spécificité de chaque domaine.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cahiers du Musee National d'Art Moderne", "ISSN": "1811525", "Scope": "ScopeEssais inédits d’auteurs confirmés, travaux de jeunes chercheurs, textes d’importance\rhistorique jusque-là inaccessibles : tous les trois mois Les Cahiers du Musée national\rd’art moderne donnent à lire en français le meilleur de ce qui s’élabore dans le\rdomaine de l’histoire et de la théorie de l’art moderne et contemporain. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Canadian Packaging", "ISSN": "84654", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Canadian Review of Comparative Literature", "ISSN": "0319051X", "Scope": "ScopeThe Canadian Review of Comparative Literature/Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée is a journal providing a forum for scholars engaged in the study of literature from both an international and an interdisciplinary point of view. The editors define comparative literature in its broadest sense. The journal publishes articles on the international history of literature, theory of literature, methods of literary scholarship, and the relation of literature with other areas of human expression. In addition, the journal publishes shorter reviews of individual books, particularly those published in Canada or published by scholars working at Canadian universities and, in the section “Notes, Documents and Review Articles,” review articles about important publications. Members of the Canadian Comparative Literature Association and our Canadian and foreign colleagues are invited to submit papers, notes and queries, reviews of scholarship, review articles, and suggestions about possible contributions to the editor. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Caplletra", "ISSN": "02148188, 23867159", "Scope": "ScopeCaplletra is an international journal of philology that publishes original research on all aspects related to languages and literature, with a special focus on Catalan Philology. It is addressed to all researchers in these areas. The journal has been published twice a year, in spring and autumn, since its first volume, in 1986.\r\r-Caplletra is edited and published by the Interuniversity Institute for Valencian Studies (Institut Interuniversitari de Filologia Valenciana, IIFV) and Publicacions de l’Abadia de Montserrat (PAM).\rCaplletra’s editorial team includes the Editorial Board of the journal and the Scientific Committee.\rCaplletra only accepts original research papers not previously published in any other way or in any other language.\rPapers received by Caplletra undergo a strictly anonymous double-blind peer review process. Reviewers are researchers from outside the Editorial Board and the Institut Interuniversitari de Filologia Valenciana (IIFV), the Research Institute that publishes the journal.\rMore than 80% of papers published by Caplletra are by authors from outside IIFV and the journal Editorial Board.\rEach volume of a Caplletra consists of three sections, namely a miscellaneous section, a monographic section and reviews.\rCaplletra has been published regularly twice a year since it first appeared in 1986.\rThe editorial team of Caplletra follows a series of technical and ethical protocols in its review and publication system and carefully monitors any suggestion of malpractice.\rCaplletra is indexed in platforms for the assessment, identification and/or impact of scientific journals, search engines for open access journals, journal directories, libraries and networks and collective catalogues. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Caribbean Quarterly", "ISSN": "86495", "Scope": "ScopeCaribbean Quarterly (CQ) is one of the oldest periodicals in the English-speaking Caribbean. Regarded as the flagship publication of the University of the West Indies (UWI), it was launched by the then Department of Extra Mural Studies, UWI, in 1949, to be a platform from which research findings and general knowledge could be effectively disseminated within the campus and non-campus territories. Professor Rex Nettleford served as editor of CQ for forty years, until his death in February 2010. CQ is now produced under the umbrella of the Vice Chancellery.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Carnets", "ISSN": "16467698", "Scope": "ScopeCarnets – electronic journal of French Studies is an e-journal created, implemented and edited by the APEF (the Portuguese Association of French Studies). The purpose of Carnets is to divulge the research papers produced within the of the APEF. Carnets publishes articles by its members, as well as by other researchers who wish to collaborate with this Association, and disseminate their research in the field of French and Francophone Studies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ceramics - Art and Perception", "ISSN": "10351841", "Scope": "ScopeMansfield Ceramics invites contributors to write about themselves or other ceramists in a way that engages the reader and provokes further thought, so that ideas, often ideas that can only be arrived at by ceramists, can be articulated to an ever-growing audience of enthusiasts and practitioners. We also welcome contributions from practicising artists and art critics. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cesky Casopis Historicky", "ISSN": "8626111", "Scope": "ScopeThe Czech Historical Review is a leading historical journal which has been published since 1895 (founded on 17.11.1894). It mediates the most important research findings on Czech and world history, case studies, discussions, reviews and reports as well, alongside the surveys of both domestic and foreign historiographical production. Since its very beginnings it has been a peer-reviewed periodical in which individual contributions have been assessed by at least two reviewers. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Chemical Processing", "ISSN": "92630", "Scope": "ScopeChemical Processing and ChemicalProcessing.com focus exclusively on serving\rmanagers and engineers developing process technology and designing, operating\rand maintaining plants in the chemical industry. The publication provides authoritative,\rpractical and impartial technical information as well as details on best practices, key\rtrends, developments and successful applications. This unique editorial mix helps\rreaders make plants as efficient, safe, environmentally friendly and economically\rcompetitive as possible.\rChemical Processing seeks a variety of inputs from operating companies, engineering\rfirms, vendors and others with expertise in the field:\r• bylined articles that provide practical, impartial and generic guidance;\r• case histories on applications of novel technology or services;\r• sources for round-up stories on trends and developments;\r• information on technical developments as well as new products and services;\r• product exclusives;\r• material for e-newsletters;\r• interviewees and topics for podcasts;\r• speakers who can cover technical topics in webinars; and\r• white papers. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Chicago Review", "ISSN": "93696", "Scope": "ScopeIn the back issues room down the hall from Chicago Review’s offices on the third floor of Lillie House sit hundreds of unread magazines, yearning to see the light of day. These historic issues from the Chicago Review archives may now be ordered online with a credit card (via CCNow). Some of them are groundbreaking anthologies, others outstanding general issues. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Christianity and Literature", "ISSN": "01483331, 20565666", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Claridades", "ISSN": "18896855, 19893787", "Scope": "ScopeClaridades. Revista de Filosofía, published by FICUM, is an international philosophy journal aimed at professors, students and students of the discipline. It publishes original research articles written preferably in Spanish, although it admits originals in English and German. The magazine is interested in all areas of philosophy, is open to all currents of thought and does not discriminate between them. The works submitted for the consideration of the journal are evaluated anonymously by external specialists. FICUM organizes annually a symposium in which all the works published in the annual number of the journal are submitted to dialogue and debate. Each paper must be preceded by a complete summary in English that guarantees the understanding of the text to an international reader. Although in the early years of the journal this commitment has not been demanding in some sections such as OTHERS, over the time all the sections all the sections have been progressively subjected to the same demanding standards, and will consequently include summaries reviewed by external specialists in response to our growing commitment to the internationalization of the journal. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cleanroom Technology", "ISSN": "13655531", "Scope": "ScopeThe publication brings you the latest industry and products news, updates on regulation and standards, technical articles and design and product innovations.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Colloquia", "ISSN": "18223737", "Scope": "ScopeColloquia, a periodical journal of the Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore devoted to literary issues, has been published since 2006. Fifteen thematic collections of papers appeared from 1999 to 2005, and the structure and the mission of the journal have not changed since Volume 16.The journal publishes the latest research (including interdisciplinary) into Lithuanian and Central and Eastern European literature of the twentieth and the twenty-first centuries, with special attention to the reflection of the literature of the Soviet period.The multi-dimensional literary picture is shaped in the journal by regular sections of book reviews and archival publications, interviews with scholars, and methodological discussions. The column ‘Nuomonių domino’ ('Dominoes of Opinions') responds to recent literary events. All the topics and call for articles for the upcoming issues are announced here. \rThe journal brings together authors who are involved in analysis of literary history and contemporary processes and collaborate with researchers in other fields of the humanities (historians, culturologists, art historians, etc.).It reflects on modern literary theory, introduces it into contemporary research, and observes today’s academic issues in book reviews and discussions. The journal contributes to the expansion of the literary discipline, formation of cultural self-awareness, and propagation of Lithuanian literature and mature research into it in Lithuania and abroad. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Colloquia Germanica", "ISSN": "101338", "Scope": "ScopeColloquia Germanica is an international, peer-reviewed journal in the field of German literary and cultural studies. It is published four times per year by the Narr/Francke/Attempto-Verlag. Its declared goal is to further the collaboration among scholars of German literature and culture from around the globe. In order to facilitate this dialogue, it regularly includes articles and book reviews, review essays and debates in both German and English. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Coloquio-Letras", "ISSN": "101451", "Scope": "ScopeA revista Colóquio/Letras nasceu em 1971, bem como a revista Colóquio/Artes, resultantes da cisão da Colóquio, Revista de Artes e Letras.\r\rDe carácter vincadamente ensaístico e admitindo uma grande pluralidade de pontos de vista, incluindo quer artigos de investigação quer leituras críticas da actualidade editorial, a Colóquio/Letras publica inéditos de poesia e ficção de autores contemporâneos, consagrados e jovens. Dedica-se quase em exclusivo às literaturas de língua portuguesa, o que abrange não só a nossa mas também a brasileira, as africanas de expressão portuguesa e a galega (tendo esta sido matéria de dois números publicados em 1996). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Community Practitioner", "ISSN": "14622815", "Scope": "ScopeCommunity Practitioner is published by Redactive Publishing Limited on behalf of Unite and CPHVA.\r\rPublished monthly, the journal is mailed to members of the Unite and CPHVA. It is available on paid subscription to other interested parties.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Connaissance des Arts", "ISSN": "2939274", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Connecticut Medicine", "ISSN": "106178", "Scope": "ScopeThe CSMS flagship publication, Connecticut Medicine is a peer-reviewed scientific journal, published 10x/year (print and digital). Connecticut Medicine is provided to all CSMS members, as well as physicians and state medical associations in the New England states and across the country. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Control", "ISSN": "10495541", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Correspondances en MHND", "ISSN": "21009619", "Scope": "ScopeCorrespondances en Métabolismes Hormones Diabètes & Nutrition est une revue bimestrielle destinée aux médecins spécialistes en endocrinologie, en diabétologie et en nutrition. Transversale, pluridisciplinaire et didactique, elle vise à rendre compte de l'actualité scientifique, de l' \"état de l'art\" à un moment donné et de l'expertise de spécialistes reconnus dans leur domaine à travers des articles de synthèse, illustrés et utiles à la pratique clinique. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "COSSMA", "ISSN": "14397676", "Scope": "ScopeCOSSMA is THE multi-media platform targeted at the personal care and cosmetics manufacturing industry as well as manufactures of household + fabrice care worldwide. It carries regular reports on ingredients and their applications, research and development, packaging and design, aerosol and spray technology, machines and equipment, and service providers to the cosmetics industry. In addition the magazine covers major industry events and exhibitions. COSSMA’s editorial concept distils complex, detailed information down to the essentials and is essential reading for decision makers in the cosmetics industry. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cristianesimo nella Storia", "ISSN": "3933598", "Scope": "ScopeCristianesimo nella Storia is published by the Fondazione per le scienze religiose in Bologna. It was founded by Giuseppe Alberigo. The director is now professor Giuseppe Ruggieri. This peer-reviewed journal publishes research of international importance by authoritative scholars on the history of Christianity. It focuses in particular on the contexts and cultures with which Christians have come into contact, from the Old Testament and Judaism to the secularised society of today. Issued three times a year, Cristianesimo nella Storia includes research articles, reports, shorter notices and reviews, which update the reader on new ideas emerging from international research in history, theology and exegetics. One issue a year is a special issue on a monographic theme and the first number each year includes an index for the preceding twelve months. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Critica del Testo", "ISSN": "11271140, 20365853", "Scope": "ScopeCritica del testo was founded in 1998 by Roberto Antonelli. It draws its scientific profile from the long and reknown tradition of studies in Italian and Romance Philology; it is also however sensitive to the new perspectives resulting from the current crisis of traditional humanistic culture, which has demanded since the beginning of the XXth century a thorough rethinking of the metodologies needed to approach our disciplines, and of our very perception of what we regard as textual criticism and indeed of how to define what a 'text' actually is. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Critica Letteraria", "ISSN": "03900142, 20352638", "Scope": "ScopeRivista trimestrale di critica e letteratura italiana. La rivista pubblica anche articoli di filologia italiana.In genere gli articoli sono scritti in lingua italiana, ma si accettano anche testi scritti in lingua inglese. La rivista si avvale di revisori anonimi.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Criticon", "ISSN": "0247381X, 22729852", "Scope": "ScopeA journal published three times a year concerned with the history and literature of Golden Age Spain (from the time of the Catholic Monarchs until the arrival of the Bourbon dynasty). Contributions to the journal are exclusively in Spanish. Three numbers are published yearly, each of about 200 pages. Its main objectives are two-fold, but not binding: on the one hand, to publish the work of young researchers and, on the other hand, to recover the role once played by the Revue Hispanique, that is, to give a substantial place to erudite studies along the lines of what the Spanish called filología. There is generally speaking an alternation between monographic issues (1 or 2/3) and Varia. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Critique (France)", "ISSN": "00111600, 19683901", "Scope": "ScopeUne revue « générale ».\r\rCritique est une « revue générale des publications françaises et étrangères ». Elle propose chaque année à ses lecteurs neuf numéros, dont trois doubles.\rElle entend rester fidèle à la mission que lui fixait Georges Bataille : « Critique publiera des études sur les livres et les articles paraissant en France et à l'étranger. Ces études dépassent l’importance de simples comptes rendus. A travers elles, Critique voudrait donner un aperçu, le moins incomplet qu’il se pourra, des diverses activités de l’esprit humain dans les domaines de la création littéraire, des recherches philosophiques, des connaissances historiques, scientifiques, politiques et économiques. \r\rUne revue de référence.\r\rEchappant tout à la fois à l’urgence inhérente au journalisme culturel et à l’inévitable spécialisation des revues savantes, Critique est un instrument d’information et un espace de réflexion plus indispensables que jamais.\rLes études qu’elle publie s’attachent à dégager, dans la masse des publications, le neuf et l’essentiel. Les sujets érudits ou spécialisés y sont traités sous une forme toujours accessible au non-spécialiste. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cuadernos de Ilustracion y Romanticismo", "ISSN": "11328304, 21730687", "Scope": "ScopeAll works published in Cuadernos de Ilustración y Romanticismo are original and unpublished, and must not have been accepted for publication by any other journal. Articles on literature, art, history and philosophy from the period 1700-1850 in Spain, America and Europe can be found in this journal. To this end, it accepts original works of a general theoretical, critical, historical, erudite or documentary nature in any of the official languages of Spain, as well as in English, French, Italian and Portuguese. Scientific articles are submitted for review through a double-blind peer review system. Once they have successfully completed the evaluation process, they will be published in their original language.\r\rCuadernos de Ilustración y Romanticismo allows free access to all its contents. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cuadernos LIRICO", "ISSN": "22628339", "Scope": "ScopeCuadernos LIRICO is a biannual publication of the LIRICO Network (Inter-University Network of Contemporary Literature Studies of the Rio de la Plata in France). This group brings together tenured researchers, young researchers and doctoral students. Its objective is the dissemination and development of research, as well as the publication and organization of scientific events concerning Uruguayan and Argentinean literature. Each monographic issue of Cuadernos LIRICO seeks to construct a dialogue between recent production and new theoretical or critical issues, both French and Latin American. On the other hand, a section of critical reviews and another of translations of theoretical texts (mainly from French), complete each issue. Original literary texts or essays by writers are often published as well. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cuestiones de Fisioterapia", "ISSN": "11358599", "Scope": "ScopeCuestiones de Fisioterapia es el órgano de divulgación científica de la Sociedad Andaluza de Fisioterapia “SOFIA” en colaboración con el Grupo de Investigación Área de Fisioterapia (CTS-305) de la Universidad de Sevilla y con la Universidad de Alcalá. Tiene una periodicidad cuatrimestral, configurando un volumen al año constituido por tres fascículos que se publican en los meses de enero, mayo y septiembre. Se imprime en papel libre de ácidos y se distribuye por la Editorial Médica JIMS. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cultura", "ISSN": "03931560, 26122391", "Scope": "ScopeFounded in 1881 by Ruggero Bonghi, La Cultura was suppressed by the Fascist Government in 1936 and it was finally republished in 1963 on the initiative of Guido Calogero and Gennaro Sasso. La Cultura was in the past as it is in the present a journal that allows to reconstruct important parts of Italian cultural history. Lately, it has been paying attention not only to Italian and European thought in the age of idealism, but also to other currents (from Marxism to Frankfurt School, from Habermas to Apel and, more recently, to bioethics-related issues), and then to phenomenology and Heidegger, who has been studied in relation to his “sources”, and to political events in Nazi Germany. The interest in Machiavelli’s work, and, recently, in Dante’s, who is present as a thinker as well as a poet, in Petrarch’s, Tasso’s, and in Leopardi’s work is a living testimony of the way in which La Cultura has been keeping together many fields of knowledge, which have always been investigated in a close relationship with history and historiography, with scientific exactitude to avoid eclecticism. La Cultura will continue to pay attention to such topics. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cutting Tool Engineering", "ISSN": "114189", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Dalhousie Review", "ISSN": "115827", "Scope": "ScopeThe Dalhousie Review has been published continuously since 1921, when it was founded by Herbert Stewart, professor of philosophy, to represent the intellectual life of the Maritimes while remaining open to scholarly writers from across Canada and around the world. Its design and direction have evolved over time and under the influence of different editors, and in the 1950s the Review began including the work of fiction writers and poets. The journal is now primarily a publisher of short stories and poetry, alongside creative non-fiction and book reviews. Current issues are available in Dalhousie University Libraries (and other university and public libraries across North America) or by subscription.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Dance Magazine", "ISSN": "116009", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Dancing Times", "ISSN": "0011605X", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Darulfunun Ilahiyat", "ISSN": "26306069, 26515083", "Scope": "Scopedarulfunun ilahiyat aims to publish articles dealing with different aspects of religion in independent and interdisciplinary fields and theoretical and applied sciences.\r\rdarulfunun ilahiyat focuses on religion, faith and behaviors of its practitioners and religion as system of belief and society. The journal expects the articles to (i) Address human and social sciences; (ii) Develop original theoretical and conceptual advances; (iii) Examine different and new research methods; (iv) Present comparative studies using case studies.\r\rWithin this range, the issues listed below are given particular priority:\r\rIslamic culture and civilization\r\r> The interpretation and education of religious and Islamic sciences in the contemporary world\r\r> The formation and transfer of religious identity\r\r> Public life in various faith groups, and religion in a multicultural environment\r\r> Interactions between the individual, religion, and society\r\rIn addition to qualified, original, theoretical, and applied research, darulfunun ilahiyat also publishes book reviews, research notes, meeting abstracts and translatory-commentarial papers from classical languages. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Das Argument", "ISSN": "41157", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Dental Press Endodontics", "ISSN": "21783713", "Scope": "ScopeDental Press Endodontics (published every four months) publishes original research (e.g., clinical trials, basic science related to the biological aspects of endodontics, basic science related to endodontic techniques and case reports). Review articles only for invited authors. Authors of potential review articles are encouraged to first contact the editor during their preliminary development. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Dickensian", "ISSN": "122440", "Scope": "ScopeThe Fellowship's journal, The Dickensian, founded in 1905, publishes a wide range of articles on the life and work of Charles Dickens, contributed by scholars from around the world. It also publishes edited and annotated transcriptions of newly discovered Dickens letters. In addition to its articles, each issue carries reviews of books, plays, films and TV productions, together with reports of Fellowship activities and other Dickens-related news. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Didaskalia (Poland)", "ISSN": "27200043", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Digital Textile", "ISSN": "17421128", "Scope": "ScopeDigital Textile is the world’s only global magazine dedicated wholly to covering textile applications in the rapidly expanding field of inkjet printing. It is established as the leading source of intelligence for industry professionals.\rDelivering vital information for both users and suppliers in the digital textile printing industry’s three major segments - traditional textiles, soft signage and garments – its expanded editorial pages explore the issues that matter. Digital Textile covers company and product news, market analysis, technical features, business profiles, and relevant exhibitions and conferences.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Discipline Filosofiche", "ISSN": "15919625, 22797343", "Scope": "ScopeDiscipline Filosofiche was founded in 1991 by Enzo Melandri, and is currently published twice a year. Since 1995 it has been publishing temathic issues on several topics both in theoretical philosophy (logic, epistemology, philosophy of science, aesthetics and philosophy of language) and in practical philosophy. The vast range of topics addressed in these years has been covered through the publication of several international contributions and an intense work of translation of unpublished or hard to find sources, thus introducing into the Italian philosophical scene many texts previously unavailable in Italian. As from 2012, Discipline Filosofiche publishes papers written not only in Italian, but also in English, French and German. All papers, whether solicited by the editors or submitted in response to a call for papers, undergo a double-bind peer review process. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Dix-Huitieme Siecle", "ISSN": "706760", "Scope": "ScopeLa revue Dix-Huitième Siècle consacrera le Dossier de son numéro 54 (2022), à « Climat et environnement », sous la direction de Laurent Brassart, Laurent Châtel, Emilie-Anne Pepy et Anouchka Vasak.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Dokkyo Journal of Medical Sciences", "ISSN": "03855023, 09115900", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Du: Zeitschrift Der Kultur", "ISSN": "126837", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "eb - Elektrische Bahnen", "ISSN": "135437", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Education in Chemistry", "ISSN": "131350", "Scope": "ScopeThe only magazine in the UK aimed at teachers of chemistry at all levels. It is written by its readers for its readers, and covers the whole spectrum of chemistry teaching from balanced science in secondary courses to the final stages of undergraduate courses Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Eighteenth-Century Music", "ISSN": "14785706, 14785714", "Scope": "ScopeEighteenth-Century Music is a well-established journal dedicated to all areas of eighteenth-century music research. Its generous breadth of coverage includes, alongside articles and essays by both leading and emerging scholars, a wide range of reviews and a communications section that reports on conferences and other items of interest from around the world Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Eikasmos", "ISSN": "11218819", "Scope": "ScopeFounded by Enzo Degani in 1990, the review «Eikasmós. Quaderni Bolognesi di Filologia Classica» is devoted to textual criticism and exegesis (the first section of each issue is dedicated to «Esegesi e critica testuale»), to the history of classical scholarship (the second section of each volume), and to a systematic and up-to-date survey of scholarly works in the fields of classical studies (the two last sections of each issue include reviews and a bibliographical supplement). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ekonomiska Samfundets Tidskrift", "ISSN": "133183", "Scope": "ScopeEkonomiska Samfundets tidskrift utkommer för närvarande två gånger per år. Den publicerar artiklar och översikter om aktuell ekonomisk politik och ekonomisk forskning. Populärvetenskapliga och vetenskapliga bidrag samt bokrecensioner ingår. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Electronic Products", "ISSN": "134953", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Engineer", "ISSN": "137758", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Engineering", "ISSN": "137782", "Scope": "ScopeEngineering magazine reports on the latest industry thinking, techniques and trends. Featuring the work of engineering teams worldwide, it is not only essential reading for those in the industry but also companies to maintain competitive advantage.\r\rAs an editorially-led publication Engineering magazine offers a diverse and engaging mix of features in every issue that, whether written by our own editorial team or industry professionals, provides in-depth analysis and comment. As our core is technology innovation we feature articles on the tools, techniques and processes used by engineers to bring products to market. But we also take a multi-disciplinary approach and cover a range of relevant issues affecting all sectors of the industry. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "EPRI Journal", "ISSN": "03623416, 15490084", "Scope": "ScopeIt provides in-depth reporting on electricity sector R&D, industry and technology news, EPRI thought leadership, and guest perspectives from industry leaders. With features, brief articles, info-graphics, and other engaging digital formats, readers gain insights through clear explanations about technology developments, utility field experiences, and real-world solutions. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "ESQ - Journal of the American Renaissance", "ISSN": "00938297, 1935021X", "Scope": "ScopeESQ is devoted to the study of nineteenth-century American literature. We invite submission of original articles, welcome work grounded in a wide range of theoretical and critical perspectives, and encourage inquiries proposing submissions and projects. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Etudes Anglaises", "ISSN": "0014195X", "Scope": "ScopeFondée en 1937 pour prendre la suite de la Revue anglo-américaine, la revue Études anglaises jouit d'une très vaste audience nationale et internationale. Accueillant les travaux des anglicistes français et étrangers, la revue paraît à raison de quatre numéros annuels de 128 pages chacun. Études anglaises publie des recherches en littérature, en linguistique et en civilisation et couvre le domaine anglophone sous tous ses aspects: anglais, américain, postcolonial, littérature mondiale, etc. Internationalement reconnue, la revue publie des articles évalués de façon anonyme, est présente électroniquement sur le site cairn.info, accueille des numéros spéciaux sous la responsabilité d'éditeurs invités, tout en restant au service de la communauté française des anglicistes. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Etudes Germaniques", "ISSN": "142115", "Scope": "ScopeLa revue Études germaniques a pour but d’informer avec un grand souci d’impartialité et d’objectivité scientifique tous ceux qui s’intéressent à la vie du monde germanique (Allemagne, Suisse, pays scandinaves et néerlandais, études yiddish et judéo-allemandes), aussi bien sur des questions qui touchent à la linguistique, à la littérature, à l’histoire, à la philosophie, à l’art, à la religion — en un mot à la civilisation — qu’à celles qui relèvent de l’actualité et qui sont étudiées dans un esprit de savants et non de partisans.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Etudes Theologiques et Religieuses", "ISSN": "00142239, 22729011", "Scope": "ScopeFondée en 1926, la revue Études théologiques et religieuses est une revue à comité de lecture qui publie quatre numéros par an. Organe de diffusion de la recherche scientifique des Facultés de l’Institut protestant de théologie dont elle relaie les travaux, ETR participe aux débats qui animent les sciences religieuses et qui traversent en premier lieu le champ théologique dont elle entend favoriser la visibilité. Par la spécificité de ses domaines d’enquête – biblique et exégétique, historique, philosophique et éthique –, elle se situe à un carrefour d’usages scientifiques qui dépassent l’histoire du protestantisme pour embrasser le vaste champ des études du religieux.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Europe", "ISSN": "142751", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "European Drama and Performance Studies", "ISSN": "20458541, 22669035", "Scope": "ScopeEuropean Drama and Performance Studies is a journal devoted to the history of performing arts. Thematic issues are published in French and/or English.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "European Journal of Clinical Pharmacy", "ISSN": "2385409X", "Scope": "ScopeEuropean Journal of Clinical Pharmacy®, is a peer reviewed biomedical journal that publish papers related to clinical pharmacy, clinical pharmacology, pharmacoepidemiology, pharmacoeconomics, pharmacotherapy and clinical management in the following sections, not necessary included in every issue. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "European Romantic Review", "ISSN": "10509585, 17404657", "Scope": "ScopeThe European Romantic Review publishes innovative scholarship on the literature and culture of Europe, Great Britain and the Americas during the period 1760-1840. Topics range from the scientific and psychological interests of German and English authors through the political and social reverberations of the French Revolution to the philosophical and ecological implications of Anglo-American nature writing. Selected papers from the annual conference of the North American Society for the Study of Romanticism appear in one of the six issues published each year. Essays published in ERR will be considered for an annual award co-sponsored by ERR and NASSR.\rBook reviews commissioned for two of the six annual issues represent a cross section of concerns in Romantic Era studies and call attention to important new titles and editions from major university and academic presses. Book reviews are distinguished by their depth of analysis, acquainting readers with the substance and significance of current criticism and scholarship in the field. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Farbe und Lack", "ISSN": "147699", "Scope": "ScopeFARBE UND LACK ist das richtungsweisende Fachmagazin der deutschsprachigen Lackwelt mit monatlich aktuellen Technologie- und Marktinformationen, Trends und Fakten aus der Branche – als professioneller Mix aus Information und Kommentar sowie Trend und Hintergrund bietet FARBE UND LACK u.a.:\r\rMonatliche Fokusthemen: Umfassende Themenpakete mit technischen Fachbeiträgen, vertiefenden Interviews und Marktübersichten\rMenschen und Meinungen: Erfahren Sie, wie Marktführer und Branchenexperten aktuelle Veränderungen im Lackmarkt einschätzen und bleiben Sie auf dem Laufenden über relevante Branchenverbände und Interessensgruppen.\rMittelstand konkret: Aktuelle Gesetze und Regularien, betriebswirtschaftliche Hintergründe und praxisnahe Tipps für KMU als Basis für ein erfolgreiches Agieren im Markt. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Figures de la Psychanalyse", "ISSN": "16233883, 17762847", "Scope": "ScopeFigures de la psychanalyse (Logos Anankè, nouvelle série), est la revue d'Espace analytique, l'association de formation psychanalytique et de recherches freudiennes, fondée par Maud Mannoni.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Film and History", "ISSN": "03603695, 15489922", "Scope": "ScopeAreas of Interest:\r\r\r-The effect of historical events on films, genres, or cultural & aesthetic standards-\r\rThe effect of films or film genres on historical or cultural events-\r\rThe aesthetic or rhetorical construction of history itself, as rendered in film-\r\rUse of motion pictures, television, and related media in the classroom-\r\rThe history, holdings, and current status of film and television archives-\r\rNew or controversial ways of presenting history in film and television-\r\rReviews of books and video/films and broadcasts addressing important themes or events Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Film International", "ISSN": "16516826, 20403801", "Scope": "ScopeFilm International covers film culture as part of the broader culture, history and economy of society. We address topics of contemporary relevance from historically-informed perspectives. We wish to bridge the gap between the academy and the outside world, and encourage the participation of scholars from a variety of disciplines. We refuse the facile dichotomies of 'high' and 'low', Hollywood and independent, art and commercial cinema. We discuss Hollywood films seriously, and 'art' movies critically. We aim at becoming a truly international journal, recognising local specificities, but also the ultimate interconnectedness of an increasingly globalised world. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Filozofska Istrazivanja", "ISSN": "3514706", "Scope": "ScopeFilozofska istraživanja znanstveni je časopis Hrvatskog filozofskog društva, sa sjedištem u Zagrebu u Republici Hrvatskoj. Pokrenut 1980. godine, s vremenom je postao najvažniji časopis za filozofiju u Republici Hrvatskoj i jedan od relevantnijih na području Jugoistočne Europe. Svoj je uspjeh postigao angažiranim promicanjem otvorenosti prema novim idejama, pristupima i metodologijama, odnosno prema različitim orijentacijama, školama i strujama, kao i prema marginaliziranim ili neopravdano zapostavljenim temama. Njegujući kriterije zdravog i društveno funkcionalnog znanstvenog dijaloga, postao je konstitutivnim čimbenikom u razvoju regionalne filozofijske kulture.\r\rČasopis od 1980. redovito izlazi u četiri sveska godišnje, a objavljuje isključivo izvorna znanstvena istraživanja, prethodna priopćenja i pregledne radove iz svih filozofskih i filozofiji srodnih disciplina, uključujući interdisciplinarna i transdisciplinarna istraživanja s relevantnim filozofskim udjelom, te kritičke prikaze (recenzije) novobjavljenih (izvornih ili prevedenih) monografija, sabranih djela, zbornika, enciklopedija, rječnika i drugih tipova djela relevatnih za područje. Također, u drugom i četvrtom svesku svakog godišta pod kategorijom „Filozofski život“ objavljuju se izvještaji sa znanstvenih i popularno-znanstvenih događaja od filozofskog ili šireg znanstveno-društvenog značaja, poput tribina, konferencija i festivala, a u četvrtom svesku godišta izlazi bibliografija izdanog godišta. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Forum Stadt", "ISSN": "1709364", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Foundry Trade Journal International", "ISSN": "17589789", "Scope": "ScopeIt is published ten times a year and contains all the latest developments affecting the cast metals and associated industries.\r\rArticles include: industry and product news, company profiles, the latest trends in metal prices, specific practical features, technical reports and papers, details on the latest recruitment and career development options and news on all the major international industry exhibitions and conferences.\r\rFoundry Trade Journal is an international magazine for the global cast metals industry. It is published ten times a year and mailed to individuals employed in the castings industry and to leading companies in the UK, Europe, Asia, the Americas and the rest of the world.\r\rContributors include the leading lights in the industry and each issue includes industry and product news, company profiles, the latest trends in metal prices, specific practical features, technical reports and papers, details on the latest recruitment and career development options and news on all the major international industry exhibitions and conferences. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Fourth Genre: Explorations in Nonfiction", "ISSN": "15223868, 15441733", "Scope": "ScopeWe invite you to experience Fourth Genre: Explorations in Nonfiction, a journal devoted to publishing notable, innovative work in nonfiction. Given the genre’s flexibility and expansiveness, we welcome a variety of works ranging from personal essays and memoirs to literary journalism and personal criticism. The editors invite works that are lyrical, self-interrogative, meditative, and reflective, as well as expository, analytical, exploratory, or whimsical. In short, we encourage submissions across the full spectrum of the genre. The journal encourages a writer-to-reader conversation, one that explores the markers and boundaries of literary/creative nonfiction.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Gaceta Medica de Bilbao", "ISSN": "03044858, 21732302", "Scope": "ScopeGACETA MÉDICA DE BILBAO publishes original papers, short original texts, reviews, clinical notes, methodology notes, special articles, letters to the editor, and other texts related to any aspect of the health sciences, consumer affairs and health administration. All the manuscripts received are initially reviewed by the Editorial Committee and, as and when appropriate, by independent referees. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Galvanotechnik", "ISSN": "164232", "Scope": "ScopeBesides its regular editorial coverage, every issue of Galvanotechnik presents four special feature sections on: energy technologies, thin-film and plasma technologies, medical technology, and environmental technology. Each of these editorial sections specifically addresses the topic of coating and the demands of coating operators. The special section on energy technology is dedicated to energy efficiency for galvanic plants. It also explores the economic opportunities that Germany's sustainable energy policies are offering to coating operators. The special on thin-film and plasma technologies illuminates the pertinent topics connected with coating processes. The special on medical technology introduces you to the latest news and developments in coating processes for components used in medical equipment. This is complemented by conference reports from the medical field. The environmental section of Galvanotechnik looks at the environmental and workplace safety issues relevant to industrial coating operations. This includes technical innovations and basic information as well as legal considerations. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Gas Wasserfach Wasser Abwasser", "ISSN": "163651", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Geodrilling International", "ISSN": "9693769", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Geografija v Soli", "ISSN": "13184717", "Scope": "ScopeRubrika Širimo obzorja v branje ponuja prispevke, namenjene učiteljevi strokovni rasti; proučujejo regije doma in po svetu, prispevki pa posegajo tudi na področja drugih, geografiji sorodnih strok. Iz prakse vsebuje prispevke z didaktičnimi vsebinami in primere dobrih praks, ki jih lahko uporabite pri pouku (OŠ in SŠ). Tematski poudarki: formativno spremljanje, medpredmetno povezovanje, terensko delo in kartiranje, uporaba IKT pri pouku geografije, trajnostni razvoj, geopolitične, ekonomske in sorodne teme, inkluzija. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "German Studies Review", "ISSN": "1497952", "Scope": "ScopeGerman Studies Review (GSR) is the scholarly journal of the German Studies Association (GSA), the world's largest academic association devoted to the interdisciplinary study of the German-speaking countries. Recent issues have covered topics from Alexander von Humboldt and postcolonial theory to Krupp housing estates in the Ruhr Valley to the popularity of German gangsta rap. A peer-reviewed journal, GSR includes articles and book reviews on the history, literature, culture, and politics of the German-speaking areas of Europe encompassing primarily, but not exclusively, Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Gestalt", "ISSN": "11545232", "Scope": "ScopeLa Revue Gestalt est destinée à un large public de personnes s'intéressant à la Gestalt-thérapie, des professionnels et futurs professionnels, des étudiants, enseignants, universitaires et formateurs mais aussi à tous ceux et celles qui sont intéressés par la partie philosophique de la Gestalt qui développe un certain art de vivre gestaltiste.\r\rAprès avoir publié depuis 1981, des articles de fond sur la Gestalt-thérapie dans le Bulletin de Liaison de l'association qui est réservé aux adhérents, la SFG décida en juin 1989, de publier une revue destinée à un lectorat plus large que ses propres membres afin de continuer la réflexion et la recherche en Gestalt-thérapie avec l'objectif de faire connaître la Gestalt à un plus grand nombre et de participer à son développement. Le rythme de parution est de deux numéros par an, habituellement en juin et décembre.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Giornale Critico della Filosofia Italiana", "ISSN": "170089", "Scope": "ScopeIl «Giornale critico della filosofia italiana» è una delle più antiche e prestigiose riviste italiane: fondato nel 1920 da Giovanni Gentile, ha rappresentato per tre quarti di secolo il luogo d’incontro della ricerca filosofica e storico-filosofica italiana ed europea. Diretta dal 1980 da Eugenio Garin, la rivista ospita oggi quanto di meglio nel campo della ricerca storico-filosofica producono le nuove generazioni nell’Università e fuori, senza perdere l’apporto di grandi maestri e di studiosi stranieri; e ciò nell’intento di far posto alla riflessione sull’intreccio tra la filosofia italiana e le discussioni europee e mondiali. Il «Giornale critico», quadrimestrale, giunge a circa 300 Biblioteche e Istituti universitari e di cultura, metà delle quali all’estero, ed è fra i periodici specializzati che godono di più seria considerazione a livello internazionale: per l’ampiezza dei temi trattati che toccano la storia e l’attualità della cultura filosofica e scientifica e per la tradizione di rigore filologico che la contraddistingue, la testata è un punto di riferimento indispensabile per gli studi storici e umanistici, per studenti e docenti, dalle superiori all’Università. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "gis.Business", "ISSN": "18699286", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Glass International", "ISSN": "1437836", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Goethe Jahrbuch", "ISSN": "3234207", "Scope": "ScopeDas Goethe-Jahrbuch 2019 versammelt die Vorträge des Podiums »Goethes ›West-östlicher Divan‹ aus heutiger Sicht«.\rEs enthält zudem die Vorträge während der Hauptversammlung, die im Juni 2019 zahlreiche Gäste aus der ganzen Welt in Weimar führte sowie Abhandlungen und Miszellen zu Goethes Leben und Werk. Ein umfangreicher Rezensionsteil zu wichtigen Neuerscheinungen und Berichte über das Wirken der Goethe-Gesellschaft im In- und Ausland ergänzen den Band.Das Goethe-Jahrbuch ist das Publikationsorgan der 1885 in Weimar gegründeten Goethe-Gesellschaft mit derzeit ca. 3.000 Mitgliedern in 55 Ländern der Welt.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Gradiva", "ISSN": "3638057", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Hart's E and P", "ISSN": "15274063", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Harvard Design Magazine", "ISSN": "10934421", "Scope": "ScopeHarvard Design Magazine probes beyond the established design disciplines to enrich and diversify current discourse. Scholarly, poetic, and visually lush, each presents new interpretations of design’s defining role in today’s culture. Distinguished and unexpected voices from the fields of architecture, landscape architecture, and urban planning meet those from the realms of art, science, literature, and beyond. A space for dialogue, speculation, and surprise: Harvard Design Magazine opens a door onto the applied device of design, and the people, places, and politics it engages. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Haut", "ISSN": "9382216", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Henry James Review", "ISSN": "02730340, 10806555", "Scope": "ScopeThe Henry James Review is the only journal devoted to Henry James. One of the very best single-author journals in the marketplace, it is open to the diversity of critical biographical, archival, and creative work being done on James. In addition to the insightful essays, every issue contains book reviews of works across the broad range of James Studies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Highways", "ISSN": "01426168, 0267825X", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Hispanofila", "ISSN": "182206", "Scope": "ScopeA UNC-CH Department of Romance Studies publication since 1968, Hispanófila appears three times per year. The journal accepts innovative essays on any literary, linguistic, or cultural topic dealing with the Spanish and Portuguese-speaking worlds. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Historia", "ISSN": "01019074, 19804369", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Historie a Vojenstvi", "ISSN": "182583", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Homme (Germany)", "ISSN": "1016362X, 21945071", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Hortus Artium Mediaevalium", "ISSN": "13307274", "Scope": "ScopeHortus Artium Medievalium is the annual journal of the International Research Center for Late Antiquity and Middle Ages (Motovun, Croatia), established in 1993. The journal has a particular interest in studying artefacts for the history of art, and to study the period from Late Antiquity to the end of the Gothic period in an interdisciplinary, international and diachronic fashion. An annual colloquium gathers appropriate specialists, from which the papers are drawn.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Hospital Infection Control and Prevention", "ISSN": "0098180X", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localizedJoin the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "IEEE Women in Engineering Magazine", "ISSN": "1942065X", "Scope": "ScopeIEEE Women in Engineering Magazine is the first magazine to focus on issues facing women who study or work in IEEE's fields of interest. The premiere issue, published in 2008, featured articles covering the political and international issues surrounding technology, including cultural differences in the workplace. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "IHS Jane's Defence Weekly", "ISSN": "20483430", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ikon", "ISSN": "18468551", "Scope": "ScopeJournal of Iconographic StudiesJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Indexer", "ISSN": "00194131, 17560632", "Scope": "ScopeThe Indexer is published on behalf of indexing societies worldwide. It seeks to cover the full range of subjects, from articles at the cutting edge of new techniques to contributions discussing in a practical way the new tools available to indexers at all points in the technical spectrum or exploring the history of indexing.\r\rIts reviews section covers both printed and electronic material, including websites and hardware and software of interest to the indexer, while ‘Indexes Reviewed’ highlights some of the best (and worst) examples of indexing in action.\r\rThrough regular conference reports it also keeps readers up to date with what is going on across the international indexing community.\r\rFirst published by the Society of Indexers (UK) in 1958 on a twice-yearly basis, it moved in 2008 to a quarterly publication. From 2019 the journal is published by Liverpool University Press. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "InTech", "ISSN": "0192303X", "Scope": "ScopeInTech provides the most thought-provoking and authoritative coverage of automation technologies, applications, and strategies to enhance automation professionals' on-the-job success.\r\rPublished by the automation field's leading organization, ISA, InTech addresses industry challenges, new technologies, and fundamentals in a practical approach. It is written for engineers, managers, technicians, and other automation professionals; and it is produced with the active involvement of automation's most-influential leaders, subject-matter experts, and educators.\r\rArticles discuss the most critical issues facing the rapidly changing automation industry, offering a balance of basic and advanced treatment of topics such as:\r\r-Enterprise-level topics of interest to engineers and c-level management-\rTechnical support level issues-\rStrategies for major raw materials processing and discrete manufacturing industry sectors on technologies and business operations-\rNew technologies and their applications-\rReviews of the fundamentals in operations-\rIndustry standards and their application-\rProfessional career development-\rIndustry and organization news about ISA and other major industry associations.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Inter Bloc", "ISSN": "2423960", "Scope": "ScopeÊtre un professionnel de soins compétent au bloc opératoire ou en service de chirurgie signifie devoir actualiser ses connaissances notamment techniques et rester sans cesse attentif à la qualité de la prise en charge du patient. Inter bloc accompagne les infirmier(es) de bloc (Ibode) dans le développement de leur compétences et les aide à s'intégrer efficacement au sein d'une équipe pluridisciplinaire.\rLes articles sont sélectionnés par un comité de professionnels de terrain et de formateurs, et validés par des experts infirmiers, chirurgiens, juristes...\rInter bloc permet de rester à la pointe de l'actualité et de la pratique de leur profession.\r\rGrâce à ses dossiers, rubriques thématiques, ses articles et ses fiches, Inter bloc vous permet de maîtriser tous les aspects de la prise en charge périopératoire du patient. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Dyer and Finisher", "ISSN": "0020658X", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Internationale Politik", "ISSN": "1430175X", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Internationales Archiv für Sozialgeschichte der Deutschen Literatur", "ISSN": "03404528, 18659128", "Scope": "ScopeDie Anfänge der Sozialgeschichte der deutschen Literatur in den 1970er Jahren standen im Zeichen einer interdisziplinären Begegnung und eines veränderten Literaturbegriffs. Inzwischen haben sich die Diskurse und Methoden in den Kultur- und Literaturwissenschaften sehr stark gewandelt, gleichwohl ist die Hauptfrage einer sozialgeschichtlich orientierten Literaturgeschichte – die nach dem Verhältnis zwischen literarischen Texten und sozialhistorischen Kontexten – unverändert aktuell.\r\rDiese Frage in all ihren Facetten und unter verschiedensten Aspekten untersuchen die Beiträge des Internationalen Archivs für Sozialgeschichte der deutschen Literatur (IASL), das 1976 von Georg Jäger, Alberto Martino und Friedrich Sengle gegründet wurde. Sein Spektrum umfasst die gesamte deutsche Literaturgeschichte vom Mittelalter bis in die Gegenwart. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit gilt dabei den literaturtheoretischen Grundlagen der Literaturgeschichte, insbesondere den methodischen und thematischen Berührungspunkten zwischen der Literaturwissenschaft und den Geschichts- und Sozialwissenschaften. Zu den Schwerpunkten einer erweiterten Sozialgeschichte der Literatur zählen deshalb nach wie vor Buch-, Verlags- und Kommunikationsgeschichte, Lese(r)forschung und Rezeptionsgeschichte, Wissens- und Wissenschaftsgeschichte sowie die Konstellationen von Literatur und Geschichte im 20. Jahrhundert.\r\rIASL veröffentlicht Aufsätze und Beiträge zu aktuellen Forschungsfragen in deutscher und englischer Sprache. Gelegentlich erscheinen thematisch zusammenhängende Themenschwerpunkte; darüber hinaus werden in gesonderten Rubriken aktuelle Forschungsdiskussionen und in Planung befindliche Forschungsprojekte sowie neue Materialien und Dokumente zur Sozialgeschichte der Literatur (Dokumentation) vorgestellt. Alle in IASL veröffentlichten Texte unterliegen einem strengen Begutachtungsverfahren (peer review). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "IRYO - Japanese Journal of National Medical Services", "ISSN": "211699", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Istorijski Casopis", "ISSN": "3500802", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Italianistica", "ISSN": "03913368, 17241677", "Scope": "ScopeItalianistica, rivista di letteratura italiana, fu fondata nel 1972 da Renzo Negri e da Felice Del Beccaro, con l'intenzione dichiarata di fornire agli studiosi una sede, la più vasta possibile e senza preclusioni di sorta, ove poter pubblicare i risultati delle proprie ricerche scientifiche (articoli, note, rassegne). Essa fu sin dall'inizio corredata da una ricca informazione bibliografica (recensioni, annunzi, schedari). Nel corso degli anni la Direzione è passata prima a Giorgio Varanini e Michele Dell'Aquila, fino all'attuale assetto, senza mai venir meno alla realizzazione dei propositi iniziali, che tanto favore hanno incontrato presso autori e lettori sia italiani sia stranieri.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "ITU News", "ISSN": "10204148", "Scope": "ScopeYour source for insight on key ITU events and initiatives, as well as global information and communication technology (ICT) trends.​​ Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Jahrbuch der Osterreichischen Byzantinistik", "ISSN": "03788660, 1810536X", "Scope": "ScopeDie Zeitschrift wurde 1951 als \"Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinischen Gesellschaft\" gegründet, erhielt mit Band 18 (1969) ihren heutigen Namen. Trägerinstitutionen sind das Institut für Byzantinistik und Neogräzistik der Universität Wien und die Abteilung für Byzanzforschung der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.\r\rAktuelle Hauptherausgeber sind Christian Gastgeber, Johannes Preiser-Kapeller, Claudia Rapp und Elisabeth Schiffer in Nachfolge von Herbert Hunger, Wolfram Hörandner und Ewald Kislinger.\r\rDie Annahme von Beiträgen (auf Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch) erfolgt nach einem anonymen Gutachterverfahren (peer-review), eingereichte Beiträge haben den Zitierregeln (Deutsch / Englisch, Siglenverzeichnis) des JÖB zu folgen. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Jahrbucher fur Geschichte Osteuropas", "ISSN": "214019", "Scope": "ScopeThe Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas (\"Annals for the History of Eastern Europe\") present the discipline in its entire breadth; for thematically focused articles the emphasis lies on the territory of the former Russian Empire and the former Soviet Union. A double-blind review process with international experts ensures adherence to the annals' recognized high quality standards. An extensive section devoted to reviews informs the reader about current trends in German and international research. In addition, the editorial board publishes an electronic review supplement under the title jgo.e-reviews at recensio.net. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "James Joyce Quarterly", "ISSN": "00214183, 19386036", "Scope": "ScopeEach issue of the JJQ provides a selection of peer-reviewed essays representing the very best in contemporary Joyce scholarship. In addition, the journal publishes notes, reviews, letters, a comprehensive checklist of recent Joyce-related publications, and the editor’s “Raising the Wind.” Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Japanese Journal of Clinical Urology", "ISSN": "3852393", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Japanese Railway Engineering", "ISSN": "4488938", "Scope": "Scope英文誌「Japanese Railway Engineering」は、我が国の数少ない鉄道の総合技術に関する英文誌として、我が国の鉄道技術を諸外国に紹介するもので、年4回発行しています。 また外国の鉄道技術誌出版社との交換などを通じて各国との情報交流の役割を果たしています。 Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "JOT, Journal für Oberflaechentechnik", "ISSN": "9408789", "Scope": "ScopeJOT berichtet praxisnah und anwenderorientiert über sämtliche Themen der Oberflächentechnik: Nasslackieren, Pulverbeschichten, Reinigen/Vorbehandeln, Entlacken, Coil Coating, Galvanisieren, dünne Schichten, Emaillieren, Strahlen, Schleifen, Umwelttechnik, Lacke/Chemikalien, Messen/Prüfen und Fördertechnik. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal des Professionnels de l'Enfance", "ISSN": "12975354", "Scope": "ScopeCar si l’on parle de plus en plus de petite enfance sur un plan sociétal, il nous semble important d’aller encore plus loin. La petite enfance est un véritable vivier de propositions, d’idée nouvelles, d’expérimentations… Mais celles-ci souffrent encore d’un manque de visibilité et de partage. Alors, participons à les mettre en avant ! De même, il nous faut œuvrer davantage à faire rimer recherches et pratiques, à dépasser la barrière invisible qui souvent les oppose…\rIl nous paraît aussi important d’oser dire les choses : que ce soit sur un plan politique, sociétal, scientifique ou au cœur même des structures d’accueil et des écoles maternelles, des propos peuvent être prononcés, des pratiques encouragées qui s’avèrent aux antipodes de ce que nous pouvons tous souhaiter pour la petite enfance. Ne rien dire, ne rien faire, c’est les entretenir… Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal for Weavers, Spinners and Dyers", "ISSN": "2677806", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal is the quarterly magazine of the UK Association of Guilds of Weavers, Spinners & Dyers. Our high quality issues, in print and digital formats, are published in February, May, August and November and are available by subscription or one-off purchase.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science", "ISSN": "22273123", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science is an open-access electronic journal that accepts scientific papers of high quality concerned with subjects relating to nuclear processes in condensed matter. Papers may focus on the results of experimental studies, theoretical studies, or a combination of these. Topics to which the journal is addressed include:-\r\rCalorimetry, energy production in metal hydrides and deuterides;\rCorrelations, or lack of correlations, between energy production and possible nuclear products\rMaterials science issues that are important for the development of nuclear effects in condensed matter\rElectrochemical issues concerning loading, surface chemistry, resistance diagnostics and other issues concerning metal hydrides and metal deuterides\rObservations of nuclear products, charged particles, neutrons, tritium, X-ray and gamma emission in metal hydrides\rProduction of new elements or isotopes in metal hydrides and metal deuterides; and modification of isotopic distributions\rInduced radioactivity in metal deuterides and metal hydrides\rAccelerator experiments on metal deuterides and metal hydrides\rModels for nuclear processes in the condensed matter. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Japanese Dental Society of Anesthesiology", "ISSN": "3865835", "Scope": "ScopeJournal of Japanese Dental Society of Anesthesiology publishes papers reporting clinical and basic interdisciplinary investigations of anesthesiology for dental practice and oral surgery. Dental Anesthesiology is a true specialty for human health care relating to dentistry and oral surgery. The journal contains original articles, clinical reports, short communications, and some solicited review articles. All research papers are peer-reviewed by the committee members and by reviewers. Only those which have been accepted for publication through the peer-review process appear in the journal. The journal welcomes research in all areas relevant to dental anesthesiology from any healthcare professional. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Managed Care Medicine", "ISSN": "10941525", "Scope": "ScopeNAMCP’s mission is to improve patient outcomes by providing educational material, evidence-based tools and resources to Medical Directors from health plans, employers and provider systems. NAMCP works with Medical Directors to identify and strategically position our industry to respond to the various opportunities and challenges on the horizon. We support initiatives empowering Medical Directors with information they need to make healthcare decisions and promote healthcare quality.\r\rNAMCP was founded in 1991 to serve the interests and needs of managed care Medical Directors. NAMCP is a non-profit association run by Medical Directors for Medical Directors.\rNAMCP offers timely, practical, innovative educational opportunities to Medical Directors in print and online. We provide our members with the tools necessary to be effective and informed in their decision making, and recognized as an integral member of the of the healthcare delivery team.\rThe Journal of Managed Care Medicine (JMCM) is the official publication of NAMCP Medical Directors Institute. JMCM focuses on trends in managed care and provides fact-driven research and guidance about issues that affect the delivery of managed care services and integrated patient care. By tracking trends and providing insights, JMCM is the premier journal of peer reviewed articles pertaining to Medical Directors in managed care medicine. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Planning and Environment Law", "ISSN": "3074870", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Planning and Environment Law is published monthly, and provides a guide to recent and forthcoming developments in planning law, environmental law, compulsory purchase and related areas. It is widely known as a leading forum for informed discussion and debate on planning and associated issues.\r\rRegular content includes current topics, articles, correspondence, parliamentary and departmental news, case law reports, summaries of cases, ministerial planning decisions and a stop-press bulletin.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Romance Studies", "ISSN": "14733536, 17522331", "Scope": "ScopePublished in association with the Institute of Modern Languages Research, School of Advanced Study, University of London.\r\rJournal of Romance Studies (JRS) promotes innovative critical work in the areas of linguistics, literature, performing and visual arts, media, material culture, intellectual and cultural history, critical and cultural theory, psychoanalysis, gender studies, social sciences and anthropology.\r\rOne themed issue and two open issues are published each year. The primary focus is on those parts of the world that speak, or have spoken, French, Italian, Spanish or Portuguese, but articles focusing on other Romance languages and cultures (for example, Catalan, Galician, Occitan, Romanian and other minority languages) is also encouraged. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society", "ISSN": "01267353, 21804338", "Scope": "ScopeThe Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society (henceforth called the Society) is a learned society devoted to the task of collecting, recording and diffusing information about Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei. Its primary objective is to promote a greater interest in the study of the region, and to this end, it publishes a journal and carries out other scholarly activities. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of the West", "ISSN": "00225169, 19300115", "Scope": "ScopeJournal of the West is an illustrated quarterly devoted to the history and culture of the American West. Each issue is highlighted by a series of articles on a theme central to the history and life of the region. Intended for Western history enthusiasts as well as academics, Journal of the West presents articles by distinguished contributors that are insightful, engaging, and based on sound scholarly research.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "JUS Rivista di Scienze Giuridiche", "ISSN": "00226955, 18277942", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Kenyon Review", "ISSN": "0163075X", "Scope": "ScopeThe Kenyon Review was founded in 1939. The resources for the new literary journal.\rIn April 1994, the trustees directed that The Kenyon Review be continued, but with significant cost-reducing and revenue-enhancing initiatives. Hacker left and David Lynn (acting editor in 1989-90), Kenyon English professor, was named editor on a two-thirds time basis. The magazine’s financial picture has since stabilized and improved dramatically. The creation of a Kenyon Review Board of Trustees and a renewed commitment by Kenyon College combined to guarantee the financial health of the Review and to free its editors to pursue increased excellence. Such is the status of The Kenyon Review today. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Klinikarzt", "ISSN": "03412350, 14393859", "Scope": "ScopeChef- und Oberärzte sowie Stationsärzte mit Schwerpunkt im Bereich Innere Medizin\r\rBesonderheiten\r\rDie CME-zertifizierte klinische Fortbildungszeitschrift mit der höchsten Auflage \rinterdisziplinär \rkein anderer vergleichbarer Titel am Markt \rThemenschwerpunkthefte \rFortbildungsserien: Onkologie, Kardiologie, GI-Erkrankungen \rRechtsserie Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Knitting International", "ISSN": "2668394", "Scope": "ScopeKnitting International is uniquely placed to give a worldwide perspective to manufacturers and retailers in the ever-more globalised and diversified knitting industry.\rThe journal features all the latest news, expert reviews of the latest flat, circular and hosiery knitting technology developments, knit business profiles, world trade legislation updates, fibre and yarn developments, and world reports. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Konstruktion", "ISSN": "7205953", "Scope": "Scope- Konstruktionswissen in Theorie und Praxis\r- Innovative Konstruktionsideen\r- Fachteil Ingenieur-Werkstoffe\r- Organ der VDI-Gesellschaften Produkt- und Prozessgestaltung und Materials Engineering Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Konteksty", "ISSN": "12306142", "Scope": "ScopeSince 1947 the Konteksty magazine has appeared regularly as a quarterly sponsored by the Institute of Art of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Konteksty is an interdisciplinary publication, embracing different areas from folklore, avant-garde art, aesthetics and anthropology to drama, the plastic arts and mass culture. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Korean Journal of Art History", "ISSN": "12252565, 27339815", "Scope": "ScopeThe Korean Journal of Art History has grown into an academic journal with a history and tradition of more than 60 years since its inception in 1960. The purpose of the publication of this journal is to lead the level of research in the academic world by presenting new research achievements in the field of Korean art history, and to share and provide the latest research information that has been strictly verified. For this purpose, the Korean Journal of Art History aims to publish more diverse topics, and put efforts to publish papers written in Korean and foreign languages by encouraging the participation of specialists of Korean art active abroad as well as domestic art historians. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "La Palabra", "ISSN": "01218530, 23463864", "Scope": "ScopeLa Palabra journal disseminates research in the field of Literature.\r\rArticles may include research perspectives based on the following three lines: \r\rLiterary theory, history and criticism applied to all manifestations of literature, using any interpretative focus.\rLiterature and society, which may include research in pedagogy of literature, oral literature, reading promotion, animation and mediation, critical studies of production, editing and circulation of literature, history of reading and books, as well as research where literature is placed in dialogue with other discourses, problems and practices of the social and human sciences, including that of other arts. \rCreation-research, where a literary creation project is presented and supported, based on a research process that includes theoretical components, a revision of related literary works, and a reflection about artistic processes employed, contemporary artistic practices and their limits. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Landschap", "ISSN": "1696300", "Scope": "ScopeHet wetenschappelijke tijdschrift Landschap verschijnt vier maal per jaar. Landschap publiceert peer-reviewde wetenschappelijke artikelen en biedt in de rubriek Forum ruimte voor debat over concepten, methoden en opvattingen.\r\rLandschap wordt gelezen door adviseurs, onderzoekers, beleidsmakers en beheerders op het gebied van landschapsecologie, natuur en milieu. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Laval Theologique et Philosophique", "ISSN": "239054", "Scope": "ScopeLa revue Laval théologique et philosophique est publiée trois fois par année. Elle est soutenue par la Faculté de philosophie et la Faculté de théologie et de sciences religieuses de l’Université Laval, à Québec. Elle a pour but de diffuser les travaux des chercheurs, de faire la synthèse des questions majeures en philosophie, en sciences des religions et en théologie, et d’ouvrir de nouveaux champs d’investigation ou de recherche dans ces domaines. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "LEA", "ISSN": "1824484X", "Scope": "ScopeLEA is a double-blind peer-reviewed international scholarly journal that publishes original research papers in all areas of literature and linguistics, with special emphasis on cross-cultural encounters and interdisciplinary exchanges. LEA is published once a year in December. We nvite submissions addressing the themes or topics outlined in the Call for Papers, which is issued every year in January. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Lexis", "ISSN": "27241564", "Scope": "ScopeSince its establishment in 1988, Lexis has declared its fields of interest and aims of study in the subtitle on the title page: Poetics, Rhetoric and Communication in the Classical Tradition. Special attention was given, in the initial phase, to textual criticism understood as hermeneutics of the ancient and modern tradition. The journal gradually opened up to literary, historical and philosophical contributions with reference to the ancient world. Lexis is listed in the international Scopus-Elsevier database. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Liberte", "ISSN": "242020", "Scope": "ScopeLa revue Liberté se préoccupe de littérature, de théâtre, de cinéma, de philosophie, bref de tout ce qui relève de la réflexion et de la beauté, ce qui n’est en rien contradictoire avec le désir de s’arrimer au politique dans son sens le plus large. L’art est ainsi pour la revue une condition du politique; un lieu de parole plutôt qu’une spécialisation. Liberté se veut une véritable agora, en dehors de toute sphère d’influence, un lieu de débats aiguillonné par une urgence: la nécessité de faire acte de résistance tant au bavardage médiatique qu’au murmure marchand ambiant. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Literatur und Kritik", "ISSN": "0024466X", "Scope": "ScopeDie Zeitschrift „Literatur und Kritik“ wurde 1966 in Wien gegründet, hat ihren Redaktionssitz seit 1991 in Salzburg und erscheint fünf Mal im Jahr in einem Umfang von je 112 Seiten. Die Literatur, die wir meinen, kann realistisch oder surrealistisch anmuten, in Versen verfasst oder als Essay entworfen sein, eine Landschaft erkunden, die Geschichte verwerfen, die Liebe rühmen, die Provinz verdammen oder verklären, sie darf nur eines nicht: biedersinnig sein. Unter der Kritik wiederum, von der schon im Titel die Rede ist, verstehen wir nicht nur, aber auch Literatur-Kritik, darüber hinaus die Auseinandersetzung mit der Welt, wie sie ist, mit Europa, wie es werden könnte, mit der Gesellschaft, wie sie nicht unbedingt zu bleiben braucht.\r\rDer erste Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf der österreichischen Literatur; ein zweiter auf der Literatur jener Nationen, die einst unter dem Dach oder der Knute Habsburgs (oft mehr gegen- als miteinander) zusammengelebt haben; schließlich aber leuchtet uns ein, dass die Welt und ihre Literatur ihre Grenzen weder mit dem Österreich von heute noch dem alten Mitteleuropa oder dem Südosteuropa von heute teilen, und so gibt es in „Literatur und Kritik“ mitunter ein weißrussisches, baskisches oder kolumbianisches Sonderheft und somalische Briefe, moldawische Gedichte und sonstiges zu lesen, von dem unsere literarischen Nabelbeschauer meinen, es bräuchte sie nicht im geringsten zu interessieren. Immer wieder hat „Literatur und Kritik“ seit den neunziger Jahren unbekannte Landschaften der europäischen Literatur präsentiert und zum ersten Mal im deutschen Sprachraum vorgestellt: Das trifft auf die multinationale Literatur der belagerten Stadt Sarajevo ebenso zu wie auf die Dichtung Kosovas oder Moldawiens. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Literature of the Americas", "ISSN": "25417894, 2542243X", "Scope": "ScopeLiterature of the Americas is dedicated to critical inquiry into the literary history of the New World, i.e. American literatures of both North, Central and South America. The journal’s priority is classical academic research in literary history: biography studies, in-depth research articles on writers, literary institutions, publishing policy, economy of literature, literary life, based on correspondence, memories, press, archived documents. Research articles on literary circles, colonies and communities, literary awards, literary journals and magazines are welcome, as well as case studies, and preprints of current research projects. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Litterature", "ISSN": "474800", "Scope": "ScopeLittérature propose des réflexions critiques sur l’invention des formes littéraires anciennes et contemporaines. Au croisement des sciences humaines et des arts, s’attachant également à l’histoire des idées, la revue est un pôle de réflexion sur le rôle inventif de la littérature dans la transformation des sociétés et des cultures.\rElle bénéficie d’un large lectorat international.\rCette revue scientifique à comité de lecture – classée « A » par l’ERIH (European Reference Index for the Humanities) – est ouverte aux jeunes chercheurs comme aux chercheurs confirmés.\rElle publie des numéros thématiques développant des réflexions intéressant l’histoire et la théorie littéraires, et des numéros consacrés aux recherches nouvelles sur auteurs ; elle présente un « numéro libre » par an qui rassemble des articles reçus hors dossiers.\rElle fait paraître des « Réflexions critiques » sur ouvrages ou thèmes, et des « Notes de lecture » sur une sélection des ouvrages qui lui sont adressés. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Lotus International", "ISSN": "11249064", "Scope": "ScopeLotus international is the magazine of reference for the architectural debate, representing the most authoritative voice on developments in international architecture. An indispensable tool for anyone who wants to find out about decisive events in the world of architecture, follow the research of leading figures in contemporary architecture, read essays by the most authoritative critics and explore the innovative phenomena that are changing the scene of the built environment.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Machado de Assis em Linha", "ISSN": "19836821", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal, which is mainly aimed at the academic community, welcomes scholarly articles in the most diverse methodological and critical trends. The journal’s main areas of interest are literary studies, Brazilian literature and comparative literature, focused on the work of Machado de Assis.\r\rArticles will be received on a rolling basis. The articles must be original and unpublished in Brazil. The journal receives, reviews and publishes articles in Portuguese and English.\r\rAll articles received by the editors will be submitted for evaluation by the editorial board and by ad hoc reviewers, members of the Brazilian and international academic community, who are specially invited for each issue of the journal. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Machinery and Production Engineering", "ISSN": "0024919X", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "MAIA-Rivista di Letterature Classiche", "ISSN": "250538", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Manufacturing Chemist", "ISSN": "2624230", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Manufacturing Engineering", "ISSN": "3610853", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Materiali per una Storia della Cultura Giuridica", "ISSN": "11209607", "Scope": "ScopeFounded by Giovanni Tarello, Materiali per una Storia della Cultura Giuridicahas been published as a six-monthly review since 1979. From an historical/theoretical perspective, it collects studies and research articles dedicated to the relation between law, juridical thinking and political-economic institutions. The aims of the Review also incorporate the story of the present, with critical considerations on juridical changes in recent decades (new rights, bioethics, globalisation, artificial intelligence). The Review is unanimously considered one of the most prestigious fruits of Italian research in the field of history and theory of law. The contributors include both Italian and foreign scientific figures of great authoritativeness, along with some of the most brilliant scholars of the last generation. The innovative, original project of the Review has earned praise and widespread recognition at international level too. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Medecine de la Reproduction", "ISSN": "2650698X, 26508427", "Scope": "ScopeOfficial journal of the \"Society of Reproductive Medicine\" (SMR)\r\rMédecine de la Reproduction is concerned with procreation and therefore with the functioning of the reproductive system at all stages of life (including in utero), sexual health, hygiene, as well as with all the processes, functions, systems and mechanisms that facilitate or, on the contrary, inhibit or forbid reproduction, for the couple or the individual.\r\r\rMédecine de la Reproduction thus offers review articles written by the best clinicians and researchers in the field, addressing all the specialties involved in its field of interest: gametogenesis, endocrinology, physiology and pathologies of the reproductive system, embryology, infertility, biology, genetics, ethics, etc., without forgetting research and teaching.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Medecine Therapeutique", "ISSN": "12646520, 19524099", "Scope": "ScopeUne revue de médecine interne en langue française qui crée le lien entre les progrès de la recherche et la pratique médicale. \rMédecine thérapeutique aborde toutes les disciplines médicales à travers de nombreuses rubriques : dossier thématique (une revue de six articles environ), cas cliniques, démarche diagnostique, mécanismes des maladies, biologie... et fournit une remarquable synthèse de l’ensemble des informations médicales disponibles à ce jour. \rMédecine thérapeutique est la revue de haut niveau que tous les médecins hospitaliers attendaient. Elle s’adresse à tous ceux que la médecine passionne. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Medizinische Monatsschrift fur Pharmazeuten", "ISSN": "3429601", "Scope": "ScopeDie Medizinische Monatsschrift für Pharmazeuten (MMP) richtet sich primär an Pharmazeuten mit verstärktem Interesse für medizinische und pharmakologische Themen – und schlägt mit ihrer Themenauswahl eine Brücke zwischen Ärzten und Apothekern.\r\rDie MMP fördert mit ihren Artikeln das Verständnis der Apotheker für Methodik und Diagnostik der Ärzte, vermittelt therapeutisch-medizinischen Fortschritt und schafft Wissens-Updates. Gleichzeitig wird das nötige Hintergrundwissen kompetent und verständlich aufbereitet. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Metszet", "ISSN": "20612710", "Scope": "ScopeÉpítészet, újdonságok, szerkezetek, részletek Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Michigan Quarterly Review", "ISSN": "00262420, 15587266", "Scope": "ScopeMichigan Quarterly Review is an interdisciplinary and international literary journal, combining distinctive voices in poetry, fiction, and nonfiction, as well as works in translation. Our work extends online as well, where we publish cultural commentary alongside reviews and interviews with writers, artists, and cultural figures around the world. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Mississippi Quarterly", "ISSN": "0026637X", "Scope": "ScopeMississippi Quarterly: The Journal of Southern Cultures is a refereed academic journal dedicated to publishing scholarship on the US South, broadly defined. Founded in 1948, Mississippi Quarterly is published by Johns Hopkins University Press for the College of Arts and Sciences at Mississippi State University and is regarded as one of the premier journals in the field of southern studies. Mississippi Quarterly publishes scholarly essays, interviews, and book reviews on literature, history, film, and other subjects. The journal showcases work by established and emerging scholars comprising a diverse selection of topics and critical perspectives. Each volume typically includes a special issue, often guest-edited. Topics featured in past special issues include the Twenty-First-Century Southern Novel, Expanding the Archive in Civil War Studies, and single authors (William Faulkner, Eudora Welty, Richard Wright, and more). Outstanding scholarship published in Mississippi Quarterly has been recognized by the Society for the Study of Southern Literature and The Wilson Quarterly. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Missouri Review", "ISSN": "15489930", "Scope": "ScopeThe Missouri Review is a not-for-profit organization made possible in part by the generous support of readers and donors. We have helped shape the contemporary literary scene by offering the finest work of today’s most important writers and by discovering the brightest new voices in fiction, nonfiction, and poetry.\r\rOur mission is aided by one of the most established and sophisticated internship programs in the country. Each semester we mentor more than twenty undergraduate and graduate interns, many of whom go on to become editors in academia and the commercial publishing world. We believe this mission is as vital today as it was when the Missouri Review first began in 1978. And we would not be able to achieve these goals without the gifts and dedication we have received from individuals who appreciate and understand the importance of literature in our world. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Modern Language Review", "ISSN": "267937", "Scope": "ScopeModern Language Review is the flagship journal of the Association, and is available to all individual members as part of their subscription. MLR is one of the oldest journals in its field, maintaining an unbroken publication record since its foundation in 1905, and publishing more than 3,000 articles and 20,000 book reviews. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Modern Philology", "ISSN": "00268232, 15456951", "Scope": "ScopeModern Philology sets the standard for literary scholarship, history, and criticism. The journal features contributions on literature in all modern world languages, including productive comparisons of texts and traditions from European and non-European literatures. Its wide editorial encompasses literary works, literary traditions, and literary criticism from, roughly, the time of Charlemagne to the present. MP also publishes insightful reviews of recent books as well as review articles and research on archival documents. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Moenia", "ISSN": "11372346, 2340003X", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal publishes a volume each year as it alternates between those dedicated to Linguistics (odd numbers) and those dedicated to Literature (even numbers.) In the volumes oriented towards Linguistics the preferential areas are: the Spanish language, General Linguistics and Classical Philology, and only exceptionally is work related to other areas published. In the volumes oriented towards Literature, the preferential areas are: Spanish Literature, Galician Philology and Literary Theory, although other work on literature in all languages is also commonly accepted.\r\rThe common structure for the volumes of this journal includes articles and reviews. Quite frequently, above all in the volumes dedicated to Literature, there exists a monographic section which makes up the first block of articles. In those dedicated to Linguistics, the articles themselves are kept separate from the “notes”, or papers conceived as being shorter in format or about a very specific area of research. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Mondo Digitale", "ISSN": "1720898X", "Scope": "ScopeMONDO DIGITALE, rassegna critica del settore ICT, è la rivista ufficiale di AICA, Associazione Italiana per l'Informatica e il Calcolo Automatico. Obiettivo della rivista è fare il punto sui temi più attuali e di ampio interesse dell'Information and Communication Technology, in termini rigorosi ma accessibili anche ai non specialisti.\r\rMONDO DIGITALE si avvale della collaborazione di Autori esperti nel settore, provenienti sia dal mondo accademico che da quello della domanda e dell'offerta, e di un Comitato Scientifico che sovraintende alla impostazione generale della rivista, indicando i temi da trattare e suggerendo possibili Autori. Tutti gli articoli vengono preventivamente sottoposti alla valutazione di referee specializzati sui singoli argomenti, di provenienza accademica e non. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Montana : the magazine of western history", "ISSN": "269891", "Scope": "ScopePublished since 1951, Montana The Magazine of Western History showcases the people, places, and events that shaped the state and the western region. In addition to fascinating articles, the magazine features book and movie reviews, commentaries, Montana episodes, and advertising confined to rare and new books, art objects, and other products and events related to American—especially Western—history.\r\rPublished four times a year, the magazine is lavishly illustrated with historical maps, drawings, and photographs from the Society's own collections and from other public and private sources. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Motor Ship", "ISSN": "272000", "Scope": "ScopeThe Motorship is the magazine for senior marine engineers. Since 1920, professionals from ship owners\rand operators to ship builders, naval architects and equipment suppliers have relied on The Motorship\rto keep up-to-date with news and information that helps them do their jobs and run their businesses\rbetter. The Motorship provides readers with authoritative editorial prepared by writers who are experts\rin their field. As shipping finds itself under growing pressure to improve efficiency, The Motorship is a\rvaluable resource for senior technical management aiming to keep ahead of the market. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Moyen Age", "ISSN": "00272841, 17821436", "Scope": "ScopeFondée en 1888 par trois érudits français et belges (A. Marignan, G. Platon et M. Wilmotte), la revue Le Moyen Âge ne se voulait, à l’origine, qu’un bulletin d’informations et de recensions critiques destiné aux médiévistes de langue française.\rProgressivement, la revue s’est entourée de collaborateurs réguliers et d’érudits renommés qui lui permirent d’étendre le champ de ses activités. Désormais, elle allait se consacrer, d’une part, à l’histoire proprement dite et aux sciences auxiliaires, d’autre part, à l’histoire littéraire et à la philologie du Moyen Âge. C’est là un caractère original que n’offre aucune autre revue consacrée aux études médiévales.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Nau Literaria", "ISSN": "19814526", "Scope": "ScopeA Revista Nau Literária é uma publicação quadrimestral do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul e tem como objetivo fomentar o debate crítico e teórico na área das literaturas e das culturas de países de língua portuguesa, com autoria de alunos de pós-graduação, mestres, doutores ou professores do Ensino Superior. Desde que sejam da área indicada, serão aceitos textos escritos em língua portuguesa, inglesa e espanhola. A revista contempla dossiê temático, seção livre e resenhas.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Nauchnyy Vestnik Moskovskoy Konservatorii", "ISSN": "20799438, 27131807", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Moscow Conservatory (Nauchnyy vestnik Moskovskoy konservatorii) is a peer-reviewed quarterly covering issues of music history and theory, musical performance, musical aesthetics, general theory of art. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation", "ISSN": "13125257", "Scope": "ScopeNephrology Dialysis Transplantation: an international basic science and clinical renal journal (ndt) is the leading nephrology journal in Europe and renowned worldwide, devoted to original clinical and laboratory research in nephrology, dialysis and transplantation. ndt is an official journal of the ERA-EDTA (European Renal Association-European Dialysis and Transplant Association). Published monthly, the journal provides an essential resource for researchers and clinicians throughout the world. All research articles in this journal have undergone peer review.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Neuro-Ophthalmology Japan", "ISSN": "2897024", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "New Design", "ISSN": "14722674", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Nishinihon Journal of Dermatology", "ISSN": "3869784", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "North American Review", "ISSN": "292397", "Scope": "ScopeThe North American Review is the oldest literary magazine in America (founded in 1815) and one of the most respected. We are interested in high-quality poetry, fiction, and nonfiction on any subject; however, we are especially interested in work that addresses contemporary North American concerns and issues, particularly with the environment, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, and class. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Northern Logger and Timber Processor", "ISSN": "293156", "Scope": "ScopeThe Northern Logger and Timber Processor is the only monthly trade publication edited exclusively for loggers, sawmillers, timberland managers and processors of primary forest products in the Northeastern and Lake States region. The magazine’s 100 percent paid (Verified Audited) circulation is largely contained within the region from Maine to Minnesota on the north and Missouri to Maryland on the south.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Nouvelle Revue Francaise", "ISSN": "294802", "Scope": "ScopeLa création de La NRF, « revue mensuelle de littérature et de critique », est due à un groupe de six écrivains dont André Gide est, depuis le tournant du siècle, le chef de file. Elle connaît rapidement une audience exceptionnelle, renouvelant dans des sommaires équilibrés, tour à tour composés par Gide et le cercle des fondateurs, puis par Jacques Rivière et Jean Paulhan, les perspectives du roman, du théâtre, de la critique et de la poésie contemporains. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Oeil", "ISSN": "0029862X", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Olhydraulik und Pneumatik", "ISSN": "3412660", "Scope": "ScopeO+P Fluidtechnik – Wissen, was wirklich wichtig ist in der Fluidtechnikbranche: O+P Fluidtechnik zeigt alles Wichtige und Neue der hydraulischen (Mobilhydrauik und Stationärhydraulik) sowie der pneumatischen Kraftübertragung, Steuerung und Regelung. Zielgruppe sind Ingenieure und Techniker in Planung, Projektierung, Konstruktion, Produktion und Instandhaltung sowie an Unternehmensleiter von Herstellern von Maschinen und Anlagen mit fluidtechnischen Komponenten und Systemen. O+P Fluidtechnik ist Organ des Forschungsfonds Fluidtechnik im VDMA. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Operations Engineer", "ISSN": "26323451", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Option/Bio", "ISSN": "9925945", "Scope": "ScopeOptionBio est un bimensuel conçu par des biologistes à l'intention des biologistes de laboratoires d'analyses médicales, privés et publics.\r\rTous les 15 jours, OptionBio propose ses rubriques :\r\r. Actualités : elles font état de toute l'actualité professionnelle, médicale et scientifique pour suivre au plus près l'évolution des différentes disciplines de la biologie médicale.\r\r. Formation : des articles et/ou un dossier font le point sur un ou plusieurs thèmes spécifiques de l'environnement du praticien biologiste pour assurer sa formation continue.\r\r. Pratique : méthodologie, stratégies diagnostiques, cas cliniques, actes spécialisés, nouvelles techniques... constituent des outils précieux pour intégrer dans la pratique quotidienne les avancées scientifiques et techniques.\r\r. Gestion : la rubrique propose des mises au point juridiques et fiscales, des démarches qualité, des conseils de management pour gérer et développer au mieux le laboratoire d'analyses.\r\r. Guide : livres, agenda, produits nouveaux, petites annonces... viennent compléter les connaissances du praticien biologiste. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ortho Magazine", "ISSN": "12624586", "Scope": "ScopeLa revue de tou(te)s les orthophonistes.\rOrtho magazine est une revue professionnelle qui s'adresse à tou(te)s les orthophonistes, en formation ou en exercice : cabinet, hôpital, ou institution.\r\rLe reflet de la diversité des pratiques orthophoniques.\rOrtho magazine se situe à la croisée de la médecine, de la psychologie et de la pédagogie, et couvre tout le champ de l'orthophonie. Cette revue indépendante est ouverte à tous les courants de pensée et à toutes les pratiques orthophoniques.\r\rUne revue de référence.\rOrtho magazine est ouvert aux savoirs confirmés, comme aux démarches en devenir. Grâce à la curiosité et au dynamisme d'un Comité de rédaction composé de professionnels d'horizons divers, la revue est le creuset d'une réflexion professionnelle de qualité.\r\rUn outil d'information et de formation continue.\rOrtho magazine s'appuie sur des expériences de terrain et privilégie la rencontre et l'échange, sans se départir de la rigueur éditoriale qu'exerce le Comité de rédaction.Ortho magazine suit également au plus près l'actualité socio-professionnelle et scientifique nécessaire à l'information des orthophonistes. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Osterreichische Zeitschrift fur Geschichtswissenschaften", "ISSN": "1016765X", "Scope": "ScopeThe Austrian Journal of Historical Studies (OeZG) has existed since 1990. It publishes articles primarily on topics of women’s and gender history, cultural history, the history of science, political history, as well as economic- and social history. Theoretical concepts and research methods are discussed in its articles as well as in discussions with researchers, in workshop reports from ongoing projects, and in review essays. The OeZG appears three times a year, mostly in theme issues, occasionally also in open issues. Its strength lies in the connection of theoretically and methodically innovative approaches with relevant historical debates and topics. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery (Tokyo)", "ISSN": "9143491", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Oto-Rhino-Laryngology Tokyo", "ISSN": "3869687", "Scope": "Scope 本誌は、本邦における数少ない耳鼻咽喉科領域の学術専門誌として斯界の発展に寄与してまいりました。お蔭さまで既に60巻を超え、全国の大学、病院勤務医や診療所の耳鼻咽喉科の先生方に広く愛読されています。近年では、専門医制度の改革に伴い、論文執筆がより強く求められているため、投稿数も徐々に増えてきております。\r\r\r 本誌では、カラーアトラス、綜説、研究、臨床、手技工夫、インストルメント、診療の工夫、IT関連、学会関係、解説、境界領域、画像診断、薬剤などの多彩な項目を掲載しております。\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ottoman Empire and its Heritage", "ISSN": "13806076", "Scope": "ScopeOn the crossroads of the continents and encompassing a time span of six centuries the Ottoman Empire directly involves the histories of the Byzantine Empire and the Balkan states, the Middle East and Islam from Iran to North Africa. Some fundamental developments in European history can be better explained when the profound political and economic impact of this Empire is duly taken into account. In the West, not only the rise of the national monarchies and of the Protestantism, but also that of capitalism and the development of certain industries cannot be fully expounded upon without the Ottomans. Giving rise to the so-called Eastern Question in its decline, the Ottoman period deeply influenced European history in modern times. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Oxford Literary Review", "ISSN": "3051498", "Scope": "ScopeOLR devotes itself to outstanding writing in deconstruction, literary theory, psychoanalytic theory, political theory and related forms of exploratory thought. Founded in 1977 it remains responsive to new concerns and committed to patient, inventive reading as the wellspring of critical research. It has published work by many trailblazing thinkers and seeks to take forward the movement of deconstructive thought in the face of as many forms and institutions as possible.\r\rThe journal publishes both general issues and special issues, each of the latter featuring a provocative theme (e.g. ‘The Word of War’, ‘Telepathies,’ or ‘Disastrous Blanchot’). It invites relevant contributions across a wide range of intellectual disciplines on issues and writers belonging to or engaging the work of deconstructive thinking (such as Derrida, Heidegger, Blanchot, Levinas, Irigaray, and others). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Package Printing", "ISSN": "1639234", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Padiatrische Praxis", "ISSN": "309346", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Palimpsest", "ISSN": "2545398X, 25453998", "Scope": "ScopePalimpsest is an international journal for linguistic, literary and cultural research founded at the Faculty of Philology in Stip in 2016. It is published in printed form and electronically twice a year, the first issue in May and the second one in November.\r\rThe journal publishes papers in the area of linguistics, literary science, teaching methodology and culturology. In addition, there is a section reserved for reviews of books, monographs, and other publications in the sphere of philology and culturology. The international journal Palimpsest publishes papers in the following languages: Macedonian, English, Russian, German, Italian, French and Turkish.\r\rThe Faculty of Philology in Stip was founded in 2008 as a unit of Goce Delcev University in Stip. The Faculty organizes and conducts its educational and scientific activities through study programmes based on the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) in accordance with the Bologna Declaration. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Pamietnik Literacki", "ISSN": "310514", "Scope": "Scope“Pamiętnik Literacki” (“Literary Memoir”), an academic quarterly devoted to history of Polish literature, literary criticism and literary theory problems, is most considerably respected and the oldest Polish studies periodical. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Papers on French Seventeenth Century Literature", "ISSN": "3430758", "Scope": "ScopeLes Papers on French Seventeenth Century Literature, revue semestrielle fondée en 1973, publient des articles portant sur des sujets concernant la littérature et la culture françaises du XVIIe siècle.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Parabola", "ISSN": "3621596", "Scope": "ScopeParabola is a quarterly journal devoted to the exploration of the quest for meaning as it is expressed in the world’s myths, symbols, and religious traditions, with particular emphasis on the relationship between this store of wisdom and our modern life. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Parergon", "ISSN": "03136221, 18328334", "Scope": "ScopeParergon publishes articles on all aspects of medieval and early modern studies. We publish one open issue and one guest edited special issue each year, each with up to ten articles and a substantial book review section. The journal's articles encompass the art, architecture, literature, theatre, music, philosophy, theology and history of the period. We are especially interested in material that crosses traditional disciplinary boundaries and takes new approaches, including explorations of the reception and afterlives of the medieval and early modern periods and work that amplifies overlooked voices, histories, works and objects. Parergon welcomes submissions that complicate and reimagine the medieval and early modern past, including work in critical race studies, gender and sexuality studies and environmental humanities, alongside other approaches and topics. We aim to be the leading journal for the work of medieval and early modern researchers from the southern hemisphere. Parergon is the journal of the Australian and New Zealand Association of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (ANZAMEMS). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Paris Review", "ISSN": "312037", "Scope": "ScopeThe Paris Review accepts unsolicited submissions of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry for the print quarterly via Submittable during the months of February and September and throughout the year through the post (see below for the separate submission guidelines for our online publication, The Daily).\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Passato e Presente", "ISSN": "11200650, 19725493", "Scope": "ScopeNel ricco panorama delle riviste italiane di storia contemporanea, Passato e presente si distingue per alcune scelte culturali di fondo che ne hanno determinato il successo fin dalla nascita, nel 1982.\rIn primo luogo, il rifiuto di ogni impostazione ideologica: questo si manifesta nel rigore della ricerca, nel confronto continuo con le novità tematiche e metodologiche della storiografia internazionale e nell’analisi severa di quell’uso politico della storia che oggi invade i mass media e contribuisce alla formazione di un acritico \"senso comune\". Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Peritia", "ISSN": "3321592", "Scope": "ScopePeritia is an international peer-reviewed journal published by Brepols with a focus on Insular culture from Late Antiquity to the later Middle Ages. Within those parameters we welcome submissions from all cognate disciplines. The journal has published ground-breaking articles in archaeology, computistics, hagiography, history, law, literature and music. While Peritia enjoys a core strength in early medieval Ireland, this has never been exclusivist; other areas of research, related to the Insular world and its connections to the wider early medieval West are well-represented. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Perspective (France)", "ISSN": "17777852, 22697721", "Scope": "ScopePerspective : actualité en histoire de l'art vise un état des lieux de la recherche internationale en histoire de l’art. À raison d'un numéro tous les six mois, la revue propose alternativement un numéro thématique (mettant l’accent sur l’histoire de l’art dans un pays : Brésil, Pays-Bas, Espagne… ou couvrant un sujet précis : l’ornement, la périodisation, le pouvoir…) et un numéro varia qui rassemble des textes sur différentes périodes de l’histoire de l’art et diverses aires géographiques. Les articles sont répartis selon plusieurs rubriques : Tribune, Débat, Entretien, Travaux et Lectures. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Pessoa Plural", "ISSN": "22124179", "Scope": "ScopePessoa Plural was established in 2012 as an international peer-reviewed scholarly journal dedicated to studies of Fernando Pessoa. We publish two issues per year through the joint publishing efforts of the Department of Portuguese and Brazilian Studies at Brown University, the Department of English and Comparative Literary Studies at Warwick University and the Department of Humanities and Literature of the University of the Andes. We welcome submissions in the form of essays, documents, and commissioned book reviews.\r\rWe are an open access journal, and all of our digital archives can be accessed for free through Brown's Digital Repository. We abide by the COPE Code of Conduct for all issues related to Ethics and Publication Malpractice. Pessoa Plural's ethical statement, the details of our peer review process, and our submission guidelines can be found and downloaded below. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Petroleum Economist", "ISSN": "0306395X", "Scope": "ScopePetroleum Economist has covered the booms and busts in the oil price – we stuck our neck out and called the latest crash before others. We always look ahead, draw on our long experience to spot emerging trends. In a period of change for the industry – influenced by everything from Opec policy to UN climate summits – Petroleum Economist remains the indispensable authority on energy.\r\rOur coverage goes beyond the headlines, giving subscribers essential insight into global oil and gas politics and markets. Readers use our intelligence to form commercial strategy, whether they lead state-owned or privately held companies. Governments read and talk to us because we explain policy clearly and intelligently.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Pharmaceutisch Weekblad", "ISSN": "316911", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Pharmacy Times", "ISSN": "30627", "Scope": "ScopePharmacy Times is a clinically based, monthly journal providing practical information pharmacists can use in their everyday practice. Each issue contains articles and features covering medication errors, drug interactions, patient education, pharmacy technology, disease state management, patient counseling, product news, pharmacy law, and specialty pharmacy. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Pharmazeutische Zeitung", "ISSN": "317136", "Scope": "ScopeDie Redaktion der Pharmazeutischen Zeitung verfolgt das Ziel, kompetent, seriös, umfassend und zeitnah über berufspolitische und gesundheitspolitische Entwicklungen, relevante Entwicklungen in der pharmazeutischen Forschung sowie den aktuellen Stand der pharmazeutischen Praxis zu informieren. Dies gilt für alle PZ-Produkte wie die wöchentlich erscheinende Printausgabe und PZ online gleichermaßen. Hochqualitativer Journalismus mit Bezug zur Apothekenpraxis ist unser Motto.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Plastics Technology", "ISSN": "321257", "Scope": "ScopePlastics Technology provides authoritative content on plastics processing practices, tips, techniques, troubleshooting, technical advances, product developments, market insights and industry news. Our content is aimed at plastics processors—both custom and captive operations. Our mission, in print, on-line and face-to-face (via our successful annual Molding and Extrusion conferences) is to generate actionable content that the audience can use in the here and now to improve the efficiencies and productivity of their business.\r\rPlastics Technology achieves this by tapping into an editorial team with more than 150 years of combined industry experience who visit plants around the world to uncover the best processing practices in injection molding, extrusion/compounding, blow molding, thermoforming, recycling and additive manufacturing. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ploughshares", "ISSN": "00484474, 21620903", "Scope": "ScopePloughshares has published quality literature since 1971. Our award-winning literary journal is published four times a year; our lively literary blog publishes new writing daily. Since 1989, we have been based at Emerson College in downtown Boston.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Poetry", "ISSN": "322032", "Scope": "ScopeToday, Poetry regularly presents new work by the most recognized poets, but its primary commitment is still to discover new voices: more than a third of the poets published in recent years have been new to the magazine. Translations are published throughout the year and in an annual translation issue to deepen readers’ engagement with foreign-language poetry. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Poetry Review", "ISSN": "322156", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Polish Yearbook of International Law", "ISSN": "0554498X", "Scope": "ScopePolish Yearbook of International Law (PYIL) is a scientific journal established in 1966 published by the Institute of Law Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Committee on Legal Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences, owners of the title. The focus of the Yearbook is on public and private international law as well as European law, with a preference for Central Eastern European scholarship and manuscripts which focus on the region. Each volume of the PYIL also includes a selection of texts on the Polish practice in public international law and book reviews. PYIL is published annually, new volumes are available in August each year. Each volume includes 12-16 articles, depending on the number and the quality of the submissions in a particular as well as their lenght. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Positif", "ISSN": "484911", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Poznanskie Studia Polonistyczne, Seria Literacka", "ISSN": "12338680", "Scope": "ScopePoznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Literacka is a semiyearly journal of literary scholarship dealing with current problems in the areas of literary history and theory. The journal is published in Poznan and edited by scholars affiliated with the Faculty of Polish and Classical Philology at Adam Mickiewicz University. Each year, two issues of the journal come out, the first in June (materials for this issue are gathered by the end of February each year) and the second in December (materials for this issue are gathered by the end of September).\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Prace Filologiczne. Literaturoznawstwo", "ISSN": "20846045, 26582503", "Scope": "Scope“Prace Filologiczne. Literaturoznawstwo” (“Philological Studies. Literary Research”) is peer-reviewed academic journal that covers the latest research in literary studies. The journal is based on national philology, but publishes articles on both Polish and foreign literature, especially the one that concerns Slavic studies and classical philology. A wide range of topics, encompassing issues corresponding to literature of various epochs and cultural areas, makes PFLIT, compared to other academic journals, a unique and attractive source not only for literary historians and literary theorists, but also for researchers representing related disciplines such as culture or religious studies, history of art, and philosophy. We perceive our journal as a forum for an academic debate having regard to traditional literary studies closely tied to linguistic research. This, on the other hand, promotes a broad understanding of philology, which facilitates mergence of such components as high respect for the text, a dialogue among other areas of humanities and openness to be inspired by up-to-date methodologies.\r\r“Prace Filologiczne. Literaturoznawstwo” (“Philological Studies. Literary Research”) is divided into two sections: monographic, related to the theme of the current issue, and “Philology in use” where we take a closer look at captivating interpretations of short pieces or translations, or current perspectives on research matters.\r\rThe underlying asset of our journal are monographic English issues published in the form of a separate volume that significantly broadens the audience of the periodical.\r\rThe authors constitute a circle of well-recognized Polish as well as foreign researchers. The journal is also open to young researchers just starting their academic careers. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Practica Otologica", "ISSN": "326313", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localiced Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Pravnehistoricke Studie", "ISSN": "00794929, 2464689X", "Scope": "ScopePrávněhistorické studie / Legal History Studies (Charles University journal; below referred to as PHS or Journal) is a scientific journal listed in the international prestigious database SCOPUS. The journal is published by Charles University in Prague under the guarantee of the Department of Legal History of the Faculty of Law of Charles University. It is published by the Karolinum Press. The journal focuses on the field of legal history and related topics.\rIssue 1 of the Journal was published by the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences Publishing in June 1955. The Journal was initially published by the Cabinet of Legal History of the Czechoslovak Academy of Science (CSAV), later by the Institute of State and Law (CSAV) and then by the Institute of Legal History of the Faculty of Law of Charles University.\r\rPHS is issued three times a year in April, August, and December and it presents original scientific works/papers as well as reviews, annotations and news from the scientific field of legal history. It also introduces annotated texts of a legal history nature. PHS accepts manuscripts from domestic as well as foreign authors. Manuscripts submitted by foreign authors are published in original language, namely in English, Slovak, German, French, Italian or Polish. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Printed Circuit Design and Fab", "ISSN": "19395442", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Printing Impressions", "ISSN": "0032860X", "Scope": "ScopePrinting Impressions provides authoritative coverage on the industry trends, emerging technologies and the news in the graphic arts industry with a specific focus on the commercial print segment. Our goal is to connect our readership with cutting-edge solutions and provide stories of success that will drive the future goals of their organization.\r\rThe core audiences within the printing and packaging markets include commercial printers, package printers and in-plant printers. We provide C-level managers, production managers, operations and sales/marketing managers with critical information and news, cutting-edge technology features, case studies and company profiles. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Problemi", "ISSN": "5552419", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal has lived through tumultuous times and became one of the most influential journals in the wider field of the humanities, with a substantial readership, publishing research articles by some of the most prominent scholars in the field of theoretical psychoanalysis and its philosophical, as well as cultural, social, and aesthetic applications. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Progres en Urologie - FMC", "ISSN": "1761676X", "Scope": "ScopeProgrès en urologie-FMC est une publication périodique de 4 numéros par an. Publication officielle de l'Association Française d'Urologie, elle est consacrée à la Formation Médicale Continue et elle vient ainsi compléter Progrès en Urologie, la revue de publication de travaux originaux. Cette revue souhaite proposer aux lecteurs une mise au point faite par un expert sur un sujet précis d'actualité présenté de façon concise et très illustrée.\r\rToute en couleur, et riche de nombreuses illustrations, elle vous offre une information de qualité avec un style direct et précis qui vous permet une lecture agréable et fluide. Les articles sont proposés par le comité de rédaction du journal mais les suggestions ou la soumission d'articles sont encouragées.\r\rFaîtes le point sur votre pratique d'aujourd'hui et découvrez celle de demain !\rProgrès en Urologie-FMC publie 4 numéros par an qui font référence. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Prospettiva", "ISSN": "3940802", "Scope": "ScopeProspettiva was founded in 1975 by Mauro Cristofani and Giovanni Previtali and specializes in ancient and modern art history.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Przeglad Archiwalny Instytutu Pamieci Narodowej", "ISSN": "18991254", "Scope": "Scope„Przegląd Archiwalny Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej” to periodyk naukowy wydawany przez Biuro Udostępniania i Archiwizacji Dokumentów/Archiwum IPN od 2008 r. Służy prezentowaniu zagadnień dotyczących szeroko rozumianej archiwistyki w kontekście funkcjonowania pionu archiwalnego Instytutu i charakteru zgromadzonego w nim zasobu. Na łamach pisma publikowane są informacje dotyczące różnych aspektów aktywności archiwum IPN. Ważne miejsce zajmuje też popularyzacja zgromadzonego zasobu poprzez krytyczne omówienia oraz edycje najciekawszych dokumentów archiwalnych. Formuła pisma umożliwia zamieszczanie na jego łamach prac przygotowanych przez badaczy z innych ośrodków naukowych i archiwów, korzystających z zasobu IPN lub też pragnących włączyć się w naukową debatę z zakresu archiwistyki i źródłoznawstwa.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Przekladaniec", "ISSN": "14256851, 16891864", "Scope": "ScopePrzekładaniec is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal which investigates translation as a literary genre, a craft and a form of intercultural communication. We publish papers in theoretical, descriptive and applied translation studies. Our contributors include scholars from a variety of disciplines: translation theory and history, cultural studies, anthropology, sociology of translation, literary criticism, comparative literature, history of literature, modern languages, classical studies, feminist studies, linguistics, Polish studies. Our themed issues encourage both theoretical reflection and exchanges between practitioners. Our “Varia” section features work from outside particular themes. Our “Reviews” section presents recent publications, especially books published in languages other than English. The official language of Przekładaniec is Polish; however, our journal is not restricted to Polish language and literature. Contributions in other languages are welcome. English versions of selected issues are available online.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "PZ Prisma", "ISSN": "9455566", "Scope": "ScopePZ-Prisma bietet viermal pro Jahr umfangreiches Material zur Informationen und Weiterbildung. Umfassende Übersichtsarbeiten helfen, prüfungsrelevantes Wissen aufzubauen und im breiten Spektrum der einzelnen Weiterbildungsgebiete spezielle Kenntnisse zu erwerben oder zu vertiefen.\r\rDie Inhalte orientieren sich an den neun Gebieten, für die sich Pharmazeuten spezialisieren können: Allgemeinpharmazie, Klinische Pharmazie, Arzneimittelinformation, Pharmazeutische Analytik, Pharmazeutische Technologie, Toxikologie & Ökologie, Theoretische & praktische Ausbildung, Öffentliches Gesundheitswesen, Klinische Chemie. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Queens Quarterly", "ISSN": "336041", "Scope": "ScopeThe Queen's Quarterly seeks submissions on any topic that presents a novel perspective and point of departure for thinking about our contemporary world. Whether fiction or non-fiction, a premium will be placed on singularity of voice, accessibility of ideas and relevance to issues of common concern. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Raritan", "ISSN": "2751607", "Scope": "ScopeWelcome to Raritan—a journal of wide-ranging inquiry. In the tradition of independent magazines from the Spectator to Partisan Review, Raritan offers writers and readers the opportunity for sustained reflection and aesthetic pleasure, uncluttered by academic jargon. Founded in 1981 by the distinguished literary critic Richard Poirier, and supported by Rutgers University, Raritan aims to reach the common reader in everyone and to provide a particular experience of reading, one that nurtures an engaged and questioning approach to cultural texts of all sorts: literary, artistic, political, historical, sociological, even scientific.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Rassegna della Letteratura Italiana", "ISSN": "339423", "Scope": "ScopeErede della «Rassegna bibliografica della letteratura italiana», è stata fondata a Pisa nel 1893 e diretta da Alessandro D’Ancona fino al 1911. \rStampata a partire dal 1953 in fascicoli trimestrali, quindi quadrimestrali e da ultimo semestrali (senza tuttavia che questo comportasse alcuna diminuzione nel numero complessivo delle pagine), la rivista è bipartita in una sezione destinata a saggi, note critiche e materiali d’archivio inediti o rari e in una seconda comprendente una ricca bibliografia ragionata, suddivisa per secoli, che ne fa uno strumento di lavoro e di ricerca unico nel panorama internazionale delle riviste di italianistica. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Rassegna Iberistica", "ISSN": "03924777, 20376588", "Scope": "ScopeRassegna iberistica is an international (double blind) peer-reviewed journal, founded by Franco Meregalli and Giuseppe Bellini in 1978. Each issue publishes articles, notes and reviews, devoted to research in the Spanish, Spanish-American, Luso-Brazilian, Catalan, Basque and Galician linguistic and cultural areas, covering all aspects of Iberian and Ibero-American culture. The journal promotes innovative theoretical and critical work at a high intellectual level that fills existing gaps in scholarship. Work across disciplinary boundaries is encouraged, welcoming a wide range of theoretical and critical approaches, and Rassegna iberistica is strongly committed to present the work of talented and innovative young scholars in the field. Submissions are invited on any historical period and in or across any cultural discipline, including: literary studies, visual arts, music, film, media, intellectual history, philosophy, cultural theory, cultural history, popular culture. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Recherches Germaniques", "ISSN": "3991989", "Scope": "ScopeLa revue scientifique Recherches Germaniques a été fondée par Gonthier-Louis Fink à Strasbourg en 1971. Capitale européenne, ville universitaire et frontalière, Strasbourg est au cœur des échanges culturels entre la France et l’Allemagne. Sensible à la vocation européenne de Strasbourg, la revue désire servir de forum aussi bien à la germanistique française qu’à la germanistique internationale.\r\rLa revue Recherches Germaniques est dédiée à la recherche en littérature, histoire culturelle et histoire des idées des pays de langue allemande (Allemagne, Autriche, Suisse…). Elle publie les travaux inédits de jeunes chercheurs et de chercheurs confirmés des cinq continents. Les articles s’inscrivent dans des approches classiques de la germanistique, mais aussi dans des approches plus récentes et des champs de recherche innovants. La revue intègre une approche transnationale, une perspective comparatiste franco-allemande et une dimension interdisciplinaire. Les articles publiés portent sur des périodes historiques allant du Moyen Âge à nos jours.\r\rRecherches Germaniques est une revue bi-annuelle qui comprend un numéro Varia (articles divers et/ou dossier) et un numéro thématique (Hors-série). Les articles, rédigés en français ou en allemand, ont satisfait à la procédure de double expertise anonyme (Double-Blind Peer Review), garante de l’excellence scientifique de la revue.\r\rRecherches Germaniques s’adresse à des étudiants de niveau licence, master et doctorat en études germaniques, lettres, littérature comparée, études culturelles, histoire culturelle, philosophie, ainsi qu’à des universitaires et à un public éclairé de lecteurs intéressés par la littérature, la culture et l’histoire de l’aire germanique. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Religion and the Arts", "ISSN": "10799265, 15685292", "Scope": "ScopeLaunched by Boston College in late 1996, Religion and the Arts has rapidly developed into a major new international journal in this important interdisciplinary field. Religion and the Arts promotes the development of discourses for exploring the religious dimensions of the verbal, visual and performing arts. The journal has attracted international acclaim for its approach and its excellent quality and range of interest. \rReligion and the Arts publishes: ● interpretations that develop new approaches to the religious and spiritual aspects of works of art ● discussions on the role of religion in cultural studies ● critical overviews of the state of scholarship in particular areas ● reviews, interviews, comment, debate, and surveys of recent developments Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Religious Studies Review", "ISSN": "0319485X", "Scope": "ScopeReligious Studies Review is Rice University's quarterly review of publications across the whole field of religious studies and in related disciplines. RSR reviews over 1,000 titles annually in review essays and critical notes. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Review - Literature and Arts of the Americas", "ISSN": "08905762, 17430666", "Scope": "ScopeFounded in 1968, Review: Literature and Arts of the Americas is the major forum in the United States for contemporary Latin American and Caribbean writing in English and English translation; it also covers Canadian writing and the visual and performing arts in the Americas.\r\rReview first brought the work of Latin American writers such as Alejo Carpentier, Gabriel García Márquez, and Mario Vargas Llosa to critical attention in the United States, and they were followed by numerous other important figures. Translators Edith Grossman, Gregory Rabassa, and Margaret Sayers Peden are among those who have contributed to Review . Issues of the magazine focus on specific countries, regions, or on more abstract themes such as urban voices, women’s writing, or Latin American/Latino performing arts. Review has regularly included selections of poetry, fiction, and nonfiction; book reviews of newly translated titles; profiles of visual artists; and essays exploring currents in music and the performing arts.\rReview has undergone various transformations, in response to cultural and economic currents over the last 36 years. Founded in 1968 as a compilation of previously published reviews of titles by Latin American authors, in the 1970s it turned to publishing special-focus issues on individual Latin American writers, including Borges, Neruda, and Paz. In the 1980s, Review was reconfigured as a high-design publication with substantial coverage of the visual and performing arts, broadening its to attract a more general readership. This trend continued into the 1990s when the magazine began publishing more literature and arts from the non-Spanish-speaking Caribbean. And in 2003, the magazine’s title was changed from Review: Latin American Literature and Arts to its current one. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Review of International American Studies", "ISSN": "19912773", "Scope": "ScopeReview of International American Studies is the online/print-on-demand journal of the International American Studies Association (IASA). IASA, which held its first conference in Leiden in 2003, is organized around the understanding that in the twenty-first century American Studies, however that term is defined, can be properly discussed only in a global perspective. Many different views have been put forward as to what ‘America’ should mean—country, continent, hemisphere?—but the one thing on which most people are agreed is that in an era of increasing global circulation the international dimensions of American Studies can no longer be ignored.\r[...]\rThe function of RIAS, as indeed of IASA in general, is to enhance channels of communication among scholars concerned with American Studies in different parts of the world, so as to enable the subject to grow and develop in ways that may not be visible to any of us at the present time. While RIAS has no preconceived academic agenda, it will of course depend crucially for its usefulness on the participation of scholars in many different parts of the world. This e-journal is a venue of global intellectual exchange in American Studies, and, to this end, we warmly welcome contributions from all quarters. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revisiones en Cancer", "ISSN": "2138573", "Scope": "ScopeRevisiones en Cáncer representa un hito único en la oncología médica. Fundada por el Profesor Eduardo Díaz-Rubio, la revista “Revisiones en Cáncer” acaba de cumplir 30 años y ha logrado adaptarse a las novedades terapéuticas de la oncología. Los mejores expertos participan en los monográficos con el objetivo de tener una formación continuada en este campo. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Aequitas", "ISSN": "21749493", "Scope": "ScopeThe Revista Aequitas. Estudios sobre Historia, Derecho e Instituciones has been created by the Asociación Veritas para el Estudio de la Historia, el Derecho y las Instituciones (Veritas Association for the Study of History, Law and Institutions), a non profit institution (NIF G47687074)\r\rThe field of study of the journal aims to cover as broad as its name suggests: history, law and institutions and, in particular, the interrelationships between these three fields of study.\r\rIn terms of geographical frame, studies about Spanish or Hispanic History, Law and Institutions will be preferred, but not in an exclusive manner. Topics related to other nations will be published in the Revista Aequitas if the studies are presented in Spanish or any other language commonly used to spread knowledge, science and culture, in order to ensure that the text can be accessed by a reasonable number of readers.\r\rThe journal is published on an semiannual basis (April and September) and access to its contents will be free through the Veritas Association website. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Brasileira de Neurologia e Psiquiatria", "ISSN": "14140365", "Scope": "ScopeRevista Brasileira de Neurologia e Psiquiatria (RBNP) é organizada e promovida pela Fundação de Neurologia e Neurocirurgia - Instituto do Cérebro e pelo Centro de Estudos e Pesquisa Juliano Moreira (CEPES), Salvador/BA, Brasil. Os artigos publicados na RBNP abrangem uma ampla área do conhecimento da Neurologia, Neurocirurgia, Psiquiatria, Neurociências e especialidades afins, tanto no que se refere a seus aspectos clínicos como sociais e epidemiológicos.\rA RBNP incluirá sistematicamente as seguintes seções que deverão seguir rigorosamente as Normas para Publicação. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista de Critica Literaria Latinoamericana", "ISSN": "2528843", "Scope": "ScopeLa RCLL es una publicación semestral arbitrada (\"peer reviewed\"), cuyo objetivo es poner en circulación los estudios recientes y los debates centrados en el conocimiento y entendimiento de la literatura y la cultura latinoamericanas en sus contextos histórico y social. Incluye textos en español y portugués.\r\rLa RCLL se publica en Tufts University con licencia especial de Latinoamericana Editores (Lima-Berkeley) sello editorial del Centro de Estudios Literarios Antonio Cornejo Polar (CELACP), bajo los auspicios del Department of Romance Languages de Tufts University y la colaboración del Dean of Arts & Sciences. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista de Historia (Costa Rica)", "ISSN": "22154744", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Revista de Historia Regional", "ISSN": "14140055", "Scope": "ScopeA Revista de História Regional define-se como espaço de divulgação de trabalhos que tenham enquadramento teórico e metodológico dentro do campo de pesquisa em História e Região. Articulada ao debate epistemológico na história e nas ciências sociais, a revista tem por objetivo discutir a historicidade das práticas sociais e culturais, das construções discursivas e da produção de sentidos que, no tempo e no espaço, resultam em distintos processos de regionalizações. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista de Historiografia", "ISSN": "18852718", "Scope": "ScopeRevista de Historiografía (RevHisto) is a biannual scientific publication dedicated to the study of the conditions and circumstances in which historical production is constructed. RevHisto only admits originals that contribute to the advancement of knowledge. Its interdisciplinary interest makes it a forum not only dedicated to the analysis of historical narratives in their contexts, but also to the historiographic study of any field of knowledge, generated by and intended for qualified experts and scholars. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista de Letras", "ISSN": "01013505, 19817886", "Scope": "ScopeThe central aim of Revista de Letras UNESP is to provide a forum for the discussion of Literature, with special emphasis on Literary Theory and Criticism and their different theoretical and methodological approaches. Fields of knowledge directly related to Literary Theory and Criticism such as Sociology, Philosophy and Psychoanalysis may as well offer significant contribution to the literary studies and will be accepted for publication. As a forum for the discussion of Literature Revista de Letras UNESP does not favor any kind of theoretical or critical approach, encouraging the widest diversity of perspectives in approaching Literature. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista de Obras Publicas", "ISSN": "00348619, 16954408", "Scope": "ScopeThe Revista de Obras Públicas (ROP) is essentially a civil engineering journal.\rThe journal is published by the Spanish Institution of Civil Engineers and is subsequently geared towards both this group of professionals and those in related areas both at home and abroad. The articles published in the journal subsequently aim to be of utmost interest to all potential readers.\r\rThe ROP covers a much broader area than other, purely professional journals and reflects the world of science and technology; the economy or infrastructure policy; technical education or the history of engineering, and placing particular emphasis, in all these areas, on research and innovation in the sector.\rThis has been the editorial focus since the first publication of the Revista in 1853, and the journal aims to continue and innovate this area of discussion on the profession. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revue de l'Art", "ISSN": "00351326, 1953812X", "Scope": "ScopeLa Revue de l’Art a été fondée en 1968 par André Chastel et placée sous l’égide du Comité français d’histoire de l’art. C’est l’une des très grandes revues scientifiques internationales consacrées à l’histoire de l’art occidental du Moyen Âge à nos jours, et un instrument de diffusion de notre discipline tant en France qu’à l’étranger. Elle bénéficie d’un classement au rang A dans les listes de l’European Science Foundation et de l’ISI Web of Knowledge.\r\rAvec un nombre stable d’abonnés, la Revue de l'Art est dans le peloton de tête des revues internationales de référence de la discipline. Elle maintient l’esprit de rigueur analytique, de curiosité et d’ouverture intellectuelles dans lequel son créateur l’a conçue, tout en accompagnant l’évolution de l’histoire de l’art en France et dans le monde. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revue des Etudes Anciennes", "ISSN": "352004", "Scope": "ScopeLa Revue des Études Anciennes est plus que centenaire. Fondée en 1899 par Georges Radet, elle conserve aujourd’hui encore la vocation large qu’elle possédait à l’origine, ce qui fait toujours sa particularité parmi les revues françaises ou étrangères comparables. Elle publie en effet aussi bien des articles d’histoire, d’épigraphie, d’archéologie, de littérature et de philosophie, couvrant ainsi le champ entier des études anciennes consacrées aux mondes grec et romain. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revue des Etudes Slaves", "ISSN": "00802557, 2117718X", "Scope": "ScopeFondée en 1921, la Revue des études slaves est une revue internationale de slavistique. Tout en maintenant sa vocation originelle — la philologie, l’histoire, la critique et l’histoire littéraires des pays slaves — elle s’est élargie à la linguistique moderne, l’anthropologie historique, l’ethnologie, l’histoire des idées, des littératures, des arts, des cultures et des religions. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revue des Langues Romanes", "ISSN": "2233711", "Scope": "ScopeLa Revue des langues romanes, désormais plus que centenaire, continue à exploiter les riches terrains de la philologie des langues romanes, au sens classique du terme, et du texte littéraire occitan. Son numéro annuel est composé de deux fascicules consacrés à un thème particulier qui peut concerner l’ancien français, l’occitan de toutes les périodes ou encore des sujets communs à plusieurs littératures romanes. Ces recueils d’articles sont complétés de « varia » qui abordent des sujets plus divers et des comptes rendus critiques abondants qui permettent de mieux appréhender la production contemporaine. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revue des Musees de France", "ISSN": "19624271", "Scope": "ScopeLes contributions publiées couvrent les multiples champs de l’histoire de l’art, de l’archéologie, des sciences et techniques et de l’ethnologie, de la Préhistoire à nos jours. Découvrez l’actualité des musées : ouvertures, rénovations et grandes acquisitions, ainsi que le compte rendu des dernières recherches de conservateurs et d’historiens de l’art, français et étrangers. Enfin, un tour de France des expositions dans les musées vous est présenté.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revue des Sciences Humaines", "ISSN": "352195", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revue d'Histoire du Theatre", "ISSN": "12912530", "Scope": "ScopeLa Revue d’Histoire du Théâtre est une revue trimestrielle, créée en 1948 et soutenue par la Direction Générale de la Création Artistique (Ministère de la Culture) et la Bibliothèque nationale de France. Elle publie des textes inédits, s’attachant à transmettre l’histoire des arts du spectacle, du Moyen âge à nos jours. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revue du Nord", "ISSN": "352624", "Scope": "ScopeThe Revue du Nord is a journal of history (originally, also of geography and literature), also open to archaeology.\rThe Revue du Nord publishes articles concerned with the history and archaeology of Northern France, Belgium and the Netherlands, and (less frequently) other areas of Northern and Eastern Europe. This geographical extent is one the criteria for the selection of papers.\r\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revue Francaise d'Ethique Appliquee", "ISSN": "24270687, 24945757", "Scope": "ScopeThe\tRevue\tfrançaise\td’éthique\tappliquée\tis\ta\tfrench-language peer-reviewed ethics\tjournal.\t\rIt aims\tto\tpromote\tand\tdisseminate\treflections\tand\tresearch\ton\tethics.\tA\tcombined\teffort\tby\t\rthe\tUniversité\tParis-Sud/Paris-Saclay\tand\tthe\tEspace\tde\tréflexion\téthique\tde\tla\trégion\tÎle-deFrance\t(Île-de-France’s\tSpace\tfor\tEthical\tReflection),\tRFEA\tis\ta\tpeer-reviewed\tFrenchlanguage\tuniversity\tjournal,\tpublished\ttwice\tyearly.\tRFEA’s\tpublications\taim\tto\tprovide\tan\tindepth\texamination\tof\tthe\tethical\tquestionings\tthat\tarise\tfrom\tfield-based\texperiences,\t\rinnovations\tin\tpractices,\tand\tacademic\tstudies.\tTo\tthis\tend,\tthe\twork\tpublished\tin\tRFEA\rspans\tacross\ta\tvariety\tof\tfields\tof\tapplied\tethics,\tincluding\thealthcare,\tenvironment,\tand\t\ranimal\tethics,\teconomic\tand\tsocial\tethics,\tand\tthe\tethics\tof\tscience\tand\ttechnology.\t Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revue Italienne d'Etudes Francaises", "ISSN": "22407456", "Scope": "ScopeRéalisée à l’initiative du « Seminario di Filologia francese », la Revue Italienne d’études françaises revendique, comme l'indique son nom, son appartenance à toute la communauté italienne des chercheurs dans le domaine de la littérature, de la langue et de la culture françaises. Ces études jouissent, en Italie, d’une réputation ancienne et illustre ; elles sont internationalement reconnues, ayant toujours veillé à ne pas confiner la recherche dans une perspective strictement nationale.\r\rNous aspirons à continuer cette tradition d’ouverture. C'est pourquoi nous avons choisi d’adopter exclusivement la langue française, et de nous placer sous l'égide d'un Comité scientifique composé à la fois de personnalités italiennes et étrangères.\r\rNous savons que notre Revue naît en une saison bien difficile pour les sciences humaines. Pour des raisons que les historiens de l’avenir jugeront probablement sans aucune indulgence, les universités européennes ont été obligées de supprimer des postes dans nos disciplines, d'affaiblir les départements de lettres, de langues, d’histoire. Ceux qui en font les frais, ce sont surtout les jeunes chercheurs, qui travaillent dans des conditions difficiles, face à un avenir incertain. Notre Revue les considère comme ses interlocuteurs privilégiés : nous publierons leurs articles, nous aspirons à les compter parmi nos lecteurs. Nous leur promettons une attention sévère et un traitement impartial, pour chacune de leurs contributions. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ricerca Folklorica", "ISSN": "3919099", "Scope": "ScopeErreffe – La ricerca folklorica, rivista di “Contributi allo studio della cultura delle classi popolari” diretta da Glauco Sanga, è nata nel 1980 per iniziativa di un gruppo di etnologi desiderosi di aprire uno spazio di approfondimento e confronto sui temi della cultura popolare, a livello italiano e internazionale.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ricerche di Storia dell Arte", "ISSN": "3927202", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Rita Revista Indexada de Textos Academicos", "ISSN": "23409711, 23867027", "Scope": "ScopeLa revista rita_ es una publicación semestral. La temática de los textos será cualquiera relacionada con la teoría y práctica arquitectónica (proyecto-análisis/composición-crítica-tecnología). rita_ es una revista en formato papel y digital que publica trabajos originales no difundidos anteriormente en otras revistas, libros o actas editadas de congresos. Se establece un sistema de arbitraje aplicable a los artículos seleccionados para su publicación mediante un revisor externo siguiendo los protocolos habituales para publicaciones científicas. El sistema de evaluación será anónimo, externo al consejo de redacción y por pares, e incidirá sobre cuatro aspectos fundamentales: la contribución al conocimiento del tema, la corrección de las relaciones establecidas con los antecedentes y bibliografía utilizados, la correcta redacción del texto que facilite su comprensión y, por último, el juicio crítico que se concluya de lo expuesto.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Rivista degli Studi Orientali", "ISSN": "03924866, 17241863", "Scope": "ScopeSince over seventy-five years, the quarterly review \"Rivista degli Studi Orientali\" receive literary contributions of italian and international scholars of oriental studies. The interest range over many fields: archaeology, history, linguistic, literature, religion, myth of arabian countries and Far East. Yearly two monographic supplement finish and complete the survey of studies about this field.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Rivista del Diritto della Navigazione", "ISSN": "355895", "Scope": "ScopeThe Rivista del Diritto della Navigazione deals with transportation and maritime, inland, air and aerospace navigation, addressing, from scientific and operational points of view, both traditional subjects and the most recent technical innovations, such as: new problems in maritime and aeronautical construction, insurance, safety and security, problems tied to registration of ships and aircrafts, guarantees on credits linked to or that can affect navigation and its operation, logistics, environmental protection, new issues concerning management of infrastructures and systems for traffic control and the most innovative technologies in transportation, consumer protection, national and international taxation. Furthermore the Rivista focuses on fishery, aquaculture and pleasure crafts, both air and sea, recognizing the economic and social importance of these activities.\r\rIn the context of uniform and European law, the purpose of the Rivista is to offer tools for a more active Italian participation in the formation process of rules, reflecting the economic and industrial role of Italy at international level.\r\rThe Rivista intends to be a forum for debate on the changing world of traffic and transportation infrastructures, and a valid tool for scholars, practitioners and policy makers. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Rivista di Cultura Classica e Medioevale", "ISSN": "00356085, 1724062X", "Scope": "ScopeLa «Rivista di cultura classica e medioevale», fondata nel 1959 da E. Paratore, G. Vinay, C. Giannelli, esce regolarmente in due fascicoli annuali sotto la guida del nuovo Direttore Liana Lomiento e di un comitato scientifico che ne sorregge l'ampliamento in specifici settori dell'antichistica: letteratura latina classica e tardoantica, storia romana, letteratura greca, storia greca, diritto romano, letteratura cristiana, filologia bizantina, presenza dei classici nelle letterature moderne. Anche attraverso le sezioni: Note e Discussioni, Recensioni e Libri, la RCCM mira a dare un contributo critico ai problemi d'attualità e a offrire un panorama del dispiegarsi dei filoni della riflessione moderna sulla cultura antica e medioevale.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Rivista di Letterature Moderne e Comparate", "ISSN": "3912108", "Scope": "ScopeLa Rivista di Letterature Moderne e Comparate, fondata da Carlo Pellegrini e Vittorio Santoli, esce regolarmente in quattro fascicoli annui dal 1947 e accoglie lavori, in lingua italiana, inglese, francese e tedesca, rivolti a un’analisi avanzata dei testi letterari in rapporto alla loro tradizione e in prospettiva comparatistica, offrendo uno spazio di dibattito culturale a studiosi sia italiani sia internazionali. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Rivista di storia del cristianesimo", "ISSN": "18277365", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Rivista di storia della chiesa in Italia", "ISSN": "00356557, 1827790X", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Rivista di Storia della Filosofia", "ISSN": "03932516, 19725558", "Scope": "ScopeFounded in 1946 by Mario Dal Pra, the Rivista di storia della filosofia soon made its mark in Italy and abroad thanks to its fresh approach to hypotheses and its philologically rigorous investigations into themes and questions arising from the historical tradition of Western thought. It has dedicated monographic issues to the thoughts of Dewey, Russell, Carnap, Vailati, Hobbes, Hume, Aristotle, Epicurus, Abelard, Husserl, Kant, Hegel and Quine. It has also published, and continues to publish, studies on the most interesting questions in the history of thought, as well as documents and previously unpublished texts. It also examines the significant aspects of current philosophical debate, whilst maintaining a direct link between the history of philosophy and research in other areas of culture and following the teaching of philosophy in secondary schools and universities. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "RLC - Revue de Litterature Comparee", "ISSN": "00351466, 19650264", "Scope": "ScopeFondée en 1921 par Fernand Baldensperger et Paul Hazard, la Revue de littérature comparée, rédigée en français et en anglais, est une revue à comité de lecture qui a une vaste diffusion internationale.\r\rConsacrée aux études comparatistes sur les littératures de l'Europe et du monde, elle en propose des approches historiques, théoriques ou méthodologiques.\rTrimestrielle, elle fait alterner deux numéros thématiques confiés à un rédacteur en chef, et deux numéros qui accueillent des articles traitant de sujets variés.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Romanica Wratislaviensia", "ISSN": "5572665", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Romanticism", "ISSN": "1354991X", "Scope": "ScopeFocusing on the period 1750-1850, the journal continues to welcome critical, historical, textual and bibliographical essays prepared to the highest scholarly standards, and seeks to represent a full range of current methodological and theoretical debate. Each issue contains at least six substantial reviews of recent books.\r\rRomanticism now looks forward to its next quarter century as the most vital international publishing arena for scholarly debate in this liveliest field of literary studies.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Romantisme", "ISSN": "488593", "Scope": "Scope\"Littérature, arts, sciences, histoire trouvent leur place depuis la création de la revue de la Société des études romantiques et dix-neuvièmistes qui étudie ce siècle dans son ensemble, à travers l\"expression de voies nouvelles qu\"offre l\"interdisciplinarité.\" Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ruch Filozoficzny", "ISSN": "00359599, 25453173", "Scope": "Scope“Ruch Filozoficzny\" is an international scientific quarterly published by the Polish Philosophical Society and the Institute of Philosophy, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland. Founded by Kazimierz Twardowski in Lviv in 1911, it presents research carried out in Polish philosophical circles and promotes international cooperation between Polish and foreign philosophers. Since 2015, at least one issue of the quarterly a year has been published in English. The journal contains not only articles and reviews but also shorter publications such as announcements, reports, and current information which constitute significant elements of information flow. Jubilee notes, memoirs and obituaries are also published to record and commemorate important events.\r\rIn the ARTICLES section we publish texts of contemporary researchers in the field of philosophy (history of philosophy, axiology, ethics, aesthetics, logic, epistemology, philosophy of culture, philosophical anthropology, philosophy of mind, philosophy of politics).\r\rIn ARCHIVES OF RUCH FILOZOFICZNY section we recall significant, influential texts published in the quarterly in previous years.\r\rIn CONFERENCE AND LECTURE PAPERS section we publish papers presented in Polish Philosophical Society meetings and on philosophical conferences\r\rPOLISH PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY section contains reports from the Polish Philosophical Society Main Board meetings and presents the scientific and organizational activities of the Society divisions.\r\rIn STATEMENTS AND POLEMICS we present discussions concerning significant publications and events in the philosophical circles.\r\rIn OBITUARIES AND MEMOIRS section we commemorate deceased philosophers and researchers. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Russian History", "ISSN": "0094288X", "Scope": "ScopeRussian History’s mission is the publication of original articles on the history of Russia through the centuries, in the assumption that all past experiences are inter-related. Russian History seeks to discover, analyze, and understand the most interesting experiences and relationships and elucidate their causes and consequences. Contributors to the journal take their stand from different perspectives: intellectual, economic and military history, domestic, social and class relations, relations with non-Russian peoples, nutrition and health, all possible events that had an influence on Russia. Russian History is the international platform for the presentation of such findings. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Russkaia Literatura", "ISSN": "1316095", "Scope": "ScopeRusskaia literatura is a well-known journal of literary criticism. The journal is one of the most comprehensive, reliable and authoritative resources featuring biographical information and criticism of Russian and Soviet authors in various genres. Published since 1958 by the Institute of Russian Literature of the Russian Academy of Science (Pushkinskii Dom), this scholarly journal features numerous research papers, discussion pieces, analytical articles and critical essays concerning classical and modern writers and poets of Russia.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Salmagundi", "ISSN": "363529", "Scope": "ScopeSalmagundi is not a tame or genteel quarterly. It invites argument, and it makes a place for literature that is demanding, including novella-length fiction and essays that—in terms of length and range of interest—go well beyond the fare served up by the better weeklies and monthlies. Founded in 1965 and published since 1969 at Skidmore College, Salmagundi routinely publishes essays, reviews, interviews, fiction, poetry, regular columns, polemics, debates and symposia. It is widely regarded as one of the most influential intellectual quarterlies in the United States, and though often discussed as a “little magazine,” it is by no means predominantly belletristic or narrow in its purview or its audience. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Sang Thrombose Vaisseaux", "ISSN": "09997385, 19506104", "Scope": "ScopeStraddling the crossroads where many disciplines meet, STV takes a new look at vascular and thrombotic diseases and provides every reader with an essential supplement to his or her speciality. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Savoirs et Clinique", "ISSN": "16343298, 17762871", "Scope": "ScopeLes praticiens de la santé mentale, qu’ils soient psychiatres, psychologues, infirmiers ou analystes, pour peu qu’ils soient prêts à écouter leurs malades, observent dans leur travail quotidien que les patients – névrosés ou psychotiques – ne leur font pas seulement part de leurs souffrances, mais leur confient aussi un savoir inédit. C’est grâce à ce savoir, recelé dans l’inconscient et dans le symptôme du sujet souffrant, que la recherche et la thérapie avancent dans la clinique analytique.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Scandia", "ISSN": "365483", "Scope": "ScopeScandia is a historical journal dedicated to central themes of Nordic historical research. The emphasis is on Nordic and European history, on theory and method, and on historiography. The journal is issued twice a year. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Schweizer Zeitschrift fur Gynakologie", "ISSN": "16610199", "Scope": "ScopeIn der Schweizer Zeitschrift für Gynäkologie erscheinen aktuelle Beiträge zu Schwerpunktthemen, Kongressberichte, Interviews und Neuigkeiten aus Klinik, Praxis und Forschung. Sie ist das offizielle Organ der Schweizerischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Kinder- und Jugendgynäkologie (GYNEA) und kommt mit einer Auflage von ca. 3500 Stück 5 x pro Jahr. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Scottish Literary Review", "ISSN": "17565634", "Scope": "ScopeScottish Literary Review is the leading international journal for Scottish literary studies. Scottish Literary Review publishes critical and scholarly articles and reviews from around the world. The journal explores Scottish literature through its various social, cultural, historical and philosophical contexts, including theatre and film, and its interactions with literatures from beyond Scotland, and encourages debate on issues of contemporary significance to literary studies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Seibutsu-kogaku Kaishi", "ISSN": "09193758, 24358630", "Scope": "Scope日本生物工学会の和文誌「生物工学会誌」は、バイオテクノロジー分野のホットな話題を取り上げ、皆様にお届けしています。「生物工学会誌」は「醸造學雜誌」として1923年に創刊されて以来、「醗酵工學雑誌」、「醗酵工学会誌」と名称を変えながらも、80年以上もの長い歴史の中で常に情報交換の場として大きな役割を果たしてきました。 これからも読者でありまた投稿者である皆様の声を発信し続けていきます。また、和文誌だからこそ発信できる支部活動や地域の情報も掲載していく予定ですのでご期待ください。つきましては、様々な分野でご活躍の皆様からのご投稿をお待ちしております。 Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Sewanee Review", "ISSN": "00373052, 1934421X", "Scope": "ScopeFounded in 1892 by the teacher and critic William Peterfield Trent, the Sewanee Review is America’s oldest continuously published literary quarterly. Many of the twentieth century’s great writers, including T. S. Eliot, William Faulkner, Eudora Welty, Wallace Stevens, Saul Bellow, Katherine Anne Porter, Marianne Moore, and Ezra Pound, have appeared in the magazine. SR also has a long tradition of cultivating emerging talent: we published excerpts of Cormac McCarthy and Flannery O’Connor’s first novels, and the early poetry of Robert Penn Warren, Sylvia Plath, Robert Lowell, and Christian Wiman. “Whatever the new literature turns out to be,” wrote editor Allen Tate in 1944, “it will be the privilege of the Sewanee Review to print its share of it, to comment on it, and to try to understand it.” The mission remains unchanged.\r\rIn 2017 the novelist Adam Ross (Mr. Peanut, Ladies and Gentlemen) succeeded George Core as editor of the Sewanee Review. Under Ross’s tenure the magazine was redesigned for the first time in seventy-three years, by the book designers Peter Mendelsund and Oliver Munday, and SR began to publish online as well as in print. 2017 also marked the Sewanee Review‘s 125th year of publication. Volume 125 featured exceptional writers like Richard Russo, Francine Prose, Lauren Groff, Ben Fountain, Alice McDermott, Mary Jo Salter, John Jeremiah Sullivan, Danielle Evans, Stephanie Danler, Donika Kelly, Kaveh Akbar, Hannah Pittard, Jamie Quatro, Adam Kirsch, and others. Fall 2017 marked the magazine’s five-hundredth issue.\r\rThe magazine’s redesign and recent issues have been covered by the New York Times, the Nashville Scene, the Memphis Commercial-Appeal, Poets & Writers, Chapter 16, and elsewhere. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Sguardo", "ISSN": "20366558", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal focuses on philosophical issues of theoretical relevance, in their connection with the history of Western Philosophy and, in particular, with crucial moments and pivotal aspects of modern and contemporary thought. Lo Sguardo serves as an intellectual meeting place of research, intertwining theoretical reflection and genealogical inquiry. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Sic", "ISSN": "18477755", "Scope": "Scopea Journal of Literature, Culture and Literary Translation focuses on theoretical, empirical and artistic research in the fields of culture, literature and literary translation. [sic] thus welcomes the submission of works that focus on various theoretical or empirical problems within the fields listed above, as well as original translations. By publishing research papers, reviews, literary criticism, interviews and literature in translation, wishes to offer a wide, interdisciplinary approach to dominant, but also marginal and/or currently unrecognized as well as emerging literary and cultural trends and practices and in this way open a dialogue between proponents of different approaches to the said areas. As such, is seen as an international platform for scholars, practitioners and artists dealing with culture, literature and literary translation. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Silicon Semiconductor", "ISSN": "20507798, 20507801", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Sinn und Form", "ISSN": "375756", "Scope": "ScopeAls Peter Huchel zum Chefredakteur der 1949 gegründeten Zeitschrift SINN UND FORM berufen wurde, setzte er von Anfang an auf ein unverwechselbares Profil: Auswahl der besten Autoren und Beiträge, besondere Sorgfalt in der Redaktion und Komposition der Hefte sowie breite Vielfalt der Themen und Gattungen. Die vornehme Gestalt und entschiedene Haltung der »Beiträge zur Literatur« begründeten nicht nur ihren legendären Ruf, sie sind auch das Geheimnis ihrer Dauer.\r\rSeit fast siebzig Jahren zählt SINN UND FORM international zu den renommiertesten und anspruchsvollsten literarischen Zeitschriften. Zu ihrem ganz eigenen Stil gehört das Unzeitgemäße, nicht vordergründig Aktuelle, gehören das hohe sprachliche Niveau der Texte und ihre überraschende Zusammenstellung. Archiventdeckungen stehen neben literarischen Debüts, Erstveröffentlichungen neben Klassikern, Gespräche und Gedichte neben Briefeditionen, Essays, Erinnerungen und Erzählungen.\r\rIn der von der Akademie der Künste herausgegebenen traditionsreichen Zeitschrift mit der farbigen Bauchbinde trifft die Literatur auf alle ihr benachbarten Gebiete, wie Philosophie und Anthropologie, Theologie, Philologie, Kunstgeschichte und Musik. Neue Denkwege zu eröffnen und besondere Leseerlebnisse zu ermöglichen: Das macht weiterhin ihren Reiz und ihre Bedeutung aus. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Skin Research", "ISSN": "13471813, 18839614", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Societa e storia", "ISSN": "3916987", "Scope": "ScopeIn the context of periodicals devoted to history, Società e Storia is distinct in aiming to cover a wide chronological span, from the medieval to the contemporary. From its very foundation in 1978 the ‘history of society‘ has been a central theme; this is understood to mean a ‘form of historical research which aims to pull together strands of historical development drawn from the most diverse areas of specialism’. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Soins Aides - Soignantes", "ISSN": "17709857", "Scope": "ScopeLa revue SOINS Aides-Soignantes s'adresse à toutes celles et ceux qui vont exercer ou exercent cette profession d'aide, quel que soit leur lieu d'exercice : en hospitalisation traditionnelle mais aussi à domicile ou en EHPAD\r\rSOINS Aides-Soignantes a pour objectif d'aider à une meilleure reconnaissance de cette profession qui occupe une place importante dans la chaîne des soins. Grâce à des rubriques variées, l'aide-soignante enrichira ses pratiques dans toutes les facettes de son exercice professionnel. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Southern Humanities Review", "ISSN": "384186", "Scope": "ScopeSouthern Humanities Review is the literary quarterly housed in the Department of English at Auburn University. Founded in 1967, SHR publishes fiction, poetry, and essays. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Storia del Pensiero Politico", "ISSN": "22799818", "Scope": "Scope“Storia del pensiero politico” accepts contribution proposals in both Italian and English. Original articles in the field of history of ancient, medieval, modern and contemporary political thought, with a gaze that is open not only to the western world but also to the multiple “non-western” cultural universes, are taken into consideration. The periodical welcomes contributions that analyze, from a historical perspective, political thought and the ideas of single authors, political cultures and ideologies, the languages, concepts, theories and traditions of politics, within their relationship with the multiple dimensions – institutional, legal, social, economic, cultural, internal and external – of the life of human communities. In its field of interest, “Storia del pensiero politico” is open to a wide array of methodologies, and aims to foster an intense dialogue with the historical, social, political, legal, economic and philosophical sciences. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Strenae", "ISSN": "21099081", "Scope": "ScopeStrenæ : en latin, le mot désigne les étrennes, ces présents que l’on offre pour célébrer l’année nouvelle. Dès l’Antiquité, l’usage est d’offrir aux enfants jouets et cadeaux à l’occasion des étrennes, longtemps avant que la fête de Noël ne s’y substitue. C’est sous le signe de ces étrennes que l’Afreloce a choisi de placer sa revue, créée en 2010.\r\rS’il existe de nombreuses revues de sciences humaines consacrées à l’enfance, si la littérature pour la jeunesse a elle-même ses revues dédiées (les Cahiers Robinson publiés par l’Université d’Artois depuis 1997 ; Publije édité par l’Université du Mans depuis 2011), Strenæ envisage d’embrasser l’ensemble de la culture matérielle et littéraire de l’enfance. À travers les livres, vêtements, jouets et friandises que recevaient les enfants lors des étrennes se dessine l’univers que Strenæ se donne comme objet.\r\rLa revue accueille des travaux portant sur les livres pour enfants et la littérature pour la jeunesse – examinés aussi bien sous l’angle littéraire, esthétique et matériel que sous l’angle historique : roman, théâtre, poésie, historiettes, contes, livres illustrés, albums, livres-jeux, etc. Elle s’intéresse aux jouets et jeux de l’enfance : des jeux traditionnels aux jeux vidéo, des jeux de poupée aux jeux de plateau, tous envisagés à travers des filtres historiques, sociologiques, psychologiques, anthropologiques, esthétiques ou littéraires. Elle fait place à l’ensemble de la culture matérielle de l’enfance : vêtements et objets scolaires, meubles et objets possédés en propre, et au-delà encore, usage de l’espace propre, rituels, culture orale. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Strumenti Critici", "ISSN": "392618", "Scope": "ScopeStrumenti critici is one of the journals that has played a key role in redefining the scene of Italian literary criticism, in terms of both methodological thinking and critical research. By maintaining its «militant» nature through greater openness, Strumenti critici keeps its proponent capacity intact, especially in the field of literary theory and textual criticism. It includes scholarly articles and authoritative studies relevant to contemporary and comparative literature, while at the same time combining philological and textual rigour with wide-ranging critical perspectives. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studi e Problemi di Critica Testuale", "ISSN": "00492361, 1826722X", "Scope": "ScopeLa rivista pubblica articoli sottoposti a procedura di \"revisione tra pari\" mediante procedimento cosiddetto \"a doppio cieco\" (double blind peer review). I revisori sono assolutamente indipendenti dagli autori e non affiliati alle medesime istituzioni.\r\rThe Journal publishes double blind peer reviewed articles. The reviewers are absolutely independent of the authors and not affiliated with the same institution.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studi Medievali", "ISSN": "3918467", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Studi Slavistici", "ISSN": "18247601, 1824761X", "Scope": "ScopeStudi Slavistici is the Open Access journal of the Italian Association of Slavists (A.I.S.). It publishes academic articles, research and book reviews and informative essays. Its main aim is to foster specialized Slavic research and to make quality information available to a broader public of readers and Internet users. The journal also acts as a bridge between the academic tradition of Italian and European Slavic studies and the latest cultural trends in various Slavic subjects. Special attention is devoted to the literature, languages, culture and various art forms of all Slavic countries, but also to interdisciplinary approaches in methodology, inter-Slavic and Slavic-European literary, linguistic and cultural relationships. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studia Canonica", "ISSN": "22953019, 22953027", "Scope": "ScopeStudia canonica is a scholarly journal on canon law published twice a year by the Faculty of Canon Law of Saint Paul University in Ottawa, Canada. It welcomes submissions of articles in English and French.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studia Ceranea", "ISSN": "2084140X, 24498378", "Scope": "ScopeStudia Ceranea. Journal of the Waldemar Ceran Research Centre for the History and Culture of the Mediterranean Area and South-East Europe is published once a year at the Waldemar Ceran Research Centre for the History and Culture of the Mediterranean Area and South-East Europe (Ceraneum), University of Lodz, Poland.\r\rStudia Ceranea being designed as an international journal, contributions in the standard conference languages will be accepted (English, French, German, Russian and Italian). We have resolved to accept papers pertaining to the history and culture of the eastern Mediterranean and the Slavic area within the chronological limits from the 1st through the 17th century AD.\r\rThe task that the Editorial Council of Studia Ceranea has set before itself is the gradual creation of a scientific journal, interdisciplinary in character, which will offer specialist articles, reviews and notes on newly published monographs. Along these lines, we will attempt to cross the limits of the narrow specializations restricted to Byzantine or Slavic studies; the papers contributed would represent various aspects of the Late Ancient, Byzantine and Slavic culture of the eastern Mediterranean Area largissimo sensu and South-East Europe, which – we claim – forms an integrity, for all its diversity. Consequently, the journal, based on previous models of other respectable journals devoted to similar subject matters, utilizes the methodology and achievements of disciplines used in the study of Late Antiquity, Middle Ages and early Modern Era and is ready to face the new challenges posed by contemporary humanist thought.\r\rThe Editorial Board of Studia Ceranea is committed to provide the highest ethical standards at every stage of the publishing procedure. The review process is arranged by double blind peer review system (PrePrint type). Every text is subject to at least two reviews. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studia Norwidiana", "ISSN": "08600562, 25444433", "Scope": "ScopeStudia Norwidiana is a scientific journal that has been published continuously since 1983 and is the scientific body of the Institute for the Study of Cyprian Norwid’s Literature (publisher: Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL). Studia Norwidiana is a unique Polish scientific journal devoted entirely to the study of Cyprian Norwid, one of the greatest Polish and European poets and artists. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studia Religiosa Rossica", "ISSN": "26584158", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Studies in the History of Philosophy", "ISSN": "20831978, 2391775X", "Scope": "ScopeThe main aim of \"Studies in the History of Philosophy\" is to present the results of scientific research in the field of the history of Western philosophy, from ancient to contemporary thoughts. We publish original scholarly articles (in English, German, and Polish), academic translations of important philosophical texts into Polish, archival source texts, and book reviews.\r\rIn the ARTICLES section, we publish original treatises on philosophy and the history of philosophy.\r\rIn the TRANSLATIONS section, we publish scholarly philosophical texts translated into Polish and essential works of Polish philosophy translated into English.\r\rIn the section ARCHIVES OF POLISH PHILOSOPHY, we publish the latest historical and philosophical research in the history of Polish philosophy, including scholarly sources for the history of Polish philosophy.\r\rIn the REVIEWS section, we publish reviews and presentations of current publications/books on philosophy and the history of philosophy. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Summaries of JSSI and JSSE Joint Conference on Snow and Ice Research", "ISSN": "18830870, 18830889", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Svensk Teologisk Kvartalskrift", "ISSN": "396761", "Scope": "ScopeThe publication of the Swedish Theological Quarterly commenced in 1925 on the initiative of Gustaf Aulén, who between 1913 and 1933 was professor of systematic theology at Lund University. Already in the first issue, the editors expressed that the journal was to supply an orientating overview of current theological research on the one hand and be an organ for contemporary Swedish theology on the other. This tradition lives on through the articles, debates, and reviews that are published in each issue of the journal. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Svet Literatury", "ISSN": "08628440, 23366729", "Scope": "ScopeSvět literatury focuses on modern European and American literatures, overreaching into other cultural areas. It is based on interdisciplinary comparative approach, which overcomes the limitations of exclusively national approach to literatures. Its main aim is to foster the integration of the study of foreign literatures in the light of modern thought on literature and of the problems of contemporary world: to assimilate foreign literatures through original reflection, and to open the Czech cultural scene to European and international dimension. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Tagliche Praxis", "ISSN": "0494464X", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Taiwan Review", "ISSN": "17275148, 17275199", "Scope": "ScopeTT is a relaunch of Taiwan Journal, an English-language weekly newspaper first published in 1964. TJ’s print and online versions were produced on a weekly basis, with special editions issued for National Day and other important events. TJ ceased publication May 22, 2009.\r\rTT dates back to March 1, 1964, when it began publication as Free China Weekly. On Jan. 1, 1984, it was renamed Free China Journal and Taipei Journal Jan. 7, 2000. In March 2003, it was changed to Taiwan Journal. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Tanz", "ISSN": "18697720", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Technische Sicherheit", "ISSN": "14364948, 21910073", "Scope": "ScopeDie Zeitschrift liefert Fachinformationen zu:\rAnlagensicherheit und betrieblichen Umweltschutz;\rBrand-, Explosions-, Gewässerschutz;\rInternetsicherheit. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Technoetic Arts", "ISSN": "1477965X", "Scope": "Scope Technoetics is a convergent field of practice that seeks to explore consciousness and connectivity through digital, telematic, chemical or spiritual means, embracing both interactive and psychoactive technologies, and the creative use of moistmedia' (Roy Ascott 2008). Technoetic Arts focuses upon the juncture between art, technology and the mind. Divisions between academic areas of study, once rigidly fixed, are gradually dissolving due to developments in science and cultural practice. This fusion has had a dramatic effect upon the of various disciplines. In particular, the profile of art has radically evolved in our present technological culture. All articles are double-blind peer-reviewed in order to maintain the highest standards of scholastic integrity. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Tempo Psicanalitico", "ISSN": "01014838, 23166576", "Scope": "ScopeA revista Tempo Psicanalítico é uma publicação semestral de trabalhos originais que se enquadrem em alguma das seguintes categorias: estudos teórico-clínicos, relatos de pesquisa, revisões críticas da literatura, relatos de experiência profissional, notas técnicas e resenhas de artigos e livros na área da Psicanálise e áreas relacionadas. Excepcionalmente serão publicados artigos não originais, de difícil acesso e/ou traduções. O objetivo da publicação é contribuir para a pesquisa e a produção de conhecimento no Rio de Janeiro e no Brasil, missão a que ela vem atendendo há alguns anos, visto que é considerada uma referência em sua área. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Terrain", "ISSN": "07605668, 17775450", "Scope": "ScopeDepuis 1983, la revue Terrain porte sur les sociétés contemporaines un regard singulier, nourri par l’ethnographie et l’ouverture aux autres sciences humaines et sociales. Elle se veut scientifique dans son propos tout en restant accessible aux non-spécialistes par sa présentation et son écriture. Ouverte à la recherche internationale et aux autres disciplines de sciences humaines et sociales, elle a pour ambition d’éclairer les aspects les plus variés, et parfois les moins connus, des sociétés d’hier et d’aujourd’hui. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Texas Transportation Researcher", "ISSN": "404748", "Scope": "ScopeFor more than 40 years, the Texas Transportation Researcher has showcased TTI research to audiences worldwide. Researcher, an award-winning magazine, is the flagship publication of the institute. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Text und Kritik", "ISSN": "00405329, 09352929", "Scope": "ScopeDie Zeitschrift für Literatur TEXT+KRITIK wurde im Sommer 1962 von Heinz Ludwig Arnold gegründet. Im Selbstverlag erschien das erste Heft über Günter Grass. Ab Heft 4 (über Georg Trakl) wurde TEXT+KRITIK vom Georgi Verlag Aachen betreut. 1969 übernahm der Richard Boorberg Verlag die Literaturzeitschrift und prägte mit Heft 23 (über Nelly Sachs) die bis heute typische Gestaltung von TEXT+KRITIK. Seitdem gehört die Literaturzeitschrift zum Programm des nach ihr benannten Münchner Verlags edition text + kritik mit seinen Schwerpunkten Literatur, Musik, Film und Kulturwissenschaft.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Textile Outlook International", "ISSN": "2684764", "Scope": "ScopeSix times a year, Textile Outlook International provides up to 200 pages of expert comment and analysis. A subscription provides an overview of the global fibre, textile and apparel industries. It is essential reading for senior executives in the fibre, textile and apparel industries – and for anyone who is not involved in the industry, but needs to quickly gain an understanding of the key issues.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Textile Rental", "ISSN": "1950118", "Scope": "ScopeWhen linen, uniform and facility services industry professionals are looking for industry trends, news, best practices and information about the latest products and services, they turn to TRSA’s award-winning Textile Services magazine. This comprehensive monthly resource features articles and analysis on every aspect of your operations. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Textile World", "ISSN": "405213", "Scope": "ScopeTextile Industries Media Group, LLC, a newly formed Georgia-based corporation, has acquired Billian Publishing, Inc.’s textile assets including Textile World, Textiles Panamericanos and Textile World Asia, the affiliated magazines, websites and e-newsletters. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Textiles Panamericanos", "ISSN": "493570", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Theleme", "ISSN": "11399368, 19898193", "Scope": "ScopeThélème. Revista Complutense de Estudios Franceses (ISSN 1139-9368, ISSN-e 1989-8193) is a journal published every six months that took its current name in 1998 when it broke away from the former Revista de Filología Francesa, published by the Universidad Complutense Madrid’s French Studies Department, founded in 1992. It compiles research studies in French, English and Spanish, on the French language and literature and in relation to other artistic-cultural and literary fields. It also publishes studies on civilisation, linguistics, translation and didactics of the French language. It aims to cover the whole French and French-speaking field and includes book reviews.\r\rThélème accepts special issues, which will follow the same selection criteria (double blind peer-review), dealing with topics related to French Studies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Theologische Beitrage", "ISSN": "3422372", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Topicos", "ISSN": "1666485X", "Scope": "ScopeTÓPICOS is a journal published every six months, co-edited by the Asociación Revista de Filosofía de Santa Fe (ARFIL) and the Universidad Nacional del Litoral (UNL). Its main objective is to promote an exchange of productions in the field of philosophical research. The Journal is intended to the academic community of researchers and scholars dealing with the problems covered by current philosophy and the history of the discipline itself. It is open to all philosophical orientations and to the interdisciplinary dialogue with the sciences. It publishes articles and original contributions -in Spanish and Portuguese- that make progress in the knowledge of the issues addressed, and contribute to the debate on the current problems of theoretical philosophy, practical philosophy, and the interpretation and criticism of the history of philosophy. The works published by the journal are therefore of interest to a broad audience. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Topique", "ISSN": "409375", "Scope": "ScopeRevue freudienne fondée en 1969 par Piera Aulagnier,Topique est l’une des grandes revues françaises de psychanalyse et un lieu d’ouverture vers l’intérieur de la psychanalyse et ses différents courants autant que vers l’extérieur et les autres disciplines qui contribuent à la pensée de l’humain. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Trabajo y Derecho", "ISSN": "23868090, 23868112", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Twist", "ISSN": "17590418", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "University of Bucharest Review: Literary and Cultural Studies Series", "ISSN": "20698658", "Scope": "ScopeUniversity of Bucharest Review was founded in 1999 and has been a constant presence on the Romanian academic scene ever since. Over the years, we have published issues bearing such diverse titles as Fictions of Nature, Genres and Historicity, Durability and Transience, Writing the Self, or Modernity: The Crisis of Value and Judgment which include papers focusing on various topics from the fields of critical theory, literary criticism, social anthropology, British, American and Canadian cultural studies, translatology, comparative literature, the study of nationalism and postcommunism.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Vakcinologie", "ISSN": "18023150", "Scope": "ScopeČasopis Vakcinologie si klade za cíl být důležitým zdrojem informací pro praktické lékaře a pediatry v oblasti vakcinologie. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Veredas", "ISSN": "08745102, 2183816X", "Scope": "ScopeVeredas (e-ISSN 2183-816X) is a biannual journal of the International Association of Lusitanistas (Associação Internacional de Lusitanistas). It is a scientific publication that aims to disseminate researchs on the literature and culture of Portuguese-speaking countries. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Vertiflite", "ISSN": "424455", "Scope": "ScopeVertiflite magazine is the official publication of the Vertical Flight Society, the professional organization working for the advancement of vertical flight technology and its useful application throughout the world. Vertiflite's editorial energies are devoted to informing our readers of the advances being made in the industry and encouraging increasingly broader use of vertical flight aircraft. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Vox Romanica", "ISSN": "0042899X", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Waiguo Yuyan yu Wenhua", "ISSN": "20964366", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Weimarer Beitrage", "ISSN": "432199", "Scope": "ScopeDie Weimarer Beiträge sind eine Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft, aktuelle ästhetische Theorie und Kulturwissenschaft. Zu Ihren Schwerpunkten gehören moderne Literatur im Rahmen anderer Künste und Medien, die Wechselbeziehungen von Literatur, philosophischer und ästhetischer Reflexion sowie die kritische Analyse der Gegenwartskultur. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Westerly", "ISSN": "0043342X", "Scope": "ScopeThe Magazine has always sought to provide a Western Australian-based voice, although its contributors and subject matter have never been geographically exclusive. It publishes creative writing and scholarship from throughout the world, but maintains a special emphasis on Australia, particularly Western Australia, and the Asian region.\r\rWesterly has a strong international reputation, and is listed in some of the world’s major cultural indexes. It has been instrumental in the careers of many of the region’s most prominent and internationally renowned writers. These include major Western Australian writers such as Randolph Stow, Dorothy Hewett, T.A.G. Hungerford and Elizabeth Jolley; highly-awarded contemporary writers, including Tim Winton, Kim Scott, and Sally Morgan; and important local poets like John Kinsella, Tracy Ryan, John Mateer, and Lucy Dougan. Equally, it seeks to invest in emerging writers and support the development of new careers.\r\rIt is published at the Westerly Centre (formerly the Centre for Studies in Australian Literature) at the University of Western Australia, with assistance in project funding from the Western Australian State Government through the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries, and the Australian Federal Government through the Australia Council for the Arts. Our Writers’ Development Program and Mid-Career Fellowship is supported by Copyright Agency’s Cultural Fund. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Woman's Art Journal", "ISSN": "2707993", "Scope": "ScopeWoman’s Art Journal, a semiannual periodical published in May and November, addresses women’s art heritage and contemporary issues as they relate to women. Articles on individual women should focus on the subject’s life as well as her work and should include comments about how matters of gender affected her life and work. Contributors receive five copies of the issue in which their article appears. WAJ is supported primarily by subscription sales. Authors are urged to subscribe to WAJ and to ask their institutions and colleagues to do the same. No material previously published in the English language will be accepted for publication. If an article has previously been published in another language, that information must be supplied. Requests to reproduce articles for classroom use are fulfilled unless the author indicates otherwise. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "World Oil", "ISSN": "438790", "Scope": "ScopeWorld Oil’s mission is, “Defining Conventional, Shale and Offshore Technology for Oil and Gas.” World Oil readers are global, qualified upstream engineers, management, and operating professionals. World Oil brings buyers and sellers together through World Oil's superior, audited circulation and engaged online audience. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung fur Rechtsgeschichte, Romanistische Abteilung", "ISSN": "03234096, 23044934", "Scope": "ScopeThe Zeitschrift für Rechtsgeschichte (ZRG, also known as the Savigny Journal) represents an integral part of European legal history research, having made a significant contribution to the current state of the discipline.\r\rEach section publishes a new volume per year which includes an article and a literature section, each complemented by a Chronik and Mitteilungen section.\r\rThe Romanistic area of research traditionally represents a key piece of legal history. The contributions deal with the various jurisdictions of the ancient Mediterranean - especially the Sumerian, Greek and Roman jurisdictions - their historical impact on Europe and Asia Minor as well as the reception and discussion of modern legal systems around the world. Analytical contributions apply to single legal entities.\r\rComparative analyses trace developments. Current reports provide the newest results of excavations and library findings. The section “Dokumente” summarises source editions and translations. The main topics of the current global Romanistic research, new publications, and translations are reflected in the literature section in the form of detailed criticism. Obituaries, chronicle and notification sections are respected expert forums. We have presented the Romanistische Abteilung with a current source index at the end of each volume since 1997. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Zeitschrift fur Deutsches Altertum und Deutsche Literatur", "ISSN": "442518", "Scope": "ScopeOne of the oldest journals of German studies, Zeitschriftfür deutsches Altertum und deutsche Literatur was founded 1841 by Moritz Haupt. In 1876, the Anzeiger was incorporated, adding new areas of interest to the journal: besides German medieval language and literature also dialect studies and onomastics. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte", "ISSN": "442992", "Scope": "ScopeToday the Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte, founded in 1932 in Berlin, is one of the leading international journals for art historians around the world, publishing essays on all epochs, subjects and methodical approaches. Articles, reviewed by an independent body, are published in German, English, French or Italian. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Zivot Umjetnosti", "ISSN": "05147794, 18492207", "Scope": "ScopeŽivot umjetnosti is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published twice a year in a bilingual edition (Croatian and English). It conforms to the normative criteria for scholarly publications and nurtures the tradition of continuous publication since 1966. Dedicated to the fields of modern and contemporary art, urbanism, architecture and design, the journal covers a wide range of topics from addressing specific phenomena to deliberating on relevant issues at a theoretical level. The areas of Central and South East Europe are addressed with particular focus, as the contextual placement of Croatian art. The consideration for publishing is limited to original scholarly papers only. Besides scholarly texts, the editorial board holds the right to publish secondary content of expert nature: current events overviews, book reviews, interviews, translations of specialized literature into Croatian etc. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Zoophilologica", "ISSN": "24513849, 27192687", "Scope": "ScopePublished annually online, \"Zoophilologica. Polish Journal of Animal Studies\" is a scientific publication that aims at interdisciplinary research on the meanings attributed to animals. The way the knowledge in this area is coordinated and the reconstruction of modern nodal areas for thinking about the world of animals and humans involve the need to create an environment for the exchange of ideas that does not fit within a single domain. The journal constitutes a forum of expression for theoreticians and cultural historians as well as specialists in zoology and history of science. One of its founding hypotheses was that the perspective of animal studies allows for creating a direct link between worldview discussions and cultural changes in the human-animal relationship. This has already been confirmed by a variety of English-language studies; whereas this journal aims to reconstruct human and animal relations in Central and Eastern European countries as well as in other areas of culture. In subsequent publications, the proposed perspective is to present the hitherto unexplored changes of cultural and moral models that are present in the latest discussions on ecologically oriented humanities and its version “post.”\r\rThe specialist online journal is not only devoted to publishing articles on the new discipline of knowledge – zoophilology. It has been founded to meet contemporary expectations and requirements set by the representatives of “third culture” in animal studies, namely biohumanities and ecoposthumanism. The annual publication is part of the trend that can be observed in the developing young interdisciplinary fields under the label of “zoo,” i.e. zoopoetics, zoosemiotics, zooanthropology, zootheology, zoomusicology, zooethnology and even zoopharmacognosy, as well as any other new and related research directions, such as ecocritics, ecolinguistics or geopoetics. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Acta Asiatica Varsoviensia", "ISSN": "08606102, 24498653", "Scope": "ScopeActa Asiatica Varsoviensia (AAV) publishes texts belonging to the humanities, in particular cultural and religious studies, history, as well as philosophy and literary studies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Acta Classica", "ISSN": "651141", "Scope": "ScopeActa Classica (ISSN 0065-1141 [print] / 2227-538X [online]) publishes full articles, miscellaneous articles, review articles and reviews. The language of publication is mainly English, but many contributions have also been written in Afrikaans, German, French, Dutch, Latin, and Italian.\r\rActa Classica is an international journal. It has published work by scholars residing in South Africa, the United States of America, the United Kingdom of Great Britain, Canada, Australia, Germany, The Netherlands, Rhodesia and Nyasaland / Zimbabwe / Tanzania, Belgium, New Zealand, Italy, Israel, Poland, Greece, France, and Japan.\r\rThe journal publishes work in all fields of Classics, from textual criticism to the Classical Tradition / Reception Studies. Many contributions have been made in the field of Ancient History, but the majority have been literary in nature. Further contributions have been made in the field of Ancient Philosophy and Ancient Religion. Some interesting work has also been done in the history of Classical Scholarship -- including the work of South African Classics scholars -- Lexicography, Epigraphy, Art, and Archaeology. There have also been articles in such diverse areas of study as Research Methodology in Classics and Byzantine / Medieval Studies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Acta Classica Universitatis Scientiarum Debreceniensis", "ISSN": "0418453X, 27323390", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Acta Historica Tallinnensia", "ISSN": "14062925, 17367476", "Scope": "ScopeActa Historica Tallinnensia is an international history journal published since 1997 by the Estonian Academy of Sciences in collaboration with Tallinn University and the University of Tartu.\r\rThe journal is devoted to the history of the Eastern Europe, of the Baltic Sea region and of the Baltic States. We welcome papers dealing with any aspects of history from medieval to contemporary period.\r\rThe submitted papers should be original, unpublished, and not in consideration for publication elsewhere at the time of submission. All paper submissions, accepted by the editorial board, will be refereed in a double-blind review process by at least two reviewers with expertise in the relevant subject area.\r\rThe journal publishes research papers and review essays in English and in Estonian. All articles are provided with short summaries: if the article is written in Estonian, the summary should be in English, and vice versa. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Acta Literaria", "ISSN": "07160909, 07176848", "Scope": "ScopeActa Literaria offers its readers seven articles of academics and academics from Chile, Argentina and Mexico. The texts of the researchers and researchers included in the number we present constitute a current reflection of the orientations of literary studies in Latin America. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Acta Musei Napocensis", "ISSN": "14541513, 27344487", "Scope": "ScopeActa Musei Napocensis is an annual scientific journal, printed at the end of the year (December). Its purpose is to publish studies and articles in international languages, in the field of ancient history and archeology. All specialists conducting research in this field are invited to submit for evaluation and publication the results of their research, taking into account the evaluation rules of the journal, as well as the international rules on ethics in research and publication. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Acta Poloniae Historica", "ISSN": "16829", "Scope": "ScopePublished by the Institute of History, Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN). Publishers, the semiannual Acta Poloniae Historica (APH) ranks among the leading Polish historical periodicals in international circulation. Founded by the outstanding Polish historian Marian Małowist (1909–1988), APH has been published since 1958 under the patronage of the Committee for Historical Sciences. The magazine deals with problems and issues reflecting the most recent research findings and the output of Polish historians covering the historic periods spanning from the Middle Ages till the present, as well as offers a representation of the most important currents of world historiography in the Polish – and, more broadly, Central European – historiography.\r\rEvery volume of this periodical follows a defined structural pattern, including: Studies; Reviews; Short Notes – the latter referring to new publications, chronologically ordered from the mediaeval era to our day, worth presenting, especially, to the foreign reader; the Chronicle section offers reports on scientific or scholarly event worth being recorded and reported on. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Archaeologica", "ISSN": "02086034, 24498300", "Scope": "Scope\"Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Archaeologica” is the scholarly resource in the study of archaeology and historical archaeology. The journal aims to publish the results of archaeological research conducted mainly in Central Europe. FA publishes studies based both on material culture sources and on written records, ranging from the beginnings of culture to the present day. Within the thematic are also theoretical analyses on research methods and methodology.\r\rOn the national arena, but also on the European or world stage, we are distinguished primarily by the fact that we frequently publish in our pages works on research at archaeological sites from modern times, e.g. the period of World War I and II, as well as places related to the genocide of fascist and communist totalitarianism. Considering the subject and a group of outstanding researchers, not only archaeologists but also representatives of other scientific disciplines (historians, anthropologists, geographers, etc.), gives us a unique position, not only among Polish scientific journals, setting publication standards for new thematic ranges of archaeological research. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Actualizaciones en Osteologia", "ISSN": "16698975, 16698983", "Scope": "ScopeActualizaciones en Osteología is the official scientific journal of the Argentinean Association of Osteology and Mineral Metabolism (AAOMM). Actualizaciones en Osteogía publishes manuscripts written in Spanish or English describing clinical and experimental aspects within osteology and mineral metabolism. The articles should be original, meet the uniform requirements for manuscript submission and be comprised in one of the sections of the journal (Original Articles, Review Articles, Short Communications, Case Reports, Editorials, Letters to the Editor). Articles are peer-reviewed by national and international experts in the field. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Actuel Marx", "ISSN": "9944524", "Scope": "ScopeLa revue Actuel Marx, créée en 1986 par Jacques Bidet et Jacques Texier, a maintenant près de 30 ans. L’année 2006 aura été la première à porter la trace du changement de sa direction et de son comité de rédaction. En septembre 2005, Emmanuel Renault a succédé à Jacques Bidet, directeur de la revue depuis sa fondation. En mai 2015, Jean-Numa Ducange et Guillaume Sibertin-Blanc ont relayé Emmanuel Renault tout en s'inscrivant dans la continuité de leurs deux prédécesseurs, et en préservant le lien de la revue à l'équipe Sophiapol de l'université Paris-Ouest-Nanterre.\r\rChaque numéro associe un dossier thématique traitant de questions théoriques ou de questions plus directement en prise sur la conjoncture historique et politique, et un hors dossier d'interventions, d'entretiens et de recensions faisant état de la diversité des recherches internationales autour de Marx, des marxismes et des pensées critiques contemporaines. La nouvelle direction et le nouveau comité de rédaction revendiquent également une continuité intellectuelle avec les publications passées de la revue, l’objectif étant de renouveler des problématiques et de faciliter l’intelligibilité des articles.\r\rDepuis sa fondation, la revue Actuel Marx se propose de participer à la réélaboration d’une forme de pensée qui articule les traditions du marxisme aux autres courants majeurs de la pensée contemporaine. Elle a peu a peu constitué autour d’elle une communauté scientifique en relation avec les principaux autres centres comparables dans les diverses aires culturelles, notamment anglo-saxonne, allemande, italienne, espagnole, brésilienne, chinoise et japonaise.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ad Limina", "ISSN": "2171620X, 26595885", "Scope": "ScopeLa revista posee un carácter multilingüe ‒admite y publica textos en las principales lenguas oficiales de la Unión Europea‒, así como una clara vocación interdisciplinar e internacional que le permite dirigirse a un amplio espectro de investigadores de cualquier nacionalidad. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ada User Journal", "ISSN": "13816551", "Scope": "ScopeThe Ada User Journal provides coverage of significant work in a set of (evolving) topics of interest, which include, but are not limited to:\r\rAda Language Status and Evolution [...]\rAda Experience Reports[...]\rReal-Time, Embedded and Critical Applications[...]\rReliable Software and Software Engineering at large[...]\rEnabling Technologies[...]\rEducation and Training[...]Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics", "ISSN": "10765670", "Scope": "ScopeAdvances in Imaging & Electron Physics merges two long-running serials--Advances in Electronics & Electron Physics and Advances in Optical & Electron Microscopy. The series features extended articles on the physics of electron devices (especially semiconductor devices), particle optics at high and low energies, microlithography, image science and digital image processing, electromagnetic wave propagation, electron microscopy, and the computing methods used in all these domains. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Aegaeum", "ISSN": "7763808", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Aethiopica", "ISSN": "14301938, 21944024", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal focuses on philology, linguistics, archaeology, history, cultural anthropology, religion, philosophy, literature, and manuscript studies with a regional emphasis on Eritrea, Ethiopia, the Horn of Africa, and related areas. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Aevum - Rassegna di Scienze Storiche Linguistiche e Filologiche", "ISSN": "00019593, 1827787X", "Scope": "ScopeRassegna di Scienze storiche linguistiche e filologiche\rA cura della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia dell'Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore.\rAttualmente pubblica in tre fascicoli annuali – rispettivamente dedicati al mondo classico, al Medioevo, all'Occidente moderno – articoli brevi e lunghi, cronache, recensioni e annunzi bibliografici. Ogni fascicolo, offrendo pubblicazione di inediti, analisi rigorose, discussioni critiche e approfondimenti eruditi, contribuisce al progredire degli studi. «Aevum» è un periodico scientifico aperto a contributi nel campo della storia, della filologia, delle scienze documentarie (epigrafia, paleografia, ecc.), della tradizione culturale europea nella sua specificità e negli scambi con altre culture, dall'antichità all'età moderna. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Afterall", "ISSN": "14654253, 21564914", "Scope": "ScopeEstablished in 1998, Afterall is a journal of contemporary art that provides in-depth analysis of art and its social, political, and philosophical contexts. Each issue provides the reader with well-researched contributions that discuss each artist’s work from different perspectives. Contextual essays and other texts discussing events, works, or exhibitions further develop the thematic focus of each issue. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Agricultural Commodities", "ISSN": "18395619", "Scope": "ScopeAgricultural Commodities is published by the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics (ABARE), an Australian government economic research agency noted for its professionally independent research and analysis, and forecasting.\r\rAgricultural Commodities includes forecasts for the full range of export commodities, so that industries can better plan their future based on sound research. Commodity results cover agriculture, minerals, energy, fisheries and forestry.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "AIChE, Ammonia Plant Safty and Related Facilities v12 (CEP Tech Manual)", "ISSN": "3607011", "Scope": "ScopeExperts from around the world will discuss the latest advances related to the safe production and use of ammonia, case studies, and lessons learned. \rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Air Force Magazine", "ISSN": "7306784", "Scope": "ScopeAir Force Magazine is the official publication of the Air Force Association. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Aither", "ISSN": "18037860", "Scope": "ScopeAither is a double-blind peer review, Open Access online academic journal. It is indexed at ERIH+ and Scopus. It is published by the Faculty of Arts of the Palacký University in Olomouc in cooperation with the Philosophical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. It comes out twice a year. Every second issue is international and contains foreign-language articles (mainly in English, but also in German and French). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ajalooline Ajakiri", "ISSN": "14063859, 22283897", "Scope": "Scope“Ajalooline Ajakiri. The Estonian Historical Journal” is peer-reviewed academic journal of the Institute of History and Archaeology, University of Tartu. It accepts articles in Estonian, English or German. It is open to submissions from all parts of the world and on all fields of history, but articles, reviews and communications on the history of the Baltic region are preferred.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Akroterion", "ISSN": "03031896, 20792883", "Scope": "ScopeAkroterion welcomes scholarly contributions on all aspects of Greek and Roman civilization. Preference is given to articles that will also appeal to the non-specialist. We particularly encourage submission of articles dealing with the influence and reception of the Classics. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Aleph", "ISSN": "15533956, 15651525", "Scope": "ScopeAleph is devoted to the exploration of the interface between Judaism and science in history. We welcome contributions on any chapter in the history of science in which Judaism played a significant role, or on any chapter in the history of Judaism in which science played a significant role. Science is conceived very broadly, including the social sciences and the humanities. History of science is also broadly construed within its social and cultural dimensions.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "American and British Studies Annual", "ISSN": "18036058, 27882233", "Scope": "ScopeThe American and British Studies Annual (ABSA, ISSN 2788-2233) is an open-access scholarly peer-reviewed journal focused on American and British cultural studies. . Our aim is to create a platform for scholarly exchange not only within the Czech Republic but internationally. We seek original articles that explore wide range of issues concerning American and British literature, visual arts, music and other cultural phenomena as well as cultural history. The editors encourage submissions from scholars working in various disciplines with interests in American and British cultures, as well as articles with interdisciplinary perspectives on those cultures. We also devote a portion of the journal to outstanding undergraduate student contributions. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "American City and County", "ISSN": "0149337X", "Scope": "ScopeAmerican City & County has been the voice of state and local government since 1909. The magazine serves a powerful audience of city, county and state officials who are charged with developing and implementing government policy, programs and projects. The magazine maintains its leadership position by providing these readers with news, government trends, policy alternatives and operational solutions. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "American Forests", "ISSN": "28541", "Scope": "ScopeAmerican Forests has been publishing its magazine since 1895. Filled with beautiful photographs and informative articles highlighting our nation’s forests and trees, American Forests features information for everyone from the environmentally conscious to the outdoor enthusiast. Its feature articles take readers into America’s forests to discover new trails and adventures or to uncover the latest science and policy breakthroughs. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "American Journal of Forensic Psychology", "ISSN": "7331290", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal was founded in 1983 and continues to publish thought-provoking, original papers that raise new questions and issues in the engaging field of forensic psychology. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "American Journal of Numismatics", "ISSN": "10538356", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "American Nineteenth Century History", "ISSN": "14664658, 17437903", "Scope": "ScopeAmerican Nineteenth Century History is a peer-reviewed, transatlantic journal devoted to the history of the United States during the long nineteenth century. It welcomes contributions on themes and topics relating to America in this period: slavery, race, and ethnicity, the Civil War and Reconstruction, military history, American nationalism, urban history, immigration and ethnicity, western history, the history of women, gender studies, African Americans and Native Americans, cultural studies and comparative pieces. In addition to articles based on original research, historiographical pieces, reassessments of historical controversies, and reappraisals of prominent events or individuals are welcome. Special issues devoted to a particular theme or topic will also be considered. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "American Poetry Review", "ISSN": "3603709", "Scope": "ScopeThe American Poetry Review is dedicated to reaching a worldwide audience with a diverse array of the best contemporary poetry and literary prose. APR also aims to expand the audience interested in poetry and literature, and to provide authors, especially poets, with a far-reaching forum in which to present their work.\r\rThe American Poetry Review has been in continuous publication since 1972 and has presented the work of over 5,000 writers. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care", "ISSN": "13104284", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Analele Banatului: Arheologie - Istorie", "ISSN": "1221678X", "Scope": "ScopeThe published articles are of archaeological,\rhistorical and museological interest and are\rmainly related to the region of Banat, but also to romanian and universal history.\rThe structure of the journal is the following:\r– Archaeology and Ancient History\r– Medieval, Modern and Contemporary History\r– History of culture, Museology, Historiography, Catalogues, Varia. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Analele Universitatii din Craiova - Seria Istorie", "ISSN": "12245704", "Scope": "ScopeSince its first appearance in 1996, A.U.C.H. focused on enriching the interdisciplinary research in the field of humanistic and social sciences, especially history by highlighting the new topics of the international and regional developments such as: historical events; international politics; European policies; regional security and political systems in the European Union; the quality of democracy in Eastern Europe; the threats to political pluralism and liberal society; the European and Euro-Atlantic integration; media, migration, communication and social security in hybrid societies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Anales de Historia del Arte", "ISSN": "02146452, 19882491", "Scope": "ScopeAnales de Historia del Arte intends, beginning in 2018, to publish the most current national and international scientific research and thought in the field of History of Art and Visual Culture, covering a timeline that ranges from its origins to the present. This new period will offer researchers with a channel where they can share their theoretical reflections, in addition to providing a framework for viewing art within the context of the social challenges of today's world and a forum where they can discuss, from an academic perspective, the issues of heritage conservation, gender debates, education on aesthetics and ethics, as well as the major questions that the globalised world poses in relation to the new transcultural and cross-functional standpoints in the field of art and history. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Anales de Literatura Chilena", "ISSN": "7176058", "Scope": "ScopeLiteratura Chilena es una publicación del Centro de Estudios de Literatura Chilena de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (CELICH), cuyos objetivos principales son el estudio, la investigación, la difusión y la conservación del patrimonio de la literatura chilena. De acuerdo con estos propósitos, se incluyen en sus páginas artículos, notas, documentos y reseñas sobre todos los géneros literarios, tradicionales y modernos: poesía, narrativa, dramaturgia, ensayo, memorias, etc. La revista aparece semestralmente en los meses de junio y diciembre. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Annales Universitates Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia ad Didacticam Mathematicae Pertinentia", "ISSN": "20809751, 2450341X", "Scope": "ScopeAnnales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia ad Didacticam Mathematicae Pertinentia is a journal which focuses on mathematics education research especially at the university level. We also accept well written reviews and conferences reports.\r\rJournal articles cover a wide range of topic:\r\r1. Theoretical background and methods in didactics of mathematics.\r\r2. Conceptions and methods for pre-service and in-service mathematics’ teacher training.\r\r3. Methods of obtaining mathematical goals at different levels of mathematical education.\r\r4. Teaching and learning process at different levels of mathematical education.\r\r5. Didactical proposals for different mathematical courses and innovative modes of their organizing.\r\r6. Proposals of original lectures, classes or seminars for university students of mathematics.\r\r7. Relationships between pure mathematics and mathematics for teaching at schools.\r\r8. New technologies in mathematical education.\r\r9. Mathematical modeling and application of mathematical theories for teaching and learning process.\r\r10. Presentation of the best diploma and master dissertations. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Annali dell'Istituto Storico Itali-Germanico in Trento", "ISSN": "03920011, 26122251", "Scope": "ScopeThe «Annali dell’Istituto storico italo germanico in Trento / Jahrbuch des italienisch-deutschen historischen Instituts in Trient» were founded in 1975 as a multi-language journal. It publishes the research results obtained at the Istituto Storico Italo-Germanico (ISIG) of the Fondazione Bruno Kessler in Trento as well as articles by non-affiliated scholars on Italian and German history from the Middle Ages to the recent past in a European context. Particular emphasis is placed on the relations among Italy, Austria, and Germany. As of 2018, the \"Annali / Jahrbuch\" are a monographic journal, edited by one or more historians, each issue offering five to seven articles. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Annali di Scienze Religiose", "ISSN": "20315929, 22948775", "Scope": "ScopeAnnali di Scienze Religiose is a periodical stemming from the research activities of the Department of Religious Science at the Università Cattolica di Milano (Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan) which apply a multidisciplinary approach to religious phenomena and focus particular attention on the three monotheistic religions and religions of the ancient Mediterranean world. It features contributions from Italian and foreign scholars writing in the main European languages and Arabic. Each issue is subdivided into a monographic section which gives its name to the subtitle of the issue, a section on conferences with texts that employ a scientific approach in dealing with a wide range of historical and comparative topics, and lastly, a section regarding studies presenting timely contributions on specific themes. Every issue ends with the Ambrosian Bibliography, an annual survey of publications regarding the person and works of Ambrose of Milan. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Annals of the Naprstek Museum", "ISSN": "0231844X", "Scope": "ScopeAnnals of the Náprstek Museum je odborný recenzovaný časopis vydávaný Národním muzeem, kde jsou publikovány výsledky vědeckého bádání z oboru etnologie, archeologie, historie, které ještě nebyly zveřejněny a které jsou tematicky zaměřeny na oblast materiální a duchovní kultury a sociálních vztahů v mimoevropských kulturách. Od roku 1962, kdy byl založen, vycházel jednou ročně, od roku 2013 vychází dvakrát ročně. Každé číslo je strukturováno do čtyř oddílů: 1. Studie, 2. Zprávy z výzkumu, 3. Materialia, 4. Recenze literatury zabývající se mimoevropskými kulturami. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Annuaire Roumain d'Anthropologie", "ISSN": "5702259", "Scope": "ScopeAnnuaire Roumain d’Anthropologie is the journal of the \"Francisc I. Rainer\" Institute of Anthropology of the Romanian Academy, published yearly since 1964.The journal publishes original research and reviews of anthropology covering paleoanthropology (human osteology, bioarchaeology, forensic anthropology, and paleopathology), bio-medical anthropology (auxology, behavioral ecology, epidemiology, medical anthropology, nutrition, and population biology), social and cultural anthropology (ethnology, linguistics, social change, and traditional medicine), anthropological ethics and methodology, and overlapping areas. The publishing languages are English or French, with an English-written abstract. \r\rSince 2009 the journal uses the peer review procedure. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Anos 90", "ISSN": "0104236X, 1983201X", "Scope": "ScopeAnos 90 is the open access e-journal of the Postgraduate Program in History at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (PPGH / UFRGS). It aims to disseminate advanced and recent research in the area of history and related areas which contributes to the production of historical knowledge and fosters discussion and research.\r\rAnos 90 publishes original and unpublished articles resulting from recent research carried out in History and related areas in Portuguese, English, and Spanish . All manuscripts have been approved in the blind peer review process either in continuous flow or for thematic dossiers.\r\rAnnually the Anos 90 publish a call for submission of proposals of thematic dossiers that are evaluated by the Executive Editorial Committee and external experts. The organizers of the approved proposals are responsible for suggesting to the Editorial Committee the evaluators of the articles submitted to the dossier. The articles submitted to the dossiers undergo the same blind peer review process that the articles and reviews submitted in a continuous flow. Anos 90 may also publish interviews, translations, and historical documents if the Editorial Committee, the dossiers organizers, and the Advisory Board regard them as relevant. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Antiguedad y Cristianismo", "ISSN": "02147165, 19896182", "Scope": "ScopeAntigüedad y Cristianismo is a scientific journal of international specialized in Late Antiquity and published annually by the University of Murcia. It was founded in 1984 by Professor Antonino González Blanco, and throughout its decades of existence it has avoided synthesis or merely descriptive works and has welcomed a wide variety of monographs, articles, news and contributions of an original and scientific nature in all fields of Late Antiquity (material culture, literary sources, mentality, historiography, repertoire of novelties and book criticism, among others). This broad-spectrum dimension has not led to the neglect of other research focused on specific geographical areas, in which historical aspects have been dealt with in their regional manifestation, without altering the level of scientific demand when it comes to providing original and novel elements as opposed to mere reworking or synthesis. Truthfulness and honesty are the most precious identifying traits for the journal Antigüedad y Cristianismo, so we will establish guidelines for work based strictly on the serious and scientific methodology of the work of the researcher.\r\rThis journal is open to all methodological approaches and orientations that pass the relevant examination of the editorial board, inviting aspirants to present a general topic or monographic for discussion that serves as a conceptual and thematic framework for the manuscripts submitted. The distinctive feature of the editorial line of this journal is the search for original works, unpublished, clear and concise, which can make a new contribution, professionally and methodologically solvent, significant in the field of studies of Late Antiquity. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Antike und Abendland", "ISSN": "00035696, 16130421", "Scope": "ScopeThe yearbook Antike und Abendland is a forum for interdisciplinary discussion of topics from Antiquity and the history of their later effects. The Editorial Board contains representatives from the disciplines of Classical Studies, Ancient History, Germanic Studies, Romance Studies and English Studies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Antiqvorvm Philosophia", "ISSN": "19735030, 19744501", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Appalachian Journal", "ISSN": "903779", "Scope": "ScopeAppalachian Journal, founded in 1972, is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed quarterly featuring field research, interviews, and other scholarly studies of history, politics, economics, culture, folklore, literature, music, ecology, and a variety of other topics, as well as poetry and reviews of books, films, and recordings dealing with the region of the Appalachian mountains. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Arcadia", "ISSN": "00037982, 16130642", "Scope": "Scopearcadia is a biannual peer-reviewed international, intercultural and interdisciplinary journal that welcomes reflexive and informed comparative and critical approaches to literary works, films, theatre plays, to social, political, cultural, visual and media phenomena, to translations, literary and cultural migrations and transfers as well as to theoretical, methodological and philosophical questions. It publishes contributions in German, English, and French from all over the world and keeps its pages open to a broad variety of theories and methods. It fosters innovation, recontextualization and reconceptualization derived from a confrontation between different, and often asymmetric, national, cultural, gendered, economic, geopolitical, intellectual, disciplinary and institutional settings. Next to the proposals for thematic clusters and special issues, the journal also invites independent articles by both eminent and emerging scholars. After an initial editorial screening, submissions undergo a blind review process by an international advisory board and other experts in the field. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Archeologia Classica", "ISSN": "3918165", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Archeo-Nil", "ISSN": "11610492", "Scope": "ScopeFounded in 1990 by Dr. Béatrix Midant-Reynes, the Archéo-Nil Journal is dedicated to the Prehistory and Protohistory of the Nile Valley and its environs.\rIts themes concern a very broad chronology, from the first Neolithic communities until the emergence of complex societies within a wide geographical area,\rfrom the shores of Eastern Mediterranean Sea, to the sources of the River Nile, as well as their neighbouring desert regions. At the crossroads of various\rdisciplines such as Prehistory, Archaeology, Egyptology, Anthropology or Ethnology; Archéo-Nil is a journal not only targeted at scholars within these fields.\rThe Society aims to facilitate the exchange of ideas between scholars and professionals as well as the much wider public. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Architecture d'Aujourd Hui", "ISSN": "38695", "Scope": "ScopeL’Architecture d’Aujourd’hui est une revue internationale, résolument contemporaine et ouverte sur les disciplines de l’urbanisme, du design, des arts et du paysage. Son ambition est d’éclairer l’architecture par le biais de 6 numéros thématiques par an et de trois collections de hors-séries, diffusés en France et à l’étranger. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Archiv fur Musikwissenschaft", "ISSN": "39292", "Scope": "ScopeThe Archiv für Musikwissenschaft (\"Musicology Archive\") reflects the state of research in music history and current methodology in the discipline of musicology. Founded in 1918, the journal interrupted publication in 1927, but has appeared continuously since 1952. It is one of the leading professional journals in the German-speaking countries, but enjoys global recognition and standing. At the same time, the refereed journal provides young musicologists a platform for the publication of their research findings.\r\rIn spite of its historical emphasis, the journal is open to all areas of research in music, whether it be transdisciplinary, intercultural, ethnographic or analytical. In its broad spectrum of musical subjects and approaches, the Archiv für Musikwissenschaft serves the goal of promoting contemporary theoretical insights in music.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Archiv fur Reformationsgeschichte", "ISSN": "00039381, 21980489", "Scope": "ScopeThe Archive for Reformation History is an international journal which publishes articles relating to aspects of early modern European religious life and thought that touch on the Reformation and Catholic/Counter Reformation movements. The journal is also concerned with the extension of European theology and practice into the extra-European world. Its chronological range is approximately 1450-1650.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Archiv fur Volkerkunde", "ISSN": "666513", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Archives Juives", "ISSN": "00039837, 19650531", "Scope": "ScopeArchives Juives is a leading reference for the history of Jews in France and North Africa, mainly in the contemporary era. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Archives of American Art Journal", "ISSN": "00039853, 23270667", "Scope": "ScopeFirst published in 1960 as the Archives of American Art Bulletin, the Archives of American Art Journal is the longest-running scholarly periodical devoted to the history of art in the United States. This peer-reviewed publication showcases new approaches to and out-of-the-box thinking about primary sources. All contributions must be appropriate for the journal's broad audience and engage in a substantial, meaningful way with the holdings of the Archives of American Art. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Archivio Storico Italiano", "ISSN": "3917770", "Scope": "ScopeL’Archivio storico italiano è la più antica rivista storica italiana in corso e una delle più antiche del mondo. La sua origine risale all’iniziativa di Gian Pietro Vieusseux, che nel 1842 insieme al gruppo dei suoi primi collaboratori volle iniziare la pubblicazioni di ‘opere e documenti finora inediti o divenuti rarissimi risguardanti la Storia d’Italia’.\rA oltre cento sessant’anni di vita ininterrotta, per un totale di quasi settecento fascicoli, la rivista continua ad ospitare contributi di storia italiana ed europea dal Medioevo all’età contemporanea, con una spiccata attenzione allo studio di documentazione inedita.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Archivium Hibernicum", "ISSN": "448745", "Scope": "ScopeArchivium Hibernicum is a refereed history journal and the organ of the Catholic Historical Society of Ireland, founded in 1911. It is published annually in the department of ecclesiastical history, St Patrick’s College, Maynooth and the department of history, Maynooth University.\r\rThe journal publishes archival sources and scholarly articles on Irish religious, cultural and political history and on the Irish abroad. It also acts as a discussion forum for Irish, British and European historiography and for digital humanities. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Archivo de Arte Valenciano", "ISSN": "2115808", "Scope": "ScopeArchivo de Arte Valenciano is a scientific journal founded in 1915 and focused on Cultural\rHeritage, that is published on paper and electronic media. It is edited by the Royal Fine Arts\rAcademy of San Carlos of Valencia, on an annual basis. Its objective is to publish unpublished\rtexts resulting from research carried out by scholars interested in Fine Arts, in the broadest\rsense, in order to disseminate the heritage and enrich the scientific background in the various\rareas of the Academy. It is mainly addressed to the scientific and university community at\rnational and international level, as well as to art professionals in general. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Archivum Franciscanum Historicum", "ISSN": "40665", "Scope": "ScopeDal 1908 questa rivista scientifica dei Frati Editori di Quaracchi, che applica un processo di referaggio esterno ai contributi, è un importante strumento di riferimento per gli studiosi interessati alla storia francescana.\r\rContiene articoli scritti in inglese, francese, tedesco, italiano e spagnolo con priorità alla presentazione/edizione di fonti inedite.\r\rGli articoli sono normalmente pubblicati in una delle due sezioni seguenti: Discussiones et documenta, per articoli più ampi di interesse generale, e Miscellanea, per contributi più brevi, eventualmente di interesse regionale o locale. Circa ogni due anni, almeno un numero può contenere un dossier tematico per il quale il Comitato di redazione determina l'argomento e invita potenziali collaboratori.\r\rOgni numero è completato dalle sezioni Summaria (abstract), Recensiones, Notae bibliographicae e Libri ad nos missi. Inoltre, il secondo numero di ogni volume contiene un indice analitico e l’elenco degli indirizzi di tutti i collaboratori. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Argumenta Philosophica", "ISSN": "24624993, 24625906", "Scope": "ScopeAn international academic philosophical research journal published twice a year. Oriented to university audiences. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Arion - Journal of Humanities and the Classics", "ISSN": "955809", "Scope": "ScopeArion is one of the most distinguished classics journals and is undoubtedly the most original. It has been published by Boston University since 1990.\r\r“More than humane philology is essential for keeping the classics as a living force. Arion therefore exists to publish work that needs to be done and that otherwise might not get done. We want to stimulate, provoke, even “plant” work that now finds no encouragement or congenial home elsewhere. This means swimming against the mainstream, resisting the extremes of conventional philology and critical fashion into which the profession is now polarized. \rur commitment is to a genuine and generous pluralism that opens up rather than polarizes classical studies. We will not be coerced into conforming either to the traditional paradigms or to the “new” metaphysic and ideological absolutism of contemporary theory. If we are to move beyond the cant of “isms” now dominating the academy, intellectual daring is needed, not disciplinary diffidence.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Arms and Armour", "ISSN": "17416124, 17496268", "Scope": "ScopeArms & Armour is a leading multidisciplinary journal publishing research from scholars around the world on the use, development, decoration and display of arms and armour throughout history. The journal engages with many areas of academic study including ancient, medieval, military and modern history; the history of science and technology; the fine and visual arts; design; ballistics; forensic science; war and conflict studies and museology. The journal also includes reviews of recently published books. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ars Adriatica", "ISSN": "18481590, 18487459", "Scope": "ScopeJournal of the Department of Art History at the University of Zadar, Ars Adriatica, publishes scientific and professional papers in history and theory of arts, in that covers questions and phenomena of visual cultures of Adriatic rim, their urbanistic and architectural forms, painting, sculpture and applied arts, as well as the questions of research methodologies, museum and curatorial praxis, and heritage conservation.\r\rJournal is published annually, and the articles may be submitted in Croatian, English, Italian, French, Spanish or German. The deadline for the articles planned for the current issue is July 1st. Scientific articles undergo at least two independent “double blind” reviews. Articles and reviews are not paid for.\r\rArs Adriatica is an Open Access journal. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, redistribute, print, search and publish links, as well as alter, transform, or build upon its content, or use them for any other lawful purpose as long as they attribute the source in an appropriate manner according to the CC BY 4.0 licence. Authors retain unrestricted copyright to their work and publishing rights. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ars Aeterna", "ISSN": "13379291, 24508497", "Scope": "ScopeThe multidisciplinary journal focused on the questions of art and its importance in the contemporary world for the development of culture, mutual understanding, and the human Self. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ars (Sao Paulo)", "ISSN": "16785320, 21780447", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Arti Musices", "ISSN": "05875455, 18489303", "Scope": "ScopeArti musices is the only specialized scholarly journal in the field of musicology in Croatia. It has been published continously since 1969 in Zagreb. \rSubjects displayed in the journal are various: biographical, archival, analytical, historical, sociological, aesthetic, ethnic, iconographical, pedagogical, acoustic etc. Many various subjects offer interesting texts to divers structures of readers, from musicologists and musicians to a wide range of the intellectuals interested in musical culture, and finally, to every music lover interested in particular themes.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "ARTnews", "ISSN": "43273", "Scope": "ScopeFounded in 1902, ARTnews is the oldest and most widely circulated art magazine in the world. Its readership of 180,000 in 124 countries includes collectors, dealers, historians, artists, museum directors, curators, connoisseurs, and enthusiasts. Published in print four times a year, it reports on the art, people, issues, trends, and events shaping the international art world. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Arzneimitteltherapie", "ISSN": "7236913", "Scope": "ScopeSchwerpunktmäßig werden in der Arzneimitteltherapie folgende Gebiete behandelt\r\rPharmakologische Übersichtsartikel zu einzelnen Medikamentengruppen oder zu einzelnen Wirkstoffen\rÜbersichtsbeiträge zur medikamentösen Therapie eines Krankheitsbilds\rVorstellung neuer Substanzen und kritische Bewertung durch Experten\rBeiträge, die über in der Entwicklung befindliche Therapieansätze informieren\rPharmakotherapeutische Fallbeispiele\rErgebnisse von Consensuskonferenzen\rReferate von wichtigen Arbeiten zu Fragen der Pharmakotherapie aus der internationalen medizinischen Literatur und von internationalen Kongressen. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Aschkenas", "ISSN": "10164987, 18659438", "Scope": "ScopeAschkenas focuses on the history and culture of the Ashkenazic Jews (those living in Central and Western Europe as well as North Italy), from the time when Ashkenazic Jewish culture was gradually forming in late Antiquity and the early Middle Ages up to the emancipation of the Jews in the 19th century. It also includes articles dealing with issues outside this period of time and geographical area. Aschkenas publishes essays, source editions, literature and research reports as well as reviews of current new publications. All published articles have undergone single blind peer review with at least one external reviewer. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Asia Maior", "ISSN": "23852526", "Scope": "ScopeAsia Maior. The Journal of the Italian Think Tank on Asia founded by Giorgio Borsa in 1989 is the journal of Asia Maior – An Italian think tank on Asia (the legal name of which, in Italian, is: «Associazione Asia Maior»). Asia Maior is a peer-reviewed journal which has been classified by ANVUR, the Italian authority in charge of the evaluation of Italian higher education and research, as a class A journal in the field of Asia’s history. It is possible to publish in Asia Maior only by invitation; authors are chosen on the basis of their previous scientific work. However, scholars with adequate experience, who are willing to publish, are encouraged to submit their candidacy, accompanied by a curriculum vitae and a paper whose subject is related to the country which the aspirant author desires to analyse in Asia Maior.\r\rBefore being published in Asia Maior, all articles, whether commissioned or unsolicited, after being first evaluated by the Journal’s editors, are then submitted to a double-blind peer review involving up to three anonymous referees. Coherently with the double-blind peer review process, Asia Maior does not make public the name of the reviewers. However, the reviewers’ names – and, if need be, the whole correspondence between the journal’s editors and the reviewer/s – can be disclosed to interested institutions, upon a formal request made directly to the Editor in Chief of the journal. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Asian Case Research Journal", "ISSN": "02189275, 17936772", "Scope": "ScopeThe Asian Case Research Journal's (ACRJ) principal objective is to publish high-quality teaching cases on Asian companies and companies operating in Asia. We accept submissions from various areas including strategic management, marketing, organizational behavior/human resources, entrepreneurship, operations management, management information systems (MIS), economics, finance and accounting, and other relevant business disciplines. Priority is given to recent cases highlighting Asia-related business challenges with broad appeal and relevance to instructors and students worldwide. The date of occurrence of the case event should be recent ¨C no more than 3 years old. For cases that are older than 3 years, authors should provide a valid justification for this exception upon submission. All submissions should be based upon original research and will be selected through a double blind review process.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Asian Textile Journal", "ISSN": "9713425", "Scope": "ScopeAsian Textile Journal (ATJ) is a monthly textile magazine which is in its 29th year of publication for businesses involved in the textile manufacturing industry from fibres to spinning and weaving, knitting, chemical processing to finished garments, nonwovens, composites, environmental aspects etc. It provides expert comments and analyses on general industry trends, corporate business profiles, technological developments and innovations. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Astragalo", "ISSN": "11343672, 24690503", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Atlanti+", "ISSN": "26704560, 26704579", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Augustinian Studies", "ISSN": "00945323, 21537917", "Scope": "ScopeAugustinian Studies is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal devoted to the study of the life, teachings, and influence of Augustine of Hippo. It publishes articles from a variety of disciplines and perspectives including philosophy, theology, and history, as well as article-length reviews of appropriate publications. While the primary focus of the journal is the study of Augustine himself, articles illuminating aspects of Augustinian studies more broadly conceived are also included when they contribute to the understanding of Augustine's life or thought. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Augustiniana", "ISSN": "48003", "Scope": "ScopeAUGUSTINIANA (ISSN : 0004-8003) is the peer-reviewed scholarly international journal of the Augustinian Historical Institute (Belgium), devoted to the study of Saint Augustine, the Augustinian Order, Augustinianism and Jansenism.\rIt was founded in 1951 by N. Teeuwen (osa), making it one of the oldest still existing journals specialized in the study of Augustine. Under the guidance of the esteemed prof. T.J. van Bavel (osa) (†2007), the journal soon became an international platform for researchers. Its wide international orientation is illustrated by the fact that since long the journal accepts articles written in English, French, German, Spanish and Italian. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Aurora", "ISSN": "15755045, 20149107", "Scope": "ScopeAurora: papeles del Seminario María Zambrano és una revista d'investigació filosòfica, centrada en l'obra de María Zambrano i oberta a l'ample camp temàtic i de referències al que aquesta remet. El seu objectiu és proporcionar els mitjans que facilitin i afavoreixin l'estudi de la filosofia zambraniana, difondre els resultats del treball realitzat en torn a la mateixa i promoure la relació entre investigadors, estudiosos i interessats en el pensament de l'autora, d'àmbit nacional i internacional.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Aussiger Beitrage", "ISSN": "18026419", "Scope": "ScopeThe Aussiger Beiträge assumes a common German-Austrian-Czech cultural framework to give space to the issues of \"classic\" foreign German Studies, as well as to promising innovative research interests, together with a dialogue between younger and older generations. In addition to academic papers, we publish reviews of important German Studies publications, as well as conference and project reports. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Australian and New Zealand Journal of Art", "ISSN": "14434318, 22031871", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Austrian Review of International and European Law", "ISSN": "13851306", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Automotive Industries AI", "ISSN": "10994130", "Scope": "ScopeAutomotive Industries (AI) is the world\"s oldest continually published trade publication covering the automaking business. It was founded in November 1895 as \"The Horseless Age,\" the first magazine created to cover the world’s transition from horse-drawn conveyances to those powered by the new internal combustion engine. The magazine changed its name to \"The Automobile\" in July 1909, an era when gasoline, steam and electricity all vied for preeminence in motive power. \r\rThe magazine’s present name was established in November 1917. The title was briefly amended to \"Automotive and Aviation Industries\" during the World War II years. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Azafea", "ISSN": "02133563, 24447072", "Scope": "ScopeIt is a philosophy magazine founded in 1985 and whose theme was initially the history of Hispanic philosophy. He had a first stage that included the first three numbers for, since 2001, to extend the object of his studies to the whole of philosophy. Since then, all the volumes have focused on a monographic theme and then, in addition, a miscellany section is included. His later director has been Cirilo Flórez Miguel, Professor of Philosophy at the University of Salamanca. The journal has an annual periodicity (1 volume per year) and publishes the texts in Spanish fundamentally, although all its articles have, in addition, the title, the abstract and the key words also in English. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Baku State University Law Review", "ISSN": "24125555", "Scope": "ScopeBaku State University Law Review is the first and only student-run and peer-reviewed academic journal in Azerbaijan and a publication of Student Academic Society of BSU Law School. It was founded in November 2014. The review promotes academic and professional approach to contemporary legal issues which exist in national and comparative law. Clarification of debatable issues with induction of theoretical concepts, judicial and legislation practice of foreign countries, promote legal criticism, creative thinking, and legal culture on both academic and practical sphere are basic principles of the Law Review. The Law Review determines possible solutions to actual issues with reference to legal reasoning and opportunities given by legal science and avoiding repetition as primary purposes of Review. Encouraging law students to academic research with making them develop their legal writing and legal thinking skills and make this as a fair competition are permanent goals of Review. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Balkanistica", "ISSN": "3602206", "Scope": "ScopeBalkanistica invites papers written in English that studies the Balkans or Southeastern Europe–Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary, Macedonia, Moldova, Romania, Slovenia, Turkey, or the successor states to the former Yugoslavia–in disciplines including (but not limited to) anthropology, archaeology, culture, economics, education, history, language and linguistics, literature, political science, sociology, or comparative or contrastive study of two or more countries and/or disciplines. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Baptist quarterly, The", "ISSN": "0005576X, 20567731", "Scope": "ScopeBaptist Quarterly engages Baptist heritage and history, not only encouraging readers to recall the past, but enabling them to reflect on Baptist life today, and to be challenged and inspired for tomorrow.\r\rThis journal reflects the interests of the Baptist Historical Society and aids research into Baptist history, whether for full-time academics, for those interested in the history of local churches or for Baptist family members. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Beitrage zur Mittelalterarchaologie in Osterreich", "ISSN": "10110062", "Scope": "ScopeEntsprechend den statutengemäßen Vereinszielen dient die Zeitschrift der Präsentation und Verbreitung aktueller archäologischer Forschungsergebnisse mit einem zeitlichen Schwerpunkt von der Völkerwanderungszeit bis in das 19. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "BELLETEN Yearbook of Turkic Studies", "ISSN": "05645050, 26515113", "Scope": "ScopeThe aim of Yearbook of Turkic Studies - Belleten is to support the improvement of Turkish language studies and the advance in qualified language researches. The journal provides a scientific platform concerning various contemporary and historical topics, which will attract the Turkish language researchers’ attention and will interest a large audience of readers who pursue their studies on language while also introducing the works on the field and bringing them to the attention of researchers.\r•\tThe Belleten journal, which is an international refereed journal, is published once a year as one volume and two issues. (June and December)\r•\tIn Belleten, there are scientific writings that treat the history, present state, the grammar and current problems of Turkish language.\r•\tIn the journal, there are also writings, which introduce authors, and works that treat the history of Turkish language, its present state, Turkish grammar and its current problems and that announce the new activities.\r•\tThe writings sent to be published in Belleten journal must not have been published anywhere else. The proceedings presented at congresses and conference papers may be sent on condition that they are not published in proceedings books.\r•\tThe general publishing language of the journal is Turkish but articles in contemporary Turkish written languages and in English, German, French and Russian are also included.\r•\tThe abstracts of articles to be sent to the journal should have abstracts of at least 100 and at most 200 words in Turkish and English and key words in both languages should be on the first page.\r•\tThe writings received by the journal are published after the necessary referee examinations. The editorial board has the right not to publish the articles sent. The Editorial Board/ Editor may make small corrections on the articles published that will not impair their integrity.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ben Jonson Journal", "ISSN": "10793453, 1755165X", "Scope": "ScopeThe Ben Jonson Journal is a peer-reviewed, twice-a-year review devoted to the study of Ben Jonson and the culture in which his manifold literary efforts thrived. It includes essays on poetry, theatre, criticism, religion, law, the court, the curriculum, medicine, commerce, the city, and family life.\r\rThe journal is also concerned with the manifestation of these and other interests in Renaissance life and culture generally and so contains material not only concerning Jonson specifically but of significance to the age in which he lived. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Biblos", "ISSN": "08704112, 21837139", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra, Biblos Revista da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra, assumes an interdisciplinary orientation and is intended for a public receptive and interested in the Humanities, the Social Sciences and the promotion of Arts and Culture. The journal accepts articles in Portuguese, English, French, Spanish, Italian and German. It is annually published according to a thematic organization and a peer reviewing. It is published on digital media at Impactum , the site of Coimbra University Press, and there will also be paper copies.\r\rBiblos was founded in 1925 — subtitled “Boletim da Biblioteca da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra”, which became the current title as early as 1927 — by a decision of Joaquim Mendes dos Remédios. The journal launched a new series in 2003 (series 2), both renewed and faithful to tradition.\r\rBiblos aims at establishing partnerships and generating projects with other publications and research centers, in view of simultaneously promoting and internationalizing the researchers and the research carried out in Portuguese and the dissemination of scientific studies of international reference in the Lusophone area. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Biologist", "ISSN": "00063347, 25165151", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Biotecnologia Aplicada", "ISSN": "08644551, 10272852", "Scope": "ScopeRevista científica, arbitrada, trimestral, dedicada a la difusión de la información especializada generada en la comunidad científica internacional en todas las esferas de la biotecnología moderna. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Biuletyn Polskiej Misji Historycznej", "ISSN": "20837755, 2391792X", "Scope": "ScopeBiuletyn Polskiej Misji Historycznej = Bulletin der Polnischen Historischen Mission (Bulletin of the Polish Historical Mission) is a journal devoted to the history of Poland and Germany, which presents various historical issues from the perspective of both countries, with particular emphasis on the relationship between them. The editors strive to make each volume a certain whole, and the articles contained therein discussed the topic selected for a given volume in relation to Polish, German or both countries at the same time, and thus complemented it. There are also articles on other countries that allow comparison with the situation in Poland and Germany by introducing a further perspective. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Blake - An Illustrated Quarterly", "ISSN": "0160628X", "Scope": "ScopeBlake/An Illustrated Quarterly is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal devoted to William Blake (1757-1827), the British poet, artist, and engraver, and his circle. We publish articles, notes, and book reviews, as well as two annual features: a review of sales of original works by Blake and his followers, and a checklist of publications and discoveries. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Bohemica Litteraria", "ISSN": "12132144, 23364394", "Scope": "ScopeBohemica litteraria is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal that publishes original contributions to the field of Czech literature studies. The journal focuses on a wide range of topics within Czech literature studies, related to literary theory, history and criticism, comparative literature, didactics, cultural and adaptation studies, and others. The journal publishes peer-reviewed studies as well as interviews, reviews of scholarly publications, and reports of significant events in the field and at the Department of Czech Literature and Library Studies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Boletim de Estudos Classicos", "ISSN": "08722110, 21837260", "Scope": "ScopeThe Boletim de Estudos Clássicos has as its main mission research and dissemination in Classical Studies from a teaching and learning perspective in a pedagogical context, for higher and non higher education. The BEC seeks to serve the dialogue between researchers, specialists, teachers, students and amateurs of Classical Studies, with special focus on what is investigated in Classical Studies (language, culture, literature, pedagogy and didactics, reception), but also on what is done and happens in the contemporary world that reflects the relevance of Classical Studies for the understanding of today. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Bollettino di Storia delle Scienze Matematiche", "ISSN": "03924432, 17241650", "Scope": "ScopeIl Bollettino di Storia delle Scienze Matematiche è stato fondato nel 1981 dall'Unione Matematica Italiana, che lo ha pubblicato fino al 2000. Dal 2001 la proprietà del Bollettino è stata ceduta a \"Il Giardino di Archimede\", contemporaneamente all'ingresso dell'Unione Matematica Italiana tra i Soci del Museo. La nuova serie è pubblicata dalla Fabrizio Serra · Editore, Pisa-Roma.\rIl Bollettino pubblica articoli di ricerca sulla storia delle scienze matematiche in senso lato, includendo la storia della meccanica, dell'astronomia teorica, della filosofia naturale, e delle altre discipline tradizionalmente annoverate tra le scienze esatte. Nel solco di un'impostazione tradizionale nella storiografia matematica italiana, una particolare attenzione è riservata all'edizione di testi inediti rilevanti per la storia delle matematiche, carteggi, saggi bibliografici, ricerche d'archivio, e in generale agli strumenti per la ricerca storica. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Bollettino Filosofico", "ISSN": "15937178, 20352670", "Scope": "ScopeThe Bollettino Filosofico is a peer-reviewed journal founded in 1978 at the Department of Philosophy of the University of Calabria, now Department of Humanities. Since 2013 it is an Open Access online review. It represents a theoretical and historiographical forum for Italian and foreign scholars engaged in the most relevant questions of the philosophical research. Over the years, the Bollettino Filosofico has focused, and focuses actually, on the emergent topics at the center of contemporary philosophical debate, publishing papers which explore several thematic fields, such as the ontology and the epistemology, the ethics and the social sciences, the aesthetics and the religious thinking, the phenomenology and the hermeneutics, the German neo-idealism and the Italian philosophy, the Kantianism and the Marxianism, the history of modern and contemporary scientific thinking, the philosophy of language, the semiotics, the culture and the languages of performing arts. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Britain and the World", "ISSN": "20438567, 20438575", "Scope": "ScopeBritain and the World is a journal of 'British world' history. The editors invite research articles, review essays, and book reviews from historians of all ranks on the ways in which Britain has interacted with other societies since the seventeenth century. The journal is sponsored by the Britain and the World society. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "British Catholic History", "ISSN": "20557973, 20557981", "Scope": "ScopeBritish Catholic History (formerly titled Recusant History) acts as a forum for innovative, vibrant, transnational, inter-disciplinary scholarship resulting from research on the history of British and Irish Catholicism at home and throughout the world. BCH publishes peer-reviewed original research articles, review articles and shorter reviews of works on all aspects of British and Irish Catholic history from the 15th Century up to the present day. Central to our publishing policy is an emphasis on the multi-faceted, national and international dimensions of British Catholic history, which provide both readers and authors with a uniquely interesting lens through which to examine British and Atlantic history. The journal welcomes contributions on all approaches to the Catholic experience.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "British Journal of Canadian Studies", "ISSN": "02699222, 17578078", "Scope": "ScopeBritish Journal of Canadian Studies (BJCS) is published twice-yearly by Liverpool University Press on behalf of the British Association for Canadian Studies. Launched over thirty years ago, BJCS is broad-based, multidisciplinary, and international, welcoming contributions from all areas of the arts and humanities and the economic and social sciences. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Bulletin of the Comediantes", "ISSN": "75108", "Scope": "ScopeThe Bulletin of the Comediantes publishes scholarship focused on the theater that thrived in every corner of the early modern world where Spanish was spoken, read, taught, or translated. As a journal published two times per year, we reach forty-three countries across six continents, with articles and book reviews in English and Spanish, distributed both in print and online through Project Muse. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies", "ISSN": "00760730, 20415370", "Scope": "ScopeThe Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies publishes world-wide research in the whole range of Classical Studies. Recent articles include art history, archaeology, ancient history, military history, and a range of social and economic studies. Studies of language have included the original deciphering of Linear B, and continues with new textual discoveries in papyri. Research in Greek theatre and performance now has the added dimension given by reception studies. As well as established international scholars, BICS has always sought contributions by younger scholars. From 2010, BICS will be published annually in two issues. BICS provides essential reading for the Classics community world-wide. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Bulletin of the John Rylands Library", "ISSN": "20549318, 20549326", "Scope": "ScopeThe John Rylands Library houses one of the finest collections of rare books, manuscripts and archives in the world. The collections span five millennia and cover a wide range of subjects, including art and archaeology; economic, social, political, religious and military history; literature, drama and music; science and medicine; theology and philosophy; travel and exploration. For over a century, the Bulletin of the John Rylands Library has published research that complements the Library’s special collections. The editors invite the submission of articles in these fields and welcome discussion of in-progress projects.\r\rAreas of particular interest include, but are not limited to:\r\r-Manuscript and archive studies-\rTextual transmission and bibliographical studies-\rThe histories of printing and publishing-\rThe transmission and reception of the Bible-\rThe history of religion, with particular regard to evangelical Christianity and the Dissenting and Nonconformist traditions-\rVisual culture, including manuscript illumination and the printed image-\rSocial and cultural history, and the history of medicine Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Burlington Magazine", "ISSN": "00076287, 20449925", "Scope": "ScopeThe Burlington Magazine is the world's leading monthly publication devoted to the fine and decorative arts. It publishes concise, well-written articles based on original research, presenting new works, art-historical discoveries and fresh interpretations.\r\rThe Magazine is both an enduring work of reference and a running commentary on the art world of today – as well as editorials on topical issues, it features authoritative reviews of all important books and major exhibitions, and our online Calendar is the best available guide to art events throughout the world. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "BWK - Energie-Fachmagazin", "ISSN": "1618193X", "Scope": "Scope- Entscheiderwissen Energie\r- Wissensvorsprung neue Geschäftsmodelle\r- Wegbegleiter für Beruf und Karriere\r- Organ der VDI-Gesellschaft Energie und Umwelt und der Forschungsstelle für Energiewirtschaft (FfE) e.V. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Byzantin Symmeikta", "ISSN": "11051639, 17914884", "Scope": "ScopeΒΥΖΑΝΤΙΝΑ SΥΜΜΕΙΚΤΑ is an international peer-reviewed open-access electronic journal published by the Institute of Historical Research-Byzantine Section of the National Hellenic Research Foundation (NHRF). It provides a forum for the publication of original research in the field of Byzantine studies. We invite articles from a broad range of fields within Byzantine studies. We are especially interested in promoting interdisciplinary approaches. ΒΥΖΑΝΤΙΝΑ SΥΜΜΕΙΚΤΑ also publishes book reviews in Byzantine Studies. The Ιnternational Editorial Advisory Board as well as the rigorous publication procedures ensure the journal maintains a high standard of scholarship.Taking advantage of the capabilities of open-,source publishing software ΒΥΖΑΝΤΙΝΑ SΥΜΜΕΙΚΤΑ provides free access to high-quality scholarly research to everyone, and helps maximize the impact of research. A fully electronic publication management system ensures a speedy process, and offers authors the ability to follow the progress of their manuscripts through the publication process. Revised manuscripts of accepted articles are published immediately upon submission of the final version. Each volume comprises the total of the articles published during the year. A print edition appears at regular intervals.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Byzantion: Revue Internationale des Etudes Byzantines", "ISSN": "03782506, 22946209", "Scope": "ScopeByzantion is an international peer reviewed journal founded in 1924; it is devoted to Byzantine culture and covers literature, history and art history, including the related disciplines. Every volume contains scholarly articles followed by a large bibliographical section. Byzantion highly contributes to the development of Byzantine Studies.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cadernos CEDES", "ISSN": "1013262", "Scope": "ScopeOs Cadernos CEDES são publicações de caráter temático, dirigidas a profissionais e pesquisadores da área educacional, com o propósito de abordar questões que se colocam como atuais e significativas neste campo de atuação. Vêm sendo editados desde 1980, mantendo de 3 a 6 novos títulos por ano.\rProfissionais que atuam na área da educação podem propor temas para a organização de nossos Cadernos, sendo esta proposta avaliada pelo Conselho Editorial. As colaborações devem obedecer às normas de elaboração dos Cadernos e podem ser enviadas diretamente ao CEDES. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cahiers d'Etudes Levinassiennes", "ISSN": "15655512", "Scope": "ScopeLes Cahiers d’études lévinassiennes sont publiés chaque année et regroupent des textes tirés des séminaires liés au thème de l’année, ainsi que des articles hors-thème, des traductions de textes inédits, des commentaires de texte, des recensions d’articles ou de livres parus sur Lévinas ainsi qu’un complément bibliographique recensant les parutions de l’année consacrées à Emmanuel Lévinas. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cahiers Victoriens and Edouardiens", "ISSN": "2205610", "Scope": "ScopeFondée en 1974, Cahiers victoriens et édouardiens est une publication de l’université Paul-Valéry Montpellier dont le champ d’étude couvre l’histoire, la culture, la littérature et les arts britanniques sur la période 1837-1914.\r\rC’est une revue biannuelle à comité de lecture international qui accepte les soumissions spontanées d’articles, en français ou en anglais, pour ses numéros à thème comme pour ses numéros hors thème, ainsi que des comptes rendus d’ouvrages scientifiques. \rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies", "ISSN": "13530089", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cambridge Quarterly", "ISSN": "0008199X, 14716836", "Scope": "ScopeThe Cambridge Quarterly is a journal of literary criticism. It seeks to publish articles which offer new readings of familiar works or authors, or which draw critical attention to new or neglected works. It is also interested in articles on art, music, and film, or on any other subject that enhances cultural understanding. Where necessary, articles should provide a context, and bring to bear any relevant scholarship in such a way as to address non-specialist readers. Articles do not normally exceed 7,500 words. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Canadian Mining Journal", "ISSN": "00084492, 19233418", "Scope": "ScopeCanadian Mining Journal provides information on new Canadian mining and exploration trends, technologies, mining operations, corporate developments and industry events.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Canadian Review of American Studies", "ISSN": "77720", "Scope": "ScopeCanadian Review of American Studies is the leading American Studies journal outside the United States and the only journal in Canada that deals with cross-border themes and their implications for multicultural societies. Published three times a year, the journal aims to further multi- and interdisciplinary analyses of the culture of the US and of social relations between the US and Canada. CRAS is a dynamic and innovative journal, providing unique perspectives and insights in an increasingly complex and intertwined world of extraordinarily difficult problems that continue to call for thoughtful scholarly input. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Casopis Matice Moravske", "ISSN": "0323052X", "Scope": "ScopeThe Časopis Matice moravské is an historical journal with a long history. It was founded in 1869 and has been published continuously since then with the exception of the years from 1883–1890 and the last years of the German occupation. This journal has an international editorial board whose members are reputable researchers from France, Hungary, Germany, Poland, Austria, Slovakia and the United States, and is focused in particular on the publication of scientific studies and articles presenting the latest findings associated with the history of Moravia, the Czech Lands and Central Europe. Since the inter-war years the Časopis Matice moravské has been a peer reviewed publication. It comes out twice a year, with the annual content currently extending to some 600 print pages. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "CEA Critic", "ISSN": "78069", "Scope": "ScopeAn official journal of the College English Association, The CEA Critic publishes scholarly works that, through \"close reading\" methodology, examine the texts of fiction, poetry, drama, nonfiction, and film studied on the college level. Bridging traditional academic scholarship with practical pedagogy, the journal encompasses a broad range of interests gathered traditionally under English studies: literature, women's studies, speech, composition, minority studies, creative writing, popular culture, film studies, technical communication, and ESL (English as a Second Language). By focusing on the contextual rather than the theoretical aspects of works, The CEA Critic provides a refreshingly sharp academic and practical perspective for teachers and scholars alike. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cement International", "ISSN": "16106199", "Scope": "ScopeIn comprehensive technical articles, CEMENT INTERNATIONAL reports on the properties, practical application and all aspects of the manufacture of cements and other binders. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ceramic Transactions", "ISSN": "10421122", "Scope": "ScopeCo-published by The American Ceramic Society (ACerS) and Wiley, Ceramic Transactions (CT) volumes contain peer reviewed papers on ceramic or materials topics that were presented during an ACerS-sponsored or endorsed conferences. Topics in this series include advanced ceramics & composites, electronic ceramics, energy materials, biomaterials, environmental issues & waste management, nanotechnology, and more. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cercles", "ISSN": "11390158, 16997468", "Scope": "ScopeCercles. A Journal of Cultural History is an annual scientific journal edited by the Intellectual and Cultural History Group (GEHCI) of the University of Barcelona. The aim of the journal is to offer to the academic community a space to debate cultural studies and the history of culture and intellectuals in the contemporary history of Catalonia, Spain and Europe in the 19th and 20th centuries. Cercles publishes articles, essays and bibliographic reviews on these subjects.\r\rCercles is recognized by the University of Barcelona and it is published simultaneously in print and electronically with free access.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Chemistry World", "ISSN": "14737604", "Scope": "ScopeChemistry World is a monthly chemistry news magazine published by the Royal Society of Chemistry. The magazine addresses current events in world of chemistry including research, international business news and government policy as it affects the chemical science community, plus the best product applications. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Children's Literature Association Quarterly", "ISSN": "08850429, 15531201", "Scope": "ScopeChildren's Literature Association Quarterly publishes first-rate scholarship in children's literature studies. Each issue features an editorial introduction, juried articles about research and scholarship in children's literature, and book reviews. The Quarterly is available to members of the Children's Literature Association (ChLA) as a benefit of membership. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Chinese Literature and Thought Today", "ISSN": "27683524, 27683532", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Ciceroniana On Line", "ISSN": "25325353", "Scope": "ScopeCICERONIANA ON LINE (COL) is a biannual digital journal; its two issues each year are considered part of a single volume, but are given separate numeration (e.g. 2017.1 or 2017.2). It is edited jointly by SIAC (Société Internationale des Amis de Cicéron (www.tulliana.eu) and by the CSC (Centro di Studi Ciceroniani in Rome) and welcomes submissions on Cicero, as well as on topics that fall in the category of Roman Thought. \r\rPapers falling in the category of Roman Thought should concern texts that in their content or in the conditions of their production have a close or a distant link to Roman philosophy or its Forleben. Papers on Cicero may address his various guises, i.e. as a historical figure, author, philosopher, and human being, including his works, sources, and afterlife. Papers from all disciplines and approaches are accepted; these include philology, linguistics, literary history, exegesis, rhetoric, source-criticism (Quellenforschung), philosophy, archaeology and art history, history, prosopography, religious studies, psychology, allusion and intertextuality, genre studies, gender studies, anthropology, reception, didactics, new media, digitalization etc. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cineforum", "ISSN": "97039", "Scope": "ScopeNata agli inizi degli anni ’60 come strumento di approfondimento e studio rivolto soprattutto ai circoli aderenti alla FIC (Federazione Italiana Cineforum), la rivista Cineforum si afferma nell’arco di pochi anni come una delle riviste di critica cinematografica più apprezzate del panorama italiano.\rCineforum si occupa da sempre di cinema d’autore, ma il suo sguardo spazia da Hollywood alle più diverse cinematografie, con grande attenzione al cinema italiano e ai suoi autori più importanti sia passati che presenti. Sulle sue pagine si affiancano storia e attualità del cinema.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cinema", "ISSN": "16478991", "Scope": "ScopeCinema: Journal of Philosophy and the Moving Image is a refereed international publication published online by Nova Institute of Philosophy (Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, New University of Lisbon) and it has emerged in articulation with the research project “Film and Philosophy: Mapping an Encounter” (PTDC/FIL-FIL/098143/2008). The journal publishes original essays and critical articles, reviews, conference reports and interviews, and releases original art work in the field of philosophical inquiry into cinema. The term “cinema” is here taken in its broadest sense as moving image (and image that moves). Historically, cinema studies have centered on film, but with the digitization and proliferation of new means of production and distribution have also studied video, television and new media. This deep engagement with cinematic culture, so understood, can provide tools for a better understanding of contemporary visual culture. Cinema is particularly interested in philosophical approaches to the aesthetics of the moving image as well as in philosophical investigations on particular works and about the contexts in which these works are seen and produced. It accepts submissions in Portuguese, English, French, and Spanish and it offers free access to its content.\r\rCinema aims at:\r\r• disseminating philosophical investigations into cinema in the broadest sense, that is, including video, television, and new media;\r\r• promoting the link between Portuguese and international scientific communities that develop work simultaneously within the fields of cinema studies and philosophy;\r\r• providing a platform for a fruitful dialogue between various approaches, particular methodologies, topics and interdisciplinary contributions, within the of the journal. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cinemas", "ISSN": "11816945, 17056500", "Scope": "ScopeCinémas is a specialty journal primarily concerned with cinematographic studies and theoretical or analytical projects that embrace different approaches, methods and disciplines (aesthetics, semiotics, history, communications, human sciences, art history, etc.) likely to stimulate reflection. Particular attention is given to research into the changes underway with regard both to creative practices and theoretical discourse. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Citeaux", "ISSN": "97497", "Scope": "ScopeCîteaux – Commentarii cistercienses est une revue internationale à comité de lecture qui propose des travaux de recherche actualisés concernant tous les domaines de l’histoire cistercienne, la littérature, l’architecture, l’archéologie, l’économie, la liturgie, les manuscrits et les livres, la musique, la doctrine, le droit, etc. Elle publie chaque année environ 400 pages in-8°, habituellement en deux fascicules.\r\rToutes les contributions sont originales et en exclusivité. Afin de garantir leur autorité et leur haut niveau scientifique, elles sont expertisées par le comité de rédaction et si nécessaire par des spécialistes extérieurs.\r\rCîteaux publie d’abord des articles en français, en anglais et en allemand, et à l’occasion dans d’autres langues internationales. Chaque article est suivi d’un bref résumé en français, en anglais et en allemand. Beaucoup d’articles proviennent des sessions organisées par Cîteaux à l’International Medieval Congress qui se tient chaque année à l’Université de Leeds (Royaume-Uni).\r\rDe brefs articles (Communicationes) peuvent présenter des travaux en cours, des rapports de fouilles, résumer des colloques ou d’autres réunions scientifiques sur des sujets cisterciens, et l’annonce de projets de recherche. La revue publie aussi des comptes rendus d’ouvrages scientifiques importants concernant tous les aspects de la tradition cistercienne.\r\rCîteaux est imprimé par Peeters à Louvain en Belgique. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Civil War History", "ISSN": "00098078, 15336271", "Scope": "ScopeCivil War History is in its seventh decade as the leading scholarly journal of “the middle period”—covering the entire of the American Civil War era, from the genesis of the sectional crisis through Reconstruction and beyond, highlighting the ramifications of warfare on society. Its topics include slavery and abolition, antebellum and Reconstruction politics, diplomacy, social and cultural developments in mid–nineteenth century America, and military history.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Clinical Psychology Today", "ISSN": "25655698", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Clio", "ISSN": "8842043", "Scope": "ScopeClio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History, a double-blind peer-reviewed international interdisciplinary journal, publishes scholarly essays that explore the connections between history, literature, and the arts. Humans understand themselves and their cultures, even create themselves and their cultures, through stories. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Clovek, Stavba a Uzemni Planovani - Man, Building and Urban Planning", "ISSN": "23367687, 23367695", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Codex Aquilarensis", "ISSN": "0214896X, 23866454", "Scope": "ScopeAn annual academic yearly journal devoted to the study of medieval art, Codex Aquilarensis: Revista de arte medieval has updated and perfected its scholarly profile. Drawing on a prestigious position in Spanish scientific literature, Codex Aquilarensis aims gradually to assume an outstanding position in the international panorama of medieval art history journals; and, to expand its, it welcomes contributions from authors writing about any topic related to medieval art and visual culture, including studies written in languages other than Spanish. The journal will accept unpublished essays analyzing the processes and protagonists of the artistic production of the Middle Ages, as well as its visual and written reception in medieval societies and beyond. It also welcomes papers about the visual products of cultural interactions generated within medieval societies. Codex Aquilarensis intends also to contribute to the historiographical debates that currently attract the attention of readers and researchers around the world. A primary focus is on the development and experience of medieval images and spaces and the dynamics of images in their monumental contexts, in particular, studies focused on medieval visual culture and the functional organization of places of worship during the period from the seventh to sixteenth centuries. To advance these such exciting questions and historiographical debates, the journal values papers that include diverse intellectual perspectives and current methodological approaches, such as semiotic (enquiring into the intersections between text and images), cultural anthropology, critical theory, and the history of cultural representations.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Comitatus", "ISSN": "696412", "Scope": "ScopeComitatus: A Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Studies publishes articles by graduate students and recent PhDs in any field of medieval and Renaissance studies. The journal maintains a tradition of gathering work from across disciplines, with a special interest in articles that have an interdisciplinary or cross-cultural. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Commentaria Classica", "ISSN": "22835652", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Communio Viatorum", "ISSN": "103713", "Scope": "ScopeA theological journal from Central European perspectives founded in 1958 by J. L. Hromádka and J. B. Souček\r\rpublished by the Protestant Theological Faculty of Charles University in Prague three times a year.\r\rCommunio Viatorum seeks to promote research and scholarly debate in all theological disciplines. Since its foundation special attention has been paid to both biblical studies and Czech Protestant history. The journal is also interested in articles that reflect new accents within the field of theology as well as relevant challenges from neighbouring disciplines, developments in the Church worldwide as well as new moves within society. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Comprendre", "ISSN": "11399759, 23855002", "Scope": "ScopeLa revista COMPRENDRE té com un del seus trets d’identitat ser un lloc de debat filosòfic d’alta qualitat acadèmica, dirigit a un públic universitari internacional, al voltant dels eixos intel•lectuals i les àrees temàtiques que l’han caracteritzada des del seu naixement en 1999. Epistemologia, metafísica, lògica, antropologia, historia de la filosofia, ètica, filosofia de la ciència, hermenèutica o estètica, entre d’altres, són els territoris a l’estudi del quals la nostra revista obre les seves pàgines. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Comunicazioni Sociali", "ISSN": "03928667, 18277969", "Scope": "ScopeComunicazioni Sociali is an international double-blinded peer reviewed journal. Established at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in 1966 as Annali della Scuola superiore di giornalismo e mezzi audiovisivi, it became Annali della Scuola Superiore delle Comunicazioni Sociali in 1967. As Comunicazioni Sociali it has been regularly published since 1979. The journal hosts monographic and miscellaneous issues on a variety of topics in the performing arts, film, radio, television, journalism, advertising, and digital media. The journal welcomes interdisciplinary perspectives and promotes rigorous debates on theory, history, critical analysis of media production and consumption, also from ethical and anthropological points of view. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Concentric", "ISSN": "17296897, 17298792", "Scope": "ScopeConcentric: Literary and Cultural Studies is a peer-reviewed journal published two times per year by the Department of English, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan. Concentric is devoted to offering innovative perspectives on literary and cultural issues and advancing the transcultural exchange of ideas. While committed to bringing Asian-based scholarship to the world academic community, Concentric welcomes original contributions from diverse national and cultural backgrounds.\r\r\rConcentric engages in intellectual discussion by publishing groups of essays on special topics as well as papers on more general issues. The focus can be on any historical period and any region. Any critical method may be employed as long as the paper demonstrates a distinctive contribution to scholarship in the field. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Connexe", "ISSN": "24065749, 26732750", "Scope": "ScopeConnexe. Exploring Post-communist Spaces addresses multidisciplinary issues related to countries that shared the experience of communism (the successor states of the Soviet Union, the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and the Balkans), from a perspective that combines the past and the present. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Contemporary Chinese Thought", "ISSN": "10971467, 15580997", "Scope": "ScopeContemporary Chinese Thought contains translations of articles from Chinese sources, primarily scholarly journals and collections of articles published in book form. The aim of the journal is to present the more important Chinese studies in this field in the light of those who are professionally concerned with it.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Control Engineering", "ISSN": "108049", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Convivium (Poland)", "ISSN": "21968403, 26576252", "Scope": "ScopeCONVIVIUM is published yearly. Once a year the Editorial Board, whose meetings still take place regularly in Poznań or in Lodz, establishes one leading topic for the issue. One or two members of the Board formulate a Call for Papers, which invites potential authors to engage in the suggested issue. It is possible however to publish articles outside the of the leading topic. The interdisciplinarity of the journal is what attracts authors: we welcome contributions from literature studies, linguistics, cultural studies, film studies, theatre studies, comic book studies, digital studies, gender studies, media studies, glottodidactics, translation studies, history studies and political sciences. Issues concerning German speaking countries and comparatist studies, are at the centre of our interest. Submitted articles can refer to historical, as well as contemporary topics. CONVIVIUM also features reviews and information about selected important academic events. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cornova", "ISSN": "18046983, 27879151", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Croatica Christiana Periodica", "ISSN": "3507823", "Scope": "ScopeCROATICA CHRISTIANA PERIODICA (CCP), časopis Instituta za crkvenu povijest Katoličkog bogoslovnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, pokrenulo je 1977. nekoliko entuzijasta s nakanom da potaknu istraživanja hrvatske crkvene povijesti i religiozne kulture te objavljuju građu i historiografske radove u cilju sustavne i znanstveno utemeljene povijesti Crkve u Hrvata.\r\rCCP, koji uređuje Institut za crkvenu povijest, a izdaje Kršćanska sadašnjost iz Zagreba, podijeljen je u više tematskih cjelina čiju okosnicu čine rubrike „Rasprave i prilozi“, „Vrela“, „Prikazi i recenzije“, „Kronika“ i „Primljene publikacije“, a povremeno se pojavljuju i „Priopćenja“ tj. manji prilozi, „Bibliografija“ i „Dossier“ (obilježavanje za povijest Crkve u Hrvata relevantnih događaja). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Crossroads", "ISSN": "23006250", "Scope": "ScopeA Journal of English Studies is an open-access, peer-reviewed electronic quarterly for research in the broad areas of English language, linguistics and Anglophone literature, published by the Faculty of Philology at the University of Białystok (Poland). It welcomes contributions (research papers and review articles) from all subdisciplines of linguistics (theoretical and applied) and literary studies (literary theory and literary criticism). It also provides a forum for contrastive (cross-linguistic, cross-cultural) and interdisciplinary research in the areas of linguistics, literature, cultural studies, and intercultural communication. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cuaderno de Notas", "ISSN": "11381590, 23868376", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Cuadernos de investigacion historica", "ISSN": "2106272", "Scope": "ScopeCuadernos de Investigation Histórica is a Spanish publication of the Fundación Universitaria Española publishing house (CIF: G-28433670), a foundation registered in the Registry of Foundations on March 24, 1949. It has been published uninterruptedly since 1977, currently with a fixed annual periodicity .\r\rIt is a peer-reviewed publication that uses the external peer-review system, in accordance with the publication standards of the APA 7.0 (American Psychological Association). Compliance with these requirements facilitates their indexing in the main international databases, guaranteeing a greater dissemination of the published articles and, therefore, of their authors and work centers. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cuadernos de Literatura", "ISSN": "1228102", "Scope": "ScopeCuadernos de Literatura is a biannual journal published since 1995 by the Department of Literature at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá. The journal is a scientific journal specialized in print and digital format and appears regularly and timely in January and July each year.\r\rCuadernos de Literatura receives and accepts only articles in Spanish, unpublished and original, they can be research results that include an introduction, methods, results and conclusions; articles of reflection whose research results are addressed from an analytical, interpretative or critical perspective by the author; review articles showing results, systematization and advances in the field of study and demonstrate a careful and thorough review of the literature, and Spanish translations of classic or current texts and texts of particular interest in the field of magazine publishing.\r\rThe editorial line of Cuadernos de Literatura focuses primarily on the critical, theoretical and historical analysis of literature, with emphasis on Latin American and Caribbean literatures. The journal will encourage the publication of articles and essays that focus on the review and analysis of issues, problems and methods in the field of Latin American and Caribbean literary and cultural studies in order to establish innovative theoretical and historical insights about literature and the subcontinental culture. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cultural Perspectives", "ISSN": "1224239X, 25593439", "Scope": "ScopeCP journal is an open access, interdisciplinary journal dedicated to publishing high-quality research from the field of British cultural studies, and its intersection with literary studies, language studies discourse analysis and semiotics. The articles published by our journal aim to represent important advances for specialists within each area. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Dacoromania", "ISSN": "15824438", "Scope": "Scope“Dacoromania” (DR) is a scholarly journal that welcomes original contributions in all areas of linguistics and philology. The new series of DR has been issued since 1994 by “Sextil Puşcariu” Institute of Linguistics and Literary History, one of the research institutes of the Romanian Academy based in Cluj-Napoca, and is published by the Publishing House of the Romanian Academy. The aim of the journal is to publish, first of all, high-quality linguistic research undertaken locally and regionally, but submissions from European and other international scholars have equally been hosted by DR and are always welcome. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Dansk Teologisk Tidsskrift", "ISSN": "01053191, 19023898", "Scope": "ScopeDanmarks eneste fagteologiske tidsskrift med artikler af høj videnskabelig klasse. Et peer-reviewed tidsskrift, som er optaget på en række databaser fx ATLA. Tidsskriftet udgives af Eksistensen i samarbejde med Det Teologiske Fakultet i København og Afdeling for Teologi på Aarhus Universitet og modtager støtte fra Det Frie Forskningsråd.\r\rDansk Teologisk Tidsskrift redigeres af Bo Kristian Holm, Jesper Tang Nielsen, Nils Arne Pedersen, Johanne Stubbe Teglbjærg Kristensen og Jesper Høgenhaven.\r\rTidsskriftet udkommer fire gange om året. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Dante e l'Arte", "ISSN": "23855355, 23857269", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal Dante e l’Arte accepts submissions of original research (written in Italian, Catalan, Spanish, English, French or German), which are interdisciplinary and related to the primary aim of the journal, namely, to highlight and study the centrality of Dante in the artistic creation of his time and the following centuries up to the present day. The journal does not abide by any predetermined methodological perspective. Submissions for the monograph section should fit thematically, comply with the instructions given for each issue, and should not exceed 8,000 words. The Article section accepts submissions that should not exceed 8,000 words and approach either of these viewpoints: the artistic modes of artistic expression (iconography, theatre, music, etc.) within Dante’s work; or the reception of Dante’s work in the different modes of artistic expression (theatre, visual and dramatic arts, music, literature, etc.) up to the present day. The Journal also accepts reviews and brief notes up to 1,500 words on recent publications related to the subject of the journal. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Danubius", "ISSN": "12205052", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal publishes materials pertaining to the following fields: Archaeology, History, Cultural History, Auxiliary Sciences, Ethnography, Cultural Patrimony, Museography.\r\rA special place hold the materials dealing with economical and political problems related to the Danube, since the city of Galati is situated on the banks of the river, near its mouths, and it played an important role in the history of the Danubian navigation. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Degres", "ISSN": "3768163", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Dentistry Today", "ISSN": "87502186", "Scope": "ScopeDentistry Today is The Nation's Leading Clinical News Magazine for Dentists. Here you can get the latest dental news from the whole world quickly. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Dermatologia Revista Mexicana", "ISSN": "1854038", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Design Engineering (Toronto)", "ISSN": "119342", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Diasporas", "ISSN": "16375823", "Scope": "ScopeDiasporas. Circulations, migrations, histoire aborde, dans le temps long, l’histoire des phénomènes diasporiques, des migrations, des minorités ethniques ou religieuses et des circulations qui s’y rattachent. Chaque numéro est organisé autour d’un dossier thématique avec d’autres articles publiés en varia. Il contient également des présentations commentées de documents, des analyses sur l’actualité de la recherche et des recensions d’ouvrages récents. Les articles sont en français ou en anglais, ainsi que les résumés. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Divadelni Revue", "ISSN": "8625409", "Scope": "ScopeThe Czech journal for theatre studies Divadelní revue (Theatre Review) was founded at the Department for Czech Theatre Studies, which has been a part of the Arts and Theatre Institute in Prague. Currently it comes out three times per year as a fully reviewed periodical, consisting of thematic sections dedicated to historical and theoretical studies, analyses, essays, reviews, interviews, and documents related to Czech, as well as international theatre culture.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "DNA Reporter", "ISSN": "4185412", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Documentatieblad voor de Nederlandse Kerkgeschiedenis na 1800", "ISSN": "09237771, 26659492", "Scope": "ScopeDNK is de vinger aan de pols van de Nederlandse kerkgeschiedenis na 1800. Met originele studies, nieuwe bronnenpublicaties, kritische boekbesprekingen en nuttige informatie wordt de lezer de actuele stand van zaken op het gebied van kerk- en religiegeschiedenis geboden. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "DOLOR", "ISSN": "2140659", "Scope": "ScopeDolor® Investigación, Clínica & Terapéutica es la primera revista médica en español sobre este área del conocimiento. Publicaciones Permanyer edita trimestralmente la revista desde 1985. En ella colaboran los mejores especialistas que aportan los últimos avances en la clínica y terapéutica del dolor.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Durkheimian Studies", "ISSN": "1362024X, 17522307", "Scope": "ScopeDurkheimian Studies / Études Durkheimiennes is the scholarly journal of the British Centre for Durkheimian Studies. It is concerned with all aspects of the work of Durkheim and his group, such as Marcel Mauss and Robert Hertz, and with the contemporary development and application of their ideas to issues in the social sciences, religion and philosophy. The journal is unique in often featuring first-time or new English translations of their French works otherwise not available to English-language scholars. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Early Modern French Studies", "ISSN": "20563035, 20563043", "Scope": "ScopeEarly Modern French Studies (formerly Seventeenth-Century French Studies) publishes high-quality, peer-reviewed, original articles in English and French on a broad range of literary, cultural, methodological, and theoretical topics relating to the study of early modern France. The journal has expanded its historical and now covers work on the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries. Within this period of French literary and cultural history, the journal particularly welcomes work that relates to the term 'early modern', as well as work that interrogates it. It continues to publish special issues devoted to particular topics (such as the highly successful 2014 special issue on the cultural history of fans) as well as individual submissions. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Early Modern Women", "ISSN": "19330065, 23784776", "Scope": "ScopeEarly Modern Women: An Interdisciplinary Journal (EMWJ) is the only journal devoted solely to the interdisciplinary and global study of women and gender spanning the late medieval through early modern periods. Each volume gathers essays on early modern women from every country and region by scholars from a wide range of academic disciplines including art history, cultural studies, music, history, languages and literatures, political science, religion, theatre, history of science, and history of philosophy Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ecclesiastical Law Journal", "ISSN": "0956618X, 17518539", "Scope": "ScopeAn International Journal for the Comparative Study of Law and Religion. Published three times a year in association with the Ecclesiastical Law Society, the Journal publishes articles on all aspects of ecclesiastical law. Particular emphasis is given to the regulation of the Church of England and worldwide Anglican Communion, but the range of coverage includes comparative studies of the laws of other faiths and of the interface between law and religion in a global perspective. Through its regular comment section, the Ecclesiastical Law Journal provides a critical analysis of emergent trends written by distinguished scholars and practitioners in Europe and North America. The Journal also includes book reviews and summaries of recent ecclesiastical cases determined by both secular and church courts, together with a parliamentary report, a brief summary of the proceedings of national Synods, and resumés of major international conferences. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Education and Culture", "ISSN": "10854908, 15591786", "Scope": "ScopeEducation & Culture, published twice yearly by Purdue University Press, takes an integrated view of philosophical, historical, and sociological issues in education. Submissions of Dewey scholarship, as well as work inspired by Dewey's many interests, are welcome. JDS members receive the journal as part of their membership in the society. The journal publishes peer-reviewed critical essays, research studies, essay and book reviews, and “rejoinder” essays. Recommended lengths vary for critical essays, research studies, or essay reviews (7500 words); book reviews (1000-2000 words); and commentaries or rejoinders to published pieces (800 words). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Eighteenth Century", "ISSN": "01935380, 19350201", "Scope": "ScopeThe Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation fosters theoretical and interpretive research on all aspects of Western culture from 1660 to 1830. The editors take special interest in essays that apply innovative contemporary methodologies to the study of eighteenth-century literature, history, science, fine arts, and popular culture. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Eirene", "ISSN": "461628", "Scope": "ScopeEirene. Studia Graeca et Latina welcomes and publishes original research on classics (including Late Antiquity), reception of Antiquity and classical traditions. Usually, following sections within a journal’s issue are assembled: literature and philology; philosophy; history, historiography, and archaeology; patristics. It also brings up-to-date reviews (or review essays) of scholarly literature on these subjects. It is published once a year, usually at the end of December.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "English Linguistics", "ISSN": "9183701", "Scope": "ScopeRecent back issues of English Linguistics are available to ELSJ members for download at English Linguistics Online. Back issues are released as open access at J-STAGE after two years have passed since publication.\r\rFor regulations concerning the release of preprints of papers that have been submitted to English Linguistics on the author’s personal website, online archives, etc., please click here.\r\rFor regulations concerning the republication or registration in academic repositories or electronic archives of articles published in English Linguistics, please click here. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "English Literature", "ISSN": "2420823X", "Scope": "ScopeEnglish Literature. Theories, Interpretations, Contexts was founded within the National Association of Teachers of English Studies (ANDA) in 2014. Presently, the journal is run by an independent board of scholars in English literature. It provides room for a critical analysis of issues and themes concerning English literature, also in a comparative view. The journal wants to promote a multidisciplinary approach to literature, to its relations with the various fields of knowledge, with culture, society, science, and the arts. It is also proposed as a privileged place for the discussion of the tools and strategies used by literature, according to various theoretical perspectives. The journal promotes the discussion and exchange of ideas among researchers, teachers and young scholars at both an international and national level. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "English Literature in Transition, 1880-1920", "ISSN": "00138339, 15592715", "Scope": "ScopeCessation.ELT publishes articles on fiction, poetry, drama, or subjects of cultural interest in the 1880–1920 period of British literature. Submissions are typically 20–25 double-spaced pages. While we publish reviews of books about Joseph Conrad, Henry James, James Joyce, D. H. Lawrence, Virginia Woolf, and W. B. Yeats, we do not publish articles on such major figures unless the discussion is linked to less-prominent authors of the era. We do not publish unsolicited book reviews. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Environmental Law and Management", "ISSN": "10676058", "Scope": "ScopeEnvironmental Law & Management (ELM) is a peer-reviewed journal which explores the latest legal proposals and policies in articles, reports and commentaries, giving a clear picture of current environmental regulation, government proposals and influential court decisions. \r\rSome of the important developing strategies covered by ELM in current opinion and analysis include: the implementation of principles of sustainable development, land use and planning developments, conservation, access to justice, waste recycling, climate change developments post Durban and Paris, renewable energy and the Green Investment Bank, and more. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Eos (Poland)", "ISSN": "127825", "Scope": "Scope“Eos” is a peer-reviewed biannual journal devoted to Greek and Roman antiquity and classical tradition. It was founded in 1894 in Lwów (Lviv) by Ludwik Ćwikliński and is published by the Polish Classical Association (Societas Philologa Polonorum). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ephemerides Liturgicae", "ISSN": "139505", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Erga-Logoi", "ISSN": "22809678, 22823212", "Scope": "ScopeErga-Logoi is a peer-reviewed open-access journal of ancient history, literature, law and culture, as broadly conceived in geographical and chronological terms. Evoking Thucydides' methodological exordium (although in that context the opposition obviously has a different value), the name of the Journal was chosen to reflect its intention of looking at the ancient world paying attention to both “facts” (historical events, artistic production, material culture) and “words” (literary, historical, legal production in its oral and written forms).\r\rOn these bases, the Journal embraces a unified approach to the ancient world, rejecting sectional perspectives for an interdisciplinary focus, reflecting these complex articulated civilizations.\r\rThe Journal, published every six months, is open to contributions of a historical, philological, literary, archaeological, artistic, and legal nature. It is multilingual, thereby aiming to foster the development of international debate on the ancient world and its legacy. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ermeneutica Letteraria", "ISSN": "18256619, 18278957", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Ernahrung", "ISSN": "2501554", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Erudition and the Republic of Letters", "ISSN": "24055050, 24055069", "Scope": "ScopeErudition and the Republic of Letters is a peer-reviewed journal devoted primarily to the history of scholarship, intellectual history, and to the respublica literaria broadly conceived. It encapsulates multifarious aspects of higher learning as well as the manner in which such knowledge transcends confessional and geopolitical boundaries. \r\rThis seems to be a propitious time for such an enterprise, as there exists a lively, and mostly young, community of scholars who carry out excellent and exciting work. Erudition and the Republic of Letters will establish itself quickly as the premier venue of its kind, and cater to the needs and aspirations of this community, while exhibiting the viability of the subject matter to students. The journal’s policy would be to not impose arbitrary word limit, but allow the content of the essay to determine length. Also, it would encourage publication of scholarly articles as well as editions of texts, reviews etc. — from the late Middle Ages to the end of the Nineteenth Century. \r\rErudition and the Republic of Letters may occasionally publish a primary source but it is devoted primarily to interpretative essays and reviews. By publishing such works, it aims to expand the available scholarly resources, and further invigorate the scholarly community. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "ES Review", "ISSN": "25311646, 25311654", "Scope": "ScopeES Review is aimed at publishing original research on topics related to English Studies. These include English language and Linguistics, literature written in English, history and culture of the English-speaking countries, and translation, within a variety of methodological approaches.\r\rPlease note that ELT and Didactics fall outside of our journal, unless the focus and method of the research undertaken are ascribable to the field of Applied Linguistics.\r\rWhile comprehensive in, the journal seeks an emphasis on the linguistic, literary, and cultural connections between Spain or Hispanic America and the English-speaking world and is particularly interested in articles and book reviews in that area. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Essays in Criticism", "ISSN": "00140856, 14716852", "Scope": "ScopeFounded in 1951, by F. W. Bateson, Essays in Criticism soon achieved world-wide circulation, and is today regarded as one of Britain's most distinguished journals of literary criticism. Essays in Criticism covers the whole field of English Literature from the time of Chaucer to the present day. The journal maintains that originality in interpretation must be allied to the best scholarly standards. Moreover, whilst always pursuing new directions and responding to new developments, Essays in Criticism has kept a balance between the constructive and the sceptical, giving the journal particular value at a time when criticism has become so diversified. In addition to the articles, Essays in Criticism has lengthy and searching book reviews, and the 'Critical Opinion' section offers topical discussion on a wide range of literary issues. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Estreno", "ISSN": "978663", "Scope": "ScopeThroughout the past decade, we have seen the study of contemporary theater in Spain increase dramatically. Because of this rapid rise in interest that builds on the extensive study of the last quarter of the twentieth century, there is no doubt about the necessity of resources available to College and University libraries, especially resources that provide a contemporary perspective into Spanish literature. Estreno is an academic journal dedicated solely to literature of drama. While the journal largely publishes dramas of contemporary Spanish playwrights of the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries, it continues to give attention to dramas written from the first decades of twentieth century to post-civil war period. Estreno is unique in providing modern and contemporary works of drama as well as critical studies, book reviews, and bibliography to its readers, thus allowing subscribers to be at the forefront of Peninsular theater during a time of intense theater development.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Estudios de Historia de Espana", "ISSN": "03280284, 24690961", "Scope": "ScopeEstudios de Historia de España is published every six months online by the Instituto de Historia de España of the Universidad Católica Argentina. Its editors aim to disseminate the knowledge developed in the field of Hispanism, through the collaboration of colleagues from Spain and abroad, thus fostering the growth of the discipline and a fruitful exchange between specialists.\r\rOur area of reference is Spanish history and culture in its different chronological periods and in the different aspects of human development: political, social, economic, religious, artistic, etc. The issues are published in the months oh July and December of each year.\r\rEstudios de Historia de España publishes articles, reviews and monographs mainly in Spanish, although it also accepts and publishes works in English, Portuguese, Italian and French. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Estudios de Linguistica del Espanol", "ISSN": "11398736", "Scope": "ScopeEstudios de Lingüística del Español (ISSN: 1139-8736) es una revista de acceso abierto, especializada en temas relacionados con la lingüística hispánica. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Estudis de Literatura Oral Popular", "ISSN": "20147996", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal Studies in Oral Folk Literature has its origin in the Folklore Archive of the Department of Catalan Studies of the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (created in 1994 and the only one of its kind belonging to a Catalan university) and aims to become a platform for publishing research in the field of “oral folk literature”. From the current perspective, this literature is regarded as interactive artistic communication.\r\rThe name of the journal refers to oral folk literature (verbal art) insofar as it is part of the daily life of people who regularly communicate and interact by means of artistic messages. This literature, which spans a variety of genres (tales, legends, jokes, anecdotes, songs, proverbs, etc.) has been, and still is, largely transmitted in oral form, even though the current information and communication technologies also allow it to be circulated non-orally (for example, by mobile phone, e-mail and Internet). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Etudes balkaniques / Académie bulgare des sciences, Institut d'études balkaniques", "ISSN": "03241645, 25348574", "Scope": "ScopeEtudes balkaniques is a quarterly peer-review journal, which has been publishing research since 1964. Research papers related to the Balkan countries in French, English, German, Russian and Italian have appeared in it, thus making them available to a wide scientific community across borders. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Etudes Classiques", "ISSN": "0014200X", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localizedJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Etudes et Travaux", "ISSN": "20846762, 24499579", "Scope": "ScopeÉtudes et Travaux has been published since 1966, initially as a series of the Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology at the Polish Academy of Sciences (Études et Travaux / Centre d'Archéologie Méditerranéenne de l'Académie Polonaise des Sciences, ISSN 0079-3566), while since 2011 as an annual of the Institute of Mediterranean and Oriental Cultures at the Polish Academy of Sciences (Études et Travaux / Institut des Cultures Méditerranéennes et Orientales de l'Académie Polonaise des Sciences, ISSN 2084-6762). Since 2014, it has also been published as an open access journal available in electronic form (e-ISSN 2449-9579) on the periodical’s webpage. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Eugene O'Neill Review", "ISSN": "10409483, 21614318", "Scope": "ScopeThe Eugene O’Neill Review publishes authoritative peer-reviewed essays and notes, aimed primarily at a community of scholars with a keen interest in O’Neill’s life and writings. Studies might focus on theatrical or literary history, including biography, or on critical interpretation or pedagogy. Consideration will be given to submissions on topics relevant to but not centrally concerned with O’Neill, such as his colleagues and collaborators in the Provincetown Players and elsewhere. Diverse methods and perspectives are encouraged; clear, correct, and readable prose is expected. Under the rubric \"Lost & Found,\" we publish little-known or rediscovered documents, with appropriate contextualizing. Reports of newly opened or augmented archives are welcome. So, by commission, are reviews of books on O’Neill and the American drama of his period and reviews of productions of plays by (or about) O’Neill and his affiliates. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Euphorion - Zeitschrift fur Literaturgeschichte", "ISSN": "142328", "Scope": "ScopeEuphorion has been founded in 1894 and addresses as “Zeitschrift für Literaturgeschichte” the whole range of German philology. At least one issue per year is saved for the German medieval studies.\r\rPrimary goal of this paper is to classify literary works regarding the historical social context of their origin, to describe the aesthetic dimension of a work, and to analyse the history of reception. Euphorion especially desires to include studies that involve comparative and interdisciplinary questions. The journal gives space to the scholarly controversy and continuously offers a panel for historical and academic presentations. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "European Medieval Drama", "ISSN": "13782274, 20310064", "Scope": "ScopeEuropean Medieval Drama is an international project which seeks to promote the study of medieval drama, particularly its performance. It explores English drama within a European context, featuring comparative studies linking English and continental material. The journal also includes: translations into modern English of medieval plays in other languages, notices relevant to members of SITM, and information of interest to all scholars in the field of medieval drama (e.g. recently published books, forthcoming conferences, and occasional book-reviews). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Exartisis", "ISSN": "11095350", "Scope": "ScopeWelcome to the site of the first Greek scientific journal on addiction issues. \"Exartisis\" is a bi-annual journal. It is published by the Therapy Centre for Dependent Individuals (KETHEA) in cooperation with the journal Addiction (Blackwell Publishing/Addiction Press) which is among the most reliable international scientific publications in the field of addiction.\r\r\"Exartisis\" publishes original Greek articles based on primary research; translations of recent articles; articles under publication; articles and abstracts from the \"Addiction\" as well as news and events pertaining to drug addiction issues. The criteria for the selection of the articles are two-fold: a deeper insight of the different aspects of this phenomenon and the promotion of views not yet well known, or discussed, in Greece. By staying current with national and international developments \"Exartisis\" aspires to create a forum that will stimulate dialogue between the community of academics, professionals and policy makers in the field of drug addiction. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Exemplaria Classica", "ISSN": "16993225", "Scope": "ScopeExemplaria Classica es una revista científica que publica artículos y notas breves que signifiquen un avance en el estudio de la Filología Clásica en el campo de los manuscritos, ediciones y comentarios filológicos, historia de los textos, crítica textual, técnicas editoriales y tradición textual de autores griegos y romanos de todas las épocas. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Exploration Geophysics, Remote Sensing and Environment", "ISSN": "18031447, 18052266", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Explorations in Renaissance culture", "ISSN": "00982474, 23526963", "Scope": "ScopeExplorations in Renaissance Culture is a biannual, multidisciplinary scholarly journal devoted to all disciplines of study in the early-modern/Renaissance period: literature, history, art and iconography, music, cultural studies, etc. Articles are published in English and are fully refereed, using a double-blind review process.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "F. Scott Fitzgerald Review", "ISSN": "15433951, 17556333", "Scope": "ScopeThe F. Scott Fitzgerald Review publishes essays on all aspects of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s life and work. The journal serves both the specialist and the general reader with essays that broaden understanding of Fitzgerald’s writing and related topics. Annual issues include academic articles, book reviews, and review essays that a general reader can understand and appreciate. Roundtables on germane topics as a way to promote the exchange of ideas are also published. While the main discipline is literary studies, the journal is interdisciplinary in approach, welcoming analyses in all areas of interpretation as they apply to Fitzgerald and his times. While the centrality of The Great Gatsby is recognized, the journal is also eager to advance interest in the breadth of Fitzgerald’s writing, including not only his other novels, but also his short stories, nonfiction, drama, and literary criticism. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Family and Community History", "ISSN": "14631180", "Scope": "ScopeFamily & Community History brings together historical and geographical approaches to communities and families in the past, setting them in an awareness of the importance of place. Places provide the raw material for testing wider generalizations about the past and the journal explores the ways in which studies of local places can extend academic and theoretical contexts. In pursuit of this aim we believe a range of methodological approaches can be applied to the study of past communities, including micro-studies, oral history and qualitative research as well as quantitative studies.\r\rWe define family and community history in a broad sense. Family can include studies of family and household structures, personal and family life cycles, family roles, kin relationships and migration. Community history can encompass social networks and structures, paid and unpaid work and religious, occupational, political or other voluntary-based communities. The focus is on the history of the UK and Ireland from the 18th to 20th centuries, although the journal will publish articles on other areas and places where they make a clear comparative or methodological contribution. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Fichte-Studien", "ISSN": "09250166, 18795811", "Scope": "ScopeFichte-Studien aims to promote the work of Johann Gottlieb Fichte. It discusses his transcendental ideas and system design philosophy. The historical conditions and controversies of Fichte's work are brought to a deeper understanding as well as its consequences today. \rAs of Volume 51 (2021) Fichte Studien will be continued as a journal at brill.com/fis. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Filologia Mediolatina", "ISSN": "11240008", "Scope": "ScopeFilologia Mediolatina. Studies in Medieval Latin Texts and Transmission Rivista della «Fondazione Ezio Franceschini»Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Fire Risk Management", "ISSN": "17571324", "Scope": "ScopeFire & Risk Management (F&RM) is regarded as Europe’s foremost technical publication on fire safety and loss prevention.\r\rHighly respected in the fire industry, F&RM is published ten times a year and goes to members of the Fire Protection Association (FPA) - the UK's national fire safety organisation - and other subscribers, reaching a targeted audience of fire professionals.\r\rWith a lively mix of news, views and current affairs, in-depth features, conference and show reports and commercial insights, FRM helps drive discussion and debate in our dynamic sector. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Folia Philosophica", "ISSN": "12310913, 23539445", "Scope": "ScopeFolia Philosophica publishes research articles exploring the central areas of philosophy: ontology, epistemology, ethics, anthropology, social philosophy, philosophy of religion, or the history of philosophy. Its review section offers readers insights into the evolution of philosophical thought as reflected in the recent publications. As a journal whose legacy is over three decades old, Folia Philosphica welcomes a wide range of submissions in English, German and in Polish. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Forum Prawnicze", "ISSN": "2081688X, 2720488X", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Franciscan Studies", "ISSN": "00805459, 19459718", "Scope": "ScopeFranciscan Studies is an annual scholarly review, published by The Franciscan Institute at Saint Bonaventure University, and containing articles in the major languages of the western world on Franciscan history, sources, philosophy and theology. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Francofonia", "ISSN": "1121953X, 20365659", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal deals with all forms of literature, poetics and writings, polymorphic and polyphonic, in the French language. Its vocation is that of a common laboratory where different forms of literature can converse and recognise themselves without losing their own identity and particularity. It is based on two fundamental principles: freedom in the choice of interpretative methods and scientific reliability, in a critical prospective that welcomes and encourages contributions with interdisciplinary characteristics. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "French Forum", "ISSN": "00989355, 15341836", "Scope": "ScopeFrench Forum is a journal of French and Francophone literature and film. It publishes articles in English and French on all periods and genres in both disciplines, and welcomes a multiplicity of approaches. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Fronteiras(Brazil)", "ISSN": "14158701, 22389717", "Scope": "ScopeFronteiras: a Revista Catarinense de História foi criada em 1990 pela Associação Nacional de História - Seção Santa Catarina. Em 2018, a Revista foi incorporada ao SEER da Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul, sob a responsabilidade do Programa de Pós-Graduação em História da UFFS. A área de concentração do PPGH / UFFS é Fronteiras, Migrações e Sociedades, temas contemplados nos textos publicados pela revista. Fronteira é o eixo estruturante, articulador e proposicional. As categorias Migrações e Sociedades são aplicadas para pensar e repensar fronteiras, sejam elas políticas, econômicas, sociais e / ou ambientais.\r\rA revista publica artigos originais, entrevistas, traduções e resenhas na área de História, com o objetivo de divulgar os resultados da pesquisa histórica. Entrevistas e traduções, quando apresentadas, podem ser publicadas com a aceitação do Editor da Revista. Os temas dos Dossiês serão propostos pelo Editor, que convida a organização, ou por sugestão dos membros, que irão organizar o Dossiê, através de chamada online. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Frontiers of Literary Studies in China", "ISSN": "16737318, 16737423", "Scope": "ScopeFrontiers of Literary Studies in China provides a forum for peer-reviewed academic papers in literary studies within and outside of China in order to promote communication and exchanges between scholars working in different institutional settings and along different cultural and intellectual traditions. It seeks to reflect advances in independent research and theoretical thinking in the field of literary analysis and interpretation broadly defined and in dialogue with critical discourses on issues of common and shared intellectual and social concerns of today’s world. It is this publication’s duty to introduce to the world fresh academic achievements from the field of Chinese literary studies. Equal editorial attention and effort will be given to showcasing the productivity and innovativeness in both China and abroad.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Fruhmittelalterliche Studien", "ISSN": "00719706, 16130812", "Scope": "ScopeFrühmittelalterliche Studien is considered by the editors as a forum of comprehensive medieval studies. The yearbook is intended to help to overcome the division of a diverse tradition, which bears witness to the same inseparable contexts expressed in different ways, into conventional specialist fields of work of a conventional subject classification. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Fruit Growing Research", "ISSN": "22860304, 23443723", "Scope": "ScopeFRUIT GROWING RESEARCH is an international journal, which has been issued under the care of the Research Institute for Fruit Growing Pitesti, Romania. Fruit growing research is an annual journal aimed at disseminating significant research and original papers on genetic resources, breeding of deciduous fruit trees species; fruit sustainable technologies – environment protection; propagation, virology and tissue culture, postharvest, that can be of interest to a wide audience of plant scientists in all areas of fruit growing. An international Editorial Board advises the journal. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Gastric and Breast Cancer", "ISSN": "11097647, 11097655", "Scope": "ScopeGBC is a specific, peer-reviewed oncology journal. Provides secondary-research articles on current best practice and future clinical and research directions on carcinogenesis-based prevention and early detection, and multidisciplinary, evidence-based management and treatment of breast cancer and gastric cancer.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Gemmae", "ISSN": "2612789X, 2704663X", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Geografski Obzornik", "ISSN": "167274", "Scope": "ScopeGeografski obzornik je časopis za šolsko geografijo oziroma strokovni časopis za popularizacijo geografije. Izhaja od leta 1954. Je predvsem informativna revija, ki skrbi tudi za modernizacijo pouka geografije in širjenje geografskega znanja in pogleda na svet. Praviloma izhaja štirikrat letno in je doslej objavil že blizu 1800 prispevkov.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Geotechnical Engineering Education", "ISSN": "27327256", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "German Historical Institute London Bulletin", "ISSN": "2698552", "Scope": "ScopeThe GHIL Bulletin appears twice a year and contains articles and reviews of recent books on German and British history, as well as general information about the Institute's activities.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Germanisch-Romanische Monatsschrift", "ISSN": "168904", "Scope": "ScopeDie Germanisch-Romanische Monatsschrift (GRM) wurde 1909 gegründet, um Schule und Universität – gegen den damaligen Zeitgeist – auf europäische Literatur- und Sprachzusammenhänge zu lenken. Dieses Programm wurde bis heute im wesentlichen beibehalten. Die GRM erscheint (im Widerspruch zu ihrem historischen Namen) als Vierteljahresschrift. Sie bringt Aufsätze, Miszellen und Buchkritiken zum Gesamtbereich der romanischen, angloamerikanischen und deutschen Literatur von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart. Bevorzugt sind transkulturelle und vergleichende Fragestellungen. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Germanoslavica (Czech Republic)", "ISSN": "12109029", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Getty Research Journal", "ISSN": "19448740, 23291249", "Scope": "ScopeThe Getty Research Journal features the work of art historians, museum curators, and conservators around the world as part of the Getty’s mission to promote the presentation, conservation, and interpretation of the world's artistic legacy. Articles present original scholarship related to the Getty’s collections, initiatives, and research.\r\rThe journal is now available in a variety of digital formats: electronic issues are available on the JSTOR platform, and the e-Book Edition for iPad, iPhone, Kindle, Android, or computer is available for download. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Giornale di Storia Costituzionale", "ISSN": "15930793, 18277950", "Scope": "ScopeThe Giornale di Storia costituzionale is a periodical published twice a year. It was born in 2001 with the aim of promoting and gathering research and methodological proposals that concern the manifold paths of constitutional history. The articles here published intend to analyse - in a multidisciplinary and comparative perspective - the foundations and characters of a complex historical and cultural phenomenon which has given birth to a common inheritance, yet with different forms and conceptions. Between present and past, the scholars of law, politics, institutions, and more generally the experts of social sciences think and dialogue about constitutionalism, marked by deep historical roots and growing tensions. The Giornale has already become a meeting and reference point for the different practices of constitutional history, it publishes essays in various languages and is characterised by thematic richness and variety in surveys, alternating miscellaneous issues with others dedicated to monographic research.\t Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Giornale Italiano di Endoscopia Digestiva", "ISSN": "3940225", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Giornale Storico della Letteratura Italiana", "ISSN": "170496", "Scope": "ScopeFondato nel 1883 da Arturo Graf e dai giovanissimi Francesco Novati e Rodolfo Renier, il «Giornale storico della letteratura italiana» è la più antica e certo una delle più autorevoli riviste di Italianistica esistenti, come è stato apertamente riconosciuto nel corso di un convegno internazionale sulle riviste di Italianistica nel mondo e nelle più recenti classificazioni per la valutazione del sistema universitario. \rLo studio della letteratura italiana (compresa quella umanistica in latino, inseparabile da quella in volgare) vi è svolto secondo angolazioni critico-interpretative, o puntualmente erudite, o storico-culturali. Vi si è sempre dato spazio agli studi comparatistici. Oltre che agli Articoli, alle Varietà, alle Note e discussioni e alle Comunicazioni e appunti, una particolare cura è riservata alle Rassegne e al Bollettino bibliografico, giacché, com’è nella tradizione della rivista, anche le recensioni si configurano in genere come discussioni critiche e ulteriori contributi alla ricerca.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "GMP Review", "ISSN": "14764547", "Scope": "ScopeGMP review is a quarterly publication to help readers keep up to date with what is happening in the world of pharmaceutical manufacturing and control and specifically with the regulations which are being introduced by Brussels, the FDA and other agencies throughout the year. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Gnosis", "ISSN": "24518581, 2451859X", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Great Plains Quarterly", "ISSN": "2757664", "Scope": "ScopeGreat Plains Quarterly is published four times a year and includes peer-reviewed articles on a wide variety of regional topics. Great Plains Quarterly seeks a readership of scholars and interested laypersons, and publishes articles on history, literature, culture, and social issues relevant to the Great Plains, which include Colorado, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, Wyoming, and the Canadian provinces of Alberta, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan. The journal is edited by a faculty member from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and includes a distinguished international board of advisory editors. Recent issues include articles on Blackfeet Reservation and Glacier National Park, transient services in Kansas during 1933-35, maps of the Kiowa-Comanche-Apache Reservation, sea and prairiescapes in contemporary art, racial violence in Kansas, and critical essays on Mari Sandoz and Willa Cather.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Gripla", "ISSN": "10185011", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Gymnasium", "ISSN": "3425231", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Gynakologische Praxis", "ISSN": "3418677", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Hagiographica", "ISSN": "11241225", "Scope": "ScopeThis journal publishes research on Latin and Western European vernacular hagiographic texts from the early Christian period to the Council of Trent. Ample space is also given to relations between hagiography and pertinent related disciplines, such as literary history, textual criticism, historiography, sociology, anthropology, psychology, theology, liturgy, and spirituality. Articles are published in the major European languages and are accompanied by an abstract in English. All articles are submitted for one or more peer-reviews; the general editor determines publication in consultation with the peer reviewers. The journal is issued annually. All articles are submitted for two peer-reviews; the general editor determines publication in consultation with the peer reviewers. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Haide Estudis Maragallians", "ISSN": "20143818", "Scope": "ScopeHaidé is a regular contribution to the studies on Joan Maragall and a platform for proposing reflections, analysis and perspectives on the various cultural, literary and artistic activities that characterized the decades between the 19th and 20th centuries.\r\rHaidé has an international vocation and accepts articles written in any Romance or English language. \r\rIt appears once yearly. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Handelingen van de Koninklijke Commissie voor Toponymie", "ISSN": "7748396", "Scope": "ScopeFounded in 1927 Handelingen/Bulletin publishes scientific studies in onomastics (toponymy as well as anthroponymy) and dialectology in both Germanic and Romance areas. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Haser", "ISSN": "2172055X, 23864761", "Scope": "ScopeHASER is a journal for unpublished and original academic and professional research focusing on the basics and activities of philosophical practice. This discipline includes all those activities that, grounded in a comprehensive knowledge of the history of philosophy, socially help individuals and groups to develop critical skills and to gain a deeper ontological and experiential understanding of themselves, following the famous Greek aphorism, “Know thyself.” In this connection, a philosophical practice without a solid and justified basis would be inconsistent and insubstantial, while its achievements would be unreliable. By the same token, a reflective theory far removed from its practical use runs the risk of becoming embroiled in soliloquies and abstractions that, although they serve certain purposes, have little to do with philosophical practice.\r\r\rHASER only accepts research that meets formal and rigorous academic standards, plus those of minimum content, for forming part of the corpus of philosophical practice. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Hematology (Bulgaria)", "ISSN": "23677864", "Scope": "ScopeThe Bulgarian medical society of Hematology issues the journal \"Clinical and Transfusion Hematology\" (ISSN: 0861-7880) and provides the opportunity to the Bulgarian and foreign authors which are specialists in the Hematology, to share their experiences with a wider audience. Since november 2014, the title of the journal is changed to: \"Clinical Hematology\" (ISSN 2367-556X). Since 2015 the journal name is changed to \"HEMATOLOGY\" (ISSN 2367-7864). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Hercegovina", "ISSN": "25663429, 27121844", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal Herzegovina was published for the first time in 1981. Although it was conceived as a yearbook, it was not published regularly in the pre-war period, and after the war events in 1990s it was relaunched. Twenty five issues were published till 2011 when a perennial pause was made. The journal Herzegovina was relaunched again in 2015 with a completely new design. Besides visual things, Editorial Board and Scientific Council were also new and thus the journal editorial policy. Since 2015 the journal has been published regularly once a year. It accepts unpublished papers from humanities covering the topics of Herzegovina, its history, culture and tradition as well as the topics which are in any way related to or have an impact on this area. In 40 years of its existence, the journal Herzegovina has given great contribution to studying cultural heritage and history of Herzegovina. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "HERMES (France)", "ISSN": "07679513, 19631006", "Scope": "ScopeLa revue Hermès se consacre depuis 1988 à l'étude du champ de la communication. Fondée et dirigée par Dominique Wolton, elle est hébergée par le CNRS et publie deux numéros par an. Deux collections de livres (« Les Essentiels d'Hermès » et « CNRS Communication ») complètent la revue.\rCe carnet vient accompagner et enrichir la revue elle-même, en permettant au lecteur de trouver des informations utiles (annonces de parution, appels à contribution, revue de presse), ainsi que des contenus originaux (réactions à l'actualité, notes de lectures, retours critiques sur les numéros). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Heron", "ISSN": "00467316, 15744078", "Scope": "ScopeHERON provides a national and international forum for the dissemination of research and developments in the field of structural mechanics, construction and building materials and their application in new structures, repair practice and maintenance. The journal provides a wide range of research and application papers which describe laboratory and numerical investigations or report on full scale projects. The materials covered include: concrete, steel, timber, masonry, cement, ceramics, composites and recycled materials. The of structures include: bridges, high-rise buildings, highway pavements, housing, tunnels and water containment structures. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Heteroglossia", "ISSN": "20841302, 26577461", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal, as its name suggests, is interdisciplinary. \r\rIts main goal is to present linguistic and cultural issues in a historical and contemporary perspective. In addition, it is planned to publish articles at the intersection of philological, cultural and religious studies. \r\rWe are open up to new concepts, theories, and topics in the field of language and culture studies. We see the language as a mirror of culture and a tool for communication. \r\rThe name of the journal manifests its open multidisciplinary form, which provides for a comprehensive and critical description of the social and cultural transformations, that take place in the modern world. The latter is reflected in a variety of cultural texts and various types of discourse. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Hirosaki Medical Journal", "ISSN": "4391721", "Scope": "Scope『弘前医学』は昭和25年5月1日第1巻1号が発行されて以来、定期刊行物として弘前大学医学部から発行されてきました。平成元年(1989)より弘前医学会との共同発行となり、更に平成19年(2007)からは弘前大学出版会から発行されています。掲載される内容は、総説、原著、症例研究、医学部学術賞概要、弘前医学会発表演題抄録です。なお、第55巻(2003年)からは、国立情報学研究所提供のCiNii(論文情報ナビゲータ)や弘前大学学術情報リポジトリにおいて論文を無料公開しています。 Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Historia scientiarum : international journal of the History of Science Society of Japan", "ISSN": "2854821", "Scope": "ScopeHistoria Scientiarum (ISSN 0285-4821) is the international journal of the History of Science Society of Japan. It was established in 1962, titled as Japanese Studies in the History of Science, and renamed to the present title in 1980. It is published three times a year, containing articles, notes, documents, and reviews, which are written in English, German, or French.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Historia Urbana", "ISSN": "1221650X", "Scope": "ScopeThe yearbook Historia Urbana was founded in 1993 by the Romanian Academy, The Commission of Towns’ History from Romania (CTHR). The journal publishes original papers written in Romanian or in an international language, in any area of town and urban life history from Romania and Europe, for instance: economic, social and cultural life, town planning and architecture matters, the methodology of urban history research etc. Historia Urbana publishes the proceedings of conferences yearly organized by CTHR, notes and comments, book reviews and book presentations. The journal is addressed to all specialists interested in urban history. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Historica (Ostrava)", "ISSN": "18037550, 2695060X", "Scope": "ScopeThe Historica – History and Related Sciences Review is an anonymously peer-reviewed academic periodical published biannually with the support of the Department of history of the Faculty of Arts, University of Ostrava. The focus of the journal consists in the publication of original authorial texts, with a primary focus on historical issues, without any further chronological or thematic restriction. The journal aims to primarily publish texts which straddle the boundaries of individual academic disciplines, e.g. history and sociology, history and economics, history and demography, history and art/cultural history, history and ecology, history and ethnology, etc. The journal also aims to inform the Czech readership of developments in both Czech and international research. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Historical Materialism Book Series", "ISSN": "15701522", "Scope": "ScopeThe Historical Materialism Book Series is a major publishing initiative of the radical left. The capitalist crisis of the twenty-first century has been met by a resurgence of interest in critical Marxist theory. At the same time, the publishing institutions committed to Marxism have contracted markedly since the high point of the 1970s. The Historical Materialism Book Series is dedicated to addressing this situation by making available important works of Marxist theory. The aim of the series is to publish important theoretical contributions as the basis for vigorous intellectual debate and exchange on the left. We are convinced that a project of this kind can make an important contribution to the revitalisation of critical politics and intellectual culture. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Historicka Demografie", "ISSN": "03230937, 25709259", "Scope": "ScopeThe editorial office accepts contributions in the field of historical demography, historical sociology, palaeodemography, archival studies (if concerning the sources usable in demographic research), historical geography, historical statistics (if concerning the population history or demography history), ethnography and historical anthropology (if concerning the issues of natural increase, family and migrations). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Histories of Postwar Architecture", "ISSN": "26110075", "Scope": "Scopeistories of Postwar Architecture (HPA) is a biannual open-access peer-reviewed Journal that aims to publish innovative and original papers on postwar architecture, with no geographical, methodological, historiographical or disciplinary restrictions.\r\rThe Journal accepts papers and original submissions that have not been published and are not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Authors maintain their copyright and are aware that their works are released under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). Authors can re-publish their paper (or parts of it) giving appropriate credit to HPA Journal. The journal accepts papers in English, even though reviews are also accepted in Italian. HPA is published by the Department of Architecture of the University of Bologna in partnership with the Department of Visual, Performing and Media Arts and the Department for Life Quality Studies of the same university.\r\rHPA is a scientific journal recognized by ANVUR (Italian National Agency for Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes) for disciplinary area 10 (Antiquities, philology, literary studies, art history). Since 2018 it is rated “Classe A“ Journal for disciplinary area 08 (Civil engineering and architecture). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Historische Sprachforschung", "ISSN": "9353518", "Scope": "ScopeThis journal has been published since 1852, originally in irregular succession. The contributions are in German, English and French and concern the whole breadth of historical linguistic research. Book reviews inform the reader about the newest titles from this field. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Historisk tidskrift for Finland", "ISSN": "467596", "Scope": "ScopeHistorisk Tidskrift för Finland (ISSN 0046-7596) är Finlands svenskspråkiga vetenskapliga historiska tidskrift. HTF utges sedan 1916 av Historiska föreningen (Finland).\r\rHistorisk Tidskrift för Finlands innehåll behandlar huvudsakligen Finlands och Nordens historia samt teman med anknytning till Östersjöområdet.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "History of Economic Thought and Policy", "ISSN": "22409971, 2280188X", "Scope": "ScopeHistory of Economic Thought and Policy is a new professional journal that continues the tradition established by the \"newsletter of the history of economic thought\" which was founded in florence (italy) in 1972 by piero barucci, francesca duchini and umberto meoli. In 2004 the newsletter began a \"new series\" of biannual issues, published by franco angeli, which ceased publication in 2010. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "History of Mechanism and Machine Science", "ISSN": "18753426, 18753442", "Scope": "ScopeThis bookseries establishes a well-defined forum for Monographs and Proceedings on the History of Mechanism and Machine Science (MMS). The series publishes works that give an overview of the historical developments, from the earliest times up to and including the recent past, of MMS in all its technical aspects.\r\rThis technical approach is an essential characteristic of the series. By discussing technical details and formulations and even reformulating those in terms of modern formalisms the possibility is created not only to track the historical technical developments but also to use past experiences in technical teaching and research today. In order to do so, the emphasis must be on technical aspects rather than a purely historical focus, although the latter has its place too. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "History of Photography", "ISSN": "3087298", "Scope": "ScopeFounded in 1977, History of Photography is an international quarterly journal devoted to the history, practice and theory of photography in all its definitions - artistic, scientific, commercial, and domestic; in archives, art galleries, and museums; on the page, on the wall, or on the screen. The journal is inclusive and interdisciplinary, welcoming all scholarly approaches, whether historical, art historical, anthropological, sociological, archival or theoretical. It embraces global photographic history, ranging across all geographical and cultural contexts around the world. \rThe journal aims to provide a significant resource to diverse communities, including academics, curators, photographers, collectors, independent scholars, undergraduate and postgraduate students - indeed, anyone with an interest in the history and practice of photography. The journal encourages submissions from emerging scholars, while also seeking to publish work by established writers. We are proud of our reputation for rigorous and constructive reviewing. Over the past decades History of Photography has become an indispensable source of documentary texts, new and original scholarly articles, novel interpretations, and original thinking in this field. \r\rHistory of Photography is a peer reviewed journal overseen by the Editor and supported by a board of scholars in international standing. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Homme et la Societe", "ISSN": "00184306, 21010226", "Scope": "ScopeLa revue L'Homme et la société a été fondée en 1966 dans une période d'extrême développement des sciences sociales et dans une perspective analytique et critique de synthèse au carrefour des courants dominants à l'époque : existentialisme, marxisme, psychanalyse, structuralisme.\rPluridisciplinaire dès son origine, la revue s'adresse toujours à toutes les disciplines des sciences sociales - son comité est composé de sociologues, d'historiens, d'économistes, d'anthropologues, de juristes, mais aussi de philosophes et de spécialistes de la littérature - et affiche aujourd'hui comme hier une ambition de critique des processus contemporains de naturalisation des acteurs et des sociétés et de déchiffrement des initiatives et alternatives actuelles productrices d'émancipation et d'auto-émancipation individuelle et collective. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Horizons in Biblical Theology", "ISSN": "01959085, 18712207", "Scope": "ScopeHorizons in Biblical Theology publishes articles that address all aspects of the relationship between biblical studies and theology. This includes traditional historical readings of biblical texts, thematic studies within biblical texts and theology, explorations of methodology and hermeneutics, and even readings from within confessional traditions. \rThe journal welcomes both technical articles that address historical and linguistic issues in biblical texts and theoretical articles that address innovations and difficulties in theological reading of texts. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Hotel Management", "ISSN": "21582122", "Scope": "ScopeHotel Management has been the hospitality industry’s magazine of record for more than 140 years. Today, it covers hotel investment, development, operations, design, technology, brand strategies and the sharing economy for the new generation of hotel owner, developer, operator, broker and financier. Our editorial staff provides the very latest news and insight for the hospitality community and boasts a masthead brimming with sought-after thought leaders in the industry. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Hudebni Veda", "ISSN": "187003", "Scope": "ScopeV rámci Ústavu dějin umění AV ČR, v. v. i., je recenzovaný čtvrtletník Hudební věda vydáván od roku 2019. V návaznosti na tradici sborníků Musikologie a Hudební věda patří časopis od svého založení v roce 1964 k základnímu odbornému periodiku oboru hudební věda.\r\rCílem časopisu je přinášet odborné články, recenze, zprávy z konferencí, dokumenty o hudební kultuře s důrazem na česká témata hudebněvědné a hudebněteoretické problematiky. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Human Rights", "ISSN": "24236489, 25386360", "Scope": "ScopePublished by the Center for the Human Rights Studies, the biannual Journal of Human Rights strives to be a medium for theoretically grounded reports of research that represent a significant contribution to current understanding of central issues in human rights. The primary concern of the Journal is the publication of research papers that both demonstrate sound research methods and meet academic excellence to take positive and practical steps towards the goals of the Center and the validity of the Journal. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Humanitas", "ISSN": "08711569, 21831718", "Scope": "ScopeHumanitas is the oldest scholarly journal published in Portugal devoted to Greek, Latin and Renaissance Classical Studies, although it welcomes contributions from other interfacing fields of study (History, Archaeology, Philosophy, Religion, Art, Rhetoric, Reception of the Classics, among others). Owned by the Instituto de Estudos Clássicos of the Faculdade de Letras, University of Coimbra, Humanitas has been published regularly since its inception in 1947. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies", "ISSN": "12187364, 27320421", "Scope": "ScopeThe Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies seeks to publish the best of Hungarian and international scholarship, and invites articles, interviews, review essays and reviews in English and American Studies (including Canadian, Australian, Irish, South African, and Caribbean topics), on such varied fields as literature, theatre, visual culture, film, music, art, culture, philosophy, history, religion, and theory. We are open to all theoretical approaches and methodologies provided that these engage with the chosen topic at the required depth and promise to advance its critical elaboration. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Hungarian Studies", "ISSN": "02366568, 15882772", "Scope": "ScopeHungarian Studies intends to fill a long-felt need in the coverage of Hungarian studies by offering an independent, international forum for original papers of high scholarly standards within all disciplines of the humanities and social sciences (literature, philology, ethnology, folklore, musicology, art history, philosophy, history, sociology, etc.) pertaining to any aspects of the Hungarian past or present. In addition, every issue will carry short communications, book reviews and miscellaneous information - all features of interest to the widening audience of Hungarian studies. Publishes book reviews and advertisements. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Hydro International", "ISSN": "13854569", "Scope": "ScopeHydro International seeks and publishes the opinion of leading hydrographers on the state of the market, technical issues and national and international policies.\r\rHydro International started out as a print magazine in 1996 and soon developed into the platform it is today.\r\rFeaturing a successful website, a respected weekly newsletter, printed and digital magazine and large database for events, jobs, company profiles and educational institutes.\r\rWe provide a wide variety of information about all the major topics in the business, such as:\r\r-Hydrographic surveys-\rOceanography-\rSensor technology-\rElectronic charting-\rROVs, AUVs & USVs-\rAnd more...Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "HyperCultura", "ISSN": "22852115, 25592025", "Scope": "ScopeOur journal addresses researchers from the field of Humanities. Since 2012, it has welcomed research articles on Literary and Cultural Studies, Linguistics and Language Teaching, each volume being allotted one specific theme, as volumes 1-6 show. We will continue to encourage and generate ‘dialogue across and among cultures’ as we have transitioned, starting with issue 7/2018, to a format with issues featuring a different range of themes, suggesting, though not imposing, a comparative perspective on the following areas: literature, media studies (radio, television), film studies, visual and performative arts, teaching (language, literature). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "I Tatti Studies in the Italian Renaissance", "ISSN": "03935949, 20376731", "Scope": "ScopePublished twice a year, I Tatti Studies in the Italian Renaissance features groundbreaking work written in Italian and in English on every aspect of the literary, religious, artistic, historical, and scientific dimensions of Renaissance Italy. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Iconographica", "ISSN": "17201764", "Scope": "Scope\"Iconographica\" is a peer-reviewed journal devoted to the study of images in their historical, cultural and religious contexts. It promotes new and interdisciplinary approaches to images going beyond the traditional framework of iconographic studies and aims at shaping new methodologies in this field. It welcomes essays investigating the role played by images in mediating material and symbolic forms of cultural communication, in conveying a human group's shared perception of power, behavioral codes, philosophical and religious notions. A special emphasis is given to images as material objects and visual indicators of the supernatural dimension, in their direct interaction with space, rituals, social and economic practices and cultural manifestations. Though focused on the European and Mediterranean cultures from Late Antiquity onwards, it welcomes methodologically relevant articles on the use, perception and agency of images in all human cultures.\rAll articles include an English abstract and keywords. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Illinois classical studies", "ISSN": "03631923, 23285265", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Images", "ISSN": "18717993", "Scope": "ScopeThe study of Jewish art and visual culture, which has been cultivated for over a century in European, American and Israeli institutions, has burgeoned in the recent years. Major universities have established graduate programs that integrate Jewish art and visual studies and Jewish museums dot the landscape in Israel, Europe and North America. \rContemporary scholarship on Jewish art and visual culture intersects with concerns of the wider academy; a lively interchange among scholars has ensued. The field has now achieved the breadth and maturity to sustain an international journal that represents the interests of this interdisciplinary community of scholars. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Imaginaire et Inconscient", "ISSN": "16289676", "Scope": "ScopeLe Comité de Rédaction, autour du GIREP, s’est enrichi d’autres spécialistes de l’imaginaire, philosophes, artistes, écrivains… pour une revue largement consacrée à l’imaginaire avec l’apport spécifique des psychanalystes Rêve-Éveillé.\r\rLa ligne éditoriale trouve ainsi une continuité chez un éditeur spécialisé dans le domaine de la psychologie, de la psychiatrie, de la psychanalyse. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "In Esse: English Studies in Albania", "ISSN": "20787413", "Scope": "ScopePublished by ASSE (Albanian Society for the Study of English) since 2010, in esse: English Studies in Albania is a scholarly journal devoted to the promotion of original work in linguistics, literature, translation studies and language teaching by scholars working in Albania and abroad.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "In Gremium. Studies in History, Culture and Politics", "ISSN": "18992722", "Scope": "Scope“In Gremium. Studies in History, Culture and Politics” is an academic journal published annually by the Institute of History of the University of Zielona Góra since 2007. The journal's profile includes studies in humanities and social sciences, especially in history, literary studies, linguistics and philosophy. Thanks to the wide spectrum of topics, the journal has become an important forum for exchange of views of specialists in broadly defined humanities. This is a feature that differentiates “In Gremium” from other academic journals, which are often and understandably characterized by narrower. The principle of openness to variety of research and methodological approaches that support efforts to describe the bygone and today’s world is manifested in the journal’s title and reflects a founding postulate of “In Gremium”, i.e. common work. “In Gremium” publishes research articles, review articles, reviews and reports (in Polish, English, Italian and German). Submitted research articles are subject to a review procedure based on double-blind peer review principles. There are over 180 reviewers representing various sciences that have cooperated with the journal so far. Each volume is published in a traditional, paper form and an open access digital version available at the journal’s website under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license. Editorial workflow of the journal is based on the “Core Practices” delineated by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). The journal is indexed in five databases (Scopus, Pol-index, CEJSH, BazHum, Index Copernicus) and printed by Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego. The editors do not charge authors for submitting and publishing articles or for any other editorial work. In 2019 “In Gremium” received the “Support for Scientific Journals” grant funded by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ink World", "ISSN": "1093328X", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Bulk Journal", "ISSN": "2601087", "Scope": "ScopeInternational Bulk Journal has now been the magazine for the maritime dry bulk industry for 40 years. Dry bulk shipping, commodities, port, logistics and equipment issues are all reviewed in every issue of IBJ, which is distributed globally to the maritime bulk industry.\r\rThe magazine, published six times annually, contains regular news reviews and features specifically researched and written for executives within bulk shipping and cargo handling companies. Advertisers in IBJ have the best possible opportunities to promote their products to bulk industry decision makers worldwide.\r\rIBJ’s highly experienced and skilled UK based staff have decades of experience within the international shipping and freighting publishing business. They, along with a network of globally located freelance journalists and sales and marketing agents, create a magazine which has become essential reading in its sector. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Military History and Historiography", "ISSN": "24683299, 24683302", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal thus offers its readers and authors a platform that includes original research articles on any military historical topic from antiquity to the contemporary period that can appeal to an international readership. Historiographical and review articles cover issues of major significance or deal with the state of military history in a specific ICMH member country. The short reviews (in the “Bibliographical Records” section) discuss newly published books, which are of historiographical relevance either for the internationa military history community or for one of ICMH’s national commissions. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Platonic Tradition", "ISSN": "18725082, 18725473", "Scope": "ScopeThis journal is published under the auspices of the International Society for Neoplatonic Studies. The international editorial board is headed by Professor John Finamore of the University of Iowa. This exciting journal covers all facets of the Platonic tradition (from Thales through Thomas Taylor, and beyond) from all perspectives (including philosophical, historical, religious, etc.) and all corners of the world (Pagan, Christian, Jewish, Islamic, etc.). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Lawyer", "ISSN": "00207810, 21696578", "Scope": "ScopeThe International Lawyer is the official triannual publication of the American Bar Association's International Law Section. Prior to 2013, it was a quarterly publication that included a special Year in Review issue, which is now a separate annual publication known as The Year in Review. The ABA published the inaugural issue of The International Lawyer in 1966, and SMU has been the proud home of this prestigious journal since 1986. \r\rSince then, The International Lawyer has grown to become the most widely distributed U.S. international law review in the world, enjoying subscriptions of approximately 11,000 readers in more than 90 countries. In an effort to satisfy its worldwide readership, this publication focuses primarily on practical issues of international law, including trade, licensing, direct investment, finance, taxation, litigation, and dispute resolution. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Paperworld IPW", "ISSN": "16151720", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Internet Journal of Restorative Justice", "ISSN": "20562985", "Scope": "ScopeThe IJRJ® is a double-blind, peer reviewed international journal that publishes articles of the highest standard from various areas of expertise including, but not limited, to restorative practices in schools, neighbourhoods, organisations and businesses, family matters and (youth) care, the criminal and juvenile justice systems, prisons and the community. We are also interested in pushing the normative and philosophical boundaries of restorative justice. The IIJRJ® is committed to nurturing fresh thinking and innovation. Ultimately, we want to affect positive change and improve the experience and image of justice. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Intrecci d'Arte", "ISSN": "22407251", "Scope": "ScopeIntrecci d’Arte is an online journal of the Department of Visual, Performing and Media Arts of the Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna.\rThe journal makes use of multiple interdisciplinary skills aimed at the knowledge, protection and enhancement of cultural heritage.\r\rIt intends to offer scholars a space for discussion and study on the themes of the history of art in the medieval and modern ages (5th–18th centuries), in the light of the most up-to-date methodologies. Quality assurance rules have been established through a management structure and an international scientific committee, a double blind peer review system and a code of ethics according to the COPE guidelines. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Iride", "ISSN": "11227893", "Scope": "ScopeAmong the most well known Italian philosophical journals, Iride combines academic scholarship with a critical interest on current issues. It promotes philosophical reflection across the board, with special attention to ethics, social and political philosophy, philosophy of law, sociology, and the discussion of moral questions animating the public debate. The various arguments are investigated from a plurality of theoretical perspectives, with an eye to the international scene, and with a language by and large free of technicisms in order to invite interdisciplinary discussion. Besides the submitted essays, the organization of the various sections gives prominence to symposia on a target theme, book discussions, and book reviews. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Istrazivanja Journal of Historical Researches", "ISSN": "03502112, 24061131", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal Istraživanja was founded in 1971 and is published by the Department of History of the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad (Serbia). Istraživanja – Journal of Historical Researches is dedicated to publishing the best academic ideas regarding all aspects of socio-political processes and events primarily in the region of Central and South East Europe, as well as the Eastern Mediterranean. However, the geographical focus is not strict since the studies of all phenomena and processes which occur elsewhere but are relevant for mentioned geographical area are welcomed. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Italian Culture", "ISSN": "01614622, 15590909", "Scope": "ScopeItalian Culture is the official publication of the American Association for Italian Studies and is currently housed at the University of Minnesota and Cornell University. Its interdisciplinary reflects the broad and diverse interests of the Association's members, offering subscribers scholarly articles on Italian linguistics, history, literature, cinema, politics, philosophy, folklore, popular culture and migration as well as on Italy's influence on other cultures. The journal also features articles on comparative literature and cultural studies.\r\rContributions to Italian Culture range from the medieval period through the Renaissance to contemporary queer studies, feminist writing, film, and postcolonial women's writing. Although Italian Culture has devoted significant attention to topics in modern and contemporary literature, this is by no means its exclusive focus. Italian Culture is a multidisciplinary journal that welcomes reflections on new methods and ongoing debates in the field. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Italienisch", "ISSN": "1714996", "Scope": "ScopeWhen it was founded in 1979, Zeitschrift Italienisch was the first academic journal in the Federal Republic of Germany to deal exclusively with Italian language and literature. It is aimed at university professors, lecturers, teachers and students of Italian as well as all readers interested in Italy. Italian presents contemporary Italian authors with interviews and original contributions. In recent years, these have included Leonardo Sciascia and Gesualdo Bufalino, Luigi Malerba and Vincenzo Consolo, Luciano De Crescenzo, Susanna Tamaro, Andrea De Carlo, Umberto Eco, Antonio Tabucchi, Ermanno Cavazzoni and Valerio Magrelli. Italian contains essays on Italian literature, contributions on linguistics and regional studies. Here, German-Italian topics (e.g. travel and emigration literature), but also contributions on current political issues form the main focus. The \"Biblioteca poetica\" is devoted to Italian poetry and its interpretations or translations into German. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Itinera", "ISSN": "20399251", "Scope": "ScopeItinera is an international, peer-reviewed, open-access e-journal. Itinera aims at being a forum for international debate on Aesthetics and philosophical investigations on arts and theatre. A space is dedicated also to questions in which aesthetic and moral aspects are intertwined. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Itineraria", "ISSN": "15941019", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "J19", "ISSN": "2166742X, 21667438", "Scope": "ScopeJ19, the official journal of the society is received by all members. Coedited by Stacey Margolis and Elizabeth Duquette, J19 welcomes interdisciplinary work representing the most innovative research and analysis. The journal includes features such as \"state of the field\" polemics, reproductions of new and significant archival materials, roundtables, and special issues on topics of general interest to nineteenth-century Americanists. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Japanese Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology", "ISSN": "03705579, 18821308", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Jazz Research Journal", "ISSN": "17538637, 17538645", "Scope": "ScopeJazz Research Journal explores a range of cultural and critical views on jazz. The journal celebrates the diversity of approaches found in jazz scholarship and provides a forum for interaction and the cross-fertilisation of ideas. It is a development and extension of The Source: Challenging Jazz Criticism founded in 2004 at the Leeds College of Music.\r\rThe journal aims to represent a range of disciplinary perspectives on jazz, from musicology to film studies, sociology to cultural studies, and offers a platform for new thinking on jazz. In this respect, the editors particularly welcome articles that challenge traditional approaches to jazz and encourage writings that engage with jazz as a discursive practice.\r\rJazz Research Journal publishes original and innovative research that either extends the boundaries of jazz scholarship or explores themes which are central to a critical understanding of the music, including the politics of race and gender, the shifting cultural representation of jazz, and the complexity of canon formation and dissolution.\r\rIn addition to articles, the journal features a reviews section that publishes critical articles on a variety of media, including recordings, film, books, educational products and multimedia publications. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "JEC Composites Magazine", "ISSN": "1639965X", "Scope": "ScopeSpecifically targeting the composite industry, this internationally distributed magazine is at once scientific, technical, and promoter of technological innovation, making it a must for the ever-changing world of composites. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha", "ISSN": "09518207, 17455286", "Scope": "ScopeThe last twenty years have witnessed some remarkable achievements in the study of early Jewish literature. Given the ever-increasing number and availability of primary sources for these writings, specialists have been producing text-critical, historical, social scientific, and theological studies which, in turn, have fuelled a growing interest among scholars, students, religious leaders, and the wider public. The only English journal of its kind, Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha was founded in 1987 to provide a much-needed peer-reviewed forum for scholars to discuss and review most recent developments in this burgeoning field in the academy. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal fur Anasthesie und Intensivbehandlung", "ISSN": "9414223", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal fur Neurologie, Neurochirurgie und Psychiatrie", "ISSN": "16081587, 16809440", "Scope": "ScopeDas JOURNAL FÜR NEUROLOGIE, NEUROCHIRURGIE UND PSYCHIATRIE veröffentlicht Originalarbeiten, Übersichten, Fallberichte, Kurzberichte sowie Kommentare aus allen Bereichen der Neurologie, Neurochirurgie und Psychiatrie betreffen. Experimentelle Untersuchungen sollten einen direkten klinischen Bezug aufweisen. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Arabic Literature", "ISSN": "00852376, 1570064X", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Arabic Literature (JAL) is the leading journal specializing in the study of Arabic literature, ranging from the pre-Islamic period to the present. Founded in 1970, JAL seeks critically and theoretically engaged work at the forefront of the field, written for a global audience comprised of the specialist, the comparatist, and the student alike. JAL publishes literary, critical and historical studies as well as book reviews on Arabic literature broadly understood– classical and modern, written and oral, poetry and prose, literary and colloquial, as well as work situated in comparative and interdisciplinary studies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Austrian-American History", "ISSN": "24750905, 24750913", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Austrian-American History is devoted to the study of the historic relationship between the United States and Austria, including the historical Habsburg Empire. Its articles, review essays, and special issues explore the transatlantic exchange between the two countries across the disciplines of history, political science, economics, law, and cultural studies. An open access, peer-reviewed scholarly journal, the Journal of Austrian-American History is sponsored by the Botstiber Institute for Austrian-American Studies, a program of The Dietrich W. Botstiber Foundation. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Beckett Studies", "ISSN": "03095207, 17597811", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Beckett Studies has been the journal of record for the established and expanding field of Beckett studies for forty years. Founded by Beckett's biographer James Knowlson and well-known Beckett critic John Pilling in 1976, the journal covers topics such as corporeality, disability, politics, psychology, aethetics, gender, translations, modernism and more. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of British and Irish Innovative Poetry", "ISSN": "1758972X", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of British and Irish Innovative Poetry centres on poetic writings appearing in Britain and Ireland since the late 1950s. These varied poetic practices have been described as avant-garde, underground, linguistically innovative, second-wave Modernist, neo-modernist, non-mainstream, the British Poetry Revival, the parallel tradition, formally innovative, or experimental and which have been produced in geographic clusters, such as the Cambridge School or the London School or Morden Tower. However, we are also seeking to represent uncategorised and independent voices that might fall through the cracks between different schools or clusters.\r\rThese posited movements were networked with a variety of formal and conceptual poetics, including: concrete poetry; performance writing; hybrid writing; writing that explores the interplay between orality and literacy; Black studies; diasporic approaches; translational and translingual experiments; macaronic writing and hybridisations of the English language.\r\rThe Journal recognises that these terms, and the communities of writers and readers they refer to, are always shifting, contested and sometimes controversial. As such, we are interested in a critical and expansive understanding of ‘innovative’ poetic writing, both within and extending beyond the bounds of the particular traditions outlined here. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Contemporary Painting", "ISSN": "20526695, 20526709", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Contemporary Painting (JCP) combines peer-reviewed scholarship, particularly that emerging from practice-based research, with new writing and visual essays by academics and practitioners. Research essays will complement reviews and interviews that are responsive to current debates in painting and related art practices. The Journal is aimed at a broad readership encompassing academics, critics, writers, artists, curators and the gallery-going public. JCP responds to the territory and practice of contemporary painting in its broadest sense, treating painting as a context for discussion and exploring its sphere of influence, rather than defining it as a medium specific debate. The Journal combines a thematic approach with an open call, each issue opening up and problematising different facets of contemporary painting. As well as contributions to current debates on contemporary art, the Journal also publishes archival texts alongside current responsive articles allowing new debates to emerge, based on the premise that the contemporary cannot be understood without a self-reflexive knowledge of history. The Journal will also work with artists and other scholars to produce original visual essays. In focusing on the territory of painting practice, JCP takes an international approach, providing a forum for the exchange of views drawn from a wide geographical field. The Journal maps where painting is, acting as a platform for international scholarship in this area. The Journal also functions as a multidisciplinary discursive space in which a range of subject specialisms can be brought to bear on the culture of painting. JCP creates a place where scholars and practitioners from many disciplines can converge and exchange ideas on a common object of study. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Early Modern Christianity", "ISSN": "21966648, 21966656", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Early Modern Christianity (JEMC) is published with our partner Refo500 and its academic department RefoRC. It intends to contribute to interdisciplinary, interconfessional, and comparative research on early modern Christianity.\r\rThe journal bears out its interdisciplinary character by including a variety of relevant disciplines, such as church history, social history, cultural history, art history, literary history, history of ideas, history of music and archeology. Its interconfessional approach means that it includes contributions covering the major confessions of early modern Christianity, as well as Christian minorities and dissenters that were not recognized by any of these mainstream confessional traditions.\r\rJEMC also incorporates topics concerning the relationship between Christianity and other religions in the early modern period (Judaism, Islam, etc.). The journal’s comparative approach gives expression to a broader intellectual ambition of stimulating research that is not restricted to a local or national, but takes advantage of the rich theoretical possibilities of comparing and synthesizing at a European, international, and even global level. In terms of chronology, the Journal primarily covers the period from 1450 to 1700. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of European Integration History", "ISSN": "9479511", "Scope": "ScopeThe „Journal of European Integration History“ provides a forum for research on the European integration process in all its aspects: political, military, economic, technological, social, and cultural. It focusses on contributions covering specific unification projects since 1945, but also publishes works on their precursors and preparations. The journal is published twice a year. There are themed as well as “open” issues; in addition, reviews of relevant new publications are included in each issue. The contributions of an international group of authors are published in English, French or German.\r\rThe “Journal of European Integration History” is aimed at historians and political scientists. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Gang Research", "ISSN": "10793062", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Gang Research is an interdisciplinary journal and it is the official publication of the National Gang Crime Research Center (NGCRC). It is a peer-reviewed quarterly professional journal and the editors are well-known gang researchers or gang experts. It is abstracted in a number of different social sciences, including but not limited to: Sociological Abstracts (American Sociological Association), Psychological Abstracts (American Psychological Association), Criminal Justice Abstracts, National Criminal Justice Reference Service, Social Service Abstracts, and others. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Gender and Sexuality Studies", "ISSN": "26379961, 2637997X", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Journal of Global South Studies", "ISSN": "24761397, 24761419", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Global South Studies focuses on the countries and peoples of the \"global south,\" including those in Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Middle East, and parts of Oceania. The global south is not, however, synonymous with geographic locations in the southern hemisphere. That is, some of these countries and peoples are situated in the northern hemisphere. The journal solicits high-quality, academic papers on a broad range of issues and topics affecting these countries and peoples. Such papers may address questions involving politics, history, economics, culture, social organization, legal systems, agriculture, the environment, global institutions and systems, justice, and more. The journal aims to promote a wider and better understanding of our world and its peoples. The Journal of Global South Studies is the official journal of the Association of Global South Studies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Historical Research in Music Education", "ISSN": "15366006, 23282525", "Scope": "ScopeThe mission of the Journal of Historical Research in Music Education (JHRME) is to encourage submission of high-quality historical research and bring to the readership reviews of books and media that advance knowledge in history and historiography. The journal serves to publish and disseminate studies that reflect a diverse range of topics spanning various time periods, music teaching and learning environments and cultural contexts, drawing on economic, intellectual, political, social and cultural perspectives to deepen understanding of the past. The aim is to provide a scholarly forum that illustrates the value of professional history and historical research to the development of music in school and society. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Inklings Studies", "ISSN": "20458797, 20458800", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Inklings Studies is dedicated to the work and legacies of the Oxford Inklings, the literary circle centred on C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, Charles Williams and Owen Barfield. Established in 2005, the journal has been publishing some of the best scholarship in the field, as well as unpublished texts by its subject authors.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Interdisciplinary History of Ideas", "ISSN": "22808574", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Interdisciplinary History of Ideas has been founded in 2010 with the aim to: \r\rpublish high quality, original research works, by scholars of different fields of specialization, based on well established, as on emerging lines of interdisciplinary historical research;\rpromote the study of intellectual history as an intrinsically interdisciplinary object in its genesis;\rprovide a publishing space for studies dealing with the history of ideas from a genuinely interdisciplinary research perspective; \rprovide a regular forum for discussing issues pertaining to the interdisciplinary approach that characterizes the Journal.\rThe languages of publication are English and French. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Japanese Linguistics", "ISSN": "01973150, 25121413", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Japanese Linguistics focuses on important issues in the field of Japanese linguistics and language education as well as overarching objectives that shape the study of Japanese linguistics. The journal publishes articles and book reviews in the traditional subdisciplines of linguistics as well as in neighboring disciplines in the fields of Japanese linguistics and Japanese language education. JJL also promotes the exchange of knowledge regarding language education among researchers in Japanese linguistics and Japanese language teaching. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Leukemia and Lymphoma", "ISSN": "10099921", "Scope": "ScopeJournal of Leukemia & Lymphoma, openly published since 1992, is a specialized academic journal that carries articles on the scientific profits and academic development of malignant tumors, involving the fields of medicine, chemistry, biology, etc. The aims are to launch academic exchange, to spread the scientific results, to reflect the development trends, and to lead the research directions. The journal focuses on both the basic research and clinical work, and combines popularization with the raising of standards, in order to promote the national development of cancer prevention and treatment, and to raise the healthy awareness of the people. It is intended for high and middle ranking medical staffs. The editorial board consists of more than 100 well-known oncologists from home and abroad including the academicians both from the Chinese Academy of Science and the Chinese Academy of Engineering. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Lusophone Studies", "ISSN": "24694800", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Lusophone Studies is the official journal of the American Portuguese Studies Association. It is peer-reviewed and published twice a year. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Magazine Media", "ISSN": "25767887, 25767895", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Magazine Media is interested in articles that explore the fields of magazines and magazine media, including but not limited to research related to magazine and digital media production; publishers, editors, and other producers of magazines; writers; visual design and photography; content, including journalism and storytelling associated with the magazine form; advertising; audiences; history; socio-cultural influence; and effects. A wide variety of theoretical approaches and methodologies are welcome. Contributions should add new knowledge, challenge current opinion, or inform the readership about scholarship and research that would not otherwise be known by communication specialists. The journal takes a broad view of what constitutes magazine media. Manuscripts exploring elements of magazines in non-print media, including digital and broadcast, are both welcomed and encouraged. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Medieval Monastic Studies", "ISSN": "20343515, 20343523", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Medieval Monastic Studies is managed under the auspices of the University of Wales Trinity Saint David and the Universitat de Lleida. It is an annual publication of international, interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed articles on issues related to medieval monastic studies. It includes scholarly contributions on monastic history, archaeology and architectural history, art history, literature, theology, etc. It is a comprehensive publication, covering all of medieval Europe in geographical terms. We also publish relevant book reviews and shorter notices. The language of publication is English, but abstracts in the original language of individual contributions may be included. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Mediterranean Studies", "ISSN": "10163476", "Scope": "ScopeOur journal is specifically aimed at scholars whose professional academic interests are concerned with Mediterranean societies and cultures within the fields of social Anthropology, History, Classics, Archaeology, Popular Art and Literature. The journal intends to provide a forum whereby scholars working in academically and geographical contiguous areas can explore, and be exposed to, parallel and related theoretical issues. It sets out to establish a framework for interdisciplinary discussion, particularly important when studying Mediterranean societies and cultures, and to encourage dialogue between academics based in North American and Northern European Universities and in Mediterranean ones. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Modern Craft", "ISSN": "17496772, 17496780", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Modern Craft is the first peer-reviewed academic journal to provide an interdisciplinary and international forum in its subject area. It addresses all forms of making that self-consciously set themselves apart from mass production—whether in the making of designed objects, artworks, buildings, or other artefacts.\r\rThe journal covers craft in all its historical and contemporary manifestations, from the mid-nineteenth century, when handwork was first consciously framed in opposition to industrialization, through to the present day, when ideas once confined to the “applied arts” have come to seem vital across a huge range of cultural activities. Special emphasis is placed on studio practice, and on the transformations of indigenous forms of craft activity throughout the world. The journal also reviews and analyses the relevance of craft within new media, folk art, architecture, design, contemporary art and other fields.\r\rThe Journal of Modern Craft is the main scholarly voice on the subject of craft, conceived both as an idea and as a field of practice in its own right. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Moravian History", "ISSN": "19336632, 21616310", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Moravian History is a peer-reviewed English language journal, which publishes scholarly articles and reviews publications in all areas of the history of the Unitas Fratrum (Moravian Church, Herrnhuter Brüdergemeine). The Journal also publishes research notes and original primary source materials relating to the Unitas Fratrum.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Musicological Research", "ISSN": "1411896", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Musicological Research publishes original articles on all aspects of the discipline of music: historical musicology, style and repertory studies, music theory, ethnomusicology, music education, organology, and interdisciplinary studies.\r\rBecause contemporary music scholarship addresses critical and analytical issues from a multiplicity of viewpoints, the Journal of Musicological Research seeks to present studies from all perspectives, using the full spectrum of methodologies. This variety makes the Journal a place where scholarly approaches can coexist, in all their harmony and occasional discord, and one that is not allied with any particular school or viewpoint.\r\rIn addition to original research articles, the Journal of Musicological Research also publishes book reviews. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Nara Medical Association", "ISSN": "13450069", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Journal of Philosophy ARHE", "ISSN": "18200958, 18214959", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Journal of Plastination", "ISSN": "23117761, 2311777X", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Plastination (ISSN 1090-2171-print and ISSN 2311- 777X -online) aims to provide a medium for the publication of scientific papers dealing with all aspects of plastination and preservation of biological specimens. \r\rThe Journal of Plastination is the successor of the Journal of the International Society for Plastination. It is the peer-reviewed publication of the International Society for Plastination (ISP). The Journal of Plastination is published twice a year, and is indexed on SCOPUS and Google Scholar. \r\rThe Journal offers all who work and research in the fields of plastination, anatomical sciences and pathology, the most current information to succeed in their task, by publishing scholarly activities, opinions, and resources in the fields of plastination and anatomical techniques.\r\rPublished articles focus on the use of plastination in teaching and research into human and animal anatomy, modern techniques for preservation of tissues, and basic anatomical techniques and tissue preservation using polymer technologies.\r\rThe Journal provides its global readership with a better understanding of teaching and learning plastination techniques, in order to advance scientific education and research. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Punjab Studies", "ISSN": "9715223", "Scope": "ScopeCessation. Information not localized\r\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Reformed Theology", "ISSN": "15697312, 18725163", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Reformed Theology (JRT) is a refereed international journal of systematic, historical, and biblical theology. The journal is an instrument for the study of living and contextual theology that provides a forum for debate on classical and contemporary theological issues and offers an update on new theological and biblical literature. \rThe Journal of Reformed Theology originates from the International Reformed Theological Institute (IRTI). Established in 1995, IRTI comprises a world-wide network of scholars involved in Reformed theology. ‘Reformed’ refers to the theological tradition that started with the sixteenth-century Reformation in Strasbourg, Zurich and Geneva, as an expression of Christian faith of all times and places. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Stem Cells", "ISSN": "15568539", "Scope": "ScopeJournal of Stem Cells publishes papers on all aspects of stem cell research, including, but not limited to, the following topics.\rReproduction of Stem Cells [...]\rEmbryonic Stem Cells[...]\rHematopoietic Stem Cells[...]\rNeural Stem Cells[...]\rMesenchymal Stem Cells[...]\rCardiovascular Stem Cells[...]\rStem Cells in Disease[...]\rChimeric Animal Models for Human Stem Cells[...]\rAutologous Stem Cell Transplantation and Reconstitution[...]\rGene Delivery through Stem Cells[...]\rStem Cells in Therapy[...]\rCancer Stem Cells[...]\rRegenerative Medicine[...]\rTranslational Research[...]\rCurrent and New Perspectives in Stem Cell Research[...]\rStem Cells and Complementary and Alternative Medicines. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Taiwan Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers", "ISSN": "10234535", "Scope": "ScopeThe scientific journal Journal of Taiwan Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers is included in the Scopus database. Based on 2013, SJR is 0.111. Publisher country is TW. The main subject areas of published articles are Mechanical Engineering, Ocean Engineering. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of the Australian Early Medieval Association", "ISSN": "14499320", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of the Australian Early Medieval Association (JAEMA) is a double-blind peer reviewed journal published annually (ISSN 1449-9320) distributed to members and institutional subscribers. JAEMA publishes articles, reviews and short notes relating to all aspects of the early medieval period from late antiquity and the end of the Roman empire to about the end of the eleventh century. JAEMA seeks engaging, original work, that contributes to a collective understanding of the early medieval period. It welcomes papers on any theme, such as history, art history, archaeology, literature, linguistics, music and theology, and from any interpretive angle – memory, gender, historiography, medievalism, consilience and beyond. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan", "ISSN": "13405551, 18814190", "Scope": "Scope\t本会論文誌は「論文」「資料」「研究開発レター」「誌上討論」の投稿を受け付ける(共通英文論文誌については「論文」「研究開発レター」の投稿を受け付ける)。これらは、それぞれ2.1~2.4 に記載する要件を満たし、かつ、内容が電気学会倫理綱領・行動規範に抵触しないものでなければならない。なお、公開出版物については別途2.5 に定義する。 Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of the Institute of Latvian History", "ISSN": "10258906, 25928791", "Scope": "Scope“Latvijas Vēstures Institūta Žurnāls” (“The Journal of the Institute of Latvian History”) publishes articles aimed at extending and expanding the comprehension of processes and events in the territory of Latvia and the other Baltic states from the earliest times to the present day, as well as developments elsewhere that relate to the past of Latvia and the Baltic region.The journal presents original, previously unpublished contributions in the field of the humanities, particularly history. All the scholarly articles are double-blind peer-reviewed. Established in 1936 and published up to 1940, re-established in 1991. Published twice a year (a quarterly journal until 2017). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of the Japan Epilepsy Society", "ISSN": "09120890, 13475509", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Journal of the Midwest Modern Language Association", "ISSN": "7425562", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Tokyo Medical University", "ISSN": "408905", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Journal of Validation Technology", "ISSN": "10796630, 21507090", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Kadim", "ISSN": "27579395, 27579476", "Scope": "ScopeKadim is committed to creating an open-access academic forum for scholars in the field of Ottoman Studies to share and discuss research findings. The journal encourages critical discourse by featuring academic contributions from diverse schools of thought, with the aim of enriching scholarly literature and promoting the advancement of Ottoman studies.\r\rKadim accepts a wide range of submissions related to the history of the Ottoman Empire and associated fields. The journal welcomes contributions in Turkish or English, including articles, critical editions, translations, book and dissertation reviews, article reviews, short reports, interviews, meeting abstracts, obituaries, biographies, and bibliographies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Kairos", "ISSN": "18549373, 25361597", "Scope": "ScopeSince its first issue in January of 1996, the mission of Kairos has been to publish scholarship that examines digital and multimodal composing practices, promoting work that enacts its scholarly argument through rhetorical and innovative uses of new media. As the longest continuously-publishing online peer-reviewed journals in the field, Kairos is one of the premiere journals in English Studies, made so by its dedication to academic quality through the journal’s extensive peer-review and editorial production processes.\rThis new journal has a great deal to do with kairos, particularly in terms of its appropriateness and timeliness in our field at this time. As we are discovering the value of hypertextual and other online writing, it is not only important to have a forum for exploring this growing type of composition, but it is essential that we have a webbed forum within which to hold those conversations. With this journal, the Kairos staff and authors intend to push many envelopes--of theory and pedagogy, of technology, of composition, and of professional scholarship--at a time when these efforts are vital to continued growth of our field. In essence, we've tried to make this the most kairotic journal we could.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Kaku igaku. The Japanese journal of nuclear medicine", "ISSN": "227854", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Kardiologicka Revue", "ISSN": "12124540, 18018653", "Scope": "Scopev časopise jsou uveřejňovány:\rpůvodní vědecko výzkumné práce z oboru kardiologie a vnitřního lékařství;\rpřehledové odborné články;\rklinická pozorování (kazuistiky);\rkrátká původní sdělení z příslušných oborů;\rdopisy redakci;\rpřehledné referáty;\reditorialy, komentáře;\rzprávy ze sjezdů a studijních pobytů;\rzprávy z lékařských společností a z regionů;\rdotazy a odpovědi;\rkvízy, historické črty, medicínské vtipy. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Keats-Shelley Review", "ISSN": "09524142, 20421362", "Scope": "ScopeThe Keats-Shelley Review has a unique identity and broad appeal, embracing Romanticism, English literature and Anglo-Italian relations. A diverse range of items are published within the Review, including notes, prize-winning essays and contemporary poetry of the highest quality, around a core of peer-reviewed academic articles, essays and reviews. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Kierkegaard Studies", "ISSN": "14305372, 16129792", "Scope": "ScopeSince the Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook (KSYB) was first published in 1996, it has served as the authoritative periodical in the field. From 2011 the Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook has been a peer-reviewed yearbook open to submissions by all Kierkegaard scholars. KSYB is published on behalf of the Søren Kierkegaard Research Centre at the University of Copenhagen.\r\rThe goal of the Yearbook is to advance Kierkegaard studies by encouraging top-level scholarship in the field. The editorial and advisory boards are deeply committed to creating a genuinely international forum for publication which integrates the many different traditions of Kierkegaard studies and brings them into a constructive and fruitful dialogue. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Kinoshi Kenkyu Kaishi/Annals of the High Performance Paper Society, Japan", "ISSN": "2885867", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "KulturPoetik", "ISSN": "16161203", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Kunststoffe International", "ISSN": "18624243", "Scope": "ScopeKunststoffe international competently provides information in English on technical developments and industry trends. One trade mark: the exclusive insider reports - they form the profile of the magazine as a trend-setting information carrier for the increasingly global performing plastics processors. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Landfall", "ISSN": "237930", "Scope": "ScopeLandfall is New Zealand's foremost and longest-running arts and literary journal. It showcases new fiction and poetry, as well as biographical and critical essays, and cultural commentary. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Latin American Theatre Review", "ISSN": "238813", "Scope": "ScopeFounded in 1967, LATR covers all aspects of Latina/o and Latin American theatre and performance and has grown to be one of the premiere scholarly journals in its field. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Lebenswelt", "ISSN": "22409599", "Scope": "ScopeLa rivista ospita articoli di estetica, fenomenologia, storia della filosofia e teoria delle arti. Lebenswelt nasce nel 2011 sotto la guida di Tonino Griffero ed è edita, con Open Journal System, dall’Università degli Studi di Milano. La rivista nasce da un comune interesse del comitato scientifico e della redazione per la filosofia dell’esperienza ed è caratterizzata da una natura internazionale: pubblica infatti articoli in cinque lingue (italiano, inglese, francese, tedesco e spagnolo) e ospita spesso scritti di autori stranieri. A partire dal 2014, la rivista passa da annuale a semestrale, mantenendo un’alternanza nella pubblicazione delle sezioni: il numero estivo è dedicato alla Varia e alle Recensioni, riservate esclusivamente a testi pubblicati da autori stranieri, mentre il numero invernale è composto da una sezione monografica, Focus, e da un Forum, che discute con l’autore un testo pubblicato all’estero e di particolare rilevanza scientifica. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Lectora", "ISSN": "11365781, 20139470", "Scope": "ScopeLECTORA. JOURNAL OF WOMEN AND TEXTUALITY, founded in 1995, is a space for debate and study of the intersections and shades between feminism and various forms of textuality within culture. Lectora is a multilingual publication published annually both in print and online formats (Open Access). The journal does not charge for submission, processing or publication of manuscripts. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Legacy", "ISSN": "07484321, 15340643", "Scope": "ScopeIn print since 1984, Legacy is the only scholarly journal to focus specifically on American women’s writing, broadly defined, from the seventeenth through the mid-twentieth centuries. We are interested in projects that examine the works of individual authors; genre studies; analyses of race, ethnicity, gender, class, and sexualities in women’s literature; historical and material cultural issues pertinent to women’s lives and literary works; and myriad other topics. In addition, Legacy regularly publishes profiles of lesser-known or newly recovered authors, reprints of primary works in all genres, meditations on archival praxis and issues of literary recovery, and book reviews covering current scholarship in the field. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Leo Baeck Institute Yearbook", "ISSN": "00758744, 1758437X", "Scope": "ScopeThe Leo Baeck Institute Year Book is the pre-eminent journal on Central European Jewish history and culture. This well-established publication covers cultural, economic, political, social and religious history, the impact of antisemitism and the Jewish responses to it.\r\rThe Year Book is the publication of the Leo Baeck Institute, founded in 1955 for the study of the history and culture of German-speaking Central European Jewry. The journal of record in its field, the Year Book features the world's most prominent experts in the social, cultural, intellectual and political history of Jews in Central Europe after 1789, including the Holocaust. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Letteratura e Dialetti", "ISSN": "1974868X, 20353316", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Lettere Italiane", "ISSN": "241334", "Scope": "ScopeDi prestigio internazionale, è la più autorevole rivista di letteratura italiana, che felicemente concilia rigore filologico ed esegetico e attenzione al nuovo, e, nella sua storia, ha ospitato le voci più significative delle varie tradizioni internazionali di studi sulla civiltà italiana, approfondendo dibattiti di metodo e inserendo le lettere italiane nella tradizione degli studi romanzi e comparati. Ricchissimo e tempestivo il contributo all'informazione critico-bibliografica. Alla rivista si affiancano le due collane «Biblioteca di Lettere Italiane» e «Saggi di Lettere Italiane».Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Lettres Romanes", "ISSN": "241415", "Scope": "ScopeLes lettres romanes is a journal dedicated to the study of romance literatures, more specifically the history of romance literatures. The journal publishes quarterly articles, critical reviews of books and journals, as well as bibliographical notes, which constitute, all together, an annual volume of about 400 pages. An issue might comprise double volumes.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Leuvense Bijdragen", "ISSN": "00241482, 17831598", "Scope": "ScopeLeuvense Bijdragen, published by the Department of Linguistics of the University of Leuven, is an international journal for studies in General linguistics, Germanic linguistics and Germanic philology. Founded in 1896, it continues to provide an open-minded forum for high-quality contributions to all fields of General linguistics, to the linguistic analysis of the Germanic languages, and to the philological study of the older literary tradition (up to the 18th century) of those languages. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Library and Information History", "ISSN": "17583489, 17583497", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Lietuvos Muzikologija", "ISSN": "13929313", "Scope": "Scope„Lithuanian Musicology“ is a periodic scientific journal of the humanities founded in 2000. Every year one volume of the journal is published. Editorial board includes authoritative scientists from Lithuania as well as foreign countries, humanitarians from institutions of different fields. Publications submitted to the journal must be fully original, never published before in other editions. While using other sources as well as other scientific material, the authors must invoke the rules of fair quoting – cases of plagiarism is unacceptable. The journal protects copyright as well as academic ethics standards. In turn, the editor and editorial board commits not to reveal any information about the submitted papers, with an exception of the author himself, co-authors, reviewers, potential reviewers and other persons related to the publishing (language editors, publishers and etc.). The journal applies the standard of peer review. Reviewers treat papers as confidential documents, peer review relies on the objectivity as well as the clear argumentation.\r\rIn case of the author noticing fundamental errors left after his paper is published he is obligated to inform the journal’s editor and cooperate in the process of correction. The editors and editorial board is not responsible for the opinions, views and contents published in the submitted papers. The responsibility for the originality, veracity and errors lies on the author. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Lighting Design and Application: LD and A", "ISSN": "3606325", "Scope": "ScopeLD+A (Lighting Design and Application) authoritatively reports, in a comprehensive manner, the latest technical developments, industry trends and news of the lighting industry. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Lingua e Stile", "ISSN": "0024385X", "Scope": "ScopeLingua e Stile was founded in 1966 by Luigi Heilmann and Ezio Raimondi as a meeting point between philosophy of language, linguistics and literary criticism. In 2002, in a very different cultural context, it launched a new biannual series dedicated to the history of the Italian language. The series encompasses various rigorous methodological approaches and presents studies, with a broad range of themes, dedicated to the history of language and dialects in Italy. It also provides a forum for research that touches upon other disciplines, including literary criticism, dialectology, sociolinguistics and philology. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Lingua Nostra", "ISSN": "243868", "Scope": "Scope«Lingua nostra» è una fra le riviste scientifiche di punta in un settore che in Europa ha raggiunto ormai una trentina di testate. In particolare, per ciò che concerne il versante storico-filologico, vi si trattano momenti significativi della storia della lingua e i più svariati problemi di grammatica storica, etimologia, lessicologia, semantica storica, onomastica, toponomastica; vi trovano spazio anche argomenti d’interesse retorico-stilistico o metrico, aspetti della “questione della lingua\" e del pensiero linguistico, come lavori di più spiccato interesse filologico. Per quanto riguarda il versante descrittivo, «Lingua nostra» affronta le tante questioni legate all’italiano di oggi, nei suoi diversi impieghi nella società e nelle varietà regionali, nei suoi rapporti coi dialetti, i linguaggi tecnico-scientifici, le lingue straniere; numerosi gli studi su neologismi, forestierismi, dialettalismi, terminologie tecniche; costante attenzione è dedicata alla diffusione dell’italiano all’estero. Sul versante della didattica, la rivista pubblica lavori che trattano della norma linguistica e dell’insegnamento dell’italiano, delle questioni legate alla sua diffusione attraverso i mezzi di comunicazione di massa; non mancano studi sull’insegnamento dell’italiano come seconda lingua e sull’insegnamento all’estero, come lavori di carattere contrastivo o dedicati alla traduzione. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Linguistica Lettica", "ISSN": "14071932", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal focuses on Baltic linguistics with a strong emphasis on the comprehensive study of the Latvian language, its contact with other languages in Latvia and around the world, and other languages spoken in Latvia. However, experts from other disciplines are also invited to submit disciplinary and interdisciplinary papers on topical language issues, research theories, and methodologies.\rIn 2021, the editorial board of Linguistica Lettica began a new tradition of thematizing each issue of the journal around certain topic, theory, or method; each such theme can be viewed from both a disciplinary (linguistics) and interdisciplinary point of view, thus expanding our understanding of certain things and developing new scientific perspectives in Latvia. The description of each issue’s theme is announced in advance here, on the website of the Latvian Language Institute, during the annual Jānis Endzelīns commemoratory conference in Riga (Latvia), alongside a public call for submitting journal papers.\rThe aims in choosing each issue’s theme are: (1) to help authors look at their research topics from a different perspective, (2) to encourage researchers to search for and test new theoretical and methodological frameworks, and (3) to create a conceptually unified journal, helping readers navigate its range of scientific papers. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Linguistique Balkanique", "ISSN": "3241653", "Scope": "Scope“Linguistique balkanique” publishes original studies concerning a broad variety of issues ranging from theoretical problems of the Balkan Sprachbund to specific aspects of the relations among the ancient and modern Balkan languages, and the relations of the Balkan languages with other Indo-European and non-Indo-European languages. It is the only periodical with an exclusive focus on Balkan linguistics. “Linguistique balkanique” publishes articles presenting empirical studies concerning different synchronic and diachronic problems of the Balkan languages. Review articles of significant works in the field of Balkan Studies and Indo-European Studies, as well as information on scientific events related to the subject matter of the Journal are also published. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Literaturna Misal", "ISSN": "03240495, 13149237", "Scope": "ScopeThe periodical Literaturna misal is publishing articles dealing with literary theory, history, criticism, and comparative studies. It is also interested in cultural studies, Balkan studies, and all similar fields in humanities. Articles in Bulgarian and English are welcomed. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Literaturwissenschaftliches Jahrbuch", "ISSN": "0075997X, 26289849", "Scope": "ScopeThe »Literaturwissenschaftliches Jahrbuch« (Yearbook of Literary Studies) was founded in 1926 by Günther Müller with the aim to publish both research and literary texts. The Jahrbuch was banned by the Nazis in 1939 and re-founded by the German scholar Hermann Kunisch in 1960; the new series has now grown to more than 50 volumes. The trans-disciplinary journal publishes articles on German, English and American literature, as well as literature in the Romance languages. Articles may be written in German or the languages of the respective fields. Each volume also comprises a substantial review section. Early career scholars are encouraged to submit their manuscripts.\r\rThe »Literaturwissenschaftliche Jahrbuch« is not restricted to any specific method or school. It focuses on texts and developments from the Middle Ages to the present. With a view to exploring the multilingual and transcultural dimension of the literatures involved, emphasis will be given to comparative approaches. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Litteraria Pragensia", "ISSN": "08628424, 2571452X", "Scope": "ScopeLitteraria Pragensia: Studies in Literature and Culture publishes thematic issues focused on interdisciplinary critical debates about diverse phenomena in modern and contemporary literatures and cultures, from major movements and genres to the problems of cultural history, identity and communication, text, intertextuality, performativity and reception. Major methodologies range from Structuralism, Post-structuralism and New Historicism to Gender, Postcolonial and Appropriation Studies. An important objective of the journal is to stimulate and develop multi- and transdisciplinary cooperation within and among research projects and networks world-wide.\r\rLitteraria Pragensia welcomes proposals of thematic issues including:\r•\ta title and a brief description of the theme(s) and of the issue\r•\tthe names and bio-notes of the editor(s) and contributors with the tentative titles and abstracts of individual articles\r•\tan estimated range of the issue (typically 8 articles and editorial introduction; 45-60,000 words)Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Local Population Studies", "ISSN": "1432974", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal Local Population Studies was first published as a newsletter and magazine in 1968, and later became a formal historical journal. It is published twice a year, and is unique in its focus on population and society in a local and a community context. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Logeion", "ISSN": "22412417, 22412425", "Scope": "ScopeIs a peer-reviewed journal, which publishes original scholarly articles in modern Greek, English, French, German, and Italian on every aspect of ancient Greek and Roman theatre and drama, including its reception in modern theatre, literature, cinema and the other art forms, as well as its relation to the theatre of other periods and geographical regions. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Logos and Pneuma - Chinese Journal of Theology", "ISSN": "10232583", "Scope": "Scope本刊旨在漢語神學的學術建設,促進基督神學之漢語人文-社會科學化。本刊不但面向神學師生、教牧人員,也面向整個漢語文化-學術界,使神學成為中國學術的一個組成部分。 Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Lusitania Sacra", "ISSN": "00761508, 21828822", "Scope": "ScopeLusitania Sacra (ISSN: 0076‑1508, ISSNe: 2182‑8822) is an academic journal published every six months by the CEHR – Centre of Religious History Studies. Its mission is the study of history based upon religious phenomena. Centred on religion as a means to analyse Portuguese society, its extends across our understanding of the multi-layered interactions between social and religious dynamics. Open to the broader academic community, this journal fulfils a unique role within Portuguese historiography.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Luziana", "ISSN": "25326376, 25327585", "Scope": "ScopeThe gamble and the challenge of «Luziana» lie in the ambition to become a regular, far-ranging conflation of what did and does revolve around Mario Luzi's works, including poetry, plays, fiction, essays, French studies, film criticism, art criticism, spiritual writings, activists writings and all the rest, with a wide range of interconnections and collaborations: a literary and cultural fabric that deserves to be further explored, delved into and understood. It is just because the Florence-born poet is the focus of such wide and varied attention that we thought of providing scholars and affectionate readers with a world-class scientific magazine that could start to report more systematically on a veritable pipeline of studies and research as well as stories, unpublished or rare works, quotes, reviews. Not least to keep alive that continuum that binds us to Luzi, the Per il battesimo section will host writings by modern, reputed authors and artists who have somehow to do with him or his works. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Manchester Journal of Transnational Islamic Law and Practice", "ISSN": "26336626", "Scope": "ScopeThe principal objectives of the Manchester Journal of Transnational Islamic Law & Practice (MJTILP) are to provide a vehicle for the consideration of transnational forms of Islamic law and practice. Transnationalism in Islamic law is taken broadly as communications and interactions linking Islamic thoughts, ideas, people, practices and institutions across nation-States and around the globe. In recent times, research in Islamic law has shaped narratives based on nation-States, demographics, diasporic communities, and ethnic origins instead of developing around a central core. Contemporary issues of Islamic law are increasingly linked to geographical locations and ethnic or parochial forms of religious beliefs and practices. Expressions like American, European, British, Asian and Arab Islam have widely gained acceptance.\r\rDespite the growing importance of dialogue to develop shared understandings of issues facing Islamic law and proposing coordinated solutions, the contemporary research and scholarship has not developed harmoniously and remains piecemeal and sporadic. Researchers and practitioners of Islamic law are drawn from a wide variety of subjects and come from various regions of the world but have insufficient institutional support for sharing information and comparing experiences. Innovation in various strands and paradigms of Islamic law and practice is stifled because there are limited spaces where evolutionary, collaborative and interdisciplinary discourses can take place. This in turn hampers the ability to build on past research and record best practices, negatively impacting a consistent and orderly development of the field. There is a need to constitute a world community of Islamic law scholars based on interactions and aspirations moving across linguistic, ethnic, geographical and political borders.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Manuscripta Orientalia", "ISSN": "12385018, 24153613", "Scope": "Scope\t \rI have an honor to present Manuscripta Orientalia. International Journal for Oriental Manuscript Research. It began in 1995 by \"Thesa Publishers\" (Saint-Petersburg) on initiative of a group of Peretsburg orientalists as undependant scientific publication, operating on basis of self-finance and is an English-language quarterly containing 72 pages. Now it is published in cooperation with Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera) of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the State Hermitage Museum. It is the first and only international journal entirely dedicated to issues of Oriental textology, comparative codicology, and palaeography. It regularly features articles by scholars who work with sources in Oriental languages and manuscripts preserved in the rich collections of the famous St. Petersburg museums, libraries and archives. The journal also acquaints its readers with materials on little-known collections of Oriental manuscripts from various museums and academic centers in Russia and the countries of the former USSR. It serves as a forum for the research of colleagues in the United States, Germany, Norway, Holland, Italy, Czech Republic, France, Iran, Great Britain, Japan and many other countries. Publications in the journal are subjected to a stringent selection process (double-blind peer review) to ensure that they meet the demands of an international community of specialists. Our subscribers include leading centers in the humanities and libraries in nearly 30 countries. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Manuscrits", "ISSN": "02132397, 20146000", "Scope": "ScopeManuscrits. Revista d'història moderna és una publicació científica que edita treballs de recerca originals relatius al període de l'Edat Moderna (segles XV-XVIII). Els continguts de la revista van adreçats a investigadors, estudiants universitaris i persones interessades en aquesta àrea de coneixement. Manuscrits és una revista que edita el Departament d'Història Moderna i Contemporània de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Mapping and Image Science", "ISSN": "16518705", "Scope": "ScopeTidskriften Kart & Bildteknik kommer ut fyra gånger per år och innehåller artiklar inom området geografisk informationshantering, såsom kartografi, GIS, GIT, visualisering, historisk kartografi, fotogrammetri, fjärranalys och geodesi. Tidskriften omfattar cirka 24-40 sidor och skickas i tryckt form endast till medlemmar i Kartografiska Sällskapet. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Marine Corps History", "ISSN": "2381375X, 23813768", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Martor", "ISSN": "12246271, 27348350", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Marvels and Tales", "ISSN": "15214281, 15361802", "Scope": "ScopeMarvels & Tales (ISSN: 1521-4281) was founded in 1987 by Jacques Barchilon at the University of Colorado, Boulder. Originally known as Merveilles & contes, the journal expressed its role as an international forum for folktale and fairy-tale scholarship through its various aliases: Wunder & Märchen, Maravillas & Cuentos, Meraviglie & Racconti, and Marvels & Tales. In 1997, the journal moved to Wayne State University Press and took the definitive title Marvels & Tales: Journal of Fairy-Tale Studies.\r\rFrom the start, Marvels & Tales has served as a central forum for the multidisciplinary study of fairy tales. In its pages, contributors from around the globe have published studies, texts, and translations of fairy-tales from Europe, North America, Asia, and Africa. The Editorial Policy of Marvels & Tales encourages scholarship that introduces new areas of fairy-tale scholarship, as well as research that considers the traditional fairy-tale canon from new perspectives.\r\rThe journal's special issues have been particularly popular and have focused on topics such as \"Beauty and the Beast,\" \"The Romantic Tale,\" \"Charles Perrault,\" \"Marriage Tests and Marriage Quest in African Oral Literature,\" \"The Italian Tale,\" and \"Angela Carter and the Literary Märchen.\"\r\rMarvels & Tales is published every April and October by Wayne State University Press. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Massachusetts Review", "ISSN": "254878", "Scope": "ScopeThe Massachusetts Review, a literary magazine, promotes social justice and equality, along with great art. Committed to aesthetic excellence as well as public engagement, MR publishes literature and art that provokes debate, inspires action, and expands our understanding of the world around us. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Matatu", "ISSN": "9329714", "Scope": "ScopeMatatu is a peer-reviewed journal on African literatures and societies dedicated to interdisciplinary dialogue between literary and cultural studies, historiography, the social sciences and cultural anthropology. \rMatatu is animated by a lively interest in African culture and literature (including the Afro-Caribbean) that moves beyond worn-out clichés of “cultural authenticity” and “national liberation” towards critical exploration of African modernities. The East African public transport vehicle from which Matatu takes its name is both a component and a symbol of these modernities: based on “Western” (these days usually \"Asian\") technology, it is a vigorously African institution; it is usually regarded with some anxiety by those travelling in it, but is often enough the only means of transport available; it creates temporary communicative communities and provides a transient site for the exchange of news, storytelling, and political debate. \rMatatu is firmly committed to supporting democratic change in Africa, to providing a forum for interchanges between African and European critical debates, to overcoming notions of absolute cultural, ethnic, or religious alterity, and to promoting transnational discussion on the future of African societies in a wider world. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Materia", "ISSN": "15792641, 23853387", "Scope": "ScopeMatèria. Revista internacional d'Art mainly gathers research and new contributions by art history specialists within a wide range of issues of history and theory of art, including performing arts, music and cinema.\r\rThe journal aims to position itself as a reference for reflection and debate, in which art is the central axis to generate innovative and current thesis.\r\rMatèria. Revista internacional d’Art combines the publication of miscellaneous issues (as in the case of the last numbers 8 (2014), 9 (2015) and 12 (2017), with monographic issues, such as number 10-11 (2016) entitled «Bosch al país de l’art» - dedicated to Bosch on the 500th anniversary of his death.\r\rThe journal has an international and is adressed to the scientific and academic community, including all Arts professionals and related fields. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "MDCCC 1800", "ISSN": "22808841", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal MDCCC 1800, founded by Martina Frank, Elena Catra, Isabella Collavizza, Myriam Pilutti Namer and Letizia Tasso, originates from the desire to create a place for international debate capable of responding to the renewed interest for the artistic culture of the nineteenth century. Starting from the most recent contributions on Venice, which in recent years have gradually increased gaining a significant interpretative opening, the journal aims to expand the field of studies in an interdisciplinary perspective considering the plots and the relationships between shapes art in the macroscopic framework of the European nineteenth century. The journal is conceived with annual pubblication scheduled for July. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Meander", "ISSN": "256285", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Meanjin", "ISSN": "00256293, 14488094", "Scope": "ScopeMeanjin was founded in Brisbane by Clem Christesen (the name, pronounced Mee-an-jin, is derived from an Aboriginal word for the finger of land on which central Brisbane sits) in 1940. It moved to Melbourne in 1945 at the invitation of the University of Melbourne. It currently receives funding from the university, the Literature Fund of the Australia Council for the Arts, CAL and Arts Victoria as well as receiving vital support through subscriptions and other sales. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Mediaeval Studies", "ISSN": "765872", "Scope": "ScopeMediaeval Studies is the annual journal published by the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies. The journal was established in 1939 and from the outset its purpose has been the publication of research on the Middle Ages by scholars throughout the world, particularly research involving unedited manuscript and archival material.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Medicina Cutanea Ibero-Latino-Americana", "ISSN": "2105187", "Scope": "ScopeMedicina Cutánea Ibero-Latino-Americana es el órgano oficial del Colegio Ibero-Latinoamericano de Dermatología.\r\rEs una publicación cuatrimestral, open access, que tras una revisión por pares doble ciego por parte del comité editorial, publica artículos originales, revisiones y casos clínicos en español o inglés, sobre aspectos básicos, epidemiológicos, quirúrgicos y clínicos en el área de la dermatología. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Medievalia et Humanistica", "ISSN": "766127", "Scope": "ScopeSince its founding in 1943, Medievalia et Humanistica has won worldwide recognition as the first scholarly publication in America to devote itself entirely to medieval and Renaissance studies. Since 1970, a new series, sponsored by the Modern Language Association of America and edited by an international board of distinguished scholars and critics, has published interdisciplinary articles. In yearly hardcover volumes, the new series publishes significant scholarship, criticism, and reviews treating all facets of medieval and Renaissance culture: history, art, literature, music, science, law, economics, and philosophy. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Medium Aevum", "ISSN": "258385", "Scope": "ScopeMedium Ævum, which first appeared in 1932, is one of the leading international academic periodicals in medieval studies. It is published twice yearly. Its present editors are Professors Nigel F. Palmer, Sylvia Huot and Corinne Saunders.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Metall", "ISSN": "260746", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal METALL concentrates with its topics – business, technology and science – mainly on non-ferrous metals. The focus is on the base metals copper, zinc, aluminum, magnesium, titanium, lead, nickel and tin, and precious metals.In addition, METALL also deals with precious and special steels, special metals and technology, hard metals and semiconductors.Issues are the primary recovery and recycling of metals, their processing and application, and the material development and optimization. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Methexis", "ISSN": "03270289, 24680974", "Scope": "ScopeFounded in 1988 by Conrado Eggers Lan (Universidad de Buenos Aires), Méthexis (MET) seeks to\rpromote studies and research in the history of ancient philosophy (throughout the course of its\rdevelopment), so as to offer scholars a venue for discussing and comparing their results. Within this\rgeneral framework, the journal stands out on account of two distinguishing features: 1) it welcomes, or\rindeed solicits, contributions reflecting different schools of thought and methodological approaches, be\rthey analytical, hermeneutical, historical or chiefly philological contributions; 2) the journal values the\rwide range of national traditions, including – as far as this is possible – from a linguistic perspective, as it\raccepts contributions in five languages (English, French, German, Italian and Spanish); by doing so, the\rjournal seeks to present itself as an “international” publication, in the strictest sense of the term. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Metropolitan Museum Journal", "ISSN": "00778958, 21693072", "Scope": "ScopeFounded in 1968, the Metropolitan Museum Journal is a blind, peer-reviewed scholarly journal published annually that features original research on the history, interpretation, conservation, and scientific examination of works of art in the Museum’s collection. Its encompasses the diversity of artistic practice from antiquity to the present day. The Journal encourages contributions offering critical and innovative approaches that will further our understanding of works of art. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin", "ISSN": "261521", "Scope": "ScopeThe Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin is a quarterly publication, geared to a general audience, that focuses on works in The Met's collection or exhibitions displayed at the Museum. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Middle East Journal of Anesthesiology", "ISSN": "5440440", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal is published three times a year (February, June, and October) and has an Editorial Executive Committee from the department and consultant editors from various Arab countries. A volume consists of six issues. Presently, it is in its 42nd year of publication and is currently in its 19th volume. It has a worldwide circulation and effective March 2008, the MEJA has become an electronic journal.\r\rThe main objective of the journal is to act as a forum for publication, education, and exchange of opinions, and to promote research and publications of the Middle Eastern heritage of medicine and anesthesia.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Middle Kingdom Studies", "ISSN": "25150944", "Scope": "ScopeMKS has two aims: to provide, within a focussed editorial structure, new direction and impetus to the Middle Kingdom research; and to create a discussion space for both established and emerging scholars, who wish to publish new ideas, researches, and findings relating to this period. The series also aims to go beyond a geographical segmentation of ancient history of Egypt, opening the field beyond its geographical borders, encouraging the submission of studies on Nubian, Mediterranean, and Near Eastern topics relating to that time and Egypt. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Midland History", "ISSN": "0047729X, 1756381X", "Scope": "ScopeMidland History is the principal journal covering the history of the English midlands. First produced in 1971, the journal is managed by an editorial board of scholars who are regional and local history specialists, operating under the auspices of the University of Birmingham where the editor is based. It publishes scholarly work on the counties of Bedfordshire, Derbyshire, Gloucestershire, Herefordshire, Leicestershire, Lincolnshire, Northamptonshire, Nottinghamshire, Oxfordshire, Rutland, Shropshire, Staffordshire, Warwickshire and Worcestershire. Midland History is a refereed journal which prints articles on midlands subjects from professional and independent historians and research students in the United Kingdom and elsewhere. The aim of the journal is to stimulate and encourage serious scholarly work on the history of the midlands from Roman times to the twenty-first century. Articles treat the history of particular localities and examine historical issues connected with the region, setting these in a broader context and drawing comparisons with other areas. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Militargeschichtliche Zeitschrift", "ISSN": "263826", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Military Engineer", "ISSN": "263982", "Scope": "ScopeThe Military Engineer—since 1909 under its original masthead Professional Memoirs, and since January 1920 in its current form as the official journal of SAME—has been the leading voice championing the contributions, the achievements, and the legacy of military engineers and those aligned with ensuring the national security of the United States. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Minnesota Review", "ISSN": "265667", "Scope": "ScopePublishing contemporary poetry and fiction as well as reviews, critical commentary, and interviews of leading intellectual figures, the minnesota review curates smart, accessible collections of progressive new work. This eclectic survey provides lively and sophisticated signposts to navigating current critical discourse. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Moderna", "ISSN": "11286326, 17240530", "Scope": "ScopeThe title is designed not so much to demarcate the boundaries of a historical period or of a finite time period, but rather to represent a motif and a perspective. A motif, because the themes of modernity from a pattern, which can at times be discerned even in pre-modern or non-modern authors; a perspectiv, because the point of view from which the various problems will be approached is that of modernity.\rModerna aims to be characterized first and foremost as an offering the fruits of study and research. Although springing from an academic background, it by no means proposes to act as the mouthpiece of a corporation; far less does it wish to be a mere receptacle of disparate materials. This review will endeavour to become a tool for methodological debate and assessment of literary tools. The first section is therefore devoted to the theory of literature.\rThe second section will cover the field of criticism. We intend to pursue a model of literary criticism that will succeed in combining attention to textual specificity and philological and formal aspects with a specifically hermeneutic interest focusing on the historicization, actualization and enhancement of the individual works. That is to say, a contribution can be made to the revival of literary criticism by proposing examples of critical writing that have a broader than the microphilologism or hermeneutic mysticism that dominate today's scene. Furthermore, we will endeavour to propose several monographic numbers, or at least numbers with unifying themes and topics, so that each issue of the journal have a homogeneous character. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Modernist Cultures", "ISSN": "17538629, 20411022", "Scope": "ScopeModernist Cultures invites essays from various fields of inquiry, including anthropology, art history, cultural studies, ethnography, film studies, history, literature, musicology, philosophy, sociology, urban studies, and visual culture, in an attempt to reanimate the discourses through which modernism's diverse cultures have hitherto been conceived.\r\rModernist Cultures seeks to open modernism up to new kinds of inquiry, new subjects, and new arguments, and to examine the interdisciplinary and international contexts of modernism and modernity. Fully peer-reviewed, the journal is committed to innovative scholarship and to dialogue across international borders, and intended as a genuinely interdisciplinary space for the lively, polemical discussion of contemporary trends in the field, a discussion that will, we hope, represent a range of critical approaches and foster debate between scholars working within different intellectual traditions. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Montesquieu.it", "ISSN": "24214124", "Scope": "ScopeFounded at the University of Bologna in 2009, «Montesquieu.it» is an international peer-review journal in History of Philosophy and History of Political Philosophy. It is published in an electronic format and printed in a limited amount of paper copies. Its main focuses revolve around anthropological, ethical, political, socio-economic and legal-constitutional themes and concepts spanning from ancient to contemporary age. It pays particular attention to the study of Montesquieu, whom more than anyone else has revitalized, in the modern age, ancient Greek and Roman political thought and at the same time contributed to the foundation of the Modern State based on division of powers, rule of law and the autonomy and independence of the judiciary. The journal publishes articles and critical notes in Italian, English, French and Spanish. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Moreana", "ISSN": "478105", "Scope": "ScopeFounded in 1963, Moreana publishes academic research about the person, historical milieu, and writing of the English humanist, Thomas More. In addition, the journal promotes research in cultural, historical, religious, and political contexts of the sixteenth-century Rennaissance period. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Moving Image", "ISSN": "15323978, 15424235", "Scope": "ScopeThe Moving Image explores topics relevant to both the media archivist and the media scholar. The Moving Image deals with crucial issues surrounding the preservation, archiving, and restoration of film, video, and digital moving images. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Moving Image Review and Art Journal", "ISSN": "20456298, 20456301", "Scope": "ScopeMoving Image Review & Art Journal (MIRAJ) is the first international peer-reviewed scholarly publication devoted to artists' film and video, and its contexts. It offers a forum for debates surrounding all forms of artists' moving image and media artworks: films, video installations, expanded cinema, video performance, experimental documentaries, animations and other screen-based works made by artists. MIRAJ aims to consolidate artists' moving image as a distinct area of study that bridges a number of disciplines, not limited to, but including art, film and media. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "MPT Metallurgical Plant and Technology International", "ISSN": "9357254", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Museum", "ISSN": "274089", "Scope": "ScopeMuseum magazine is our bi-monthly, award-winning magazine, and addresses the issues and challenges facing museums today. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Music and the Moving Image", "ISSN": "19407610, 21678464", "Scope": "ScopeThe purpose of Music and the Moving Image is to explore the relationship between music and the entire universe of moving images (film, television, music videos, computer games, performance art, and web-based media) through articles, reviews and interviews. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Music in Art", "ISSN": "15227464, 21699488", "Scope": "ScopeIs a multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal devoted to the study of visual sources of music from antiquity to the present. It fosters communication between historians of art, dance, and theater, musicologists, and ethnomusicologists engaged in the research of pictorial representations of musical instruments and their decorations, occasions for music-making and dance, the history of performance practice, and the relationship between music and visual art. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Musikforschung", "ISSN": "274801", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal “Die Musikforschung“ (Music Research) is the most important public forum for musicology in Germany. Contributions cover all topic-related and institutional brands of the field. There are reviews of German publications and publications in other languages on the whole range of musicological research themes and reviews of score editions. Once a year the PhD theses accepted in German universities and conservatoires are announced. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "National Interest", "ISSN": "8849382", "Scope": "ScopeWe seek original ideas and analyses on topics of international politics and world affairs, particularly from a realist perspective or addressing realist concerns.\r\rWe have no fixed \"format\" in the sense of a style guide, but we expect prospective authors to have familiarized themselves with the magazine and to have a sense for the ongoing conversations within them; to know how questions are framed and what previous authors have said (or not said) about the subject at hand. This last point is especially critical. Authors submitting manuscripts or proposals dealing with topics covered in the magazine should be aware of the arguments presented by their predecessors and either address those arguments or break new ground.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Naval Architect", "ISSN": "3060209", "Scope": "ScopePublished in 10 issues per year, The Naval Architect is the principal magazine of The Royal Institution of Naval Architects, providing independent, high quality technical information on all aspects of ship design, construction and outfitting of large commercial vessels. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Nederlands Kunsthistorisch Jaarboek", "ISSN": "1696726", "Scope": "ScopeFounded in 1947 the The Netherlands Yearbook for History of Art/Nederlands Kunsthistorisch Jaarboek (NKJ) is a peer-reviewed annual, which has established an international reputation for publishing outstanding articles that reflect the variety and diversity of approaches to the study of Netherlandish art and culture. The NKJ aims to foster traditional art historical scholarship and to open up the field to innovative cross disciplinary developments. \rEach volume is dedicated to a particular theme. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Dermatologie en Venereologie", "ISSN": "9258604", "Scope": "ScopeHet Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Dermatologie en Venereologie (NTvDV) is het wetenschappelijk tijdschrift van de NVDV. Het verschijnt tien keer per jaar in een oplage van 1.200 exemplaren. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "New Electronics", "ISSN": "479624", "Scope": "ScopeEstablished more than 40 years ago, New Electronics is the electronics industry's leading magazine and a central hub for design engineers. With its blend of technology features, news and new product information, New Electronics keeps designers and managers up to date with the fastest moving industry in the world. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "New England Quarterly-A Historical Review of New England Life and Letters", "ISSN": "00284866, 19372213", "Scope": "ScopeFor over ninety years, The New England Quarterly (NEQ) has published the best that has been written on New England’s cultural, literary, political, and social history. Contributions cover a range of time periods, from before European colonization to the present, and discuss subjects germane to New England’s history—for example, the region’s literary and artistic productions, its political practice and philosophies, race relations, labor struggles, religious controversies, and the organization of family life. The journal also aims to link regional history and literary cultures to broader scholarly studies by encouraging work that treats the migration of ideas, people, and institutions from New England to other parts of the United States and the world. In addition to major essays, features include memoranda and edited documents, reconsiderations of traditional texts and interpretations, and book reviews. \rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "New England Review-Middlebury Series", "ISSN": "10531297", "Scope": "ScopeNew England Review is truly dedicated to discovering significant new voices—and to giving them a place in the broader literary discussion that happens all around us and in every issue of our journal. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "New York University Journal of Law and Liberty", "ISSN": "19305044, 19324421", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Law & Liberty is the nation’s premiere student-edited law journal dedicated to the critical exploration of classical liberal ideas. To that end, the Journal provides a forum for the debate of textualist, originalist, conservative, libertarian, and heterodox legal thought from both theoretical and practical standpoints. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Nineteenth Century Prose", "ISSN": "10520406", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal accepts articles, reviews, and bibliographies on nineteenth-century British, American, and Continental nonfiction prose and cultural studies. Submissions should be sent via e-mail attachment after an initial e-mail contact with the editor (barrytharaud@yahoo.com). All text, including notes and indented quotes, should be in MS Word and doubled spaced throughout. Notes should be on a separate file, not generated automatically through MS Word. All submissions should be accompanied by a two-or three- sentence vita for the Contributors page, and articles should be accompanied by a one-paragraph abstract.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Nineteenth-Century Music Review", "ISSN": "14794098, 20448414", "Scope": "ScopeNineteenth-Century Music Review locates music within all aspects of culture in the long nineteenth century (c.1789-1914), covering the widest possible range of methods, topics and concepts. Through themed and general issues, articles provide both depth and breadth in their contribution to this expanding field. A rich supply of book, CD, DVD, and score reviews reflects the journal's title and commitment to stimulate and advance critical discussion. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Nishinihon Journal of Urology", "ISSN": "290726", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "No To Hattatsu", "ISSN": "290831", "Scope": "Scope年間6回、隔月(1月、3月、5月、7月、9月、11月)発行。\r年1回、Suppl.総会号(総会プログラム・抄録集)を総会会期前に発行。\r会員には、無料で配布されます。 Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Nonwovens Industry", "ISSN": "1634429", "Scope": "ScopeThroughout the year, Nonwovens Industry will continue to cover the most important topics and events in in the industry though our monthly print editions, special printed supplements, through targeted electronic mailings, our website and through social media including Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Nordic Journal of Architectural Research", "ISSN": "11025824, 18935281", "Scope": "ScopeNJAR is ranked at international top level making it, to date, the only scientific journal in architectural research in the Nordic countries ranked at the prestigious level 2.\r\rNJAR represents a pluralist approach to research and publishes original academic contributions within architecture, urban planning and landscape architecture. The journal publishes scientific articles by a double-blind scholarly peer review system. Two senior researchers review every article. All reviewers are recognised researchers. Scientific reviewers must hold a PhD. Reviewers who do not hold a PhD are only used in very exceptional cases. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Northern History", "ISSN": "0078172X, 17458706", "Scope": "ScopeNorthern History was the first regional historical journal. Produced since 1966 under the auspices of the School of History, University of Leeds, its purpose is to publish scholarly work on the history of the seven historic Northern counties of England: Cheshire, Cumberland, Durham, Lancashire, Northumberland, Westmorland and Yorkshire. Since it was launched it has always been a refereed journal, attracting articles on Northern subjects from historians in many parts of the world.\r\rIt aims to stimulate and encourage serious research, professional and amateur alike, on the history of all parts of the North, including the Borders, from Roman times to the twentieth century. Archaeological reports are not accepted, but papers which use archaeological evidence and articles based on all kinds of historical sources and methods of research are welcome. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Northwestern Journal of International Law and Business", "ISSN": "1963228", "Scope": "ScopeThe Northwestern Journal of International Law and Business is a student-run, student-edited publication of the Northwestern University School of Law. First published in 1979, JILB is dedicated to the analysis of transnational and international laws and their effects on private entities. The Journal’s substantive focus—private international law and business—distinguishes it from many other publications in the international field. JILB publishes three issues annually and is circulated to practitioners, professors, and libraries around the world. Articles published in the Journal are written by prominent scholars and practitioners. These articles analyze significant questions and current issues in private international law. The Journal also publishes student-written notes and comments that are of scholarly length and quality. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Norwegian-American Studies", "ISSN": "00781983, 26438437", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Nottingham Medieval Studies", "ISSN": "00782122, 25070444", "Scope": "ScopeNottingham Medieval Studies was first issued in 1957 and published its fiftieth volume in 2006. It was and remains an interdisciplinary journal for studies of European history and literature from Late Antiquity through to the Reformation. The journal also features articles in related fields such as archaeology, art history, linguistics, musicology and philosophy. Nottingham Medieval Studies is published as a single annual volume. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Nuova Rivista di Letteratura Italiana", "ISSN": "15907929", "Scope": "ScopeToday, Nuova Rivista di Letteratura Italiana publishes essays on literature, philology, and the history of the Italian language from its origins to the present day. The Directors of the journal grant the scientific quality of the articles by filtering the articles that will be submitted to blind peer-review.\r\rAlong with the double-blind peer-reviewed ‘Essays’ section, there are ‘Texts and Documents’, a double-blind peer-reviewed section where editions and comments on rare or unpublished documents are published, and ‘Debates’, an editor-reviewed section for essays on methodological and historiographical matters in Italian studies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Nuova Rivista Storica", "ISSN": "296236", "Scope": "Scope«Nuova Rivista Storica» è lieta di ricevere proposte di pubblicazione di articoli di argomento storico, dall’età antica all’età contemporanea, pubblicati in italiano e nelle più importanti lingue di cultura dell’Unione Europea (francese, inglese, spagnolo, tedesco).\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Nursing History Review", "ISSN": "10628061", "Scope": "ScopeNursing History Review, an annual peer-reviewed publication, is a showcase for the most significant current research on nursing and health care history. Contributors include national and international scholars representing many different disciplinary backgrounds. Regular sections include scholarly articles, reviews of the best books on nursing and abstracts of new doctoral dissertations and health care history, and invited commentaries. Historians, researchers, and individuals fascinated with the rich field of nursing will find this an important resource. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Oceanus", "ISSN": "298182", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ochrona Zabytkow", "ISSN": "298247", "Scope": "Scope“Ochrona Zabytków” [“Protection of Historical Monuments”] is a specialist journal dedicated to preservation of cultural heritage, research and conservation of historical monuments. The articles are devoted to theoretical and practical issues related to the following areas: maintenance and restoration of historical monuments, history of art, architecture and urban planning, landscape design, archaeology, ethnology, legal framework for heritage protection, and heritage management. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ons Geestelijk Erf", "ISSN": "07742827, 17831652", "Scope": "ScopeOns Geestelijk Erf is een driemaandelijks tijdschrift gewijd aan de geschiedenis van de spiritualiteit in de Nederlanden. Het bestrijkt de periode vanaf de kerstening van de Nederlanden tot het einde van het Ancien Régime.\r\rHet tijdschrift werd in 1927 gesticht door D.A. Stracke s.j. († 1970) en het wordt sindsdien uitgegeven door het Ruusbroecgenootschap, dat in 1973 werd opgenomen in de Universitaire Faculteiten Sint-Ignatius te Antwerpen. Sinds 2003 maakt het Ruusbroecgenootschap deel uit van Universiteit Antwerpen als Instituut voor de geschiedenis van de spiritualiteit in de Nederlanden tot ca. 1750.\r\rPer jaar verschijnen vier afleveringen, die te zamen ongeveer vierhonderd bladzijden omvatten. De vierde aflevering van elke jaargang bevat het jaarlijkse literatuuroverzicht van de vroomheidsgeschiedenis in de Nederlanden. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Open Insight", "ISSN": "20072406, 23958936", "Scope": "ScopeOpen Insight is an specialized journal on Philosophy aimed at researchers, professors and students of philosophy. It is published twice a year, in January and July.\r\rThematically, Open Insight is open to all fields of Philosophy, as long as the submitted manuscripts comply with the rigor and seriousness expected from a scientific philosophical publication. However, it wants to promote research in the diverse fields and philosophical problems of contemporary philosophy; it is open especially to the philosophical problems within the social, anthropological and religious orders in human life. Though, it does not excludes contributions dedicated to ancient or medieval philosophy, in-terdisciplinary issues or any other particular aspect of the history of philosophy.\r\rBeyond any special exception considered by the editors, all contributions must be original and unpublished and they cannot be in the evaluation process of any other journal. They can be written in English or Spanish. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Opuscula Historiae Artium", "ISSN": "12117390", "Scope": "ScopeOpuscula Historiae Artium is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal published bianually by the Art History Department, Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic. It welcomes contributions in the field of history of art and related disciplines. The journal, published since 1996, is a continuation of Series historiae artium (H) of Studia minora facultatis philosophicae universitatis Brunensis. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Orbis Idearum", "ISSN": "23533900", "Scope": "ScopeIt is edited and published by the History of Ideas Research Centre and the Institute of Sociology of the Jagiellonian University. Founded in 2013 by Prof. Michel Kowalewicz, the journal was initially funded by the National Programme for the Development of the Humanities of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Poland.\rOrbis Idearum has an international and interdisciplinary, as testified to by its Editorial board and Scientific Committee. It is open access and free of charge for authors and readers. Full issues and single articles are published online on this journal's website.\rPrior to submitting a manuscript for peer review, authors are required to register with the journal and they are invited to review the journal’s Ethical Code and Editorial Norms. Articles should be crafted using the Publishing templates provided by the editors on this journal.\rThe history of ideas can be understood as a discipline with its own methodology and field of inquiry, or as an umbrella discipline that encompasses the histories of specific types of knowledge, such as philosophy, social science, natural science, religion, literature, etc. Typically, the focus of the history ideas is the historical trajectory of a term-and-concept or a theory. Researchers may reconstruct the vicissitudes of intradisciplinary ideas (sociological, philosophical, political, etc.) or of ideas crossing disciplines or appearing in different forms of literature (scientific articles, books, manuscripts, private letters, novels, etc.). It must be clear, however, that this is just a general orientation. There are different traditions and schools of thought in the history of ideas. The editors and reviewers of Orbis Idearum are not “fundamentalist” about research approaches. However, they do require methodological awareness from the authors. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ordines Militares", "ISSN": "08672008, 23917512", "Scope": "ScopeThe growing academic prestige of the series “Ordines Militares. Colloquia Torunensia Historica” led to its being transformed into a yearbook devoted to the history of military orders. In keeping with tradition, each volume includes a definite thematic, which refers to the subject of a conference from the “Ordines militares” series. Moreover, articles, polemics, research surveys, source monographs and reviews concerning the history of military orders are published there in English, German and French. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Osterreichisches Archiv fur Recht und Religion", "ISSN": "15608670", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Oud Holland", "ISSN": "0030672X, 18750176", "Scope": "ScopeOud Holland is the oldest surviving art-historical periodical in the world. Founded by A.D. de Vries and N. der Roever in 1883, it has appeared virtually without interruption ever since. Supported by the RKD – Netherlands Institute for Art History since 1972, it is entirely devoted to the visual arts of the Low Countries from 1400 until early 20th century and has featured thousands of scholarly articles, including numerous pioneering art-historical studies. From 1885 to his death in 1946, the renowned art historian Dr. Abraham Bredius set a standard of excellence for Oud Holland. Many other well-known art historians have served as editor of the periodical. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Outre-Mers", "ISSN": "16310438", "Scope": "ScopeOutre-Mers. Revue d’histoire paraît deux fois an, en juin-juillet puis en novembre-décembre, sous la forme de numéros doubles. Notre revue est une revue à comité de lecture. Une première partie présente un thème d’étude (entre huit et douze articles) ; une seconde partie regroupe quatre à six varia : articles sur des thèmes divers ; comptes rendus de livres ; annonces de colloques ; informations sur l’histoire des outre-mers, etc. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal", "ISSN": "14729342", "Scope": "ScopeThe Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal ( OUCLJ) is the flagship journal of Oxford University's postgraduate law community, produced under the aegis of the Law Faculty. It is published twice-yearly and endeavours to foster international academic debate and exchange on a wide range of legal topics of interest throughout the Commonwealth. The OUCLJ welcomes contributions from academic lawyers, practitioners and policy-makers, wherever situated. It publishes articles which are concerned with a single jurisdiction as well as those which undertake a comparative analysis, with an emphasis on black letter law rather than legal theory. All pieces are double blind-refereed. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "P.A. Persona e Amministrazione", "ISSN": "26109050", "Scope": "ScopeLa rivista P.A. (Persona e Amministrazione) nasce dal percorso di ricerca avviato nel 2006, con il primo convegno promosso ad Urbino. Non si tratta, quindi, di una rivista che sorge in astratto o come frutto solo di un progetto; essa è, piuttosto, il risultato di un percorso, ormai decennale. Nasce, quindi, da un’esperienza ed i risultati di quell’esperienza concorreranno a sostenerla e ad accrescerla.\rLa rivista ha periodicità semestrale. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Pacific Coast Philology", "ISSN": "00787469, 2326067X", "Scope": "ScopePacific Coast Philology publishes peer-reviewed essays of interest to scholars in the classical and modern languages, literatures, and cultures. The journal publishes two annual issues (one regular and one special issue), which normally contain articles and book reviews, as well as the presidential address, forum, and plenary speech from the preceding year's conference.\r\rPacific Coast Philology is the official journal of the Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association, a regional branch of the Modern Language Association. PAMLA is dedicated to the advancement and diffusion of knowledge of ancient and modern languages and literatures. Anyone interested in languages and literary studies may become a member. Please visit their website for more information. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Paint and Coatings Industry", "ISSN": "8843848", "Scope": "ScopeEach month, PCI publishes news in a variety of categories in both print and in our weekly e-Newsletter. Companies can submit press releases free of charge. They are usually published on a first-come, first-served basis. We encourage you to send photos with your release, but cannot guarantee that they will be published. We accept press releases for the following departments:\r\rINDUSTRY NEWS\rInformation regarding industry associations, conferences, trade shows, legal issues and industry regulations.\r\rCALENDAR\rDates, locations and contact information for upcoming conferences, trade shows, short courses, and other industry and educational programs. Or you can fill out our online event submission form.\r\rCOMPANY NEWS\rThe latest information on acquisitions, corporate joint ventures, expansions, awards, financial reports and relocations.\r\rNAMES IN THE NEWS, etc. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Pakistan Textile Journal", "ISSN": "482757", "Scope": "ScopePakistan Textile Journal is the leading monthly magazine for the textile industry of Pakistan for the last sixty eight years. We bring to our readers practical experiences and latest technical innovations in the fields of fibres both natural and synthetic, spinning, weaving, knitting, nonwoven, embroidery, dyeing / finishing printing of fabrics, garments and knitwear.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Paper360", "ISSN": "19333684", "Scope": "ScopePaper360° is a bi-monthly publication dedicated to exploring the links within the pulp and paper industry: from forest resource to finished product; from superintendent to CEO; around the industry, around the world. As TAPPI’s official member magazine, Paper360° draws on the technical and management expertise of TAPPI and PIMA. In 2016, Paper360° merged with RISI’s PPI Magazine and now includes exclusive PPI content not available anywhere else. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Parlement[s]", "ISSN": "17686520", "Scope": "ScopeCréée en 2003 sous le titre Parlement[s], Histoire et politique, la revue\rdu CHPP change de sous-titre en 2007 pour affirmer sa vocation\rà couvrir tous les domaines de l'histoire politique, sous la plume d'historiens, politistes, juristes, historiens du droit, civilisationnistes, littéraires, linguistes, etc., sans exclusive.\rParlement[s], Revue d'histoire politique à comité de lecture, se consacre désormais à l’histoire politique contemporaine en général - sans s’interdire des incursions dans l’Antiquité, le Moyen Âge et l'époque moderne - et aux études parlementaires dans leur diversité.\r\rChaque volume contient un dossier thématique (composé d’articles originaux et de sources commentées) et des comptes-rendus de lecture d’ouvrages récents, complétés de varia deux fois par an, soit une dizaine d’articles inédits (voire traduits) par numéro. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Parole de l'Orient", "ISSN": "2588331", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Patristica et Mediaevalia", "ISSN": "03252280, 26839636", "Scope": "ScopePatristica et Mediævalia focuses on publishing scientific and unpublished papers in the History of Medieval Philosophy field, writen by members of the local, regional, and international academic community.\r\rThe Journal remains with its foundational name. However, the contributions theme-arc is not reduced by any means to authors linked exclusively to Christian thought but covers to all related to the culture of the Book –Jewish, Christian, and Muslim– that arose on the vast period that spans from the Late Antiquity to the Cinquecento's Renaissance. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Pediatriya", "ISSN": "4797876", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography", "ISSN": "00314587, 21698546", "Scope": "ScopeThe Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography welcomes submissions of original research or interpretation on all aspects of the social, cultural, political, and economic history of Pennsylvania. As part of an institution-wide initiative to make history relevant to all, we are especially interested in three types of articles:\r\rThose that draw on our strengths as a research library and showcase the innovative approaches that HSP fellows and other researchers are applying to our collections;\rThose that address groups who have traditionally been underrepresented in historical scholarship; and/or\rThose that engage issues with contemporary relevance. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Pensee Plurielle", "ISSN": "13760963, 17821479", "Scope": "ScopeLa revue Pensée plurielle a pour but la création d’un espace d’analyses et de confrontations des pratiques des différents acteurs du champ de l’intervention sociale. Par ce terme, il faut entendre la quotidienneté des acteurs travaillant le « lien social », les intervenants professionnels et bénévoles, mais aussi celle des personnes en rupture de lien ou plus largement les destinataires de ce travail. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Performance Apparel Markets", "ISSN": "14776456", "Scope": "ScopeFour times a year, Performance Apparel Markets provides an overview of the sector for performance apparel and corporatewear. It provides market data and analysis of new and established markets for performance fibres, fabrics and clothing, and is essential reading for executives who are working in (or supplying) this fast growing sector. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Performing Ethos", "ISSN": "17571979, 17571987", "Scope": "ScopePerforming Ethos (PEET) aims to uncover and explore key ethical issues facing theatre and performance today. With an emphasis on experimental, intercultural and interdisciplinary performance methodologies, PEET promotes a dynamic interchange between scholarship and performance practice, providing a forum for research from a range of perspectives, including theatre, performance, dance, digital culture, popular entertainment, social studies and politics. Acknowledging that ethical issues are contextually determined, the journal aims to facilitate debate about how ethics are expressed, experienced, and practised, across a range of contexts and environments. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Perspectives on Federalism", "ISSN": "20365438", "Scope": "ScopePerspectives on Federalism is an Open Access peer-reviewed journal, promoted by the Centre for Studies on Federalism. This initiative follows the Bibliographical Bulletin on Federalism’s success, with an average of 15000 individual visits a month. Perspectives on Federalism aims at becoming a leading journal on the subject, and an open forum for interdisciplinary debate about federalism at all levels of government: sub-national, national, and supra-national at both regional and global levels. \r\rPerspectives on Federalism is divided into three sections. Along with essays and review articles, which are common to all academic journal, it will also publish very short notes to provide information and updated comments about political, economic and legal issues in federal states, regional organizations, and international organizations at global level, whenever they are relevant to scholars of federalism. We hope scholars from around the world will contribute to this initiative, and we have provided a simple and immediate way to submit an essay, a review article or a note. \r\rPerspectives on Federalism will publish original contributions from different disciplinary viewpoints as the subject of federalism requires. Papers submitted will undergo a process of double blind review before eventually being accepted for publication. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Philobiblon", "ISSN": "12247448, 22478442", "Scope": "ScopeThe Philobiblon journal offers a multidisciplinary framework for academic manifestations and communication for researchers from Romanian and foreign universities, whose fields of research involve books and the role of written culture in the history of civilization. It is also a forum where ideas (historical, political, social and cultural) that determined and influenced changes in society are problematized through a constructive and significant reading or interpretation. Philobiblon is an open and dynamic space for researches that bring a productive multidisciplinary contribution to the knowledge and analysis of the vast field of books and culture in general, being in a continuous process of reassessment in relation with today’s information society.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Philologia Antiqua", "ISSN": "19719078, 20353561", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Philological Quarterly", "ISSN": "317977", "Scope": "ScopePQ is an international refereed journal that welcomes submissions on any aspect of medieval European and modern literature and culture. Special issues on particular themes, under guest editorship, also appear regularly in our pages, as do solicited book reviews. Some of the articles we publish pay close attention to textual details, while others take textuality itself as a central analytical category, a realm that includes physical bibliography, the sociology of knowledge, the history of reading, reception studies, and other fields of inquiry. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Philomusica", "ISSN": "18269001", "Scope": "Scope«Philomusica on-line» is a digital, open-access, peer-reviewed journal born in 2001 on the initiave of some professors of the Faculty of Musicogy (now Department of Musicolgy and Cultural Heritage) of the University of Pavia. The journal aims to present the research activities of the Department and offer a space of exchange and collaboration between musicologists from all over the world. Proposals of essays and reviews are accepted in Italian, French, English, Spanish and German.\rIn addition, each article is labeled with a DOI code – Digital Object Identifier, which allows for permanent and univocal identification, guaranteeing full protection of intellectual property. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Philosophie", "ISSN": "2941805", "Scope": "ScopeCette revue propose de traduire ou de rendre à nouveau accessible des textes classiques, de faire connaître au public français certains travaux actuels de philosophes étrangers, de publier des travaux originaux de philosophes français se réclamant de courants aussi divers que la phénoménologie ou la philosophie analytique et enfin de rendre compte, par des notes de lecture, des nouvelles parutions philosophiques. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Philosophie Antique", "ISSN": "16344561", "Scope": "ScopeDedicated exclusively to ancient philosophy, Philosophie antique publishes papers on ancient texts and their reception, on their influence on contemporary debates, and on the history and methodology of ancient philosophy. The goal of this journal is to offer substantial research in the field of the history of ancient philosophy but also thematic approaches to the influence of ancient philosophy on any period of the history of philosophy. Each issue combines a set of papers devoted to a specific theme with some varia. A distinctive goal of the journal is to publish papers stemming from all types of scholarly tradition and from confirmed and junior scholars alike. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Philosophische Rundschau", "ISSN": "00318159, 18687261", "Scope": "ScopeThe Philosophische Rundschau (PhR) meets the demand for critical discussion. This journal follows the international publications in philosophy with a more general outlook on trends, schools and research programs and fulfills an important function in an age in which the unity of philosophy yields to ever growing specialization in isolated disciplines as well as national traditions. Languages: Mainly German, English, French. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Physiologist", "ISSN": "319376", "Scope": "ScopeThe Physiologist Magazine, the 4-color magazine of the American Physiological Society, features articles on Society affairs and announcements as well as articles covering the topics of importance to today’s physiologist. Fascinating features include book reviews, inspirational letters from senior physiologists and even a wine column to keep readers amused and engaged Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "PIDE Working Papers", "ISSN": "788228", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Planning", "ISSN": "12610", "Scope": "ScopePlanning is published 11 times a year by the American Planning Association. It offers news and analyses of events in planning, including suburban, rural, and small town planning, environmental planning, neighborhood revitalization, economic development, social planning, and urban design.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Poe Studies: History, Theory, Interpretation", "ISSN": "19474644", "Scope": "ScopePoe Studies: History, Theory, Interpretation provides a forum for dialogue about Edgar Allan Poe's life and writings, and about the cultural and material contexts that shaped the production and reception of his work. The editors wish to define \"Poe studies\" broadly--to include articles that engage the period in which Poe wrote, writers with whom he was affiliated or whom he inspired, theoretical and philosophical issues raised by his work, and artistic movements associated with him, such as gothicism, detective fiction, symbolism, and metafiction. The journal invites submissions of original articles and notes, welcomes work grounded in a wide range of theoretical and critical perspectives, and encourages inquiries proposing submissions and projects. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Poetique", "ISSN": "322024", "Scope": "Scope« Revue de théorie et d’analyse littéraires » fondée en 1970, Poétique est une revue semestrielle qui promeut la réflexion théorique, qu’elle soit générale ou élaborée à partir de textes particuliers ; elle travaille à la renouveler, favorise le dialogue entre les différentes perspectives critiques et, plus largement, donne à s’interroger sur le pourquoi et le comment des études littéraires.\r\rPoétique ne se consacre pas à des époques, des auteurs, des genres particuliers. Le travail théorique et méthodologique trouve à s’exercer et à s’enrichir sur les terrains les plus divers. Le langage poétique, le récit, les genres et les types de discours, mais aussi les problèmes de la lecture, le rapport à l’histoire sont quelques-unes de ces questions récurrentes qui, au fil du temps, se sont approfondies et transformées. La revue ne manque pas de s’interroger aussi sur d’autres domaines artistiques : la peinture, le cinéma, la musique dans leurs rapports à la littérature trouvent leur place dans l’enquête conduite sur les grands problèmes esthétiques. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Poetry Wales", "ISSN": "322202", "Scope": "ScopeFounded in 1965, Poetry Wales is the national poetry magazine of Wales. Wales’ foremost poetry magazine, Poetry Wales publishes internationally respected contemporary poetry, features and reviews in its triannual print and digital magazine in its mission to sustain and preserve the artistic works both inspiring our literary present and shaping our literary future. \r\rThe magazine is open to tradition and experiment, publishing poetry from a wide range of approaches. Against this background of dynamic contrast, it offers a lively and informed critical context for the finest contemporary poetry. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Polemos", "ISSN": "22819517", "Scope": "ScopeThe contributions published in various Sections – re-shaped for the new course (2015 on) – undergo double-blind peer-review procedures, as worldwide adopted by academic communities. The manuscripts received for review are treated as confidential and anonymous. The review, also anonymous, is entrusted to scholars of competence external to Pólemos’ Scientific Editorial Board and performed according to scientific standards stated in Pólemos’ Review Form for Reviewers. The Reviewers express assessment with the help of clear and documented arguments, taking into account prerequisites set by Editors. The assessment obtained by reviewing is transmitted anonymously to Authors only, and is not used in any case for personal gain.\r\rThe Review Forms are stored in a private archive, which is only accessible to Pólemos’ Scientific Director and to the National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes (ANVUR). Pólemos publishes each year, in the second issue of the year, the list of Reviewers, and also publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies when needed. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Polin: Studies in Polish Jewry", "ISSN": "02681056, 25168681", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Prace Slawistyczne. Slavica", "ISSN": "2084058", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Practitioner", "ISSN": "326518", "Scope": "ScopeThe Practitioner’s mission is to provide, primarily, general practitioners with independent, in-depth but concise, evidence-based review articles to keep them up to date in clinical practice. A subsidiary mission, through CPD prompts and exercises, is to encourage readers to capture personal reflections upon the evidence to use to improve individual and group practice. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Principia", "ISSN": "08675392, 20843887", "Scope": "ScopePrincipia. Innovative papers in philosophy and social sciences is a journal of the Institute of Philosophy, Jagiellonian University of Krakow. It has been published continuously since 1990. The journal publishes original papers in philosophy and sociology. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Print and Promo", "ISSN": "21685266", "Scope": "ScopeMost distributors sell within the categories of forms, labels and tags, commercial printing, direct mail and promotional products.\rPrint+Promo’s coverage touches on all of these areas, all vertical markets, and much more. The magazine delivers the latest industry news and information distributors need to succeed, be effective and profitable. Print+Promo also provides the most referenced buyer’s guide in the industry, every December. It includes the most sought-after industry information for distributors\rof printed products. Advertising in this issue keeps your company’s products and services on customers’ minds all year long. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Problema", "ISSN": "20074387", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal Problema is a yearbook of Philosophy and Theory of Law of the Institute of Legal Research of the UNAM. The objective of the journal is to publish submissions in Spanish and English, and is aimed at professors, students and professionals interested in various contemporary issues of political, legal and moral philosophy. That is why the Editorial Committee is constituted by researchers from the Institute of Legal Research experts in the field.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Problemy Prawa Prywatnego Miedzynarodowego", "ISSN": "18967604, 23539852", "Scope": "ScopeAs a result of the intensification of international trade and individual mobility, the cross-border issues are gaining importance. Transnational legal relations pose many difficulties for those who apply the law, ranging from the need to determine the jurisdiction of courts and the law applicable in the case at hand to recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments, of both state courts and arbitration tribunals, as well as decisions of other public authorities. The mission of Problemy Prawa Prywatnego Międzynarodowego (“Problems of private international law”) is to publish in-depth scientific studies concerning the above mentioned topics.\r\rOne of the main objectives of private international law in its broadest sense is to seek to resolve cross-border disputes between private law actors in such a manner that the \"international harmony of decision making\" is achieved. This objective encompasses the respect for different legal systems and cultures as well as deference for the competence of foreign courts to adjudicate in cases related to foreign territories. It also includes the need to honor the legal situations established abroad and the legitimate expectations of the parties to have their rights and obligations acquired therein respected. Essentially, the goal of private international law also to search for solutions that will ensure, as far as possible, conflict-free co-existence of societies and nations, while at the same time ensuring protection of the fundamental principles and values of one's own legal order. By stimulating scholarly discussion in the aforementioned area, the Journal seeks to influence the case law of the courts and other public authorities, as well as legal practice in general. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Proceedings of the International Conference Computational Linguistics in Bulgaria", "ISSN": "23675578, 23675675", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Psychologie Clinique et Projective", "ISSN": "12655449, 21184496", "Scope": "ScopePsychologie clinique et projective est la revue officielle de la Société du Rorschach et des Méthodes Projectives de Langue Française.\r\rDepuis 1995, elle succède au Bulletin du Rorschach et des Méthodes Projectives.\r\rElle accueille des articles et des travaux consacrés à l'étude du fonctionnement psychique normal ou pathologique, avec ou sans méthodologie projective. Revue thématique, elle paraît une fois par an. Elle est ouverte aussi aux articles hors-thèmes.\r\rSon objectif est d’apporter aux cliniciens, thérapeutes, chercheurs et étudiants, un éclairage clinique, théorique et méthodologique à partir de la publication d’articles originaux témoignant de l’actualité de la recherche et des pratiques cliniques. Attentive à l'actualité des mouvements de pensée, elle réserve un espace aux travaux en cours des praticiens et doctorants et privilégie dialogues et confrontations. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Public law", "ISSN": "00333565, 2754219X", "Scope": "ScopePublic Law is peer-reviewed and seeks to publish research-based work of the highest quality. The journal publishes work across the whole range of scholarship in constitutional and administrative law, including doctrinal analysis, empirical and other socio-legal work, history, comparative studies and legal theory. The Editorial Committee is committed to Public Law reflecting the diversity and range of the discipline, and welcomes contributions from colleagues at all stages of their careers. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Publications of the English Goethe Society", "ISSN": "09593683, 17496284", "Scope": "ScopeThe English Goethe Society is the oldest learned society devoted to German Studies in the United Kingdom. It was founded in 1886 in order to promote the study of Goethe's work, and its was subsequently expanded to other authors and periods of German literature. Whilst concentrating on the German Classical Age, the Society's interests include German literature and thought of the later nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The Publications of the English Goethe Society (PEGS) publishes the revised lectures and prize winning essays that are first presented to its members. The Society tries to ensure that its programme not only represents the work of established scholars, but also provides an opportunity for younger scholars, including postgraduates, to address a scholarly audience. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Punjab Geographer", "ISSN": "9733485", "Scope": "ScopeThe ‘Punjab Geographer’ a peer-reviewed and referred journal is devoted to publishing of original research carried out in the discipline of Geography, Spatial Planning and allied subjects. Book reviews, geographical notes, articles and abstracts of doctoral dissertation and research projects sponsored by UGC, ICSSR or any other organization are also invited for publication. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Quaderni del '900", "ISSN": "17200180, 17241898", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal «Quaderni del '900» is the result of a collaborative project between Italy and the U.S. It is an annual bilingual publication (English and Italian) of contemporary Italian literature and culture. Open primarily to young scholars, the journal offers a space to explore a specific theme and / or author in each issue within an interdisciplinary and comparative framework aimed at establishing connections among different fields (sociology, literature, etc.) and topics (gender, colonialism, etc.). Made possibile thanks to the sponsorship of the George L. Graziadio Center for Italian Studies at California State University Long Beach, the journal is produced by a combined team of Italian and American scholars, affiliated to institutions located in both countries. Past issues have been devoted to Cesare Pavese, Pier Paolo Pasolini, John Fante, women writers during the Fascist era, and Italian post-colonial literature. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Quaderni d'Italianistica", "ISSN": "2268043", "Scope": "ScopeQuaderni d'Italianistica is the official journal of the Canadian Association for Italian Studies. A peer-reviewed journal, it appears twice yearly and publishes articles and book reviews in English, French, or Italian touching on any aspect of Italian literature from the origins to the present, Italian language, linguistics, and pedagogy.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Quaderns de Filologia: Estudis Literaris", "ISSN": "11354178, 24441457", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal Quaderns de Filologia: Estudis LiTERARIS  is an open access scientific publication in OJS, published on an annual basis, which disseminates original research in the field of literature. As stated in its publication guidelines, each issue of this journal is a monograph, edited by at least a researcher from the Universitat de València and another one from a different academic institution. The journal is targeted at scholars and researchers in linguistics in multiple languages, which are reflected in its articles.\rThe journal counts on an Editorial Board and a Scientific Committee. Two thirds of their members are researchers external to the Universitat de València. The journal also has a panel of external specialists for each issue, some members of the Editorial Board and other specialists alien to both committees.\rThe review process is peer review, double blind. As stated in the publication guidelines, 80% of the articles for each issue are contributed by external researchers. More than 90% of contributors are alien to the editorial organization of the journal.\rThis journal is published annually: the issue is published in December of the current year.\rAll articles include an abstract and keywords in various languages and the citation reference at the bottom of the first page.\rIn OJS, metadata for all articles and volumes are offered in three languages: Spanish, Catalan and English.\rQuaderns de Filologia has no commercial interests: we do not charge authors or editors for publication. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Quaderns de Filosofia", "ISSN": "23411414, 23413042", "Scope": "ScopeQUADERNS DE FILOSOFIA is a six-monthly journal which publishes original papers covering all kind of topics in philosophy and the teaching of philosophy. Each issue will have at least this three sections:\r\r-Research papers: original contributions to the different areas of research in philosophy.\r-Philosophy Compass: papers describing the state of the art about a philosophical topic or debate, written by specialist and participants in the debates in question.\r-Discussion notes and book reviews.\r-Some issues also include the seccion Documents, devoted to valuable unpublished texts and translations.\r\rMoreover, QUADERNS DE FILOSOFIA also publishes special issues commissioned to invited editors and book symposia. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Quaderns d'Italia", "ISSN": "11359730, 20148828", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Quaker Studies", "ISSN": "1363013X, 23971770", "Scope": "ScopeIn partnership with the Open Library of the Humanities, Quaker Studies is a fully open access journal and all content is freely available. There is no Article Publishing Charge for authors and all articles from 2018 onwards are published under a CC-BY license.\r\rPublished twice yearly, Quaker Studies is the only refereed journal covering all aspects of Quaker Studies. The journal is multi-disciplinary and articles submitted typically cover the subject areas of aesthetics, anthropology, architecture, art, cultural studies, history, literature, peace studies, philosophy, research methodology, sociology, theology, and women’s studies\r\rQuaker Studies is published on behalf of The Quaker Studies Research Association. The QSRA was formed in 1992 and, with an international membership, is the umbrella organisation for all those studying, teaching, researching or connected with research into one of the areas of Quaker Studies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Quebec Studies", "ISSN": "07373759, 20521731", "Scope": "ScopeQuébec Studies is the bilingual, interdisciplinary journal published by the American Council for Québec Studies in collaboration with Liverpool University Press. The journal publishes articles, review essays, and book reviews on all aspects of Québec and North American Francophone history, society, culture, and language. Articles cover colonial and political history, party politics, healthcare policy, literature and film, language and language policy, minority Francophone societies, cultural pluralism, urban development, gender issues, indigenous writing and cinema, etc. Special dossiers have focused on Franco-Ontario, Franco-America, Translation, Anglo-Québec Writing, The October Crisis, Queer Québec, Literature in the New Millennium, Research by Young Scholars, etc. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Quetes Litteraires", "ISSN": "20848099, 2657487X", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Quien", "ISSN": "2443972X, 29524946", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Quintana", "ISSN": "15797414, 23400005", "Scope": "ScopeQUINTANA is a journal about the history of art, issued annually, which publishes original research papers about any of the specialities related to the Arts, including interdisciplinary approaches that enrich their study.\r\rThe publication of research papers is structured in two sections: the first one -SUBJECT- is of a monographic character, and its content is planned beforehand by the Editorial Board, who invites well-known specialists in the chosen theme, whilst the second one -ARTICLES- is open to contributions about any theme.\r\rThe papers which are presented in the ARTICLES section will be subjected to assessment using a double-blind review process with anonymity for both authors and reviewers (peer-review process). The journal will use two reviewers, members of the Scientific Committee or academic experts, to assess each article received, and will resort to a third reviewer in the case of discrepancy. The articles which are finally published will include reception and acceptance dates. The journal’s Director and the Editorial Board will have ultimate responsibility for the selection process, and will communicate the editorial decisions to the authors. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "RA Revista de Arquitectura", "ISSN": "11385596, 22546332", "Scope": "ScopeRa. Revista de Arquitectura, is an annual journal published by the University of Navarra School of Architecture. It is regarded as a forum for the expression of research results and academic debate concerning the key areas of interest in architecture and cities by regarding them as cultural realities of undeniable importance and impact and as objects for careful consideration, study and research. It is intended to serve as a channel, especially for the intellectual output of the departments of Theory and History, Urban Design and Architectural Projects, although it has been open to articles and contributions from other professional and educational institutions from the outset. It fosters a perception of architecture that does not lose track of its cultural dimension by establishing just one limitation from the outset: avoiding the practice of publishing current projects and initiatives in the field of design and building typical of other publishers and amply covered in this field by many journals with a proven track record and competence. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Radovi Zavoda za Povijesne Znanosti HAZU u Zadru", "ISSN": "13300474", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Reception: Texts, Readers, Audiences, History", "ISSN": "21557888, 21680604", "Scope": "ScopeReception: Texts, Readers, Audiences, History is a scholarly, peer-reviewed journal published once a year. It seeks to promote dialog and discussion among scholars engaged in theoretical and practical analyses in several related fields: reader-response criticism and pedagogy, reception study, history of reading and the book, audience and communication studies, institutional studies and histories, as well as interpretive strategies related to feminism, race and ethnicity, gender and sexuality, and postcolonial studies, focusing mainly but not exclusively on the literature, culture, and media of England and the United States. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Recherches sur Diderot et sur L'Encyclopedie", "ISSN": "07690886, 19552416", "Scope": "ScopeLa revue Recherches sur Diderot et sur l’Encyclopédie est publiée depuis 1986 par la Société Diderot. Elle est l’unique revue consacrée à la fois à Diderot et à l’Encyclopédie. Résolument pluridisciplinaire, elle n’exclut aucune forme de participation, ni aucune méthode de recherche, et dispose d’une audience internationale, tant par ses lecteurs que par ses collaborateurs. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Reformation", "ISSN": "13574175, 17520738", "Scope": "ScopeFounded in 1996, Reformation is a leading English-language journal for the publication of original research in scholarship of the Reformation era. It is sponsored by The Tyndale Society. Members of the Society receive the journal as part of their annual membership benefits. Please contact the Society to join or for other enquiries.\r\rReformation welcomes submissions on any aspect of the Reformation, broadly considered. The journal is interested in studies on topics including theology and biblical scholarship; church history or religious matters -- Protestant, Catholic or radical; English and Continental literature; social, political and intellectual history; early modern Catholic history; the History of the Book; Renaissance humanism; art history and architecture; and music. The journal is also interested in scholarship that identifies continuities and discontinuities with medieval religious and devotional traditions. All articles in Reformation undergo rigorous peer review, based on anonymised refereeing by at least two referees. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Reformation and Renaissance Review", "ISSN": "14622459, 17431727", "Scope": "ScopeReformation & Renaissance Review, (founded 1999) is the journal of the Society for Reformation Studies (founded 1993) that sponsors an annual, open, three-day conference at the University of Cambridge. The Society pays special attention to the dimensions and contexts of religion in the long era of Renaissance and Reformation. Its Presidents have been Peter Stephens, Ian Hazlett, Bruce Gordon, Gerald Hobbs, David Bagchi, and Tony Lane. Current office-bearers include Jon Balserak and Charlotte Methuen. Members of the Society are entitled to a reduced subscription to R&RR.\r\rA peer-reviewed journal of three issues per year, online and in print, R&RR provides an international platform for scholars, established and emerging, to publish research articles on any aspect of religious thought and life, theology and culture, from the fifteenth to seventeenth centuries. This embraces Christian Humanist, Roman Catholic, Protestant as well as various other alternative approaches to reform, change and continuity in church and society. It may also include interaction with other religions in Europe. Contributions from cognate disciplines or related fields of enquiry that bear on faith, its practice and on cultural religious phenomena are also sought. While welcoming studies in national, regional, local or biographical contexts, the Review aims especially to encourage work on the Reformation and Catholic reform as pan-European movements with an ambivalent relationship to Renaissance humanism. Journal Issues contain contributions offering fresh perspectives, developments or evidence as well as reappraisals of current consensus on a topic of interest. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Regulatory Rapporteur", "ISSN": "17428955", "Scope": "ScopeRegulatory Rapporteur is our peer-reviewed journal, published 11 times per year and sent free to TOPRA members. Our CPD supplement is published four times a year and distributed with Regulatory Rapporteur. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Reinardus", "ISSN": "9254757", "Scope": "ScopeReinardus is an international, peer-reviewed journal, which aims to promote comparative research in the fields of medieval comic, satirical, didactic, and allegorical literature, with emphasis on beast epic, fable and fabliau, including sources, influences and later developments into the modern period. The methods and critical interpretations it offers are as wide-ranging as is its subject matter, since it considers discussion and the coexistence of conflicting views as more important than the defence of a specific methodological point of view. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Religious Studies and Theology", "ISSN": "08292922, 17475414", "Scope": "ScopeReligious Studies and Theology disseminates academic research that reflects and contributes to enriching academic debate and public discourse on issues that matter in our world. Rigorous scholarly commentary, in expository essay format, engages both disciplinary and educated cross-sectoral readers. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Renaissance Drama", "ISSN": "04863739, 21643415", "Scope": "ScopeRenaissance Drama explores the rich variety of theatrical and performance traditions and practices in early modern Europe and intersecting cultures. The sole scholarly journal devoted to the full expanse of Renaissance theatre and performance, the journal publishes articles that extend the of our understanding of early modern playing, theatre history, and dramatic texts and interpretation, encouraging innovative theoretical and methodological approaches to these traditions, examining familiar works, and revisiting well-known texts from fresh perspectives. Renaissance Drama welcomes articles on the full range of early modern linguistic and theatrical traditions, the discourses and institutions shaped by performance, and manifestations of performance and performativity both on and beyond the stage. Occasionally, issues of the journal may be devoted to special topics of particular interest. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Renascence", "ISSN": "00344346, 23298626", "Scope": "ScopeRenascence: Essays on Values in Literature explores how literature is informed by and contributes to our understanding of fundamental questions of moral philosophy, theology, and spirituality. This peer-reviewed journal is published by Marquette University as an expression of the university's Jesuit mission of the search for truth and the exaltation of human dignity. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Rentgenologiya i Radiologiya", "ISSN": "0486400X", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localizedJoin the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Res Musica", "ISSN": "17368553, 23828080", "Scope": "ScopeThe Res Musica yearbook aims to provide a wide forum for published articles on Estonian musicology. Comprising articles written by an international circle of scholars, it will cover all areas of musicological research. One of its goals is to develop musicological discourse in the Estonian language. However, it will also examine central issues and discourse in other languages, thus embracing a diversity of traditions of thinking and writing about music. One goal of the journal might be to supplement the currently dominant English-language discourse with that in German, the medium of academic life in the Baltic states earlier in the 20th century. It will also include the Russian musicological thinking that defined much communication in this field during the Soviet decades. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Resource Recycling", "ISSN": "7444710", "Scope": "ScopeFor over 30 years, the monthly print edition of Resource Recycling magazine has helped inform and inspire industry professionals. The magazine offers unparalleled analysis of the evolving materials stream, market turbulence, policy trends and more.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Resources for American Literary Study", "ISSN": "00487384, 15291502", "Scope": "ScopeResources for American Literary Study is a scholarly periodical devoted to archival discovery and bibliographical analysis. Its subject area is the full range of works of American literature. Typical contributions include newly discovered letters and documents, checklists of primary and/or secondary writings about American authors, and biographical and compositional studies. Regular features include installments of the series “Prospects for the Study of American Literature” and a rich selection of reviews and review essays. The targeted audience of the journal is a scholarly one, from the graduate student to the senior professor. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Archai", "ISSN": "1984249X, 21794960", "Scope": "ScopeThe Origins of Western Thought is published by Archai: The Origins of Western Thought UNESCO Chair, an interdisciplinary and inter-institutional reasearch group which gathers researchers in philosophy, history, language, law, art, social sciences and archeology from all over the world. Archai aims to publish original articles, translations, reviews and notes on ancient thought and its legacy in modern and contemporary philosophy and culture. Archai has published article in Portuguese, Spanish, English, French, Catalan, Italian and German.\r\rArchai has the goal of exploring a different outlook on the history and origins of western thought, a search of new interpretative paths which allow for an understanding of its origins as a process deeply rooted in ancient greco-roman culture, as opposed to the greater lectiones of rationalist philosophical historiography, which thinks of ancient philosophy as something apart, or contrary, to the complex and diverse realm of sophia and ancient culture in general. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Brasileira de Plantas Medicinais", "ISSN": "15160572, 1983084X", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Revista da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais", "ISSN": "03042340, 19841841", "Scope": "ScopeThe main purpose of the Revista da Faculdade de Direito da UFMG is to publish articles from national and international collaborators as well as professors from the staff of Faculdade de Direito da UFMG and about researches that takes place there.\rTherefore, we intend to not only propagate scientific effort but also enable its sharing with similar works developed around the world. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista de Comunicacao e Linguagens", "ISSN": "21837198", "Scope": "ScopeRevista de Comunicação e Linguagens is a half-yearly thematic academic journal, with an open-access format and anonymous peer review, published by the NOVA Institute of Communication - ICNOVA of NOVA University Lisbon, Portugal. It welcomes a diverse range of contributions in the field of communication and culture, with a particular emphasis on the discussion of contemporary culture and technologies, visual and artistic studies, visual culture and media archaeology. The journal favours original multidisciplinary approaches to the theme of each issue. It accepts complete articles, critical reviews, interviews and visual essays and positions itself as an international and multilingual forum, publishing in Portuguese, French, Castilian and English.\r\rThe journal aims to provide a significant resource to diverse communities, including academics, curators, visual artists, photographers, collectors, independent scholars, undergraduate and postgraduate students - indeed, anyone with an interest in contemporary culture, arts and technologies, mediation processes and languages.\r\rRCL was created in 1985 by the Centre for Communication and Language Studies - CECL of NOVA University of Lisbon and is one of the oldest scientific publications in the field of communication in Portugal. A total of 46 issues were published in print, and since 2017 the journal has been published solely in a digital and open-access format.\r\rEach issue of RCL is dedicated to a theme proposed by one or more editors within the of the journal. These editors may be researchers of ICNOVA or external researchers, either national or foreign. Two Calls for Papers are launched annually Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista de Direito da Faculdade Guanambi", "ISSN": "24476536", "Scope": "ScopeThe Revista de Direito da Faculdade Guanambi (ISSN 2447-6536) is an open access, free and electronic scientific journal, maintained by the Centro Universitário FG (UniFG), intended for publication, in continuous flow, by professionals and researchers from Brazil and the abroad, of original and unpublished scientific articles, in Portuguese, English, Spanish, Italian or French, focused on the theme Fundamentals and Effectiveness of Law, area of concentration of the Graduate Program in Law at UniFG, structured under two lines of research:\r\r(1) Ethics, autonomy and fundamentals of law\r\r(2) Democracy, Process and Law effectiveness Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista de Estudios Norteamericanos", "ISSN": "1133309X, 22538410", "Scope": "ScopeRevista de Estudios Norteamericanos is an international scholarly peer-reviewed English-language journal which publishes papers and reviews on diverse aspects of U.S. Studies, mainly literary, cultural, historical, artistic or critical, and which has been instrumental in furthering research and publication in American Studies since 1992. The journal, published annually by the University of Seville and financed by the Spanish Association for American Studies, we Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista de Filologia Alemana", "ISSN": "11330406, 19882823", "Scope": "ScopeRevista de Filología Alemana (ISSN 1133-0406, ISSN-e 1988-2823) is an annual journal that took its current name in 1993 when it broke away from the former Revista de Filología Moderna, published by the four Modern Languages departments at the Complutense University of Madrid. It compiles research work on literary theory, linguistics, literature and culture in German-speaking countries and how they relate to other languages and literatures. The journal is structured into: Linguistic studies, literary studies, Cultural studies and Reviews. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista de Filologia Romanica", "ISSN": "0212999X, 19882815", "Scope": "ScopeRevista de Filología Románica (ISSN 0212-999X, ISSN-e 1988-2815) publishes historical-comparative research studies and, more specifically, any that may be of general interest to the field of Romance Languages. Preference is given to collaborations that use interdisciplinary approaches, such as the case of comparative literature, or research carried out from the social-linguistic, folkloric or ethnographic perspective.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista de Historia das Ideias", "ISSN": "8700958", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of History of Ideas is devoted to intellectual history and the global history of ideas. It publishes articles on the history of ideas in different subject fields, such as political thought, economic thought, philosophy, international relations, science, religion, arts and literature.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Electronica Iberoamericana", "ISSN": "19880618", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Revista Euphrosyne", "ISSN": "8700133", "Scope": "ScopeClassical philology, Classical culture, Latin and Ancient Greek literature, Mediaeval studies, Humanism philology, Reception studies, History of texts, Latin informatics tools and recourses, Epigraphy, Codicology.\rEuphrosyne is structured on the following sections:\r\r1. Commentationes, for larger and rather innovative papers;\r\r2. Studia Breuiora, for smaller articles;\r\r3. Disputationes, pointing to discuss controversial scientific issues;\r\r4. Res Commemorandae, intending to celebrate important events;\r\r5. Varia Noscenda, for relevant news or reflections on scientific issues;\r\r6. Libri Recensiti, for book reviews (with several areas: Text editions, commentaries, translations; Ecdotics and instrumenta; History and Literary Culture, Epigraphy and Archaeology, etc.). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Galega de Filoloxia", "ISSN": "15762661, 24449121", "Scope": "ScopeRevista Galega de Filoloxía publishes original, unpublished research on topics of philological (especially linguistic) interest related to Galician-Portuguese language and culture. For the 2022 issue (number 23), the journal will also begin to publish papers on Galician-Portuguese literature.\rAs well as the main issue, Revista Galega de Filoloxía also publishes special Monographs, which are subject to the same conditions of selection as its article publications (original, unpublished, peer review, etc.) Monograph issues are published in both print and online versions. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Hispanica Moderna", "ISSN": "19446446", "Scope": "ScopeFounded in 1934 as Boletín del Instituto de las Españas at Columbia University, Revista Hispánica Moderna has been regarded since as one of the most distinguished international venues for academic research in Spanish. RHM is a semiannual peer-reviewed journal committed to the dissemination of outstanding scholarship on Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian literary and cultural studies. It publishes essays and book reviews in Spanish, English, or Portuguese on the full spectrum of Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian cultural production in Europe, Latin America, and the United States, and in all historical periods, from the Middle Ages to the present. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Iberoamericana de la Propiedad Intelectual", "ISSN": "2422569X", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia", "ISSN": "03250725, 18527353", "Scope": "ScopeFounded in 1975 by Ezequiel de Olaso, the Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofía is an open access and blind peer-review publication that receives contributions in any area of philosophy. Open to all philosophical currents, ideas and trends, the journal aspires to the collaboration of all scholars who wish to present the results of their research to their colleagues and the public.\r\rIn its more than forty years of life, the RLF has proposed to offer a space for the publication and dissemination of work in philosophy that is carried out not only in Argentina, but also in Latin America and the rest of the world, thus addressing members of the national and international philosophical community. Its main objective is to promote dialogue and exchange of productions in the field of philosophical research, whether they refer to current affairs or to the history of the discipline. The RLF welcomes works of all orientations if they are original, represent advances in the knowledge of the topics addressed and enrich the philosophical debate.\r\rThe RLF publishes articles, notes, critical studies, and discussions. It also includes a permanent section of reviews and, occasionally, thematic dossiers are designed that do not interrupt the periodicity of the publication. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revolutionary Russia", "ISSN": "09546545, 17437873", "Scope": "ScopeWherever modern European history is taught, the Russian revolutions of 1905 and 1917 are central to its concerns. These events marked a crucial turning point in the demise of autocracy and the rise of revolutionary socialism that would shape Russia, Europe and the international system for the rest of the twentieth century and beyond.\r\rRevolutionary Russia is the only English-language journal to concentrate on the revolutionary period of Russian history, from c.1880-c.1932. As the journal of the Study Group on the Russian Revolution (founded in 1975), it is interdisciplinary and international in approach, publishing original research, documentary sources, book reviews and review articles in the fields of history, politics, economics, sociology, art history and literary and intellectual history from scholars across the world, including Russia and other countries of the former Soviet Union. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revue Archeologique de Picardie", "ISSN": "07525656, 21043914", "Scope": "ScopeLa Revue Archéologique de Picardie est issue de la fusion en 1982, de la Revue archéologique de l'Oise, éditée á Compiègne depuis 1971 et des Cahiers archéologiques de Picardie, publiés á Amiens. À partir de 1974, cette revue régionale a pour mission principale de mettre à la disposition des scientifiques, des chercheurs et des amateurs éclairés, les travaux archéologiques, récents et anciens, exécutés en Picardie. Elle publie aussi des articles de synthèses sur les thèmes de recherche archéologique propres á la région.Elle édite, parallèlement aux livraisons annuelles, fin juin et fin décembre, des numéros spéciaux thèmatiques ou des actes de colloques tenus dans les trois départements picards, Aisne, Oise, Somme. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revue Benedictine", "ISSN": "350893", "Scope": "ScopeLa Revue Bénédictine (depuis 1884) est un périodique scientifique d’histoire et de littérature ecclésiastiques. Elle paraît deux fois par an (plus de 500 pages). Elle publie des textes inédits, des études originales en français, en anglais, en allemand et en italien, des comptes rendus d’ouvrages récemment parus, ainsi que deux bulletins bibliographiques. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revue d Etudes Augustiniennes et Patristiques", "ISSN": "17689260", "Scope": "ScopeLa RÉAug est un périodique multilingue, semestriel. Elle publie des articles de patristique, d’histoire, de théologie ou d’archéologie. Dans le second fascicule paraissent en outre deux bulletins bibliographiques : la Chronica Tertullianea et Cyprianea et le Bulletin Augustinien. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revue de la Histoire des Religions", "ISSN": "351423", "Scope": "ScopeREVUE DE L\"HISTOIRE DES RELIGIONS encompasses the general history of religions as well as a more in depth focus on particular aspects of a different religion each issue. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revue de Musicologie", "ISSN": "00351601, 19585632", "Scope": "ScopeLa Revue de musicologie, éditée par la Société française de Musicologie, publie depuis 1917 des articles scientifiques couvrant l’ensemble des domaines et des méthodes de recherche en musicologie. Revue de référence sur le plan international, elle est à la fois l’héritière d’une riche tradition scientifique et en prise avec les évolutions disciplinaires les plus récentes. Elle accueille des contributions en français ou en anglais sur tous les domaines de la musicologie.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revue d'Egyptologie", "ISSN": "00351849, 17831733", "Scope": "ScopeLa Revue d\"Égyptologie est publiée par la Société Française d\"Égyptologie avec le concours du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique et du Centre National du Livre. Elle succède au Recueil des Travaux relatifs à la philologie et à l’archéologie égyptiennes et assyriennes qui parut de 1879 à 1923. La Revue d’Égyptologie est la plus vieille revue en France qui soit consacrée aux divers aspects des civilisations qui se sont succédées dans la Vallée du Nil, depuis la préhistoire jusqu’à la période chrétienne (copte). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revue des Etudes Juives", "ISSN": "04848616, 1783175X", "Scope": "ScopeFondée en 1880, la Revue des Études Juives, unique dans sa spécialité en Europe, est publiée par la Société des Études Juives. La revue est consacrée à l’étude de tous les aspects du judaïsme à travers l’histoire selon les méthodes scientifiques. Elle publie des études relatives à la religion, à l’histoire, aux littératures et aux sociétés juives, et principalement en ce qu’elles concernent les juifs en France, ainsi que des travaux d’anthropologie.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revue des Etudes Sud-Est Europeennes", "ISSN": "352063", "Scope": "ScopeRevue des études sud-est européennes (RESEE) / Journal of South-East European Studies appears since 1963 as organ of the Institute for South-East European Studies of the Romanian Academy. It has taken the succession of the Revue historique du Sud-Est Européen (1924‒1947), first published as Bulletin de l’Institut pour l’Étude de l’Europe sud-orientale (1914‒1923), which had been founded by N. Iorga. It also claims to continue Balcania (1938‒1947), the journal of Victor Papacostea.\r\rRESEE aims to promote the study of South-East European societies in a comparative context by stimulating collaboration across different fields of research in order to reach a better historical knowledge of this particular region from Antiquity to modern times.\r\rRESEE comes out yearly and is committed to wide international attention by publishing articles in French, English, Italian, German, Spanish and Russian. It also welcomes conference proceedings. RESEE offers constanat support to the scholarly exchange of ideas in through reviewing books, articles or journals issues. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revue d'Histoire de l'Amerique Francaise", "ISSN": "352357", "Scope": "ScopeFondée par Lionel Groulx en 1947, la Revue d’histoire de l’Amérique française constitue la première revue de langue française traitant de l’histoire du Québec, du Canada et de l’Amérique française. Distribuée dans plus d’une vingtaine de pays, la RHAF se veut le reflet de l’histoire en construction. Favorisant la diffusion des connaissances historiques les plus récentes, elle illustre l’évolution des problématiques et des méthodes de la recherche historique.\rSon champ d’étude est l’histoire de l’Amérique française, définition qui inclut les relations avec d’autres groupements et les travaux de comparaison. Font implicitement partie de ce champ d’étude les réflexions méthodologiques et théoriques sur l’histoire moderne et contemporaine. La Revue publie des articles et des notes de recherche touchant à de nombreux domaines de l’histoire de même que des comptes rendus, une bibliographie et une chronique d’archives.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revue du MAUSS", "ISSN": "12474819", "Scope": "ScopeLa décision de fonder la Revue du MAUSS a été prise en 1981 par quelques universitaires, sociologues, économistes ou anthropologues français insatisfaits de l’évolution subie à l’époque par les sciences sociales. Ils leur reprochaient de se soumettre de plus en plus à l’hégémonie du modèle économique et à une vision purement instrumentale de la démocratie et du rapport social.La référence à Marcel Mauss et à la critique de l’utilitarisme qui inspirait l’École Sociologique française dans le sillage d’Émile Durkheim permettait de rassembler les énergies critiques de manière suffisamment claire et explicite. Une association de 1901 fut ainsi créée qui, tout de suite décida de publier une revue, conçue de manière très modeste à l’origine comme un outil de liaison et de discussion capable à la fois d’assumer les enjeux théoriques du projet mais aussi de s’ouvrir aux non-universitaires, aux militants et à toute personne soucieuse de réfléchir en dehors des corporatismes disciplinaires et du jargon académique.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revue Internationale de Philosophie", "ISSN": "488143", "Scope": "ScopeThe Revue Internationale de Philosophie has been founded in 1938 with the support of Karl Popper and Bertrand Russell. It has been directed until his death, in 1984, by Chaïm Perelman, and since then, it is Michel Meyer who has been in charge.\rThe aim of this journal is not only to celebrate the anniversary of important philosophers or their works, but also to deepen various problematics that philosophers are used to debate: violence, religion, theatre, politics, history, bioethics, logic, epistemology, rationality, the novel, cinema or aesthetics at large, etc.\rThe greatest philosophers of the day have been honoured by the Revue and have even contributed to it, from Popper to Foucault and Sartre, from Carnap to Derrida, from Bourdieu to Putnam or Dworkin, from Gadamer to Rawls, Habermas or Searle.\rThe Revue publishes single volumes that are self-sustaining issues, using various languages but mostly French and English. Contributors are invited by a major figure in the field, who is the guest-editor of the volume. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revue Juridique de l'USEK", "ISSN": "10263268", "Scope": "ScopeThe USEK Law Journal, launched in 1992, is a yearly peer-reviewed trilingual journal, aiming to provide an opportunity for the legal community to keep abreast of new ideas and the progress of legal reforms.\r\rTopics cover all areas related to law and political sciences. All papers, accepted in English, French or Arabic, are subject to double blind international peer review. For more details, please refer to our peer review policy.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revue Numismatique", "ISSN": "4848942", "Scope": "ScopeLe champ couvert par la Revue numismatique (RN) comprend la numismatique et l’histoire monétaire et s’étend à l’archéologie, l’histoire économique, l’histoire de l’art ainsi qu’à l’épigraphie, la sigillographie ou la glyptique dans leurs rapports avec l’étude des monnaies, médailles et documents monétiformes de toutes civilisations.\r\rLa RN recherche des études de haut niveau et de première main, publication de documents nouveaux ou nouvelle interprétation de documents connus. Des notes synthétiques faisant le point sur une question ou un débat y ont également leur place.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revue Philosophique de la France et de La Etranger", "ISSN": "353833", "Scope": "ScopeFondée en 1876, la Revue philosophique publie quatre fascicules par an. La plupart sont des numéros consacrés soit à une notion fondamentale, soit à une grande période de l'histoire de la pensée, soit à un auteur - classique ou contemporain. Chaque livraison groupe en outre les analyses d'un grand nombre d'ouvrages philosophiques publiés de par le monde. Des informations tiennent le lecteur au courant des événements de la vie philosophique, en particulier des colloques ou congrès organisés en France ou à l'étranger.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "RiCognizioni", "ISSN": "23848987", "Scope": "ScopeRiCognizioni is an open access, peer review journal hosting research on modern languages, literature and culture from both a disciplinary and interdisciplinary perspective. Its aim is to stimulate a dialogue between related scientific fields and encourage contact between different approaches.\r\rThe journal welcomes contributions from scholars and young researchers on:\r\r1.writers, movements, world cultures\r2.new and still unexplored areas of language, literature and culture\r\rCrOCEVIA features papers dealing with different linguistic and cultural domains, converging around a common thematic core\r\rInCONTRI hosts debates on current issues related to the social and cultural scene in the form of a round table forum\r\rItINERARI is a miscellaneous section with contribution from different areas of language, literature and culture\r\rPaSSAGGI features unpublished translations and provides a critical forum on the role of translators\r\rSeGNALI offers readers conference reports, book reviews and information about ongoing research projects Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "RIHA Journal", "ISSN": "21903328", "Scope": "ScopeRIHA Journal was launched in 2010 by The International Association of Research Institutes in the History of Art (RIHA). It is a peer-reviewed and open access e-journal devoted to the full range of the history of art and visual culture. RIHA Journal especially welcomes papers on topics relevant from a supra-local perspective, articles that explore artistic interconnections or cultural exchanges, or engage with important theoretical questions that are apt to animate the discipline. As a collective endeavor, RIHA Journal seeks to share knowledge and materials issued by scholars of all nationalities, and by doing so, to make a significant contribution to dissolving the boundaries between scholarly communities. Languages of publication are English, French, German, Italian, or Spanish. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Rinascimento", "ISSN": "00803073, 20376138", "Scope": "Scope«Rinascimento», journal of the Istituto Nazionale di Studi sul Rinascimento, is articulated in four sections. The first deals with a wide range of interventions on authors or topics in general; the second contains rare or previously unpublished texts of particular importance for the diffusion of ideas evidencing the philosophical and cultural tradition of the Renaissance; the third and most varied section welcomes contributions on individual themes; finally the fourth represents a space for open debate. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Rivista di Archeologia", "ISSN": "03920895, 22844546", "Scope": "ScopeRivista di Archeologia(RdA), founded in 1970, is an international widely distributed peer-reviewed archaeological journal. RdA reaches more than 30 countries and approximately 300 universities, learned societies, departments of antiquities, and museums. Areas of interest include the art and archaeology of Mediterranean world and the ancient Europe, including the Near East, from prehistoric to Late Antique times. Rda is published yearly in September, in print and electronic formats subscription and non-subscription access options. The Journal evaluates manuscripts through a double-blind peer review process. Every issue includes new scholarly work as well as a book reviews section, which provides a critical overview of new publications by emerging and established scholars. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Rivista di Filologia Classica", "ISSN": "356220", "Scope": "ScopeRFIC is issued twice a year, and publishes research and reviews of a high scholarly standard. Contributions must be related to philological, literary, historical, and archaeological aspects of the ancient Greek and Roman world and of the world of Late Antiquity. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica", "ISSN": "00356247, 18277926", "Scope": "ScopeFounded in January 1909 by Agostino Gemelli, «Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica» has always been one of the most important voices of the Italian Neo-Scholastic thought playing a key steady role within the XX century philosophical and scientific debate. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Rivista di Letteratura Storiografica Italiana", "ISSN": "25329626, 26112787", "Scope": "ScopeThe «Rivista di letteratura storiografica italiana» fills a gap in Italian literature studies. There are, of course, many important history journals, starting with the prestigious «Archivio storico italiano». Rather than competing with existing publications, our journal seeks to add to them through a unique focus on the study of historical texts, broadly defined, as literature. Our main areas of interest will be medieval chronicles (both in the vernacular and in Latin, in prose and verse) from Dino Compagni, the Villani, and Bonvesin de la Riva onwards; family books; works of historiography dating from the humanist, Renaissance, Baroque, and Counter- Reformation periods, as well as texts of this nature composed by erudite Arcadians, during the Enlightenment, Romanticism, and in the twentieth century, too. Further topics will include biographic and epistolary literature as well as memoirs. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Rivista di Storia e Letteratura Religiosa", "ISSN": "00356573, 20357583", "Scope": "ScopeDuring its years of activity this journal has studied, from early Christian traditions up to religious hermeneutical ones of 1900, the ways and standards of establishing ­ in their historicity ­ institutions and texts that characterise religious people; beliefs and practices, forms of devotion and of art, history of heretical mentality let alone movements. The periodical has promoted theoretical debates and published monographic issues.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Rivista Italiana di Storia Internazionale", "ISSN": "26118602, 26120992", "Scope": "ScopeRivista Italiana di Storia Internazionale is the official journal of the Italian Society of International History (SISI). It publishes articles in the field of international history and area studies, and it welcomes contributions written from international, transnational and global perspectives. Proposals for special issues are warmly encouraged. Articles can be submitted in Italian, English and French and are subjected to a full double-blind peer review. The journal also features round tables dedicated to significant volumes, methodological discussions, archival updates and book reviews. Rivista Italiana di Storia Internazionale is published twice a year. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Rivista Storica Italiana", "ISSN": "357073", "Scope": "ScopeLa «revista histórica italiana» publica artículos, reseñas, discusiones historiográficas, reseñas críticas de estudiosos italianos y extranjeros que cubren todo el lapso de la historia, desde la antigüedad hasta la actualidad y en todas las partes del mundo. Abierto a los más diversos temas y métodos de la historia política, social, económica, cultural y religiosa, adopta el rigor científico, la calidad intelectual y la originalidad de las obras que alberga en sus páginas como único criterio de elección, a veces agrupadas en apartados. monografías dedicadas a temas específicos y orientadas a promover debates plurívocos. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Rocznik Przekladoznawczy", "ISSN": "18964362, 23921552", "Scope": "ScopeThe purpose of Translation Journal is to exchange thoughts among translation experts (both in theory and practice). Therefore, we would like practicing translators, translation teachers and translation scholars to share their knowledge and experience. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Romanian Journal of Pediatrics", "ISSN": "14540398, 20696175", "Scope": "ScopeROMANIAN JOURNAL OF PEDIATRICS – RJP (Revista Romana de Pediatrie), initially founded in 1942 by Alfred Rusescu as “Pediatria” and later developed to its modern form by Valeriu Popescu, the official journal of the Romanian Society of Pediatrics, is nowadays a prestigious scientific journal that provides a high quality in terms of scientific content, but also the editorial and graphic aspect, both through an impartial process of selection, evaluation and correction of articles (peer review procedure), as well as providing editorial, graphic and printing conditions at the highest level.\r\rIn order to increase the scientific standards of the journal, special attention was paid to the improvement of the quality of the published materials. All articles, structured in several sections (general articles, case studies, case presentations) are published in English.\r\rA team of reputable medical professionals in the field of pediatrics is involved in a rigorous peer review process that complies with international ethics and quality rules in the academic world.\r\rThe Romanian Journal of Pediatrics (RJP) publishes original papers, review articles, case reports and letters to the editor on various pediatric areas and subspecialties – up-to-date reviews and researches. The journal publication frequency is 4 issues per year plus supplements, print and electronic editions. Expect on average 4 weeks from submission to publication. All accepted articles are published online first. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Romanische Forschungen", "ISSN": "358126", "Scope": "ScopeRomanische Forschungen have been founded in 1883 by Karl Vollmöller and therefore are one of Germany´s oldest academic journals. It is dedicated to studying Romance languages, literature and culture throughout the centuries. Editors and advisors are committed to the interaction of linguistics and literary studies. They especially welcome articles with a perspective on the entire field of Romance languages. The journal accepts contributions in English and German as well as in all Romance languages. The high quality of the articles is assured by a strict peer-review policy. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "RomanoArabica", "ISSN": "15826953", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal is dedicated to the study of Arabic language (classical and dialectal), Arab literature (classical and modern), Islamic thought, Islamic societies, the interaction between the Arab civilization and other civilizations, etc. The Editorial and Advisory Board consists of the academic staff of the Center for Arab Studies of the University of Bucharest and leading scholars in Arab and Islamic studies from prestigious academic institutions around the world. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Russell - Journal of the Bertrand Russell Studies", "ISSN": "360163", "Scope": "ScopeRussell is a scholarly journal devoted to the study of all aspects of Bertrand Russell’s thought, as well as his life, times and influence. In addition to publishing original research on Russell and reviews of new books about him, Russell also publishes from time to time new texts and textual studies, bibliographies, discussions, indexes, and archival lists. Scholarly articles submitted to the journal are reviewed anonymously. Russell is not the organ of any association or institution. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Sacris Erudiri", "ISSN": "7717776", "Scope": "ScopeSacris Erudiri is an international periodical of religious sciences in the broadest sense. Studies published refer mainly to the history of the Church, the history of liturgy and patristics. Whilst excluding nothing, the topics addressed refer more to factual and institutional history than to doctrinal history.\r\rThese articles often represent preliminary analyses for later critical editions of patristic and medieval texts to be published in various series of Corpus Christianorum.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Saint Anselm Journal", "ISSN": "15453367, 26896230", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Sanat Tarihi Yilligi", "ISSN": "05794080, 27176940", "Scope": "ScopeJournal of Art History aims to contribute to the world of science by publishing original articles with high quality scientific content in all fields of art history discipline.\r\rJournal of Art History publishes original articles within the of art history discipline, especially in the fields of Byzantine art, Turkish-Islamic arts, Western art and contemporary art. In this context, the articles submitted to the Journal of Art History must be original works that have not been published elsewhere. Articles can be in Turkish, English, French and German. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Schweizerische Zeitschrift fur Religions- und Kulturgeschichte", "ISSN": "16613880", "Scope": "ScopeThe Swiss journal «Zeitschrift für Schweizerische Kirchengeschichte» (ZSKG) / «Revue d’histoire ecclésiastique suisse» was founded in 1907 as a multilingual scholarly platform for the history of culture and religion covering all epochs, with a strong presence at the University of Fribourg. In 2004, the Journal was renamed as «Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Religions- und Kirchengeschichte» (SZRKG) / «Revue suisse d’histoire religieuse et culturelle».\r\rThe SZRKG is a peer-reviewed Journal, appearing in late autumn, with scholarly contributions and abstracts in German, French, Italian and English. In its first section, the Journal contains articles about a selected main topic. In addition to further articles on diverse subjects, it also contains shorter contributions to a particular discussion. The Journal also publishes reviews of books and scholarly articles on Church History and the History of Religion, authored by Swiss as well as international scholars. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Scottish Archaeological Journal", "ISSN": "14715767, 17552028", "Scope": "ScopeScottish Archaeological Journal publishes work which furthers the study of the archaeology of Scotland and neighbouring regions from the earliest prehistory to the present. The journal includes a range of papers reporting on fieldwork, discussion of museum collections and consideration of the social and intellectual context of Scottish archaeology. In addition to documenting new discoveries, the journal promotes scholarly discussion and debate by encouraging the submission of papers of synthesis and analysis.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Sculpture Review", "ISSN": "07475284, 26323494", "Scope": "ScopeSculpture Review, with significant antecedents dating from the founding of the National Sculpture Society in 1893, is keenly interested in figurative and realistic sculpture as well as the role of public sculpture in the environment, both public and institutional. It reinforces the interest of the Policy Studies Organization and its Westphalia Press in how the arts are essential to human well being and warmly welcomes submissions on a wide range of subjects, including inter disciplinary and international topics. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Seicento e Settecento", "ISSN": "18282148, 19718330", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal's title itself immediately defines a period that is conventionally considered to range from the end of the Christian res publica, with the establishment of the scientific community around Galileo's name, to the time of the French Revolution; moreover without excluding any possible overlapping induced by the importance of the subjects treated. Besides, it immediately sidesteps the usual opposition between these two centuries, the Seventeenth and Eighteenth ones; on the contrary, here for the first time, they are united in the frontispiece of a single yournal. The internal layout of every issue commences with studies of a theoretical nature, followed by specialized articles. Large space is also devoted to specific informative reviews and publishing wide-ranging critical works, reserved for detailed studies and to stimulate discussions. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Seikagaku. The Journal of Japanese Biochemical Society", "ISSN": "00371017, 21890544", "Scope": "ScopeThis Journal, devoted to publication of original papers in the fields of biochemistry, molecular biology, cell, and biotechnology, was founded in 1922. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Serbian Studies", "ISSN": "07423330, 19419511", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Shaman", "ISSN": "12167827", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal Shaman, launched by Molnár & Kelemen Oriental Publishers in 1993, is approved as the official publication of the International Society for Academic Research on Shamanism. Shaman (ISSN 1216-7827) is a annual journal (192 pages per volume) of a strictly academic nature, publishing original articles written in English. In addition, Shaman publishes reviews of current books, films, videos and sound recordings, brief accounts of works in progress and announcements of coming events. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "SHAW", "ISSN": "07415842, 15291480", "Scope": "ScopeThe author of more than sixty plays, George Bernard Shaw remains one of the best-known and most prolific Irish playwrights of the twentieth century. Known for his ability to blend social issues into his dramas, Shaw won both a Nobel Prize for Literature and an Oscar (for Pygmalion).\r\rSHAW: The Journal of Bernard Shaw Studies is the official publication of the International Shaw Society, which seeks to “provide a means for those interested in the life, times, works, and career of Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw and his circle to organize their activities and interests, exchange information and ideas, and promote an interest in Shaw worldwide.” Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Shejzat", "ISSN": "25179624", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Shodoznavstvo", "ISSN": "1682671X, 24158712", "Scope": "Scope“The Oriental Studies” is a peer-reviewed journal (collection of scholarly papers) published by the A. Yu. Krymskyi Institute of Oriental Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. The collection was established in 1997 in Kyiv initially within the framework of the «Library of the journal “The World of the Orient”» and subsequently became an independent scholarly periodical edition. Young oriental scholars, as well as experienced researchers publish their works on its pages. In total, more than 80 issues have been published till now.\r\rThe aim of the collection is to promote the development of Oriental studies in Ukraine and the integration of Ukrainian and world Oriental studies through the publication of the latest works of national and foreign authors. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Short Fiction in Theory and Practice", "ISSN": "20430701, 2043071X", "Scope": "ScopeShort Fiction in Theory & Practice is an interdisciplinary journal celebrating the current resurgence in short-story writing and research. Looking at short fiction from a practice-based perspective, it explores the poetics of short-story writing, adaptation, translation and the place of the short story in global culture.\r\rAll submissions are peer-reviewed. Contributions are welcome from individuals who do not consider themselves academics, and may take the form of personal commentaries, reflections, interviews and reviews, as well as conventional essays. We are pleased to consider proposals from those publishing or promoting the short story, as well as from short-story writers. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Short Film Studies", "ISSN": "20427824, 20427832", "Scope": "ScopeThe main purposes of SFS are:\r\rTo stimulate ongoing research on individual short films as a basis for a better understanding of the art form \rTo provide a flow of cutting-edge teaching materials that can be used in courses in which short films are either studied or produced, at film schools or universities\rTo offer fresh inspiration to filmmakers and other professionals working with short films in connection with festivals, national film institutes, regional film centres, etc.\rWhile the principal focus is on the short fiction film, other classic forms – such as the short documentary, the short experimental film and the short animation film – are also covered from time to time.\r\rIn each issue, two productions are singled out for comprehensive presentation and close study. For each film, the reader will find production data, an interview with the director, a shot-by-shot breakdown of the film with a still illustrating every shot, a number of peer-reviewed articles that illuminate the film from a variety of perspectives and a link enabling subscribers to view the film. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Siglo XXI, Literatura y Cultura Espanolas", "ISSN": "21727457", "Scope": "ScopeOn February 7th, 2013, under the wing of the ‘Miguel Delibes International Conference’, held in New York, the agreement of academic collaboration between the Junta of Castile and León, the University of Valladolid and City University of New York’s Graduate Center was signed, for the creation of the ‘Cátedra Miguel Delibes’ (http://www.catedramdelibes.com), dedicated to the study of Spanish current literature. The ‘Cátedra’, which carries the name of the Castilian writer ‘Miguel Delibes’, as acknowledgement of his work that, loaded with ethical, aesthetic and social values, has accomplished a universal impact. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Signos Historicos", "ISSN": "16654420", "Scope": "ScopeSignos Históricos es una revista especializada, cuyo fin es dar a conocer los resultados de investigaciones originales, rigurosas y metodológicamente consistentes, relacionadas con temas de la Historia de América Latina, Estados Unidos, Asia, África; así como en las áreas de la Historia (política, social, económica, cultural, intelectual, de la religión).\r\rCon un enfoque abierto, Signos Históricos no se ciñe a una determinada concepción de Historia; en cambio, pone énfasis en la calidad y originalidad de los trabajos publicados. \r\rSignos Históricos, publicada ininterrumpidamente desde 1999, previa evaluación, sólo acepta trabajos inéditos, reseñas sobre libros de publicación reciente y análisis de fuentes. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Simiolus", "ISSN": "375411", "Scope": "ScopeSimiolus is an English-language journal devoted to the history of Dutch and Flemish art of the fifteenth to seventeenth centuries, with occasional forays into more recent periods and other schools. Founded in 1966 as an outlet for art history students at the University of Utrecht, it has grown to become an internationally recognized journal of record in its field, publishing contributions by many renowned scholars and promising young art historians.\r\rSimiolus has a broad range, featuring articles on iconography and iconology, art theory and historiography, the history of the art market and the history of collecting. Many of them have become classics of their kind. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Sino-Christian Studies", "ISSN": "19902670", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Slavistica Vilnensis", "ISSN": "23516895, 24246115", "Scope": "ScopeThe diamond open access journal covers the following topics: Palaeoslavonic studies and Slavic etymology; Baltic-Slavonic linguistic relations; the Slavic heritage of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania; Slavic dialectology; the history and modern situation of Slavic languages; comparative research; training in foreign languages; translation/interpretation; other fields of Slavonic studies. Besides, the journal includes critiques and reviews of Slavonic literature; information and reports about Slavonic symposiums and conferences, academic personalities; specialized Slavonic bibliographies, etc. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Slavonica", "ISSN": "13617427", "Scope": "ScopeSlavonica publishes work in the fields of Russian and Central and East European Studies: literature, language, linguistics, history, politics, social issues, religion, music, culture and the arts; Russian/East European cultural links; original, or previously unpublished documents, illustrations, poetry and short prose; translations of poetry and shorter prose fiction (with commentary); feature articles of appropriate interest; reports and announcements on conferences, exhibitions and events; and anniversary tributes and obituaries. Each issue contains around thirty specialist book reviews commissioned from experts the world over on a wide range of topics: economics, history, politics, drama, arts, and music. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Slovansky prehled", "ISSN": "376922", "Scope": "ScopeFounded in October of 1898, Slavonic Review is a pivotal historical journal published in the Czech Republic and focusing on the history of the nations of Central, Eastern, and Southeastern Europe. It initially presented a wide spectrum of information on contemporary political and cultural events in the Slavonic world. It has been a scientific historical journal since the 1960s, with a comprehensive peer review system established in the beginning of the 1990s. In addition to specialized analytical studies, the journal publishes material (source) texts, expert discussions, reviews, reports, and compendia on domestic and foreign historiographic output as well as important information from scientific life. The mission of Slavonic Review is to present the historical evolution of the Czech nation and other lands within the studied region in broad international-political and cultural contexts while at the same time serving as a platform for historians of different generations and methodologies to meet and exchange opinions. The journal is open to researchers from the Czech Republic and abroad. Contributions are published in Czech, Slovak, and English. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Sobre Practicas Artisticas y Politicas de la Edicion", "ISSN": "23871733, 24443484", "Scope": "ScopeSOBRE is journal published annually that addresses from a complex and multifaceted perspective the relationship between the practice of art - and its modes and production systems - with structures, means and devices serving to distribute and communicate in academic and professional spheres, as well as in society in general.\r\rThe articles submitted to sections “Campo” and “Panorama” are subject to anonymous review (“double blind” process).\r\rThe research or review articles submitted to the “Campo” section of the journal may openly adhere to  the following lines:\r\rStudies that deepen and put into question the use of both traditional (books, journals, catalogues, film, photography ...) and contemporary (video, internet, social networks …) means of dissemination and communication of art and architecture production.\rReflections on artistic projects that use editorial means or that enquire into concepts such as the multiplicity, seriality or sequentiality of written or visual archives.\rStudies of archives and records in the field of art and architecture.\rReview of initiatives and experiences related to legislation, copyright policies and licenses in the fields of art and architecture.\rTools and technologies that allow to edit, reproduce, multiply and disseminate artistic works.\rDelve into the question of edition and reflect on the practices and experiments linked to the matter.\rReview of cultural experiences (music, performing arts, dance, cinema, etc.) that affect or bolster the editing processes.\r\rReception of articles for the “Campo” section is permanently open. The research or review of articles submitted to the journal for the “Panorama” section must  adhere to the topic of each issue and respect the journal’s deadline. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Social Sciences", "ISSN": "01345486, 19382553", "Scope": "ScopeFounded in 1970, this periodical was a tool for promoting the communist approach to social sciences worldwide. Since Gorbachev’s perestroika, however, Social Sciences turned into a vivid chronicle of the collapse of the old communist dogmas and the transition to new ways of approaching social, economic and historical issues.\r\rNowadays, this journal presents the most prominent papers and studies appearing in the Russian Academy of Sciences Presidium journal Social Sciences and the Contemporary World. Covering the most pressing issues of Russia’s social and economic development, Social Sciences includes articles on philosophy, history, economics, politics, sociology, law, philology, psychology, ethnography, archaeology, literature and culture. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Sociologia (Italy)", "ISSN": "380156", "Scope": "ScopeThe Sociology magazine is one of the oldest sociological publications published in Italy (1956). It was conceived by Luigi Sturzo during the years of his American exile, in a time when Italian culture tended to oppose the development of a discipline that at the end of the nineteenth century in our country had difficulty in establishing itself also for the theoretical weakness that had characterized his first expressions. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Soundings", "ISSN": "00381861, 21616302", "Scope": "ScopeSoundings: An Interdisciplinary Journal encourages scholars to challenge the fragmentation of modern intellectual life. Since 1968, the journal has featured significant scholarship by leading thinkers from across the academy. Soundings aims to publish articles that open disciplines to each other, promote greater intellectual coherence, and engage readers in broad public and academic conversation.\r\rThe journal is affiliated with the Society for Values in Higher Education, a fellowship of teachers and others who care deeply about ethical issues—such as integrity, diversity, social justice, and civic responsibility—that face higher education and the wider society. The Society believes that such values call for study, reflection, discussion, and action. It pursues these ends through publications, projects, regional gatherings and conferences, and an annual meeting. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Source", "ISSN": "07374453, 2328207X", "Scope": "ScopeSource was founded in 1981 as a scholarly journal in art history. Its mission is to publish articles of 2,500 words or less, accompanied by a maximum of three illustrations. The range of articles spans antiquity to the present and includes western and non-western art. The original premise has been borne out: there is an audience for scholarly articles in art history that are clearly written, adequately illustrated and above all, succinct. Furthermore, scholars welcome having a forum to present ideas and speculations that don’t warrant a major treatise, but might nevertheless make interesting “notes” for specialists and non-specialists alike.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "South African Gastroenterology Review", "ISSN": "18121659", "Scope": "ScopeThe South African Gastroenterology Reviewis written by specialists in the field. Its aim is to publish articles pertinent to the practising Gastroenterologist in South Africa. It is distributed to a broad spectrum of clinicians who have an interest in clinical gastroenterology and hepatology. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Southern Semiotic Review", "ISSN": "22022775, 22022783", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Southwestern Historical Quarterly", "ISSN": "0038478X, 15589560", "Scope": "ScopeThe Southwestern Historical Quarterly, continuously published since 1897, is the premier source of scholarly information about the history of Texas and the Southwest. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Special Report - National Research Council, Transportation Research Board", "ISSN": "0360859X", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Staleta Praha", "ISSN": "2316056", "Scope": "ScopeStaletá Praha (Prague Through the Centuries) is a multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal that publishes original studies on the history and development of Prague, the Prague region, and related heritage properties. The articles included in the Studies, Materials, and Review sections go through an anonymous review process. The Bibliography section provides an overview of Prague-related material (Pragensia) published in professional journals and periodicals over the past 150 years. The journal does not publish advertisements; it is financed from the publisher’s budget and with the institutional support of its founder. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Storia della Donne", "ISSN": "18267505, 18267513", "Scope": "ScopeThe Storia delle Donne magazine was born from the collaboration of specialist scholars from different eras and disciplines - trained in the schools of various Italian universities - and is proposed as a publication with a high scientific content. SdD has an annual periodicity, the issues are thematic and almost completely devoid of sections due to the editorial decision to present each issue as a unicum so that the evidence and importance of the proposed topic can be better understood, focused and developed. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studi Danteschi", "ISSN": "3917835", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Studi Francesi", "ISSN": "392944", "Scope": "Scope«Studi francesi», fondata da Franco Simone nel 1957, è la più antica e prestigiosa rivista italiana di studi sulla letteratura francese. Pubblica studi storici e critici, testi e documenti inediti finalizzati a una conoscenza sempre più approfondita della civiltà letteraria francese e al rinnovamento delle prospettive critiche. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studi Pasoliniani", "ISSN": "1972473X, 19733232", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studi Rinascimentali", "ISSN": "17246164, 18241948", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studi Veronesi", "ISSN": "25319949, 25320173", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Studia Academica Sumenensia", "ISSN": "23675446, 26035138", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal Studia academica Šumenensia is an open access scholarly journal that publishes original, high-quality research on all aspects of history and archaeology of the Balkans and South– Eastern Europe. The journal encompasses studies from prehistory till Modern time especially in the field of archaeology, prehistory, numismatics, epigraphy, anthropology, classics and history. Interdisciplinary studies are especially welcome. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studia Celtica", "ISSN": "816353", "Scope": "ScopeAs a leading journal in the field of Celtic Studies and published annually by the University of Wales Press, Studia Celtica represents the highest quality research within language, literature, history and archaeology. It is an internationally refereed journal that includes articles, short notes and book reviews. Contributions are received from Celtic experts around the world – from the USA, Australia, Scotland, Ireland and France. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studia et Documenta", "ISSN": "19704879", "Scope": "ScopeStudia et Documenta is a journal that was launched in 2007 by the St. Josemaría Escrivá Historical Institute (Rome).\rThe journal publishes original research papers in Italian, Spanish, English, French, German and Portuguese on the history of Opus Dei and its founder, as well as on its religious, social and cultural context.\rFurthermore, the journal includes occasional theological studies on the charism of Opus Dei and the message of its founder.\rOne volume is published each year, in March, of some 500 pages, featuring a monographic section, a studies and notes section, a section dedicated to the publication of documents, a news section and finally a bibliography. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studia Hibernica", "ISSN": "816477", "Scope": "ScopeFounded in 1961, Studia Hibernica is devoted to the study of the Irish language and its literature, Irish history and archaeology, Irish folklore and place names, and related subjects.\r\rIts aim is to present the research of scholars in these fields of Irish studies and so to bring them within easy reach of each other and the wider public. It endeavours to provide in each issue a proportion of articles, such as surveys of periods or theme in history or literature, which will be of general interest.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studia Judaica", "ISSN": "15069729, 24500100", "Scope": "ScopeStudia Judaica, as an organ of the Polish Association for Jewish Studies, is open to its members and all other scholars interested in a wide area of Jewish studies, such as Jewish history, literature, linguistics, archeology, culture, religion, and more. We aim to publish articles and reviews illustrating current development in a wide area of Jewish studies as conducted by the members of the Association. Our periodical is open also to non-members on assumption the article deals with an aspect of Polish-Jewish studies. By this we hope to create a representative platform of Jewish studies in and on Poland. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studia Linguistica Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis", "ISSN": "18971059", "Scope": "ScopeSLing publishes original research papers in all linguistic disciplines. The primary objective of our journal is to offer an opportunity to publish academic papers and reviews to the scholars employed by the Faculty of Philology of the Jagiellonian University in Kraków, however, academics from all over the world are kindly invited to publish in our periodical as well. We accept papers both theoretically- and descriptively-oriented.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studia Litteraria et Historica", "ISSN": "22997571", "Scope": "ScopeStudia Litteraria et Historica is an academic journal, designed as a platform of communication between ethnography, sociology, literary studies and history. The aim of the editors is to overcome divisions between scholars of these disciplines, and to help create a common language so as to be able to draw on each other’s research. The journal features analysis of public discourse (with an emphasis on academic discourse), politics of history and memory, production and reproduction of dominant ideologies, coexistence of minorities and majority of the society, complexity and diversity of domination mechanisms. Studia Litteraria et Historica offers also an insight into recent, ground-breaking work in the fields of art, literature, social science.\rThe journal has been created with a view to strengthening connections between social theory and social practice. Due to the lack of that link, we find the quality of Polish public debate insufficient, lacking depth, provincial. Bridging this gap is the ambition of the journal’s creators, who thus follow the ideas of Jan Stanisław Bystroń, ethnographer, author of Megalomania narodowa [National Megalomania]. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studia Monastica", "ISSN": "393258", "Scope": "ScopeLa revista \"Studia Monastica\" d'investigació del monaquisme, d'àmbit internacional, fou fundada el 1959 per Garcia Colombàs i Llull, monjo de Montserrat, que la dirigí fins l'any 1969.\rTé un consell de redacció internacional i admet articles en les principals llengües cultes. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studia Pneumologica et Phthiseologica", "ISSN": "1213810X", "Scope": "ScopeSPP is an official journal of the Czech Pneumological and Phthiseological Society and its Slovak counterpart. It aims to provide information to all those concerned with respiratory diseases. The journal contains original articles by Czech/Slovak as well as foreign authors, reviews dealing with current issues in pneumology and short communications. Our effort is to include multidisciplinary topics in cooperation with internists, thoracic surgeons, oncologists and other specialists.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studia Slavica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae", "ISSN": "00393363, 1588290X", "Scope": "ScopeStudia Slavica publishes essays in the field of philological and folkloristic research in Slavonic studies. It also contains minor contributions, and information on events in connection with Slavonic studies in Hungary. Publishes book reviews and advertisements. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studies in Interreligious Dialogue", "ISSN": "09262326, 17831806", "Scope": "ScopeStudies in Interreligious Dialogue is an academic peer-reviewed journal. It welcomes scholarly works on encounters between believers of different religions and worldviews from a practice-theory point of view. It invites discussion of practical issues concerning interreligious relations, such as interreligious learning, worship, marriage, welfare. The journal publishes articles by adherents of various religious traditions and academic disciplines. In particular, Studies in Interreligious Dialogue aims to enhance practical religious studies as a new field in the academic study of religion.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studies in Language Companion Series", "ISSN": "1657763", "Scope": "ScopeThis series has been established as a companion series to the periodical Studies in Language.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studies in Travel Writing", "ISSN": "13645145", "Scope": "ScopeFounded in 1997 by Tim Youngs, Studies in Travel Writing is an international, refereed journal dedicated to research on travel texts and to scholarly approaches to them. Unrestricted by period or region of study, the journal allows for specific contexts of travel writing to be established and for the application of a range of scholarly and critical approaches. It welcomes contributions from within, between or across academic disciplines; from senior scholars and from those at the start of their careers. It also publishes original interviews with travel writers, special themed issues, and book reviews. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studies in World Literature", "ISSN": "23653817", "Scope": "ScopeThe book series Studies in World Literature (SWL) is devoted to the analysis—in both singular and comparative terms—of global literature, and the multiple, sometimes contradictory, tendencies it accommodates. Its field of enquiry is the ‘new’ world literature, a category currently emerging through multiple changes from the old Romantic concept of Weltliteratur, attuned to the challenges posed by postcolonialism and multiculturalism, the increasing globalisation of literature (but also its reverse trend, regionalisation), and the diversification of the market place. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studii de Istoria si Teoria Arhitecturii", "ISSN": "23446544, 24571687", "Scope": "ScopesITA – studies in History and Theory of Architecture is a peer-reviewed journal, with both online and print versions and ISSNs. It is published annually by the “Sanda Voiculescu” Department of History & Theory of Architecture and Heritage Conservation at “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urbanism in Bucharest and covers a wide range of topics related to architectural and urban history and theory, focusing not only on Romania, but also on relevant regional and international issues.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studii si Cercetari Fliologice, Seria Limbi Romanice", "ISSN": "18433979, 23444851", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal Philological Studies and Research. Romance Languages Series hosts original works in literature and linguistics written in French, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian.\rOur journal only publishes texts that have not already been published in other journals, collective volumes, conference papers etc. By proposing a text, an author certifies the originality and authorship of the text and agrees not to send it to another publication before getting a reply from the editorial board and / or the reviewers of our journal.\rThe process of selecting the texts is “blind peer-review” and is performed by members of the scientific committee and reviewers. The authors that want to publish an article in the journal Philological Studies and Researches. The Romance Languages Series will send an electronic copy of the article to the editorial board of the journal which, in turn, will send the text to two reviewers and/or members of the scientific committee, without revealing the author’s name and coordinates. The reviewers will evaluate the text and will propose, if necessary, corrections to be done by the author, so that the text could correspond to the scientific standard of the journal. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Sudhoffs Archiv", "ISSN": "00394564, 23662352", "Scope": "ScopeSudhoffs Archiv was founded in 1917 as Archiv für Geschichte der Medizin (\"Archive for the History of Medicine\"). It now has the longest unbroken publication history of any journal for the history of science anywhere in the world. Sudhoffs Archiv is committed to a strict historiographical perspective and dedicated to the source-based analysis of the history of the natural sciences, mathematics and medicine. Sources may be primarily textual, object-based or oral transmissions suitable for elucidating questions of the history of science. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Sulla Via del Catai", "ISSN": "19703449", "Scope": "ScopeFondata nel 2007, la rivista semestrale “Sulla via del Catai”, è una pubblicazione scientifica del Centro Studi Martino Martini, dedicata alle relazioni storiche, economiche e culturali tra Europa e Cina. \rLa rivista ospita interventi di autorevoli studiosi ed esperti su varie tematiche, tra cui principalmente le relazioni economiche, le vie del commercio terrestri e marittime, gli scambi culturali fra Oriente e Occidente, la presenza occidentale in Cina, la presenza cinese in Occidente, lo sviluppo della scienza e della tecnologia nelle due aree, l’arte, i saperi e le tradizioni delle due civiltà a confronto. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Sun Yat-sen Journal of Humanities", "ISSN": "10243631", "Scope": "ScopeSun Yat-sen Journal of Humanities is an English-Chinese bilingual journal founded in April 1993 by the College of Liberal Arts at National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan. The Journal, with its biannual publication in summer and winter, solicits scholarly papers concerning various topics in the study of human sciences. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "SVMMA", "ISSN": "20147023", "Scope": "ScopeOnly original text, we accept essays in the original author’s language. We do the traduction to English version. Research, synthesis and assessment on all medieval fields (Archivistics, Archaeology, Literature, Philosophy, History, Art History, Literature, Palaeography…). Electronic format, open-access, two volumes per year (spring and autumn), Scientific quality criteria. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Sylloge Epigraphica Barcinonensis", "ISSN": "20134118, 20148151", "Scope": "ScopeSylloge epigraphica Barcinonensis, fundada el 1994 pel professor Marc Mayer i Olivé, és una publicació científica anual que vol difondre estudis i novetats epigràfiques de qualitat, originals i inèdites, i abraça des del punt de vista de temes d'epigrafia, filologia clàssica, paleografia, història antiga, topografia antiga, arqueologia clàssica i llengües paleohispàniques.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Symbolae Osloenses", "ISSN": "00397679, 15027805", "Scope": "ScopeSymbolae Osloenses was first published in 1922 under the title Symbolae Arctoae. Its present title was established in 1924 (Vol.II), with the new subtitle added in 1997.\r\rThe journal covers all branches of classical research (including Mediaeval Latin, Byzantine, and Renaissance texts). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Synergies Pays Germanophones", "ISSN": "18665268, 22612750", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Synergies Portugal", "ISSN": "2268493X, 22684948", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Taiwan Economic Review", "ISSN": "10183833", "Scope": "ScopeTaiwan Economic Review accepts economics manuscripts with original academic or pedagogic contributions, in Chinese or in English. Empirical or theoretical studies on Taiwan and Asian-Pacific economies are particularly welcomed. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Taiwanese Political Science Review", "ISSN": "10270221", "Scope": "ScopeThe Taiwanese Political Science Review (TPSR) is the journal published by the Taiwanese Political Science Association (TPSA). It has been edited by a group of scholars who have outstanding academic performance. They devote themselves to maintaining rigorous reviewing and editing practices. Through these efforts, we can not only enhance the research vigor in the political science field and demonstrate the high quality of research by the scholars in Taiwan, but also establish a rigorous paradigm for academic journals. With the breakdown of authoritarian rule in Taiwan, the combination of freedom to pursue the full-range of political science research and rich materials has resulted in an extraordinary abundance of fruitful academic accomplishments. In order to provide a professional forum for young scholars possessing endless research energy to express their viewpoints, The Taiwanese Political Science Review made its debut in 1995 under the support of Nai-teh Wu, the first president of TPSA. TPSR has published many popular articles and maintained a good academic reputation over the years. According to the survey commissioned by the National Science Council in 2008, which was conducted by professor Cheng-tian Kuo, TPSR is the most influential journal among all the political science journals in Taiwan. This indicates that the professional community holds TPSR in high regard. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "TAL Traitement Automatique des Langues", "ISSN": "12489433, 19650906", "Scope": "ScopeLa revue TAL consacre trois numéros par an aux différents aspects du traitement automatique du langage naturel et s'adresse en priorité aux chercheurs et aux étudiants de langue française. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Technische Textilien", "ISSN": "3233243", "Scope": "ScopeTechnical Textiles / Technische Textilien is the bilingual (English/German) international technical publication for purchasing decision-makers and all areas of management (including suppliers) in technical fibers and technical textiles production facilities (e.g. fiber industry, nonwovens industry, car manufacture, making-up of technical textiles, machinery) throughout the world. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Temas Medievales", "ISSN": "03275094, 18502628", "Scope": "ScopeTemas medievales es una publicación periódica bianual (enero-junio/ julio-diciembre) editada por el Instituto Multidisciplinario de Historia y Ciencias Humanas del CONICET, dirigida a investigadores, docentes, estudiantes universitarios y a todos aquellos interesados en la materia. Temas Medievales se propone como un ámbito interdisciplinario de reflexión, discusión y divulgación de asuntos referidos a historia, filosofía, literatura y arte medievales. Creada por un grupo de investigadores argentinos, intenta nuclear y acoger los trabajos y contribuciones de estudiosos de la especialidad.\r\rArtículos y notas críticas aspiran a dar razón de los intereses actuales de la historiografía del período, de sus tendencias y realizaciones, constituyendo volúmenes en que prime un eje temático sin dejar de incorporar otros varios enfoques.\r\rAparece en junio y diciembre de cada año y en diciembre además, se edita un anuario en versión papel con el total de los artículos publicados en el período. \r\rTemas Medievales dará cuenta de todos los libros que se le envíen y reseñará aquellos que se reciban por duplicado.\r\rLa Revista somete todos los artículos recibidos a un sistema de arbitraje \"doble ciego\" con pares externos a la entidad editora. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Teologicka Reflexe", "ISSN": "12111872, 27880796", "Scope": "ScopeTeologická reflexe / Theological Reflection is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes the results of original research in the field of theology (biblical studies, systematic, historical, practical and ecumenical theology, theological ethics and church history), but also philosophy, religious studies, social work and other disciplines if they have an overlap with theology. Papers that interpret the biblical and Christian tradition in present and past contexts are welcome, as well as those that reflect on the experience of Christian faith, the processes of its communication, and faith-motivated action in the diverse spheres of the life of individuals, churches, and society. In addition to original research papers, it also publishes scholarly survey papers, reporting on recent developments in the field, and reviews. The journal offers a platform for Czech researchers and foreign authors.\r\r\rIt has been published continuously in print since 1995 twice a year.The content of the journal is also available free of charge from 2021 on this website in Open Access format. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Terra Sebus", "ISSN": "20669143", "Scope": "ScopeOverview | Terra Sebus. Acta Musei Sabesiensis is the scientific yearbook of the “Ioan Raica” Municipal Museum of Sebes and it was first published in 2009. Apart from studies and articles relating to Ancient History and Archaeology as well as Medieval, Modern and Contemporary History, the periodical also features a Museology-Restoration-Conservation section and articles on issues relating to the fields of Ethnography, Anthropology and Art History. The papers written in the Romanian language are followed by an abstract and keywords in English. At the same time, every article or study written in the English language is followed by an abstract and keywords in English.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Textile View Magazine", "ISSN": "13845306", "Scope": "ScopeTextile View: Trend forecast for the respectively four upcoming seasons concerning colours, materials, design and styling for women's, men's and children's wear, including street and retail reports, reports on merchandising, as well as analysis of consumer behaviour and its influence on fabric and fashion trends. Bi-annual specials about colour and design trends for yarns and knitwear, Colour and design trends for yarns.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Textil-Revue", "ISSN": "404861", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Theologische Rundschau", "ISSN": "405698", "Scope": "ScopeDie Theologische Rundschau (ThR) ist eine vierteljährlich erscheinende Rezensionszeitschrift.\rSie zeigt Stand und Tendenzen der theologischen Forschung auf:\r\rin umfangreichen Literaturberichten,\rin kürzeren Diskussionsbeiträgen, die in das jeweilige theologische Gespräch eingreifen,\rin thematischen Aufsätzen, die einige wenige Neuerscheinungen zum Anlass wissenschaftlicher Auseinandersetzung nehmen,\rin Einzelbesprechungen.\rDie Theologische Rundschau überbrückt seit über 90 Jahren die Kluft zwischen Theologie und Kirche sowie zwischen den theologischen Disziplinen. Im einzelnen Jahrgang der ThR sind alle zentralen theologischen Disziplinen vertreten. Die ThR bietet nicht nur das Referat, sondern auch das weiterführende Urteil. Die Beiträge werden in deutscher Sprache veröffentlicht. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Therapeutic Research", "ISSN": "2898020", "Scope": "ScopeTherapeutic Research Onlineは,月刊Therapeutic Research誌に掲載(予定)または関連の医学情報を提供するサイトで,学会速報をはじめ最新の治療エビデンスをタイムリーに紹介します。\r\r本サイト内の情報は医療従事者向けに作成されたもので,最新の情報が含まれており,現状の医療水準を支持するものばかりではありません。また,コンテンツ記事作成に関しまして,著者ならびに編集者・運営者は細心の注意を払っておりますが,人為的な誤りが含まれる場合があること,医学知見の進展による相違が生じる場合もありますので,情報閲覧の際には十分ご留意ください。なお,掲載の医薬品につきましては,日本における承認外の情報が含まれる場合がありますので,使用にあたっては各薬剤の添付文書等をご参照ください。 Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Tijdschrift voor Filosofie", "ISSN": "0040750X", "Scope": "ScopeThe Tijdschrift voor Filosofie publishes thematic contributions in all areas of philosophy, articles on the history of philosophy, critical studies, descriptive bibliographies, reviews and chronicles. It is open to all trends of thinking and to the various fields of philosophy. It contains contributions written by philosophers from different countries and devotes special attention to the philosophical life in the Netherlands and Flanders. The Tijdschrift voor Filosofie publishes contributions in Dutch, English, French, German, and South African Dutch, all with an English abstract. Each contribution is double-blind peer reviewed by at least two experts from different universities. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Tirant", "ISSN": "15797422", "Scope": "ScopeTirant (Butlletí informatiu i bibliogràfic de literatura de cavalleries) is an international journal and newsletter, open access, peer-reviewed, which publishes original research on Hispanic and European medieval texts of history and fiction, seeking to maintain a rigorous and fruitful scientific communication, and bibliographic information updated. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Tokovi Istorije", "ISSN": "03546497, 2560547X", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal Currents of History originated from a periodical publication of the Institute for the History of Labour Movement in Serbia - Currents of Revolution. Under this name, the collection was first published in 1967 and was released annually until 1989. During this period the volumes I-XXI and numbers 1/1988 and 1/1989 were published.\r\rThe present structure of the journal was established in 1993. It was renamed to Currents of History and gained a new format, content, and style. First, it was published quarterly, but since 2010 it has been published three times a year. Articles, stories, archival sources and criticisms have covered new themes and followed new historical trends. Beside the articles on economic and political organizations of the labour movement, the history of Serbian society between two world wars and during the World War II, the history of government and communist party in socialist Yugoslavia, the journal also includes articles on social ideas, modernization trends, political parties, history of institutions, churches and religious relations, economic development, social classes, foreign policy and international relations during the Cold War, remarkable people and statesmen, national minorities, the family and the status of women, the history of Serbs outside Serbia, private life, causes and circumstances of the disintegration of socialist Yugoslavia, assessing foreign historiography and its view of Yugoslav history and others. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal", "ISSN": "3759172", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Trans Asia Photography", "ISSN": "21582025, 27686876", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Transcultural Studies", "ISSN": "21916411", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Transcultural Studies is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal committed to promoting the knowledge and research of transculturality in all disciplines. It is published by the Cluster of Excellence “Asia and Europe in a Global Context: The Dynamics of Transculturality” of the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Translation and Literature", "ISSN": "09681361, 17500214", "Scope": "ScopeTranslation and Literature is an interdisciplinary scholarly journal focusing on English Literature in its foreign relations. Subjects of recent articles have included English translations of Martial, Spenser's use of Ovid, Eighteenth-Century Satire and Roman dialogue, Basil Bunting's translations, Finnigans Wake in Italian, and the translation of haiku.\rContributors come from many disciplines:\r* English Literature\r* Modern Languages\r* Literary Theory\r* Classical Studies\r* Translation Studies\r\rTranslation and Literature is indexed in the Arts and Humanities bibliographies and bibliographical databases including the Modern Language Association of America International Bibliography. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Translocal Chinese: East Asian Perspectives", "ISSN": "24522007, 24522015", "Scope": "ScopeTranslocal Chinese: East Asian Perspectives (TCEA)《海外華人研究》is a peer-reviewed English journal. It is jointly-published biannually by the College of International Studies and Social Sciences, National Taiwan Normal University (國立臺灣師範大學國際與社會科學學院), the Center for the Digital Archives of South Fukienese Culture and Overseas Chinese Hometowns, National Quemoy University (國立金門大學閩南文化與僑鄉數位典藏中心), the Society of Overseas Chinese Studies (SOCS), Taipei, Taiwan (中華民國海外華人研究學會), and Brill.\r\rA transdisciplinary journal devoted to the studies of overseas Chinese communities in all their manifestations and contestations, TCEA focuses on the region of East Asia. We study overseas Chinese border crossing networks disseminated from or converged in (pen)insular countries or zones such as Japan, North and South Koreas, the Ryukyus, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao. We also welcome research on other mobile groups which are connected to, or whose experiences could be compared with overseas Chinese in and from East Asia.\r\rWith an international editorial board consisting of leading scholars in the field, TCEA is interested in the intersections of East Asia and global history, and in comparative approaches to issues such as long-term identity formation, state building and market development under the conditions of globalism and transnationalism. Comprehensive in, focal themes may include business and investment networks, migration and settlement, citizen's participation and community building, development of media and the arts, traveling and tourism, religious ideas and organization, and academic exchanges. To sum up, TCEA distinguishes itself by the focus on the crescent of East Asian (pen)insular states. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Travaux de Linguistique", "ISSN": "826049", "Scope": "ScopeRevue scientifique internationale, Travaux de linguistique a comme domaine d'étude privilégié la langue française abordée par le biais de la recherche en linguistique générale.\rElle a pour ambition d’assurer un quadruple rôle de recherche, de documentation, de critique et de communication qui la destine tout à la fois aux spécialistes, aux enseignants et à un public cultivé.\rLa revue pratique la lecture en double anonyme. Pour garantir une évaluation de qualité, les deux lecteurs sont toujours choisis parmi les spécialistes du sujet en question.\rLa revue Travaux de linguistique est publiée avec l'aide financière du Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique-FNRS et de la Fondation universitaire. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Trends in Classics", "ISSN": "18667473, 18667481", "Scope": "ScopeTrends in Classics publishes innovative, interdisciplinary work which brings to the study of Greek and Latin texts the insights and methods of related disciplines such as narratology, intertextuality, reader-response criticism, and oral poetics. Both the journal and the accompanying monograph series Trends in Classics – Supplementary Volumes seeks to publish research across the full range of classical antiquity.\r\rThe journal is published twice a year with approx. 160 pp. per issue. All contributions are in English and accompanied by an English abstract. Each year one issue is devoted to a specific subject with articles edited by a guest editor. Recent special issues include: 2017: Hellenistic Lyricism, ed. by Evian Sistakou; 2019: Intermediality and Roman Literature, ed. by Martin T. Dinter and Bettina Reitz-Joosee. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Tsinghua China Law Review", "ISSN": "21518904, 21602379", "Scope": "Scope The Tsinghua China Law Review, ISSN: 2151-8904 (cite as Tsinghua China L. Rev.), is the first law student-run, English-language journal of legal scholarship published by a mainland Chinese university. Established in the Fall of 2008, the Tsinghua China Law Review is dedicated to advancing the global academic discussion of all issues relating to China’s law, legal economy, and society. The unique of scholarship published by the journal promotes a greater understanding and a critical examination of the issues impacting Chinese law — a genre that is currently underserved in legal academia. The Tsinghua China Law Review also acts as a conduit for ideas to flow through Tsinghua Law School to the world, contributing to the university’s development as a leading institution for the study of law.\r\r\r  The Tsinghua China Law Review strives to disseminate legal authorship by law professors and students, legal practitioners, social scientists, economists, and other graduate students to increase awareness of legal issues impacting China. The journal publishes scholarly articles, and notes by leading authors on China on a bi-annual basis. Although the first volume contained a single issue, since 2009, each volume has had two issues. All pieces are contributed by both student scholars and leading authorities in their research fields. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Tumor Diagnostik und Therapie", "ISSN": "0722219X, 14391279", "Scope": "ScopeDie Zeitschrift ist ein Forum für die Diagnostik und Therapie aller onkologischer Er­krankungen. Durch umfassende Übersichtsarbeiten zu einem aktuellen Schwerpunktthema deckt die Zeitschrift die ganze Bandbreite der onkologisch arbeitenden Fachrichtungen ab. Ausgewiesene Experten verfassen diese aufeinander abgestimmten Beiträge.\r\rBleiben Sie am Ball! Lesen Sie in zehn Ausgaben pro Jahr:\r\rWissenschaftlich relevante Informationen für die onkologische Praxis\rBeiträge zu differenzierten Konzepten für Diagnose und Therapie\rKommentare und Bewertungen von Spezialisten aus allen Fachgebieten der Onkologie zu den neuesten Erkenntnissen aus dem Fach\rAktuelle Übersichten zum Stand der Forschung\rKurzinformationen und Literaturreferate Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Tuna", "ISSN": "14064030", "Scope": "ScopeThe historical culture magazine “Tuna” (“Past” in English) has been issued since 1998. The journal is issued by the National Archives with the support of Estonian Cultural Endowment and in co-operation with Tallinn City Archives and the Association of Estonian Archivists. Four issues are published every year. An essay, three to five longer articles are written mainly by historians, but also literary historians and cultural historians, the description of new documents with comments, a series of reviews and overviews are published as well as the photos of the Film Archives please the eye in every issue. In addition to the main issue, should the possibility arise, special issues in a foreign language are published. So far issues in Russian and English have been published.\r\rThe journal is peer-reviewed. Articles submitted for publication are considered by the Editorial Board and then forwarded to two anonymous peer reviewers. Articles must receive positive reviews from both readers in order to be published. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Turkbilig", "ISSN": "13026011", "Scope": "ScopeEstablished in 2000, the international peer-reviewed journal Turkbilig addresses descriptive, theoretical, synchronic, diachronic and comparative aspects and problems of Turkic languages and linguistics. The journal also welcomes articles dedicated to folklore, areal relations, history, politics, religion of Turkic speaking peoples. It is published in a volume of two issues per year, approximately with 150 to 200 pages and offers an easy acccess user interface in English, Turkish and Russian.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Turkic Languages", "ISSN": "14314983", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal Turkic Languages is devoted to linguistic Turcology. It addresses descriptive, comparative, synchronic, diachronic, theoretical and methodological problems of the study of Turkic languages including questions of genetic, typological and areal relations, linguistic variation and language acquisition. The journal aims at presenting work of current interest on a variety of subjects and thus welcomes contributions on all aspects of Turkic language studies. It contains articles, review articles, reviews, discussions, reports, and surveys of publications. The journal uses a double blind review system in selecting articles for publication. The preferred language of publication is English. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Tyndale Bulletin", "ISSN": "827118", "Scope": "ScopeThe Tyndale Bulletin is a bi-annual peer-reviewed academic journal for biblical scholarship and related disciplines. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Umeni", "ISSN": "495123", "Scope": "ScopeThe bimonthly journal Umění/Art is devoted to the history of Czech and central European art from the early Middle Ages up to the 21st century. It also publishes articles with an international focus and studies in methodology. It offers a platform for intellectual diversity and for exploring the links between art, philosophy and literature. Alongside original studies by researchers in the Czech Republic and abroad, the journal publishes interviews with important figures in art history and the philosophy of art, newly discovered archive materials, debates, reviews, news, and polls. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Unitex", "ISSN": "10437932", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "VDE Fachberichte", "ISSN": "3404161", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Venezia Arti", "ISSN": "23852720", "Scope": "ScopeVenezia Arti is a journal of the Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage of Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. VA was founded in 1987 by Wladimiro Dorigo and Giuseppe Mazzariol, a new series directed by Silvia Burini and Giovanni Maria Fara begins in 2019. The journal welcomes scholars of all disciplines focusing on the arts and encourages an interdisciplinary and international approach, capable of systematically and critically doing research on events and problems in the artistic culture. VA aims to become a sound reference point for medieval, modern and contemporary art, visual and performing arts, and all the main themes of the international methodological debate. The journal is annual and undergoes a double-blind peer review. It is recognized as a scientific journal for the fields 08 (Architecture) and 10 (Antiquities, Philology, Literary Studies, Art History) and it is indexed in Scopus. Since 2014, the journal is published in a digital (open access) edition by Edizioni Ca’ Foscari. It is characterised by thematic calls and a miscellaneous section in which contributions of young emerging scholars are very well accepted. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Verbum(Lithuania)", "ISSN": "20296223, 25388746", "Scope": "ScopeThe diamond open access journal has been published by the Institute of Foreign Languages at Vilnius University since 2010. Its editorial board consists of researchers from Lithuania, Latvia, Italy, France and the USA. The publications by Lithuanian scholars and colleagues from other countries focus on the studies of Germanic, Roman and Slavic languages as well as on issues of education. The journal also reviews books and presents academic events. Another important aim pursued by the editorial board is to promote the idea of multilingualism. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Verifiche", "ISSN": "3914186", "Scope": "Scope«Verifiche» (ISSN: 0391-4186) is an International biannual, peer-reviewed Journal.\r\rVerifiche has been recognized as a point of reference in Italy and abroad for studies in and editions of Classical German Philosophy and its contemporary interpretations.\rIndeed, the journal has been classified as a first class (A) journal by the ANVUR (National Committee for the evaluation of Universities and Research) for Philosophy. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Vesper", "ISSN": "27047598", "Scope": "ScopeVesper is a six-monthly, double-blind peer-reviewed scientific journal, multidisciplinary and bilingual (Italian and English), which deals with the relationships between forms and processes of thought and of design. Gazing into the dusk, when light slowly merges with darkness and the illuminating object is no longer visible, Vesper aims to interpret the act of designing through tracing and revealing the movement of transformation. Pythagoras identified in the planet Venus both the evening star (Hesperos) and the morning star (Phosphoros), assigning the two names to the same star observed in different temporal conditions. Vesper thus states a perspective rather than an object, privileging the condition that defines its status. Rather than the sharp light of dawn, heralding a brand-new day and promising a brighter future, it is the twilight that allows you to have a glimpse at the potential of what is already there.\r\rFollowing the tradition of Italian paper journals, Vesper revives it by hosting a wide spectrum of narratives, welcoming different writings and styles, privileging the visual intelligence of design, of graphic expression, of images and contaminations between different languages.\rThe journal is conceived as a series of thematic issues that build a discourse on the contemporary. Each issue is divided into sections that offer a range of diverse perspectives on the theme analysed: editorial, quote, project, tale, lecture, essay, extra, translation, archive, journey, ring, tutorial, dictionary. Throughout the different sections, reverberations between ideas and reality change, connections emerge between tangible facts and their potentials, transformative prospects, collective perception. The principal aim of these sections is not to provide instant news, but to offer an in-depth investigation of different instances of design and to provide tools and materials that have a long-lasting effect. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Veterinaria", "ISSN": "3943151", "Scope": "ScopeVETERINARIA is the official scientific journal of the Italian Companion Animal Veterinary Association (SCIVAC) and is published bimonthly by Edizioni Veterinarie (E.V.). Its aim is to promote the spread and development of new ideas and techniques in the field of clinical and veterinary practices, with the ultimate goal of improving and promoting the continuing education of veterinary practicioners.\rVETERINARIA publishes literature reviews, original articles, diagnostic corners and clinical cases on different topics related to medicine and surgery of the dog, cat and of other companion animals, as well as short communications from congresses. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Vichiana", "ISSN": "00425079, 2035262X", "Scope": "Scope«Vichiana», founded in 1964 by Carlo Del Grande, was directed from 1968 to 1970 by the founder and by Francesco Arnaldi. Publication resumed in 1972, and in 1980 Armando Salvatore became Director, joined by illustrious scholars such as Boris Ulianich and Antonio Garzya. In 1994 «Vichiana» underwent a new interruption lasting five years. It was the diligence and commitment of Henry Flores that aided the journal's recovery up until 2013. Suspended once again (especially due to the well-known crisis in the publishing industry), the journal resumes its journey in 2014 with the publisher Fabrizio Serra. Alongside its traditional historical, philological and literary profile, in this new series «Vichiana» extends its horizons to a broader methodological formulation, with studies concerning cinema, theater, and the music of the ancient world. At the same time, anthropological research and studies devoted to the relationship between literary and legal sources allow the exploration of classical texts, with new and sometimes surprising outcomes. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Victorian Historical Journal", "ISSN": "10307710", "Scope": "ScopeThe Victorian Historical Journal, first published as the Victorian Historical Magazine in 1911, is the official journal of record and scholarly publication of the Royal Historical Society of Victoria. It is the second oldest history journal in Australia, containing a vast collaborative history of Victoria with hundreds of individual contributors and topics. It is also a primary source and research tool for researchers and is focused on Victorian History and Australian History as it illuminates Victorian History.\r\rIt is a refereed journal with outstanding contributions by academic and non-academic historians. Its editors drawn from the community of scholars of Victorian and Australia History, are committed to acting with independence, promptness and integrity. The Journal now publishes Historical Notes as well – reviewed by the editors, not external reviewers, to illuminate particular historical episodes. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Victoriographies", "ISSN": "20442416, 20442424", "Scope": "ScopeVictoriographies – A Journal of Nineteenth-Century Writing, 1790-1914 seeks to invent afresh the long nineteenth century.\r\rReturning to the text as text, Victoriographies explores, as if for the first time, those canonical texts and authors that seem familiar, and interrogates the understudied, those authors and publications which demand a response. The journal is concerned with writing of the long nineteenth century and writing about the nineteenth century.\r\rVictoriographies is fully peer-reviewed and invites articles which address philosophical, epistemological and ideological concerns, as these are embedded in the surface and texture of the text itself. The emphasis is on Victorian writing, about literary texts, poetry, prose fiction and prose non-fiction in the period 1790-1914. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Visual History", "ISSN": "24215627, 25323504", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal aims to promote research in a new field of historical investigation. 'Visual History' recognizes the pivotal role played by image in information age and tries to analyze its multifarious forms and polysemic potential over time, from art objects to illustrations, advertisements, photographs and pictograms. The visual approach focuses: the relationship between art and power, shedding light on the creation of consensus and on totalitarian systems; the connection between text and image, with reference to literature as well as to media products; the formation and dynamics of iconic memory, both individual and collective, which can be sounded out on an interdisciplinary basis, intertwining history and human sciences such as anthropology and psychology. The journal is meant to give critical insights into images seen as cultural constructs and as social practice, breaking down usual sectorial boundaries (and also trusting the artist's eye, privileged sensor of contemporaneity). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Wallace Stevens Journal", "ISSN": "1487132", "Scope": "ScopeDevoted to all aspects of the poetry and life of American modernist poet Wallace Stevens, The Wallace Stevens Journal has been publishing scholarly articles, poems, book reviews, news, and bibliographies since 1977. The Journal regularly features previously unpublished primary or archival material and photographs, as well as interpretive criticism of the writer's poetry and essays, theoretical reflections, biographical and contextual studies, comparisons with other writers, and original artwork. Increasingly international in orientation, this double-blind peer-reviewed journal welcomes a diversity of approaches and perspectives. The Wallace Stevens Journal is sponsored by the Wallace Stevens Society. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Walt Whitman Quarterly Review", "ISSN": "07370679, 21533695", "Scope": "ScopeWalt Whitman Quarterly Review publishes essays about Whitman, his influence, his cultural contexts, his life, and his work. WWQR also publishes newly discovered Whitman manuscripts, and we publish shorter notes dealing with significant discoveries related to Whitman. Major critical works about Whitman are reviewed in virtually every issue, and Ed Folsom maintains an up-to-date and annotated \"Current Bibliography\" of work about Whitman, published in each issue.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Water and Wastes Digest", "ISSN": "431141", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Welsh History Review", "ISSN": "432431", "Scope": "ScopePublished by the University of Wales Press since its inception in 1960, The Welsh History Review has established itself as the most authoritative journal in its field. This twice-yearly journal is committed to publishing a wide variety of scholarly research on Welsh history, from medieval to modern. The internationally renowned editorial board includes scholars from universities in Wales, England and the United States, whose breadth of knowledge is representative of the journal and its content, which is typically a diverse range of cultural, social, political and economic history. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Wesley and Methodist Studies", "ISSN": "22911723", "Scope": "ScopeWesley and Methodist Studies publishes peer-reviewed articles that examine the life and work of John and Charles Wesley, their contemporaries (proponents or opponents) in the 18th century Evangelical Revival, their historical and theological antecedents, their successors in the Wesleyan tradition, and studies of the Wesleyan and Evangelical traditions today. Essays within the thematic of WMS from the disciplinary perspectives of literature, philosophy, education and cognate disciplines are welcome.\r\rWMS is a collaborative project of the Manchester Wesley Research Centre and The Oxford Centre for Methodism and Church History, Oxford Brookes University. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "West Bohemian Historical Review", "ISSN": "18045480, 25710362", "Scope": "ScopeWest Bohemian Historical Review (WBHR) is a peer-reviewed journal published by the Department of Historical Sciences of the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen in cooperation with the Department of History of University in Hamburg. The journal focuses on the publication of studies of world history. The periodical is open to contributions from historians with any specialisation or methodological focus. The journal’s aim is to pose questions for wider international collaboration of communities of history professionals and to try to initiate interdisciplinary dialogue. We therefore hope that West Bohemian Historical Review will be amongst the most sought-after forums dealing in the study and interpretation of history.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Western American Literature", "ISSN": "433462", "Scope": "ScopeIn our desire to further this tradition of integrating western studies into global scholarly conversations, we are especially interested in publishing theoretical and critical articles in areas such as these:\r\rcritical regionalism;\rbioregionalism;\rplace studies;\rglobal Wests;\rNative American studies global indigeneity;\rsettler-colonialism;\rpost-westernism;\reco-memoir;\rplace pedagogy;\recocriticism;\rgender and queer studies;\rfeminist place studies;\rdigital humanities;\rborderlands studies;\rnew agrarianism;\rpost-pastoralism;\rfood studies;\rcinema and new media;\rcritical materialism;\rpetrocultures;\raffect theory;\ranimal (and plant) studies;\rcritical race theory. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Western Historical Quarterly", "ISSN": "433810", "Scope": "ScopeFounded in 1969, The Western Historical Quarterly, official journal of the Western History Association, presents original articles dealing with the North American West—expansion and colonization, indigenous histories, regional studies (including western Canada, northern Mexico, Alaska, and Hawaii), and transnational, comparative, and borderland histories. Each issue contains reviews and notices of significant books, as well as recent articles, in the field. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Whitehall Papers", "ISSN": "2681307", "Scope": "ScopeThe Whitehall Paper series provides in-depth studies of specific developments, issues or themes in the field of national and international defence and security. Published three times a year, Whitehall Papers reflect the highest standards of original research and analysis, and are invaluable background material for policy-makers and specialists alike. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Wiener Studien", "ISSN": "0084005X, 18133924", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "World Pumps", "ISSN": "2621762", "Scope": "ScopeFor 60 years, World Pumps has been the world's leading pump magazine, keeping the pump industry and its customers informed about all the technical and commercial developments in the industry Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Yale French Studies", "ISSN": "440078", "Scope": "ScopeYale French Studies is the oldest English-language journal in the United States devoted to French and Francophone literature and culture. Each volume is conceived and organized by a guest editor or editors around a particular theme or author. Interdisciplinary approaches are particularly welcome, as are contributions from scholars and writers from around the world. Recent volumes have been devoted to a wide variety of subjects, among them: Crime Fiction; Surrealism; Contemporary Writing for the Stage; and Memory in Postwar French and Francophone Culture. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Yearbook of Balkan and Baltic Studies", "ISSN": "26137844, 26137852", "Scope": "ScopeThe Yearbook of Balkan and Baltic Studies (YBBS) is an international, peer-reviewed journal publishing high-quality, original research. Please see the journal’s Aims & for information about its focus and peer-review policy. \rPlease note that this journal only publishes manuscripts in English. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Yearbook of Langland Studies", "ISSN": "08902917, 20310242", "Scope": "ScopeYLS welcomes submissions dealing with Piers Plowman and related poetry and prose in the traditions of didactic and allegorical alliterative writing. Papers concerning the literary, historical, religious, intellectual, codicological, and critical contexts of these works are also invited. Submissions are double-blind peer reviewed. In preparing their manuscripts for review, authors should avoid revealing their identity within the essay itself and follow the style guides given below. The editors are Alastair Bennett (Royal Holloway, University of London), Katharine Breen (Northwestern University), and Eric Weiskott (Boston College). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Year's Work in English Studies", "ISSN": "844144", "Scope": "ScopeThe Year's Work in English Studies is the qualitative narrative bibliographical review of scholarly work on English language and literatures written in English. It is the largest and most comprehensive work of its kind and the oldest evaluative work of literary criticism. The Year’s Work in English Studies does not merely offer annotated or enumerated bibliography entries, but provides expert, critical commentary supplied for every book covered.\r\rEach volume includes a detailed overview from Old English to contemporary critical works for a given year, and contains critical notices for some 1100 books; extensive coverage of English Language, American Literature, New Literatures in English and English Literature; coverage of specialist periodicals; comprehensive indexing by critic, author, and subject; plus bibliographical endnotes for each chapter. YWES is an essential resource for scholars in any field of language or literary studies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Z Badan nad Ksiazka i Ksiegozbiorami Historycznymi", "ISSN": "18970788, 25448730", "Scope": "ScopeThe „Studies into the History of the Book and Book Collections” is a national journal wchich contains articles in the field of social communication and media. of the Department of Book and History of Media, Faculty of Journalism, Information and Book Studies, University of Warsaw.\r\rThe journal publishes research texts in the field of book culture, in a historical context. It offers a versatile forum of presentation and discussion of research achievements, initiatives, and trends for either Polish or foreign specialist in book studies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Zbornik Radova Vizantoloskog Instituta", "ISSN": "05849888, 24060917", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal Zbornik radova Vizantološkog instituta - ZRVI is a peer-reviewed and open access scholarly journal devoted to Byzantine studies, published since 1952. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Zbornik za Umetnostno Zgodovino", "ISSN": "0351224X, 15803767", "Scope": "ScopeOsrednja naloga društva je izdajanje Zbornika za umetnostno zgodovino (ZUZ), strokovne revije, ki je prvič izšla leta 1921, njen prvi urednik pa je bil Izidor Cankar. Izdajanje ZUZ je zastalo le ob koncu druge svetovne vojne in v letih takoj po njej, leta 1951 pa smo posamezne številke začeli šteti na novo. Od tod tudi oznaka n. v. (nova vrsta) v glavi zbornika. Upravičeno smo ponosni na publikacijo, ki sodi med umetnostnozgodovinske revije z najdaljšo tradicijo izhajanja v svetu.\r\rČlanki, ki jih avtorji predložijo v objavo uredniškemu odboru, so v skladu z mednarodnimi standardi znanstvene periodike sprejeti na podlagi pozitivnih anonimnih recenzij. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung fur Rechtsgeschichte, Kanonistische Abteilung", "ISSN": "03234142, 23044896", "Scope": "ScopeThe Zeitschrift für Rechtsgeschichte (ZRG, also known as the Savigny Journal) represents an integral part of European legal history research, having made a significant contribution to the current state of the discipline.\r\rEach section publishes a new volume per year which includes an article and a literature section, each complemented by a Chronik and Mitteilungen section.\r\rAs the youngest section, the Kanonistische Abteilung is on a par with the others. It follows the history of the church from the beginning, together with its various branches, the Protestant church laws to contemporary legal issues concerning the relationship between the church and state with a particular focus on countries experiencing political upheaval. The extensive traditional material from the church archives illustrates particularly clearly that legal history can never be understood without reference to the specific political and social environment. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Zeitschrift fur die Neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der Alteren Kirche", "ISSN": "00442615, 1613009X", "Scope": "ScopeA highly reputed journal published since 1900, the Zeitschrift für die Neutestamentliche Wissenschaft is an international journal for the exegesis of the New Testament. Appearing annually in two issues of 150 pages each, it features original contributions in German, English, and French which have been written by well-known scholars worldwide. By accepting only high quality research papers which advance scholarship, the editors seek to retain the recognizably high niveau of the journal. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Zeitschrift fur Franzosische Sprache und Literatur", "ISSN": "442747", "Scope": "ScopeThe Zeitschrift für französische Sprache und Literatur (\"Journal for French Language and Literature\") is an academic journal with a programmatic focus on articles on French language and literature that has enjoyed a long tradition since its foundation in 1879. It aims to encompass all historical periods whilst also taking current literary and linguistic research issues into account. In addition, the journal provides a forum for work on current theory formation as well as containing articles, often with a comparative focus, on Francophone Studies and the regional languages of France with a particular emphasis on Occitan. The journal has an extensive section dedicated to book reviews.\r\rArticles in German, French, or English are welcome. All contributions are selected by an international comité de lecture.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Zeitschrift fur Historische Forschung", "ISSN": "03400174, 18655599", "Scope": "ScopeEstablished in 1974, the Zeitschrift für Historische Forschung is the only German-language journal that concentrates on the epochs of the Late Middle Ages and Early Modern Age. This concept is based on the idea of thematising the history of the European Pre-Modern Period from the High Middle Ages to the Reformation and up to the revolutionary Saddle Period around 1800 as a structural unit. In a methodical and factual sense, the ZHF illustrates the diversity of German-language historical scholarship. It has a stable core in the area of political and constitutional history, but it has always been just as open to article from the history of religion, science and ideas, as well as from the legal, social and economic history. In addition to essay articles, it offers current research reports and an extensive review section on a regular basis. The latter reviews about 200 new publications by experts for experts every year. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Zeitschrift fur Katholische Theologie", "ISSN": "442895", "Scope": "ScopeDie ZKTh ist eine Zeitschrift der Österreichischen Provinz der Jesuiten, die an der Katholisch-Theologischen Fakultät der Universität Innsbruck angesiedelt ist und von dieser wesentlich mitgetragen wird.\rDie Zeitschrift weiß sich den Fragestellungen moderner Philosophie und Theologie verpflichtet. In kirchlicher Solidarität sucht sie, die Anstöße und Entwicklungen des Zweiten Vatikanischen Konzils aufzuarbeiten und weiter zu entwickeln. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Zeitschrift fur Ostmitteleuropa-Forschung", "ISSN": "09488294, 27010449", "Scope": "ScopeJournal of East Central European Studies / Zeitschrift für Ostmitteleuropa-Forschung (JECES) is a leading open access journal on Central and Eastern European historical studies that is edited by an independent team of globally renowned experts in the field. The journal appears both in print form and in a digital open access version. It publishes original contributions on the history and culture of Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine and Belarus as well as cutting edge methodological and conceptional approaches to Central and Eastern European history in general. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Zeitschrift fur Religions- und Geistesgeschichte", "ISSN": "00443441, 15700739", "Scope": "ScopeThe Zeitschrift für Religions- und Geistesgeschichte is a peer-reviewed journal and comprises original papers, miscellanea and reviews both in German and English from the crossroads of philosophy, the history of religions, cultural studies, theology, ethnology, European history, the history of art and the history of the sciences. It is not bound to any specific period, field, scholarly method or school but rather to the excellence and the innovative character of texts and ideas. Each issue aims at presenting a mixture of insights from outsiders and newcomers as well as scholarly views and outlooks from insiders along with an extensive book review section. \rThe Zeitschrift für Religions- und Geistesgeschichte has a longstanding tradition and is one of the most outstanding journals in the humanities of the German-speaking world. Today, it is a forum for interdisciplinary research and scholarly dialogue in the fields of religious and intellectual history. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Zeszyty Wiejskie", "ISSN": "15066541, 26574373", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal RURAL PERIODICALS [ZESZYTY WIEJSKIE] publishes articles, essays, reviews and reports of scientific conferences, which focus on the problems of rural areas (in Poland, Europe and the world) from the perspective of numerous fields of science: humanities, social sciences, agriculture and engineering. The interdisciplinarity of ZESZYTY WIEJSKIE is a result of the rural studies paradigm adopted and implemented by the Editorial Board. The diversity of research perspectives makes ZESZYTY WIEJSKIE a platform open for discussion about the countryside, which is not limited to a single discipline.\r\rIt is published by Lodz University Press and is affiliated with the Faculty of Philosophy and History at the University of Lodz.\r\rThe Editorial Board accepts texts in Polish and English. Texts in other languages require consultation with the Board. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Zutot", "ISSN": "15717283, 18750214", "Scope": "ScopeZutot: Perspectives on Jewish Culture aims to fill a gap that has become more and more conspicuous among the wealth of scholarly periodicals in the field of Jewish Studies. Whereas existing journals provide space to medium and large sized articles, they neglect the small but poignant contributions, which may be as important as the extended, detailed study. The Zutot serves as a platform for small but incisive contributions, and provides them with a distinct context. The substance of these contributions is derived from larger perspectives and, though not always presented in an exhaustive way, will have an impact on contemporary discussions. The Zutot covers Jewish culture in its broadest sense, i.e. encompassing various academic disciplines—literature, languages and linguistics, philosophy, art, sociology, politics and history—and reflects binary oppositions such as religious and secular, high and low, written and oral, male and female culture. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "ABA Journal", "ISSN": "7470088", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal is a general-interest news and business magazine about the law and the practice of it. Stories are reported and written in the same style as such magazines as Time or Bloomberg Business Week. Most stories in the Journal are “big picture” stories with broad reader interest. Because the Journal has a diverse readership—lawyers with various practice areas, judges, law professors and students, people in all areas of the civil and criminal justice systems, legislators, businesspeople and nonlawyers—stories do not deal with narrow technical or specialty areas of the law. While stories may focus on specific cases or decisions, they usually are reported as part of a broader context. The Journal does not chronicle trials or decisions simply as events for the record. It also does not publish announcements such as career changes, office expansions or seminars. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Acta Medico-Historica Rigensia", "ISSN": "10228012, 2592818X", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Acta Stomatologica Naissi", "ISSN": "03525252, 18201202", "Scope": "ScopeActa Stomatologica Naissi publishes editorials, original scientific or clinical articles, review articles, preliminary reports, case reports, technical innovations, letters to the editor, articles from up-to-date literature, book reviews, reports and presentations from national and international congresses and symposiums which have not been previously submitted for publication elsewhere. All submitted articles will be reviewed by at least 2 reviewers, and when appropriate, by a statistical reviewer. Authors will be notified of acceptance, rejection, or need for revision within 6 weeks of submission. Articles are not paid for. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Advanced Composites Bulletin", "ISSN": "0951953X", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Advances in Alzheimer's Disease", "ISSN": "22105727, 22105735", "Scope": "ScopeThe book series \"Advances in Alzheimer's Disease\" brings together the latest insights in Alzheimer’s disease research in specific areas in which major advances have been made. It assembles and builds on work recently published in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease (JAD) and also includes further contributions to ensure comprehensive coverage of the topic. The emphasis is on the development of novel approaches to understanding and treating Alzheimer’s and related diseases.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Aegyptus", "ISSN": "00019046, 18277888", "Scope": "ScopeLa rivista \"Aegyptus\", fondata da Aristide Calderini nel 1920, è nel suo genere la più antica in Italia ed ha contribuito e contribuisce validamente allo sviluppo dell'egittologia e della papirologia con la pubblicazione di testi inediti e di studi. La rivista è l'organo della Scuola di Papirologia dell'Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore e vi collaborano studiosi di ogni parte del mondo con saggi di alto livello scientifico, spesso in lingua originale (francese, inglese, tedesco e spagnolo).\r\rPer una conoscenza puntuale del mondo antico, e per una valutazione sicura e approfondita dei documenti originali pervenuti, compresi quelli che si riferiscono alla storia delle origini e della diffusione del cristianesimo, la rivista costituisce un sussidio indispensabile. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Africa(Italy)", "ISSN": "26123258, 26126702", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Agora - Estudos Classicos em Debate", "ISSN": "8745498", "Scope": "ScopeÁgora. Estudos Clássicos em Debate aceita que lhe sejam propostos para publicação textos que obedeçam aos seguintes requisitos:\r\r¨ textos originais\r\r¨ temática relacionada com os Estudos Clássicos;\r\r¨ respeito pelas normas de citação da revista;\r\r¨ envio de um exemplar em suporte papel, independentemente da utilização de correio electrónico ou disquete em Word;\r\r¨ resumo com cerca de 4-5 linhas;\r\r¨ indicação de algumas palavras-chave;\r\r¨ dactilografia do texto de forma simples com exclusão de tabulações. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Algorithmic Finance", "ISSN": "21576203, 21585571", "Scope": "ScopeAlgorithmic Finance is both a nascent field of study and a new high-quality academic research journal that seeks to bridge computer science and finance. It covers such applications as:\r\rHigh frequency and algorithmic trading\rStatistical arbitrage strategies\rMomentum and other algorithmic portfolio management\rMachine learning and computational financial intelligence\rAgent-based finance\rComplexity and market efficiency\rAlgorithmic analysis of derivatives valuation\rBehavioral finance and investor heuristics and algorithms\rApplications of quantum computation to finance\rNews analytics and automated textual analysis. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "American Literary Realism", "ISSN": "15403084, 19405103", "Scope": "ScopeFor over forty-five years, American Literary Realism has brought readers critical essays on American literature from the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The whole panorama of great authors from this key transition period in American literary history, including Henry James, Edith Wharton, Mark Twain, and many others, is discussed in articles, book reviews, critical essays, bibliographies, documents, and notes on all related topics. Each issue is also a valuable bibliographic resource. Recent issues have included essays on Jack London and Charlotte Perkins Gilman. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Amfiteater", "ISSN": "1855850X", "Scope": "ScopeAmfiteater is a scientific journal that publishes original articles on performing arts with a broad spectrum from dramatic theatre, drama, dance, performance, and hybrid art forms. Authors can analyze the forms and content of artwork and art phenomena from the field of performing arts, their history, their present, and their future, as well as their relationship to other art forms and the broader (social, cultural, political…) context. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Anais de Historia de Alem-Mar", "ISSN": "8749671", "Scope": "ScopeFundados por Artur Teodoro de Matos em 2000, os Anais de História de Além-Mar visam divulgar trabalhos científicos sobre a expansão portuguesa, desde as primeiras «grandes navegações» (século XV) até ao final do «Império Ultramarino» (século XX), no seu enquadramento histórico, contemplando a comparação com fenómenos paralelos e as articulações entre as histórias e as sociedades dos espaços envolvidos. De periocidade anual, acolhe propostas de publicação de estudos e documentos inéditos, recensões e notícias, em português, espanhol, francês e inglês. Integra, igualmente, dossiers de carácter temático e prepara uma secção de debates, onde se cruzem conceitos, problemas e estratégias de abordagem de diferentes áreas de investigação. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Anali Zavoda za Povijesne Znanosti Hrvatske Akademije Znanosti i Umjetnosti u Dubrovniku", "ISSN": "13300598, 18487815", "Scope": "ScopeAnnals of the Institute for historical sciences of CASA in Dubrovnik is an annual in Croatian language dedicated to the history of Dubrovnik and the surrounding areas (Dalmatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bay of Kotor, etc.). The Anali publish studies pertaining to various humanities and social sciences, as well as reviews of studies dedicated to the history of Dubrovnik, Croatia, Balkans and the Mediterranean. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ancient History Bulletin", "ISSN": "8353638", "Scope": "ScopeAHB promotes scholarly discussion in Ancient Mediterranean studies by publishing articles and notes on the history and culture of the ancient world from the Bronze Age to Late Antiquity. Submissions in English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish are welcome. Early career academics and scholars from under-represented groups are especially encouraged to apply. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Anil Aggrawal's Internet Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology", "ISSN": "09728066, 09728074", "Scope": "ScopeWith the coming of the internet, I conceived the idea of an Internet Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology to address these problems. Although mainly started with the above mentioned intentions, now the input of papers from all parts of the world has increased so much, that we are including proper full length papers too in this internet journal. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Annales", "ISSN": "3952649", "Scope": "ScopeFounded in 1929 by Marc Bloch and Lucien Febvre, the Annales has always sought to transcend its prestigious heritage by continually presenting the most innovative research in the field of history. The journal equally provides a unique platform for dialogue between the various social sciences, remaining open to new fields of research, comparative history, cultural analysis, and epistemological reflection. Renowned experts and emerging historians alike contribute to keeping the spirit of the Annales alive.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Annali di Studi Religiosi", "ISSN": "15925927, 22843892", "Scope": "Scope“Annali di studi religiosi” is the journal of the Centro per le Scienze Religiose (ISR) of the Fondazione Bruno Kessler. It appears once a year and publishes articles both by the Center's researchers as well as outside academics on topics related to religious transformations with special emphasis on the contemporary context.\rThe publication was launched in 2000 and is published only electronically as an open-access journal since 2013. It boasts an internationally renowned editorial board and uses double-blind peer review. The Annali are a multilingual journal.\r“Annali di studi religiosi” has been awarded “Class A” by ANVUR (area 11 | settore A5 Discipline demoetnoantropologiche). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Apocrypha", "ISSN": "11553316, 20346468", "Scope": "ScopeApocrypha is published with the scholarly assistance of the Association pour l'Étude de la Littérature Apocryphe Chrétienne (AELAC) and the Société pour l'Étude de la Littérature Apocryphe Chrétienne (SELAC). The journal is focused on the treasures of material borne through literature and other expressions of the imagination over two millennia. This material was generated, cultivated and transmitted by numerous Jewish communities and a range of Christian communities throughout Asia, Africa and Europe.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Archaeological Textiles Review", "ISSN": "22457135", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Archaeology", "ISSN": "00038113, 19435746", "Scope": "ScopeARCHAEOLOGY magazine brings readers close to the human past with stories from every corner of the world. We engage and entertain our readers with lively storytelling, surprising narratives, and stunning images. Our general interest magazine includes news of the latest archaeological discoveries, in-depth features, photo essays, and reports from the field. We explore ancient cultures not only through monuments and works of art, but through the towns, houses, and objects of daily life that bring people of the past to life.\r\r\rARCHAEOLOGY has been published continuously for more than 70 years by the Archaeological Institute of America, which is dedicated to supporting archaeological inquiry and to fostering the pursuit of knowledge about human heritage. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Architecture Research", "ISSN": "15805573, 15816974", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Archives", "ISSN": "39535", "Scope": "ScopeARCHIVES is the journal of the British Records Association whose aims and objectives it seeks to promote. It focuses on the needs of archive users (both active and prospective) by providing information about the whereabouts, interpretation and historical significance of records in all media. It publishes essays, commentaries, case studies and reports on all aspects of the care, preservation, accessibility and use of archives. It especially welcomes submissions that:\r\rprovide case studies in the use of archival resources;\rpromote scholarly analysis of the history of archives and the impact on users of record keeping practices, past, present and future;\rreport projects and discoveries;\rprovoke discussion of archival issues within the user community;\rprovide guidance about the use and meaning of archival resources and the linkages between them;\rcommunicate archival trends, theories and practices to a wider audience. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ars Judaica", "ISSN": "15656721, 25164252", "Scope": "ScopeArs Judaica, established in 2005 as the Michael J. Floersheim Memorial under its founding editor Bracha Yaniv, is a publication of the Department of Jewish Art at Bar-Ilan University.\r\rPublished annually, the journal is a peer-reviewed publication on Jewish visual culture. It showcases the Jewish contribution to the visual arts and architecture from antiquity to the present from a variety of perspectives, including history, iconography, semiotics, psychology, sociology, and folklore. As such it is a valuable resource for art historians, collectors, curators, and all those interested in the visual arts. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Art History and Criticism", "ISSN": "18224547, 18224555", "Scope": "ScopeVytautas Magnus University’s scholarly journal “Art History & Criticism” is a publication in Humanities, the branch of Art History and Criticism, published since 2005. It is distinct among other journals because of its wide profile. The topics of the journal cover almost all areas of art history and criticism: cultural heritage, architecture, visual arts, theatre, contemporary and new media art research. The journal also publishes scholarly reviews and primary sources, which are important for further research. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Arts of Asia", "ISSN": "44083", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Atemwegs- und Lungenkrankheiten", "ISSN": "3413055", "Scope": "ScopeAtemwegs- und Lungenkrankheiten veröffentlicht Übersichten, Originalarbeiten, Kasuistiken, aktuelle Kommentare, Briefe an die Herausgeber, Interviews, Mitteilungen einschlägiger Gesellschaften und außerdem Personalien, Buchbesprechungen etc. aus allen Bereichen der experimentellen und klinischen Pneumologie.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Authorship", "ISSN": "20344643", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal aims to offer a venue in which to describe diverse historical and discursive settings of authorship, and to grapple with the complex issues of authorial authority, independence or interdependence, and self-fashioning. The Romantic or New Critical concept of the solitary genius or auteur (if indeed such an entity ever existed at all) has for decades now been the subject of intense critical scrutiny and revision; as a result, what the general public might once have thought of as authorial agency is now submerged in an elaborate tissue of critical feedback, textual instability, editorial intervention, and accidents of publishing, branding, and spin. And yet the Author persists, as a nomenclature, as a catalogue entry, as a biographical entity, as a popular icon, and as an assumed agent of creativity and innovation. In analyzing cultural formations of 'authoriality' as they developed historically, over a long period of time and in a variety of geographical locations, in relation to cultural networks and social change, to transformations of the media, as well as to changing perceptions of gender and personhood, Authorship hopes to foster a more refined and precise theoretical and historical understanding of the complex ideological, technological and social processes that transform a writer into an author. We therefore welcome articles in on the cultural performance of authorship in any contemporary or historical literary milieu. We try to accommodate all languages, and can handle submissions in Dutch, English, French, German, modern Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, and Scandinavian languages. If you have a submission for us in another language, please do contact us, so we may evaluate our ability to process it. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Axon", "ISSN": "18388973", "Scope": "ScopeAxon: Creative Explorations is an international peer-reviewed journal that focuses on the characteristics of creativity and the creative process. It is published twice a year (usually in March and September) and encourages research into and discussion of the broad domain of creativity, including:\r\r-the methods and techniques of artists and other creative professionals\r-approaches to creative-led research and the theorisation of creative practice\r-the ways in which creative works are made and function\r-poetics and poetry, and\r-the cultural contexts and theoretical frameworks informing creative practice.\rThe journal is named for the axon, long extensions from the body of neurons which conduct electrical signals to synapses, thus being crucial to transmission within the nervous system. Though each axon is microscopic, when bundled together they play an important part in providing the energy, the action and the communication that make us human. We intend that Axon will operate in much the same way: providing points of connection and transmission across the creative community, providing the sparks of energy we need to keep making our work, and providing a space in which creative thought can be disseminated. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Baltic Linguistics", "ISSN": "20817533", "Scope": "ScopeBaltic Linguistics (BaltL, ISSN 2081-7533) is an international forum for theoretically and typologically informed research into the Baltic languages. It publishes articles as well as reviews of important publications in the field of Baltic linguistics, preferably in English, but also in German, French or Russian. Its thematic range encompasses both synchronic and diachronic linguistics. Apart from the requirements of quality, theoretical interest and width of, there are no restrictions on the subject-matter of submissions. A double-blind peer-reviewing policy ensures unbiased evaluation.\r\rBaltic Linguistics is affiliated with and financed by the Faculty of Polish Studies of the University of Warsaw. It is published annually by the Chair of General Linguistics, East Asian Comparative Linguistics and Baltic Studies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Banking Law Journal", "ISSN": "55506", "Scope": "ScopeThe Banking Law Journal covers every area of major interest to bankers and attorneys, with practical material for bank counsel use, articles of current importance by recognized experts, plus digests of important cases from every jurisdiction. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Boletin de la Sociedad Espanola de Espeleologia y Ciencias del Karst", "ISSN": "16961897", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal aims to fulfil the purposes of the association established in its statutes, i.e. promoting and disseminating the sciences of Speleology and Karst in general, promoting scientific studies related to the conservation of caves and their natural content and facilitate scientific communication between persons interested in karst research.\rIt is especially focused on the Spanish national sphere, but papers from any other part of the world are also admitted. The papers will preferably be written in Spanish or English. Papers will also be accepted in any other of the languages spoken in the Spanish State (Catalan, Galician and Basque) with the limitations described in the guidelines for authors. The accepted topics and disciplines are:\r•\tArchaeology\r•\tUnderground Biology\r•\tPalaeontology\r•\tGeomorphology\r•\tHydrogeology\r•\tStratigraphy\r•\tGeochemistry\r•\tGeodiversity\r•\tGeological Heritage\r•\tEngineering\r•\tEarth Science Education\r•\tSpeleogenesis\r•\tKnowledge of cave systems\r•\tOther related disciplinesJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Buddhist-Christian Studies", "ISSN": "08820945, 15279472", "Scope": "ScopeBuddhist-Christian Studies is a scholarly journal devoted to Buddhism and Christianity and their historical and contemporary interrelationships. The journal presents thoughtful articles, conference reports, and book reviews and includes sections on comparative methodology and historical comparisons, as well as ongoing discussions from two dialogue conferences: the Theological Encounter with Buddhism, and the Japan Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies. Subscription is also available through membership in the Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies . Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Bulletin de liaison des membres de la Societe de geographie", "ISSN": "19648995", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale", "ISSN": "684023", "Scope": "ScopeThe Bulletin de philosophie médiévale is the annual journal of the SIEPM (Société Internationale de Philosophie Médiévale). This journal acts as an irreplaceable reference work for all those who wish to keep themselves informed about the research programmes and current projects in this field of study. This journal offers a list of short reports concerning the institutions and associations specializing in the study of medieval thought. The review section focuses on editions, current activities or published works, and the results of scholarly research. Attention is paid to all information that may be useful to specialists. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Bulletin of the Plankton Society of Japan", "ISSN": "03878961, 24340839", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cahiers de Lexicologie", "ISSN": "79871", "Scope": "ScopeThe Cahiers de lexicologie, an international review of lexicology and lexicography, examines vocabulary in its relation to other aspects of language (syntax, semantics, mortphology, phonology, speech-analysis...). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cahiers d'Ethnomusicologie", "ISSN": "1662372X", "Scope": "ScopeISSN électronique 2235-7688\rFondés à Genève en 1988 dans le cadre des Ateliers d’ethnomusicologie, les Cahiers de musiques traditionnelles ont pris le nom de Cahiers d'ethnomusicologie en 2007. Ils proposent à leurs lecteurs une publication ethnomusicologique annuelle, dont chaque volume est centré sur un dossier thématique, auquel contribuent les meilleurs spécialistes de la discipline. Ces dossiers sont toujours complétés par des rubriques d’intérêt général, entretiens, portraits et comptes rendus. Seule revue francophone d’ethnomusicologie, les Cahiers se sont imposés au cours des dernières années comme un outil de travail indispensable à tout professionnel de la musique, ainsi que comme une lecture passionnante pour les nombreux amateurs des musiques du monde. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cahiers du Genre", "ISSN": "12986046, 19683928", "Scope": "ScopeThe Cahiers du Genre is a multidisciplinary and international journal of gender studies published in French. The journal aims at contributing to the theoretical debates in gender studies through the production of new tools, concepts and analyses in the field of humanities and social sciences. It stands out, compared to other publications in French in the field of gender studies, by the broad range of topics it addresses. The journal publishes contributions in the various subfields of sociology (of culture, organizations, labor, law, art, economic sociology, political sociology…) as well as in the fields of the study of emotions, psychology and psychoanalysis.\rTwice a year, the Cahiers du Genre publishes thematic issues. Recent topics include work, the body, equality, migration, the family, sexualities, post-colonialism, masculinities, feminisms, science and technology, public policies, violence, art, etc. The journal encourages articles which draw on disciplinary traditions, methods and theories from sociology, history, anthropology, psychology of labor or political science. The journal’s broad aims at grasping the similarities and differences taken by gender relations in different societies and at different historical periods.\rThe journal is international in its: it translates and publishes in French in each issue contributions from internationally recognized scholars – which makes their work accessible to the francophone readership – and its editorial board is international as well. The journal is peer-reviewed. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Catalan Review", "ISSN": "02135949, 2053339X", "Scope": "ScopePublished on behalf of the North American Catalan Society, Catalan Review accepts contributions such as research articles, translations, and book reviews dealing with all aspects of Catalan culture. The editors and editorial board are sympathetic to a broad range of theoretical and critical approaches and are strongly committed to presenting the work of talented young scholars breaking new ground in the field.\r\rContributions should be in English or Catalan.\r\rAll articles published in this journal are peer-reviewed. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Catholica", "ISSN": "88501", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Central Europe", "ISSN": "14790963", "Scope": "ScopeCentral Europe publishes original research articles on the history, literature, visual arts, culture and music of the region, from the Middle Ages to the present. We welcome specialized examinations of the different traditions that make up ‘central Europe’ (a term that can be understood in different senses) and, in particular, contributions that cross over the linguistic, ethnic, and cultural boundaries so salient to the region. Interdisciplinary approaches, as well as reflection on the particular challenges this region raises for relevant academic practices, are also encouraged. The journal does not publish articles on economics or that focus on the Balkans or Russia. The journal includes a full section of book reviews, as well as occasional discussion forums. From time to time calls for papers for themed issues will be issued. The editors welcome suggestions for such special issue topics. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Chemical Fibers International", "ISSN": "14343584", "Scope": "ScopeChemical Fibers International is the English language technical publication for purchasing decision-makers and all areas of management in chemical fiber production facilities, and their suppliers (chemical fiber machinery and accessories manufacturers, dyestuff and auxiliary manufacturers) throughout the world. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Chemist", "ISSN": "93025", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Chirurgia Polska", "ISSN": "15075524, 16443349", "Scope": "ScopeChirurgia Polska (Polish Surgery) is a bilingual journal of scientific and educational profile. Since 2002 it has been an official Journal of Polish-German Society of Vascular Surgery. The choice of articles in Polish Surgery renders the periodical a valuable source of information for general and vascular surgeons, thoracic surgeons, urologists, orthopedists. It consists of original papers, reviews, case studies, letters and editorials. The journal establishes a suitable platform for exchanging opinions and presenting recent achievements of Polish surgery. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Choreographic Practices", "ISSN": "20405669", "Scope": "ScopeChoreographic Practices operates from the principle that dance embodies ideas and can be productively enlivened when considered as a mode of critical and creative discourse. This double-blind peer-reviewed journal provides a platform for sharing choreographic practices, critical inquiry and debate. Placing an emphasis on processes and practices over products, this journal seeks to engender dynamic relationships between theory and practice, choreographer and scholar, so that these distinctions may be shifted and traversed. Choreographic Practices will encompass a wide range of methodologies and critical perspectives such that interdisciplinary processes in performance can be understood as they intersect with other territories in the arts and beyond (for example, cultural studies, psychology, phenomenology, geography, philosophy and economics). In this way, the journal will open up the nature and of dance practice as research and draw together diverse bodies of knowledge and ways of knowing to illuminate an emerging and vibrant research area. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Chronique d'Egypte", "ISSN": "96067", "Scope": "ScopeBulletin périodique de la Fondation Egyptologique Reine ElisabethJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "CIM Magazine", "ISSN": "17184177", "Scope": "ScopeCIM Magazine provides critical information on the extractive industry’s issues, trends, technology and best practices. The publication has a diverse audience of mining professionals located around the world, ranging from executives to equipment operators. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cincinnati Romance Review", "ISSN": "21558817", "Scope": "ScopeThe Cincinnati Romance Review is a peer-reviewed electronic journal published by the Department of Romance and Arabic Languages and Literatures of the University of Cincinnati. The journal was founded in 1981-82 and has been published electronically since 2008.\r\rWe invite original submissions and reviews on any subject related to Romance languages, literatures, and cultures. Submissions may be written in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, or Italian.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cinemas d'Amerique Latine", "ISSN": "12674397", "Scope": "ScopeIn march 1992, the ARCALT (Association des Rencontres des Cinémas d’Amérique Latine) founded an annual journal called \"Cinémas d'Amérique Latine\", unic in Europe.\r\rThe magazine has been created by Paulo Antonio Paranagua, a well-known Latin American cinema historian who was also the editor in chief until 1994. It reports the present and the past of Latin American cinematography through analytic articles. In 1997 the magazine started being published in three languages (Spanish-French or Portuguese-French) for a wider spreading. The authors are mostly Latin Americans, movie critics, cinema historians, university students, filmmakers. It was supported by the Centro Nacional del Libro from 1999 to 2013. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cithara", "ISSN": "97527", "Scope": "ScopeCithara is a peer-reviewed journal of essays in the Judaeo-Christian tradition. It is published in May and November by St. Bonaventure University and distributed in hardcopy and electronic format by EBSCO Publishing.\r\rCithara has as its purpose the publication of essays and book reviews relating to the problems of human beings in the light of their heritage and of their future. Although investigations in the field of liberal arts will more frequently furnish materials suitable for publication, the approach to such “essays in the Judaeo-Christian tradition” should be inter-departmental and should state or imply a relationship to that religious and cultural inheritance. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Clavier Companion", "ISSN": "10860819", "Scope": "ScopePiano Magazine is the leading resource for pianists, piano teachers, and piano enthusiasts. We bring you informative, interesting, and inspiring ideas on all aspects of piano teaching, learning, and performing. The official name of Clavier Companion magazine was changed to Piano Magazine in 2019. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Clean Air and Containment Review", "ISSN": "20423268", "Scope": "ScopeClean Air and Containment Review, launched in January 2010, is a quarterly journal aimed at users, specifiers, designers, manufacturers, installers and testers of cleanrooms and clean air and containment equipment.\r\rRecent issues have covered: Proposed changes to ISO 14644 Parts 1 and 2 • Measurement of air volumes • Selection of active air samplers • Energy management systems • How the Birmingham small pox incident shaped the development of MSCs • Why 5µm particles deposit in sample tubing • Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Coating International", "ISSN": "5908450", "Scope": "ScopeIt is with a heavy heart that we have decided to discontinue “Coating International”, with this September issue being the last. All issues from 2020 can be read online until April 2021.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cocuk Sagligi ve Hastaliklari Dergisi", "ISSN": "100161", "Scope": "ScopeÇocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Dergisi’nde çocuk sağlığı ve hastalıkları ile ilgili konularda orijinal makaleler, vaka takdimleri ve literatür derlemeleri yayınlanır. Yayınlanmak üzere gönderilen orijinal makaleler çocuk sağlığı ve hastalıkları alanındaki yeni bilimsel bulguları yansıtmalı; vaka takdimleri yeni tanı ve tedavi yöntemlerini veya seyrek görülen hastalıkları veya sendromları içermelidir. Literatür derlemeleri Editör’e danışılarak hazırlanmalı ve geniş bir literatür taraması ile güncel bir konuda yeni bilgileri kapsamalıdır. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Communication, Culture and Change in Asia", "ISSN": "23664665, 23664673", "Scope": "ScopeThis series offers a comprehensive view of contemporary theoretical and programmatic issues in the field of communication, culture and social change in Asia. It explores multiple linkages between communication and culture from a social change perspective, an area that has been increasingly central to development debates over the past decades. The purpose of the series is twofold: to showcase the increasing richness and versatility of communication, culture and social change research and practice, and to make a call for adopting and applying a more comprehensive perspective on communication/culture for development and social change, with a focus on localizing and globalizing cases and studies in the Asian region. Given the variety and depth of challenges in this field, both researchers and practitioners need to espouse a broad understanding of communication and culture that transcends conventional approaches. Therefore, this series will solicit manuscripts that link communication and cultural processes to the exercise of fundamental human and citizen’s rights and the empowerment of citizens in making decisions about change and other development-related issues. The series features contributions from well-respected scholars and practitioners in the field who address different communication and cultural dimensions and questions on current global/local change and development issues. The contributions propose an understanding of communication and culture as collective actions to redress social inequalities and development challenges. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Confrontation", "ISSN": "105716", "Scope": "ScopeConfrontation Magazine began operation in 1968 with the mission of bringing new talent to light in the shadows cast by well-known authors. Open to all submissions, each issue contains original work by famous and by lesser-known writers.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Consulting-Specifying Engineer", "ISSN": "8925046", "Scope": "ScopeConsulting-Specifying Engineer (CSE) is written and peer reviewed by engineers and industry professionals who design, specify and commission mechanical, electrical, plumbing (MEP), fire/life safety, technology, lighting and controls systems for nonresidential buildings. Consulting-Specifying Engineer covers codes and standards, smart and high-performance buildings and design and specifications in a variety of commercial buildings. The audience works for consulting, engineering/architectural or design/build firms or are in-house engineers.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Convergencias: Revista de Investigacao e Ensino das Artes", "ISSN": "16469054, 21840180", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Craniomaxillofacial Research and Innovation", "ISSN": "27528464", "Scope": "ScopeCraniomaxillofacial Research & Innovation is an open access companion journal to Craniomaxillofacial Trauma & Reconstruction, publishing case reports and original articles covering all aspects of surgery for the head, face, and jaw. The journal is of interest to specialists working in ophthalmology, oral and maxillofacial surgery, otolaryngology, plastic and reconstructive surgery, dentistry, facial plastic surgery and trauma surgery.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Critical Ethnic Studies", "ISSN": "23735031, 2373504X", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Crusades", "ISSN": "14765276", "Scope": "ScopeCrusades covers seven hundred years from the First Crusade (1095-1102) to the fall of Malta (1798) and draws together scholars working on theatres of war, their home fronts and settlements from the Baltic to Africa and from Spain to the Near East and on theology, law, literature, art, numismatics and economic, social, political and military history.\r\rRoutledge publishes this journal for The Society for the Study of the Crusades and the Latin East. Because the greatest need appears to be for more historical sources – narrative, homiletic and documentary – to be made available in trustworthy editions, editorial preference is given here to the publication of texts in both European and oriental languages, although interpretative material is welcomed too. Crusades also incorporates the Society's Bulletin. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cuadernos de historia moderna", "ISSN": "02110849, 02144018", "Scope": "ScopeCuadernos de Historia Moderna is a journal that first came out in 1988 after Cuadernos de Historia Moderna y Contemporánea was split into two separate publications. It initially came out annually but two issues have been published every year since 1997: a focus study and a more miscellaneous issue. The journal compiles research and discussion articles on Universal and Spanish Modern History and aims to be a vehicle for expressing the progress and transformations taking place in our area of knowledge through notes, instruments, bibliographical discussions, department news and summaries of doctoral theses. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cuadernos del Cemyr", "ISSN": "25308378", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Culture et Musees", "ISSN": "17662923, 21114528", "Scope": "ScopeCulture & Musées est une revue semestrielle qui publie des travaux de recherche sur les publics, les institutions et les médiations de la culture. Culture & Musées s’adresse aux chercheurs et étudiants aussi bien qu’aux professionnels et à toutes les personnes intéressées par l’évolution actuelle des musées et de la culture. Elle est héritière de Publics & Musées, première revue scientifique en muséologie en français. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Dairy Industries International", "ISSN": "3088197", "Scope": "ScopeSince 1936, DAIRY INDUSTRIES INTERNATIONAL (DII) has been established as the leading journal for the dairy processing industry, developing a loyal readership throughout the world.\r\rAs the only monthly international journal for the dairy processor, DAIRY INDUSTRIES INTERNATIONAL offers extensive coverage of the science, technology and production of all types of dairy products, and regularly reports on advances in the making of the whole range of products and ingredients derived from milk. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Dance Chronicle", "ISSN": "01472526, 15324257", "Scope": "ScopeFor dance scholars, professors, practitioners, and aficionados, Dance Chronicle is indispensable for keeping up with the rapidly changing field of dance studies. Dance Chronicle publishes research on a wide variety of Western and non-Western forms, including classical, avant-garde, and popular genres, often in connection with the related arts: music, literature, visual arts, theatre, and film. Our purview encompasses research rooted in humanities-based paradigms: historical, theoretical, aesthetic, ethnographic, and multi-modal inquiries into dance as art and/or cultural practice. Offering the best from both established and emerging dance scholars, Dance Chronicle is an ideal resource for those who love dance, past and present. Recently, Dance Chronicle has featured special issues on visual arts and dance, literature and dance, music and dance, dance criticism, preserving dance as a living legacy, dancing identity in diaspora, choreographers at the cutting edge, Martha Graham, women choreographers in ballet, and ballet in a global world. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Dirasat Hispanicas", "ISSN": "22865977", "Scope": "ScopeDirāsāt Hispānicas is a scientific journal published by the High Institute of Humane Sciences of Tunis - University of Tunis El Manar (e-ISSN: 2286-5977).\r\rDirāsāt Hispānicas is an open access electronic journal, meant to be a space for study, debate, and reflection spanning the geographical areas of Spain, the Maghreb and Latin America. In order to promote multidisciplinary dialogue through a Hispanic perspective, its pages are open to original works of history, language and literature, written in Spanish, French and English. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Discursos Fotograficos", "ISSN": "18085652, 19847939", "Scope": "ScopeA revista Discursos Fotográficos é uma publicação semestral do Programa de pós-graduação stricto sensu em Comunicação da Universidade Estadual de Londrina. Publica trabalhos inéditos (artigos de caráter científico, entrevistas e resenhas) de doutores ou mestrandos e doutorandos em co-autoria com doutores, voltados à comunicação visual (fotografia, televisão, cinema, semiótica, design, produção gráfica, antropologia visual e outros).\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Dostoevsky Journal", "ISSN": "15355314, 23752122", "Scope": "ScopeThe Dostoevsky Journal: A Comparative Literature Review is an interdisciplinary journal on research into the life and works of F. M. Dostoevsky and on the resonance of the Russian writer in other texts of world literature and philosophy.\rContributions are particularly welcome from a research perspective in postmodernism, poststructuralism and phenomenology, or which explore, in a historical context, Dostoevsky's poetics and its impact on the Western cultural paradigm.\rSubmitted articles will be subject to double-blind peer review. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Drug Delivery System", "ISSN": "09135006, 18812732", "Scope": "ScopeDDS学会では基礎研究者、臨床従事者が分野を超えて情報交換できる機関誌づくりを目指しています。特集テーマに沿った総説、関連論文、用語解説のほか、若手研究者のページや企業のニュースを取り上げるページなどを掲載しています。 Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Dubrovnik Annals", "ISSN": "13313878, 18488153", "Scope": "ScopeDubrovnik Annals is an English language annual published by the Institute for Historical Sciences of CASA in Dubrovnik. The journal has been created in order to present the most important results of scholarship on the Republic of Dubrovnik (Ragusa) to the international audiences. The Annals publish studies pertaining to various humanities and social sciences, as well as reviews of books, providing an overview of the international scholarship dedicated to the history of Dubrovnik. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "East Asian science, technology, and medicine", "ISSN": "1562918X", "Scope": "ScopeEASTM is a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the study of traditional and modern East Asian science, technology, and medicine. Any study based on original research using Chinese, Japanese, or Korean primary sources or artifacts, that elucidates the relationships and interactions of science, technology, and medicine with politics, society, economics, philosophy, culture, religion, historiography, as well as their disciplinary traditions, or throws light on the work of scientists, technologists, and physicians in East Asia will gladly be considered.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "East European Jewish Affairs", "ISSN": "13501674, 1743971X", "Scope": "ScopeEast European Jewish Affairs - an interdisciplinary journal - serves as the leading global journal dealing with both Jews in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union as well as Ashkenazic Jews wherever in the world they may be. Serving as a bridge between Jewish Studies and Russian and East European Studies, as well as between the scholarly community and the public, the journal welcomes scholarly submissions of single- or multi-authored articles, review essays, and annotated archival documents.\rIn addition, we encourage those working in the field of eastern European Jewish affairs, whether they be museum professionals or cultural activists, to submit to the journal for the new section, “East European Jewish Affairs in Action.”\r\rAll submitted manuscripts are subject to initial appraisal by the Editor, and, if found suitable for further consideration, to peer review first by members of the editorial board, and then by independent, anonymous expert referees.\rEast European Jewish Affairs is supported by the University of Colorado Boulder, with generous contributions from the Centre for Jewish Studies, University of Toronto and the Nevzlin Center , Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Edgar Allan Poe Review", "ISSN": "21500428, 21662932", "Scope": "ScopeThe Edgar Allan Poe Review publishes scholarly essays on and creative responses to Edgar Allan Poe, his life, works, and influence and provides a forum for the informal exchange of information on Poe-related events.\r\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "EEAG Report on the European Economy", "ISSN": "1611311X", "Scope": "ScopeThe EEAG Report on the European Economy includes a growth forecast as well as other topical European themes Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ela", "ISSN": "0071190X", "Scope": "ScopeCrées par B. Quemada, notre Président d'honneur, en 1961, les ÉLA ont vocation durable à publier des travaux de recherche, de formation, d'information visant à promouvoir et développer l'accès aux langues-cultures, étrangères et maternelles.\rReste que la politique éditoriale de la revue a beaucoup évolué au fil du temps :\r\rdans son orientation générale d'abord : elle assume à la fois son histoire et ses changements de perspective ; ainsi, tout en conservant son titre originel, qui fait référence à la discipline dont elle se réclamait naguère, elle affiche aujourd'hui d'autres ancrages, qui élargissent l'horizon, déplacent l'assiette et modifient l'approche de l'objet étude. Elle publie uniquement des textes en français, pour préserver la dimension internationale de cette langue comme vecteur de communication artistique, scientifique, courante et affirmer le droit à l'existence de toutes les langues-cultures.\rdans le traitement de la matière ensuite : elle a opté pour la thématisation-trimestrialisation en 1971 et privilégié ainsi le développement des recherches collectives ; elle ouvre à présent l'éventail des choix thématiques, en vue de diversifier sa production pour satisfaire et conforter les attentes de son lectorat habituel (fidélisé par abonnement) et aller à la rencontre d'un lectorat occasionnel (tributaire de la diffusion au numéro), dont elle ne saurait ignorer les problèmes dès lors qu'ils sont identifiés. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "ENR (Engineering News-Record)", "ISSN": "8919526", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Erasmus of Rotterdam Society Yearbook", "ISSN": "02762854, 18749275", "Scope": "ScopeErasmus Studies, formerly the Erasmus of Rotterdam Society Yearbook, is published under the auspices of the Erasmus of Rotterdam Society. The Society was founded in 1980 with the aim of encouraging research and writing on Erasmus, his contemporaries, and their intellectual milieu. Erasmus Studies is a peer-reviewed publication containing scholarly articles and book reviews on these subjects. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "ESP Across Cultures", "ISSN": "19728247", "Scope": "ScopeESP Across Cultures is a double blind peer reviewed international journal that publishes theoretical, descriptive and applied studies on varieties of English pertaining to a wide range of specialized fields of knowledge, such as agriculture, art and humanities, commerce, economics, education and vocational training, environmental studies, finance, information technology, law, media studies, medicine, politics, religion, science, the social sciences, sports, technology and engineering, tourism, and transport. The journal addresses a readership composed of academics, professionals, and students interested in English for special purposes particularly from a cross-cultural perspective. The aim of the journal is to bring together scholars, practitioners, and young researchers working in different specialized language domains and in different disciplines with a view to developing an interdisciplinary and cross-cultural approach to the study of ESP. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "ESPES", "ISSN": "13391119", "Scope": "ScopeEspes is intended as an open online forum for contemporary debates in aesthetics and the philosophy and theory of art. Appearing twice a year - in June and December - the Journal publishes a wide variety of contributions including (1) research articles, (2) survey papers, (3) short essays and discussion pieces, (4) Slovak or English translations of seminal essays in the field, (5) interviews, (6) conferences reports, as well as (7) book reviews on a broad number of topics ranging from aesthetics and the philosophy of art to art theory and art history. Periodically, the Journal publishes special thematic issues, which explore different topics in the current aesthetic discourse. Coordinated by one or more guest editors, thematic issues are advertised through a call for papers, which is published in the section Announcements of the journal website.\rOn an annual basis, a section of the Journal is also dedicated to hosting thematic Symposia. Comprising five short contributions plus an introduction authored by a guest editor, symposia bring together renowned scholars and researchers to discuss specific questions and concerns in the contemporary aesthetic debate.\rEspes is especially meant to serve as a platform for promoting original research work in aesthetics produced in the context of Central Europe, particularly in Slovakia and in the Czech Republic. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Esprit", "ISSN": "00140759, 21114579", "Scope": "ScopeRevue mensuelle indépendante fondée en 1932 par Emmanuel Mounier, Esprit est une revue d'idées engagée dans son temps. Elle s'efforce d'illustrer une approche généraliste de notre présent, entre la culture médiatique et les études savantes. Généraliste et soucieuse de l'intérêt général, elle se consacre à décrypter les évolutions de la politique, de la société et de culture, en France et dans le monde.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Estudos de Linguistica Galega", "ISSN": "18892566, 1989578X", "Scope": "ScopeEstudos de lingüística galega is a forum for the publication of linguistic research and critical analysis and a meeting point for scientific exchanges about the Galician language. In accordance with these two objectives, the journal publishes:\r\rOriginal research articles on different branches of linguistics and philology. A special place is given in the journal to studies of Galician or of interest for Galician (including work on Romance linguistics, general linguistics, or with a theoretical or methodological focus), as well as studies of the different varieties of Portuguese. These research articles make up the Pescuda section.\rA production inventory for the year prior to the year of publication, together with original critical reviews of linguistic studies that are of direct or indirect relevance to Galician. These make up the Anada section. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Etudes Celtique", "ISSN": "3731928", "Scope": "ScopeCaractéristiques d’Études celtiques\rThèmes scientifiques\rArchéologie du monde celtique\rDe préférence travaux de synthèse sur l’art, les techniques, les traits de civilisation ; les rapports de fouilles sont exclus. Priorité est donnée aux travaux comparatifs ou mettant en valeur des données extérieures à la France (complémentarité avec la revue Gallia).\rÉpigraphie gauloise et gallo-romaine ; onomastique gallo-romaine ; la paléographie latine est la bienvenue pour tout document provenant de Gaule, particulièrement en cursive (ici aussi, on s’efforce de ne pas empiéter sur les revues spécialisées en épigraphie latine).\rNumismatique gauloise\rHistoire ancienne : Gaulois et Gallo-romains (surtout sous l’aspect ethnographique), Celtes d’Italie, d’Espagne, etc.\rLinguistique\rTous les aspects de la recherche linguistique peuvent être admis, mais on a privilégié jusqu’ici les études de grammaire comparée (étymologies) et de linguistique historique, en particulier des états de langue des périodes antique et médiévale ; les documents dialectaux de la période moderne sont admis ; les systèmes linguistiques modernes (linguistique générative, etc.) sont admis dans la mesure où ils sont véritablement appliqués à une langue celtique.\rLittératures : on donne la priorité aux études portant sur les littératures médiévales (irlandaise, gallois, bretonne). On n’admet, à l’heure actuelle, que les éditions de textes courts. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "European Journal of Musculoskeletal Diseases", "ISSN": "20384106", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Existenzanalyse", "ISSN": "10247033, 24097306", "Scope": "ScopeThe journals’ section of discussion (Forum) features experiential reports and case reports concerning applied existential analysis. Furthermore, it features editorials, letters to the editor (both comments on published articles and preliminary research), and new directions and areas of interest for research.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Experiment", "ISSN": "10844945, 2211730X", "Scope": "ScopeExperiment (EXPT), an annual journal devoted to Russian culture, focuses on the movements of the early\rtwentieth century. These include both traditional and non-traditional avenues of academic enquiry,\rsuch as studio painting and graffiti, sculpture and ballroom dancing, architecture and commercial\radvertising. It is hoped that broader examination of such disciplines within critical discourse will\rprovide a stronger and more precise definition of Russia's cultural accomplishment. Supervised by an\reditorial board of international stature, Experiment emphasizes an interdisciplinary approach, drawing\rupon archival sources while promoting and documenting the history of the Russian arts. The journal\rrecognizes the achievements both of Imperial and Soviet Russia and of the diaspora. Prepared by a guest\reditor or editors, each volume of Experiment consists of essays treating a particular theme or idea.\rExperiment is published under the auspices of the Institute of Modern Russian Culture at the University\rof Southern California. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Eye - International Review of Graphic Design", "ISSN": "0960779X", "Scope": "ScopeEye, the international review of graphic\rdesign, is a quarterly printed magazine about\rgraphic design and visual culture. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Faux Titre", "ISSN": "1679392", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Fleischwirtschaft", "ISSN": "0015363X", "Scope": "ScopeFLEISCHWIRTSCHAFT is the German monthly magazine for the entire\rmeat industry. Professional information – from production, via processing, right through to meat marketing – the complete process chain in a\rsingle magazine. Through collaboration with German and international\rexperts, FLEISCHWIRTSCHAFT achieves the highest level of expertise\rand respect throughout the world. The science pages serve as a platform for exchanges between research and practical operations Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Future Anterior", "ISSN": "15499715, 19346026", "Scope": "ScopeFuture Anterior approaches historic preservation from a position of critical inquiry, rigorous scholarship, and theoretical analysis. The journal is an important international forum for the critical examination of historic preservation, spurring challenges of its assumptions, goals, methods, and results. As the first journal in American academia devoted to the study and advancement of historic preservation, it provides a much-needed bridge between architecture and history. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Galilaeana", "ISSN": "18253903, 19716052", "Scope": "ScopeGalilæana publishes essays on all aspects concerning the biography, works, scientific discoveries, context and the posthumous fortune of Galileo Galilei. Galilæana also addresses themes of essential importance to appreciate the cultural background of European culture in the early modern age.\r\rGalilæana (ISSN 1971-6052) is published and distributed by Leo S. Olschki.\r\rGalilæana accepts articles written in Italian, English, French, German and Spanish. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Gazette des Archives", "ISSN": "165522", "Scope": "ScopeLa Gazette des archives est la revue professionnelle de l’Association des archivistes français. Trimestrielle, elle est destinée à tous ceux qui s’intéressent, directement ou indirectement, aux archives et à la profession d’archiviste (méthodes, normes, formations, pratiques professionnelles, ressources, débats...) en publiant des articles présentant les réflexions et les expériences des archivistes français dans une perspective de large ouverture à l’égard des professions voisines de l’information et de la communication.\r\rLes numéros sont le plus souvent thématiques et résultent d’un appel à contribution ou d’une activité de l’AAF (colloque, journée d’études, groupe de travail...), mais la revue accueille également des contributions spontanées. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Genocide Studies International", "ISSN": "22911847, 22911855", "Scope": "ScopeIn keeping with the objectives of the International Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies, this journal is dedicated to raising knowledge and awareness among scholars, policy makers, and civil society actors by providing a forum for the critical analysis of genocide, human rights, crimes against humanity, and related mass atrocities. Genocide and other forms of mass violence are constantly evolving, and we encourage scholarly submissions that address their continually changing nature. This includes interdisciplinary and comparative work on the history, causes, impact, and aftermath of genocide and related crimes, as well as those which contextualize genocide in relation to conflict, exploitation, colonialism, racism, bigotry, sexism, oppression, and globalization. We also welcome submissions that explore the challenges and prospects for the long-term prevention of genocide, as well as those that focus on global and regional threats to human security, especially as they relate to genocide. Consequently, this peer-reviewed journal publishes articles from various disciplines including, but not limited to, history, political science, sociology, psychology, international law, criminal justice, critical race studies, religion, philosophy, literature, anthropology, forensic sciences, art history, and women's, gender, and sexuality studies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "GEO: connexion", "ISSN": "14768941", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "German Life and Letters", "ISSN": "00168777, 14680483", "Scope": "ScopeGerman Life and Letters was founded in 1936 by the distinguished British Germanist L.A. Willoughby and the publisher Basil Blackwell. In its first number the journal described its aim as \"engagement with German culture in its widest aspects: its history, literature, religion, music, art; with German life in general\". German LIfe and Letters has continued over the decades to observe its founding principles of providing an international and interdisciplinary forum for scholarly analysis of German culture past and present. \r\rThe journal appears four times a year, and a typical number contains around eight articles of between six and eight thousand words each. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "German Yearbook of International Law", "ISSN": "03443094, 21957304", "Scope": "ScopeThe German Yearbook of International Law, founded as the Jahrbuch für Internationales Recht, provides an annual report on new developments in international law and is edited by the Walther Schücking Institute for International Law at the University of Kiel and published by Duncker & Humblot.\r\rSince its inception in 1948, the Yearbook has endeavoured to make a significant academic contribution to the ongoing development of international law. Over many decades the Yearbook has moved beyond its origins as a forum for German scholars to publish their research and has become a highly-regarded international forum for innovative scholarship in international law. In 1976, the Yearbook adopted its current title and began to publish contributions written in English in order to reach the largest possible international audience. This editorial decision has enabled the Yearbook to successfully overcome traditional language barriers and inform an international readership about current research in German academic institutions and, at the same time, to present international viewpoints to its German audience. Fully aware of the paramount importance of international practice, the Yearbook publishes contributions from active practitioners of international law on a regular basis. The Yearbook also includes critical comments on German State practice relating to international and EU law, as well as international reactions to that practice. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Global Sixties: An Interdisciplinary Journal", "ISSN": "17541328, 17541336", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Helios", "ISSN": "01600923, 19350228", "Scope": "ScopeHelios is a forum for the scholarly synthesis of close readings of philological text with contemporary critical approaches. Articles analyzing Greek and Roman literature and cultural history employ feminist theory, poststructuralism and deconstruction, psychoanalysis, reader-response theory, and current theoretical models. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Historian", "ISSN": "00182370, 15406563", "Scope": "ScopeFounded in 1938, The Historian has one of the largest circulations of any scholarly journal in the US or Britain with over 13,000 paid subscribers, both individual and institutional. The Historian seeks to publish only the finest of contemporary and relevant historical scholarship. It is the commitment of The Historian to serve as an integrator for the historical profession, bringing together the many strands of historical analysis through the publication of a diverse collection of articles. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Historical Review", "ISSN": "17903572, 17917603", "Scope": "ScopeThe Historical Revue / La Revue Historique is an annual refereed journal of historical research in the human sciences published by the Department of Neohellenic Research (DNR) of the National Hellenic Research Foundation (NHRF) since 2004.It was established as a medium of communication and exchange of ideas with colleagues around the world. We invite original papers and critical perspectives from a wide range of fields within Modern Greek studies, but are not limited to it. Our intention is to provide a medium of dialogue and reflection in the broad field of historical study in the human sciences. In the effort to intensify scholarly dialogue the INR has decided to take advantage of electronic publishing to provide open access to the full content of the journal. A fully electronic publication management system ensures a speedy process, and offers authors the ability to follow the progress of their manuscripts through the publication process. Revised manuscripts of accepted articles are published immediately upon submission of the final version. Each volume comprises the total of the articles published during the year. The print edition appears at the end of every year. The National Documentation Centre of Greece (EKT), also part of the NHRF, provides publication management and technical support for the electronic publication of The Historical Revue / La Revue Historique. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Historisk Tidskrift", "ISSN": "0345469X", "Scope": "ScopePublished continuously since 1881, Historisk tidskrift (“Historical journal”) is Sweden’s leading journal for research in history and economic history. It is a quarterly, peer-reviewed journal published by the Swedish Historical Society, a member of the International Committee of Historical Sciences. With an edition of approximately 1 500 copies distributed to national and international subscribers, Historisk tidskrift is the largest Swedish academic journal in the humanities. Each yearly volume has four issues and contains approximately 800 pages.\r\rHistorisk tidskrift publishes articles based on original research in the historical sciences and has no chronological, thematic, disciplinary or geographic restrictions. All article manuscripts that pass the first editorial review are assessed by at least two external reviewers, one of whom is normally affiliated with a non-Swedish academic institution. Currently, around one out of five unsolicited manuscripts is accepted for publication.\r\rIn addition to original research Historisk tidskrift also publishes review essays, book reviews, debates and notices. The majority of Swedish dissertations in the disciplines of history and economic history are reviewed by faculty opponents. Every year a thematic issue is published which typically contains six to nine research articles on a specific theme of current interest. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Hokkaido Journal of Orthopaedics and Traumatology", "ISSN": "13433873", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Human Resource Management International Digest", "ISSN": "9670734", "Scope": "ScopeHuman Resource Management International Digest is an essential information resource for today's human resource managers. As a unique service, we scan through the best 400 management journals in the world and distil the most topical human resource management issues and relevant implications for HR personnel out of the cutting-edge research. We regularly present case studies of the implementation of human resource strategies in organizations of varying sizes, ranging from SMEs to multinational corporations\r\rHuman resource management literature is enjoying a boom period. It isn't feasible for interested parties to read every journal and article specializing in important aspects of the subject. So HRMID offers concise and readable reviews and case studies based on the most up-to-date research conducted by leading HR thinkers.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Hydrocarbon Processing", "ISSN": "188190", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "In_Bo", "ISSN": "20361602", "Scope": "Scopein_bo is an open-access online Journal, that aims to publish research papers on the various fields related to architecture, urbanism and engineering. Blind peer-reviewed papers can be in Italian or English. Since 2012, in_bo has been included in the ANVUR (Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of the University and Research Systems) list of scientific journals. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Incidenza dell' Antico", "ISSN": "19712995", "Scope": "ScopeLa rivista annuale Incidenza dell’Antico. Dialoghi di storia greca ospita saggi e note, in lingua italiana, inglese, francese, tedesca, spagnola; prevede altresì rassegne e recensioni su volumi riguardanti la storia greca, le sue ‘riprese’ nella cultura moderna, la storia della storiografia sul mondo greco. La Rivista accerta il valore scientifico delle proposte di pubblicazione che pervengono al Comitato Editoriale e di Redazione col ricorso al referaggio, nella modalità della ‘double-blind-peer-review’. Unica in questo nel panorama editoriale italiano, Incidenza dell’Antico circoscrive i suoi interessi a uno solo degli ‘ambiti’ caratterizzanti l’antichità classica: la storia greca dal II millennio a.C. all’età bizantina, nel suo rapporto con esperienze precedenti (il Vicino Oriente), contigue (l’impero persiano e Roma) o successive (Bisanzio, il Cristianesimo, l’Islam), con mondi ‘altri’ (le culture non greche del bacino del Mediterraneo), e nella sua struttura interna scandita da sensibili differenze sul piano economico, politico e culturale (la Grecia delle poleis e l’autre Grèce degli ethne, per fare un solo esempio). Facendo fede al suo titolo, la Rivista ha un particolare interesse per l’incidenza che la storia greca antica ha prodotto e produce sull’immaginario politico, artistico e culturale delle culture succedute ad essa, in Europa e fuori dall’Europa. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Incontri Linguistici", "ISSN": "3902412", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal, founded in 1974, is published under the scientific committee of teachers of Linguistic from the Universities of Udine and Trieste. Since its beginning, the journal has been dealing with a wide range of interests from Indo-European studies to general linguistics, from language contacts to pluri lingualism it has always welcomed collaborations with Italian and foreign scholars with competence in different fields. A peculiar characteristic of the publication is conferred by discussions commissioned on specific themes to which the most outstanding specialists are invited to contribute. A great number of books are also reviewed on the journal.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Indonesian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology", "ISSN": "23386401, 23387335", "Scope": "ScopeThe Indonesian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology is a peer-reviewed and open access journal that focuses on promoting obstetrics and gynecology that publishes research reports, research articles, case reports, case series, and also literature reviews, to increase knowledge and updating diagnostig procedure on obstetrics and gynecology.\r\rSubjects suitable for publication include:\r\r-Fetomaternal-\rGynecology Oncology-\rSocial Obstetrics and Gynecology-\rUrogynecology-\rReproductive Imunoendocrinology-\rReproduction Health Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Conference on Digital Printing Technologies", "ISSN": "21694362", "Scope": "ScopeFor more than 30 years, NIP has been the leading forum for discussion of advances and new directions in non-impact and digital printing technologies. A comprehensive, industry-wide conference, this meeting includes all aspects of the hardware, materials, software, images, and applications associated with digital printing systems, including drop-on-demand ink jet, wide format ink jet, desktop and continuous ink jet, toner-based electrophotographic printers, production digital printing systems, and thermal printing systems, as well as the engineering capability, optimization, and science involved in these fields.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Anglo-Indian Studies", "ISSN": "13271652", "Scope": "ScopeThe International Journal of Anglo-Indian Studies publishes scholarship relevant to the Anglo-Indian experience that draws on current theory to understand that experience, interrogates literature and other types of media depicting Anglo-Indians, and engages with contemporary and historical issues for Anglo-Indians in India and the diaspora. We also welcome and encourage comparative scholarship which places the Anglo-Indian experience in dialogue with that of other social groups. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Architectonic, Spatial, and Environmental Design", "ISSN": "23251662, 23251670", "Scope": "ScopeThe primary interests of The International Journal of Architectonic, Spatial, and Environmental Design are in building design, landscape design, and sustainable design practices. As well as papers of a traditional scholarly type, this journal invites presentations of practice—including experimental forms of documentation and exegeses that can be interrogated with equal validity through a process of academic peer review. For instance, this might take the form of a series of images and plans, with explanatory notes that articulate with other, significantly similar or different—and explicitly referenced—places, sites, or material objects. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Critical Pedagogy", "ISSN": "21571074", "Scope": "ScopeThe International Journal of Critical Pedagogy is committed to publishing original articles that propose innovative understandings and applications of critical pedagogy. The journal covers a wide range of perspectives in areas such as:\r- Diversity\r- Popular culture\r- Media literacy\r- Critical praxis\r- Experimental methodologies\r\r\rPublished in North Carolina with an international, the International Journal of Critical Pedagogy publishes articles in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Brazilian Portuguese with an acceptance rate of 15-20%.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Design in Society", "ISSN": "23251328, 23251360", "Scope": "ScopeThe International Journal of Design in Society interrogates the social sources and social effects of design. Focal points of interest include design policy, the human impacts of design, design values, and design business. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Electrical Engineering", "ISSN": "18123031", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Pedagogy and Curriculum", "ISSN": "23277963, 23279133", "Scope": "ScopeThe International Journal of Pedagogy and Curriculum explores the processes of designing and implementing learning experiences and the dynamics of learning. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of the Society of Materials Engineering for Resources", "ISSN": "13479725, 18846629", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Vehicle Safety", "ISSN": "14793105, 14793113", "Scope": "ScopeIJVS provides an authoritative source of information in the field of vehicle safety design, research and development. It serves applied scientists, engineers, policy makers and safety advocates with a platform to develop, promote and coordinate the science, technology and practice of vehicle safety. IJVS seeks to establish channels of communication between industry, academy and government in the field of vehicle safety, and also covers subjects of passive/active safety in road traffic as well as traffic-related public health issues.\r\rTopics covered include\rAccident case studies/data analysis/reconstruction/avoidance\rElderly driver safety, vulnerable road users' protection\rImpact biomechanics, injury mechanisms/criteria/tolerance\rCrash dummy development, human body modelling\rOccupant protection/restraint systems, child safety\rMechatronics and technologies for smart-restraint systems\rVehicle reliability/safety, vehicle crashworthiness/compatibility analysis\rSmart materials for crashworthiness/occupant protection\rInjury mitigation technology development\rIntelligent driving systems, driving control systems development\rAssisted driver information/communication systems\rIntelligent highway systems, satellite systems for vehicle sensing\rWireless/mobile communications technology, telematics\rReal-time data acquisition/distributed systems, multimedia networking\rVehicle crash rescue, extrication, post-crash aspects. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Ocean Systems", "ISSN": "14710188", "Scope": "ScopeInternational Ocean Systems (IOS) is the leading European-based magazine serving and informing the vast and important international oceanographic market. It comprehensively covers the field of ocean data gathering, underwater surveying, and instrumentation, and is distributed worldwide. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Review of Medical Practice", "ISSN": "2657697X", "Scope": "ScopeOriginal research papers in allergology and clinical (experimental) immunology, as well as new forms of therapy for allergic and immunologic disordes, new apllications of diagnostic and therapeutic methods are in the focus of our journal. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Islamic Quarterly", "ISSN": "211842", "Scope": "ScopeThe Islamic Quarterly is published since 1954 by the Islamic Cultural Centre, London. \r\rMany leading Muslim and non-Muslim Scholars from universities and institutions across the globe contribute regularly on matters relating to Islamic Law, Culture and Arts. The journal at the same time focuses on the academic and intellectual research in the field of Islamic history and all other aspects of Islamic thought & civilization. The Islamic Quarterly has a world-wide distribution mostly to universities, libraries and academic institutions. Individual subscribers are also welcomed. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Japanese Journal of Clinical Chemistry", "ISSN": "3705633", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Japanese Journal of Gastroenterological Surgery", "ISSN": "3869768", "Scope": "Scope消化器外科学の飛躍的な進歩はもちろん,高度情報社会を支えるハイテクノロジーは,まさに“秒進分歩”で進展しています.ヒューマンサイエンスとしての医学の将来は,まさにこの高度情報社会のテクノロジーの先端にあるといえるかもしれません.表紙デザインは,こうした現状を先鋭的にシンボライズしたものです. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal fur Reproduktionsmedizin und Endokrinologie", "ISSN": "18102107, 18109292", "Scope": "ScopeThe JOURNAL OF REPRODUCTIVE MEDICINE AND ENDOCRINOLOGY is an online journal, publishing reviews and articles of further education in all fields of reproductive medicine and endocrinology. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Anglo-Portuguese Studies", "ISSN": "0871682X", "Scope": "ScopeFounded in 1990 by Professor Maria Leonor Machado de Sousa, the Revista de Estudos Anglo-Portugueses/Journal of Anglo-Portuguese Studies has been edited since 2014 by Prof. Gabriela Gândara Terenas and internationally peer-reviewed by Professors Rui Miranda (Associate Professor – University of Nottingham, UK) e Paul de Melo e Castro (Lecturer – University of Glasgow, UK). The peer reviewers assess the acceptability of the articles according to the following criteria: conformity with the norms of publication; suitability of topic for the of the journal; pertinacity, originality and theoretical framework of the article; appropriacy of the critical methodology employed; clarity of presentation, argument and the relationship between starting hypotheses and results.\rThe journal is divided into three sections: I) Projects (information on work in progress), II) Studies (original research articles) and III) Critical Reviews (on recently published work within the of the respective area of studies). All the published work falls within the of Anglo-Portuguese Studies, a multidisciplinary and comparatistic area of studies par excellence, which has long been recognised as an autonomous field in academic circles both at home and abroad. The product of the encounter between several disciplines – history, sociology, philosophy, science, economics, politics, journalism, translation and the visual arts, amongst others –, the field of Anglo-Portuguese Studies is defined by an unequivocally comparatistic perspective, albeit drawing upon different approaches in accordance with the texts chosen for analysis. Hence, the eclecticism which is a feature of the diversity of methods and theoretical approaches behind the different articles in the journal – Imagology, Translation Studies, Travel Writing, Historiography, Reception or Media Studies – offers advantages and added value and, above all, unlimited potential and. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Asian Humanities at Kyushu University", "ISSN": "24334391, 24334855", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Asian Humanities at Kyushu University (JAH-Q) is an annual double-blind, peer-reviewed publication in English. We consider research articles, state-of-the-field essays, and short reports on conferences and other events related to Asian humanities subjects (broadly defined) for publication. We also seek articles or reports for the themed section, “Kyushu and Asia,” and reviews (book, exhibition, film) for the “Reviews” section. JAH-Q is a non-subscription publication available online and in print: as PDFs indexed by article on the Kyushu University Library website at https://www.lib.kyushu-u.ac.jp/publications_kyushu/jahq; as a single-volume PDF at https://www2.lit.kyushu-u.ac.jp/en/impjh/jahq/publishedvolumes.html; and as a free printed volume for contributors, libraries, and individuals (based on availability).\r\rThe submission deadline for manuscripts is July 15 for publication in late March of the following year. Manuscripts submitted to JAH-Q must be original and not published or submitted for publication elsewhere. Articles previously published in Asian languages will be considered for publication under certain circumstances. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of China and International Relations", "ISSN": "22458921", "Scope": "ScopeJCIR is a cutting-edge source of scholarship, information and analysis about the contemporary rise of China and its impact on the international system in an era of globalization and transnational capitalism. JCIR aims to make an important and significant contribution to the study of China’s rise to the status of a world power in connection with the profound changes in the world that it has brought about. It provides a forum for exploring how external factors helped shape China’s internal transformations and how China’s inner transformation contributed to reshaping the world. Interdisciplinary in, JCIR provides analyses of important China-centered political, economic, social and cultural topics.\r\r\rJCIR is committed to publishing informed and insightful analyses from both Western and Chinese scholars worldwide and stimulating the scholarly debate on contemporary China in its new role in the current transnational era of international relations and international political economy. Special encouragement is given to those who want to develop China-oriented theories of international relations and international political economy. JCIR invites the submission of original articles on China and international relations in social sciences and humanities within the above mentioned range of disciplines. All articles are refereed for review acceptance. Book reviews are also invited.\r\rJCIR adopts the online Open Journal System (OJS). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Chinese Military History", "ISSN": "22127445, 22127453", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Chinese Military History (JCMH) is a peer-reviewed semi-annual that publishes research\rarticles and book reviews. It aims to fill the need for a journal devoted specifically to China's martial past\rand takes the broadest possible view of military history, embracing both the study of battles and\rcampaigns and the broader, social-history oriented approaches that have become known as \"the new\rmilitary history.\" It aims to publish a balanced mix of articles representing a variety of approaches to\rboth modern and pre-modern Chinese military history. The journal also welcomes comparative and\rtheoretical work as well as studies of the military interactions between China and other states and\rpeoples, including East Asian neighbors such as Japan, Korea, and Vietnam. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology", "ISSN": "9711929", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology published biannually, publishes original work in the fields of Forensic Medicine, Forensic Radiology, Forensic Psychiatry, Forensic Science, Toxicology, Sexual Behavior, Pollution, Environment Hazards, Emergency Medicine, Traffic Medicine, Traumatology. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research", "ISSN": "09707794, 23639962", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research encourages discussions and debates on the philosophical traditions of India and contemporary philosophy in India while simultaneously continuing its dialogue with the vast wealth of mainstream and alternative Anglo-American and Continental philosophies. Yet, the special place it reserves for philosophical expatiations emanating from the subcontinent happens to be its particular area of interest. Research and interpretations pertaining to pre-modern and modern Indian textual sources across the spectrum, viewed through an innovative lens, are highly welcome. The journal is committed to dissemination of valuable knowledge to discerning readership across the world.\r\r\rJICPR uncompromisingly emphasises originality of thought and research in the varied philosophical traditions. It also welcomes interdisciplinary engagements with quintessential philosophical questions. From close examination of singular philosophical texts and philosophers through furnishing detailed annotated translations and/or re-readings of extant philosophical conundrums, the journal underscores comprehensiveness of argument and ingenuity of scholarship. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Internal Medicine of Taiwan", "ISSN": "10167390", "Scope": "Scope凡與內科醫學有關之學術研究、臨床觀察、病例報告及醫學新知等著述,未曾刊載於其他刊物者,均為本誌徵稿之對象。 Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Interventional Radiology", "ISSN": "2680882", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Journal of Jewish Ethics", "ISSN": "23341777, 23341785", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Jewish Ethics publishes outstanding scholarship in Jewish ethics, broadly conceived. It serves as a location for the exchange of ideas among those interested in understanding, articulating, and promoting descriptive and normative Jewish ethics. It aspires to advance dialogue between Jewish ethicists and ethicists working through other religious and secular traditions.\r\rThe Society of Jewish Ethics is an academic organization dedicated to the promotion of scholarly work in the field of Jewish ethics, including the relation of Jewish ethics to other traditions of ethics and to social, economic, political and cultural problems. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Multidisciplinary in Social Sciences", "ISSN": "26730235", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Journal of New England Water Environment Association", "ISSN": "10773002", "Scope": "ScopeThe NEWEA Journal is a seasonal, full-sized magazine published four times a year and is mailed to members. The publication keeps members up-to-date with current events and industry trends. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Slavic Linguistics", "ISSN": "10682090", "Scope": "ScopeJournal of Slavic Linguistics, or JSL, is the official journal of the Slavic Linguistics Society. JSL publishes research articles and book reviews that address the description and analysis of Slavic languages and that are of general interest to linguists. Published papers deal with any aspect of synchronic or diachronic Slavic linguistics – phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, or pragmatics – which raises substantive problems of broad theoretical concern or proposes significant descriptive generalizations. Comparative studies and formal analyses are also published. Different theoretical orientations are represented in the journal. One volume (two issues) is published per year, ca. 360 pp. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Spacecraft Technology", "ISSN": "9711600", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Journal of Taiwan Agricultural Engineering", "ISSN": "2575744", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of the Japan Research Association for Textile End-Uses", "ISSN": "372072", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Journal of the Medical Society of Toho University", "ISSN": "408670", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Journal of Water Law", "ISSN": "14785277", "Scope": "ScopeAn international peer-reviewed journal which promotes and disseminates knowledge covering all aspects of law relating to water resources. From its roots in the United Kingdom, the journal has expanded to incorporate the concerns of scholars and water law practitioners throughout the world.\r\rThe journal welcomes contributions relating to the water laws of any jurisdiction which raise issues of general importance in the management of water resources. The aim is to give greater coverage to commentary and debate on critical topics of water law and regulation in different countries across the world.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Karanos", "ISSN": "26043521, 26046199", "Scope": "ScopeKaranos. Bulletin of Ancient Macedonian Studies is an Academic Journal focused in the historical, socioeconomical and cultural perspectives related with ancient Macedonia, from the Argead dynasty to the Hellenistic Macedonian kingdoms (Seleucids, Ptolemies, Antigonids, among others) and the Roman province of Macedonia. Karanos. Bulletin of Ancient Macedonian Studies publish double-blind peer-reviewed papers related with these topics, including historical, archaeological, philological, epigraphical, or numismatical approaches, and any other kind of cultural analysis on the Ancient Macedonia and its historical appearances like the Hellenistic kingdoms and the relation with other peoples and cultures, including historiography and classical reception studies. Karanos also accepts reviews of books, reports and interviews that can be considered of interest for the ancient Macedonian studies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Knihy a Dejiny", "ISSN": "12108510, 25712322", "Scope": "ScopeKnihy a dějiny is the only peer-reviewed periodical issued in the Czech Republic to focus on the publication of outcomes of research into book culture, book printing and library history in Bohemia and Moravia between the 15th and 19th centuries. Because of the multidisciplinary character of the research into book culture, the journal aims to be a platform not only for bibliographers and book historians but also for researchers from related disciplines, such as literary history, Czech language studies or museology. Although the focus on book culture is predominant in the studies published, the texts lie on the boundaries of history, literary history, linguistics, art history and related disciplines. These include articles on book history (typography, illustration, provenance and binding analyses), printing production and printing shops active in Bohemia and Moravia, the book trade, contemporary censorship and, last but not least, the history of both private and public libraries (ecclesiastical, aristocratic, burgher and professional libraries, as well book collections preserved in various institutions). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Kriminalistik", "ISSN": "234699", "Scope": "ScopeBereits im 74. Jahr erscheint KRIMINALISTIK als Unabhängige Zeitschrift für die kriminalistische Wissenschaft und Praxis. Sie behandelt monatlich Themen wie Kriminalpolitik, Kriminologie, Kriminaltechnik, Strafrecht, Polizeiliche Aus- und Fortbildung sowie Rechtsmedizin. Die Rubriken Recht Aktuell und Literatur sowie die Redaktionen Schweiz, Österreich und KRIMINALISTIK-Campus runden den Inhalt ab.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Kronos", "ISSN": "18971555", "Scope": "Scope“Kronos” quarterly is a peer-reviewed philosophical journal. It was established in 2007 as a project of a particular generation of philosophers all of whom started their studies around the transitional year 1989. “Kronos” soon became the largest philosophical journal in Poland. It is a new voice in Polish philosophy. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "La Mer", "ISSN": "5031540", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Latin American Legal Studies", "ISSN": "07199104, 07199112", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Latvijas Universitites Zurnals Vesture", "ISSN": "25009621, 25929593", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Legal History Library", "ISSN": "18747493", "Scope": "ScopeLegal History Library is a peer-reviewed book series on the history of law. The series includes the subseries Studies in the History of International Law and Studies in the History of Private Law. Both subseries have independent editorial teams. \r\rStudies in the History of International Law publishes books on the history of international law in the broadest possible sense, without any restrictions in terms of geography or chronology. The series includes studies on the law governing relations between independent body politics, from whatever denomination or civilization. It does not reduce the field to the study of the antecedents, the emergence and evolution of international law as it was formed from the Late Middle Ages onwards in Western Europe. Studies in the History of International Law is edited by Randall Lesaffer. More information can be found on the series website. \r\rStudies in the History of Private Law is a book series on the history of private law in the broadest sense. It focuses on the history of the two major families of private law in the world, European and Anglo-American private law. The history of civil procedure is expressly included in the series. There is no restriction in terms of chronology or geography as long as the particular object studied finds its origin in these two families. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Leibniz Review", "ISSN": "15241556, 21539162", "Scope": "ScopeThe Leibniz Review is an annual, refereed journal which publishes original articles on Leibniz, book reviews of recent works on Leibniz's philosophy, new transcriptions and translations of Leibniz's texts, and information about the international status of Leibniz studies. This innovative publication is sponsored by the Leibniz Society of North America. Members receive the journal as a benefit of membership. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Letteratura e Letterature", "ISSN": "1971906X, 19732600", "Scope": "ScopeThe present journal of comparative studies and literary research is intended as a site of dialogue and exchange. International inasmuch as it proposes to reflect the widening horizons of twentieth-century literary reality, this journal, moreover, envisages to tread the routes of learned scholarship while at the same time entertaining and promoting an unceasing relationship with literary theory. It engages in promoting discussions of a general relevance also when focusing on authors and questions specific to distinct cultural situations. Rooted first and foremost in contemporary Italy, its local editors are nonetheless determined to explore the ever-widening horizons of literature, a challenge reflected by the international quality and fame of the Editorial Board as well as by the interests cultivated by each promoter. A journal of comparative studies because such an engagement with both past and present of comparative research derives from the awareness that every creative achievement entails a continuous readjustment of perspective and constantly alters established critical convictions. While the journal explores 'literatures', understood both in connection with their own individual traditions and in their reciprocal interactions within a broader tradition, 'Literature' in the singular signals that it also sets out to question and define the modes of a universal human practice. Free from any rigid chronological or geographical framework, the journal wishes however to encourage research in and of the present, and is ready to bestow particular attention to those literary and theoretical proposals that revive the ancient art of the word through fresh contemporary declensions. Constant attention will be paid to translation and to the modes whereby it breaks down linguistic barriers and allows a work to move dynamically between languages and cultures and participate fruitfully in the processes of cultural renewal. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "LIA Today", "ISSN": "26905973, 26905981", "Scope": "ScopeLIA TODAY is a full-color digital newsletter that is published six times per year. It includes articles on the latest industry news to keep members and other laser professionals current on important issues that impact the laser community. Readers of LIA TODAY consist of production managers, supervisors, safety professionals, researchers, end-users, laser physicians and nurses.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Lias", "ISSN": "20334753, 20335016", "Scope": "ScopeNamed after the Dutch word for an archival file (Lias; French: Liasse), Lias has since its foundation in 1974 been a prime venue for publishing articles relating to the cultural and intellectual history of early modern Europe. We welcome original contributions on the history of knowledge and learning in the broadest sense: the artes liberales, the studia humanitatis, philosophy, theology, law, medicine, and the (new) sciences, as well as the Republic of Letters and the educational institutions, libraries, academies, societies, and learned networks vital to the creation and transmission of knowledge. Our chronological range extends from the nascent humanism of the 14th century to the late Enlightenment in the 19th century. While focused primarily on the history of knowledge and learning, we are strongly interested in articles that explore these subjects in relation to early modern political, social, religious, or art history.\rAlthough many articles in Lias are standalone analyses of early modern sources, we are unique in encouraging our authors to include transcriptions, editions, and commentaries of original unpublished sources of a relatively small size (up to 60 pages), such as letters, poems, small treatises, etc. in their articles. We welcome editions of texts in a wide variety of original languages, such as Latin, Greek, French, English, Dutch, German, Hebrew, and Arabic. A modern translation of the edited sources, regardless of their original language, is a bonus, but not absolutely required. However, we do ask for a synopsis of each text.\rSubmissions are preferably written in English, but we are also open to contributions in French, especially concerning French sources. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Libri(Turkey)", "ISSN": "24587826", "Scope": "ScopeThe aim of the journal is to find Hellenic and Latin epigraphic documents related to the ancient Anatolian geography and to introduce them to the scientific community. In this way, 'new' inscriptions unearthed from surface surveys and excavations in ancient cities in different regions of Anatolia are presented to the scientific community and the public by academics. Articles from other disciplines related to ancient studies cannot be published in our journal, which is unique in terms of subject and.\r\rAlthough the focus of the magazine is epigraphy, it has two main goals, as expressed in the title of our magazine. The first of these is to translate Hellenic and Latin sources, which are lacking in our country and have not yet reached the desired levels, into our language by translating them from their original languages. Secondly, it is aimed to raise awareness in academic terms by publishing informative book introductions and book reviews by experts on the subject of books published in recent years about the Mediterranean Basin and civilizations in our country and around the world for academics, students and intellectuals who are interested in antiquity.\r\rIn line with the objectives of the journal, translations from Hellenic and Latin into our language are limited to ancient and late antiquity. A similar situation is also valid for book reviews and promotions. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Lietuvos Istorijos Studijos", "ISSN": "13920448, 16489101", "Scope": "ScopeLietuvos istorijos studijos (Eng. Studies of Lithuania's History) is diamond open access a periodical publication issued by the historians of Vilnius university. The periodical publishes information on the latest research conducted by history researchers; it also provides information which once faded into oblivion and was discovered anew, such as historical documents, memoirs and writings by historians of the former epochs. The journal covers topics of sociocultural and political history, cultural anthropology, heritage conservation and archaeology.\r\rThe journal also publishes scientific articles and lectures by foreign historians, the aim of which is to investigate the past of the Lithuanian nation and its historical development. Besides, the periodical carries introductions and reviews on the latest scientific research on Lithuania, conducted both in in our country and elsewhere; it publishes the chronicle of the academic life at Vilnius university and of the academic activities of relations. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Literature-Film Quarterly", "ISSN": "904260", "Scope": "ScopeLiterature/Film Quarterly is the longest standing international journal devoted to the study of adaptation. Founded in 1973 by Jim Welsh and Tom Erskine, the journal has for over forty years served as a forum for scholars and writers to discuss, debate, and articulate various ways of conceptualizing adaptation, whether in the more traditional considerations of transforming fiction and drama into film or in the more recent reflections on intertextuality, adaptation theory, and other related concerns. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Lithuanian historical studies / Lithuanian Institute of History", "ISSN": "13922343", "Scope": "ScopeLithuanian Historical Studies (LHS) is an academic peer-reviewed English-language periodical journal, published annually by the Lithuanian Institute of History. Its aim is to progress and disseminate historical research on Central and Eastern Europe, with special focus on Lithuania and the neighbouring states. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "LUMS Law Journal", "ISSN": "24148407, 24148415", "Scope": "ScopeLUMS Law Journal is a peer-reviewed journal of Shaikh Ahmad Hassan School of Law, Lahore University of Management Sciences. The primary aim of the Journal is to provide a forum for scholarly debates amongst law students, faculty, lawyers, judges, practitioners and experts on important legal issues, which may lead to policy reforms. This Journal is an endeavor to foster a profound understanding of contemporary legal issues among its readers. While maintaining all the standards of academic legal scholarship and integrity, this Journal seeks to inform public discourse by publishing articles that are intellectually rigorous and thought provoking. It aims at providing its readers with a detailed, advanced and an insightful legal analysis of various ongoing developments in the legal arena in Pakistan and abroad. It is intended to stimulate interest in all matters pertaining to law, with an emphasis on matters arising from the relationship of law to other disciplines.\r\rFor the realization of its goals, the Journal draws on the academic rigor and excellence of various students, faculty members, lawyers, judges and practitioners by featuring their valuable contributions in the Journal. The Journal strives to uphold its vision of publishing challenging and useful legal scholarship of highest academic quality, a vision that is true for all times. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Magyar Filozofiai Szemle", "ISSN": "00250090, 15881024", "Scope": "ScopeThe Hungarian Philosophical Review, the journal of the Philosophical Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, has the longest publication history among Hungarian philosophy periodicals. Its forebearer, Magyar Philosophiai Szemle, was founded in 1882 with the financial support of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, and was later succeeded by Atheneum. The present-day journal is the heir of these periodicals which were marked by scholarly excellence and played a prominent role in Hungarian cultural history.\r\rIn the last decades, many papers and translations were published in the journal that have served as points of reference, and reviewing activity was also important. The Hungarian Philosophical Review takes a neutral stand among the various schools and movements of the Hungarian philosophical profession, and aims to cover all significant achievements of philosophical scholarship without a narrow specialization. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Masonry International", "ISSN": "9502289", "Scope": "ScopeMasonry International is the main publication of the International Masonry Society and is normally published three times each year. It has a Journal section containing original papers on research and practice. It also contains news items, notices of meetings, book reviews and issues concerning legislation and International Standards. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Medieval Low Countries", "ISSN": "22953493, 25070363", "Scope": "ScopeThe Medieval Low Countries. History, Archaeology, Art and Literature is a peer-reviewed journal featuring articles on the Low Countries (viewed in its broadest sense as the estuaries of Scheldt, Meuse, Rhine and IJssel with their corresponding hinterlands), from the start of the fifth to the second half of the sixteenth century. During these centuries this was one of the major centers of economic, cultural, religious and social development in Europe. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Medieval Sermon Studies", "ISSN": "13660691, 17496276", "Scope": "ScopeMedieval Sermon Studies (MSS) is published annually under the auspices of the International Medieval Sermon Studies Society. This refereed journal features insightful articles on sermon studies and related areas; reviews; sermon transcriptions; and information about work in progress are also included. MSS is an essential resource not only for sermon specialists but also for researchers working in the field of religious culture, history, and literature. It has a world-wide circulation among eminent academics and institutional subscribers.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Metal Casting Design and Purchasing", "ISSN": "15234371", "Scope": "ScopeWith the November/December relaunch of Metal Casting Design & Purchasing you will see a new magazine called Casting Source: The Leading Resource for the Metalcasting Supply Chain.\r\rCasting Source, in print and online, will be a necessary tool in our efforts to more effectively reach the supply chain audience. Whether your job title is Casting Technical Steward, Commodity Specialist, Global Procurement Manager, Project Designer, Product or Design Engineer, or Supply Chain Manager, you are the valued reader. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Millennium DIPr", "ISSN": "24443220", "Scope": "ScopeMillennium Dipr tiene por objeto difundir y acercar el Derecho Internacional Privado a toda la sociedad. Para ello se potencian iniciativas centradas en la presencia en internet y en redes sociales, así como diferentes actividades presenciales, siendo especialmente relevante la celebración del Certamen Internacional Millennium de Derecho Internacional Privado. A su vez, Millennium proporciona una visión renovada de la enseñanza universitaria, adaptada a los postulados del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Mitteilungen - Verbandes der Deutschen Hohlen- Und Karstforscher", "ISSN": "5052211", "Scope": "ScopeDie Mitteilungen berichten über aktuelle Forschungen in Deutschland und dem Ausland. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Moyen Francais", "ISSN": "2260174", "Scope": "ScopeFounded in 1977 by Giuseppe Di Stefano, the journal Le Moyen Français prints previously unpublished work illustrating current trends in research on French language and literature of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. Le Moyen Français appears twice a year in two issues. These volumes contain articles, critical editions of short, previously unpublished texts, and critical reviews of published works. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Musica Tecnologia", "ISSN": "19740042, 19740050", "Scope": "ScopeMusic/Technology, a journal open to academics from around the world, offers itself as a new site for the presentation and discussion of the most recent results in the field of research on all electric and digital technologies applied in music. Every issue is devoted to a specific topic selected by the editorial team. Guest editors are selected for particular issues and proposals from scholars and researchers are welcome. The journal publishes original articles – mostly in English but other languages are taken in account – and re-publications of historical articles too. Proposals are welcome. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Musik und Kirche", "ISSN": "274771", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Muveszettorteneti Ertesito", "ISSN": "00275247, 15882802", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal presents the results of research on the world and Hungarian history of arts from the Middle Ages up to now. It devotes special attention to the antecedents of the modern art and to studies on modern art. The studies are well-illustrated. Papers in Hungarian with foreign language summaries. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Nephrologie (Germany)", "ISSN": "27317463, 27317471", "Scope": "ScopeDie Nephrologie offers up-to-date information for all nephrologists working in practical and clinical environments and scientists who are particularly interested in issues of nephrology.\rThe content covers all areas of applied nephrology and hypertensiology. The topics range from prevention to diagnostic approaches and management of complications to current therapy strategies.\rComprehensive reviews on a specific topical issue provide evidenced based information on diagnostics and therapy.\rReview articles under the rubric 'Continuing Medical Education' present verified results of scientific research and their integration into daily practice. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "New Zealand Journal of Asian Studies", "ISSN": "11748915", "Scope": "ScopeThe New Zealand Journal of Asian Studies (ISSN 1174-8915) is an international peer-reviewed academic journal that has been published since June 1999, when it became the official journal of the New Zealand Asian Studies Society (NZASIA). Members of NZASIA receive the journal as part of their membership. \r\rThe New Zealand Journal of Asian Studies brings together scholars working in the open, discursive, and contested site of Asian studies and promotes a dialogue between established and emerging scholars, conceptual and empirical analyses, disciplinary and interdisciplinary research.\rWe seek contributions situated across the broad spectrum of the Asian countries, regions and sub-regions. The journal welcomes studies that are developed both within traditional disciplinary foci in the humanities and social sciences (e.g., art history, anthropology, geography, history, economics, film and media , linguistics, literature, politics and sociology, etc) as well as studies that are situated in broader, interdisciplinary research domains (e.g., cultural studies, migration studies, international development, foreign affairs, global studies, sustainability. etc). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Nineteenth-Century Literature", "ISSN": "08919356, 10678352", "Scope": "ScopeNineteenth-Century Literature publishes articles on a broad-based group of transatlantic authors and poets, literary characters, and discourses—all discussed with a keen understanding of nineteenth-century literary history and theory.\r\rThe major journal for publication of new research in its field, Nineteenth-Century Literature features essays that span disciplines and which explore theoretical questions of gender, race, history, ecology and the anthropocene, cultural studies, empire, urbanism, and more. The journal also reviews select volumes of scholarship and criticism in nineteenth-century British and American literature, broadly conceived.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Nordic Wittgenstein Review", "ISSN": "21946825, 2242248X", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal publishes original contributions on all aspects of Wittgenstein's thought and work - exegetical studies as well as papers drawing on Wittgensteinian themes and ideas in discussions of contemporary philosophical problems.\r\rThe journal is interdisciplinary in character, and publishes contributions in the subject areas of philosophy and other human and social studies including philology, linguistics, history of ideas, cognitive science, and others. Each issue includes a peer-reviewed articles section, a \"from the archives\" section in which seminal works are re-published or where previously unpublished archive materials are presented, and a book review section. In addition, most issues include an invited paper and/or an interview. Nordic Wittgenstein Review aims to provide its contributors with academic relevance and wide visibility. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Notes Konserwatorski", "ISSN": "15095681, 26573083", "Scope": "Scope\"Notes Konserwatorski\" is a peer-reviewed scientific journal, annual, published by the National Library. The magazine was created in 1998 for the nationwide community of conservators of monuments on paper. It is devoted to the protection and conservation of collections, books, iconographic collections, cartography and others, such as photographs. The journal is on the list of scientific journals of the Ministry of Education and Science with 40 points.\r\rThanks to its broad formula, \"Conservator's Notes\" enables the publication of specialized research works, reporting and journalistic materials. The series has been designed with rich graphics, with numerous colorful illustrations that constitute an attractive complement to the presented content.\r\rThe aim of the magazine is to present current research achievements in the field of conservation of monuments and works of art, multidisciplinary, spectacular conservation works and projects, theoretical considerations on the topic of conservation and protection of collections, and polemical discussions. Notes Conservators wants to be a space for meetings and exchange of experiences and views of conservators, scientists and collection custodians not only from Polish institutions and research centers. Foreign authors are also invited to publish in the journal.\r\rAll articles published in the journal are reviewed by \"external\" experts representing cultural and scientific centers throughout the country, and the \"double-blind reviewing process\" principle is followed. Experts from abroad are also invited to review articles. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Olba", "ISSN": "13017667", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal ‘Olba’, being published since 1998 by the ‘Research Center of Cilician Archeology’ of the Mersin University (Turkey), includes original studies done on prehistory, protohistory, classical archaeology, classical philology (and ancient languages and cultures), ancient history, numismatics and early christian archeology of Asia Minor, the Mediterranean region and the Near East. Olba is printed once a year in May. Deadline for sending papers is the end of November each year. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Opera Quarterly", "ISSN": "07360053, 14762870", "Scope": "ScopeSince its inception in 1983, The Opera Quarterly has earned the enthusiastic praise of opera lovers and scholars alike. In 2005, David J. Levin, a dramaturg at various opera houses and critical theorist at the University of Chicago, reconceived the journal with the goal of extending its reputation as a rigorous and cutting-edge forum for all aspects of opera and operatic production. Today, The Opera Quarterly sits squarely at the intersection of performance, theory, and history. Fundamentally interdisciplinary, it addresses both historical and contemporary developments on the stage and in the academy, embracing opera as well as considerations of voice and musical theater more broadly. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Oral Therapeutics and Pharmacology", "ISSN": "2881012", "Scope": "Scope本学会機関誌『歯科薬物療法』は,歯科領域で使用す\rるすべての薬物,抗菌感受性,漢方薬,歯科未承認薬,\r歯科材料,手術材料,消毒薬,口腔化粧品及び歯科領域\rにおける消毒・ Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Orbit: A Journal of American Literature", "ISSN": "23986786", "Scope": "ScopeOrbit: Writing Around Pynchon is a journal that publishes high quality, rigorously reviewed and innovative scholarly material on the works of Thomas Pynchon, related authors and adjacent fields in 20th- and 21st-century literature. We publish special and general issues in a rolling format, which brings together a traditional journal article style with the latest publishing technology to ensure faster, yet prestigious, publication for authors. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Osservatorio del Diritto Civile e Commerciale", "ISSN": "22812628", "Scope": "ScopeOsservatorio aims to survey and reflect on major legislative, interpretive and practical changes of commercial law and property and real estate law providing up-to-date information and in-depth analysis of the development lines of the system. Osservatorio publishes the contributions of Italian and international scholars and practitioners from different backgrounds, with different research methodologies and cultural sensibilities to explore the evolution of private law. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Otorhinolaryngology(Italy)", "ISSN": "27246302, 27246760", "Scope": "ScopeOtorhinolaryngology is a quarterly international, peer-reviewed scientific journal on Otorhinolaryngology,\rHead and Neck Surgery, Plastic Reconstructive Surgery, Otoneurosurgery, founded in 1951, which is indexed\rin EMBASE, Scopus.\rOf all journals published in Italy, Otorhinolaryngology is undoubtedly the one with the longest editorial continuity;\rfrom this perspective, its relevance in the scientific field is demonstrated by its presence in the Scopus database,\rwhich makes the publication of articles in Otorhinolaryngology a very attractive opportunity as it grants authors\ran adequate worldwide circulation of their paper, and has a consequently positive effect on evaluation parameters\r(number of citations, Hirsch index, etc.)\rTo meet these needs, the editorial board consists of a body of authoritative members of the Italian and international\rscientific community and each article is carefully examined by the editorial committee and board. Furthermore, we\rperiodically publish monographic issues on hot topics in the various sub-disciplines of Otorhinolaryngology which,\rthanks to the contribution of the world's leading experts, allow us to take stock of the various issues.\rOtorhinolaryngology offers a fast and thorough peer review process, careful editorial work as well as open access\roptions and welcomes articles on a wide variety of topics related to Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery,\rPlastic Reconstructive Surgery, Otoneurosurgery, which may be submitted in the form of editorials, original articles,\rreview articles, case reports, special articles, letters to the Editor and guidelines. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Pacific Northwest Quarterly", "ISSN": "308803", "Scope": "ScopePNQ is the leading scholarly journal devoted to the history and culture of the northwestern United States, including Alaska, and western Canada.\r\rPublished at the University of Washington since 1906, PNQ offers articles, edited primary-source documents, book reviews, announcements of conferences, information on archival collections, and lists of publications, dissertations, and theses.\r\rThe journal is illustrated and fully indexed. Articles posted on this site, from back issues of the journal, suggest the variety of topics and the quality of work published in PNQ. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Packaging News", "ISSN": "482676", "Scope": "ScopePublished bi-monthly, PKN Packaging News magazine specialises in delivering the industry’s most in-depth and extensive editorial features, expert opinion and business advice, insightful reports on industry issues, coverage from industry events and reviews of the latest products.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Perspectives on Political Science", "ISSN": "10457097", "Scope": "ScopePerspectives on Political Science has published leading scholars in political philosophy and featured fascinating symposia on topics ranging from Shakespeare to liberal education to the political dimension of American architecture. Our journal features a judicious mix of symposia and unsolicited articles, presenting the perspectives of established and widely published scholars, as well as the fresh views of promising newcomers.\r\rThis highly acclaimed journal offers a theoretical and deeply political perspective to classic texts in subject areas including:\rPolitical philosophy-\rLiterature-\rPopular culture-\rIssues in public policy-\rReligion-\rConstitutional law-\rPublic policy.\r\rPerspectives on Political Science has also published symposia on the work of the best thinkers of our time, such as Joseph Cropsey, Mark Blitz, and Catherine Zuckert. In addition, it includes long, thoughtful, and often provocative book reviews.\r\rPerspectives on Political Science does not accept responsibility for views expressed in articles, reviews, and other contributions that appear in its pages. It provides opportunities for the publication of materials that may represent divergent ideas, judgments, and opinions. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Pharmaceutical Manufacturing and Packing Sourcer", "ISSN": "14631245", "Scope": "ScopePharmaceutical Manufacturing and Packing Sourcer (PMPS) is a specialist journal designed to provide worldwide coverage of a range of topics relating to the pharmaceutical manufacturing and packaging sector.\r\rPublished quarterly, the journal functions as a platform of communication and information-sharing for executive and strategic decision makers within the industry, identifying new trends and marketing opportunities, as well as highlighting the latest innovations in this dynamic environment. PMPS is specifically designed to interest those in the pharma, biotech, nutritional, and medical device industries who are actively seeking to source services for improved efficiency in what is an increasingly competitive market. \rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Philosophy Kitchen", "ISSN": "23851945", "Scope": "ScopePhilosophy Kitchen is a contemporary philosophy magazine that aims to create a space dedicated to theory, understood as the inextricable relationship between the foundation of knowledge and individual and political practice.\r\rPhilosophy Kitchen has an encyclopedic vocation because it believes that philosophy has always presented itself first and foremost as contaminated and connective knowledge: unable to find a foundation in itself, philosophy is an unstoppable explorer of impossible connections between different disciplines.\r\rPhilosophy Kitchen is a radical ecological space because it has no other purpose than to explore the network of systems, objects, images, knowledge and institutions in which it is immersed. This is its political vocation: the node that describes the network and its connections is actually changing. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Physicist", "ISSN": "10363831", "Scope": "ScopeAustralian Physics, the members’ magazine of the Australian Institute of Physics, provides a communications platform for physicists, including researchers, educators, students, and generally people interested in physics across Australia. Articles are a key feature of the journal, and their aim is to be informative to the broader physics community. – Please note that Australian Physics is not a peer-reviewed research publication, and we cannot accept articles containing the results of original research that has not already been published in the peer-reviewed literature. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Plastics Engineering", "ISSN": "00919578, 19419635", "Scope": "ScopePlastics Engineering is the official publication of the Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE). We provide plastics professionals with a wealth of information about machinery, technological advances, materials innovations, sustainability, and more. Our writers have spent decades covering the issues that matter most to our readers. We reach about 35,000 SPE members each month. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Polish American Studies", "ISSN": "00322806, 23300833", "Scope": "ScopePolish American Studies is a double-blind peer-reviewed scholarly journal that welcomes articles, edited documents, reviews and other materials dealing with all aspects of the history and culture of Poles in the Western Hemisphere. The editors particularly welcome contributions that place the Polish immigrant and ethnic experience in historical and comparative perspective as part of the larger Polish diaspora and by examining its relationship to other ethnic groups. Contributions from any discipline in the humanities and social sciences are welcome. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Practice Nurse", "ISSN": "9536612", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Pravny Obzor", "ISSN": "00326984, 27299228", "Scope": "ScopePrávny obzor is a peer-reviewed theoretical review for issues of state and law.\r\rPrávny obzor is the oldest scientific law review published in Slovakia and also one of the oldest law reviews in the Central European region. The print version of the review has been published continuously since 1917.\r\rSix (6) issues of the review are published annually in the Slovak language.\r\rSince 2017, the publisher has been continuously publishing a special English issue once a year within the given volume of the review, featuring original scientific articles by domestic and foreign authors written exclusively in English. The special issue of the review is published on-line in OPEN ACCESS mode.\r\rThe full-content online version of each issues of the journal published in the Slovak language are publicly available to users since 2019. The publisher applies the 3 months publishing embargo.\r\rThe review publishes original scientific manuscripts on a wide array of issues of the state and law submitted by Slovak and foreign authors. As a rule, 30 to 34 scientific articles are published in one volume of the review. All references are listed in Roman script. Publication of each submitted manuscript is subject to approval of the Editorial Board and must be always reviewed in advance by at least two reviewers – experts in the particular field of law. Double blind peer review procedure is applied (for more details please click FOR AUTHORS/PEER-REVIEW PROCEDURE). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy", "ISSN": "1059986X, 22134417", "Scope": "ScopeThe Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy are published annually. Each volume brings together the papers and commentaries to reflect the dialogical spirit that characterizes the meetings of the Boston Area Colloquium. The authors are encouraged to revise their presentations in the light of discussion, and their papers are sent to external referees for peer review. \rThis is the electronic version of the yearbook of the same name. Each volume presents the papers of the colloquia of the year in question with the responses given. The new e-journal contains all previously published back volumes as well as each new volume as it is published. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Public Procurement Law Review", "ISSN": "09638245, 27542203", "Scope": "ScopeThe Public Procurement Law Review is a world-leading, peer-reviewed journal which provides up-to-date news, analysis and research on UK, EU and international public procurement law, policy and practice. Its covers the international legal frameworks (UNCITRAL, WTO, EU), legislative and policy developments in national procurement systems, and case law. The journal publishes doctrinal (in particular, doctrinal in context), empirical, socio-legal and comparative research in these areas.\r\rThe journal is published six times a year, in February, April, June, August, October and December. Its primary readership comprises academics, regulators and other policy makers, and practitioners. The Editorial Committee is globally representative and diverse, featuring expert academics, policy makers and practitioner members from the UK, North America, Africa and Asia, and welcomes contributions from colleagues at all stages in their academic careers.\r\rSubmissions are invited for two sections of the journal. The News and Analysis section contains shorter items covering recent developments, in particular (although not exclusively) specific legal developments at EU level and in the UK. The Articles section provides in-depth analysis of select topics. The journal also includes a dedicated Book Reviews section. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Publicum", "ISSN": "24477982", "Scope": "ScopeRevista Publicum (hereafter, Publicum) is an academic journal associated with the Public Law Graduate Program from the Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (State University of Rio de Janeiro). The journal’s objective is to publish advanced scientific papers, reviews and unpublished translations of national and foreign researchers inserted in the following thematic axes: Constitutional Theory, Human Rights Law, Constitutional Philosophy, Administrative Law and Economic Law. The journal is also open to the publication of studies of Political Science, Sociology of Law and Anthropology, since they relate directly or indirectly to the thematic domains that integrate the editorial profile.\r\rEditorial line: covers all legal fields, notably those related to Constitutional Theory, Human Rights Law, Constitutional Philosophy, Administrative Law and Economic Law. The goal is to encourage dialogue between different areas of knowledge. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "R and D: Research and Development Kobe Steel Engineering Reports", "ISSN": "3738868", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Radwaste Solutions", "ISSN": "15294900", "Scope": "ScopeRadwaste Solutions is a specialty magazine dedicated to the decommissioning, environmental remediation, and waste management segments of the nuclear community. Editorial features include the generation, handling, treatment, cleanup, transportation, storage, and disposal of radioactive waste. Created by the American Nuclear Society in 1994, the magazine covers the business, science, and technology of radwaste throughout the United States as well as activities outside of the U.S. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Rassegna Storica del Risorgimento", "ISSN": "339873", "Scope": "ScopeLa Rassegna storica del Risorgimento è nata nel 1914 come organo della Società Nazionale e rappresenta la rivista ufficiale dell’Istituto. Ospita articoli originali sia sotto il profilo della ricerca che dell’interpretazione compresi in un arco cronologico che va dal Settecento sino alla fine del primo conflitto mondiale e raccoglie un gruppo qualificato di studiosi italiani e stranieri interessati all’età del Risorgimento. Attribuisce particolare rilievo alla discussione storiografica, all’analisi delle fonti e dedica attenzione anche alle tematiche connesse alla storia dei musei, degli archivi e delle biblioteche, alle rassegne di studi, alle discussioni e alle recensioni. Pubblica inoltre notizie in ordine all’attività dell’Istituto per la storia del Risorgimento Italiano e dei Comitati provinciali di cui è composto. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Restaurant Business", "ISSN": "978043", "Scope": "ScopeRestaurant Business is the leading media brand in the commercial foodservice industry, with a focus on entrepreneurship, innovation and growth.\r\rRestaurant Business understands the new state of media like no other, recognizing the importance and nuances of each, and helping you retrieve the information you need, wherever, whenever. Each product of Restaurant Business concisely shows growth-minded restaurateurs how to capitalize on trends, new concepts, changes in consumer tastes, new purchasing strategies and peers’ best practices.\r\rOur editors track ideas and trends as they develop within key channel segments including high-volume independents, multiunit operators, emerging chains and the top 100 chains, plus their top franchisees. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Retina Today", "ISSN": "18250572", "Scope": "ScopeRetina Today is a publication that delivers the latest research and clinical developments from areas such as medical retina, retinal surgery, vitreous, diabetes, retinal imaging, pediatric retina, posterior segment oncology, and ocular trauma. Each issue provides insight from well-respected specialists on cutting-edge therapies and surgical techniques that are currently in use and on the horizon. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Review of High Pressure Science and Technology/Koatsuryoku No Kagaku To Gijutsu", "ISSN": "0917639X, 13481940", "Scope": "ScopeMembers obtain a subscription to the journal \"The Review of High Pressure Science and Technology\" quarterly issued from JSHPST since 1992 in addition to a subscription to the proceedings of the annual meeting. Articles in these pulications are basically written in Japanese. English titles and abstracts are also supplied together for the convenience of readers outside Japan.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista de Hispanismo Filosofico", "ISSN": "11368071", "Scope": "ScopeLa revista va dirigida principalmente a estudiosos de la historia del pensamiento filosófico en lengua española y portuguesa y a historiadores de otras disciplinas interesados en el ámbito de los estudios iberoamericanos. Por este motivo, se publicarán exclusivamente artículos de investigación originales de carácter historiográfico referidos al ámbito del pensamiento filosófico español, portugués e iberoamericano. Asimismo, tendrán preferencia los estudios de autor o época frente a los temáticos, que tienen cabida en otro tipo de revistas. En concreto, quedarán excluidos los trabajos de carácter ensayístico. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Venezolana de Oncologia", "ISSN": "7980582", "Scope": "ScopeTHE VENEZUELAN JOURNAL OF ONCOLOGY, is the official organ of scientific\rpopularization of the Sociedad Venezolana Oncology (SVO), whose main objective is the\rpublication of the papers presented at the National Oncology congresses by the Society, or\rby scientific societies related, whether they are original works, works review, presentation\rof clinical cases, description of techniques or letters to the editor. Likewise, also publishes\rissues and revisions of basic or Clinical Oncology contributing significantly in the\rdevelopment of Oncology. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revue du Rhumatisme (Edition Francaise)", "ISSN": "11698330, 17683130", "Scope": "ScopeRevue du Rhumatisme is the major French scientific journal in its field. The journal's Editorial board encompasses clinical and research French rheumatologists from all over the country. They have specific competencies related to the large field of joint, bone and spinal disorders. Besides the Editorial board, a multinational and international scientific committee contributes to suggest editorials, research papers, reviews, and also participates in submitting articles.\r\rThe journal is addressed to researchers, practitioners/clinicians, educators and students in the field of rheumatology, as well as other health professionals (physicians, nurses, dentists, etc.) and policy makers in France and French-speaking countries.\r\rThe journal is accessible worldwide through the ScienceDirect and ClinicalKey platforms. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revue Internationale de Droit Economique", "ISSN": "10108831, 17821525", "Scope": "ScopeLa Revue Internationale de Droit Economique, la R.I.D.E., vise le droit économique national et international en toutes ses branches et dans son ensemble. L'interdisciplinarité constitue une spécificité première de la revue. Grâce au pluralisme des approches théoriques et pratiques, elle est un lieu de rencontre entre juristes de différents secteurs et nations, entre publicistes et privatistes, entre juristes et économistes, entre chercheurs et praticiens. Il est dès lors procédé à un examen critique permanent des rapports entre phénomènes économiques et juridiques.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revue Philosophique de Louvain", "ISSN": "00353841, 17831768", "Scope": "ScopeLa Revue Philosophique de Louvain, fondée en 1894 par Désiré Mercier sous le titre de Revue Néoscolastique, est publiée par l’Institut Supérieur de Philosophie de l’Université Catholique de Louvain. La revue s’intéresse au mouvement philosophique international dans toute son ampleur. Organe de recherche et de discussion par ses articles; organe de documentation et de critique par ses bulletins, ses comptes rendus et ses notices bibliographiques; organe d’information par ses chroniques diverses, la Revue Philosophique de Louvain veut être un instrument de travail aussi sûr et aussi complet que possible dans le domaine de la philosophie. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Rivista Italiana di Ragioneria e di Economia Aziendale", "ISSN": "15939154, 22815864", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Rivista Storica dell'Antichita", "ISSN": "0300340X", "Scope": "ScopeLaunched in 1971, it treats about the complex problems of the ancient world on an historical point of view, and finds its fundamental uniqueness beyond traditional distinctions. This historical point of view includes also the study of books, letters, numismatics, papyruses, archaeology, etc. - without which the study of ancient history could not be possible - and that imposes the critical analysis of every source. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Rocznik Teologii Katolickiej", "ISSN": "16448855", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Romance Philology", "ISSN": "358002", "Scope": "ScopeDefining philology in its broadest sense, Romance Philology is broad and deep in its coverage: fields of enquiry include late Latin, the medieval literatures of the Romance languages, historical and general linguistics, and textual criticism. In recent years, particular emphasis has been placed on the development of the Romance languages in the Americas. Two issues are published each year, one in the autumn and one in the spring. In the half century of its publication, Romance Philology established an international reputation as one of the most prestigious journals dedicated to the linguistic history and medieval literature of the Romance languages. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Russian Law Journal", "ISSN": "23098678, 23123605", "Scope": "ScopeThe Russian Law Journal is one of the first academic legal journals in English to be published in Russia. Our goal is to provide scholars worldwide with comparative papers on recent legal developments not only in Russia, but also in Eurasia, other jurisdictions and on the international level. The idea to establish this journal belongs to the following scholars of Moscow State Lomonosov University Law Faculty: Gleb Bogush, Nataliya Bocharova, Dmitry and Anastasia Maleshin and Sergei Tretyakov. We want to bring the Russian academic legal tradition closer to the international environment and make Russian legal scholarship more accessible to other scholars and well-known worldwide.\r\rOur editorial policy is governed by independent quality control. It is guaranteed by the Editorial Council and Editorial Board. We are proud to have such eminent scholars in our Editorial Council which is composed of professors from world-leading law schools: Yale, Harvard, Sorbonne, Cambridge, NYU, etc. Our Editorial Board is composed of scholars from leading Russian law schools (Moscow State Lomonosov University, Saint-Petersburg State University, Moscow State Kutafin Law University, Higher School of Economics, etc.). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Russian Studies in Philosophy", "ISSN": "10611967, 15580431", "Scope": "ScopeRussian Studies in Philosophy publishes thematic issues featuring selected scholarly papers from conferences and joint research projects as well as from the leading Russian-language journals in philosophy. Thematic coverage ranges over significant theoretical topics as well as topics in the history of philosophy, both European and Russian, including issues focused on institutions, schools, and figures such as Bakhtin, Fedorov, Leontev, Losev, Rozanov, Solovev, and Zinovev. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Science Fiction Film and Television", "ISSN": "17543770, 17543789", "Scope": "ScopeScience Fiction Film and Television is a peer-reviewed journal published three times a year by Liverpool University Press. Founded by Mark Bould (UWE) and Sherryl Vint (University of California, Riverside), the journal is edited by Gerry Canavan (Marquette University), Dan Hassler-Forest (Utretcht University) and Anindita Banerjee (Cornell University), with an international board of advisory editors.\r\rScience Fiction Film and Television encourages dialogue among the scholarly and intellectual communities of science fiction studies, film studies and television studies.\r\rThe journal invites submissions on all areas of sf film and television, from Hollywood productions to Korean or Turkish sf film, from SyFy productions to the origins of sf tv in Rod Brown of the Rocket Rangers or The Quatermass Experiment. We encourage papers which consider neglected texts, propose innovative ways of looking at canonical texts, or explore the tensions and synergies that emerge from the interaction of genre and medium. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Sciences de l'Education pour l'Ere Nouvelle", "ISSN": "7559593", "Scope": "ScopeLa Revue internationale \"Les sciences de l'éducation - Pour l'Ère nouvelle\" est publiée par le laboratoire CIRNEF EA 7454 de l'Université de Caen. Elle fait partie des revues de référence inscrites dans les listes HCERSE (ex AERES) et CNU.\r\rLa revue publie quatre numéros par an. Pour être tenu informé de la sortie des nouveaux numéros, il suffit de s’abonner à la liste de diffusion.\r\rLa rubrique « rechercher un numéro » permet d’accéder aux tables des matières des numéros, et, pour chacun d’eux, aux résumés des articles en français, en anglais et en espagnol. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Scriblerian and the Kit-Cats", "ISSN": "0190731X, 21650624", "Scope": "ScopeSince 1968, The Scriblerian and the Kit-Cats has offered imaginative, insightful, and concise reviews of critical discussion of the English literature of the late seventeenth- and early eighteenth-century. The bi-annual journal addresses recent criticism of Addison, Behn, Congreve, Defoe, Dennis, Dryden, Fielding, Finch, Garth, Gay, Haywood, Hogarth, Mandeville, Montagu, Parnell, Pilkington, Pope, Richardson, Rochester, Rowe, Rymer, Settle, Shaftesbury, Smollett, Steele, Sterne, Swift, Thomson, Toland, and Vanbrugh, as well as discussion of the history and culture of the period.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Scripta Judaica Cracoviensia", "ISSN": "17335760, 20843925", "Scope": "ScopeScripta Judaica Cracoviensia: Studies in Jewish History, Culture and Religion is a peer-reviewed journal established in 2002 in the Institute of Jewish Studies of the Jagiellonian University and is published by the Jagiellonian University Press.\r\rScripta Judaica Cracoviensia is a platform for the exchange of ideas, the presentation of research results, and the publication of new documents and sources by Polish and foreign scholars on the broad subjects of Jewish studies – from the biblical period to the present time. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Sea Technology", "ISSN": "933651", "Scope": "ScopeSea Technology is the worldwide information leader for marine business, science and engineering. Our goal is to provide our global audience with current information on the various segments of the worldwide marine/ocean industry through state-of-the-art and application articles, news columns, and staff reports; and to provide our advertisers with a cost-effective, valuable and useful vehicle by which to promote their products and services.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Semitica et Classica", "ISSN": "20315937, 22959041", "Scope": "ScopeSemitica et Classica, International Journal of Oriental and Mediterranean Studies, led by specialists in Eastern Mediterranean studies, philologists, archaeologists, epigraphists, philosophers, historians and linguists is directed to researchers with a particular interest in these areas of learning. The journal publishes work related to the interaction between the classical and Oriental worlds from the second millennium B.C.E. to the early centuries of Islam. The cultural area covered by the journal stretches from the western Mediterranean to the Middle East and includes Europe, Africa, and Asia up to and including the Arabian peninsula. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Shiyou Huagong Shebei/ Petro-Chemical Equipment", "ISSN": "10007466", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Sixteenth Century Journal", "ISSN": "3610160", "Scope": "ScopeIn publication since 1969, the Sixteenth Century Journal (SCJ) prints twenty to twenty-five articles and over four hundred book reviews a year. The SCJ is dedicated to providing readers with thought-provoking research and inquiry into the sixteenth century broadly defined (i.e., 1450-1648). Our articles all maintain a strong historical core and cover subjects from around the world. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Societate si Politica", "ISSN": "18431348, 20677812", "Scope": "ScopeSociety and Politics is a journal devoted to the exploration of the interactions between the history of political thought and the history of ideas/intellectual history, focusing on the formation and development of the major concepts and intellectual trends that have shaped the modern and contemporary European thought. It welcomes original research coming from the areas of intellectual history, history of political thought, philosophy, sociology of knowledge and it strongly encourages inter and cross disciplinary approaches as well as diversity in regional coverage, chronological range, and methodological approaches.\r\rSociety and Politics is a biannual publication issued by the Center for Humanistic and Social Research, a division of the “Vasile Goldis” Western University of Arad – being the successor to the Studia Universitatis “Vasile Goldis” – Social And Human Sciences Series, started in 1994. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Sokendai Review of Cultural and Social Studies", "ISSN": "1883096X", "Scope": "ScopeSokendai Review of Cultural and Social Studies is an annual peer-reviewed academic journal published by the School of Cultural and Social Studies of SOKENDAI (The Graduate University for Advanced Studies), Japan, in order to disseminate its research results, strengthen cooperation within the School, and contribute to the development of cultural and social studies globally. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Spenser Studies", "ISSN": "01959468, 21678529", "Scope": "ScopeSpenser Studies is devoted to the study of Edmund Spenser as well as the poetry of Renaissance England. Contributions examine Spenser’s place in literary history, the social and religious contexts of his writing, and the philosophical and conceptual problems he grapples with in his art. The journal also features work on Renaissance literary culture, broadly conceived. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studi Piemontesi", "ISSN": "3927261", "Scope": "ScopeConsiderando l’ormai totalità dell’ impiego di strumenti informatici nella stesura e nella\rcomposizione dei testi, il Centro Studi Piemontesi formalizza alcuni criteri redazionali\rindispensabili per armonizzare il lavoro svolto dagli autori con le fasi di impaginazione,\rcorrezione delle bozze e stampa. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studi Secenteschi", "ISSN": "816248", "Scope": "ScopeDedicated mainly to the study of Italy's 17th century literary culture, this journal has however always grouped together works about cultural institutions, the history of printing, artistic literature and various forms of theatrical life, scientific thought and the history of ideas. In the future it aims to broaden its studies to include relationships with other European cultures, continuing its exploration of the 17th century in an entirely historical perspective. The journal regularly publishes previously unpublished texts (poetical, theoretical, historical and letters). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studia Graeco-Arabica", "ISSN": "2239012X, 22812687", "Scope": "ScopeStudia graeco-arabica has been initiated in 2011 as part and parcel of the ERC research project “Greek into Arabic”. A substantial issue of around 300 pages appears each year, and the journal has already gained a reputation for publishing high quality scholarship on the transmission of the philosophical and scientific learning from Greek into Arabic and Syriac, and from Arabic into Latin. It publishes critical editions, research papers, review articles and bibliographical information in the fields of late antique, Arabic, Syriac and Latin philosophy and history of science. The opening up of the sources, and the pursuit of philological and historical research based on original source materials is the main focus of interest of its editors and contributors. \rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studia Iranica", "ISSN": "2215004", "Scope": "ScopeLa revue Studia Iranica est publiée par l’Association pour l’avancement des études iraniennes en deux fascicules annuels.\rReprésentative de l’ensemble des disciplines des sciences humaines, la revue comporte des contributions ayant trait aussi bien à la linguistique et la philologie, qu’à l’histoire, la littérature, la numismatique et la sociologie. Elle couvre une longue période chronologique allant de l’époque proto-historique à la période moderne; ses frontières géographiques coïncident avec celles de l’aire où l’iranien ancien a été parlé, et où les langues iraniennes modernes le sont actuellement. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studia Leibnitiana", "ISSN": "393185", "Scope": "ScopeDie Studia Leibnitiana – Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Philosophie und der Wissenschaften, begründet 1969, ist das Organ der Gottfried-Wilhelm-Leibniz-Gesellschaft. Sie erforscht Werk und Denken von Leibniz und dient der Erkenntnis der geistes- und ideengeschichtlichen Zusammenhänge seiner Epoche von der Renaissance bis zur Aufklärung. Das Periodikum wird von einem internationalen Gelehrtenkreis verschiedener Disziplinen (Philosophen, Mathematikern und Historikern) herausgegeben und umfasst Beiträge in deutscher, englischer und französischer Sprache, die in einem peer review-Verfahren ausgewählt werden. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studia Mythologica Slavica", "ISSN": "14086271, 1581128X", "Scope": "ScopeStudia mythologica Slavica is international scientific journal on the mythology, spiritual culture and tradition of Slavic and also other nations and people. It is published by the Institute of Slovenian Ethnology of the Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, and by the Dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature Straniere, Università degli Studi di Udine. The journal is dedicated to interdisciplinary studies, and one of the main aims of this journal is to present comparative research that defines and determines (i.e. establishes) Slavic culture in the context of the wider European and non-European world (cultures). The journal intends to throw light on the belief systems and religions of older Slavic, Eurasian, and other civilisations. Moreover, it encourages the research of contemporary phenomena in the field of spiritual, social and material culture, and their transformation. The character of the publication is both international and interdisciplinary, covering the themes from the field of ethnology, anthropology, archaeology, linguistics, religious studies, history of literature and philosophy. It also brings new interpretations of historical sources and presents new discoveries, material, and field research.\r\rThe journal was first published in 1998, and since then it has been published once a year in a multi-language edition, in print and on the internet. Each year, it is distributed in exchange for hundred scientific publications from around the world. The articles are published in English, Italian, German and all Slavic languages. All articles have long summaries and an abstract in the English language. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studia Neoaristotelica", "ISSN": "12148407, 18046843", "Scope": "ScopeStudia Neoaristotelica is a peer-reviewed, scholarly journal devoted to the promotion of Aristotelian philosophy broadly conceived, drawing on the rich legacy of the scholastic tradition and contemporary analytical metaphysics. Special emphasis is placed on the most advanced forms of scholastic thought that emerged during the Renaissance and Baroque periods. Our vision is to work toward a philosophical synthesis of analytic and scholastic methods and ideas, providing a contribution to Christian philosophy as well as wider secular thought. The journal is published by Editiones Scholasticae and the University of South Bohemia Faculty of Theology. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studia Theodisca", "ISSN": "15932478, 23852917", "Scope": "Scope“Studia theodisca” (e-ISSN 2385-2917 | p-ISSN: 1593-2478) is an international journal devoted to the study of German culture and literature. It is published annually, in the autumn, as an online, open access, peer-reviewed journal hosted by Università degli Studi di Milano under OJS (Open Journal Systems).\rFor vols. I-XVII, published in print (ISSN 1593-2478) between 1994 and 2010, click on Archives and Searching pre-2011 vols.\rThe international character of the journal is emphasized by the breadth of its Editorial Board and by the commitment to publish essays not only in German and Italian, but also in English and other European languages. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studien zur Deutschen Sprache und Literatur", "ISSN": "13039407, 26199890", "Scope": "ScopeAlman Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi - Studien zur deutschen Sprache und Literatur which has been an official publication of Istanbul University, Faculty of Letters, Department of German Language since 1954 is an international, open access, peer-reviewed and scholarly journal published two times a year in June and December.\r\rAlman Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi - Studien zur deutschen Sprache und Literatur publishes disciplinary and/or interdisciplinary, theoretical and/or applied research articles that focus on German language and literature in the following fields: literary studies, linguistics, cultural studies, media studies, translation studies, and language teaching. The journal aims to provide a platform for sharing scientific knowledge in these fields.\r\rThe journal also offers reviews of scientific books and news of national and international conferences which cover the mentioned fields. This journal accepts manuscripts written in one of the following languages: German, Turkish, and English. The target group of the Journal consists of academicians, researchers, professionals, students, related professional and academic bodies and institutions. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studies in the Literary Imagination", "ISSN": "393819", "Scope": "ScopeStudies in the Literary Imagination is a biannual scholarly journal focusing on special topics in literature and enjoys a worldwide audience with contributing editors and authors considered the leaders in their fields. SLI is unique among scholarly journals in that it relies on an editorial committee to review proposals from potential guest editors, who then invite scholars to contribute articles exploring different aspects of a particular theme. One of the favorable distinctions resulting from this practice is that each issue is topic driven; in this sense, SLI serves more as a monograph series than as a typical journal. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Surgical Chronicles", "ISSN": "11085002", "Scope": "ScopeΤhe journal \"Surgical Chronicles\" is the official journal of the Surgical Society of Northern Greece. It has been published since 1995. It publishes manuscripts in the greek language (with english abstracts) and covers the whole spectrum of surgery. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Taiwanese Journal of Agricultural Chemistry and Food Science", "ISSN": "16052471", "Scope": "ScopeThe academic journal is jointly published by the Taiwan Agricultural Chemistry Association and the Taiwan Food Science and Technology Society. \r\rIt is related to agricultural chemistry, biochemistry, molecular biology, and biology. Research reports or treatises on technology, microbiology, fermentation chemistry, soil and environmental protection, contaminated soil remediation and re-cultivation, food science, and food nutrition, and have never been published or contributed in domestic and foreign journals. \r\rIts academic papers are innovative in content and exquisitely arranged. The scholars engaged in relevant research share the research results and the most valuable reference value with other experts. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Technai", "ISSN": "20368097, 20377967", "Scope": "ScopeOn a material and documentary level as well as in a literary sense, science and technology were extremely relevant and significant spheres of Greco-Roman civilization, and for a long time did not receive the attention they deserved in the tradition of classical studies. However, in the last few decades several teams of scholars have devoted their endeavours to the broad fields of Greek and Latin literary production as well as to material and archaeological documentation, in an effective and methodologically innovative synergy of purposes. We now considered it opportune to launch a journal devoted to the themes and problems of Greek and Latin literature, concerning linguistic and anthropological aspects as well as connections between the material culture and the development of each disciplinein the European tradition. Thus «Technai» aims to serve as an international reference point for studies of Greek and Roman science and technology. In each issue there will be a monographic section, another reserved for essays and various notes, and one consisting of a list of reading and reviews. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Textile View2 Magazine", "ISSN": "18726127", "Scope": "ScopeTextile View2 is a sister publication to the hugely successful Textile View Magazine. It is dedicated to the world of casual, sports and jeanswear for men’s, women’s and kidswear. View2 delivers practical and inspirational information to truly help manufacturers and retailers design, make and sell urban sports products that the market really wants. Its team of contributors all come from the industry itself with experience ranging from the latest fabric developments, through design and development, to marketing and sales. In its form, quality and level of information, View2 mirrors its sister publication with features dedicated to city updates, lifestyle, express, current and future fashion directions. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Tidskriftet Antropologi", "ISSN": "9063021", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal Anthropology was first published in 1977 under the name \"Stofskifte\", but in 1990 changed its name to the current one. The journal is published as thematic issues, twice a year. As one of the Nordic region's leading anthropological journals, Tidsskriftet Antropologie reflects the various trends, directions and interests that exist at any time within anthropological research, not only in Denmark, but also in the rest of Scandinavia. The journal Anthropology is thus not ideologically committed, but seeks, by virtue of its versatile, thematic range, to focus both on important ongoing discussions and to identify new possible topics for further investigation. The journal Anthropology is developing rapidly in these years, both editorially and content-wise. While the majority of the issues that have already been published have been prepared by a single editorial team, it is now different thematic editorial teams that are in charge of the specific processing of the individual issue. This not only enables greater range and dynamism, but also guarantees commitment and empathy, as theme editorials are composed by people with a special interest in the issue's specific topic. The journal Anthropology is 'peer reviewed'. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Tijdschrift voor Theologie", "ISSN": "01689959, 25657348", "Scope": "ScopeHet Tijdschrift voor Theologie publiceert resultaten van onderzoek uit alle onderdelen van de theologie: godsdienstwetenschappen, exegese, kerk- en theologiegeschiedenis, systematische theologie en moraaltheologie/ethiek, praktische theologie, godsdienstpsychologie, -wijsbegeerte en -sociologie. Daarnaast bevat het Tijdschrift voor Theologie een veelgeprezen recensierubriek die zeer breed en internationaal georiënteerd is en per jaar 250 wetenschappelijk-theologische publicaties bespreekt. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "TR News", "ISSN": "7386826", "Scope": "ScopeTR News is TRB's bimonthly magazine, which features timely articles on innovative and state-of-the-art research and practice in all modes of transportation. It also includes brief news items of interest to the transportation community, \"research pays off\" articles, profiles of transportation professionals, workshop and conference announcements, new book notices, news of TRB activities, and the TRB Annual Report. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Transactions of the Ancient Monuments Society", "ISSN": "0951001X", "Scope": "ScopeAs well as campaigning on behalf of historic buildings, we are committed to promoting the study of architectural history and conservation. Our Transactions (TAMS) have been published in hard copy, and distributed to members each year since 1953. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Transactions of the Cambridge Bibliographical Society", "ISSN": "686611", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal publishes papers and notes on contributions of general bibliographical interest, and particularly welcomes contributions which have, in its widest sense, some Cambridge connections - those, for example, which deal with manuscripts or printed books in Cambridge libraries, books printed at Cambridge or written by Cambridge authors. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Trasvases Entre la Literatura y el Cine", "ISSN": "2695639X", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Value Inquiry Book Series", "ISSN": "9298436", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Verhaltenstherapie und Verhaltensmedizin", "ISSN": "10131973", "Scope": "ScopeVerhaltenstherapie & Verhaltensmedizin (V & V) ist eine interdisziplinäre Fachzeitschrift für WissenschaftlerInnen und wissenschaftlich interessierte PraktikerInnen. V & V veröffentlicht Beiträge, die einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur Verbesserung unseres Wissens über die Entstehung, den Verlauf und die Behandlung psychischer Störungen, sowie verhaltenstherapeutisch und verhaltensmedizinisch relevanter Problemstellungen leisten. Bei V & V eingereichte Beiträge werden in einem anonymisierten Peer-Review-Verfahren geprüft. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Verwaltung", "ISSN": "00424498, 18655211", "Scope": "ScopeDie Verwaltung is a quarterly »Journal for Administrative Law and Administrative Science« in German (with English abstracts). It was founded in 1968 by Ernst Forsthoff who edited the journal until 1974. The journal publishes long and in-depth articles on the whole range of its subject matters. One issue per year is devoted to a particular topic. In regular periods, the jurisprudence of a particular field of administrative law (e.g. police and security law or administrative procedural law) is reported by a selected team of authors. The main publications in the field of administrative law and administrative science are reviewed. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Virginia Quarterly Review", "ISSN": "0042675X", "Scope": "ScopeFor three quarters of a century, VQR’s primary mission has been to sustain and strengthen Jefferson’s bulwark, long describing itself as “A National Journal of Literature and Discussion.” And for good reason. From its inception in prohibition, through depression and war, in prosperity and peace, the Virginia Quarterly Review has been a haven—and home—for the best essayists, fiction writers, and poets, seeking contributors from every section of the United States and abroad. It has not limited itself to any special field. No topic has been alien: literary, public affairs, the arts, history, the economy. If it could be approached through essay or discussion, poetry or prose, VQR has covered it.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Visual Culture in Britain", "ISSN": "14714787, 19418361", "Scope": "ScopeAppearing three times a year, Visual Culture in Britain publishes original work that incorporates a wide range of media and related theoretical approaches that expand the realms of visual culture beyond the ocular to incorporate the emerging theories associated with the new materialisms in Britain. Contributions are welcomed from academics and professionals working in Art, Architecture, Design, Film, Performance/Live Arts, Craft/Makers, Intermedia, Mass/Hyper/Digital Media and Games.\r\rThe journal seeks material engaged with the areas of Aesthetics, Art History, Museology, Architectural Theory & History, Design Theory & History, Social Anthropology, Archaeology, Film Studies, TV Studies, Media Studies, Cultural Geography and British Cultural Studies (as a method and subject). The time period covered is extended backwards and forwards and reaches from 2,000 years ago when the island of Great Britain was created, and forwards to include futurist speculation on the fates of ‘Britain’ and its visual and material cultures. Submissions which consider theoretical and interpretive issues as well as those concerned with empirical research that seek to radically redefine post-human politics, agency, corporeality, criticality, representation, and time are also encouraged. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Vulcan", "ISSN": "2213459X, 22134603", "Scope": "ScopeVulcan is an international peer-reviewed journal which explores the history of military invention, innovation, and use. While technologies are both agents and objects in military activity, their histories are also intertwined with social and cultural factors. Vulcan goes beyond simple use narratives and asks how social, cultural, political, technical, and environmental factors affect and are affected by military technological change. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "West 86th", "ISSN": "21535531, 21535558", "Scope": "ScopeFocusing on the decorative arts, design history, and material culture, West 86th provides a forum for new research into all aspects of the content, meaning, and significance of material objects in history. West 86th publishes scholarly articles; review articles; primary source translations; critical book, catalogue, and exhibition reviews; research inquiries; letters to the editor; and supplementary digital material integral to articles.\r\r\rPublished by the University of Chicago Press on behalf of the Bard Graduate Center (BGC) in New York City. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Western Humanities Review", "ISSN": "433845", "Scope": "ScopeWestern Humanities Review is a triannual journal of contemporary literature & culture housed in the University of Utah English Department. The journal publishes poetry, fiction, nonfiction, art, creative and scholarly essays, and work that resists categorization.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "WHO Drug Information", "ISSN": "10109609", "Scope": "ScopeWHO Drug Information is a quarterly journal providing an overview of topics relating to medicines development and regulation which is targeted to a wide audience of health professionals and policy makers.\r\rLaunched in 1987, WHO Drug Information communicates the latest international news and trends to regulatory agencies, academic and training institutions, researchers, consumer bodies, and pharmaceutical manufacturers and focuses on topics impacting the safety, efficacy and quality of medicines, medical products, herbals and biomedicines. It presents a range of perspectives on how current challenges impact the manufacture, prescribing and access of medicines throughout the world and introduces newly-released guidance documents. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Working Paper - Chr. Michelson Institute", "ISSN": "8043639", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "World Dredging, Mining and Construction", "ISSN": "10450343", "Scope": "ScopeWorld DREDGING began publishing in 1965 covering news related to dredging & marine construction around the world. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "World Literature Today", "ISSN": "01963570, 19458134", "Scope": "ScopeWorld Literature Today is the University of Oklahoma's award-winning magazine of international literature and culture, founded in 1927. The editors welcome submissions on contemporary literary and cultural topics addressing any geographic region or language area. By “contemporary,” we mean that our main focus is on the 21st-century literary scene. The bulk of our coverage consists of essays, book reviews, fiction, poetry, and interviews.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "World Scientific Studies in International Economics", "ISSN": "17933641", "Scope": "ScopeWorld Scientific Studies in International Economics includes works dealing with the theory, empirical analysis, and evaluation of international economic policies and institutions, with topics covering international macroeconomics and finance, international trade theory and policy, as well as international legal and political economy. Monographs and edited volumes will comprise the core of the publications. To submit a book proposal, please contact the Series Editor at Keith.Maskus@colorado.edu.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Yingxiang Kexue yu Guanghuaxue/Imaging Science and Photochemistry", "ISSN": "16740475", "Scope": "Scope“Imaging Science and Photochemistry” is a bimonthly journal sponsored by the Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Science and Chinese Society for Imaging Science and Technology, and edited by a distinguished editorial board headed by Professor Tung Chen-ho. The Journal was first published in 1983 under the title of Photographic Science and Photochemistry and has the current name since 2008.“Imaging Science and Photochemistry” publishes the results of studies on all aspects of photochemistry and imaging science/technology. The includes photo/electro-chemistry and opto-electronic technology, as well as photo-electrochemical conversion and storage materials, electro-optical materials, nonlinear optical materials, nano-materials, electro-luminescence materials and devices. In addition, the journal publishes studies of informational sciences and materials, which include remote sensing, information storage, recording materials, image information processing and displaying materials. Papers in related areas such as photobiology, photomedicine and environmental photochemistry are also welcome. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Zeitschrift fur Balkanologie", "ISSN": "442356", "Scope": "ScopeFounded in 1962 by Günter Reichenkron, Franz Dölger and Alois Schmaus, the Journal of Balkanology by international standards counts as one of the leading publications specializing in Balkanology. It continues to profile the teaching and research program developed by the former Institute of Balkanology at the Free University Berlin and continued by the Friedrich Schiller University Jena, with the objective of studying the Balkan peninsula’s cultures in their linguistic and non-linguistic manifestations, across ethnic and linguistic families, on a comparative, interdisciplinary-integrative basis.\rThe Journal of Balkanology is therefore also a forum for scholarly discourse on the core questions that occupy Balkanology or Southeast European studies. Its goal ultimately, however, is to convey to the scholarly community and to an interested readership the widest possible range of findings from interdisciplinary and comparative research on a broadly conceived Southeastern Europe stretching from Turkey across the Balkans to Hungary. It covers the gamut of subject areas of linguistics, cultural studies, literature, ethnology, regional studies and folklore. Contributions by European and non-European Balkanologists and specialists on Southeastern Europe will be published here in German, English, French, Russian and Italian. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Zeitschrift fur Gefassmedizin", "ISSN": "18129501", "Scope": "ScopeDie Zeitschrift für Gefäßmedizin veröffentlicht Originalarbeiten, Übersichten, Fallberichte, Kurzberichte sowie Kommentare aus allen Bereichen, die Erkrankungen der Gefäße betreffen. Experimentelle Untersuchungen sollten einen direkten klinischen Bezug aufweisen. Die Manuskripte werden zur Begutachtung auf eine mögliche Publikation unter dem Einverständnis angenommen, dass diese außer in Form eines Abstracts bislang noch nicht publiziert oder zur Veröffentlichung bei einer anderen Zeitschrift eingereicht wurden und dass die Publikation von allen Autoren genehmigt wurde. Neben der Publikation im Journal werden alle Beiträge in der Artikeldatenbank auf der Homepage des Verlages veröffentlicht. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Zeitschrift fur Volkskunde", "ISSN": "443700", "Scope": "ScopeDie im Auftrag der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Volkskunde e.V. (dgv) herausgegebene halbjährlich erscheinende Zeitschrift für Volkskunde repräsentiert das aktuelle Forschen in der Europäischen Ethnologie / Empirischen Kulturwissenschaft / Kulturanthropologie in seiner Bandbreite. Zu den üblicherweise vier Aufsätzen (auch Publikationen von Antrittsvorlesungen), den Veröffentlichungen im Berichtsteil sowie zu den Rezensionen lädt die Redaktion Autor/-innen ein.\rDie Beiträge behandeln Phänomene von Alltagskulturen europäischer Gesellschaften. Der Schwerpunkt der historischen Ausrichtung liegt auf der Gegenwart und dem 19. Jahrhundert. Die Artikel basieren auf der Analyse von Feldforschungsmaterialien, auf qualitativen Interviewanalysen, Medien- und Diskursanalysen, Archivalienforschung oder auf der Analyse von Dingen. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "ZEMCH International Conference", "ISSN": "26522926", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "A Contrario", "ISSN": "16607880, 16628667", "Scope": "ScopeFondée en 2003, la revue a contrario voudrait aujourd’hui réaffirmer le sens de la locution latine qui lui donna son titre. Celle-ci signifie : par l’hypothèse du contraire. En cette formule, on entendra résonner une question qui vient inquiéter les ordres établis du discours, des savoirs et de la société : « et s’il en allait autrement ? »\r\rLa revue a contrario voudrait être un espace pour des textes qui accueillent cette question et la renvoient à d’autres, quelle qu’en soit la manière ou les formes ; pour des textes qui ne demeurent pas insensibles à la tonalité critique et utopique qui vibre dans « l’hypothèse du contraire ».\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Acta Botanica Venezuelica", "ISSN": "00845906, 24434264", "Scope": "ScopeActa Botanica Venezuelica es una revista con periodicidad semestral publicada por el Instituto Experimental Jardín Botánico \"Dr. Tobías Lasser\" (antigua Fundación Instituto Botánico de Venezuela). Tiene como objetivo principal la difusión de resultados de investigaciones realizadas en el país o que involucren la flora y la vegetación de Venezuela. Fue creada en 1965, el editor Fundador es el Dr. Tobías Lasser y desde la publicación del primer número tiene distribución nacional e internacional. A partir del volumen 16 se publica un índice acumulado cada cinco volúmenes impresos. Incluida en los índices internacionales Biological Abstracts, CAB Abstracts y Ecology Abstracts desde la década de los noventa.\r\rAreas de interés de la revista: Botánica, morfología, taxonomía, anatomía, ecología. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Acta Comeniana", "ISSN": "2315955", "Scope": "ScopeAn international peer-reviewed scholarly journal for research into the work of Jan Amos Comenius and the intellectual history of early modern era. It follows in the tradition of the journal Archiv pro bádání o životě a díle J. A. Komenského (Archive for Research into the Life and Work of J. A. Comenius), which was founded in 1910. Acta Comeniana publishes original articles as well as archival source material and reviews relating to a broad range of themes, including the history of philosophy, of ideas, of science, of literature, and of religion covering the period from the 16th to the 18th century. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Acta Medica Saliniana", "ISSN": "0350364X, 18403956", "Scope": "ScopeActa Medica Saliniana is an internationally peer reviewed general medical journal open to physicians and scientists from the field of biomedicine and related research.\r\rActa Medica Saliniana has been published continuously since 1972, bringing original scientific papers, professional papers, case reports, review articles, letters to the editor, etc. We welcome all contributions that enhance or illuminate medical sciences.\r\rBeginning with year 2009, the journal publishes papers exclusively in English language. The international Editorial Council of the journal consists of renowned Bosnian and international experts. We do not have publication fee of any kind.\r\rThe journal appears two times per year, with one or more supplements per year. Additionally the journal publishes the Book of abstracts of some national congresses and symposia.\r\rThe journal is published by University clinical center Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Acta Scientiarum Language and Culture", "ISSN": "19834675, 19834683", "Scope": "ScopeActa Scientiarum. Language and Culture, ISSN 1983-4675 (print) and ISSN 1983-4683 (on-line), is published by the Maringá State University, in modality the continuous publication. The scientific journal publishes general and specific articles in Languages and Linguistics.\r\r\rAims: This journal aims to establish the public inscription of knowledge and its preservation; To publish results of research comprising ideas and new scientific suggestions; To publicize worldwide information and knowledge produced by the scientific community; To speech the process of scientific communication in Languages and Linguistics.\r\rFocus: The thematic is broad in these areas, accepting articles under the most diverse theoretical, methodological and analytical perspectives. In the area of knowledge of Linguistic Studies, the editions bring together contributions that include different focuses, among them language teaching and learning, language and translation, new technologies and language teaching, culture and significant materialities, text and discourse studies and the linguistic description. Regarding the area of Literary Studies, the journal pays special attention to studies involving the literary field and the formation of readers, as well as the mediations between literature and history and also between literature and identity construction. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Adolescencia e Saude", "ISSN": "16799941, 21775281", "Scope": "ScopePublished on a quarterly basis, the Adolescência & Saúde journal is an official publication of the Adolescent Health Studies Center (NESA), Rio de Janeiro State University (UERJ). It accepts unpublished works for publication, such as original papers, reviews, update articles, case studies, abstracts of theses and brief communications. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Advances in Accounting Education: Teaching and Curriculum Innovations", "ISSN": "10854622", "Scope": "ScopeAdvances in Accounting Education: Teaching and Curriculum Innovations publishes articles that explain how teaching methods or curricula/programs in accounting can be improved.\r\rThe series includes both non-empirical and empirical articles. Non-empirical papers are academically rigorous, and specifically discuss the institutional context of a course or program, as well as any relevant trade-offs or policy issues. Empirical reports exhibit sound research design and execution, and develop a thorough motivation and literature review, including references from outside the accounting field, where appropriate. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Advances in Nonlinear Variational Inequalities", "ISSN": "1092910X", "Scope": "ScopeCessation. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Advances in Small Animal Medicine and Surgery", "ISSN": "10417826", "Scope": "ScopeEach month, Advances in Small Animal Medicine and Surgery features a guest editorial from a leading veterinary expert sharing up-to-date information, supported by scientific data and documentation, on a specific topic. In addition, veterinary experts in various fields select pertinent publications and presentations to be abstracted. These abstracts are followed by commentaries from the specialist?s knowledge thereby bridging published data to clinical practice in a practical, dynamic and concise format. Veterinarians and veterinary technicians are provided with practical information (provided digitally or in print) with the goal of translating current information from the literature to practice situations. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Agri Centuriati", "ISSN": "1724904X, 18251277", "Scope": "ScopeThis annual Journal is dedicated to exploring the phenomenon of centuriazione in the ancient times. Incorporating and embodying many military, political, economic and social values, at the same time the land itself became a very singular work of art. The main areas of interest covered by the Journal are historico-territorial studies and the general and specific characteristics of centuriations (as well as their relationship to the morphology of the land) and their divisions. It also welcome articles on land registry, administrative and juridical problems, methods for revealing and recovering ancient agrarian patterns, agrarian order and soil quality in relation to the types of cultivation practiced and livestock breeding. In addition to contributions comprising the main body of each volume (to be published in several European lenguages), the Editorial Staff also plan to include a section devoted to any book reviews and recommended reading submitted by the Journal's Readers. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Akropolis", "ISSN": "2536572X, 25365738", "Scope": "ScopeAkropolis: Journal of Hellenic Studies is an international peer-reviewed, open access scholarly journal, devoted to the study of Hellenic culture and civilization from antiquity to the present, featuring high-quality research articles and book reviews in all areas of Hellenic studies: philosophy, religion, archaeology, history, law, politics, literature, philology, art.\r\rHigh quality contributions – regardless of tradition, school of thought or disciplinary background – are welcome. The editorial board equally values disciplinary and interdisciplinary studies. The highest editorial standard is ensured by the international character and disciplinary expertise of the editorial board. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Akzente", "ISSN": "23957", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "American Pharmaceutical Review", "ISSN": "10998012", "Scope": "ScopeAmerican Pharmaceutical Review is the leading review journal for business and technology in the pharmaceutical industry throughout North America. Each issue offers American Pharmaceutical Review's 30,000 readers unbiased editorial coverage of the latest developments in: drug delivery, information technology, research & development, analytical development and control, equipment and facility manufacturing and regulatory affairs. With its in-depth coverage, American Pharmaceutical Review is able to keep its readership of senior executives, technical personnel, scientists, and others fully abreast of the latest trends and developments in the process of pharmaceutical manufacturing. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Analecta Hibernica", "ISSN": "7916167", "Scope": "ScopeAnalecta Hibernica, first published in 1930, is devoted to the publication of shorter manuscripts, lists and reports. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Analele Universitatii din Bucuresti, Seria Stiinte Politice", "ISSN": "15822486, 28218078", "Scope": "ScopeAnalele Universităţii din Bucureşti. Seria Ştiinţe Politice [Annals of the University of Bucharest. Political Science Series] is the academic peer-review journal of the Faculty of Political Science. \r\rEstablished in 1999 as yearly publication, since 2011 it has two issues per year and covers all major fields within political science(s), promoting an interdisciplinary perspective on the discipline. The journal welcomes original articles in English, French, Italian, Spanish, German or Romanian in all fields of political science and related research areas, including political theory, political sociology, international relations, political history, law and political economy.\r\rThe journal aims to stimulate original and innovative research through the development of new spaces for high-quality academic encounters at both national and international level.\r\rThe journal welcomes contributions from both well-established scholars and young researchers, including shorter pieces such as reviews and review essays. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Analisi Linguistica e Letteraria", "ISSN": "11221917, 18277985", "Scope": "ScopeL’Analisi Linguistica e Letteraria is an international journal of literature and linguistics. Its outlook is both synchronic and diachronic. Its interests are both applied and theoretical. Its aim is to further the understanding of the processes that lead to the construction and interpretation of meaning in texts. The journal has a specific interdisciplinary nature as it covers research conducted both in the domain of literature and linguistics, seeking to bring together insights from both domains whenever this is possible.\rThe journal is structured in three sections: the first section contains regular articles; the second is devoted to review articles; the third includes short reviews of published works in linguistics. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Anglica", "ISSN": "8605734", "Scope": "ScopeANGLICA: An International Journal of English Studies aims to offer an interdisciplinary discussion on Anglophone literature, culture, and linguistics. The journal brings together contributions by specialists from across the world so as to both underscore and foster a discussion on the most significant (emerging) areas of thematic focus within the field of humanities as well as its (changing) methodologies and ideologies.\r\rFor the volumes on literature/culture the editors invite contributions within the areas of English, Irish, Welsh, Scottish, American, Canadian, Australian, as well as post-colonial, literature, theatre, film, the arts, the media, history, cultural studies, and social studies. We welcome submissions offering innovative perspectives including - but not limited to - genre studies, gender studies, memory and trauma studies, ecocriticism, and geocriticism. We also accept comparative studies of Anglophone and non-Anglophone national cultural texts.\r\rFor the volumes on linguistics, the editors invite contributions in various aspects of the synchrony and diachrony of English or/and its varieties, sociolinguistics, language contact, translation studies as well as articles comparing and contrasting English with other languages.\r\rWe also accept reviews of recently published academic studies (monographs and edited volumes) within the field of Anglophone studies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Annales d'Universite 'Valahia' Targoviste, Section d'Archeologie et d'Histoire", "ISSN": "15841855", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal Annales d’Université Valahia Târgoviste. Section d’Archéologie et d’Histoire has appeared since 1999, representing an opportunity to valorize the research work of the academic staff from the History-Archeology Department, and also a chance to valorize the research work of the young teaching staff who carry out their activity at the Research Centers accredited by CNCSIS – „Preistorie, arheologie interdisciplinara si conservarea patrimoniului cultural mobil” (Prehistory, Interdisciplinary Archeology and Conservation of the Movable Cultural Patrimony). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Annales Francaises d'Oto-Rhino-Laryngologie et de Pathologie Cervico-Faciale", "ISSN": "18797261, 1879727X", "Scope": "ScopeLes Annales d'oto-laryngologie et de chirurgie cervico-faciale et Oto-Rhino-Laryngologie Française ont fusionné pour ne former désormais qu’un seul journal.\rLes Annales Françaises d'oto-rhino-aryngologie et de pathologie cervico-faciale et sa version anglaise European Annals of oto-rhino-laryngology, head and neck diseases sont désormais organes officiels de la Société Française d'ORL et de chirurgie de la face et du cou.\r\rTous les travaux scientifiques en ORL accessibles en anglais et en français.\rEuropean Annals of oto-rhino-laryngology et sa version française Annales Française d’ORL publient respectivement en anglais et en français leur contenu scientifique.\r\rLes articles font l’objet d’une double publication : en anglais en format purement électronique (European Annals), en français en édition papier et électronique (Annales Françaises).\rSeule la version anglaise European Annals est indexée dans les banques de données internationales : Medline...\rDes revues scientifiques de qualité et d'actualité.\rLes revues assurent la publication de travaux scientifiques dans les divers domaines de votre spécialité : otologie, laryngologie, rhinologie et chirurgie cervico-faciale.\rDes revues pluridisciplinaires et fédératrices.\rLes divers aspects recherche, sciences fondamentales, exploration fonctionnelle, imagerie médicale, thérapeutique sont abordés.\rVéritables supports de formation médicale continue.\rLes Annales Françaises d'ORL et European Annals constituent un excellent support de FMC qui grâce à des rubriques très variées, vous permettent d’améliorer vos connaissances. Les Mises au point proposent l'étude approfondie de sujets importants. La rubrique \"Image, questions réponses\" se propose, à partir d’un document radiologique, histologique ou autre, accompagnée d’un bref exposé clinique, d’envisager les problèmes qu’il pose et les solutions qu’on doit y apporter. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Anuario Espanol de Derecho Internacional Privado", "ISSN": "15783138", "Scope": "ScopeSupported by the community of Spanish professors of Private International Law and for juristic operators coming from the magistracy, advocacy and bodies of the Administration of the State, the present volume begins an indispensable periodic publication in the Spanish juristic panorama. The purpose of this Yearbook is not another that to offer to the Spanish juridical community with annual character the whole international panorama that affects to the extraneous private traffic: commercial arbitration, Right of the trade, Right of the work and of the Social security, criminal law, national Procedural law, inmigration, family and successions, external investments and control of changes, nationality and person and civil status. For it the new publication is structured in different titles with a marked concern to stand out the most pressing practical issues, the legislative amendments and incorporation of more current international articles of agreement and the exhaustive and critical study of the doctrine of our tribunals of justice. And it, next to the punctual information of the work codifier that realizes in the different international forums. Along 1.200 pages, it includes, besides the fixed titles, a systematized group of contributions on the amendment of the Spanish system of international juridical cooperation in civil matter, of undeniable present time after the appearance of the new Civil Law of procedure, and a systematized relationship and commented of some 200 decisions of our tribunals and of the whole bibliography appeared in the last times. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Archiv fur Liturgiewissenschaft", "ISSN": "666386", "Scope": "ScopeThe liturgy, a central activity of the Church, has always had complex relationships with the life of people and society, and this is still the case in the present. Even if liturgical science is initially a subject of theology, it cannot and does not want to be limited to internal theological questions. The “Archive for Liturgy Studies” (ALw) therefore endeavors to include the specialist discussion in a broad, interdisciplinary manner. It stands in the tradition of the “Yearbook for Liturgical Science”, which was published by Odo Casel from 1921 to 1941 by Maria Laach Abbey, and which shaped liturgical science in a special way. In terms of its origins, the ALw is primarily committed to the tradition of the Western Church, but can only do justice to its topic in an ecumenical sense. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Archive of Oncology", "ISSN": "03547310, 14509520", "Scope": "ScopeArchive of Oncology publishes interesting and informative reviews on any topic connected with oncology, and considers any original research contribution that advocates change in, or illuminates, oncological clinical practice in a range of article types: Comment, Correspondence, News, Cancer and Society, Editorial, Article, Review, Policy Review, Personal View, Clinical Report, Clinical Picture and Case Report.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ars Longa", "ISSN": "11307099", "Scope": "ScopeNuestra revista publica trabajos inéditos de investigación sobre las diferentes especialidades relativas a la Historia del Arte, de la Arquitectura, y de otras aproximaciones interdisciplinares y auxiliares que enriquecen sus estudios. De hecho, entre sus objetivos se encuentra la difusión de las distintas líneas de investigación de los miembros del departamento universitario que la edita, de los investigadores formados en él y de la comunidad científica en general.\r\r\rTras el umbral del rigor, la calidad y la innovación Ars Longa pretende servir de encuentro y difusión a los investigadores, profesionales e interesados en la Historia del Arte, presentando una gran riqueza de inquietudes, contenidos y orientaciones metodológicas, con una cobertura temporal y temática amplia. Por esta razón, se les invita a colaborar en próximos números siguiendo unas normas que encontrarán a continuación y al final de la revista impresa. \rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Art History", "ISSN": "01416790, 14678365", "Scope": "ScopeArt History is an international, refereed journal that promotes world-class art-historical scholarship from across the globe. It publishes essays and critical reviews that foreground methodological self-reflexivity and highlights specific areas of concern and interest to the field through its special issue programme. It represents the diversity of the discipline at large and welcomes submissions from both established and emerging scholars. Art History stands at the forefront of disciplinary challenges and is a model of excellence for original and innovative research.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Asten Journal of Teacher Education", "ISSN": "24677825, 25078100", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Ausa", "ISSN": "02105853, 20141246", "Scope": "ScopeAusa és una publicació del Patronat d'Estudis Osonencs. Publicada des de 1952, és de periodicitat semestral i recull estudis de qualsevol disciplina humanística o científica relacionats amb la comarca d'Osona. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Biblios", "ISSN": "15624730", "Scope": "ScopeThe aim of Biblios is disseminate empirical or theoretical research works concerning or related to any of areas of the Information Sciences. This approach covers alls of these areas without discrimination of any kind.\r\rBiblios is open to submissions of research texts from any person or organization if they meet the criteria described. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Boletin del Museo del Prado", "ISSN": "2108143", "Scope": "ScopeThe Boletín del Museo del Prado is an annual publication aimed at the academic community and the general public. Since 1980 the Boletín has published original articles by the Museum’s directors, curators and restorers, as well as by external contributors from Spain and elsewhere. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Brill Reference Library of Judaism", "ISSN": "15715000", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Brill's Companions to the Christian Tradition", "ISSN": "18716377", "Scope": "ScopeVolumes deal with persons, movements, schools and genres in medieval and early modern Christian life, thought and practice. Written by the foremost specialists in the respective fields, they aim to provide full balanced accounts at an advanced level, as well as synthesis of debate and the state of scholarship in eight to fifteen substantial chapters. Volumes are in English (contributions from continental scholars are translated). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Bulgarian Historical Review", "ISSN": "2048906", "Scope": "ScopeBulgarian Historical Review / Revue Bulgare d’Histoire is a publication of the Institute for Historical Research at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.\r\rOver the years, Bulgarian Historical Review, designed from the outset not as a narrow-institute journal, but as a publication of the whole professional historical college, has been reflecting the scientific achievements of Bulgarian historians in the field of national, Balkan and world history. It contains original and summarizing articles in the sphere of political, economic and cultural history of the Bulgarian lands during the different ages in the development of humankind - Ancient history, Middle Ages, Modern history and Contemporary history. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Bulletin of Spanish Visual Studies", "ISSN": "24741604, 24741612", "Scope": "ScopeBulletin of Spanish Visual Studies is a learned review dedicated to research on the visual histories, cultures and civilizations of Spain, Portugal and Latin America. Scheduled to appear twice-yearly from April 2017, it is a sibling journal of Bulletin of Spanish Studies , also known as the Bulletin of Hispanic Studies (1949–2001), which was founded at Liverpool in 1923 by the influential British Hispanist E. Allison Peers, and is now recognised internationally as a front-ranked journal in Hispanic research and scholarship.\r\rBulletin of Spanish Visual Studies publishes articles, review-articles and reviews on almost any and all authors, artists, works, topics, genres and periods concerned with the visual cultures of both the Old and the New Worlds of Hispanic cultures and civilizations. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Bulletin of the Anglo-Israel Archaeological Society", "ISSN": "02662442, 26334208", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Bulletin of the Detroit Institute of Arts", "ISSN": "00119636, 23275995", "Scope": "ScopeThe Bulletin of the Detroit Institute of Arts, in print since 1919, is devoted to new research on works in the museum’s permanent collection. Articles by DIA curators and outside specialists cover all aspects of the collection: African, Oceanic, and Indigenous American art; African American art; American art; Asian art; European art; art of the Islamic world; and modern and contemporary art; as well as prints, drawings, and photographs. Issues may contain a variety of individual articles on select works of different periods, styles, and artists, or be dedicated to a single theme or area of the collection, such as ancient art, portraits, or photography. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Byzantinoslavica", "ISSN": "77712", "Scope": "ScopeThe annual journal Byzantinoslavica publishes studies, critical editions, field reports, conference reports and book reviews related to the history and culture of the Byzantine civilization and Byzantine-Slavonic relations. The editorial board also accepts articles dealing with aspects of art history and relevant disciplines in later periods (from the 16th century onwards), which focus on Byzantine cultural influences and parallels with the Byzantine environment. All articles and critical editions must pass the editorial and double blind peer review process. The publication languages ​​of Byzantinoslavica include English, French, German and Russian. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cahiers de Psychologie Clinique", "ISSN": "1370074X, 17821401", "Scope": "ScopeThe Cahiers de Psychologie Clinique is an interdisciplinary biannual journal open to the expression of various approaches in clinical psychology and psychotherapy. She publishes clinical articles, research articles, description and evaluation of psychotherapeutic approaches, presentation and analysis of mental health training, reading notes. It also opens its columns to the expression of reflections on the social, ethical or political problems related to the exercise of clinical psychology. The Cahiers de Psychologie Clinique are published with the support of the Walloon Region and the French Community Commission. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Canterbury Law Review", "ISSN": "1120581", "Scope": "ScopeThe CantaLR is published by the Canterbury Law Review Trust, a charitable trust committed to the promotion of legal research and scholarship and the advancement of legal education in New Zealand.\r\rOver the years, there have been many exciting contributions from renowned academics, judges and politicians published.\r\rThe number of international contributors has increased significantly within the last five years.\r\rThe review has recently produced a number of themed editions focussing on current issues in New Zealand and the Pacific. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Carreteras", "ISSN": "2126389", "Scope": "ScopeHighways magazine has become one of the oldest in Spain industry publications. It has technical and content extends the of motorways, other interurban roads, urban roads and airport runways. The treatment of these topics covers infrastructure aspects (planning, financing, design, construction, maintenance, operation, products and materials ...), road safety (equipment, traffic management, intelligent transportation systems ...), medium environment and transport, focusing attention on both the experience, research and national innovations as to those arising outside our borders. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Chinese Journal of Anesthesiology", "ISSN": "2541416", "Scope": "Scope\"Chinese Journal of Anesthesiology\" was founded in 1981. It is an academic journal of anesthesiology sponsored by the Chinese Medical Association and a journal of the Anesthesiology Branch of the Chinese Medical Association. and clinical experience, as well as basic medical research that has a guiding role in the clinical anesthesiology and is closely integrated with the clinical anesthesiology.\r\rThe purpose of this journal is to implement the health work policies of the party and the country, implement the policy of combining theory and practice, popularization and improvement, reflect the major progress of clinical and scientific research in anesthesiology in my country, and promote academic exchanges in anesthesiology at home and abroad.\r\rThe main columns of this journal: review, editor's essay, expert forum, review, guidelines and consensus, continuing medical education, general anesthesia, local anesthesia, perioperative complications, comfortable medical care, pediatric anesthesia, cardiothoracic anesthesia, obstetric anesthesia, Anesthesia for the elderly, ENT anesthesia, neurosurgery anesthesia, organ transplantation anesthesia, pain diagnosis and treatment and research, monitoring, volume therapy and blood conservation, airway management, traditional medicine and anesthesia, artificial intelligence and anesthesia, discipline construction, anesthesia nursing, anesthesia Pharmacology, Critical Care Medicine, Organ Protection, Anesthesia Therapeutics, Case Reports, Others. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Chinese Journal of Gastroenterology", "ISSN": "10087125", "Scope": "Scope本刊由上海第二医科大学主办,上海第二医科大学附属仁济医院、上海市消化疾病研究所编辑出版。本刊作为消化专业综合性学术刊物,将及时传递国内外最新学术信息,登载优秀的研究论著、文献综述和述评,对不同学术观点兼收并蓄,突出科学性和严肃性,为消化学病领域内研究成果和信息的交流与沟通提供园地。此外,本刊还开设专家论坛、特约/国外来稿、短篇论著、临床交流、诊疗技术、讲座、会议纪要、共识意见、学术争鸣、病例分析与个案报道等栏目。\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Chinese Journal of Interventional Imaging and Therapy", "ISSN": "16728475", "Scope": "ScopeThe Chinese Journal of Interventional Imaging and Therapy (CJIIT) was established in September 2004. It is a national level academic journal supervised by Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and sponsored by the Institute of Acoustics of the Chinese Academy of Science (IACAS). In the field of interventional imaging and therapy, interventional ultrasound, interventional materials and methods, pharmacology and nursing, CJIIT provides comprehensive coverage of new findings and developments in both clinical research and theory research. The journal aims at academic high level and creativity as well as technical advancement and practicality. Timeliness, authenticity and readability are the standards for news reports in this journal. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Chinese Journal of Medical Imaging Technology", "ISSN": "10033289", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Circular Farmaceutica", "ISSN": "97314", "Scope": "ScopeLa Circular Farmacéutica es la publicación científica del Col·legi de Farmacèutics de Barcelona. Recoge artículos elaborados por profesionales sanitarios de reconocido prestigio para dar a conocer las novedades terapéuticas, así como contenidos relacionados con diferentes aspectos de nuestro ejercicio profesional como la atención farmacéutica o la salud pública (disponible en catalán). También se incluyen los resultados de los trabajos becados por el COFB.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "CLA Journal", "ISSN": "78549", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Classical World", "ISSN": "00098418, 15589234", "Scope": "ScopeClassical World is a journal for teaching scholars and scholarly teachers. It publishes substantive scholarship on Greek and Roman literature, history, and society as well as classical reception and the history of classical scholarship. The journal also actively engages the pedagogical community in schools, colleges, and universities by incorporating pieces on the teaching of Greek, Latin, and classical civilizations. Diverse in nature, Classical World publishes special issues, book reviews, and special essays on important topics in classical studies. Classical World represents more than 100 years of peer-reviewed scholarship in Antiquity studies and is the official journal of the Classical Association of the Atlantic States (CAAS). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Communication and Medicine", "ISSN": "16121783, 16133625", "Scope": "ScopeCessation. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Competition Law Journal", "ISSN": "14769085, 25165771", "Scope": "ScopeThe Competition Law Journal provides competition practitioners with a reliable source of analysis on the law and practice in the UK and EU. Its primary focus is on all aspects of UK competition law, from legal, economic and policy perspectives. It also addresses important developments in EU and international competition law. Combining authoritative editorial comment and articles, the Journal is edited and articles are written by leading practitioners in the field and includes analysis of essential case law, CMA and European Commission decisions and relevant economic analysis presented in an accessible, practitioner-focused manner.\rPublished quarterly, to keep you fully up-to-date with the latest developments, Competition Law Journal is a key reference in every competition and corporate law library.\rCompetition Law Journal provides:\r•\tconcise, practitioner-focused articles on UK, European and international competition law and practice\r•\tcutting edge commentary on cases, news and developments\r•\taccessible economic analysis of recent cases and other competition developmentsJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Computer Aided Chemical Engineering", "ISSN": "15707946", "Scope": "ScopeComputer Aided Chemical Engineering is a book series which publishes theme volumes and conference proceedings in the application of computing and systems technology to chemical engineering problems. Several major areas are represented in the series, including modeling, numerical analysis and simulation; mathematical programming(optimization); cyberinfrastructure, informatics and intelligent systems; process and product synthesis/design; process dynamics, control and monitoring; abnormal events management and process safety; plant operations, integration, planning/scheduling and supply chain; enterprise-wide management andtechnology-driven policy making and domain applications (molecular, biological, pharmaceutical, food, energy, and environmental systems engineering). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Convegno Nazionale di Bioingegneria", "ISSN": "27242129", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Cuadernos de Arte de la Universidad de Granada", "ISSN": "0210962X, 24454567", "Scope": "Scope1. Cuadernos de Arte de la Universidad de Granada es una revista científica de periodicidad anual.\r\r2. La revista admite contribuciones sobre Historia del Arte, patrimonio, urbanismo, crítica, teoría del arte y estética, en cualquier ámbito y época.\r\r3. Cuadernos de Arte de la Universidad de Granada acepta contribuciones dentro de esta estructura:\r\rArtículos de investigación. Sección abierta para colaboradores pertenecientes a diferentes instituciones o a título personal.\rTrabajos de investigación. Sección que tiene como objetivo divulgar las investigaciones más recientes producidas, o en curso, en el seno del Departamento de Historia del Arte de la Universidad de Granada. Estará integrada por estudios vinculados a Becas de investigación, Tesis Doctorales y Trabajos Fin de Máster defendidos en el Departamento de Historia del Arte de la Universidad de Granada.\rReseñas bibliográficas. Sección abierta para colaboradores y divulgación de ediciones pertenecientes a diferentes instituciones o a título personal.\r4. Los estudios deberán ser originales, inéditos y no presentados a fines de publicación en otros medios. Se aceptan textos en español e inglés.\r\r5. Los estudios pueden ser firmados hasta por tres autores.\r\r6. Cuadernos de Arte de la Universidad de Granada se publica únicamente en formato electrónico. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Deutsche Lebensmittel-Rundschau", "ISSN": "120413", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Diabetologie Metabolismus Endokrinologie Vyziva", "ISSN": "12119326, 12126853", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Dialogos", "ISSN": "14159945, 21772940", "Scope": "ScopeA revista Diálogos tem por finalidade publicar e divulgar, preferencialmente, trabalhos inéditos na área de história, evitando sua apresentação simultânea em outro periódico.\r\rPoderão ser aceitos para publicação: artigos e resenhas\r\rO livro resenhado deverá ter sido publicado (ou reeditado) no máximo há dois anos, sendo a edição nacional, e no máximo há três anos, sendo a edição estrangeira.\r\rA revista Diálogos só publica textos de autores com titulação mínima de Doutor. Doutorandos poderão ter seus trabalhos avaliados, desde que apresentados em co-autoria com o orientador. Doutorandos e mestres poderão apresentar resenhas para avaliação, mesmo sem co-autoria com seus orientadores.\r\rTodo autor que tiver publicado pela revista Diálogos se compromete a ser avaliador de artigos nas edições futuras.\r\rA revista Diálogos publica 03 números por ano. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "DLR Deutsches Zentrum fur Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. - Forschungsberichte", "ISSN": "14348454", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "East Central and Eastern Europe in the Middle Ages, 450-1450", "ISSN": "18728103", "Scope": "ScopeThis peer-reviewed* series provides a forum for high-quality scholarly work - original monographs, article collections, editions of primary sources, translations - on the cultures, economies and societies of a vast area of Eastern Europe, from the fall of the Hunnic empire of Attila to the fall of Constantinople. A wide range of disciplines are included: all historical subjects, every branch of archaeology, language, art history and architecture, sculpture and numismatics, with focuses on regional variations and cultural identities, the interaction between internal and external factors, and the diversity of the local responses to external stimuli. The series may include translations from Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, Bulgarian, or Russian works. As such, the series will advance the revision of old works either on the entire area or on certain sub-regions. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Economic Outlook", "ISSN": "0140489X, 14680319", "Scope": "ScopeEconomic Outlook is a quarterly report detailing the forecast over the next five years for all of the key UK macroeconomic indicators. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Edinburgh Law Review", "ISSN": "13649809, 17551692", "Scope": "ScopeAn international forum for the discussion of law\r\rHigh-quality, original, refereed academic writing \rContemporary substantive law, legal theory and history, and other aspects of the study of law in its social and cultural context \rFocus on Scots law and the Scottish legal system, setting the law of Scotland in an international and comparative context \rCoverage of interest for a modern European ius commune \rDiscussion of issues common to mixed legal systems \rAnalysis of developments in legislation and of court decisions \rReviews of major academic works Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Endoscopic Forum for Digestive Disease", "ISSN": "9120505", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Endowment Studies", "ISSN": "2468595X, 24685968", "Scope": "ScopeEndowment Studies (ENDS) is a peer-reviewed, English-language periodical dedicated to the study of foundations or endowments, fostering their examination from cross-cultural, diachronic and interdisciplinary perspectives. As a diachronic and omnipresent phenomenon, endowments touch on every conceivable aspect of a given society, such as the arts, economy, intellectual life, law, politics and religion. Specialists from these and other disciplines/ fields (Byzantine Studies, Indology, Islamic Studies and Medieval Studies) can thus participate in cross-disciplinary conversations via the leitmotif of endowments.\r\rAs the first journal dedicated to the study of foundations in a comparative context, ENDS offers a venue for publication that is both transcultural and interdisciplinary, with a special focus on the Pre-Modern era, yet not restricted to any particular epoch. Contributions treating any aspect of endowments are welcome. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ethiopian Journal of Pediatrics and Child Health", "ISSN": "24132640, 25190334", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Evidence-Based Practice", "ISSN": "10954120, 24733717", "Scope": "ScopeEvidence-Based Practice is a monthly journal focused on topics relevant to the daily practice of family medicine. Each issue contains content addressing timely and pertinent questions related to patient care. Questions are phrased in a concise, clinically useful format and answers are provided with thorough research of the best available evidence. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ex-position", "ISSN": "2663032X, 27094103", "Scope": "ScopeEx-position is housed in the Department of Foreign Languajes and Literatures of National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. Its predecessor was first launched in 1985, titled Studies in Language and Literature, which was renamed NTU Studies in Language and Literature in 2000. The journal has been an important vehicle for scholarship in English and comparative literary studies in Taiwan. The new identity Ex-postion marks our attempt to start a new while attending to the tradition of the journal. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Expressions Maghrebines", "ISSN": "15400085", "Scope": "ScopeThe Winthrop-King Institute is the production headquarters of Expressions maghrébines, the internationally peer-reviewed journal of the Coordination Internationale des Chercheurs sur les Littératures Maghrébines (CICLIM). In June 2008 it received a top ranking among the world's humanities journals.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Fabriksoftware", "ISSN": "25697692", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Facta", "ISSN": "19719051, 1974451X", "Scope": "ScopeFACTA promotes the publication of important research results in Post-Classical Archaeology, from Late Antiquity to Contemporary Age. The topics of the Journal ranging from archeology and production history, to trade and consumption, wanting to be explicitly interdisciplinary. Even environmental archeology, bio-archeology and archaeometry represent - if used on questions compatible with the Material Culture History - topics of interest in FACTA. It's suggested a strong attention to the data original contexts, with reference both to the buried layers and to the architectures. The papers compatible with the editorial line must also have a strong interpretative charge, both in general historiographical terms, and in social history (community or classes), economic history, relationship with environment and sources and analysis of attitudes, eating habits and acts. In this sense, the Journal accepts methodologically advanced papers incorporated in structured research processes, while simple descriptive catalogs of decontextualized artifacts (or lacking adequate interpretation) are not welcomed. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Faventia", "ISSN": "2107570", "Scope": "ScopeFaventia welcomes papers on Archaeology, Historiographic Sciences and Techniques, Ancient Greek Philology, Latin Philology, Ancient History, Medieval History and Indo-European Linguistics. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Federal Register", "ISSN": "976326", "Scope": "ScopePublished by the Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), the Federal Register is the official daily publication for rules, proposed rules, and notices of Federal agencies and organizations, as well as executive orders and other presidential documents. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Film Criticism", "ISSN": "1635069", "Scope": "ScopeFilm Criticism is a peer-reviewed, online publication whose aim is to bring together scholarship in the field of cinema and media studies in order to present the finest work in this area, foregrounding textual criticism as a primary value. Our readership is academic, although we strive to publish material that is both accessible to undergraduates and engaging to established scholars.\r\rWith over 40 years of continuous publication, Film Criticism is the third oldest academic film journal in the United States. We have published work by such international scholars as Dudley Andrew, David Bordwell, David Cook, Andrew Horton, Ann Kaplan, Marcia Landy, Peter Lehman, Janet Staiger, and Robin Wood. Equally important, FC continues to present work from emerging generations of film and media scholars representing multiple critical, cultural and theoretical perspectives.\r\rFilm Criticism is an open access academic journal that allows readers to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, and link to the full texts of articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose except where otherwise noted. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Filtration and Separation", "ISSN": "00151882, 18737218", "Scope": "ScopeThe international magazine for all those concerned with filtration and separation. Thousands of users of filtration equipment - engineers, specifiers, designers and consultants plus all the major equipment suppliers and manufacturers - rely on Filtration+Separation to keep them right up to date.\rEach month Filtration+Separation magazine keeps you informed of all the latest news on filtration equipment and processes around the world. From industry news to technical articles & conference reviews, Filtration+Separation magazine has it covered. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Fonetica si Dialectologie", "ISSN": "716855", "Scope": "Scope\"Phonetics and dialectology\" is a journal of the Philology Section of the Romanian Academy, published annually, with an average volume of 250 pages, indexed by ERIH-PLUS, which presents the works elaborated at the “Iorgu Iordan – Al. Rosetti” Institute of Linguistics, and also studies elaborated by other Romanian or foreign specialists. The journal publishes original papers, preferably written in Romanian, but papers in English, French, German or Italianare also accepted.The approached fields are: descriptive and historical phonetics and phonology, Romanian, Romance and European dialectology, geolinguistics, sociolinguistics and ethnolinguistics.Studies on the Romanian language spoken in Romania and abroad are also included, especially at a dialectal level. The journal also includes reviews of recently published papers, bibliographic notes and information on scientific events in the country and from abroad. Each article written in Romanian is followed by an abstract in a language of international circulation. The editors place a strong emphasis on the originality of the results. All manuscripts (approx. 250 pages) are evaluated and only high quality ones are accepted for publication. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Foreign Policy", "ISSN": "157228", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Forensic Anthropology", "ISSN": "25735020, 25735039", "Scope": "ScopeForensic Anthropology is a journal devoted to the advancement of the science and professional development of the fields of forensic anthropology and forensic archaeology. \r\rThe journal primarily focuses on research, technical advancements, population data, and case studies related to the recovery and analysis of human remains in a forensic context. Topics such as forensic osteology, skeletal biology, and modern human skeletal variation are within the of Forensic Anthropology. The peer review process is double-blind, and the target timeline for publication after acceptance of a manuscript is approximately six months.\r\rForensic Anthropology has an international editorial board and supports all facets of forensic anthropology and archaeology, acting as an inclusive venue to foster professional discussions about research, policy, and application of what the global practice of forensic anthropology means. Forensic Anthropology will be published quarterly and is available in electronic or print formats. Issues will contain original research articles, brief reports, case studies, book reviews, and review articles. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "French Colonial History", "ISSN": "15393402, 15437787", "Scope": "ScopeFrench Colonial History is the official journal of the French Colonial Historical Society. FCH publishes peer-reviewed research articles, review essays, forums, and reflections addressing all aspects of the history of French colonization and of the French colonies, reflecting the temporal span, geographical breadth, and diversity of subject matter that characterize the scholarly interests of the Society’s members. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "GESTA-International Center of Medieval Art", "ISSN": "0016920X, 21693099", "Scope": "ScopeGesta presents original research in the study of art and life of the Middle Ages. The journal embraces all facets of artistic production from ca. 300 to ca. 1500 C.E., in Europe, the Mediterranean region, and the Slavic world.\r\rThe journal has twice been awarded the annual Van Courtlandt Elliott Prize of the Medieval Academy of America for a “first article in medieval studies judged … to be of outstanding quality.” Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "GLOCAL Conference Proceedings", "ISSN": "27078647", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Henoch", "ISSN": "3936805", "Scope": "ScopeHenoch will consider papers written in English, French, German, Italian, or Spanish. The journal publishes on the history of Judaism broadly conceived, inclusive of the Second Temple, rabbinic and medieval periods, Christian origins and Jewish-Christian relations until the Early Modern Age. While editors welcome submissions from a variety of methods and topics, special priority is given to studies that advance the discipline of textual criticism (ecdotics).Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Histoire Medievale et Archeologie", "ISSN": "9912894", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Histoire Sociale", "ISSN": "00182257, 19186576", "Scope": "ScopeSocial History publishes articles, research notes, book reviews, and other submissions that contribute to social history in Canada and elsewhere. The journal is interested in all types of social phenomena, whether cultural, political, economic, or demographic, without methodological, temporal, or geographic restrictions. The journal gives priority to studies that explicitly integrate different sub-fields of social history and are innovative in source, method, or interpretation. The content of articles and book reviews is the responsibility of the authors alone. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television", "ISSN": "1439685", "Scope": "ScopeThe Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television is an international and interdisciplinary journal concerned with the history of the audio-visual mass media from c.1900 to the present. It explores the institutional and ideological contexts of film, radio and television, analyses the evidence produced by the mass media for historians and social scientists, and considers the impact of mass communications on political, social and cultural history.\r\rThe needs of those engaged in research and teaching are served by scholarly articles, book reviews and by archival reports concerned with the preservation and availability of records. In addition the journal aims to provide a survey of developments in the teaching of history and social science courses which involve the use of film and broadcast materials.\r\rHistorical Journal of Film, Radio and Television is the official journal of the International Association for Media and History (IAMHIST). All articles published in the journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editorial screening and the opinion of at least two anonymous referees. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Historische Anthropologie", "ISSN": "09428704, 21944032", "Scope": "ScopeDiversity and inconsistency of historical practice with which people try to understand the world are the focus of the journal \"Historische Anthropologie\". Constitutions and attitudes, interpretations, imaginations and behaviour are analysed and presented within their historical and social references. \"Historische Anthropologie\" offers a forum for scientific discussion of up-to-date topics and new approaches to history from the antiquity to the present. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Historisches Jahrbuch", "ISSN": "182621", "Scope": "ScopeDie Zeitschrift zählt zu den ältesten geschichtswissenschaftlichen Fachzeitschriften im deutschen Sprachraum, genießt hohes internationales Ansehen und nimmt seit über einem Jahrhundert einen festen Platz im Forschungsprozess ein. Sie bietet in Aufsätzen, Berichten und Besprechungen auf hohem Niveau eine thematisch breite Palette aus dem Gesamtbereich von Mittelalter, Neuzeit sowie Zeitgeschichte und berücksichtigt in grundlegenden Aspekten auch die Alte Geschichte. Ein unverzichtbares Forum für anerkannte Gelehrte und qualifizierte Nachwuchswissenschaftler.\r\rThis periodical is one of the oldest specialist periodicals for the historical sciences in the German-speaking world. It enjoys a high international standing and for more than 125 years it has occupied a firm position within the research process. An indispensable forum for recognized scholars and the rising generation of qualified scholars. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "HJOG", "ISSN": "22419551", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Homme", "ISSN": "04394216, 19538103", "Scope": "ScopeFondée en 1961 par Émile Benveniste, Pierre Gourou et Claude Lévi-Strauss, actuellement dirigée par Grégory Delaplace, la revue L’Homme accueille les multiples courants de la recherche anthropologique entendue au sens large, sans négliger pour autant l’approche interdisciplinaire. D’audience internationale, sélectionnée par l’Institute for Scientific Information, indexée par Current Contents et Anthropological Index, la revue publie des travaux originaux de chercheurs français et étrangers. Elle conjugue textes théoriques, essais critiques et études ethnographiques, avec le souci d’appréhender le lointain comme le proche, de rendre compte de nouveaux objets, de réévaluer des domaines classiques de l’anthropologie tels que la parenté ou l’ethnomusicologie, et de présenter de nouvelles méthodes d’investigation des faits sociaux et culturels.\rLa rubrique « À Propos » offre un lieu de débats et d’échanges d’idées ; celle des comptes rendus réserve une large place à des recensions argumentées d’ouvrages récents.\r\rL’Homme. Revue française d’anthropologie est éditée au Laboratoire d’anthropologie sociale et soutenue par l’Institut des sciences humaines et sociales du Cnrs. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Humanistica Lovaniensia: Journal of Neo-Latin studies", "ISSN": "7742908", "Scope": "Scopeis a KU Leuven based double-blind peer-reviewed international journal that appears twice a year as an online-only open access publication. With an open and inclusive attitude to both readers and contributors from all disciplines, it seeks to bring together authors and readers to whom Neo-Latin is important, whether as medium or as message. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Humanitas Taiwanica", "ISSN": "10152687", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Hungarian Yearbook of International Law and European Law", "ISSN": "26662701, 2666271X", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Hypnos", "ISSN": "14139138, 21775346", "Scope": "ScopeHypnos is a journal for Greco-Roman Philosophy. We also seek to increase the dialogue between Philosophy and other subject areas in Classical Antiquity that are nowadays well established in universities: Literature, History, Philology etc. It is the conviction of Hypnos that researchers in Philosophy should approach the culture of Antiquity in a comprehensive way. The Editors pursue this aim by publishing not only texts that are specific to Philosophy, but also those that concern the areas of Literature, Linguistics, History, Psychology, Anthropology, and so forth. Hypnos has a generous policy as regards acceptance of works that extend beyond the academic boundaries. Basically the journal is a vehicle to enhance the study of Greco-Roman studies and to further interactions between students in the area, whether they are Brazilian or not, and whether they are academic scholars or not. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "IAFOR Journal of Cultural Studies", "ISSN": "21874905", "Scope": "ScopeThe IAFOR Journal of Cultural Studies solicits scholarship in the broad areas of culture, social development, the arts, digital communities, philosophy and similar. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Iconicity in Language and Literature", "ISSN": "18735037", "Scope": "ScopeA multidisciplinary book series which aims to provide evidence for the pervasive presence of iconicity as a cognitive process in all forms of verbal communication. Iconicity, i.e. form miming meaning and/or form miming form, is an inherently interdisciplinary phenomenon, involving linguistic and textual aspects and linking them to visual and acoustic features. The focus of the series is on the discovery of iconicity in all circumstances in which language is created, ranging from language acquisition, the development of Pidgins and Creoles, processes of language change, to translation and the more literary uses of language. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Index on Censorship", "ISSN": "03064220, 17466067", "Scope": "ScopeIndex on Censorship is an award-winning magazine, devoted to protecting and promoting free expression. International in outlook, outspoken in comment, Index on Censorship reports on free expression violations around the world, publishes banned writing and shines a light on vital free expression issues through original, challenging and intelligent commentary and analysis, publishing some of the world's finest writers.\r\rIndex on Censorship was first published in 1972 in response to show trials in Moscow. The idea behind the magazine was to make public the circumstances of those who are silenced in their own countries, wherever that may be, and to publish their work. Since the end of communism, and with an increasingly fragmented world, new and troubling questions have surfaced, some of them challenging the primacy of free expression itself: religious extremism; relative values and cultural difference; the rise of nationalism; the rewriting of history; hate speech; obscenity; freedom on the Internet.\r\rWe welcome contributions from anyone concerned with issues of free speech. Our articles range widely from essays to opinion pieces, from oral testimony to fiction and poetry. Index on Censorship is a magazine of record, but we also publish articles intended to promote debate. The views expressed in the magazine are not necessarily those of the editors, the publisher, or the advisory committee. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Indian Journal of Social Work", "ISSN": "00195634, 24567809", "Scope": "ScopeThe Indian Journal of Social Work (IJSW) is the flagship publication of the Tata Institute of Social Sciences. Published every January, April, July and October, the IJSW is currently in its 81st year of uninterrupted publishing, a record in journal publishing.\r\rThe main objectives of the IJSW are to:\r\rcater to the need for literature on social work, and\rbe a medium of dissemination of indigenous work being carried out in India.\rThe focus of the IJSW, over the years, has shifted from ''social work literature'' to ''literature for social work''. While ''social work literature'' is literature specific to social work profession, ''literature for social work'' means literature needed for different social work functions. These functions are broadly conceptualised as practice, administration, research, education and training. The users are, thus, practitioners, administrators, researchers, educators/trainers and students. And therefore, ''literature for social work'' has to go beyond ''social work literature''.\r\rThe IJSW focuses on multidisciplinary knowledge development relevant to the changing perspectives of the social work profession. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Industrie Alimentari", "ISSN": "0019901X", "Scope": "Scope“INDUSTRIE ALIMENTARI”, founded in 1962, is the leading Italian journal aimed at solving all problems concerning technological, scientific, economical and legislative information in different areas of the food industry. This monthly journal is published in Italian language and each issue has more than 220 pages with exclusive articles and specialized features, in order to deal with all technological branches of the food industry. Colour photos and accurate descriptions enable the reader to be kept up-to-date with all the Italian and foreign offer: processing machinery, packaging materials, ingredients, analysis equipment, automation, and services. Moreover, reports from exhibitions and congresses from all over the world are included.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Integrative Medicine Alert", "ISSN": "23252812, 23252820", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Interiors: Design, Architecture, Culture", "ISSN": "20419112, 20419120", "Scope": "ScopeInteriors: Design, Architecture, Culture brings together the best critical work on the analysis of all types of spaces. Interiors play a crucial role in the construction of identity and they represent power and control through the contestation or transgression of boundaries. Homes, offices, shopping malls, schools and hospitals, churches and restaurants are all embedded with meaning and evince particular, multi-sensory and psychological responses. This journal will investigate the complexities of the interior environment’s orchestration and composition and its impact on the inhabitant from a trans-disciplinary perspective.\r\rThe interior is the journal’s central focus and contributions from interior design practitioners and theorists are welcome. It will embrace perspectives from a range of disciplines including anthropology, architecture, art and design history, cultural studies and visual culture, and it will place no limits in terms of either geography or chronology. The journal sets out to challenge divisions between theory and practice and aims to provide an essential forum for all those with an interest in the design, history and meaning of interiors. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Computer Science and Applications", "ISSN": "9729038", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Regional and Local History", "ISSN": "20514530, 20514549", "Scope": "ScopeThe International Journal of Regional and Local History aims to publish high-quality academic articles which address the history of regions and localities in the medieval, early-modern and modern eras. Regional and local are defined in broad terms, encouraging their examination in both urban and rural contexts, and as administrative, cultural and geographical entities. Regional histories may transcend both local and national boundaries, and offer a means of interrogating the temporality of such structures. Such histories might broaden understandings arrived at through a national focus or help develop agendas for future exploration.\r\rThe subject matter of regional and local histories invites a number of methodological approaches including oral history, comparative history, cultural history and history from below. We welcome contributions situated in these methodological frameworks but are also keen to elicit inter-disciplinary work which seeks to understand the history of regions or localities through the methodologies of geography, sociology or cultural studies.\r\rThe journal also publishes book reviews and review articles on themes relating to regional or local history. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Research on History Didactics, History Education and History Culture", "ISSN": "16088751, 25671014", "Scope": "ScopeThe International Journal of Research on History Didactics, History Education,\rand History Culture. Yearbook of the International Society for History Didactics (JHEC)\ris the official journal of the International Society for History Didactics. The journal is\rissued once a year and publishes peer reviewed papers in English. The abstracts are\rtri-lingual (English, French, German). The tradition of the journal goes back to the year\r1980. The journal continues the former journal of the ISHD, which was published as\r\"Yearbook - Jahrbuch - Annales. Journal of the International Society for History Didactics\". Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Sino-Western Studies", "ISSN": "17998204, 22422471", "Scope": "ScopeInternational Journal of Sino-Western Studies (IJS) is a Chinese-English bilingual academic journal, which is published twice a year in June and December in Finland by Nordic Forum of Sino-Western Studies. It is published simultaneously in printed and electronic online versions. \r\r\rThe Nordic Forum of Sino-Western Studies is a university-related research platform based in Helsinki. We aim at encouraging Sino-Western dialogue, research, and enhancement of scholarly activities, e.g, conferences, student & scholar exchange, academic essay prize, and publication. As part of its publication programs, the Forum publishes a new Chinese-English bilingual journal to promote Sino-Western Studies internationally.\r\r\rThe articles published in this journal do not necessarily represent the view or position of the journal or of the editorial board.\r\r\rThis journal is fully open access, but once any part of this journal is reprinted, reproduced, or utilized in any form or by any means, presently known or hereafter invented, our journal's name should be mentioned, including quotations in academic works or book reviews. We neither charge APCs nor authors to publish articles in our journal, and the only license term for quoting or dowloading our articles is to mention our journal's name as the source of origin. Users can use, reuse and build upon the material published in our journal but only for non-commercial purposes. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Pest Control", "ISSN": "00208256, 17516919", "Scope": "ScopeInternational Pest Control (IPC) has been established for over 60 years, it is the only publication in the world dealing with all aspects of pest eradication and prevention — for public health, animal welfare, food storage, crop protection, forestry and wood preservation.\r\rThe publication employs a wide-ranging definition of the term `pest’, taking in plants and fungal agents as well as members of the animal kingdom which cause disease, depredation or economic loss. And because pests recognise no national boundaries, control is increasingly approached on an international basis — a situation which is reflected in both the title and content of the publication.\r\rThe science of pest control is currently embarking upon a period of change. Economic and environmental factors have combined to shift emphasis away from merely researching and conventionally applying new chemical pesticides, towards more efficient methods of applying existing compounds, the development of alternative techniques like biological control and, increasingly, the combination of all available methods into effective integrated pest management programmes.\r\rInternational Pest Control publishes research and review papers from all over the world, documenting and drawing together the advantages and disadvantages of a wide variety of novel and established techniques with respect to different needs and ambient conditions. It provides authoritative reviews of pest control developments worldwide, with news, articles, reviews, features and comments. Readers are informed of trends in new techniques, new chemicals, new products, and new methods of applying existing remedies – these are the practical tools of the pest control industry the world over. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Studies in the History of Rhetoric", "ISSN": "18751148", "Scope": "ScopePeer-reviewed scholarly monographs on the history of rhetoric in its broadest sense, i.e. original and innovative research concerning the theory and the practice of rhetoric in all periods and all languages, and the connections between rhetoric and poetics, theory and literary criticism, philosophy, politics, religion, law and other aspects of culture and society. \rOriginal sources and documents, as well as critical editions of texts will also be considered. \rManuscripts in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish are accepted for review. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Intersections (Australia)", "ISSN": "14409151", "Scope": "ScopePlaced at the junction of historical and contemporary concerns, Intersections will continue to emphasise the paramount importance of research into the multiple historical and cultural, gender and sexuality patterns in Asian and the Pacific—patterns that are crucial for the understanding of contemporary globalised societies, where identities and social relations are constantly being negotiated against the background of dominant narratives.\r\rAt the same time, Intersections will continue to explore innovative ways of 'doing' and publishing research using information technologies. Information Technology, however, is not seen as an end in itself, but as a place where oral, written and visual sources can tangibly cross paths allowing for new connections to be made. Visual materials such as photos, maps, artistic reproductions as well as video clips and sound tracks will be included where indispensable to the argument being developed.\r\rIntersections is a peer reviewed journal. We use a double blind referee process where neither the author nor the referee are aware of the other's identity. As far as possible all papers will be sent to universities other that of the contributor.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "IUP Journal of English Studies", "ISSN": "9733728", "Scope": "ScopeA ‘peer reviewed’ journal indexed on Elsevier, and also distributed by EBSCO and Proquest Database.\r\rThe IUP Journal of English Studies, an academic initiative of the IUP, is an intellectual vehicle for informed critical evaluations of various areas of literature, English Language Teaching, translation studies relating to emerging and established genres. A fresh and invigorating evaluation of the contributions of writers and their significant writings are on offer in the Journal. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Japan Journal of Logopedics and Phoniatrics", "ISSN": "00302813, 18843646", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Japanese Journal of Southeast Asian Studies", "ISSN": "05638682, 24241377", "Scope": "Scope1963年、日・英による季刊学術誌として創刊。以来レフェリー制度のもと、自然科学、社会科学、人文科学にわたる多様な分野の東南アジア地域 に関する論考を掲載してきました。本誌は、現地で収集したオリジナルの史資料にもとづいた研究とともに、地域間比較ならびに俯瞰的・総合的研究を重視し、特に自然科学分野や生態学的視点を包摂する点に、他誌にない独自性があります。その特色は、単独の論考だけでなく、テーマ特集号にも如実に現れています。今後もそれぞれの地域社会に根ざした最先端の問題提起を積極的に発信してゆきたいと考えています。なお、2012年、英文誌Southeast Asian Studiesの創刊を受け、年2回(7月末日・1月末日)刊行の和文誌に移行いたしました。 Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Jazz Perspectives", "ISSN": "17494060, 17494079", "Scope": "ScopeAs a refereed academic journal with an international editorial board of renowned jazz scholars, Jazz Perspectives provides a broad forum for promoting cross-disciplinary scholarly dialogue across the academic jazz community. Our mission is to stimulate the international study and appreciation of the rich legacy of jazz and its many musical and cultural tangents, both past and present. The journal aims to bridge the jazz-as-music and jazz-as-culture divide of contemporary jazz studies, as well as to promote broader international perspectives on the jazz tradition and its legacy. We likewise welcome the submission of first-rate scholarship from outside the academy. The pages of the journal are devoted to all aspects of - and all approaches to - jazz scholarship. The journal is an open platform for historical inquiry, music analysis, and cultural studies. The journal furthermore includes reviews and essays on significant recent literature and new recordings and media. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Jeunesse: Young People, Texts, Cultures", "ISSN": "19202601, 1920261X", "Scope": "ScopeJeunesse: Young People, Texts, Cultures is an interdisciplinary, scholar-led, refereed academic journal, the mandate of which is to publish research on and to provide a forum for discussion about cultural productions for, by, and about young people. Our is international; while we have a special interest in Canada, we welcome submissions concerning all areas and cultures. We are especially interested in the cultural functions and representations of “the child.\" This can include children’s and young adult literature and media; young people’s material culture, including toys; digital culture and young people; historical and contemporary constructions, functions, and roles of “the child” and adolescents; and literature, art, and films by children and young adults. We welcome articles in both English and French. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "JK Practitioner", "ISSN": "9718834", "Scope": "ScopeJK - Practitioner , International Journal of Current Medical Practice and Scienceis a scholarly online, open access, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary, quaterly, and fully refereed journal focusing on theories, methods and applications in Medical science, practiceand relevant fields.\r\rIt is an international scientific journal that aims to contribute to the constant scientific research and training, so as to promote research in the field of Medical Science.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal fur Pharmakologie und Therapie", "ISSN": "14324334", "Scope": "ScopeDas Journal für Pharmakologie und Therapie, the Journal of Pharmacology and Therapy, will demsowohl in der Klinik und Praxis, als auch dem in seiner Spezialdisziplin erfahrenen Arzt helfen, sich über den Wirkmechanismus neuer Arzneistoffe und über deren therapeutisch nutzbaren Anwendungsmöglichkeiten zu informieren Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Ancient Civilizations", "ISSN": "10049371", "Scope": "ScopeThe JOURNAL OF ANCIENT CIVILIZATIONS (JAC) is published annually in two fascicles by the Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations (IHAC, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin Province, People’s Republic of China).\r\rThe aim of JAC is to provide a forum for the discussion of various aspects of the cultural and historical processes in the Ancient Near Eastern and Mediterranean world, encompassing studies of individual civilizations as well as common elements, contacts, and interactions among them (e.g. in such traditional fields as Assyriology, Egyptology, Hittitology, Classics, Byzantine Studies, and Sinology, among others). Hence, we publish the work of international scholars while also providing a showcase for the finest Chinese scholarship, and so welcome articles dealing with history, philology, art, archaeology, and linguistics that are intended to illuminate the material culture and society of the ancient Near East, the Mediterranean region, and ancient China. Articles discussing other cultures will be considered for publication only if they are clearly relevant to the ancient Mediterranean world, the Near East, and China. Information about new discoveries and current scholarly events is also welcome. Publishers are encouraged to send review copies of books in the relevant fields. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice", "ISSN": "20403658, 20403666", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice was launched in 2004 (under the title Journal of Applied Linguistics) with the aim of advancing research and practice in applied linguistics as a principled and interdisciplinary endeavour. From Volume 7, the journal adopted the new title to reflect the continuation, expansion and re-specification of the field of applied linguistics as originally conceived. Moving away from a primary focus on research into language teaching/learning and second language acquisition, the education profession will remain a key site but one among many, with an active engagement of the journal moving to sites from a variety of other professional domains such as law, healthcare, counselling, journalism, business interpreting and translating, where applied linguists have major contributions to make. Accordingly, under the new title, the journal will reflexively foreground applied linguistics as professional practice. As before, each volume will contain a selection of special features such as editorials, specialist conversations, debates and dialogues on specific methodological themes, review articles, research notes and targeted special issues addressing key themes. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Assessment and Institutional Effectiveness", "ISSN": "21606757, 21606765", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Assessment and Institutional Effectiveness publishes scholarly work on the assessment of student learning at the course, program, institutional, and multi-institutional levels as well as more broadly focused scholarship on institutional effectiveness in relation to mission and emerging directions in higher education assessment.\r\rJAIE is the official publication of the New England Educational Assessment Network, established in 1995 and recognized as one of the leaders in supporting best practices and resources in educational assessment. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Belarusian Studies", "ISSN": "00754161, 20526512", "Scope": "ScopeEstablished in 1965, the Journal of Belarusian Studies is the oldest English-language scholarly periodical on Belarusian studies in the world. It aims to promote interdisciplinary exchange between scholars in all major fields of Belarusian studies. The substantive focus of the peer-reviewed journal is on Belarusian society, particularly on societal and cultural change. The Journal invites submissions of articles and book reviews in all fields of Belarusian studies, including articles on Belarusian literature, linguistics, foreign relations, civil society, history and art, as well as book reviews. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Engineering Technology", "ISSN": "7479964", "Scope": "ScopeJET is a refereed journal published semi-annually, in spring and fall, by the Engineering Technology Division (ETD) of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE). The aim of JET is to provide a forum for the dissemination of original scholarly articles as well as review articles in all areas related to engineering technology education.\r\rThe Journal of Engineering Technology® invites authors to submit their original unpublished scholarly works in the following areas: accreditation, active learning, applied research, assessment, capstone projects, classroom activities, curriculum design, distance learning, industry partners, innovative pedagogy, laboratories, non-technical skills, and other topics related to engineering technology practice and education. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Fatima Jinnah Medical University", "ISSN": "26166291, 26166461", "Scope": "ScopeThe articles published in the journal are of interest to researchers in biomedical sciences, medicine, and health education. Journal supports the open access policy and accepts original articles, review articles, case reports and studies, brief communication, and educational articles in health sciences. Journal encourages relevant scientific and educational research by the students and invites special editorials and commentaries on new research in medical sciences. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Home Economics Research", "ISSN": "11180021", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Journal of Landscape Ecology", "ISSN": "15894673", "Scope": "ScopeA Tájökológiai Lapok 2003-ban-ban alapított, évi két alkalommal megjelenő tudományos folyóirat. Esetenként különszámokkal is megjelenhet. A periodika alapvetően a táj egészével kapcsolatos kutatásokban kíván közreműködni. A folyóirat a tájökológia mint szintetizáló tudáson alapuló tudományterület és a hozzá szorosan kapcsolódó diszciplínák területéről közöl eredeti tudományos közleményeket, kutatási eredményeket, ezenkívül ismertetéseket, personáliákat magyar és angol nyelven. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Linguistic and Intercultural Education", "ISSN": "20656599", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Linguistic and Intercultural Education - JoLIE is the yearly publication of the Centre for Research and Innovation in Linguistic Education (CIEL). Affiliated with 1 Decembrie 1918 University of Alba Iulia, Romania, situated in Central Europe, at the crossroads between Romance, Slavic, German and Hungarian cultures and languages, JoLIE editors understand linguistic and intercultural education as paramount to constructing a global citizenship of culturally competent and aware individuals who display cultural insights and a sense of belonging to the humanity at large.\r\r\r\r\r\r\r\rLanguage and culture are strictly related with each other in two directions. On the one hand, semantic, cognitive and discourse structures of a language are shaped by the culture it is rooted in, on the other, language is the main instrument by which a community’s culture is manifestly expressed, made operational and further transmitted as legacy.\r\r\r\r\rThus, the scientific study of one particular language, as well as of language in general, cannot be carried out without a deep understanding of cultural features and the research methods shall always take into account such cultural aspects. Moreover, the learning of a language, both mother tongue and second/foreign, requires the comprehension and internalisation of the cultural features it is related to. Finally, spontaneous phenomena of linguistic interference in multilingual areas, as the ones that JoLIE covers, cannot be explained without taking into account the widest phenomenon of cultural interference, up to the construal of a new intercultural unit and novel cultural identities. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Machine and Computing", "ISSN": "27887669, 27891801", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Journal of Morphological Sciences", "ISSN": "21770298", "Scope": "ScopeJournal of Morphological Sciences is the official journal of the Brazilian Society of Anatomy and the Panamerican Association of Anatomists.\r\r\rAreas of interest: The Journal of Morphological Sciences covers all aspects of morphology including macroscopic and microscopic human and animal anatomies; the history of morphological sciences; morphology and arts; education in morphology; techniques for the study of morphology; clinical and applied anatomy; compared morphology; pathological anatomy; anatomy and anthropology; embryology, cell biology, neuroanatomy and neurosciences, radiologic anatomy, and morphology applied to all other sciences. Also, Journal of Morphological Sciences includes functional morphology, animal development, as well as all levels of structural organization from the submicroscopic to macroscopic levels, including comparative anatomy and in vitro systems. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Organizational Behavior Education", "ISSN": "16497627, 20479999", "Scope": "ScopeThe aim of the JOBE is to enhance organizational behavior education worldwide through the publication of high quality refereed organizational behavior teaching materials. The goal is to attract contributions from individuals within the profession who excel in the creation and teaching of organizational behavior lectures and who have developed exceptional teaching material and new approaches in the field. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of reproductive medicine, The", "ISSN": "247758", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Journal of Scottish Historical Studies", "ISSN": "1748538X, 17551749", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Scottish Historical Studies (formerly Scottish Economic and Social History) is published by Edinburgh University Press on behalf of the Economic and Social History Society of Scotland. It is a fully double-blind peer-reviewed outlet for the best research in social, economic and cultural history, in historical geography and anthropology, and in historical theory. It includes regular research and review articles, news and book reviews, and also has occasional interviews, symposia on key books, and appreciations of incidents, sources and ideas in the writing of Scotland’s history. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of the British Archeological Association", "ISSN": "00681288, 17476704", "Scope": "ScopeThe BAA was founded in 1843 to promote the study of archaeology, art and architecture and the preservation of our national antiquities. It encourages original research and publishes new work on art and antiquities of Roman to post-medieval date, although the art, architecture and archaeology of the Middle Ages form the core of its interests.\r\rThe Association embraces a wide spectrum of antiquarian and art historical interests (with architectural history strongly represented) and its capacity to engage in debate across these disciplines is a major strength. Regular lectures held in London provide one channel of communication; as does the annual conference held over five days at a place of medieval interest, the proceedings of which are subsequently published in the BAA Conference Transactions series. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of the Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering", "ISSN": "10155856", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of the Institute of Telecommunications Professionals", "ISSN": "17559278", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Journal of the New England Water Works Association", "ISSN": "284939", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of the New England Water Works Association is the oldest water works publication in the U.S., with the first issue published in September of 1886. \r\rThe Journal of the New England Water Works Association will consider papers for publication that are pertinent to the drinking water field. These can include papers of general interest to the water works profession; papers from presentations made at a NEWWA event; or papers directly solicited from the editors and/or Program Committee. \rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Writing in Creative Practice", "ISSN": "17535190, 17535204", "Scope": "ScopeThis journal is designed to foster new relations, strengthen existing ones and offer a new space in which received models of writing in creative practice can be explored and surpassed. By questioning the purposes of writing in creative practice we invite a rich variety of aims, approaches and styles. Hence, where some journal issues are likely to be characterised by images rather than words, others may adopt a strongly practice-oriented, philosophical, critical or even fiction-based approach. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Langage et l'Homme", "ISSN": "4587251", "Scope": "Scope​Née en 1966 et publié à raison de deux fascicules annuels d'environ 200 pages chacun, Le Langage et l'Homme est une revue aujourd'hui consacrée à la didactique du français. Elle entend promouvoir des innovations et des partenariats, et diffuser des recherches et des outils dans le domaine.\rPlus de soixante collaborateurs, professeurs à l'institut ou dans d'autres universités belges et étrangères, y publient articles et recensions d'ouvrages. Largement diffusée en Belgique et à l'étranger, la revue a conclu un accord d'échange avec plus de cinquante revues réparties à travers le monde, de Zagreb à Campinas au Brésil, de Madrid à Ottawa, de Prague à Washington.​\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics", "ISSN": "16137736, 18600816", "Scope": "ScopeThis series aims to report new developments in applied and computational mechanics - quickly, informally and at a high level. This includes the fields of fluid, solid and structural mechanics, dynamics and control, and related disciplines. The applied methods can be of analytical, numerical and computational nature. The series includes monographs, professional books, selected contributions from specialized conferences or workshops, edited volumes, as well as outstanding advanced textbooks. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Legal History Review", "ISSN": "00407585, 15718190", "Scope": "ScopeThe Legal History Review, inspired by E.M. Meijers, is a peer-reviewed journal and was founded in 1918 by a number of Dutch jurists, who set out to stimulate scholarly interest in legal history in their own country and also to provide a centre for international cooperation in the subject. This has gradually been achieved through the years. The Review had already become one of the leading internationally known periodicals in the field before 1940. Since 1950 when it emerged under Belgo-Dutch editorship its position strengthened. Much attention is paid not only to the common foundations of the western legal tradition but also to the special, frequently divergent development of national law in the various countries belonging to, or influenced by it. Modern and contemporary, as well as ancient and medieval history is considered. Roman law and its later development, as well as canon law, have always been particularly important; in addition the history of the English Common Law has been extensively studied. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "LIT Literature Interpretation Theory", "ISSN": "10436928, 15455866", "Scope": "ScopeLIT: Literature Interpretation Theory provides a dynamic forum for fresh and forceful interpretations of a wide range of literary texts. By transcending the boundaries of conventional categories of period, region, and genre, LIT aims to forge a conversation among divergent and often competing critical perspectives as well as literature from different periods and nations. Animated by diversity, LIT embraces the assumption that important insights may be generated within a multitude of theoretical frameworks. Essays informed by psychoanalytic theory, structuralism, post-structuralism, gender theory, new or old historicism, postcolonial theory, semiotics, and Marxism, as well as other coherent, well-defined theoretical approaches might be found in the pages of LIT . While LIT’s emphasis is on literary texts, the journal also considers analyses of other kinds of cultural texts, including popular media such as film. LIT also welcomes proposals for special issues devoted to individual authors, themes, current events, regional literatures and cultures, or developing critical conversations. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Literature and Theology", "ISSN": "2691205", "Scope": "ScopeLiterature and Theology, a quarterly peer-review journal, provides a critical non-confessional forum for both textual analysis and theoretical speculation, encouraging explorations of how religion is embedded in culture. Contributions should address questions pertinent to both literary study and theology broadly understood, and be consistent with the Journal's overall aim: to engage with and reshape traditional discourses within the studies of literature and religion, and their cognate fields - biblical criticism, literary criticism, philosophy, politics, culture studies, gender studies, artistic theory/practice, and contemporary critical theory/practice. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Makslas Vesture un Teorija", "ISSN": "16910869", "Scope": "ScopeThe Art History Institute of Art Academy of Latvia publishes the journal Mākslas Vēsture un Teorija (Art History and Theory) since 2003. It is the sole academic art history periodical in the Republic of Latvia. Its editorial policy is to publish articles based on fundamental historical research in all branches of visual arts, architecture, applied art, design and art theory in Latvia and Baltics, supplemented by corresponding research issues offered by art historians from other countries. The journal is normally biannual. Published articles are in Latvian with summaries in English. Articles in other languages are accepted and supplemented with summaries in Latvian. Articles are subjected to a blind peer-review type (references on recent publications, archive materials, chronicles are not reviewed). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Marmora", "ISSN": "18246214, 18268072", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Matronas Profesion", "ISSN": "15780740", "Scope": "ScopeLa revista Matronas Profesión considerará para su posible publicación los trabajos relacionados con la salud maternal, la salud sexual y reproductiva de las mujeres y con el cuidado del neonato y todos aquellos que aborden aspectos históricos, éticos, antropológicos y sociales vinculados con la profesión de la matrona, así como los trabajos sobre la práctica de las matronas en cualquiera de sus ámbitos de intervención: asistencial, docente, de gestión y de investigación. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Medecine Intensive Reanimation", "ISSN": "24966142", "Scope": "ScopeRevue officielle de la Société de Réanimation de langue française (SRLF), Médecine Intensive Réanimation publie six numéros par an, chacun étant consacré à l’un des thèmes essentiels de la formation continue en réanimation : réanimation respiratoire ; réanimation cardiovasculaire ; infectiologie ; médecine interne et transversalité ; neuroréanimation et toxicologie ; néphrologie et métabolisme. Chaque numéro comporte un dossier thématique principal, composé de huit mises au point et quelques articles consacrés à d’autres sujets. Sont également présentés les conférences formalisées d'experts, les référentiels, les comptes-rendus de congrès ou encore des articles relevant de domaines non médicaux, comme le droit, l’administration ou les sciences humaines. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Melanges de l'Institut Dominicaine des Etudes Orientales du Caire", "ISSN": "05751330, 17831628", "Scope": "ScopeMIDEO is a scientific journal that focuses on the religious and philosophical areas of scholarship undertaken by the researchers at IDEO and its collaborators. Particular attention is paid to the history of ideas and doctrines of the Arab world, from the past and the present, as it sees itself as well as its relationship with the West. Produced in Egypt, MIDEO also has a particular interest in the historical, cultural and doctrinal problems of ancient and modern Egypt, which are pursued in close and constant collaboration with Egyptian scholars.\r\r\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Melliand International", "ISSN": "9479163", "Scope": "ScopeMelliand International is the English language international technical publication for technical and commercial decision-makers and all areas of management in the textile industry throughout the world.\rSpecial topics are: Fibers/Yarns, Spinning, Weaving, Knitting, Textile Finishing and Nonwovens as well as International Industry News and Management.\r\rTwelve times a year, the Chinese language technical publication Melliand China is published for the technical experts in the Chinese textile industry, research institutes, technical universities and ministries. It is translated and distributed by the respected Donghua University in Shanghai/China. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Metatheoria", "ISSN": "18532322, 18532330", "Scope": "ScopeMetatheoria publishes manuscripts in the field of philosophy of science - including not only systematic, synchronic, and formal philosophy of science, but also historical, diachronic approaches to the field as well as historical epistemology, and history of science from a philosophical point of view that contribute to deepen our understanding of Science. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Michigan Historical Review", "ISSN": "08901686, 23279672", "Scope": "ScopeThe MHR welcomes submissions relating to Michigan's political, economic, social, and cultural history. The editor also welcomes manuscripts in American, Canadian, and Midwestern history that explore important themes related to Michigan's past. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Middle East Quarterly", "ISSN": "10739467", "Scope": "ScopePolicymakers, opinion-makers, academics, and journalists turn first to the Quarterly, for in-depth analysis of the rapidly-changing landscape of the world's most volatile region. It publishes groundbreaking studies, exclusive interviews, insightful commentary, and hard-hitting reviews that tackle the entire range of contemporary concerns — from politics to economics to culture, across a region that stretches from Morocco to Afghanistan. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Multicultural Shakespeare", "ISSN": "20838530, 23007605", "Scope": "ScopeMulticultural Shakespeare is an international journal devoted to Shakespearean studies; it is a forum in which researchers, especially those from non-English-speaking backgrounds, can air local concerns and themes that contribute to the creation and understanding of Shakespeare as global phenomenon.\r\rInitially devoted mainly to translations, Multicultural Shakespeare developed into a publication mediating vigorous discussions on the adaptation of Shakespeare’s texts, their ontology and cross-cultural significance. It created an opportunity to present the universal dimension of Shakespeare’s works by focusing on their local values found in the cultures of Australia, Brazil, China, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Holland, Hungary, India, Israel, Japan, Korea, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia, Spain, Switzerland, and the USA.\r\rMulticultural Shakespeare appeared for the first time in 1972 as Shakespeare Translation on the initiative of Professor Toshikazu Oyama, the President of Seijo University in Japan. Since then it has undergone various changes. In 1986 it became Shakespeare Worldwide: Translation and Adaptation, whose editor was Professor Yoshiko Kawachi, and in 2003, it took on its present title (and since then has been edited by Professor Yoshiko Kawachi and Professor Krystyna Kujawińska Courtney). From its very beginning, Multicultural Shakespeare has aroused interest around the world and attracted many prominent scholars, soon becoming an important publication in Shakespeare studies on a global scale. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Multidisciplinary Science Journal", "ISSN": "26751240", "Scope": "ScopeAn international peer-reviewed open-access journal published quarterly online by Malque Publishing. Research Articles, Short Communications, Technical Notes, Case Reports, and Clinical Cases from all areas of knowledge are published in this journal.\r\rThis journal does NOT publish Review Articles in its Regular Issues, but exceptionally, only in Special Issues.\r\rArticles are published under the Creative Commons license. This license was developed to facilitate open access - that is, immediate and free access and unrestricted reuse of original works of all kinds.\r\rAll articles are peer-reviewed, and the publication criteria are based on high ethical standards.\r\rBetween 2018 and 2020, our journal was published online by Malque Publishing in continuous flow. As of 2022, Multidisciplinary Science Journal is published in quarterly issues. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Natur und Recht", "ISSN": "01721631, 14390515", "Scope": "ScopeIm Mittelpunkt der Zeitschrift Natur und Recht steht das gesamte Recht des ökologischen Natur- und Umweltschutzes. Darüber hinaus wird auch das Recht behandelt, das der Natur zusetzt: Dies sind vor allem das Bau- und Fachplanungsrecht. Auch das Immissionsschutz-, Abfall-, Wasser-, Bodenschutz- und Landesplanungsrecht gehören zum Themenspektrum der Natur und Recht, ebenso wie das umweltrelevante Jagd-, Fischerei-, Forst- und Landwirtschaftsrecht. Schließlich finden das Tierschutz- und Denkmalschutzrecht eine Plattform. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "NEC Technical Journal", "ISSN": "18805884", "Scope": "ScopeThrough a well-balanced mix of technical papers, easy-to-understand articles about technological trends, and case studies, NEC Technical Journal introduces its readers to all the latest technologies, products, and solutions from the NEC Group. Please note that it is not available in a print format. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Nordic Theatre Studies", "ISSN": "9046380", "Scope": "ScopeNordic Theatre Studies is the leading academic journal for theatre researchers in the Nordic and Baltic countries and for all scholars writing about theatre and performance related to these countries. It has been selected for inclusion in Web of Science and Scopus as well as Ebsco and Google Scholar. Nordic Theatre Studies covers theatre, dance, music theatre and other performances, mainly after 1850, in the Nordic and Baltic countries, and articles by authors from Nordic and Baltic countries that relate to theatre, dance and performance in all parts of the world. It is a peer-reviewed journal publishing two issues a year. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Nosileftiki", "ISSN": "11056843", "Scope": "ScopeIts is to contribute to continuing nursing education, to en- courage nursing research and to promote the ongoing development of evidence-based practice in Greece and Internationally.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Notes and Queries", "ISSN": "00293970, 14716941", "Scope": "ScopeFounded under the editorship of the antiquary W J Thoms, the primary intention of Notes & Queries was, and still remains, the asking and answering of readers' questions. It is devoted principally to English language and literature, lexicography, history, and scholarly antiquarianism.\r\rEach issue focuses on the works of a particular period, with an emphasis on the factual rather than the speculative. The journal comprises notes, book reviews, readers' queries and replies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Onkologie (Czech Republic)", "ISSN": "18024475, 18035345", "Scope": "ScopeThe latest knowledge and findings in the field of etiology, pathogenesis, diagnostics and therapy of illnesses and groups of diseases. The maximum range is 6 pages with 6 figures (graphs) at maximum. In the case of processing a larger topic, it is possible to split the contribution into several parts upon agreement with the editorial staff. Write the article with the emphasis on its practical use by internists and general practitioners.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Panamerican Mathematical Journal", "ISSN": "10649735", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Pharmaceutical Outsourcing", "ISSN": "19453337, 19453345", "Scope": "ScopeWelcome to Pharmaceutical Outsourcing, the journal dedicated to pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical contract services. With regular sections on contract manufacturing, contract research, contract packaging, formulation/development services, contract analytical testing, APIs, stability testing, clinical research and other areas, we bring the most complete coverage of trends and issues in the industry. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Photonics Spectra", "ISSN": "7311230", "Scope": "ScopePhotonics Spectra is today's leading source of technological solutions and of news and information about photonics. It is the magazine referred to worldwide by the largest audience of photonics engineers, scientists and end users. Integrating all segments of photonics, Photonics Spectra is unique in that it provides both technical and practical information for every aspect of the global industry. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Plant Engineering", "ISSN": "0032082X", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Polymers Paint Colour Journal", "ISSN": "1357731X", "Scope": "ScopePPCJ is always pleased to receive contributions on the latest advances in coatings, inks, adhesives, new products, people and company news. Technical articles, as well as submissions on supply, distribution and marketing issues are welcome. As environmental issues are uppermost in all our minds, PPCJ is committed to providing information that will keep you at the forefront of the market. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Prakseologia", "ISSN": "794872", "Scope": "Scope“Prakseologia” publishes quality papers on advanced theoretical issues as well as those presenting empirical work stemming from traditional and cutting-edge research, which display novel substantive and methodological approaches. The journal also includes sections devoted to discussion, polemics and book reviews. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Przeglad Pediatryczny", "ISSN": "0137723X", "Scope": "Scope„Przegląd Pediatryczny” (Przegl Pediatr) zamieszcza niepublikowane wcześniej prace z dziedziny pediatrii w języku polskim i angielskim Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Pulp and Paper Canada", "ISSN": "3164004", "Scope": "ScopePulp & Paper Canada reports on the pulp and paper industry in Canada through articles about mills, people, innovations in research, technology, management and financing, as well as forecasts of future trends. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Questions Liturgiques", "ISSN": "07745524, 17831709", "Scope": "ScopeFounded in 1910 by Dom Lambert Beauduin, Questions Liturgiques/Studies in Liturgy welcomes scholarly contributions (i.e. articles, notes, book essays etc.) in the fields of liturgical theology, the historical study of liturgy and the sacraments, sacramentology, symbol theory, ritual studies, the phenomenology of devotional practices, the anthropology of religion and cognate disciplines. It is committed to advance high-standard scholarship and fundamental reflections in these disciplines. Although the review is rooted in the Catholic tradition, it encourages ecumenical, comparative and interreligious approaches.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Radovi Instituta za Povijest Umjetnosti", "ISSN": "18454534", "Scope": "ScopeJournal of the Institute of Art History is an annual refereed journal publishing original scholarly articles that contain new insights, theories, and interpretations from the fields of art history and visual culture. Besides articles dealing with art history in Croatia and its broader context, we welcome contributions on topics belonging to the Central-European and European cultural space in general. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ramon Llull Journal of Applied Ethics", "ISSN": "20138393, 2229578X", "Scope": "ScopeThe Ramon Llull Journal of Applied Ethics is an academic peer-reviewed journal devoted to the publication of original and unpublished papers in English in any area of applied ethics. It was created in 2010 and is published once a year. It is published by the Ethos Chair at Ramon Llull University and Herder (Publishig House), with the collaboration of the Borja Institute of Bioethics (Ramon Llull University). Applied ethics offer an opportunity to continue thinking about the fundamentals, processes and consequences that determine the social sphere and, in this sense, the Journal aims to contribute to current debate by offering quality and academic rigour. The journal’s interests include but are not restricted to the following topics: organizational ethics, business ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility, professional ethics, bioethics, ecoethics, mass media ethics, ethics and new technologies, healthcare ethics, ethics applied to education, ethics applied to social work and ethics of care. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Rechtskultur", "ISSN": "25684469", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Review of Economic Research on Copyright Issues", "ISSN": "16981359, 16981367", "Scope": "ScopeRERCI publishes papers on all topics that use economic theory to analyse any aspect of copyright management. Relevant topics include (but are not restricted to) both theoretical and empirical studies on the economic theory of copyright, efficient copyright management, the economics of copyright law and alternatives, the causes and effects of copyright infringement (piracy), the effects of digitalisation on efficient information management, collective management of copyright, royalty contract theory, remuneration mechanisms in general for intellectual property transactions, copying and sharing of information goods, copyright in an international context, and the economics of cultural goods and cultural policy. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Review of Korean Studies", "ISSN": "12290076, 27339351", "Scope": "ScopeThe Review of Korean Studies (RKS) is a peer-reviewed, academic journal published in English by the Academy of Korean Studies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Arta", "ISSN": "23451181, 25376136", "Scope": "ScopeThe Scientific Magazine „Arta”, the unique publication in the Republic of Moldova dedicated to the vari­ous aspects of the arts studies, follows the policy of the ethic in scientific publications according to the Code of Editorial Ethic proposed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), in order to prevent scientific miscon­duct, to maintain the scientific quality of the manuscripts submitted to the editorial board assuming its responsi­bility to readers, and to meet the needs of readers and authors. The editorial board of the journal „ARTA”, regards as unacceptable the various forms of plagiarism, forgery, fraud, repeated or „surplus” publishing (i.e. submission of previously published material to the journal), the violation of the principles of authorship, and other forms of scientific misconduct that do not correspond to the policy of ethics in scientific publications and damage the scientific credibility of the material in submitted manuscripts. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Clinica de Ortodontia Dental Press", "ISSN": "16766849", "Scope": "ScopeRevista Clínica de Ortodontia Dental Press is published bymonthly, by Dental Press International, addressed to the dental class, and it is intended for the publication of clinical case reports and techniques, articles of interest to professionals, brief communications and updates. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Critica de Ciencias Sociais", "ISSN": "2541106", "Scope": "ScopeRevista Crítica de Ciências Sociais (RCCS), a journal of the Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra, publishes three times a year the results of advanced research in all fields of the social and human sciences. It favours works with a transdisciplinary approach which contribute to theoretical discussion, epistemological thinking, and critical knowledge about contemporary reality on a global scale. RCCS accepts submissions about all geographical contexts, giving special attention to studies which specially contribute to theoretical and epistemological innovation coming from the global South. The journal publishes in Portuguese, Spanish and English.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Mexicana de Oftalmologia", "ISSN": "1874519", "Scope": "ScopeMexican Journal of Ophthalmology (Revista Mexicana de Oftalmología, RMO) is the official publication of the Mexican Society of Ophthalmology (Sociedad Mexicana de Oftalmología) and is aimed to physicians, clinicians and researchers in the field of ophthalmology including ophthalmologists, visual pathologists, optometrists and any staff who collaborate and have an interest in visual health. The main objective of RMO is to serve as a means of communication and dissemination of new knowledge through the publication of research papers of the highest quality, allowing sharing of findings among researchers, as well as improving decision-making and thus medical care, for the visual welfare of our patients. RMO uses the double-masked external peer review method with an average online review and publication time of about 3 months and a rejection rate of around 60%.\r\rRMO publishes bimonthly articles in all areas related to ophthalmology and visual sciences, including basic sciences, genetics and hereditary diseases, visual pathway, visual rehabilitation, neuro-ophthalmology, pediatric ophthalmology, strabismus, orbit and lacrimal, cornea and diseases of the ocular surface, anterior segment, glaucoma, ocular inflammatory diseases, and retina.\r\rRMO accepts unsolicited publications from authors of any country in the world in both English and Spanish of clinical case reports, original research articles, review articles, meta-analyzes and letters to the editor. For greater dissemination of the articles, the Mexican Journal of Ophthalmology decided from 2018 translate into English (or Spanish) all articles at no cost to the authors. The contents are published in Spanish language in the printed version and in both languages in the online version. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revue Archeologique de l'Est", "ISSN": "12667706, 17607264", "Scope": "ScopeFondée en 1950 par Paul Lebel, la Revue archéologique de l’Est est l’une des huit revues archéologiques inter-régionales qui couvrent le territoire métropolitain. Si l’on met à part la période 1983-1996, pendant laquelle elle dépendait directement des éditions du C.N.R.S., elle a toujours eu un support associatif, la Société Archéologique de l’Est. Elle bénéficie actuellement de la reconnaissance scientifique du C.N.R.S. et du financement du Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication. Elle est hébergée par l’Université de Bourgogne, dans les locaux de l’UMR 6298 « Archéologie, Terre, Histoire et Sociétés », à Dijon.\r\rElle publie des études et des informations archéologiques concernant la France de l’Est et du Centre-Est (Alsace, Bourgogne, Champagne-Ardenne, Franche-Comté, Lorraine et pour Rhône-Alpes, départements de l’Ain et du Rhône), ainsi que les pays limitrophes. Elle accueille des articles de fond et des synthèses intéressant parfois des aires géographiques plus larges, y compris au-delà de nos frontières, des résultats de fouilles récentes, des travaux d’étudiants (masters ou thèses), des notes plus courtes sur des sujets plus ponctuels et des comptes rendus d’ouvrages français et étrangers. Toutes les périodes sont couvertes, du Paléolithique à l’époque contemporaine. La parution est annuelle depuis le tome 47 (1996) et comporte généralement entre 400 à 600 pages, avec illustrations couleurs. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revue de Philosophie Ancienne", "ISSN": "7715420", "Scope": "ScopeFondée en 1983, la Revue de philosophie ancienne publie des articles en français et en anglais (occasionnellement en allemand et en italien) dans le domaine de la philosophie ancienne et de sa réception, sans exclusive quant aux traditions interprétatives dans lesquelles ils s’inscrivent. Elle publie également des recensions critiques et des numéros thématiques. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revue de synthese / Centre international de synthese", "ISSN": "351776", "Scope": "ScopeCréée par Henri Berr en 1900, La Revue de synthèse accueille des travaux d'histoire intellectuelle, d'épistémologie, de philosophie, de sociologie, d'histoire économique, sociale et culturelle. Elle a la vocation d'animer les réflexions situées au carrefour entre la philosophie, l'histoire des sciences et l'histoire générale en encourageant les recherches et les échanges sur les questions touchant aux fondements des sciences sociales, aux renouvellements de l'enquête sur les sciences, aux développements des voies nouvelles propres à l'histoire intellectuelle. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revue d'Histoire Moderne et Contemporaine", "ISSN": "00488003, 17763045", "Scope": "ScopeLa Revue d'Histoire Moderne & Contemporaine est le fruit d'un héritage prestigieux. Fondée en 1899, elle a d'emblée accompagné l'organisation de la profession d'historien et a largement participé à la diffusion du savoir historique. Telle qu'on la connaît aujourd'hui, elle résulte d'une transformation opérée en 1954 sous la direction de Charles-Hippolythe Pouthas. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revue Francaise d'Etudes Americaines", "ISSN": "3977870", "Scope": "ScopeFondée en 1976, la Revue Française d’Études Américaines rassemble des articles scientifiques relevant des études nord-américaines, dans le champ des lettres, des arts, des sciences sociales et humaines. \rLa RFEA offre un lieu de débat sur la recherche en études nord-américaines. Son comité de rédaction indépendant sélectionne des articles inédits qui relèvent d’une approche disciplinaire ou transdisciplinaire. Ces articles présentent les résultats d’une recherche théorique, empirique, ou d’une réflexion critique. Les critères d’évaluation prennent en compte le caractère inédit ou innovant, la présence d’une problématique, la connaissance du domaine, la pertinence des sources et la qualité des développements. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Rigakuryoho Kagaku", "ISSN": "13411667", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Rijksmuseum Bulletin", "ISSN": "18778127", "Scope": "ScopeThe Rijksmuseum Bulletin is our quarterly, peer-reviewed journal presenting scholarly articles that contribute to historical and art-historical research into the Rijksmuseum collections to an international audience of curators, scholars, students, art professionals and enthusiasts.\rScientific research into objects and works of art by museum experts is often published in The Rijksmuseum Bulletin. However, authors from outside the museum are very welcome to contribute. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Rubber World", "ISSN": "359572", "Scope": "ScopeRubber World Magazine, first published in October 1889, has chronicled the events and technological changes in the rubber industry since its inception. Now, almost one hundred and thirty years later, Rubber World is published twelve times a year providing the most up-to-date technical service information available to today's rubber chemists and formulators. It gives research and development personnel the most current technical know-how and provides plant engineering personnel with the latest equipment and production technology to produce the high-quality and high performance products demanded by today's industry. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Russian Japanology Review", "ISSN": "26586444, 26586789", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Russian Studies in Literature", "ISSN": "10611975, 19447167", "Scope": "ScopeRussian Studies in Literature publishes high-quality, annotated translations of Russian literary criticism and scholarship on contemporary works and popular cultural topics as well as the classics. Selections are drawn from the leading literary periodicals including Literaturnaia gazeta (Literary Gazette), Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie (New Literary Review), Oktiabr (October), Voprosy literatury (Problems of Literature), and Znamia (Banner). An editorial introduction to every issue provides context and insight that will be helpful for English-language readers. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Sartre Studies International", "ISSN": "13571559, 15585476", "Scope": "ScopeSartre Studies International is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal which publishes articles of a multidisciplinary, cross-cultural and international character reflecting the full range and complexity of Sartre's own work. It focuses on the philosophical, literary and political issues originating in existentialism, and explores the continuing vitality of existentialist and Sartrean ideas in contemporary society and culture. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Schweizerisches Archiv fur Volkskunde", "ISSN": "0036794X", "Scope": "ScopeDie wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift Schweizerisches Archiv für Volkskunde (SAVk) veröffentlicht Originalarbeiten (Abhandlungen, Debatten, Forschungsberichte und Miszellen) zu volkskundlich-alltagskulturellen, kulturanthropologischen, regionalethnographischen und kulturwissenschaftlichen Themen und diesbezügliche Besprechungen über Neuerscheinungen. Abhandlungen erscheinen in Deutsch, Französisch, Italienisch und Englisch und umfassen max. 45'000 Zeichen (inkl. Leerzeichen). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Scope", "ISSN": "11775653, 11775661", "Scope": "Scope(Art) aims to engage discussion on contemporary research in the visual arts. It is concerned with views and critical debates surrounding issues of practice, theory, history and their relationships as manifested through the visual and related arts and activities, such as sound, performance, curation, tactile and immersive environments, digital scapes and methodological considerations. With New Zealand and its Pacific neighbours as a backdrop, but not its only stage, (Art) seeks to address the matters which concern contemporary artists and arts enquirers in their environments of practice. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Screen Printing", "ISSN": "369594", "Scope": "ScopeScreen Printing magazine has been the leading publication and trusted source of information for the screen printing industry for more than 60 years. Our magazine, website, social media channels, and newsletters cover breaking news, innovative products, expert insight, and tools for success. This content educates and informs professionals in the screen printing industry about the latest methods, equipment, and materials. Simply put, the Screen Printing brand supports professionals with collaborative information geared to their exact field of concentration to help them grow their business. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Script and Print", "ISSN": "18349013", "Scope": "ScopeScript & Print: Bulletin of the Bibliographical Society of Australia and New Zealand (ISSN 1834-9013) is published quarterly and sent to all paid-up members of the Society.\rScript & Print publishes in all areas that form part of, or are related to, physical\rbibliography: the history of printing, publishing, bookselling, type founding,\rpapermaking, bookbinding; palaeography and codicology; writing, editing and\rtextual bibliography. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Sociologia e Ricerca Sociale", "ISSN": "11211148", "Scope": "ScopeSociologia e Ricerca Sociale (Sociology and Sociological Research), was founded in 1980 by a group of professors from different Italian universities and different branches of Sociology. The aim was to achieve two main goals. The first was to create a channel for communication among specialists not subject to academic limitation of any sort. The second was to pursue the project of a logically and methodologically based empirical research, focusing on one hand on the relations between scientific statute of social theory, and on the other on social intervention. The fundamental need for pluralism has guided the work of this review since it was founded. Italian and foreign authors from academic, research or professional backgrounds discuss themes and issues that range from social theory, sociology of communication, professions in the field, complex organizations, and social services, to labor rights and policies and sociology of the sciences and knowledge.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "South Central Review", "ISSN": "07436831, 15493377", "Scope": "ScopeNow boasting more than a quarter century of publication, South Central Review publishes a stimulating mix of interdisciplinary scholarly articles, essays, interviews, and opinion pieces. Topics covered include literary criticism, film studies, philosophy and history, as well as current debates on important cultural and political topics. Contributors have included Tzvetan Todorov, Susan Suleiman, Michael Mewshaw, Andre Codrescu, Marjorie Perloff, Jeffrey Schnapp, and Yvegny Yevtushenko. South Central Review is the official journal of the South Central Modern Language Association (SCMLA). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Southeast of Now", "ISSN": "24249947, 24250147", "Scope": "ScopeSoutheast of Now is a scholarly journal on art and visual culture, published online and in print twice yearly by NUS Press, National University of Singapore. The journal aims to look and listen closely to the discursive spaces of art in, from, and around the region that is referred to as Southeast Asia, from a historical perspective. The journal presents a necessarily diverse range of perspectives not only on the contemporary and modern art of Southeast Asia, but indeed of the region itself: its borders, its identity, its efficacy, and its limitations as a geographical marker and a conceptual category. As such, the journal is defined by a commitment to the need for and importance of rigorous discussion, of the contemporary and modern art of the domain that lies south of China, east of India, and north of Australia. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Strategic Survey", "ISSN": "4597230", "Scope": "ScopeStrategic Survey is the annual review of world affairs from the International Institute for Strategic Studies. It is an invaluable tool for interpreting world-wide strategic developments. It includes a series of detailed maps highlighting topics and trends. Since 1966, it has provided the essential one-volume analysis of the year's key events in international relations for government policy makers, journalists, business leaders and academics.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studia Austriaca", "ISSN": "15932508, 23852925", "Scope": "Scope“Studia austriaca” (e-ISSN 2385-2925) is an international journal devoted to the study of Austrian culture and literature. It is published annually, in the spring, as an online, open access, peer-reviewed journal hosted by Università degli Studi di Milano under OJS (Open Journal Systems).\r\rThe international character of the journal is emphasized by the breadth of its Editorial Board and by the commitment to publish essays not only in German and Italian, but also in English and other European languages. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studia Universitatis Cibiniensis, Series Historica", "ISSN": "15843165", "Scope": "ScopeStudia Universitatis Cibiniensis. Series Historica (SUCSH) appears under the patronage of the “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, of the Department of History and Heritage and of The Heritage and Socio-Cultural History Research Center. Founded in 2004, SUCSH was published annual in Romanian and also regularly published studies and reviews in English, German and French. In recent years it edited a journal supplement in English which usually brought together international acts of conferences or workshops. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studies in Regional Science", "ISSN": "02876256, 18806465", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Synergies Chili", "ISSN": "07180675, 22606017", "Scope": "ScopeSynergies Chili est une revue francophone de recherche en sciences humaines ouverte aux sciences du langage et de la commu­nication, aux domaines linguistiques et culturels, celui de la langue française en particulier.\rSa vocation est de mettre en œuvre au Chili le Programme Mondial de Diffusion Scientifique Francophone en Réseau du GERFLINT, Groupe d'Etudes et de Recherches pour le Français Langue Internationale. C’est pourquoi elle publie essentiellement des articles dans cette langue mais sans exclusivelinguistique et accueille, de façon prioritaire, les travaux issus de la pensée scientifique des chercheurs francophones de son espace géographique dont le français n’est pas la langue première. Comme toutes les revues du GERFLINT, elle poursuit les objectifs suivants : défense de la recherche scientifique francophone dans l'ensemble des sciences humaines, promotion du dialogue entre les disciplines, les langues et les cultures, ouverture sur l'ensemble de la communauté scientifique, aide aux jeunes chercheurs, adoption d'une large couverture disciplinaire, veille sur la qualité scientifique des travaux. La politique éditoriale de la revue se place dans le cadre de la politique éditoriale générale des éditions Gerflint. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Tabularia", "ISSN": "16307364", "Scope": "ScopeLa revue Tabularia est une revue électronique qui se donne pour objectif l’étude des sources écrites des mondes normands médiévaux. Elle est conçue pour permettre une diffusion rapide de l’information sur ce thème, par la publication d’articles scientifiques originaux. Elle accorde également une large place à la diffusion et à la publication de sources écrites, inédites ou non. La validité de l’information scientifique est assurée par l’existence d’un comité de rédaction et une double expertise à l’aveugle des contributions proposées.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Taiwan Journal of Linguistics", "ISSN": "17294649, 19942559", "Scope": "ScopeTaiwan Journal of Linguistics is an international journal dedicated to the publication of research papers in linguistics and welcomes contributions in all areas of the scientific study of language. Contributions may be submitted from all countries and are accepted all year round. The language of publication is English. There are no restrictions on regular submission; however, manuscripts simultaneously submitted to other publications cannot be accepted.\rTJL adheres to a strict standard of double-blind reviews to minimize biases that might be caused by knowledge of the author’s gender, culture, or standing within the professional community. Once a manuscript is determined as potentially suitable for the journal after an initial screening by the editor, all information that may identify the author is removed, and copies are sent to at least two qualified reviewers. The selection of reviewers is based purely on professional considerations and their identity will be kept strictly confidential by TJL.\rAll feedback from the reviewers, except such comments as may be specifically referred to the attention of the editor, is faithfully relayed to the authors to assist them in improving their work, regardless of whether the paper is to be accepted, accepted upon minor revision, revised and resubmitted, or rejected. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Technology Review", "ISSN": "1099274X", "Scope": "ScopeThe mission of MIT Technology Review is to bring about better-informed and more conscious decisions about technology through authoritative, influential, and trustworthy journalism.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Theatre History Studies", "ISSN": "07332033, 21669953", "Scope": "ScopeTheatre History Studies is an official journal of the Mid-America Theatre Conference, Inc. (MATC). At its founding, the conference region encompassed the states of Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin. Now the conference draws from national membership. Its purposes are to unite persons and organizations within the region with an interest in theatre and to promote the growth and development of all forms of theatre. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Theologische Literaturzeitung", "ISSN": "405671", "Scope": "ScopeTheologische Literaturzeitung appears once a month - with a double issue in January/February and July/August at the end of January respectively end of July - reviewing nearly every new German publication in theology, as well as a large number of publications from the English-speaking world, Scandinavia, and from the French, Spanish and Italian-speaking communities. As a rule, the reviews appear in German, but there are also contributions in English and French. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Tijdschrift voor Bedrijfs- en Verzekeringsgeneeskunde", "ISSN": "0929600X, 18765858", "Scope": "ScopeHet Tijdschrift voor Bedrijfs- en Verzekeringsgeneeskunde (TBV) is blad dat u op de hoogte houdt van de ontwikkelingen in uw vak, wanneer u werkzaam bent in de bedrijfs- en verzekeringsgeneeskunde. Het betvat wetenschappelijk onderzoek, artikelen voor de praktijk, boekbesprekingen en nieuws van de vereniging. Het tijdschrift is een uitgave van de Stichting tot bevordering der Bedrijfs- en Verzekeringsgeneeskunde (SBBV), met medewerking van de NVVG en de NVAB.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Transfer(Spain)", "ISSN": "18865542", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal publishes essays on Translation and International Studies, book reviews on the same field, as well as translations, and news of interest to researchers and scholars in this field. It only accepts submissions of unpublished originals in Spanish and English (occasionally also in Catalan, Italian, French and Portuguese). It is conceived as a forum for scientific discussionand debate, and as an international platform for the dissemination of research on translation, literary reception, interculturality, cultural mediation and intercultural relations.\r\rIt offers different sections:\r\r1) essays on translation and intercultural studies,\r\r2) book reviews on the same topic,\r\r3) unpublished translations, and\r\r4) news of interest for researchers in these fields.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Translational Research in Biomedicine", "ISSN": "1662405X, 16624068", "Scope": "ScopeTranslational Research in Biomedicine is a new book series dedicated to the spread of seminal information in contemporary biomedicine with a translational orientation. It takes a holistic view on translational research that transcends the boundaries between bench and bedside research. Each volume, edited by experts in the field, is a synthesis of ideas, technologies and research outcomes that are associated with a particular theme in contemporary biomedicine. Some volumes may be up-to-date reviews on fundamental principles, to be followed by their clinical applications. Others may begin with clinical observations, to be followed by a discussion of underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms. All volumes will be presented in a fashion that is amenable to non-experts, be they scientists or clinical practitioners. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "UcoArte. Revista de Teoria e Historia del Arte", "ISSN": "22551905", "Scope": "ScopeUcoArte is an annual journal that focuses on disseminating knowledge of Art History through original and unpublished works, which are the result of scientific research, consequently papers will be published at the beginning of December. It is open to researchers from the international scientific community who deal with subjects related to the History of Art, both Spanish and international. Each issue published during the first fortnight of December is aimed at the university community, researchers, experts and art professionals, as well as anyone interested in the journal's own subject matter. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Usuteaduslik Ajakiri", "ISSN": "14066564", "Scope": "ScopeThe Estonian Theological Journal consists of an international editorial team, being a double blind peer review journal that publishes articles, reviews and overviews in the fields of theology and religious studies.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "VDI-Z Integrierte Produktion", "ISSN": "421766", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Wenshan Review of Literature and Culture", "ISSN": "20771282, 20771290", "Scope": "ScopeFounded in 1995, The Wenshan* Review of Literature and Culture is a fully open access journal of Interdisciplinary nature indexed in ESCI, SCOPUS, and EBSCOhost. Issued biannually (June and December) both in print and online versions, the journal is based in the Department of English at National Chengchi University (NCCU), Taipei, Taiwan. The main language medium is English but essays written in Chinese are also published.\r\rBased in different parts of the world, members of the editorial team and international advisory board cover almost all research areas of literary and cultural studies, and include distinguished and chair professors, outstanding and award-winning scholars, and elected Fellows of the British Academy, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the Academia Europea, the Royal Society of Canada, and the Linnean Society of London. Research articles and book reviews are welcome and so are proposals for special issues. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Word and Image", "ISSN": "2666286", "Scope": "ScopeWord & Image concerns itself with the study of the encounters, dialogues, and mutual collaboration (or hostility) between verbal and visual languages. It provides a forum for articles that focus exclusively on the special study of the relations between words and images from all historical periods and perspectives, both theoretical and practical. Themed issues, guest-edited by specialists in the field, are an occasional feature of the journal.\rAll research articles published in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial screening by both editors and anonymized refereeing. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Yearbook of Ancient Greek Epic", "ISSN": "2405450X", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Zagadnienia Filozoficzne w Nauce", "ISSN": "08678286, 24510602", "Scope": "ScopeThe title of the journal – Philosophical Problems in Science – since the very beginning has been a kind of manifesto of philosophy practiced in the context of science. The journal covers a wide range of topics of general interest to those working on philosophical problems involved in and intertwined with modern science, of which the most important are philosophical implications of natural sciences (mainly exact sciences); history, methodology and philosophy of science; broadly understood philosophy of nature; philosophy of physics, philosophy of chemistry, philosophy of biology, philosophy of economics; logic and philosophy of logic; foundations, philosophy and history of mathematics; philosophy of computer science and informatics; philosophical aspects of cognitive science, philosophy of mind as well as the relationships between religion and science. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung fur Rechtsgeschichte, Germanistische Abteilung", "ISSN": "03234045, 23044861", "Scope": "ScopeThe Zeitschrift für Rechtsgeschichte (ZRG, also known as the Savigny Journal) represents an integral part of European legal history research, having made a significant contribution to the current state of the discipline.\r\rEach section publishes a new volume per year which includes an article and a literature section, each complemented by a Chronik and Mitteilungen section.\r\rThe division of ZRG into the Romanistische, Germanistische, and Kanonistische Abteilung (since 1910) is based on the differentiation of the legal-historical subjects at that time. This is no longer self-explanatory, and in particular, Germanistisch is often misunderstood. Today, the sections have the following profile:\rThe Romanistische Abteilung is dedicated to the entire ancient history of law and the dogmatic broadcasts to the present day,\rThe Kanonistische Abteilung is dedicated to the entire history of ecclesiastical law, and\rThe Germanistische Abteilung is dedicated to the rest of entire European legal history since late antiquity to the present day.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Zeitschrift fur Psychiatrie, Psychologie und Psychotherapie", "ISSN": "16614747, 16642929", "Scope": "ScopeThematischer Schwerpunkt der Zeitschrift für Psychiatrie, Psychologie und Psychotherapie (ZPPP) ist die wissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung mit psychischen Störungen sowie mit psychotherapeutischen Interventionsverfahren und den Methoden ihrer Entwicklung und Evaluation. Als Organ für die Publikation von Beiträgen aus allen Bereichen der Psychiatrie, der Psychologie und als Informationsorgan über vorwiegend evidenzbasierte psychotherapeutische Verfahren und Methoden dient die ZPPP unmittelbar der praktischen psychologischen Arbeit und trägt durch Diskussion und Erfahrungsberichte über einzelne Störungen bzw. Interventionsmethoden zur Entwicklung auf dem gesamten Gebiet der Psychiatrie, Psychologie und Psychotherapie bei. Die ZPPP fühlt sich einer faktenorientierten (evidenz-basierten) Psychiatrie, Psychologie und Psychotherapie verpflichtet. Die Leserschaft der Zeitschrift sind Psychiater*innen, Psycholog*innen, Ärztliche und Psychologische Psychotherapeut*innen sowie Kinder- und Jugendlichenpsychotherapeut*innen. Sie erscheint ausschliesslich in Form von Themenheften.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Zgodovina za Vse", "ISSN": "13182498", "Scope": "ScopeThe new Slovene historical journal, Zgodovina za vse (History for Everyone), concentrates on historical anthropology and deals with topics within the history of everyday life, as well as with history from below or the history of ordinary people. Its special quality is the revival of narrative.\r\rThe journal has three parts. The first is comprised of a section for real life stories and articles which are in line with the general orientation of the journal. The criteria for contributions are an academic approach supported by a rich critical apparatus in a narrative style which is neither dull nor plain. The second part is comprised of discussions concerning the theory of history as well as various polemics, while the third offers reviews of books dealing with issues and topics related to the journal’s content.\r\rUndoubtedly, the most distinctive characteristic of Zgodovina za vse is the revival of narrative. The articles are discernible by their detailed narratives or description (i.e. thick descriptions). This is so-called “modern narrative” which contemporary historians, influenced by the findings and results of anthropology, contrast with more traditional narrative characterized as “thin description”. Thorough and detailed case studies of various phenomena from the Slovene past from complex articles which, according to the methodology and technique they deploy, can be characterized as microhistory or micronarrative – the history of every-day life, the history of mentality, as well as the history of civilisation, habits and customs. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Zhonghua shao shang za zhi = Zhonghua shaoshang zazhi = Chinese journal of burns", "ISSN": "10092587", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "AAO Journal", "ISSN": "23755717, 23755776", "Scope": "ScopePrinted quarterly, The AAO Journal (AAOJ) is the official publication of the American Academy of Osteopathy. It is distributed electronically to more than 7,500 osteopathic physicians, interns, residents and students, colleges of osteopathic medicine, hospitals, state societies and affiliated organizations. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Advances in Austrian Economics", "ISSN": "15292134", "Scope": "ScopeAdvances in Austrian Economics connects the Austrian tradition of economics with other research traditions in economics and related areas. Each volume attempts to apply the insights of Austrian economics and related approaches to topics that are of current interest in economics and cognate disciplines.\r\rThe edited volume approach delivers ideas from multiple contributors in one book, providing a forum for variety and contrasting perspectives among those working in these areas. As such, Advances fills an important niche in the world of Austrian economics.\r\rAustrian school economists are the primary audience, but this series will appeal to people working in a variety of positions in economics and related disciplines. Those working in public choice, new institutionalism, cognitive or behavior economics, entrepreneurship, and other areas will find value in the series. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Altre Modernita", "ISSN": "20357680", "Scope": "ScopeAltre Modernità (AM), a six-monthly journal, ISSN 2035-7680, features articles, discussions, interviews, translations, creative works, reviews, and bibliographical information on the cultural production of Modernity. The themes and topics tackled in each issue will take Altre Modernità to areas of the world traditionally perceived as geographically and culturally disparate, aiming at capturing the newness of the cultural paradigms that are taking shape in several places today in order to isolate, subvert, weaken or transcend the monologic discourse of mainstream culture.\r\rAM is dedicated to the study of the peripheries of the world and the peripheries of societies that act as vibrant centres of cultural production, with special attention paid to those aspects of his cultural production that offer alternative models, suggestions and tools for overcoming it. The literary discourse still represents - for Altre Modernità - the point of departure and the unavoidable hub collating explorations in contiguous cultural and artistic fields.\r\rAltre Modernità is an Open Access journal devoted to the promotion of competent and definitive contributions to literary and cultural studies knowledge. The journal welcomes also works that fall into various disciplines: cultural studies, religion, history, literature, liberal arts, law, political science, computer science and economics that deal with contemporary issues, as listed in AM CfPs. Altre Modernità uses a policy of double-blind blind review (in which both the reviewer and author identities are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa, throughout the review process) by at least two consultants to evaluate articles accepted for consideration. Altre Modernità promotes special issues on particular topics of special relevance in the cultural debates. Altre Modernità occasionally has opportunities for Guest Editors for special issues of the journal.\r\rAltre Modernità publishes at least 2 original issues in a calendar year. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Americania", "ISSN": "21740178", "Scope": "ScopeAmericania aims to generate a framework for discussion so that researchers and researchers analyze, from a multidisciplinary perspective, the Latin American worlds of the past and present. We propose Americanía as an open and plural academic space that allows researchers from different backgrounds and disciplines to establish a fruitful exchange of the latest scientific advances in the field of Latin American history. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Annales Universitatis Apulensis. Series Historica", "ISSN": "14539306", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Anuario Filosofico", "ISSN": "665215", "Scope": "ScopeAnuario Filosófico es la revista del Departamento de Filosofía de la Universidad de Navarra. Desde 1968 ha recogido en sus páginas el resultado de la investigación de numerosos autores españoles y extranjeros. Acepta artículos sistemáticos e históricos tanto de la tradición continental como de la analítica. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Archives of Epilepsy", "ISSN": "27920550", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Artibus Asiae", "ISSN": "43648", "Scope": "ScopeARTIBUS ASIAE is a semi-annual publication of scholarly articles and research notes devoted to the history of art and archaeology of Asia. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Austral: Brazilian Journal of Strategy and International Relations", "ISSN": "22386262, 22386912", "Scope": "ScopeAUSTRAL: Brazilian Journal of Strategy and International Relations was the first Brazilian journal in the area of International Relations to be fully published in English (2012). It is an essentially academic vehicle, linked to the Brazilian Centre of Strategy & International Relations (NERINT) and the Doctoral Program in International Strategic Studies (PPGEEI) of the Faculty of Economics (FCE) of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). Its pluralist focus aims to contribute to the debate on the international political and economic order from the perspective of the developing world.\r\rThe journal publishes original articles in the area of Strategy and International Relations, with special interest in issues related to developing countries and South-South Cooperation – its security problems; the political, economic and diplomatic developments of emerging countries; and their relations with the traditional powers. AUSTRAL is published semi-annually in English and Portuguese. The journal’s target audience consists of researchers, experts, diplomats, military personnel and graduate students of International Relations.\r\rThe content of the journal consists of in-depth analytical articles written by experts (Professors and Doctors), focusing on each of the great continents of the South: Asia, Latin America and Africa. Thus, the debate and diffusion of knowledge produced in these regions is stimulated. All contributions submitted to AUSTRAL are subject to rigorous scientific evaluation. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Australasian Drama Studies", "ISSN": "8104123", "Scope": "ScopeEstablished in 1982, Australasian Drama Studies (ADS) is the official journal published by the Association. ADS is a fully peer-reviewed journal which publishes articles, interviews, and production casebooks on world theatre by Australasian and international scholars. The journal also publishes reviews of scholarly books and published play texts. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Aut Aut", "ISSN": "50601", "Scope": "ScopeLa rivista si rivolge a chi si occupa del dibattito filosofico, agli operatori culturali, agli studiosi di problemi sociali e psicologici, ma soprattutto si rivolge ai giovani che cercano strumenti di pensiero per la propria formazione critica e per la costruzione di una coscienza civile all’interno delle loro pratiche.\r\rL’iniziale ispirazione fenomenologica è stata mantenuta e allargata fino a fare di “aut aut” una sorta di laboratorio di idee e di discussioni al di là di ogni steccato ideologico e con un respiro europeo e internazionale. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Building and Landscapes", "ISSN": "19346832, 19360886", "Scope": "ScopeBuildings & Landscapes is the leading source for scholarly work on vernacular architecture of North America and beyond. The journal continues VAF’s tradition of scholarly publication going back to the first Perspectives in Vernacular Architecture in 1982. Published through the University of Minnesota Press since 2007, the journal moved from one to two issues per year in 2009.\r\rBuildings & Landscapes examines the places that people build and experience every day: houses and cities, farmsteads and alleys, churches and courthouses, subdivisions and shopping malls. The journal’s contributorsundefinedhistorians and architectural historians, preservationists and architects, geographers, anthropologists and folklorists, and others whose work involves documenting, analyzing, and interpreting vernacular formsundefinedapproach the built environment as a windows into human life and culture, basing their scholarship on both fieldwork and archival research. The editors encourage submission of articles that explore the ways the built environment shapes everyday life within and beyond North America. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Bulletin of the Physical Fitness Research Institute", "ISSN": "3899071", "Scope": "Scope体力医学研究所創立の翌年(1963年)に創刊された機関誌です。研究所の研究成果を定期的に発表するもので、全国の大学をはじめ、内外の研究機関および研究者、大学図書館、関係団体等へ配布しています。バックナンバーをご希望の方は事務局までお申し出ください。 Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cadernos de Linguagem e Sociedade", "ISSN": "01049712, 21794790", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Cahiers de Geographie de Quebec", "ISSN": "79766", "Scope": "ScopeLes Cahiers de géographie du Québec sont publiés depuis 1956 par le Département de géographie de l'Université Laval. La revue publie des articles consacrés à la recherche théorique et appliquée en géographie humaine. Elle est ouverte à l'ensemble des thèmes de la géographie humaine et accueille également des auteurs en provenance d'autres disciplines lorsque les questions traitées concernent les domaines de l'organisation du territoire : urbanisme, aménagement, développement régional, etc. La revue accorde une attention particulière à la pratique de la géographie au Québec et au Canada. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cahiers des Etudes Anciennes", "ISSN": "03175065, 19232713", "Scope": "ScopeFondés en 1972 et dirigés jusqu’en 2004 par le professeur Pierre Senay de l’Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, les Cahiers des études anciennes sont la seule publication francophone du domaine en Amérique du Nord. Ils sont maintenant publiés conjointement par le Département d’études anciennes et de sciences des religions de l’Université d’Ottawa et l’Institut d’études anciennes de l’Université Laval. Les Cahiers des études anciennes publient chaque année un numéro thématique ; chaque numéro est placé sous les auspices d’un éditeur ad hoc, spécialiste reconnu du domaine ou de la question abordés. Toutes les problématiques pertinentes à l’étude de l’Antiquité sont traitées. L’éditeur s’entoure de plusieurs savants dans une perspective pluridisciplinaire: ainsi, les sujets peuvent être abordés sous l’angle littéraire, historique, philologique, archéologique, philosophique, religieux, mythologique, artistique, etc. et peuvent couvrir l’ensemble de la période antique, des origines à l’Antiquité tardive. L’éditeur peut également faire appel à des écrivains, philosophes, intellectuels contemporains pour élargir le champ de la réflexion. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "China Journal of Leprosy and Skin Diseases", "ISSN": "10091157", "Scope": "ScopeChina Journal of Leprosy and Skin Diseases (ISSN 1009-1157, CN37-1348/R) was established in 1985 and originally named China Journal of Leprosy. It is a monthly journal with about 25 articles per issue. It publishes original and top quality research papers, case reports, reviews, clinical researches, clinical nursing, etc. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Chinese Journal of Neurosurgery", "ISSN": "10012346", "Scope": "ScopeWith neurosurgeons and related professional researchers as the main readers, this publication reports the latest findings in scientific research and clinic practice in the field of neurosurgery, as well as the basic theoretical research closely related to the clinical neurosurgery. It publishes a variety of writing related to neurosurgery, such as, expert review, doctors lectures, clinical article, experimental article, clinic experiences, expert lectures, technical improvement, surgical techniques, reviews, discussions, letters from readers, etc. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Chinese Journal of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology", "ISSN": "10058915", "Scope": "Scope《药物生物技术》1994年创刊,是中国药科大学、中国医药科技出版社和中国药学会共同主办的国家级学术期刊,双月刊,A4开本96页,\r面向国内外公开发行,国内统一刊号CN32-1488/R,国际连续出版物号ISSN 1005-8915。系中国药学和生物学核心期刊。\r本刊主要刊登现代生物技术在医药卫生、化学和食品工业、农业等相关领域中的最新研究成果及应用进展方面的文章,是基因工程、蛋白质工程、细胞工程、酶工程、发酵工程等领域的创新研究进行国内外交流的重要窗口;刊物体现了学术性,科学性,权威性,前沿性,可读性的特点。\r本刊是国内唯一的一本将基因工程技术应用于药物领域研究和产业化的专业性刊物,对引导新生物技术在药学方面的应用和发展,对推动全球生物经济的可持续发展起到一定的先锋作用。本刊从1994年创刊到现在,敏锐地、适时地以其全新的药物生物技术的内容和概念,引领国内药学学科向生物技术领域渗透发展,是其它传统医药学刊物所不能包含的。 Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Chinese Medical Ethics", "ISSN": "10018565", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "CHINOPERL: Journal of Chinese Oral and Performing Literature", "ISSN": "2835317X, 28353188", "Scope": "ScopeThe focus of CHINOPERL: Journal of Chinese Oral and Performing Literature is on literature connected to oral performance, broadly defined as any form of verse or prose that has elements of oral transmission, and, whether currently or in the past, performed either formally on stage or informally as a means of everyday communication. Such \"literature\" includes widely-accepted genres such as the novel, short story, drama, and poetry, but may also include proverbs, folksongs, and other traditional forms of linguistic expression. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Chiropractic Journal of Australia", "ISSN": "10360913, 22008012", "Scope": "ScopeThe Chiropractic Journal of Australia (CJA) is a peer-reviewed journal of record dedicated to the advancement of chiropractic science, principles and practice. CJA seeks to fulfil this purpose by critical review and publication of research and scholarly works relating to the scientific bases and clinical applications of chiropractic, and supportive presentations of an educational and/or professional nature. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ciencia da Informacao", "ISSN": "1001965", "Scope": "ScopeJournal Ciência da Informação is a quarterly publication of original and unpublished material, related to Information Science or that presents results from studies and research about activities of the information sector in science, technology and innovation. Information Science is understood as an interdisciplinary field concerned with the study of phenomena related to information and knowledge production, organization, dissemination, preservation and use in all fields of knowledge.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Clinical Medicine of China", "ISSN": "10086315", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Clio: Histoire, Femmes et Societes", "ISSN": "12527017, 17775299", "Scope": "ScopeClio. Femmes, Genre, Histoire, revue française semestrielle (anciennement Clio. Histoire, Femmes et Sociétés), ouvre ses colonnes à celles et ceux qui mènent des recherches en histoire des femmes et du genre (toutes sociétés et toutes périodes). Organisée autour d’un thème (études de cas, actualité de la recherche, documents, témoignages et interviews, Clio a lu, Clio a reçu), elle est attentive à la dimension pluridisciplinaire et publie également des articles de Varia. Clio FGH dispose désormais d'une version numérique en anglais. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Coal Age", "ISSN": "10910646", "Scope": "ScopeThe magazine for professionals in the coal mining and processing industries, Coal Age has served its readers since it was rolled out of E&MJ more than 100 years ago. Today, it remains a highly respected and well-read trade journal among coal operators. After eight years of difficulty, the coal industry will rebuild in 2018. And, Coal Age will be there with fearless reporting and meaningful articles. Marketers looking to capitalize on coal will find the biggest returns working with Coal Age’s loyal readership.\r\rCoal Age is one of the few audited publications serving the coal business. BPA Worldwide provides independent, third-party confirmation of audience claims. Maintaining readership, especially during difficult times, requires work and a significant financial commitment. The audit certifies the fruits of those efforts.\r\r\rOver the years, Coal Age has had the courage to speak out about safety conditions and labor practices as well as political forces that unfairly reshaped the market. The coal business has some colorful characters, who unabashedly square off against the media and politicians. Unbiased reporting lets readers decide for themselves between bluster and hyperbole. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Colon and Rectum", "ISSN": "19516371, 1951638X", "Scope": "ScopeCôlon & Rectum, la revue de formation continue des maladies du côlon, du rectum et de l’anus.\r\rSes domaines de veille scientifique et d'enseignement concernent les cancers, les maladies inflammatoires intestinales, les troubles fonctionnels intestinaux et les maladies proctologiques. L'expertise chirurgicale, endoscopique et proctologique est largement développée à des fins de pratique clinique. La revue intéressera l'ensemble des acteurs de santé impliqués dans la prise en charge des malades souffrant de troubles colorectaux : chirurgiens, proctologues, gastro-entérologues, médecins rééducateurs et motriciens, cancérologues, kinésithérapeutes et infirmières. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Comparative Drama", "ISSN": "00104078, 19361637", "Scope": "ScopeComparative Drama publishes original essays on any aspect of dramatic literature and theatre. In its fifty-year history the journal has often focused on early drama, but we publish studies of drama and theatre from any historical period. We include a variety of methodologies and theoretical perspectives, with a strong interest in interdisciplinary scholarship. We aim to bring significant work to a wide international audience and seek studies that are international in spirit.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Compilation and Translation Review", "ISSN": "20714858, 20714866", "Scope": "ScopeCompilation and Translation Review (CTR) is a semi-annual journal that was first published in September of 2008. As an academic journal in Taiwan that promotes both theoretical and practical research on the study and practice of translation and compilation, CTR publications include research papers, forums, book reviews, translation reviews and translation annotations.\r\rThe CTR Advisory and Editorial Board consist of renowned scholars from Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, the UK and the US; this international breadth and depth further enhances the CTR’s academic prestige. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture", "ISSN": "10757201, 19301200", "Scope": "ScopeContagion is the journal of the Colloquium on Violence and Religion (COV&R), an international association of scholars founded in 1990 and dedicated to the exploration, criticism, and development of René Girard’s mimetic model of the relationship between violence and religion in the genesis and maintenance of culture. The Violence, Mimesis, and Culture Series and Breakthoughs in Mimetic Theory Series provide additional examination of cultural mimesis.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Contradictions", "ISSN": "25707485", "Scope": "ScopeContradictions assesses and creatively revives radical intellectual traditions of Central and Eastern Europe, bringing them to bear on the historical present and bringing them into international discussions of emancipatory social change.\r\rSkirting the disciplinary boundaries of political philosophy, social theory, and cultural analysis, we publish scholarly studies, theoretical essays, interviews, reviews, and annotated archival materials on the following themes:\r\r1) underexamined or overlooked aspects of the history of radical left thought in Central and Eastern Europe (with attention both to historical significance and contemporary relevance);\r\r2) related and parallel traditions of thought originating in other regions, which can be brought into conversation with the traditions of Central and Eastern Europe (taking into consideration questions of centrality and marginality or “Easternness” as questions of global concern);\r\r3) the analysis of Soviet-type societies and their troubled relationship with historical and contemporary movements for social emancipation; and\r\r4) the ideological assumptions and social conditions of what has come to be known as “post-communism.”\r\rWith these thematic problems in mind, we provide a place for original contributions to critical social theory that arise out of critical engagement with the complicated legacy of Central and Eastern European thought in its global context. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cuadernos de Investigacion Filologica", "ISSN": "02110547, 1699292X", "Scope": "ScopeCIF is a publication of the University of La Rioja dedicated to the diffusion of studies in the field of Philology. In order to be published, proposals must be original works of any area of Philology (linguistics, literature, literary theory, etc.) and must obtain two favorable reports in the blind peer review process. The journal will accept:\rArticles (with a minimum length of 12 pages and a maximum of 25 pages including bibliographical references, notes, appendices, figures and tables).Reviews of recent books published in the field of Philology (maximum 6 pages).Notes or squibs (maximum 10 pages).\r\rExceptionally and always accompanied by a positive report from the Scientific Committee, works that exceed the indicated extension will be admitted when the extension is justified.\r\rCIF supports publication proposals in Spanish, French and English. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cuadernos del Cendes", "ISSN": "10122508", "Scope": "ScopeLa Revista Cuadernos del CENDES es una publicación arbitrada bajo el sistema doble ciego, que está abierta a todas las corrientes del pensamiento en Venezuela, América Latina y el mundo. En cada número se incluyen artículos, reseñas bibliográficas y documentos relativos al campo de los estudios del desarrollo y a las ciencias sociales en general. Se publican tres números al año, uno de los cuales puede ser temático.\r\rCuadernos del Cendes es editada desde 1983 por el Centro de Estudios del Desarrollo -Cendes- instituto adscrito al Vicerrectorado Académico de la Universidad Central de Venezuela, el cual se dedica a la investigación y la docencia de posgrado en el campo del desarrollo.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cultura Neolatina", "ISSN": "3915654", "Scope": "ScopeCULTURA NEOLATINA – Rivista di filologia romanza fondata da Giulio Bertoni, riafferma la vocazione d’una disciplina che nelle origini romanze riconosce la radice culturale dell'unità europea. La Direzione scientifica ha associati con ruolo attivo Filologi eminenti di diversi Paesi. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cultural History", "ISSN": "2045290X, 20452918", "Scope": "ScopeThe intellectual shifts of recent decades have moved ‘culture’ to the forefront of academic attention while expanding the practice of ‘history’ beyond the boundaries of traditional disciplines. Cultural History, the peer-reviewed journal of the International Society for Cultural History (ISCH), engages fully with these developments. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Dejiny - Teorie - Kritika", "ISSN": "12147249, 24645370", "Scope": "ScopeThe Dějiny – teorie – kritika / History – Theory – Cristicism journal aims to inspire and cultivate critical and innovative approaches to the past. It places emphasis on the explicit reflection of theory and methods in history writing. It is open both to theoretically oriented texts and to studies that test or apply theoretical approaches and concepts on specific empirical material. The journal is discussion oriented. In addition to its core Studies and Essays section it entails a Discussions and Disputes section and a Reviews and Reflections section. Both of the latter enable scholars to react to more up-to-date concerns of historical scholarship while the core section on Studies and Essays brings mainly results of more long-term research. The journal also has a long tradition of publishing parallel and multiple book reviews which provide a more complex, polyphonic treatment of historical works. \r\rTexts can be submitted in English and Czech. The journal has long played an important role in mediating between academic cultures, for example by its series of invited guest lectures in English or by coining specialized terminology in Czech. It thus increasingly serves as an important platform which brings together authors of different academic and language backgrounds (beyond the English - Czech dichotomy). Interdisciplinary perspectives are welcomed and the journal has a long tradition of publishing works by early career researchers as well as established scholars. Our rigorous double-blind peer review process assesses whether submitted texts are in line with the journal’s profile. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Diabetes Aktuell", "ISSN": "18616089, 18641733", "Scope": "ScopePraxisnahe Information und Fortbildung für den Hausarzt und den Diabetologen.\r\rErkennung und Beratung - Prävention und Therapie\rDiabetes aktuell ist eine Plattform für eine ganzheitliche Betreuung der Patienten mit Prädiabetes und Diabetes in der Kooperation von hausärztlicher und diabetologischer Praxis.\r\rMagazin\rAktuelle Nachrichten und Informationen aus Forschung, Praxis und Gesundheitspolitik.\r\rSchwerpunktthema\rAktuelle Schwerpunktthemen in jedem Heft, z.B. Diabetes und Schwangerschaft, Diabetes bei Kindern, Prävention des Diabetes mellitus.\r\rForum der Industrie\rNachrichten und Informationen aus der pharmazeutischen Industrie sowie Medizin- und Labortechnik. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Dionysius", "ISSN": "7051085", "Scope": "ScopeDionysius is the journal of Dalhousie University's Department of Classics and reflects the established character of its work. It publishes articles on the history of ancient philosophy and theology, including Patristic theology, and their nachleben. It has a special interest in the Aristotelian and Neoplatonic traditions. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Divergencia", "ISSN": "7192398", "Scope": "ScopeDivergencia Journal, founded in 2011, is produced by the Taller de Historia Política O. C. F, in Chile and it issued every semester. It publishes original scientific and opinion works in the Social Sciences area, focusing specially in the Contemporary Political History, with the aim of spreading, discussing, and debating broadly the new research progress in this area. The content of the Journal is aimed to specialists, researchers, undergraduate and graduate students, as well as the general public.The articles must be original and they must confine themselves to an original in-vestigation already finished or in an advanced progress and they cannot be applying simultaneously to other journals or publishing organizations (printed or electronic).The originals will be submitted to an editing process that will be done in several stages. First the received articles will be assessed preliminary by the members of the editing committee, and/or the editors who will determine the appropriateness of its publishing. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Drug Development and Delivery", "ISSN": "15372898, 1944818X", "Scope": "ScopeDrug Development & Delivery, including its exclusive Specialty Pharma section, is a print publication, conference organizer (Drug Development Networking Summit), and online content provider exclusively committed to advancing the applied science, technology, and related business practices of pharmaceutical and biological drug development, reporting on formulation design, bioavailability and solubility enhancement, drug delivery and platform technologies, life cycle management, compound-enabling strategies, business development, outsourcing services, and partnerships and collaborations. Through insightful scientific, business, news, and technology-related formats, Drug Development & Delivery provides pharmaceutical professionals with practical solutions to the issues, opportunities, and challenges in the ever-evolving drug development communities. We complement your business development initiatives, connecting you with and influencing the audiences that matter most to you: investors, business partners, technology and service seekers, and regulatory agencies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Drug Topics", "ISSN": "00126616, 19378157", "Scope": "ScopeDrug Topics publishes only print or online content that is not commercial or promotional in nature and that has not been published elsewhere. In the interest of transparency, Drug Topics will, as necessary, ask authors and sources to provide disclosures or conflict-of-interest statements, which will be published as appropriate to further the cause of information service to the pharmacy community. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Edad de Oro", "ISSN": "2120429", "Scope": "ScopeEdad de Oro is a consolidated reference in the research area of Spanish Philology. It has gain a great recognition among the international academic field. It has been uninterruptedly published since 1982 with an anual periodicity. It content offers scientific works by main specialists from both Spanish and foreign institutions. Its audience is mainly composed by researchers, experts and students, but it also aims to address everybody with an interest in new human studies tendencies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Eidola", "ISSN": "18246192, 1826719X", "Scope": "ScopeIn the prolific and varied world of scholarly publishing dedicated to classical antiquity, «Eidola» stands out for its consistent publication of articles written from an art-historical perspective. It also provides a place for theoretical reflection, which nowadays has largely faded into the background, in favour of an approach addressing issues of territory, location, material and society. The journal offers articles dealing with archaic and classical Greece and the urban and provincial Roman world. However, it also welcomes essays on subjects in other areas of antiquity, acknowledging the continuity of an ancient figurative tradition which greatly influenced the production of images long after the empire ended. «Eidola»'s pages will therefore prove to be a significant place for an exchange of opinions on methods, aimed at increasing our understanding of the complex world of images, an essential avenue of communication in both the public and private spheres. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses", "ISSN": "00139513, 17831423", "Scope": "ScopeEphemerides Theologicae Lovanienses (ETL), founded in 1924, is a quarterly publication by professors of Theology and Canon Law at the KU Leuven and the Université catholique de Louvain (Louvain-la-Neuve). As a peer-reviewed and internationally distributed journal, it publishes articles, notes and comments, and reviews (in English, French, German) on all aspects of theology and canon law for an academic readership. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Espaces et Societes", "ISSN": "00140481, 19618700", "Scope": "ScopeEspaces et Sociétés is an interdisciplinary, international and francophone peer-reviewed journal in the field of social sciences and humanities.\r\rIts aim is to offer a synthesis arising from multiple disciplinary approaches on the relationship linking societies with their spaces and/or territories. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Evangelische Theologie", "ISSN": "00143502, 21980470", "Scope": "ScopeWith its interdisciplinary approach and thematically arranged issues, Evangelische Theologie makes crucial contributions to the exploration of the complex field of theology. In addition to such thematic issues, open issues without special thematic commitment are specifically devoted to one of the theological disciplines. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Film Studies", "ISSN": "14690314", "Scope": "ScopeFilm Studies is a refereed journal that approaches cinema and the moving image from within the fields of critical, conceptual and historical scholarship. The aim is to provide a forum for the interdisciplinary, intercultural and intermedial study of film by publishing innovative research of the highest quality. Contributions from diverse perspectives that are formed by the crossing of institutional and national boundaries are encouraged. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Forum Historiae", "ISSN": "13376861", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Forum on Immunopathological Diseases and Therapeutics", "ISSN": "21518017, 21518025", "Scope": "ScopeThe aim of Forum on Immunopathological Diseases and Therapeutics (FIDT) is two-fold, namely, (1) to publish highly focused issues by expert Guest Editors on topics that cover diseases that are immunologically mediated and novel therapeutic interventions and (2) continue now to serve as the publication vehicle for a series of workshops on important and timely diseases, gene product(s)/drug(s), that are critical in the pathogenesis, progression and disease manifestations. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - Anti Infectives", "ISSN": "23523212, 24523208", "Scope": "ScopeFrontiers in Clinical Drug Research – Anti infectives is an eBook series that brings updated reviews to readers interested in learning about advances in the development of pharmaceutical agents for the treatment of infectious diseases. The of the eBook series covers a range of topics including the medicinal chemistry, pharmacology, molecular biology and biochemistry of natural and synthetic drugs employed in the treatment of infectious diseases. Reviews in this series also include research on multi drug resistance and pre-clinical / clinical findings on novel antibiotics, vaccines, antifungal agents and antitubercular agents. Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research – Anti infectives is a valuable resource for pharmaceutical scientists and postgraduate students seeking updated and critically important information for developing clinical trials and devising research plans in the field of anti infective drug discovery and epidemiology. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Fuels and Lubes International", "ISSN": "01179470, 25236520", "Scope": "ScopeF+L Magazine features insightful case studies and analytical reviews of the latest trends, issues and developments in fuels, lubricants, additives and base oils. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Geologie de la France", "ISSN": "2460874", "Scope": "ScopeGeology of France and surrounding areas is a journal aimed at researchers, teachers, those to whom the knowledge of geology is essential to their work, and the general interested public. It is devoted to the publication of results of projects related to all disciplines of the Earth Sciences, both in France and in surrounding regions. Papers may cover fundamental geological knowledge, or be related to specific research or applied geology programmes. The aim is to cover all aspects of both subsurface and surface geology. By taking into account surrounding regions, studies need not to be restricted by national boundaries, but can take into account entire geological entities.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Good Society", "ISSN": "10890017, 15389731", "Scope": "ScopeArticles in The Good Society respond to the premise that “current versions of socialism and democratic capitalism fail to offer workable visions of a good society and seem increasingly to contradict such basic values as liberty, democracy, equality, and environmental sustainability.” The journal publishes outstanding dialectical articles on the pressing political, social, religious, and legal questions facing twenty-first-century society and aims to “create a theoretical basis for the eventual restructuring of real world political-economic systems.” Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Guti Dianzixue Yanjiu Yu Jinzhan/Research and Progress of Solid State Electronics", "ISSN": "10003819", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Hamsa", "ISSN": "21832633", "Scope": "ScopeThe main aim of the Hamsa Journal of Judaic and Islamic Studies is to create a virtual multi-disciplinary space in which all perspectives of the History, Language and Literature of Jews and Muslims can converge, as well as themes on Judaism and Islam in general. In this context, Hamsa strives to be a privileged space for the dissemination of studies in these areas, with a special focus on Iberian Muslims and Jews and their Diaspora, entraining a comparative analysis of historiographical, philosophical, anthropological and sociological discourses. This is an international journal with a peer review system. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Histoire Urbaine", "ISSN": "16280482", "Scope": "ScopeHistoire Urbaine est consacrée à l’histoire des villes de l’Antiquité à nos jours. Première revue de ce type en France, elle a pour ambition de faire connaître la vitalité de la recherche dans un domaine sans cesse renouvelé et étroitement lié aux grands débats de notre société.\r\rHistoire Urbaine est une revue ouverte à l’interdisciplinarité . Elle est destinée non seulement aux enseignants, aux chercheurs et aux étudiants, mais aussi à tous ceux qui travaillent sur la ville et sur l’urbain.\r\rHistoire Urbaine est une revue à comité de lecture. Elle accueille les contributions de spécialistes français et d’autres pays. Elle est une ouverture sur les historiographies étrangères.\r\rHistoire Urbaine paraît trois fois par an. Elle publie des articles de références, ordonnés autour d’un thème ou sous la forme de varia, ainsi que des comptes rendus critiques. Une rubrique « Débats et Entretiens » en fait un lieu d’échanges et de discussions autour de l’actualité de la recherche et des questions urbaines.\r\rLa variété des périodes concernées et l’ampleur des sujets abordés rendent Histoire Urbaine indispensable dans son domaine. Elle est un moyen unique de s’informer sur l’évolution de la recherche et des débats en histoire urbaine. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Holocaust and Genocide Studies", "ISSN": "14767937, 87566583", "Scope": "ScopeThe major forum for scholarship on the Holocaust and other genocides, Holocaust and Genocide Studies is an independent, peer-reviewed international journal featuring research articles, interpretive essays, and book reviews in the social sciences and humanities. \r\rThe articles and reviews in Holocaust and Genocide Studies reflect the opinions of their authors. They do not reflect the opinions of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. The listing of a publication in the bibliography of \"Recently Published Works\" does not indicate endorsement by the Museum. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Humanidades", "ISSN": "15105024, 23011629", "Scope": "ScopeSince its first issue in June 2001, Humanidades: revista de la Universidad de Montevideo is a scientific and interdisciplinary publication of Philosophy, History and Literature that, from its second period started in 2017, is published every six months in June and December. The texts sent to its two main sections -Studies and Articles- are linked to those areas of knowledge; it also encourages the publication of contents that make evident the relations between the mentioned disciplines and their link with other humanistic and social areas such as: Art, Education and Linguistics.\r\rThe Studies section presents a monographic topic approved by the Editorial Board, this can be reached through the initiative of the associated editor, respond to an open call or attend a proposal originated in the university departments. The Articles section can accompany the Studies line or be independent. The Reviews section is responsible for the critical evaluation of any of the new bibliographic material that comes to light in the journal. Issues of the publication may include an interview. The texts printed in Humanidades are always original and unpublished. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Implantologie", "ISSN": "9439692", "Scope": "ScopeIn no other discipline of dentistry are developments as fast-paced as in dental implantology. This journal aims to provide continuing education content in the field of dental implantology by publishing practice-oriented articles backed by scientific evidence, to generate new impetus and interesting insights, and to promote effective cooperation between dentists, dental implantologists, and dental laboratory technicians.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "In Monte Artium", "ISSN": "20313098, 25070312", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal In Monte Artium offers papers which in one way or another relate to the ancient or modern book collections or to any other document kept in one of the heritage collections of the Royal Library of Belgium (manuscripts, prints & drawings, maps, coins & medals, etc.). The academic contributions deal with book history and book production as well as all aspects of technical innovations relating to the development of modern research libraries. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology", "ISSN": "09743383, 09743391", "Scope": "ScopeThe Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology (IJFMP) is a peer-reviewed and features original articles, reviews and correspondence on subjects that cover practical and theoretical areas of interest relating to the wide range of forensic medicine. Subjects covered include forensic pathology, toxicology, odontology, anthropology, criminalistics, immunochemistry, hemogenetics and forensic aspects of biological science with emphasis on DNA analysis and molecular biology. The publication also features authoritative contributions describing ongoing investigations and innovative solutions to unsolved problems. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Infini", "ISSN": "0754023X", "Scope": "Scope« L'Infini » est une collection de littérature de création et d'essais contemporains dirigée par Philippe Sollers ; une revue du même nom lui est associée, prolongeant toutes deux les précédentes expériences éditoriales de leur animateur. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research", "ISSN": "16943597, 16943600", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Francophone Studies", "ISSN": "13682679, 17589142", "Scope": "ScopeThe International Journal of Francophone Studies offers a critical preview for a new development in the understanding of ‘France outside France', with a thorough insight into the network of disciplinary issues affiliated with this study. The peer-reviewed journal complements the thriving area of scholarly interest in the French-speaking regions of the world, bringing a location of linguistic, cultural, historical and social dynamics within a single academic arena. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Legal Information", "ISSN": "07311265, 23314117", "Scope": "ScopeThe International Journal of Legal Information is the official publication of the International Association of Law Libraries. Publishing three times a year, it seeks to advance the exchange of legal information throughout the world. Under the direction of its international editorial board and advisors, the IJLI serves the global community of law librarians, legal scholars, and practitioners through the publication of original articles, conference papers, bibliographies, book reviews, the International Calendar of conferences and events, and other documents concerning all aspects of law and law-related information. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Marketing Semiotics and Discourse Studies", "ISSN": "21952280", "Scope": "ScopeThe International Journal of Marketing Semiotics & Discourse Studies is an open-source academic journal that aims to cover a wide spectrum of interdisciplinary marketing/semiotic/discourse analytic research streams, spanning:\r\r– Conceptual approaches and empirical research across the 5 P’s by drawing on different semiotic (post-structuralist, sociosemiotic, Peircean, structuralist, cultural, textual, visual, multimodal) and discourse analytic (CDA, DHA) perspectives.\r\r– Consumer cultural theory and research\r\r– Cultural experiences, artefacts, practices, spectacles\r\r– In virtual, ‘real’, hyperreal environments\r\r– In individual or community settings\r\r– Methodological frameworks for conducting research into product/service/retail branding, brand identity development, brand equity, packaging design, competitive packaging analysis, new product development, pricing, advertising, IMC development and competitive analysis, consumer behavior (offline and online).\r\r– Comparing and contrasting existing marketing research conceptual and methodological frameworks with discourse analytic/semiotic ones.\r\r– Cross-disciplinary approaches on marketing research issues that combine discourse analysis and semiotics with perspectives from the social sciences and the humanities, such as anthropology, literary studies, psychoanalysis, anthropology, rhetoric, sociology. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Nonlinear Science", "ISSN": "17493889, 17493897", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "International Review of African American Art", "ISSN": "10450920", "Scope": "Scope. The vision for the zine has always been to act as a complement to our primary print publication, The International Review of African American Art ( IRAAA ). In this regard, the zine has met its original intent artfully with many exhibition notices, reviews, articles and other materials to enlighten readers about visual culture and to serve as an adjunct to the scholarly or critical offerings regularly published by Hampton University Museum with IRAAA . Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Japanese Journal of Lung Cancer", "ISSN": "3869628", "Scope": "Scope投稿論文の内容は、肺癌、胸部腫瘍および関連する領域の研究や進歩に寄与する内容で、かつ独自性のあるものとする。 Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Jesuit Studies", "ISSN": "22143289", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Journal Africain d'Hepato-Gastroenterologie", "ISSN": "19543204, 19543212", "Scope": "ScopeCessation. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal für Gastroenterologische und Hepatologische Erkrankungen", "ISSN": "17286263, 17286271", "Scope": "ScopeDas Journal für Gastroenterologische und Hepatologische Erkrankungen veröffentlicht Originalarbeiten, Übersichten, Fallberichte, Kurzberichte sowie Kommentare aus allen interdisziplinären Bereichen, die Erkrankungen des Verdauungstraktes betreffen. Experimentelle Untersuchungen sollten einen direkten klinischen Bezug aufweisen. Das Journal versteht sich als praxisorientiertes Fortbildungsmagazin und möchte Aktualität und Wissen vermitteln. Namhafte Experten kommen zu Wort und beleuchten Schwerpunkte des Praxisalltags. Dadurch soll die Einbindung neuester Erkenntnisse in die tägliche Routinearbeit erleichtert werden. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal fur Urologie und Urogynakologie", "ISSN": "10236090, 16809424", "Scope": "ScopeDas Journal für Urologie und Urogynäkologie veröffentlicht Originalarbeiten, Übersichten, Fallberichte, Kurzberichte sowie Kommentare aus allen Bereichen, die die Urologie und Urogynäkologie betreffen. Das Journal versteht sich als praxisorientiertes Fortbildungsmagazin und möchte Aktualität und Wissen vermitteln. Namhafte Experten kommen zu Wort und beleuchten Schwerpunkte des Praxisalltags. Dadurch soll die Einbindung neuester Erkenntnisse in die tägliche Routinearbeit erleichtert werden. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Architecture and Planning", "ISSN": "16068238", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal emphasizes cooperation between architectural and urban planning researchers, and places great weight on the integration of research principles, framework, techniques, methods, models, or strategies in resolving problems faced in urban development. As such, the establishment of this journal platform can benefit both the practical and academic worlds, ensuring the adequate application of research resources.\r\rThe journal provides a forum for the exchange of creativity and ideas related to architecture and urban planning by experts from industrial, government, academic, and research fields. The journal establishes a channel for communication between researchers and professionals, facilitating the discussion of problems, challenges, and opportunities for progress in urban development.\r\rCities, regions, countries, and even the entire world face new challenges in planning. A journal of architecture and planning provides a platform for the publishing of ideas and information related to architecture and urban planning. The research articles currently collected in the journal primarily focus on functional or strategic planning, including:\r\r-City design and planning\r-Economic development\r-Environmental policy\r-Spatial planning\r-Architectural design\r-Residential markets\r-Transportation planning\r-Social culture\r-Other research related to architecture and urban planning Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Cellular Automata", "ISSN": "15575969, 15575977", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Cellular Automata publishes high-quality papers where cellular automata are studied theoretically or used as computational models of mathematical, physical, chemical, biological, social and engineering systems.\r\rA few examples are given in the list below, which is but a small sample of the areas of interest explored by this journal: Structure formation, heat conduction, self-reproduction, language recognition, evolutionary games, image processing, cryptography, random number generation, computational universality, traffic dynamics, neural networks, alternative discrete-physics models, population dynamics etc.\r\rFull length original papers, short communications, reviews and tutorial articles are welcome. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Chinese Film Studies", "ISSN": "27022277, 27022285", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Journal of Curatorial Studies", "ISSN": "20455836, 20455844", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Curatorial Studies is an international, peer-reviewed publication that explores the cultural functioning of curating and its relation to exhibitions, institutions, audiences, aesthetics and display culture. The journal takes a wide perspective in the inquiry into what constitutes 'the curatorial'. Curating has evolved considerably from the connoisseurship model of arranging objects to now encompass performative, virtual and interventionist strategies. While curating as a spatialized discourse of art objects remains important, the expanded cultural practice of curating not only produces exhibitions for audiences to view, but also plays a catalytic role in redefining aesthetic experience, framing cultural conditions in institutions and communities, and inquiring into constructions of knowledge and ideology. As a critical and responsive forum for debate in the emerging field of curatorial studies, the journal will foster scholarship in the theory, practice and history of curating, as well as that of exhibitions and display culture in general. The journal supports in-depth investigations of contemporary and historical exhibitions, case studies of curators and their engagements, and analyses of the critical dynamics influencing the production of exhibitions in art and broader display culture. The Journal of Curatorial Studies invites contributions from scholars within curatorial studies, art history, museum studies, cultural studies, and other academic disciplines. The journal publishes both thematic and open issues, and features research articles, contemporary and historical case studies, interviews with curators, artists and theorists, and reviews of books, exhibitions and conferences. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Folklore Research", "ISSN": "07377037, 15430413", "Scope": "ScopeThe study of folklore (sometimes called “folkloristics”) has strong ties to the social sciences, the humanities, and the arts, and is often interdisciplinary in its approach to the documentation, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of its subject matter. Generally, folklorists are concerned with culture communicated by informal means, including oral tradition, material culture, and customary processes. Ethnomusicology is the study of music of all types and from all cultures, exploring the role of music in human life, analyzing relationships between music and culture, and studying music cross-culturally.\r\rThe Journal of Folklore Research welcomes theoretical and comparative studies on any aspect of folklore, folklife, and ethnomusicology. Papers should be based on field observation and/or analysis of archived or published texts of known provenance. Texts should be treated in their social, cultural, ethnographic, and/or historical contexts. Papers should also engage with the scholarly literature in folklore or ethnomusicology.\r\rIn addition to regular articles, we also have the following occasional departments:\r-Encounters with Folklore: briefer accounts of folkloric or ethnomusicological traditions that have not been widely documented before. Ordinarily, encounters are ethnographically rich accounts based in fieldwork.\r-Fieldwork and Methodology Notes: for shorter pieces that engage with issues and problems in folkloristic and ethnomusicological methodology or practice.\r-Translations: articles originally published elsewhere but translated into English. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Global Postcolonial Studies", "ISSN": "26438380, 26438399", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Global Postcolonial Studies publishes interdisciplinary and cross-cultural articles and interviews on the literature, history, politics, and art whose focus, settings, or subjects involve colonialism and its aftermatch, with an emphasis on the former British Empire. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Korean Religions", "ISSN": "20937288, 21672040", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Korean Religions is the only English-language academic journal dedicated to the study of Korean religions. The publication aims to stimulate interest in and research on Korean religions across a range of disciplines in the humanities and social sciences. Launched in 2010 by the Institute for the Study of Religion at Sogang University in Korea, the journal is peer-reviewed and published twice yearly, in April and October.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Modern Russian History and Historiography", "ISSN": "19479956, 22102388", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Modern Russian History and Historiography is a yearly publication devoted to the history and historiography of imperial Russia, the Soviet Union, and post-Soviet Russia. We seek a wide range of submissions, including monographic articles with a significant historiographical content, documentary publications, historiographical essays on large themes in Russian history, critical reviews, and memoirs. We have the ability to publish submissions in major European languages, including Russian, and a willingness to consider publishing long texts that would exceed the word limits usually imposed by other journals. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of New Zealand and Pacific Studies", "ISSN": "20504039, 20504047", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of New Zealand & Pacific Studies covers disciplines including the humanities and social sciences, and subjects such as cultural studies, history, literature, film, anthropology, politics and sociology. Each issue of this publication aims to establish a balance between papers on New Zealand and papers on the South Pacific, with a reports and book reviews section included. \r\rThe journal is sponsored by the New Zealand Studies Association and hosted by the University of Vienna. It has replaced the key publication NZSA Bulletin of New Zealand Studies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Popular Romance Studies", "ISSN": "21594473", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Popular Romance Studies is a peer-reviewed interdisciplinary journal publishing concise and well-written contributions to the study of popular romance media (e.g., love songs; romantic fiction and chick-lit; romance in film and TV, in comics and graphic novels, in memoir and life-writing, in fanfic and other forms of transformative culture, etc.). We also publish articles on the logics, institutions, and social practices of romantic love in global popular culture.\r\rIn addition, JPRS publishes book reviews, notes and queries, special issues, and reports from the classroom that outline techniques and tools, syllabus models, and practical pieces on the teaching of popular romance media and culture.\r\rFor current calls for papers, and a list of topics of interest please visit our Submissions page. We are currently accepting submissions for the annual Francis Award.\r\rAuthors are advised to familiarize themselves with the current state of popular romance studies before submitting, and those working on popular romance fiction are encouraged to make use of the academic bibliography at the Romance Scholarship Database.\r\rThere are no fees payable to submit to or publish in JPRS. Authors of all articles in JPRS retain all copyright and publishing rights without restrictions. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Statistical Research", "ISSN": "0256422X", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Journal of the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland", "ISSN": "814776", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes", "ISSN": "00754390, 20440014", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes is an interdisciplinary forum, uniting scholars specialising in cultural history including the history of art, and intellectual history including the history of ideas. It publishes articles based on new research, normally from primary sources. The subject matter encompasses intellectual themes and traditions, the arts in their various forms, religion, philosophy, science, literature and magic, as well as political and social life, from antiquity to the dawn of the contemporary era. Just as the work of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes is known for crossing cultural borders, the JWCI provides a home for research into the many connections between European cultures and the wider world—especially the Near East, Asia and the Americas. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Thermoelectricity", "ISSN": "16078829", "Scope": "ScopeThe National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine represented by Institute of Thermoelectricity has been publishing Journal of Thermoelectricity since 1993. The journal was conceived as a specialized edition in thermoelectricity for concentration of information in this area, the readers’ convenience and qualified peer reviewing of articles.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "JPT, Journal of Petroleum Technology", "ISSN": "1492136", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Petroleum Technology, the Society of Petroleum Engineers’ flagship magazine, presents authoritative briefs and features on technology advancements in exploration and production, oil and gas industry issues, and news about SPE and its members. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Judaisme Ancien - Ancient Judaism", "ISSN": "22949321, 25070339", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal is both historical and philological with the intention of being interdisciplinary. It focuses on literature, archaeology and epigraphy, culture, religion and sociology. It intends to cover the period spanning between the 6th century BCE and the 9th century CE. The journal is to be a milieu in which to characterize the interactions (relationships, specificities, distinctions, acculturations) between Rabbinic Judaism, Christian Judaism, and Early Islam. Thus the journal covers a broad spectrum without being exclusive. It accepts contributions in French as well as in English, German and Italian. Moreover, it is the only international journal published in the French language on the subject of Ancient Judaism that is characterized by historical and philological approaches to the material. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Kartograficke Listy", "ISSN": "13365274, 27298094", "Scope": "ScopeKartografické listy (Cartographic Letters) is a peer-reviewed scientific journal of the Cartographic Society of the Slovak Republic being published twice a year. The International Editorial Board accepts original and actual research papers, specialist contributions and information from cartography, photogrammetry, remote sensing, geoinformatics, geomatics, and all related fields. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Language Faculty and Beyond", "ISSN": "18776531", "Scope": "ScopeLanguage Faculty and Beyond (LFAB) focuses on research that contributes to a deeper understanding of the properties of languages as a result of the Language Faculty and its interface with other domains of the mind/brain. The research agenda pursued in LFAB reflects the program established after more than five decades of generative inquiry and builds bridges with other domains in the spirit of earlier cognitive traditions, such as the classic work of Plato or the Cartesian view of the mind. LFAB will address properties of the Language Faculty as defined for the domains of macro- and micro-variation across languages.\rWhile the series will pay particular attention to the traditional tension between descriptive and explanatory adequacy, the series will also address issues such as the level of linguistic design, through new lines of inquiry often referred to as ‘physiological linguistics’ or ‘biolinguistics’. LFAB aims to publish studies from the point of view of internal and external factors which bear on the nature of linguistic variation as, for example, understood in the minimalist approach to language, and make accessible aspects of the research that are relevant to broader issues, among them neurological and physiological/psychological evidence that bear on the nature of language in a more narrow sense. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Late Imperial China", "ISSN": "08843236, 10863257", "Scope": "ScopeFor more than 30 years, Late Imperial China has served as the principal journal for scholars of China’s Ming and Qing dynasties. With two issues each year, the journal features innovative research in political and intellectual history, social, economic, cultural, and gender history, as well as historical demography, art history, religious studies, philosophy, and literature. Scholars from North America, Europe, Japan, Taiwan, and the People’s Republic of China regularly publish new work in LIC. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Lecturae Tropatorum", "ISSN": "19744374", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal will focus therefore on interpretation rather than on new critical editions. As a rule an existing critical edition may be used, which should be checked and, where necessary, revised or emended. Should the need arise, a new edition may be prepared, in which case it should be accompanied by an appropriate critical apparatus.\r\rLt is an open access journal, which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users may to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access. All content is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution license. The license allows re-distribution and re-use of a licensed work on the condition that the creator is appropriately credited.\r\rLt invites contributions from the community of Occitan scholars worldwide. Individual contributions are peer-reviewed by two anonymous external readers and approved by at least two members of the editorial board.\r\rLanguages accepted: all the Romance languages and English. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Library and Information Science", "ISSN": "3734447", "Scope": "ScopeLibrary and Information Science is the official journal of the Mita Society for Library and Information Science. It is issued semiannually and prepared by the Editorial Committee of the Society. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Lied und Populare Kultur", "ISSN": "16190548", "Scope": "ScopeLied und populäre Kultur / Song and Popular Culture, das Jahrbuch des Zentrums für Populäre Kultur und Musik Freiburg, erforscht unter verschiedenen Schwerpunktthemen populäre Musikkulturen in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart. Kultur-, mentalitäts- und mediengeschichtliche Fragestellungen spielen dabei eine herausragende Rolle, etwa das Verhältnis von Musik und Lied zu Politik, Religion und Bildung.\rErgänzt wird das Jahrbuch grundsätzlich durch einen umfangreichen Rezensionsteil, der einen guten Überblick über die aktuellen musikwissenschaftlichen Publikationen gibt. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Literature and History", "ISSN": "03061973, 20504594", "Scope": "ScopePublished since 1975 and unique in its essentially plural identity, Literature & History provides an open forum for practitioners coming from the distinctive vantage points of either discipline (or from other adjacent subject areas) to explore issues of common concern: period, content, gender, class, nationality, changing sensibilities, discourse and language. Special issues devoted to a particular period or theme (produced under guest editorship) are published from time to time. Literature & History is a well known, theoretically self-conscious, and much referred to landmark in interdisciplinary studies and has consistently attracted contributions of high calibre. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Lurralde: Investigacion y Espacio", "ISSN": "02115891, 16973070", "Scope": "ScopeEl Instituto Geográfico Vasco \"Andrés de Urdaneta\" (INGEBA) publica anualmente la revista científica Lurralde : Investigación y espacio, dando cabida a artículos inéditos cuya temática esté relacionada con la ciencia geográfica en sus diversas especialidades (incluyendo los aspectos espaciales de la temática medioambiental). El País Vasco y su entorno es su marco espacial preferente, pero no exclusivo.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Margens", "ISSN": "18060560, 19825374", "Scope": "ScopeMargens is a semiannual scientific journal with free and free access, aimed at promoting the debate, the construction of knowledge and the dissemination of academic production related to the themes and problems of the micro-region of the Lower Tocantins, the Amazon and Brazil, in the many fields of Human Sciences.\r\rMargens also intends to be an open territory for reflection, seeking the interconnection of researchers and researchers working in Brazil and abroad, overcoming borders that hinder the dialogue and the exchange of investigative experiences. Although the process of growth and consolidation of academic production in the region of Baixo Tocantins and in the Amazon is just beginning, the number of research groups and research in development grows, which expresses the production of an academic and socio-cultural identity for the Campus as University.\r\rIn order to consolidate the production of knowledge as a response to the problems of the environment, academic exchange with other research and teaching institutions has an effect on the rich exchange of experiences that qualify the magazine. Finally, Margens is an effort to encourage the production and dissemination of knowledge produced at the Campus of Baixo Tocantins, with the purpose of consolidating research as one of the privileged instances of the academy and as a social commitment to improving the quality of life. life of the Amazonian populations. The journal publishes articles, interviews, reviews and Scientific Initiation texts that result from studies and research completed or under development. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Medizintechnik", "ISSN": "3449416", "Scope": "ScopeDie Zeitschrift mt | medizintechnik widmet sich allen Aspekten der Medizintechnik bei diagnostischen und kurativen Verfahren und befasst sich mit der Technik und der Handhabung von medizinischen Geräten. Sie informiert über aktuelle Technologien und deren Einsatzgebiete, bietet Marktübersichten und beschreibt Entwicklungstendenzen.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Mester", "ISSN": "1602764", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Middle Eastern Literatures", "ISSN": "1475262X", "Scope": "ScopeMiddle Eastern Literatures is endorsed by the Union Europénne des Arabisants et Islamisants (UEAI) and Classical Arabic Poetry Symposium (CAPS), and provides a forum for the academic study of all Middle Eastern literatures. Works on literature composed in, for example, Persian, Turkish, post-Biblical and modern Hebrew, Kurdish, or Urdu are welcomed. Regional literatures of the area, such as the Arabic, French, and Tamazight (\"Berber\") literature from North Africa, also fall within the of the journal. The editors welcome high quality scholarly contributions (in English, French, or German) devoted to aspects of either one or several of the literatures of the Middle East, whether classical or modern. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ming Qing Yanjiu", "ISSN": "17248574, 24684791", "Scope": "ScopeMing Qing Yanjiu, founded in 1992, is a peer reviewed journal dedicated primarily to advanced studies of pre-modern China. This journal provides a forum for scholars from a variety of fields related to late imperial and early republican period that aim to have a cross-disciplinary discourse. Contributions in sociology, literature, psychology, anthropology, history, geography, linguistics, semiotics, political science, and philosophy, as well as book reviews, are welcome. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Multitudes", "ISSN": "02920107, 17775841", "Scope": "ScopeThis transnational French journal relates to politics, art, and philosophy. At the intersect between social activism, policy, and theory, Multitudes analyses new forms of mobilization in the age of cognitive capitalism, focusing on digital cultures, intellectual property, guaranteed income, changes in working conditions, the ethics of care, political ecology, postcolonial theory, cities, and media activism. Artistic contributions round off the work by researchers.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Musical Quarterly", "ISSN": "00274631, 17418399", "Scope": "ScopeThe Musical Quarterly, founded in 1915 by Oscar Sonneck, has long been cited as the premier scholarly musical journal in the United States. Over the years it has published the writings of many important composers and musicologists, including Aaron Copland, Arnold Schoenberg, Marc Blitzstein, Henry Cowell, and Camille Saint-Saens. The journal focuses on the merging areas in scholarship where much of the challenging new work in the study of music is being produced.\r\rRegular sections include 'American Musics', 'Music and Culture', 'The Twentieth Century and Beyond', and an 'Institutions, Industries, Technologies' section which examines music and the ways it is created and consumed. In addition, a fifth section entitled 'Primary Sources' features discussions on issues of biography, texts, and manuscripts; reflections on leading figures; personal statements by noted performers and composers; and essays on performances and recordings. Along with discussions of important new books, MQ also publishes review essays on a wide variety of significant new music performances and recordings. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies", "ISSN": "9292470", "Scope": "ScopeFormerly the Nag Hammadi Studies Series, which includes the complete Coptic Gnostic ‎Library, this series - a world leader in its field - publishes research monographs and tools on a ‎broad range of topics in the fields of Gnostic and Manichaean studies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "NED University Journal of Research", "ISSN": "2304716X, 27065758", "Scope": "ScopeNED University Journal of Research is the official journal of the NED University of Engineering and Technology, Karachi. Since 2013, the journal is published biannually in two sections, namely Structural Mechanics and Applied Sciences Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Neurologia-Neurocirugia Psiquiatria", "ISSN": "283851", "Scope": "ScopeLa Revista Neurología , Neurocirugía y Psiquiatría (Rey Neurol Neurocir Psiquiat) (ISSN 028-3851) es el órgano oficial de comuni cación de la Sociedad Mexicana de Neurología y Psiquiatría, A.C. Los artículos y fotografías son responsabilidad exclusiva de los autores. Los derechos de autor están reservados conforme a la Ley y a los convenios de los países signatarios de las Convenciones Panamericana e Internacional de Derechos de Autor. La reproducción parcial o total de este número sólo podrá hacerse previa autorización del Editor de la revista. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "New Emirates Medical Journal", "ISSN": "2506882", "Scope": "ScopeNew Emirates Medical Journal (NEMJ) formerly known as Emirates Medical Journal (EMJ) is an official journal of the Emirates Medical Association (EMA), UAE, is an Open Access online journal. The NEMJ publishes original research, clinical reports, case studies, short research communications, reviews, book reviews, correspondence, and editorials. An exclusive platform “Student Forum” for aspiring medical students and post-graduate students is provided to encourage student submissions in all the medical specialties including pre-clinical, para-clinical, and clinical subjects, medical education, clinical management and various aspects of medicine and public health. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "New Medicine", "ISSN": "14270994", "Scope": "ScopeN e w M e d i c i n e is a medical scientific journal on the field of pediatric otolaryngology that is issued four times a year. It has been published continuously from 1996. From September 2019, the journal also publishes articles on pediatric dentistry.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Oceanide", "ISSN": "19896328", "Scope": "ScopeOceánide is the main vehicle through which SELICUP aims to bring cultural studies somewhat closer to the centre in Spanish Academia. The journal’s aims and revolve around three main principles:\r\r1.While literary approaches and methodologies are still highly visible within cultural studies, and even if this field of study is interdisciplinary by definition, the journal will welcome contributions using other approaches and methodologies, thus fostering interdisciplinary dialogue. Likewise, doing cultural studies is not necessarily synonymous with a focus on “popular culture”: the canon can also be approached from alternative perspectives, by focusing not quite so much on its artistic value as on its role as a vehicle for the dissemination of both hegemonic and counterhegemonic discourses.\r\r2.Most of the contributions made by Spanish scholars to the field of cultural studies focus on materials and contexts pertaining to the English-speaking world. In this light, and while the journal will still welcome pieces of research focusing on Anglophone contexts, the time has come for Oceánide to foster contributions with a different focus, including comparative studies.\r\r3.Beyond academic labels, SELICUP and its journal Oceánide share a common vision, driven by the need to break through the departmentalisation of knowledge by fostering interdisciplinary approaches, as this can only enrich research while bringing it closer to society, thus recovering the essence of Renaissance humanism. [...] Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Offshore Engineering", "ISSN": "0305876X", "Scope": "ScopeOffshore Engineer (OE) is a monthly magazine, and online website, which provides the latest news, views, and research on all the products and technology necessary to help engineers do their jobs in the global offshore oil and gas industry. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Operations Management Education Review", "ISSN": "16497082, 20444567", "Scope": "ScopeThe aim of the OMER is to enhance operations management education worldwide through the publication of high qualityrefereed operations management teaching materials. The goal is to attract contributions from individuals within the professionwho excel in the creation and teaching of operations management lectures and who have developed exceptional teachingmaterial and new approaches in the field. The following classification of papers is being solicited to cover a variety of subjectareas within operations management, including manufacturing, services, supply chain management, logistics, projectmanagement, healthcare, and e-commerce.\rThe OMER seeks to publish:\rCase studies relating to operations management (broadly defined), which would qualify for use in classrooms and otherlearning environments of internationally acclaimed higher education institutions. Case studies should have clear pedagogicalobjectives illustrating important and difficult issues supported by proper and relevant data. Teaching notes should be included.Case studies should ideally be current i.e. within the last 2 years, although those illustrating key issues in operationsmanagement can extend through the last 2 decades.\rLectures on operations management that vary from review articles or textbook chapters to short notes on a particular topic.The publication objectives include achieving clarity of expression and concepts, and therefore, submitted papers are notexclusively restricted to original subject matter. A new way of explaining a concept and/or application would be acceptablefor publication. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "ORAL and Implantology", "ISSN": "19745648, 20352468", "Scope": "ScopeThe official publication of the American Academy of Implant Dentistry and of the American Academy of Implant Prosthodontics, is dedicated to providing valuable information to general dentists, oral surgeons, prosthodontists, periodontists, scientists, clinicians, laboratory owners and technicians, manufacturers, and educators. Implant basics, prosthetics, pharmaceuticals, the latest research in implantology, implant surgery, and advanced implant procedures are just some of the topics covered. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Overland", "ISSN": "00307416, 14443163", "Scope": "ScopeOverland – Australia’s only radical literary magazine – has been showcasing brilliant and progressive fiction, poetry, nonfiction and art since 1954. The magazine has published some of Australia’s most iconic writers, and continues to give space to underrepresented voices and brand-new literary talent every single day.\r\rIn 2020, Overland is a quarterly print journal (publishing essays, stories and poetry), and an online magazine publishing cultural commentary each week day, as well as occasional special online editions of fiction and poetry. The magazine also holds events, discussions and debates, hosts a number of major literary competitions, and runs a residency for underrepresented writers.\r\rOverland’s mission is to foster new, original and progressive writing exploring the relationship between politics and culture, especially literature, and to bring that work to as many people as possible. Editorially, Overland is committed to publishing underrepresented perspectives on issues rarely given space in traditional media. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Oxford German Studies", "ISSN": "00787191, 17459214", "Scope": "ScopeOxford German Studies is a fully refereed journal, and publishes in English and German, aiming to present contributions from all countries and to represent as wide a range of topics and approaches throughout German studies as can be achieved. The thematic coverage of the journal continues to be based on an inclusive conception of German studies, centred on the study of German literature from the Middle Ages to the present, but extending a warm welcome to interdisciplinary and comparative topics, and to contributions from neighbouring areas such as language study and linguistics, history, philosophy, sociology, music, and art history. The editors are literary scholars, but seek advice from specialists in other areas as appropriate. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "PAJ - Journal of Performance and Art", "ISSN": "1520281X, 15379477", "Scope": "ScopePAJ explores innovative work in theatre, performance art, dance, video, writing, technology, sound, and music, bringing together all live arts in thoughtful cultural dialogue. Issues include critical essays, artists’ writings, interviews, plays, drawings, and notations, with extended coverage of performance, festivals, and books. Podcasts, video and audio clips appear on PAJ’s online home.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Pennsylvania Geographer", "ISSN": "5535980", "Scope": "ScopeThe Pennsylvania Geographer publishes articles on a wide variety of geographic themes and invites authors to submit manuscripts. Issues are commonly organized around preannounced themes, but manuscripts dealing with any geographic topics are always considered for publication. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Perspectives of New Music", "ISSN": "316016", "Scope": "ScopePERSPECTIVES OF NEW MUSIC is directed to a readership consisting of composers, performers, scholars, and all others interested in any kind of contemporary music. Published material includes theoretical research, analyses, technical reports, position papers by composers, sociological and philosophical articles, interviews, reviews, and, for special purposes, short musical scores or other creative productions. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Postcolonial Directions in Education", "ISSN": "23045388", "Scope": "ScopePostcolonial Directions in Education is a peer-reviewed open-access journal produced twice a year. It is a scholarly journal intended to foster further understanding, advancement and reshaping of the field of postcolonial education. We welcome articles that contribute to advancing the field. As indicated in the Editorial for the inaugural issue, the purview of this journal is broad enough to encompass a variety of disciplinary approaches, including but not confined to the following: sociological, anthropological, historical and social-psychological approaches. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Practica Otologica, Supplement", "ISSN": "9121870", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Praticas da Historia", "ISSN": "2183590X", "Scope": "ScopePráticas da História is an online academic journal published at the NOVA School of Social Sciences and Humanities (NOVA FCSH) with the support of the IHC – Institute of Contemporary History and of CHAM – Centre for the Humanities. The main aim of the journal is the promotion of discussions on historical theory, historiography and the uses of the past. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Public Journal of Semiotics", "ISSN": "19189907", "Scope": "ScopePublic Journal of Semiotics publishes articles that are original, relevant for the field of semiotics (understood broadly as the systematic study of meaning and communication), and combine theoretical and empirical considerations in a productive combination. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Quaderni Storici", "ISSN": "3016307", "Scope": "ScopeQuaderni storici is home to some of the most influential international historical research. The journal embraces a wide chronological span, from ancient to modern history, and encompasses social and economic history, gender history as well as microhistory. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Reflexe", "ISSN": "8626901", "Scope": "ScopeReflexe je odborný recenzovaný časopis pro filosofii a theologii založený v roce 1985 Ladislavem Hejdánkem. Vychází dvakrát ročně. Zaměřuje se na původní studie, překlady a recenze knih. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Regioni", "ISSN": "03917576, 2612050X", "Scope": "ScopeThe review deals with the problems of the multilevel governance in the Italian State, which has been evolving in the last decades from a centralised to a \"quasi-federal\" organisation. The main focus is on the legal and institutional point of view. On the one hand, the review studies the relations between the (European and) national community and the regional communities; on the other hand, it investigates the relations between the regional and the local communities. The relevant matter is discussed both through the creation of possible theoretical frameworks and through the actual observation of the legal reality. The review supports the idea of an even closer union among the European States, which in turn can provide a new institutional level, in some way reducing the national level to a \"local\" one. Further, the European level offers a common ground for a comparative consideration of the Italian solutions with the situation of other European countries. Finally, the review analyses the case law of the Constitutional Court, which acts in the Italian system as the last guarantor of the reciprocal competences and boundaries of the State, the Regions and the local communities. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Reliable Computing", "ISSN": "13853139, 15731340", "Scope": "Scopeeliable Computing accepts manuscripts representing original articles, reviews, presentations of new hardware and software tools, book reviews, information on scientific meetings on relevant topics which are scheduled or have recently been held, etc. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Religion and Society in Central and Eastern Europe", "ISSN": "15539962", "Scope": "ScopeReligion and Society in Central and Eastern Europe (RASCEE) is an open-access peer-reviewed annual (published in December) academic journal reflecting critical scholarship in the study of religion in the region. RASCEE is published by the ISORECEA.\r\rAs an multidisciplinary journal, RASCEE publishes scholarly papers on different aspects of religion in Central and Eastern Europe (sociological, anthropological, cultural, political, legal, historical, psychological, geographical, etc.). RASCEE welcomes theoretical and empirical articles, research-in-progress papers, book reviews and short communications. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Renaissance and Reformation", "ISSN": "0034429X", "Scope": "ScopeRenaissance and Reformation / Renaissance et Réforme is a peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary, bilingual quarterly. The journal publishes articles and book reviews on all aspects of the Renaissance, Reformation, and Early Modern world: literature, geography, history, religion, art, music, society, and economics. Articles on related periods of history are also considered.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Research Report ARR", "ISSN": "1580728", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Revista de Estudos Criminais", "ISSN": "16768698", "Scope": "ScopeThe Revista de Estudos Criminais aims to establish a space for dialogue and improvement of the criminal sciences, through the publication of texts of excellence in the areas of criminal law and criminal procedure, with the target audience being teachers, researchers and other professionals who act or have interest in their respective areas.\r\rThe Revista de Estudos Criminais is published quarterly in printed format. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Letral", "ISSN": "19893302", "Scope": "ScopeRevista Letral is an academic journal published by the University of Granada (Spain). It has a biannual periodicity, Open Access and aspires to offer a scientific space of quality for the investigation, the development and the popularization of the Latin American and Spanish literary studies from a transatlantic approach.\r\rThis journal is divided into six sections that aim to address Spanish language literature in its many manifestations from theoretical perspectives and diverse disciplines. The \"Transatlantic Studies\" section collects scientific articles about Latin American and Spanish literature, exclusively from this theoretical perspective. The section \"Miscellaneous\" allows for articles of a scientific nature that deal with Latin American literature from different perspectives. The entry \"Transversales\" includes essays from other disciplines like cinema, architecture, etc. In addition, the journal offers a section of \"Human Sciences\", coordinated by the University of Rosario (Bogotá, Colombia). The last two sections are constituted by \"Interviews\" and \"Reviews\". Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revue Belge d'Archeologie et d'Histoire de l'Art", "ISSN": "0035077X", "Scope": "ScopeLa Revue belge d’Archéologie et Histoire de l’Art – Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Oudheikunde en Kunstgeschiedenis, est une publication scientifique internationale, annuelle et multilingue qui prolonge depuis 1931 les anciens Bulletin et Annales publiés dès 1843, elle accueille des articles en français, néerlandais, anglais et allemand traitant des divers domaines d’intérêt de l’Archéologie, de l’Histoire de l’art, ainsi que des disciplines afférentes en Belgique.\r\rLa Revue contient des articles, des miscellanea, des comptes rendus, les rapports des réunions et la liste des membres de l’Académie. Jusqu’en 2002, elle publiait également une bibliographie d’histoire de l’art national. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revue des Mondes Musulmans et de la Mediterranee", "ISSN": "09971327, 21052271", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal, Revue des mondes musulmans et de la Méditerranée (REMMM) is a publication focused on the human and social sciences and presenting, by thematic treatment, studies of the Muslim world. REMMM, founded in 1966, has, from the beginning, published a broad mix of anthropology and history pertaining to the Maghreb and medieval Andalusia. In 1988, the Editorial Board decided to extend the review and cover issues relevant to the Middle East. In 1997 the original journal was re-named the Revue des mondes musulmans et de la Méditerranée to better reflect the common thread: Islamic studies. The REMMM publishes two thematic issues of about 320 pages each year, in two categories: “History” and “Contemporary world”. Thus, while providing a forum for the social sciences (history, political science, anthropology, sociology, geography...), the journal maintains its perspective as a historical review and observatory of modernity.\r\rSuccessive editions of the journal have presented invited specialists of the Islamic world, whether of India, Iran, the Ottoman Empire, the Balkans or Africa, as well as the journal’s regular contributors on Maghreb and Mashriq, opportunities to present their research. For each issue a guest editor presents a short précis and introduction of the chosen theme, noting the various authors’ contributions to structural issues or theoretical discontinuities. In addition to the main theme, each volume offers space for author commentary, critical summaries of publications of interest to the REMMM ( readings), bibliographical notices and on-line resources. (Bibenligne). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revue Internationale de Criminologie et de Police Technique et Scientifique", "ISSN": "14244683", "Scope": "ScopeThe International Review of Criminology and Technical and Scientific Police (RICPTS) is devoted to criminology on the one hand, i.e. with the knowledge and the explanation of the criminal phenomenon, like with the prevention of the crime and the study of the social reaction to the crime, the crime being to as well consider under its aspects psychological, psychiatric sociological, legal as legal. It is in addition a review devoted to the technical and scientific police force or more generally to forensic sciences as a whole. The RICPTS thus includes/understands contributions treating of the application of a scientific step and techniques with the study of the traces which result from an criminal activity or litigious out of civil matter, lawful or administrative.\r\rFinally, the problems covered by the RICPTS extend to the questions of security which call upon comprehensive approaches binding forensic criminology and sciences, to which come to be added research on the police force and private safety. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revue Internationale de Droit Penal", "ISSN": "02235404, 19516312", "Scope": "ScopeThe International Review of Penal Law is the primary publication medium and core scientific output of the International Association of Penal Law.\r\rIt contributes to the development of ideas, knowledge, and practices in the field of penal sciences. Combining international and comparative perspectives, the RIDP covers criminal law theory and philosophy, general principles of criminal law, special criminal law, criminal procedure, and international criminal law. The RIDP is published twice a year. Typically, issues are linked to the Association’s core scientific activities, i.e. the AIDP conferences, Young Penalist conferences, world conferences or, every five years, the International Congress of Penal Law. Occasionally, issues will be dedicated to a single, topical scientific theme, validated by the Scientific Committee of the Association, comprising high-quality papers which have been either presented and discussed in small-scale expert colloquia or selected following an open call for papers. The RIDP is published in English only. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Romanian Journal of Infectious Diseases", "ISSN": "14543389, 20696051", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "SAE International Journal of Advances and Current Practices in Mobility", "ISSN": "26419645", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Scandinavica", "ISSN": "00365653, 27540804", "Scope": "ScopeScandinavica is a scholarly journal focusing on the literature and culture of all the Nordic countries. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Scottish Historical Review", "ISSN": "369241", "Scope": "ScopeThe Scottish Historical Review is the premier journal in the field of Scottish historical studies, covering all periods of Scottish history from the early to the modern, encouraging a variety of historical approaches, with articles written by leading scholars and Scottish historians.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Slovo a Smysl", "ISSN": "12147915, 23366680", "Scope": "ScopeSlovo a smysl / Word & Sense, a biannual journal of interdisciplinary theory and criticism in Czech studies, was established in 2004. The periodical strives to create a forum for scholarly debate and the elaboration of various theoretical and methodological approaches within the context of Czech literary studies. With its emphasis on publishing primary sources and the translation of both Czech belles lettres and global literary theory, the journal acts an aid in the teaching of Czech literature and literary theory not only in Czech universities, but also in foreign university programs.\r\rThe journal contains longer original scholarly works, individual analyses of more extensive specialized topics, and contextual and biographical essays on significant figures in the field. It also focuses on Czech studies at home and abroad and provides the latest information about the scholarly activities of various foreign programs; the Translations section provides translations of important or stimulating theoretical texts into Czech and of significant Czech literary and theoretical texts into other languages, especially English. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Social and Economic Studies", "ISSN": "377651", "Scope": "ScopeSocial and Economic Studies (ISSN 0037-7651) is a quarterly, peer-reviewed journal that has been published continuously since 1953. Produced by the Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social and Economic Studies (SALISES), it features articles reflecting current academic research of a developmental nature on a wide range of issues in the Caribbean, Latin America and the rest of the Global South. SES is multi-disciplinary in orientation and publishes articles and research on agricultural, anthropological, demographic, economic, educational, monetary, political, cultural and sociological questions with a view to analyzing and discussing the problems of less developed countries, particularly those in the Caribbean. Our intended audience would consist of academics, policy-makers and informed members of the general public. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Steinbeck Review", "ISSN": "1546007X, 17546087", "Scope": "ScopeSteinbeck Review is an authorized publication on the life and works of American novelist John Steinbeck (1902–1968). It publishes scholarly articles; notes; book and performance reviews; creative writing; original artwork; and short intercalary pieces offering fresh perspectives, including notes on contemporary references to Steinbeck, discussions of the contexts of his work, and an occasional poem. Steinbeck Review has a threefold mission of broadening the of Steinbeck criticism, promoting the work of new and established scholars, and serving as a resource for Steinbeck teachers at all levels.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studia Rudolphina", "ISSN": "12135372", "Scope": "ScopeStudia Rudolphina: Bulletin of the Research Center for Art and Culture in the Age of Rudolf II was founded in 2001. It is an international peer-reviewed journal focused on art and culture in the age of Emperor Rudolf II (with overlaps reaching from ca. 1520 to ca. 1620), published once a year. We welcome contributions employing the various spectrum of methodological approaches of art history, also texts based on broader interdisciplinary collaboration with other humanities disciplines. The texts are exclusively published in English and German, if accepted, we can offer to pay for the cost of translation. The journal is indexed in Scopus, EBSCO and ERIH plus databases. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "TalTech Journal of European Studies", "ISSN": "26744600, 26744619", "Scope": "ScopeBaltic Journal of European Studies (abbreviation BJES) is a semiannual double blind peer-reviewed international research journal (formerly known as Proceedings of the Institute for European Studies) with an international editorial office and extensive international editorial board, abstracted in EBSCO and other relevant databases.The of the journal comprises a wide spectrum of social, political, economic and cultural issues related to recent developments in the European Union and its member states. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Tamkang Review", "ISSN": "492949", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "TAPA", "ISSN": "25757180, 25757199", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Textiles Eastern Europe", "ISSN": "13545981", "Scope": "ScopeTextiles Eastern Europe is a monthly publication providing commercial news, information and business opportunities of the textile and clothing industries in the emerging markets of Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. Read by top management and global decision-makers with an interest in capitalising on and investing in the economic regeneration of this rapidly developing region. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Textiles South East Asia", "ISSN": "17433231", "Scope": "ScopeTextiles South East Asia is a monthly newsletter providing hard-to-find commercial\rnews, information and business opportunities of the textile and clothing industries\rin South East Asia. This developing region offers new prospects for marketing\rproducts and services, as well as sourcing opportunities, in Brunei, Cambodia,\rIndonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and\rVietnam. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Theology and Sexuality", "ISSN": "13558358, 17455170", "Scope": "ScopeSince its inception in 1994, Theology & Sexuality has been the primary vehicle for those undertaking theological studies of sexuality and gender issues. It is an international, peer reviewed journal that also aims to be accessible to those with a non-professional interest in the field such as those engaged in counselling. The themes addressed by the journal include theological constructions of sex and gender, marriage, models of the family, deconstructive and reconstructive approaches to traditional Christian (and other traditions) teaching on sexuality, sexuality and violence and oppression, and the ethics of personal relationships.\r\rThe journal acknowledges the support of The Centre for the Study of Christianity and Sexuality whose members can opt to receive the journal as part of their annual membership. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Transsylvania Nostra", "ISSN": "18425631", "Scope": "ScopeEach issue of the journal containing a collection of scientific materials, results of research, conservation and rehabilitation works done by renowned specialists. The articles are focused on one of the most important fields of cultural heritage that contains inestimable material, aesthetic and spiritual values: the ensemble of the built culture. Nowadays, to be able to respect and to pass on this rich heritage, one essential condition is to know and understand it. This is why the articles of the journal contain and treat all the aspects that are linked to built heritage protection, such as technical issues, several archaeological discoveries and components with high artistic value, this way maintaining its image characterized by great thematic diversity.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Transylvanian Review", "ISSN": "12211249, 15849422", "Scope": "ScopeScientific periodical of the Center for Transylvanian Studies, the Transylvanian Review quarterly is published exclusively in widely spoken languages (English, French, German, Italian) and regularly sent to nearly 200 Romanian and foreign libraries.\rTransylvanian Review is a peer reviewed journal, with evaluators selected from reputable specialists in their field.\r\rTransylvanian Review features studies, articles, debates and book reviews pertaining to various cultural fields, with direct reference to Transylvania, seen as a multicultural space of ethnic, linguistic, religious contacts. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Tumor", "ISSN": "10007431", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Tyche", "ISSN": "10109161", "Scope": "ScopeTYCHE is a scholarly journal based at the Department of Ancient History, Papyrology and Epigraphy at the University of Vienna. This journal of high academic reputation has been published since 1986 and contains (double-blind) peer-reviewed articles in German, English, French, Italian and Latin. The scientific focus lies on the whole range of antiquity from the beginnings of Greek history to Late antiquity. Emphasis is placed on the edition and interpretation of epigraphic and papyrological sources. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Vjesnik Arheoloskog Muzeja u Zagrebu", "ISSN": "03507165, 18491561", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of the Archaeological Museum in Zagreb is an externally peer-reviewed annual archaeological journal.\rIt publishes previously unpublished scientific (research), professional and review papers from the field of prehistoric, classical and medieval archaeology, as well as history, numismatics and other related disciplines. Manuscripts have to be submitted either in both Croatian and one foreign language (English, French, German or Italian) or in English, French, German or Italian with a Croatian summary. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Wagadu: Journal of Transnational Women's and Gender Studies", "ISSN": "15456196, 21502226", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Water Wheel", "ISSN": "18167969", "Scope": "ScopeThe Water Wheel is a two monthly magazine on water and water research published by the South African Water Research Commission (WRC), a statutory organisation established in 1971 by Act of Parliament.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Wellsian", "ISSN": "2631776", "Scope": "ScopeThe Wellsian is the official journal of the H. G. Wells Society and has existed since 1976. The Wellsian is an academic publication exercising double-blind peer-review.\r\rThe Editor welcomes materials on all aspects of Wells’s life, work, thought, legacies, and influences. Submissions may be received in the form of articles of 6,000-9,000 words in length; longer pieces may be also considered. All articles must be accompanied by abstracts of 150 words in length. Submissions should be sent to the Editor via email.\r\rEvery issue of the journal carries a number of book reviews on Wells-related topics. Each book review is 1,000-1,500 words in length. Publishers wishing to submit their books for review should send requests to the Editor. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Yale Review", "ISSN": "00440124, 14679736", "Scope": "ScopeSince 1911, The Yale Review has been publishing new works by the most distinguished contemporary writers - from Virginia Woolf to Vladimir Nabokov, from Robert Frost to Eudora Welty. The journal's pages have, for almost a century, been filled with the most exhilarating and astute writing of our times. Under the editorship of Harold Augrenbaum, The Yale Review presents up-and-coming writers, explores the broader movements in American thought, science, and culture, and reviews the best new books in a variety of fields. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Yearbook of Comparative Literature", "ISSN": "19255764, 19255772", "Scope": "ScopeThe Yearbook of Comparative Literature (YCL) is dedicated to the publication of theoretically informed research in literary studies with a comparative, intercultural, or interdisciplinary emphasis. We invite articles on the comparative study of the arts, film studies with a focus on literature, international literary relations, pedagogy, and the theory and practice of translation, as well as on the study of genres and modes, themes and motifs, periods and movements. The Yearbook of Comparative Literature is published annually under the auspices of the Department of Comparative Literature at Indiana University Bloomington. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "A+BE Architecture and the Built Environment", "ISSN": "22123202, 22147233", "Scope": "ScopeA+BE publishes exclusively doctoral theses (dissertations) in the field of:\r\r-architecture\r-architectural engineering\r-green building\r-built heritage\r-history\r-urbanism\r-urban and regional studies\r-real estate\r-housing\r-geomatics\r-geo-design\r-management of the built environment Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Acta Medica Croatica", "ISSN": "13300164", "Scope": "ScopeActa Medica Croatica publishes editorials, original research articles, guidelines, reviews, clinical observations, case reports, letters to the Editor, and book reviews, written in Croatian or English language. Besides regular issues, the journal publishes topical issues and supplements (related to congresses and symposia). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Acta Microscopica", "ISSN": "7984545", "Scope": "ScopeActa Microscopica is the official journal of CIASEM (Interamerican Committee of Societies for Electron Microscopy). This journal is an international forum, open to all scientists and technologists that use any form of microscopy, electron microscopy, new scanning probe microscopy and also confocal and optical microscopy for applications in physics, chemistry, materials and biological sciences, for publishing their research. The journal has appointed eminent scientists from around the world to be Regional Editors. Acta Microscopica was founded in 1992 and publishes two issues per year. The article covers scientific articles in applications to life and material sciences. Review and educational articles on different topics of interest related to microscopy, also articles in methods, techniques, and instrumentation. Articles are reviewed by at least two international experts in the field. Readers may download material for their own use only or for use as educational materials. No commercial use is allowed without prior written consent. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Africa Yearbook", "ISSN": "18712525, 18729037", "Scope": "ScopeThe Africa Yearbook covers major domestic political developments, the foreign policy and socio-economic trends in sub-Sahara Africa – all related to developments in one calendar year. The Africa Yearbook contains articles on all sub-Saharan states, each of the four sub-regions (West, Central, Eastern, Southern Africa) focusing on major cross-border developments and sub-regional organizations as well as one article on continental developments and one on European-African relations. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Africana Linguistica", "ISSN": "654124", "Scope": "ScopeAfricana Linguistica welcomes original contributions in descriptive linguistics or historical linguistics and linguistic typology on aspects such as phonetics/phonology, morphology, syntax, lexicology, and semantics.\r\rIt is particularly interested in contributions regarding poorly-documented languages as well as articles integrating linguistics in interdisciplinary approaches to the history of Africa.\r\rColleagues from Africa are strongly encouraged to submit their work.\r\rContributions may be submitted in English or French. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Amoenitas", "ISSN": "23849460, 24217360", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Anales de Investigacion en Arquitectura", "ISSN": "23011505, 23011513", "Scope": "ScopeAnales de Investigación en Arquitectura (An. investig. arquit). is an iberoamerican refereed, open access, scientific journal whose purpose is to disseminate the advances of research in the field of architecture, urbanism, landscape and sustainability. In keeping with its international reach, it publishes research articles, essays, literature reviews, catalogs of works, and original case studies. It is open to architecture schools and to the community of researchers, professionals, academics and the interested public. It receives contributions written in Spanish, English and Portuguese.\rThe journal is peer-reviewed (double-blind) and edited by an expert editorial team, with the support of an International Scientific Committee. Anales de Investigación en Arquitectura is a journal of continuous publication, published twice a year. The manuscripts that are approved in the peer review and by the Editorial Committee are published upon completion of the editorial process.\r\rThe journal does not charge fees for the processing and publication of articles. It is a publication promoted by the Faculty of Architecture of the Universidad ORT Uruguay. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Archives des Maladies du Coeur et des Vaisseaux - Pratique", "ISSN": "1261694X", "Scope": "ScopeLes Archives des maladies du coeur et des vaisseaux Pratique réservent à la formation médicale continue une place centrale. Chaque numéro s'articule autour d'un thème constituant un dossier de FMC élaboré et rédigé par les meilleurs experts du domaine.\r\rCe dossier de FMC comprend plusieurs mises au point détaillées, référencées et argumentées, des cas de pratique clinique, satellites, une perspective thérapeutique et/ou physiopathologique novatrice ou évolutive, des questionnaires d'auto-évaluation.\r\r\rLa partie information et formation professionnelle rapporte quant à elle les actualités de la SFC et de ses groupes de travail, dont le journal a pour objectif d'assurer la diffusion. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Archives d'Histoire Doctrinale et Litteraire du Moyen-Age", "ISSN": "03735478, 21099529", "Scope": "ScopeFondées en 1926 par Étienne Gilson et Gabril Thery O.P., les Archives d'Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen Âge sont une publication historique annuelle, consacrée à l'étude de la pensée médiévale et à l'histoire littéraire de ses écrits.\r\rElles ne publient que des articles de recherche comportant des éléments neufs et solidement documentés, et des textes inédits, ou d'édition insuffisante, appuyés sur une tradition manuscrite de première main. Ils sont respectivement regroupés sous les rubriques «Études doctrinales et littéraires» et «Textes». Deux index détaillés des noms de personnes et textes anonymes et des manuscrits cités sont établis pour chaque volume. Les articles publiés sont rédigés dans les principales langues européennes (français, anglais, allemand, espagnol, italien).\r\rLes articles reçus sont soumis à relecture en double aveugle auprès de deux experts (Double-Blind Peer Review) désignés par le Rédacteur en chef et le Comité Scientifique. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Asian Biotechnology and Development Review", "ISSN": "9727566", "Scope": "ScopeThe Asian Biotechnology and Development Review is published by RIS India to generate wider awareness of the issues involved and emerging developments in the area of biotechnologies.ABDR is being managed and guided by leading experts and commentators on technology issues.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Bamboo and Silk", "ISSN": "24689238, 24689246", "Scope": "ScopeBamboo and Silk is a peer-reviewed academic journal sponsored by the Center of Bamboo and Silk Manuscripts of Wuhan University. Based on unearthed Chinese bamboo and silk manuscripts from the Warring States period (476–221 BC) and Qin (221–206BC), Han (206BC–220 AD), Wei (220–265 AD) and Jin (265–420 AD) Dynasties, this journal focuses on studies of character identification and textual reconstitution, and studies of the social, political, economic and legal systems as well as ideology, culture, language, customs and other aspects reflected by these manuscripts. The journal includes research articles on bamboo and silk manuscripts and book reviews. All articles are peer reviewed by anonymous outside experts as well as by the editorial board, and reflect the current state of international academic research issues on Chinese bamboo and silk manuscripts. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis", "ISSN": "3405370", "Scope": "ScopeDie Zeitschrift „Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis“ (BFuP) erscheint\rsechsmal im Jahr. Im Gegensatz zu anderen Zeitschriften ist jedes Heft der BFuP\reinem spezifischen Thema gewidmet. Zu diesem Thema sind in einem Heft\rmehrere Beiträge enthalten.\rDarüber hinaus fungiert die BFuP ebenfalls als Medium zur Veröffentlichung von\rForschungsergebnissen aus der theoretischen und empirischen\rBetriebswirtschaftslehre, die keinen Bezug zu einem speziellen Heftthema haben.\rDie Herausgeber nehmen jederzeit sowohl Manuskripte zu zukünftigen Heftthemen als auch Manuskripte ohne einen solchen Themenbezug entgegen. Alle eingereichten Manuskripte werden einer\rdoppelt-blinden Begutachtung unterzogen.\rDie Hefte werden durch Besprechungen von Neuerscheinungen ergänzt. Die Schriftleitung nimmt\reingereichte Rezensionen jederzeit entgegen Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Brill's Studies in Intellectual History", "ISSN": "9208607", "Scope": "ScopeBrill's Studies in Intellectual History, or BSIH, is a peer-reviewed book series that publishes new approaches to history, the history of philosophy and theology, and the history of ideas. Special attention is given to the use of interdisciplinary methods and insights, such as those of cultural anthropology, semiotics and linguistic analysis. Occasionally volumes will contain papers of eminent scholars and proceedings of conferences, which would otherwise be difficult to obtain. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "British Plastics and Rubber", "ISSN": "3076164", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Bulletin of the Kyushu Institute of Technology - Pure and Applied Mathematics", "ISSN": "13438670", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Canadian Journal of European and Russian Studies", "ISSN": "25628429", "Scope": "ScopeThe Canadian Journal of European and Russian Studies (CJERS) is an online Canadian academic journal that publishes research articles and book/literature reviews related to the European Union, its Member States, the states of the former Soviet Union, and Central and Eastern Europe. The journal is interdisciplinary with a focus on the social sciences, policy studies, law, and international affairs. The goals of the journal are to provide an accessible forum for research and to promote high standards of scholarship. CJERS is an open-access journal, which means that all published papers are available to users free of charge; it is indexed in Scopus, EBSCO, ProQuest and International Political Science Abstracts. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cancer and Chemotherapy Reviews", "ISSN": "1885740X", "Scope": "ScopeCancer & Chemotherapy Reviews is a new medical publication dedicated to Medical Oncology and Hemato-Oncology, which plans to offer updated reviews by international experts, with the necessary content and breadth to fully acquaint readers with the latest developments. This review, of high educational interest, will be published in hard-copy format, with each issue containing five previously selected articles on the most recent developments, and with a total of three issues a year.\r\rCancer & Chemotherapy Reviews has an Editorial Committee composed of international European and American leaders in Oncology to aid in the selection of subjects and experts.\r\rCancer & Chemotherapy Reviews is published quarterly. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cancer Research and Clinic", "ISSN": "10069801", "Scope": "ScopeCancer Research and Clinic is published monthly in Chinese, the National Health Commission of the People’s Republic of China is responsible for Cancer Research and Clinic, and it is sponsored by the Chinese Medical Association (CMA) and Shanxi Provincial Cancer Institute/Hospital. Cancer Research and Clinic is a peer reviewed medical journal for doctors, medical researchers, and health workers in the field of oncology. The journal reports the advances and progress in current oncological sciences and technology.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cardiovascular and Metabolic Science", "ISSN": "26832828, 29543835", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Chemistry and Industry (London)", "ISSN": "00093068, 20476329", "Scope": "ScopeChemistry & Industry is a topical and international magazine bridging the gap between scientific innovation and business. A current-awareness source for scientists, tailored to industry needs and interests. It covers patents, people (e.g., high-level corporate recruitment), and includes reviews and commentary. “Highlights” summarize recent published research.\r\rThe magazine carries advertising for jobs and recruitment, corporate image campaigns, chemicals and other products for sale, consultants' services, contract research, training courses, books and other publications, lab products and services, and a wide range of goods and services aimed at the technology-based industries. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Chinese Journal of Biologicals", "ISSN": "10045503", "Scope": "Scope《中国生物制品学杂志》为报道我国生物制品研究开发重大成果和国内外最新进展的生物制品专业学术期刊,由国家卫生健康委员会主管,中华预防医学会和中国医药集团总公司长春生物制品研究所有限责任公司主办,月刊。\r1、本刊主要刊载生物制品和生物技术产品相关领域,如预防医学、免疫学、微生物学、生物化学、流行病学、临床医学等方面的研究、生产、使用和质控等学术文章。在选择来稿时注重学术性、前沿性和实用性。优先报道基金项目及各种基金赞助课题的文章,并适当照顾边远地区和基层单位。\r2、本刊设有基础研究、预防制品、治疗制品、诊断制品、实验技术与方法、临床观察、研究简报、综述、述评、会议快讯、消息动态等栏目。 Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Chinese Journal of Emergency Medicine", "ISSN": "16710282", "Scope": "ScopeThe of Chinese Journal of Emergency Medicine is as broad as the definition of emergency medicine itself, encompassing all activities concerned with acute medical care. Chinese Journal of Emergency Medicine invites the submission of original research, short communications, reviews and case reports relating to acute adult and pediatric medicine and surgery and the related fields of trauma, toxicology, critical care, resuscitation, emergency medical services, etc.The journal also covers research papers and clinical studies as well as articles focusing on the training of emergency physicians and on the practice of emergency medicine. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Chinese Journal of Radiology", "ISSN": "10188940", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Chirurgia (Turin)", "ISSN": "03949508, 18271782", "Scope": "ScopeChirurgia publishes scientific papers on surgery. Manuscripts may be submitted in the form of editorials, original articles, review articles, case reports, therapeutical notes, special articles, letters to the Editor and guidelines. The journal aims to provide its readers with papers of the highest quality and impact through a process of careful peer review and editorial work. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Church History and Religious Culture", "ISSN": "1871241X, 18712428", "Scope": "ScopeChurch History and Religious Culture (formerly: Nederlands Archief voor Kerkgeschiedenis / Dutch Review of Church History) is a long-established, peer-reviewed periodical, primarily devoted to the history of Christianity. It contains articles in this field as well as in other specialised related areas. \r\rFor many years the Nederlands Archief voor Kerkgeschiedenis has established itself as an unrivalled resource for the subject both in the major research libraries of the world and in the private collections of professors and scholars. Now published under the title Church History and Religious Culture, this journal offers you an easy way to stay on top of your discipline. \rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Classica et Mediaevalia", "ISSN": "01065815, 16049411", "Scope": "ScopeClassica et Mediaevalia encourages scholarly contributions covering the fields of Greek and Latin languages and literature up to, and including the late middle ages as well as Graeco-Roman history and traditions as manifested in general history, history of law, history of philosophy and ecclesiastical history. General linguistics, archaeology and the history of art are not usually dealt with.\r\rClassica et Mediaevalia is a peer-reviewed annual online journal (January) which provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Classics Ireland", "ISSN": "7919417", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "College Literature", "ISSN": "00933139, 15424286", "Scope": "ScopeCollege Literature is dedicated to publishing innovative scholarly research across the range of periods, intellectual fields, and geographical locations that comprise the changing discipline of Anglophone and comparative literary studies. The journal is committed to the renewal of critique without restricting its to a particular national, chronological, intra-disciplinary or identity-based focus. In interrogating critical practices, College Literature aims to investigate its involvement in broader parameters of public debate and seeks to question both inherited disciplinary frameworks and new critical orthodoxies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Comics Grid", "ISSN": "20480792", "Scope": "ScopeThis journal’s purpose is to make original and specialised media-specific contributions to the field of comics scholarship and to advance the appreciation of graphic narrative and comic art.\r\rOur focus is inspired by, but not limited to, the following questions:\r\rHow are form and format interconnected in comics?\r\rWhat is the meaning of “content” in comics?\r\rHow are page sizes related to what is contained in them?\r\rWhat is the role of the characteristics of panel layouts and/or page sizes and formats in specific comics texts?\r\rHow do different technologies affect the processes of creating and reading a comics page?\r\rHow do different panel arrangements work?\r\rWhat is the media-specificity of a comics page?\r\rWhat are some of the different possible ways of reading comics pages?\r\rWhat other cultural practices or artistic forms or phenomena intersect with comics and could benefit from comics-focused critical approaches?\r\rWhat comics, aspects of comics, disciplines and methodologies are underrepresented in current comics studies?\r\rWhat are the characteristics of the “user experience” in comics? Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "CONCAWE Reports", "ISSN": "1660810", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localizedJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Conservacion Colombiana", "ISSN": "19001592", "Scope": "ScopeConservación Colombiana is a scientific journal launched in 2006 and published by Fundación ProAves. The main topic of the journal is the ecology and status of threatened bird species in Colombia. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Corrosion and Materials", "ISSN": "13261932", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Costerus New Series", "ISSN": "1659618", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Culture and History of the Ancient Near East", "ISSN": "15662055", "Scope": "ScopeCulture and History of the Ancient Near East series has become a primary forum for studying all aspects of ancient Near Eastern civilizations. Across a chronological and geographical swath, it covers religion, history, language, literature, thought, science, art and visual culture, and architecture. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Current Writing", "ISSN": "1013929X, 21599130", "Scope": "ScopeCurrent Writing: Text and Reception in Southern Africa is published bi-annually by Routledge. Current Writing focuses on recent writing and re-publication of texts on southern African and (from a 'southern' perspective) commonwealth and/or postcolonial literature and literary-culture. Works of the past and near-past must be assessed and evaluated through the lens of current reception.\r\rSubmissions are double-blind peer-reviewed by at least two referees of international stature in the field. The journal is accredited with the South African Department of Higher Education and Training. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Currents of Encounter", "ISSN": "9236201", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Daphnis", "ISSN": "0300693X, 18796583", "Scope": "ScopeFrom its foundation in 1972, Daphnis was conceived as a platform for the publication of research into German literature and culture of the early modern period (14th-18th century). Since then it has developed to take on board interdisciplinary and intercultural perspectives. It is considered today an outstanding international scholarly forum for research into the early modern period. From a comparative point of view it examines the relationship between German literatures and cultural history and the culture of other European (and non-European) countries in the period, as well as such phenomena as cultural transfer. It addresses problems pertaining to the early new high German language and to Neo-Latin literature, as well as to new research fields such as intermediality, performance theories or gender studies. Within its four issues a year Daphnis offers the possibility of thematic volumes. With its double blind peer-review procedures, Daphnis is a platform which welcomes previously unpublished contributions (in German or English) under the headings: Research Articles, Miscellaneous Contributions, Bibliography and Book Reviews. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "EBU Technical Review", "ISSN": "10196587, 16091469", "Scope": "ScopeThe EBU Technical Review is an online publication that provides an easy route to learning about the latest technological developments in broadcasting. The Technical Review articles cover media technology and are all written by industry experts and those directly involved in developing, testing and implementing the products and systems in question. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ethische Perspectieven", "ISSN": "07786069, 1783144X", "Scope": "ScopeEthische Perspectieven biedt toegankelijke bijdragen over maatschappelijk relevante, ethische thema's. Opgericht als nieuwsbrief voor de verschillende centra voor ethiek aan de KU Leuven, is het tijdschrift al geruime tijd breder georiënteerd. De redactie werkt vanuit de overtuiging dat ethiek geen domein specifieke discipline is, maar dat de ethische reflectie het best geïnformeerd wordt door een grondige vertrouwdheid met de praktijken waarop die reflectie betrekking heeft. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "European Journal of Lymphology and Related Problems", "ISSN": "7785569", "Scope": "ScopeJOURNAL OF LYMPHOLOGY AND RELATED PROBLEMS (EJLRP) covers all fields of Lymphology and aims to present a multidisciplinair approach to diseases of the lymphatic system, with information on the analysis, control and treatments of such diseases.ts de telles maladies. \rThe topics include:\r\r– anatomy and anatomopathology\r– physiology and physiopathology\r– pharmacology\r– diagnostic methods (conventional radiology, nuclear medicine, ultrasonography, computed tomography, biopsy, nuclear magnetic resonance)\r– therapy (surgery, medicine, radiotherapy, physical)\r– oncology (primary lymphatic system diseases, lymphonodal metastatic process)\r– immunology\r– post-therapeutic complications\r– upper and lower limb edemas Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "European Judaism", "ISSN": "00143006, 17522323", "Scope": "ScopeFor more than 50 years, European Judaism has provided a voice for the postwar Jewish world in Europe. It has reflected the different realities of each country and helped to rebuild Jewish consciousness after the Holocaust.\r\rThe journal offers stimulating debates exploring the responses of Judaism to contemporary political, social, and philosophical challenges; articles reflecting the full range of contemporary Jewish life in Europe, and including documentation of the latest developments in Jewish-Muslim dialogue; new insights derived from science, psychotherapy, and theology as they impact upon Jewish life and thought; literary exchange as a unique exploration of ideas from leading Jewish writers, poets, scholars, and intellectuals with a variety of documentation, poetry, and book reviews section; and book reviews covering a wide range of international publications. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "European Neurological Review", "ISSN": "17583837, 17583845", "Scope": "ScopeEuropean Neurological Review enables time-pressured physicians to stay abreast of key advances and opinion in neurological practice in Europe.\rEuropean Neurological Review comprises balanced and comprehensive articles written by leading authorities, addressing the most important and salient\rdevelopments in the neurology field.\r• European Neurological Review endeavours to support physicians, clinicians and related healthcare professionals in continuously developing their knowledge,\reffectiveness and productivity. The editorial policy has been designed to encourage discussion among this peer group.\rComprehensive bibliographies for each article mean that European Neurological Review is an informative and valuable reference tool for use throughout the year Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Feminist German Studies", "ISSN": "25785192, 25785206", "Scope": "ScopeFeminist German Studies is a refereed publication presenting a wide range of feminist approaches to all aspects of German literature, culture, and language, including pedagogy. Reflecting the interdisciplinary perspectives that inform feminist German studies, each issue contains critical inquiries employing gender and other analytical categories to examine the work, history, life, literature, and arts of the German-speaking world. FGS is the flagship journal of the Coalition of Women in German. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Florida Geographer", "ISSN": "7390041", "Scope": "ScopeThe Florida Geographer is the official publication of the Florida Society of Geographers. The journal will made the transition in 2011 from a hard copy to open-access on line publication. The Editor encourages topics on all aspects of physical, human and applied geography. There is a preference for topics with a focus set in Florida, but national and international research by geographers based in Florida is also considered as well as articles focused on geographic education.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Folk Life", "ISSN": "04308778, 1759670X", "Scope": "ScopeFolk Life: Journal of Ethnological Studies is a journal devoted to the study of all aspects of traditional ways of life in Great Britain and Ireland. The journal publishes original, high quality, peer-reviewed research in the form of unsolicited articles, solicited papers (which are usually selected from those read at the Society's annual conference) and of members' papers (which are usually short reports of work in progress). Work published in Folk Life may include, for example, papers dealing with the traditional ways of life of other countries and regions, which may be compared to or contrasted with those of Great Britain and Ireland. The journal may also include appropriate work on museology related to traditional ways of life, on cultural heritage and tourism, and on the history and development of the study of ethnology.\r\rThis fascinating, interdisciplinary subject is important from a historical perspective, but it is also highly relevant to current debate on sustainability, globalisation, migrations of people and cultural identity. The journal is committed to multidisciplinary approaches, and wishes to foster international approaches and debate. It deals with all forms of both material and expressive culture, engages in current theoretical debate and provides a forum for innovative museological thinking. Folk Life aims to provide a robust selection of book reviews, which assists in the achievement of the aims of the Society for Folk Life Studies.\r\rFolk Life: Journal of Ethnological Studies is an international journal. It covers a wide range of topics and subjects, illustrating the breadth of relevance of the study of Folk Life to the understanding of past and present experience, exploring ways of life, folk art and related aesthetics, vernacular architecture, custom and belief, crafts, costume and the study of the landscape. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Gaceta Mexicana de Oncologia", "ISSN": "16659201", "Scope": "ScopeThe Gaceta Mexicana de Oncología (GAMO) is a high quality scientific blind peer-reviewed journal of open access that communicates to health professionals the most relevant and up-to-date advances in research and education, in order to offer cutting-edge multidisciplinary care to cancer patients.\r\r\rIt is the official scientific and academic dissemination body of the Mexican Society of Oncology (SMeO). It publishes its regular issues quarterly in electronic format, with free access, in addition to several supplements during the year. \r\r\rIts spaces are open to members of the SMeO, as well as to any member of the medical community (national and international), who show interest in using this publication to publicize their studies under the rules of the editorial policies of the journal.\r\r\rIt is the journal of choice for oncologists in the field of research and education in surgical, medical, paediatric, gynaecological, haematological and radiological oncology, as well as specialties for the detection, diagnosis, treatment, follow-up and rehabilitation, fields in which different specialties involved in the management of cancer patients participate.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Global Media Journal, Canadian Edition", "ISSN": "19185901, 1918591X", "Scope": "ScopeGlobal Media Journal — Canadian Edition is a free open-access online double-blind refereed publication that is hosted by the University of Ottawa and Saint Paul University which is dedicated to research in the fields of communication and media studies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Hepato-Gastro et Oncologie Digestive", "ISSN": "21153310, 21155631", "Scope": "ScopeLa revue Hépato-Gastro et Oncologie Digestive est la revue de Formation Médicale Continue de la Société Nationale Française de Gastroentérologie, de l’Association Française pour l’Étude du Foie et de la Fédération Francophone de Cancérologie Digestive. Elle est destinée aux spécialistes hépato-gastroentérologues, aux chirurgiens digestifs ainsi qu’aux étudiants en formation (DES, AFSA, etc.). Elle couvre l’ensemble des affections du tube digestif, du foie et du pancréas. Hépato-Gastro et Oncologie Digestive (Editions John Libbey Eurotext) publie en français des mini-revues, des éditoriaux, des dossiers thématiques de Formation Médicale Continue, des nouvelles et flashes d’actualité, des fiches techniques, des nouvelles professionnelles. Dans la plupart des cas, ces articles sont sollicités par la rédaction mais toute proposition de collaboration sera examinée avec intérêt. Hépato-Gastro et Oncologie Digestive ne publie pas d’articles originaux, de résultats de travaux originaux ou de cas cliniques (sauf à visée didactique au sein des dossiers thématiques de FMC). Hépato-Gastro et Oncologie Digestive est une revue à comité de lecture et, afin d’améliorer la qualité de la publication, le comité de rédaction peut soumettre les manuscrits pour avis à un ou des lecteurs, anonymes pour l’(les) auteur(s), avant acceptation pour publication. Nous demandons aux auteurs de bien vouloir respecter attentivement les impératifs de rédaction et de présentation des articles, ainsi que les règles éthiques définies par la législation et la charte d’Helsinki. À cet égard, nous attachons une importance particulière à la déclaration des liens d’intérêts qui engage directement la responsabilité des auteurs. Les articles parus font l’objet d’une valorisation particulière dans le dossier de Titres et Travaux par le Conseil National Universitaire, sous-section Hépato-Gastroentérologie. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Hong Kong journal of Social Sciences", "ISSN": "10213619", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Humans and Nature", "ISSN": "9181725", "Scope": "ScopeThis journal is devoted to enhancement of discussion and dissemination of fundamental knowledge on science itself and human-science interactions. It was founded in 1992, and has been published annually since then. Each issue contains original research articles, reports, short notes, and/or reviews written in English or in Japanese.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Iberoamericana. America Latina - Espana - Portugal", "ISSN": "15773388", "Scope": "ScopeIBEROAMERICANA is an interdisciplinary journal of literature, history and social sciences aimed at an international scientific readership. From the perspective of different disciplines and bearing in mind current debates, IBEROAMERICANA contributes to the analysis of the history, literature, cultural life and socio-political dynamics of Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal, acting as a bridge between research undertaken in different academic fields and regions.\r\r\rIBEROAMERICANA publishes contributions of high academic calibre presenting the results of innovative research. Papers that transcend national frontiers and disciplines are particularly welcome, as well as those that employ comparative approaches or which adopt a position in relation to international and regional debates, contributing to the renewal of their particular fields. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ideas y Valores", "ISSN": "1200062", "Scope": "ScopeIdeas y Valores is a four-monthly publication (April, August and December) of the Department of Philosophy of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, founded in 1951, which welcomes national and international contributions. Throughout its more than sixty years of existence, the journal's objective has been to provide a space for the publication and dissemination of philosophical work carried out in Colombia. However, Ideas y Valores has always been in close contact with the philosophical work carried out in Latin America and the world. It currently publishes articles and reviews on all philosophical areas in Spanish, Portuguese and, occasionally, English. The journal also receives translations to Spanish of texts which have lost their copyrights or whose copyrights have been bought by or given to the translator and, by extension, to Ideas y Valores. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "IEEE Conference Record of Annual Pulp and Paper Industry Technical Conference", "ISSN": "1902172", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Iluminace", "ISSN": "0862397X, 25709267", "Scope": "ScopeIluminace is the only Czech double-blind peer-reviewed journal for scholarly reflection upon cinema which is approached from theoretical, historical and aesthetic perspectives. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Innes Review", "ISSN": "0020157X, 17455219", "Scope": "ScopeThe Innes Review is a fully peer-reviewed journal promoting the study of the history of Catholic Scotland. It covers all aspects of Scottish history and culture, especially ones related to religious history. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Interdisciplinary Literary Studies", "ISSN": "15248429, 2161427X", "Scope": "ScopeInterdisciplinary Literary Studies seeks to explore the interconnections between literary study and other disciplines, ideologies, and cultural methods of critique. All national literatures, periods, and genres are welcomed topics. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Canadian Studies", "ISSN": "19235291", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Research on History Didactics, History Education and History Culture", "ISSN": "16088751, 25671014", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management", "ISSN": "14668297, 17415241", "Scope": "ScopeIJRAM is an interdisciplinary and refereed journal that provides cross learning between:\r\r-Different business and economics, as well as scientific and technological, disciplines-\rEnergy industries, environmental and ecological systems-\rSafety, public health and medical services-\rSoftware services, reliability and safety.\rTopics covered include:\r-Principles and theory of risk assessment and management-\rRisk assessment policy, standards and regulations-\rRisk-based decision making and risk management-\rDecision making and decision support systems for risk and disaster management on regional and global scales-\rRisk perception and communications-\rRisk assessment and control-\rRisk characterisation-\rDynamic risk assessment-\rIntegration of risk models and quantifications-\rAdvanced concepts and information technologies in risk assessment and management-\rIntegrated risk assessment and safety management-\rIntegrated risk assessment in developing and rapidly developing countries. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Review of Social Research", "ISSN": "20698267, 20698534", "Scope": "ScopeInternational Review of Social Research publishes original research articles, but also, occasionally, special issues, debates and commentaries that focus on the study of human society, social structures, social change, human behavior as it is shaped by social forces, as well as on any aspects of the scientific study of human beings and culture.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Internistische Praxis", "ISSN": "209570", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Islamic Studies", "ISSN": "5788072", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Japanese Journal of Leprosy", "ISSN": "13423681, 1884314X", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine", "ISSN": "0039906X", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal des Economistes et des Etudes Humaines", "ISSN": "21531552, 21945799", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal des Economistes et des Etudes Humaines (JEEH) is a journal of political economy and interdisciplinary economic studies. It addresses economic issues in political theory, social dynamics, social science methodology, and philosophy. Today, JEEH has an international audience, and welcomes contributions written by scholars from around the world.\r\rJEEH's goals are:\r-To bring together economics with neighboring disciplines such as law, history, political science, sociology, philosophy, psychology, and anthropology\r-To promote the development of the Austrian approach to economics (Austrian School) and to provide discussion and controversy\r-To reconcile economics with the ethical and policy-oriented principles which make coordinated interaction between human beings possible Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of African Military History", "ISSN": "24680958, 24680966", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of African Military History (JAMH) is an international, peer-reviewed journal that publishes historical scholarship on war and society in Africa. The journal is particularly interested in exploring the issues of conflict, military and society relations, and social histories of the human experience during wartime. JAMH presents a new outlet in the study of military matters in Africa and the connections between military matters in Africa and the diaspora. This journal is an important new forum for historical researchers to connect their work to the broader fields of African History and Military History. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Austrian studies", "ISSN": "2165669X, 23271809", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Austrian Studies is an interdisciplinary quarterly that publishes scholarly articles and book reviews on all aspects of the history and culture of Austria, Austro-Hungary, and the Habsburg territory. It is the flagship publication of the Austrian Studies Association and contains contributions in German and English from the world's premiere scholars in the field of Austrian studies. The journal highlights scholarly work that draws on innovative methodologies and new ways of viewing Austrian history and culture. Although the journal was renamed in 2012 to reflect the increasing and diversity of its scholarship, it has a long lineage dating back over a half century as Modern Austrian Literature and, prior to that, The Journal of the International Arthur Schnitzler Research Association. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Chinese Humanities", "ISSN": "23521333, 23521341", "Scope": "ScopeThe peer-reviewed journal, Journal of Chinese Humanities, is an English-language extension of Literature, History and Philosophy ( Wen Shi Zhe 《文史哲》), a famous Chinese journal published by Shandong University. The content is not restricted to one aspect of Chinese culture but rather spans important topics within the fields of Chinese history, philosophy, and literature. It covers both traditional and modern areas of re-search. Importantly, as opposed to most English language journals that treat on Chinese studies, this journal aims to represent the current research coming out of mainland China. Thus each issue will be composed primarily of articles from Chinese scholars working at Chinese institutions, while at the same time including a small number of articles from foreign authors so as to provide opposing perspectives. This way, top scholars in China can be read in the Western world, and our Western readers will benefit from a native perspective and first hand material and research coming out of China. Every issue will be theme-based, focusing on an issue of common interest to the academic community both within and outside China. The majority of articles will relate directly to the central theme, but each issue will also accept a limited number of articles not directly related to the current theme. This journal primarily targets academics in the English-speaking world who are interested in multiple aspects of Chinese civilization and humanities. It will be of interest to both scholars and advanced students, both specialists and informed readers. It aims to become one of the best windows for western readers to deepen their understanding of Chinese literature, history and philosophy. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Chinese Physician", "ISSN": "10081372", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Early American History", "ISSN": "18770223, 18770703", "Scope": "ScopeThe early modern colonization of the Americas ranks among the most influential developments that shaped the modern world. Between the initial exploratory European contacts with the Americas in the late fifteenth century and the eventual independence of American states from Europe lies the multifaceted development of small communities into large colonies, which drew upon their European inheritance and their New World experience and interaction with non-European cultures and societies to form distinctive cultures and identities. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Empirical Generalisations in Marketing Science", "ISSN": "13264443", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Journal of Medical Pest Control", "ISSN": "10036245", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Journal of Shi'a Islamic Studies", "ISSN": "17489423", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Shi‘a Islamic Studies (JSIS) is a refereed academic journal published by ICAS Press for The Islamic College, London, UK. The journal conscientiously aims to provide a scholarly platform for critical and informed articles in all fields of Shi‘a studies, including but not limited to theology, philosophy, mysticism, law, jurisprudence, politics, history, and Qur’an and hadith studies. Such articles will cover the most debate-worthy issues in the aforementioned fields in the hope of ultimately contributing to the resolution of various theoretical, methodological, and practical dilemmas encountered in Shi‘a Islamic Studies. Furthermore, JSIS endeavours to cover modern and current issues relevant to Shi‘ism and its overall study.\r\rJSIS also introduces and presents a variety of classical Shi‘a works that may be academically valuable to researchers in this field but have remained largely unknown to them. Moreover, JSIS dedicates a section of its publication to the critical assessment and vigorous review of books and publications, both old and new, concerning Shi‘a studies.\r\rIt is hoped that through such efforts JSIS will remain a valuable reference and resource for those researching and undertaking Shi‘a studies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of the Anthropological Society of South Australia", "ISSN": "10344438", "Scope": "ScopeThe Society produces an annual journal (Journal of the Anthropological Society of South Australia [ISSN 1034-4438]) for subscribed members which is published in December of each year. The journal is indexed in Scopus, listed on Uhlrichsweb and in the 2015 ERA journal list.\r\rThe journal primarily publishes articles relating to Indigenous Australian anthropology, archaeology, history and linguistics although broader topics related to all of these disciplines may also be included. Editions are regularly structured around particular themes, however, non-themed editions may also be published. Additional special editions may also be produced at the discretion of the editor/s. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of the Indian Medical Association", "ISSN": "195847", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of the Indian Medical association, popularly known as JIMA, an indexed (in index medicus) monthly journal, has the largest circulation (over 1.75 lakh Copies per month) of all the indexed and other medical journals of India and abroad. This journal is also available in microfilm through Bell & Howels, USA. The founder leaders of this prestigious journal include Late Sir Nilratan Sircar, Dr Bidhan Chandra Roy, Dr Kumud Sankar Ray and other scholars and doyens of the medical profession. It started in the pre-independence era (1930) with only 122 doctors. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal on Asian Linguistic Anthropology", "ISSN": "22070656", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Asian Linguistic Anthropology represents an international peer reviewed journal seeking to strengthen the junctures between linguistics and anthropology, in and for Asian regions. The JALA is produced in collaboration with The GLOCAl, The Global Council on Anthropological Linguistics.\rFollowing repeated requests from global bodies for such a journal, JALA has emerged to satisfy the need for Anthropological and Linguistic representation which is situated and yet.\rThe Journal of Asian Linguistic Anthropology engages in theoretical and pragmatic debates in fields including:\r•\tethnography\r•\tsymbolism, iconicity, and indexicality\r•\tspatial and temporal frames\r•\tagency and the the equilibrium between the individual and the social\r•\t(multi)methodology\r•\tlanguage contact\r•\tmultifunctionality\r•\trevitalization\r•\tuniversality vs. particularity\r•\tlinguistic relativity\r•\tsocialization\r•\tspeech (and sociocultural) communities practice\r•\tlanguage, globalization, and transnational flows\r•\tlanguage and identity\r•\tthe ethnography of language\r•\tstructuralism and post structuralism\r•\tethics in research\r•\tcultural determinism and relativism\r•\tcritical approaches and reflexivity\r•\tsociolinguistics\r•\tthe linguistic anthropologies of translationJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Kanzo/Acta Hepatologica Japonica", "ISSN": "04514203, 18813593", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Kukila", "ISSN": "2169223", "Scope": "ScopeKukila accepts manuscripts on all aspects of Indonesian ornithology for publication, provided that they are offered solely to Kukila. Papers covering immediately adjacent territories (e.g. Sabah, Sarawak, Timor-Leste and Papua New Guinea) and seas will also be considered if they relate to the Indonesian avifauna. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Lekar a Technika", "ISSN": "3015491", "Scope": "ScopeLékař a technika - Clinician and Technology is an open access, peer-reviewed international scientific journal. The mission of the journal is to foster the development in a wide range of biomedical engineering and to create a platform for exchange of information and results of scientific research in the field of biomedical engineering. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Lexia", "ISSN": "17205298", "Scope": "ScopeLexia è la rivista internazionale di semiotica pubblicata dal Dipartimento di Filosofia e Scienze dell’Educazione (DFE) dell’Università di Torino. Propone studi e ricerche aperte a ricevere e coltivare le intuizioni della semiotica di Saussure, Peirce, Lotman ed Eco.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Lizi Jiaohuan Yu Xifu/Ion Exchange and Adsorption", "ISSN": "10015493", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Mass Communication Research", "ISSN": "10161007", "Scope": "Scope本刊編輯原則在於「為新聞傳播社群成員提供高品質之學術論文,促成開放及多元之討論,刊出傳播領域研究者之重要原創與優秀研究成果」。 \r《新聞學研究》採主編制,重要編輯政策均由其制訂,並向新聞系系務會議及系主任負責。但另方面,《新聞學研究》近年來亦力圖多方與他校研究者合作,擴大編輯委員會成員之多元性,自一九九九年始除主編外其成員均非本系、本院、本校專任教師,以其符合TSSCI資料庫之規定。\r據此,《新聞學研究》持續追求「開放多元」、「追求卓越」、「服務學術社區」等最高原則。所謂「開放多元」者,除上述開放邀請他校研究者進入編委會外,尚反映於前述來稿之多元化。舉凡與新聞傳播相關之各類論文只要結構嚴謹、論述有理,無論研究方法或理論背景皆可接受。來稿亦不限教師,碩、博士研究生之近作亦多所歡迎。 Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Medioevo Romanzo", "ISSN": "03900711, 17241707", "Scope": "Scope«Medioevo romanzo» è stata fondata nel 1974: il primo numero è uscito in occasione del XIV Congresso internazionale di Linguistica e Filologia romanza tenutosi quell'anno a Napoli. \r«Medioevo romanzo» esce in due fascicoli semestrali di ca. 240 pagine ciascuno. La sezione iniziale, dedicata agli articoli, può ospitare nuclei monografici su singoli problemi, di norma oggetto di un pubblico Seminario. Seguono un blocco miscellaneo di \"Note e discussioni\" e un blocco di \"Recensioni e segnalazioni\", che prevede un'appendice di \"Libri ricevuti\".\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Mining Engineering", "ISSN": "265187", "Scope": "ScopeMining Engineering - the official journal of the Society for Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration, Inc. (SME) - has delivered news, industry information, the latest technological developments and more to the global mining community since 1949. Backed by the world’s largest professional mining society, Mining Engineering is the industry publication every mining professional needs.\r\rOnce a month, every month - 12 full print issues a year and full online access, anytime, anywhere. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Nordic Journal of Aesthetics", "ISSN": "20001452, 20009607", "Scope": "ScopeThe Nordic Journal of Aesthetics seeks to illuminate and promote a versatile discussion of aesthetic problems as well as to convey current aesthetic research. The journal is thus not only addressed to academics working within the field of aesthetics but also to a wider range of researchers, students, and others interested in the many-sided philosophical and theoretical problems raised by art and the aesthetic field. Founded in 1988, The Nordic Journal of Aesthetics, is published biannually for The Nordic Society of Aesthetics by Thales with financial assistance of the Nordic Board for Periodicals in the Humanities and Social Sciences NOP-HS. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Nouvelles Questions Feministes", "ISSN": "2484951", "Scope": "ScopeNouvelles Questions Féministes, revue francophone internationale, diffuse des articles scientifiques dans les disciplines des sciences humaines et sociales qui examinent les processus sociaux à l’origine des inégalités et des discriminations de genre. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Pain, Joints, Spine", "ISSN": "22241507, 23071133", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Papers on Language and Literature", "ISSN": "311294", "Scope": "ScopePLL is a generalist journal of literary criticism and scholarship published quarterly at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. PLL publishes essays on all national literatures and historical periods, as well as book reviews, notes, and original materials such as notebooks, letters, and journals. PLL defines the word \"language\" broadly and welcomes submissions on visual and/or digital languages.\r\rPLL began publication in 1965; its founding editor was Nicholas T. Joost, who was succeeded by Alvin Sullivan until his passing in 1991. The journal was then edited by Dickie Spurgeon from 1991 to 1992, then passed to co-editorship under Jack G. Voller and Brian Abel Ragen until 1997, at which point Professor Ragen edited the journal until his retirement in 2008. Professor Voller returned for five years as editor until his retirement in 2013. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Performing Islam", "ISSN": "20431015, 20431023", "Scope": "ScopeEmerging from an international network project funded by the British Arts and Humanities Research Council and the Economics and Social Research Council, and research collaboration between academics and practitioners, Performing Islam is the first double-blind peer-reviewed interdisciplinary journal about Islam and performance and their related aesthetics. It focuses on socio-cultural as well as the historical and political contexts of artistic practices in the Muslim world. The journal covers dance, ritual, theatre, performing arts, visual arts and cultures, and popular entertainment in Islam-influenced societies and their diasporas. It promotes insightful research of performative expressions of Islam by performers and publics, and encompasses theoretical debates, empirical studies, postgraduate research, interviews with performers, research notes and queries, and reviews of books, conferences, festivals, events and performances. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Petroleum Refinery Engineering", "ISSN": "1002106X", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal mainly reports the new achievements in science and technology in both domestic and overseas petroleum refining and petrochemical industries (mainly on production of hydrocarbon feedstocks for petrochemical processing), introduces development and commercial application of state-of-the-art processes, new materials and new equipment, presents new methodologies and experience in project engineering and project management as well as experience in technical innovation and improvement of economic benefits of refiners and petrochemical producers. PRE has the columns of: OVERVIEW, PLANT DESIGN, PROCESSING, DESIGN METHODOLOGY, PROCESS EQUIPMENT AND MACHINERY, PIPING TECHNOLOGY, AUTOMATIC CONTROL, COMPUTER APPLICATION, OIL STORAGE AND TRANSPORTATION, CATALYST AND ASSISTANT, OIL PRODUCT AND ADDITIVE, ENERGY UTILIZATION, ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, SAFETY AND HEALTH, TECHNO-ECONOMICS, ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT, and DATA AND DIAGRAMS, etc. As PRE focuses on engineering, commercial application and academic studies, it has been recorded by dozens of retrieving data bases in China and cited by world famous “Chemical Abstracts”. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Philosophical Readings", "ISSN": "20364989", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Pneumologia", "ISSN": "20672993", "Scope": "ScopePneumologia is the journal of the Romanian Society of Pneumology, being continuously edited since 1951. Pneumologia is an open-access journal, edited in English, 4 issues per year and is included in international databases. It publishes clinical and experimental research articles in the field of respiratory medicine, paediatrics, thoracic surgery, allergology, respiratory intensive care and oncology.\r\rPneumologia aims to publish scientifically valid papers, related to the respiratory field, offering a good visibility of the published papers. It is also an educational platform for physicians, educators interested in this domain, and aims to promote research and good clinical practice.\r\rPneumologia publishes original articles in the field of respiratory medicine, paediatrics, thoracic surgery, allergology, respiratory intensive care, and oncology. The following types of submissions are accepted:\r\rOriginal research papers\rCase reports\rReviews\rLetters to the editor\rEducational materials: practice guidelines, new techniques description and use\rNews, chronicles\rAll submitted papers are confidentially peer-reviewed in a timely manner, by at least two independent reviewers selected according to the topic of the article. The peer-review process aims to check the originality, scientific validity, and coherence of the submission.\r\rPneumologia offers fast publication; the eligible submissions are typically published within 3 months. There is no publication fee, and the online version is available open access on the Journal’s web site. The printed journal is distributed to the members of the Romanian Society of Pneumology and several public libraries.\r\rRomanian and international authors are welcome to submit papers to Pneumologia, which is one of the few journals specifically dedicated to respiratory medicine in the region. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Policlinico - Sezione Medica", "ISSN": "484717", "Scope": "ScopeLa Sezione Medica de \"Il Policlinico\" è dedicata particolarmente alla ricerca raccogleiendo i contributi (sperimentali, clinici e di ricerca farmacologica) provenienti da Istituzioni italiane e straniere.\r\rL'ampia gamma degli articoli che vengono pubblicati permette al medico di avere una visione globale dei progressi che avvengono nei vari settori della medicina.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Priroda (Czech Republic)", "ISSN": "12113603", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Przestrzenie Teorii", "ISSN": "16446763", "Scope": "Scope“Przestrzenie Teorii” is a theoretical and literary journal of scholarly criticism. The journal is peer-reviewed and reflects the research interests of authors from across a wide range of universities in Poland, as well as presents translations of texts of distinguished foreign theoreticians in literature. The journal undertakes to present key and essential problems in the contemporary criticism and theory of literature, and provides a platform for a transdisciplinary dialogue. The published texts, presented in diversified methodological approach, address both aesthetical and poetical problems in different areas of research, encompassing theatre and film, but also drama and art (in particular, visual and performative art forms). The journal is characterized by its interdiciplinary approach, participates in the present-day scholarly discourse in the philosophy of science and attempts to effect its policy of fostering the polyphonic form of literary studies in drama. “Przestrzenie Teorii” is published semi-annually. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Psychopharmakotherapie", "ISSN": "9446877", "Scope": "Scope„Psychopharmakotherapie“ (PPT) is the only German-language journal with a single focus on the pharmacotherapy of psychiatric and neurologic diseases, especially under the aspects pharmacology, evaluation in clinical studies, postmarketing surveillance, drug risks, pharmacoeconomics, and practical experiences . Its aim is to inform German-speaking psychiatrists and neurologists (clinicians as well as practitioners) on best practice and current developments in this field. PPT provides reviews, original (= research) papers, editorials, commentaries, case reports, and short reports on high-level publications and congress presentations. Reviews, original papers, commentaries, and case reports are subject to peer review. \rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Quebec Journal of International Law", "ISSN": "8289999", "Scope": "ScopeThe Quebec Journal of International Law (QJIL) is the scientific body of the Société québécoise de droit international (SQDI). Created in 1984 by Professor Jacques-Yvan Morin, it publishes two issues per year. The Journal is dedicated to providing an overview of research and practice in international law in Quebec, within francophone communities and abroad. As the only journal of international law in the Americas to publish mainly in French, the Journal constitutes an entryway to the continent for all French-speaking legal communities. Eager to reflect the evolution of international law in the Americas, the Journal also publishes articles in English and Spanish. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Religions in the Graeco-Roman World", "ISSN": "9277633", "Scope": "ScopeFormerly Études Préliminaires aux Religions Orientales dans l'Empire Romain (EPRO), the series Religions in the Graeco-Roman World is a forum for studies in the social and cultural function of religions in the Greek and the Roman world, dealing with the religions of city and region between ca. 400 bce and 700 ce, both on their own terms and in their interaction with early Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. Special attention is given to the religious history of regions and cities which illustrate the practical workings of these processes. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispanicos", "ISSN": "3848167", "Scope": "ScopeLa RCEH es la publicación oficial de la Asociación Canadiense de Hispanistas. Tiene una difusión mundial y acepta trabajos de investigación sobre lengua, literatura, cine, e historia cultural del mundo hispánico, redactados en cualquiera de las lenguas hispánicas, en francés o en inglés. La revista consta, asimismo, de una sección de reseñas. Publica tres números anuales, uno de los cuales es un monográfico.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Cubana de Plantas Medicinales", "ISSN": "10284796", "Scope": "ScopePublicación científica electrónica trimestral que ofrece a los profesionales del campo de la salud y sus afines un sitio de reflexión y debate crítico sobre aspectos teóricos y prácticos del uso de las plantas medicinales y de los medicamentos herbarios, y constituyen un vehículo informativo del desarrollo del pensamiento y las investigaciones en este campo.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista de Etnologie si Culturologie", "ISSN": "18572049, 25376152", "Scope": "ScopeEthnology and Culturology Journal is the scientific journal published by the Centre of Ethnology of the Institute of Cultural Heritage of the ASM. The Journal is accredited by the ANACEC in the “A” Category.\r\rThe journal is reviewed (each article is reviewed by two reviewers and discussed at the meetings of the editorial board).\r\rEthnology and Cultorology Journal has open access. This means that the materials published in the journal are available free to readers. Open access supposes that readers are allowed to download, quote, distribute by respecting the copyright – indicating the sources and authors for quotations, without permission of the editorial board and authors.\r\rThe authors retain copyright and grant the journal the right of first publication.\r\rEthnology and Cultorology Journal was founded in 2006 by the Institute of Cultural Heritage of the ASM as the scientific journal of the Ethnology Centre.\r\rThe mission of the Journal is to publish scientific works: monographic studies, synthesis articles, reviews, information materials about the national and international scientific life (congresses, conferences, symposia, seminars, colloquia), as well as chronicles, archival documents covering innovative topics in the humanistic field: Ethnology and Cultorology. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista de Filosofia (Chile)", "ISSN": "00348236, 07184360", "Scope": "ScopeRevista de Filosofía is an academic journal of philosophy addressed to philosophical scholars and students. It publishes original research articles by Chilean and foreign authors. The journal is interested in all areas of philosophy and open to every philosophical current without discriminating against any of them. Occasionally, it dedicates an issue to a distinguished philosopher or to a memorable philosophical book. Every issue includes a section of book reviews and critical studies about recent philosophical works in Spanish or other languages. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista de Fitoterapia", "ISSN": "15760952, 19885806", "Scope": "ScopeLa Revista de Fitoterapia es una publicación dirigida a profesionales relacionados con las plantas medicinales y con el uso terapéutico de las drogas de origen vegetal y sus derivados (médicos, farmacéuticos, biólogos, antropólogos, etnobotánicos, etc.). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista de Gestion Publica", "ISSN": "7191839", "Scope": "ScopeRevista de Gestión Pública is an academic, peer reviewed, semi-annual journal, edited by Universidad de Valparaíso, which promotes the discussion on public administration and public policies in Spanish, through the publication of scientific articles addressing the main issues of interest for the progress of Latin American public administrations. The Journal includes articles which use different theoretical approaches, address diverse issues and focus on a wide range of territories and periods of time, as well as administrative levels and sectors. Similarly, the Journal promotes work of a comparative nature and multidisciplinary dialogue for understanding state management in its broadest sense. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Kawsaypacha: Sociedad y Medio Ambiente", "ISSN": "25232894, 27093689", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Revista Latinoamericana de Metalurgia y Materiales", "ISSN": "2556952", "Scope": "ScopeThe Latin American Journal of Metallurgy and Materials, RLMM (Latinamerican Journal of Metallurgy and Materials) is a scientific journal dedicated to the field of Materials Science and Engineering. The RLMM was created in 1981 in order to continuously inform researchers, professionals and students about the scientific and technological advances made ​​in Latin America regarding the Materials Science and Engineering field. Its main interest is to publish original peer-reviewed research papers within this field (metals, polymers, ceramics, biomaterials, new materials and processes and composite materials).\r\r(a) Regular Articles: These are free contributions by authors who wish to disclose their results in the RLMM. These articles are peer-reviewed (see Peer Review Process).\r\r(b) Invited articles: These articles are written by recognized experts in the field. These are by invitation only.\r\r(c) Articles published in special issues of the RLMM as Supplementary Articles, dedicated to specific conferences proceedings. These articles are peer-reviewed by an \"ad hoc\" committee appointed by the organizers of these events.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Mexicana de Trastornos Alimentarios", "ISSN": "20071523", "Scope": "ScopeLa política editorial de la revista es publicar artículos sobre temas relevantes del comportamiento alimentario, como ciencia y profesión, que sean de interés y tengan impacto en esta área de conocimiento.\r\rLa revista acepta para su publicación, artículos de investigación básica y aplicada, así como de carácter teórico o emprírico, sobre las principales disciplinas (psicología, psiquiatría, medicina, biología, nutrición, etc..) que signifiquen un avance en el área del comportamiento alimentario. Se publican artículos originales (investigaciones), artículos de revisión y casos clínicos\r\rExcepcionalmente se aceptarán trabajos teóricos; éstos deberán significar una contribución sobre el estado actual de alguno de los tópicos relacionados a la alimentación. Dentro de su proceso de revisión por pares (doble-ciego), cuenta con la participación de investigadores de alto nivel y probada calidad científica y metodológica para la crítica editorial de los manuscritos que recibe.\r\rLa crítica editorial en la Revista Mexicana de Trastornos Alimentarios/Mexican Journal of Eating Disorders cumple dos finalidades: por un lado, hacer una recomendación debidamente fundamentada sobre la pertinencia de un manuscrito, y por otro, retroalimentar a los autores sobre la calidad del trabajo, indicando no sólo aciertos y fallas, sino describiendo, cuando se trate de fallas, los pasos que debería seguir el autor para corregirlas.\r\rLos textos presentados para su posible publicación estarán sujetos a la programación de la revista y a la evaluación que realicen los editores. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revue de Chirurgie Orthopedique et Traumatologique", "ISSN": "18770517", "Scope": "ScopeAccroître la notoriété internationale de l’orthopédie francophone.\rA 118 ans, la Revue de Chirurgie orthopédique franchit, en 2009, une étape décisive dans son développement afin de renforcer la diffusion et la notoriété des publications francophones auprès des praticiens et chercheurs non-francophones.\rLes auteurs ayant leurs racines dans la francophonie trouveront ainsi une chance supplémentaire de voir reconnus les qualités et l’intérêt de leurs recherches par le plus grand nombre.\r\rTous les travaux scientifiques de l’Orthopédie et de la Traumatologie accessibles en anglais et en français.\rOrthopaedics & Traumatology: Surgery & Research (OTSR) et sa version française Revue de Chirurgie Orthopédique et Traumatologique (RCOT) publient respectivement en anglais et en français des travaux scientifiques originaux ayant trait à l’orthopédie, quelle que soit leur origine.\rTous les mémoires originaux, faits cliniques, notes de technique font l’objet d’une double publication : en anglais en format purement électronique (OTSR), en français en édition papier et électronique (RCOT).\rSeule la version anglaise (OTSR) est indexée dans les banques de données internationales. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revue des Maladies Respiratoires Actualites", "ISSN": "18771203, 1877122X", "Scope": "ScopeLa Revue des maladies respiratoires Actualités est la composante de la Revue des maladies respiratoires qui publie, sous la forme d’une information scientifique didactique, les documents issus des principales conférences ou réunions scientifiques des divers aspects de la pratique pneumologique. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Rinsan Shikenj Oha/Journal of the Hokkaido Forest Products Research Institute", "ISSN": "0913140X", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Rocznik Muzeum Narodowego w Warszawie, Nowa Seria", "ISSN": "5096936", "Scope": "ScopeIn 2012, director Agnieszka Morawińska established the Rocznik Muzeum Narodowego w Warszawie. Nowa Seria / Journal of the National Museum in Warsaw. New Series. Even though it alludes to the historical Journal (which, until 1992, had published 592 articles by almost 240 authors) in both title and form, its has been extended. The periodical is bilingual: all texts are translated in extenso into English, thanks to which the Journal has quickly become part of international academic circulation. The minimalist and functional graphic layout was designed by Prof. Janusz Górski. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Romance Notes", "ISSN": "357995", "Scope": "ScopeFounded in 1959 at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Romance Notes is published three times per year. The journal welcomes the submission of innovative, interdisciplinary articles on Spanish, Portuguese, French, and Italian literature and culture. We highly encourage submissions that present original approaches to the study of gender and feminism, historical memory, literary history and theory, popular culture, film, colonialism and postcoloniality, postnationalism and globalization.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Romanian Journal of Medical Practice", "ISSN": "18428258, 20696108", "Scope": "ScopeROMANIAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL PRACTICE – RJMP (Revista Practica Medicala) was founded in 1996 by Adrian Restian, and later (2006) developed to its modern form, as a joint project of Academic Society of Family Medicine and Romanian Academy of Medical Sciences.\r\rRJMP became a prestigious multidisciplinary scientific journal which publishes original papers, review articles, case reports and letters to the editor on various medical and surgical areas – up-to-date reviews and researches. RJMP provides a high quality in terms of scientific content, but also the editorial and graphic aspect, both through an impartial process of selection, evaluation and correction of articles (peer review procedure), as well as providing editorial, graphic and printing conditions at the highest level.\r\rIn order to increase the scientific standards of the journal, special attention was paid to the improvement of the quality of the published materials, which included articles aimed at deepening the information on prevention and multidisciplinary health care, classified by sections: general papers, original articles, scientific research, clinical studies, case presentations.\r\rA team of reputable medical professionals is involved in a rigorous peer review process that complies with international ethics and quality rules in the academic world.\r\rIncreasing the visibility of the ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL PRACTICE is achieved not only through the exchange of articles with other publications and the collaboration with similar national and international bodies, but also through the dedicated website where the latest published articles are posted, offering the opportunity to be informed in real time Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Russian Family Doctor", "ISSN": "20721668, 27132331", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Scriptorium", "ISSN": "369772", "Scope": "ScopeScriptorium is an international publication of mediaeval manuscripts studies that was founded in 1946 by Camille Gaspar (1876-1960) (B), Frédéric Lyna (1888-1970) (B) and François Masai (1909-1979) (B). It is a biyearly multilingual publication about codicology (material description of any aspect of manuscripts : supporting material, page-setting, binding, paleography, miniatures...) informing on cultural environment and offering a bibliography regarding mediaeval manuscripts through Western, Eastern and Central Europe.\rIt contains articles, notes and material or detailed reviews of books edited under the responsibility of an international scientific committee. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Seksuologia Polska", "ISSN": "17316677, 17319544", "Scope": "ScopeSeksuologia Polska (Polish Sexology) is an official journal of Polish Sexology Society. The journal publishes reviews, original articles, case studies, letter, book's reviews and Editorials as well as translations from foreign journals.\r\rAll experiments involving humans must have been conducted according to the principles stated in the Declaration of Helsinki. Authors are obliged to include a declaration confirming that informed consent was obtained from all participants. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Sesit pro Umeni, Teorii a Pribuzne Zony", "ISSN": "18028918", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Seybold Report", "ISSN": "15339211", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Signos Filosoficos", "ISSN": "16651324", "Scope": "ScopeSignos Filosóficos es una revista especializada cuyo fin es dar a conocer los resultados de investigaciones originales, rigurosas y metodológicamente consistentes relacionadas con temas de la filosofía tanto desde un punto de vista sistemático como histórico. Teniendo un enfoque abierto, Signos Filosóficos no se ciñe a una determinada concepción de filosofía, poniendo el énfasis en la calidad y originalidad de los trabajos publicados.\r\rSignos Filosóficos es una revista arbitrada e indexada, publicada por el Departamento de Filosofía, de la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, unidad Iztapalapa, desde 1999. Sólo publica artículos originales e inéditos, así como reseñas de libros de aparición reciente. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Situations", "ISSN": "22881204, 22887822", "Scope": "ScopeWe are open to the full range of approaches within cultural studies, including work that explores issues of ideology,theory or cultural definition and work that offers data driven, theoretically coherent, critical analyses of the major Asian cultural industries and cultural movements, past and present. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Spore", "ISSN": "10110054", "Scope": "ScopeCessation. Information not localized. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studies in Critical Social Sciences", "ISSN": "15734234", "Scope": "ScopeModern capitalism began the 21st century seemingly victorious as the dominant social and economic organizing principle in the world. Rampant re- and de-regulation accompanied a wholesale attack on social, economic and political gains of the prior century under the guise of increasing competitiveness and the need to respond to the forces of globalization. The end of the cold war, the decline of the former Soviet Union, and the increasing foothold of capitalism in China all point to an unchallenged reorientation of the global political economy to reflect this ascendance of capitalist social relations. The peer-reviewed Studies in Critical Social Sciences book series, through the publication of original manuscripts and edited volumes, offers insights into the current reality by exploring the content and consequence of power relationships under capitalism, by considering the spaces of opposition and resistance to these changes, and by articulating capitalism with other systems of power and domination - for example race, gender, culture - that have been defining our new age. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studies in History and Philosophy of Science(Netherlands)", "ISSN": "18717381, 22151958", "Scope": "ScopeStudies in History and Philosophy of Science is a peer-reviewed book series, dedicated to the history of science and historically informed philosophy of science. The series publishes original scholarship in various related areas, including new directions in epistemology and the history of knowledge within global and colonial contexts. It includes monographs, edited collections, and translations of primary sources in the English language. These cover a broad temporal spectrum, from antiquity to modernity, and all regions of the world. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studies in Latin American Popular Culture", "ISSN": "7309139", "Scope": "ScopeStudies in Latin American Popular Culture, an annual interdisciplinary journal, publishes articles, review essays, and interviews on diverse aspects of popular culture in Latin America. Articles are written in English, Spanish, or Portuguese. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studies in the History of Gardens and Designed Landscapes", "ISSN": "14601176", "Scope": "ScopeStudies in the History of Gardens & Designed Landscapes addresses itself to both professionals and those with a serious interest in the subject of landscape. It is one of the few journals that seeks deliberately to explore the topic internationally.\r\rThe journal’s main objective is on the detailed and documentary analysis of special sites anywhere in the world, with a focus upon the dialogue between design and reception. The journal seeks to situate specific analysis in the larger cultural context that includes social and cultural history, geography, aesthetics, technology (including horticulture) and conservation. \r\rThe journal publishes special issues handled by Guest Editors, on particular topics or themes drawn from conferences. The journal does not publish reviews, but review essays on a cluster of publications, may be proposed. All articles are subject to double blind peer review after initial screening by the Editor and Associate Editor. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Teaching Artist Journal", "ISSN": "15411796, 1541180X", "Scope": "ScopeThe Teaching Artist Journal is a print and online quarterly devoted to the practice and thought of teaching artists and all those working at the intersections of arts and learning. TAJ is published by Routledge. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Textxet: Studies in Comparative Literature", "ISSN": "9275754", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Theology and Mission in World Christianity", "ISSN": "24522953", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Theology Today", "ISSN": "00405736, 20442556", "Scope": "ScopeFounded in 1944 at Princeton Theological Seminary, Theology Today is a peer-reviewed, quarterly journal whose contributors include both emerging and established scholars. The editors seek to introduce to an ecumenical readership of academics and religious leaders significant new figures and movements in Christian theology, to foster intellectual encounters between Christianity and the other Abrahamic faiths, and to bring theological reflection and assessment into dialogue with emerging forms of church life and mission. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Urology Times", "ISSN": "00939722, 21507384", "Scope": "ScopeUrologists and allied health professionals rely on Urology Times for analysis,\rperspective, and practical advice about current health policy, clinical, and business\rchallenges. As a top-read publication in the field and a leading online resource, our goal\ris to keep practitioners up to date while helping them practice more efficiently. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Vestnik Tomskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta - Upravlenie, Vychislitel'naya Tekhnika i Informatika", "ISSN": "19988605, 23112085", "Scope": "ScopeVestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta Upravlenie vychislitel'naya tekhnika i informatika “Tomsk State University Journal of Control and Computer Science” was established with the aim of:\r\r- development of fundamental and applied research in the field of control and computer science,\r\r- acquiring and dissemination of advanced knowledge and information in these fields,\r\r- integration of intellectual capacity with leading Russian and foreign centers of higher education, science and information technology,\r\r- support and development of scientific schools in the field of control and computer science.\r\rScientific journal “Tomsk State University Journal of Control and Computer Science” publishes the results of the completed original researches in different areas of control and computer science which have not been published before. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "War & society", "ISSN": "07292473, 20424345", "Scope": "ScopeWar & Society publishes high-quality scholarly articles on the causes, experience and impact of war. Our articles feature original research based on archival, oral, and other primary sources.\r\rWhile we publish articles dealing with the technical and operational aspects of warfare, our main emphasis is on the broader relationships between warfare and society. Our articles range in time from Ancient Greece to the 21st Century, and highlight the diverse aspects of national and transnational operational and social military history. We also welcome articles that reflect recent historical 'turns', such as memory studies, cultural history, and the history of emotions. War & Society does not review books. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Welt der Slaven-Halbjahresschrift fur Slavistik", "ISSN": "432520", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "World of Mining - Surface and Underground", "ISSN": "16132408", "Scope": "ScopeThe World of Mining covers the entire pallet of raw material extraction through mining.\rThis includes:\r\r-geology and exploration of deposits-\rplanning of mine installations-\rhauling and extraction technology-\rprocessing and use,-\rrecultivation and land rehabilitation-\rtunneling and gallery construction.\r\rA main theme of the journal is lignite mining.\rThe high technical and scientific requirements are fulfilled by the partnership with authors from industry and research institutes. In addition to original specialist articles and technical reports, the journal informs readers about new developments from the industry, changes in personnel and events relevant to the sector. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Year's Work in Critical and Cultural Theory", "ISSN": "10774254", "Scope": "ScopeThe Year’s Work in Critical and Cultural Theory is a companion volume to The Year’s Work in English Studies . It provides a narrative bibliography of published work, recording significant debates and issues of interest across a broad range of research in the humanities and social sciences. As the fields of critical and cultural studies shift, so the range and of the journal alters, and current volumes include chapters on Disability Studies, Digital Humanities, and Animal Studies. The Year’s Work in Critical and Cultural Theory functions as a bibliographical tool of practical use to scholars and students alike, as well as a lively collaboration with contemporary debates. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Zeitschrift fur Antikes Christentum", "ISSN": "09499571, 1612961X", "Scope": "ScopeThe Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum / Journal of Ancient Christianity (ZAC) is a refereed academic journal which aims at encouraging the dialogue between scholars of church history, history of religion, and classical antiquity with all its subdisciplines (classical and Christian Near Eastern philology, ancient history, classical and Christian archaeology, as well as the history of ancient philosophy and religion). In this context, ancient Christianity is understood in its complete prosopographic and doxographic breadth, with special emphasis on the influences of peripheral groups and related movements.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Zhonghua shi yan he lin chuang bing du xue za zhi = Zhonghua shiyan he linchuang bingduxue zazhi = Chinese journal of experimental and clinical virology", "ISSN": "10039279", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Adamantius", "ISSN": "11266244", "Scope": "ScopeAnnuario di Letteratura Cristiana Antica e di Studi Giudeoellenistici.\rRivista del Gruppo Italiano di Ricerca su Origene e la tradizione alessandrina.\rJournal of the Italian Research Group on Origen and the Alexandrian Tradition. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Adhaesion Kleben und Dichten", "ISSN": "16191919, 21928681", "Scope": "Scopeadhäsion KLEBEN&DICHTEN ist die einzige deutschsprachige Fachzeitschrift für die industrielle Kleb- und Dichttechnik. Sie spricht Hersteller und Anwender von Kleb- und Dichtstoffen an und schafft branchenübergreifende Synergien. Der Leser erhält praxisrelevante Informationen zu den Themen Rohstoffe, Kleb- und Dichtstoffe, Geräte- und Anlagentechnik, Anwendungen sowie Forschung und Entwicklung. Die Zeitschrift zeigt Markttrends auf und berichtet über die Produktentwicklungen. Informationen zu den wichtigsten Messen und Veranstaltungen runden die Berichterstattung ab. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Administrative Law Review", "ISSN": "18368", "Scope": "ScopeThe ALR strives to develop legal research and writing skills of students while publishing articles that serve both practitioners and academics. Each issue is a nexus of theory and practice containing articles by practicing lawyers, judges, and academics. In addition, the ALR regularly publishes symposia, conferences, and meetings on current topics in administrative law. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Advancing Microelectronics", "ISSN": "22228748", "Scope": "ScopeAdvancing Microelectronics magazine is the premier publication for technical and business-related information on the microelectronics and electronic packaging industries. Advancing Microelectronics is available as a printed magazine or accessible electronically through the IMAPS website.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Analele Universitatii din Craiova, Seria Filozofie", "ISSN": "18418325", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal publishes only philosophical articles, but they have a very diverse subjects, addressing all branches and sub-branches of philosophy. It cultivates the traditional lines of philosophical research (history of universal and Romanian philosophy, ontology and metaphysics, social and moral-political philosophy, ethics, aesthetics and philosophy of art, logic, theory of knowledge, epistemology, philosophy of science and particulare sciences, philosophy of history, philosophy of culture, philosophy of religion, philosophy of language, philosophical anthropology) but is also open to newer trends (applied ethics, philosophy of communication, philosophy of mind and cognitive sciences, argumentation theory, critical thinking, gender studies, philosophy of imaginary, philosophy of education, philosophy of economics, philosophy of law, applied philosophy, theory of social responsibility). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Anglo Saxonica", "ISSN": "8730628", "Scope": "ScopeAnglo Saxonica is a multidisciplinary journal that publishes original and innovative research on a variety of issues relevant to the study of English(es), broadly understood both as language and as all the literatures and cultures of the English-speaking world. In so doing, Anglo Saxonica also promotes dialogue among English-speaking geocultural areas. Its editorial policy promotes the thematic cohesion of each volume, open to different academic approaches on current issues in English and American studies, including original research articles, reviews, interviews and selections of creative writing. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Anthropological Linguistics", "ISSN": "35483", "Scope": "ScopeAnthropological Linguistics, a quarterly journal founded in 1959, provides a forum for the full range of scholarly study of the languages and cultures of the peoples of the world, especially the native peoples of the Americas. Embracing the field of language and culture broadly defined, the editors welcome articles and research reports addressing cultural, historical, and philological aspects of linguistic study, including analyses of texts and discourse; studies of semantic systems and cultural classifications; onomastic studies; ethnohistorical papers that draw significantly on linguistic data; studies of linguistic prehistory and genetic classification, both methodological and substantive; discussions and interpretations of archival material; edited historical documents; and contributions to the history of the field. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Archaeologia Maritima Mediterranea", "ISSN": "17246091, 18253881", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Archives de Philosophie", "ISSN": "39632", "Scope": "ScopeLes Archives de Philosophie ont pour objectif, d’une part de fournir une information historico-critique et problématisante sur l’histoire de la philosophie, et de l’autre de rendre attentif dans le champ philosophique actuel, à de nouvelles formes d’interrogation, ainsi qu’à des propositions de voies nouvelles. Dans cette double perspective, un axe majeur est de faire connaître en langue française les courants philosophiques non français, tout spécialement en sollicitant des collaborateurs qui les représentent. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Archivio di Filosofia", "ISSN": "00040088, 19700792", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal \"Archivio di filosofia - Archives of Philosophy\" publishes volumes centred on specific themes. Contributions are selected following a \"call for papers\" and all of them - apart from a few exceptions - are double blind peer reviewed. In case an exception is needed, the Board of Editors takes collectively the responsibility to accept the paper after a careful consideration. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Arqueologia Mexicana", "ISSN": "1888218", "Scope": "ScopeEs una publicación mensual, coproducida con la Secretaría de Cultura a través del Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, como respuesta a los deseos de los arqueólogos de divulgar sus trabajos y a la demanda de un público no especializado por conocer el patrimonio arqueológico de México. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Art and the Public Sphere", "ISSN": "2042793X, 20427948", "Scope": "ScopeArt & the Public Sphere provides a new platform for academics, artists, curators, art historians and theorists whose working practices are broadly concerned with contemporary art’s relation to the public sphere. APS aims to establish a critical relationship to traditional and conventional debates about public art and art in the public sector and the public realm. The double-blind peer-reviewed journal presents a crucial examination of contemporary art’s link to the public realm, offering an engaged and responsive forum in which to debate the newly emerging series of developments within contemporary thinking, society and international art practice. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "ATIP. Association Technique de L'Industrie Papetiere", "ISSN": "9977554", "Scope": "ScopeLA REVUE ATIP EST UN VÉRITABLE TRAIT D’UNION ENTRE ACTIVITÉS DE RECHERCHE ET DE PRODUCTION OU ENTRE FOURNISSEURS ET UTILISATEURS DE PRODUITS PAPETIERS.\rElle est une référence technique et scientifique et un complément de communication indispensable pour les acteurs de la Filière Papetière. C’est une véritable base de données et de formation à l’écoute du marché et des pôles d’intérêt de notre secteur industriel. Elle s’adresse à un lectorat très diversifié depuis les chefs d’entreprises, les directeurs d’usines et de production, les services techniques, les chercheurs et prescripteurs de la Filière Papetière. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Biologicheskie Membrany", "ISSN": "2334755", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "BioPharm International", "ISSN": "1542166X, 19391862", "Scope": "ScopeBioPharm International integrates the science and business of biopharmaceuticals, covering all aspects of biopharmaceutical research, development, formulation, analysis, upstream and downstream processing, manufacturing, supply chain, and packaging, as well as business strategies and regulatory issues. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Bulletin of Computational Applied Mathematics", "ISSN": "22448659", "Scope": "ScopeThe Bulletin of Computational Applied Mathematics is an e-journal dedicated to the rapid dissemination of original research articles of high scientific value in all areas of computational applied mathematics. The research must deal with the use and application of computational and applied mathematics, and scientific computing in all areas of knowledge, usually in the form of mathematical computational models and algorithms.\r\rContributions including applications to scientific problems in all areas of science and engineering are encouraged. Numerical simulations are not required but the proposed techniques should have a direct applicability and be implementable. All articles are fully refereed and are judged by their originality, utility, and clarity. The Bulletin intends to reach a wide audience consisting of applied mathematicians, engineers, and computational scientists in general.\r\rThe Bulletin is biannual (june and december) and only available via electronic thus no printing material is produced. Therefore, research papers are posted on the internet immediately after they are accepted for publication.\rThe Bulletin is an Open Access journal, and full-text access to all papers is available for free which will stimulate and empower researchers worldwide and specifically those from underdeveloped countries by their ability to access high level research conducted worldwide. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Bulletin of Japan Association for Fire Science and Engineering", "ISSN": "05460794, 18835600", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Canadian Journal of History", "ISSN": "84107", "Scope": "ScopeThe Canadian Journal of History/Annales canadiennes d’histoire (CJH/ACH), published by University of Toronto Press, is a peer-reviewed journal of general history publishing in both English and French. Geared to all professional historians, as well as to anyone interested in historical scholarship, it features articles and reviews by experts, and invites contributions from all areas of history. The journal has resisted the trend toward increased specialization and offers an excellent way to keep up with developments across the discipline.\r\rThe CJH/ACH publishes three issues annually in spring, fall, and winter. While the content of our issues varies seasonally, each issue may contain a maximum of four articles, one or two historiographical review articles, and approximately forty book reviews, including one or two longer “feature reviews,” which typically consider one or two books in somewhat greater depth. Our winter issue regularly features a guest editor and focuses on a specific theme or topic of their choosing. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Carte e la Storia", "ISSN": "11235624", "Scope": "ScopeLe Carte e la Storia, review of the Society for the studies of history of institutions, is a working and updating instrument dedicated to the historical-institutional historiography and its developments, with special focus to its relationship with the patrimony of sources. In the section “Topics and problems” (“Temi e problemi”) the review develops ample reflections on the history of institutions; in “Bibliographies” (“Bibliografie”), it presents medieval history’s and history of modern and contemporary institutions’ books and reviews, completed with “Files” (“Schede”) that review the extensive landscape of the most recent historical production. The section “Instruments” (“Strumenti”) offers analysis and recommendations of research instruments, in particular Internet sites that might be useful for historians of the institutions; the section “Reports and news” (“Cronache e notizie”) contains information about meetings, workshops, archival work groups, rearrangements of archives and publications of sources.In the section “The research” (“La ricerca”) original research contributions are published. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Castilla Estudios de Literatura", "ISSN": "19897383", "Scope": "ScopeAnnual digital journal which publishes original scholarly articles on Spanish or Latin American Literature, Literary Theory and Criticism and Comparative Literature as well as unpublished book reviews in these same fields in Spanish or English. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Chinese Journal of Cancer Biotherapy", "ISSN": "1007385X", "Scope": "ScopeCJCB is dedicated to report the laboratory and clinical breakthroughs in the field of cancer biotherapy in China, focusing on the new theories, new techniques, new methods and new drugs concerning the following areas: gene therapy of tumors, vaccine development, antibody treatment, small molecule targeted therapy, and immune cells and cytokine treatment, etc.\r\rCJCB also publicizes the strategies and policies of Chinese government on cancer biotherapy, introduces the new development of cancer biotherapy in the world, and thus CJCB has become a showcase of scientific advancement in the area of cancer biotherapy in China, and an important flat for communication and cooperation between those involved in the area. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Chinese Journal of Clinical Oncology", "ISSN": "10008179", "Scope": "Scope《中国肿瘤临床》(ISSN 1000-8179,CN 12-1099/R)是由中国科协主管、中国抗癌协会与天津市肿瘤医院主办的肿瘤学半月刊,由“中国肿瘤医学之父”金显宅教授于1963年创办,是中国第一本肿瘤学术期刊。现任主编为我国著名肿瘤学家郝希山院士。期刊秉承“引导创新、关注前沿、突出临床、讲求实用”的宗旨,报道国内外肿瘤学领域创新性研究成果与先进临床诊疗经验,以肿瘤临床医师、技术人员及科研工作者为读者对象,为促进肿瘤学领域学术交流、推动肿瘤学科发展、培养肿瘤学专业人才服务。\r设有“院士论坛”、“基础研究”、“临床研究与应用”、“特约综述”、“国家基金研究进展综述”等栏目,刊登有关肿瘤病因学与流行病学、分子遗传学、肿瘤基因组学、肿瘤蛋白组学、肿瘤病理学、肿瘤诊断与治疗新技术、肿瘤新药研究、肿瘤临床诊治经验、肿瘤个体化治疗与综合治疗等方面的优秀稿件。 Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Chinese Journal of Digestive Endoscopy", "ISSN": "10075232", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Chinese Studies in History", "ISSN": "00094633, 15580407", "Scope": "ScopeChinese Studies in History makes noteworthy works and important trends of historical study in the Chinese-speaking world available to English-language readers. Thematic issues present original papers or articles from academic journals and anthologies that have been selected for translation because of their excellence, interest, and contribution to scholarship on the topic. Topical coverage ranges over all periods and subfields of Chinese and East Asian history as well as more general theoretical and historiographical questions of interest to historians of many specialties. Each issue includes a substantive introduction by the editor or specialist guest editor. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Choral Journal", "ISSN": "00095028, 21632170", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Consultant", "ISSN": "107069", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Current Research in Dental Sciences", "ISSN": "28222555", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Danza e Ricerca", "ISSN": "20361599", "Scope": "ScopeThe revue carries scholarly articles, not of a journalistic or educational nature. The area of interest encompasses history, criticism and methodology of dance. Contributions may have an interdisciplinary approach, provided that the art of the dance represents a key element of the discourse.\r\rIn a special section, «Danza e ricerca» publishes some useful research tools such as interviews with outstanding dancers and choreographers, along with some of their writings. Finally, a periodical list of Italian bibliography on dance is also provided. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Deutsche Apotheker Zeitung", "ISSN": "00119857, 0939334X", "Scope": "ScopeDie Deutsche Apotheker Zeitung (DAZ) ist die unabhängige pharmazeutische Fachzeitschrift für Wissenschaft und Praxis. Sie erscheint wöchentlich jeweils donnerstags. Sie wendet sich an alle Apothekerinnen, Apotheker und andere pharmazeutische Berufsgruppen. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift fur Literaturwissenschaft und Geistesgeschichte", "ISSN": "120936", "Scope": "ScopeDeutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Geistesgeschichte (DVjs) (\"German Quarterly for Literary Studies and Humanities\") is considered the leading journal of German language and literary studies. Since its first publication in 1923, the DVjs has played a decisive role in the development of the subject. Four issues per year offer interdisciplinary contributions and current trends from the fields of literary studies, philosophy and cultural history. The Editorial board is committed to the highest academic standards. The DVjs is therefore indispensable for students and teachers alike.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Digital Philology: Journal of Medieval Cultures", "ISSN": "21629544, 21629552", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Dotawo", "ISSN": "23732571", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal Dotawo: A Journal of Nubian Studies brings these disparate fields together within the same fold, opening a cross-cultural and diachronic field where divergent approaches meet on common soil. Dotawo gives a common home to the past, present, and future of one of the richest areas of research in African studies. It offers a crossroads where papyrus can meet internet, scribes meet critical thinkers, and the promises of growing nations meet the accomplishments of old kingdoms. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Emily Dickinson Journal", "ISSN": "10596879, 1096858X", "Scope": "ScopeThe Emily Dickinson Journal (EDJ) showcases the poet at the center of current critical practices and perspectives. EDJ features writing by talented young scholars as well as work by those established in the field. Contributors explore the many ways in which Dickinson illuminates and challenges. No other journal provides this quality or quantity of scholarship on Dickinson. The Emily Dickinson Journal is sponsored by the Emily Dickinson International Society (EDIS). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Essays in French Literature and Culture", "ISSN": "18357040", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Etica e Politica", "ISSN": "18255167", "Scope": "ScopeE tica & Pol itica/Ethics & Pol itics is an open access philosophical journal,\rbeing published only in an electronic format.\rThe journal aims at promoting research and reflection, both historically and\rtheoretically, in the fields of moral, political and legal philosophy, with no\rpreclusion or adhesion to any cultural current or philosophical tradition. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "European human rights law review", "ISSN": "13611526", "Scope": "ScopeWith six issues each year, the European Human Rights Law Review (EHRLR) provides unrivalled, cutting-edge and up-to-date coverage of key issues in human rights law. With a matchless blend of news, case summaries and comment, opinion, analytical articles, updates and book reviews, it acts as a forum for serious discussion and debate on the European Convention on Human Rights, EU human rights, the wider international framework for the protection of human rights and the Human Rights Act 1998.\r\rThe EHRLR includes:\r\r•\tA Bulletin of case summaries, developments and news from the Council of Europe\r•\tAn EU Charter of Rights Bulletin\r•\tThoughtful opinion pieces\r•\tArticles and in-depth analysis on a wide range of human rights issues\r•\tComprehensive book reviews\r•\tCoverage of human rights law in the UK and from Strasbourg and Luxembourg, including summaries of cases only reported in FrenchJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Explicator", "ISSN": "00144940, 1939926X", "Scope": "ScopeConcentrating on works that are frequently anthologized and studied in college classrooms, The Explicator , with its yearly index of titles, is a must for college and university libraries and teachers of literature. Text-based criticism thrives in The Explicator . One of few in its class, the journal publishes concise notes on passages of prose and poetry. Each issue contains between 25 and 30 notes on works of literature, ranging from ancient Greek and Roman times to our own, from throughout the world. Students rely on The Explicator for insight into works they are studying. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Field Mycology", "ISSN": "14681641", "Scope": "ScopeField Mycology is devoted to the identification and study of wild fungi in Britain and Europe. It is designed to aid readers' identification skills with user-friendly keys, many colour illustrations, and tips on where and how to look for interesting and less commonly recorded species. It guides readers through the techniques required for identifying fungi in the field and under the microscope, provides reviews and guides to literature, and brings readers up-to-date with local and national recording and conservation schemes. All of this, plus the latest mycological news and events from Britain and around the world is presented. Field Mycology is edited by a panel of expert British mycologists and conservationists. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Filosoficky Casopis", "ISSN": "151831", "Scope": "ScopeOur aim is to cover all the central themes in philosophy, as well as to represent the main philosophical traditions that are currently active in the Czech Republic. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Gazeta de Antropologia", "ISSN": "02147564, 23402792", "Scope": "ScopeGazeta de Antropología acepta y publica artículos sobre temas estudiados por la Antropología Social y Cultural, tanto de carácter descriptivo o etnográfico (basados en informaciones obtenidas mediante técnicas de investigación socioantropológicas) como de naturaleza teórica y explicativa.\r\rAcepta y publica también artículos que versen sobre temas propios de otras Ciencias Sociales y Humanas, así como textos de índole filosófica, en este último caso siempre y cuando las cuestiones tratadas conecten de modo claro con asuntos abordados por las Ciencias Sociales y el tratamiento filosófico de los temas se presente en diálogo con estas (es decir, tenga en cuenta las aportaciones realizadas por las Ciencias Sociales al asunto objeto de estudio).\r\rEs una revista técnica, dirigida sobre todo a especialistas e investigadores. Tiene como objetivo fundamental la publicación de artículos, originales e inéditos, que sean resultado de investigaciones empíricas y que supongan un incremento de nuestro conocimiento sobre el asunto pesquisado. Acepta igualmente artículos de revisión temática siempre que aporten ideas e informaciones novedosas sobre el tema tratado. También publica -con el fin de facilitar a los lectores hispanohablantes el acceso a textos de interés- traducciones al castellano de artículos y capítulos de libros ya editados en otras lenguas.\r\rEl idioma propio de Gazeta de Antropología es el español, pero la revista acepta igualmente artículos en inglés, francés y portugués. La aceptación, evaluación y publicación de artículos en esas lenguas extranjeras están sujetas a la posibilidad de encontrar evaluadores cualificados que las entiendan con solvencia. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Germanic Review, The", "ISSN": "00168890, 19306962", "Scope": "ScopeThe Germanic Review delivers the best of international scholarship in German studies. With contributors representing leading research institutions in the United States, Canada, France, Great Britain, Australia, and Germany, the journal features peer-reviewed articles on German literature and culture, as well as reviews of the latest books in the field. Most articles appear in English, although each year a few are entirely in German. Issues discuss prominent German artists and intellectuals; German national character; and German identity and historical memory. German scholars and students appreciate The Germanic Review ’s analyses of German literature, culture, and theory, as well as the lives of German authors.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ginekologia i Poloznictwo", "ISSN": "18963315, 18980759", "Scope": "ScopeGinekologia i położnictwo medical project jest oficjalnym, recenzowanym czasopismem medycznym: Sekcji Psychosomatycznej Polskiego Towarzystwa Ginekologicznego, publikującym oryginalne prace naukowe (doświadczalne, kliniczne, laboratoryjne), poglądowe i kazuistyczne (opis przypadku) z dziedziny ginekologii i położnictwa. Ponadto publikuje listy do Redakcji, sprawozdania i materiały ze zjazdów naukowych, recenzje książek, a także komunikaty o planowanych kongresach i zjazdach naukowych. Ginekologia i położnictwo medical project ukazuje się 4 razy w roku. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Gorteria: Tijdschrift voor Onderzoek aan de Wilde Flora", "ISSN": "172294", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Hebrew Studies", "ISSN": "1464094", "Scope": "ScopeHebrew Studies is a scholarly journal devoted to Hebrew language, linguistics, literature and culture of all periods. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Hedianzixue Yu Tance Jishu/Nuclear Electronics and Detection Technology", "ISSN": "2580934", "Scope": "Scope《核电子学与探测技术》系中国核工业集团公司主管,由中国核工业集团公司北京核仪器厂主办,是中国核学会、中国电子学会所属核电子学与核探测技术分会会刊。本刊为专业学术性刊物,主要刊登核仪器、核电子学、核探测器与测试技术方面的研究成果和论文。读者对象主要为核电子学、核探测技术方面的研究人员及大专院校师生。 Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Hematology in Clinical Practice", "ISSN": "27201015, 27202690", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Himalaya", "ISSN": "19352212", "Scope": "ScopeHIMALAYA is a biannual, peer-reviewed journal published by the Association for Nepal and Himalayan Studies (ANHS), formerly known as the Nepal Studies Association (1972-2000). HIMALAYA has two International Standard Serial Numbers: ISSN 1935-2212 (print) and ISSN 2471-3716 (online).\r\rOver 40 years old, HIMALAYA is the continuation of the Himalayan Research Bulletin (1981-2003) and the Nepal Studies Association Newsletter (1972-1980).\r\rTruly interdisciplinary and transregional in, HIMALAYA is committed to covering all aspects of Himalayan Studies, including the natural and social sciences, humanities, and creative arts.\r\rHIMALAYA promotes scholarly understanding of, engagement with, and appreciation for this diverse region of the world. We are committed to collaborating with other regional associations devoted to Himalayan issues, and supportive of work that encourages scholarly and cultural exchange.\r\rTo that end, HIMALAYA publishes original research articles, short field reports, book and film reviews, reports on meetings and conferences, alongside literature and photo essays from the region. All original research articles are submitted to a rigorous peer review process.\r\rHIMALAYA serves the needs of a diverse constituency of scholars, students, professionals, and institutions in the United States and around the world. The journal is included in the collections of fifty major libraries in the United States, Asia, and Europe. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Historia et Ius", "ISSN": "22797416", "Scope": "ScopeHistoria et ius is an online, open access, peer-reviewed journal, dedicated to medieval, modern and contemporary historical legal studies - ISSN 2279-7416 - ​Rivista riconosciuta di classe A dall'Anvur per l'area 12​ (scienze giuridiche) Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Hong Kong Journal of Dermatology and Venereology", "ISSN": "18147453", "Scope": "ScopeThe Hong Kong Journal of Dermatology & Venereology is the official publication of The Hong Kong Society of Dermatology & Venereology and The Hong Kong College of Dermatologists. Published quarterly, the Journal delivers advances on all aspects of the diagnosis and management of cutaneous diseases and sexually transmitted infections, with emphasis on local characteristics. Regular features include peer-reviewed original or review articles, commentary, views and practice, case reports, quiz, reports on scientific meetings, journal watch, and news and notices. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Hunter Gatherer Research", "ISSN": "20563264", "Scope": "ScopePublished on behalf of the International Society of Hunter Gatherer Research, Hunter Gatherer Research is an international, multi-disciplinary quarterly publication that covers all aspects of hunter-gatherer studies, whether focusing on the present, past or future. \r\rThe journal encompasses genetics, ecology, evolutionary anthropology, archaeology, ethnography, ethnohistory, linguistics, indigenous rights and applied research, and is an indispensable resource for anyone with a research or activist interest in hunter-gatherers. \r\rHunter Gatherer Research succeeds the journal Before Farming: the archaeology and anthropology of hunter-gatherers, whose archive is maintained by Liverpool University Press. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Improved Oil and Gas Recovery", "ISSN": "26888246", "Scope": "ScopeImproving oil and gas recovery plays a critical role in supplying the energy needs of United States and the rest of the world. Enhanced oil recovery (EOR) and hydraulic fracturing are the key technologies to improve oil and gas recovery, especially for unconventional reservoirs.\r\rA very large number of technical people are actively engaged in the theory and practice of EOR and hydraulic fracturing, and thanks to their ingenuity, the industry has witnessed a tremendous progress in methodology, procedures, tools, materials, and practice of the process. Unfortunately, much of the publications related to improve oil and gas recovery technologies are scattered through different trade journals in the form of single articles. An attempt is made in all issues to balance the subject matter and to appeal to a broad readership. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Indian Journal of Practical Pediatrics", "ISSN": "9729607", "Scope": "ScopeThe Indian Academy of Pediatrics was formed after amalgamating the Association of Pediatricians in India based at Mumbai and the Indian Pediatric Society based at Calcutta during its joint meeting at Hyderabad in 1963.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Insight - Journal of the American Society of Ophthalmic Registered Nurses", "ISSN": "1060135X", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Agricultural Management", "ISSN": "20473710", "Scope": "ScopeAn international forum and source of reference for those working in agricultural management and related activities, including social, economic and environmental aspects of food production and rural development.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Interdisciplinary Organizational Studies", "ISSN": "23247649, 23247657", "Scope": "ScopeThe International Journal of Interdisciplinary Organizational Studies explores the social dynamics of public, community, and privately owned organizations. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Review of Neurobiology", "ISSN": "00747742, 21625514", "Scope": "ScopePublished since 1959, International Review of Neurobiology is a well-established series appealing to neuroscientists, clinicians, psychologists, physiologists and pharmacologists. Led by an internationally renowned editorial board, this important serial publishes both eclectic volumes made up of timely reviews and thematic volumes that focus on recent progress in a specific area of neurobiology research. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Investigacion Clinica", "ISSN": "5355133", "Scope": "ScopeEstudios humanos, animales y de laboratorio relacionados con la investigación clínica y asuntos conexos. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Jaen Journal on Approximation", "ISSN": "18893066, 19897251", "Scope": "Scope\t\rThe Jaen Journal on Approximation is a new journal issued by a research group in approximation theory belonging to the Department of Mathematics at the University of Jaen in Spain, with the collaboration of outstanding international scientists.\r\r\r\rIt intends to publish original and high-quality peer-reviewed papers containing significant results in approximation theory and its applications in their broadest sense. This journal will include research articles, surveys, open problems and historical notes. It seeks quality rather than quantity, processing a reduced number of papers and printing the accepted papers in a short time.\r\rThe Jaen Journal on Approximation is published by researchers, for researchers, not for profit, without distributors, or intermediaries. It looks for a great diffusion of the published works.\r\rThe Jaen Journal on Approximation is printed in an unusual size, 20cm.x20cm., this making possible to write long formulae and easy to take it comfortably. The journal will be printed as main information storage system, but it will have also a electronic version given the usefulness that in the current moment this format represents. The Jaen Journal on Approximation will be printed on recycled paper.\r\rThe Jaen Journal on Approximation is intended to be accessible to all researchers around the world, so it is priced low and it has a great number of copies. Subscribers support is very much welcome. Even, copies of each issue will be sent, free of charge or with special subscription rates, to scientists and institutions of underdeveloped countries. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Japanese Journal of Ecology", "ISSN": "215007", "Scope": "Scope本誌は、一般社団法人日本生態学会が年3号刊行する和文の生態学の研究・情報誌です。すべての記事はオープンアクセスです。 Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "JFE Technical Report", "ISSN": "13480677, 18837263", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal for the History of Rhetoric", "ISSN": "26878003, 26878011", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal for the History of Rhetoric (JHR) is the peer-reviewed publication of the American Society for the History of Rhetoric. JHR (formerly called Advances in the History of Rhetoric) publishes high-quality scholarship on all historical aspects of rhetoric, in all historical periods, and with reference to all intellectual, national, and cultural communities. The journal not only welcomes contributions from scholars who take diverse historical approaches to the study of rhetoric, it also seeks to broaden the realm of historical inquiry into rhetoric by publishing essays that investigate topics, texts, and controversies that have not typically been included in the canon of rhetorical history.\r\rThe of JHR includes, but is not strictly limited to, the following matters of historical research (listed alphabetically): argumentation, public address, relations of rhetoric with other disciplines or cultural institutions, processes, and event, rhetorical criticism, rhetorical discourse, rhetorical instruction in writing and speaking, rhetorical theory (from a historical perspective), and the rhetoric of social movements. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal fur Gynakologische Endokrinologie", "ISSN": "19961553, 19976690", "Scope": "ScopeDas Journal für gynäkologische Endokrinologie veröffentlicht Originalarbeiten, Übersichten, Fallberichte, Kurzberichte sowie Kommentare aus allen Bereichen, die Assistierte Reproduktion, Kontrazeption und Menopause betreffen. Experimentelle Untersuchungen sollten einen direkten klinischen Bezug aufweisen. Das Journal versteht sich als praxisorientiertes Fortbildungsmagazin und möchte Aktualität und Wissen vermitteln. Namhafte Experten kommen zu Wort und beleuchten Schwerpunkte des Praxisalltags. Dadurch soll die Einbindung neuester Erkenntnisse in die tägliche Routinearbeit erleichtert werden.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Angiotherapy", "ISSN": "2207872X, 22078843", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Angiotherapy is an, international, peer-reviewed, Open Access journal that publishes research articles on all aspects of angiogenesis in a continuous publication schedule. Multi-disciplinary, fully peer-reviewed, international scholarly journal. It will publish the article 1) describe significant and novel findings; and 2) advance knowledge in a diversity of scientific fields in angiogenesis and its related research areas. Angiogenesis, the process of new blood vessel formation, plays a pivotal role in various physiological and pathological conditions, including wound healing, cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and more. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Corrosion Science and Engineering", "ISSN": "14668858", "Scope": "ScopeJCSE was established in about 1995 in response to dissatisfaction with the high cost of the conventional publication process to the scientific community, whether in the form of charges to buy or read journals or page charges to authors, coupled with the possibilities for cost reduction offered by electronic publication over the Internet.\r\rThus the mission of JCSE is to provide an electronic-only journal that is free of charge for both authors and readers. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Interdisciplinary Voice Studies", "ISSN": "20570341, 2057035X", "Scope": "ScopeJournal of Interdisciplinary Voice Studies (JIVS) provides a forum for scholarly and practice-based engagement with voice as a phenomenon of communication and performance, and a methodology or metaphor for analysis. The journal draws on an interdisciplinary series of lenses, including cultural studies, critical theory, performance studies, inter-culturalism, linguistics, visual culture, musicology, architecture and somatics. One issue in each volume will follow an explicitly thematic focus. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Postgraduate Medical Institute", "ISSN": "10135472, 18119387", "Scope": "ScopeThe \"Journal of Postgraduate Medical Institute\" is the official journal of Postgraduate Medical Institute, Peshawar, Pakistan. We are dedicated to encourage and facilitate research at all levels and in all fields of medicine. We are predominantly devoted to reporting original investigations in the biomedical and health sciences, including research in the basic sciences; clinical trials of therapeutic agents; effectiveness of diagnostic or therapeutic techniques; or studies relating to the behavioral, epidemiological, or educational aspects of medicine.This site contains the full text of all articles published in the JPMI. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Social Development in Africa", "ISSN": "10121080", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal publishes analyses of social development issues as they affect the poor and marginalized. It deals especially with concerns relevant to sub Saharan Africa and is addressed to development and social workers, planners, policymakers and academics in a variety of fields. The Journal seeks to enhance understanding of the social development processes so as to contribute to the planning and implementation of appropriate intervention strategies at different levels. Its goal is to discover how to target projects that are relevant to those most in need and how to maximize popular participation to create egalitarian and productive communities. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of the Austrian Society of Agricultural Economics", "ISSN": "18151027, 18158129", "Scope": "ScopeArticles in the Austrian Journal of Agricultural Economics and Rural Studies (formerly Journal of the Austrian Society of Agricultural Economics or ÖGA-Jahrbuch) are dealing with the agricultural sector. The journal is published in one or several volumes per year. The published articles are reviewed by a double-blind peer review system. The articles are freely available from the wepage of the society.\r\rFollowing the memorandum of the Austrian Society of Agricultural Economics articles on the following topics are published\r\rBusiness Economics (Agriculture, Agribusiness)\rAgricultural market analysis,\rAgricultural marketing,\rFood economics,\rAgricultural politics,\rRegional economics,\rAgricultural Geography,\rAgricultural structur analysis\rAgricultural system analysis,\rApplied Environmental Economics,\rRural Sociology,\rAgricultural law. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of the Royal Musical Association", "ISSN": "02690403, 14716933", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of the Royal Musical Association was established in 1986 (replacing the Association\"s Proceedings) and is now one of the major international refereed journals in its field. Its editorial policy is to publish outstanding articles in fields ranging from historical and critical musicology to theory and analysis, ethnomusicology, and popular music studies. The journal works to disseminate knowledge across the discipline and communicate specialist perspectives to a broad readership, while maintaining the highest scholarly standards. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Urban Cultural Studies", "ISSN": "20509790, 20509804", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Urban Cultural Studies (JUCS) is a peer-refereed, international journal that blends humanities and social science approaches to the culture(s) of cities. Its pages are devoted to rigorously argued research centred on urban themes that attempts to fuse urban studies – and cultural studies – perspectives. Articles give more or less equal weight to: (1) one or more aspects of urban studies (everyday life, built environment, architecture, city planning, identity formation, transportation …) and (2) one or more specific forms of cultural (textual) production (literature, film, graphic novels, music, art, graffiti, videogames, online or virtual spaces …) in relation to a specific urban space or spaces. The journal is open to studies that deal with culture, urban spaces and forms of urbanized consciousness the world over.\r\rJUCS publishes both research articles and short-form articles. Research articles of 7,000–10,000 words (including references and notes) are the hallmark of the journal and represent an original contribution to the field [peer reviewed]. Short-form articles of 2,500–4,000 words can take many forms: interviews, analyses of art installations, review essays (pitched globally and discussing at least three book titles) or discussions of theoretical debates and interdisciplinary issues relating to urban cultural studies [editorial review]. The journal does not publish ‘book reviews’. JUCS is also interested in receiving proposals for special issues by guest editors working individually or in teams of two, and original unpublished artwork on the topic of cities. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Konsthistorisk Tidskrift", "ISSN": "00233609, 16512294", "Scope": "ScopeKonsthistorisk tidskrift/Journal of Art History was founded in 1932 by Konsthistoriska sällskapet/The Society of Art Historians in Stockholm, Sweden.\r\rAs the leading peer-reviewed journal of art history in the Nordic countries, the journal welcomes original research from all fields of art history, architecture, design and visual culture covering a broad variety of methodological and theoretical approaches. The journal also publishes reviews of books and larger exhibitions and accepts submissions written in the Scandinavian languages as well as in French, German and English. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Kuwait Medical Journal", "ISSN": "16078047", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Kyokai Joho Imeji Zasshi/Journal of the Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers", "ISSN": "13426907", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Latina et Graeca", "ISSN": "0350414X, 27182843", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Le Mali medical", "ISSN": "04647874, 19930836", "Scope": "ScopeLe Mali Médical est un journal scientifique trimestriel qui publie des articles de recherche originaux, des revues générales, des observations cliniques et des commentaires sur tous les aspects des Sciences Biomédicales. Les manuscrits soumis à Mali Médical sont évalués par les pairs et acceptés en fonction du mérite scientifique de leur contenu.\r\rLe Mali Médical publie :\rdes articles originaux ;\rdes cas cliniques ;\rdes éditoriaux ;\rdes lettres à la rédaction ;\rdes revues générales ;\rdes mises au point ;\rdes analyses d’articles, de thèse, ou de livre ;\rdes « Quid » (Quel est votre diagnostic) ;\rdes notes techniques ;\rles compte-rendus des sessions de réunions scientifiques. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Literary Imagination", "ISSN": "15239012, 17526566", "Scope": "ScopeLiterary Imagination is a forum for all those interested in the distinctive nature, uses, and pleasures of literature, from ancient to modern, in all languages. Its aim is to encourage wide-ranging discussions between those committed to the reading and study of literary works, and to the reading and writing of poetry, fiction, translations, drama, non-fiction essays, criticism, and scholarship concerned with them. The Journal seeks to develop a healthy environment for academic literary study and for the literary culture that extends beyond the academy. The Journal welcomes literary scholars, both academic and independent; teachers of literature in colleges, universities, and secondary schools; poets, novelists, playwrights, actors, and directors; translators, journalists, critics, editors, and publishers; and all other serious students of literature. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Medical Forum Monthly", "ISSN": "1029385X", "Scope": "ScopeMedical Forum Monthly is a peer reviewed journal and is being published since 1989 from Lahore, which is meant for all specialties. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Mediterranea", "ISSN": "24452378", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Mosaic", "ISSN": "271276", "Scope": "ScopeFounded in 1967, the year of Canada's centennial, Mosaic is an interdisciplinary journal devoted to publishing the very best critical work in literature and theory. The journal brings insights from a wide variety of disciplines to bear on literary texts, cultural climates, topical issues, divergent art forms and modes of creative activity. Mosaic combines rigorous scholarship with cutting-edge exploration of theory and literary criticism. It publishes contributions from scholars around the world and it distributes to 25 countries. In North America, Mosaic is read by subscribers in almost every state and province. It can be found in 226 of the world's major university and college libraries. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Nanotechnology Perceptions", "ISSN": "16606795, 22352074", "Scope": "ScopeNanotechnology Perceptions is published to provide a stimulating forum for the exchange of ideas and information concerning nanotechnology (including bionanotechnology and nanomedicine) and ultraprecision engineering. Each issue contains essays on critical issues of the technologies themselves, as well as incisive appraisals of their impact on human life, society and its institutions. Articles are intended for a worldwide readership, and should be of especial interest to leaders in industry, commerce (including bankers and investors), the professions, politics and public administration, and all others who must make decisions based on a sober, impartial assessment of the potential—and risks—of nanotechnology in their areas of work. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Neotestamentica", "ISSN": "02548356, 25184628", "Scope": "ScopeNeotestamentica is the Journal of the NTSSA, which has been published annually since 1966. The journal showcases South African and African scholarship, including the publishing of contributions from the annual conference of the NTSSA. Submissions by international experts in the field of New Testament are also most welcome. A critical book review section is included in each issue. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "NII Technical Reports", "ISSN": "13465597", "Scope": "ScopeThe NII Technical Report is published by a faculty member of the National Institute of Informatics at his/her own responsibility. Students, researchers and others related to the institute may also publish the report with the permission of a faculty member. (When a faculty member of the institute is not a coauthor, a note such as: 'Communicated by (name of faculty member). ' should be added in the footnote of the report.) Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide", "ISSN": "15431002", "Scope": "ScopeFounded in 2002, Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide (NCAW) is a scholarly, refereed, open-access journal devoted to the study of nineteenth-century art and visual culture across the globe. Open to various historical and theoretical approaches, the editors welcome contributions that reach across national boundaries and illuminate intercultural contact zones in the broadest sense of that term. The chronological of the journal is the “long” nineteenth century, stretching from the American and French Revolutions, at one end, to the outbreak of World War I, at the other, a period coinciding with the apex of European colonialism and the first phase of (unfettered) industrial capitalism. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Nursing New Zealand (Wellington, N.Z. : 1995)", "ISSN": "11732032", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Orient", "ISSN": "305227", "Scope": "ScopeEach edition focuses on a specific topic, for example: the Muslim World and the Internet; the Shia; Turkey and the West; or the US and the Near and Middle East. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Orientalia Christiana Periodica", "ISSN": "305375", "Scope": "ScopeThis periodical began publication in 1935. Two fascicles are issued each year, which contain articles, shorter notes and book reviews about the Christian East, that is, whatever concerns the theology, history, patrology, liturgy, archaeology and canon law of the Christian East, or whatever is closely connected therewith. The articles are analyzed and indexed in the Bulletin Signaletique, Sciences Humaines (Paris) and in Religion Index One: Periodicals (Chicago). The principal lan­guages of this review are English, Italian, French, and German. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Perfusion (Germany)", "ISSN": "9350020", "Scope": "ScopePERFUSION intensiviert den Dialog zwischen Klinik und Praxis, zwischen klinischer und industrieller Forschung. In PERSUFION finden diagnostische und therapeutische Probleme ein gemeinsames Forum.\r\rThemen\rEpidemiologie, Prävention, Diagnostik, Therapie und Rehabilitation zerebro- und kardiovaskulärer Erkrankungen, aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse aus den Bereichen Härmorheologie, Mikrozirkulation, Atherogenese, Thrombogenese, Stoffwechselerkrankungen, Pharmakologie. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Pharmaceutical Care and Research", "ISSN": "16712838", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Philippine Journal of Nursing", "ISSN": "483818", "Scope": "ScopeThe Philippine Journal of Nursing, an international peer reviewed journal, is the official publication of the Philippines Nurses Association published biannually. It considers original articles written for, but not limited to, Filipino nurses at all levels of health care organizations and in various settings. The Philippine Journal of Nursing will serve as: 1) Venue for the publication of scientific and research papers in the areas of Nursing practice and Nursing education ; 2) Source of updates on policies and standards relevant to Nursing practice and Nursing education, and 3) Medium for collegial interactions among nurses to promote professional growth. The Philippine Journal of Nursing invites original research and scientific papers, full text or abstract, written by registered nurses on different areas of nursing practice, including but not limited to clinical , community, administration, and education. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Phillippine Journal of Internal Medicine", "ISSN": "1199641", "Scope": "ScopeThe Philippine Journal of Internal Medicine accepts articles\rin Internal Medicine and its subspecialties. Articles are\raccepted for publication to the Philippine Journal of Internal\rMedicine and that all copyright ownership is assigned to the\rPhilippine College of Physicians. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Philosophy and Literature", "ISSN": "01900013, 1086329X", "Scope": "ScopeFor more than forty years, Philosophy and Literature has explored the dialogue between literary and philosophical studies. The journal offers fresh, stimulating ideas in the aesthetics of literature, theory of criticism, philosophical interpretation of literature, and literary treatment of philosophy. Philosophy and Literature challenges the cant and pretensions of academic priesthoods through its assortment of lively, wide-ranging essays, notes, and reviews that are written in clear, jargon-free prose. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Piel", "ISSN": "02139251, 15788830", "Scope": "ScopePiel is a journal oriented towards continuing education in dermatology. For this reason, its interest is not just limited to the Dermatologist, but it also extends to those physicians who started in this speciality, to those who practice outside the large hospital centres, and to those non-specialist physicians that are confronted with dermatological problems in their daily practice.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Planning Advisory Service Memo", "ISSN": "10407340, 21691908", "Scope": "ScopePAS Memo delivers. It's the best shop talk around, written by practicing planners and experts in the field eager to share their experiences. Each issue has illuminating case studies with links to online resources for planners who want to dig deeper. APA Members and PAS subscribers have access to all issues. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Politique Etrangere", "ISSN": "0032342X", "Scope": "ScopePolitique étrangère is a journal of debate and analysis on major international issues. It is the oldest French journal in this field. The first edition dates back to 1936 under the aegis of Centre d’études de politique étrangère (Centre for the Study of foreign policy). Since 1979, it has been edited by Ifri.\r\rIts purpose is to highlight all aspects of the debate in international relations, to propose in-depth analysis of current affairs and to be a reference tool on a long term basis for academic circles, decision-makers and the civil society. Each issue includes at least two sections related to an event or a dimension of international debate and also several articles focusing on deciphering topical issues.\r\rIn Politique étrangère, much space is also devoted to current affairs developed in French and foreign publications in international relations. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Popular Music History", "ISSN": "17407133, 17431646", "Scope": "ScopePopular Music History publishes original historical and historiographical research that draws on the wide range of disciplines and intellectual trajectories that have contributed to the establishment of popular music studies as a recognized academic enterprise.\r\rArticles that challenge established orthodoxies in popular music studies, examine the formation and dissolution of canons, interrogate histories of genres, focus on forms of popular music that have existed below the \"historical radar,\" and engage in archaeologies of popular music history, are particularly welcome.\r\rThe philosophy of Popular Music History is to encourage research that is empirically grounded. However, the journal's historical orientation is not intended to be exclusive. Articles that concentrate on historical and historiographical issues that draw on music analysis, incorporate cultural theory, or engage in the ‘history of the present’, are also appropriate. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Portuguese Studies", "ISSN": "2675315", "Scope": "ScopePortuguese Studies is a peer-reviewed biannual multi-disciplinary journal devoted to research on the cultures, literatures, history and societies of the Lusophone world. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Pravara Medical Review", "ISSN": "09750533, 09760164", "Scope": "ScopePravara Medical Review (PMR) (ISSN : 0975-0533) is an official scientific publication of Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences (PIMS) Loni. The basic ideology of publication of this journal is based on the objectives of PIMS. It is a quarterly journal published as a medium for the advancement of scientific knowledge in all branches of medicine and allied sciences, Dental Sciences, Physiotherapy, Biotechnology and Nursing.\r\rThe contents of the journal are in the form of Commentary, Review articles, Original research, Case reports, Letters to editor, Short communication, Medical quiz and any other form of publication with the approval by the editorial board.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Print Quarterly", "ISSN": "2658305", "Scope": "ScopePrint Quarterly is the leading international journal dedicated to the art of the print from its origins to the present. It is peer-reviewed.\r\rThe Journal publishes recent scholarship on a wide range of topics, including printmakers, iconography, social and cultural history, popular culture, print collecting, book illustration, decorative prints, and techniques such as engraving, etching, woodcutting, lithography and digital printmaking.\r\rThe Journal strives to cover Asian, Latin American and African printmaking as well as the Western tradition.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Proceedings of International Conference on Research in Education and Science", "ISSN": "28336747", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Psychoterapie", "ISSN": "18023983, 26950200", "Scope": "ScopeThe Psychotherapy journal aims to enhance the development of psychotherapy as a scientific and evidence-based human activity and profession. One of its goals is to keep a balance between evidence-based practice and practice-oriented research. The Journal creates a space for dialogue among representatives of psychotherapy theory, clinical practice, and research. It pays attention to ethical aspects, psychotherapy training, and the development of the profession within the international context.\r\rThe of the journal is based on the view of psychotherapy as a cultural phenomenon that could be viewed as both art and science. Because of many existing psychotherapy theories and their applications in diverse contexts, the Journal advocates for a pluralistic framework in psychotherapy. In this regard, the Journal is an arena for communication among representatives of various disciplines: addictology, counseling, mental health, psychology, psychiatry, psychosomatic medicine, social work, training, etc. As an example of both a pluralistic framework and interdisciplinary exchange, the Journal regularly organizes international psychotherapy symposia.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Quaderni di Diritto e Politica Ecclesiastica", "ISSN": "11220392", "Scope": "ScopeThe growing presence of religion in the public sphere requires adequate instruments of governance. This journal aims at providing an updated and exhaustive picture of the evolution of the legal relationship between state and religion in Italy and abroad. The legal status of Islam and other religious communities living in Europe, marriage and family law, the place of religious symbols in the public space, State financing of religious communities, new religious movements are some of the topics discussed in the journal. Each year three numbers are published. The first contains scholarly analysis of Church-State relations; the second collects and comments the most important documents concerning State-Church relations in Italy and worldwide; the third collects and comments the most important decisions of the Italian and European courts, with particular attention to the European Court of Human Rights.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Religion and Literature", "ISSN": "08883769, 23286911", "Scope": "ScopeReligion & Literature seeks to publish high-quality, innovative scholarship that explores the relations between two crucial human concerns: the religious impulse and the literary forms of any era, place, or language. We publish articles, review essays, and book reviews three times a year. As an early editor remarked, the journal is determined to provide a usable, protean space for wide-ranging discussions of the many ways in which religion and literature are implicated in and shaped by each other. We welcome any scholarly approach provided authors are willing to consider religion not simply as cultural artifact but also as a living tradition, with all the paradoxes that phrase may embrace.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista de Etnografie si Folclor", "ISSN": "348198", "Scope": "ScopePublished by the Romanian Academy, this journal was founded in 1956 –\rreason why it still bears in its title the original, Romanian name, followed by its\rEnglish version. Yet, since 2007 it has became fully international, publishing\racademic articles in international languages only.\rThere are no payable fees for authors to publish with this periodical, thus\ronly contributions of honorable and high academic standards are accepted; this,\rbased on a serious/severe peer-reviewing principle and recommendation, which\rapplies consistently.\rWorldwide colleagues are invited to contribute to the REF/JEF by\rsubmitting fully-developed academic essays, and/or book reviews, that pertain\rto cultural studies or to other related/cognate disciplines that have the traditional\ror vernacular cultures at their core.\rThere also are no anticipatory themes or topics for each individual\rvolume. The table of contents is shaped in accordance to the nature or contents\rof the accepted papers, volume sections getting titled and entries grouped as the\rarticles can be directly or indirectly, by various elements or suggestions,\rconnectable Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista del Ministerio de Trabajo y Economia Social", "ISSN": "26604647, 26604655", "Scope": "ScopeJournal of the Ministry of Labour and Social Economy is published on a trimonthly basis and its objective is to publicise original and hitherto unpublished work, concerning subjects inherent to the functions allocated to the Department. It began to be released in May 1997 and, since then, it has had several different names: Revista del Ministerio de Trabajo y Asuntos Sociales (Journal of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs), Revista del Ministerio de Trabajo e Inmigración (Journal of the Ministry of Labour and Immigration), Revista del Ministerio de Empleo y Seguridad Social (Journal of the Ministry of Employment and Social Security) and Revista del Ministerio de Trabajo, Migraciones y Seguridad Social (Journal of the Ministry of Labour, Migrations and Social Security), invariably in keeping with the changes that have been made to the name of the Ministry.\r\rSince May 2001, its content has been placed on the Internet, and has received more than one million visits since it was made available to the general public.\r\rIt is a doctrinal publication aimed at professionals, students, technicians, researchers and any members of the general public interested in the socio-occupational area and in migration.\r\rThe Journal publishes ordinary issues, in which the thematic series that constitute the publication alternate, plus other extraordinary series devoted, among other subjects, to Labour Reform; Social Security Budgets; Work-Family Balance, Voluntary, Gradual and Flexible Retirement; or concerning the latest Spanish Presidency of the European Union Council (January-June 2010). The content of the Social Security Seminars held in recent years is also being included. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revue d'Histoire de la Pensee Economique", "ISSN": "24958670, 24964646", "Scope": "ScopeThe Revue d'histoire de la pensée économique belongs to the Collection Économies, Gestion et Sociétés created by the French publishing company Classiques Garnier. It continues the series « Histoire de la pensée économique » of Économies et Sociétés, which ceased being published in September 2015. Its Editorial policy, Editorial board and Scientific committee are unchanged.\rThe journal Revue d'histoire de la pensée économique publishes original papers on history of economic thought, philosophy, epistemology and economic methodology as well as book reviews. Any proposal will be examined by the Editorial board and the quality of articles ensured through the process of anonymous peer review. Articles are published in French or in English with an abstract written in both languages in order to maximize the dissemination of knowledge at both national and international level. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revue Medicale de Bruxelles", "ISSN": "353639", "Scope": "ScopeLa Revue Médicale de Bruxelles est une revue hospitalo-facultaire de formation continue destinée aux spécialistes et généralistes.\r\rElle est ouverte aux contributions de la communauté scientifique nationale et internationale et est indexée dans les grandes bases de données (Index Medicus, Medline).\r\rElle représente un organe essentiel de liaison entre les médecins issus de la Faculté de Médecine de l'Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB).\r\rLa Revue souhaite susciter la réflexion en matière d'éthique, de politique médicale, de programmation hospitalière et d'évolution de la médecine dans la société. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Rivista Di Psicoanalisi", "ISSN": "00356492, 19744722", "Scope": "ScopeThe Rivista di Psicoanalisi is the official journal of the Italian Psychoanalytic Society: it was founded by Edoardo Weiss, and the first number appeared in 1932. Shut down during the Fascist years, it resumed publication in 1954-5 without further interruptions.\r\rThe objective of the Rivista is to provide a continual update on topics of psychoanalytic research and to extend its readers’ literary panorama into the international field by featuring contributions from foreign authors. Readers are offered the most up to date and significant contributions to psychoanalysis in the Freudian tradition, with close attention being paid to current developments in theoretical thinking and contemporary clinical practice, both in relation to the psychoanalysis of adults and of children and adolescents. It is published quarterly and is organised into distinct sections.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Romanian Journal of Stomatology", "ISSN": "18430805, 20696078", "Scope": "ScopeROMANIAN JOURNAL OF STOMATOLOGY – RJS (Revista Romana de Stomatologie), the official journal of the Romanian Society of Stomatology, was initially founded in 1938 – as one of the first medical journal in Romania – and later (2002) developed to its modern form. RJS became a prestigious scientific journal that provides a high quality in terms of scientific content, but also the editorial and graphic aspect, both through an impartial process of selection, evaluation and correction of articles (single blind peer review procedure), as well as providing editorial, graphic and printing conditions at the highest level.\r\rIn order to increase the scientific standards of the journal, special attention was paid to the improvement of the quality of the published materials. Guidance articles, clinical trials and case studies are structured in several sections dedicated to the disciplines of dentistry - Endodontics, Implantology, Orthodontics, Odontotherapy, Periodontics, Pedodontics, Prosthetics etc. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Royal Studies Journal", "ISSN": "20576730", "Scope": "ScopeThe Royal Studies Journal is an online and fully open access publication which adheres to the highest standards of academic double blind peer-review. It provides a truly international and inter-disciplinary forum for scholars whose research is connected to monarchy in any aspect, period or geographical setting. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Sapporo Medical Journal", "ISSN": "0036472X", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Series on Knots and Everything", "ISSN": "2199769", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Slavic and East European Journal", "ISSN": "376752", "Scope": "ScopeThe Slavic and East European Journal (SEEJ) serves the Slavic profession by publishing original research and review essays in the areas of Slavic and East European languages, literatures, cultures, linguistics, and methodology/pedagogy as well as reviews of books published in these areas. The journal is published quarterly by the American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages (AATSEEL). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Sortuz", "ISSN": "19880847", "Scope": "ScopeSortuz: Oñati Journal of Emergent Socio-Legal Studies (ISSN: 1988-0847; http://opo.iisj.net/index.php/sortuz/index) is an Open Access journal of the Oñati International Institute for the Sociology of Law (IISL), established by the Research Committee of Sociology of Law (RCSL) of the International Sociological Association (ISA), and the government of the Basque Country through the University of the Basque Country (UPV).\r\rThe IISL has become a major academic space not only for scholars specialized in relations between law and society, but also for researchers, scholars and students from other disciplines such as Political Science, Anthropology, History and Psychology, who are interested in the legal side of their specific traditions. Scholars, both young and consolidated, across countries and disciplines find in Oñati a privileged space to work in their research interests.\r\rThis journal seeks to create a virtual, but real space, that strengthens the emerging community around the relations between law and society through the publication of quality research. Indeed, the community of emergent scholars that year by year meet, discuss and grow in IISL facilities, especially on the IISL's International Master's Programme, may find in this journal an additional chance to publish their first research articles. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Southeastern Geology", "ISSN": "383678", "Scope": "ScopeFounded in 1959 at the Duke University Geology Department (now Earth & Ocean Sciences), SOUTHEASTERN GEOLOGY is a refereed journal that gives the reader the results of research in all aspects of the geology of the southeastern United States. Over 700 articles have been published. Duncan Heron has been Editor-in-Chief of SOUTHEASTERN GEOLOGY since its inception. David Bush is the Editor. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "St Andrews Studies in Reformation History", "ISSN": "24684317", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Statistica e Applicazioni", "ISSN": "18246672, 22836659", "Scope": "ScopeStatistica & Applicazioni is a six-monthly journal aimed at promoting research in statistical methodology and its original and innovative applications. Statistica & Applicazioni publishes research articles (and short notes) on theoretical, computational and applied statistics. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Synthesis Philosophica", "ISSN": "3527875", "Scope": "ScopeSynthesis philosophica is an international scientific journal of Croatian Philosophical Society based in Zagreb, Republic of Croatia. The journal is known for being open to new ideas, approaches and methodologies, to diversity of orientations, schools of thought and ways of thinking, including multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary studies, but also to marginalized or unfairly neglected themes.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Texas Journal of Science", "ISSN": "404403", "Scope": "ScopeThe Texas Journal of Science is a publication of The Texas Academy of Science and is sent to most members and all subscribers. The goal of the Journal is the timely dissemination of research results and scientific information to the scientific community. The Journal is received by members and educational institutions throughout the USA as well as international institutional subscribers.\r\rScholarly papers reporting original research results in any field of science, technology or science education will be considered for publication in The Texas Journal of Science. The geographic of manuscripts published in the Journal are generally limited to work conducted by authors while at Texas institutions or to work conducted in Texas or adjacent areas (surrounding states and Mexico) that has some direct relevance to Texas natural history (regardless of author’s institutional location). Papers that are outside of this in subject areas not generally limited by geographic context may be submitted by members in good standing of the Academy and considered on a case-by-case basis. In such cases, manuscripts should somehow relate to content previously published in the Journal. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Timber Bulletin", "ISSN": "2594323", "Scope": "ScopeCessation. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Tocqueville Review", "ISSN": "0730479X", "Scope": "ScopeThe Tocqueville Review is a French-American bilingual journal devoted to the comparative study of social change, primarily in Europe and North America, but also covering major developments in other parts of the world, in the spirit of Alexis de Tocqueville’s pioneer investigations. A journal of social science, the Review publishes essays on current affairs, history, and political philosophy; it also features a regular section on Tocquevillean studies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "touchREVIEWS in Neurology", "ISSN": "27525465", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Ultimate Reality and Meaning", "ISSN": "0709549X", "Scope": "ScopeThis interdisciplinary academic journal is published quarterly by an International association of thinkers who have an interest in research on human efforts to find meaning in our world. It publishes studies dealing with those facts, things, ideas, axioms, persons and values which people throughout history have considered ultimate (i.e., that to which human mind reduces and relates everything and that which one does not reduce or relate to anything else) or as horizons (i.e., world views in the light of which humans understand whatever they understand) or as supreme value (i.e., for which someone would sacrifice everything and which one would not lose for anything).\r\rIt covers humanity’s entire history, from the earliest preliterate groupings to contemporary society. Beliefs, world views and conceptualizations of an ultimate reality and meaning of human existence will be identified and analyzed through the culture they represent and the period from which they are taken. The analytical and critical description of all that the human mind ever thought about the ultimate reality and meaning of human existence is expected to initiate systematic and structural studies of the most universal dynamics that have driven human consciousness from its dawn until the present day. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "University of Bologna Law Review", "ISSN": "25316133", "Scope": "ScopeThe University of Bologna Law Review is a student-run, open access and double blind peer-review law journal published by the University of Bologna, Department of Legal Studies, and officially sponsored by Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP and the International Chamber of Commerce – Italy.\r\rThe main purpose of the journal concerns being a qualified research tool for practitioners, scholars, students, legislators, and others interested in legal studies.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Urologia Colombiana", "ISSN": "0120789X, 20270119", "Scope": "ScopeUrología Colombiana is the serial scientific publication of the Colombian Society of Urology at intervals of three issues per year, in which the results of original research, review articles and other research designs that contribute to increase knowledge in medicine and particularly in the specialty of urology. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service - Resource Bulletin", "ISSN": "8889708", "Scope": "ScopeRM Resource Bulletins (RM-RB) - Publications from the former Rocky Mountain Forest & Range Exp. Station (RM) (1963-1997). Listed in descending order by publication number. Only titles with links are currently available online with more titles always being added.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Vascular Cell", "ISSN": "2045824X", "Scope": "ScopeVascular Cell represents an open access medical journal which concentrates on publication of a wide range of topics related to the vascular system including neo-vascularization and angiogenesis. Since vascular endothelial cells represent a crucial factor in numerous pathological conditions such as: cancer, stroke, myocardial infarction or atherosclerosis their behavior is of paramount importance for the clinical outcomes of a wide range of patients.\r\rIn this context, Vascular Cell selects for publication the best experimental studies as well as clinical trials and case reports. Also, our journal publishes innovative molecular and immunohistochemistry protocols and methods, including quantitative digital pathology studies related to vascular pathways and factors. We are interested in studies describing the molecular mechanisms of vascular development as well as in vivo imaging experiments and clinical trials evaluating mediators interfering with angiogenesis. However, as angiogenesis represents a key player modulating tissue regeneration and 3D biological additive manufacturing, our journal publishes manuscripts reporting innovative research focusing on these topics. On a special note, Vascular Cell will particularly encourage the publication of inter- and trans-disciplinary studies validating concepts or hypotheses related to vascular cells physiopathology. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Voices - Journal of New York Folklore", "ISSN": "0361204X", "Scope": "ScopeVoices: The Journal of New York Folklore is dedicated to publishing the content of folklore in the words and images of its creators and practitioners. The journal publishes research-based articles, written in an accessible style, on topics related to traditional art and life. It also features stories, interviews, reminiscences, essays, folk poetry and music, photographs, and artwork drawn from people in all parts of New York State. Columns on subjects such as photography, sound and video recording, legal and ethical issues, and the nature of traditional art and life appear in each issue. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Volta Review", "ISSN": "428639", "Scope": "ScopeThe Volta Review is a professional, peer-review journal inviting manuscripts devoted to reporting scholarly findings that explore the development of listening and spoken language by individuals with hearing loss. The journal is electronically published two times annually, in the spring and fall. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Word of Mouth", "ISSN": "10483950, 21543941", "Scope": "ScopeWord of Mouth (WOM) helps frontline clinicians keep up with the latest trends in working with school-age children. Each 16-page issue of bare-bones, down-to-earth information includes reviews, resources, idea swap, and short bits Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Linguistik", "ISSN": "14339889, 21900191", "Scope": "ScopeThe Zeitschrift für Angewandte Linguistik (ZfAL) is the official publication of the Gesellschaft für Angewandte Linguistik (GAL) [Society for Applied Linguistics]. It is one of the most important German journals in this field and appears biannually.\r\rZfAL seeks to represent the entire field of applied linguistics and to give impulses for the academic discourse in all of its subdisciplines (e.g. phonetics and speech science, lexicography, grammar and grammar theory, text linguistics and stylistics, discourse studies, media communication, specialized communication, sociolinguistics, language contact and multilingualism, intercultural communication and multilingual discourses, translation/interpretation studies, language didactics, media didactics and media competence, computer linguistics, among others). The emphasis of applied linguistics is on the transfer of linguistic methods and insights to the professional practice of those whose work concerns language, language use and communication. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Academic Journal of Naval Medical University", "ISSN": "20971338", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Acta Gastroenterologica Latinoamericana", "ISSN": "3009033", "Scope": "ScopeBienvenidos a la Revista Acta Gastroenterológica Latinoamericana (AGL) órgano oficial de difusión de la Sociedad Argentina de Gastroenterología y de la Sociedad de Gastroenterología del Uruguay. Nuestro objetivo es publicar manuscritos dedicados a la investigación clínica sobre todos los aspectos del aparato digestivo en el campo de la gastroenterología clínica, la endoscopía digestiva, la cirugía y la pediatría.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Acta Linguistica Asiatica", "ISSN": "22323317", "Scope": "ScopeACTA LINGUISTICA ASIATICA is a journal devoted to the study of Asian languages, their translation and teaching.\r\rALA is an interdisciplinary scholarly journal which accepts research papers, survey papers and technical notes on the subjects of Asian linguistics, translation studies and the teaching of Asian languages, book reviews on representative works on the same subjects and reports from outstanding events. ALA's articles are mostly written in English, Slovene articles with English abstracts are also accepted.\r\rALA encourages the interlinking of different linguistic disciplines, fosters dialogue among different theoretical orientations and their practical application, proposes new approaches to existing research themes, draws attention to relevant questions, and informs about recent findings and events in the above areas. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Anafora", "ISSN": "18492339, 24595160", "Scope": "ScopeAnafora is an international double blind peer-review academic journal published by the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Osijek. The journal addresses a broad range of topics in the field of literature and related areas within humanities and social sciences. It welcomes submissions of original research articles, review articles, state-of-the-art articles, preliminary communications, and book reviews that focus on thematic topics as well as general section contributions such as case reports and commentaries addressing literary and academic concerns.\r\rThe journal seeks to advance the development of research in literature by addressing diverse literary and interdisciplinary perspectives and promoting high-quality scientific work. The primary editorial goal of the journal is to create a forum for scholars and professionals from Croatia and abroad that will foster a dialogue in the fields of literature and related disciplines and provide a common ground for productive knowledge exchange. The journal is intended for scholars and students as well as the broader academic, cultural, and social community. It accepts manuscripts in Croatian, Polish, Hungarian, English, and German.\r\rIts multilingual focus and a strong comparative approach that juxtaposes multiple national perspectives and a diverse target audience (Croatian, Hungarian, Polish, and German) in relation to academic scholarship in English at the global level makes Anafora’s contribution to the literary studies and its related disciplines significant and unique both regionally and internationally. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Anales del Instituto de Investigaciones Esteticas", "ISSN": "18703062", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal Anales del Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México is a biannual publication, specialized in image theory and history of art and esthetics and open to all related disciplines. It includes research papers, critical analyses of documentary testimonies, reports on works of art, news items, biographical sketches, and reviews of publications within the field of artistic production in all its manifestations. Throughout its history, the Anales has included collaborations by reputed scholars from around the world. Between 1937 and 1993 the journal was published once a year, as of 1994 the Anales appears twice a year. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Anclajes", "ISSN": "03293807, 18514669", "Scope": "ScopeAnclajes es una revista científica que publica artículos originales e inéditos vinculados con los estudios literarios y discursivos. Se fundó en 1997 y, desde el año 2016, se publica en forma exclusivamente electrónica con frecuencia cuatrimestral. Además, publica reseñas críticas sobre libros relacionados con los ámbitos de interés de la revista. Su objetivo es difundir los avances y resultados de la investigación en el campo de los estudios literarios y discursivos y está destinada fundamentalmente a los miembros de las comunidades académicas y científicas tanto nacionales como internacionales.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Annual Technical Conference - ANTEC, Conference Proceedings", "ISSN": "-", "Scope": "ScopeThe Virtual Edition was host to plastics professionals globally and from all industries for a six-week period beginning on Monday, March 30th and concluded on Tuesday, May 5. On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday for the first five weeks and Monday and Tuesday on the sixth week, attendees logged into live day-long keynote presentations and technical sessions focused on plastics used in a range of industries from medical to automotive to aerospace and more. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Applicationes Mathematicae", "ISSN": "12337234, 17306280", "Scope": "ScopeAPPLICATIONES MATHEMATICAE (formerly Zastosowania Matematyki) is a journal dedicated to applied mathematics, especially to mathematical modelling, partial differential equations and their applications, mathematics of finance and insurance, optimization in a broad sense, probability and mathematical statistics, numerical methods and related fields.\r\rAll papers submitted are subject to peer review. The following criteria are taken into account in the reviewing procedure: quality of the contribution, correctness, mathematical level, mathematical novelty, relevance to applications, language and editorial aspects. The reviewers are experts in the field and declare absence of conflict of interest in the reviewing process. The Editors have adopted appropriate procedures to avoid ghostwriting and guest authorship. The list of reviewers is published biannually here. The paper version is considered as primary. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Archiv Orientalni", "ISSN": "448699", "Scope": "ScopeEstablished in 1929, the peer-reviewed journal Archiv orientální (ArOr) proudly looks back on a long publication history. It provides a forum for the publication of innovative research dedicated to the cultures and societies of Asia and Africa, past and present. We especially welcome articles dedicated to the history, religion, languages, and literatures of these regions, but we also gladly accept articles of distinction from the social and political sciences. We are especially interested in novel approaches and fresh ideas that promise to make a substantial contribution to the development of their respective fields. The journal addresses not only the academic public, but also a wider readership with a general interest in Asian and African studies.\r\rIn addition to our regular three annual issues, we also publish one special issue per year that is prepared by guest-editors and specifically focuses on one topic. Furthermore, the journal publishes a Supplementa series which serves as a platform for edited volumes and monographs the topics of which fall into the thematic range of the journal. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal", "ISSN": "20836635, 20841043", "Scope": "ScopeThe Editors of the journal invite international scholars to submit their studies in history of philosophy and research papers reporting the on-going debates in contemporary philosophy, representing various currents in philosophical inquiry, including continental, analytic and non-western traditions and comparative perspectives. Moreover, in the of our interest there are interdisciplinary papers undertaking philosophical problems in terms of other scientific disciplines. We also publish polemics and review papers, interviews, and book reviews. We are open to critical and innovative suggestions concerning teaching methods and the purposes of up-to-date philosophical education. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Aspasia", "ISSN": "19332882, 19332890", "Scope": "ScopeAspasia is the international peer-reviewed annual of women’s and gender history of Central, Eastern, and Southeastern Europe (CESEE). It aims to transform European women’s and gender history by expanding comparative research on women and gender to all parts of Europe, creating a European history of women and gender that encompasses more than the traditional Western European perspective. Aspasia particularly emphasizes research that examines the ways in which gender intersects with other categories of social organization and advances work that explores transnational aspects of women’s and gender histories within, to, and from CESEE. The journal also provides an important outlet for the publication of articles by scholars working in CESEE itself. Its contributions cover a rich variety of topics and historical eras, as well as a wide range of methodologies and approaches to the history of women and gender. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Bangladesh Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology", "ISSN": "10184287", "Scope": "ScopeBangladesh Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology is the official Journal of Obstetrical & Gynaecological Society of Bangladesh. This Journal aims to encourage, promote and increase knowledge in the wide field of Medical Science through publication of original articles, review articles and case reports. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Black Camera", "ISSN": "15363155, 19474237", "Scope": "ScopeBlack Camera, a journal of Black film studies, is devoted to the study and documentation of the Black cinematic experience and aims to engender and sustain a formal academic discussion of Black film production. We include reviews of historical as well as contemporary books and films, researched critiques of recent scholarship on Black film, interviews with accomplished film professionals, and editorials on the development of Black creative culture. Black Camera challenges received and established views and assumptions about the traditions and practices of filmmaking in the African diaspora, where new and longstanding cinematic formations are in play. Issues and special sections are devoted to national cinemas, as well as independent, marginal, or oppositional films and cinematic formations. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Boletim Centro de Pesquisa de Processamento de Alimentos", "ISSN": "01020323, 19839774", "Scope": "ScopeThe CEPPA Bulletin publishes unpublished technical-scientific papers (unpublished or submitted to another journal), resulting from research and bibliographic reviews in the area of science, technology, food engineering and the like. Originals in English (priority) are accepted, which comply with the normative provisions of the newspaper. The opinions expressed in articles are the sole responsibility of the authors. The Bulletin reserves the right to adapt the originals to maintain the homogeneity of the publication, always respecting the author's style. The CEPPA Bulletin is indexed in Scopus, Food Science and Technology Abstract (FSTA), CAB Abstract, Chemical Abstract (CA), Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (LILACS) databases and Periodical Literature in Agricultural Sciences (PERI).Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology Academia Sinica", "ISSN": "10124195", "Scope": "ScopeLaunched in 1928, the Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology (BIHP) is a quarterly journal issued by the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica. The BIHP is an international refereed journal that publishes contributions on history, philology, archaeology, anthropology, and paleography. Potential contributors wishing to submit a manuscript must pay heed to the following. The BIHP does not publish articles that are already published or to be published in other periodicals. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Catalan Historical Review", "ISSN": "2013407X, 20134088", "Scope": "ScopeCatalan Historical Review, the international journal of the History and Archaeology Section of the Institut d'Estudis Catalans (IEC), aims to enable the current state of knowledge about the history of the Catalan-speaking lands - Catalonia, the Valencian Country, the Balearic Islands, and other lands related to them - to be known throughout the world. It will achieve this by publishing articles of synthesis dealing with ongoing research into major topics of political, social, economic, legal, literary and artistic history of all periods, from the most ancient to the most recent, on the basis of bibliography published in recent year. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Challenges to National Defence in Contemporary Geopolitical Situation", "ISSN": "25388959", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Communication and Democracy", "ISSN": "27671127, 27671135", "Scope": "ScopeCommunication and Democracy is a peer-reviewed publication of the National Communication Association. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Comparative and Continental Philosophy", "ISSN": "17570638, 17570646", "Scope": "ScopeComparative and Continental Philosophy is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes leading edge papers by internationally respected scholars in comparative and continental philosophy. Published in affiliation with the Comparative and Continental Philosophy Circle, this academic journal is accessible to a wide range of readers from various disciplines such as philosophy, religion, art history, comparative literature, critical theory, phenomenological psychology, and cultural theory.\r\rAlthough anchored in the discipline of philosophy and designed to provide a much needed niche in the natural development of continental philosophy into other non-western ways of thinking, submissions are welcomed from other disciplines as well and need not be necessarily comparative in nature. For comparative submissions, Asia is the journal’s primary focus, but we welcome papers devoted to any non-western region, especially Africa, Latin America, and comparative Continental and Anglo-American philosophy. The journal also includes papers on critical spirituality that discuss inter-cultural encounters and address understanding through meditative thinking, papers on contemporary feminism, and comparative ecology/environmental philosophy. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Early Modern Low Countries", "ISSN": "25431587", "Scope": "ScopeEarly Modern Low Countries (EMLC) is a multidisciplinary international open access journal dedicated to the study of the early modern Low Countries. The journal publishes state-of-the-art scholarship on any aspect of the turbulent history and vibrant culture of the region from about 1500 to 1830 from a variety of perspectives. Rigorously peer-reviewed, the journal aims to provide a common venue for scholars around the world. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ecumenical Review", "ISSN": "00130796, 17586623", "Scope": "ScopeFor more than 60 years, readers of The Ecumenical Review have had access to a thought-provoking variety of reflections by Christian authors from every part of the globe. Founded at the same time as the World Council of Churches, this publication explores the potential and reality of Christian cooperation in faith and action.\r\rThe Ecumenical Review is a quarterly theological journal. Each issue focuses on a theme of current importance to the movement for Christian unity, and each volume includes academic as well as practical analysis of significant moments in the quest for closer church fellowship and inter-religious dialogue. Recent issues have communicated the visions of a new generation of ecumenical leadership, the voices of women involved in Orthodox-Protestant conversations, churches' ministries in an age of HIV/AIDS and a celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Estudis Romanics", "ISSN": "02118572, 20139500", "Scope": "ScopeFundada i dirigida per Ramon Aramon i Serra (1947-1986) i represa per Antoni M. Badia i Margarit\r(2000-2015) i amb la codirecció de Joan Veny (des de 2003), Estudis Romànics és una revista científica,\roberta a la recerca internacional, que acull treballs de dimensió lingüística, filològica i literària sobre les\rllengües i literatures romàniques, sense limitació cronològica i amb particular atenció a l’àmbit català. Es\rpublica en volums anuals i conté les següents seccions: articles, miscel·lània, recensions, llibres rebuts,\rcrònica i necrologies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "European Journal of Scandinavian Studies", "ISSN": "21919399, 21919402", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal EJSS is understood as the main journal for Scandinavian studies in Europe. It is encompasses the three main branches of Scandinavian studies: Old Norse Philology, New Literature and Cultural Studies, and Linguistics. Articles dealing with other areas of studies are published as well, provided that they exclusively correspond with Scandinavia. EJSS publishes at the moment 450 pages a year (up until 2000 160 pages). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Exploration and Research for Atomic Minerals", "ISSN": "9709231", "Scope": "ScopeEARFAM contains research and review papers on geological, geochemical and geophysical exploration, mineralogy, petrology, ore geology, geochemistry, analytical geochemistry, drilling and mineral economics aspects of atomic minerals.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Fossils", "ISSN": "229202", "Scope": "Scope「化石」は日本古生物学会の邦文の機関誌で,年2回(3月と 9月)に発行しています. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Gynakologische Endokrinologie", "ISSN": "16102894, 16102908", "Scope": "ScopeGynäkologische Endokrinologie offers up-to-date review articles and original papers for all gynaecologists working in practical and clinical environments and scientists who are particularly interested in issues of endocrinology.\rThe content covers all areas of gynaecological endocrinology and reproduction medicine. The focus is on current developments regarding prevention, diagnostic approaches, management of complications and current therapy strategies.\rFreely submitted original papers allow the presentation of important clinical studies and serve scientific exchange.\rComprehensive reviews on a specific topical issue focus on providing evidenced based information on diagnostics and therapy.\rReview articles under the rubric \"Continuing Medical Education\" present verified results of scientific research and their integration into daily practice. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Hecheng Shuzhi Ji Suliao/China Synthetic Resin and Plastics", "ISSN": "10021396", "Scope": "Scope《合成树脂及塑料》创刊于1984年,经国家科委批准在国内外公开发行,由中国石化集团资产经营管理有限公司北京燕山石化分公司、橡塑新型材料合成国家工程研究中心联合主办,是我国唯一报道合成树脂研制、生产与加工应用全过程的专业科技期刊。\r\r\r《合成树脂及塑料》主要报道我国合成树脂及塑料领域的新技术、新成果,新牌号、新产品的开发,引进技术的消化、吸收与创新,塑料加工应用,分析测试方法,废旧塑料的回收和再生。此外,有关合成树脂及塑料的专论、综述,国内外最新进展、发展趋势、技术讲座及出国考察报告等。设有研究与开发、工业技术、加工应用、结构与性能、综述、简讯及其他等栏目。 Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Histoire des Alpes - Storia delle Alpi - Geschichte der Alpen", "ISSN": "16608070", "Scope": "ScopeThe annual journal contains articles in German, Italian and French with an English summary. The thematic volumes deal with topics from the world of the Alps. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Historicka Sociologie", "ISSN": "18040616, 23363525", "Scope": "ScopeInterdisciplinary journal focuses mainly on sociological, political and historical aspects of long-term social processes and trends, modernization, globalization tendencies and influences. The journal creates a wider platform for scholars in historical social sciences. The epistemological field of the journal is not strictly limited and anticipates transcendental civilization, cultural sociology, and other related areas. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Huarte de San Juan. Geografia e Historia", "ISSN": "23410809", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Hume Studies", "ISSN": "3197336", "Scope": "ScopeThe editors welcome original analyses or interpretations of Hume’s writings and original research concerning any aspect of Hume’s life, influences, intellectual milieu, or reception. We actively solicit work concerning Hume’s contributions to, or influences on, any field of endeavor, including philosophy, history, politics, economics, psychology, and anthropology. We particularly welcome work that explores or sheds light on the contemporary relevance of Hume’s contributions and influences. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Huntington Library Quarterly", "ISSN": "00187895, 1544399X", "Scope": "ScopeThe Huntington Library Quarterly invites submissions of research articles concerning the literature, history, and art of Britain and America from the sixteenth century through the long eighteenth century. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Indian Historical Review", "ISSN": "03769836, 09755977", "Scope": "ScopeThe Indian Historical Review (IHR), a peer reviewed journal, addresses research interest in all areas of historical studies, ranging from early times to contemporary history. While its focus is on the Indian subcontinent, it has carried historical writings on other parts of the world as well. Committed to excellence in scholarship and accessibility in style, the IHR welcomes articles which deal with recent advancements in the study of history and discussion of method in relation to empirical research. All articles, including those which are commissioned, are independently and confidentially refereed. The IHR will aim to promote the work of new scholars in the field. In order to create a forum for discussion, it will be interested in particular in writings which critically respond to articles previously published in this journal. The IHR has been published since 1974 by the Indian Council of Historical Research. It is edited by an Editorial Board appointed by the Council. The Council also obtains the advice and support of an Advisory Committee which comprises those members of the Council who are not members of the editorial board. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Indonesian Journal of International and Comparative Law", "ISSN": "23387602, 2338770X", "Scope": "ScopeThe Indonesian Journal of International & Comparative Law commenced its publication in 2014 under the auspices of the Institute for Migrant Rights, Cianjur -- Indonesia. The idea behind its establishment grew out of the concern over an impasse in contemporary and comparative legal scholarship in Indonesia and the region in general. As a transnational scholarly project, the Journal provides a forum for legal practitioners and scholars from all over the world to discuss a broad range of issues relating to \"law.\"\r\rAs States become more integrated, there is a pressing need to respond to the climate where legal, social, and political issues increasingly cross national boundaries in their impact. The Journal, in its global reach, is designed to address these considerations by challenging the orthodoxies that once considered \"progressive.” Its primary purpose is to provide a new forum for emerging perspectives on international and comparative legal issues, especially those that implicate non-Western regions or cultures. In that respect, the Journal—through its publications—aims to enrich existing approaches to legal analysis and widen the proper ambit of legal studies in the Global South.\r\rThe Journal is thus particularly interested in considering submissions that invoke creative outlooks on “law” and present arguments that go beyond doctrinal analysis. We strongly encourage works that aim to generate practical impact in policy-making at all levels. The Journal welcomes theoretical, empirical, historical, comparative, and inter-disciplinary manuscripts covering legal issues in any jurisdiction, as well as notes and book reviews examining the impact of rapidly changing legal regimes on specific areas or sub-disciplines of legal studies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Infarma - Pharmaceutical Sciences", "ISSN": "01040219, 23189312", "Scope": "ScopeInfarma – Pharmaceutical Sciences is a free-access peer-reviewed journal with multidisciplinary content opened to National and International scientific communities. The journal publishes papers in different fields of the Pharmaceutical Sciences on relevant issues involving basic and applied research, which can be submitted as original works, review articles, and technical reports. The manuscripts may be sent in Portuguese, English, or Spanish. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Information, Medium, and Society", "ISSN": "26911507, 26911515", "Scope": "ScopeIs brought together by a shared interest in investigating publishing practices as distinctive modes of social knowledge production. We seek to build an epistemic community where we can make linkages across disciplinary, geographic, and cultural boundaries. As a Research Network, we are defined by our and concerns and motivated to build strategies for action framed by our shared themes and tensions. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Inmaterial", "ISSN": "24625892", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Critical Computer-Based Systems", "ISSN": "17578779, 17578787", "Scope": "ScopeIJCCBS covers all topics related to the engineering of computer-based systems (CBS) employed in mission and safety-critical applications. CBS feature increasingly large, distributed and heterogeneous architectures, which complicate their design and analysis. CBS are not isolated computer systems: context awareness, environmental factors and interaction with systems of different natures have become important aspects. Furthermore, dependability, resiliency, trustworthiness, survivability and performability are some of the many essential and non-elementary properties which often need to be predicted and demonstrated for such systems. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Persian Literature", "ISSN": "23765739, 23765755", "Scope": "ScopeInternational Journal of Persian Literature is a peer-reviewed journal with a novel focus on Persian poetics, poetry, classical Persian philology, prose, and the literature of Iran and the broader geographical areas. The journal aims to examine how Persian has functioned as literary and cultural language, traversing the geographies of South, West, and Central Asia, including present day India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan,Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, the Caucasus, and Southeast Asia. Published annually, this journal aims to create an international dialogue and forum for Persian literary culture in Iran and these wider geographical areas, while encouraging interdisciplinary interventions. The journal is published in association with the Middle East Centre, St. Antony's College, University of Oxford. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Technology and Globalisation", "ISSN": "14765667, 17418194", "Scope": "ScopeIJTG provides a refereed and authoritative source of analysis on the interactions between technological innovation and globalisation. It serves as an international forum for exchange of ideas and views on the global implications of technology for economic growth, sustainable development and international security. IJTG is co-sponsored by the Science, Technology and Globalisation Project at Harvard University's Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs and the Science, Technology and Innovation Program in Harvard's Center for International Development. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Technology, Knowledge and Society", "ISSN": "18323669, 28350391", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "International Trade Law and Regulation", "ISSN": "13573136, 27542009", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Interstices Journal of Architecture and Related Arts", "ISSN": "25379194", "Scope": "ScopeJournal of Architecture and Related Arts is about the spaces between idea and thing, where perfect correspondence is never entirely found, demanding a realm of endless negotiation and productive interpretation. Its role is not to reaffirm existing normative standards and canons, nor to rest comfortably in the supposed self-sufficiency of the building object, regional identity, composition, nature, function … but to explore the interstices, the gaps and fractures within an institution that appears solid, secure and fixed. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Intervencni a Akutni Kardiologie", "ISSN": "1213807X, 18035302", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal publishes original articles, review articles, case reports, image case reports with a brief description of interesting findings obtained by imaging methods in the field of interventional and acute cardiology, electrophysiology or areas related to the main focus of the journal. Also included are Letters to the Editor, reviews of new books, new trends in pharmacotherapy and information on past and scheduled scientific events. The articles are published in Czech, Slovak or English language. The Journal of Interventional Cardiology and Acute Cardiac Care is an independent Journal, but collaborates closely with the Associations of Acute and Interventional Cardiology of the Czech Society of Cardiology. All articles are subject to double-blind, independent peer-review. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal de la Societe des Americanistes", "ISSN": "00379174, 19577842", "Scope": "ScopeLe Journal de la Société des américanistes a choisi le portail de ressources électroniques en sciences humaines et sociales OpenEdition pour mettre en ligne ses numéros postérieurs à l’année 2000, tout en conservant son édition papier. Les numéros sont intégralement disponibles en libre accès dès leur parution. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal, Indian Academy of Clinical Medicine", "ISSN": "9723560", "Scope": "ScopeIndian Association of Clinical Medicine is an academic body constituted in the year 1992 by a group of clinicians with the main aim of reaffirming the importance of clinical medicine in this era of high-tech diagnostic modalities. There is no doubt that modern investigational methods have contributed a lot to the present day medical practice but that does not render clinical acumen and examination less important. The art and science of clinical medicine helps up to make proper and judicious use of investigations and not these be the sole basis of our practice. That is the basic idea behind this 'Association'. We presently have members and fellows of the association from all over the country. In August, 2002 the body was registered as \"Indian Association of Clinical Medicine\" by the Registrar of Societies, Delhi. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Australian Taxation", "ISSN": "14400405, 22086773", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Australian Taxation is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal publishing articles on all issues relating to taxation. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of East Asia and International Law", "ISSN": "19769229", "Scope": "ScopeJournal of East Asia and International Law (JEAIL) has been semi-annually (May 30 & November 30) published since 2008 by the YIJUN Institute of International Law. It aims to promote research and thinking of legal scholars and practitioners from both East Asia and another regions having its regional focus. As the unique globally recognized international law review focusing on East Asian regional affairs, the Journal covers all aspects of public international law applicable to East Asia within its topical. In addition, significant developments relating to international law will be dealt with from an independent viewpoint of East Asia.\r\rThe Journal welcomes academic articles and reports containing insightful, provocative and creative ideas. All drafts will be peer-reviewed through the fair, independent and scientific process. These positions are ensured by its Editorial and International Advisory Board drawn from outstanding lawyers from the countries in this region as well as from its global network.\r\rThe articles and other materials contained in the Journal reflect the views of their authors and do not necessarily coincide with those of either Editor-in-Chief, or the Editorial Board of the Journal. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of New Zealand Studies", "ISSN": "1176306X, 23243740", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of New Zealand Studies is a peer-reviewed multidisciplinary journal published by the Stout Research Centre for New Zealand Studies. From 2014 onwards the JNZS will be published on-line twice a year, in June and December. Prospective articles are welcome from any discipline. They should have a New Zealand focus, or be comparative with a strong New Zealand element. All submissions go through a process of anonymous peer review.\r\rThe Journal of New Zealand Studies is an open access journal and does not charge article processing charges (APCs) or submission charges. Authors may deposit article papers into their institutional repository. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Practical Oncology", "ISSN": "10011692", "Scope": "Scope《实用肿瘤杂志》杂志创办于1986年,由教育部主管,浙江大学主办的肿瘤专业学术期刊。主要读者对象为中高级医务人员及从事肿瘤科研与教学工作者。\r本刊突出实用性,坚决贯彻党和国家的卫生工作方针政策,贯彻理论与实践,普及与提高相结合的方针,及时反映我国肿瘤学术领域研究工作的重大进展,促进国内外肿瘤学术交流。 Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Religion and Popular Culture", "ISSN": "1703289X", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Religion and Popular Culture is a web-based, peer-reviewed journal committed\rto the academic exploration, analysis and interpretation, from a range of disciplinary\rperspectives, of the interrelations and interactions between religion and religious expression\rand popular culture, broadly defined as the products of contemporary mass culture. The journal\ris based in Canada, but international in, and open to explorations of religion and popular\rculture in a variety of nationalities and cultures.\rThe JRPC is published three times per year with the support of the Social Sciences and\rHumanities Research Council of Canada. The JRPC is published by the University of Toronto\rPress. It is a member of the Canadian Association of Learned Journals/Association Canadienne\rdes Revues Savantes. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of the Ghana Science Association", "ISSN": "8553823", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of the Ghana Science Association (JGSA) publishes scholarly articles in all disciplines of science and technology and will normally be published three times in a year. Articles are accepted from Ghana and elsewhere and the topic need not be related to Ghana or West Africa. The contents of the issues focus primarily on original research articles submitted at its biennial conferences after the papers have been thoroughly refereed by competent specialists in science and technology. However, in addition to the conference papers, other original articles, reviews and short communications are invited from authors. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Institute of Japan (Shomei Gakkai Shi)", "ISSN": "00192341, 1349838X", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Light and Visual Environment (JLVE), established in 1977 by The Illuminating Engineering Institute of Japan (IEIJ), has changed its name to the Journal of Science and Technology in Lighting (JSTL) in 2017. The new name of the journal is intended to show much more clearly that all fields and matters related to science and technology in lighting ranging from light generation through to applications are within the. JSTL will be developing further its international role in the publication of light source and lighting related works. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of the Ottoman and Turkish Studies Association", "ISSN": "23760699, 23760702", "Scope": "ScopeFounded in 1976 (as the Turkish Studies Association Bulletin), each issue of the Journal of Ottoman and Turkish Studies Association contains the latest scholarship on the Ottoman Empire and Republic of Turkey, and includes state of the field essays, book reviews and review articles that examine the wide ranging studies that cross disciplinary, national, ethnic, imperial, periodized, religious, geographic, and linguistic boundaries and take as their focus the diversity of peoples, influences, approaches, times, and regions that make up the Turkish and former Ottoman worlds. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Youth and Theology", "ISSN": "17410819, 24055093", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Youth and Theology is an international peer-reviewed academic journal developed and originally published by the IASYM, the International Association for the Study of Youth Ministry, now published by Brill. The journal aims at furthering the academic study and research of youth and youth ministry, and the formal teaching and training of youth ministry. The academic efforts are rooted in the Christian theological tradition and ecumenical. The of the journal is to serve scholarship in the broad field of children, youth, faith, church, theology and culture. Research articles in the journal mainly have theology (both practical, systematic and biblical theology) as a core discipline. At the same time, contributions are often interdisciplinary, which implies theological reflection combined with e.g. pedagogical, sociological or psychological perspectives. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journalism history", "ISSN": "947679", "Scope": "ScopeJournalism History seeks articles on topics related to the full of mass communication history, which may discuss individuals, institutions, or events. The journal features manuscripts that provide fresh approaches and a new, significant understanding about a topic in its broader context, as well as topical essays, especially if they contain clear theses with supporting documentation. In addition to content about traditional journalism, Journalism History welcomes submissions with historical angles on visual communication, public relations, advertising, scholastic journalism, media diversity, sports media, the business of journalism, media technology, oral history, media law and ethics, and documentaries. We also encourage cross-disciplinary and global collaboration so that the content of the journal increasingly reflects media history outside of U.S. borders and across disciplines. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Kleintierpraxis", "ISSN": "232076", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Kunstiteaduslikke Uurimusi", "ISSN": "14062860", "Scope": "Scope\"Kunstiteaduslikke Uurimusi\" on MTÜ Eesti Kunstiteadlaste ja Kuraatorite Ühingu ajakiri, mis avaldab originaaluurimusi kunstiajaloo, -teooria ja visuaalkultuuri vallast, erialaste raamatute ja sündmuste ülevaateid.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Mariner's Mirror", "ISSN": "00253359, 2049680X", "Scope": "ScopeThe Mariner’s Mirror is the journal of the Society for Nautical Research. The Society was founded in 1910 to encourage research into matters relating to seafaring and shipbuilding in all ages among all nations, into the language and customs of the sea, and into other subjects of nautical interest. The journal has been published since 1911. It takes its name from Lucas Janszoon Waghenaer’s nautical chart book Spieghel der Zeevaerdt or ‘Mariner’s Mirror’, first published in 1584. The cover illustration is taken from the frontispiece of the English translation of 1588.\r\rThe Mariner’s Mirror is recognized as the international journal of record for maritime and naval history. It is ranked by the European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH) as an INT1 journal (the highest classification), which has internationally recognized scholarly significance with high visibility and influence among researchers in the various research domains in different countries and is regularly cited all over the world. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Mediterranean Chronicle", "ISSN": "17919266", "Scope": "ScopeMediterranean Chronicle is a new international refereed journal, working within the Department of of History and the Department of Archival and Library Sciences of Ionian University, with an Editorial Board comprised of leading scholars in the field of Humanities (History, Archaeology, Classics, Papyrology).\rMC aims at promoting a discussion on culture/s in the Mediterranean world focusing on the Greek and Roman worlds (Medieval-Byzantine culture will also be included). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Metas de Enfermeria", "ISSN": "11387262", "Scope": "ScopeMetas de Enfermería es una revista científica con revisión por pares que tiene como propósito aportar conocimiento sobre el estado de la práctica enfermera actual, así como proporcionar información que sirva de base para la capacitación y la formación continuada especialmente de la enfermera clínica. Por otro lado, al no estar limitada a una especialidad o ámbito profesional concreto, incluirá temas de actualidad y de relevancia científica que sean del interés para todos los enfermeros profesionales y para los estudiantes de Enfermería.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Neue Zeitschrift fur Musik", "ISSN": "9456945", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "New Developments in NMR", "ISSN": "2044253X, 20442548", "Scope": "ScopeFocusing on novel aspects of method and instrumentation development, applications in emerging fields and new techniques and technologies, this Series documents the important advances being made in this field. The books provide comprehensive introductions to the relevant theory to facilitate greater understanding and to encourage wider usage of NMR techniques, making them ideal for students, researchers and practising analytical scientists, as well as manufacturers with an interest in the instrumentation.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Pharmeuropa bio & scientific notes", "ISSN": "20752164, 20752504", "Scope": "ScopeContains all the news in the biological standardisation area and scientific articles linked to the work of the European Pharmacopoeia. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Philosophia Scientiae", "ISSN": "12812463, 17754283", "Scope": "ScopePhilosophia Scientiæ is a peer-reviewed scientific journal which publishes original works in the fields of epistemology, the history and philosophy of sciences and in analytical philosophy. It is open to works from all scientific disciplines and notably publishes studies on logic, mathematics and physics. One of the journal's strong themes is German or Franco-German contributions to epistemology and the history of sciences. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Polarforschung", "ISSN": "322490", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal \"Polarforschung\" (Polar Research) is being published jointly by the DGP and the Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI). Contributions of all disciplines of polar research are published. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Pratique Neurologique - FMC", "ISSN": "18787762, 18787770", "Scope": "ScopeThe four annual issues of Pratique Neurologique are devoted to Continuing Medical Education offering a high quality content.. The Original articles section in French language will be opened in 2016. Published as a companion journal of Revue Neurologique under the auspices of the French Society of Neurology and the French National College of Neurology Faculties, it presents the following sections: original articles, updates, exceptional cases, test yourself, images and guidelines. Interesting for practitioners and researchers alike based on well-written carefully structured documents with a rich selection of illustrative figures. Each year, a special issue is devoted to the annual post-graduate neurology training sessions held in April during the national days of neurology (JNLF, Journées de Neurologie de Langue Française). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Proceedings of the World Congress on Electrical Engineering and Computer Systems and Science", "ISSN": "2369811X", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Pro-Fil", "ISSN": "12129097", "Scope": "ScopeElectronic journal of philosophy Pro-Fil is a peer-reviewed scientific journal that publishes articles addressing a whole range of philosophical topics as well as contributions from natural sciences focusing on philosophically relevant issues. We welcome original papers, reviews, polemics, interviews, abstracts, announcements, audio and video recordings of lectures as well as instructional and educational materials in Czech, Slovak, English, and German.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Psychotherapies", "ISSN": "0251737X", "Scope": "ScopeLa revue « Psychothérapies » publie des contributions théoriques originales, des apports cliniques et pratiques, des débats sur les théories qui sous-tendent les diverses approches: psychanalyse, communication, phénoménologie, etc., des critiques, des bibliographies, etc.\r\rLes textes soumis pour publication ne peuvent pas avoir été déjà̀publiés. Ils ne peuvent pas non plus faire l’objet simultanément d’autres publications, ni être proposés parallèlement à d’autres revues. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Recherche et Formation", "ISSN": "9881824", "Scope": "ScopeIntended for researchers, trainers, teachers, French and foreign academics, the journal Recherche et Formation enables recent research, experiments, innovations, publications, and events in the field of education to be made known. The articles published by Recherche et Formation are scientific papers that present research results; they are accepted on the basis of established procedures used by scientific journals and approved by the Haut Conseil de l’évaluation de la recherche et de l’enseignement supérieur (HCERES).\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Religion and American Culture", "ISSN": "10521151", "Scope": "ScopeReligion and American Culture is devoted to promoting the ongoing scholarly discussion of the nature, terms, and dynamics of religion in America. Embracing a diversity of methodological approaches and theoretical perspectives, this publication explores the interplay between religion and other spheres of American culture. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Renewable Resources Journal", "ISSN": "7386532", "Scope": "ScopeSince it was launched in the early 1980's, the Renewable Resources Journal has featured information of general interest concerning public policy issues. Many issues can be downloaded at no cost (see links below). Contact RNRF’s offices by email or telephone if you seek issues that are not available as a download. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista da Abordagem Gestaltica", "ISSN": "18096867, 19843542", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Revista de Direito", "ISSN": "18068790, 25270389", "Scope": "ScopeA Revista Direito GV publica artigos de direito ou de abordagem interdisciplinar, que resultem de pesquisas empíricas e teóricas em diálogo com os campos de pesquisa em direito e desenvolvimento, direito e sociedade e direito e economia. Sua missão é difundir resultados de pesquisas que adotem uma perspectiva de reflexão sobre o direito “em contexto” e um conceito de desenvolvimento que vai além da ideia de crescimento econômico, incorporando a promoção de liberdades e direitos fundamentais, a consolidação da democracia, a superação do passado colonial e das desigualdades, e o combate às variadas formas de opressão, tais como de raça, gênero e orientação sexual. Os artigos podem abordar o direito tanto a partir da descrição, observação, análise, diagnóstico, crítica e propositura de soluções para o funcionamento das instituições jurídicas quanto por meio de reflexões dogmáticas abertas ao contexto social e atentas às disputas sociopolíticas e econômicas que se dão por meio da gramática do direito. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista de Estudios Hispanicos", "ISSN": "0034818X", "Scope": "ScopeThe Revista de Estudios Hispánicos, an internationally recognized, peer-reviewed journal, publishes original manuscripts in all areas of Hispanic literatures, cultures, and film. We welcome submissions that demonstrate cutting-edge scholarship and that possess knowledge of contemporary debates along with theoretical sophistication.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Rural China", "ISSN": "22136738, 22136746", "Scope": "ScopeRural China is the sister journal of Modern China. \rRural China, now in its tenth year of publication, is a multidisciplinary journal that focuses on the past and present of China’s 900 million (registered) peasants (including peasant migrant workers in the towns and cities), their families and communities, and their interactions with the urban world. It publishes the best mainland Chinese and international scholarship from the disciplines of history, anthropology and sociology, and economics, political science and law, as well as other allied disciplines such as demography and geography, art and literature, public health, and comparative studies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Scire", "ISSN": "11353716", "Scope": "ScopeScire: Representación y Organización del Conocimiento (ISSNe 2340-7042) is an interdisciplinary journal published twice a year that is devoted to the representation, standarization, treatment, retrieval and communication of information and knowledge. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Secuencia (Mexico City, Mexico)", "ISSN": "1860348", "Scope": "ScopeSecuencia publishes original articles based on scientific research, which make a clear contribution to the debate and historic, cultural, social and political knowledge of Mexico and Latin America from the colonial period to the 21st century. The journal is intended as a reference for students and specialists in the various field of history, ethnohistory, sociology, political science, economics, geography, anthropology and applied social sciences. All articles are subjected to a double-blind review process to determine whether or not they will be accepted for publication. Secuencia does not charge a publication fee, nor does it pay for the arbitration process. It accepts articles in Spanish, English, Portuguese or French. Secuencia is a quarterly journal, appearing in January, May and September and edited by the Dr. José María Luis Mora Research Institute. and published in both a printed (ISSN 0186-0348) and an Open Access electronic version (E-ISSN 2395-8464). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Seminar - A Journal of Germanic Studies", "ISSN": "00371939, 1911026X", "Scope": "ScopeThe first issue of Seminar appeared in the Spring of 1965, sponsored jointly by the Canadian Association of University Teachers of German (CAUTG) and the German Section of the Australasian Universities Language and Literature Association (AULLA). This collaborative sponsorship has continued to the present day, with the Journal essentially a Canadian scholarly journal, its Editors all Canadian, likewise its publisher, and managerial and editorial decisions taken by the Editor and/or the Canadian Editorial Committee,the Australasian Associate Editor being responsible for the selection of articles submitted from that area. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Signata", "ISSN": "20329806, 25657097", "Scope": "ScopeSignata aims to collect, organize, and put to the test the approaches that drive current semiotic research. The journal does not favor any particular theory, school, or object of study: Its goal is to nurture semiotics as a disciplinary project. The journal aims on the one hand to identify the main issues currently explored by the language sciences and, on the other, to structure lines of internationally recognized semiotic research. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Slavia Meridionalis", "ISSN": "23922400", "Scope": "Scope“Slavia Meridionalis” is an interdisciplinary journal publishing papers on literature, culture, history, ethnology and languages of southern Slavic countries, as well as their dynamic interactions with other regions. Each issue contains articles concerning a specific, pre-defined topic, which enables scholars of various disciplines (historians, literature and culture experts, linguists, sociologists, and anthropologists) to present in-depth analyses of their research questions. Our journal publishes papers written by distinguished Polish and foreign scholars, as well as young researchers – papers are published as long as they are of high scientific value. “Slavia Meridionalis” invites articles written in English, German, French, Spanish and Russian, but also in all Slavic languages, which ensures that papers reach various academic circles.\r\rEvery paper in “Slavia Meridionalis” includes an abstract in Polish and English, as well as keywords. Apart from papers, our journal contains two other sections: reviews of important books in Slavic studies, and biographical notes on authors important for the field.\r\rWe ensure the highest quality of our papers through a three-stage reviewing process: first, an article is reviewed by the members of the Editorial Board; subsequently, it must pass blind peer review; finally, it must be accepted by the evaluator responsible for a given issue. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Social Sciences and Missions", "ISSN": "18748937, 18748945", "Scope": "ScopeThe peer-reviewed journal Social Sciences and Missions (SSM) provides a forum for exploration of the\rsocial and political influence of Christian missions worldwide. The journal does not aim at studying\rmissions for themselves, but rather as \"total social facts\", an idiom, which history, anthropology,\rsociology or political science can use to analyse reality and give it meaning. Christian missions represent a unique site of observation for the study of a great number of valuable themes, such as: contemporary and past North-South relationships, not least the history of empire and of the post-colonial period; religious and cultural pluralism in contemporary societies and the regulation of religious expressions in the public space; the evolution of religious organizational models and religion’s links to social work,sport, music and systems of thoughts. Social Sciences & Missions accepts articles in English and in French Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Spectroscopy Europe", "ISSN": "9660941", "Scope": "ScopeSpectroscopy Europe is widely read, with a circulation of more than 21,000 in Europe and the Middle\rEast. Spectroscopy Europe keeps its readers up-to-date with developments in all areas of spectroscopy.\rArticles are a particularly important part of this, whether a review article covering the state-of-the-art in an area or a shorter article on a new advance or an important application.\rArticles in Spectroscopy Europe are commissioned for a particular issue. This enables us to publish the\rvast majority of commissioned articles in a very short time (a few weeks). It also means that we are reliant on the author keeping to the deadline agreed. If you realise that you will be unable to meet the deadline, please let us know immediately. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Stilt", "ISSN": "7261888", "Scope": "ScopeStilt contains papers, reports, articles and notes about waders within the Flyway. It is one of the major publications in the world devoted solely to waders. Papers on unfinished work and contributions from amateurs are encouraged. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Sud-Ouest Europeen", "ISSN": "12764930", "Scope": "ScopeSud-Ouest Européen is an academic journal published by Institutes of Geography of Toulouse, Bordeaux, Pau and Perpignan. In 1998, she took over the RGPSO founded in 1930 by Daniel Faucher in Toulouse. The journal aims to publish scientific production, mainly geographers, on the whole of South-West Europe. In this territorial framework, it also hosts increasingly the work of researchers from Spain and Portugal. Indeed, the change of name of the journal shows a clear commitment to greater openness on the Iberian Peninsula, which is also reflected in the international scientific committees and editorial. The journal also publishes theoretical texts or under other geographic areas provided they are integrated into a thematic issue. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Synthesiology", "ISSN": "18830978, 18832318", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Taiwan Journal of East Asian Studies", "ISSN": "18126243", "Scope": "ScopeThis biannual academic journal provides a locus for studies of Confucian and other classics within the context of East Asian cultures to establish a base for a dialogue between East Asian cultures and other cultures for better understanding the central values of East Asian cultures. The Journal welcomes research papers, scholarly discourse and book reviews. It also exchanges publications with other local and overseas periodicals in the field of the humanities. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Text Matters", "ISSN": "20832931, 2084574X", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal focuses on textual realities, but contributions related to art, music, film and media studies addressing the text are also invited. Submissions in English should relate to the key issues delineated in calls for articles which will be placed on the website in advance. The journal also features reviews of recently published books, and interviews with writers and scholars whose work has been recognized in the areas addressed in TM. Responses to the articles are more than welcome so as to make the journal a forum of lively academic debate. TM is based in a university in central Poland, but its intercontinental advisory board of internationally renowned scholars makes it possible to connect diverse central perspectives. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Theologica Xaveriana", "ISSN": "01203649, 2011219X", "Scope": "ScopeTheologica Xaveriana da cuenta del trabajo académico e investigativo en el área de la teología y disciplinas afines. Busca promover la exploración de horizontes de liberación y realización del ser humano, propiciar el diálogo abierto de carácter interdisciplinario, interreligioso e intercultural y prestar así un servicio a la comunidad teológica, a la Iglesia y a la sociedad. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ukrainian Journal of Perinatology and Pediatrics", "ISSN": "27068757, 27071375", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Urogynaecologia International Journal", "ISSN": "11213086, 20388314", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal publishes original articles dealing with the latest advances in the field of Urogynecology, as infections of the genito-urinary system, endometriosis, genito-urinary alterations in menopause, diagnostic protocols and medical-surgical treatment of urinary incontinence, pelvic static disorders, perineology, uro-gynecologic rehabilitation therapy, etc. Urogynaecologia wide spreading allows a valid knowledge sharing mean among scientists and scholars all over the world. Urogynaecologia is the official journal of A.I.U.G., Associazione Italiana di Urologia Ginecologica e del Pavimento Pelvico. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Vascular Disease Management", "ISSN": "15538036", "Scope": "ScopeVascular Disease Management™ (VDM), the official news source of the International Symposium on Endovascular Therapy (ISET) and the Leipzig Interventional Course (LINC), educates readers on the latest advancements in endovascular treatment strategies. The blinded, peer-reviewed journal is a convenient resource for professionals in the peripheral intervention field, featuring original contributions, clinical reviews, case studies, physician-authored opinion articles, and interviews with experts. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Vergentis", "ISSN": "24452394, 26053357", "Scope": "ScopeVergentis is a scientific initiative of the International Chair Innocent III of the Catholic University of Murcia for the research in History of Law, ius commune and Canon law.\r\rThe Journal, in its six-monthly editions, comes both in paper and digital format (the digital version is freely accessible, with no restriction, in open access modality) and it collects scientific articles that are submitted to two specialists in the subject, following the process of the double-blind peer review.\r\rIt is aimed at researchers, teachers and advanced students with an interest in the field of social sciences, particularly in the area of legal, philosophical, theological and historical disciplines.\r\rIn addition to this, Vergentis is in charge of the paper and digital publication of the proceedings of the International Conference that the International Chair Innocent III holds every year in the Catholic University of Murcia, in the presence of the great personalities of the academic world; the Conference represents an opportunity to make a reflection and a debate regarding the History of Law, Canon Law and the related subjects, without forgetting the dialogue with the positive jurist’s and always considering the signs of times.\r\rThe international standing of the Journal, acknowledged as a forum of reflection, novelty and interdisciplinary university research, is regarded favourably and it is supported by more than 200 Historians of Law, Jurists and Canonists of the World, who compose the Scientific council of Referee and the Editorial Board.\r\rVergentis is regularly published in the catalogues of hundreds of libraries of the world and in the main databases of scientific journals such as Erih Plus - of the European Science Foundation-, DOAJ, Hein Online, WorldCat, OpenAire, Dialnet, MIAR, Scopus and many others. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Vostok (Oriens)", "ISSN": "8691908", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Zeitschrift fur Anglistik und Amerikanistik", "ISSN": "00442305, 21964726", "Scope": "ScopeZeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik (ZAA) is a peer-reviewed journal that traditionally reflects the entire spectrum of English and American language, literature and culture. Particular attention will also be paid to the new literatures in English, the development of linguistic varieties outside Britain and North America, the culture of ethnic minorities and the relationship between anglophone and neighbouring cultural areas. The journal also welcomes contributions which examine theoretical and interdisciplinary issues in literary, linguistic and socio-cultural research. Thus, ZAA invites contributions concerning a wide range of research on current issues, survey articles featuring recent developments in the fields of culture, literature and language, research reports as well as proposals concerning new directions within the discipline. For two of the journal’s four annual issues articles may be submitted in the field of literary and cultural studies; the remaining two issues will be reserved for special topics, one in literature and culture, the other in linguistics.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Zeitschrift fur Herz-, Thorax- und Gefasschirurgie", "ISSN": "09309225, 14351277", "Scope": "ScopeDie Zeitschrift für Herz-, Thorax- und Gefäßchirurgie ist als Offizielles Weiterbildungsorgan der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Thorax-, Herz- und Gefäßchirurgie (DGTHG) die Informationsplattform für die entscheidenden Entwicklungen des Fachgebietes. Sie richtet sich an junge Ärzte in der Weiterbildung und an Spezialisten, die up to date bleiben wollen.\r\rDie Zeitschrift bietet State-of-the-Art-Chirurgie von der Indikation bis zur Nachbehandlung, aktuelle chirurgische und technologische Trends und Informationen über neue Forschungsrichtungen. Kernstück jeder Ausgabe sind zwei Arbeiten in den Rubriken „Übersichten“ und „Operative Techniken“, Kasuistiken zeigen ungewöhnliche Krankheits- bzw. Behandlungsverläufe oder widmen sich juristischen Fragestellungen. In der Rubrik „Im Brennpunkt“ kommentieren Experten herausragende Publikationen aus der internationalen Fachliteratur.\r\rBeiträge der Rubrik „CME Zertifizierte Fortbildung“ bieten gesicherte Ergebnisse wissenschaftlicher Forschung und machen ärztliche Erfahrung für die tägliche Praxis nutzbar. Nach Lektüre der Beiträge kann der Leser sein erworbenes Wissen überprüfen und online CME-Punkte erhalten. Die Rubrik orientiert sich an der Weiterbildungsordnung des Fachgebiets.\r\rAbwechselnd erscheinen Beiträge aus den Rubriken: Evidenzbasierte Medizin, Perioperative Medizin, Kardiotechnik/EKZ, Krankenhausmanagement, Nachbardisziplinen, Stand der Wissenschaft, Karriere und Perspektiven. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Zeitschrift fur Pneumologie", "ISSN": "27317412", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Zhonghua yi shi za zhi (Beijing, China : 1980)", "ISSN": "2557053", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Abriu", "ISSN": "20148526, 20148534", "Scope": "ScopeABRIU is a journal edited by Galician and Portuguese Studies (University of Barcelona) and the José Saramago Chair (Autonomous University of Barcelona). Its goal is to offer the academic community a space for debating textuality (literature, films, scenic arts, music, culture, history...) in the frame of Brazilian, Galician and Portuguese studies with a plural methodological approach. Each issue consists of a Monograph, along with miscellaneous articles, an Open Space and editorial book reviews. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Acrocephalus", "ISSN": "3512851", "Scope": "ScopeOriginal work on all fields of ornithology, without any geographical limitation, is published in Acrocephalus. However, articles covering the south-eastern European and eastern Mediterranean regions are particularly encouraged. Review articles, original articles, points-of-view, specialist and scientific comments (Editorial, Forum), short communications, short notes ('From the ornithological notebook'), diploma abstracts and book reviews (New books) are considered for publication. Contributions can be published in English or Slovene. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Acta Urologica Japonica", "ISSN": "181994", "Scope": "Scope\t\r筆頭著者は会員に限る。但し連名者は非会員でも可とする。\r尚、共著者全員が投稿論文に同意していることを示す誓約書にサインをして同封すること。 Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Adults Learning Mathematics International Journal", "ISSN": "17441803", "Scope": "ScopeAdults Learning Mathematics – International Journal is an open-access peer-reviewed journal that provides a forum for the online publication of high-quality research on the teaching and learning, knowledge and uses of numeracy/mathematics by adults in a variety of educational settings internationally. The journal makes a unique contribution to an under-represented field by publishing articles about adult numeracy from both academic researchers and practitioners. This blend of research and practice gives the journal a wide appeal to all those involved in the field. Whilst maintaining high standards, the journal aims to offer articles that are accessible and relevant to those in different roles within the area of adult numeracy. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Advances in Fixed Point Theory", "ISSN": "19276303", "Scope": "ScopeAdvances in Fixed Point Theory (AFPT) is a peer-reviewed open access international journal, which is aimed to provide a publication forum for important research in different areas of current interest covering all aspects of fixed point theory and their techniques applicable to nonlinear analysis, geometry, game theory, mathematical economics, engineering, mathematical physics, mathematical biology and other related areas. This journal will accept high quality articles containing original research results and survey articles of exceptional merit. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Al-Rafidain Journal of Medical Sciences", "ISSN": "27893219", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Al-Shajarah", "ISSN": "13946870", "Scope": "ScopeAl-Shajarah is a refereed international journal that publishes original scholarly articles in the area of Islamic thought, Islamic civilization, Islamic science and Malay world issue. The journal is especially interested in studies that elaborate scientific and epistemological problems encountered by Muslims in the present age, scholarly works that provide fresh and insightful Islamic responses to the intellectual and cultural challenges of the modern world. Al-Shajarah will also consider articles written on various religions, schools of thought and ideology and subjects that can contribute towards the formulation of an Islamic philosophy of science. Critical studies on translations of major works of major writers of the past and present and original works on the subjects of Islamic architecture and art are welcomed. Book reviews and notes are also published. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "American Communist History", "ISSN": "14743892, 14743906", "Scope": "ScopeAmerican Communist History, the non-partisan journal of the Historians of American Communism, makes available objective scholarship about the history of the Communist Party in the United States and its social, political, economic and cultural impact on its members, its opponents, and the public at large. While rooted in the United States, the journal welcomes contributions which are transnational or international in.\r\rSeeking the broadest possible perspective the journal seeks submissions not only from academic historians but from other scholars, journalists, and activists who can objectively contribute to a complex, intriguing, and important history. Research articles, notes and documents, interpretive essays, and short memoirs are welcome. The journal is committed to media reviews.\rWhat American Communist History publishes is limited only by the curiosity of potential contributors and the need for quality. All research articles published in the journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by at least two anonymous referees.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Analele Universitatii din Craiova - Seria Stiinte Filologice, Lingvistica", "ISSN": "12245712", "Scope": "ScopeRevista Analele Universităţii din Craiova. Seria Ştiinţe filologice. Lingvistică, a Universităţii din Craiova, Facultatea de Litere, apare din 1996, ca o serie nouă, cu profil lingvistic bine individualizat, continuând „Analele Universităţii din Craiova. Seria filologie, istorie, geografie”, revistă ştiinţifică înfiinţată în 1972. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Antigonish Review", "ISSN": "35661", "Scope": "ScopeTAR has always prided itself on offering an eclectic array of poetry and prose by emerging and established writers, as well as extensive book reviews and the occasional critical essay.\r\rTAR was also one of the first English-language literary journals in Canada to publish translations of French-Canadian poets. This tradition has expanded to include translations by international award-winning poets such as Estonian Arved Viirlaid and Brazilian Edilberto Coutinho.\r\rEach cover includes pieces by emerging and prominent artists.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "AP Arqueologia Publica", "ISSN": "21716315", "Scope": "ScopeAP: Online Journal in Public Archaeology is an international, peer reviewed, open access journal devoted exclusively to Public Archaeology. Edited by JAS Arqueología, it is freely distributed online in order to enable easy access to research and debates, and to spread the growing realm that is starting to settle into everyday archaeological practice.\rThe aim of this journal is to explore the multiple relations between Archaeology and Society. Archaeology is generally understood as the study of past societies from their remains, and Public Archaeology is the study of the relations between Archaeology and Society in every aspect of daily life (social, economic and political). We are talking about the present of Archaeology and the different issues that surround and affect it.\rBelow is a list of key topics covered:\r-The economic and political impact of Archaeology.\r-Archaeology as Popular Culture.\r-The history and development of Archaeology as a professional activity.\r-Theoretical issues around the publicity of Archaeology.\r-The image of Archaeology.\r-Legal issues affecting archaeological practice and the illicit trade of antiquities.\r-The presentation of Archaeology to the public.\r\rOf course, this is not an exhaustive list of topics, which is why the criteria for the preliminary selection of papers are subject to the topic. \r\rThis journal has been created with the desire to become a reference in the field of Public Archaeology. Therefore, we encourage all of you working within the realm of Public Archaeology to share your thoughts, experiences and ideas in this open medium for the development of Public Archaeology. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Arbeiderhistorie", "ISSN": "8017778", "Scope": "ScopeArbeiderhistorie, The annual for the Norwegian Labour Movement’s Archive and Library, is Norway’s leading journal for research into the history of the labour movement and the working class in a local, national and international context. \r\rThe journal contains scientific articles and texts on popular history, and is richly illustrated. Arbeiderhistorie is aimed at members of the labour movement, researchers, students and those who are broadly interested in the history. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "ArchiDOCT", "ISSN": "23090103", "Scope": "ScopeArchitectural doctoral research produced by academic institutions is, with architectural practice, one of the main pillars of the generation of new architectural knowledge. However, this research record is dispersed and isolated in many centers, with limited communication among them, belonging to different research cultures, traditions and approaches without evident possibilities of generating a synthesis representing contemporary architectural doctoral research.\r\rWithin this framework, the Editorial Board has invited contributions from doctoral students who are active members of the ENHSA Observatory. While they are all based in the general field of architecture, their research directions include topics in architectural design, building technology, computation, history, theory, art, product design, conservation, landscape design, environmental design, urbanism, regional planning and town planning. Each issue will also include one essay by a member of the Scientific Committee or other eminent academic as a good practice example. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Archivum", "ISSN": "05707218, 23411120", "Scope": "ScopeArchivum publishes scientific articles and reviews on classical and modern languages and literatures. Its orientation is academic and it is aimed at an audience that specialises in philological research. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "AusArt", "ISSN": "23408510, 23409134", "Scope": "ScopeThe AusArt research journal aims to be a benchmark in research production in contemporary art, as a central place in the analysis of our culture. It is born with a multidisciplinary perspective where theoretical production and creative processes converge, with special emphasis on the participation and interaction of cultural and technological processes. AusArt magazine is conceived as a place for reflection and discussion, open to the entire artistic and university community. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Australian Veterinary Practitioner", "ISSN": "0310138X", "Scope": "ScopeOver the past 80 years, the Australian Veterinary Journal (AVJ) has been providing the veterinary profession with leading edge clinical and scientific research, case reports, reviews. news and timely coverage of industry issues. AJV is Australia's premier veterinary science text and is distributed monthly to over 5,500 Australian Veterinary Association members and subscribers.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Avances del Cesor", "ISSN": "15143899, 24226580", "Scope": "ScopeAvances del CESOR está dedicada a difundir producciones académicas, preferentemente de Historia Social e Historia Regional, aunque sin excluir otros campos tales como la Antropología, la Sociología o el Arte. Sus espacios de análisis abarcan tanto el ámbito argentino como el latinoamericano y europeo alentando, así, los estudios en clave comparativa. Los artículos podrán ser escritos tanto en español como en inglés o portugués. Está dirigida a un público conformado por investigadores, docentes, graduados y estudiantes de Historia así como de otras disciplinas sociales. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Brazilian English Language Teaching Journal", "ISSN": "21783640", "Scope": "ScopeOur mission is to show the quality research that has been carried out in the teaching-learning processes, which involve Portuguese and English as additional languages around the world. This is done from varied theoretical and methodological perspectives. Published every semester, the journal receives and publishes original articles, book reviews, interviews and teaching activities. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "CASE Journal", "ISSN": "15449106", "Scope": "ScopeThe CASE Journal invites submission of the following:\r\rCases: TCJ publishes factual teaching cases spanning the full spectrum of business and management disciplines. \rCompact Cases: These cases must be factual and are limited to 500-1,000 words. The goal is to make cases accessible, readable and more engaging for students. \rNew Forms: TCJ is interested in exploring new types of cases that go beyond the conventional models. Cases utilizing innovative technology or twists on traditional formats are welcome. \rArticles and Conceptual Papers: TCJ also invites submissions of articles relating to case teaching, case writing, case reviewing, and similar topics. Conceptual papers and papers reporting original research as well as the applied implications of others’ research in terms of case teaching, research, and instruction are welcome, as are creative learning, research and writing methods that have been tested in the classroom or in practice, including critical incidents and industry or technical notes. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Change Management", "ISSN": "2327798X, 23279176", "Scope": "ScopeChange Management: An International Journal investigates the dynamics of negotiating organizational change and organizational responses to social, stakeholder, and market change. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Chinese Journal of Urology", "ISSN": "10006702", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Computer Science Research Notes", "ISSN": "24644617, 24644625", "Scope": "ScopeThe Computer Science Research Notes[CSRN] is an international peer-to-peer refereed journal. It presents the key original papers to engineers, designers and computer scientists within an industry and academia. It provides original research papers, tutorials, state of the art, personal viewpoints and reviews of books, information on conferences and exhibitions. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Computer Software", "ISSN": "2896540", "Scope": "Scope『コンピュータソフトウェア』(ISSN: 0289-6540、雑誌コード: 13843-3)は日本ソフトウェア科学会の学会誌であり、研究論文、ソフトウェア論文、解説論文、フォーラム、ソフトウェア紹介などが掲載されます。 Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Confluences Mediterranee", "ISSN": "11482664, 21025991", "Scope": "ScopeConfluences Méditerranée est une revue internationale créée en 1991 dont l’ambition est d’aborder les grandes questions politiques, géopolitiques, économiques et culturelles qui concernent les peuples et les sociétés du bassin méditerranéen et du Moyen-Orient. Chaque trimestre, elle publie un dossier thématique d’une quinzaine d’articles rédigés par les spécialistes du sujet, en donnant toute leur place aux jeunes chercheurs. Chaque numéro compte aussi un varia de un à trois articles qui permettent ainsi de publier des recherches de qualité sur des sujets qui ne font pas l’objet de dossiers. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Contemporary Hypnosis and Integrative Therapy", "ISSN": "20492146, 20492154", "Scope": "ScopeContemporary Hypnosis and Integrated Therapy is the official publication of the British Society of Clinical and Academic Hypnosis and the European Society of Hypnosis in Psychotherapy and Psychosomatic Medicine. The intention of the journal is to provide a forum for the presentation and discussion of theory, research and professional practices in the field of hypnosis and integrative therapy, with the general aim of furthering scientific understanding of the phenomenon and promoting informed and responsible use of hypnotic and integrative therapy procedures.\r\rThe subject matter of the journal is defined by the practices, phenomena, theory and research associated with the terms 'hypnosis' and 'integrative therapy' since the middle of the nineteenth century. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cromohs", "ISSN": "11237023", "Scope": "ScopeCROMOHS is a peer-reviewed, open-access electronic history journal published in English, and over the last two decades has established a solid reputation for scholarly rigour. With a marked international outlook, it aims to encourage methodological debate arising from original and creative dialogue between scholarly traditions, and to promote innovative approaches to archival research. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Current Gynecologic Oncology", "ISSN": "20811632", "Scope": "Scope“Current Gynecologic Oncology” is a peer-reviewed international medical journal that publishes original papers, reviews and case reports thus contributing to the development of gynecology, oncology and endocrinology. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Deltion Hellenikes Mikrobiologikes kai Hygieinologikes Hetaireias", "ISSN": "04389573, 24594113", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Digital TV Europe", "ISSN": "2040266X", "Scope": "ScopeDigital TV Europe’s fifth annual survey once again provides a unique snapshot of industry executives’ views on the key issues and trends facing the digital video business today. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Discusiones Filosoficas", "ISSN": "1246127", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal Discusiones Filosóficas communicates research results in the area of philosophy. It fosters interaction and promotes discussion between Colombian and foreign peers about their topics of interest. To achieve this purpose, it publishes original and unpublished papers in Spanish, English or Portuguese or Spanish versions of those papers if requested by their authors. Furthermore, it tries to contribute to the consolidation and development of the philosophical studies in the country and in the Hispanoamerican philosophical communities. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Dix-Septieme Siecle", "ISSN": "00124273, 19696965", "Scope": "ScopeTo this aim, the journal welcomes contributions from French and foreign researchers and amateur scholars. All submitted articles are reviewed for publication by the editorial committee. The journal alternates panoramic and thematic issues, which are elaborated under the direction of a prominent scholar. Each volume also provides reviews of recently published works on the seventeenth century (around 130 reviews per year). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Eighteenth-Century Life", "ISSN": "00982601, 10863192", "Scope": "ScopeCommitted to interdisciplinary exchange, Eighteenth-Century Life addresses all aspects of European and world culture during the long eighteenth century, 1660–1815. The most wide-ranging journal of eighteenth-century studies, it also encourages diverse methodologies—from close reading to cultural studies—and it always welcomes suggestions for review essays, special issues, and innovative approaches. \r\rAmong Eighteenth-Century Life’s noteworthy regular features are its film forums, its review essays, its book-length special issues, and the longest and most eclectic lists of books received of any journal in the field. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ekphrasis", "ISSN": "25592068", "Scope": "ScopeEkphrasis is a semi-annual, double-blind, peer-reviewed online journal of The Faculty of Theater and Television, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj. This journal is dedicated to interdisciplinary approaches in visual culture and publishes peer-reviewed articles from any field related to contemporary media and image-related productions. Ekphrasis concentrates both on research and theory, and on practical aspects of the related domains, focusing on cinema, media and cultural studies. We also feature book reviews and interviews as well as practice-based approaches to arts and video arts. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Emergency Medicine (Ukraine)", "ISSN": "22240586, 23071230", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Environment and Social Psychology", "ISSN": "24247979, 24248975", "Scope": "ScopeThe main aim of ESP is to explore the nexus of environment and the human condition, which promotes environmental consciousness and behaviors that are crucial for sustainable progress and human development. With an interdisciplinary approach, synthesizing theory, research, and practice, we seek to:\r1.\tExamine the possibilities of human and social development as a credible paradigm for scientific inquiry and dialogue that promote world peace, prosperity and progress in a dangerously complex world.\r2.\tTranscend dualities and contradictions of contemporary ideologies and methods toward a unifying framework for enduring social psychological research.\r3.\tPromote scholarly pursuits for the advancement of knowledge in search of empirical evidence and truth, which support environmental justice as a viable paradigm conducive to human-social development.\r4.\tUnravel social psychological barriers—beliefs, attitudes, stereotypes, prejudices, habits, and politico-cultural practices—that thwart quality education and learning beyond the contemporary dogmas of behavioral schools.\r5.\tInterface pathways to understand and resolve contemporary nihilism that incubates psychopathologies of self-destructive addictions—sexual abuse, substance and drugs, interpersonal violence, and anomic dysfunctions—and breeds mayhem, mass murders and terror.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ethical Perspectives", "ISSN": "13700049, 17831431", "Scope": "ScopeStriving after interdisciplinary collaboration among ethicists and specialists from diverse sciences, Ethical Perspectives is primarily an international forum for the promotion of dialogue between fundamental and applied ethics. Ethical Perspectives thus aims to stimulate in-depth reflection and dialogue among researchers and decision-makers in all areas of human endeavour who are conscious of deep-seated ethical questions in areas such as contemporary economics, sociology, medicine and health care, politics, law, business, labour relations, cultural life, and other perennial and emerging questions. In keeping with its stress on interdisciplinarity, Ethical Perspectives is also interested in publishing ethical reflection on the pedagogy of ethics at university and other levels of higher education. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Family Law Quarterly", "ISSN": "0014729X", "Scope": "ScopeFamily Law Quarterly (ISSN: 0014-729X), published digitally four times per year, is the journal of the American Bar Association Section of Family Law, published as a service to its members. Family Law Quarterly publishes theme issues on topics of interest to lawyers practicing in the field of family law. Recent issues have covered: Assisted Reproductive Technology, International Custody, Domestic Violence and the annual Review of the Year in Family Law. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Feminist Modernist Studies", "ISSN": "24692921, 2469293X", "Scope": "ScopeSustaining a broad international, global, and interdisciplinary, Feminist Modernist Studies (FMS) stresses theoretical, cultural, formalist, geographical, and archival approaches to feminist modernist writers and producers of art/culture over the long twentieth-century. Emphasizing modern women, gender, sexuality and feminist issues, the journal offers a much needed venue variously for ongoing work in the burgeoning, feminist areas of cultural studies and global, transnational studies; for the recovery of under-explored or “lost” women writers and producers of art/culture worldwide across all races and ethnicities; and for new developments in feminist critical theory--including feminist work addressing race, class, LGBTQ and disability studies, ecocriticism, transnational theory, “space” studies, anthropocene theory, “thing” theory, and post human scholarship. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "First World War Studies", "ISSN": "19475020, 19475039", "Scope": "ScopeFirst World War Studies is a peer-reviewed, scholarly journal that seeks to publish articles that explore comparative, trans-national, and multi-disciplinary strengths evident in the International Society for First World War Studies and pursue as its guiding principles the same intellectual assets. \r\rIn keeping with our Society’s objectives, the journal aims to showcase a wide range of approaches to the conflict, be they local, national, comparative or transnational in. We also publish articles breaking down disciplinary boundaries. The journal approaches the subject of the First World War without chronological, geographic, or topical constraints. It embraces not merely the period associated with the years between 1914 and 1918, but seeks to include the diplomatic, political, social, cultural, and military complexities evident before, during, and most certainly after the cessation of hostilities. The journal contributes to the ongoing debates concerning the origins and causes, conduct, and legacies of the First World War.\r\rAs the Society draws its strengths from graduate students to more experienced scholars, the journal is equally committed to a collegial academic forum open to any scholar irrespective of degree, academic seniority, or disciplinary affiliation. The journal is therefore open to and supportive of emerging scholars seeking to publish their first findings.\r\rFirst World War Studies is the only scholarly journal devoted to this extraordinary and controversial conflict and maintains an Editorial Board that consists of many internationally recognized scholars. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Folklorica", "ISSN": "19200234, 19200242", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Geoscience in South-West England", "ISSN": "20597339", "Scope": "ScopeGeoscience in South-West England, previously Proceedings of the Ussher Society until Volume 9 Part 4 (1999), has been published annually since 1962. It represents the most comprehensive multidisciplinary single source for geoscience research undertaken in South-West England and related areas over the last 50 years. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Humanities Diliman", "ISSN": "16551532, 20120788", "Scope": "Scope\rOPEN JOURNAL SYSTEMS\rJOURNAL CONTENT\rSearch\rSearch\r\r\rBrowse\rBy Issue\rBy Author\rBy Title\rOther Journals\rFONT SIZE\rMake font size smallerMake font size defaultMake font size larger\rHOME CURRENT ARCHIVES ANNOUNCEMENTS\rHome > Humanities Diliman: A Philippine Journal of Humanities\rHumanities Diliman: A Philippine Journal of Humanities\rHumanities Diliman is an internationally refereed journal for the humanities which comes out semi-annually. An open-access journal, it is multilingual and both disciplinal and multi-disciplinary. Humanities Diliman (HD) promotes scholarship in the arts and humanities in the Philippines, as well as international synergies, especially with scholars on Southeast Asia. Manuscripts and reviews are welcome. Papers submitted will undergo double blind peer review before final approval for publication.\rHD provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. Contents of this journal may not be reproduced except for noncommercial, personal, educational, and research purposes. In the same manner, publication in HD does not entail article processing charges (APCs), submission charges, pages charges, color charges, and any similar charges. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Imago Mundi", "ISSN": "03085694, 14797801", "Scope": "ScopeFounded in 1935, Imago Mundi is a fully-refereed, international, interdisciplinary and scholarly journal devoted to the historical interpretation of maps and mapmaking in any part of the world. The journal, published twice a year, strives to publish evergreen and innovative research on map production, materiality, original and subsequent acquisition and uses, audiences, and circulation. Each issue includes full-length articles in English, with abstracts in English, French, German and Spanish, as well as book and exhibition reviews, and shorter articles that communicate significant initial findings or emerging interpretations. Depending on the issue, there may also be a multi-author forum discussing prescient issues in the field and other features that showcase the latest in map historical research. All articles are fully illustrated. Editors particularly welcome individual or joint articles and proposals for themed issues that engage or debate methodological and conceptual questions, advance pedagogy, increase public impact, and contribute to connecting researchers, collectors, librarians and archivists. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Industrial Pharmacy", "ISSN": "17414911", "Scope": "ScopePublished quarterly by Euromed Communicatons in association with the Industrial Pharmacy Section of the FIP. If you are a pharmaceutical scientist or executive working in or liaising with Industry, your job will be made easier, more productive and more enjoyable by reading Industrial Pharmacy.\r\rThe journal covers a variety of topics of interest to those working in the worldwide pharma industry. Industrial Pharmacy is published four times a year. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Inter-American Yearbook on Human Rights/Anuario Interamericano de Derechos Humanos", "ISSN": "9207775", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "International Comparative Jurisprudence", "ISSN": "23516674", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal is open for the contributions of the doctrinal and empirical research in: (i) Philosophy of Law; (ii) International Law; (iii) Public Law; (iv) Private Law. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Civic, Political, and Community Studies", "ISSN": "23270047, 23272155", "Scope": "ScopeThe International Journal of Civic, Political, and Community Studies invites theoretical work and case studies documenting socially engaged civic, political, and community practices.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Interdisciplinary Educational Studies", "ISSN": "2327011X, 23272570", "Scope": "ScopeThe International Journal of Interdisciplinary Educational Studies explores the processes of learning about the social and social learning.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Literacies", "ISSN": "23270136, 2327266X", "Scope": "ScopeThe International Journal of Literacies inquires into the processes of learning to read, write, and communicate, both in conventional alphabetical terms and using new media and multimodal literacies.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Nuclear Security", "ISSN": "23769955", "Scope": "ScopeThe mission of the International Journal of Nuclear Security is to share and promote research and best practices in all areas of nuclear security. It provides an open access, multi-disciplinary forum for scholarship and discussion. The journal encourages diversity in theoretical foundations, research methods, and approaches, asking contributors to analyze and include implications for policy and practice. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Japanese Journal of Chemotherapy", "ISSN": "13407007", "Scope": "Scope本学会和文機関誌『日本化学療法学会雑誌』は、化学療法に関する新知見の認められる論文を原著または短報として掲載し、その他に症例報告、抗菌薬感受性報告、市販後調査報告等および日本化学療法学会雑誌編集委員会が依頼した総説を掲載する。なお、新薬特集号については別に定める内規に従い掲載する。 Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Japanese Journal of Neurosurgery", "ISSN": "0917950X", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Journal of Classroom Interaction", "ISSN": "7494025", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Classroom Interaction (JCI) is a semi-annual publication devoted to empirical investigations and theoretical papers dealing with observation techniques, research on student and teacher behavior, and other topics relevant to the domain of classroom interaction. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Contemporary Iraq and the Arab World", "ISSN": "25158538, 25158546", "Scope": "ScopeJournal of Contemporary Iraq & the Arab World (JCI&AW) is a peer-reviewed journal published by Intellect under the auspices of both the International Association of Contemporary Iraq Studies (IACIS) and the International Association of Middle Eastern Studies (IAMES). It is devoted to the study of the contemporary Middle East and Arab public sphere, with special focus on Iraq and its peoples for their prominent role in the region. Publishing works in both English and Arabic the journal engages arts and culture, politics, history and economics as they address real world problems across the modern states and mosaic of cultures connected to the Middle East region. Publishing articles that originate in a range of disciplines, while offering a fresh perspective on conceptual, theoretical or methodological issues, allows JCI&AW’s intended readership to approach our journal from a similarly broad range of disciplines and perspectives. JCI&AW works to provide a platform by conveying prominent and emergent new voices in the field as well as by highlighting the relevance of evolving topics and questions of research in the scholarship of Middle Eastern and Iraq Studies. As an interdisciplinary journal, JCI&AW’s content spans the disciplines within the humanities, arts and social sciences. Some of the diverse issues covered include: culture, society, politics, economics, history, music and art. The unrestricted topical nature of the journal reflects the study of the many facets of contemporary Iraq and the Arab world as well as how scholars and researchers engage the region and its peoples as well as their extensive influence to the broader Middle East region and global society. Each issue includes research articles, essays as well as book, film and article reviews relevant to Iraqi Studies and the wider field of Middle Eastern studies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Experimental Therapeutics and Oncology", "ISSN": "13594117, 1533869X", "Scope": "ScopeJournal of Experimental Therapeutics and Oncology is devoted to the rapid publication of innovative preclinical investigations on therapeutic agents against cancer and\rpertinent findings of experimental and clinical oncology.\rIn the journal you will find review articles, original articles, and short communications on all areas of cancer research, including but not limited to preclinical experimental\rtherapeutics; anticancer drug development; cancer biochemistry; biotechnology; carcinogenesis; cancer cytogenetics; clinical oncology; cytokine biology; epidemiology;\rmolecular biology; pathology; pharmacology; tumor cell biology; and experimental oncology. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Jilin University Medicine Edition", "ISSN": "1671587X", "Scope": "ScopeJournal of Jilin University - Medicine Edition (JJU-ME), previously named Journal of Norman Bethune University of Medical Sciences, managed by the Ministry of Education of the People Republic of China (PRC), sponsored by Jilin University. It is a comprehensive academic journal in the fields of medicine, health and pharmacology. The journal was established in 1959 and has enjoyed higher academic position and influence in the country and abroad for over forty years.Norman Bethune University of Medical Sciences,former Jilin University, Jilin University of Technology ,Changchun University of Science and Technology,and Changchun University of Posts and Telecommunications merged to form a new Jilin University in 2000.The goal of the journal per the publishing law and policy of PRC is to report advanced theories, methods, and new techniques, and promote development in medical and pharmaceutical sciences and academic exchange at home and abroad. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce", "ISSN": "222410", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Journal of Rare Cardiovascular Diseases", "ISSN": "22993711, 23005505", "Scope": "ScopeJournal of Rare Cardiovascular Diseases (JRCD) is an international, quarterly issued, peer-reviewed, open access, online journal that keeps cardiologists and non-cardiologists up-to-date with rare disorders of the heart and vessels.\rThe Journal publishes fine quality review articles, original, basic and clinical sciences research papers, either positive or negative, case reports and articles on public health issues in the field of rare cardiovascular diseases and orphan cardiovascular drugs.\rTopics of interest include, but are not limited to the following areas:\r\r(1) rare diseases of systemic circulation\r(2) rare diseases of pulmonary circulation\r(3) rare diseases of the heart (cardiomyopathies)\r(4) rare congenital cardiovascular diseases\r(5) rare arrhythmogenic disorders\r(6) cardiac tumors and cardiovascular diseases in malignancy\r(7) cardiovascular diseases in pregnancy\r(8) basic science\r(9) quality of life Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Religious History", "ISSN": "224227", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Religious History is an international, double-blind, peer-reviewed journal that aims to publish high quality, impactful scholarship and research that makes original and significant contribution to the field of religious history. The of the journal is the history of all religions and their relationship with the human experience across all time periods; the journal explores religion and its related subjects, along with debates on comparative method and theory in religious history. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Klinicka Farmakologie a Farmacie", "ISSN": "12127973, 18035353", "Scope": "ScopeThe publisher's objective is to spread the outstanding reputation of the journal not only in the Czech and Slovak Republics but also via international medical databases to the whole world. The journal is sent for free to all the prominent personalities of the Czech medicine, to associate professors as well as to professors whose expertise is important for the orientation of Solen for its journals and congresses. Every issue will also find its way to those physicians whose expertise and specializations become the main topic of the particular issue. All articles are reviewed by two independent reviewers and may be published in Czech, Slovak and/or English languages Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Kriterion", "ISSN": "0100512X, 19815336", "Scope": "ScopeKriterion publishes articles on philosophy or of philosophical relevance, in any philosophical topic and field.\r\rAll articles published by Kriterion are double-blind peer-reviewed. The journal only publishes articles of Doctors (PhDs) and Doctoral (PhD) candidates.\r\rKriterion is published three times a year. It aims to publish pluralistic issues in terms of content, bringing together papers of many and varied philosophical topics. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal", "ISSN": "23134895", "Scope": "ScopeKyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal is the first Ukrainian peer-reviewed journal in humanities which creates an international community of scholars to set up an open dialogue between historians, literary scholars, and philosophers, with an accent on Ukrainian and Central & Eastern European Studies. With its uniquely broad coverage, the journal offers readers new research relevant to the field.\r\rKyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal provides immediate open access to its content making research freely available to the public and supporting a great meaningful exchange of knowledge.\r\rKyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal is published in English e. g. articles in other languages are not accepted for publication.\r\rKyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal does not accept articles published previously and commercial articles. The advertising cannot be printed in the journal. The editorial board of Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal may not share the author’s point of view.\r\rKyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal is financed by a National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy state grant. The majority of editorial board members work at the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla on a permanent basis.\r\rThe areas of refereed articles cover three sections:\r\r1. Literature (Ukrainian Literature in its Cultural, Historical, Philosophical, Comparative Perspectives);\r\r2. History (History of Central & Eastern Europe of 16th-20th Сenturies);\r\r3. Philosophy (History of Philosophy, Epistemology, Logic, Philosophy of Science, Metaphysics, Ethics, Aesthetics, Philosophical Anthropology, Social Philosophy, Practical Philosophy). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Library of the Written Word", "ISSN": "18744834, 18744842", "Scope": "ScopeThe Library of the Written Word is an international peer-reviewed book series that publishes monographs, edited volumes, source materials and bibliographies on a variety of subjects, related to the history of the book, magazines and newspapers. The series consists of three subseries, each one covering a particular period: The Manuscript World, The Handpress World, and The Industrial World. \r\rThe series invites studies in codicology, palaeography, typography, economic history of the trade and the technology of printing. Analytical bibliographies as well as editions of key sources can be included, and studies on the cultural and political role and impact of the written word are also welcome. Where possible, the economic aspects of the book trade should be included in studies published in this series. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Logos (Spain)", "ISSN": "15756866, 19883242", "Scope": "ScopeLogos. Anales del Seminario de Metafísica is an annual journal devoted to philosophical topics, fundamentally related to Metaphysics and the Theory of Knowledge. It includes a book criticism section and offers particularly relevant classic texts.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Louvain Studies", "ISSN": "00246964, 1783161X", "Scope": "ScopeLouvain Studies is an English-language quarterly review (approximately 400 pages per volume) of the Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies of KU Leuven, Belgium. Anchored in the historical-critical tradition of Louvain, it strives to promote international dialogue and reflection on contemporary theological, ethical and pastoral issues. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Mark Twain Annual", "ISSN": "15530981, 17562597", "Scope": "ScopeThe Mark Twain Annual publishes articles related to Mark Twain and those who surrounded him and serves as an outlet for new scholarship as well as new pedagogical approaches. It is the official publication of the Mark Twain Circle of America, an international association of people interested in the life and work of Mark Twain.\r\rThe Circle encourages interest in Mark Twain and fosters the formal presentation of ideas about the author and his work, as well as the informal exchange of information among its members. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Medizinrecht", "ISSN": "07238886, 14338629", "Scope": "ScopeMedR bietet als führende Fachzeitschrift auf den Gebieten des Medizin- und Gesundheitsrechts ein Forum für integrativen und interdisziplinären Austausch von Recht und Medizin. Wissenschaftlich fundiert präsentiert die Zeitschrift verständliche Abhandlungen zu sämtlichen berufspraktischen, strukturellen und grundlegenden Rechtsfragen des Gesundheitswesens. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Modern Gastroenterology", "ISSN": "17275725, 2521649X", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Nashim", "ISSN": "07938934, 15655288", "Scope": "ScopeNashim provides an international, interdisciplinary, and scholarly forum in Jewish women’s and gender studies, and is the only one of its kind. It creates communication channels within the Jewish women’s and gender studies community and brings forth that community’s work to a wider audience. Each thematic issue is produced in consultation with a distinguished feminist scholar, and includes articles on literature, text studies, anthropology, archeology, theology, contemporary thought, sociology, the arts, and more. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Neurologie Up2date", "ISSN": "25113453, 25113658", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "NTUT Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Management", "ISSN": "22266771", "Scope": "ScopeNTUT Intellectual Property Law and Management is a multidisciplinary journal\rwhich concerned with legal, economic and social aspects of IP issues Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Open Urology and Nephrology Journal", "ISSN": "1874303X", "Scope": "ScopeThe Open Urology & Nephrology Journal is an Open Access online journal, which publishes research articles, reviews/mini-reviews, letters, guest edited single topic issues and images that are unique or highly illustrative accompanied by a brief one-paragraph description of relevant clinical information in all areas of experimental and clinical research in the fields of urology and nephrology, renal replacement therapy (dialysis and transplantation), transplantation, radiology, endourology, prostatic diseases, nocturnal enuresis, pathology, erectile dysfunction.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ornis Norvegica", "ISSN": "15020878", "Scope": "ScopeOrnis Norvegica publishes original papers in all fields of ornithology. Geographical focus is Fennoscandia, but articles dealing with other geographical areas will be considered. Descriptive articles documenting bird biology or populations are welcome. Articles dealing with faunistical material should be analytical. Longer papers, including reviews, are published as Articles, while biologically interesting observations and notes on methodology are published as Short Communications. Ideas and views intended to encourage discussion are published as Commentary. Publication language is English. All manuscripts are peer reviewed. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Paediatria Croatica", "ISSN": "13301403, 1846405X", "Scope": "ScopeIn the inaugural 1956 issue of the journal, the editor Dr Feđa Fischer Sartorius outlined the journal's vision and objectives saying that the journal will publish original papers on the development, pathology, and health care of children from the prenatal period to their final biological, emotional and social maturity. The journal continues this vision by publishing original research articles, clinical and laboratory observations, case reports and reviews of medical progress in pediatrics and child health. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Paginas", "ISSN": "1851992X", "Scope": "ScopePÁGINAS is a quarterly digital journal of the Escuela de Historia at the Universidad Nacional de Rosario. This publication represents a new publishing space for editing academic articles and book reviews in the contemporary historiography field. Each number have a thematic cut proposed by editorial committee order to explore debates and discussions around the issues discussed. Is directed to an audience conformed of researchers, teachers, graduates and students of history and other social disciplines. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Pakistan Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences", "ISSN": "19951302, 24150584", "Scope": "ScopeThe of the journal includes a broad range of areas in the disciplines of computer science, natural sciences and engineering. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Pamukkale Journal of Sport Sciences", "ISSN": "13090356", "Scope": "ScopeAs the official research journal of Pamukkale University Faculty of Sport Sciences, Pamukkale Journal of Sports Sciences (PJSS) is an open access interdisciplinary periodical offering the latest research in the sport sciences.\r\rThis comprehensive professional journal features studies encompassing all topics under these sections: leisure & sport management; physical activity, health & exercise; sports performance; social & behavioral sciences; and teacher education & sport pedagogy. PJSS publishes research articles, systematic reviews and meta-analyses in April, August, and December. PJSS does not publish position papers, technical notes, book reviews or letters to the editor and accepts only English language manuscripts. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Paper Asia", "ISSN": "2184540", "Scope": "ScopepaperASIA, another international publication from SHP Media, is Asia’s leading pulp and paper magazine since 1985.\r\rApart from covering various aspects of the pulp and paper industry, it also covers corrugating, converting and packaging industries, thus providing a wider coverage of the industry to its readers, some of which are industry professionals and decision-makers.\r\rPrinted six times annually, paperASIA is distributed in 20 countries, mainly in the ASEAN region, Asia and Europe, as well as at major exhibitions and conferences in Asia and other parts of the world, with a print-run of over 7,000 copies.\r\rIn 2007, Chinese translation made its debut in the magazine, a move well received by both industry suppliers and end-users.\r\rpaperASIA is committed to providing the latest industry’s developments to its readers and has committed itself to excellence. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Philosophia Africana", "ISSN": "15398250", "Scope": "ScopePhilosophia Africana publishes peer-reviewed academic philosophical or philosophically interdisciplinary works that explore pluralistic experiences of Africa and the Black Diaspora from both universal and comparative points of view.\r\rIt also selectively publishes original or critical interpretations of creative and artistic works revealing vibrant intellectual cultures of modern Africa, the Black Diaspora, and other universally inclusive traditions of thought.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Philosophica", "ISSN": "3798402", "Scope": "ScopePHILOSOPHICA was founded in 1963 as STUDIA PHILOSOPHICA GANDENSIA and was publishing the results of research done by the department of Philosophy and Moral Science in Ghent. Since 1973 the journal is published as PHILOSOPHICA. Each issue deals with a specific topic, chosen by a guest editor, who contacts international specialists in order to contribute to the issue. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Poetica", "ISSN": "3034178", "Scope": "ScopeWhen the first issue of the journal POETICA was published in 1967, the founding editor Karl Maurer wrote in his editorial: \"Today, the time seems to have arrived for a 'philology of the world literature' (Erich Auerbach), which can no longer afford a specialism buried in a narrow and intimate circle. Methodological achievements and historical knowledge of all philological disciplines have to be constantly exchanged for mutual benefit and encouragement\". This exchange continues to be central to the journal. Given the multitude of methods and theories on the one hand and the dissolution of the boundaries of literary studies in cultural studies on the other, however, this exchange with neighboring disciplines and subject areas must now aim above all at sharpening the specific characteristics of literary studies. In this way POETICA wants to contribute towards securing that special feature of literary studies which will make it an interesting and therefore highly demanded discussion partner in the future, that is able to offer constitutive competencies which are not trained elsewhere. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Portuguese Journal of Pediatrics", "ISSN": "21843333, 21844453", "Scope": "ScopeThe Portuguese Journal of Pediatrics (PJP), founded in 1938, is the official journal of the Portuguese Society of Pediatrics (SPP). The PJP is a scientific double blind peer reviewed quarterly journal published online in English. The journal aims to publish high quality articles on clinical and experimental pediatrics and maternal fetal conditions. This journal publishes a variety of articles including original articles, review articles, case series, case reports, images in Pediatrics, editorials, letters to the editor, guidelines, perspectives, and other content to improve clinical practice.\r\rThe accuracy of the PJP contents and the views expressed are the sole responsibility of the authors. All published articles are the property of the PJP and cannot be reproduced, in part or in whole, without the editor’s authorization. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Poznanskie Studia Slawistyczne", "ISSN": "20843011, 24502731", "Scope": "ScopeThe objective of “Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne” (“Poznan Slavic Studies”) is to publish research results related to Slavonic and Balkan studies in the broadest sense, addressed to all the Polish and foreign experts and admirers of the Slavonic and Balkan cultures. The journal publishes papers on philology (literature and language), folklore, anthropology, culture, historiography, religion and sociology that present multifaceted, interdisciplinary and often comparative approaches and deal with various issues of the Slavonic heritage.\r\rEach issue of the journal is devoted to a different subject matter and run by a different thematic editor. Main themes of each issue aim to answer current challenges of humanities. The journal's leading discipline is literature studies, but monographic issues also embrace linguistics, culture, history, art history, religion or sociology. Therefore, we present intercultural and interdisciplinary research, representing various methodologies and research perspectives. The share of texts going beyond literary studies varies depending on the leading theme of a given issue. For example: issue no. 3 Spell, invocation, counterspell. Magical power of words in slavic folklore) is devoted to anthropology and folklore studies, issue no. 10 (Relation State – Church in history and culture) is dominated by a historical and cultural perspective, and issue no. 13 (Form and function in Slavic languages and texts of culture) is interdisciplinary in nature. It includes theoretical and historical literary considerations, translation, linguistics, art history (painting, film, architecture). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Proceedings of the IEEE/CPMT International Electronics Manufacturing Technology (IEMT) Symposium", "ISSN": "10898190", "Scope": "ScopeThe following topics are dealt with: advanced processing technology; \"green\" manufacturing of electronics; wire bonding process; package design and characterization; wafer level packaging; manufacturing test; reliability and advanced materials; wafer bumping technologies; factory simulation, automation and integration; flip chip technology; surface mount technology (SMT); semiconductor device packaging; chip scale packaging.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Psychologist", "ISSN": "9528229", "Scope": "ScopeThe Psychologist is the only publication of its kind in the UK. If you are interested in human behaviour and what makes us tick, The Psychologist is the magazine for you. Packed with articles, letters, interviews, news, reviews, careers and jobs, it is the best way to keep up to date with all corners of the discipline. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Quality Progress", "ISSN": "0033524X", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Religious Inquiries", "ISSN": "23224894, 25386271", "Scope": "ScopeReligious Inquiries is a double-blind and peer-reviewed journal to disseminate international research in religious studies. It aims to serve the interests of a wide range of thoughtful readers and academic scholars, and others interested in the multidisciplinary study of religions. The Journal is published to advance scholarship in comparative studies of Zoroastrians, Buddhism, Confucianism, Hellenism, Hinduism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Philosophy, Theology, Mysticism, and Ethics. The of published work is intentionally broad, and we invite innovative work from all methodological approaches in the major subfields. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Research in Rural Sociology and Development", "ISSN": "10571922", "Scope": "ScopeWith an annual output, Research in Rural Sociology and Development, publishes scholarly content at the cutting edge of rural sociology. Addressing issues such as rural development and growth, globalization, labour relations, agrarian dynamics, and social and personal implications of rural and agricultural change, this series provides in-depth and up to date research on the local and global systems affecting rural dynamics.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Retina-Vitreus", "ISSN": "13001256", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Retina&Vitreous is a double-blind peerreviewed, international periodical about retina and vitreous. The publication languages are Turkish and English. The Journal of Retina&Vitreous is published quarterly (March, June, September and December).\r\rThe aim of the Journal of Retina&Vitreous is to publish research articles on original issues of the highest clinical and scientific quality at international level. Along with this aim it publishes reviews, short editorials articles, original case reports and figures covering fundamental innovations dealing with education. The required knowledge for primary aid practitioners, family practitioners and public health specialists along with ophthalmology specialists is assessed and relevant issues are addressed in the Journal of Retina&Vitreous. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Review of Middle East Studies", "ISSN": "23293225", "Scope": "ScopeThe Review of Middle East Studies (RoMES) is the Middle East Studies Association’s online journal of review. Published twice a year, each issue includes a selection of roundtables or research articles, essays, brief reports on emerging topics and issues, a pedagogy corner and discussion of online resources, and approximately forty reviews of books, films, music, software, and exhibitions relevant to Middle East studies. The focus of RoMES is the state of the craft in all fields of Middle East studies, including Islamic and cultural studies, art and architecture, performance and political studies with an emphasis on new and evolving topics and issues in scholarship, including research methods, ethical concerns, and pedagogical practice. RoMES addresses evolving contemporary dynamics, but also publishes scholarship on premodern topics of interest to a wider audience of Middle East scholars. It seeks to bridge scholarship on the region with lives, experiences and events in the region. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Cubana de Fisica", "ISSN": "2539268", "Scope": "ScopeThe RCF is a journal focused in the fields of Physics. The original articles included in the journal are supposed to deal with the following subjects:\r\r-General Physics: Statistical and Quantum Mechanics, etc.-\rGravitation and Astrophysics.-\rElementary Particles and Fields.-\rNuclear Physics.-\rAtomic, Molecular and Optics Physics.-\rNon-Linear Dynamics, Dynamics of Fluids, etc.-\rPlasma Physics and Light Beams.-\rCondensed matter: Structure, Opto-Electronic Properties, etc.-\rComplex Systems-\rInterdisciplinary Physics: Biophysics, etc.-\rTeaching of Physics.\r\rExceptionally, other contributions non-related with these subjects may be considered. However, in all cases the manuscripts should exhibit original results following the essentials of the so-called scientific method Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revue Roumaine de Philosophie", "ISSN": "12205400", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Rivista di Filosofia", "ISSN": "00356239, 26121042", "Scope": "ScopeThe Rivista di filosofia, one of the oldest Italian philosophical journals, was founded in 1909. Its long and prestigious history is witness to its moral commitment, its scientific rigour, and its attention to the methodological aspects of philosophy. In addition to theoretically-oriented studies and investigations, with particular attention to analytic philosophy, the Rivista di filosofia offers reflections and documentation about the status of philosophy and its relations to scientific thought, its places and institutions, and its available methodologies. The journal is addressed to professors and students, teachers, cultural centres, high-schools, universities and libraries. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Romanica Cracoviensia", "ISSN": "17328705, 20843917", "Scope": "ScopeRomanica Cracoviensia to czasopismo naukowe poświęcone kulturom - literaturom i językom - romańskim, czyli francuskim, hiszpańskim, katalońskim, portugalskim, galicyjskim, włoskim, rumuńskim i wielu mniejszym romańskim obszarom językowym. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Scientia Paedagogica Experimentalis", "ISSN": "5822351", "Scope": "ScopeScientia Paedagogica Experimentalis is an international society that promotes scientific studies concerning current educational and pedagogical issues with their various contexts from different scientific disciplinary perspectives.\r\rThe journal “Scientia Paedagogica Experimentalis” first appeared in 1964 and has had from the beginning an international appeal, with staff from and dissemination throughout the world. The primary objective is to encourage research to promote education and upbringing. Therewithal from a humanistic and pluralistic perspective, an attempt is made, to incorporate different population groups and situations: pre-school, primary education, secondary education, higher education. In the contemporary context of continuing education, lifelong learning, distance learning, online learning, e-learning research is stimulated. Learning disabilities and / or learning fatigue in children, adults, seniors and nestors, mentally deficient or intellectually gifted persons, foreign speakers, the disadvantaged, or the disabled are challenges which require special attention.\r\rInvestigations into innovative methods are encouraged and new points be examined in which welfare of the stakeholders, the pedagogical staff and the living environment is taken into consideration. The well-being of all these actors has a positive influence on the achievement of the targets. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Sight and Sound", "ISSN": "374806", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Societes et Representations", "ISSN": "12622966, 2104404X", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "South African Theatre Journal", "ISSN": "10137548, 21637660", "Scope": "ScopeSouth African Theatre Journal provides a leading forum for the academic discussion of issues relating to theatre, performance and the media, notably as these manifest themselves in Southern Africa and further afield on the African continent. The journal features peer-reviewed articles on the history, theory and practice of the performing arts, as well as the methodology of theatre research and performance studies. The journal incorporates theatre reports, book reviews, commentaries, and play texts. Since it is a major aim of the journal to foster multi-cultural and inter-disciplinary studies in the field, contributions are invited from all engaged authors, irrespective of their particular institutional and disciplinary affiliations, or their specific theoretical and methodological perspectives.\r\rResearch articles published in the journal have undergone rigorous double-blind, peer-review after initial screening by the Editor for quality and fit with the journal’s objectives.\r\rI would like to endorse the SATJ as a most valuable academic journal for Theatre Arts in South Africa. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Spinnovation", "ISSN": "-", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studies in Bilingualism", "ISSN": "9281533", "Scope": "ScopeThe focus of this series is on linguistic, psycholinguistic and cognitive aspects of bilingualism. This entails topics such as child (simultaneous and child second language) and adult bilingual language acquisition, psychological models of bilingualism, bilingual language processing, linguistic and cognitive consequences of bilingualism (e.g. attrition, changes in memory and/or executive functions), modelling internal and external variables affecting bilingual acquisition, language use and processing. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studies in EU External Relations", "ISSN": "18750451", "Scope": "ScopeStudies in EU External Relations is a peer-reviewed book series dedicated to the legal, political, trade and historical aspects of the EU's relations with non-member states or regions or other international organisations. \r\rFocusing on the EU's position and role in the world, the series covers the Union’s bilateral as well as its multilateral relations with third countries. This coverage extends to institutional, legal and political issues on or affecting external relations, as well as to specific sectoral substantive topics, including migration, defence or trade matters for example. The series also includes monographs on the external dimension of substantive domestic EU policies (competition, environment, etc). In addition, the series welcomes studies on various facets of the EU enlargement phenomenon and the European Neighbourhood Policy. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studies in Semitic Languages and Linguistics", "ISSN": "818461", "Scope": "ScopeThe distinct traits shared by the Semitic languages determine the essential unity of research in these languages. Studies in Semitic Languages and Linguistics has been a prominent forum for linguistic publications concerning the Semitic languages ever since its foundation in 1967. \r\rThe series includes both books written in the philological tradition of research and ones applying modern linguistic theories. Such sub-disciplines as descriptive linguistics, comparative linguistics, socio-linguistics et cetera all fall within the of the series. While studies of individual aspects of individual languages are accepted on a selective basis, the series specifically includes monographs, collaborative volumes, and reference works of a wider. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Stuttgarter Symposium fur Produktentwicklung", "ISSN": "23644885", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Supreme Court Review", "ISSN": "00819557, 21582459", "Scope": "ScopeSince it first appeared in 1960, the Supreme Court Review has won acclaim for providing a sustained and authoritative survey of the implications of the Court's most significant decisions. SCR is an in-depth annual critique of the Supreme Court and its work, keeping up on the forefront of the origins, reforms, and interpretations of American law. SCR is written by and for legal academics, judges, political scientists, journalists, historians, economists, policy planners, and sociologists. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Sur", "ISSN": "18066445, 19833342", "Scope": "ScopeThe Sur Journal, first, serves as a channel for sharing primarily Global South perspectives on the world’s human rights agenda. The Journal will serve as a space where the role of the Global South in shaping human rights discourse – including its institutions, priorities and impact – will be debated. Preference is given to voices on the ground or those directly involved with the issue. The Journal aims to feature contributions that discuss what Global South countries and human rights practitioners have done or can do to influence human rights practice worldwide.\r\rSecond, the Journal recognizes that its readership is hybrid – it is composed of activists, academics and policy-makers and those in between those groups – generally referred to as “human rights practitioners.”\r\rThird, the Journal strikes a fine balance between in-depth analysis and content that is based on practice. Such approach reflects the Journal’s hybrid audience: its readers and authors operate in different, yet overlapping circles, and thus they benefit from practice-focused pieces, which are also critical and theoretically sound. The Journal’s format and selection process, including limited length, reader-friendly website design, accessible language, quality-focused blind review, seek to strike this balance. In addition to the open call for papers, the Journal’s editorial team researches and invites thought leaders and people of interest to write for the Journal. These contributions are subject to the same stringent evaluation process as those received via the open call. Each issue of the Journal features a guest editor – a leading human rights practitioner – who enables the Journal’s team to connect with the individuals directly involved with the specific theme that the edition is seeking to address. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Syria", "ISSN": "00397946, 20768435", "Scope": "ScopeNow 100 year old, the journal Syria aims since its creation in 1920 at offering to the learned world a reference tool on Ancient Syria in the fields of archaeology, history and art history; Syria being understood in its ancient meaning, thus including all the five current States of Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel and the Palestinian Territories. Works on Cyprus, the Arabian Peninsula, Iraq, the Turkish Southeast, and even Iran or the Caucasus are also regularly welcomed by the journal, as these regions maintained regular and narrow relations with Syria.\r\rSyria publishes original and previously-unpublished papers for an audience of researchers, lecturers, students and all readers interested in the history, archaeology, epigraphy and art history of the Near East, from Prehistory to the muslim conquest.\r\rThe journal’s editorial policy has varied according to the specific needs for the times ; at present Syria favours several types of studies. First of all, this is a place where archaeological missions and researchers are invited to present, in a synthetic way, works carried out in the diverse above-mentioned territories by French or foreign missions. On the other hand, Syria presents its readers with original syntheses by both confirmed and young researchers, including researchers from the Middle East. Finally, for several years, Syria has published proceedings of colloquiums or workshops focusing on a particular topic (recently on the Arameans, or the ancient baths of Jordan).\r\rSyria’s articles can be written in French, English, German, Spanish or Italian. All of them include summaries in French, English and Arabic. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Taida Journal of Art History", "ISSN": "10232095", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Taiwan Journal of Anthropology", "ISSN": "17271878", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Teaching of Mathematics", "ISSN": "14514966, 24061077", "Scope": "ScopeTHE TEACHING OF MATHEMATICS started in 1998 as a separate volume of Nastava Matematike, a pedagogical journal in Serbian, which has been edited since 1952. The Teaching is exclusively research oriented. All contributed papers containing essentially new ideas and techniques relevant for teaching of mathematics at all levels, recommended by our referees, will be considered for publication. In particular, the papers containing subject analysis of selected teaching themas and new ways of their modelling will be welcomed. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Theater", "ISSN": "01610775, 1527196X", "Scope": "ScopeIndividual subscribers and institutions with electronic access can view issues of Theater online. If you have not signed up, review the first-time access instructions.\r\rPublished on behalf of the Yale School of Drama/Yale Repertory Theatre\r\rFor more than thirty years Theater has been the most informative, serious, and imaginative American journal available to readers interested in contemporary theater. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Women's Writing", "ISSN": "09699082, 17475848", "Scope": "ScopeWomen’s Writing is a fully refereed international journal focusing on women’s writing in English from the Middle Ages to the end of the long nineteenth century. The journal reflects the diversity of scholarship in this important area of study and the editors welcome all critical perspectives; contributions may be close readings of complex texts or historical or theoretical investigations of gender, culture, race and class. The aim of the journal is to bring readers the latest research and open up a forum for dialogue, discussion and debate. Women’s Writing publishes both general issues and special issues edited by guest editors on themed issues. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Youth in a Globalizing World", "ISSN": "22129383", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Zeitschrift Kunststofftechnik/Journal of Plastics Technology", "ISSN": "18642217", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal`s aim is to broaden public access to scientifically qualified, German and English contributions from the fields of material, construction and processing of plastics. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Agora", "ISSN": "15161498, 18094414", "Scope": "ScopeO Programa de Pós-Graduação em Teoria Psicanalítica da UFRJ edita a revista Ágora – Estudos em Teoria Psicanalítica. A Ágora publica artigos na área de pesquisa teórica em psicanálise, além de relatos de experiências clínicas acompanhados de discussão teórica ou crítica. Publica, ainda, conferências, traduções, artigos de valor histórico e resenhas de interesse para o campo da psicanálise. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Agroalimentaria", "ISSN": "13160354", "Scope": "ScopeEn cuanto al alcance, la revista provee un foro de discusión para la comunidad académica nacional e internacional interesada en dilucidar los aspectos teóricos y prácticos de las Ciencias Sociales relacionados con la agricultura y la alimentación. Su política constante ha sido identificar y promover la difusión de estudios que contribuyan a alimentar ese foro de discusión, así como circular información sobre metodologías, nuevas políticas y otras publicaciones de interés sobre los aspectos económicos y sociales del sistema agroalimentario.\rLa revista está abierta a publicaciones tanto de artículos producto de investigaciones originales, como de recopilaciones o compilaciones de interés práctico o teórico. Se admite artículos en cuatro idiomas (español, portugués, inglés y francés) y se lleva a cabo una activa política de intercambio con otras revistas similares y con bibliotecas de centros especializados en estos mismos temas. Para asegurar tanto la mayor cobertura posible en temas y enfoques como la libertad de expresión de sus autores, Agroalimentaria no es responsable de las opiniones vertidas en ellos. Asimismo autoriza en forma expresa a reproducir sin autorización alguna el material contenido en la revista, siempre que se haga mención de la fuente. Una preocupación fundamental de los editores de la revista continúa siendo ofrecer a sus lectores un producto de calidad en su contenido y en su producción editorial, con el menor costo posible, por lo cual se utiliza el formato de doble columna y un papel bueno pero económico. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Aktuelle Dermatologie", "ISSN": "3402541", "Scope": "ScopeDie gesamte Dermatologie, Venerologie und Andrologie in einer Fachzeitschrift:\r\rAktuelle Informationen von den Experten Ihres Fachgebiets\rRelevante Original- und Übersichtsarbeiten sowie spannende Kasuistiken\rNeu: Von den Wurzeln unseres Fachs, Histologische Quiz - Testen Sie Ihr Fachwissen\rNeues aus Diagnose und Therapie auf einen Blick\rZertifizierte Fortbildung didaktisch aufbereitet und bequem unter www.CME.thieme.de\rHighlights aus internationalen Fachzeitschriften\rFür private Abonnenten kostenloser Zugriff auf alle publizierten Beiträge der letzten Jahre unter www.thieme-connect.de/ejournals Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Anthropology and Archeology of Eurasia", "ISSN": "10611959", "Scope": "ScopeAnthropology and Archeology of Eurasia presents scholarship from Russia, Siberia, the Caucasus, and Central Asia, the vast region that stretches from the Baltic to the Black Sea and from Lake Baikal to the Bering Strait. Each thematic issue, with a substantive introduction to the topic by the editor, features expertly translated and annotated manuscripts, articles, and book excerpts reporting fieldwork from every part of the region and theoretical studies on topics of special interest. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Anthropology of the Middle East", "ISSN": "17460719", "Scope": "ScopeRecent political events have shown an alarming lack of awareness in western countries of life in the Middle East. Anthropologists, trained in analysing local discourses and social actions and their socio-political and historical contexts, play an important role in making social and cultural developments in the Middle East more comprehensible to a wider world.\r\rThis peer-reviewed journal provides a forum for scholarly exchange between anthropologists and other social scientists working in and on the Middle East. The journal's aim is to disseminate, on the basis of informed analysis and insight, a better understanding of Middle Eastern cultures and thereby to achieve a greater appreciation of Middle Eastern contributions to our culturally diverse world.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Archipel", "ISSN": "448613", "Scope": "ScopeArchipel is a journal of interdisciplinary studies on Insulindia (Indonesia, Malaysia, The Philippines, Singapore, Brunei Darussalam, Timor-Leste), established in 1971, with a particular attention given to humanities.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Asia Pacific Journal on Human Rights and the Law", "ISSN": "13881906, 15718158", "Scope": "ScopeThe Asia-Pacific Journal on Human Rights and the Law is the world’s only law journal offering scholars a forum in which to present comparative, international and national research dealing specifically with issues of law and human rights in the Asia-Pacific region. \rNeither a lobby group nor tied to any particular ideology, the Asia-Pacific Journal on Human Rights and the Law is a scientific journal dedicated to responding to the need for a periodical publication dealing with the legal challenges of human rights issues in one of the world’s most diverse and dynamic regions. \r\rThe journal will be a prime source of information and reference not only to legal scholars and students but also to all those who are in any way involved in human rights issues across the whole of the Asia-Pacific region. Politicians, civil servants, social activists, academics, lawyers, historians, sociologists, political scientists, students, diplomats, social researchers, journalists and others will find the Asia-Pacific Journal on Human Rights and the Law an invaluable source of relevant and timely information. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Atrio", "ISSN": "02148293, 26595230", "Scope": "ScopeAtrio. Revista de Historia del Arte, is an annual scientific journal ascribed to the Area of Art History of the Department of Geography, History and Philosophy of the Universidad Pablo de Olavide. It was founded in 1988, with ISSN 0214-8293, with the aim of publishing original, unreleased and relevant research on cultural heritage and art history, with historical, critical, aesthetic analysis, etc., in any field and period, both in Spain and Latin America. The journal is aimed at the community of researchers, teachers and scholars of these disciplines. It is an electronic, open access, plural publication, which provides access to its content under the indicated license and Atrio does not charge any kind of cost for the submission, publication or dissemination of articles. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Australasian historical archaeology : journal of the Australasian Society for Historical Archaeology", "ISSN": "13229214, 22090134", "Scope": "ScopeAustralasian Historical Archaeology is the annual journal produced by the Australasian Society for Historical Archaeology. It is a leading journal for the publication of new research in the Historical Archaeology of Australia and New Zealand and elsewhere in the Pacific and Asia. It is the only journal on Historical Archaeology produced in Australian and New Zealand.\r\rIt began publication in 1983 as The Australian Journal of Historical Archaeology. When the society was renamed in 1991, the journal took on its present name. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Bruniana e Campanelliana", "ISSN": "11253819, 17240441", "Scope": "Scope«Bruniana & Campanelliana» is an international journal of philosophy and textual study dedicated to culture from the High and Late Reinassance to the Early Baroque era. The Journal welcomes articles, unpublished or rare texts as well as short notice and archival material intended to clarify and document aspects of the development, activity and fortunes of Giordano Bruno (1548-1600) and Tommaso Campanella (1568-1639). Living in an age when the geocentric and anthropocentric view of reality was breaking up, Bruno and Campanella expressed in their dramatic life stories the need for wider horizons of knowledge and for a new relationship of man with nature and society during the tempestuous transition towards the modern world.\rThe Journal, which welcomes also rewievs, news and bibliographical updates, provides an open forum for various interests and types of expertise, thereby contributing to the debate in Italy and abroad on these two writers, viewed against the background of Renaissance culture and tradition. «Bruniana & Campanelliana» is thus intended above all as a working tool to record, increase and promote research in the manifold areas on which the work of the philosophers converges and from which it radiates. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Bulletin de la Societe de Linguistique de Paris", "ISSN": "379069", "Scope": "ScopeLa Société de Linguistique de Paris publie chaque année un Bulletin en deux tomes, le BSL : le premier tome comprend des articles scientifiques originaux, tandis que le second est consacré aux comptes-rendus. Les membres de la SLP à jour de leur cotisation reçoivent ces deux volumes. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Caderno CRH", "ISSN": "1034979", "Scope": "ScopeO CADERNO CRH – é uma revista de Ciências Sociais que aceita a colaboração livre de textos inéditos de reconhecido interesse acadêmico e atualidades das Ciências Sociais, na forma de artigos, ensaios bibliográficos e resenhas. A partir de 2020, o volume 33 da revista passa a veicular os textos na forma de Publicação Contínua, exclusivamente on-line, com um único volume anual. Cada volume deverá publicar três Dossiês sobre temas específicos, organizados por autores de reconhecida experiência acadêmica e que represente contribuição original ao debate científico, sendo todos os textos submetidos ao processo de revisão pelos pares. Além do Dossiê, comporão o volume, artigos de livre submissão que não terão necessariamente vinculação aos temas dos dossiês e, resenhas. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cancer Research on Prevention and Treatment", "ISSN": "10008578", "Scope": "Scope\"Cancer Research On Prevention and Treatment” mainly report national and international latest research results and new progress, facing research-oriented readers and professional medical staff in Cancer research.\rThe main sections include: thematic forums, basic research, clinical research, clinical diagnosis, clinical, epidemiological, research briefings, technical communications, abstracts, review, short case, and communications. It is a mirror and window for the field of cancer research on prevention and treatment. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cesko-Slovenska Dermatologie", "ISSN": "90514", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal publishes papers focusing on the current dermatovenerological issues and those of borderline fields. It focuses mainly on the practical aspects, but it also contains the latest results of research projects.\r\rClinical and therapeutic studies provide validation of the epidemiological, diagnostic and therapeutic procedures implemented in practice.\rPresentations of case studies which are interesting from the diagnostic, differentially diagnostic or therapeutic point of view allow knowledge expansion in the field as well as more extensive and comprehensive papers focused on the latest information and using borderline fields.\r\rThe reader can verify the level of his knowledge in the quiz articles. Reviews of new books highlight interesting publications, which were published locally and abroad.\r\rThe journal also reflects current developments in the professional world and provides news from abroad. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "China Condiment", "ISSN": "10009973", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Chinese Journal of Neuromedicine", "ISSN": "16718925", "Scope": "ScopeChinese Journal of Neuromedicine is one of the comprehensive professional medicine periodicals in the neural medical domain of China, covering the areas like neurosurgery, neurology, clinical neurophysiology, neuropathology, basic neuroscience and other subjects of neural medicine. Chinese Journal of Neuromedicine is intended for the reader of clinicians and researchers of the neural medicine field. We strictly stick to our goal of establishment, to “generally report new findings, technologies, theories and achievements of neural medicine at home and abroad, satisfying the scientific and technological workers, speeding up the development of neural medicine in China and promoting academic exchanges at home and abroad”. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Colloquia Humanistica", "ISSN": "23922419", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal “Colloquia Humanistica” was founded as an interdisciplinary annual forum for discussion between researchers, who represent the different fields of the humanities. Each issue provides a main theme, presented from diverse perspectives. Thanks to this we are trying to get the most complete picture of the subject matter because we are aware of the value of cooperation between representatives of the various disciplines of humanity. Therefore, we devote a lot of attention to the consistency of the texts entrusting the editorial duties to scholars of high standing. Every main theme is inspired by the cultural studies with a special attention to issues previously marginalized or dominated by any ideological influence. In focus are topics most often overlooked by official cultural and national narratives, uncomfortable for them, or treated instrumentally. So far, we suggested topics such as the question of continuity and discontinuity in the culture (first issue), the so called minor languages, minor literatures, minor cultures (second issue), multiple biographies (third issue). We invite cooperation and contributions from scholars representing cultural studies, linguists, historians, ethnologists, philosophers, and others, as it is not a complete list of disciplines represented in the journal. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cuadernos de Administracion", "ISSN": "01203592, 19007205", "Scope": "ScopeThe magazine has as areas of interest: management, finance, knowledge management, innovation and technological change, organizations, international business, corporate social responsibility, quality management, strategic management, business economics, marketing, production, information systems , teaching and research in management, business history, family businesses, entrepreneurship, competitiveness, industry, environmental management, human resources, and business development. Administration Notebooks are produced semiannually by the Department of Business Administration of the Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences . Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Czas Kultury", "ISSN": "8672148", "Scope": "Scope„Czas Kultury” [Time of Culture] has been published in Poland continuously since 1985. In the early years the journal was characterized by dynamic and creative publishing and closely related to the young literary movements. Over the subsequent years the journal has changed, its development resulted directly from the transforming reality, both in the political and artistic dimensions.\r\rCurrently „Czas Kultury” is a solid socio-cultural journal which aims to cover the most valuable and interesting aspects of arts, culture and current social affairs. „Czas Kultury” takes a variety of research perspectives such as cultural studies, literary studies, philosophical, ethnological or sociological. Each issue has a major thematic section, for example, „Bio[in]perfection”, „[Anti]motherhood”, „Demons of science”, consisting of scientific articles, each of them is subject to the reviewing procedure. Majority of the authors constituting the thematic sections have academic degrees, and all the members of the editorial staff are reputable and recognized scholars in their fields of science. In addition to articles devoted to specific topics, journal also publishes essays, prose and poetry, press review, feuilletons and discussions about current problems of culture. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Earozoru Kenkyu", "ISSN": "09122834, 1881543X", "Scope": "Scope\"Earozoru Kenkyu\" (Journal of Aerosol Research) publishes original papers (peer-reviewed research papers, technical papers, review papers, letters, notes, and discussions) written in both Japanese and English as well as general articles related to aerosols. The journal encourages the submission of original papers and general articles from abroad. For the submission of an original paper, one of the authors should be a member of the Japan Association of Aerosol Science and Technology. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Earth Sciences History", "ISSN": "0736623X, 19446187", "Scope": "ScopeEarth Sciences History promotes and publishes historical work on all areas of the earth sciences – including geology, geography, geophysics, oceanography, paleontology, meteorology, and climatology.\r\rThe journal honors and encourages a variety of approaches to historical study: biography, history of ideas, social history, and histories of institutions, organizations, and techniques.\r\rArticles are peer reviewed. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Estudios Irlandeses", "ISSN": "1699311X", "Scope": "ScopeIt is aimed at an academic audience and the interested general reader, and only publishes contributions that are the result of personal research, and have not been previously published. All contributions are subject to a blind double peer review process.\r\rEstudios Irlandeses seeks to become an international forum for original research in the field of Irish Studies in an easily accessible electronic format. All contributions may be read online. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Extreme Medicine", "ISSN": "27132757, 27132765", "Scope": "ScopeExtreme medicine (ISSN Print 2713–2757, ISSN Online 2713–2765) is a peer-reviewed medical journal of Federal Medical Biological Agency of Russia (Moscow, Russia). The original language of the journal is Russian (Medicina èkstremalʹnyh situacij, ISSN Print 2306–6326, ISSN Online 2713–2773).\r\rFounded in 1999, it is issued once every 3 months publishing articles on clinical and preventive medicine and medical and biological sciences for free, primarily in the field of allergy and immunology, medical genetics, medical microbiology and infectious diseases, toxicology, radiology, aviation, space and marine medicine, restorative and sports medicine. Preference is given to original articles including articles that present methods and techniques, clinical cases and opinions. The manuscript must be submitted by the authors while the authors must guarantee that their work has not been previously published elsewhere in whole or in part and in other languages and is not under consideration by another scientific journal.\r\rSince 2020, Extreme medicine offers online publication: once the final version of the manuscript has been reached, it is assigned a DOI and published on our website. No changes to the manuscript are accepted post publication. Once every 3 months the manuscripts published online over this period are gathered into an issue, with their DOI preserved and page numbers assigned.\r\rExtreme medicine is an open access journal distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) License. The license allows sharing and commercial reuse, but the original author must be credited. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Food Chemistry, Function and Analysis", "ISSN": "23980656, 23980664", "Scope": "ScopeFood Chemistry, Function and Analysis provides a suite of reference books focussing on food chemistry, the functions of food in relation to health and the analytical methods and approaches used by scientists in the area. It offers a comprehensive overview of important topics such as the biochemistry of food, physical properties and structure, efficacy and mechanisms of bioactives in the body including biomarkers, nutrient physiology/metabolism and interactions and the role of nutrition and diet in disease. The series is aimed at academic and industrial researchers and graduate students in food science and chemistry as well as physicists, biochemists, nutritionists and others who work at the interface of the chemistry, physics and biology of food. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Forum of Clinical Oncology", "ISSN": "1792345X, 1792362X", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Gastroenterological Endoscopy", "ISSN": "03871207, 18845738", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Gastroenterologie", "ISSN": "27317420, 27317439", "Scope": "ScopeDie Gastroenterologie offers up-to-date information for all gastroenterologists and hepatologists working in practical and clinical environments and scientists who are interested in issues of gastroenterology and hepatology.\rThe focus is on current developments regarding prevention, diagnostic approaches, management of complications and current therapy strategies. \rComprehensive reviews on a specific topical issue provide evidenced based information on diagnostics and therapy.\rReview articles under the rubric \"Continuing Medical Education\" present verified results of scientific research and their integration into daily practice. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Global Competition Litigation Review", "ISSN": "17566002, 27541843", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "He-Huaxue yu Fangshe Huaxue/Journal of Nuclear and Radiochemistry", "ISSN": "2539950", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Histoire et Mesure", "ISSN": "09821783, 19577745", "Scope": "ScopeHistoire & Mesure explores the history of statistics and measurement practices, from antique surveying or medieval gauging to contemporary scientific instruments. It also publishes papers using statistical, formal or quantitative methods as a tool for historical research, whatever the period and theme studied. Far from being limited to economic or demographic history, the journal has always been open to cultural and political history, archeology, etc. Refusing to isolate methodology from history, it considers that a reflection on the construction of quantitative tools helps to make a better use of them. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Historical Geography", "ISSN": "10916458, 23317523", "Scope": "ScopeHistorical Geography is an annual journal that publishes scholarly articles, book reviews, conference reports, and commentaries in historical geography and cognate fields. The journal encourages an interdisciplinary and international dialogue among scholars, professionals, and students interested in geographic perspectives on the past. Concerned with maintaining historical geography's ongoing intellectual contribution to scientific, social scientific and humanities-based disciplines, Historical Geography is especially committed to presenting the work of both established and emerging scholars.\r\rAll articles are Open Access following an initial 12 month period in which they are exclusively available to institutional and individual subscribers, as well as members of the American Association of Geographer’s Historical Geography Specialty Group. Other published materials, including the published versions of the Distinguished Historical Geographer lecture, roundtables, and other special reports, are available Open Access immediately on publication.\r\rOriginating as a non-peer reviewed newsletter, Historical Geography was established as a peer-reviewed, annual scholarly journal in 1993. The journal is sponsored by the Historical Geography Specialty Group of the American Association of Geographers and published by the University of Nebraska Press. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Conference on Construction in the 21st Century", "ISSN": "26401177", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "International Journal for the History of Engineering and Technology", "ISSN": "17581206, 17581214", "Scope": "ScopeThe International Journal for the History of Engineering and Technology (formerly Transactions of the Newcomen Society) is the flagship publication of the Newcomen Society – the oldest learned society in the world devoted to the history of engineering and technology. Since its foundation in 1920 it has been the leading voice in this subject and its Transactions therefore contain an unparalleled body of original research material contributed over the course of nearly a century by leading engineers and historians.\r\rThe International Journal for the History of Engineering and Technology continues the Society's long and distinguished record of presenting to a worldwide readership fresh research across the whole field: civil, mechanical, electrical, structural, aeronautical, automotive, marine, communication and chemical engineering, together with manufacturing processes, information and system engineering, and conservation issues.\r\rSubjects are treated from a wide variety of perspectives, including design, development, and use of products and processes, as well as the contribution and influence of leading thinkers and innovators. The papers emphasise how engineering and technology have historically influenced, and in their turn been influenced by, changes in the economic, social and cultural context. In addition, the journal aims to inform its readers of related historical research through reviews of newly-published material. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of COMADEM", "ISSN": "13637681", "Scope": "ScopeThe International Journal of Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management (COMADEM) is the major interdisciplinary and proactive-based international journal covering all aspects of monitoring, diagnosing, prognosing, maintenance and smart management of all industrial assets (both human and physical) throughout its useful life-cycles. Its primary aims are:\r\rto discover, generate and disseminate up-to-date knowledge,\rto network and collaborate between industries, academic and research establishments,\rto promote entrepreneurial and innovative culture,\rto promote international standardization and to promote education and training at all levels.\rThis Journal is published in collaboration with the University of Huddersfield, UK & Lulea University of Technology, Sweden. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Communication and Linguistic Studies", "ISSN": "23277882, 23278617", "Scope": "ScopeThe International Journal of Communication and Linguistic Studies critically examines the exchange of human meaning, from the processes of representation or symbolic sense-making grounded in human cognition, outward manifestations of communication, and the dynamics of interpretation. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Critical Cultural Studies", "ISSN": "23270055, 23272376", "Scope": "ScopeThe International Journal of Critical Cultural Studies critically examines the social, political and ideological conditions of cultural production and offers a wide canvas for the examination of media, identities, politics, and cultural expression. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Diverse Identities", "ISSN": "23277866, 23278560", "Scope": "ScopeThe International Journal of Diverse Identities exposes the social, historical, cultural, and psychological dynamics of identity. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Sugar Journal", "ISSN": "208841", "Scope": "ScopeInternational Sugar Journal, first published in 1869, is a peer reviewed technical-trade journal focusing on latest developments in sugar technology and sugar industry. The journal embraces scientific and technical advances in agricultural production right through to the production of sugar crystal, as well as economic, trade and policy issues. Main topics include:\r\r• sugarcane and sugar beet production\r• front end operations\r• cane and beet sugar manufacture\r• sugar refining\r• economics, trade and legislation and\r• biorenewables (cogeneration, biofuels and biobased products)\r\rRelated topics, namely analysis, instrumentation, equipment and machinery, food and non-food uses of sugar and alternative sweeteners also form the focus of the journal. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ius Ecclesiae", "ISSN": "11206462, 19725671", "Scope": "ScopeIus Ecclesiae, the canon law review of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, aims to contribute to the scholarly study of the juridical experience of the Catholic Church. The journal encourages not only research of a doctrinal character, but also the study of jurisprudential praxis and canonical administrative activity, from the various theoretical perspectives - mainly canon law, but also legal theory, legal philosophy, and the analysis of state law regarding the juridical ecclesial experience. \r\rIus Ecclesiae is a semiannual review of approximately 750 pages per year. The first volume of the journal was published in 1989. Contents of each issue: Doctrine; Jurisprudence of the Apostolic Tribunals, usually annotated; Notes and Commentaries; Bibliographical Survey (Bibliographical discussions, Reviews); Documents, usually annotated (Acts of the Roman Pontiff, Acts of the Holy See, Particular legislation). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Japanese Journal of Educational Psychology", "ISSN": "00215015, 21863075", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Educational Media and Library Sciences", "ISSN": "1013090X", "Scope": "ScopeJoEMLS is an international scholarly journal which adopts the model of Open Access as well as the regular fee-based commercial database. JoEMLS publishes articles both in paper and digital formats simultaneously. Based on the belief of InfoLibrary that emphases on integrating disciplines and digitization of information, we strive to actively reflect current trends in the field by abiding scholarly ethics and peer-review process. Our aims is to publish research findings and developments of theories in the areas of library and archival contents and applications, library science, information science, information technology, and the publishing business, etc. In addition to these core concerns, studies on educational technology and communication relating to applications in library and information science are also much welcomed. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Environmental Studies", "ISSN": "10258620, 23456922", "Scope": "Scopeنشریه محیط شناسی، نشریه علمی-پژوهشی و ارگان رسمی دانشکده محیط زیست دانشگاه تهران است که به صورت فصلنامه چاپ می گردد. مقاله های تحقیقی و پژوهشی درباره کلیه مسائل محیط زیستی در صورتیکه در مجله دیگری چاپ نشده باشد در این نشریه بررسی و در صورت تایید چاپ میگردد.\r\rاین نشریه در صدد آنست که با چاپ مقالاتی که از پژوهشهای انجام شده توسط محققین عزیز کشورمان با استفاده از جدیدترین اطلاعات علمی دنیا در زمینه محیط زیست انجام گرفته، قدمهای موثری در جهت رفع معضلات محیط زیستی بردارد.\r\rامیدواریم بتوانیم رسالت خود را با نشر اطلاعات علمی درجهت جلوگیری از تخریب بیشتر و کمک به بالابردن کیفیت محیط زیست به انجام برسانیم. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Parapsychology", "ISSN": "223387", "Scope": "ScopeFrom its beginning in 1937, the Journal of Parapsychology has been recognized worldwide as an authoritative resource for anyone interested in the scientific study of paranormal phenomena. J. B. Rhine and William McDougall of the famed Duke University Parapsychology Lab established the Journal of Parapsychology to share experimental research findings with the scientific community. Their strict criteria for evaluating research reports remain in place today through peer review. In addition to professionally scrutinized articles about original research, the Journal of Parapsychology includes theoretical discussions, book reviews, correspondence, and abstracts of papers from the Parapsychological Association’s annual convention. Editor Etzel Cardeña maintains the tradition of thorough research and careful documentation in the Journal of Parapsychology today. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Punjab Academy of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology", "ISSN": "09725687, 0974083X", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Journal of the Australasian Tax Teachers Association", "ISSN": "1832911X", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Journal of Xinxiang Medical University", "ISSN": "10047239", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "KNOB Bulletin", "ISSN": "1660470", "Scope": "ScopeSinds 1899 geeft de KNOB het Bulletin KNOB uit. Het Bulletin KNOB is een wetenschappelijk tijdschrift dat vier keer per jaar verschijnt en in binnen- en buitenland als belangrijke kennisbron op het terrein van het ruimtelijk erfgoed wordt erkend. Het tijdschrift is peer-reviewed en geïndexeerd door Scopus en de Emerging Sources Citation Index.\r\rHet Bulletin is daarmee hét tijdschrift om artikelen te publiceren die op wetenschappelijk niveau de kennis op het terrein van architectuur- en bouwgeschiedenis, stedenbouwgeschiedenis, cultuurlandschap en monumenten vergroten en verdiepen. De onafhankelijke redactie is verantwoordelijk voor het handhaven van dat wetenschappelijke niveau. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Kranion", "ISSN": "15778843", "Scope": "ScopeKRANION es una revista sobre Neurología y Neurohumanidades fundada en 2001. Desde sus\rorígenes ha mantenido una línea editorial centrada en revisiones de múltiples temas neurológicos sujetos a controversia, reservando un apartado a aspectos históricos y culturales relacionados con la Neurología y otras ciencias del cerebro. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "La Linguistique", "ISSN": "0075966X", "Scope": "ScopeLa Linguistique se consacre à l'examen de tout ce qui touche au langage et aux langues, comme instruments de communication et d'expression. Elle traite donc de linguistique générale, de description des langues (phonétique, phonologie, syntaxe, sémantique, pragmatique, analyse de discours, etc.), de diachronie, de sociolinguistique, de psycholinguistique, de sémiologie, etc.\r\rLa Linguistique recrute ses collaborateurs, en premier lieu, parmi les chercheurs qui dégagent la structure des langues à partir de l’observation de leur fonctionnement, mais aussi chez ceux qui s’intéressent à l’épistémologie et à la théorie.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Law and Literature", "ISSN": "1535685X", "Scope": "ScopeLaw and Literature was founded in 1988 as the journal of the Law and Literature movement. It has since become the leading interdisciplinary law journal directed to law and the arts, with a specific focus on critical theory, historical inquiry, and literary expression in its diverse media and forms. It welcomes articles examining intersections between literary and legal traditions, and provides a forum for reconsidering disciplinary boundaries and categories. Recent and upcoming issues include articles on law and film, Nelson Mandela, literature and privacy, Shakespeare and the law, Hauntology and intellectual property, the rhetoric of closing statements, Tiberius and legal fiction, the jurisprudence of visual art, Yugoslav literature and censorship, Don Quixote as critique of law, narrative forms and much more. Contributions to the journal have come from Stanley Fish, Cornelia Vismann, Laurent de Sutter, Bernhard Schlink, Andrew Counter, Julie Stone Peters, Barton Beebe, Anselm Haverkamp, Desmond Manderson, Maria Aristodemou, James Boyd White, and Paul Raffield, and include translations of continental and Latin American literary and legal scholars. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Lijecnicki Vjesnik", "ISSN": "243477", "Scope": "ScopeLiječnički vjesnik (LV), the official peer-reviewed journal of the Croatian Medical Association, publishes editorials, professional and research articles, review articles, case reports, drugs and methods reviews, preliminary scientific and professional communications, commentaries, letters to the editor, book reviews, and other contributions, provided they have not been published in the same format in another journal or book. The journal is published six times a year.\rThe contents of Liječnički vjesnik may be used free of charge for educational and research purposes, with full reference to the source. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Man-Made Textiles in India", "ISSN": "3777537", "Scope": "ScopeIn order to disseminate information pertaining to latest developments in man-made fibre and fabric technology both in India and abroad, Sasmira launched a monthly journal - Silk and Rayon Industries of India - in 1958. Later the journal was renamed as \"Man-made Textiles in India\". This official organ publishes articles and research papers on fibre science, chemical and mechanical engineering, chemical and mechanical processing, technology and textile management besides gleanings from standard periodicals. The articles are abstracted by World Textile Abstracts, Textile Technology Digest, Indian Science Index and reproduced by several textile periodicals. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Medica Jadertina", "ISSN": "3510093", "Scope": "ScopeMedica Jadertina magazine contains scientific and professional papers covering a wide range of themes in the fields of biomedicine and health, psychology, pharmaceutics, public health and health insurance.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Military Operations Research", "ISSN": "2755823", "Scope": "ScopeMilitary Operations Research is a peer-reviewed journal of high academic quality. The Journal publishes articles that describe operations research (OR) methodologies and theories used in key military and national security applications. Of particular interest are papers that present:\r\rCase studies showing innovative OR applications\rApply OR to major policy issues\rIntroduce interesting new problems areas\rHighlight education issues\rDocument the history of military and national security OR. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "MMW Fortschritte der Medizin", "ISSN": "14383276, 16133560", "Scope": "ScopeSie bietet in Print und Online wissenschaftlich seriöse, kompetent und lesefreundlich aufbereitete aktuelle Medizininhalte mit hohem Praxisnutzen. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Monografies de la Societat d'Historia Natural de les Balears", "ISSN": "16965426", "Scope": "ScopeLes monografies de la Societat d'Història Natural són un conjunt de publicacions aperiòdiques presentades com a treballs monogràfics que enfoquen aspectes puntuals de qualsevol dels temes que són propis de la Societat. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Musicology Australia", "ISSN": "08145857, 1949453X", "Scope": "ScopeMusicology Australia is the scholarly journal of the Musicological Society of Australia. Since its inception in 1963, the journal has published articles on all aspects of music research, including ethnomusicology and musicology, which marks it out from most other music journals.\r\rToday, articles and reviews cover a broad spectrum of music research, including historical musicology, ethnomusicology, popular music, indigenous music practices, jazz, theory and analysis, organology, performance practice, contemporary music and psychology of music. The journal is published twice a year: in July and December. Contributors are not required to write on Australian music or be Australian-based musicologists.\r\rArticles should normally be 6000-10,000 words (including footnotes and/or references), though shorter and longer articles will be considered. Solicited and unsolicited book reviews (2000 words) and review articles (4000 words) are considered for publication. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Natur und Landschaft", "ISSN": "280615", "Scope": "ScopeNatur und Landschaft ist die führende Monatszeitschrift für Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege im deutschsprachigen Raum, herausgegeben vom Bundesamt für Naturschutz (BfN).\r\rDie älteste deutsche Fachzeitschrift für Naturschutz – im Jahr 2020 erscheint sie im 95. Jahrgang – ist unentbehrlich für Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler, Fachbehörden, Gutachterinnen und Gutachter, Planungsbüros, Studierende, Verbandsangehörige und Politikerinnen und Politiker.\r\rJede Ausgabe enthält begutachtete Beiträge von kompetenten Autorinnen und Autoren zu aktuellen Themen, wie z. B. Landschaftspflege, Landschaftsplanung, Gebietsschutz, Arten- und Biotopschutz, Eingriffsregelung, Naturschutzforschung, Naturschutzethik, Naturschutzgeschichte, Recht im Naturschutz, internationaler Naturschutz, naturverträgliche Landnutzung, Erholungsvorsorge, Agrogentechnik, Naturschutzbildung und vieles andere mehr... Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "New York History", "ISSN": "00287261, 0146437X", "Scope": "Scope\rTABLE OF CONTENTS\rSAMPLE ARTICLE\rSince 1932, New York History (ISSN 0146-437x) has served as the foremost scholarly journal on the state’s past. New York History, now under the leadership of the Cornell University Press, and working closely with staff from the New York State Museum, seeks to unify the diverse field of New York State history and meet the needs of a growing historical community that includes scholars, public historians, museum professionals, local government historians, and those seeking an in-depth look at the Empire State’s history.\r\rNew York History strives to promote and interpret the state’s history through the publication of historical research and case studies dealing with New York State, as well as, its relationship to national and international events. New York History, published twice a year, presents articles dealing with every aspect of New York State history, and reviews of books, exhibitions, and media projects with a New York focus. The Editorial Board actively solicits articles, essays, reports from the field and case studies that support this mission. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Oriente Moderno", "ISSN": "00305472, 22138617", "Scope": "ScopeOriente Moderno was founded in 1921 by Carlo Alfonso Nallino and directed by him until his death in 1939. Later editors were Ettore Rossi and Paolo Minganti. Its current Editors and the Scientific Committee are composed of university professors and researchers from different Italian universities. The Oriente Moderno publishes scientific articles on all aspects of political, social, literary, and cultural aspects of the contemporary Middle East. It also contains translated documents, news on islamic and arabic research in Italy and reviews of books. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Pacific Historical Review", "ISSN": "00308684, 15338584", "Scope": "ScopeFor over eighty years, Pacific Historical Review has accurately and adeptly covered the rich history of the American West and the peoples and cultures of the Pacific world, including Asia, Latin America, and beyond. The PHR is committed to the publication of work that explores cross-cultural and comparative studies, race and ethnicity, the history of empire and imperialism, environmental history, gender and sexuality, and other germane topics. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Practical Gastroenterology", "ISSN": "2774208", "Scope": "ScopePractical Gastroenterology is a professional clinical journal focusing on the diagnosis and management of digestive diseases. Each issue consists of articles on topics that physicians encounter in daily practice.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Praktische Tierarzt", "ISSN": "0032681X", "Scope": "ScopeDer Praktische Tierarzt veröffentlicht Originalien, Fallberichte und Übersichtsarbeiten zu neuen Diagnostikverfahren, Medikamenten und Therapiemethoden. Die wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten werden durch Fachredakteure betreut und durchlaufen eine Begutachtung (Peer Review). Ergänzend informieren Berichte Aus der Wissenschaft, Experteninterviews sowie Journal Clubs über aktuelle, praxisrelevante Forschung. In jeder Ausgabe von Der Praktische Tierarzt finden Sie einen ATF-anerkannten Fortbildungsbeitrag.\r\rIn der Rubrik Praxis finden Sie zahlreiche Tipps zu Praxismanagement und -organisation, Mitarbeiterführung und rechtlichen Fragen. Vor-Ort-Reportagen geben spannende Einblicke in den Berufsalltag der Kollegen. Im Magazin lesen Sie aktuelle Meldungen sowie Hintergrundberichte aus Tiermedizin und Berufspolitik. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Proceedings of ECOpole", "ISSN": "1898617X, 20844557", "Scope": "ScopeSemi-annual Proceedings of ECOpole is devoted for rapid publications of papers presented during ECOpole conferences. It publishes mainly articles (experimental and technological) in the field of chemistry, monitoring, environmental engineering and agriculture as well as in the related fields. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Psiquiatria Biologica", "ISSN": "11345934, 15788962", "Scope": "ScopePsiquiatría Biológica es la Publicación Oficial de la Sociedad Española de Psiquiatría Biológica y la Sociedad Española de Psiquiatría. Los recientes avances en el conocimiento de la bioquímica y de la fisiología cerebrales y el progreso en general en el campo de las neurociencias han abierto el camino al desarrollo de la Psiquiatría Biológica, fundamentada sobre bases anatomofisiológicas, más sólidas y científicas que las de la psiquiatría tradicional. La revista tiene una finalidad formativa y divulgativa de la información. Con ello, cumple así el doble objetivo de contribuir a la formación de quienes se inician en la especialidad y de quienes puedan estar interesados en el área de la Psiquiatría Biológica. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revija za Kriminalistiko in Kriminologijo", "ISSN": "0034690X", "Scope": "ScopeThe history of the journal goes back to 1949, while its first issue was published in 1950 under the title of Criminal Investigation Service. In 1959, the journal was renamed into the Journal of Criminal Investigation and Criminology. It has been the leading Slovenian professional scientific journal covering the areas of criminology and criminal investigation and related scientific disciplines (criminal law, victimology, penology, etc.). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Chilena de Anestesia", "ISSN": "7164076", "Scope": "ScopeLa Revista Chilena de Anestesiología es la publicación oficial de la Sociedad Chilena de anestesiología y considera para ser publicados todos aquellos artículos originales en español e inglés referidos a las áreas de anestesiología, cuidados intensivos, dolor, cuidados paliativos y ciencias básicas afines (fisiología, farmacología y otras). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista de Patologia Respiratoria", "ISSN": "15769895, 2173920X", "Scope": "ScopeRevista de Patología Respiratoria is the scientific journal of the Madrilenian\rPulmonology and Thoracic Surgery Society (Neumomadrid). It will consider those\roriginal articles related to Pulmonology, Thoracic Surgery and all other related sciences\rfor their possible publication. Other types of articles such as reviews, editorials, special\rarticles, scientific letters and letters to the editor are also published in the journal. It is\ra quarterly Journal that publishes a total of 4 issues, which contain these types of\rarticles to different extents. All publications submitted will always undergo a peer\rreview and a final decision will be made according to comments from the expert\rreviewers and members of the Editorial Board. The Journal is published both in Spanish\rand English. Therefore, the submission of manuscripts written in either Spanish or\rEnglish is welcome.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Latinoamericana de Derecho Social", "ISSN": "18704670, 24487899", "Scope": "ScopeThe “Revista Latinoamericana de Derecho Social” is a bianual publication specialized \rin Latinamerican Social Law and other regional points of view. This magazine counts \rwith the participation of national and international studious on the subject \rparticipating, either in the publication of articles or in the publishing and advisory \rcommittees.\rThe objective of the magazine is the promotion and encouragment of Social Law studies. The magazine has been included in regional and European libraries. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Rhetorica - Journal of the History of Rhetoric", "ISSN": "07348584, 15338541", "Scope": "ScopePublished quarterly for the International Society for the History of Rhetoric, Rhetorica includes articles, book reviews, and bibliographies that examine the theory and practice of rhetoric in all periods and languages and their relationship with poetics, philosophy, religion, and law. The official languages of the journal are English, French, German, Italian, Latin, and Spanish, with articles and features corresponding. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Soudobe Dejiny", "ISSN": "12107050, 26950952", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal Soudobé dějiny / Czech Journal of Contemporary History, published since 1993, is an academic, peer-reviewed, historical journal specialising in the history of the 20th and 21st century, with a focus on Czechoslovak and Czech themes in the broader international context. It publishes studies in Czech, Slovak and English and appears in print as well as electronically (Open Access – CC BY-NC license) three times a year (30 April and 31 August in Czech, 31 December in English). The journal is published by the Institute of Contemporary History of the Czech Academy of Sciences and it is managed by the Editorial Team with the support of the Editorial Board.\rThe aim of Soudobé dějiny / CJCH is to contribute to a deeper and fact-based understanding of the recent past, the cultivation of collective memory and the establishment of contemporary history as a distinct historical discipline in the Czech Republic and in Central Europe. The journal publishes original contributions focusing on historical research. It aspires to be as thematically, methodologically, disciplinary and stylistically open as possible. The journal sees itself as a platform for academic discussions and debates. The journal aims to be relevant beyond the academic sphere, particularly for history teachers and the broader educated public. The journal is indexed in the Scopus, CEEOL, ERIH PLUS and CrossRef databases. The reviews published in the journal are also available on Recensio.net. All the journal issues are preserved and archived by National Library of Czech Republic (printed version ISSN 1210-7050) and National Library of Technology of Czech Republic (online version ISSN 2695-0952). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Speciality Petrochemicals", "ISSN": "10039384", "Scope": "Scope《精细石油化工》隶属于中国石化集团资产经营管理有限公司天津石化分公司,本刊为专业技术性刊物。主要发表油田化学品、日用化工产品、纺织染整性助剂、胶粘剂、表面活性剂、合成洗涤剂、催化剂、合成材料助剂、炼油精细化学品、石化副产品综合利用以及中间体的研究、开发、生产、应用等方面的成果,介绍国内外发展精细化工工业的经验及精细石油化工领域 的新成就和技术进展。主要栏目有专辑、研究与开发、综述、分析与测试、国内外动态等。主要读者对象为从事精细石油化工研究的科技人员以及相关专业大专院校师生。 Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Steel Times International", "ISSN": "1437798", "Scope": "ScopeSteel Times International is an English language journal. It contains a digest of global news, events, statistics, and stockholding news, as well as more detailed technical articles, company and country profiles, conference reports and regular regional economic briefings.\r\rThe target readership are managers and CEOs in the steel industry, but it is also widely read by stockholders, members of research organisations, technical consultants and business consultants.\r\rIn addition to its regular eight issues a year Steel Times International publishes technical supplements and foreign language supplements in Chinese, Russian and Spanish for distribution in the appropriate regions. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Strategic Direction", "ISSN": "2580543", "Scope": "ScopeAs a unique service, we scan through the best 400 management journals in the world and distill the most topical management issues and relevant implications for senior managers out of the cutting-edge research. We regularly present case study reviews of the Fortune 500 companies. Each briefing (no more than 2 to 3 pages long) is prepared by an independent writer who adds their own impartial comments and places the arguments in context.\r\rUnique attributes\rStrategic Direction offers CEOs powerful advantages by briefing them on the key ideas and major issues affecting business today.\r\rTopicality\rAs the business environment becomes more competitive, the quality of strategic thinking demonstrated by an organization can become a measure of its success. This journal is the first of its kind, built solely around the needs of the CEOs and their strategy teams, and is an essential tool in the conception and implementation of powerful strategies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studi Culturali", "ISSN": "1824369X, 26120917", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal Studi Culturali was founded in 2004, with the aim of satisfying a growing demand for research on cultures and on the complex forms of their production, circulation, organization, and appropriation in the contemporary world. The journal title does not reflect any rigid disciplinary affiliation, but rather suggests the constitution of an ever shifting space for intellectual exchanges among different disciplinary traditions: a laboratory of collective reflection on culture in its different expressions, attentive to its spatial and temporal contexts, and able to question its very foundations. Studi Culturali is committed to both empirical and theoretical enquiries, with a particular emphasis on experimenting with new methodologies and reworking the legacy of classic social sciences. The subject areas the journal focuses on are multiple, from the arts, media, consumption, advertisement, lifestyle, sport, subcultures, rituals, science and religion as well as issues of gender, ethnic differences, social control, citizenship, multiculturalism and postcolonialism. Its specificity lies in adopting a perspective which brings out their cultural and political relevance. The journal features original articles from contemporary scholars and \"classic\" texts prefaced to bring out their everlasting relevance, debates and interviews, shorter comments on methodological issues and the analysis of a variety of empirical sources from visual archives to websites. It also features a rich section of book reviews aimed at offering Italian readers a selection of the most important works published on cultural issues in Italy and elsewhere.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studi sulla Questione Criminale", "ISSN": "18284973, 19733984", "Scope": "ScopeFirst published in 1975, the juridical review becomes “Dei delitti e delle pene” with Alessandro Baratta as its editor in chief, and in 2006 its name changed into “Studi sulla questione criminale. Nuova serie di Dei delitti e delle pene”. Conceived within the Alma Facoltà di Giurisprudenza of the University of Bologna, this four-monthly publication seeks to observe critically the relationship between the Law (crime Law) and the sociology of deviance, criminality and social control. The authors of the articles come from different countries and they often contribute to compare world-wide distant juridical and social systems.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Theatre Survey", "ISSN": "00405574, 14754533", "Scope": "ScopeTheatre Survey is chartered by the American Society for Theatre Research as a theatre history journal. Its theatrical and historical orientations are broadly conceived. Performance-centered and historiographic studies from all points across the historical, cultural, and methodological spectra are welcome. Recent issues have included an article on the early professional deaf theatre in post-Stalinist Soviet Union, a study of the gestural vocabulary found in surviving images of early commedia dell'arte, a philosophical treatise by Alan Badiou, and an essay on the impact of neoliberalism—from the classroom to the department to the “global university”—that suggests how theatre and performance scholars might approach the political difficulties currently threatening the mission of higher education. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Theoretical and Practical Research in the Economic Fields", "ISSN": "20687710", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Visual Resources", "ISSN": "1973762", "Scope": "ScopeVisual Resources ( VR) is a quarterly academic journal devoted to the study of images and their uses. From its founding in 1980, the journal has published, through rigorous peer review, scholarly articles and critical reviews of the highest quality. VR operates in the spaces between theory, technology and historiography. It explores how the interpretation and reproduction of images conditions and enhances the methodology and historiography of academic disciplines such as archaeology, history and, particularly, art and architectural history.\r\rVR aims to interrogate how visual language is structured and how visual meaning is communicated and transmitted, for instance, through investigations into art periodicals and the art press. It also aims to illustrate how image collections, in digital and other media, are acquired, organized, indexed, preserved, and curated. VR examines early attempts to document the visual, reports on the state of visual resources, and assesses the effect of electronic technology on current and future uses. It provides a platform for reporting innovative ways to organize and access visual information – while aiming to increase the recognition and appreciation of\rvisual documentation. Images of architecture and works of art constitute its main focus, but it also includes images on other subjects and contexts in a wide range of formats.\r\rVR has a wide: it has published articles about verbal descriptions of art and architecture; copies, casts, and facsimiles;\rdrawings, paintings, and prints; photography; library, archive, and museum collections; iconography; art magazines and books; and computers and electronic imagery - and how these have functioned as documents of art and culture. The Editors encourage submissions concerned with empirical research and case studies as well as those that consider theoretical and interpretive questions related to all aspects of visual documentation in its broadest sense. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "World Journal of Endocrine Surgery", "ISSN": "09755039, 09757902", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Zhongbei Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/Journal of North University of China (Natural Science Edition)", "ISSN": "16733193", "Scope": "Scope本刊为双月刊,国内外公开发行,面向全国高等院校、研究所、部队的广大教师、学生和科研人员,刊登内容涵盖基础理论、机械、材料、化工、自动控制、计算机、测试、信息、电子及安全工程等专业,主要栏目有:应用基础研究、机械与动力工程、自动化与计算机、化工与环境工程、电子与电子信息、材料科学与管理工程。欢迎全国各界学术同行向本刊赐稿。 Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Acotaciones", "ISSN": "11307269, 24443948", "Scope": "Scope«Acotaciones» edita preferentemente resultados de investigación escritos en español o inglés. Pueden ser enviados también informes, estudios y propuestas, así como selectas revisiones de literatura (state-of-the-art articles).\r\rLos trabajos deben ser originales, no haber sido publicados en ningún medio ni estar en proceso de publicación, siendo responsabilidad de los autores el cumplimiento de esta norma. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Acta Universitatis Carolinae Theologica", "ISSN": "18045588, 23363398", "Scope": "ScopeAUC Theologica is a peer-reviewed journal for theology published twice a year. As we publish original papers in English, German, French, and Italian, our mission is to serve as a platform both for Czech researchers, who can present their research results in these languages, and for international contributors, who are invited to enter the academic theological discussion in the heart of Europe.\rThe journal focuses on a wide range of theological disciplines, such as systematic theology, biblical studies, patristic studies, pastoral and spiritual theology, religious education, church history, etc. Within these fields, the journal seeks to reflect the current theological questions and problems, which often requires interdisciplinary approaches. Supporting the intersection of various theological disciplines, we thus also welcome theological papers touching other academic fields including philosophy, sociology, literary studies, and science.\r\rEach issue consists of two sections. The thematic section presents papers of the same focus. The section called ‘Varia’ invites papers dealing with various theological themes from the perspective of all Christian traditions. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Romanica", "ISSN": "15059065, 24498831", "Scope": "ScopeThe origins of the journal Acta Universitatis Lodziensis, Folia Litteraria Romanica date back to the late 1970s. The first journal of the Romance Studies of the University of Lodz was published in 1982 as part of Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria on the initiative of Prof. Kazimierz Kupisz. It was supposed to publish scholarly works of the local Romance scholars and materials from scientific conferences held by the Department of Romance Studies of the University of Lodz. Altogether nine usually thematic volumes have appeared in print over the space of several years.\r\rOwing to Prof. Zbigniew Naliwajek Folia Litteraria Romanica became an heir of this series in 2000. For the last fifteen years Folia Litteraria Romanica has been specializing in publications from the field of Romance literary studies, gradually expanding its spectrum to include linguistics. The primary language of publications is French, although the journal also publishes papers in other Romance language or in Polish. The journal publishes papers of scholars both from home and abroad. Literary studies concern selected authors, literary genres or idiosyncratic cognitive problems, forming then part of the history of idea. Linguistic works tend to revolve around issues which belong to different fields of linguistics, for example lexicology, paremiology, semantics, diasystemic language differentiation or comparative linguistics.\r\rThe journal has been published on an annual basis for the last couple of years. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "African Arts", "ISSN": "00019933, 19372108", "Scope": "ScopeAfrican Arts presents original research and critical discourse on traditional, contemporary, and popular African arts and expressive cultures. Since 1967, the journal has reflected the dynamism and diversity of several fields of study, publishing richly illustrated articles in full color, incorporating the most current theory, practice, and intercultural dialogue. The journal offers readers peer-reviewed scholarly articles concerning a striking range of art forms and visual cultures of the world’s second-largest continent and its diasporas, as well as special thematic issues, book and exhibition reviews, features on museum collections, exhibition previews, artist portfolios, photo essays, contemporary dialogues, and editorials. African Arts promotes investigation of the interdisciplinary connections among the arts, anthropology, history, language, politics, religion, performance, and cultural and global studies.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Aktuelle Ernahrungsmedizin Klinik und Praxis", "ISSN": "03410501, 14389916", "Scope": "Scope\rKompetent:\rOriginalarbeiten aus den Bereichen Stoffwechselforschung, Klinische Ernährung, Diätetik\r\rInformiert:\rZertifizierte Fortbildungsbeiträge\r\rPraxisnah:\rInformationen für die Diätberatung\r\rFür Sie notiert:\rNeueste Nachrichten aus der Forschung\r\rZusätzlich:\rTermine, Gesellschaftsnachrichten und Abstracts Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Alif", "ISSN": "11108673", "Scope": "ScopeAlif welcomes original submissions on literature and cultural studies for its annual thematic issues. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Al-Masaq: Islam and the Medieval Mediterranean", "ISSN": "09503110, 1473348X", "Scope": "ScopeAl-Masāq: Journal of the Medieval Mediterranean is a peer reviewed, international journal covering all aspects of Mediterranean societies and cultures from the fifth to the fifteenth centuries CE. As the journal of the Society for the Medieval Mediterranean, it aims to foster cross-cultural and inter-disciplinary investigation, encouraging debate on the intercommunal and transregional crosspollination within the Medieval Mediterranean, and promoting innovatory research.\rAl-Masāq covers a varied range of topics, including:\r\r• Transmission and communication of culture in the Mediterranean\r• Islam in medieval European writings\r• Mediterranean art and architecture\r• Material Culture in the Mediterranean\r• Seafaring and coastal communities\r• Archaeology\r• Hagiography, sermons and related literature\r• Conversion: Jewish, Christian and Islamic\r• Crusades, the Latin East\r• Gender and the Mediterranean\r• Islam in Spain and Sicily\r• Norman Sicily\r• Byzantium\r• Orthodox Christianity\r• Monasticism and religious life\r• Government and warfare\r• Medicine, science and technology\r• Military history\r• Concepts of identity in the Mediterranean\r• Geography and settlement studies\r• Historical writing\r• Archives and resources\r• Mediterranean economies\r• Mediterranean Languages and literatures\r• Mediterranean Connections and Communities. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Analiza i Egzystencja", "ISSN": "17349923, 23007621", "Scope": "Scope«Analysis and Existence» is a quarterly published in paper version (the basic version) and electronically (in Open Access system); licence CC BY-SA.\r\rThe Journal is included in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).\r\rThe Journal has been published since 2005, at the beginning twice a year, and since 2011 as a quarterly. Since 2007 the Journal has been listed in the DOAJ, since 2015 in the European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH PLUS), and since 2016 in the SCOPUS.\r\rThe Journal has been publishing articles in Polish, English and German. In 2017 there were 40 volumes of the Journal «Analysis and Existence». Among the authors who have published their articles in the Journal there were such celebrities as Rae Langton, Graham Oppy, Wlodek Rabinowicz, Richard Rorty, John Skorupski, Richard Swinburne, and Michael Teunissen.\r\rWe invite to cooperate with the Journal all the scholars who investigate existential problems, as well as the ones who concentrate on analysis and arguments. We aspire to a philosophy that is solid and reliable as much as possible, a philosophy that deals with important existential questions. We proceed only papers submitted on this webside by \"Suggest article\". Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Animal Technology and Welfare", "ISSN": "17420385", "Scope": "ScopeThe official journal of the Institute of Animal Technology and of the European Federation of Animal Technologists (EFAT).\r\rAnimal Technology and Welfare aims to be the medium for animal technologists and all those concerned with the care and welfare of animals used for research purposes to communicate ‘best practice. ATW especially aims to promote and develop the 3Rs particularly in respect of Refinement. More importantly, ATW promotes the generally accepted ‘4th R’, Responsibility. The responsibility that all animal technologists have in ensuring dissemination of ‘best practice’ to every institution using animals in research. ATW enjoys a unique position as the scientific publication for the leading organisations (IAT and EFAT) for the welfare of animals in research. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Antiguo Oriente", "ISSN": "16679202", "Scope": "ScopeAntiguo Oriente (abbreviated as AntOr) is the annual, peer-reviewed, scholarly journal published by the Center of Studies of Ancient Near Eastern History (CEHAO). The journal publishes manuscripts related to the history of societies of the Ancient Near East and the Eastern Mediterranean from the Paleolithic through the Roman-Hellenistic period. Antiguo Oriente publishes articles and book reviews in Spanish, English and French. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Arab Media and Society", "ISSN": "16877721", "Scope": "ScopeArab Media & Society is a primary resource for media research in the region. The journal, published biannually online and in print, offers peer-reviewed scholarly research and analysis on a wide array of topics pertaining to the dynamic media landscape across the Arab world. \r\rThe Arab Media & Society website produces and curates diverse content examining media and life in the Arab region and diaspora. This includes reporting, analysis, interviews, reviews of books, conferences, and films, a podcast, and more.\r\rOur online publication has a rich history of quality contributions to the field of media research and analysis. Founded in the 1998 as Transnational Broadcasting Studies, the change to Arab Media & Society in 2007 came as a response to the quickly evolving media space. The journal has operated as a hybrid publication; offering detailed academic analysis, long-form journalism and multimedia content, including our podcast. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Arab World Geographer", "ISSN": "14806800", "Scope": "ScopeThe AWG is an international peer-review professional journal devoted to advancing geographical knowledge pertaining principally (though not exclusively) to the Arab World. It is integrative in approach, and especially oriented towards the relevance of applied research to policy. It provides for rapid publication of original research papers, reports, and reviews dealing with all aspects of the human environment in the lands of the Arab World as interpreted by human and physical geographers. The AWG seeks to disseminate the work of the new generation of Arab geographers to the wider international geographic and scholarly community through the medium of global English. As the millennium approaches, the editors of the journal believe there is need for a multidisciplinary forum for the discussion and analysis of all aspects of Arab geography within the context of international geographic dialogue in the 21st century. The emphasis of the journal will be on input from and about the Arab World and the implications of this material for both theoretical and applied research.\r\rThe AWG will be a valuable adjunct to courses on the geography of the Middle East and North Africa and an important source of new research information for specialists, students, policy makers, and a broader readership of individuals interested in or active in the Arab affairs. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Arheologia Moldovei", "ISSN": "00667358, 25015893", "Scope": "ScopeArheologia Moldovei is one of the most prestigious Romanian scientific journals in the field of Archaeology, issued since 1961 by the Institute of Archaeology in Iasi, under the aegis of the Romanian Academy. Since 1990 the issues of the journal are published yearly.\r\rThe journal publishes larger studies, papers, as well as notes and reviews pertaining to all fields of Archaeology, in terms of both chronology (from prehistory to the Middle Ages) and thematic (from theoretical essays to excavation reports and archaeometry). The languages of publication are English, German, French and Romanian (the latter with with larger English abstracts). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Articulo - Journal of Urban Research", "ISSN": "16614941", "Scope": "ScopeArticulo – Journal of Urban Research is a peer-reviewed online journal devoted to the exploration of urban issues through the lens of a wide range of social science approaches. The Journal embraces a multidisciplinary perspective on the transformation of social, environmental and economic issues of cities and city regions. Publishing both theoretical and empirical articles, the Journal is an international forum that brings together academics and practitioners working on urban issues in cities around the world to present ground breaking and relevant research. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Atencion Primaria Practica", "ISSN": "26050730", "Scope": "ScopeAtención Primaria Práctica is a new, peer reviewed, online open access journal and is a companion title to the established Atención Primaria. It is a Spanish and English language international journal that publishes articles of interest for health professionals that wish to become familiar with the practical aspects of the discipline. Although it is included in the group of \"case report\" journals, it is not limited to publishing clinical cases, as it also approaches all those aspects that are of interest in Primary Care practice, such as projects on the improvement of clinical quality, patient safety, patient-centred care, community programs, ethical conflicts, or organisational innovations that improve Primary Care.\r\rDescriptive studies of cases and unique experiences are situated at the bottom of the scientific evidence pyramid, and for this reason they are not usually accepted in journals that publish biomedical research; however, these works provide knowledge that can be very useful for the clinician, the student, and the researcher. They are of interest for identifying rare or new diseases, to evaluate the effects of therapeutics, their adverse effects, or the cost of interventions, as well as contributing to problem-based learning and non-repetition of errors. They serve to encourage the creation of guidelines or clinical practice pathways or to suggest future research projects. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Biblical Archaeology Review", "ISSN": "989444", "Scope": "ScopeBiblical Archaeology Review is a one-of-a-kind archaeology magazine that acts as a bridge between the academic study of archaeology and a broad general audience eager to understand the world of the Bible better. Covering both the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament since its beginning in 1975, BAR is the leading nonsectarian forum for the discussion of Biblical archaeology. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cadernos de Estudos Africanos", "ISSN": "16453794, 21827400", "Scope": "ScopeCadernos de Estudos Africanos is a journal published by the Centro de Estudos Internacionais of ISCTE-IUL, Lisbon focusing on an academic approach to Africa. It welcomes the collaboration of the international scientific community, who specializes in the Social Sciences branch of African Studies, and it is particularly committed to an internationalizing, following a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary envisioning. The journal publishes articles in four languages, Portuguese, English, Spanish and French, and it has been a regular biannual publication since its first issue (July 2001). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "CESARE Conference Publications", "ISSN": "27886204", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Ceska Literatura", "ISSN": "90468", "Scope": "ScopeČeská literatura is a peer-reviewed journal published six times a year by the ASCR Institute for Czech Literature. It focuses on research into history and poetics, the contexts and functions of Czech literature and the issues surrounding Czech and world literary studies theory. The aim of the journal is to present methodically based papers that make a contribution to knowledge of, and stimulate research into, Czech literary studies both at home and abroad, as well as other associated humanities disciplines. The journal publishes original and translated texts in Czech. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Chinese Journal of Biomedical Engineering", "ISSN": "2588021", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Chinese Journal of Contemporary Neurology and Neurosurgery", "ISSN": "16726731", "Scope": "ScopeChinese Journal of Contemporary Neurology and Neurosurgery (CJCNN, ISSN 1672-6731) is the official journal of Chinese Medical Doctor Association, Tianjin Science and Technology Association, Tianjin Neurosciences Society and Tianjin Huanhu Hospital. CJCNN aims to facilitate international collaboration and exchange of comprehensive and cutting-edge information on basic, translational, and applied clinical research in neurology and neurosurgery. Prevention, treatment and research relevant to China is a focus area, but submissions from all regions are welcomed. CJCNN was launched in October, 2001 with an international Editorial team having a unique mix of Asian and Western participation.\r\rCJCNN is an international multidisciplinary peer⁃reviewed monthly Chinese journal that publishes editorials, original full-length research articles, short communications, reviews, methodological papers, commentaries, perspectives and short reports in the broad fields of developmental, molecular, cellular, systems, computational, behavioral, cognitive, and clinical neurosciences. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cinema et Cie", "ISSN": "20355270, 2036461X", "Scope": "ScopeCinéma&Cie is an international, peer-reviewed academic journal. Published from 2001, it supports innovative perspectives and groundbreaking methodological approaches in the fields of film and media studies as well as screen cultures. Research areas include: the relationships between media history and media theory; the intersections between technological, industrial, and representational aspects; audiovisual heritage; reception and consumption; the relations between different forms of audiovisual narrative, art, and communication.\rThe journal is published twice a year, in Spring and Fall, and is structured in four sections:\r\r– Thematic issue: usually the largest section, devoted to a different, unique topic each time. This section only accepts submissions in response to specific calls for essays that are advertised via the journal website;\r– Beyond Cinema: a section focused on innovative perspectives on the transformations in the field of film studies. Submissions are accepted only in response to the permanent call for essays advertised on the website;\r– Projects & Abstracts: the section details international research and noteworthy Ph.D. thesis projects or abstracts, recommended by supervisors;\r– Reviews: the section consists of significant essays, festivals, exhibitions, conferences and related content.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Civil Engineering", "ISSN": "08857024, 23810688", "Scope": "ScopeReaching an audience of more than 140,000 civil engineers worldwide, the magazine has the largest circulation within the engineering profession, providing a compelling editorial mix of:\r\r-Projects-\rTrends-\rEngineering Science-\rEngineering Technology-\rEngineering History-\rIn-Depth Analysis of Current Issues-\rPublic Policy-\rLaw-\rEthics. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Classica et Christiana", "ISSN": "18423043", "Scope": "ScopeClassica et Christiana, published by the Center for Christian and Classical Studies of the Faculty of History, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University Iasi, aims the publication of contributions signed by Romanian and foreign researchers devoted to the traditional areas of research of the Greco-Roman classicism (ancient history, classical philology, Greek and Latin epigraphy, etc.), but also the promotion of the latest directions, like Late Antiquity, patristic, daily life in Greco-Latin Antiquity and Christian, cultural anthropology of the early classical and Christian world etc. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cleveland state law review", "ISSN": "98876", "Scope": "ScopeThe Cleveland State Law Review, originally founded in 1952 as the Cleveland-Marshall Law Review, is a student-run organization whose primary purposes are to publish a high-quality journal of legal scholarship and to promote academic excellence in the law school community. The Law Review publishes four issues annually, containing the scholarly works of legal academics, judges, practitioners, and students. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cocuk Cerrahisi Dergisi", "ISSN": "13055194, 26677024", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of the Turkish Association of Pediatric Surgeons and The Society for Pediatric Urology in Turkey is one of the few publicatios in the country that has been in the medical field for over 30 years.\r\rThe journal accepts manuscripts on general topics, experimental and clinical research articles and occasionally interesting case reports in the fields of of pediatric surgery and pediatric urology. In the meantime, readers also can reach an additional section that provides literature summaries and recent publications on pediatric surgery and pediatric urology.\r\rThe Journal of Pediatric Surgery offers a teaching service on important topics related to the field. Besides innovations and new developments are adressed with the contributions of specialists selected by our guest editors. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Common Knowledge", "ISSN": "0961754X, 15384578", "Scope": "ScopeSince 1992 Common Knowledge has opened lines of communication among schools of thought in the academy, as well as between the academy and the community of thoughtful people outside its walls. Common Knowledge has formed a new intellectual model, one based on conversation and cooperation rather than on metaphors (adopted from war and sports) of \"sides\" that one must \"take.\" The pages of Common Knowledge regularly challenge the ways we think about scholarship and its relevance to humanity. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Corporate Law and Governance Review", "ISSN": "26641542, 27071111", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "CounterText", "ISSN": "20564406, 20564414", "Scope": "ScopeCounterText is uniquely centred on the study of literature and its 21st-century extensions. Is literature what it used to be? Are the broader resonances of the literary being overtaken in the drifts towards image cultures, digital spaces, globalisation and technoscientific advances? Or might the literary simply be elsewhere? CounterText seeks and commissions contributions that explore this fluid 'post-literary' reality in its various forms and challenges.\r\rFor CounterText, the post-literary is the domain in which any artefact that might have some claim on the literary appears. Inevitably, most of these artefacts will conform to familiar manifestations of the literary, doing little to reconfigure cultural givens and accepted notions of textuality. However, the post-literary domain also allows for vital and challenging migrations and mutations of the literary. Such artefacts might be called 'countertextual'. The countertextual is strategic, energetic, metamorphic and revelatory of the charged evolutions and radical transformations of the literary today.\r\rFully peer-reviewed, CounterText seeks to explore this perspective on the literary in the 21st century. The journal is informed by perspectives derived from literary criticism, cultural criticism, philosophy and political theory, with a particular interest in studying technology’s reshaping of literary and post-literary cultures. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Court Historian", "ISSN": "14629712, 20563450", "Scope": "ScopeThe Court Historian: The International Journal of Court Studies is the leading periodical in the field of court studies. It presents new work by major authors and experts, exploring all dimensions of court life, from politics, palaces and war to dress, dining and gardens. Articles are fully referenced, peer-reviewed and frequently illustrated. Special issues have focused on coronations, the art of queenship, court cities, royal hunts and gift giving at court. Each issue of The Court Historian contains up-to-date listings of court-related publications, exhibitions, conferences, events and sales, along with book and exhibition reviews and a comprehensive bibliography. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Critical Care and Shock", "ISSN": "14107767", "Scope": "ScopeCritical Care and Shock has its origin in the regular discussions of a small circle of intensivists from the US, Europe, Japan, and Indonesia who pioneered the international conference of critical care medicine, better known as the Indonesian-International Symposium on Shock and Critical Care, which is held annually in Indonesia since 1994. It was thought at that time that it would be worthwhile to publish a journal in critical care medicine as part of the effort to support and promote the annual conference and to share the latest advances in critical care with the potential readers in Western Pacific region that might complement favorably to the conference.\r\rThe first issue of Critical Care and Shock appeared in June 1998 featuring the articles mostly from the guest speakers of the annual Indonesian-International Symposium on Shock and Critical Care.\r\rFrom its beginning Critical Care and Shock has been the official journal of the Indonesian Society of Critical Care Medicine.\r\rBy 1999, at the Council meeting of Western Pacific Association of Critical Care Medicine (WPACCM), it was approved to adopt Critical Care and Shock as the official journal of WPACCM. Also, as of the February issue of 2001, Critical Care and Shock has become the official journal the Philippines Society of Critical Care Medicine.\r\rAt present, Critical Care and Shock is enjoying increasing readership in the countries of the Western Pacific region, and welcome the submission of manuscripts from intensivists and other professionals in critical care around the globe to be published in its future issues.\r\rCritical Care and Shock is published bimonthly in Februarys, Aprils, Junes, Augusts, Octobers, and Decembers.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "DGMK Tagungsbericht", "ISSN": "14339013", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Direito, Estado e Sociedade", "ISSN": "15166104, 19820879", "Scope": "ScopeThe Law, State, and Society Journal (Revista Direito, Estado e Sociedade) aims to disseminate interdisciplinary and innovative interventions that have quality approved by competent peers. Contributions may be in Portuguese or other languages, through original articles. Due to the journal's link with the Graduate Program in Law of PUC-Rio, the papers should keep thematic relevance with their lines of research, namely: Constitutional Transformations and Contemporary Constitutional Thinking; Human Rights, Democracy and International Order; Theory of Law, Ethics and Construction of Subjectivity. Submissions that do not fit in the referred thematic will be preliminarily rejected. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "E-Journal of Portuguese History", "ISSN": "16456432", "Scope": "ScopeThe e-JPH is a peer reviewed international journal. 
Its main objective is to provide\rpublication of scholarly work on historical 
subjects, especially those concerning themes\rand topics of Portuguese 
history analyzed in comparative perspective. Historically oriented 
\rcontributions from the different social sciences are also welcome. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "English Studies in Africa", "ISSN": "138398", "Scope": "ScopeSince it was established in the Department of English at the University of the Witwatersrand in 1958, English Studies in Africa has published a number of key interventions in literary studies. The journal has emphasized, as its name attests, the study of world literature in English within African contexts, at the same time as it set about promoting the study of African literature worldwide. Its founding editors clearly wished to establish a conduit between Anglo-American and Southern African literary studies, and this ethos persists, though in a revised form. Despite this commitment to its context, however, English Studies in Africa is unique in its willingness to publish articles on any literary, educational or language topic that the editors adjudge will be of interest to its diverse readership. While articles regarding English-language education and the English language in its various African manifestations are welcomed, contributors should be apprised of the fact that literary studies remain the core concern of the journal. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "ER(R)GO", "ISSN": "15086305, 25443186", "Scope": "ScopeErrgo is a periodical focusing primarily upon the reflection upon the products of contemporary culture, including popular culture, with particular emphasis on critcal theory and related problems. The areas of central importance to the journal include the analysis of phenomena impacting the shape and functioning of culture, the study of literary works, film, works of fine art and other products of culture, the insights into literary and cultural processes and factors conditioning their development, analyses of context determining such processes, as well as reflection upon the methodology of literary and cultural studies, analyses of tendencies manifest in the culture of today and their intellectual foundations, transformations of theoretical and methodological paradigms, studies in ethical and axiological frames within which literary and cultural currents and phenomena related thereto are located, literary-theoretical and culture studies oriented syntheses, as well as studies focusing upon the mutual relations between literature and philosophy as well as other disciplines within humanities and beyond. While Er(r)go puts particular emphasis on literary theoretical investigations, the important focus of the journal is upon the perceptions of the literary texts in relation to con/texts and pancultural processes. The mission of the journal is to bridge the areas traditionally covered by literary-critical and literary-theoretical periodicals and those profiled towards culture studies, and thereby to open a wide space of dialog in which these two broad disciplines can meet. The overall tenor of the journal should be described as interdisciplinary. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Estudios de Teoria Literaria", "ISSN": "23139676", "Scope": "ScopeThis journal is a publication of original academic contributions related to the areas of literature, theory, criticism and aspects of interaction with them, such as history, cultural, linguistic and aesthetic studies. In this sense, the journal promotes interdisciplinary approaches in order to establish dialogues and connections with the humanities. We want to emphasize that it is a space for the promotion of new research and that it tries to disseminate studies concerning the academic and professional fields of arts and letters.\r\rThe lines of research that the journal has are: literatures (Spanish-American / Argentine / Spanish); Literature in Portuguese and other languages; Theory of literature; Linguistic and literary studies; Aesthetic studies; Cultural studies; And critical studies. It presents the following sections: monographic or dossier; articles; Book reviews; news; And two complementary sections: annexes (publication of unpublished, reproduction facsimiles, etc.); And interdisciplinary works of audiovisual materials (cinema, theater, photography, objects). We will receive articles in Spanish, Portuguese and English. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Euroheat and Power (English Edition)", "ISSN": "16130200", "Scope": "ScopeEUROHEAT&POWER Magazine is the international trade publication focused on the district heating, district cooling and combined heat and power sector.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "European Taxation", "ISSN": "00143138, 23529199", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "European Yearbook of Minority Issues", "ISSN": "15707865, 22116117", "Scope": "ScopeThe European Yearbook of Minority Issues provides a critical and timely review of contemporary developments in minority-majority relations in Europe. It combines analysis, commentary and documentation in relation to conflict management, international legal developments and domestic legislation affecting minorities in Europe. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "European Yearbook of the History of Psychology", "ISSN": "22955267, 25070304", "Scope": "ScopeEuropean Yearbook of the History of Psychology is a peer-reviewed international annual journal devoted to the history of psychology, and especially to the interconnection between historiographic survey and problems of epistemology. The journal welcomes contributions that offer precise reconstructions of specific moments, topics, and persons in the history of psychology via the recovery and critical analysis of archival as well as published sources. Critical editions of relevant primary texts or archival sources are also welcome. The national traditions in Europe are considered not only in their own right and in their interrelations, but also in their further connection to and confrontation with non-European research traditions. With this focus, the journal aims at uncovering paths to aid the understanding of the common roots of European scientific thought.\r\rWith an eye on the interdisciplinary nature of cultural studies, the journal pays special attention to those common areas between psychological research and its adjacent disciplines, in particular the human and the life sciences (philosophy, sociology, anthropology, psychiatry, physiology, neurology, biology, zoology, etc.).\r\rPrimarily addressing historians and philosophers of psychology, epistemologists, historians of philosophy, and historians of human sciences, the journal is also open to contributions from all areas of psychology which address a phenomenon or a topic relevant to the discipline of psychology considered from a historical perspective.\r\rBesides original essays and short papers, the journal contains the following sections: Unpublished and archival material; Discussions (a space where authors can engage in dialogue with each other and discuss specific topics); Interviews; Book reviews and reading recommendations. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Farmaceutski Glasnik", "ISSN": "148202", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Fatigue of Aircraft Structures", "ISSN": "20817738, 23007591", "Scope": "ScopeThe publication focuses on problems of aeronautical fatigue and structural integrity. The preferred topics include:\r\rfull-scale fatigue testing of aircraft and aircraft structural components,\rfatigue of materials and structures,\radvanced materials and innovative structural concepts,\rdamage tolerant design of aircraft structure,\rlife extension and management of ageing fleets,\rstructural health monitoring and loads,\rfatigue crack growth and life prediction methods,\rNDT inspections,\rairworthiness considerations. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Federalismi.it", "ISSN": "18263534", "Scope": "Scopefederalismi.it è una Rivista di diritto pubblico italiano, comparato ed europeo, fondata dal Prof. Beniamino Caravita di Toritto e consultabile all'indirizzo internet www.federalismi.it e registrata, dal 18 aprile 2003, presso il Tribunale di Roma (Numero di registrazione 202/18/04/2003 – ISSN 1826-3534) come periodico quindicinale a carattere scientifico.\rIl primo numero della Rivista è del 15 maggio 2003, risale cioè a 20 anni fa. Da allora la Rivista, dotata di regolare indice con numerazione per numero e per anno, consultabile on line, è sempre uscita regolarmente ogni quindici giorni, inviando altresì una newsletter di aggiornamento nella settimana intermedia. Per scelta editoriale, non vengono inviate newsletter ad ogni aggiornamento della Rivista e, salvo rarissime eccezioni dettate da stringenti esigenze di attualità, i contributi vengono inseriti solo nel numero bisettimale o nella newsletter settimanale intermedia.\rLa linea editoriale della Rivista, ispirata al pluralismo e al confronto tra le diverse opinioni e opzioni metodologiche, culturali e politiche, nonché al dialogo tra la riflessione accademica e quella più operativa che viene svolta nel foro e nelle istituzioni costituzionali e amministrative, è quella tracciata nell'editoriale del n. 1/2003 (15 maggio 2003) e nel successivo editoriale del n. 10/2006 (15 maggio 2006), sempre a firma del Direttore.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Food Studies", "ISSN": "21601933, 21601941", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Glossae", "ISSN": "22552707", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Goya", "ISSN": "172715", "Scope": "ScopeLa revista Goya, editada por la Fundación Lázaro Galdiano F.S.P., publica artículos de investigación sobre historia y teoría del arte desde cualquier perspectiva metodológica que se considere relevante, incluyendo aquellos temas relacionados con la obra de arte que puedan contribuir a su mejor conocimiento material, histórico o institucional. Las asuntos preferentes serán los relacionados con el arte, la arquitectura y la cultura visual española e iberoamericana, desde la Antigüedad hasta nuestros días, siempre que la reflexión se realice desde una perspectiva histórica.\r\rLa revista Goya solo publica artículos escritos en castellano. Ante la dificultad de encargar traducciones, los textos deben ser enviados escritos en dicho idioma.\r\rLos trabajos que se envíen a la revista han de ser originales, inéditos, y no sometidos en el momento de su envío, ni durante los tres meses subsiguientes, a su evaluación o consideración en ninguna otra revista o publicación.\r\rLos editores serán rigurosos y transparentes en el proceso de revisión de los trabajos remitidos haciendo explícito el protocolo de evaluación, desde el acuse de recibo hasta la aceptación final. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Groupwork", "ISSN": "0951824X", "Scope": "ScopeGroupwork is the only British-based journal specialising in social applications of groupwork. It is peer reviewed and international in coverage, with articles on all the settings in which groupwork is practised, including health, nursing, occupational therapy, staff development, mental health, counselling, child care and education, youth and community work, social work, and criminal justice. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section 1, The Near and Middle East", "ISSN": "1699423", "Scope": "ScopeScholarly reference works, bibliographic works and research tools pertaining to the political, economic, and social history of the Near and Middle East and Muslim World at large, encompassing works in the humanities as well as the social sciences; studies of religions, the sciences, arts, archaeology, anthropology, literature and linguistics. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Head and Neck Russian Journal", "ISSN": "23105194, 24149713", "Scope": "ScopeHead and Neck Journal is a medical reviewed journal. Articles of the journal are published in Russian, English and Chinese. The editors of the journal also translate the abstracts into Chinese. The journal publishes original clinical and experimental studies, literature reviews, clinical cases on the following topics: Angiosurgery, Anesthesiology, Dermatology, Neurosurgery, Oncology, Otorhinolaryngology, Ophthalmology, Plastic surgery, Stomatology, Maxillo-facial surgery, Endocrinology Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Healthbook TIMES Oncology Hematology", "ISSN": "26732092, 26732106", "Scope": "ScopeTo provide a peer-reviewed, indexed, open-access publication platform for oncologists and hematologists in Switzerland and abroad.To provide a scientific platform dedicated to increasing the exposure of both experienced and young academics and healthcare professionals.To cover practice-oriented and theoretical research topics in high quality.To facilitate circulation of novel discoveries in oncology and hematology research.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Hispamerica", "ISSN": "3630471", "Scope": "ScopeDesde su fundación en 1972, Hispamérica se ha perfilado como una revista independiente que registra las variadas manifestaciones de la producción literaria hispanoamericana. Creada y dirigida por Saúl Sosnowski, Hispamérica se ha interesado durante toda su trayectoria por mantener el rigor crítico y promover la apertura creativa.\rBajo un enfoque comprometido con la escritura, Hispamérica centra su atención en el proceso de la producción literaria en el continente.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Hispania - Revista Espanola de Historia", "ISSN": "00182141, 19888368", "Scope": "ScopeEstablished in 1940, Hispania. Revista Española de Historia is a four-monthly Journal devoted to the study of medieval, modern and contemporary societies, accepting original research papers with no restrictions on their subject or geographical bounds.\r\rSince 1995, some Hispania issues include a Monographic Section, with invited contributions from outstanding national and foreign historians. Also a comprehensive Bibliographical Section is routinely included.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Historia Provinciae - Zurnal Regional'noj Istorii", "ISSN": "25878344", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Historiographia Linguistica", "ISSN": "3025160", "Scope": "ScopeHistoriographia Linguistica (HL) serves the ever growing community of scholars interested in the history of the sciences concerned with language such as linguistics, philology, anthropology, sociology, pedagogy, psychology, neurology, and other disciplines. Central objectives of HL are the critical presentation of the origin and development of particular ideas, concepts, methods, schools of thought or trends, and the discussion of the methodological and philosophical foundations of a historiography of the language sciences, including its relationship with the history and philosophy of science. HL is published in 3 issues per year of about 450 pages altogether. Each volume contains a dozen articles or more, at least one review article or a bibliography devoted to a particular topic, a great number of reviews and review notes as well as information on important recent or forthcoming activities and events in the field.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "History and Sociology of South Asia", "ISSN": "22308075, 22495312", "Scope": "ScopeHistory and Sociology of South Asia provides a forum for scholarly interrogations of significant moments in the transformation of the social, economic and political fabric of South Asian societies. Thus the journal advisedly presents an interdisciplinary space in which contemporary ideas compete, and critiques of existing perspectives are encouraged. The interdisciplinary focus of the journal enables it to incorporate diverse areas of research, including political economy, social ecology, and issues of minority rights, gender, and the role of law in development.\r\rHistory and Sociology of South Asia also promotes dialogue on socio-political problems, from which academicians as well as activists and advocacy groups can benefit. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "History of Education and Children's Literature", "ISSN": "19711093, 19711131", "Scope": "ScopeThe new half-yearly journal History of Education & Children’s Literature (HECL) is the result of a project which has been carried out over a long time by a large group of historians of education and children’s literature, from Italy and other countries in and out of Europe.cover_HECL_1.jpg\r\rThe aim was to set up, in this field, a Journal with a strong international vocation, i.e. open to contribution by scholars and researchers from several countries, and focused on issues concerning the history of education, of school institutions and educational systems, of literature and publishing for children and youth, of textbooks and manuals for teaching, of pedagogical thinking and theories of education.\r\rHistory of Education & Children's Literature is open to collaboration and contribution by historians of education and of children’s literature; but it intends to make room for studies and researches by experts and scholars of other branches of historical research as well: from political to social and religious history, literary history as well as the history of publishing and libraries, to legal history, to economic and institutional history, cultural processes history etc. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Huadong Ligong Daxue Xuebao /Journal of East China University of Science and Technology", "ISSN": "10063080", "Scope": "ScopeJournal of East China University of Science and Technology (Natural ScienceEdition) is supervised by the Ministry of Education of China and published by East China University of Science and Technology. It publishes innovative research articles in engineering and science mainly including Chemical Engineering, Biological Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, Applied Chemistry, Mechanical Engineering, Environmental Science and Engineering, and Information Science and Engineering. The types of manuscripts received include communications, papers, reviews and process innovations. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science", "ISSN": "7309244", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Images (Poland)", "ISSN": "1731450X", "Scope": "ScopeThe primary aim of “Images. The International Journal of European Film, Performing Arts and Audiovisual Communication” is to publish and disseminate research in audiovisual culture: film, television, digital media, performative arts, theatre, photography, and their relations with various areas of culture and art as well as social reality. We publish texts submitted by both Polish and foreign authors, and especially authors from Eastern and Central Europe. We accept articles in Polish and English, but articles in German and French are also accepted. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Indian Journal of Law and Justice", "ISSN": "9763570", "Scope": "ScopeIndian Journal of Law and Justice is a peer-reviewed Journal published in March and September, by the Department of Law, University of North Bengal, Darjeeling, West Bengal, India. Indian Journal of Law and Justice is intended to serve as the outlet for theoretical and empirical research in basic concepts of law and its various dimensions depending upon the period of time and as well as its applicability to the nature of society in which it is to operate.\r\rThe publications in this journal is the testimony to the fact which we will go a long way in spreading the inference of multi-faceted research in various fields of law. The principle of this journal should ideally be a platform for exchange of ideas and dissemination of information not only from established legal luminaries but also for the young faculties and researchers in the field of law and allied subjects. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal on Consumer Law and Practice", "ISSN": "23472731", "Scope": "ScopeThe International Journal on Consumer Law and Practice (IJCLP) is a blind-peer reviewed, open-access journal published annually by NLSIU under the aegis of the Chair on Consumer Law and Practice. Launched in 2013, IJCLP provides a forum for discussions on national and international best practices in consumer protection law. The journal welcomes contributions from academics, practitioners and students of law and allied fields. It features articles, essays and case notes on various themes, including but not limited to:\r\r-Consumer welfare legislation and its implementation-\rConsumer rights in the digital era-\rTechnological advancements in the enforcement of consumer rights-\rEffectiveness of mediation as a tool to resolve consumer disputes-\rThe need for an international consumer protection framework and policy Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Technovation", "ISSN": "25821040", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Irish Economic and Social History", "ISSN": "03324893, 20504918", "Scope": "ScopeIrish Economic and Social History, the journal of The Economic and Social History Society of Ireland, has been published annually since 1974 and \"has given a marked impetus to professional publication in the field.\" It comprises articles and shorter notes on all aspects of Irish economic and social history from the Middle Ages to the present day; document and sources articles; abstracts of recent postgraduate theses; select bibliographies of writings on Irish economic and social history appearing in the previous year; and book reviews.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Istanbul Tip Fakultesi Dergisi", "ISSN": "13056433, 13056441", "Scope": "ScopeJournal of İstanbul Faculty of Medicine (J Ist Faculty Med) is an international, open access, peer-reviewed and scientific publication of İstanbul University, İstanbul Faculty of Medicine. It is published quarterly on January, April, July and October. Starting from March 2021, except for the articles in process, the journal has started to consider manuscripts in English for evaluation and publication language has become English. Before March 2021 the publication languages of the journal were English and Turkish. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Itinerarios", "ISSN": "15077241", "Scope": "ScopeItinerarios, a biannual journal, publishes articles, reviews and bibliographical notes of linguistics, history, anthropology, political science and literary studies, written in Spanish or Portuguese, and whose subject is centered on the Hispanic and Portuguese worlds.\r\rWith its miscellaneous volumes and monographic issues, Itinerarios is consolidated as a framework for discussion, providing a rich and flexible platform for sharing advancements in research in all the disciplines that make up what has traditionally been called in Poland “Iberian and Ibero-American studies”. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal fur Asthetische Chirurgie", "ISSN": "18674305, 18674313", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal für Ästhetische Chirurgie (Journal of Aesthetic Surgery) provides state-of-the-art further education for all practitioners working in the field of Surgery, Dermatology, Gynecologists, ENT, OMS, Ophthalmology and Plastic Surgery in both practical and clinical environments.\rThe contents cover all areas of applied Aesthetic Surgery from a practical point of view. The focus is on topics relevant to the safe and effective practice of aesthetic surgery, descriptions of clinical techniques, case reports and operation management. The journal includes important research and techniques in reconstructive surgical procedures having a significant aesthetic component. It also provides a forum for original articles advancing the art of aesthetic surgery.\rThe core of each issue is made up by extensive works that provide an overview on a current focus subject. In this, the focus is on solid knowledge about current scientific and clinical advances with a high relevance for the practitioners everyday work. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal Medical Libanais", "ISSN": "239852", "Scope": "ScopeThe Lebanese Medical Journal (LMJ) is the official publication of the Scientific Committee of the Lebanese Order of Physicians (LOP). It publishes a wide variety of manuscripts, which deal with all medical specialties, including in-depth reviews, clinical investigations, basic science for the clinician, invited editorials, case reports, letters to the editor, abstracts of proceedings of annual scientific meeting of national scientific societies and news of the Lebanese Order of Physicians (LOP). In addition, a corner is devoted to continuous medical education (CME), and to the history of medicine in Lebanon and in the Arab World. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Army Medical University", "ISSN": "20970927", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Arny Medical University, published twice a month, is a peer-reviewed, general medical journal for all physicians, researchers, and health-care workers, from any medical specialty. The journal contributes to the scientific advancement of medicine by disseminating high quality research and scholarship of contemporary relevance and with potential to advance knowledge for medical sciences. The journal encourages submissions from all areas related to the medical sciences, including basic and clinical medicine, military medicine, high-altitude medicine, preventive medicine, traditional Chinese medicine and herbs, pharmacology, stomatology, public health, epidemiology, and biomedical engineering. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of General Education, The", "ISSN": "00213667, 15272060", "Scope": "ScopeJournal of General Education: A Curricular Commons of the Humanities and Sciences (JGE) is devoted to the ideas and ideals of scholarship that enlighten the understanding of the general education curriculum. General education reaches across disciplinary and professional concentrations to provide an undergraduate educational commons. JGE engages academic communities and the broader public about general education experiments and innovation, including but not limited to the assessment, history, philosophy, and theoretical commitments of general education.\r\rIn short, JGE is focused not on a scholarship of general interest to those engaged in undergraduate education. Rather, JGE is a scholarly community interested in general education as a distinctive cornerstone of the arts of liberty that prepare citizens to live engaged, responsible, and meaningful lives. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Global Diaspora and Media", "ISSN": "26325853, 26325861", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Journal of Interdisciplinary History", "ISSN": "00221953, 15309169", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Interdisciplinary History features substantive articles, research notes, review essays, and book reviews that combine the study of history, spanning all geographical areas and periods, with other scholarly disciplines. The JIH features articles that incorporate or engage:\r\rArchaeology/Material Culture\rArt\rBig Data\rBiography/Psycho-biography\rBiology\rClimate/Environment\rEconomics\rGeoscience/GPS\rOpera/Theater\rPopulation/Demography\rQuantitative Methods\rTechnology\rUrban Studies\rThe journal encourages contributions that demonstrate how methodological connections with other disciplines, and the methodologies of other disciplines, can throw light on the past. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Knowledge and Health in Basic Medical Sciences", "ISSN": "1735577X, 23453753", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Knowledge & Health in Basic Medical Sciences (JKH) accepts Original Papers, Review Articles, Short Communications and Letters to the Editor in the field of basic medical Sciences especially Anatomy, Histology, Macro Anatomy, Embryology, Biochemistry, Nutrition, Microbiology, Bacteriology, Virology, Immunology, Parasitology, Physiology, Medical Physics, Diagnostic Radiology, Nuclear Medicine, Radiobiology, Radiation Protection, Medical Genetics and Pathology. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Mines, Metals and Fuels", "ISSN": "222755", "Scope": "ScopeJournal of Mines, Metals & Fuels (incorporating Indian Mining Journal), published by Books & Journals Private Limited since 1952, is a globally distributed & academic journal which is focused to serve the scientific research fraternity for the advancement and development by providing unique and peer reviewed research papers. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Phytomedicine and Therapeutics", "ISSN": "11181028", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Journal of Quality", "ISSN": "10220690", "Scope": "ScopeJournal of Quality, a bi-monthly journal after 2008, provides an outlet for academic research, technical & methodological applications, case studies, surveys and reviews in the Big Quality field. Of particular emphasis is submitted articles seeking to adopt rigorous research standards in areas of quality management, quality engineering, quality technology, quality development, and performance improvement. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Medical Science)", "ISSN": "16748115", "Scope": "ScopeJournal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Medical Science), a peer-reviewed monthly journal founded in 1958, is a core journal of comprehensive medical sciences in China. It is dedicated to publishing original findings in laboratory and clinical medicine, preventive medicine, and pharmacology. The editorial board includes famous figures from home and abroad. The journal welcomes manuscripts from other countries as well as from China. Some articles published are sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, National High-tech Research Program and other programs. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Technology", "ISSN": "10123407", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Technology (JT) publishes original research papers on all aspects of Technology and related fields in applied sciences. Authors are welcome to submit research papers, technical reports, or short articles on industrial technology to the Journal of Technology, particularly original research papers on the innovative applications of technology.\rThe Subject Index of JT are as follows: \rCivil & Architectural, Mechanical Engineering (Manufacturing & Control), Mechanical Engineering (Mechanics, Design, Heat, & Fluid), Electronic Engineering, Chemical & Environmental Engineering, Materials Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Industrial and Commercial Design, Information Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and other related fields. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of the Dow University of Health Sciences", "ISSN": "19952198, 24102180", "Scope": "ScopeJournal of the Dow University of Health Sciences (JDUHS) is a double-blind peer-reviewed open access health sciences journal, aims to provide valuable knowledge and understanding of health problems and their solutions to basic and clinical scientists, and allied health sciences researchers. The journal has a special emphasis on primary research conducted in the field of health sciences in low and middle-income countries and considers original articles, review articles, short communications, case reports, commentary, and student articles on all aspects of health sciences. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of the IEST", "ISSN": "10984321", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of the IEST contains technical articles and reports on simulation, testing, modeling, control, current research, and the teaching of the environmental sciences and technologies. The editorial content covers contamination control, environmental laboratory and field-testing and evaluation, reliability assessment and evaluation methods, environmental instrumentation and measurements, environmental effects, environmental and safety standards, computer applications, and other topics. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of the Japan Diabetes Society", "ISSN": "0021437X", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Journal of the Southwest", "ISSN": "8948410", "Scope": "ScopeJournal of the Southwest was founded in 1959 as Arizona and the West, the first journal of Western American history in the United States, and began publishing in its current format in 1987 as a multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed quarterly dedicated to an integrated regional study of the American Southwest and northern Mexico. For more than half a century it has stood alone in general academic publishing: an award-winning journal representing a transborder region of world-historical significance. Journal of the Southwest publishes broadly across disciplines including intellectual and social history, anthropology, archaeology, architecture, folklore, politics, borderlands studies, literature, photography, geography, and natural history and ecology. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Kirchliche Zeitgeschichte", "ISSN": "09329951, 2196808X", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Kufa Journal for Agricultural Sciences", "ISSN": "20727798, 23128186", "Scope": "ScopeKufa Journal for Agricultural Sciences is a peer-review journal devoted to publish original research articles in all fields of Agricultural sciences and veterinary sciences. of the journal includes, Agricultural Engineering, Horticultural sciences, Plant protection, Animal science, Agricultural economics, Food science and technology, Soil and water sciences, Irrigation science and technology and environmental science. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Manuscript and Book Heritage of Ukraine", "ISSN": "22224203", "Scope": "Scope- The series covers various aspects of the research of history and existence of manuscripts, old printed books, specialized librarian and archival fonds with a view to reconstructing the history of book culture in Ukraine and world.\r\r- It represents scientific studies on specific historical subjects, publishes documents, scientific referential and informational material (collections reviews, archeographic and bibliographic descriptions, indexes, reports and reviews).\r\r- The periodical also encompasses articles on the problems of storage, restoration and conservation of manuscripts. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Master Drawings", "ISSN": "255025", "Scope": "ScopeMaster Drawings Association, Inc. is a not-for-profit organization incorporated in the State of New York on March 16, 1962, for the purpose of disseminating knowledge in the field of Western draftsmanship since the Renaissance. Its mission is fulfilled mainly through the publication of the subscription-based, academic quarterly Master Drawings, which was launched in 1963. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Matematica, Cultura e Societa", "ISSN": "2499751X", "Scope": "ScopeInaugurata nel 1998 come Sezione A del Bollettino dell’Unione Matematica Italiana, la rivista UMI diventa una pubblicazione indipendente nel 2008. Da sempre, la rivista si propone l’ambizioso compito di promuovere in maniera significativa un’ampia diffusione della cultura matematica in Italia.\r\rGli articoli pubblicati sono scritti da esperti, matematici e non, italiani e non, con taglio divulgativo, e sono per lo più rivolti a presentare problemi di particolare rilevanza o a illustrare la funzione della matematica in altre scienze o discipline quali filosofia, biologia, astronomia, musica, architettura, crittografia, statistica. Altri articoli sono dedicati a questioni storiche e a interviste o a questioni di attualità scientifica che concernano la matematica. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Mercian Geologist", "ISSN": "0025990X", "Scope": "ScopeOnce a year the society publishes the Mercian Geologist, its own journal, compiled by an editor who is a member of the Council. Papers are invited and published on all geological topics and whilst items on East Midlands geology are especially welcome, there is no restriction on the of papers considered. In recent years the journal has been refurbished and remodelled to give a more modern look, and now has more news features, informal reports and comment. The editor is pleased to receive non-scientific input from members on the society's affairs. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Mexican Law Review", "ISSN": "18700578, 24485306", "Scope": "ScopeMexican Law Review is a forum for the debate, research, and analysis of Mexican, Latin American, and comparative law. Submissions are receiving from any author independently of their geographical location and must pass through a double-blind peer-review process. MLR is published twice a year by the Institute for Legal Research of the National Autonomous University of Mexico Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Monumenta Nipponica", "ISSN": "00270741, 18801390", "Scope": "ScopeFounded in 1938 and published semiannually by Sophia University, Monumenta Nipponica is one of the oldest English-language academic journals in the field of Asian studies. As a peer-reviewed international forum for researchers across the globe, it carries original scholarly contributions on premodern and modern history, literature, art history, religion, thought, and society; translations of important Japanese literary and historical sources; and authoritative reviews of recent books on Japan. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Nineteenth-Century Gender Studies", "ISSN": "15567524", "Scope": "ScopeNineteenth-Century Gender Studies is a peer-reviewed, online journal committed to publishing insightful and innovative scholarship on gender studies and nineteenth-century British literature, art, and culture. The journal is a collaborative effort that brings together scholars from a variety of universities to create a unique voice in the field. We endorse a broad definition of gender studies and welcome submissions that consider gender and sexuality in conjunction with race, class, place, age, ability, and nationality. Nineteenth-Century Gender Studies publishes two regular issues a year, in addition to a specially-themed summer issue, and accepts submissions year-round. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "NTP Technical Report on the Toxicity Studies Series", "ISSN": "23788984, 23788992", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Numismatic Chronicle", "ISSN": "782696", "Scope": "ScopeThe Numismatic Chronicle is the Society’s annual peer-reviewed journal, sent to all Fellows as part of the membership package. Articles embrace the full range of numismatic topics. Articles relevant to several key topic areas can be found indexed on this site for your convenience.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Nursing Care and Research", "ISSN": "17911567, 22413960", "Scope": "ScopeNursing Care and Research” is a peer-reviewed scientific journal accepting manuscripts from researchers from Greece and abroad. Its mission is to contribute to the development of nursing science and practice in Greece as well as internationally. The aim is to promote and disseminate new knowledge and research data for eventual application in all levels of clinical practice. To this end, nurses and other affiliated researchers are invited to submit high-calibre manuscripts in Greek or English. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "O Papel (Brazil)", "ISSN": "311057", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Oncology Issues", "ISSN": "10463356, 25731777", "Scope": "ScopeOncology Issues is the official journal of the Association of Community Cancer Centers (ACCC). As one of the only non-clinical, operational journals covering cancer, Oncology Issues provides “how-to” articles for the entire multidisciplinary oncology care team, on a wide range of topics. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ophthalmology in China", "ISSN": "10044469", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "OphthaTherapy. Therapies in Ophthalmology", "ISSN": "23537175, 25439987", "Scope": "Scope\"OphthaTherapy. Therapies in Ophthalmology \" is a peer-reviewed journal published 4 times a year. It was founded in 2014 and publishes only peer-reviewed articles: original research study, reviews, case reports, rapid communication, research letters, letters to the editor, book reviews and memoriams. \"OphthaTherapy” presents scientific papers on new clinical findings, interventional techniques, promising research data and their application into everyday ophthalmological practice. Journal presents also information on new pharmacotherapies and papers on the use of established pharmacotherapies in new circumstances and special cases. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Oxymag", "ISSN": "9901310", "Scope": "ScopeOxymag s'adresse aux infirmier(e)s anesthésistes et de réanimation exerçant dans les trois champs d'activité pour lesquels ils sont formés : l'anesthésie, la réanimation et l'aide médicale d'urgence. Elle s'adresse également aux infirmier(e)s de réanimation travaillant dans les services de réanimation ou de soins intensifs. Cette revue a pour objectif de proposer une information scientifique, technique et pédagogique à des professions en pleine évolution et de participer ainsi à l'identification d'une spécialité paramédicale qui se positionne dans le « paysage médical » français.\r\rOxymag accompagne la formation des Iade (DPC) et leur délivre toute l'information nécessaire à leur exercice. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Palabra Clave (La Plata)", "ISSN": "16662938, 18539912", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Photography and Culture", "ISSN": "17514517, 17514525", "Scope": "ScopePhotography & Culture is a refereed journal that is international in its and interdisciplinary in its contributions. It aims to interrogate the contextual and historic breadth of photographic practice from a range of informed perspectives and to encourage new insights into the media through original and incisive writing.\r\r\rPhotography & Culture publishes research papers, discursive critiques and reviews. It appears at a key moment as photography evolves, once again, to embrace a technological change that is shifting both contemporary usage and historic understanding. This journal quickly established itself as a leading platform for critical thinking on photography and as essential reading the world over for academics, curators and practitioners with a central and indeed tangential interest in the media. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Physician Assistant Clinics", "ISSN": "24057991", "Scope": "ScopePhysician Assistant Clinics aims to provide an authoritative and continuously updated clinical information resource that covers all of the relevant PA specialties. This series will give PAs deep insights into the latest advancements in their fields and show how they are applicable in practice. Our clinical review articles address the key points, diagnosis, prognosis, clinical management, and complications of disease and techniques, evidence, and controversies in the field. Information for quick reference, as well as in-depth coverage of a topic, is a hallmark of the Clinics’ series. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Pratiques en Nutrition", "ISSN": "17667305", "Scope": "ScopeLa nutrition est au cœur de la santé. Les habitudes alimentaires sont le reflet d'une tradition ou d'une histoire, familiale et personnelle. Mais plus encore, une alimentation déséquilibrée peut être responsable de nombreuses maladies tandis que des conseils et ou des soins nutritionnels adaptés contribuent à améliorer la santé du plus grand nombre et à soutenir ceux qui souffrent d'affections chroniques ou aiguës.\r\rPratiques en nutrition informe et forme les nombreux professionnels concernés par la santé et l'alimentation : médecins généralistes, nutritionnistes, diététiciens, pharmaciens, enseignants... Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Prudentia Iuris", "ISSN": "03262774, 25249525", "Scope": "ScopePrudentia Iuris is a biannual Journal of the School of Law of the Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina “Santa María de los Buenos Aires”, which is aimed at developing a framework of legal thinking consistent with the basic principles of justice and natural order, illuminated by faith (Prudentia Iuris, no. 1, August 1980, p. 3).\rThe Journal covers the following fields: philosophy of law (natural law, legal theory, legal principles and concepts); public law (constitutional, administrative, labor and employment, social security), private law (civil and business law); history of law; canon law; comparative law.\rIts suscribers include professors, researchers, legislators, judges, lawyers and students of legal science as well as university libraries, research centers and other public agencies. The journal maintains exchanges with approximately 350 national and foreign publications.\rIn the last pages we include the Publication Standards for authors with the evalu¬ation system used for the selection of the articles that are included for publishing (peer-review system). The authors of published articles also transfer their rights to the publisher, in a non-exclusive basis, to incorporate its digital version to the institutional repository of the Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina as well as other relevant databases. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Queensland Review", "ISSN": "13218166, 20497792", "Scope": "ScopePublished in association with Griffith University Queensland Review is a multi-disciplinary journal of Australian Studies which focuses on the history, literature, culture, society, politics and environment of the state of Queensland. Queensland’s relations with Asia, the Pacific islands and Papua New Guinea are a particular focus of the journal, as are comparative studies with other regions. In addition to scholarly articles, Queensland Review publishes commentaries, interviews, and book reviews.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Radix", "ISSN": "1654322", "Scope": "ScopeRadix is het wetenschappelijk kwartaaltijdschrift van ForumC. Het tijdschrift biedt een platform voor artikelen op het kruispunt van geloof, wetenschap en samenleving. Het blad wil vanuit christelijk perspectief een bijdrage leveren aan het gesprek tussen academici die op zoek zijn naar kritische reflectie en intellectuele vorming rond deze thema’s. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications", "ISSN": "09883754, 1290385X", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal publishes original research papers of high scientific level in the area of theoretical computer science and its applications. Theoretical computer science is understood in its broadest sense and comprises in particular the following areas: automata and formal languages, game theory, rewriting systems, design and analysis of algorithms, complexity theory, quantum computation, concurrent, distributed, parallel computations, verification of programs, “logic” and compilers, computational geometry and graphics on computers, cryptography, combinatorics on words. \rThis list is not supposed to be exhaustive and the editorial board will promote new fields of research that will be worked out in the future. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Recherches de Theologie et Philosophie Medievales", "ISSN": "13707493, 17831717", "Scope": "ScopeRecherches de Théologie et Philosophie Médiévales / Studies in Medieval Theology and Philosophy / Forschungen zur Theologie und Philosophie des Mittelalters (formerly Recherches de Théologie Ancienne et Médiévale of the Abbaye du Mont César) provides a forum for original, high-quality research on all aspects of theology and philosophy from Augustine and the Early Middle Ages up to late scholasticism. Recent articles have included highly focused studies on particular facets of the medieval philosophical or theological tradition, broader reconsiderations of received views in the history of medieval theology and philosophy, and editions of texts and manuscript studies. Articles are supplemented on a regular basis by a «Report on Research», in which a particular set of issues of current discussion is presented in light of relevant publications, and a «Review of Literature», which gives a selective overview of the year's new publications. Languages of publication are English, French, and German. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Rechtsgeschichte", "ISSN": "16194993, 21959617", "Scope": "ScopeRechtsgeschichte – Legal History (Rg) is published by the Max Planck Institute for European Legal History and edited by Thomas Duve and Stefan Vogenauer. The journal aims to be a forum for high-level scholarship on all branches of legal history. Its therefore reflects the full breadth of the discipline and is not restricted to particular periods of time or specific areas of law. Its particular profile derives from the research conducted at the Institute on the legal history of Europe, the common law worlds and the Iberian monarchies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Relations. Beyond Anthropocentrism", "ISSN": "22809643, 22833196", "Scope": "ScopeRelations. Beyond Anthropocentrism is a peer-refereed open access journal of trans-anthropocentric ethics and related inquires. The main aim of the journal is to create a professional interdisciplinary forum in Europe to discuss moral and scientific issues that concern the increasing need of going beyond narrow anthropocentric paradigms in all fields of knowledge. The journal accepts submissions on all topics which promote European research adopting a non-anthropocentric ethical perspective on both interspecific and intraspecific relationships between all life species – humans included – and between these and the abiotic environment. \r\rWe welcome papers, comments, debates, interviews, book and movie reviews, as well as presentations, reports, and other news concerning relevant activities and events. We envision inter- and trans-disciplinary contributions and dialogue from a wide variety of approaches: humanities (e.g. philosophy, literature, arts, law, and religious studies), life sciences (e.g. biology, ecology, ethology, medicine), and social sciences (e.g. economics, politics, anthropology, sociology, psychology). We especially encourage collaborative submissions from different disciplinary approaches, from both senior and junior scholars (including graduate students). All suitable submissions should address both academic and lay audiences as well as relevant stakeholders. Since the journal refers to an international readership of people from different disciplines, both inside and outside the academic community, contributors should keep in mind this heterogeneity of provenances and areas of expertise when writing. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Research in African Literatures", "ISSN": "00345210, 15272044", "Scope": "ScopeFounded in 1970, Research in African Literatures is the premier journal of African literary studies worldwide and provides a forum in English for research on the oral and written literatures of Africa, as well as information on African publishing, announcements of importance to Africanists, and notes and queries of literary interest. Reviews of current scholarly books are included in every issue, often presented as review essays, and a forum offers readers the opportunity to respond to issues raised in articles and book reviews. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Research in Contemporary World Literature/ Pazhuhesh-e Zabanha-ye Khareji", "ISSN": "25884131, 25887092", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal welcomes articles on a wide range of genres, including poetry, drama, novel, nonfiction, media, and digital literature. It pursues scholarly studies of modern and contemporary literature and encourages innovative approaches, interdisciplinary and comparative studies, and articles that frame their analysis of modern texts in broader literary theoretical, cultural, or historical debates. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Research in Political Economy", "ISSN": "1617230", "Scope": "ScopeResearch in Political Economy (RPE) analyses society in a manner consistent with the importance of the role of class. International in, the annual volumes deal primarily with economic and political issues and the unity between them. The series presents definitive volumes that bring together significant, international, and rigorous scholarship where both theoretical and empirical works are included.\r\rThe series has played an important role in developing the scientific Marxist agenda since 1977. This series provides an intelligent forum for serious radical scholarship that is absent from most mainstream publications. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Research in Social Psychology", "ISSN": "9161503", "Scope": "ScopeJapanese Journal of Social Psychology publishes the most recent findings by the Social Psychology community in Japan to disseminate and exchange information not only within the Japanese community but also to the international community. Published articles are either in Japanese or in English, and are categorized into three types described below.\r\r(1)\rArticles: Articles include report on theoretical, empirical or methodological studies and accept both basic and applied studies. Both quantitative and qualitative studies are accepted.\r(2)\rReports: Reports include work which supplements or examines past findings, reports discovery of new fact, observation or case reports of interest, or unpublished work on devices or methods which deserves documenting.\r(3)\rMonographs: Monographs are close, multi-faceted examination of one topic or of a relevant area, and includes reviews.\rOnly unpublished articles are accepted. The first author must be a member of the society, but the co-authors need not be a member. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista de Direito Civil Contemporaneo", "ISSN": "23581433", "Scope": "ScopeÉ com esse propósito que agora se oferece ao público, com o prestigioso selo editorial da Revista dos Tribunais – Thomson Reuters, a Revista de Direito Civil Contemporâneo – RDCC, um periódico trimestral, orientado à dogmática do direito civil, e disciplinas afins, e à crítica jurisprudencial.\r\rA RDCC nasce com um amplo objeto temático, compreensivo das áreas tradicionais do direito civil, mas que inclui também a história do direito privado, o direito comparado, o direito romano, o ensino jurídico e direito privado, o direito privado e direitos fundamentais, o direito privado e novos direitos, o direito civil e relações de consumo, o direito autoral, o direito da propriedade industrial, além das relações do direito civil com instituições e conceitos do direito do trabalho, do direito processual, do direito comercial e do direito internacional privado. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista de la Federacion Argentina de Cardiologia", "ISSN": "0326646X, 16665694", "Scope": "ScopeLa Revista de la Federación Argentina de Cardiología, publicación oficial de la Federación Argentina de Cardiología, en sus ediciones en papel y en Internet, publica artículos originales, en español e inglés, sobre cardiología y enfermedades cardiovasculares. Para la preparación de los artículos, la Revista se ha adecuado a los requerimientos de The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) en su versión más reciente.\r\rLa Revista publica en sus secciones permanentes: Artículos originales, Editoriales, Artículos de opinión, Artículos de revisión, Casos clínicos, e Imágenes en cardiología y en secciones temporales, Artículos especiales, Foros, Registros, Consensos originados en el ámbito institucional y Cartas al editor. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista del Hospital Psiquiatrico de la Habana", "ISSN": "01387103, 18136257", "Scope": "ScopeLa Revista del Hospital Psiquiátrico de La Habana promueve y divulga el conocimiento científico relacionado al área de la salud mental y otras ciencias afines. Con una frecuencia cuatrimestral, contamos en nuestros archivos con destacadas contribuciones de figuras relevantes en el ámbito nacional e internacional.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Iberoamericana", "ISSN": "00349631, 21544794", "Scope": "ScopeRevista Iberoamericana publishes articles, bibliographical reviews and notes on literature, Latin American theory and literary criticism in Spanish and Portuguese. Four issues of RI are published each year.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revue d'Ethique et de Theologie Morale", "ISSN": "12660078, 21184518", "Scope": "ScopeLa Revue d’éthique et de théologie morale (RETM) est une revue œcuménique qui publie des articles et des dossiers scientifiques sur les débats et questionnements éthiques contemporains. Seule revue francophone spécialisée en éthique théologique, elle se veut ouverte aux interrogations venants de diverses disciplines : théologie, philosophie, sociologie, histoires, sciences humaines.\r\rElle édite des varia et des dossiers thématiques sur des sujets divers (bioéthique, éthique fondamentale, éthique sociale, questions politiques, familiales, environnementales…) dans une perspective chrétienne attentive aux questionnements du monde présent. L’animation intellectuelle de la revue est assurée par l’Association de Théologiens pour l’Étude de la Morale (ATEM), association œcuménique internationale francophone.\r\rLa revue livre quatre numéros par an et un numéro hors-série qui reprend les actes du colloque annuel de l’ATEM. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Romanian Medical Journal", "ISSN": "12205478, 2069606X", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Sante Mentale et Droit", "ISSN": "27729710, 27729729", "Scope": "ScopeVous êtes psychiatre, psychologue, professionnel de santé au sein d'un département hospitalier ou d'une bibliothèque universitaire en psychiatrie & psychologie, médecin hospitalier médico-judiciaire, enseignant ou étudiant au sein d'un diplôme universitaire (DU) Droit et Santé mentale, professionnel de santé au sein d'un centre médical ou d'une faculté de médecine intéressé par ces questions. Vous êtes cadre enseignant, documentaliste, responsable du Centre de documentation d'une faculté de médecine, d'un IFSI ou d'un IFCS, cadre ou juriste au sein du service administratif d'un établissement de santé, bibliothécaire ou responsable de la bibliothèque d'un palais de justice, d'un barreau ou d'une faculté de droit.\r\rVotre revue Santé mentale et Droit fait du droit votre allié dans votre pratique médicale. Par leur savoir et leur expérience, professionnel de santé et juriste s'apportent mutuellement. Santé mentale et Droit vous accompagne dans la montée en puissance du droit en santé mentale. Votre revue vous place au coeur de la création du droit. Référence pluraliste ouverte, centrée sur la pratique médicale issue du débat d'opinions contradictoires, outil de réflexion, support aux travaux des professionnels de santé mentale, Santé mentale et Droit est votre tribune. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Sculpture Journal", "ISSN": "13662724", "Scope": "ScopeSculpture Journal is Britain’s foremost scholarly journal devoted to sculpture in all its aspects from prehistory to the present across the globe. It provides an international forum for writers and scholars in the field of sculpture and public commemorative monuments, extending to commissions for contemporary sculpture. First published in 1997, Sculpture Journal offers a keen critical overview and a sound historical base, encouraging contributions of fresh research from new and established names in the field.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Slavic and East European Information Resources", "ISSN": "15228886, 15229041", "Scope": "ScopeSlavic & East European Information Resources ( SEEIR ) serves as a focal point for the international exchange of information in the field of Slavic* librarianship. Affiliated with the Association for Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies (ASEEES), this English-language journal features original research, new developments in the field, regular columns and reviews of relevant material. Subjects covered include acquisitions, cataloging and metadata, collection development and management, digitization, information literacy instruction, preservation, and reference; as well as works on individual Slavic collections, Slavic book studies, as well as anything that touches on the practice of Slavic librarianship in North America, in the countries covered, and elsewhere in the world.\r\rGoals of the journal include enabling widespread Slavic librarians to exchange information and be aware of each other's efforts; serving as the backbone of an international network of mutually supportive Slavic librarians; promoting the development of Slavic librarianship; and contributing to the improvement of the status, condition, and accessibility of Slavic collections everywhere.\r\rAlthough Slavic librarians are SEEIR's main readership, any librarian with responsibility for Slavic collections, or serving students or scholars of Slavic studies, will find it useful. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics Plus", "ISSN": "1726541X, 22243380", "Scope": "ScopeSPiL Plus originated as a supplement to Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics (SPiL). The SPiL Plus series has two main aims. Firstly, it serves as a vehicle for the distribution of new and relatively inaccessible information in the field of modern linguistics. Secondly, it aims to stimulate critical discussion in Southern African linguistics.\r\rSPiL Plus is an annual/biannual open access, peer-reviewed international journal, published by the Department of General Linguistics, Stellenbosch University. The papers published in SPiL Plus are primarily intended for scholars with an interest in linguistics and related disciplines in Southern Africa. SPiL Plus provides a platform for scholars to share knowledge in the form of high quality empirical and theoretical research papers, case studies, literature reviews and book reviews. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Theologia Reformata Transylvanica", "ISSN": "15825418, 20659482", "Scope": "ScopeTheologia Reformata Transylvanica, series of the Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai journal, is published by the Faculty of Reformed Theology at the Babeş-Bolyai University. The journal publishes scholarly articles in the field of theology and cognate disciplines. Articles are peer-reviewed.\r\rStudia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Theologia Reformata Transylvanica appears since 2001, at the beginning in one cumulative number, 1-2, each year, and since 2009 in two numbers, that occur in June and December. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Sub-Stance", "ISSN": "00492426, 15272095", "Scope": "ScopeIn publication continuously since 1971, SubStance is a major interdisciplinary journal with a reputation for excellence. It is an international nexus for discourses converging upon literature from a variety of fields, including philosophy, the social science, science, and the arts. Readers have come to expect the unexpected from SubStance, and to experience a sense of participating in the formulation of emerging theories. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Swedish Journal of Romanian Studies", "ISSN": "20030924", "Scope": "ScopeSwedish Journal of Romanian Studies is a new forum for scholars of Romanian language, literature and film that sets and requires international high quality standards. The journal accepts papers written in Romanian or English, as well as in French and Italian. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Swiatowit", "ISSN": "0082044X, 26576031", "Scope": "Scope‘Światowit’ is a yearbook published by the Faculty of Archaeology of the University of Warsaw. The periodical was established in 1899 by Erazm Majewski (1858-1922), a merited researcher, collector, co-founder of modern Polish archaeology and, since 1919, the first professor of prehistory at the University of Warsaw. ‘Światowit’ is one of the oldest archaeological journals currently issued in Poland. Its name and logo, in use since 1900, was a reference to then well-known archaeological relics and emphasised the importance of archaeological studies for the history of Poland. Nevertheless, from its very beginning, it was open to questions pertaining to general archaeology as well as methodological debates.\r\rFor more than a century, ‘Światowit’ has been linked to the Warsaw archaeological circles and the University of Warsaw, thus witnessing institutional transformations and developments in Polish archaeology. Gradual integration of the academic archaeological community and intensification of studies at the Institute of Archaeology of the University of Warsaw, established in 1975, resulted in opening the periodical to the Mediterranean and non-European archaeology as well as new research methods. In consequence, by valuing confrontation of differing methodologies and interpretations, ‘Światowit’ presents contributions from different archaeological specialisations. For a long period of time, ‘Światowit’ used to be focused on publishing research reports submitted by affiliates of the Institute of Archaeology of the University of Warsaw. However, at present, due to rapidly intensifying cooperation and emergence and internationalisation of large research teams, the periodical has opened to different archaeological communities, both from Poland and abroad. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Victorian Poetry", "ISSN": "00425206, 15307190", "Scope": "ScopeFounded in 1962 to further the aesthetic study of the poetry of the Victorian Period in Britain (1830–1914), Victorian Poetry publishes articles from a broad range of theoretical and critical angles, including but not confined to new historicism, feminism, and social and cultural issues. The journal has expanded its purview from the major figures of Victorian England (Tennyson, Browning, the Rossettis, etc.) to a wider compass of poets of all classes and gender identifications in nineteenth-century Britain and the Commonwealth. Victorian Poetry is edited by John B. Lamb and sponsored by the Department of English at West Virginia University. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "WSEAS Transactions on Heat and Mass Transfer", "ISSN": "17905044", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "X-ray Structure Analysis Online", "ISSN": "18833578", "Scope": "ScopeX-ray Structure Analysis Online is a peer-reviewed journal published by the Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry for the concise crystal structure reports of all classes of compounds.\r\rThe journal presents unpublished X-ray structure data and structural discussion from academic and industrial research laboratories to make this information available to the public to be used in various fields, including analytical sciences, pharmacology, theoretical chemistry, etc.\r\rAuthors should read the \"Ethical Guidelines for Authors\" presented on a separate page. Papers submitted to this journal are considered with the understanding that they have been neither previously published, nor under consideration elsewhere. Authors are jointly responsible for the content of the publication. Errors in content are considered to be shared equally by all authors. The decision regarding acceptance or rejection of a paper is at the sole discretion of the Editor. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Zhongguo yi liao qi xie za zhi = Chinese journal of medical instrumentation", "ISSN": "16717104", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Acadiensis", "ISSN": "00445851, 17127432", "Scope": "ScopeAcadiensis was established in 1971 in order to promote the study of the history of Atlantic Canada. From the beginning, the region and its history have been broadly defined. The includes not only the territory of Canada's four Atlantic Provinces but also northern New England, the Gulf of St. Lawrence and the North Atlantic as they impinge on the history of the region. Contributors have included historians (who account for the largest single group of authors) as well as specialists in historical geography, economic history, folklore, literature, political science, anthropology, sociology, law and other fields. Comparative studies dealing with more than one region are also welcome. Articles are accepted and published in either English or French. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Acta Antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae", "ISSN": "00445975, 15882543", "Scope": "ScopeActa Antiqua publishes original research papers, review articles and book reviews in the field of ancient studies. It covers the field of history, literature, philology and material culture of the Ancient East, the Classical Antiquity and, to a lesser part, of Byzantium and the Latin culture of Mediaeval, Renaissance and Early Modern Europe, as well as the ’Nachleben’ of Classical Antiquity. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Acta Facultatis Philosophicae Universitatis Ostravienis Studia Germanistica", "ISSN": "1803408X, 25710273", "Scope": "ScopeThe peer-reviewed journal Acta Facultatis Philosophicae Universitatis Ostraviensis Studia Germanistica continues in the tradition of the collections of studies published by the Faculty's Department of German Studies in 2006 and 2007. Studia Germanistica was launched as a peer-reviewed journal in 2008 and has been issued biannually since 2009. From the very beginning, all papers submitted to Studia Germanistica have undergone a process of standard independent double-blind peer review. The members of the editorial board are all renowned scholars of German language, literature and culture based at universities in the Czech Republic and abroad. Studia Germanistica only accepts original papers that have not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Acta Historica Universitatis Klaipedensis", "ISSN": "13924095, 23516526", "Scope": "ScopeActa Historica Universitatis Klaipedensis is a peer-reviewed academic journal published by the Lithuanian-based Institute of Baltic Region History and Archaeology of Klaipėda University.\r\rEstablished in 1993, it constitutes an international forum for historical research in the south and east Baltic region, covering a broad range of historical, political, cultural and social approaches.\r\rOne volume is published per year. Each volume contains thematically related articles dealing with the history of the south and east Baltic region from the Middle Ages to the present day. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Philologica", "ISSN": "20675151, 23918179", "Scope": "ScopeSeries Philologica is published in cooperation with Sciendo by De Gruyter. \rSeries Philologica publishes original, previously unpublished articles in the wide field of philological studies, and it is published in 3 issues a year (since 2014). The printed and online version of papers are identical. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Actes de la Recherche en Sciences Sociales", "ISSN": "3355322", "Scope": "ScopeFondée en 1975 par Pierre Bourdieu et un groupe de chercheurs du centre de sociologie européenne, Actes de le recherche en sciences sociales rassemble la production d’un vaste réseau international de chercheurs. La revue publie les résultats de recherches, achevées ou en cours, en sociologie et dans les disciplines voisines (histoire sociale, sociolinguistique, économie politique, etc.).\rElle offre ainsi des outils intellectuels pour comprendre les phénomènes sociaux du monde contemporain, dans la perspective d’une sociologie critique des modes de domination. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Advances in Planetary Science", "ISSN": "25298054, 25298062", "Scope": "ScopeThe series on Advances in Planetary Science aims to provide readers with overviews on many exciting developments in planetary research and related studies of exoplanets and their habitability. Besides a running account of the most up-to-date research results, coverage will also be given to descriptions of milestones in space exploration in the recent past by leading experts in the field. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Advances in Quantum Chemistry", "ISSN": "653276", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Akkadica", "ISSN": "07797842, 13785087", "Scope": "ScopeFounded in 1977, the journal Akkadica publishes scientific articles pertaining to the history and environment of Mesopotamia and its periphery, as well as philological (including editions of cuneiform texts) and archaeological studies. It also accepts short scientific communications (Breviter) and reviews of recently published books (Libri Novi). \r\rAkkadica is a double blind peer reviewed journal, which was awarded the A1 label (Thomson-Reuters). It is published twice a year in two fascicles of each about 100 pages, one in June and one in December. Akkadica is available in a printed and in a digital version. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly", "ISSN": "10513558, 21538441", "Scope": "ScopeAmerican Catholic Philosophical Quarterly is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal produced by the American Catholic Philosophical Association. Each issue features scholarly articles, topical discussions, and reviews dealing with all philosophical areas and approaches. Every fourth issue is a special issue dedicated entirely to the work and legacy of a particular thinker. Established as The New Scholasticism, this journal has a rich history and has long been one of the leading philosophy publications in North America. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Analele Universitatii Ovidius Constanta, Seria Filologie", "ISSN": "12241768, 27347060", "Scope": "ScopeAnalele Universității „Ovidius” Constanța. Seria Filologie (The Annals of Ovidius University Constanţa. Philology Series) is a humanities reference periodical, focusing on literary, cultural and media studies, linguistics, didactics and traductology. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Anales de Literatura Hispanoamericana", "ISSN": "02104547, 19882351", "Scope": "ScopeAnales de Literatura Hispanoamericana (ISSN 0210-4547, ISSN-e 1988-2351) is an annual journal that publishes studies specialising in Spanish-American Literature. This journal is divided into several sections, with some focussing on a specific topic and other dealing with miscellaneous works. Every issue contains a section on Modernism known as the Ruben Dario Archive. Books are reviewed at the end of the publication. It is one of the few Spanish University journals that focusses exclusively on Spanish-American Literature.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ancient Society", "ISSN": "00661619, 17831334", "Scope": "ScopeAncient Society is an annual journal founded in 1970 by the Ancient History section of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. Its main objective is the study of the society of the Greek, Hellenistic and Roman world in all its aspects, including the relations with peripheral peoples and cultures. Other regular features are the publication of new source material (papyri, inscriptions) and contributions on ancient historical writing. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Anglican-Episcopal Theology and History", "ISSN": "24057576", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Annales de la Faculte de Droit d'Istanbul", "ISSN": "05789745, 26874113", "Scope": "ScopeAnnales de la Faculté de Droit d’Istanbul aims to publish high quality articles and thus contribute to the accumulation and dissemination of knowledge in the field.\r\rAnnales de la Faculte de Droit d’Istanbul is a well-known and long-standing peer-reviewed and international academic journal that reviews the latest evolutions in and developments in the legal field since 1951. The approach of the Journal is a comparative one and accordingly will focus on not only Turkish domestic law but also German, Swiss, French, European Union and Anglo-American laws as well as all fields of international law. \r\rIt embraces work that is theoretical, empirical, socio-legal, doctrinal or comparative that relates to any legal systems. Each edition of the Annales contains significant theoretical contributions while also being a dossier of information on the cross-cultural application of a specific area of law. Annales also publishes both translated texts of Turkish relevant legislation. It is worth noting that Turkey becomes very important actor in the process of enlargement of EU and the regional leader in the Middle East and Asia Minor. Annales is the leading forum for research and discussion of the law and legal systems of these regions. Thus, the Annales with its Editorial Board including both national and international leading experts is the magnet for all legal scholars working in this region.\r\rPriority will be given to authors who will present original perspective on legal issues as described above. However, it is open for all scholars around the world to contribute to the Annales. The editorial board will be pleased to receive submissions from foreign scholars all over the world. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Anuario Calderoniano", "ISSN": "18888046", "Scope": "ScopeEl Anuario Calderoniano (ACAL) es una revista académica dedicada monográficamente al estudio de la vida y obra de Pedro Calderón de la Barca. Nacida en el año 2008, pretende recoger anualmente una selección de las aportaciones críticas que contribuyan a una mejor comprensión de las múltiples caras del dramaturgo. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Architectural Theory Review", "ISSN": "13264826, 17550475", "Scope": "ScopeArchitectural Theory Review is an international forum for generating, exchanging and reflecting on architectural theory. It is a review in the sense of a periodical publication containing articles, discussions, and review essays concerned with the contemporary state of architectural theory. But more than this, it uses the notion of review as a verb, to forge a distinct approach to architectural theory and discourse. The journal investigates relationships between current critical issues, the legacy of past debates, and the continued reconfiguration of enduring concerns in architectural theory. ATR values the untimely as well as the propitious - attending to the overlooked and unrealised as well as the projective, and thus allows for critical and even subversive readings of what architectural theory has been, can be and will be.\rThe underpinning for ATR’s editorial approach is thus not a disciplinary field or ideological position, but rather a formal strategy. Each special issue of ATR concentrates on reviewing a particular object – whether a text, a drawing, a building, or otherwise – the implications and legacies of which are addressed by the contributors to that special issue. The selected object is thus a catalyst: a point of departure or contention; of revision, re-evaluation, and review. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ars Interpretandi", "ISSN": "17228352, 27049019", "Scope": "ScopeArs interpretandi si rivolge a filosofi del diritto, a giuristi e, in generale, a tutti coloro, che a vario titolo, si occupano dell’arte del diritto. Di fronte ad una crescente specializzazione della filosofia giuridica, alla sua complessità e astrazione teorica, Ars Interpretandi, attraverso contributi di studiosi italiani e stranieri, mira a riportare l’attenzione sul diritto inteso prioritariamente come esperienza giuridica e come interpretazione, nella convinzione che l’attività interpretativa non può ridursi semplicemente alla ricerca dei significati nascosti nei testi giuridic i, ma è un’impresa ben più ampia legata alla ragionevolezza pratica e volta ad amministrare l’uso del diritto nella società pluralistica del nostro tempo. Fondata nel 1996, fino al 2011 è stata annuale. Dal 2012 raddoppia le uscite con due numeri all’anno Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Arte y Sociedad (Aranjuez)", "ISSN": "21747563", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Australian Literary Studies", "ISSN": "49697", "Scope": "ScopeAustralian Literary Studies is a fully refereed scholarly journal.\r\rWe publish literary studies scholarship that is rigorous, clear, and has a strong sense of its intervention in the field. We are interested in scholarship which speaks to Australian literary criticism, as well as that which expands the of literary studies internationally. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Avances en Odontoestomatologia", "ISSN": "2131285", "Scope": "ScopeLa editorial Ediciones Avances Médico Dentales es una empresa dedicada a la Ciencia Médico Estomatológica con la publicación de una serie de libros de gran prestigio, una revista sobre Periodoncia e Implantología, otra sobre Avances en Odontoestomatología y la revista del Dentista del siglo 21.\r\rEn ellas se presentan trabajos de publicación de los diferentes grupos Nacionales e Internacionales y que está recogida en los principales índices Scielo, bibliográfico español, Scopus etc.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Bangladesh Medical Research Council Bulletin", "ISSN": "3779238", "Scope": "ScopeBMRC Bulletin is a four-monthly journal published by the Bangladesh Medical Research Council(BMRC). Bangladesh Medical Research Council (BMRC) was established in 1972 by order of the President as an Autonomous Body under Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOH&FW). The objectives, rules & regulations of the Council were formulated by resolution of the MOH&FW in 1974 & 1976.\r\rBMRC Bulletin is a platform where research results on all aspects of issues related to health, population, and nutrition can be published. The Bulletin publishes articles across a broad range of topics including global health, maternal and child health, nutrition, common illnesses, and determinants of population and health. The Mission of the Council is to create effective and quality health care facilities for the whole population of the Country by promoting health research through strengthening of research facilities, training and dissemination of research results. The main activities of the Council include: organization and promotion of scientific research in various fields of Health Science, training of manpower in the field of health research and dissemination of research results for proper utilization. To fulfill these objectives BMRC stated publication of this Bulletin in April 1975. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Behavioral and Social Sciences Librarian", "ISSN": "01639269, 15444546", "Scope": "ScopeBehavioral & Social Sciences Librarian focuses on the production, collection, organization, dissemination, retrieval, and use of information in the social and behavioral sciences. This peer-reviewed journal publishes articles on all aspects of behavioral and social sciences information, with emphasis on librarians, libraries, and the users of social science information in libraries and information centers. The Journal publishes articles devoted to descriptive and critical analyses of information resources within particular fields; publishing trends; reference and bibliographic instruction; indexing and abstracting; thesaurus building and database construction; bibliographic and numeric databases and more.\r\rThe Journal welcomes original research from a variety of disciplines, including the core fields of anthropology, sociology, economics, psychology, communication studies, education, political science, and those parts of history relying on social scientific methods and approaches—language and area studies and the study of special populations, such as Latin American studies, ethnic studies, and women's studies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Betonwerk und Fertigteil-Technik/Concrete Precasting Plant and Technology", "ISSN": "3734331", "Scope": "ScopeBFT INTERNATIONAL Concrete Plant + Precast Technology has been the recognized trade journal for manufacturers of concrete and precast concrete products as well as for companies specializing in precast construction for over seven decades. It addresses primarily the executive personnel of this important segment of industry and is distributed worldwide.\r\rThe technical articles in BFT INTERNATIONAL provide comprehensive information on the mechanical equipment in the plants – ranging from mixing processes to actual production, all the way to the transport of the finished products. The articles, apart from reporting on scientific findings in concrete technology as well as reinforcement and connection engineering, also focus on questions of organization and rationalization. In the case of modern concrete and precast concrete plants, the current technical statuses of the individual production branches are presented. In parallel to this, the product and project presentations provide ideas for design and construction. Furthermore, the innovations of companies and associations and the product news featured make it possible to closely follow what is happening in the precast industry.\r\rBFT INTERNATIONAL is a “mediator” between the building materials machinery/supplier industries and precast plants as well as a platform for an international exchange of experience that takes into consideration the latest scientific findings.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Bibliothecae.it", "ISSN": "22807934, 22839364", "Scope": "ScopeBibliothecae.it is a scientific, peer-reviewed, open access e-journal, published twice a year. It publishes original research and reviews on bibliography, information science, books, libraries and documentations across historical and geographical boundaries. In these fields the journal aims at highlighting processes of knowledge management and dissemination in the past and in the present societies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Bilingual Processing and Acquisition", "ISSN": "23520531", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "BioSpektrum", "ISSN": "09470867, 18686249", "Scope": "ScopeBIOspektrum ist die wissenschaftliche Fachzeitschrift im deutschsprachigen Raum für molekulare Life Sciences. Fachkompetenz, Networking und Lesevergnügen in Einem.\r\rBIOspektrum gibt zweimonatlich 13.000 persönlichen Adressaten einen Überblick über die neuesten Entwicklungen und aktuelle Labormethoden in der Molekularbiologie, Biochemie, Mikrobiologie, Genetik, Pharmakologie & Toxikologie sowie Biotechnologie und Biomedizin.\r\rBIOspektrum wird in Zusammenarbeit mit den folgenden Fachgesellschaften herausgegeben: Gesellschaft für Biochemie und Molekularbiologie (GBM), Vereinigung für Allgemeine und Angewandte Mikrobiologie (VAAM), Gesellschaft für Genetik (GfG) und der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Experimentelle und Klinische Pharmakologie und Toxikologie (DGPT) und in Kooperation mit dem Verband Biologie, Biowissenschaften & Biomedizin in Deutschland (VBIO).\r\rNachrichten aus Wirtschaft und Forschungspolitik, Hintergrundberichte aus der Scientific Community, Instituts- und Wissenschaftlerporträts, sowie zahlreiche Servicesparten (neue Produkte, Bücher, Tagungsankündigungen) runden das breite Informationsangebot von BIOspektrum ab. Die Autoren in BIOspektrum sind hochkarätige Wissenschaftler aus allen Bereichen der Life Science-Forschung und -Anwendung. Die wissenschaftlichen Fachartikel richten sich an alle biowissenschaftlich Tätigen, Fach-Studenten und Postdoktoranden, Wissenschaftler und ihre Kooperationspartner in Akademia und Industrie. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Biuletyn - Panstwowego Instytutu Geologicznego", "ISSN": "8676143", "Scope": "ScopeBiuletyn Państwowego Instytutu Geologicznego publishes original scientific contributions and reviews in the field of regional geology of Poland, hydrogeology and related scientific fields, peer-reviewed papers on domestic and international scientific conferences, and materials dedicated to PGI-NRI jubilees. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Bogazici Journal", "ISSN": "13009583", "Scope": "ScopeEdited by Ozan Hatipoğlu (Editor-in-Chief), Özlem Hesapçı, Zeynep Kadirbeyoğlu, Tolga Umut Kuzubaş, the Boğazici Journal, Review of Social, Economic and Administrative Studies (ISSN:2717-896X) is a multi-disciplinary, bi-annual journal. Manuscripts are welcomed from a variety of social science disciplines including economics, management, political science and international relations. With its peer review process, the Journal adheres to high academic standards and seeks to establish itself as a leading outlet for academic research dealing with economic, social, political and institutional change. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Boletin de Estetica", "ISSN": "16687132, 24084417", "Scope": "ScopeFounded in 2004, the Boletín de Estética is a publication of the Philosophy of Art Studies Program of the Center for Philosophical Research (Buenos Aires). Its purpose is to contribute to the development and dissemination in Spanish of works of academic interest on philosophical aesthetics, art theory and the history of aesthetic ideas. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Bollettino dell'Istituto Storico Italiano per il Medio Evo", "ISSN": "11276096", "Scope": "ScopeDal 1886 l’Istituto storico italiano per il medio evo pubblica il Bullettino dell’Istituto storico italiano per il medio evo. La funzione iniziale era quella di dar conto dei lavori della Giunta e della Commissione esecutiva dell’Istituto, nonché degli studi preliminari per le pubblicazioni. Successivamente, nell’Adunanza del 30 maggio 1887, Giosuè Carducci e Ernesto Monaci proposero che l’Istituto pubblicasse nel Bullettino anche memorie, ricerche e documenti relativi ai secoli VI-XV, presentate dai membri dell’Istituto stesso, seguendo l’esempio de l’Histoire littéraire de la France; la proposta venne approvata all’unanimità e il Bullettino assunse la funzione di rivista specializzata in studi storici che ancora oggi conserva. La testata subì una prima modifica nel 1923, quando cessò la pubblicazione dell’Archivio Muratoriano che venne conglobato nel Bullettino e aggiunto come sottotitolo, e una seconda, nel 1935, con la trasformazione dell’Istituto storico italiano in Regio Istituto storico italiano per il medio evo. Nel 1997, con un numero speciale, il 100, ha acquistato la testata attuale, senza soluzione di continuità nella numerazione dei volumi. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Brain and Nerve", "ISSN": "13448129, 18816096", "Scope": "ScopeBrain and Nerves is a triannually, open access, peer-reviewed journal which considers manuscripts on all aspects of brain and nerves. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Bulletin of Educational Research", "ISSN": "10288708", "Scope": "Scope《教育研究集刊》於1958年創刊迄今,期間歷經更名及改版,於2000年起獲列行政院國家科學委員會「臺灣社會科學引文索引(TSSCI)」資料庫收錄期刊,2003年更獲列為國科會優良期刊,自2017年起收錄於SCOPUS資料庫,為臺灣教育研究領航期刊之一。\r\r本刊特色\r內容主題理論實際並重:\r以論述教育理論、教育實際問題、教育研究成果為主,每年三、六、九、十二月底出刊,是極具學術研究參考價值的一本刊物。內容主題集中在課程與教學、教育行政與政策、教育哲史、教育社會學四大領域,具長遠研究參考價值,提供國內外學者發表重要研究與心得,以及討論與對話的公共空間。\r審查與編輯制度嚴謹客觀:\r《教育研究集刊》邀請國內相關領域學有專精、望重士林的學者,擔任編輯委員,並建立嚴謹、公正、客觀的審查制度及編輯作業流程,以確保刊物的品質與水準。出版者:國立臺灣師範大學教育學系\r定價:單冊新臺幣300元、海外定價:單冊美金13元\r一年四期個人:新臺幣1,200元;機構:新臺幣2,400元 Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Byron Journal", "ISSN": "03017257, 17570263", "Scope": "ScopeThe Byron Journal is an international publication published twice annually by Liverpool University Press on behalf of The Byron Society, London. The journal publishes scholarly articles and notes on all aspects of Byron's writings and life, and on related topics. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "BYU Studies Quarterly", "ISSN": "21678472, 21678480", "Scope": "ScopeBYU Studies is dedicated to publishing scholarly religious literature in the form of books, journals, and dissertations that is qualified, significant, and inspiring. We want to share these publications to help promote faith, continued learning, and further interest in our LDS history with those in the world who have a positive interest in this work.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Byzantion Nea Hellas", "ISSN": "7162138", "Scope": "ScopeByzantion Nea Hellás, is yearly journal of Greek, Byzantine and Neohellenic studies, founded in 1970. It publishes original scientific research articles pertaining to the domain of Greek studies, in Spanish, Portuguese, French, and English. The aim of the journal is to foster the publication of works by national and foreign researchers working in the three main areas of Greek culture, as well as the academic interchange between researchers and teaching staff who deal with these subjects. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cahiers du Monde Russe", "ISSN": "12526576, 17775388", "Scope": "ScopeRevue interdisciplinaire, les Cahiers du Monde russe couvrent l’histoire politique, sociale, économique et culturelle (en particulier littéraire) de l’empire de Russie des origines à 1917, puis de l’URSS et enfin des différents États qui en sont issus. Actuellement, une place importante est faite à l’étude des pratiques de pouvoir à l’œuvre au cours de la période soviétique. Les études fondées sur les archives nouvellement accessibles sont privilégiées. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Calvin Theological Journal", "ISSN": "81795", "Scope": "ScopeThe Calvin Theological Journal is a biannual publication, produced by Calvin Theological Seminary. CTJ aims to serve the community of Reformed theological scholarship, and through it, the ministers and members of the Reformed churches. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Canadian-American Slavic Studies", "ISSN": "00908290, 22102396", "Scope": "ScopeCanadian-American Slavic Studies is a peer reviewed quarterly journal. It publishes articles, essays, documents, illustrations and book reviews about Slavic and East European (including Albania, Hungary and Romania) culture, past and present, in a scholarly context, in all the categories of the humanities and social sciences. A special feature is publication of special issues devoted to topics of importance and to outstanding scholars in the field. In addition to English, the journal publishes contributions in Russian, French and German. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cardiology Letters", "ISSN": "13383655, 13383760", "Scope": "ScopeOfficial journal of the Slovak Society of Cardiology, Slovak Society of Hypertension and Slovak Association for Cardiac Arrhythmias (print: ISSN 1338-3655, on line: ISSN 1338-3760). Published bimonthly by Slovak Society of Cardiology. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Caribbean Series", "ISSN": "9219781", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Ceska Radiologie", "ISSN": "12107883", "Scope": "ScopeThe Ceska radiologie - Czech Radiology journal is a peer-reviewed periodical publishing original articles from diagnostic imaging, articles for continuing medical education (CME), reviews of topical issues from the field of radiology and diagnostic imaging, results of clinical studies, case reports, reports from congresses and meetings of scientific societies (Radiological Society of the Czech Medical Association of Jan Evangelista Purkyne (CzMA JEP), Czech Society oflnterventional Radiology of CzMA JEP, Czech Neuroradiologie Society of CzMA JEP). The journal reports on new books, includes commentaries on interesting articles, discussions, biographies (anniversaries) of outstanding personalities, personal communications, and letters to the editor. The articles maybe published in Czech, Slovak or English.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Children's Literature", "ISSN": "00928208, 15433374", "Scope": "Scopencouraging serious scholarship and research, Children's Literature publishes theoretically-based articles that address key issues in the field. Each volume includes articles, essays, and book reviews. Children's Literature is the annual publication of the Children's Literature Association (ChLA) and the Modern Language Association Division on Children's Literature. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "China Studies", "ISSN": "15701344", "Scope": "ScopeThis series, which features monographs as well as edited volumes of researched papers and lectures, takes a broad view of the Chinese world. Open to different academic disciplines, it will focus on the peoples of China both within and beyond the boundaries of the modern state, on their history, culture and society in past and present times. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Chinese Journal of Cerebrovascular Diseases", "ISSN": "16725921", "Scope": "Scope《中华脑血管病杂志(电子版)》是以脑血管病为基础的,涉及神经内外科、介入、护理、超声、康复、放射、急诊、中医等相关多个学科领域的专业学术类科技期刊,国内外公开发行。\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Chinese Journal of Health Management", "ISSN": "16740815", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Chinese Journal of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases", "ISSN": "2096367X", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Chinese Overseas", "ISSN": "18763847", "Scope": "ScopeFrom a tradition of sojourning, Chinese overseas have established communities around the world that have contributed to the development of China as well as of the countries they have made their homes. There has also grown a new consciousness of identity following the emergence of China as a modern state and the expansion of a global economy. This series aims to study the people and institutions that shaped these identities and how these entities interact with other people, institutions, and communities. It seeks to bring together scholarly work that examines the spectrum of historical experiences, the writings that capture the quality of migrant lives, and the manifold responses to changing social environments. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Collectanea Christiana Orientalia", "ISSN": "16972104", "Scope": "ScopeCCO is an international Journal that appears once a year. It aims at publishing papers written in English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish, as well as Arabic. The papers should be unpublished and related to Christian production in Arabic, Coptic, Syriac and Ethiopic, although topics dealing with the Christian tradition contained in other languages of Oriental Christianity like Armenian, Georgian and Greek can also be accepted. Likewise, the thematic spectrum of the Journal includes those Rabbinical subjects that concern Christianty. More specifically, the production of Christians in Arabic includes both that developed in Eastern and in Western countries (al-Andalus, northern Africa, Italy, as well as Greece, Cyprus and Turkey). The fields of study covered by this philologically oriented Journal will include the area of literature (in any textual tradition) as well as the area of linguistics. Papers related to other fields like History, Archaeology, History of Art, Liturgy and Sociology will also be accepted.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Colloquia Maruliana", "ISSN": "13323431, 18489613", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Comma", "ISSN": "16801865, 20493355", "Scope": "ScopeComma, International Journal on Archives is the chief serial publication of the International Council on Archives. Comma strives to be of value to a broader readership beyond the ICA membership and the archival profession at large.\r\rContent of the journal includes congress and conference proceedings, reports and studies from ICA bodies (branches and sections) and special thematic issues. The common focus of each issue is the research, administration, and development of archives and the archival profession on a worldwide basis. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Communication Booknotes Quarterly", "ISSN": "10948007, 15326896", "Scope": "ScopeCommunication Booknotes Quarterly (CBQ) is an annotated review service for recent books, reports, documents, and electronic publications on all aspects of communication designed for an audience of scholars and librarians in the United States and around the world. Subject areas of interest include, but are not limited to: advertising, public relations, journalism, telecommunications, media effects, media economics, media regulation and policy, media ethics, critical and cultural studies, popular culture, books and publishing, film studies, interpersonal communication, and organizational communication. This journal enjoys the talents of a dozen members who make up an active board of contributors. These topical and regional experts share the quarterly production of hundreds of descriptive and critical reviews. The contributors cover English-, and foreign-language publications from the United States and around the world.\r\rCBQ publishes three kinds of reviews: (1) topical review essays comparing and integrating multiple publications about a given subject; (2) longer single book reviews that evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of a single book in a given area of communication; and (3) brief annotated reviews across a variety of subjects. Issues often begin with a topical review essay concerning publications about a specific topic. Individual reviews are assigned and open submissions are also welcome. The final issue of each year includes an author index and a cumulative book title index to the year's reviews. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Comparative Oriental Manuscript Studies Bulletin", "ISSN": "24100951", "Scope": "ScopeThe Comparative Oriental Manuscript Studies Bulletin (ISSN 2410-0951, since 2015) has succeeded the Comparative Oriental Manuscript Studies Newsletter as the main organ of the European network in Comparative Oriental Manuscript Studies.\r\rIt is a peer-reviewed international journal, published on-line (under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license) and on paper as print-on-demand.\r\rIt is dedicated to the vast variety of issues concerned with the research into the oriental manuscript traditions, from instrumental analysis, to codicology and palaeography, to critical text editing, to manuscript preservation, to the application of digital tools to manuscript research.\r\rThe geographical focus is the Mediterranean Near East, with its wide array of language traditions including, though not limiting to, Arabic, Armenian, Avestan, Caucasian Albanian, Christian Palestinian Aramaic, Coptic, Ethiopic, Georgian, Greek, Hebrew, Persian, Slavonic, Syriac, and Turkish.\r\rThe journal welcomes various types of contributions. The main section includes articles, research notes, and review articles. The miscellanea section includes project descriptions, dissertation summaries, conference reports, and book reviews. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Configurations", "ISSN": "10631801, 10806520", "Scope": "ScopeConfigurations explores the relations of literature and the arts to the sciences and technology. Founded in 1993, the journal continues to set the stage for transdisciplinary research concerning the interplay between science, technology, and the arts. Configurations is the official publication of the Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts (SLSA). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Contrastes", "ISSN": "11364076", "Scope": "ScopeContrastes publishes original works on any academically recognized philosophical subject, preferably in Spanish and English. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Convivium (Czech Republic)", "ISSN": "23363452, 2336808X", "Scope": "ScopeExchanges and Interactions in the Arts of Medieval Europe, Byzantium, and the Mediterreanean.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cooperativismo e Economia Social", "ISSN": "11302682, 26606348", "Scope": "ScopeThe approach of CES is primarily legal, but it is also open to analyzes carried out from other perspectives, such as economics, business and sociology. The official languages ??of the magazine are Galician, Portuguese, Spanish and English.\r\rCES is divided into the following four parts: (I) Doctrine; (II) Case law; (II.1) Comments; (II.2) Annotations; (III) Chronicle; (IV) Book reviews. It is published annually in a single volume throughout the fourth quarter of the year, so its information extends to news produced from May of one year to May of the following year. For this reason, next to the number of each volume are the two years on which each volume of CES reports. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Corrosion and Protection", "ISSN": "1005748X", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Cuadernos Dieciochistas", "ISSN": "15767914, 23411902", "Scope": "ScopeCuadernos dieciochistas, multidisciplinary journal devoted to the study of the eighteenth century. It is the means of expression of the Spanish Society for Eighteenth Century Studies.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Current Topics in Toxicology", "ISSN": "9728228", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Dikaion", "ISSN": "01208942, 20275366", "Scope": "ScopeDíkaion publishes uncirculated articles, critical studies and reviews on all aspects of the law. Its focus goes beyond merely descriptive and legal texts in an effort to take a stand on the critical and fundamental elements of the topics in question. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Discourse Approaches to Politics, Society and Culture", "ISSN": "15699463", "Scope": "ScopeThe editors invite contributions that investigate political, social and cultural processes from a linguistic/discourse-analytic point of view. The aim is to publish monographs and edited volumes which combine language-based approaches with disciplines concerned essentially with human interaction — disciplines such as political science, international relations, social psychology, social anthropology, sociology, economics, and gender studies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Early American History Series", "ISSN": "18770215", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Economie et Prevision", "ISSN": "02494744, 17775795", "Scope": "ScopeÉconomie et Prévision is a scientific review that publishes French or English-written studies of specialists in quantitative methods of applied economy coming from different institutions (academic researchers, economists from French, non-French or international economic administrations…). Its editorial policy covers a wide range of topics, including macroeconomic and microeconomic problems, international issues, environmental studies, etc. Submissions presenting a significant methodological contribution to the economic and/or econometric field and whose conclusions have economic implications for the French economy are particularly welcome. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Educational Governance Research", "ISSN": "23659548, 23659556", "Scope": "ScopeThis series presents recent insights in educational governance gained from research that focuses on the interplay between educational institutions and societies and markets. Education is not an isolated sector. Educational institutions at all levels are embedded in and connected to international, national and local societies and markets. One needs to understand governance relations and the changes that occur if one is to understand the frameworks, expectations, practice, room for manoeuvre, and the relations between professionals, public, policy makers and market place actors. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Emotions and States of Mind in East Asia", "ISSN": "18788084", "Scope": "ScopeThe focus of this series is to gradually build a picture of the mental structure in China and East Asia. All volumes analyse the instances of affective experiences over a wide variety of Chinese or other East Asian texts from the same underlying database. The truly multi-disciplinary research method guarantees new and unexpected insights into the representation of the ‘mental-structure’ in Chinese and other East Asian societies from the angles of cultural anthropology, linguistics, psycholinguistics, literary criticism, history, and sociology. Aim of the series is, besides deepening our knowledge on the various shades of meaning in the imagery of the times, to reduce the subjectivity and cultural bias of researchers' analyses. The accompanying glossaries are invaluable reference material for any student of Chinese. This is an encyclopedic series. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Empan", "ISSN": "11523336", "Scope": "ScopeEmpan est née de la rencontre de praticiens de l’éducation, du social et de la santé qui pensent que l’écriture est fondamentale à la fois pour témoigner de son temps mais aussi pour éclairer le présent du passé. Les mutations sociales sont à l’œuvre. Les travailleurs sociaux, en tant que citoyens et professionnels, doivent se donner les moyens de réfléchir à ces actes de société qui modifient en profondeur leur champ d’action public, associatif ou privé et la prise en compte des enfants, adolescents, adultes démunis socialement, éducativement, psychiquement. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Energia Elettrica", "ISSN": "137308", "Scope": "ScopeEESJ is a scientific research journal focused on the study of electrical systems with particular regard to the production, transmission, distribution and use of electricity. It also deals with specific issues that include interactions and technological advances in applications of power electronics, electric drives and artificial intelligence to electric systems of different power sizes. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Euroheat and Power/Fernwarme International", "ISSN": "0949166X", "Scope": "ScopeEUROHEAT&POWER Magazine is the international trade publication focused on the district heating, district cooling and combined heat and power sector. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "European Journal of Oncology", "ISSN": "11286598", "Scope": "ScopeThe European Journal of Oncology and Environmental Health is the official journal of the Collegium Ramazzini. The European Journal of Oncology and Environmental Health publishes high quality manuscripts on all aspects of oncology, environmental health, public health, occupational and global health.\r\rThe journal is aimed at scientists and practitioners in all areas of oncology, environmental and occupational sciences. The journal is a public health journal serving the public health community and scientists working on matters of public health interest and importance. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Expository Times", "ISSN": "00145246, 17455308", "Scope": "ScopeFor over a century, the monthly Expository Times has distinguished itself from other periodicals by successfully combining an interest in all pastoral matters, practical and theoretical with the latest international biblical and theological scholarship.\r\rEach edition contains a central section which offers resources for the month for those conducting worship: a sermon by a preacher of distinction, exegetical notes and reports of group readings of the texts for the month, prayers and material for children's worship.\r\rThe Expository Times is an invaluable tool for disseminating peer-reviewed scholarship relevant to the ministry, giving practical help to preachers, and maintaining a healthy interaction between theology and practice. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ezikov Svyat", "ISSN": "13120484", "Scope": "ScopeOrbis Linguarum is the academic journal of the Faculty of Philology at South-West University “Neofit Rilski”. It publishes materials in the field of linguistics, literary studies, cultural studies, teaching methodology, reviews and opinions on books and academic events written in Slavic languages, English, French and German. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Feministische Studien", "ISSN": "07235186, 23659920", "Scope": "ScopeFor over 30 years the journal feministische studien has been one of the leading inter- and transdisciplinary forums for Women- and Gender Studies in the German-speaking countries.\r\rThe fs address social changes critically, engage in scholarly and public debates and provide impetus for current controversies.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Film Fashion and Consumption", "ISSN": "20442823, 20442831", "Scope": "ScopeFilm, Fashion & Consumption is a peer-reviewed journal designed to provide an arena for the discussion of research, methods and practice within and between the fields of film, fashion, design, history, art history and heritage. The journal seeks to stimulate ongoing research on these topics and to attract contributions not only from scholars researching in these areas but also from practitioners, who are traditionally excluded from academic debate. The journal thus aims to unite and enlarge a community of researchers and practitioners in film, fashion, consumption and related fields, whilst also introducing a wider audience to new work, particularly to interdisciplinary research that looks at the intersections between film, fashion and consumption. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - Anti Allergy Agents", "ISSN": "22146938, 24523194", "Scope": "ScopeFrontiers in Clinical Drug Research - Anti-Allergy Agents is an exciting eBook series comprising a selection of updated review articles relevant to the recent development of pharmacological agents used for the treatment of allergies. The of the reviews includes clinical trials of anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic drugs, drug delivery strategies used to treat specific allergies (such as inflammation, asthma and dermatological allergies), lifestyle dependent modes of therapies and the immunological or metabolic mechanisms that are of interest to researchers as targets for new drugs. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - HIV", "ISSN": "23525916, 24680397", "Scope": "ScopeFrontiers in Clinical Drug Research – HIV is a book series that brings updated reviews to readers interested in learning about advances in the development of pharmaceutical agents for the treatment of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) and other disorders associated with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. The of the book series covers a range of topics including the medicinal chemistry and pharmacology of natural and synthetic drugs employed in the treatment of AIDS (including HAART) and resulting complications, and the virology and immunological study of HIV and related viruses. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Frontiers in Natural Product Chemistry", "ISSN": "15740897, 22123997", "Scope": "ScopeFrontiers in Natural Product Chemistry is a book series devoted to publishing monographs that highlight important advances in natural product chemistry. The series covers all aspects of research in the chemistry and biochemistry of naturally occurring compounds including coverage of work on natural substances of land and sea and of plants, microbes and animals. Reviews of structure elucidation, biological activity, organic and experimental synthesis of natural products as well as developments of new methods are included.\r\rThe third volume of the series brings seven reviews covering natural products from marine plant sources, natural oligosaccharides, topical sesquiterpenes for pain treatment, biological activity of piperidinols and much more. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Genes and Cells", "ISSN": "23131829", "Scope": "Scope“Genes and Cells” (the old name is “Cell Transplantology and Tissue Engineering”) is a peer-reviewed scientific and practical journal recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for publishing basic materials of dissertation research. Originally conceived as a highly specialized publication, the Journal has now gained an ever wider target audience. If at the beginning of its journey — from September 2005 — the target audience of the journal were biotechnologists, specialists in the field of molecular and cell biology, by now it has expanded with medical practitioners. Such progressive dynamics are absolutely natural — over the last 7-10 years, biomedical technologies have come out of the exotic category, lack of understanding of the inhabitants and mistrust of clinicians have been replaced by interest and awareness of the need to use biotechnology tools in medicine no longer tomorrow, but today.\r\rThe sections of the journal are formulated to fully disclose the target topics of the publication, convey to readers the opinions of leading experts in the field of biomedical technologies on topical issues of concern, acquaint them with the most significant recent foreign and domestic research, materials of thematic conferences, present analytical information on fundamental issues of biomedical technologies trends in the biotech business.\r\rThe journal includes the following headings: “expert opinions”, “cell technology news”, “reviews”, “original research”, “clinical experience”, “discussion and general theoretical work”, “stem cell business”. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "GPS World", "ISSN": "10485104", "Scope": "ScopeGPS World’s market-segmented microsites are the freshest out-of-the-box tools for professionals in every tech field that uses or seeks to use global positioning, navigation, and timing. Use the tabs at the top of this page to access these highly targeted, highly accurate source materials.\r\rWe’re more than a magazine. We are an information dissemination system. And we’re not done yet.\r\rFor continuous innovation in delivery of the freshest, most comprehensive GPS/GNSS-related news to high-level corporate managers, project and engineering managers, product designers, researchers and system developers — all of whom rely on GPS World when making purchase decisions in a $5.8 billion market — just watch this space.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Hamdard Islamicus", "ISSN": "2507196", "Scope": "ScopeHamdard Islamicus is an Academic Journal devoted to Islamic research and scholarship\rIt is to serve as a forum for scholars to write objectively, analytically and, where ever necessary, critically on Islamic History, Philosophy, Science, Arts, Culture, Archaeology, Law, and Jurisprudence, etc\r\rIt brings out the achievements of Muslims in the fields of Humanities, Social and Natural sciences.\r\rIt aims at defining Islam in terms of its fundamentals in a rational and liberal manner emphasizing, at the same time, the basic Islamic ideals of universal brotherhood, tolerance, and social justice\r\rIt aims at interpreting the teachings of Islam in such a way as to bring out its dynamic character in the context of the intellectual and scientific progress of the modern world\r\rIt provides an open forum for a dialogue among the Fundamentalist, Conservative, and the Modernest schools of thought among the Muslims aiming at finding a balanced view\r\rIt endeavors, through dialogue, to find Islamic answers to the question relating to social, political, economic, and moral problems of the fast and drastically changing world of today\r\rIt transmits through English translation the speeches, learned papers, and discourses expressed in Urdu by highly qualified traditional scholars, the 'ulama', and, in this way, it communicates valuable material, otherwise inaccessible, to the non-Urdu readers\r\rIt endeavors to promote better understanding between the Islamic World and the West. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Heart and Metabolism", "ISSN": "15660338", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Helictite", "ISSN": "179973", "Scope": "ScopeHelictite publishes refereed papers, reports, abstracts, reviews and news of the scientific study of caves and their contents, including the history of caves and technical aspects of cave study and exploration.\rContributions from all fields of study related to speleology and karst will be considered for publication. Fields include earth sciences, speleochemistry, hydrology, meteorology, conservation and management, biospeleology, history, major exploration (expedition) reports, equipment and techniques, surveying and cartography, photography and documentation.\r\rOur main geographic focus is Australasia: Australia, New Zealand, New Guinea and the Malay Archipelago, but we also invite studies from the Pacific and Indian Oceans and Antarctica.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Hispanic Research Journal", "ISSN": "14682737", "Scope": "ScopeHispanic Research Journal (HRJ) promotes and disseminates research into the cultures of the Iberian Peninsula and Latin America, from the Middle Ages to the present day. The fields covered include literature and literary theory, cultural history and cultural studies, language and linguistics, and film and theatre studies. Hispanic Research Journal publishes articles in four languages; Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan, and English, and encourages and interaction between researchers all over the world who are working in these fields. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Historia Agraria de America Latina", "ISSN": "24525162", "Scope": "ScopeHistoria Agraria de América Latina (HAAL) is a research journal specialized in the economic, social, political and cultural history of the rural societies of Latin America and the Caribbean, without restrictions of historical periods or geographic areas. The journal prioritizes the publication of research articles that analyse new topics and problems, make theoretical/methodological contributions and/or develop new interpretations that expand knowledge. HAAL aims to promote and disseminate research and interdisciplinary debate on the history of the rural societies of Latin America and the Caribbean. Manuscripts must be original and not in the process of being evaluated at another journal. HAAL also accepts manuscripts from economics, anthropology, political science, sociology and other disciplines that examine issues of rural society from a historical perspective. The journal publishes articles and book reviews in Spanish, English and Portuguese. It also publishes thematic dossiers and special editions with guest editors following the established review process. Manuscripts are evaluated by the editors and, if considered for external evaluation, subjected to double blind peer review by specialists in the disciplinary area. HAAL is published bi-annually (April and November), is open access through its website, and there is no publication fee for authors. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Historijski Pogledi", "ISSN": "26371502, 27120651", "Scope": "ScopePublished by the Center for Research of Modern and Contemporary History, Tuzla Historical Views was launched to provide additional impetus to the development of historical science in Bosnia and Herzegovina, particularly in the study and exploration of issues related to modern and contemporary history, as well as in creating a new space for publication of research findings in the field of historiography, both to established historians and young researchers, to postgraduate and doctoral students, to professors of history, but also to other experts in related sciences who can offer papers in accordance with scientific and professional standards of the journal. Historical Views have been raised on the awareness that historical science should be given a more favorable status in the scientific life of Bosnia and Herzegovina and in Bosnian society in general, including the need to affirm historical insights as an important precondition for the humanization of social relations in Bosnia and Herzegovina and in the territory of the former Yugoslav state.\r\rThe main criterion for publishing works in Historical Views is their scientific and professional foundation and quality. The editorial board will be happy to publish articles from various historical fields, from political, cultural, economic, military, intellectual history, from local topics to issues of national, regional and broader significance. The structure of the journal includes articles, reviews, reports and activities of the Center for Research of Modern and Contemporary History of Tuzla. The Historical Views journal is published semi-annually. He will follow and publish papers presented at scientific conferences within the framework of the Scientific event Historical Views. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Hitit Theology Journal", "ISSN": "27576949", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Horizons", "ISSN": "3609669", "Scope": "ScopeHorizons publishes award-winning peer-reviewed articles, roundtables, and book reviews across a wide range of topics in theology and religious studies. While rooted in a commitment to the long and deep Catholic tradition of \"faith seeking understanding,\" that commitment also welcomes all original scholarship in theology and religious studies that contributes to its basic constructive focus. It is unique in content with its ecumenical view, layperson editorial staff, wide range of methods and topics, and insightful analysis of belief interacting with culture. Horizons, though based in the USA, publishes work by national and international college and university professors with both active research profiles and teaching experience. One does not have to be a member of the College Theology Society to submit to the journal. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Horizonte de Enfermeria", "ISSN": "07168861, 07196946", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Horror Studies", "ISSN": "20403275", "Scope": "ScopeHorror Studies is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal that intends to serve the international academic community in the humanities and specifically those scholars interested in horror. Exclusively examining horror, this journal will provide interested professionals with an opportunity to read outstanding scholarship from a variety of disciplinary perspectives, including work conceived as interdisciplinary. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Iatreia", "ISSN": "1210793", "Scope": "ScopeThe IATREIA journal, is the official scientific publication of the Faculty of Medicine at Universidad de Antioquia, whose mission is to disseminate technical and scientific knowledge on aspects related to the health-disease process and the medical practice and similar professions, while serving as a channel to exchange knowledge and experiences among students and professionals from Universidad de Antioquia and from other regions of the country and abroad. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Insuficiencia Cardiaca", "ISSN": "18501044, 18523862", "Scope": "ScopeJournal INSUFICIENCIA CARDIACA prioritizes formation and promotes detection, control and prevention of heart failure,\rcardiometabolic alterations and pulmonary hypertension. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Anthropology", "ISSN": "3939383", "Scope": "ScopeMotivations of human migration are complex and often intertwined, depending on socioeconomic and environmental issues at global, regional, and local scales. Recently, climate change received a large research attention, though the unstoppable human search for a better life needs more articulated explanation of the powerful socioeconomic drivers that induce cross-border and internal migrations, legal and illegal movements, free travels or trafficking. Worldwide, these drivers are causing concentration of people in mega-cities, land degradation and loss of natural resources. Furthermore, the ongoing global changes in human societies will induce more powerful economic, political and social motivations for migrations. This means that the phenomenon is likely to continue regardless of environmental change. Human beings, through time and space, are as likely to migrate to places of environmental vulnerability as from these places. The main example of this is the increasing spreading of urban area in floodplains, everywhere in the world, and especially in Africa and Asia, in less developed areas. Policymakers will face an expanding range of challenges, and researches will be committed in giving sound reasoning and interpretations of global phenomena. The of the International Journal of Anthropology is ‘international’ and multidisciplinary, and it intends to interpret global migrations under a multidisciplinary approach, thus aiming at collecting papers from diverse scholarly disciplines, from Anthropology to Sociology, from History to Geography and Politics. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Applied Philosophy", "ISSN": "0739098X", "Scope": "ScopeThe International Journal of Applied Philosophy is committed to the view that philosophy can and should be brought to bear upon the practical issues of life. It publishes peer-reviewed work in ethics and applied philosophy, focused on issues in business, education, the environment, government, health care, law, psychology, and science. Select artices are published in cooperation with the Association for Practical and Professional Ethics. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Development and Conflict", "ISSN": "20102690, 20102704", "Scope": "ScopeAs an outstanding field journal in conflict, economic development, and peace, the International Journal of Development and Conflict (IJDC) will provide a truly global forum for researchers for advancing our collective pool of knowledge in the field. The journal will foster scholarship of the highest standard and set a high standard for published papers in terms of their empirical depth, theoretical refinement and methodological rigor. The journal will publish innovative papers addressing the causes of conflicts and violence and the means of economic development to promote and sustain peace.\r\rAs a multidisciplinary journal of conflict, economic development, and peace, IJDC invites papers using modern empirical, theoretical and experimental approaches that attempt to explain both determinants and effects of various facets of conflict, economic development, and peace. The focus of the journal is on publishing theoretical, empirical and scientifically based studies to explore causes and consequences of conflict, development, and peace in our complex world. The journal especially seeks papers that address:\r-Economic, political, social, and environmental factors associated with conflict, development, and peace.\r-Non-economic factors and their interrelationships with economic factors in influencing conflict, development, and peace.\r-Behavioral foundations of individual and group activities to explore causes and consequences of conflicts and economic development.\r-Economics of terrorism and strategies to eliminate terrorism.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Internationale Kirchliche Zeitschrift", "ISSN": "209252", "Scope": "ScopeDie IKZ ist wohl der erste und wichtigste Ort, wo man sich laufend und direkt über die Entwicklung altkatholischer Theologie und über Ergebnisse historischer Forschung zum Altkatholizismus orientieren kann. Im weiteren berichtet die IKZ über die Wahrnehmung des ökumenischen Anliegens der altkatholischen Kirche, zu deren vorrangigen Partnern traditionell die östliche Orthodoxie und die anglikanische Kirchengemeinschaft gehören.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Internationale Neerlandistiek", "ISSN": "18769071, 22145729", "Scope": "ScopeInternationale Neerlandistiek aims to improve the discussion in international Dutch (including South-African) linguistics and literature, in the broadest sense, including intercultural aspects of subdisciplines, communication studies, translation, cultural studies and the culture of the Low Countries in general.\r\rInternationale Neerlandistiek publishes articles written in Dutch and Afrikaans. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Irish Jurist", "ISSN": "211273", "Scope": "ScopeThe Irish Jurist is Ireland’s oldest academic law journal. Since the inauguration of the new series in 1966, the journal has been edited by members of the UCD Sutherland School of Law. The Irish Jurist publishes material in all fields of law and welcomes submissions from Ireland and abroad, though editorial policy is to strike a balance between material of local and general interest. It encourages contributions which seek to analyse Irish law or which bring to bear international and comparative perspectives that are of relevance to the Irish legal community. \r\rThe Irish Jurist publishes peer reviewed articles within the broad categories of modern and historical jurisprudence as well as shorter comments, case notes and book reviews.\r\rThe Irish Jurist is committed to publishing material that meets high standards of legal scholarship and to fostering a critical approach to the study and practice of law. The journal is widely read by academics, judges and legal practitioners in Ireland and has a substantial international subscription list. \r\rThe Irish Jurist is published twice a year, in Spring and Winter, and is available in hard copy and electronically. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Irish Theological Quarterly", "ISSN": "00211400, 17524989", "Scope": "ScopeThe Irish Theological Quarterly (ITQ) is a refereed journal of systematic, moral, and historical theology, and of sacred scripture, founded in the Pontifical University at St Patrick's College, Maynooth. It is committed to the advancement of constructive and critical scholarship in these areas and welcomes to its pages theologians from the international forum. Whereas its primary emphasis is on classical and contemporary theological issues, it also invites contributions from ancillary disciplines (such as philosophy, classical studies, and the social sciences) inasmuch as they have a direct bearing on theological reflection. Rooted in the Catholic tradition, the ITQ aims to be a place of discussion that is informed by this tradition, but it encourages equally an ecumenical and interfaith exchange in its presentations.\r\rThe ITQ carries articles by leading theologians who are international experts in their respective fields and is also a forum for young theologians to publish their research findings. It furnishes competent book reviews to keep readers informed about the current state of scholarship in theology, biblical studies, church history and cognate disciplines. It aims to provide commentary on intellectual developments that are of theological interest. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Islamic Africa", "ISSN": "21540993, 2333262X", "Scope": "ScopeIslamic Africa publishes original research concerning Islam in Africa from the social sciences and the humanities, as well as primary source material and commentary essays related to Islamic Studies in Africa. The journal’s geographic includes the entire African continent and adjacent islands. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Islamic Philosophy, Theology and Science: Texts and Studies", "ISSN": "1698729", "Scope": "ScopeIn Islam, philosophy, theology and science have interacted intimately almost from the beginning and played an important part in the intellectual history of Islam. For the historian of science and for the student of philosophy, the rich literature of Islamic philosophy, theology and science has preserved much unique material. This betrays the originality of scholars, who were inspired by Greek-Hellenistic culture and its absorption in an Christian and Islamic milieu. \r\rThis series provides an outlet for the results of research on these subjects and on the history of ideas in early Islam. \rPhilosophy was at the basis of much of intellectual life in the Islamic Middle Ages. The study of philosophy developed considerably, as did theology and the sciences. These have in turn been crucial to the development of intellectual history in Islamic countries until today. It may even be said that for any serious and comprehensive research into the history of thought inside and outside Europe, knowledge of the Islamic sources is indispensable. Owing to the lack of printed editions of many of these Islamic sources, however, the edition and study of texts on islamic philosophy, theology and science is still a rather neglected field of research. \r\rThe present series is intended to fill this need, making the field accessible through the publication of text editions, annotated translations, collaborative volumes, handbooks, and studies of individual concept, of the lives and thought of individual historical figures, etc. Volumes in the series place the subject in the context of relevant historical and intellectual developments of the time and, where desirable, against the background of their Greek, Syriac, or Iranian origins. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Jewish History", "ISSN": "0334701X, 15728579", "Scope": "ScopeThe purpose of Jewish History, the sole English-language publication devoted exclusively to history and the Jews, is to broaden the limits of historical writing on the Jews. Jewish History publishes contributions in the field of history, but also in the ancillary fields of art, literature, sociology, and anthropology, where these fields and history proper cross paths. The diverse personal and professional backgrounds of Jewish History's contributors, a truly international meeting of minds, have enriched the journal and offered readers innovative essays as well as special issues on topics proposed by guest editors: women and Jewish inheritance, the Jews of Latin America, and Jewish self-imaging, to name but a few in a long list. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal for Religion, Film and Media", "ISSN": "24140201, 26173697", "Scope": "ScopeJRFM is a peer-reviewed, open-access, online publication. It offers a platform for scholarly research in the broad field of religion and media, with a particular interest in audio-visual and interactive forms of communication. It engages with the challenges arising from the dynamic development of media technologies and their interaction with religion.\r\rJRFM is a cooperation of the universities of Graz, Hull, Lausanne, Marburg, Munich, and Villanova. JRFM issues are published twice a year - one in April, one in November. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of American-East Asian Relations", "ISSN": "10583947, 18765610", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of American-East Asian Relations is a peer-reviewed quarterly journal of interdisciplinary historical, cross-cultural, and social science scholarship from all parts of the world. The includes diplomatic, economic, security, and cultural relations, as well as Asian-American history. Geographical coverage includes the United States, Canada, other countries in the Americas, and East Asia, typically China, Japan, and Korea, but also the Pacific area, Australasia, Southeast Asia, and the Russian Far East. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Ayn Rand Studies, The", "ISSN": "15261018", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Ayn Rand Studies is a nonpartisan journal devoted to the study of Ayn Rand and her times. It is the official journal of The Journal of Ayn Rand Studies Foundation. The journal is not aligned with any advocacy group, institute, or person. It welcomes papers from a wide array of disciplines, including: aesthetics, anthropology, ethics, feminism, history, political theory, psychology, and sociology. The journal aims to foster scholarly dialogue through a respectful exchange of ideas and has become a unique place that has welcomed those working from diverse interpretive and critical perspectives. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Coptic Studies", "ISSN": "10165584, 17831512", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Coptic Studies will accept articles concerning Coptic language, literature, history, art, archeology, and related subjects, before the modern period. It aims to publish investigations that contribute to the enlargement of knowledge or the advancement of scholarly interpretation.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of English Studies", "ISSN": "15766357, 16954300", "Scope": "ScopeJES is the journal of the English Studies Division at the University of La Rioja. It accepts for publication, after favourable reports from two anonymous referees, original scholarly contributions in all research areas within the domain of English studies (linguistics, literature, literary theory, cultural studies, film studies, etc.). Proposals for publication may fall under one of the following three categories:\r\r-Research papers involving empirical investigations and methodological or theoretical studies within the field of English Studies (min. 15 and max. 30 double-spaced pages).\r-State of the art reports of recent books covering issues relating to the area of interest of the journal (max. 8 double-spaced pages).\r-Notes and squibs (max. 6 double-spaced pages).\rExceptionally, and with a positive report by the Editorial Board, contributions which exceed these maximum lengths may be considered for publication on the grounds of their scientific relevance.\r\rJES only accepts for publication contributions written in English. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Forensic Document Examination", "ISSN": "08950849, 26400677", "Scope": "ScopeArticles published in the JFDE related to the areas of knowledge in forensic document examination including examination of handwriting, the neuroscience of handwriting, pattern recognition applied to handwriting examination, machine learning techniques, altered documents, indented writing (latent impressions), document materials (ink, toner, paper), office equipment, scientific equipment related to examination of documents, experimental and applied research in these areas, conclusion language and reporting, the legal system and testimony. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology (New Series)", "ISSN": "10059113", "Scope": "Scope\rJournal of Harbin Institute of Technology (New Series) is world-oriented academic journal in natural science and engineering technology sponsored by Harbin Institute of Technology (6 issues per year). The journal welcomes high-quality original contributions, topics mainly focusing in the following fields: Aerospace and Astronautics, Control Science and Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, Computer Science, Robot Technology, Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Energy Science and Engineering, Electrical Engineering, et al. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Health Policy and Outcomes Research", "ISSN": "22991247, 2543604X", "Scope": "ScopeJournal of Health Policy & Outcomes Research (JHPOR) is a peer-reviewed, international scientific journal, covering health policy, pharmacoeconomics and outcomes research in Poland and worldwide. The journal is issued under the auspices of the Polish Society of Pharmacoeconomics. It is published twice a year in electronic form, optionally in the paper version. All of the articles are published under the Open Access model. Our goal is to facilitate communication between researchers and health care policy makers by offering an outlet for discussion and dialogue. Our Journal is indexed in various databases such as Google Scholar, Index Copernicus (ICV 2020= 100) or BazEkon. It has also been given a score of 40 points by Ministry of Education and Science Republic of Poland. Since October 2022, JHPOR is also indexed in Scopus database. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Molecular Signaling", "ISSN": "17502187", "Scope": "ScopeJournal of Molecular Signaling encompasses all the molecular aspects of cell signaling involving receptors, G-proteins, kinases, phosphatases, and transcription factors in regulating cell proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis, and oncogenesis in mammalian cells.\r\rMolecular signaling is an exponentially growing field that encompasses different molecular aspects of cell signaling underlying normal and pathological conditions. Specifically, the journal focuses on the normal or aberrant molecular mechanisms involving receptors, G-proteins, kinases, phosphatases, and transcription factors in regulating cell proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis, and oncogenesis in mammalian cells. This also includes the genetic and epigenetic changes that modulate the signaling properties of cells and the resultant physiological conditions. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Otolaryngology of Japan", "ISSN": "00306622, 18830854", "Scope": "ScopeThe Oto-Rhino-Laryngological Society of Japan authorized Japan Academic Association For Copyright Clearance (JAC) to license our reproduction rights and reuse rights of copyrighted works. If you wish to obtain permissions of these rights in the countries or regions outside Japan, please refer to the website of JAC (http://www.jaacc.org/en/) and confirm appropriate organizations to request permission. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Junctures", "ISSN": "11765119, 11798912", "Scope": "ScopeJunctures: The Journal for Thematic Dialogue is a multidisciplinary academic journal founded by Otago Polytechnic Te Kura Matatini ki Otago in 2003 as a forum for trans-disciplinary discussion, analysis, and critique.\r\rJunctures encourages discussion across boundaries, whether these are disciplinary, geographic, cultural, social or economic. Junctures embraces the long established fields of the humanities, arts, science, law, medicine and philosophy, as well as engaging with the challenges of more recent disciplinary and interdisciplinary fields. Each issue of Junctures is organised as a site of encounter around a theme. This allows us to highlight the resonances and disturbances of dialogue. With New Zealand and the Asia-Pacific region as a backdrop, but not its only stage, Junctures seeks to address the matters which concern us all as we negotiate the contemporary environment. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Lino", "ISSN": "2112574", "Scope": "ScopeLiño was founded in 1980, published by the University of Oviedo Publications Service, aimed at specialists, researchers and professionals in the field of art and architecture history.\rThe journal exclusively accepts unpublished and original research works that have not been published or submitted for this purpose in any other medium, regardless of the language in which they are published.\rIn each issue, Liño compiles research articles that deal with topics related to any field in art history, any period or manifestation. It also accommodates architectural projects and interventions, as well as bibliographic reviews.\rLiño ensures free access to research results with maximum visibility for published work. It provides unrestricted access to all content from the moment it is published in electronic edition and at no cost to the author. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Materiali e Discussioni per l'Analisi dei Testi Classici", "ISSN": "03926338, 17241693", "Scope": "ScopeMD was founded in Pisa in 1978 by a group of scholars of ancient literature, and nowadays is run by a scientific committee that includes notable European and American classicists.\rThe journal is valued as a research space open for the comparison of different methods of study. Through the analysis of classical texts, the historical-philological method of research confronts the problems and trends of present criticism, and at the same time investigates the language of culture and the forms and techniques of literary communication. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Media Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia", "ISSN": "02162482, 23564067", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Medical Journal of Wuhan University", "ISSN": "16718852", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Medicina nei secoli", "ISSN": "3949001", "Scope": "ScopeMEDICINA nei SECOLI-Arte e Scienza/Journal of History of Medicine, founded in 1964, is an international peer-reviewed Journal edited by Sapienza University of Rome. Since 1989, MnS has been published by the Molecular Medicine, History of Medicine and Bioethics Departments of Sapienza University of Rome. MnS publishes original research papers, critical reviews and short communications devoted to all aspects of History of Medicine and Biomedicine, of History of Healthcare and health-professions and of History of Bioethics. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Medicus", "ISSN": "1330013X", "Scope": "ScopeMEDICUS je znanstveno-stručni časopis iz područja biomedicine i zdravstva.\rČasopis je utemeljen 1933. godine. Od 1954. godine izlazi pod nazivom Saopćenja, a 1992. godine nosi staro ime MEDICUS.\rObjavljuje uvodnike, izvorne znanstvene članke, kratka priopćenja, prethodna priopćenja, pregledne radove, stručne i znanstvene radove, autorske preglede, izlaganja i sažetke sa skupova te dodatne priloge poput prikaza knjiga i pisma uredniku. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Medieval Mediterranean", "ISSN": "9285520", "Scope": "ScopeThe aim of this series is to publish outstanding, original scholarly monographs and article collections, as well as editions and translations of primary sources, encompassing any aspect of the history of the Medieval Mediterranean. All methodological approaches—including interdisciplinary ones—are welcome. The vast majority of the books in the series are in the English language, although works of outstanding quality in French or German are sometimes included. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Melanges de l'Ecole Francaise de Rome:Antiquite", "ISSN": "02235102, 17242134", "Scope": "ScopeCréée en 1881 sous le titre de Mélanges d’histoire et d’archéologie, la revue Mélanges de l’École française de Rome est subdivisée depuis 1989 en trois séries (Antiquité ; Moyen Âge ; Italie et Méditerranée) publiées chacune à raison de deux fascicules annuels. Les Mélanges de l’École française de Rome – Antiquité (MEFRA) publient des articles portant sur l’histoire, la culture et l’archéologie des mondes anciens en Méditerranée, en particulier en Italie, en Afrique du Nord et dans les Balkans, mais portant également sur les interactions entre cet espace et le reste du monde antique. Ils publient aussi des dossiers thématiques en lien avec les fouilles et les programmes scientifiques de l’EFR, et plus généralement des études relevant de diverses disciplines (histoire, archéologie, archéométrie, épigraphie, philologie, droit etc.), de la Préhistoire à la fin de l’Antiquité. Les articles sont publiés en français et dans les diverses langues européennes, avec des résumés dans la langue de l’article et en anglais. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Minerva Revista de Filologia Clasica", "ISSN": "25306480", "Scope": "ScopeMINERVA. Revista de Filología Clásica is published on an anual basis. It accepts original and unpublished scientific contributions as well as critical editions and scientific reviews on topics related to the Greek and Latin philologies in its broadest chronological and thematic range. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "National Toxicology Program technical report series", "ISSN": "8888051", "Scope": "ScopeLong-term NTP toxicology and carcinogenicity studies usually involve exposing laboratory animals (rats and mice) to a substance for a period of two years. These studies are designed and conducted to characterize and evaluate the toxicologic potential, including carcinogenic activity, of selected substances. Substances selected for NTP toxicology and carcinogenesis studies are chosen primarily on the basis of human exposure, level of production, and chemical structure. Substance selection is not an indicator of a substance's carcinogenic potential.\r\rThe methods, results, and conclusions of these studies are published in NTP's Technical Report (TR) series after undergoing peer review. The interpretive conclusions presented in Technical Reports and Abstracts are based only on the results of these NTP studies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Neonatal intensive care : the journal of perinatology-neonatology", "ISSN": "10622454", "Scope": "ScopeNeonatal Intensive Care is a controlled circulation publication sent to more than 10,500 healthcare professions specializing in neonatology and perinatology, fetal medicine, and related disciplines. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Northern Scotland", "ISSN": "3065278", "Scope": "ScopeNorthern Scotland is an established scholarly journal that has been in existence since 1972. Initially produced by the University of Aberdeen, it was relaunched latterly by the UHI Centre for History and Aberdeen University. Since 2016, its institutional supporters have been UHI, the Centre for Scotland’s Land Futures and Centre for Scottish Culture. It is a fully peer-reviewed publication whose editorial board, contributors, reviewers and referees are drawn from a wide range of experts across the world. While it carries material of a mainly historical nature, from the earliest times to the modern era, it is a cross-disciplinary publication, which also addresses cultural, economic, political and geographical themes relating to the Highlands and Islands and the north-east of Scotland. It contains substantial articles and book reviews, as well as interviews and reports of research projects in progress. It actively supports cutting edge and early career work, in all relevant disciplines, via its annual essay competition, 'The rising star essay in land futures', which showcases the best new work being pursued today. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie", "ISSN": "8696365", "Scope": "ScopeЖурнал «Новое литературное обозрение» (НЛО) был создан в 1992 году филологом и историком культуры Ириной Прохоровой и стал первым независимым гуманитарным периодическим изданием на постсоветском пространстве. Впоследствии он дал название всему издательскому комплексу, возникшему вокруг журнала.\r\rВ начале своего существования НЛО мыслился как центр объединения ведущих ученых всего мира, изучающих русскую литературу, историю и культуру. С развитием научной мысли и формированием нового гуманитарного поля в России журнал постоянно расширял спектр своих задач и в итоге стал междисциплинарным изданием, ориентированным на максимально полное и объективное освещение современного состояния гуманитарных наук, адаптацию новых интеллектуальных трендов для изучения русской культуры, интеграцию отечественной академической традиции в мировое научное сообщество.\r\rВ редколлегию «НЛО» входят самые известные российские и западные специалисты по гуманитарным наукам. Материалы, опубликованные в «НЛО» входят в программу обязательной подготовки студентов гуманитарных ВУЗов.\r\r«Новое литературное обозрение» входит в перечень рецензируемых научных изданий Всероссийской аттестационной комиссии и в коллекцию «Arts & Humanities» международной базы данных «Web of Science».\r\r«Новое литературное обозрение» является единственным российским гуманитарным журналом, публикация в котором учитывается ведущими американскими университетами при найме на работу или присуждении пожизненной профессуры (tenure). В британских университетах публикации в «НЛО» учитываются для определения статуса и, соответственно, уровня государственного финансирования славистических кафедр при национальной аттестации университетов.\r\rПечатная версия журнала выходит шесть раз в год. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Novosti Khirurgii", "ISSN": "19937512, 23050047", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal \"Novosti Khirurgii\" is the forum for exchanging the scientific information in such fields as surgery, cardiosurgery, traumatology-orthopedics, neurosurgery, oncology, urology, anesthesiology and intensive care, transfusiology. Being established in 1995 as a University journal by present it has become an international scientific and practical publication.\r\rThe journal is to provide a wide coverage of scientific advances in the realm of clinical and objective of the experimental medicine. The journal publishes the papers possessing by scientific and practical value for a wide range of surgeons and covering various fields of this specialty. Publication not only clinical but experimental researches which subsequently can be the basis for the development of new methods for diagnosing and treating surgical diseases is considered as the distinctive feature of the journal.\r\rFull-size original articles, reviews, descriptions of practical cases, information about scientific forums are published in the journal. Preference is given to scientific and practical works containing new results of clinical and experimental work in various areas of surgery. The reviews with the analysis of current international publication permitted to evaluate the studied problem are welcomed by the editorial staff.\r\rParticular attention is given to reports of clinical cases that merit the interest of international scientific medical community. The papers offering the innovative methods of treatment and new technological developments are published in the journal primarily. The journal also publishes the analytical materials of international congresses and conferences with summary of the most important information.\r\rThe publication is free of charge. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "NTP Developmental and Reproductive Toxicity Technical Report Series", "ISSN": "26902052", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "NTP Technical Report on the Toxicology and Carcinogenesis Studies Series", "ISSN": "23788917, 23788925", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Nuncius Series", "ISSN": "24055077", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "On the Boundary of Two Worlds", "ISSN": "15707121", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Ostrava Journal of English Philology", "ISSN": "18038174, 25710257", "Scope": "ScopeOstrava Journal of English Philology is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal that publishes articles in the field of English philology. The first issue was published in September 2009 and since 2010 the journal has been published bi-annually. It consists of a linguistics section, a section focusing on the literature and culture of English-speaking countries, and a section devoted to book reviews, calls for papers, and announcements of upcoming conferences and other events. The journal is open to contributions from scholars from the Czech Republic and from abroad. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Pamukkale Medical Journal", "ISSN": "13080865, 13099833", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Papers in Meteorology and Geophysics", "ISSN": "0031126X, 18806643", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Peitho", "ISSN": "20827539, 23009004", "Scope": "ScopePeitho is the peer-reviewed journal of the Coalition of Feminist Scholars in the History of Rhetoric and Composition. Published quarterly, Peitho seeks to encourage, advance, and publish original research in the history of rhetoric and composition. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Pharmaceutical Technology Europe", "ISSN": "1646826", "Scope": "ScopePharmTech.com is a comprehensive information source for all professionals in the global pharmaceutical manufacturing drug development community, brought to you by Pharmaceutical Technology and Pharmaceutical Technology Europe.\r\rWe provide professionals with dynamic and reliable cutting-edge peer-reviewed content and features on next-generation process development and manufacturing, formulation, drug delivery, ingredients, regulation, analytics, packaging, supply-chain, and outsourcing. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Plural. History. Culture. Society", "ISSN": "23451262, 2345184X", "Scope": "ScopePLURAL. History, Culture, Society aims to foster the publication of high-quality articles and reviews concerning topics related to East- and Southeast-European history and society that had attracted little research interest. We will promote a critical approach towards historical sources, going against certain enduring and entrenched myths and stereotypes, which are directly connected to politically biased historical interpretations. We will also aim at initiating an academic “dialogue” that would transcend the established disciplinary boundaries.\rThis dialogue could contribute, in the long term, to the creation of an open space for critical debates, thus stimulating a lively exchange of ideas and the development of innovative approaches in the field of East- and Southeast-European Studies. We will naturally focus on the regional dimension, but we will also attempt to go beyond the limits of our particular geographical setting, taking into account the European and global context. Our journal aims to be an academic forum and “meeting point” for the new generation of scholars in the field of the humanities and social sciences.\rThe first, multi-lingual, issue of our journal features a number of texts (both by local and foreign researchers) on a variety of topics, ranging from archaeology to the most recent debates linked to the ‘politics of memory’ and the contemporary tendencies in the didactics of history. As our title suggests, we will attempt to cover a wide range of topics that would not only enhance the visibility and relevance of local scholarship in the social sciences and humanities, but would also engage in the on-going cross-border and trans-national dialogue and exchange of ideas, research models and academic traditions. The editors’ success in achieving these ambitious goals will be judged by our (hopefully) impartial and interested readers. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Polytrauma", "ISSN": "18191495, 2541867X", "Scope": "ScopeThe scientific practical journal Polytrauma is a periodic printing publication for clinicians, scientific workers and healthcare leaders. The journal publishes original articles of basic and applied theoretic, clinical and experimental studies, practical notes, discussions, literature reviews, informative materials dedicated to actual problems of polytrauma. The main journal sections are “Original article”, “Organization of specialized medical aid”, “Original studies”, “New medical technologies”, “Anesthesiology and resuscitation”, “Clinical aspects of surgery”, “Functional, instrumental and laboratory diagnostics”, “Organ systems and replacement therapy. Treatment of complications”, “Rehabilitation”, “Experimental studies”, “Case report”. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Pravni Zapisi", "ISSN": "22172815, 24061387", "Scope": "ScopeFounded in 2010, Pravni zapisi, Union University Law School Review, is an open access, peer-reviewed journal published by Union University Law School Belgrade. Within the national ranking of scholarly journals, the Review has been ranked as a leading national journal (M24) in the category of Law and Political Science. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society", "ISSN": "0003049X", "Scope": "ScopeThe Proceedings is a quarterly journal that includes papers read at the APS’s biannual meetings, independent essays sent to the APS by outside scholars, and biographical memoirs of APS Members. The first volume of the Proceedings appeared in 1838. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Psychiatrie", "ISSN": "12117579, 12126845", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Quinnipiac Law Review", "ISSN": "10738606", "Scope": "ScopeThe Quinnipiac Law Review provides analysis and commentary on all areas of the law. The work published in our pages provides critical examinations of everything from recent groundbreaking civil and criminal cases, to the shifting paradigms in corporate law structure and the moving parts behind environmental and food regulation. Published four times annually, the Law Review includes articles written by faculty, judges and practicing attorneys from all over the country, as well as notes and case notes from students.\r\rThe Quinnipiac Law Review is a wholly student-run organization. Membership on the Quinnipiac Law Review provides students with an opportunity to develop legal scholarship skills that give them an edge in the legal market. Membership requires a great deal of time and effort, but the rewards are invaluable. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Res: Anthropology and Aesthetics", "ISSN": "2771322", "Scope": "ScopeRES is a journal of anthropology and comparative aesthetics dedicated to the study of the object, in particular cult and belief objects and objects of art. The journal brings together, in an anthropological perspective, contributions by art historians, archaeologists, philosophers, critics, architects, artists, and others. Its field of inquiry is open to all cultures, regions, and historical periods. In addition, RES seeks to make available textual and iconographic documents of importance for the history and theory of the arts.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Argentina de Radiologia", "ISSN": "00487619, 18529992", "Scope": "ScopeArgentinian Journal of Radiology (RAR) is an official publication of the Sociedad Argentina de Radiología (SAR) and the Federación Argentina de Asociaciones de Radiología, Diagnóstico por Imágenes y Terapia Radiante (FAARDIT). It is a biomedical journal published in Spanish for over 80 continuous years. Since 1937, it publishes scientific contributions in Radiology, presenting itself as a bridge between Spanish speakers and Hispanic American societies.\r\rAll articles published are related to general radiology, ultrasound, CT, MRI, nuclear medicine, interventionism and affiliated specialties, such as radiophysics and/or educational aspects. It publishes original articles, review articles, short communications, pictorial essays, scientific letters, letters to the editors, radiological signs, imaginart and historical notes. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Chilena de Radiologia", "ISSN": "0717201X, 07179308", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Revista de Estudios Colombianos", "ISSN": "24746800, 24746819", "Scope": "ScopeRevista de Estudios Colombianos (REC) is an indexed and peer-reviewed journal that has been published bi-annually since 1986. Its mission and research is to promote the study of Colombia in the humanities and in the social sciencies with a view to promoting academic and cultural exchanges amongst disciplines (e.g., art, literature, philosophy, cultural studies, history, sociology, political science, media studies, environmental studies). \rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista de Occidente", "ISSN": "348635", "Scope": "ScopeRevista de Occidente, con los mismos objetivos que guiaron en 1923 a su fundador, José Ortega y Gasset y continuamente renovados, atendiendo a los temas de nuestro tiempo, es hoy un espacio cultural que, mes a mes, recoge lo más relevante del pensamiento, la ciencia, la creación plástica, literaria, cinematográfica y audiovisual. Publicación de referencia en España y Latinoamérica, goza de una amplísima difusión en los círculos universitarios de todo el mundo.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Mexicana de Anestesiologia", "ISSN": "1851012", "Scope": "ScopeLa Revista Mexicana de Anestesiología publica (en español o inglés) trabajos originales, artículos de revisión, reporte de casos clínicos y cartas al editor, relacionados con los aspectos clínicos, epidemiológicos y básicos de la medicina.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revue d'Anthropologie des Connaissances", "ISSN": "17605393", "Scope": "ScopeCréée en 2006, la Revue d’anthropologie des connaissances (RAC) favorise la publication de textes mobilisant des approches et des méthodes dans différentes disciplines de sciences humaines et sociales pour conduire l’étude de la production, de la circulation et de la mobilisation des connaissances dans les sociétés contemporaines dans toutes aires géographiques. Cette revue trimestrielle est éditée par la Société d’anthropologie des connaissances.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revue des Sciences Philosophiques et Theologiques", "ISSN": "352209", "Scope": "ScopeParmi les grandes Revues francophones de philosophie et de théologie, notre Revue se caractérise par plusieurs particularités que vous allez découvrir en voyageant sur notre site. L\"une des plus originales consiste, tout en respectant la diversité des fondements, des méthodologies et des objets, à refuser de séparer les savoirs philosophiques et les disciplines théologiques et religieuses; et cela, tant du point de vue de l\"histoire et des traditions historiques que de celui des recherches contemporaines. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revue d'Homeopathie", "ISSN": "18789730, 18789749", "Scope": "ScopeThe Revue d'Homéopathie, in partnership with the French National Federation of Homeopathic Medical Societies (FNSMH), is aimed at homeopathic doctors looking for an authoritative publication to develop their training and keep their knowledge up to date. A continuing professional development journal open to all movements, it publishes the work of all those wishing to share their practice in their field of expertise.\r\rThe Revue d'Homéopathie is structured into 3 sections:\r\ra section reserved for scientific, university and other articles, with the support of university teaching departments;\ra practical section with contributions from higher education institutes with review articles, developments, clinical cases, guidelines, etc.;\ra section with the latest information for professionals and unions with news, press reviews, events calendar, etc.\rIt also covers leading events in the profession such as the Spring Conferences (Congrès de Printemps) and the Paris Symposiums (Entretiens de Paris), and publishes the proceedings. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revue Theologique de Louvain", "ISSN": "00802654, 17838401", "Scope": "ScopeCette revue trimestrielle, fondée en 1970, est publiée par un groupe de professeurs de la Faculté de théologie. La Revue publie des études sous forme d'articles, de notes et de chroniques sur un ensemble de travaux, sur des états des questions et sur des colloques et congrès de théologie et d'histoire des religions.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ricerche di Storia Politica", "ISSN": "11209526", "Scope": "Scope“Ricerche di Storia Politica” ha iniziato le sue pubblicazioni nel 1986 come annale, con l’ambizioso progetto di candidarsi a punto di riferimento per lo studio comparato della dimensione politica del sapere storico. Le convinzioni metodologiche che erano alla base del piccolo nucleo fondatore della rivista risultavano, per quel tempo, poco convenzionali: l’importanza e l’autonomia della dimensione politica dei processi storici; la necessità di un’apertura comparatistica della ricerca in grado di inquadrare la storia d’Italia in un contesto più ampio. La convinzione di fondo era che attraverso questa strada la ricostruzione storica potesse divenire più “scientifica”, distaccandosi così dagli scontri ideologici contingenti.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Romance Studies", "ISSN": "02639904, 17458153", "Scope": "ScopeRomance Studies, founded in 1982 by Valerie Minogue and Brian Nelson, is an international, fully refereed journal devoted to the study of the Romance literatures and cultures. With a distinguished advisory panel representative of leading research across the disciplines, the journal is a forum for both established scholars and new researchers worldwide. The editors offer constructive criticism where appropriate and advise young scholars and new contributors on the effective presentation of their material. A single, broadly-defined theme provides the focus for most issues whilst articles on other subjects are also invited. The journal encourages new theoretical engagements and is open to the full range of comparative and interdisciplinary approaches. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "SCROLL: Scottish Cultural Review of Language and Literature", "ISSN": "15710734", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Seoul Journal of Korean Studies", "ISSN": "12250201", "Scope": "ScopePublished twice a year under the auspices of the Kyujanggak Institute for Korean Studies at Seoul National University, the Seoul Journal of Korean Studies (SJKS) publishes original, state of the field research on Korea's past and present. A peer-refereed journal, the Seoul Journal of Korean Studies is distributed to institutions and scholars both internationally and domestically. Work published by SJKS comprise in-depth research on established topics as well as new areas of concern, including transnational studies, that reconfigure scholarship devoted to Korean culture, history, literature, religion, and the arts. \r\rUnique features of this journal include the explicit aim of providing an English language forum to shape the field of Korean studies both in and outside of Korea. In addition to articles that represent state of the field research, the Seoul Journal of Korean Studies publishes an extensive \"Book Notes\" section that places particular emphasis on introducing the very best in Korean language scholarship to scholars around the world. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Slovo", "ISSN": "9546839", "Scope": "ScopeSlovo is an interdisciplinary academic journal of Russian, Eastern European, and Central Asian affairs.\r\rThe journal is published online biannually. It is edited and managed by postgraduate students at the School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London. \r\rPeer reviewers aid the Editorial Board to determine the suitability of submitted works.\r\rWe consider contributions in an array of fields, including but not limited to, political science, international relations, anthropology, history, sociology and culture. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Solov'evskie Issledovania", "ISSN": "20769210", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Southern Journal for Contemporary History", "ISSN": "02582422, 24150509", "Scope": "ScopeThe Southern Journal for Contemporary History is published by the Faculty of Humanities, University of the Free State. It is a national, academic and accredited journal which publishes academically outstanding articles on contemporary African history, that is, post-1945 history. It will consider submissions relating to pre-1945 African history only if the authors show that the events and dynamics taken into consideration have had a clear impact on the more contemporary period (post-1945).The journal will be also open to articles that theoretically challenge this definition of contemporary African history and that offer a different interpretation. The journal may occasionally accept submissions from outside the disciple of history but only with the important proviso that such submissions should be grounded in the unique disciplinary feature of history, namely, the study of change over time. All articles submitted are reviewed by at least two experts in the field. At least two issues of the Southern Journal for Contemporary History are published annually, namely in June and December. Sometimes a number of related articles are published in a special edition which may also include articles on topics before 1945. Guest editors may assist the Editorial Board with these special editions. In such cases, the Editorial Board will still be responsible for the edition and their discretion will be paramount. Review articles, book reviews and archival reports are also considered for publication. Opinions expressed in articles or conclusions made, are those of the authors and do not imply the endorsement of the Editorial Board. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Spirale", "ISSN": "12784699", "Scope": "ScopeRevue trimestrielle, Spirale a choisi d’aller à la rencontre des discours multiples, partiels et complémentaires, ni exclusifs ni exhaustifs qui se tiennent sur le bébé.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studi Etruschi", "ISSN": "3917762", "Scope": "ScopeCompito primario dell’istituto, dal 1927, è la realizzazione di una Rivista annuale, “STUDI ETRUSCHI” (ISSN 0391-7762 e ISSN 2284-4821 online), con l’edizione periodica degli indici relativi. La Rivista è presente nelle liste ANVUR delle riviste ai fini dell’abilitazione scientifica nazionale per l’area 10, Scienze dell’antichità – Fascia A.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studia Heideggeriana", "ISSN": "22508740, 22508767", "Scope": "ScopeStudia Heideggeriana is an annual journal edited by the Sociedad Iberoamericana de Estudios Heideggerianos (SIEH) [Ibero-American Society of Heideggerian Studies]. It was born with a clear Latin American vocation without giving up the desire to reach other geographical areas. For this, it admits works written in Spanish, Portuguese and English. The SIEH was founded in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina, on September 5, 2008 and in 2011 the first issue of Studia Heideggeriana dedicated to the relationship between Heidegger and Kant was published on paper. In 2020, the seventh volume was published electronically. The journal was made digital to facilitate a wider circulation of its contents, now in open access. Each issue consists of a monographic part and a “free” section with works related to Heidegger's thought. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studia Imagologica", "ISSN": "09274065, 22114181", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Studia Orientalia Slovaca", "ISSN": "13363786", "Scope": "ScopeStudia Orientalia Slovaca (SOS) is an international peer-reviewed scholarly journal published twice a year for the Department of East Asian Studies, Comenius University in Bratislava. It is welcoming empirical and multidisciplinary studies elaborated covering the area between the Bosporus and Hawai’i, and between the Barents Sea and Indonesia, as well as their interaction with other areas of the world, taking into consideration source material in the respective areas’ language, and spanning the arts, linguistics, literature, history, the social sciences and cultural studies. All contributions undergo a double-blind peer-reviewing process. SOS is published in English, with the exception of research articles dealing with translation problems or editing hitherto unpublished source material into or in, respectively, Slovak or Czech—with a maximum of one article in one of these languages per issue. As one of the aims of SOS is to make known research achievements from Central and Eastern European countries to an English-reading scholarly audience, the book review section has an emphasis on publications in the respective languages. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studies in American Indian Literatures", "ISSN": "07303238, 15489590", "Scope": "ScopeStudies in American Indian Literatures (SAIL) is the only journal in the United States that focuses exclusively on American Indian literatures. With a wide of scholars and creative contributors, this journal is on the cutting edge of activity in the field. SAIL invites the submission of scholarly, critical pedagogical, and theoretical manuscripts focused on any aspect of American Indian literatures as well as the submission of bibliographical essays, review essays, and interviews. SAIL defines \"literatures\" broadly to include all written, spoken, and visual texts created by Native peoples. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studies in Medieval and Reformation Traditions", "ISSN": "15734188", "Scope": "ScopeStudies in Medieval and Reformation Traditions is a peer-reviewed book series of monographs and text editions on subjects from the high Middle Ages through the Reformation era. Emphasizing the inter-relations and potential for mutual interpretation of three normative areas of specialization, Medieval, Renaissance, and Reformation Studies, constitutes a core aspect of its program. The series pays equal attention to political, cultural and religious history. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studies in Theology and Religion", "ISSN": "1566208X", "Scope": "ScopeBrill's Studies in Theology and Religion (STAR) focuses on theological and religious themes that interact with public issues of contemporary society. It aims at publishing proceedings of conferences, edited volumes, and quality monographs, including outstanding dissertations. In its publications STAR will give high priority to the publication of the results of interdisciplinary research in an ecumenical, interreligious and intercultural context. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studies on Sufism", "ISSN": "24680087", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Sustainable Humanosphere", "ISSN": "18806503", "Scope": "Scope\"Sustainable Humanosphere\" is an annual journal published by the Research Institute of Sustainable Humanosphere (RISH) Kyoto University as to report research findings related to all disciplines in Sustainable Humanosphere Science. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Suvannabhumi: Multidisciplinary Journal of Southeast Asian Studies", "ISSN": "2092738X, 27997839", "Scope": "ScopeSUVANNABHUMI is an international, peer-reviewed journal committed to the publication of scholarship in Southeast Asian Studies. It aims to offer a scholarly platform for original works drawn from research findings, theoretical thought, reflection, and/or reinterpretation of long-held viewpoints, ideas, or methodologies. The covers in particular, but not exclusively, the following fields of discussion: cultural studies, the arts, language and linguistics, history, archaeology and prehistory, anthropology, sociology, religion, literature, tourism, socio-economic issues, and politics.\rIt is published biannually on the last day(30th or 31st) of June and December(in January and July from 2019 onwards). In addition to regular Issues, SUVANNABHUMI also publishes Special Issues focusing on particular themes or regions. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Synergies Afrique des Grands Lacs", "ISSN": "22584307, 22604278", "Scope": "ScopeSynergies Afrique des Grands Lacs est une revue francophone de recherche en sciences humaines, particulièrement ouverte aux travaux d’aménagement linguistique, de langues et littératures, de lexicologie, terminologie et traduction.\rSa vocation est de mettre en oeuvre dans les six pays (Burundi, Rwanda, RD Congo, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzanie) de l’Afrique des Grands lacs le Programme Mondial de Diffusion Scientifique Francophone en Réseau du GERFLINT, Groupe d’Etudes et de Recherches pour le Français Langue Internationale. C’est pourquoi elle publie essentiellement des articles dans cette langue mais sans exclusive linguistique et accueille, de façon prioritaire, les travaux issus de la pensée scientifique des chercheurs francophones de son espace géographique dont le français n’est pas la langue première. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Synthesis Lectures on Signal Processing", "ISSN": "19321236", "Scope": "ScopeSynthesis Lectures in Signal Processing publishes 80- to 150-page books on topics of interest to signal processing engineers and researchers. The Lectures exploit in detail a focused topic.\rLectures in Signal Processing are open to all relevant areas in signal processing. They will cover theory and theoretical methods, algorithms, performance analysis, and applications. Some Lectures will provide a new look at a well established area or problem, while others will venture into a brand new topic in signal processing. By carefully reviewing the manuscripts we will strive for quality both in the Lectures’ contents and exposition.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Taurus", "ISSN": "15153037", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Tempo (Brazil)", "ISSN": "14137704", "Scope": "ScopeFounded in 1996, Tempo (Niterói.online), is an open journal published by the Department of History of the Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil. Since 2016, it has been published three times a year.\r\rTempo is dedicated to historical studies, thus publishing original papers (on open topic articles or issue-specific topics in dossiers), book reviews and interviews in Portuguese, English, Spanish, and French.\r\rThe authors must have at least a PhD. The journal does not charge any fee to authors in order to review, edit and publish their texts.\rIts abbreviated title is Tem, which should be used in bibliographies, footnotes and bibliographical references and strips. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Theory Now", "ISSN": "26052822", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Tijdschrift voor Urologie", "ISSN": "22113037, 22114718", "Scope": "ScopeHet Tijdschrift voor Urologie is het enige peer-reviewed Nederlandstalige tijdschrift in het vakgebied. Het verschijnt 8x per jaar en bevat naast wetenschappelijke artikelen ook case-reports en de abstracts van de voor- en najaarsvergaderingen van de NVU. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Toronto Journal of Theology", "ISSN": "8269831", "Scope": "ScopeThe Toronto Journal of Theology is a progressive, double-blind refereed journal of analysis and scholarship, reflecting diverse Christian traditions and exploring the full range of theological inquiry: Biblical Studies, History of Christianity, Pastoral Theology, Christian Ethics, Systematic Theology, Philosophy of Religion, and Interdisciplinary Studies.\r\rThe journal provides a Canadian forum for discussing theological issues in cross-cultural perspectives, featuring pertinent articles, in-depth reviews and information on the latest publications in the field.\r\rThe Toronto Journal of Theology is of critical interest to academics, clergy, and lay and professional theologians. Anyone concerned with contemporary opinion on theological issues will find the journal essential reading. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Transmodernity", "ISSN": "21541361", "Scope": "ScopeAmong topics of interest are the following: Orientalism in the Luso-Hispanic world; post-colonial cultural production by and/or about minorities in the Lusophone and Hispanophone world, including people of Asian, Arab, Jewish, black, indigenous and Romani (gypsy) descent; Arab cultural production in any of the languages in the Iberian Peninsula; Spanish-language cultural production in Israel, Equatorial Guinea, the Philippines, the United States, and Canada; Lusophone cultural production in Portugal’s former colonies; and any Hispanophone and Lusophone cultural production from Latin American and the Iberian Peninsula that addresses Transmodernity, understood as a South-to-South intercultural dialogue from the perspective of the so-called Third World and beyond the dependence on the metropolis. Essays that cross disciplinary boundaries and from different disciplines (including literary and film studies, urban and cultural studies, popular and mass culture, subcultures, performing and visual arts, and Luso-Hispanic thought) will be considered. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Medical Sciences", "ISSN": "13000292", "Scope": "ScopeTurkiye Klinikleri Journal of Medical Sciences is an international periodical on published on independent, unbiased, double-blinded and peer-review principles.\r\rThe journal's publication language is English/Turkish, however, titles of articles, abstracts and key words are also published in English if the paper is printed in Turkish.\r\rTurkiye Klinikleri Journal of Medical Sciences is one of the scientific and open access of the Turkiye Klinikleri Journals which is being published 4 issues per year (March,June,September,December).\r\rTurkiye Klinikleri Journal of Medical Sciences is a scientific journal that publishes retrospective, prospective or experimental research articles, review articles, case reports, editorial comment/discussion, letter to the editor, scientific letter, surgical technique, differential diagnosis, original image, what's your diagnosis?, medical book reviews, questions-answers and also current issues of medical agenda from all fields of medicine and aims to reach all national/international institutions and individuals. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ukrainian Journal of Radiology and Oncology", "ISSN": "27087166, 27087174", "Scope": "ScopeThe Scientific and Clinical Journal «Ukrainian Journal of Radiology and Oncology» was founded by the State Organization «Grigoriev Institute for Medical Radiology and Oncology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine» in 1993. It is included in the List of scientific professional publications of Ukraine in the medical branches of science.\rTOPICS OF JOURNAL PUBLICATIONS:\r1.\tRadiology\r2.\tOncology\r3.\tRadiation diagnostics, radiation therapy\r4.\tChemotherapy for tumors\r5.\tOncopharmacology\r6.\tNuclear medicine\r7.\tOncosurgery\r8.\tOncogynecology\r9.\tIntensive care of acute conditions, anesthesia and rehabilitation of cancer patients\r10.\tInterventional radiology and minimally invasive interventional on-cology\r11.\tPalliative care and psychological support for cancer patients\r12.\tPediatric oncology\r13.\tRadiation pathology\r14.\tClinical radiobiology\r15.\tExperimental oncology and experimental radiobiology (studies in mammals, normal and tumor cells)\r16.\tMedical radiation physics\r17.\tRadiation hygiene and radiation safety of medical staff and pa-tients, dosimetry of medical irradiation\r18.\tOther sections of radiology and oncologyJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Universitatis Iagellonicae Acta Mathematica", "ISSN": "08600120, 20843828", "Scope": "ScopeUniversitatis Iagellonicae Acta Mathematica is a continuation of Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. Prace Matematyczne. Volume numbers are continued. Volume 24 is the first to appear under the new title.\r\rUniversitatis Iagellonicae Acta Mathematica contains significant research articles in both pure and applied mathematics.\r\rPapers intended for publication must be well written and of interest to a substantial number of mathematicians. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "USDA Forest Service - Research Papers PNW-RP", "ISSN": "8825165", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Vigiliae Christianae, Supplements", "ISSN": "0920623X", "Scope": "ScopeVigiliae Christianae Supplements publishes scholarly monographs of a historical and cultural,\rlinguistic or philological nature on early Christianity in the period from 100 to 600 CE with an\remphasis on texts and other primary sources.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Virittaja", "ISSN": "426806", "Scope": "ScopeVirittäjä on suomen kielen ja sen opetuksen tutkimusta esittelevä tieteellinen aikakauslehti, joka julkaisee artikkelien lisäksi myös alaa koskevia esseitä, katsauksia, havaintoja ja kirja-arvosteluja sekä keskustelupuheenvuoroja. Virittäjä on perustettu vuonna 1897, ja se ilmestyy neljästi vuodessa. Vuosikerrassa on sivuja noin 650.\r\rVirittäjässä julkaistava tutkimus on tyypillisesti aineistokeskeiseen analyysiin perustuva ja sisältää esimerkkejä aineistoanalyysista. Argumentaatio ja väitteiden perustelut ovat selkeästi esillä. Väitteet on tuettu yksityiskohtaisin lähdeviittauksin (sivutarkat viitetiedot).\r\rVirittäjää julkaisee Kotikielen Seura, joka kuuluu jäsenenä Tieteellisten Seurain Valtuuskuntaan. Virittäjä on Suomen vanhimpia edelleen ilmestyviä tieteellisiä lehtiä, se on ilmestynyt yhtäjaksoisesti vuodesta 1897 lähtien. Virittäjän tilaajina ja lukijoina on suomen kielen, sukukielten ja muiden kieliaineiden tutkijoita, opiskelijoita ja opettajia sekä alan harrastajia. Virittäjän lukija- ja kirjoittajakunta on kansainvälinen, koska suomen kieltä opetetaan ja tutkitaan yliopistoissa eri puolilla maailmaa. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Winterthur Portfolio", "ISSN": "00840416, 15456927", "Scope": "ScopeWinterthur Portfolio fosters knowledge of the North American past by publishing articles on material culture and the historical contexts within which artifacts developed. The journal presents scholarship that critically engages art history, history, geography, ethnology, archaeology, anthropology, folklife studies, and literature. We invite articles that are analytical and synthetic rather than descriptive, and we encourage interdisciplinary studies that integrate artifacts into a cultural framework. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "World Chinese Journal of Digestology", "ISSN": "10093079", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "World Customs Journal", "ISSN": "18346707, 18346715", "Scope": "ScopeThe World Customs Journal is a peer-reviewed journal which provides a forum for customs professionals, academics, industry researchers, and research students to contribute items of interest and share research and experiences to enhance its readers’ understanding of all aspects of the roles and responsibilities of Customs.\r\rThe World Customs Journal is published electronically, twice a year. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "World of Metallurgy - ERZMETALL", "ISSN": "16132394", "Scope": "ScopeThe international journal World of Metallurgy – ERZMETALL is published bi-monthly by the GDMB Verlag GmbH. Scientific articles, news and reports from the Non-ferrous Metallurgy are published in German and English.\r\rThe World of Metallurgy - ERZMETALL contains original technical-scientific articles concerning themes from ore dressing and smelting to processing, mainly of non-ferrous metals, as well as resource efficiency and recycling. Further main themes include metal analysis and special areas of environmental technology. On the basis of the numerous specialist committees of the GDMB and the accompanying seminars and conferences, current and innovative specialist articles are also published in close cooperation with well-known authors from renowned research institutes and the industry.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Zhonghua fang she xue za zhi Chinese journal of radiology", "ISSN": "10051201", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Academic Journal of Second Military Medical University", "ISSN": "0258879X", "Scope": "ScopeAcademic Journal of Second Military Medical University (AJSMMU) or Di-er Junyi Daxue Xuebao (Chinese phonetic alphabets of the Chinese title), a peer-reviewed monthly biomedical journal, is sponsored by the Second Military Medical University, a well-known medical university in Shanghai, China. The coverage of the journal includes basic medical sciences, clinical medicine, public health and epidemiology, military medicine, pharmacology and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Acta Koreana", "ISSN": "15207412", "Scope": "ScopeActa Koreana (ISSN 1520-7412, eISSN 2733-5348) is a peer-reviewed international journal of Korean Studies published in English by Academia Koreana, Keimyung University, Daegu, Korea. The journal was established in 1998 for the purpose of promoting new research on Korea in all academic disciplines within the arts and humanities.\r\rAlthough it began as an annual publication, since 2002 it has been published semi-annually on June 15 and December 15 and accepts submissions of papers on Korean studies topics throughout the year. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Acta Universitatis Carolinae Iuridica", "ISSN": "03230619, 23366478", "Scope": "ScopeActa Universitatis Carolinae Iuridica (AUC Iuridica) is a legal journal published since 1955, which presents longer essays as well as short articles on topics relevant for legal theory and international, European and Czech law. It also publishes works concerning current legislative problems.\r\rAlthough intended primarily for domestic audience, AUC Iuridica is useful also for foreign experts, who can take advantage of summaries in foreign languages (English, German and French) and key words, which are systematically added to the main articles and essays.\r\rThe published articles are subject to peer reviews. If necessary, reviewed texts are sent back to the author for revision.\r\rAUC Iuridica accepts contributions from any contributor on any current legal topic. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Actes (IFSTTAR)", "ISSN": "2115418X", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Advances in Library Administration and Organization", "ISSN": "7320671", "Scope": "ScopeAdvances in Library Administration and Organization was initiated to publish longer, quality research studies, of interest both to working library managers and scholars.\r\rWe are particularly interested in how libraries have been and should be managed. \r\rThe series:\r\rPublishes thought-provoking articles relating to both innovative and time-tested methods that can be used to organize our work.\rProvides a publication venue for those manuscripts that are typically longer than most journal articles but shorter than most books.\rEncourages the presentation of thoughtful pieces that integrate theory and practice.\rBrings to light excellent scholarship that strengthens and reinforces the base of knowledge library administrators have on hand.\rSeeks to develop a body of research literature that contributes to the base of organizational theory on which library administrators rely.\rSeeks out people who think about how libraries and library administrators work and to bring their ideas to the public.\rTopicality\rThe series offers an eclectic mix of timely, thought-provoking articles, bringing together national and global studies and conveying the kind of research which current library managers and researchers need, mixing theory with a good dose of pragmatism. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Al-Anbar Medical Journal", "ISSN": "26643154, 27066207", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Annuario della Scuola di Archeologica Italiana di Atene e delle missioni italiane in Oriente", "ISSN": "670081", "Scope": "ScopeL'Annuario della Scuola Archeologica di Atene e delle Missioni Italiane in Oriente è pubblicato dal 1914.\rPresenta articoli originali e di sintesi sull'arte, l'archeologia, l'architettura, la topografia, la storia, le religioni, l'antropologia del mondo antico, l'epigrafia e il diritto.\r\rL'interesse è rivolto alla Grecia e alle aree della grecità attraverso il tempo, dalla preistoria all'età bizantina e oltre, nonché alle interazioni con l'Oriente, l'Africa e l'Europa continentale.\r\rL'Annuario è composto da tre sezioni: Saggi, Scavi e Ricerche e Atti della Scuola. Gli articoli vengono approvati dal Comitato scientifico-editoriale e da due valutatori anonimi. I contributi sono pubblicati in una delle seguenti lingue: italiano, greco, francese, inglese, spagnolo e tedesco, con riassunti in italiano, greco e inglese. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Anthropological Notebooks", "ISSN": "1408032X", "Scope": "ScopeAnthropological Notebooks is the official journal of Slovenian Anthropological Society. It has been published under current title since 1995, while before it had been published under the Slovenian name Antropološki zvezki. The journal is published in English, it has an international editorial board, it is peer reviewed, and it is abstracted and indexed in international bibliographic databases. Until 2006 the journal had been published annually, but in the years 2006 and 2007 was published biannually. From 2008 onwards we have been publishing three issues per year.\r\rThe journal publishes manuscripts from the anthropological and related fields. The manuscripts should not include already published materials and should not be simultaneously submitted to another journal. Each author is responsible for acquiring permissions for previously published materials. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Anuario de la Facultad de Derecho. Universidad de Extremadura", "ISSN": "26957728", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Arabica", "ISSN": "05705398, 15700585", "Scope": "ScopeOriginally founded by Evariste Lévi-Provençal in 1954 as an organ for French arabists, Arabica has now become a multidisciplinary academic journal, with an international editorial board representing various fields of research. It is dedicated to the study of the Arab world's classical and contemporary literatures, languages, history, thought and civilization. From a wider perspective, Arabica is open to the general fields of Islamicate studies and intercultural relations between Arab societies and the other cultural areas throughout history. It actively endeavors to participate in the development of new scholarly approaches and problematics. In addition to original research articles in English and French (preferably), Arabica also publishes 'notes and documents', book reviews, and occasionally academic debates in its 'methods and debates' section. Special issues may deal with a specific theme, or publish the proceedings of a conference. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Archives de Sciences Sociales des Religions", "ISSN": "03355985, 17775825", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal Archives de sciences sociales des religions, whose editorial board met on 4 February 2020, after consultation with the members of the committee who were absent at that meeting, expresses its solidarity with the ongoing mobilizations against pension reform and reforms of higher education and research. We call for support and participation in these mobilizations.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Art Bulletin", "ISSN": "43079", "Scope": "ScopeThe Art Bulletin publishes leading scholarship in the English language in all aspects of art history as practiced in the academy, museums, and other institutions. From its founding in 1913, the journal has published, through rigorous peer review, scholarly articles and critical reviews of the highest quality in all areas and periods of the history of art. Articles take a variety of methodological approaches, from the historical to the theoretical. In its mission as a journal of record, The Art Bulletin fosters an intensive engagement with intellectual developments and debates in contemporary art-historical practice. It is published four times a year: in March, June, September, and December. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Art in Translation", "ISSN": "17561310", "Scope": "ScopeArt in Translation is the first journal that takes as its mission the publication of quality English language translation of the most significant and interesting articles on visual culture presently available only in their source languages. These texts are drawn from all areas of the visual arts: painting and drawing, sculpture, architecture, design, installation works and digital media. They introduce the English-speaking readership to new areas of scholarship and to writings that share as their main qualities excellence and originality.\r\rAdvised by an extensive network of scholars in art history and visual culture across the globe, Art in Translation actively seeks out those texts that deserve to be known to the broadest possible audience. It combines scholarly acumen with a readability that appeals to a broad audience, and is intended not only for specialists working in a single field of enquiry, but for anyone who is looking for new insights into visual art scholarship and practice across the world.\r\rOver the years, Art in Translation has been building up a library of texts and images on art across the world, which offers an invaluable resource for both undergraduate and postgraduate teaching across a wide range of disciplines. In addition to texts on contemporary visual culture, the journal also publishes key texts from earlier decades and centuries, which have never before been available in English. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Bach", "ISSN": "53600", "Scope": "ScopeBACH: Journal of the Riemenschneider Institute publishes articles on Bach and his world, which includes studies of Bach, his predecessors, his contemporaries, and his family members. Articles about the reception, adaptation, and influence of Bach — from his time to today — are also welcome. The journal invites proposals for individual articles, themed issues, or for reviews of books, scores, recordings, and videos. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Beitrage zur Geschichte der Deutschen Sprache und Literatur", "ISSN": "00058076, 18659373", "Scope": "ScopeThe Beiträge zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und Literatur (PBB) was founded by Hermann Paul and Wilhelm Braune in 1874. It publishes essays on diachronic linguistics and the history of German Literature from the beginnings to about 1600, as well as reviews of monographs and collected works in these fields. Whilst focusing on the German language and literature, it also contains contributions on Germanic languages (especially old Norse) as well as middle Latin philology and interdisciplinary works. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Benjamins Translation Library", "ISSN": "9297316", "Scope": "ScopeThe Benjamins Translation Library (BTL) aims to stimulate research and training in Translation & Interpreting Studies - taken very broadly to encompass the many different forms and manifestations of translational phenomena, among them cultural translation, localization, adaptation, literary translation, specialized translation, audiovisual translation, audio-description, transcreation, transediting, conference interpreting, and interpreting in community settings (courts, police, healthcare, social services, etc.) in the spoken and signed modalities – as well as the fuzzy boundaries between professional and amateur transfer and the crossroads between translation studies and other (sub)disciplines.\r\rThe BTL seeks to revisit and expand the current boundaries of the ever-evolving discipline by providing a forum for exploring this rich array of themes and approaches, in a variety of epistemological, methodological, social, cultural, historical, technological and pedagogical contexts. In the process, it develops - and challenges - existing theoretical and methodological frameworks, or puts existing ones to the test. Each volume represents an original scholarly endeavor - whether in the form of a monograph, a collective volume, a reference work or a postgraduate textbook. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Bolivian Studies Journal", "ISSN": "10742247, 21565163", "Scope": "ScopeThe Bolivian Studies Journal is an international, interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed, open access journal published by the University Library System, University of Pittsburgh. While interdisciplinary in and publication, the journal particularly aims to disseminate research knowledge produced in Bolivia and make it widely accessible. The journal also welcomes original and innovative research that will stimulate critical thought on the current and future role of Bolivia in the new millennium. The journal publishes in Spanish, English, Português and indigenous languages. \r\rWe welcome research articles, review articles, case studies, discussions and interviews in the areas of Andean Studies, Amazonian Studies, Anthropology, Archaeology, Cultural Activism, Cultural Studies, Education, Ethnography, Feminism, History, Indigeneity, Law Studies, Linguistics, Literature, Philosophy, Political Sciences, Psychology, Queer Studies, Sociology, and Visual Arts. The criteria for acceptance and publication of a manuscript will be originality, theoretical rigor, analytical capacity, and interest to a wide audience of readers.\r\rBSJ does not charge submission or article processing fees. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Brazilian Neurosurgery", "ISSN": "01035355, 23595922", "Scope": "ScopeBrazilian Neurosurgery is the official journal for the Brazilian Society of Neurosurgery and the Portuguese Language Neurosurgery Societies. Established in 1982, it went online in 1999 and publishes original scientific works in neurosurgery and related fields. This journal is Open Access, and after publishing, authors can self-archive the final version of their article on any OA-compliant institutional/subject-based repository. Papers are published in English only with abstracts written in both English and Portuguese, and can be submitted online using the Editorial Manager system. The journal publishes four times per year. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Brunei International Medical Journal", "ISSN": "15605876, 20793146", "Scope": "ScopeThe Brunei International Medical Journal (BIMJ) is a peer reviewed official publication of the Ministry of Health under the auspices of the Clinical Research Unit, Ministry of Health, Brunei Darussalam. BIMJ is both available as a six monthly print copy version, which will consist of two issues combined together as one and a three monthly free access online version consisting of individual issue. The aim is to allow publications to be available as quickly as possible online.\r\rThe BIMJ publishes articles ranging from original research papers, review articles, medical practice papers, special reports, audits, case reports, images of interest, education and technical/innovation papers, editorials, commentaries and letters to the Editor. Topics of interest include all subjects that relate to clinical practice and research in all branches of medicine, basic and clinical including topics related to allied health care fields. The BIMJ welcomes manuscripts from contributors, but usually solicits reviews articles and special reports. Proposals for review papers can be sent to the Managing Editor directly. Please refer to the contact information of the Editorial Office. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cartagine. Studi e Ricerche", "ISSN": "25321110, 25323563", "Scope": "ScopeThe cultural sphere of the magazine is that of historical, archaeological and antiquity sciences, of the history of art, of the conservation, enhancement and restoration of cultural heritage. The chronological context of reference goes from prehistory to the Fatimid period (12th century) while from a geographical point of view the chosen area is that of North Africa (in particular Tunisia and the Maghreb countries) understood both as a geographical space physical and as a cultural term of comparison for studies dealing with aspects common to other areas and with cultural and material exchange relationships. Particular attention will also be paid to studies that will deal with aspects related to musealisation, the restoration of monuments, Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Child's Health", "ISSN": "22240551, 23071168", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal CHILD'S HEALTH is professional scientific-practical specialized peer-reviewed journal for pediatricians, family physicians, other physicians, covering a wide range of issues of modern Pediatrics. The magazine is included in the list of scientific professional publications of Ukraine, which can publish the results of dissertations - the competitors of the scientific degrees of the doctor and the candidate of sciences. The journal publishes the original articles, the reviews, the discussions for the practitioners and the researchers whose work is related to the issues of Pediatrics. The articles reflect the best practices and the results of research related to children's diseases and their treatment. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Chimica Oggi", "ISSN": "0392839X, 19738250", "Scope": "ScopeChimica Oggi – Chemistry Today is a peer reviewed, bimonthly journal, of the TKS TeknoScienze Publisher.\r\rIt deals with Fine Chemicals, Applied Chemistry and Biotechnology.\rFounded in 1983 Chimica Oggi – Chemistry Today soon became a leading journal in linking industry and academia and gained an immediate appreciation worldwide. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Chinese Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology", "ISSN": "10077626", "Scope": "ScopeChinese Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology is a monthly journal devoted to biology and basic medicine in the life sciences. CJBMB was established in 1985 and originally named as Chinese Biochemical Journal (ISSN 1000-8543, CN 11-2116/Q, from 1985 to 1997). CJBMB, a journal of the Chinese Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,is supervised by the China Association for Science and Technology, jointly sponsored by the Chinese Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology together with Peking University, and administered by Peking University Health Science Center. CJBMB has won the third prize of Excellent Sci-tech Journals of the Third China Association of Science and Technology, the title of \"100 kinds of outstanding Chinese Journals\" of China Institute of science and technology information (2002), and \"Excellent Sci-Tech Journal Project\" of China Association of Science and Technology(2007).\rCJBMB is distributed worldwide. It mainly publishes original research articles in either Chinese or English on biochemistry, molecular biology and molecular cell biology in the fields of biology and medicine and the reviews of the latest developments relative to the forward and/or hot topics in these fields. The main paper types of CJBMB include: Invited Reviews, Reviews, News and Views, Young Scientist Forum, Research Papers, Techniques and Methods, Short Communications, Open Question: The Term in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Education and Teaching, and Informational Exchange. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Chinese Journal of Laboratory Medicine", "ISSN": "10099158", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Church History", "ISSN": "96407", "Scope": "ScopeThis quarterly peer-reviewed journal publishes original research articles and book reviews covering all areas of the history of Christianity and its cultural contexts in all places and times, including its non-Western expressions. Specialists and historians of Christianity in general find Church History: Studies in Christianity and Culture an international publication regularly cited throughout the world and an invaluable resource. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Conservation Science in Cultural Heritage", "ISSN": "19739494, 19744951", "Scope": "ScopeConservation Science in Cultural Heritage is an international peer reviewed journal which continues Quaderni di Scienza della Conservazione.\r\r\rMain topics of publication:\r\r• Study of the system: artifact-environment-biota\r• Historical-artistic knowledge of cultural heritage (i.e. author, art movement, period of realization, techniques, society and cultural characteristics, socio-economic context, commissioning, financing, interested public)\r• History, diagnosis, restoration, maintenance, conservation, valorization, prevention\r• Document research\r• Book, codex, and manuscript production in its historical context\r• Appropriate methodologies and analytical techniques used for the characterization of historical artifacts and evaluation of the conservation state\r• Environmental monitoring: assessment of atmospheric pollution and correlated degradation of monuments and historical-artistic sites\r• Micro and macroclimatic monitoring in confined areas (i.e. museums, libraries, archives, churches, galleries…)\r• Art diagnostics and evaluation of the authentication of art works\r• Art market and auction houses\r• Experiences in cultural heritage conservation\r• Evaluation of the suitability of products for restoration, conservation, and maintenance of works of art\r• Information science and cultural heritage: data processing and cataloguing methods\r• Virtual re-elaboration and use of historical artifacts and environments\r• Study, valorization and digitalization of archive and library heritage\r• Environmental context and technical-conservative issues related to historic architecture\r• Virtual or traditional conservation, cataloguing and processing of photographs \r• Various other topics including education, safeguard, education, legislation, economics, social aspects, management, marketing, interdisciplinarity, internationalization, etc. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Contemporary French Civilization", "ISSN": "1479156", "Scope": "ScopeContemporary French Civilization, a journal devoted to all aspects of civilization and cultural studies in France and the Francophone world, has been published by Liverpool University Press since 2011, publishing 4 issues a year since 2016.\r\rCFC continues to provide an informative and stimulating interdisciplinary forum for scholars wishing to share their knowledge and insights with a broad, diversified audience.\r\rThe journal publishes articles, essays, and notes; book reviews of the latest works of interest; and information on the arts and a variety of aspects of French and Francophone cultures. Material may appear in either French or English. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "De Arte", "ISSN": "00043389, 24714100", "Scope": "Scopede arte is an international peer-reviewed journal offering a distinctive, integrated forum for original research in the visual arts, art history, art criticism, visual culture and related disciplines. The primary focus is on South Africa, Africa and the Global South, where arts and culture have had an instrumental role in forging identities and post-colonial realities. The journal aims to be representative of a variety of viewpoints and emphasises an interdisciplinary approach, cognisant of the value of a dynamic interface between the visual arts and other fields including philosophy, politics, history, religion, and literature. It further seeks to provide a platform for under-represented African visual arts and art criticism on the global stage.\r\rIn addition to original scholarly research, de arte invites critical reviews of books focused on the above-mentioned. We welcome contributions from established and emerging scholars, and we are open to proposals for Themed Issues guest edited by leading scholars in relevant fields. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Dentistry 3000", "ISSN": "21678677", "Scope": "ScopeDentistry 3000 publishes papers of excellence, wide interest, and broad significance in all aspects of dentistry. The emphasis of the journal is on full research papers of any length required for concise presentation and discussion of the data. Succinct and carefully prepared papers are favored in terms of impact as well as readability.\r\rAreas of interest include the molecular basis of human oral and craniofacial disease, craniofacial development, craniofacial regeneration, technology development, translational dental research, the impact of oral health on overall health, and epidemiological studies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Docomomo Journal", "ISSN": "13803204, 27731634", "Scope": "ScopeDocomomo Journal is the open-access, international, peer-reviewed journal published by Docomomo International. Starting as newsletter in 1989 and moving to full journal in 1993, Docomomo Journal has provided a twice-yearly summary of recent and original research on the documentation and conservation of Modern Movement buildings, sites and neighbourhoods.\r\rSince its creation in 1988, Docomomo International has experienced rapid growth, establishing itself as a major player in the broader field of architectural culture. By virtue of its inclusive, pluralist and interdisciplinary nature, Docomomo Journal acts as an exchange platform that brings together architects, town-planners, landscape architects, engineers, historians and sociologists. Broad in, Docomomo Journal welcomes theoretical, historical, technical and critical contributions that support its comprehensive coverage of the Modern Movement, encompassing landscape, urbanism, architecture, engineering, technology, design, education and theory.\r\rIn its exploration of the Modern Movement Docomomo Journal takes a broad view, in chronological and geographical terms, and encourages the participation of authors from around the world (with contributions from more than 90 countries and 5 continents, to date) on subjects ranging from adaptive (re)use, new findings on built work, and contemporary methods of conservation technology, to new ideas for a sustainable built environment in the future.\r\rProviding a link between theory and practice, Docomomo Journal is committed to creating a body of critical knowledge with a range and depth of thought that will enrich the architectural discipline and its practice. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Drugs and Clinic", "ISSN": "16745515", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Eighteenth-Century Ireland", "ISSN": "7907915", "Scope": "ScopeFounded in 1986, Eighteenth-Century Ireland / Iris an dá chultúr (ISSN: 0790-7915) is a multi-disciplinary journal devoted to the publication of new and cutting edge research on the Irish experience in the eighteenth century. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Empedocles", "ISSN": "17571952, 17571960", "Scope": "ScopeEmpedocles publishes articles, essays and book reviews that deal with the philosophical dimensions of communication and the communicative dimensions of philosophy. We do not favour particular philosophical schools and traditions over others and we are open to all theoretical orientations in communication studies. We are an interdisciplinary journal for those working at the interface of philosophy and the study of communication, in all its aspects. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Entomotropica", "ISSN": "13175262", "Scope": "ScopeENTOMOTROPICA es una publicación seriada de carácter científico que se publica cuatrimestralmente en los meses de abril, agosto y diciembre. Se publican trabajos relacionados con la fauna entomológica neotropical, siguiendo un concepto amplio de entomología que incluye Parainsecta (Collembola, etc.), pero también arácnidos y miriápodos. \r\rENTOMOTROPICA publica los siguientes tipos de trabajos:\r\rForos. Discusiones realizadas por un grupo de especialistas o “expertos”, para analizar los diferentes aspectos de un tema, aclarar controversias o tratar de resolver problemas de interés sobre temas relacionados con la entomología.\rArtículos Científicos. Documentos que describen los resultados originales de investigaciones y que no han sido previamente publicados en otros medios divulgativos.\rNotas. Breves descripciones de técnicas o equipos novedosos, registros faunísticos, migraciones, hospederos nuevos y otros temas biológicos o taxonómicos de interés para los usuarios de la revista.\rArtículos de Revisión. Revisiones sobre temas importantes de interés entomológico que resuman, analicen y discutan informaciones ya publicadas y esbocen opciones para investigaciones futuras.\rResenciones de libros entomológicos o con capítulos dedicados a la entomología.\rNotas necrológicas de entomólogos que contribuyeron notablemente al conocimiento de esta ciencia. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "European Journal of American Studies", "ISSN": "19919336", "Scope": "ScopeEuropean Journal of American Studies aims to foster European views on the society, culture, history, and politics of the United States, and how the US interacts with other countries in these fields. In doing so the journal places itself firmly within the continuing discussion amongst Europeans on the nature, history, importance, impact and problems of US civilization. As part of this task, EJAS wants to contribute to enriching the contents, broadening the, and documenting the critical examination of \"American Studies\" in and outside of the United States. EJAS welcomes contributions from Europe and elsewhere and endeavors to make available reliable information and state-of-the-art research on all topics within its broad field of interest. As a matter of policy, the journal will pay particular attention to objects, phenomena and issues less documented or less often debated in the United States, as well as to innovative cultural modes and the diversity of reception of United States culture abroad. Associated with this outlook, it welcomes submissions that elaborate and renew critical approaches, paradigms and methodologies, and that express varied and pluralist views. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "European Legacy", "ISSN": "10848770, 14701316", "Scope": "ScopeThe European Legacy is a multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal devoted to the study of the philosophical, historical, ideological and cultural underpinnings of modern Europe and its relations with the rest of the world.\rThe European Legacy publishes articles, reviews, and book reviews on the entire range of the humanities and social sciences. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Filosofia Unisinos", "ISSN": "15195023, 19848234", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal Filosofia Unisinos - Unisinos Journal of Philosophy is published once every four months by Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos.\r\rArticles must be original, unpublished, and not under consideration for publication anywhere else and can be written in Portuguese, English or Spanish\r\rFilosofia Unisinos - Unisinos Journal of Philosophy prints articles, translations and critical book reviews. It also reprints papers that are considered fundamental to the area when authorized written permission is given by the original publisher. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Forum Italicum", "ISSN": "00145858, 2168989X", "Scope": "ScopeForum Italicum is a peer-reviewed international journal of Italian Studies based at Stony Brook University, NY, USA, and founded by M. Ricciardelli in 1967. The journal is intended as a meeting-place where scholars, critics, and teachers can present their views on the literature, language, and culture of Italy and other countries in relation to Italy. Young and hitherto unpublished scholars are encouraged to contribute their critical works. ANVUR (Agenzia Nazionale di Valutazione del Sistema Universitario e della Ricerca) has now awarded Forum Italicum its highest possible ranking, Classe A, in the area of Italian Literature, Critical Theory and Comparative Literature.\r\rThe policy of Forum Italicum will remain flexible in order to keep the journal an open meeting-place where scholarly writings together with other contributions of general Italian interest can give the reader a fresh, open outlook on subjects pertaining to the heritage of Italy. Contributions should normally be in English or Italian. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Forum Modernes Theater", "ISSN": "9305874", "Scope": "ScopeForum Modernes Theater Forum examines theatre in its cultural, aesthetic and historical manifestations, giving space to all facets of the professional discussion, including approaches from cultural and media studies, across all genres. Dance and music theatre find a platform here, as do performance and theatre history. It is the declared aim to cross the borders to neighbouring disciplines such as literature, art and music studies. All volumes are double-blind peer-reviewed, thus guaranteeing a high academic standard. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Geo-Eco-Marina", "ISSN": "12246808, 22482776", "Scope": "ScopeGeo-Eco-Marina is an annual scientific journal, published continuously since 1996, with a year-round invitation for publication open to marine scientists and geoscientists worldwide.\r\rGeo-Eco-Marina publishes novel research results primarily focused on studies performed along the Danube River- Danube Delta- Black Sea (and its coastal zone) macro-geo-system. Topics cover both modern and fossil sedimentary deposits, as well as present and past geological associations. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Geotecnia", "ISSN": "03799522, 21848394", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Healthcare in Low-Resource Settings", "ISSN": "22817824", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Hejubian Yu Dengliziti Wuli/Nuclear Fusion and Plasma Physics", "ISSN": "2546086", "Scope": "Scope核聚变与等离子体物理》是原国家科委批准的中央级学术刊物,中国核学会核聚变与等离子体物理学会会刊,由核工业\r西南物理研究院主办,中国核学会核聚变与等离子体物理学会名誉理事长、中国科学院院士李正武担任主编。1980年创刊, \r刊号:ISSN 0254—6086/CN51—1151/TL,国内外发行,季刊。\r《核聚变与等离子体物理》的办刊宗旨是,促进核聚变与等离子体物理研究中的理论、工程及实验成果的学术交流,推\r广核聚变研究中间技术及低温等离子体应用方面的成果,发现和培养人才,促进核聚变与等离子体物理学科不断向前发展。 Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Historical Studies in Industrial Relations", "ISSN": "13621572, 20494459", "Scope": "ScopeHistorical Studies in Industrial Relations was established in 1996 by the Centre for Industrial Relations, Keele University, to provide an outlet for, and to stimulate an interest in, historical work in the field of industrial relations and the history of industrial relations thought. \r\rThe journal's content broadly covers the employment relationship and economic, social and political factors surrounding it – such as labour markets, union and employer policies and organisation, the law, and gender and ethnicity. Articles with an explicit political dimension, particularly recognising divisions within the working class and within workers’ organisations, will be encouraged, as will historical work on labour law. \r\rContributions on countries other than Britain, particularly those with a comparative focus, are welcome, as is work on the nineteenth century and even earlier. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Historisk Tidsskrift", "ISSN": "0018263X, 15042944", "Scope": "ScopeHistorisk Tidsskrift bringer videnskabelige afhandlinger, oversigter, debatindlæg, nekrologer og anmeldelser.\r\rHistorisk Tidsskrift er et klassisk omnibustidsskrift, dvs. det omfatter dansk historie i bredeste forstand og al anden historie skrevet af danske forskere eller forskere med tilknytning til Danmark og danske institutioner. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Indonesia", "ISSN": "197289", "Scope": "ScopeIndonesia is a semi-annual journal devoted to the timely study of Indonesia's culture, history, government, economy, and society. It features original scholarly articles, interviews, translations, and book reviews. Published since April 1966, the journal provides area scholars and interested readers with contemporary analyses of Indonesia and an extensive archive of research pertaining to the nation and region. The journal is published by Cornell University's Southeast Asia Program and Cornell University Press.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Infektoloski Glasnik", "ISSN": "13312820", "Scope": "ScopeCroatian Journal of Infection (CJI) is sponsored by the Croatian Society of Infectious Diseases.. The journal publishes articles on the pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment of infectious diseases and on medical microbiology and epidemiology. Many articles are published with commentaries by prominent researchers, and current trends and best practices are regularly covered in review articles and practice guidelines. CJI also publishes numerous supplements devoted to single topics in the field. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Atomic Energy Agency bulletin", "ISSN": "206067", "Scope": "ScopeThe IAEA Bulletin is the IAEA's flagship publication, highlighting IAEA's work in the peaceful uses of nuclear technology, nuclear safety and security and non-proliferation. Published quarterly, it includes impact stories, interviews and news. It is available in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Asia Digital Art and Design", "ISSN": "17388074, 21897441", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Community Diversity", "ISSN": "23270004, 23272147", "Scope": "ScopeThe International Journal of Community Diversity examines the processes of governance and democracy in diverse communities. It explores the consequences of global human movement (e.g., immigrants, refugees) on local communities, and, in response, the development of multicultural policies and practices. It also investigates community self-governance and community capacity development. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Infertility and Fetal Medicine", "ISSN": "22293817, 22293833", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Iranian Journal of Blood and Cancer", "ISSN": "20084595, 20084609", "Scope": "ScopeIJBC tries to provide a new opportunity for advancing the field of Hematology and Oncology in Iran and make a bridge between Iranian researchers and fellow scientists globally.\rThis journal is published in print and online and includes high quality manuscripts including basic and clinical investigations of blood disorders and malignant diseases namely: diagnosis, treatment, epidemiology, etiology, biology and molecular aspects as well as clinical genetics of these diseases, as they affect children, adolescents and adults. “IJBC” also includes the studies on transfusion medicine, hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, immunology, genetics and gene-therapy and accepts original papers, systematic reviews, case reports, brief reports and letters to the editor in all aspects of blood transfusion, blood donors recruitment, screening techniques, modern approaches to transfusion, whole blood and blood components applications.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ius et Veritas", "ISSN": "19952929, 24118834", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Journal de Pharmacie Clinique", "ISSN": "2911981", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal de Pharmacie Clinique is a reference work for all hospital pharmacists, researchers, and pharmaceutical industry professionals. The journal reports the latest results in applied hospital research, therapeutic innovations, the utilization of medicines and pharmaco-economic assessments. It is also an excellent aid for course-teaching and students preparing for examinations. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Abbasid Studies", "ISSN": "22142363, 22142371", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Journal of Business Ethics Education", "ISSN": "16495195, 20444559", "Scope": "ScopeThe business community profoundly influences lives and events around the world. Business education must supply the conceptual tools managers need to make choices that are ethically responsible and culturally sensitive as well as technically sound. The mission of the JBEE is to assist educators in this task by providing timely educational materials and a forum for discussion of pedagogical issues.\r\rThe JBEE seeks to publish:\r\rEducational materials suitable for use in ethics courses or in other business courses where ethical issues are discussed. These include case studies, lecture articles for student use, articles and ethical analyses for instructors, role-playing material, syllabi and curricula, and downloadable software or audio/visual material. There is a particular emphasis on approaches that encourage student participation as opposed to passive learning. All teaching materials should be accompanied by a rationale for their use and guidance for how they can be most effectively deployed in class. Also encouraged in this section are overview articles of leading research in business ethics which aid in the dissemination of this key knowledge into the teaching environment. The journal offers fast-track reviewing and publication of timely materials that address current issues in the business world. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Caffeine and Adenosine Research", "ISSN": "25733397, 25733400", "Scope": "ScopeThe only peer-reviewed journal providing scientific research on caffeine and adenosine signaling, encompassing the areas of neurology, cardiology, physiology, epidemiology, and addiction medicine. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Jewish Languages", "ISSN": "22134387, 22134638", "Scope": "ScopeThe peer-reviewed Journal of Jewish Languages (JJL) constitutes a venue for academic research in the multifaceted field of Jewish Languages. Jewish languages are the languages spoken and written by Jews in their communities around the world. Among these are Yiddish, Judeo-Spanish, Judeo-Arabic, Jewish Aramaic, Judeo-Italian, Judeo-French, Judeo-Provençal, Judeo-Persian, Jewish English, Jewish Malayalam and more. Although these belong to a variety of genealogical language families, Jewish languages have common linguistic features, thus constituting a distinct field of research. \rThe Journal of Jewish Languages encourages comparative studies across the different Jewish languages as well as in-depth linguistic and philological research of the individual languages and their varieties. The JJL promotes studies that focus on diverse aspects, such as the interactions of these languages with other languages (especially Hebrew, Aramaic, and the surrounding non-Jewish languages), sociolinguistics, translation traditions, and more. Articles in this journal focus on medieval, modern, and contemporary Jewish languages and are based on manuscripts, printed material, orally transmitted translations, field work recordings, online speech samples, and other sources. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Language Relationship", "ISSN": "22193820, 22194029", "Scope": "ScopeWelcome to the web site of Journal of Language Relationship, the international peer-reviewed scientific periodical focused on the issues of comparative linguistics and the history of language.\r\rThe Journal was founded in 2008 by Kirill Babaev and is published in Russia and the US. In Moscow, its publishers are Russian State University for the Humanities (RSUH) and the Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Science. In the US, the Journal is published by Gorgias Press. The Journal is issued four times a year and contains articles written in English, Russian, French and German, as well as academic reviews, discussions and reports from international linguistic conferences and seminars. The distribution network covers the universities, libraries and scientific institutions as well as individual scholars around the world. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Modern Periodical Studies", "ISSN": "19476574, 21529272", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Modern Periodical Studies is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal devoted to the academic study of modern periodicals—by which we mean periodicals published roughly in the period from 1880 to 1950, whether they are aggressively modernist or anti-modernist, popular or elite, mass circulation or specialized, long-lasting or brief. Daily newspapers, weeklies, monthlies, quarterlies, and irregularly published little magazines are all part of the field covered by this journal. The journal publishes full-length articles, shorter notes and comments, bibliographies, biographical essays, reviews of books, digital projects, research archives, and other such significant scholarly resources. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Open Humanities Data", "ISSN": "2059481X", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Open Humanities Data (JOHD) features peer reviewed publications describing humanities data or techniques with high potential for reuse. The journal currently publishes two types of papers:\r\r1. Short data papers: contain a concise description of a humanities research object with high reuse potential. These are short (1000 words) highly structured narratives and must conform to the Metapaper template. A data paper does not replace a traditional research article, but rather complements it.\r\r2. Full length research papers discuss and illustrate methods, challenges, and limitations in the creation, collection, management, access, processing, or analysis of data in humanities research, including standards and formats. These are intended to be longer narratives (3000 - 5000 words), which give authors the ability to contribute to a broader discussion.\r\rBoth types of JOHD papers are fully peer reviewed to ensure that they are accurate and that the data or technique that they describe meet the journal’s criteria for publication. Data are not reviewed in terms of validity or importance, but rather to ensure that the descriptions or instructions for reuse are valuable to a community of interest. JOHD does not publish papers presenting results of or claims made by empirical research, nor do we publish reviews of existing literature.\r\rHumanities subjects of interest to JOHD include, but are not limited to Art History, Classics, History, Library Science, Linguistics, Literature, Media Studies, Modern Languages, Music and musicology, Philosophy, Religious Studies, etc. Data that crosses one or more of these traditional disciplines are highly encouraged. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Science and Technology of the Arts", "ISSN": "16469798, 21830088", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Science and Technology of the Arts (CITARJ) covers a wide range of topics related to the study and practice of Artistic work approached through Science and Technology, including:\r\r-Aesthetics of New Media-\rAudiovisual and Cinematic Art-\rComputer Music-\rDigital Arts -\rDigital Culture-\rGenerative Art/Systems-\rInteractive Art -\rInteractive Multimedia-\rInteractive Sound-\rNew Interfaces for Digital Expression-\rNew Media Art-\rTangible interfaces. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of the North Atlantic", "ISSN": "19351933, 19351984", "Scope": "ScopeGeographical region covered - The Journal of the North Atlantic covers archaeology and environmental history of the peoples of the northern North Atlantic, their expansion into the region over time, and their interactions with their changing environment. Manuscripts based on studies outside of this region that provide information on aspects of research within this region may be considered at the Editor's discretion.\r\rThe Journal of the North Atlantic publishes a wide diversity of research papers, as well as research summaries and general interest articles in closely related disciplines, which, when considered together, help contribute to a comprehensive multi-disciplinary understanding of the historical interplay between cultural and environmental changes in the North Atlantic world. Specifically, the journal's focus includes paleo-environmental reconstruction and modeling, historical ecology, archaeology, ecology of organisms important to humans, anthropology, human/environment/climate interactions, climate history, ethnography, ethnohistory, historical analyses, discussions of cultural heritage, and place-name studies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Kant Yearbook", "ISSN": "18684599, 18684602", "Scope": "ScopeThe Kant Yearbook is an international journal that publishes articles, historical or systematic, on the philosophy of Immanuel Kant. It is the yearbook′s goal to intensify innovative research on Kant on the international scale. Articles are double-blind peer reviewed by an internationally renowned editorial board. Each issue is dedicated to a specific topic announced through a call for papers. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Korean Journal of Medical History", "ISSN": "1225505X, 20935609", "Scope": "ScopeKorean Journal of Medical History is the peer-reviewed, open-access official journal of the KOREAN society for the History of Medicine. It began to be published from 1992. It had been published biannually from 1992 to 2011. It is published tri-annually in the last day of April, August and December from 2012. Its includes historical research not only on Korea, but also on East Asia and Western countries. It accepts manuscripts from ancient history to modern history in the field of medicine, dentistry, nursing, and oriental medicine. Its abbreviated title is the Korean J Med Hist. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Latomus", "ISSN": "238856", "Scope": "ScopeSous le titre Latomus, la Société d'études latines de Bruxelles publie une revue trimestrielle et une collection d'ouvrages qui accueillent des publications scientifiques ayant trait à tous les domaines de la latinité: textes, littérature, histoire, institutions, archéologie, épigraphie, paléographie, humanisme latin, etc.\r\r***\r\rThe Société d'études latines de Bruxelles publishes, under the title Latomus, a quarterly journal and a series of monographs and miscellanies concerning all aspects of Latinity: texts, literature, history, institutions, archaeology, epigraphy, palaeography, Latin humanism, reception history, and so on. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Latvijas Nacionalas Bibliotekas Zinatniskie Raksti", "ISSN": "16915941, 26615134", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Litteraria Copernicana", "ISSN": "1899315X, 23921617", "Scope": "ScopeLitteraria Copernicana (LC) is an academic journal edited at the Faculty of Humanities, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland, which was established in 2008. Until the end of 2015 (numbers 1-16) the journal was published in semi-annual mode, and since 2016 it has been issued as a quarterly.\r\rThe periodical presents original and valuable works in the history of literature, literary theory and history and theory of culture (including theatre studies, film studies, art history), aesthetics, cultural and literary anthropology and broadly understood humanities. Each issue of the journal discusses monographic issues that mainly focus on current literary scholarship and is edited by specialists dealing with the subject matter of the volume.\r\rThe main core of Litteraria Copernicana is the „Research Articles” section, which publishes works that are the result of original and innovative research by authors. The „Masters” are also a fixed section of the quarterly that presents the profiles and achievements of recognized researchers, as well as „Reviews” presenting newly released books. Depending on the number, in the quarterly there are also such sections as „Materials and Archivals”, „Interviews” or „Varia” – articles usually going beyond the thematic framework of a given number. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Lodzkie Studia Etnograficzne", "ISSN": "00760382, 24505544", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Logos (Russian Federation)", "ISSN": "08695377, 24999628", "Scope": "ScopeFounded in 1991, Logos is a leading Russian-language bimestrial journal on philosophy, social and human sciences and cultural studies distributed among philosophers, scholars, most important libraries in Russia and abroad. Our issues include works by (and analyses of) many of the major figures in classical and contemporary thought, including E. Husserl, M. Heidegger, L. Wittgenstein, H.‑G. Gadamer, L. Binswanger, H. Arendt, K. Schmitt, I. Wallerstein, F. Jameson, J. Derrida, S. Zizek, Q. Maillassouxetc. Logos publishes pathbreaking work on a variety of traditional and «cutting-edge» topics (democracy, Plato, Spinoza, phenomenology, but also Queer Theory, Speculative Realism, Game Studies and so forth). It is heavily cited in the general philosophical literature all over the country.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Mecosan", "ISSN": "11216921, 23848804", "Scope": "ScopeMecosan is the premier quarterly journal in Italy in the field of healthcare management. Its mission is to improve the understanding of how healthcare organizations and systems function and to promote the diffusion of good managerial practices at all levels. In order to pursue its mission, the journal draws together and learns from different academic disciplines (economics, statistics, medicine, sociology and law), although its conceptual roots are firmly grounded in the Italian approach to managerial studies. Considering the role of the public sector in healthcare systems, public management and administration research is a relevant basis for contributions. Mecosan aims at providing a forum for sharing the results of rigorous and relevant research, case studies and practical experiences in healthcare so that managerial practices can be influenced and improved. The target audience includes academics, researchers, consultants and practitioners. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Medicine and Law", "ISSN": "7231393", "Scope": "ScopeMedicine and Law is an international publication dealing with medico legal issues. It consists of original articles, court decisions, and legislation on: Medical Law, forensic medicine, sexology and law, psychiatry and law, psychology and law, dentistry and law, nursing law, pharmaceutical law, medical ethics, clinical criminology, drugs, alcohol, child abuse, medical experimentation, genetic engineering, organ transplantation, abortion, contraception, sterilization, euthanasia, religion, AIDS, etc. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Nano Biomedicine", "ISSN": "18835198, 21854734", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Nephro-Urology Monthly", "ISSN": "22517006, 22517014", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Neue Zeitschrift fur Systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie", "ISSN": "00283517, 16129520", "Scope": "ScopeThe Neue Zeitschrift für Systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie which is published in four annual issues of 112 pages each, examines the exciting dialogue between Lutheran-Reformed theology and philosophy in the broadest sense, seeks to keep open a breadth of responsible thought in the controversial issue of contemporary theology, and offers a variety of ways to formulate questions. Through its international editorial board, it guarantees an exchange of theological research in German and English. Each issue features a review of periodicals which serve to keep the reader abreast of new research in the field. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "New Scientist", "ISSN": "2624079", "Scope": "ScopeIts website, app and print editions cover international news from a scientific standpoint, and ask the biggest-picture questions about life, the universe and what it means to be human. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Normas", "ISSN": "21747245", "Scope": "ScopeThe online journal Normas is an open and freely accessible scientific publication, published yearly, which aims to disseminate original research on current Spanish language and its varieties and registers.\rThis is an open-access journal, which means that all content is available and free to the user and their institutions. Users can read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or link full texts of articles in this journal without having to ask for permission from the editor or author, in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access.\rThe journal is open to scholars and researchers of the Spanish language.\rThe journal has an editorial board and a scientific committee, whose members are identified in the corresponding lists.\rBoth committees are for the most part (more than two thirds) made up of researchers external to the Universitat de València (headquarters of the journal), and are affiliated to Spanish and foreign institutions.\rMore than 20% of the researchers in the scientific committee are researchers from foreign institutions.\rThe journal has a panel of external reviewers (anonymous peer review, double-blind system), members of the advisory scientific committee and other specialists external to both committees.\rMore than 70% of the articles in each issue are published by researchers that are external to the Universitat de València. More than 90% of the authors are external to the editorial board of the journal.\rThe journal has a review section and a collection of supplements for the publication of scientific monographs related to the Spanish language, resulting from original research.\rThe journal is published once a year in November/December. The journal was first published in 2011.\rAll the articles in the journal include a title, abstract and keywords in Spanish and English. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Nursing Critical Care", "ISSN": "1558447X", "Scope": "ScopeNursing2020 Critical Care, a peer-reviewed journal, presents the latest practical clinical and professional information in a clear, concise, hands-on approach, so critical care nurses can apply this information to everyday practice.\r\rWherever nurses care for patients—the ICU, CCU, cath lab, PACU, telemetry, progressive, or transitional care—each bimonthly issue of Nursing2020 Critical Care offers vital information on topics that boost readers' assessment and intervention skills to the next level. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Palimpsestes", "ISSN": "11488158", "Scope": "ScopePalimpsestes is a journal devoted to the study of the theoretical and practical problems involved in the process of translation. The journal focuses primarily on translation from French into English, and English into French. It aims to integrate theory into the practice of translating, while reflecting on the concrete problems facing a translator. The articles bring to light what can be theorised – or at least generalised or given a general value – through examining specific texts and their translations. A bilingual presentation of all the texts discussed is included with each issue of Palimpsestes. Palimpsestes is intended for academics, students, professional translators and anyone interested in the exciting recreating process underlying translation. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Papers and Proceedings - Royal Society of Tasmania", "ISSN": "804703", "Scope": "ScopeSince 1849, The Royal Society of Tasmania has published annual volumes of refereed scholarly papers about Tasmania in the Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania and, from time to time, monographs and special, generally thematic, issues of the journal. Its authors are from institutions worldwide and its subscribers include learned societies, research institutions and universities all over the world. Volumes have been published annually since 1851.\r\rPapers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania is Open Access. Papers are freely and openly available after a one-year embargo. Before this time, single papers are available to purchase, through subscription or through membership of The Royal Society of Tasmania. Normally one issue is published per year, depending on the number of accepted papers in a given year.\r\rPapers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania publishes research with a particular, but not exclusive, focus on Tasmanian and Antarctic natural science and history. Papers in the arts, social sciences or other disciplines with a focus or association on these same geographic areas are also encouraged. Papers are accepted from researchers worldwide providing the topic is of specific interest to the Tasmanian community.\r\rPapers should embody the results of a significant piece of original work or offer an original synthesis or review. Submission implies that the contents are original and have not been published previously in any form, and that no similar manuscript will be submitted elsewhere. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Performance Philosophy", "ISSN": "20577176", "Scope": "ScopePerformance Philosophy is an emerging interdisciplinary field of thought, creative practice and scholarship, supported by an international network of over 2000 scholars and artists. As an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal, Performance Philosophy publishes articles that interrogate what this field might be, and that test the relationship between performance and philosophy in all its possible configurations, including the philosophy of performance as well as performance-as-philosophy and philosophy-as-performance.\r\rWe are interested in scholarship that draws on a broad range of philosophical traditions, concerned with any aspect of philosophy, whether from Continental or Analytic traditions or beyond, and with any discipline or definition of performance, including but not limited to drama, theatre, dance, performance art, live art, and music. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Physics World", "ISSN": "09538585, 20587058", "Scope": "ScopePhysics World is the world's leading physics magazine. Every month it brings you features from the world's top physicists and science writers, comprehensive news and analysis, incisive opinion pieces, sound careers advice, reviews of the best new books and multimedia, and the ever-popular Lateral Thoughts page. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Poland's Demographic Past", "ISSN": "00797189, 27194345", "Scope": "Scope«Poland's Demographic Past» presents questions concerning historical populations, including selected groups and social and professional categories. In the micro approach the dominant type of research is the one based on individual statistical material, massive in its character and focused on source criticism. The Journal is open to research that combines historical demography and other (sub)disciplines such as paleodemography, formal demography, social and economic history, history of medicine, historical geography, geography of population, social anthropology, statistics and computer science, in so far as those disciplines enhance insight into demographic processes that took place in the past. The territorial range of PDP contains first of all the areas of the former and present-day Polish state, irrespective of their current or former national status. Yet the Journal is not closed to articles dealing with other areas, especially if they present comparative material or use methodological tools that may be suitable in research on Polish areas. Articles from outside the thematic are not considered for publication, although the editorial board may suggest another journal with an adequate profile.\r\rA lot of information on the Journal, first of all on the Polish historical research into various demographic aspects (about 5,000 titles), is to be found in a publication edited by Cezary Kukło and Piotr Guzowski. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Polish Libraries", "ISSN": "23009217, 23531835", "Scope": "ScopePolish Libraries is an English-language peer-reviewed academic journal published yearly by the National Library of Poland and addressed to foreign library milieus. \rIt aims at presenting issues related to historical and current challenges facing Polish libraries and library and information studies, including their ancillary and related sciences. The articles published in the journal cover a broad of topics and research fields, such as history, with history of libraries in particular, theory of bibliography, cataloguing, archival science, museology, manuscriptology, codicology, bookbinding studies, conservation and restoration, library statistics and sociology, readership studies, art history, musicology, and literary studies.\r\rAll of the articles published in the journal are peer reviewed by experts who do not know the identity of authors and vice versa (double-blind reviewing process). The reviewers are acknowledged external specialists, that is, they are not employed by the publisher. The editorial board of the Polish Libraries has been gradually increasing the number of reviews prepared by scholars affiliated to foreign research institutions. Not only does it help improve the academic quality of the articles, but it also aims at raising the awareness of the existence of the journal abroad. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Portal", "ISSN": "18479464, 18486681", "Scope": "ScopeCroatian Conservation Institute's periodical, Portal, is a peer-reviewed academic journal\rpublished annually since 2010. Directed at presenting research and professional papers on\rinvestigations, treatments, results, theoretical reflections and historical overviews, Portal is\ropen to papers from both the Institute's staff, as well as all those who wish to contribute,\rprofessionally and scholarly, to the reflection and promotion of art conservation and\rrestoration. In addition to the richly illustrated research and professional papers, Portal also\rfeatures a CD containing an annual overview of all research and conservation programmes the\rCroatian Conservation Institute has conducted in the year preceding the issue.\rTexts are published in Croatian, English, German, Italian, French or Spanish. The summaries,\rkey words and illustration captions are published bilingually (in Croatian and foreign\rlanguage). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Quaderni Urbinati di Cultura Classica", "ISSN": "00334987, 17241901", "Scope": "ScopeQuaderni Urbinati di Cultura Classica was founded in 1966 as a biannual periodical and it is now published three times a years; it ranges among its contributors the most distinguished classicists from Italy and abroad and has acquired international reputation for its high standard of scholarship. It particularly welcomes contributions which combine a rigorous philological approach to classical texts with analysis based on modern disciplines such as linguistics, semiotics, and anthropology. By virtue of the originality of results and of the wide range of discussion promoted, Quaderni Urbinati di Cultura Classica plays a key role in the interpretation of Greek culture and mentality, and has become one of the leading journals for the study of archaic and hellenistic poetry, as well as of Greek and Latin metrics.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Resource: Engineering and Technology for Sustainable World", "ISSN": "10763333", "Scope": "ScopeResource is published six times a year in both print and electronic formats. To subscribe to the print edition, contact the order department. The magazine features trends, new technologies, issues, and applications related to agricultural and biological engineering. Past issues, available below, reflect the many interest areas of our readers. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Cubana de Estomatologia", "ISSN": "00347507, 1561297X", "Scope": "ScopeThe \"Revista Cubana de Estomatología\" was founded in 1964, aimed at professionals, and technicians in the field of dentistry, health administration, and related specialties. It publishes articles in Spanish, English and Portuguese in HTML, PDF and XML format and has a Creative Commons of the International Non-Commercial Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 (CC BY-NC 4.0). No charges are charged for any of the editorial processes or publication of the items we receive.\r\rMission: To publish scientific articles that report to the development of dental sciences for the benefit of the health of the population.\r\rVision: To become a reference Journal in the field of dental sciences.\r\rAmong the issues published by the Journal are:\r\rComprehensive General Stomatology\rPeriodontics and periodontal surgery\rDental prosthesesMaxillofacial Surgery\rImplantology\rOral pathology\rStomatological epidemiology\rPediatric dentistry\rOrthodontics\rEndodontics\rDentistry History and pedagogy\rImaginology\rForensic Dentistry. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista de la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Politicas", "ISSN": "01203886, 23900016", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Revista de Obstetricia y Ginecologia de Venezuela", "ISSN": "487732", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista de Pensamiento Estrategico y Seguridad CISDE", "ISSN": "25298763", "Scope": "ScopeRevista de Pensamiento Estratégico y Seguridad CISDE (ISSN: 2529-8763) is a scientific biannual publication of multidisciplinary research with respect to strategic thinking, culture of defense and international security, in order to collect studies and experiences of researchers in their personal capacity in this field.\r\rInternational, published since May 2016, is presented as a biannually journal with rigorous punctuality for the months of May and November. The journal has a scientific advisory board comprised of someones of the leading international scholars on this field (America and Europe, essentially), and the manuscript processing is performed through the OJS platform in a professional way that ensures review by peer and anonymous.\r\rRevista de Pensamiento Estratégico y Seguridad CISDE is published by CISDE (International Campus for Security and Defence), university institute that collects the largest academic offer on security, defense and geostrategy in Spanish. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Romana de Cardiologie", "ISSN": "1220658X, 27346382", "Scope": "ScopeThe first issue of the journal was published in 1947, having the title Revue Roumaine de Cardiologie – journal edited in French, having Basil Teodorescu as director and Emil Viciu and Constantin Davis as editors and Serban Papadopol as secretary.\r\rTaking into consideration the hardship back then, the journal (and the Romanian Society of Cardiology) self dissolved in 1947. 3 issues were published. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Veterinaria", "ISSN": "16684834, 16696840", "Scope": "ScopeRevista veterinaria (Rev. vet.) tiene como objetivo difundir resultados de investigaciones científicas y actualizar el conocimiento de temas vinculados directa o indirectamente a las ciencias veterinarias. Publica trabajos referidos a animales de producción, de deporte y de compañía, sin excluir especies silvestres ni animales de laboratorio. Acepta colaboraciones originales de autores argentinos o extranjeros referidas a la morfología, fisiología, nutrición, patología, semiología, farmacología, microbiología, parasitología, inmunología, epidemiología, bromatología, cirugía, genética, producción animal y salud pública, efectuadas en idiomas español, inglés y portugués. Los manuscritos son sometidos a arbitraje. La revista aparece en formato convencional y on-line con periodicidad semestral.\r\rLa Revista Veterinaria (Rev. vet.) es la publicación oficial de la Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias de la Universidad Nacional del Nordeste y tiene como objetivo difundir resultados de investigaciones científicasy actualizar el conocimiento de temas vinculados directa o indirectamente a las ciencias veterinarias.\rLa Revista Veterinaria (Rev. vet.) publica trabajos originales, comunicaciones y revisiones referidos a animales de producción, de deporte y de compañía, sin excluir especies silvestres ni animales de laboratorio. Acepta colaboraciones originales de autores argentinos o extranjeros referidas a la morfología, fisiología, nutrición, patología, semiología, farmacología, microbiología, parasitología, inmunología, epidemiología, bromatología, cirugía, genética, producción animal y salud pública, efectuadas en idiomas español, inglés y portugués. Los manuscritos son sometidos a arbitraje. La revista aparece en formato convencional y on–line con periodicidad semestral publicándose un volumen por año con dos números cada uno siendo el español el idioma oficial. Se aceptan trabajos en portugués, francés e inglés. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revue de l'OFCE", "ISSN": "12659576, 17775647", "Scope": "ScopeLa Revue de l'OFCE is a peer-review journal which publishes articles in applied economics and sociology.\r\rLa Revue de l'OFCE gives a particular value to works carried out on French data or dealing with the French context. Contributions on European and international macroeconomic issues are also highly appreciated. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revue de Medecine Legale", "ISSN": "18786529, 18786537", "Scope": "ScopeLa Revue de Médecine Légale publishes in English or French, editorials, general reviews, updates, original articles, technical notes, and short communications in the broad field of forensic science, including clinical and psychiatric forensics, thanatology, bodily injury, physical anthropology and other methods of identification, legal, ethical and deontological aspects of medicine, criminalistics, scientific police, toxicology, genetics and forensic odontology, etc. La Revue de Médecine Légale also publishes special issues entirely devoted to a timely topic. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revue des Etudes Armeniennes", "ISSN": "00802549, 17831741", "Scope": "ScopeLa Revue des Études Arméniennes est un receuil annuel de travaux originaux relatifs à l’Arménie et à la culture arménienne, des origines au XVIIIe s., dans le domaine des sciences humaines, historiques, philologiques, de la linguistique, de la littérature et des beaux-arts.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revue du Rhumatisme Monographies", "ISSN": "18786227, 22120920", "Scope": "ScopeRevue du Rhumatisme Monographies publishes, in French, peer reviewed reviews covering a specific topic in each issue.\r\rThe topics are covered once every 10 years as a mean. Broad fields of musculoskeletal disorders are covered, such as osteoarthritis, inflammatory arthritis and systemic diseases, metabolic, bone and muscle diseases, spinal diseases, soft tissue diseases, bone and joint tumours, transversal topics such as genetics, epidemiology, health policy, criteria, therapeutics at large.\r\rThe journal is addressed to researchers, practitioners/clinicians, educators and students in the field of Rheumatology, as well as other health professionals (physicians, nurses, dentists, etc.) and policy makers in France and French-speaking countries.\r\rThe journal is accessible worldwide through the ScienceDirect and ClinicalKey platforms. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Romanian Journal of Rheumatology", "ISSN": "18430791, 20696086", "Scope": "Scopethe official journal of the Romanian Society of Rheumatology, was initially founded in 1992 by Stefan Suteanu and later developed to its modern form. RJR is today a prestigious scientific journal that provides a high quality in terms of scientific content, but also the editorial and graphic aspect, both through an impartial process of selection, evaluation and correction of articles (single blind peer review procedure), as well as providing editorial, graphic and printing conditions at the highest level. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism", "ISSN": "23129220, 23129247", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Russkii Zhunal Detskoi Nevrologii", "ISSN": "20738803, 24129178", "Scope": "ScopeAmong the main focuses of interest of Russian Journal of Child Neurology is the publication of articles addressing basic research and comprehensive management of patients with neurological disorders.\r\rUnfortunately, the lack of close collaboration with colleagues all over the world that was in the XX century, as well as insufficient equipment of pediatric neurological hospitals had a negative influence on the development of neurology in Russia and led to the delays in the understanding of the child’s developing brain.\r\rThis could be easily proved by the fact that since the 1930s no new nosological form or syndrome was given a Russian name. Such “isolation” led to the appearance of “our own” classifications, disease names and “our own” treatment approaches.\r\rPediatric neurology is a highly complicated branch of medicine. This is mainly due to the significant polymorphism in children’s diseases and their drastic changes as they age. Moreover, the variety of types and clinical courses of neurological disorders in children highly exceeds the one that adults suffer. One of the obvious examples is epilepsy that has over 40 types of seizures, including of both favorable and poor prognosis.\r\rIn comparison with the traditional approach of highlighting common neurological disorders, Russian Journal of Child Neurology primarily covers rare and atypical neurological diseases. This is mainly due to the assessment of neurological signs in rare syndromes that allows to view ordinary neurological disorders from a different perspective, be critical in the questions of their diagnostics and treatment, move forward into in-depth understanding of neurology. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Slavica Slovaca", "ISSN": "00376787, 13362364", "Scope": "ScopeSLAVICA SLOVACA is the only interdisciplinary slavistic journal in Slovakia, which has been editing by the Slovak Committee of Slavists in partnership with Jan Stanislav Institute of Slavistics by the 46th volume since 2011. The journal appears thrice-yearly with the range of 294 pages and B5 format since 2011. Slavica Slovaca publishes comparatively oriented scientific and technical studies, summary materials, reports of scientific events and reviews in the field of linguistics, history, ethnology, culturology, history of slavistics and musicology.\r\rThe content of the articles published in Slavica Slovaca is fundamentally determined by the research focus of the Jan Stanislav Institute of Slavistics that efforts to complexity of exploring approach, organizes and coordinates interdisciplinary researches in the relationships of Slovak language and culture with other Slavic languages and cultures, including researches on Slovak-Latin, Slovak-German and Slovak-Hungarian relations of the oldest and older period of comparative perspective in internal and external collaboration. Such studies help to make clear many aspects of Slovak linguistic-historical and cultural development in Slovak-Slavic and Slovak- Non-Slavic relations in an European context.\r\rDue to the fact that Slavica Slovaca is a publishing authority of the Slovak Committee of Slavists and Jan Stanislav Institute od Slavistics, also publishes reports of the meetings of the Slovak Committee of Slavists, information about events in the International Committe of Slavists, about preparations of international Slavistic conventions, national Slavistic congresses and other current events of Slavistic research in Slovakia.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Slavonic and East European Review", "ISSN": "376795", "Scope": "ScopeSlavonic and East European Review, the journal of the School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London, is published by the Modern Humanities Research Association and UCL SSEES.\rContributions are invited on all subjects related to the field of Slavonic and East European studies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studi e Saggi Linguistici", "ISSN": "00856827, 22819142", "Scope": "Scopedebate in Italy, especially for those scholars working in the field of Indo-European Historical Linguistics and contemporary Theoretical Linguistics.\r\rToday, after 50 years of life, Studi e Saggi Linguistici has a firm position in this field, but it also gained a larger international profile, including well-known foreign scholars as members of its Scientific Committee, and fostering the publication of English-written papers.\r\rThe Editors always aim at publishing original and innovative papers, whose quality and exactness are guaranteed by the prestigious Scientific Committee, and by the anonymous peer-review process.\r\rAlthough a certain preference is accorded to both historical and general Linguistics, in line with the tradition, the Journal welcomes scientific contributions concerning any linguistic field, with no preference or prejudice for particular methodological approaches and theoretical paradigms. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studia Universitatis Hereditati", "ISSN": "23505443", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Swiss Bulletin for Applied Geology", "ISSN": "16641884", "Scope": "ScopeDas Swiss Bulletin für angewandte Geologie ist eine Fachpublikation für eine vornehmlich praxisbezogene Fachleserschaft mit wissenschaftlichem Anspruch. Publiziert werden primär Artikel aus den Themenbereichen Erdöl- und Erdgasgeologie, Ingenieurgeologie, Naturgefahren, Geothermie, Hydrogeologie, Umweltgeologie und Geophysik.\r\rKomplexe Fragestellungen erfordern heute zunehmend interdisziplinäre Lösungen. Deshalb finden sich im Swiss Bulletin auch Beiträge aus anderen geowissenschaftlichen Bereichen.\r\rEin besonderes Anliegen ist auch die Veröffentlichung interessanter Befunde aus realisierten Projekten wie Tunnelbauten, Grundwassernutzungen, Altlastensanierungen etc.\r\rZweck des Swiss Bulletins für angewandte Geologie ist der Wissens- und Erfahrungsaustausch auf den Fachgebieten der angewandten Geologie sowie der Wissenstransfer zwischen Hochschule und Praxis. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Texas Medicine", "ISSN": "00404470, 19383223", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Turkderm Turkish Archives of Dermatology and Venereology", "ISSN": "26515164, 27176398", "Scope": "ScopeTurkderm-Turkish Archives of Dermatology and Venereology (Formerly Turkderm-Archives of the Turkish Dermatology and Venereology E-ISSN 1308-6294 / Print-ISSN 1019-214X) is the official journal of the Society of Dermatology and Venereology. This editorially independent, unbiased, international journal periodically publishes peer-reviewed work in all areas of dermatology and venereology. Publication languages are Turkish and English.\rThe journal is published quarterly in March, June, September and December with 1 or 2 supplement issues in June and December.\r\rThe target audience of Turkderm-Turkish Archives of Dermatology and Venereology is specialists and resident physicians in dermatology and venereology.\r\rArticles in Turkish or English are both accepted for publication in print with the understanding that an English version is provided for the online publication prior to the final acceptance of the article. A Turkish version is not requested for articles submitted in English. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Turkiye Klinikleri Cardiovascular Sciences", "ISSN": "13067656, 21469032", "Scope": "ScopeTurkiye Klinikleri Cardiovascular Sciences journal is an international periodical on published on independent, unbiased, double-blinded and peer-review principles.\r\rTurkiye Klinikleri Cardiovascular Sciences journal which is being published 3 issues per year (April,August,December).\r\rTurkiye Klinikleri Cardiovascular Sciences journal is a scientific journal that publishes retrospective, prospective or experimental research articles, review articles, case reports, editorial comment/discussion, letter to the editor, scientific letter, surgical technique, differential diagnosis, original image, what's your diagnosis?, medical book reviews, questions-answers and also current issues of medical agenda from the field of cardivascular surgery, cardiology and pediatric cardiology. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Utilitas Mathematica", "ISSN": "3153681", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "VDI-Berichte", "ISSN": "835560", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Vernacular Architecture", "ISSN": "03055477, 17496292", "Scope": "ScopeVernacular Architecture is the annual journal of the Vernacular Architecture Group, which was founded in 1952 to further the study of traditional buildings. Originally focused on buildings in the British Isles, membership and publications have increasingly reflected an interest in buildings from other parts of the world, and the Group actively encourages international contributions to the journal. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Verslagen en Mededelingen van de Koninklijke Academie voor Nederlandse Taal- en letterkunde", "ISSN": "0770786X", "Scope": "ScopeVerslagen & Mededelingen is een wetenschappelijk tijdschrift voor de studie en de bevordering van de Nederlandse taal- en letterkunde. V&M werd gesticht in 1887.\r\rDe focus van V&M betreft de Nederlandse taal- en literatuurstudie in al zijn facetten. Het tijdschrift publiceert zowel originele artikelen die afgeronde onderzoeksresultaten presenteren, als theoretische en methodologische bijdragen aan de respectieve vakgebieden. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Vertimo Studijos", "ISSN": "24243590", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Vierteljahrshefte fur Zeitgeschichte", "ISSN": "00425702, 21967121", "Scope": "ScopeDie seit 1953 erscheinenden Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte zählen zu den traditionsreichsten und auflagenstärksten historischen Fachzeitschriften Europas. Hier stellen herausragende Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler ihre neuesten Forschungen zu zentralen Problemen der Zeitgeschichte vor. Zunächst vor allem das Organ der wissenschaftlichen Auseinandersetzung mit dem Nationalsozialismus, hat sich die Zeitschrift auch zu einem maßgeblichen Forum für die Auseinandersetzung mit der deutschen Geschichte seit 1945 in ihren internationalen Zusammenhängen entwickelt und richtet das Augenmerk ebenso auf Fragen der europäischen und der globalen Geschichte.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Vigiliae Christianae", "ISSN": "00426032, 15700720", "Scope": "ScopeVigiliae Christianae contains articles and short notes of an historical, cultural, linguistic or philological nature on early Christian literature written after the New Testament, as well as on Christian epigraphy and archaeology. Church and dogmatic history are dealt with as they relate to social history; Byzantine and medieval literature are treated as far as they exhibit continuity with the early Christian period. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Visual Journal of Emergency Medicine", "ISSN": "24054690", "Scope": "ScopeThe Visual Journal of Emergency Medicine publishes image-based case discussions representing the entire core curriculum and subspecialties of clinical emergency medicine. Images include clinical photos, EKGs, ultrasound images, plain radiographs, and representative CT and MR images.\r\rEach image-based case will include a question and answer set.\r\rPublished in a mobile optimized online format, the journal provides a multidisciplinary clinical and educational publishing opportunity for emergency physicians, emergency medicine and other residents, fellows, emergency nurses, physician assistants, EMTs, paramedics, and clinicians in related fields. All submissions are peer-reviewed. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Yorkshire Archaeological Journal", "ISSN": "00844276, 20450664", "Scope": "ScopeThe Yorkshire Archaeological Journal, first published in 1869, is the oldest journal devoted to the past of the historic county of Yorkshire. This annual journal publishes scholarly reports of recent discoveries and research, reinterpretations and syntheses of knowledge, edited source material, and reviews relating to any aspect of the archaeology and history of Yorkshire in any period. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Zhuzao/Foundry", "ISSN": "10014977", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "African Journal of Drug and Alcohol Studies", "ISSN": "15314065", "Scope": "ScopeThe African Journal of Drug & Alcohol Studies is an international scientific journal published by the African Centre for Research and Information on Substance Abuse (CRISA). The Journal publishes original research, evaluation studies, case reports, review articles and book reviews of high scholarly standards. Papers submitted for publication may address any aspect of alcohol and drug use and dependence in Africa and among people of African descent living anywhere in the world. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Amaltea", "ISSN": "19891709", "Scope": "ScopeFounded in 2008 by José Manuel Losada, Amaltea (ISSN-e 1989-1709) is a journal of myth criticism with intimate connections to Asteria, the International Association of Myth Criticism, and the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Its object of study is the way ancient, medieval and modern myths are perceived and adapted in literature and the arts from 1900 to the present day. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "American Music", "ISSN": "7344392", "Scope": "ScopeAmerican Music is an independent, peer-reviewed journal published quarterly by the University of Illinois Press. Its articles, reviews, and special issues are devoted to American music in the broadest sense, including musical practices of North, South, and Central America as well as American musics performed anywhere in the world. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Archives of Asian Art", "ISSN": "00666637, 19446497", "Scope": "ScopeSince its establishment in 1945, Archives of Asian Art has been devoted to publishing new scholarship on the art and architecture of South, Southeast, Central, and East Asia. Articles discuss premodern and contemporary visual arts, archaeology, architecture, and the history of collecting. To maintain a balanced representation of regions and types of art and to present a variety of scholarly perspectives, the editors encourage submissions in all areas of study related to Asian art and architecture. Every issue is fully illustrated (with color plates in the online version), and each fall issue includes an illustrated compendium of recent acquisitions of Asian art by leading museums and collections. Archives of Asian Art is a publication of Asia Society.\r\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Australian Journal of Asian Law", "ISSN": "14430738, 18394191", "Scope": "ScopeThe Australian Journal of Asian Law is a forum for debate for scholars and professionals concerned with the laws and legal cultures of Asia. It aims for recognition as a leading medium for scholarly and professional discourse in a region characterised by rapid growth and social change. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Baltic Worlds", "ISSN": "20002955, 20017308", "Scope": "ScopeBaltic Worlds is a scholarly journal published by the Centre for Baltic and East European Studies at Södertörn University, since 2008. It publishes articles in social sciences and humanities as well as environmental studies, practicing a double-blind peer-review process, by at least two independent specialists. Baltic Worlds is listed in Scopus, the Norwegian bibliometric register (DHB), included in EBSCO databases, DOAJ, and Sherpa/RoMEO.\r\rBaltic Worlds is distributed to readers in 50 countries, and reaches readers from various disciplines, as well as outside academia. In order to present multi- and interdisciplinary ongoing research to a wider audience, Baltic Worlds also publishes essays, commentaries, interviews, features and conference reports. All content relates to the Baltic Sea Region and the wider Central and Eastern European area, including the Caucasus and the Balkans.\r\rBaltic Worlds regularly publishes thematic sections with guest editors, enabling deeper explorations into specific fields and research questions. International scholarly collaborations are encouraged. Baltic Worlds wishes to advance critical engagement in area studies and to apply novel theoretical and methodological approaches to this multifaceted field.\r\rThe journal’s Scientific Advisory Council consists of international scholars, representing different disciplines and with specific knowledge on the area. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Banking and Finance Review", "ISSN": "19476140, 19477945", "Scope": "ScopeThe Banking and Finance Review (BFR) is a bi-annual, peer-reviewed international research journal that provides a publication outlet for theoretical as well as empirical issues in the fields of banking and finance. The Banking and Finance Review seeks to promote research that enhances the profession’s understanding of banking and finance. The of the Banking and Finance Review is broad. It includes studies in the following areas:Banking, Financial Institutions, Corporate Finance, International Finance, Capital Markets, Commodities Market, Derivatives, Risk Management, Insurance , Fixed Income Securities, Alternative Investments, Portfolio & Security Analysis, Investments, Real Estate Finance and other areas of finance that may be of interest to academicians and financial professionals. The Banking and Finance Review board of editors and ad hoc referees guarantee the high quality standard of the journal. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Best Practice Onkologie", "ISSN": "9464565", "Scope": "Scopebest practice onkologie richtet sich an alle Ärzte, die in der onkologischen Regelversorgung tätig sind - sei es als niedergelassener Arzt mit eigener Praxis oder in einer Klinik. Im Mittelpunkt der Zeitschrift stehen die Themen, mit denen der Arzt tagtäglich in Berührung kommt. In jeder Ausgabe werden jeweils drei Themenbereiche praxisorientiert und interdisziplinär abgehandelt. Davon bietet ein Beitrag die Möglichkeit, 3 CME-Punkte zu sammeln. In einem Interview wird eine bedeutende Persönlichkeit aus dem Bereich der Onkologie mit ihrer Arbeit vorgestellt. Ein weiterer Beitrag bietet einen Blick in die Zukunft der onkologischen Medizin. Ein umfassender Service- und Informationsteil zu Webadressen, aktuellen Forschungsergebnissen und weiterführender Literatur rundet jede Ausgabe ab. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Biologie Aujourd'hui", "ISSN": "21050678, 21050686", "Scope": "ScopeBiologie Aujourd'hui publie des mises au point de haut niveau en langue française, consacrées à des sujets d'actualité en biologie. Écrits par des spécialistes, les articles groupés par thème font un tour complet des questions traitées. Vous y trouverez également un état des avancées les plus récentes et la bibliographie correspondante. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Boletin Mexicano de Derecho Comparado", "ISSN": "418633", "Scope": "ScopeThe Newsletter seeks the active participation of national and foreign jurists, from a multi-institutional and international perspective, so that they can collaborate as arbitrators or send their papers to be published. Proof of this opening is that in both the Editorial Board and the Editorial Committee of the Newsletter, people from the most diverse institutions and nationalities participate. The official language of the Newsletter is Spanish; however, it receives and publishes written works in four other languages: English, French, Italian and Portuguese.\r\rIt has four sections: articles, legislative studies, bibliography and information. Through the works published in these sections, this journal seeks to disseminate legal research focused primarily on the solution of national problems; provide scientific information on the different legal disciplines; provide support to teaching activities and research at UNAM and other institutions in the country or abroad. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Bulgarian Astronomical Journal", "ISSN": "13132709, 13145592", "Scope": "ScopeBulgarian Astronomical Journal (BAJ) publishes scientific articles in all fields of astronomy, astrophysics and interdisciplinary domains. It publishes scientific results of theoretical and observational research, as well as results of the design of astronomical instruments. The journal concerns the broad audience of professional astronomers, astrophysicists, and physicists. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Bulgarian Cardiology", "ISSN": "13107488, 26831015", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Bulletin de la Societe Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles", "ISSN": "379603", "Scope": "ScopeParu pour la première fois en 1842, le Bulletin de la SVSN publie des articles originaux dans le domaine des sciences naturelles et des sciences exactes. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cambridge Opera Journal", "ISSN": "9545867", "Scope": "ScopeContaining lively and provocative essays, Cambridge Opera Journal has a well-established reputation for publishing first-rate scholarship on opera in all its manifestations. The Journal not only contains material on all aspects of the European canon, it has now widened its to publish high-quality essays on American opera and musical theatre, on non-Western music theatres, on contemporary works. Carefully researched and often illustrated with music examples and pictures, articles adopt a wide spectrum of critical approaches. As well as major articles, each issue generally includes reviews of recent publications of importance in the field. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Canadian Journal of Health History", "ISSN": "28166477", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Chinese as a Second Language Research", "ISSN": "21932263, 21932271", "Scope": "ScopeChinese as a Second Language Research (CASLAR) focuses on research on the acquisition, development, and use of Chinese as a Second Language. It supports scholars and researchers from different linguistic fields, and serves as a forum to discuss, investigate, and better understand Chinese as a Second Language. Each issue (2 per year) of the journal publishes three papers in Chinese and three papers in English; summaries are always provided both in Chinese and English.\r\rWe are especially interested in publishing articles and research papers that\r\rinvestigate how empirical findings of CSL research can advance and develop better Chinese language teaching methodologies,\rexplore the implications of CSL research for theoretical developments and practical applications,\rfocus on the acquisition and use of varieties of CSL,\rstudy the nature of interaction between native speakers and non-native speakers of Chinese,\raddress major issues of second language acquisition from the perspective of CSL,\ranalyze the ways in which language is both shaped by culture and is the medium through which culture is created. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Chinese Journal of Hepatobiliary Surgery", "ISSN": "10078118", "Scope": "ScopeChinese Journal of Hepatobiliary Surgery introduces and demonstrates significant progress and latest findings in scientific research and clinic practice in both China and overseas in order to enhance academic exchange and cooperation. It is aimed at a wide domestic and international readership among clinic, teaching and researching professionals in liver, biliary tract, pancreatic surgery, portal hypertension, surgical nutrition and other clinical and experimental studies, prevention and treatment of disease. It publishes a variety of writing related to hepatological surgery new progresses, new concepts, new achievements, new experience, new techniques, development and application of new methods and new medications. Chinese Journal of Hepatobiliary Surgery is available both in print and online. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Clothing Cultures", "ISSN": "20500742, 20500750", "Scope": "ScopeWe all wear clothes. We are all therefore invested at some level in the production and consumption of clothing. This journal intends to embrace issues and themes that are both universal and personal, addressing (and dressing) us all. Increasingly, as we all become accomplished semioticians, clothing becomes the key signifier in determining social interaction and behaviour, and sartorial norms dictate socio-cultural appropriateness. Following the rise of fashion theory, on an everyday level, we all understand that our clothes ‘say' something about us, about our times, nation and system of values. Yet clothing is not fashion; clothing is a term derivative from ‘cloth', to cover the body, whereas fashion alludes to the glamorous, the ephemeral and the avant garde. We wear clothes, but imagine fashion – an unattainable ideal.\r\rThis double-blind peer-reviewed journal also offers a forum for the discussion of textiles and their significance in the production and consumption of clothing and thus solicits papers from textile historians, designers and design professionals. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Contemporary French and Francophone Studies", "ISSN": "17409292", "Scope": "ScopeContemporary French and Francophone Studies: SITES publishes the latest and best production of those involved in the field of 20 th and 21 st century French and Francophone studies, whether academics, novelists, poets, artists, filmmakers, photographers, or philosophers, to name only those. In the process, the journal aims to reflect the increasingly interdisciplinary direction taken by the field and by the humanities in general.\r\rCF&FS: SITES is published five times per year, with four issues dedicated to specific themes and a fifth issue, the “Open Issue,” accepting submissions on a full spectrum of issues. We encourage submissions from a wide range of contributors from across the disciplines, ranging from established academics and personalities to graduate students and non-academics.\r\rThe journal publishes original research articles, essays, round tables, interviews, and occasional pieces of fiction and poetry.\r\rCF&FS: SITES is co-edited by Roger Célestin and Eliane Dalmolin at the University of Connecticut. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Developments in Corporate Governance and Responsibility", "ISSN": "20430523, 20430531", "Scope": "ScopeDevelopments in Corporate Governance and Responsibility publishes in association with the International Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility, run by the Social Responsibility Research Network. Every volume contains commissioned chapters written specifically for the conference.\r\rThe series presents current debates and research about specific aspects of social responsibility and shows these from global and interdisciplinary perspectives, each volume presents a different theme related to the broad field of corporate social responsibility. It aims to spark debate and encourage discussion between people from different backgrounds as a way of developing and promoting best practice. The papers are global and invited contributions, ensuring that the quality remains high and the of coverage is comprehensive and coherent.\rCoverage includes, but is not restricted to:\r\rCorporate social responsibility\rGovernance\rCorporate governance\rGlobalization\rEnvironmental protection\rHuman rights\rEmployee protection\rSocial and environmental accounting\rCorporate reporting\rSustainability. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Early American Literature", "ISSN": "00128163, 1534147X", "Scope": "Scopehe journal of the Modern Language Association's American Literature Division I, Early American Literature publishes the finest work of scholars examining American literature from its inception through the early national period, about 1830. Founded in 1965, EAL invites work treating Native American traditional expressions, colonial Ibero-American literature from North America, colonial American Francophone writings, Dutch colonial, and German American colonial literature as well as writings in English from British America and the US. Published three times a year, each issue typically includes four or five articles, the same number of book reviews, and a review essay. Occasionally editions of previously unpublished works appear. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "East Asian Publishing and Society", "ISSN": "22106278, 22106286", "Scope": "ScopeEast Asian Publishing and Society is a journal dedicated to the study of the publishing of texts and images in East Asia, from the earliest times up to the present. The journal provides a platform for multi-disciplinary research by scholars addressing publishing practices in China, Korea, Japan, Taiwan and Vietnam. \r\rEast Asian Publishing and Society invites articles that treat any aspect of publishing history: production, distribution, and reception of manuscripts, imprints (books, periodicals, pamphlets, and single sheet prints), and electronic text. Studies of authorship and editing, the business of publishing, reading audiences and reading practices, libraries and book collection, the relationship between the state and publishing—to name just a few possible topics—are welcome. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ecclesia Orans", "ISSN": "10103872", "Scope": "ScopeEcclesia orans, with its biannual publication, remains the official organ of the Pontifical Institute of Liturgy and a place of comparison and growth for the development of a profound theological-liturgical reflection, beginning from the study of sources. It suffices to read the editorials of P. Andren Nocent, OSB, to understand how the Periodical, already from the first moment was entrusted to the lecturers of PIL, though the editorial office has always been disposed to receive scientific contributions from other institutions. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Economic Thought", "ISSN": "20493509, 20556314", "Scope": "ScopeIn line with the objectives of the World Economics Association, the journal seeks to support and advance interdisciplinary research that investigates the potential links between economics and other disciplines, as well as contributions that challenge the divide between normative and positive approaches. Contributions from outside the mainstream debates in the history and philosophy of economics are also encouraged. In particular, the journal seeks to promote research that draws on a broad range of cultural and intellectual traditions.\r\rEconomic Thought accepts article submissions from scholars working in\r\r-history of economic thought\r-economic history\r-methodology of economics\r-philosophy of economics\rWe welcome articles addressing any aspects of these fields with an emphasis on original and path-breaking research. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Economics and Policy of Energy and the Environment", "ISSN": "22807659, 22807667", "Scope": "ScopeEconomics and Policy of Energy and the Environment (EPEE) is a quarterly peer reviewed platform focusing on energy and environmental economics and policy including the economics of public utilities. Contributions from academic researchers, utility managers and policy-makers ensure a useful exchange of knowledge and experience. This approach is very important, particularly in a period when energy markets and regulatory and institutional frameworks are undergoing rapid change, and environmental issues, both local and global, are becoming increasingly important. The journal is organized mainly into two sections. The section \"Observatory\" includes articles in which specialists express their views about topical issues of energy and environmental policy. The \"Essays\" section focuses on the scientific papers, mainly concerning the microeconomics and macroeconomics of energy and the environment, as well as comparative analyses of policies. All papers will be included in EconLit and Scopus. This will ensure that they will be read and cited by a worldwide audience. EPEE is edited by an international editorial board. The editorial board will be supported by a Scientific Committee composed of some of the leading international experts in the field of energy and environmental economics. EPEE is a fundamental publication on energy and environmental issues characterised by a multi-faceted perspective, an approach which is crucial for researchers, policy-makers and operators in the energy and environmental sector. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Eikon Imago", "ISSN": "22548718", "Scope": "ScopeEikón Imago (ISSN-e: 2254-8718) is a scientific journal published by the Research Group CAPIRE (Collective for the Pluridisciplinary Analysis of European Religious Iconography) at the Complutense University of Madrid. The research interest of this journal focuses on iconography in a broad sense, with a thematic coverage that aims the forms and meanings of the images of any era, culture or country, as well as any thematic, typological or disciplinary variant of the iconography: religious , mythological, political, musical, fantastic, animalistic or other.\r\rIts sections are: Monographic topic, Miscellaneous articles and Reviews.\r\rThe journal accepts works in Spanish, English, French, German, Italian and Portuguese.\r\rEikón Imago does not charge the authors any fees for the submission / evaluation of manuscripts, nor fees for the publication of articles. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "English", "ISSN": "138215", "Scope": "Scope\rEnglish is an internationally known journal of literary criticism, published on behalf of The English Association. Each issue contains essays on a wide range of authors and literary texts in English, aimed at readers within universities and colleges and presented in a lively and engaging style. There is a substantial review section, in which reviewers have space to situate a book within the context of recent developments in its field, and present a detailed argument. English is unusual among academic journals in publishing original poetry. This policy embodies the view that the critical and creative functions, often so widely separated in the teaching of English, can co-exist and cross-fertilise each other. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Esbocos", "ISSN": "1414722X, 21757976", "Scope": "ScopeEsboços: histories in global contexts is a triannual e-journal edited by the Graduate Program in History of the Federal University of Santa Catarina (Brazil), whose main objective is to contribute to the debate on Global History. Through the publication of articles, interviews and reviews, in Portuguese, Spanish, and English languages, the journal seeks to provide support for the debate around transcultural approaches, multiple integrations, connected, transnational, comparative and maritime histories, world-system, micro- and macro-scale processes, among other approaches of Global History. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Espacio, Tiempo y Forma, Serie VII: Historia del Arte", "ISSN": "11304715, 23401478", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal welcomes previously unpublished articles relating to Art History, particularly works that provides an innovative approach, contribute to its field of research, or offer a critical analysis. Submissions in Spanish or a foreign language (preferably English) are open to scholars worldwide.\r\rETF, Serie VII only considers original articles that have not already been published, nor will be published elsewhere, either partially or fully, in Spanish or any other language.\r\rThe journal is composed by two sections, a miscellany of articles that are submitted and subject to external review, and a themed issue containing papers by guest authors as well as successful submissions received in response to the call for papers (also subject to external review). In addition, the journal may include reviews of books, which will be considered by the Editorial Board.\r\rEach issue will preferably include a special themed issue coordinated by an expert appointed by the Editorial Board (with the approval of the Committee of the Department of Art History), who will be responsible for commissioning contributions for the issue and circulating a thematic call for papers. The contributions by guest authors, which must not exceed two articles, are not subject to peer review; however, the Editorial Board will oversee the quality of the contributions. The papers submitted in response to the call for papers are always subject to external review. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Folk Music Journal", "ISSN": "5319684", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal features papers devoted to folk music, folk dance, and folk song, which in practice are interpreted in their broadest sense. Contributions range from ethnomusicology, dance ethnology, and social anthropology, through folkloristics, social and oral history, the history of street literature and ballad studies, to the study of contemporary performance. Various approaches are adopted, including theoretical, empirical and fieldwork-based studies, which may be local, regional, national or international in.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Forum Philosophicum", "ISSN": "14261898, 23537043", "Scope": "ScopeForum Philosophicum is a scholarly journal that seeks new insights into philosophical discussions concerning the relationship between philosophy and faith. The tradition we are rooted in is that of Christian philosophy, understood as the independent exercise of reason in the context of the faith. However, we also welcome proposals that grow from the concerns important to philosophers shaped by other religious traditions, in particular those of Jewish or Muslim heritage. We seek articles that are able to engage in critical debate with evolving views on rationality and its relationship to the irrational, the indeterminate, and the non-binary, and look forward to receiving analyses that discuss the place of faith and the rationality of faith in such contexts. We encourage discussions of human nature and spirituality that seek to address the proposals of neuroscience and confront the declarations of posthumanists, as well as inquiries into that mode of philosophizing which, while resting on the hermeneutics of culture, gives special emphasis to the hermeneutics of sacred texts. We would like to distinguish our journal through a specific approach, rather than through the specificity of the subjects we are prepared to see raised in it: an approach that allows faith to shape, enlighten, and strengthen our rationality itself. In this way, we want to offer a true Forum for the community of philosophers who view their faith as a source of inspiration, especially when seeking to face up to the new and challenging forms being given to the age-old problems of philosophy. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Fourrages", "ISSN": "4292766", "Scope": "ScopeLes thèmes couverts par la revue déclinent les diverses facettes rencontrées dans le domaine des fourrages :\r\r-L'organisation de la production : économie et macro-économie, statistiques, politique agricole, gestion des territoires, évolution des filières, apports des sciences humaines...\r-Les systèmes fourragers (fonctionnement, diversité, autonomie...) ; leurs relations avec les systèmes d'élevage et d'exploitation\r-La production fourragère : agronomie (sens large) des cultures fourragères et des prairies, gestion du pâturage des prairies et des parcours, agroécologie...\r-L'utilisation et la valorisation par les animaux des ressources fourragères : valeurs alimentaires, systèmes d'alimentation et de production, méthodes de récolte et conservation...\r-La prise en compte de l'environnement : services écosystémiques des prairies, qualité des eaux, GES, biodiversité des couverts à différentes échelles, paysage, autonomie énergétique, évaluation multicritères...\r-La sélection : espèces et variétés, prairies multispécifiques, adaptation aux contextes ; l'installation des prairies\r-Développement et applications : points de vue, témoignages, outils... Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Gazzetta Medica Italiana Archivio per le Scienze Mediche", "ISSN": "3933660", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal Gazzetta Medica Italiana publishes scientific papers on medicine and pharmacology. Manuscripts may be submitted in the form of editorials, original articles, review articles, case reports, therapeutical notes, special articles and letters to the Editor.\rManuscripts are expected to comply with the instructions to authors which conform to the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Editors by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (www.icmje.org). Articles not conforming to international standards will not be considered for acceptance. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Gomal Journal of Medical Sciences", "ISSN": "18197973, 19972067", "Scope": "ScopeSubject areas in medical sciences;\r\r1. Basic Medical Sciences\r2. Public Health \r3. Clinical Sciences\r4. Dentistry & Nursing\r5. Health Professions Education\r\rSubject areas in allied sciences, when related to human health;\r\r1. Pharmacy\r2. Microbiology Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Govor", "ISSN": "3527565", "Scope": "ScopeČasopis Govor objavljuje znanstvene i stručne priloge koji pridonose razvoju znanosti o govoru – izvorne znanstvene radove, studije, stručne radove, pregledne članke, znanstvene eseje, prethodna priopćenja i prikaze. Pokriva mnoga područja teorije i primjene fonetike, lingvistike i srodnih disciplina, među kojima su proizvodnja i percepcija govora, akustički i artikulacijski opis, govorništvo, razvoj govora, suvremene tehnologije, učenje stranih jezika, ortoepija, ortofonija, teorija informacija, poremećaji i rehabilitacija slušanja i govora i sl. Uredništvo čine priznati stručnjaci iz zemlje i inozemstva.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Guerres Mondiales et Conflicts Contemporains", "ISSN": "9842292", "Scope": "ScopeDe 1950 à 1986, la Revue d\"histoire de la Deuxième Guerre mondiale a publié 144 numéros sur les origines du conflit, les politiques, les stratégies, les combats, menés par les États, seuls ou alliés, et par les peuples en guerre. Études et témoignages provenaient d\"auteurs de tous les pays. Cette dimension internationale est confirmée avec l\"extension, depuis 1987 (no 145), en amont et en aval de la Deuxième Guerre mondiale, du champ de recherche couvert par la revue sous son nouveau titre Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Heart India", "ISSN": "2321449X, 23216638", "Scope": "Scope​​Heart India, a publication of Heart India Charitable Trust, is a peer-reviewed online journal with Quarterly print on demand compilation of issues published. The journal allows free access (Open Access) to its contents and permits authors to self-archive final accepted version of the articles on any OAI-compliant institutional / subject-based repository. The journal does not charge for submission, processing or publication of manuscripts and even for color reproduction of photographs. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Histoire et Societes Rurales", "ISSN": "1254728X, 1950666X", "Scope": "ScopeLa revue semestrielle Histoire et Sociétés Rurales offre des articles de fonds et de débats, des publications de sources traduites, ainsi que des comptes rendus d’ouvrages, de thèses et de manifestations scientifiques. Référence internationale dans le domaine de la ruralité, Histoire et Sociétés Rurales est largement ouverte sur les sciences de l’homme et de la nature. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Indian Journal of Radio and Space Physics", "ISSN": "03678393, 0975105X", "Scope": "ScopeStarted in 1972, this journal publishes full papers and notes in radio frequency standards and measurements, radio wave propagation through non-ionized media, winds and motions in lower, middle and upper atmospheres, chemistry and meteorology of troposphere and stratosphere, stratosphere-mesosphere coupling, ionospheric propagation, magnetosphere, ionosphere-magnetosphere coupling, physics and chemistry of ionosphere, solar-terrestrial relationship, radio and radar astronomy and interplanetary space physics. It also covers electromagnetic metrology, fields and waves, signals and systems, electronic and optical devices and applications, electromagnetic noise and interference, waves in plasmas, and electromagnetics in biology and medicine.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Indiana", "ISSN": "03418642, 23652225", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal INDIANA, published by the Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut at Berlin, was founded in 1973 as a forum for research on multiethnic, indigenous, and Afro-American societies and cultures in Latin America, both contemporary and historical. It publishes original contributions from all areas within the study of the Americas, including archaeology, ethnohistory, sociocultural anthropology and linguistic anthropology. Each volume is composed of various articles, a themed dossier, and thematic essays. Manuscripts of original contributions are accepted for consideration in Spanish, English, Portuguese and German and each article is subject to anonymous peer review. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Chemical and Biochemical Sciences", "ISSN": "22269614", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Jungian Studies", "ISSN": "19409052, 19409060", "Scope": "ScopeInternational Journal of Jungian Studies (IJJS) bridges the professional, clinical, and academic worlds of\rJungian Studies for an international audience. It brings Jungian theory and practice into dialogue and\rdebate with a wide variety of academic areas of study, and therapeutic concerns.\rThe editors encourage the submission of papers from Jungian Studies academics, psychoanalysts of all\rtraditions -including analytical psychology, philosophers, anthropologists, critical theorists, feminists,\rpolitical theorists, world-religious studies, sociologists, bio-ethicists, neuroscientists, and other sciences\rincluding students of these approaches in an ongoing critique/engagement with Analytical Psychology\rsuch as literature, film and media studies and fine art or art history. The IJJS wishes to continue the\rtradition of C.G. Jung in being open to a broad range of intellectual and experiential traditions while\rseeking to understand the human experience. The IJJS publishes peer-reviewed, cutting-edge original\rarticles of high academic quality. The journal is committed to embracing the diversity of Jungian thought\rand welcomes articles reporting research on:\r• analytical psychology themes from academic, clinical, symbolic, cultural and inter-cultural\rperspectives;\r• comparative Jungian research in relation to other psychoanalytic and psychotherapeutic themes;\r• the interface between Jungian studies and other academic disciplines. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Language and Culture", "ISSN": "22143157, 22143165", "Scope": "ScopeThe aim of the International Journal of Language and Culture (IJoLC) is to disseminate cutting-edge research that explores the interrelationship between language and culture. The journal is multidisciplinary in and seeks to provide a forum for researchers interested in the interaction between language and culture across several disciplines, including linguistics, anthropology, applied linguistics, psychology and cognitive science. The journal publishes high-quality, original and state-of-the-art articles that may be theoretical or empirical in orientation and that advance our understanding of the intricate relationship between language and culture. IJoLC is a peer-reviewed journal published twice a year.\rTopics of interest to IJoLC include, but are not limited to the following:\r\ra. Culture and the structure of language,\r\rb. Language, culture, and conceptualisation,\r\rc. Language, culture, and politeness,\r\rd. Language, culture, and emotion,\r\re. Culture and language development,\r\rf. Language, culture, and communication. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Learner Diversity and Identities", "ISSN": "23270128, 23272627", "Scope": "ScopeThe International Journal of Learner Diversity and Identities investigates the dynamics of learning in diverse communities and classrooms. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Low Radiation", "ISSN": "14776545, 17419190", "Scope": "ScopeIJLR is dedicated to the publication of research articles, review papers and technical notes in all domains related to low-dose and very low-dose radiation, among which are the biological and health effects in humans and the biota, in vitro and in vivo research on low radiation effects, regulatory and policy aspects, risk estimation and public perception.\rTopics covered include:\r-Radiation risks in perspective-\rRadio-induced cancer among cancer risks-\rEpidemiological data-\rEffect of radiation on radiation workers-\rMedical cohorts-\rModels and controversies in radiation carcinogenesis-\rEffects of radiation on mammalian cells, stress responses in cells and tissues-\rVariations in natural background irradiation throughout the world-\rReview of radiation exposure limits worldwide-\rRadiation protection-\rHormesis-\rGenomic instability-\rBystander effects-\rChanging paradigms and radiation protection-\rImpact of low dose/dose rates on DNA repair/disrepair Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Materials and Structural Integrity", "ISSN": "17450055, 17450063", "Scope": "ScopeIJMSI provides multidisciplinary approaches, either empirical or theoretical, to the study of materials and structural integrity. Its goals are to promote cross-fertilization of ideas between all the scientific disciplines having to deal with their own materials and structural integrity, including engineering, bionics, physics and chemistry. The journal encourages submission of new fundamental and interdisciplinary contributions on materials and structural integrity.\rTopics covered include:\r-Advanced materials for structural integrity-\rAdvanced design theory and CAD for structural integrity-\rAdvanced manufacturing technology and CAM for structural integrity-\rPhysical mechanisms for structural integrity-\rBionic mechanisms for structural integrity-\rChemical mechanisms for structural integrity-\rVibration, impact and various environment protection techniques for structural integrity-\rExperiments about structural systems or materials-\rElectronic packaging technology and materials-\rMEMS and nanotechnology Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Symposium on Graphic Engineering and Design", "ISSN": "26201429, 26201437", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Internetworking Indonesia Journal", "ISSN": "19429703", "Scope": "ScopeThe Internetworking Indonesia Journal (IIJ) is a peer reviewed international journal devoted to the timely study of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Internet development. The journal seeks high-quality research papers on the challenges and opportunities presented by information technology and the Internet, as well as their impact to society.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "James Baldwin Review", "ISSN": "20569203, 20569211", "Scope": "ScopeJames Baldwin Review (JBR) is an annual journal that brings together a wide array of peer‐reviewed critical essays and creative non-fiction on the life, writings, and legacy of James Baldwin. In addition to these cutting-edge contributions, each issue contains a review of recent Baldwin scholarship and an award-winning graduate student essay. James Baldwin Review publishes essays that invigorate scholarship on James Baldwin; catalyze explorations of the literary, political, and cultural influence of Baldwin’s writing and political activism; and deepen our understanding and appreciation of this complex and luminary figure. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Japanese Journal of Head and Neck Cancer", "ISSN": "13495747, 18818382", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Jezikoslovlje", "ISSN": "13317202", "Scope": "ScopeAs one of the leading Croatian linguistic journals, Jezikoslovlje aims to promote the constructive interaction between theoretical and descriptive findings by providing a broadly conceived forum for research in the traditional disciplines of linguistics, ranging from phonology and morphology to syntax, semantics, and pragmatics, as well as for research from neighboring disciplines deemed to be of interest to the linguistic audience and of relevance for contemporary linguistic theory, methodology and description. Supported by an internationally renowned board of consulting editors, the journal will hold up for discussion theoretical and descriptive issues relevant to the linguistic community at large and thus aim at reflecting current trends in linguistic research in the above disciplines within a broad range of theoretical frameworks. Jezikoslovlje also features special, guest-edited issues or sections, which bring together contributions under a unifying theme and give the readership the unique opportunity to explore one topic from diverse perspectives. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Jindal Global Law Review", "ISSN": "09752498, 23644869", "Scope": "ScopeJindal Global Law Review is especially interested publishing works that expand and reimagine the boundaries of the legal discipline through innovations in method and form. We expansively understand ‘law’ as an assemblage of ideas, theories, methods, concepts, norms, traditions, politics, moralities, aesthetics, doctrines, policies, pluralities, and life practices. As a space for fostering collaborative legal scholarship, alongside the standard journal article, case comments and book reviews, The Journal has published long form interviews and photo-essays. From 2020, the Journal has introduced three new occasional sections: Book Forum (conversations about a book between readers and authors), Teaching Texts (pedagogical experiences of engaging with key texts in a classroom), and Review Essays (argument based analyses of a collection of books/ works). \r\rThe Journal follows a double blind peer reviewing process, which means that both the reviewer and author identities are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa, throughout the review process, i.e., neither author nor reviewer is aware of each other’s identities. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies", "ISSN": "17540194, 17540208", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies (JECS) acts as a meeting-place for the many academic disciplines that make up a period study: among others History, Literature, Science, Economics, Fine Art, Music, Religion, Geography and Popular Culture. Special notice is taken of research that explores links between the disciplines, and which helps to develop cross-disciplinary fields of enquiry. Significant and original research taking any methodological approach – from the heavily historicised and data-driven to the theoretically-informed – is all equally valued.\r\rJECS seeks to publish the best research on the long eighteenth-century (circa 1675-1825) irrespective of which parts of the world this research concerns. While most of the articles appearing since its launch (as the British Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies) in 1978 have focused on Western Europe and North America, new research on the eighteenth century beyond those borders, and on the interconnected ‘global eighteenth century’, is now particularly welcome.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of African Cinemas", "ISSN": "17549221, 1754923X", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of African Cinemas will explore the interactions of visual and verbal narratives in African film. It recognizes the shifting paradigms that have defined and continue to define African cinemas. Identity and perception are interrogated in relation to their positions within diverse African film languages. The editors are seeking papers that expound on the identity or identities of Africa and its peoples represented in film. The aim is to create a forum for debate that will promote inter-disciplinarity between cinema and other visual and rhetorical forms of representation. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Business Valuation and Economic Loss Analysis", "ISSN": "19329156", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Business Valuation and Economic Loss Analysis (JBVELA) is a refereed academic journal that publishes continuously throughout the year and is co-edited by Bradley Ewing and James Hoffman. The mission of the Journal of Business Valuation and Economic Loss Analysis is to improve the practice of business valuation, economic loss analysis, and risk management by helping to inform academics, practitioners, and attorneys about theoretical and practical developments in these fields. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Daoist Studies", "ISSN": "19415516, 19415524", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Daoist Studies (JDS) is an annual publication dedicated to the scholarly exploration of Daoism in all its different dimensions. Each issue has three main parts: Academic Articles on history, philosophy, art, society, and more (limit 8,500 words); Forum on Contemporary Practice on issues of current activities both in China and other parts of the world (limit 5,000 words); and News of the Field, presenting publications, dissertations, conferences and websites. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences University", "ISSN": "09743901, 22501231", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal will cover technical and clinical studies related to health, ethical and social issues in field of Dentistry, Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Paramedical and allied Health Sciences. Articles with clinical interest and implications will be given preference. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Philosophical Economics: Reflections on Economic and Social Issues", "ISSN": "18432298, 18448208", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Philosophical Economics is an inter-disciplinary journal that publishes high quality and theoretically innovative articles. The Journal is committed to deepening the theoretical understanding of conceptual, methodological and substantive debates on economics and its social ramifications. We therefore invite submissions from economists, economic historians, sociologists, political scientists, political economists, economic anthropologists and development studies scholars. The journal eschews monolithic perspectives and seeks innovative work that is intellectually pluralist. The Editorial Board takes a liberal stance in leaving a fair chance for contributors to provide the readers with a systematic, honest, and thoroughly researched account of an idea deemed fundamental for the advancement of the method of economic inquiry. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of South India Medicolegal Association", "ISSN": "9746196", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of South India Medicolegal Association (J-SIMLA) is a national journal and is the official publication of the South India Medicolegal Association. Articles are received from the medical fraternity throughout India and also from outside India. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of the Chinese Nutrition Society", "ISSN": "10116958", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics", "ISSN": "15407942", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics (JSCE) is a scholarly publication that examine social, economic, political and cultural problems within the context of Christian social ethics. It contains peer-reviewed articles, book reviews, and relevant announcements or advertisements. Originally established in 1981 as an annual conference publication (The Annual of the Society of Christian Ethics), the JSCE has evolved into a highly respected peer-reviewed resource published twice yearly. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of University Medical and Dental College", "ISSN": "22217827, 23105542", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Kardiologija v Belarusi", "ISSN": "2072912X, 24142131", "Scope": "Scope\"Cardiology in Belarus\" is an international peer-reviewed scientific and practical journal targeted at cardiologists, heart surgeons, paediatric cardiologists, as well as physicians, paediatricians, gerontologists and healthcare managers.\rThe journal publishes original research papers, reviews, covers topical aspects of prevention, as well as drug and surgical treatment of the heart and cardiovascular disorders.\rThe journal is a source of fundamental and clinical knowledge. The vast majority of Belarusian scientists as well as scientists from other countries choose \"Cardiology in Belarus\" to publish their theses. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Lakartidningen", "ISSN": "00237205, 16527518", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Literature and Medicine", "ISSN": "02789671, 10806571", "Scope": "ScopeLiterature and Medicine is a journal devoted to exploring interfaces between literary and medical knowledge and understanding. Issues of illness, health, medical science, violence, and the body are examined through literary and cultural texts. Our readership includes scholars of literature, history, and critical theory, as well as health professionals. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Lithuanian Annual Strategic Review", "ISSN": "16488024, 2335870X", "Scope": "ScopeLithuanian Annual Strategic Review is a bilingual (Lithuanian and English), peer\rreviewed scholarly magazine that is published once per year by the Strategic Research\rCenter of the Military Academy of Lithuania in cooperation with Vilnius University\r(Institute of International Relations and Political Science) and Vytautas Magnus University\rin Kaunas (Political Science and Diplomacy Department). The journal focuses on the\rglobal, regional and national security problematique which directly or indirectly influence\rsecurity and defense issues of Lithuania, the Baltic states and region around.\rThe Review aims to sustain high profile scientific publications delivering rigorous\ranalytical insights into security and defence problematique ofn the region and to be ranked\ras a regular and high-quality academic periodical. The Review reaches out for academic\rcommunity and political practitioners and offer ample opportunities for scholarly visibility\rand potential impact. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Medialni Studia", "ISSN": "18019978, 24644846", "Scope": "ScopeMediální studia / Media Studies (ISSN 2464-4846) is a peer-reviewed, open access electronic journal, published in English, Czech and Slovak twice a year. Based in disciplines of media and communication studies, it focuses on analyses of media texts, media cultures, media professionals practices, and media audiences behaviour. We especially support the emphasis on the dynamics of local-global knowledge on media and its mutual connections. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Medical Journal of Peking Union Medical College Hospital", "ISSN": "16749081", "Scope": "ScopeXiehe Yixue Zazhi is a multidisciplinary academic journal which focuses on clinical medicine, aiming to report the cutting-edge medical researches, clinical practice standards, promote scholastic communication in medicine, and benefit patients care ultimately.\r\rThe contributions come from all over the country, and some from oversea authors. Over the last few years, the Journal has published articles and reports covering more than 20 major topics in the different special issues (e.g. Artificial Intelligence and Medical Imaging, Enhanced Recovery after Surgery, Advances in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus). All the topics involve latest advances in medical sciences, hot topics in specific specialties, and prevention and treatment of major diseases. Many of these manuscripts are contributed by the leading scientists of China, which basically reflect the top research levels in these fields. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Medicina Interna de Mexico", "ISSN": "1864866", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Memoir of the Geological Society of America", "ISSN": "721069", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Neutron News", "ISSN": "10448632, 19317352", "Scope": "ScopeNeutron News is the most up-to-date resource for the neutron community. Meeting reports provide timely coverage of what the leaders in neutron research are talking about. Scientific research is presented in a broad array of articles and case reports covering topics such as neutron scattering, materials research, site studies, and much more. This magazine is a must read for anyone engaged in neutron research.\r\rNeutron News is a controlled circulation magazine, supplied free of charge to officials with registered neutron sources. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Northern Lights", "ISSN": "1601829X, 20400586", "Scope": "ScopeNorthern Lights is a peer-reviewed international publication dedicated to the study of film and media.\rThe journal focuses on the interplay between film and media and their cultural and social context. Film and media have emerged as important institutions of modern society at the same time as mobile and interactive media technologies become integrated into the fabric of wider culture and society. The development of new social networks, changes in political communication and governance and the changing relationship between art, culture and commercial markets are important aspects of these new dynamics.\rNorthern Lights is published once a year and takes the form of a book-length anthology of articles related to a specific theme. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Novel", "ISSN": "295132", "Scope": "ScopeNovel is the official journal of the Society for Novel Studies.\r\rNovel is a peer-reviewed journal devoted to the best new criticism and theory in novel studies. The journal took up this mission in the days of formalism and has responded to the innovative moments in the field during the half-century that has elapsed since then—including ideology critique, feminist and critical race theory, poststructuralism, cultural studies, and new historicism—by publishing the most interesting new work on the novel. As globalization and crises in biopolitics and the environment rapidly increase, and as models of affect theory multiply, the novel and how we read it are undergoing a sea change. Novel is especially interested in theory and scholarship that address these changes in terms of their formal, historical, political, and/or epistemological significance. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Nursing Made Incredibly Easy", "ISSN": "15445186, 15522032", "Scope": "ScopeThe Nursing made Incredibly Easy! journal is based on Lippincott Williams & Wilkins' popular and successful Incredibly Easy! book series for nurses. The mission of this peer-reviewed journal is to meet the ongoing educational needs of nurses through the publication of information that presents challenging clinical concepts in a refreshingly original, easily understood format that engages nurses and gives them confidence. In short: Simpler language, smarter learning. Articles are contributed by experienced clinicians, ensuring that content is evidence-based. At least two continuing-education articles are offered in each issue. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Oriens", "ISSN": "00786527, 18778372", "Scope": "ScopeOriens is dedicated to extending our knowledge of intellectual history and developments in the rationalist disciplines in Islamic civilization, with a special emphasis on philosophy, theology, and science. These disciplines had a profoundly rich and lasting life in Islamic civilization and often interacted in complex ways--from the period of their introduction to Islamic civilization in the translation movement that began in the eighth century, through the early and classical periods of development, to the post-classical age, when they shaped even such disciplines as legal theory and poetics. The journal's range extends from the early and classical to the early modern periods (ca. 700-1900 CE) and it engages all regions and languages of Islamic civilization. In the tradition of Hellmut Ritter, who founded Oriens in 1948, the central focus of interest of the journal is on the medieval and early modern periods of the Near and Middle East. Within this framework, the opening up of the sources and the pursuit of philological and historical research based on original source material is the main concern of its editors and contributors. In addition to individual articles, Oriens welcomes proposals for thematic volumes within the series. \rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "P.A. Herzen Journal of Oncology", "ISSN": "2305218X, 23094745", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Philippine Journal of Veterinary Medicine", "ISSN": "317705", "Scope": "ScopeThe Philippine Journal of Veterinary Medicine is a refereed journal of basic and applied research in Veterinary Science and Medicine. It is published semi-annually, in June and December of each year, by the College of Veterinary Medicine, University of the Philippines Los Baños. It covers various research papers on topics such as Veterinary Anatomy, Veterinary Epidemiology, Veterinary Medicine, Veterinary Microbiology, Veterinary Parasitology, Veterinary Pathology, Veterinary Pharmacology, Veterinary Physiology, Veterinary Public Health, Veterinary Surgery, Diagnostic Imaging, Nutrition, Theriogenology, and Wildlife. It maintains regular local and foreign subscribers, as well as exchange publications with several international journals. Currently, PJVM is the recipient of the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) Journal Challenge Grant under its Journal Incentive Program. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Polish Otorhinolaryngology Review", "ISSN": "20845308, 23007338", "Scope": "Scope\"Polish Otorhinolaryngology Review\" (ISSN 2084-5308) is the official journal of the Polish Society of Otolaryngologists - Head and Neck Surgeons. \"Polish Otorhinolaryngology Review\" (ISSN 2084-5308) is above all educational journal presenting current views and knowledge in the field of otorhinolaryngology in Poland. \r\rArticles published in the journal are above all of practical nature. The following types of articles are published: review works, case studies, standards of conduct and therapeutic recommendations, reports from conferences, symposia, reports from meetings of the Board of the Polish Society of Otolaryngologists - Head and Neck Surgeons and the latest news on the activities of the Society.\r\rThe Editorial Office attaches great importance to cooperation with other Societies both domestic and foreign ones, and thus also publishes interdisciplinary articles.\r\r\"Polish Otorhinolaryngology Review\" (ISSN 2084-5308) is addressed to otolaryngologists, audiologists, phoniatrists, allergists, general practicioners, and other physicians and students.\r\rWe invite you to subscribe to journal’s Newsletter (the tab in the left menu) to receive latest information from the Editorial Staff and Publisher concerning both the new scientific content published in the journal, as well as other relevant information. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Praticien en Anesthesie Reanimation", "ISSN": "12797960", "Scope": "ScopeConçu et élaboré pour la formation médicale continue des anesthésistes réanimateurs, Le Praticien en anesthésie réanimation répond à des objectifs clairement définis.\r- Être au plus près de votre quotidien : la revue vous apporte des réponses immédiatement opérationnelles aux problèmes rencontrés dans votre exercice.\r- Transmettre des informations riches et actualisées : vous trouverez des informations d'actualité scientifique ou de vie professionnelle qui font le point sur les derniers développements ou un rappel des connaissances sur un sujet spécifique.\r- Couvrir de manière précise tous les aspects de votre pratique : les membres du comité de rédaction représentent les différents aspects de la pratique de l'anesthésie et de la réanimation, pour des informations toujours proches des préoccupations de votre profession.\rLes articles sont rédigés de façon synthétique pour vous permettre d'aller à l'essentiel.\r- Apporter des informations scientifiques fiables : les articles retenus pour publication sont élaborés par des auteurs aux compétences reconnues et validées par un expert du sujet. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Pravnik", "ISSN": "2316625", "Scope": "ScopeAs a general law journal, it features articles and comments on all important developments and relevant issues in legal theory and international, EU and national law. It regularly publishes book reviews and annotations on current titles, and it also reports on major conferences, seminars, and legal events in the Czech Republic and abroad. Occasionnally, Právník also presents legal materials that pertain to current legal issues. Although Právník addresses especially the Czech audience, foreign readers can take advantage of English summaries of its articles and studies. Právník is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal, and it welcomes papers on any topical legal issue. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Psychological Perspectives", "ISSN": "00332925, 15563030", "Scope": "ScopePublished since 1970 by the C. G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles, this unique and substantial publication voices, explores and documents a wide range of professional and personal issues related to Jungian thought and practice.\r\rThe journal offers original articles, interviews, fiction writing, book, video and film reviews, art, illustrations and poetry which are attracting a growing interest and audiences worldwide. Psychological Perspectives is a journal dedicated to worldwide Jungian thought and is designed to be enjoyed by both lay readers as well as professionals. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Public Reason", "ISSN": "20657285, 20658958", "Scope": "ScopePublic Reason is committed to a pluralistic approach, promoting interdisciplinary and original perspectives as long as the ideal of critical arguing and clarity is respected. The journal is intended for the international philosophical community, as well as for a broader public interested in political and moral philosophy. It aims to promote philosophical exchanges with a special emphasis on issues in, and discussions on the Eastern European space. \r\rPublic Reason publishes two issues per year, in June and December. All articles are available for download as .pdf, .mobi, and .epub, but the journal is also available in print. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Reabilitacijos Mokslai: Slauga, Kineziterapija, Ergoterapija", "ISSN": "20293194, 25388673", "Scope": "ScopeReabilitacijos mokslai: slauga, kineziterapija, ergoterapija (Eng. Rehabilitation Sciences: Nursing, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy) is a twice a year published, peer-reviewed Open Access journal which publishes original papers on the latest empirical and theoretical research conducted either at the national or international level dealing with various aspects of Rehabilitation, Physiotherapy, Nursing, Occupational Therapy as well as injury and disease prevention. Particular attention will be provided to those original papers with clinical rebound in the Rehabilitation field.\r\rAll papers submitted to the journal should contain original research not previously published (except preliminary reports or conference thesis). The material published in the journal should be new, true to fact and precise. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "ReOrient", "ISSN": "20555601, 2055561X", "Scope": "ScopeReOrient is an interdisciplinary journal that has no geographical focus but is dedicated to rethinking those entities and events considered to lie outside the conceptuality of Western hegemony – culturally, geopolitically and philosophically. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Research in Language", "ISSN": "17317533, 20834616", "Scope": "ScopeResearch in Language (RiL) is an international journal committed to publishing excellent studies in the area of linguistics and related disciplines focused on human communication. Language studies, as other scholarly disciplines, undergo two seemingly counteracting processes: the process of diversification of the field into narrow specialized domains and the process of convergence, strengthened by interdisciplinarity. It is the latter perspective that RiL editors invite for the journal, whose aim is to present language in its entirety, meshing traditional modular compartments, such as phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics, and offer a multidimensional perspective which exposes varied but relevant aspects of language, e.g. the cognitive, the psychological, the institutional aspect, as well as the social shaping of linguistic convention and creativity. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion", "ISSN": "10468064", "Scope": "ScopeRSSSR is an interdisciplinary and international annual series which disseminates original reports\rof research related to the sociology and/or psychology of religion. Manuscripts should be\roriginal contributions (not reprints or material available on the internet) based upon appropriate\rquantitative or qualitative methods of research applied to the study of religion. They should not\rbe under consideration for publication elsewhere and should comply with the professional\rethical standards of psychology, sociology, and other social science professions. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Medica de Rosario", "ISSN": "3275019", "Scope": "ScopeLa Revista Médica de Rosario es el órgano científico del Círculo Médico de Rosario (Argentina) y de sus sociedades filiales; fue fundada en 1911. Su objetivo es difundir trabajos redactados en castellano, que aborden aspectos clínicos o experimentales dentro de la Medicina que puedan considerarse de utilidad e interés para la comunidad científica. Dichos trabajos habrán de ser inéditos, cumplir los requisitos uniformes para las publicaciones biomédicas y estar comprendidos en algunas de las secciones de la revista. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Republicana", "ISSN": "19094450, 22565027", "Scope": "ScopeLa Revista Republicana es una publicación semestral del Centro de Investigaciones de la Corporación Universitaria Republicana, institución universitaria ubicada en Bogotá D.C, Colombia. Tiene el propósito de visibilizar la producción académica de investigadores nacionales e internacionales concretada en artículos científicos que deben ser inéditos, resultado de proyectos de investigación preferiblemente terminados; en temas relacionados con el derecho y las ciencias sociales. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revue du Praticien", "ISSN": "352640", "Scope": "ScopeElle a toujours accompagné, commenté et explicité tous les développements de la médecine, en créant des nouveaux outils de formation grâce à son site Internet et ses compléments multimédia (vidéos de gestes techniques, photothèques, quiz en ligne…).\r\rElle aide ainsi les médecins à :\r\r-Repérer les données nouvelles et pertinentes dans une médecine sans cesse en mouvement\r-Agir et prescrire en toute connaissance de cause dans l’intérêt de leurs patients\r-Appuyer le raisonnement qui doit convaincre les patients du bien-fondé de leurs décisions\r-Décrypter les débats de société qui ont un impact sur la pratique médicale et la prise en charge de vos patients.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ri-Vista", "ISSN": "17246768", "Scope": "ScopeRi-Vista is an open access and and peer reviewed six-monthly scientific journal in electronic format. Founded in 2003, the second series was launched in 2015, when Ri-Vista became part of the scientific journals of the University of Florence. The journal does not ask any charges neither from authors nor readers and operates through international calls for papers and double-blind peer review. Ri-Vista deals with the multiple dimensions of landscape planning and design, seen from a rich variety of disciplines, in a scientific and open perspective which is distinctive of landscape architecture. Each issue aims at gathering knowledge and visions around specific topics, promoting innovative and responsible actions for creation, protection, restoration and management of landscapes.\rContributions in Ri-Vista are welcome. We assure:\r•\topen access to contribution (authors retain copyright)\r•\tpeer-review by international experts\r•\twide dissemination of published contributions both in the national and international area, with the help of specific tools.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Romanian Journal of Political Science", "ISSN": "1582456X, 20687613", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal publishes a diverse range of political science articles, especially from fields currently under-covered, such as comparative politics, public policy, political economy, or political psychology, covering Romanian or broader Central or South - East European issues. Papers are theory-grounded and based on solid empirical work. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Salus", "ISSN": "13167138, 2443440X", "Scope": "ScopeSalus es una revista arbitrada de divulgación científica multidisciplinaria editada por la Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud de la Universidad de Carabobo, Valencia, Venezuela. Su objetivo es propiciar y promover la divulgación de la investigación en el ámbito del conocimiento científico, humanístico y social en los diferentes campos de la investigación básica y/o aplicada en Ciencias de la Salud.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Siberian Medical Review", "ISSN": "18199496, 25000136", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal ''Siberian Medical Review'' was published for the first time in 1918, and in 2001 it was revitalized. It is the official journal of Krasnoyarsk state medical University named after Professor V. F. Voino-Yasenetsky. Since 2007 the journal has been among the peer-reviewed scientific serials reflecting the results of interdisciplinary research focused on the development of advanced medical technologies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Specialusis Ugdymas", "ISSN": "13925369, 24243299", "Scope": "ScopeSpecial Education is an international publication, aiming at supplementing research and practical resources of education and social participation of persons with disabilities. It provides a forum for scientists and practitioners who work with people having disabilities in various spheres and environments of life. Special Education has also a research communication mission: it unites scientists and practitioners from Baltic and other countries who work in the sphere of education and social participation of persons with disabilities. Papers for publishing in this journal undergo expert /peer evaluation and present results of analysis of reflection, empirical research, and practical experiences of educational and social intervention. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Stem-, Spraak- en Taalpathologie", "ISSN": "9247025", "Scope": "ScopeHet tijdschrift Stem-, Spraak-, Taalpathologie (SSTP) is een wetenschappelijk tijdschrift over stem-, spraak- en taalstoornissen. Het richt zich op onderzoekers en professionals in de gezondheidszorg en het onderwijs in Nederland en België. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Synergies Algerie", "ISSN": "19585160, 22605029", "Scope": "ScopeSynergies Algérie , revue publiée et éditée par le Gerflint accueille les travaux des doctorants de l'Ecole Doctorale Algérienne de Français après évaluation positive des articles par son Comité Scientifique. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Synergies Espagne", "ISSN": "19619359, 22606513", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Teoria", "ISSN": "11221259", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal issues are mainly monographs. The topic of each issue is announced some months before publication. Authors who want to submit an article should follow the editorial rules. Teoria publishes articles in the main European languages. All articles are peer-reviewed. As soon as the evaluation is received, the author will be informed. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Teorie Vedy/ Theory of Science", "ISSN": "12100250, 18046347", "Scope": "ScopeTEORIE VĚDY / THEORY OF SCIENCE is a peer-reviewed academic journal founded in 1969. It focuses on the inquiry into philosophical and methodological principles of scientific knowledge. It traces the interrelationship of science, technology, and society; the problems of the historical development of science and knowledge; and the interdisciplinary relations across and within Humanities, Social, Natural, and Life Sciences. Public relevance of science is also addressed. The journal publishes original research articles in English and Czech languages. Unsolicited book reviews are typically in Czech. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Terrae Incognitae", "ISSN": "00822884, 20408706", "Scope": "ScopeTerrae Incognitae is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal published for the Society for the History of Discoveries. The aim is to examine the history and impact of geographic exploration and cross-cultural interaction around the globe prior to the modern era. Each issue includes an expansive book review section. Recent articles have ranged from the use of DNA technology to track the movement of chickens and thus populations in pre-historic Oceania to the role of the Order of Christ in furthering 16th-century Portuguese expansion; from the significance of inter-cultural adoption or rejection of clothing for understanding cross-cultural interaction to Marco Polo’s influence on cartography.\r\rTerrae Incognitae accepts contributions relating to geographic exploration and its impact from all chronologies before the modern era and relating to any part of the globe. The journal welcomes comparative and interdisciplinary studies as well as those focused on a particular time or place.\r\rThe origin of geographic discovery and exploration is lost to the mist of time—perhaps when an early hominid went searching for game and discovered another group of humans. Geographic discovery is about more than the moment of discovery, however. It is about theoretical geography put into practice; it is about bankrolling expeditions, whether through the investment of wealthy widows, old age pensions, financiers, or governments; it is about maps and mapmakers; it is about diplomats, missionaries, explorers, scallywags and pirates, naturalists, and merchant-adventurers. Geographic discovery is about people broadening their horizons, encountering one another for the first time, struggling to understand a foreign culture, and braving the unknown in search of a new destiny. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Textus", "ISSN": "00823767, 2589255X", "Scope": "ScopeFounded by the Hebrew University Bible Project in 1960, from 2018 onwards Textus will continue on a wider basis with more international exposure. The establishing of an international editorial board consisting of internationally recognized experts in various sub-disciplines of textual criticism, secures the high quality of the studies to be published in this journal.\r\rThe importance of the discipline of textual criticism received an enormous boost from the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, showing that the study of these ancient documents is absolutely necessary for the exegesis of Biblical literature. Textus covers that area as well as many additional ones, pertaining to all the fields that are traditionally studied by textual critics:\r\r• All the sub-areas relating to the text of the Hebrew Bible in antiquity and the Middle Ages, the Masorah, its vocalization and accents\r• The Bible texts found in the Judean Desert as well as manuscript studies on these texts\r• Primary translations of the Hebrew Bible, each in its own cultural and linguistic environment\r• Secondary translations of the Bible, each in its own cultural environment\r• Textual analysis of words, segments or books in Hebrew and translated Scripture\r• History of research on text-critical issues Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Tsitologiya", "ISSN": "413771", "Scope": "ScopeThe main goal of the Journal “Tsitologiya” is to acquaint readers with the latest scientific\rachievements in the field of cell biology and to create ideas about current trends and new\rpromising methods of cell biology. In addition to articles reflecting the results of basic research\rin the field of cell biology, the journal publishes articles that concern adjacent biomedical\raspects.\rThe Journal accepts the original papers not published previously and dealing with studies\ron both animal and plant cells, reviews, discussional papers, communications on new methods of\rinvestigations, reviews of books published the current year, chronicle.\rThe articles of the journal are mainly focused on researchers working in the field of cell\rbiology.\rIn addition, the journal is of interest to specialists working in allied sciences\r(biochemistry, biophysics, molecular biology, regenerative medicine, etc.).Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Turkiye Klinikleri Dermatoloji", "ISSN": "13000330, 21469016", "Scope": "Scopeurkiye Klinikleri Journal of Dermatology is a peer-reviewed scientific journal focusing on dermatology. It focuses on issues related to prevention, diagnosis and treatment of skin disorders,\rThe purpose of the Journal is to share knowledge related to and promoting the development of dermatology. It also aims to enrich the understanding and treatment and management of skin diseases/ dermatology and improve the patient outcomes in Turkey and around the world. The journal provides an opportunity in order to share the research based knowledge, clinical experience and practice besides providing readers with a deeper understanding of dermatology around the world, and the opportunity to enrich their own practices to improve global health in this field. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Varia Historia", "ISSN": "01048775, 19824343", "Scope": "ScopeVaria Historia was founded in 1985, formerly as Revista do Departamento de História, da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil.\r\rIn 1993, after consolidating its importance in Brazilian academic circles, the journal launched a new era looking forward to broaden its audience and improving its quality, with a new title.\r\rVaria Historia is a Latin expression by which we wish to affirm our journal as a vehicle for the diversity and the variety of contemporary historiography. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Wasafiri", "ISSN": "2690055", "Scope": "ScopeWasafiri encourages readers and writers to travel the world via the word. For over three decades, we have created a dynamic platform for mapping new landscapes in contemporary international writing featuring a diverse range of voices from across the UK and beyond. Committed to profiling the ‘best of tomorrow’s writers today’ we simultaneously celebrate those who have become established literary voices, offering a creative space for dialogue and debate. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Women, Gender, and Families of Color", "ISSN": "23260939, 23260947", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Yillik: Annual of Istanbul Studies", "ISSN": "26875012, 26875691", "Scope": "ScopeYILLIK: Annual of Istanbul Studies, which presents current research articles dealing with civilizations that existed in the city, written, oral and material cultures, the changing historical and human geographies of the city, traces of human and non-human actors, from the prehistoric era until today, is relaunched as a double blind peer-reviewed journal that aims to be indexed in national and international scientific publication indices.\r\r\r\rThe objectives of the YILLIK: Annual of Istanbul Studies is to set a scientific standard for research conducted on Istanbul—one of the most ancient, multilayered and largest cities in the world— to create a hub for researchers working on various disciplines and to serve as a reference source. As such, the journal strives to contribute to the blossoming and the institutionalization of Istanbul-related research fields.\r\rYILLIK: Annual of Istanbul Studies, published once a year, will publish double blind peer-reviewed individual articles as well as special section articles, essays (Meclis), short essays on historical documents from the collections of Suna and İnan Kıraç Foundation (Cabinet), book/exhibition reviews, and a regularly updated Istanbul bibliography. YILLIK: Annual of Istanbul Studies is accepting submissions of original articles in Turkish or English by researchers working on the history, architecture and history of art, archaeology, sociology, anthropology, geography, urban planning, urban studies, and other related fields with focus on various periods of the city. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Zbornik Matice Srpske za Slavistiku", "ISSN": "3525007", "Scope": "ScopeStarted at the time when Serbian philological periodicals were less diverse than today, the Matica Srpska Journal for Slavic Studies (until 1984 – Journal for Slavic Studies) has since its beginning been a journal for Slavic philology, while other areas of Slavic studies were less represented there, mainly in the chronicles of scientific life and scientific criticism. Within the Slavic philological issues in the Matica Srpska Journal for Slavic Studies special attention is paid to the topics of Slavic literatures and their study in the light of literary history, theory, interpretation, comparative studies, reception, but also to Slavic languages in isolation or in various forms of comparative, typological and contrastive studies. In addition, the Matica Srpska Journal for Slavic Studies motivates the research of Slavic literatures and languages in the context of Slavic and all other cultures with the use of diverse contemporary multidisciplinary and methodological approaches.\r\rThe gradual increase in the of the profile of the Matica Srpska Journal for Slavic Studies happened parallel to the changes in the Editorial Board, which was headed from 1970 until 1993 by academician Milorad Živančević, from 1993 until 1998 by Professor Miodrag Sibinović, and from 1998 until 2012 by Professor Predrag Piper. The addition to the Editorial Board of Slavists with complementary research interests should be an investment for a more complete representation of various branches of Slavic philology in the Matica Srpska Journal for Slavic Studies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Academic Questions", "ISSN": "08954852, 19364709", "Scope": "ScopeAmerican higher education has been profoundly compromised in the past three decades. Standards have been eroded, the curriculum has been debased, and research has been trivialized or distorted by ideology. Yet the established voices of the academy often speak in tones that are self-congratulatory rather than self-critical. Academic Questions utilizes the best of scholarly analysis to explore the conspicuous vices, as well as the virtues, of the contemporary university. A journal dedicated to strengthening the integrity of scholarship and teaching, Academic Questions examines issues that arise from the interplay between politics, ideology, scholarship, and teaching in higher education. Among the questions explored are the maintenance of scholarly standards, the quality and even-handedness of peer review, the preservation of intellectual tolerance and civility on campus and within academic associations, and the relationship between government and education. A critique of the academy by academics themselves, Academic Questions upholds the traditions of humanism and intellectual freedom. Academic Questions is the official journal of the National Association of Scholars. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Afriques", "ISSN": "21086796", "Scope": "ScopeAfriques est une revue internationale d’histoire des mondes africains, qui privilégie les époques antérieures au xxe siècle, en dialogue avec d’autres disciplines comme l’archéologie, la philologie, l’anthropologie, l’histoire de l’art ou la linguistique.\r\rÉditée par l'Institut des mondes africains (IMAF), cette revue électronique propose une publication du texte intégral en libre accès. Elle regroupe des articles écrits par des jeunes chercheurs et des spécialistes confirmés. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Agricultural Economics Review", "ISSN": "11092580", "Scope": "ScopeThe purpose of Agricultural Economics Review is to provide a new forum for the exchange and dissemination of ideas among scientists in order to encourage the development of theoretical and applied research in the field of Agricultural Economics.\r\r\rIt covers a wide spectrum of subjects and is open to multi-disciplinary approaches provided that they have a distinct agricultural economic orientation.\r\r\rSpecific subject areas are: economics of agricultural resources and the environment, agricultural policy, international trade, marketing of agricultural products, production economics, agricultural sociology, agricultural extension and education. \r\r\rThe submitted papers must be original in terms of the methods adopted or their application. They should not have been published or be currently under review in any other journal. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Alergia Astma Immunologia", "ISSN": "14273101", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Analise Social", "ISSN": "32573", "Scope": "ScopeAnálise Social is the most respected social science journal in Portugal and internationally in the area of Portuguese studies. Over half a century, the journal has kept its cutting-edge status due to its ability to attract top-quality research, both theoretically and empirically, and due to the originality and relevance of the subject-matters addressed in its pages.\r\rAnálise Social is a multidisciplinary journal, specializing in Sociology, History, Anthropology, Political Science and Social Psychology. Priority is given to publishing articles which:\r\rPresent empirical research based on theoretical concepts and models;\rDevelop new analytical and research methods;\rUse heuristic concepts to interpret social phenomena;\rDemonstrate the theoretical implications of empirical research;\rContribute to developing comparative approaches to the topics studied.\rWhilst most of its articles deal with social scientific research on Portugal, Análise Social is also open to publishing articles on any other region, particularly when these provide new comparative and analytical insights.\r\rAnálise Social comes out four times a year, is indexed on several abstract and citation databases and follows a rigorous peer review procedure. This journal provides free immediate open access to its content.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Annali di Storia dell'Esegesi", "ISSN": "11204001", "Scope": "ScopeAnnali di Storia dell’Esegesi è una rivista a cadenza semestrale, dedicata prevalentemente alla storia del cristianesimo e alla storia dell’interpretazione cristiana ed ebraica della Bibbia. Grazie alla sua prospettiva interdisciplinare e al suo pieno coinvolgimento nell’attuale dibattito scientifico, la rivista è divenuta col tempo un punto di riferimento imprescindibile per lo studio generale dei fenomeni religiosi. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Architectural History", "ISSN": "0066622X", "Scope": "ScopeArchitectural History is a double-blind, peer-reviewed international journal that publishes significant original and interpretive research on buildings, the built environment, the history of architectural theory, and architectural historiography, in all places and periods. Articles in Architectural History are intended to be rigorous, analytical, and, although closely focused, also contextualize their subject and explore its relevance in relation to wider issues concerning the history and understanding of architecture. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "ATA Journal of Legal Tax Research", "ISSN": "1543866X", "Scope": "ScopeThe ATA Journal of Legal Tax Research publishes creative and innovative studies that employ legal research methodologies. JLTR is online-only and publishes semi-annually, and is indexed in ESCI. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Chiba Medical Journal", "ISSN": "3035476", "Scope": "ScopeThe Chiba Medical Journal is issued by the Chiba Medical Society based at Chiba University, and is an open-access peer-reviewed academic journal for basic and clinical biomedical research.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "China Nonprofit Review", "ISSN": "18765092, 18765149", "Scope": "ScopeIn the course of China’s transition from a planned to a market economy, social governance has begun to experience a transformation from a system of regulation solely by the government to joint governance by government agencies, businesses and nonprofit organizations. As China’s social system is being redefined, Chinese nonprofits have become an important and complex force of social development and progress, comprising not only the governmental not-for-profit organizations of the old system, but also a wide array of newly-emerging social, political and civil groups. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Chinese Journal of Microbiology and Immunology", "ISSN": "2545101", "Scope": "ScopeArticles pertaining to basic and clinical studies within the broad field of microbiology and immunology as well as related fields are considered for publication.\r\rSubjects covered:\rCJMI covers subjects such as Bacteriology, Virology, Molecular Microbiology, Clinical Microbiology, Vaccine, Basic Immunology, Clinical Immunology, Molecular Immunology, Immunogenetics, Tumor Immunology. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Chinese Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology", "ISSN": "10003002", "Scope": "ScopeChinese Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology was first published in November 1986. As a journal of high academic value jointly edited by the Chinese Pharmacological Society, Chinese Society of Toxicology and the Academy of Military Medical Sciences (AMMS), it is a dominating one in China’s biomedicine, devoted to publication of research findings, reviews of special topic and new technologies and methods in every branch of experimental toxicology and pharmacology. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Chirurgische Praxis", "ISSN": "94846", "Scope": "ScopeMit der \"chirurgischen praxis\" hat sich der Hans Marseille Verlag vor mehr als 50 Jahren die Aufgabe gestellt, Wissen und Erfahrung für Klinik und Praxis eng miteinander zu verknüpfen und niedergelassene sowie in der Klinik tätige Chirurginnen und Chirurgen über das gesamte Spektrum der Chirurgie praxisnah und unabhängig zu informieren.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Dix-Neuf", "ISSN": "14787318", "Scope": "ScopeDix-Neuf, the journal of the Society of Dix-Neuviémistes, is a forum for cutting-edge research in nineteenth-century French and francophone studies in all relevant disciplines. It is interdisciplinary in focus and seeks to promote wide-ranging critical and theoretical debate. The journal brings together a team of internationally recognized scholars on its editorial and advisory boards. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Elelmiszervizsgalati Kozlemenyek", "ISSN": "4229576", "Scope": "ScopeThe main topics, which we are waiting to issue in our paper, are the next:\r\r\rChemical food and feed analysis (ingredients, macro-, mezo- and micro components, harmful pollutants, processing by-products etc.);\rGeneral food and feed chemistry related to several food and feed processing technologies;\rFood and feed toxicology;\rRelation between the agro technology and the food chain safety;\rMicrobiological food and feed analysis (pathogens, spoilage bacteria, general food/feed microbiology, microorganisms of several processing technologies etc.);\rRapid food and feed test methods (“classical” and instrumental technologies);\rMolecular biological food and feed analysis (GMOs, GMO analysis etc.)\rEffects of genetically modified organisms on the entire food chain and the environment;\rSensorial food and feed analysis;\rInvestigation of non-food products (mainly several disinfectants, production aids);\rInvestigation of food contact materials (migration tests, residual investigations, etc.);\rLegislation topics, regulation of the whole food chain on the territory of food and feed processing, retailing, distribution (European, Hungarian, other countries);\rStandardisation news and comments on the topics of whole food chain;\rOther topics, results of investigations etc. (the Editorial Board keeps the right to measure the manuscripts arriving to the Editorial Office according to the principles of the journal). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Estudos de Literatura Brasileira Contemporanea", "ISSN": "15180158, 23164018", "Scope": "ScopeEstudos de Literatura Brasileira Contemporânea é um periódico científico quadrimestral do Grupo de Estudos em Literatura Brasileira Contemporânea, da Pós-Graduação em Literatura da Universidade de Brasí­lia. A revista tem o compromisso de fomentar o debate crí­tico sobre a literatura contemporânea produzida no Brasil, em suas diferentes manifestações, a partir dos mais diversos enfoques teóricos e metodológicos, com abertura para o diálogo com outras literaturas e outras expressões artí­sticas. Seu conteúdo destina-se, em especial, a pesquisadores, professores e estudantes interessados em literatura brasileira contemporânea. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ethiopian Renaissance Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities", "ISSN": "24096377, 24096385", "Scope": "ScopeThe Ethiopian Renaissance Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities aims to disseminate quality research in selected fields of social sciences and humanities. This journal seeks to address multidisciplinary research and scholarship by focusing on research problems in real-world situations. The editorial team attempts to present relevant and emerging scholarship for the innovative contribution to theoretical and practical aspects of social and human sciences. The journal adheres to the acceptance of research that is related to diverse fields of social sciences and humanities, including anthropology, sociology, geography, history, international relations, linguistics, music/film, political science, psychology, social work, and women and gender studies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "European Journal of American Culture", "ISSN": "14660407, 17589118", "Scope": "ScopeThe European Journal of American Culture (EJAC) is an academic, peer-reviewed journal for scholars, academics and students from many disciplines with a common involvement in the interdisciplinary study of America and American culture, drawing on a variety of approaches and encompassing the whole evolution of the country. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Festival dell'Architettura Magazine", "ISSN": "20390491", "Scope": "ScopeFAMagazine. ricerche e progetti sull'architettura e la città è la rivista on-line del Festival dell'Architettura a temporalità bimestrale. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Fizjoterapia Polska", "ISSN": "16420136, 20844328", "Scope": "ScopeQuarterly: Polish Journal of Physiotherapy. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Frontiers of Law in China", "ISSN": "16733428, 16733541", "Scope": "ScopeFrontiers of Law in China (FLC) is a peer-reviewed academic journal, which presently publishes original papers. Its aim is to provide a forum for global jurists and legal practitioners, who are interested in Chinese law and the legal issues on the reform of Chinese contemporary legal system and that of other countries related in a global context. Its covers civil law, commercial law, economic law, environmental law, intellectual property law, penal law, procedural law, administrative law, international law, and legal history.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Hispania", "ISSN": "182133", "Scope": "ScopeDevoted to the teaching of Spanish and Portuguese, Hispania is published by the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese. Hispania invites the submission of original, unpublished manuscripts on language, linguistics, literature, literary criticism, film, culture, cultural studies, applied linguistics and pedagogy having to do with Spanish and Portuguese. Hispania publishes scholarly articles that are judged to be of interest to specialists in the discipline(s) as well as to a diverse readership of teachers of Spanish and Portuguese. Hispania is the official journal of the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Historia Caribe", "ISSN": "01228803, 23226889", "Scope": "ScopeHistoria Caribe, founded in 1995, is a biannual journal specializing in historical issues edited by the Historical Research Group on Education and National Identity attached to the History Program of the Faculty of Human Sciences of the Universidad del Atlántico. Due to its rigor and diffusion, it has managed to position itself as the most important magazine specialized in history in the Colombian Caribbean region. This editorial project aims to promote historical knowledge in the region and in the country. It considers for its publication works that are the result or advance of original investigations and that signify a relevant contribution to regional, national and international historical knowledge. The journal keeps its pages open to historiographic debate and to new trends in the disciplines.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Historical Reflections", "ISSN": "03157997, 19392419", "Scope": "ScopeHistorical Reflections/Réflexions Historiques (HRRH) has established a well-deserved reputation for publishing high quality articles of wide-ranging interest for over forty years. The journal, which publishes articles in both English and French, is committed to exploring history in an interdisciplinary framework and with a comparative focus. Historical approaches to art, literature, and the social sciences; the history of mentalities and intellectual movements; the terrain where religion and history meet: these are the subjects to which Historical Reflections/Réflexions Historiques is devoted. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Huaxue Fanying Gongcheng Yu Gongyi/Chemical Reaction Engineering and Technology", "ISSN": "10017631", "Scope": "Scope《化学反应工程与工艺》是由浙江大学联合化学反应工程研究所和上海石油化工研究院共同主办,中国石油化工集团公司经济技术研究院主管的科学技术类刊物。其宗旨是反映我国化学反应工程和有关工艺方面的科技成果,促进国内外的学术交流,并为我国社会主义现代化的建设服务。\r  《化学反应工程与工艺》以刊登化学反应工程领域内的科学研究论文、工程和工艺相结合的应用性论文为主,并辟有“专论”“工业应用”“技术论坛”“研究简报”“专题讲座”等专栏。主要内容包括:化学反应动力学、催化剂及催化反应工程、反应工程技术及其分析、反应装置中的传递过程、流态化及多相流反应工程、聚合反应工程、生化反应工程、反应过程和反应器的数学模型及仿真、工业反应装置结构特性的研究、反应器放大和过程开发以及特约论述等。 Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Huaxue Gongcheng/Chemical Engineering", "ISSN": "10059954", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Indian Drugs", "ISSN": "0019462X", "Scope": "ScopeIndian Drugs is the scientific publication of the Indian Drug Manufacturers' Association (IDMA). The Indian Drugs Journal started its journey towards Nation building in 1963 with the aim to provide an excellent opportunity to the Indian Pharmaceutical research community to publish their original research manuscripts without charging any fees.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Cardiovascular Research Journal", "ISSN": "22519130, 22519149", "Scope": "ScopeThe International Cardiovascular Research Journal aims at publishing the high quality materials, both clinical and scientific, on all aspects of Cardiovascular Medicine and Surgery. It includes articles related to research findings, technical evaluations, and reviews. In addition, it provides a forum for exchanging information on all aspects of Cardiovascular Medicine and Surgery, including education issues.\r\rIn addition to publishing original papers on all aspects of Cardiovascular Medicine and Surgery, the journal also features Reviews, Clinical Perspectives, ESC Guidelines and editorial articles about recent developments in Cardiovascular Medicine and Surgery as well as encouraging correspondence from its readers. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Critical Indigenous Studies", "ISSN": "18370144", "Scope": "ScopeThe International Journal of Critical Indigenous Studies disseminates scholarship across the Humanities, Social Sciences, Health Sciences, Law and Education in the field of Indigenous Studies. Indigenous scholars from around the world share common experiences of colonisation. Our collective politics have been shaped by our intellectual traditions which inform our work within the academy.\r\rAs Critical Indigenous Studies is a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary field the journal's epistemological framework encompasses but is not restricted to Sociology, Law, Literature, Psychology, Education, Anthropology, History, Economics, Philosophy, Politics, Visual and Performing Arts, Cultural studies, Queer studies, Feminism, Human Geography, Environmentalism, Postcolonial studies and Race studies. The journal brings together emergent and ground breaking research in the field of Indigenous studies within the global community offering for critical international engagement and debate.\r\rAs a fully peer-reviewed journal with distinguished members across a range of disciplines on the editorial board, the quality of accepted submissions is of the highest standard. The journal brings together emergent and ground breaking research in the field of Indigenous studies within the global community offering for critical international engagement and debate. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Health, Wellness, and Society", "ISSN": "21568960, 21569053", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Iberian Studies", "ISSN": "1364971X, 17589150", "Scope": "ScopeInternational Journal of Iberian Studies is published in partnership with the Association for Contemporary Iberian Studies The International Journal of Iberian Studies (IJIS) is the academic journal for scholars from around the world whose research focuses on contemporary Iberia (twentieth and twenty-first century). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal on Stereo and Immersive Media", "ISSN": "21841241", "Scope": "ScopeThe International Journal on Stereo & Immersive Media (IJSIM) is an open-access and peer-reviewed journal that reflects on immersive media cultures developed with historical media and with state-of-the-art technologies. IJSIM is a Scopus-indexed journal edited since 2017 that explores the immersive features of modern media, ranging from Panoramas and Stereoscopic Photography to Extended Reality. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Iranian Journal of Information Processing Management", "ISSN": "22518223, 22518231", "Scope": "ScopeIranian Journal of Information Processing & Management Quarterly is a peer-reviewed journal. Its first issue was published in September 1972 as “IRANDOC Technical Bulletin”. It was later changed name to “Information Science Quarterly” then “Information Science and Technology Quarterly” and finally \" Iranian Journal of Information Proccessing & Management\". All rights for this periodical, whether intellectual or otherwise, are reserved for Iranian Research Institute for Information Science and Technology. Now, This journal is electronical open access and every one can access it freely. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Italianist", "ISSN": "02614340, 1748619X", "Scope": "ScopeThe Italianist , which first appeared in 1981, has become established as one of the leading international journals of Italian Studies. From the start, it has distinguished itself from other scholarly periodicals by the broad of its interests, opening its pages to articles dealing with all aspects of Italian art, culture, and life from the Middle Ages to the present. Thus it has successfully brought\rtogether medieval philology and modern critical theory, history and gender studies, dialectology and cultural studies, history of art and the history of cinema, linguistics and economics. The dedicated annual film issue of the journal, launched in 2009, publishes work on all aspects of Italian screen studies, and has featured special sections on television, political cinema, and representations of the mafia.\r\rAlthough The Italianist primarily embraces original research, it also aims to provide space for other kinds of publication. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Jerusalem Review of Legal Studies", "ISSN": "22197117, 22197125", "Scope": "ScopeJerusalem Review of Legal Studies is a law journal dedicated to in depth discussions of important studies of and in law. Each issue consists of several symposia on a book or a research project, which entail critical comments by commentators and a response by the person whose research project it is.\r\rThe JRLS engages books and other research projects in all methodological disciplines of legal theory, and of all legal areas. The projects discussed are chosen by the editors based on their importance, theoretical significance, interest, and influence. The JRLS ensures that the selection of commentators is such as to encourage critical examination of the relevant work both from within the relevant subdiscipline, and from related fields and subdisciplines. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam", "ISSN": "3344118", "Scope": "ScopeJerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam (JSAI) is a peer-reviewed academic journal, published twice a year (as of 2019). JSAI appears in print only, but select articles are available for purchase in PDF format through our Orders page. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of American Culture, The", "ISSN": "15427331, 1542734X", "Scope": "ScopeMultidisciplinary in focus, The Journal of American Culture combines studies of American literature, history, and the arts, with studies of the popular, the taken-for-granted, and the ordinary pieces of American life, to produce analyses of American culture with a breadth and holism lacking in traditional American studies. \rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Band Research", "ISSN": "219207", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Band Research is an official publication of The American Bandmasters Association and was begun in 1964. The Journal is edited and typeset in Greensboro, North Carolina and is published twice a year, in the Fall and in the Spring, by Troy University in Troy, Alabama.\r\rThe Journal of Band Research is the premiere scholarly publication in the world devoted to band music, band history and band methodology. Articles accepted for publication in the JBR receive peer scrutiny by a distinguished editorial review board. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Chinese Medicine", "ISSN": "1438042", "Scope": "ScopeWe focus on publishing articles with direct clinical relevance, and are especially keen on acupuncture articles. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Ecclesiastical History", "ISSN": "00220469, 14697637", "Scope": "ScopeSince 1950 The Journal of Ecclesiastical History has published original research articles, scholarly reviews, review articles, notes and documents, relating to all aspects of the history of Christianity. The journal's extends to cultural, institutional, intellectual, political, social and any other relevant form of history; to all periods from ancient to modern; and to all regions of the world. Contributors address detailed research questions as well as engaging with the wider issues in the field. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Integrated OMICS", "ISSN": "21820287", "Scope": "ScopeJIOMICS provides a forum for the publication of original research papers, letters to the editor, short communications, and critical reviews in all branches of pure and applied –omics subjects, such as proteomics, metabolomics, metallomics and genomics. Especial interest is given to papers where more than one –omics subject is covered. Papers are evaluated based on scientific novelty and demonstrated scientific applicability. Original research papers on fundamental studies, and novel sensor and instrumentation development, are especially encouraged. Novel or improved findings in areas such as clinical, medicinal, biological, environmental and materials –omics are welcome. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Oncological Science", "ISSN": "24523364, 26514532", "Scope": "ScopeJournal of Oncological Science (JOS) is the official journal of Turkish Society of Medical Oncology. The journal is an international quarterly periodical published on independent, unbiased, double-blinded and peer-review principles. The language of publication is English. \r\rJOS is published every 4 months (total of 3 issues per year).\r\rWith a large international editorial board of experts, JOS aims to advance clinically-relevant knowledge of cancer, and improve prevention, diagnosis and treatment of malignant disease. It provides an integrated view of oncology across all disciplines. The emphasis will be on publishing high quality papers rapidly and freely available to researchers worldwide.\r\rJOS is an international multidisciplinary oncology journal, which publishes high quality original research, reviews, short communications (as letters), case reports and editorial comments on basic and preclinical cancer research, translational oncology, clinical oncology including medical oncology, pediatric oncology, radiation oncology, surgical oncology, therapeutic radiology and cancer epidemiology and prevention.\r\rThe target readership includes academic members, specialists, residents, and general practitioners working in the fields of oncology, radiation oncology, nuclear medicine, and internal medicine. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Pediatric Emergency and Intensive Care Medicine(Turkey)", "ISSN": "27179206", "Scope": "ScopeJournal of Pediatric Emergency and Pediatric Intensive Care is the periodical publishing organ of Turkish Society of Pediatric Emergency and Intensive Care Medicine. The journal is an independent, peer-reviewed international, published quarterly in April, August, December. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Social Inclusion", "ISSN": "18368808", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Social Inclusion (JoSI) is a peer-reviewed academic journal that will contribute to current knowledge and understanding of the social processes that marginalise individuals, families and communities.\r\rThe journal provides an accessible forum for informed critical debate on the issue of social inclusion in the form of:\r\r-editorials\r\r-peer-reviewed scholarly articles \r\r-conference papers\r\r-commentary\r\r-book reviews\r\r-photo essays.\r\rJournal of Social Inclusion (JoSI) will present both an Australian and a broader international perspective, from a wide range of methodological and theoretical points of departure. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering", "ISSN": "21660123", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering is ATMAE's on-line peer-refereed scholarly journal. It was previously published as the Journal of Industrial Technology from 1984 through 2011. The JTMAE publishes peer-refereed scholarly articles involving research and applications, along with non-refereed informational articles. Our audience is Technology, Technology Management, and Applied Engineering faculty, students and professionals in both industry and academia. The JTMAE continually posts new articles in an annual volume, with 4 issues in each volume, posted in January, April, July and October. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Victorian Culture", "ISSN": "13555502, 17500133", "Scope": "ScopeJournal of Victorian Culture (JVC) interprets the notions of 'Victorian' and 'Culture' very broadly, and solicits articles dealing with any aspect of the long nineteenth century and its legacies, focusing on Britain and all other parts of the world where culture can be studied in a Victorian context. JVC is addressed to scholars working within the various disciplines that traditionally have constituted Victorian studies; it also confronts issues about and raises questions across disciplinary boundaries.\r\rThe editorial board welcomes articles that adopt an interdisciplinary approach to their subject matter. However, the board also encourages articles which, while focusing on one sub-discipline, reflect on the implications of their argument for other Victorian studies constituencies. All manuscripts should be written in a style accessible across disciplines. Authors should keep in mind this question: how is this research of interest to other Victorianists? Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Kyobu geka. The Japanese journal of thoracic surgery", "ISSN": "215252", "Scope": "Scope1948年創刊。常に最近の話題を満載した、わが国で最も長い歴史と伝統を持つ専門誌。 ・心、肺、食道3領域の外科を含む商業医学雑誌として好評を得ている。 ・複数の編集委員(主幹)による厳正な査読を経た投稿論文を主体とした構成。 ・巻頭の「胸部外科の指針」は、投稿原稿の中から話題性、あるいは問題性のある論文を選定し、2人の討論者による誌上討論を行っている。 Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Literatura", "ISSN": "02580802, 16481143", "Scope": "ScopeLiteratūra (Eng. Literature) is an international diamond open access research journal the aim of which is to publish scholarly and critical articles on Lithuanian and World literatures, and the Classics as well as cultural studies, targeted at scholarly and academic community. It appears annually and regularly (4 issues per year). Each issue is numbered and devoted to the specific subject: Lithuanian literature, the Classics, Russian literature, Western literatures. Each issue consists primarily of research papers/articles in full text. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Maghreb - Machrek", "ISSN": "17623162, 22716815", "Scope": "ScopeMaghreb-Mashrek is a social science journal of politics on the Arab-Muslim world. It brings together articles from researchers on the following themes: political systems, social mobilizations, transnational dynamics and international relations. On all these points, while adopting a historical perspective in order to understand the current developments, it deals with contemporary issues in this region to offer an in-depth analysis.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Medecine Therapeutique Pediatrie", "ISSN": "12865494, 19524188", "Scope": "ScopeMédecine Thérapeutique Pédiatrie, unique revue thématique française en pédiatrie, propose à chaque parution un dossier exhaustif, coordonné par un expert référent et permettant de disposer de l’état de l’art dans tous les domaines liés à cette discipline. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Modern Medical Technology", "ISSN": "20729367", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal main purpose is to disseminate information about the results of scientific research that contains innovative ideas among doctors, researchers, medical professionals, teachers, pharmacologists, social workers and health organizers. By supporting and continuously deepening the knowledge and practical skills of specialists in the field of medicine, the journal promotes the quality of the provi-sion of medical care and the preservation of the health of all age groups. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Moderna Sprak", "ISSN": "00268577, 20003560", "Scope": "ScopeModerna språk is a journal dedicated to English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese languages, literatures and cultures. The articles in Moderna språk cover areas within linguistics, literature and culture and the main target group is language teachers and researchers at schools and universities worldwide. The publication is peer-reviewed. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Modernism/Modernity", "ISSN": "10716068", "Scope": "ScopeModernism/modernity focuses on the methodological, archival, and theoretical approaches particular to modernist studies. It encourages an interdisciplinary approach linking music, architecture, the visual arts, literature, and social and intellectual history. The journal's broad fosters dialogue about the history of modernism and its relations to modernization. Each issue features a selection of essays as well as book reviews. Additional articles and other peer-reviewed formats appear on the journal's Print Plus platform (modernismmodernity.org). Modernism/modernity is the official journal of the Modernist Studies Association (MSA). Winner of six awards from CELJ. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde", "ISSN": "00282162, 18768784", "Scope": "ScopeThe Dutch Journal of Medicine (‘Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde’, or NTvG) is the one of the world’s five oldest medical journals. First published in 1857, it has appeared weekly without interruption ever since. Its popularity amongst Dutch doctors has allowed the journal to remain independent and loyal to its principles of advancing medical practice through scientific research that is robust, trustworthy and independent. Prior to publication articles are subjected to peer review.\r\rThe Dutch Journal of Medicine is owned and published by the Dutch Journal of Medicine Society (‘Vereniging NTvG’). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Neonatology, Surgery and Perinatal Medicine", "ISSN": "22261230, 24134260", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal provides for discussion of the current world practice of perinatal medicine. The journal publishes the results of scientific research, literature reviews, clinical guidelines, case studies, announcements and materials of seminars and conferences, relevant to the discussion of pregraduate and postgraduate education of physicians and nurses. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Neurographics", "ISSN": "26378329", "Scope": "ScopeNeurographics is the peer-reviewed, quarterly educational journal of the American Society of Neuroradiology. The journal includes review articles as well as high-yield case reports that have been solicited from society meetings including the annual ASNR meeting as well as the American Society of Spine Radiology, the American Society of Pediatric Neuroradiology, the American Society of Functional Neuroradiology, and the American Society of Head and Neck Radiology meetings. Unsolicited educational review articles and case reports are also accepted for review at the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief. Submissions focusing on a pictorial approach to educational objectives are highly encouraged. The journal is open access and available online. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Novyj Istoriceskij Vestnik", "ISSN": "20729286", "Scope": "ScopeThe scholarly journal, “The New Historical Bulletin,” was founded in 2000 by Sergey Ippolitov (publisher) and Sergey Karpenko (editor-in-chief) both graduates of the Institute for History and Archives. Journal issues are prepared for publication under the auspices of the Institute for History and Archives of the Russian State University for the Humanities (Moscow).\r\rThe journal specializes in the publication of scholarly articles and popular essays on Medieval, Imperial, Modern, and Contemporary Russian history that utilize previously overlooked or newly discovered archival documents. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Obstetrics and Gynaecology Forum", "ISSN": "10291962", "Scope": "ScopeObstetrics and Gynaecology Forum is written by specialists in the field. It aims, primarily, to present articles on the practice of Obstetrics and Gynaecology in South Africa and is distributed to G.Ps and to specialists concerned with the rendering of healthcare to women. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Online Brazilian Journal of Nursing", "ISSN": "16764285", "Scope": "ScopeOur mission is to register, retrieve and disseminate information in the form of important scientific evidence, defending the editorial freedom and global integration of knowledge between researchers and practitioners of nursing and health. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Osteopathic Family Physician", "ISSN": "1877573X", "Scope": "ScopeOsteopathic Family Physician (OFP), the official journal of the American College of Osteopathic Family Physicians, is a peer-reviewed publication whose purpose is to deliver information that helps osteopathic family physicians care for their patients, improve their practices, and better understand the activities ACOFP is taking on for their behalf.\r\rThe content areas of the journal reflect the interests of Association members in such diverse topic areas as preventive medicine, managed care, osteopathic principles and practices, pain management, public health, medical education, and practice management.\r\rThe journal's particular emphases includes an active forum for the presentation of family medicine research in diverse settings, involving medical students, residents, fellows, and practicing professionals. Osteopathic Family Physician provides a forum for careful systematic reviews of primary care. As the official journal of the American College of Osteopathic Family Physicians, Osteopathic Family Physician publishes policy statements, communications from the Board of Governors, and notices of important Committee and Special Interest Group projects. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Parliamentary History", "ISSN": "2642824", "Scope": "ScopeParliamentary History provides a forum for current research and general interest articles covering the history of parliamentary institutions in the British Isles (including the Scottish and Irish Parliaments) from the Middle Ages to the Twentieth Century. The journal also encompasses legislatures of British colonies before independence, their origin, development and historical importance. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Pensiero Economico Italiano", "ISSN": "11228784, 17240581", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Politologija", "ISSN": "13921681, 24246034", "Scope": "ScopeThe academic quarterly Politologija (Eng. Politology) is a peer-reviewed political science journal with the longest publishing record in Lithuania. It is the main academic periodical in Lithuania encompassing all subjects of political science and international relations as well as interdisciplinary topics. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Poljarnyj Vestnik", "ISSN": "18909671", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Primerjalna Knjizevnost", "ISSN": "3511189", "Scope": "ScopePrimerjalna književnost (Comparative Literature) has been published since 1978 by the Slovenian Comparative Literature Association. It is issued three times a year and brings forth original articles in comparative literature, literary theory, literary methodology, literary aesthetics, and other fields devoted to literature and its contexts. Multidisciplinary ap­proaches are also welcome. The journal publishes articles in either Slovenian or (American) English, and occasionally also in other languages. All published papers are peer-reviewed. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Problemy Polityki Spolecznej", "ISSN": "16401808, 27197328", "Scope": "ScopeProblemy Polityki Społecznej. Social Policy Issues is a peer-reviewed scientific journal devoted to social policy, the welfare state and social problems. We publish empirical and theoretical articles, comparative analyses, including studies encompassing international, national, regional and local issues, and reviews. The mission of the journal is to deepen the understanding of social policy and social issues in Central and Eastern European countries.\r\rThe journal has been, first bi-annually and then quarterly (in March, June, September, December) published since 1999. It was created at the initiative of the research staff of the Institute of Social Policy of the University of Warsaw and the Committee of Labour and Social Policy Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences, which remains its scientific patron. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Proceedings from the Document Academy", "ISSN": "2473215X", "Scope": "ScopeThe Proceedings from the Document Academy publishes 1–2 issues a year as a record of the activities of the Document Academy, including peer-reviewed conference proceedings and special issues.\r\rThe Document Academy is an international network of scholars, artists, and professionals in various fields, who are interested in the exploration of the concept of the document as a resource for scholarly, artistic, and professional work.\r\rThe Document Academy fosters a multidisciplinary space for experimental and critical research on the document in the widest sense, drawing on scholarship, traditions, and experiences from the arts, humanities, social sciences, education, and natural science, and from diverse fields, such as information, media, museum, archives, culture and science studies.\r\rThe Document Academy originated as a co-sponsored effort by the Program of Documentation Studies, University of Tromsø, Norway, and the School of Information, University of California, Berkeley.\r\rThe Proceedings language is English. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Quaderni ACP", "ISSN": "20391374", "Scope": "ScopeRivista bimestrale di informazione politico culturale e di ausili didattici dell'Associazione Culturale Pediatri.\rIscritta nel registro nazionale della stampa. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Radovi Zavoda za Hrvatsku Povijest", "ISSN": "0353295X, 18490344", "Scope": "ScopeRadovi Zavoda za hrvatsku povijest interdisciplinarni je znanstveni časopis koji objavljuje znanstvene i stručne priloge s područja povijesnih i srodnih humanističkih znanosti, napose arheologije, povijesti umjetnosti, etnologije i antropologije. Otvoren je za humanističke stručnjake različitih profila u tuzemstvu i inozemstvu. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "RA'E GA - O Espaco Geografico em Analise", "ISSN": "15164136", "Scope": "ScopeA Revista RA'E GA - O Espaço Geográfico em Análise tem por objetivo a publicação de trabalhos inéditos e de carácter amplo, capazes de acrescentar novos conhecimentos ao saber geográfico em todas as suas vertentes ou de aprimorar às metodologias de análise espacial. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Research in Phenomenology", "ISSN": "00855553, 15691640", "Scope": "ScopeResearch in Phenomenology is an international peer-reviewed journal for current research in phenomenology and contemporary continental philosophy as practiced in its global setting. In addition to critical studies of major themes and figures in this area of research, the journal publishes studies dealing with current topics at the intersection of philosophy and the humanities, as well as historical studies relevant to the phenomenological tradition. The journal devotes one issue each year to a special topic and includes in-depth reviews of significant, recently published books in this area of research. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Colombiana de Nefrologia", "ISSN": "23897708, 25005006", "Scope": "ScopeThe Colombian Journal of Nephrology (Revista Colombiana de Nefrología) is a digital scientific publication, of open access, that publishes mainly research articles, reviews and clinical cases of Nephrology in Spanish or English. It has a continuous periodicity, with three issues per year, and a “double blind” evaluation system for the selection of its contents.\r\rAs of the particularities of its editorial line and thematic, the Journal seeks to contribute to scientific knowledge, clinical practice and education in nephrology. Its topics are diverse and include research on chronic kidney disease, kidney transplantation, kidney failure, dialysis, and acute kidney injury.\r\rIt is also engaged in publishing novel works and possible therapeutic strategies in areas such as nephroprotection, glomerular disease, hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, congenital nephropathies, rare diseases with renal involvement, diabetic nephropathy and quality management in nephrology. \r\rLikewise, due to the nature of its contents, the Journal is expected to be of interest to researchers in the field of nephrology at the international level, specialists, resident physicians and other medical professionals in training. \r\rThe Journal is funded by the Colombian Association of Nephrology and Arterial Hypertension, under the “diamond” open access model, that is, it has no cost for the authors in any of its phases (neither of submission nor of processing of the articles). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Espanola de Antropologia Fisica", "ISSN": "18872042, 22539921", "Scope": "ScopeThe Spanish Journal of Physical Anthropology (REAF) is a periodical publication by the Spanish Society of Physical Anthropology (SEAF).\r\rThe journal includes Articles, Short Reports, Literature Review and Notes in the Area of Knowledge of Physical Anthropology. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Luna Azul", "ISSN": "01225391, 19092474", "Scope": "ScopeThe Luna Azul Journal is an organ of academic and refereed diffusion that publishes articles that address environmental or ecological issues, whether of scientific research or technological development, original reflections or revisions. The productions, reflections, analyzes and revisions can come from any of the scientific areas defined by the OECD, namely: Natural Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Medical and Health Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities.\r\r\rThe journal is aimed at teachers and students of intermediate and higher educational levels, as well as at the executive and managerial levels of governmental bodies and environmental NGOs.\r\r\rThe purpose of the Revista Luna Azul is to contribute to the dissemination of research results on ecological-environmental issues, with the aim of highlighting the interdisciplinarity and multidimensionality of the subject in question. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Mexicana de Angiologia", "ISSN": "3774740", "Scope": "ScopeRevista Mexicana de Angiología is the official journal of the Sociedad Mexicana de Angiología, Cirugía Vascular y Endovascular AC.\r\rIt is a quarterly open access peer reviewed publication, that accepts original scientific articles and in-deep reviews in Spanish or English language, related to basic, epidemiological, surgical, and clinical aspects in the area of angiology. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Mexicana de Pediatria", "ISSN": "350052", "Scope": "ScopeLa Revista Mexicana de Pediatría es el órgano oficial de la Sociedad Mexicana de Pediatría y publica textos en español o en inglés de estudios, informes y trabajos relacionados con la pediatría, puericultura y otras áreas de interés en el conocimiento de la salud de niños y adolescentes.\r\rLos manuscritos se evalúan mediante un sistema de arbitraje por pares para su publicación en forma de artículos originales, artículos de revisión, comunicaciones breves, informes de casos clínicos y quirúrgicos, ensayos, novedades terapéuticas, noticias y cartas al editor. Las notas editoriales son por invitación directa del Editor y a propuesta del cuerpo editorial de la Revista.\r\rLos manuscritos deben ajustarse a los requerimientos del Comité Internacional de Editores de Revistas Biomédicas: Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revue Francaise d'Administration Publique", "ISSN": "1527401", "Scope": "ScopeLa Revue française d'administration publique (RFAP) est une revue scientifique de référence dans les domaines de l’administration et des politiques publiques, en particulier dans leurs dimensions comparées et européennes.\rElle publie des articles originaux dans ces domaines produits par des auteurs praticiens ou universitaires.\r\rFondée en 1977 par l'institut international d'administration publique, la RFAP est éditée depuis 2002 par l'ENA. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Rivista Italiana di Medicina Legale e del Diritto in Campo Sanitario", "ISSN": "24992852, 24992860", "Scope": "ScopeThe Italian Review of Legal Medicine and Law in Healthcare Area is the official publication of the Italian Society of Legal and Insurance Medicine (SIMLA).\r\rIt is also published in cooperation with two prestigious Italian institutes of juridical research, respectively involved in penal and in civil field: the Centro Studi “Federico Stella” sulla Giustizia penale e la Politica criminale (CSGP), operating at the Università Cattolica of Milan, and the Laboratorio Interdisciplinare Diritti e Regole, operating at the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna of Pisa.\r\rThis “joint venture” represents the traditional, double face of the Journal since its establishment, in the year 1979.\r\rDuring the following decades this linkage has been particularly fruitful, mostly because in Italy the operating rules of the Legal Medicine are strictly connected not only with the criminalistics institutions (essentially connected with the penal law and penal jurisdiction, in other countries pertaining to the coroner), but also with the civil law and the corresponding institutions, to whom the Italian Legal Medicine contribute with many activities, added to the classic forensic tasks (autopsies, crime scene investigations, forensic toxicology and genetics, criminology, etc.).\r\rIn this particular perspective, the Legal Medicine is burdened with evaluation of impairment, handicap and disability for social insurance and with the evaluation of the psycho-physical damage for private insurance.\r\rFurthermore, the Italian Legal Medicine is involved, also in the Academic Institutions in regard to deontological, normative and juridical questions inherent to medical malpractice, defensive medicine and any question belonging to the “new deal” of bio-medicine (living wills, euthanasia, assisted reproduction, etc.).Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "RSC Soft Matter", "ISSN": "20487681, 2048769X", "Scope": "ScopeSoft Matter provides a unique forum for the communication of significant advances in interdisciplinary soft matter research. There is a particular focus on the interface between chemistry, physics, materials science, biology and chemical engineering. Research may report new soft materials or phenomena, encompass their design, synthesis, and use in new applications; or provide fundamental insight and observations on their behaviour. Experimental, theoretical and computational soft matter approaches are encouraged.\rThe of Soft Matter covers the following.\r1.\tBulk soft matter assemblies, including colloids, granular matter, liquid crystals, networks, polymers, hybrids and active matter\r2.\tSoft nanotechnology and self-assembly\r3.\tBiological aspects of soft matter\r4.\tSurfaces, interfaces and interactions\r5.\tMechanistic insights and modellingJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Russian Journal of Neurosurgery", "ISSN": "16833295, 25877569", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Salud (i) Ciencia", "ISSN": "16678982, 16678990", "Scope": "ScopeSalud(i)Ciencia fosters the continuing development and scientific knowledge of the Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking medical community. The journal accepts papers on clinical, surgical or experimental medicine involving all human health sciences.\r\rThe quality of the papers it edits has been confirmed by professional reviewers who select and evaluate the documents to be published.\r\rSalud(i)Ciencia publishes its contents in Spanish, Portuguese and English. The first two are the most widely-spoken languages in Ibero-America and are thus considered essential in the transmission and clear understanding of the articles for study purposes and the further scientific development of professionals in the region.\r\rArticles by Brazilian or Portuguese authors are edited in Portuguese, while those terms or phrases that might prove difficult for Spanish-speakers are translated.\r\rSalud(i)Ciencia publishes original articles, reviews, clinical cases, observational studies, authors’ chronicles, interviews with specialists and other documents. It invites prominent authors from around the world to present their unpublished papers to the biomedical community catered for by the journal, which enjoys extensive physical and virtual distribution.\r\rThe journal respects the international standards and requisites governing the authorial and editorial production of biomedical scientific documentation. The content of such documentation undergoes external and internal scientific review. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "SEL - Studies in English Literature", "ISSN": "00393657, 15229270", "Scope": "ScopeSEL focuses on four fields of British literature in rotating, quarterly issues: English Renaissance, Tudor and Stuart Drama, Restoration and Eighteenth Century, and Nineteenth Century. The editors select learned, readable papers that contribute significantly to the understanding of British literature from 1500 to 1900. SEL is well known for the commissioned omnibus review of recent studies in the field that is included in each issue. In a single volume, readers might find an argument for attributing a previously unknown work to Shakespeare or de-attributing a famous work from Milton, a study of the connections between class and genre in the Restoration Theater, an interdisciplinary exploration of the art of the miniature and Fielding's novels, or a theoretical exposition of the \"material sublime\" in Romantic poetry written by women. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Social Medicine", "ISSN": "15577112", "Scope": "ScopeMedicina Social es un foro académico internacional con acceso abierto y revisión por pares destinado a la promoción y el desarrollo de la Medicina Social. La revista se escribe con la inventiva y la visión crítica y comprometida que animó a los fundadores de la Medicina Social. Para lograr esto:\r\r1. Actuamos como foro de investigación y docencia respecto a las formas en las que los factores sociales no sólo influyen sobre la salud y la enfermedad sino que a su vez son modificados por las mismas.\r\r2. Apoyamos los objetivos de Salud para Todos de Alma Ata y la visión holística de la salud contenida en la Carta de la OMS.\r\r3. Producimos materiales científicamente calificados, intelectualmente honestos, libres de sesgos comerciales, claramente escritos y presentados.\r\r4. Organizamos la revista de manera tal que refleje y apoye la diversa comunidad internacional que trabaja en el campo de la medicina social. Para realizar los objetivos de “Salud para Todos” debemos tener una revista que incluya todas las voces. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studia Musicologica", "ISSN": "393266", "Scope": "ScopeStudia Musicologica, the international journal of musicology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences is dedicated to the study of musicology in the broadest sense. The journal publishes longer studies, short essays, editions of documents with commentary, and reviews in English and German with special respect to subjects connected with the history of Hungarian and Central European music as well as folk (traditional) music of the region. Studia Musicologica welcomes articles on these topics using historical, historiographical and analytical perspectives based on archival research, contemporary fieldwork, and digital resources. The journal also considers review essays on thematically related books, music editions, and/or digital resources. Digitized or scanned music examples and plates are a welcome addition, yet authors are responsible for obtaining permission to include copyrighted material in any type of text published in the journal. Peer-review process in Studia Musicologica is double-blind; all submissions are evaluated by two readers. Original articles that are not under review elsewhere should be anywhere between 4,000 to 12,000 words (footnotes and bibliography included). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Symposium - Quarterly Journal in Modern Literatures", "ISSN": "00397709, 19310676", "Scope": "ScopeSymposium is a quarterly journal of criticism in modern literatures originating in languages other than English. Founded in 1946, the journal is housed in the Department of Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics at Syracuse University. Scholars of literature will find research on authors, themes, periods, genres, works, and theory, often through comparative or interdisciplinary studies. The journal publishes unsolicited essays as well as periodic special issues. Most issues include reviews of recent critical monographs in modern literatures. Although primarily in English, issues can include discussions of works in the original language. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Therapeutic Communities", "ISSN": "9641866", "Scope": "ScopeTC provides a forum in which those engaged in developing, managing and sustaining therapeutic cultures can publish original research, communicate experiences, consider the effects of political and social policy on their own settings, disseminate ideas, developments and findings, and communicate good practice.\r\rThe Consortium for Therapeutic Communities logo.\r\rThe journal publishes papers that critically and creatively engage with ideas drawn from a range of multidisciplinary discourses.\r\rContent includes: \r\rOriginal research\rReviews\rCommentaries\rCase studies\rOrganization studies\rOpinion and letters.\r\rTherapeutic Communities is the international journal of The Consortium for Therapeutic Communities (TCTC). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Tierarztliche Umschau", "ISSN": "493864", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence", "ISSN": "13460714", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Turkish Journal of Ear Nose and Throat", "ISSN": "26024837", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo Universiteta, Iskusstvovedenie", "ISSN": "22213007, 25422243", "Scope": "ScopeThe scientific journal Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo Universiteta, Iskusstvovedenie is included in the Scopus database. Publisher country is Russia. The main subject areas of published articles are History, Conservation, Music, Visual Arts and Performing Arts, Искусствоведение, HUMANITIES, MULTIDISCIPLINARY.\r\rWe offer making basic requirements to academic papers compliance test using \"Paper quality checking\" service. Paper quality checking service is in demand among researchers who wish to make final improvements to their work before submitting it to the target journal.The experienced editors of ORES, who have published papers in cited journals, with the participation of foreign partners go through finished articles. They perform complex checks on many parameters, improve the structure and logic of content, and conduct spell checks, among others. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Voprosy Onkologii", "ISSN": "5073758", "Scope": "ScopeProblems in oncology is a bimonthly academic peer-review medical journal.\r\rThe target audience of the journal: researchers in experimental and clinical oncology, pediatric oncology, radiation therapy of malignant tumors, medical biotechnology, medical cytology and histology, medical genetics and medical immunology, radiology and medical radiology, nuclear medicine, oncoendocrinology, oncological statistics, specialists in screening and epidemiology of cancer, rehabilitation of cancer patients, as well as oncologists, surgeons, anesthesiologists and resuscitators, children's oncologists, radiotherapists, radiographers and radiologists, specialists of ultrasonic diagnostics, medical cytology and pathological anatomy, rehabilitation of cancer patients and epidemiologists working in the cancer registries.\r\rThe journal publish articles on general principles of carcinogenesis, the role of sensitivity to the initiating action of carcinogenic agents of one type or another in different age groups. Articles on the study of mechanisms of genetic (hereditary) transmission of cancer, research on modern immunohistochemical and other methods of diagnosis of malignant tumors are published. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "War in History", "ISSN": "09683445, 14770385", "Scope": "ScopeWar in History journal takes the view that military history should be integrated into a broader definition of history, and benefits from the insights provided by other approaches to history.\r\rRecognising that the study of war is more than simply the study of conflict, War in History embraces war in all its aspects:\r\r-Economic-\rSocial-\rPolitical-\rMilitary.\r\rArticles include the study of naval forces, maritime power and air forces, as well as more narrowly defined military matters. There is no restriction as to period: the journal is as receptive to the study of classical or feudal warfare as to Napoleonic.\r\rThis fully peer reviewed journal provides you with a continuous update on war in history over many historical periods. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Welding and Cutting", "ISSN": "16123433", "Scope": "Scope“Welding and Cutting” is an English language technical journal covering welding, cutting and brazing technology and related fields, Welding and Cutting is published by DVS, the German Welding Society, in collaboration with The Welding Institute, United Kingdom and the Institut de Soudure, France. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "ZARCH", "ISSN": "23410531, 23870346", "Scope": "ScopeZARCH adopts a double perspective. Firstly, a global vision, that is international, although with its headquarters in our university and in the Spanish and European sphere, which implies coming to terms that most of the contributions are published in English, even though it seems compatible with a special attention to the Latin languages, not only in Spanish but also in French, Italian, Portuguese and others. Secondly, an interdisciplinary, transversal approximation with integrating visions, starting from the architectural field but open to other disciplines according with the changing limits and situations that today characterize the architecture field and urban studies. This leads us to the acceptance of close disciplines, from social sciences to technical visions, with logic condition of the scientific quality of contributions, previously evaluated by a rigorous system of arbitration. In any case, the Scientific Council's advice to the magazine, guarantees the rigour and the attention to the standpoints and methodologies more innovative in our fields.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Zeithistorische Forschungen", "ISSN": "16126033, 16126041", "Scope": "Scope»Zeithistorische Forschungen/Studies in Contemporary History« (ZF/SCH) ist ein Peer-Review-Journal, das seit 2004 frei zugänglich im Internet sowie in einer gedruckten Ausgabe im Verlag Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht erscheint. Pro Jahrgang werden drei Hefte publiziert. Geographisch, thematisch und methodisch verfolgt die Zeitschrift ein breites Verständnis von Zeitgeschichte: Beiträge zur deutsch-deutschen und europäischen Geschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts sowie besonders zur Phase des Systemkonflikts von 1945 bis 1990 bilden einen Schwerpunkt. Zugleich gibt es regelmäßig Blickerweiterungen in den amerikanischen, asiatischen oder afrikanischen Raum. Auch gegenwartsnahe Themen werden aufgegriffen und mit einer spezifisch zeithistorischen Perspektive untersucht. Anregungen aus Nachbardisziplinen wie den Politik-, Literatur-, Wirtschafts- und Medienwissenschaften, der Ethnologie und Soziologie sind dabei ausdrücklich erwünscht. Ein spezielles Augenmerk der Zeitschrift gilt den Inhalten und Methoden einer Visual History, also den Entstehungs-, Wirkungs- und Rezeptionszusammenhängen von Bildmedien im 20. Jahrhundert. Dieses inhaltliche Interesse drückt sich zugleich in der Präsentationsform der Zeitschrift aus: Bei der Verwendung von Bild- und Tondokumenten versucht sie neue Wege zu gehen. »Zeithistorische Forschungen/Studies in Contemporary History« richtet sich an Historiker:innen und Wissenschaftler:innen benachbarter Disziplinen sowie an Student:innen dieser Fächer, aber auch an eine breitere, zeithistorisch interessierte Öffentlichkeit. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Zeitschrift fur Agyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde", "ISSN": "0044216X, 2196713X", "Scope": "ScopeThe \"Zeitschrift für Ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde\", the oldest Egyptological journal, covers the whole field of Egyptology including Demotic, Coptic and Meroitic studies. The contributions examine the language, history, religion, art, and material culture of the ancient Nile valley. In addition, they deal with the history of Egyptology and with Egypt's influence on contemporary and later cultures.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "452°F", "ISSN": "20133294", "Scope": "Scope452ºF. Revista de Teoría de la Literatura y Literatura Comparada aims at bringing together contributions that broaden the to the different areas of literary and cultural studies in a multilingual, biannual, and innovative publication. The journal does not levy charges for the submission, processing or publication of articles. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Acta Poetica", "ISSN": "01853082, 2448735X", "Scope": "ScopeActa Poética es una revista semestral, arbitrada y de acceso abierto (open-access), que publica artículos, notas, entrevistas y reseñas originales y traducidas, escritas principalmente en español y otras lenguas. Nuestra publicación pertenece al Centro de Poética del Instituto de Investigaciones Filológicas de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.\rEl propósito de Acta Poética es ofrecer una plataforma intelectual para los estudiosos de instituciones nacionales y extranjeras y, con ello, aportar reflexiones sustantivas al estudio de la literatura, la crítica literaria y la teoría crítica, sobre aspectos de la literatura y otras expresiones culturales. Nuestra revista está dirigida a estudiosos de la literatura y otras disciplinas relacionadas con arte, cultura y sociedad.\rEl contenido de Acta Poética refleja la diversidad de las líneas de investigación del Centro de Poética, en el marco inter y multidisciplinario de la teoría crítica: mito, semántica, semiótica, deconstrucción, artes visuales, retórica, poética, teoría de la recepción, hermenéutica, crítica literaria, literatura comparada, estudios culturales, misticismo, filología, el impacto de las nuevas tecnologías en el discurso, historia de la literatura, cine, fotografía, arquitectura, artes escénicas, música y su relación con otras disciplinas como la filosofía, la historia, la sociología y la teoría política.\r\rActualmente, la revista se publica en formato impreso y digital. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Acta Universitatis Carolinae Studia Territorialia", "ISSN": "12134449, 23363231", "Scope": "ScopeStudia Territorialia is a leading peer-reviewed academic journal in the Czech Republic focusing on Area Studies. It covers transnational contemporary history and current developments in North America, Europe, and post-Soviet Eurasia. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Aisthesis (Italy)", "ISSN": "20358466", "Scope": "ScopeThe choice of the name of the journal represents a farewell from the identification of aesthetics with hermeneutics and speculative philosophy of art. It also shows our strong commitment to the irreducibility of aesthetics to a mere psychological fact.\rThe subtitle of the journal “practices, languages and knowledge concerning aesthetics” indicates the present, fertile pluralism of aesthetics. This is a pluralism of views and methods, often connected with the different ways in which contemporary arts and aesthetic abilities present and structure themselves. Also, it is a pluralism of thoughts and formulas, which induces to relativize the western tradition within which the discipline of aesthetics was born. Finally, it is a pluralism of epistemic landscapes, which also trespasses into the sphere of sensibility and art. These various, epistemic landscapes have recently experienced a revolutionary enlargement through the rise of some new or radically renewed disciplines (from neurosciences to anthropology, from cognitive sciences to psychobiology). Indeed, we conceive Aisthesis as a public space where those different approaches and disciplines can interact. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Allgemeine Zeitschrift fur Philosophie", "ISSN": "3407969", "Scope": "ScopeSince 1975, the ›Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie‹ (General Journal of Philosophy) has been fostering a professional exchange of ideas for all those interested in philosophical thought with three issues per year. In its content, the journal provides a forum for all lines of thought and opinions in philosophy in the entire range of history, geography and doctrines. This openness corresponds to what the journal sees as its mission and the commitment indicated in its name. Respect for the philosophical tradition will open our eyes for anything which is new, which is foreign to us or which has remained foreign and those subjects which have been ignored up to now. In order to provide space for subjects of this nature, one issue of each volume focuses on one specific subject. An international advisory board supports the study of current topics in a worldwide philosophical discourse. Since 2004, a consistent »Double blind peer review« process has been vouching for strict quality standards in the selection of the articles submitted. The language of publication is German. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Anesteziologie a Intenzivni Medicina", "ISSN": "12142158, 18054412", "Scope": "ScopeContributions in Czech, Slovak and English are accepted for publication as original works, case studies, and survey articles of anaesthesiology, intensive care medicine, algesiology, urgent care medicine, and resuscitation. The journal publishes new information in related branches and the history of medicine. The consent of the Ethical Committee is required before launching intervention studies. The journal elaborates current recommendations and guidelines of specialised societies (CSARIM, CSIM) and other information focused on education, information from conventions and specialised conferences. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "ArcHistoR", "ISSN": "23848898", "Scope": "ScopeThe ArcHistoR open access journal publishes scholarly essays based on original and interpretative research in the fields of architectural theory, history and historiography, as well as analyses of theoretical, critical and project aspects of restoration, without limitations of place or period. Particular attention is paid to the artistic and cultural contextualization of each specialist subject, in relation to more general issues concerning the history, understanding and restoration of architecture.\r\rThe journal originated in the CROSS Laboratory History of Architecture and Restoration, at the Department PAU of the Mediterranea University of Reggio Calabria, whose activity concerns the study of architecture, the built environment and territory in the widest interdisciplinary sense, from ancient to contemporary, with particular focus on the Mediterranean area.\r\rArcHistoR publishes essays in Italian, English, French, German and Spanish. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Barnboken", "ISSN": "20004389", "Scope": "ScopeBarnboken: Journal of Children's Literature Research/Tidskrift för barnlitteraturforskning is a peer reviewed Open Access online-only journal published by the Swedish Institute for Children's Books with financial support from Vetenskapsrådet, the Swedish Research Council. Barnboken was founded in 1977 and has been an online-only journal since 2010.\r\rBarnboken is the only scholarly journal in its field published in Sweden and the oldest Nordic journal of its kind. We publish articles in Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, and English. All articles accepted for publication have been subject to a double-blind peer review process by at least two external peers.\r\rWe especially welcome articles with Swedish/Nordic connections. We strive to publish articles that apply new approaches while integrating previous research in an innovative and creative way. The journal is also open to interdisciplinary studies from closely related fields.\r\rBarnboken also welcomes reviews of recent theoretical literature within the field, such as anthologies, dissertations, and other scholarly monographs. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Biblische Notizen", "ISSN": "1782967", "Scope": "ScopeDie Biblischen Notizen (Biblische Notizen.Neue Folge – BN.NF) legen innerhalb der Bibelwissenschaften einen Akzent auf die Zeit des Zweiten Tempels. Neben den „klassischen“ biblischen Schriften des Alten wie des Neuen Testamentes bilden die „deuterokanonische“ wie die parabiblische beziehungsweise außerbiblische Literatur aus diesem Zeitraum einen Schwerpunkt. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Central European Journal of Paediatrics", "ISSN": "24903639, 24903671", "Scope": "ScopeCentral European Journal of Paediatrics is an international peer reviewed biannual journal published in English which founded in 2005. We welcome all contributions that enhance or illuminate paediatric sciences. The journal publishes reviewed articles from the following paediatric fields: allergology, cardiology, dermatology, endocrinology, epidemiology, gastroenterology, growth and development, haematology, immunology, infectious diseases, intensive care, medical genetics, metabolic diseases, neonatology, nephrology, neuropaediatrics, nutrition, oncology, ophthalmology, orthopaedic, otorhinolaryngology, psychology, preventive and social paediatrics, pulmology, and urology. Additionally, Central European Journal of Paediatrics publishes comments on published papers, letters to the editor, book reviews, professional social report, calendar of paediatric meetings and other information from paediatrics and adolescent medicine. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Chasqui", "ISSN": "1458973", "Scope": "ScopeChasqui is an academic journal devoted exclusively to Latin American literature in the sense of bringing together research on both the Spanish-speaking republics of the continent and Brazil. As part of its new editorial policy Chasqui is seeking full-length manuscripts, 5,000 to 10,000 words (including notes and bibliography), in English, Spanish, or Portuguese, that focus on significant theoretical issues in the analysis of Latin American cultural production, with particular emphasis on literature. Essays dealing with specific texts or authors will be of interest only if they address interesting theoretical questions, and those studies that focus on interdisciplinary approaches, the bridging of national and linguistic divisions, subaltern studies, feminism, queer theory, popular culture, and minority topics are especially encouraged. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Chinese Journal of Clinical Research", "ISSN": "16748182", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Civilistica.com", "ISSN": "23168374", "Scope": "ScopeThe mission of ||civilistica.com consists in creating an online repository of scientific articles of excellence, thus enhancing its divulging and favoring the dialog among researchers of national and international instituions in matters related to its editorial line: contemporary private law, interpreted and applied in the light of each country’s constitutional principles. For that purpose, the publication gathers articles, academic papers, legal opinions, comments on jurisprudence, book reviews and audio-visual material, in Portuguese and in foreign languages, all sellected so as to furnish up-to-date and creative tools for the process of restructuring private law towards the protection of the human person. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Current protocols in toxicology / editorial board, Mahin D. Maines (editor-in-chief) ... [et al.]", "ISSN": "19349254, 19349262", "Scope": "ScopeCurrent Protocols in Toxicology takes a multidisciplinary approach to providing toxicologists, pharmacologists, environmentalists, basic andscientists and others with the research tools they need to analyze the effects of environmental agents, toxicants, and xenobiotics on animals and humans and also includes clinical methodology for safety evaluation, drug testing and risk/ exposure assessment. The carefully edited step-by-step protocols and related commentary are written by scientists in the field from around the world. Topics include:\r\r-Toxicological Models-\rCellular and Molecular Toxicicology-\rGenetic Toxicology-\rTechniques for Analysis of Chemical Biotransformation-\rToxicokinetics and Toxicogenomics-\rOxidant and Anti-Oxidant Mechanisms-\rHeme Metabolism and Erythrocyte Toxicity-\rNeurotoxicology-\rTeratology-\rHepatotoxicology-\rRenal Toxicology-\rGene Targeting-\rReproductive Toxicology-\rImmunotoxicology-\rRegulatory and Safety Testing-\rGastrointestinal Toxicology and the Microbiome-\rStem Cells in Toxicology-\rXenobiotic Toxicology-\rRespiratory Toxicology-\rMitochondrial Toxicity-\rDevelopmental and Juvenile Toxicology-\rRisk and Exposure Assessment-\rClinical Toxicology and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring-\rAlternative Methodologies in Toxicology Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Decyzje", "ISSN": "17330092, 2391761X", "Scope": "ScopeThe intention behind publishing DECYZJE is presented shortly in the subtitle: A journal devoted to decision making in the economy and society. This subtitle refers to two types of decisions that will be the main, but not exclusive, subjects discussed in the journal: economic decisions (made by entrepreneurs, investors, public sector decision makers, consumers, etc.) and social and political decisions (made by voters, collective bodies, representative assemblies who pass or reject laws, etc.). In each case, even when the decision in question concerns a very specific problem, we want it to be analysed with appropriate methodology and theoretical background. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Disputatio (Spain)", "ISSN": "22540601", "Scope": "ScopePhilosophical Research Bulletin | Boletín de Investigación Filosófica es una revista académica que publica trabajos de investigación cuya finalidad sea la de contribuir de forma rigurosa a las discusiones filosóficas actuales dentro de un marco de diálogo crítico sobre el papel de las humanidades, sus desafíos y su importancia para el tiempo presente.\r\rDisputatio es una revista enfocada a la publicación de trabajos de investigación que tengan relación directa con la filosofía, habitualmente producidos en los ámbitos y comunidades académicas universitarias. Los trabajos publicados (artículos, estudios críticos y teóricos, monografías, memorias, notas, entrevistas académicas, traducciones, reseñas y críticas) son seleccionados por la calidad de la escritura, la precisión conceptual, profundidad y rigor en el tratamiento del tema, que normalmente es un enfoque serio, científico y académico, propio de la filosofía. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Droit et Societe", "ISSN": "07693362, 19696973", "Scope": "ScopeThe law and society journal was created in 1985 by a group of researchers and teachers who, coming from philosophy, theory and the sociology of law and the state, thought it useful and useful to offer a regular exchanges on legal issues in its different dimensions, for research and analysis from diverse disciplinary horizons and produced in an international context. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Dynamis", "ISSN": "2119536", "Scope": "ScopeDYNAMIS is an international journal dedicated to the history of medicine, health and science, founded in 1981, that pays special attention to novel and interdisciplinary historiographic perspectives. It offers original, double peer-reviewed research studies (articles, notes or documents) and reviews in languages of the European Union. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Education and Health", "ISSN": "2651602", "Scope": "ScopeE&H is aimed at those involved with education and health who are concerned with the health and wellbeing of children and young people eg. around 5-18 years of age. Readers come from a broad background and, for example in the UK, include: primary, secondary and further education teachers, university staff, and health-care professionals working in education and health settings. The journal is also read by those who commission and carry out health education programmes in school and college. Articles focus on recent health education initiatives, relevant research findings, materials and strategies for education and health-related behaviour data.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "eLearning and Software for Education Conference", "ISSN": "2066026X, 20668821", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Engineering and Technology", "ISSN": "17509637, 17509645", "Scope": "ScopeEngineering & Technology magazine covers all types of engineering and technology, and some science. However, it especially focuses on electrical and electronic engineering, and communications and information technologies. There are three features editors for the extensive features section: the engineering features editor covering power, energy, some transport, manufacturing and automation; a technology features editor covering communications, electronics and information technology; and a general features editor covering subjects that go beyond or across those subject areas.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ethics in Progress", "ISSN": "20849257", "Scope": "Scope\"Ethics in Progress\" is focused on advancements in research on ethics and morality, understood in terms of the cognitive competence necessary to make practical judgments and decisions, and to act. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Etnolog", "ISSN": "3540316", "Scope": "ScopeThe contents of Etnolog reach from scientific treatises to topical professional contributions. The journal publishes articles by domestic and foreign researchers from the fields of ethnology, cultural anthropology, museology, conservation, as well as from other human and social sciences. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "EuroMediterranean Biomedical Journal", "ISSN": "22797165", "Scope": "ScopeEMBJ publishes original articles on medicine, biomedicine, biotechnology, motor sciences, medical psychology and generalinterest topics in medicine. The papers may be submitted as Original Reports, Reviews, Case Reports, Commentaries, Letters to theEditor, Technical notes, Therapeutical Notes and New Technologies.\r\rThe purpose is to promote the interest of young medical and biomedical doctors toward research. Young fellows, specialist-in-training,PhD students, post-doc fellows and researchers may submit original manuscripts in English. Their works will be peer-reviewed fromexpert tutors that will guide the authors to improve their papers.\r\rEMBJ is therefore both a scientific journal and a scientific learning tool for “researchers-in-training”. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Fornvannen", "ISSN": "00157813, 14049430", "Scope": "ScopeFornvännen welcomes contributions on Nordic archaeology and ancient art, along with\rclosely related subjects. Contributions can be in one of the Scandinavian languages (Swedish,\rNorwegian, Danish) or in English. Fornvännen accepts four types of contributions: Articles,\rShort communications, Debates and Reviews. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Geographical Bulletin - Gamma Theta Upsilon", "ISSN": "7313292", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Guncel Pediatri", "ISSN": "13049054, 13086308", "Scope": "ScopeGüncel Pediatri Dergisi, çocuk sağlığı ve hastalıkları konulu, yayın dili hem Türkçe hem İngilizce olan, bağımsız ve önyargısız çift-kör hakemlik (peer-review) ilkelerine dayanan uluslararası, periyodik olarak elektronik yayınlanan bir dergidir. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Halduskultuur", "ISSN": "17366070, 17366089", "Scope": "ScopePublic administration is, as Woodrow Wilson writes in 1887, government in action. Government comes into existence, according to Aristotle’s famous phrase, for the sake of life – for our protection –, yet it exists for the good life. The good life is the reason we have governments. Can we have a science about good government actions – about good public administration? Public administration as a discipline of contemporary scholarly inquiry emerges precisely from the need to design better government actions and from the need to know what makes government actions better, and why. This is the beginning of Kameralwissenschaften in 17th century continental Europe epitomized by the publication of Veit Ludwig von Seckendorff’s Der Teutsche Fürstenstaat in1656. This tradition climaxes in 19th century German Staatswissenschaften, which is, however, also a decidedly Estonian tradition: some of the most important representatives of the late 19th century German Staatswissenschaften (Wagner, Lexis, Stieda, Laspeyres, Bücher) worked at one point in their career in Estonia. Administrative Culture firmly positions itself within this tradition which, by default, means openness to other traditions, schools and also cultures and languages.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Historein", "ISSN": "11083441, 22412816", "Scope": "ScopeHistorein is an international, peer-reviewed, open-access electronic journal published biannually by the Cultural and Intellectual History Society (Athens). It is both historical and interdisciplinary in its perspective. It is thus situated within a scholarly “free trade\" zone that encourages the interaction between history, philosophy, social anthropology, sociology, gender and labour studies, epistemology, literary and cultural studies. Its main aim is to promote the study of themes and phenomena that cannot be approached solely from within one discipline. Historein strongly supports approaches that tend to erase the distance between theory and research by making self-reflection a vital element of historical scholarship at all levels and stages. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Indian Journal of Environmental Protection", "ISSN": "2537141", "Scope": "ScopeIndian Journal of Environmental Protection ( ISSN : 0253 – 7141 ), is a monthly publication dealing with all aspects of environmental pollution and its control.\r\rSince its inception in 1981, the journal has seen valued contributions and has brought forth several original research works and review papers in the fields of\r\r-Air Pollution\r-Noise Pollution\r-Surface water/ ground water pollution\r-Waste water/ Industrial effluents\r-Soil pollution Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Intelligent Systems Reference Library", "ISSN": "18684394, 18684408", "Scope": "ScopeThe aim of this series is to publish a Reference Library, including novel advances and developments in all aspects of Intelligent Systems in an easily accessible and well structured form. The series includes reference works, handbooks, compendia, textbooks, well-structured monographs, dictionaries, and encyclopedias. It contains well integrated knowledge and current information in the field of Intelligent Systems. The series covers the theory, applications, and design methods of Intelligent Systems. Virtually all disciplines such as engineering, computer science, avionics, business, e-commerce, environment, healthcare, physics and life science are included. The list of topics spans all the areas of modern intelligent systems such as: Ambient intelligence, Computational intelligence, Social intelligence, Computational neuroscience, Artificial life, Virtual society, Cognitive systems, DNA and immunity-based systems, e-Learning and teaching, Human-centred computing and Machine ethics, Intelligent control, Intelligent data analysis, Knowledge-based paradigms, Knowledge management, Intelligent agents, Intelligent decision making, Intelligent network security, Interactive entertainment, Learning paradigms, Recommender systems, Robotics and Mechatronics including human-machine teaming, Self-organizing and adaptive systems, Soft computing including Neural systems, Fuzzy systems, Evolutionary computing and the Fusion of these paradigms, Perception and Vision, Web intelligence and Multimedia.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Agricultural Engineering Journal", "ISSN": "8582114", "Scope": "ScopeInternational Agricultural Engineering Journal (IAEJ) was launched at the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Bangkok, Thailand in 1992. Since 1992, IAEJ has been sponsored and published by the Asian Association for Agricultural Engineering (AAAE) with a frequency of four issues per year and it is the official journal of AAAE. It is published only in print copy and over 350 papers in 20 volumes have been published during past 20 years.\r\rIAEJ is an international and multidisciplinary journal. The major goal of this journal is to communicate advances in agricultural engineering, with a particular preference to Asia, to researchers, practicing engineers and decision makers of developing countries. IAEJ publishes peer-reviewed research papers (both theoretical and applied) and state-of-the-art reviews related to agricultural and biosystems engineering. Its includes soil and water engineering, farm machinery, ergonomics, farm structures, renewable energy, postharvest technology, food process engineering, agricultural biotechnology, IT in agriculture, and emerging technologies. Subjects of basic engineering and science such as instrumentation, precision agriculture, protected cultivation, global warming, climate change, terramechanics, environment in agriculture, and new materials are also included in the of IAEJ.\r\rIAEJ publishes original papers only and the submission of a manuscript will be taken to imply that the contributions are original and that no similar manuscript has been or is being submitted to other journals. Manuscripts are solicited from all areas of specialization in agricultural and biosystems engineering. It is a valuable service provided by AAAE to its members to publish papers in “International Agricultural Engineering Journal” regularly. IAEJ adopts Chicago Style and follows the ‘IAEJ Guidelines for Authors’ strictly.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Interdisciplinary Global Studies", "ISSN": "2324755X, 23247568", "Scope": "ScopeThe International Journal of Interdisciplinary Global Studies investigates the dynamics of globalization and the transformation of the local. Intellectually, the conference and the journal take three steps: the first is a “this-worldly” step, mapping the details and extrapolating to big picture analyses in order to interpret what is at times challenging, dangerous, and excitingly positive about the “New Globalization.” The second step is to set this New Globalization in the context of earlier globalizations—what are the continuities, and what is genuinely new? The third step is to re-examine and redefine the very concept of globalization—in theoretical, anthropological, and philosophical terms. The journal works between the most fastidiously empirical and profoundly generalizing modes of engagement with one of the central phenomena of our contemporary existence.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Mobile Network Design and Innovation", "ISSN": "17442850, 17442869", "Scope": "ScopeIJMNDI addresses state-of-the-art computerisation for the deployment and operation of current and future wireless networks. Intelligent and automatic computer software has become the critical factor for obtaining high performance network solutions that meet the objectives of both the network subscriber and operator. Characteristically, high performance, innovative techniques are required to address computationally-intensive radio engineering planning problems while providing optimised solutions and knowledge which will enhance the deployment and operation of expensive wireless resources. This requires contributions from several disciplines. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Powder Metallurgy (Princeton, New Jersey)", "ISSN": "8887462", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal reports on scientific and technological developments worldwide in the powder metallurgy and particulate materials industries. Articles cover both the scientific/theoretical and practical aspects of the technology. Subjects addressed include: powder production and characterization; compaction; sintering; consolidation to full density; powder injection molding; and hybrid particulate processes such as spray forming, thermal spraying, and additive manufacturing. The Journal also embraces review articles, PM industry news, company profiles, a consultants’ corner, newsmakers, conference reports, and book reviews. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Interreligious Studies and Intercultural Theology", "ISSN": "23973471, 2397348X", "Scope": "ScopeInterreligious Studies and Intercultural Theology (ISIT) is a peer-reviewed journal providing a forum for scholars to share ideas and research on a wide range of topics to do with interreligious questions and issues impacting contemporary pluralist society, and to foster a deeper understanding of theoretical and practical matters concerning interreligious relations. The journal aims at stimulating and promoting the various relevant conversations taking place in different parts of the world.\r\rISIT is committed to an interdisciplinary approach that includes, but is not limited to, interreligious studies, religious studies, (cultural) anthropology, theology, intercultural and comparative theology, Islamic studies, Buddhist studies, Hindu studies, secularism studies, and the engagement between secularism and religions; philosophy, Jewish studies, sociology, political science, gender studies, and various specific dialogue or interreligious encounter fields. It is also concerned with the encounter between religious traditions and worldviews.\r\rISIT welcomes all contributions that promote a deep and critical understanding of the systematic and practical issues concerning interreligious relations. It allows discussion of the various questions that arise in the modern situation of a pluralist culture and provides a forum for academic discussion and comparative study of religious beliefs and philosophies of life, of the different moralities involved, and the possibilities of agreement as well as the causes of disagreement. The journal publishes articles by adherents of various religious traditions.\r\rISIT is published in print and online, with an initial print frequency of 2 issues per volume. The online edition contains supplemental content not appearing in the print version, including interviews, book excerpts, blogs, and profiles of key thinkers in the field. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Izvestiya RAN. Seriya Literatury i Yazyka", "ISSN": "16057880, 24137715", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Journal de Pediatrie et de Puericulture", "ISSN": "09877983, 17775981", "Scope": "ScopeLa revue de médecine pratique de l'enfance et de l'adolescence pour tous les professionnels de l'enfant et les médecins généralistes.\r\rLes articles du Journal de pédiatrie et de puériculture traitent en profondeur tous les aspects des soins à l'enfant dont la diversité est à l'image de ces professions aux rôles multiples. Les sujets traités couvrent le traitement et les soins aux enfants malades, le conseil génétique, ainsi que les techniques de pointe : nouvelles approches du diagnostic prénatal, génie génétique, etc.\rLes disciplines concernées sont nombreuses : pédiatrie générale, médecine fœtale et néonatale, nutrition, dermatologie, pharmacologie, psychiatrie et psychologie, puériculture pratique, enfant et société, nouvelles des congrès. Dans chacun des 8 numéros de la revue, le lecteur trouvera des informations sur son domaine de spécialité, ainsi que des résultats de recherches multidisciplinaires lui permettant de suivre l'évolution des autres spécialités. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Applied History", "ISSN": "25895885, 25895893", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Applied History (JOAH) offers a platform for historians to bring the results of their historical research to bear on the present, on the issues that (should) concern us today. It seeks to promote historical thinking as an essential element of discussions about the challenges that our societies are now confronted with. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Film and Video", "ISSN": "07424671, 19346018", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Film and Video, an internationally respected forum, focuses on scholarship in the fields of film and video production, history, theory, criticism, and aesthetics. Article features include film and related media, problems of education in these fields, and the function of film and video in society. The Journal does not ascribe to any specific method but expects articles to shed light on the way we view and teach the production and study of film and video. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Islamic Manuscripts", "ISSN": "18784631, 1878464X", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Islamic Manuscripts (JIM) explores the crucial importance of the handwritten book in the\rMuslim world. It is concerned with the written transmission of knowledge, the numerous varieties of\rIslamic book culture and the materials and techniques of bookmaking, namely codicology. It also\rconsiders activities related to the care and management of Islamic manuscript collections, including\rcataloguing, conservation and digitization. It is the Journal’s ambition to provide students and scholars,\rlibrarians and collectors – in short, everyone who is interested in Islamic manuscripts – with a\rprofessional journal and functional platform of their own. It welcomes contributions in English, French\rand Arabic on codicology, textual studies, manuscript collections and collection care and management.\rPapers will be peer-reviewed to maintain a high scholarly level. The Journal of Islamic Manuscripts is\rpublished on behalf of the Islamic Manuscript Association Limited, an international non-profit\rorganization dedicated to protecting Islamic manuscripts and supporting those who work with them. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Mosaic Research", "ISSN": "1309047X, 26199165", "Scope": "ScopeAIEMA - Türkiye is a research center that aims to study, introduce and constitude a data bank of the mosaics from the prehistoric times till today. The best presentation of the mosaics of Turkey is the ultimate goal of this center functioning depending on AIEMA. A data bank of Turkey mosaics and a corpus including Turkey mosaics are some of the practices of the center. Additionally, this center also equips a periodical including the art of ancient mosaics and original studies namely JMR.\r\r\rThe JMR (Journal of Mosaic Research) is an international journal on mosaics, annually published by the Uludag University Mosaic Research Centre. The aim of this journal is to serve as a forum for scientific studies with critical analysis, interpretation, and synthesis of mosaics and related subjects. The main matter of the journal covers mosaics of Turkey and other mosaics related to Turkey mosaics. Besides, the journal also accommodates creative and original mosaic researches in general. Furthermore, together with articles about mosaics, the journal also includes book presentations and news about mosaics. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Pacific History", "ISSN": "223344", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Pacific History is a leading refereed journal dedicated to research concerning the Pacific Islands, their peoples and their pasts. Its remit is broad: from prehistory to the present. It publishes articles in political, economic, religious and cultural history, analysis of contemporary developments, critical surveys and comment. It also publishes primary documents, notes on source materials, reviews and review essays on books, exhibitions and other media. Contributions are welcome that address Oceania more widely, or comparative or theoretical questions of significance to the Pacific.\r\rThe Journal of Pacific History accepts the following types of submission:\r· Research Articles including articles submitted for Pacific Currents\r· Narratives and Documents\r· Special Issues\r· Reviews Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Psychosocial Studies", "ISSN": "14786737", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Psychosocial Studies publishes work that falls within the broad transdisciplinary area of Psychosocial Studies, defined by a commitment to understanding the significance of the links between internal and external worlds.\r\rPsychosocial Studies draw on a range of disciplines to explore the interactive relationships between self, culture and society. While often focusing on affect and emotion, they explore the complexities of subjectivity and experience as it is lived and shaped in different contexts and settings. This approach is defined by a commitment to exploration of the links between the internal and external worlds; both the deeply personal and profoundly social.\r\rWe are interested in publishing papers that bring a psychosocial perspective that might help us understand a range of contemporary social phenomena. This might be work on family life, welfare practices, criminal justice issues, youth work or cultural products (such as film, art and literature).\r\rAs the adopted journal of the Association for Psychosocial Studies (APS) we especially seek to promote work that is interdisciplinary and considers issues of practice. The Journal of Psychosocial Studies provides space for research and writing that crosses the traditional boundaries between disciplines in the social sciences, humanities and the arts. We also publish work that emerges from and reflects on practice (that might include, for example, social work, education, law, business studies, psychotherapy, group analysis and counselling) that draws on these theoretical frames. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of the Hong Kong College of Cardiology", "ISSN": "10277811", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Kazan Medical Journal", "ISSN": "03684814, 25879359", "Scope": "ScopeThe Kazan Medical Journal is a peer-reviewed journal for clinicians and medical scientists, practicing physicians, researchers, teachers and students of medical schools, interns, residents and PhD students interested in contemporary Russian and international medicine.\r\rThe mission of the Journal is to spread the achievements of Russian and international biomedical sciences, to present up-to-date clinical recommendations, to provide a platform for scientific discussion, experience sharing and publication of original researches in clinical and basic medicine.\r\rThe Kazan Medical Journal has been published since 1901. It is the oldest scientific medical publication in Russia. Throughout the entire period of activity its editor have been prominent scientists working in various fields of medicine. The editorial board of the journal today consists of an international team of eminent scientists from all over the Russian Federation and other countries.\r\rThe pages of the Kazan Medical Journal reflect actual problems of therapy, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, oncology, pulmonology, neurology and psychiatry, orthopedics and traumatology, social hygiene, etc. The journal publishes papers describing modern methods of treatment and diagnosis using the latest medical equipment, allowing practitioners to become acquainted with the latest achievements in the field of medicine. The Journal provides information about symposia and conferences. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Klinicka Mikrobiologie a Infekcni Lekarstvi", "ISSN": "1211264X", "Scope": "ScopeInterdisciplinární časopis pro klinickou a laboratorní medicínu, vydávaný pod záštitou Společnosti infekčního lékařství, Společnosti pro lékařskou mikrobiologii a Společnosti pro epidemiologii a mikrobiologii České lékařské společnosti Jana Evangelisty Purkyně Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Krakowskie Studia z Historii Panstwa i Prawa", "ISSN": "20844115, 20844131", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Leviathan", "ISSN": "15256995, 17501849", "Scope": "ScopeLeviathan features a bounty of scholarly articles, notes, reviews, and creative writing of a critical, theoretical, cultural, or historical nature on the impressive body of work of American novelist and poet Herman Melville (1819-1891). Published under the aegis of The Melville Society--one of the oldest single-author societies in the United States--Leviathan includes a regular feature, \"Extracts,\" for sharing Melville Society transactions and programs as well as abstracts of papers delivered at its annual MLA and ALA panels. Leviathan also regularly publishes special issues, book reviews, interviews, and poems.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Linguistica Silesiana", "ISSN": "2084228", "Scope": "ScopeLinguistica Silesiana is an international journal of linguistic studies. It will carry articles in English, French, German and occasionally in other languages. One issue per year is published. We welcome articles on the full range of linguistic and philological subfields, including phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, sociolinguistics, stylistics, metrics, language contact, and change. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Linguistik Aktuell", "ISSN": "1660829", "Scope": "ScopeDiachronica provides a forum for the presentation and discussion of information concerning all aspects of language change in any and all languages of the globe. Contributions which combine theoretical interest and philological acumen are especially welcome. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Locus Amoenus", "ISSN": "11359722, 20148798", "Scope": "ScopeLocus amoenus is an annual ad open acces scientific journal published since 1995 by the Departement of Art History and Musicology of the Autonomous University of Barcelona. It publishes peer-reviewed research in all fields of art history, from a broad variety of approaches, and in the basis of its originality, importance or interdisciplinary interest. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Manusya", "ISSN": "08599920, 26659077", "Scope": "ScopeMANUSYA is an Open Access journal published by Chulalongkorn University (Bangkok, Thailand) in collaboration with Brill. It provides a platform for researchers to engage in intellectual enquiries on humanities issues in Southeast Asia and its neighbouring regions. It also welcomes submissions that examine broader phenomena with implications for Southeast Asia or from Southeast Asian perspectives. The journal covers a wide range of topics in history, philosophy, religion, language, culture, literature, media, and arts. Both research articles and book reviews are welcome. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Medicina", "ISSN": "00766046, 21767262", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal, Medicine (Ribeirão Preto. Online) is an open access quarterly publication,\rpublished by the School of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto in partnership with Clinic\rHospital of Ribeirão Preto and has the goals of propagate the advances and\rimprovement of multidisciplinary practice of medicine. It is intended to undergraduate\rand graduate students, doctors, resident physicians, assistants and teacher of the\runiversity medical system as well as Nurse, Physical Therapy, Speech Therapy,\rNutrition, Physical Education among others. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Mediterranea: Ricerche Storiche", "ISSN": "18243010, 1828230X", "Scope": "ScopeA parere dei fondatori, un gruppo di studiosi dell’Università di Palermo, gli spazi destinati alla pubblicazione dei risultati della ricerca storica in Sicilia negli ultimi tempi si sono notevolmente ridotti, a causa della chiusura nel 1987 dei «Nuovi Quaderni del Meridione» della benemerita «Fondazione Mormino», che un’altra Fondazione, la «Chiazzese», altrettanto benemerita per le iniziative culturali degli anni Ottanta e dei primi anni Novanta, cercò invano di sostituire con «Nuove Prospettive Meridionali», costretta anch’essa a sospendere le pubblicazioni nel 1994. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Mitteilungen zur Christlichen Archaologie", "ISSN": "10256555, 18142036", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localizedJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Mouvement Social", "ISSN": "00272671, 19618646", "Scope": "ScopeA quarterly publication founded in 1960 by Jean Maitron, and headed from 1971 to 1982 by Madeleine Rébérioux, Le Mouvement Social is published with the collaboration of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique and distributed in coordination with the Centre National du Livre. From its founding to 2007, the Éditions Ouvrières (later Éditions de l’Atelier) published the journal and the eponymous book series started in 1972. In a new stage of its publishing life, the Mouvement Social is now printed by the Éditions de La Découverte.\r\rLe Mouvement Social addresses recent developments in social history. The journal’s initial focus on the history of collective movements and professional organizations has since been broadened to include other fields of social history and beyond: the history of labor and the economy; the social history of politics, policy and the state; cultural history and the history of representations; the history of gender relations, immigration and mobility. The journal covers the contemporary period broadly defined, from the first years of the nineteenth century to the beginning of the twenty-first.\r\rThe journal’s objective is to promote a pluralist social history, located at the intersection of the economy, sociology, ethnography, anthropology, demography, political science, and the law, all of which offer avenues of approach and analytic tools. One of its missions is to foster interdisciplinary dialogue.\r\rThe journal welcomes studies dealing with all geographic and cultural fields. Keeping with recent historiographic developments, Le Mouvement Social promotes comparative studies as well as works treating foreign countries, especially those varying the scale of observation between the local and the global. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Museum History Journal", "ISSN": "19369816, 19369824", "Scope": "ScopeMuseum History Journal is the only international, peer-reviewed journal devoted to the history of museums. Focusing on how and why museums originated, developed and sustained themselves through collections, exhibitions, management, policy and public programmes as well as other key activities. Rather than focus on particular collections or leading curators and directors, we encourage articles that take a broad historical view of these organisations and institutions that seem to be as popular as ever. We particularly welcome submissions about regions that are under-represented in the existing scholarly literature: we want to go beyond the Anglophone focus of Western Europe and North America. We also encourage fresh scholarly approaches that integrate historical studies with the theories and methodologies of other humanities and social science disciplines. This journal interprets ‘museum’ broadly, including galleries and other collecting and exhibiting institutions. We welcome submissions on related institutions as well, such as botanical gardens, historical societies and sites, acquaria, planetariums and zoos. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Open Ornithology Journal", "ISSN": "18744532", "Scope": "Scope(Discontinued)\rThe Open Ornithology Journal is an Open Access online journal, which publishes research articles, reviews/mini-reviews, letters and guest edited single topic issues in all important areas of ornithology including avian behaviour,genetics, phylogeography , conservation, demography, ecology, evolution, and morphology.\r\rThe Open Ornithology Journal, a peer-reviewed journal, is an important and reliable source of current information on developments in the field. The emphasis will be on publishing quality papers rapidly and making them freely available to researchers worldwide. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Pakistan Paediatric Journal", "ISSN": "3044904", "Scope": "Scope\rPakistan Pediatric Journal is, a peer reviewed, official publication of The Pakistan Pediatric Association. It was decided in the second biennial conference of Pakistan Pediatric Association (Centre) held at Lahore in 1976 to publish the Pakistan Pediatric Journal from Lahore, Pakistan. The first issue was published in 1977 as Pakistan Pediatric Journal, ISSN No.0304-4904. Since then, the journal has been published without interruption on quarterly basis and has contributed tremendously to several advances in pediatrics in Pakistan. This journal covers clinical and research work on all aspects of the health of children and adolescents and aims to contribute to cure the pediatric diseases and improvement of the child and adolescence health. The manuscripts are categorized as original research articles, review articles, drug review articles, case reports, basic sciences articles, preventive & social child health service articles and special feature articles in the field of pediatrics, including subspecialties and supportive services. To encourage young pediatricians and writers a part of the journal is dedicated to them as Pakistan Pediatric Forum. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Pediatria de Atencion Primaria", "ISSN": "11397632", "Scope": "ScopeLa revista de Pediatría de Atención Primaria es una publicación Open Access disponible en el DOAJ. Todo su contenido es accesible libremente sin cargo para el usuario o su institución. Los usuarios están autorizados a leer, descargar, copiar, distribuir, imprimir, buscar o enlazar a los textos completos de los artículos de esta revista, citando siempre la fuente, y siempre que los fines no sean comerciales.\rLa revista no cobra tasas por el envío de trabajos, ni tampoco cuotas por la publicación de sus artículos.\r\rSerán aceptadas las investigaciones, reflexiones y trabajos de todos los profesionales de la sanidad que trabajen en el ámbito de la atención primaria y de todos aquellos autores cuyo objeto de participación en la revista sea la salud infantil o la organización y gestión del trabajo en pediatría.\r\rLos artículos, originales y de opinión, que se reciban en la redacción pasarán por un sistema de evaluadores antes de su publicación. El Equipo Editorial de la Revista solicitará colaboraciones sobre los temas que considere de interés para el colectivo de lectores.\r\rLos criterios de selección de artículos tendrán en cuenta la originalidad de las aportaciones (reflexiones, experiencias, análisis, estudios), la potencialidad de los mismos para contribuir al desarrollo de la pediatría de atención primaria, el interés para la audiencia de la revista, la actualidad de los temas, y la calidad de la redacción. También se aceptarán artículos de revisión, críticas de libros, cartas a los directores e informaciones científicas o profesionales sobre el tema. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Periferica Internacional", "ISSN": "15771172, 24452696", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Pharmaceutical Journal", "ISSN": "316873", "Scope": "ScopeThe Pharmaceutical Journal, the official monthly journal of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society, provides information and analysis on the latest advances in any branch of pharmacy practice and pharmaceutical science throughout the world. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Plan Canada", "ISSN": "320544", "Scope": "ScopePlan Canada is the premier planning magazine in Canada and the official magazine of the Canadian\rInstitute of Planners. It is published quarterly and features informative and beautifully presented articles\ron innovative projects and best practices in Canadian planning, as well as original research by\rpractitioners and academics. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Poligrafi", "ISSN": "13188828, 22322833", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal Poligrafi (1996-) is a peer-reviewed annual scholarly journal for philosophy. It is a quarterly, with two double issues. The journal is published by the Scientific Publishing House Annales ZRS Koper (from 2013) and Society for Comparative Religion (Ljubljana, Slovenia). Its primary aim and mission is publishing scholarly articles covering the wide range of philosophical topics with a more prominent accent on ethics, philosophy of religion, and cosmology.\r\rThis journal does not charge article processing charges (APCs) or submission charges. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Postmodern Culture", "ISSN": "10531920", "Scope": "ScopeAs the first electronic peer-reviewed journal in the humanities, Postmodern Culture (PMC) is a groundbreaking experiment in scholarly publishing. It has become a leading journal of interdisciplinary thought on contemporary cultures. PMC offers a forum for commentary, criticism, and theory on subjects ranging from identity politics to the economics of information. Subscriptions include access to all previous volumes of PMC in a comprehensive web-based interface with full-text searchability. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Preternature", "ISSN": "21612188, 21612196", "Scope": "ScopePreternature provides an interdisciplinary, inclusive forum for the study of topics that stand in the liminal space between the known world and the inexplicable. The journal embraces a broad and dynamic definition of the preternatural that encompasses the weird and uncanny—magic, witchcraft, spiritualism, occultism, esotericism, demonology, monstrophy, and more, recognizing that the areas of magic, religion, and science are fluid and that their intersections should continue to be explored, contextualized, and challenged. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "RECMA", "ISSN": "16261682, 22612599", "Scope": "ScopePubliée par l’association RECMA, la Recma est une revue diffusant les travaux consacrés à la coopération et à l’économie sociale.\r\rFondée en 1921 par Charles Gide et Bernard Lavergne, la Revue des études coopératives est devenue en 1986 Revue des études coopératives, mutualistes et associatives (Recma), puis Revue internationale de l’économie sociale. \r\rSa fonction est de susciter et diffuser des études et recherches en sciences sociales, économiques et juridiques, portant sur les organisations d’économie sociale en France, en Europe et dans le monde. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista d'Estudis Autonomics i Federals", "ISSN": "18862632", "Scope": "ScopeL'objecte de la Revista d'Estudis Autonòmics i Federals – Journal of Self-Government és l'estudi a l'entorn de les principals àrees de recerca de l'Institut d’Estudis de l’Autogovern: l'evolució de l'Estat autonòmic, el sistema polític i institucional de Catalunya, el procés de constitucionalització de la Unió Europea i l'evolució del federalisme en el dret comparat. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revue Archeologique", "ISSN": "350737", "Scope": "ScopeLa Revue archéologique est l’un des plus anciens périodiques scientifiques français. D’abord surtout consacrée au territoire national, elle s’est peu à peu concentrée sur l’Antiquité classique. Seule revue française d’archéologie restée généraliste, elle s’ouvre à toutes les facettes des mondes grec et romain, de l’Ibérie à l’Asie centrale en passant par la Gaule : sculpture, peinture et céramique, petits objets, architecture, urbanisme, problèmes géographiques, historiques et sociaux liés à l’archéologie, et souvent abordés par le biais de l’épigraphie ou des textes anciens grecs et latins. L’histoire de l’art traditionnelle peut alors côtoyer l’archéothanatologie, la présentation d’un nouveau musée ou d’un site internet. L’actualité est suivie dans de nombreux comptes rendus de livres, et dans le « Bulletin annuel de la Société française d’archéologie classique », avec les présentations synthétiques des conférences mensuelles de cette société. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Russian Archives of Internal Medicine", "ISSN": "22266704, 24116564", "Scope": "Scope«The Russian Archives of Internal Medicine»- the versatile journal which main objective is combination of clinical specialties in a common information space, formation of scientific communications and integration into world scientific process, broadcast of the advanced scientific results in applied medicine.\r\rIn the modern medical science it is tended to increase in level of specialization and subdivision of clinical medicine on highly specialized sections.\r\rAlong with it the role of internal medicine increases in integration of scientific research.\r\rThere is a need of formation of comprehensive cross-disciplinary approach for therapy, associations of doctors of various specialties for increase in effectiveness of treatment of patients.\r\rThe journal is focused on providing the scientific and practical, informational and analytical and methodical help in professional activity of experts, disclosure of the latest developments of medical science.\r\rThe journal publishes the original scientific articles devoted to the practical and theoretical questions of internal medicine which are carried out clinical, to pilot studies, the scientific reviews reflecting results of researches in various fields of medicine and pharmaceutics, a lecture, materials with the description of clinical cases, the data of biographic and historical and medical character and also by-products on all urgent problems of internal medicine. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Saeculum", "ISSN": "00805319, 21944075", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal \"Saeculum\" examines the cultures of the Old Orient, India and Eastern Asia, Ancient America as well as of the Greek and Roman Antiquity, of Islamic nations and of Europe. It compares these cultures with proven methodology and also considers prehistory and ethnology. Because of the yearbook’s universal historical approach, the connections between social history and economic history and between political and cultural history are a central issue.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Scientific Journal of King Faisal University Basic and Applied Sciences", "ISSN": "16580311", "Scope": "ScopeThe Scientific Journal of King Faisal University (‘Journal’) seeks contributions in the fields of humanities and management (for the ‘Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences’), and basic and applied sciences (for the ‘Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences’). \r\rThe Journal invites scholarly contributions that encourage readers to think outside of their comfort zone. It welcomes manuscripts driven by ‘neo-disciplinarity’, encouraging the uncomfortable, yet extraordinary, juxtapositions that arise when thoughts and knowledge from diverse fields collide. It regards neo-disciplinarity as ‘unity in diversity’, which fosters the improvement of academia. It does not accept contributions from modern-day scholars who passively conform to their academic descendants.\r\rThe Journal denies manuscripts wherein authors reject innovation for the sake of conformism and resort to conventionality to evaluate consequences and conclusions. It declines submissions that apply over-used (and, thus, exhausted) theories and notions. It invites researchers who are enthusiastic to de-stabilise well-established outdated thoughts and promote historical cognitive discontinuity, foster interdisciplinary collaboration and endorse cultural and social exchange across academic domains. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Signo y Pensamiento", "ISSN": "01204823, 20272731", "Scope": "ScopeLa revista maneja temáticas que incluyen: Las tendencias teóricas y metodológicas referidas al campo de la comunicación y sus relaciones multidisciplinarias. Los modelos conceptuales, lógicos y físicos para la organización, almacenamiento, flujo, diseminación y recuperación de información y conocimiento. La fundamentación del lenguaje como disciplina y su relación con otras áreas del conocimiento Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Societes", "ISSN": "07653697, 1782155X", "Scope": "ScopeDepuis plus de 20 ans et à travers presque une centaine de parutions, la revue Sociétés propose un espace interdisciplinaire ouvert pour les sciences humaines et sociales.\rRésolument orientée vers les collaborations internationales, Sociétés s’est fait à la fois l’écho des discussions sur l’épistémologie des sciences sociales, ainsi que des questionnements de terrains et de phénomènes émergents.\rUne part importante est donnée aux auteurs étrangers, notamment du Brésil, de la Corée, des États-Unis, d’Italie, d’Allemagne…\rLes thématiques de la sociologie de l’imaginaire et du quotidien y tiennent une part importante.\rLa revue est composée d’un dossier coordonné, de marges et d’un certain nombre de recensions sur les activités, travaux et publications de langue française ou étrangère.\rLe comité de lecture – auquel participent E.Morin, M.Maffesoli, P.Watier, A.Gras… – a choisi de publier des textes historiques et parfois inédits (Simmel, Guyau, Durkheim…), des auteurs contemporains (Baudrillard, Ferrarotti, Fabbri…) ainsi que de jeunes chercheurs. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Sociological Theory and Methods", "ISSN": "9131442", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Soins Pediatrie/Puericulture", "ISSN": "12594792", "Scope": "ScopeLa revue Soins Pédiatrie/Puériculture s'adresse aux infirmières et aux puéricultrices désireuses d'améliorer leur prise en charge de l'enfant de 0 a 16 ans, tant à l'hôpital qu'en structure médico-sociale ou en milieu scolaire. Soins Pédiatrie/Puériculture couvre tout le champ de la pédiatrie, de la périnatalité à l'adolescence.\rL'objectif de la rédaction est de tisser un vaste réseau entre tous les acteurs du soin qui entourent et accompagnent l'enfant, quel que soit leur mode d'exercice : hospitalisation traditionnelle, HAD, centres de PMI, centres médico-psychologiques, crèches, écoles... En effet, le projet éditorial de la revue, à laquelle collaborent des professionnels de ces différents modes d'exercice, reconnaît l'enfant comme pôle fédérateur de toute démarche soignante, individu à part entière vivant au sein d'une famille et d'un environnement social particulier. C'est pourquoi Soins Pédiatrie/Puériculture réunit les écrits de professionnels aux compétences variées, sélectionnés par un Comité de rédaction appuyé par des conseillers.\r\rUne revue en 3 grandes parties\r- Actualités\r- Dossier\r- Savoirs et Pratiques\r+ l'agenda et les petites annonces Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Spermova", "ISSN": "22239375, 23084928", "Scope": "ScopeThe SPERMOVA journal is an international forum in spanish and english language for researchers, veterinarians, zootechnicians, nutritionists, geneticists, biologists and other professionals working in the reproductive biology of animals. Publishes peer-reviewed researches and review articles, in any area of reproductive biology. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Stasis", "ISSN": "23103817, 25000721", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal welcomes interdisciplinarity. It covers a broad range of topics, from the purely philosophical, such as negativity, to the culturally and historically specific, such as social movements, religion, and sexuality. Stasis primarily publishes original research in the form of articles and book reviews, but it has also published essays, roundtable discussions, and translations of important historical works into English.\r\rArticles submitted to Stasis journal should be original and unpublished contributions, and should not be under consideration by any other publication at the same time. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studies in American Fiction", "ISSN": "918083", "Scope": "ScopeStudies in American Fiction publishes reviews and articles on a wide temporal range in American fiction: from neglected and rediscovered early U.S. writers (Susanna Rowson, Leonora Sansay, James Hall) to the emergent authors of the present day (Katherine Dunn, Ana Menéndez, Monique Truong, Toni Morrison). Expect its refereed articles to feature not only major canonical works by Charles Brockden Brown, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Edith Wharton, and Thomas Pynchon, but scholarly analyses of contemporary Chicano literature and Harlem Renaissance fiction. Engendering conversations about forms of writing that do not succumb to traditional genres, SAF interrogates and redraws both generic and geographic boundaries. SAF is the only journal encompassing American literature from the North American colonial past to the United States' globalized present. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studies in European Cinema", "ISSN": "17411548, 20400594", "Scope": "ScopeStudies in European Cinema provides an outlet for research into any aspect of European cinema and is unique in its interdisciplinary nature, celebrating the rich and diverse cultural heritage across the continent. The journal is distinctive in bringing together a range of European cinemas in one volume and in its positioning of the discussions within a range of contexts – the cultural, historical, textual, and many others.\r\rStudies in European Cinema is a peer-reviewed journal. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studies in Philology", "ISSN": "393738", "Scope": "ScopeStudies in Philology considers for publication articles on British literature through Romanticism and articles on relations between British literature and works in the classical, Romance, and Germanic languages. The journal rarely publishes essays focused exclusively on literature other than British. The editorial readers for Studies in Philology include, in addition to the Editorial Board, members of the graduate faculty of the departments of languages and literatures in the University of North Carolina. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Telfor Journal", "ISSN": "18213251, 23349905", "Scope": "ScopeThe TELFOR Journal is an open access international scientific journal publishing improved and extended versions of the selected best papers initially reported at the annual TELFOR Conference (www.telfor.rs), papers invited by the Editorial Board, and papers submitted by authors themselves for publishing. All papers are subject to reviewing.\r\rThe TELFOR Journal is published in the English language, with both electronic and printed versions. Being an IEEE co-supported publication, it will follow all the IEEE rules and procedures.\r\rThe TELFOR Journal covers all the essential branches of modern telecommunications and information technology: Telecommunications Policy and Services, Telecommunications Networks, Radio Communications, Communications Systems, Signal Processing, Optical Communications, Applied Electromagnetics, Applied Electronics, Multimedia, Software Tools and Applications, as well as other fields related to ICT.\r\rThis large spectrum of topics accounts for the rapid convergence through telecommunications of the underlying technologies towards the information and knowledge society.\r\rThe Journal provides a medium for exchanging research results and technological achievements accomplished by the scientific community from academia and industry. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Trajecta", "ISSN": "07788304, 26659484", "Scope": "ScopeTrajecta. Religion, Culture and Society in the Low Countries publishes peer reviewed articles on the historical dynamics between religion, culture and society in the Low Countries (Belgium and the Netherlands), and the related heritage. The journal pays attention to all confessional and religious traditions that played a role in the Low Countries and its (post-)colonial history and heritage. From 2019 onwards Trajecta focuses on the modern history of religion (Christianity, Judaism, Islam, ‘new’ religions) and the accompanying processes of transformation.\r\rTrajecta is published in cooperation with KADOC-KU Leuven, Documentation and Research Centre on Religion, Culture and Society, HDC Centre for Religious History at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Catholic Documentation Centre at the Radboud University Nijmegen (KDC) and the Archives and Documentation Centre of the Reformed Churches in the Netherlands at the Theological University Kampen (ADC). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Transactions of the Japan Society for Computational Engineering and Science", "ISSN": "13449443, 13478826", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Transfuze a Hematologie Dnes", "ISSN": "12135763", "Scope": "ScopeToday, the journal Transfusion and Haematology Today is published by the Society for Transfusion Medicine and the Czech Haematological Society of the Czech Medical Society of J. E. Purkyně.\r\rThe journal includes original papers, comprehensive works and case studies aimed at the transfusion medicine and haematology issues with the possibility to publish joint topics from other fields of medicine.\r\rIn its postgraduate content it is focused on university and high school educated readers.\r\rThe journal also publishes the information of both societies, organisational professional reports (e.g. the concept of the discipline, recommended diagnostic and therapeutic procedures), major results from the meetings of the societies with important Czech and international institutions and eminent private notices.\r\rThe journal includes news from foreign literature, news from Czech and international conferences, expert discussions on the current topics relating to haematology and transfusion medicine, activities of both professional societies and others. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Turkiye Klinikleri Pediatri", "ISSN": "13000381, 21468990", "Scope": "ScopeTurkiye Klinikleri Journal of Pediatrics is an unbiased, independent scientific journal that evaluates articles with peer-review and \"double-blind\" systems.\r\rThe aim of the Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Pediatrics is to guide about child health and diseases diagnosis, monitoring, treatment, creating of new searching fields and clinic approach. In addition, the journal enables the readers to enrich their own experiences in order to improve the issues related to child health and diseases in global meaning as well as to share research based knowledge, clinical experience and practices.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "University of Pittsburgh Law Review", "ISSN": "419915", "Scope": "ScopeThe University of Pittsburgh Law Review, founded in 1934, is the longest-standing publication of the University of Pittsburgh School of Law. It is produced by students and aims to publish excellent academic scholarship.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Update in Anaesthesia", "ISSN": "13534882", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Volkskunde", "ISSN": "7753128", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Zeitschrift fur Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie", "ISSN": "00442380, 18642950", "Scope": "ScopeDie Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie ist das zentrale Fachorgan des deutschen Bibliothekswesens und vertritt die berufsständischen Interessen. Für das Ausland nimmt die Zeitschrift eine wichtige Funktion bei der laufenden Berichterstattung über deutsche Bibliotheken wahr. Sie erscheint zweimonatlich und hat einen jährlichen Gesamtumfang von etwa 350 Seiten.\r\rZeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie is the seminal journal on German library sciences, representing the interests of the profession. For readers from other countries, this journal provides an important source of information on the German library system. ZfBB is published on a bi-monthly basis with an overall annual volume of ca. 350 pages.\r\rSie ist Forum für den Erfahrungs- und Meinungsaustausch der Fachöffentlichkeit, bietet eine Plattform für die Darstellung künftiger Entwicklungen und publiziert übergreifende Darstellungen für das Archiv-, Bibliotheks- und Informationswesen. Die Zusammensetzung des Herausgebergremiums spiegelt dabei die unterschiedlichen Bereiche wider. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Acta Pediatrica de Mexico", "ISSN": "1862391", "Scope": "ScopeActa Pediátrica de México (APM) se publica desde 1980 de manera puntual e ininterrumpida y es el Órgano Oficial del Instituto Nacional de Pediatría. Es una publicación bimestral que tiene como propósito fundamental la difusión de evidencia científica y de información generada como producto de investigación original básica, clínica, epidemiológica y social en el campo de la pediatría, que permita generar y mejorar los modelos de atención a la salud durante la infancia y la adolescencia. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Advances in Acoustics and Vibration", "ISSN": "16876261, 1687627X", "Scope": "ScopeThe aim of Advances in Acoustics and Vibration is to act as a platform for dissemination of innovative and original research and development work in the area of acoustics and vibration. The target audience of the journal comprises both researchers and practitioners. Articles with innovative works of theoretical and/or experimental nature with research and/or application focus can be considered for publication in the journal.\r\rArticles submitted for publication in Advances in Acoustics and Vibration must neither have been published previously nor be under consideration elsewhere.\r\rSubject areas include (but are not limited to):\r\rActive, semi-active, passive and combined active-passive noise and vibration control\rAcoustic signal processing\rAero-acoustics and aviation noise\rArchitectural acoustics\rAudio acoustics, mechanisms of human hearing, musical acoustics\rCommunity and environmental acoustics and vibration\rComputational acoustics, numerical techniques\rCondition monitoring, health diagnostics, vibration testing, non-destructive testing\rHuman response to sound and vibration, Occupational noise exposure and control\rIndustrial, machinery, transportation noise and vibration\rLow, mid, and high frequency noise and vibration\rMaterials for noise and vibration control\rMeasurement and actuation techniques, sensors, actuators\rModal analysis, statistical energy analysis, wavelet analysis, inverse methods\rNon-linear acoustics and vibration\rSound and vibration sources, source localisation, sound propagation\rUnderwater and ship acoustics\rVibro-acoustics and shock. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Afghanistan", "ISSN": "2399357X, 23993588", "Scope": "Scope\r\rAfghanistan Studies is where Near Eastern Studies, Central Asian Studies, and South Asian Studies overlap. The journal, therefore, does not focus solely on geographic Afghanistan, but publishes articles that straddle these three subject areas where the pre-modern histories and cultures of Afghanistan connect.\r\rThe journal aims to focus the interests of scholars and students on the region’s rich past through articles from a wide range of fields in the humanities. Afghanistan has been aptly described as ‘the places in between’, and its histories and cultures reflect a geographical mass stretching from the shores of the Caspian to China and India. It thus has an exceptionally rich architectural and art-historical legacy. In the past, it has been the centre of several major cultures/empires - the Graeco-Bactrian, Kushan, Gandharan, Ghaznavid, Timurid - as well as a major component of many others: the Bronze Age of both Central Asia and Indo-Iran, Achaemenid, Mauryan, Scythian, Parthian, Sasanian, Hun, Hindu, Abbasid, Seljuk. In more recent times, it has been the focus of great power rivalry: British, Russian, Soviet, US. It thus forms a microcosm of much of the history and civilisation of Western, Central and South Asia for the past four thousand years or so. This journal reflects these diverse and complex cultural and historical mixes, and showcases Afghanistan’s exceptional cultural diversity. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Aging and Health Research", "ISSN": "26670321", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Aibi, Revista de Investigacion Administracion e Ingenierias", "ISSN": "2346030X", "Scope": "Scope\"AiBi, Journal of Research, Management and Engineering is an international scientific journal published every four months, in electronic format, which seeks to disseminate knowledge in the areas of Engineering and Technology, especially in Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Computer Science, Environmental Engineering, other Engineering and Technologies, and in the area of Social Sciences, specifically in Economics, Business and Educational Sciences. Manuscripts submitted to the Journal should be products of research, review and reflection that can be submitted in Spanish or English for subsequent peer review. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "American Jewish History", "ISSN": "01640178, 10863141", "Scope": "ScopeBringing readers all the richness and complexity of Jewish life in America through cutting-edge historical and interdisciplinary research, American Jewish History (AJH) is the most widely recognized journal in its field. Founded in 1892, AJH is the official publication of the American Jewish Historical Society (AJHS), the oldest national ethnic historical organization in the United States. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Anales de Filologia Francesa", "ISSN": "02132958, 19894678", "Scope": "ScopeAnales de Filología Francesa is a science journal published by Editum and edited by the French Philology Department of the Department of French, Romance, Italian and Arabic Philology at the University of Murcia. The main intention is to provide the dissemination and analysis of research and studies carried out from different approaches within the area of French philology. Topics discussed include linguistics, literature, cultural intermediation, etc. This journal appeals to general readers and specialists alike worldwide.\r\rFounded in 1985, it has maintained its annual publications since 2003, publishing monographic issues featuring a pre-announced topic. The submitted articles will be admitted by two anonymous external evaluators who may approve or reject the text or make suggestions for improvement.\r\rThe journal offers the possibility to consult all its content freely, under the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater exchange of knowledge. Since 2015, the journal includes, in addition to articles on the monographic topic, a miscellaneous section and bibliographical reviews. Anales de Filología Francesa does not require any fee or payment from authors for review or publications. Anales de Filología Francesa is a “journal diamant”. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Annals of African Surgery", "ISSN": "19999674, 25230816", "Scope": "ScopeThe Annals of African Surgery ANN. AFR. SURG. (ISSN: 1999-9674 [print], ISSN: 2523-0816 [online]) is a bi-annual publication that aims to provide a medium for the exchange of current information between surgeons in the African region. The journal embraces surgery in all its aspects: basic science, clinical research, experimental research, and surgical education. The Annals of African Surgery will help surgeons in the region keep abreast of developing surgical innovations.\rThis Ethics Policies document is intended to inform the public and all persons affiliated with The Annals of African Surgery of its general ethics policies.\r\rTypes of articles published:\r-Original articles\r-Case reports\r-Case series\r-Reviews\r-Short communications\r-Letters to the editor\r-Commentaries\r\rAnnals of African Surgery publishes manuscripts in the following fields:\r- Cardiac and thoracic surgery\r- General surgery\r- Neurosurgery\r- Oral and maxillofacial surgery\r- Trauma and orthopaedic surgery\r- Otolaryngology (ear, nose and throat surgery)\r- Paediatric surgery\r- Plastic and reconstructive surgery\r- Urology surgery\r- Gynaecologic surgery\r- Surgical education\r-Medical education\r-Global surgery\r- Health advocacy\r- Innovations in surgery\r- Basic sciences\r- Anatomical sciences\r- Genetic and molecular studies Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Architectural Research Quarterly", "ISSN": "13591355, 14740516", "Scope": "ScopeArq publishes cutting-edge work covering all aspects of architectural endeavour. Contents include building design, urbanism, history, theory, environmental design, construction, materials, information technology, and practice. Other features include interviews, occasional reports, lively letters pages, book reviews and an end feature, Insight. Reviews of significant buildings are published at length and in a detail matched today by few other architectural journals. Elegantly designed, inspirational and often provocative, arq is essential reading for practitioners in industry and consultancy as well as for academic researchers.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Archiwum Filozofii Prawa i Filozofii Spolecznej", "ISSN": "20823304", "Scope": "ScopeThe aim of “Archiwum” is to publish original and current research results, to create a forum for academic discussion, as well as to promote science in the manner of social responsibility.\r\rThe thematic of “Archiwum” is broad and includes many different forms of general reflection on law and its environment, primarily: theory and philosophy of law, social philosophy, political philosophy and sociology of law. We encourage authors to publish papers tackling particular branches of law, as long as they provide a significant contribution to the theory and philosophy of law or other aforementioned subdisciplines, or at least apply their methodology.\r\r“Archiwum” is a journal publishing papers and other scientific texts primarily in following fields: law and philosophy. In the Polish Ministry of Education and Science list of scored journals “Archiwum” is further assigned to the following disciplines: international relations, family sciences, ethnology and cultural anthropology, Polish studies (Polonistics). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ars Orientalis", "ISSN": "5711371", "Scope": "ScopeEach fall the Freer and Sackler publishes, with the University of Michigan, a journal of the latest research in art of the Middle East and Asia. Titled Ars Orientalis, the journal is a collection of scholarship that crosses academic disciplines and aims to connect researchers, institutions, and ideas using one central theme per volume. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Australasian journal of optometry, The", "ISSN": "0817881X", "Scope": "ScopeClinical and Experimental Optometry is a peer reviewed journal listed by ISI and abstracted by PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, Science Citation Index and Current Contents. It publishes original research papers and reviews in clinical optometry and vision science. Debate and discussion of controversial scientific and clinical issues is encouraged and letters to the Editor and short communications expressing points of view on matters within the Journal's areas of interest are welcome. The Journal is published six times annually. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Biblia Arabica", "ISSN": "22136401", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Bibliotheca Maqriziana", "ISSN": "22116737", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Biologie in Unserer Zeit", "ISSN": "0045205X, 1521415X", "Scope": "ScopeDie Biologie avanciert im Eiltempo zur zentralen Wissenschaft dieses Jahrhunderts. Biologie in unserer Zeit gibt Einblicke in komplexe Zusammenhänge und Einsichten in das gesamte Spektrum der Biologie. Namhafte Autoren bringen Ihnen die aufregenden Neuentwicklungen näher - auf verständliche Weise und farbig illustriert. In den Rubriken jeder Ausgabe finden Profis und solche, die es werden wollen:\r- Neuestes aus Forschung und Anwendung\r- Witziges, Wesentliches und Rätselhaftes\r- Historisches Hintergrundwissen\r- Lesenswertes, Berufe, Hinweise zu Fort- und Weiterbildung und vieles mehr....\rBegleiten Sie die Autoren von Biologie in unserer Zeit bei der Forschung oder zu seltenen Lebensräumen und Lebensformen. Nutzen Sie die Rubrik „Das Experiment\" zum Nachvollziehen spannender Versuche, lernen Sie verschiedene Bioberufe kennen und lassen Sie sich durch Buchbesprechungen zu neuer Lektüre anregen.\r\rBiologie in unserer Zeit ist das Verbandsorgan des Verbandes Biologie, Biowissenschaften und Biomedizin in Deutschland e. V. (VBIO) Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Brill?s Series on Chinese Education", "ISSN": "22127437", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Brill's Studies in Language, Cognition and Culture", "ISSN": "18795412, 18795420", "Scope": "ScopeBrill’s Studies in Language, Cognition and Culture (BSLC) is a peer-reviewed book series that offers an international forum for high-quality original studies in languages and cultures. It focuses on the interaction between linguistic categories (and their conceptualization), cultural values, and human cognition. Publications will include interdisciplinary studies on language, its meanings and forms, and possible interactions with cognitive and communicational patterns. The series spans cultural and social anthropology, cognitive science and linguistics. The emphasis is on inductive based cross-linguistic and cross-cultural studies, with special attention to poorly known areas, such as Lowland Amazonia and the Pacific. In this series are also welcome culturally informed grammars which highlight the correlations and the interactions between languages and the societies in which they are spoken, with special focus on studies emanating from loci of linguistic diversity. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Bunseki Kagaku", "ISSN": "5251931", "Scope": "ScopeBunsekikagaku is a journal written in Japanese and is published monthly by The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry. The journal publishes papers on all aspects of the theory and practice of analytical sciences, including fundamental and applied, inorganic and organic, wet chemical and instrumental methods. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Chinese Law and Government", "ISSN": "00094609, 19447051", "Scope": "ScopeChinese Law and Government contains unabridged translations of significant policy documents and scholarly works in the field of law, politics, and government published originally in China. Occasionally, works of major significance from Japanese, Russian, and Taiwan sources are included.\rRead the Instructions for Authors for information on how to submit your article. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Clinica e Investigacion en Ginecologia y Obstetricia", "ISSN": "0210573X, 15789349", "Scope": "ScopeClínica e Investigación en Ginecología y Obstetricia, en sus diversas secciones (Originales, Revisión de conjunto, Casos clínicos/iconografías, etc.), recoge puntualmente los adelantos de la especialidad, constituyendo el mejor medio de información actualizada del especialista y del médico que se está formando en la especialidad. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Collection Monographique Rodopi en Litterature Francaise Contemporaine", "ISSN": "1690078", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Comparative Literature Studies", "ISSN": "00104132, 15284212", "Scope": "ScopeComparative Literature Studies publishes comparative critical articles that deal with works in two or more languages, and which may range across the rich traditions of Africa, Asia, Europe, and North and South America, and that examine the literary relations between East and West, North and South. Articles may also explore movements, themes, forms, the history of ideas, relations between authors, the foundations of criticism and theory, and issues of language and translation. Intermedial studies, such as film and literature or graphic novels, are also welcome as long as they adhere to the polyglot principles of comparative studies. Each issue of CLS also contains numerous book reviews of the most important comparative literature monographs and essay collections. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Construction History", "ISSN": "2677768", "Scope": "ScopeConstruction History was first published in 1985 and is the leading international journal in its field. It enjoys a high reputation for the diversity, breadth and detail of its coverage.\r\rThe journal covers all aspects of construction history and recent papers have ranged from helical brick chimneys in Spain to industrialised building in modern Germany and from the use of monolithic limestone columns in Sicily to building insulation in early 20th century USA construction.\r\rEach volume of around 150 pages contains up to six or seven illustrated papers by authoritative writers. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Contemporary Pragmatism", "ISSN": "15723429, 18758185", "Scope": "ScopeContemporary Pragmatism (COPR) is an interdisciplinary, international journal for discussions of applying pragmatism, broadly understood, to today's issues. Contemporary Pragmatism will consider articles about pragmatism written from the standpoint of any tradition and perspective. Contemporary Pragmatism especially seeks original explorations and critiques of pragmatism, and also of pragmatism's relations with humanism, naturalism, and analytic philosophy. Contemporary Pragmatism cannot consider submissions that principally interpret or critique historical figures of American philosophy, although applications of past thought to contemporary issues are sought. Contemporary Pragmatism welcomes contributions dealing with current issues in any field of philosophical inquiry, from epistemology, philosophy of language, metaphysics and philosophy of science, and philosophy of mind and action, to the areas of theoretical and applied ethics, aesthetics, social & political philosophy, philosophy of religion, and philosophy of the social sciences. Contemporary Pragmatism encourages work having an interdisciplinary orientation, establishing bridges between pragmatic philosophy and, for example, theology, psychology, pedagogy, sociology, economics, medicine, political science, or international relations. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Critical Studies in Men's Fashion", "ISSN": "2050070X, 20500718", "Scope": "ScopeCritical Studies in Men's Fashion examines the multi-faceted dimensions of men's appearance. It uses the holistic definition of dress as a means of examining the tangible and intangible aspects of creating and maintaining appearance. This journal is the first to exclusively focus on men's dress and topics of gender, identity, sexuality, culture, marketing and business will be discussed. Men's dress and fashion have been side-lined in scholarship, and this journal provides a dedicated space for the discussion, analysis, and theoretical development of men's appearance from multiple disciplines. All articles are double-blind peer-reviewed in order to maintain the highest standards of scholastic integrity. Theoretical and empirical scholarship in the form of original articles, manuscripts, research reports, pedagogy, and media reviews are welcome. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cuadernos de Estudios Gallegos", "ISSN": "0210847X, 19888333", "Scope": "ScopeCuadernos de Estudios Gallegos is a Spanish journal published annually by the Instituto de Estudios Gallegos “Padre Sarmiento”, a research centre run jointly by the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (Spanish Council for Scientific Research) and the Xunta de Galicia (the autonomous government of Galicia). The journal was founded in 1944 as a platform for the publication of multidisciplinary research on topics of relevance for Galicia in the fields of Humanities and Social Sciences.\r\rToday, it focuses on history research, publishing general studies as well as those specifically about Galician history. It also includes book reviews. The journal is aimed at the scientific community both in Spain and around the world, and exclusively publishes original articles written in Galician, Spanish, Portuguese, English, German and French. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofia", "ISSN": "2104857", "Scope": "ScopeCuadernos salmantinos de filosofía, publicación editada por la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, es una Revista científica de investigación filosófica a cargo de la Facultad de Filosofía de la mencionada Universidad. Se fundó en 1974, y se viene editando desde entonces de forma ininterrumpida, con una periodicidad anual. Pensada para el ámbito académico, publica preferentemente a profesores y doctores en filosofía, sin excluir a jóvenes investigadores que presenten un trabajo de calidad notable. Consta de tres secciones: Estudios originales (Artículos), Notas Criticas y Reseñas.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Current Immunology Reviews", "ISSN": "15733955", "Scope": "ScopeCessation. Current Immunology Reviews publishes frontier reviews/ mini-reviews, drug clinical trial studies and guest edited thematic issues written by leaders in the field covering a range of current topics on all the latest advances in clinical immunology. The journal's aim is to publish the highest quality review articles dedicated to clinical research in the field. The journal is essential reading for all researchers and clinicians in clinical immunology.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Debats", "ISSN": "02120585, 25303074", "Scope": "ScopeDebats was launched in 1982 as the journal of the Institution of Alfonso The Magnanimous (IAM) (and shortly afterwards, of the Valencia Institute of Studies and Research (IVEI). Its mission, then as now, was to foster and update the great debates on Social Sciences in the Valencian region, and to facilitate participation by leading experts in the field. Debats journal is now a six-monthly publication. Its objective is to: (1) bring together current intellectual reflections on culture (both in its broadest sense of cultural practices and in the narrower sense of the Arts); (2) examine the links between culture and power, identity, geographies, and social change. The Journal covers matters that are relevant to Valencian society and its wider setting. That said, the aim is to make Debats a key scholarly publication in both Europe and further afield. Debats’ starts from the perspective of the Social Sciences but it also aims to forge links with contemporary analysis and debates in The Humanities, Communication Studies, and Cultural Studies fields. It calls for methodological pluralism while fostering innovation through the adoption of new research techniques and ways of communicating scholarly findings to a broader public. In a nutshell, the Journal is an invaluable tool for analysing emerging problems in the cultural field and in contemporary society. In playing this role, it takes a broad, multi-disciplinary view and combines social impact with scientific rigour in scholarly publications and debates at the international level. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Economia", "ISSN": "15297470, 15336239", "Scope": "ScopePublished by the Brookings Press, ECONOMIA publishes peer-reviewed research papers covering a range of topics in applied and empirical economics that are of policy relevance to Latin America. ECONOMIA’s emphasis is on rigorous applied theoretical or quantitative work that uses modern analytical tools and, possibly, novel or underexploited databases. Consistent with its aim, the journal also publishes critical surveys of work on policy-relevant areas. The journal welcomes work on any area of macroeconomics, microeconomics, or finance. The journal welcomes submissions at any time. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Economia Pubblica", "ISSN": "03906140, 19725566", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Estudios de Historia Moderna Contemporanea de Mexico", "ISSN": "1852620", "Scope": "ScopeEstudios de Historia Moderna y Contemporánea de México publishes original articles on the history of Mexico and Latin America since independence revolutions, reviews of books that address the period and documents. Papers submitted must be original and written in English or Spanish. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ethics and Medicine", "ISSN": "0266688X, 21688230", "Scope": "ScopeE&M readers are provided in each issue the latest in contemporary thought, analysis and application about issues in the ever changing field of medical and biotechnology. Such issues include:\r\r-Aging and End-of-Life Decision-Making-\rBiotechnology-\rClinical/Medical Ethics-\rContraception-\rDefinition and Determination of Death-\rEmerging Technologies-\rEuthanasia and Assisted Suicide-\rGenetic Ethics-\rGlobal Bioethics-\rMedical Professionalism-\rNeuroethics-\rNursing Ethics-\rReproductive Technologies and Ethics-\rResearch Ethics-\rTransplantation Ethics Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Etudes sur le Judaisme Medieval", "ISSN": "0169815X", "Scope": "ScopeEstablished 50 years ago by the late Georges Vajda, the series Études sur le judaïsme médiéval, while specialising in Rabbanite and Qaraite texts in Hebrew, Judaeo-Arabic and Judaeo-Persian, publishes scholarly monographs, collective volumes, conference proceedings, as well as editions and translation in all areas of Medieval Jewish literature, philosophy, science, exegesis, ethics, polemics, mysticism and Genizah studies, focusing on the philological and philosophical approach. The series also publishes two separate subseries, Cambridge Genizah and Karaite Texts and Studies . Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "European Journal of Pediatric Dermatology", "ISSN": "11227672", "Scope": "ScopeThe European Journal of Pediatric Dermatology (EJPD) is the post-graduate journal of the European Society for Pediatric Dermatology (ESPD). The EJPD publishes original articles and case reports regarding skin diseases of the child. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Explorations in Medieval Culture", "ISSN": "23520299", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "French Studies Bulletin", "ISSN": "02622750, 17489180", "Scope": "ScopeFrench Studies Bulletin: A Quarterly Supplement is published on behalf of the Society of French Studies by Oxford University Press. It is the sister journal to French Studies and appears four times a year (Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter). It publishes short articles (no more than 2,000 words) in English or French on topics spanning all areas of the subject -- language and linguistics (historical and contemporary); all aspects and periods of French/Francophone literature; French thought and the history of ideas; cultural studies; film; politics and critical theory – and on topical issues and debates.\r\rThe Bulletin also features reports of selected conferences, and publishes regularly updated information on the Society for French Studies, calls for papers and other notices of interest to researchers in French. A dedicated postgraduate bulletin board is among its newest developments. The Bulletin was first published in Winter 1981-1982 and in 2006 published issue 100.\r\rFrench Studies Bulletin is included in a subscription to its sister journal French Studies. The journal is available online to subscribers in full-text Portable Document Format. Print subscribers must complete a brief registration process in order to access the journal online, in the course of which you will need to supply your subscriber number (which you will find on the address label accompanying your copy of the journal). The full table of contents for the journal is available online. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Frontiers of History in China", "ISSN": "16733401, 16733525", "Scope": "ScopeFrontiers of History in China (FHC) aims to reflect the most recent scholarly achievements in the research of Chinese history throughout all historical periods. Topics for consideration include, but are not limited to: social and cultural history, political and economic history, environmental history, gender history, and historical anthropology.FHC seeks to promote academic communication and cooperation between historians in China and the rest of the world.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Futuribles: Analyse et Prospective", "ISSN": "0337307X", "Scope": "ScopeCréée en 1975, Futuribles est la principale revue de prospective en langue française. Son objectif est d'apporter à ses lecteurs les éléments indispensables à une meilleure compréhension du monde contemporain, une analyse de ses évolutions possibles (les futurs possibles), des enjeux qui y sont liés, des politiques et des stratégies pouvant être adoptées par les différents acteurs.\r\rLa revue Futuribles est un bimestriel qui existe au format papier et numérique. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Fyodorov Journal of Ophthalmic Surgery", "ISSN": "02354160, 23124970", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Gaceta Medica de Caracas", "ISSN": "3674762", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Germania", "ISSN": "168874", "Scope": "ScopeAnzeiger der Römisch-Germanischen Kommission. Germania erscheint zweimal jährlich und enthält Aufsätze zur Archäologie Alteuropas sowie Rezensionen in Deutsch, Englisch und Französisch. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Glotta - Zeitschrift fur Griechische und Lateinische Sprache", "ISSN": "171298", "Scope": "ScopeDie Zeitschrift erscheint seit 1909 in zwangloser Folge. Vor allem sprachgeschichtliche, strukturelle und etymologische Untersuchungen werden publiziert; Beiträge in deutscher, englischer, französischer, italienischer und spanischer Sprache.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Gonda Indological Studies", "ISSN": "13823442", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Govaresh", "ISSN": "15607186, 2008756X", "Scope": "ScopeThe GOVARESH Journal aims to publish the highest quality material, both clinical and scientific, on aspects of gastrointestinal and liver diseases. It includes articles related to research findings, technical evaluations, and reviews. In addition, it provides a forum for the exchange of information on all aspects of Gastrointestinal and Liver, including educational issues.\r\rThe GOVARESH Journal is an international, English and Farsi language, peer-reviewed journal concerned with adult and pediatric Gastroenterology and Hepatology and Colorectal Surgery and is published Quarterly. Papers is submitted to this journal which do not adhere to the Instructions for Authors will be returned for appropriate revision to be in line with the Instructions for Authors. They may then be re-submitted. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Greece and Rome", "ISSN": "173835", "Scope": "ScopeGreece & Rome is a journal which delivers scholarly research to a wider audience. It showcases original and informative articles on ancient history, literature, art, archaeology, religion, philosophy, and reception of the ancient world. Although its content reflects current research and its contributors include leading figures in the field, undergraduates and general readers who wish to be kept informed of current thinking will also find it engaging and accessible, as well as professional scholars in Classics and in other disciplines. With the wider audience in mind all Greek and Latin quotations are translated. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "History of Warfare", "ISSN": "13857827", "Scope": "ScopeHistory of Warfare presents the latest research on all aspects of military history. Publications in the series examine technology, strategy, logistics, and social development related to warfare in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East from ancient times until the mid twentieth century. The series accepts high-quality monographs, collections of essays, conference proceedings, and translations of military texts. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Information Grammaticale", "ISSN": "02229838, 17831601", "Scope": "ScopeLe comité de lecture regroupe des professeurs de linguistique de l'enseignement supérieur, des professeurs de lettres et des inspecteurs généraux de l'Éducation nationale.\r\rLes lecteurs visés sont :\r\rles spécialistes de linguistique et de didactique des langues,\r\rles étudiants,\r\rles enseignants préparant aux concours du Capes et de l'agrégation,\r\rles enseignants souhaitant se tenir informés de l'avancée de la recherche en matière de linguistique,\r\rles lecteurs curieux des différentes approches que suscite l'étude de la langue française.\r\rLa revue paraît quatre fois par an. Elle propose alternativement:\r\r-un sommaire thématique-\r\rdes études originales sur des points de linguistique : numéros thématiques de mars et juin et varia d'octobre et janvier-\r\rdes prises de position sur les débats où la langue est en jeu aujourd'hui : Linguisti'HicΝnc-\r\rdes témoignages sur l'utilité des linguistes et de la linguistique dans le monde professionnel d'aujourd'hui : métiers de langue(s)-\r\rdes travaux de préparation aux concours de Lettres dans ses numéros d'octobre et janvier : textes aux concours-\r\rdes présentations de thèses et d'habilitation-\r\rdes comptes rendus.\r\rTous les aspects de l'étude de la langue s'y trouvent abordés : phonétique, morphologie, syntaxe, lexique, stylistique, TAL, etc.\rLa revue accueille aussi régulièrement des articles relatifs aux divers usages francophones de la langue française.\r\rLes auteurs des articles sont des professeurs de l'enseignement supérieur ou du secondaire. Tous dispensent un enseignement ou mènent des recherches en relation avec le domaine de la linguistique ou de la philologie. La qualité scientifique de leurs contributions est le seul critère retenu pour leur publication.\r\rLa revue est diffusée dans 34 pays, dont les Pays-Bas, le Canada, la Belgique, la Suisse, le Japon, l'Espagne, l'Italie, le Royaume-Uni et les Etats-Unis. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Innsbrucker Beitrage zur Sprachwissenschaft", "ISSN": "18163920", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "International Comparative Social Studies", "ISSN": "15684474", "Scope": "ScopeIn modern research, breaking boundaries between the different social sciences is becoming more and more popular. Discussions in which different disciplines are being invited to shed their light on such issues as migration, violence, urbanisation, trust and social capital are common in current academic discourse. Brill’s International Comparative Social Studies focuses on presenting the results of comparative research by anthropologists, sociologists, political scientists and other social scientists. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, Proceedings, ICONE", "ISSN": "-", "Scope": "ScopeThis Nuclear Engineering Conference is a global event for professionals who want to stay current on new technology and industry trends and developments in nuclear technology. ASME's Nuclear Engineering division, the Japanese Society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME), and the Chinese Nuclear Society (CNS) will host the virtual conference. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Clinical Dentistry", "ISSN": "19395833", "Scope": "ScopeInternational Journal of Clinical Dentistry is a multidisciplinary forum for publications from all fields of oral medicine. The Journal builds a bridge between basic and clinical sciences, promoting the exchange of information and the advancement of oral medicine for the benefit of patients and clinicians.\r\rIJCD offers comprehensive coverage of new techniques, important developments, and innovative ideas in all fields of clinical dentistry. The Journal publishes original scientific articles and invited reviews that provide an international readership with up-to-date results of basic and clinical studies in the field of oral and maxillofacial science and medicine. The Journal will clarify the relevance of these results for modern practices. Topics include Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery, Prosthetics and Restorative Dentistry, Operative Dentistry, Endodontics, Periodontology, Orthodontics, Dental Materials Science, Clinical Trials, Epidemiology, Pedodontics, Oral Implant, Preventive Dentistry, Oral Pathology, and Oral Basic Sciences. The Journal also includes specifics on new instruments and diagnostic equipment, as well as modern therapeutic drugs and devices. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences", "ISSN": "18331882", "Scope": "ScopeThe International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences: Annual Review aims to create an intellectual frame of reference, and to support an interdisciplinary conversation examining the nature of disciplinary and interdisciplinary practices that arise in the context of “real world” applications. It also interrogates what constitutes “science” in a social context, and the connections between the social and other sciences. Candidates for inclusion in this survey journal include works by invited contributors and top-ranked articles selected from thematic journals of the collection.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Language and Law", "ISSN": "21947414", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Product Development", "ISSN": "14779056, 17418178", "Scope": "ScopeIJPD is a refereed international journal providing an authoritative source of information in the field of product development and innovation. It is devoted to the development, promotion and coordination of the science and practice of this field.\rTopics covered include:\r-Product strategy, strategic planning, innovative concepts-\rCustomer preferences, customer/regulatory requirements/implementation-\rInternet technology/web-based methods for marketing research-\rInterrelationships across organisations-\rInformation management/standards, ICTs, information flows-\rVirtual/collaborative PD; management of dispersed processes/teams-\rProduct life/value cycle management, total life-cycle technology-\r[Component] knowledge management/exchange, electronic catalogues-\rProduct modelling, process/production planning, design optimisation, design for 'X'-\rSystem level, sustainable PD, quality, reliability, durability-\rPlatforms, architectures, product families/configuration/modularisation-\rMetrics/standards for evaluating firms' capabilities/performance-\rProduct/process/project data exchange standards; integration methodologies-\rEmerging tools/applications in system engineering, education, training-\rVirtual prototyping/testing (simulation); fast/lean validationJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of the Humanities", "ISSN": "14479508, 14479559", "Scope": "ScopeThe International Journal of the Humanities: Annual Review aims to create an intellectual frame of reference, and to support an interdisciplinary conversation that builds on the past traditions of the humanities whilst setting a renewed agenda for their future. Candidates for inclusion in this survey journal include works by invited contributors and top-ranked articles selected from thematic journals of the collection. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Water", "ISSN": "14656620, 17415322", "Scope": "ScopeIJW is a fully refereed journal, providing a high profile international outlet for analyses and discussions of all aspects of water, environment and society. IJW highlights the importance and multidisciplinarity of water in our vital ecosystems. It promotes contributions in the areas of integration, synthesis and assessment in scientific research, engineering solutions and technological innovations in support of adaptation planning and management to maximize the resultant economic and social welfare, paving the way towards sustainable development.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Litigation in Practice", "ISSN": "18740502", "Scope": "ScopeThis Series aims at filling a perceived need among practitioners and academics, arising from the increased recourse by States to the International Court of Justice and the growth of international litigation involving States before other courts and tribunals during the past twenty years. As a result of the enhanced utilization of judicial and arbitral means of peaceful settlement of disputes involving States, new procedures have developed, while previously unused or controversial provisions found in the statutory and other governing instruments have come under scrutiny and have been clarified by judges and arbitrators.\r\rThe Series sets out such issues and consists of practical books prepared by specialists, serving as self-contained references whenever the issues they cover come to the fore in a particular case. Although the point of departure is the International Court of Justice, the Series also deals with the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea and other international and arbitral courts and tribunals established for the settlement of disputes involving States. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Studies in Human Rights", "ISSN": "9244751", "Scope": "ScopeThis Series is designed to shed light on current legal and political aspects of process and organization in the field of human rights. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Internationale Forschungen zur Allgemeinen und Vergleichenden Literaturwissenschaft", "ISSN": "9296999", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Intersections", "ISSN": "15681181", "Scope": "ScopeIntersections is a peer-reviewed series on interdisciplinary topics in early modern studies. Contributions may come from any of the disciplines within the humanities, such as history, art history, literary history, book history, church history, social history, cultural history, and history of ideas. Each volume focuses on a single theme and consists of essays that explore new perspectives on the subject of study. The series aims to open up new areas of research on early modern culture and to address issues of interest to a wide range of disciplines. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Intersezioni", "ISSN": "03932451, 19738196", "Scope": "ScopeIntersezioni affronta la storia delle idee nel nome dell’interdisciplinarità e apre nuove prospettive di studio e di comprensione. Originariamente ispirata al modello del «Journal of the History of Ideas» di Lovejoy, che tanta parte ha avuto nella cultura internazionale, la rivista è stata fondata nel 1981 da Ezio Raimondi, Paolo Rossi e Antonio Santucci. Intersezioni affronta tematiche di letteratura, storia, filosofia, scienza, storia dell’arte, musica, ponendosi come punto di incontro tra discipline diverse e prestigiosi studiosi italiani e stranieri. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Iran Studies", "ISSN": "15697401", "Scope": "ScopeThe book series Iran Studies is dedicated to the interdisciplinary study of Iran. Brill welcomes proposals from every branch of the social sciences and humanities, including history, sociology, political science, religious studies, anthropology and economics. \rThe series includes monographs, thematic collections of articles, handbooks, text editions and occasional translations. All volumes are peer-reviewed and are aimed at a better understanding of Iran, its past, present and future. \r\rThe series published an average of 1,5 volumes per year over the last 5 years. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Jerusalem Studies in Religion and Culture", "ISSN": "1570078X", "Scope": "ScopeThe Jerusalem Studies in Religion and Culture series publishes scholarly monographs and collections of essays on a broad spectrum of topics with particular emphasis on religious and cultural contacts, transformations, and interchange. Jerusalem is not only a pivotal city in the religious history of humankind but also a living laboratory where traditions from East and West meet, clash, and interact. Jerusalem is also a centre for the comparative study of religious and cultural traditions and for historical and philological scholarship cantered on the great civilizations. This series publishes original research carried out in Israel and elsewhere; it reflects a natural link to the Abrahamic religions but also to the wider cultural horizons of Iran, India, China, Africa, and beyond as well as to anthropological studies of ritual and society. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal and Proceedings - Royal Society of New South Wales", "ISSN": "359173", "Scope": "ScopeThe Society's journal is one of the oldest peer-reviewed publications in the Southern Hemisphere. Much innovative research of the 19th and early 20th centuries was first brought to the attention of the scientific world through the Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales. In the last few decades specialist journals have become preferred for highly technical work but the Journal and Proceedings remains an important publication for multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary work.\r\rThe Journal and Proceedings is exchanged with many institutions worldwide. Currently issues are usually published around June and December each year, although a single December issue appeared in 2016. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal Europeen des Urgences et de Reanimation", "ISSN": "22114238", "Scope": "ScopePrécédemment Journal Européen des Urgences, le Journal Européen des Urgences et de Réanimation s'adresse aux médecins urgentistes mais aussi à tous les professionnels de l'Urgence. Sa vocation : renforcer les liens entre une médecine d'urgence, tous les jours plus avide de connaissances et de modernité, et de nombreuses spécialités médicales et chirurgicales qui partagent avec elle la prise en charge des patients les plus graves, ou les plus complexes. Dans cette démarche, le JEUREA ouvre donc sa ligne éditoriale à des médecins urgentistes mais aussi à d'autres spécialistes de renom pour faire profiter le lecteur des connaissances indispensables et des mises à jour multidisciplinaire que requiert la prise en charge la plus avancée des urgences. Un outil de formation et une vitrine ouverte sur le monde des Urgences et du Samu. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal for Interdisciplinary Middle Eastern Studies", "ISSN": "2522347X, 25226959", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal for Interdisciplinary Middle Eastern Studies (JIMES) aims to provide a unique forum for presenting original interdisciplinary articles from the social sciences, international relations and humanities that are related to the study of the broader Middle East. The journal encourages theoretical and empirical studies on broad issues that include history and contemporary political, social, economic, and cultural aspects of Middle Eastern and Central Asian countries.\r\rJIMES is an academic house for local, regional, and international scholars who wish to publish research that exhibits high academic standards and values. JIMES is committed to publishing excellent, professional, and innovative works. By nature, JIMES is an interdisplinary journal, and the topics it covers range from Middle Eastern Studies, North Africa and Central Asia, to Islam. It explores philosophy, history, politics, and economics, from medieval to modern times. \r\rThis journal is essential reading for all academics and decision-makers who concern themselves with understanding the modern Middle East.\r\rJIMES strives to provide an essential resource to its readers from a variety of social science disciplines. The criteria for publication in JIMES are relevance to the journal’s aims, scientific innovation and high quality. All submissions are peer-reviewed anonymously by two referees. The journal is published simultaneously online and in print. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico", "ISSN": "0041994X", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico issued biannually by the Agricultural Experiment Station of the University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus, for the publication of articles and research notes by staff members or others, dealing with scientific agriculture in Puerto Rico and elsewhere in the Caribbean and Latin America. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Ancient Judaism", "ISSN": "18693296, 21967954", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Ancient Judaism (JAJ) addresses all issues of Jewish literature, culture, religion, and history from the Babylonian exile until the Babylonian Talmud. As a cross disciplinary journal it is of interest for all those concerned with Biblical, Jewish, religious, cultural and historical studies. The journal welcomes submissions in any of these subject areas and disciplinary methods. Articles that reflect the journal’s interdisciplinary character by working across multiple fields or disciplines or introducing new and innovative disciplinary approaches to the study of ancient Judaism are especially encouraged Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of China Pharmaceutical University", "ISSN": "10005048", "Scope": "ScopeJournal of China Pharmaceutical University (JCPU, ISSN 1000-5048 ) is a periodical publication of pharmaceutical sciences sponsored by China Pharmaceutical University supervised directly under Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China.\r  JCPU, founded in 1956, is now published bimonthly with 96 pages and internationally adopted format size. The journal, which is distributed both domestically and abroad, publishes original reports of studies in medicinal chemistry, natural pharmaceutical products, pharmacognosy, traditional Chinese pharmacy, pharmaceutics, pharmaceutical analysis, pharmaceutical biotechnology, pharmacology, and pharmacokinetics, etc. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Confucian Philosophy and Culture", "ISSN": "1598267X, 27341356", "Scope": "Scope· Confucian thought and culture · critical reviews of academic trends, mainly in the arts and humanities, related to Confucianism and East Asian cultures · the history and contemporary relevance of Confucianism · interpretations and analyses of Confucian ideology · the meeting of Confucianism with western cultures · clashes between Confucian and Western thought · new interpretations of and approaches to traditional Confucian ideas · moral psychology and Confucian philosophy Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Dance and Somatic Practices", "ISSN": "17571871", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Dance and Somatic Practices is an international refereed journal published twice a year. It has been in publication since 2009 for scholars and practitioners whose research interests focus on the relationship between dance and somatic practices, and the influence that this body of practice exerts on the wider performing arts. In recent years, somatic practices have become more central to many artists' work and have become more established within educational and training programmes. Despite this, as a body of work it has remained largely at the margins of scholarly debate, finding its presence predominantly through the embodied knowledge of practitioners and their performative contributions.\r\rThis journal provides a space to debate the work, to consider the impact and influence of the work on performance and discuss the implications for research and teaching. The journal serves a broad international community and invites contributions from a wide range of discipline areas. Particular features include writings that consciously traverse the boundaries between text and performance, taking the form of ‘visual essays', interviews with leading practitioners, book reviews, themed issues and conference/symposium reports. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of European Economic History", "ISSN": "3915115", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of European Economic History is a quarterly founded in 1972 by economic historians Luigi De Rosa (1922-2004) and Peter Mathias (1928-2016).\r\rSince its inception the mission of the Journal has been to “reknit the common threads of European economic history” both at the national level, and that of the European Economic Community, now European Union.\r\rThe study of the relations between Europe and the rest of the world, with special focus to China, Latin America and the U.S., has also been developed as globalization and the interest for global history deepened.\r\rOver forty years, supported by an authoritative International Board, the Journal has published more than five hundred high-quality articles and more than a thousand reviews, achieving global recognition and readership.\r\rThe Journal is a peer-review publication, and the papers received are submitted to double-blind refereeing.\r\rThe referral process is blind and is supervised by the Editors, and the National and International Boards. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Geomatics", "ISSN": "20956045", "Scope": "Scope《测绘地理信息》是由中华人民共和国教育部主管、武汉大学主办、面向国内外公开发行的测绘专业领域工程技术类期刊 。创刊于1976年,曾用名《武测资料》、《武测科技》、《测绘信息与工程》,2012正式更名为《测绘地理信息》 。1976年,《武测资料》创刊,1985年改名为《武测科技》,1997年改名为《测绘信息与工程》,2012年8月更名为《测绘地理信息》。\r《测绘地理信息》为中国高校优秀科技期刊,湖北省专业技术优秀精品期刊;《文摘杂志》(AJ)、《剑桥科学文摘》(CSA)、英国 INSPEC 数据库、《文摘与引文数据库》(Scopus)等数据库收录期刊。主要读者对象为测绘地理信息行业的从业人员、科研人员以及相关专业的高校师生。\r自1976年创刊以来,我刊严格执行办刊宗旨,严格把关学术质量和编校质量,注重学科特色,积极探索持久的发展之道,努力成为引领测绘领域的学术潮流、展示最新动态及研究成果、推动学术发展的精品测绘期刊。本刊40多年的发展受益于各位编委、专家、作者、读者的热心帮助与持续关注。希望广大测绘工作者继续投以创新性的高质量论文,为我刊继续走向辉煌添砖加瓦,成为测绘领域顶级研究成果和测绘前沿的风向标。 Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Human Security", "ISSN": "18353800", "Scope": "ScopeThe goal of Journal of Human Security is to disseminate applied research into a secure and sustainable future for humanity. It continues the Australasian Journal of Human Security. Journal of Human Security endeavours to:\r\r- Provide a forum for researchers to foster interdisciplinary inquiry in broad human security issues such as track two diplomacy, ethnic conflict, terrorism, religious extremism, human rights, demographic change, population health, human ecology, sustainable economics and related areas.\r\r- Inform readers about upcoming events, ongoing and new research projects, trends and discussions, newly published monographs, and available scholarships.\r\r- Encourage a multidisciplinary approach to issues that have traditionally been viewed as mostly unidisciplinary.\r\r- Maintain an appeal to a wide readership with both high academic standards and close relevance to practice.\r\r- Meet international standards of excellence.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Intellectual Property", "ISSN": "15599493", "Scope": "ScopeWelcome to the Chicago-Kent Journal of Intellectual Property’s website. The Journal is the official publication of the PTAB Bar Association. Here, you will find information relevant to students, student editors, authors, and prospective authors. The Journal of Intellectual Property is a student-run publication at IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law, which offers one of the best Intellectual Property Law programs in the United States.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Jewish Identities", "ISSN": "19397941, 19462522", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Journal of Muslim Philanthropy and Civil Society", "ISSN": "25726544", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Muslim Philanthropy & Civil Society is a biannual, peer-reviewed, open access journal that focuses on the broad of Muslim philanthropy and civil society. The terms “Muslim” and “philanthropy” are defined broadly to be inclusive of cutting-edge research from across the world and disciplines, and the journal’s editorial focus is to showcase the dynamic practice and understanding of Muslim prosocial action. The journal seeks original academic research examining Muslim nonprofit, philanthropic, and voluntary action and provides a forum for researchers to publish timely articles from a variety of disciplinary perspectives.\r\rThe Journal of Muslim Philanthropy & Civil Society is sponsored by the Center on Muslim Philanthropy and the Lilly Family School of Philanthropy at Indiana University Purdue University at Indianapolis. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Presbyterian History", "ISSN": "15219216", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal is intended to nurture and promote an understanding and appreciation of religious history (specifically Presbyterian and Reformed history since the Reformation) in its cultural setting either in the United States or elsewhere in the world; educate readers about the importance of preserving that history; engage and involve readers to ensure that this history remains an important resource; and make known to Presbyterians and the broader scholarly community the resources and services of the Presbyterian Historical Society. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Prevention and Treatment for Stomatological Diseases", "ISSN": "20961456, 20970234", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal mainly reports the latest progress, achievements, experiences, technologies and methodologies in the field of stomatology. It focuses on prevention and clinical treatments and related basic scientific research characterized by a combination of theory and practice. It emphasizes innovation and discovery and aims to serve readers and authors, benefit society and promote the development of stomatology. The journal has the following columns: Expert Forum, Basic Research, Clinical Research, Prevention and Treatment, and Review. Authors are welcome to submit papers via the journal website. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Septuagint and Cognate Studies", "ISSN": "23254793", "Scope": "ScopeThe International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies produces an annual journal, the Journal of Septuagint and Cognate Studies (JSCS). For issues 1 through 43, it was known as Bulletin of the International Organization of Septuagint and Cognate Studies (BIOSCS). With issue 44, the name changed to Journal of Septuagint and Cognate Studies. Under either name, the Journal is the periodical publication of the IOSCS. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of sport history", "ISSN": "00941700, 21558450", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Sport History seeks to promote the study of all aspects of the history of sport. We invite the submission of scholarly articles, research notes, documents, and commentary; interview articles and book reviews are assigned by the Editor. Potential contributors are urged to consult recent issues of the JSH for examples of the format of these various contributions. It is the policy of the JSH not to review for publication a manuscript that is under consideration elsewhere. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Surface Science and Technology", "ISSN": "09701893, 09769420", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Kemanusiaan", "ISSN": "13949330, 21804257", "Scope": "ScopeKEMANUSIAAN The Asian Journal of Humanities welcomes contributions on critical issues of contemporary and historical significance in the areas of civilisation, history, geography, language, literature, linguistics, philosophy, religion and related fields in the humanities, particularly in the Asian context. The journal also encourages contributions on issues in the humanities in non-Asian contexts that concern the relationships between the two regions. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Kurume Medical Journal", "ISSN": "00235679, 18812090", "Scope": "ScopeThe Kurume Medical Journal (Kurume Med J.) was established in 1954 and is published four times per annum by Kurume University School of Medicine. Manuscripts are written in English. The journal publish. author’s own original works and fall within the board range of medical science. Manuscripts will be accepted with understanding that they are the exclusive property of the journal and may not be published elsewhere. For rapid publication, Short Communication will be processed as quickly as possible, when accepted. Papers regarded as methods for experiments are accepted as Technical Note. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Labour History Review", "ISSN": "09615652, 17458188", "Scope": "ScopeLabour History Review is published in partnership with the Society for the Study of Labour History, alongside the book series Studies in Labour History, edited by Dr Alan Campbell. Since 1960 the journal has explored the working lives and politics of 'ordinary' people and has played a key role in redefining social and political history. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Leiden Studies in Islam and Society", "ISSN": "22108920", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Light Metal Age", "ISSN": "243345", "Scope": "ScopeLight Metal Age has a long legacy in the aluminum industry with 75 years of experience covering primary and secondary production, extrusion, and rolling. We provide vital technical, industrial, and market information to aluminum producers and processors around the world.\r\rAvailable in both print and digital format, Light Metal Age is a bi-monthly publication that covers the entire value chain of the aluminum industry, from primary production to extrusion and rolling and associated downstream fabrication, such as finishing, machining and joining. The integration and optimization of aluminum products in final applications, such as automotive, aerospace, and building and construction, are also major topics.\r\rWe deliver valuable technology and industry news, industry research, technical knowledge, and case studies to executives, general managers, plant managers, technicians, metallurgists, and engineers responsible for fabrication, production, and operations in manufacturing facilities around the world. Whether an extrusion facility in Ohio or a casthouse in Russia, Light Metal Age has its finger on the pulse of the aluminum industry. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Lindbergia", "ISSN": "1050761", "Scope": "ScopeLINDBERGIA – A journal opposing the tracheophytocentric conception of the world! Our job is to reveal the biological complexity of bryophytes and lichens.\r\rLINDBERGIA is a journal issued by the Nordic Bryological Society and the Dutch Bryological and Lichenological Society. Bryologists and lichenologists from all countries are invited to publish original research from any field of bryology and lichenology. All manuscripts are reviewed. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "L.O.G.O.S. Interdisziplinair", "ISSN": "0944405X", "Scope": "ScopeSeit 1993 widmet sich diese Fachzeitschrift der Auseinandersetzung mit Sprach-, Sprech-, Stimm-, Schluck- und Hörstörungen in allen Altersgruppen. Dabei wird das Ziel verfolgt, eine Brücke zwischen konkreten Praxisanforderungen und aktuellen wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen herzustellen. Neben zahlreichen anwendungsbezogenen Beiträgen aus der akademischen Sprachtherapie und Logopädie finden sich deshalb weiterführende Berichte aus den angrenzenden medizinischen Disziplinen, der Sprachheilpädagogik, Linguistik, Psychologie, Pädagogik und Philosophie.\r\rIn Logos werden empirische und theoretische Originalarbeiten ebenso veröffentlicht wie Fallbeispiele, Interviews oder wissenschaftsjournalistische Artikel. Dem inhaltlich abwechslungsreichen Charakter der Zeitschrift entspricht eine unkonventionelle und lesefreundliche Gestaltung. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Magical and Religious Literature of Late Antiquity", "ISSN": "2211016X", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Masterclass in Neuroendocrinology", "ISSN": "26622068, 26622076", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Mathematics in Industry", "ISSN": "16123956, 21983283", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Mediterranean Studies", "ISSN": "1074164X, 21614741", "Scope": "ScopeMediterranean Studies is an international, peer-reviewed journal focusing on the Mediterranean region in all aspects and disciplines. The journal’s interdisciplinary approach is particularly concerned with the ideas and ideals of Mediterranean cultures from antiquity to the present and the influence of these ideas beyond the region’s geographical boundaries. Such varied and rich contributions make for vibrant conversations across several disciplines. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Mnemosyne, Supplements", "ISSN": "1698958", "Scope": "ScopeMnemosyne Supplements has existed as a book series for about 60 years, providing a forum for the publication of now almost 400 scholarly works on all aspects of the Ancient World, including inscriptions, papyri, language, the history of material culture and mentality, the history of peoples and institutions, but also latterly the classical tradition, for example, neo-Latin literature and the history of Classical scholarship. \r\rWorks published include monographs, critical text editions, commentaries, critical bibliographies and collections of essays by various authors on closely defined themes. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Museum Helveticum", "ISSN": "274054", "Scope": "ScopeThe \"Museum Helveticum\" was created during the Second World War from the collaboration of some leading professors in antiquity who, cut off from the previous European publications, wanted to create a forum for discussion of Swiss antiquity and at the same time emphasize the togetherness. Since it was founded in 1944, it has been the only Swiss journal to publish articles from all of classical studies, including papyrology, epigraphy and archeology. The journal not only wants to promote and represent Swiss research, but also to maintain and deepen contacts with the international research community. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Nijhoff International Investment Law Series", "ISSN": "23519592", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Nonproliferation Review", "ISSN": "10736700", "Scope": "ScopeThe Nonproliferation Review is a refereed journal concerned with the causes, consequences, and control of the spread of nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons. The Review features case studies, theoretical analyses, historical studies, reports, viewpoints, and book reviews on such issues as state-run weapons programs, treaties and export controls, safeguards, verification and compliance, disarmament, terrorism, and the economic and environmental effects of weapons proliferation.\r\rAuthors come from many countries and disciplines and include current and former government officials. For more than 20 years, the Review has been an essential resource for policy makers and scholars worldwide. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Northern World", "ISSN": "15691462", "Scope": "ScopeThis peer-reviewed* book series provides an opportunity for the publication of high-quality scholarly studies concerning the culture, economy and society of northern lands from the early medieval to the early modern period. The aims and are broad and scholarly contributions on a wide range of disciplines are included: all historical subjects, every branch of archaeology, saga studies, language topics including place-names, art history and architecture, sculpture and numismatics. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Numen Book Series", "ISSN": "1698834", "Scope": "ScopeThe Numen Book Series publishes scholarly monographs and edited volumes on the historical, comparative, and cross-cultural study of religions throughout the world, from antiquity to the present. The series publishes both methodologically contextualized historical research and theoretical and methodological contributions to the study of religion. \r\rA number of volumes of the Numen Book Series are published within the subseries Texts and Sources in the History of Religions. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Oil Gas European Magazine", "ISSN": "3425622", "Scope": "ScopeThe OIL GAS European Magazine is a quarterly English-language magazine containing articles on topics of international importance for the oil and gas industry (upstream and downstream), but also for experts in the petrochemical and deep geothermal sectors. The OIL GAS European Magazine reports concisely in up-to-date articles on major projects, advanced processes and latest developments.\rThe magazine was founded in the early 1970s as an international edition of the renowned German monthly magazine ERDÖL ERDGAS KOHLE (EEK). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Online Journal of Health and Allied Sciences", "ISSN": "9725997", "Scope": "ScopeOJHAS is the first peer reviewed, 'Online Only' biomedical journal from India, promoted by a group of biomedical professionals from Mangalore, South India.\r\rOJHAS publishes peer reviewed articles of contemporary research in biomedical sciences and current opinions of biomedical and healthcare professionals. The editorial board of OJHAS shall strive to maintain highest standards of quality and ethics in its publication.\r\rOJHAS is published every three months. However, articles of Current Interest may be published as supplements in between. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Open Medicine", "ISSN": "19112092", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Osterreichisches Religionspadagogisches Forum", "ISSN": "10181539, 27914844", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Pakistan Armed Forces Medical Journal", "ISSN": "00309648, 24118842", "Scope": "ScopePakistan Armed Forces Medical Journal (PAFMJ) publishes scholarly work from all the medical and allied subjects (basic as well as clinical) including medical education as well as from biological and biomedical sciences. The manuscripts submitted for publication may be in the form of an original research (randomized controlled trial, metanalysis, quasi experimental study, case control study, cohort study or cross-sectional analytical study), review article, case report, book review, recent advances, new techniques, debates, adverse drug reports, current practices, audit report, evidence-based report, short communication, or a letter to the editor. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Paragraph", "ISSN": "02648334, 17500176", "Scope": "ScopeParagraph is a leading journal in modern critical theory, exploring critical theory in general and its application to literature, other arts, including film and visual culture, and society. Regular special issues by esteemed guest editors highlight important themes and figures in modern critical theory, such as Bourdieu, queer theory, religion and film, André Bazin, Francophone communities and more. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Pediatrie pro Praxi", "ISSN": "12130494, 18035264", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal brings practical information on pediatrics with the emphasis on utilization of the information mainly in the outpatient practice. The latest findings and knowledge in diagnostics and treatment of childhood diseases are presented in review articles. The journal publishes original reports, review articles, case reports and case studies, shortened picture case reports, and information for nurses. Furthermore, the attention is paid to clinico-radiological diagnoses as well as to interactive “What's your diagnosis“ series. The journal is also devoted to new medical paradigm – medicine based on evidence, and within synoptic demonstrations it highlights the importance of its practical utilization in the outpatient practice of a pediatrician. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Philologia Classica", "ISSN": "02022532, 26186969", "Scope": "ScopePhilologia Classica is an interdisciplinary periodical publishing research in the field of Classical philology, covering a broad range of topics including Ancient literature, Ancient Greek and Latin languages, textual criticism, papyrology, epigraphy, Indo-European linguistics, history of Ancient art, Ancient philosophy, religion and material culture, provided they are based on the profound knowledge and analysis of ancient texts. Articles on the history of Classical studies and reception of Ancient culture in the Mediaeval (including Byzantine) and Modern European culture are also welcome should they only be firmly grounded in Graeco-Roman antiquity.\r\rPhilologia Classica published since 1977. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Philosophy and Rhetoric", "ISSN": "00318213, 15272079", "Scope": "ScopePhilosophy & Rhetoric invites articles on such topics as the relationship between logic and rhetoric, the philosophical aspects of argumentation (including argumentation in philosophy itself), philosophical views on the nature of rhetoric held by historical figures and during historical periods, philosophical analyses of the relationship to rhetoric of other areas of human culture and thought, political theory and law, and psychological and sociological studies of rhetoric with a strong philosophical emphasis. With its longstanding commitment to interdisciplinary scholarship, the journal welcomes all theoretical and methodological approaches that advance its mission.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Podravina", "ISSN": "13335286", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "PORTAL: Journal of Multidisciplinary International Studies", "ISSN": "14492490", "Scope": "ScopePORTAL Journal of Multidisciplinary International Studies is a fully peer reviewed journal with two main issues per year, and is published by UTSePress. In some years there may be additional special focus issues. The journal is dedicated to publishing scholarship by practitioners of—and dissenters from—international, regional, area, migration, and ethnic studies. Portal also provides a space for cultural producers interested in the internationalization of cultures. Portal is conceived as a “multidisciplinary venture,” to use Michel Chaouli’s words. That is, Portal signifies “a place where researchers [and cultural producers] are exposed to different ways of posing questions and proffering answers, without creating out of their differing disciplinary languages a common theoretical or methodological pidgin” (2003, p. 57). Our hope is that scholars working in the humanities, social sciences, and potentially other disciplinary areas, will encounter in Portal scenarios about contemporary societies and cultures and their material and imaginative relation to processes of transnationalization, polyculturation, transmigration, globalization, and anti-globalization. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Pragmatism Today", "ISSN": "13382799", "Scope": "ScopePragmatism Today is published twice a year as summer and winter issues (until this policy is developed further into quarterly including the standard printed version of the journal). Pragmatism Today publishes original papers and essays in all genres of philosophical works, discussions and dialogues, interviews, conference and research reports, invited symposia, and other material. Special focus is on contributions devoted to an exchange between pragmatism and other traditional or contemporary European schools of thought, research in non-American roots of pragmatism, and the like. A specific section is devoted to book review essays with its critical reading of a host of contemporary works being published within the pragmatist mode.\rPragmatism Today invites authors from Central Europe, Eastern Europe and Europe, but not exclusively, to enter the conversation not only on pragmatist philosophy, its history and contemporary developments, but also on all kind of relevant issues (philosophical, cultural, social, interdisciplinary, etc.) as seen from pragmatist perspectives. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Proceedings from the International Congress on Project Management and Engineering", "ISSN": "26955067", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC", "ISSN": "741795", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Proceedings of the International Conference on Gender Research", "ISSN": "25162810", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Publications on Ocean Development", "ISSN": "9241922", "Scope": "ScopeThis wide-ranging series aims to provide expert insights into the most fundamental and most topical aspects of the law of the sea, covering issues such as the nature and implications of legal institutions and the jurisprudence concerning the law of the sea, maritime delimitation, and regional and global developments. Practitioners and academics, political actors and international lawyers alike will benefit from these studies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Reproductive Health Eastern Europe", "ISSN": "22263276, 24143634", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Res Rhetorica", "ISSN": "23923113", "Scope": "ScopeRes Rhetorica is a peer-reviewed open access quarterly academic journal associated with the Polish Rhetoric Society.\r\rIts includes both theories of rhetoric and practices of persuasive communication.\r\rIt offers space for reflection on the role of rhetoric in communication and a forum for dissemination of rhetoric-oriented research on current and historical texts and practices.\r\rIt publishes original theoretical or analytic papers, as well as book reviews, notes on current developments and conferences in the field.\r\rRes Rhetorica quarterly aims, among others, to make known and popularize rhetorical research in different countries. The contribution to rhetoric published in less-known languages remains unknown outside the local communities of research. This prevents us from observing the similarities and differences between the mainstream research and the topics addressed by singular communities.\r\rTherefore, once a year, Res Rhetorica devotes one monographical issue to the presentation of the rhetorical tradition of one country. Such a monographical issue is prepared in collaboration with an invited guest editor from the country selected. Each guest editor, although he/she collaborates with one of the editors of Res Rhetorica, is free to invite rhetoricians from his/her country to contribute to the volume. The overall goal of each monographical issue is to underline the specificity and originality of the rhetorical research in the country being presented, as well as its interactions with other traditions of research. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Internacional de Linguistica Iberoamericana", "ISSN": "15799425", "Scope": "ScopeLa REVISTA INTERNACIONAL DE LINGÜÍSTICA IBEROAMERICANA (RILI) se dedica al estudio de las lenguas iberorrománicas en todos los países de habla española y portuguesa así como a las lenguas que están en contacto con ellas, siempre y cuando se enfoque algún aspecto relacionado con las lenguas iberorrománicas. Especialmente tenemos en cuenta las lenguas africanas, amerindias, asiáticas y austronésicas así como las lenguas criollas emergentes del contacto con el portugués y el español. Se privilegia una orientación que enfatize la relación del ser humano con su actividad lingüística, es decir una visión pragmática y sociohistórica de los fenómenos lingüísticos en su sentido amplio y sin restricción a una escuela lingüística específica. Los editores intentan fomentar la pluralidad de los enfoques en el estudio de las lenguas. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revue Romane", "ISSN": "353906", "Scope": "ScopeRevue Romane publishes studies about Romance languages and literature as well as reviews of linguistic and literary works. Revue Romane is especially interested in articles that focus on methodological and/or theoretical arguments of the treated topic.\r\rA multilingual and truly world-wide forum for Romance linguistics and literature scholars that sets and requires the highest quality standards, Revue Romane accepts papers written in all the major Romance languages, as well as English. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ricerche di Storia Sociale e Religiosa", "ISSN": "03921581, 18244599", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Romanian Journal of Applied Psychology", "ISSN": "23928441, 2392845X", "Scope": "ScopeThe Romanian Journal of Applied Psychology (RJAP) is an Open Access peer-reviewed publication dedicated to the dissemination of research results and theory in all fields of psychology. RJAP publishes empirical papers, literature reviews, meta-analyses, case-studies and methodological papers. RJAP is oriented towards scholarly work done by researchers and practitioners. Special attention is given to articles focusing on a variety of phenomena with an applied emphasis, with both prevention and intervention as their focus. Articles are encouraged from all areas of applied psychology including, but not limited to, work and organizational psychology, personality, occupational health, cross-cultural, educational, developmental, health, and environmental psychology. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Russian Journal of Allergy", "ISSN": "18108830, 2686682X", "Scope": "ScopeThe aim of the journal is to promote scientific achievements in allergology and clinical immunology, to publish original articles, reviews, lectures, information for practitioners, interesting case reports as well as reports about congresses, conferences and meetings. Any reader may find new scientific and practical information in the field of allergology and clinical immunology, share his experience, get needed knowledge on clinical practice. \r\rRJA is intended for practicing allergologists, immunologists, research scientists, students and teachers of the departments of allergology and immunology at higher education institutes and faculties of postgraduate education, for other professionals working in related fields and showing interest in this field of medicine. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "SARE", "ISSN": "0127046X", "Scope": "ScopeSARE: Southeast Asian Review of English is an open access peer-reviewed journal founded in 1980 that publishes scholarly articles and other materials. Launched initially by the Malaysian Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies (MACLALS), it is now produced by the Department of English at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences of Universiti Malaya, the nation's oldest and premier university.\r\rWriting in the inaugural issue, its founding editor, Lloyd Fernando, Professor of English and Head then of the only university department of English in Malaysia, declared that though SARE was envisaged as \"a specialist journal\" covering \"an already diverse and still expanding area of literary, cultural and social interest—Malaysian and Singaporean literature in English through Commonwealth literature to Third World literature in English— it won't be a journal of a jealously and zealously delimited specialism\". \r\rAlmost 40 years later, SARE remains true to those inclusive founding principles. It continues to be committed to its mission to promote scholarship that transcends established canons while being attentive to texts and constituencies that occupy the margins of cultures, histories, and nations. A pioneer in the academic and literary scene of Malaysia and Singapore at the time of its launch in 1980, SARE, which continued as a print journal until 2015, now serves a global community of readers, writers, and scholars as an open access electronic journal that is freely and immediately available. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Science of Synthesis", "ISSN": "25105469, 25667297", "Scope": "ScopeScience of Synthesis is a reference work that has been designed to address the chemistry information needs of the organic synthetic chemist and, more specifically, to help all those involved in designing organic synthetic routes, whether for research purposes or teaching and/or learning, by providing trusted and reliable information on the best synthetic methods available. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Sealing Technology", "ISSN": "13504789", "Scope": "ScopeFrom its international perspective, Sealing Technology distils the information you need to take advantage of every new development and business opportunity in the pump and fluid handling industry. It quickly alerts you to rapid changes and developments, and analyses their impact on the industry and its marketplace.\r\rIn every issue:\r• Technology news - all the latest developments including dynamic and static seals, the latest seal designs to reduce fugitive emission, centrifugal pump and mechanical seals, compressed gasket sheet materials, etc.\r• Business news - key information on your competitors' movements in the market, joint ventures, mergers and acquisitions worldwide, major contracts, financial information relating to the major players, etc.\r• Feature articles - experts share the secrets of their own success\r• Patents - the latest new patents from around the world, including the latest innovations in design and developments of sealing systems\r• Events' calendar - comprehensive listing of all the international conferences and exhibitions\r• Webwatch - listing of new website addresses as they appear for you to bookmark and revisit\r\rSealing Technology covers the following areas: automotive, biotechnology, Brewing and wine, chemicals, desalination, drinking water treatment, electronics, food and beverage, mineral extraction, oil and gas, pharmaceuticals, power generation, pulp and paper, and sewage treatment. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Sistema", "ISSN": "2100223", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "SKY Journal of Linguistics", "ISSN": "14568438", "Scope": "ScopeSKY Journal of Linguistics is currently undergoing several major changes. Beginning with Volume 33 (2020), the journal will become an exclusively electronic publication; a printed edition will no longer be produced. To coincide with this change, the journal will move to the journal.fi (Finnish Scholarly Journals Online) publishing platform, provided by the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "South African Museums Association Bulletin", "ISSN": "3708314", "Scope": "ScopeSAMAB is an accredited journal approved by the South African Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) and has been published by SAMA since 1936.\r\rThe South African Museums Association Bulletin (SAMAB) provides a forum for the publication of peer reviewed articles that promote the discussion, debate and the dissemination and exchange of information on aspects of museology, with particular but not exclusive reference to South Africa.\r\rSAMAB also enables the communication of current issues, practices and policies regarding collections management, curatorial discourse, museum administration, research, exhibitions, visitor studies, community engagement, education, conservation and other topics relevant to the museum and wider heritage sector. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "String Research Journal", "ISSN": "19484992, 21640661", "Scope": "ScopeString Research Journal (SRJ) represents the research community of the American String Teachers Association (ASTA). Its purpose is to encourage and improve scholarship and research within the string education profession and disseminate the results of this work to the string and larger music teaching communities. Each year the SRJ publishes reports of peer-reviewed original research related to string music teaching, learning, and performance. The journal considers quantitative, qualitative, historical, and philosophical research relevant to string settings—from early childhood study to the advanced private studio and string ensembles. It covers a wide range of topics including: various aspects of string pedagogy and teaching practices, effective rehearsals, performance, history, and listener perception. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Biologia", "ISSN": "12218103, 20659512", "Scope": "Scopeto promote fast publication of valuable original researches in the field of biology. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studien und Texte zur Geistesgeschichte des Mittelalters", "ISSN": "1698028", "Scope": "ScopeStudien und Texte zur Geistesgeschichte des Mittelalters is a peer-reviewed book series dealing with the intellectual history of the Middle Ages, primarily from the perspective of philosophical and theological questions and the history of their treatment. Its aim is, as founder-editor Josef Koch wrote in the preface to Volume 1, \"firstly to further our knowledge of medieval intellectual history by scholarly research and secondly to publish critical editions of important texts\". \r\rThe series thus has three areas of emphasis: \r1. Critical Editions, with doctrinal and text-critical introductions, of the (primarily Latin) works of medieval authors, which are of particular relevance to an understanding of medieval intellectual life and which fall outside the sphere of the major Omnia Opera editions of Albertus Magnus, Thomas Aquinas, Duns Scotus, etc. \r2. Studies and Monographs, both on the history of paradigms and questions in particular branches of scholarship and on individual thinkers and traditions, as well as on the form and function of institutions, in as far as they were important to medieval intellectual life. \r3. Collaborative volumes with contributions from various authors on specific and unitary themes, which address problems in current research. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studies in ancient medicine", "ISSN": "9251421", "Scope": "ScopeStudies in Ancient Medicine considers the medical traditions of ancient civilizations. The Graeco-Roman traditions are the focus of the series, but Byzantine, Medieval and early Islamic medicine is also included, as is medicine in Egyptian, Near Eastern, Armenian and other related cultures. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studies in Global Slavery", "ISSN": "24054585", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Studies in Jewish History and Culture", "ISSN": "15685004", "Scope": "ScopeStudies in Jewish History and Culture aims to present a wide spectrum of studies that cover Jewish history, society, and culture from antiquity to the present. The series seeks to highlight diversity within Judaism as well as the interaction between Jewish and non-Jewish civilizations. Encompassing all geographical areas and all periods in the history of Judaism, this series specializes in intellectual history, translations and translation process, folklore and daily life, and literature and literary theory. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics", "ISSN": "1690124", "Scope": "ScopeStudies in Slavic and General Linguistics is mainly devoted to the field of descriptive linguistics. Although the series is primarily intended to be a means of publication for linguists from the Low Countries, the editors are pleased to accept contributions by linguists from abroad. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studies in Systems, Decision and Control", "ISSN": "21984182, 21984190", "Scope": "ScopeThe series \"Studies in Systems, Decision and Control\" (SSDC) covers both new developments and advances, as well as the state of the art, in the various areas of broadly perceived systems, decision making and control–quickly, up to date and with a high quality. The intent is to cover the theory, applications, and perspectives on the state of the art and future developments relevant to systems, decision making, control, complex processes and related areas, as embedded in the fields of engineering, computer science, physics, economics, social and life sciences, as well as the paradigms and methodologies behind them. The series contains monographs, textbooks, lecture notes and edited volumes in systems, decision making and control spanning the areas of Cyber-Physical Systems, Autonomous Systems, Sensor Networks, Control Systems, Energy Systems, Automotive Systems, Biological Systems, Vehicular Networking and Connected Vehicles, Aerospace Systems, Automation, Manufacturing, Smart Grids, Nonlinear Systems, Power Systems, Robotics, Social Systems, Economic Systems and other. Of particular value to both the contributors and the readership are the short publication timeframe and the world-wide distribution and exposure which enable both a wide and rapid dissemination of research output. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studies in the History of Collecting and Art Markets", "ISSN": "23520485", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Studies in the History of Political Thought", "ISSN": "18736548", "Scope": "ScopeStudies in the History of Political Thought provides a forum for monographs on the history of Western political thought from antiquity to the present. While exclusively focused on the historical study of political ideas, the series does not intend to promote a specific approach, but will rather represent a broad and varied methodological spectrum, ranging from traditional history of political ideas to the history of political concepts, the “new history of political thought,” and comparative and transnational studies of political thought. The series is primarily intended for the publication of research monographs, but it will also occasionally publish editions of important source material and coherent volumes of conference proceedings. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Supplements to Method and Theory in the Study of Religion", "ISSN": "22143270", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Supplements to the Journal for the Study of Judaism", "ISSN": "13842161", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal for the Study of Judaism Supplement Series provides a forum for the publication of scholarly works on all aspects of Judaism from the Persian period through Late Antiquity. The of the Supplement Series corresponds to the of the journal. Volumes may be devoted to literary, socio-historical, religio-historical or theological themes, and may be written from any methodological perspective. Volumes of essays are welcome, provided that they have a coherent theme. Volumes dealing with the influence of Judaism on early Christianity also fall within the of the series. \r\rThe series uses the SBL Handbook of Style Second Edition as its formatting and style standard. \r\rThe series published an average of 3,5 volumes per year over the last 5 years. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Synthesis Lectures on Digital Circuits and Systems", "ISSN": "19323166", "Scope": "ScopeThe Synthesis Lectures on Digital Circuits and Systems series is comprised of 50- to 100-page books targeted for audience members with a wide-ranging background. The Lectures include topics that are of interest to students, professionals, and researchers in the area of design and analysis of digital circuits and systems. Each Lecture is self-contained and focuses on the background information required to understand the subject matter and practical case studies that illustrate applications. The format of a Lecture is structured such that each will be devoted to a specific topic in digital circuits and systems rather than a larger overview of several topics such as that found in a comprehensive handbook. The Lectures cover both well-established areas as well as newly developed or emerging material in digital circuits and systems design and analysis. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Techniques - Sciences - Methodes", "ISSN": "2997258", "Scope": "ScopeDepuis son lancement en 1906, TSM diffuse des études scientifiques et techniques approfondies sur un éventail de questions relatives à l'eau potable et l'assainissement, la ressource en eau et les milieux aquatiques, la gestion des déchets et de la propreté, la qualité de l'air, la dépollution des sols, l'aménagement durable des territoires et les aspects socioéconomiques. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Textiles Trends", "ISSN": "405205", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Thomist", "ISSN": "406325", "Scope": "ScopeTHE THOMIST appeals to a wide international readership in the university, the seminary, and the Church. In the tradition and spirit of Thomas Aquinas, it seeks to promote original and penetrating inquiry into the full range of contemporary philosophical and theological questions. It undertakes particularly to support sustained discussion of issues of philosophy and systematic theology, where such discussion can be advanced by creative use of the thought of Aquinas and significant authors in the Thomistic tradition. In this way The Thomist seeks to cultivate a fruitful dialogue between modern and contemporary philosophical systems and the classical tradition of philosophy and Christian theology.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Toraibarojisuto/Journal of Japanese Society of Tribologists", "ISSN": "9151168", "Scope": "Scope会員の方々には、毎月「トライボロジスト」をお送りしています。新しい技術の解説、研究分野の展望、会員の研究成果などが満載です。ホットなテーマをとらえて編集される特集はアップ・トゥ・デイトな参考書としてお役に立つでしょう。 Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Tribunes de la Sante", "ISSN": "17658888", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Utrecht Studies in Language and Communication", "ISSN": "9277706", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Vestnik Sovremennoi Klinicheskoi Mediciny", "ISSN": "20710240, 2079553X", "Scope": "ScopeThe Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine\" is a peer-reviewed open access medical scientific journal for a wide range of practitioners and researchers.\r\rIt is published in Russian and English languages since 2008.\r\rThe Journal publishes scientific, practical, theoretical articles, reviews by leading experts in all areas and sections of medical science. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Vierteljahresschrift fur Sozial und Wirtschaftsgeschichte", "ISSN": "03408728, 03410846", "Scope": "ScopeThe Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte (\"Quarterly for Social and Economic History\") was founded in 1903 and is the oldest journal in its discipline. It regularly publishes articles on theoretical and methodological issues as well as studies on the status, location and situation of research in the field of economic and social history.\r\rIn the area of social history, the VSWG investigates social policy, social developments and individual social groups and strata both in Germany and in various other European countries from the Middle Ages until the 21st century.\r\rThe essays on economic history analyse economic policy, economic orders and the history of finance. Topics such as economic policy under the Nazi regime and the history of transportation and the news media can also be found in its pages: All economic developments are described and discussed here. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Wittgenstein-Studien", "ISSN": "18687431, 18687458", "Scope": "ScopeThe yearbook is designed as an annual forum for Wittgenstein research. The Wittgenstein-Studien publishes articles and materials on Ludwig Wittgenstein's life, work and philosophy and on his philosophical and cultural environment. All submitted articles are single-blind peer reviewed. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Women Writers in History", "ISSN": "23528354", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "World Scientific Series in Finance", "ISSN": "20101082", "Scope": "ScopeThis series of books is intended to provide up to date presentations of key topics in finance through single and multiple authored monographs, collected works of noted scholars, surveys of defined subfields of finance, research reference volumes written or edited, textbooks and other publications.\r\rThe following are topics that might appear in the series: asset pricing, investment management, private value markets, speculative trading, private equities, hedge funds and absolute return investing, arbitrage, stochastic dominance, risk measures, utility and risk aversion theory and practice, incomplete markets, insurance, financial institutions, capital markets, market microstructure, the VIX volatility index, corporate restructuring, financial contracting, game theory in economics and in corporate finance and other areas, empirical aspects of corporate finance and governance, short term financial management, law in finance, financial regulation, analysis of financial market crises, stock and other market imperfections, international finance, behavioral finance, experimental finance, bond pricing, bond portfolio management, swaps, currency forecasting, long-short equity modeling, derivative pricing, exotic derivatives, bond and interest rate derivatives, financial volatility, risk management, credit risk, credit risk derivatives, bond rating, futures markets, security analysis accounting, emerging markets, the BRICs, the Chinese economy and stock markets.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Adelaide Law Review", "ISSN": "651915", "Scope": "ScopeThe Review publishes articles, comments, review essays, case notes and book reviews on all areas of the law from the foremost national and international legal scholars. Submissions to the Adelaide Law Review receive independent, anonymous peer review prior to acceptance.\r\rThe Review typically publishes two issues each year, and is managed by an Editorial Board comprising select faculty members of the Adelaide Law School, a team of Student Editors selected each year on the basis of academic excellence in the Bachelor of Laws program, and Associate Editors chosen each year from the top Student Editors in the previous year. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Advances in Research on Russian Business and Management", "ISSN": "2578725X, 25787268", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Aisthesis", "ISSN": "05683939, 07187181", "Scope": "ScopeLa Revista Aisthesis, del Instituto de Estética de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, busca fomentar el desarrollo del conocimiento estético a través de la publicación de textos científicos inéditos que, por su originalidad, constituyan un aporte para la disciplina en sus distintas corrientes y tendencias. En efecto, aunque la filosofía sigue siendo su principal referente genealógico, la estética se ha vuelto hoy una ciencia interdisciplinaria, que busca apoyo en un vasto espectro de las humanidades y las ciencias sociales para abarcar, desde la forma como materialización del sentido, las grandes potencias expresivas de la cultura y, en general, la totalidad de sus instancias de producción simbólica.\r\rLa Revista Aisthesis, del Instituto de Estética de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, mantiene una convocatoria permanente para sus dos publicaciones anuales, fomentando un diálogo científico de alto nivel, nacional e internacional, a través de dos secciones: artículos y reseñas. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "AJSP: Reviews and Reports", "ISSN": "23815949, 2381652X", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Aktuelle Rheumatologie", "ISSN": "0341051X, 14389940", "Scope": "ScopeKonzentriertes Fachwissen aus Forschung und Praxis\r\rIhr Forum in der Rheumatologie: praxisrelevant und informativ\r\rBei uns finden Sie\r\rentscheidende Ergebnisse aus der Forschung\rÜbersichtsarbeiten zu den maßgeblichen Themen der täglichen Praxis\rbreite Berichterstattung aus internationalen Studien verständlich und auf den Punkt gebracht in unserer Rubrik „Für Sie notiert“\r„Medizin & Markt“ mit Neuigkeiten aus der Pharmaindustrie und Medizintechnik Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Almanac of Clinical Medicine", "ISSN": "20720505, 25879294", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Antropologicheskij Forum", "ISSN": "18158870, 18158889", "Scope": "Scope'Antropologicheskij forum' / 'Forum for Anthropology and Culture' is an interdisciplinary international journal for anthropology, cultural studies, and cultural history published by two of the leading academic institutions in St Petersburg.\rOne of the main aims of the journal is to foster genuine dialogue between anthropology and cultural studies in Russia and elsewhere. We regularly publish original work by scholars from outside Russia. Four issues a year are published in Russian (in March, June, September, and December). An English-language edition 'Forum for Anthropology anf Culture', containing selected material from all of the issues, comes out each winter. This makes outstanding work by Russian specialists in anthropology and culture available to a non-Russian audience. The English-language version, published annually, comprises a selection of the materials published in the Russian issues; however, on the site you can find English-language summaries of all the materials published in Russian. \rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Archiv fur Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie", "ISSN": "12343", "Scope": "ScopeDas Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie (\"Archive for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy\") is published on behalf of the International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (IVR). It has carried out fundamental research in the philosophy of jurisprudence since 1907 with a focus on the intellectual foundation of social life and legal culture as well as their interconnections and consequences. The journal includes all contemporary schools of thought and places particular value on an international perspective. The high scholarly quality of all articles is ensured by a peer-review process. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Archives of Orofacial Sciences", "ISSN": "18238602, 22317163", "Scope": "ScopeThe Archives of Orofacial Sciences (AOS) is published by the Penerbit USM, Universiti Sains Malaysia. The main aim of the AOS is to be a premiere journal of all aspects of orofacial science in Malaysia and internationally. The focus of AOS will be original articles and case reports comprising interesting and original findings pertaining to the orofacial complex, topics in relation to general dentistry, medical and dental education as well as state of the art dental technology. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "ASAP Journal", "ISSN": "23814705, 23814721", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Biochimica Clinica", "ISSN": "3930564", "Scope": "ScopeBiochimica Clinica publishes papers on all aspects of Clinical Chemistry and Molecular Diagnostics. Both Italian and English languages are accepted. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Boletin de Estadistica e Investigacion Operativa", "ISSN": "23871725", "Scope": "ScopeBEIO (Bulletin of Statistics and Operations Research) is a quarterly journal that publishes scientific divulgative articles on Statistics and Operations Research. Such articles aim to treat relevant topics in a way accessible to the majority of professionals in Statistics and Operations Research without sacrificing scientific rigour in the treatment of the subject in question. The Sections included in the journal are: Statistics, Operations Research, Official Statistics, History and Teaching, and Opinions about the Profession. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Canadian journal of women and the law = Revue juridique La femme et le droit", "ISSN": "08328781, 19110235", "Scope": "ScopeLaunched in 1985, the Canadian Journal of Women and the Law/Revue Femmes et Droit is the only Canadian periodical devoted entirely to the publication and dissemination of multi-disciplinary scholarship in the expanding field of women’s legal studies. The CJWL is incorporated as a non-profit organization with charitable status. The CJWL’s readership includes lawyers, judges, law students, academics, government officials and others interested in women’s equality. The CJWL’s mandate is to provide an outlet for those wishing to explore the impact of law on women’s social, economic and legal status, and on the general conditions of their lives.\r\rThe Journal promotes the expansion of women’s legal scholarship into new areas of research and study, and it aims to increase the volume and improve the accessibility of legal scholarship by Canadian women, on specifically Canadian topics. Finally, the CJWL seeks to provide an important tool for activists, academics and others engaged in research and law reform efforts on behalf of women.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Comparative Literature: East and West", "ISSN": "25723618", "Scope": "ScopeComparative Literature: East & West is a peer-reviewed open access journal that publishes research on all aspects of comparative literature. The journal aims to serve as a platform to promote scholarship of comparative literature in the East and West and encourage the exchange of ideas and information.\rComparative Literature: East & West accepts papers on the following topics:\r•\tComparative literature\r•\tWorld literature\r•\tLiterary criticism\r•\tTranslation studies\r•\tMedia studies\r•\tCultural studies\r•\tComparative poetics\r\rComparative Literature: East & West publishes original contributions to the field of comparative literature. The journal operates on a double-blind peer review policy.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Confluenze", "ISSN": "20360967", "Scope": "ScopeBorn in the Department of Modern Foreign Languages and Literatures at the University of Bologna, CONFLUENZE is a journal of Ibero-American studies. CONFLUENZE adopts a multidisciplinary perspective based on the encounter of and dialogue among different disciplinary approaches, taking into account the different cultures of the Ibero-American worlds. Confluenze aims to contribute to advancing the Ibero-American mutual and reciprocal understanding through the production and broad dissemination of research papers in and around the fields of social sciences and humanities from a multidisciplinary point of view. The journal focuses on the Ibero-American region but welcomes contributions from neighbouring areas such as the Caribbean, North-America and Europe. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Critique", "ISSN": "03017605, 17488605", "Scope": "ScopeCritique: Journal of Socialist Theory is an independent, refereed, scholarly journal founded in 1973. It attempts to analyse contemporary society from a critical Marxist perspective. Critique takes the view that Marxism has been so degraded by the Stalinist period that much of what has passed for Marxism has ranged between incoherent nonsense and empty if complex scholastic schema. Since socialism in one country is a theoretical and practical impossibility, Critique rejected and continues to reject analyses purporting to show this or that country is or was socialist. Furthermore, Critique emphatically insists on the impossibility of an undemocratic socialism.\r\rThe aim of Critique is to take part in the restoration of the earlier pre-eminence of Marxist thought by encouraging discussion around the political economy of contemporary capitalist and non-capitalist societies. For this purpose, it regards debate around methodology and as a consequence philosophy to be essential. Inevitably, contemporary political economy must also involve debate around the importance of historical events and so Critique encourages contributions of historical analysis.\r\rIn short, Critique's aim is to publish theoretical work at various levels of abstraction from the most profound to that of analytical description in order to help provide the theory required for socialist change, which with the end of Stalinism is once more on the agenda. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cultural Critique", "ISSN": "08824371, 15345203", "Scope": "ScopeCultural Critique provides a forum for creative and provocative scholarship in the theoretical humanities and humanistic social sciences. Transnational in and transdisciplinary in orientation, the journal strives to spark and galvanize intellectual debates as well as to attract and foster critical investigations regarding any aspect of culture as it expresses itself in words, images, and sounds, across both time and space. The journal is especially keen to support scholarship that engages the ways in which cultural production, cultural practices, and cultural forms constitute and manifest the nexus between the aesthetic, the psychic, the economic, the political, and the ethical intended in their widest senses. While informed by the diverse traditions of historical materialism as well as by the numerous critiques of such traditions from various parts of the globe, the journal welcomes contributions based on a variety of theoretical-methodological paradigms. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Current Protocols in Essential Laboratory Techniques", "ISSN": "19483430", "Scope": "ScopeCurrent Protocols Essential Laboratory Techniques seeks to bridge the gap between the theory of the classroom and its application in the laboratory. The target audience of this title is the novice researcher entering or preparing to enter the modern life science laboratory for the very first time. By codifying and verifying basic information often taken for granted by more senior members of the lab, and presenting it in a clear and direct format, this title is intended to provide a resource upon which novice researchers can rely to become productive members of the modern life science laboratory. It is expected that readers will have taken introductory courses in chemistry, biology, and physics. Although some may also have more advanced training, it is assumed that the reader has no practical experience outside of introductory laboratory courses. Therefore, these articles will serve as his or her first experience with the techniques described.\r\rThe ultimate goal of Current Protocols Essential Laboratory Techniques is to equip the reader with a solid skill set that will continue to be applied and improved over the course of his or her research career. Topics include:\r\r-Volume/Weight Measurement-\rConcentration Measurement-\rReagent Preparation-\rCell Culture Techniques-\rSample Preparation-\rChromatography-\rElectrophoresis-\rBlotting-\rMicroscopy and Imaging-\rEnzymatic Reactions-\rBioinformatics and Genomics Tools-\rOutsourcing Guides-\rManipulating DNA and Gene Expression Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Delta Journal of Ophthalmology", "ISSN": "11109173, 20904835", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal will cover technical and clinical studies related to health, ethical and social issues in field of different sub-specialities of ophthalmology with a focus on the Middle East region.. Articles with clinical interest and implications will be given preference. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Egyptian Journal of Ear, Nose, Throat and Allied Sciences", "ISSN": "20900740, 20903405", "Scope": "ScopeEgyptian Journal of Ear, Nose, Throat and Allied Sciences aspires to play a national, regional and international role in the promotion of responsible and effective research in the field of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery in Egypt, Middle East and Africa.\r\rMission\r\rTo encourage and support research in Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) field and interdisciplinary topics\rTo implement high-quality editorial practices among Otolaryngologists\rTo upgrade the ability and experience of local doctors in international publishing\rTo offer professional publishing support to local researchers, creating a supportive network for career development\rTo highlight ENT diseases and problems peculiar to our region\rTo promote research in endemic, hereditary and infectious ENT problems related to our region\rTo expose and study impact of ethnic, social, environmental and cultural issues on expression of different ENT diseases\rTo organize common epidemiologic research of value to the region\rTo provide resource to national and regional authorities about problems in the field of ENT and their implication on public health and resources\rTo facilitate exchange of knowledge in our part of the world\rTo expand activities with regional and international scientific societies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "English Literary Renaissance", "ISSN": "00138312, 14756757", "Scope": "ScopeEnglish Literary Renaissance is a journal devoted to current criticism and scholarship of Tudor and early Stuart English literature, 1485-1665, including Shakespeare, Spenser, Donne, and Milton. It is unique in featuring the publication of rare texts and newly discovered manuscripts of the period and current annotated bibliographies of work in the field. It is illustrated with contemporary woodcuts and engravings of Renaissance England and Europe. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Estudios de Derecho", "ISSN": "01201867, 21456151", "Scope": "ScopeEstudios de Derecho (Law Studies) is a biannual publication of the University of Antioquia’s Faculty of Law and Political Sciences. It contributes to debates of ideas around law and politics and fosters dialog with other disciplines. The journal prioritizes the publication of research articles written by national and international authors. It is aimed at political scientists, lawyers and, generally, professionals interested in the social fields of knowledge. \r\rThe articles must be original and must not have been simultaneously submitted to another journal. To evaluate academic rigor and scientific quality, articles are double blind peer-reviewed. Reviewers will assess the article’s relevance, scientific contribution, originality and compliance with ethical principles under the guidelines of the Publications Ethics Committee (COPE). The authors’ proposals should not involve the University of Antioquia’s Faculty of Law and Political Sciences. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Filologija", "ISSN": "0449363X", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Forum for Linguistic Studies", "ISSN": "27050602, 27050610", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Fudan University Journal of Medical Sciences", "ISSN": "16728467", "Scope": "ScopeFudan University Journal of Medical Science, in continuous publication since 1956, is a Chinese peer-reviewed general medical journal published biomonthly by the Fudan University. Currently, the Editor-in-Chief of the journal is GUI Yong-hao . The journal mainly publishes original articles on biomedical subjects, including basic medical sciences, clinical medicine, public health, and pharmacy. Categories of articles include original research papers, rapid research reports, clinical experiences communications, methods and techniques, reviews, case reports, lectures, etc. Articles are published in Chinese with English abstract, as well as English figure legends and tables. A few papers are published in English. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Functional Differential Equations", "ISSN": "07931786, 26178605", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Geo-Eco-Trop", "ISSN": "13706071", "Scope": "ScopeGEO-ECO-TROP publishes papers of more or less 20 pages in English or French, eventually in Spanish. The papers will be dealing with all aspects of Geology, Geography, Geomorphology and Ecology of tropical and subtropical regions including Palaeogeography, Palaeoecology and Geo-Archaeology of present and past warm areas of the world. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Geography Research Forum", "ISSN": "3335275", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Heart, Vessels and Transplantation", "ISSN": "16947886, 16947894", "Scope": "ScopeThe Heart, Vessels and Transplantation is an international, English language, double-blind peer-reviewed journal on adult and pediatric cardiovascular surgery and transplantation, cardiology and all relevant disciplines, including thoracic and abdominal surgery, vascular diseases, internal medicine, imaging, public health, and continuous medical education. It is an independent international journal and is published 4 times per year (March, June, September and December) in print and electronically (articles also are published ahead of print). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Hiroshima Journal of Medical Sciences", "ISSN": "00182052, 24337668", "Scope": "ScopeContributions, letters, and all other communications should be sent to the Editorial Office of the Hiroshima University Medical Press. Original articles are accepted only on condition that they have not been published elsewhere, and will not be published elsewhere before appearance in the Journal. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics", "ISSN": "2436097X", "Scope": "ScopeThe Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics is published twice annually by Hitotsubashi University and is open to all researchers in the field of economics. Non faculty-members as well as faculty-members of the University are welcome to submit unpublished research articles for editorial consideration.\r\rManuscripts that are closely related to those already published in the Journal or manuscripts that concern empirical, theoretical and/or historical aspects of the Japanese economy are especially welcome. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Hong Kong Journal of Paediatrics", "ISSN": "10139923", "Scope": "ScopeThe Hong Kong Journal of Paediatrics (HKJP) is a joint publication of Hong Kong College of Paediatricians (HKCPaed) and Hong Kong Paediatric Society (HKPS). The HKJP publishes original research papers, review articles, case reports, editorials, commentaries, letters to the editor and conference proceedings. Topics of interest will include all subjects that relate to clinical practice and research in paediatrics and child health.\r\rThe first issue of the Journal was published in 1984. From 1984 to 1995, it was the official journal of the Hong Kong Paediatric Society, and published twice a year.\r\rThe Hong Kong College of Paediatricians was founded in 1991 with the primary objective to accredit and organize training programmes for paediatricians, to certify specialists in the discipline and to ensure a high standard of paediatric practice for the community. In 1996, the Hong Kong College of Paediatricians and the Hong Kong Paediatric Society joined forces to produce a single paediatric journal for Hong Kong, entitled \"Hong Kong Journal of Paediatrics - new series\". Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Indian Journal of Geosciences", "ISSN": "22293574, 25823485", "Scope": "ScopeIndian Journal of Geosciences (formerly Indian Minerals) is the official journal of the Geological Survey of India and aims to publish quality research articles and notes dealing with all aspects of Earth Sciences. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Experimental Research and Review", "ISSN": "24554855", "Scope": "ScopeFor promoting scientific research and science communication among the researchers worldwide and enhancing the knowledge base encompassing the latest trends and developments in various disciplines of basic as well as applied sciences, International Academic Publishing House (Website: www.iaph.in) not only organizes conferences/ seminars/ symposia/ meetings but also publishes books and journal & Case study, which include the double-blind peer-reviewed, open access, tri-annual multidisciplinary online journal entitled ''International Journal of Experimental Research and Review'' (e-ISSN: 2455-4855). The multidisciplinary journal encompasses all branches of Science and accepts good quality original research articles, review papers, short communications, conference proceedings, seminar papers etc. IAPH also publish special issues on specific research areas of interest from time to time. International Academic Publishing House is committed to maintaining ethical standards at all stages of the publication process. Only the online process should be used to submit the manuscript. Submitted manuscripts are assessed and reviewed by qualified editorial board members and invited two expert reviewers (one from India and one from abroad) from the relevant subject area following the double-blind peer review process, ensuring the fair evaluation policy to keep the publications plagiarism-free. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Film and Media Arts", "ISSN": "21839271", "Scope": "ScopeThe International Journal of Film and Media Arts is an open access, promoted by the FilmEU - European Universities Alliance for Film and Media and Film and Media Arts Department - Lusófona University, Lisboa, Portugal. IJFMA is a semiannual publication focusing on all areas of film and media arts research and critique, namely animation, television, media arts and videogames, and their varied social and cultural forms of expression and materialization. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Organizations Law Review", "ISSN": "15723739, 15723747", "Scope": "ScopeThe International Organizations Law Review is a peer-reviewed journal that only publishes articles that have passed through an anonymous review process. \r\rAfter the Second World War, the law of international organizations developed as a separate, but not separable, discipline within the sphere of public international law. The International Organizations Law Review functions as a discussion forum for both academics and practitioners active in this discpline. The Review offers two foci: one based in the world of scholarship and the other in the world of practice. Academic scholarship offered in the Review will focus on general and theoretical developments in international institutional law, while practitioner views offer a forum to identify and discuss legal developments within existing international organizations. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Review of Environmental History", "ISSN": "22053204, 22053212", "Scope": "ScopeInternational Review of Environmental History takes an interdisciplinary and global approach to environmental history. It publishes on all thematic and geographical topics of environmental history, but especially encourages articles with perspectives focused on or developed from the southern hemisphere and the ‘Global South’. This includes but is not limited to Australasia, East and South East Asia, Africa and South America.\r\rInternational Review of Environmental History’s editorial board includes historians, scientists and geographers, as well as scholars from other backgrounds, who work on environmental history and related disciplines, such as ecology, garden history and landscape studies. The methodological breadth of International Review of Environmental History distinguishes it from other environmental history journals, as does its attempt to draw together cognate research areas in garden history and landscape studies.\r\rThe journal’s goal is to be read across disciplines, not just within history. We encourage scholars to think big and to tackle the challenges of writing environmental histories across different methodologies, nations and timescales. We embrace interdisciplinary, comparative and transnational methods, while still recognising the importance of locality in understanding these global processes.\r\rInternational Review of Environmental History is happy to consider future special issues focusing on themes drawn from conferences or collaborations. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Transfer Pricing Journal", "ISSN": "13853074, 23529172", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Iranian Journal of Polymer Science and Technology", "ISSN": "10163255, 20080883", "Scope": "ScopeIranian Journal of Polymer Science and Technology (IJPST) is an official Persian publication of Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute with scientific collaboration of Iran Polymer Society. Since October 1986, IJPST has been published regularly and appeared quarterly from November 1988. Then the status was changed and it is publishing from April 2001 bimonthly.\r\rThis journal covers all the subjects in the field of polymer science and technology including: polymer synthesis, characterization, engineering properties, rheology, rubber, plastics, composites, processing, biopolymers, drug delivery systems and natural polymers. Also contributions from nano-related fields are regarded especially important for its versatility in modern scientific developments. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Japanese Journal of Cancer and Chemotherapy", "ISSN": "3850684", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Japanese Journal of Gastroenterology", "ISSN": "04466586, 13497693", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Gastroenterology, which is the official publication of the Japanese Society of Gastroenterology, publishes Original Articles (Alimentary Tract/Liver, Pancreas, and Biliary Tract), Review Articles, Letters to the Editors and other articles on all aspects of the field of gastroenterology. Significant contributions relating to basic research, theory, and practice are welcomed. These publications are designed to disseminate knowledge in this field to a worldwide audience, and accordingly, its editorial board has an international membership. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Japanese Journal of Limnology", "ISSN": "215104", "Scope": "Scope1931年の創刊以来、継続発行されてきた我国の陸水学に関する総合雑誌です。掲載される論文はいずれも査読を経て掲載されます。\r湖沼、河川、河口域、地下水、温泉等すべての陸水や汽水を研究対象とし、そこでの基礎的研究(物理学・化学・生物学・地学・地理学等)を主軸としながらも、水利用、水質保全、環境教育などの応用的研究にも広く発表の場を提供しています.\r英文誌「Limnology」の発行に伴い、2000年の第61巻からは新たに和文誌としてのリニューアルを計り、年3号(4、8、12月)発行しています。 Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Education in Muslim Societies", "ISSN": "26410044, 26410052", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Journal of Islamic Ethics", "ISSN": "24685534, 24685542", "Scope": "ScopeThis is a Diamond Open Access journal. Articles are published in Open Access at no cost to the author.\rThe focus of the Journal of Islamic Ethics is on the ethical approaches embedded in Islamic philosophy, theology, mysticism and jurisprudence as well as Islamic civilization in general, and, more particularly, on the principles and methods (to be) followed in applying these approaches to various sectors of contemporary social life. These fields include: Arts, Environment, Economics, Education, Gender, Media, Medicine, Migration & Human Rights, Politics and Psychology. The Journal strongly focuses on thematic issues on current events as well as on individual empirical case studies.\r\rThe Journal of Islamic Ethics is a full Open Access journal sponsored by the Research Center of Islamic Legislation and Ethics in Doha (Qatar), which is affiliated to the Faculty of Islamic Studies, Hamad Bin Khalifa University. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Japanese Studies", "ISSN": "00956848, 15494721", "Scope": "ScopeEstablished in 1974, the Journal of Japanese Studies is a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary forum for communicating new information, interpretations, and research on Japan. Its core objective is to maintain an enduring record of highest-quality scholarship through publication of empirical and interpretive work on Japan. Original submissions from across the humanities and social sciences are welcome, as are those on comparative and transnational topics in which Japan plays a major part. The Journal values analytically rigorous articles that locate specialized research findings in a broader context for scholars working on Japan. Other features of the Journal are its extensive and substantive book review section, its “Perspectives” essays offering broader evaluations of particular topics or literatures, and its translations of Japanese articles of special relevance.\r\rThe Journal is published twice each year, winter and summer. Submissions are welcomed from both early-career and established scholars. All submissions undergo a rigorous peer-review process. Authors are expected to engage with Japanese-language sources and scholarship. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Management and Business Research", "ISSN": "25214306", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Management and Business Research was first issued in 1984 by the Chinese Management Association. As the longest-standing, most representative academic journal in the field of management in Taiwan, the Journal of Management and Business Research mainly publishes academic papers and research findings related to business and management, including strategy, international business, organizational behavior and human resources, marketing, information management, production management, technology management, finance, accounting, and other related fields. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Narrative and Language Studies", "ISSN": "21484066", "Scope": "ScopeJournal of Narrative and Language Studies (NALANS) is a professional, double blind peer-reviewed international journal that aims to involve scholars from around the world. The journal provides a platform for different theoretical and thematic approaches to literature, linguistics and language teaching.\r\rWe accept only manuscripts written in English. The editors seek manuscripts that:\r\r-develop theoretical, conceptual, or methodological approaches to language, linguistics and literature\r-present results of empirical research that advance the understanding of language, linguistics and literature\r-explore innovative policies and programs and describe and evaluate strategies for future action, and\ranalyze issues of current interest.\rAuthors are always welcome to submit their manuscripts for publication consideration. They may submit your manuscripts online or send their manuscripts to the editor. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Nationalism Memory and Language Politics", "ISSN": "25705857", "Scope": "ScopeJournal of Nationalism, Memory & Language Politics is a peer-reviewed journal published by De Gruyter on behalf of the Charles University.\r\rIt is committed to exploring divergent scholarly opinions, research and theories of current international academic experts, and is a forum for discussion and hopes to encourage free-thinking and debate among academics, young researchers and professionals over issues of importance to the politics of identity and memory as well as the political dimensions of language policy in the 20th and 21st centuries. The journal is indexed with and included in Google Scholar, EBSCO, CEEOL and SCOPUS.\r\rWe encourage research articles that employ qualitative or quantitative methodologies as well as empirical historical analyses regarding, but not limited to, the following issues:\r\r-Trends in nationalist development, whether historical or contemporary\r-Policies regarding national and international institutions of memory as well as investigations into the creation and/or dissemination of cultural memory\r-The implementation and political repercussions of language policies in various regional and global contexts\r-The formation, cohesion and perseverance of national or regional identity along with the relationships between minority and majority populations\r-The role ethnicity plays in nationalism and national identity\r-How the issue of victimhood contributes to national or regional self-perception\r-Priority is given to issues pertaining to the 20th and 21st century political developments\rWhile our focus is on empirical articles, our remains open to exceptional theoretical works (especially if they incorporate empirical research), book reviews and translations. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers, Transactions of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Series C/Chung-Kuo Chi Hsueh Kung Ch'eng Hsuebo Pao", "ISSN": "2579731", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Journal of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity", "ISSN": "00381586, 18820166", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University (Medical Sciences)", "ISSN": "16718259", "Scope": "ScopeJournal of Xi'an Jiaotong University (Medical Sciences), an important medical academic journal in China, which is from the great city of Xi'an, the hometown of Qin terracotta warriors and horses, starts publish in 1937, bimonthly. This journal is supervised by Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China and edited by the Editorial Board of Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University(Medical Sciences),distributed worldwide.\rWide western regions of China with many nationalities and population are resourceful in medicine. Based on the abundant strength of medical science research in Xi'an Jiaotong University, Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University (Medical Sciences) mainly reported the new progress on the study of endemic disease (Keshan disease and Kashin-Bek syndrome), genetic polymorphism of Chinese population, traditional Chinese medicine and Chinese crude drug, neurophysiology, oncology and angiocardiopathy. The function of this journal is as a window of Chinese medical research, especially western of China. The purpose of this journal is to report the new findings and new techniques in preclinical medicine and clinical study as soon as possible. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "London Journal", "ISSN": "03058034, 17496322", "Scope": "ScopeThe of The London Journal is broad, embracing all aspects of metropolitan society past and present, including comparative studies. The Journal is multi-disciplinary and is intended to interest all concerned with the understanding and enrichment of London and Londoners: historians, geographers, literary scholars, economists, sociologists, political scientists, social workers, educationalists, planners, architects, conservationists, archaeologists, and all those taking an interest in the natural environment and in the fine and performing arts in London.\rBy facilitating Open Access and through advance online publication, we aim to make our content available to a wide audience without delay. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature", "ISSN": "24504580", "Scope": "ScopeThe aim of Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature is to publish original research articles exploring the current methodologies and themes within the fields of literary studies, linguistics, translation studies and foreign language teaching in major modern foreign languages. The journal seeks to present new directions of research and create a space of reflection and debate in contemporary literature and language studies. The journal is open to both experienced scholars and young authors and is thus an excellent platform for an intergenerational dialogue and the presentation of different points of view on the topics discussed in each volume. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Medicine", "ISSN": "03045412, 15788822", "Scope": "ScopeCreated in 1975, Medicine - Programa de Formación Médica Continuada Acreditado is a complete continuing education programme in healthcare that offers not only the most established and reliable theoretical bases and concepts in medicine, but also guidelines for patient care, systematization of clinical procedures and precise guidelines for the management of diagnostic resources and therapies in clinical practice.\rMedicine is a bi-monthly journal in paper and on-line format, whose programme spans 4 years and is composed of 92 units that cover all areas of medicine, structured by systems, devices or specialties. Its aim is to offer a continuing education programme with a critical analysis of the medical information with regard to aetiopathogenesis, clinical basis, diagnosis and treatment of high prevalence diseases in the field of internal medicine and its subspecialties. Medicine - Programa de Formación Médica Continuada Acreditado offers updated reviews of the different aspects in its area of interest. It presents articles on clinical, diagnostic and/or therapeutic clinical pathways or guidelines. It publishes clinical cases of special relevance for clinical practice, and introduces clinical and radiological findings and other images of special interest to enhance the diagnostic capability of its readers. It publishes videos on practical aspects, with diagnostic and/or therapeutic procedures.\rAll the articles of this journal are commissioned to professionals of recognized prestige with extensive clinical and teaching experience. The Editorial Committee has drawn up specific guidelines for each section in order to commission each article. Every article received is subjected to anonymous peer review by two professionals with experience in the contents of the work, chosen by the editor of the Journal. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Medicine Today", "ISSN": "1443430X, 22030794", "Scope": "ScopeMedicine Today aims to promote the highest possible standards of patient care by presenting doctors with practical, well-illustrated, evidence-based reviews and clinical information that will assist them in reviewing and updating their knowledge and sharpening their skills in diagnosis and management. Although the content of Medicine Today is focused primarily on the needs of general practitioners, the journal enjoys a large readership among specialists and other health professionals reading outside their own field to keep up with advances in general medicine. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Mediterranee", "ISSN": "00258296, 17608538", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal was founded in 1960 and publishes papers on the geography of the Mediterranean. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "MedUNAB", "ISSN": "01237047, 23824603", "Scope": "ScopeMedUNAB was founded in 1997 by the Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga (UNAB). It is an open access, double blinded peer reviewed, scientific journal. MedUNAB publishes original national and international scientific and academic intellectual production around the disciplines related to health sciences, giving priority to interprofessional care, public health, general medicine and clinical specialties. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Melanges de la Casa de Velazquez", "ISSN": "0076230X, 21731306", "Scope": "ScopeRevue semestrielle (avril et novembre), les Mélanges de la Casa de Velázquez. Nouvelle Série couvrent sans restriction de période un large éventail de champs disciplinaires (histoire, archéologie, littérature, géographie, sociologie, anthropologie…) et présentent des résultats de recherche inédits sur la péninsule Ibérique, le Maghreb et l’espace atlantique ibérique, suivant des critères scientifiques rigoureux. Sauf pour les sujets d’archéologie, tant l’espace africain que l’espace atlantique sont abordés, non pas pour eux-mêmes, mais par le biais des liens séculaires qu’ils ont tissés avec la péninsule Ibérique.\r\rDans les dossiers thématiques et articles de Miscellanées, les approches diachroniques, multiscalaires ou interdisciplinaires seront favorisées, dans le sens où elles permettent l’exploration de voies inédites, la mise en avant de dynamiques nouvelles et le croisement de différentes approches. Une dernière rubrique consacrée à l’actualité de la recherche rassemble des articles historiographiques, des dossiers d’opinions sur les débats scientifiques actuels, des lectures croisées ainsi que des comptes rendus d’ouvrages récemment parus. Ces derniers sont publiés uniquement en ligne.\r\rLes langues de publication acceptées sont celles ayant le statut de langue officielle dans la péninsule Ibérique ; l’anglais et l’italien sont admises pour les articles, sous réserve qu’il s’agisse de la langue maternelle de l’auteur. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Mizan Law Review", "ISSN": "19989881, 2309902X", "Scope": "ScopeMizan Law Review publishes peer reviewed original scholarly articles that identify, examine and analyze legal and related concepts, principles and stipulations based on research findings. The articles aim at interpretation, diagnosis, problem-solving, proactive critique and projection that assist the application and development of laws in Ethiopia. The journal focuses on law in action relating to Ethiopian laws, comparative laws and various themes under international law. It also publishes non-peer reviewed thematic comments, notes, sharing thoughts and case comments based on internal review. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "NACE - International Corrosion Conference Series", "ISSN": "3614409", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Nachrichten aus der Chemie", "ISSN": "14399598", "Scope": "ScopeCessation. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "New Armenian Medical Journal", "ISSN": "18290825", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Nka", "ISSN": "10757163, 21527792", "Scope": "ScopeNka focuses on publishing critical work that examines contemporary African and African Diaspora art within the modernist and postmodernist experience and therefore contributes significantly to the intellectual dialogue on world art and the discourse on internationalism and multiculturalism in the arts. Nka mainly includes scholarly articles, reviews (exhibits and books), interviews, and roundtable discussions. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "NTP Research Report Series", "ISSN": "24734756", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Ohio Journal of Sciences", "ISSN": "300950", "Scope": "ScopeThe Ohio Journal of Science (OJS) is an international, multidisciplinary journal published Open Access online by The Ohio State University Libraries. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Onkologia i Radioterapia", "ISSN": "18968961", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Osteologie", "ISSN": "10191291, 25675818", "Scope": "ScopeDie Osteologie/Osteology ist eine interdisziplinäre Zeitschrift für Fort- und Weiterbildung auf dem Gebiet der Osteologie. Sie veröffentlicht in Form von Themenschwerpunktheften Übersichtsarbeiten, Originalbeiträge, Kasuistiken und Kurzmitteilungen auf Deutsch und Englisch aus allen Gebieten, die sich experimentell oder klinisch mit Bewegungsforschung (inklusive Sportmedizin), Erkrankungen des Bewegungsapparates, speziell mit Knochen-, Muskel- und Gelenkerkrankungen und mit Methoden zu deren Erforschung, beschäftigen. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Paediatrics Eastern Europe", "ISSN": "23074345, 24142204", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal aims to promote professional communication among specialists across different countries and scientific schools, as well as to contribute in the formation of new promising studies, education and formation of researchers and practitioners.\r\rAmong the objectives of the journal are publications of new scientific and clinical data, results of advanced researches, achievements of domestic and international medicine, announcements of events, as well as various kinds of information which would be useful for medical professionals in their clinical work. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Pediatriya - Zhurnal im G.N. Speranskogo", "ISSN": "0031403X, 19902182", "Scope": "ScopeJournal “Pediatria” named after G.N. Speransky (the official short names of the Journal are “Journal «Pediatria»,” “Pediatria,” and “«Pediatria,» the Journal”) is the oldest Soviet-and-Russian (in the Russian Federation, the CIS and former Soviet Union) scientific and practical medical periodical assigned for pediatricians that is published continuously since May, 1922, and distributed worldwide. Our mission statement specifies that we aim to the ‘raising the level of skills and education of pediatricians, organizers of children’s health protection services, medicine scientists, lecturers and students of medical institutes for higher education, universities and colleges worldwide with an emphasis on Russian-speaking audience and specific, topical problems of children’s healthcare in Russia, the CIS, Baltic States and former Soviet Union Countries and their determination with the use of the World’s best practices in pediatrics.’ As part of this objective, the Editorial of the Journal «Pediatria» named after G.N. Speransky itself adopts a neutral position on issues treated within the Journal. The Journal serves to further academic discussions of topics, irrespective of their nature - whether religious, racial-, gender-based, environmental, ethical, political or other potentially or topically contentious subjects. The Journal is registered with the ISSN, - the international identifier for serials and other continuing resources, in the electronic and print world: ISSN 0031-403X (Print), and ISSN 1990-2182 (Online). The Journal was founded by the Academician, Dr. Georgiy Nestorovich SPERANSKY, in May, 1922. Now (since 1973) the Journal bears his honorary name. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Proceedings of the LACCEI international Multi-conference for Engineering, Education and Technology", "ISSN": "24146390", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Psicoterapia Cognitiva e Comportamentale", "ISSN": "11261072", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal runs original articles on the development of theoretical and clinical knowledge in cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy.\r\rPsicoterapia Cognitiva e Comportamentale mainly deals with the applications of cognitive-behavioural methodologies for individuals, families and groups of organisations, in addition to clinical assessment, behavioural medicine, rehabilitation, methodology, «analogical» research, basic research and interdisciplinary research relevant to psychotherapy.\r\rThe journal aims to disseminate the multiple aspects and diverse branches of Italian cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy.\r\rPsicoterapia Cognitiva e Comportamentale occasionally hosts representative international papers; furthermore it aims to promulgate awareness of the remote roots of the cognitive-behavioural approach, hosting, in a special section, the anastatic reprints of works of historical significance.\r\rPsicoterapia Cognitiva e Comportamentale is indexed in the following databases: SCOPUS, EBSCO, EMBASE, Psychological abstracts, PsycSCAN: Behavior Analysis & Therapy, PsycINFO, PsycLIT, ClinPSYC.\r\rThe journal publishes different types of articles, organised into the following sections:\r– Research: section dedicated to research papers;\r– Theory: critical reviews and other articles focusing on the theoretical development of the subject;\r– Clinical cases: articles which describe specific cases encountered in clinical practice;\r– Research protocols: brief summaries of research protocols, which are published in order to both encourage collaboration and polyhedral research and to share current research with the vaster community of interested parties;\r– News regarding the profession and other relevant topics. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Punk and Post-Punk", "ISSN": "20441983, 20443706", "Scope": "ScopePunk & Post-Punk is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal for academics, artists, journalists and the wider cultural industries. Placing punk and its progeny at the heart of inter-disciplinary investigation, it is the first forum of its kind to explore this rich and influential topic in both historical and critical theoretical terms. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Recherche et Applications en Marketing", "ISSN": "07673701, 20512821", "Scope": "ScopeRecherche et Applications en Marketing (French edition) is a peer reviewed academic international journal publishing original research in the field of marketing in French and translated into English. It is a main reference for the development and dissemination of new concepts and new methods in marketing. Recherche et Applications en Marketing publishes articles covering any aspect of marketing, including consumer behaviour, communication, retailing, CRM, new product development and more. The journal publishes research articles, research notes, critical state of the art papers, and also articles offering perspectives from other disciplines which might be applied to marketing.\r\rRecherche et Applications en Marketing is an official journal of the AFM (French Marketing Association - Association Française du marketing). It is the leading French research journal in the field of marketing which has been published since 1986, and in both English and French since 2007. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Catalana d'Ornitologia", "ISSN": "16974697, 23403764", "Scope": "ScopeThe Catalan Journal of Ornithology (RCO) publishes research articles in ornithology, including also reviews and theoretical papers about any topic in ornithology. This is an open-access journal. We accept articles in English, Spanish or Catalan. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Conhecimento Online", "ISSN": "21768501", "Scope": "ScopeConhecimento Online é a revista eletrônica semestral de acesso aberto do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Diversidade Cultural e Inclusão Social da Universidade Feevale, com publicações desde 2009, que busca investigar interfaces entre Estado, movimentos sociais, linguagens, economia, tecnologias da informação, políticas públicas e inclusão social, sem perder de vista os processos de homogeneização e heterogeneização culturais, característicos das sociedades contemporâneas.\r\rO material submetido deve ser inédito, não tendo sido publicado em outro veículo de publicação e não estando em processo de avaliação em nenhuma outra revista. Excepcionalmente, aceita-se material apresentado em congressos científicos e publicados em anais e, a critério do Conselho Editorial, trabalhos originalmente publicados em língua estrangeira.\r\rPúblico-alvo: Pesquisadores doutores. São aceitos, excepcionalmente, artigos de doutorandos, mestres, especialistas e graduados, desde que os mesmos tenham realizado trabalhos conjuntos com professores doutores.\r\rProcesso de Avaliação pelos Pares: Os artigos enviados serão submetidos à apreciação de membros do Conselho Consultivo da revista, de acordo com a especificidade do tema e da especialização e titulação do membro do conselho, adotando-se o sistema de avaliação cega por pares (Double Blind Review), na qual os trabalhos enviados não possuem identificação de seus autores. O processo de seleção de artigos para a publicação envolve a avaliação de membros do Conselho Editorial, de membros da Comissão Editorial e de Pareceristas \"ad hoc\" - por pares e às cegas.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista de Investigaciones Agropecuarias", "ISSN": "03258718, 16692314", "Scope": "ScopeLa Revista de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (RIA) es una publicación científica de carácter multidisciplinario editada por el INTA. Recepciona artículos preparados por profesionales e investigadores que integran el sistema científico y tecnológico nacional e internacional. Los trabajos publicados, admitidos por el Comité Editorial, abarcan temáticas que se vinculan con la producción agropecuaria, los recursos naturales y el medio ambiente. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Direito e Sexualidade", "ISSN": "26753596", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Revista Medica Electronica", "ISSN": "16841824", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Revue d'Etudes Comparatives Est-Ouest", "ISSN": "3380599", "Scope": "ScopeLa Revue d’études comparatives Est-Ouest (RECEO), créée en 1970 par le CNRS, publie des travaux originaux de recherche portant sur le champ géographique européen et eurasiatique. Résolument comparative et pluridisciplinaire, elle accueille des articles relevant des diverses disciplines des sciences sociales (économie, sociologie, histoire contemporaine, droit, science politique, géographie…). La RECEO privilégie les articles proposant des approches conceptuelles et explicatives, des contributions au débat théorique et accueille les recherches empiriques qui rendent compte de la pluralité des espaces nationaux. Elle favorise la confrontation des idées, les échanges scientifiques et la coopération entre les chercheurs des différentes disciplines des sciences sociales et des différentes aires couvertes par la revue. Elle publie des articles en français et en anglais. Revue à comité de lecture, elle est indexée au niveau international. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Scripta Medica (Banja Luka)", "ISSN": "03508218, 23037954", "Scope": "ScopeScripta Medica (Banja Luka) is an international open access scientific journal covering all areas and aspects of medicine: preventive, clinical and experimental. Scripta Medica (Banja Luka) is jointly owned by the Association of Medical Doctors of the Republic of Srpska and the Faculty of Medicine, University of Banja Luka, Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Scrutiny2", "ISSN": "17535409, 18125441", "Scope": "Scopescrutiny2 is a double blind peer-reviewed journal that publishes original manuscripts on theoretical and practical concerns in English literary studies in southern Africa, particularly tertiary education. Uniquely southern African approaches to southern African concerns are sought, although manuscripts of a more general nature will be considered. The journal is aimed at an audience of specialists in English literary studies. While the dominant form of manuscripts published will be the scholarly article, the journal will also publish poetry, as well as other forms of writing such as the essay, review essay, conference report and polemical position piece.\r\rThis journal is accredited with the South African Department of Higher Education and Training. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Shi You Lian Zhi Yu Hua Gong/Petroleum Processing and Petrochemicals", "ISSN": "10052399", "Scope": "Scope《石油炼制与化工》(原名《石油炼制》,创刊于1957年),国内外公开发行,是中国核心期刊,被国内外多家著名检索系统收录。期刊在1992年和1996年分别获国家科委、中宣部和国家新闻出版署联合评比颁布发的全国优秀科技期刊二等奖和一等奖;2000年荣获国家新闻出版署组织评比的首届国家期刊奖;2003年、2005年分别获得第二届、第三届国家期刊奖提名奖;在经国家新闻出版署和科技部批准的中国期刊方阵中属双高期刊.《石油炼制与化工》主要报道炼油、石油化工专业科技新成果及其应用研究与工程技术开发的新成果,交流企业技术革新改造和提高经济效益、社会效益的新经验,介绍国外新技术和发展动态.\r主要栏目: 催化剂、加工工艺、基础研究、产品与添加剂、环保、分析、计算机应用、技术经济 Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Sinapse", "ISSN": "1645281X", "Scope": "ScopeA SINAPSE é uma revista médica, propriedade da Sociedade Portuguesa de Neurologia (SPN), publicada em edição clássica e em suporte electrónico.[...]\rA SINAPSE é uma revista internacional com revisão por pares, para médicos que tratam pessoas com doenças neurológicas e para outros profissionais de saúde interessados na estrutura e função do sistema nervoso normal e doente. O público-alvo da revista inclui médicos, enfermeiros, nutricionistas, farmacêuticos, psicólogos, fisioterapeutas, epidemiologistas, investigadores clínicos, outros especialistas envolvidos nos cuidados de saúde (incluindo a área da gestão e administração) e cientistas das áreas básicas e de translação.\rA SINAPSE publica artigos em português e/ou inglês. A SINAPSE é publicada continuamente desde 2005.\rÉ uma revista com arbitragem científica (peer review) que publica em acesso aberto, com especial ênfase na área das Neurociências, mas não só. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Sporting Traditions", "ISSN": "8132577", "Scope": "ScopeSporting Traditions is the scholarly journal of the Australian Society for Sports History (ASSH). The aim of the journal is to publish original research on the historical, economic, political, social, cultural, legal or philosophical significance of sporting activity. While most articles in the past have been on Australian sport and have had a strong historical focus, material on other societies and on contemporary sport may be submitted. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Springer Series in Geomechanics and Geoengineering", "ISSN": "18668755, 18668763", "Scope": "ScopeGeomechanics deals with the application of the principle of mechanics to geomaterials including experimental, analytical and numerical investigations into the mechanical, physical, hydraulic and thermal properties of geomaterials as multiphase media. Geoengineering covers a wide range of engineering disciplines related to geomaterials from traditional to emerging areas.\r\rThe objective of the book series is to publish monographs, handbooks, workshop proceedings and textbooks. The book series is intended to cover both the state-of-the-art and the recent developments in geomechanics and geoengineering. Besides researchers, the series provides valuable references for engineering practitioners and graduate students. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studies in African Languages and Cultures", "ISSN": "25452134, 26574187", "Scope": "ScopeStudies in African Languages and Cultures provides a forum for the publication of original works in various fields of African studies. Primarily focusing on African linguistics, including ethno- and sociolinguistics, it also covers African literature, African culture and history of Africa. The Journal cooperates mainly with European-based authors as well as promotes works of African researchers. \r\rThe Journal contributes to the research based on sources in African languages. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studies in Ancient Art and Civilization", "ISSN": "18991548, 2449867X", "Scope": "ScopeStudies in Ancient Art and Civilization were created in 1991 as an irregular series which in the first place served as a forum for the presentation of the Jagiellonian University Institute of Archaeology and studies provided by its researchers. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studies in Peoples History", "ISSN": "23484489, 23497718", "Scope": "ScopeStudies in People’s History is an established journal, in print and on–line, issued twice a year (June and December). All contributions are peer–reviewed and subject to copy–editing. It invites or accepts papers on all aspects of History, with insistence on adequate level of detailed research and reasoned analysis. Its focus is on Indian history, in the larger sense of the history of all South Asian countries. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studies in Spanish and Latin American Cinemas", "ISSN": "20504837, 20504845", "Scope": "ScopeFormerly published as Studies in Hispanic Cinemas, the journal is dedicated to the study of the cinemas of Spain, Spanish and Portuguese speaking South, Central and North America, including the Caribbean and Brazil. Our target readership includes students, teachers and scholars. The double-blind peer reviewed journal is written in English and/or Spanish to maximize the opportunities for contact between academic disciplines such as Media, Film Studies, Latin American and Post- colonial Studies, as well as Hispanic Studies, thereby encouraging an inter-cultural and inter-disciplinary focus. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Taiwan Water Conservancy", "ISSN": "4921550", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Tehran University Medical Journal", "ISSN": "16831764, 17357322", "Scope": "ScopeThe publication of the first issue of this journal dates back to 1945 as the first scientific journal in Iran. Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS) is the oldest and the main university of the country. Our journal is one of the TUMS publications releasing monthly; written in Persian language with English language abstracts and references. The main of this open access journal is basic and clinical medical studies from Iranian and international authors. Editorial Boards of TUMJ are specialists in all fields of basic and clinical medical sciences from all over the world. Nevertheless our target audience includes the entire medical personnel worldwide depending upon their access to the journal and the feasibility for us to place it at their disposal.\rCharacter of the publications Scientific disciplines:\r\rBiology, Anatomy, Biochemistry, Epidemiology, Genetics (Population genetics, Genomics, Proteomics), Histology, Immunology, Microbiology, Neuroscience, Physical therapy, Physiology, Taxonomy, Toxicology, Virology, Biochemistry, Cognitive psychology, Environmental chemistry, Environmental science, Aerospace medicine, Allergology, Anatomy and morphology, Andrology, Anesthesiology, Anthropology, Audiology, Behavioral Sciences, Biochemistry, Analytical Biochemistry, Clinical Biology, Biology, Molecular Cardiology, Critical Care Medicine, Cytology, Dentistry, Dermatology, Diabetology, Diagnostics, laboratory Endocrinology and metabolic, Environmental health, Epidemiology, Family Medicine, Forensic Medicine, Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Genetics, Geriatrics, Hematology, Histology and Embryology, Immunology, Infectious Diseases, Medical Informatics, Medicine, General and Internal Microbiology and Virology, Nephrology, Neurology, Neurosurgery, Nuclear Medicine, Nutrition and Dietetics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Oncology, Ophtalmology, Orthopedics and Traumatology, Otolaryngology, Pathology, Pediatrics and Neonatology, etc.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Trends in Pediatrics", "ISSN": "27920429", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Vetus Testamentum", "ISSN": "00424935, 15685330", "Scope": "ScopeVetus Testamentum is a leading journal covering all aspects of Old Testament study. It includes articles on history, literature, religion and theology, text, versions, language, and the bearing on the Old Testament of archaeology and the study of the Ancient Near East. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "West Indian Medical Journal", "ISSN": "433144", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal is international in, with author and editorial contributions from across the globe. The focus is on clinical and epidemiological aspects of tropical and infectious diseases, new and re-emerging infections, chronic non-communicable diseases, and medical conditions prevalent in the Latin America-Caribbean region, and of significance to global health, especially in developing countries. The Journal covers all medical disciplines, as well as basic and translational research elucidating the pathophysiologic basis of diseases or focussing on new therapeutic approaches, and publishes original scientific research, reviews, case reports, brief communications, letters, commentaries and medical images. The Journal publishes four to six issues and four supplements annually. English is the language of publication but Abstracts are also duplicated in Spanish. Most of the articles are submitted at the authors’ initiative, but some are solicited by the Editor-in-Chief. Unless expressly stated, the Editorial Board does not accept responsibility for authors’ opinions.\r\rAll papers on submission are reviewed by a subcommittee. Those deemed worthy for review are sent to two or three reviewers (one of the three might be a statistician if necessary). The returned papers with reviewer comments are reviewed by the Editor-in-Chief. Papers may be rejected, accepted or sent back to authors for revision. Resubmitted papers from authors are reviewed by the Editor-in-Chief and may be sent back to reviewers or a final decision made by Editor-in-Chief. The decision of the Editorial Board is final with regards to rejected articles. Rejected articles will not be returned to the authors. The editorial subcommittee has the right to return sub-standard manuscripts to the authors, rather than passing them on to the reviewers. This implies outright rejection of the manuscript. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Wool Textile Journal", "ISSN": "10031456", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Wuhan Ligong Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Wuhan University of Technology", "ISSN": "16714431", "Scope": "ScopeJWUT is a comprehensive academic journal based on the combination of theories and applied sciences. Under the guidance of Maxism, Mao Zedong Thoughts, Deng Xiaoping’s Theory and Jiang Zemin’s “Three Representatives” as well as “Scientific Outlook on Development”, the journal has always been following the guidelines and policies of the Communist Party, persistent in the “Double Hundred Guidelines”, so as to promote the development of science and technology and strengthen the academic communication both at home and abroad. It publishes academic papers, research reports and critical surveys on key findings in basic research in the fields of mechanism, electronics, communication and information, computer, controlling and automation, mechanics, chemistry, physics, mathematics and so on, cutting edge developments in technologies and general progresses in the fields of materials science and engineering, civil engineering and architecture, resources and environmental engineering, shipping and ocean engineering, energy and power, automobile engineering, etc. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Yazyki i Fol'klor Korennykh Narodov Sibiri", "ISSN": "23126337, 27129608", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Advances in the Astronautical Sciences", "ISSN": "653438", "Scope": "ScopeAdvances in the Astronautical Sciences\tis a book series. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "American, British and Canadian Studies", "ISSN": "18411487, 1841964X", "Scope": "ScopeFounded in 1999, American, British and Canadian Studies, the journal of the Academic Anglophone Society of Romania, is currently published by Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu. Re-launched in refashioned, biannual format, American, British and Canadian Studies is an international, peer-reviewed journal that sets out to explore disciplinary developments in Anglophone Studies in the changing environment forged by the intersections of culture, technology and electronic information. Our primary goal is to bring together in productive dialogue scholars conducting advanced research in the theoretical humanities. As well as offering innovative approaches to influential crosscurrents in contemporary thinking, the journal seeks to contribute fresh angles to the academic subject of English and promote shape-changing research across conventional boundaries. By virtue of its dynamic and varied profile and of the intercultural dialogue that it caters for, ABC Studies aims to fill a gap in the Romanian academic arena, and function as the first publication to approach Anglophone studies in a multi-disciplinary perspective. Within the proposed range of diversity, our major is to provide close examinations and lucid analyses of the role and future of the academic institutions at the cutting edge of high-tech. With this end in view, we especially invite contributions in the fields of Comparative Literary and Cultural Studies, Postcolonial Theory, Area Studies, Cultural Anthropology, Language and Linguistics, Multimedia and Digital Arts, Translation Studies and related subjects. With its wide subject range, American, British and Canadian Studies aims to become one of the academic community’s premium scholarly resources. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Annales de Demographie Historique", "ISSN": "662062", "Scope": "ScopeFondées en 1964, les Annales de démographie historique, seule revue francophone du domaine, sont le lieu de publication des recherches internationales sur l'histoire, ou plutôt les histoires de la population telles qu'elles se présentent aujourd'hui : des travaux démographiques soucieux de leurs méthodes et de leurs catégories d'analyse, des approches largement ouvertes sur l'histoire sociale et sur l'histoire de la santé, plus généralement attentives aux approches des autres sciences sociales.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Annals of the Fondazione Luigi Einaudi", "ISSN": "25324969", "Scope": "ScopeAnnals of the Fondazione Luigi Einaudi is a new (peer-reviewed, biannual) international series of Annali della Fondazione Luigi Einaudi founded in 1967. Since then, the Annali have served as a forum for the free exchange of ideas among historians, economists and political scientists, as well as other social scientists. In line with this tradition, the Annals aim at facilitating communication and encouraging cross-fertilization of ideas among both established international scholars and younger scholars working in the field of history, economics, political science, and other social disciplines, with a view to fostering interdisciplinarity. To this end, authors are requested to use rigorous style and language, but accessible to scholars belonging to different fields of social sciences.\r\rThe Editors welcome submissions from authors from across the humanities and social sciences, including in particular economics, political science, and history. Submissions that are interdisciplinary in nature, and theoretical and methodological articles on inter-disciplinary relations are also welcomed. Special issues are edited by the guest editors in collaboration with the Annals Editors and members of the Editorial Board. These issues may include solicited essays, but are mainly comprised of essays that are submitted to a call for papers (proposals are reviewed by the Editors; the submission process is subject to a peer-review process). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Anuario de Estudios Filologicos", "ISSN": "2108178", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal Anuario de Estudios Filológicos is under the Open Access Policy of the University of Extremadura, which adheres to the principles of the Open Access Movement and the Berlin Declaration. Therefore, it is understood that the authors who submit their papers to the journal will allow, if such papers are accepted for publication, their inclusion in DEHESA, the institutional repository of the University of Extremadura. However, they will retain their copyrights so that they can use their papers at their will (commercial publication, deposit in other repositories, etc.).\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Applied Chemical Engineering", "ISSN": "25782010", "Scope": "ScopeApplied Chemical Engineering (ACE) is an international open-access academic journal dedicated to publishing highly professional research in all fields related to chemical engineering. All manuscripts are subjected to a rigorous double-blind peer review process, to ensure quality and originality. We are interested inthe original research discoveries. This journal also features a wide range of research in ancillary areas relevant to chemistry. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Applied Radiology", "ISSN": "1609963", "Scope": "ScopeApplied Radiology welcomes submission of review articles that are geared to the general radiologist and that reflect practical everyday clinical applications, rather than research activity. Applied Radiology does not publish scientific articles or original research. Articles should pertain to clinical management, practical application of a particular imaging modality and imaging of specific anatomic or disease states, as well as administration, fiscal, technical, and/or medicolegal issues.\rApplied Radiology welcomes Radiological Case Report submissions highlighting medical imaging’s role in medical care and treatment. Cases should pertain to the practical application of imaging to specific conditions, injuries, or diseases. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Archives of Hellenic Medicine", "ISSN": "11053992", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "ARQ", "ISSN": "07160852, 07176996", "Scope": "ScopeARQ magazine is a themed publication and its summaries are conceived according to that orientation. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Art Journal", "ISSN": "43249", "Scope": "ScopeThe mission of Art Journal, founded in 1941, is to provide a forum for scholarship and visual exploration in the visual arts; to be a unique voice in the field as a peer-reviewed, professionally mediated forum for the arts; to operate in the spaces between commercial publishing, academic presses, and artist presses; to be pedagogically useful by making links between theoretical issues and their use in teaching at the college and university levels; to explore relationships among diverse forms of art practice and production, as well as among art making, art history, visual studies, theory, and criticism; to give voice and publication opportunity to artists, art historians, and other writers in the arts; to be responsive to issues of the moment in the arts, both nationally and globally; to focus on topics related to twentieth- and twenty-first-century concerns; to promote dialogue and debate. The journal, which welcomes submissions from authors and artists worldwide and at every career stage, is published four times a year in spring, summer, autumn, and winter by the CAA. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "BiD", "ISSN": "15755886", "Scope": "ScopeBiD: textos universitaris de biblioteconomia i documentació is a specialist open access journal which publishes articles in the field of information and documentation. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Bijdragen en Mededelingen Betreffende de Geschiedenis der Nederlanden", "ISSN": "01650505, 22112898", "Scope": "ScopeBMGN - Low Countries Historical Review was founded in 1877 and is the leading academic journal for the history of the Netherlands, Belgium and their global presence. The journal publishes both in print and online research and review articles which explore broad and important issues in the history of the Low Countries, and seeks to do so in a wider comparative context. In creating discussion fora and in publishing book reviews, the journal aims to enliven historical debate among both professional historians and a wider interested public. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Bogoslovska Smotra", "ISSN": "3523101", "Scope": "ScopeBogoslovska smotra je znanstveni časopis Katoličkoga bogoslovnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Jedan je od najstarijih hrvatskih znanstvenih časopisa. Prvotno je usmjeren na znanstvene radove s područja teoloških i teologiji srodnih znanosti, posebice filozofije, koje se bave religijskom problematikom općenito i kršćanskom napose. Časopis njeguje interdisciplinarnost te je otvoren za promišljanja i suradnju sa znanstvenicima iz svih područja znanosti. Njegova je aktualnost značajna posebice danas kada se mnoga teološka pitanja pokazuju izazovnima za razna druga područja znanosti i kada teologija sa zanimanjem prati i svojim pristupom obogaćuje događanja u tim istim područjima (pedagogija, psihologija, sociologija, književnost, pravo, prirodne i tehničke znanosti).\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cadmo", "ISSN": "11225165, 19725019", "Scope": "ScopeCadmo is an international journal of educational research, assessment and evaluation. Each issue of the journal contains approximately up to 7 articles (half in English, half in other European languages) peer-reviewed according to the ISI standards, brief reports of research in progress, reviews of books on educational research published since the previous edition and Sassi - three short ironic notes about education policy and assessment. As AEA-Europe has now adopted Cadmo as its official journal, it will be guest editor of a special edition which will be published once every two years. Cadmo is an ISI publication listed in the Social Sciences citation index since 2007. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Chinese Journal of New Drugs", "ISSN": "10033734", "Scope": "ScopeChinese Journal of New Drugs, an academic journal in pharmacy, is directeded by State Food and Drug Administration and sponsored by Chinese Medical Science Press, China National Pharmaceutical Group Corporation and Chinese Pharmaceutical Association. Founded in 1992 and the journal publishes semim Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Chinese Journal of Radiological Medicine and Protection", "ISSN": "2545098", "Scope": "ScopeChinese Journal of Radiological Medicine and Protection (CJRMP) was established in 1981, with the responsible institution of China Association for Science and Technology (CAST), as well as the sponsor of Chinese Medical Association (CMA). Its editorial department is affiliated to National Institute for Radiation Protection, Chinese Center for Diseases Control and Prevention. From 1981 to 2013, it continuously published bimonthly. Since 2014, CJRMP began to be published monthly.\r\rThe aim of CJRMP is to document major advances in the field of radiological medicine and protection in China, and promote the development of nuclear energy at home and abroad, and the international exchange of academic information.\r\rThe readership of CJRMP the Journal includes specialists, teaching and research professionals, postgraduate students in universities and research institutes, radiotherapists, and physicians in the field of radiological medicine and protection, and personnel engaged in radiation protection, monitoring, and management. The Journal covers the accomplishments of science and technology in biological effects of ionizing radiation, clinical studies, radiotherapy, radiation hygiene, radiation protection and management, environmental radioactivity monitoring, medical emergency response in nuclear accident, and radiation dosimetry, and also clinical therapeutic and managerial experiences. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Chinese Journal of Tissue Engineering Research", "ISSN": "16738225", "Scope": "ScopeChinese Journal of Tissue Engineering Research (CJTER) is supervised by the Ministry of Health, and sponsored by the Chinese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine and the Editorial Board of CJTER.\rCJTER is characterized as: peer review by renowned experts; high-level revision and editing; online submission, inquiry and peer review; and publishing the latest progress in tissue engineering research.\rOur main sections include stem cells, tissue constructions, biomaterials, orthopedic implants,digital orthopedics , organ tissue and cell transplantation.\rEfficiency of publication: All manuscripts accepted will be reviewed within 1 month. Time from acceptance to publishing is 3 months for excellent manuscripts, and 6 months for normal manuscripts. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Communication and Management", "ISSN": "22697195, 2271734X", "Scope": "ScopeCette revue entend être un lieu d’échanges entre les chercheurs et les professionnels de la communication et du management, une interface entre les praticiens et les chercheurs dans une perspective de partage et de progrès. Son objectif est de mettre à la disposition de ses lecteurs des articles, écrits par des auteurs du monde entier, d’un niveau théorique incontestable, et d’un intérêt pratique immédiat pour les entreprises. Une revue sur les entreprises et leurs approches des marchés domestiques et étrangers à la fois professionnelle et scientifique. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Critical Quarterly", "ISSN": "00111562, 14678705", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal addresses the whole range of cultural forms so that discussions of, for example, cinema and television can appear alongside analyses of the accepted literary canon. It is a necessary condition of debate in these areas that it should involve as many and as varied voices as possible, and Critical Quarterly welcomes submissions from new researchers and writers as well as more established contributors. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cumhuriyet Ilahiyat Dergisi", "ISSN": "25289861, 2528987X", "Scope": "ScopeCumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi-Cumhuriyet Theology Journal is a peer-reviewed Journal published twice a year as July and December. It aims to publish scientific research such as papers, book reviews and symposium reviews on religious studies and to share these studies with public. CUID provides articles written by qualified specialists in the area of Islamic Studies (Scope: Arts and Humanities/Religion/Islamic Studies &: Social and Behavioral Sciences/ Theology and Ethics). It continues to publish compelling original research articles that contribute to the development of scholarly understanding and interpretation in the history and philosophy of religious thought in all traditions and periods - including the areas of Islamic Studies. \r\rCumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi- Cumhuriyet Theology Journal continues to publish compelling original research that contributes to the development of scholarly understanding and interpretation in the history and philosophy of religious thought in all traditions and periods - including the areas of Islamic Studies, Judaic Studies, Christianity, Comparative Religious Studies, Theology and Ethics. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Diabetologie", "ISSN": "27317447, 27317455", "Scope": "ScopeDiabetologia publishes original clinical, translational and experimental research on all aspects of diabetes research and related subjects, provided they have scientific merit and represent an important advance in knowledge. There is no submission fee or page charges. Manuscripts must be written in English. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Disparidades. Revista de Antropologia", "ISSN": "26596881", "Scope": "ScopeDisparidades. Revista de Antropología is the new denomination of Revista de Dialectología y Tradiciones Populares (1945-2018), the oldest existing journal in Spain devoted to social and cultural anthropology. Aimed at international specialists in the field, this scientific publication sets particular store by innovative contributions to anthropological research in theory and methodology, adopting a broad and plural approach.\r\rIt publishes original articles which contribute to anthropological knowledge and enrich the critical debate among researchers, paying special attention to theoretical and methodological input and to field ethnography.\r\rEvery issue contains a section entitled “Articles”, while “Emergent Ethnography” and “Cartographies” appear in alternate issues. Other non-fixed sections include “In a Few Words”, “Sources and Testimonies”, “In the Wild” and “Book Reviews”. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Early Medieval Europe", "ISSN": "09639462, 14680254", "Scope": "ScopeEarly Medieval Europe provides an indispensable source of information and debate on the history of Europe from the later Roman Empire to the eleventh century. The journal is a thoroughly interdisciplinary forum, encouraging the discussion of archaeology, numismatics, palaeography, diplomatic, literature, onomastics, art history, linguistics and epigraphy, as well as more traditional historical approaches. It covers Europe in its entirety, including material on Iceland, Ireland, the British Isles, Scandinavia and Continental Europe (both west and east). Early Medieval Europe is unique in its chronological, methodological and geographical. Filling an important gap, it is indispensable reading for all students and scholars of the early medieval world.\r\rWith an editorial board of scholars whose interests cover the study of the early middle ages in its entirety, and a reputable board of international corresponding editors, Early Medieval Europe stands at the very centre of debate in early medieval studies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ecology and Civil Engineering", "ISSN": "13443755, 18825974", "Scope": "ScopeEcology and Civil Engineering is the Official Journal of Ecology and Civil Engineering Society, encompassing the interfacebetween ecology and civil engineering. The Journal focuseson studies of natural ecosystems under the influence of human activities, aiming at their conservation, utilization and management, including development, assessment, monitoring and implications of civil engineering works from ecological viewpoints.\r\rEcology and Civil Engineering concentrates on research articles, such as Original Papers, Short Communications, Case Studies, and Reviews and also on a wide range of Opinion and Topics in related fields.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Enterprise Development and Microfinance", "ISSN": "17551978, 17551986", "Scope": "ScopeSince 1990, Enterprise Development & Microfinance (EDM) has offered practice-based insights into the role of markets, enterprises and financial services in reducing poverty and stimulating economic development. This peer-reviewed journal, at the interface between research and practice, publishes papers written by researchers for the benefit of practice and those written by practitioners to inform research and policy. Enterprise Development & Microfinance was previously published under the title Small Enterprise Development (SED ISSN:0957-1329) between March 1990 and March 2008. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Epilepsy and Seizure", "ISSN": "18825567", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Etudes Mongoles et Siberiennes, Centrasiatiques et Tibetaines", "ISSN": "07665075, 21010013", "Scope": "ScopeÉtudes Mongoles was founded in 1970 by Roberte Hamayon to explore issues in Mongolian Studies. Up to 2000, it was produced in tandem with the Laboratoire d’ethnologie et de sociologie comparative de Paris-X, today it operates with the École Pratique des Hautes Études. It expanded its fields of research to Siberia in 1976, then to Central Asia and Tibet in 2004 when it became Études mongoles & sibériennes, centrasiatiques & tibétaines (EMSCAT). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "European Food and Feed Law Review", "ISSN": "18622720, 21908214", "Scope": "ScopeThe purpose of EFFL is not only to generate and disseminate information related to food and feed law from relevant national, European and international sources; but also to analyse and evaluate important past and contemporary legal and policy developments in this sector. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "European Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine", "ISSN": "25441361, 25442406", "Scope": "ScopeEur J Clin Exp Med is an open access journal since 2020, and all articles are free to access, download, share, and re-use. The Eur J Clin Exp Med is a peer-reviewed, scientific journal that publishes full-length articles on topics within medical science. The journal welcomes submissions of articles on current advances in life and health sciences, clinical and experimental medicine, and related disciplines. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Filosofiya Nauki i Tehniki", "ISSN": "24139084, 26587297", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "FMC Formacion Medica Continuada en Atencion Primaria", "ISSN": "11342072, 15789675", "Scope": "ScopeFMC es un programa de actualización escrito por y para el especialista en medicina familiar y comunitaria y el conjunto de los col·lectivos profesionales de la atención primaria de salud. Su principal objetivo es ofrecer elementos e instrumentos de formación e información orientados a la solución de los problemas reales a los que se enfrentan estos profesionales y a mejorar sus habilidades. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Folia Linguistica et Litteraria", "ISSN": "18008542, 23370955", "Scope": "ScopeFolia linguistica et litteraria is a scientific journal for language and literature studies, founded at the Faculty of Philosophy, Nikšić, University of Montenegro in 2010.\rThis is a peer-reviewed journal with an international board of editors.\rFolia Linguistica et Litteraria’s mission is the promotion of excellence in the fields of linguistics and literature, through original scientific researches, as well as reviews and translations of theoretical works. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Fuzzy Economic Review", "ISSN": "11360593", "Scope": "Scope\"Fuzzy Economic Review, edited by the International Association for Fuzzy Set Management and Economy (SIGEF) and the Foundation for Management Studies under Uncertainty (FEGI), was founded in 1996. Its foundation is the result of the desire expressed by members of SIGEF at the First International Congress of the Association held in Reus, 1995.\r\rOur journal is a mutidisciplinary forum for research on decision theory and the economics of uncertainty. Fuzzy Economic Review welcomes both theoretical and empirical papers. We will particularly consider high quality papers that deal with all kinds of methods to represent and manipulate uncertain and vague information, and specially their application to business and economic problems. \r\rAmong the topics covered in the journal are: Fuzzy logic, fuzzy modelling in economics, fuzzy game theory, expert systems, intelligent decision-making systems, soft computing, pattern recognition, cluster analysis, artificial neural networks, genetic algorithms, time series modelling, wavelets, numericaL methods, complex systems, and big data.\"Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Gastroenterology (Ukraine)", "ISSN": "23082097, 25187880", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Giornale Italiano di Psicologia", "ISSN": "3905349", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal publishes original reports of empirical and theoretical work, reviews of the literature, short-notes, as well as discussions and peer commentaries in an attempt to stimulate lively debate about controversial issues within psychology such as the relationship between psychology and other disciplines, the policy and founding of research, the research enterprise as social intervention, the psychologists’ education and training process, the professional practice of psychologists. \rThe journal is thus able to offer a detailed and up-to-date picture of psychology in Italy and abroad. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "GIS-Zeitschrift fur Geoinformatik", "ISSN": "18699391, 26984571", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Hematologia", "ISSN": "20810768, 20813287", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Heythrop Journal - Quarterly Review of Philosophy and Theology", "ISSN": "181196", "Scope": "ScopeFounded on the conviction that the disciplines of theology and philosophy have much to gain from their mutual interaction, The Heythrop Journal provides a medium of publication for scholars in each of these fields and encourages interdisciplinary comment and debate.\r\rThe Heythrop Journal embraces all the disciplines which contribute to theological and philosophical research, notably hermeneutics, exegesis, linguistics, history, religious studies, philosophy of religion, sociology, psychology, ethics and pastoral theology.\r\rThe Heythrop Journal is invaluable for scholars, teachers, students and general readers.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Huisarts en Wetenschap", "ISSN": "00187070, 18765912", "Scope": "ScopeDit vierwekelijks verschijnend tijdschrift van het Nederlands Huisartsen Genootschap (NHG) geeft informatie die een bijdrage levert aan het wetenschappelijk fundament van de huisartsgeneeskunde. Het tijdschrift publiceert de NHG-standaarden, nascholingsrubrieken, verslagen van onderzoeksresultaten, epidemiologische berichten, literatuur- en boekbesprekingen en een NHG-katern. Elke rubriek is sterk gericht op de praktijk van de huisarts. De leden van het Nederlands Huisartsen Genootschap ontvangen het tijdschrift uit hoofde van hun lidmaatschap Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Eye Science", "ISSN": "16725123", "Scope": "Scope《国际眼科杂志》中文刊(International Eye Science, IES)是在国际眼科理事会(ICO)及中华眼科学会的指导和支持下,由中华医学会西安分会主办的国际性中英文混合版眼科专业学术期刊。中国标准连续出版物ISSN 1672-5123,CN 61-1419/R。 Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Philosophical Quarterly", "ISSN": "190365", "Scope": "ScopeInternational Philosophical Quarterly has provided a peer-reviewed forum in English for the international exchange of basic philosophical ideas since 1961. The journal stands in the general tradition of theistic and personalist humanism without further restriction of school or philosophical orientation, and is open to both the philosophical discussion of contemporary issues and historical studies. It is truly international in with contributions from authors around the world and circulation to institutions and individuals in 70 countries. IPQ numbers among its Associate Editors scholars from both the Far East and Europe, and the journal enjoys a long-standing relationship with the Facultés Universitaires Notre-Dame de la Paix in Belgium. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Review of Mission", "ISSN": "00208582, 17586631", "Scope": "ScopeNow over 100 years old, the journal International Review of Mission, sponsored by the World Council of Churches, focuses on the ecumenical practice of mission while giving voice to other theological perspectives, such as those of Pentecostal and Evangelical missiologists. Articles on important mission events are presented along with book reviews and a detailed bibliography of current literature from the Centre for the Study of Christianity in the Non-Western World (Edinburgh). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "inTRAlinea", "ISSN": "1827000X", "Scope": "ScopeinTRAlinea is the online translation journal of the Department of Interpreting and Translation (DIT) of the University of Bologna, Italy.\r\rThe purpose of our journal is to publish high quality academic research on any translation-related subject, as well as reviews, debates and translations. We are an online journal only. All our content is open-access to allow maximum distribution and can be freely cited, downloaded, and distributed in line with our Creative Commons License:\r\r-We are an open access, academic journal which publishes on an annual basis.\r-We operate a strict policy of double-blind peer-review for all submissions.\r-There is no charge for publication. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "JMS - Journal of Medical Society", "ISSN": "09724958, 2321662X", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal will cover technical and clinical studies related to health, ethical and social issues in field of Clinical medicine, surgery, pharmaceutical and basic medical sciences with emphasis on health problems and solutions relating to clinicians from the developing world. Articles with clinical interest and implications will be given preference. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal de Traumatologie du Sport", "ISSN": "0762915X, 17730465", "Scope": "ScopeLe Journal de traumatologie du sport a pour but d'assurer une approche étiologique, diagnostique et thérapeutique de l'ensemble des accidents liés à la pratique sportive, et de traiter ces problèmes dans leurs aspects communs et leurs caractères spécifiques.\r\rLe Journal de traumatologie du sport s'adresse à tous les praticiens intéressés par les accidents liés à la pratique du sport, aux spécialistes de médecine du sport, aux spécialistes de médecine physique et de rééducation fonctionnelle, aux rhumatologues et aux chirurgiens orthopédistes.\r\rLe Journal de traumatologie du sport vous permettra d'enrichir vos connaissances et de suivre les progrès scientifiques à travers un nombre important de rubriques : éditoriaux, Articles originaux, Mises au point, Faits cliniques, Notes pratiques, Lettres à la rédaction, Comptes rendus de réunions scientifiques et de congrès, Analyses commentées de publications scientifiques. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Applied Business Research", "ISSN": "8927626", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Applied Business Research (JABR) welcomes articles in all areas of applied business and economics research. Both theoretical and applied manuscripts will be considered for publication; however, theoretical manuscripts must provide a clear link to important and interesting business and economics applications. Using a wide range of research methods including statistical analysis, analytical work, case studies, field research, and historical analysis, articles examine significant applied business and economics research questions from a broad range of perspectives. The intention of JABR is to publish papers that significantly contribute to these fields. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Cognitive Science", "ISSN": "15982327, 19766939", "Scope": "ScopeJournal of Cognitive Science is an official journal of the International Association for Cognitive Science (IACS, http://ia-cs.org) and published quarterly by the Institute for Cognitive Science at Seoul National University, located in Seoul, Korea. The Association currently consists of member societies of different countries such as Australia, China, Japan, Korea, and European Union. However, paper submission by anyone in the whole world is welcome at any time. Its main concern is to showcase research articles of highest quality and significance within the disciplines of cognitive science, including, but not limited to, philosophy, psychology, linguistics, artificial intelligence, neuroscience, aesthetics, anthropology, and education, insofar as it is deemed to be of interest to those who pursue the study of mind. In particular, we would like to encourage submissions that cross the traditional disciplinary boundaries.\rThe Journal of Cognitive Science (JCS) is published quarterly on 31 March, 30 June, 30 September, 31 December (founded in 2000) as the official journal of International Association for Cognitive Science (IACS) by the Institute for Cognitive Science at Seoul National University. It is a SCOPUS, ESCI, EBSCO, KCI journal. It aims to publish research articles of the highest quality and significance within the disciplines that form cognitive science, including philosophy, psychology, linguistics, artificial intelligence, neuroscience, anthropology, and education for Interdisciplinary Journal. Submissions that cross traditional disciplinary boundaries in either themes or methods are especially encouraged. AI-associated Cognitive Science will be newly reinforced and papers in this area are encouraged to be submitted. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Nursology", "ISSN": "28222954", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Journal of Structural Engineering (Madras)", "ISSN": "9700137", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Structural Engineering (JOSE) is an open forum on structural engineering / mechanics\rand papers relating to the field are welcome. Authors may kindly ensure that the papers have\radvanced scholarly value or interest to structural engineers, academicians, researchers and practicing\rengineers and contains original contributions leading to the advancement of knowledge in structural\rengineering/ mechanics. The paper may be an original review of past practice, probe a new field of\rstructural engineering activity, or report on results of research and development activities. It may be a\rthought-provoking study that contributes to the planning, analysis, tests and experiments (in the\rlaboratory or on the field), design, construction, and maintenance, health monitoring, repair/retrofit of\rstructural components/system. Only such papers that have not been published or offered for\rpublication elsewhere are considered. The subject can also include field experience of practicing engineers who have carried out cost-effective, novel/innovative schemes to achieve the objectives of the project that has safety and reliability as a component. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of the Japan Society for Precision Engineering", "ISSN": "09120289, 1882675X", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Journal on Ethnopolitics and Minority Issues in Europe", "ISSN": "16175247", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Kerygma und Dogma", "ISSN": "230707", "Scope": "ScopeDie Zeitschrift Kerygma und Dogma begleitet kirchliches Lehren und Handeln. Sie beteiligt sich an aktueller Forschung aller theologischen Disziplinen. Dafür machen internationale Experten sowohl die Einsichten lutherischer Theologie als auch ökumenische Debatten fruchtbar.\rAufgrund zunehmend auch gesamteuropäischer Fragestellungen und zur Beförderung des transatlantischen Austauschs in der Theologie erscheinen Fachbeiträge in deutscher und englischer Sprache. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Komunikacija i Kultura Online", "ISSN": "22174257", "Scope": "ScopeCommunication and Culture Online is a free-access double-blind peer-reviewed electronic journal whose aim is to promote different ideas in the fields of linguistics, literature, communication, culture, interculturality and similar fields. The journal is published once a year. Furthermore, the journal carries no page charges for authors and no subscription fees for users. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Korean Studies", "ISSN": "0145840X, 15291529", "Scope": "ScopeKorean Studies, edited at the University of Hawai‘i Center for Korean Studies, seeks to further scholarship on Korea by providing a forum for discourse on timely subjects, and addresses a variety of scholarly topics through interdisciplinary and multicultural articles, book reviews, and essays in the humanities and social sciences. All scholarly articles on Korea and the Korean community abroad are welcomed, including topics of interest to the specialist and nonspecialist alike. The journal is invaluable for Korea specialists as well as those whose interests touch on Korea, the Korean community abroad, or Asian, ethnic, and comparative studies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Languages Cultures Mediation", "ISSN": "22841881, 24210293", "Scope": "ScopeLingue Culture Mediazioni / Languages Cultures Mediation, edited by the Department of Language Mediation and Intercultural Communication of Università degli Studi di Milano, is a peer-reviewed open-access journal which aims to investigate the linguistic and cultural phenomena characterising the contemporary world, and explore them in the context of the highly intricate web of historical, geographical, social and legal factors in which they are set.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Linguistica (Slovenia)", "ISSN": "00243922, 2350420X", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Lud", "ISSN": "761435", "Scope": "ScopeLUD – rocznik, organ Towarzystwa, ukazuje się od 1895 roku\r\rLUD - Organ Polskiego Towarzystwa Ludoznawczego i Komitetu Nauk Etnologicznych, został założony przez Antoniego Kalinę w 1895 r.\rNr ISSN 0076-1435\r\r„Lud” jest znany i ceniony od lat jako czasopismo o ponad stuletniej historii i bogatej tradycji odzwierciedlającej dzieje polskiej etnologii i antropologii kulturowej. Wiele pokoleń polskich etnologów zostawiło w nim ślad swej działalności, zarówno w zakresie etnograficznej dokumentacji kultury, jak i na polu teoretyczno-metodologicznym. Jest to jedyne etnologiczne czasopismo o takiej „głębi genealogicznej” w Polsce i jedno z niewielu podobnych w Europie. Od momentu założenia pisma w 1895 roku, było ono ściśle związane z Polskim Towarzystwem Ludoznawczym, instytucją, której rola w rozwoju polskiej etnologii jest nie do przecenienia. Od 1992 roku „Lud” jest jednocześnie organem Komitetu Nauk Etnologicznych Polskiej Akademii Nauk, co dodatkowo wzmocniło pozycję czasopisma. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Malta Medical Journal", "ISSN": "18133339", "Scope": "ScopeThe Malta Medical Journal and the Malta Medical School Gazette aim to publish peer-reviewed articles that are of relevance to the Maltese medical community, both locally and abroad. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Memoria e Ricerca", "ISSN": "11270195, 1972523X", "Scope": "ScopeMemoria e Ricerca is a four-monthly peer-reviewed academic journal which was established in 1993, promoted by the Casa Oriani Foundation of Ravenna, Italy. Its main focus is comparative and interdisciplinary research in the laboratory of the historian of Late Modern and Contemporary Age. Each issue includes a monographic section collecting original studies from cutting edge historical research. The journal is engaged in the study of the spatial and visual dimension of historical processes, with a special emphasis on the European and Mediterranean environment, and aims at matching history and social sciences sensibilities and approaches. Its open sections («Regioni/Ragioni della storia», «Intersezioni» e «Discussioni») offer a wide view on the communication systems and languages which contribute to the building of public cultural memory according to a European and international perspective, the study of the Italian case can also benefit from.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "MLN - Modern Language Notes", "ISSN": "00267910, 10806598", "Scope": "ScopeMore than one hundred twenty-five years ago, MLN pioneered the introduction of contemporary continental criticism into American scholarship. Since then, its reputation for high standards and excellent quality has continued and grown. Critical studies in the modern languages are featured in four issues (Italian, Hispanic, German, French) and recent work in comparative literature provides the foundation for the articles and notes in MLN. Every volume contains four single-language issues and one comparative literature issue. Winner of the CELJ Phoenix Award! Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Narrative inquiry in bioethics", "ISSN": "21571732, 21571740", "Scope": "ScopeNarrative Inquiry in Bioethics (NIB) is a unique journal that provides a forum for exploring current issues in bioethics through personal stories, qualitative and mixed-methods research articles, and case studies.\r\rNIB is dedicated to fostering a deeper understanding of bioethical issues by publishing rich descriptions of complex human experiences written in the words of the person experiencing them.\r\rWhile NIB upholds appropriate standards for narrative inquiry and qualitative research, it seeks to publish articles that will appeal to a broad readership of healthcare providers and researchers, bioethicists, sociologists, policy makers, and others. Articles may address the experiences of patients, family members, and health care workers. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung", "ISSN": "9406808", "Scope": "ScopeWissenschaftliche und planerische Orginalarbeiten machen Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung zu einer unerlässlichen Informationsquelle. Die Zeitschrift berichtet über Entwicklungen und Erkenntnisse der angewandten Ökologie. Meldungen, Tagungsberichte, Publikations- und Terminhinweise sowie Buchbesprechungen halten Sie laufend auf dem neuesten Stand.\r\rDie Zielgruppe:\r\rLandschafts- und Umweltplanungsbüros,\rNaturschutzbehörden,\rNaturschutzverbände,\rSchutzgebietsverwaltungen,\rLehrkräfte und Studenten umweltbezogener,\rFachrichtungen,\rBetriebe der Landschaftspflege.\r\rDie ständigen Themenbereiche:\r\rLandschafts- und Umweltplanung,\rArten- und Biotopschutz,\rErholungsvorsorge,\rBodenschutz,\rLandnutzung und Umwelt,\rBiotopverbund,\rUmweltwirkungen erneuerbarer Energien. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Neumologia y Cirugia de Torax(Mexico)", "ISSN": "00283746, 25941526", "Scope": "ScopeLa revista Neumología y Cirugía de Tórax publica textos\ren español o en inglés de estudios, informes y trabajos\rrelacionados con la neumología, cirugía de tórax y otras\ráreas de interés en el conocimiento relacionado con la\rneumología. Los manuscritos se evalúan mediante un sistema de arbitraje por pares para su publicación en forma\rde editoriales, artículos originales, artículos de revisión,\rideas y perspectivas, casos clínicos de interés, imagenología respiratoria, mundo respiratorio y cartas al editor. Las\rnotas editoriales y las revisiones son por invitación directa\rdel Editor y a propuesta del cuerpo editorial de la Revista.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Nobel Medicus", "ISSN": "13052381", "Scope": "ScopeNobel Medicus is the scientific open access publication.\r\rThe aim of the journal is to publish high level clinical and experimental studies conducted in all medical branches, reviews comprising the latest research findings, reports on rare and educational cases, and letters to the editor.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Nomadas", "ISSN": "01217550, 25394762", "Scope": "ScopeThe magazine is aimed at the academic and educational community both in the country and abroad, interested in the debate on the social sciences. That is, researchers, teachers, higher education students, research centers, libraries and government entities in charge of generating public policies.\r\rIts objectives are: 1) to outline some debates on priority issues for Latin America, 2) to establish links between the developments of these issues in the region and those from other parts of the world, and 3) to promote research questions around problems contemporary social issues from a critical stance. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Nova Prisutnost", "ISSN": "13342312", "Scope": "ScopeKrug želi biti nov, vidljiv i znakovit izraz zajedništva, povezanosti i suradnje u nastojanju na oblikovanju i produbljivanju duhovnog, intelektualnog i društvenog života te izgradnje odnosâ na samokritičkom preispitivanju savjesti, pročišćenju spomena, ponašanja i odnosa među samim kršćanima, kao i njihovih odnosa sa zajednicama i ljudima svjetonazorâ koji poštuju temeljne ljudske vrijednosti. Krug želi unositi u crkveni život opće prihvaćeno naslijeđe prosvijećenoga građanskog društva, a u građansko društvo vrednote autentičnog kršćanstva.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Official Publication - EuroSDR", "ISSN": "2570505", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Oido Pensante", "ISSN": "22507116", "Scope": "ScopeThe aim of El oído pensante is to promote the discussion of theoretical, methodological and epistemological dilemmas faced by different kinds of music research. Unpublished articles in Spanish, Portuguese and English dealing with ethnomusicology, anthropology, sociology of music, popular music studies, musicology, and cultural studies, among other disciplines, are received. Papers should be original and those which produce criticism of theoretical paradigms, methodology, transdisciplinarity, knowledge validation, research ideologies, representation resources, narrative strategies, ethic and esthetic research perspectives, relationships during the fieldwork experience, social and political research significance, the researcher’s perceptive and conceptual baggage, new technologies and their ways of spreading and sharing knowledge, etc., will be welcome. Since the intention of the journal is to promote critical thought aimed to dismantle usual concepts and to open new approaches, papers restricted to analyzing particular cases will not be accepted. However, it is expected that authors bring some cases into the text in order to support their main ideas. Articles and reviews are received. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Open Neuroimaging Journal", "ISSN": "18744400", "Scope": "ScopeThe Open Neuroimaging Journal is an Open Access online journal, which publishes research articles, reviews/mini-reviews, and letters in all important areas of brain function, structure and organization including neuroimaging, neuroradiology, analysis methods, functional MRI acquisition and physics, brain mapping, macroscopic level of brain organization, computational modeling and analysis, structure-function and brain-behavior relationships, anatomy and physiology, psychiatric diseases and disorders of the nervous system, use of imaging to the understanding of brain pathology and brain abnormalities, cognition and aging, social neuroscience, sensorimotor processing, communication and learning. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Open Pain Journal", "ISSN": "18763863", "Scope": "ScopeThe Open Pain Journal is an open access online journal, which publishes original full length, reviews/mini-reviews, short research articles (letters) and guest edited single topic issues in all important areas of pain research including pain medicine, genetics, neurology, internal medicine, clinical pharmacology, child neuropediatrics, anesthesiology, rheumatology, otology, dentistry, neurotraumatology, neurosurgery, meta analyses of drugs for pain management and clinical studies.\r\rThe Open Pain Journal, a peer reviewed journal, is an important and reliable source of current information on recent developments in the field. The emphasis will be on publishing quality articles rapidly and making them freely available worldwide. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Oxford Journal of Law and Religion", "ISSN": "20470770, 20470789", "Scope": "ScopeRecent years have witnessed a resurgence of religion in public life and a concomitant array of legal responses. This has led in turn to the proliferation of research and writing on the interaction of law and religion cutting across many disciplines. The Oxford Journal of Law and Religion (OJLR) will have a range of articles drawn from various sectors of the law and religion field, including: social, legal and political issues involving the relationship between law and religion in society; comparative law perspectives on the relationship between religion and state institutions; developments regarding human and constitutional rights to freedom of religion or belief; considerations of the relationship between religious and secular legal systems; and other salient areas where law and religion interact (e.g., theology, legal and political theory, legal history, philosophy, etc.).\r\rThe OJLR reflects the widening of study concerning law and religion not only by publishing leading pieces of legal scholarship but also by complementing them with the work of historians, theologians and social scientists that is germane to a better understanding of the issues of central concern. We aim to redefine the interdependence of law, humanities, and social sciences within the widening parameters of the study of law and religion, whilst seeking to make the distinctive area of law and religion more comprehensible from both a legal and a religious perspective. We plan to capture systematically and consistently the complex dynamics of law and religion from different legal as well as religious research perspectives worldwide. The OJLR seeks leading contributions from various subdomains in the field and plans to become a world-leading journal that will help shape, build and strengthen the field as a whole. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Proceedings of the International Conference on Natural Hazards and Infrastructure", "ISSN": "26234513", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Psiholoska Obzorja", "ISSN": "13181874, 23505141", "Scope": "ScopeHorizons of Psychology publishes articles from all fields of psychology, as well as interdisciplinary articles and articles from neighbouring fields. Hence, the authors can be either psychologists or non-psychologists, addressing issues involving psychology from the points of view they are experts in. The aim of the journal is to encourage empirical and theoretical research in psychology in Slovenia and abroad by publishing and critically reviewing original research, theoretical discussions, methodological novelties and contemporary professional experience. The journal is trying to promote publication of results of relevant psychological scientific research, which could be of interest to Slovenian and foreign psychologists, while at the same time it is aimed at publishing technical papers reporting on professional issues and enquiries, psychological practice, recommendations, opinions and dilemmas. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Recent Advances in Ophthalmology", "ISSN": "10035141", "Scope": "ScopeRecent Advances in Ophthalmology is now a core academic journal by the Overview of Core Chinese Periodicals, and the Source Journal for Chinese Scientific and Technical Papers and Citations(Core Periodical Part). As the leading clinical journal covering ophthalmology and optometry, Recent Advances in Ophthalmology provides practical and professional support for clinicians dealing with the ophthalmologic disorders seen most often in patients. Published with practicing clinicians in mind, the journal aims to be easily accessible, organizing its content by article types, including Editorial, Experimental study, Applied study, Review article, Letters, etc. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Review of Central and East European Law", "ISSN": "09259880, 15730352", "Scope": "ScopeThe quarterly Review of Central and East European Law (RCEEL) critically examines issues of legal doctrine and practice in the region. An important aspect of this is, for example, the harmonization of legal principles and rules; another facet is the legal impact of the intertwining of domestic economies, on the one hand, with regional economies and the processes of international trade and investment on the other. The RCEEL offers a forum for discussion of topical questions of public and private law from domestic, regional, and international perspectives. The RCEEL encourages comparative research; it is hoped that, in this way, additional insights in legal developments can be communicated to those interested in questions, not only of law, but also of politics, economics, and of society of countries in the region. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Cubana de Farmacia", "ISSN": "00347515, 15612988", "Scope": "ScopeLa Revista Cubana de Farmacia tiene la misión de publicar artículos sobre farmacología, ciencias afines y farmacopea cubana, que tratan sobre la aplicación de riquezas de nuestra flora en la industria farmacéutica y de la fauna de nuestros mares y su posible empleo en la elaboración de medicamentos. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Medicas de Cordoba", "ISSN": "00146722, 18530605", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of the Faculty of Medical Sciences is a scientific publication of the Secretariat of Science and Technology of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the National University of Cordoba.\rIts objective is to disseminate and promote research work related to Medical and Biological Sciences. It publishes scientific works of national and international professionals on different topics related to health sciences from the field of medicine, nursing, kinesiology, diagnostic imaging, phonoaudiology, nutrition, public health, chemical sciences, dentistry and related. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista de Senologia y Patologia Mamaria", "ISSN": "02141582, 15781399", "Scope": "ScopeRevista Senología y Patología Mamaria tiene como objetivo principal la publicación de estudios científicos relevantes así como de contenidos educativos en español o en inglés, relacionados con las disciplinas que se integran en el estudio y el tratamiento de la Senología y de la Patología Mamaria. Asimismo, pretende acoger actuaciones consenso y de debate científico en Senología y Patología Mamaria. Los campos de interés incluyen todos aquellos que posibilitan un enfoque multidisciplinar en el diagnóstico y en el tratamiento en la Senología y la Patología Mamaria, tanto en su vertiente investigadora clínica o translacional, como en la educativa. Se promoverá la publicación de manuscritos que integren las áreas de conocimiento de Anatomía Patológica, Cirugía, Epidemiología y Salud Pública, Ginecología, Medicina Nuclear, Oncología Médica, Psicología, Radiología y Radioterapia. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista mexicana de urologia", "ISSN": "20074085", "Scope": "ScopeRevista Mexicana de Urología (RMU) [Mexican Journal of Urology] (ISSN: 0185-4542 / ISSN electronic: 2007-4085) is bimonthly publication that disseminates research by academicians and professionals of the international medical community interested in urological subjects, in the format of original articles, clinical cases, review articles brief communications and letters to the editor. Owing to its nature, it is publication with international that disseminates contributions in Spanish and English that are rigorously reviewed by peers under the double blind modality. Neither journalistic documents nor those that lack rigorous medical or scientific support are suitable for publication. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Rivista Italiana della Saldatura", "ISSN": "356794", "Scope": "Scope“Rivista Italiana della Saldatura” publishes unpublished technical-scientific articles, or articles selected from among the most interesting presentations at conferences organised by IIS and by other Italian or foreign scientific-cultural organisations, published in Italian or in the dual-language version. In particular, a document of the International Welding Institute (IIW) – which IIS is a founding member of – is published in English with Italian translation in each issue.\rThe main topics are divided into specific sections that range from metallurgy and weldability of the materials to welding technology, from the design and fabrication of welded joints to ND testing, from corrosion to failure analysis. There are also short information columns on specific topics, such as regulatory updates, technical focus, reviews of books selected from the national and international technical literature. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Romanian Journal of Neurology/ Revista Romana de Neurologie", "ISSN": "18438148, 20696094", "Scope": "ScopeROMANIAN JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY (Revista Română de Neurologie), the official journal of the Romanian Society of Neurology, was founded in 2001, being a prestigious scientific journal that provides a high quality in terms of scientific content, but also the editorial and graphic aspect, both through an impartial process of selection, evaluation and correction of articles (peer review procedure), as well as providing editorial, graphic and printing conditions at the highest level.\r\rIn order to increase the scientific standards of the journal, special attention was paid to the improvement of the quality of the published materials. Guidance articles, clinical trials and case studies are structured in several sections: reviews, original articles, case reports, images in neurology. All articles are published entirely in English.\r\rA team of reputable medical professionals in the field of neurology is involved in a rigorous peer review process that complies with international ethics and quality rules in the academic world. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Sprachwissenschaft", "ISSN": "3448169", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal Sprachwissenschaft publishes essays – no book reviews – on the entire field of linguistics without constraints regarding the content or method. In the limelight of this journal is the German language with its historical preliminary stages without excluding other languages in general. However, in case of doubt, we suggest a request. The journal is published in German and English.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studies in Canadian Literature - Etudes en Litterature Canadienne", "ISSN": "03806995, 17187850", "Scope": "ScopeStudies in Canadian Literature (SCL) is a biannual, bilingual journal devoted to the study of Canadian literature in English and French, and published at the University of New Brunswick in Fredericton. SCL is peer-reviewed, and welcomes submissions on all aspects of Canadian literature.\r\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Synergies Turquie", "ISSN": "19619472, 22578404", "Scope": "ScopeSynergies Turquie est une revue francophone de recherches en sciences humaines particulièrement ouverte aux travaux de langue, de littérature, de culture, de traduction et de didactique qui réunit les chercheurs universitaires de Turquie publiant essentiellement leurs recherches en français. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Taikomoji Kalbotyra", "ISSN": "20298935", "Scope": "ScopeThe electronic diamond open access research journal Applied Linguistics aims to publish articles of theoretical and empirical research, précis, reviews of books and articles, and academic essays on issues of applied linguistics. The journal welcomes contributions that focus on sociolinguistics, first and second language acquisition, language testing, psycholinguistics, multilingualism, language policy and planning, intercultural communication, discourse analysis and pragmatics, lexicography, language for special purposes, forensic linguistics, sign languages and other areas of applied linguistics. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Tydskrif vir die Suid-Afrikaanse Reg", "ISSN": "02577747, 19962207", "Scope": "ScopeThis multilingual periodical is published quarterly by Juta for the Faculty of Law, University of Johannesburg. This scholarly and practical journal covers a broad spectrum of topics pertinent to the legal community. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Waldokologie Online", "ISSN": "16147103, 1867710X", "Scope": "ScopeThe following features are particularly suited to satisfy the multiple requirements of modern forest ecology:\r\r-Broad of topics, inlcuding new ideas and up-to-date methods in the field of geobotany and forest ecology (large data bases, multivariate statistics, GIS modelling and remote sensing).\r-Free and instant access for users (scientific freeware).\r-Peer review system to warrant a high quality level.\r-Articles in German or English with an extensive abstract in both languages. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Acta Anaesthesiologica Belgica", "ISSN": "15164", "Scope": "ScopeActa Anaesthesiologica welcomes submissions of original papers in the field of anesthesiology, emergency medicine, pain medicine, and intensive care medicine, in the form of original studies, reviews, editorials, or case reports. It also insures publication of Master theses from Belgian anesthesiology residents. Each submitted paper is submitted to peer-review by at least two experts in the concerned field. Accepted papers are published free of charge, and are freely accessible on this website. In addition to electronic publishing, hard copies are distributed by conventional mail to the members of the SARB. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Acta Biomedica Scientifica", "ISSN": "25419420, 25879596", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal publishes articles with latest researches in the field of biomedicine, results of fundamental and clinical studies, experiments, reviews, and lectures, aimed at improvement of knowledge among practitioners, specialists, researchers, professors, and students. It presents promising and interesting new data on various areas of biomedicine, promotes the formation and development of promising areas of research practice, informs about breakthroughs in scientific research and achievements, manages the exchange of views between researchers from Russia and foreign countries; and contributes to the formation of a modern scientific, educational and methodological level among specialists in various fields of medicine. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Acta Philosophica", "ISSN": "11212179, 18256562", "Scope": "ScopeActa Philosophica is a double blind peer reviewed International Journal founded in 1992, and from the beginning it has enjoyed the collaboration of scholars working in universities around the world. It thus serves as an instrument of dialogue and collaboration among the various fields of philosophical research. The journal was published by Armando Editore until 2004, and thereafter by Fabrizio Serra Editore (Pisa - Rome). The editorial policy remains that of the Philosophy Department of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross. The annual volume comprises two issues of about 200 pages each.\rThe journal publishes articles in Italian, English, Spanish, and French, regarding the main areas of philosophical debate. Particular attention is given to the dialogue between philosophy and science, and to the questions surrounding the relationships between faith and reason and between classical philosophy and contemporary thought. Ample space is also devoted to the presentation of recent philosophical works. Each issue is divided into the following sections: Studies, Notes and Comments, Bibliographical Guide, Reviews, and Bibliographical Notes. There is also an annual Forum section, containing the discussion of a recent book or a specific topic. Periodically a special Monothematic Section is offered. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Actualidades en Psicologia", "ISSN": "02586444, 22153535", "Scope": "ScopeActualidades en Psicología (Current Trends in Psychology, CTP) is an official, peer-reviewed journal of the University of Costa Rica (UCR). The journal, sponsored by Instituto de Investigaciones Psicológicas (IIP), also a part of the University, has as its main purpose the dissemination of scientific production in every branch of the psychological sciences and related subjects. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "AICCM Bulletin", "ISSN": "10344233, 22044183", "Scope": "ScopeThe AICCM Bulletin encourages the submission of original and quality papers, including research reports, discussion papers, literature surveys, thematic bibliographies, summaries of research papers and dissertations. The AICCM Bulletin is a hard copy and online peer reviewed journal produced by the Australian Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Materials (AICCM) since 1975 and is now published by Taylor & Francis Publishing. The journal has an interdisciplinary focus and:\r\r-Disseminates new information gathered about the materiality, nature, condition, deterioration and treatment of cultural collections within Australia and the Asia-Pacific region\r-Promotes interdisciplinary research activity in cultural materials conservation\r-Presents a forum for new ideas and thinking with regards to conservation management, conservation ethics, cultural engagement, sustainability and wider professional concerns in the region\r-Disseminates new information and novel methods useful to the conservation profession world-wide. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "American Journalism", "ISSN": "08821127, 23262486", "Scope": "ScopeAmerican Journalism, the peer-reviewed, quarterly journal of the American Journalism Historians Association, publishes original articles on the history of journalism, media, and mass communication in the United States and internationally. The journal also features historiographical and methodological essays, book reviews, and digital media reviews. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Analele Universitatii din Oradea, Fascicula Biologie", "ISSN": "12245119, 18447589", "Scope": "Scope\"THE ANNALS OF ORADEA UNIVERSITY, BIOLOGY FASCICLE\" (\"ANALELE UNIVERSITĂŢII DIN ORADEA, FASCICULA DE BIOLOGIE\") is a Journal, edited by \"Oradea University's Publishing House\". This contains the articles presented at scientific communication sessions, organised by University of Oradea, every year, and articles received during the period between mentioned sessions, as well.[...]\r\rTOPICS:\r\r· Ecology\r· Genetics\r· Plant Biotechnology\r· Plant Physiology\r· Phytopathology\r· Botanics\r· Microbiology Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Andrologia i Genital'naa Hirurgia", "ISSN": "20709781, 24128902", "Scope": "ScopeThe main objective of the journal is to provide timely, evidence-based medicine information on all issues of andrology, urology, and infertility issues.\r\rThe journal is designed for vast medical audience, including urologists, andrologosts, plastic surgeons, pediatric surgeons, sexologists, cytologists, histologists, morphologists, fertility specialists, dermatovenereologists, endocrinologists, pediatric urologists-andrologists, and doctors of allied specialties.\r\rThe journal publishes original clinical researches, scientific reviews, case reports, lectures for practitioners, and editorial articles.\r\rAll articles are reviewed by the members of the editorial board and/or external experts.\r\rThe journal is included in the Russian Science Citation Index and the List of peer-reviewed scientific publications of NAC.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Anestezi Dergisi", "ISSN": "13000578", "Scope": "ScopeIt publishes peer-reviewed experimental and clinical studies in all aspects of anesthesiology including intensive care, pain and subjects related to their basic science, case reports, letters to the Editor, scientific conference proceedings and reviews.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Annals of Agri Bio Research", "ISSN": "9719660", "Scope": "ScopeAn international peer reviewed semi-annual journal,publishing original research papers and critical mini-reviews in basic and applied aspects of agricultural and biological sciences. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Arete", "ISSN": "1016913X, 22233741", "Scope": "ScopeAreté es la revista de filosofía editada por el Departamento de Humanidades de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP), que cuenta con dos números anuales. En ella se publican trabajos de investigación, originales e inéditos, escritos en español y eventualmente en inglés, de autores que participan de modo significativo en la discusión filosófica contemporánea en todos los campos de la reflexión filosófica. Comprende, también, una sección permanente de reseñas y, de manera ocasional, publica documentos sobre importantes debates filosóficos, realizados en nuestro país o en el extranjero, así como entrevistas a filósofos de renombre internacional.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Asian and African Studies", "ISSN": "13351257", "Scope": "ScopePublished since 1965 by Institute of Oriental Studies of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava. Each volume deals with subjects related to oriental culture, linguistics and history, with stress being laid on methodology. In addition to papers, review articles and critical reviews of publications on Asia, Africa and the Pacific appear. Along with Slovak Orientalists, scholars from abroad contribute to AAS as well. The policy of AAS is to publish papers largely in English and occasionally in French and German. Each research article in this journal has undergone peer review process, based on initial editor screening and consequent blind review by independent experts in the field. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Asian Journal of Legal Education", "ISSN": "23220058, 23482451", "Scope": "ScopeThe Asian Journal of Legal Education primarily aims to promote continuous academic research and dialogue among the legal fraternity about the reform of legal education in the Asian Region. It is a peer-reviewed journal, published two times a year and indexed in Scopus. Sharing of experiences and concerns about issues involving pedagogy of law, legal aid, promoting access to justice by law schools, and experiential learning of law to strengthen efforts of justice education will be of great interest to the Journal. The Journal also encourages submissions on substantive topics and is particularly interested in topics at the intersection of social justice and Asian legal reform. We define these topics broadly, and welcome submissions on human rights theory and practice, criminal justice and human rights, legal and professional ethics, law and society, law and technology, law and impoverishment, and Asian perspective of international laws and related fields of study. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Avicenna Journal of Clinical Medicine", "ISSN": "2588722X, 25887238", "Scope": "ScopeAvicenna Journal of Clinical Medicine, the official journal of Hamadan University of Medical Sciences, is an open access and peer-reviewed journal published quarterly in Persian-English. The Journal welcomes research articles in clinical medicine and publishes new findings in clinical research on all medical fields including pulmonology, gastroenterology, endocrinology, oncology, nephrology, neurology, psychiatry, surgery, infectious diseases, cardiovascular diseases and many others. Manuscripts in the form of original articles, short communications, review articles, and case reports are welcome. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Biblica", "ISSN": "60887", "Scope": "ScopePublished since 1920 by the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome, Biblica is a research journal and appears four times a year.\rIt is dedicated to biblical studies on the Old and New Testament, and intertestamentary literature, and covers fields of research such as exegesis, philology, and history. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "BSGLg", "ISSN": "05838622, 07707576", "Scope": "ScopeThe title BSGLg is the acronym of Bulletin de la Société Géographique de Liège. This is a publication of the Geographical Society of Liège. This journal succeded in 1966 to the Bulletin du Cercle des Géographes liégeois, founded in 1929.\r\rThe journal is published 2 times a year.\r\rThe journal BSGLg publishes scientific papers in all fields of geography: physical geography, economic and social geographies, urban and rural geographies, epistemology, geomatic and geometrology, teaching of geography. We pay particular attention to originality and innovation in content proposals. Papers can be both submitted in English or French. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Chinese Journal of Cancer Prevention and Treatment", "ISSN": "16735269", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Classical Receptions Journal", "ISSN": "17595134, 17595142", "Scope": "ScopeClassical Receptions Journal covers all aspects of the reception of the texts and material culture of ancient Greece and Rome from antiquity to the present day. It aims to explore the relationships between transmission, interpretation, translation, transplantation, rewriting, redesigning and rethinking of Greek and Roman material in other contexts and cultures. It addresses the implications both for the receiving contexts and for the ancient, and compares different types of linguistic, textual and ideological interactions.\r\rThe journal promotes cross-disciplinary exchange and debates at the interface between subjects. It therefore welcomes submissions from researchers in Archaeology, Architecture, Art History, Comparative Literature, Film, Intellectual History, History of Scholarship, Political Science, Theatre Studies and Translation Studies as well as from those in Classics and Ancient History. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Con A de Animacion", "ISSN": "21733511, 21736049", "Scope": "ScopeCon A de Animación is a research journal focused on the study of the theoretical, technical, artistic and human aspects of the production of animated images. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Contemporary Diagnostic Radiology", "ISSN": "01499009, 19381395", "Scope": "ScopePublished 26 times a year, Contemporary Diagnostic Radiology (CDR) is your certification resource, offering continuing education to diagnostic radiologists and study assistance to radiology residents. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Contexto", "ISSN": "20071639", "Scope": "ScopeCONTEXTO. Revista de la Facultad de Arquitectura Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León is an international and scientific journal. Its content goes through a peer-review process and all its published issues are indexed on different international platforms and websites. It has been edited since 2007 under the rights, the sponsorship and the administration of the Facultad de Arquitectura at the Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon, in Mexico.\r\rThe journal’s authorities and the Editorial Board will be grateful to receive original and unpublished manuscripts or book reviews at the journal’s website: contexto.uanl.mx\r\rCONTEXTO is a biannual publication, specialized on architecture and urban and regional studies, granting privilege to multidisciplinary research on social sciences and humanities (architecture, geography, sociology, economy, anthropology, psychology, history, education and others related) all around the world, but specially focusing on situations in Latin America and the Caribbean. \r\rDuring the evaluation of the received manuscripts, those which focus on excessively local and restricted areas won’t be considered for its publication. Therefore, those that do contribute to the international scientific community will appear in the journal after being reviewed and selected.\r\rAs it has been already mentioned, CONTEXTO is published twice a year, in March and September. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Contributions to Management Science", "ISSN": "14311941, 2197716X", "Scope": "ScopeThe series Contributions to Management Science contains research publications in all fields of business and management science. These publications are primarily monographs and multiple author works containing new research results, and also feature selected conference-based publications are also considered. The focus of the series lies in presenting the development of latest theoretical and empirical research across different viewpoints. \rThis book series is indexed in Scopus. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "CR: The New Centennial Review", "ISSN": "1532687X, 15396630", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal recognizes that the language of the Americas is translation, and that questions of translation, dialogue, and border crossings (linguistic, cultural, national, and the like) are necessary for rethinking the foundations and limits of the Americas. Journal articles address philosophically inflected interventions, provocations, and insurgencies that question the existing configuration of the Americas, as well as global and theoretical work with implications for the hemisphere.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Croatian Economic Survey", "ISSN": "13304860, 18463878", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal Croatian Economic Survey is a Diamond Open Access journal defined by the following characteristics:\r\r-Peer review: the article goes through the journal's process of a double-blind peer review.\r-Public access: both the author and the public have immediate access to the final, published version of the article.\r-Funding model: both the author and the public pay no fee to the journal. The journal is financially supported by the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Croatia.\rCroatian Economic Survey is an English-language, peer-reviewed scholarly journal published by the Institute of Economics, Zagreb in Croatia and financed by the Croatian Ministry of Science and Education. The journal aims to serve as a forum for academics and practitioners by publishing high-quality research papers on topics in all areas of economics. Special focus is given to post-socialist Europe. Comparative studies are especially encouraged, since these countries share a similar socio-economic background and comparative studies offer a valuable source of insight for policy formulation as well as a basis for competitive benchmarking. The journal welcomes empirical and policy-oriented papers relevant to a broader international audience. Contributions need not be limited solely to economics; submissions from other related disciplines are encouraged. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cultura. International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology", "ISSN": "15841057, 20655002", "Scope": "ScopeFounded in 2004, Cultura: International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology is a peer-reviewed publication devoted to philosophy of culture and the study of values. It promote the exploration of different values and cultural phenomena in regional and international contexts. It welcomes manuscripts that make a novel and important contribution to our understanding of the values and cultural phenomena in the contemporary world. Cultura is primarily published in English, and occasionally also publishes articles in German, French, and Italian. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Curriculum Matters", "ISSN": "11771828, 22532129", "Scope": "ScopePublished annually, this peer-reviewed journal provides an avenue for discussion, commentary and information about curriculum. The full archive of back issues is available.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Eastern European Countryside", "ISSN": "12328855", "Scope": "ScopeDeveloped by Institute of Sociology at Nicolaus Copernicus University as an international platform for the sociological discourse on Eastern and Central European countryside developments, EEC publishes research on CEE countryside rather than research by CEE researchers. The journal covers social theory and analysis on two levels: comparative research on European countryside, and CEE countryside in international perspective. Concentrating on the present, EEC articles examine themes reflecting recent and significant changes in CEE countryside from a cross-disciplinary view point. The journal is essential reading for all sociologists, economists, political scientists and social policy analysts wishing to keep abreast of the very latest debates in this part of Europe.\r\rThe aim of the EEC is to provide a medium for the publication of original papers covering the entire span of sociological thought and research concerning Central and Eastern European countryside. The Editors are particularly keen to publish work on current developments in research and analysis.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Eidos", "ISSN": "16928857, 20117477", "Scope": "ScopeEidos is an international peer-reviewed open-access electronic journal published by theDepartment of Humanities and Philosophy at the Universidad del Norte. It fosters original scholarly studies in all fields of philosophy committed to the current approaches to the diverse issues of philosophical enquiry, as well as discussions, essays reviews and books reviews and translations of outstanding philosophical studies. It welcomes preferably papers written in English and Spanish but also accepts manuscripts in French, Italian and Portuguese in order to promote an enthusiastic worldwide dialogue on the pluralistic philosophical attitudes to all areas of interest in humanities. Its wide-ranging focus, besides including papers on aesthetics, epistemology, metaphysics, feminism, phenomenology, history of science and history of philosophy, also diffuses critical studies on practical philosophy. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Eksperimental'naya i Klinicheskaya Farmakologiya", "ISSN": "8692092", "Scope": "ScopeExperimental and Clinical Pharmacology is the main pharmacological journal of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and Russian National Formulary society.\r\rThe journal publishes articles on the most problematic areas of pharmacology relevant, original experimental and clinical studies of synthetic drugs and herbal, new research methods, reviews and lectures on the most interesting aspects of modern pharmacology, including new drugs. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "English Australia Journal", "ISSN": "14444496, 22026169", "Scope": "ScopeThe English Australia Journal: the Australian journal of English language teaching (the English Australia Journal), formerly known as the EA Journal, is a professional journal for teachers of English to speakers of other languages, specifically to international students, within and outside Australia.\r\rThe English Australia Journal welcomes relevant contributions from those involved in TESOL teaching, training and research within three main sections;\r\rpeer reviewed articles outlining innovative research into classroom practice or theoretical discussion of classroom practice\rarticles largely by teachers, for teachers in 'Classroom Talk'\rreviews of current print and online resources for teachers, teacher trainers and academic managers. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "European Journal of Creative Practices in Cities and Landscapes", "ISSN": "26120496", "Scope": "ScopeThe European Journal of Creative Practices in Cities and Landscapes (CPCL) is a biannual open-access peer-reviewed journal that aims to publish innovative and original papers on cultural heritage in the built environment as a set of creative practices.\r\rThe focus will be the European city, with a particular attention to its transformations within the global metropolis and its flows of people, capitals, goods and ideas.\r\rCultural heritage is considered as a set of practices able to produce economic and social changes within cities rather than a static repository of listed objects to be preserved. Through a series of call for papers and thematic sections, the journal provides a space of reflection on the ideas, the technologies, the actors and the practices that continuously produce and re-negotiate cultural heritage as a common good - a space for democracy, participation and citizenship. The journal’s ambition is to constitute a practice-oriented platform for knowledge exchange bringing together academics from various disciplinary backgrounds, policy makers and NGOs. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Glass Technology: European Journal of Glass Science and Technology Part A", "ISSN": "17533546, 17533554", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of the Society of Glass Technology was published between 1917 and 1959. There were four or six issues per year depending on economic circumstances of the Society and the country. Each issue contains Proceedings, Transactions, Abstracts, News and Reviews, and Advertisements, all thesesections were numbered separately. The bound volumes collected these pages into separate sections, dropping the adverts. There is a list of Council members and Officers of the Society and earlier volumes also had lists of personal and company members.\r\rJSGT was divided into Part A Glass Technology and Part B Physics and Chemistry of Glasses in 1960. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Gothic Studies", "ISSN": "13627937, 2050456X", "Scope": "ScopeThe official journal of the International Gothic Association considers the field of Gothic studies from the eighteenth century to the present day. Gothic Studies opens a forum for dialogue and cultural criticism, and provides a specialist journal for scholars working in a field which is today taught or researched in academic institutions around the globe. The journal invites contributions from scholars working within any period of the Gothic; interdisciplinary scholarship is especially welcome, as are studies of works across the range of media, beyond the written word. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Graeco-Latina Brunensia", "ISSN": "18037402", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal Graeco-Latina Brunensia (GLB) is a peer reviewed scholarly journal that includes articles from the fields of Classical Philology, Classical Archeology, Ancient History, Medieval Studies, as well as Byzantine Studies and the later development of the Greek language. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Historical Records of Australian Science", "ISSN": "07273061, 14485508", "Scope": "ScopeHRAS is a bi-annual journal that publishes two kinds of unsolicited manuscripts — Historical Articles and Historical Documents — on the history of science in Australia, New Zealand and the southwest Pacific. The journal also publishes Reviews, Memoirs of deceased Fellows of the Australian Academy of Science, Book Reviews, and an Annual Bibliography of the history of science in Australia, New Zealand and the southwest Pacific. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Hong Kong Practitioner", "ISSN": "10273948", "Scope": "ScopeThe aim of the journal is to promote the development of quality family medicine/general practice in Hong Kong and the region, by publishing editorials, original articles, update reviews, letters to the editor, and self-assessment materials. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Indonesian Journal of Public Health", "ISSN": "18297005, 25408836", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Automation and Smart Technology", "ISSN": "22239766", "Scope": "ScopeInternational Journal of Automation and Smart Technology (AUSMT) is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal devoted to publishing research papers in the fields of automation and smart technology. Currently, the journal is abstracted in Scopus, INSPEC and DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals). The research areas of the journal include but are not limited to the fields of mechatronics, automation, ambient Intelligence, sensor networks, human-computer interfaces, and robotics. These technologies should be developed with the major purpose to increase the quality of life as well as to work towards environmental, economic and social sustainability for future generations. AUSMT endeavors to provide a worldwide forum for the dynamic exchange of ideas and findings from research of different disciplines from around the world. Also, AUSMT actively seeks to encourage interaction and cooperation between academia and industry along the fields of automation and smart technology. For the aforementioned purposes, AUSMT maps out 5 areas of interests. Each of them represents a pillar for better future life:\r- Intelligent Automation Technology.\r- Ambient Intelligence, Context Awareness, and Sensor Networks.\r- Human-Computer Interface.\r- Optomechatronic Modules and Systems.\r- Robotics, Intelligent Devices and Systems. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Interdisciplinary Civic and Political Studies", "ISSN": "23270071, 23272481", "Scope": "ScopeThe International Journal of Interdisciplinary Civic and Political Studies investigates the processes of governance and the nature of citizenship and invites case studies that take the form of presentations of practice, including the documentation of socially-engaged practices and exegeses analyzing the effect of those practices. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Pluralism and Economics Education", "ISSN": "17575648, 17575656", "Scope": "ScopeKey elements of pluralism include respect for diversity/alternative views, toleration, willingness to learn, curiosity, friendliness. Among economists, Edward Fullbrook dissects weaknesses of traditional economics while advocating pluralism; John Groenewegen exhorts universities to incorporate pluralism and connect to other social sciences; Mark Maier and Julie Nelson provide suggestions for making economics relevant to high-school students within a pluralist framework; Jack Reardon offers hands-on approaches for incorporating pluralism in the classroom. IJPEE addresses pluralism's further development and implementation into the classroom. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Standardization Research", "ISSN": "24708542, 24708550", "Scope": "ScopeThe primary mission of the International Journal of Standardization Research (IJSR) is to publish research findings that will advance knowledge relating to standards and standardization for diverse settings and applications. IJSR aims to be an authoritative reference source and a prime outlet for scholarly information within the standardization research community. By focusing on emerging research and trends in this field, IJSR targets researchers, scholars, policy-makers, managers, and practitioners from both businesses and standards organizations and decision makers.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Surgery", "ISSN": "208868", "Scope": "ScopeInternational Surgery is the Official Journal of the International College of Surgeons. International Surgery has been published since 1938 and has an important position in the global scientific and medical publishing field. \r\rThe Journal publishes only open access manuscripts. Advantages and benefits of open access publishing in International Surgery include:\r\r-worldwide internet transmission\r-prompt peer reviews\r-timely publishing following peer review approved manuscripts\r-even more timely worldwide transmissions of unedited peer review approved manuscripts (“online first”) prior to having copy edited manuscripts formally published.\rNon-approved peer reviewed manuscript authors have the opportunity to update and improve manuscripts prior to again submitting for peer review. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Japanese Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics", "ISSN": "03881601, 18828272", "Scope": "ScopeThe Japanese Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics(the Journal)is a journal published by the Japanese Society of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics(the Society). The Journal publishes papers on all aspects of interdisciplinary research concerning human pharmacological treatment, with the goal of contributing to the advancement of the fields of clinical pharmacology and therapeutics not only within Japan but globally. The areas of study from which the Journal awaits submission of original papers are as follows:clinical studies concerning the development of new medicines or treatments intended for human use and the ethics thereof;translational research;research on individualized pharmacological treatment including pharmacogenomics;research on interactions with medicine, environmental factors, and nutrition relating to variability in drug responses;pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics research;pharmacometrics research;pharmacoepidemiology research;research on medical economics relating to pharmacological treatment;regulatory science research;topics of the education of clinical pharmacology and therapeutics;and any other related topic that authors consider to be within the purpose and goal of the Journal. The target audience for the Journal comprises medical doctors, pharmacists, nurses, clinical research coordinators(CRCs), and others involved in pharmacological therapy, who are members of the Society. Moreover, the Journal offers a platform for vigorous discussion of political issues of medicines and review articles related to the above fields. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "JAVA - Journal of the Association for Vascular Access", "ISSN": "15528855, 15571289", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of the Association for Vascular Access (JAVA), the official journal of the Association for Vascular Access, is a multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed scholarly journal. The journal endeavors to promote excellence in vascular access practice in all health care settings. JAVA strives to advance the field of vascular access by disseminating new and relevant information to its readership. The journal accepts original articles from authors in all relevant disciplines and settings. Topics of interest to the journal include: evidence-based practice, new initiatives, outcomes research, patient/family satisfaction, patient and family instruction, international and multidisciplinary issues, use of devices, implementation of new technologies, financial implications of devices, and issues confronted in clinical practice. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Jewish Culture and History", "ISSN": "1462169X", "Scope": "ScopeJewish Culture and History is an inter-disciplinary journal which brings together the best of current research in Jewish social history with innovative work in Jewish cultural studies. The journal includes cutting-edge research by younger scholars as well as established specialists, as well as reviews of recent publications. The journal explores previously neglected areas of the Jewish experience from a range of different perspectives including Jewish popular culture, social and political history, literary and cultural representation of Jews, and the global contexts of Jewish culture and history. All articles published in the journal have undergone rigorous peer-review, involving initial editor screening and double-blind refereeing. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Architectural and Planning Research", "ISSN": "7380895", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Architectural and Planning Research is unique in the fields of architecture and urban planning. Reporting both recent research findings and innovative new practices, it provides a link between theory and practice for researchers and practicing professionals. Articles come from authors on every continent, providing truly international coverage of research developments. JAPR has received the Achievement Award from the Environmental Design Research Association and the First Place Award (Scholarly Journal) from the Successful Magazine Publishing Association. Both were in recognition of JAPR's innovative content and contribution to knowledge development.\r\rOriginal empirical research papers, theoretical and integrative review articles, book reviews, and high-quality position papers keep readers up-to-date on the latest ideas, designs, and developments in these related fields. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of International Business Education", "ISSN": "16494946, 20444575", "Scope": "ScopeThe mission of the Journal of International Business Education is to enhance education in international business worldwide through the publication of high quality refereed teaching materials, articles on key developments in teaching methods and technologies, and new institutional frameworks for international business education. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Isfahan Medical School", "ISSN": "10277595, 1735854X", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Isfahan Medical School is the official scientific weekly publication of the Faculty of Medicine in Isfahan Medical Sciences University. This Journal accepts Original Papers, Review Articles, Case Reports, Short Communications, Educational Medical Video Clips and Letters to the Editor on all aspects of medicine. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Language, Literature and Culture", "ISSN": "20512856, 20512864", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Language, Literature and Culture (formerly known as AUMLA) is the journal of the Australasian Universities Language and Literature Association. For sixty years, the journal has been an important part of the academic culture of the humanities, in countries around the world but especially so in Australia and New Zealand. It aims to publish stimulating, well-written, authoritative peer-reviewed articles on all topics relevant to the broad fields of language, literature and culture. It is consciously eclectic and diverse in its range of content: works ancient and modern; all languages and literatures; and is open to a broad interpretation of text and culture. It serves a wide cross-section of interests and backgrounds, enabling the journal to place a priority on clear writing and readability. The journal is international in focus and content, and attracts contributors from universities all over the world. The journal mainly publishes articles written in English, but may also occasionally publish articles written in French or German. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Modern Jewish Studies", "ISSN": "14725886", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Modern Jewish Studies is internationally recognized and covers several disciplines including history, social studies, religion, thought, literature and the arts, from the early modern period to the present day. Published four times a year, it welcomes contributions from established and senior scholars, as well as encouraging work from younger scholars at the start of their academic careers. Each issue of the journal comprises research papers and reviews of scholarship in Jewish Studies. The journal has established an annual essay prize for scholars in the early stages of their careers.\r\rThe Journal of Modern Jewish Studies has wide regional coverage and chronological range. A collection of articles taken from a number of issues has been published as a book, Sites of Jewish Memory: Jews in and from Islamic Lands (2014). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Obstetrics and Women's Diseases", "ISSN": "16839366, 16840461", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal discusses the most pressing health issues such as reproductive health protection, problems of modern perinatal obstetrics, and adverse effects of environmental and industrial factors on the women's reproductive system and health. The journal deposits new and important information and recommendations for practitioners (introduction of modern technologies, the use of effective drugs and diagnostic techniques, etc.). Of great interest are publications related to clinical genetics and the role of genetic factors in obstetric and gynecological pathology, medical and genetic counseling of patients with reproductive dysfunction and at the birth of children with congenital malformations and hereditary diseases in the past.\r\rNational reproductive behavior is a cause of the deteriorating health of the population, low fertility and the lack of simple reproduction of the population in this country. In this regard, there are regular publications of clinical and sociological studies on modern contraceptives in family planning, prevention of abortions and their harmful consequences for women's health. Publications related to perinatal protection of the fetus and newborn, timely identification of risk factors in pregnant women, and differentiated management, considering the pathology of pregnancy and extragenital diseases, as well as the choice of a rational method of delivery in all fairness occupy a large place in the journal. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Popular Film and Television", "ISSN": "01956051, 19306458", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Popular Film was founded in 1971 at the Center for Popular Culture Studies at Bowling Green State University. It became the Journal of Popular Film and Television with Volume 7, Number 1 (1978), being the first scholarly film journal anywhere to include television in its title and editorial purview. From the beginning, the Journal of Popular Film and Television has been resolutely committed to the widest possible range of analytical views and techniques. The primary purpose of the Journal of Popular Film and Television is to provide a representative cross section of critical-cultural perspectives and to broaden the existing literature to include the “public visions” of popular filmmakers and television showrunners, economic and industrial factors, and an emphasis on the complex role of audiences in the development of film and television as art forms and wide-reaching sociocultural forces.\r\rToday the Journal of Popular Film and Television remains the leading scholarly publication for sociocultural analyses of films and television programming. A sociocultural orientation to film and television has understandably matured and advanced in many diverse directions over the years, but one elemental assumption remains: The first allegiance of this genre of criticism is to the\rcultural context and not the media. As basic as this premise is, it powerfully asserts that film and television are cultural products and forms of social knowledge. They are never neutral technologies, but are only meaningful within their relationships to broader contexts, institutions, and discourses. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of the Musical Arts in Africa", "ISSN": "18121004, 2070626X", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of the Musical Arts in Africa (JMAA) is published by NISC (Pty) Ltd in association with the South African College of Music at the University of Cape Town. It is an accredited, internationally refereed journal that aims to combine ethnomusicological, musicological, music educational and performance-based research in a unique way to promote the musical arts on the African continent. This journal also incorporates book, audio and audiovisual media and software reviews. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Tianjin Polytechnic University", "ISSN": "1671024X", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Kemas", "ISSN": "18581196, 23553596", "Scope": "ScopeKEMAS: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat is an international, peer-reviewed journal. It publishes original papers, reviews and short reports on all aspects of the science, philosophy, and practice of public health.\r\rIt is aimed at all public health practitioners and researchers and those who manage and deliver public health services and systems. It will also be of interest to anyone involved in provision of public health programmes, the care of populations or communities and those who contribute to public health systems in any way.\r\rPublished twelve times a year, KEMAS: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat considers submissions on any aspect of public health across age groups and settings. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Know", "ISSN": "2473599X, 24736007", "Scope": "ScopeKNOW: A Journal on the Formation of Knowledge investigates the construction, transmission, and contestation of forms of knowledge from antiquity to today. What people know and how they claim to know it, the very choice of things as objects of knowledge, are products of history, politics, and culture. The flagship publication of the Institute on the Formation of Knowledge, KNOW uncovers and explicates this vast terrain in both past and present.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Latin American Journal of Pharmacy", "ISSN": "3262383", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Lexis (Peru)", "ISSN": "02549239, 22233768", "Scope": "ScopeLexis es una de las principales revistas de lingüística y literatura que se publican en Hispanoamérica. La revista acoge trabajos originales en los diversos campos de la lingüística, de la teoría y crítica literarias, de la hispanística y de los estudios amerindios. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Malaysian Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology", "ISSN": "15112616", "Scope": "ScopeMalaysian Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (MJBMB) was founded by the Malaysian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (MSBMB) in the year 1997. It was published two times a year prior to 2010. From 2016 onwards, the journal will be published ONLINE 3 times per year, in April, August and December. The journal publishes research papers in all areas of biochemistry, biophysics and molecular biology, which include DNA and RNA biology, gene expression, glycobiology, enzymology, protein structure and function, lipid chemistry, membranes, immunology, plant biochemistry and physiology, microbiology, immunology, natural product chemistry, biomedical science, research methods and bioinformatics.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Mappemonde", "ISSN": "17697298", "Scope": "ScopeM@ppemonde vise d’une façon générale à l’amélioration des connaissances géographiques et de l’information sur les lieux et les territoires. Elle s’intéresse plus particulièrement aux images géographiques sous toutes leurs formes: cartes, croquis et cartogrammes, modèles, images traitées (aériennes, satellitaires, LIDAR), représentations 3D, animées, dynamiques, SIG, etc. Elle n’est pas restreinte à une discipline et souhaite publier des articles dans les domaines les plus divers de l’écologie, de l’archéologie, de la sociologie, de l’art, de l’urbanisme, l’architecture, etc. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth", "ISSN": "25898302, 25898310", "Scope": "ScopeThe target audiences are medical practitioners of all specialties and allied disciplines, such as nursing, physiotherapy, optometry, biotechnology, including general practitioners, primary care physicians and alternative systems of medicine. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Medicina Clinica y Social", "ISSN": "25212281", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Medieval Encounters", "ISSN": "13807854", "Scope": "ScopeMedieval Encounters promotes discussion and dialogue across cultural, linguistic and disciplinary boundaries on the interactions of Jewish, Christian and Muslim cultures during the period from the fourth through to the sixteenth century C.E. \rCulture is defined in its widest form to include art, all manner of history, languages, literature, medicine, music, philosophy, religion and science. The geographic limits of inquiry will be bounded only by the limits in which the traditions interacted. Confluence is also understood broadly, to allow explorations of indirect intercultural interactions and exchange, and comparative approaches are also encouraged. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Microwave Journal", "ISSN": "1926225", "Scope": "ScopeSince 1958, Microwave Journal has been the leading source for information about RF and Microwave technology, design techniques, news, events and educational information. Microwave Journal reaches 50,000 qualified readers monthly with the print magazine that has a global reach. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Multinational Finance Journal", "ISSN": "10961879", "Scope": "ScopeInternational financial and capital markets have grown significantly over the last decade and have been fully opened to the wind of globalization. In this newly formed globalized financial environment, the analysis of corporations, financial institutions and international markets requires the employment of multinational and interdisciplinary approaches. Economic agents interact in national and global markets making investment decisions whose effects diffuse across national borders. The analysis of these interactions and the investigation of the financial systems in nations in different stages of development are key drivers for the advancement of our knowledge of finance. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Muzealnictwo", "ISSN": "04641086, 23914815", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Nigerian Journal of Basic and Clinical Sciences", "ISSN": "03318540, 24889288", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Nigerian Journal of Parasitology", "ISSN": "11174145", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal is devoted primarily to pure and applied research and provides a medium for the publication of investigations in all aspects of Parasitology. The Journal will publish original research and technical studies carried out in the country, as well as works and documents from foreigners which are of interest to Nigeria. The Nigerian Journal of Parasitology publishes original research works on Parasitology (epidemiology, vector biology, public health, disease prevention, molecular and biochemical parasitology, drug test, diagnostics parasitology, control, socio medicine and international health).\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "N.N. Priorov Journal of Traumatology and Orthopedics", "ISSN": "08698678, 26586738", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "October", "ISSN": "01622870, 1536013X", "Scope": "ScopeAt the forefront of art criticism and theory, October focuses critical attention on the contemporary arts—film, painting, music, media, photography, performance, sculpture, and literature—and their various contexts of interpretation.\r\rExamining relationships between the arts and their critical and social contexts, October addresses a broad range of readers. Original, innovative, and provocative, each issue presents the best, most current texts by and about today’s artistic, intellectual, and critical vanguard.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Onkourologiya", "ISSN": "17269776, 19961812", "Scope": "ScopeThe main objective of the journal \"Cancer urology\" is publishing up-to-date information about scientific clinical researches, diagnostics, treatment of oncologic urological diseases.\r\rThe aim of the edition is to inform the experts on oncologic urology about achievements in this area, to build understanding of the necessary integrated interdisciplinary approach in therapy, alongside with urologists, combining efforts of doctors of various specialties (cardiologists, pediatricians, chemotherapeutists et al.), to contribute to raising the effectiveness of oncologic patients’ treatment. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Open Neurology Journal", "ISSN": "1874205X", "Scope": "ScopeThe Open Neurology Journal is an Open Access online journal, which publishes high quality research articles, reviews/mini-reviews, letters and guest edited single topic issues in all important areas of neurology and neurological disorders. The of the journal includes: Neurological progress; Neurological and psychiatric therapies; Stem cell applications; Biomathematical models; Neuroradiology; Molecular neuroscience; Neuropharmacology; Neurochemistry. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Perichoresis", "ISSN": "1224984X", "Scope": "ScopePerichoresis is the theological journal of Emanuel University, the only government-accredited Baptist university in Europe. As an institution of higher learning, Emanuel University promotes a traditionally conservative and trinitarian theology, protestant and evangelical, which is reflected in the articles of the contributors who are part of its academic staff. Articles written by people who share different religious views are also welcome provided that they are scientifically argued and focused on academic issues. Perichoresis is published in conjunction with the \"Ethics and Society\" Research Centre, also part of Emanuel University, which allows for the dialogue between a specifically Protestant-Evangelical morality and the philosophy of contemporary society to take the shape of well-argued contributions for the journal. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Persica Antiqua", "ISSN": "27832295, 27832732", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Philosophia Christi", "ISSN": "15291634", "Scope": "ScopePhilosophia Christi is a peer-reviewed journal published twice a year by the Evangelical Philosophical Society (EPS) with the support of Biola University as a vehicle for the scholarly discussion of philosophy and philosophical issues in the fields of apologetics, ethics, theology, and religion. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Philosophy of Religion: Analytic Researches", "ISSN": "2587683X, 26584891", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Prakticky Lekar", "ISSN": "326739", "Scope": "ScopeThe General Practitioner (Praktický lékař) provides information and data for the postgraduate training of general practitioners and doctors in other medical branches. It makes doctors familiar with the whole range of medical problems from the professional as well as social, legal and economic aspects. Under regular headings, the reader will find reviews of topical clinical problems supplemented also by reviews on recent theoretical findings. The recent advances in different disciplines, diagnostic and therapeutic procedures are a certain analogy of „innovation courses“ and their publication provides the reader with high-standard comprehensive information on what is going on in all the main medical branches. Articles focused on the most frequently encountered problems in the field practice are meant in the first place for general practitioners. For them and for other specialists are the sections of the journal devoted to the synthesis of the biological and psychosocial aspects, to contemporary and fundamental ethical problems, legal and economic questions and history. Information on new books, scientific gatherings and reports from conferences, reports on basic medical policy and problems of postgraduate training reach their reader in time in the form of an earnest account. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Problemy sotsial'noi gigieny i istoriia meditsiny / NII sotsial'noi gigieny, ekonomiki i upravleniia zdravookhraneniem im. N.A. Semashko RAMN, AO 'Assotsiatsiia 'Meditsinskaia literatura'", "ISSN": "0869866X", "Scope": "ScopeЖурнал «Проблемы социальной гигиены, здравоохранения и истории медицины» основан в 1993 г. Освещает теоретические вопросы социальной гигиены, основные направления формирования здоровья населения и медико-социальной помощи, вопросы экономики, научной организации труда, санитарной статистики, истории медицины и здравоохранения. Публикует статьи о новых формах и методах работы лечебно-противоэпидемических учреждений здравоохранения по организации медико-санитарного обслуживания городского и сельского населения; материалы о методах и результатах изучения социальных условий жизни и здоровья населения.\r\rВ нем находят отражение состояние здравоохранения, вопросы организации и деятельности медицинских учреждений в зарубежных странах, помещаются статьи, посвященные проектированию и оснащению лечебно-профилактических учреждений.\r\rШироко освещается развитие медицинской науки и здравоохранения, отмечаются важные исторические даты, деятельность научных обществ, публикуется информация о различных конференциях и совещаниях.\r\rЖурнал рассчитан на руководителей органов и учреждений здравоохранения, научных работников, преподавателей медицинских учебных заведений, других специалистов, работающих в области социальной гигиены и организации здравоохранения, санитарной статистики и истории медицины, а также на широкий круг практических врачей. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Proceedings of International Structural Engineering and Construction", "ISSN": "2644108X", "Scope": "ScopeThe primary aim and mission of the Proceedings of Structural Engineering and Construction, ISSN 2644-108X, is to publish and disseminate accepted research work of international scholars that have contributed to ISEC Society Conferences, after rigorous peer-review, while adhering to the highest standards of scientific publications. Multi-level editorial quality control measures are implemented to ensure the quality of publications. The open access policy is the publication's further service commitment to the areas of structural engineering, construction, and to general civil engineering research and education. Specifically, the topics covered are (in alphabetical-order): Air and Water, Architecture and Architectural Engineering, Construction and Engineering Management, Construction Safety, Construction Process Simulation, Construction Safety, Cost and Project Management, Disaster Management, Education and Professional Ethics, Energy, Facilities and Asset Management, Hydraulics and Hydrology, Geotechnical and Foundation Engineering, Housing, Infrastructure, Law and Dispute Resolution, Materials, Oil and Gas, Pipelines, Policies for Technology and National Development, Ports and Harbors, Procurement, Quality, Risk Analysis, Structures, Sustainability, and Tunneling. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Rehabilitacja Medyczna", "ISSN": "14279622", "Scope": "ScopeMedical Rehabilitation is a peer-reviewed specialist journal predestined for persons professionally engaged in physiotherapy and rehabilitation. Journal is issued quarterly, concerned with rehabilitation physiotherapy, orthopaedics, rheumatology, neurology and all health and medicine related topics. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Research in Finance", "ISSN": "1963821", "Scope": "ScopeResearch in Finance seeks to provide a collection of quality research articles that reflect the current and primary issues in financial markets. Contributions include finance theory and financial practice, plus accounting issues such as reporting derivatives positions, reflecting intangible holdings, or predicting financial distress.\r\rThemed issues may also be guest edited to provide quality insight into important areas of current financial research.\r\rResearch in Finance has the ability to absorb works that are longer than a standard journal article, yet shorter than a monograph. Research in Finance also publishes and welcomes doctoral dissertations. Manuscripts are peer reviewed by internal and external academic experts and comments are sent back to authors within two months Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista de Nefrologia, Dialisis y Trasplante", "ISSN": "03263428, 23468548", "Scope": "ScopeLa Revista de Nefrología, Diálisis y Trasplante es una publicación científica que tiene como objetivo publicar trabajos clínicos o experimentales, que contribuyan al conocimiento en los principales campos vinculados a las especialidades Nefología, trasplante y diálisis renal. \r\rSe edita trimestralmente y en sus secciones publica artículos originales, artículos especiales, artículos de revisión, casuísticas, editoriales, comunicaciones breves, cartas al editor, comentarios bibliográficos, imágenes en nefrología, y educación médica continua. Los mismos deben ser originales e inéditos, aunque también podrán ser aceptados aquellos que hubieran sido comunicados en sociedades científicas o publicados en forma de resúmenes. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Rwanda Medical Journal", "ISSN": "2079097X, 24108626", "Scope": "ScopeThe Rwanda Medical Journal (RMJ), is a Not-For-Profit scientific, medical, journal that is published entirely online in open-access electronic format. The RMJ is an interdisciplinary research journal for publication of original work in all the major health disciplines. Through a rigorous process of evaluation and peer review, The RMJ strives to publish original works of high quality for a diverse audience of healthcare professionals. The Journal seeks to deepen knowledge and advance scientific discovery to improve the quality of care of patients in Rwanda and internationally. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Samuel Beckett Today - Aujourd hui", "ISSN": "09273131, 18757405", "Scope": "ScopeA refereed bilingual journal, Samuel Beckett Today / Aujourd’hui (SBT/A) has established itself as one of the leading international journals in the dynamic field of Beckett studies. A guiding principle of the journal is its openness to diverse disciplinary domains, theoretical perspectives, and discourse styles of scholars writing on Beckett. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Science-Fiction Studies", "ISSN": "917729", "Scope": "ScopeSFS publishes articles and book reviews on science fiction, broadly defined. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studia Politica", "ISSN": "15824551", "Scope": "ScopeStudia Politica. Romanian Political Science Review publishes high quality, peer-reviewed articles in all major areas of political science including political theory, comparative politics, political sociology, public policy, international relations, and global studies. Founded in 2001 and focusing particularly on Central Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, it welcomes contributions on a wide range of geographical areas and topics that aim to advance the field through both theoretical and empirical innovative studies. The journal invites submissions of original articles, book reviews, and reviews essays. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studies in Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics", "ISSN": "13837281, 18798322", "Scope": "ScopeThis series discusses recent developments in the growing field of electromagnetics, both theoretical and practical. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studies in Comics", "ISSN": "20403232, 20403240", "Scope": "ScopeStudies in Comics aims to describe the nature of comics, to identify the medium as a distinct art form, and to address the medium's formal properties. The emerging field of comics studies is a model for interdisciplinary research and in this spirit this journal welcomes all approaches. This double-blind peer-reviewed journal is international in and provides an inclusive space in which researchers from all backgrounds can present new thinking on comics to a global audience. The journal will promote the close analysis of the comics page/text using a variety of methodologies. Its specific goal, however, is to expand the relationship between comics and theory and to articulate a 'theory of comics'. The journal also includes reviews of new comics, criticism, and exhibitions, and a dedicated online space for cutting-edge and emergent creative work. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Sungkyun Journal of East Asian Studies", "ISSN": "15982661, 25860380", "Scope": "ScopeThe Sungkyun Journal of East Asian Studies (SJEAS), published since 2001 by the Academy of East Asian Studies (AEAS) at Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, Korea, is a double-blind peer-reviewed multidisciplinary journal dedicated to East Asian Studies. With original contributions from all over the world, the SJEAS enjoys a strong reputation and increasing readership in its field. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Surgery Eastern Europe", "ISSN": "22265384, 24141992", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal aims to promote professional communication among specialists across different countries and scientific schools, as well as to contribute in the formation of new promising studies, education and formation of researchers and practitioners.\r\rAmong the objectives of the journal are publications of new scientific and clinical data, results of advanced researches, achievements of domestic and international medicine, announcements of events, as well as various kinds of information which would be useful for medical professionals in their clinical work.\r\rThe main focus is the interest of practitioners. Cooperating with leading national and international experts allows the journal to identify relevant topics for broad coverage and ensures a high level of practical excellence. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Teksty Drugie", "ISSN": "8670633", "Scope": "Scope„Teksty Drugie. Teoria literatury, krytyka, interpretacja [Second Texts: Literary Theory, Criticism, and Interpretation]” (ISSN 0867-0633) is a bimonthly journal of literary scholarship. It has been published since 1990 at the Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences in collaboration with the Association ‘Pro Cultura Litteraria’. Teksty Drugie counts among the highest-ranking academic journals according to the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education, as well as on the European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Temas Americanistas", "ISSN": "02124408, 19887868", "Scope": "ScopeTemas Americanistas, desde 1982 es un vehículo de difusión de estudios de Historia de América, que surgió bajo la dirección del Dr. Luis Navarro García de un grupo de investigación dentro del Departamento de Historia de América de la Universidad de Sevilla.\r\rDesde sus orígenes como instrumento de difusión de trabajos elaborados por miembros del grupo de investigación \"Andalucía y América: tierra y sociedad\", que salía en la forma tradicional de papel, mucho han variado as cosas, de forma que hoy está abierta a cualquier trabajo que reúna las condiciones de calidad, de investigación y de novedad. Al presentarse en formato digital, se obtienen no pocas ventajas en cuanto a poder incorporar ilustraciones y todo tipo de materiales gráficos sin coste adicional. Si es cierto que no hay límite de extensión de las colaboraciones en este formato, lo razonable es que éstas tengan normalmente alrededor de veinte folios.\r\rLa revista se editará con una periodicidad semestral, con vencimiento al final de cada semestre natural.\r\rAunque no existan límites en cuanto a la temática, dadas las condiciones específicas que la han caracterizado y las ofrecidas por los recursos existentes en Sevilla, siempre se ha tenido una intensidad mucho mayor en temas de la Historia Moderna de América. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Tezhong Zhuzao Ji Youse Hejin/Special Casting and Nonferrous Alloys", "ISSN": "10012249", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Visual Ethnography", "ISSN": "22811605, 24999288", "Scope": "ScopeVisual Ethnography is an international peer-reviewed journal dedicated to researches on 1) the production and use of images and audio-visual media in the socio-cultural practices; 2) digital cultures; 3) art and anthropology; 4) anthropology of art; 5) vision and gaze; 6) senses and culture; 7) objects, design, architecture and anthropology; 8) bodies and places; 9) theories and methods in anthropology.\r\rThe topics of VISUAL ETHNOGRAPHY cross visual anthropology, anthropology of media, digital and visual cultures, museography, contemporary art, photography, film studies, cultural studies, anthropology of the senses, anthropological theory.\r\rVISUAL ETHNOGRAPHY publishes two issues per year with articles in English, Italian, French, Spanish and Portuguese. VE is published in online version only. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Working Paper of the Helen Kellogg Institute for International Studies", "ISSN": "-", "Scope": "ScopeThe Institute's longstanding, peer-reviewed Working Paper Series provides a vehicle for Kellogg faculty fellows, visiting fellows, distinguished research affiliates, and guest scholars to rapidly disseminate their research. They are free to subsequently publish the work in books or journals. The Institute publishes about 10 papers a year in their original languages, with abstracts in English and Spanish or Portuguese. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Xiandai Huagong/Modern Chemical Industry", "ISSN": "2534320", "Scope": "Scope《现代化工》创刊于1980年,是由中国化工信息中心主办的大型综合性化工技术类期刊。《现代化工》以战略性、工业性和信息性为特色,致力于科技成果向生产力的转化,全面报道国内外最新化工科研、技术应用和技术革新成果,探讨化工行业和科研领域的热点、焦点话题,报道内容广,发行范围大,是化工及其相关领域从事科研、设计、教学、信息研究和技术管理人员的首选综合性技术类期刊。主要栏目:“专论与评述”、“技术进展”、“科研与开发”、“工艺与设备”、“信息技术应用”、“分析测试”、“油气储运”。读者对象:化工科研院所和化工企业的科技人员、大专院校的师生、各级化工行业及相关行业的管理人员和营销人员等。 Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "African American Review", "ISSN": "10624783", "Scope": "ScopeAfrican American Review (AAR) is a scholarly aggregation of insightful essays on African American literature, theatre, film, the visual arts, and culture; interviews; poetry; fiction; and book reviews. AAR has featured renowned writers and cultural critics including Trudier Harris, Arnold Rampersad, Hortense Spillers, Amiri Baraka, Cyrus Cassells, Rita Dove, Charles Johnson, Cheryl Wall, and Toni Morrison. The official publication of the Modern Language Association's Division on Black American Literature and Culture, AAR fosters a vigorous conversation among writers and scholars in the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ambitos", "ISSN": "15752100, 23864494", "Scope": "ScopeÁmbitos es una revista científica internacional de investigación en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades abierta a todos los investigadores interesados en el fomento del conocimiento humano. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "American Journal of Legal History", "ISSN": "00029319, 2161797X", "Scope": "ScopeThe American Journal of Legal History was founded in 1957 and was the first English-language periodical in the field. The journal was relaunched as an Oxford University Press (OUP) publication at the beginning of 2016 with new editors, Professors Al Brophy (University of North Carolina School of Law, Chapel Hill) and Stefan Vogenauer (Max Planck Institute for European Legal History, Frankfurt).\r\rThe new AJLH aims to publish outstanding scholarship on all facets and periods of legal history. While retaining its focus on American legal history, it accommodates the enormous broadening of the intellectual horizon of the discipline over the past decade and is particularly interested in contributions of a comparative, international or transnational nature. Book reviews are a regular feature. \r\rThe new AJLH is a quarterly, peer-reviewed journal, made available in printed and electronic form. Manuscript submissions are handled quickly and efficiently. Manuscripts concurrently submitted for publication elsewhere will not be considered. Accepted papers that have been copyedited and typeset are made available online immediately through the 'Advance Access' function on the OUP website. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Anales de la Catedra Francisco Suarez", "ISSN": "00087750, 25303716", "Scope": "ScopeAnales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez Chair (ACFS) is a journal on legal and political philosophy, edited by the Department of Philosophy of Law of the University of Granada and by the Editorial Universidad de Granada. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Annals of Vascular Surgery - Brief Reports and Innovations", "ISSN": "27726878", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Asia Pacific Family Medicine", "ISSN": "14441683, 1447056X", "Scope": "ScopeThe Asia Pacific Family Medicine Journal publishes subject-specific articles focused on the needs of individual research communities across all spheres of family medicine, scientific medicine and public health. We make editorial decisions on the basis of the interest of a study or its likely impact. Studies must be scientifically valid; for research articles, this includes a scientifically sound research question, the use of suitable methods and analysis, and following community-agreed standards relevant to the research field. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Australian Art Education", "ISSN": "10321942", "Scope": "ScopePublish high quality, peer-reviewed articles in the field of art and art education.\r\rServe the community of artists and art educators nationally and internationally, by publishing significant opinion and research into historical, theoretical, and philosophical issues in art and art education.\r\rPublish articles exploring the K-12, tertiary and industry art sectors which encourage scholarly debate and dialogue.\r\rPromote the value of art in ways that reflect the transformational purpose of education.\r\rManuscripts that deal with significant art education topics from the early childhood, primary, secondary and tertiary sectors are welcome, as are contributions from people working in art forms such as but not limited to: ceramics, drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking, design, crafts, photography, video, filmmaking, and architecture.\r\rArticles are refereed through a double blind peer review process.\r\rThe journal will not publish purely descriptive accounts of data collection or uncritical reports of teaching and course delivery methods. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation", "ISSN": "678856", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "British Journal of American Legal Studies", "ISSN": "20494092", "Scope": "ScopeThe British Journal of American Legal Studies is a scholarly journal which publishes articles of interest to the Anglo-American legal community. Submissions are invited from academics and practitioners on both sides of the Atlantic on all aspects of constitutional law having relevance to the United States, including human rights, legal and political theory, socio-legal studies and legal history. International, comparative and interdisciplinary perspectives are particularly welcome. All submissions will be peer-refereed through anonymous referee processes.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cell and Organ Transplantology", "ISSN": "23083794, 2311021X", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal Cell and Organ Transplantology is the main national platform in Ukraine for researchers and physicians in the field of organ transplantology, cell and gene therapy, tissue engineering and biotechnology.\rWe accept for peer-reviewed publication the reviews, experimental original articles and clinical trials results, protocols and brief communications.\rThe Journal is issued twice a year in the printed and on-line version.\rCoverage includes:\r•\tRecent major achievements in the field of organs, tissues and cells transplantation\r•\tOrgan transplantation: liver, kidney, pancreas, heart, lungs, and others, multiple-organ transplantation\r•\tCell and tissue transplantation: hematopoietic stem cells, multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells, umbilical cord blood, skin, cornea etc.\r•\tTissue engineering for regenerative medicine\r•\tRegulatory issues and legal perspectives in transplantation and cell technology\r•\tConference review and abstracts\r•\tInterview with leading researchers in the field of cell and organ transplantation\r•\tInformation section.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "China Biotechnology", "ISSN": "16718135", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "CLCWeb - Comparative Literature and Culture", "ISSN": "14814374", "Scope": "ScopeThe intellectual trajectory of CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture is located in the humanities and social sciences in the discipline of comparative literature and the field of cultural studies designated as \"comparative cultural studies.\" Comparative cultural studies is a contextual approach in the study of culture in all of its products and processes; its theoretical and methodological framework is built on tenets borrowed from the discipline of comparative literature and the field of cultural studies and from a range of thought including literary and culture theory, systems theory, and communication theories; in comparative cultural studies focus is on theory and method, as well as on application; in comparative cultural studies metaphorical argumentation and description are discouraged; the intellectual trajectory of the journal includes the postulate to work in a global and intercultural context with a plurality of methods and approaches, and in interdisciplinarity in the study of the processes of communicative action(s) in culture, the production and processes of culture, the products of culture, and the study of the how of these processes; the epistemological bases of comparative cultural studies are in (radical) constructivism and in methodology the contextual (systemic and empirical) approach is favored (however, comparative cultural studies does not exclude textual analysis proper or other established fields of scholarship). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Contemporary Women's Writing", "ISSN": "17541476, 17541484", "Scope": "ScopeContemporary Women’s Writing critically assesses writing by women authors who have published approximately from 1970 to the present, especially in essays that reach beyond a reading of a single text in order to challenge existing thinking or extend debates about an author, genre, topic, or theoretical perspective and relate literary analysis to wider cultural and intellectual contexts.The journal aims to reflect retrospectively on developments throughout the period, to survey the variety of contemporary work, and to anticipate the new and provocative in women’s writing. It welcomes theoretical, cultural, historical, geographical, formalist, and political approaches to contemporary women’s writing. It takes an interest in the production and reception of contemporary women’s writing, in terms of the practices of individual authors, the creation of cultural and literary fields, and the construction of readerships. Publishing original work in English, Contemporary Women’s Writing is open to essays on literature in English and other languages and to interviews with prominent women writers of any nationality. It welcomes submissions relating to all literary forms and from a wide variety of theoretical and interdisciplinary perspectives. The journal editors invite proposals for special issues, to be coordinated by guest associate editors. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "CPEM Digest (Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements)", "ISSN": "5891485", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Documenti Geografici", "ISSN": "22817549", "Scope": "ScopeDocumenti geografici was born in 1998 as a printed review of the “Geographical section” of the Department of History of the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”. The printed version of the review goes on as a tool of knowledge and communication inside the scientific community until 2011. In 2012 the online version is available. This new version is characterized by the richness of the scientific contents and a disciplinary open-mindedness, even if the geographical peculiarity is kept. The aims of the review are to purpose scientific contributions (valued with the double-blind peer review criteria) with an original contribution to the experimental and theoretic approach to the research. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Education et Societes", "ISSN": "1373847X, 17821428", "Scope": "ScopeDescription\rThe purpose of Éducation et Sociétés, an international journal in sociology of education, is to create a forum to express, examine, and collect research in the field of the sociology of education in France, and to create dialogue with research in other languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese, etc.\r\rThe journal is supported by a consortium of Francophone institutions that contribute to the Association Internationale des Sociologues de Langue Française’s “Education, Training, Socialization” Committee. This consortium relies on the support of the French Institute of Education (IFE), which is part of the ENS de Lyon. The journal is published biannually and alternates between re-examinations of conventional issues (inequalities in education, careers in teaching and teacher training, levels of governance, etc.) and the exploration of new horizons (the sociology of childhood, new educational orientations, the diversification of the forms of justice in education, etc.). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Environmental Science and Engineering", "ISSN": "18635520, 18635539", "Scope": "ScopeThe ultimate goal of this series is to contribute to the protection of our environment, which calls for both profound research and the ongoing development of solutions and measurements by experts in the field. Accordingly, the series promotes not only a deeper understanding of environmental processes and the evaluation of management strategies, but also design and technology aimed at improving environmental quality. Books focusing on the former are published in the subseries Environmental Science, those focusing on the latter in the subseries Environmental Engineering. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Esprit Createur", "ISSN": "00140767, 19310234", "Scope": "ScopeDevoted to the study of French and Francophone literature, film, culture, and critical thought, L’Esprit Créateur publishes work in English and French that represents a range of critical approaches and covers all periods of French literary and cultural history. For more than half a century, the journal has helped define the field of French and Francophone Studies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Etudes Francaises", "ISSN": "00142085, 14921405", "Scope": "ScopeFondée en 1965 au département d'Études françaises de l’Université de Montréal (devenu en 2003 le département des Littératures de langue française), Études françaises est une revue de critique et de théorie littéraires à vocation internationale, dont le mandat embrasse l’ensemble de l’histoire et du territoire des littératures de langue française. Ouverte aux dialogues avec d’autres discours — arts, médias, histoire, sciences humaines et sociales —, elle adopte souvent des perspectives théoriques interdisciplinaires. L’émergence, depuis plus de trente ans, dans ses livraisons, de problématiques nouvelles ne rompt pas avec l’esprit humaniste qui a présidé à sa fondation : la valorisation de l’étude du texte littéraire replacé dans l’horizon historique de la culture.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Footprint", "ISSN": "18751490, 18751504", "Scope": "ScopeFootprint is an academic journal dedicated to publishing architecture and urban research. Architecture and urbanism are the points of departure and the core interests of the journal. From this perspective, the journal encourages the study of architecture and the urban environment as a means of comprehending culture and society, and as a tool for relating them to shifting ideological doctrines and philosophical ideas. The journal promotes the creation and development – or revision - of conceptual frameworks and methods of inquiry. It is engaged in creating a body of critical and reflexive texts with a breadth and depth of thought which would enrich the architecture discipline and produce new knowledge, conceptual methodologies and original understandings. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Geological Research in Moravia and Silesia", "ISSN": "12126209, 23364378", "Scope": "ScopeThe Geological research is peer-reviewed open access journal that publishes original research articles. The journal aims principally at quick publication of variety results from different fields of geological sciences and its applied sectors including interdisciplinary topics, laboratory experiments and modelling.\rJournal is focused on basic data and their simple and clear interpretation. Its aim is to facilitate the systematic development of the scientific body of knowledge in the field of geosciences with a span beyond the region of Central Europe. The form of articles/texts is as concise as possible.\rThere is a section for publication of extended abstracts from conferences and meetings as well. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Hellenic Journal of Radiology", "ISSN": "25290568, 26541629", "Scope": "ScopeHellenic Journal of Radiology (“HJR”) is the official journal of the Hellenic Radiological Society, first published in 1968.This revived edition of HJR, published in English, aspires to promote scientific knowledge in Radiology both at diagnosis and image guided therapy, worldwide. It is a peer-reviewed Journal, aiming at raising the profile of current evidence-based imaging practice and at improving the scientific multidisciplinary dialogue.HJR presents clinically pertinent, original research and timely review articles. It is open to International authors and readers and offers a compact forum of communication to medical imaging and related science specialists. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Historia Ecclesiastica", "ISSN": "13384341", "Scope": "ScopeHistoria Ecclesiastica is a scientific journal issued by the Centre of Excellence of the Sociohistorical, Cultural and Historical Research of the University of Prešov, published by the Publishing\rHouse of the University of Prešov.Historia Ecclesiastica publishes solely scientific papers (studies) from the Church history\rand history of religions in Slovakia and in other countries of Central Europe, materials, the source on\rthe same subject matter, further review of the scientific literature and information about scientific\revents to the problems of the history of churches and history of religions as well. Scientific works,\rmaterials and permanent sections (reviews, annotations and reports) are published in Slovak language\ror in English as a common language, otherwise also in Czech, Hungarian and Polish languages. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Homeland Security Affairs", "ISSN": "1558643X", "Scope": "ScopeHomeland Security Affairs is the peer-reviewed online journal of the Naval Postgraduate School Center for Homeland Defense and Security (CHDS), providing a forum to propose and debate strategies, policies, and organizational arrangements to strengthen U.S. homeland security. The instructors, participants, alumni, and partners of CHDS represent the leading subject matter experts and practitioners in the field of homeland security. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "IMPACT: Studies in Language and Society", "ISSN": "13857908", "Scope": "ScopeIMPACT publishes monographs, collective volumes, and text books on topics in sociolinguistics, anthropological linguistics, and applied linguistics that aim to advance thinking and understanding of the complex intersections of language, culture and society. The of the series is broad, with a goal to push traditional disciplinary boundaries through theoretical and methodological innovation. Explorations of new communicative contexts and practices are particularly welcome, as works that break new ground by making connections with other disciplines. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Arbitration Law Review", "ISSN": "13678272", "Scope": "ScopeInternational Arbitration Law Review brings together all the requirements of an arbitration practitioner or academic looking at the international scene. It is a peer-reviewed journal offering expert commentary on worldwide trends and issues from leading international authors and is managed by an editorial board and advisory board comprising internationally recognised experts and specialists from academia and practice.\rThe journal offers coverage of legal trends and developments in arbitration from around the world, including in depth commentary and analysis of arbitration related cases in State courts, significant changes in legislation and developments in arbitral practice.\rExamples of topics to be explored in upcoming issues include:\r-State Immunity in International Arbitration\rRes judicata in International Commercial Arbitration-\rArbitrators’ disclosure Obligations-\rConfidentiality-\rIssues of Ethics in International Arbitration-\rArbitrator Bias-\rHeath Regulatory issues in International Investment Arbitration-\rMass Claims in International Investment Law Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Computational Biology and Drug Design", "ISSN": "17560756, 17560764", "Scope": "ScopeIJCBDD, an International Society of Intelligent Biological Medicine official journal, bridges the gap between two very important, complementary disciplines, computational biology and drug design. Through advances in high-throughput genome sequencing and digital imaging technologies, biocomputing, drug design and medical research have unfolded new, predictive sciences such as genomics, proteomics, lipidomics, metabolomics, cytomics and pharmaconomics. These promote new computational, statistical and biomedical approaches to drug design/development, besides unleashing the potential of significantly more accurate, effective personalised diagnosis, therapeutics and patient care. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Environmental Sciences(IND)", "ISSN": "22297359", "Scope": "ScopeInternational Journal of Environmental Sciences is peer reviewed, journal, which covers all aspects of environmental research. It is one of the fastest growing environmental journals which covers the environmental research widely and read by International community of researchers and students across the globe. IJES is the flagship journal which receives high quality research articles and patronised highly by research fraternity.\r\rThe objective of the International Journal of Environmental Sciences is as follows:\r\rTo report on the latest research achievements and developments\rTo strengthen academic exchanges between researchers and academia\rTo contribute to the progress in environmental sciences\rTo provide high quality online platform for publishing original research works\r\rJournal provides a multidisciplinary online forum for authoritative discussion and analysis of issues of wide interest to the international community of environmental professionals. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Prosthodontics and Restorative Dentistry", "ISSN": "22316361, 2231637X", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Visual Design", "ISSN": "23251581, 2325159X", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal explores processes and practices of representation and communication using the medium of the image. Areas of interest include communications design, visual arts, illustration, photography, film and video, graphic design, typography, interface design, internet design, animation and computer simulations. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International VAT Monitor", "ISSN": "09250832, 23529210", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Iranian Journal of Physics Research", "ISSN": "16826957", "Scope": "ScopeThe Iranian Journal of Physics Research (IJPR) is published quarterly by the joint efforts the Physics Society of Iran (PSI) and Isfahan University of Technology. The purposes of the journal are to develop and enhance physics research at the national level, to facilitate communication among physicists, to publish the results of research works carried out in Iran, and to provide for cooperation among research workers from different centres. Introducing young researchers, and graduate students to the theoretical and empirical fundametals of research, through the publication of elaborate and comprehensive papers, and enhancing of the capability of the Persian language in the field of physics are our other objectives. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Issues in Science and Technology", "ISSN": "7485492", "Scope": "ScopeIssues in Science and Technology publishes articles that analyze and provide original perspectives on current topics in science and technology policy. These articles recommend actions by government, industry, academia, and individuals to solve pressing problems. The pages of Issues are open to anyone who can write an informed, well-reasoned, and policy-relevant article. We are open to a variety of authorial styles and voices, so long as articles are analytically rigorous and written for educated but nonspecialist readers. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Italian Journal of Planning Practice", "ISSN": "2239267X", "Scope": "ScopeThe Italian Journal of Planning Practice (IJPP)is an open access brand new journal which aims at establishing a source for information on Italian planning practice. IJPP adheres to the BOAI definition of open access and all users have the right to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of these articles.\r\rThe journal is concerned with encouraging reflections and disseminating knowledge and research on the peculiar characteristics of Italian planning practice and policy all across the world to the widest possible readership. IJPP also considers comparative case studies of fundamental importance for the understanding of planning practices.\r\rIJPP is conceived for all Italian and international critical academics, researchers, professionals and students who wish to keep update with the evolution of the planning discipline in Italy and to contribute to the spreading of scientific research through their work.\r\rIJPP emphasizes results of analytical research in a range of topics within the general field of town and regional planning and attempts to draw attention to the practical nature of problems. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Japanese Journal of Urology", "ISSN": "215287", "Scope": "Scope日本泌尿器科学会雑誌は,泌尿器科学全般にわたる学術性の高 い論文を掲載する.\r\r 本誌は泌尿器科学に関連した(1)原著論文(2)症例報告(3)手 技・器具等の開発・工夫(「手技の開発」)(4)総説(編集委員会から の依頼による)および(5)その他の公報をもって構成する.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Japanese Pharmacology and Therapeutics", "ISSN": "3863603", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal primarily publishes the following types of articles:\r\r- Original Articles: Articles on non-clinical and clinical trial studies of pharmaceutical products, medical devices, food products, etc. and observational study papers on prevention and treatment of diseases.\r- Review Articles: Review articles related to pharmaceutical products, medical devices, and food products.\r- Case Reports and Short Reports.\r- Proceedings of Symposia and Round-Table Discussions.\r- Letters (approximately 500 words and 1 figure/table). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Jeoloji Muhendisligi Dergisi", "ISSN": "10169172", "Scope": "ScopeJournal of Geological Engineering has following purposes;\r\r• To more effectively reflect the place and importance of the Geological Engineering profession in daily life, which aims to offer the knowledge and experience of the interactions between human and the Earth, considering the natural environment, to the service of humanity in order to provide a safer and healthier living environment,\r\r• To present national and international developments in this field to the knowledge of Geological Engineers,\r\r• To provide an easily accessible and widely participated discussion environment that will strengthen and accelerate the sharing of knowledge and experience among scientists, researchers, engineers and other practitioners who are directlyor indirectly involved in this subject, and to create an opportunity to disseminate them,\r\r• In line with the International Sustainable Development Goals, effective management of natural resources, engineering structures, spatial planning, considering both human and nature respecting the earth dynamics, geological hazards, contributing to the design of resilient environments and solving and developing other problems related to Geological Engineering more effectively,\r\r• Contributing to the development of interdisciplinary research and interoperability principles. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal for the Study of Judaism", "ISSN": "00472212, 15700631", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal for the Study of Judaism is a leading international forum for scholarly discussions on the history, literature and religious ideas on Judaism in the Persian, Hellenistic and Roman period. It provides biblical scholars, students of rabbinic literature, classicists and historians with essential information. Since 1970 the Journal for Study of Judaism has been securing its position as one of the world’s leading journals. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Brain Science", "ISSN": "13415301", "Scope": "ScopeBrain Sciences is a peer-reviewed scientific journal that publishes original articles, critical reviews, research notes, and short communications in the neuroscience areas. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Health System Research", "ISSN": "23225564, 27834093", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Journal of insurance medicine (New York, N.Y.)", "ISSN": "7436661", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Insurance Medicine is the official journal of the American Academy of Insurance Medicine. It is a peer-reviewed medical journal published quarterly, now exclusively, online. It is designed with the insurance company medical director throughout the world in mind. Many of the articles will also be of interest to actuaries and lay underwriters as well as physicians in clinical practice.\r\rThe journal covers all aspects of insurance medicine. Contents include: original research, editorials, commentaries, reviews, international perspectives, case studies and literature reports.\r\rFocusing on individual diseases, topic areas emphasized include: risk assessment, prognosis, mortality, life expectancy, life table methodology, laboratory testing and claims adjudication related to the medical aspects of insurance.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Map and Geography Libraries", "ISSN": "15420353, 15420361", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Map & Geography Libraries: Advances in Geospatial Information, Collections & Archives ( JMGL) publishes international research on the collecting, organization, and utilization of geographic and cartographic materials and information. The journal covers topics including, but not limited to:\r- Research, discussion and innovations involving: Use, collecting and access to historical and contemporary maps and atlases, and Use, collection, access and standards regarding geographic information (GIS) and geospatial data in general and specialized subject areas\r- The role of the library and librarian, archivist or data manager in the exchange of cartographic and geographic information\r- Methodologies for access to and delivery of geospatial information\r- Innovations in tools and software in the manipulation and presentation of maps and geospatial data\r- Metadata for, and cataloging and preservation of print and digital cartographic materials Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Medical Sciences (Peshawar)", "ISSN": "19973438, 19973446", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Medical Sciences (JMedSci) is the official journal of Khyber Medical College Peshawar, Pakistan. We consider articles on all topics pertaining to various disciplines of medicines for publication.\rOur goal is to provide the reader reports of original research conducted nationally and internationally, original clinical observations accompanied by analysis and discussion, analysis of philosophical, ethical, or social aspects of the health professions or biomedical sciences, critical reviews, case reports with discussions and feedback on articles in the form of letters to editors. Our Journal is peer reviewed, open access, indexed, medical journal which will publish international and national research articles on a diverse range of medical sciences. The journal is intended primarily for those in the health professions: researchers, practitioners, educators, administrators and students. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Research in Clinical Medicine", "ISSN": "27170616", "Scope": "ScopeJournal of Research in Clinical Medicine (JRCM) (eISSN: 2717-0616) is an open-access peer-reviewed journal covering all areas of clinical medicine with an emphasis on three main fields of emergency & critical care, internal diseases, and neurology & aging. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society", "ISSN": "18366821", "Scope": "ScopeJSEALS (ISSN 1836-6821) is the peer-reviewed open-access electronic Journal of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society, devoted to publishing research on the languages of mainland and insular Southeast Asia. Formally established by decision of the SEALS 17 meeting in September 2007, JSEALS supersedes the former SEALS Conference Proceedings published by Arizona State University. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Keramische Zeitschrift", "ISSN": "230561", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Law of Justice Journal", "ISSN": "14137038, 22383212", "Scope": "ScopeThe Law of Justice Journal is a Law School publication of the University of Passo Fundo. The journal is directed to the publication of unpublished papers of professors and students of the Graduate stricto sensu Law Programs national and international institutions. Its objective is to disseminate scientific papers, research results related to the editorial lines of the journal: Constitutional jurisdiction and democracy; and Social Relations and Power dimensions. The paper’s publication are subjected to blind peer evaluation and subjected to publication standards. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Lengua y Habla", "ISSN": "13161180, 2244811X", "Scope": "ScopeLa revista Lengua y Habla es una publicación académica arbitrada por pares. Tiene como misión divulgar entre la comunidad académica y profesional artículos de investigación y aportes de discusión de problemas lingüísticos inéditos, relevantes y de alta calidad. Además, la revista está abierta para la publicación de artículos de revisión teórica y de avances de investigaciones. La revista es un foro plural que posibilita la divulgación de la amplia gama de temas, disciplinas, perspectivas teóricas, enfoques y metodologías cultivados en el campo de la investigación lingüística.\r\rLas áreas de investigación lingüística que incluye la revista son las siguientes: Adquisición del español como lengua primera (L1), Análisis del discurso, Español como lengua extranjera (ELE), Español como segunda lengua (EL2), Fonética, Fonología, Historia de la lingüística, Historiografía lingüística, Lexicografía, Lexicología, Lingüística computacional, Morfología, Neurolingüística, Pragmática, Psicolingüística, Semántica, Sintaxis, Sociolingüística, Teorías lingüísticas, Terminología, Variedades del español. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Linguistica", "ISSN": "11320214, 2079312X", "Scope": "ScopeLingüística, publicación oficial de la Asociación de Lingüística y Filología de la América Latina (ALFAL), fue fundada en 1989 por el Presidente Humberto López Morales, durante su mandato. Hasta el volumen 20 (2008) tuvo periodicidad anual. Desde el volumen 21 (junio 2009), bajo la presidencia de Alba Valencia Espinoza, comenzó a publicarse en forma bianual, en junio y diciembre de cada año. En marzo de 2010, por primera vez, se publica también una versión online. En noviembre del mismo año, la revista fue ingresada al Catálogo LATINDEX.\rEl objetivo de la revista es la difusión de la investigación lingüística y filológica en el ámbito académico internacional. Sus destinatarios son investigadores del lenguaje y disciplinas afines, docentes y lectores interesados en este sector del conocimiento.\r\rLos trabajos que se publican son inéditos, y dan cuenta de investigaciones en el campo de la lingüística y la filología, en idiomas español o portugués, lenguas del mundo iberoamericano que constituyó el núcleo inicial de la ALFAL. Todos los trabajos publicados en la revista son de acceso libre. No existen, para los autores, gastos asociados al envío, revisión, edición o publicación de sus artículos. Hoy la Institución agrupa a investigadores de todas las latitudes y lenguas con el interés común de compartir conocimientos e inquietudes. Es así como la revista acoge artículos que abordan aspectos de lingüística general, hispánica, lusófona e indoamericana. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Machine Graphics and Vision", "ISSN": "12300535, 2720250X", "Scope": "ScopeMachine GRAPHICS & VISION provides a scientific exchange forum and an authoritative source of information in the field of, in general, pictorial information exchange between computers and their environment, including applications of visual and graphical computer systems.\r\rUntil June 2013 the Journal has been maintained by the Institute of Computer Science of the Polish Academy of Sciences. See the previous version of the web pages of the journal.\r\rThe journal concentrates on theoretical and computational models underlying computer generated, analysed, or otherwise processed imagery, in particular:\r\r•\timage processing\r•\tscene analysis, modeling, and understanding\r•\tmachine vision\r•\tpattern matching and pattern recognition\r•\timage synthesis, including three-dimensional imaging and solid modeling\r•\tcomputer-aided graphic arts and animation\r•\tmathematical approaches to image processing, analysis, and synthesis\r•\tcomputational geometry\r•\timage models and transforms\r•\tvisualization and graphical data presentation\r•\tdiagrammatic knowledge representation and reasoning\r•\tmonocular and stereo vision\r•\tmodeling of human visual perception\r•\tinnovative uses of various graphic and vision devices and systems.\r\rThe journal publishes:\r-original research papers-\rtutorial papers-\rstate-of-the-art surveys-\rreports on work in progress-\rresearch direction proposals Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Medecine des Maladies Metaboliques", "ISSN": "19572557, 22148477", "Scope": "ScopeMmM, Médecine des maladies Métaboliques se consacre aux différents aspects des pathologies du métabolisme en diabétologie mais également en nutrition. Elle aborde également les risques cardio-vasculaires liés. La revue vous propose, dans chaque numéro, un dossier thématique composé de plusieurs mises au point qui vous permet de mettre à jour vos connaissances.\rMédecine des maladies Métaboliques est avant tout un support de formation, grâce à ses nombreuses rubriques pratiques : Pour la science, Stratégie thérapeutique, Education thérapeutique, Quoi de neuf, Lecture critique d'articles, Recommandations etc… Lieu privilégié de débats et de controverses, la revue offre, de plus, une tribune à des experts ou à des praticiens de terrain dont les positions diffèrent, pour discuter du bénéfice d'une molécule, de la pertinence d'une grande étude ou d'un nouveau concept.\rToute en couleur, et riche en illustrations, elle permet une lecture agréable et fluide d'une information de qualité. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Medical Journal of Bakirkoy", "ISSN": "13059319, 13059327", "Scope": "ScopeThe aim of The Medical Journal of Bakırköy is to publish original research papers of highest scientific and clinic value on general medicine. Additionally, educational material reviews on basic developments, editorial short notes and case reports are published.\r\rThe Medical Journal of Bakırköy encourages and enables academicians, researchers, specialists and primary care physicians to publish their valuable research in all branches of medicine. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Medical News of North Caucasus", "ISSN": "20738137, 20738145", "Scope": "ScopeMedical News of North Caucasus is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes state-of-the-art reviews and original research papers of wide interest in all fields of medicine (surgery, therapeutics and pediatrics). The journal is dedicated to basic and clinical medical research, medical education. The journal also strives to provide publication of important manuscripts to the widest possible audience worldwide.\r\rJournal “Medical News of North Caucasus“ does not limit its interests to the territorial particularities, at the same time it is oriented on giving local authors an opportunity to publish the results of their research provided that they are original and really innovative. In spite of the present conditions of certain information disparity and insufficient financing of research activities we quite often witness situations when interesting research or findings become known only in a narrow professional circle, and their results appear in departmental publications whose circulation is limited. This is especially true about research done in North Caucasus region. The Editorial Board is comprised of most authoritative doctors, pharmacists and researchers that represent in all fields of medicine of North Caucasus. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Minerva Respiratory Medicine", "ISSN": "27246493, 27848477", "Scope": "ScopeThe main topics of the journal are related to pathophysiology, pharmacology, interventional\rpulmonology, non-invasive ventilation and intensive care in respiratory diseases, obstructive,\rrestrictive and rare lung diseases, pulmonary oncology, pulmonary hypertension, infectious\rand immunologic diseases, thoracic surgery and lung transplantation.\rThe aim of the journal is to influence the practice of clinicians, researchers and industries at\ran international level and provide its readers with papers of the highest quality thanks to a\rfast and thorough peer review process, careful editorial work as well as open access options.\rMinerva Respiratory Medicine welcomes articles on a wide variety of topics related to Diseases\rof the Respiratory System, which may be submitted in the form of editorials, original articles,\rreview articles, special articles, letters to the Editor and guidelines. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Mitteilungen der Osterreichischen Geographischen Gesellscaft", "ISSN": "299138", "Scope": "ScopeThe scientific journal „Annals of the Austrian Geographical Society“ is the most important means of communication of the Austrian Geographical Society. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "New Review of Film and Television Studies", "ISSN": "17400309, 17407923", "Scope": "ScopeOne of the leading media studies journals, New Review of Film and Television Studies publishes peer-reviewed research on the theory, history, aesthetics, and politics of expressive screen culture. Committed to a broad definition of film and television studies, NRFTS welcomes articles on digital, sound, video, and web-based media. The journal particularly encourages contributions on and by media creators and scholars from underrepresented groups, and values work informed by intersectional approaches and diverse perspectives. We maintain rigorous intellectual standards while striving to be accessible to a broad readership. Each quarterly issue features substantive scholarship alongside reviews of important recent books in the study of international media. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Nova Biotechnologica et Chimica", "ISSN": "13386905, 1339004X", "Scope": "ScopeNova Biotechnologica et Chimica provides a forum for the publication of original papers in biotechnology, environmental and food chemistry. Papers dealing with agro- and food biotechnology, molecular biology and genetics of environmentally important microorganisms, bioinformatics, environmental biotechnology and environmental chemistry, bio/analytical chemistry, medical chemistry, chemometrics in environmental, pharmaceutical and food analysis will be especially appreciated.\r\rThe objectives are to report on the latest research achievements and to disseminate the articles freely for scientific community. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Otorhinolaryngology Clinics", "ISSN": "0975444X, 09756957", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Pediatria Integral", "ISSN": "11354542", "Scope": "ScopePEDIATRÍA INTEGRAL (Programa de Formación Continuada en Pediatría Extrahospitalaria) es el órgano de Expresión de la Sociedad Española de Pediatría Extrahospitalaria y Atención Primaria (SEPEAP).\r\rPEDIATRÍA INTEGRAL publica artículos en castellano que cubren revisiones clínicas y experimentales en el campo de la Pediatría, incluyendo aspectos bioquímicos, fisiológicos y preventivos. Acepta contribuciones de todo el mundo bajo la condición de haber sido solicitadas por el Comité Ejecutivo de la revista y de no haber sido publicadas previamente ni enviadas a otra revista para consideración. PEDIATRÍA INTEGRAL acepta artículos de revisión (bajo la forma de estado del arte o tópicos de importancia clínica que repasan la bibliografía internacional más relevante), comunicaciones cortas (incluidas en la sección de información) y cartas al director (como fórum para comentarios y discusiones acerca de la línea editorial de la publicación).\r\rPEDIATRÍA INTEGRAL publica 8 números al año, y cada volumen se complementa con dos suplementos del programa integrado (casos clínicos, preguntas y respuestas comentadas) y un número extraordinario con las actividades científicas del Congreso Anual de la SEPEAP. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Pediatric Hematology/Oncology and Immunopathology", "ISSN": "17261708, 24149314", "Scope": "ScopeThe group of scientific specialties – 14.01.00 – clinical medicine.\r\r\rThe journal is included into SCOPUS and EBSCO Databases.\r\r\rMain topics:\rdiagnosis, specificities of the course, therapy of tumour diseases, blood diseases, paediatric immunodeficient and immunopathological conditions;\rmuch attention is paid to the problems of pharmacotherapy with the use of chemotherapeutic preparations, recombinant interferons, interleukins and colony-stimulating factors, monoclonal antitumour drugs, immunoglobulins and blood coagulation factors. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Peremennye Zvezdy", "ISSN": "22210474", "Scope": "ScopeAs it was during the last years of its existence in the paper form, the journal consists of two parts, the main journal and the Supplement. The main journal accepts original scientific papers containing theoretical results as well as results based on detailed analysis of variable-star observations. There is virtually no volume limitations for papers published in the main journal, thus it is possible to publish much more lengthy papers than those in the IBVS. The Supplement publishes results based on observations. We encourage our potential authors to present discoveries of individual variable stars and studies of known variable stars in the form resembling that currently used in the many-author issues closing each volume of the IBVS, but we also leave possibilities for Supplement papers of different formats. In our opinion, any new discoveries of any variable stars, from new original observations or from data mining, regardless variability type, are important. However, we reserve our right to reject announcement of discoveries based on a couple of deviant data points, such announcements only increase the number of poorly studied, \"suspected\" variables. The authors should try to additionally investigate such stars before announcing them, for example, to determine types and to derive periods for periodic variables. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Perinatology", "ISSN": "9722408", "Scope": "ScopePerinatology - Journal of Perinatal and Neonatal Care (ISSN 0972-2408), one of the few journals dedicated to the emerging multidisciplinary field of perinatal medicine, is published and distributed quarterly by The Himalaya Drug Company (Bengaluru, Karnataka, India).\r\rPerinatology publishes original research articles, review articles, brief reports on clinical and laboratory observations, case reports, and clinical studies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Philippine Statistician", "ISSN": "20940343", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Pluralist", "ISSN": "19307365, 19446489", "Scope": "ScopeThe Pluralist is a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to advancing the ends of philosophical thought and dialogue in all widely used philosophical methodologies, including non-Western methods and those of traditional cultures. The journal upholds the Socratic dictum of self-knowledge and the love of wisdom as the purpose of philosophy. It seeks to express philosophical insights and concerns humanely and with an eye to literary as well as philosophical excellence, but technical papers are welcome. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Prooftexts - Journal of Jewish Literature History", "ISSN": "02729601, 10863311", "Scope": "ScopeFor more than thirty years, Prooftexts has provided a forum for the growing field of Jewish literary studies. Integral to its mission is an attempt to bring together the study of modern Jewish literatures (in Hebrew, Yiddish, and European languages) with the literary study of the Jewish classical tradition as a whole. Since its inception, the journal has as much stimulated and created the field of Jewish literary studies as it has reflected its achievements. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Cientifica de la Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias de la Universidad del Zulia", "ISSN": "07982259, 25219715", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Cubana de Cardiologia y Cirugia Cardiovascular", "ISSN": "15612937", "Scope": "ScopeLa Revista Cubana de Cardiología y Cirugía Cardiovascular (Rev. cuba. cardiol. cir. cardiovasc.) es el órgano oficial de la Sociedad Cubana de Cardiología (SCC), editada y publicada desde el Instituto Cubano de Cardiología y Cirugía Cardiovascular por la Editorial de Ciencias Médicas (ECIMED). Es una publicación biomédica de alcance internacional con revisión de contenido que se acoge a los principios de la ciencia abierta y adopta un modelo de publicación continua bajo un volumen y cuatro números anuales. El idioma oficial es el español, aunque publica el título y resumen en idioma inglés en formato pdf, html y epub. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista de Economia Institucional", "ISSN": "1245996", "Scope": "ScopeThe Revista de Economía Institucional (ISSN 0124-5996) is a plural publication in which research and theoretical works related to political economy, economy and law, economy and philosophy, and other areas all of them within the theoretical bases of institutional economics, are discussed and extended. The Journal was founded in the second semester of 1999. It has four sections: articles, classics, notes and discussions and book reviews. The Journal is written in Spanish, including translations of English, French and Italian articles. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revue d'Histoire du XIXe Siecle", "ISSN": "12651354, 17775329", "Scope": "ScopeThe Revue d’histoire du XIXe siècle, formerly 1848. Révolutions et mutations au XIXe siècle, is the journal of the Société d’histoire de la révolution de 1848 et des révolutions du XIXe siècle. The journal publishes articles about the French Revolution of 1848 and its historical context, which takes in the 19th century in general, in France and abroad. It campaigns for interdisciplinary dialogue and is eager to circulate the works of young researchers. It gathers current historical research into the 19th century, reviews of recent publications, theses presentations and bibliographies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revue d'Histoire Ecclesiastique", "ISSN": "352381", "Scope": "ScopeThe Revue d'histoire ecclésiastique is a \"association de fait\" in Belgian law, founded in 1900, whose management is specified in an agreement between the Université catholique de Louvain and the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. The Revue d'histoire ecclesiastique, a scholarly journal administered by professors of the Université catholique de Louvain and the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, publishes 4 issues per year in 3 deliveries. It presents articles covering the entire history of Christianity. All of these articles are based on original source research and often develop innovative aspects in the area of historical methodology. Since 2011, articles may be written in English, French, German, Spanish or Italian. Besides its articles, the Revue offers the reader recensions of recents books dealing with Church history in the large sense, in the form of critical reviews or brief descriptions. These recensions try to cover the most important publications in this sector. Added to that is a chronicle describing, by country, conferences, distinctions, doctoral theses, deaths.. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Shanghai Ligong Daxue Xuebao/Journal of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology", "ISSN": "10076735", "Scope": "Scope《上海理工大学学报》是由上海理工大学主办的理工科综合性学术刊物,主要报道系统科学与复杂性科学、能源与动力工程、光电信息与计算机科学、机械材料科学、生物医学科学、传媒出版科学以及基础学科(数学、物理、化学)等方面的学术研究和科研实践成果。面向国内外高等院校教师、研究生及其科研院所、企事业单位的科研人员。 Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport", "ISSN": "19910177, 23116374", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society", "ISSN": "16143515", "Scope": "ScopeFounded in 2004 and refereed since 2007, SPPS makes available, to the academic community and general public, affordable English-, German- and Russian-language scholarly studies of various empirical aspects of the recent history and current affairs of the former Soviet bloc from the late Tsarist period to today. It publishes approximately 15-20 volumes per year, and focuses on issues in transitions to and from democracy such as economic crisis, identity formation, civil society development, and constitutional reform in CEE and the NIS. SPPS also aims to highlight so far understudied themes in East European studies such as right-wing radicalism, religious life, higher education, or human rights protection. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Spektrum der Augenheilkunde", "ISSN": "09304282, 16137523", "Scope": "Scope\"Spektrum der Augenheilkunde\" is an educational journal for ophthalmologists. It is published six times per year and presents reviews, original papers, editorials, case studies and analyses surrounding technical innovations in ophthalmology. Letters to the editor, guest commentaries, book reviews, literature overviews, product information and a congress calendar complete the range of its contents. Thus, \"Spektrum der Augenheilkunde\" keeps ophthalmologists up-to-date on current developments, both practice-relevant and research-related. The editorial board and its editorial advisors guarantee the high quality of publications and a broad, well-balanced choice of published topics. Topics of interest: Complete range of ophthalmology; Ethical standards; Declaration of Helsinki, Informed consent, Animal rights Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studii si Cercetari Lingvistice", "ISSN": "0039405X", "Scope": "ScopeSTUDII ŞI CERCETĂRI LINGVISTICE publishes articles in the following fields: general\rand applied linguistics, grammar, semantics, dialectology, etymology,\rtoponomastics, poetics, semiotics, history of the Romanian language, Germanic,\rRomance and Slavonic philology, etc. It also publishes review articles,\rbibliographical notes, chronicles. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Techniques in Shoulder and Elbow Surgery", "ISSN": "15239896, 1539591X", "Scope": "ScopePublished quarterly, Techniques in Shoulder & Elbow Surgery escorts the reader into the operating room and supplies step-by-step details of exciting and advanced techniques. It explains the evolution of and rationale for the procedures, identifies the pitfalls and possible complications, provides invaluable tips for improving surgical results and it is illustrated cover to cover with high-quality intraoperative photographs and drawings, many in full color. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Tekst, Kniga, Knigoizdaniye", "ISSN": "23062061, 23113774", "Scope": "ScopeText. Book. Publishing was established with the aim of:\r- promoting the development of theoretical and practical research in the field of Publishing\r- forging links among scholars from different regions of Russia and other countries. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Teologia y Vida", "ISSN": "00493449, 07176295", "Scope": "ScopeTeología y Vida nació en 1960 en el seno de la Facultad de Teología de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. En aquel entonces, se visualizó como una plataforma de “divulgación teológica” para abordar disciplinariamente temas “de interés pastoral”, aunque se haya consolidado en adelante con un macizo carácter científico. Su mentor y primer director, el profesor Marcos McGrath, perfiló su finalidad en “poner la teología tradicional y moderna de la Iglesia a disposición de los líderes católicos, seglares, clero y religiosos”.\r\rCon los años, Teología y Vida se ha convertido en una revista científica de acceso abierto, con evaluación por pares, que acoge especialmente la reflexión teológica local y regional, aunque permanece abierta a contribuciones de otros contextos geográficos y de horizontes teológicos diversos, en varias lenguas (castellano, portugués, italiano, inglés, francés, alemán).\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Token", "ISSN": "22995900, 23922087", "Scope": "ScopeToken focuses on English linguistics in a broad sense, taking in both diachronic and synchronic work, grammatical as well as lexical studies. That being said, the journal favors empirical research.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Uspehi Molekularnoj Onkologii", "ISSN": "2313805X, 24133787", "Scope": "ScopeThe main objective of the journal Advances in Molecular Oncology is publication of current information on basic, clinical and experimental research in molecular oncology.\r\rThe publication aim to provide insight into currently important areas of modern molecular oncology; present the most significant studies from Russian and foreign specialists in this field; create a forum for various researchers, including oncologists, molecular biologists, geneticists, biochemists, virologists, chemotherapists to share the results of their scientific research. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Uspekhi Fiziologicheskikh Nauk", "ISSN": "3011798", "Scope": "ScopeПубликуются материалы обзорно-критического характера по различным разделам физиологии, а также статьи, в которых авторы на основе имеющейся научной литературы излагают оригинальные концепции по принципиальным теоретическим вопросам, аргументированные собственным экспериментальным материалом.\r\rЖурнал «Успехи физиологических наук» рассчитан на педагогов и специалистов-физиологов и биофизиков медицинского и общебиологического профиля. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Verfassung und Recht in Ubersee/Law and Politics in Africa, Asia, and Latin America", "ISSN": "5067286", "Scope": "ScopeWorld Comparative Law / VRU analyses developments in constitutional and public law in states and regions outside Europe and North America as well as their regional and international integration. Founded in 1968 and inspired by the ideals of ‘decolonization’ and fair cooperation, the Journal also has a special interest in the entanglements between ‘Global South’ and ‘Global North’, including the presence of the ‘South in the North’. Looking beyond the surface of globalization, World Comparative Law / VRU promotes scholarship that uncovers the particularities of legal configurations as well as their interdependencies in an interconnected world. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Veterinary Sciences and Practices", "ISSN": "28223608", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "VOEB-Mitteilungen", "ISSN": "10222588", "Scope": "ScopeThe Communications of the Association of Austrian Librarians (in short: VÖB Communications) is a Diamond Open Access journal - that's following the \"Fair Open Access\" principles, so neither APCs (article processing charges) nor other fees (for submission, etc.) are charged for the publishing of contributions - with a disciplinary focus in the field of library and information studies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Academic Journal of Manufacturing Engineering", "ISSN": "15837904", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal is published in English exclusively with scientific reviewers and publishing committee comprising different scientific personalities from Romania and abroad. The journal is published quarterly, the papers proposed to be published and reviewed being sent by the authors directly to the editorial board or being selected from a large number of papers by the organizing committee and authors involved in different scientific events, such as international conferences, workshops, etc. Every paper is strictly reviewed by at least two members of the International Editorial Committee, being accepted for publication only high-level papers prepared in accordance with the requirements imposed by scientific standards.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Acta Musei Moraviae, Scientiae Geologicae", "ISSN": "12118796, 25714686", "Scope": "ScopeJournal Acta Musei Moraviae – Scientiae geologicae publishes original scientific papers from miscellaneous fields of geological sciences (geology, petrology, mineralogy, geochemistry, tectonics, geophysics, paleontology, in lesser amount also speleology and geomorphology), studying problems related to the geological units occurring in the Bohemian Massif and Carpathian orogen (Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria, Poland, Germany). Any author who is concerned about the suitability of the subject of their paper should contact the Editor for advice. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Anales de Literatura Espanola", "ISSN": "02125889, 26954257", "Scope": "ScopeThis journal targets scientists specialized in all aspects of Spanish literature. Its goal is to spread academic research to make Spanish literature better known, especially that of the 20th century. The journal is open to literature research publications from Spain and abroad. Articles must be original and arising from the authors’ own research. Prior to publication, they must undergo an external review process. All articles must be written in Spanish. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Analytical and Quantitative Cytopathology and Histopathology", "ISSN": "2578742X", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Anasthesiologie, Intensivmedizin, Notfallmedizin, Schmerztherapie : AINS", "ISSN": "09392661, 14391074", "Scope": "ScopeAINS ist die Fachzeitschrift für Anästhesiologie, Intensivmedizin, Notfallmedizin und Schmerztherapie im Georg Thieme Verlag. Sie vermittelt aktuelles Fachwissen und bietet Fortbildung. AINS hat sich das Ziel gesteckt, den Leserinnen und Lesern – Fachärzten und Weiterbildungsassistenten in der Anästhesiologie – immer praxisbezogenen Nutzwert und größtmögliche Unterstützung zu bieten. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Archivos de Neurociencias", "ISSN": "10285938", "Scope": "ScopeLa revista Archivos de Neurociencias es una publicación trimestral que bajo el patrocinio del Instituto Nacional de Neurología y Neurocirugía Manuel Velasco Suárez, se dedica a publicar artículos relacionados con las neurociencias, tanto nacionales como extranjeros procurando tener una estricta relación con los interesados en áreas afines de habla hispana. \r\rDe 1966 a 1980 apareció como Revista del Instituto Nacional de Neurología. De 1986 a 1995 apareció como Archivos del Instituto Nacional de Neurología y Neurocirugía.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "ASHA Leader", "ISSN": "10859586", "Scope": "ScopeThe ASHA Leader is the monthly newsmagazine for and about audiologists, speech-language pathologists, and speech, language and hearing scientists. The ASHA Leader provides news you can use and showcases the latest research and practice advances in communication sciences and disorders. Celebrating the wide range of people at the heart of the discipline, The ASHA Leader also illuminates the day-to-day work and lives of the 191,544 members of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.\r\rAlthough content submitted to The Leader is subject to internal editorial review by staff and content experts at the ASHA national office, it is a newsmagazine, and thus is not governed by scholarly peer review. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Asian Medicine", "ISSN": "1573420X, 15734218", "Scope": "ScopeAsian Medicine: Journal of the International Association for the Study of Traditional Asian Medicine\r(previously subtitled Tradition and Modernity) is a multidisciplinary journal aimed at researchers and\rpractitioners of Asian medicine. It makes available in one single publication academic essays that\rexplore the historical, anthropological, sociological and philological dimensions of Asian medicine as\rwell as practice reports from clinicians based in Asia and in Western countries, translations of relevant\rtexts, and other types of articles. With the recent upsurge of interest in non-Western alternative\rapproaches to health care, Asian Medicine will be of relevance to those studying the cross-cultural\rtranslations and adaptations of Asian medical systems in the age of globalization. It will also be relevant\rto those who wish to learn more about the traditional background and contemporary practice of Asian\rmedicines within their countries of origin. On account of its appeal to scholars from a range of academic\rbackgrounds (such as history, philology, anthropology, sociology, archaeology) as well as to practitioners\rbased in Asia and in Western medical institutions and alternative health care settings, the journal\rconstitutes a unique resource for both scholarly and clinically focused institutions. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Baltic Journal of Law and Politics", "ISSN": "20290454", "Scope": "ScopeBaltic Journal of Law & Politics (BJLP) is a scholarly journal, published bi-annually in electronic form as a joint publication of the Faculty of Political Science and Diplomacy and the Faculty of Law of Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania). BJLP provides a platform for the publication of scientific research in the fields of law and politics, with a particular emphasis on interdisciplinary research that cuts across these traditional categories. Topics may include, but are not limited to the Baltic Region; research into issues of comparative or general theoretical significance is also encouraged. BJLP is peer-reviewed and published in English. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Bulletin of TICMI", "ISSN": "15120082", "Scope": "ScopeBulletin of TICMI publishes original contributions from the entire field of mathematics (especially of its applications to mechanics and natural sciences) and from informatics which are of interest to a large readership. In particular, the journal publishes abstracts (with clear formulation of results) of original papers and peer-reviewed original papers (with full proof) presented at international forums organized by TICMI (Tbilisi International Center of Mathematics and Informatics). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Canadian Journal of Film Studies", "ISSN": "8475911", "Scope": "Scope\rThe Canadian Journal of Film Studies / Revue canadienne d'études cinématographiques is Canada's leading academic peer-reviewed film journal. We have published bi-annually since launching in 1990.\r\rCJFS / RCÉC publishes scholarly articles on film, television, and other audio-visual media. Subjects may be either Canadian or any other national or transnational cinema. We also publish reviews and review-essays of recent books in film and media studies.\r\rOther occasional features of CJFS/RCÉC are “Ciné-Documents” (rare and archival materials relevant to the study of moving images), and “Ciné-Forum,” in which we publish short articles on any topic of interest to film and media students and scholars. Possible topics include debates on current contributions to film theory, history, criticism, and pedagogy; information about archives, special collections, and other sources for research; translations; interviews; discussions of recent DVD or streaming media releases that have particular relevance to archival, critical, or pedagogical aspects of film studies.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Caritas et Veritas", "ISSN": "18050948", "Scope": "ScopeThe aim of the journal is to publish original scholarly and popular articles written by specialists working in these areas and to provide a decent platform for communication about the interaction between these fields of study. The Journal is on the List of non-impacted periodicals published in the Czech Republic.\r\rWithin its orientation on Christian reflections in the context of social sciences and humanities the journal Caritas et Veritas is devoted primarily to practical matters related to ethics, the assisting professions and pedagogy.The aim of the journal is to publish original scholarly and popular articles written by specialists working in these areas and to provide a platform for communication about the interaction between these fields of study. That is why it is the editorial board's aim to keep the entire journal easily accessible for practitioners in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. The scholarly and popular sections of the journal as well as reviews of publications in Czech and Slovak language are therefore published in Czech. At the same time the editorial board strives to ensure that the scholarly studies published in the journal take account of international discourse and are accessible to it. The editorial and scholarly studies are therefore published also in English translation, scholarly studies written originally in English or another world language are also published in this way. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Carrefours de l'Education", "ISSN": "12623490", "Scope": "ScopeCarrefours de l'éducation est une revue semestrielle, francophone, généraliste de sciences de l'éducation, reconnue comme revue qualifiante par le CNU 70 et l'AERES, classée international II par Ehri et référencée dans SCOPUS, base de données transdisciplinaire de l'éditeur scientifique Elsevier. Elle est publiée par les éditions Armand Colin. Elle est un espace de convergence, de mise en perspective des différences et de rencontres où peuvent s'exprimer les divers axes disciplinaires constitutifs des fondements des sciences de l'éducation (psychologie, histoire, philosophie, didactiques et sociologie de l'éducation), le tout dans une perspective européenne et internationale. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Chelovek", "ISSN": "2362007", "Scope": "ScopeFounded in 1990, an academic journal Chelovek (The Human Being) publishes the results of scholarly studies in social, humanitarian, and scientific aspects of human existence in close connection with philosophical understanding of the human being, ultimately related to the question, ‘What is the human being?’ The journal is open to various theoretical traditions and addresses the broad multidisciplinary readership. The journal also publishes discussions, conferences overviews, critical essays, and book reviews. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "China and Asia: Journal in Historical Studies", "ISSN": "25894641, 2589465X", "Scope": "ScopeChina and Asia: A Journal in Historical Studies (CAHS) is a peer-reviewed English-language forum for historical research on relations between China and other regions of Asia during both the pre-modern and modern periods. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Comparative Southeast European Studies", "ISSN": "27018199, 27018202", "Scope": "ScopeThe quarterly Comparative Southeast European Studies (COMPSEES) evolved into its new format from that of its predecessor Südosteuropa. Journal of Politics and Society. From 2021 onwards, it is published both digitally, in Open Access, and in print, thereby becoming more easily accessible and even more visible internationally, not least in Southeastern Europe itself. Before long, a digital repository of Südosteuropa will be available to everyone.\r\rComparative Southeast European Studies will continue to be a forum for scholars in Political Science, Sociology, Contemporary History, Anthropology, Economics, International Relations, Law Studies, Gender Studies, Media Studies, Cultural Studies, and related disciplines. Taking a comparative and broad multidisciplinary perspective it will explore critical processes and societal issues related to the area bounded by the eastern Adriatic, the eastern Mediterranean, and the Black Sea. We use two formats to showcase research. There are peer-reviewed research articles and a shorter format open to other text genres, which are presented under headings such as ‘Commentary’, ‘Interview’, ‘Background’, ‘Policy Analysis’, ‘Film in Focus’, ‘Debate’, ‘Spotlight’, ‘Book Symposium’, ‘The Making of...’, for example. This is a flexible section allowing us to address more immediately pertinent political, social, cultural, and academic matters. In addition, the Journal also features a book review section. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Conference Proceedings - Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting-LEOS", "ISSN": "10928081", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Contemporary Chinese Political Economy and Strategic Relations", "ISSN": "24109681", "Scope": "ScopeAn International Journal (CCPS) is a triannual academic journal jointly published by the Institute of China and Asia-Pacific Studies, National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan, and the Department of Administrative Studies and Politics, Faculty of Economics and Administration, University of Malaya, Malaysia, focusing on the Chinese polity, economy and society, and the interrelationship between sociopolitical and socioeconomic factors that influence political, economic and social outcomes in contemporary Mainland China and Taiwan, as well as Hong Kong and Macau, and their politico-economic, strategic relations with other regions and countries. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cuadernos de Musica Iberoamericana", "ISSN": "11365536, 25309900", "Scope": "ScopeThe aim of the journal Cuadernos de Música Iberoamericana, the scientific body of the Instituto Complutense de Ciencias Musicales (ICCMU), is to provide a forum for research into the music of Spain and Iberian America. The journal includes works from multiple perspectives within the field of musicology. Our title focuses in different periods of history and covers a vast geographical area. Our aim is to engage an international community of researchers with a special concern in Iberoamerican musicology.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cubic Journal", "ISSN": "25897098, 25897101", "Scope": "ScopeCubic Journal, is published in conjunction with Cubic Society and the Cubic Research Network as an academic platform aimed at the dissemination of design related research. Operating from within The Hong Kong Polytechnic University’s School of Design (PolyU Design), the platforms aims to draw together global scholars in order to generate, exchange and discuss contemporary questions within the pursuit of advancing knowledge through and within a number of design disciplines. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Current Trends in Immunology", "ISSN": "9724567", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Edelweiss Applied Science and Technology", "ISSN": "25768484", "Scope": "ScopeEdelweiss Applied Science and Technology (ISSN: 2576-8484) is a scholarly journal that follows a double-blinded peer-review process and is accessible to readers free of charge. The platform offers a sophisticated forum for the reporting of innovative, highly creative, and significant interdisciplinary research. It encompasses all aspects of applied and social sciences. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "E-Revista de Estudos Interculturais", "ISSN": "21826439", "Scope": "ScopeEsta é a página da E-REI – E-Revista de Estudos Interculturais, uma revista científica de âmbito internacional e periodicidade anual, publicada em Maio pelo Centro de Estudos Interculturais (CEI) do Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Politécnico do Porto (ISCAP-P.PORTO).\r\rA ideia desta Revista nasceu do interesse dos nossos alunos e bolseiros de integração na investigação pela actividade científica e da necessidade de divulgar o trabalho desenvolvido pelo CEI e seus colaboradores e parceiros, tanto nacionais como internacionais, tanto docentes como discentes.O público-alvo da E-REI inclui investigadores, académicos, docentes e discentes de graduação e pós-graduação, bem como o público em geral.\r\rA E-REI é uma revista científica de acesso aberto revista por pares, o que significa que todo o conteúdo está disponível gratuitamente para o utilizador ou para a sua instituição. É permitido aos utilizadores ler, descarregar, copiar, distribuir, imprimir, pesquisar ou criar ligações aos textos completos dos artigos, ou utilizá-los para qualquer outro fim lícito, sem pedir autorização prévia à editora ou ao autor. A E-REI definiu regras e principios éticos determinados pelo conselho editorial e pelo comité científico. A E-REI está também acessível na plataforma aberta OSJ do P.PORTO para revistas científicas - PARC - onde os respetivos DOI estão disponíveis. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "European Journal of Translational and Clinical Medicine", "ISSN": "26573148, 26573156", "Scope": "ScopeEuropean Journal of Translational and Clinical Medicine (EJTCM) aims to publish articles about:\r•\tmultidisciplinary basic & clinical medical research,\r•\tintegration of basic studies with clinical practice (translational medicine),\r•\tapplication of new technologies and solutions in all fields of medicine.\rResearchers and health professionals are encouraged to submit Original Research Articles, Reviews, Meta-analysis and Short Communication articles on any experimental and clinical results. Bioresource Papers and Commentaries are also appreciated.\rAs part of our mission in the field of translational medicine, we encourage the Authors of articles published in EJTCM to share their research datasets on the Polish Platform of Medical Research. Sharing of datasets increases the reproducibility and transparency of research, builds public trust in science and allows researchers to re-use data to advance their research projects.\rEJTCM proudly supports student researchers by publishing supplemental materials such as conference abstracts.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "European Review of Private Law", "ISSN": "09289801, 18758371", "Scope": "ScopeThis vibrant journal has not lost a beat in its up-to-the-minute commentary and analysis on the enormous ongoing growth in European cross-border legal work. Its appeal crosses the academic/practitioner divide by providing accessible and comparative surveys of legal developments in a number of countries, with summaries of articles and case notes in French, German, and English. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "French Studies", "ISSN": "00161128, 14682931", "Scope": "ScopeFrench Studies is published on behalf of the Society for French Studies by Oxford University Press. It publishes articles and reviews spanning all areas of the subject, including language and linguistics (historical and contemporary), all periods and aspects of literature in France and the French-speaking world, thought and the history of ideas, cultural studies, film, and critical theory. Since its first publication (in 1947), the journal has been a leading forum for the publication of ground-breaking work and for critical debate. The current editors are Martin Crowley (General Editor); Emma Cayley, Emma Gilby, and Joseph Harris (Co-Editors). Editorial responsibility for French Studies rests with the Editors and the Editorial Board (View full editorial board), assisted by the Advisory Board (View advisory board).\r\rFrench Studies publishes about twenty articles per volume and its review section is unmatched in its breadth and its quality, providing prompt coverage of work published in French, English, German, and Italian. We publish more than 250 reviews in each volume. We also publish other types of article, including états présents outlining the current state of research on major authors or topics. And we occasionally publish special issues of the journal, devoted to a particular topic or author. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Fronteiras", "ISSN": "22388869", "Scope": "ScopeFRONTEIRAS: JOURNAL OF SOCIAL, TECHNOLOGICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE is an open-access, quarterly, peer-reviewed publication maintained by the Graduate Studies in Social, Technological and Environmental Science of the University Center of Anápolis (PPG STMA), with masters and doctoral degrees in Environmental Sciences. Fronteiras is an interdisciplinary journal that is driven by the belief that all types of knowledge must be available. It has as a target the researchers who dialogue in an interdisciplinary way with the theme \"social and environmental science\". The journal aims to publish original research, recognized rigorously for its theoretical-methodological, intellectual and scientific relevance. Fronteira has as the main theme of its publications the environmental science, aiming the scientific dissemination arising from the dialogues between the natural and human sciences and their connections with environmental science.\r\rFronteiras: Journal of Social, Technological and Environmental Science has as its mission to publish and disseminate among the academic community, scientific manuscripts that are original and contribute to the promotion of multidisciplinary dialogues between the natural and human sciences and their connections with technological innovation, health as well as the environment. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Frontiers in Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Research", "ISSN": "23527633, 24679593", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Gazi Medical Journal", "ISSN": "21472092", "Scope": "ScopeGazi Medical Journal is an international journal published in both Turkish and English and complies with independent and unbiased double-blind reviewing procedures. The journal publishes researches in the field of medicine, case reports, reviews on current topics, letters to the editor, other manuscripts on medical education.\rThe journal is published four times per year; in January, April, July, and October and is funded by Gazi University Faculty of Medicine.\rThe aim of the Gazi Medical Journal is to publish studies with highest clinical and scientific quality at the international level. Moreover, reviews, editor’s note, case reports and original images are also published in the journal. The target audience is composed of academicians, researchers, and specialists and all editorial process and publication procedures comply with the standards of ICMJE, WAME and COPE. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Geoscience Research Reports", "ISSN": "05148057, 23365757", "Scope": "ScopeGeoscience Research Reports inform the general public about current state of knowledge in a wide variety of geologic subjects. Here the reader will find the results of research conducted by the academia, by the public as well as private sectors. The articles are distributed into individual science topics – regional geology, stratigraphy, Quaternary research, engineering geology, paleontology, mineralogy, petrology, geochemistry, hydrogeology, mineral resources, geophysics, geological information system and international activities. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ginecologia y Obstetricia de Mexico", "ISSN": "3009041", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Heranca - History, Heritage and Culture Journal", "ISSN": "21843090", "Scope": "ScopeHerança – History, Heritage and Culture Journal is a biannual magazine dedicated to the plurality of themes involving History, Heritage and Culture. It will cover the various strands of knowledge with special emphasis on History, Archeology, Architecture, Art History, Theory of Art, Museology and Museography, Curatorial Studies, Heritage Inventory and Safeguarding, Heritage Sciences, Conservation and Restoration, Management and Studies of Culture and Cultural Tourism. In order to disseminate studies supported by broad and multidisciplinary perspectives, which stand out for their quality and originality, the scientific articles will be published in Portuguese or English, aimed at researchers and professionals in the field of Social and Human Sciences in Portugal, in the community of Portuguese-speaking countries and in the Portuguese-speaking Diaspora. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Indian Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry", "ISSN": "09711627, 24564311", "Scope": "ScopeIndian Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry is exclusively devoted to research in the area of heterocyclic chemistry. The journal publishes invited review articles and original research papers pertaining to structure and synthesis, mechanism of reactions, spectral studies, biologically active compounds, bio-chemical studies, physicochemical work, phytochemistry etc. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Environment and Health", "ISSN": "17434955, 17434963", "Scope": "ScopeIJEnvH is a fully refereed journal that provides an international forum for the development of knowledge in the multidisciplinary research field of environment and health and related subjects, with emphasis on economic, managerial and technological issues. IJEnvH's is broad, encompassing several interdependent disciplines including sustainability, environmental management, pollution monitoring and occupational health. IJEnvH aims to provide policy and managerial guidance to decision makers and is also a valuable teaching resource. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Parliamentary Studies", "ISSN": "26668904, 26668912", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "International Journal of the Classical Tradition", "ISSN": "10730508, 18746292", "Scope": "ScopeThe first journal exclusively dedicated to the reception of Greek and Roman antiquity by other cultures, from the ancient world to the present time, International Journal of Classical Tradition's primary focus is on the creative use of the ancient Greco-Roman heritage in a broad range of scholarly endeavors. Articles are published in five languages. The journal includes articles, short notes, research reports, review articles, and news of the field. The official journal of the International Society for the Classical Tradition. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal on Disability and Human Development", "ISSN": "21910367, 21911231", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Iranian Journal of Geophysics", "ISSN": "20080336", "Scope": "ScopeIranian Journal of Geophysics intends to disseminate the latest scientific findings in the field of Physics of the Earth and Space for scholars, academic users and the respective executives. It encourages overseas scholars to present their research papers in English in the Iranian Journal of Geophysics. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Italian Studies", "ISSN": "00751634, 17486181", "Scope": "ScopeItalian Studies was founded in 1937 as the journal of the Society for Italian Studies (SIS), the principal professional association of teachers of Italian and Italian studies in Higher Education in the UK and Ireland, whose aim is 'to advance public education by furthering the study of Italy, Italian language, literature, thought, history, society, and arts in the United Kingdom and Ireland'. Members of the Society of Italian Studies are entitled to receive Italian Studies at a discounted price, as well as to exclusive discounts on book in the Italian Perspectives and SIS Occasional Papers series. \r\rItalian Studies has a national and international reputation for academic and scholarly excellence, publishing original articles (in Italian or English) on a wide range of Italian cultural concerns from the Middle Ages to the contemporary era. The journal warmly welcomes submissions covering a range of disciplines and inter-disciplinary subjects from scholarly and critical work on Italy's literary culture and linguistics to Italian history and politics, film and art history, and gender and cultural studies. It publishes four issues per year, normally including one special themed issue and occasional interviews with leading scholars. The reviews section in the journal includes articles and short reviews on a broad spectrum of recent works of scholarship. Both established scholars and young researchers regularly publish in the journal and recent issues have included work by contributors from the UK, Ireland, Italy, North America, and Australia. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "JALT Journal", "ISSN": "2872420", "Scope": "ScopeJALT Journal is the research journal of the Japan Association for Language Teaching. It is published semiannually, in May and November, with submissions accepted throughout the year. Papers are first screened by the Editor and Associate Editor to ensure that submissions guidelines have been met and to determine whether the paper merits further independent review. Most importantly, submissions must meet the remit of JALT Journal which, as an applied research journal, is to link theory to practice. JALT Journal places a high premium on anonymous peer review. If a submission passes through the screening process, the paper is assigned to Editorial Advisory Board members and additional readers with specialization in the area of the submission. JALT Journal publishes both quantitative and qualitative research. Authors hoping to publish research in JALT Journal may submit in either Japanese or English. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Jewish Film and New Media", "ISSN": "21690324, 21690332", "Scope": "ScopeJewish Film & New Media provides an outlet for research into any aspect of Jewish film, television, and new media and is unique in its interdisciplinary nature, exploring the rich and diverse cultural heritage across the globe. The journal is distinctive in bringing together a range of cinemas, televisions, films, programs, and other digital material in one volume and in its positioning of the discussions within a range of contexts—the cultural, historical, textual, and many others.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "JNT-Journal of Narrative Theory", "ISSN": "15489248, 15490815", "Scope": "ScopeJNT showcases theoretically sophisticated essays that examine narrative in a host of critical, interdisciplinary, or cross-cultural contexts. Of particular interest are history and narrative; cultural studies and popular culture; discourses of class, gender, sexuality, race, nationality, subalternity, and ethnicity; film theory, queer theory, and media studies; new historical, poststructural, or global approaches to narrative forms (literary or otherwise); along with essays that span or subvert epistemic and/or disciplinary boundaries. \r\rJNT is multi-genre, multi-period, multi-national. Current submissions should address the intersection of narrative, history, ideology, and/or culture, all broadly defined. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal for the History of Astronomy", "ISSN": "218286", "Scope": "ScopeJournal for the History of Astronomy is a peer reviewed journal, founded in 1970, and is the only journal devoted to the history of astronomy from earliest times to the present, and to history in the service of astronomy. Its subject matter extends to such allied fields as the history of the relevant branches of mathematics and physics, and the use of historical records in the service of astronomy. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal Global Policy and Governance", "ISSN": "21947740, 21947759", "Scope": "ScopeInterdependence of International Relations with finance, economy, technology, research, and advanced knowledge until a few years ago unimaginable, new military might introduced by innovation must be some of the crucial challenges, where also our Journal Global Policy and Governance intends to contribute opening its pages, issue after issue, to faculty, experts, testimonies, articles and relevant review of books, junior researches working papers. But we know also that traditional conflicts would not have any perspective in the medium term and will bring to the defeat of the ones who are imagining a return to the past. We intend to embrace and reach all the possible interested colleagues and fellows around the world, as choices and strategies in all the sectors involving public and private governance, nobody excluded, are under questioning and innovative evaluation. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of African Law", "ISSN": "00218553, 14643731", "Scope": "Scope\r\rThe Journal of African Law has been in existence for over 60 years and in that time has reflected changing trends in law and legal reform.\r\rThe earlier focus on legal pluralism and customary law has evolved to include a focus on issues of international law in the African context, legal and institutional regional and sub-regional developments, post conflict resolution, constitutionalism, commercial law and environmental law.\r\rIn recent years the Journal has published articles ranging from the Sharia debate in Nigeria, LGBT rights in Malawi, the new constitutional dispensation in Southern Sudan to case notes including on the rights of indigenous peoples under the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights.\r\rThe Journal welcomes articles on all legal issues pertaining to the African continent in its entirety. It particularly invites articles that have a regional or sub-regional, comparative or cross-cutting dimension, and which focus on major challenges and developments across the continent.\r\rThe Journal of African Law now also invites special issue or special section proposals on themes falling within its remit. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Associated Medical Sciences", "ISSN": "25396056", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Associated Medical Sciences belongs to the Faculty of Associated Medical Sciences (AMS), Chiang Mai University, Thailand. The journal specifically aims to provide a platform for medical technologists, radiologic technologists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, speech-language pathologists, and other related professionals to distribute, share, and discuss their research findings, inventions, and innovations. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Automation and Information Sciences", "ISSN": "10642315", "Scope": "ScopeThis journal contains translations of papers from the Russian-language bimonthly \"Mezhdunarodnyi nauchno-tekhnicheskiy zhurnal \"Problemy upravleniya i informatiki\". Subjects covered include information sciences such as pattern recognition, forecasting, identification and evaluation of complex systems, information security, fault diagnosis and reliability. In addition, the journal also deals with such automation subjects as adaptive, stochastic and optimal control, control and identification under uncertainty, robotics, and applications of user-friendly computers in management of economic, industrial, biological, and medical systems. The Journal of Automation and Information Sciences will appeal to professionals in control systems, communications, computers, engineering in biology and medicine, instrumentation and measurement, and those interested in the social implications of technology. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Foreign Languages and Cultures", "ISSN": "20964374", "Scope": "ScopeJournal of Foreign Languages and Cultures promotes comparative literature, critical theory, and cultural studies all around the world. JFLC aspires to be a leading forum for the critical examination of these fields and their various genres. JFLC aims to provide a space for much-needed dialogue among global scholars and students of languages, literatures, and cultures. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Medicine (Bangladesh)", "ISSN": "19979797, 20755384", "Scope": "ScopeJournal of Medicine is a peer-reviewed, open access, bi-annual journal published in January and July. It is an official journal of Bangladesh Society of Medicine. Bangladesh Society of Medicine is an organization of Medicine specialists of Bangladesh. The society was established for ensuring the rights and benefits of Medicine specialists. The journal welcomes manuscripts in the following categories: reviews and mini-reviews oriented to the practicing internist and diagnostic puzzles from a variety of specialties, original scientific studies, short research reports, case reports of exceptional merit, analytic reviews such as meta-analyses and decision analyses, new methods and technologies, opinions on previously published literature, papers commenting on the clinical, scientific, social, political, and economic factors affecting health and letters to the editor. Our key target is to engage, inform, and stimulate doctors, researchers and other health professionals in ways that will improve outcomes for patients and may facilitate hypothesis generation and development of further research to form the foundations of tomorrow's medicine. The journal is devoted to the promotion of health sciences and related disciplines. Complimentary copies of the journal are sent to life time members of the Bangladesh Society of Medicine, libraries of all medical colleges and other relevant academic institutions. The Editor-in-Chief & the editorial board do not subscribe to the views expressed in the article written by the author(s) published in this journal. The Journal of Medicine accepts no liability for any inaccurate and misleading information, opinion or statement. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Payavard Salamat", "ISSN": "17358132, 20082665", "Scope": "ScopeJournal of Payavard Salamat is a bimonthly open access, peer-reviewed journal, published on behalf of Tehran University of Medical Sciences that encompasses all fields of the sciences related to medical basic sciences and allied health sciences.\r\rAs an Iranian journal, Payavard Salamat considers outstanding studies from basic research to clinical investigations as original and reviews articles scientific community. Therefore, the journal welcomes submissions from all over Iran.\r\rA broad outline of the journal's includes:\r- Health Information Management\r- Health Care Management\r- Medical Laboratory Sciences (Hematology, Biochemistry, Microbiology, ...)\r- Medical Library & Information Sciences\r- Radiation Biology (Radiobiology and Radiation Protection)\r- Operating Room\r- Anesthesiology Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Rural Development", "ISSN": "9703357", "Scope": "ScopeJournal of Rural Development (JRD) is published quarterly in March, June, September and December by the National Institute of Rural Development, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad - 500 030\r\rThe Journal aims at promoting study and research in rural development. It seeks to uncover links between the social sciences and rural development and to forge and strengthen them where necessary. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "JOURNAL of THE JAPANESE FORESTRY SOCIETY, The", "ISSN": "0021485X", "Scope": "Scope日本森林学会誌(以下、日林誌)は日本森林学会が定期的に刊行する和文の学術誌です。日林誌は1919年より、森林と林業に関する基礎研究・応用研究の成果をまとめた論文、短報、総説等を発信しています。森林・林業に関わるあらゆる人びとにとって科学的な情報の共有・交換の場であるとともに、持続可能な社会の構築に貢献することを目指しています。\r\r 対象とする森林学分野は林政、経営、立地、遺伝・育種、生理、造林、植物生態、動物・昆虫、微生物、防災、利用、風致・観光、教育の13分野等とします。\r\r 筆頭著者は日本森林学会会員である必要がありますが、共著者には非会員を含めることができます。 Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of the Society of Powder Technology, Japan", "ISSN": "03866157, 18837239", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of the Society of Powder Technology, Japan publishes valuable research papers in various fields related to powder technology and provides useful information to members. It publishes monthly original research papers and technical papers as well as general articles that are useful for members. It also covers reviews, overseas reports, doctoral thesis introduction and other materials in various fields related to powder technology. It is widely known as the only journal for the members who have keen interest in powder technology.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Koers", "ISSN": "0023270X, 23048557", "Scope": "ScopeKoers is an influential, frequently cited, accredited peer reviewed and Open Access journal published since 1935. Koers promotes the development of Christian scholarship/science in all fields of science and publishes original (mainly reflective) research contributions with an integrated worldview as foundation. We provide a platform for authors to engage constructively and critically with Christian scholarly/scientific points of view in all fields of science. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Korean Journal of Dermatology", "ISSN": "4944739", "Scope": "Scope대한피부과학회지는 피부과 의사들이 만드는, 피부과 의사들만을 위한 국영문 전문학술지이다.\r대한피부과학회지는 1960부터 대한피부과학회에서 발간하고 있다. 대한피부과학회지는 학술진흥재단, SCOPUS에 등재되어 있는 등재지이다. 국내 피부과 의사들만이 참여하여 논문을 투고하고, 검색할 수 있다. 대한피부과학회지는 피부에 대한 임상 연구, 기초 연구 및 증례에 대하여 원저 형식, 증례 보고 형식으로 학회지를 구성한다. 대한피부과학회지는 4월과 10월을 제외한 매월 발간되고 있으며, 5편의 원저와 5편의 증례, 10편의 약문 등을 통하여 피부과학 발전의 초석이 되고 있으며, 상호 정보교류에도 많은 역할을 감당하고 있다. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Medical Journal of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences", "ISSN": "27832031, 2783204X", "Scope": "ScopeMedical Journal of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences emphasizes on the publication of basic and clinical medical studies and considers original research articles, systematic review and meta-analysis articles, narrative review articles, short communications, case reports, commentaries, letters to editor and editorials. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Medicina y Laboratorio", "ISSN": "01232576, 25007106", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Medieval History Journal", "ISSN": "09719458, 09730753", "Scope": "ScopeThe Medieval History Journal was launched at the turn of the twenty-first century when the world of history was in a ferment, radically seeking a redefinition of the discipline. The MHJ is a peer reviewed journal and derives its distinctive profile from encompassing the entire medieval world in and its multi-disciplinary foci. For the MHJ, `Medieval History` signifies open chronological and thematic boundaries to honour historical plurality. Its frequent special issues investigating a particular theme across regions have provided a space for comparative and transcultural conversations within scholarship. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Modern Pediatrics. Ukraine", "ISSN": "26637553, 27066134", "Scope": "ScopeMODERN PEDIATRICS. UKRAINE – is a scientific and practical peer-reviewed open access journal that promotes professional development of health care professionals involved in health, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disorders in infants, children and adolescents\r\rThe Journal seeks to publish high quality original articles that are immediately applicable to practice (basic science, translational research, evidence-based medicine), results of original research, clinical observations (brief clinical case reports), special featured articles in the field of pediatrics, as broadly defined, invited medical reviews, summaries of workshops, conferences, symposiums, congress, expert commentaries, novel insights into clinical and academic pediatric medicine related to every aspect of child health. The content of the journal also includes related fields such as nutrition, pediatric surgery, public health, child health services, basic sciences, psychology, psychiatry, education, sociology, and nursing. The languages of the journal are Ukrainian, English and Russian. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Mundo da Saude", "ISSN": "01047809, 19803990", "Scope": "ScopeWith a monographic feature and under the interdisciplinary approach, the journal O Mundo da Saúde is a publication focused on the deepening of relevant issues in the health field, especially when related to quality of life, citizenship, and ethics. O Mundo da Saude, publishes manuscripts related to the following research areas: Hospital Administration, Bioethics, Biological Sciences, Health Education, Nursing, Pharmacy, Physical therapy, Speech Therapy, Health Informatics, Nutrition, Psychology, Environmental Health, Public Health, Technology in Radiology, Occupational Therapy, among others. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Neurologie und Rehabilitation", "ISSN": "9472177", "Scope": "ScopeNEUROLOGIE & REHABILITATION veröffentlicht Originalarbeiten aus den Gebieten der rehabilitativen Neurologie, der Neuropsychologie, Physikalischen Medizin und Neurologischen Psychosomatik. Die Arbeiten können in Form eines Übersichtsartikels, einer Mitteilung von Forschungsergebnissen, eines Kommentars sowie als Einzelfalldarstellungen eingereicht werden. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Optica Pura y Aplicada", "ISSN": "303917", "Scope": "ScopeOptica Pura y Aplicada is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published by the Spanish Optical Society. Its goal is to contribute to the development and spread of Optics in the international scientific community and, more specifically in Spain and Latin-American countries. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Optical Characterization of Materials", "ISSN": "25107240", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Palestinian Medical and Pharmaceutical Journal", "ISSN": "24138568, 27900231", "Scope": "ScopeOur mission is to disseminate accessible, useful, up-to-date, medical and pharmaceutical information for healthcare professionals of various specialties; and to promote research with clear medical and pharmaceutical implications that enriches knowledge locally and internationally.\r\rThe of the journal covers a range of topics, including: Cardiology, Allergy/Immunology, Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Critical Care/Intensive Care Medicine, Dermatology, Drug Therapy/Adverse, Drug Reactions/Medication Errors, Emergency Medicine, Endocrinology, Epidemiology, Gastroenterology, General Practice/Family Medicine, Geriatrics/Aging, Global Health, Health Care, Health Policy/Health Economics, Health Promotion/Disease Prevention/Health Education, Hematology, Hospital Epidemiology, Infectious Diseases, Intensive Care, Internal Medicine, Medical Education, Pediatric and Neonatal Medicine, Nephrology, Neurology, Neurosurgery, Nursing, Nutrition/Metabolic Disorders, Obesity, Gynecology, Oncology, Ophthalmology, Orthopedics, Pain, Patient Safety/Medical Errors, Therapeutics, Physical Medicine, Rehabilitation, Psychiatry, Public Health/Community Medicine, Critical Care, Radiation Therapy, Radiologic Imaging, Respiratory, Rheumatology, Statistics and Research Methods, Surgery, Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Cell biology, Genetics, Genomics/Congenital anomalies, Hematology, Pathology, Immunology, Microbiology, Virology, Parasitology, Histopathology, Pharmacology, Toxicology, Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics, Pharmacokinetics, Pharmaceutical/Medicinal Chemistry, Molecular Drug Design, Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, Pharmaceutical Analysis, Clinical Research, Pharmacy Practice, Clinical and Hospital Pharmacy, Biotechnology, Pharmaceutical Technology, Drug Delivery Systems and Drug regulatory issues. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Pallas", "ISSN": "310387", "Scope": "ScopeJournal specialized in Classical studies (Greek and Roman history, philology, art history, archaeology), Pallas publishes three issues yearly. Pallas published monographic issues from workshops and international congresses celebrated in the university of Toulouse as well as in others French universities. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Pamietnik Teatralny", "ISSN": "00310522, 26582899", "Scope": "ScopePamiętnik Teatralny [Theatrical Memoir] is a peer-reviewed academic journal focusing on the history and historiography of theater, drama, and performance. The quarterly, in keeping with its tradition, addresses topics related to Polish theater culture in its broadest sense while remaining open to other contexts of theater, drama, and performance studies, as well as to interdisciplinary critical idioms. Bilingual since 2020, it also publishes texts presenting research on other performance and theater cultures and systematically broadens the spectrum of topics to attract both Polish and international readership.\r\rPamiętnik Teatralny's international editorial team works for the advancement of academic research on theater and performance history and historiography through a publishing policy that promotes inclusive, informed, and ethical academic debate based on reliable scholarly publications of the highest possible quality. In our publication ethics we follow the COPE guidelines.\r\rOn an on-going basis, we invite Polish or English language original, refereed manuscripts to three main sections: “Essays and Articles” (research and review articles, peer-reviewed and indexed), “Presentations” (review articles and essay-length book reviews, peer-reviewed and indexed; shorter book-reviews, internally assessed), and “Reminiscences” (internally assessed). Pamiętnik Teatralny also publishes research and review articles in essay-clusters focused on a special topic (peer-reviewed and indexed). Among the methodologically diverse papers we publish, the contributions presenting archival documents or annotated critical editions are accepted given that they provide a valuable primary material for theater scholars. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Practising Midwife", "ISSN": "14613123", "Scope": "ScopeWe welcome contributions from any midwife or student, or other professionals connected with pregnancy, birth and postnatal concerns, whether you have been regularly in print or are a novice author. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Problemi Endokrinnoi Patologii", "ISSN": "22274782, 25181432", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union", "ISSN": "17439213, 17439221", "Scope": "ScopeProceedings of the International Astronomical Union publishes high-quality and timely previews and reviews of fundamental and state-of-the-art astrophysical developments around the world, as presented at some nine IAU-sponsored conferences per year and at the triennial General Assemblies of the IAU. Subjects covered include fundamental astronomy; the sun and heliosphere; planetary systems; stars and variable stars; interstellar matter; the galactic system; galaxies and the Universe; optical and infrared techniques; radio astronomy; and space and high-energy astrophysics. The Proceedings are published under the auspices of the IAU. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Quaerendo", "ISSN": "00149527, 15700690", "Scope": "ScopeQuærendo is a leading peer-reviewed journal on the history of books and manuscripts in Europe, especially but not exclusively the Low Countries and its neighbours. Particular emphasis is placed on the interdisciplinary nature of book history and the dissemination of books and manuscripts. Since 1971 Quærendo has established itself as a major forum for contributions concerning the history of the book. Each volume contains, besides full articles on all aspects of the history of the book, a special section for Book Reviews and Notes in order to announce recent discoveries, new publications and relevant events. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias", "ISSN": "0121747X, 23575549", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Revista Justicia y Derecho", "ISSN": "7199392", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Revue Roumaine de Linguistique", "ISSN": "353957", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revue Thomiste", "ISSN": "354295", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "SA Pharmaceutical Journal", "ISSN": "22201017, 22215875", "Scope": "ScopeSAPJ is aimed at the continuing professional development of the South African pharmacist as a clinical pharmaceutical care practitioner in a community or hospital pharmacy environment or in a regulatory position in the pharmaceutical industry.\r\rThe journal provides specific clinical reviews on self-medication topics (symptomatic therapy), information on prescription medication (therapy in clinical context) and provides the pharmacists with essential information for referring customers for early medical attention should it be required. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Slavia Orientalis", "ISSN": "376744", "Scope": "ScopeSlavia Orientalis to kwartalnik poświęcony badaniom nad literaturą, kulturą, językiem, folklorem, myślą filozoficzną, religijną i polityczno-społeczną, historią i sztuką narodów słowiańskich. Pismo zamieszcza także teksty o związkach Rosjan, Ukraińców i Białorusinów z kulturą polską i zachodnioeuropejską. Zajmuje się epokami najdawniejszymi i współczesnością. Zawiera bogaty dział recenzji i informacji o książkach oraz sprawozdania z sesji naukowych. W kwartalniku publikują wybitni slawiści z Polski, krajów wschodniosłowiańskich i Europy Zachodniej. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Sports Medicine: Research and Practice", "ISSN": "22232524, 25879014", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University Journal: Physics and Mathematics", "ISSN": "23049782, 26188686", "Scope": "ScopeSt. Petersburg Polytechnical University Journal: Physics and Mathematics is an open-access journal covering a wide array of subjects in physical and mathematical sciences, including, but not limited to, condensed matter physics, atom physics, optics, astrophysics, nuclear physics, theoretical physics, biophysics, mechanics and mathematical analysis. In view of the journal's extensive of topics, the authors should strive to compose their papers in a language that would be understandable to specialists in various areas of expertise. The journal only accepts previously unpublished papers that are not considered for publication elsewhere; submitted papers should be scientifically and technically accurate. We welcome original research papers, reviews. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studi di Estetica", "ISSN": "05854733, 18258646", "Scope": "Scope“Studi di estetica” is the official open access journal of the Italian Associazione per le Ricerche e gli Studi di Estetica (ARiSE Association for Research and Studies on Aesthetics). It aims at being an international forum for scholars interested in aesthetic ideas. Appearing four-monthly, “Studi di estetica” pays special attention to studies and new perspectives advanced by national and international authors. It promotes theoretical and historiographical discussions between the different critical trends that animate the contemporary debate, intending to promote interdisciplinary exchanges and to develop relationships also with fields of research close to philosophical aesthetics. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studia Gilsoniana", "ISSN": "23000066, 25770314", "Scope": "ScopeSTUDIA GILSONIANA is a journal in classical philosophy. It is an open access and peer reviewed quarterly journal that publishes articles corresponding to philosophical issues explored by Étienne Gilson (Thomism, history of philosophy, philosophy of God, Christian philosophy, Christian culture, etc.). This scholarly journal has been published by the International Étienne Gilson Society since 2012 (and in cooperation with the Polish Thomas Aquinas Association Press since 2018) to retrieve, develop and disseminate the thought of Étienne Gilson and realist philosophy among academics and students internationally. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studia Poliana", "ISSN": "23871830", "Scope": "ScopeStudia Poliana is a journal of the Departament of Philosophy of the University of Navarra. It is annually published, each february.\r\rThe journal aims to invite researchers to cooperate towards the big topics of contemporary philosophy. Studia Poliana focusses on the philosophical proposal of Leonardo Polo. Our principal aim is to publish articles that are models of interdisciplinary work and scientific accuracy allowing the readers to keep abreast of the central issues and problems of anthropology, metaphysicis, and theory of knowledge. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studies in Eighteenth Century Culture", "ISSN": "3602370", "Scope": "ScopeThe Society sponsors two publications that make available today’s best interdisciplinary work: the quarterly journal Eighteenth-Century Studies and the annual volume Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture. In addition, the Society distributes a newsletter and the teaching pamphlet and innovative course design proposals are published on the website. The annual volume of SECC is available to members at a reduced cost; all other publications are included with membership. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studies of Transition States and Societies", "ISSN": "1736874X, 17368758", "Scope": "Scope’Studies of Transition States and Societies’ (STSS) aims to promote interdisciplinary exchange between scholars in all major fields of the social sciences with emphasis on sociology and political science. The journal is published biannually whereas the spring issue combines articles of political science and papers in sociology are published in the fall. In addition, collections of articles about a common theme or debate are welcome and will be published as short symposia.\r\rThe substantive focus of the journal is on the transitional societies, particularly on the societal and political changes in the post-socialist region. Still articles on other regions are welcome as well when they contribute to the debate about transition in social sciences. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Turkish Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism", "ISSN": "13012193, 13089846", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Turkiyat Mecmuasi", "ISSN": "00857432, 26513188", "Scope": "ScopeJournal of Turkology, which includes original scientific articles in the field of Turkish Language, Turkish Literature, Turkish History, Turkish Art, Teaching of Turkish Literature and Language and Turkish Culture in general, intends to become a source of scientific information by improving visibility and accessibility of qualified information about social sciences. In this context, the journal aspires to contribute to scientific community. \r\rJournal of Turkology, which is the publication organ of Research Institute of Turkolgy includes original scientific articles in the field of Turkish Language, Turkish Literature, Turkish History, Turkish Art and Turkish Culture in general. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "V.F. Snegirev Archives of Obstetrics and Gynecology", "ISSN": "23138726, 26871386", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Vie et Milieu", "ISSN": "2408759", "Scope": "ScopeVie et Milieu / Life & Environment is an international journal of general ecology publishing papers in English on marine ecology, trophic webs, ecophysiology, quantitative ecology, modelisation, evolution, phylogenetics, genetics, symbioses, environment. The journal is focused on marine sciences, but also publishes studies on lagoonal and terrestrial domains. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Acta Medica Bulgarica", "ISSN": "3241750", "Scope": "ScopeIt is the policy of the Journal Acta Medica Bulgarica to ensure objectivity and scientific rigor in the Journal. All authors are expected to disclose to the readers any conflict(s) of interest such as relationships with pharmaceutical companies, biomedical device manufacturers, etc.\rAny potential conflict should be identified openly so that the readers may form their own judgements about the article with the full disclosure of the facts.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Adverse Drug Reactions Journal", "ISSN": "10085734", "Scope": "ScopeAdverse Drug Reactions Journal\" (Adverse Drug Reactions Journal) is an academic journal published at home and abroad under the supervision of the China Association for Science and Technology and sponsored by the Chinese Medical Association. It was founded in 1999 and is a monthly publication. ISSN 1008-5734. The founder of the magazine, Cheng Jinghua, chief pharmacist, is the main advocate and initiator of China's adverse drug reaction monitoring work. The current editor-in-chief Professor Wang Yuqin is a professor of clinical pharmacology at Capital Medical University, a member of the China Center Group and leader of the Clinical Safety Medication Group of the International Network for Rational Use of Drugs (INRUD) of the National Health and Family Planning Commission, and the Chinese Pharmacological Society Director and honorary chairman of the Professional Committee of Drug-Induced Diseases. \"Journal of Adverse Drug Reactions\" has a sound editorial committee. Professor Chen Keji, academician of the Academy of Sciences, and Professor Gao Runlin, Zhou Honghao, and Zhong Nanshan, academicians of the Academy of Engineering, serve as consultants. The editorial committee comes from 28 provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government (including Taiwan) and the United States, covering clinical medicine ( Cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, kidney, nervous, mental, endocrine, rheumatic immunity, blood, infection, infection, tumor, allergy, dermatology, etc.), pharmacy (clinical pharmacy, clinical pharmacology, pharmacy, pharmacoeconomics and pharmaceutical management), clinical toxicology, epidemiology and statistics and other professional fields. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Agora - Papeles de Filosofia", "ISSN": "02116642, 21743347", "Scope": "ScopeÁgora is a journal of philosophy which is published twice a year with the support of the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Santiago de Compostela.\r\rÁgora publishes original papers in all fields in Philosophy.\r\rÁgora’s website is published in Galician, Spanish and English, the languages in which manuscripts can be published are Galician, Spanish, English, Portuguese, French, Italian and German. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Aide Soignante", "ISSN": "11663413", "Scope": "ScopeL'aide-soignante, le mensuel de l'exercice aide-soignant au quotidien.\r\rL'aide-soignante est une revue de formation destinée aux étudiants et aides-soignants en service dans tous les types d'institutions, ainsi qu'aux formateurs.\r\rLa revue traite de toute l'actualité professionnelle et en santé publique en lien avec la pratique de l'aide-soignante. Un dossier de fond et des fiches techniques permettent de faire le point sur une pratique ou une situation de soins, une pathologie en faisant la synthèse des connaissances de base.\r\rDes rubriques régulières couvrent l'ensemble de l'exercice professionnel de l'aide-soignante et donnent des informations utiles pour la gestion de sa formation et de sa carrière. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "America sin Nombre", "ISSN": "15773442, 19899831", "Scope": "ScopeThe goal of America without Name is the publication of a volume of original research papers unpublished about Latin American literature, with annual periodicity (January-December). The magazine contains several sections, monograph, miscellaneous and reviews. From the universalist vocation of America without Name, directed mainly to a public specialized in historical-literary and cultural studies, the monographs versan about the literature of the different Latin American countries, about authors and diverse topics that go deeper into the cultural exchange between Europe and America, as well as in the development and specificities of the different Literatures of the American continent.\r\rCurrently, the magazine publishes an annual number, and each issue is published the last month of the year, in December. It has a printed career that is maintained in our days and an online version through this same web page in the \"Files\" section where the entire collection is hosted in pdf format and with free, full and free access. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ancient Asia", "ISSN": "20425937", "Scope": "ScopeThe genesis of Ancient Asia lies in the fact that over the years many scholars have suggested the need for a dedicated platform where young archaeologists can present their research and views openly. It was also suggested that this forum should be structured in a manner that permits extended discussion beyond the usual question and answer session. It was further decided to create a society that would deal with the archaeology, anthropology, history, and ethnography of Asia in general and South Asia in particular. As Afghanistan, Iran and Central Asia are historically closely related to South Asia, the countries of this region have also been included on this podium.\r\rThe of Ancient Asia is vast - from Stone Age to the Modern times, including archaeology, history, anthropology, art, architecture, numismatics, iconography, ethnography, various scientific aspects including archaeobotany and archaeozoology, and theoretical and methodological issues. Amongst the goals of this society are, to bring forth the research being conducted in areas that are not often well published such as the North Eastern States of India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Central Asia, Iran, etc. We will also aim to bring out cutting edge research in other related scientific, technical and methodological fields to the focus area of this society. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Archiv fur Lebensmittelhygiene", "ISSN": "0003925X", "Scope": "ScopeThe \"Journal of Food Safety and Food Quality“ provides a platform for papers including case studies and discussion papers dealing with topics from all areas of food hygiene (food originating from animals) including dairy hygiene, food monitoring, beef cattle and meat examination, meat hygiene and food technology. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Bandaoti Guangdian/Semiconductor Optoelectronics", "ISSN": "10015868", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "British Journal for the History of Mathematics", "ISSN": "26375451, 26375494", "Scope": "ScopeBritish Journal for the History of Mathematics is a peer-reviewed international journal in the history of mathematics. It is the Official Journal of the British Society for the History of Mathematics (BSHM), whose aims are to promote research into the history of mathematics and to encourage its use at all levels of mathematics education. British Journal for the History of Mathematics publishes original articles and reviews across the whole chronological range of the history of mathematics, with a particular focus on history of mathematics as social and cultural history. British Journal for the History of Mathematics is happy to receive short communications of around 1,000 words reporting on items of research that fall below the of a full-length article. Any queries should be addressed to the Editor.\r\rProposals for special issues are encouraged, and should be discussed with the Editor. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Business Lawyer", "ISSN": "76899", "Scope": "ScopePublished quarterly, The Business Lawyer is the premier business law journal in the country, circulating to approximately 40,000 readers. It contains articles of significant interest to the business lawyer, including case law analysis, and developing trends. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Byzantinische Zeitschrift", "ISSN": "00077704, 18689027", "Scope": "ScopeThe Byzantinische Zeitschrift is the leading journal in the field of Byzantine Studies. It publishes articles and reviews on all aspects of Byzantine literature, history, society, and culture. Each issue of the journal contains a large bibliographic section. This so-called III. Abteilung serves as the standard bibliography in Byzantine Studies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "China Oncology", "ISSN": "10073639", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Chinese Journal of Dermatology", "ISSN": "4124030", "Scope": "ScopeChinese Journal of Dermatology (CJD), established in October 1953, is sponsored by the Chinese Medical Association, edited and published by the Institute of Dermatology, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (CAMS). It aims to provide a platform for academic communication among national clinicians and researchers in various aspects of dermatology and venereology. The contents involve epidemiology, etiology, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of dermatoses and sexually transmitted diseases, and topics include genetics, carcinogenesis, microbiology, immunology, molecular biology, histopathology, pharmacology, Traditional Chinese Medicine, physical therapy, surgery, and so on. Original research articles, editorials, guidelines and consensus, review articles, case reports, letters are standard features. Commentaries and perspectives are regularly invited. Academic arguments are welcome at all time.\r\rCJD has remained a core periodical in dermatology and venereology, as well as in natural science and biomedicine in China. According to the report from Chinese Science and Technology Paper Citation Database (CSTPCD) in 2017, the total citations, impact factor and comprehensive evaluation score of the journal were 1815, 0.950, and 75.5, respectively. The readers of CJD consist of senior and junior clinicians, researchers and educators in dermatology and venereology as well as other related fields. From CJD, readers can learn the latest guidelines or expert consensus on diagnosis and treatment of dermatoses and STDs in China, commentaries on focal issues in this field, advances in clinical practices and basic researches in dermatology and venereology, as well as first reports of rare dermatoses in China, etc. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine", "ISSN": "10011242", "Scope": "Scope本刊及时刊载我国康复医学的最新科研成果,内容涉及神经科、骨科、内科、儿科、精神科、肿瘤科、疼痛科等专科临床康复及相关学科的基础理论问题。设有院士论坛、专题述评、论著(包括基础研究及临床研究)、传统医学与康复、经验交流、社区康复、康复工程、综述等栏目。 Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Clinical Psychology Forum", "ISSN": "17475732", "Scope": "ScopeClinical Psychology Forum is designed to serve as a discussion forum for any issues of relevance to clinical psychologists.\r\rThe editorial collective welcomes brief articles, reports of events, correspondence, book reviews and announcements. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cliniques Mediterraneennes", "ISSN": "07627491, 17762790", "Scope": "ScopePubliée par le CIRPC (Centre inter-régional de recherches en psychopathologie clinique), cette revue se veut un espace d’accueil, d’élaboration et de témoignage des recherches praxéologiques auxquelles la psychanalyse a inoculé le virus freudien.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Culture and Religion", "ISSN": "14755610", "Scope": "ScopeCulture and Religion is an interdisciplinary journal seeking an engagement between scholars working across a range of disciplinary fields, including anthropology, cultural studies, critical theory and gender studies, and postcolonial studies. Lying at the interface between the study of religion and other academic studies of culture, Culture and Religion is a forum for exploring the perspectives of both anthropology and cultural studies. In particular, the journal will consider why cultural studies have hitherto neglected the significance of religious manifestations in cross-cultural perspectives, and define ways in which the discipline of religious studies needs to engage with other areas of contemporary critical, cultural, and anthropological theory.\r\rThe principal aim of Culture and Religion is to promote critical investigation into all aspects of the study of religion and culture, particularly from scholars with an innovative and multidisciplinary focus. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Current Allergy and Clinical Immunology", "ISSN": "16093607", "Scope": "ScopeCurrent Allergy and Clinical Immunology is the official journal of the Allergy Society of South Africa and is produced as a service to understanding and communication in the field of allergy. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Czech Yearbook of Public and Private International Law", "ISSN": "18050565, 18050999", "Scope": "ScopeCzech Yearbook of Public & Private International Law ( hereinafter CYIL ) publishes articles in the fields of public international law, private international law and European law, whose high quality is assured\rby anonymous peer-review process. Review and evaluation of manuscripts must therefore be thorough, objective and fair.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Detskie Chtenia", "ISSN": "23045817, 26867052", "Scope": "Scope«Children's Readings» is a scholar-led and peer-reviewed academic journal, primarily dedicated to studies of children's literature and issues of children's reading. Our is interdisciplinary although our main focus is on texts for non-adults, we are also interested in publishing prominent work of anthropology of childhood and related research on the history, philology, and culture of childhood and adolescence in Russia and abroad. In addition to academic research, the journal provides a range of materials related to the field: book and conference reviews, practitioners' discussions, interviews with children's writers, etc.\r\rThe first issue of the magazine was published in 2012 by the staff of the Department of Children's Literature of the St. Petersburg State Institute of Culture. Since 2015 the journal is supported by the Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkin House) of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The editorial office is affiliated with the Center for the Study of Children's Literature (CIDL).\r\rThe publication in the journal is free for the authors; all articles are freely available on the journal's website.\r\rThe publication frequency is 2 issues per year. The submission deadline for the first issue is February the 1st; for the second issue − September the 1st. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Dilbilim Arastirmalari Dergisi", "ISSN": "13008552, 25870939", "Scope": "ScopeThe main goal of Dilbilim Araştırmaları Dergisi/Journal of Linguistics Research is to support the development of research in general linguistics in Turkey by encouraging contributions of high scientific quality. The journal also invites contributions on issues pertaining to various aspects of language that would be of interest to a broad range of readers and aims to be a platform of discussion on such topics. \r\r\r\rDilbilim Araştırmaları Dergisi is mainly but not exclusively devoted to problems of contemporary linguistics in Turkish and other Turkic languages. It also aims to be a platform for language specificity as well as diversity and welcomes work on endangered languages in EuroAsia or elsewhere in the world. It publishes papers written in Turkish or English both in theoretical and applied linguistics and is open to manuscripts based on emprical, data-driven research as well as those that cross disciplinary boundaries. The only criteria for the selection of papers for publication is originality and scholarly standing. The journal does not require a particular theoretical orientation and it does not commit itself to a specific area of linguistics.\r\r\r\rIn addition to original research articles, Dilbilim Araştırmaları Dergisi publishes book reviews that critically assess the contents of a recently published book, particularly but not exclusively on Turkish, Turkic languages or endangered languages in EuroAsia. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Dress", "ISSN": "3612112", "Scope": "ScopeDress, the journal of the Costume Society of America, has been in publication since 1975. It represents the highest level of scholarship and addresses many diverse areas of study including examinations of dress in art, social history, anthropology, and material culture. The journal also invites work on fundamental concerns such as theory, research methods, and analytical and interpretative papers that describe and place dress in cultural or historical context. Areas of interest include:\r\r\r•Material culture studies\r•Dress in its many contexts: social, cultural, historical\r•Scholarship in the exhibition of dress\r•Art and design of dress\r•Dress historiography, research methodology, and theory\r•Forums for topics that shape the field of dress scholarship Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Endoxa", "ISSN": "11335351, 21745676", "Scope": "ScopeThe University Journal of Philosophy, ÉNDOXA, is edited by the Faculty of Philosophy at the National University of Distance Learning (UNED). It was founded in 1993 and appears at six-month intervals. It includes original articles, discussions, conferences, publication reports and reviews by contributors who belong to the community of teachers, researches and graduates from all regions and countries where the university is present. As this presence includes most of the Ibero-American world and a great part of Europe, we accept contributions in the most widely spoken languages of the Western world (Spanish, English, French, Portuguese, German and Italian). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Enfances et Psy", "ISSN": "12865559, 17762820", "Scope": "ScopeDepuis 1997, Enfances et Psy, par ses colloques et sa revue, est un espace d’informations, d’échanges, de débats sur les questions actuelles, les avancées théoriques et le développement des pratiques professionnelles concernant l’enfance et l’adolescence aujourd’hui, dans les domaines de la psychopathologie, du soin, de l’éducation, du judiciaire et du social. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiologia", "ISSN": "14050994", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology News", "ISSN": "1935472X", "Scope": "ScopeGenetic Engineering & Biotechnology News (GEN) is the flagship publication of Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. Launched in 1980, GEN was the first publication in this field and remains the key driver in the explosion of the industry, paving the way for the development of new technologies and applications, investment growth, and career opportunities. With nearly 40 years of publishing experience, GEN maintains unrivaled integrity, influence, and expertise that plays a pivotal role in driving the productivity and growth of the industry.\r\rThrough its cornerstone Magazine, high-frequency newsletters, and dynamic suite of multimedia resources, GEN is the 360-degree resource that researchers and executives depend on for information that is pivotal for their organization’s success.\r\rGEN’s breadth of editorial coverage is unrivaled in the industry, providing exclusive coverage of the entire bioproduct lifecycle across five key pillars: Drug Discovery, Bioprocessing, OMICS, Translational Medicine, and Gene Editing. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "High Technology Letters", "ISSN": "10066748", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal of Chinese High Technology Letters (Chinese Edition)(ISSN 1002-0470) was first launched in 1991 to showcase the achievements of the 863 program, the first and most important Chinese national-level high technology program by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (MOST). The journal of Chinese High Technology Letters is now a monthly and peer-reviewed journal publishing articles pertaining to computer & communication technology, advanced manufacturing & automation technology and energy technology, etc.\rThe journal of High Technology Letters (English Edition) (ISSN 1006-6748) , which debuted in 1995, is a quarterly, peer-reviewed International journal publishing the articles on computer & communication technology, advanced manufacturing & automation technology, energy technology, etc. It was sponsored by the 863 Program Office of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China, and published by Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China,a government-owned academic institute and a national science & technology information center . Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Historia Mexicana", "ISSN": "1850172", "Scope": "ScopeHistoria Mexicana es la revista del Centro de Estudios Históricos de El Colegio de México. Fundada en 1951, constituye una de las más antiguas revistas mexicanas especializadas en la indagación del pasado. Su primer director, Daniel Cosío Villegas, fue junto con Alfonso Reyes, cofundador de El Colegio de México. Han sido directores de Historia Mexicana reconocidos profesores del Centro de Estudios Históricos: Luis Muro, Luis González, Josefina Zoraida Vázquez, Enrique Florescano, Bernardo García Martínez, Clara E. Lida, Solange Alberro, Óscar Mazín y Pablo Yankelevich. Actualmente la dirige Rafael Rojas y desde 1992, Beatriz Morán Gortari está a cargo de la Redacción.\r\rLa revista Historia Mexicana es un referente ineludible para la investigación histórica de México y América Latina. A lo largo de más de seis décadas se ha mantenido fiel al objetivo propuesto por sus fundadores: publicar trabajos originales basados en investigaciones del más alto nivel académico, para de este modo contribuir a la difusión, actualización y renovación del conocimiento histórico del pasado mexicano y latinoamericano.\r\rHistoria Mexicana está abierta a análisis comparados con realidades y procesos que se han desarrollado en otras latitudes, principalmente en el mundo hispánico. Además, considera indispensable no sólo difundir, sino promover el debate historiográfico en torno a temas, obras y autores que han contribuido de manera sustancial a profundizar y ensanchar las fronteras de la investigación histórica. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "INFORM", "ISSN": "15289303", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "ITNOW", "ISSN": "17465702", "Scope": "ScopeITNOW is 'the voice of the BCS' and publishes articles on all aspects of computing and IT Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Japanese Journal of Hygiene", "ISSN": "00215082, 18826482", "Scope": "Scope衛生学が取り扱う範囲は、感染症、労働衛生、環境衛生、栄養問題、人口問題、母子保健、学校保健、老人保健、衣服や住居の衛生問題などである。また、内分泌攪乱作用やシックハウス症候群などの新たな健康問題に関する研究、あるいは個人と環境の相互作用を遺伝子、蛋白質レベルで解明して生活習慣病の予防をめざそうとする研究など、最先端の科学技術と連動した研究も衛生学の研究領域に含まれる。\r日本衛生学雑誌は、英文誌であるEnvironmental Health and Preventive Medicine とともに、日本衛生学会の伝統ある公式な学術誌である。本誌は、学会員が研究成果を論文発表し、国内外に発信するとともに、学会員同士の情報交換を通して日本衛生学会の発展に寄与することを目的としている。そのため、衛生学に関する原著論文、総説、資料ならびに論壇を掲載する。 Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Japanese Magazine of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences", "ISSN": "1345630X, 13497979", "Scope": "Scope分野情報\r物理学\r地球科学・天文学\r一般工学・総合工学\rナノ・材料科学\r建築学・土木工学\r学際科学 Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Aesthetics and Culture", "ISSN": "20004214", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Aesthetics & Culture is a peer reviewed Open Access journal to contribute to the discussions within this growing field. Global exchanges in the art and media world call for transversal theoretical revisions of national, international and regional ideas of cultural framings. It is our aim to publish academic articles departing from the growing cross-fertilisation of aesthetic, cultural and political questions in a contemporary culture.\r\rThis broad includes the fields of art, media, popular culture and new technologies. It calls for close studies of cases, art-works or media-productions in order to fosters new thoughts, methods and theories. Contributions can come from historical or contemporary cultural and aesthetic phenomenon or genres (from popular or vernacular culture to classical genres such as film, literature, visual art, theatre), as well as from research on aesthetics and culture from a theoretical perspectives. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Camel Practice and Research", "ISSN": "09716777, 22778934", "Scope": "ScopeJCPR is an exclusive journal which brings out the manuscripts based on New World and Old World camelids. This journal provided a very good platform to publish camelid literature with a view to find the missing links of research and to update the camelids practitioners and researchers with latest research. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Design Research", "ISSN": "15691551, 17483050", "Scope": "ScopeJDR is an interdisciplinary journal, emphasising human aspects as a central issue of design through integrative studies of social sciences and design disciplines. Originally published as an electronic journal publishing articles including multimedia applications and hence allowing visual knowledge transfer, it is now also available in print.\r\rTopics covered include\rExpertise in design\rDesign learning strategies and design pedagogy\rDesign as a social process\rGaming and simulation in design\rDesigning user interfaces\rThe role of visual techniques in the design process\rDesign tools\rSustainability. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Hospitality Financial Management", "ISSN": "10913211, 21522790", "Scope": "ScopeCessation.\rThe Journal of Hospitality Financial Management is the official refereed publication of the International Association of Hospitality Financial Management Educators (iAHFME), a premier academic organization devoted to the study and promotion of knowledge about finance, financial economics and accounting in hospitality and tourism. Published twice a year, the journal is committed to featuring leading research in the area of finance, financial economics and accounting related to hospitality and tourism. The journal also features invited papers on special interest hospitality finance/accounting topics, viewpoints, research notes, book reviews and abstracts of papers presented at the Annual Symposium of the International Association of Hospitality Financial Management Educators (iAHFME). Research article submissions in this journal typically undergo a double blind review process. Some of the key criteria for evaluation include innovativeness of research ideas, rigor and quality of research, clarity, and relevance to the practice and/or education of financial management and accounting in hospitality and tourism. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Islamic International Medical College", "ISSN": "18154018, 24105422", "Scope": "ScopeThe publisher of JIIMC is Islamic International Medical College, Riphah International University, Islamabad. This school of medicine was established in 1996. It is affiliated with Riphah International University, and located in Rawalpindi/Islamabad, Pakistan. The Journal of Islamic International Medical College (JIIMC) is an open access, peer reviewed, biomedical journal and published on quarterly basis. The primary aim and objective of the journal is promotion and dissemination of medical research. JIIMC publishes research papers contributed in the form of original articles, case reports, review articles, articles on medical education, commentaries, short communication, editorials and letters to the editor covering core medical education subjects, basic medical sciences and emerging community problems. The journal is prepared in accordance with the “Uniform requirements\" for submission to medical journals, after peer review locally as well as internationally. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Japanese and Korean Cinema", "ISSN": "17564905, 17564913", "Scope": "ScopeJournal of Japanese and Korean Cinema is a fully refereed forum for the dissemination of scholarly work devoted to the cinemas of Japan and Korea and the interactions and relations between them. The increasingly transnational status of Japanese and Korean cinema underlines the need to deepen our understanding of this ever more globalized film-making region.\r\rJournal of Japanese and Korean Cinema is a peer-reviewed journal. The peer review process is double blind. Detailed Instructions for Authors can be found here. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Jurnal Infektologii", "ISSN": "20726732, 24999865", "Scope": "ScopeThe purposes of the journal are to describe modern achievements in the study of infectious diseases, and in related sciences as well; to promote the exchange of clinical experience among the experts; to publish the results of clinical research of medical products and medical equipment; to give the information on medical congresses on infectious diseases as well as other significant events in the field of modern infectology in our country and abroad. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Labour History", "ISSN": "236942", "Scope": "ScopeThe interdisciplinary nature of labour history, and its acceptance of less traditional sources, including folklore and oral testimony, make it a fascinating field, alive to past and present social justice issues.\r\rThe journal, which has been appearing twice yearly since 1962, is the premier outlet for refereed, scholarly articles in its field in Australasia.\r\rBecause ASSLH aims to raise historical awareness in the community, Labour History also publishes essays, reviews, and memoirs that reflect the involvement of labour historians in the making of history. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Libri Oncologici", "ISSN": "3008142", "Scope": "ScopeLibri Oncologici - Croatian Journal of Oncology, is an oncological peer review journal, published by\rthe University Hospital for Tumors, Sestre milosrdnice University Hospital Center, Zagreb, Croatia;\rscope is covering clinical, translational and experimental oncology. Libri Oncologici is published in\rEnglish, three times a year. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Mechanical Engineering", "ISSN": "256501", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Medicni Perspektivi", "ISSN": "23070404, 27864804", "Scope": "ScopeTopical issues of theoretical, practical and social medicine. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Mineralia Slovaca", "ISSN": "3692086", "Scope": "ScopeMineralia Slovaca is a scientific peer-reviewed journal, published by the State Geological Institute of Dionýz Štúr in printed and online versions. The journal publishes original scientific papers, expanding the boundaries of knowledge within the geosciences. It is issued since 1969. Archive of articles on Mineralia Slovaca website enables the online access to full-text papers of all previous years. In 2018, the 50th anniversary celebrating geoscientific journal Mineralia Slovaca traditionally puts an emphasis on the scientific value and innovation scientific message of published articles having wide geoscientific thematic range and impact. All until published papers are worldwide available as “open-source” ones on our web. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Nervno-Myshechnye Bolezni", "ISSN": "22228721, 24130443", "Scope": "ScopeThe principal objective of the \"Neuromuscular Diseases\" journal is publication of state-of-art information about scientific clinical studies, diagnostics, and treatment of neurological diseases.\r\r\"Neuromuscular Diseases\" is a peer-reviewed journal, and members of its editorial board are major professionals in Russia and the CIS countries that have deserved authority not only in our country but abroad as well. Besides, leading scientists of Europe and the USA regularly cooperate with the journal.\r\rThe journal regularly publishes reviews of modern literature references, proprietary clinical observations, lectures, original articles, results of research protocols in various areas of neuromuscular pathology - clinical presentation, diagnostics, medication, surgical and non-drug therapies, modern trends in drug rehabilitation, and recent drug developments. Due to international cooperation, the journal contains the newest therapeutic and diagnostic approaches to monitoring of patients with neuromuscular pathology. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Poblacion y Salud en Mesoamerica", "ISSN": "16590201", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal Población y Salud en Mesoamérica is a free and open access electronic journal of the Centro Centroamericano de Población, University of Costa Rica. The journal receives national and international articles in Spanish, English and Portuguese.\r\rThe journal's coverage is related to public health, demography, public health policies and other health determinants related to populations and their composition.\r\rThe primary objective of this publication is to disseminate the results of research in the different disciplines of knowledge based on population studies from the demographic perspective, i.e. the determinants and consequences of the dynamics of the size and composition of human populations. We will also receive contributions based on public health research, where health is studied from a population perspective and subject to public policy interventions. Original papers that have not yet been published will be accepted.\r\rThe target audience of this publication are researchers, undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students, professionals in the thematic area of the journal and interested general public.\r\rIt is published every six months. The first issue is published on January 1st and covers the months from January to June, and the second issue is published on July 1st and covers the months from July to December. Articles are received throughout the year. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Porownania", "ISSN": "1733165X", "Scope": "ScopeThe 2019 tercentenary of the publication of Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe provides the perfect opportunity to reconsider the global status of the Robinsonade as a genre. Its translations, transformations, and a gradual separation from the founding text by Daniel Defoe have revealed its truly international character, with the term ‘Robinsonade’ itself first used in the German literary tradition and the most enduring narrative structure established not so much by Defoe himself but by J.J. Rousseau and his commentary on Robinson Crusoe in Emile; or, On Education.\r\rThis issue will address the circulation of the Robinsonade across cultures and national contexts, the adaptability of the form and its potential to speak to various audiences at different historical moments. We invite contributions on all aspects of the afterlives of the Robinsonade across languages and media, with a particular interest in contemporary variations on the theme. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Portuguese Journal of Social Science", "ISSN": "1476413X", "Scope": "ScopeThe Portuguese Journal of Social Science is a peer-reviewed cross-disciplinary journal focusing on research about Portuguese society by scholars of any nationality. However, the journal takes a broad view and accepts articles that are not exclusively devoted to the Portuguese case. We particularly welcome comparative studies.\r\rWhile the journal concentrates on research articles it operates a flexible policy in respect of other types of submission, including book reviews. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Potestas", "ISSN": "18889867, 2340499X", "Scope": "ScopePotestas. Estudios del Mundo Clásico e Historia del Arte is a periodical scientific publication that offers historical research focused on analyzing the relationships between Religion, Monarchy, and Power, from the classical world to the modern world. Its objective is to disseminate relevant proposals for the international academic community within History and History of Art. To this end, throughout its twelve years of existence, it has fulfilled its commitment to publishing original contributions with high scientific content, following the international parameters of research in these subjects. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Proceedings of Science", "ISSN": "18248039", "Scope": "ScopePoS provides a versatile tool tailored to your conference publishing requirements. Publishing your proceedings on PoS is very affordable and access by the readership is open without registration or charge. PoS is run by the scientific community for the scientific community. Moreover, the online publication process is fast thanks to the software system that runs the entire editorial procedure. Conference organisers are thus provided with a very convenient, web-based tool for running the publication of the proceedings or lecture notes. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Quest. Issues in Contemporary Jewish History", "ISSN": "2037741X", "Scope": "ScopeQuest. Issues in Contemporary Jewish History is a full-text, open access, peer-reviewed ejournal. It is published twice a year and it is dedicated to the study of Jewish history from the 18th century up until today.\r\rSubmissions are free, with no fees or APCs (Article Processing Charges) to be paid by prospective authors, who retain copyright of their published work (articles, discussions, reviews). \rThe Focus section may be dedicated to a specific topic, selected by the journal’s Editors and potentially entrusted to external (guest) editors, or it may host a variety of diverse contributions not revolving around a common thread. All articles submitted for this section must be original, unpublished work; the texts submitted undergo a first evaluation by the Editors, and then are subject to a rigorous double blind peer-review performed by at least two specialists selected by the Editors.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Radical Teacher", "ISSN": "19410832", "Scope": "ScopeRADICAL TEACHER, founded in 1975, is a socialist, feminist, and anti-racist journal dedicated to the theory and practice of teaching. It serves the community of educators who are working for democratic process, peace, and justice. The magazine examines the root causes of inequality and promotes progressive social change.\r\rRADICAL TEACHER publishes articles on classroom practices and curriculum, as well as on educational issues related to gender and sexuality, disability, culture, globalization, privatization, race, class, and other similar topics. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Cubana de Obstetricia y Ginecologia", "ISSN": "0138600X", "Scope": "ScopeLa Revista Cubana de Obstetricia y Ginecología es el órgano científico oficial de la Sociedad Cubana de Obstetricia y Ginecología cuya misión es contribuir al desarrollo de esta especialidad mediante la publicación de artículos científicos de probada calidad, novedad y relevancia.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Electronica de Estudios Internacionales", "ISSN": "16975197", "Scope": "ScopeLa Revista Electrónica de Estudios Internacionales es una publicación de la Asociación Española de Profesores de Derecho Internacional y Relaciones Internacionales (AEPDIRI), que inició su andadura en el año 2000.\r\rLa publicación de trabajos en la REEI está abierta a cualquier especialista en los temas relativos a Derecho Internacional Público, Derecho Internacional Privado y Relaciones Internacionales. Los únicos criterios para la publicación son el interés y la calidad científica del trabajo propuesto.\r\rLa REEI va dirigida, en general, a todos los lectores interesados por los temas internacionales y, más particularmente, al público universitario y a los prácticos del Derecho Internacional y de las Relaciones Internacionales. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Espanola de Drogodependencias", "ISSN": "2137615", "Scope": "ScopeLa Revista Española de Drogodependencias, es la primera publicación científica en castellano fundada en 1976 y el Órgano Oficial de Expresión de la Asociación Española de Estudios en Drogodependencias. Está dirigida a todos los profesionales involucrados en el tratamiento y la prevención de las toxicomanías y demás adicciones y es su objetivo principal difundir el conocimiento del alcoholismo, las toxicomanías y otras adicciones, así como contribuir al proceso de investigación en las adicciones mediante la creación de vínculos de intercambio de información entre los profesionales del campo.\r\rLa Revista Española de Drogodependencias tiene carácter trimestral y se rige por el sistema de revisión por pares. Publica trabajos Originales, Artículos de revisión, Artículos de opinión, Artículos jurídicos, Comunicaciones breves, Literatura Internacional comentada, Noticias del sector y de las sociedades científicas implicadas y otros artículos especiales referentes a todos los campos de las adicciones y la Administración Pública, incluyendo la epidemiología, la prevención, el tratamiento y la promoción de la salud, la gestión y la evaluación de políticas y de servicios, el tratamiento, y la salud ambiental entre otros. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revue du Podologue", "ISSN": "17667313", "Scope": "ScopeLa Revue du podologue se veut un outil à la fois de technique et de pratique à l'intention des pédicures-podologues et de tous les professionnels de santé préoccupés par le pied, ses pathologies et les soins y afférents.\r\rCette revue vous propose à chaque numéro :\r- Actualités :\rÉvénements, congrès, santé publique..., des sujets importants pour actualiser vos connaissances.\r\r- Formation :\rUn dossier de fond pour faire le point sur une thématique et approfondir votre formation.\r\r- Exercice professionnel :\rCas cliniques, prévention, traitement, conseil... des articles pour vous aider au quotidien dans l'exercice de votre profession.\r\r- Société :\r« Au pied chaussé » : chaque numéro fait le point sur un type de chaussures.\r\r- Fiches :\rDes fiches juridiques et pharmacologiques en alternance.\r\r- Guide :\rNouveaux produits, livres, petites annonces... des informations nécessaires à la gestion de votre formation et de votre carrière. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Russian Aeronautics", "ISSN": "10687998, 19347901", "Scope": "ScopeRussian Aeronautics is a journal that publishes articles on fundamental research, application, and developments in the field of aeronautical, space, rocket science and engineering that are carried out at institutes of higher education, research institutes, design bureaus, and branch enterprises. Subjects covered in the journal are aircraft and rocket equipment design; aerodynamics, strength, dynamics, and control of flight vehicles; aircraft and rocket engine theory and design; technology, automation of aircraft/rocket equipment design and production; aircraft instruments and instrumentation computer complexes. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Russian Journal of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology", "ISSN": "23111267, 24135496", "Scope": "Scopeclinical & methodological assistance to NODGO members, assistance to the development of new scientific trends in the field of children hematology and oncology\rdevelopment of the international scientific cooperation in the field of children hematology and oncology\rаnalysis, generalization and propaganda of scientific research in the field of children hematology and oncology\rdevelopment and reinforcement of links with social associations of experts from related sectors\rinformation on legislative initiatives in the field of observing of rights of children, suffering from hematologic and oncologic diseases, as well as ones of their parents\rinformation on forums, scientific & practical conferences, symposiums and workshops\rconclusion of cooperation agreements with professional associations, information on its activities\rinformation on aspects of training and retraining of physicians, employed in pediatric service, namely in the field of children hematology and oncology Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Sankhya: The Indian Journal of Statistics", "ISSN": "9727671", "Scope": "ScopeSankhya publishes research articles in the broad areas of Theoretical Statistics, Probability and Applied Statistics. Series A primarily covers Theoretical Statistics and Probability (including Stochastic Processes). Series B primarily covers all areas of Applied Statistics (including Applied Probability, Applied Stochastic Processes, Econometrics and Statistical Computing). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Slovene", "ISSN": "23040785, 23056754", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal Slověne = Словѣне is a periodical focusing on the fields of the arts and humanities. In accordance with the standards of humanities periodicals aimed at the development of national philological traditions in a broad cultural and academic context, the Journal Slověne = Словѣне is multilingual but with a focus on papers in English.\r\rThe Journal Slověne = Словѣне is intended for the exchange of information between Russian scholars and leading universities and research centers throughout the world and for their further professional integration into the international academic community through a shared focus on Slavic studies. The target audience of the journal is Slavic philologists and scholars in related disciplines (historians, cultural anthropologists, sociologists, specialists in comparative and religious studies, etc.) and related fields (Byzantinists, Germanists, Hebraists, Turkologists, Finno-Ugrists, etc.).\r\rThe periodical has a pronounced interdisciplinary character and publishes papers from the widest linguistic, philological, and historico-cultural range: there are studies of linguistic typology, pragmalinguistics, computer and applied linguistics, etymology, onomastics, epigraphy, ethnolinguistics, dialectology, folkloristics, Biblical studies, history of science, palaeoslavistics, history of Slavic literatures, Slavs in the context of foreign languages, non-Slavic languages and dialects in the Slavic context, and historical linguistics. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Soviet and Post Soviet Review", "ISSN": "10751262, 18763324", "Scope": "ScopeThe Soviet and Post-Soviet Review is a peer-reviewed journal which focuses on the history of the Soviet Union and its successor states, including but not limited to the Russian Federation. The journal welcomes original, scholarly submissions in the form of articles, essays, and book reviews relating to Soviet and post-Soviet history, particularly the realms of social, environmental, and cultural history. Authors are requested to submit material for consideration in English, although Russian language submissions will also be considered. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Sri Lanka journal of social sciences", "ISSN": "2589710", "Scope": "ScopeThe Sri Lanka Journal of Social Sciences is published twice a year, in June and December, by the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka. The journal publishes articles in Sinhala, Tamil and English languages, covering the entire range of social sciences focusing on Sri Lanka and/or other South Asian countries. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Stomatologiya", "ISSN": "00391735, 23095318", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal was founded by the professor P.G. Dauge in 1922. From 1946 till 1962 it was headed by the distinguished Russian dentist A.I. Evdokimov.\r\rThe journal covers current problems of modern dentistry and focuses on strictly examined facts of scientific and practical activity of doctors. All publications are peer reviewed by leading Russian specialists. The publication in the journal is honorary and prestigious because the name of the author and the work are got in the international databases “Index Medicus” and “Medline”, decreasing citation index – factor of scientific activity and reputation of a scientist in the world medicine. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studia Universitatis Vasile Goldis Arad, Seria Stiintele Vietii", "ISSN": "15842363, 18427863", "Scope": "ScopeThe themes that the journal is focused on are matters of fundamental and applied research: pedology, geology, geography, flora and vegetation, fauna, ecology and environment protection, plant anatomy and physiology, human and animal anatomy and physiology, cell and molecular biology, biotechnologies. The journal has until now 22 scientific reviewers, experts in the thematics of the journal, and that are reknown from romanian and international universities: Budapest (Hungary), Debrecen (Hungary), Novi Sad (Serbia and Montenegro) and Tubingen (Germany). These specialists can assure a full scientific expertise by appliying the rigurous peer-review proces. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Taiwan International ESP Journal", "ISSN": "20797761", "Scope": "ScopeThe Taiwan International ESP Journal is a peer-reviewed academic journal published by the Taiwan ESP Association. The journal has been listed in TCI-HSS, ACI and Scopus. Its primary objective is to disseminate scholarly information on research and development in the field of English for Specific Purposes worldwide, and to bridge between theory and practice. The journal welcomes year-round submissions and contributions that address the common professional concerns of both practitioners and researchers. It is published biannually — in the middle and at the end of the year.\rTIESPJ welcomes submissions on the following areas of inquiry and development in ESP/EAP:\r•\tNeeds Analysis \r•\tMaterial Developement\r•\tInstructional Design\r•\tEnglish-Medium Instruction (EMI)\r•\tTechnology-Enhanced Language Learning (TELL)\r•\tContent and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)\r•\tTeacher Training\r•\tDiscousrse Analysis\r•\tGenre Analysis\r•\tMethodology\r•\tAssessment and Evaluation\r•\tEnglish as an International Language\r•\tDistance EducationJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Theology", "ISSN": "0040571X, 20442696", "Scope": "ScopeTheology is the ideal journal for all who want to broaden their knowledge of contemporary theological studies. It includes peer-reviewed contributions from leading scholars and first-time authors from across the Christian tradition.\r\rTheology is published six times a year and will: keep you abreast of the latest developments in all fields of enquiry impinging on contemporary Christian thought and practice, including biblical studies, historical theology, systematic theology, pastoral theology, history, philosophy and ethics; ensure you are up to date with the latest books published in the field; help you to think further about key issues in ministry and theological education. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Therapeutische Umschau. Revue therapeutique", "ISSN": "00405930, 16642864", "Scope": "ScopeDie Therapeutische Umschau nimmt Sie mit auf eine Tour d'Horizon durch alle Fachgebiete der Medizin. Entdecken Sie Monat für Monat in verständlichen Übersichtsarbeiten den State of the Art eines neuen Schwerpunktthemas. \r\rRenommierte Fachleute aller Disziplinen schreiben für Ärzte*innen kompetent, praxisbezogen und umfassend zu ausgewählten Themen der praktischen Medizin in Praxis, Klinik und Weiterbildung. Nicht alltägliche Probleme und neue Therapieformen werden eingehend behandelt.\r\rWenn Sie den Anschluss auch an andere Bereiche der Medizin nicht verlieren möchten, bietet Ihnen die Therapeutische Umschau die ideale Möglichkeit, auf dem Stand der Dinge zu bleiben und spannende Anregungen für die eigene Arbeit mitzunehmen.\r\r-Jeden Monat ein aktuelles Thema der praktischen Medizin\r--Kompakt, interdisziplinär, anwendungsnah\r-Geschrieben von renommierten Kollegen aller beteiligten Disziplinen Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Voprosy Literatury", "ISSN": "428795", "Scope": "ScopeЖурнал «Вопросы литературы» с момента своего основания в 1957 году остается одним из наиболее известных и авторитетных академических изданий по филологии и литературной критике на русском языке. Среди прошлых и сегодняшних авторов — крупнейшие российские и зарубежные ученые: М.М. Бахтин, В.Б. Шкловский, Д.С. Лихачев, Л.Е. Пинский, С.С. Аверинцев, Цветан Тодоров, Кэрил Эмерсон, Дж.С. Смит…\r\rНе будет преувеличением сказать, что «Вопросы литературы» — уникальное издание, соединяющее фундаментальную филологию и острую критику. Более 60 лет журнал остается незаменимым подспорьем для специалистов-литературоведов, преподавателей и учащихся средней и высшей школы, зарубежных славистов и музейных работников, существуя не только как важнейшее периодическое издание, но своего рода экспериментальная лаборатория науки и критики. Это и обеспечивает журналу известность во всем мире, его подписчиками являются библиотеки всех крупнейших университетов, где изучают славистику, например, Принстонский университет (США), Университет Хайфы (Израиль) и Лондонский университет королевы Марии (Великобритания). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Zeitschrift fur Geschichtswissenschaft", "ISSN": "442828", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Zhongguo Dongmai Yinghua Zazhi", "ISSN": "10073949", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Zhurnal Vysshei Nervnoi Deyatelnosti Imeni I.P. Pavlova", "ISSN": "444677", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Acta Linguistica Lithuanica", "ISSN": "16484444, 2669218X", "Scope": "ScopeActa Linguistica Lithuanica is an international peer-reviewed research journal published since 1957 for scholars in the Humanities and other fields (historians, archaeologists, anthropologists, etc.), as well as for anyone interested in Lithuanian and Baltic linguistics, its context under the framework of the latest trends in comparative and general linguistics. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Advances in Organic Synthesis", "ISSN": "15740870, 2212408X", "Scope": "ScopeAdvances in Organic Synthesis is a book series devoted to the latest advances in synthetic approaches towards challenging structures. The series presents comprehensive reviews written by eminent authorities on different synthetic approaches to selected target molecules and new methods developed to achieve specific synthetic transformations or optimal product yields. Advances in Organic Synthesis is essential for all organic chemists in academia and the industry who wish to keep abreast of rapid and important developments in the field. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "American Periodicals", "ISSN": "10547479, 15484238", "Scope": "ScopeAmerican Periodicals, the official publication of the Research Society for American Periodicals, is devoted exclusively to scholarship and criticism relating to American magazines and newspapers of all periods. It includes essays, notes, reviews, bibliographies, and histories on all aspects of American periodicals, from the earliest 18th-century magazines to 21st-century ‘zines and e-journals.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Anatolian Journal of Family Medicine", "ISSN": "26305593, 26513455", "Scope": "ScopeThe Anatolian Journal of Family Medicine is an international periodical on family medicine and primary health care, published three times a year on independent, unbiased, double-blinded and peer-review principles. The journal’s publication language is English.\r\rThe Anatolian Journal of Family Medicine aims to publish qualified and original clinical, experimental and basic research on family medicine and primary health care at the international level. The journal’s also covers editorial comments, reviews of innovations in medical education and practice, case reports, original images, scientific letters, educational articles, letters to the editor, articles on publication ethics, diagnostic puzzles, and issues in any scientific or social aspects of family medicine and primary health care. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Angiologia", "ISSN": "33170", "Scope": "ScopeAngiologia is a bi-monthly scientific journal published since 1949 and is the Official Organ of the Spanish Society of Angiology and Vascular Surgery. Reflecting our medical-surgical specialty, the journal is dedicated to the study of vascular diseases, including all aspects of vascular medicine, non-invasive diagnosis, arterial and venous surgical treatment, as well as minimally invasive and / or endovascular treatment. Angiologia publishes original papers, review articles and continuing education, letters and scientific images, letters to the director, commented abstracts and special articles into Spanish languages following the double blind peer review system.\r\rAngiologia accepts and review articles into Spanish language from Spain and Latin American countries.. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities)", "ISSN": "17278449, 23118962", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Arbeitsmedizin Sozialmedizin Umweltmedizin", "ISSN": "9446052", "Scope": "ScopeSchwerpunkt-Themen: \rMedizinische Prävention\rBetriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement\rArbeit 4.0 Digitalisierung und Arbeitswelt\rCoronavirus. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Asian Journal of WTO and International Health Law and Policy", "ISSN": "18195164", "Scope": "ScopeAfter Taiwan became the 144th Member of the WTO on January 1 2002 and recognizing the importance of WTO research, the WTO Research Center was established at the NTU College of Law in January, 2003 in order to conduct the research on WTO matters more efficiently. The WTO Research Center was transformed into the Asian Center for WTO & International Health Law and Policy (hereinafter ACWH or the Center) in December, 2005 to reflect the broad research of the Center.\r\r\rThe original focus of the center was only on international trade law. Now it covers three major fields of research and training interests, namely international economic law (mainly WTO and investment), international health law (including the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control and the International Health Regulations), and international arbitration (including commercial and investor-State arbitrations). ACWH is designed to closely monitor the development of WTO rules, conduct in-depth research on the effect of the WTO rules on Taiwan’s economy, and put forth policy proposals. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Australian Historical Studies", "ISSN": "1031461X, 19405049", "Scope": "ScopeAustralian Historical Studies is a refereed journal publishing original and previously unpublished (online or hard copy) articles. First appearing in 1940, it is the oldest and most highly-regarded academic journal of Australian history. It is published four times a year.\rAustralian Historical Studies deals with all aspects of the history of Australia including its global context. All historical approaches are welcomed.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Austrian Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism", "ISSN": "19987773, 19987781", "Scope": "ScopeThe scientific journal Austrian Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism is included in the Scopus database. Based on 2018, SJR is 0.1. Publisher country is Austria. The main subject areas of published articles are Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism, ENDOCRINOLOGY & METABOLISM.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Bali Journal of Anesthesiology", "ISSN": "25492276", "Scope": "ScopeBali Journal of Anesthesiology is an open-access, double-blind peer-reviewed journal aiming to communicate high-quality articles in the field of anesthesiology, perioperative medicine, emergency medicine, intensive care, and pain management. Bali Journal of Anesthesiology welcomes the submission of manuscripts devoted to anesthesia and its related topics from any country in the world. We accept original articles, review articles, special report articles, case reports, letters to the editor, and case reviews. We address all aspects of anesthesia practice including perioperative medicine, anesthetic management, emergency medicine, critical care medicine, acute and chronic pain management, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, coexisting diseases in perioperative periods, complications and cost-related issues in anesthesia, emergency department, and ICU, and other topics anesthesiologists face in daily practice. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Barcelona Research Art Creation", "ISSN": "20148992", "Scope": "ScopeBRAC, Barcelona Research Art Creation is an electronic journal created in 2013 in the academic context of the University of Barcelona, ​​with national and international participation and framed in Editorial Hipatia. This open access publication (Open Access) has been proposed, since its inception, to work on the relationship established between the Theory and Practice of Contemporary Art,\r\rThe Articles section of the journal is a platform for debate between researchers and professionals in the theory and practice of Contemporary Art. The Visual Pages make up a collection of works donated by its authors managed by BRAC with the contribution of the University of Barcelona in its cataloging, maintenance and management. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte", "ISSN": "01706233, 15222365", "Scope": "ScopeBerichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte / History of Science and Humanities is devoted to the history of science in the broad German sense of the term “Wissenschaft”: The journal is open to national and international original articles on all areas of the history of science and humanities, and neighboring subjects and thereby strives to contribute to an integrated history that encompasses the natural sciences as well as the humanities and the social sciences.\r\rThe history of science is a dynamic field, characterized not least by constantly productive work on the boundaries of its own object. During past decades, it has thus opened up many new areas of study: from fields previously excluded from the history of science as “pseudoscience”, such as alchemy, to the “artisanal knowledge” of early modern craftsmen, to the humanities and the social sciences. Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte / History of Science and Humanities actively contributes to this productive dynamic by providing a forum for discussion through thematic special issues. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Biophysical Bulletin", "ISSN": "20753810, 20753829", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "BSAA Arte", "ISSN": "18889751, 25306359", "Scope": "ScopeBSAA arte is a scientific journal that has been published annually by the Department of Art History of the University of Valladolid since 2005, when it took over for the former Boletín del Seminario de Estudios de Arte y Arqueología (ISSN: 0210-9573), founded in 1932 and regularly cited using its acronym, BSAA. When in 2005 this journal was split into two separate publications devoted, respectively, to Art History and Archaeology, the one corresponding to Art History took on its current name, BSAA arte (ISSN: 1888-9751 in its printed version until 2016, which was its standard edition, and 2530-6359 in its electronic version, which is its current standard edition).\r\rThe main purpose of BSAA arte is to transmit to the specialised scientific community and to Art History professionals the results of studies on different forms of art, with a primary interest in Spanish art and works from other related countries, although there is also room in the journal for other international contributions.\r\rThe digital edition of BSAA arte will maintain the editorial policy that has made this journal an established and scientifically recognised publication, despite the need to continuously adapt to new forms of knowledge dissemination. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Canadian Biosystems Engineering / Le Genie des biosystems au Canada", "ISSN": "14929058", "Scope": "ScopeCanadian Biosystems Engineering provides a platform for rapid dissemination of novel and high impact research in engineering and biological sciences. The journal interfaces engineering with the biological world and covers wide range of fields including energy, soil and water, power and machinery, bioprocess, information and electrical technologies, food processing, forestry, agricultural structures, bio-nanotechnology and environment with focus on key issues such as environmental sustainability, food security and safety.\r\rThe first volume of the journal was published in 1959. The journal was developed to bring all sectors of sciences and engineering and create a truly international platform to share and discuss significant, novel and high impact research. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Centro Journal", "ISSN": "15386279, 21632960", "Scope": "ScopeThe leading peer-reviewed academic journal dedicated entirely to the field of Puerto Rican Studies. The journal—published continuously since 1987—is dedicated to publishing the latest work from scholars in a wide range of academic traditions, in order to enhance and advance the field of Puerto Rican Studies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Clinical and Experimental Surgery", "ISSN": "23081198", "Scope": "ScopeJournal “Clinical and Experimental Surgery. Petrovsky journal” – a broad-based journal on surgery established to merge all the surgical specialties into the integrated intellectual space provided with up to date systems of communication and information. Following this aim the on-line support of the journal involves extended version and multimedia materials.\r\rAs soon as the modern surgery has exceeded thes of the application-oriented science, the editorial board will encourage the researches of academic importance and facilitate creation of the fresh lines of research as well as the translation of the research results into the practical surgery. Broad-based profile of the journal and multidisciplinary approach to the arrangement of the research materials are to create a start point for the discussions activating the development of the innovative, joint cross-sectoral and international projects.\rThematic of the journal:\r\rCardiac and vascular surgery\rThoracic surgery\rAbdominal surgery\rTransplantation and artificial organs\rEndoscopic surgery\rReconstructive and microvascular surgery\rPhysiology, physiopathology, diagnostics\rFundamental research and interdisciplinary technologies\rEducation\rBioethics\rHistory of surgery. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Clotho", "ISSN": "26706210, 26706229", "Scope": "ScopeNamed after the youngest of the Parcae, Clotho got its name after the deity responsible for spinning the thread of life; thus, the journal seeks to create a new space of creativity, exploration and learning in the field of classical studies. Wilamowitz famously defined classical scholarship “by its subject-matter – Graeco-Roman civilization in its essence and in every facet of its existence.” Following in those footsteps, Clotho welcomes exploring the Greek and Latin languages – lexicography, grammar, and the broader issues of linguistics. It seeks to investigate the traditional fields of classical studies, literature, textual criticism, rhetoric, philosophy, and history, as well as archaeology, numismatics, epigraphy, papyrology, and paleography. Above all, the journal is committed to the idea of interdisciplinarity. As such, it accepts antiquity-related contributions from the spheres of art, music, science, religion, and law, as well as the classical tradition and classical reception, history of classical scholarship, and, last but foremost, translation. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "CoatingsTech", "ISSN": "24751499, 24758469", "Scope": "ScopeThe only peer-reviewed trade journal serving the coatings industry, CoatingsTech is published 11 times annually, in both print and digital format. This ACA journal provides comprehensive coverage of the international coatings industry with science and technology solutions, market insights, formulator’s best practices, new product spotlights, and regulatory and legislative updates.\r\rAs the flagship publication of the American Coatings Association, CoatingsTech serves the membership of ACA as well as coatings professionals around the world. The coatings industry relies on information and insight from ACA and CoatingsTech to make their companies stronger and more profitable. The information published in CoatingsTech is available on multiple platforms—print, online, and digital. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Corvinus Journal of Sociology and Social Policy", "ISSN": "20615558, 2062087X", "Scope": "ScopeCJSSP is an edited and peer-reviewed journal, published in yearly volumes of two issues. It publishes original academic articles, research notes, and reviews from sociology, social policy and related fields in English.\r\rIt invites contributions from the international community of social researchers.\r\rThe journal covers a widerange of relevant social issues.\r\rIt is open to new questions, unusual perspectives, explorations and explanations of social and economic behavior, local society, or supranational challenges. Strong preference is given to problem-oriented, theoretically grounded empirical researches, comparative findings, logical arguments and careful methodological solutions.\r\rCJSSP aims to respect publication ethics, thus has adopted current best practices to counter plagiarism. The submitted articles are analyzed during the review process, and papers subject to plagiarism are rejected. Also the authors are to comply with the referencing guidelines outlined in the relevant section.\r\rThe journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. With similar objectives we do not charge authors for the publication of their articles. Articles submission and processing is free of charge as well. Users can use and build upon the material published in the journal for non-commercial purposes. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Digithum", "ISSN": "15752275", "Scope": "ScopeDigithum applies a relational perspective in the analysis of processes of inclusion and social exclusion, subjective experiences, social ties, cultural heritage and cultural production and consumption. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Dirasat: Human and Social Sciences", "ISSN": "10263721, 26636190", "Scope": "ScopeDirasat: Human and Social Sciences publishes original high-quality articles cover broad areas in humanities and social science such as psychology, history, geography, sociology, social welfare, literature, international relations, political science, archaeology, tourism, linguistics, arts, library science and mass communication. Manuscripts are published mainly in Arabic, English or French. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Eau, l'INDUSTRIE, les Nuisances", "ISSN": "7555016", "Scope": "ScopeLa Revue l'Eau, L'Industrie, les Nuisances, spécialisée dans le domaine de l'eau propose chaque mois une information de haut niveau. Véritable revue de référence, elle est très introduite depuis plus de trente cinq ans dans ce secteur. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Eesti ja Soome-Ugri Keeleteaduse Ajakiri", "ISSN": "17368987, 22281339", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Estonian and Finno-Ugric Linguistics (ESUKA – JEFUL) publishes linguistic articles and large-scale studies on Estonian and other Finno-Ugric languages, as well as special theme issues. Papers on general linguistics are published only when they draw on data from the Estonian or other Finno-Ugric languages or when the treatment is important for the study of Estonian and other Finno-Ugric languages. The journal is open to contributions from anyone who may wish to submit. The only criterion for publication is the quality of the submission, which is decided on the basis of blind peer review (the names of the author and reviewer are both kept anonymous). The journal has an international advisory board. The journal aims to stimulate the study of the Estonian and other Finno-Ugric languages and to raise the standards of research for the discipline as a whole. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "E-Journal of International and Comparative Labour Studies", "ISSN": "22804056", "Scope": "ScopeThe E-Journal of International and Comparative Labour Studies is intended to present research and new developments with regard to comparative collective and individual labour issues, equality and discrimination, transitions to work, public policy and labour regulation, vulnerable workers and precarious working, employment productivity and international labour institutions; and any other material concerned with any aspect of labour studies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "eJournal of Tax Research", "ISSN": "14482398", "Scope": "ScopeThe eJournal of Tax Research is a peer reviewed journal that publishes original, scholarly works on all aspects of taxation. The journal uses a double blind review process.\r\rIt aims to promote timely dissemination of research and public discussion of tax-related issues, from both theoretical and practical perspectives. It provides a channel for academics, researchers, practitioners, administrators, judges and policy makers to enhance their understanding and knowledge of taxation.\r\rThe journal emphasises the interdisciplinary nature of taxation. To ensure the topicality of the journal, submissions will be refereed quickly.\rThe eJournal of Tax Research is normally published twice a year by the School of Taxation & Business Law. Thematic editions covering topical issues are also published on a one-off basis. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Electrum", "ISSN": "18973426, 20843909", "Scope": "ScopeElectrum has been published since 1997 by the Department of Ancient History at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow as a collection of papers and monographs. In 2010 it starts as journal with one monographic issue per year.\r\rJournal publishes scholarly papers embodying studies in history and culture of Greece, Rome and Near East from the beginning of the First Millennium BC to about AD 400. Contributions are written in English, German, French and Italian. The journal publishes books reviews. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Emerita", "ISSN": "00136662, 19888384", "Scope": "ScopeFounded in 1933 by D. Ramón Menéndez Pidal, EMERITA publishes original articles and notes, news and book reviews concerning Classical Philology, Greek, Latin, Indoeuropean and Iberian Linguistics and Ancient History.\r\rEMERITA is, since its foundation, one of the best known and valued high level scientific Journals in its field. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Endokrynologia", "ISSN": "16801466, 25240439", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Filolog (Banja Luka)", "ISSN": "19865864, 22331158", "Scope": "ScopeThe Philologist, founded by the Faculty of Philology, Banja Luka, is an open access, peer-reviewed journal promoting contemporary theoretical and interdisciplinary approaches from the fields of language, literature, and culture, with an international editorial board. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Fisioterapia em Movimento", "ISSN": "19805918", "Scope": "ScopeAvailable only in digital format since 2013, with free online access, the journal publishes papers from original researches and review articles that covers findings in the fields of physiotherapy and health. The main areas are Public Health, Geriatrics and Gerontology, Neurology, Sports Physical Therapy, Cardiopulmonary, Trauma and Orthopedics, Rheumatology, Hydrotherapy, Acupuncture, Gynecology and Obstetrics, Electrotherapy, Functional Movement Analysis, Physical therapy in Education, Ergonomics and Dermato-Functional Physiotherapy. All papers related to health and human care, though, are accepted for evaluation.\r\rThe journal´s main audience is formed by healthcare students, researchers and professionals. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Hispanic Review", "ISSN": "00182176, 15530639", "Scope": "ScopeA quarterly journal devoted to research in Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian literatures and cultures, Hispanic Review has been edited since 1933 by the Department of Romance Languages at the University of Pennsylvania. The journal features essays and book reviews on the diverse cultural manifestations of Iberia and Latin America, from the medieval period to the present. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Historia Actual Online", "ISSN": "16962060", "Scope": "ScopeThe online journal Historia Actual Online (ISSN: 1696-2060) is a multilingual quarterly publication edited by the Asociación de Historia Actual. The three issues are respectively released in the months of February (Winter), June (Spring) and October (Autumn). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Hrvatski Dijalektoloski Zbornik", "ISSN": "0439691X, 24594849", "Scope": "ScopeHrvatski dijalektološki zbornik is a journal for philological research published by the Department of Philological Sciences of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts. The journal was founded in 1956. It covers topics from the field of philology and includes papers on linguistic topics; the of the journal covers primarily on the topics of the history of Croatian language and Croatian dialectology.\r\rEach manuscript is peer-reviewed by two reviewers. In case of contradictory reviews, the manuscript is sent to a third reviewer. Manuscripts lacking in content or value are turned down without being sent to reviewers. Manuscripts are accepted for publishing by the Department of Philological Sciences of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts.\rHrvatski dijalektološki zbornik is published both in hard copy and in an open access electronic version. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Human Research in Rehabilitation", "ISSN": "22329935, 2232996X", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal Human Research in Rehabilitation is a peer-reviewed, Open Access journal that considers scholarly, research-based articles on all aspects of education/rehabilitation, and psychosocial research. As a journal aimed at facilitating the global exchange of education theory, contributions from different educational systems and cultures are encouraged. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Icon", "ISSN": "13618113", "Scope": "ScopeICON, the bi-annual journal of ICOHTEC founded in 1995, publishes essays, research articles, research briefs, review essays and book reviews on all aspects and periods of technological history by members and non-members. It devotes special attention to the discussion of contemporary problems of technology in their socio-economic and cultural settings. The journal’s goal is to foster scholarship by providing timely review and circulation of ideas to an international audience. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Indian Journal of Medical and Paediatric Oncology", "ISSN": "09715851, 09752129", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal will cover technical and clinical studies related to medical and pediatric oncology in human well being including ethical and social issues. Articles with clinical interest and implications will be given preference. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Infectious Diseases: News, Opinions, Training", "ISSN": "23053496, 26587394", "Scope": "ScopeThe purpose of the journal is to improve postgraduate medical education of infectious disease specialists and quality of medical care provided to the population of the Russian Federation.\r\rThe journal is intended to become a methodological guide for practitioners, being part of the program for continuing medical education in Russia.\r\rWhen forming each issue, the selection of most popular and trustworthy modern materials is carried out, the authors of which are leading domestic and foreign authors.\r\rThe most important tasks of the journal are summarizing scientific and practical achievements in the field of infectious diseases, improving scientific and practical qualifications of infectious disease specialists.\r\rScientific concept of the journal includes publication of modern advances in prevention, diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases, as well as publication of scientific research results and results of national and international clinical studies.\r\rThe journal covers various issues in infectious diseases specialty and related specialties. Each issue of the journal has a specific topic. The journal publishes scientific and practical materials on prevention, diagnosis and treatment of viral hepatitis, tuberculosis, HIV, coronavirus infection, plague, acute diarrheal infections, tularemia, typhus, Epstein-Barr virus, Zika fever, Crimean hemorrhagic fever, viral encephalitis, brucellosis, typhoid fever, herpes, enterovirus infection, measles, meningitis, intestinal infections of viral etiology, tularemia, vaccinology and more. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management", "ISSN": "17418763, 17418771", "Scope": "ScopeIJBPIM provides a vehicle to help professionals, academics, researchers and policy makers, working in the field of e-business solutions, business transformation and business education, to disseminate information and to learn from each others work. Topics covered include: Mathematical foundation; Process modelling methodology; Process integration architecture; Collaborative processes; Extended collaboration architecture/solutions; Business transformation; Ontology and business rules; Enabling technologies; Performance analysis; Case studies; Security and privacy; Return on investment; Requirements analysis Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Interdisciplinary Cultural Studies", "ISSN": "2327008X, 23272554", "Scope": "ScopeThe International Journal of Interdisciplinary Cultural Studies explores and exemplifies disciplinary and interdisciplinary practices in the study of human cultures and cultural interactions. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Literary Humanities", "ISSN": "23277912, 23278676", "Scope": "ScopeThe International Journal of Literary Humanities analyzes and interprets literatures and literacy practices, seeking to unsettle received expressive forms and conventional interpretations. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Mathematics and Physics", "ISSN": "22187987, 24095508", "Scope": "ScopeThe «International Journal of Mathematics and Physics» founded in 2012. The founder and publisher of the journal is the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. The magazine has an approved cover and title pages with an indication of the university, output numbers of the issue, ISSN, eISSN, editorial board, editorial policy, publication ethics and website. The journal is published 2 times a year. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Research Symposium on PBL", "ISSN": "24463833", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "IPPTA: Quarterly Journal of Indian Pulp and Paper Technical Association", "ISSN": "3795462", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "IPSJ Transactions on System LSI Design Methodology", "ISSN": "18826687", "Scope": "ScopeIPSJ Transactions on System LSI Design Methodology (T-SLDM) is an open-access online journal which has been launched in 2008. The purpose of T-SLDM is to publicize research results in the field of system LSI design methodology. All articles in T-SLDM are written in English. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Iranian Journal of Diabetes and Metabolism", "ISSN": "23454008, 23454016", "Scope": "ScopeIranian Journal of Diabetes and Metabolism (IJDM) is published in Persian (Farsi) together with English abstracts since 2001. The journal publishes original basic, clinical and translational articles and reviews in the field of diabetes and endocrinology. Topics of interest are:\r•\tDiabetes\r•\tLipid Disorders\r•\tMetabolic Disorders\r•\tOsteoporosis\r•\tInterdisciplinary Practices in Endocrinology\r•\tCardiovascular and Metabolic Risk\r•\tAging Research\r•\tObesity\r•\tTraditional Medicine\r•\tPsychosomatic Research\r•\tBehavioral Medicine \r•\tEvidence-Based PracticesJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Istorija 20 Veka", "ISSN": "03523160, 25603647", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal Istorija 20. veka is continuously published by Institute for Contemporary History in Belgrade from 1983. Edited by historians from different countries, it is a response to advancing internationalisation, which is taking place in thinking and writing about history. The Journal sees itself as a forum for historians all over the world who share a common interest in the study of contemporary history. Contributions are interdisciplinary and based on original archival research. The journal is advancing critical analysis of political, social, cultural, economic, diplomatic, military and intellectual history, fostering academic debate and remains open for innovative methodological approaches.\r\rThe journal Istorija 20.veka publishes original contributions that have not been published previously (scientific articles and conference papers, overviews and reviews, polemics and source material).\r\rThe journal doesn’t publish works which lack scientific approach and exhibit purely essayistic character; with mythological contents; that endorse racist, nationalist or other discriminatory concepts, or in any way include hate speech, personal reflections, or literary prose with no scientifically relevance. Also, works that are not in journal’s chronological and thematic aims will not be published.\r\rAll the contributions are undergoing rigorous scholarly screening, both within the initial editorial overview and subsequently through two double-blind peer reviews.\r\rContributions to journal can be submitted in Serbian (Latin script), English, Russian, German, French and Italian language. All of the contributions must have resume and keywords on English language. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of African American History", "ISSN": "15481867, 21535086", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of African American History, formerly The Journal of Negro History, was founded by Dr. Carter G. Woodson in 1916 and is an official publication of the Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH). Now in its second century, this award-winning journal publishes original scholarly articles and book reviews on the African American experience from its earliest phases to the more recent past. As the leading scholarly publication on African American life and history, recent special issues and symposia have focused on the 400th anniversary of 1619, LGBT themes in African American history, the history of Black internationalism, and African American sports history. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University", "ISSN": "10188851, 25481207", "Scope": "ScopeJournal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University research is published quarterly by the Faculty of Agriculture, Ege University since 1964. It is an open access journal and publishes, in both, English - Turkish, full-length original research papers in Agricultural and Biological Sciences topics related to agriculture.\r\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Christian nursing : a quarterly publication of Nurses Christian Fellowship", "ISSN": "07432550, 19317662", "Scope": "ScopeJournal of Christian Nursing is a peer-reviewed, quarterly, professional journal helping nurses integrate issues of faith with nursing practice and sustain excellence in nursing care since 1984. \r\rOur mission is to help nurses, students, and educators practice from a biblically-based, Christian perspective.\r\rJCN offers relevant peer-reviewed clinical and professional information, including original research, on: current issues and trends, spirituality and spiritual care, ethics, values, healing and wholeness, faith community nursing, healthcare missions, nursing education, personal growth and self-care, health care for the poor and disenfranchised, and nursing care experiences which promote excellence and encourage nurses.\r\rContinuing education contact hours in each issue. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Modern Oncology", "ISSN": "18151434, 18151442", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Modern Oncology (Sovremennaya Onkologiya) is a peer-reviewed, open-access periodical that since 1999 serves the interests of oncologists.\r\rPeer-reviewed theoretical and practical Journal of Modern Oncology is published since 1999 in 5000 copies, volume of about 80 pages of format А4. The journal has been included into the List of periodical scientific and technical publications issued in the Russian Federation where basic scientific results of doctoral thesis should be published. The territory of dissemination of the journal: Russian Federation, countries of Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and other foreign countries. \r\rThis periodical publishes papers of scientists and practitioners-oncologists and clinical pharmacologist not only from Russia as well as from the near and far abroad. The journal publishes articles on modern methods of diagnostics and treatment. The journal is issued regularly with periodicity 4 issues a year. At the present time the journal has acquired wide recognition and popularity among specialists.\r\rThe journal is disseminated among doctors and researchers working on oncology, modern methods of diagnostics and treatment, officials and specialists of agencies of healthcare of regions of Russian Federation and other foreign countries, Research Institutes; across medical institutions and research centers; into central libraries; by subscription; into all medical libraries.\r\rThe \"Journal of Modern Oncology\" is an open access, peer-reviewed online journal dedicated to providing the very latest information both in clinical and translational research fields related to a wide range of topics in oncology. \r\rThe journal publishes editorial conference updates, original research, reviews, clinical case reports, commentaries, clinical and laboratory observations by Russian and international authors, pertinent to readers in CIS countries and around the world. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Private International Law", "ISSN": "17441048, 17578418", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Private International Law ( J. Priv. Int. L.) was launched in spring 2005. We invite papers for this scholarly, peer-reviewed publication of original articles and analysis of current developments in the field. The journal covers all aspects of private international law, reflecting the role of the European Union and the Hague Conference on Private International Law in the making of private international law, in addition to the traditional role of domestic legal orders.\r\rWe welcome articles from scholars anywhere in the world writing in English about developments in any jurisdiction on any aspect of private international law. We also welcome shorter articles or analysis from anywhere in the world, including analysis of new treaties and conventions, and lengthy review articles dealing with significant new publications. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Textile Engineering", "ISSN": "13468235", "Scope": "ScopeJournal of Textile Engineering (JTE) is a peer-reviewed, bimonthly journal in English and Japanese that includes articles related to science and technology in the textile and textile machinery fields. It publishes research works with originality in textile fields and receives high reputation for contributing to the advancement of textile science and also to the innovation of textile technology.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Veterinary Clinics", "ISSN": "1598298X", "Scope": "Scope한국임상수의학회지는 동물 질병의 진단, 치료, 예후에 관한 증례보고, 임상연구논문, 단보, 종설을 심사를 거쳐 년6회 발행하는 국제수의임상학술지이다. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Visualized Surgery", "ISSN": "22212965", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Jurnal Pengukuran Psikologi dan Pendidikan Indonesia", "ISSN": "20896247, 26545713", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Klio", "ISSN": "00756334, 21927669", "Scope": "ScopeKlio is one of the oldest journals in the German Altertumswissenschaften. It publishes articles on the history of ancient Greece and Rome, including their relations to the ancient Near East, and also covers specialist areas such as epigraphy, papyrology, archaeology, and numismatics. Brief book reviews provide an overview of the latest publications in the field. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Kulturne Dejiny", "ISSN": "13382209", "Scope": "ScopeCultural History (ISSN 1338-2209) is a peer-reviewed journal focused on history and anthropology. When we talk about the “cultural history”, we mean a wide scale of themes that are connected with acultural activities of man in the past. Issued semiannually, the journal deals with history in a broad sense up to its intersection with sociology, philosophy, theology, fine arts, and linguistics in all historical periods up to the present. Even though it is not territorially limited, the journal zeros in on the Central European region more precisely. Accepted languages are Slovak, Czech, Polish, English and German (papers in other languages will be translated). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Landscapes (United Kingdom)", "ISSN": "14662035, 20408153", "Scope": "ScopeThe study of past landscapes – and their continuing presence in today’s landscape - is part of one of the most exciting interdisciplinary subjects. The integrated study of landscape has real practical applications for a society navigating a changing world, able to contribute to understanding landscape and helping shape its future. It unites the widest range of subjects in both Arts and Sciences, including archaeologists, ecologists, geographers, sociologists, cultural and environmental historians, literature specialists and artists.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Legal Pluralism and Critical Social Analysis", "ISSN": "27706869, 27706877", "Scope": "ScopeLegal Pluralism and Critical Social Analysis (the successor of the Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law), is a leading international journal for publication on the social-scientific study of law and legal pluralism in the broadest sense. It is the only international journal dedicated to the empirical research and analysis of legal pluralism from an interdisciplinary perspective. Legal Pluralism and Critical Social Analysis is a refereed scholarly journal with a genuinely global reach, publishing both empirical and theoretical contributions from a variety of disciplines or interdisciplinary approaches that include law, anthropology of law, socio-legal studies, political science, environmental studies, urban studies, political ecology, science and technology studies, history and development studies.\r\rThe journal specifically invites: a) contributions that, starting from a social-scientific approach to law, further current debate in the anthropology of law, socio-legal studies, and legal pluralism; b) contributions that, taking other scientific fields as their point of departure but with a scientific interest in the role of law and legal pluralism, yield important insights from such an interdisciplinary perspective. The journal welcomes papers that make such original contributions based on research anywhere in the world, both in historic and contemporary contexts. Such work may include both theoretical papers and empirically-based contributions to disseminate new and emerging scientific findings from fieldwork or other forms of engagement such as activism and advocacy, in the fields of human rights, conflict, migration and mobility, culture and religion, the state, policy and bureaucracy, environmental movements and other rights-based movements including indigenous rights, gender, minority rights and rights to/of nature. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Listy Filologicke", "ISSN": "244457", "Scope": "ScopeListy filologické (LF) is a journal devoted to classical philology and classical tradition (i.e. the tradition of ancient Greece and Rome) in mediaeval and early modern Central Europe (linguistics - literature - cultural history - philosophy, etc.) and also to the history of Czech language and literature. No particular area of this entire spectrum or methodology is preferred. The journal also brings up-to-date reviews of foreign as well as Czech scholarly literature. All contributions (except for reviews) are being anonymously sent for peer-review to the two referees (double blind peer-review). The journal is being published two times a year (two double issues), usually at the end of September and at the end of December. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Medicinski Casopis", "ISSN": "3501221", "Scope": "ScopeThe regional section of the Serbian Medical Society in Kragujevac began publication of the Medical Journal in 1961. The Journal was published from 1961 to 1998 (volumes 1-38) and after 2005 (from the volume 47). This Medical Journal publishes original scientific, expert and review papers, case reports, and papers on the history of medicine and book reviews. Papers, received to the address of the Journal, are reviewed anonymously. In order to be accepted for publication, a paper must have positive reviews by two reviewers, as a rule, by two university professors. The evaluation of the submitted papers includes systematic screening for plagiarism within the current system supporting the journal editorial management. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Medievalia", "ISSN": "02113473, 20148410", "Scope": "ScopeMedievalia is the journal published by the Institut d’Estudis Medievals (IEM), of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Founded in 1980, its main purpose is to become a means of spreading research and ground-breaking ideas about the Middle Ages, from an interdisciplinary perspective. It also publishes the proceedings of symposia and round tables yearly organized by the IEM, a wide range of critical reviews of the most recent bibliography, as well as the studies and seminars by the research groups linked to the IEM. Medievalia accepts articles, essays and reviews in the main romance languages and in English, although works in other languages will be exceptionally admitted. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Milton Studies", "ISSN": "768820", "Scope": "ScopeMilton Studies is published biannually as a forum for scholarship on John Milton (1608-74), using a range of approaches and methodologies to elucidate the life and works of the influential poet and polemicist. Essays submitted for publication may focus on any aspect of Milton’s life and writing, including biography; literary history; Milton’s work in its literary, intellectual, political, or cultural contexts; Milton’s influence on or relationship to other writers; or the history of critical and creative response to his work. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Mondes En Developpement", "ISSN": "03023052, 17821444", "Scope": "ScopeRevue francophone à comité de lecture fondée en 1973 par François Perroux (Collège de France), Mondes en développement publie au plan international des contributions en français ou, pour certaines, en anglais.\r\rElle s’intéresse aux différents modes et trajectoires de développement des pays dans le monde, selon des valeurs humaines (économie des ressources humaines, éthique du développement,…), économiques (coopérations, mondialisation, sous-développement et pauvreté, dynamiques migratoires,…), sectorielles et techniques (industrialisation, agriculture, transferts de technologies,…), financières (financement du développement, dette, microfinance,…). Une attention particulière est accordée aux enjeux institutionnels (gouvernance) et de la société civile dans une perspective de développement durable.\r\rOuverte sur les approches pluridisciplinaires, Mondes en développement veut être un lieu de débats et de réflexions sur les recherches théoriques et appliquées en matière de développement. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Museon", "ISSN": "07716494, 1783158X", "Scope": "ScopeLa revue Le Muséon, Revue d’études orientales , fondée en 1881 par Ch. de Harlez est spécialisée dans le domaine de l’Orient chrétien ancien et médiéval, y compris le monde biblique, la civilisation byzantine et les débuts de l’Islam. Elle publie des textes arabes, arméniens, coptes, éthiopiens, géorgiens, grecs, nubiens, syriaques, etc., des études originales portant sur ces textes et sur les traditions des diverses nations de l’Orient chrétien. Les langues de publication sont le français, l’allemand, l’anglais et l’italien. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Musicologica Brunensia", "ISSN": "12120391, 2336436X", "Scope": "ScopeMusicologica Brunensia is an international peer-reviewed scholarly journal publishing original articles in the field of musicology and related disciplines. The of the journal covers a wide range of topics, including not only a historical, but also a systematic area of musicology. The journal is not subject of any geographic restrictions. All submitted papers are double-blind peer review.\r\rThe journal has been issued twice a year by Masaryk University (Faculty of Arts), Brno, Czech Republic, since 2009. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Mythlore", "ISSN": "1469339", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Nano LIFE", "ISSN": "17939844, 17939852", "Scope": "ScopeThe tremendous success in developing new nanomaterial and fostering technological innovation arises from its focus on interdisciplinary research and collaboration between physical and medical scientists. The concept of nanobiomedicine is one of the most important ideas ever generated by the applications of nanoscience to medical fields. Although there have been extensive interdisciplinary activities, major collaborative efforts are needed to jointly address some of the most challenging issues in life and medical sciences.\rNano LIFE is a quarterly international journal publishing peer-reviewed research covering all fields in between nano and biomedical sciences. The emphasis of this journal is based on its originality, importance, and interdisciplinary nature between nano and life sciences. Nano LIFE also provides current news and interpretations of critical issues in nanomedicine that caters to scientific communities and the general public.\r\rNano LIFE will effectively facilitate interactions and collaborations between the nano and medical research communities that are more focused on solving key problems based on emerging nanoscience and technologies. This journal is also addressed to researchers in a broad spectrum of materials, chemical, biological and medical sciences, and engineering. In addition, it summarizes the wealth of experimental results in both nanomaterials and biomedicine and introduces new aspects of nanoscience relevant to biological and medical applications. It also demonstrates new trends in the field and cultivates a new research community in both frontier research and higher education.\r\rNano LIFE includes review articles authored by authorities in both nano and biomedical sciences, and original research results that will address the most critical challenges in nanoscience and biomedicine. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Nephrologe", "ISSN": "1862040X", "Scope": "ScopeDer Nephrologe offers up-to-date information for all nephrologists working in practical and clinical environments and scientists who are particularly interested in issues of nephrology.\rThe content covers all areas of applied nephrology and hypertensiology. The topics range from prevention to diagnostic approaches and management of complications to current therapy strategies.\rComprehensive reviews on a specific topical issue provide evidenced based information on diagnostics and therapy.\rReview articles under the rubric 'Continuing Medical Education' present verified results of scientific research and their integration into daily practice. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Netherlands Journal of Critical Care", "ISSN": "15693511", "Scope": "ScopeThe Netherlands Journal of Critical Care (Neth J Crit Care) is the official journal of the Netherlands Society of Intensive Care (Nederlandse Vereniging voor Intensive Care-NVIC). Reports of research related to any aspect of the fields of intensive care, whether laboratory, clinical, or epidemiological, will be considered for publication in Neth J Crit Care. All manuscripts pass through an independent reviewing process managed by the editorial board. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "NOWELE", "ISSN": "01088416, 22129715", "Scope": "ScopeNOWELE: North-Western European Language Evolution is an interdisciplinary journal devoted not only to the study of the early and more recent history of a locally determined group of languages, but also to the study of purely theoretical questions concerning language development.\r\rNOWELE welcomes submissions dealing with all aspects of the histories of – and with intra- and extra-linguistic factors contributing to change and variation within – Icelandic, Faroese, Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, Frisian, Dutch, German, English, Gothic and the Early Runic language. Accordingly, studies involving past and present neighbouring languages such as Celtic, Finnish, Lithuanian, Russian and French, in so far as these have played and are playing a role in the development or present status of north-western European languages through contact, will be accepted.\r\rNOWELE accepts, after peer review, papers within the outlined framework analyses based on classical philological principles, studies of a minute detail, be it a socio-historical phenomenon or a theoretical concept, as well as analyses dealing with a larger group of phenomena or with the problems which a theory may present. NOWELE welcomes review articles. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "NTT Journal for Theology and the Study of Religion", "ISSN": "25426583, 25903268", "Scope": "ScopeNTT Journal for Theology and the Study of Religion has a broad and welcomes contributions from religious studies, theology, and a wide range of disciplines within the humanities and the social sciences which investigate religions and religious phenomena.\r\rThe journal regularly publishes special issues which discuss current topics in the study of religion. Recent special issues focussed on the study of religion today, freedom and servitude in Jewish and Christian Traditions, Paul Tillich: a theology for the 21st century, the contemplative turn in theology, and the future of religious studies and theology in the Netherlands. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ogigia", "ISSN": "18873731", "Scope": "ScopeOgigia is double blind peer review journal, open to researchers that want to share their work, as long as they adapt to the theme of any of the blocks of the journal:\r\rLanguage and literature: linguistic and literary studies, grammatical studies, literature theory and comparative literature ...\rDidactics: theoretical studies in the teaching of Spanish as a Foreign Language, as well as, research studies on Didactics of Spanish Language and Literature at any academic level. Extraordinarily, articles about experiences in the classroom will be accepted.\rThe main objective is to study the different aspects of Spanish and Latin American language and literature. Articles related to research about the Hispanic world that contribute to its knowledge outside the non-Spanish speaking countries will be prioritaires. The articles of local character or too specific are outside the of action of the journal.\r\rIn order to achieve its objective, Ogigia relies on the Internet, an environment conducive to the rapid dissemination of scientific studies, always seeking quality in its publications. Greater diffusion should not mean loss of quality.\r\rThe members of the Editorial Team will publish articles that have received a positive evaluation in the blind evaluation process. At least 75% of the articles published in Ogigia will be by authors with no relation to member of the Editorial Team.\r\rOgigia. Revista electrónica de estudios hispánicos does not have either article submission charges or article processing charges. Articles published in Ogigia may be included in thematic or institutional repositories immediately after their publication as long as the text is not modified and the place where it is published is clearly stated. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Oralprophylaxe und Kinderzahnheilkunde", "ISSN": "16142217, 21908036", "Scope": "ScopeDie Oralprophylaxe und Kinderzahnheilkunde ist die Mitglieder­zeit­schrift der Deutschen Gesell­schaft für Kinder­zahn­heil­kunde (DGKiZ). Sie hat sich 2013 aus der Deutschen Gesell­schaft für Zahn-, Mund- und Kiefer­heil­kunde (DGZMK) verselbstständigt.\r\rDie Zeitschrift richtet sich an Zahnärzte, die sowohl praktisch als auch wissen­schaftlich im Fach­bereich Kinder­zahn­heil­kunde schwer­punkt­mäßig tätig sind. Dazu gehören auch Paten- und Jugend-Zahnärzte in der Gruppen­pro­phylaxe, nieder­ge­lassene Zahn­ärzte und deren Mit­arbeiter, die sich in der Indi­vidual­prophylaxe oder Kinder­zahn­heil­kunde engagieren, sowie Studenten, die ihr Wissen auf diesen Gebieten erweitern möchten.\r\rLeser profitieren von besonders praxisnah aufbe­reiteten, wissen­schaftlich fundierten Infor­mationen aus allen Bereichen, die für die Oral­pro­phylaxe und Kinder­zahn­heil­kunde einschlägig sind. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Osmanli Arastirmalari - Journal of Ottoman Studies", "ISSN": "2550636", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Ottoman Studies has been published continuously since 1980 and has carried the pluralist heritage of the Ottomans to contemporary academe by bringing together Ottomanists from different countries as well as from different disciplines and schools of thought. As the founder of the journal, the late Nejat Göyünç (1925-2001), stated in the preface he wrote for the first volume of the journal, the aim of the journal “is to become a means for the increasingly growing number of students of Ottoman Studies to get together in this journal, to encourage young members of the scholarly profession by publishing their interesting research …, to help them to become known, and to facilitate the presentation of their research to the scholarly world.” Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Pesticide Research Journal", "ISSN": "09706763, 2249524X", "Scope": "ScopePesticide Research Journal is the official publication of SPS India. The first issue of the Journal was published in June 1989. The Journal has total circulation of about 750 and is published half yearly. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Pharma Times", "ISSN": "316849", "Scope": "ScopePharma Times is the monthly newsmagazine of Indian Pharmaceutical Association. In addition to featuring general articles of professional interest. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Politica del Diritto", "ISSN": "00323063, 19738161", "Scope": "ScopePolitica del diritto has broken the isolation of the study of law in respect of the wider political and cultural framework, brought about by the adoption of new methodology, which is quite different from the traditional abstract legal thinking which is more concerned with technicalities, and thanks to a deeper perception and participation to the changes inside Italian society. Now in its thirty-ninth year Politica del diritto has become a fundamental observation point of the legal, political, and institutional debate within our country. This review presents unconventional views of the relationship between institutional actors, law making processes, and social environment. Moreover it dedicates particular attention to institutional reforms, the policies of the European Community and of other international institutions along with the international circulation of legal models, and critical analysis of existing law.\r\r«Politica del diritto» was founded in 1970 by Giuliano Amato, Sabino Cassese, Gino Giugni, Federico Mancini and Stefano Rodotà, who was Editor in Chief from 1971 to 2017. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Proceedings of the Shevchenko Scientific Society. Medical Sciences", "ISSN": "27088634, 27088642", "Scope": "ScopeThe aim of this Journal is to provide a scholarly platform for sharing peer-reviewed and evidence-based information and to analyze general medical issues of interest to scholars in Ukraine and Eastern Europe. The Journal now serves as a forum for sharing professional information among fellows of the Shevchenko Scientific Society and Ukrainian medics all over the world. Original experimental and clinical research and reviews are prioritized. Submissions highlighting medical and healthcare issues in Ukraine and Eastern Europe are welcome. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Prometheus (Italy)", "ISSN": "03912698, 22811044", "Scope": "ScopePrometheus was founded in 1975 by Adelmo Barigazzi and mainly focuses on research regardin Latin and Greek texts in the belief that antiquity can still be crucial in the uprising of modern pupils. Great interest is given to the analysis of manuscrypts and textual criticism, but also to the interpretation and comment of the works. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Przeglad Zachodniopomorski", "ISSN": "05524245, 23533021", "Scope": "Scope„Przegląd Zachodniopomorski” (West Pomeranian Review) is a yearly (until 2020 a quarterly) published since 1963. Its direct predecessor was a monthly, and then bi-monthly “Szczecin”, published since 1957. The first Editor-in-Chief of the quarterly was Professor Henryk Lesiński (1963-1985). The journal publishes scientific articles primarily in the field of history, but also of social sciences (sociology, political science). The latter report findings that can support the historical research and are related territorially to West Pomerania and the adjacent lands. The leading language is Polish but also articles in English and German are accepted for publication. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Psycho-Oncologie", "ISSN": "17783798, 1778381X", "Scope": "ScopePsycho-Oncologie s’intéresse à tous les aspects psychosociaux du cancer et publie des articles de méthodologie, de recherche clinique, des méta-analyses, des revues de la littérature ou des cas et observations cliniques, des comptes rendus, des notes de lecture, dans les domaines de la médecine, la psychologie et autres sciences humaines (sociologie, anthropologie, économie) traitant des patients atteints de cancer et de leur famille ou soignants. C’est la seule revue de langue française consacrée à la psycho-oncologie. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Radovi Zavoda za Znanstvenoistrazivacki i Umjetnicki Rad u Bjelovaru", "ISSN": "18469787, 18487912", "Scope": "ScopeČasopis Radovi Zavoda za znanstvenoistraživački i umjetnički rad u Bjelovaru znanstveno-stručna je publikacija u kojoj se objavljuju znanstveni i stručni članci iz humanističkih, društvenih, prirodnih, tehničkih, biotehničkih znanosti i umjetnosti te prikaze knjiga i osvrte. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development", "ISSN": "23568518, 23568569", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Revista Cubana de Investigaciones Biomedicas", "ISSN": "08640300, 15613011", "Scope": "ScopeLa Revista Cubana de Investigaciones Biomédicas es el órgano oficial y científico de la Sociedad Cubana de Ciencias Básicas Biomédicas; y su misión es la de contribuir al desarrollo de las ciencias biomédicas incluyendo las ciencias fisiológicas y morfológicas, la bioquímica, la bioinformática y la robótica médica mediante la selección, evaluación y publicación de artículos científicos de probada calidad, novedad y relevancia. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Cubana de Medicina General Integral", "ISSN": "8642125", "Scope": "ScopeEl propósito de la revista es Evaluar y Publicar artículos científicos que contribuyan al desarrollo de la ciencia, fundamentalmente en temas de medicina familiar y comunitaria.\r\rEl autor deberá declarar cualquier tipo de conflicto de intereses con el contenido que está enviando y se hará responsable de las consecuencias que pueda ocurrir de no cumplir con esta orientación.\rLa revista no asume compromiso alguno con los datos ofrecidos por los investigadores, quienes son responsables absolutos por la veracidad de la información que presentan.\r\rEl autor deberá enviar una comunicación de compromiso de envío único a la revista.\r\rEn el caso de que la revista publique un artículo que ha sido previamente enviado a otra revista (publicación duplicada), el comité editorial se reserva el derecho de tomar las medidas correspondientes según el caso.\r\rEl autor tiene el derecho legítimo de saber la situación de su artículo en todo momento y lo podrá consultar directamente a través de este sitio.\r\rCualquier violación de la política de publicación de la revista el comité editorial se reserva el derecho de tomar las medidas correspondientes según el caso.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Cubana de Pediatria", "ISSN": "00347531, 15613119", "Scope": "ScopeLa Revista Cubana de Pediatría se propone satisfacer la demanda de información profesional en la especialidad de Pediatría y constituye un medio para la difusión de trabajos científicos, tanto nacionales como extranjeros. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista de Derecho Comunitario Europeo", "ISSN": "11384026, 19895569", "Scope": "ScopeLa Revista de Derecho Comunitario Europeo publica desde 1974 trabajos originales de investigación sobre Derecho Comunitario.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Geografica de Chile Terra Australis", "ISSN": "03788482, 07199562", "Scope": "ScopeRevista Geográfica de Chile Terra Australis is a peer-reviewed, open access, electronic journal published jointly by the Instituto Geográfico Militar and the Disaster Risk Management Observatory of the Universidad Bernardo O'Higgins. The journal publishes high quality hypothesis-selected and purely descriptive studies that improve our understanding of Earth Sciences at all kinds of spatial scales (local, regional or global) Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Numismatica Hecate", "ISSN": "23868643", "Scope": "ScopeLa revista Hécate debe su nombre a la diosa griega tricéfala, que representa las diferentes formas de entender el mundo y el ser humano en su necesidad de transmitir Historia. Así Hécate nos muestra una encrucijada de conocimientos, de nuevos caminos y tendencias que debemos recorrer; senderos que nos llevarán a comprender y abordar el saber desde una perspectiva libre y globalizadora en esta nueva época de cambio y tecnología. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Peruana de Ginecologia y Obstetricia", "ISSN": "23045124, 23045132", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Revue de l'Entrepreneuriat", "ISSN": "16307542, 17662524", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Revue Forestiere Francaise", "ISSN": "352829", "Scope": "ScopeEditée par AgroParisTech, la Revue forestière française est l'une des grandes publications en langue française consacrées principalement à la forêt tempérée et à ses sujets connexes que sont les milieux naturels, le bois, la faune et la flore. Elle diffuse une information scientifique et technique et assure ainsi une liaison efficace entre recherche et pratique, administration et gestion, progrès et diffusion des connaissances.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Romance Quarterly", "ISSN": "8831157", "Scope": "ScopeThe Romance Quarterly is an international peer-reviewed journal dedicated to contributing to critical inquiry and theoretical debate in the areas of Spanish, Spanish American, Catalan, Galician, French, Italian, Portuguese, and Brazilian literary, film and cultural studies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Rossiiskaia Istoria", "ISSN": "8695687", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Rozhledy v Chirurgii", "ISSN": "00359351, 18054579", "Scope": "ScopePerspectives in Surgery is a peer-reviewed, national, scientific journal with more than 90 years of tradition. The editorial board considers only manuscripts in Czech, Slovak or English which contribute to the advancement of surgical knowledge. Papers reporting original clinical or experimental studies, comprehensive reviews and case reports will be reviewed by two independent reviewers. Invited papers, editorials and short communications, such as letters to the editor or short reports, are not subjects to peer review. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Scando-Slavica", "ISSN": "806765", "Scope": "ScopeScando-Slavica is an international cross-disciplinary journal for Slavic and Baltic linguistics, literature, culture, history and society. The majority of articles are written in English and Russian, but articles written in German and French are also accepted. \r\rScando-Slavica strives to present readers with contributions covering a broad variety of problems considered within Slavic and Baltic studies and occasionally publishes themed issues. Suggestions for themed issues, based on research projects, conferences or the like, are welcomed and should be sent to the editor-in-chief. Contributions to themed issues are subject to the same rigorous peer review procedure as contributions to regular issues. \r\rThe editorial board is appointed by the Associations of Nordic Slavists and Baltologists. However, contributions by non-Scandinavian as well as Scandinavian authors are welcomed. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Sibirskij Nauchnyj Medicinskij Zhurnal", "ISSN": "24102512, 24102520", "Scope": "ScopeThe Siberian Scientific Medical Journal is an academic periodical, which publishes articles dedicated to all fields of clinical and biomedical sciences in order to propagate information on current progress in experimental and applied biology and medicine. Emphasis is laid on research in mechanisms of human adaptation and their impairment in various geoclimatic zones and under various working conditions in Siberia, Russian Far East, and Extreme North.\rThe sphere of interest of the Journal includes:\r•\tclinical studies, reports on clinical studies, biomarker analysis and early diagnostics of disorders, characterization of human pathogens, translational medical studies;\r•\tfundamental studies on cell-free systems, microbes, and cell cultures that shed light on the functions of molecules, cells, and tissues essential for human health;\r•\tapplications of information technologies in biology and medicine;\r•\tdiscovery and design of medicines, medical therapy, biopharmaceutical medicine (bioproducts and bioanalogs);\r•\tnanobiotechnological achievements in biomedicine: nanomedicine, biosensors, biovisualization, gene therapy, vaccines, cell-based therapy, and tissue engineering.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Singapore Academy of Law Journal", "ISSN": "2182009", "Scope": "ScopeThe Singapore Academy of Law Journal (“SAcLJ”) (ISSN 0218-2009) is a peer-reviewed journal of legal articles relevant to Singapore and the common law legal systems. Other than academic articles, it also carries commentary, case notes, book reviews and selected lectures delivered by distinguished speakers at Singapore Academy of Law lectures. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Slavia", "ISSN": "376736", "Scope": "ScopeSlavia, Journal for Slavic Philology\ris the oldest international journal specialized in Slavic philology published in the Czech Republic. It was founded in 1921, and has been published nonstop except during World War II. In terms of its topics, the journal focuses on comparative study of Slavic languages and literatures from the synchronic and diachronic perspectives and on the history of Slavonic studies. It also provides room for excursions into non-Slavic languages and literatures (e.g. Balkan studies, Baltic studies, German studies, etc.) and, to some extent, also for cultural/historical, ethnological, and folkloric subjects. The individual studies are supplemented with abstracts and keywords in English, the texts themselves are published in all Slavic languages, English, German, and occasionally French and Italian. All articles undergo an anonymous peer review and editing procedure before publishing. They are sorted into several sections, one of them provides space for reviews of Czech and foreign scholarly books. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Sovremennaya Revmatologiya", "ISSN": "19967012, 2310158X", "Scope": "ScopeThe main task of the journal \"Sovremennaya revmatologiya\" (“Modern Rheumatology Journal”) is to increase the level of rheumatologists’ knowledge. The journal publishes only high-quality peer-reviewed articles: current rheumatology lectures and reviews, international and Russian clinical guidelines for the treatment of rheumatic diseases (treatment protocols), results of original investigations, interesting clinical observations, pharmacotherapy articles, organization of rheumatology services, information about symposia and conferences, and discussions.\r\rRheumatology is one of the most important medical disciplines; it covers a wide range of diseases, therefore the journal’s Editorial Board have brought together experts from the country’s leading research centers: V.A. Nasonova Research Institute of Rheumatology (Moscow); Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Medical Education, Ministry of Health of Russia (Moscow); Department of Pediatrics and Pediatric Rheumatology, Research Center for Children's Health (Moscow); Pacific State Medical University (Vladivostok); Research Institute for Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology (Volgograd); Department of Hospital Pediatrics, Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University (Saint Petersburg); Laboratory for Diagnosis of Autoimmune Diseases, Research and Guidance Center for Molecular Medicine (Saint Petersburg); Kemerovo State Medical Academy (Kemerovo); Professor V.F. Voino-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University (Krasnoyarsk); A.S. Loginov Moscow Clinical Research Center (Moscow); and N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University (Moscow). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Sprak och Stil", "ISSN": "11011165", "Scope": "ScopeSpråk och stil vill vara ett forum för aktuell forskning och vetenskaplig debatt rörande svenska språket. Tidskriften vänder sig till språk- och stilforskare, svensklärare, studerande och alla andra med intresse för svenska språkets byggnad, utveckling och användning.\r\rTidskriften Språk och stil utkom med sin första årgång 1901. Efter tjugo år bytte tidskriften namn till Nysvenska studier och så hette den t.o.m. 1990, varefter den återtog namnet Språk och stil.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Starobulgarska Literatura", "ISSN": "0204868X, 25350919", "Scope": "Scope“Starobulgarska Literatura” (“Medieval Bulgarian Literature”) is a specialized peer-reviewed journal dedicated to medieval Bulgarian literature and culture and their Byzantine and European contexts. Since Medieval Bulgarian literature constitutes an important segment of the European cultural heritage, our journal is addressed to an international audience and highlights the work of both Bulgarian and foreign scholars. The journal publishes original research in the fields of literary and interdisciplinary studies of medieval Slavic literatures, as well as editions of unpublished old Slavic literary works and their newly-discovered copies, critical reviews, surveys, information on national and international medievalist events, and current bibliography. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studia z Prawa Wyznaniowego", "ISSN": "20818882, 25443003", "Scope": "Scopetudia z Prawa Wyznaniowego (Studies in Law on Religion) is an annual journal published on behalf of John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin. It aims to publish scholarship (written in Polish or in English) on legal aspects of religious freedom and relations between the state and churches and other religious organizations. Special attention is given to Polish law. Many contributions, however, investigate issues relating to the law of other states, legal regulations of the European Union and international legal protection of freedom of thought, conscience and religion. Besides research articles, the journal also publishes legal opinions and commentaries, book reviews and conference reports, as well as translations and presentations of source documents. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studii de Preistorie", "ISSN": "20652526, 20652534", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal Studies of Prehistory is edited starting from 2001 by the Romanian Association of Archaeology (ARA), a non profit and non governmental organization. This journal is annual and is structured on chapters dedicated especially to prehistoric archaeology, but also on related inter- and pluridisciplinary studies (sedimentology, micromorphology, archaeozoology, anthropology etc.), to which book presentations and reviews are added. The authors publishing in the journal Studies of Prehistory are specialists from the academic world and the museums network, from our country and from abroad. The majority of the articles are drawn up in integrum in a foreign international language and those in Romanian language have consistent abstracts in a foreign language (English, French or German). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Taiwan Journal of Forest Science", "ISSN": "10264469", "Scope": "ScopeThe Taiwan Journal of Forest Science is an academic publication that welcomes contributions from around the world. The journal covers all aspects of forest research, both basic and applied, including Forest Biology and Ecology (tree breeding, silviculture, soils, etc.), Forest Management (watershed management, forest pests and diseases, forest fire, wildlife, recreation, etc.), Biotechnology, and Wood Science. Manuscripts acceptable to the journal include (1) research papers, (2) research notes, (3) review articles, and (4) monographs. A research note differs from a research paper in its which is less-comprehensive, yet it contains important information. In other words, a research note offers an innovative perspective or new discovery which is worthy of early disclosure. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Temple Law Review", "ISSN": "8998086", "Scope": "ScopeFounded in 1927, Temple Law Review is a student-edited, quarterly journal dedicated to providing a forum for the expression of new legal thought and scholarly commentary on important developments, trends, and issues in the law. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Transactions of the Royal Historical Society", "ISSN": "00804401, 14740648", "Scope": "ScopeThe Royal Historical Society has published the highest quality scholarship in history for over 150 years. A subscription includes a substantial annual volume of the Society’s Transactions, which presents wide-ranging reports from the front lines of historical research by both senior and younger scholars, and two volumes from the Camden Fifth Series, which makes available to a wider audience valuable primary sources that have hitherto been available only in manuscript form. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Translation Review", "ISSN": "7374836", "Scope": "ScopeStarted in 1978, Translation Review is unique in the English-speaking world. While many literary journals publish translations of the works of international authors in English translation, Translation Review focuses on the re-creative, cultural, practical, theoretical, and critical aspects of translation. \r\rTranslation Review provides translators, scholars, and readers a forum to cultivate a dialogue about the importance of translation in a globalized world, to illuminate the challenges and difficulties involved in transplanting a text from a foreign culture into English, and to increase the visibility and status of the translator in our contemporary world. Translation Review serves as a major critical and scholarly journal to facilitate cross-cultural communication through the refined art and craft of literary translations. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Vasomed", "ISSN": "9421181", "Scope": "Scopehttps://www.der-niedergelassene-arzt.de/fileadmin/user_upload/zeitschriften/vasomed/Autorenhinweise/Hinweise-f-Autoren_vasomed_CME.pdf Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "VLC Arquitectura", "ISSN": "23412747, 23413050", "Scope": "ScopeVLC Arquitectura Research Journal is an international research journal, born as an initiative of the School of Architecture of the Universitat Politècnica de València. The publication covers the architecture as an interdisciplinary understanding and it is the place for discussions on the architectural and urban project from its technical, energetic and material side, to its theoretical, historical and graphics perspective. Education research on architecture is also welcome. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Writing and Pedagogy", "ISSN": "17565839, 17565847", "Scope": "ScopeWriting & Pedagogy provides a broad-ranging, internationally oriented forum for discussion and dissemination of knowledge focused on the nature of writing and the teaching of writing. It is innovative in being both international in and in spanning across all levels of education, from primary school through doctoral level. The journal aims to provide information and stimulate conversations that advance the theory and practice of writing pedagogy in first- and second-language environments. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Academic Quarter", "ISSN": "19040008", "Scope": "ScopeAcademic Quarter is a peer reviewed, online, open access journal with humanistic research. The aim of the journal is to meet the demand for critical publication of topics from the humanistic and cultural-scientific research tradition from the Danish universities.\r\rThe journal will cover current themes, and at the same time it will seek to create a high standard of good communication and publication of research within the humanities.\r\rAcademic Quarter has as its aim the exchange of research among international scholars, and at the same time it allows anybody to follow this exchange of the most recent research through its online and unrestricted form of publication with no fees whatsoever.\r\rThe journal has a wide, but each issue concentrates on specific themes. Articles will be in Danish and English. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Acta Angiologica", "ISSN": "1234950X, 16443276", "Scope": "Scope\"Acta Angiologica\" is an official journal of the Polish Angiological Society and the Polish Society of Vascular Surgery. This is a quarterly, open access periodical for angiologists and vascular surgeons as well as for other doctors interested in vascular disorders. Original papers, reviews, case reports and letters submitted by authors from different countries, concerning physiology, pathology, presentation, diagnostics and treatment of vascular system, are published. Thorough contents of \"Acta Angiologica\" provide valuable information about modern diagnostic and therapeutic issues as well as advances in basic sciences and pharmacology. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Acta Archaeologica Lodziensia", "ISSN": "00650986, 24510300", "Scope": "ScopeActa Archaeologica Lodziensia is the oldest archaeological journal in the Lodz research center. It has been published as an annual for more than half a century. A rich variety of subjects, which are showing current research possibilities and new trends in archeology, characterizes published texts. Articles dedicated to issues of link between archeology and other disciplines (mainly: history, history of science and technology, architecture, art history) are often inserted. Chronological frameworks embrace a wide time range from the Stone Age to the present day. \rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Advances in Business Related Scientific Research Journal", "ISSN": "1855931X", "Scope": "ScopeAdvances in Business-Related Scientific Research Journal (ABSRJ) is an open access international journal, which publishes scientific papers on diverse topics on business and economics and business-related sciences research. The aim of the journal is to publish new, contemporary, and quality research, including conceptual and empirical research papers. The papers are subject to double blind peer review. The journal encourages the use of various research methods (conceptual development, various univariate and multivariate quantitative methods, various qualitative methods including case studies, action research, ethnographic research etc.). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Advances in Gender Research", "ISSN": "15292126", "Scope": "ScopeAdvances in Gender Research (AGR) offers readers original manuscripts dealing with new developments in the study of gender informed by a variety of feminist frameworks and methodologies. See the most recent volume.\r\rThe series encourages and engages with empirical and theoretical gender scholarship worldwide. It furthers the understanding of gender and promotes the application of this understanding to the solution of social problems and the achievement of equality locally and globally.\r\rAdvances in Gender Research recognises that gender intersects with other social structures, including, but not limited to race/ethnicity, sexuality, citizenship, social class, age, and (dis)ability; and with various institutions, including, but not limited to the family, the state, the economy, the media, and education. The series seeks manuscripts that explore these intersections. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Alea: estudos neolatinos", "ISSN": "1517106X, 18070299", "Scope": "ScopeAlea: Neo-Latin Studies -- Quarterly journal managed by the Postgraduate Program in Neo-Latin Letters of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Areas of interest include: Spanish Language and Hispanic Literature; French Language and Literature; Italian Language and Literature.\r\rThe journal seeks to promote original research in various areas in the production of knowledge within the field of Letters which are articulated through the study of neo-Latin languages and literature. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Architektura a Urbanizmus", "ISSN": "448680", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal Architektúra & urbanizmus pro­vides a forum for the publication of research papers on architecture and town-planning. The attention is concentrated on the theory, history, philosophy and culture of architecture and town-planning of 20th and 21st century in Central and Eastern Europe. The published papers deal with the relation of architecture and town-planning to art, technology and environment. They also present research results of architec­ture and town-planning sociology and psychology, social ecology, environment technology and of other theoretical disciplines which contribute to the development of the theoretical knowledge in architecture and town-planning. The papers further deal with methods of appreciation and criticism of architectural and town-planning activities, as with appreciation of outstanding architects, architectonic works and periods. Papers on architecture and town-planning education, book reviews and information on scientific meetings are involved. The quarterly is published by the Department of Architecture of the Institute of History of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in cooperation with the Art History Institute of the Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Asian-European Music Research Journal", "ISSN": "2625378X, 27012689", "Scope": "ScopeAsian-European Music Research Journal is a double-blind peer-reviewed academic open access journal, that publishes scholarship on traditional and popular musics and field work research, and on recent issues and debates in Asian and European communities. The journal places a specific emphasis on interconnectivity in time and space between Asian and European cultures, as well as within Asia and Europe. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Boletin de Literatura Oral", "ISSN": "21730695", "Scope": "ScopeThe Boletín de Literatura Oral is a journal devoted to research in hispanic oral tradition. The languages used are English, Spanish, French, Italian and Portuguese. The Boletín de Literatura Oral only publishes original articles. The high standard of the editorial process guarantees the quality of each issue.\r\rThe BLO is published regularly on July 15 of each year. Each number includes the contributions that have been accepted between June 16 of the previous year and June 15 of the year of publication. This is the deadline to submit articles that are published in the current year. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Bulletin of National Institute of Health Sciences", "ISSN": "13434292", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Bulletin of the Kanagawa Prefectural Museum, Natural Science", "ISSN": "4531906", "Scope": "Scope「神奈川県立博物館研究報告(自然科学) - Bull. Kanagawa prefect. Mus. (Nat. Sci.) -」(ISSN 0453-1906 ONLINE ISSN 2189-6720)は、当館の調査研究の成果をまとめたものです。国内外の研究機関、大学、博物館などで利用されています。\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Catholic University Law Review", "ISSN": "88390", "Scope": "ScopeFounded in 1950, the Catholic University Law Review is the Columbus School of Law's oldest legal journal. Now in its 70th year of publication, the Law Review is a student run scholarly journal that examines problems of current legal concern. The Law Review publishes articles submitted by legal scholars and practitioners on a quarterly basis. The Catholic University Law Review is respected in the legal community, and its articles are often cited in judicial opinions, casebooks, treatises, and other legal journals.\r\rThe Catholic University Law Review also regularly publishes Notes and Comments written by its student members. Each Staff Editor of the Law Review must complete a Note or Comment on a novel and current legal topic during his or her first semester of membership as part of the Journal’s writing program. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Chinese Journal of General Surgery", "ISSN": "10056947, 20969252", "Scope": "ScopeThe Chinese Journal of General Surgery (CJGS, ISSN1005-6947/CN43-1213R), under the auspices of the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China, was founded in 1992 with the Central South University as sponsor and Xiangya Hospital, Central South University as the undertaking sponsor. The journal is published monthly with papers covering all respects of general surgery from authors all over the country in both print and online formats.\r\rThe journal’s editorial board and academic consultants consists of over 100 members, all of whom are eminent national and international specialists in each sub-field of general surgery, and some of whom are members of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering. The structure of board members and consultants along with the support of a panel of qualified reviewers ensure the quality and high scientific standard of the published articles and the increasing popularity of the journal. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Contemporary Sociology", "ISSN": "00943061, 19398638", "Scope": "ScopeContemporary Sociology publishes reviews and critical discussions of recent works in sociology and related disciplines that merit the attention of sociologists. Since not all sociological publications can be reviewed, a selection is made to reflect important trends and issues in the field.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Croatian Yearbook of European Law and Policy", "ISSN": "18455662, 18489958", "Scope": "ScopeThe Croatian Yearbook of European Law and Policy is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal specialized in EU law and policy. It seeks to advance academic scholarship, postgraduate education, to develop European and regional academic networking, to create professional opportunities for law academics, and to promote academic reflection on European law and European values. The specific angle of the Yearbook aims to be critical, realistic and multidisciplinary. The editors recognise that significant answers to legal questions can be found only in a wider political, economic and social context. The editors welcome contributions on a wide range of European topics. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Crossings", "ISSN": "20404344, 20404352", "Scope": "ScopeCrossings: Journal of Migration & Culture situates itself at the interface of Migration Studies and Cultural Studies. The terminology and key concepts in use in discourses on migration have yet to be sufficiently theorized or understood from theoretical perspectives linked to cultural studies, although migration is intrinsically linked to questions of culture. The course of cultures at both local and global levels is crucially affected by migratory movements. In turn, culture itself is turned migrant.\r\rThis journal's will be global, with a predominant focus on migration and culture from the latter half of the twentieth century to the present-day. Apart from the inclusion of refereed articles, Crossings: Journal of Migration and Culture will include a section of reviews of films, music, photography, exhibitions or books on migration-related topics, interviews with cultural practitioners who focus on migration-related topics, and oral histories of migrant cultural experiences. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cuadernos de Derecho Local", "ISSN": "16960955", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Cuadernos Europeos de Deusto", "ISSN": "11308354, 24453587", "Scope": "ScopeDeusto Journal of European Studies (DJES) is a university journal specialised in the study of the European Union from an interdisciplinary perspective. It primarily aims at disseminating knowledge on the different aspects of the European construction process (historical, political, legal, economic, social, cultural issues, etc.). It also aims at encouraging reflection on and critical assessment of the different factors that determine European Union's evolution and transformation.\r\rFirst published in 1987, Deusto Journal of European Studies (DJES) is issued twice a year. Its contents include a section on doctrinal articles, a section commenting the jurisprudence of the EU Court of Justice and a section on current European issues. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cultura de los Cuidados", "ISSN": "11381728, 16996003", "Scope": "ScopeEsta revista surge con la finalidad de servir de soporte de enlace entre la actividad investigadora, especialmente en los campos señalados y las diferentes vertientes que, desarrolladas por profesionales de enfermería están cimentando las bases del humanismo enfermero sin cuya existencia y esmerada potenciación resultará del todo imposible alcanzar ni tan siquiera los lindes de ese objetivo tan legítimo como largamente anhelado: el desarrollo pleno de la enfermería en todas sus dimensiones.\r\rLa necesidad del conocimiento previo de las culturas como único camino para preservar los niveles mínimos de respeto y dignidad en todo abordaje investigador y/o educativo, revela, por sí misma la dimensión pragmática del quehacer histórico, antropológico y humanístico en los cuidados enfermeros. La longevidad y salud de un propósito cómo éste dependerá de las variables de siempre. Hacemos por tanto una llamada a investigadores de la teoría, la filosofía y el desarrollo práctico de modelos y métodos enfermeros, la historia de la enfermería, la antropología de los cuidados enfermeros, la fenomenología y, por ende, a los compañeros y compañeras interesados en publicar sus narraciones, poesías y todas aquellas actividades que destaquen por su carácter humanístico.\r\rLa intencionalidad de esta convocatoria no se reduce a la colaboración puntual, sino que esta revista pretende convertirse en un espacio abierto al debate, además del \"ejercicio del criterio\" (en expresión de Benedetti), se estimule la actividad investigadora y humanística erigiéndose en catalizadora de acciones tales como la convocatoria anual del premio \"Vida y Salud\" de Narrativa y video. Si el camino se hace andando hemos comenzado a dar pasos, pero resultará del todo imposible seguir caminando en la soledad por eso esperamos vuestro apoyo y colaboración. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Current Swedish Archaeology", "ISSN": "11027355", "Scope": "ScopeCurrent Swedish Archaeology (CSA) is a peer-reviewed journal focusing primarily on the interpretation of the archaeological record and on archaeology as social practice. The aim of the journal is to make findings and discussions in Swedish and wider Nordic archaeology accessible to non-Scandinavian speaking readers in and outside of the region, and to promote contact and debate between Swedish archaeology and the larger international field.\r\rThe first volume of CSA was published in 1993. It is published by the Swedish Archaeological Society. To guarantee the high quality of CSA, the editors are nominated by the board of the Swedish Archaeological Society, and are supported by an international editorial advisory board consisting of leading scholars in different archaeological fields.\r\rCSA is published in one annual volume containing 10-15 articles. Each volume contains one keynote article debating a current theme in Nordic archaeology, followed by several commentaries. Each volume also includes a number of peer-reviewed articles from a wide range of topics in Nordic archaeology, reviews of recent book releases, and notices of current happenings in archaeology in the region. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Current Topics in Peptide and Protein Research", "ISSN": "9724524", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Dialogue", "ISSN": "2428962", "Scope": "ScopeLa revue Dialogue, recherches sur le couple et la famille, publie des informations, des contributions théoriques et des analyses de terrain susceptibles d'apporter un éclairage original sur les problématiques et les évolutions actuelles du couple et de la famille. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "European Conference on Multifunctional Structures", "ISSN": "26966913", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "European Journal of Jewish Studies", "ISSN": "10259996, 1872471X", "Scope": "ScopeThe European Journal of Jewish Studies (EJJS) is the Journal of the European Association for Jewish Studies (EAJS). Its main purpose is to publish high-quality research articles, essays and shorter contributions on all aspects of Jewish Studies. Submissions are all double blind peer-reviewed. Additionally, EJJS seeks to inform its readers on current developments in Jewish Studies: it carries comprehensive review-essays on specific topics, trends and debated questions, as well as regular book-reviews. A further section carries reports on conferences, symposia, and descriptions of research projects in every area of Jewish Studies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Fabula", "ISSN": "00146242, 16130464", "Scope": "ScopeFabula is a medium of discussion for issues of all kinds which are of interest to international folk narrative research. The journal contains eight divisions: Articles, Minor Contributions, Research Reports and Conference Reports, News, Projects and Queries, Reviews, Bibliographical Notes, and Books Received. Principal themes of the article section are the study of popular narrative traditions in their various forms (fairy tales, legends, jokes and anecdotes, exempla, fables, ballads, etc.), the interrelationship between oral and literary traditions as well as the contemporary genres. Interest focuses on Europe and overseas countries which are influenced by European civilization, but still, there is quite a number of contributions from other culture areas. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Fujitsu Scientific and Technical Journal", "ISSN": "162523", "Scope": "ScopeFSTJ is published by FUJITSU LIMITED to introduce the FUJITSU Group's research and development activities, cutting-edge technologies, products, and solution services. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Gaceta Medica Boliviana", "ISSN": "10122966, 22273662", "Scope": "ScopeLa Gaceta Médica Boliviana es la revista oficial de difusión científica de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Mayor de San Simón, contribuye a la socialización de nuevos conocimientos y avances científicos en el área de la salud, cumpliendo con los criterios y estándares internacionales de una revista científica, promoviendo y apoyando la producción de profesionales e investigadores en el ámbito nacional e internacional. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "General Medicine", "ISSN": "13111817", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Geodezia es Kartografia", "ISSN": "167118", "Scope": "ScopeMagyar Földmérési, Térképészeti és Távérzékelési Társaság\rHungarian Society of Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing\r\rA Földművelésügyi Minisztérium Földügyi Főosztály és a Magyar Földmérési,\rTérképészeti és Távérzékelési Társaság lapja\rBi-Monthly of the Department of Land Administration in the Ministry of Agriculture\rand the Hungarian Society of Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "George Eliot-George Henry Lewes Studies", "ISSN": "23721901, 2372191X", "Scope": "ScopeSince its founding as a newsletter in 1982, George Eliot-George Henry Lewes Studies has recorded scholarly communication about the life and literature surrounding the Victorians George Eliot (Mary Anne Evans), the famous author and translator, and her life partner, the noted English philosopher and critic George Henry Lewes. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Geschichte und Gesellschaft", "ISSN": "0340613X", "Scope": "Scope»Geschichte und Gesellschaft« ist eine Zeitschrift für den gesamten Bereich der historisch-sozialwissenschaftlichen Forschung. Sie wendet sich an Hochschullehrer, Studenten und Lehrer, an Historiker und Soziologen, Politikwissenschaftler und Kulturwissenschaftler, für die es wichtig ist, Fragestellungen und Ergebnisse der historischen Forschung zu kennen, und die sich für neue Entwicklungen interessieren.\rGegenstand der Zeitschrift ist die Gesellschaft und ihre Geschichte – Gesellschaftsgeschichte, verstanden als die Geschichte sozialer, politischer, ökonomischer und kultureller Phänomene, die in bestimmten gesellschaftlichen Formationen verankert sind. Im Mittelpunkt stehen Darstellung und Analyse des gesellschaftlichen Wandels.\rIn Geschichte und Gesellschaft erscheinen Aufsätze, Diskussionsbeiträge, Literaturberichte, Wissenschaftliche Nachrichten. Fast alle Hefte haben im Aufsatzteil ein Schwerpunktthema. Zu Themen, die ausführlicher behandelt werden sollen, erscheinen von Zeit zu Zeit Sonderhefte, die Abonnenten zum ermäßigten Preis beziehen können. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Gregorianum", "ISSN": "174114", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal Gregorianum welcomes unpublished scientific articles in the following areas: Theology (biblical, fundamental, dogmatic, patristic, moral), Spirituality, Philosophy, as well as in other disciplines of the University, in particular Social Sciences and Psychology.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Histoire Epistemologie Langage", "ISSN": "07508069, 16381580", "Scope": "ScopeHistoire Épistémologie Langage is an international biannual journal, founded in 1979, co-edited by the Société d'Histoire et d'Épistémologie des Sciences du Langage (International Society for the History and Epistemology of the Language Sciences, SHESL) and EDP Sciences. Its aim is to promote and spread original research and knowledge in this field. The historical dimension involves the documentation of models from other times and traditions, and is central to an understanding of evolutionary processes and their causes. Epistemology offers critical perspectives on all aspects of the language sciences: linguistics, grammar, rhetoric, logic, pragmatics, philosophy of language, semiotics.\r\rAn advisory editorial board and a scientific committee, composed of major international specialists in the subject, assist the associate editors in the reviewing process and play a consultative role.\r\rHistoire Épistémologie Langage reaches an international readership and provides a scholarly meeting point for authors from universities and research centers in France, Europe and all over the world.\r\rContributions are published in several European languages. HEL has been awarded the Prix Brunet of the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Historische Zeitschrift", "ISSN": "00182613, 2196680X", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ilahiyat Studies", "ISSN": "13091719, 13091786", "Scope": "ScopeIlahiyat Studies is an international, peer-reviewed multidisciplinary journal dedicated to publishing scholarly articles on all aspects of Islam and the Muslim peoples and on religious studies. Available in print and online and published in English twice a year, the journal aims to become one of the leading platforms in the world for new findings and discussions of all fields of Islamic and religious studies. The language of Ilahiyat Studies is English.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ilha do Desterro", "ISSN": "01014846, 21758026", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal Ilha do Desterro publishes, since 1979, unpublished articles and reviews in the areas of English, Literature and Cultural Studies. Ilha do Desterro is a periodical from the Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras: Inglês e Literatura Correspondente from Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil, which publishes three times a year - once every four months. Its greatest goal is to spread the results of academic research in the areas of English, Literature and Cultural Studies.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Indian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology", "ISSN": "23951443, 23951451", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal aims to serve society by publishing clinical and basic science research on ophthalmology and related subject. It will cover clinical studies in all subspecialties of ophthalmology including conjunctiva, corneal diseases, and refractive surgery, glaucoma, uvea, lens, retina, sclera, pediatric ophthalmology, neuro-ophthalmology, orbit, oculoplasty, ocular oncology, dacryology, community ophthalmology, ocular traumatology, ocular imaging, investigative ophthalmology, genetic diseases, immunology, medical education pertaining to ophthalmology, health, ethical and social issues in the field of ophthalmology. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Innovative Medicine of Kuban", "ISSN": "25000268, 25419897", "Scope": "ScopeThe Innovative Medicine of Kuban publishes the results of experimental and clinical research, case reports, and reviews in the areas of cardiology, cardiovascular surgery, pulmonology, neurology, oncology, radiology, trauma medicine and orthopedics, anesthesiology, neurosurgery, urology, and transplant medicine. Papers describing the experience in the main areas of medical science development, such as regenerative medicine and cellular technologies are accepted for publication. The journal publishes articles by authors from the founder institution - 20% of articles, as well as works by nonresident and international authors - 80% of published manuscripts. The quality of the submitted manuscripts is the main criteria when selecting papers for publication. We tend to favor studies that are prepared following the principles of evidence-based medicine and a multidisciplinary approach.\r\rThe Innovative Medicine of Kuban is aimed at a wide range of specialists: cardiologists, cardiovascular surgeons, pulmonologists, neurosurgeons, neurologists, resuscitators, specialists in the field of ultrasound diagnostics, urologists, traumatologists, orthopedists and oncologists. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Applied Cryptography", "ISSN": "17530563, 17530571", "Scope": "ScopeInformation security is important to the rapid growth of the Internet and advances of computer systems. However, existing journals on information security mainly focus on either theory or specific areas of information and computer security. IJACT aims to introduce new ground between these two areas. It proposes and fosters discussion on cryptographic algorithms and protocols that are directly applicable. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of China Studies", "ISSN": "21803250", "Scope": "ScopeThe International Journal of China Studies is a biannual academic journal focusing on contemporary China in issues pertaining to the fields of political, social and economic development, trade and commerce, foreign relations, regional security and other domains of the social sciences in the context of, more specifically, today’s Mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong or Macau. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Environmental Sustainability", "ISSN": "23251077, 23251085", "Scope": "ScopeThe International Journal of Environmental Sustainability focuses on sustainable ecosystems, urban environments, agriculture, energy systems, water use, atmospheric quality, and biodiversity. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Philosophy and Theology", "ISSN": "21692327, 21692335", "Scope": "ScopeInternational Journal of Philosophy and Theology publishes scholarly articles and reviews that concern the intersection between philosophy and theology. It aims to stimulate the creative discussion between various traditions, for example the analytical and the continental traditions. Articles should exhibit high-level scholarship but should be readable for those coming from other philosophical traditions. Fields of interest are: philosophy, especially philosophy of religion, metaphysics, and philosophical ethics, and systematic theology, for example fundamental theology, dogmatic and moral theology. Contributions focusing on the history of these disciplines are also welcome, especially when they are relevant to contemporary discussions. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Quality Engineering and Technology", "ISSN": "17572177, 17572185", "Scope": "ScopeIJQET fosters the exchange and dissemination of research publications aimed at the latest developments in all areas of quality engineering. The thrust of this international journal is to publish original full-length articles on experimental and theoretical basic research with scholarly rigour. IJQET particularly welcomes those emerging methodologies and techniques in concise and quantitative expressions of the theoretical and practical engineering and science disciplines.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Iranian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism", "ISSN": "16834844, 16835476", "Scope": "ScopeThe “Iranian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism “is the a scientific bimonthly publication in the field of endocrinology and metabolism. The journal accepts Original Papers, Review Articles, Short Communications and Letters to Editor in the fields of endocrine and metabolism.\r\rIranian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism is bimonthly publication of Endocrine Research Center, Shaheed Beheshti University of Medicine Sciences and Iran Endocrine Society. The journal is in Persian (Farsi). The aim of Iranian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism (IJEM) is to increase knowledge, stimulate research in the field of endocrinology and promote better management of patients with endocrinological disorders. To achieve this goal, the journal publishes original research papers on human, animal and cell culture studies relevant to endocrinology. The Journal also publishes interesting case reports, review articles, letters to the editor and commentaries. Following categories are the main areas of the interest: clinical care, epidemiology, pathophysiology and complications, animal and cell culture studies promoting the science of endocrinology. Submissions addressing different aspects of endocrine disorders and their management are welcomed.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Italian Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery", "ISSN": "18244777, 18271847", "Scope": "ScopeThe Italian Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery publishes scientific papers on vascular surgery. Manuscripts may be submitted in the form of editorials, original articles, review articles, case reports, therapeutical notes, special articles and letters to the Editor.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Japanese Journal of Allergology", "ISSN": "00214884, 13477935", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Jordan Journal of Chemistry", "ISSN": "18149111, 20797249", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology", "ISSN": "20539320, 20539339", "Scope": "ScopeJournal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology aims to encourage and promote research in aesthetics that draws inspiration from the phenomenological tradition as broadly understood, where “phenomenology” is inclusive of, but goes beyond the limits of, intellectual practices associated with the tradition and its well-known representative thinkers. Unique in the English speaking world, the journal welcomes scholarly articles written in a phenomenological vein as well as studies of aesthetic phenomena by researchers working on phenomenology within analytic philosophy. \r\rThe field of Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology is further defined by its close connections with the arts and culture, including the reality of human experience and its environment. Besides philosophical rigor, the journal puts emphasis on both creativity of ideas and precision of language. It provides a platform for new innovative ideas crossing the boundaries of established philosophical methods and traditionally accepted fields of research in aesthetics. The journal therefore also welcomes research from or between a variety of cultures worldwide. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Chinese Literature and Culture", "ISSN": "23290048, 23290056", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Chinese Literature and Culture publishes research articles and essays on premodern Chinese literature and all aspects of the broader literary culture. It also publishes work that explores the influence of traditional literature and culture in modern and contemporary China. For some periods of the twentieth century, the study of premodern Chinese literature was considered by some an impediment to the rise of science and democracy, but it is now recognized in China as a valuable heritage that can enrich Chinese culture for the twenty-first century. Jointly sponsored by Peking University and the University of Illinois, the journal is committed to an international editorial vision and to in-depth exchange and collaboration among scholars in China, the United States, and other parts of the world. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Clinical Hepatology", "ISSN": "10015256", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Journal of Holy Land and Palestine Studies", "ISSN": "20541988, 20541996", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Holy Land and Palestine Studies (formerly Holy Land Studies: A Multidisciplinary Journal) was founded in 2002 as a fully refereed international journal. It publishes new, stimulating and provocative ideas on Palestine, Israel and the wider Middle East, paying particular attention to issues that have a contemporary relevance and a wider public interest. The journal draws upon expertise from virtually all relevant disciplines: history, politics, culture, literature, archaeology, geography, economics, religion, linguistics, biblical studies, sociology and anthropology.\r\rThe journal deals with a wide range of topics: ‘two nations’ and ‘three faiths’; conflicting Israeli and Palestinian perspectives; social and economic conditions; religion and politics in the Middle East; Palestine in history and today; ecumenism, and interfaith relations; modernisation and postmodernism; religious revivalisms and fundamentalisms; Zionism, Neo-Zionism, Christian Zionism, anti-Zionism and Post-Zionism; theologies of liberation in Palestine and Israel; colonialism, imperialism, settler-colonialism, post-colonialism and decolonisation; ‘History from below’ and Subaltern studies; ‘One-state’ and Two States’ solutions in Palestine and Israel; Crusader studies, Genocide studies and Holocaust studies. Conventionally these diversified discourses are kept apart. This multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary journal brings them together. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of King Abdulaziz University, Islamic Economics", "ISSN": "10187383, 16584244", "Scope": "ScopeThe aims and of the journal include:\r\r-To develop the emerging paradigm of Islamic economics on scientific lines through publishing original works in this field that pass its peer review process.\r\r-To promote dialogue and discussion on current issues in the fields of Islamic economics and finance among the international community of scholars.\r\r-To encourage empirical research on Islamic finance, takaful, zakah, awqaf and other Islamic institutions including case studies from Muslim economies.\r\r-Contemporary global economic issues viewed from an Islamic perspective.\r\rTo publish book reviews of important works published in the field, including books in conventional economics, business and finance having some connection with Islamic economics and/or finance. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Medical and Dental Sciences", "ISSN": "13428810, 21859132", "Scope": "Scope\"Journal of Medical and Dental Sciences\" publishes the results of research conducted at Tokyo Medical and Dental University. \r\rThe journal made its first appearance in 1954. We issue four numbers by the year. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Taxation", "ISSN": "224863", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Taxation is your trusted resource for new tax law developments, including court decisions, Treasury/IRS rulings, legislation - and other issues that may impact you and your clients. The Journal takes a wide-angle approach to taxpayers and tax topics, covering individuals and corporations, estates and trusts, partnerships and other pass-throughs. It also covers issues arising in tax accounting, real estate transactions, compensation and employee benefits, retirement plans, and cross-border transactions.\r\rEach month, the Journal of Taxation brings you in-depth and practical analysis by leading experts on new tax developments, like:\r\r-The government's ongoing crackdown against unreported foreign accounts\r-The consequences of new legislation that can impact tax planning\r-The impact of IRS actions to ensure compliance both by practitioners and by taxpayers - ranging from multinational corporate giants to mid-sized pension plans to individuals\r-Tax accounting rules affecting capitalization vs. expense treatment\r-Court decisions that provide planning opportunities or pose dangers for your clients\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Klinicheskaya Dermatologiya i Venerologiya", "ISSN": "19972849, 23094877", "Scope": "ScopeRussian Journal of Clinical Dermatology and Venereology is a peer-reviewed journal founded in 2002. It is intended for scientists and practitioners in dermatovenereology and specialists in related fields (cosmetologists, obstetricians and gynaecologists, urologists, oncologists,pediatricians and other). It has acquired a generally recognized status as the leading professional journal for publications of the Russian scientists and doctors, as well as foreign experts. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Laboratorio de Arte", "ISSN": "11305762, 22538305", "Scope": "ScopeLaboratorio de Arte is aimed preferably at the scientific and university community, both national and international, as well as all professionals in Art History in general.\r\rLaboratorio de Arte is presented both in electronic version and in printed format, publishing original and unpublished articles characterized by their quality and originality, admitting proposals written in Spanish, English, French, Italian and Portuguese, although the editorial board may consider the possibility of accept texts in other languages of the European Union.\r\rSaid works are divided into two sections, on the one hand the research articles and on the other the various ones, which also have the same scientific character, since everything goes through the same rigorous blind peer evaluation policy.\r\rSince 1988 it has been published without interruption. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Leonardo Music Journal", "ISSN": "9611215", "Scope": "ScopeLeonardo Music Journal (LMJ) is the annual companion journal to Leonardo. LMJ is devoted to aesthetic and technical issues in contemporary music and the sonic arts. Each thematic issue features artists and writers from around the world, representing a wide range of stylistic viewpoints. Recent issues have covered improvisation, musical communities, live performance in the digital age, and the politics of sound art. Each volume includes the latest offering from the LMJ audio series—an exciting sampling of works chosen by a guest curator and accompanied by notes from the composers and performers. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Linguistica Pragensia", "ISSN": "8628432", "Scope": "ScopeLinguistica Pragensia, ISSN 0862-8432 (print), 1805-9635 (online), is a peer-reviewed international journal of language and linguistics that builds upon the tradition of the functional structuralism. It is published biannually by the Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague (Department of English Language and ELT Methodology, Institut für germanische Studien, Institut des Études Romanes / Instituto de Estudios Románicos). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Liturgy", "ISSN": "0458063X, 15573001", "Scope": "ScopeLiturgy is a quarterly resource for studying, preparing, and celebrating Christian worship. It offers practical help and reflections for educators, musicians, pastoral ministers, and parish liturgy committee members as well as professors and seminarians. With each issue focusing on a different theme, Liturgy is prepared by a broad range of pastors, leaders, scholars, and writers who worship in faith. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Middle Atlantic Review of Latin American Studies", "ISSN": "24749621", "Scope": "ScopeThe Middle Atlantic Review of Latin American Studies is an interdisciplinary, peer reviewed, open access online journal focusing on the dissemination of scholarly work about Latin America and the Caribbean. The editors also welcome submissions focusing on relations among Latin American and Caribbean countries and with other states and regions of the world. MARLAS publishes research findings aimed at a multidisciplinary audience and invites submissions based on rigorous analysis from a variety of theoretical and methodological perspectives. The journal publishes scholarly articles, essays, research notes, book reviews, and periodic special issues examining specific topics in Latin American studies. MARLAS accepts submissions in English, Spanish and Portuguese. The Editorial Board asks prospective authors to examine carefully the guidelines for submissions. Previously published as Latin American Essays, a printed journal, since 1988, MARLAS represents a continuation of a 30-year tradition of high-quality scholarly contributions to the field of Latin American studies. MARLAS is a publication of the Middle Atlantic Council of Latin American Studies (MACLAS). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Music, Sound and the Moving Image", "ISSN": "17530768, 17530776", "Scope": "ScopeMusic, Sound, and the Moving Image is the first international scholarly journal devoted to the study of the interaction between music and sound in moving image media, including film, television, music video, advertising, computer games, mixed-media installation, digital art, live cinema, et alia.\r\rThe journal is truly interdisciplinary, inviting contributions across a range of critical methodologies, including musicology and music analysis, film studies, popular music studies, cultural theory, aesthetics, semiotics, sociology, marketing, sound studies, and music psychology.\r\rThe journal also provides an important focus for the similarly diverse and expanding community of media music scholars. The journal is published twice a year, and its first issues were open, embracing this diversity of topics and approaches. Themed issues, under a guest editor, now alternate with open issues, encouraging writers to explore areas under-represented in current literature.\r\rThe editors welcome contributions offering the broadest interpretation of the journal’s title, not only seeking to build upon the existing scholarship on film music and film sound, but also to challenge its theoretical assumptions, and to extend its boundaries to include the full variety of moving image media and traditions. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "NASN school nurse (Print)", "ISSN": "1942602X, 19426038", "Scope": "ScopeThe NASN School Nurse is a peer-reviewed clinical resource journal of the National Association of School Nurses and is published in January, March, May, July, September, and November. The mission of the NASN School Nurse is to advance the practice of school nursing through the publishing of evidence-based, clinical resource articles and providing information on emerging issues, innovation in school health, and organizational resources of interest to our members. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Nineteenth-Century Contexts", "ISSN": "08905495, 14772663", "Scope": "ScopeNineteenth-Century Contexts is committed to interdisciplinary recuperations of “new” nineteenth centuries and their relation to contemporary geopolitical developments. The journal challenges traditional modes of categorizing the nineteenth century by forging innovative contextualizations across a wide spectrum of nineteenth century experience and the critical disciplines that examine it. Articles not only integrate theories and methods of various fields of inquiry — art, history, musicology, anthropology, literary criticism, religious studies, social history, economics, popular culture studies, and the history of science, among others — but also test and open up the very limits of disciplinary boundaries. of interest is not confined to any single regional or cultural area, and the relevance of the nineteenth centuries we read about to contemporary political flashpoints around the world remains a top priority. Interdisciplinary, international and innovative, Nineteenth-Century Contexts is leading debate about where the next nineteenth centuries will occur. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Orillas", "ISSN": "22804390", "Scope": "ScopeOrillas è una rivista annuale di classe A (ANVUR 2018) dell’Università di Padova il cui obiettivo è pubblicare articoli di ricerca inediti scritti da specialisti di letteratura spagnola, letteratura ispanoamericana, teoria e critica letteraria, linguistica spagnola, filologia ispanica, storia della lingua spagnola, storia della traduzione e storiografia linguistica. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Plan Journal", "ISSN": "25317644, 26117487", "Scope": "ScopeIn alignment with its commitment to actively promote research relevant to professional practice, the TPJ will actively encourage investigations, elaborations or reflections on possible topics or in-progress research. Consequently, submissions will be solicited, besides periodical calls for papers, also via direct invitations. In addition, the TPJ encourages also proposals for publication via email addressed to the Editor-In-Chief. It is sufficient for a proposal to be considered to include a cover statement and a 500-1000 word abstract. Additional documents, such as sample images and an outline of the manuscript are encouraged, but not required. \r\rThe TPJ is committed to follow a rigorous process of double-blind peer review, by at least two reviewers. A pool of highly qualified reviewers will assist the Editor-In-Chief and the Executive Editorial Board in the selection of contributions for publication. The criteria for selecting contributions will be innovation, clarity of purpose and method, and potential transformational impact on disciplinary fields or the broader socio-cultural and environmental context. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Politix", "ISSN": "02952319, 19538286", "Scope": "ScopePolitix is a social sciences journal promoting a multidisciplinary approach to political phenomena. It is open to works in political science as well as in sociology, anthropology, and history. It aims to participate in the dissemination of academic works on the political dimension of social phenomena, and to contribute to the public debate by comparing topics discussed in scientific research.\r\rContribute to the dissemination of academic work in political science; contribute to public debate by confronting the themes debated therein with empirical research; intervene in controversies crossing the social sciences; and foster dialogue between the latter, historical disciplines and political science: these are Politix‘s main ambitions. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Pomegranate", "ISSN": "15280268, 17431735", "Scope": "ScopeThe Pomegranate is the first International, peer-reviewed journal of Pagan studies. It provides a forum for papers, essays and symposia on both ancient and contemporary Pagan religious practices. The Pomegranate also publishes timely reviews of scholarly books in this growing field. The editors seek both new interpretations and re-examinations of those traditions marked both by an emphasis on nature as a source of sacred value (e.g., Wicca, modern Goddess religions) as well as those emphasizing continuity with a polytheistic past (e.g., Ásatrú and other forms of 'reconstructionist' Paganism). The editors also seek papers on the interplay between Pagan religious traditions, popular culture, literature, psychology and the arts. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Praxis", "ISSN": "16618157, 16618165", "Scope": "ScopePraxis ist die MEDLINE-gelistete Fortbildungszeitschrift für Ärztinnen und Ärzte mit praktischer Ausrichtung – zum Studium über die Assistenzjahre bis in die eigene Praxis. Originalartikel, Mini-Reviews, Praxis-Fälle und die klinischen Kurzstandards sind Peer-reviewed; CME-Artikel werden von SGAIM und SGUM als Fortbildung anerkannt und zeichnen sich durch ihren hohen Praxisbezug aus; grosses Gewicht wird auf problemorientierte Abklärungsstrategien gelegt. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Proceedings of the International Conference of Architectural Science Association", "ISSN": "22093850", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Proceedings of the Thermal and Fluids Engineering Summer Conference", "ISSN": "23791748", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Propagation of Ornamental Plants", "ISSN": "13119109", "Scope": "ScopePropagation of Ornamental plants is an international journal and publish original papers aimed at covering all aspects of in vitro and in vivo propagation (genetic, physiological, biochemical, anatomical, technological etc.) of the ornamental plant species - trees, shrubs and flowers. The journal is published 4 times per year. It is research medium in all aspects of ornamental plants propagation and a link between the researchers and producers of ornamental plants.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Punctum International Journal of Semiotics", "ISSN": "24592943", "Scope": "ScopePunctum. is a blind peer-reviewed, on-line journal dedicated to the semiotic study of contemporary cultural texts, practices and processes, published by the Hellenic Semiotic Society, member of the International Association for Semiotic Studies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Religion and Gender", "ISSN": "18785417, 25898051", "Scope": "ScopeReligion and Gender is the first peer-reviewed, international journal for the systematic study of gender and religion in an interdisciplinary perspective. The journal explores the relation, confrontation and intersection of gender and religion, taking into account the multiple and changing manifestations of religion in diverse social and cultural contexts. It analyses and reflects critically on gender in its interpretative and imaginative dimensions and as a fundamental principle of social ordering. It seeks to investigate gender at the intersections of feminist, sexuality, queer, masculinity, and diversity studies. Religion and Gender targets an interdisciplinary academic audience but also aims to be accessible to those with a non-professional interest in the field. The journal publishes high level contributions from the Humanities and from qualitative and conceptual studies in the Social Sciences. It focusses in particular on contemporary debates and topics of emerging interest from postmodern, postcolonial, and post-secular perspectives. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Religionsvidenskabeligt Tidsskrift", "ISSN": "01081993, 19048181", "Scope": "ScopeReligionsvidenskabeligt Tidsskrift (RvT) publicerer forskningsbaserede artikler samt anmeldelser og review-artikler om religion. RvT dækker religion i alle former, til alle tider og fra alle steder. RvT har en særlig ambition om at publicere artikler, der udvikler religionsvidenskab som et teoretisk funderet fag. Der publiceres derfor artikler om eller med inddragelse af sociologi, psykologi, filosofi, semiotik, kognitive videnskaber etc. RvT udkommer med to numre om året, hver på godt 100 sider. Med jævne mellemrum er artiklerne samlet om et bestemt tema. Artiklerne i RvT er peer-reviewed. RvT er hjemhørende under Afdeling for Religionsvidenskab ved Aarhus Universitet. Tidsskriftets sprog er dansk. Enkelte artikler kan være på andre skandinaviske sprog. Forslag til artikler og anmeldelser samt manuskripter modtages gerne Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Argentina de Cirugia(Argentina)", "ISSN": "00487600, 2250639X", "Scope": "ScopeThe Revista Argentina de Cirugía is the official scientific publication of the Asociación Argentina de Cirugía (Argentine Association of Surgery). It aims to disseminate original contributions to knowledge in the field of surgery and is aimed at health professionals who are interested in its different aspects.\r\rIts frequency is quarterly. It is a bilingual publication, in Spanish and English, since its full texts and abstracts are presented in both languages. It includes articles related to various aspects of surgery (clinical and basic research, updated reviews, education, history, bioethics, clinical cases, etc.) that are initially evaluated by the Editorial Board. They are then subjected to external peer review, double blind, not open, who assign a score of 0-100 and decide whether they are acceptable in their original state, with major changes, with minor changes or if they are rejected. The Editorial Committee makes the final decision about whether or not to publish an article. This decision is primarily based on the opinion of the external reviewers.\r\rAll submitted articles must be unpublished. The Revista Argentina de Cirugía does not admit duplication of articles (whether in national, foreign, indexed or not, or in different languages), nor does it accept articles sent simultaneously to other publications for review.\r\rNo published material may be partially or totally reproduced without the prior authorization of the Journal's Editorial Committee. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista de Filologia de la Universidad de La Laguna", "ISSN": "02124130, 25308548", "Scope": "ScopeThe Revista de Filología de la Universidad de La Laguna was born in 1981. It is an open-access scholarly journal exclusively devoted to the linguistic and literatury studies in all their fields, and with a commitment to stimulate research in areas of particular interest. It is subject to peer-review, which accepts unpublished and original contributions in any branch of the linguistic and literary studies, written in Spanish, English, French and German. Actually, It is published in two annual volumes: one of monographic nature, coordinated by an guest-editor, and another of miscellaneous nature, with papers and reviews. The deadline for the submission of original contributions for the monographic volume ends on June 30 of each year; and on December 30 for the miscellaneous volume.\r\rThe papers received will be assessed by at least two external evaluators, specialists in each subject through the double blind peer review. The reports of the reviewers will analyse the content, the formal aspects, the relevance of the bibliographic references, as well as other comments of interest to improve the essays. The final global assessment shall be expressed through three possibilities: “publishable”, “publishable with modifications” and “not publishable”. In case that one of the reports is negative, a third party will be requested. All reports have to be positive for the admitted contribution. In the case of “publishable with modifications”, the Editorial Board, taking into account the nature of the remarks expressed by the reviewers, shall decide if new reports are requested or if the article is accepted, as long as the author the remarks and proceeds to insert the suggested changes.\r\rOnce the Editorial Board has decided to accept the contribution for publication, the editing process begins. The authors will receive by email the proofreeadings and have a period of 10 days for corrections, which should be limited to the correction of possible errata and small adjustments. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revue de Metaphysique et de Morale", "ISSN": "351571", "Scope": "ScopeLa Revue de métaphysique et de morale publie des dossiers thématiques et des contributions individuelles, ainsi que des recensions, des discussions critiques et des bulletins consacrés aux parutions récentes, françaises ou étrangères, les plus notables dans un domaine donné. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Sociali", "ISSN": "0035676X, 18277918", "Scope": "ScopeEstablished in 1893 and published by the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, it has for a long time been involved in the field of social sciences and in particular economics. Through the publication of different scientific works by Italian and foreign authors, it aims to provide readers with an extensive insight into all the different areas of economics, as well as scientific debates taking place in Italy and abroad.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Rivista Italiana di Ornitologia", "ISSN": "00356875, 23850833", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "RUDN Journal of Medicine", "ISSN": "23130245, 23130261", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Scandinavian Studies", "ISSN": "365637", "Scope": "ScopeScandinavian Studies, official journal of the Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study, focuses on the languages, cultures, and histories of the Nordic region, including the countries of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden. It is an interdisciplinary journal spanning work in the humanities and social sciences, and as such serves as an outlet for original research in the languages, literatures, histories, cultures, and societies of the region, ranging from medieval to contemporary times.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Societes Contemporaines", "ISSN": "11501944, 19506899", "Scope": "ScopeThis multidisciplinary social sciences journal is an instrument for publishing the results of social science research. It addresses all those interested in thinking about today’s societies and how they change. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Stahl und Eisen", "ISSN": "3404803", "Scope": "Scopestahl und eisen ist das Leitmedium für die Herstellung und Verarbeitung von Eisen und Stahl. Die Zeitschrift informiert auch über aktuelle Trends in Unternehmen und Märkten und bietet den Lesern Content zur persönlichen Information. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studies in History", "ISSN": "02576430, 0973080X", "Scope": "ScopeStudies in History, a peer-reviewed journal, aims to publish original works with information, arguments and insights that contribute significantly to the field of historical research. The journal reflects the considerable expansion and diversification that has occurred in historical research in India in recent years. The preoccupation with political history has been integrated into a broader framework which places equal emphasis on social, economic and cultural history. Newer approaches and themes that seek to advance the and significance of the discipline are promoted. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Suranaree Journal of Science and Technology", "ISSN": "0858849X, 25870009", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal aims to provide a medium for the dissemination of advances in engineering, science, agricultural technology, medicine and public health, and related technology. All contributions that have not been published in other journals, reports, proceedings or other types of publications are welcomed. Contributions are accepted only in English and may be research papers, short communications, or review articlesContinuing efforts have been made by the editorial board members to maintain the high quality of the journal by single-blind peer-review in careful and fair manner. A special attention has been focused therefore on the novelty and readers' benefit together with practical applicability if necessary. All the accepted manuscripts are edited by a specialist who is a native and professionally-educated English speaker. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Suvremena Psihologija", "ISSN": "13319264", "Scope": "ScopeSuvremena psihologija (Contemporary psychology) is primarily involved with psychodiagnostic theory and practice and includes other fields of psychology. It is the official journal of the Croatian Psychological Society, published in Croatian with abstracts in English and in English with abstracts in Croatian. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Theatre and Performance Design", "ISSN": "23322551, 23322578", "Scope": "ScopeTheatre and Performance Design is an international peer-reviewed journal of scenography. Publishing innovative artistic practice alongside theoretical research, the journal critically evaluates the effect of scenography on the aesthetics and politics of performance and facilitates dialogue amongst practitioners, scholars, and audience.The journal will publish articles on all aspects of design for performance in the fields of:\r\r· theatre\r· opera\r· dance\r· music theatre\r· site-specific, immersive and virtual theatres\r· spatial design and architecture\rIn addition to peer-reviewed articles and visual essays the journal engages with the practicalities of construction and production by considering the impact of new materials, techniques, and technologies on the process and realisation of the performance event. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "UHOD - Uluslararasi Hematoloji-Onkoloji Dergisi", "ISSN": "1306133X", "Scope": "ScopeUHOD publishes papers describing original research, case reports as well as review articles. It covers areas of interest relating to radiation oncology, medical ongology, surgical oncology, and hematology. This includes: clinical radiotherapy, combined modality treatment, experimental work in oncology, chemobiology, hyperthermia and tumour biology, as well as physical aspects relevant to oncology, particularly in the field of imaging, dosimetry and radiation therapy planning. Papers on more general aspects of interest to the oncologist including chemotherapy, surgery and immunology are also published. Papers are accepted on a worldwide basis. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ukrainskyi Zhurnal Sertsevo-sudynnoi Khirurhii", "ISSN": "26645963, 26645971", "Scope": "ScopeThe Ukrainian Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery is a peer-reviewed journal published 4 times a year and designed for the publication of original research and review articles in surgery and translational science as it relates to adult and pediatric congenital cardiovascular diseases, acquired cardiovascular disorders, tumors, arrythmias, coronary heart diseases and aortic aneurysms. We encourage researchers in closely related specialties, such as anesthesiology, molecular biology, pathology, pulmonary medicine, cardiology, and perfusion to submit their work as well; it will receive the appropriate consideration if the linkage to our specialty is clear and the submitted material is deemed to be of merit. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Virtual Creativity", "ISSN": "23979704, 23979712", "Scope": "ScopeVirtual Creativity (VCR) is an academic peer-reviewed journal focusing on creativity in online virtual worlds and other related platforms where the virtual is examined as a central theme in contemporary media art practices and applied contexts. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Visnyk Universitetu Imeni Alfreda Nobelya. Seriya: Filologichni Nauki", "ISSN": "25234463, 25234749", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Women and Performance", "ISSN": "0740770X, 17485819", "Scope": "ScopeWomen & Performance: a journal of feminist theory publishes scholarly essays from interdisciplinary feminist perspectives. For us, “women” and “performance” denote not simply what we study but how we study it—that is, not preconceived objects of analysis, but rather an open assembly of political, ethical, and aesthetic orientations, feminism chief among them. We encourage dialogues among various fields of performance scholarship, including theater and performance studies, dance studies, music history and criticism, ethnography, new and digital media, cinema studies, and cultural studies; as well as queer, critical race, and post- and decolonial theory. Working with/in this disciplinary hybridity, we explore critiques of gender, race, ethnicity, class, sexuality, dis/ability, technology, nation, and capitalism.\r\rThe journal is a peer-reviewed, triannual publication with guest-edited special issues. We encourage general submissions that foreground questions of gender and performance, as well as proposals for special issues that address specific topics within feminism and performance studies. Included in our journal is a section titled “&,” which features performative writing, poetry, artist’s statements, manifestos, feminist and queer takes on current events, and other modes of intellectual production and critical engagement that perform feminist theory in alternative forms. The journal also includes reviews of recent performances and scholarly books. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems", "ISSN": "11092734, 2224266X", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Zdravstveni Vestnik", "ISSN": "13180347, 15810224", "Scope": "ScopeZdravniški vestnik (Slovenian Medical Journal), is an official journal of the Slovenian Medical Association and Slovenian Academy of Medical Science. It is published regularly ever since 1929. Zdravniški vestnik is a multidisciplinary professional medical journal with external peer review, aims to provide a scientific platform on which to promote excellence and advancement in the study and care of patients.\r\rThe main aim of the journal is to publish high quality research results from different research fields of medicine, including including original investigations, experimental investigations, methods papers, and reviews. Zdravniski vestnik does not charge authors any fee for submitting and publishing their manuscripts.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Zeitschrift fur Evaluation", "ISSN": "16195515", "Scope": "ScopeDie ZfEv publiziert sowohl wissenschaftliche Beiträge als auch praxisorientierte Erfahrungsberichte zu(r):\r\r-theoretischen Grundlagen von Evaluationsstudien-\rmethodischen Konzeptionen für Evaluationen-\rAnwendungsbeispielen für die Planung und Durchführung von Evaluationen-\rMöglichkeiten und Grenzen der Nutzung von Evaluationsergebnissen-\rPräsentation von Evaluationsinstitutionen und -angeboten-\raktuellen Informationen über verschiedene Themenfelder-\rEntwicklungen zur Qualitätssicherung von Evaluationen Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Zeitschrift fur Zahnarztliche Implantologie", "ISSN": "1773348", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Dental Implantology (Zeitschrift für Zahnärztliche Implantologie, ZZI) is the most widely circulated journal for scientific implantology in Germany. All articles on this website are taken from the ZZI. It is the official publication of the German Society of Implantology. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Acta Anatomica Sinica", "ISSN": "5291356", "Scope": "Scope《解剖学报》创刊于1953年,是由中国科学技术协会主管、中国解剖学会主办,《解剖学报》编辑委员会编辑出版,代表我国解剖学科发展水平的基础医学类综合性学术期刊。《解剖学报》编辑部位于北京大学医学部解剖楼,在北京大学医学部的大力支持和协助下,本期刊得以可持续性发展。\r\r本刊主要刊载细胞学、分子细胞生物学、组织胚胎学、干细胞和组织工程学、神经生物学、大体解剖学和比较解剖学、人类学诸学科中创建性、前沿性的科研论著。\r\r本刊设有论著、综述、新技术方法、短篇报道、院士述评、研究通讯、书评、新名词等栏目。目录、摘要、关键词、图、表、参考文献等均为中、英文对照,是标准化和规范化程度较高的学术期刊。 Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Acta Colombiana de Cuidado Intensivo", "ISSN": "01227262, 27730697", "Scope": "ScopeLa revista Acta Colombiana de Cuidado Intensivo es el órgano oficial de la Asociación Colombiana de Medicina Crítica y Cuidado Intensivo. Se publica trimestralmente en los meses de marzo, junio, septiembre y diciembre y pretende ser un órgano de divulgación en todas las áreas relacionadas con el manejo del paciente críticamente enfermo.\r\rTodos los manuscritos recibidos por Acta Colombiana de Cuidado Intensivo son revisados mediante el sistema de doble ciego por expertos de la especialidad.\r\rLa revista publica artículos de investigación (Originales), de Revisión, Reportes de Casos y Series de Casos, así como Artículos de Reflexión y Comentarios Clínicos. Además, ofrece la posibilidad de publicar suplementos sobre temas específicos que permitan al lector profundizar a fondo en un área particular del conocimiento.\r\rEl desarrollo del cuidado intensivo ha promovido ciertas áreas de especialización dentro de los especialistas dedicados al cuidado del paciente críticamente enfermo. Respondiendo a esta necesidad, Acta Colombiana de Cuidado Intensivo presta especial atención a determinadas áreas de interés en las que se agrupa a los expertos.\r\rLa organización temática de la revista permite abordar no solo temas técnicos sino también aquellos relacionados con la organización logística de la práctica del cuidado intensivo. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Al-'Arabiyya", "ISSN": "08898731, 23754036", "Scope": "ScopeAl-'Arabiyya, a leading journal in the field of Arabic language and linguistics, welcomes scholarly and pedagogical articles, as well as reviews which contribute to the advancement of study, criticism, research, and teaching in the fields of Arabic language, linguistics, and literature. Authors are encouraged to present an original, scholarly contribution, a perceptive restructuring of existing knowledge, or a discussion of an idea with information and references on how to learn more about the topic. References should be appropriately and sufficiently extensive and demonstrative of comprehensive awareness of international scholarship; the conclusions drawn should be accurate, appropriately documented, and soundly argued, without being overextended. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ambulatornaya Khirurgiya", "ISSN": "27128741, 27822591", "Scope": "ScopeThe aim of the “Ambulatory Surgery (Russia)” Journal is to contribute to the postgraduate education of physicians by providing scientific and practical information on surgical and conservative treatment with therapeutic approaches of various surgical diseases in the outpatient settings and to improve the scientific and practical skills of outpatient surgeons.\r\rThe journal publishes original articles on the latest advances in ambulatory surgery, scientific research results, results of national and international clinical studies, reviews, lectures, case reports and case studies for general surgeons, cardiovascular surgeons, proctologists, urologists, anaesthetists and other doctors working in polyclinics, ambulatory care centres and ambulatory surgery centres.\r\rThe journal has a special topical section devoted to various legal aspects of the doctor-patient relationship. \r\rThe journal receives articles from all medical institutions of the Russian Federation and neighbouring countries, as well as materials prepared by Western partners. The journal is open for cooperation both with Russian specialists and specialists from near (CIS) and far abroad countries, including countries of Europe, Asia, Africa, America and Australia. \r\rEach issue of the magazine is timed to coincide with a thematic event. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "American Archivist", "ISSN": "3609081", "Scope": "ScopeAmerican Archivist is the leading publication in the archives field. Published semi-annually by the Society of American Archivists, this peer-reviewed journal seeks to reflect thinking about theoretical and practical developments in the archival profession; the relationships between archivists and the creators and users of archives; and cultural, social, legal, and technological developments that affect the nature of recorded information and the need to create and maintain it. In addition to articles, the journal includes resource reviews that critically engage with scholarship from the archival community and allied professions, as well as reviews of other resources that have implications for archives and archivists. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "American Journal of Islam and Society", "ISSN": "26903733, 26903741", "Scope": "ScopeEstablished in 1984, the American Journal of Islam and Society (AJIS) is an open-access, biannual, double-blind peer-reviewed, and interdisciplinary journal with global reach, published by the International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT), and distributed worldwide. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Anales Cervantinos", "ISSN": "05699878, 19888325", "Scope": "ScopeFounded in 1951, Anales Cervantinos holds contributions on the thoughts and views around the figure of Cervantes, not only on the man and his work, but also on every aspect in his background: the society, the scenary, the times...\r\rWith sections such as Studies, Notes, Books reviews, etc, Anales Cervantinos is the only monographic scientific Journal in Spain dedicated to author of Don Quixote. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Analytical Science and Technology", "ISSN": "12250163, 22888985", "Scope": "ScopeAnalytical Science & Technology (Anal. Sci. Technol., AS&T) provides a forum of original, previously unpublished research on the development and application of analytical science in the study of chemistry, environment, material science, phamacology, agricuture and food science. The journal is an the official journal of the Korean Society of Analytical Science(KSAS) founded in 1988. It contains peer-reviewed, original research articles, short communation, note and review on the fundamentals, technicial information and it's application of analytical science. \r\r\rThe AS&T's aim is to advance and disseminate knowledge in all the related areas of analytical science. It is distributed bi-monthly by KSAS. The official title of the journal is 'Analytical Science & Tehchnology' and the abbreviated tiltle is 'Anal. Sci. Technol.'. \r\r\rAnal. Sci. Technol. has been supported by Korea Research Foundation since 12 December 2000. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Annals of Biology", "ISSN": "9700153", "Scope": "ScopeAn internatinal peer reviewed semi-annual journal, publishing original research papers and critcal mini-\rreviews in basic and applied aspects of biological sciences. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Arab Studies Quarterly", "ISSN": "2713519", "Scope": "ScopeASQ publishes original articles, review essays and book reviews on the Arabs, their history, culture and institutions. The Journal is intended for academics, students and individuals interested in Arab and Middle Eastern affairs. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Archiv fur Religionsgeschichte", "ISSN": "14363038, 18688888", "Scope": "ScopeArchiv für Religionsgeschichte is a specialised journal dealing primarily with religions of the ancient world. The different aspects of the field of research are covered in essays, reports on the main areas of religious studies and in individual articles.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Arenal", "ISSN": "11346396", "Scope": "ScopeLa revista es una publicación de Historia de las Mujeres de acusado contenido teórico y metodológico que contempla, de manera específica, la variable género y se ofrece, asimismo, como tribuna a otros muchos ámbitos interdisciplinares afines. De la misma manera, la revista da cabida a todos aquellos trabajos que, centrándose sobre temas de ámbito español, cumplen con los requisitos científicos imprescindibles. También se contemplan todos aquellos escritos que reúnan las mismas características respecto a horizontes mucho más amplios. Sin olvidar la decidida vocación universalista que caracteriza a los Estudios de las Mujeres, la Revista ARENAL se centra con carácter preferente en el área europea, mediterránea y latinoamericana. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Arthroskopie", "ISSN": "9337946", "Scope": "ScopeArthroskopie offers up-to-date review articles and original papers for all medical doctors and scientists working in the field of arthroscopy.\rThe focus is on current developments regarding endoscopic examination and surgery of the joints, diagnostic and therapeutic possibilities of related methods, e.g. minimal invasive surgery. \rFreely submitted original papers allow the presentation of important clinical studies and serve scientific exchange.\rComprehensive reviews on a specific topical issue provide evidenced based information on diagnostics and therapy. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Asia-Pacific Review", "ISSN": "13439006", "Scope": "ScopeAsia-Pacific Review analyzes global political, economic, security, energy and environmental issues, with specific emphasis on the Asia-Pacific region, and aims to provide readers with excellent insights on a variety of crucial topics.\r\rPublished twice a year, Asia-Pacific Review was launched in 1994 by the Nakasone Yasuhiro Peace Institute (NPI), an independent, non-profit research institute founded in Tokyo by former Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone. The institute examines critical issues facing the world and Japan from an independent standpoint. It also organizes and sponsors a number of conferences in Japan and abroad and conducts joint research projects with institutes in Europe and the United States. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Australian Year Book of International Law", "ISSN": "847658", "Scope": "ScopeThe Year Book aims to uniquely combine scholarly commentary with contributions from Australian government officials. Each volume contains a mix of scholarly articles, invited lectures, book reviews, notes of decisions by Australian and international courts, recent legislation, and collected Australian international law state practice. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Beitrage zur Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft", "ISSN": "9392815", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "BELGEO", "ISSN": "13772368, 22949135", "Scope": "ScopeBelgeo est une revue électronique en libre accès, paraissant quatre fois par an. Elle est publiée par le Comité national de géographie, dont la mission est d’assurer la promotion et la défense de la géographie belge sous les auspices des Académies francophone et néerlandophone, et par la Société royale belge de géographie. Elle prend le relais, depuis 2012, de la formule traditionnelle de la revue papier, qui était éditée depuis 2000 par cette même Société et par la Société belge d’études géographiques, aujourd'hui dissoute. Les anciens numéros papier de Belgeo sont dès à présent tous accessibles en ligne sur le site de la revue.\r\rBelgeo a fait suite à deux publications antérieures, la Revue belge de géographie, qui avait elle-même succédé au Bulletin de la Société royale belge de géographie, et le Bulletin de la Société belge d’études géographiques. Les exemplaires du Bulletin de la Société royale belge de géographie antérieurs à 1914 sont librement disponibles en ligne sur le site Gallica de la Bibliothèque nationale de France. Dans un avenir proche, tant les publications de la Société royale belge de géographie postérieures à 1918 que celles de la Société belge d'études géographiques seront mises en ligne par la Bibliothèque royale de Belgique. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Biblische Zeitschrift", "ISSN": "62014", "Scope": "ScopeBiblische Zeitschrift, founded in 1903, is one of the leading international journals in Biblical Studies. Contributions are published in German, English and French. The primary aim of the journal is to further the understanding of the Biblical texts, both of the Old and the New Testament. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Bilig", "ISSN": "13010549", "Scope": "Scopebilig aims to present the cultural riches as well as the historical and contemporary realities of the Turkic world within a scientific framework. It also aims to inform the public of scientific studies of international quality focusing on the Turkic World.\r\rbilig publishes articles that approach the current and historical problems of the Turkic world from a scientific perspective and propose solutions to these issues.\r\rSubmissions to bilig should be original articles producing new and worthwhile ideas and perspectives or evaluating previous studies in the field. bilig also publishes essays introducing authors and works and announcing new and recent activities related to the Turkic world.\r\rAn article to be published in bilig should not have been previously published or accepted for publication elsewhere. Papers presented at a conference or symposium may be accepted for publication if this is clearly indicated.\r\rbilig is published quarterly: Winter/January, Spring/April, Summer/July and Autumn/October. At the end of each year, an annual index is prepared and published in the Winter issue. Each issue is forwarded to subscribers, libraries and international indexing institutions within one month after its publication. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Canadian yearbook of international law. Annuaire canadien de droit international, The", "ISSN": "00690058, 19250169", "Scope": "ScopeSince its advent in 1961, The Canadian Yearbook of International Law has been a leading international academic journal covering both public and private international legal issues. Authors from Canada and around the world are invited to publish peer-reviewed articles in French or English that advance critical thinking in all areas of international law. The Canadian Yearbook of International Law also seeks to make Canadian practice in international law accessible to academics, policy-makers, and practitioners. Issued annually under the auspices of the Canadian Council on International Law, the Yearbook contains articles of lasting significance in the fields of public and private international law; a notes and comments section; a digest of Inter-American law; a digest of international economic law; a section on current Canadian practice in international law (including recent parliamentary declarations, Canadian treaty actions, and positions stated by Canada’s Department of Global Affairs); a digest of important Canadian cases in the fields of public and private international law; and a book reviews section. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Chinese Journal of Reproduction and Contraception", "ISSN": "20962916", "Scope": "ScopeChinese Journal of Reproduction and Contraception, directed by China Association for Science and Technology and sponsored by Chinese Medical Association, Shanghai Institute of Planned Parenthood Research and Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital of Fudan University, is officially published in 2017, monthly. It is a peer reviewed medical journal for doctors, medical researchers, and health workers in the field of reproduction and contraception. The impact factor of the journal is 1.242 in 2016.\r\rChinese Journal of Reproduction and Contraception is formerly known as Reproduction and Contraception, an academic periodical founded in 1980 and released at home and abroad after the approval of the State Council. Controlled by the State Family Planning Commission and held by Shanghai Institute of Planned Parenthood Research, it focuses on reproductive biology and reproductive medicine. From a 64-page quarterly of B5 format at the very beginning of starting publication, it has developed into a 88-page monthly of A4 format now. In 2016, Reproduction and Contraception was defined as a core journal of gynecology and obstetrics in A Guide to the Core Chinese Periodical and HowNet, etc.. Since January 1 of 2017, Reproduction and Contraception has been officially renamed as the Chinese Journal of Reproduction and Contraception.\r\rThe journal mainly covers research findings involved in basic and clinical research of reproductive medicine, including research trends and progresses at home and abroad, new techniques and methods, and opinions on the different academic point. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cientifica", "ISSN": "01000039, 19845529", "Scope": "ScopeThe Científica journal (ISSN 1984-5529) edited by Campus Jaboticabal of São Paulo State University (Universidade Estadual Paulista - Unesp) (Brazil) and managemented by Fundação de Apoio à Pesquisa, Ensino e Extensão (FUNEP) publishes original articles, scientific notes and review articles (when invited by the editorial board), which present significant importance for Agrarian and Environmental Sciences in Portuguese, Spanish and preferentially, in English.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cirugia Plastica Ibero-Latinoamericana", "ISSN": "3767892", "Scope": "ScopeSu área de interés científico abarca todo el amplio campo de la Cirugía Plástica, Estética y Reparadora, Quemados, Microcirugía, Cirugía infantil, Cirugía de la mano, Cirugía de la extremidad inferior, Cirugía máxilofacial, Cirugía craneofacial, Cirugía del cambio de sexo, Trasplante e injertos de grasa, Trasplante y reimplante de miembros, Cirugía de reconstrucción oncológica, Cirugía de las malformaciones congénitas, Cirugía del melanoma.\r\rSu contenido se publica en forma de artículos originales, casos clínicos, trabajos experimentales y revisiones bibliográficas. Cuenta también con comentarios de especialistas de prestigio reconocido en el área en aquellos artículos de especial interés y el aliciente añadido de conceder al autor capacidad de respuesta a ese comentario, lo que suscita interesantes diálogos y controversias que ayudan a los lectores a despejar dudas y ampliar conocimientos.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Communications on Applied Nonlinear Analysis", "ISSN": "1074133X", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Connexions", "ISSN": "03373126, 17762804", "Scope": "ScopeSous l’égide de l’Association pour la recherche et l’intervention psychosociologiques (ARIP).\rFondée en 1972, la revue Connexions consacre ses numéros thématiques à l’approche pluridisciplinaire de la réalité sociale. La diversité des sujets abordés éclaire de multiples aspects de la socialité humaine en ses manifestations collectives et relationnelles. Les préoccupations pragmatiques et aussi culturelles s’expriment constamment dans cette véritable bibliothèque de la recherche sociale.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Diacritics", "ISSN": "03007162, 10806539", "Scope": "ScopeFounded in 1971, Diacritics publishes original work in and around critical theory, broadly conceived. Diacritics offers a forum for thinking about contradictions without resolutions; for following threads of contemporary criticism without embracing any particular school of thought. For Diacritics eclecticism in the humanities means nurturing work that is transhistorical, creative, and rigorous. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ekonomiaz", "ISSN": "02133865, 23404051", "Scope": "ScopeBiannual international review published since 1985 by the Basque Government for economic analysis and debate, with special attention to themes which affect the Basque Economy. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Electronic Device Failure Analysis", "ISSN": "15370755", "Scope": "ScopeElectronic Device Failure Analysis is a growing technical resource for the Failure Analysis engineer. Each quarterly issue covers:\r\r- Contributed technical articles that cover everything from operations to techniques \r- Insight into trends in the microelectronics FA industry, to keep you up-to-date \r- New product announcements \r- Recognition of outstanding contributions to the field of FA \r- Looking to update some skills? The Training Calendar provides an easy way to know what courses are coming up in the months ahead. \r- News of the Electronic Device Failure Analysis Society. \r- Guest Columns provide that vital perspective into other FA. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Entreprises et Histoire", "ISSN": "11612770", "Scope": "ScopeEach issue contains four or five articles of twenty to twenty-five pages each, a set of texts intended to report on current events in the history of companies and comprising: a debate on the chosen theme, bringing together one or more historians and one of the company managers, an original document, a section entitled \"wink\", highlighting some spicy event concerning the life of the company, a descriptive list of the works published, a chronicle of the companies archives, another of the recently defended, unpublished theses, with approximately one page reviews. This last section seems essential to publicize the latest developments in the discipline. These different sections aim to briefly present the news of the history of companies, while the articles aim to set up debates belonging to the field of basic research. The essential aim of the review is indeed to react against the triple hagiographic, monographic and anecdotal drift which the history of companies in the world is currently undergoing, and to redirect its problematic in two directions: that of general economic history, that of management science. It has indeed become an essential component of both and can itself flourish only if it integrates the issues and methods of these two disciplines. The content of the issues illustrates the editorial strategy that intends to lead the office: relying on background articles of a very strongly historical character and charged with learning, each of them is deployed, thanks to the debate, to immediate news since it involves, in a particularly impactful, corporate leaders or senior managers. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ethical Thought", "ISSN": "20744870, 20744897", "Scope": "ScopeEthical Thought is a specialized journal, publishing scholarship results on the whole of ethics from different intellectual perspectives. It also publishes discussions, review essays and book reviews. The journal succeeds to the yearbook Ethical Thought published by the Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, from 2000 to 2014.\rMain topics covered:\r•\tEthical Theory\r•\tHistory of Moral Philosophy\r•\tCurrent Ethical Conceptions\r•\tNormative Ethics\r•\tApplied Ethics\r•\tSocial Ethics\r•\tEthics of Personality\r•\tPublications and Translations\r•\tDiscussions\r•\tReviewsJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ethnographia", "ISSN": "141798", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "European Journal for Philosophy of Religion", "ISSN": "16898311", "Scope": "ScopeEuropean Journal for Philosophy of Religion (EJPR) is a peer-reviewed international journal devoted to the problems of the philosophy of religion. \rEJPR has been founded with the aim of fostering the development of philosophy of religion in Europe and elsewhere. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Forum for Modern Language Studies", "ISSN": "00158518, 14716860", "Scope": "ScopeForum for Modern Language Studies publishes articles on all aspects of literature, language and culture, from the Middle Ages to the present day. The journal aims to reflect the essential pluralism of research in modern languages and to provide a forum for worldwide scholarly discussion. It invites articles addressing the following languages: Arabic, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish. Submissions in comparative literature and theoretical linguistics are also welcomed, as are those dealing with visual art, film and the performing arts. Each annual volume comprises four issues, two of which are normally special issues addressing topical themes and debates across the journal’s portfolio of languages, literatures and cultures. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Global Journal Al-Thaqafah", "ISSN": "22320474, 22320482", "Scope": "ScopeGlobal Journal Al-Thaqafah (GJAT) is a biannual journal, published by Universiti Sultan Azlan Shah (USAS), Perak, MALAYSIA. This journal is purely academic and peer reviewed. It caters to articles, research notes and reports, and book reviews on diverse topics relating to Islam and the Muslims. This journal is intended to provide an avenue for researchers and academics from all persuasions and traditions to share and discuss differing views, new ideas, theories, research outcomes, and socio-cultural and socio-political issues that impact on and directly or indirectly affect the Muslim World with the sole purpose of making this world a better place to live in.\rGJAT started in 2011 and was later granted the SCOPUS status in March 2014. Since then, GJAT has published numerous articles and materials from international contributors. GJAT welcomes contributions from all: academics, experts, and professionals. All articles submitted must be original, academic, of high scholarly standard, and meet the strict SCOPUS requirements. GJAT prioritizes articles that discuss fundamental issues and are of global relevance and importance, and publishes all articles that fulfill the basic criteria without prejudice (kindly refer to \"Submission and Guidelines\"). All decisions by GJAT to publish any article are final.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "History of the Present", "ISSN": "21599785, 21599793", "Scope": "ScopeHistory of the Present is a journal devoted to history as a critical endeavor. Its aim is twofold: to create a space in which scholars can reflect on the role history plays in making categories of contemporary debate appear inevitable, natural, or culturally necessary; and to publish work that calls into question certainties about the relationship between past and present that are taken for granted by the majority of practicing historians. At a time when a journal committed to history as a form of critique is more necessary than ever, History of the Present encourages critical examination of both history’s influence on politics and the politics of history as a discipline. Instead of writing about \"history\" from the abstract philosophical or historiographical perspectives that predominate today, History of the Present offers a rigorous, theoretically informed alternative based mainly on evidence from archives, texts, and other sources. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ilu", "ISSN": "11354712, 19883269", "Scope": "ScopeIlu. Revista de Ciencias de las Religiones (ISSN 1135-4712, ISSN-e 1988-3269) is an annual journal published by the Complutense University of Madrid’s Institute of Religious Sciences, founded in 1995. It publishes scientific articles on disciplines included in religious studies: History of religions and the religious phenomena, Psychology, Sociology, Anthropology, Philosophy, Law, Literature and philological study of religious texts throughout history. It is therefore a multidisciplinary scientific journal and this extends to its recipients. It comprises the following sections: Articles, Bibliographic Newsletter, Notes and Reviews. The journal accepts contributions in Spanish, English, French, German and Italian. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Indian Veterinary Journal", "ISSN": "00196479, 09749365", "Scope": "ScopeThe Indian Veterinary Journal is the official organ of the Indian Veterinary Association. It is the only journal representing the veterinary academic research, development and extension work force in country. The journal is being published since 1924, initially as a bi-monthly publication and later as a regular monthly publication of the Indian Veterinary Association. The IVJ office holds back volumes of IVJ right from its inception in 1924. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Industrial Archaeology Review", "ISSN": "03090728, 17458196", "Scope": "ScopeIndustrial Archaeology Review aims to publish research in industrial archaeology, which is defined as a period study embracing the tangible evidence of social, economic and technological development in the period since industrialisation, generally from the early-18th century onwards. It is a peer-reviewed academic journal, with scholarly standards of presentation, yet seeks to encourage submissions from both amateurs and professionals which will inform all those working in the field of current developments. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Insolvency Review", "ISSN": "10991107, 11800518", "Scope": "ScopeOur principal aims are therefore to provide authoritative information and comment about major issues and developments in the field of insolvency, viewed in an international perspective. The Review is a refereed journal, published thrice yearly, in which every item has been subjected to a rigorous evaluation by the Editor working in conjunction with the members of the Editorial Board. The Board consists of some twenty members, each of whom is a distinguished academic, judge or practitioner having an established international reputation in the field of insolvency, with particular emphasis on its cross-border and comparative dimensions. The contents of each Issue include scholarly articles providing an authoritative treatment of topics of current interest and concern to its international readership. Other features can include case comments, book reviews and notices, special communications and editorial intelligence regarding significant developments. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Assessment and Evaluation", "ISSN": "23277920, 23278692", "Scope": "ScopeThe International Journal of Assessment and Evaluation investigates the dimensions of educational measurement. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Public Policy and Administration Research", "ISSN": "23126515, 23130423", "Scope": "ScopeInternational Journal of Public Policy and Administration Research aims to encourage scientific research, new theoretical and practical solutions for the development and application of public policy. It also analyses current trends in public administration and propose new options for decision making and application of public administration practices. It contributes to the improvement of the research methodology in the field of public policy by ensuring effective dissemination of scientific knowledge and publishing relevant up-to-date research on Public Policy and Administration. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Iranian Journal of Nuclear Medicine", "ISSN": "16812824", "Scope": "ScopeIranian Journal of Nuclear Medicine is a peer-reviewed biannually journal of the Research Institute for Nuclear Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, covering basic and clinical nuclear medicine sciences and relevant applications such as molecular imaging, functional and metabolic investigation of disease, radiobiology, dosimetry, radiopharmacy, radiochemistry, instrumentation and computer sciences, etc. The journal particularly welcomes original articles reflecting the local or worldwide growing materials as well as common critical problems and interests in the field of nuclear medicine. Also review articles, case reports and letters to the editor in this subject will be accepted. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology", "ISSN": "26199467", "Scope": "Scope\"Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics\"; has been publishing since 1991 and provided many scientific contributions to the field of Obstetrics and Gynecology in a national base until today. In the beginning of 2018 many innovations were made in our journal and the name and language of the journal were changed. The new name of our journal has been changed to \"Journal of Clinical Obstetrics Gynecology\" and as a nickname \"Turquoise Journal\"\r\rJournal of Clinical Obstetrics & Gynecology (JOCG) is an unprejudiced and independent; international, equitable, open-access, and a peer-reviewed journal that evaluates the manuscripts by principles of \"double-blind\" arbitration. The journal is published quarterly on March, June, September, and December. The journal's publication language is English since 2018.\r\rJOCG aims to determine the medical agenda and promote the exchange of scientific information among obstetricians, gynecologists, specialists and practitioners interested in all related fields including not only general Obstetrics and Gynecology but also all subspecialties of obstetrics and gynecology including; Maternal and Fetal Medicine, Reproductive Medicine, Gynecologic Oncology and Urogynecology. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Diabetes Nursing", "ISSN": "13681109", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Diabetes Nursing is a peer-reviewed publication for all nurses involved in the care of people with diabetes. The journal serves as a forum for discussion and assists in the dissemination of information, highlighting and reinforcing the importance of the ever-increasing role of the nurse in the day-to-day treatment of people with diabetes. Requested and read by over 7000 key healthcare professionals, including every diabetes specialist nurse and practice nurse with a special interest in diabetes care, the Journal of Diabetes Nursing enables readers to share ideas, knowledge and expertise.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Head and Neck Physicians and Surgeons", "ISSN": "23478128", "Scope": "ScopeJournal of Head & Neck Physicians and Surgeons is an international journal that publishes original contributions related to the science of Head and Neck Surgery and Oncology and related specialties. The specialty deals with benign and malignant conditions. Truly multidisciplinary management and involvement is the hallmark. There is a confluence of medical and surgical expertise under this umbrella. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Health, Safety and Environment", "ISSN": "18379362, 22051104", "Scope": "ScopeThis multidisciplinary print and electronic Journal presents current HSE research and the latest emerging HSE topics as examined by industry specialists and academics. It is essential reading for committed HSE researchers and professionals. \r\rThe aims of the Journal are to provide:\r• A forum in which to disseminate new HSE research findings and discuss HSE issues\r• Practical research-based solutions for HSE problems\r• Interpretations of current workplace health and safety legislation\r• Analyses of contemporary HSE issues\r\rHazard management, safe systems of work, risk minimisation or elimination and injury disease prevention, consultation and dispute resolution processes, contractor integration, WHS training and education, and particular industry risk or regulation indicate the breadth of the Journal sphere of interest. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Iranian Medical Council", "ISSN": "2645338X, 26453398", "Scope": "ScopeJournal of Iranian Medical Council (JIMC) is a free access, double blind peer-reviewed and refereed international journal published by Islamic Republic of Iran Medical Council (IRIMC). The main objective of JIMC is to provide an intellectual platform for the international scholars and medical practitioners. JIMC aims to promote interdisciplinary studies which of interest to medical societies and are within the range of responsibilities and activities of Islamic Republic of Iran Medical Council (IRIMC) and to become one of the leading journal in these fields in Iran and Middle East.\r\rThe journal publishes research papers in the fields of applied medical sciences, medical ethics, malpractices and errors, clinical topics, medical education, medical laws and regulatory audit issues, fitness to practice, medical income and taxes, health economy, public health and medical professional issues and so on.\rThe journal is published in both print and online versions.\r\rJIMC publishes original research, applied, and educational articles in above-mentioned areas and sometimes special Issues, which are devoted to the important topics in those fields will occasionally be published. Also it publishes review article, case report, guideline, letter to editor, etc. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Medical Sciences (Taiwan)", "ISSN": "10114564", "Scope": "ScopeJournal of Medical Sciences, a publication of National Defense Medical Center, is a peer-reviewed online journal with Bimonthly print on demand compilation of issues published. The journal’s full text is available online at jmedscindmc.com. The journal allows free access (Open Access) to its contents and permits authors to self-archive final accepted version of the articles on any OAI-compliant institutional / subject-based repository. The journal does not charge for submission, processing or publication of manuscripts and even for color reproduction of photographs.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Pediatric Neurology", "ISSN": "13042580, 13050613", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Pediatric Neurology is an English multidisciplinary peer-reviewed medical journal publishing articles in the fields of child neurology, pediatric neurosurgery, pediatric neuroradiology, pediatric neuro/head & neck imaging, child psychiatry, and pediatric neuroscience. Journal of Pediatric Neurology encourages submissions from all authors throughout the world. The following articles will be considered for publication: editorials, original and review articles, rapid communications, case reports, letters to the editor, and book reviews. The aim of the journal is to share and disseminate knowledge between all disciplines in the field of pediatric neurology. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Religion", "ISSN": "00224189, 15496538", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Religion promotes critical, hermeneutical, historical, and constructive inquiry into religion. The journal publishes articles in theology, religious ethics, and philosophy of religion, as well as articles that approach the role of religion in culture and society from a historical, sociological, psychological, linguistic, or artistic standpoint. It also publishes highly specialized research in limited areas of inquiry that has significance for a wider readership. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of the Liaquat University of Medical and Health Sciences", "ISSN": "17290341", "Scope": "ScopeJournal of Liaquat University of Medical and Health Sciences (JLUMHS) Jamshoro, Pakistan publishes original manuscripts, case reports and reviews on topics related to medical and health sciences. JLUMHS is a peer reviewed journal and is published quarterly (4 issues per year) since July 2002. It agrees to accept manuscripts prepared in accordance with the “Uniform Requirements for submission of manuscripts for biomedical journals adopted by International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), updated October 2001 (Refer JLUMHS July – December 2002 issue). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Turkish Spinal Surgery", "ISSN": "13010336, 21475903", "Scope": "ScopeJournal of Turkish Spinal Surgery (www.jtss.org), is the official publication of the Turkish Spinal Surgery Society. The first journal was printed on January, in 1990. It is a double-blind peer-reviewed multidisciplinary journal for the physicians who deal with spinal diseases and publishes original studies which offer significant contributions to developing of spinal knowledge. The journal publishes original scientific research articles, invited reviews and case reports accepted by the Editorial Board, in English. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Vietnamese Studies", "ISSN": "1559372X, 15593738", "Scope": "ScopeJournal of Vietnamese Studies promotes and publishes original social science and humanities research about Vietnamese history, politics, culture, and society, as well as Vietnam-related topics that have traditionally been set apart from mainstream area studies scholarship such as the Vietnamese diaspora and the Vietnam War. In addition to full-length research articles, the Journal of Vietnamese Studies includes book reviews, communications with the editor, and occasionally also translations of important Vietnamese language documents and texts. Additionally, a regular section reserved for book reviews and longer review essays serves to provide a running diagnosis of the state of the field and to establish an arena for deliberation, conversation and debate about both new work and significant intellectual trends within Vietnamese studies as a whole. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Judicature", "ISSN": "225800", "Scope": "ScopeJudicature is a scholarly journal focused on the judiciary, the administration of justice, and the rule of law. Its mission is to create a forum for judges, practitioners, and academics to share ideas, best practices, perspectives, and opinions, and in doing so provide insight into the issues and ideas that are shaping the judiciary and the administration of justice.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Keats-Shelley Journal", "ISSN": "4534387", "Scope": "ScopeThe /Keats-Shelley Journal/ has published scholarship on Keats, Shelley, and their immediate circles among the British Romantics since 1953. Now including work on many others writing amid the cultural and literary excitement of the first decades of the nineteenth century, this annual is known for its stimulating essays, informative news and notes, scholarly reviews, and distinctive bibliography of the year’s work on the younger Romantics.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery", "ISSN": "20926529", "Scope": "ScopeKorean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, the official journal of the Korean Society of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery has been published since 1958, and is come out 25th days of every month. The journal is continuously distributed on whole country, and so reflects the trait of Korean territory precisely. Journal editorial policy is independent of conflict of the Society. We invite submission of articles on topics pertaining to the science and art of medicine that help fulfill the Journal's mission of publishing \"contemporary, ethical, clinically relevant information in otolaryngology, head and neck surgery that can be used by otolaryngologists, scientists, and related specialists to improve patient care and public health.\" Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Language and Semiotic Studies", "ISSN": "2096031X, 27517160", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Lege Artis Medicinae", "ISSN": "8664811", "Scope": "ScopeA folyóirat az orvoslás minden szakágát és annak határterületeit valamint művészeti vonatkozásait felölelő, általános profilú, lektorált kiadvány. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Mathematical Reports", "ISSN": "15823067, 22853898", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal MATHEMATICAL REPORTS (formerly STUDII SI CERCETARI MATEMATICE) was founded in 1948 by the Mathematics Section of the Romanian Academy. It appeared under its first name until 1998 and received the name of Mathematical Reports in 1999. It is now published in one volume a year, consisting in 4 issues. The current average total number of pages is 500.\r\rOur journal MATHEMATICAL REPORTS publishes original mathematical papers, written in English. Excellent survey articles may be also accepted. The editors will put strong emphasis on originality, quality and applicability. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Micro and Macro Marketing", "ISSN": "11214228, 26122073", "Scope": "ScopeMicro & Macro Marketing is directed to operators, researchers, scholars and all those feeling the need to deepen the reflection on contents and marketing problems, on consumptions, communication and market research. The review can be considered a tool for updating and widening research on such topics. The journal promotes interdisciplinary comparison (with marketing, psychology, sociology, statistics) paying special attention to some relevant problems that marketers are facing. Further, Micro & Macro Marketing promotes a constant exchange between business reality and scientific research. The latest issues have been dealing with information and communication technologies, international marketing trends, creativity and innovation, non-conventional marketing, market research, competitiveness, luxury, made in Italy, critical consumption, market measurement and tourism marketing. Every issue includes the analysis of important cases, and an “Osservatorio” (“Observatory”) on consumption and markets. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Micrologus", "ISSN": "11232560", "Scope": "ScopeMicrologus focuses on “Nature, Sciences and Society” during the Middle Ages. The journal is interdisciplinary organised, aiming to build a bridge between Specialists, coming from different fields of research and belonging to different disciplines. All articles are submitted for one or more peer-reviews; the general editor determines publication in consultation with the peer reviewers.\rThe journal is issued annually and welcomes articles in the major European languages. Each article is accompanied by an abstract in English. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Miznarodnij Endokrinologicnij Zurnal", "ISSN": "22240721, 23071427", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Modulo Arquitectura CUC", "ISSN": "01246542, 23897732", "Scope": "ScopeLa Revista MÓDULO ARQUITECTURA CUC, es una revista científica arbitrada con visibilidad nacional e internacional, creada con el propósito de ser un canal de comunicación de aportes originales a investigadores, profesionales, académicos y todo público interesado en los campos del Diseño, la Arquitectura y el Arte. Son bienvenidos artículos de investigación y de revisión, escritos en idioma inglés, español.\rLos trabajos que se ajusten al de la revista y cumplan los criterios mínimos de evaluación, serán sometidos a un proceso de revisión por árbitros mediante el procedimiento de doble ciego. MÓDULO ARQUITECTURA CUC adopta el código de ética COPE y podrá consultarse con la sesión de ética en la Publicación , es una publicación electrónica de acceso abierto, que no cobra por publicar y es editada continuamente con empaquetamiento semestral.\rLa revista se encuentra al cuidado de la Universidad de la Costa y su Editorial y las áreas de interés incluyen y no se limitan a las siguientes:\r•\tUrbanismo (historia, teoría y diseño)\r•\tDiseño Urbano\r•\tDiseño Arquitectónico\r•\tTecnología en la Arquitectura\r•\tDiseño Estructural en la Arquitectura\r•\tDesarrollo Sostenible (territorio, sociedad, economía, política, cultura)\r•\tConstrucción Sostenible\r•\tBioclimática\r•\tPaisajismo\r•\tEco-diseño\r•\tEspacio Publico\r•\tArte Publico\r•\tDiseño Participativo\r•\tPlaneación Urbano-Regional (planes, programas y proyectos)\r•\tGestión del Hábitat\r•\tDerecho UrbanoJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Musical Art and Education", "ISSN": "23091428", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal “Musical Art and Education” is an international scientific publication covering comprehensively and objectively the content and results of research in the field of general, supplementary and professional music education.\r\rThe journal was founded in 2013 on the initiative of the Head of the UNESCO Chair “Musical Art and Education lifelong”, Head of the Department of Methodology and Technology of Pedagogy of Music Education at the Moscow Pedagogical State University, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, laureate of the Russian Government in the field of education Eduard B. Abdullin. (Until 2019 the journal was published under the title: Bulletin of the UNESCO Chair “Musical Arts and Education”.)\r\rTheme of the journal is the establishing the relationship between musical art and the pedagogy of music education in the field of psychology of music education, musicology, musical performance, history, theory and methodology of music education.\r\rThe journal accepts for publication scientific articles, theoretical and methodological articles reflecting the results of original research relevant to the journal theme, as well as review articles with a clear indication of the author’s conceptual position. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Naihuo Cailiao/Refractories", "ISSN": "10011935", "Scope": "Scope《耐火材料》杂志创刊于1966年,由中钢集团洛阳耐火材料研究院有限公司主管、主办,是中国报道国内耐火材料科研、生产和应用情况及国外耐火材料科学技术发展动向的中文专业学术技术期刊。《耐火材料》是一本侧重于应用技术的杂志,直接为耐火材料及相关行业如冶金、建材、石化、电力、机械、环保、军工等行业的决策、规划、设计、科研、生产、使用和教学服务。读者对象为上述行业从事管理、研发、生产、使用、销售、教学等工作的工程技术人员及教师、学生。 Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Nephrology and Dialysis", "ISSN": "16804422, 26189801", "Scope": "Scope«Nephrology and Dialysis» («N&D») is an official peer-reviewed journal of the Russian Dialysis Society and the Russian Society of Pediatric Nephrology. «N&D» publishes Guidelines, Reviews & Lectures, Original Research Articles, Case Reports, Educational Materials, Short Communications and Letters to the Editor in broad field of general nephrology, kidney pathology, dialysis and kidney transplantation, which are of interest for practitioners and researchers. N&D is strictly dedicated to the high quality of published manuscripts offering benefits for both readers and authors. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Opera Medica et Physiologica", "ISSN": "25002287, 25002295", "Scope": "ScopeOM&P publishes full-length research papers, short communications, methodological papers and papers solicited by the Editorial Board, which include Invited reviews, Viewpoints and Symposium Reports.\r\rOM&P welcomes submissions in the areas of physiology, pathophysiology and experimental medicine at all levels, including molecular level, at the level of the cell membrane, single cells, tissues or organs and, systems and organisms. Theoretical papers and papers that use computational models are also considered. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Oregon Historical Quarterly", "ISSN": "304727", "Scope": "ScopeImagine a beautiful room with good lighting and comfortable chairs. People gather there to talk about the past. As they come and go, they bring in books and letters and photographs and memories, making them available for anyone else who visits.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Pharmakeftiki", "ISSN": "11054999, 22413081", "Scope": "ScopeThe publication of the scientific journal ‘Pharmakeftiki’ started in 1987, within the Hellenic Society of Medicinal Chemistry. Later however, it followed an independent pathway as a quarterly edition on pharmaceutical sciences’ topics , always supported by HSMC and recently also by the Hellenic Pharmaceutical Society (HPS). s Since 2012 ‘Pharmakeftiki’ is published both as hard copy and on line as an open access journal .\r\rThe journal ‘Pharmakeftiki’ hosts review and research articles addressing all pharmaceutical topics and relevant scientific areas and promotes information on technological achievements and scientific events.\r\rArticles are published after peer-review in both English and Greek language –in the latter case an extended English abstract is required. Articles published in ‘Pharmakeftiki’ are indexed in CHEMICAL ABSTRACTS, EMΒASE”, SCOPUS and EBSCO. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Philosophy Today", "ISSN": "00318256, 23298596", "Scope": "ScopePhilosophy Today is an international peer-reviewed journal that reflects the current questions, topics and debates of contemporary philosophy, with a particular focus on continental philosophy. This journal is especially interested in interdisciplinary work at the intersection of philosophy, political theory, comparative literature, and cultural studies. It provides space for reviews, as well as short translations of the works of contemporary philosophical figures originally published in other languages.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Polis", "ISSN": "0142257X, 20512996", "Scope": "ScopePolis (AGPT) was founded in 1977 to provide a forum for publication to scholars specializing in what was\rthen a neglected sub-field – ancient Greek political thought. More recently, Polis has expanded its\rcoverage to include Hellenistic and Roman political thought. Over the years Polis evolved into a fullyfledged academic journal that publishes material of interest to those who study ancient Greek political\rthought broadly understood, whether they do so as classicists, ancient historians, philosophers, or\rpolitical scientists. Polis also welcomes articles on the reception of ancient political thought in Europe,\rAmerica, or elsewhere. Since its inception the journal speaks for no particular perspective or\rmethodology and it is devoted to the publication of original papers, even though extensive literature\rreviews, critiques of contemporary research and review essays are also included. All submissions are\rsent to two referees and normally an editorial decision is taken within 3 months from the time of\rsubmission. While Polis primarily features contributions written in English, submissions in French and\rGerman are also welcome. The views and opinions expressed in peer-reviewed articles published in\rPolis are those of the authors and do not reflect the position of Journal. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics", "ISSN": "10003282", "Scope": "ScopeProgress in Biochemistry and Biophysics is a monthly, peer-reviewed journal sponsored by Institute of Biophysics, The Chinese Academy of Sciences together with Biophysical Society of China. It started publication in 1974. It mainly reports on the latest developments in biochemistry, biophysics, molecular biology and neuroscience both in China and abroad. It contains several columns such as \"reviews and monographs\", \"rapid and short communications\", \"research papers\", \"techniques and methods\" and \"academic discussions\". Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Projeto Historia", "ISSN": "01024442, 21762767", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Revista Brasileira de Biometria", "ISSN": "19830823", "Scope": "ScopeThe Brazilian Journal of Biometrics (BJB) is an international journal published quarterly by the Department of Statistics, Federal University of Lavras - UFLA. BJB is the official journal of the Brazilian Region of the International Biometric Society. The general objective of the journal is to publish original research papers explore, promote and extend statistical, mathematical and data science methods in applied biological sciences.\r\rIt is a peer-reviewed journal aimed at both statisticians and scientists who use statistical methods in different branches of biology, including agriculture, animal sciences, ecology, forest, food science, genetics and plant breeding, livestock, medicine, public health, soil science, veterinary science and, wood science to name but a few. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Quimico-Farmaceuticas(Colombia)", "ISSN": "00347418, 19096356", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Revista de Biologia Neotropical / Journal of Neotropical Biology", "ISSN": "18079652, 21780579", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Neotropical Biology mission is to publish unprecedented and original scientific papers that has been published in Preprints on Botany, Ecology, Genetics, Zoology (and related areas) concerned to the fauna, flora and environment. Original papers written in english, spanish or portuguese with relevant contributions the knowledge to the Biological Sciences may be accepted for publication, if not submitted or published elsewhere. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista de Estudos Constitucionais, Hermeneutica e Teoria do Direito", "ISSN": "21752168", "Scope": "ScopeRevista de Estudos Constitucionais, Hermenêutica e Teoria do Direito (RECHTD) is published by UNISINOS three times a year and it aims to publish original research papers, articles for discussion and book reviews in the following areas:\r\rHermeneutics, Constitution and Realization of Rights;\rSociety, New Rights and Transnationalization.\rThe articles or unpublished papers will be published in the language they were submitted and will be evaluated by at least two reviewers using the double blind review system.\r\rIn other words, during the evaluation process the author’s name will not be revealed to the referees and neither the referees’ names will be revealed to the author. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista de la Sociedad Espanola del Dolor", "ISSN": "11348046, 22546189", "Scope": "ScopeRESED (Revista de la Sociedad Española del Dolor) es el órgano oficial de difusión científica de la SED (Sociedad Española del Dolor) entre los diferentes profesionales implicados en el abordaje del dolor y la medicina del dolor, y que opera en el sector de las revistas de disciplinas médicas. RESED publica trabajos de investigación originales, editoriales, comentarios de los avances en dolor a nivel internacional, revisiones, artículos especiales, notas y casos clínicos, imágenes y cartas al director . Los estudios publicados son principalmente clínicos y epidemiológicos pero también de investigación básica.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Latinoamericana de Hipertension", "ISSN": "18564550", "Scope": "ScopeLa revista Latinoamericana de Hipertensión es una publicación biomédica periódica, arbitrada, de aparición trimestral, destinada a promover la productividad científica de la comunidad\rnacional e internacional en el área de Sistema Cardiovascular; así como todas aquellas publicaciones vinculadas a la medicina práctica en esta área. Su objetivo fundamental es la divulgación de artículos científicos y tecnológicos originales y artículos de revisión por invitación\rdel Comité Editorial, asimismo, se admiten informes de investigaciones de corte cualitativo o\rcuantitativo; todos deben ser trabajos inéditos, no se hayan sometidos o hayan publicados\ren otra revista. El manuscrito debe ir acompañado de una carta solicitud firmada por el autor\rprincipal y el resto de los autores responsables del mismo.\rEstá constituida por un Comité de redacción, organizado por Editor en Jefe, Editores Ejecutivos y Comité Editorial. Los manuscritos que publica pueden ser de autores nacionales o\rextranjeros, residentes o no en Venezuela, en castellano o en ingles (los resúmenes deben ser\ren ingles y castellano) Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revue de Philologie de Litterature et d Histoire Anciennes", "ISSN": "351652", "Scope": "ScopeFondée en 1845 par Léon Rénier, la revue publie actuellement deux fascicules par an formant un tome. Chaque fascicule comprend : des articles (linguistique, histoire, littérature...) ; un bulletin bibliographique d'une trentaine de pages rendant compte des parutions récentes sur le monde antique ; les résumés en anglais et en français des articles du fascicule ; dans chaque premier fascicule, une Chronique d'étymologie grecque conçue et réalisée en liaison avec le GDR 1038 (« Linguistique du grec ancien »), elle a pour but, tenant compte de l'évolution rapide des disciplines comparatives, de fournir les éléments nécessaires à une révision du Dictionnaire étymologique de la langue grecque de Pierre Chantraine ; dans le second fascicule de l'année, une liste de tous les ouvrages reçus pour comptes rendus et une table des matières (par tome). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revue Francaise de Science Politique", "ISSN": "00352950, 19506686", "Scope": "ScopeFondée en 1951, la Revue française de science politique publie des articles relatifs à tous les domaines de la discipline, des lectures critiques, comptes rendus détaillés ou brèves recensions d’ouvrages récents et les sommaires de grandes revues internationales. Des numéros spéciaux thématiques proposent régulièrement un état des recherches sur une question donnée. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revue Historique", "ISSN": "353264", "Scope": "ScopeLa Revue historique publie dans chacun de ses numéros des articles de fonds totalement inédits, dont les auteurs sont français et étrangers, des Mélanges, qui sont le plus souvent des mises au point de problèmes historiques renouvelés par des travaux récents, de nombreux comptes rendus d’ouvrages. Résumés et mots-clés, en français et en anglais, assurent sa lisibilité et facilitent son rayonnement international. Le comité éditorial veille à sa qualité scientifique et a recours à l’expertise des meilleurs spécialistes nationaux et internationaux. Il cherche aussi à faire connaître de nouveaux historiens. Les articles couvrent l’ensemble de la discipline historique, de l’Antiquité à nos jours, dans les différents champs, de l’économique au politique, du social au religieux, du matériel au culturel. Dans certains numéros, ils peuvent être regroupés en un thème fédérateur. La revue est ouverte aux interprétations des différentes écoles historiques, sans exclusive, à condition que les sujets soient traités avec la rigueur scientifique nécessaire à la discipline. Cette perspective généraliste a pour but de transmettre les acquis et les ouvertures de la recherche récente en Histoire. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ricerca e Pratica", "ISSN": "1120379X, 20382480", "Scope": "ScopeDa quasi trent'anni, R&P contribuisce ad aiutare il lettore a rispondere a questi come ad altri interrogativi, approfondendo argomenti di epidemiologia clinica, statistica medica, farmacocinetica clinica, interazioni tra farmaci, osservazioni di economia, organizzazione ed epidemiologia sanitaria. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Shanghai kou qiang yi xue = Shanghai journal of stomatology", "ISSN": "10067248", "Scope": "Scope杂志本着坚持理论联系实际,贯彻“百花齐放、百家争鸣”的方针,发扬学术民主,活跃学术氛围。主要报道我国口腔医学领域基础与临床研究的新成果、新经验、新理论、新知识,开展国际学术交流,开辟继续教育园地,以繁荣和发展我国的口腔医学事业。Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Shofar", "ISSN": "08828539, 15345165", "Scope": "ScopeShofar: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish Studies is a triannual publication that produces original, peer-reviewed scholarly articles, issues on special topics, book forums, review essays, and the occasional forum on Contemporary Critical Jewish Studies. Shofar reaches an international readership with an impressive range of reliably robust offerings primarily in modern history, literature, culture, and the arts. Shofar's special issues have covered a wide range of timely subjects, including Diaspora and exile in modern Jewish culture, the transcultural generation in Israeli literature, race and Jews in America, and Holocaust and genocide cinema. Under the guidance of co-editors Glenn Dynner and Ranen Omer-Sherman and a prestigious international editorial board of multidisciplinary scholars, Shofar enlivens the field of Jewish Studies through rigorously researched and vetted exciting new research, offering an attractive venue for scholars to disseminate their work in an influential and widely cited journal.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Siberian Journal of Oncology", "ISSN": "18144861, 23123168", "Scope": "ScopeThe main objectives of the journal are:\r\r-to promote the establishment of Russia’s leading worldwide positions in the field of experimental and clinical oncology-\rto create the international discussion platform intended to cover all aspects of basic and clinical cancer research, including carcinogenesis, molecular biology, epidemiology, cancer prevention, diagnosis and multimodality treatment (surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, hormone therapy), anesthetic management, medical and social rehabilitation, palliative care as well as the improvement of life quality of cancer patients-\rto encourage promising young scientists to be actively involved in cancer research programs-\rto provide a platform for researches and doctors all over the world to promote, share, and discuss various new issues and developments in cancer related problems. (to create a communication platform for the expansion of cooperation between Russian and foreign professional associations).-\rto provide the information about the latest worldwide achievements in different fields of oncology\rThe most important tasks of the journal are:\r\r-to encourage scientists to publish their research results-\rto offer a forum for active discussion on topics of major interest -\rto invite the most prominent Russian and foreign authors to share their latest research findings with cancer research community-\rto promote the exchange of research information, clinical experience, current trends and the recent developments in the field of oncology as well as to review interesting cases encountered by colleagues all over the world-\rto expand the editorial board and reviewers with the involvement of well-known Russian and foreign experts-\rto provide open access to full text articles-\rto include the journal into the international database-\rto increase the journal’s impact factor-\rto promote the journal to the International and Russian markets Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Socialism and Democracy", "ISSN": "08854300, 17452635", "Scope": "ScopeSocialism and Democracy is committed to showing the continuing relevance of socialist politics and vision. Socialism and Democracy brings together the worlds of scholarship and activism, theory and practice, to examine in depth the core issues and popular movements of our time. The perspective is broadly Marxist, encouraging not only critique of the status quo, but also informed analysis of the many different approaches to bringing about fundamental change, and seeking to integrate issues of race, gender, sexuality, ethnicity and nationality with the traditional focus on class. Articles reflect many disciplines; our geographical is global; authors include activists and independent scholars as well as academics.\r\rSocialism and Democracy maintains its commitment to an approach that is at once engaged and intellectually rigorous. Topics of recent special issues include:\r\r-US Fascism Comes to the Surface\r-Radical Perspectives on Immigration\r-Socialism in the Age of Obama\r-Latin America: The New Neoliberalism and Popular Mobilization Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Sociedad Espanola de Estudios Renacentistas Ingleses", "ISSN": "11357789", "Scope": "ScopeSEDERI, Yearbook of the Spanish and Portuguese Society for English Renaissance Studies, is an annual open-access publication devoted to current criticism and scholarship on English Renaissance Studies. It is peer-reviewed by external referees, following a double-blind policy.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "South African Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology", "ISSN": "00382329, 23058862", "Scope": "ScopeThe SAJOG is a tri-annual, general specialist obstetrics and gynaecology journal that publishes original, peer-reviewed work in all areas of obstetrics and gynaecology, including contraception, urogynaecology, fertility, oncology and clinical practice. The journal carries original research articles, editorials, clinical practice, personal opinion, South Africa health-related news, obituaries and general correspondence. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "South Asian Studies", "ISSN": "02666030, 21532699", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal publishes high-quality, original research in the arts and humanities of South Asia and from across the South Asian Diaspora. The journal's remit encompasses a broad range of time periods, from the ancient to the contemporary, and welcomes submissions that explore the historical, visual, and literary cultures of South Asia. The journal invites original analysis of unfamiliar corpuses of textual and visual materials, landscapes, architectures, and artefacts. The methodological remit of South Asian Studies encompasses historical, archaeological, art historical, literary, musicological, cinematic, heritage, and media studies. The geographical focus of the journal is that of BASAS: India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan, Maldives, and the South Asian Diaspora. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Spool", "ISSN": "22150897, 22150900", "Scope": "ScopeSPOOL is a journal initiative in the field of ‘architecture and the built environment’. It puts a strong emphasis on four key topics: Science of Architecture; Landscape Metropolis; Energy Innovation and Cyber-physical Architecture. These four topics refer to existing and upcoming research programs/interests in Europe and beyond, and ensure a steady stream of potential copy. Treating these topics as threads within one journal allows SPOOL to focus on the interrelationship between the fields, something that is often lost in specialized journals. SPOOL welcomes within this framework original papers and associated open data on research that deal with interventions in architecture and the built environment by means of design, engineering and/or planning. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Surgery, Gastroenterology and Oncology", "ISSN": "2559723X, 26011700", "Scope": "ScopeStarting with this issue \"Annals of Fundeni Hospital\", founded in 1996 as the scientific journal of the prestigious hospital Fundeni becomes \"Journal of Translational Medicine and Research\" (JTMR), an Journal of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Romania.\r\r\rTherefore, an 18 years old Journal, attested and indexed in Elsevier Bibliographic Databases, Amsterdam and also indexed in SCOPUS, is continuing a tradition of excellence that lasted almost two decades.\r\r\rThe new title of the Journal is inspired first of all from the important developments of translational research In Fundeni Clinical Institute and the \"C.C Iliescu Institute for Cardio-Vascular Diseases\", in parallel with the national and international trend to promote and develop this important area or medical research.\r\rAlthough devoted mainly to translational research, JTMR will continue to promote both basic and clinical research. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Synergies France", "ISSN": "17663059, 22607846", "Scope": "ScopeFrancophone journal of research in the humanities and social sciences particularly open to the fields of language sciences, literature, didactics of languages ​​and cultures.\rIts mission is to implement in its geographical area the Global Program of Scientific Dissemination Francophone Network GERFLINT, Study and Research Group for the French International Language. This is why it mainly publishes articles in this language but without linguistic exclusivity (it can accept up to 3 articles per issue in another language: English, Spanish, German, Italian, Portuguese, Arabic, Turkish, etc.) and welcomes, as a matter of priority, work resulting from the scientific thought of French-speaking researchers from its geographical area, of which French is not the first language. Like all GERFLINT journals, it pursues the following objectives : defense of French-language scientific research in all human sciences, promotion of dialogue between disciplines, languages ​​and cultures, opening to the entire scientific community, assistance to young researchers, adoption of a wide disciplinary coverage, ensures the scientific quality of the work. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Temps des Medias", "ISSN": "17642507", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal aims to use a historical perspective to provide its readers with the tools they need to analyze and understand the media world in which they live. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Trends in Carbohydrate Research", "ISSN": "9750304", "Scope": "ScopeThe overall aim of the TCR is to advance and disseminate knowledge in all related areas of carbohydrates to benefit the carbohydrate community. It offers an international forum for exchange of latest research and developments related to various scientific and technological aspects of carbohydrates and publishes original research in form of normal length research papers, short reports, review articles in the following facets lie well within the of this journal.\r\r1. Carbohydrate polymers having current or potential industrial applications, their structures, properties, and modifications both chemical and microbiological.\r\r2. Chemistry and biology of carbohydrates including synthesis, structure elucidation, stereochemistry, reaction mechanism, isolation of natural molecules, physicochemical studies, biosynthesis, metabolism, degradation, structural and functional biochemistry, enzymes- their action and mechanisms, immunochemistry, and glycobiology.\r\r3. Analytical methods / chemistry of carbohydrates\r\r4. Technologies for conversion or production of industrially important carbohydrates including methods, processes, and systems. The journal also publishes reports of conferences, book reviews, news items, details of forthcoming meetings and contributions describing industrial applications.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Turk Dermatoloji Dergisi", "ISSN": "13077635, 13085255", "Scope": "ScopeTurkish Journal of Dermatology, is the official scientific publishing of The Turkish Society of Dermatology; it is published every three months, in March, June, September and December. It is a periodical open access journal published in English and follows the rules of independent and unprejudiced peer review.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ugeskrift for Laeger", "ISSN": "00415782, 16036824", "Scope": "ScopeThe Danish Medical Journal (DMJ) is a general medical journal published by The Danish Medical Association. The journal publish peer reviewed original research in English – conducted in or in relation to the Danish health-care system. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Wiener Tierarztliche Monatsschrift", "ISSN": "2539411", "Scope": "ScopeDie WTM veröffentlicht Manuskripte, die veterinärmedizinische Fragestellungen (Grundlagenforschung oder klinisch angewandte Forschung) sowie allgemeinmedizinische oder lebensmittelhygienische Fragestellungen mit veterinärmedizinischem Bezug behandeln. Eingereichte Manuskripte werden einem unabhängigen, anonymen Peer Review Verfahren unterzogen. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences", "ISSN": "17433533", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Yuki Gosei Kagaku Kyokaishi/Journal of Synthetic Organic Chemistry", "ISSN": "00379980, 18836526", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Zeitschrift fur Arabische Linguistik", "ISSN": "27474437", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Zeitschrift fur Evangelische Ethik", "ISSN": "00442674, 2197912X", "Scope": "ScopeFirst published in 1957, the Zeitschrift für Evangelische Ethik provides a forum for expert discussions within the field of protestant ethics. Within the German-speaking countries, it is the leading journal in this realm and beyond that has found numenous readers especially in Scandinavia and the Anglo-American world. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Zeitschrift fur Slawistik", "ISSN": "00443506, 21967016", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal founded in 1956, as a professional journal for German and international Slavic research, publishes critical essays on languages and literatures, on popular poetry and on the cultural history of Slavic peoples in the past and present. Special attention is paid to German-Slavic linguistics, literary and cultural relations within their European context, to onomastics, history and poetology of literary genres, Baltic studies, Sorbian studies, and to the history of Slavic studies. Literary reports and reviews give an insight into current tendencies and developments in international Slavonic research. Conference proceedings provide information about important academic events. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Zhurnal Belorusskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta. Istoriya", "ISSN": "25206338, 26174006", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal publishes original, previously unpublished materials based on the introduction of new sources in the scientific circulation and written according to the latest world historiography on fundamental theoretical and applied problems of Belarussian and World history, source study, the history of science and methods of historical research, archeology and special historical disciplines, archival science and museum studies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Zhurnal Obshchei Biologii", "ISSN": "444596", "Scope": "ScopeПубликуются статьи по теоретическим вопросам биологии, представляющие интерес для биологов любой специальности (вопросы эволюции, экологии, общей таксономии, общей цитологии, генетики, проблемы механизмов приспособления живых организмов к условиям существования, закономерности развития организмов, бионика и т. д.), основанные на новом оригинальном фактическом материале или же подводящие итоги работы того или иного научного коллектива.\r\rПомимо теоретических статей, помещаются рецензии на новые книги российских и зарубежных биологов, а также информация о международных конгрессах и общероссийских совещаниях по важнейшим проблемам биологии. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "AATCC Review", "ISSN": "15328813, 23305525", "Scope": "ScopeAATCC Review (and its predecessors) has published textiles research and news since 1969. AATCC Review covers fibers to finished products, and chemical synthesis to retail practices. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Acta Veterinaria Brasilica", "ISSN": "19815484", "Scope": "ScopeA Acta Veterinaria Brasilica é um periódico científico editado pela Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido (UFERSA).\r\rSão publicados artigos científicos inéditos versando sobre todas as áreas de interesse da medicina veterinária e áreas afins. A forma de publicação é exclusivamente digital, sendo os artigos disponibilizados gratuitamente para a comunidade científica internacional pela Internet mediante cadastro prévio em nosso sistema.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Adverse Drug Reaction Bulletin", "ISSN": "00446394, 21597774", "Scope": "Scope​​​Adverse Drug Reaction Bulletin provides comprehensive coverage in the field of adverse drug reactions. Each issue contains an invited article on a topic of current interest, dealing with specific conditions from drug-induced lung disorders to drug-induced sexual dysfunction, or types of drugs from lipid-lowering agents to poisons antidotes. This bimonthly journal's articles are timely, succinct and fully referenced.\r\rMany of the articles published in this journal are Invited Reviews which have been specifically commissioned by the Editor from authors expected to have special knowledge of the subject under review. Offered reviews are welcomed, but it is essential that intending authors contact the Editor before submitting a manuscript, to confirm the appropriateness of the topic and to ensure that a similar article is not already in preparation. Offered articles will be subjected to peer review. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Afinidad", "ISSN": "00019704, 23399686", "Scope": "ScopeAfinidad was founded in 1921 and is the oldest journal in theoretical and applied chemistry published nowadays in Spanish language. Afinidad accepts reviews, original articles and short communications about all aspects of chemical engineering, process engineering, chemistry and biotechnology. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "African Historical Review", "ISSN": "17532523, 17532531", "Scope": "ScopeThe African Historical Review (formerly Kleio: A Journal of Historical Studies from Africa) is an accredited, peer-reviewed journal with a long and distinguished history. Originally conceived as a research and teaching forum for histories taught in the Department of History at the University of South Africa and to promote the work of students and staff, the journal is now an international publication for high quality articles on a wide variety of historical subjects.\r\rThe African Historical Review is independent of any professional society or association. Its mission is to be transdisciplinary, responsive to theoretical developments in research relating to the continent of Africa and within fields closely linked to historical and heritage studies . The journal welcomes contributions from both established and younger scholars on themes from or in Africa, and encourages innovative writing and research on a variety of topics and with an array of theoretical frameworks.\r\rThe outstanding level of professional research and writing displayed in the journal has been recognised internationally, and since 2004 it has been an accredited academic journal by the Department of Higher Education and Training. All research articles published in The African Historical Review have undergone rigorous peer-review, involving initial editor screening and anonymized review by at least two referees. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Analecta Veterinaria", "ISSN": "03655148, 15142590", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Anuario Colombiano de Historia Social y de la Cultura", "ISSN": "01202456, 22565647", "Scope": "ScopeThe Anuario Colombiano de Historia Social y de la Cultura is the journal published by the History Department of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogota campus. The main objective of the ACHSC is to disseminate research on Colombian history; however, it also accepts comparative articles on Latin America and the world, as well as historiographical and theoretical analyses. The journal promotes the diffusion of the works in such fields of study in physical format as well as in digital media in the Open Journal System. \rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Archivos de Alergia e Inmunologia Clinica", "ISSN": "15159825", "Scope": "ScopeArchivos de Alergia e Inmunología Clínica (AAIC) publica artículos sobre Alergología, Inmunología Clínica o relacionados con ellas en su más amplio sentido. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Biography", "ISSN": "01624962, 15291456", "Scope": "ScopeFor over forty years, Biography has been an important forum for well-considered biographical scholarship. It features stimulating articles that explore the theoretical, generic, historical, and cultural dimensions of life writing; and the integration of literature, history, the arts, and the social sciences as they relate to biography. Each issue also offers insightful reviews, concise excerpts of reviews published elsewhere, an annual bibliography of works about biography, and listings of upcoming events, calls for papers, and news from the field. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Black Scholar", "ISSN": "64246", "Scope": "ScopeLaunched in the USA in 1969 The Black Scholar (TBS) is the first modern black studies and research journal. It was founded on the premise that black writers, scholars, activists and artists could participate in dialogue within its pages. TBS' primary mission has been to chronicle, analyze and debate the conditions of and the emancipatory efforts by black people, against a multitude of oppressions that include and cross class, nationality, gender, generation, sexuality, and ideology. Due in part to the impact of the journal, Black Studies, Africana Studies, Diaspora Studies and other sub-disciplines have become legitimate spaces of scholarly inquiry. However there are few public intellectual spaces that focus on black thought, are dedicated to the new multiplicity of black perspectives (or perspectives on race) that have emerged through these disciplines, and engage with the new issues and concerns facing black communities worldwide. The Black Scholar is one of those spaces. Also, our rich mix of the scholarly and the artistic, the professional and the public/non-specialist, remains rare, as is our openness to different forms and techniques of political engagement.\r\rBuilding on the journal’s initial vision, TBS aims to not only “unite the academy and the street” but also participate in a global black intellectual and cultural world that has multiple contexts and a range of materials and opinions far greater than when the journal was founded. The journal continues to engage and cultivate differential black political conversations and cultural interests (African American, African, European, Latin American, for example) while maintaining its core commitment to tough minded thinking and an overall liberationist intent. This means that we welcome submissions (in English and in translation) from anywhere in the world as long as they meet the criteria articulated on our website or in the journal. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Catholic Historical Review", "ISSN": "00088080, 15340708", "Scope": "ScopeFounded in 1915, The Catholic Historical Review (CHR) is a quarterly journal owned by The Catholic University of America Press and later adopted as the official organ of the American Catholic Historical Association. With an international readership and a global array of contributors, the journal publishes significant, original, and preferably archivally based articles in English on topics related to the history of various lived Catholic experiences and their intersections with cultures and other religious traditions over the centuries and throughout the world. In addition, CHR publishes reviews (single, fora, essays, and articles) written by experts of important books in the field, lists relevant articles that appear in other journals, and includes the section “Notes and Comments” containing news about the Association and other items of interest to readers. Any scholar may submit a manuscript, which is subjected to a rigorous double-blind evaluation. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Central European Journal of Economic Modelling and Econometrics", "ISSN": "20800886, 2080119X", "Scope": "ScopeThe Central European Journal of Economic Modelling and Econometrics (CEJEME) is a quarterly international journal. It aims to publish articles focusing on mathematical or statistical models in economic sciences. Papers covering the application of existing econometric techniques to a wide variety of problems in economics, in particular in macroeconomics and finance are welcome. Advanced empirical studies devoted to modelling and forecasting of Central and Eastern European economies are of particular interest. Any rigorous methods of statistical inference can be used and articles representing Bayesian econometrics are decidedly within the range of the Journal's interests. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Chinese Journal of Pathophysiology", "ISSN": "10004718", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Clinical and Experimental Morphology", "ISSN": "22265988, 26866749", "Scope": "Scopeof the journal includes experimental and clinical studies in the fields of pathological anatomy, modeling of socially significant human diseases, biomedical technologies, cell biology, cytology, histology, and embryology. In order to enhance professional skills of the specialists working in these fields, the journal regularly features leading-edge articles, lectures and reviews on the achievements of contemporary functional morphology in Russia and worldwide, as well as practical observations and implementations of modern morphological research approaches in experimental and clinical settings. The journal also covers organization of the pathological anatomy service in Russia and international best practices in this area, as well as news and outcomes of Russian and international conferences and meetings held by scientific communities of experimental and clinical morphologists. The journal is targeted at specialists affiliated with research and clinical institutions, including medical and biological universities, working and upgrading their qualifications in the fields of pathological anatomy, histology, cytology, and cell biology. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cocuk Enfeksiyon Dergisi", "ISSN": "13071068, 13085271", "Scope": "ScopeJournal of Pediatric Infection is the official, scientific, open access publication organ of Pediatric Infectious Diseases and Immunization Association of Turkey and is published quarterly in March, June, September and December. Moreover, an additional issue is published for the National Pediatric Infectious Diseases Congress. The aim of the Journal of Pediatric Infection is to publish scientifically high-quality research articles in the field of pediatric health and diseases. Additionally, review articles, original research, editor opinion, letters to the editor, case reports, and instructive manuscripts (what is your diagnosis?, routines, question-answer, clinical tips, news on world literature). The Journal, whose language is Turkish and English, is an independent, unbiased and double-blind peer-reviewed journal. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Composites: Mechanics, Computations, Applications", "ISSN": "21522057, 21522073", "Scope": "ScopeComposites: Mechanics, Computations, Applications, An International Journal seeks to provide a central vehicle for exchange of basic ideas in the mechanics of composite materials and structures between the research workers and engineers located throughout the world. Only those papers that convey original unpublished research of permanent interest will be accepted for publication. In all cases, the highest priority will be given to those contributions which increase our basic understanding of the mechanics of composite materials and structures and of its application to computational and engineering problems. The subjects covered in this journal include, but are not limited to: the mechanics of structured, homogeneous, and heterogeneous media with complex rheological properties and phase transitions; thermodynamics, physicochemical mechanics and micromechanics of composite materials; the properties of fibers, matrices, and of an interphase layer; methods of averaging; numerical methods in the mechanics of heterogeneous media and composites; computer simulation of the behavior of composites; diagnostics and accumulation of faults; strength, rigidity, durability, and mechanics of disintegration of composites; composite plates and shells; methods for calculation of composite structures; static and dynamic problems; interaction with the environment; intellectual (active, adaptive) materials and structures; natural composites and bio-composites; technological mechanics of composites; methods of experimental study of composites and composite structures. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part A: Bridging Education and Research", "ISSN": "15466086, 15525023", "Scope": "ScopeConcepts in Magnetic Resonance Part A brings together clinicians, chemists, and physicists involved in the application of magnetic resonance techniques. The journal welcomes contributions predominantly from the fields of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), but also encourages submissions relating to less common magnetic resonance imaging and analytical methods.\r\rContributors come from academic, governmental, and clinical communities, to disseminate the latest important experimental results from medical, non-medical, and analytical magnetic resonance methods, as well as related computational and theoretical advances.\r\rSubject areas include (but are by no means limited to):\r\r-Fundamental advances in the understanding of magnetic resonance\r-Experimental results from magnetic resonance imaging (including MRI and its specialized applications)\r-Experimental results from magnetic resonance spectroscopy (including NMR, EPR, and their specialized applications)\r-Computational and theoretical support and prediction for experimental results\r-Focused reviews providing commentary and discussion on recent results and developments in topical areas of investigation\r-Reviews of magnetic resonance approaches with a tutorial or educational approach Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Contemporary Ob/Gyn", "ISSN": "903159", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cracow Indological Studies", "ISSN": "17320917", "Scope": "ScopeCracow Indological Studies publishes articles presenting a critical approach to a wide range of themes related to South Asia. It focuses on Indian languages and literatures, philosophy, religions and art, which contributes to the understanding of the pre-modern and modern history and culture of South Asia. Illustrations are accepted. Besides original research articles the Journal also publishes review articles. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Croatian Journal of Philosophy", "ISSN": "13331108, 18476139", "Scope": "ScopeThe Croatian Journal of Philosophy is a peer-reviewed journal with a primary focus on original philosophical work in analytic philosophy in Central Europe. It was established in 2001 and has a particular strength in the philosophy of linguisitcs. Articles and reviews from Croatia, Slovenia, Hungary, and other countries are published along with with contributions from Western Europe and the US. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Culturales", "ISSN": "18701191, 2448539X", "Scope": "ScopeCulturales is a Latin American academic digital journal, continuous publication and Open Access, which disseminates reflections and original research and unpublished in the field of cultural studies, sociocultural and culture. The works may be linked to different disciplines: Anthropology, Sociology, History, Social Psychology, Social Communication, Political Science and Philosophy. Culturales publishes articles and bibliographic reviews in Spanish, English and Portuguese, and in its capacity as an arbitrated journal, the articles received are evaluated under the double blind system. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Dictionaries", "ISSN": "01976745, 21605076", "Scope": "ScopeDictionaries: The Journal of the Dictionary Society of North America is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles on all aspects of lexicography, as well as from areas of linguistic inquiry that relate to lexicography, and from the study of reference works in general as they bear on dictionary-making. The journal’s regular special sections include “Reference Works in Progress” and “Working Knowledge,” which report on and excerpt current lexicographical projects. A substantial portion of each year’s journal is devoted to reviews of recently published lexicons and lexicography websites, as well as to reviews of critical and historical studies of lexicography, and occasionally of biographies and popular literature related to dictionary-making, etymology, and similar topics. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Early American Studies", "ISSN": "15434273, 15590895", "Scope": "ScopeEarly American Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal is a quarterly, peer-reviewed journal sponsored by The McNeil Center for Early American Studies at the University of Pennsylvania. The journal publishes original research on the histories and cultures of North America and the Atlantic world before 1850. The editors welcome contributions from scholars working in a variety of disciplines concerned with early America, including history, art history, literary studies, religious studies, music, philosophy, and material culture studies, among others. They are especially interested in works that employ interdisciplinary methods or source materials. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Early Music", "ISSN": "03061078, 17417260", "Scope": "ScopeEarly Music is a stimulating and richly illustrated journal, and is unrivalled in its field. Founded in 1973, it remains the leading journal for anyone interested in early music and how it is being interpreted today. Contributions from scholars and performers of international standing explore every aspect of earlier musical repertories, present vital new evidence for our understanding of the music of the past, and tackle controversial issues of performance practice.\r\rEach beautifully-presented issue contains a wide range of thought-provoking articles on aspects of earlier musical repertoires, including perspectives from performance practice and from historical and contextual research. New discoveries of musical sources, instruments and documentation are regularly featured, and innovatory approaches to research and performance are explored, often in collections of themed articles. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ebre 38", "ISSN": "16962672, 18852580", "Scope": "ScopeEbre 38 publishes unpublished research on the Spanish Civil War, covering disciplines such as archaeology, historical research, didactic research, and the application of museographic and socialization projects. Its editorial board and advisory board are made up of prominent names from the national and international academic world. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Emotions: History, Culture, Society", "ISSN": "22067485, 2208522X", "Scope": "ScopeEmotions: History, Culture, Society (EHCS) is dedicated to understanding the emotions as culturally and temporally-situated phenomena, and to exploring the role of emotion in shaping human experience and action by individuals, groups, societies and cultures.\r\rEHCS welcomes theoretically-informed work from a range of historical, cultural and social domains. The journal aims to illuminate (1) the ways emotion is conceptualized and understood in different temporal or cultural settings, from antiquity to the present, and across the globe; (2) the impact of emotion on human action and in processes of change; and (3) the influence of emotional legacies from the past on current social, cultural and political practices. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Enquiry", "ISSN": "23299339", "Scope": "ScopeENQ (Enquiry), an open access journal for architectural research, is an online journal published by the Architectural Research Centers Consortium (ARCC) as a resource for research in architecture and to support the continued development of research culture in the discipline. The journal is double blind peer reviewed and invites submissions on a wide variety of topics addressing architectural knowledge including aspects of urban design, interior design, planning and landscape architecture.\r\rThe Journal is focused on research questions within the domain of architectural knowledge. ENQ does not have an ideological agenda instead focuses on depth and quality of research associated with architectural domains of knowledge. This means all articles will need to have a clear research structure including strong and defensible positions, of the territory being addressed, clear methods and evidence of significance to adding to our current knowledge. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Entomologia Hellenica", "ISSN": "02545381, 24593885", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Estudios de Deusto", "ISSN": "04234847, 23869062", "Scope": "ScopeEstudios de Deusto. Revista de Derecho Público (ISSN 0423-4847; ISSN-e 2386-9062) is a biannual peer-reviewed and Open Access journal that publishes in Spanish or in English original research studies of Public Law and reviews of scientific publications. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Estudios Romanicos", "ISSN": "02104911, 1989614X", "Scope": "ScopeSu objetivo es presentar trabajos de investigación originales e inéditos dentro del ámbito lingüístico y literario románico, abierta a todos los especialistas en estas materias.\r\rLingüística románica diacrónica.\rLenguas y literaturas románicas medievales y su recuperación a partir del siglo XIX.\rLiteratura occitana moderna.\rEstudios sobre lenguas y literaturas románicas minoritarias.\rEstudios comparativos fundamentados en una tradición romanística.\rEstudios de lenguas y literaturas románicas modernas. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Etudes Romanes de Brno", "ISSN": "18037399, 23364416", "Scope": "ScopeÉtudes romanes de Brno (abbreviated as ERB) publishes original papers from Romance languages and literatures. Papers from Romance linguistics are dedicated to synchronic as well as diachronic aspects of Romance languages, applied linguistics of Romance languages and border disciplines that pay attention to Romance languages or to Romance languages in contact with other languages. In Romance literatures it focuses on history and current situation of Romance literatures and to Romance literatures and their reflection in dramas and films that according to their origin and cultural context belong to Romance languages speaking areas.\r\rEvery issue comprises various sections. The section “Dossier thématique” contains thematically linked papers on specific aspects of Romance languages or Romance literatures, the section “Études” includes original papers that are not necessarily thematically linked and the section “Comptes rendus” contains reviews on recent books that belong to the of interest of the journal. Articles in “Dossier thématique“ and “Études“ are peer-reviewed.\r\rPapers and reviews are written in French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Catalan, and eventually in other Romance languages. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Fontes Artis Musicae", "ISSN": "156191", "Scope": "ScopeFontes artis musicae, a quarterly, peer-reviewed journal, features articles relevant to the purposes of IAML, particularly in the area of international music librarianship and documentation, bibliography, audio-visual materials, and musicology. Fontes is a membership journal with the subscription cost included in membership dues. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Food Technology", "ISSN": "156639", "Scope": "ScopeFood Technology is the leading publication addressing all facets of food science and technology. Its in-depth and balanced coverage includes the latest research developments, industry news, consumer product innovations, and professional opportunities. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Historia Philosophica", "ISSN": "17246121, 1824095X", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Historicky Casopis", "ISSN": "182575", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal is one of the tools for organizing historical science and presenting its results to the wider scientific community. It is open to all opinions, directions, schools and thematic areas, as long as they are based on serious research and are processed in accordance with the basic principles of historical science. The program does not prefer any period, topics or sections of history. It is a magazine of all historians who deal with Slovak history and all Slovak historians who study either Slovak or Central European history. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies", "ISSN": "10800727, 15430367", "Scope": "ScopeThe IJGLS is a unique journal in that it is peer-reviewed, and only publishes articles that are global in nature. IJGLS takes an interdisciplinary approach to global legal issues, integrating perspectives of law, business, economics, philosophy, politics, science, and sociology, to develop unique solutions to current legal problems. Submissions that focus on the intersection of legal and academic disciplines with globalization, as characterized by the movement of peoples, ideas, and goods without regard to borders, are welcomed.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ingenieria y Universidad", "ISSN": "1232126", "Scope": "ScopeOur journal's main objective is to serve as a medium for the diffusion and divulgation of the articles and investigations in the engineering scientific and investigative fields. All the documents presented as result of an investigation will be received, as well as any review about engineering, this includes essays that might contribute to the academic and scientific discussion of any of the branches of engineering. Any contribution to the subject related to engineering development, ethics, values, or its relations with policies, culture, society and environmental fields are welcome. The publication frequency is semestral. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Private Law", "ISSN": "17536235, 17536243", "Scope": "ScopeIJPL provides a forum for international discussion on all aspects of private law including audio-visual, media, communication and space law, which have not been covered by any journals so far. It explores legal issues facing individuals, entrepreneurs and business owners, and discusses provocative and timely issues facing both the national and international community. IJPL is dedicated to providing comprehensive, practical, reliable and current information for practicing attorneys, judges, students and academics regarding the practice of private law worldwide.\r\rTopics covered include:\r-Commercial law and bankruptcy/insolvency-\rEmployment/labour, human rights, consumer protection, marketing-\rFinance, corporate governance, banking and investment-\rLegislative and regulatory affairs-\rInternational law/judicial assistance-\rArbitration/ADR, choice of law, recognition of foreign judgments-\rProperty ownership, real estate, intellectual property-\rFamily law, wills and estates-\rContract law, restitution, torts-\rTrade law, competition law, e-commerce, sales of goods, product liability-\rOffshore outsourcing-\rJurisdiction of the courts, jurisdiction and judgments, equity, trust-\rEnvironmental/space/aviation/health/pharmaceutical law-\rMedia/entertainment/communication/sports law-\rConflict of law, case law, policy developments, law and culture Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Strategic Change Management", "ISSN": "17402859, 17402867", "Scope": "ScopeWith a clear international and interdisciplinary approach, IJSCM proposes and fosters discussion on strategic change management implementation and follow-up and related topics. It offers the reader a wealth of valuable material on theories and practices which underpin successful strategic change. One of the keys to dealing with change is understanding that change is never over and brings opportunity to those who can grasp it.\rTopics covered include\r•\tAdapting strategic planning to the need for change\r•\tManaging strategy\r•\tChange implementation and follow-through\r•\tCompetitive advantage and strategic change management\r•\tLeadership\r•\tThe role of learning at different levels (individual, group, organisational and interorga-nisational level)\r•\tStrategic change and human capital\r•\tTQMJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Sports Studies", "ISSN": "14430770", "Scope": "ScopeInternational Sports Studies (ISS) is a scholarly journal in the field of physical education and sport with a unique focus. Its aim is to advance understanding and communication between members of the global community who share a professional, personal or scholarly interest in the state and development of physical education and sport around the world.\rInternational Sports Studies (ISS) is today without paradigmatic prejudice and reflects an eclectic approach to the task of understanding physical education and sport in the contemporary world. It asks only that its contributors can add to knowledge about international physical education and sport studies through studies involving comparisons between regional, national and international settings or by providing unique insights into specific national and local phenomena which contribute to an understanding that can be shared across as well as within national borders. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Iranian Journal of War and Public Health", "ISSN": "20082622, 2980969X", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "IRBM News", "ISSN": "19597568", "Scope": "ScopeIRBM News, complément News incontournable d'IRBM : l'essentiel de l'actualité et une analyse permanente sur le management des technologies biomédicales.\r\rIRBM NEWS propose dans ses six numéros une interview, réflexion d'une personnalité du secteur des technologies biomédicales sur un thème d'actualité ; un cahier technique central (problématique générale, critères de différenciation, analyse du marché centrée sur une technologie) ; des points d'actualité et des réflexions sur la matériovigilance, la qualité, la maintenance, la vie des associations et sociétés impliquées dans le génie biomédical, et la vie des entreprises ; un recueil de normes et textes réglementaires récents ; un éclairage sur des produits innovants. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Japan Review", "ISSN": "09150986, 24343129", "Scope": "ScopeJapan Review is an interdisciplinary journal publishing cutting-edge empirical and theoretical research on Japan and its place in the world. Contributions of interest to the journal range across the humanities and social sciences, from arts, linguistics, literature, religion, and culture, to anthropology, history, politics, economics, international relations, and law.\r\rSubmissions are welcomed from both early-career and established scholars, and the journal particularly looks to foster research which deploys interdisciplinary and innovative methods.\r\rIn addition to research articles, the journal also publishes shorter research notes, review essays, and annotated translations of important texts, along with a generous assortment of book reviews with every issue.\r\rSpecial Issues of the journal, and Special Sections within it, allow for a series of linked articles to collectively make broader methodological or thematic interventions of interest to the Japanese Studies field.\r\rJapan Review is published annually, both online and in a handsome print format. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Indian Ocean World Studies", "ISSN": "25613111", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Journal of International Pharmaceutical Research", "ISSN": "16740440", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Journal of Medieval Religious Cultures", "ISSN": "19476566, 21539650", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Medieval Religious Cultures has been in continuous publication for over forty years. The journal chiefly publishes peer-reviewed essays on mystical and devotional texts, especially but not exclusively of the Western Middle Ages. In its current form, the journal seeks to expand its areas of focus to include the relationship of medieval religious cultures outside Europe. The journal also publishes book reviews and disseminates information of interest to all those who by profession, vocation, or inclination are interested in mysticism and the Middle Ages. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Southeast Asian American Education and Advancement", "ISSN": "21538999", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Southeast Asian American Education and Advancement (JSAAEA) aims to provide a forum for scholars and writers from diverse fields who share a common interest in Southeast Asian (SEA) Americans and their communities.\r\rJSAAEA features research and practice articles related to the education and advancement of Southeast Asian Americans, as well as book reviews related to Southeast Asian countries and creative works by Southeast Asian Americans related to the Southeast Asian American experience. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of the Polynesian Society", "ISSN": "00324000, 22305955", "Scope": "ScopeJournal of the Polynesian Society is a peer-reviewed, internationally-ranked print and online publication. It features social, cultural, indigenous and historical research related to the past and present lives and cultures of peoples of Pacific/Oceanic heritage, including those of the traditional cultural areas of Polynesia, Melanesia and Micronesia. Submissions typically derive from (but are not limited to): social anthropology, archaeology, history, ethnology, Māori and Pacific Studies, museum and material culture studies, linguistics and biological anthropology. The Journal is published quarterly (March, June, September and December) and includes main articles (5000-11,000 words), shorter communications (4000 words or less) and book reviews. Book reviews are solicited by the Review Editor. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Juridicas", "ISSN": "17942918", "Scope": "ScopeThe Revista JURÍDICAS, a result of the effort of the professors and students of the University of Caldas and the invited academics, is oriented to the publication of unpublished essays and of high scientific quality that correspond, fundamentally, to results or advances of research projects, Articles Reflection, translations and bibliographical reviews related to the development of legal science and the state of the art in the legal and socio-legal fields. It aims to contribute to the consolidation of a permanent intellectual production that disseminates legal knowledge in the areas of regional, national and international. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Kalbotyra", "ISSN": "13921517, 20298315", "Scope": "ScopeThe international diamond open access journal of linguistics Kalbotyra focuses on synchronic and diachronic research into various aspects of language studies as well as the ones addressing cross-linguistic issues. The journal publishes research articles, reviews of books and reports of conferences. Proceedings of conferences are also invited. All contributions are reviewed by at least two anonymous referees following the double blind refereeing procedure. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Klinicheskaya Onkogematologiya/Clinical Oncohematology", "ISSN": "19976933, 25002139", "Scope": "ScopeClinical Oncohematology is an open access, peer-reviewed online journal. It encompasses all aspects of hematology and oncology in all basic and clinical fields with special focus on lymphoid malignancies, myeloid malignancies, bone marrow transplantation, complications of anti-tumor treatment and supportive care. The journal publishes original research, reviews, clinical reports, commentaries, clinical and laboratory observations and guidelines.\r\rClinical Oncohematology aims to serve as a platform for sharing laboratory and clinical findings in an open access format among laboratory scientists, physician scientists, hematologists and oncologists with most rapid turnaround time possible from submission to publication. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "List Forum fur Wirtschafts- und Finanzpolitik", "ISSN": "09370862, 23643943", "Scope": "ScopeDas List Forum für Wirtschafts- und Finanzpolitik dient dem Dialog zwischen Wissenschaft und Praxis über wirtschafts- und finanzpolitische Gegenwartsfragen. In der Zeitschrift erscheinen zum einen Beiträge zu aktuellen Fragen der Wirtschafts- und Finanzpolitik in Deutschland und Europa, zum anderen Abhandlungen zu Fragen, die grundsätzlich von wirtschafts- oder finanzpolitischem Interesse sind. Die wirtschaftspolitische Relevanz der Beiträge ist für das List Forum dabei von zentraler Bedeutung. Grundsätzlich erscheinen die Beiträge in deutscher Sprache. Die Zeitschrift wird seit 2018 federführend von Prof. Dr. Ulrich Heimeshoff und Prof. Dr. Jan Schnellenbach im Auftrag der List Gesellschaft e.V. herausgegeben und erscheint viermal im Jahr. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Louvain Medical", "ISSN": "246956", "Scope": "ScopeLouvain Médical is the monthly medical review (published in paper form and\ronline in 10 editions per year) of the medical school of the Université catholique de\rLouvain (UCL).\rLouvain Médical publishes a range of different types of articles, each selected\rfor their high quality and originality, primarily reviews, case reports, practical\rguidelines, editorials, and commentaries, as well as original research judged to be\rof clinical relevance.\rEach manuscript submitted undergoes rigorous peer review by local and national\rexperts.\rThe review’s principal goal is to actively contribute to the continuing medical\reducation and training of healthcare professionals, including undergraduate\rand doctorate medical students (first and third cycles), general practitioners, and\rspecialists of all fields. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Magyar Geofizika", "ISSN": "250120", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Magyar Pszichologiai Szemle", "ISSN": "00250279, 15882799", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal publishes the latest results in Hungary, and occasionally studies by foreign authors. The studies cover the following fields of research: general and evolutionary, medical, pedagogical, social psychology, psychology of art, criminal psychology, etc. Papers in Hungarian with English summaries.\r\rMagyar Pszichológiai Szemle uses a strictly anonymous double-blind peer review process where submitted manuscripts are evaluated by two independent external reviewers. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Marmara Medical Journal", "ISSN": "10191941, 13099469", "Scope": "ScopeMarmara Medical Journal welcomes manuscripts that focus on clinical and laboratory medicine, health care policy and medical education, ethics, and related topics:\rEach monthly issue presents approximately eleven individual articles, consisting of original research, reviews, clinical content, editorials, commentaries, brief reports, special articles, case reports and occasionally a photo-quiz. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Medizinhistorisches Journal", "ISSN": "258431", "Scope": "ScopeMedizinhistorisches Journal (\"Medicine and the Life Sciences in History\") founded in 1966, provides an international and well-established forum for research into the history of medicine and health in their scientific, social, political, and cultural contexts. Publishing original, refereed articles, it includes intellectual history of science as well as social history of medicine and gives also space to specialist fields, such as history of dentistry, veterinary medicine, pharmacy and biology. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Metode", "ISSN": "21743487, 21749221", "Scope": "ScopeMètode Science Studies Journal - Annual Review (ISSN 2174-3487 - eISSN 2174-9221) is a yearly peer-reviewed journal that publishes original research, commentary and analysis on current research and science communication. We accept articles on all fields of science, which undergo a double-blind peer review quality process. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Nottingham French Studies", "ISSN": "00294586, 20477236", "Scope": "ScopeNottingham French Studies is dedicated to the entire range of French and Francophone studies, including: literature, culture, postcolonial studies, gender studies, film and visual studies, translation, thought, history, politics and linguistics, and covering all historical periods from medieval to the 21st century. The journal aims to represent established as well as new and emerging areas of research in the field of French studies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Pakistan Heart Journal", "ISSN": "00482706, 22279199", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Passer Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences", "ISSN": "27065944, 27065952", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Pelviperineology", "ISSN": "19734905, 19734913", "Scope": "ScopePelviperineology is a quarterly, international, double-blind peer reviewed journal dedicated to the study and education of the pelvic floor as one integrated unit. Our journal, which accepts publications in English, is published electronically. The publication frequency is 3 times a year (April, August, December) in every 4 months. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Policy and Practice", "ISSN": "1748135X, 20534272", "Scope": "ScopePolicy & Practice: A Development Education Review is a biannual, peer reviewed, open access, online journal published by the Centre for Global Education, a non-governmental development organisation based in Belfast. It aims to celebrate and promote good practice in development education and to debate the shifting policy context in which it is delivered. It provides a space for education practitioners to critically reflect on their practice, share new research and engage in debate with their peers. Each issue of the journal features in-depth contributions on key aspects of development education such as pedagogical innovation, research, methodologies, monitoring and evaluation, the production of resources, enhancing organisational capacity and strategic interventions in education policy. Policy & Practice is informed by values such as social justice, equality and interdependence and is based on the Freirean concept of education as an agent of positive social change. The journal web site receives in excess of 100,000 visitors per annum from the global North and South and successfully combines quality contributions from academia and civil society. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Proceedings of the Hamburg International Conference of Logistics", "ISSN": "23654430, 23655070", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Public Roads", "ISSN": "333735", "Scope": "ScopePublic Roads is the quarterly magazine of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). Reading Public Roads is the easiest way to keep up-to-date on developments in federal highway policies, programs, and research and technology.\r\rMore specifically, the magazine \"covers\" advances and innovations in highway/traffic research and technology, critical national transportation issues, important activities and achievements of FHWA and others in the highway community, specific FHWA program areas, and subjects of interest to highway industry professionals. Each issue contains standard departments that include information on topics of general interest, notices of recent publications in research and development and in technology applications, Internet-related information applicable to transportation professionals, programs and courses offered by the National Highway Institute, and a calendar of major conferences and special events. Public Roads also emphasizes the continuing commitment of FHWA to be a world leader in promoting highway research and technology transfer.\r\rFor almost its entire 80 years, Public Roads was exclusively an in-house research journal for engineers, scientists, and economists. However, in the summer of 1993, Public Roads broadened its to represent the entire FHWA and to be relevant to a wider audience. The expanded audience includes all FHWA employees; international, national, state, and local transportation officials; members of highway-related professional societies and associations; researchers at technical libraries and technology transfer centers; professors and students of engineering and traffic management; members of appropriate congressional committees; and others interested in highway research and technology and in FHWA policies and programs. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Quaderns de Filologia: Estudis Linguistics", "ISSN": "1135416X, 24441449", "Scope": "Scope\r•\tThe journal Quaderns de Filologia: Estudis Lingüístics is an open access scientific publication in OJS, published on an annual basis, which disseminates original research in the field of linguistics.\r•\tAs stated in its publication guidelines, each issue of this journal is a monograph, edited by at least a researcher from the Universitat de València and another one from a different academic institution.\r•\tThe journal is targeted at scholars and researchers in linguistics in multiple languages, which are reflected in its articles.\r•\tThe journal counts on an Editorial Board and a Scientific Committee. Two thirds of their members are researchers external to the Universitat de València.\r•\tThe journal also has a panel of external specialists for each issue, some members of the Editorial Board and other specialists alien to both committees.\r•\tThe review process is peer review, double blind.\r•\tAs stated in the publication guidelines, 80% of the articles for each issue are contributed by external researchers. More than 90% of contributors are alien to the editorial organization of the journal.\r•\tThis journal is published annually: the issue is published in December of the current year.\r•\tAll articles include an abstract and keywords in various languages and the citation reference at the bottom of the first page.\r•\tIn OJS, metadata for all articles and volumes are offered in three languages: Spanish, Catalan and English.\r•\tQuaderns de Filologia has no commercial aims: we do not charge authors or editors for publication.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Raisons Politiques", "ISSN": "12911941, 19506708", "Scope": "ScopeRaisons politiques is a journal of political theory that deals with analytical philosophy, normative theory, social theory, and the history of ideas.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Review of Religion and Chinese Society", "ISSN": "22143947, 22143955", "Scope": "ScopeReview of Religion and Chinese Society is an international peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles and book reviews in social science and certain humanities disciplines. “Religion” is understood in the broadest sense, including various spiritualities and meaning-making systems of beliefs and practices. “Chinese society” includes those in mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, and Chinese diasporic communities in Asia, North America, Europe, and elsewhere throughout the world. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Colombiana de Sociologia", "ISSN": "0120159X, 22565485", "Scope": "ScopeThe Revista Colombiana de Sociología (RCS) is a scientific biannual publication which, since December 2, 1979, has become one of the academic projects which has most contributed to the dissemination of classic and contemporary discussion in sociology. The RCS is aimed at academics, undergraduate and graduate students, graduates and professors of the areas of sociology and the social and human sciences, at the national and international levels, who find in the articles contributions to the development of these and other sciences.\r\rThe main goal of RCS is to foster the dialogue among the scientific community within a framework of respect for the plurality and school of thoughts that articulate the discipline. In the meantime, the journal promotes the dialogue with all other human and social sciences as well as with the natural sciences, non – academic forms of knowledge and the arts. The overarching goal of these multiple dialogues is to help research and understanding of the different phenomena that make up our reality, its actors, dynamics and on-going process that shape it. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista de Historia da Sociedade e da Cultura", "ISSN": "16452259", "Scope": "ScopeThe Revista de História da Sociedade e da Cultura, founded in 2001, publishes two issues per year since 2022, including research articles in the area of History, subject to prior evaluation by external experts. It also has a section for book reviews. It accepts articles submitted by any researcher and proposals for thematic issues, which will always be assessed by the Editorial Board.\r\rThe Revista de História da Sociedade e da Cultura aims to stimulate the scientific debate among the international historiographic community. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Electronica de Linguistica Aplicada", "ISSN": "18859089", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Revista UNISCI", "ISSN": "23869453", "Scope": "ScopeThe thematic of UNISCI Journal is that of the International Relations and Security, both\runderstood in a broad sense and from a multidimensional approach, open to different theoretical\rperspectives. The Editorial Committee welcomes proposals of original research articles, according to the procedure explained below. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revue Veterinaire Clinique", "ISSN": "22145672, 22145680", "Scope": "ScopeLes articles qui composent la revue concernent exclusivement les animaux de compagnie, dans tous les domaines de la pathologie médicale et chirurgicale. Ce sont soit des revues présentant l'état des connaissances sur un sujet, soit des études cliniques originales, soit des cas cliniques originaux. Revue Vétérinaire Clinique, dans son domaine de compétence, est le support naturel de ce que la recherche clinique peut produire de plus performant et actualisé, au service des professionnels de la santé des animaux de compagnie.\r\rD'intérêt européen, un grand nombre d'articles font l'objet de reprints dans l'EJCAP (European Journal of Companion Animal Practice), publication officielle de la FECAVA (Federation of European Companion Animal Veterinary Associations), Revue Vétérinaire Clinique diffuse par ailleurs un certain nombre de ses articles directement en anglais dans ses propres colonnes. Des résumés exhaustifs et structurés sont systématiquement fournis pour chaque article en anglais et en français.\r\r\rTous les ans, le meilleur de la recherche clinique dans le domaine des animaux de compagnie est présenté au Congrès national de l'AFVAC, toutes disciplines confondues. Les résumés détaillés des communications libres et des interventions à la Tribune des résidents et internes sont fournis aux lecteurs, répartis sur les différents numéros de l'année de référence. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Russian Neurological Journal", "ISSN": "26587947, 26867192", "Scope": "ScopeThe goal of the journal is to provide neurologists, neurosurgeons, and other key stakeholders with up-to-date information on diagnosis and treatment of neurological disorders. \r\rThe objectives of the journal are: to publish research results and clinical observations; to compare the efficacy of drug treatments and non-drug treatments for neurological disorders, as well as the efficacy of modern instrumental diagnostic techniques; to publish material on the history of neurology; to discuss current and emerging trends in clinical neurology and other neurosciences; to explore ways to improve medical education; to publish information about past scientific forums held in Russia and the rest of the world. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Social Science Forum", "ISSN": "3523608", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal Družboslovne razprave was first published in 1984. It publishes double-blind peer reviewed articles in Slovenian and English languages in the fields of sociology, media studies, political science, cultural studies and other studies which are close to these fields. Additionally, it publishes book reviews, mostly of social science books published in Slovenian language. The journal is published three times (April, September and December) a year. Articles published in the journal have to be characterized by high level of research originality and address the topics that are relevant to the scientific community in which the journal is grounded and should correspond to the global research trends in the field of social sciences. The journal fosters theoretical and methodological diversity, i.e. it publishes contributions drawing on different traditions in social sciences. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Sydney law review, The", "ISSN": "00820512, 14449528", "Scope": "ScopeThe Sydney Law Review features original peer-reviewed articles, as well as review essays and book reviews commissioned by the Editorial Board.\rThe Sydney Law Review publishes four issues per year (March, June, September and December) and accepts submissions on a rolling basis (there are no submission deadlines). Archives dating back to 1953 are available on the AustLII website.\r\rStudents enrolled in the Sydney Law Review unit of study have the opportunity to publish case notes or law reform comments in the journal. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Theoria et Historia Scientiarum", "ISSN": "08674159, 23921196", "Scope": "ScopeIs an international academic journal, published by the Nicolaus Copernicus University since 1991. More recently, the thematic of the journal has been broadly construed Cognitive Science and language evolution. The journal’s editorial board includes some of the world’s leading scholars in Cognitive Science and language evolution.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Tractors and Agricultural Machinery", "ISSN": "03214443, 2782425X", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Tromboz, Gemostaz i Reologiya", "ISSN": "20781008, 26871483", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Ubiquitous Learning", "ISSN": "18359795", "Scope": "ScopeUbiquitous Learning: An International Journal sets out to define an emerging field. Ubiquitous learning is a new educational paradigm made possible in part by the affordances of digital media.\r\rUbiquitous learning is a counterpart to the concept “ubiquitous computing,” but one which seeks to put the needs and dynamics of learning ahead of the technologies that may support learning. The arrival of new technologies does not mean that learning has to change. Learning should only change for learning’s sake. The key perspective of the conference and journal is that our changing learning needs can be served by ubiquitous computing. In this spirit, the journal investigates the affordances for learning in the digital media, in school, and throughout everyday life. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Vestnik Khirurgii Imeni I.I.Grekova", "ISSN": "424625", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal “Grekov's Bulletin of Surgery” is an open peer-reviewed journal that covers all aspects of clinical and experimental researches in the field of surgery. The journal provides a platform for the exchange of ideas and promotion of scientific progress and the art of surgery between Russian specialists, researchers from Eastern Europe and Central Asia, and their foreign colleagues. The main purpose of the journal is to distribute knowledge about effective methods of surgical treatment among surgeons and doctors of related specialties.\r\rThe objectives of the journal:\r\rinformation support of scientific research in the form of publication of the results of scientific and practical researches;\rgeneralization of scientific and practical achievements in the field of general and private surgery;\rpostgraduate scientific and medical education for surgeons and related specialties.\rThis is the official publication of the Pirogov Surgical Society.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Voprosy Psikhologii", "ISSN": "428841", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal is primarily aimed at professional psychologists. The journal publishes theoretical, empirical, scientific-practical materials in psychology. Most papers are meant to solve teaching and bringing up problems of rising generation - from preschoolers to undergraduates. The journal stuff making the education psychologically oriented and above all developing psychological service at school for applying psychological knowledge to teaching and bringing up has an immediate target -- functionaries of the People's Education system.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications", "ISSN": "17900832, 22243402", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft", "ISSN": "3410137", "Scope": "ScopeFounded in 1845, the Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft (DMG) has been publishing its own journal since 1847. The journal touches on all areas of Oriental Studies and belongs to the most important orientalist periodicals, even beyond the German-speaking world. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Acta Hydrotechnica", "ISSN": "03523551, 15810267", "Scope": "ScopeActa hydrotechnica is an open access international scientific journal published by the Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering of the University of Ljubljana. Acta hydrotechnica publishes original research papers, short communications, review papers and technical notes. The journal covers topics in hydrology, hydraulics, fluid mechanics, hydraulic engineering, water regulation, water resource management, ecological engineering, hydraulic structures, utilisation of hydropower, dam engineering, sanitary engineering, water protection, legislation related to water management, engineering geomorphology, water ecology, and protection against natural disasters. This is the master journal in Slovenia for the fields of hydraulic engineering, hydrology and environmental engineering. The Journal also consolidates its academic mission by ensuring transfer of knowledge and technology into practice. The printed form of the journal is exchanged with other national and international journals covering similar topics. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Akustika", "ISSN": "18019064", "Scope": "ScopeJournal Akustika is professional reviewed journal about acoustic and vibrations. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Annals of Science", "ISSN": "00033790, 1464505X", "Scope": "ScopeAnnals of Science , launched in 1936, publishes work on the history of science, technology and medicine, covering developments from classical antiquity to the late 20th century. The Journal has a global reach, both in terms of the work that it publishes, and also in terms of its readership. The editors particularly welcome submissions from authors in Asia, Africa and South America.\r\rEach issue contains research articles, and a comprehensive book reviews section, including essay reviews on a group of books on a broader level. Articles are published in both English and French, and the Journal welcomes proposals for special issues on relevant topics.\r\rThe Editors and Publisher are committed to supporting early career researchers, and award an annual prize to the best submission from current doctoral students, or those awarded a doctorate in the past four years. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Antike Kunst", "ISSN": "35688", "Scope": "ScopeANTIKE KUNST ist international etabliert als hervorragend edierte und illustrierte Fachzeitschrift für Klassische Archäologie. Sie erscheint jährlich und veröffentlicht Beiträge zu Archäologie, Kunst und Kultur in deutscher, französischer, italienischer und englischer Sprache. Ausserdem werden regelmässig Berichte über Schweizer Grabungen im Ausland publiziert. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Arab Law Quarterly", "ISSN": "02680556, 15730255", "Scope": "ScopeArab Law Quarterly (ALQ) is the leading English language scholarly publication on all matters relating to the law and legal systems of the 22 states in the Arab League. It is indispensable not only for Arab law scholars, but also for those working in the fields of Middle Eastern law, Islamic law, and comparative law. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Archiv fur Papyrusforschung und Verwandte Gebiete", "ISSN": "00666459, 18671551", "Scope": "ScopeThe Archiv für Papyrusforschung is the oldest specialized journal for papyrology in the world. It publishes articles, reports on newly published papyri, and editions of literary and documentary papyri. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Archives of Veterinary Science", "ISSN": "1517784X", "Scope": "ScopeArchives of Veterinary Science é o periódico científico do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Veterinárias da Universidade Federal do Paraná.\r\rO periódico é destinado à publicação de artigos e notas científicas das áreas de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia.\r\rO regime de publicação é de um volume anual, dividido em quatro números trimestrais. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Arizona Quarterly", "ISSN": "00041610, 15589595", "Scope": "ScopeArizona Quarterly publishes scholarly essays on American literature, culture, and theory. It is our mission to subject these categories to debate, argument, interpretation, and contestation via critical readings of primary texts. We accept essays that are grounded in textual, formal, cultural, and theoretical examination of texts and situated with respect to current academic conversations whilst extending the boundaries thereof. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Arkiv for Nordisk Filologi", "ISSN": "667668", "Scope": "ScopeArkiv för nordisk filologi är en vetenskaplig tidskrift om nordiska språk. Här publiceras filologiska och lingvistiska artiklar om de nordiska språken och om äldre nordisk litteratur. Ända sedan tidskriften började ges ut 1882 har den varit en naturlig mötesplats för de senaste rönen inom den språkhistoriskt och filologiskt inriktade forskningen inom Norden. Den utges vid Lunds universitet med ett häfte årligen. Äldre volymer har digitaliserats av Universitetsbiblioteket i Lund. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "ARTMargins", "ISSN": "21622574, 21622582", "Scope": "ScopeARTMargins publishes scholarly articles and essays about contemporary art, media, architecture, and critical theory. ARTMargins studies art practices and visual culture in the emerging global margins, from North Africa and the Middle East to the Americas, Eastern and Western Europe, Asia and Australasia. The journal acts as a forum for scholars, theoreticians, and critics from a variety of disciplines who are interested in art and politics in transitional countries and regions; postsocialism and neo-liberalism; postmodernism and postcolonialism, and their critiques; and the problem of global art and global art history and its methodologies.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Australian Journal of French Studies", "ISSN": "49468", "Scope": "ScopeAustralian Journal of French Studies (AJFS) celebrated its fiftieth anniversary in 2013. It has been published by LUP since 2012. It is an international, peer-reviewed journal devoted to French and Francophone literature, culture and society. There are three numbers per year. The journal encourages new theoretical engagements and welcomes interdisciplinary approaches. Articles are published in English and in French. The majority of numbers are focused on a specific theme, but numbers on miscellaneous topics are usually published annually and submissions on miscellaneous topics are welcome at any time. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Bibliotecas, Anales de Investigacion", "ISSN": "0006176X, 16838947", "Scope": "ScopeBAI constituye el escenario editorial de intercambio científico y académico de los profesionales de la información en Cuba, cuyos fines se orientan a la docencia, la investigación y la práctica profesional. Su objetivo primordial es difundir las contribuciones más actuales sobre las Ciencias de la Información, procedentes tanto del contexto cubano como internacional.\r\rObjetivos específicos\r\r1. Difundir el quehacer científico del Sistema de Bibliotecas Públicas cubanas e internacionales a partir de los resultados de sus investigaciones o alguna otra experiencia sobre la base de la ciencia perteneciente a cualquier sistema de información (bibliotecas escolares, bibliotecas especializadas, bibliotecas universitarias, centros de recursos para la investigación y el aprendizaje, casas editoriales relacionadas con la industria del libro, la bibliología, etc.).\r\r2. Reflexionar sobre elementos teóricos, prácticos y académicos de la profesión bibliotecaria y del profesional de la información de forma general, desde una perspectiva profesional y científica.\r\r3. Divulgar experiencias del trabajo de las bibliotecas públicas cubanas u otros centros de información nacional o internacional. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Biotekhnologiya", "ISSN": "02342758, 25002341", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of “Biotekhnologiya” (“Biotechnology”) has been published from 1985 (nineteen eighty five). It was founded by the Chief Department of Microbiological Industry that was under the management of the Council of Ministers of the USSR. The Chief Department was almost exclusively in charge of the development of biotechnology in this country. After the USSR was decomposed, and the Ministries were abolished, the journal was released by the public association Russian Academy of Biotechnology. In 2003, the State Institute for Genetics and Selection of Industrial Microorganisms became and has been so far a Publisher of the journal “Biotekhnologiya”.\rThe journal publishes original articles on various aspects of biotechnology that have the practical application to medicine, agriculture, current industry, environment protection, and green chemistry. The works devoted to the following lines in biotechnology are accepted: creation of micro- and macroorganisms with helpful characteristics by the methods of gene engineering, classical selection, high-efficient screening; development of original biotechnological processes, methods for product analysis and techniques for the processes control; design of novel biotechnological equipment.\rThe editorial board imposes the following main requirements on the articles: relevance of the problem the investigation solves; correctness of the experiment design and obtained results; the possibility of the reproduction of the experimental data; clarity and consistency of the data presentation; and correct manuscript design.\rThe journal regularly publishes reviews on actual issues in biotechnology, as well as expert commentaries on the law, market, public policy and scientific novels in the field of biotechnology. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Bodenkultur", "ISSN": "00065471, 27195430", "Scope": "Scope“Die Bodenkultur: Journal of Land Management, Food and Environment” is an interdisciplinary forum dedicated to all aspects of research in the rural area. Our aim is to provide an international outlet for new results in all disciplines of land management, food, environment and related sciences. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Chemical Industry and Engineering", "ISSN": "10049533", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Coloproctology", "ISSN": "01742442, 16156730", "Scope": "ScopeThe interdisciplinary medical journal coloproctology is indispensable to all proctologists for continuing and advanced training.\rThe focus is on current developments regarding prevention, diagnostic approaches, management of complications and current therapy strategies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Comparative American Studies", "ISSN": "14775700, 17412676", "Scope": "Scopeomparative American Studies is an international journal that extends scholarly debates about American Studies beyond the geographical boundaries of the United States, repositioning discussions about American culture within an international comparative framework.\r\rAt this time of increasing globalization there is a growing need for American Studies to be re-articulated in a comparative manner: that is to say, first and foremost taking account of interactions between the USA and other parts of the world, whilst also fully attending to multi-ethnic comparisons within the USA. The special need for developing international comparison is acknowledged in the USA itself as well as throughout Europe and worldwide; indeed, there is increasing academic interest within the American Studies community in the United States in the development of perspectives on this area of study from outside the USA's borders. The events of September 2001 in New York City and Washington DC have brought home even more sharply how the destiny of the USA must now be understood in relation to global networks rather than simply domestic politics. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Confluencia", "ISSN": "8886091", "Scope": "ScopeConfluencia is a journal which publishes scholarly articles, interviews, creative writing and notes in Spanish, Portuguese and English.\r\rIt encompasses the three principal areas of the Hispanic world: Spain, Latin America and the United States. The editorial policy invites the submission of manuscripts which promote an integrative approach to the study of culture and literature.\r\rHighlights include:\r-Articles and essays dedicated to enhancing our understanding of the aesthetic and cultural expression of the diverse Hispanic communities, including those with a strong base in prehispanic and African traditions\r-Comparative studies of literatures\r-Comparative studies of other art forms\r-Interviews with outstanding figures who have made an impact on the study, expression and promotion of culture and literature\r-Creative writing Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Criticism", "ISSN": "00111589, 15360342", "Scope": "ScopeCriticism: A Quarterly for Literature and the Arts was founded in 1959 by the English Department of Wayne State University. The journal was designed to advance the study of literature and the other arts, and to function as a medium for the scholarly explication and evaluation of artists and their works. While periodically shifting its focus in response to developments within the fields of literary and cultural studies, Criticism has, throughout its history, maintained its overall commitment to examine the arts and literatures from all periods and nations, and from a variety of scholarly disciplines and critical perspectives. In its current incarnation, Criticism aims to present contemporary thought at its most vital and to serve as a forum for conversations about the nature of scholarly criticism itself.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cuadernos AISPI", "ISSN": "2283981X, 2785728X", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Cuadernos Medievales", "ISSN": "24227471, 24516821", "Scope": "ScopeCuadernos Medievales is a biannual online publication made by the Medieval Research and Studies Group, which belongs to the Historical Studies Center of the National University of Mar del Plata, Argentina. The goal behind it is to disseminate the results of the researches and studies, pertaining to a wide variety of medieval topics, included in each edition.\r\rThe editors behind Cuadernos Medievales believe that it is essential that all the different disciplines that form part of the Human and Social Sciences maintain a permanent and ongoing dialogue with each other. Hence, they promote the collaboration of, both national and international, medievalists coming from a wide variety of disciplines, such as History, Literature, Art History, Philosophy, and Theology, among others. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Current Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine", "ISSN": "18756913, 18756921", "Scope": "ScopeCurrent Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine (CPPM) is a transdisciplinary, peer-reviewed, biomedical journal that reports new findings and cutting-edge concepts in all areas of pharmacology. Special consideration is given to articles on pharmacogenomics and personalized medicine. CPPM is an accelerator for global personalized medicine and pharmacogenomics, as well as preclinical and clinical pharmacology. Importantly, the journal provides a multi-disciplinary, integrated platform from cell to society to address diagnostics and responsible pharmacogenomics applications in developing countries and the entire range of translational science from bench-to-bedside in various therapeutic areas such as oncology, cardiovascular, neuropharmacology, endocrine diseases, amongst others.\r\rCPPM cooperates with the Ibero-American Network of Pharmacogenetics and the Pacific Rim Association for Clinical Pharmacogenetics and welcomes peer reviewed contributions from authors in any global region.\r\rThe journal's is defined by four inter-connected aims. First, we are interested in genomics/postgenomics biotechnologies and diagnostics that enable global personalized medicine science (including and beyond pharmacogenomics), as long as they explain person-to-person and population differences in disease susceptibility or response to a health intervention, and can be substantiated. Second, we approach personalized medicine as ‘personalized health interventions’ focusing primarily on drug therapy, but also other interventions such as nutrition, vaccines, surgical devices, emerging cell-based therapies that collectively contribute to healthcare. Third, we strive to integrate molecular and clinical investigation with public policy, global health diplomacy and social studies of biotechnology, that collectively shape postgenomics future(s) and innovation trajectories in life sciences. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Digests of the Intermag Conference", "ISSN": "746843", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series", "ISSN": "13884360, 1871756X", "Scope": "ScopeThe Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series provides comprehensive and authoritative coverage of all the main areas in the Earth Sciences. Each volume comprises a focused and carefully chosen collection of contributions from leading names in the subject, with copious illustrations and reference lists. These books represent one of the world's leading resources for the Earth Sciences community. Previous volumes are being updated and new works published so that the volumes will continue to be essential reading for all professional earth scientists, geologists, geophysicists, climatologists, and oceanographers as well as for teachers and students. Most volumes are also available online. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Estudos Economicos", "ISSN": "01014161, 19805357", "Scope": "ScopeManter a reputação da revista por meio de um corpo editorial composto por pesquisadores de renome e de revisores qualificados.\r\rDivulgar o conhecimento pelos canais digitais e, dada a tradição da revista, impressos.\r\rArtigos submetidos à revista Estudos Econômicos devem ser inéditos, ter conteúdo original e contribuir para a literatura econômica, em especial para a literatura econômica brasileira.\r\rOs artigos submetidos não podem estar em processo de avaliação em outra revista.\r\rArtigos rejeitados não podem ser ressubmetidos, mesmo se a nova versão incorporar mudanças substanciais. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Fizicna Reabilitacia ta Rekreacijno-Ozdorovci Tehnologii", "ISSN": "25221906, 25221914", "Scope": "ScopePhysical Rehabilitation and Recreational Health Technologies is a scientific professional, indexed and peer-reviewed journal on physical rehabilitation that provides up-to-date information in the field of health care. The journal aims to ensure high-quality public communication of scientists, in particular, high-quality reporting of the results of their activities in the areas of interest and relevance of the health care industry. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Gaojishu Tongxin/High Technology Letters", "ISSN": "10020470", "Scope": "Scope《高技术通讯》(中文版)创刊于1991年、《High Technology Letters》(英文版)创刊于1995年 ,是由国家科技部高技术研究发展计划(863计划)联合办公室创办、中国科学技术信息研究所主办的综合性学术刊物,是国内新兴技术领域的高层次学术刊物之一。其宗旨是为我国研究人员及时发表其研究成果和进行国内、国际学术交流提供平台,促进我国新兴技术研究的发展和扩大其在国内外的影响。\r内容涉及印刷电子技术、计算机、现代通讯、先进制造与自动化、生物技术、资源环境技术、能源技术、海洋技术等新兴技术领域,主要读者是从事战略性新兴技术研究的科研人员、科技管理人员。所刊文章不局限于硬技术学术论文,同时兼顾前沿评述、研究热点、政策论述等综述性论文。两刊的主要特点是内容新,报导快,所报导的具创新性的高技术研究成果,或属国内首创,或具世界先进水平。两刊注重研究的新思路、新理论、新方法和新技术的择文标准,具有学术性、前沿性、可读性和资料性。 Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Geografski Vestnik", "ISSN": "3503895", "Scope": "ScopeGeografski vestnik (Geographical Bulletin) is the oldest Slovenian scientific geographical journal (since 1925). The journal publishes papers from all fields of geography and other sciences related to spatial analysis and environment research (e.g. forestry, ecology, surveying, remote sensing, sociology, economy). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Gestion 2000", "ISSN": "07730543, 24064734", "Scope": "ScopeGestion 2000 examines all article proposals related to management issues (company stragety, marketing, finance, human resources, production, international trade ...).\r\rBoth English and French are accepted languages.\r\rForum for meeting between the academic and the corporate world, Gestion 2000 publishes articles written by authors of different nationalities, lecturers, researchers, consultants and practitioners.\r\rBy encouraging internal and external synergies, the integration of Gestion 2000 into ICHEC offers the possibility to develop a form of academic partnership, mainly French-speaking, for the circulation of articles on managerial research aimed at both management lecturers and executives open to innovation. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Global Journal of Comparative Law", "ISSN": "22119051, 2211906X", "Scope": "ScopeThe Global Journal of Comparative Law is a peer reviewed periodical that provides a dynamic platform for the dissemination of ideas on comparative law and reports on developments in the field of comparative law from all parts of the world. In our contemporary globalized world, it is almost impossible to isolate developments in the law in one jurisdiction or society from another. At the same time, what is traditionally called comparative law is increasingly subsumed under aspects of International Law. The Global Journal of Comparative Law therefore aims to maintain the discipline of comparative legal studies as vigorous and dynamic by deepening the space for comparative work in its transnational context. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Historia Unisinos", "ISSN": "15193861, 22361782", "Scope": "ScopeHistória Unisinos é um periódico científico do campo do conhecimento histórico com periodicidade quadrimestral, da Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, sob responsabilidade editorial do Programa de Pós-Graduação em História. A revista publica textos resultantes de pesquisas avançadas, preferencialmente conectadas à área de concentração do Programa, a saber, Estudos Históricos Latino-Americanos. Seu conteúdo é de acesso livre, disponibilizado na internet, o que visa, ao mesmo tempo, a democratização do conhecimento produzido e ao atendimento de sua vocação para a internacionalização.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Hong Kong Journal of Radiology", "ISSN": "22236619, 23074620", "Scope": "ScopeHong Kong Journal of Radiology (HKJR) is a quarterly official academic journal of the Hong Kong College of Radiologists, a founder College of the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. It is published by the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine Press. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Hrvatske Vode", "ISSN": "13301144, 18490506", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal HRVATSKE VODE is an interdisciplinary journal with the main goal of informing the professional and scientific public about the latest achievements in water management by means of publishing scientific and professional papers, information on scientific gatherings, technical papers and reviews as well as other information on all water resources related disciplines. Apart from technical and ecological aspects, the journal includes social and economic issues of water management and covers all phases in planning and managing water resources. Hence, the contributions from scientists and professionals with background in hydrology, geology, geography, meteorology, pedology, biology, sociology and all other relevant disciplines are welcome.\r\r\rBoth reviewed and non-reviewed papers are published. Reviewed papers are categorized as follows:\r\r- original scientific paper,\r\r- preliminary report,\r\r- review paper,\r\r- conference paper,\r\r- professional paper. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Imagologiya i Komparativistika", "ISSN": "24099554", "Scope": "ScopeImagology and Comparative Studies is Russia's first academic periodical on the issues of comparative studies of literature and culture. It aims at uniting the efforts of Russian and international scholars in the research of international literary connections and provides a platform for discussing topical problems of the methodology of comparative studies, the history of literary connections, world literature. A special purpose of the Journal is to develop imagology, an interdisciplinary academic field that studies images of regions, countries, peoples in native and foreign cultural environments. The Editorial Board hopes to make a contribution to overcoming mutual myths and phobias and strengthening international integration. \r\rThe Journal welcome articles from related fields of the humanities: comparative cultural studies, history, sociology and political science, as, originally, comparative studies is an interdisciplinary field. A holistic view on international contacts is a necessary basis for the understanding of the place and specificity of literary transfer.\r\rThe Journal is published in Russian with abstracts in English, but the international Editorial Board accepts submissions in other European languages and is ready to assist authors in the translation of texts into Russian. Articles in English are published in the original. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Indian Economic and Social History Review", "ISSN": "00194646, 09730893", "Scope": "ScopeFor over 35 years, The Indian Economic and Social History Review has been a meeting ground for scholars whose concerns span diverse cultural and political themes with a bearing on social and economic history. \r\rThe Indian Economic and Social History Review is the foremost journal devoted to the study of the social and economic history of India, and South Asia more generally.\r\rThe journal publishes articles with a wider coverage, referring to other Asian countries but of interest to those working on Indian history. Its articles cover India\"s South Asian neighbours so as to provide a comparative perspective. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Conference on Higher Education Advances", "ISSN": "26035871", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Adult, Community and Professional Learning", "ISSN": "23286296, 23286318", "Scope": "ScopeThe International Journal of Adult, Community, and Professional Learning explores adult learning in a variety of contexts, from adult basic education to workplace training and professional learning. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Biomedicine", "ISSN": "21580510, 21580529", "Scope": "ScopeInternational Journal of Biomedicine (IJBM) is an open access journal. IJBM publishes peer-reviewed articles on the topics of basic, applied, and translational research in biology and medicine. The main purpose of IJBM is an establishment of a scientific platform for targeted promotion of new scientific ideas and biomedical technologies focused on the applied aspects of biomedicine. Original research studies, reviews, hypotheses, editorial commentary, and special reports spanning the spectrum of human and experimental and tissue research will be considered in the following fields:\r•\tInternal Medicine\t•\tCardiology\t•\tPulmonology\t•\tEndocrinology\r•\tNeurology\t•\tSleep Disorders\t•\tHepatology\t•\tGastroenterology\r•\tNephrology\t•\tOphthalmology\t•\tOtorhinolaryngology\t•\tRadiology\r•\tSurgery\t•\tObstetrics and Gynecology\t•\tPediatrics\t•\tInfectious Diseases\r•\tDermatology and STD\t•\tClinical Immunology\t•\tOncology\t•\tGenomics and Proteomics\r•\tPopulation Genetics\t•\tEpidemiology and\rPopulation Health\t•\tReproductive Health\t•\tAdolescent Health\r•\tCell Biology\t•\tExperimental Biology\t•\tBiotechnology\t•\tDentistryJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Italian Journal of Anatomy and Embryology", "ISSN": "11226714", "Scope": "ScopeThe Italian Journal of Anatomy and Embryology, founded in 1901 by Giulio Chiarugi, Anatomist at Florence University, is a peer-reviewed journal sponsored by the Italian Society of Anatomy and Embryology.\r\rThe journal publishes original papers, invited review articles, historical article, commentaries, obituitary, and book reviews. Its main focus is to understand anatomy through an analysis of structure, function, development and evolution. Priority will be given to studies of that clearly articulate their relevance to the anatomical community. Focal areas include: experimental studies, contributions based on molecular and cell biology and on the application of modern imaging techniques; comparative functional morphology; developmental biology; functional human anatomy; methodological innovations in anatomical research; significant advances in anatomical education. Studies that are essentially descriptive anatomy are appropriate only if they communicate clearly a broader functional or evolutionary significance. All papers should be submitted in English and must be original works that are unpublished and not under consideration by another journal. An international Editorial Board and reviewers from the anatomical disciplines guarantee a rapid review of your paper within two to three weeks after submission. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Italian Journal of Medicine", "ISSN": "18779344, 18779352", "Scope": "ScopeThe Italian Journal of Medicine (ITJM) is the official journal of FADOI, the Federation of Associations of Hospital Doctors on Internal Medicine and focus to describe the complex and variable situations confronted by Internists in daily practice. ITJM aims to promote excellence in the practice of internal medicine in hospitals and to disseminate the results of clinical research in internal medicine departments. The journal also contributes to the updating of hospital internists on general topics concerning public health, including ethical, legal, economical and health policy issues. The Italian Journal of Medicine (ITJM) is a quarterly peer-reviewed journal aiming to publish highest-quality material covering original basic and clinical research on all aspects of internal medicine. The Journal includes original clinical research papers, reviews, case reports and specific sections dedicated to clinical pharmacology, chronic diseases, health management. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Autonomous Intelligence", "ISSN": "26305046", "Scope": "ScopeThe topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:\r1.Artificial Intelligence:\r•\tBasic Theory and Application of Artificial Intelligence\r•\tArtificial Intelligence Tools & Applications\r•\tArtificial Neural Networks\r•\tNeural Network and Deep Learning\r•\tMachine Learning\r•\tBig Data Analysis and Processing\r•\tReasoning and Evolution\r•\tCognitive Science\r•\tKnowledge Science and Knowledge Engineering\r•\tKnowledge Representation; Knowledge-Based Systems\r•\tNatural Language Processing and Understanding\r•\tNatural Computing & Evolutionary Calculation\r2.Robotics Science and Engineering:\r•\tModeling and Identification\r•\tRobot Control\r•\tMobile Robotics\r•\tTele-Robotics\r•\tMachine Perception and Virtual Reality\r•\tRobot Sensing and Data Fusion\r•\tLocalization, Navigation and Mapping\r•\tHuman-Computer Interaction\r•\tMultiagent Systems\r•\tSwarm Intelligence\r3.Other Related Topics:\r•\tComputer Vision and Image Processing\r•\tFeature Extraction, Grouping and Segmentation\r•\tIntelligent Control\r•\tPattern Recognition Theory and Application\r•\tIntelligent System Architectures; Intelligent Web\r•\tInformation Retrieval and Web Search\r•\tIntelligent Transportation\r•\tIntelligent Planning and Scheduling\r•\tBiometric Identification\r•\tBioinformatics and Artificial Life\r•\tNon-classical Computing and Novel Computing Models\r•\tPervasive Computing and Ambient Intelligence\r•\tRough Set and Soft ComputingJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Camelid Science", "ISSN": "19998732", "Scope": "Scope- To disseminate knowledge for sustainable use of camelids for food and other human need.\r- Camelid Science is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes original and review articles focusing on camelid (camels, alpacas, llamas, vicunas and guanaco) sciences. The areas of interest are anatomy, physiology, nutrition, genetics, production, reproduction, management and diseases. \r- Timely review articles will be considered. They should focus on any aspects concerning camelids. The articles should present comprehensive, critical summaries of current knowledge in the field and should not be limited to a discussion of the author's work.\r- The journal is aimed to foster communication and collaboration among scientists working in research institutes, universities, governmental institutions or nongovernmental organisations, private firms and the pharmaceutical industry.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunications", "ISSN": "10058885", "Scope": "ScopeJCUPT (English Edition) publishes academic paper, research report, research review and degree paper, in the fields of communication and information system, signal and information processing, natural language processing, advanced intelligence, computer software and theory, computer applied technology, electromagnetic field and microwave technology, microelectronic and solid electronics, control theory and control engineering, and other concerned areas of basic technologies. The journal is designed for college teachers and students, researchers in research institutions, engineers and managers in corporations and so forth, with an aim to enhance academic exchanges, promote technology initiation, and realize modernized communications and progress in science and technology. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of colonialism & colonial history / sponsored by Towson University", "ISSN": "15325768", "Scope": "ScopeJournal of Colonialism & Colonial History (JCCH) is an important resource to scholars of all aspects of colonialism, from pre-colonial societal studies to current post-colonial theory. It covers the broad range of issues that relate to imperialism and colonialism from the tenth century through modern times including the social effects on the population, the political structures under imperial rule, the transition to independence, and the lasting impact of living under colonial rule. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Emergency Practice and Trauma", "ISSN": "23834544", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Emergency Practice and Trauma is an Open Access free of charge and double blind peer reviewed journal which provides an international forum for communication among health professionals with clinical, academic, and research interests in emergency practice.The journal gives particular emphasis to papers that integrate the findings of academic research into realities of clinical practice in the following areas:\rClinical Toxicology, Environmental Emergencies, Resuscitation, Emergency Ultrasonography, Disaster Medicine, Traumatology, Trauma Surgery, Critical Care, Internal Medicine, Cardiac Emergencies, Pediatrics Emergency Medicine, Emergency Medical Services, Emergency Nursing and any other research related to Clinical Toxicology and Emergency Practice. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Iberian and Latin American Research", "ISSN": "13260219, 21519668", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Iberian and Latin American Research (JILAR) is an international journal dedicated to publishing original research on the histories, political economies, sociologies, literatures, and cultures of Latin America and the Iberian Peninsula. JILAR has a particular commitment to publishing interdisciplinary research and encourages and makes room for debates on current research concerns. The journal welcomes individual or multiple-authored articles in English, Spanish, and Portuguese. It publishes review essays, book and film reviews, and also invites proposals from prospective editors for special thematic issues. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Portuguese Linguistics", "ISSN": "23975563", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Portuguese Linguistics is concerned with all branches of linguistics and aims at publishing high-quality papers in the field of Portuguese linguistics, including the comparison between any varieties of Portuguese and any other language(s). Contributions are welcome from linguists in all countries, and from different linguistic theories and frameworks, including theoretically oriented work, comparative work, experimental studies, and interdisciplinary contributions. Papers are selected for publication solely on the basis of scientific quality. The language of publication is English.\r\rThe journal is read by anyone interested in linguistics, especially in Portuguese linguistics in a broad sense (any variety of Portuguese, Portuguese-based Creole languages, Iberian languages, cross-language/variety comparisons): academic researchers, institutional libraries, students, and professionals in areas in which Portuguese linguistics may play a role.\r\rWith the goal of being a platform for discussion in the field, the Journal of Portuguese Linguistics welcomes papers, book reviews and dissertations abstracts in areas such as the European, Brazilian, and African varieties of Portuguese, Portuguese in Asia, Portuguese-based Creole languages, Iberian languages, and language acquisition, variation, contact and change. The broadening of the journal's is reflected by the composition of the board of consulting editors. Initiatives for thematic issues with guest editors are particularly welcome. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Sensor Science and Technology", "ISSN": "12255475, 20937563", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Journal of the Geothermal Research Society of Japan", "ISSN": "03886735, 18835775", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of the Geothermal Research Society of Japan is devoted to research papers in geothermics and related fields of science and engineering. It is published four times a year. Submitted articles must be unpublished original contributions. The Editorial Committee reserves the right to accept manuscripts and is responsible for final editing. Papers on a specific topic will be published as a special issue under an arrangement with the Editor-in-chief. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Khyber Medical University Journal", "ISSN": "23052643, 23052651", "Scope": "ScopeKhyber Medical University Journal (KMUJ) is a peer reviewed, open access, multi-disciplinary medical journal that publishes scientific research articles related to biomedical sciences.\rKMUJ covers a wide range of medical fields including basic medical sciences, medical & dental subspecialties, rehabilitation medicine, allied health sciences, clinical psychology, public health and medical educational research.\rTarget audience of KMUJ are medical graduates, post-graduates, post-doctoral, and health professionals. To encourage research in undergraduate medical students, KMUJ has dedicated “Students Section” as well.\rKMUJ publishes original research papers, narrative and systematic review articles, case reports, short communication, special communication, viewpoint, reasearch study protocols, editorials and letters to the editor by scholars of biomedical sciences. All research articles are subject to peer review process as mentioned in review policy of KMUJ.\rKMUJ is a strong advocate of ethical medical journalism and promotes the integrity of science by practicing highest standard of research and publication ethics. Any misconduct noticed during or after publication in KMUJ will be dealt according to COPE guidelines.\rKMUJ is an OPEN ACCESS journal published in print and online, included in Directory of Open Access Journals, all content is FREELY available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Kinesitherapie", "ISSN": "17790123, 22131566", "Scope": "ScopeKinésithérapie, la revue s'adresse aux praticiens et aux étudiants qui veulent lire des informations accessibles et utiles. C'est la première revue francophone paramédicale à être indexée dans une base de données internationale - Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature : CINAHL.\r\rLes dossiers thématiques, les enquêtes, les actualités professionnelles, sanitaires et sociales sont rédigés et élaborés spécifiquement pour vous permettre d'approfondir vos connaissances. Les complètent des articles sur la qualité, la recherche, des contributions originales et des mises au point, ainsi que la présentation d'associations ou de réseaux professionnels.\rEnfin, Kinésithérapie, la revue vous propose des articles de références internationales traduits pour suivre l'évolution de la profession et vous donne à lire dans la revue de presse internationale des commentaires de travaux remarquables publiés à l'étranger.\r\rChaque trimestre, un numéro de Kinésithérapie, la revue est consacré aux descriptions de mobilisations spécifiques, à des mises au point sur le rôle de certains muscles ou sur la mobilité d'articulations, à des fiches permettant de suivre l'évolution de différentes pathologies. Dans ce numéro, vous trouvez par ailleurs des études de cas cliniques, ainsi qu'une synthèse commentée des meilleurs mémoires d'étudiants. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Lecture Notes of TICMI", "ISSN": "15120511", "Scope": "ScopeLecture Notes of TICMI publishes peer-reviewed texts of courses given at Advanced Courses and Workshops organized by TICMI (Tbilisi International Center of Mathematics and Informatics). The advanced courses cover the entire field of mathematics (especially of its applications to mechanics and natural sciences) and from informatics which are of interest to postgraduate and PhD students and young scientists. \r\rLecture Notes of TICMI is a journal of TICMI (Tbilisi International Center of Mathematics and Informatics), whose aims are, first to help young scientists of the countries of Black Sea Basin, to improve their professional skills and, second, to promote the exchange of scientific information worldwide. The editorial board of the journal consists of of the members of the ISF (International Scientific Committee) of TICMI. Three of them are appointed by the Executive Committee of the European Mathematical Society. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "LEOS Summer Topical Meeting", "ISSN": "10994742", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Libri et Liberi", "ISSN": "18483488, 18485871", "Scope": "ScopeLibri & Liberi publishes peer-reviewed academic papers on various topics in the field of children’s literature and young adult literature and on related topics, on their wider cultural contexts, and on their intercultural contacts in the fields of literature and the media. The journal particularly appreciates interdisciplinary approaches and intermediality. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Medecine et Droit", "ISSN": "12467391, 17775612", "Scope": "ScopeThe Scientific Committee of the journal Médecine et Droit includes professors of medicine, professors of law, magistrates, lawyers, court medical experts, and specialists in compensation for physical injury.\r\rMédecine et Droit provides:\r• rigorous and clear support for informative and educational matter\r• a tool for reflection and actualisation of knowledge\r• an essential link between doctors and lawyers.\r\rMédecine et Droit informs:\r• doctors on different aspects of law and regulations encountered in their profession\r• lawyers on the specific problems of the medical profession and important bio-ethical issues Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Medecine Nucleaire", "ISSN": "09281258, 18786820", "Scope": "ScopeMédecine Nucléaire serves as the forum of the French-speaking nuclear medicine community for the exchange of clinical and scientific information, addressing the needs of nuclear medicine physicians, radiopharmacists, radiophysicists and nuclear medicine technicians. In addition to clinical nuclear medicine, the journal covers the fields of methodology and instrumentation, medical physics, computer science, dosimetry, radiobiology, radiochemistry and radiopharmacy. The journal is also open to contributions focusing on functional and metabolic imaging carried out with methods other than nuclear medicine. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Meta", "ISSN": "20673655", "Scope": "ScopeMeta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy is an international peer-reviewed journal. We publish original articles from the areas of hermeneutics, phenomenology, and practical philosophy. Articles in the history of philosophy, philosophy of religion, aesthetics, moral, political, and legal philosophy are also welcome, as are book reviews and philosophical debates.\r\rEach issue contains research articles on a specific philosophical topic, a Varia section with articles not related to that topic, as well as a Book Reviews section.\r\rWe accept submissions in English, French, German, Spanish and Italian. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "National Journal of Clinical Anatomy", "ISSN": "22774025, 23212780", "Scope": "ScopeThe National Journal of Clinical Anatomy (NJCA) is an official quarterly publication of the Society of Clinical Anatomists in India with more than 1650 members. The journal is double-blinded peer-reviewed, Open Access, and publishes quarterly.\rIt was conceptualized to provide an international platform for interaction and exchange of ideas, opinions, innovations, and research on different topics of human anatomy and anatomy education to enhance and update the knowledge of anatomy. NJCA publishes studies covering clinical anatomy, gross anatomy, microanatomy, histochemistry, developmental anatomy, cytogenetics, neuroanatomy, radiological anatomy, anthropology, morphology, human evolution, and medical education. The Journal accepts manuscripts in the form of original research articles, review articles, case reports, case series, short communications, and letters to the editor.\r•\tGross Anatomy, Clinical Anatomy, Surgical Anatomy, Anthropological Anatomy, Surface and Functional Anatomy\r•\tMicroscopic anatomy: Histology and Ultra-structure of Cells and Tissues, Molecular Aspects of Cell and Tissues\r•\tStudies in Osteology and Radiology with anatomical correlations\r•\tDevelopmental Anatomy and Neuroanatomy or neurosciences\r•\tMedical Strategies in Anatomy, Medical Education, other Human Anatomy related subjects and briefly Covid-19 articles due to pandemicJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Nietzsche-Studien", "ISSN": "03421422, 16130790", "Scope": "ScopeFriedrich Nietzsche has emerged as one of the most important and influential modern philosophers. Nietzsche-Studien is the premier publication shaping the field of Nietzsche studies. Interdisciplinary in orientation, and with a global reach, Nietzsche-Studien reflects the entire spectrum of research on Nietzsche, from philosophy to literary studies and political theory. By combining philosophical argument with historical context and textual precision, Nietzsche-Studien continues to set the agenda in the rapidly growing and changing field of Nietzsche scholarship.\r\rAn international team of editors whose work reflects the full range of current Nietzsche scholarship builds on the existing legacy of Nietzsche-Studien and expands the global reach of the journal. The chief editors of Nietzsche-Studien are supported by an advisory board of internationally renowned scholars from eleven countries, making Nietzsche-Studien unique in its global reach.  Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Nigerian Journal of Nutritional Sciences", "ISSN": "01890913, 28054008", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Oftalmologicheskii Zhurnal", "ISSN": "300675", "Scope": "ScopeJournal of Ophthalmology (Ukraine) contains articles on eye diseases diagnosis and treatment, eye care, eye diseases prevention, history of ophthalmology, organization of eye care to population, technical equipment problems. It is committed to publishing original scientific researches and review articles on theory and practice of Ukrainian and foreign ophthalmology, cases, reviews, inventions, historical and medical reviews. It contains peer-reviews of books on ophthalmology, articles on activity of ophthalmologic societies, congresses and conferences chronicles. Journal is designed to ophthalmologists and scientific researchers in the field of vision physiology and eye diseases clinic. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Oxford Art Journal", "ISSN": "1426540", "Scope": "ScopeThe Oxford Art Journal has an international reputation for publishing innovative critical work in art history, and has played a major role in recent rethinking of the discipline. It is committed to the political analysis of visual art and material representation from a variety of theoretical perspectives, and has carried work addressing themes from Antiquity to contemporary art practice. In addition it carries extended review of major contributions to the field. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Palaeobulgarica", "ISSN": "02044021, 26032899", "Scope": "ScopePALAEOBULGARICA is a specialized international journal for the complex study of the issues of Bulgarian medieval written culture since the creation of the Slavonic alphabet by St. Cyril and Methodius, until the epoch of the Bulgarian Renaissance (the 18th century), as well as of the Cyril and Methodius traditions until this day.\r\rThese issues in their various aspects (language, literature, history, art, etc.) are closely related to the cultural development of the other Slavic countries, of the neighbouring Balkan countries, as well as of the spiritual and cultural phenomena and processes throughout Europe.\r\rThe of the publications, presented in the journal is too broad and from various fields of the humanities: Palaeoslavistics, Cyrillo-Methodian Studies, Studies about Culture and History of Slavic people and of people from the Balkan during the Middle Ages, Byzantology, Theology, Art Studies and others.\r\rThe articles and studies, published in the publication represent a scientific contribution to the subject areas, they report unknown facts, new research methodologies are developed or new theoretical ideas are created. This is why the agenda of the journal is relevant not only to Bulgarian but also to medieval studies abroad. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Panta Rei", "ISSN": "11362464, 23868864", "Scope": "ScopePANTA REI. Digital Journal of History and History Teaching is an international peer-reviewed journal focused on History and Teaching History. Its main objective is the transmission of scientific knowledge by giving also an opportunity to young researchers who want to make their way in the study of human sciences. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Polish Journal of Aesthetics", "ISSN": "25448234, 25448242", "Scope": "ScopeThe Polish Journal of Aesthetics is highly regarded as an international forum for debate in aesthetics and the philosophy of art. The Journal is published to promote the study and discussion of philosophical questions about aesthetic experience and the arts. The Journal is open to different philosophical and artistic orientations and it publishes lively and thoughtful articles on a broad range of topics from art, aesthetics, the philosophy of art, popular culture and new technologies. Contributions can come from historical or contemporary cultural and aesthetic phenomenon or genres (from popular or vernacular culture to classical genres such as film, literature, visual art, theatre), as well as from research on aesthetics and culture from a theoretical perspectives. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Psychiatric Times", "ISSN": "8932905", "Scope": "ScopeSince 1985, Psychiatric Times, a top psychiatric publication in the United States and the go-to resource for mental health care physicians and professionals, has provided timely clinical, commentary, and practical information. Our cutting-edge content written by psychiatrists for psychiatrists includes peer-reviewed in-depth coverage in our monthly Special Reports, non-industry sponsored CME, research updates, conference coverage, perspectives from the field, and treatment information. As the voice of psychiatry, all content is available free of charge online.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Recoletos Multidisciplinary Research Journal", "ISSN": "24083755, 24231398", "Scope": "ScopeRMRJ is dedicated to the promotion of knowledge through high-quality research publication in various disciplines. It adheres to the policy that all articles contained therein must meet the rigors of an independent double-blind peer-reviewing system and editing to ensure that the publication possesses scientific and academic merit. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Recta", "ISSN": "1575605X", "Scope": "ScopeRect@ son las iniciales de Revista Electrónica de Comunicaciones y Trabajos de ASEPUMA. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Reproductive Health of Woman", "ISSN": "27088723, 27088731", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal «Reproductive Health of Woman» is an international scientific and practical professional peer-reviewed publication with open access for obstetricians-gynecologists, neonatologists, general practitioners - family medicine, dermatovenereologists, endocrinologists and doctors of other specialties. The Journal provides authors with a platform for scientific discussion and helps to share their knowledge, provides timely and relevant information on the latest research and advances in women's reproductive health.\r\rThe journal publishes results of clinical studies, reports on clinical cases and practical aspects, current materials, and reviews of international periodicals related to both general reproductive health and reproductive immunology, genetics, reproductive toxicology, chronic reproductive conditions and general obstetrics and gynecology, fetal medicine, pregravidal preparation, family planning, infertility and artificial insemination, cancer in women, gynecology, and fertility.\r\rThe journal’s activity is in accordance with the principles of continuous education of health professionals, which is practiced in the developed world and, in particular, since 2019, in Ukraine. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Review of Marketing Research", "ISSN": "15486435, 19447035", "Scope": "ScopeThe Review of Marketing Research annual series provides current, state-of-the-art articles by the marketing field’s leading researchers and academics. In contrast to other research publications in the field, that impose rigid limitations on the length of articles, RMR publishes longer chapters that are not only theoretically rigorous but also offer richer detail. RMR includes literature reviews, cutting-edge methodologies, empirical studies, emerging trends, international developments, guidelines for implementation, and suggestions for future theory development and testing. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte", "ISSN": "18887546", "Scope": "ScopeThe Andalusian Center of Sports Medicine edits the Revista Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte (RAMD) since 2008 on a quarterly basis. This scientific journal publishes original research articles previously submitted to a selection process and a peer review, and provides a forum for scientists, specialists, and professionals whose activities are related to physical activity, sport and health. Due to the multidisciplinary nature of this area, the journal covers a variety of disciplines relating to Sports Medicine, which makes it a journal with a high degree of interest for all professionals related to Sport Sciences. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Argentina de Cardiologia", "ISSN": "347000", "Scope": "ScopeThe Argentine Journal of Cardiology is published in Buenos Aires, Argentina, by the Argentine Society of Cardiology. It covers all subjects of the specialty and is addressed to clinical and interventional cardiologists, internists, intensivists, as well as general practitioners and family physicians. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Chilena de Literatura", "ISSN": "00487651, 07182295", "Scope": "ScopeRevista Chilena de Literatura, founded in 1970, is sponsored by the rectorship of the Universidad de Chile and is affiliated with the Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades. This journal appears regularly, twice a year. It welcomes writings previously unpublished and in Spanish. Revista Chilena de Literatura addresses a whole range of topics: it includes studies of writers, literary works and similar issues from the present and the past, from Chile as well as from foreign countries. The journal is organized into five sections:\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Chilena de Obstetricia y Ginecologia", "ISSN": "0048766X, 07177526", "Scope": "ScopeLa Revista Chilena de Obstetricia y Ginecología tiene por misión difundir los progresos médicos de la especialidad a través de la investigación clínica y básica, fomentar la docencia y estimular el perfeccionamiento de los gíneco-obstetras Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Colombiana de Cardiologia", "ISSN": "01205633, 23573260", "Scope": "ScopeLa Revista Colombiana de Cardiología (RCC) es la publicación oficial de la Sociedad Colombiana de Cardiología y Cirugía Cardiovascular. Se encarga de divulgar artículos originales clínicos y experimentales sobre enfermedades cardiovasculares, reportes sobre terapéutica médica y quirúrgica, cardiología pediátrica, estudios cooperativos, epidemiología, estudios de medicamentos, métodos diagnósticos, reportes de casos clínicos, cartas al editor y editoriales. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Complutense de Historia de America", "ISSN": "11328312, 1988270X", "Scope": "ScopeThis journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.\r\rRevista Complutense de Historia de América is an open access journal that does not charge authors for article processing (submission, review or editing) or publication.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Cubana de Salud Publica", "ISSN": "08643466, 15613127", "Scope": "ScopeLa Revista Cubana de Salud Pública (RCSP) es una publicación periódica, continuación de la Revista Cubana de Administración de Salud (1975-1987), del Boletín y Archivos del \"Ateneo Juan César García\" (1993-2000) y de la Revista Cubana de Nutrición e Higiene de los Alimentos (1987-2002).\r\rLa RCSP define su misión como \"una publicación científica de reflexión y debate crítico, acerca de aspectos teóricos y prácticos de la salud pública contemporánea, así como un vehículo informativo del desarrollo del pensamiento y la tradición de la salud pública cubana\".\r\rA su vez, la visión que anima a la publicación es la de constituir \"un órgano de consulta, con enfoque científico y crítico de la salud pública contemporánea y un referente obligado para conocer el pensamiento y la práctica salubrista cubana\".\r\rLa RCSP ofrece la oportunidad a profesionales del campo de la salud y afines de publicar, sujeto a un proceso de arbitraje por expertos, los resultados de sus investigaciones, las reflexiones de la salud pública sobre tendencias políticas, económicas, sociales, epidemiológicas u otras, y revisiones de temas de acuerdo con el perfil de la revista. No limitamos la autoría a nacionales cubanos. Nuestras páginas son tribuna abierta a todo esfuerzo por la defensa y mejoramiento de la salud de los pueblos. Es propósito también de la RCSP promover la salud, contribuir a la prevención de enfermedades y lesiones y al mejor manejo de la atención a enfermos y lesionados, a la prolongación de la vida y al mejoramiento de la calidad de vida de individuos y colectivos humanosJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista de Filosofia (Spain)", "ISSN": "00348244, 1988284X", "Scope": "ScopePublished twice a year, the Revista de Filosofía (ISSN 0034-8244, ISSN-e 1988-284X) includes articles, critiques and contributions on systematic philosophical questions. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista de Humanidades", "ISSN": "7170491", "Scope": "ScopeLa Revista de Humanidades, fundada en 1993, es una publicación semestral del Departamento de Humanidades de la Universidad Andrés Bello. Su objetivo es abrir un espacio para la reflexión crítica y el diálogo interdisciplinario en el ámbito de las humanidades. Nuestra publicación está dirigida a investigadores, académicos, estudiantes y lectores en general. La Revista de Humanidades acoge artículos especializados surgidos de investigaciones, aceptamos también documentos –notas, entrevistas, traducciones– y reseñas, que aborden temas en las áreas de literatura, filosofía e historia, u otros ámbitos, con un énfasis en el diálogo entre disciplinas afines a nuestra revista, revisar sección colaboradores. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Lasallista de Investigacion", "ISSN": "17944449", "Scope": "ScopeLa Revista Lasallista de Investigación (ISSN: 1794 – 4449) – (ISSN (en línea): 2256 – 3938) es una revista con cobertura nacional e internacional que publica artículos en el el área de las Ciencias naturales, Ciencias Humanas y Sociales, entre otras, relativos a la investigación, desde diferentes disciplinas, siendo sometida toda publicación a verificación y cumplimiento de criterios de calidad y éticos.\r\rEs una publicación disciplinar y multidisciplinar editada por la Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, desde 2004 y está orientada a académicos, investigadores y científicos interesados en difundir su producción. Tiene versión impresa y electrónica de acceso abierto en la dirección http://repository.lasallista.edu.co:8080/ojs/index.php/rldi. Cabe anotar que los contenidos publicados en la revista son de libre acceso y no requieren ningún tipo de pago para su consulta. Para mayor Información comunicarse en la Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, PBX (057) 320 19 99 ext. 156.\r\rEn la Revista se encuentran artículos en español, inglés y portugués, siendo publicados de manera eficiente artículos de investigación científica tecnológica, artículos de revisión, artículos breves, reportes de caso, cartas al editor, artículos de reflexión derivados de investigación, entre otros. La administración de los artículos se realiza en la plataforma de gestión de publicaciones (Open Journal System). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Portuguesa de Imunoalergologia", "ISSN": "8719721", "Scope": "ScopeFundada a 10 de Julho de 1950 como Sociedade Portuguesa de Alergia, a SPAIC (Sociedade Portuguesa de Alergologia e Imunologia Clínica) é a maior associação científica nacional que agrega especialistas médicos (principalmente Imunoalergologistas), investigadores e técnicos dedicados ao estudo da alergia, asma e imunologia clínica. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Romanic Review", "ISSN": "358118", "Scope": "ScopeThe Romanic Review is a journal devoted to the study of Romance literatures.Founded by Henry Alfred Todd in 1910, it is published by the Department of French and Romance Philology of Columbia University in cooperation with the Departments of Spanish and Italian. The journal is published four times a year (January, March, May, November) and balances special thematic issues and regular unsolicited issues. It covers all periods of French, Italian and Spanish-language literature, and welcomes a broad diversity of critical approaches. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Sahel Medical Journal", "ISSN": "11188561, 23216689", "Scope": "ScopeThe mission of Sahel Medical Journal is to publish innovative research in medical and biomedical sciences with focus on emerging non-communicable diseases and re-emerging tropical diseases in Nigeria and Africa in general. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Serbian Journal of Experimental and Clinical Research", "ISSN": "18208665, 2335075X", "Scope": "ScopeSerbian Journal of Experimental and Clinical Research is categorized as M51 on the list of categorized national scientific journals of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Springer Series in Reliability Engineering", "ISSN": "16147839, 2196999X", "Scope": "ScopeToday’s modern systems have become increasingly complex to design and build, while the demand for reliability and cost effective development continues. Reliability is one of the most important attributes in all these systems, including aerospace applications, real-time control, medical applications, defense systems, human decision-making, and home-security products. Growing international competition has increased the need for all designers, managers, practitioners, scientists and engineers to ensure a level of reliability of their product before release at the lowest cost. The interest in reliability has been growing in recent years and this trend will continue during the next decade and beyond.\r\rThe Springer Series in Reliability Engineering publishes books, monographs and edited volumes in important areas of current theoretical research development in reliability and in areas that attempt to bridge the gap between theory and application in areas of interest to practitioners in industry, laboratories, business, and government. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Stred", "ISSN": "18039243", "Scope": "ScopeStřed | Centre is a peer-reviewed journal focused on studies of the society, culture and politics in Central Europe of the 19th and 20th centuries. The journal is ecumenical in its selected methodological and disciplinary approaches and strives to give space to scholars working on the broad field of social sciences and humanities, who are involved in studies of the given period and geographical area. Střed /Centre aims at interconnecting the extensive and simultaneously rather fragmented field of research dedicated to Central Europe from the viewpoint of various disciplines. Therefore it publishes original studies from individual fields, particularly studies with the ambition to step over the border defined by disciplinary divisions and to connect more disciplines in a productive dialogue. As a peer-rewieved journal Střed | Centre was founded on January 1, 2009 and is issued twice a year. It is oriented on monothematic issues presenting inter-related scientific essays. Topics of individual issues are published on the journal web page well in advance. Střed | Centre comes out twice a year, in April and October, and is included in the list of peer-reviewed non-impact periodicals issued in the Czech Republic. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studia Neophilologica", "ISSN": "393274", "Scope": "ScopeFounded in 1928 by R.E. Zachrisson, Studia Neophilologica publishes articles on English, German and Romance languages and literatures, from the Middle Ages to the present day, as well as reviews of new books in these fields.\r\rThe contributions represent both historically oriented research and synchronic studies. Many articles are addressed to methodological and theoretical questions within the fields of general linguistics and literary study. The majority of the contributions, however, investigate specific linguistic problems or analyze specific literary texts.\r\rThe journal thus covers a wide and diversified field in its aim to mirror the issues and research questions that concern today’s researchers in the fields of English, German and Romance studies. The journal can count among its contributors a large number of distinguished scholars from many different countries and continues to invite contributions from scholars the world over. Articles may be submitted in English, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Sustainable Mediterranean Construction", "ISSN": "23851546, 24208213", "Scope": "ScopeSMC is the magazine that gives voice to studies and researches conducted by the Sustainable Mediterranean Construction Association with the intent of contributing to the scientific and cultural debate on the environment and built areas in the Mediterranean basin with a view to expanding and disseminating knowledge of a cultural heritage that over the centuries has been the cradle of civilizations. Ease in communications and transportation, different cultures and ethnicities, different environmental conditions and local resources have enriched a large cultural luggage that quickly spread over the centuries by taking everywhere different features.\rThe Association is aimed at promoting and disseminating studies and projects to control the transformations of the territory within the Mediterranean basin as well as to promote the dissemination of research results by means of scientific activity.\rThe aim will hence be that of updating the various approaches and discovering the possible common ground on which the various expertise can in fact dialogue and interact, so as to provide more sensitive language and more careful techniques of construction, which will reduce the disadvantages of a deep footprint and serious impacts to both earth and man life. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Talia Dixit", "ISSN": "18869440", "Scope": "ScopeTalia Dixit is a peer-reviewed electronic journal devoted to the study of rhetoric and historiography up until the Renaissance. Interdisciplinary in approach, the journal aims to take into account the rhetoric, cultural and ideological context of historiographic texts, and to provide a platform for historiographers and literary scholars to share perspectives on the analysis of classical, medieval and renaissance texts.\r\rTalia dixit invites the submission of original works, which will be selected for publication within the different sections of the magazine: Scientific articles, Chronicle and Critical reading, Instrumenta studiorum, Reviews and News and books received\rTalia dixit implements the standards of editorial policy, aimed at both authors and users of the journal. This publication of the Arenga Research Group of the UEx, uses since volume 2029 the OJS platform provided by the UEx Publication Service, achieving a greater dissemination of published studies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Tropical Agriculture", "ISSN": "413216", "Scope": "ScopeThe overarching aim of Tropical Agriculture is to contribute to the process of agricultural development in tropical agro-ecosystems, through publication of papers in the area of agricultural science and technology. The specific objectives of the Journal are:\r-To address the practical aspects of sustainable tropical agriculture production, improvement, protection and commodity utilization, worldwide.\r-To foster the application of science and technology to understanding and removal of constraints to tropical agricultural productivity.\r-To publish the results of original research which make significant contributions to knowledge on the practice of sustainable and productive tropical agriculture.\r\r\rThe Journal publishes papers in the following areas of tropical agriculture:\r-Soil Science and Technology\r-Environmental Science and Technology\r-Crop Science and Technology\r-Livestock Science and Technology as well as:\rFood and Nutrition Policy,\rPost-Harvest Technology,\rAgricultural Economics and Extension,\rAgribusiness Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo Universiteta. Pravo", "ISSN": "20741243, 25875833", "Scope": "Scope\"Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Law\" has been published since 2010 and is a quarterly journal.\r\rThe main focus of the journal is papers based on original research, analytical reviews.\r\r\"Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Law\" is a peer-reviewed international journal of science and theory, publishing materials in the following topics and subtopics:\r\r1. Public and Private Law: Applied Research\r2. Criminology\r3. Forensics\r4. Forensic examination\r5. Research of law from the standpoint of social and humanitarian (non-legal) sciences\r6. Legal life: scientific and practical conclusions, comments and reviews\r7. Comparative law\r8. Foreign and international law Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo Universiteta Vostokovedenie i Afrikanistika", "ISSN": "20741227, 25875892", "Scope": "ScopeVestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Asian and African Studies is a peer-reviewed multi-disciplinary journal committed to foster original, independent, accurate and comprehensive professional research in Asian and African Studies. The Journal accepts scholarly articles, book reviews and reports on various academic activities in the field.\rThe main objective of the Journal is to create an open intellectual forum for leading experts and specialist researchers in the areas of Asian and African studies both in Russia and abroad.\rThe Journal pursues the following priorities:\r•\tfurtherance of cutting edge research in the Asian and African studies;\r•\tidentifying and investigating insufficiently explored areas of scholarship;\r•\tforming novelty approaches to methodology;\r•\tintroducing scholarly use of rare textual sources;\r•\tinterdisciplinary studies noted for their scholarly freshness, salience and ingenuity.\rThe Journal encompasses the following spectrum of subject domains and topical areas:\r•\tre-evaluation of relations between Russia and Asia/ Africa;\r•\tlanguages of Asia and Africa;\r•\tAsia and Africa: history and source studies;\r•\tAsia and Africa: literature and literary theory;\r•\tAsia and Africa: geocultural spaces and cultural codes;\r•\tforeign policy, economics and international relations of Asia and Africa.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Wuhan Ligong Daxue Xuebao (Jiaotong Kexue Yu Gongcheng Ban)/Journal of Wuhan University of Technology (Transportation Science and Engineering)", "ISSN": "20953844", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Youth Voice Journal", "ISSN": "20492073, 20562969", "Scope": "ScopeThe Youth Voice Journal (YVJ™) is a double-blind, peer-reviewed journal that publishes theoretical contributions and empirical studies on issues affecting young people worldwide.\r\rThe Journal publishes scholarly papers of the highest standard including: research papers, case studies, book reviews conference papers and proceedings. It has an international and multidisciplinary and is particularly interested in work that impacts on social policy and the law. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Zeitschrift fur Ethnologie", "ISSN": "442666", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Zeitschrift fur Unternehmensgeschichte", "ISSN": "03422852, 23672293", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Business History addresses all facets of business history, taking a broad approach that encompasses neighboring disciplines, international developments, and an expanded definition of the firm. In order to publish first-class research that actively engages with companies, the economy, and the political sector, the journal solicits contributions from promising authors around the globe. Articles are accepted in German or English. All submissions undergo a double-blind peer review. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Acupuncture and Electro-Therapeutics Research", "ISSN": "03601293, 21679010", "Scope": "ScopeThe aim of the journal is to provide an international forum for the exchange of ideas and promotion of basic and clinical research in acupuncture, electro-therapeutics, and related fields. The journal was established in order to make acupuncture and electro-therapeutics a universally acceptable branch of medicine through multidisciplinary research based on scientific disciplines. The final goal is to provide a better understanding of both the beneficial and adverse effects of these treatments in order to supplement or improve existing methods of diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases in both Western and Oriental medicine. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Advanced Ultrasound in Diagnosis and Therapy", "ISSN": "25762508, 25762516", "Scope": "ScopeAdvanced Ultrasound in Diagnosis and Therapy (AUDT) focuses on developments in ultrasound imaging and technology of diagnosis and therapy in both basic science and clinical applications. It provides a forum for practicing radiologists, imaging researchers, technologists and trainees to exchange information in the field of medical ultrasound. The journal also aims to be a valuable resource for non-radiologist clinicians.\r\rAUDT is a multidisciplinary journal that publishes the innovative and original research articles in ultrasound, x-rays, computed tomography, magnetic resonance, nuclear medicine, and other imaging modalities related to morphology and functional studies. The journal also encourages submitting the original articles in fields of image-guided therapy, molecular imaging, translational medicine, and artificial intelligence technology for medical imaging. Contributions describing novel image techniques, processing and analysis are encouraged.\r\rThe of AUDT will include original papers, review articles, editorial letters, technical developments, graphic papers, educational articles, case reports, letters to the editor and some special reports in ultrasound and radiologic imaging. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Annales Francaises de Medecine d'Urgence", "ISSN": "21086524, 21086591", "Scope": "ScopeLes Annales françaises de médecine d’urgence, s’adressent à tous les professionnels de l’urgence et publient des articles originaux, des revues de la littérature et des cas cliniques dans tous les domaines de la médecine d'urgence, et notamment ceux plus spécifiques que sont l'évaluation de la gravité, le triage, et l'orientation des patients. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Anthropos", "ISSN": "2579774", "Scope": "ScopeAnthropos, the International Review of Anthropology and Linguistics has been edited by the Anthropos Institute since 1906 and is published biannually. Originally relying on ethnographic contributions by Roman Catholic missionaries, the review evolved and is one of the most important anthropological reviews worldwide today. It publishes articles in several languages on both cultural and linguistic subjects, focusing on cultural anthropology, (post-)colonial studies, the study of religion and linguistics. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Antichthon", "ISSN": "664774", "Scope": "ScopeAntichthon is an annual internationally recognised journal of ancient world studies. While it places its main emphasis on Greece and Rome, its has been broadly defined so as to embrace the Ancient Near East and the Mediterranean from the beginnings of civilisation to the Early Middle Ages.\r\rThe journal is open to contributions from any country, and will publish articles on topics relating to the languages, literature, thought, history and archaeology of the ancient world. It will not undertake full-scale reviewing, but may include occasional reviews and articles reporting the progress of scholarship in a particular field of enquiry. The language of publication is English. From time to time special thematic volumes will be published Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Anuario Iberoamericano de Justicia Constitucional", "ISSN": "11384824, 19895585", "Scope": "ScopeEl Anuario Iberoamericano de Justicia Constitucional publica trabajos de investigación originales sobre la Constitución y el sistema de las fuentes, el control de la constitucionalidad y la justicia constitucional, la tutela de los derechos y libertades y el orden axiológico constitucional, así como la interpretación por los Tribunales Constitucionales u órganos equivalentes de las normas de la Constitución, con particularísima preferencia a los países del mundo iberoamericano. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Arab Journal of Forensic Sciences and Forensic Medicine", "ISSN": "16586786, 16586794", "Scope": "ScopeThe AJFSFM has the fundamental aim of sharing knowledge, research experience, recent achievements, and new technologies in various disciplines of forensic sciences and forensic medicine among the forensic scientists in Arab countries as well as the rest of the world.\r\rThe AJFSFM aims to achieve a top position by publishing genuine, outstanding, trustworthy, and original research submitted by ambitious researchers, and circulating to all scientists, pathologists, jurists, medicolegal professionals, and learners in the field of forensic sciences and forensic medicine. \r\rThe topics covered in the AJFSFM include, but not limited to, Forensic Pathology, Odontology, Histochemistry, Toxicology (drugs, alcohol, etc.), Forensic Biology (Serology, Human DNA profiling, Entomology, population Genetics), Forensic chemistry (Inks, Paints, Dyes, Explosives, Fire accelerants), Psychiatry and Hypnotics, Forensic Anthropology and Archeology, Fingerprints and Impressions, Firearms and Tool marks, White collar crimes (counterfeit and forgery; questioned documents), Digital forensics; Cyber-crimes, Criminal justice, Crime Scene Investigation, and studies of value to the public health. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cadernos de Sociomuseologia", "ISSN": "16463714", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Cahiers Elisabethains", "ISSN": "01847678, 20544715", "Scope": "ScopeCahiers Élisabéthains is a refereed journal committed to publishing high-quality research. All submissions are double blinded and a panel of international referees reviews proposals.\r\rEach issue includes articles (4-5), a unique section of international theatre reviews, illustrated with colour and black-and-white photographs, book reviews, and a listing of books received. Review articles and notes are regularly published. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Chinese Journal of Digestive Surgery", "ISSN": "16739752", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Chinese Journal of Ocular Fundus Diseases", "ISSN": "10051015", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems", "ISSN": "101923", "Scope": "ScopeThe Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems (JLSP), established in 1965, is one of the oldest legal publications at Columbia Law School. Since its founding, one of JLSP’s missions has been to remind its readers of the law’s responsibility to serve the public good. To that end, the Journal emphasizes the sociological, economic, and political impact of legal issues. As a result, JLSP’s target audience includes not only judges and lawyers but also Congress, state legislatures, regulatory agencies, and members of the public.\r\rJLSP is the only Columbia Law journal that is entirely student-written. Thus, members have an excellent chance to publish a Note. Because JLSP is a general interest journal covering the broad area of “law and social problems,” it is a forum for students interested in several legal areas, in a legal area not covered by any other journal, or uncertain about their particular area of interest. This general interest publication is valued in the legal community, as is reflected by JLSP’s numerous citations in the Supreme Court, courts of appeal, and district courts. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Dancecult", "ISSN": "19475403", "Scope": "ScopeDancecult is a peer-reviewed, open-access e-journal for the study of electronic dance music culture (EDMC). A platform for interdisciplinary scholarship on the shifting terrain of EDMCs worldwide, the journal houses research exploring the sites, technologies, sounds and cultures of electronic music in historical and contemporary perspectives. Playing host to studies of emergent forms of electronic music production, performance, distribution, and reception, as a portal for cutting-edge research on the relation between bodies, technologies, and cyberspace, as a medium through which the cultural politics of dance is critically investigated, and as a venue for innovative multimedia projects, Dancecult is the forum for research on EDMCs.\r\rFrom dancehall to raving, club cultures to sound systems, disco to techno, breakbeat to psytrance, hip hop to dubstep, IDM to noisecore, nortec to bloghouse, global EDMCs are a shifting spectrum of scenes, genres, and aesthetics. What is the role of ethnicity, gender, sexuality, class, religion and spirituality in these formations? How have technologies, mind alterants, and popular culture conditioned this proliferation, and how has electronic music filtered into cinema, literature and everyday life? How does existing critical theory enable understanding of EDMCs, and how might the latter challenge the assumptions of our inherited heuristics? What is the role of the DJ in diverse genres, scenes, subcultures, and/or neotribes? As the journal of the international EDMC research network, Dancecult welcomes submissions from scholars addressing these and related inquiries across all disciplines.\r\rDancecult is published once a year. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Dental Cadmos", "ISSN": "118524", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Devenir", "ISSN": "10158154", "Scope": "ScopeDevenir est la seule revue européenne consacrée au développement de l'enfant de 0 à 3 ans. Elle se situe au carrefour de plusieurs champs disciplinaires: obstétrique, périnatalité, procréation, pédiatrie, pédopsychiatrie, psychanalyse, sociologie, ethnologie, …\r\rDevenir s'adresse à tous les professionnels de la petite enfance, médecins, psychologues, pédopsychiatres, psychanalystes, sages-femmes, puéricultrices, responsables administratifs d'institutions qui se consacrent à la petite enfance, …\r\rDevenir publie des articles cliniques, des articles de recherche, des points de vue de spécialistes de réputation internationale et offre ainsi à ses lecteurs un panorama fidèle des grands débats qui agitent aujourd'hui le monde de la petite enfance.\r\rDevenir, revue référencée fonctionnant avec un comité scientifique européen de haut niveau, publie des travaux cliniques qui traduisent la diversité des approches des différents pays européens. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Digital Icons", "ISSN": "20437633", "Scope": "ScopeDigital Icons: Studies in Russian, Eurasian and Central European New Media (Digital Icons) is an online publication that appears twice a year. The journal is a multi-media platform that explores new media as a variety of information flows, varied communication systems and networked communities. The main goal of the journal is to disseminate research on new media in the region across global communities of scholars, media practitioners and the general public.\r\rContributions to Digital Icons cover a broad range of topics related to the impact of digital and electronic technologies on politics, economics, society, culture and the arts in Russia, Eurasia and Central Europe. The journal publishes works that explore developments in information and communications technologies and their impact on the governance, economy and cultural life of the region. Submissions focusing on internet use and new media forms among the various diasporas of the region are also welcome. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Early Popular Visual Culture", "ISSN": "17460654", "Scope": "ScopeEarly Popular Visual Culture (EPVC) is a peer-reviewed, academic journal dedicated to stimulating research and interdisciplinary studies in relation to all forms of popular visual culture before 1930.\rEPVC examines the use and exploitation of popular cultural forms such as (but not limited to) cinema, photography, the magic lantern, panoramas, music hall, illustrated books and periodicals, cartoon strips, circus, stage performances, posters and caricatures in the fields of entertainment, education, science, advertising and the domestic environment, and is primarily concerned with the evolving social, technological and economic contexts which such popular cultural products inhabited and influenced.\rThe journal publishes a range of original historical, theoretical and methodological articles on early popular visual culture, as well as offering selected facsimile materials of obscure and rare sources, reviews and research reports. There are also regular special thematic issues. It is published in English only. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "East Central Europe", "ISSN": "00943037, 18763308", "Scope": "ScopeEast Central Europe is a peer-reviewed journal of social sciences and humanities with a focus on the region between the Baltic and the Adriatic, published in cooperation with the Central European University. The journal seeks to maintain the heuristic value of regional frameworks of interpretation as models of historical explanation, transcending the nation-state at sub-national or trans-national level, and to link them to global academic debates. East Central Europe has an interdisciplinary orientation, combining area studies with history and social sciences, most importantly political science, sociology, anthropology, and cultural studies. It aims to stimulate the dialogue and exchange between scholarship produced in and on East-Central Europe and other area study traditions, in a global context. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ecosystem Transformation", "ISSN": "26190931, 2619094X", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal focuses at presenting the results of studying local, regional and global changes in ecosystems of different types due to the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors. Issues related to the fundamental and applied aspects of ecology and the assessment of the ecological state of freshwater, marine and terrestrial ecosystems at the organismic, population and biocenotic levels are discusse Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Educational Practice and Theory", "ISSN": "1323577X", "Scope": "ScopeEducational Practice and Theory in its 40th year of publication continues as an important independent forum for original ideas in education research relevant to aspects of education including K-12 schools, education reforms, teaching methods and educational leadership.\r\rEducational Practice and Theory is:\r\r-a refereed journal with a distinguished panel of consulting editors;\r-comparative in focus;\r-innovative, path-finding and provocative;\r-diverse with reports on a wide range of countries and themes, and\r-applied and theoretical. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Eksperimental'naya i Klinicheskaya Gastroenterologiya/Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology", "ISSN": "16828658", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal aims to be easily accessible, organizing its content by topic, both in print and online to provide scientific practical and professional support for clinicians dealing with alimentary tract disorders. Topis include: Functional GI Disorders; the Liver; Pancreas Biliary tree; Esophagus, Stomach;Small Bowel, Colon, Inflammatory Bowel Disease; Endoscopy; Nutrition and Obesity; Pediatrics; Geriatrics, Morbidity. Regular issues include articles describing novel mechanisms of disease and new management strategies, both diagnostic and therapeutic, likely to impact on clinical practice in the form of scientific reviews, and lectures, original studies, cases from clinical practice, guidlines.\rUnder the decision of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation dated February 19, 2010, the journal included in the \"List of leading peer-reviewed publications in which the results of dissertations for the scientific degrees of a candidate and a doctor of medical sciences should be published.\" Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "English Text Construction", "ISSN": "18748767, 18748775", "Scope": "ScopeEnglish Text Construction is an internationally refereed journal of English Linguistics, Applied Linguistics and Literary Studies focusing on the communicating subject and the text constructing this intersubjective communication. The journal offers a forum for currently converging tendencies that place the text-constructing subject in centre stage. This general common denominator subsumes fundamental movements in the three disciplines of English studies, viz. literary studies, linguistics and applied linguistics. In literary studies narratological perspectives remain of abiding interest, as well as study of the psychologically and ideologically fragmented subject as it reveals itself in literary texts. The study of literature is currently also witnessing renewed interest in the gendered and sociopolitically situated subject and its moral responsibilities. In linguistics, the communicating subject is central to functional, cognitive and pragmatic approaches. Functional linguistics investigates how language is used to communicate about the world and to negotiate the social and discourse roles. Cognitive linguistics studies language usage as it constructs the perspectivized meanings of the conceptualizing subject. Pragmatic approaches focus on the whole message, both the linguistically predicated and the contextually implied one, exchanged between the interlocutors. In Applied linguistics, the subject also plays a central role. Applied linguistic interest in text and the construal of subjectivity is reflected, among others, in genre-oriented approaches to text, and in discourse-oriented and corpus-based analyses as the basis for various ELT applications. For instance, considerable attention has been devoted to issues such as stance in (research) writing and presentations, and to subjectivity in translation studies. Similarly, in language teaching methodology increased attention is given to individual learners and learning styles.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Etikk i Praksis", "ISSN": "18903991, 18904009", "Scope": "ScopeEtikk i praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics (EiP) is a scholarly journal of applied ethics and related political theory. EiP aims to create a broad-based and unique journal for Nordic research within ethics. The contributions may focus on ethical, political or social aspects of scientific and technological developments within different fields, research ethics, and normative power, democracy and culture analyses. The journal provides a meeting place for applied ethics, be it within biotechnology, research, primary and secondary education, childhood, the Internet, culture, nature, business life, sports, the media, medicine, politics or elsewhere. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "European Journal of Rhinology and Allergy", "ISSN": "26368072", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "European Journal of Theology", "ISSN": "9602720", "Scope": "ScopeThe European Journal of Theology welcomes articles on any area of theology by evangelical theologians. It especially encourages submissions by European authors working in Europe, more specifically those outside the Anglo-Saxon and German regions.\r\rAll articles are double-blind peer-reviewed and each issue contains numerous book reviews. The intended readers are teachers in theological schools, other theologians, ministers and students. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "European Procurement and Public Private Partnership Law Review", "ISSN": "21947376, 21947384", "Scope": "ScopeEPPPL is a blind peer-reviewed international academic journal that publishes original academic articles, research papers and contributions on contemporary legal and policy developments in European Union and International Public Procurement and Public Private Partnerships.\rTopics covered by the journal include:\r•\tnational, EU and international Public Procurement and PPP legal reforms;\r•\tSustainable, Responsible and Strategic Public Procurement;\r•\tcompliance with EU Public Procurement, Utilities and Concessions Directives;\r•\timplementation of EU rules in the Member States;\r•\tdetection of fraud, corruption and anti-competitive behaviour;\r•\tinterdisciplinary aspects of Procurement and PPP Law (Brexit, Competition and State aid Law, EU funds management etc.)etc.) Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Farmacja Polska", "ISSN": "148261", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Formosan Journal of Surgery", "ISSN": "1682606X", "Scope": "ScopeFormosan Journal of Surgery, a publication of Taiwan Surgical Association, is a peer-reviewed online journal with Bimonthly print on demand compilation of issues published. The journal’s full text is available online at http://www.e-fjs.org. The journal allows free access (Open Access) to its contents and permits authors to self-archive final accepted version of the articles on any OAI-compliant institutional / subject-based repository. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Graduate Journal of Mathematics", "ISSN": "27246841", "Scope": "ScopeThe Graduate Journal of Mathematics is an electronic journal that publishes original work as well as expository work at an advanced level, which add to the literature, have pedagogical value and help make more widely accessible significant mathematical ideas, constructions or theorems.\r\rGJM welcomes and solicits contributions from mathematicians of all advanced levels and from all research areas in mathematics.\r\rGraduate and postgraduate students are particularly encouraged to contribute articles to this journal. High quality senior theses will find GJM to be a great venue. One main aim of our journal is to help researchers in mathematics in general, and graduate students in particular, gain access to important ideas and communicate interesting mathematics.\r\rArticles published in GJM that are expository in nature should treat in detail mathematical examples and constructions and shall not linger on the theory. From that point of view, they should include clear, instructive and worked out original examples and/or applications.\r\rGJM is a publication of the Mediterranean Institute for the Mathematical Sciences (MIMS). It is a fully refereed journal. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Hispania Antiqua", "ISSN": "11300515", "Scope": "ScopeHispania Antiqva. Revista de Historia Antigua is an annual digital journal which publishes original scholarly articles on spanish about Ancient History of Hispania as well as unpublished book reviews in these same field.\r\rHispania Antiqva was first published in the University of Valladolid (Spain) in 1971 (I.S.S.N.: 1130-0515), in the area of Ancient History, and since that time it has appeared annually. It was the first scientific journal of ancient history in the spanish university. It is specialized in ancient history of Spain (Hispania) and publishes articles and reviews. 40 volumes in paper have been published, the last of them in 2016. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Anatomy and Research", "ISSN": "23214287, 23218967", "Scope": "ScopeInternational Journal of Anatomy and Research (IJAR) is an open access, peer-reviewed, quarterly publishing online & print journal that encompasses all academic and clinical aspects of Anatomy, emphasizing on providing the base line data for the academic, clinical and research areas, thus to maintain the high level standards in the academic practice and research in the field of Anatomy\r\rTopics of interest include, but are not limited to : Various Gross Anatomical Studies, Microscopic Anatomy, Developmental Anatomy, Anthropological Studies, Forensic Anatomy, Radiological Anatomy, Pathological Anatomy, Surgical Anatomy, Other Clinical related Anatomy (Case Reports), Rare Anomalies in Dissection, Anatomy teaching and learning methods, Rare images in Dissection hall. We aimed to work to get the maximum visibility in different search engines and rapid indexation with various public and private agencies.\r\rInternational Journal of Anatomy and Research (IJAR) aims to provide an international forum for encouraging nobel discussions and thus contributing the best understanding of human anatomy, benefiting readers and authors by accelerating the dissemination of research information providing maximum access to advanced current academic and clinical information of the god's finest architecture. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Diversity in Education", "ISSN": "23270020, 23272163", "Scope": "ScopeThe International Journal of Diversity in Education compares strategies for negotiating cultural differences in the classroom, from the micro-dynamics of pedagogy, to the agendas of curriculum and assessment. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Korean History", "ISSN": "15982041, 25085921", "Scope": "ScopeThe International Journal of Korean History (IJKH) is published by the Center for Korean History at Korea University in Seoul, South Korea. The Center was established in November of 1997 to promote and further the study of Korean history at the national and international level. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Nanomanufacturing", "ISSN": "17469392, 17469406", "Scope": "ScopeThe increasing drive towards miniaturisation has dictated that new micro- and nanomanufacturing technologies are developed in parallel with nanotechnology, molecular engineering and biotechnology in order to keep abreast of future technological developments. IJNM provides a principal forum for the interchange of information on the science, process technology and applications of micro- and nanomanufacturing processes.\rTopics covered include:\r-Nanomanufacturing-\rMicromanufacturing-\rMaterials in micromanufacturing and nanomanufacturing-\rTools and processes for micromanufacturing and nanomanufacturing-\rManagement of micromanufacturing and nanomanufacturing processes-\rMicromanufacturing and nanomanufacturing enterprises Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Ultra Wideband Communications and Systems", "ISSN": "1758728X, 17587298", "Scope": "ScopeIJUBWCS is a scholarly, refereed and peer-reviewed scientific journal devoted to disseminating technical information in the areas of ultra wideband (UWB) communications and systems across the globe.\rTopics covered include:\r-Channel modelling and measurements-\rCoding, modulation and detection-\rCo-existence and interference mitigation-\rMultiple access interference and capacity-\rPulse generation and shaping-\rRadio access protocols, architectures, networks, ranging-\rLocalisation and positioning-\rSynchronisation and time reversal-\rUWB antennas and arrays, beamforming, MIMO, UWB-MAS-\rUWB sensing, medical imaging, vehicular radar, transreceivers-\rWireless personal/body area networks-\rUWB hardware design and implementation-\rUWB simulation and experimenting-\rUWB radar designs-\rUWB networking and connection Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Iranian Heart Journal", "ISSN": "17357306", "Scope": "ScopeIranian Heart Journal is the official quarterly publication of the Iranian Heart Association and publishes original papers, review articles, case reports, and brief communications on topics in pediatric and adult cardiology, cardiac surgery, cardiac anesthesia, and related issues from all over the world. The aim of Iranian Heart Journal is to advance scientific knowledge and understanding concerning all aspects of cardiovascular disease, and its covers medical students, residents in training, and fellows as well as specialists in cardiology, cardiac surgery, cardiac anesthesia, and vascular surgery. In order to submit a paper, you are kindly requested to read and observe the following guidelines carefully. Authors are notified when a manuscript is received. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Irish Historical Studies", "ISSN": "211214", "Scope": "ScopeThis journal is published jointly by the Irish Historical Society and the Ulster Society for Irish Historical Studies. Published twice a year, Irish Historical Studies covers all areas of Irish history, including the medieval period. We thank William E. Vaughn of the management committee of Irish Historical Studies for his permission to republish the following two articles. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Janus.net", "ISSN": "16477251", "Scope": "ScopeJANUS.NET, e-journal of International Relations meets the most rigorous criteria applicable to scientific publications. Its objective is to offer the national and international academic communities texts that advance theory for the analysis and interpretation of international processes and key world events. Without being constrained by a single analysis paradigm, JANUS.NET, e-journal of International Relations approaches issues from a multi-dimensional viewpoint, bringing together political, economic, strategic, social, cultural, and environmental perspectives.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal Asiatique", "ISSN": "0021762X, 17831504", "Scope": "ScopeLe Journal Asiatique est une publication de la Société Asiatique avec le concours du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. Le Journal, publié sans interruption depuis 1822, présente le résultat de recherches dans les domaines et les disciplines des études orientales, en langue française et en langues européennes. Les textes originaux sont reproduits dans la langue orientale du domaine. Chaque numéro contient des articles originaux, le compte-rendu des séances mensuelles, des comptes-rendus d'ouvrages reçus à la Société Asiatique. Le Journal Asiatique est dirigé par le Conseil scientifique de la Société Asiatique.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal for Geometry and Graphics", "ISSN": "14338157", "Scope": "ScopeThe concern of this international scientific journal is to stimulate scientific research and teaching methodology in the field of graphics and graphics-related geometry by the dissemination of new results. It is published by Heldermann Verlag, (ISNN 1433-8157).\r\rThe Journal for Geometry and Graphics appears as an annual volume consisting of two issues. All ISGG members in good standing are mailed a copy of each issue and are furnished with a password to gain access to all archived issues as online pdf-files. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Analysis and Applications", "ISSN": "9725954", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Analysis and Applications (JAA) is a refereed mathematical journal, published in one volume consisting of two issues per year, devoted to publish original research papers, survey articles, book-reviews, dissertation abstracts etc. of mathematical orientation on advances in various aspects of mathematical analysis as well as its applications in different branches of mathematical, physical and biological sciences; engineering, information technology etc. in which the core and flavor of mathematical analysis is highlighted. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Chinese Architecture and Urbanism", "ISSN": "27175626", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Journal of Community Positive Practices", "ISSN": "15828344, 22476571", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Community Positive Practices (JCPP) was founded in 2001 as a result of a project regarding the development of services within the community funded by the World Bank. JCPP offers a high level scientific environment for the debate of contemporary social issues and publishing of original scientific papers on social concepts and research. With four issues a year, the journal addresses researches, professors and students in social sciences, practitioners, decision makers and the general public worldwide. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Critical and Intensive Care", "ISSN": "27176428", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal’s aim is to publish qualified research material on the field of intensive/critical care medicine. As well, it aims to facilitate sharing of experience and knowledge through invited reviews and case reports of rare conditions.\r\rOriginal clinical, basic and translational research articles, case reports and letters to the editor related to intensive/critical care medicine including pediatric intensive care; neurointensive care; intensive care nursing, physiotherapy, respiratory therapy, nutrition and pharmacology in intensive care, as well as acute and emergency medicine are being published. Editorials and review articles are only accepted upon invitation of the editor. The target group of Journal of Critical and Intensive Care is physicians and healthcare staff at clinical and basic science departments who are interested in intensive care. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Early Modern History", "ISSN": "13853783, 15700658", "Scope": "ScopeThe early modern period of world history (ca. 1300-1800) was marked by a rapidly increasing level of global interaction. Between the aftermath of Mongol conquest in the East and the onset of industrialization in the West, a framework was established for new kinds of contacts and collective self-definition across an unprecedented range of human and physical geographies. The Journal of Early Modern History (JEMH), the official journal of the University of Minnesota Center for Early Modern History, is the first scholarly journal dedicated to the study of early modernity from this world-historical perspective, whether through explicitly comparative studies, or by the grouping of studies around a given thematic, chronological, or geographic frame. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Excipients and Food Chemicals", "ISSN": "21502668", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Excipients and Food Chemicals (JEFC) publishes research articles, review articles, technical notes and opinion pieces related to the physical, chemical, biological, biotechnical, clinical, socioeconomic-pharmacoeconomic, as well as regulatory aspects of Pharmaceutical Excipients and Food Chemicals. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies", "ISSN": "10829636, 15278263", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies publishes articles informed by historical inquiry and alert to issues raised by contemporary theoretical debate. The journal fosters rigorous investigation of historiographical representations of European and western Asian cultural forms from late antiquity to the seventeenth century. Its topics include art, literature, theater, music, philosophy, theology, and history, and it embraces material objects as well as texts; women as well as men; merchants, workers, and audiences as well as patrons; Jews and Muslims as well as Christians. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Musculoskeletal Surgery and Research", "ISSN": "25891219, 25891227", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal is an Open Access online journal, and with the help of the experienced international editorial board, the journal aims to provide a complete and reliable source of information about the latest research and developments in the field of musculoskeletal research and contribute towards the improvement of quality of health care. The journal aims to provide a platform for the exchange of new clinical and scientific information in the most precise and expeditious way on disorders related to the musculoskeletal system, which includes research from Orthopedic and Spine surgeons, Rheumatologists, Basic Scientists, Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy specialist, Orthopedic Nursing and Educationists. The journal will be essential reading for professionals and researchers who wish to keep abreast of the latest developments in the field.\r\rThe journal publishes all types of papers; editorials, systematic reviews, narrative reviews, original research, basic science and experimental research, surgical tips and techniques, case reports, book reviews, letters to editors, clinical practice guidelines, and orthopedic training and educational research. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics", "ISSN": "0976500X, 09765018", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Pharmacology & Pharmacotherapeutics (JPP) is a peer reviewed journal aiming to communicate high quality research articles, reviews and general articles in the field of pharmacology and pharmacotherapeutics. JPP is an open access, peer-reviewed and online & print journal that will encompass all aspects of basic research/clinical studies related to the field of pharmacology and pharmacotherapeutics. With the advancement of new technologies and the increasing expectation and demand from researchers, we are witnessing an enormous growth in pharmacology research. JPP provides a platform for exchange of new scientific information in the most precise and expeditious way to achieve timely dissemination of information and cross-fertilization of ideas. It is published Quarterly and available in both online and print versions. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Religion and Violence", "ISSN": "21596808", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Religion and Violence is a scholarly publication devoted to the interdisciplinary study of religion and violence. It publishes analyses of contemporary and historical religious groups involved in violent incidents, as well as original work on sacrifice, terrorism, inter- and intra-religious violence, mass suicide, war and religion, and religiously-legitimated violence against women. It was established in response to the interest in religion and violence that emerged after tragic events in recent decades. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Sciences, Islamic Republic of Iran", "ISSN": "10161104", "Scope": "ScopeJournal of Sciences, Islamic Republic of Iran is an international open-access journal publishing research related to basic sciences. Original research and reviews concerned with the latest developments Papers in the field of: Biology; Chemistry; Geology; Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Sciences; PhysicsJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Textile and Apparel, Technology and Management", "ISSN": "15330915", "Scope": "ScopeTo establish a high quality forum relevant to the needs of global industry and higher education that will provide leadership in the timely dissemination of information dealing with all aspects of textile and apparel, technology and management. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of the Early Republic", "ISSN": "2751275", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of the Early Republic is a quarterly journal committed to publishing the best scholarship on the history and culture of the United States in the years of the early republic (1776–1861). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of the University of Malaya Medical Centre", "ISSN": "18237339, 2289392X", "Scope": "ScopeTopics covered include: All aspect of medicine, medical systems and management; surgical and medicinal procedures; epidemiological studies; surgery and procedures (of all tissues); resuscitation; biomechanics; rehabilitation; basic science of local and systemic response related to the medical sciences; fundamental research of all types provided it is related to medical sciences; cell, proteins and gene related research; all branches of medicine which may include (but not limited to) anaesthesia, radiology, surgery, orthopaedics, ortholaryngiology etc. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "L' Orthodontie française", "ISSN": "19543395, 19665202", "Scope": "ScopeL'Orthodontie Française, official communication organ of the French Society of Dento-Facial Orthopaedics, is a scientific journal of reference since 1921, of international circulation, indexed in Medline and referenced in Index Medicus and Bibliodent.\r\rThe journal is intended to accommodate the work of SFODF members, speakers at SFODF congresses, or any work submitted to its editorial board for approval, dealing with dentofacial orthopaedics or any subject related to this discipline.\r\rThe reports (abstracts), published prior to most Spring Meetings to serve as a basis for discussion, are also extremely enriching for practitioners. The compilation, condensed from the four annual issues published, allows us to keep a reference book in the library, a valuable aid for daily practice and for optimising the service provided to patients by Dentofacial Orthopaedics. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Lecturas de Economia", "ISSN": "01202596, 23230622", "Scope": "ScopeLecturas de Economía is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes manuscripts that contribute to the dissemination and advancement of economic science in Colombia and Latin America since 1980. In this sense, it considers theoretical, empirical and methodological contributions that emphasize on regional economic and social problems. Our journal is aimed at researchers, decision makers and graduate and undergraduate students in areas related to economics and social sciences. This publication is made up of theoretical and applied articles that are generally research results; Reviews and notes are also published as a supplement. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies", "ISSN": "23674512, 23674520", "Scope": "ScopeThe aim of the book series is to present cutting edge engineering approaches to data technologies and communications. It will publish latest advances on the engineering task of building and deploying distributed, scalable and reliable data infrastructures and communication systems.\rThe series will have a prominent applied focus on data technologies and communications with aim to promote the bridging from fundamental research on data science and networking to data engineering and communications that lead to industry products, business knowledge and standardisation. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Lin chuang er bi yan hou tou jing wai ke za zhi = Journal of clinical otorhinolaryngology, head, and neck surgery", "ISSN": "10011781", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Llull", "ISSN": "2108615", "Scope": "ScopeSubjects may cover one or more of the following areas: new historical data originating from primary sources; critical analysis of known data; critical review of previous historical research; historical studies on recent scientific research; hitherto unpublished original sources; translations and/or reprints of hitherto inaccessible data; critical annotated bibliography; and critical chronology. Any generalization must be substantiated by discourse and documentation.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Loggia, Arquitectura y Restauracion", "ISSN": "1136758X, 24441619", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal Loggia, Arquitectura & Restauración, dedicated to the discipline of architectonic conservation and the related fields of pictorial, sculptural and archaeological conservation, has been published since 1996. The journal addresses research articles relating to works, theories, methodologies and techniques for intervention on architectural historic heritage with the intention of promoting systematic and periodical conservation and restoration works and creating a forum in which to include the articles and works that contribute to the field of conservation and restoration. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Lymphologie in Forschung und Praxis", "ISSN": "14335255", "Scope": "ScopeDie Zeitschrift Lymphologie in Forschung und Praxis ist das offizielle Organ der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Lymphologie (DGL), der Gesellschaft Deutschsprachiger Lymphologen (GDL), der Gesellschaft für manuelle Lymphdrainage nach Dr. Vodder und sonstige lymphologische Therapien e.V. (Österreich) (GfMLV), des Berufsverbandes der Lymphologen (BVL) und des Schweizerischen Fachverbandes für Manuelle Lymphdrainage (SFML).\rSie vermittelt aktuelle Informationen aus Forschung, Klinik und Praxis zum Thema Lymphologie. Ebenso berichtet sie über Gesundheits- und Berufspolitik. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Mediterranean Journal of Infection, Microbes and Antimicrobials", "ISSN": "2147673X", "Scope": "ScopeMediterranean Journal of Infection, Microbes and Antimicrobials (MJIMA) is the official journal of the Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology Specialty Society of Turkey (TÜRKİYE-EKMUD).\r\rMJIMA is an independent international journal based on peer-review principle. It is an online open-access journal, launched in 2011.\r\rThe publisher of the journal is Galenos Publishing House (2011-15 Bilimsel Publishing). A double-blind peer-reviewed system is used to select manuscripts. The official languages of the journal are Turkish and English. As of 2017, papers submitted in Turkish and accepted after peer review, will be published in English after translation. Translation process will be organized by MJIMA. Authors will not be charged any fee for translation. After approval of the translation by the author the paper will be published. Manuscripts submitted in English will be published only in English.\r\rThe goal of the Journal is to present and improve collective scientific knowledge and the scientific background regarding infectious diseases, clinical microbiology, vaccinology, infection control and hospital epidemiology via experimental and clinical studies, reviews, case reports, short communications, letters to the editor, editorials and clinical images. To undertake a novel effort in the international representation and attribution of published articles are the other aims of the journal. Research papers are especially supported.\r\rThe target readers of the MJIMA include, infectious diseases and/or clinical microbiology specialists and residents. However, the articles published may also be related to infection control practitioners, epidemiologists, intensive care medicine, anesthesiology and reanimation, oncology, hematology, neurology, surgery, public health and internal medicine specialists and residents as well as all other physicians working related to the field of infectious diseases and clinical microbiology. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Metaphysica", "ISSN": "14372053, 18746373", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal Metaphysica is published semi-annually. The editors aim to create an international forum of ontology and metaphysics for readers all over the world. In the Anglo-Saxon countries (in particular the USA and Australia) the volume of research publications in ontology and metaphysics significantly increased during the last two decades. European philosophers, on the other hand, initially seemed reticent to address ontological and metaphysical topics, undoubtedly due to deeply rooted Kantian ideas about the “end of metaphysics.” Since the nineties, however, sentiments have changed in favour of a new “ontological turn” within Central European philosophy. In Austria, Switzerland, and Germany an increasing number of philosophical publications present systematic treatments of ontological and metaphysical issues. At the same time there is a new strong interest in reviewing historical contributions to ontology and metaphysics, from Parmenides to Plato, Aristotle, Occam, Leibniz and further to Brentano, Husserl, and Nicolai Hartmann. Since there is no other European journal devoted to the discussion of ontological and metaphysical issues in particular, the editors found it necessary to fill this gap by founding the journal Metaphysica.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archaologischen Instituts Abteilung Istanbul", "ISSN": "3419142", "Scope": "ScopeDie „Istanbuler Mitteilungen“ verstehen sich als Plattform archäologischer und kulturhistorischer Forschung zu Anatolien und seinen Nachbarregionen. Die Beiträge befassen sich mit sachlichen Zeugnissen der Vergangenheit von der Urgeschichte bis in die osmanische Zeit. Gemäß dem fachlichen Spektrum an der Abteilung Istanbul des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts bilden die Prähistorische Archäologie, die Vorderasiatische Archäologie, die Klassische Archäologie, die Byzantinische Archäologie und die Bauforschung thematische Schwerpunkte der Zeitschrift. Interdisziplinäre Aufsätze unter Einbeziehung weiterer Geistes-, Natur- oder Geowissenschaften sind ausdrücklich erwünscht. Die Aufsätze sind überwiegend in deutscher und englischer Sprache verfasst. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Nautilus", "ISSN": "281344", "Scope": "ScopeThe Nautilus is a peer-reviewed scientific journal that publishes articles on diverse aspects of the biology, ecology, and systematics of mollusks. Established in 1886 as The Conchologists Exchange, The Nautilus is one of the longest-standing journals in the field of malacology. It is a non-profit journal published by a non-profit organization, the Bailey-Matthews National Shell Museum. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "New German Critique", "ISSN": "0094033X, 15581462", "Scope": "ScopeWidely considered the top journal in its field, New German Critique is an interdisciplinary journal that focuses on twentieth- and twenty-first-century German studies and publishes on a wide array of subjects, including literature, film, and media; literary theory and cultural studies; Holocaust studies; art and architecture; political and social theory; and philosophy. Established in the early 1970s, the journal has played a significant role in introducing U.S. readers to Frankfurt School thinkers and remains an important forum for debate in the humanities. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Oncogematologiya", "ISSN": "18188346, 24134023", "Scope": "ScopeThe main purpose of the Oncohematology journal is to publish up-to-date information on clinical, experimental and fundamental scientific research, diagnostics and treatment options, as well as other materials on all relevant issues in oncohematology.\r\rThe journal’s objectives are to inform various specialists who provide advisory and therapeutic assistance to patients with oncohematological diseases about current advances, including the latest methods for the diagnosis and treatment of malignant blood diseases. The journal is an interdisciplinary scientific publication uniting doctors of various specialties ‒ hematologists, oncologists, surgeons, radiation therapists, intensive care specialist, pathologists, etc. ‒ to form an interdisciplinary therapy approach in order to improve the treatment efficacy of patients with hematological malignancies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Open Dermatology Journal", "ISSN": "18743722", "Scope": "ScopeThe Open Dermatology Journal is an open access online journal which publishes original research articles, reviews/mini-reviews, letters and guest edited thematic issues in all areas of experimental and clinical research in dermatology, skin disorders, cosmetic surgery, dermatitis, dermatopathology, dermatological surgery, immunodermatology, paediatric dermatology, teledermatology and reconstructive and cosmetic surgery.\r\rThe Open Dermatology Journal, a peer-reviewed journal, is an important and reliable source of current information on developments in the field. The emphasis will be on publishing quality papers rapidly and freely available to researchers worldwide. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Opuholi Golovy i Sei", "ISSN": "22221468, 24114634", "Scope": "ScopeThe main objective of the journal Head and Neck Tomors is to publish the latest clinical research data, as well as the information on the diagnosis and treatment of the diseases.\rThe aim of the journal is to inform the specialists in head and neck tumors about the latest achievements in this area, to emphasize the importance of an integrated and multidisciplinary approach to therapy, to unite different specialists (radiologists, neurosurgeons, chemotherapeutists, etc.), thus, assisting to improve treatment efficacy in patients with head and neck tumors.\rThe collaboration of specialists allows developing a unified strategy for scientific and clinical research, diagnosis and treatment of the diseases. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Orbis Litterarum", "ISSN": "01057510, 16000730", "Scope": "ScopeOrbis Litterarum is an international journal devoted to the study of European, American and related literature. Orbis Litterarum publishes Peer reviewed, original articles on matters of general and comparative literature, genre and period, as well as analyses of specific works bearing on issues of literary theory and literary history.\r\rOrbis Litterarum: International Review of Literary Studies was founded in 1943 as a journal devoted to the study of literature in international and comparative perspectives. With a well consolidated global circulation Orbis Litterarum, edited at the University of Southern Denmark, has a distinguished publication record of original articles in English, German and French by scholars from all over the world on specific literary works as well as on more general aspects of literature. Not affiliated to any particular approach to literature or specialization and editorially independent of any private or public interests, Orbis Litterarum serves outstanding achievement in literary scholarship, criticism and theory. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Pediatria i Medycyna Rodzinna", "ISSN": "17341531", "Scope": "Scope“Pediatria i Medycyna Rodzinna” (Pediatr Med Rodz) is a peer-reviewed international scientific journal in which one can find original articles, reviews and case reports which significantly contribute to the development of paediatrics and family medicine.\rThe journal is addressed to all who conduct studies in paediatrics, primary health care and similar fields as well as to paediatricians, family physicians, general practitioners, internists and other primary care providers, specialty registrars and students. The mission of the journal is spreading the current state-of-the-art and promoting the development of academic research in paediatrics and family medicine. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Politicka Misao", "ISSN": "00323241, 18468721", "Scope": "Scope“Politička misao” je akademski časopis za politologiju i srodne discipline, koji od 1964. godine izdaje Fakultet političkih znanosti Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Časopis je u pola stoljeća izlaženja stekao reputaciju središnjeg akademskog politološkog časopisa u Hrvatskoj i šire, naročito u nekadašnjoj Jugoslaviji, te u regiji koju čine post-jugoslavenske zemlje.\r“Politička misao” objavljuje priloge iz područja političkih znanosti i političkih studija općenito, odnosno iz svih poddisciplina politologije: političke teorije, međunarodnih odnosa, komparativne politike, hrvatske politike, javne politike, područnih studija, političke komunikacije, obrambenih i sigurnosnih studija i dr. Također, objavljujemo i članke iz područja koje nije moguće jednoznačno klasificirati po njihovoj pripadnosti samo jednoj disciplini nego se nalaze na „granici“ između dviju ili više disciplina: političke povijesti, ekonomske politike, političke filozofije, političke sociologije, političke psihologije, medijskih i kulturalnih studija i sl. Kao izdanje Fakulteta političkih znanosti u Zagrebu, objavljujemo i članke koji su neposredno vezani uz studijske programe na tom fakultetu. “Politička misao” je posebno zainteresirana za radove o hrvatskoj politici i društvu, za radove koji analiziraju Hrvatsku u globalnom kontekstu, kao i za radove koji istražuju politiku i društvo na Balkanu i u Jugoistočnoj Europi, u Europskoj uniji, u susjedstvu Europske unije, te na Mediteranu – regijama s kojima Hrvatska ima neposredni dodir. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Rasprave Instituta za Hrvatski Jezik i Jezikoslovlje", "ISSN": "13316745", "Scope": "ScopeRasprave, one of Croatia’s leading linguistic journals, publishes scholarly articles and reviews from the areas of: Croatian language, Slavic studies, and general linguistics.\r\rRasprave publishes papers with a clearly defined theoretical framework and a clearly specified methodology that analyzes linguistic materials or discusses certain linguistic topics. A special place is given to reviews, as well as to descriptions of recent domestic and foreign publications concerning the Croatian language, Slavic studies, and general linguistics. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Reflets et Perspectives de la Vie Economique", "ISSN": "00342971, 17821509", "Scope": "ScopeCréée en 1961 par André et Monique Huybrechts, Reflets et perspectives de la vie économique est la principale revue belge d’économie appliquée, publiée en langue française. À la fois de haute tenue et non-technique, à la conjonction de la théorie et de la réalité, la revue est consacrée à l’économie politique au sens large, en intégrant les dimensions européenne et internationale.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Research in Urbanism Series", "ISSN": "18750192, 18798217", "Scope": "ScopeResearch in Urbanism Series is a scientific series that deals with dynamics, planning, and design in contemporary urban areas. It provides an outlet for investigation, analysis, and exploration in the overlapping fields of urban design, urban planning, regional planning, metropolitan design, spatial planning, urban renewal, urban management, landscape architecture, environmental design, sustainability, urban technology, urban mobility, cultural heritage.\r\rResearch in Urbanism Series is aimed at designers, researchers, planners, consultants, decision-makers, and politicians. It pays special attention to design, research, techniques, methodology and theory.\r\rResearch in Urbanism Series laboratory facilitates a dialogue between the community and society at large through high quality publications focusing on transformation and sustainability. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Reserve Bank of India Occasional Papers", "ISSN": "9727493", "Scope": "ScopeThe Reserve Bank of India Occasional Papers (RBIOP) is the official research journal of the Reserve Bank of India, which provides a forum for publication of research work done by the RBI Staff, independently and/or in collaboration with independent researchers outside the Bank. The journal is dedicated to publishing peer-reviewed, high-quality, analytical and empirical research work on a broad range of issues of interest to a large audience, including policymakers and academics. The journal is published bi-annually, both in print and online form, as an open-access journal on the Bank’s website.\r\rThe views expressed in the articles and book reviews published in this Journal are those of the authors and do not reflect the views of the Editorial Committee or of the Reserve Bank of India. Moreover, the responsibility for the accuracy of the statement contained in the contributions rests with the author(s). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Retraite et Societe", "ISSN": "11674687", "Scope": "ScopeRetraite et société est une revue pluridisciplinaire créée par la Caisse nationale d’assurance vieillesse (Cnav) en 1992 avec l’ambition d’en faire un véritable outil de réflexion et d’analyse sur la retraite. Elle aborde la retraite, le vieillissement, la santé des travailleurs âgés... sous l'angle de nombreuses disciplines : sociologique, économique, démographique, législatif, statistique, anthropologique... La revue est ordinairement thématique, mais des articles hors thème ou des numéros de varia sont également publiés. Les soumissions d’articles spontanés sont acceptées tout au long de l’année. Il suffit de remplir le formulaire de contact disponible sur ce site. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Cubana de Medicina Tropical", "ISSN": "03750760, 15613054", "Scope": "ScopePublicar artículos científicos especializados en medicina tropical, microbiología, parasitología, epidemiología y otras especialidades afines.\r\rEl autor debe declarar cualquier tipo de conflicto de intereses con el contenido que está enviando y se hará responsable de las consecuencias que pueda ocurrir de no cumplir con esta orientación.\r\rLa revista no asume compromiso alguno con los datos ofrecidos por los investigadores, quienes son responsables absolutos por la veracidad de la información que presentan.\r\rEl autor deberá enviar una comunicación de compromiso de envío único a la revista.\r\rEn el caso de que la revista publique un artículo que ha sido previamente enviado a otra revista (publicación duplicada), el comité editorial se reserva el derecho de tomar las medidas correspondientes según el caso.\r\rEl autor tiene el derecho legítimo de saber la situación de su artículo en todo momento.\r\rCualquier violación de la política de publicación de la revista el comité editorial se reserva el derecho de tomar las medidas correspondientes según el caso. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista del Jardin Botanico Nacional", "ISSN": "02535696, 24105546", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Revista Politecnica", "ISSN": "13900129, 24778990", "Scope": "ScopeLa Revista Politécnica es una publicación periódica trimestral editada por la Escuela Politécnica Nacional del Ecuador, creada en el año 1961, siendo la primera revista científica ecuatoriana, cuyo objetivo es contribuir al conocimiento científico y tecnológico, mediante la publicación de estudios científicos relacionados con las áreas de ciencias básicas (Física, Química, Biología y Matemática) e ingenierías (Química y Agroindustria, Civil y Ambiental, Eléctrica y Electrónica, Ciencias de la Tierra, Mecánica, y Sistemas). La Revista Politécnica está dirigida a profesionales e investigadores que trabajan en estos campos del conocimiento.\r\rA partir de diciembre de 2022, la Revista Politécnica, adicionalmente, publica una vez al año un número especial, con el objetivo de visibilizar la investigación de temas específicos procedentes de conferencias nacionales e internacionales. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revue Internationale de Politique Comparee", "ISSN": "13700731, 17821533", "Scope": "ScopeLa Revue Internationale de Politique Comparée publie des articles originaux en langue française et de caractère comparatif, susceptible de contribuer au développement de l'analyse des phénomènes politiques. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Rhodora", "ISSN": "354902", "Scope": "ScopeThis peer-reviewed journal is devoted primarily to the botany of North America and accepts scientific papers and notes relating to the systematics, floristics, ecology, paleobotany, or conservation biology of this or floristically related regions. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Roczniki Naukowe Zootechniki", "ISSN": "1371657", "Scope": "Scope„Roczniki Naukowe Zootechniki” is a bi-annual scientific journal published since 1974. It contains articles in Polish and in conference languages, with English summaries. Since 2017, the journal’s website has also included full-text articles in English.\r\rThe journal publishes internationally-oriented, original research and review articles in animal sciences. All the articles are peer-reviewed by relevant specialists from research centres in Poland and abroad. The journal also contributes to the translation of the latest scientific advances to the agricultural practice, also for agricultural college students.\r\r“Roczniki Naukowe Zootechniki” has an international Editorial Board. Printed version is original. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Salud, Ciencia y Tecnologia", "ISSN": "27969711", "Scope": "ScopeSalud, Ciencia y Tecnología is a scientific journal focused on the areas of health and technological innovation with a multidisciplinary approach. The journal serves as a platform for the promotion of technological research and development in multiple sectors, with special emphasis on the role of innovation as a driver of technological advances and breakthroughs. The journal presents the latest research on the associated processes and the impact of the results on society.\rThe of the journal encompasses both the area of healthcare, nursing and health professionals, as well as all facets of technological innovation (both process and product) including the design and/or implementation of new products, technology-based processes, and operational processes at the organizational and community levels. While the journal accepts papers on innovations in regulation and policy (social approach to innovation), it will give priority to research that focuses on the dimensions of innovation and its influences on technological progress. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Salute e Societa", "ISSN": "17239427, 19724845", "Scope": "ScopeSalute e Società è una rivista italiana di Sociologia della salute pubblicata in italiano e, spesso, in inglese. La Sociologia della salute si occupa dei risvolti sociali inerenti la salute: l’organizzazione, la disabilità, le dipendenze, l’invecchiamento, l’associazionismo volontario di assistenza, le disuguaglianze sociali e di salute, la comunicazione sul tema salute, la medicalizzazione ed altri argomenti correlati. L'obiettivo della rivista è promuovere la conoscenza delle scienze sociali sulla salute nelle sue varie forme. Salute e Società è stata fondata da Costantino Cipolla nel 2002 ed è pubblicata da FrancoAngeli Editore (Milano), ogni quattro mesi (Aprile; Agosto; Dicembre). Il Direttore Scientifico è Antonio Maturo, Professore Associato presso l’Università degli Studi di Bologna. La dimensione minima di ogni volume è di 176 pagine. Periodicamente, Salute e Società ha un inserto speciale o un supplemento. Il materiale contenuto nella rivista è valutato attraverso un sistema di peer review a doppio-cieco in base al quale restano anonimi sia i referees sia gli autori. Sono escluse dalla valutazione le sezioni: Editoriale, Introduzione, Tavola Rotonda e Note. Ogni numero di Salute e Società è curato da un esperto (o più) in qualità di responsabile scientifico della singola pubblicazione. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Sound Studies", "ISSN": "20551940, 20551959", "Scope": "ScopeSound Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal is an international, peer reviewed and inter-disciplinary journal in sound studies, providing a unique forum for the development of the subject within a range of disciplines such as history, sociology, media, comparative literature, cultural studies, black studies, indigenous studies, ethnomusicology, historical musicology, film studies, anthropology, geography, philosophy, urban studies, architecture, arts and performance studies.\r\rThe journal encourages the study and research of sound by publishing submissions that are interdisciplinary, theoretical, empirically rich and critical in nature. Situated at the cutting edge of sound studies, Sound Studies builds on more than three decades of pioneering work in the history, theory, ethnography and cultural analysis of sound. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Sport and Exercise Medicine Switzerland Journal", "ISSN": "26734249, 26736640", "Scope": "ScopeSport & Exercise Medicine Switzerland (SEMS) journal is a multi-media portal that provides original research, reviews and educational content relating to clinically-relevant aspects of sport and exercise medicine. These include the following: sports physiotherapy and rehabilitation, sports science and physiology, sports nutrition and psychology, as well as exercise and physical activity for health. We contribute to innovation (research), education (teaching and learning) and knowledge translation (implementing research into practice and policy). Our web and print material, combined with active social media, serves the Swiss national and international community of clinicians who treat active people, or the ones who would benefit from movement in general. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health", "ISSN": "13915452, 2386110X", "Scope": "ScopeThis is the only journal of child health in Sri Lanka. It is designed to publish original research articles and scholarly articles by recognized authorities on paediatric subjects. It is distributed widely in Sri Lanka and bears the ISSN number 1391-5452 for the print issues and e-ISSN 2386-110x for the electronic version in the internet.\r\rThe journal is published quarterly and the articles are reviewed by both local and foreign peers. The Journal is the primary organ of Continuing Paediatric Medical Education in Sri Lanka. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "U.S. Pharmacist", "ISSN": "1484818", "Scope": "ScopeU.S. Pharmacist is a monthly journal dedicated to providing the nation's pharmacists with up-to-date, authoritative, peer-reviewed clinical articles relevant to contemporary pharmacy practice in a variety of settings, including community pharmacy, hospitals, managed care systems, ambulatory care clinics, home care organizations, long-term care facilities, industry, and academia. The publication is also useful to pharmacy technicians, students, other health professionals, and individuals interested in health management. Pharmacists licensed in the United States can earn Continuing Education credits through U.S. Pharmacist. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Vestnik Vosstanovitel'noj Mediciny", "ISSN": "20781962, 27132625", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal \"Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine\" is a peer-reviewed open access journal that welcomes manuscripts from all countries in English and Russian of the following types: original researches, review articles (including systematic reviews and meta-analyses), clinical observations, multicenter studies, questionnaire surveys, short communications, as well as articles on educational, economic, organizational and methodological issues. On an irregular basis, the Journal publishes national and international guidelines, as well as critical updates on rehabilitation and health-resort treatment in separate online supplements.\r\rThe Journal covers current research and development of health science and disease risk reduction, modern methods of traditional and alternative medicine aimed at maintaining the health and rehabilitation of athletes, persons in hazardous professions, the population exposed to extreme and environmentally unfavorable conditions and environment. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "VISUAL Review. International Visual Culture Review / Revista Internacional de Cultura", "ISSN": "26959631", "Scope": "ScopeVISUAL REVIEW is a scholarly journal that publishes original works of visual culture, analyzing how culture is manifested and interpreted through visual artifacts or products: paintings, printed works, photographies, films, television, videos, advertisements, cyberspace, scientific images, and news. The journal welcomes research articles, critical reflection articles, systematic review articles, book reviews, and proposals for the publication of Special Issues. The journal is (double-blind) peer-reviewed and publishes papers written in Spanish and English. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Acta Marisiensis - Seria Medica", "ISSN": "26687755, 26687763", "Scope": "ScopeActa Marisiensis – Seria Medica is the official publication of the George Emil Palade University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science, and Technology of Targu Mures, being published by University Press.\r\rThe journal publishes high-quality articles on various subjects related to research and medical practice from the all the medical and pharmaceutical fields, ranging from basic to clinical research and corresponding to different article types such as: reviews, original articles, case reports, case series, letter to editor or brief reports. The journal also publishes short information or editorial notes in relation to different aspects of the medical and academic life.\r\rThe journal addresses the entire academic community of specialists and researchers activating in different fields of medicine, dental medicine, and pharmacy, in an attempt to provide them the latest research developments in their field of activity. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Afrique Contemporaine", "ISSN": "20478", "Scope": "ScopeCréée en 1962, Afrique contemporaine est une revue scientifique pluridisciplinaire à comité de lecture dédiée à l’étude des dynamiques africaines, au travers d’articles originaux privilégiant un fort ancrage de terrain.\r\rElle se positionne comme une plateforme d’échanges et de débats, et s’adresse aux acteurs et observateurs des dynamiques africaines : chercheurs, société civile, gouvernements, organisations internationales, médias.\r\rLa revue publie des numéros thématiques (dossiers ou « variations »), des varias sous différentes rubriques indépendantes (« Actualités africaines », « Interview », « Controverses », etc.), et des recensions d’ouvrages.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Allgemeine Forst- und Jagdzeitung", "ISSN": "25852", "Scope": "ScopeThe publication of the first issue of the ALLGEMEINE FORST- und JAGDZEITUNG in 1832 by J.D. Sauerländer’s established forestry as an important scientific discipline with a widespead following. Previous publications within the environmental context had been rather descriptive and general, even romantic. Influenced by developments in the emerging natural sciences, the new editorial policy favoured rigorous reporting of scientific investigation. An important step at that time was the adoption of the “equality principle”, which implied that the scientific quality, not the age or status of the author, was the decisive factor for accepting a manuscript. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Angles", "ISSN": "22742042", "Scope": "ScopeAngles: French Perspectives on the Anglophone World is an international online peer-reviewed journal published biannually by the SAES (Société des Anglicistes de l’Enseignement Supérieur).\rThis interdisciplinary journal has a triple aim:\r•\tto encourage innovative interdisciplinary research;\r•\tto make cutting-edge research freely available;\r•\tto make full use of the possibilities offered by digital publication by encouraging the use of different modes of expression: text, image, video, podcasts, hyperlinks…\rEach thematic issue contains 8-12 articles selected by a guest editor after a double-blind peer-review process. Additional, off-topic articles submitted to the same double-blind peer-review process are published in a separate section. These off-topic articles may respond to articles previously published in Angles.\rThe journal fosters scholarly risk-taking and experimentation by junior and senior researchers. Angles accepts academic contributions partly, or wholly, in non-traditional forms (documentary film, short story, comic book, manifesto, pamphlet…). Angles also encourages proposals from specialists wishing to explore a different field of study than their own.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Applications of NMR Spectroscopy", "ISSN": "24054674, 24054682", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Applied and Computational Mechanics", "ISSN": "1802680X, 23361182", "Scope": "ScopeThe ACM journal covers a broad spectrum of topics in all fields of applied and computational mechanics with special emphasis on mathematical modelling and numerical simulations with experimental support, if relevant. Our audience is the international scientific community, academics as well as engineers interested in such disciplines. Original research papers falling into the following areas are considered for possible publication:\r\rsolid mechanics,\rmechanics of materials,\rthermodynamics,\rbiomechanics and mechanobiology,\rfluid-structure interaction,\rdynamics of multibody systems,\rmechatronics,\rvibrations and waves,\rreliability and durability of structures,\rstructural damage and fracture mechanics,\rheterogenous media and multiscale problems,\rstructural mechanics,\rexperimental methods in mechanics.\rThis list is neither exhaustive nor fixed. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Babcock University Medical Journal", "ISSN": "24656666, 27564657", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "British and American Studies", "ISSN": "12243086, 24577715", "Scope": "ScopeB.A.S. - British and American Studies is an open access, yearly, peer-reviewed* academic journal, whose main aim is to promote new scholarship, to facilitate the exchange of information related to research findings in the general fields of literatures in English, English language as well as culture in the English speaking countries.\rThe journal welcomes both theoretical and applied contributions that advance the understanding of established and new approaches and issues, significant to the academic community interested in the English-speaking world, in domains like, but not limited to:\r-the theory and history of literature, literary criticism, comparative literary studies, narrative and memory, literature and film, stylistics\r-the theory and history of linguistics, applied linguistics, cognitive linguistics, corpus linguistics, comparative linguistics, psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, pragmatics, text and discourse analysis, world Englishes, English as a lingua franca, EFL and ESP, translation studies\r-cultural phenomena, hegemony of English speaking countries cultural models, manifestations of ethnicity, media and communication Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "California Fish and Game", "ISSN": "81078", "Scope": "ScopeCalifornia Fish and Wildlife Journal is a peer-reviewed, scientific journal focused on the biology, ecology, and conservation of the flora and fauna of California and surrounding areas, and the northeastern Pacific Ocean. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Critical Reviews in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine", "ISSN": "08962960, 21626553", "Scope": "ScopePhysical and Rehabilitation Medicine encompasses multiple healing technologies. The focus of the journal is directed at making available the current knowledge to health care professionals to improve the quality of life and function in patients. Papers on a wide range of diagnostic, evaluation, therapeutic and rehabilitation methods will be published. Articles on evolving research themes will be given priority for publication. Performance of novel therapeutic modalities such as electrical stimulation, exercise, laser and music will be examined in the journal. The journal will also review recent advances in basic science, device design and instrumentation and measurement methods aimed at physical and rehabilitation medicine. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cuadernos Electronicos de Filosofia del Derecho", "ISSN": "11389877", "Scope": "ScopeCuadernos Electrónicos de Filosofía del Derecho (CEFD) is a semiannual electronic journal published from the Human Rights Institute, University of Valencia.\r\rFrom its first issue published in 1998, the journal includes original scientific contributions mainly related to the area of philosophy of law and political philosophy. In this sense, the purpose of CEFD is the dissemination of knowledge, reflection and scientific debate from different perspectives of the iusphilosophic analysis. CEFD is published online and following the characteristic of open source which offers the possibility of a greater diffusion of its contents, which are accessible to all the scientific and professional community of any legal discipline interested.\r\rThis journal provides free and immediate access to its content under the maxim that establishes that by making the results of research available to the public free of charge, a greater knowledge exchange is supported at a global level. CEFD is a magazine that does not charge authors for publication, nor for the management of originals. Since the publication of the number 18 Cuadernos Electrónicos de Filosofía del Derecho follow a rigorous process of external peer review system of the submitted works, in order to guarantee a high level of scientific quality in each edition Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Deutsche Sprache", "ISSN": "3409341", "Scope": "ScopeDie Sprachwissenschaft, die sich zunehmend spezialisiert und in neuen Teildisziplinen verästelt, benötigt dringend ein Kommunikationsorgan, das die auseinanderstrebenden Forschungsfelder miteinander verknüpft. Die Zeitschrift Deutsche Sprache versteht sich als ein Forum für Sprachwissenschaftler des In- und Auslandes, in dem aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse der (germanistischen) Linguistik diskutiert und bekannt gemacht werden können.\r\rDie Zeitschrift berücksichtigt sämtliche Teilgebiete der (germanistischen) Linguistik, führt aktuelle Forschungsdiskussionen und lässt namhafte Sprachwissenschaftlerinnen und Sprachwissenschaftler zu Wort kommen. Breit angelegte Sammelberichte und Dokumentationen informieren über neue Publikationen und Entwicklungen. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Dicenda", "ISSN": "02122952, 19882556", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Disegnare Idee Immagini", "ISSN": "11239247", "Scope": "ScopeDisegnare Idee Immagini, nata nell’ottobre 1989, è un fully peer-reviewed magazine finanziato dalla “Sapienza” - Università di Roma e dal Dipartimento di Storia, Disegno e Restauro dell'Architettura che ne ha la responsabilità scientifica e ne cura la realizzazione.\r\rLa rivista semestrale – giugno e dicembre – si occupa di un settore specialistico, diffondendo, attraverso un approccio scientifico, la cultura del disegno dell’architettura e dell’ambiente e distinguendosi per l’approfondimento delle tematiche relative alla storia della rappresentazione, alla percezione e alla comunicazione visiva, alla geometria e alla modellazione digitale, al rilievo dell’architettura.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Disegno", "ISSN": "25332899", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal publishes essays on theoretical and practical topics concerning the scientific-disciplinary area of ​​graphic representation: theory of representation, geometry, history of representation history, visual communication, graphic semiology, infographics, graphics, modeling, project design, architectural and urban survey, cartography, innovation, experimentation, applied research, teaching of the disciplines of the cultural area. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Eire-Ireland; a journal of Irish studies", "ISSN": "00132683, 15505162", "Scope": "ScopeAn interdisciplinary scholarly journal of international repute, Éire Ireland is the leading forum in the flourishing field of Irish Studies. Since 1966, Éire-Ireland has published a wide range of imaginative work and scholarly articles from all areas of the arts, humanities, and social sciences relating to Ireland and Irish America. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Enfermeria clinica (English Edition)", "ISSN": "24451479", "Scope": "ScopeEnfermería Clínica is a peer-reviewed scientific journal that is a useful and necessary tool for nurses from the different areas of nursing (healthcare, administration, education and research) as well as for healthcare professionals involved in caring for persons, families and the community. It is the only Spanish nursing journal that mainly publishes original research. Its objectives are to promote the dissemination of knowledge, promote the development of evidence in care and contribute to the integration of research in clinical practice. These objective is pursued throughout the different sections that comprise the Journal: Original Articles and Short Original Articles, Reviews, Patient Care and Letters to the Editor. There is also an Evidence-Based Nursing section that includes two kinds of articles: comments about original articles of special interest written by experts, and evidence synthesis articles based on bibliographic reviews. The journal is included in National Library of Medicine/Pubmed/Medline, Scopus/SCImago Journal Rank(SJR), Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) (Clarivate Analytics), CINHAL, Elsevier Bibliographic Databases, EBSCO Publishing, Biblioteca Nacional de Ciencias de la Salud, CSIC/IME, IBECS, Latindex, CUIDEN, Dialnet, Google Scholar Metrics. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Folia Pharmacologica Japonica", "ISSN": "00155691, 13478397", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "FORUM (Netherlands)", "ISSN": "15987647, 2451909X", "Scope": "ScopeFORUM was founded in 2003 by the joint efforts of researchers from KSCI and ESIT. It is a refereed international Translation Studies Journal, bilingual English/French, and appears twice a year. FORUM is supported by UNESCO's Clearing House for Literary Translation. The Journal's primary objective is to offer publication space to Translation Studies researchers not only from Western countries, but also from Asia, Africa and the Middle-East. The papers published in FORUM deal with a variety of issues: translation of technical texts, literature, philosophy and poetry, interpreting in its various modes, the teaching of translation and interpreting, and often offer regional points of view. They apply a variety of liberal arts or empirical methodologies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "GeoFocus", "ISSN": "15785157", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Georgetown Journal of International Affairs", "ISSN": "15260054, 24718831", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Gynakologie", "ISSN": "27317102, 27317110", "Scope": "ScopeDie Gynäkologie is a respected publication organ for all gynecologists working in practical and clinical environments and scientists who are particularly interested in issues of gynecology.\rThe journal offers up-to-date information from all fields of gynecology and obstetrics including topics from the fields of endocrinology and reproductive medicine. The bandwidth of the journal’s content is complemented by interdisciplinary and related topics from oncology, surgery, internal medicine, and legal medicine. \rComprehensive reviews on a specific topical issue provide evidenced based information on diagnostics and therapy. \rReview articles under the rubric \"Continuing Medical Education\" present verified results of scientific research and their integration into daily practice. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Health Sciences Investigations Journal", "ISSN": "27044890, 27207609", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Hermes", "ISSN": "180777", "Scope": "ScopeThe first issue of Hermes. Zeitschrift für klassische Philologie appeared in 1866 at the publishing house of Weidmann in Berlin, giving Hermes one of the longest publishing histories of any classical studies journal today. \rIn addition to scholarly articles on classical philology, Hermes also publishes articles from related fields in classical and ancient studies such as ancient history, archeology, epigraphy and numismatics. Thus, the journal provides a panorama of the wide variety of research on Greco-Roman antiquity from the perspectives of literature, languages and history.\r\r\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Histoire de l'Education", "ISSN": "2216280", "Scope": "ScopeCréée en 1978, Histoire de l’éducation est, dans son domaine, une revue ouverte à toutes les périodes chronologiques et à toutes les aires géographiques. Si, de par son rattachement à l’École normale supérieure de Lyon, elle est une revue française d’histoire de l’éducation (deux numéros par an), elle entend ne pas être seulement une revue d’histoire de l’éducation en France. Les études consacrées à d’autres territoires y sont donc bienvenues et même souhaitées, en particulier si elles s’inscrivent dans une perspective comparatiste ou bien dans celle d’une histoire globale ou connectée. Principalement francophone, la revue publie également, dans le cadre de ses dossiers, des articles rédigés en anglais.\r\rLa revue promeut une histoire sociale de l’éducation, dans le sens où elle s’intéresse particulièrement aux interactions constantes entre l’éducation et la société, considérée dans ses dimensions politique, culturelle ou économique. L’étude des doctrines pédagogiques ne vaut à ses yeux que par les liens avec les pratiques que ces doctrines révèlent ou transforment effectivement.\r\rL’ensemble des travaux qu’elle publie est soumis à une expertise scientifique réalisée par les membres de sa rédaction en chef, de son comité de rédaction, ainsi que par des experts extérieurs, selon les procédures scientifiques usuelles, comportant l’anonymat de l’auteur et des experts et la soumission de l’article à au moins deux experts.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "IAFOR Journal of Literature and Librarianship", "ISSN": "21870608", "Scope": "ScopeThe IAFOR Journal of Literature & Librarianship is an internationally reviewed and editorially independent interdisciplinary journal associated with IAFOR’s international conferences on literature and librarianship. Like all IAFOR publications, it is freely available to read online, and is completely free of publication fees for authors. The first issue was published in April 2012, and the journal continues to publish annually. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Indian Journal of Chemistry - Section A Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical and Analytical Chemistry", "ISSN": "03764710, 09750975", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Infant Observation", "ISSN": "13698036, 17458943", "Scope": "ScopePsychoanalytic infant observation, developed at The Tavistock Clinic in 1948, has become an essential feature of pre-clinical training in child and adult psychotherapy, psychoanalysis and related fields throughout the world.\r\rInfant Observation publishes the best of the varied and original writing emerging from this field. It comprises case studies on infant and young child observation, research papers, and articles focusing on wider applications of the psychoanalytic observational method, including its relevance to reflective professional practice in fields such as social work, teaching and nursing. The journal also welcomes lively correspondence.\r\rInfant Observation is essential reading for teachers, students and practitioners of psychoanalytic psychotherapy and observational studies, and for those interested in the development and application of the infant observation method. Readers and contributors include analysts, psychotherapists, social workers, teachers, nurses, doctors and many others with an interest in the area.\rAll manuscript submissions are subject to initial appraisal by the Editor, and, if found suitable for further consideration, to peer review by independent, anonymous expert referees. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Information Design Journal", "ISSN": "1425471", "Scope": "ScopeInformation Design Journal (IDJ) is a peer-reviewed international journal that bridges the gap between research and practice in information design.\rIDJ is a platform for discussing and improving the design, usability, and overall effectiveness of ‘content put into form’ — of verbal and visual messages shaped to meet the needs of particular audiences. IDJ offers a forum for sharing ideas about the verbal, visual, and typographic design of print and online documents, multimedia presentations, illustrations, signage, interfaces, maps, quantitative displays, websites, and new media. IDJ brings together ways of thinking about creating effective communications for use in contexts such as workplaces, hospitals, airports, banks, schools, or government agencies. On the one hand, IDJ explores the design of information, with a focus on writing, the visual design, structure, format, and style of communications. On the other hand, IDJ seeks to better understand the ways that people understand, interpret, and use communications, with a focus on audiences, cultural differences, readers’ expectations, and differences between populations such as teenagers, elderly or the blind. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Information-Wissenschaft und Praxis", "ISSN": "14344653, 16194292", "Scope": "ScopeFor over 65 years, Information – Wissenschaft und Praxis has been the leading professional journal of information science in the German language.\rSpecial issues address research at the university level as well as questions related to the information society.\rThe journal offers reviews of important monographs and anthologies related to science and practice in information science.\rIt is a key forum for young academics in information science.\rThe journal contains bulletins from the “German Society for Information and Knowledge”, the “DIN Standards Committee Information and Documentation”, the “Working Group of Special Libraries”, and the “German Museum Association’s Professional Group for Documentation”.\r“The right information, at the right time and the right place” – this is a goal that can only be fulfilled when knowledge and skills in a variety of areas of information science come together at the same time.\r\rInformation – Wissenschaft und Praxis (Information – Science and Practice)has been a leading forum for discussions concerning changes in the landscape of information and knowledge for over 65 years.\r\rInformation – Wissenschaft und Praxis is a professional journal that addresses the use of cutting-edge information and communication technologies for providing access to information within firms, libraries, archives and publishers.\r\rInformation – Wissenschaft und Praxis presents the results of the latest research in information science, publishes practice-based field reports, and discusses the latest trends in the development of international information and knowledge transfer.\r\rInformation – Wissenschaft und Praxis is intended for all information professionals and decision makers in the branch of information management, as well as for anyone who wishes to make use of the latest techniques in information and knowledge management. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Conference on Quality Engineering and Management", "ISSN": "21843481", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Islamic Architecture", "ISSN": "20455895, 20455909", "Scope": "ScopeThe International Journal of Islamic Architecture (IJIA) publishes bi-annually, peer-reviewed articles on the urban design and planning, architecture and landscape architecture of the historic Islamic world, encompassing the Middle East and parts of Africa and Asia, but also the more recent geographies of Islam in its global dimensions. The main emphasis is on the detailed analysis of the practical, historical and theoretical aspects of architecture, with a focus on both design and its reception. The journal also aims to encourage dialogue and discussion between practitioners and scholars. Articles that bridge the academic-practitioner divide are highly encouraged.\r\rWhile the main focus is on architecture, papers that explore architecture from other disciplinary perspectives, such as art, history, archaeology, anthropology, culture, spirituality, religion and economics are also welcome. The journal is specifically interested in contemporary architecture and urban design in relation to social and cultural history, geography, politics, aesthetics, technology and conservation. Spanning across cultures and disciplines, IJIA seeks to analyse and explain issues related to the built environment throughout the regions covered. The audience of this journal includes both practitioners and scholars. The journal publishes both online and in print. The first issue was published in January 2012. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Transpersonal Studies", "ISSN": "13210122, 19423241", "Scope": "ScopeThe aim of the International Journal of Transpersonal Studies (IJTS) is to foster the publication of scholarship and empirical research in transpersonal psychology and related fields. Transpersonal is a scholarly orientation that situates its research within relational and process models, systems theories, whole person approaches, and phenomenological frames, while also encouraging quantitative research informed by lived experience. It typically focuses on potentials for optimal human development and transformation.\r\rTranspersonal psychology was the first field within psychology to publish research on mindfulness and other Eastern spiritual practices, the first to pioneer studies on the potential value of psychedelics, and the first to conceptualize spirituality as a human capacity separate from religion. Its concepts and models are uniquely resonant with cultural impetuses toward meditation, yoga, spirituality, holistic health, and social and ecological justice.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Italia Contemporanea", "ISSN": "03921077, 20364555", "Scope": "ScopeItalia contemporanea is a four-monthly, fully peer-reviewed academic journal. It was founded in 1949 as Il movimento di liberazione in Italia (The liberation movement in Italy) by the National Institute for the History of the Liberation Movement in Italy (now National Institute ‘Ferruccio Parri’, named after its founder and based in Milan) and took its current title in 1974. From an initial focus on the Italian Resistance, the Second World War and Fascism, Italia contemporanea has increasingly broadened its, so as to embrace the entire history of Italy in the 20th and 21st centuries, with a particular focus on the Republican period up to recent years. The journal is open to all areas of historical writing (social, economic, cultural, political and institutional, as well as gender-related and national/racial identity issues). It encourages fresh approaches and methodological awareness, together with transnational and comparative perspectives on Italian history. The journal is made up of three sections: Studies and Research, presenting original research based on primary sources; Notes and Discussions, devoted to historiographical reviews and debates, as well as reports on national and foreign archival records; an extensive and updated Bibliographical Review. Since 2016, this section and two selected research articles (double-blind peer reviewed, as all the other printed ones) are published open access. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "JK Science", "ISSN": "9721177", "Scope": "ScopeJK Science is a Multi-disciplinary Medical Journal. It welcomes articles from all medical specialities. It accepts Editorial (Invited only), Review Articles, Original Articles, Case Reports, Research letters, Drug Reviews & Images.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Ceramic Science and Technology", "ISSN": "21909385", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Ceramic Science and Technology publishes original scientific articles on all topics of ceramic science and technology from all ceramic branches. The focus is on the scientific exploration of the relationships between processing, microstructure and properties of sintered ceramic materials as well as on new processing routes for innovative ceramic materials. The papers may have either theoretical or experimental background. A high quality of publications will be guaranteed by a thorough double blind peer review process. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art", "ISSN": "20517041, 2051705X", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art seeks to explore the relationship between contemporary art and Chinese cultural identity in its broadest sense. This peer-reviewed journal provides a forum for critical debate into Zhongguo dangdai yishu, the ‘avant-garde', experimental and museum-based visual art produced as part of the liberalization of culture that has taken place within mainland China since 1978. It also explores works produced by artists of non-Chinese ethnicity who live and work within Chinese contexts or whose work has a strong relationship to Chinese culture, society and history.\r\rThis journal was established in 2014 by Founding Editor Paul Gladston. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Design", "ISSN": "16068327", "Scope": "ScopeJournal of Design (ISSN 1606-8327) is a Chinese-language, peer-reviewed journal published by the Chinese Institute of Design in Taiwan. The journal publishes research papers, critical notes, and design cases, in all fields of design. Founded in 1996, the journal has established its reputation as the best design research journal in Taiwan. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Donghua University (English Edition)", "ISSN": "16725220", "Scope": "ScopeJournal of Donghua University (English Edition) (CN 31-1920/TS, ISSN 1672-5220) is authorized by the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China, sponsored by Donghua University, and founded in 1984. It is a bimonthly academic journal focused on textile science and relevant disciplines. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine (Turkey)", "ISSN": "13094483, 13095129", "Scope": "ScopeJournal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine* (p ISSN 1309-4483, e ISSN 1309-5129) publishes original work in all areas of experimental and clinical medical sciences including neurosciences, pediatrics, internal medicine, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, and infectious disease. The journal gives priority for the publication of original research papers, both experimental and clinical, with a strong translational character, but welcomes review articles, case reports, letters to the editor and meeting reports. Computational and theoretical papers will also be considered. Reviews and mini reviews will generally be by invitation, but suggestions are welcomed.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Food Legumes", "ISSN": "09706380, 09762434", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies", "ISSN": "14699524, 14701847", "Scope": "ScopeJournal of Iberian and Latin American Studies is an international journal devoted to the history and cultures of the Iberian Peninsula and Latin America. Its main purpose is to disseminate research of the highest standards in the areas of early modern, modern and contemporary history. This includes work in the area of cultural production that is historically grounded.\r\rJournal of Iberian and Latin American Studies publishes three issues per year. All articles will be published in English. In addition to research articles, the journal has a section of Reviews providing critical reviews of recent publications as well as longer Review Articles on specific topics. The Editorial Board can request or accept proposals of monographic issues. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Integrative Nursing", "ISSN": "26634481, 26669854", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal aims to publish high-quality academic articles related to basic research, clinical research, and education in the field of integrative nursing, to provide an academi​c platform for nursing exchanges, to promote academic development and discipline construction of integrative nursing, and to propagate academic characteristics and culture of integrative nursing.\r\rThe Journal includes the columns of original researches, reviews, investigation studies, case reports, short communication, letters to the editor. The contents includes but not limited to integrated Chinese and Western medicine nursing, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) characteristic nursing, TCM nursing inheritance, medication nursing of traditional medicine, disease rehabilitation, chronic disease management, life cultivation and health care management, evidence-based nursing, psychological nursing, public health and community nursing, midwifery, humanistic care, nursing techniques and methods, nurses' health and occupational environment, and other health-related professions. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of King Abdulaziz University, Marine Science", "ISSN": "10128840", "Scope": "ScopeJournal of KAU “Marine Sciences” (JKAU:Mar. Sci.) is a multidisciplinary journal in marine sciences and is devoted to the publication of original research with emphasis on fundamental aspects of marine sciences.\rThe journal publishes peer-reviewed research papers in the entire range of marine research. Original articles, review articles, letters to the editor and book reviews are to be published in this journal.\rMaterials that contribute to the scientific understanding of marine environment of the Red Sea,\rArabian Gulf and adjacent seas may be preferred. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Maritime Research", "ISSN": "16974840, 16979133", "Scope": "ScopeJOURNAL OF MARITIME RESEARCH (JMR) publishes original research papers in English analysing the maritime sector international, national, regional or local. JMR is published quarterly and the issues-whether ordinary or monographic-include both theoretical and empirical approaches to topics of current interest in line with the editorial aims and of the journal.\r\rThe objective of JMR is to contribute to the progress, development and diffusion of research on the maritime sector. The aim is to provide a multidisciplinary forum for studies of the sector from the perspective of all four of the following broad areas of scientific knowledge: experimental sciences, nautical sciences, engineering and social sciences.\r\rThe manuscripts presented must be unpublished works which have not been approved for publication in other journals. They must also fulfil all the requirements indicated in the 'Technical specifications' section. The quality of the papers is guaranteed by means of a process of blind review by two scientific referees and one linguistic reviewer. Although the journal is published in print format, the processes of submission and reception of manuscripts, as well as revision and correction of proofs are all done electronically. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Qur'anic Studies", "ISSN": "14653591, 17551730", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Qur'anic Studies aims to encourage and promote the study of the Qur’an from a wide range of scholarly perspectives. Written in both English and in Arabic, the journal bridges the gap between the two traditions of Muslim and Western scholarship. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Zhejiang University, Science Edition", "ISSN": "10089497", "Scope": "Scope《浙江大学学报(理学版)》创刊于1956年,前身为《杭州大学学报(自然科学版)》。1999至2011年由郑小明教授任期刊主编,2012起由贺贤土院士和张富春教授任期刊主编。本刊系由浙江大学主办,国家教育部主管的自然科学类学术期刊。主要刊载数学与计算机科学、物理学、电子科学、化学、环境科学、生命科学、地球科学、海洋科学、城市科学、心理学等为主的具有较高学术水平和理论水平的理学类研究论文、研究简报等。平均年载文140余篇。 Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Korean Journal of Medical Mycology", "ISSN": "12264709", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of mycology and infection (Acronym: JMI, Abbreviation: J Mycol Infect) aims to publish articles of exceptional interests in the field of medical mycology. The journal originally was launched in 1996 as the Korean Journal of Medical Mycology and has reformed into the current state beginning on March of 2018. The contents of the journal should elucidate important microbiological fundamentals and provide qualitative insights to respective clinical aspects. JMI underlines the submission of novel findings and studies in clinical mycology that are enriched by analyses achieved through investigative methods. The journal should be of general interests to the scientific communities at large and should provide medical societies with advanced breadth and depth of mycological expertise. In addition, the journal supplements infectious diseases in adjunct to the field of mycology to address a well-rounded understanding of infectious disorders.\r\rThe Journal of mycology and infection, which is issued quarterly, in March, June, September and December each year, published in English.\r\rThe of the Journal of mycology and infection includes invited reviews, original articles, case reports, letter to the editor, and images in mycology. The journal is compliant to peer-review/open access and all articles undergo rigorous reviewing processes by our internationally acknowledged team of editorial boards. The articles directed to publication should encompass in-depth materials that employ scholastic values of mycology and various infectious diseases. Articles responding to critical methodology and outcomes which have potential to enhance better understanding of mycology and infectious diseases are also suitable for publication. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Lidil", "ISSN": "11466480, 19606052", "Scope": "ScopeLa revue Lidil publie des travaux en linguistique, sociolinguistique, didactique des langues, traitement automatique des langues (TAL) et en apprentissage et acquisition du langage. Ouverte aux collaborations interdisciplinaires, Lidil publie deux numéros par an (mai et novembre) composés d’un dossier thématique, de varias et de notes de lecture.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Logistics Journal", "ISSN": "18607977", "Scope": "ScopeThe „Logistics Journal“ is an international scientific e-journal about material flow and logistics and is published by the “Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Technische Logistik (WGTL)”. All contributions are published only online.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Mathematica", "ISSN": "12229016, 2601744X", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal Mathematica was founded in 1929 at the University of Cluj by Petre Sergescu. The publication of the journal was interrupted between 1948 and 1959. Since 1959 Mathematica is published as a new series, continuing the traditions of the old one, under the auspices of the Romanian Academy.\r\rIt appears in one volume a year, consisting of 2 issues with a total average number of pages yearly of 200. The journal is reviewed or indexed by Zentralblatt fur Mathematik, Mathematical Reviews, Scopus and EBSCO.\r\rMathematica publishes original papers in any area of pure and applied mathematics. The topics cover all branches of Mathematics: Algebra, Group Theory, Lie Algebras, Logic, Combinatorics, Number Theory, Mathematical Analysis, Functional Analysis, Numerical Analysis, Potential Theory, Complex Analysis, Ordinary Differential Equations, Partial Differential Equations, Optimal Control, Geometry, Algebraic Geometry, Topology, Dynamical Systems, Probability Theory, Statistics, Mathematical Physics, Fluid Mechanics, Solid Mechanics, Calculus of Variations, Mathematical Problems in Sciences, Operational Research.\r\rIn addition to research papers, Mathematica publishes proceedings of international conferences held in Romania and survey articles. The Editors will put strong emphasis on originality and applicability of the results. All manuscripts are strictly refereed and only papers of high quality are accepted for publication.\r\rThe journal is addressed to all pure and applied mathematics and to other specialists interested in modern developments of mathematics and in using mathematics in research, teaching and technology. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Medical Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army", "ISSN": "5777402", "Scope": "ScopeMedical Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army (Med J Chin PLA, ISSN 0577-7402, CN 11-1056/R, http://www.jfjyxzz.org.cn) is an Open Access monthly journal in Chinese and English, published by the People’ s Military Medical Press, under the auspice of Department of Health, General Logistics Department of PLA, and it is issued domestically and abroad. Med J Chin PLA aims to publish the most exciting basic and clinical research especially those addressing the importance of military medicine, to promote the implementation of national and military health policies with close attention to new theories, new technologies, and new developments in military, clinical, preventative medicine and basic medical sciences. Its permanent sections include Expert Forum, Military Medical Sciences, Research on Special Topics, Medical Treatises, Basic Research, Clinical Research, Clinical Experiences, Technique Progress, Case Reports, Reviews, News in Medicine etc. Contribution of reviews is usually invited by the editors, but recommendations for topics and authors are welcomed. Manuscripts sent by both domestic and overseas writers are welcome. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Medicina Clinica Practica", "ISSN": "26039249", "Scope": "ScopeMedicina Clínica Práctica (MCP) es una nueva revista online, Open Access, de revisión por pares, y focalizada en la comunicación científica y práctica para los médicos de medicina interna y otras especialidades. Su objetivo es publicar artículos con una significación relevante para la práctica clínica. La revista considerará para su publicación los artículos sobre casos y notas clínica que tengan un importante valor educacional para el conocimiento de la medicina interna, los artículos originales, las revisiones orientadas a ilustrar la práctica médica diaria y las imágenes en medicina con un alto valor educativo y de formación. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Miscelanea", "ISSN": "11376368", "Scope": "ScopeMiscelánea: A Journal of English and American Studies is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal published twice a year by the Department of English and German Philology, University of Zaragoza, Spain.\r\rMiscelánea publishes articles on English language and linguistics, on literatures written in English, on thought, cinema and cultural studies from the English-speaking world. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Mitologias Hoy", "ISSN": "20141130", "Scope": "ScopeMitologías Hoy. Revista de Pensamiento, Crítica y Estudios Literarios Latinoamericanos wants to be a promoter and diffuser of different lines of debate in the contemporary Latin-American cultural production.\rThe journal alternates miscellaneous issues with monographic ones on a particular topic, theoretical approach or author. We also welcome proposal such as interviews to authors, intellectuals or critics, and recent pubblications's reviews. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Muslim World Journal of Human Rights", "ISSN": "15544419, 21946558", "Scope": "ScopeMuslim World Journal of Human Rights promises to serve as a forum in which barriers are bridged (or at least, addressed), and human rights are finally discussed with an eye on the Muslim world, in an open and creative manner. The choice to name the journal, Muslim World Journal of Human Rights reflects a desire to examine human rights issues related not only to Islam and Islamic law, but equally those human rights issues found in Muslim societies that stem from various other sources such as socio-economic and political factors, as well the interaction and intersections of the two areas. MWJHR welcomes submissions that apply the traditional human right framework in their analysis as well as those that transcend the boundaries of contemporary scholarship in this regard. Further, the journal also welcomes inter-disciplinary and/or comparative approaches to the study of human rights in the Muslim world in an effort to encourage the emergence of new methodologies in the field.\rMuslim World Journal of Human Rights recognizes that several highly contested debates in the field of human rights have been reflected in the Muslim world but have frequently taken on their own particular manifestation in accordance with the varying contexts of contemporary Muslim societies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Narrative Culture", "ISSN": "21690235, 21690251", "Scope": "ScopeNarrative Culture is a new journal that conceptualizes narration as a broad and pervasive human practice, warranting a holistic perspective that grasps the place of narrative comparatively across time and space. The journal invites contributions that document, discuss and theorize narrative culture, and offers a platform that integrates approaches spread across various disciplines. The field of narrative culture thus outlined is defined by a large variety of forms of popular narratives, including not only oral and written texts, but also narratives in images, three-dimensional art, customs, rituals, drama, dance, music, and so forth. Narrative Culture is peer-reviewed and international as well as interdisciplinary in orientation. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Neuro-Fuzzy Modeling Techniques in Economics", "ISSN": "23063289, 24153516", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Nippon Shokuhin Kagaku Kogaku Kaishi", "ISSN": "1341027X", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "North Korean Review", "ISSN": "15512789, 19412886", "Scope": "ScopeOur site is aimed at not only helping researchers find all their North Korean information needs, but also to facilitate publishing their research in our pages and keeping abreast of events hosted by NKR. Please look around and, if you are interested, subscribe to our newsletter. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Nueva Revista de Filologia Hispanica", "ISSN": "01850121, 24486558", "Scope": "ScopeNueva Revista de Filología Hispánica publishes articles and notes about Spanish and Spanish-American literature, Hispanic linguistics and literary and linguistic methodology and theory, in addition to book and article reviews, and a specialized and classified bibliography. The journal has been edited by the Centro de Estudios Lingüísticos y Literarios of El Colegio de México since 1947, and it is issued twice a year in January and July.\r\rApart from the traditional printed edition, the Nueva Revista has an open-access online version. It is financed by public funds managed by El Colegio de Mexico. NRFH is published in Spanish, in accordance with its academic field. It is addressed to the international community of Hispanists, with the aim to contribute to the most rigorous scientific research of the Spanish language and the Hispanic literatures. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Onkologie", "ISSN": "27317226, 27317234", "Scope": "ScopeDie Onkologie deals with relevant issues concerning the diagnosis and therapy of oncological diseases. Special emphasis is placed on oncology’s interfaces with the fields of internal medicine, radiology and surgery.\rThis interdisciplinary journal addresses the needs of researchers and doctors working in the field of oncology.\rThe core of each issue consists of comprehensive reviews on a specific topical issue. Here the focus is on providing evidenced based information on diagnostics and therapy relevant for daily practice. After the topics are selected by an independent editorial board, established experts prepare the articles for each issue.\rContributions under the rubric 'Continuing Medical Education' present the verified results of scientific research and their integration into daily practice. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Pakistan Development Review", "ISSN": "309729", "Scope": "ScopeThe aim of the journal is to encourage original scholarly contributions that focus on a broad spectrum of development issues using empirical and theoretical approaches to scientific enquiry. With a view to generating scholarly debate on public policy issues, the journal particularly encourages scientific contributions that explore policy relevant issues pertaining to developing economies in general and Pakistan’s economy in particular. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Pakistan Journal of Ophthalmology", "ISSN": "8863067", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal will cover clinical and scientific studies related to health, ethical and social issues in field of ophthalmology and vision science. Preference will be given to topics of clinical interest. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Politics and Religion Journal", "ISSN": "18206581, 1820659X", "Scope": "ScopeThe Politics and Religion Journal publishes original and high quality articles on all aspects of the complex relationship between religion and politics. The idea for the journal was spawned by a group of researchers working in the area of politology of religion. The Politics and Religion Journal is the world’s first theoretical publication dedicated to this emerging discipline in political science. In addition to primary research, Politics and Religion Journal also publishes analyses, reviews, critical views and polemics on recent trends in the field of politology of religion.\rAll studies published in the Journal are reviewed by two qualified experts. The Politics and Religion Journal is published by the Center for Study of Religion and Religious Tolerance, based in Belgrade, Serbia. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Proceedings of the International Conference on Tourism Research", "ISSN": "25163612", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Proceedings of the International Ship Control Systems Symposium", "ISSN": "26318741", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Redescriptions: Political Thought, Conceptual History and Feminist Theory", "ISSN": "23080906, 23080914", "Scope": "ScopeRedescriptions: Political Thought, Conceptual History and Feminist Theory is an international refereed open access journal, which publishes contributions on the transdisciplinary study of concepts. In classical rhetoric, ‘redescription’ refers to a rhetorical move that alters the use of a concept in one respect or another. The journal draws attention to conceptual moves within political theory, conceptual history and feminist thought, and highlights political agency within these moves. Political and feminist thought in various forms, whether in philosophical, historical or contemporary terms, is published by the journal. Unique in its focus in political and conceptual contingency, Redescriptions has been published since 1997. Redescriptions welcomes original scholarly contributions on any aspect of political and feminist thought, especially studies that take the changing and contested character of concepts seriously. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Religiski-Filozofiski Raksti", "ISSN": "14071908", "Scope": "Scope“Religiski-filozofiski raksti” (Religious−Philosophical Articles) is continuation of the series of collections of articles started back in 1925, published by the Society of Philosophy and Religion (renamed \"Society of Religious Sciences\" in 1938), which was founded at the University of Latvia in 1922. This Society united Latvian intellectuals - theologians, philosophers, historians, lawyers, writers and others, who were interested in the problems of religions and investigations of religion from philosophical, historical and psychological aspect. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Review of Economics and Finance", "ISSN": "19237529, 19238401", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Revue d'Histoire des Mathematiques", "ISSN": "1262022X, 1777568X", "Scope": "ScopePublished by the French Mathematical Society, the Revue d’histoire des mathématiques welcomes original research papers (in French or English) on the history of the mathematical sciences, from Antiquity to the contemporary world. Mathematical sciences may be studied from the point of view of their own development or that of their relation to other fields or to their cultural, social or institutional environment. The Revue d’histoire des mathématiques also serves the international community of historians of mathematics by offering room for critical debates, historiographical surveys, programmatical notes as well as editions of hitherto unpublished documents with commentary. Over and beyond this community, it may be of interest to mathematicians, historians and philosophers of science, sociologists, anthropologists and, more generally, to anyone looking for a reflection on mathematics and its development. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory", "ISSN": "1574552X", "Scope": "ScopeThe yearly venues of both ‘Going Romance’ and ‘Linguistic Symposium on Romance languages’ feature research in formal linguistics of Romance languages, in the domains of syntax, morphology, phonology and semantics. Each volume brings together a peer-reviewed selection of papers that were presented at one of the meetings, aiming to provide a representation of the spread of topics at that conference, and of the variety of research carried out nowadays on Romance languages within theoretical linguistics. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Russian Journal of Pediatric Surgery, Anesthesia and Intensive Care", "ISSN": "22194061, 25876554", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Sechenov Medical Journal", "ISSN": "22187332, 26583348", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Sport i Turystyka", "ISSN": "25453211, 26574322", "Scope": "ScopeThe Sport and Tourism Central European Journal provides a peer-reviewed international platform for East-Central European physical culture historians, trainers, physiologists, tourism specialists, and healthcare professionals. It serves as a venue for presenting original research, case studies, and reviews on a range of topics including physical culture history, sports science theory and practice, physical therapy, and tourism and recreation issues.\r\rThe journal's coverage encompasses:\r\rThe history and organization of physical culture.\rSocial and humanistic aspects of sport science.\rThe theory of physical education and sports.\rPhysiology and medicine related to physical education and sports.\rHealth and health-promoting subjects.\rTopics related to physical recreation and sports science. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studies in Christian ethics", "ISSN": "9539468", "Scope": "ScopeStudies in Christian Ethics is an English-language peer-reviewed journal devoted exclusively to questions arising in the field of Christian ethics and moral theology. The journal is published in conjunction with the Society for the Study of Christian Ethics based in the UK, whose annual conference furnishes the themed material for the first issue of each volume. By publishing contributions from international scholars and influential theologians and philosophers, the journal seeks to strengthen debate and to foster research on the wide range of topics that emerge in this fast-growing field. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Tekstil ve Muhendis", "ISSN": "13007599, 21470510", "Scope": "Scope\"Tekstil ve Mühendis\", özgün bilimsel araştırmalar ile ilginç uygulama çalışmalarına yer veren ve bu niteliği ile hem araştırmacılara hem de uygulamadaki mühendislere seslenmeyi amaçlayan bir dergidir. Dergide tekstille ilgili bilimsel, teknik, ekonomik içerikli yazılar yayımlanır. Bu yazılar, yazım kurallarına göre hazırlanmış özgün araştırma ürünü yazılar veya belirli bir konuyu yeterli sayıda kaynaktan araştırarak hazırlanmış derleme yazılar biçiminde olabilir. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Teologinen Aikakauskirja", "ISSN": "403555", "Scope": "ScopeFinnish Journal of Theology is an independent journal of theological disciplines, with an interest of publishing new Finnish theology. It publishes five issues a year.\r\rThe journal is open to all writings concerning theology, it has no political or religious commitments. It consists on articles, reviews, discussions and book reviews.\r\rThe main languages of publishing are Finnish and Swedish. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Territorio", "ISSN": "18258689, 22396330", "Scope": "ScopeWhile Territorio has its own academic identity, it also aspires to a broader readership, an audience of people outside of the university who work in urban and regional planning and governance. Decisions have been made concerning the journal's management structure and editorial processes, in order to maintain its high quality, broaden its readership, and build a national and international communication network. The journal now has a deputy director to provide the continuous attention required by a complex publication. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Thammasat Review", "ISSN": "08595747, 26300303", "Scope": "ScopeSince 1996, Thammasat Review has published high-quality articles in-print but started its online platform in 2014. Drawing on Thammasat University’s strong reputation and long tradition in encouraging academic freedom, Thammasat Review’s primary focus is to advance scholarly debates and enhance the development of knowledge within the social sciences and humanities in the broadest sense of the terms. Thammasat Review invites manuscripts with a special focus on Thailand and Asia on a wide range of topics in the following disciplines:\r\r•\tHumanities\r•\tPolitical sciences\r•\tEconomics\r•\tBusiness and management sciences\r•\tInternational politics\r•\tPsychology\r•\tLiberal arts\r•\tSociology and anthropology\r•\tLaw\r•\tHistoryJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art", "ISSN": "2570254", "Scope": "ScopeAs a theory-oriented journal, it particularly emphasizes theoretical depth and breadth, in distinction from other journals which focus on or confine themselves to either textual interpretation or historical resource retrieval – both of which can be important in their own right.\r\rTSLA embraces a wide of inquiry, ranging from remote and antique Chinese literary and art theory to state-of-the-art literary and art theory and criticism, and from classical Western aesthetics and literary theory to contemporary concerns. It also values comparative perspectives, engaging with both China and the West, and with both antiquity and modernity. \r\rTSLA also takes its place in the movement towards cross-disciplinary studies the humanities and social sciences. For instance, in addition to its long-established aesthetic, cultural and art studies, TSLA also publishes articles on (or from the perspectives of) cultural studies, political sciences, sociology, history studies, and anthropology. \r\rEach of its six annual issues features two or three special topics, engaging prestigious scholars in direct or indirect dialogue, through the juxtaposition of their respective studies on the same topic(s) or issue(s). This practice always informs and inspires scholarship in a particular academic area, thus becoming highly visible. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Travailler", "ISSN": "16205340, 21025150", "Scope": "ScopeLa revue Travailler publie, deux fois par an, un dossier thématique, des travaux théoriques, des recherches de terrain en sciences humaines et sociales, des analyses cliniques en psychopathologie et psychodynamique du travail, des articles de débat, des lettres à la rédaction et des analyses d’ouvrages.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Turkish Journal of Nephrology", "ISSN": "26674440", "Scope": "ScopeTurkish Journal of Nephrology (Turk J Nephrol) is the double-blind peer reviewed, open access, online-only publication of the Turkish Society of Nephrology. The journal is a quarterly publication, published in January, April, July and October. The publication language of the journal is English.\r\rTurkish Journal of Nephrology aims to contribute to the literature by publishing manuscripts at the highest scientific level on the fields of nephrology, dialysis and transplantation. The journal publishes original articles, reviews, and letters to the editor that are prepared in accordance with the ethical guidelines.\r\rThe of the journal includes but not limited to; significant clinical and experimental investigations conducted in etiology, pathogenesis and treatment of kidney diseases, hypertension, acid-base and electrolyte disorders, dialysis therapies, kidney transplantation. In addition, studies focusing on socioeconomic aspects of kidney diseases and their treatments are also of interest to the journal.\r\rTurkish Journal of Nephrology also contributes to the literature by publishing summaries from the Annual Registry Report of the Turkish Society of Nephrology. The society has been collecting data on end-stage renal disease since 1990 that has turned into the most comprehensive regional archive. Turkish Journal of Nephrology aims to share this regional data with the international community.\r\rThe target audience of the journal includes specialists and professionals working and interested in all disciplines of nephrology and kidney care. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Tzintzun", "ISSN": "1870719X", "Scope": "ScopeTzintzun. Revista de Estudios Históricos es una publicación semestral editada por la Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo a través del Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Veterinary Practitioner", "ISSN": "9724036", "Scope": "Scope\"Veterinary Practitioner\" is an open access (all content is freely available) biannual journal dedicated to the cause of Veterinary Profession to share the scientific knowledge among veterinarians, scientists and other professionals. This Journal was started in June 2000 as half yearly Journal, published in June and December month, since than journal is continuously serving in propagation of veterinary and animal science. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "World Congress in Computational Mechanics and ECCOMAS Congress", "ISSN": "26966999", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery", "ISSN": "09745092, 09751955", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Youth Theatre Journal", "ISSN": "08929092, 19484798", "Scope": "ScopeYouth Theatre Journal is a refereed journal which draws its contributions from a wide community of researchers, philosophers, educators, and performance theorists. Youth Theatre Journal welcomes 4,000-6,000 word articles which report on and discuss research and methodological issues from the point of view of philosophy, history, educational theory, sociology, critical theory, and comparative studies. The journal focuses on the dissemination of ideas relating to practical and theoretical developments in the field of theatre and performance by, with, and for children and youth and drama/theatre education. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Zeitschrift fur Fremdsprachenforschung", "ISSN": "9397299", "Scope": "ScopeDie Zeitschrift für Fremdsprachenforschung (ZFF) ist das Organ der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Fremdsprachenforschung.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Zeitschrift fur Praktische Philosophie", "ISSN": "24099961", "Scope": "ScopeDie Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie (ZfPP) ist ein vollständig kostenlos zugängliches Publikationsorgan für Arbeiten aus allen Bereichen der praktischen Philosophie, die in ihrem Themenbereich einen wertvollen Beitrag zur vorhandenen Literatur darstellen. Die ZfPP ist offen für alle Schulen, Inhalte und Arbeitsweisen, sofern diese den wissenschaftlichen Qualitätskriterien genügen. Neben historisch orientierten und systematischen Arbeiten sind auch solche möglich, die den Mainstream der Theorien und Theoriebricolagen verlassen und neue, innovative Wege einschlagen.\r\rDie ZfPP versteht sich dabei einer offenen, inklusiven, nicht-diskriminierenden und transparenten Arbeit verpflichtet. Auf diese Weise will sie dafür Sorge tragen, dass der Austausch innerhalb aber auch zwischen unterschiedlichen Fachrichtungen und Themengebieten ermöglicht wird. Interdisziplinäre Ansätze und innovative Vorgehensweisen sollen gefördert werden, jüngere Kolleg:innen und solche, die über keine universitäre Anbindung verfügen, sollen ebenso ihren Platz finden können wie etablierte Kolleg:innen. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Zeitschrift fur Rechtssoziologie", "ISSN": "01740202, 23660392", "Scope": "ScopeEstablished in 1980, the Zeitschrift für Rechtssoziologie – The German Journal of Law and Society offers a forum for the academic analysis of law in its societal context and on the relationship between law and society. The notion of ‘society’ is interpreted broadly. The journal publishes contributions from all disciplines as long as the relationship between law and society can be identified as a core theme. Papers with a theoretical focus and empirically-based analyses are equally welcome. We also publish essays that do not follow the typical format of a journal article as long as the arguments and reasoning are of an academic standard. The journal also features a book review section which discusses recent sociology of law texts published in Germany and other countries. Submissions may be written in German or English.\r\rOnly original contributions will be published. However, contributions to the journal may be republished elsewhere provided that the place of first publication is cited.\r\rAn overview over the development of the journal can be found in: Cottier Michelle, Die Zeitschrift für Rechtssoziologie: seit bald 40 Jahren Kristallisationspunkt und Kommunikationsarena der deutschsprachigen Rechtssoziologie, in: Christian Boulanger (Hrsg.) \"Rechtssoziologisch publizieren\" – Dokumentation eines Rundtischgespräches, 26.03.2019, https://barblog.hypotheses.org/cottier-zeitschrift-fuer-rechtssoziologie. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "African Journal of Legal Studies", "ISSN": "17087384, 22109730", "Scope": "ScopeThe African Journal of Legal Studies (AJLS) is a peer-reviewed and interdisciplinary academic journal focusing on human rights and rule of law issues in Africa as analyzed by lawyers, economists, political scientists and others drawn from throughout the continent and the world. The journal, which was established by the Africa Law Institute and is now co-published in collaboration with Brill | Nijhoff, aims to serve as the leading forum for the thoughtful and scholarly engagement of a broad range of complex issues at the intersection of law, public policy and social change in Africa. \r\rAJLS places emphasis on presenting a diversity of perspectives on fundamental, long-term, systemic problems of human rights and governance, as well as emerging issues, and possible solutions to them. Towards this end, AJLS encourages critical reflections that are based on empirical observations and experience as well as theoretical and multi-disciplinary approaches. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Aktuelle Urologie", "ISSN": "00017868, 14388820", "Scope": "ScopeDie entscheidenden Ergebnisse der internationalen Forschung – für Sie auf den Punkt zusammengefasst und kritisch kommentiert\rÜbersichtsarbeiten zu den maßgeblichen Themen der täglichen Praxis\rAuf dem Laufenden über die klinische Forschung durch interessante Originalien \rCME-Punkte sammeln mit der Rubrik \"Operative Techniken\"\r\rIn jeder Ausgabe: Techniken wichtiger Standard-OPs – Schritt für Schritt\rErstklassige OP-Skizzen mit verständlichen Erläuterungen Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Alam Cipta", "ISSN": "18237231, 22893687", "Scope": "ScopeALAM CIPTA, International Journal of Sustainable Tropical Design Research and Practice is one of the 9 scientific research journals under the banner of Pertanika, Universiti Putra Malaysia's (UPM) flagship Journal. ALAM CIPTA aims to become a reference for research and practice on sustainable design. It intends to position designers as the \"creative integrator\" of advance technologies with the everyday needs of users and their communities. ALAM CIPTA would like to develop networks with local and international institutions and organizations by disseminating knowledge on sustainable design research and practice. The journal encourages discussions that are based on design and related theories supporting emerging sustainable design research and practice. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Amerasia Journal", "ISSN": "447471", "Scope": "ScopeSince 1971, Amerasia Journal has been the leading interdisciplinary journal in Asian American and Pacific Islander studies. For almost five decades, Amerasia Journal has played an indispensable role in establishing Asian American studies as a viable and relevant field of scholarship, teaching, community service, and public discourse. According to founding publisher Don T. Nakanishi, Amerasia Journal “has benefited from and reflected a wide array of profound social changes that have occurred among Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders—be it their unprecedented growth and diversification, or their ever-increasing levels of access, representation, and achievement in American society’s institutions and sectors that had long excluded, marginalized, or demonized them.” Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Anuario Mexicano de Derecho Internacional", "ISSN": "18704654", "Scope": "ScopeEl Anuario Mexicano de Derecho Internacional (AMDI) surgió en el año 2000, como una publicación del Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas de la UNAM. El objetivo del AMDI es buscar la participación activa de juristas dedicados al estudio del Derecho Internacional para que colaboren tanto en lo relativo a la labor editorial como en la publicación de trabajos académicos. Esta apertura la constituye el hecho de que el Comité Editorial está compuesto por personajes de las más diversas instituciones y nacionalidades.\r\rResulta importante mencionar que el AMDI busca mantener la calidad que siempre le ha caracterizado y para ello cuenta con una política de dobles dictámenes anónimos de alto rigor académico, realizados por la cartera de árbitros que constituyen el Consejo Editorial, el Consejo Dictaminador de Colaboraciones y en ocasiones algunos expertos externos. El AMDI suscribe el Código de Ética del IIJ-UNAM.\r\rEl AMDI es una publicación de acceso abierto. Los idiomas para publicar contribuciones son en: español, inglés, portugués, francés e italiano.\r\rLas secciones del AMDI son: doctrina (artículos académicos), comentarios, reseñas, práctica internacional mexicana, jurisprudencia, coyuntura internacional y polémica. El AMDI cuenta con una software antiplagio para el proceso de revisión de las contribuciones recibidas. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Applied Theatre Research", "ISSN": "20493010, 20493029", "Scope": "ScopeApplied Theatre Research is the worldwide journal for theatre and drama in non-traditional contexts. It focuses on drama, theatre and performance with specific audiences or participants in a range of social contexts and locations. Contexts include education, developing countries, business and industry, political debate and social action, with children and young people, and in the past, present or future; locations include theatre which happens in places such as streets, conferences, war zones, refugee camps, prisons, hospitals and village squares as well as on purpose-built stages.\r\rThe primary audience consists of practitioners and scholars of drama, theatre and allied arts, as well as educationists, teachers, social workers and community leaders with an awareness of the significance of theatre and drama, and an interest in innovative and holistic approaches to theatrical and dramatic production, learning and community development.\r\rContributors include eminent and experienced workers and scholars in the field, but cutting-edge contemporary and experimental work from new or little-known practitioners is also encouraged. This double-blind peer-reviewed journal has a global focus and representation, with an explicit policy of ensuring that the best and most exciting work in all continents and as many countries as possible is represented and featured. Cultural, geographical, gender and socio-economic equity are recognised where possible, including in the Review Board. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Apuntes del Cenes", "ISSN": "01203053, 22565779", "Scope": "ScopeApuntes del Cenes is a biannual, double-blind peer-reviewed scientific journal in which articles on economic theory, economic policy, regional economics, finance, and other topics related to economics in the national and international context are published.\r\rApuntes del Cenes is aimed at academic and research communities from public and private, national and international institutions and others interested in issues related to economic science.\r\rApuntes del Cenes journal's mission is to contribute to the discussion and scientific production in the area of economics based on the quality of the articles published. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Architecture and Culture", "ISSN": "20507828, 20507836", "Scope": "ScopeArchitecture and Culture, the international award winning, peer-reviewed journal of the Architectural Humanities Research Association, investigates the relationship between architecture and the culture that shapes and is shaped by it. Whether culture is understood extensively, as shared experience of everyday life, or in terms of the rules and habits of different disciplinary practices, Architecture and Culture asks how architecture participates in and engages with it – and how both culture and architecture might be reciprocally transformed.\r\rArchitecture and Culture publishes exploratory research that is purposively imaginative, rigorously speculative, visually and verbally stimulating. From architects, artists and urban designers, film-makers, animators and poets, from historians of culture and architecture, from geographers, anthropologists and other social scientists, from thinkers and writers of all kinds, established and new, it solicits essays, critical reviews, interviews, fictional narratives in both images and words, art and building projects, and design hypotheses. Architecture and Culture aims to promote a conversation between all those who are curious about what architecture might be and what it can do. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching", "ISSN": "16094913", "Scope": "ScopeThe Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching (APFSLT) is a peer-reviewed and open-access online periodical (ISSN 1609-4913) dedicated to the effectiveness and interest of learning and teaching science subjects in schools. It was launched by the Science Department of Hong Kong Institute of Education on 10 July, 2000 with printed promotional leaflet mailed to all Science or Science-related teachers in over 1,300 secondary and primary schools in Hong Kong. The basic aim of this online periodical echoes with the vision of the Institute, namely \"Optimizing each child's potential through the shared joy of learning and teaching\", as well as some of the Institute's missions - to prepare and support teachers in professional development and to collaborate with schools on innovation and change in education.\r\rThis journal invites contributions of original research papers or professional articles on innovative teaching ideas/methods or issues related to science education for broadcasting on the Internet. Potential contributors and target readers are science teachers and student-teachers, researchers, scholars, curriculum officers, science inspectors and other science educators in the local, regional and international communities. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "ASM Science Journal", "ISSN": "18236782", "Scope": "ScopeThe ASM Science Journal publishes advancements in the broad fields of medical, engineering, earth, mathematical, physical, chemical and agricultural sciences as well as ICT. Scientific articles published will be on the basis of originality, importance and significant contribution to science, scientific research and the public. \r\rScientific articles published will be on the basis of originality, importance and significant contribution to science, scientific research and the public. Scientists who subscribe to the fields listed above will be the source of papers to the journal. All articles will be reviewed by at least two experts in that particular field. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Australasian Journal of Popular Culture", "ISSN": "20455852, 20455860", "Scope": "ScopeThe Australasian Journal of Popular Culture is a peer-reviewed journal with an international focus. The journal is devoted to the scholarly understanding of the artefacts and social practices that are produced and are circulated in everyday life. It offers a broad range of scholarly material about many popular culture topics: academic articles; books, exhibitions, video games, new media, website reviews; ‘notes’ and ‘essays’ (original research that is shorter than the scholarly articles). The journal’s aim is to publish innovative scholarly research about popular culture for an international readership. We invite contributions from academics, professionals, cultural practitioners and those with a scholarly interest in popular culture. All relevant material is carefully considered. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "CardioSomatics", "ISSN": "22217185, 26585707", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Clinical Neurology", "ISSN": "0009918X, 18820654", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Co-herencia", "ISSN": "17945887", "Scope": "ScopeCo-herencia is a half-yearly journal published since 2004 by the Humanities Department at Universidad EAFIT. Its purpose is to disclose findings generated by investigations, theoretical reflections, specialized debates, translacions, essays, and critical reviews on topics related to humanistic studies in general, and associated with literature, philosophy and history. Co-herencia is directed towards professors, researchers, students, and scholars within the disciplines or knowledge areas which comprise the ample spectrum of humanistic studies, but also to other readers with an affinity for the scholarly topics compiled in each volume. Its purpose is to be a forum of interdisciplinary discussion and a space for dialogue among peers on the contributions of humanities in determining a thinking and deliberating community. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Comunicacoes Geologicas", "ISSN": "0873948X, 1647581X", "Scope": "ScopeComunicações Geológicas é a revista científica do LNEG – Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia. Esta Revista, publicada desde 1883, procura artigos originais de investigação científica no âmbito da geologia, todos os domínios das geociências e geo-arqueologia. A Comissão Executiva considera de particular importância trabalhos orientados para a sociedade, nomeadamente no âmbito das geociências ambientais e/ou aplicadas, bem como temas no âmbito da geo-energia e georrecursos.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Contemporanea", "ISSN": "11273070", "Scope": "ScopeContemporanea promotes the exchange among scholars from different generations; a constant interaction with international scholarship; an ongoing dialogue between professional historians and practitioners, teachers and students. Its pages are devoted to a free discussion on research, as well as education and teaching, methods and sources, as well as current issues. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cuadernos de bioética : revista oficial de la Asociación Española de Bioética y Ética Médica", "ISSN": "11321989", "Scope": "ScopeLa revista Cuadernos de Bioética, órgano oficial de la Asociación Española de Bioética y Ética Médica, publica cuatrimestralmente artículos y recensiones bibliográficas sobre todas las áreas de la bioética: fundamentación, ética de la investigación, bioética clínica, biojurídica, etc.\r\rEstos proceden de los aceptados en la revisión tutelada por los editores de la revista como de otros que por encargo el comité editorial solicite a sus autores.\r\rLa edicion de la revista se financia con las aportaciones de los socios de AEBI. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cultures et Conflits", "ISSN": "1157996X", "Scope": "ScopeThe quarterly journal Cultures & Conflits constitutes the main publication of the Centre, featuring articles in French, with abstracts available both in English and French. The journal is fully peer-reviewed, and currently enjoys 263 regular subscribers, two thirds of which are universities and research centres. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Current Respiratory Medicine Reviews", "ISSN": "1573398X, 18756387", "Scope": "ScopeCurrent Respiratory Medicine Reviews publishes original research papers, frontier reviews/mini-reviews, drug clinical trial studies and guest-edited issues, dedicated to clinical research on all the latest advances in respiratory diseases and their related areas (i.e., pharmacology, pathogenesis, clinical care and therapeutics). The journal is essential reading for all clinicians and researchers in the fields of respiratory medicine and associated specialties. In addition, it also covers a wide variety of topics that show the relationship between respiratory and lung diseases, as well as cardiovascular and thoracic diseases. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ecclesiology", "ISSN": "17441366, 17455316", "Scope": "ScopeEcclesiology is an international, ecumenical and fully peer-reviewed theological journal. It is designed to meet the growing demand for theological resources in the area of ecclesiology – the scholarly study of the nature and the purpose of the Christian Church. The journal also features articles exploring wider issues in ecclesiology including those to do with the identity of the Christian Church and the place of ecclesiology within Christian theology. The main focus of the journal is on the mission, ministry and unity of the Church. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "English Studies in Canada", "ISSN": "3170802", "Scope": "ScopeESC currently welcomes submissions on any topic which falls under the disciplinary purview of \"English Studies\" broadly understood. Submissions are by electronic means only. All submissions should include a 100 word abstract and a 50 word biographical note (spaces for these are available during the online submission process). Since authors’ names are not revealed to referees during assessment, the title but not the author’s name should appear on the uploaded article. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Epigraphica", "ISSN": "139572", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Eriu", "ISSN": "03320758, 20090056", "Scope": "ScopeÉriu is devoted to Irish philology and literature, and from its foundation in 1904 the peer-reviewed journal has had a reputation internationally among Celtic scholars. In the century since its inception, Ériu has served as an outlet for the work of the early standard bearers of Irish language studies and Celtic studies and of each new generation of researchers in turn. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Gastroenterologie a Hepatologie", "ISSN": "18047874, 1804803X", "Scope": "ScopeGastroenterology and Hepatology is the official peer reviewed journal of the Czech Society of Gastroenterology, the Slovak Society of Gastroenterology and the Slovak Hepatological Society published by the Czech Medical Association of J. E. Purkyně at the Care Comm publishing house. It comes out 6x a year. Papers are published in Czech, Slovak and English. The journal has been published since 1999, its previous name was Czech and Slovak Gastroenterology and Hepatology (ISSN 1213-323X). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Guangxue Jishu/Optical Technique", "ISSN": "10021582", "Scope": "Scope《光学技术》是面向国内外的以应用科学和工程技术研究成果为主的有关光电技术方面的专业性学术刊物。主要刊登高水平学术论文及重要科研成果,旨在促进国际国内学术交流,发展科学技术,培养科技人才,为社会主义现代化建设服务。 Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Houston Journal of Mathematics", "ISSN": "3621588", "Scope": "ScopeThe Houston Journal of Mathematics appears quarterly and publishes original research papers on mathematical topics. It welcomes contributed papers that develop interesting, or important, new mathematical ideas and results or solve outstanding problems. All papers are refereed for correctness and suitability for publication. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Imago Temporis - Medium Aevum", "ISSN": "18883931", "Scope": "ScopeImago temporis: medium Aevum va néixer l'any 2007 per tal de contribuir a la renovació en els estudis medievals, tot aplegant diferents aspectes i conceptes de l'Època Medieval, especialment referents als països de l'àrea del Mediterrani. S'assumeix una concepció de civilització medieval, per la qual cosa s'apleguen treballs des de la perspectiva de la història, la literatura, la llengua, l'art, el pensament o qualsevol altre àmbit de recerca que s'apropi a analitzar l'edat mitjana.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Applied Research in Veterinary Medicine", "ISSN": "15422666, 1559470X", "Scope": "ScopeThe International Journal of Applied Research in Veterinary Medicine promotes excellence in the clinical practice of veterinary medicine by disseminating fundamental scientific, diagnostic, and treatment knowledge gained from prospective and retrospective research in a timely manner. The Journal fulfills its mission through rapid peer review of each submitted article, and publication of all articles within 90 days of acceptance. All published articles meet the standards of Balance, Independence, Objectivity and Scientific Rigor. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Applied Systemic Studies", "ISSN": "17510589, 17510597", "Scope": "ScopeTopics covered include: Conceptual systemic models, applications of systemic methodologies - Applied [socio]cybernetics, ethical/living systems - Complexity, chaos, self-organisation, [meta]control, viable systems - Creativity, innovation, critical systems thinking, strategic/procedural systems design - Digital service/workflow/legal systems, TQM, total systems intervention - Education/learning communities, virtual enterprises/communities - Emergence and neocybernetics, knowledge cybernetics systems - Human-centred systems, human-computer interaction - Interorganisational approaches, process reengineering - Modelling/simulation, multiagent-based systems, pattern recognition systems - Networks/global dynamics, system dynamics, new agora and global marketing - Problem structuring/design systems, semantics, knowledge representation - Social systems design and simulation, systemic multi-methodologies - Systemic leadership/change, ontologies, systems thinking/archetypes - Systems/metasystems and decisions/metadecisions, decision support systems. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding", "ISSN": "10924221", "Scope": "ScopeThe International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding (IJPC) is a bi-monthly, scientific and professional journal emphasizing quality pharmaceutical compounding. IJPC is the only publication that covers pharmaceutical compounding topics relevant and necessary to empower pharmacists to meet the needs of today's patients. No other publication features hands-on, how-to compounding techniques or the information that contemporary pharmacists need to provide individualized care. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Tax Studies", "ISSN": "25901117", "Scope": "ScopeInternational Tax Studies (ITAXS) publishes real-time, in-depth research and analysis. This online publication deals with current societal issues, alerting readers on how to anticipate new developments and prepare for their consequences. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Israel Economic Review", "ISSN": "7920385", "Scope": "ScopeThe Israel Economic Review (IsER) has been published twice a year since 2003. It contains studies by economists of the Bank of Israel Research Department and the Israel Economic Association​ on a wide range of subjects relevant to Israel's economy and to economic policy, some of which have appeared in the Economic Quarterly (in Hebrew) and the Bank's Economic Review (ER) (which since 2003 appears in Hebrew only).Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Italian Law Journal", "ISSN": "24212156", "Scope": "ScopeThe aim of The Italian Law Journal is to spread the study and to promote the criticism of Italian legal culture, fostering international academic debate among scholars of different traditions, particularly with regard to private law.\rThe journal focuses on themes of legal theory, European law, comparative and international law, in order to reconsider the constitutional identity of Italian law and its institutions. It aims to disseminate knowledge and enhance awareness of the Italian legal heritage throughout the international community. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine", "ISSN": "20959982", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology", "ISSN": "20873379, 20886985", "Scope": "ScopeJournal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology (MEV) is a journal aims to be a peer-reviewed platform and an authoritative source of information. We publish original research papers, review articles and case studies focused on mechatronics, electrical power, and vehicular technology. All papers are peer-reviewed by at least two referees. MEV is managed to be issued twice in every volume. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Peer Learning", "ISSN": "22002359", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Peer Learning aims to develop a forum wherein high quality research, practices or innovations in peer learning programs, such as Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS) and Peer Assisted Learning (PAL) schemes can be shared.\rThe Journal of Peer Learning promotes peer learning as a valuable and versatile teaching and learning strategy with a focus on the higher education environment. The Journal seeks to publish scholarly research that investigates innovations in peer learning including the implementation of programs in varied organisational and cultural contexts and evaluations of such programs that provide an evidential basis for the peer learning activities. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Posthuman Studies", "ISSN": "24714461, 24724513", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Posthuman Studies is a fully peer reviewed, multidisciplinary journal developed to analyze what it is to be human in an age of rapid technological, scientific, cultural, and social evolution. As the boundaries between human and \"the other,\" technological, biological and environmental, are eroded and perceptions of normalcy are challenged, they have generated a range of ethical, philosophical, cultural, and artistic questions that this journal seeks to address. Drawing on theory from critical posthumanism and the normative reflections of transhumanism, it encourages constructive but rigorously critical dialogue through discussion papers, forums, and a carefully curated balance of research articles. The journal publishes papers on issues such as the consequences of enhancement, especially bioenhancement, transhumanist, and posthumanist accounts of “the human,” and any and all ways in which they impact culture and society. The journal encourages submissions from a range of disciplines such as: philosophy, sociology, literary studies, cultural studies, critical theory, media studies, bioethics, medical ethics, anthropology, religious studies, disability studies, gender studies, queer studies, critical animal studies, environmental studies, and the visual arts. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management", "ISSN": "10835547", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management (JREPM) is a publication of the American Real Estate Society (ARES). The Journal's purpose is to disseminate applied research on real estate investment and portfolio management. JREPM endeavors to publish research covering all four quadrants of the real estate universe (private equity, public equity, private debt, and public debt), and strives to present research covering real estate markets globally. A goal of JREPM is to publish research that is both academically sound and of value to practicing\rinstitutional real estate investment professionals.\r\rThe Editorial Board of JREPM is interested in expanding the frontiers of scholarly research in real estate investment and portfolio management and is willing to work with any potential author who is developing new and exciting ideas appropriate for publication in the Journal. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Slavic Military Studies", "ISSN": "13518046, 15563006", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Slavic Military Studies investigates all aspects of military affairs in the Slavic nations of central and eastern Europe in historical and geopolitical context, offering a vehicle for security and military analysts in these regions to air their views. Its unique, international editorial board and diverse content includes translations of newly released Soviet and Russian documents and specialist book reviews. This journal is an essential read for academics, military figures and civilians who are interested in this region’s security and military affairs. Until 1993, the journal was known as The Journal of Soviet Military Studies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of the Earth and Space Physics", "ISSN": "2538371X, 25383906", "Scope": "ScopeJournal of the Earth and Space Physics (JESP) is a specialized journal, published by the Institute of Geophysics, University of Tehran. It was started in 1971 with the aim of publishing papers in all areas of the Geophysical Sciences. JESP accepts articles in Earthquake Seismology, Engineering Seismology, Exploration Seismology, Geomagnetism, Gravimetry, Satellite Gravimetry, Geodesy, Geoelectric, Meteorology, Atmospheric Physics, Air Pollution, Tide, Luminescence Dating, Physical Oceanography, Solar Physics, Astronomy, Astrophysics and other related areas.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Korean Linguistics", "ISSN": "02573784, 22129731", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Laeknabladid", "ISSN": "00237213, 16704959", "Scope": "ScopeLæknablaðið er fræðirit sem birtir vísinda og yfirlitsgreinar og annað efni sem byggir á rannsóknum innan læknisfræði eða skyldra greina. Læknablaðið er gefið út af Læknafélagi Íslands. Blaðið er sent til allra félagsmanna. Það var fyrst gefið út árið 1904 en hefur komið samfellt út frá árinu 1915. Blaðið kemur út 11 sinnum á ári og er prentað í 2000 eintökum. Allt efni Læknablaðsins frá árinu 2000 er aðgengilegt á heimasíðu blaðsins á laeknabladid.is og er aðgangur endurgjaldslaus og öllum opinn. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Lundiana", "ISSN": "16766180", "Scope": "ScopeLundiana is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes articles about all aspects of biodiversity in a continuous publication model (rather publishing conventional complete issues). Lundiana welcomes articles dealing with taxonomy, especially the description of new taxa, conservation biology, ecology, phylogeny, phylogeography and studies on natural or introduced species genetic diversity, scientific education and outreach, and history of science on biodiversity. Lundiana also seeks to be a venue for opinions of academic and society at large on issues related to biodiversity Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Manuscrito", "ISSN": "01006045, 2317630X", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Medecine tropicale et sante internationale", "ISSN": "27782034", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Mexico y la Cuenca del Pacifico", "ISSN": "16650174, 20075308", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Military Balance, The", "ISSN": "04597222, 14799022", "Scope": "ScopeThe Military Balance is The International Institute for Strategic Studies' annual authoritative assessment of the military capabilities and defence economics worldwide. It is an essential resource for those involved in security policymaking, analysis and research. Detailed A-Z entries list each country’s military organisation, personnel members, equipment inventories, and relevant economic and demographic data. Regional and select country analyses cover the major developments affecting defence policy and procurement, and defence economics. The opening graphics section displays notable defence statistics, while additional data sets detail selected arms orders and military exercises, as well as comparative defence expenditure and personnel numbers. The Military Balance is an indispensable handbook for anyone conducting serious analysis of security policy and military affairs. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Neurological Surgery", "ISSN": "03012603, 18821251", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "New Cinemas", "ISSN": "14742756, 20400578", "Scope": "ScopeNew Cinemas is a peer-reviewed journal aiming to provide a platform for the study of new forms of cinematic practice and fresh approaches to cinemas hitherto neglected in western scholarship. It particularly welcomes scholarship that does not take existing paradigms and theoretical conceptualisations as given; rather, it anticipates submissions that are refreshing in approach and exhibit a willingness to tackle cinematic practices that are still in the process of development into something new. \rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "New Trends in Civil Aviation", "ISSN": "26947854", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Northeast African Studies", "ISSN": "07409133, 15356574", "Scope": "ScopeNortheast African Studies (NEAS) is a biannual interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal that publishes high-quality original research in the social sciences and the humanities on the Horn of Africa and its neighbors. The region covers primarily Ethiopia, Eritrea, Sudan, South Sudan, Djibouti, and Somalia/Somaliland. We welcome submissions from a range of academic disciplines including history, anthropology, political science, sociology, religion, environmental studies, literature, and the arts. NEAS editors seek contributions that rethink established debates and paradigms in the field, that address issues with comparative implications for scholars working in other parts of the world, or that draw on new source materials and disciplinary methodologies. We are highly interested in studies adopting transnational, transregional, and comparative perspectives as well as a regional approach to Northeast Africa that transcends the conventional borders of individual countries. Studies that explore the region’s broader interactions with the Red Sea and Indian Ocean areas, the adjacent Arabian Peninsula, relevant Trans-Saharan connections, or that converse with global history approaches are particularly welcome.\r\rNEAS also publishes scholarly reviews of current books in the field. Periodically, the editors commission guest-editors or solicit proposals for special issues on specific themes. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Obrana a Strategie", "ISSN": "12146463, 18027199", "Scope": "Scope\r\rThe open-access, double-blind peer-reviewed Obrana a strategie journal has been published since 2001. It focuses on security and strategic studies, military affairs, international relations, and other related issues. It is intended for contributors and readers professionally active in areas of security and defence: security experts, members of armed forces, academic staff, students of respective disciplines (security and strategic studies, international relations, political science, etc.), and other interested parties from the Czech and international security communities.\r\rThe aim of the journal is to:\r\rProvide space for presentation and sharing the latest expertise of domestic and foreign origin in the area of security and strategic studies;\rForm a platform for more extensive mutual information sharing and communication between the army environment and civil security community;\rCultivate the expert debate over issues related to defence and security.\r\rThe area of security and strategic studies is an extremely important part of social research. The issues associated with the defence and security are and will be more and more at the center of professional and common public attention. The Obrana a strategie is trying to answer the growing demand for professional information in this field. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproduction", "ISSN": "23137347, 25003194", "Scope": "Scope“Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproduction” (“Akuserstvo, Ginekologia i Reprodukcia”) is a peer-reviewed journal for obstetricians, gynecologists and other experts in the area of women’s health. The main goal of the journal is to publish high-quality original articles, scientific reviews, case studies, and lectures in all areas of women’s health. Our priorities focus on scientific and information support for members of the \"professional community\" in their pursuit of new ideas in the obstetrics and gynecology research. In addition, the journal proudly contributes to the continuing medical education (CME) of practitioners who specialize in various areas of women’s health including obstetrics, gynecology, in vitro fertilization (IVF) and assisted reproductive technology (ART). As an open-access journal, “Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproduction” (“Akuserstvo, Ginekologia i Reprodukcia”) is available in the Russian Federation and around the world. The editorial board includes 9 internationally known scientists, 5 full members of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), and 4 corresponding members of the RAS. The editorial board promotes the policy of full compliance with the principles of international scientific publishing ethics. All submitted materials undergo a compulsory double-blind peer reviewing process. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Partial Answers", "ISSN": "15653668, 19369247", "Scope": "ScopePartial Answers is an international, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal that focuses on the study of literature and the history of ideas. Partial Answers strives to explore ways in which literary texts can be perceived both as works of art and as testing grounds for ideas. The editors believe literary works participate in the history of ideas, whether understood as a continuous line of development, as a process of inheriting and correcting schemas, or as a sequence of archeological layers. Partial Answers publishes articles on various national literatures including Anglophone, Hebrew, Yiddish, German, Russian, and predominately English literature. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine", "ISSN": "10175989, 16623886", "Scope": "ScopeThis series deals with rapidly evolving pediatric subspecialties such as perinatal medicine, pediatric endocrinology, immunology, neurology and cardiology. The individual volumes not only highlight recent advances in a particular area, but also provide a comprehensive overview of new trends in monitoring child development and subsequent adult health. The series aims to inform both the general practitioner and the hospital physician about current theoretical and practical developments in pediatric and adolescent medicine. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Pensamiento", "ISSN": "314749", "Scope": "ScopePensamiento es una revista orientada fundacionalmente a la publicación de todo aquello que tenga ampliamente una relación con la filosofía. Pero no es una revista culturalista, de actualidad o miscelánea, sino orientada a la publicación de artículos científicos de investigación, normalmente producidos en ámbitos académicos universitarios, pero no sólo. Sus artículos, notas, comentarios bibliográficos o crónicas, hacen siempre relación a un enfoque serio, riguroso, científico, académico de la filosofía. Sus autores y colaboradores han surgido en parte de aquellas instituciones de la Compañía de Jesús que la sustentan y editan, pero no sólo, ya que desde sus primeros años de existencia Pensamiento ha estado abierta a todos y ha sido vehículo de expresión donde han publicado sus artículos importantes filósofos y profesores universitarios, tanto de España como de América Latina preferentemente. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Per Linguam", "ISSN": "02592312, 22240012", "Scope": "ScopePer Linguam is a peer-reviewed and accredited academic journal published by the University of Stellenbosch and managed by the Department of Curriculum Studies in the Faculty of Education.\r\rThe journal focuses on topics related to language learning and applied linguistics, as well as issues related to multilingualism and educational psychology. Per Linguam welcomes previously unpublished articles on topics of interest to teachers, researchers, academics, language practitioners or anyone involved in applied language studies.\r\rPer Linguam accepts articles that are data-driven, using qualitative and quantitative analytical tools. We will also consider conceptual articles if they are based on the analysis of documents (like curricula, policies, etc). Literature surveys or purely argumentative articles will not be considered. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Philosophical Inquiry in Education", "ISSN": "23698659", "Scope": "ScopePhilosophical Inquiry in Education is an international peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the unique and distinctive contribution that philosophical thinking can make to educational policy, research, and practice. Global in outlook, the journal publishes articles representing the spectrum of intellectual traditions that define contemporary philosophy of education.\r\rAlthough the journal's focus is rigorous theoretical and conceptual investigation, we welcome submission of articles that use qualitative or quantitative evidence on the condition that they are judged by the editors to demonstrate how empirical evidence contributes significantly to ongoing debates in philosophy of education. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Polish Journal of Natural Sciences", "ISSN": "16439953", "Scope": "ScopePolish Journal of Natural Sciences is a peer reviewed research journal published in English by the Publishing House of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn (Poland). Polish Journal of Natural Sciences publishes papers dealing with animal sciences, biology, Earth and environmental sciences, fisheries, food technology, humans and environment and veterinary sciences.\rThere are three types of papers: a) research papers (full length articles); b) research notes (short communications); c) review papers. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Problems of the Regional Energetics", "ISSN": "18570070", "Scope": "Scope\"Problems of the Regional Energetics\" (ISSN 1857-0070) is a reviewed scientific, informational, analytical and engineering journal. The journal has been published by the Institute of Power Engineering since 2005. \"Problems of the Regional Energetics\" is issued four times a year since 2020.\rThe journal publishes the most significant and relevant results of research and activities in the field of energetic, focused on the most current topics, according to the directions:\r•\tdevelopment and optimization of the operation of the energy complex;\r•\tdevelopment of innovative intelligent energy elements and systems with signs of adaptability to ensure the reliable and safe operation of the energy complex; ensuring energy security;\r•\telaboration of new methods, processes, devices, equipments and technologies that contribute to the increase of energy efficiency in generation, transmission, distribution and consumption of electric power and thermal energy;\r•\tadvanced engineering processes of transformation of primary and secondary energy resources into energy;\r•\tpromoting technologies and equipment for the use of renewable and new energy sources;\r•\teconomic aspects regarding the operation of the energy complex;\r•\tapplication of computer science, electronic tools and control systems to solve problems in energetics, engineering, agriculture and related sectors;\r•\tproblems of cybersecurity and IoT technologies in the energy sector.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Prose Studies", "ISSN": "01440357, 17439426", "Scope": "ScopeProse Studies is a forum for discussion of the history, theory and criticism of non-fictional prose of all periods. While the journal publishes studies of such recognized genres of non-fiction as autobiography, biography, the sermon, the essay, the letter, the journal etc., it also aims to promote the study of non-fictional prose as an important component in the profession’s ongoing re-configuration of the categories and canons of literature. Interdisciplinary studies, articles on non-canonical texts and essays on the theory and practice of discourse are also included. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Quinto Sol", "ISSN": "03292665, 18512879", "Scope": "ScopeQuinto Sol is a quarterly magazine (3 issues a year, January-April, May-August, September-December) published by the Instituto de Estudios Socio-Históricos (IESH) and the Instituto de Estudios Históricos y Sociales de la Pampa (IEHSOLP-Institute of Historical and Social Studies of La Pampa), National University of La Pampa. It publishes original research works in regional and Argentine history as well as related social disciplines, with the aim of contributing to the updating, dissemination and renewal of Argentine and Latin American historiographic knowledge. The topics it includes are linked to social, cultural, economic and political aspects, between the 18th and 20th centuries. The articles are expected to contribute to the discipline and foster debate among researchers in the field.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Quiroga", "ISSN": "22547037", "Scope": "ScopeQuiroga arises as an interdisciplinary journal oriented to the critical analysis and research on the cultural processes related to the cultural proccesses linked to the historical and artistic heritage produced in the Americas. It will be considered for publication any contribution linked to any of the following issues:\r\r-Historical and artistic heritage studies.\r-Artistic relations and exchanges.\r-Visual culture.\r-Borders, migrations and exiles.\r-Iconography and emblematic.\r-Heritage diffusion, conservation and interpretation. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Rast Müzikoloji Dergisi", "ISSN": "21477361, 21477531", "Scope": "ScopeRast Musicology Journal (RMJ) is an international refereed journal which draws its contributions from a wide community of researchers. The main focus of the RMJ is firmly the analysis of music and musicology research. Musicology and music research, Western and Eastern Music, Middle Eastern Music, Turkic and Ottoman music research take place in RMJ also. Additionally, RMJ provides a forum for cross-cultural investigations and discussions relating to all areas of musicology. Furthermore, RMJ is journal published interdisciplinary research which devoted to issues and practices in music research. The main contributors of RMJ are musicologists, professionals musicians, music educators, social scientists and specialists from other scientific disciplines such as medicine, literature, law, history, public health, ethnography, culture, philosophy, sociology, and psychology. The journal is concerned with the dissemination of ideas relating to practical and theoretical developments in the field. Publication languages are English (primary), Turkish (secondary). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Research on Economic Inequality", "ISSN": "10492585", "Scope": "ScopeThe essays in this series offer fresh theoretical and methodological insights into the key issues in the field of economic inequality. The content is comprised of highly topical subject matter with key researchers in the field contributing.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista de Estudios Historico-Juridicos", "ISSN": "07165455, 07176260", "Scope": "ScopeThe aim of Revista de Estudios Histórico-Jurídicos (abbreviation REHJ, for Historical-Legal Studies Journal) is to spread original and unpublished articles regarding dogmatic, legislative and institutional history in the fields of Roman Law and Legal History, especially in the European and Ibero-American Romanistic tradition; and of History of Western legal and political thought; even if these are lectures given at scientific congresses. It also accepts revisions regarding the status of an issue and broad bibliographic revisions, as long as they are of a critical nature.\r\rThe Journal does not publish works of a purely philosophical, theoretical, political or sociological content; neither publishes works of a mere outreach nature, whether they consist in non-reprocessed lectures or conferences as articles, nor if they offer the assay form (\"reflections\", \"remarks\", \"considerations\", \"note-taking\", \"notes\" etc.).\r\rGeneral Coverage on the Following Topics: Roman law, History of (public and private) Law, History of canon law, History of European law, Indian Law (History of the legal system applied in the Americas during the Spanish colonisation), History of the Ibero-American national laws, History of Chilean law, History of the legal dogmas, History of the legal thought, History of the political thought, History of institutions. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista de Estudios Regionales", "ISSN": "2137585", "Scope": "ScopeRevista de Estudios Regionales is an academic journal by the public universities of Andalusia. The journal's primary purpose since its inception in 1977 has been to publish manuscripts on regional matters in the field of social sciences.\r\rThe magazine will be published every four months, there will be three editions per year.\r\rThe Journal is freely accessible and articles are posted from the moment of publication. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Science and Technology of Cereals, Oils and Foods", "ISSN": "10077561", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Scopus: Journal of East African Ornithology", "ISSN": "02504162, 23131799", "Scope": "ScopeScopus: Journal of East African Ornithology welcomes original contributions— which have not been published elsewhere— on all aspects of the ornithology of eastern Africa, encompassing the area from Sudan, Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa countries south to Mozambique, and including the Malagasy region. \rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Scottish Journal of Theology", "ISSN": "00369306, 14753065", "Scope": "ScopeScottish Journal of Theology is an international journal of systematic, historical and biblical theology. Since its foundation in 1948, it has become established as one of the world's leading theological journals. As well as publishing original research articles, many issues contain an article review consisting of an extensive review of a recent book, with a reply from the author. Scottish Journal of Theology provides an ecumenical forum for debate, and engages in extensive reviewing of theological and biblical literature.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "SEI Technical Review", "ISSN": "13434349", "Scope": "ScopeThe SEI TECHNICAL REVIEW is a journal of technical papers explaining the Sumitomo Electric Group’s technologies. Technical papers are available in PDF format. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Sociedade e Cultura", "ISSN": "14158566, 19808194", "Scope": "ScopeSociedade e Cultura is a publication of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the Federal University of Goiás and its postgraduate programs in Social Anthropology, Political Science and Sociology. Original and unpublished manuscripts in the form of articles and book reviews in social science are accepted. The journal may exceptionally publish translations and interviews. The title required for publication as the first author of articles is doctorate, with the co-authorship of masters. For reviews, MS students may be authors. In addition to manuscripts in Portuguese, the Journal accepts contributions in English and Spanish. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Strategic Comments", "ISSN": "13567888", "Scope": "ScopeWith 40 issues per year, Strategic Comments provide succinct, timely and cogent insights of consistent authority to policymakers, journalists, business executives and foreign-affairs analysts. Since its foundation in 1995, Strategic Comments has harnessed the considerable expertise of the Institute’s research staff and members, as well as the broader strategic studies community. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studies in American Humor", "ISSN": "0095280X, 23339934", "Scope": "ScopeWelcome to the home of Studies in American Humor, the journal of the American Humor Studies Association.\r\rFounded by the American Humor Studies Association in 1974 and published continuously since 1982, StAH specializes in humanistic research on humor in America (loosely defined) because the universal human capacity for humor is always expressed within the specific contexts of time, place, and audience that research methods in the humanities strive to address. Such methods now extend well beyond the literary and film analyses that once formed the core of American humor scholarship to a wide range of critical, biographical, historical, theoretical, archival, ethnographic, and digital studies of humor in performance and public life as well as in print and other media. StAH’s expanded editorial board of specialists marks that growth. On behalf of the editorial board, I invite scholars across the humanities to submit their best work on topics in American humor and join us in advancing knowledge in the field. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Tijdschrift voor Gerontologie en Geriatrie", "ISSN": "01679228, 18756832", "Scope": "ScopeHet Tijdschrift voor Gerontologie en Geriatrie (TGG) bestrijkt al 50 jaar het brede wetenschapsgebied van de gerontologie en geriatrie in al zijn facetten, met bijdragen uit de biologische, medische, psychologische en sociale wetenschappen. Bovendien wordt aandacht besteed aan de noodzakelijke wisselwerking tussen gerontologie en geriatrie.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Transition Studies Review", "ISSN": "16144007", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Trends in Glycoscience and Glycotechnology", "ISSN": "09157352, 18832113", "Scope": "ScopeTIGG is an international, bilingual journal covering glycoscience and glycotechnology and issued bimonthly since 1989. Since then editors are elected from academia and companies who agree to participate in a volunteer basis for the duration of four years.\r\rTIGG is an official journal of the Japanese Society of Carbohydrate Research.\r\rThe journal covers the following categories.\r\rMINIREVIEWS describe recent progress in the fields of glycoscience and glycotechnology. Suggestions are always welcome in the form of a one-page synopsis (double spaced) addressed to the editor-in-chief.\rGLYCOTOPICS are short commentaries on the latest papers describing outstanding findings with background.\rGLYCODEBUTS introduce distinguished PhD theses or outstanding works of young scientists over the world in glycosciences and glycotechnologies.\rGLYCOFORUM is for our readers who wish to submit comments on scientific or social matters related to glycoscience and glycotechnology.\rLETTERS TO TIGG are for readers who wish to discuss contributions appearing in TIGG or matters related to FCCA. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ukrainian Journal of Forest and Wood Science", "ISSN": "26644452, 26644460", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series C: Electrical Engineering and Computer Science", "ISSN": "22863540, 22863559", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series D: Mechanical Engineering", "ISSN": "14542358", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localizedJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "USGS Scientific Investigations Report", "ISSN": "2328031X, 23280328", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Voprosy Sovremennoi Pediatrii - Current Pediatrics", "ISSN": "16825527, 16825535", "Scope": "ScopeThe main purpose of the academic journal \"Current Pediatrics\" is to cover the issues related to health, emotional state, and social adaptation of children. In the journal we publish the most pressing issues of research and applied problems (such as social paediatrics; clinical findings, anamnesis, and diagnosis of paediatric diseases; prevention and rehabilitation; supply of healthy and sick child), reviews on the current state of medical science and management of health care in Russia.\r\rAlong with the concern for providing a high level of basic research publications, the journal, being a mass media tool, tends to meet the interests and requirements of practitioners from different regions and bring up vital and urgent questions. To accomplish this purpose the journal includes the materials of practical interest presented in the following sections: \"Exchange of experience\", \"Doctor's aid\", \"Continuous professional education\", \"Expert Opinion\".\r\rThe journal presents actual official information from the Union of Paediatricians of Russia and publishes materials on the history of medical science, congresses, seminars, conferences, both in our country and abroad. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "AJS Review", "ISSN": "03640094, 14754541", "Scope": "ScopeAJS Review publishes scholarly articles and book reviews covering the field of Jewish Studies. From biblical and rabbinic textual and historical studies to modern history, social sciences, the arts, and literature, the journal welcomes articles of interest to both academic and lay audiences around the world. A substantial portion of each volume is devoted to reviews of the latest scholarly Judaica and to review essays on current trends in publishing. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Apparatus", "ISSN": "23657758", "Scope": "ScopeApparatus deals with film, media and digital cultures of Eastern, Central and South-Eastern Europe. Apparatus covers the research of current and historical media in its entirety: early technical media, film, radio, magnetic tapes, television, internet, DVDs. Our understanding of media includes all material aspects of traditional forms of communication such as manuscripts and books. We encourage theoretical as well as empirical studies. The core of our publication are original research articles.\r\rThe scholarly quality of the journal is secured through a double blind peer review process. The articles can be published in different languages, including those used in the region the journal concentrates upon – always with a summary in English. We welcome contributions in your native language.\r\rThe electronic form of publishing allows not only for illustrations but audio or video files. These clips – once their rights are cleared – can be uploaded onto the Apparatus channel.\r\rAll articles in Apparatus are instantaneously available in open access in its entirety. This ensures their maximum accessibility and international dissemination – including among scholars in Eastern Europe whose access to Western and international journals (reception and publication alike) remains limited. Apparatus encourages writers engaging in the field to use the journal as a forum for communication for bridging the East-West divide. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Arquiteturarevista", "ISSN": "18085741", "Scope": "ScopeArquiteturarevista is directed to the dissemination of scientific works related to different disciplinary fields that are linked to territory, building and digital space. This new triad establishes the fundamental locus for advancing the reflections on contemporary architecture.\r\rThe journal is interested in themes that focus on architectural practice in its functional, compositional, morphological type and technical-constructive aspects as well as in the dynamics of formation, growth, and development of cities in socio-spatial, cultural, economic and environmental terms applied to the present.\r\rIt proposes the creation of a space for intellectual production and discussion on themes emerging from contemporary architecture, preferably with approaches related to sustainability and technology in cities and buildings. In this collective space of knowledge production, Arquiteturarevista intends to contribute to the construction of an ethically responsible knowledge. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Asian Women", "ISSN": "1225925X", "Scope": "ScopeAsian Women seeks submissions for recent gender issues such as women and welfare, women's rights, eco-feminism, health, women and bio-technology, women and history, gender relations studies and other relevant themes in gender studies.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Bilgi Dunyasi", "ISSN": "13023217", "Scope": "ScopeBilgi Dünyası, Türkiye’de ve dünyada kütüphanecilik ve bilgibilim alanının gelişmesine katkı sağlamayı, sorunlarını incelemeyi ve bu sorunlara çözüm önerileri sunmayı öncelikli amaç olarak belirlemiştir. Bu amaç doğrultusunda, Bilgi Dünyası üniversite ve araştırma kütüphaneleri, halk kütüphaneleri, okul kütüphaneleri, özel kütüphaneler, dokümantasyon ve enformasyon merkezleri, araştırma merkezleri, arşivler, müzeler ve diğer bellek kurumlarının tüm kademelerindeki kuramsal ve uygulamaya yönelik sorunlara somut çözüm önerileri sunmaya, ülkemizdeki bellek kurumlarındaki gelişme ve yenilikleri paylaşmaya, bilgi uzmanlarının karşılaştıkları sorunları tartışmaya, bu sorunlara çözüm önerileri sunmaya, öğretim üyeleri, bilgi uzmanları, lisans ve lisansüstü düzeydeki öğrencilerin bilimsel çalışmalarının sonuçlarını kamuoyuna duyurmaya, uygulamacı ve akademisyenlerin profesyonel gelişimlerine katkı sağlayan akademik çalışmaların yaygınlaştırılmasına hizmet etmektedir. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Boletin de Malariologia y Salud Ambiental", "ISSN": "16904648", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Bulletin of Siberian Medicine", "ISSN": "16820363, 18193684", "Scope": "ScopeBulletin of Siberian Medicine is a scientific-practical journal of general medical profile. It is a regular peer-reviewed print publication representing results of interdisciplinary research aimed at the development of advanced medical technologies.\r\rTo unite the scientific medical community and to distribute actual information and to promote the professional development of specialists the journal publishes original scientific papers representing the experimental and clinical results of research, lectures, scientific reviews of research findings in various fields of medicine with the emphasis on manuscripts dealing with prospective lines of development of the up-to-date medical science:\r\rMolecular medicine\rRegenerative medicine and bioengineering\rInformative technologies in biology and medicine\rInvasive medical technologies\rNeurosciences and behavior medicine\rPharmacology and innovative pharmaceutics\rNuclear medicine\rTranslational medicine. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Caravelle", "ISSN": "11476753", "Scope": "ScopeCaravelle fut fondée en 1963 par Frédéric Mauro, Paul Mérimée et Jean Roche. Elle publie deux numéros par an (juin et décembre).\r\rPluridisciplinaire, elle a pour objets principaux les études littéraires, l'histoire sociale et culturelle et les autres champs des sociétés et de la culture hispano-américaines.\rTrilingue (français, espagnol, portugais), elle publie des numéros thématiques, soit sur l'ensemble latino-américain, soit sur un pays ou un groupe de pays du sous-continent. Des œuvres originales, inédites, viennent renforcer les analyses littéraires. Les comptes rendus, par leur abondance, constituent un outil bibliographique de référence.\r\rLes articles soumis à publication, quelle que soit la rubrique, doivent être originaux, respecter la ligne éditoriale et les normes éditoriales et bibliographiques de la revue. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "CESifo DICE Report", "ISSN": "16120663", "Scope": "ScopeThe ifo DICE Report was a quarterly, English-language journal featuring articles on institutional regulations and economic policy measures that offer country comparative analyses. The DICE Database (Database for Institutional Comparisons of Economies) continues to offer an overview of institutions in an international comparison.\r\rIn July 2020 ifo DICE was merged with the magazine CESifo Forum. The newly designed publication under the brand CESifo Forum will appear every two months. It will reflect the of ifo’s and CESifo’s activities, from academic research to up-to-date business data, and feature articles about the current international economic policy debate with a particular focus on institutional economics. It will be issued bi-monthly. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ceskoslovenska Patologie", "ISSN": "12107875, 18054498", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal Czecho-Slovak Pathology is devoted to the publication of original studies in the field of diagnostic as well as exprimental pathology, case reports with novel observations and review articles. The journal publishes articles in English as well as in national languages (Czech, Slovak). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Chinese Journal of Applied Chemistry", "ISSN": "10000518", "Scope": "ScopeChinese Journal of Applied Chemistry, founded in 1983, is approved by State Scientific and Technological Commission (presently Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China), administered by Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), cosponsored by the Chinese Chemical Society (CCS) and Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, CAS, published by the Science Press, catalogued as periodicals, and issued domestically and aboard. It is devoted to the publication of research papers in all fields of chemistry with emphasis on fundamental researches having potential applications, interdisciplinary researches, and creative discoveries from production practice. The Journal takes the responsibility to act as a bridge between scientific research and industrial practice. The journal is published monthly (on the 10th day of each month) in Chinese (some in English) and delivers approximately 1400 pages each year of reports and reviews on current forefront topics in all branches of chemistry including organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry, analytical chemistry, polymer chemistry, and related fields such as materials science, life science, and information science. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Chinese Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy", "ISSN": "10097708", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Chinese Journal of Plastic Surgery", "ISSN": "10094598", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal is to publish significant developments in all areas related to reconstructive and cosmetic surgery. Significant papers on any aspect of plastic surgery—original clinical or laboratory research, operative procedures, comprehensive reviews, cosmetic surgery—as well as selected ideas and innovations, case reports , plastic surgery education are invited for publication.\r\rThe intended audience: the clinicians、researchers、students、nurses in plastic and reconstructive surgery and related medical fields. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Collectanea Botanica", "ISSN": "00100730, 19891067", "Scope": "ScopeCollectanea Botanica publishes original and unpublished articles in the taxonomy and systematics of all plant groups and fungi, including related fields like biogeography, bioinformatics, cytogenetics, conservation, ecophysiology, phylogeny, phylogeography, functional morphology, nomenclature and plant-animal relations, as well as reviews and summary works.\rThe journal, annually published, provides information about new species to TROPICOS, International Plant Name Index or IndexFungorum databases. databases.\rCollectanea Botanica has a technical editing team that allows reducing the time needed to process manuscripts. Offprints are provided to authors in pdf format and printed. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Computers in Education Journal", "ISSN": "10693769", "Scope": "ScopeThe of the of the ASEE Computers in Education journal is to provide a forum for discussing novel approaches to engineering education involving computers.\r\rWhile the Aims and of CoED Journal and division overlaps with the the purpose of ASEE there is special emphasis on the following:\r\r-To provide a medium of exchange for innovative concepts and experience-proven applications of computers and other computational methods and devices in education.\r-To develop, test, and publish research processed curricula for computer instruction for student and teacher development at all educational levels.\r-To contribute to the general knowledge of the CoED membership with respect to computation.\r-To broaden, where beneficial, the use of computational technologies by educators, students, institutions, and technical professionals. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Critical Survey", "ISSN": "00111570, 17522293", "Scope": "ScopeCritical Survey addresses central issues of critical practice and literary theory in a language that is clear, concise, and accessible, with a primary focus on Renaissance and Modern writing and culture. The journal combines criticism with creative writing, including poetry, providing an essential resource for everyone involved in the field of literary studies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "CTBUH Journal", "ISSN": "19461186, 19461194", "Scope": "ScopeThe CTBUH Journal is an official periodic publication of the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat. Published and circulated to the Council's worldwide membership on a quarterly basis, the Journal aims to document and publicize groundbreaking work taking place in the many fields related to tall buildings and urban development Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Dialectologia", "ISSN": "20132247", "Scope": "ScopeThe aim of the journal DIALECTOLOGIA is to join the experiences of researchers working in different fields of Dialectology (linguistic variation, geolinguistics, methodology, synchronic and diachronic dialectal data, new technologies, social dialectology, etc).\r-It is a double-blind external peer-reviewed journal, published twice yearly, that complies with the norms of the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT).\r-Each issue features 4/6 previously unpublished articles on original topics relating to linguistic variation.\r-It includes also book reviews and news about congresses, meetings and recent publications.\r-Original papers will be evaluated within a period of three months.\r-The journal does not charge fees to authors either for processing (APC) or for the publication of articles.\r-The author will remain owner of the intellectual property of the works, however access to them is totally open and free, so they can be reproduced in whole or in part with the only limitation of recognizing the authorship and the source of publication (\"Dialectologia. Revista electrònica\"), provided that such exploitation is not of a commercial nature. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Diplomacy and Statecraft", "ISSN": "09592296, 1557301X", "Scope": "ScopeDiplomacy & Statecraft is an international journal which should be read by all those who have a professional or general concern with international history and the contemporary conduct of international affairs. It offers regular articles on diplomatic history, together with ’professional interest’ items, such as reviews of recently declassified documents. Former diplomats and other practitioners contribute invaluable reflections on their experiences. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Douleurs", "ISSN": "16245687", "Scope": "ScopeDouleurs is a peer-reviewed journal that serves a multidisciplinary audience of professionals involved in the management and treatment of acute or chronic pain. The journal provides a forum for specialists and caregivers devoted to developing patient-centered care.\r\rDouleurs publishes articles of renowned authors involved in scientific research on the mechanisms of pain, clinical progress and diverse therapeutic solutions. It publishes articles on clinical practice issues, narrative reviews and case reports. Articles are selected by an editorial board composed of specialists in the treatment of pain.\r\rDouleurs aims at bringing concrete and practical solutions in a clear and synthetic format, with figures, illustrations, charts and decision trees that provide a diagnostic aid.\r\rIn addition, the journal gives access to current debates about pain through Opinion, Pros and Cons, Professional Life or Legal issues articles, as well as critical reviews of newly published books.\r\rThe journal offers abstracts in English and is available on ScienceDirect, one of the world's most advanced web delivery systems for scientific, technical and medical information. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Endoscopic Surgery", "ISSN": "10257209, 23095636", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Energy Studies Review", "ISSN": "8434379", "Scope": "ScopeThe Energy Studies Review serves as an interdisciplinary journal, publishing papers on major themes including energy policy, energy and the environment, energy technology, social impacts of energy utilization, and surveys of experimental and theoretical approaches. The perspective is intended to be broad and policy related energy papers are particularly welcome. From time to time we will devote special issues of the Review to themes corresponding to timely topics or recent conferences. Ideas regarding themes or conference collaboration for special issues are most welcome. While we anticipate that economics will continue to serve as a primary analytic tool, all methodological approaches – including engineering, geography, marketing, social sciences, and sciences – are most welcome. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Enthymema", "ISSN": "20372426", "Scope": "Scope«Enthymema»'s aim is to provide an arena for discussion and inquiry on the foundations of literary communication. The journal’s fields of interest are literary theory, literary criticism and philosophy of literature; by these definitions we intend the reasoning on grounds, issues, critical tools and methods in literary studies. «Enthymema» presents unpublished works as well as translations of major international essays in these disciplines. We welcome theoretical, critical and methodological papers, reviews, announcements of conferences and other events related to literary research. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Estudios Biblicos", "ISSN": "141437", "Scope": "ScopeEstudios Bíblicos is a quarterly journal edited by the Universidad San Dámaso in collaboration with the Asociación Bíblica Española. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ethnologie Francaise", "ISSN": "462616", "Scope": "ScopeFounded in 1971 by Jean Cuisenier within the Centre d’Ethnologie Française, Ethnologie française made an early effort to break with the approach of the folklorists who dominated the analysis of social and cultural facts observed in France as well as in Europe at that time.\r\rThe review has been part of the editorial department of the Maison Archéologie & Ethnologie – René Ginouvès at the Université Paris Nanterre since 2008, becoming one of the most important French-language journals of general anthropology. Edited and managed by Martine Segalen from 2006 to 2017 and since 2017 by Nicolas Adell, the journal focuses primarily – although not exclusively – on European societies through the lens of ethnographic studies but also of other perspectives including history, sociology, political science, geography, and literary studies.\r\rEthnologie Française publishes four issues per year. The paper version is published and distributed by the Presses Universitaires de France. Issues published since 2001 are accessible online via the CAIRN portal, with a 36-month moving wall, and older issues can be consulted on the JSTOR platform. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Etudes Philosophiques", "ISSN": "142166", "Scope": "ScopeLa revue, fondée par Gaston Berger en 1926, et publiée d’abord à Marseille comme Bulletin de la Société d'études philosophiques du Sud-Est, s’était fixée une double tâche : rendre compte des recherches menées dans les sociétés de philosophie et les universités (dans un cadre régional d’abord, et bientôt national), mais aussi faire mieux connaître les grandes tendances de la vie philosophique au plan international (la présence d’Edmund Husserl parmi les premiers correspondants de la Société d’études philosophiques en étant un signe parmi d'autres).\r\rPour répondre à cette double vocation (solide tradition de travaux historiques et ouverture sur l'actualité de la recherche), Les Etudes philosophiques publient chaque année plusieurs numéros thématiques consacrés à de grands penseurs classiques (Aristote, Descartes, Leibniz, Spinoza, Herder, Kant, Hegel, Ravaisson), à des auteurs contemporains (Michel Henry, Claude Bruaire, Heidegger, Carl Schmitt), à des problématiques originales et définies (Romantisme allemand, L'Egypte et la philosophie, Descartes et l'Allemagne, l'Aristotélisme au XVIe, L'analogie, la Philosophie Italienne, Marin Mersenne, Signification, Phénoménologie et philosophie analytique, la question des “doctrines non-écrites” chez Platon, les écrits socratiques de Xénophon). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Eurasian Journal of Family Medicine", "ISSN": "21473161, 21473404", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "French Historical Studies", "ISSN": "00161071, 15275493", "Scope": "ScopeFrench Historical Studies, the leading journal on the history of France, publishes articles, commentaries, and research notes on all periods of French history from the Middle Ages to the present. The journal’s diverse format includes forums, review essays, special issues, and articles in French, as well as bilingual abstracts of the articles in each issue. Also featured are bibliographies of recent articles, dissertations and books in French history, and announcements of fellowships, prizes, and conferences of interest to French historians. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Historia da Educacao", "ISSN": "14143518, 22363459", "Scope": "ScopeThe História da Educação Journal is a publication of the Rio Grande do Sul Association of Researchers on History of Education (Asphe- Associação Sul-Rio-Grandense de Pesquisadores em História da Educação) since 1997, published every four months. Its purpose is to disseminate knowledge involving History and Historiography of Education. It receives financial support from CNPq/Capes and institutional support from various Universities in the State of Rio Grande do Sul.\r\rIt accepts for publication unpublished texts in various different formats: articles, dossiers, translations, special section/interviews, reviews, archives/documents, whose topics are part of the aforementioned field or other fields of knowlege that intersect with History of Education.\r\rThe journal is hosted by the journal portal of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul) at the following address: http://seer.ufrgs.br/asphe, and is presented in an online format. The process of submission, evaluation, editing and publication is performed using the Electronic System of Journal Editing (Sistema Eletrônico de Editoração de Revistas), with a licensed translation of the Open Journal Systems - OJS. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Illes i Imperis", "ISSN": "15750698, 23854219", "Scope": "ScopeIlles i Imperis is a journal that has been published by the GRIMSE (Research Group on Empires, Metropolis and Extra-European Societies) since 1998. It aims to publish studies on colonial and postcolonial societies. The objectives of the editorial board are patently open. They admit all means of approaching colonial societies and their subsequent realities, provided they meet the quality requirements that are characteristic of the social sciences in our era. We accept and promote the publication of historical papers, although we also welcome contributions from other areas of the social sciences.\r\rIlles i Imperis disseminates studies, texts and quantitative materials, it provides references and offers bibliographical commentaries, in addition to information on activities of interest to scholars and those intrigued by the history of societies in the colonial and postcolonial world. In short, the journal strives to serve as a platform for airing the academic concerns of those who take an interest in studying these societies.\r\rGRIMSE’s interests have taken a preferential leaning towards studies on Latin America, the Philippines and Southeast Asia; on North Africa; and in relation to the Hispanic metropolitan world during the 15th to 20th centuries. Nevertheless, the journal is not only focussed on studies in this field; rather, in general, it serves as a platform for the publication of academic papers on other areas and periods. We are particularly motivated by studies on other empires (the Portuguese, French, English and Dutch empires, etc.), comparative perspectives and, broadly speaking, analyses that are forged on the basis of typical concerns in the field of World History. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Indian Journal of Nematology", "ISSN": "03036960, 09744444", "Scope": "ScopeThe Indian journal of Nematology is published half - yearly by the Nematological society of India. The journal is sent free to members in good standing. The society does not accept responsibility for loss during postal transit. Communications regarding the membership of the Nematological society of India should be addressed to the General Secretary, Nematological Society of India, Division of Nematology, I.A.R.I., New Delhi-110012, India. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Information and Media", "ISSN": "27836207", "Scope": "ScopeInformation & Media is an academic diamond open access journal which publishes peer-reviewed scholarly papers in the wide field of information and communication sciences. The journal strives to be developmental in its review process and culture. Editorial Board and reviewers seek to help authors develop their work to the best of their ability. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research", "ISSN": "19479654, 19479662", "Scope": "ScopeThe International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research (IJAGR) publishes research that exemplifies the usage of geographic information science and technology (GIS&T) to explore and resolve geographical issues from various application domains within the social and/or physical sciences. IJAGR is designed to provide planners and policy analysts, practitioners, academicians, and others using GIS&T useful studies that might support decision-making activities. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Environment, Workplace and Employment", "ISSN": "17418437, 17418445", "Scope": "ScopeIJEWE provides a refereed international forum for discussion and analysis of the effect that achieving ecological sustainability in the workplace will have on the natural environment.\rTopics covered include:\r-Environmental behavior (recycling, reusing, conserving, ….)-\rEnvironmental governance-\rEnvironmental management-\rEnvironmental psychology-\rEthics in environmental issues-\rHuman resources management practices-\rCorporate social responsibility-\rSustainability-\rEnvironmental leardership-\rEcological sustainability and the changing skills formation of the workforce-\rEcological sustainability and the changing workplace and workplace relations-\rEcological sustainability, green technologies, and competitive advantage Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Euro-Mediterranean Studies", "ISSN": "18553362, 22326022", "Scope": "Scopehe International Journal of Euro-Mediterranean Studies (IJEMS) is an open access journal aimed at promoting intercultural dialogue and exchanges between societies, developing human resources, and assuring greater mutual understanding in the Euro-Mediterranean region.\r\rTo accomplish this objective, the journal seeks to publish high quality articles of various types:\r\ra scientific article (6,000–8,000 words with a strong theoretical and methodological input);\ra student-authored scientific article (same contours as a scientific article but authored by interested MA or PhD students);\ra research article (3,000–4,000 words with a strong expert and empirically relevant input);\ra review article (3,000–4,000 words with a focus on critically reviewing two or three (current) academic books).\rThe topics of articles include, but are not limited to: Politics, Sociology, Economics, Human Geography and Environment, Business and Management, Education, International Relations, and History. While IJMES offers a wide inter-disciplinary base for article publication it is of the utmost importance that the articles’ content directly addresses the problematique as present in the Euro-Mediterranean area.\r\rThematic issues are published on: Civil Protection, Depollution of the Mediterranean, Alternative Energies, Maritime and Land Highways, Higher Education and Research, and Business Development in the Mediterranean. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering", "ISSN": "19478488, 19478496", "Scope": "ScopeThe mission of the International Journal of Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering (IJGEE) is to publish a bi-annual publication of peer-reviewed articles on research and development in analytic, experimental, and field studies of geotechnical and earthquake engineering. It will also include inter-allied areas of (but not limited to) geophysics and geothermal engineering, pavement engineering, engineering seismology, engineering geology, hazard mitigation, and structural engineering. This journal provides timely articles on cutting edge research. The journal draws research and development from scientists and engineers worldwide in the fields of earthquake engineering, geotechnical engineering, geophysics, and engineering seismology. Work on experimental, analytic, design, field studies, and case histories are encouraged. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Issledovanie Zemli iz Kosmosa, (Earth Research from Space)", "ISSN": "2059614", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Journal of American Studies", "ISSN": "00218758, 14695154", "Scope": "ScopeJournal of American Studies seeks to critique and interrogate the notion of \"America\", pursuing this through international perspectives on the history, literature, politics and culture of the United States. The Journal publishes works by scholars from all over the world on American literature, history, institutions, politics, economics, film, popular culture, geography and related subjects in domestic, continental, hemispheric, and global contexts. Its expanded book review section offers in-depth analysis of recent American Studies scholarship to promote further discussion and debate. The journal is intended not only for students and scholars, but also for general readers with an interest in the United States. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Japan Institute of Electronics Packaging", "ISSN": "13439677, 1884121X", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Korean Ophthalmological Society", "ISSN": "03786471, 20929374", "Scope": "ScopeThe primary mission of JKOS is to provide essential knowledge for ophthalmology residents, general ophthalmologists, and ophthalmology subspecialists to further elevate the level of ophthalmology by publishing creative, original, and clinically significant research under rigorous peer review. The ultimate goal of JKOS is to contribute to human’s health and well-being by improving and educating the science and technologies of ophthalmology.\r\rJKOS has kept its reputation in continuing to be the main medium facilitating communication between ophthalmology specialists and readers. Korean board-certified ophthalmologists, ophthalmology residents, and physicians practicing ophthalmology-related medical care have been the general readers of JKOS and this tradition will certainly continue. The JKOS has a larger reader population than the Korean Journal of Ophthalmology (KJO), an English-only journal published by KJO. Being the major ophthalmology journal in Korea, the JKOS has promoted lifelong learning for ophthalmologists and encouraged ophthalmology residents by allowing them more publishing opportunities. The JKOS is distributed to members of the KOS, medical schools, libraries, and many other institutions in Korea and abroad to promote the expansion of Korean ophthalmology and academic exchanges among KOS members and the international ophthalmology society. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Xiangya Medicine", "ISSN": "25199390", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Xiangya Medicine (JXYM, J Xiangya Med, Online ISSN 2519-9390) is an open-access, peer-reviewed, international electronic journal publishing articles on anesthesiology, blood transfusion, breast surgery, burns and reconstructive surgery, cardiac surgery, cardiovascular medicine, hepatobiliary & enteric studies, critical care medicine, dermatology, emergency medicine, endocrinology, gastroenterology, general surgery, geriatrics, hematology, infectious diseases, integrated traditional chinese and western medicine, mental health, nephrology, neurology, neurosurgery, nuclear medicine, nutrition, obstetrics and gynecology, oncology, ophthalmology, transplantation, orthopaedics, otolaryngology, head & neck surgery, pathology, pediatrics, pharmacy, plastic and cosmetic surgery, radiology, rehabilitation, respiratory medicine, rheumatology and immunology, spinal surgery, sports medicine, stomatology, thoracic surgery, ultrasound imaging and urology. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Korean Journal of Materials Research", "ISSN": "12250562", "Scope": "ScopeKorean Journal of Materials Research is the official publication of the Materials Society of Korea - a member of IUMRS (International Union of Materials Research Society). The journal contains research on nanomaterials, electronic and sensor materials, energy and ecomaterials, biomaterials, display and optics materials, composite and structural materials, and metals. It was launched in 1991 and publishes 12 volumes annually, with issues released on the 27th of each month. The ISO abbreviation of the journal tile is 'Korean J. Mater. Res.'\r\rThe purpose of the journal is to provide research papers and technical information on materials science and engineering and recent research trends to MRS-K society members. Manuscripts can be submitted in English or Korean. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Medicina Fluminensis", "ISSN": "18476864", "Scope": "ScopeMedicina Fluminensis službeni je časopis Hrvatskoga liječničkog zbora – Podružnica Rijeka i Medicinskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci. Časopis je pokrenuo Hrvatski liječnički zbor – Podružnica Rijeka 1964. godine pod imenom Medicina. Tijekom 2010. godine časopis mijenja ime u Medicina Fluminensis i izlazi u suizdavaštvu Hrvatskoga liječničkog zbora – Podružnica Rijeka i Medicinskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci.\rMedicina Fluminensis je recenzirani časopis u otvorenom pristupu i izlazi četiri puta godišnje u tiskanom i elektroničkom izdanju. U časopisu se objavljuju znanstveni članci iz svih područja biomedicinskih znanosti čovjeka, uključujući klinička i temeljna istraživanja, javno zdravstvo, povijest medicine, dentalnu medicinu, medicinsku bioetiku i medicinsku edukaciju. Časopis potiče i podupire temeljna i klinička medicinska istraživanja i promiče izvrsnost u medicinskoj edukaciji.\rSadržaj časopisa u cjelosti je besplatno dostupan. Časopis autorima ne naplaćuje objavu radova. Časopis je tiskan uz potporu Ministarstva znanosti, obrazovanja i sporta Republike Hrvatske, Grada Rijeke, Primorsko-goranske županije i Hrvatskog liječničkog sindikata – Podružnica Rijeka. Tiskano izdanje Časopisa dostavlja se članovima Hrvatskoga liječničkog zbora – Podružnica Rijeka. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Moderna Arhivistika", "ISSN": "25910884", "Scope": "ScopeJournal began with publication in 2018 and continues the tradition of publishing peer-reviewed scientific and professional articles from the fields of archival science, documentology, records management and other sciences, connected to the problems of records and archival documents in archives, museums, libraries and galleries. Novelties from the field of theoretical bases of archival science and documentology, professional processes, research, standards, guidelines, best practices, projects and programmes are presented. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ochrona Przed Korozja", "ISSN": "04737733, 24499501", "Scope": "ScopeOur monthly issues original papers from all fields of corrosion and corrosion protection. We accept topics concerning: corrosion phenomena, test methods, corrosion protection technologies – paints, electrochemical protection, conversion layers, metallic coatings, corrosion inhibitors, plastics, electroplating, corrosion of metals, concrete, wood, microbiological corrosion, corrosion engineering. We do not accept articles outside our Aims &.\r\rPapers are reviewed by specialists in the field covered by the article (single blind peer-review process). It takes about 2-4 weeks to receive the first answer and about 2-9 months after final acceptance to publish the article. We send a free copy of our monthly to the Authors after publication. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "ONdrugDelivery", "ISSN": "2049145X, 20491468", "Scope": "ScopeDrug delivery is the science and business of delivering pharmaceutically active ingredients to the required site in the body, in the right quantities, at the correct time and in the most effective and convenient manner.\rONdrugDelivery exists to provide its readers throughout global pharma and biopharma, with the latest, most pertinent, high-quality industry information, intelligence and insights we possibly can, about the ideas, technologies, services and products the drug delivery sector is developing. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Organizational Cultures", "ISSN": "23278013, 2327932X", "Scope": "ScopeOrganizational Cultures: An International Journal explores success factors in the management of organizational culture in responsive, productive, and respected organizations.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Paralleles", "ISSN": "21024316, 22966684", "Scope": "ScopeFounded in 1978, Parallèles is a scholarly journal that publishes high-quality original research in translation and interpreting, as well as other forms of multilingual and multimodal communication. It is published by the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting of the University of Geneva, Switzerland.\r\rParallèles is peer reviewed, open access and, since 2013, web-based only. The journal is published bi-annually – in April and October – and alternates between thematic and non-thematic issues. All articles accepted for publication are subject to comprehensive guidelines for reviewing, based on initial quality control by the Parallèles team, external refereeing, and consequent revision by authors as required. The journal operates under a continuous publication model. As soon as an article is ready to be published, it will be immediately released online, resulting in faster access to the final version of the article. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Pediatria Polska", "ISSN": "313939", "Scope": "ScopePolish Journal of Paediatrics is a quarterly journal featuring experimental and clinical original papers, rare and challenging case studies, as well as the latest reports on health issues affecting children, new-borns and adolescents. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Phytopathogenic Mollicutes", "ISSN": "22494669, 22494677", "Scope": "ScopeThe Mollicutes are a class of bacteria distinguished by the absence of a cell wall. They change shape readily (pleomorphism) because they lack a cell wall, being bounded by a triple-layered lipoprotein membrane that contains a sterol. Individuals are very small, typically only 0.2-0.3 in size and have a very small genome size. Thus mollicutes possibly became the smallest self-replicating organism in nature . They vary in form, although most have sterols that make the cell membrane somewhat more rigid. Many are able to move about through gliding, but members of the genus Spiroplasma are helical and move by twisting. The best-known genus in Mollicutes is Mycoplasma. They are parasites of various animals, humans and plants, living on or in the host's cells. Many Mollicutes cause diseases in humans, attaching to cells in the respiratory or urogenital tracts, particularly species of Mycoplasma and Ureaplasma. Phytoplasma and Spiroplasma are plant pathogens affecting over 300 plant species associated with insect vectors. To maintain their parasitic mode of life the mollicutes have developed rather sophisticated mechanisms to colonize their hosts and resist the host immune system.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Plato Journal", "ISSN": "20797567, 21834105", "Scope": "ScopeThe aim of this journal is to promote international dialogue on Plato across different languages and scholarly approaches. The journal has been established by the International Plato Society, founded in 1989. The Society also holds triennial symposia and occasional additional activities and supports regional Plato Societies. It also sponsors the publication of scholarly books on Plato, in collaboration with Academia Verlag, Sankt Augustin. It is open to all Plato scholars world-wide to read this journal, to make responses to the papers (which should be sent to the Editor and are subject to editorial moderation), and, in due course, to submit papers for inclusion in the journal. The languages of the journal are those of the International Plato Society, namely English, French, German, Italian and Spanish. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Psicologia Clinica", "ISSN": "1035665", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localizedJoin the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Religion and Human Rights", "ISSN": "1871031X, 18710328", "Scope": "ScopeReligion & Human Rights provides a unique academic forum for the discussion of issues which are of crucial importance and which have global reach. The Journal covers the interactions, conflicts and reconciliations between religions or beliefs on the one hand; and systems for the promotion and protection of human rights, international, regional and national, on the other. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Reviews in Anthropology", "ISSN": "938157", "Scope": "ScopeReviews in Anthropology is the only anthropological journal devoted to lengthy, in-depth review commentary on recently published books. Titles are largely drawn from the professional literature of anthropology, covering the entire range of work inclusive of all sub-disciplines, including biological, cultural, archaeological, and linguistic anthropology; a smaller number of books is selected from related disciplines. Articles evaluate the place of new books in their theoretical and topical literatures, assess their contributions to anthropology as a whole, and appraise the current state of knowledge in the field. The highly diverse subject matter sustains both specialized research and the generalist tradition of holistic anthropology. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Colombiana de Gastroenterologia", "ISSN": "1209957", "Scope": "ScopeLa Revista Colombiana de Gastroenterología creada en julio de 1985, inició su circulación ininterrumpida en 1986 y fue aprobada mediante Resolución del Ministerio de gobierno No. 001940 de Junio 4 de 1987 con ISSN 0120-9957. Es la publicación oficial de la Asociación Colombiana de Gastroenterología (antes Sociedad Colombiana de Gastroenterología) y recibe la colaboración de las Asociaciones Colombianas de Endoscopia digestiva, Hepatología, y Coloproctología. Su circulación es trimestral publicándose en los meses de marzo, junio, septiembre y diciembre.\r\rLa Revista Colombiana de Gastroenterología publica estudios básicos y clínicos de todos los temas en gastroenterología, endoscopia digestiva, hepatología y coloproctología. Los tipos de artículos que publica incluyen artículos originales e inéditos, artículos de revisión, estudios observacionales de alta calidad y series de casos novedosos. Está dirigida a profesionales, especialistas y estudiantes relacionados con las especialidades mencionadas anteriormente. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Cubana de Hematologia, Inmunologia y Hemoterapia", "ISSN": "08640289, 15612996", "Scope": "ScopeLectores y autores: Profesionales y técnicos vinculados a los campos de la hematología, la inmunología, la medicina transfusional y la medicina regenerativa.\r\rMisión: Ofrecer una información actualizada al número cada vez más creciente de médicos y otros profesionales y técnicos interesados en estas especialidades y promover el intercambio de información científica con especialistas de otros países. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista de Investigacion en Educacion", "ISSN": "16975200, 21723427", "Scope": "ScopeThe Revista de Investigación en Educación (ISSN 1697-5200, eISSN 2172-3427) is a scientific journal published by the Faculty of Education Science and Sports of University of Vigo. This journal published Research articles, reviews and letters are accepted for exclusive publication. All manuscripts must be written in Spanish, Galician or English, which meet the requirements of scientific and methodological rigor of formal presentation properly. The study is the teaching and learning in different educational levels. This journal is multidisciplinary without A.P.C. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista de la Asociacion Espanola de Especialistas en Medicina del Trabajo", "ISSN": "11326255", "Scope": "ScopeLa Revista de la Asociación Española de Especialistas en Medicina del Trabajo es una revista científica de la especialidad Medicina del Trabajo que se presenta en formato electrónico, con una periodicidad trimestral (cuatro números al año). Esta revista está siendo editada por dicha Sociedad Científica desde 1.991 y está abierta a la publicación de trabajos de autores ajenos a dicha Asociación.\r\rEl título abreviado normalizado es Rev Asoc Esp Espec Med Trab y debe ser utilizado en bibliografías, notas a pie de página y referencias bibliográficas.\r\rSus objetivos fundamentales son la formación e investigación sobre la salud de los trabajadores y su relación con el medio laboral. Para la consecución de estos objetivos trata temas como la prevención, el diagnóstico, el tratamiento, la rehabilitación y aspectos periciales de los accidentes de trabajo, las enfermedades profesionales y las enfermedades relacionadas con el trabajo, así como la vigilancia de la salud individual y colectiva de los trabajadores y otros aspectos relacionados con la prevención de riesgos laborales y la promoción de la salud en el ámbito laboral.\r\rSu publicación va dirigida a los especialistas y médicos internos residentes de Medicina del Trabajo, especialistas y enfermeros internos residentes en Enfermería del Trabajo, así como a otros médicos, enfermeros y profesionales interesados en la actualización de esta área de conocimiento de la Medicina. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Espanola de Cirugia Oral y Maxilofacial", "ISSN": "11300558", "Scope": "ScopeRevista Española de Cirugía Oral y Maxilofacial es una revista Open Access electrónica con 4 números regulares que no requiere pago por parte del autor. La RECOM es el órgano de expre­sión científica de la Sociedad Española de Cirugía Oral y Maxilofacial (SECOM).\r\rRevista Española de Cirugía Oral y Maxilofacial publica trabajos de relevancia en el campo de la cirugía oral y maxi­lofacial en español e inglés. La Revista está indexada en Scopus y en la colección Open Access de ScienceDirect.\r\rTodos los manuscritos se someten a una valoración efectua­da por expertos (peer review), ajenos al Comité de Redacción de la Revista, que realiza una valoración de los artículos de doble ciego. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revue Europeenne d' Economie et Management des Services", "ISSN": "24970107, 25550284", "Scope": "ScopeThe European Review of Service Economics and Management (ERSEM) is an international multidisciplinary Journal devoted to services studies in the field of economics and management. Papers can be submitted in English or in French. The journal is led by an editorial board bringing together economists and management scientists who were involved in the thematic series « Economie et Gestion des Services » (EGS) of the Journal « Économies et Sociétés ». Keeping the editorial policy unchanged, it continues EGS which ceased publication in September 2015.\r\rThe European Review of Service Economics and Management is devoted to those activities that constitute the main sources of employment and wealth in contemporary economies. ERSEM publishes original high-quality contributions that aim at improving our knowledge of service activities, on the theoretical and empirical as well as on the managerial and public policy viewpoint. It also publishes, in a “Debate and Viewpoints” section, shorter articles which develop personal viewpoints addressing specific economic, policy or management issues regarding services. The Journal covers any type of service activity: market and non-market but also services within manufacturing firms. It has no thematic boundary. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Rivista di Estetica", "ISSN": "356212", "Scope": "Scope«Rivista di Estetica» aims to build a bridge between aesthetic and ontology, by discussing fundamental issues of aesthetic, ontology and philosophy of contemporary art. The journal is addressed to intellectuals from a range of formations and cultures, and its main topics are aesthetic, ontology and analytic philosophy.\r\rOne of the oldest philosophical journals in Italy, founded by Luigi Pareyson in 1960 as a quarterly journal about aesthetics and more general philosophical themes, it is now directed by Maurizio Ferraris, professor of Philosophy at the University of Torino.\r\rEach issue is composed by three different sections: a monographic part focused on a particular theme; a second part called Varia, hosting essays dealing with a variety of topics; and a final part reserved to reviews. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Rivista di Psicolinguistica Applicata", "ISSN": "15921328, 17240646", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Rivista di Studi sulla Sostenibilita", "ISSN": "22391959, 22397221", "Scope": "ScopeThe REVIEW OF STUDIES ON SUSTAINABILITY stems from an initiative of the Simone Cesaretti Foundation and intends to be a means of deepening scientific knowledge on the issues of sustainable development, analyzed in its various dimensions: environmental, economic, territorial, social and generational.\rTo this end, the Review is distinguished by its interdisciplinary nature and is not intended to serve only the Italian public, but it is proposed to contribute to the international debate on sustainable human development.\rThe review, therefore, hosts papers of Italian and foreign scholars in order to stimulate debate on these issues, develop an exchange of knowledge and experience in research and facilitate the integration of multidisciplinary expertise.\rThe Review of Studies on Sustainability applies to become a reference point for different types of recipients, including: social scientists, philosophy, law, economics, psychology, politicians, entrepreneurs, decision makers and leaders and, more generally, anyone interested in the fundamental problems of our time.\rContributions may cover invited papers and communications, reviews and interviews. Moreover a special section, called forum, will host contributions in foreign languages. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Rossijskij Psihiatriceskij Zurnal", "ISSN": "1560957X", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Sri Lankan Journal of Anaesthesiology", "ISSN": "13918834, 22791965", "Scope": "ScopeThe Sri Lankan Journal of Anaesthesiology is published bi annually (January and June) in print form and as an open access journal in SLJOL by The College of Anaesthesiologists of Sri Lanka.\r\rThe journal publishes original work in all branches of anaesthesia, critical care and pain management including the application of basic sciences, clinical practice, equipment and training. In addition, the journal publishes review articles, case reports and special articles of general interest. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studia Anglica Posnaniensia", "ISSN": "816272", "Scope": "Scope-An international review of English studies published by the Faculty of English, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland,\r-Carries original articles on English linguistics and literature as well as book reviews,\r-The language of the journal is English. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "T'ang Studies", "ISSN": "07375034, 17597633", "Scope": "ScopeTang Studies is a peer-reviewed interdisciplinary publication of the Tang Studies Society. Initially conceived in 1982 as the Tang Studies Society’s newsletter, it has now evolved into a full-fledged scholarly journal open to critical inquiry into all aspects of Tang China. Major disciplines regularly represented in the journal include literature, history, religious studies, and art history. The journal welcomes submissions of original research, brief communications, and reference notes, as well as bibliographic materials. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Territoire en Mouvement", "ISSN": "19544863", "Scope": "ScopeTerritory in Movement is a journal of geography and planning edited by University of Lille and created in 2006. It is a scientific journal published 4 times per year and dedicated to the study off all aspects of geography and planning at international, national and local levels. It publishes original research papers, all of which are peer reviewed, mainly in thematic issues and book reviews. Particular emphasis is placed of the spatial and/or territorial issue of the theorical, conceptual and/or empirical aspects of the papers. Articles involving interdisciplinary approaches and opening towards different disciplines of social or environmental sciences are invited but all contributions must make clear the explicit link between spatial and/or territory dimension of the research. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Theatralia", "ISSN": "1803845X, 23364548", "Scope": "ScopeTheatralia: Journal of Theatre Studies is a peer reviewed journal of theatre history and theory, issued by the Masaryk University (Department of Theatre Studies, Faculty of Arts) since 2009.\r\rThe aim of the journal is to explore the previously neglected areas and issues of theatre history and theory, especially with regard to the Czech cultural context. The thematic of issued papers covers all the aspects of theatre performance and its production (acting, stage design, etc.), historical and theoretical issues, as well as interdisciplinary topics (e.g. performativity/theatricality). Special importance is assigned to the progressive tendencies in both the practical theatre-making and its theoretical reflection. The individual contributions vary from large-scale analytical studies to minor genres such as book reviews and reports on interesting events to unpublished sources (e.g. archival materials).\r\rThe crucial areas covered by the journal are the following:\r\r-Czech theatre (professional and non-professional)-\rtheatre theory (e.g. structuralism, cognitive studies, etc.)-\rindividual components of theatre performance (e.g. puppets, stage design, etc.)-\rrelation of theatre to other artistic disciplines.\rThe journal is published biannually, regularly altering the Czech and English edition. Each issue features a thematic section called ‘Yorick’, in which a particular topic of interest is discussed in a series of articles. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Underwater Technology", "ISSN": "17560543, 17560551", "Scope": "ScopeUnderwater Technology is the peer-reviewed international journal of the Society for Underwater Technology. The objectives of the journal are to inform and acquaint the Society’s members and other readers with current views and new developments in the broad areas of underwater technology, ocean science and offshore engineering. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Vestnik Rossijskoj Voenno-Medicinskoj Akademii", "ISSN": "16827392, 26871424", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Yerbilimleri/ Earth Sciences", "ISSN": "13012894, 26872978", "Scope": "ScopeYERBİLİMLERİ/ Bulletin for Earth Sciences, a publication of the Hacettepe University Earth Sciences Application and Research Center, was orginally established in 1976, and has been published since then. The objective of the Journal is to provide a national and international contribution to the development of earth sciences professions. The Journal is a national and international medium for the publication of original scientific studies, new developments, case studies and comprehensive reviews in all fields of earth sciences (geology, geophysics, mining, geomorphology, geotechnics, hydrogeology, geostatistics etc.). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Zuckerindustrie", "ISSN": "3448657", "Scope": "ScopeSugar Industry / Zuckerindustrie accepts original papers (research reports), review articles, and short communications on all the aspects implied by the journals title and subtitle.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Acta Baltico-Slavica", "ISSN": "00651044, 23922389", "Scope": "Scope“Acta Baltico-Slavica” is an interdisciplinary journal publishing research on issues concerning the Balto-Slavic area. The main focus of the journal are the current and past cultural, linguistic and social phenomena. We encourage transnational research transgressing ethnocentric boundaries, and prefer studies that combine methodologies coming from various disciplines, taking advantage of the latest developments in the humanities and social sciences. “Acta Baltico-Slavica” puts emphasis on the pluralism of scientific approaches by publishing articles that inspire academic discussions.\r\rArticles in our journal are accepted for publication only after having been accepted by two independent reviewers. The reviews are double-blind. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Acta Scientiarum - Education", "ISSN": "21785198, 21785201", "Scope": "ScopeA Revista ACTA SCIENTIARUM. EDUCATION publica trabalhos relacionados à Educação, que não tenham sido publicados ou divulgados em quaisquer revistas, espaços virtuais ou Anais de eventos. As submissões devem ser inéditas e ter vínculo com um dos seguintes eixos temáticos da Revista: (1) História e Filosofia da Educação; (2) Formação de Professores e Políticas Públicas da Educação. \r\rO eixo História e Filosofia da Educação tem por finalidade divulgar pesquisas de natureza biográfica, institucional, social, formal e não formal acerca de processos educativos.\r\r.\r\rO eixo Formação de Professores e Políticas Públicas da Educação divulga estudos sobre teorias, legislações e políticas, que se referem ao desenvolvimento e à prática profissional dos docentes. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Advanced Materials and Processes", "ISSN": "8827958", "Scope": "ScopeAdvanced Materials & Processes (AM&P) is the flagship publication from ASM International. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Advances in Science, Technology and Innovation", "ISSN": "25228714, 25228722", "Scope": "ScopeAdvances in Science, Technology & Innovation (ASTI) is a series of peer-reviewed books based on important emerging research that redefines the current disciplinary boundaries in science, technology and innovation (STI) in order to develop integrated concepts for sustainable development. It not only discusses the progress made towards securing more resources, allocating smarter solutions, and rebalancing the relationship between nature and people, but also provides in-depth insights from comprehensive research that addresses the 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) as set out by the UN for 2030. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "American Studies in Scandinavia", "ISSN": "448060", "Scope": "ScopeAmerican Studies in Scandinavia, the journal of the Nordic Association for American Studies (NAAS) since 1968, is published twice each year, and carries scholarly articles and reviews on a wide range of American Studies topics and disciplines, including history, literature, politics, geography, media, language, diplomacy, race, gender, ethnicity, economics, law, culture and society. Sponsored by the National Councils for Research in Science and the Humanities in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden, the journal is published by University Press of Southern Denmark with the financial support of the Nordic Publications Committee for Humanist Periodicals. The journal is currently edited by Anders Bo Rasmussen, Center for American Studies, University of Southern Denmark. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Anarchist Studies", "ISSN": "09673393, 26338270", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Annali di Storia delle Universita Italiane", "ISSN": "11278250", "Scope": "ScopeFounded in 1997 by Gian Paolo Brizzi, the «Annali di Storia delle università italiane» are intended as a meeting point for discussion and information for those who, despite the diversity of historiographical approaches and the multiplicity of disciplines of belonging, deal with subjects related to the history of Italian universities. Since 2015, the journal has a new look and a six-monthly periodicity. The first issue contains a monographic section, every year dedicated to a different theme; a section on cultural heritage of universities (Beni culturali delle università: Archivi, biblioteche, musei); reviews (Schede); newsletter(Notiziario). The second issue of each year hosts a section dedicated to studies and research on universities of other countries (Outside Italy); a section of general studies (Studi); reviews (Schede); a systematic bibliographyof History of Italian universities (Bibliografia); newsletter(Notiziario). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "ANQ - Quarterly Journal of Short Articles Notes and Reviews", "ISSN": "0895769X", "Scope": "ScopeOccupying a unique niche among literary journals, ANQ is filled with short, incisive research-based articles about the literature of the English-speaking world and the language of literature. Contributors unravel obscure allusions, explain sources and analogues, and supply variant manuscript readings. Also included are Old English word studies, textual emendations, and rare correspondence from neglected archives. The journal is an essential source for professors and students, as well as archivists, bibliographers, biographers, editors, lexicographers, and textual scholars. With subjects from Chaucer and Milton to Fitzgerald and Welty, ANQ delves into the heart of literature. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Antibiotiki i Khimioterapiya", "ISSN": "2352990", "Scope": "ScopeThe aim of the journal: The main theme of the journal is focused on informing doctors, pharmacologists, biologists, chemists, healthcare providers, clinicians, pharmaceutical companies, and other professionals about new antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, antitumor, immunocorrector, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; about the mechanisms of antibiotic resistance of infectious agents, the effectiveness and tolerability of antibacterial drugs in experiments and in clinic; about modern express methods for identifying and determining the sensitivity of infectious pathogens; about principles of rational antibiotic therapy and antibiotic prophylaxis of the most common infectious and inflammatory diseases. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Antiquite Tardive", "ISSN": "12507334", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Applied Chemistry for Engineering", "ISSN": "12250112, 22884505", "Scope": "ScopeApplied Chemistry for Engineering (Appl. Chem. Eng.) is published bimonthly in Korean or English by the Korean Society of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry (KSIEC). Appl. Chem. Eng. brings multidisciplinary interests together in one journal and is to disseminate information on all aspects of research and development in industrial and engineering chemistry. Contributions in the form of research articles, short communications and reviews are considered for publication. The editors welcome original contributions that have not been and are not to be published elsewhere. All submitted manuscripts are peer-reviewed by selected reviewers. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "ArcheoSciences", "ISSN": "19601360, 21043728", "Scope": "ScopeArcheoSciences, a scientific journal published by the “Groupe des méthodes pluridisciplinaires contribuant à l’archéologie” (GMPCA), covers the entire spectrum of disciplines in archeometry. Specifically, ArcheoSciences publishes, in English or in French, original work in physics, chemistry, mathematics, geology, biology, paleoecology applied to archaeological research. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Balkan Journal of Philosophy", "ISSN": "1313888X, 23675438", "Scope": "ScopeThe Balkan Journal of Philosophy is a peer-reviewed international periodical, academic in spirit, that publishes high-quality papers on current problems and discussions in philosophy. While open to all fields and interests, the journal devotes special attention to the treatment of philosophical problems in the Balkans and south-eastern Europe, and to their influence on the development of philosophy in this region. All papers are publisihed in English. BJP is published under the auspices of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Baltic Journal of Art History", "ISSN": "17368812, 23465581", "Scope": "ScopeTHE BALTIC JOURNAL OF ART HISTORY is an official publication of the Department of Art History of the Institute of History and Archaeology of the University of Tartu. It is published by the University of Tartu Press in cooperation with the Department of Art History.\r\rThe concept of the journal is to ask contributions from different authors whose ideas and research findings in terms of their content and high academic quality invite them to be published. We are mainly looking forward to lengthy articles of monographic character as well as shorter pieces where the issues raised or the new facts presented cover topics that have not yet been shed light on or open up new art geographies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "CEPAL Review", "ISSN": "02512920, 16840348", "Scope": "ScopeCEPAL Review is a United Nations publication prepared under the editorial responsibility of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC). The sole objective of this open access journal is to disseminate academic papers. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Chinese Journal of Applied Clinical Pediatrics", "ISSN": "2095428X", "Scope": "ScopeIn order to promote the academic communication, Chinese Journal of Applied Clinical Pediatrics implements the principles and policies of the Party and national health work, implements the principles of combining theory with practice, popularization with improvement, and reflects new theories, new technologies, new achievements, and new developments in pediatric care, scientific research, and other aspects at domestic and overseas. Section of magazine includes monograph, expert interview, expert forum, academic debate, hot topic, original article, child nervous base and clinic, integrated Chinese and Western medicine, experimental study, child care, misdiagnosis analysis, drugs and clinic, review, pediatric surgery, cases (pathology) discussion, case report, clinical applied study, original English work, pediatric ward round, standard/protocol/guideline, intensive reading of guideline, etc. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Chinese Journal of Diabetes Mellitus", "ISSN": "16745809", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Clinical Dentistry (Russia)", "ISSN": "1811153X, 27132846", "Scope": "ScopeFull-colour quarterly journal Clinical Dentistry (Russia) is established in 1997. Scientific and clinical materials concerning problems in the modern dentistry, articles concerning new promising branch — aesthetics in dentistry, practical information about new technologies, equipment, materials and accessories which provide successful stomatological treatment, diagnosis and prophylaxis. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Collectanea Philologica", "ISSN": "17330319, 23530901", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Collegium Antropologicum", "ISSN": "3506134", "Scope": "ScopeInternational journal Collegium Antropologicum is the official journal of the Croatian Antropological Society and is jointly published by:\rCroatian Anthropological Society\rCroatian Association of Medical Anthropology - Croatian Medical Association\rDepartment of Natural Sciences, Anthropological Centre and the Scientific Council for Anthropological Research of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts.\r\rWith the numerous international recognition of co-operative experts, the Journal represents a relevant reference source in the fields of cultural and biological anthropology, sociology, ethnology, psychology, demography, history, archaeology, genetics, biomedicine, human ecology, nutrition and other fields related to multidisciplinary character of anthropology.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Contemporary Southeastern Europe", "ISSN": "23103612", "Scope": "ScopeContemporary Southeastern Europe (CSE) was established in autumn 2013 as a scholarly online journal that publishes peer-reviewed and open-access articles. Since 2016, CSE was accepted into the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), in 2019 into the Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL), and in 2021 into the Scopus –Abstract and citation database.\r\rCSE is a fully open access journal, all articles are available online and free of charge upon publication.\r\rThe non-commercial distribution and copy of all published articles is allowed and free of charge, provided the author and the journal are fully credited. CSE does not charge a submission fee. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Current Topics in Electrochemistry", "ISSN": "9724443", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Dissent", "ISSN": "123846", "Scope": "ScopeDissent is a quarterly magazine of politics and ideas. Founded by Irving Howe and Lewis Coser in 1954, it quickly established itself as one of America’s leading intellectual journals and a mainstay of the democratic left. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "English in Australia", "ISSN": "0046208X", "Scope": "ScopeWe welcome high quality teacher oriented and scholarly submissions in any relevant field of English, language and literacy education. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Estudios de Asia y Africa", "ISSN": "1850164", "Scope": "ScopeEstudios de Asia y África is a four-monthly Spanish language interdisciplinary journal devoted to the history and cultural, social, political and economic studies of Asia and Africa. It is published by the Center of Asia and Africa Studies of El Colegio de México.\r\rOver half the world population live in Asia and Africa, and their cultural, social, political and economic developments through time are of global relevance. These issues are ever more studied from Latin America, Spain and Portugal with often refreshing approaches. Our journal gives voice to the scolars from these parts and from the rest of the world who focus in these areas, seeking to showcase, in Spanish, to a diverse readership, specialized and not, important research products that span from socio-political, gender and environmetal issues of the present to the clasical or cultural history of different regions of Asia and Africa.\rEstudios de Asia y África runs, next to research articles, notes on current developments and on culture and society, translations of texts in Asian and African languages, review articles and book reviews.\rPublishing began in 1966 as Estudios Orientales. In 1975, it changed its name to the current one, while following with the same volume and issue numbering. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Fluminensia", "ISSN": "3534642", "Scope": "ScopeFluminensia is a journal for philological research published by the Department of Croatian language and literature of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Rijeka. The journal was founded in 1989 and is published biannually. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Frontier Materials and Technologies", "ISSN": "27824039, 27826074", "Scope": "ScopeFrontier Materials & Technologies (before 2021 - Science Vector of Togliatti State University) is a peer-reviewed journal that is devoted to publishing research papers by Russian and foreign researchers in Russian and English to share expertise and advances in theory and practice.\r\rThes of the journal include Mechanical Engineering & Machine Science and Metallurgy & Materials Science. Authors are encouraged to submit:\r•\toriginal research papers reflecting research and its methods, results, discussion and conclusions;\r•\treviews featuring new advances in Materials Science and Mechanical Engineering.\rThe journal aims to:\r•\tpublish original papers reflecting open research results, theoretical and empirical research in Russian and English;\r•\tinform the international and Russian scientific communities of urgent and promising research topics in Materials Science and Mechanical Engineering;\r•\tintegrate papers into international environment and attract international authors and readers interested in the topics of the journal.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Global Chinese", "ISSN": "21994374, 21994382", "Scope": "ScopeGlobal Chinese responds to the fast-growing scholarly interests in Chinese as a global language, and the need for an international and interdisciplinary forum for research on the language and its users worldwide. It publishes original, peer-reviewed research articles on i) structural variations and change of the Chinese language as used by speakers in different parts of the world, including mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau, Southeast Asian countries (e.g. Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand) and elsewhere; ii) language maintenance and language shift amongst the Chinese diasporas; iii) lingua franca communication amongst the Chinese, and Global Chinese as a lingua franca; iv) learner varieties of Chinese; v) language policy, planning, attitude and ideology regarding Chinese as a global language, and other related topics. Studies using innovative and interdisciplinary research methods are particularly welcome, as are conceptual and theoretical articles. The journal also publishes debates, short notes, book reviews, and regional profiles. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Global Environment", "ISSN": "19733739, 20537352", "Scope": "ScopeThe half-yearly journal Global Environment: A Journal of History and Natural and Social Sciences acts as a forum and echo chamber for ongoing studies on the environment and world history, with special focus on modern and contemporary topics. Our intent is to gather and stimulate scholarship that, despite a diversity of approaches and themes, shares an environmental perspective on world history in its various facets, including economic development, social relations, production government, and international relations.\r\rOne of the journal’s main commitments is to bring together different areas of expertise in both the natural and the social sciences to facilitate a common language and a common perspective in the study of history. This commitment is fulfilled by way of peer-reviewed research articles and also by interviews and other special features.\r\rGlobal Environment strives to transcend the western-centric and ‘developist’ bias that has dominated international environmental historiography so far and to favour the emergence of spatially and culturally diversified points of view. It seeks to replace the notion of ‘hierarchy’ with those of ‘relationship’ and ‘exchange’ – between continents, states, regions, cities, central zones and peripheral areas – in studying the construction or destruction of environments and ecosystems. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies", "ISSN": "173916", "Scope": "ScopeFor abbreviations, GRBS follows the usage described in the American Journal of Archaeology 90 (1986) 384-394, and secondarily that of L\"Année philologique; for ancient and Byzantine authors and titles, the practice of the Oxford Classical Dictionary 3rd ed. (Oxford 1996) xxix-liv, A Patristic Greek Lexicon ed. G. W. H. Lampe (Oxford 1961) xi-xlv, and the Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium (Oxford 1991) I xx-xlv; references to papyri should conform to the abbreviations listed in the Checklist of Editions. Recent articles can be consulted for format. Contributors are requested to observe these usages in preparing their manuscripts. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "History of Science and Technology", "ISSN": "24157422, 24157430", "Scope": "ScopeThe program aims of the journal \"History of Science and Technology\": publication of original and overview works on the history of science and technology, historiography, source study, special historical disciplines, theory and methodology of historical science, history of natural science, history of archeology.\r\rFocus and: history of science and technology, history of Ukraine, historiography, source study, special historical disciplines, theory and methodology of historical science, history of natural science, history of archeology.\r\rSection Policies:\r\r1. Preface (indexed);\r\r2. History of technology (accepts manuscripts, indexed, peer-reviewed);\r\r3. History of science (accepts manuscripts, indexed, peer-reviewed) Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Imago - Revista de Emblematica y Cultura Visual", "ISSN": "21710147, 22549633", "Scope": "ScopeIMAGO. Revista de Emblemática y Cultura Visual publica estudios de carácter científico, con rigor metodológico, sobre la imagen en todos sus sentidos: gráfico, literario, mental, etc. Atiende especialmente —no únicamente— a aquellas manifestaciones de la Edad Moderna fundadas en la retórica verbo-visual, las cuales constituyen una fuente para la Historia de la Cultura, como lo es —entre otras— la Emblemática en todas sus modalidades. En concreto:\r\ra) Análisis de manifestaciones emblemáticas en relación con sus fuentes literarias y gráficas.\r\rb) Estudio de la presencia de la retórica emblemática en las artes visuales.\r\rc) Estudio de la presencia de la retórica emblemática en la literatura.\r\rd) Análisis e interpretación iconográfica de las artes visuales.\r\re) Aspectos diacrónicos de la imagen, o análisis de tipos iconográficos en su continuidad y variación en el tiempo y en el espacio, y en relación también con sus fuentes literarias.\r\rf) Estudio de la presencia de la Emblemática y la Cultura Visual en las manifestaciones efímeras y escenografías festivas, en especial del Renacimiento y el Barroco.\r\rg) Estudio de la Emblemática y la Cultura Visual en relación con otros aspectos: la literatura, la imprenta y la historia del libro, la historia del grabado, etc.\r\rh) Pervivencia de la Emblemática y de la retórica visual en el mundo contemporáneo, en especial en la nueva visualidad y en los medios audiovisuales.\r\ri) Nuevas direcciones en los estudios de Emblemática.\r\rj) Aspectos metodológicos para una historia de la cultura a partir del estudio de la imagen.\r\rk) Nuevas tecnologías para el estudio de la imagen.\r\rl) Recensiones descriptivas y críticas de libros sobre Emblemática y Cultura Visual. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Indian Journal of Chemistry (IJC)", "ISSN": "25831321", "Scope": "ScopeThe Indian Journal of Chemistry publishes papers in the areas of inorganic chemistry (synthetic and structural inorganic chemistry, inorganic reaction mechanisms), solid state chemistry, photochemistry, thermodynamics, spectroscopy, electrochemistry, theoretical and computational chemistry, organic chemistry (organic reaction mechanism, synthesis of chiral compounds, bio-organic chemistry, enzymes in organic synthesis, chemoenzymatic and enantioselective synthesis of organic compounds, metal-catalyzed asymmetric reactions), medicinal chemistry, natural products, analytical chemistry and materials chemistry. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Indian Journal of Engineering", "ISSN": "23197757, 23197765", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Indogermanische Forschungen", "ISSN": "00197262, 16130405", "Scope": "ScopeIndogermanische Forschungen publishes contributions mainly in the areas of historical-comparative linguistics, historical linguistics, typology and characteristics of the languages of the Indogermanic language family. Essays on non-Indogermanic languages are also featured, provided that they coincide with the main focus of the journal with respect to methods and language history. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Indonesia Law Review", "ISSN": "20888430, 23562129", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Informacao e Sociedade", "ISSN": "01040146, 18094783", "Scope": "ScopeINFORMAÇÃO & SOCIEDADE: ESTUDOS tem por objetivo divulgar trabalhos que representam contribuição para o desenvolvimento de novos conhecimentos entre pesquisadores, docentes, discentes e profissionais em ciência da informação, biblioteconomia e áreas afins, independente de sua vinculação profissional e local de origem, além de publicar, sistematicamente, os resumos das dissertações aprovadas no PPGCI/UFPB. A revista exige a originalidade dos artigos submetidos e que pelo menos um dos autores tenha titulação de doutor. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Innovaciencia", "ISSN": "2346075X", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Insula", "ISSN": "204536", "Scope": "ScopeFounded in 1946, Ínsula is, today, the magazine with the largest diffusion in the world among literary Hispanists circles. Its content is mainly monographic, devoted to one author, one period, to topics and motifs of our literary history, and to the analysis of literary production in the different languages of the Spanish peninsula: Catalan, Galician and Basque, always keeping in mind Latin American literature. On specific occasions, its content is also miscellaneous, structured around two main sections -\"Critique and History\" and \"Creation and Critique\"- which offer articles-reviews about the most prominent literary studies, as well as thorough critical reflections about novel, poetry, theatre. This joint exercise by leading professors, creators and critics, who review the current knowledge of a subject, an author, a group or a movement, opening up new approaching paths, is complemented with the publication in Spring of the Almanaque of Ínsula, a collection of evaluations of our literatures by genre and by languages that selects, describes and assesses the literary production of the previous year. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Humanities Education", "ISSN": "23270063, 23272457", "Scope": "ScopeThe International Journal of Humanities Education explores teaching and learning in and through the humanities encompassing a broad domain of educational practice, including literature, language, social studies, and the arts. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Iranian Journal of Nutrition Sciences and Food Technology", "ISSN": "17357756, 22520694", "Scope": "ScopeThe “Iranian Journal of Nutrition Sciences & Food Technology “is the official scientific quarterly publication of the National Nutrition & Food Technology Research Institute (NNFTRI). This Journal covers multidisciplinary research concerning nutrition and food technology. IJNSFT publishes original research, review articles, short communications and letters to the editor not previously published or simultaneously submitted for publication elsewhere including national and international Journals. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Irish Studies Review", "ISSN": "9670882", "Scope": "ScopeIrish Studies Review is an indispensable resource for all those engaged in Irish studies and related disciplines. Founded in 1992, it has become an important forum for the scholarly development of knowledge, understanding, and appreciation of Irish studies and culture throughout the world. It serves a wide range of disciplinary communities, including: history and archaeology; literary, cultural, gender, and media studies; politics and economics; and music and the arts.\r\rResearch published in the journal includes:\r\r-refereed articles-\rreviews and review articles on all aspects of Irish studies-\rtopical debates and interviews.\rIrish Studies Review aims to reflect the variety of perceptions current in the field, to support traditional disciplinary scholarship, and to promote multi- and inter-disciplinary approaches to the subject. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Japanese Journal of Geriatrics", "ISSN": "3009173", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Endovascular Resuscitation and Trauma Management", "ISSN": "20027567, 2003539X", "Scope": "ScopeThis is the Journal of Endovascular Resuscitation and Trauma Management (JEVTM). We want to provide a truly Open Access platform for the dissemination of knowledge and peer-reviewed research in the field of endovascular and hybrid hemorrhage control and resuscitation.\r\rTo achieve this, we do not wish to be bound by medical discipline, country, resource or even the conventional rules of medical publishing. To achieve this goal, we have assembled an Editorial Board of clinicians and scientists who are experts within the field. This project is generously supported by a grant from the research division at the Orebro University Hospital and support from Department of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery, Orebro University Hospital, Sweden. The Journal office is administrated in the dept of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery, Orebro University Hospital as a clinical and research project and supervised by the Swedish and EU clinical and research regulations. \r\rWe are keen to receive manuscript submissions that present new original findings, review important topics or educate our readers on any aspect of hemorrhage control, where an endovascular technique has been employed. This can either be in isolation or in combination with open surgical techniques (hybrid surgery). \r\rAs the subject of hemorrhage and bleeding is a common problem across many medical disciplines, we encourage submissions from all specialties: vascular, trauma, acute care, obstetrics, emergency medicine, to mention a few Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Glass Studies", "ISSN": "754250", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Glass Studies is an annual publication of The Corning Museum of Glass. The Journal was conceived in 1959 to meet the need for the recording of those discoveries, interpretations, acquisitions, and publications that affect the understanding of the history of glassmaking and of glass as an artistic medium from its beginnings to the mid-20th century. Peer-reviewed articles of a scholarly nature include archaeological, early scientific-technical, and art-historical accounts. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Legal History", "ISSN": "01440365, 17440564", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Legal History , founded in 1980, is the only British journal concerned solely with legal history. It publishes articles in English on the sources and development of the common law, both in the British Isles and overseas, on the history of the laws of Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, and on Roman Law and the European legal tradition. There is a section for shorter research notes, review-articles, and a wide-ranging section of reviews of recent literature. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Nepal Paediatric Society", "ISSN": "19907974, 19907982", "Scope": "ScopeJournal of Nepal Paediatric Society is the official journal of Nepal Paediatric Society. This journal was previously named as \"NEPAS Journal\" but now has been changed to \"Journal of Nepal Paediatric Society\" in accordance with the international guidelines of the ISSN.It is published triannually (Vol. 1, 2 and 3) in both hard copies and online.The journal doesn't charge any publication fees from the authors. The journal publishes editorial, original articles, review articles, brief reports, case reports as well as letter to editor and commentaries. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Oral Research", "ISSN": "7192479", "Scope": "ScopeJournal of Oral Research se dedica a la difusión de conocimientos en Ciencias Orales y Craneofaciales, que incluyen: Cirugía, medicina oral y rehabilitación, Cirugía craneofacial, Odontología, Dolor orofacial y trastornos motores, Cirugía de cabeza y cuello, Trastornos del habla y deglución y otras disciplinas relacionadas.\r\rJournal of Oral Research publica Artículos de investigación originales y breves comunicaciones, Revisiones sistemáticas y narrativas de literatura, Protocolos de estudio, hipótesis de investigación, Informes de casos, Comentarios y Perspectivas. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Policy History", "ISSN": "08980306, 15284190", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Policy History is an interdisciplinary journal concerned with the application of historical perspectives to public policy studies. While seeking to inform scholars interested in policy history, the journal also seeks to inform policy makers through a historical approach to public policy. Its authors, considering public policy primarily in the United States though also in other nations, focus on policy origins and development through historical inquiry, historical analysis of specific policy areas and policy institutions, explorations of continuities and shifts in policy over time, interdisciplinary research into public policy, and comparative historical approaches to the development of public policy. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Religion and Demography", "ISSN": "25897411, 2589742X", "Scope": "ScopeHow fast is the Muslim population growing in Europe? What is the role of fertility, mortality, and international migration in explaining differences between religious and non-religious people groups? How is religion changing our world today? The Journal of Religion and Demography (JRD) explores these questions and other relevant topics.\rJRD is the only journal to feature annual estimates for religious and non-religious affiliation by continent, pairing them with scholarly analyses from diverse disciplines such as social science, demography, history, and geography. Each issue presents summaries of findings, sources, and methods, along with their implications for the demography of religion. All articles are peer-reviewed and the target audience is anyone interested in demographic trends and developments regarding religion. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of University of Science and Technology of China", "ISSN": "2532778", "Scope": "ScopeThe University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) is one of the most famous universities in China. The Journal of USTC is a comprehensive, academic journal of natural sciences sponsored by the USTC under the guidance of the Chinese Academy of Science. The Journal was launched in 1965. Now, it comes out monthly.\rThe editor-in-chief of the Journal’s first editorial committee was Academician Hua Luogeng, an internationally recognized mathematician. The current editor-in-chief is Academician Bao Xinhe, executive editor-in-chief is Prof. Luo Xisheng .\rBased predominantly on basic science, information science, and engineering science and the cutting edge technologies of fire science and protection, computer science, autonomy control, quantum information science, nanotechnology, polar scientific investigation and research at our school, the Journal aims at publishing innovative and high-standard academic papers and research results. Distributed in and outside of China, both Chinese and English papers are accepted. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Libres", "ISSN": "10586768", "Scope": "ScopeLIBRES is an international refereed e-journal devoted to research and scholarly articles in Library and Information Science/Service (LIS). It has a particular focus on research in emerging areas of LIS, synthesis of LIS research areas, and on novel perspectives and conceptions that advance theory and practice.\r\rLIBRES is published twice a year in June and in December.\r\rLIBRES publishes the following types of papers:\r\r-research paper reporting a completed study that advances the field or profession-\rsynthesis paper that surveys an area of LIS to synthesize a new or better understanding\r-opinion/perspectives paper that explores a new conception of an aspect of LIS in a scholarly way.\rAll papers are blind reviewed by at least 2 referees. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Lodz Papers in Pragmatics", "ISSN": "18956106, 18984436", "Scope": "ScopeLodz Papers in Pragmatics (LPP) is an international journal committed to publishing excellent theoretical and empirical research in the area of pragmatics and related disciplines focused on human communication, both in everyday interactions and in the media, whether spoken or written, and whether institutional or interpersonal. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Magyar Allatorvosok Lapja", "ISSN": "0025004X", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Medical Technologies. Assessment and Choice", "ISSN": "22190678, 27127877", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Medicina Veterinaria (Brazil)", "ISSN": "18094678", "Scope": "ScopeA revista Medicina Veterinária (UFRPE) é um periódico científico do Departamento de Medicina Veterinária da Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco (UFRPE), composto por edições trimestrais. A revista tem a missão de publicar trabalhos originais relacionados à pesquisa em Medicina Veterinária, Produção Animal, Biologia e áreas correlatas, em forma de artigo científico, artigo de revisão, relato de caso e comunicação breve. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Miscelanea de Estudios Arabes y Hebraicos, Seccion Hebreo", "ISSN": "1696585X, 23402547", "Scope": "ScopeMiscelánea de estudios Árabes y Hebraicos. Sección Hebreo, aims to publish content on any topic related to Jewish studies, in its broadest sense: Hebrew language and literature, Judaistic, Jewish history, etc. This journal accepts articles and reviews, which necessarily must be original, and make contributions to the advancement of the discipline. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "National Journal of Community Medicine", "ISSN": "09763325, 22296816", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal typically publishes original research articles and review articles from the areas of public health, preventive medicine, general epidemiology, infectious and non-infectious disease epidemiology, epidemiological diagnosis, maternal health, child health, adolescent health, public health administration, health care service delivery, etc. Research findings relevant to India and the subcontinent are emphasized more. However, it is not limited to that. Invited reviews and comments, invited papers on recent advances, editorial correspondence, and book reviews are also published in the journal. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Nordic Journal of Educational History", "ISSN": "20017766, 20019076", "Scope": "ScopeThe Nordic Journal of Educational History (NJEdH) is an interdisciplinary international journal dedicated to scholarly excellence in the field of educational history.\r\rThe journal takes special responsibility for the communication and dissemination of educational history research of particular relevance to the Nordic region (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden and political and geographic entities including the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Sápmi and Åland), but welcomes contributions exploring the history of education in all parts of the world.\r\rThe publishing language is English and the Scandinavian languages.\r\rThe journal applies a double blind peer review procedure and is accessible to all interested readers (NO FEES are charged for publication or subscription).\r\rThe NJEdH publishes articles as soon as they have been through the peer review and copy editing process, adding cumulatively to the content of an open issue each year. Special issues are normally published as the second issue of any given year. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Perifrasis", "ISSN": "21458987, 21459045", "Scope": "ScopePerífrasis. Revista de Literatura, Teoría y Crítica es la publicación periódica del Departamento de Humanidades y Literatura de la Universidad de los Andes. Publica, en su versión impresa y en su versión digital de acceso abierto, artículos de investigación, reseñas y entrevistas en español y en inglés, sin cargo para los autores. Desde 2022 la revista tiene una periodicidad cuatrimestral (enero-abril, mayo-agosto y septiembre-diciembre), se publica al inicio de cada uno de estos periodos y es financiada por el Departamento de Humanidades y Literatura.El objetivo de la revista es publicar artículos de investigación, reseñas y entrevistas originales e inéditos de autores nacionales y extranjeros. La revista tiene un enfoque amplio y está abierta a investigaciones sobre las diferentes manifestaciones literarias, los nuevos objetos de estudio y las múltiples perspectivas que han surgido dentro del panorama de los estudios literarios y sus variantes transdisciplinarias.Está dirigida a profesores, investigadores, y estudiantes de pregrado y posgrado de literatura y áreas afines. Cuenta con un comité científico y editorial, así como con un conjunto de evaluadores —conformado por investigadores activos nacionales y extranjeros—, quienes se rigen por los principios de rigor y pluralismo académicos, propios de la Universidad de los Andes. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Philological Class", "ISSN": "20712405, 26585235", "Scope": "ScopePhilological Class is a peer reviewed scholarly journal publishing research findings in the field of literary studies, linguistics and methods of teaching these disciplines at higher and secondary school, reviews of monographs and academic events.\r\rThe goal and the task of the journal is to present new aspects of research in the study of literature and linguistics, to create a reasoned dialogue between proponents of various methodological approaches; to introduce new educational concepts; to protect, expand and support the Russian language academic environment.\r\rThe task to ensure a broad international of the papers and to deepen contacts with the global academic community of humanitarian orientation. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Plasma Physics and Technology", "ISSN": "23362626, 23362634", "Scope": "ScopePlasma Physics and Technology Journal is a scientific journal published by Department of Physics of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of Czech Technical University in Prague. The journal covers a spectrum of experimental and theoretical topics of both a fundamental and applied nature that contribute to the understanding of phenomena related to plasma. Our aim is to be a high quality journal, which will supply the recent approach to the field of plasma physics and technology. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Plastic Surgery and Aesthetic Medicine", "ISSN": "26867346, 27133389", "Scope": "ScopePlastic Surgery and Aesthetic Medicine is the oldest journal dedicated to plastic surgery. The journal was founded in 1997 with the support of the Russian Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons, a national public organization.\r\rThe goals and objectives of the journal are to provide opportunities for Russian and foreign specialists to sanctify the results of their original scientific research in all areas of plastic surgery, as well as to attract promising young specialists to scientific work on topical issues of plastic surgery and to create a communication platform for expanding cooperation between leading specialists of the world.\r\rArticles published in the journal are devoted to scientific and practical problems of plastic surgery in the field of reconstruction and aesthetics, touch upon general and private issues of the specialty plastic surgery. The manuscripts submitted should make a new scientific or practical contribution to the relevant field of plastic surgery.\r\rThe journal Plastic Surgery and Aesthetic Medicine is aimed at specialists working in the field of aesthetic and reconstructive medicine: practicing physicians, scientists, doctoral candidates, post-graduate students and other researchers.\r\rAll manuscripts of the articles submitted to the Journal of Plastic Surgery and Aesthetic Medicine and designed according to the rules for the publication in the journal, are sent for review to two specialists in the direction of the article. If the article is executed at the intersection of different scientific disciplines, the manuscript of the article can be sent to several reviewers. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Point of Care", "ISSN": "1533029X, 15330303", "Scope": "ScopePoint of Care: The Journal of Near-Patient Testing & Technology is a vital resource for directors and managers of large and small hospital pathology labs, blood centers, home health-care agencies, doctors' offices, and other healthcare facilities. Each issue brings you peer-reviewed original research and review articles, along with concepts, technologies and trends, covering topics that include:\r-Test accuracy-\rTurnaround time-\rData management-\rQuality control-\rRegulatory compliance-\rCost-effectiveness of testing Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Povijesni Prilozi", "ISSN": "03519767, 18489087", "Scope": "ScopePovijesni prilozi su znanstveni časopis koji objavljuje rezultate istraživanja s područja povijesne znanosti te pomoćnih povijesnih disciplina od antike do sredine 19. stoljeća. U časopisu se objavljuju rezultati znanstvenih projekata Hrvatskog instituta za povijest te članci znanstvenog sadržaja drugih autora iz Hrvatske i inozemstva. U Povijesnim prilozima objavljuju se sljedeće kategorije članaka: izvorni znanstveni radovi, prethodna priopćenja, pregledni članci, izlaganja sa znanstvenih skupova i stručni članci. Osim tih radova tiskaju se ocjene i prikazi knjiga i periodike, obavijesti, bilješke i slično.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Prace i Studia Geograficzne", "ISSN": "2084589", "Scope": "ScopeStudies in Geography publishes the articles in the field of physical and socio-economic geography as well as those from interrelated sciences, such as environmental protection, spatial management, social science, economy, anthropology etc . The journal publishes original research papers – theoretical, empirical, methodical and review-articles. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Proceedings of the International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping", "ISSN": "10746005", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Reproductive Endocrinology", "ISSN": "23094117, 24111295", "Scope": "ScopeJournal \"Reproductive Endocrinology\" is a modern look not only at the obstetric and gynecological problems in the context of endocrine diseases, but also on family planning problems and prospects for development of the fetus, and urological problems of andrologic profile and other top priorities for the publication of an emphasis on the clinical evidence base, diagnostic algorithms, treatment and prevention, and provide the maximum amount of useful scientific and practical materials.\r\rReaders are invited to urgent aspects and the views of leading national and foreign experts on targeted issues publications. Authoritative editorial board of the journal \"Reproductive Endocrinology\", which consists of leading experts from the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and NAMS of Ukraine, admits to print only the relevant materials on the basis of the positions of medicine. Journal is regularly printed materials that translated foreign authors and reviews based on recent publications in leading international journals, the presentation of the most important recent clinical guidelines and consensus of international importance, articles review based on foreign materials, comments of national experts. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Brasileira de Gestao e Desenvolvimento Regional", "ISSN": "1809239X", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Management and Regional Development (Revista Brasileira de Gestão e Desenvolvimento Regional - G&DR) is a pluralistic orientation journal and publishes papers that present original contributions, theoretical or empirical, related to regional development. Values the interdisciplinary dialogue, opening space for contributions from other areas that have interface with the central project of the journal. It is available for domestic and foreign researchers and has a varied editorial board, distributed by various institutions and regions of the country as well as international consultants.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Cubana de Medicina Militar", "ISSN": "01386557, 15613046", "Scope": "ScopeLa Revista Cubana de Medicina Militar es la revista científica patrocinada por los Servicios Médicos de las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Cuba, su misión es la de publicar artículos científicos de medicina militar en particular, y ciencias médicas en general, desde la formación, asistencia y organización, así como resúmenes de informes presentados en eventos científicos e informaciones novedosas acerca de la medicina militar cubana y su historia. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Electronica de Veterinaria", "ISSN": "16957504", "Scope": "ScopeIt is a veterinary scientific journal, referenced, arbitrated, online, monthly and with access to full articles. Publishes scientific and research papers, reviews, theses, dissertations, lectures, short communications, posters, case studies, informative articles or opinion pieces regarding any aspect of technical expertise in the field of Veterinary Sciences (medical and health sector, health, surgery, agriculture , animal husbandry, nutrition, environmental) at regional, national and international levels. The topics may be addressed from the clinical, educational, experimental, research, outreach and other aspects. Is available free of charge as an Open Access journal on the Internet. He preferably publishes scientific, research, review, thesis, doctoral thesis, clinical cases, but also informative, opinion, technical or other articles of any specialty in the field of Veterinary Sciences or related internationally. It is also an official means of scientific, technical and professional communication of the thematic portal Veterinaria.org, of the Spanish Association of Veterinarians Specialists in Diagnostic Imaging (AEVEDI) and of the Spanish Society of Internal Veterinary Medicine (SEMIV) after integrating RECVET in 2008 and invites other veterinary entities to join forces. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia", "ISSN": "08705283, 2183461X", "Scope": "ScopeThe Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia (RPF) was founded in 1945 by Domingos Maurício, SJ; Cassiano Abranches, SJ; Severiano Tavares, SJ and Diamantino Martins, SJ. it is a quarterly publication of Axioma - Publicações da Faculdade de Filosofia.\r\rThe RPF, in the tradition of Christian humanism, has as its mission the publishing of original articles in the domain of philosophy and of recognised merit. The RPF is committed to respect the wide range of perpectives that indeed constitute philosophical thinking throughout the centuries. The articles published by RPF may be written in the prominent European languages (Portuguese, English, French, German, Spanish and Italian). All articles are peer reviewed by an anonymous evaluation system (double-blind).Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Risk and Decision Analysis", "ISSN": "15697371, 18759173", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal Risk and Decision Analysis (RDA) emphasizes a theoretical and practical interdisciplinary and comprehensive vision of Risk: its definition, its measurements, its analysis, its manifestations and reconcile their contradictions and their differences. RDA considers for publication research papers that contribute to a greater appreciation of risks and uncertainties in their many definitions, their modeling (mathematical or otherwise), their empirical and data analysis, their pricing and their management. Application of risk modeling and decision analysis to general and risk engineering, economic and financial systems, operational and networked systems in industry, in services, in control, regulatory and compliance systems etc. are emphasized. For example, financial market risks, eco-risks and urban systems, insurance, energy, safety and security, healthcare, environment, and related areas are emphasized for the purpose to provide an integrative vision of risks and uncertainty how to confront their manifestations. The intent of RDA is to provide to academic and practitioners, a platform to better integrate and interpret risks and their manifestations in a comprehensive manner. \r\rRDA's focus is scientific, based on mathematical and systematic approaches to risk (statistics, probability theory, data science), Bayesian statistics and (automatic, machine) learning, stochastic modeling, stochastic and optimal control. At the same time it is “educational”, having set “an educational corner” to introduce and clarify complex risk related issues and problems. These problems include for example issues such as VIX and Fear; Risk and Uncertainty (ambiguity), the risks of “financialization”, environmental and extreme risks, managerial approaches, etc. Empirical analysis and data analytic approaches to assess and support theoretical results based on interesting methodologies is an important element of RDA’s mission. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Romani Studies", "ISSN": "15280748", "Scope": "ScopeFounded in 1888, the Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society was published in four series up to 1982. In 2000, the journal became Romani Studies. On behalf of the Gypsy Lore Society, Romani Studies features articles on many different communities which, regardless of their origins and self-appellations in various languages, have been referred to in English as Gypsies. These communities include the descendants of migrants from the Indian subcontinent which have been considered as falling into three large subdivisions, Dom, Lom, and Rom. The field has also included communities of other origins which practice, or in the past have practiced, a specific type of service nomadism. The journal publishes articles in history, anthropology, ethnography, sociology, linguistics, art, literature, folklore and music, as well as reviews of books and audiovisual materials.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Russian Journal of Woman and Child Health", "ISSN": "26188430, 26867184", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Scripta Instituti Donneriani Aboensis", "ISSN": "23434937", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Sibirskij Zurnal Kliniceskoj i Eksperimental'noj Mediciny", "ISSN": "2713265X, 27132927", "Scope": "ScopeIs to deliver knowledge and experience collected by scientific medical community to readership, to solve new research tasks for improving the health and life quality of population. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Sociological Studies of Children and Youth", "ISSN": "15374661", "Scope": "ScopeSociology Studies of Children and Youth (SSCY) is proud to be sponsored by the American Sociological Association Section on Children and Youth. \r\rThe first volume of SSCY was published in 1986, edited by sociologists Patricia Adler and Peter Adler who aptly noted that: \"the study of children and child development is empirically and theoretically central to the discipline of sociology.\" This fact is even more apparent today.\r\rThe series provides an outlet for social scientists researching topics related to children or youth. Some volumes emphasize specific themes, while others include a range of chapters on diverse topics. Contributions from all methodological and theoretical orientations are welcome and are double blind peer-reviewed. The volume has a history of publishing work by international scholars and continues to welcome contributions from around the world. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Srpski Arhiv Za Celokupno Lekarstvo", "ISSN": "3708179", "Scope": "ScopeSrpski Arhiv Za Celokupno Lekarstvo (Serbian Archives of Medicine) is the Journal of the Serbian Medical Society, founded in 1872, which publishes articles by the members of the Serbian Medical Society, subscribers, as well as members of other associations of medical and related fields. The Journal publishes: original articles, communications, case reports, review articles, current topics, articles of history of medicine, articles for practitioners, articles related to the language of medicine, articles on medical ethics (clinical ethics, publication ethics, regulatory standards in medicine), congress and scientific meeting reports, professional news, book reviews, texts for \"In memory of...\", i.e. In memoriam and Promemoria columns, as well as comments and letters to the Editorial Board.\r\rAll manuscripts under consideration in the Serbian Archives of Medicine may not be offered or be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Articles must not have been published elsewhere (in part or in full).Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studi Kantiani", "ISSN": "11234938, 17241812", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Studies in Linguistics, Culture and FLT", "ISSN": "2534952X, 25349538", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Tautosakos Darbai", "ISSN": "13922831", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal is designed to serve the academic society and everyone interested in folklore, popular tradition, and the current state of its research. The general publishing strategy is shaped by the Editorial Board, while selection of articles for each issue is managed by its special editor(s). The journal publishes research articles in folklore and related contemporary disciplines in humanities and social sciences (mythology, ethnology, ethnomusicology, anthropology, linguistics, etc.), or interdisciplinary research. It also includes publications of the archived materials and current fieldwork results, historiographic sources, book reviews, and chronicle of the academic life. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Victorian Periodicals Review", "ISSN": "07094698, 1712526X", "Scope": "ScopeThe only refereed journal that concentrates on the editorial and publishing history of Victorian periodicals, Victorian Periodicals Review (VPR) emphasizes the importance of periodicals and newspapers in the history and culture of Victorian Britain, Ireland, and the British Empire. VPR includes informative articles from a variety of disciplines as well as book reviews, a biennial bibliography, and essays on cutting-edge developments in pedagogy and the digitization of periodicals. VPR is the official journal of the Research Society for Victorian Periodicals. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Zhongguo Ertong Baojian Zazhi", "ISSN": "10086579", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Academe", "ISSN": "1902946", "Scope": "ScopeAcademe explores a wide range of topics in higher education. Our readership includes faculty members, academic professionals, and graduate students from many different disciplines as well as academic leaders, policy makers, and media professionals involved in higher education issues and policy. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Acta ad Archaeologiam et Artium Historiam Pertinentia", "ISSN": "650900", "Scope": "ScopeFrom its inception, Acta has published the highest quality scholarly work in all major European languages (English, German, French and Italian). Authors represented in its publications come from Scandinavia, Europe, and the United States. The Norwegian Research Council has traditionally supported Acta. The journal aims to be a forum to international scholarly discussions. In addition, a fundamental aspect of its mission is to promote younger Norwegian art historians and classical archeologists. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Activitas Nervosa Superior Rediviva", "ISSN": "1337933X, 13384015", "Scope": "ScopeActivitas Nervosa Superior Rediviva is an international, peer-reviewed interdisciplinary journal covering the fields of Higher Brain Functions, Neuroscience, Neurophysiology, Neuroimaging, Neuropsychopharmacology, Psychoneuroimmunology, Chronobiology, Cognitive Research, and related fields for RAPID publication of Original Papers, Review Articles, State-of-the-art, Clinical Reports, Case Studies, and other contributions from all the fields covered by Activitas Nervosa Superior Rediviva.\r\rPapers from both basic research (methodology, neuroimaging, MRI, PET, EEG, normal and pathological physiology, molecular and cellular biology, biophysics, pharmacology, pathology and experimental pathology, biochemistry, neurochemistry, enzymology, chronobiology, receptor studies, neuroimmunology, animal physiology, animal breeding and ethology, psychology and others) and from clinical research (neurology and child neurology, psychiatry and child psychiatry, endocrinology, immunology, cardiovascular studies, internal medicine, oncology and others) will be considered. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Actualites Pharmaceutiques", "ISSN": "5153700", "Scope": "ScopeProfessionnels de santé de proximité, le pharmacien d'officine et le préparateur en pharmacie sont des acteurs clés du système de santé.\r\rLes missions du pharmacien d'officine ne cessent de s'élargir : dispensation et respect du bon usage du médicament ; promotion de l'observance ; conseil ; suivi pharmaceutique ; soins de premier recours ; actions de santé publique, de prévention et de dépistage ; veille sanitaire ; coopération avec les autres professionnels de santé ; éducation thérapeutique du patient mais aussi, dorénavant, entretiens pharmaceutiques ; bilan partagé de médication ; vaccination antigrippale…\r\rPour mener à bien ces missions, il est secondé par le préparateur en pharmacie qui, sous sa responsabilité, prépare les prescriptions médicales, délivre les médicaments et produits de santé, conseille la patientèle, réalise certaines préparations et gère les stocks de médicaments.\r\rC'est à l'équipe officinale qu'Actualités pharmaceutiques s'adresse en proposant un mensuel et un supplément trimestriel.\r\rLe mensuel Actualités pharmaceutiques:\r\r-Un outil de développement professionnel continu :\r*Un Dossier consacré à une pathologie, une problématique professionnelle ou de santé publique, une classe médicamenteuse… ;\r*Un Zoom présentant une démarche de recherche, une initiative, un compte rendu de congrès… ;\r*Un QCM permettant d'évaluer les connaissances acquises à la lecture du numéro.\r\r-Un support à l'exercice quotidien :\rl'essentiel de l'Actualité de la profession, de la santé publique et les nouveaux médicaments ;\rdes Questions de comptoir et une Analyse de prescription ;\rla rubrique Pratique : Thérapeutique, Conseil, Suivi officinal, Pharmacovigilance, Prévention, Bucco-dentaire, Vétérinaire, Vaccination…\rles Fiches synthétiques : Diabète, Aromathérapie, Anglais à l'officine, Juridique… Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications", "ISSN": "16135113, 23639466", "Scope": "ScopeThe series Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications comprises interdisciplinary research covering the theory, foundations and domain-specific topics pertaining to security. Publications within the series are peer-reviewed monographs and edited works in the areas of:\r•\tbiological and chemical threat recognition and detection (e.g., biosensors, aerosols, forensics)\r•\tcrisis and disaster management\r•\tterrorism\r•\tcyber security and secure information systems (e.g., encryption, optical and photonic systems)\r•\ttraditional and non-traditional security\r•\tenergy, food and resource security\r•\teconomic security and securitization (including associated infrastructures)\r•\ttransnational crime\r•\thuman security and health security\r•\tsocial, political and psychological aspects of security\r•\trecognition and identification (e.g., optical imaging, biometrics, authentication and verification)\r•\tsmart surveillance systems\r•\tapplications of theoretical frameworks and methodologies (e.g., grounded theory, complexity, network sciences, modelling and simulation) \rTogether, the high-quality contributions to this series provide a cross-disciplinary overview of forefront research endeavours aiming to make the world a safer place.\rThe editors encourage prospective authors to correspond with them in advance of submitting a manuscript. Submission of manuscripts should be made to the Editor-in-Chief or one of the Editors.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Advanced Series on Ocean Engineering", "ISSN": "1793074X", "Scope": "ScopeThis book series consists of undergraduate and graduate textbooks, research and engineering design reference books and monographs in the field of coastal and ocean engineering.\r\rThe subject areas of the series include:\r\rocean waves and currents\rocean acoustics\rmaterials for marine structures\roffshore and coastal structures\rcoastal morphology\rcoastal oceanography. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Advances in Consumer Research", "ISSN": "989258", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Advances in Marine Biology", "ISSN": "00652881, 21625875", "Scope": "ScopeAdvances in Marine Biology was first published in 1963 under the founding editorship of Sir Frederick S. Russell, FRS. Now edited by Charles Sheppard, the serial publishes in-depth and up-to-date reviews on a wide range of topics which will appeal to postgraduates and researchers in marine biology, fisheries science, ecology, zoology and biological oceanography. Eclectic volumes in the series are supplemented by thematic volumes on such topics as The Biology of Calanoid Copepods. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Advances in Parallel Computing", "ISSN": "09275452, 1879808X", "Scope": "ScopeParallel processing is ubiquitous today, with applications ranging from mobile devices such as laptops, smart phones and in-car systems to creating Internet of Things (IoT) frameworks and High Performance and Large Scale Parallel Systems. The increasing expansion of the application domain of parallel computing, as well as the development and introduction of new technologies and methodologies are covered in the Advances in Parallel Computing book series. The series publishes research and development results on all aspects of parallel computing. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Afrika-Studiecentrum Series", "ISSN": "15709310", "Scope": "ScopeThe Afrika-Studiecentrum Series aims to present the best of African studies in the field of social sciences in the Netherlands. Publication in the series is open to all Dutch africanists and also to African scholars who are affiliated to a Dutch academic institution. Publications can be either monographs or edited volumes, in various disciplines and across all African nations, either on a single country or comparing different countries. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ambulatory Surgery", "ISSN": "9666532", "Scope": "ScopeAmbulatory Surgery is the official clinical journal for the International Association for Ambulatory Surgery. It is published quarterly on this website and is a free access journal.\r\rAmbulatory Surgery provides a multidisciplinary international forum for all health care professionals involved in day care surgery. The editors welcome reviews, original articles, case reports, short communications and letters relating to the practice and management of ambulatory surgery.\r\rTopics covered include basic and clinical research, surgery, anaesthesia, nursing; administrative issues, facility development, management, policy issues, reimbursement; perioperative care, patient and procedure selection, discharge criteria, home care. The journal also publishes book reviews and a calendar of forthcoming events. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Amsterdamer Beitrage zur Neueren Germanistik", "ISSN": "03046257, 1875726X", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity", "ISSN": "18716636", "Scope": "ScopeAncient Judaism & Early Christianity began in 1976, as Arbeiten zur Geschichte des antiken Judentums und des Urchristentums with the publication of M. Hengel's Die Zeloten. The series, which includes monographs and collections of essays, covers a range of topics, typically focusing on areas of mutual influence or points of controversy between Judaism and Christianity in the first centuries CE. Recent titles published in the series have included important studies of Josephus, of the Jewish background of Paul's writings, and of the historical Jesus within his Jewish context. \r\rThe series published an average of three volumes per year over the last 5 years. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Annals of Arid Zone", "ISSN": "5701791", "Scope": "ScopeThe Annals of Arid Zone is totally devoted to dryland and arid zone research. The Journal accepts the original research and review articles covering diverse fields like dryland agriculture, crop management, soil-plant-water relationship, range ecology and management, solar energy utilization, desertification, rangelands, sand dunes, livestock, agroforestry, wind erosion, watershed management, biodiversity, integrated farming systems, climate change, hydrology, etc. publishes the findings of research relevant to dryland in general and arid zone in particular. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Anti-Obesity Drug Discovery and Development", "ISSN": "22102698, 24679615", "Scope": "ScopeObesity is a complex health problem, caused by a number of factors such as excessive food intake, lack of physical activity, genetic predisposition, endocrine disorders, medications and psychiatric illnesses. The incidence of obesity among populations in both the developing and the developed world has reached epidemic proportions. In response to this, efforts to control and treat obesity have also been vigorously pursued, ranging from activities focused on raising awareness about lifestyle changes to the discovery and development of safe and effective anti-obesity drugs. Anti-obesity Drug Discovery and Development is a book series focused on this very important area of healthcare research. Each volume presents insightful updates on pharmaceutical research and development for clinical researchers and healthcare professionals involved in obesity treatment programs. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "APA Planning Advisory Service Reports", "ISSN": "1608266", "Scope": "ScopeSince 1949, APA's PAS Report series has offered planners comprehensive guidance on important planning issues and innovative practices.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Archives des Sciences", "ISSN": "1661464X", "Scope": "ScopeArchives des Sciences est un journal scientifique multidisciplinaire et international. Les articles sont soumis à un comité\rde lecture. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Archives of Histology and Cytology", "ISSN": "09149465, 13491717", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Aristoteles Semitico-Latinus", "ISSN": "9274103", "Scope": "ScopeAristoteles Semitico-Latinus founded by H.J. Drossaart Lulofs is prepared under the supervision of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences as part of the Corpus Philosophorum Medii Aevi project of the Union Académique Internationale. The Aristoteles Semitico-Latinus project envisages the publication of the Syriac, Arabic and Hebrew translations of Aristotle's works, of the Latin translations of these translations and the medieval paraphrases and commentaries made in the context of this translation tradition. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Art and Material Culture in Medieval and Renaissance Europe", "ISSN": "22124187", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Artseduca", "ISSN": "22540709", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Asian Journal of Management Cases", "ISSN": "09728201, 09730621", "Scope": "ScopeAsian Journal of Management Cases is a peer-reviewed journal that aims at providing high-quality teaching material to academics, consultants, and management developers, through cases on management practices in the socioeconomic context of developing Asian countries. The journal covers all administrative disciplines including accounting and finance, business ethics, production and operations management, entrepreneurship, human resource management, management information systems, marketing, organizational behaviour, strategic management, and managerial economics.\r\rEach issue of Asian Journal of Management Cases comprises four to five original case studies. Teaching cases should be accompanied with a Teaching Note (TN). Even though the TN will not be published, it is necessary for the review process and can be obtained by contacting the authors directly. Please refer to the online submission guidelines for details on writing a teaching note. AJMC does not publish pure research or applied research based on field studies (not case studies).\r\rThe journal is published in March and September every year with thematically focused issues occasionally. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Asiatic", "ISSN": "19853106", "Scope": "ScopeAsiatic is the very first international journal on English writings by Asian writers and writers of Asian origin, currently being the only one of its kind. It aims to publish high-quality researches and outstanding creative works combining the broad fields of literature and linguistics on the same intellectual platform.\r\rAsiatic will contain a rich collection of selected articles on issues that deal with Asian Englishes, Asian cultures and Asian literatures in English, including diasporic literature and Asian literatures in translation. Articles may include studies that address the multidimensional impacts of the English Language on a wide variety of Asian cultures (South Asian, East Asian, Southeast Asian and others). Subjects of debates and discussions will encompass the socio-economic facet of the Asian world in relation to current academic investigations on literature, culture and linguistics. This approach will present the works of English-trained Asian writers and scholars, having English as the unifying device and Asia as a fundamental backdrop of their study.\r\rThe three different segments that will be featured in each issue of Asiatic are: (i) critical writings on literary, cultural and linguistics studies, (ii) creative writings that include works of prose fiction and selections of poetry and (iv) review articles on Asian books, novels and plays produced in English (or translated into English). These works will reflect how elements of western and Asian are both subtly and intensely intertwined as a result of acculturation, globalisation and such. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Atlantic World", "ISSN": "15700542", "Scope": "ScopeThe explosion of boundaries that took place in the early modern period—cultural and intellectual, no less than social and political—is the subject of this exciting series that explores the meeting of peoples, products, ideas, and traditions in the early modern Americas, Africa, and Europe. The Atlantic World provides a forum for scholarly work—original monographs, article collections, editions of primary sources translations—on these exciting global mixtures and their impact on culture, politics and society in the period bridging the original Columbian \"encounter\" and the abolition of slavery. It moves away from traditional historiographical emphases that isolate continents and nation-states and toward a broader terrain that includes non-European perspectives. It also encourages a wider disciplinary approach to early modern studies. Themes will include the commerce of ideas and products; the exchange of religions and traditions; the institution of slavery; the transfer of technologies; the development of new forms of political, social and economic policy. It welcomes studies that employ diverse forms of analysis and from all scholarly disciplines, including anthropology, archaeology, art history, history (including the history of science), linguistics, literature, music, philosophy, and religious studies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Australasian Journal of Plastic Surgery", "ISSN": "2209170X", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Australian Playwrights", "ISSN": "9212531", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Bell Labs Technical Journal", "ISSN": "10897089, 15387305", "Scope": "ScopeThe Bell Labs Technical Journal (BLTJ) highlights key research and development activities across Alcatel-Lucent — within Bell Labs, within the company’s CTO organizations, and in cross-functional projects and initiatives. It publishes papers and letters by Alcatel-Lucent researchers, scientists, and engineers and co-authors affiliated with universities, government and corporate research labs, and customer companies. Its aim is to promote progress in communications fields worldwide; Bell Labs innovations enable Alcatel-Lucent to deliver leading products, solutions, and services that meet customers’ mission critical needs. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Biomedical and Biopharmaceutical Research", "ISSN": "21822360, 21822379", "Scope": "ScopeBBR intends to reflect a fundamental / integrative research character, serving as a platform for knowledge exchange by publishing original papers, reviews, and case reports. BBR is focused in, but not limited to, the following subjects\r•\tPublic, Community, Environmental, and Occupational Health\r•\tNutrition and Health Promotion\r•\tDevelopment of (drug/non-drug) Delivery Systems,\r•\tModelling of in vivo Systems,\r•\tPharmacology, Molecular Mechanisms, and Therapeutics\r•\tNatural Bioactives\rAt the Editor’s discretion, research on more applied topics may be included.\rBBR seeks to promote the application of research into practice and especially values open collaborative cross-disciplinary science. BBR welcomes papers with translational potential in biomedicine and biopharmaceutics issues, seeking research with a focus in new perceptions on structural issues impacting health policies and systems, new molecules (natural or designed) with potential to address main disease burdens, or new mechanistic insights into models or processes to study disease mechanisms with potential impact in diagnostic and/or therapeutics.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "BMC Biophysics", "ISSN": "20461682", "Scope": "ScopeCessation Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Brill Studies in Middle Eastern Literatures", "ISSN": "15715183", "Scope": "ScopeFormerly Studies in Arabic Literature.This series aims to publish literary critical and historical studies on a broad range of literary materials: classical and modern, written and oral, poetry and prose. It will also publish scholarly translations of major literary works. Studies that seek to integrate Middle Eastern literatures into the broader discourses of the humanities and the social sciences will take their place alongside works of a more technical and specialized nature. \r\rThe series published an average of one volume per year over the last 5 years. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Brill's Arab and Islamic Laws Series", "ISSN": "18712894", "Scope": "ScopeThe aim of this series is to publish monographs on Islamic jurisprudence and law that approach the Islamic legal tradition from a comparative perspective. The main interest is to publish studies that place the Islamic legal tradition in comparative conversations with other legal systems and traditions. The of the series includes studies that engage Islamic law within its many socio-historical manifestations and contexts, both in the Arab and non-Arab worlds, elucidating the Islamic legal experience from a comparative legal perspective. \r\rThe special focus of the series is on studies of the pre-modern or modern periods that explore the role of Islamic law, especially as it relates to normatively relevant issues such as race, gender, identity, rule of law, and constitutionalism, but that do so through the application of comparative legal methodologies. Also of special interest are studies on the transformative moment during the colonial period, which explore the influence of legal imperialism upon the historical trajectories of Islamic law. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Brill's Korean Studies Library", "ISSN": "18767079", "Scope": "ScopeBuilding on Brill’s extensive experience and traditional strengths in the areas of Asian culture, history and society, the new Korean Studies Library invites submissions of book manuscripts on any time period of Korea, from ancient times to the present day, for consideration in this new series. Social science and humanities publications will be the focus, and the series editors particularly welcome submissions in the areas of premodern history, literature, religion, thought, society and language, and in modern history, literature, religion, political economy and society; the intent is to publish scholarship on Korea that will remain relevant for decades to come. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Brill's Series in Jewish Studies", "ISSN": "9262261", "Scope": "ScopeBrill's Series in Jewish Studies aims to publish new knowledge and deepen our understanding of Jews and Judaism, through the lens of their engagement with non-Jewish populations and cultures throughout history. This aim reflects the fact that not only Jewish experiences but also Jewish ideologies emerged, originally and consciously, in the context of and in relation to other communities, cultures and powers. Within these thematic parameters, the of the Series is limited neither to the Diaspora, nor to any period, method or discipline. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Brill's Series on the Early Middle Ages", "ISSN": "18784879", "Scope": "ScopeOriginating in the project The Transformation of the Roman World, Brill's Series on the Early Middle Ages publishes high-quality scholarly studies on the cultures, economies and societies of Europe, the Mediterranean, and beyond, from Late Antiquity (third century onwards) through the Early Middle Ages (up until the eleventh century). The of this peer-reviewed series is broad and inclusive: we encourage the submission of work in archaeology, art and architectural history, history, literature and cultural studies, numismatics, paleography, religious studies, and more, including interdisciplinary research and cross-field collaborative projects. Cross-cultural, comparative, and global studies are also welcome. The series publishes monographs, multi-authored edited thematic collections, and occasionally translations and scholarly editions. The preferred language is English though the editorial board will consider works in French, German, Spanish, and Italian. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Brill's Studies in Indo-European Languages and Linguistics", "ISSN": "18756328", "Scope": "ScopeThis series offers a new venue for high-quality original studies in Indo-European linguistics, from both a comparative and historical perspective, including relevant works on the prehistory/early history of the oldest descendant languages. It will also welcome studies in poetics and comparative mythology that include a significant linguistic and philological component. It seeks especially to fulfill the unmet need for analyses that employ innovative approaches and take account of the latest developments in general linguistic models and methods. The of the series is avowedly international, but authors are encouraged to write in English to maximize dissemination of their ideas. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Brill's Studies in South and Southwest Asian Languages", "ISSN": "18774083", "Scope": "ScopeBrill’s Studies in South and Southwest Asian Languages (BSSAL) is a peer-reviewed series that provides a venue for high-quality descriptive and theoretical studies on the languages of South and Southwest Asia, both monograph-length studies as well as multi-authored volumes dealing with particular topics. The series also welcomes contributions on educational aspects of South and Southwest Asian languages, including language textbooks and other educational materials. \r\rIn the political sense, South Asia encompasses the seven independent states of Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, the Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka, but linguistically and culturally also includes some adjacent areas to the east and north, notably Tibet. Southwest Asia is understood here as comprising the Iranian language-speaking territory to the west of South Asia, i.e., the states of Afghanistan and Iran and the geocultural transnational region Kurdistan, consisting of parts of Turkey, Iraq, Iran and Syria. \r\rThe languages – both ancient and modern – of South and Southwest Asia have played a central role in linguistics from the field’s very beginnings as a modern scientific endeavor, and continue to occupy a central position in discussions in many linguistic sub-disciplines, including the following, among others: \r\r• phonology \r• morphology \r• syntax \r• historical linguistics \r• sociolinguistics \r• typology and language universals \r• multilingualism \r• areal studies \r• heritage languages \r• writing systems. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "British Actuarial Journal", "ISSN": "13573217, 20440456", "Scope": "ScopeBritish Actuarial Journal contains the sessional research programme of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries along with transcripts of the discussions and debates. It also contains Presidential addresses; memoirs and papers of interest to practitioners. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cahiers de Nutrition et de Dietetique", "ISSN": "79960", "Scope": "ScopeLes Cahiers de nutrition et de diététique sont le lieu de communication reconnu pour les médecins spécialistes de la nutrition, les diététiciens, les professionnels et les chercheurs de l'agro-alimentaire, les enseignants et les étudiants (lycées, facultés, BTS, IUT...).\rUne revue médicale pluridisciplinaire\rLes Cahiers de nutrition et de diététique abordent les sujets se rapportant à la biologie générale, à la médecine et à la nutrition, aux aliments, aux comportements alimentaires, à la diététique pratique, ainsi que des thèmes variés : activité physique, apports nutritionnels conseillés, dénutrition, alcool, obésité de l'enfant, aliments à effet santé, plaisir alimentaire, restauration collective, goûters et collations, allergies alimentaires...\rUne revue de haute qualité scientifique\rOrgane de la Société française de nutrition, les Cahiers de nutrition et de diététique publient des éditoriaux, des articles originaux, des revues de synthèse et des dossiers d'enseignement rédigés par les meilleurs spécialistes du moment. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Camera Obscura", "ISSN": "02705346, 15291510", "Scope": "ScopeSince its inception, Camera Obscura has devoted itself to providing innovative feminist perspectives on film, television, and visual media. It consistently combines excellence in scholarship with imaginative presentation and a willingness to lead media studies in new directions. The journal has developed a reputation for introducing emerging writers into the field. Its debates, essays, interviews, and summary pieces encompass a spectrum of media practices, including avant-garde, alternative, fringe, international, and mainstream.\r\rCamera Obscura continues to redefine its original statement of purpose. While remaining faithful to its feminist focus, the journal also explores feminist work in relation to race studies, postcolonial studies, and queer studies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cancer Treatment and Research", "ISSN": "9273042", "Scope": "ScopeThis book series provides detailed updates on the state of the art in the treatment of different forms of cancer and also covers a wide spectrum of topics of current research interest. Clinicians will benefit from expert analysis of both standard treatment options and the latest therapeutic innovations and from provision of clear guidance on the management of clinical challenges in daily practice. The research-oriented volumes focus on aspects ranging from advances in basic science through to new treatment tools and evaluation of treatment safety and efficacy. Each volume is edited and authored by leading authorities in the topic under consideration. In providing cutting-edge information on cancer treatment and research, the series will appeal to a wide and interdisciplinary readership.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cartographic Perspectives", "ISSN": "10489053", "Scope": "ScopeCartographic Perspectives (CP) publishes original articles demonstrating creative and rigorous research in cartography and geographic visualization under open source licensing.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Caspian Journal of Neurological Sciences", "ISSN": "23834307, 24234818", "Scope": "ScopeCaspian Journal of Neurological Sciences (CJNS) is an international scientific quarterly journal of the Guilan University of Medical Sciences, Guilan, Iran; that publishes papers of significance in all areas of clinical and basic neuroscience.\rThe editors welcome contributions and reports of novel results in any area of neurological sciences (clinical and basic) including neurology, neurosurgery, psychiatry, psychology, neuro-ophthalmology, neuro-otology, neuro-urology, neuro-pharmacology, molecular and cellular neurosciences, neurogenetic, art & neuroscience, history of neuroscience, artificial intelligence (machine learning and deep learning) in medicine with the format of Original Papers, Review Articles, Brief Communications, Case reports and Letters to the Editor. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Catholic Christendom, 1300-1700", "ISSN": "24684279", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Chemistry Journal of Moldova", "ISSN": "18571727, 23451688", "Scope": "Scope\"Chemistry Journal of Moldova. General, Industrial and Ecological Chemistry\" seeks to publish experimental or theoretical research results of outstanding significance and timeliness in all fields of Chemistry, including Industrial and Ecological Chemistry. The main goal of this edition is strengthening the Chemical Society of Moldova, following development of research in Moldovan chemical institutions and promotion of their collaboration with international chemical community. Manuscripts are welcome from all countries. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Chiasma", "ISSN": "13807811", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Children: Global Posthumanist Perspectives and Materialist Theories", "ISSN": "25233408, 25233416", "Scope": "ScopeThis book series presents original and cutting edge knowledge for a growing field of scholarship about children. Its focus is on the interface of children being in the everyday spaces and places of contemporary childhoods, and how different theoretical approaches influence ways of knowing the future lives of children. The authors explore and analyse children’s lived embodied everyday experiences and encounters with tangible objects and materials such as artefacts, toys, homes, landscapes, animals, food, and the broader intangible materiality of representational objects, such as popular culture, air, weather, bodies, relations, identities and sexualities. Monographs and edited collections in this series are attentive to the mundane everyday relationships, in-between ‘what is’ and ‘what could be’, with matters and materials. The series is unique because it challenges traditional western-centric views of children and childhood by drawing on a range of perspectives including Indigenous, Pacifica, Asian and those from the Global South. The book series is also unique as it provides a shift from developmental, social constructivists, structuralist approaches to understanding and theorising about childhood. These dominant paradigms will be challenged through a variety of post-positivist/postqualitative/posthumanist theories of being children and childhood. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Children's Literature, Culture, and Cognition", "ISSN": "22129006", "Scope": "ScopeThe overarching aim of the CLCC series is to promote new theoretical approaches in the realm of children’s literature research on the one hand, and to particularly encourage a non-Anglo-American focus, bringing in exciting research from other areas, on the other hand. In addition, it will present research from many linguistic areas to an international audience, reinforce interaction between research conducted in many different languages and present high standard research on the basis of secondary sources in a number of languages and based in a variety of research traditions. Basically the book series should encourage a cross- and interdisciplinary approach on the basis of literary studies, media studies, comparative studies, reception studies, literacy studies, cognitive studies, and linguistics. The series includes monographs and essay collections which are international in and intend to stimulate innovative research with a focus on children’s literature (including other media), children’s culture and cognition, thus encouraging interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research in this expanding field. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Chinese and Comparative Law Series", "ISSN": "22134875", "Scope": "ScopeThe Chinese and Comparative Law Series is a refereed scholarly series dedicated to the publication of studies of Chinese law in English, including works solely on Chinese law or Chinese law in a comparative legal context. The series also welcomes edited volumes. It aims for critical analyses of Chinese law in a broad sense and the presentation of legal developments in China to an international audience of lawyers and non-lawyers. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Chinese Annals of History of Science and Technology", "ISSN": "20964226", "Scope": "ScopeIn 2017, Chinese Annals of History of Science and Technology (CAHST) was co-founded by the Institute for the History of Natural Sciences, CAS and Science Press, under two Editors-in-Chief, Prof. Zhang Baichun (director of IHNS, CAS) and Prof. Jürgen Renn (director of MPIWG) and the Editorial Board (international historians of S&T and sinologists). CAHST marks the first academic English journal on the history of S&T established by the Chinese, and will hopefully enrich the discipline of the history of S&T. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Chinese Journal of Anatomy and Clinics", "ISSN": "20957041", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Chinese Journal of Clinical Infectious Diseases", "ISSN": "16742397", "Scope": "ScopeFollowing the principle of “Precise, factualistic, creative and struggling”, the journal aims to report the most important and advanced achievements on infectious diseases, and to build a platform for the communications among medical staff in this area, so as to contribute to the development of discipline, the communication and spread of the research achievements. The content involves infectious diseases related to various disciplines, such as paediatrics, gynecology, respiratory diseases, urology, nephrology, neurology, gastroenterology and dermatology, etc. Regular features include guidelines and consensus, expert forum, review, original article, diagnosis and treatment, clinical experiment, experience sharing,infection prevention and control, nursing garden, academic contention, case report, review and other columns. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Chinese Journal of Endocrine Surgery", "ISSN": "16746090", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Chinese Perspectives on Human Rights and Good Governance", "ISSN": "23522593", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Chiron", "ISSN": "693715", "Scope": "ScopeChiron, which has been publishedsince 1971, is one of the most widely disseminated periodicals for ancient history. It publishes academic studies in the field of ancient history in its widest sense, i.e. from the Mycenaean to the Early Byzantine epochs and from the publication of important new discoveries from the area of the basic disciplines to studies on the history and theories of the relevant disciplines. The papers are peer-reviewed. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Communication Law and Policy", "ISSN": "10811680, 15326926", "Scope": "ScopeThe societal, cultural, economic, and political dimensions of communication, including the freedoms of speech and press, are undergoing dramatic global changes. The convergence of the mass media, telecommunications, and computers has raised important questions reflected in analyses of modern communication law, policy, and regulation. Serving as a forum for discussions of these continuing and emerging questions, Communication Law and Policy considers traditional and contemporary problems of freedom of expression and dissemination, including theoretical, conceptual, and methodological issues inherent in the special conditions presented by new media and information technologies.\r\rThe journal seeks research that is informed theoretically by First Amendment constitutional analyses, historical approaches to communication law and policy issues, contemporary social theory literature that treats the law as cultural forms, the sociology and philosophy of law, systems approaches, critical theory, and other appropriate theoretical bases. The journal publishes rigorously reasoned and thoroughly researched studies based on traditional legal research, social science techniques, or ethnographic, international, or comparative analyses. Communication Law and Policy also publishes articles using other appropriate approaches to pertinent topics. Manuscripts are sought from those in the academic fields of journalism and mass communication, communication, telecommunications, law, business, sociology, political science, and cognate disciplines, as well as practicing attorneys, policymakers, and policy analysts. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Community, Environment and Disaster Risk Management", "ISSN": "20407262, 20407270", "Scope": "ScopeThe series is built on field evidence and community practices, and provides specific tools and guiding frameworks with appropriate academic analysis. The series is the long-awaited missing link between academic research and field practice in the environment and disaster management field.\r\rTopicality \rCommunity, Environment and Disaster Risk Management provides a series of cross-disciplinary approaches and methods which are exemplified by case studies from different parts of the world. Selected topics include: urban risk reduction, water communities, climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction, environment and disaster education, pandemic response and management, community-based risk management and human security. The series provides a unique forum for interaction between academics and field practitioners. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Computers in Libraries", "ISSN": "10417915", "Scope": "ScopeComputers in Libraries is a monthly magazine that provides complete coverage of the news and issues in the rapidly evolving field of library information technology. Focusing on the practical application of technology in community, school, academic, and special libraries, CIL includes discussions of the impact of emerging computer technologies on library systems and services, and on the library community itself. We now welcome readers of Internet@Schools magazine, and we will feature an ed-tech topic in each issue. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Conradiana", "ISSN": "00106356, 19350252", "Scope": "ScopeConradiana, an international peer-reviewed journal devoted to and welcoming essays on all aspects and periods of the life and works of Joseph Conrad, is published three times yearly in the spring, summer, and fall. The journal publishes scholarly articles (of any length), scholarly notes, and book reviews.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites", "ISSN": "13505033, 17535522", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites (CMAS) has established itself as the primary reference in this field, both for active professionals and for university teachers and students. Launched in 1995, it is the only journal that covers both theoretical and practical issues in heritage site management and conservation. Peer-reviewed papers from around the world report on new thinking and best practice in site management and conservation.\r\rTopics covered include:\r•Cultural, social, ethical and theoretical issues in archaeological site management and conservation\r•Site management\r•Historical documentation and condition reporting\r•Site deterioration and environmental monitoring\r•Preventative conservation, including reburial and protective sheltering of sites\r•Building materials analysis and treatment\r•Restoration and reconstruction of buildings\r•Visitor management and sustainable tourism\r•Site interpretation\r•National and international legislation and charters Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Contemporary Studies in Economic and Financial Analysis", "ISSN": "15693759", "Scope": "ScopeContemporary Studies in Economic and Financial Analysis publishes a series of current and relevant themed volumes within the fields of economics and finance. Both disciplinary and interdisciplinary studies are welcome. Topics include but are not limited to:\r\rInternational trade issues\rFinancial management\rFinancial markets and institutions\rPublic finance\rMicrofinance\rEconomic and financial issues in healthcare\rForensic economics\rLabour economics\rDeveloping economies\rEntrepreneurship\rContemporary Studies in Economic and Financial Analysis has published contributions from a number of well regarded institutions including New York University, the University of Oxford and the University of California Berkeley. The series has also been cited by the influential journals Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control and Contemporary Economic Policy. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Contemporary Trends and Issues in Science Education", "ISSN": "18780482, 18780784", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Contributii Botanice", "ISSN": "00699616, 20673094", "Scope": "ScopeContributii Botanice is an international, peer-reviewed journal publishing scientifically sound papers in the fields of Plant Systematics, Phytosociology, Plant Physiology and Morphology, Plant Ecology, Population Ecology, Ecosystem Ecology, Phytogeography, Phytopathology, Microbiology, Paleobotany, Plant Conservation and Cell/Molecular Plant Biology.\r\rPapers of mostly taxonomic nature or focussed on floristics and phytosociology will only be considered if they exceed the pure descriptive approach and have relevance interpreting patterns in the above mentioned plant sciences. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Converging Evidence in Language and Communication Research", "ISSN": "15667774", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "C.R.I.N.: Cahiers de Recherche des Instituts Neerlandais de Langue et de Litterature Francaise", "ISSN": "0169894X", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Critical Studies in German Idealism", "ISSN": "18789986, 18789994", "Scope": "ScopeThis peer-reviewed series publishes volumes on the tradition of German Idealism in the broad sense. It is not only oriented to critical studies on the works of authors who belong to this tradition, but also to the later influence of these works. This means that the series pays attention both to the history of the reception of German Idealism, and to studies that provide in the systematic development of central themes that are formulated by this tradition. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Critical Studies on Corporate Responsibility, Governance and Sustainability", "ISSN": "20439059, 20439067", "Scope": "ScopeThe aim of the book series is to explore public concerns and practical issues deeply and rethink theoretical debates and institutional policies critically in the broad area of corporate responsibility, corporate governance and sustainability around the world. It examines the social, economic and environmental impacts of corporations, and the real effects of corporate governance, CSR and business sustainability on societies in different regions. It facilitates a better understanding of how value systems, cultures and traditions in different societies may affect the policies and practices of corporate responsibility, governance and sustainability. It identifies the future development trends of corporate responsibility, governance and sustainability in contexts when examining and exploring those key issues.\r\rThe series facilitates idea exchanges and research collaborations between developed and developing countries, and between the West and the East. It promotes best ideas, values, practices and innovations in corporate governance, corporate responsibility and sustainability in the world and encourages holistic thinking, cross-disciplinary research, multiple perspectives and the use of various research approaches and methods.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cultural Dynamics of Science", "ISSN": "23519932", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Cuneiform Monographs", "ISSN": "9290052", "Scope": "ScopeThe monographs series Cuneiform Monographs has rightly been called the 'flagship' of STYX Publications, now owned by Brill. It presents the reader with a number of outstanding monographs, each of an outstanding quality and tasteful presentation. Brill is happy to call your attention to the following important titles from the recent past which may have escaped your notice earlier, and certainly deserve a wide audience. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Current Research in Social Psychology", "ISSN": "10887423", "Scope": "ScopeCurrent Research in Social Psychology (CRISP) is a peer reviewed, electronic journal publishing theoretically driven, empirical research in major areas of social psychology. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Current Research in the Semantics/Pragmatics Interface", "ISSN": "14727870", "Scope": "ScopeThe aim of this series is to focus upon the relationship between semantic and pragmatic theories for a variety of natural language constructions. The boundary between semantics and pragmatics can be drawn in many various ways; the relative benefits of each have given rise to a vivid theoretical dispute in the literature in the last three decades. As a side effect, this variety has produced a certain degree of confusion and absence of purpose in the extant publications on the topic. This series provides a forum where the confusion within the existing literature can be removed and the issues raised by different positions can be discussed with a renewed sense of purpose. The editors intend the contributions to this series to take further steps towards clarity and cautious consensus. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Design Principles and Practices", "ISSN": "18331874, 24735736", "Scope": "ScopeDesign Principles and Practices: An International Journal—Annual Review aims to create an intellectual frame of reference, and to support an interdisciplinary conversation on the role of design in society. Candidates for inclusion in this survey journal include works by invited contributors and top-ranked articles selected from thematic journals of the collection. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Developments in International Law", "ISSN": "9245332", "Scope": "ScopeThis wide ranging series provides expert insights into the most fundamental aspects of public international law, and has for many years, made a major contribution to the international debate on legal issues affecting the world community. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Drama and Theatre in Early Modern Europe", "ISSN": "2211341X", "Scope": "ScopeA peer-reviewed series on topics in early modern forms of theatre, theatricality and drama. Contributions may come from any of the disciplines within the humanities, such as theatre studies, musicology, literary history, art history, book history, church history, social history, cultural history, and history of ideas. The series aims to open up new areas of research or new approaches to early modern drama. It publishes monographs, collections of essays and key text editions. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "East Asian Journal of Popular Culture", "ISSN": "20517084, 20517092", "Scope": "ScopeThe East Asian Journal of Popular Culture is the leading academic peer-reviewed journal for scholars, teachers and students from around the world interested in the popular culture of East Asia. In recent decades, East Asian popular culture has attracted increasing attention within academia and beyond. The East Asian Journal of Popular Culture is one manifestation of this, serving as an important forum for academic debate over popular cultural phenomena throughout the region and their social and political ramifications. The journal's embraces all aspects of popular culture in East Asia as well as the cultural interplay between East Asia and the wider world. Encompassing work on genres from film to music, art to translation and fashion to tourism; the journal offers a forum where multidisciplinary work can come together in new and exciting ways. We welcome original scholarship related to all aspects of East Asian popular culture from creation to dissemination and beyond. We also offer a space for shorter reviews or reports of cultural events and activities, and for reviews of scholarship in any language related to East Asian popular culture. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Economia Chilena", "ISSN": "7173830", "Scope": "ScopeThe objective of ECONOMÍA CHILENA is to help disseminate research results on the Chilean economy or topics of importance to it, with significant empirical content and/or relevance for the conduct of economic policy. The areas of greater. interests include macroeconomics, finance, and economic development. The magazine is edited by the Central Bank of Chile's Research Division Management and has an independent editorial committee. All articles are reviewed by anonymous referees. The magazine is published three times a year, in the months of April, August, and December.\r\rThe content of the ECONOMÍA CHILENA magazine, as well as the analyzes and conclusions derived from it, is the sole responsibility of its authors. As a journal that makes contributions at the academic level, the material presented in it does not compromise. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Economics of Peace and Security Journal", "ISSN": "1749852X", "Scope": "ScopeThe Economics of Peace and Security Journal (EPSJ) addresses business and economic aspects of peace and security, ranging from the interpersonal and communal domains to transboundary and global affairs. Our includes all violent and nonviolent conflict affecting human and nonhuman life as well as their implications for our common habitat, Earth. Special attention is paid to constructive proposals for nonviolent conflict resolution and peacemaking. While open to noneconomic approaches, most contributions emphasize economic analysis of causes, consequences, and possible solutions to prevent, or else mitigate, conflict and violence.\r\rContributions are scholarly or practitioner-based. Submissions are screened for plagiarism and all published articles are peer-reviewed. The journal follows and enforces international publication ethics standards for editors, authors, reviewers, and all others involved in its publication. No responsibility for the views expressed by the authors in this journal is assumed by EPS Publishing, by the editor, or by Economists for Peace and Security.\r\rWritten and edited for high-quality content, clarity, and readability, EPSJ is aimed at specialist and nonspecialist readers alike, including academics, policy decisionmakers, policy analysts, national and international civil servants, members of the armed forces and of peacekeeping services, the business community, nongovernmental organizations, religious institutions, and other interested parties. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Egodocuments and History Series", "ISSN": "1873653X", "Scope": "ScopeIn recent years the interest in egodocuments, a new term covering all forms of autobiographical writing, has expanded in history and other disciplines. This series publishes books addressing two overlapping and connected fields of study: cultural and social history based on egodocuments, and studies of the history of autobiographical writing within a cultural and social context. In some cases the subject may be an individual text or author, while in others the focus may be on collections of diaries, memoirs, and letters, or groups of authors. \r\rEgodocuments and History is a broadly conceived series open to multi-disciplinary and innovative research. Publications will address issues that have come to the forefront of research in this field, including autofiction, ghostwriting, authenticity, memory, and the relationship between written, oral and visual culture. The historical range of the series is broad, from the Middle Ages to the present, as is the range of countries and languages of textual origin in consideration – all are welcome. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Environmental Footprints and Eco-Design of Products and Processes", "ISSN": "23457651, 2345766X", "Scope": "Scopehis series aims to broadly cover all the aspects related to environmental assessment of products, development of environmental and ecological indicators and eco-design of various products and processes. Below are the areas fall under the aims and of this series, but not limited to: Environmental Life Cycle Assessment; Social Life Cycle Assessment; Organizational and Product Carbon Footprints; Ecological, Energy and Water Footprints; Life cycle costing; Environmental and sustainable indicators; Environmental impact assessment methods and tools; Eco-design (sustainable design) aspects and tools; Biodegradation studies; Recycling; Solid waste management; Environmental and social audits; Green Purchasing and tools; Product environmental footprints; Environmental management standards and regulations; Eco-labels; Green Claims and green washing; Assessment of sustainability aspects. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Environmental Forum", "ISSN": "7315732", "Scope": "ScopeThe Environmental Forum, ELI’s award-winning membership journal, delivers more than soundbites with in-depth articles, columns by the profession’s thought leaders, and the inside story on today’s critical challenges and tomorrow’s sunrise issues. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Epilepsy and Paroxysmal Conditions", "ISSN": "20778333, 23114088", "Scope": "Scope\"Epilepsy and paroxysmal conditions\" is a peer-reviewed journal for medical professionals. The main goal of the journal is to publish high-quality original articles, scientific reviews, case studies, and lectures in all areas of epileptology, neurology, neurobiology, neurosurgery and related fields. Our priorities include scientific and information support to members of the \"professional community\" in their pursuit of new ideas in epilepsy research. The \"Epilepsy and paroxysmal conditions\" journal is proud to contribute to the continuing medical education (CME) of recent medical graduates and other experts in neurology and related fields.\rAs an open-access journal, \"Epilepsy and paroxysmal conditions\" is available in the Russian Federation and around the world. The editorial board includes 8 internationally known scientists, 2 full members of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), and 3 corresponding member of the RAS. The editorial board supports the policies of full compliance with the principles of international scientific publishing ethics. All submitted materials undergo a compulsory double-blind peer reviewing process. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Estudos Ibero-Americanos", "ISSN": "01014064, 1980864X", "Scope": "ScopeHistory, Philosophy, Social Sciences, History of Education.\r\rIbero-American Studies magazine was created in 1975 with the purpose of constituting a space for the dissemination of historical research on the Iberian Peninsula and the countries linked to it by its colonial past.\r\rThe magazine publishes original and unpublished articles, reviews and interviews, contributing to the dissemination of historical knowledge. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Estudos Internacionais", "ISSN": "2317773X", "Scope": "ScopeEstudos Internacionais: Journal of International Relations at PUC Minas is a publication intended for research, study and the promotion of debate on major international issues in its various manifestations - political, economic, cultural and social. In this line of reasoning, Estudos Internacionais comprises the analysis and dissemination of dominant themes of international relations - theory and method, international institutions, foreign policy, political economy, international politics, security and international conflicts - and those transverse to this field of knowledge as regional integration and cooperation, international cooperation, flows and transnational networks, international peace and stability, international rules and regimes.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "EuPA Open Proteomics", "ISSN": "22129685", "Scope": "ScopeEuPA Open Proteomics is published by Elsevier on behalf of the European Proteomics Association (EuPA) and is aimed at both European and international protein scientists together with scientists who are exploiting proteomics, lipidomics, glycomics or metabolomics in any way in their studies.\r\rExpanding and complementing the society affiliate Journal of Proteomics, EuPA Open Proteomics will publish full papers, reviews, mini-reviews, short communications, perspectives, opinions, comments and book reviews on all aspects of protein science, with a focus on proteomics, lipidomics, glycomics and metabolomics, and covers the complete spectrum from basic to translational proteomics and plant, animal, microbial and human studies.\r\rAlso welcome are reports on novel methodological and technical developments, including in bioinformatics and data processing, mass spectrometry imaging, pathway analysis, peptidomics, direct submissions from authors wishing to report on large data sets (submitted to raw data repositories) and descriptive studies. The journal will also consider high quality omics articles where a thorough and appropriate statistical analysis has been reported but where the findings have not been fully validated by orthogonal methods.\r\rAll manuscripts are peer reviewed and must conform the highest ethical standards. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Eurasia Proceedings of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics", "ISSN": "26023199", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "European Expansion and Indigenous Response", "ISSN": "18738974", "Scope": "ScopeEuropean Expansion and Indigenous Response is a peer-reviewed book series that seeks to understand the process of European expansion, interchange and connectivity in a global context in the early modern and modern period. It will seek to understand this transformative process and period in cultural, economic, social, and ideological terms in Africa, the Indian Ocean, Central and East Asia and the Pacific Rim. This series will provide a forum for varied scholarly work - original monographs, article collections, editions of primary sources translations - on these exciting global mixtures and their impact on culture, politics and society in the period from the Portuguese navigators of the late fifteenth century until the end of ‘Company’ rule in British India in the mid-nineteenth century. It will move beyond the traditional isolated and nation bound historiographical emphases of this field which have isolated continents and nation-states and toward a broader intellectual terrain, encouraging whenever possible non-European perspectives. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "European Joyce Studies", "ISSN": "09239855, 18757340", "Scope": "ScopeNo other modernist writer in English has attracted more or broader international attention than James Joyce. Translations, adaptations, and imitations as well as works of criticism are being published in increasing numbers and frequency, and show a proliferating diversity of approaches and perspectives on the work, life, and influence of Joyce. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Explosion", "ISSN": "0916801X", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "FAU Studies Mathematics and Physics", "ISSN": "21967482", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Food Science and Technology", "ISSN": "14753324", "Scope": "ScopeFood Science & Technology (FS&T) is the Institute of Food Science & Technology's quarterly magazine, providing news and topical articles on all aspects of food science and technology. The subjects covered range from raw material composition to consumer acceptance; from physical properties to food engineering practices; and from quality assurance and safety to storage, distribution, marketing and use. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Foro Hispanico", "ISSN": "09258620, 18757375", "Scope": "ScopeForo Hispánico is a peer-reviewed book series devoted to the study of Spanish and Spanish-American culture(s) in the global world. The series offers a forum for internationally focused research that analyses how cultural and literary practices both shape, and themselves are shaped by, global challenges in the Spanish speaking world. \rProposals are welcome for academic monographs and joint volumes, both in English and Spanish. We especially encourage studies that cross disciplines and national borders. Possible interdisciplinary topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the connections between cultural and literary practices, and immigration, race, gender, politics, art, intellectual history, travel writing, rhetoric and anthropology. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - CNS and Neurological Disorders", "ISSN": "22147527, 24518883", "Scope": "ScopeFrontiers in Clinical Drug Research - CNS and Neurological Disorders is a book series that brings updated reviews to readers interested in advances in the development of pharmaceutical agents for the treatment of central nervous system (CNS) and other nerve disorders. The of the book series covers a range of topics including the medicinal chemistry, pharmacology, molecular biology and biochemistry of contemporary molecular targets involved in neurological and CNS disorders. Reviews presented in the series are mainly focused on clinical and therapeutic aspects of novel drugs intended for these targets. Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Genesis (Italy)", "ISSN": "15949281, 19732252", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Geogaceta", "ISSN": "0213683X, 21736545", "Scope": "ScopeGeogaceta is a magazine that publishes semiannually the Geological Society of Spain. This society aims to promote, promote, and disseminate knowledge, progress and applications of Geology; , the advice in scientific and educational matters to the institutions and entities that require it and the representation of the scientific interests of the geological community of Spain at international level. Its members have the right to participate in all the activities organized by the Company, to present their candidacy to any of their management positions and to receive free periodical publications of the Company (Geogaceta and Magazine of the Geological Society of Spain).Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Graphics and Visual Computing", "ISSN": "26666294", "Scope": "ScopeTitle discontinued as of 2023 Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Groningen Oriental Studies, Supplement", "ISSN": "15667642", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section 4, China", "ISSN": "1699520", "Scope": "ScopeThe series features scholarly reference works and research tools on topics in the history, religions, culture and linguistics of China. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Hansische Geschichtsblatter", "ISSN": "730327", "Scope": "ScopeDie „Hansischen Geschichtsblätter“ (HGbll) sind die wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift des Hansischen Geschichtsvereins. Sie sind international und interdisziplinär angelegte Plattform für die Publikation von aktuellen Forschungsbeiträgen. Die Zeitschrift erscheint seit 1871 und gehört zu den traditionsreichsten geschichtswissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften in Deutschland. \r\rDer Aufsatzteil enthält traditionell Beiträge zur hansischen Geschichte, die sich mit Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte, insbesondere der Handelsgeschichte, der politischen Geschichte und der Geschichte des Städtewesens im hansischen Wirtschaftsraum befassen. Daneben sind auch im weiteren Sinne mit Hansegeschichte verbundene Artikel zur Wirtschafts- und Rechtsgeschichte wie auch Beiträge zur Kulturgeschichte darin enthalten. Auch quellennahe und editionskritische Artikel gehören zum Themenspektrum der Hansischen Geschichtsblätter.\r\rDer Besprechungsteil, die Hansische Umschau, informiert umfassend über einschlägige Neuerscheinungen für den Zeitraum von der ersten Jahrtausendwende bis in die hanseatische Zeit des 19. Jahrhunderts aus diesem Raum, der sich von Russland bis Lissabon und von Bergen bis nach Venedig erstreckte. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Histoire, economie et societe", "ISSN": "7525702", "Scope": "ScopeFondée en 1982, Histoire, Économie & Société est une revue généraliste d’histoire, centrée sur les périodes moderne (XVIe-XVIIIe siècle) et contemporaine (XIXe-XXIe siècle). Elle est ouverte à tous les courants et tous les champs de l’histoire. Ses quatre livraisons annuelles alternent les dossiers thématiques et les numéros de varia et abordent un vaste ensemble de sujets, en particulier, mais non exclusivement, l’histoire des groupes et des acteurs sociaux, les questions économiques, l’histoire religieuse ou encore l’histoire politique et des relations internationales. Histoire, Économie & Société publie des articles concernant majoritairement la France et l’Europe mais aussi les autres grandes aires culturelles et elle s'intéresse à l'histoire des mondialisations depuis l'époque moderne. Elle se veut, en particulier, un lieu de rencontre entre l’historiographie française et les historiographies étrangères et ouvre largement ses colonnes à des historiens non francophones dont les articles paraissent traduits. Bien évaluée par les instances nationales et internationales, Histoire, Économie & Société fonctionne selon le système de la double expertise anonyme des articles avant acceptation par le comité de rédaction, qui garantit le haut niveau scientifique de ses publications. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Human-Animal Studies", "ISSN": "15734226", "Scope": "ScopeThe purview of the book series includes any topic that allows exploration of the relation between human and nonhuman animals in any setting, contemporary or historical, from the perspective of various disciplines within both the social sciences (e.g., psychology, sociology, anthropology, political science) and humanities (e.g., history, literary criticism). Among the broad areas included are: 1. applied uses of animals (research, education, medicine, agriculture), 2. animals in the popular culture (entertainment, companion animals, animal symbolism), 3. wildlife and the environment, 4. socio-political movements, public policy and the law. \r\rThe series published three volumes over the last 5 years. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung", "ISSN": "14391783, 2749859X", "Scope": "ScopeDie Zeitschrift “Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung, HyWa” ist eine deutschsprachige, ISI-gelistete Fachzeitschrift, welche Themen zur Hydrologie und Wasserwirtschaft sowie ökologische Fragestellungen an Gewässern umfassend behandelt. Die Zeitschrift HyWa bietet eine Plattform zur Veröffentlichung von Fachbeiträgen, aber auch für Projektberichte zu aktuellen Entwicklungen aus Wissenschaft und operationeller Anwendung.\r\rDas Spektrum der Fachbeiträge entstammt aus den folgenden Themenbereichen:\r\r-Hydrologische Prozesse und Kreislaufgeschehen-\rBewirtschaftung der Wasservorkommen-\rWasser- und Stoffflüsse, Gewässerschutz-\rÖkologische Studien und Bewertungen-\rLimnologische Untersuchungen-\rEntwicklung von Binnen- und Küstengewässern sowie Grund- und Bodenwasser.\rZur Veröffentlichung werden nur fachlich fundierte, originäre Artikel zu aktuellen Themen zugelassen. Ein Redaktionsausschuss sowie assoziierte Editoren, bestehend aus Hochschulvertretern sowie Fachleuten aus Bundes und Landeseinrichtungen gewährleisten, dass nur qualitativ hochwertige Fachbeiträge veröffentlicht werden (Peer Review). Die HyWa enthält außerdem einen nachrichtlichen Teil, der über aktuelle Projekte und Studien aus Forschung und Praxis sowie über neue Publikationen informiert. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "IARC monographs on the evaluation of carcinogenic risks to humans / World Health Organization, International Agency for Research on Cancer", "ISSN": "10171606", "Scope": "ScopeThe IARC Monographs identify environmental factors that are carcinogenic hazards to humans. These include chemicals, complex mixtures, occupational exposures, physical agents, biological agents, and lifestyle factors. National health agencies can use this information as scientific support for their actions to prevent exposure to potential carcinogens.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Iberian Religious World", "ISSN": "22139141", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Ideas, History, and Modern China", "ISSN": "18759394", "Scope": "ScopeWith China’s economic boom, continuous political stability, and increasing influence, it is time to ask if the trajectories of the Chinese Revolution--its troubled interaction with the world market, its national independence movements, its pursuit of egalitarianism, communism, and socialism, and its post-socialist reform—could be understood as a meaningful and consistent historical experience. It is important now to see how China’s past efforts have contributed or obstructed its progress since the Qing empire was thrust into the international system of nation-states in the late 19th century. This series aims to place the study of China in the contexts of the international system of nation-states, global capitalist and market expansion, imperialist rivalry, the Cold War, and recent waves of economic globalization. It welcomes analytical attempts to frame intellectual, historical, and cultural analysis conducive to dialectical relations between these categories. Ideas will not be studied in the abstract but be set in motion and intertwined with praxis through analysis of historical contexts and enriched by close analysis of aesthetic texts, such as literature, narratives, and phenomena of everyday life. \r\rThe series published an average of two volumes per year over the last 5 years. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "IJS Studies in Judaica", "ISSN": "15701581", "Scope": "ScopeThe IJS Studies in Judaica series is primarily devoted to the publication of annual conferences of the Institute of Jewish Studies, University College London, although individual monographs are also welcome on any aspect of Jewish Studies and related disciplines. The volumes bring together, often for the first time, eminent scholars from different countries working in historical, literary, and linguistic research areas relevant to all periods of Jewish Studies, from antiquity to modernity. Examples of themes include biblical studies (within the ancient world), medieval Hebrew science, and history of Zionism, with the aim being to cover the latest trends in cutting-edge research in Jewish Studies in its broadest context. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Indian Journal of Small Ruminants", "ISSN": "09719857, 09739718", "Scope": "ScopeThe aims and of the Journal is\r\r- To publishes original, basic and applied research articles, technical notes, and review articles on research relating to goats, sheep and rabbits\r\r- It covers topics include nutrition, physiology, anatomy, genetics, microbiology, ethology, product technology, socio-economics, management, sustainability and environment, veterinary medicine, husbandry engineering, grassland and forage agronomy.\r\r- To disseminate knowledge in research, development and education on diverse aspects of sheep, goat and rabbit production and utilization Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Indian Spine Journal", "ISSN": "25895079, 25895087", "Scope": "ScopeIndian Spine Journal is a peer-reviewed medical journal published on behalf of the Association of Spine Surgeons of India (ASSI). It would be of interest not only to practicing Spine surgeons (both Orthopaedic and Neurosurgery) but also the allied fields of neurology, neurophysiology, and rehabilitation from all over the World. The journal covers basic research, clinical and technical studies related to health, ethical and social issues in the field of Spine and related care.\r\rThe journal publishes several types of articles including original research papers, reviews, case series, case reports, technical reports, and short communications. Letters to Editor are encouraged. State of the art reviews on a given aspect of the Spine is published as a Symposium by luminaries in the field from all over the Globe. There is a 'Spine Clinic' section as part of the symposium which highlights some clinical case scenarios with the rationale of intervention and outcome on the given topic.\r\rOnly those manuscripts which have not been published or submitted elsewhere considered. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Infection, Epidemiology and Microbiology", "ISSN": "25884107, 25884115", "Scope": "ScopeInfection, Epidemiology and Medicine has been changed to Infection, Epidemiology and Microbiology (IEM) since September 2017, according to Iran Ministry of Health and Medical Education recommendation. IEM is a peer-reviewed, double blind and open access journal dedicated to the publication of manuscripts on topics concerning bacterial, fungal, parasitic and viral infections, including their epidemiology, molecular epidemiology, diagnosis, prevention and clinical management. This journal accepts Original Research, Brief Commu­nication, Case Report, Review and Letter to the Editor within the of the journal. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal for History, Culture and Modernity", "ISSN": "22130624, 26666529", "Scope": "ScopeThe International Journal for History, Culture and Modernity (HCM) offers a global perspective on modern culture and its history since 1750. The journal invites submissions on the theory as well as the historical practice and experience of modernity. How can history help to understand what it means to live in a modern world? From this vantage point HCM aims to take part in the international exchange on the cultural significance of modernity.\r\rThe journal particularly welcomes articles that take their lead from topical issues such as the rise of populism, the return of religion and humanity's relation to the natural environment. Manuscripts may deal with any subject at the crossroads of culture and history in any part of the world, ranging from daily life and media to transnational identity.\r\rVolumes 1-7 of HCM have been published in Open Access. Due to problems in the editorial process, some articles in volumes 6 and 7 have the same page numbers. The Editors apologize for the inconvenience. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Design Education", "ISSN": "2325128X, 23251298", "Scope": "ScopeThe International Journal of Design Education explores aspects of learning to become a designer and to develop modes of “design thinking.” It explores design strategies, methodologies, and tactics. It analyzes forms of professional stance, and it examines pedagogies of engagement with design purposes, designed objects, and design. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Nanotechnology", "ISSN": "9743278", "Scope": "ScopeInternational Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Nanotechnology (IJPSN) is a Scopus Indexed & PCI Recommended, internationally circulated research journal in pharmaceutical and nanotechnology fields. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Reconfigurable Computing", "ISSN": "16877195, 16877209", "Scope": "ScopeThe aim of the International Journal of Reconfigurable Computing is to serve the large community of researchers and professional engineers working on theoretical and practical aspects of reconfigurable computing. The journal seeks to promote the use of reconfigurable computing for research, education, and applications. Original full and short papers on all aspects of reconfigurable computing, from hardware architectures and devices to custom computers and high performance systems, are encouraged for submission.\r\rAll aspects of reconfigurable computing are considered. Since the entire field is very dynamic, areas of the interest include but are not limited to:\rModels, methods, tools, and architectures for reconfigurable computingCompilation, simulation, debugging, synthesis, verification, and test of reconfigurable systemsField programmable gate arrays and other reconfigurable technologiesSelf adaptation and dynamic reconfigurationEvolvable hardware and adaptive computingAlgorithms implemented on reconfigurable hardwareHardware/software codesign and cosimulation with reconfigurable hardwareHigh performance reconfigurable computingReconfigurable computing education\r\rApplication areas of reconfigurable computing include (but are not limited to): signal and image processing, communications, biomedical applications, consumer electronics, embedded systems, automation, intelligent systems, scientific computing, infotainment and multimedia, industrial applications, data compression, cryptography, robotics, and automotive. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal on Algae", "ISSN": "15219429", "Scope": "ScopeThe aim and of IJA is to inform the western scientific community, especially algologists, about original studies by scientists of the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe in the following subjects: general problems of algology; morphology, anatomy, cytology; reproduction and life cycles of algae; genetics; physiology, biochemistry and biophysics; ecology, cenology and conservation of algae and their role in nature; flora and geography; fossil algae; systematics, phylogeny and problems of evolution of algae; new taxa and noteworthy records; and applied algology. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Political Science Abstracts", "ISSN": "00208345, 17519292", "Scope": "ScopeInternational Political Science Abstracts is published bimonthly by the International Political Science Association with the support of the Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques.\r\rSince 1951, the International Political Science Abstracts has provided non-evaluative abstracts of articles in the field of political science published in journals (and yearbooks) all over the world. The of the discipline is that of the major political science journals. The divisions under which articles are listed according to the alphabetical order of first authors are those of the detailed classification scheme of the \"Political Science\" section of the International Bibliography of the Social Sciences, prepared by the British Library of Political and Economic Sciences (London School of Economics and Political Science). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Studies in Sociology and Social Anthropology", "ISSN": "748684", "Scope": "ScopeInternational Studies in Sociology and Social Anthropology is a peer-reviewed series. Through the publication of original manuscripts and edited volumes, it explores the relationships between civil society, the state, and the structures and institutions spanning both. It does so at an historical time in which the processes of globalization increase the diversity, complexity and pluralism of contemporary societies, challenging social cohesion and fostering new forms of conflict. \r\rThe series upholds paradigmatic and methodological pluralism, interdisciplinarity, and evidence-based comparative research. \r\rTopics of interest include (but are not restricted to): \r• Major theories and theorists of civil society and the state, including of the comparative analysis of societies and political regimes. \r• Political trust, transparency, and accountability in contemporary democracies. \r• Cohesion and identities in the various regions of the world. \r• Globalism, cosmopolitanism, and cultural flows. \r• Social movements, minority rights, and interaction networks. \r• Varieties of capitalism, economic crises, and sustainable development. \r• Law and society. \r• New forms of nationalism and populism. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Investigating Medieval Philosophy", "ISSN": "18799787, 18799795", "Scope": "ScopeThe series aims to provide a peer-reviewed* forum for high-quality monographs and coherent collective volumes on medieval philosophy, written in such a way as to make them comprehensible and interesting to mainstream philosophers and historians of philosophy in Anglophone philosophy departments. Volumes in the series are not required to use medieval philosophy to make a direct contribution to debates in contemporary analytical philosophy (although this is one possibility), but the manner in which the medieval texts are treated should reflect, in an historically sensitive way, the methods and the language of contemporary analytical philosophy – in especial, its ideals of clarity and unpretentiousness. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Islam in Africa", "ISSN": "15703754", "Scope": "ScopeBrill’s Islam in Africa is designed to present the results of scholarly research into the many aspects of the history and present-day features of Islam in Sub-Saharan Africa. \rThe series will take up issues of religious and intellectual traditions, social significance and organization, and other aspects of the Islamic presence in Africa. It includes monographs, collaborative volumes and reference works by researchers from all relevant disciplines. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Islamic History and Civilization", "ISSN": "9292403", "Scope": "ScopeIslamic History and Civilization. Studies and Texts covers the world of Islam, from the time of its earliest appearance until the pre-modern period, and from its western to its eastern frontiers. The series provides space for analytical studies of themes, issues, dynasties, regions, or personages, annotated translations and text editions, as well as conference proceedings related to the history and the intellectual, literary, artistic, and cultural traditions of Islam. \r\rThe series published an average of eight volumes per year over the last 5 years. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Japanese Visual Culture", "ISSN": "22102868", "Scope": "ScopeJapanese Visual Culture is an academic series devoted to the visual culture of the Japanese archipelago of every era. It includes studies on the history of painting, prints, calligraphy, sculpture, architecture and applied arts, but also extends to the performing arts, cinema, manga and anime. Despite the recent trend away from monographs on individual artists or object-based studies, the Japanese Visual Culture series recognizes the still-crucial need for research on Japanese artists or previously neglected categories of art to help build the foundation for the further development of the field. It also actively seeks interdisciplinary or theoretical approaches to archaeology, religion, literature, and the social sciences. Though all volumes are published in English, the series encourages submission by scholars based in Europe.\rThe series is attractively designed and allows for copious illustrative material, using the latest technology for high-quality colour reproduction. The books rely on Brill’s well-established distribution networks to research libraries in Europe, North America, and East Asia, especially Japan. While the primary readership will be specialists and students of Japanese art history and related fields, we expect the attractively designed format will attract wider audiences. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal for Maritime Research", "ISSN": "14691957, 21533369", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal for Maritime Research ( JMR ), established by the National Maritime Museum in 1999, focuses on historical enquiry at the intersections of maritime, British and global history. It champions a wide spectrum of innovative research on the maritime past. While the Journal has a particular focus on the British experience, it positions this within broad oceanic and international contexts, encouraging comparative perspectives and interdisciplinary approaches.\r\rThe journal publishes research essays and reviews around 15-20 new books each year across a broad spectrum of maritime history. All research articles published in this journal undergo rigorous peer review, involving initial editor screening and independent assessment, normally by two anonymous referees. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Aridland Agriculture", "ISSN": "24559377", "Scope": "ScopeJournal of Aridland Agriculture is an international, peer-reviewed, open-access journal publishing novel scientific research in field of dry land agriculture. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Environmental Law and Litigation", "ISSN": "10490280", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Environmental Law and Litigation (JELL) has provided an international, unbiased forum for new ideas and theories in environmental and natural resources law since 1985.\rJELL publishes cutting-edge and groundbreaking scholarship on contemporary topics including renewable energy, environmental justice, and international environmental law. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Fiber Science and Technology", "ISSN": "21897654", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Forensic Medicine Science and Law", "ISSN": "22771867, 22778853", "Scope": "ScopeJournal of Forensic Medicine Science and Law (JFMSL) is an official scientific publication of Medicolegal Association of Maharashtra. The basic ideology of publication of this journal is based on the objectives of MLAM. It is a biannual, multidisciplinary, Multispeciality, National, peer reviewed MLAM (society) journal published as a medium for the advancement of scientific knowledge of forensic medicine, allied sciences and law.\rThe contents of the journal are in the form of Original research articles, Commentary, Review articles, Case reports, Letters to editor, Short communication, Medical quiz and any other form of publication with the approval by the editorial board. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Information Technology Education: Discussion Cases", "ISSN": "21661316, 21661324", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Journal of Light and Visual Environment", "ISSN": "3878805", "Scope": "ScopeFrom April 1, 2017 Journal of Light & Visual Environment has changed the journal title into “Journal of Science and Technology in Lighting”. On the submission the research fields, the way of submission, the format of manuscript and so on remains unchanged. Please submit your paper according to “To submit your paper to JSTL”.\r\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Mammalian Ova Research", "ISSN": "13417738, 13475878", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Journal of Musculoskeletal Research", "ISSN": "02189577, 17936497", "Scope": "ScopeJournal of Musculoskeletal Research is an international, interdisciplinary journal aimed at publishing up-to-date contributions on clinical and basic research in the musculoskeletal system. Research into the musculoskeletal system has grown tremendously in the past few decades. Meanwhile, several outstanding journals in the field have appeared, but with a different emphasis and objective. With the growing number of studies in the field, the review process has become increasingly longer. We hope this journal will serve as a new forum for both scientists and clinicians to share their ideas and the results of their studies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Pakistan Association of Dermatologists", "ISSN": "15609014, 24137650", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology", "ISSN": "17382637, 22882928", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology (J Korean Soc Radiol) is an official journal of the Korean Society of Radiology and is a peer-reviewed, open access, academic, online-only journal. It contains articles both in Korean and in English.\rBy publishing peer-reviewed educational materials, informative articles on health policies, and imaging research articles in radiology, J Korean Soc Radiol aims to provide meaningful information to radiologists, trainees, physicists, and other radiologic professionals. In so doing, J Korean Soc Radiol aspires to help improve human health and benefit patient care.\rThe J Korean Soc Radiol is published bimonthly on the last day of January, March, May, July, September, and November.\rEach bimonthly issue features 4-6 educational review articles focused on a special issue and 10-20 original articles, pictorial essays, special reports, case reports, and letters to the editor, all of which encompass clinical and technical investigations, and health policies in radiology. A special issue covers topics of current interests in a single sub-specialty or a crossover topic of interest in multiple sub-specialties. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Tourism History", "ISSN": "1755182X, 17551838", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Tourism History is the primary venue for peer-reviewed scholarship covering all aspects of the evolution of tourism from earliest times to the postwar world. Articles address all regions of the globe and often adopt interdisciplinary approaches for exploring the past. \r\rThe Journal of Tourism History is particularly (though not exclusively) interested in promoting the study of areas and subjects underrepresented in current scholarship, work for example examining the history of tourism in Asia and Africa, as well as developments that took place before the nineteenth century.\r\rIn addition to peer-reviewed articles, Journal of Tourism History also features short articles about particularly useful archival collections, book reviews, review essays, and round table discussions that explore developing areas of tourism scholarship. The Editorial Board hopes that these additions will prompt further exploration of issues such as the vectors along which tourism spread, the evolution of specific types of ‘niche’ tourism, and the intersections of tourism history with the environment, medicine, politics, and more. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Veterinary Parasitology", "ISSN": "9711031", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Veterinary Parasitology publishes the results of original research covering basic and applied aspects of helminthology, protozoology and entomology which are of interest to animal health investigators, veterinary practitioners, zoologists and others with special interest in veterinary parasitology. The Journal also encourages papers on parasites of wild animals and birds. The principal form of the publication is the full length paper, but the Journal provides a medium for the rapid publication of a limited number of short communications and Ph.D. thesis abstracts. Focused reviews shall be essentially invited articles on topical issues and strategically important subjects. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of World Philosophies", "ISSN": "24741795", "Scope": "ScopeJournal of World Philosophies (e-ISSN 2474-1795) is a bi-annual, peer-reviewed, international journal dedicated to the study of world philosophies. It seeks to explore common spaces and differences between philosophical traditions in a global context. Without postulating cultures as monolithic, homogenous, or segregated wholes, it aspires to address key philosophical issues which bear on specific methodological, epistemological, hermeneutic, ethical, social, and political questions in comparative thought.\r\rJournal of World Philosophies aims to develop the contours of a philosophical understanding not subservient to dominant paradigms and provide a platform for diverse philosophical voices, including those long silenced by accident, history, or design. Journal of World Philosophies also endeavors to serve as a juncture where specific philosophical issues of global interest may be explored in an imaginative, thought-provoking, and pioneering way. We welcome innovative and persuasive ways of conceptualizing, articulating, and representing intercultural encounters. Contributions should be able to facilitate the development of new perspectives on current global thought-processes and sketch the outlines of salient future developments. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Knowledge Management", "ISSN": "23277998, 23279249", "Scope": "ScopeKnowledge Management: An International Journal investigates the dynamics of the contemporary “knowledge economy,” and the ways in which knowledge has become a key factor of production. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Language Acquisition and Language Disorders", "ISSN": "9250123", "Scope": "ScopeVolumes in this series provide a forum for research contributing to theories of language acquisition (first and second, child and adult), language learnability, language attrition and language disorders. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Later Medieval Europe", "ISSN": "18727875", "Scope": "ScopeBrill's peer-reviewed* series Later Medieval Europe deals with all aspects of European history and culture from ca. 1100 to ca. 1600 (the Late Medieval time period). All areas of Europe are included, though with a focus on the territories of modern-day France, Germany, and Great Britain, as well as on the Low Countries. Economic, social and political history and the history of culture and mentality will also be given special emphasis. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Legal Aspects of International Organization", "ISSN": "9244883", "Scope": "ScopeThis series aims to provide authoritative guidance on all aspects of the law of international organizations. This area of law has, over the years, developed into a separate field of study within the discipline of public international law. While it covers the law of individual organizations such as the United Nations, the World Trade Organization, the International Criminal Court, and the European Union, it also includes thematic institutional law topics such as membership, decision-making, legal personality, and responsibility of international organizations. In these and other areas, international organizations face similar questions and share a number of common characteristics. The series aims to include works written by practitioners as well as academics. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Leiden Series in Comparative Historiography", "ISSN": "15744493", "Scope": "ScopeAt the beginning of the 21st century, history as a topic of intellectual discourse has regained its central position. But the discussion of the past is no longer merely a discussion of what happened when; it is more and more a reflection on how we live with our respective pasts, how we conceptualize the past and how we give meaning to it. That is why comparative research on historiography and historical thought has become a major concern of the community of professional historians as well as of the interested public, and this is what the volumes of this cutting-edge new series deal with. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Leiden Studies in Indo-European", "ISSN": "9265856", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Lingvisticae Investigationes", "ISSN": "3784169", "Scope": "ScopeLingvisticæ Investigationes publishes original articles dealing with the lexicon, grammar, phonology and semantics. It focuses on studies that are formalized to the point where they can be integrated into text analysis software, and on studies which describe resources such as grammars and electronic dictionaries constructed on a linguistic basis. The journal also publishes bibliographies, summaries of theses, reports, squibs and reviews. Contributions are in English and French. French-speaking authors are free to submit in French or in English.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Literacy Research, Practice and Evaluation", "ISSN": "20480458, 20480466", "Scope": "ScopeThe international need for literacy research is as high as ever, as literacy skills serve as a foundation to learning. New research in literacy must address hot topics- some of which have limited amounts of previous research while maintaining high degrees of validity, reliability, and applicability. Literacy Research, Practice and Evaluation will address these concerns with vigorous research and ample instructional techniques.\r\rEach volume will address a contemporary topic that is of particular importance such as comprehension, response to intervention, and assessment related to literacy education. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ljetopis Socijalnog Rada", "ISSN": "18465412", "Scope": "ScopeThe Annual of Social Work problematizes current trends in social work theory, methods and education. The journal also publishes articles from all the fields where social work is applied and from related disciplines important for a better understanding of social interventions and their more effective application. Besides original papers, the journal also publishes translations of selected texts especially important for the understanding of modern social work, notices as well as reviews of conferences, books and journals related to social work activities and other social and humanistic sciences important for social work. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Materials and Energy", "ISSN": "23356596, 2335660X", "Scope": "ScopeThis collection focuses onmaterials-based solutions to the energy problem through a series of case studies illustrating advances in energy-related materials research. The research studies employ creativity, discovery, rationale design and improvement of the physical and chemical properties of materials leading to new paradigms for competitive energy-production. The challenge tests both our fundamental understanding of material and our ability to manipulate and reconfigure materials into practical and useful configurations. Invariably these materials issues arise at the nano-scale!\r\rFor electricity generation, dramatic breakthroughs are taking place in the fields of solar cells and fuel cells, the former giving rise to entirely new classes of semiconductors; the latter testing our knowledge of the behavior of ionic transport through a solid medium. Inenergy-storage exciting developments are emerging from the fields of rechargeable batteries and hydrogen storage. On the horizon are breakthroughs in thermoelectrics, high temperature superconductivity, and power generation. Still to emerge are the harnessing of systems that mimic nature, ranging from fusion, as in the sun, to photosynthesis, nature's photovoltaic. All of these approaches represent a body of materials–based research employing the most sophisticated experimental and theoretical techniques dedicated to a commongoal. The aim of this series is to capture these advances, through a collection of volumes authored by leading physicists, chemists, biologists and engineers that represent the forefront of energy-related materials research. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Medical Visualization", "ISSN": "16070763, 24089516", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal Focus and are to raise the scientific and educational level of radiologists. Those aims are implemented through the publication of scientific articles on modern radiological diagnostics, including computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound diagnostics, nuclear diagnostics, interventional radiology and other, including the novelist areas of radiology. Priority is given to the publication of comprehensive studies with the evidence based on radiological-morphological correlations.\rOur authors are leading Russian and foreign scientists and members of their research teams. Journal’s publications are in demand by doctors of different specialties, roentgenologists and doctors of sonography diagnostics, endovascular surgeons as well as the wide range of attending physicians at choose of modern concepts of radiological diagnosics of diseases which play a crucial role in choosing treatment tactics for disease and it's follow-up. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Medieval and Early Modern Iberian World", "ISSN": "15691934", "Scope": "ScopeThis peer-reviewed book series is a successor to Brill's Medieval Iberian Peninsula series which sought to provide a forum for the publication of high-quality scholarly work--original monographs, article collections, editions of texts or documents, translations--on the peoples and cultures of medieval Christian, Jewish, and Islamic Iberia. While maintaining these previous interests, the new series expands chronologically to include studies of late Roman and Visigothic Iberia and especially studies of early modern Iberia and the Iberian World (1500-1800), including colonial experiences in the Americas, Africa, and Asia. The series publishes works covering the full linguistic and literary diversity of Iberian history, including the Arabic, Castilian, Catalan, Hebrew, Latin, and Portuguese traditions. It welcomes studies employing diverse forms of analysis and from all scholarly disciplines, including anthropology, archaeology and numismatics, art history, history (cultural, social, and economic as well as institutional, political, and intellectual), linguistics, literature, music, philosophy, and religious studies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Medieval Law and Its Practice", "ISSN": "18738176", "Scope": "ScopeThis series looks at law and its literature, as well as legal practice and its context from the 6th to the 16th centuries. It provides a forum for scholarship – original monographs, article collections, editions of primary sources, translations – in the fields of legal history, historical anthropology, social and cultural history, material culture, political and economic history, church history, dispute studies, and the history of rhetoric, aiming to build a bridge between the history of law and other fields in medieval studies. It will accept studies on Roman and canon law, common law, customary law, and Jewish and Islamic law. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Metascience", "ISSN": "08150796, 14679981", "Scope": "ScopeMetascience is a review journal which publishes high quality, comprehensive reviews of books in the fields of history and philosophy of science and science and technology studies.\r\rMetascience specialises in innovative styles of reviewing, including book symposia, essay reviews, survey reviews and standard reviews. It is the aim of Metascience to have the widest possible coverage. Thus, books which are not reviewed are presented in short descriptive notices.\r\rMetascience is non-specialist in that reviews are accessible to a wide cross-section of the science studies community. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Methods in Cell Biology", "ISSN": "0091679X", "Scope": "ScopeFor over fifty years, Methods in Cell Biology has helped researchers answer the question \"What method should I use to study this cell biology problem?\" Edited by leaders in the field, each thematic volume provides proven, state-of-art techniques, along with relevant historical background and theory, to aid researchers in efficient design and effective implementation of experimental methodologies. Over its many years of publication, Methods in Cell Biology has built up a deep library of biological methods to study model developmental organisms, organelles and cell systems, as well as comprehensive coverage of microscopy and other analytical approaches. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Methods in Enzymology", "ISSN": "00766879, 15577988", "Scope": "ScopeThe critically acclaimed laboratory standard for almost 50 years, Methods in Enzymology is one of the most highly respected publications in the field of biochemistry. Each volume is eagerly awaited, frequently consulted, and praised by researchers and reviewers alike. Now with over 500 volumes the series contains much material still relevant today and is truly an essential publication for researchers in all fields of life sciences, including microbiology, biochemistry, cancer research and genetics-just to name a few. Five of the 2013 Nobel Laureates have edited or contributed to volumes of MIE. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Mittellateinische Studien und Texte", "ISSN": "769754", "Scope": "ScopeFounded in 1965, Mittellateinische Studien und Texte has grown to be the main forum for the publication of high-quality studies on the Latin literature of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance (ca. 6th through 16th centuries). Many senior scholars in the field have published in this peer-reviewed series. Monographs in the series cover literary history, paleography, the history of the language, the history of the transmission of texts, as well as rhythm and metrics. Volumes include original scholarly monographs, as well as critical editions of Latin primary sources (with analytical essays or commentaries). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Modern Asian Art and Visual Culture", "ISSN": "22145257", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology", "ISSN": "19381247", "Scope": "ScopeMolecular and Cellular Pharmacology publishes Original Research Articles, Reviews and PharmSights in all areas broadly related to Pharmacological Sciences. Manuscripts undergo peer-review. The target audience includes scientists and clinicians engaged in basic, clinical and translational research. Areas of focus include, but not limited to:\r\r-molecular and cellular basis of drug actions including effects of pharmacological agents on gene regulation, chromosome structure and dynamics, protein function and modification, signal transduction, cell death and survival, and intracellular trafficking-\r\rdrug design and discovery-\r\rpharmacogenomics and pharmacoproteomics-\r\rclinical pharmacology including pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, pathways of drug metabolism, and drug-drug interactions-\r\rimmunopharmacology including immunotherapy, immunotoxicology, and immunopathology-\r\rtoxicology including toxicokinetics and toxicodynamics-\r\rradiopharmacology including radiopharmaceuticals, novel imaging agents, and radiation and drug interactions Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Monies, Markets, and Finance in East Asia 1600-1900", "ISSN": "22102876", "Scope": "ScopeThis series publishes work on the history of monies, markets and finance in East Asia, mainly during the period from 1600 to 1900 and with a regional focus on China, Japan and Korea. Monies not only refer to physical objects and monetary functions, but also to such related aspects as mining, smelting and transportation of monetary metals. The multiplicity of markets implies the existence of different currency circuits and competing currencies. The topic of finance includes case studies both on public dimensions and private institutions. Contributions in this series not only deal with empirical and theoretical approaches to economic, social and political aspects, but also with cultural characteristics and meanings. By establishing a solid basis in these domains, the series aims at serving as a starting point for solid cross-cultural comparative research. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Monumenta Graeca et Romana", "ISSN": "1698850", "Scope": "ScopeMonumenta Graeca et Romana (MGR) is a peer-reviewed series concerned with the study of material and visual culture of the Greek and Roman world, chronologically ranging from later prehistory to Late Antiquity – i.e. from the middle of the second millennium BCE to the late first millennium CE. Geographically, the series covers Western Europe to the Near East, from the Black Sea to North Africa. The series publishes monographs and anthologies, as well as analytical catalogues raisonés of material in the collections of museums and other public institutions. It also publishes monographs or edited volumes that offer cohesive surveys of specific objects, types of monuments, or regions in Mediterranean and classical archaeology (in the widest possible sense). The survey format is flexible but authors should aim to be as inclusive as possible in their coverage and approaches, designing each volume to be a useful starting point for scholars and students into a new area of research. Additionally, a new subseries, MGR New Directions in Mediterranean Archaeology, is established in 2023 and will publish volumes with an explicit theoretical or methodological agenda. All MGR volumes may be published in all Open Access formats that Brill offers. All volumes, whether traditionally published or in Open Access, can be accompanied by additional data or documentation available on an online repository hosted by Brill. The language of MGR and its subseries is English. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Moths and Butterflies of Great Britain and Ireland", "ISSN": "22149104", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Muelleria", "ISSN": "00771813, 22042032", "Scope": "ScopeMuelleria publishes papers on Southern Hemisphere plant, algal and fungal systematics, particularly relating to Australia. The of the journal covers taxonomic revisions; phylogenetic and biogeographical studies; short papers describing new taxa, documenting nationally significant new records, or resolving nomenclatural matters; historical analyses relevant to systematics; and any research contributing to knowledge of plant, algal or fungal diversity. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Multilingualism and Diversity Management", "ISSN": "22107010", "Scope": "Scopehis book series collects a wide range of scholarship on different, yet mutually complementary dimensions of multilingualism. It contains the main findings of a five-year integrated research project supported by the European Commission and brings together researchers from eighteen universities across the continent.\rThe project, known under its acronym of DYLAN (Language Dynamics and Management of Diversity), examines the interconnections between social actors’ representations of language and multilingualism, policies adopted by various organizations to deal with multilingualism, the role of context which shapes, but is also shaped by representations and policies regarding multilingualism, and actual language practices. These interconnections are explored on three types of terrain: private-sector companies, the political institutions of the European Union, and the sphere of education (with an emphasis on universities in bi- or trilingual settings). In addition, three major themes cutting across these different terrains are analysed, namely, efficiency and fairness in language choices, emerging language varieties, and the historical dimensions of multilingualism. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Muslim Minorities", "ISSN": "15707571", "Scope": "ScopeBrill's Muslim Minorities series is designed to represent scholarly research into the situation of Islam and Muslims in world regions characterised by long-term European settlement: Europe from the Atlantic through the Russian Federation, the Americas, southern Africa and Australasia. Research on other regions where Islam is a minority religion also form part of the series. This refereed series consists of monographs and collaborative volumes, covering all disciplines. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "National Cultivation of Culture", "ISSN": "18765645", "Scope": "ScopeNational Cultivation of Culture is a peer-reviewed book series that addresses cultural nationalism (and regionalism), and the canonization of cultural traditions, in nineteenth-century Europe. \rThe \"cultivation of culture\" ranges from the study of language to language politics; from the edition of ancient documents to the writing of national histories and historical novels; from the proclamation of national-literary programmes to the commemoration of great authors; from folklore studies to folk revivals and from archeology to the establishment of national museums. \rSpecial emphasis is placed on the institutional and political settings for these cultural activities (the professionalization of learning, the emergence of the large-scale reading public, the state centralization of libraries, archives and universities), and on the comparative and dynamic aspects of these processes: exchanges and transfers between generations, between media and between cultural fields, as well as between countries and regions. \rThis dimension in the development of the European nation-state with its assertion of a cultural heritage and individuality offers a rich theme in the interstice between intellectual, cultural and political history. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Nephrology (Saint-Petersburg)", "ISSN": "15616274, 25419439", "Scope": "ScopeThe Nephrology (Saint-Petersburg) Journal is a specialized scientific-practical peer-reviewed Journal.\r\rThe purpose of the Journal is to promote the development of scientific research and the dissemination of scientific knowledge on topical issues of clinical and experimental nephrology as a fundamental integrative medical science. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "New Directions in Book History", "ISSN": "26346117, 26346125", "Scope": "ScopeAs a vital field of scholarship, book history has now reached a stage of maturity where its early work can be reassessed and built upon. That is the goal of New Directions in Book History. This series will publish monographs in English that employ advanced methods and open up new frontiers in research, written by younger, mid-career, and senior scholars. Its is global, extending to the Western and non-Western worlds and to all historical periods from antiquity to the twenty-first century, including studies of script, print, and post-print cultures. New Directions in Book History, then, will be broadly inclusive but always in the vanguard. It will experiment with inventive methodologies, explore unexplored archives, debate overlooked issues, challenge prevailing theories, study neglected subjects, and demonstrate the relevance of book history to other academic fields. Every title in this series will address the evolution of the historiography of the book, and every one will point to new directions in book scholarship. New Directions in Book History will be published in three formats: single-author monographs; edited collections of essays in single or multiple volumes; and shorter works produced through Palgrave's e-book (EPUB2) 'Pivot' stream. Book proposals should emphasize the innovative aspects of the work, and should be sent to either of the two series editors. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "New Global Studies", "ISSN": "19400004", "Scope": "ScopeLocal, universal, world-historical, world-systemic, or global historiographies as well as work in sociology, anthropology and international relations have shed increasing light on the common history of humankind. Only comparatively recently, however, has human global self-awareness broken through the confines of scholarly specialization, and begun to enter the everyday popular life, action, psyche, imagination and consciousness on a mass, global scale. The step into space and the resultant view of the planet, the new computer and media technologies of mass communication, the global spread of multinational corporations and human rights, the unprecedented environmental changes and challenges, the promise and threat of nuclear power and explosions, all have led to the increasing self-experiencing of the globe as a “spaceship earth.”\r\rThe field of interest of New Global Studies (NGS) therefore is both multidisciplinary and global. New Global Studies interprets globalization with a historical and sociological angle as opposed to history or sociology with a global angle. The journal addresses the process going on around us as a whole, and developing over time. It addresses globalization with a holistic perspective, which gives us a view on the past and present of the globalizing phenomena that will be invaluable to all who seek to comprehend this fundamental aspect of our society and its development. Our focus is unabashedly on the new globalization that has manifested itself so vigorously in the period starting sometime after World War II. Starting from this relatively contemporary perspective, we are fully aware that there are deep roots in the past that must be explored. Nevertheless, and in contrast with most historical journals, our primary emphasis is on the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "New Testament Tools, Studies and Documents", "ISSN": "778842", "Scope": "ScopeNew Testament Tools, Studies, and Documents (NTTSD) combines two series, New Testament Tools and Studies (NTTS) and Studies and Documents (SD). \rThe new series will promote the publication of primary sources, reference tools, and critical studies that advance the understanding of the New Testament and other early Christian writings and writers into the fourth century. Emphases of the two predecessor series have been retained, including the textual history and transmission of the New Testament and related literature, relevant manuscripts in various languages, and methodologies for research in early Christianity. The series will also publish a broader range of studies pertinent to early Christianity and its writings. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Nijhoff Studies in European Union Law", "ISSN": "22109765, 22109773", "Scope": "ScopeNijhoff Studies in European Union Law is a refereed scholarly monographs series dedicated to the critical analysis of the current state and development of European Union law in a broad sense. Apart from constitutional, institutional and substantive issues of EU law, the series also embraces state-of-the-art interdisciplinary, comparative law and EU policies research with a clear link to European integration. Titles in the Nijhoff Studies in European Union Law series will be of particular interest to academics, policy makers and practitioners dealing with EU law and policies, as well as national and international (non) governmental institutions and bodies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Notes and Records of the Royal Society", "ISSN": "00359149, 17430178", "Scope": "ScopeNotes and Records is an international journal which publishes original research in the history of science, technology and medicine.\r\rIn addition to publishing peer-reviewed research articles in all areas of the history of science, technology and medicine, Notes and Records welcomes other forms of contribution including: research notes elucidating recent archival discoveries (in the collections of the Royal Society and elsewhere); news of research projects and online and other resources of interest to historians; essay reviews, on material relating primarily to the history of the Royal Society; and recollections or autobiographical accounts written by Fellows and others recording important moments in science from the recent past. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "NTP Immunotoxicity Technical Report Series", "ISSN": "26902060", "Scope": "ScopeNTP has developed a range of techniques and testing regimens for evaluating the potential of environmental and occupational substances to damage the immune system. These materials may include:\r\r-Food additives\r-Natural products such as mycotoxins\r-Products used in the pharmaceutical, farming, chemical, or consumer product industries.\r\rImmunotoxicity tests are designed to evaluate immune function and hypersensitivity. These tests are carried out using rodent models, cultured mammalian cells, and other in vitro methods. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Oudtestamentische Studien, Old Testament Studies", "ISSN": "1697226", "Scope": "ScopeAlmost 75 years ago, the first volume of Oudtestamentische studiën/Old Testament Studies (OTS) was published by Brill (Leiden). Originally, this series published on behalf of the Society for Old Testament Studies in the Netherlands. From 2009 on, OTS publishes on behalf of the Societies for Old Testament Studies in the Netherlands and Belgium (OTW), South Africa (OTSSA), the United Kingdom and Ireland (SOTS). \rThe series presents high quality volumes – both monographs and edited volumes – on linguistic, textual, historical and theological topics pertaining to the Old Testament. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Parthica", "ISSN": "11286342, 17241928", "Scope": "ScopeThe age that followed Alexander's conquest of Achaemenid Asia was distinguished by the wealth and variety, the vastness and profound extent of the phenomena that arose through the meeting of such diverse peoples. For some time, from Alexander to the first Seleucids, Greece and the Orient truly formed part of a single whole, united within one and the same horizon. This would by no means be a short period of time, and it was no more than the beginning: later, the prolonged Parthian age would provide the framework for some of the most epoch-making moments of dialogue between different civilizations and mentalities, accompanied by international relations of an intensity and breadth never before experienced.\rIn the Orient, Hellenistic culture and society came face to face with Achaemenid culture, but also with traditions that had maintained much of their individuality under the rule of the Great King. Throughout the long centuries of the Parthican empire, which stretched from the borders of Syria far into Central Asia, the coexistence of Greco-Roman traditions with the Semitic Syro-Mesopotamian heritage and with traditions that had come down from Iranian culture was characterized by a fertile exchange of ideas and freedom of cultural expression rarely attained in other periods and regions of antiquity.\rParthica aims to focus on the encounters that took place during that time, in order to explore the enduring testimony of a greatness for which historical research and archeology are offering a growing body of evidence and to seek its underlying meaning. Naturally, however, such an approach will not disregard either the solid premises achieved through the coexistence and mutual knowledge that originated under the Achaemenids, or the consequences, visible beneath the rathler rigidly controlled forms of the court of the Sasanids, or even the related phenomena that took place in nearby regions. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Philo of Alexandria Commentary Series", "ISSN": "1570095X", "Scope": "ScopeThis commentary series aims to make Philo’s thought accessible to readers such as graduate students who are just beginning to read him, but also contains much material that will be of interest to specialists in Hellenistic Judaism, ancient philosophy and patristic literature. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Philological Encounters Monographs", "ISSN": "24519200", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Philosophia Antiqua", "ISSN": "791687", "Scope": "ScopePhilosophia Antiqua is the leading series specializing in books on Ancient Philosophy, covering the entire history of the subject from the Presocratics through Plato, Aristotle and the Stoics to the Neoplatonists of late Antiquity. The series has recently tended to emphasize areas that once used to be under-represented in the literature, for example Hellenistic philosophy, the skeptical tradition, Galen and other non-Platonist authors of later Antiquity, but this merely reflects a shifting focus in the field and is not a matter of deliberate policy. The over-riding concern of the series is to promote scholarship of the highest quality and originality, publishing work specifically oriented towards texts (editions, commentaries, translations), but also monographs, including both those that offer new readings of familiar – or less familiar – texts and those that explore the intersections between ancient and modern topics and approaches. Volumes are published in English, French and German. The series includes edited volumes that show a clear and coherent focus, but does not normally host Festschriften or Memorial volumes. \r\rThe series published an average of three volumes per year over the last 5 years. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Philosophical Magazine", "ISSN": "19415796, 1941580X", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Philosophy and Politics - Critical Explorations", "ISSN": "23528370, 23528389", "Scope": "ScopeThe purpose of Philosophy and Politics - Critical Explorations is to publish high quality volumes that reflect original research pursued at the juncture of philosophy and politics. Over the past 20 years new important areas of inquiry at the crossroads of philosophy and politics have undergone impressive developments or have emerged anew. Among these, new approaches to human rights, transitional justice, religion and politics and especially the challenges of a post-secular society, global justice, public reason, global constitutionalism, multiple democracies, political liberalism and deliberative democracy can be included. Philosophy and Politics - Critical Explorations addresses each and any of these interrelated yet distinct fields as valuable manuscripts and proposal become available, with the aim of both being the forum where single breakthrough studies in one specific subject can be published and at the same time the areas of overlap and the intersecting themes across the various areas can be composed in the coherent image of a highly dynamic disciplinary continent. Some of the studies published are bold theoretical explorations of one specific theme, and thus primarily addressed to specialists, whereas others are suitable for a broader readership and possibly for wide adoption in graduate courses. The series includes monographs focusing on a specific topic, as well as collections of articles covering a theme or collections of articles by one author. Contributions to this series come from scholars on every continent and from a variety of scholarly orientations Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Plant Protection Bulletin (Turkey)", "ISSN": "04063597, 13088122", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Platform", "ISSN": "18365132", "Scope": "ScopeThe aims of Platform include: to provide a platform for media and communication graduates to showcase, share and support the work of one another through publication, peer-review and comments; to provide a platform for emerging media and communication scholars to build a publication record, and to contribute subsequently to other academic publications; to increase scholarly appreciation of the various theoretical and methodological aspects of media and communication research; to encourage international awareness and collaboration through the discussion of issues associated with the rising significance of multiple media and communication platforms for societies and individuals across various globalised and localised environments.\r\rPlatform invites submissions from PhD and Masters students as well as early career researchers working in the field of Media and Communications. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Politicka Ekonomie", "ISSN": "00323233, 23368225", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal publish the original discussion or polemical articles, consultations, survey articles, book reviews or annotations in Czech, Slovak and English language.\r\rThe journal focuses mainly on publishing of articles that bring new original insights into economic and financial theory and modelling, the innovative approaches in the econometric modelling, and the results of empirical analyses that can be generalized or that can be inspiring for empirical analyses in other economic spaces.\r\rIt presents information about scientific life and new interesting economic literature published. The main aim of the Politická ekonomie is to publish articles that will be interesting to both theoretically and practically directed readers.\r\rWe charge no fee. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Popular Entertainment Studies", "ISSN": "18379303", "Scope": "ScopePopular Entertainment Studies is a peer-reviewed, inter-disciplinary eJournal dedicated to the exploration of all aspects of popular entertainment. Its aim is to stimulate international debate and the exchange of ideas in a field whose meaning and definition remain widely contested. Indeed, the field still retains pejorative connotations that are at odds with its transnational significance. It has suffered from scholarly neglect, possibly because the field's very ephemerality makes documentation and analysis extremely difficult. The journal is set up to address these issues and invites contributions from scholars and practitioners with interests in the history of popular theatre forms, performance studies, the moving image, fine arts, music, health, psychology, economics and cultural studies. It would also welcome an input from performing arts curators and archivists.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Power Systems", "ISSN": "16121287, 18604676", "Scope": "ScopeElectrical power has been the technological foundation of industrial societies for many years. Although the systems designed to provide and apply electrical energy have reached a high degree of maturity, unforeseen problems are constantly encountered, necessitating the design of more efficient and reliable systems based on novel technologies. The book series Power Systems is aimed at providing detailed, accurate and sound technical information about these new developments in electrical power engineering. It includes topics on power generation, storage and transmission as well as electrical machines. The monographs and advanced textbooks in this series address researchers, lecturers, industrial engineers and senior students in electrical engineering. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities", "ISSN": "03038157, 18757243", "Scope": "ScopeThe principal task of the book series Poznań Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities is to promote those developments in philosophy that respect the tradition of great philosophical ideas, on the one hand, and the manner of philosophical thinking introduced by analytical philosophy, on the other. One of the standing aims of the series in the past has been to provide a forum of exchange of ideas between philosophers of both sides of the Iron Curtain. The series publishes guest-edited volumes devoted to the philosophy of the natural sciences, the social sciences and the humanities as well as to foundational topics in metaphysics, epistemology and social philosophy. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Prilozi (Makedonska akademija na naukite i umetnostite. Oddelenie za medicinski nauki)", "ISSN": "18579345", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal Prilozi, Oddelenie za medicinski nauki (Contributions, Section of Medical Sciences of the\rMacedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts) is published three times a year and is cited in Index Medicus and\rMedline and available on www.manu.edu.mk/prilozi. The journal publishes editorials, original research works,\rresearch reports and reviews (clinical, laboratory and epidemiological experiences, case studies, short communications, letters to the editor, historical notes, etc.) from the area of medical sciences. The manuscripts should not represent research results which the authors have already published in other books or journals. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Progress in Molecular Biology and Translational Science", "ISSN": "18771173, 18780814", "Scope": "ScopeProgress in Molecular Biology and Translational Science (PMBTS) provides in-depth reviews on topics of exceptional scientific importance. If today you read an Article or Letter in Nature or a Research Article or Report in Science reporting findings of exceptional importance, you likely will find comprehensive coverage of that research area in a future PMBTS volume. Each volume is edited by an internationally recognized expert who selects contributors at the forefront of a field. Because PMBTS publishes 8 volumes each year, the serial covers a broad range of topics on a timely basis. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Przeglad Rusycystyczny", "ISSN": "0137298X", "Scope": "Scope„Przegląd Rusycystyczny” (“Russian Studies Review”) is as a quarterly journal published under the auspices of the Polskie Towarzystwo Rusycystyczne (Polish Association of Russian Studies) and has been in circulation since 1976. The journal publishes studies, treatises, discussions, reviews and reports in the area of Russian Studies.\rSubmissions are accepted in Polish, Russian and English languages.\rThe journal’s main areas of our interest include literary studies, linguistics and the methodology of teaching Russian literature and language. It also pays attention to philosophy, history of ideas, cultural studies and history. \rThe journal is aimed at specialists, scholars and students of Russian Studies and has been indexed in the European Research Index in Humanities (category C). The Polish Ministry of Science entitles authors to claim 20 points in academic reports for publishing in “Przegląd Rusycystyczny”. The journal has been approved by Scopus (all issues since No. 1/2020 will be indexed in this renowned database). By submitting texts to our quarterly journal, authors give permission to the Editorial Board to make them available in electronic form as well as to publish their affiliations and e-mail addresses (both are placed in the summary header of every article and review). The Editorial Board reserves the right to edit and abbreviate the received materials. An outstanding group of expert scholars from Polish and foreign academic centers support and act as reviewers for the quarterly in order to ensure its continuing high standard. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Clinical Psychology", "ISSN": "22201122, 24142212", "Scope": "Scope\"Psychiatry, psychotherapy and clinical psychology\" is an international peer-reviewed scientific and practical journal. The journal covers topics related to prevention, diagnosis and treatment of psychiatric and behavioural disorders and publishes original research papers and reviews of different fields of psychiatry and related sciences. The ideological orientation of the journal is jointly overseen by Belarusian and Ukrainian editorial boards.\r\rThe journal is a source of fundamental and clinical knowledge. The vast majority of Belarusian and Ukrainian scientists as well as scientists from other countries choose \"Psychiatry, psychotherapy and clinical psychology\" to publish their theses results. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Queen Mary Studies in International Law", "ISSN": "18774822", "Scope": "ScopeThe aim of this Series is to facilitate an exchange of views and opinions among judges, academics, practitioners and students on the increasingly important and complex relations between commercial law and public international law. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Qui Parle: Critical Humanities and Social Sciences", "ISSN": "10418385, 19388020", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Radboud Studies in Humanities", "ISSN": "22139729", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Reforma y Democracia", "ISSN": "13152378", "Scope": "ScopeEs una publicación cuatrimestral arbitrada dedicada a estimular el progreso intelectual en la comprensión sobre las relaciones Estado-Sociedad, así como a divulgar propuestas y alternativas para orientar las transformaciones requeridas en la Administración Pública. La Secretaría General prepara la revista y está dirigida a autoridades gubernamentales, académicos, funcionarios internacionales, investigadores, estudiantes y consultores especializados, así como a cualquier persona interesada en los temas vinculados al sector público. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Religion and the Social Order", "ISSN": "10615210", "Scope": "ScopeThe Association for the Sociology of Religion (ASR) is an international scholarly society that seeks to advance theory and research in the sociology of religion. The aim of Religion and the Social Order is to publish edited volumes that center around a particular set of current interests within the sociology of religion. It specifically aims to advance theory and research within this field of study. Contributors to the series will be or are expected to become ASR members. The series seeks to publish at least one volume per year. Under the auspices of the ASR, Religion and the Social Order has been published by Brill since 2004 and under the General Editorship of Inger Furseth since 2016. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Religion in the Americas Series", "ISSN": "15421279", "Scope": "ScopeThe book series Religion in the Americas (REAM) is a series of publications devoted to the study of religious influences within and between South, Central, Latin, and North America. A particular focus lies on the interaction of different forms of religion with the societies, politics, religions, economies, symbols, and cultures of the variety of peoples in the Americas. The complex theologies, philosophies, and contributions of their expressions and experiences throughout the Americas have profoundly influenced not only Catholicism but many other religions - not just in the Americas but all across the globe. Religion in the Americas seeks to bring to the forefront new and promising works that deal with these issues, particularly from the perspectives of Religious Studies, Cultural Anthropology, Sociology, History, Psychology, or Latin American Studies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Research on Professional Responsibility and Ethics in Accounting", "ISSN": "15740765", "Scope": "ScopeResearch on Professional Responsibility and Ethics in Accounting is devoted to publishing high-quality research and cases that focus on the professional responsibilities of accountants and how they deal with the ethical issues they face.\r\rThe series features articles on a broad range of important and timely topics, including professionalism, social responsibility, ethical judgment, and accountability. The professional responsibilities of accountants are broad-based; they must serve clients and user groups whose needs, incentives, and goals may be in conflict. Further, accountants must interpret and apply codes of conduct, accounting and auditing principles, and securities regulations. Compliance with professional guidelines is judgment-based, and characteristics of the individual, the culture, and situations affect how these guidelines are interpreted and applied, as well as when they might be violated. Interactions between accountants, regulators, standard setters, and industries also have ethical components. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Brasileira de Orientacao Profissional", "ISSN": "16793390, 19847270", "Scope": "ScopeA Revista Brasileira de Orientação Profissional (RBOP) é uma publicação semestral da Associação Brasileira de Orientadores Profissionais (ABOP), em parceria com a Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto, da Universidade de São Paulo (FFCLRP-USP) e conta com o apoio da Vetor Editora.\r\rA Revista Brasileira de Orientação Profissional (RBOP) publica trabalhos originais na área de Orientação Profissional e de Carreira nos contextos da Educação, Trabalho e Saúde e nas interfaces com outras áreas do conhecimento. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista clínica espanõla", "ISSN": "22548874", "Scope": "ScopeRevista Clínica Española published its first issue in 1940 and is the body of expression of the Spanish Society of Internal Medicine (SEMI).\rThe journal fully endorses the goals of updating knowledge and facilitating the acquisition of key developments in internal medicine applied to clinical practice. Revista Clínica Española is subject to a thorough double blind review of the received articles written in Spanish or English. Nine issues are published each year, including mostly originals, reviews and consensus documents.\rRevista Clínica Española is included, amongst other databases, in: Current Contents/Clinical Medicine, JCR/SCI-Expanded, Index Medicus/Medline and Excerpta Medica/EMBASE. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista de Estudos da Linguagem", "ISSN": "01040588, 22372083", "Scope": "ScopeRevista de Estudos da Linguagem is a peer reviewed quarterly journal, sponsored by the Faculty of Letters and the Graduate Program in Linguistics at the Federal University of Minas Gerais since 1992. Its mission is to promote scientific advancement in the area of Linguistic Theory and Analysis, allowing researchers from Brazil and abroad to disseminate their original, unpublished research and contribute to scientific debate and progress in the area. Revista de Estudos da Linguagem is an open access journal and receives electronic submissions on an ongoing basis for its regular issues and within pre-established time frames and themes, publicly announced, for thematic issues. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Electronica de Ciencia Penal y Criminologia", "ISSN": "16950194", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Mexicana de Economia y Finanzas Nueva Epoca", "ISSN": "16655346, 24486795", "Scope": "ScopeIts thematic covers mainly the areas of: trade agreements and treaties; investment management; risk management; macroeconomic analysis; microeconomic analysis; banking; banking and financial institutions; economic and financial cycles; economic and financial crises; sustainable development and natural resources; econometrics and theoretical or empirical research related to economy and finance; sustainable economy and finance; market efficiency and anomalies; behavioral finance; corporate finance; international finance; international capital flows; corporate governance; impact of energy markets; financial engineering; financial integration; accounting, financial and economic interrelationships; investments; commodities markets; markets; capital and debt markets and instruments; markets and derivatives; microfinance; fiscal policy; industrial policy; monetary policy; financial regulation; market regularities; market segmentation; insurance and pensions; interest rates; selected economic and financial issues; exchange rates; valuation and asset management. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Russian Bulletin of Obstetrician-Gynecologist", "ISSN": "17266122, 23095148", "Scope": "ScopeThe purpose of the journal is to increase the level of professional training of obstetrician-gynecologists.\r\rThe journal considers its tasks to improve the knowledge of obstetrician-gynecologists on the etiology and pathogenesis of obstetric complications and gynecological diseases; familiarization of obstetricians-gynecologists with new and improved technologies for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of pathological conditions in obstetrics and gynecology; improving the knowledge of obstetrician-gynecologists in the field of organization of obstetric and gynecological care; all possible assistance in increasing the efficiency of introducing the results of scientific research into obstetric and gynecological practice.\r\rThe editorial board and editorial board of the journal includes well-known obstetricians and gynecologists from various regions of Russia and foreign countries. Readers are not only Russian obstetricians and gynecologists, but also doctors from many CIS countries and far abroad. The journal \"Russian Bulletin of an Obstetrician-Gynecologist\" is of interest not only to scientists, but also to practicing doctors, as it includes such headings as \"Postgraduate Education\" and \"Advice to a Doctor\". The heading “Point of view” is also interesting, which contains articles with an original approach to solving certain obstetric and gynecological problems. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Safundi", "ISSN": "15431304, 17533171", "Scope": "ScopeSafundi is a peer-reviewed quarterly academic journal that publishes analyses of the United States and South Africa from a transnational and/or comparative perspective, seeking to understand each country in relation to the other. The title derives from the initial letters of South Africa and America and the word fundi, which comes from the isiXhosa verb - funda, which translates as \"to read\" or \"to learn”.\r\ralthough new comparative and transnational research is the journal’s principal focus, Safundi also publishes articles specifically addressing one country, provided the research is of interest to an international audience. The Editors will consider submissions relating to other countries in southern Africa and the Americas, as well as to other parts of the world, if these lead to broader comparative insights.\r\rWe encourage interdisciplinary perspectives on topics in fields including but not limited to anthropology, human and cultural geography, history, languages and literatures, communications, visual cultures and film. Safundi publishes academic articles. Intelligent, exploratory essays and suggestions for review articles are also welcomed. We occasionally solicit contributions to roundtable discussions. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Salud Uninorte", "ISSN": "01205552, 20117531", "Scope": "ScopeEs el órgano de divulgación oficial de la División de Ciencias de la Salud de la Universidad del Norte (Barranquilla, Colombia). Tiene como propósito la publicación de investigaciones realizadas en el campo de la salud en general que se realizan a nivel local, regional, nacional e internacional y que abordan problemas relacionados con las necesidades prioritarias en salud y el avance de la ciencia y la tecnología. Siendo estos artículos de tipo original, revisión, descripción de casos clínicos y artículos especiales que se consideren del ámbito de la revista en medicina clínica y ciencias biomédica. Se publica de manera cuatrimestral.\r\rLa revista Salud Uninorte acepta trabajos originales e inéditos, que no hayan sido publicados parcial o totalmente (en formato impreso o electrónico), ni que estén sometidos a publicación en ningún otro medio. En caso de que el mismo trabajo o una versión similar hayan sido publicados anteriormente en formato impreso o en la web, es obligación de los autores darlo a conocer al Comité Editorial en la carta de presentación de su trabajo y anexar una copia de lo publicado anteriormente. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Schedae Informaticae", "ISSN": "17323916, 20838476", "Scope": "ScopeSchedae Informaticae is an international journal dedicated to computer science and its mathematical foundations. The journal publishes high quality, refereed research papers dealing with the following topics: theoretical computer science, computer science applications, mathematical foundations of computer science, applications of mathematical methods to computer science, computational and numerical mathematics. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Schriftenreihe zur Philosophie Karl R. Poppers und des Kritischen Rationalismus/Series in the Philosophy of Karl R. Popper and Critical Rationalism", "ISSN": "9252657", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Science for Conservation", "ISSN": "11732946", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Second Language Learning and Teaching", "ISSN": "21937648", "Scope": "ScopeThe series brings together volumes dealing with different aspects of learning and teaching second and foreign languages. The titles included are both monographs and edited collections focusing on a variety of topics ranging from the processes underlying second language acquisition, through various aspects of language learning in instructed and non-instructed settings, to different facets of the teaching process, including syllabus choice, materials design, classroom practices and evaluation. The publications reflect state-of-the-art developments in those areas, they adopt a wide range of theoretical perspectives and follow diverse research paradigms. The intended audience are all those who are interested in naturalistic and classroom second language acquisition, including researchers, methodologists, curriculum and materials designers, teachers and undergraduate and graduate students undertaking empirical investigations of how second languages are learnt and taught. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Segle XX", "ISSN": "23396806", "Scope": "ScopeSegle XX, revista catalana d’història is a publication open to criticism and theoretical-methodological debate without restrictions, with particular interest in the historical processes inscribed in the History of the Current World or History of the Present that connect with phenomena that reach the present. The treatment of these phenomena must be approached from the criteria of historical science in order to offer interpretations with solid bases. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Selected Works of Juan Luis Vives", "ISSN": "9210717", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Series on Contemporary China", "ISSN": "17930847", "Scope": "ScopeThis series showcases the most significant and lasting contributions to scholarship in the studies of China's politics, society, and culture — whether for general readers or specialists. Each of the volumes is a quality work by a leading scholar or scholars in the field and may take the form of a research monograph, a multi-author edited volume, a conference proceeding, a textbook, or an annual review, among others. While the focus is on China, the series does not lose sight of the interplay of other regional and global forces and their influence and impact on China. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Series on Number Theory and Its Applications", "ISSN": "17933161", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Slavia Antiqua", "ISSN": "00809993, 25450212", "Scope": "ScopeSlavia Antiqua is an interdisciplinary and international journal publishing texts written by historians, archaeologists, linguists, experts in Arab studies, ethnographers from Poland and abroad (mainly the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany and Russia). Beside strictly academic articles (monographic and source criticism studies, polemics, editorial reviews), the Chronicle in Slavia Antiqua provides information about conferences, symposiums and congresses, organised in Poland and abroad, revolving around research into a broadly defined Slavic world. The Chronicle covers jubilees and demises of scholars of merit to the development of research into the world of Slavs. The journal aims at contributing to the development of research carried out in numerous fields of Slavic studies. There is no charge for publishing articles in the journal. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Social, Economic and Political Studies of the Middle East and Asia", "ISSN": "13853376", "Scope": "ScopeBrill's Social, Economic and Political Studies of the Middle East and Asia series presents the results of scholarly research into contemporary social, cultural, economic and political conditions in the Middle East and Asia. It covers historical themes from the nineteenth century onward primarily as they contribute to understanding current issues. The series includes monographs, collaborative volumes and reference works by social scientists from all disciplines. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Societies and Political Orders in Transition", "ISSN": "25112201, 2511221X", "Scope": "Scopehis book series presents scientific and scholarly studies focusing on societies and political orders in transition in Central and Eastern Europe but also elsewhere in the world, contemporary and historical. By comparing established societies, characterized by well-established market economies and well-functioning democracies, with post-socialist and other societies, often characterized by emerging markets and fragile political systems, the series identifies and analyzes factors influencing change and continuity in societies and political orders. These factors include state capacity to establish formal and informal rules, democratic institutions, forms of social structuration, political regimes, levels of corruption, specificity of political cultures, as well as types and orientation of political and economic elites.\rSocieties and Political Orders in Transition welcomes monographs and edited volumes with diverse empirical and theoretical approaches from a variety of disciplines, including political science, economics and social sciences in general, as well as comparative politics, political history, political theory, comparative social research, and comparative economics in particular. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Source Code for Biology and Medicine", "ISSN": "17510473", "Scope": "ScopeSource Code for Biology and Medicine considers manuscripts on all aspects of workflow for information systems, decision support systems, client user networks, database management, and data mining. The journal aims to publish source code for distribution and use in the public domain in order to advance biological and medical research. Through this dissemination, it may be possible to shorten the time required for solving certain computational problems for which there is limited source code availability or resources.\r\rFundamentally, the overarching computation-related goals of the journal are to:\r\r-Increase productivity among source code users working on problems of public and environmental health importance\r-Reduce discovery times in molecular and genomic sciences\r-Reduce search times for source code applied in biological and medical research\r-Provide a historical reflection of source code applied in various fields\r-Serve as a repository for source code Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health", "ISSN": "01251562, 26975718", "Scope": "ScopeThe SEAMEO* Regional Tropical Medicine and Public Health Project was established in 1967 to help improve the health and standard of living of the peoples of Southeast Asia by pooling manpower resources of the participating SEAMEO member countries in a cooperative endeavor to develop and upgrade the research and training capabilities of the existing facilities in these countries. By promoting effective regional cooperation among the participating national centers, it is hoped to minimize waste in duplication of programs and activities. In 1992 the Project was renamed the SEAMEO Regional Tropical Medicine and Public Health Network. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology", "ISSN": "2191530X, 21915318", "Scope": "ScopeOn the one hand, SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology are devoted to the publication of fundamentals and applications within the different classical engineering disciplines as well as in interdisciplinary fields that recently emerged between these areas. On the other hand, as the boundary separating fundamental research and applied technology is more and more dissolving, this series is particularly open to trans-disciplinary topics between fundamental science and engineering. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "SpringerBriefs in Computer Science", "ISSN": "21915768, 21915776", "Scope": "ScopeSpringerBriefs present concise summaries of cutting-edge research and practical applications across a wide spectrum of fields. Featuring compact volumes of 50 to 125 pages, the series covers a range of content from professional to academic.\r\rTypical topics might include:\r\rA timely report of state-of-the art analytical techniques;\rA bridge between new research results, as published in journal articles, and a contextual literature review;\rA snapshot of a hot or emerging topic;\rAn in-depth case study or clinical example;\rA presentation of core concepts that students must understand in order to make independent contributions. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "SpringerBriefs in Mathematics", "ISSN": "21918198, 21918201", "Scope": "ScopeSpringerBriefs present concise summaries of cutting-edge research and practical applications across a wide spectrum of fields. Featuring compact volumes of 50 to 125 pages, the series covers a range of content from professional to academic. Briefs are characterized by fast, global electronic dissemination, standard publishing contracts, standardized manuscript preparation and formatting guidelines, and expedited production schedules. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "St Antony's Series", "ISSN": "26335964, 26335972", "Scope": "ScopeThe St Antony’s Series publishes studies of international affairs of contemporary interest to the scholarly community and a general yet informed readership. Contributors share a connection with St Antony’s College, a world-renowned centre at the University of Oxford for research and teaching on global and regional issues. The series covers all parts of the world through both single-author monographs and edited volumes, and its titles come from a range of disciplines, including political science, history, and sociology. Over more than forty years, this partnership between St Antony’s College and Palgrave Macmillan has produced about 400 publications. This series is indexed by Scopus. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studia Semitica Neerlandica", "ISSN": "816914", "Scope": "ScopeStudia Semitica Neerlandica comprises of studies on the linguistics and literature of one the Semitic languages or the Semitic languages as a whole. Studies on texts written in one of the Semitic languages or texts that deal with the history and culture of groups speaking a Semitic language also fall within the of this series. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studien zur Osterreichischen Philosophie", "ISSN": "1674102", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Studies in Chinese Language and Discourse", "ISSN": "18795382", "Scope": "ScopeThe Studies in Chinese Language and Discourse book series publishes works of original research on Chinese from a linguistic, cognitive, socio-cultural, or interactional perspective. We welcome contributions based on systematic documentation of language structure which displays fresh data and analysis from such areas as corpus linguistics, grammaticalization, cognitive linguistics, sociolinguistics, discourse and grammar, conversation analysis, and typological and comparative studies. Both monographs and thematic collections of research papers will be considered. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studies in Educational Ethnography", "ISSN": "1529210X", "Scope": "ScopeThe primary objective of Studies in Educational Ethnography is to present original research monographs or edited volumes based on ethnographic perspectives, theories, and methodologies. Such research will advance the development of theory, practice, policy, and praxis for improving schooling and education in neighborhood, community, and global contexts.\r\rIn complex neighborhood, community, and global contexts, educational ethnographies should situate themselves beyond isolated classrooms or single sites and concern themselves with more than narrow methodological pursuits. Rather, the ethnographic research, perspectives and methodologies featured in this series should extend our understandings of sociocultural educational phenomena and their global and local meanings. Studying classrooms and educational communities without concomitant understanding of the dynamics of broader structural forces renders ethnographic analyses potentially incomplete.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studies in Functional and Structural Linguistics", "ISSN": "13857916", "Scope": "ScopeTaking the broadest and most general definitions of the terms functional and structural, this series aims to present linguistic and interdisciplinary research that relates language structure — at any level of analysis from phonology to discourse — to broader functional considerations, whether cognitive, communicative, pragmatic or sociocultural. Preference will be given to studies that focus on data from actual discourse, whether speech, writing or other nonvocal medium. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studies in Global Social History", "ISSN": "18746705", "Scope": "ScopeFor a long time, historiography was the sum of national efforts. Historians automatically thought and wrote within the framework of nation states – even when discussing “foreign policy” and “inter-national” topics. “Globalization” is beginning to change their approach. Now that borders have become more fluid in contemporary society, and interest in transnational processes is increasing, the principles of the methodological nationalism of the past are undergoing a critical review. A different view of global cohesion parallels this trend. Until recently, the North Atlantic perspective dominated the mental world order: the “modern” period was believed to have started in Europe and North America and to have spread gradually throughout the rest of the world; the temporality of the core area was considered to have defined developmental periods elsewhere as well. This Eurocentrism is now under fire, and many attempts to circumvent it are in progress. The peer-reviewed book series Studies in Global Social History figures within these new trends. Each volume in this series addresses (the connections between) macro-regions and aims to visualize contrasts and similarities, to demonstrate how our present global society has materialized from uneven and combined developments and from interaction between acts “from above” and “from below”: from rulers, entrepreneurs, politicians, and administrators on the one hand and from slaves, peasants, indentured labourers, wage-earners, and housewives on the other hand. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studies in Law Politics and Society", "ISSN": "10594337", "Scope": "ScopeThe objective of Studies in Law, Politics, and Society (SLPS) is to provide a vehicle for the publication of scholarly articles within the broad parameters of interdisciplinary legal scholarship.\rWhereas other law related publications publish within a single domain--the humanities, social science, or legal doctrine. Studies seeks to bridge those divides. We encourage submissions from a broad range of legal scholars and welcome articles exemplifying different theoretical perspectives and methodological approaches. We welcome submissions from an international group of scholars. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studies in Netherlandish Art and Cultural History", "ISSN": "18729932", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Studies in Persian Cultural History", "ISSN": "22103554", "Scope": "ScopeBrill is proud to announce this peer-reviewed series in Persian studies, as a continuation of the Pembroke Papers, founded and edited by Charles Melville in Cambridge. This interdisciplinary series aims to support the study of medieval and pre-modern Persian literature and art in historical context. The publications will focus on the greater Persian world extending into Central Asia and the Indian sub-continent, and also include Persian culture in the Ottoman Empire and Caucasus. Studies in Persian Cultural History welcomes book proposals for critical and annotated text editions, as well as monographs and edited volumes. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studies in Reformed Theology", "ISSN": "15714799", "Scope": "ScopeStudies in Reformed Theology is an international triennial series that offers thematic volumes with articles on current issues and in-depth monographs in the field of Systematic, Historical and Biblical theology. \r\rStudies in Reformed Theology is edited by the International Reformed Theological Institute (IRTI). Established in 1995, IRTI comprises a world-wide network of scholars involved in Reformed theology. ‘Reformed’ refers to a theology in the tradition of the sixteenth-century reformation in Strasbourg, Zurich and Geneva, as an expression of Christian faith of all times and in all places. \r\rThe series published an average of two volumes per year over the last 5 years. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studies in the Development of Accounting Thought", "ISSN": "14793504", "Scope": "ScopeStudies in the Development of Accounting Thought informs readers of the historical foundations on which the profession is based, the historical antecedents of today’s accounting institutions, the historical impact of accounting, as well as exploring the lives and works of pre-eminent individuals in the profession’s history.\r\rStudies in the Development of Accounting Thought focuses on bringing the past into today and using it to point towards the future. Topics featured include: finding and utilizing archival materials; the growing importance of the Internet in historical research; the issues involved in writing to historical paradigms; and the pivotal influence and immediacy of oral history.\r\rPresented as a collection of essays authored by prominent accounting historians, the series is designed to aid potential as well as experienced researchers in the methodologies and resources available for scholarly work in accounting history. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Studies in the History of Christian Traditions", "ISSN": "15735664", "Scope": "ScopeStudies in the History of Christian Traditions is a peer-reviewed book series intended to encourage the study of continuities and discontinuities in the history of Christian thought through monographs dealing with single authors, movements and ideas. In view of the urgent necessity to transcend confessional and language barriers, the series is dedicated to this subject-matter as the common focus for the research of scholars of various religious and national backgrounds. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Surgical and Cosmetic Dermatology", "ISSN": "19845510, 19848773", "Scope": "ScopeSurgical & Cosmetic Dermatology, first published in 2009, is a medical journal devoted to the dissemination of the Brazilian experience in the fields of Dermatologic Surgery and Cosmetic Dermatology. It is a quarterly publication of the Brazilian Society of Dermatology and the Brazilian Society of Dermatological Surgery.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Texts and Editions for New Testament Study", "ISSN": "15747085", "Scope": "ScopeThis book series is designed to offer texts and editions, with commentary and comment, of important sources for the study of the New Testament and its world. Primary sources are envisioned as a mainstay of the series, in which documents that enlighten and support New Testament study are published in definitive, accessible and informative editions, often with supporting commentary. Collections of essays and monographs, that focus upon these types of important sources and advance the scholarly discussion, are also welcome. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Themes in Biblical Narrative", "ISSN": "13883909", "Scope": "ScopeThemes in Biblical Narrative (TBN) publishes studies dealing with early interpretations and receptions of Biblical materials. The series includes congress volumes and monographs. \r\rPublications are usually the result of a reworking of papers presented during a TBN-conference on a particular narrative, e.g. the Balaam story, or a specific theme, such as 'clean and unclean' in the Hebrew Bible, or 'the ru'ah adonai and anthropological models of humanity'. \r\rHaving treated the basic texts for this narrative or theme, other contributions follow its earliest interpretations and receptions throughout the subsequent phases of ancient Judaism, early Christianity, and Islam where appropriate. Studies which illuminate the successive inculturations into the various Umwelts - the Ancient Near East, the Graeco-Roman World - are also included. Extensions to modern Bible receptions and discussions of hermeneutical questions are welcomed, if they are related explicitly to the study of early receptions of Biblical texts and traditions. \r\rContributions to the series are written by specialists in the relevant literary corpora. The series is intended for scholars and advanced students of theology, linguistics and literature. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Theory of Stochastic Processes", "ISSN": "3213900", "Scope": "ScopeTheory of Stochastic Processes is a semi-annual journal publishing original articles and surveys on modern topic of the theory of stochastic processes and papers devoted to its applications to physics, biology, economics, computer sciences and engineering. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Topicos (Mexico)", "ISSN": "1886649", "Scope": "ScopeTópicos, Revista de Filosofía is an academic publication aimed at professionals within the national and international philosophical community. It has appeared uninterruptedly since 1991 thanks to the support and financial aid of Universidad Panamericana’s School of Philosophy. We accept unsolicited, unpublished, original manuscripts in Spanish, English, French, Italian, German, and Portuguese. The contents and methodology of all articles must be predominantly philosophical. The journal is not limited to a specific area of field within philosophy, so long as there is rigor and methodological sophistication in the research done and in the mode of exposition. We do not publish manuscripts that are non-academic, general, or theological, nor do we publish survey articles, articles focusing on art or literary criticism, or interdisciplinary studies that are not carried out with a predominantly philosophical methodology and content. Each article shall be submitted to a rigorous peer review process, following the double-blind method of evaluation. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Transactions of the American Ophthalmological Society", "ISSN": "00659533, 15456110", "Scope": "ScopeBeginning in 2013: The Transactions of the American Ophthalmological Society (TAOS) theses are now published on this aosonline.org web site in the order received, copy edited, formatted, reviewed and approved by the editor and author, usually starting in August. The TAOS frontmatter will continue to be published annually by December. Each year's theses will be published together in both PubMed and EBSCO when that year's cycle of editing, formatting, review and approval has been completed. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Transactions of the Institute of Indian Geographers", "ISSN": "9709851", "Scope": "ScopeThe ‘Transactions’ is the biannual journal of the Institute of Indian Geographers. The year 2011 will see the publication of the 33rd volume of the journal. The journal receives contributions from India and abroad, covering different geographical regions and analysing a wide range of geographical research problem. The editor invites original articles that will contribute to advances and debates in all the sub-disciplines of Geography. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Trends in Biomaterials and Artificial Organs", "ISSN": "9711198", "Scope": "ScopeTrends in Biomaterials & Artificial Organs is an international journal publishing research representing the progress in the area of Biomaterials, Medical Devices, Artificial Organs, Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine. The journal publishes Editorials, Original Research Articles, Short Communications, Review Articles, Research Letters, and Letter to Editor. New concepts and frontiers in the area of Biomaterials, Medical Devices, Artificial Organs, Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine are expected to become the core of medical health care. Innovative and systematic information will help in developing diagnostics, biosensor, prevention of diseases towards improved health care and rehabilitation of patients, and is extremely essential for rapid growth of Biomaterials Science internationally. of the journal covers basic science, engineering and applications of glasses and ceramics, nanotechnology, natural and synthetic polymers, metals, alloys and composites or a combination. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Trends in Immunotherapy", "ISSN": "25735985", "Scope": "ScopeTrends in Immunotherapy (TI) is an open access, peer-reviewed journal encompassing various disciplines related to all immune-based areas. TI has a target audience consisting of scientific researchers, professional practitioners and medical scholars from academia, medical industry, and education, etc. It provides a forum to share scholarly practice to advance the immunotherapy in the combination of science and medicine.\r\rTI publishes original research articles, review articles, editorials, mini-review articles, case reports, commentaries, correspondence articles, database articles, perspective articles, short reports, etc. Preliminary studies, pre-clinical and clinical investigative reports are welcomed.\r\rThe research topics of TI include but are not limited to:\r\r1. Cancer immunotherapy \r2. Targeted therapy and tumor microenvironment\r3. Immune dysregulation, skin barrier dysfunction\r4. Chemoimmunotherapy \r5. Antibodies \r6. Immunomodulators, inhibitors and intensifiers \r7. Therapeutic method for auto-immune disorder \r8. Efficacy of drug immunotherapy\r9. Allergy disorder and immunotherapy\r10. Immunotherapy cell-products\r11. Immuno-modulatory effects of natural products\r12. Vaccine development and application\r13. Cytokines application\r14. Wound healing Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "UNITEXT - La Matematica per il 3 piu 2", "ISSN": "20385722", "Scope": "ScopeThe UNITEXT - La Matematica per il 3+2 series is designed for undergraduate and graduate academic courses, and also includes advanced textbooks at a research level.\r\rOriginally released in Italian, the series now publishes textbooks in English addressed to students in mathematics worldwide.\rSome of the most successful books in the series have evolved through several editions, adapting to the evolution of teaching curricula.\r\rSubmissions must include at least 3 sample chapters, a table of contents, and a preface outlining the aims and of the book, how the book fits in with the current literature, and which courses the book is suitable for. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ural-Altaic Studies", "ISSN": "20791003", "Scope": "ScopeOur journal is aimed primarily for linguists, specialists in the languages of Uralic and Altaic groups. But we hope to also attract those authors, specialists in history, ethnography and theory of literature (and other areas), who are interested in information exchange with linguists. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "USDA Forest Service - Resource Bulletin PNW-RB", "ISSN": "7481284", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "VacciMonitor", "ISSN": "1025028X, 10250298", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Vingtieme Siecle: Revue d'Histoire", "ISSN": "2941759", "Scope": "ScopeRevue d’histoire, 20 & 21, comme son titre l’indique, privilégie l’histoire contemporaine, de l’affaire Dreyfus à nos jours, et fait jouer le rapport entre le présent et le passé. S’appuyant sur un réseau d’auteurs principalement universitaires, elle entend diffuser les résultats de la recherche française et étrangère auprès des chercheurs, des enseignants, des étudiants comme du grand public averti. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Wasser und Abfall", "ISSN": "14369095", "Scope": "ScopeWASSER UND ABFALL ist die Fachzeitschrift des Bundes der Ingenieure für Wasserwirtschaft, Abfallwirtschaft und Kulturbau e.V. (BWK). Neben wechselnden Titelthemen berichtet WASSER UND ABFALL über die Bereiche: Abfallwirtschaft/Bodenschutz/Altlasten, Abwasser/Gewässerschutz, Trinkwasser/Grundwasserschutz, Wasserwirtschaft/Wasserbau. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Women and Gender in China Studies", "ISSN": "18775772", "Scope": "ScopeThis series aims to publish theoretically-informed, source-based scholarship on women and gender issues in China studies. Manuscript submissions may range in chronological coverage from earliest times to contemporary China. We will consider monograph studies as well as edited volumes from all disciplines in the humanities and social sciences. We also encourage interdisciplinary and comparative approaches to complex themes and questions. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "World Agriculture", "ISSN": "20437234, 20567979", "Scope": "ScopeArticles will provide clear, unbiased and factual accounts of development in, or affecting, world agriculture and food security. They will interpret the influence of related subjects (including climate, forestry, fisheries and human population, economics, transmissible disease, ecology) on these developments. An important objective is to assist decision-makers to ensure policies and methods are evidence-based and sustainable. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "World Scientific Handbook in Financial Economics Series", "ISSN": "20101732", "Scope": "ScopeThe Handbooks in Financial Economics (HIFE) are intended to be a definitive source for comprehensive and accessible information in the field of finance. Each individual volume in the series presents an accurate self-contained survey of a sub-field of finance, suitable for use by finance, economics and financial engineering professors and lecturers, professional researchers, investments, pension fund and insurance portfolio mangers, risk managers, graduate students and as a teaching supplement.\r\rThe HIFE series will broadly cover various areas of finance in a multi-handbook series. The HIFE series has its own web page which will include detailed information such as the introductory chapter to each volume, an abstract of each chapter and biographies of editors), advertising brochures and be promoted by the publisher at major academic meetings and through other sources. There will be links with research articles in major journals.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "WSEAS Transactions on Biology and Biomedicine", "ISSN": "11099518, 22242902", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Yearbook for Traditional Music", "ISSN": "7401558", "Scope": "ScopeThe Yearbook for Traditional Music is a refereed scholarly journal which carries essays, reviews, and reports in the area of traditional music and dance research. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Zeitschrift fur Arznei- und Gewurzpflanzen", "ISSN": "14319292", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Medicinal & Spice Plants (ZAG) is the central forum of professional information transfer for all players in the field of Medicinal & Spice Plants production. The articles cover current results from research and practice and supply a broad spectrum of branch-specific information in the fields of\rbotany,\rbreeding,\rcultivation,\rprocessing,\rquality and quality management,\rbusiness administration,\rmarketing and\rpolitics. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Zeitschrift fur Religionswissenschaft", "ISSN": "09438610, 2194508X", "Scope": "ScopeForum für theoretische und methodische Fragestellungen des gesamten Faches\rBehandelt historische, gegenwärtige, europäische und außereuropäische Themen der Religionswissenschaft\rInterdisziplinär durch Seitenblicke auf die Geistes-, Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften\rFachzeitschrift der Deutschen Vereinigung für Religionswissenschaft\rCommissioned by the German Association for the Study of Religions, the Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft (Journal of Religious Studies) provides a forum for debates about important topics, questions, theories, and methods in the study of religion. The articles discuss theoretical problems on the basis of historical or contemporary examples from any region of the world. Due to their comparative perspective they contribute substantially to the disciplinary discourse in the study of religion and its neighboring disciplines. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Acta Mycologica", "ISSN": "0001625X, 2353074X", "Scope": "ScopeActa Mycologica is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes original research articles as well as review articles and short communications in all areas of mycology, including fungus-like organisms (slime moulds, yeasts, lichens, oomycetes, etc.), with respect to various ecosystems. Specifically, the journal covers:\r\recology, taxonomy, conservation, and systematics of fungi,\rfungal physiology, biochemistry, molecular genetics,\rfungus–plant (pathogens, mycorrhizas, endophytes), fungus–animal, and fungus–microbe interactions\rapplied aspects of mycology in forestry, agriculture, and biotechnology.\rReviews of books related to mycology and in memoriam are also welcome. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Advances in Race and Ethnicity in Education", "ISSN": "20512317, 20512325", "Scope": "ScopeAdvances in Race and Ethnicity in Education provides an outlet for scholars and researchers whose work focuses on the dynamics of race and ethnicity in different educational contexts in the United States and abroad.\r\rThe series editors seek to produce a significant body of work that can improve the understanding of race and ethnicity in K-12 schools and how such constructs shape the schooling experiences and learning outcomes for students in different educational contexts.\r\rThe series includes theoretical, quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods research studies, as well as policy analysis. Potential topics for books in the series include (but are not limited to): girls of color in STEM education; latino males in K-12 schools and society; early childhood education for english learners; race, ethnography, and education; students of color and disability education in K-12 schools; special education for black and latino males in K-12 schools; underrepresentation of black and latino students in K-12 gifted education; supplemental learning in urban and rural school contexts for students of color in K-12 schools; policies of immigrant education; hip hop and social justice education in K-12 schooling; bilingualism and American K-12 schools; black feminism as a paradigm for teaching in K-12 Schools; pathways from K-12 schools to postsecondary education for low-income students of color. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "ANAE - Approche Neuropsychologique des Apprentissages chez l'Enfant", "ISSN": "0999792X", "Scope": "ScopeA.N.A.E., une revue scientifique indépendante francophone internationale à comité de lecture faisant le lien entre la recherche et la clinique à impact sociétal fort Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Annals of Clinical and Experimental Neurology", "ISSN": "20755473, 24092533", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal “Annals of Clinical and Experimental Neurology” (Annaly klinicheskoy i eksperimental’noy nevrologii) is a peer-review medical journal, which provides articles for practicing neurologists, neurosurgeons, cardiologists, critical care and neurorehabilitation professionals, neuropsychologists, neuroradiologists, clinical neurophysiologists, as well as neuroscience professionals.\r\rAnnals of clinical and experimental neurology publishes articles on different aspects of diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system, different topics in neuroscience, historical neurology and neuroscience, as well as on related medical specialities.\r\rThe journal’s unique mission is to cover current problems and modern achievements in the field of neurology, neurosurgery, critical care, neurorehabilitation, neuroimaging, cardioneurology, clinical neurophysiology, fundamental neuroscience as well as to contribute to the formation of new promising research and training of highly qualified personnel in these areas. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Avant", "ISSN": "20826710", "Scope": "ScopeAVANT is a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to current trends in interdisciplinary studies, including cognitive sciences, contemporary philosophy of science, cognitive and cultural anthropology, social studies of science, or studies on art.\r\rPrimarily, the journal provides reviews and review-like papers: balanced and insightful syntheses, analysis, hypotheses, comments, opinions, polemics, discussions, book reviews, and interviews. It presents the interactions of various disciplines, including philosophy of mind, anthropology, neurobiology, psychology, robotics, sociology, linguistics, and others. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Beijing Huagong Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexueban)/Journal of Beijing University of Chemical Technology (Natural Science Edition)", "ISSN": "16714628", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Biologicni Studii", "ISSN": "19964536, 23110783", "Scope": "ScopeБіологічні студії/ Studia Biologica is a leading journal in Ukraine, publishing rigorously peer-reviewed research that seeks to advance our understanding of fundamental processes in biology. The Journal publishes original research articles, review articles, brief reports, reports on technical advances, book reviews, comments on all areas of biological sciences (biochemistry, biotechnology, botany, environmental biology, genetics, medical biology, microbiology, physiology, zoology, agrobiology etc). Chief Editor Prof. Rostyslav Stoika is supported by an outstanding Editorial Board of international researchers. This multidisciplinary open-access journal aims to disseminate and communicate scientific knowledge to researchers, academics, policy makers and the public worldwide.\rБіологічні студії/ Studia Biologica welcomes original and significant contributions from across the field — from single-cell to populations and whole-ecosystem analyses; from molecular, to biophysical, to computational approaches; from molecular to the organism-scale studies.\rThe Journal was launched in 2007 and publishes 4 issues per year. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cahiers Critiques de Therapie Familiale et de Pratiques de Reseaux", "ISSN": "13728202, 17821398", "Scope": "ScopeLa revue Cahiers critiques de thérapie familiale et de pratiques de réseaux est historiquement la première revue de thérapie familiale à être parue en français.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Cesko-Slovenska Pediatrie", "ISSN": "692328", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal Česko-slovenská pediatrie provides original papers, research results, case studies, comprehensive reports, information on childcare, information on new books, information from conferences in the field of general pediatrics, and information from any of the various specialised fields of pediatrics and childcare (e.g. pediatric surgery, neonatology, ENT, orthopaedics, ophthalmology, dermatology, genetics, nutrition, etc.).\r\rIt belongs to that group of journals which provide a wide range of information. It is a source of knowledge for GPs and clinicians, and it is an important aid for postgraduate education.\r\rThe first issue was published on 1 April 1946 under the name Pediatrické listy (Pediatric Lists). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Commonwealth Law Bulletin", "ISSN": "03050718, 17505976", "Scope": "ScopeThe Commonwealth Law Bulletin aims to educate and inform readers about legal developments throughout the Commonwealth and serves as a forum for the assessment of emerging issues in the law. \r\rThe Commonwealth Law Bulletin, first published in 1974, is the flagship publication of the Rule of Law Division of the Commonwealth Secretariat. A comprehensive periodical of the law and legal affairs, the Bulletin is a refereed journal that provides essential reading for Commonwealth jurists wishing to keep abreast of latest developments and reflexions on legal issues arising in Commonwealth countries. The Bulletin also publishes the outcome of meetings organised by the Rule of Law Division of the Commonwealth Secretariat, which address topical legal issues in Commonwealth jurisdictions. The Bulletin helps foster harmonised approaches to emerging legal issues throughout the Commonwealth.\r\rForty years after its first issue, the Commonwealth Law Bulletin remains more relevant than ever. It offers a unique forum for jurists sharing a common law background to inform their colleagues of developments in their justice systems. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Continuity and Change", "ISSN": "02684160, 1469218X", "Scope": "ScopeContinuity and Change aims to define a field of historical sociology concerned with long-term continuities and discontinuities in the structures of past societies. Emphasis is upon studies whose agenda or methodology combines elements from traditional fields such as history, sociology, law, demography, economics or anthropology, or ranges freely between them. There is a strong commitment to comparative studies over a broad range of cultures and time spans. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Counselling Psychology Review", "ISSN": "17572142, 23968672", "Scope": "ScopeIt primarily focuses upon work being undertaken in the UK, but it is also likely to be of interest to international colleagues and those in related therapeutic disciplines. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Creative Cardiology", "ISSN": "19973187, 24109169", "Scope": "ScopeThe main aim and idea of the journal “Creative cardiology” is to reflect modern achievements in cardiology, cardiosurgery, functional diagnostics and related areas. Combination of such a wide of clinical specialties and fundamental aspects in one journal became possible due to the significant clinical experience gained by the Center which is the largest in Europe with great scientific research base.\rLeading national and international scientists publish original articles, reviews, lectures, case reports and experiment results. The Journal published many times with permission from the American College of Cardiology and American Heart Association guidelines for patients with acute coronary syndrome, heart rhythm disturbances, cardio-pulmonary resuscitation routines. Common creative cooperation of doctors and researchers of different schools and specializations plays an important role in the choice of articles. The editorial board comprises the leading scientists of Russia, Europe and the USA, they represent the best medical centers, including A.N.Bakulev NMRCCVS, NMRC of therapy and prevention, National Medical and Surgical Center named after N.I. Pirogov, chairs of cardiology and general medicine of Moscow medical Universities, continuous professional development departments, FSBSI RSCS named after B.V. Petrovsky and some others. \rThe Journal is a part of the list of peer-reviewed scientific and technical periodicals, published in the Russian Federation and recommended for publication of the main results of theses for the degree of candidate and Doctor of Medical Science, approved by the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (HAC). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ecological Chemistry and Engineering A", "ISSN": "18986188, 26577798", "Scope": "ScopeSemi-annual Ecological Chemistry and Engineering A publishes articles (experimental, review and technological) in the field of ecological chemistry and engineering, renewable energy sources, ecological agriculture as well as the related fields and case reports and varia (professional information, book reviews, etc.). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Eighteenth-Century Studies", "ISSN": "00132586, 1086315X", "Scope": "ScopeEighteenth-Century Studies is committed to publishing the best of current writing on all aspects of eighteenth-century culture. The journal publishes different modes of analysis and disciplinary discourses that explore how recent historiographical, critical, and theoretical ideas have engaged scholars concerned with the eighteenth century. Eighteenth-Century Studies is the official publication of the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (ASECS). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Etnografia polska", "ISSN": "711861", "Scope": "ScopeEtnografia Polska (Polish Ethnography) is a peer-reviewed (double blind review) interdisciplinary journal covering aspects of ethnography, ethnology, socio-cultural anthropology, history and sociology. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Iheringia - Serie Botanica", "ISSN": "00734705, 24468231", "Scope": "ScopeThe Iheringia, Série Botânica is a publication edited by the Museu de Ciências Naturais, Fundação Zoobotânica do Rio Grande do Sul, since 1958. The name Iheringia is actually a tribute to Hermann von Ihering (a German researcher who became a Brazilian citizen) and his important studies in the Natural Sciences.The journal has the mission of publishing articles, reviews and original scientific notes that cover diverse areas in Botany, and may be written in Portuguese, Spanish and English. \r\rThe journal is widely available in both international and national scientific community. The issues are published and distributed twice a year to 118 national institutions and 152 international institutions. The distribution is either free of charge or by exchange. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Integrative and Complementary Therapies", "ISSN": "27683192, 27683206", "Scope": "Scopentegrative and Complementary Therapies is the leading Journal delivering practical and evidence-based content focused on integrative medical therapies and including these approaches into private practice or hospital care programs – in continuous publication since 1994.\r\rThe Journal offers a powerful platform for emerging integrative approaches to prevention and treatment of chronic illnesses, mind-body therapies for disease management, among other whole health topics as they relate to clinical applications. Integrative and Complementary Therapies is under the editorial leadership of Clinical Editor Robert Rountree, MD.\r\rAudience: Clinicians and health practitioners; integrative health and medicine specialists, researchers, policymakers, and other stakeholders; acupuncture/acupressure practitioners, massage therapists, and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) schools, among others. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering", "ISSN": "17938201", "Scope": "ScopeIJCTE is an open access journal which focuses on publishing original and peer reviewed research papers on all aspects of computer theory and engineering. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Journal of Fashion Studies", "ISSN": "20517106, 20517114", "Scope": "ScopeEnglish being a lingua franca of the international academic world, much of the most influential – not least as it is the most visible - literature has been produced in the English speaking world. Indeed, access to a global readership is premised on the submission to academic journals of texts written in English. However, over the years a meaningful corpus of fashion studies has developed in other regions that have just as much of a tradition as Anglophone countries in costume, clothing, and fashion practice as well as in the study of social and cultural phenomena. But this corpus is not written in English and, because of language obstacles, has not reached an international audience. Scholars who are not English speakers and have neither the time nor the resources to produce texts in that language may be excluded from current debates on fashion, clothing and appearance. The richness of their material can go unacknowledged, which can only deprive the field of Anglophone fashion studies of significant findings and insights. This is at odds with both the global nature of the fashion system and the call, in much contemporary academia, for the fostering of international networks and research.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Iran Occupational Health", "ISSN": "17355133, 22287493", "Scope": "ScopeIran occupational health journal seeks to publish Original Research Papers and Case Reports, Review Articles and Technical Reports related to the fields of Public Health and Occupational Health particularly. IOH is a continuous publication journal of Iran University of Medical Sciences. The following guidelines refer to the Journal requirements for receiving your manuscripts for possible publication. Complying with guidelines will expedite the process of evaluation and publication of the submitted manuscripts. IOH regrets to reject those contributions that deviate from the Journal style.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Jahr", "ISSN": "18476376, 18487874", "Scope": "ScopeJAHR – EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF BIOETHICS is a journal that deals with a wide range of bioethical topics. The aim of the Editorial Board is to publish articles related to bioethics in social sciences (sociology, psychology, law, political science, information and communication sciences, pedagogy, education and rehabilitation sciences, speech-language pathology, kinesiology, demography, social activities, security and defence sciences, economics), humanities (philosophy, theology, philology, history, art history, archaeology, ethnology and anthropology, religious sciences), biomedical (medicine, public health, veterinary medicine, dentistry and pharmacology), but also in other sciences. The journal is published twice a year. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Japanese Journal of Crop Science", "ISSN": "13490990", "Scope": "Scope本誌は作物に関する研究論文,研究・技術ノート,総説,情報,会員からの意見,および速報を掲載します.学術的な新知見に関するものとともに,作物生産に直接関連した総合的・応用的論文も歓迎します.また各種の最新技術・先端情報について平易に解説した総説も歓迎します. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal for the History of Modern Theology", "ISSN": "09437592, 16129776", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal for the History of Modern Theology (JHMTH) is an academic journal. It is intended for theologians, historians, philosophers, scholars of religion and representatives of other academic disciplines.\rThe journal contains contributions on the history of theology since the Enlightenment. History of theology is understood in the broad sense of the term. To begin with, it is about the critical reflexion of traditional dogmatic and ethical teachings of the individual confessions as they are institutionalized in universities and other institutes of higher learning associated with the various denominations. In addition, the different forms of awareness of faith are examined, for example the (implicit and explicit) theological concepts of religious movements, ecclesiastical groups, associations, etc. In addition to the various directions of Protestant theology and philosophy of religion, theological and religious-philosophical, tendencies in Roman Catholicism and Judaism are considered that reach beyond the history of theology within German-speaking areas. It also includes historical contributions on the development of theology in other European countries as well as in North America.\rThe contributions are either in English or German. An abstract in the other language respectively provides the reader with a brief summary of the article. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of American Ethnic History", "ISSN": "2785927", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of American Ethnic History, the official journal of the Immigration and Ethnic History Society, is published quarterly and focuses on the immigrant and ethnic/racial history of the North American people. Scholars are invited to submit manuscripts on the process of migration (including the old world experience as it relates to migration and group life), adjustment and assimilation, group relations, mobility, politics, culture, race and race relations, group identity, or other topics that illuminate the North American immigrant and ethnic/racial experience. The editor particularly seeks essays that are interpretive or analytical. Descriptive papers will be considered only if they present new information. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Applied Bioanalysis", "ISSN": "2405710X", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal welcomes the submission of unsolicited papers on all aspects of Bioanalysis.\rThe reader audience of Journal of Applied Bioanalysis is bioanalytical chemists and technicians working in pharmaceutical sciences, clinical laboratories, environmental institutions, toxicologists, and forensic toxicologists as well in sports doping. The journal welcomes unsolicited article proposals.\rJournal of Applied Bioanalysis welcomes manuscripts submissions that present significant scientific coverage in any field of Bioanalysis such as:\r•\tSeparation sciences and hyphenated techniques in bioanalysis\r•\tSample preparation techniques and collection\r•\tData processing\r•\tAutomation and Miniaturization\r•\tMass spectrometry technology\r•\tLigand-binding assays\r•\tDrug metabolism studies incl. pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics\r•\tLife sciences (“omics”- sciences)\r•\tClinical and non-clinical bioanalysis\r•\tBioanalytical guidelines and regulatory issues\r•\tInstrumentation developments and/or improvements\r•\tEnvironmental bioanalysis (environmental bioanalytical chemistry)\r•\tCell and Gene TherapyJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Arrhythmology", "ISSN": "15618641, 26587327", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal aims to publish the highest quality regional material, international research in the field of clinical cardiac electrophysiology and cardiac pacing. The Journal includes articles related to research findings, technical evaluations, reviews, surveys, position papers and guidelines. The Journal additionally considers editorial papers and hands-on articles. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Early Modern Studies", "ISSN": "22797149", "Scope": "ScopeJournal of Early Modern Studies (JEMS) is an open access peer-reviewed international journal that promotes interdisciplinary research and discussion on issues concerning all aspects of early modern European culture. It provides a platform for international scholarly debate through the publication of outstanding work over a wide disciplinary spectrum: literature, language, art, history, politics, sociology, religion and cultural studies. JEMS is open to a range of research perspectives and methodological orientations and encourages studies that develop understanding of the major problematic areas relating to the European Renaissance. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Engineering and Technology for Industrial Applications", "ISSN": "24470228", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Journal of Formalized Reasoning", "ISSN": "19725787", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal is meant to become the natural target for research papers describing significant, automated or semi-automated formalization efforts in any area, including classical mathematics, constructive mathematics formal algorithms, and program verification. The emphasis of the journal is on proof techniques and methodologies and their impact on the formalization process. In particular, the journal provides a forum for comparing alternative approaches, enhance reusability of solutions and provide a clear view of the current state of the field. Although outside the of the journal, it will also help to better understand the requirements for automatic and interactive tools supporting the formalization effort, becoming a major vehicle for their diffusion and enhancement. The journal encourages the submission of interesting, insightful, and informative papers, preferably accompanied by formal scripts. Although the journal is not meant to become a repository for proof scripts, an effort will be made to ensure that the \"experimental data\" backing formalisation papers will remain accessible.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Horticultural Sciences", "ISSN": "0973354X, 25824899", "Scope": "ScopeThe and focus of the journal are on all branches of horticulture and other cognate disciplines. It publishes review articles, research papers, and short communications of both basic and applied aspects of original research related to horticultural sciences. Its overall goal is to appraise the scientists and all the stakeholders who are interested in horticulture about recent scientific advancements and extension findings. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Indo-European Studies, The", "ISSN": "922323", "Scope": "ScopeFor over forty-seven years, the peer-reviewed Journal of Indo-European Studies has served as a medium for the exchange and synthesis of information relating to the origin and evolution of the Indo-European language family and to the anthropology, archaeology, mythology and general cultural history of the Indo-European-speaking peoples. The Journal is complemented by its extensive Monograph Series. JIES welcomes submissions on any aspect of Indo-European history and culture.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Neuroanaesthesiology and Critical Care", "ISSN": "23480548", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal covers technical and clinical studies related to health, ethical and social issues in the fields of neuroanaesthesia, neuro-critical care, and pain management focusing on research in neurologically impaired patients. The journal mainly focusses on publishing high quality original investigations, review articles, and case reports of unique observations. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Social Distress and the Homeless", "ISSN": "10530789, 1573658X", "Scope": "ScopeJournal of Social Distress and Homelessness (SDH) is an international publication of original, peer-reviewed papers on psychosocial distress and homelessness throughout society. The Journal publishes original research papers, theoretical papers, review papers, brief reports, review articles, and special issues. The Journal is designed for professionals in the behavioral, medical, psychological, and social sciences.\r\rThe Journal is dedicated to innovative and timely studies in three broad areas of research:\r\r1. Social distress and disorganization across different groups, cultures, and settings, in areas such as education, healthcare, criminal justice, economics, social services, and families. Research on disadvantaged populations is particularly welcome.\r\r2. Clinical, epidemiological, methodological, and health services research on homelessness. Related research on poverty, inadequate or unstable housing, and associated mental and physical illnesses is encouraged.\r\r3. New methodologies for research on social distress and the homeless. These methodologies can include newly developed instruments, measures, and tests; novel recruitment and sampling strategies; advanced analytic techniques and statistical approaches; and technology-based solutions. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Somaesthetics", "ISSN": "22468498", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Somaesthetics is a peer-reviewed, online, academic research journal devoted to research that advances the interdisciplinary field of somaesthetics, understood as the critical study and meliorative cultivation of the experience and performance of the living body (or soma) as a site of sensory appreciation (aesthesis) and creative self-stylization. The journal therefore welcomes contributions exploring the field of somaesthetics through one -or more- of the many disciplines that already inform this field: philosophy, aesthetics, arts and design research, technology studies, somatic, health, and social sciences, history, physiology, psychology and pedagogy.\r\rThe Journal of Somaesthetics continuously publishes accepted and peer-reviewed articles and collected issue structured on a particular theme or topic. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Somali Studies", "ISSN": "20565674, 20565682", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Somali Studies is a peer reviewed interdisciplinary scholarly journal dedicated to advancing critical scholarship on the history, culture, politics, and economics of Somali society and the Greater Horn of African Countries (–Burundi, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda) both in the continent and in the Diaspora.It also welcomes well-researched articles on the notions of failed and fragile states. The JoSS welcomes submissions based on original research, comparative analyses, and conceptual and methodological essays. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of the History of Collections", "ISSN": "09546650, 14778564", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of the History of Collections is dedicated to the investigation and documentation of all aspects of collecting activity. Its interests range as far back as the earliest Renaissance cabinets and beyond – both medieval and Roman period collections have received attention in the past. No limit is set on more recent practice, so that essays on later twentieth-century collectors have featured regularly. The range of subject-matter treated in the Journal is equally catholic: the earliest universal collections and those that came to engage with more specialized subject areas receive equal attention. Indeed, it is a fundamental tenet of editorial policy that papers in whatever specialized discipline should be presented in a manner that renders them accessible to the whole readership – widespread in terms both of geography and of subject interest – and are not addressed to a single community. From its inception the Journal has sought to provide a platform from which researchers can speak to each other across disciplinary boundaries: it is well known that the mechanisms of collecting and classification developed in natural history, for example, came to influence practices amongst collectors and curators in the fine arts and in ethnography, hence every opportunity is taken here to illustrate and to illuminate the common ground that exists between all those whose researches were founded on material collections. More theoretically oriented papers on the history and theory of museums and museum practice are likely to be better placed elsewhere. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Jung Journal: Culture and Psyche", "ISSN": "19342039, 19342047", "Scope": "ScopeJung Journal: Culture & Psyche is an international quarterly published by the C.G. Jung Institute of San Francisco, one of the oldest institutions in America dedicated to Jungian studies and analytic training. Founded in 1979 by John Beebe under the title The San Francisco Jung Institute Library Journal, Jung Journal has evolved from a local journal of book and film reviews to one that attracts readers and contributors worldwide -- from the Academy, the arts, and from Jungian analyst-scholars.\r\rFeaturing peer-reviewed scholarly articles, poetry, art, book and film reviews, and obituaries, Jung Journal offers a dialogue between culture -- as reflected in art, literature, science, and world events -- and contemporary Jungian views of the dynamic relationship between the cultural and personal aspects of the human psyche.\rJung Journal: Culture & Psyche is a peer reviewed journal in which articles that are submitted for publication are double blind peer reviewed, meaning that neither the reviewer nor the author is known to one another. Commentary that is submitted to the editor from the peer reviewers is synthesized and given to the author from the Editor of the journal under her name. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Kriminologisches Journal", "ISSN": "3411966", "Scope": "ScopeKriminologisches Journal stellt abweichendes Verhalten und soziale Kontrolle in den Blickpunkt der Sozialwissenschaften, bringt Forschungsergebnisse und diskutiert Theorieansätze.\r\rKriminologisches Journal setzt sich kritisch mit Strukturen und Maßnahmen sozialer Kontrollinstanzen auseinander.\r\rKriminologisches Journal veröffentlicht ausschließlich Originalbeiträge. Alle als Aufsatz eingestuften Manuskripte werden von mindestens zwei qualifizierten Peer-Reviewern geprüft. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Legado de Arquitectura y Diseno", "ISSN": "20073615, 2448749X", "Scope": "ScopeLegado de Arquitectura y Diseño is a scientific research publication with the aim of disseminating studies, theoretical and empirical works and research on the field of architecture and the design of living space. The journal is aimed at researchers, professors and students. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Letras (Peru)", "ISSN": "03784878, 20715072", "Scope": "ScopeLetras (Lima) is the research journal intended for the publication of articles and results of original research studies, bibliographic review and opinion articles related to humanistic studies in the Peruvian and Latin American field with emphasis but not limited to:\r\r-Literature and literary theory\r-Language and linguistics\r-Arts & Humanities (general) Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Liaoning Gongcheng Jishu Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/Journal of Liaoning Technical University (Natural Science Edition)", "ISSN": "10080562", "Scope": "Scope辽宁工程技术大学学报(自然科学版)》 创刊于1979年,是辽宁省教育厅主管、辽宁工程技术大学主办的理工类综合性学术期刊。双月刊,国内外公开发行。办刊宗旨是:以马克思主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,坚决贯彻执行党和国家的有关科技、出版的路线、方针和政策,全面及时报道辽宁工程技术大学的最新学术成果,热心培养学术人才,为把辽宁工程技术大学大学建成以地矿类为特色的理工类、教学研究型、国内一流、国际知名的工程技术大学服务。主要栏目有:矿业工程、地质与测绘工程、土木与力学工程、电气工程与计算机技术、机械与材料工程等。本刊是中文核心期刊、辽宁省一级期刊。本刊所载论文或摘要被6家国际著名检索系统和6家国内著名数据库或检索刊物收录。 Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "MELUS", "ISSN": "0163755X, 19463170", "Scope": "ScopeMELUS , a prestigious and rigorous journal in the field of multi-ethnic literature of the United States, has been a vital resource for scholarship and teaching for more than forty years. Published quarterly, MELUS illuminates the national, international, and transnational contexts of US ethnic literature.\r\rArticles in MELUS also engage newly emerging art forms such as graphic narrative and internet blogs, as well as multi-ethnic film, history, and culture. By including interviews with well-established authors such as Maxine Hong Kingston and Richard Rodriguez, as well as more recent writers such as Cynthia Kadohata and Diana Abu-Jaber, MELUS plays a pivotal role in the field of US Ethnic Literature and is an indispensable resource for students, teachers, and scholars.\r\rThe journal is sponsored by the Society for the Study of the Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States. Founded in 1973, the society endeavors to expand the definition of American literature through the study and teaching of Latina/o American, Native American, African American, Asian and Pacific American, and ethnically specific Euro-American literary works, their authors, and their cultural contexts. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Metodicki Ogledi", "ISSN": "0353765X, 18482325", "Scope": "ScopeČasopis »Metodički ogledi« izlazi od 1990. godine. Osnivanje časopisa inicirano je potrebom za osvjetljavanjem bitnih pitanja odgoja u teoriji i praksi. »Metodički ogledi« pokrenuti su s ciljem zadovoljavanja komunikacijskih potreba stručnjaka različitih (filozofskih i znanstvenih) profila koji nastoje oko unaprjeđivanja metodika nastave različitih predmeta s osloncem u filozofiji, što neizostavno upućuje i na promišljanje odgojnih pitanja u cjelini. Časopis je namijenjen svima koji se bave odgojem i poučavanjem, nudeći im mjesto susreta i otvarajući prostor stvaralačkom djelovanju. Programska orijentacija časopisa »Metodički ogledi« usmjerava se na prikaz i sučeljavanje različitih filozofskih škola, krugova i orijentacija u pitanjima odgoja, poučavanja i nastave, nastojeći njegovati pluralizam mišljenja, kako bi mišljenje odgoja održao živim i otvorenim za novo. Jer, samo tako odgoj ima budućnost, i samo je s takvim odgojem budućnost uopće moguća. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Museum Anthropology", "ISSN": "08928339, 15481379", "Scope": "ScopeMuseum Anthropology seeks to be a leading voice for scholarly research on the collection, interpretation, and representation of the material world. Through critical articles, provocative commentaries, and thoughtful reviews, this peer-reviewed journal aspires to cultivate vibrant dialogues that reflect the global and transdisciplinary work of museums. Situated at the intersection of practice and theory, Museum Anthropology advances our knowledge of the ways in which material objects are intertwined with living histories of cultural display, economics, socio-politics, law, memory, ethics, colonialism, conservation, and public education.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Music Reference Services Quarterly", "ISSN": "10588167", "Scope": "ScopeMusic Reference Services Quarterly is a refereed journal covering all aspects of the management and use of music collections and services in academic, orchestra, public, conservatory, and performing/fine arts libraries, as well as archives and museums.\rThe Journal emphasizes research related to administration and management, bibliographic instruction, collection development, digital audio delivery, electronic resources, facilities, music librarianship education, preservation of music materials, reference services, cataloging, and bibliographies relating to printed music and audio-visual materials.\r\rThe Journal publishes conceptual papers, literature reviews, practical case studies and opinion pieces. Regular columns include electronic resource reviews, book reviews and interviews. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Online Journal of Analytic Combinatorics", "ISSN": "19313365", "Scope": "ScopeOJAC publishes papers on a wide range of topics, from analysis to number theory and combinatorics, with emphasis on the convergence and interactions between these fields. We particularly encourage submission of articles which may have one of the following features:\r\rCombinatorial results and analytic methods;\rAnalytic results and combinatorial methods;\rA mixture of combinatorics and analysis in the methods or in their applications. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Psicologia em Estudo", "ISSN": "14137372", "Scope": "ScopeTo publish original texts on themes in the area of Psychology and its interfaces with the Human Sciences and Health Sciences, problematizing the current reality, contributing to the practice in Psychology and promoting theoretical development. From the methodological point of view, the journal Psicologia em Estudo publishes articles that are based exclusively on the qualitative perspective. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Internacional de Acupuntura", "ISSN": "18878369, 19886705", "Scope": "ScopeLa Revista Internacional de Acupuntura es una revista científica dedicada a la acupuntura y sus técnicas relacionadas, así como a la medicina tradicional china (MTC) en todos sus aspectos. Tiene como objeto despertar las inquietudes de los acupuntores de habla hispana a la vez que les ofrece la posibilidad de difundir los resultados de sus experiencias clínicas o de sus investigaciones. La Revista Internacional de Acupuntura considerará para su publicación trabajos relacionados con la MTC en general y la acupuntura y sus técnicas relacionadas en particular, sus aplicaciones clínicas como método terapéutico, sus fundamentos científicos a la luz de los conocimientos actuales, así como las investigaciones clínicas y básicas sobre sus bases diagnósticas o terapéuticas. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Juridica Austral", "ISSN": "26840537, 2684057X", "Scope": "ScopeThe Revista Jurídica Austral is an open access semi-annual publication of the Universidad Austral Law School, whose purpose is communicating original and unpublished scientific research in all branches of national and comparative law, with the aim of making significant contributions to the development of the different legal disciplines, providing valid and useful criteria for the analysis and interpretation of law to its readers.\r\rIt is mainly addressed to academics, researchers, professors, university students, members of the three branches of government (at any level), research centers, public and private organizations and legal operators in general. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais", "ISSN": "1645586X", "Scope": "ScopeThe main purpose of RPER is to publish the results of the most recent research in the interdisciplinary area of Regional Science, embracing regional, local and urban studies, mainly focusing on the Portuguese situation.\r\rRPER was originally created to be a privileged medium for presenting the results of research conducted in various Universities and research centers, and reporting practices employed in local and regional public administration bodies, so that experiences can be exchanged and further discussed.\r\rThe Review aims attaining an audience of academics and other professionals dealing with various space and territory issues: economists, urban planners, geographers, sociologists, engineers, etc.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revue de Linguistique Romane", "ISSN": "351458", "Scope": "ScopeThe Revue de Linguistique romane (RLiR) has since 1925 been the publishing outlet of the “Société de Linguistique Romane” (SLiR). There are two issues per annum (June/December), in total 640 pages. The RLiR covers the whole field of Romance linguistics, i.e. individual languages (e.g. French, Italian, Spanish), varieties of these languages, and comparative studies. The methodological focus of the RLiR is deliberately wide and covers in particular comparative and variationist lingustics as well as diachronic problems; in addition, the journal has a well-established interest in medieval and philological research. Original articles and critical reviews occupy roughly equal numbers of pages. The RLiR is peer reviewed by international expertes in their field and members of the SLiR. An online version (retrospective digitalization of journal so far) is currently being prepared. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revue Medicale de Liege", "ISSN": "0370629X, 25661566", "Scope": "ScopeThe Medical Review of Liege is a tool for continuous medical training being addressed to students, general practitioners, and specialists. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "RISTI - Revista Iberica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informacao", "ISSN": "16469895", "Scope": "ScopeA RISTI (Revista Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação) é um periódico científico, propriedade da AISTI (Associação Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação), que foca a investigação e a aplicação prática inovadora no domínio dos sistemas e tecnologias de informação. É um periódico trimestral que publica artigos originais e inovadores aceites num processo de avaliação por, pelo menos, três membros do Conselho Científico.\r\rCada número da RISTI aborda uma temática específica, que é anunciada previamente na chamada de artigos, sendo aceites somente 6 a 10 artigos para publicação. A taxa média de aceitação é bastante apertada, situando-se abaixo dos 18%.\r\rA RISTI é publicada gratuitamente em versão electrónica (on-line) e em versão impressa. A versão electrónica é de acesso livre. Os associados da AISTI recebem gratuitamente, por correio postal, a versão impressa. Os não associados podem subscrever ou encomendar exemplares desta versão. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Rossijskij Bioterapevticeskij Zurnal", "ISSN": "17269784, 17269792", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Russian Cardiology Bulletin", "ISSN": "20776764, 2712889X", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Shengxue Xuebao/Acta Acustica", "ISSN": "3710025", "Scope": "ScopeACTA ACUSTICA (Chinese version) and the Chinese Journal of Acoustics (in English) are the publications of the Institute of Acoustics, The Chinese Academy of Sciences, edited by the Acoustical Society of China and the Editorial Board of Chinese Journal of Acoustics, to publish original works in all branches of acoustics, and to promote the international understanding and collaboration in the field of acoustics.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Theatre Journal", "ISSN": "01922882, 1086332X", "Scope": "ScopeFor seven decades, Theatre Journal's broad array of scholarly articles and reviews has earned it an international reputation as one of the most authoritative and useful publications of theatre studies available today. Drawing contributions from noted practitioners and scholars, Theatre Journal features social and historical studies, production reviews, and theoretical inquiries that analyze dramatic texts and production. Theatre Journal is an official publication of the Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series B: Chemistry and Materials Science", "ISSN": "14542331", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localizedJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet", "ISSN": "23276916, 23276932", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map", "ISSN": "23291311, 2329132X", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "USDA Forest Service - General Technical Report PNW", "ISSN": "8874840", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Vakuum in Forschung und Praxis", "ISSN": "0947076X, 15222454", "Scope": "ScopeVIP - Vakuum in Forschung und Praxis - Zeitschrift für Vakuumtechnologie, Oberflächen und Dünne Schichten ist die einzige Zeitschrift für alle Bereiche der Vakuumtechnologie und Dünnschichttechnik, die sich als Brücke und Bindeglied zwischen Wissenschaftlern, Praktikern und Anwendern aus Forschung, Entwicklung und Produktion versteht. Sie berichtet und informiert über neueste Entwicklungen und Erkenntnisse.\r\rVIP - Vakuum in Forschung und Praxis veröffentlicht u.a.\r\r-Übersichtsartikel-\rFachaufsätze-\rreferierte Beiträge aus der Forschung-\rAnwenderberichte-\rProduktinformationen-\rInterviews-\rBuchbesprechungen und -hinweise-\rProdukt- und Lieferantenverzeichnis Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Vascular Access", "ISSN": "19136692", "Scope": "ScopeVascular Access, the CVAA journal, is published three times a year and it has much in the way of excellent information regarding every aspect of vascular access and infusion therapy. There are many pertinent topics covered in each issue. A subscription to Vascular Access is free with a CVAA membership. PDF copies of back issues are available on the website for CVAA members. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo Universiteta, Istoriya", "ISSN": "18129323, 25419390", "Scope": "ScopeFounded in 1956, \"Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. History\" is the oldest journal of historical scholarship in Saint Petersburg.\r\rVestnik of Saint Petersburg University. History publishes the finest materials submitted by representatives of the world leading research centres of historical scholarship. The Journal publishes manuscripts both in Russian and in English.\r\rVestnik of Saint Petersburg University. History is published quarterly and it comprises a wide variety of research materials, such as academic articles, book reviews, and previously unpublished primary sources.\r\rThe Journal is included in the list of the leading refereed academic journals and periodicals recommended by the Higher Attestation Committee at the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, assigned for publication of the key results of doctoral dissertations (including the both Russian doctoral degrees: the PhD and the Doctor of History). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Whatever", "ISSN": "2611657X", "Scope": "ScopeFrom its very beginnings, queer has again and again proved its unpredictable productivity, its irrepressible vitality, its unconditional refusal to be circumscribed, defined, tamed. Queer is, of course, well established in the field of LGBTI studies, where it has quickly achieved the worldwide recognition it deserves; in addition, today, scholars and activists the world over are spinning queer outwards in a range of new and exciting directions, such as (to name but a few) neuroqueer, animal queer, queer economies, queer pedagogies, or the queer politics of migration. Their daring and original work is a powerful testimonial to the productivity and vitality of a clusterof theories which deserve to be more widely known and applied, both in scholarship, teaching and research, and in activism, advocacy, and policy-making.\r\rWe would like Whatever to host, facilitate and promote a conversation among scholars working with these theories, whatever their research interests, methodological allegiances, and disciplinary affiliations. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "WikiJournal of Medicine", "ISSN": "20024436", "Scope": "ScopeWikiJournal of Medicine is an ISSN-registered, peer reviewed, open access journal in medicine and biomedicine published free of charge. The journal is hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation, the same organization that runs Wikipedia. Articles that pass peer-review are published as a citeable, indexed PDF, and suitable text and images are integrated into Wikipedia and related projects (with a link to the indexed PDF). The vast readership of Wikipedia results in a high effective impact of included works.\r\rThe journal publishes both review articles and original research in various formats. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Academia Economic Papers", "ISSN": "1018161X, 18104851", "Scope": "ScopeAcademia Economic Papers is a journal published by the Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica. It was founded in 1973, first started as a biannual journal and then a quarterly journal since 1996. Academia Economic Papers has received Distinguished Journal Publication Prizes awarded by the National Science Council (Taiwan) from 1998 to 2004.To pursue even better academic qualities, Academia Economic Papers has invited notable domestic and foreign scholars to serve as the members of the editorial board. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Academia (Greece)", "ISSN": "22411402", "Scope": "ScopeACADEMIA encourages papers on reported research results, procedures and methodologies; theoretical analyses in Higher Education; comparative approaches and international aspects of practice and policy with a view to identifying transferable methods, systems and good practice. ACADEMIA especially wishes to focus on the social dimension of Higher Education and the relationship between University, Democracy and Labor Market. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "ACDI Anuario Colombiano de Derecho Internacional", "ISSN": "20271131, 21454493", "Scope": "ScopeEl Anuario es una publicación científica arbitrada que tiene como objetivo difundir, en Colombia y en el exterior, la producción de conocimiento sobre Derecho Internacional. Para ello, publica artículos inéditos en las áreas del Derecho Internacional Público, Derecho Internacional Privado, Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos, Derecho Internacional Económico y Arbitraje Internacional de Inversión escritos por investigadores nacionales y extranjeros. Su periodicidad es anual y el volumen del año correspondiente se publica en el mes de enero. Se reciben contribuciones en español, inglés, francés y portugués. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Acta Zoologica Lilloana", "ISSN": "00651729, 18526098", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Advances in gerontology = Uspekhi gerontologii / Rossiiskaia akademiia nauk, Gerontologicheskoe obshchestvo", "ISSN": "15619125", "Scope": "ScopeВыходит с 1997 г.\r\rПериодичность: c 2007 г. — 4 номера в год, с 2017 г. — 6 номеров в год\r\rЖурнал зарегистрирован Министерством РФ по делам печати, телерадиовещания и средств массовых коммуникаций. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Advances in Ophthalmology and Optometry", "ISSN": "24521760", "Scope": "ScopeAdvances in Ophthalmology and Optometry reviews the most current practices in both ophthalmology and optometry. A distinguished editorial board, headed by Dr. Myron Yanoff, identifies key areas of major progress and controversy and invites expert ophthalmologists and Optometrists to contribute original articles devoted to these topics. These insightful overviews bring concepts to a clinical level and explore their everyday impact on patient care. Topics will cover all specialty areas, highlighting the most current and relevant information in the field. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "African Finance Journal", "ISSN": "16059786", "Scope": "ScopeThe African Finance Journal (AFJ) is published twice a year and edited at Africagrowth Institute. The Journal is jointly published by the Institute and the African Finance Association. AFJ publishes significant new research in finance, accounting and economics relevant to Africa and strives to establish a balance between theoretical and empirical studies. The principal criteria for inclusion are a paper's quality and contribution to the field of Finance, Accounting and Economics without undue regard to its technical content. The Journal’s target group include academics, research institutions, governments, students and other policy makers. All articles published in AFJ are blind-peer-reviewed by two anonymous referees. The AFJ is listed in Econlit, Repec, Scopus and IBSS. The journal is accredited by the South African National Department of Education for the purpose of research subsidy. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Aportes", "ISSN": "02135868, 23864850", "Scope": "ScopeAportes, Revista de Historia Contemporánea es una publicación científica dedicada al estudio de la España Contemporánea. En sus páginas encontrarán cabida todas las investigaciones que aporten nuevas luces al mejor conocimiento de lo acaecido en nuestro país a partir del reinado de Carlos IV.\r\rEn aquellas ocasiones en que lo considere oportuno, el Consejo Editorial de la revista podrá encargar a un prestigioso especialista que coordine un número monográfico o un conjunto de artículos que configuren el cuerpo central del mismo.\r\rSe publicaran, asimismo, reseñas de las obras de Historia Contemporánea de España que se consideren más relevantes. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Asim, Allerji, Immunoloji", "ISSN": "13089234", "Scope": "ScopeAsthma Allergy Immunology is the periodical journal ofthe Turkish National Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, three times a year. The aim of the journal; is to present advances in the field of allergic diseases and clinical immunology to the readers. In accordance with this goal, manuscripts in the format of original research, review, case report, articles about clinical and practical applications and editorials, short report and letters to the editor about allergic diseases and clinical immunology are published in the journal. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Bibliotecas", "ISSN": "14093049, 16593286", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Cambridge International Law Journal", "ISSN": "23989173, 23989181", "Scope": "ScopeThe Cambridge International Law Journal (CILJ) succeeds the Cambridge Journal of International and Comparative Law (CJICL) which was established in 2011 by the postgraduate students of the University of Cambridge.\r\rThe CILJ is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal with a broad focus on international law. The Journal provides a platform for both young and well-established academics to publish outstanding research on cutting-edge, highly topical international law issues alongside, and in dialogue, with each other.\r\rThe Journal is published by Edward Elgar Publishing, a leading international academic and professional publisher with a strong focus on the social sciences and legal fields. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Capitalism and Society", "ISSN": "19320213, 21946140", "Scope": "ScopeThe Center on Capitalism and Society aims to further understanding of the mechanisms of capitalist dynamism and the satisfactions it gives. Today’s established economics—the economics dominant in classrooms, banks and governments—misconceives the modern economy. This disconnect has consequences for how we understand history, how we make policy, and how we view capitalism. Its explanations fail and mislead at important junctures in modern history. Until economics is grounded on the basic character of modern economies—the ignorance, the uncertainty, and the new ideas for speculation and innovation—it limits and distorts our view. In capitalist economies, new commercial ideas are the driving force. The implementation of many of them is boundless because either they do not require technological advance or they induce the advance they need. \rThis publication (supported by a generous grant from the Kauffman Foundation) provides an outlet for scholarly work that advances the goals of the Center, especially for those articles whose length, subject matter, approach, etc. might preclude publication in a standard journal. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Contemporary Literature", "ISSN": "00107484, 15489949", "Scope": "ScopeContemporary Literature publishes scholarly essays on contemporary writing in English, interviews with established and emerging authors, and reviews of recent critical books in the field. The journal welcomes articles on multiple genres, including poetry, the novel, drama, creative nonfiction, new media and digital literature, and graphic narrative. Contemporary Literature published the first articles on Thomas Pynchon and Susan Howe and the first interviews with Margaret Drabble and Don DeLillo; it also helped to introduce Kazuo Ishiguro, Eavan Boland, and J. M. Coetzee to American readers. As a forum for discussing issues animating the range of contemporary literary studies, Contemporary Literature features the full diversity of critical practices. The editors seek articles that frame their analysis of texts within larger literary historical, theoretical, or cultural debates. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Current Issues in Pharmacy and Medical Sciences", "ISSN": "2084980X", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal Current Issues in Pharmacy and Medical Sciences globally welcomes all researchers and authors interested in the field of pharmaceutical and medical research.\r\rCurrent Issues in Pharmacy and Medical Sciences provides a platform to authors and readers interested in exchange of important recent research and ideas. The Journal welcomes both fundamental and applied work, as well as improvement initiatives, opinions and debates to encourage new thinking in the related fields. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Dental Hypotheses", "ISSN": "21558213", "Scope": "ScopeDental Hypotheses is to provide a forum for the presentation and criticism of original, innovative and thought provocative ideas in dentistry and the related sciences.\rDental Hypotheses will publish new, challenging and radical ideas, so long as they are coherent and clearly expressed. Most dental journals will publish ideas only in papers which also report observations. As the best scientists have repeatedly emphasized, this gives a misleading impression of the process of discovery. Dental Hypotheses can therefore form a bridge between cutting edge theory and the mainstream of dental scientific communication, which ideas must eventually enter if they are to be critiqued and tested against observations. This also means that we encourage authors to take responsibility for their ideas.\rDental Hypotheses is the official publication of the American Biodontics Society and the Center for Research and Education in Technology. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Departures in Critical Qualitative Research", "ISSN": "23339489, 23339497", "Scope": "ScopeDepartures in Critical Qualitative Research (Departures) publishes peer reviewed, innovative, experimental, aesthetic, and provocative works on the theories, practices, and possibilities of critical qualitative research. We welcome and showcase state of the art work in performative writing, performance texts, fictocriticism, creative nonfiction, photo essays, short stories, poetry, personal narrative, autoethnography, and other arts-based critical research. We are deeply committed to publishing interdisciplinary qualitative work that engages postcolonial and transnational perspectives in both local and global contexts. To this end, Departures seeks to publish critical and innovative qualitative work on contemporary political and social justice issues such as climate change, food insecurity, the refugee crisis, #BlackLivesMatter, #metoo, immigration, DACA, LGBTQ rights, indigenous rights, among others. We actively solicit and invite participation from minority, international, women of color, and immigrant scholars who are doing innovative, poetic, autoethnographic, decolonial, fictional, and other creative work from their various contexts, positions, and locations. We welcome and encourage informal queries. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Elektrotehniski Vestnik/Electrotechnical Review", "ISSN": "00135852, 22323228", "Scope": "ScopeElektrotehniški vestnik is journal of electrical engineering and computer science. The journal has respectful publishing tradition and we celebrated 80th volume in 2013. We publish original scientific papers in Slovene and English language on the topics including, but not limited to:\r\rPower Engineering\rTelecommunications\rComputer Science\rAutomatic Control and Robotics\rBiomedical Engineering, Pattern Recognition\rElectronics and Measurement\rElectrotechnical and Computer Science Theory. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Endeavour", "ISSN": "01609327, 18731929", "Scope": "ScopeEndeavour, established in 1942, has, over its long and proud history, developed into one of the leading journals in the history and philosophy of science. Endeavour publishes high-quality articles on a wide array of scientific topics from ancient to modern, across all disciplines. It serves as a critical forum for the interdisciplinary exploration and evaluation of natural knowledge and its development throughout history. Each issue contains lavish color and black-and-white illustrations. This makes Endeavour an ideal destination for history and philosophy of science articles with a strong visual component.\r\rEndeavour presents the history and philosophy of science in a clear and accessible manner, ensuring the journal is a valuable tool for historians, philosophers, practicing scientists, and general readers. To enable it to have the broadest coverage possible, Endeavour features four types of articles:\r\r-Research articles are concise, fully referenced, and beautifully illustrated with high quality reproductions of the most important source material.\r\r-In Vivo articles will illustrate the rich and numerous connections between historical and philosophical scholarship and matters of current public interest, and provide rich, readable explanations of important current events from historical and philosophical perspectives.\r\r-Book Reviews and Commentaries provide a picture of the rapidly growing history of science discipline. Written by both established and emerging scholars, our reviews provide a vibrant overview of the latest publications and media in the history and philosophy of science.\r\r-Lost and Found Pieces are playful and creative short essays which focus on objects, theories, tools, and methods that have been significant to science but underappreciated by collective memory. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Epoche", "ISSN": "10851968, 21538603", "Scope": "ScopeEpoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy considers the history and tradition of philosophy to be an essential part of contemporary philosophical discourse. Open to all areas and thematics arising out of the history of philosophy, Epoché welcomes articles that take up historical, critical, and deconstructive approaches to the great philosophical debates surrounding religion and God, metaphysics, questions of human knowledge and conduct, and of language and aesthetics. It is particularly interested in articles that offer a continental or hermeneutic approach, but is committed to a pluralist orientation and an exchange of diverse ideas and approaches. It also welcomes submissions on the philosophy of history and the question of how to read the history of philosophy. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Espiritu", "ISSN": "140716", "Scope": "ScopeEspíritu is a philosophical journal founded in Barcelona in 1952 by Fr. Juan Roig Gironella, S.I. For seventy years, the journal has worked with the purpose of promoting philosophical reflection and spreading knowledge through articles of high scientific quality. It is bianual edited by the Instituto Filosófico and the Instituto Santo Tomás of the Fundación Balmesiana, through Editorial Balmes.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Estudos do Quaternario", "ISSN": "08740801, 21828660", "Scope": "ScopeA revista Estudos do Quaternário publica trabalhos científicos de diferentes áreas temáticas, incluindo a Antropologia, Arqueologia, Botânica, Geografia, Geologia, História, focados na investigação do Quaternário de Portugal ou de outros países. Artigos com caráter interdisciplinar são particularmente apreciados. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Food and History", "ISSN": "17803187, 20342101", "Scope": "ScopeFood & History is published by the European Institute for the History and Cultures of Food (IEHCA - http://iehca.eu/en/publications/food-history). It is the leading specialised journal in Europe in the field of food history. Food & History aims at presenting, promoting and diffusing research that focuses on food from a historical perspective. The journal studies food history from different points of view. It embraces aspects of social, economic, religious, political and cultural history. It deals at the same time with questions of consumption, production, provisioning and distribution, medical aspects, culinary practices, gastronomy and restaurants. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Foundations and Trends in Web Science", "ISSN": "1555077X, 15550788", "Scope": "ScopeThe growth in all aspects of research in the last decade has led to a multitude of new publications and an exponential increase in published research. Finding a way through the excellent existing literature and keeping up to date has become a major time-consuming problem. Electronic publishing has given researchers instant access to more articles than ever before. But which articles are the essential ones that should be read to understand and keep abreast with developments of any topic? To address this problem Foundations and Trends® in Web Science publishes high-quality survey and tutorial monographs of the field. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Frontiers of Philosophy in China", "ISSN": "16733436, 1673355X", "Scope": "ScopeFrontiers of Philosophy in China aims to disseminate new scholarly achievements in the field of broadly defined philosophy, and to promote philosophical research of the highest level by publishing peer-reviewed academic articles that facilitate communication and cooperation among philosophers in China and abroad. The journal covers nearly all the main branches of philosophy, with priority given to original works on Chinese philosophy and to comparative studies between Chinese philosophy and other types of philosophy in the world. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Historia del Presente", "ISSN": "15798135", "Scope": "ScopeLa Revista, pretende ser portavoz y aglutinar a historiadores de diversas instituciones, interesados por el estudio del corto siglo XX de España, aunque está abierta a las colaboraciones sobre otros países y a la historia comparada. Es evaluada anónimamente por pares y sometida a controles externos. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "ICL Journal", "ISSN": "19955855, 23063734", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Implicit Religion", "ISSN": "14639955, 17431697", "Scope": "ScopeThis international journal offers a platform for scholarship that challenges the traditional boundary between religion and non-religion and the tacit assumptions underlying this distinction. It invites contributions from a critical perspective on various cultural formations that are usually excluded from religion by the gatekeeping practices of the general public, practitioners, the law, and even some scholars of religion. Taking a broad, Implicit Religion showcases analyses of material from the mundane to the extraordinary, but always with critical questions in mind such as: why is this data boundary-challenging? what do such marginal cases tell us about boundary management and category formation with respect to religion? and what interests are being served through acts of inclusion and exclusion? Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ingenius", "ISSN": "1390650X, 1390860X", "Scope": "ScopeINGENIUS publishes original contributions in Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Computer Science (miscellaneous) and its integration in what is now known as Mechatronics, as well as related areas: Automation, Control, Domotics, Robotics in its different fields of action and all those disciplines connected interdisciplinarily with the central thematic line.\r\rIt is aimed at students, teachers, researchers and general public who work in the development and innovation of systems, products and processes where the synergy of the Engineering is consolidated; professionals in the areas of Mechanics, Electrical, Electronics, Computing and currently Mechatronics use the published contributions to support and develop new research, product innovation and technology development that allows to favor and cover the industrial and society needs in general; publishes with a fixed biannual frequency (january-june and july-december). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International Review of the Aesthetics and Sociology of Music", "ISSN": "3515796", "Scope": "ScopeIRASM is the only world journal specialized for the aesthetics and sociology of music. It has been published continuously since 1970, with more than 640 articles by over 100 outstanding musicologists, sociologists and aestheticians coming from 27 countries all over the world. Articles are published in English, French and German, with summaries in Croatian. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "International SAMPE Technical Conference", "ISSN": "-", "Scope": "ScopeEach year, nearly five thousand industry partners attend SAMPE to find new and innovative materials and business solutions. Directly engage with domestic and international buyers, manufacturers and suppliers - spanning the Aerospace/Aircraft, Automotive, Marine, Energy and many other industries.\r\r\rSAMPE brings together the top experts and organizations, C-Level executives, engineers, scientists, students, and professionals from throughout the advanced materials and processes ecosystem. Attend SAMPE to ensure that you're able to reach these decision makers. \rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Issues in Language Studies", "ISSN": "21802726", "Scope": "ScopeIssues in Language Studies is a publication of the Faculty of Language and Communication (formerly known as Centre for Language Studies), Universiti Malaysia Sarawak. The journal publishes articles on teaching, learning and the study of languages two times a year in June and December. It offers a forum for the discussion of local issues that are of global concern. It is a double-blind refereed online journal published bi-annually. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Issues in Law and Medicine", "ISSN": "87568160", "Scope": "ScopeIssues in Law & Medicine is a peer reviewed professional journal published semiannually. Founded in 1985, ILM is co-sponsored by the National Legal Center for the Medically Dependent & Disabled, Inc. and the Watson Bowes Research Institute.\r\rIssues is devoted to providing technical and informational assistance to attorneys, health care professionals, educators and administrators on legal, medical, and ethical issues arising from health care decisions. Its subscribers include law libraries, medical libraries, university libraries, court libraries, attorneys, physicians, university professors and other scholars, primarily in the U.S. and Canada, but also in Austria, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Italy, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Japan, Russia, South Korea, Spain, Taiwan, and the United Kingdom.\r\rIssues includes original articles, verbatim legal documents, analytical summaries of recent national and international court decisions, abstracts of medical, legal, and ethical journal articles, and announcements of new books.\r\rIssues has been cited in the published opinions of at least fourteen state and federal courts of appeal, including two United States Supreme Court and seven state supreme court opinions, and cited in more than 1100 law review articles.Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Jordan Medical Journal", "ISSN": "4469283", "Scope": "ScopeThe Jordan Medical Journal (JMJ) is a peer refereed journal that deals with current and future research issues in the medical field. The members of the Editorial Board are drawn from the highest echelons of Jordan academia and practitioners in the medical field. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Applied Horticulture", "ISSN": "9721045", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Journal of Archaeological Studies", "ISSN": "22519297, 26764288", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Archaeological Studies of the Faculty of Literature and Humanities, University of Tehran, is a scientific journal that is published in two issues a year. This is a percentage magazine to publish articles with original and new ideas and scientific content. Archeology is the study of human cultures through the retrieval, documentation, and analysis of human material remains, such as architecture, handicrafts, human remains, or the earth. The ultimate goal of archeology is to shed light on human history and the rise and fall of civilization. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Bamboo and Rattan", "ISSN": "15691586, 15691594", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Bamboo and Rattan is an international peer-reviewed scientific journal published biannually by the Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi, Thrissur, Kerala State, India.\rThe of the Journal encompasses the following broad areas of studies on bamboo and rattan:\r\rBiology, genetic resources and conservation\rBiotechnology and genetic improvement\rEnvironment\rPropagation\rManagement of natural stands and plantations\rUtilization, value addition and engineering applications\rMarketing and socio-economics\rPolicy issues. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior", "ISSN": "8998620", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction & Complaining Behavior primary objective is to publish cutting-edge research related to the concept of satisfaction, as well as those constructs which serve as antecedents and/or outcomes of satisfying experiences. The journal seeks to promote theory development in these areas via reporting quantitative and/or qualitative inquiries, as well as conceptual. Established in 1988, the journal been the recognized leader in its field. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Egyptian History", "ISSN": "18741657, 18741665", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Egyptian History aims to encourage and stimulate a focused debate on writing and interpreting Egyptian history ranging from the Neolithic foundations of Ancient Egypt to its modern reception. It covers all aspects of Ancient Egyptian history (political, social, economic, and intellectual) and of modern historiography about Ancient Egypt (methodologies, hermeneutics, interplay between historiography and other disciplines, and history of modern Egyptological historiography). Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Global Business and Technology", "ISSN": "15535495, 26162733", "Scope": "ScopeAs an interdisciplinary refereed journal, the purpose of the Journal of Global Business and Technology (JGBAT) is to contribute to the advancement of knowledge related to the theory and practice of international business and technology management. Its primary goal is to present scholarly and managerially relevant articles on a wide variety of topics in international business and technology management to a broad audience in academia (educators, administrators, students), industry (business executives, consultants), as well as those involved in formulating and implementing public policy. The unique contribution of the journal is managerial policy and region-specific research. Articles should be timely and relevant. Authors are required to provide guidelines, techniques, and suggestions for problem solving in international business and technology management. Case studies relating to specific organizations, products/services, and industries are also welcome. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Interactive Learning Research", "ISSN": "1093023X", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Interactive Learning Research (JILR) publishes papers related to the underlying theory, design, implementation, effectiveness, and impact on education and training of the following interactive learning environments:\r\r-authoring systems, cognitive tools for learning computer-assisted language learning-\rcomputer-based assessment systems, computer-based training-\rcomputer-mediated communications, computer-supported collaborative learning-\rdistributed learning environments, electronic performance support systems-\rinteractive learning environments, interactive multimedia systems-\rinteractive simulations and games, intelligent agents on the Internet-\rintelligent tutoring systems, microworlds, virtual reality based learning systems Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Kerman University of Medical Sciences", "ISSN": "10239510, 20082843", "Scope": "ScopeJKMU is an international peer-reviewed multi-disciplinary journal, scheduled to appear bi-monthly covering all areas of medical research relevant to human diseases and basic medical sciences. The journal welcomes articles reporting original research related to both animal and human medical investigations, case report, short communication and letter to the editor. Review articles, written by experts in the journal area of interest with references to the author own published works are also accepted. This English language journal aims at rapid publication of research results while maintaining the quality of journal in regard to the significance of published materials.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Military and Veterans' Health", "ISSN": "18351271", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Military and Veterans’ Health is the official journal of the Australasian Military Medicine Association www.amma.asn.au. It is a peer reviewed journal dedicated to supporting the publication of research and information on military medicine and veterans’ health, recognising that the impact of military service translates into health effects on military personnel long after they retire. It provides and promotes information for those health professionals who are working in, researching or have an interest in the unique facets of medicine and health of military personnel and veterans.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of Religious and Theological Information", "ISSN": "10477845, 15286924", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Religious & Theological Information is a resource for bibliographers, librarians, and scholars interested in the literature of religion and theology. Both international and pluralistic in, this peer-reviewed journal encourages the publication of research and scholarship in the field of library and information studies as it relates to religious studies and related fields, including philosophy, ethnic studies, anthropology, sociology, and historical approaches to religion. By \"information\" we refer to both print and electronic, and both published and unpublished information. A board of consulting editors assists the editor in reviewing submissions as well as maintaining awareness of developments in the fields covered. Journal of Religious & Theological Information welcomes submissions using various methodologies, including empirical research, essays, and critical reviews.\r\rThis journal focuses on various stages in librarianship for religious and theological information, such as:\r\rProduction,\rDissemination,\rUse,\rStorage,\rRetrieval,\rPreservation,\rBibliography,\rCollection development,\rInstruction and information literacy,\rDigitization,\rSpecial collections and archives,\rHistory of libraries and librarianship,\rCensorship and intellectual freedom.\r\rThe journal fills a gap in the literature of library and information science. Because existing serial publications have more restricted editorial policies and tend to address the immediate issues of various associations of librarians responsible for religious or theological libraries, the Journal of Religious & Theological Information complements these publications by its more inclusive editorial. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of the Geodetic Society of Japan", "ISSN": "00380830, 2185517X", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of the Geodetic Society of Japan (named \"the Journal\" hereafter) is the publication of the Geodetic Society of Japan (named \"the Society\" hereafter) containing manuscripts on geodesy and its related research field written in either Japanese or English, and the Society activities. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand", "ISSN": "1252208", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal of Medical Association of Thailand publishs original and review articles including case report that relate to the study or research on diseases, epidemiology, drug or vaccine that have the influence on clinical course, treatment and prevention of human illnessJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Jurnal Keperawatan Padjadjaran", "ISSN": "23385324, 24427276", "Scope": "ScopeThe focus of Jurnal Keperawatan Padjadjaran (JKP) is to promote excellence in nursing sciences and practice through the dissemination of the latest, evidence-based, peer-reviewed clinical information and original research. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "KGK Kautschuk Gummi Kunststoffe", "ISSN": "9483276", "Scope": "ScopeKGK is the only bilingual trade and technical magazine in the world focusing on development, processing and applications in the caoutchouc, rubber and plastics industry.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Lexis - Journal in English Lexicology", "ISSN": "19516215", "Scope": "ScopeLexis – Journal in English Lexicology is an e-journal with an international scientific committee; it publishes articles on the English lexicon (thematic issues, “book review” section, special issues, etc.), from a synchronic as well as from a diachronic perspective. Lexis accepts articles in English and in French. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Linchan Huaxue Yu Gongye/Chemistry and Industry of Forest Products", "ISSN": "2532417", "Scope": "ScopeChemistry and Industry of Forest Products is an academic journal, sponsored by Institute of Chemical Industry of Forest Products, Chinese Academy of Forestry and Forest Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Branch of Chinese Society of Forestry.Chemistry and Industry of Forest Products publishes the paper and articles in chemical processing and utilization of renewable wood and non-woody biomass resources, including biomass energy, biomass chemicals, biomass new materials, biomass natural active ingredients, pulp and paper, etc. The of the journal includes new research achievements in rosin chemistry, biomass chemistry, biomass carbon materials, biomass-based functional polymer materials, adhesive chemistry, chemical utilization of forest plant extracts, environment protection engineering, wood pulp and paper-based forestry-paper integration, forest chemical engineering research and design of equipment. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Linguistica Uralica", "ISSN": "8684731", "Scope": "ScopeThe Linguistica Uralica is published by the Estonian Academy of Sciences (Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia) in collaboration with the University of Tartu.\r\rThe Linguistica Uralica publishes peer reviewed primary research papers in English, German, and Russian.\rPapers dealing with any aspect of Uralic (Finno-Ugric and Samoyedic) linguistics are welcome on fully international basis.\rAll scientific papers to be published in the Journal are reviewed internationally.\rIt is published quarterly (in March, June, September and December), and all articles are provided with short English, German, Russian or French summaries. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Literary Journalism Studies", "ISSN": "1944897X, 19448988", "Scope": "ScopeLiterary Journalism Studies, a peer-reviewed journal sponsored by the International Association for Literary Journalism Studies (IALJS), invites submission of scholarly articles on literary journalism, which is also known as narrative journalism, literary reportage, reportage literature, New Journalism, and the non-fiction novel, as well as literary non-fiction and creative non-fiction that emphasizes cultural revelation. In other countries it can go by still other names. The journal is international in and seeks submissions on the theory, history, and pedagogy of literary journalism throughout the world. All disciplinary approaches are welcome. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Malaysian Journal of Music", "ISSN": "26009331, 26009366", "Scope": "ScopeThe Malaysian Journal of Music (MJM), previously known as the Malaysian Music Journal (MMJ) (2012-2017), is a double-blind peer-reviewed academic journal that highlights music research and scholarship. It is a forum for music scholars to critically discuss issues related to music. Whilst the journal is based in Malaysia, articles from any region with thereotically robust and empirically engaging content are welcomed. We invite submissions of original articles from a wide spectrum of research areas including musicology, ethnomusicology, music education, performance, composition, music technology, popular music, music therapy and music business. Multidisciplinary research that includes music is also welcomed. Our journal publishes articles in Bahasa Melayu and English annually. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "McGill Journal of Law and Health", "ISSN": "19204825, 19204833", "Scope": "ScopeThe McGill Journal of Law and Health (MJLH) | Revue de droit et santé de McGill (RDSM) is a peer-reviewed academic journal featuring literature from renowned academics and practitioners on current issues of law and policy relating to health. Publishing annually since 2007 on topics ranging from medical practice and technology, to intellectual property and medical ethics, the MJLH is a bilingual, student-run venture based at the Faculty of Law of McGill University, and operates within an interdisciplinary and transsystemic framework of legal scholarship. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication", "ISSN": "18739857, 18739865", "Scope": "ScopeThe Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication (MJCC) provides a transcultural academic sphere that engages Middle Eastern and Western scholars in a critical dialogue about culture, communication and politics in the Middle East. It also provides a forum for debate on the region’s encounters with modernity and the ways in which this is reshaping people’s everyday experiences. \rThe MJCC provides a vehicle for developing the study into communication, politics, and culture in the Middle East. The MJCC encourages work that reconceptualizes dominant paradigms and theories of communication to take into account local cultural particularities. The MJCC also supports work that challenges the static and suzerain epistemological frameworks through which the Middle East has been represented and perceived. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Middle East Journal, The", "ISSN": "00263141, 19403461", "Scope": "ScopeThe Middle East Journal is the oldest peer-reviewed publication dedicated solely to the study of the Middle East. First printed in 1947, the Journal continues to present readers with original and objective research and analysis, as well as source material, on the area from Morocco to Pakistan and including Central Asia.\r\rEach issue of The Middle East Journal includes articles written by renowned scholars, foreign policy analysts and area experts; a chronology maintained continuously since 1947, organized by subject and country; and book reviews that are among the most respected, comprehensive, and up-to-date in the field of Middle Eastern studies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Modern Food Science and Technology", "ISSN": "16739078", "Scope": "Scope开设的主要栏目有:食品营养、食品生化、贮藏保鲜、生物工程、食品加工、食品风味、安全控制、专题综述等. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Nuclear Magnetic Resonance", "ISSN": "03059804, 14651882", "Scope": "ScopeNuclear magnetic resonance has proved a uniquely versatile and powerful spectroscopic technique, with applications across chemistry, physics and medicine. The success of NMR and its constant redevelopment means that the literature is vast and wide-ranging. Each chapter in this volume is a distillation of the key recent literature in different areas covering the spectrum of NMR theory and practice, and including solution-state, solid-state and in-vivo NMR. These reports will be invaluable both for new researchers wishing to engage with literature for the first time, and for seasoned practitioners, particularly service managers, wishing to keep in touch with the ever-expanding ways in which NMR is used. Specialist Periodical Reports provide systematic and detailed review coverage in major areas of chemical research. Compiled by teams of leading authorities in the relevant subject, the series creates a unique service for the active research chemist with regular critical in-depth accounts of progress in particular areas of chemistry. Subject coverage of all volumes is very similar and publication is on an annual or biennial basis.  Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Open Research Africa", "ISSN": "27526925", "Scope": "ScopeOpen Research Africa publishes scholarly articles and other research outputs (e.g. posters, slides and documents), reporting basic scientific, scholarly, translational and clinical research across the physical and life sciences, engineering, medicine, social sciences and humanities. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ornis Svecica", "ISSN": "11026812, 20032633", "Scope": "ScopeOrnis Svecica is an online scientific journal issued by BirdLife Sweden. All contributions are published as open access, available to anyone, and with no publication fee for the authors. The aims and of the journal are to provide a forum for full-length or short original research reports, including descriptive ones, and reviews, communications, debate, and letters concerning all fields of ornithology. Ornis Svecica publishes contributions irrespective of the geographic origin of authors and subject, and we welcome submissions not only from professional researchers but from laymen as well. We assume a particular responsibility to offer a process and a forum for the latter, and encourage their submission of results and ideas. The journal language will be English or Swedish with a comprehensive summary in the other language (assistance is offered to authors with insufficient knowledge in the language for the summary).\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Pennsylvania History", "ISSN": "00314528, 21532109", "Scope": "ScopePennsylvania History presents previously unpublished works that are of interest to scholars of the Middle Atlantic region. The journal also reviews books, exhibits, and other media that deal primarily with Pennsylvania history or that shed significant light on the state’s past.\r\rPennsylvania History is the official journal of the Pennsylvania Historical Association, which advocates and advances knowledge about the history and culture of Pennsylvania and the mid-Atlantic region. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Perfect Beat", "ISSN": "10382909, 18360343", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal's name derived from Afrika Bambaata and the Soul Sonic Force's 12-inch, 1983 single Looking for the Perfect Beat. The journal's association with the popular cultural quest and mixed, eclectic references of the song are reflected in the articles that have appeared so far which have often concerned themselves with 'world beat' and/or 'world music' and the marketing of non-western musics in the western market and the analysis of local music production. As befits a journal originating in Australia, the journal remains focused on the popular music of the 'Pacific rim' and includes historical and contemporary studies with contributions invited from popular music studies, musicology, cultural studies and ethnomusicological perspectives. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Przemysl Chemiczny", "ISSN": "332496", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal is intended for managers, chemists and engineers in industrial enterprises, constructors in design offices, scientific workers in research institutes as well as lecturers and students in academia. All published scientific papers are reviewed by experts before acceptance for publication. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Quaderns", "ISSN": "11385790", "Scope": "ScopeCuadernos publica trabajos relacionados con la traducción y la interpretación, como artículos de reflexión teórica, investigaciones y propuestas didácticas, estudios sobre traductores y traducciones, textos traducidos de especial relevancia o reseñas y comentarios bibliográficos. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Research on World Agricultural Economy", "ISSN": "27374777, 27374785", "Scope": "ScopeResearch on World Agricultural Economy (RWAE) is an international, gold open access journal. The journal aims to publish research related to agricultural economics with a focus on studies on agricultural policies, production, trade, and marketing, as well as analysis of global agricultural trends and their implications for economic development. By being open-access and peer-reviewed, the journal strives to ensure that its content is accessible to a wide audience and meets rigorous standards of quality and accuracy, serving agricultural economics and rural development.\r\rThe of the journal includes, but is not limited to:\r\r-Agricultural economics-\rAgricultural marketing-\rAgribusiness management-\rAgricultural productivity and innovation-\rAgricultural products trade and circulation-\rFood security-\rAgricultural resources and environment-\rAgricultural innovation and technology adoption-\rInternational agricultural policy and development Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Respectus Philologicus", "ISSN": "13928295, 23352388", "Scope": "ScopeRespectus Philologicus is a professional, diamond open access double blind peer-reviewed bi-annual international journal that aims to involve scholars from around the world. The journal provides a platform for different theoretical and thematic approaches to the following humanitarian research fields: linguistic research, issues of literary narratives and contexts, the influence of advertising discourse, theory and practice of translation, audiovisual research. As the scientific journal is multidisciplinary with linguistics integrating different disciplines, it promotes cooperation between scholars both in Lithuania and abroad who are interested in different facets of language. Consequently, the journal is of great significance not only on a regional level but also worldwide. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Brasileira de Cirurgia Plastica", "ISSN": "19835175, 21771235", "Scope": "ScopeThe Brazilian Journal of Plastic Surgery/Sociedade Brasileira de Cirurgia Plástica (RBCP/BJPS) is the official scientific publication of the Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery (SBCP), and due to this sponsorship, there are no fees or charges for submission, review, translation and publication of an article. The journal's electronic format, e-ISSN 2177-1235, operates under the continuous publication model. The RBCP aims to record the scientific production in Plastic Surgery and encourage the study, improvement, and updating of professionals in the specialty. Papers submitted for publication in the RBCP must address topics related to Plastic Surgery and related areas. The journal publishes the following article categories: Editorial, Original Article, Review Article, Case Report, Ideas and Innovations, Special Article, and Letter to the Editor. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Iberoamericana de Argumentacion", "ISSN": "21728801", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Revista Mexicana de Ingenieria Biomedica", "ISSN": "01889532, 23959126", "Scope": "ScopeLa Revista Mexicana de Ingeniería Biomédica (The Mexican Journal of Biomedical Engineering, RMIB, for its Spanish acronym) is a publication oriented to the dissemination of papers of the Mexican and international scientific community whose lines of research are aligned to the improvement of the quality of life through engineering techniques.\r\rThe papers that are considered for being published in the RMIB must be original, unpublished, and first rate, and they can cover the areas of Medical Instrumentation, Biomedical Signals, Medical Information Technology, Biomaterials, Clinical Engineering, Physiological Models, and Medical Imaging as well as lines of research related to various branches of engineering applied to the health sciences. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Revista Pesquisa em Fisioterapia", "ISSN": "22382704", "Scope": "ScopeThe Journal of Physiotherapy Research (JPR), sponsored by BAHIANA - School of Medicine and Public Health is a online publication encompassing papers resulting from original scientific research on physiotherapy and related fields.\r\rThe mission of the JPR is to foster physiotherapy both as a profession and as a science domain of evidence based research, promoting the accuracy of the kinetic functional diagnosis, cost-effective practices and innovation through the development of techniques, equipment, procedures and intervention protocols. Therefore, it serves clinical professionals, health service users and providers, members of the academe and regulatory bodies.\r\rCommitted to ethics and scientific integrity, it extends the security and quality of its published information and strengthens open science policies. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ringing and Migration", "ISSN": "03078698, 21598355", "Scope": "ScopeRinging & Migration publishes high quality papers on all aspects of avian ecology, with a particular emphasis on the use of ringing, tracking and nest monitoring to improve our understanding of factors influencing survival, breeding success, migration and other movements. Although the focus is on birds that occur in the Western Palearctic the journal also welcomes papers from other parts of the world that are relevant to studies of Western Palearctic avifauna.\r\rThe journal encourages and supports field ornithologists, many of whom are carrying out their research interests in a voluntary capacity and without any academic or institutional affiliation. In recognition of the key role that these volunteers play in conservation and the challenges presented by increasing standards of study design and analytical techniques, members of the Editorial Board are very happy to advise such authors on the preparation of manuscripts.\r\rRinging & Migration, which is a journal of the British Trust for Ornithology, publishes the following types of articles:\r\r· Original research papers\r\r· Short original research notes (around 1500 words in length)\r\r· Scientific reviews\r\r· Forum articles covering general ornithological issues, including non-scientific ones\r\r· Short feedback articles that make scientific criticisms of papers published recently in the journal\r\r· Critical book reviews Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Russian Journal of Evidence-Based Gastroenterology", "ISSN": "23052260, 23091363", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Shiyou Huagong Gaodeng Xuexiao Xuebao/Journal of Petrochemical Universities", "ISSN": "1006396X", "Scope": "Scope\"Journal of Petrochemical University \" founded in 1981,is a academic journal devoted to reports of new and original experimental and theoretical research on oil and natural gas industry category.Publishing frequency is 6 issues per year.Papers will address all issues relevant to Chemical Engineering including, but not limited to the following:\r1.Petrochemical Technology;\r2.Chemical Engineering & Machinery;\r3.Oil & gas storage and transportation\r4.Petroleum Engineering\r5.Oilfield chemistry\r6.Petroleum geology Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Socijalna Psihijatrija", "ISSN": "3037908", "Scope": "ScopeThe Social Psychiatry journal, the official journal of the Croatian Psychiatric Association, is the longest-running Croatian psychiatric journal.\r\rThe aim (mission) of the journal is presenting new information and discoveries from different areas of psychiatry and psychology by publishing papers from these fields. The of the journal encompasses a wide spectrum of different disciplines and fields. These are primarily social psychiatry, clinical psychiatry and psychology, biopsychology, psychotherapy, forensic psychiatry, war psychiatry, psychiatry in alcoholism and other addictions, mental health protection for persons with intellectual and developmental challenges, psychiatric epidemiology, deontology, psychiatric service organisation and others.\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Springer Proceedings in Physics", "ISSN": "09308989, 18674941", "Scope": "ScopeThe series Springer Proceedings in Physics, founded in 1984, is devoted to timely reports of state-of-the-art developments in physics and related sciences. Typically based on material presented at conferences, workshops and similar scientific meetings, volumes published in this series will constitute a comprehensive up-to-date source of reference on a field or subfield of relevance in contemporary physics. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Sudan Journal of Medical Sciences", "ISSN": "18585051", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Thai Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology", "ISSN": "08576084, 26730871", "Scope": "ScopeThai Journal Obstetrics and Gynaecology (TJOG) is the official journal of The Royal Thai College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RTCOG). This is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal aiming to promote academic knowledge and provide a forum for publication in Obstetrics and Gynecology. Manuscripts submitted to TJOG will be accepted on the understanding that the author must not have previously submitted the paper to another journal or have published the material elsewhere. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Trauma Monthly", "ISSN": "22517464, 22517472", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal publishes papers in all fields of trauma with the aim of increasing the understanding, diagnosis, and treatment of various injuries of the traumatized patient. Our primary aim is to facilitate the exchange of ideas, techniques, and information among all members of the trauma team. Trauma Monthly (TM) is an open access, peer-reviewed, online journal encompassing all diagnostic, prognostic, and therapeutic aspects of trauma. Trauma Monthly (TM) serves as a scientific platform for clinical researchers and practitioners involved in the management of trauma patients and related fields. The journal's main focus is placed on efficacy in improving clinically relevant outcomes such as mortality, morbidity, quality of life, function and costs. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Travail et Emploi", "ISSN": "2244365", "Scope": "ScopeRevue trimestrielle de recherche en sciences sociales, Travail et Emploi est publiée depuis 1979. À caractère pluridisciplinaire et international, elle propose des analyses de chercheurs français et étrangers en sociologie et économie du travail, de l’emploi et des relations professionnelles, en histoire, droit et psychologie du travail, en sciences de gestion et sciences politiques. Elle est indexée dans Econlit (Journal of Economic Literature), Sociological Abstracts, et Elsevier, a obtenu le label du CNRS et est classée par l’AERES en sociologie-démographie et économie-gestion. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Trends in Earth Observation", "ISSN": "26127148, 26127911", "Scope": "Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Voprosy kurortologii, fizioterapii, i lechebnoi fizicheskoi kultury", "ISSN": "00428787, 23091355", "Scope": "ScopeThe journal “Voprosy kurortologii, fizioterapii i lechebnoy fizicheskoy kul’tury” is the oldest Russian journal that publishes articles concerning the medical application of therapeutic physical factors. The journal was founded in1923 on the initiative of professor P.N. Obrosov, the then head of Department of Health Resort Management, personally supported by Minister for Health N.A. Semashko. The journal highlights the key issues of fundamental studies, physical methods for the treatment of various diseases, recent achievements of domestic and foreign researchers, and applications of innovative technologies in the clinical practice.\r\rThe journal publishes results of the studies on mechanisms of physiological and therapeutic action of physical factors, effects of therapeutic physical training, data on the methods for the treatment, rehabilitation, primary and secondary prophylaxis, remedial therapy of various pathological conditions. The journal provides an important forum for discussions of complicated and debatable theoretical and practical problems of health resort medicine, physiotherapy, and therapeutic physical training with the participation of leading specialists in these fields. Results of research and reports of practicing physicians appearing in the journal cover the experience with the use of physical and therapeutic methods in the practical work of medical and health resort facilities, organization of physiotherapeutic services. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Water and Energy International", "ISSN": "09744207, 09744711", "Scope": "ScopeWater and Energy International is a monthly journal covering special features on development activities in three important sectors ie. Power , water resources, and renewable energy. Published by Central Board of Irrigation and Power for more than 6 decades, this journal covers the latest information on the subject areas and enjoys wide readership all over the world. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "World of Music", "ISSN": "438774", "Scope": "Scopethe world of music (new series) is an international peer-reviewed journal seeking a critical understanding of performing arts and cultural practices involving music, dance and theater worldwide, as well as the many contexts in which they come into being.\r\rIn this, it provides scholars from a multiplicity of academic backgrounds a forum for the discussion of musics from around the world, their dynamics and their many meanings, manifested in a variety of ever changing forms ranging from highly particular and localized systems of musical thinking in traditional musics to global (musical) cultural flows and consumption. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Worldviews: Environment, Culture, Religion", "ISSN": "13635247, 15685357", "Scope": "ScopeWorldviews: Global Religions, Culture, and Ecology (WO) is an international academic journal that studies\rthe relationships between religion, culture, and ecology worldwide. The journal addresses how cultural\rand ecological developments influence the world's major religions, giving rise to new forms of religious\rexpression, and how in turn religious belief and cultural background can influence peoples' attitudes\rtoward ecology. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": " Zeitschrift fur Epileptologie", "ISSN": "16100646, 16176782", "Scope": "ScopeZiel der Zeitschrift für Epileptologie ist die Darstellung und Diskussion aktuellen epileptologischen Wissens im deutschsprachigen Raum mit dem Schwerpunkt klinisch relevanter Themen. Epileptologische Grundlagenerkenntnisse sowie Forschungsergebnisse werden ebenfalls berücksichtigt. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Zhonghua er bi yan hou tou jing wai ke za zhi = Chinese journal of otorhinolaryngology head and neck surgery", "ISSN": "16730860", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "ACS Symposium Series", "ISSN": "00976156, 19475918", "Scope": "ScopeThe ACS Symposium Series, part of the ACS eBooks, are the high-quality, peer-reviewed eBooks developed from ACS technical divisions’ symposia. Each chapter is carefully authored by an expert in the field, and the collection of chapters edited by an internationally recognized leader in the field. The series covers a broad range of topics including agricultural and food chemistry, cellulose and renewable materials, chemical education, organic chemistry, polymer chemistry, materials, and many others. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Acta Microbiologica Bulgarica", "ISSN": "02048809, 26033755", "Scope": "ScopeActa Microbiologica Bulgarica is an international scientific journal issued by the Bulgarian Society for Microbiology (Union of Scientists in Bulgaria). The aim of the journal is to publish high-quality research and notable debates on significant scientific problems covering all aspects of Microbiology and numerous sub-disciplines including Virology, Mycology, Parasitology, and Infectious Immunology. The journal publishes reviews, original research works, short communications, letters to the editor, scientific events, “In memoria”, etc.\r\rThe publication of Acta Microbiologica Bulgarica dates back to 1978. After a break in 1993, its existence was restored in 2015 with the same name. Since 2015 the journal is available both in printed and online editions. The journal is published quarterly. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "African Journal Biomedical Research", "ISSN": "11195096", "Scope": "ScopeAJBR is published in January, May and September. The journal is published on a page sponsorship basis (Three issues per volume). Papers will be considered for publication from all fields. Articles from the Physical Sciences and humanities related to the Medical Sciences will be considered.\r\rWhere appropriate, papers should be arranged in the following order – Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgement, References. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Anales de la Asociacion Fisica Argentina", "ISSN": "18501168", "Scope": "ScopeANALES AFA publishes original articles in the field of physics, in Spanish, Portuguese or English. Articles may deal with research, instrumentation or review by invitation (minimum of 4 pages). The journal is addressed to the whole scientific community, mainly to physicists of all the areas, both theoretical and experimental.\r\rPublication is quarterly (4 issues per year) and appears on the web on the 15th April (N.1), 15th July (N.2), 15th October (N.3) and 15th January (N.4). Evaluation and publication of each article takes around four months. The collection includes publication of special numbers dedicated to congresses of certain specialities of physics or anniversaries of physical societies recognized by AFA. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ars Combinatoria", "ISSN": "03817032, 28175204", "Scope": "ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal" }, { "Head": "Babesch", "ISSN": "01659367, 17831369", "Scope": "ScopeBABESCH (formerly Bulletin Antieke Beschaving), Annual Papers on Mediterranean Archaeology, is a peer-reviewed periodical, published since its foundation in 1926 by C.W. Lunsingh Scheurleer. One of its main objectives is to provide a forum for archaeologists whose research and fieldwork focus on Mediterranean Archaeology. Its aim is to present such studies as are likely to be of interest to any student in this subject. This established journal publishes original research papers, short notes of wider archaeological significance and book reviews. It is open to contributors from any country and will publish papers in English, French, German and Italian. It reaches all continents and has individual and institutional subscribers in over 30 countries. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Biolinguistics", "ISSN": "14503417", "Scope": "ScopeBIOLINGUISTICS is a peer-reviewed journal exploring theoretical linguistics that takes the biological foundations of human language seriously. The Advisory Board and the Editorial Board are made up of leading scholars from all continents in the fields of theoretical linguistics, language acquisition, language change, theoretical biology, genetics, philosophy of mind, and cognitive psychology.\r\rBIOLINGUISTICS seeks to disseminate research globally to theoretically minded linguists, linguistically minded biologists, cognitive scientists in general, and anyone else with an interest in the scientific study of language. The journal is concerned with the exploration of issues related to theory formation within the biolinguistic program of generative grammar as well as results drawn from experimental studies in psycho- and neurolinguistics or cognition at large.\r\rBIOLINGUISTICS is conceived as an interactive online journal, not an electronic version of a traditional print publication. With volume 7 (2013), the journal publishes accepted material as soon as it is ready for publication. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Bulletin de l'Academie Veterinaire de France", "ISSN": "00014192, 00341843", "Scope": "ScopeLe «Bulletin de l’Académie Vétérinaire de France » publie des articles qui correspondent aux domaines scientifiques, techniques, juridiques, historiques et éthiques où s'exercent les compétences du vétérinaire, incluant le concept d’unicité de la santé (\"one health, one medicine\"). Il publie également les Actes officiels de l’Académie Vétérinaire de France. Les contributions sont en langue française ou anglaise. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ceska a Slovenska Neurologie a Neurochirurgie", "ISSN": "12107859, 18024041", "Scope": "ScopeThe Czech and Slovak Neurology and Neurosurgery is the official journal of five Czech and Slovak expert societies: the Czech Neurological Society, Slovak Neurological Society, Czech Neurosurgical Society, Slovak Neurosurgical Society and the Czech Society of Paediatric Neurology.\r\rThe journal is intended for all physicians interested in neuroscience, practical or theoretical. \r\rThe journal publishes original practice-based as well as basic research-focused neurological and neurosurgical papers, brief communications and case studies, all vigorously peer-reviewed, as well as review papers, commentaries, diagnostic and treatment standards and various thematic series (minimonographs with a knowledge test, statistical or web insights).\rJoin the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" }, { "Head": "Ceska a Slovenska Psychiatrie", "ISSN": "12120383", "Scope": "ScopeČasopis Česká a slovenská psychiatrie je oficiálním periodikem Psychiatrické společnosti ČLS JEP, České psychiatrické společnosti, o. s., a Psychiatrickej spoločnosti SLS.\r\rČasopis je recenzované (peer review) periodikum, které publikuje původní vědecká sdělení z oblasti psychiatrie, především výsledky klinických studií, kazuistiky, přehledné články k aktuálním tématům psychiatrie a psychologie, materiály určené pro celoživotní postgraduální vzdělávání (continuing medical education, CME), zprávy z kongresů a schůzí výboru odborné společnosti. Součástí časopisu jsou zprávy o dění v jednotlivých sekcích společnosti, recenze, komentáře k zajímavým článkům a knižním publikacím, diskuse, biografie a jubilea významných osobností, rozhovory, osobní zprávy a dopisy redakci. Časopis je vydáván 6x ročně. Join the conversation about this journal", "Link": "Homepage" } ]