import plotly.graph_objects as go import numpy as np # Print iterations progress def printProgressBar (iteration, total, prefix = '', suffix = '', decimals = 1, length = 100, fill = '█', printEnd = "\r"): """ Call in a loop to create terminal progress bar @params: iteration - Required : current iteration (Int) total - Required : total iterations (Int) prefix - Optional : prefix string (Str) suffix - Optional : suffix string (Str) decimals - Optional : positive number of decimals in percent complete (Int) length - Optional : character length of bar (Int) fill - Optional : bar fill character (Str) printEnd - Optional : end character (e.g. "\r", "\r\n") (Str) """ percent = ("{0:." + str(decimals) + "f}").format(100 * (iteration / float(total))) filledLength = int(length * iteration // total) bar = fill * filledLength + '-' * (length - filledLength) print('\r%s |%s| %s%% %s' % (prefix, bar, percent, suffix), end = printEnd) # Print New Line on Complete if iteration == total: print() def multiplot(x=None, y=None, name=None, zeroMean=True, title="Signal", height=400, width=800): fig = go.Figure() if not np.any(y): return else: if y.ndim == 1: c = 1 n = y.shape[0] if zeroMean: z = y-y.mean() if not np.any(x): x = np.linspace(0,n-1,n) fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=x,y=z,name=name)) else: c,n = y.shape if not np.any(x): x = np.linspace(0,n-1,n) for i in range(c): z = y[i] if name: s = name[i] else: s = "sig" + str(i) if zeroMean: z = y[i]-y[i].mean() fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=x,y=z,name=s)) fig.update_layout(height=height, width=width, title=title, font=dict( family="Courier New, monospace", size=14, color="#7f7f7f") ) return fig