rewire_id,text,label_sexist,label_category,label_vector,split sexism2022_english-9609,"In Nigeria, if you rape a woman, the men rape you back! #NSFW ""In Nigeria, if you rape a woman, guys rape you back!"" by [USER] [URL]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-966,I bet she wished she had a gun,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-3553,"I agree with that but at the same time I know myself well enough to say I can’t love a woman. The minute she begins to hit the wall and some hotter, younger women enters the picture, it’s time for impulse control because I’m going to want that.",sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-13328,"democrats from Minnesota (leftist muzzie shithole) are the dumbest anti-americans there are. KLobuchar, one of the reps. is a dumb bitch who has a moronic position on the tax bill. Fuck this stupid woman",sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-81,"Texas jury sentences Jordanian immigrant to death in slayings of son-in-law, daughter’s friend in ‘honor killings’ case - AP",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-12741,Workers should leave out their BLT sandwiches in the open more.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16161,This type of lawsuit could end up with Warren having to prove IF she is part Indian through DNA tests... and I fucking love it! [URL] Take her down Ayyadurai!,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15676,aim for the head so she dosn't come back,sexist,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement",1.2 incitement and encouragement of harm,dev sexism2022_english-4858,“THE brother of Kevin Spacey claims the shamed Hollywood star is worse than their Nazi rapist father and also accuses him of having a creepy relationship with their mother” [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-704,"This guys gonna have a great time in the barracks. If they don't know who he is, they will the first time he takes a communal shower. Christ, the women Marines will even be giving him shit. Ooorah! Fuckin-A.",sexist,3. animosity,3.2 immutable gender differences and gender stereotypes,dev sexism2022_english-14287,"If you want to get back together with her the number 1 thing you can do is go on a few dates. What's the logic here? If her words are to be believed, we'd be 100% done if I did that.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15193,The Iraqi army released photos of #ISIS militants who attempted to flee #Mosul disguised as women! One got through...,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-14100,I think she looks mad. ;),not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15696,Or women can stop being lying whores.,sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-4533,"It’s time for change .England and Europe, I have been trying to tell my daughter it’s “OK TO BE WHITE “ it’s OK TO WANT TO GO ON HOLIDAY WITHOUT THE FEAR SOMEONE FROM A SHITEHOLE COUNTRY SHOOTING YOU ! FFS PEOPLE WISE UP TO THIS !",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9301,"until she's been around me long enough through real life situations where I can actually see who she really is Like observing her rage when the wifi connection is set to ""shit-tier"" on the router on purpose. ]=)",sexist,4. prejudiced discussions,4.1 supporting mistreatment of individual women,dev sexism2022_english-19156,"imagine the levels of cognitive dissonance that a human would endure typing this out. luckily for the author, it appears that she is jewish",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9038,Hell i want to marry her and im a straight female,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-19001,"When the alternative to the Taliban and Shariah supremacists is corruption and sex slavery, there will be no eliminating the Taliban and so on unless you kill the last virgin boy and girl. Agreed that trade not 'aid' is a good policy overall.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-10666,What a nasty bitch. I would’ve failed her on the spot. But these days they pull so much bullshit that they know they can lie and try to get out of it. I’d go scorched earth though. I would not want a job where my employer didn’t fully back me.,sexist,4. prejudiced discussions,4.2 supporting systemic discrimination against women as a group,dev sexism2022_english-4270,"#Liberals ....""How Can we Blame Whitey?"" Woman, 20, raped and murdered by 'obsessed' uncle who padlocked her body in a freezer [URL]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-923,"I’m a guy, I would be fine with “do you want have sex with me” told by a girl. And I would not complain.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-14381,"She didn't say it as a joke, she said it when she got mad at me for saying ""no"" to marrying her",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-7557,"Ahh, a woman. Hahahaha. Never would have guessed. Bye bye, Dyke.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-17877,And maybe I'll insist on fucking her in the ass a couple times before handing her the papers. christ that sounds rapey. Please somebody tell me he isn't actually guna rape the woman.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-7147,Don't be such a fuckin wuss. This is TRP not your grandma's living room. You're not gonna shock us Knowing what she said is going to help us determine whether or not you truly overreacted or she was genuinely being disrespectful,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-12604,"Thats kind of how I feel. But like I said earlier, what would be a good re-approach to reask about a coffee date as friends? From the get go, this girl was never a ""I wanna sleep with her"" more of a ""I need to know this women"" lol",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-4996,"Habits are hard to die, as much as the cock carousel she rode all her life.",sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-8542,"I'm thinking post-war, e.g. partitioned Poland edit: ...& widows & orphans",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15019,"Ex-husband of grandmother, 72, who married 27-year-old thinks she is being ‘scammed’ [URL]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-19537,"Don't y'all talk about females here, I can't even get a damn relationship lol damn you're a angry dude",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-601,I had no idea an exclamation point meant that. Granted I'm an idiot but am I alone in not knowing that?,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-4891,What? The Faggoting?,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-14522,"The immunity given to Clinton criminals was improper. I think the long talks by Sessions and others were to dismantle that immunity, set up the nullification. Trump is getting his political sea legs under him now. Poop (Clinton) will hit the fan.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-5018,"Put her to jail and Soros too. Send Soros to Hungary, their prison smell good than US.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16321,"What the... Chelsí!? Yep. This is an old design I made for Chelsí back in 2006, when she was the princess of a kingdom. She would eventually revert back to being a French painter. #ThrowbackThursday",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-14477,I am with you on the False Accuser Registry. she does deserve to get raped though. Empathy is dead.,sexist,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement",1.2 incitement and encouragement of harm,dev sexism2022_english-9446,I like the blonde in the middle,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-12601,What the fuck is this place?,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-14451,"She’s unstable, you’ll never know when she might dump you or cuck you for the ugliest thug in the nearest gang.",sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-555,Did she die?,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-12670,"He's an Ethics Woodchuck, he doesn't know shit lol.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9104,The gun community keeps supporting “free market capitalism” like a woman returning to her abusive husband.,sexist,3. animosity,3.2 immutable gender differences and gender stereotypes,dev sexism2022_english-7275,"Well it is a LRT, she is yours until you fuck up. Am I wrong?",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-2183,"WTF? You got the boot, literally for saying ""men dont belong in girl's locker rooms"" in that language? WTH? I'm telling you those fucks at CERN fucked up our universe ppl. It's not the same one we were all living in a year or so ago. :)",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15812,A quarter of a $million$ for this slag to buy enough sexy stuff to get laid? She should have just brought her own paper bag! [URL],sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-18647,"Hey fat girls need love too, bub.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-1601,A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle!¹ ----- ¹assuming fish spend half their life dreaming about finding the perfect bicycle,sexist,3. animosity,3.2 immutable gender differences and gender stereotypes,dev sexism2022_english-19401,"I've only known 2 or 3 men in my entire life that micro managed their wives, girlfriends. It's exhausting and not worth it and most men are not that tiny, tiny minded, spiteful, hate filled and petty like a woman's mind is.",sexist,3. animosity,3.2 immutable gender differences and gender stereotypes,dev sexism2022_english-4720,"But why do they care if the woman’s had sex? I’m not a player, but I’m experienced and I’ve never been with a Virgin in mylife. Who cares? I honestly don’t get a lot of this.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-7857,Yes that pissed me off royally...She sucked doing that....Now though Trump made her ambassador I think she is killing that job big time..I support her doing that but not the last 2 years she was our governor..,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8248,"Just block her, the dating pool is ruled by men if you enforce your standards",sexist,3. animosity,3.2 immutable gender differences and gender stereotypes,dev sexism2022_english-8729,This kind of protest makes sense to women because they spend their entire lives using their bodies to get whatever they want. It's all they know how to do. Logical arguments? Nah. I'll just take my clothes off and shout.,sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-3243,"I thought it was the shitlibs other favorite slut, Stormy Daniels",sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-12120,"Treat a whore like a lady, and treat a lady like a whore.",sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-4197,There already were. The sub was overrun by posts saying they were sick of incels posting and it was turning into an incel sub,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15721,"It means going on facebook (gag), but if you can, please try to get involved. It's fun going after Maddow! They post a new target sponsor daily along with contact info. Takes 2 minutes. [URL]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-4150,Can you count any hijab's in that photo???,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-1185,D Congressional candidate Liz Watson of Indiana announced she does not support House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi as SOTH and will not vote for her if Watson gets elected and Ds get House majority Fantasy Island times two,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-4170,How the fuck did this cunt and u/N8theGr8 get so many fucking awards for saying something so fucking shitty.... Both trash human beings.,sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-12111,"You fucked up and It didn’t work out, it happens. You’ll find someone else. No need for the massive sob story",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-18595,people say this to women all the time. quit pretending to be retarded,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-6426,Meghan's family will be easy to spot at next years royal wedding banquet. They'll be the ones drinking PG Tips and chucking the food about.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-12094,"female idiosyncrasy is on the extreme end in the normie behavioural spectrum. A lot of normie traits such as fake altruism, virtue signaling & leftist tropes in general are enterily exclusive to females or highly feminized males",sexist,3. animosity,3.2 immutable gender differences and gender stereotypes,dev sexism2022_english-18740,These women got less than what they deserved. They assaulted a man.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-10474,You do know this is not r/RoastMe?,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-273,I'm not going to send you money just because you have a pussy. Entitled cunt.,sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-14844,"Yeah it's funny how it was perfectly fine when it was just us boys getting mutilated. Now that it's girls too, it's the most horrible crime in the world.",sexist,4. prejudiced discussions,4.2 supporting systemic discrimination against women as a group,dev sexism2022_english-8970,That's *really* fucked up.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8311,"You don't listen very well, you must be female.",sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-6565,merkel is destroying Germany. she's an east german commie,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-3511,"Lol. For someone who's a data scientist, she's pretty dumb about this.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8477,"No like she's gone now, but is coming back later this summer.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16059,"Anyone have anymore info on this? This is sick, crazy, illegal shit right here. The senator that was killed along with her husband from NC? spoke of this. #GabFam #pizzagate [URL]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-18410,"Hell, I hate her because of this TikTok alone.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-4385,"Yeah honestly any VS model, they are giga Stacies",sexist,3. animosity,3.2 immutable gender differences and gender stereotypes,dev sexism2022_english-5973,I'm not on the rag. Just can't stand faggots like you and your gay brother.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11899,"A police officer called the station on his radio ""I have an interesting case here. An old lady shot her husband for stepping on the floor she just mopped"" ""Have you arrested the woman"" ""Not yet. The floor's still wet"" [URL]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-890,Imagine your 15 y old whatever is ignored by rich 17 y old guy 'cause she's a thot. And then she makes up a rape allgation to get back at him...,sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-14677,That's the point of the sub. We're tired of women getting away with shit. Joke posts ruin perfectly good subs because normie fags like you want easy karma.,sexist,4. prejudiced discussions,4.2 supporting systemic discrimination against women as a group,dev sexism2022_english-10072,#LockHerUp Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf told reporters that police in her city will not assist ICE officials if the report on the raids is accurate. [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-4947,She genuinely thought I wanted to work more and that she would be helping out. Women suck at empathy.,sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-12468,It's the one I use to train your wife. She especially likes the reward she gets for doing a good job.,sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-1239,"Putin - the people that instigate hate vs Putin (& liberals that support them) please be ""machos"" & enlist in the US army to attack Russia",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-2401,"Point number two... If Carrey's mother didn't pay for prescriptions then she was either on social assistance, or she had 'HEALTH INSURANCE' through her work place or paid for it herself",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15858,female mental conditioning,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-14965,Beautiful as always! Ty sister love,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16416,"""it's not that hard"" Is that what she told you?",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11381,The only thing that influences a women's decision for sex is physical attractiveness. That can't possibly be true. Remember when Julia Roberts was married to [Lyle Lovett]([URL] ?,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-618,[URL] kansas city mo female strippers,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-5039,Looks like piggy went and married her a chef. Shocker. [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16675,"I know she isn't White, but this is what Niggers do.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15889,Sure if women want lives governed by fear instead of hope.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-799,"My only argument with you is your mischaracterization of what she said. Carolyn is a Trumpatard and cozies up to Zionist cunts like Jayda. I am not blindly supportive. She has her problems, but I like her.",sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-8771,Don't tell Charlyne Yi she's a hypocrite for living off of Rupert Murdoch's money or she'll have her buddies delete your shit. Youtube fallin off dawg,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16858,I love this because the liberal programming is backfiring. Nosw you have all of these harpies going caw rape caw caw rape.,sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-16018,HRC is a dedicated lesbian who even likes under aged girls,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-12361,"Bro looks don't matter, I'm sure if we just shower and work out we will turn into white male models too!! Not that women seek these type of men of course",sexist,3. animosity,3.2 immutable gender differences and gender stereotypes,dev sexism2022_english-7302,"Pakistani immigrant, 27, sexually abuses girl, 6, and gets suspended sentence [URL]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-13062,"I agree, but the accumulated effect from the simps paying her causes a social/economic inbalance which will hit the real man sooner or later.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-6695,lol I m in a relationship with a white woman myself and I certainly find her very feminine.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8546,"Pretty sure it would be intimidating having to deal with a stronger female competitor, plus sports with weight classes it would be relevant in general.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-7679,From what ive read the commie jews let russian mongols rampage through Germany raping and killing women.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-605,"I didn't actually get a day without women, and I'm a little disappointed.",sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-18020,"I don't have any siblings, thankfully. If I had a normie/Chad for a sibling, or God forbid, a sister, I don't even want to think of what I'd do.",sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-7856,"No woman I know in real life cares about being slut shamed. Sorry, not sorry.",sexist,3. animosity,3.4 condescending explanations or unwelcome advice,dev sexism2022_english-12419,"Where I grew up, the Jews would have run her off.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-676,"she's right, but not pointing her finger at the cause yet. [URL]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-7517,"""Send me your cholas, your sicarios, your machete wielding gangs, yearning to slaughter freely. I lift my lamp beside the taco truck."" #MPCStatusUpdates",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-2557,"No, you don't. We will crush you, we will stamp you out. You won't be remembered in 100 years as anything other than an abomination.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-3416,"I like that theory, but practice tells me that ""she"" usually enjoys it immensely, so perhaps it's not just the sudden widening of the trachea?",sexist,4. prejudiced discussions,4.1 supporting mistreatment of individual women,dev sexism2022_english-17948,"I'd say the bottom was a propagandist, politics has more to what she reports that capitalism does.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-10609,Watch how Jimmy Carr deals with hecklers. It's just a shit test.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-19746,"I went into PC world to get a laptop for my wife. Bastards wouldn't do the deal, and said they preferred cash.",sexist,2. derogation,2.3 dehumanising attacks & overt sexual objectification,dev sexism2022_english-6040,"I'm not seeing anything showing she deserved it. Unless you can provide something, you're a piece of shit. Judging by how pompous you're being with your comment, and post title, I'd say you ain't got shit. You're trash",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16348,Well she is a self avowed misandrist. The problem is no one else behaves much better.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-12795,they shall be in pain as a woman that travaileth:,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-156,Mother beats teen daughter's 17-year-old rival during school fight [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11978,Bullshit!!! settling is enabling. Whatever. Your afraid to be real and demand anything from a women. So be happy. Most real men see the superficiality and selfishness and would prefer to be alone,sexist,3. animosity,3.2 immutable gender differences and gender stereotypes,dev sexism2022_english-2894,He's a great liar then. But once a cheater ALWAYS a cheater. And you see men date women who have cheated. They are both good at lying. But I'd say they are terrible LRT material.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-865,"Harry is not a happy man. And has no one else to blame for his obvious misery. After so many gorgeous girls he has been with, he stumbled on a nigger hooker, and now she is making mockery of him in public - once again... [URL]",sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-14139,thats not the only crack her mom sold on this trip,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-13982,"Oregon Gov. Tells Trump She Won’t Send Troops to Border Good then she will go to jail! Thats something the federal govt will not dick around with! Liberal in jail sounds good to me, with that dog face she will fit rt in!! [URL]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-7609,Should've asked for also the woman I hate taking pictures with PEOPLE I want my own photo with no one in it. It's fair wanting a picture but just asking for the man is the problem here,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-14266,"Can you give more pointers on what to do when a girl starts doing these things Her voice turn baby-ish, she squint her eyes. """,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8730,Didn't they legalize bestiality too? For the goat fuckers?,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15596,"Call their bluff. All girls like being hit on. They hate being hit on people they deem creepers. ""I hate it when attractive cool guys flirt with me, it's the fucking worse!""",sexist,3. animosity,3.2 immutable gender differences and gender stereotypes,dev sexism2022_english-12248,"As a female who potentially might have a daughter one day, it terrifies me that you all found each other and circle jerk victimhood and the hate towards women.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11643,"However, there is a slight chance Hispanics would rather watch fat men interview hot bikini girls in a jacuzzi.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-4050,You can always just have outercourse if anal freaks you out,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9349,"You'll never, ever have a rational discussion over at FDS. They're basically a hate sub that teaches women how to use and abuse men with no conscious. It's sociopathy training.",sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-2439,"Most men are just *desperate* for any female contact, not everyone is as strong as some incels. I have to pay an escort at least once every couple of months or I'd go insane.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-2711,"imagine messaging women, dumbass",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-19040,Nobody watches that fucking retard. His ratings are drowning... just like his sister.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-12833,"LMFAO! WTF is that supposed to mean you crazy cunt? Is that something people do in Mississippi, lick bedpans? Take another narco you stupid twat.",sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-17072,"I will check her out, thank you! ☺️",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-7882,"-4,500 😁 yup this ain't twitter bitch, go cry to yo mama!",sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-5519,"So this is where we are. It's not PC to refer to women anymore - so now we have this ""anyone with a cervix"" shite: [URL]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11357,Deport her sorry ass back to her Islamic paradise.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16701,"It can only be the sex zone for the other guy. For the boyfriend, it's the cuck zone...",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-19650,retarded normie,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16641,My mom is kind of a prude so I would be surprised but delighted to hear she had a slutty phase in her history.,sexist,3. animosity,3.3 backhanded gendered compliments,dev sexism2022_english-8839,"The Last Jedi actually explains why Leia wasn't that sad about Han dying and just kept going like nothing afterwards. Because she had a lesbian girlfriend after Han left her, so she got over that quickly.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-2756,"Overall, women spend more than they make. Guess who’s footing the difference.",sexist,3. animosity,3.2 immutable gender differences and gender stereotypes,dev sexism2022_english-16203,"It seemed to me Pratt was far more religious than his wife and celebrity or not, when you're not ""evenly yoked"" it can be a huge problem.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15635,"Awesome, did you guys study the origin of the aryans?",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-7506,"The Jews target white girls at a very young age. Those of us the nigger doesn't get, the Feminists take. White Fathers, wake up. This is #WhiteGenocide.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-19704,"Tis the season for parodies.... I saw daddy kissing Santa Claus. Deck the halls with parts of Molly. Single girls, single girls, going all the way Oh what fun they are to ride At the end of shopping day, HAY!",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-7379,"If machine gun turrets are rude, my wife is the rudest person I know.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-12570,"does the shooter have a brain tumor, foreign Muslim ties or just mad as hell and lost it.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9736,"Technically, the women are also cat food.",sexist,2. derogation,2.3 dehumanising attacks & overt sexual objectification,dev sexism2022_english-13981,"Feinstein, croak you old hag",sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-3452,"​ >I had more succes at 30 than at 21, while looking similarily good. Even among 20yo girls. But what's the difference then?",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-1265,“You’re fired. The boss’s daughter needs a job and she will be your replacement.”,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-18539,"Alright, I get it. We coddle women to no end because they give birth to children yada yada. But why don't we shame the FUCK out of women who do not reproduce, reproduce with horrible men, damage their child or raise them badly (single motherhood)?",sexist,4. prejudiced discussions,4.1 supporting mistreatment of individual women,dev sexism2022_english-1865,Someone saying dress modestly is the same as saying don't rape. Rapist don't care.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-13775,I wish I could copy this photo :(,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-18466,"My oldest daughter started Kindergarten today... Somehow, saying this on all the various social networks isn't helping me cope. Thought I'd at least make an attempt.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-4806,Wow. How could that many Hapa guys be all gay? Not even one of them ever had a girlfriend before? I never realized there were that many gay Hapas.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-7646,"So lady in the street, whore between the sheets isn’t a thing?",sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-3342,high iq. i got called out on this once for my female gtav character.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-14822,Single moms are sluts how? Because they’ve had sex with MEN? Where is the shame on these men that they sleep with?,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8022,This is how it works. Woman: you give me a raise and I'll give you a raise;-).,sexist,2. derogation,2.3 dehumanising attacks & overt sexual objectification,dev sexism2022_english-9644,"Three Dreamers Arrested for Gang Raping a Handicapped woman in NJ ""Raping those that Americans wouldn't"" ___ [URL] #NoDACA #BUILDtheWALL #DEPORTthemALL",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9886,What about those who are not of the Aryan race and those who do not share your Aryan blood?,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-13701,"Summer hot, women wear fewer clothes Summer makes women whores",sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-8554,New woman's world record for sheep sheering! 452 sheep in 9 hours,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-14951,"Fuck off. Your civil rights are to follow the secular laws, accept freedom of speech (including blasphemy), and embrace freedom of religion (including apostacy).",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8321,I'll check out f) hopefully it translates the same for females. thx,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11909,Hazbin Hotel is very un-PC and filled with crude humor. Seems like a natural thing to get them all triggered. Looks like a bunch of them have VivziePop pre-cancelled as well for some specious shit she refused to apologize for.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-14726,You can end up being beaten senseless by the cops after she reeees 'RAAAPE!',sexist,3. animosity,3.2 immutable gender differences and gender stereotypes,dev sexism2022_english-18713,The only difficultly is deciding which is more of a train-wreck: -what this woman does or -what this woman says.,sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-4128,What? I can't tell if your comment is for the young man in this video or the young lady.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-14930,You know I look at that picture of that women wearing the pussy hat and she sure has a sullen pissed at the world look to her.Any wonder no man wants her?As for the T-genger peeps well you can't have it both ways now can you boys err what ever's.,sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-4180,"hes attracting a lot of female attention and... you want to get around this.....? he's doing the work for you, grab the girls that are going towards him.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-12017,"I don't think feminism is to blame, I think it's just advantageous biologically for our sisters to demand a lot from the men they're involved with.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-7473,Stop the presses! Someone's feefees were hurt!,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11620,[USER] lmfao Heyyyy women 😬,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-5471,Wow! I'm jealous! She messes it up for the rest of women...,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-3115,She told me that she kept her last relationship as a secret for almost 7 months because there was social conditions also so by setting this frame I wanted to do it like that Should I show any strong interest or do it some other way?,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-19493,pops aint going 2 wear a wester latex hijab 4 muslim women. women LOVE the circumcision.,sexist,3. animosity,3.2 immutable gender differences and gender stereotypes,dev sexism2022_english-15303,"#CandaceOwens was a SJW that created a doxxing website called to ruin people's lives. Then she realized how easy it is to get followers, money, fame, and attention if you simply say I'm a #MAGA, Trump, Republican black woman.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-1950,right? what an ungrateful bitch.. If a girl did something like this to me trying to be nice I would be happy not disgusted..,sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-4893,Trump on Berlin attack: “Islamic terrorists continuously slaughter Christians…as part of their ... [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9393,I've always believed women run the show. Yet feminists believe they are oppressed lmao.,sexist,4. prejudiced discussions,4.2 supporting systemic discrimination against women as a group,dev sexism2022_english-5253,"Naïve, sensitive, accepting and “loving” women are the reason that White, Western Civilization is fucking doomed to extinction. Oh, and their fucking moronic Soy-Boy husbands, boyfriends, brothers and fathers. [URL]",sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-6003,"My ethnic interests? Huh? I’m pro white you silly ass, so don’t help me out u dumb fuck",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-14013,Germany: AfD politician's Twitter account 'censored' under new German hate speech law for her Tweet slamming the Cologne police for sending a New Year's tweet in Arabic [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-2139,"Well I dunno about you [USER], but in the video version I posted of this, there’s a flash of sweet, sweet Muzzie flesh beneath the Burqa at one point. Boy-oh, am I still hot and bothered, lemme tell you.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-12787,"LOL, 5'9 200 lbs for a woman is pretty damn big. To put that into perspective, Serena Williams is 5'9 and weighs 159 lbs, and she has muscles for days. If you're a woman who is 5'9 and 200 lbs, I can pretty much guarantee you are extremely fat.",sexist,3. animosity,3.4 condescending explanations or unwelcome advice,dev sexism2022_english-849,[URL] Navy mom surprises daughter after 7-month deployment,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11519,At least her mother still has a spine. Rare.,sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-16590,damn look at this female reationalization here again. Its like a running theme with FDS mods who post in this sub. always engaging in bad faith arguments hoping no one will look at your argument's logic.,sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-10515,"Considering her questionable conduct as human rights commissioner, there are a lot of people ashamed that she’s an Australian too. [URL] #AusFam #AusPol #ausfam #auspol #Ausfam #Auspol #Australia",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-12252,Yeah well you wouldn’t have done anything with the op anyways.....ANYWAYS yes op calling out girls out works well especially like you said you got nothing to lose. Same to being bold with approaching because we have nothing to lose...🤫,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11386,"The 'reward' of every Temple Mount rioter: 4,500 shekels a month Every 'Mourabitoun' and 'Murabitat' received a monthly salary of 4,500 shekels for harassing Jewish visitors on the Temple Mount. [URL]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-3982,How many did this pig lock up for doing the same thing she was...sickening [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-19531,"Ouch! That is one ""position"" I will never put myself in. Not cucked. Sometimes my wife wants to kill me, but I'll never give her a reason to want to remove my Johnson.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-19164,Her true ugliness shines through.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-14753,I do not associate people that powders their face like a fking ghost with a woman,sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-17296,He’s a nigger,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-13009,"They list the Hapas with Asian moms who don't look Asian at all, when listing NFL and NBA players.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-5409,"You refuse to let her be good to you. ""everything has to be earned"". You absolute dictator. You absolutist.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-17086,"I'm not angry. I've just internalized the truth. Stephan is a traditionalist and a bit of a cuck. When his lovely wife divorces him and takes the children with her, I won't cry because we all tried to warn him.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-6839,"I'm actually shocked how receptive every one in that thread is, shes getting some real truth bombs in that thread.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-1575,Maxine might keep her big mouth shut from now on,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-4168,"Legally, it'd be wrong to kill the ones who did this to the poor girl. Morally, I believe they deserve death.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11671,#politics Huma Abedin sent classified unencrypted emails thru her Yahoo account which ended up on hubby Weiner's lap top,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-17031,"You should blared the horn and started screaming back at her...""let's go Bessie, move along now""",sexist,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement",1.2 incitement and encouragement of harm,dev sexism2022_english-19678,Don't forget she slept with(and probably still sees) whoever gave her(she stole) that oversized hoodie,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11707,Anyone who thought ford was credible or compelling needs thier goddam head examined,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15503,"My chad uncles are retarded as fyck neets, the ugliest son who is my father financially helps them all because he is the most succesful and loves them. I am retarded too btw",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-2170,"You'd think that bitch with a 5 pound nose would be happy about that. I thought the ""Chosen"" hated Hamas.",sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-4956,Read up on the science of transgenderism. You're doing nothing here but spewing creationist-level bullshit. Your dumbass opinion doesn't trump reality.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-475,"If you live on 5th avenue (aka are loaded as shit, sure you can.)",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-18927,Tbh a lot of insta thots are already 95% plastic,sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-17216,Why do you think we hate woman?,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8120,"What if you are 20 and she is the only girl you had sex with and so you are very insecure about your body count, would you suggest to break up?",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15381,Most girls still prefer masculine looks to the gay femboy type,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-7177,HLD did? That's super amusing since they are doing a crossover with Kingdom Death. If Anita ever saw it she would go apoplectic.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-2517,I use women like Kleenex. Blow and throw.,sexist,2. derogation,2.3 dehumanising attacks & overt sexual objectification,dev sexism2022_english-9877,"LOL nice... buy that man a pint on me! (or woman or xi or whatever, didn't intend to miss-pronoun!!! lol)",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-10522,"How do you know if someone wants to talk to you before you talk to them and find out? Telepathy? All you're saying here is either (a) read minds or (b) don't approach. Typical female attitude about the matter, to be honest.",sexist,3. animosity,3.2 immutable gender differences and gender stereotypes,dev sexism2022_english-15877,[USER] a nutritionist with a hate for vegans. Well thats a 1 way ticket to heaven love.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-6254,Unfortunately not. She was hot as hell too. Now she's like 30 though and seems to have grown a beak where her nose was.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-12786,"Interesting that this woman would associate a dog with obedience. The first thing I associate a dog with is a loyal companion. But I guess women expect obedience, men expect a loyal companion.",sexist,3. animosity,3.2 immutable gender differences and gender stereotypes,dev sexism2022_english-9831,they get wet for a book/movie where In blackpillscience sub a study mentioned feminists have same fetish rate with average woman when it comes to that stuff.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16705,Well put. You want to have the good qualities that assholes have and leave the bad ones behind.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-19416,[USER] #HillaryHatesAmericans And she calls US deplorable? Please. Hillary is a disgusting hag.,sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-3601,"Circle the words ""queer,"" ""feminine,"" ""female,"" and ""homosexual"" and then connect them with a line, then send him back to school with it tomorrow. I guarantee it will be awesome.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-10295,"Uhm yes, you can definitely tell it's a female from the conversation..",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-13686,"And Dad's should teach their girls how to not be a whore ""Keep her off the pole""",sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-19387,"Wormwood, used for digestion and stomach ailments also has anti-cancer properties. When paired with Iron it can kill breast cancer cells: [URL] #newstarget #Artemesinin #breastcancer #Iron #wormwood #NaturalNews",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-3650,"Yeah, but Jeremy Meeks looks ugly as fuck to me and many women I know wouldn't touch him with a barge pole. He looks like trouble.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-10787,Poor dude hasn't realized you dont share emotions with women. Sadistic little bitches will throw it in your face everytime and make you feel like shit for it. Only share emotions with other men that you trust.,sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-771,"[USER] I thought I was damned close to that a couple of days ago, but it was not a female....",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-18147,Somehow I feel convinced that [USER] has a crush on [USER]...,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8073,"Yup, I do enjoy a Socialist admitting he is a Socialist through and through. Keep up the good work. Don't forget to bow down before your flag of the former Soviet Union that you keep in mommy's basement.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-12404,The black version of Stacy.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16227,"If you've ever wondered what it'd be like to be married... Find a woman who doesn't want to have sex with you, and buy her a house.",sexist,3. animosity,3.2 immutable gender differences and gender stereotypes,dev sexism2022_english-15313,"Trannie acceptance bruised: Remember that Target boycott started last April, over their pro-transgender policy of shared bathroom and dressing rooms? It's quietly continued. So far, the stock's fallen 30% and cost investors $15B. #GabFam #SpeakFreely",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-14818,This is why I’m not taking online classes and just dropping out of society. Sorry mom and dad but it’s not worth it anymore. I’m just rotting flesh,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-17807,"Man, start digging all possible dirt on that fem. The sooner the better. All her fuckups at work, all possible criminal actions / misdemeanors she might have. Will come in handy when she gets angry with you unavailability and decides to #metoo you.",sexist,4. prejudiced discussions,4.1 supporting mistreatment of individual women,dev sexism2022_english-2541,Sarsour is a Islamic general. Her use of Taqiyya is spot on. She should be jailed for call to jihad.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9919,I despise the woman who wrote this article bashing Ivanka Trump. Please read this and send her a message via Twitter telling her how you hate it too. [URL] Amanda Carpenter [URL] 😨😈😠,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-13068,"philllipines, malaysia, and indonesia dont use induscript they are the only relevant SEA i give a shit about",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11649,"For some women you _will_ be ugly. Just avoid women who are addicted to social media, and you won't be labeled a creep. (don't harass them etc, too)",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11567,"Tony as for JK she is just an idiot. Regarding Islam, I would call them a Satanic Cult and not give them the luxury of calling them a religion.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-18607,"plenty of straight girls as well as gay men will fuck trans dudes, as will bi/pan people. being trans for one isnt really voluntary and secondly it isnt a feature that will stop all people from wanting to fuck you.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9316,#Ebay 🐸 (100) Ultra Pro Life Magazine Size Storage Bags and BCW Boards Combo Lot $29.95 [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-392,"I just got my first twelve hour Twitter block. Apparently, if a woman calls you a ""cunt,"" you aren't allowed to respond by calling her a ""fucktard."" Who knew?",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-17852,"If you don't like our Constitution, find a country that you do like, and go there immediately. We don't need or want you in ours. #ClintonRiots #libtards [URL]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-14194,Google and Bing can eat a box of dicks. Deny traffic to services that take aggressive measures in silencing opposition. [URL] seems to do everything I need it to. #SpeakFreely,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-4909,"cept, i can train the fuck out of a puppy with a choke collar... women will perpetually act with no consequence. men just need to go MGTOW. fuck it all.",sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-5174,So these guys end up in their first serious relationship. Only there's no innocence in the relationship on the part of the female. She's calloused & jaded because of a sexual history that would be absolutely humiliating if it were exposed.,sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-6084,"If I see a girl who I think is pretty, I will go ahead and tell her, not because I want to get laid. Beacsause you don't want to get laid just be her friend!!!",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15746,"If she would get out of her Ivory tower and go to the barrio and the ghettos, she would see that blacks and hispanics HATE EACH OTHER and murder each other for gang initiations...",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-14325,The guy was mobbed. I hope they drop the charges. Obviously only reason they cuffed him is cause it's a young girl. This is great though. Girl winds up her shitty little swing and then...BOOM...,sexist,4. prejudiced discussions,4.1 supporting mistreatment of individual women,dev sexism2022_english-6488,Did you see that post she made about supporting gun control? I died a little inside.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11106,"Fuck charity to women. So much of taxpayer money is already charity to women. I'd pay if someone established a ""charity"" that offered to punish women for crimes that they get away with under the judicial system due to the /r/pussypass.",sexist,4. prejudiced discussions,4.2 supporting systemic discrimination against women as a group,dev sexism2022_english-9063,[USER] ayyyy what's good girl thanks for the follow ... ;p,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-14394,I feel you on that brotha. I'm really trying to just improve overall and get more girls in my life. I'm currently in college working towards getting the career and $$$ part. It's pretty frustrating being single and not having women lol.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-18125,More than 120 women who say they were sexually abused by Larry Nassar are demanding the ouster of MSU's interim president. [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8854,I think what she done was perfectly normal? Going to your mirror to fix your makeup when a guy is coming over? I can picture some people doing that sober lol,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-3281,"i was taught to love men and brainwashed myself with redpill beliefs, but i’m ignored and discarded as human by every male my age even if i dress nice, ect. Yet women are the shallow ones lol",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-7758,lol ya you played this game before and I corrected you. now Up 2 U when this ends. Was Muhammad a pedophile for fucking Abu Bakrz little girl? [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-14200,I'd prefer shekels but I'll take stars.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-12992,You're mom gay,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-4706,"Dont know retard, I've never been one. Did you manage to finish grade school? Do you and the man your mom calls your dad have a special secret?",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-12064,"Definately pay. You're the man lol. As far as mini-golf seduction, go with this: *""Wanna hold my balls?""* -as you hand her the golf balls. .....dont do that.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-5050,"Literally said the dishwasher thing was a joke... but the thing is the majority of people saying men can’t be raped or standing behind female rapists are men. A lot of women, including feminists have similar goals...",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16618,"Ghost the stupid bitch, delete and block her on everything. Join a local fascist organization. Read everything you can about Enrico Corradini, Julius Evola, and Corneliu Codreanu.",sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-11190,"Little girl gang raped by Muslim boys in Twin Falls, ID gets NO justice whatsoever 😡 This is absolute Satanic EVIL - #ZioCommie Judge and County Prosecutors should be unseated and jailed! [URL]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-17287,"#RedneckNation translation: If ur gonna be a pussy, go back to twatter.",sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-17264,"Juanita Broaddrick calls out Hillary for her hypocritical statements on Weinstein. I guess she can overlook Bill's ""indiscretions""... [URL]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-6562,"- be female - mention feminism/racism - doesn't matter if lying because you're ""bringing"" ""attention"" ""to"" ""the"" ""issue"" - ???? - FIGHT THE POWAH!",sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-1623,Lol I came across a profile that said her 'hoe phase' was over and she wanted to be taken on a date. Jfl at taking that used up 25 yo cunt on a date.,sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-19782,"She doesn't block me because I'm abusive, she blocks me because I point out inconvenient truths. Me and many others.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-7550,"[URL] Nigger women drag this stat up the most. Average IQ of 83, so ugly black men avoid them, spitting out niglets like they were on sale. Put them all down. Fat, stupid nation.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-13412,"Meh she's bored and wants to be entertained. You can engage and try out new wierd lines if you feel like it, not like you'll get her into bed.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-2297,They’ll be quiet until they have more of them there. Then they’ll start demanding shit and your government will cave just like everyone else. The Democrats need votes and they know these idiots will vote for them.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9917,"If you __ then she __? How about: When *she* asks for more, and you give her more, she'll ask for **more** of more.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15695,I heard their labias get longer every time she gets stretched by a new BBC and they wing up looking like roast beef.,sexist,3. animosity,3.4 condescending explanations or unwelcome advice,dev sexism2022_english-11128,"I remember my teacher talking down on us, telling us about the ""real world."" These mfers really think wage slaving for the rest of your living existence is the ""real world."" Fucking brainwashed clowns.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-17720,Normal women can't replace men in difficult jobs like software development. But my always prefer women even they have only 50% capability. Due to high work pressure all female developers resign from their post. HR department again start the cycle.,sexist,4. prejudiced discussions,4.2 supporting systemic discrimination against women as a group,dev sexism2022_english-18547,Can women be loyal? If you make them loyal. Just understand that most women in the Modern World are dogshit.,sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-514,How the hell do you accidentally decapitate a baby? What that bitch did was stone-cold murder.,sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-11855,"Women constantly overvalue their 10% contributions and undervalue men’s 90% contribution. Men are forced to value their own efforts themselves and are now asking, what do we need women for?",sexist,4. prejudiced discussions,4.2 supporting systemic discrimination against women as a group,dev sexism2022_english-8544,"It's crazy because every single woman on social media that ""looks like a bodybuilder"" is *guaranteed* to at least be cycling anavar.",sexist,3. animosity,3.2 immutable gender differences and gender stereotypes,dev sexism2022_english-5859,The wife and I enjoy it. Very open ended,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-18584,Street shitter molests sleeping 22 yr old woman on plane. I blame Jew Al Franken. [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-5877,"#StopWhiteGenocide #AudieKirklandJohnson Shell broke into Audie’s house & beat her to death w/a tire iron, along w/severely injuring her stepdaughter, before fleeing w/$287.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-6008,Ask her if she's single. Simple. Or don't ask at all. Who cares?,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-14600,"He's offering free money, so why hate on women who want to indulge him? Hell if he was gay, I'm sure dudes would be hitting him up!",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-3811,This woman...I wish she would go away.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-19707,I'm fairly sure any woman aged 20-50 would kill for a 20 year old alpha stud; this data sounds like crap to me,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11494,U thawt 'chu had a fweind biyatch,sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-1237,It's probably so they don't rape women.. worse than animals,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-2383,You are a fucking woman ? Fuck off from here wench,sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-10543,Frankly this is what I did to every single girl I ever dated for multiple months prior to putting a label on it. The crazy ones typically get filtered out much faster without much drama on the back end,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-6855,Thoughts? Yeah. You are a retarded degenerate who isn't even able to follow the very very few rules of this sub. Reported /u/XxxfriendlyhunterxxX,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-4072,The white beuty thing really fucking triggered me.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-7288,"Of course it was. Is there nothing that can't be blamed on women or feminists? I mean, I know whenever celibate men who talk about an imaginary sky-fairy for a living lobby our federal government to do something, I'm always like, ""DAMN BITCHES.""",sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-8205,Yeah so its pretty obvious that a lot of this subs users just hate women,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9187,Fakecel if you have girl’s numbers for anything other than school or work,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-2592,"I'd watch the AMOGing. You're setting yourself up for some serious karma. Honestly, there's no reason for you to even do that. If you can't get the girl without being a shithead to other dudes, you're doing it wrong.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-17894,"They're ALWAYS trying to find a loophole where they're ""allowed"" to rape. World would be better without them.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-5568,Related: Finland shooting: three women killed outside Imatra restaurant [URL] #pizzagate #littlelivesmatter 12 December 2016 [USER],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11412,"About women laughing when they saw his dick, and how she then said that she had her period.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-12181,"Anime girls like Chad better ha, in animu too many of the males are skinny pretty boys.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-50,NFL is for Amero halfmexican muslim pussies.,sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-19702,pre-existing cleavages' - why do you hate women?,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-1340,That whore would have been dead had she done that to me.,sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-7944,"Again. No. This sub isnt for ""talking about women"". And it's not male supremacy either. It's for posting how mgtow philosophy has bettered your life. Women can drive now in your country and I know how you wahhabis just hate that.",sexist,4. prejudiced discussions,4.2 supporting systemic discrimination against women as a group,dev sexism2022_english-3122,Says the guy who is by product of shitskin mother having un protected sex with a nigger.,sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-3154,Isn’t r/MGTOW basically a hate subreddit against women?,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-18040,I guess this guy doesn't realize that she is using a rape allegation to cover for her cheating on him. Is this guy stupid or what. Now chad coming over for round 2 with the girlfriend. Nah..let him learn the hard way. Lessons usually stick that way.,sexist,4. prejudiced discussions,4.1 supporting mistreatment of individual women,dev sexism2022_english-6750,My basement was dry -- but full of black widow spiders.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-13499,"[USER] I think it is eerily like ""JuSuisCharlie"". Many thousands will march if the MSM gives them ""permission"" Why do this many not come out about the child murdering paedo rings? I would have thought women and MOTHERS would want to protest that!",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-12980,"well. for me if for no other reason this is enough to make me hate scumbag Muslims. because i love Dogs, own two of them, and i think more of Dogs than i do most people. so Muslims have NO CHANCE WITH ME. and i bet i am NOT ALONE on that.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16492,"Life without women is great, isn't it, fellow mgtow??? \*cries in virginity or alimony\*",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11587,The thought occurred to me that Disney has promoted a lot of princess & white knight archetypes. Might be interesting to see how these have changed our norms over time. Disney as a cultural phenomenon is pretty pervasive.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-6184,"Ok, I'll tell her that when we hang out this saturday",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-18124,"Yes, her name on there is really ""Jason"". Smh. Obviously keeping shit on the DL as much as possible with the text.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-7347,"Hilarious. In reality, she would be happy studying cars made in Cuba or Venezuela, except they make none. So maybe Brazil or Mexico, just not any made by evil US corporations.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-14154,Thats why she has giant gold necklaces and looks like shes starving to death.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-7822,"Damn, man. I agree with your original message, but damn...why so aggressive? I've heard that moderates will kill this movement (which I'm inclined to agree with as well), but it seems that a ""you're either with us or against us"" is also a bad idea.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-5903,"girl might genuinely be dumb, not playing. She may also have fucked enough guys that she can't remember past the most recent 5 which is probably 3 months being conservative, 1 week if she's a real whore.",sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-14729,How come ur not banging ur wife every week?,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-17112,"But, the ""JEWnited"" States of America falls under Zionism.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-13401,"Hitler was a faggot who never had a wife, but tourtured several young women who took their own life.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9516,"You're the exact type of person I hoped this post would reach. The world doesn't revolve around women. It revolves around whatever the fuck you want to do. Edit: To clarify, make sure it is something productive and not harmful to other people.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-17046,Here is the lawsuit against Bell Media. This explains her case. [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11410,That's what happens little girl when you mix cocaine and milkshakes together. ;),sexist,3. animosity,3.4 condescending explanations or unwelcome advice,dev sexism2022_english-1579,They wind up with those men because the men don't have enough good option so they take what they can get. You haven't noticed how every other girl seems to have an asshole or abusive ex.,sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-8766,What kind of background checks are needed to get type of guns those snipers in Bosnia were using to shoot at Hillary like she claims? #2A #NRA,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8682,"Exercise, do basic grooming and dress decently. There, you are now a good-looking bloke. Now focus on shit that ACTUALLY gets girls like being competent, driven and bold and leave fussing over beauty to women. It matters for them immensely.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-5071,Why are you incel?,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15263,Is this photo of Hillary in the Wax Museum.The museum really showed her at a younger age.Her neck hangs like her breasts---------pancakes,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-12118,"[USER] .........i like tall, strong women. Wouldn't be a problem for me. :P",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-5691,"You are so right. He has the media covering his Tweets like birds flocking to the Feed! If Trump left Twitter, I can't see it growing or successful. Cats, dogs, Trump hate, lonely men & women only lasts so long.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-4205,You're arguing with an incel lol,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-3505,Gab will kill Twitter...#NP,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-512,"Oregon may allow drivers to choose nonbinary, rather than male or female, for licenses [URL] #Trans #OR",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16293,Women sometimes profit from patriarchy too and men suffer under it. Who knew...?,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15919,I don't think that I have enough middle fingers to shoot her way.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9528,Asians are fucking scared of the sun....whats this soy bitch gonna do with the likes of cantwell...scream racist...,sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-9169,But statistically doesn't the female population outnumber the males? Shouldn't women then by logic be the 'expendable' gender?,sexist,4. prejudiced discussions,4.2 supporting systemic discrimination against women as a group,dev sexism2022_english-16447,True. ALL women are escorts except for when they see a chad.,sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-11315,[USER] That or I think the mother put his religion down as Muslim.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-13715,Show me the data where women want a man who is a drone rather than a man who has passion and vulnerability. I have yet to see it.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16276,[USER] Hi. I'm writing a roundup post about the French runoff. Would you like to contribute a brief quote weighing in on Le Pen's campaign? I'd like to get your input on what you think she needs to do in the last stretch of the race to win.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-18084,Some of them are calling out on her bullshit it's hilarious.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-12510,"as visions of dancing boys dance in their heads, with delusions of rape anytime anywhere, & their daughters bedroom is no longer off limits",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-563,I can already imagine the replies to that tweet.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15688,Still don't understand. What does someone willing to commit have to do with their level of promiscuity? A guy could be willing to commit to me and I wouldn't know if he's a virgin. If he has a million ONSs or if he had 13 previous girlfriends.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8999,Seems as if she is truly her mother's daughter. What a greedy money hungry bitch! [URL],sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-3809,Latest Q drop. Excellent article by a female native Californian Re: Diane Feinstein's true colors [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-540,Your SMV must be significantly higher than her (even just in her mind) + traditional upbringing.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-14717,The vote should happen this week. We will see what other shenanigans the dems come up with though.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-1369,"mate, i dont think 'onetisis got knocked the fuck out', I think you whined like a little bitch to some girl you've been obsessed with and then ran the fuck away like a pussbag",sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-3042,Fix it if it's bothering you. Stop worrying about girls. It's a serious problem.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-17731,Can’t tell if this is a serious question or you’re just autistic. Staring is high LOI. Go talk to her. Stop talking with your eyes and man up. Approach her. The fact that you wasted time asking us when you could’ve been inside her cheeks...,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-18050,If you actually take your own life you have massive balls. I had an older friend do this and I have mucho respect for taking charge of the situation.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16699,"So, you don't even deny that you hate women, you're merely frustrated that there are other guys who do and can still get laid?",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-1657,"Right, but as Lott demonstrated in his landmark research, female suffrage IMMEDIATELY precipitated a leftward lurch in American politics that continues to this day. If only White men voted, there would have been no Great Society or Gibs Me Dat State.",sexist,4. prejudiced discussions,4.2 supporting systemic discrimination against women as a group,dev sexism2022_english-15651,How can women be insightful when we do enough for them that it deprives them of character building learning experiences?,sexist,4. prejudiced discussions,4.2 supporting systemic discrimination against women as a group,dev sexism2022_english-13129,Stop drinking so much or make it really clear why you're not hard. I imagine that shit is embarrassing to a girl,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-12122,And she's probably sober.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-6257,Traveling with female friends becoming the fad for women [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-14468,Remember that most girls are never really single in the true sense. They usually stick around until they find the new guy. And even then they have orbiters. Realistically she probably started talking to this guy before you broke up.,sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-19790,"If I saw ""wife"" potential or if I was quitting soon.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-7462,eh just show her there’s good in men. and to not believe in everything she sees/read .,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-12522,"Before! Since then she has laid low (well, okay, lowish), but has plans to introduce a new and more virulent strain of typhoid and cholera to the natives!",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-19940,"Better yet, completely ignore women whenever possible. And certainly always be cagey. [Treat them like you would treat a police officer]([URL] The one mistake the OP's boss made was divulging personal details to a woman.",sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-15523,Have you ever notice liberal females are ugly as sh*t. and the males are little beta pussies. Project Veritas video reveals DisruptJ20 plot [URL],sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-12928,"I don't really think women who slept with over 50 guys would be much offended if some ""incel"" doesn't date them. They don't need you enough to give a shit..",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16587,Lol women can't do push ups...,sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-4409,It depends on mother's height too,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9686,there's no shortage of women who will offer it up for free on the internet Literally where?,sexist,2. derogation,2.3 dehumanising attacks & overt sexual objectification,dev sexism2022_english-7344,The Church of Christ has gifts they don't believe in. One of my friends from the Nolan family spotted the witchcraft sport but thought I was the witch but I was the victim of an attack he had the gift of Discernment and didn't know it.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-12045,andieiam ‏[USER] andieiam Retweeted Gab.AI/JohnWinters Trayvon Martin's father was a gangbanger who cheated on all his wives. His mother treated him poorly. She did not raise him.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8579,"I've been approaching girls for years now, but I still can't bring myself to open directly. To each his own I guess.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8009,how in the hell she get this many comments not one person ever says shit on mine?,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-13279,This is definitely true. However it will help your game because if you are virgin you should lose your virginity ASAP so you would know that having sex is not a big deal. If you're still virgin you'd be desperate and girls could smell that.,sexist,3. animosity,3.2 immutable gender differences and gender stereotypes,dev sexism2022_english-16561,What a fucking miserable existence to be a woman ~~like that~~.,sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-2504,"What a horrible friend and a selfish bitch to leave her friend alone at the bar. Good for you I guess, but man, I'd hate to actually date a girl like that.",sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-16377,"Alright first off, dont try to convince people. They have to be willing to swallow the redpill. But holy fuck man the stuff you said to that chick and her cuck made me lose my sides.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-5210,"In Sweden we soon have election. Newspaper [USER] [USER] hate SD a right ving parti. Its hate SD all day long, [USER] [USER]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15869,"considering how men's issues are treated, the building would more accurately be 1/10 the size of the women's one.",sexist,4. prejudiced discussions,4.2 supporting systemic discrimination against women as a group,dev sexism2022_english-9812,Incels are skinny and/or babyfaced. Those are the two things that make one incel.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9206,"I like the double tapping the elbow idea since it won't lead to confusion, but what do I say after? I don't want all of her friends just staring at me. I feel like that would be awkward. And I'll be sure to use ""The hand of God"" next friday.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-4383,[USER] He needs to return it to the working men and women of NYC to offset what he did to them as mayor .,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11682,"“Excuse me, the manager asked me to ask you to please leave. You’re making all the other girls look bad.”",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-4692,"Have to wait until Sept. 5th for #Hillary next speech, I understand her life is basically a shitshow, but she drums up pure gold every speech. #WaitingPatiently",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-19525,Bro who gives a fuck dude just keep doing what ur doing that nigga don’t even want her,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-7831,"There is a negative correlation between Hillary's familiarity of a subject and both the time and frequency she comments on it. Guns - instantaneous, often Sexual Predators - Umm, well, I , umm, what was the question?, {crickets}",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8156,well you also clearly do if you think we men are all gonna rape a girl and that'd we'd do something without her consent I am gonna stop this conversation my I just lost my last braincell to this,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-5360,Poor girl. Hope she gets proper treatment and lives a happy life.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-2661,I say go. Don't have expectations as you said. If it becomes clear she wants you to fuck her then it's up to you. Try to figure out if she really has an exclusive boyfriend beforehand though or you may get your ass kicked later,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8273,A good depiction of #irrational female behavior. She had no way of knowing if the #shield was bulletproof. [URL] via [USER] #MGTOW #FridayFeeling #CaptainAmerica #Femalenature #Walkaway,sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-9921,"Which is a nice way of saying hank clinton has the kuru disease from eating diseased plagued Haitians for decades, and its rotting away her brain.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-3720,Your post doesn’t make sense. If men are utilities to women to extract resources why would they want men to kill themselves?,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-351,"Judging from what I've read in the sidebar etc when trying to ask a girl out, don't make it a question, instead say ""trivia night Sunday, you sound like you know a few things, if I Piick up at 9 will u be ready by then""",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-302,StumbleLina sure does have a lot of dead bodies piling up with her name written all over them‼️ 😡,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-12039,"I would say if a woman seems even slightly odd, stay away.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11175,i only agree with her from her stand point.. crooked politician trying to insure only she has guns.. smart for a crooked politician from my stand point - she is a traitor trying to WEAKEN AMERICA EXECUTE THE SEDITIONIST according to the UCMJ,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-14660,"You're the one saying your political analysis is better than Trumps proven historical record. I'd say that's an extreme claim. Could you beat up Chuck Norris, too?",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-13216,Taking wife to dinner. See you tomorrow or Sunday.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11024,Almost two years and Sessions hasn't done a thing about the previous administration's crimes. Sessions needs to go. We wasted two years with this useless jackass. Trump's biggest mistake by far.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-10791,"Chelsea Clinton 'used Foundation resources to fund her 2010 wedding to Marc Mezvinsky', according to new Wikileaks email [URL]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-672,"Is she the reason why your first jew wife left you, Alex?",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-12847,"The old plea 'bargain' trick. You abuse the person to break him/her, then you 'solve' the 'crime' [URL]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9022,The righteous indignation from the white cunt on the left is disgusting. Watch her face throughout the video,sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-14327,I wouldn’t do a movie. I’d do something like mini golf or bowling or something fun/silly. If she doesn’t open up a little from that then she is bland.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-1498,"a good counter proposal is that she should pay whites as reparations for a lifetime of blood libel, plus pay males for a collective history of divorce and cuckolding by her sex",sexist,4. prejudiced discussions,4.2 supporting systemic discrimination against women as a group,dev sexism2022_english-13942,meat will be banned Maybe. Feminists are usually vegan cucks. >authoritarianism will rise Think UK and their new misogyny hate speech laws. >Islam will take over They won't. They're women's useful idiots.,sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-5279,"Act normal around her, it will only become awkward if you make it so.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9,We are awake ! DNC must be abolished,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-6447,Slav fathers teach their daughters reverence of Our Father in Heaven.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-19768,"I'm eating apple pie, and watching my cat lick her genitals.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-18941,"My old mentor, Eddie the Plumber used to say, ""Slap a dick in her mouth! That'll shut her up!!"".",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15209,okay the mom shit is almost done. one more laundry load to start then we will share the holofaux lies or the facebook cabal. remember to make protonmail accounts with @ names. im going to start screenshoting names in case gab gets shoah'd.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8852,How bout we feed her tongue to the pigs first,sexist,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement",1.2 incitement and encouragement of harm,dev sexism2022_english-15656,"Because heavily muscled females look grotesque, that’s why.",sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-17847,"Happy mother's day to all the beautiful, patriotic, loving mother's out there! :D Those with us and those passed. #GabFam #MothersDay",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16171,"If you live near NY, first round is on me, no women, no pressure, no nothing. Simply an offer to shoot the shit.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-14826,"True.. How would you go about escalating, or making sure that's she's into me? Start touching her more and more? Most I've done is tease and make fun of her a bit. I don't want to go all out straight away, seeing as she's still in some of classes.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15354,"LPT: If you sit on your hand for a couple of minutes first, it goes numb and feels like someone else is giving you a handjob!",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-7921,"(Guess he never heard of ""let bygones be bygones."") Holy shit they actually tried shaming him for that? Fuck that shit, an affair's an affair. And he did let bygones be bygones. He said bye to his wife, and now she's gone!",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8558,"haha I doubt the girls are confused. They're interested in him, so they hit on him. Easy as that",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-5737,"It's funny, but whenever I suggest that costume to my friends (both male and female), the men groan, the women get irritated, and everyone says ""NO DON'T BE A TOOL"" :/ (M 20)",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9733,"""people letting people be people""Funny how that does not extend to white straight men who want to be left alone"" How about just not having to pay for Latrina's 21 crackbabies?",sexist,4. prejudiced discussions,4.2 supporting systemic discrimination against women as a group,dev sexism2022_english-14501,"Neil Cavuto is a nevertrumper and is not man enough to just say so. Instead, he acts like a snowflake vagina and Sen. Shelby is a huge pos RINO swamp scum. These people are incredibly incompetent and corrupt, stop voting for incumbents.",sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-5502,"Well, if those energy shields count as armor, he'd get upper left/lower right diagonal in addition to crew cut.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-14662,"""Ideals Fads are for weak"" <-- this is potent truth, sister well said!",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-3221,This is a curious part of the whole incel thing IMHO. When Stacey turns you down for not being attractive enough she's a bitch but when you turn a girl down for the same reason you're not being a bitch?,sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-14961,"#NXTTakeOver Killian Dane follows that up with a rope dive against everyone. ""Holy shit!"" chants.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-2287,WELL..... DAMN!!! [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-17759,Take this white mom and throw her under a bus somewhere. Either that or into an Alligator pit. And this black piece of shit needs to be castrated and tortured until he is no more.,sexist,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement",1.2 incitement and encouragement of harm,dev sexism2022_english-1305,"Y'all Christian mother fuckers need to read the Bible. Ain't nothing in there about marrying a slut, and a dozen places it says to stone them.",sexist,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement",1.2 incitement and encouragement of harm,dev sexism2022_english-12314,"No, they're women...",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-5746,Did you end up banging anyway? Or at least end up getting a free guide instead of a paid one?,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-12216,Also at the end he says women are more insecure and we need to capitalize and take advantage of that,sexist,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement",1.2 incitement and encouragement of harm,dev sexism2022_english-6050,"I don't see the point in putting that on a tinder profile. It excludes all female users. If you aren't interested in any of the women on tinder, why waste your time creating a tinder profile?",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-6838,Are you seriously khhv? If so you're the biggest fucking mentalcel I've ever seen.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-6499,"Bro, got to differentiate those lifts. Get balance. Around 18 mo of mgtow myself. It was easy day 1, divorce. Haven't worked on physic due to lack of diet (broke) shortly going to be resolved. Cutting weight though. Abs are back. Can't wait to bulk",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-4151,"Nera likes jumping in, but start to slide the door, she freaks out...",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-14,What does it matter? Just meet up and see what she wants. Worst case you spend an afternoon with a lovely person. Best case you smash.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-13885,Maybe she's senile? Isn't she pretty old??,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15701,Take her to a black site and waterboard her if she doesn't want to talk to congress and the American people.,sexist,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement",1.2 incitement and encouragement of harm,dev sexism2022_english-11545,#Saudi male student trying to behead a western female in #Canada because he can't stand her not covering up in accordance with #Sharia. [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-739,"Every woman wants to be a model. It's codeword for ""I get everything for free and people want me""",sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-11793,"Tattoos are risky business. Not all tats are created equally, and not all of them suit everyone.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11302,[URL] Chemnitz hit by protests against German migration policy & clashes with Antifa,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-10478,He thought she was a dead lay.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-10198,They get everyday what i wish i could get once girls looking at them flirting with them even smiling at them women hate guys like us simply because genetics there all sluts it sucks to say but the only way to get women is to be a chad,sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-13406,SHE IS SO FUCKIN' STUPID but the more stupid ones are those who kept electing her and doesn't say much for them. NO WONDER CALI is in such a bad shape !,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9433,"[USER] Jill Stein's reptilian neck is showing, look at that coaxial cable in her neck.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-1105,"Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the beautiful girl's house. Knock knock, who's there? The chicken.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-1894,Killary shouldn't have called her a buffalo...,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-1816,Their herd mentality is yet another reason why women are not good for leadership. No own logic at all.,sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-13580,"Opsec wasn’t an idiot & Side is not an idiot & what you saying here: “I got no soild evidence just the shit my sewing circle comes up with, heh.” - Judge Dread #RetardAlert",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11989,"I thought women have it so easy because they just have to open their legs to fuck Chad. So sex is like.. a compromise? What is this, bluepill witchcraft?",sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-13723,"MSM are so full of hate that rather than checking out a story they just assume because President Trump wants her she is a monster. We you know what they say about why you never assume, right. Ass/U/Me.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-5609,"Disgusting to YOU, anyway. You know what? They're HER boobs. Not yours. She can let anyone she wants to, to fondle them. Now, if ""anyone she wants"" includes Daddy, then there is a problem. But he isn't Daddy. The point is that the OP lied.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-10612,"Full Congressional censure and expulsion and charged with her crimes, prosecuted and sent to PRISON...",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9274,What the fuck is an emotional tampon?,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-7479,Downvoting because you don’t see the hypocrisy. You know mature couple communicate their problems and she’s asking for space. Give her the space and let her realize what she’s losing.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-6249,"Sorry, islam-reformers--islam can NEVER be reformed, only destroyed. If a muslim calls him/herself a muslim then that is what they are: a muslim, and all muslims believe in and follow the koran. **** [URL]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-6596,"[USER] London: Nonwhite/ leftie mob attack Churchillian café Blighty UK, demand that the owner changes its name because they believe Churchill was scum and racist. [URL]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-19606,"POP POP POP WATCHING RACISTS DROP (sneak preview of one of my upcoming hit singles ""ben $hapiro nazi killa lady slayah 420)",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-2393,The b**ch does that because she know thta the uk is ruled by mental retarded people... [URL],sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-8169,"A platform that was meant for musicians and performers that became the new capital of e-thot land, in which girls diddle themselves for money.",sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-19026,"yeah, but Amy punchable face schumer isn't. Shes a dumbass feminist tryhard",sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-8550,"Yep definitely getting therapy. Just idk what I should have done at those specific points. I guess more of like ""ok cool"" and not being so impulsive.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-752,This jackass.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-18925,I'd rather be a cuck Stopped listening right there.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16793,"[USER]‍ Happy Shivratri, bitch.",sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-1229,Yep & he will be sent to a woman's prison where he'll have all the pussy he can rape.,sexist,2. derogation,2.3 dehumanising attacks & overt sexual objectification,dev sexism2022_english-3388,Well in Facebook Jail for three days ! I told some cunt that being nice to muslim animals wont saver her ass.I guess I hurt the cunts feelings. I hope a Muslim fucks her in the ass and rips her cunt off.,sexist,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement",1.2 incitement and encouragement of harm,dev sexism2022_english-6863,[USER] This dirty lying rotten scumbag wants Comey to resign..I would like him to stay long enough to testify for himself...,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-5347,The thirst is strong. You can't find a woman ugly enough to not be getting dick.,sexist,2. derogation,2.3 dehumanising attacks & overt sexual objectification,dev sexism2022_english-17437,"I was a leftist before gamergate and I didn't do it. I was dating a Christian girl at the time, and her family never complained about us. So they are willing to bend on homosexuality.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-12701,"Apparently you approve of girls being treated as second class citizens, gays thrown off buildings, FGM, pedophilia and all those other wonderful things that go hand in hand with islam. Go FUCK yourself you islamic apologizing piece of shit.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16069,These attention starved cunts that will sell their souls to the devil for fame and fortune and now want to piss all over the people that help them get them there... to get more attention and money.,sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-15161,"Probably instantly, anglin has a no thots allowed policy.",sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-12459,"If there's one thing this world needs, it's more thots taking bathroom selfies.",sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-19158,Truecels hate him! He makes women fall in love with him using one weird trick. Find out how —> [CLICK HERE]([URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-93,"Send this group of nice young men to visit Oakland CA Mayor, Libby Schaaf for a little session of molestation, rape, and then dismemberment of her, they love that she was protecting illegal aliens! Let the molestation start....",sexist,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement",1.2 incitement and encouragement of harm,dev sexism2022_english-7018,"Once you are single, start dating and talking to multiple girls, before you two are in love. It will make meeting women easer",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11813,"sharia is unhinged, lost control of her life when i broke up with her sad!",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-14680,virtue signal perhaps. Someone leaked where she would be to the activist. I have a friend ex-CIA who said it smells of a set-up.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9034,Arrogant democrat billionaire whose father co-founded Hyatt tells men to use girls restrooms [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-4762,"I love [USER] . She's like a happy, smart little shitlord who is mostly polite. Nice combination. So I'll cut her some slack on the pickle thing.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-3168,"I don't know if Churchill was a Jew loving (a Jewesss can hold her charms)faggot, but how do you define, ""sue for peace?""",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-5492,"I love it! AHAHA I've been waiting for this to get a few more episodes in. This bitch is asking for it With the leve strength that he has, he would kill her if he goes full strength.",sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-13734,"If he thinks Amish women are hot, he'd get a serious hate boner if saw a woman in a burqa.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-18119,Volunteer her for a game of tarrush then.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-480,"I told my 15yo son that he ought to put on a girl scout dress and go door to door selling Tranny Scout Cookies. If anybody refused, he could hiss, ""BIGOT!""",sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-5861,"Lol I know from my dad's reaction to my mother, some days he can't fucking stand her and I be the same boat.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-6538,"MRA stuff like men saying they wished they hadn't had daughters, calling ALL American women whores, etc. Evidence if this?",sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-10925,Very smart. Incels keep saying all girls are feminist manipulative whores but they still dream of relationships with them.,sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-17466,True.. men tend to bond much quicker and better than women.,sexist,3. animosity,3.2 immutable gender differences and gender stereotypes,dev sexism2022_english-11732,"No such thing as ""too early"" Girls know if they would fuck you within 10 minutes of meeting you. All you did was make her honest. Now you can move on and forget about her. I ALWAYS go for a kiss on the first date. If she pulls back, next pls.",sexist,3. animosity,3.2 immutable gender differences and gender stereotypes,dev sexism2022_english-1241,Because they're tired or because there are simps in the military?,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8172,"Yes, I'm aware of that, when my first wife used to drive!",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-3996,"According to my calculations, all women are mentally ill children.",sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-15791,She then rested her leg on mine for the rest of class. Go get that shit homeboy.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-19659,Dare to be different. Do weird shit. A crucial part of that is not being afraid of the woman just because she is hot.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-4491,"Well, women basically don't give any verbal cues. So we as men have to become a JEDI MIND-READER and try to understand.",sexist,3. animosity,3.2 immutable gender differences and gender stereotypes,dev sexism2022_english-1197,I'm sorry it's way different for boys/guys it just is. A small sexy woman teacher can't PHYSICALLY overpower a teenage boy unless he's a midget. My future daughter will be homeschooled as well so no chance of that happening either.,sexist,3. animosity,3.2 immutable gender differences and gender stereotypes,dev sexism2022_english-11697,"I do report it but no surprise it doesn’t get taken down, it seems like Reddit only cares about hate speech against men and not against women.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-2387,you're making up context SCROLL. UP. YOU. RETARD. What a blatant fucking liar,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-18165,"Good point, i went on a tinder date once and the girl didn't mind not talking all the time which i found incredibly refreshing, too bad i wasn't physically attracted.",sexist,3. animosity,3.3 backhanded gendered compliments,dev sexism2022_english-1384,"This doesn't mean they are shy. Work on your game, and make actual connections with women and your responses will improve.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-250,Another fairly tale - your supposed ability to comprehend the thought processes of lawyers. Nobody 'gets in trouble' on GAB. All they get is dumb replies.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8876,But the law counts the teen girls that run away to look for sex work. Imo those arent missing kids or sex trafficking victims.,sexist,4. prejudiced discussions,4.1 supporting mistreatment of individual women,dev sexism2022_english-15376,"Because I don't see men as piles of flesh with no ""wants and needs"" and I don't think most women do either.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-7771,"[USER] dude check her youtube channel, she is fuckin awesome",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-17748,That ain't sexism it's fear of the modern world that one rape accution can ruin your life,sexist,4. prejudiced discussions,4.2 supporting systemic discrimination against women as a group,dev sexism2022_english-5150,"Good ol' days, back when Hollywood wasn't afraid of dropping truth bombs. Now it's all about pushing the female imperative narrative always.",sexist,4. prejudiced discussions,4.2 supporting systemic discrimination against women as a group,dev sexism2022_english-15581,"It's not Christian to wish this piece of crap to feel as much pain as Owens' widow, but damn it's hard sometimes.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-19035,basically I placed more value on her than I should then?,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-19549,[URL] This is the people on the left did you know witch's charactors are modeled on jews? [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-14927,"I cannot fathom how careful Brad probably has to be with what he does, what he says to her, etc. I’d be almost certain he’s wired up every single time he interacts with her so she can’t slam him with a sexual assault accusation.",sexist,4. prejudiced discussions,4.1 supporting mistreatment of individual women,dev sexism2022_english-16684,This is what happens when you promise to raise taxes....let brown illegal scum in....let men go in womens' bath rooms...allow transgender freaks in the military...and promise to take our guns!,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-19303,"Ah, thank you. Now I can hit the beaches in comfort.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-4361,"The democrat platform: High taxes No borders Defend MS-13 Support Hamas Attack our ally, Israel Choose illegals over blacks Take away a woman's right to defend herself w/ a gun",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-4057,Let's talk about church game. How do you mack on all the pious pussy in attendance and how do you 4th-deadly-sin-close?,sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-9627,#PizzaGate The Police Sketches Match The Three Sexual Skanks Revealed Through E-mail Leaks and Now Connected to Madeline McCann's Abduction [URL],sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-16151,"Nowhere in Daily Caller's Betsy Rothstein's hit piece on Chuck Woolery, implying that he's anti-Semitic, does she disclose to her readers that she's Jewish. #MAGA #AltRight",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-17220,the timid don’t have their names remembered,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8787,"For once in her miserable race-baiting career, Joy Reid speaks the truth. Homosexuals are disgusting degenerates. [URL]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-12925,What did she look like on a scale of 1 to 10? Lets say 5 is average is helen hunt and 8 is kim kardashian,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-7307,"Amy Schumer's biggest problem is that she simply isn't self-aware enough to be funny. After that, her next biggest problem is that she's fucking barking.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-6119,"Downvote to oblivion, please. Let her know what we think of carpetbaggers. [URL]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-7535,I feel like an incel among certain people. Ex I go to a southern state school and being brown makes me damn near invisibke for almost every girl. I went to a pretty diverse high school and had no problem with anything.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-14706,"If anything was to symbolize islam it's head in the sand, ass in the air for a butt-rape in mass.. ?? Can you ask for a more fitting prayer position haha",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15661,"Just dont treat her differently, give her the space she needs",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-10671,wow now abc becomes self aware and realize that firing roseanne was a huge fucking mistake grats abc you are going to get killed in ratings and all of her fans told you so way before hand you dumb cunts,sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-17794,"When we kept mongrels out of the schools, this stuff didn't happen.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8918,Sharryl Atkisson talks about the smear campaign against Browder in her book. Fusion GPS is dirty.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-6366,"That the average female for you. They are spoiled, ungratefull and entitled selfish leech.",sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-8036,"Someone kill her, really, I’m not kidding, someone cut her throat",sexist,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement",1.2 incitement and encouragement of harm,dev sexism2022_english-8164,"""Go to the spider wasp thou White Nationalist; consider her ways, and be wise."" #molochsproverbs [URL]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11278,"[USER] on the bright side, none of the saints on the un human rights council have made her a sex slave, castrated her, or killed her for honor.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-2240,No. The problem is our educational system is infested by leftist idiots indoctrinating our kids into stupidity and globalism. So this is what you get honestly. It's not nuclear science aint it,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-17547,she's cool and a badass !! i know after two of the same stupid questions I would throw the Mic at them 80mph!! LMFAO 😉😃😄,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-2533,"LMFAO, what percentage of women do you think have fucked a sports player or a musician?",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-5549,4) The there's the fact that clearly the Nobel committee is run by and for jewish power and jews love giving themselves handouts and accolades.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-6681,I had a girl once call out me for having a boner when it was just a fold in my pants... My pants are not wrapped around my dick- you will not see it like that- that’s empty fabric resting on it.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16622,if you think that was an ok kind of argument to have - you're as good as the girl getting knocked out imo,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-1053,"That's funny, I do the same thing with my wife. She calls it Male Feminine hygiene dyslexia. I always offer to cut them down to size for her. One day a closet full of pads will come in handy.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9791,Every real woman should pull out in protest. The real men should support them and refuse to run too.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-19760,When a girl says shes going try and find herself let that bitch go,sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-3773,"The number after 40 in the US rises to 50-75% females test positive for genital herpes. That means you’re more likely than not to come into contact with it, and even a condom is no guarantee against HSV",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-2925,poodle dog 3 hours ago Love these ladies how they support our president they sure do have a lot of spunk,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-1119,that shit comes at you at 40 from 2 oclock like a deer--some little 30 yo wants to know what an old guy is like she said she was attracted to me because I had all my teeth.......5150 too bad,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-5057,"If I hear someone say ""rape retarded girls"" again in the next 24 hours.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16086,I'ma have to politely disagree with you on this particular example,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-5901,I love when Im_a_rapist writes FRs.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8797,"Well, a woman has to be very patient while waiting on her 100 year old husband to get an erection! Secret to Japan couple's 80 years of marriage: wife's patience. [URL]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9933,Democrats insist women who have been abused must be believed...unless Keith Ellerson beat her ass in which case she should shut up and be happy that she was allowed to be part of his realm.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15773,"Remind them that women control 55% of the vote, and as such under their definition men are the gender which cannot be prejudiced.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16386,We have.had few bastard President.I can say you didn't voted for him it's all good I didn't too.but a woman had this person.I respect every woman.that can have a everyone needs to keep that word out.if their mouth.who know they might be one.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9890,"This is a superb post. I'd just like to add as a colored man that I have nothing but respect for White men, and I think the demonization of White males is horrifying.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8714,Uf thats some new level of cuck,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-18588,Rating women is pretty common,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-18977,Sometimes I feel outclassed by the black guys in the club. They are all built and are smooth and I'm just thus white Hispanic guy with no game.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11673,Kikes hate white men and want us dead ? Who'd a thunk ?,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11865,"Easter Sunday Slaughter in Pakistan is rooted in Deep-Seated Racism against Punjabi Christians by th Muslim majority [URL] Th horrific racism & discrimination Punjabi Christians face within Pakistan’s Muslim communities, frm secular to orthodox",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-19132,May I borrow some pussy 🥺🥺,sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-9553,1. Buy a drink and sink a roofie in it. 2. Take her home,sexist,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement",1.2 incitement and encouragement of harm,dev sexism2022_english-19302,Dent Coad has form for this sort of thing like when she posted a picture of a homeless woman calling the Tories bastards when the woman was a US citizen from Los Angeles.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-13975,I never said that any man dating an Asian woman is an Asian fetishist. I'm talking specifically about men that fetishize Asian women. Dating an Asian woman doesn't necessarily mean fetishizing.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8567,they're all at chad's kegger tonight. they'll get back to LARPing tomorrow morning,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-19774,This bullshit is why I hate MGTOW. It scares plenty of women and I have work against that.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-3183,"“it is NOT Trump's fault that you are a drunken fat mouthed whore and a dirty bitch!” -Roseanne Barr, just now on the Twatter. Is she talking to Hillary? Hahah!",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-19819,"Sweet, it would be weird if this swept the nation like a mania. The goyisha women rising up, ferocious and indignant, bringing low every jewish degenerate. We'd be like, 'well, damn mamma'.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-7204,"I don't understand, does she not see the potential?",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-6420,She is so fucking stupid. Is she missing the point on purpose or something? Jesus.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-6006,We gotta' get Congress to pass a bill to get all the crazy Democrats some medication. [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9306,"This is what ive been saying forever. Its not that theyre fakecel. Womens standards are reslly just that stupidly high. If you dont look like an ig male model, attracting women is a massive uphill battle.",sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-18955,[USER] should go viral A) clearly shows african americans what she is like B) cleary warns americans abt the dangers of muslim immmigration,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-3291,Lol this is so true. I think women are incapable of feeling emotions like love they just have attraction for chads and move when they find another chaddier chad. And the cycle goes on till they die cause there is always a chaddier chad.,sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-14294,"[USER] [USER] - C'mon now, be patient-- let's give him the opportunity to inform gabbers of the accurate number of homosexual partnerships per annum. The true amount could be quite edifying, no?",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-19182,The Soviet Union even sent their women to die on the frontlines Это неправда.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-2004,"Friend, I would be surprised as here in Venezuela NO millennial, and I include myself wants socialism, we hate it. And I repeat the elections in Venezuela are rigged.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-14710,"\>Implying Japanese women don't like drawing lewd things It's not just drawings either, in Senran Kagura Asuka's voice actress [Hitomi Harada]([URL] not only has a bigger chest than the character she portrays she's also a Katsuragi-grade pervert.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-18335,You mgtow people don't care about women at all right?,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-3462,"It's a rule of mine as well. I don't want to smell smoke or smell like smoke, and I don't want to be a widower at 40.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-19988,"Yeah but Mueller will have to justify his existence and the money spent, so he will do everything to snare the Big Kahuna---Trump. Mueller is the asshole the liberal/commies are depending on to do this",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-6873,***edits out all Men in 'Saving Private Ryan*** 90 minute movie of SS soldiers running a train on rooms of American women.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11998,"Sounds like narcassistic traits to me, it's all about her",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-17817,"Wigman? Take girls with you. Unless you're talking to lesbians, it raises your value. Still eating your own bullshit.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8493,"The girls are hot. Other than that, no",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-10373,"The mudsharking tradthot is the new closeted gay military dad, except the former actually has a basis in reality as opposed to being a made-up fantasy of butthurt anti-gentilic hollywood jews.",sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-10113,So should his 10 year old daughter decide she can have sex if she wants?,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-1123,When you have powerful enemies...strange things can happen Look at Hilary's enemies...they get so depressed many kill themselves,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-5974,A lot of white soldiers who were passing through the Asian countries who were colonized by Japan used Asian women as comfort women,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-5636,What we need to be shouting is where our Queen and is she still a Christian nation Because her government are Muslims she needs to listen to the people or she will fall .,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-37,"They're faggots, pussies and old ladies. They probably wear women's underpants.",sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-7306,if the Marxist had their way we would all fuck ugly fat sassy women. nooooo thanx!,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-12791,"Even if she wasn't intending to harm somebody, she would just leave you and the encounter would be no better than going to a prostitute.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-18664,Ya its just even in those kind of settings I get the VIBe that most women arent interested in conversing with stranger men like me (who they deem unattractive),not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-6136,Fire her ass Trump!,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-12398,[URL] I don't care what Webster Hubbell's daughter thinks about her mom being SCHLONGED by Donald Trump...,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-1530,I have followed her for a long time. Even though I hate youtube.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15891,It is absolutely that porn has normalized the violent sexual and physical assault of women. Lmao naw it's was normal during antiquity . Now it's against the law to do that,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15324,Control yourself girl.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-17359,Everything women do is sexist as fuck,sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-6407,[USER]: AG Sessions still has the opportunity to go after Hillary Clinton – the evidence of her guilt of espionage is ‘overwhelming’ [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-2241,This is hideous. This poor woman. She literally has pedo monsters stalking her omg,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8502,Can always hope he goes for someone like my girlfriend. She would snap his dick right off and shove it so far up his ass his breath will smell like the world's tiniest dick.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-17312,This incident makes the point that there's no such thing as muslim American. Muslim identity excludes American identity JAPAN: American tourist with ‘Turkish surname’ beheads a Japanese woman. Is he a Muslim? [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-7044,Why are they allowed anonymity but non-Asians get their name splashed all over the fucking media regardless of guilt. [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-13268,are you trying to show her in a positive light?,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-107,"A society that cares wha women want is a society doomed to fail, because women only want more.",sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-9504,"Oh no, don't you know that all the ladies just LOVE having a gay best friend?",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-12296,"Here's the address of your ""private pool party"" location and the Zillow info on it too. 1233 SW 46 Ave Pompano Beach Florida 33069 Royal Poinciana Condos. Can't be a trespasser if she's a resident! [URL]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15706,I never said I'd date them as it isn't in my best interest. I'm just stating you can't put humans into the all camp. You can say most or almost all but I disagree that 100% of women act on there nature. Just like 100% of men don't act on there's,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15206,They subvert common language to try to normalize their icky little girl fetish.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11137,"What do I think? The same as what I said. Like AxP says, dont bring it up directly with her. Do what I have said. Make her bring it up.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-12240,"#News ##CW2 #Marxists A student at the University of California, Berkeley has slammed the university and 18 other officials with a $23 million lawsuit after she was pepper-sprayed at a riot in February. [URL]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-7319,She put a rag on her head and another in her hand and begged to clean the windows 😂😂 My sweet little homemaker ♥ #HomemakerInTraining #TradLife When she grows up she wants to write and draw science books for children.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-17993,#RealDoll - World's first talking #SexRobot is ready for her close-up. [URL] [URL] #RobotWaifu [USER],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-4189,No way. Mary got it with Joseph after Jesus was born. Jesus was also volcel.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-18368,If you haven't bought #Persona5 kill yourself. This is the MOST beast game you'll play this year. Well that and #Yakuza0.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-10133,Patrol more thots,sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-14429,"Hmm, when someone gets beaten up, they don't cope by trying to get the perpetrator to beat them up again.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-19415,"Look on the bright side, she ain't meeting anyone else either 🤣",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-987,"So not only is her mother abusive and she knew it, she was abused by the father of the child who took advantage of her need for affection, It's so sad she wasn't able to find the right people in her life before her child pregnancy.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-1750,Why can't Roman #Catholic priests go back to banging nuns?,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-252,Ah hah... I found her mother but that info almost goes nowhere so far... [URL] ...,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-18964,[URL] Idiot thinks white and black aren't races. Despite she shit posts Zionism memes. This one is really a fake truther bitch,sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-18693,This has been another lame attempt at a gotcha brought by the not-so fine women of PPD.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-5127,"Is fine, just tell what you think. But do not tell this to seek for validation or waiting anything in return. You enjoyed it? Say it and tell why, expression emotions: it will connect to her brain and remind her the good moment.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11842,More women looking to become 'consecrated virgins' -- [URL] No help at all eh?,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-184,"I'm a woman, dumbshit. A woman who clearly attracts more women than a beta who's overcompensating with tough guy talk like you.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-7355,UK Prosecutors destroyed emails in Julian Assange case - told the Swedes not to come to London. Assange was right these charges were designed to ultimately take him into US custody. [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-14069,"What a bastard lol, losers talk shit but live amongst the people he shits on. Surprise he is not 6 ft under",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-14749,"Ladies: Yes, the sight of your breasts really is that big a thrill for him. #SexTip #TheMarriageBed #Quote #GetFlashy wives! ;-)",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-1005,Good for her. No one will know who she is anyway.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-17559,"Hah, if it doesn’t change anything of consequence why are the dems so against it?",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-17197,I’ve said it before. True mastery is when you can comfortably treat women like cats.,sexist,2. derogation,2.3 dehumanising attacks & overt sexual objectification,dev sexism2022_english-1124,"Hillary set up pedophile playground in Haiti. Tuesday, a jury found Daniel Pye guilty of traveling to Haiti from Miami on 3 separate dates for in illicit sexual conduct with minor girls in his care [URL]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15932,[USER] I'm gonna shave my ferret and it's fucking winter so she'll be cold as shit and it's all your fault so follow me and I won't do it #GabFam,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-18027,"That's why they want muzrats to come here, to do the same thing they do in Britain.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9383,"Some women may go out, in order to try to fill their emptiness, and wear revealing clothes in order to feel a little less insecure.",sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-6076,""" Women are just as shallow as men (if not more)"" They are definately more shallow. A man thinks an average woman is averaga and is willing to have sex with her. While women only want top 10% of men. If that's not shallow, I don;t know what is.",sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-11561,"I think ""suck it up"" is a pretty generic term used for both men and women. The point being argued here is that telling a man to ""man up"" implies he's not a man if he doesn't suck it up.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-12288,"LIbtards are totally falling for this shit. Look. Any antifa bastards shut off my power, I',m gonna keep warm by hunting them. #Huntantifa.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-13795,That woman didn't hate men or have an agenda. She was just an idiot.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-110,He's also a traitorous asshole --- is he also Jewish ?,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8944,"Yeah, people like you write that sort of bullshit and then immediately attack men for bringing up issues that affect them right after. If you think the only emotions guys have is anger you're honestly a cunt.",sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-17271,The Sheers get german girls raped. There was plenty of food in France when M. Antoinette was killed.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-6715,"But mom what? Seems like you feel some type of shame in approaching women. Nothing is wrong with it, doesn't matter who is there. It's either your relationship with your mom or your perception of approaching women, what's so bad about it?",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-5991,"You girls were great! Sorry for stalking, but I wrote some words for you, Tara and Rebecka on the comment section below on today´s show. I´m on minds if you want to check it out. Lots of conservatives there : ) [URL]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-12542,I like her Japanese perspective and thoughts. I hope you enjoy them too. [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-4428,"Her biggest memory is that they laughed at her, not that she thought she would be raped or die. Strike anyone else as weird?",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8186,"You know, just because he's indian doesn't mean he actually *lives* in india. Idk about India but I'm in western europe and yeah, he'd get tons of girls lmfao. Hair game's great, good style of clothing, cute smile...he'll do more than fine.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-7300,"""psst you look young and quite hot but if you have any sisters half your age, tell them I want to fuck, k darling?""",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-19379,It's what we all dreamed of as little girls.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-826,"Then answer my scenarios: 1) Would you save 100 strangers' children, or 1 child your wife gave birth to? 2) Your girlfriend/wife/etc. were raped by a violent attacker. She is pregnant from the attack. Do you keep the baby, & why?",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-3269,Lol I’m half Mexican half hapa and all my korean members are married to Mexicans. Both my aunts and my uncles. I live in Texas in a area with few Asians so most seem to intermarry,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-1846,"Hey Dick Sweat. Guess what happens to boring, pedantic, self-aggrandizing bitch-titted asshats on #GabFam? They get #muted. For being boring asshats. #ByeFelicia.",sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-18174,This always happens. The second one of these thots gets banned they are immediately broke because they spend money as fast as they can make it. They never save or invest. Probably because they expect there to be a man waiting around to bail them out.,sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-7662,Fuckin hell man. He’s going through all this stone sober?!! Ugh. I bet he would love nothing more than a rowdy night with his army buddies,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-7991,hopefully paint her face later ?,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-4740,so jealous of beta providing for a 30 year old single mom,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15859,Randy and Elon need their phones taken away. I’m surprised these jackasses are even allowed to go on Twitter. All the do is generate bad PR and dig themselves into a hole,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15388,"Since when have the progressives cared about someone getting hurt? From the times of slavery until today, they start wars, allow violent criminal to run amok, promoted drug abuse, deviant lifestyles, intentionally put people into poverty, etc",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-18857,How much does a beaver weigh?,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-6323,Because her story is total bullshit.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-10160,"I would seriously disregard any study about anything to do with interracial. There is an agenda and it's being pushed. If you want an example simple google ""happy white women"" or ""happy white couple""",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-13164,Who cares you don't know her. Besides what do I care either? It's ogre for me. I'm just gonna roll around and kick my feet until I fall asleep from exhaustion fuck you,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-7949,"Should have lit her up with some 12ga beanbags, then arrested her ass.",sexist,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement",1.2 incitement and encouragement of harm,dev sexism2022_english-3371,Men are OBSESSED with women,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9314,This is why women shouldn't be allowed to vote,sexist,4. prejudiced discussions,4.2 supporting systemic discrimination against women as a group,dev sexism2022_english-7091,Windows 10 incognito is a load of crap. I was sitting naked in front of the computer for an hour and all the other people in the Local Library could still see me wanking,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-18934,"NolteNC Translation: If you support Obamacare, you deserve to fondle all the sleeping women’s boobs you can get your hands on.",sexist,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement",1.2 incitement and encouragement of harm,dev sexism2022_english-3380,You need to relax and just fuck her and reassess the situation in 6 months,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-7927,"I thought ""motherfucker"" was just some negroes being ironic about fucking their moms...",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8082,"Steve Spielberg announces new Indiana Jones to be tranny Women's Studies professor in search of the Matriarchy Mushroom, which when eaten converts victim into Women's Studies professor.",sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-6701,"LISTEN to what this alt-righter says about sex with children, and how fathers should have authority over their daughters. Alt-righters are Muslims in white supremacist garb. [URL]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-2191,She follows her nose.. (wherever the money goes),not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-19254,Just watched TRUMP on fox talk about how Flynn lied once and has been ruined but Killary lied multiple times and they praise her.Really fuckin tired of the double stands.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-14487,"yoga, vegan marxist... so frightening I'll follow her",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-18251,"This is like Amy Schumer on SNL, she started talking about bathing a child and made sexual jokes. Like there would ever be a way for that to be funny. But the retarded audience yucked it up when the applause light came on.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-4664,Iowa City: Woman charged after detonating plastic explosives in cheating husband’s anus [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15700,"I am a woman, not that it matters and you are most welcome.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-12489,Legit MGTOW support,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11139,"Yeah, she an Hillary likely lesbian lovers and this is how, she won her promotion doing the fag Obama years.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8697,"An interactive 3DCG camgirl gets more attention that the regular camgirls because of novelty value, and people immediately conclude that men only fap to cartoon girls because they hate real women? Imagine being that fragile...",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-12029,$5000 is not much towards a good defense against a murder charge. They could save some bucks with a $.40 shotgun 00 shell.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-2922,Y’all mad a female Quasimodo only goes for 6’0 high tier normies. Jfl,sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-2196,Thanks for your insight. Right now I am kind of leaving it for her to turn it around. I am not as focused on her as I was. I am just going to class and doing my thing.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-19800,How many times has May promised to cut immigration? [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-3992,I love this naughty #topless pic. I'd like to find more of her. #NSFW #TeamSmut #topless,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-19492,Truly a scumbag unamerican unpatriotic bitch.Presidents family is off limits. I hope she burns in hell.Fuck Netflix,sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-8121,#NSFW #porn #erotica #girls #sexy #TeamSmut #TeamSlut #homemovies #picture#panties #milf #cuckold Good morning Gab World !!,sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-15180,Fucking shoot her.,sexist,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement",1.2 incitement and encouragement of harm,dev sexism2022_english-6301,"You're not coherent whatsoever. 🤔 Who likes to rape kids? And what women he likes to beat? Get to the point fella, stop being a Cryptic tosser?",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-1028,They don’t shave their muff. You will have to train them . They don’t give head. You will have to train them. Dealbreaker. Sounds like a good deal for low SMV western males.,sexist,2. derogation,2.3 dehumanising attacks & overt sexual objectification,dev sexism2022_english-531,The lovely ladies from the world of Mugshot Monday [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11023,"Isn't it interesting that modest Western dress is still cute/beautiful, but for Muslims modesty also means hiding all the woman's beauty and femininity? Semites hate beauty.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8013,I hope she wakes up every morning screaming realizing shes not president!!!!!,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-14752,Lol hopefully soon she'll be a defendant in several criminal cases.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-1405,This shit is depressing.. my problem was actually nose problems. I just couldn't breath from it. Did 3 surgeries,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-1985,To try to see is lesbianism pre-programmed in to people genetically or is it a product of environment.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-13091,At least she picked an appropriately named airline to fly on while wearing that,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-1434,"Basically anyone not Captain Marvel cannot give Thanos a fight. What the fuck can BP female guard and Black Widow do? Remember, Spider-Man can easily catch speeding cars and effortlessly overpower Winter Soldier. He can't be Thanos. No way they can.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-7503,"Not even close to true. My old roommate got good looking women all the time and he was fucking ugly. Imagine James Harden, but a skinny Mexican instead, and only like 5'7""",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-1071,"Ill back that up with: >Don't. It isn't worth it. Keep your friend, don't cause bad blood. Especially since it isn't likely anything would happen. That is all that needs to be said. If anything, use her to hit on her friends..",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-10489,"You'll also notice that women let the door slam in the face of the people right behind them, whereas men are typically more polite.",sexist,3. animosity,3.2 immutable gender differences and gender stereotypes,dev sexism2022_english-3806,"Yeah, we're going way off what I was talking about but there are a lot of stupid Yankees, Southerners, men, women, kids, dogs, cats.......................ETC.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-2955,"FUCK that lying KIKE mass murdering, genocidal piece of pig shit!",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-1052,no you fucking whores you can't go back in time. you slept with 100 different men now you want to be stay at home wife. sorry bitch but time to die alone you fucking whore.,sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-2904,Pure class. It's also nice that she didn't have to eat spit.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8342,"Chads keep creating manlets, because they screw around with short women so much.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-12430,"wakes up >cracks yerba mate >gets irrationally angry at girlfriend for liking Godsmack ""Let's get to work.""",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-17374,"female social circles, use them wisely and this is what you get in return. a beautiful thing.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-2126,Geldof is annoyed he has no nigger to kill whites with bet she killed hutchence the dirty negro bitch,sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-4378,don't overthink it. girls use the word for all kinds of stuff. it's a compliment.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-5178,Make sure Fairbanks works her tits into the convo at least 3 times.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-7683,If I was a straight woman I'd be pissed too. That man is one pretty motherfucker.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-19496,88% of women are killed by...or 88% of women who are killed are killed by.... Dumb bitch.,sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-19178,no.. young girls giggle a lot when they feel shy.. i would actually take it as a good sign,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-6138,"Silly lefty, in a few years ""women"" in England will be spelled نساء",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-1566,Thought that I BORED a dick pulsating and throbbing up your feminine that is being BORED. Are you complaining that My dick is too small or that I am pumping TOO HARD?,sexist,3. animosity,3.2 immutable gender differences and gender stereotypes,dev sexism2022_english-14172,"Cool, will you like it once some girl accuses you of rape after consensual sex (or perhaps you never had sex) and everyone knows it because your photo is in the paper?",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-19194,That women don't lie about how whoreish they are.,sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-7135,No capitulation to female activists. The West has already shown where that leads.,sexist,4. prejudiced discussions,4.2 supporting systemic discrimination against women as a group,dev sexism2022_english-10181,Did she ever object to the invasion of her country if not this is the unfortunate outcome of a stupid decision,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-10951,[USER] [USER] and 4 others Thank heavens you took the action go ban bikini posters in the underground. ...would have been carnage otherwise.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-6989,"This woman is all about image and patronizing an audience, giving people what they want rather than what they need. Typical Dem material. Better the speculation hits sooner than later. We have years to work on her.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-10149,"Hi! Thanks for the help, can i ask something? Why do you think this girl change so much after the failed kiss?? As i said, she show all the signs of interest that you may think and now not even a bit",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8368,Women regret having kids because they are no longer as free as they once were to party all day and sleep over at random men's houses every night. Men regret having kids because they are stuck with the child's mom.,sexist,3. animosity,3.2 immutable gender differences and gender stereotypes,dev sexism2022_english-19731,That's not a real solution. The only REAL solution is to create an all-female unit and then count how many minutes it takes for all of them to die. Anything less than that is just retarded apes scratching their ass.,sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-13537,i say just go for it. u already know her,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-7795,According to Swedish state media Marine Le Pen's dad doesn't believe in the holocaust.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-10872,The neighbor’s husband on top of his wife while he prepares them a snack.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-5466,"What country are you in ? I won't be of much help anyway, I just hear of it through friends and family but never expressed the desire to meet these girls.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-7452,Dude don’t be afraid to shoot your shot!! All she can do is say no!! And you won’t be the only one she’s rejected!! My advice is go for it,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-5520,Hahaha I forget you’re 2 hours ahead of me Give your mom a break today & let her guess lol,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-4723,But your sisters are fucking niggers today ... lolololol,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9395,"Who cares what women think, really!",sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-17294,Stop selling machetes at Wal-Mart or stop importing Somali Muslims. Let's see. #OhioState #MAGA #GabFam,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16053,Rap is hate speech.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16369,"She is just a greedy, poisonous person. That man she dumped dodged a bullet the size of Mars.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-13600,"point is, im a grown woman and being called man is your key to muted and force unfollowed. specially when you condescendingly play coy. fuck off",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-18420,...or it it the New York City Ballet? (incredibly hot women confuse me),not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-14913,"All the lady was wearing was a tank top and no bra and tights that hugged everything. She had a banging body, couldn’t not say something. But my anxiety got the better of me",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11719,"[USER] - omg, these girls are hilarious. Love listening to them rant.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-1458,Dont shit where you eat. You could lose your job over fucking a coworker and causing drama. Even go so far as discuss the flirtation with her and tell her you respect her and think she is cool but cant act on it because you love your job.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-10323,"Fucking stupidity on show, cunt needs a rope around her neck",sexist,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement",1.2 incitement and encouragement of harm,dev sexism2022_english-17414,Very nice! I tend to get tired of the constant stream of ridiculously large breasted anime women that get posted.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9464,you would reject a currycel pajeet like me for white men,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-7568,What's it like being a Pagan bitch..educate me cunt face!,sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-12551,Not even her husband likes her.... No wonder why either! Pure evil. #HillaryForPrison,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8167,"[USER] #News #MAGA #GabFam #CommieDems Maxine didn't get hit with the idiot stick, she was strapped to the hood, an drove through the retard forest at high speed and hit every fuckin' tree, twice! [URL]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-14959,"Police: Maryland women locked up kids, made them eat dog feces - Top 100 Stories On The Web",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15660,Is it even playing by their rules when the fact that she has racist/sexist opinions obviously affects her job? I’d be just as fine with a white male police chief being fired over talking about “black thuggery” while acting in his official position.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16051,Since when did SAO have so much rape in it? I remember there being a rapey bit in the one where they're in a gun game but that was like one scene. This is turned up to 11.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-45,#Kavanaugh #SCOTUS Sharyn Bovat posted a video claiming she told her mother and Senator Diane Feinstein that she was sexually assaulted at Dianne Feinstein's 47th Birthday Party. SHE WAS TOLD IT WAS HER FAULT [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-17486,"Just walk away fellas. Any woman who feels this strongly about this, well it's the tip of the iceberg. The beast will never be satisfied no matter how well fed it is.",sexist,2. derogation,2.3 dehumanising attacks & overt sexual objectification,dev sexism2022_english-17967,So are you calling for men and women to go out and kill all men and women who have been found guilty of arranging a marriage or killing a child by hitting it in the head then?,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-1527,"Does this make us stupid, if we believe this? [URL]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16046,I'm going to have to be an absolute cunt here and say what needs to be said - this white woman deserved what she got because she is a RACE TRAITOR. I have no empathy in my soul for RACE TRAITORS.,sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-6009,"No, faggot. But even if he did, it's better to live 35 years as giga-chad than 100 years as an incel.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-1174,Twitter censors and I censor them right back. I do not use it. BTW Your IDIOT FRIENDS that do not yet realize twitter spies on you will be the trouble makers during a CIVIL EMERGENCY. Take Names!,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9895,"That sucks. We elected a Navy Seal in Missouri, and he was awesome... except that he cheated on his wife a few years before he became Governor. And, the swamp destroyed him and he resigned this summer. Damn shame.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-7827,Well being a Man these Days will get you arrested and all the shit that follows. When u apply for a job and a felony is on your app no one cares that you beat the shit out of an asshole that assualted your wife or kids. They only see the felony,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16974,I must know the magic keeping that skirts button from popping off at escape velocity.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-2491,Traditionalism = female superiority,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-814,Holy shit...I swear that I couldn't even tell if this creature was a female.....till you mentioned the word 'dyke'.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8363,I disagree. She has got Herpes and her previous loans to offer.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-6866,Chad is every foids soulmate,sexist,2. derogation,2.3 dehumanising attacks & overt sexual objectification,dev sexism2022_english-8773,The word asshole too. Guys who are in to anal are persecuted this way.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-10075,Why are u browsing an inkwell sub if not all women are like this? Fuck off retard.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-12949,Julie Bindle is already burqa-body ready for her role in the next Jamie Bond.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-13230,"#Militants plow van into crowd on #LondonBridge, stab others on street [URL]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16833,smart lady,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-13516,"Well that was fucking gross. Dump her because she obviously cheated on you would be the correct answer. Also dump her because she saved it in her mouth, chick has serious issues...",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9426,"""but as you guys know sex isn't everything in a relationship"" Basically means she's done with sex and now wants this new guy's money and she knows everyone knows this.",sexist,3. animosity,3.4 condescending explanations or unwelcome advice,dev sexism2022_english-12566,Well they are butch dykes anyways...,sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-7726,"Good, she can lay in the bed that she made. A bed of cats.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8545,"Hell! Over half the population of NYC is degenerate minorities. I'm not surprised at her winning. BTW, I've been to NYC too many times, I hate it.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-13825,"There is absolutely NOTHING that can be done to save this poor woman from herself. I'm surprised hasn't died of an overdose by now. I guess her future husband (Islamic) will have to give her a ""head"" cut. [USER]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-3867,"You will never see white women doing this retarded shit. yo, barber, give me curtain tie back eyebrows..",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-4031,Horror as Christian woman stabbed for reading the BIBLE in migrant centre [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-18311,Ah yea I'm sure you were shamed for not having a high n count as a woman right,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-14832,Imagine being a middle eastener and being told that God will be angry if you fuck your sister. The Abrahamic religions were written for a race of incestuous goat-fucking rapists. Not whites.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-240,One of mgtow's tenets is that you do not need a woman in your life and to avoid them when possible and yet WE are the ones that are simping? I don' think that word means what he thinks it means.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-5378,Military wives. They act as if it is their husband's idea to leave home for months at a time. Who knows what they are up to while he is gone.,sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-10188,Nick Fuentes got to meet her at CPAC the lucky bastard!,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-17639,"If they gave the prize to a white woman, people would bitch that they're ""waycist!"" or something.",sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-15025,"They're weaponising it by saying ""white supremacists"" are weaponising things. ""The blacks are coming to rape our women and rob us! We better run them out of town before they get the chance!!"" Its amazing how little has truly changed, isn't it?",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-10144,"not really, she has to relinquish her parental rights. most jurisdictions will throw out any contract that doesn't give her a minimum time to do so.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9656,"Democrat congresswoman and member of congressional black caucus Corrine Brown convicted on 18 counts of fraud and tax evasion, now facing possible life in prison. Maxine Waters, you're next. [URL]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8615,I'm sorry we can't help you out on that front. Does she conduct electricity? We also have a special on electric flooring. I could ask my manager if I can cut the price since you're getting the 13 cars of hemlock right now....,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-18157,So you are showing her your pussy?,sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-7056,Better lose her,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-1940,I guess my handle should be WF_ISO_nintendo (white female in search of Nintendo),not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15942,"Surely you're just wasting the womans bait of her looks? Who said I wanted a ""relationship"". That is bitch talk.",sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-6835,One of John McCain's staffers is the person who suggested that the IRS be used to attack conservative nonprofits,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-5234,"Georgia woman strangles, kills rabid bobcat after it attacks her: 'It came for my face' [URL]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16633,Yeah I’m going to try fuck it what do I have to lose? How should I start? Should I start with a compliment?,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-14393,"“It’s a literal health problem” lmao! But yeah, sex can be *really* bad and unenjoyable for women so we don’t just sleep with whoever. That and the social stigma and also safety, so we can’t just take anyone. It sucks tbh.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11070,"These bitches are crazy Not crazy, just lack of conscience. Like most sociopaths she has no empathy.",sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-442,"You're so close to self-awareness! Exciting!! Maybe - just maybe - *you're* the ideologue here? I mean, you are telling people they're braindead for daring not to hate a game that hasn't even been released yet.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-19624,Thanks Daisy! Speaking freely has never been my problem...avoiding my wife's kick under the table...that's where I fail.[USER],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-7776,"Holy shit, American society is so fucked up in this regard, especially women.",sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-4258,"I say we start a GofundMe account, we'll have the funds before you know it LOL! See how the Marxist Democrats take to that!",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9646,"Cult leader arrested for allegedly branding women, keeping them as 'slaves' [URL] [USER] WAR on HUMAN TRAFFICKING gaining momentum -- MUCH more to come #Qanon8chan",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16237,The Sexy Dance Moves of Male Peacock Spiders [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-18337,"if asking where she is from, what she does for work or anyhthing, follow up with "" is it true what they say about ....."" you can take that and make it sexy or funny it will add a little spark to the convo",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11802,Fuck...,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-4700,"if women are just as capable as men, how come they're getting raped all the time",sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-6306,"Yeah but I pretty much called her a ""peasant."" And now she thinks I'm a snobby rich kid.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-17629,"3 years? yup chad and tyrone not knocking at her door anymore, and they probably knocked her up too, so she needs a ""reliable man"" aka simp to take care of the baby.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-13732,Ever heard of regret rape? Women waking up the next day and not feeling too good about the encounter or being called a slut by her peers so she decides to accuse him of rape to clear her ass?,sexist,4. prejudiced discussions,4.2 supporting systemic discrimination against women as a group,dev sexism2022_english-7394,"why are you tring to conflate people with political systems ? one of your hero's said the death of 1 is sad. the death of 1 million is a statistic. fuck you, commie",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-2027,"""He (Hitler) is thinking about the peasant girls. When they stand in the fields and bend down at their work so that you can see their behinds, that's what he likes, especially when they've got big round ones. That's Hitler's sex life. What a man.""",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-1537,"Have women shown interest in you, without you initiating it? Have women give you subtiele hints, waiting for you to make a move? If not, you're not attractive.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-5822,Please rape me. [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-5004,You are a fucking retard. He's only able to do what he does cuz women. Other than the he's a fucking loser.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-233,and what fucking weights are you deadass retarded? since when were weights related to fucking mewing you moron?,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8258,Oh man it is KEY to be cocky/funny no matter how you look! It's even funnier if you're not good looking. Plus you'll feel a lot better about yourself for saying it. I always tell girls I have a stallion ass and they love it haha,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-14263,Who wouldn't choose this over a female? I'm sure they wouldn't program this robot to moan all the time and lust after Chad,sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-10649,"yeah you are not ugly, but probably sexually unattractive enough to women. Being average or normie is not enough in 2020. Your looksmatch has other 100 better options consisting from chadlets.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-1715,THE CRYPT KEEPER RETURNS TO TRASH TRUMP Shows HRC's latest discussion with CNN & the Projection HRC uses in her speech. [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-13397,You're a piece of shit for calling out this shitty women's shitty behavior. Oh and I'm totally not whiteknighting. Just fucking lol,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-5779,Imagine how she’d react to leaving the toilet seat up..,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9669,"Hostile, left-wing moron. Thinks she's it. This is the type of person who hides behind the computer screen. Let her come out in public and spew hatred. Cowards like her won't.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-2060,I was drawing a comparison between the way traditional Muslim women dress and the standard Western Christian dress of the early twentieth century.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-2059,"If 21 year old Megan Fox worked at McDonalds would she have access to high tier guys fuck yeah. Lol no. Unless you have a very different definition of ""high tier guys"" than I do.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-1602,[USER] provides the most cogent analysis of Deep State conspiracy published anywhere [URL] but I'd have to strap my wife to the kitchen table to get her to listen to me read it,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8515,"If you are voting for Hillary now because of Trumps ""comments"" from years ago (which by the way are normal talk for most guys and women as well) you are a special kind of stupid....",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-13937,I heard one of the other female co-workers complaining about something the alpha bitch did. She went on and on about how mean she was. I didn't even think about the power plays going on.,sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-8226,"Ya, so... Following her train of thought, a women shouldnt marry a man unless she can give him an ATV. (Great Condition 250cc listed at about 3000$ at the moment)",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-7499,don't grab her ass or lick her boob Thanks for clarifying; I was thinking about doing this but now I won't!1!!,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16967,There are artists who work hard to preserve the essence of the traditional woman. It's also possible that thots are a big waste of canvas.,sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-7532,"Barbara Spectre is a little more than “a random woman on YouTube,” dumbass. It’s also not my only proof, I’ve thrown down a lot for the normies to look at. [URL]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-7836,"How can you be MGTOW but vote for someone who says this? Maybe some1 likes some other idea(l)s she promotes much more than they hate her idea(l)s about women and war? The ""OW"" part of MGTOW.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16104,Social media drama is pretty dumb man.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-4368,"If you go to tumblr. There are about 40 million sub variants of ""asexuality"". It's pretty eye roll worthy. But you can tell it's mostly edgy teen girls thinking they're gay...",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-19826,"You know, traditionally, the guys who looked after the harem were all eunuchs, because they were unlikely to want to violate the women. I'm just saying.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8553,"You forgot slutty. Women simply aren’t virtuous anymore, and they CELEBRATE their slutty behavior! Yeah, yeah, men are sluts too.",sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-7444,"Not saying that makes you a fakecel but at least she gave you her number, I had zero contact with girls while in high school. At least you have some memories of interacting with a girl.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15084,A nagging and complaining wife is abusive also for your ears and mental health.,sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-15490,"Haha, I hooked up with a ""lesbian"" too. Also, have another lesbian friend, she told me it's not black and white, it's like a percentage.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-1213,"[USER] Tessa has a lot of issues! the junkyard queen, I think has a sock for every personality she switches to. She beat Sybil for the world record too! [URL]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-4741,at least make sure she is not hurt bitches,sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-10953,How are you finding girls on Facebook? Also that's crazy results congrats man,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11727,"As a white woman with a Chinese husband, that sub is terrifying. I don't want my future sweet babies to ever go to such a dark place",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-19748,DRAIN THE DAMNED SWAMP! FBI No. 2 did not disclose wife's ties to Clinton ally [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11316,"Have you ever found any posters of one of Buffalo Bill's other female stars, ""Broncho Jane?"" She is a great-great Aunt of mine.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8581,"Pretty decent spread here. Some look rather pretty without makeup. Some, there's not much difference and I wouldn't even beat off to them with or without it. Others look like they just got rescued from the pound.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16252,Logic is just an excuse to hurt the feelings of stupid people.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-3967,Women WANT men. Just like men WANT women.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-7973,Some of Mollie Tibbetts' relatives want conservatives to stop politicizing her death. [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16531,"Didn’t notice the missing jawline right away. Saw this comment, looked at her chin and completely lost it. Was drinking coffee and managed to spill some because of you. Have my fucking upvote!",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-1786,Ha..I did. I said where in the bible does it say to cut off the heads of nonbelievers. Or that you can rape girls..Or hit women. Obviously he's a dingus,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-6547,Anyone who thinks that black women aren't feminine or asian men aren't masculine has never seen Beyonce nor Ken Watanabe,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8612,Thats unbelievable. I live in Germany but do you know what? They can have all of it. All german woman are ugly and incompetent for a relationship.,sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-19423,"Leave her be. If the Jihadis kill Nigs, Kikes and Fags she will be to blame.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-3006,I have more respect for her shut the fuck up you simp cuck and go enjoy her bathwater.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-3704,GREECE: Body of female dog that had been brutally raped to death found in a Muslim migrant camp [URL] via [USER],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-171,Gillian Turner is very pretty but has a bad case of Resting Bitch Face [URL] #JustSaying,sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-3623,If you threw a bar of soap and bottle water at one probably be construed a hate crime.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-14017,"Does porn exploit natural dominant and submissive urges to sell shit? Yeah. If we weren't attracted to it, we wouldn't watch it. I'm glad I discovered kink. It's much more fulfilling than vanilla sex ever was to me.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-3290,Anthony Bourdain parts unknown Thailand episode was a fucking riot. Worh the couple bucks to DL the episode. He’s drunk off his ass in a ladyboy drag show bar and gets hit on by the Asian male equivalent of Rodney Dangerfield in drag 🤪.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-17990,Jimmy Fallon wears surgical mask to protect himself from #Hillary 's 'Pneumonia' Can't wait to see him ruffle her hair. #TheTonightShow [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-5683,I really liked Petula Clark! good posts on her. Thank-you.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15002,"Your ""friend"" Matt embarrassed her, so she pulled back. Women don't like people to think they're easy. She doesn't want *you* to think she's easy. But she's definitely attracted to you. She's flirting, and you need to flirt back.",sexist,3. animosity,3.2 immutable gender differences and gender stereotypes,dev sexism2022_english-14791,This phony bitch Joy Villa is a nasty skank bag! She can take her Scientology & shove it square up her ass! #OnceASkankAlwaysASkank [URL],sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-16671,"If you fight against women, you’re guilty by default. By not interacting with them at all, the system ceases to exist. Can’t be at the bottom of a non-existent system. \*meme of black dude tapping his temple\*",sexist,4. prejudiced discussions,4.2 supporting systemic discrimination against women as a group,dev sexism2022_english-161,Because a girl had sex with a man that wasn't them.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15295,Me and my friends used to say this why waste money and time on women who might or might not sleep with you when you can waste money on a girl who will waste no time to sleep with you,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-757,"[USER] Isn't she also the one that said there's a special place in hell for women who don't support hilly? With lefties it's not really a question of whether they are crazy or not, but just how crazy they are.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-3997,"Ryan Autullo‏ The next day - April 4, after Weiser was dead but not found - Criner says he went to dumpsters. Found black trash bag as well as red girls' bike that detectives say a man on surveillance video was riding on night Weiser was killed.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-3341,"She is using you most likely. Fuck that tease shit, NEVER let a girl make you chase her that hard. She won't even kiss you?? Cmonn. Let her go.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-3712,"Her calling the cops on you, even if all you get is a talking to. Then the female cop educates her about her rights then it is full out war.",sexist,4. prejudiced discussions,4.2 supporting systemic discrimination against women as a group,dev sexism2022_english-19100,testsalkjtlkjafdlkdaflkj,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-7150,"This. If you're not looking for anything serious, tell her that you're not looking for anything serious. If she's interested, cool. If not, move on. Deceiving her will do nothing but cause misery for you both down the line.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-19309,It really is encouraging. If her age group is aware we have a chance.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9071,"""It should be illegal for dumb people to have children"" [URL]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11721,UK: Muslim threatens to murder Tommy Robinson and attack his wife with acid [URL] #MuslimsAreTheEnemy #BANISLAM #ExpelAllMuslims #FreeTommyRobinson,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-1307,"There is a meme of Blacks asking, ""Where the White women at?"" No White guy ever asked, ""Where are the Black women at?"" They're fucking ugly.",sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-9114,"Some one should just say point blank: It doesn't matter if you are a guy or girl, **BEING FAT IS UNHEALTHY!**",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9746,"I've completely lost faith in Roger Stone. Joy Villa is a fraud and if people like Stone keep her around, she'll only cause more problems for conservatives. Her butt slapping video and her links to Soros were enough for me.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-1543,"[Nothing turns the ladies on more than the phrase ""shit mud for weeks"".]([URL]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-14967,"[USER] Oh please, like a classy lady like Mrs. Trump would ever be seem wasting time with the garbage that is Chelsea Handler.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-12719,"yup. a creep is nothing but a dude women don't want to fuck. you could be a world renowned astro-physicist, but you're creepier than a serial killer if that serial killer is more attractive. fuck women",sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-2774,"She was from out of town, probably had a boyfriend should have closed that same night, it is what it is, it’s a numbers game girls always pull a whole 360 at the very last minute, you did nothing wrong here",sexist,3. animosity,3.2 immutable gender differences and gender stereotypes,dev sexism2022_english-10451,"If she said this, the ""white male privilege"" part alone is moronic. But I'm going to need a source here.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-19923,"Maybe we should get our wives and girlfriends to go around in hijabs, especially in lib cities.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-958,Yup! Too toxic for my feeble female mind But srsly seeing hopeless who is an attractive fella dying and moaning in an endless circle got to me got too depressed.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16613,"Who gives a fuck about her? Kick her out, change the locks, block and ghost. She sounds like a cunt and things will only get worse. Imagine getting her pregnant and having to deal with her and her freeloading parents?",sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-12400,Guns aren't the problem. The sad truth: murder rate and Black population correlate almost exactly. Low Black population percentage = low murder rate.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9083,So that is what u r all like? U gonna commit mass murder?,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-6471,"Generals 2 should have been as good as the first Generals game. Sadly, EA messed it up so bad that it fucking hurts.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-1815,"I never said ""all republicans are David Duke."" Lmao you're illiterate as fuck dude. Where did I say that? Show the post......",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16131,"Rapists can burn to the deepest of hells. That said, it's not my obligation nor duty to prevent that from happening.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-1162,[USER] actually no that is not the case. Why would you follow someone when you hate everything they post? The joy of GAB is simply NOT following people you don't like and filtering the rest. 1 single downvote on every post indicates a Troll.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-7297,"“Self-Portrait with Daughter Jeanne-Lucie” (1786) Élisabeth Louise Vigée Le Brun (French, 1755 – 1842) 🇫🇷",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-19521,"Simple, stop prioritizing a woman and start focusing on yourself such as a long-term career.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-108,"Anti Capitalist iPhone thieves! BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA These kids really are some of the most ironically, ignorant cunts I have ever seen.",sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-13592,"Let's move on to firing Popeye from Popeye, and acting astonished at the results. Socialist ""entertainment""....dumb as ass [URL]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-1256,whats a gaycel? I don't think you can be incel if you're gay,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16422,"Is was a joke to lighten the mood. I could have as easily gone for ""people choking to death"" And no, I don't discriminate. Even those who hate me, and wish me dead, would be shown kindness if they were in need.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-6841,#SaySomethingOffensive Leslie Jones is as dumb as she looks.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-7476,"How to stop being called a feminazi. Kick the authoritarian, censorship-loving, gender apartheid advocating, male genocide promoting, female supremacists out of your movement.",sexist,4. prejudiced discussions,4.2 supporting systemic discrimination against women as a group,dev sexism2022_english-19213,Theres a solution to girls like this: STOP. FUCKING. FAT CHICKS. You fucking simps.,sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-6430,"Yeh, women are creepy indeed",sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-6734,Being a bitch might have been from what i did. Am i in the wrong for imitation sex at 5am? i just don't know if it is me being in the wrong or her trying to frame our sex as she wants hard to really tell.,sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-8066,there are **married** men out there who would prefer VR porn or fucking a sexbot than **their wife** ...because it's LESS of a hassle.,sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-9325,"Muslim monster Ashfaq Khan, 60, who targeted lesbians ‘raped one as she was vomiting’: [URL] via [USER]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-4251,"The pictures at the bottom are hell. You see these dainty lilly white happy families, but under the surface the reality is that the man makes endless sacrifices to keep the family integral while the wife stays at home probably cheating.",sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-2914,"Maybe we should celebrate him like a deity Keanu isn't MGTOW by choice, though. His life is one of loss and hardship. I -think- his wife/fiance was pregnant when she died? It's not like he says "" Fuck relationships "", the dude had it all and lost it.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15941,"I actually like being with people if it's abput doing some activities, like playing sports or work on some project. The ""talking for the sake of talking"" is a femminine behavior, women do that to lower their anxiety. Personally i don't feel the need.",sexist,3. animosity,3.2 immutable gender differences and gender stereotypes,dev sexism2022_english-16811,So you pursued her. I don’t see how thats being an asshole. So playfully teased her. I don’t see how that’s being an asshole.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-1143,Always remember fellow gabbers There is no such thing as society There are individual men and women And there are families Bless the memory of Margaret Thatcher (The pic presents a supplementary idea),not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-13727,"Sexy sluts/whore on the right, mmmmmmmmmmm I would bang those sexy 4 women.",sexist,2. derogation,2.3 dehumanising attacks & overt sexual objectification,dev sexism2022_english-3185,Look everyone it's the women slayer dimebagjoe2 who actually thinks this girl prefers virgins because she said it on Twitter!!!!!,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9243,"They just don't change . . . maybe some high school girls will ""correspond"" with him. [URL]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15442,"If she isn't pregnant or you have a mortgage with her, pack your bags immediately. And if she does play the pregnancy card demand a DNA before anything else. You should be nobody's safe option much less a carrousel rider in her 30's",sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-16942,"Evidence of ""rape culture"" is like evidence of aliens visiting earth. There are secret hints here and there, so you just have too stare at it long enough to see what you want to see.",sexist,4. prejudiced discussions,4.2 supporting systemic discrimination against women as a group,dev sexism2022_english-9839,god forbid someone help her. That's a rape charge in the making,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-18966,[URL] pizza gate goes back to the girl who died who wants a word with john mac,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-454,Even just this reply shows how much you hate women 🤷‍♂️,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16923,ALL your favorite rock stars are either boomers or children of boomers. Go kill your grandma if you hate boomers so much.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-3311,"Focus on actually having fun with the girl you like mate, these ‚tricks’ won’t get your dick wet, there’s a reson a community has moved away from them.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-14530,She's an active shooter! Put a 175 SMK in between her lookers.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11622,"You're conflating two things: * being aroused by something * actually wanting to do that thing If women get aroused watching bonobos , it doesn't mean they wanna fuck them",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-14999,Bwahahah. Says the dude in a sub (in a thread) deticated to shitting on women. Your delusion is fucking deep dude.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-7886,"E. Believing that it actually happened as written or even happened. C'mon - Porn star. Actress. Pretends things for money, even to point of looking like she enjoys sex.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-7369,"Err... Is that the white woman in the photo supposed to be saying that she doesn't hate her penis? If so, she's a Democrat.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8760,"Did you fuck her? If not then they were not IOI's, she used you to make HER night more interesting, and went home to do god knows what to the BF, she was running dread game. Conclusion, unless your dick is in her, IOI's mean jack shit.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-18455,"That'w when you say ""My mom's the CEO of our company and we are just workers.""",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-13674,Thanks for not linking to a fucking blog.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-17613,Women had to be moral and be good girls. No man worth anything would date a known whore,sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-6986,Good. And I hope HALF her fans.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16441,That's why I have to laugh at them accusing women of being a hivemind who are all the same.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16424,"You displayed ""relationship material"" signals to a cock carousel rider.",sexist,2. derogation,2.3 dehumanising attacks & overt sexual objectification,dev sexism2022_english-14121,"Also look for a girl from a really rich family maybe, when you're young hypergamy works a little differently so if you hook up with a girl that's rich already, you should be ok",sexist,3. animosity,3.2 immutable gender differences and gender stereotypes,dev sexism2022_english-10793,"If every father in Europe felt that way about his daughter... There would be a shitload of dead Muslims, and a shitload more in interminable torturous pain. How it should be",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-12234,#ThisWeekInBlackCrime Florida father uses gun to fight off the Fellas kidnapping his daughter [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-6752,yep when you snitch on the clintons they take you they double kill ron brown not only did they crash the plane they shot him in the head before the crash she think that little book deal money gonna buy her freedom she better take them out first,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16660,"This cunt is right out of her fucking mind! Actually, she knows she's just being racist, and fueling the racism that is killing US. That can't be an actual assessment. No cunt could possibly be that stupid. It's deliberate lying, vindictiveness.",sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-13579,I can't believe these Hypocrites on the left supports this Islamic lifestyle even though they murder woman and gays.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-18265,"These same assholes think Islam is a ""feminist religion"". They aren't even coherent. Actually they need a bit more sharia law since they follow people who praise it. That's a solution.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-6558,Cope. Don't believe what women say but rather what they do. They love virtue signaling that they have evil white oppressors while love being oppressed by the same people. [URL],sexist,4. prejudiced discussions,4.2 supporting systemic discrimination against women as a group,dev sexism2022_english-4564,"too bad most black women are either gay, worship non-blacks, or asexual",sexist,3. animosity,3.2 immutable gender differences and gender stereotypes,dev sexism2022_english-10001,That slag has some nerve showing her face. Bitch is supposed to be a mother. She needs to clean herself up and start acting like one.,sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-8010,[USER] I think she blocked me a while back along with idiots like Rosie :),not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-7587,"I don't know what's better, watching her cry or defend Islam. What piece of work![USER]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-3326,‪Update breaking news Hannity: Former Obama official is trying to change her tune [URL] via [USER]‬,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15949,Trudeau being an arrogant prick about the murder of a Canadian girl by a 'refugee' ....... When are people going to wake up? [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-13107,if he is still alive then they failed,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-14932,"Incels: I'd never help a femoid in any way!! Also Incels: That femoid didn't hold the door open for me, but she would have for Chad!! You reap what you sow, assholes.",sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-2267,"Your fantasies are your own. The rest of us are not privy to your delusions, so you either need to explain what you are rambling about, or kindly fuck off, mmmkay?",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11699,Woman claims she was racially profiled when she tried to use her neighborhood pool. [URL] [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9311,"I think she will, along with all the others.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16876,[USER] this bitch will say anything to cover her ass and get elected #DraintheSwamp,sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-2162,"holy fuck shut the fuck up, were ugly, not monsters, women don't like us because were ugly",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-4297,"FLOTUS just deleted over 3 years of her Twitter. The rats are starting to jump ship. Hillary ""I'm going down and I'm taking every last motherf**ker down with me."" (As I imagine the thought bubble over her head would say)",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11423,You said you wouldnt so ur volcel,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-5699,What's she done wrong exactly? It's what I want to do every time they turn up at my door too. [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-79,But she dindu nuffin?! [USER],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-10898,Whoopsie hahahhaha,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8563,"Heck, that's probably WHY she got the license!",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-17771,can someone explain this to me; one of their own wants fewer guns and they ban her? .. [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16482,You just got shit on by incels. You're such an incel that incels don't even want you. Holy fuck lmao,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-653,So act like every other women out there.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-2546,"0.001 betas orbiters get a lay. It's extremely rare, but women will screw one if he's hot enough and it means it will keep him addicted.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11319,"They say that the most confusing day in Liverpool is Father's Day. In Weston-super-Mare, the most confusing day is Halloween. You cant tell if girls are dressed like that because its Halloween, or because theyre sluts.",sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-8777,Bitch waited for her Christmas gifts first 🤛🏼 you gon die,sexist,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement",1.1 threats of harm,dev sexism2022_english-1186,"You have to remember I have been binge drinking for 3 days...made alot of beef jerky, and still know that girls are better with their ankles behind my ears.",sexist,2. derogation,2.3 dehumanising attacks & overt sexual objectification,dev sexism2022_english-5146,And she knew it too.. her eyes changed position and she repeated the same few words twice while she background processed what she just said.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-10282,You also forgot that she used sex to rise to power in the fucking first place.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-1111,Ooops she needs to be careful.....her racism is showing . What a moron.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15065,A woman consuming porn is also equivalently unfaithful to her husband doing male camwhoring,sexist,3. animosity,3.2 immutable gender differences and gender stereotypes,dev sexism2022_english-15333,"You can learn the skills to get laid. You cant ""learn"" a bigger dick.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-7969,"Ruth just needs a big black Pot to stir witches brew, or cook little children, the Evil just emanates from her like a flat skunk.",sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-10276,"Bachelorette parties aren’t an excuse to fuck a guy before getting married. They’re just an excuse to fuck a guy. Once married, the bride will still be a cheating slut.",sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-1179,Bro I’m SouthEast Asian and I’m still slinging all this vanilla puss and getting head on demand. You literally have no excuse hahahaha,sexist,2. derogation,2.3 dehumanising attacks & overt sexual objectification,dev sexism2022_english-225,Now it's being reported McCabe's wife took 700k from a Hillary PAC. This won't end well either.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-13036,"She’s a classy lady. That’s what the left hates so much about her. That, plus she has a good strong family support system. That’s the part they really hate the most.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-13507,agreed! that is beautiful 😍 and a girl's gotta have the right shoes for the Sparkle Lounge 🤗✨💕💎,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-12808,Hopefully they are just waiting to charge hillary until obama is gone so he doesnt have a reason to pardon her,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-14012,"I'll tell you what she wants, what she really really wants.... More $$$ lol",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-14387,"Well here they're using the definition of rape that has been used in the UK legal system for centuries. What women can be guilty of is forcing another to penetrate, which has the same sentencing as rape.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-2290,"Dont go jus yet u ponce. Its been a slow arvo here in oz. And u have been a welcome plaything. Still nothing concrete on jews? Jus whatvur butch pals tell you? Hasbara? Kikes? 😄😄😄😄😄 ממש מפגר!!!😉 Sorry u feckless ponce, but u asked 4 this!!",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15576,The mom part is kinda true.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-14452,I'll wave to her as I jog by while she's riding in her scooter because her legs won't carry her weight anymore.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-17768,"Remember, Grandma Bush referred to Bill Clinton as her surrogate child and Grandpa Bush was Bill and Hillary's CIA handler in Russia.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15470,Merkel is really afraid she will lose next election... [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8666,"Back in the day, a US Senator from #Texas would have pulled out a Bowie knife and defended himself and his wife, and there would have been blood knee deep on the floor!",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-13059,"she needs to be choked and have her ass smacked while screaming daddy. all these feminists wanna ""smash the patriarchy"" but at the end of the day they still wanna smash the patriachy. hahah shes getting so divorced later in life",sexist,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement",1.1 threats of harm,dev sexism2022_english-8413,"Trouble with MGTOW is you take isolated incidents and judge all females like this. MGTOW sounds like a bunch of wife beaters. Keep looking for love, the right female is out there for you. A women who will be your equal.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-2458,Apparently and according to the caller Doug Ford was elected due to his skin colour and sex. (He was running against two extremely wealthy white women). [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-14096,The only thing I've heard of period shaming is the extremely conservative islamic sects. I mean a few of the batshit crazy ones that occasionally make the news for honor killing their daughters.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-19417,"Last I heard, respect is earned, and sorry Miley, you’ve done nothing to earn it. Just because you’re female doesn’t give you special privileges to be a bitch.",sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-12974,I’m glad that Cunt got her head smashed through a class table for lack of sympathy. Probably didn’t even happen.,sexist,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement",1.2 incitement and encouragement of harm,dev sexism2022_english-17279,"Agreed, I always cut power to the leg that's caught so I can gracefully stop my self or slowly fall.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-5727,I believe porn is a psychological and spiritual weapon unleashed upon the west by the jews to poison the natural beautiful relationship that is possible between male and female. #SpeakFreely [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-10847,That's simply because women can't love (like men love).,sexist,3. animosity,3.2 immutable gender differences and gender stereotypes,dev sexism2022_english-7725,Are you FWBs or she is just ok with cheating?,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15817,"I hate that women in committed relationship pressured into sex is consider ""common"" or a joke now. Like you said, women owe men sex, and are like mere possessions who aren't allowed to choice what they wanna do with their bodies for men.",sexist,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement",1.2 incitement and encouragement of harm,dev sexism2022_english-3549,Is Julia Sazalar Jewish? (Communist political candidate running in North Brooklyn for a state senate) '...she began to claim to have a jewish father and a non-jewish Columbian mother...' '... she certainly wants to be a member of the tribe...' [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-13349,So about 280 freedom units? She's ethier cheap or can suck the chrome off a bumper. Fat girls do suck a mean dick!! Probably think it's a Twinkie or something,sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-15301,Good luck with that wish. My toy-box says lots of you niggers would die long before this White man ... We own this planet for a reason. Ps: I hate niggers.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-7652,"For those of you arguing that ethnics make better mates than white women because they're more obedient and family-oriented, etc., I challenge you to take on the next level of #TradWifeism! #TranWifeIsTradWife #shetakesherpillsdammit",sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-16713,Apparently since all women are sluts. Even if they never have sex.,sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-795,You should probably check out married red pill. You already fucked up with he whole wife thing. Either bite the bullet with’ll get fucked... or try to improve your situation.,sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-2616,but but but women do no wrong!,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8911,"Just because I think a girl is a 10 and unapproachable doesn't mean the rest of the world does And like you basically laid out in your original post, just because you think she's a 10, doesn't mean she doesn't want to interact with you.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-7590,"Lmfao you just proved my point, you only care about violence lol. Time to grow up and move out of mommy's basement sugar",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15958,"Well, he's kind of right tbh. You know the 14 yo girls botching over on facebook, falsely accusing everyone who looks at them wrong as a rapists.",sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-3284,We have no Trump :( to drain the swamp. And Merkel is kind of illuminati-queen you cannot destroy. Really.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15273,White women were perfectly happy to commit perjury against white men to ruin their lives and drive them to suicide. #WhiteGenocide is a very good idea. #MGTOW is #Winning Don't marry white women. Don't have white children.,sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-1223,"Sorry lady, you're not getting any of that stuff. You've been ""Trump'd""!",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-3723,"christianity is roman state religion, get out of the way jew or get crushed",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-1569,My Gabby is in Disguise Cause she's scared to death #Andrew will off her too,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-2821,"Yup, I was one of hers too. I hope she is well!",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-12142,"the New right are too busy counter signalling, and trying to water the movement down into more of the same zionism, they will continue to fuck up!",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-12667,Lesbians are complete idiots. I will never trust a girl with a dudes haircut again.,sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-4821,lol! right! ever work for a woman boss? they're the worst! [URL],sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-9659,"😭😆😂😂 I didn’t see it till now but,black panther is cat woman with a sex change 😂😂😂 [URL]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-17724,"Now Ford’s lifelong friend, classmate and female, Leland Ingram Keyser denies it ever happened: see the Weekly Standard article. 🔚",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-7054,"No I'm not watching the game I don't have cable and you are right sports parties exsist so people have a reason for ""talking"" without talking issues. I was watching the Kylie Jenner video to her kid",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-13119,"He's talking about his heart for the #illegalaliens that have invaded our country, are dealing drugs, raping our women and children and murdering our citizens. I was on to him when he selected #amnesty boy #PussyPence.",sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-9108,Ok I'll say it. #ItWasTheMigrants,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-12782,It depends for me. She might trying to mock you or she might be telling the true (which would be good).,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-12306,How do block people from following me? A bunch of nasty women are following me on gab.i'm disgusted!!,sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-4447,Right #DeNiro is a #Pedophile also involved in #ChildSexTrafficking of underage little girls for prostitution,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-6483,For some odd reason you left out the jews (the Muslim brethren). You can only choose one: A) Animals B) Jews C) Muslims,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-5562,clockboy has found a lucrative career it seems working for the dems,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-13818,"Word of The Hour prostitute: to offer, as a woman, to a lewd use - See translations for prostitute @ [URL] #word #translations #prostituée #prostituta #prostituta",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15230,She is the perfect whore of babylon,sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-19256,Should have just shot them in the back of the head with pork infused bullets. That would teach the rest of em. Muslim or not.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-14690,"The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria,(shown here) heir presumptive to the Austro-Hungarian throne, and his wife Sophie, Duchess of Hohenberg, occurred on 28 June 1914 in Sarajevo. It was used as the pretext to start World War One.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-13409,"Wow raising the debt limit magically makes money appear. We are ruled by idiots. Mnuchin frets having Harvey money, wants Congress to raise debt limit ASAP - Fox News [URL]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11624,"‘Real in my mind’? What does that even mean? Makes zero sense. Your dumb meme is also... well, dumb. Feel free to except and on what it means.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15279,Exactly you cant be with someone after one date. Nor do you know enough as to whether you truly like her beyond shes hot.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-19207,I might even suggest to sprinkle sugar over some of the kiwis. I want to try that with the next batch I make. I think it will make it pop a bit more and really hit that sweet and tart spot.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-14821,"You know, since she's so influential and all.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9320,"[USER] no she is a basic thick bitch and tried to be clever, which only worked when the clever people told he what to do.",sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-17228,"he will get a modeling gig, she will tour the world fucking rich cock like a whore",sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-764,Widowed bride's final photos with her groom [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9760,"Having some fucking roasties trying to trick me in highschool, pretending they liked me and always talking to me and shit. All lies and tricks. Made my blood boil when I found out. Never looked at women the same way again.",sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-9459,I think you have to have an IQ of 20 to be allowed to use it. I have never seen sch a large concentration of people so fucking stupid and vapid.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-3626,"Yeah some high ranking cunt periodically deletes perfectly well sourced entries. Her ~~sandbox~~ user page was recently vandalized and I tell you, internet crime is outta control these days. I hope she is able to recover. [URL]",sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-12873,Sessions to announce several investigations into leakers one day after Trump called him weak on leakers,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-158,Just more projection of behavior to keep people from focusing on the facts. Stop projecting your multiple accounts onto my person. It's truly sad you morons believe Americans are a bunch of idiots.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16496,"Hillary clinton the bitch. Damn that woman is delusional. I’m so happy she’s not the president, there would already be armed conflicts",sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-2021,"Women who has had many sexual partners: dirty slut who rides the cock carousel, how dare she? Men who sleep around: dominant alpha male guys other men put on a pedestal and try to emulate",sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-7060,"...and by real women, I mean NOT puddyhat wearing feminists.",sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-18918,"so what is this bimbo trying to show ,she borrowed a black looking baby to sit on her lap or it s her baby and she got screwed by a black dude. either way what the hell does it have to do with the criminall charges she is charged with",sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-12562,"The “Don” is functionally retarded. He seeks to beat the devil at his own game. Tangling with him really is a waste of time, because there is no truth in his heart.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-4387,"Wife was up with the crying baby for six hours last night... I hold her for ten minutes before getting ready for work and she falls fast asleep. Winning the gender war never gets tired, does it gentlemen?",sexist,3. animosity,3.2 immutable gender differences and gender stereotypes,dev sexism2022_english-19829,To be fair if anyone is alpha it's that fucker.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-5658,"I go because 8.3% of Jesus' handpicked bishops betrayed Him, 83.3% of the bishops cut and run, the first Pope denied him 3 times, and only one was faithful. Yet they converted the world. Percentages are better in the American Church.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-1705,"The MGTOW only seek peace of mind, happiness and wisdom. We don't hate women, we don't hate the beta males, we don't hate the system. They are just devoid of anything a MGTOW seeks. so we avoid them.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9487,"Sure, the bottom 30% who generally can't get women anyway and bi-sexuals.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-5960,Yeah. The drama queens are out in force.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-14575,Is his mother a mail order bride?,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15082,Retarded hispanics walking behind an elderly woman's car as she's backing out of a handicapped parking space #BayArea,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-18847,"See, now THIS is how you help an incel. A little bit of physical contact is all most need.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8470,"NEW: California Rep. Dana Rohrabacher met with alleged Russian agent Maria Butina in 2015, her emails reveal, fueling more questions about his longstanding Kremlin connections. [URL] [URL]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9357,"The day your pure breed mare gets humped by a crappy sire, it's over for her. Same with dogs etc. So, if your new girlfriend was a coal burner, you better walk away.",sexist,2. derogation,2.3 dehumanising attacks & overt sexual objectification,dev sexism2022_english-5399,"cope any height doesn't matter and they can all get laid, just like no matter how fat a foid is she'll always get laid.",sexist,2. derogation,2.3 dehumanising attacks & overt sexual objectification,dev sexism2022_english-17572,"and god bless her for her contributions to society i will cherish those videos until the end of time --- also, she ruined her looks and made herself look like a sexbot so no surprise ppl think everything she does involves sex",sexist,2. derogation,2.3 dehumanising attacks & overt sexual objectification,dev sexism2022_english-14993,how the fuck does she still have a job?,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-18092,Good work OP. Wonder what /u/SourcreamHologram will make of this. Bet her kids will be really proud to have their mother openly declare/reconfirm to the world that Asians are a slave race,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11443,Another unattractive sub 8 degenerate wondering why women treat him so poorly.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-17864,"Look, I'm not jazzed about it either but jeeze louise, let's put on our big people panties already! If you don't like the assholes trend, start your own & stop acting like [USER] & [USER] are your mommies.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-12311,"Haha, true. Key thing is I’m tryna have her be slutty with me not other dudes",sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-12728,"I saw a four year old girl sat on her own today. No signs of anyone near. ""Are you okay?"" I said to her. ""Do you know where your Mummy or Daddy is?"" ""No,"" she sobbed. We know how to have a laugh at the orphanage.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-13016,Yes. Ban thots.,sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-4698,you ready for that second place finish this year? [USER]‍ and her Rays will probably be 4th place,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9697,B-b-but my tradthot e-merchant s-s-said we just need to be n-n-nice t-t-t-t-t-to black people and they'll leave us alone. And of course Jews don't have ANYthing to do with this!,sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-18312,Yes I have hit 50 Followers thanks you glorious basturds #GabFam,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-17037,"Im leaning towards this, the only reasons I've stayed in it so long is the college football schedule is hectic, she cheerleads so she travels with us which is convenient. I wish she was a crazy bitch. Would make it so much easier lol",sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-15510,I'm 5ft tall. Is she short shaming me????,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-12904,"OMG. I am so sorry you went through that. Narcassistic, evil old cunt. I am glad you are rid of her.",sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-15113,[USER] I sing that to my daughter and now I ruined it. I'll think of that damn speedo.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8182,"Good question. In my opinion, she's a feminist in NAWALT sheep's clothing. Check it out for yourself. Give her your own thotchop.",sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-13787,"MudSlime father batters five months old baby daughter to death during Rama-ding-dong, because she 'pressed' on his nerves. His 'hunger' because of fasting made him hangry! Funny that, I have fasted and never once had the energy to be angry!",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-17245,"Nah, those MMRs aint gonna burn themselves eh",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-10463,Social media is an imperfect measuring stick with an inherent language gap. I'm a metric girl.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-13387,So you want to live in a world where women are as slutty as men? K.,sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-11653,[USER] When I heard about this -- I honestly thought she was bitching out the IT guy for #Hillary ... all that double and triple withdrawing of donations...,sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-3640,JUST IN: Trump administration creates task force to reunify migrant families separated: report [URL] [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-14065,Michigan: Court awards convicted rapist joint custody of his victim's resulting child Rapist never asked for joint custody - mom applied for food stamps [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-6046,"some fuckin government, eh?",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15001,Holy shit you're right,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-14414,"TIL Mark Twain was a proponent of equal rights. He formed clubs for young women to attend the theatre, to play games, and write correspondence with him. At his death, he said that his time with these girls was his ""life's chief delight"". [URL]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-4955,Then don’t shit where you eat and go for the girls outside your closest social circles.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-6379,"Everyone knows she's not a strong character if she gets naked and has sex all the time, but if she's a prude and never gets with anyone you're sending a message condoning slutshaming.",sexist,3. animosity,3.2 immutable gender differences and gender stereotypes,dev sexism2022_english-10217,"Despite the shitty advice here, feeling like you want ldar is literally point for point diagnostic for clinical depression. I won't shove it down your throat though, if you want to talk about it, we can.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-19301,Same reason why people say m'lady and wear fedoras. They think it adds *class and intelligence™*. Only moronic pleb betas click submit without using a thesaurus to reword everything.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16995,This was like a kick in the teeth' Muslim charged with beating woman with U.S. flag skips court [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-1443,Annnnnnd there went my coke zero. Yet again.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-6571,True all women are the same whores nothing changes,sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-8372,"i is a mgtow because i is no likey women Lol, learn English",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-18456,"Fucking filthy german politic. As a political entity, germany is an error since 1871.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-13118,Do they punch women in the face or do they only punch men?,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9379,that's because women don't know what they want.,sexist,3. animosity,3.2 immutable gender differences and gender stereotypes,dev sexism2022_english-18937,Oh thats another story...she says shes a sharpshooter and assasin trained. Lol,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16952,"I agree with this. As a dude, attractive women approaching you to try and pick you up NEVER happens. I think you are gorgeous and I love your attitude. But if you approached me, my default would definitely be - why would she approach me?",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-10992,I got girls from winning debate tournaments back in high school. Girls are crazy they’re like status-sexual. They see you up on the stage and you’re in,sexist,3. animosity,3.2 immutable gender differences and gender stereotypes,dev sexism2022_english-10510,No fucks to hand,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-14262,I kinda want to know how old this girl is. Makes no real impact but she sounds older lol. Good job man. I hope to have results like this soon.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9758,I’ve spent more than that on booze in a year. And plenty of guys spend more than that wining and dining women in a year.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-3946,"I recently heard that female happiness has gone down in correlation with the rise of feminism, suggesting that they were happy in more traditional roles... which makes sense. Someone should post a chart on that.",sexist,3. animosity,3.2 immutable gender differences and gender stereotypes,dev sexism2022_english-6676,"[USER] I wouldn't consider that great, but if one of them made it to paris and killed 240 non muslims they'd be fucking thrilled.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-12879,Fucking inbred cunt bet your mother is your aunt,sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-17522,"I am Kenyan. Just to be clear, we don't love Obama so much 😂 This bar is massively inclined to Trump. I am sure we can have a table or two here.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-5612,Holy shit it’s over 🤣🤣,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8520,I have found their reactions to be that they pay what they owe haha. There ARE some girls that are stuck up and might not see you again but that's how you weed out the good from the bad.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15698,"Talk about bullshit. In Europe today if you so much as mumble a negative comment about some rude Muzzy woman in a burka, it's called ""hate speech"" and you get fined or jailed. There is no such thing as ""hate speech"", only free speech.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-12422,"Beautiful woman, beautiful child! #BeautifulNotSlutty",sexist,3. animosity,3.3 backhanded gendered compliments,dev sexism2022_english-14455,"North Korea's really stepping up their female soldier's weapons competency, I see.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9605,the women have left the men hung out to dry while they copulate with monkeys,sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-2788,"[USER] Shit, that's bad. If she's licensed to have the raccoon though, it'll hopefully be ok.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-3471,"Exactly. 70's bush was just wild. No one is saying it has to be shaved... but extremely hairy and unmanaged isn't a great thing to most men. If it were true, that would mean basic hygiene wouldn't be an issue and we would be cool with ugly women.",sexist,3. animosity,3.3 backhanded gendered compliments,dev sexism2022_english-7270,"You don't need to like & share it. Just don't go. Here's a picture of her REAL face beside the plastic, madeup Hollywood one.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9814,[USER] Get a private mailbox or PO box some distance away and mail rotating backup multi-terabyte hard drives (most will mail some back in rotation).,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-621,Means a lot coming from a guy who asked women on the street to reach into his pants in the name of comedy.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-5980,"The muslim holiday of murder, mayhem and midnight gorging!",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16741,"You're scared. I've been there to. You're subconsciously rejecting yourself so she doesn't reject you. Do what you want. I'd say go for it, don't be stuck in an endless loop of no experience hence rejecting yourself and still not getting experience.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-18591,She wants you to go talk to her. Since you didn't - she thinks - either you didn't like her - or you're too much of a puss puss to talk to her.,sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-15874,Obviously feminist back sorcery fueled by our maternal government.,sexist,4. prejudiced discussions,4.2 supporting systemic discrimination against women as a group,dev sexism2022_english-14917,Unbelievable the crap they've gotten away with. [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-837,I think what this women is doing is so disgusting (I'm a women) .. no wonder why men have trust issues. If my husband wanted a paternity test I would not mind ... I have nothing to hide but don't do it in secret I would be pissed 😂,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9384,They'll just deflect: Blah blah blah women were kept out of blah blah blah women's inventions were misattributed to blah blah blah you have a small penis blah blah blah.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-13957,I had a lady try to sell me food stamps in the grocery store. She was behind me in line. I told her if she wanted cash she should get a job.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-14348,"It doesnt even the odds at all. Women behave the same way regardless of how great you think you are. They will still fuck you over for cash and prizes. See Donald Trump, Jeff Bozos, etc. You don't need a woman or kids to be a success.",sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-10682,It isn't R2Geek-whatever who recently posted here about how she wanna kill herself because of all beautiful people?,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-17281,"I remember that feeling. I stacked my cash for a year in a sweet business and fucking bailed. In my case, I escaped a golden cage. Been half broke ever since, but I’ve rebuilt my foundations and am getting ready to crush it. Go get your freedom!",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-12237,That's because she's very gross and it's not due to white privilege.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11238,"Oh fuck off, she's probably going to leave you as soon as she finds someone better and is just using you, think how much money you must have already wasted.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8412,"Oh no, I ain't giving up Cuban Sandwiches, forget it.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-3840,You mean like moans/groans or a lisp lmao?😁,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-14858,"Mr. nice guy was given a good beating by our culture, figured out you need to be a good looking asshole to get laid, and either checked out or became an asshole.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11151,Young whippersnappers can't even wipe their asses without crying to mommy. Go back to your basement and play your stupid juvenile games.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-7323,"For the rally, u must use the best loudest audio sound system. The antifa plan to simply drown u out with theirs. Good luck.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-3289,What if a man pretending to be a woman was driving in Saudi Arabia? Like Bradley Manning... [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8894,"No matter how privileged you are, depression can fuck you up mentally and put you down an ldar hole; it's not something to joke about for either gender and whilst women do have a better support network, men's lack of one lies at our own feet.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-19515,"That's a bit unethical and Middle Age-ish, the whole cutting of hair. Just disregard women, it'sabout your life, not theirs. Live and let live.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-14078,"I thought you have to say ""vagina"" a lot to be a female comedian.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-13233,What do YOU have to offer to women?,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-13567,Then Republicans need to fully question Pelosi's mental faculties an have her tested. She couldnt even name the current president. She thought it was Bush. LOL.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11560,She would still have 16.5 BILLION FUCKING DOLLARS. As if she earned it on her own.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-19836,I see the goal as waking Hapas up Sadly I think we are failing. Just look at Hiding in my Room. Same applies to those WMAF lurkers despite that some do decide not to have kids.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11999,"I do not try to hard. I do what guys who get with girls do, according to those guys (many if my friends). I also have female friends. To be Asian is to be asexual to women",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-6067,"normal and sensible that’s coming from someone who wants an ethnostate, but won’t self deport back to her shithole state and also tried to kill her self but failed. And youre going to lecture to me about what’s sensible? How rich.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-14088,Au Pairs are expensive and will eat up a paycheck.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9752,Dear Canada: Are you aware that a raving lunatic is running things in your soon to be Islamic country?,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-7754,"Fuck her brains out, thats why u r there",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-5567,"Money',she was given or rather i would say the money that was thrown at her fake ass. It's basically zero effort money and she's making millions and she couldn't give away 10k? And you are asking us what have we done? !",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-19224,There's really no evidence Enoch is Jewish. Silly cherry picked quotes out of context and Jew wife he married before he was red pilled when he comes from a part of the country where there are more Jews per capita than anywhere else proves nothing.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-3999,Just because you tell a girl you're trying to fuck or asking if she wants to doesn't make you needy all it means Is there's an attraction,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-1103,[URL] wow she looks like bjork,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15322,I like Laura Ingraham a lot and love her show. But I won't watch whenever this Democrat asshole is on. Richard Goodstein makes diarrhea smell good.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9416,fuck that Roaming Millennial that stupid bitch shoudn't have interview Richard Spencer at first place. stupid birical girl should check self . she is racist to Asian. she cry for white racism. I think white passing hapa tend be dangerous it .,sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-1475,That sounds like my sister. You described her perfectly. She also does that but somehow gets mad when her business gets brought up. The dumb bitch gets mad yet she's putting it out there for everyone.,sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-18028,"Young Depp is literally greek god level chad. He mogs slayers like Chico other than in height. Even at 55 he still mogs most of the planet, god tier genetics",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-1122,"lol @ how you start off with how you find it ""so hilarious"" when guys say attractiveness is the key factor, and then you end with that on a serious note. what if the girl in question isn't ""attractive""?",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-5589,"When you ask her questions and such to find out more about her, make sure it doesn't turn in to an interrogation. Let questions flow naturally as part of the conversation.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-3516,This was beautiful man. I want a new lady liberty commissioned for the boarder wall - Laredo TX - and I want this etched on her upraised fist.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16538,"Seems like men are a lot more naive than women, typically",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11186,I love chicks whose teeth are that perfect tinge of yellow,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8823,"try being more ""can do""",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-3114,"You heard the lady, quit wasting her time, cut to the chase!",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-10310,"I've thought about the ropes, but I choose the asshole life. I'm much happier now. I choose to be nice to those that deserve it, and it's eye opening to see that most ppl do not deserve my best behaviors.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-18745,"Women don’t see value in relationships. That’s the problem with this logic If women can get whatever they want by spreading their legs an gettin chad or tyrone to toss cash at them, why bother with relationships",sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-13191,"oh no, what are they going to do? everyone knows the presence of women is essential to succeeding in radical politics [URL]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-17521,Maybe gay marriage. But with a woman? You want me to have to be partnered for all my life with a demon? No.,sexist,2. derogation,2.3 dehumanising attacks & overt sexual objectification,dev sexism2022_english-12040,How i treat the gym. Chat with chick. If i see her again chat again then ask them out/get number. No fucking around.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-19112,bullshit. she's a hypocrite,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-749,Fat female SCOUTS queers abound! Fuck 'em! A new day has dawned!,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-17791,"Prediction for what #Ford has planned next week: She is going to play an AI generated video of #Kavanaugh being naughty, disguised as having come from a vintage camcorder, and/or photographs that have been doctored.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16843,Scarey lady.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-5474,The mother of all sea hag's,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-7433,fat fuck fucked his mother in law,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-12478,A lot of marketing to women featured sexualized women. The more effective option these days for marketing to women is probably to feature desexualized women and/or sexualized men.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-3372,"Can we slam it in a window sill PLEEEEEEASE? I had an Italian grandmother, that was her solution.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-464,"------EXTREME PC COMEDY ALERT------ BET Channel Censors The Word NIGGER In Movie About Legendary Boxer Muhammad Ali When Ali Says: ""Aint No Viet Cong Ever Called Me Nigger"" Understand How Hilarious This Is",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-1493,"Lol no don’t do that shit. Just dance like an average person and maintain eye contact, touch, escalate and you’ll be fine As someone else said, don’t do shit just because you think it’ll make women like you more",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-13938,[USER] Truth makes the muzzie men puke in their overgrown beards and muzzie women shit in their panties underneath the burkha.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-18543,"Globalist cock, leaching of the proletariat of Europe!",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16504,The cunt shit in her own she's in hiding!,sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-13707,So according to Ginsburg “sexism” and a “macho atmosphere” contributed to Hillary's loss? Really? How could Trump win without a large block of female voters?,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9268,"its got to be all the wine moms here, browsing /r/cheating all day, with their wine and their kids",sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-17385,"Quality? I don't know about you but Cap's gay ass little arm shields ruined it for me. *puts head down* but, I have to keep trying to understand the cinema is a different universe...ugh.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-2324,"Another attack by the Episcopalians, I mean Muslim scum. [URL]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-6590,Im not black but i’m short asf so i can agree that women are indeed shallow.,sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-4670,"Dude, you actually have a problem. Stalking my post history and replying to all of my previous comments? You take the internet way too seriously, my guy. You get too worked up over stupid small shit. I'm surprised you can even manage a job.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-6416,"Yeah, if you do something like that during sex, it is assault. I hope he learned not to do that with future partners (for both his and their benefit).",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-19749,Please cremate this disgusting IT alive,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15012,Chicks putting on makeup and texting right?,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-17261,"yeah, your way past the part where this matters. Go ahead and text her when you want, if she waits a long time again then start the whole text game thing over again. If you wait too long all that attraction you built up might get wasted.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-6654,Guys should ignore girls who say this. Thats because we are expected to do the approach for better or for worse. If we dont hit on anyone then we get nowhere :/,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-5386,"Yep, thats what the wimminz and manginas want.",sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-11051,What a silly woman. Everyone knows your name is Gab Pochantas (GP). :D,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-18344,"Hell is to scare every one (not only men) from doing immoral shit including theft, murder, etc... All this mental gymnastics to tell us that Christianity is feminine?",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-19108,"Illegal alien, previously deported, hijacks Greyhound bus in Wisconsin & threatens to kill riders. [URL]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-17497,[USER] Katy Perry plots to smother Trump supporters to death with her breasts.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-7711,"Yeah I think I read something somewhere that went something like 'all women want to get laid often, but none of them want to seem like a slut'.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15132,"""He told Sebuyungo that he would amass huge riches and double his wealth if he cut off the head of a female being."" << sounds legit [URL]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-1293,"Ever notice too, Cop/Detective shows always have at least ONE female suspect who turns out to be completely innocent AND for the ones that aren't innocent they are 'bad' because some male in their life is exerting influence over them.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-19422,im going to be fucking pissed if they ban /r/TheHungerGames,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-3654,She killed her son! At 72 can you really blame him for wanting someone else to take care of her? It's this kind of hate-filled psychopathic attitude women have towards men that makes me wonder how we survived this long!,sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-16122,Even with all the fucking incriminating evidence she posts as well smh.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-17670,freestyle soccer Wow i use this as a cope too.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-18924,"Just go,if she rejects you again just bang someone else there",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-1085,🇺🇸VOTE🇺🇸🚂 IGNOR THE POLLS👹 #IVoteTrump #ReplaceYouAll #SpiritCooking #VoteTrump #HillaryIndictment #Wikileaks #GabFam #Gab #Trump #News #DrainTheSwamp #Hillary #Trumpinator #HillaryForPrison #CrookedGoogle,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16460,Do you want answers or not? You asked trp and we answered. Just because you don't like the answer doesn't make it false - that's a woman's line of thinking.,sexist,3. animosity,3.2 immutable gender differences and gender stereotypes,dev sexism2022_english-15430,You what that left out. If you God ok's raping and beating women you might be a muslim. If your god ok's thighing (molesting) infants you might be a muslim.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8114,Fuck her friends if she’s hot. Hot chicks usually know other HBs. What’s gonna happen if she rejects you and tells your family? Not worth it imo,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-14687,"#GabFam Welcome Kristen Hatten [USER] who CHRONICLES RADNESS at her blog, Chronicles of Radness. Mama's fave post Why I'm Breaking Up With Feminism #FeminismIsCancer [USER] [USER] [USER] [URL]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-3699,"He never seemed that way to me, just sleazy and liked trashy women.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-17157,Women are terrified that men won’t wife them up and give them cash and prizes. Agreed. The other two are moot only.,sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-14195,I bet they are so confused by being given the opportunity that they go down on her kneecap for 30 mins thinking it was her vag.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9628,"So what! Didn't the women try this bs a few months ago, and it had no result at all!",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-6631,So that’s pretty stupid. Not slowing down for a pedestrian? You’re 100% to blame if you hit her.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11887,"Overthinking this. If she is requesting something like a got home safely text it's not a big deal. Also, just mirror her. If she isn't saying good morning then don't do it. Don't overinvest in any girl.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-825,"Robert Spencer [USER] Mar 26 #jihadGTFO #banSharia France: Jewish grandmother “stabbed to death 11 times by a Muslim neighbor she knew well,” cops search for motive [URL]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-13835,"So you aren't even a high functioning autist but also straight up illiterate, fuck, that double whammy. I'm starting to feel sorry for you.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-7980,"I pray the good Lord will give protection to your husband's mission, and safe return.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9197,It sounds dumb as fuck I know man but they actually did studies on this and sluts have a harder time being happy and settling down with a partner than semi low body count chicks,sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-18013,No. What he described is that you have to get a women in the mood. If men did nothing and waited for a women to spontaneously get in the mood for sex there would be a lot of dusty piles of bones about.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-10776,Mainstream Media Clinton lapdogs mocking us and think her #PizzaGate tweet is hilarious #MAGA #Trump #Flynn [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8967,"The media and the Dems were totally willing to accept Hillary's promise to not take foreign donations to the CF, despite her compulsive lying, yet they've forced Trump into shutting down his own Foundation.. [URL]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8007,All I ever see is women letting their guard down in these videos whether it’s before or after they have been dominated they just can’t fathom how anything could go wrong or any worse. This girl completely looked away for no reason whatsoever,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-2902,"I believe that God has a special place for people who would exploit helpless children, handicapped, mentally ill, elderly, etc.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-13353,"jizz in each others' anuses Oh god, I'm dying.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-13123,That's my current modus operandi. This girl wants to date me so the posters thinking she's banging other dudes are off...,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8975,Equality is a false god. There is only one place everyone is equal: rule of law. Everything else is hippy bullshit meant to make you feel good while enforcing that equality by any means necessary.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9776,"For flaky girls, it seems to work for me.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9903,Lib cunts love to pick on women. I think theyre jealous.😂lol,sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-7502,Plate your ex if you're not emotionally codependent while you game other bitches. Simple. At worst she can be a FWB,sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-14494,Bro i used to have a lot of eye contact with my first crush ( sweetest girl i ever lay my eyes upon) but i didn't have any guts and never even told her i liked her . Don't want to say i regret it but should have done what needs to be done .,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-14389,"Twitter violates womens’ human rights, according to Amnesty International. [URL]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-567,There are two types of people: the one that only use female characters and the one that hates female characters,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-3834,"They want more debt slaves, of whatever stripe; their financial institutions must continue to grow the debt base or the numbers collapse their system.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-12175,"I think I would smash a guy before ""her"" :lol:",sexist,2. derogation,2.3 dehumanising attacks & overt sexual objectification,dev sexism2022_english-15915,Ra is a fucking pussy.,sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-17489,"Incels hate women who wear bikinis in public, because apparently that is whorish in their book. In all honesty, I am personally attracted to women wearing bikinis, and I am totally fine with them wearing string bikinis.",sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-16074,It is odd..I have watched for a month as the kikesses have been allover you and the other real white why? they get pushed back but keep coming back for more...I haven't noticed the white women doing this to jew men. Cringy,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-2898,personalities is so important it can make her over look when you kill millions of people,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9696,[USER] This is all I'm talking about. Fuck James Fields and Jason Kessler and all the tiki torch dumbfucks.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-12232,"lol, she DID divorce and take him for half now I think about it lol",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15761,"To all my #GabFam that keeps me sane, this random hug attack is for you. Or a simple hi5 will do. lol [URL]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-2808,I've been begging for thousands of gators to be placed in the Rio Grande. Lots of females too so they reproduce often.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-2584,"The ever so sweet whimpers of her last shriveling eggs, as they die in her used up, now barren womb.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-12140,The DSM 6 will have half it's pages dedicated to the myriad of ailments this woman suffers under. WATCH: Hillary Rips 'Predominately White Women' Who Voted for Trump The Sean Hannity Show [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16360,"Yea but it's hard to tell when there are closeted gays. There are straight up preachers who consider themselves straight and preach about how ""we all must resist the urge!""",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-12859,"I rest my case. Clyde, I’ll give you half a can of peaches if you sit on her long enough to fix that damn foot... /cc [USER]‍",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-131,Gubnor BenderOvaDaSofa #NeverTrump scum. Roll Drunk Tide! #Cuckservatives,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-5978,"Well I guess according to feminists, women aren't human then.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16038,"There is NO PROOF Spielberg raped her... NONE... we get an article months ago with information from an anonymous ""entertainment lawyer"" they would not name. Appears to be completely fabricated.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8360,Was she hot?,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11236,"And I thought our nation was fucked up, where a girl can name anyone and even if DNA says he's not the father, the judge can force payments. France will actually punish you for seeking genetic lineage. God Damn!",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-4479,"Absolutely pathetic. I hate that dipshits who go and fail in LA can now beg for money so they can ""keep creating"". Guarantee this 'feminist' is letting old guys pee on her for rent money.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-4931,gahahaahha its funny how people say women want tall dudes fuck no,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-14463,"...but, she's STILL the future, right? Right??",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8598,Because nobody takes male rape seriously unless it's the male raping a female,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11723,Trump is a puppet of the Jews so he will probably destroy Gab gleefully.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8611,"Even their seemingly innocuous posts about food, recreation, work, study, pets, travel etc are sexist. They manage a way to fit ""I hate women"" into everything.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-769,"I'll bet you're right, Hugin! #CowgirlClassy",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-13743,"Muahaha..... ""I know you like my hot blond wife though..."" [URL]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8495,"If you reverse your reverse way of thinking, Mario chases after a girl and his life gets progressively worse.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-3959,South Korean men and most men in general care not about how some random woman looks. The problem isn't everyone else on this issue the problem are these retarded women blaming others for their delusions.,sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-15063,What do you think the difference is between this chick getting hit and the girl in the link I sent you?,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-7020,try to get her out of that cockblocker. ask her out already and text her only when you're going to ask her out.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-14786,He could have saved time by just writing: I hate.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-5477,South #Africa - #Negro gang-of-four #rape #college #woman - Then crush her skull and stab her neck - #DS #DailyStormer #SouthAfrica #SuidAfrika #whitegenocide [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-164,"Say what you will about Muslims, their women beg to be suicide bombers to advance Islam, whereas Western women can barely be convinced not to vote for a pant suited harpy that wants to flood our country with 3rd world savages.",sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-18702,If she ignores you all week then 100% block and delete that bitch out of your life. Never stand for that.,sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-6871,"Like I said, that argument implies women have no agency or accountability.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-583,"She may also have just been a very sexual girl. Either way, OP, great for you!",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9930,Yeah you don't want to be near women like this.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15127,"[URL] During a #MeToo speaking event held at Akron University in Ohio, Infowars reporter Millie Weaver asked the movement founder Tarana Burke why the women who alleged sexual assault by Bill Clinton were excluded from the movement.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-162,TRUMP READY TO STRIKE N.KOREA [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-14420,"God Bless You Clint ,You Tell It like it is :-))",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-12634,Shit true on the cops thing. But yeah women fuck you over in that situation it’s happened too many times. I guess we don’t matter :),sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-18651,If Trump was a Nazi he wouldn't have jews fucking everything up like Kushner. Also dinesh can go back to paki land,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-5949,Text wise you should just crack a joke and tell her where and when.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-19668,"So identifying as a unicorn, a dog, or a woman when you are none of those things is perfectly fine. Identifying as black not so much. Filipino is OK but only while your a male pretending to be female. Clown World is confusing! [URL]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-17034,"Yea true, but I think we all can understand when a guy is in the fase of just hating woman, after all I think everyone here pass throw that fase, I know I was. But after the pain disipase, the hate is gone and you just become true independent.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-13595,"That’s is more likely your meth whore mom’s job. Go fuck yourself, Nazi fag.",sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-7632,"on what ground? Exactly. I do want to respect women if I believe the blue pill, but I simply don't know what to respect them for! I can only hate them for the constant trickery and pussy passes they make happen.",sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-16211,"[USER] Yeah, the ""fact-checkers"" remark is going to burn her later, because she's already told some whoppers. Not like she isn't getting plenty of help already from #LesterHolt of #NBC.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-5616,Why blame the Jews? Blame the stupid bitch Merkel who took money to let those animals into her country and kill off her people. Grow the fuck up and stop blaming the Jews for Other peoples greed!,sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-8565,I thought this was a pro Eating disorders weight chart until the no tall women allowed.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-1654,Because Swedish men are weak punks that hate their beautiful white women.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-13962,"I respect your opinion, but I believe she is an outlier. Edit: a true slut wouldnt give a fuck as they’d be happy enough to fuck others.",sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-6645,"If she doesn't come out of it with a new scientific theory or philosophy, she doesn't deserve her position, to be honest.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-1793,The thought of not giving more exposure/ power to a community of hate is important. That is indeed what I meant.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-2832,"Bloody hell, if she jumped on my '[USER] is islamophobic' bandwagon with a face like a bulldog chewing a wasp I would jump straight off it. #BritFam [URL]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-5217,Persian on Persian. Are these rebels pro-western? Perhaps Iran may once again become modern? Tired of hanging men and women all over town like ornaments? We shall see. Perhaps they will be worse.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-6425,"Lefties; we haven’t been outraged for an hour. Hold on, princess Michael of Kent wore what? BURN HER BURN HER.",sexist,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement",1.2 incitement and encouragement of harm,dev sexism2022_english-10807,Well she wanted a higher % of Black lecturers and staff higher up. By being fired she got her wish by virtue of there being less white people lol,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-6277,I think I'll take the meditation route.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11597,I say this every time this comes up. Girl is hot with or without makeup. A lot of you have very unrealistic expectations/understanding of what a good looking woman is. I'd bang the hell out of that.,sexist,3. animosity,3.3 backhanded gendered compliments,dev sexism2022_english-6985,"Yeah, yes we are. -sighs- I can't give up on this girl, I care about her too much.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-3025,[USER] #SandersThematics #Podestaemails [USER] #DNCFraudProtest [USER] compiled areas of attack on [USER] Linked below: [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9924,Have you noticed videos you see taken in Germany and Sweden that many of these 'refugees' can afford cars?,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-13622,"The most hylarious thing is that those women really take pride for positions they do not earn or deserve. Well, we also know they want the status of the position, they do not actually care about the job.",sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-10255,"Not really. That direct statement works on another level, it is an attempt to get her to Qualify to you. You baited her to prove she has an exciting job, and is an exciting person.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-4830,"Things she can bring to the table. Alimony, divorce rape, child support, false domestic violence charge",sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-2443,"you got friend-zoned. The best thing to do is drop cold turkey, and if she wants something more she'll find her way back to you. Screw being an unpaid support worker",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8584,"Dude look, she asked YOU if you were free the coming weekend. You responded with ""yes, let's get together"". You didn't provide her any concrete details. She was probably waiting for you to make plans with her....",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-19647,... and the destruction of white western males who gave them the most freedom and prosperity they've ever enjoyed in the history of mankind. Ungrateful cunts.,sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-363,"I think that's probably correct. If I was a woman, I don't think I'd trust someone that was really good at telling me what I want to hear when you haven't even met IRL. It just reeks of Love Bombing.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-227,Demons are running amok and targeting children actively Honk fucking honk,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-2655,"my wife got me some snackies to nibble on while the bull fucks her senseless in the other room 🥰 silly inkwell, why would i be jealous? i play switch with him all the time!",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-639,I find her actually cute TBH But yeah any sub 175 lbs woman nowadays is a godess among simps,sexist,3. animosity,3.3 backhanded gendered compliments,dev sexism2022_english-4134,simple mode: hydrostatic damage > blunt force trauma more oft than not.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-10874,"Hey man, if this helps you, more power to you. Just don’t put women up on a pedestal and remember they are humans just like you and I. I wish you the best of luck on your journey.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-797,"My mum made a real fuss when I got out of prison, which I didn't mind. But the inflatable doughnut on her passenger seat was a bit much",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9552,"That if chads stop fucking hundreds of women, they would be forced to either fuck incels or die alone.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-10923,"I know everyone thinks it's a hoot that the spics, dindus, yids, gooks, and pajeets in LA are getting toasty. Not everyone there is a minority though. Spare a thought for the White person.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-17382,Bamboozled by those rascally women yet again! *shakes fist at the sky*,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11415,"I know,huh? This is so insane!!! My daughter 36 yrs old will hardly talk to me because she believes MSM. I fear for the future!!!",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8837,"she's in another class than me but in the same building,when I hug her how low to go with my hands? Thanks for the response btw :D",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15395,You need to get over this shit. Just let them have their way with you. First world problems.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-1583,Don't fucking worry about it. In my experience girls are more attracted to status and confidence (projected status) than they are to looks anyway.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-1829,"""Existentialism is the goal for any true nihilist"" nihilists have no goals because goals are meaningless",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-6614,"""that's okay, I have a fetish for hot grandmas"" and just play that shit",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-17269,Giving my hard earned $ to Islamic Supremacists in the form of Universal Basic Income is 💩idea. Give $ to a people who are trying to kill me? 💩💩,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-19640,"You thought you had a chance with her, and sexual harassment never crossed your mind, but now you find out she has a boyfriend, you think she's scheming? Get your head out of that mindset and just chill out and make friends.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16150,Damn after 5 mins? A bitch can’t even catch her breath? Sheesh,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-671,Malta is run by the Mafia. They proved her right. [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-7955,"Don't forget guys, if you want your dick in anything but your hand, [you must lift]([URL] while she sits around on her ass Instagramming. (This message brought to you by the Committee for Aww-Fuck-It-Just-MGTOW)",sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-13416,Single mothers ruin everything.,sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-12674,Black chief nurse vs white WW2 veteran who died while she was laughing. What is the real reason he died? A: Because he was white. Racially motivated HATE CRIME!! [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-2971,Clinton Foundation and #DesolveUN Stealing Raping and Murdering Haiti. Send Hitlery to Haiti for Her Punishment. Or Egypt they want her Too [URL] #MAGA #Trump #GabFam #Gab #News #Gab #CrookedHillary #SpeakFreely #TrumpTrain #ImpeachObama #Hillary #2A,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8883,For a lady named Donald... you're pretty hot.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15750,"my life is filled with things i love: video games, soccer, my job, backpacking trips, surfing, climbing so I'm not really desperate even though i don't really approach chicks i think that's one way to find abundance",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-2812,"Logic! But I guarantee she'll say some shit like ""oh my god! You fucking asshole, you totally know that chloe used this one a few weeks ago and you're like fucking her aren't you?"" Wimmen, they are / be crazy.",sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-12865,you want to see hypergamy on hyperdrive go work and live in the Calif Bay area for awhile. I was there for four years at the beginning of my engineering career. The women there were INSUFFERABLE compared to the small town women I grew up with.,sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-17267,"And walk over bumbs and shit and piss and drug needles ,but hey if it’s free for the elites:",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-1355,"So since he didn't molest a woman, that means he never could have molested any other women. What a fucking idiot you are. #InstaMute",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-6926,Somehow MGTOW still managed to keep the female red pilled allies away.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-19428,W T F O.O That's Mia - THEE only reason I know that anime snake woman is I knew a dude who wanted to have sex with it. I had to bleach my eyes and ears out after learning this.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-10616,Gillette: men can be better. And they did.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-69,I thought only God could hit a 2 iron?,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-19209,"So she and her ""Partner"" broke up ? Staying single the key to success for Gilmore [URL]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-370,"[USER] believes that with the increase of deportations and the rise of La Raza the mestizos will eventually be racially conscious, which is bad for whites.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-12762,Good for her,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-1881,"Hey, we think men being tutored & killed/murdered in Hollywood movies in unfair. There should be more women being represented. Wonder if the feminist are all in for this idea.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-18816,"#MAGA swoons: We got a new CIA boss! And it's a WOMAN! Well, at least she is cool with waterboarding. And a woman. [URL] There has to be a sooper-dooper #QAlert in there somewhere. #DrainTheSwamp!",sexist,3. animosity,3.3 backhanded gendered compliments,dev sexism2022_english-1245,"Might be shite grey and miserable but I still love her, wouldn't live anywhere else ALBA GU BRAGH",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-18896,Female incel. Made up being raped to make herself feel better so she wouldn't look like a complete sexless loser. Michigan Woman Who Lied About College Rape Sentenced to Jail [URL] #MAGA #PNN,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-18060,hasn't even been 100 years since US gave women the vote. I strongly doubt we'll make it another 100. an idiotic social experiment that was doomed from the start.,sexist,4. prejudiced discussions,4.2 supporting systemic discrimination against women as a group,dev sexism2022_english-19612,"Wrong on all counts. You are the reason political correctness is necessary. ""Almost any female can be persuaded..."" is very rapey. Please, go somewhere else.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-17823,"Bye Bye, Obama [URL] #ObamaLegacy #jihadi #Syria #Iraq #terrorist #terrorism #bombing #TrumpInaugural #flynn #mattis #MAGA",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15674,Are you saying he shouldn't nominate Kimberly Guilfoyle's breasts? But she's fucking based!,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-6661,"Do you know why it's a complete bullshit looking from the male eyes? Because women are solipsistic, feelz before realz. Women feel happy being a lazy sac of shit, and her hamster will rationalize that it's the norm.",sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-10863,She put this out 16 days ago. this is her hubby so I say to you OSCAR MEYER it BOLOGNA. She was right so do a little research before you type cnn shit.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-13906,I should stick with dick and fart jokes. People seem to find those subjects offer more appeal.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-12208,The total vulnerability of Western Civilization to obvious Jewish infiltration indicates that humans have zero chance against digital life's silent encroachment.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16015,"Ask her out in person. Opener: ‘you seem very coordinated ‘ (while she’s working out), then hit the showers together",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-381,"I don't have a sister, faggot!",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-1980,The only women in my life are two beautiful statues and my sexy pc.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-1031,My school has a 100-30 male to female ratio. So pure suifuel for me,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-703,Is this ASD (anti slut defence) or what? How do I prevent this? Spend more time with her before and after.,sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-4691,Parents sue to clear name of their teen son who was falsely accused by 5 'mean girls' at his former high school of sexual assault. [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-4459,"Obama niggered and JIHADified Europe. Wordy, I wouldn't say she lied here.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-5544,The women's bathrooms I've had to work in are by far the nastiest compared to the mens,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15840,In most places in #America just winking at a woman is considered sexual harassment. Some places actually go as far as to accuse the man of sexual assault. So how did the #Jews who passed these laws on us get away with it?,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9636,Several other drivers where on Cb talking about fact that they called too,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-14644,"I've got a video of a nigger refugee on a city street trying to shove and entire can of soda up his ass, then stripping naked and entering stores attacking people. Too risqué for Gab?",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15895,Should’ve fucking taken the divorce.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-13049,There are only TWO genders & I suggest the only thing flowing will be 2 ltr bottles of coke down her throat.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15929,You only really lift when your Go from lifting so women mire to lifting so other men mire #nohomo,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-4761,"These people who refuse to hate; who do they think they are, God? If you can't hate a child rapist or an evil supremacist ideology, there's something wrong with you too. #MAGA #GabFam #PizzaGate",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-19632,"LoL what are you 80 years old #Captain_Pulpit ..?? Each post you publish time stamps your handle yet you @ mention yourself anyway. 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 yep, you’re a jackass",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-1515,I hope her and her entire fucking family gets murdered and no one does a thing about it.,sexist,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement",1.2 incitement and encouragement of harm,dev sexism2022_english-445,Women love a mysterious guy. A girl I was seeing asked me when I think about her the most and I said when I'm taking a dump. They love it,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-6723,"My second joke: ""My family is just like the Cosby's. We might not be perfect but my father did rape over 50 women.... allegedly."" did pretty well. Might have to make that an opener.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-17693,Help for what you dumb fucking fool. You don't even know me and don't know my life and what I achieved. You don't know anything. Better keep quiet.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-533,here's [USER] the mudsharking whore getting her birthday present,sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-525,her thinking is ads backwards!! rest done with smoke and mirrors LMFAO 😂😂😂😃😃,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8960,"I never have anything good to say about liberal women, except I must say, I love the way they have castrated liberal men",sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-8686,Jesus fucking Christ,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-2111,What does becoming a lesbian have to do with having a man vetted by those who care about a young lady?,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-1362,"I quit smoking for good after a breakup. I your life gives you a lemon, turn it into lemonade. That's what I though at the moment. I was wrong because it was not a lemon at all but she did me a great favor by just fucking off ;)",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-12671,Hate? I don't hate you. I just think you're ugly and you look balding too.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9963,[URL] Illegal Muslim Immigrant Who Killed Jews Has TERRIFYING New Job #MAGA,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-13115,Where did you meet her? She's probably more interested in someone else at the moment,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-2230,god damn she's thick tfw no phat assed black gf,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15268,11-year-old Sofia Sanchez captured hearts when rapper Drake visited her in the hospital as she waited for a heart transplant. via [USER] [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-13063,School ALERT Female nursery worker stabbed by 3 women on busy London street on way to work [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-17915,"Not all of them, but some of them, yeah. As a Christian I can tell you Christian women suffer from, ""no accountability"" much worse than non-religious women. This 304 deserves whatever she has coming to her in terms of punishment and consequences.",sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-4587,I know what they taste like. I tasted mine when I was a girl.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-6537,"It’s the Black and Muslim men that treat their women like 💩 white men on the whole have always respected, loved and valued the women in their lives, you won’t see any of them “honour killing” their own daughters for marrying someone they disprove of",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-606,"On the one hand, sex robots will probably destroy advanced civilization. On the other hand, they sure do trigger feminists. I'm so conflicted.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8896,Unlimited energy as the black woman rotates indefinitely.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15801,"When you treat a women as a non sexual object, and play like you don't want sex too bad during the beginning you will do well. What makes you think one treats women only on the sex side ? Having men friends does nothing to do with that.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-3354,"RT [USER]: NEW: The McCaskill campaign staffer who said ""people just can't know"" she has the same views as Obama had less to say when we met him in person than he did behind closed doors. [URL]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8497,"\> My girlfriend... Its official, this sub as hit rock bottom. Im out",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-10380,People like you should just stay the fuck home and look at photos like this at starbucks.....,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-2809,cuck degenerate 🤦...and he learned nothing this day.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-1683,It's every hapa's duty to do so.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-10251,"I'm all about empowering one's self, but not at the price of hating others. When you're focused on improving yourself, you have no time left to hate others.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-6786,Just tell her to wear it tonight,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-13424,I mean she's an asshole and leave after she laughed at you ? Seems pretty simple,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-1545,"Breaking news, dnc chair asks for resignation of dnc staffers, destruction of the Democratic party has begun [URL] #libtards #maga",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-3894,Wtf is wrong with Swedish women? Dirty whores. It's no wonder their country has turned muslim. Disgusting. [URL],sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-7929,Agreed. Our boys don't get a free pass. Obesity reduces the fertility of both the sexes.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-12020,"My sister is a feminist, but even agrees that the SJWs and 'feminists' against GG are batshit insane. When she tells me that they aren't real feminists, I think I'll believe her over them.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-13608,she gave false testimony. According to the Koran she loves she should be stoned to death.,sexist,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement",1.2 incitement and encouragement of harm,dev sexism2022_english-4186,"They sure are better off having massacred the forty thousand French men, women, and children who used to live on that island. Now the Haitians are free to follow their collective dream of living in garbage.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-895,"NYT and Asian ""part ways."" But why on earth was she hired in the first place? (ANSWER: she's NOT WHITE.) [URL]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8881,"Not really, I tend to have a crush on my looksmatch, I don’t feel a good balance if he is “prettier”, but don’t care if he’s uglier tho",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-18460,I'm thinking that if Obama's FBI does their job right that lying bitch will find her nasty self in prison someday. It's proven she liked under oath. Don'tch know?,sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-11738,All women are racist.,sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-7289,well she will get stoned as she is naked,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-13845,"lol, please stop acting like there are no rapes in this country. 20k White women are raped every year by blacks. Instead of dealing with that, dummies like you want to swing your dick bombing places that have nothing to do with us.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11945,That was caused by other issues. How big is the population of Amish or Mininite in the area where she was born.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-14641,"Yeah it’s why they all think negging works. “You’re still talking to me, I wiiiiinnnnnnnn”",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16521,never had the balls to pursue good looking girls really There's your problem.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-55,"Four out of every 5 navigators were women. That makes 80% women. But I agree, those 20% men might have been suspended or given a bad review on their record.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9892,Seriously? Evidently Justice Scalia have some sway with her considering their friendship. But then again Kavanaugh is tied to the globalist Bush dynasty.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-18976,he's angry and touches her so the ghost leaves when the ghost is needed and doesnt admit his mistake... how could i possibly like this guy...,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11880,"Two things. 1st is when a woman posts that, she's saying she's ignorant. Ignorance is the lack of awareness. 2nd is a little thug in him is an invitation to slap her around, you know, just a little.",sexist,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement",1.2 incitement and encouragement of harm,dev sexism2022_english-1693,"Yet flip the genders around to this thread that has since been deleted, a man was told by his girlfriends ex that she was abusive and everyone flipped it around saying her ex was the abusive one trying to sabotage her new relationship! [URL]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16933,"Soon... YouTube suggestion: ""3 reasons why you should shove Acqua di Gio up your ass before going out""",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-14353,Barbra Bush connection to human trafficing. Mayo clinic. Did she commit suicide so she wouldn't have to face the music and will Bush Senior follow shortly? [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8782,Truth lol. OP how would you feel if you missed a meeting because someone just had to fuck you? Your girl’s response is more than reasonable. You’re the one in the wrong here,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9196,Delusional hobo shows how delusional he is once more. Capture all little girls? I can’t wait to have a little girl and teach her how to shoot pedo incels such as yourself. 🖕🏻,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-13627,"Whoopi Goldberg is on very thin ice, talking about any one's 15 minutes of fame. If she weren't Spielberg's token pet, she couldn't get a night shift job at a truck stop waiting tables. Although that face could stop a bus.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-4240,"If Heather ZimmerRimmer gets preggers , social services in TexAss is gonna be working overtime . I hope all those STDs have made her ovaries as hard as golf balls",sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-13373,Trump needs to reopen our fucking Nuclear Waste Depository!!,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-2783,Makes sense. This is a fact. But for me it seemed to be stressing out the idea of being Marxist as wrong (nor true or false).,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-4212,"Well hell, wasn't there a woman in Washington state that said she was and worked for the NAACP? Ever hear of Rachel Dolezal? [URL]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-6036,Yeah some from kenya some saying from uganda ....just really strange I was hit by a wave of them all at once,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15207,"This is the Tinder era, that's why.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11590,#NEWS #MAGA #TRUMP #DEEPSTATE . BINGO ! Austria's right-wing government plans to shut down seven mosques and expel up to 40 foreign-funded imams in crackdown against Islamist ideology [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9492,/pol/ is eating the shit up thanks for the content ((( jew nigger ))),not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9101,Feel free to check out this Black Conservative’s merch. Libs are trying to shut down his online store cuz he has a shirt that suggests the LGBTQ is a mental illness. [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-17444,[USER] We're gonna need a bigger basket.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-12353,Fuck these Germans cowards that let Muslims rape their women. Germans should be ashamed. [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-2465,"[K]-ha-beab Nur-ma-go-med-ov; Khabib Nurmagomedov is a legit, straight up killer who'll murke a average joe like you. Out side of this Khabib is a all round nice guy",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-7705,"If you want a chuckle, look at his 'opinions' about Putin. But don't read too many lest you feel the sudden and overwhelming urge to slit your wrists...😃",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16273,"With Hillary it wouldn't take much, hide in a closet jump out scare the shit out of her then hit her with a strobe light, and of course film the whole thing and live stream it would be hilarious!",sexist,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement",1.2 incitement and encouragement of harm,dev sexism2022_english-13965,Ive noticed that too. Women seemingly have endless amounts of time to waste and blog about stuff most people get over in seconds. She wrote an entire article cuz someone insulted her dumbass hoop earrings,sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-7049,"[URL] Commie, & closet muslim stooge Clooney, speaks muslim lies & propaganda thru his wife's muslim vagina that spews sharia hell for women.",sexist,2. derogation,2.3 dehumanising attacks & overt sexual objectification,dev sexism2022_english-7867,honestly that woman i would have kicked her out of the car with my foot not my hand.,sexist,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement",1.1 threats of harm,dev sexism2022_english-4123,"Silliness plain and simple, not worth discussing seriously. I don't get the obsession of some TRPers with de-humanizing women. It just gives ammo to their critics.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-18504,"I would kill her as revenge for all the abuse, trauma, pain, and suffering she put me through. She was and still is an abusive, toxic, irrational, delusional woman with no empathy.",sexist,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement",1.1 threats of harm,dev sexism2022_english-10881,Not our fault she chose to date an abusive scumbag. 💀,sexist,4. prejudiced discussions,4.1 supporting mistreatment of individual women,dev sexism2022_english-7086,"May needs to go out in style, lynch her bitch ass and take your country back!",sexist,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement",1.2 incitement and encouragement of harm,dev sexism2022_english-17327,"I agree, its a VERY fine line. I've been called an asshole more times than I can count. But it was a good base on which I added some humility and things started clicking.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-904,Exactly. There wouldn’t need to be robot vacuums and dishwashers if women did it. And there wouldn’t be sexbots if women were faithful and eager to please their men.,sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-3044,If only the social stigma was there when a 14 year old female choose to abort her baby was the same as this kid's mistake.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-150,"ISIS is her baby, she created it.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15208,"So [USER], who enticed young women into groping his crotch for a chance to be on TV, is America's moral compass now when it comes to improper sexual behavior? Celebrities always know what's best.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-5272,"I like people who brag about numbers, as if it is something amazing. A number if nothing, a hook up is something worthy to brag about.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16179,"I know, i already catfished with a Stacylite a year ago. If she wants she can get a 5 different guy from other cities to gangbang her. ""But muh Tinder isnt real life"" bros not gonna believe it.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-3684,If you’re still on twitter please hop over and report this account for everything possible. This is putting this women in danger. #fuckantifa [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-6,"I have had some basic action from bars, but never in a club. But bars aren't much better. You're literally better off trying to meet chicks at a bus stop than a bar or club.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-19186,"[USER] fops might be too narcissistic for a relationship. The bronies might be more of the MGTOW nerdy types, but the beta Cucks are for feminists and other masculine women like Michelle Obama 😉",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-18042,You can hear the two knocks of her shoe hitting the guy in the forehead. Pussy Pass was denied shortly after.,sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-16010,"In vitro fertilization. Even if it's a terrible idea for the child's development, a woman with baby rabies doesn't give a shit. We'll see what happens. Crushing birth control pills in her drinks is a good option.",sexist,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement",1.2 incitement and encouragement of harm,dev sexism2022_english-1777,"you never see good looking men an women put others down, it's always just insecure uglies / averages On what planet? Here on Earth Chads and Staceys put others down all the time.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-2440,All women shortlist is sexist! But I do agree that women don't have dicks 😂,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-2842,You don't think it's amusing to call her a him considering the nature of his writing?,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-4331,If Akilah gets so much as a penny our of [USER] I'll cut her fucking throat.,sexist,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement",1.1 threats of harm,dev sexism2022_english-6394,I hate to say this but he had better shut his mouth soon before someone shuts it for him. He is not popular even in his own state. Sad to leave the planet that way!,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-3776,Lauren Southern is a man...,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-4713,"What's he gonan do, punch her out?",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-21,blackpilling women instantly turns them into whores if they weren't already,sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-12282,Woman Chipped by DoD against her will! [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-7039,"You'd think this inbred moron would know that. And aren't they worried about ""sexual euphoria"" when the woman is a passenger in the car? duh",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-1168,So similar to how liberal white women feel about white men?,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11416,I understood that. My post had to do with the idiot that said all women are feminists. Strong women and feminists are not the same. In fact I'd venture to say that a feminist is a weak woman pretending to be strong.,sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-7997,I don't blame her I was looking at her feet the whole time too and women when they expose their skin,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-18171,She’s not talking to you. She’s talking to her followers.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-19946,"That comment was so retarded. I guess while men were busy building civilization, creating/running governments and fighting wars those useless women were just sittin around fingering eachother",sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-16289,"Thanks a lot for your answer. You are a boss, you had 3 milf. What a boss😎👊👊 I will definitely take this advice. But if she says no straight away then the rest of the message is useless.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-10683,Of course she did... [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-12411,That’s because those women saying it don’t seem to understand the difference between being an actual adult and a bitch. Some guys will call everyone a bitch when he doesn't get his way. r/NiceGuys is an example of this.,sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-11233,"Yes. You'd also have to apply in court at your own expense for any parental rights regarding the child, and she would have every right (and possibly a free legal aid attorney) to contest your request.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11983,So it is the lady judge then..just to piss Susan Collins off. LOL,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-4606,"Yeah when I saw the ""help find her"" thread on r/Twitch w/ all the details about her disappearing, I knew exactly what had happened. Edit: apparently [he took her back]([URL] Jesus Christ does anybody have a fucking backbone?",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-18199,Yh her face without makeup is not dimorphic at all. She’s more a becky than a stacey lite,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-6912,"They actually take away from results by slapping guys with sexual harassment charges for saying ""Hi"" to a woman in the break room. HR is only there to protect the company from you.",sexist,4. prejudiced discussions,4.2 supporting systemic discrimination against women as a group,dev sexism2022_english-5608,You the Muslim? Do you agree 1 pedophilia is evil? 2 JIhad is stupid? 3 Democracy is better freedom than Sharia government by Quran? 4 Stoning women to death is pure mental sickness?,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-7159,Yea I completely went back out of article when he started discussing women spliting the check as if thats a bad thing. I dated girls who want to split checks. Hell sometimes I pay and sometimes she would pay. This author is talking out of his ass.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16178,Sorry he was an Essene Hebrew. People of the kingdom of judah call themselves Jewish and the people in that kingdom were not Hebrew. The word jew didnt even become a thing until Jews went to Europe.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-2952,Yeah you might have to slide that who keeps a knife on a windowsill 🤣🤣 it’s pretty cool tho you’re banging a mom that’s a feat,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-19841,Or you could replace boys with girls... #ManHating #Feminism #Feminist #Patriarchy #Misandry #Misogyny #GoldDiggers,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9942,Fucking ludicrous!! Check the constitution mother fucker You end the investigation or we will!!,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8910,I would have ejected her and that would be it,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-19165,"Inner game is about getting your head in the right place. Good values, kill neediness, all mental stuff. Outer game is like how you get a girls #, how to touch her, how to bounce to another bar, and verbal wordplay stuff... the non-mental ""skillset""",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-7563,"TRUMP SLAMS ‘SICK’ KATHY GRIFFIN OVER ISIS-INSPIRED PHOTO SHOOT 'She should be ashamed of herself,' blasts President #CNN is a terrorist organization and this proves they support #ISIS. [URL]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-10550,American woman groped in Ireland - he picked on the wrong woman [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-13941,And the good for nothing RINOs just sit there! Call them!,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-95,Thats a mugshot and she looks so damn happy she knows she can suck her way out of trouble.,sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-15658,Can't help you with the bees but hit me up if you want tips on making the honey into delicious mead :D,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15947,He made her a legitimate loser. Thank God for that.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-18479,Thanks new mommy! - Dear old Dad,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-14746,"This is coming from someone who never knew who her real dad was - but she will say and do anything to keep the Clinton sewer afloat, she thinks slimy rats for parents is normal. [URL]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-7994,"wassup y'all it's time to get ready, step on the gas cuz i'ma jet seddie. Robyn Leech is done with his bants, got stacks of prez profiles canned in my rants. Waitn' for 2-8 comin on strong, flip the bit-coin fuck if i'm wrong.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11089,"Don't reply, delete her number, hit your lawyer.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-4977,The risk of STDs and false rape is way too high,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9221,"It means sweet Jesus, am I seriously going to have to make another account to look at peoples' $#it when they block me because they're a mother f**kin' trigglypuff with no balls?",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16878,"yes, all 101 of them. you're quite the prom queen, aren't you?",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-2036,I'm surprised that it wasn't his wife's biracial puppy.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16202,"So it's' ""ownership"" when a man wants custody but not when a woman assumes she's entitled to it. Patricia Ballasalma, go die in a fire.",sexist,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement",1.2 incitement and encouragement of harm,dev sexism2022_english-8356,"Can confirm. I'm a disabled vet on a fixed income, the only pussy I get is what I save up and pay for.",sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-6312,Even if men die off in mass creating a real scarcity of the better sex and each had 10+ women to choose from I would not stop going my own way.,sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-9112,[USER] 🙏 Thoughts and prayers always. #GabFam is here for you! I hope she kicks cancer's ass.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16063,"True, but all I see is a Pedovore Demon now... I don't feel sorry for where she's going though.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-1318,"Interesting. My wife's account just got locked out and we can't get her back in. Identity confirmation feature is ""unavailable"" right now. I figured this was part of them being assholes and going on a ban spree. Glad to see you got your account back.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-3391,The weapons system was changed too BZ thats why a few weeks later miraculously a perfume bottle turned up in a bin killed that woman and affected that bloke trying to get control of a lost narrative yet another fail,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-12946,"Everyone that is saying she should tell them to f off (hell EVERYONE) needs to listen to her on the Joe Rogan podcast. She's serious, smart, kinda spacey sometimes and funny. She almost got raped by a turtle!",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-246,Lol yeah i didn't think it'd piss anyone off. I just thought it was funny that he said he already has one woman driving him crazy telling him how to be a man. My bad. I'll take it down if yall want.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-18447,No. The only people who care about what phone you have is immature middle school girls,sexist,3. animosity,3.2 immutable gender differences and gender stereotypes,dev sexism2022_english-7810,"Why are *you* on AskSeddit? You're asking for advice from experts but when you get it you do your best to shoot it down and twist words? Anyway, the girl doesn't like you. I wonder why.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16282,After I fucked a girl with a boyfriend and she complained about him afterwards. A really 'nice girl',not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-12854,"Wanted to get happily married. > Then no-fault divorce came around. > Well, shit, guess I better get a pre-nup. > Pre-nups didn't mean shit anymore and family courts became rape dungeons.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9455,"If you treat someone like Royalty, they'll treat you like a peasant. She peasants to worship her.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-940,"If I were a nonprofit aiding rape victims I'd sue this ""journalist"" into complete bankruptcy for the damage she caused.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-13932,"Ladies... kitchen sandwich,learn it,like it,love it with mayo that is all...",sexist,3. animosity,3.2 immutable gender differences and gender stereotypes,dev sexism2022_english-16459,German media watchdog OKs change to reporting migrant crimes [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8003,"Men are attracted to youthfulness, its a quality that indicates high fertility.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9519,"Those women will be sucking another man's cock in less than a week lmao, imagine dying for a roastie",sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-12032,And every one of these women will demand a dude at least 6 foot tall with rock hard abs.,sexist,3. animosity,3.2 immutable gender differences and gender stereotypes,dev sexism2022_english-13844,Quality shit post 👌 dank,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-4490,"Height is one the most noticeable sexual dimorphic traits, getting heightmogged by a female is bad.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-10781,Then Trump preempted her strike and she petered out to a tropical storm...,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15228,there never was a tommy robinson in prison its more like keyser sose and yes all famous are trans too like tammy robinson and eminem you look at the records for the old bailey in 27th you are not going to see tommy robinson [USER],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-19588,Why are you living in Norway and abandoning your fellow Swedes whilst blackpilling everyone about Sweden for shekels? Serious question.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-14631,It's geological. Translation: dumb as rocks.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8214,"IMO you just wait. Wait a day or two then text her when you are ready to take her out. Act like you never even sent the first text. ""Hey this is GatsbyJunior. Let's grab coffee at [shop] tomorrow at 5. Does that work?""",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-13759,She is a girl. Texas won’t let her wrestle as a boy but she doesn’t want to anyway because she takes steroids.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-10711,"Africans dont want their people to turn Brown... like the Americans... and they dont like their workaholic ways, they prefer women do all the work in the fields. That's why we had to chain the men and whip them a little to make them work.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-19630,The devil herself #CrookedHillary #LockHerUp,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-19275,"I look forward to ""the Hearing"". It is looking like the SKANK might show up after all.",sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-7619,"You're not going to outbreed r-selected vermin. You'd have to kill a whole lot of it, and you won't do that if you let a white woman destroy you before that.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-3976,I would say so too considering most guys your age aren't having discussions in r/mgtow.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8132,"Wait wait i thought Justin ""trans lobotomy"" Trudeau was the first female PM of Canada",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15646,Fake it till you make it. For all she knows you're already drowning in sluts.,sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-12968,"Lol, girls are becoming less of a need and more of an accessory",sexist,2. derogation,2.3 dehumanising attacks & overt sexual objectification,dev sexism2022_english-4190,"Whoopi didn't just loose her temper, she showed her true hate & vile nature rooted in Her Racism, not ours. Tell ABC #FireTheHate or remove the American from the ABC sign, that's Fake advertising.. [URL]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-18351,Just get a good looking hooker you weak minded moron.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-667,"Taslima is exmuslim. I read koran, sunna and ahadith and she is a 100% correct.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-5408,"the asshole alphas get the chicks in absence of their counterparts. Not in my experience, unfortunately these days respect is mistaken for submission and weakness.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-5013,"Every time we liberate a woman, we liberate a man. #MargaretMead #citation [URL]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-13731,"MGTOW is not about all women being evil bitches, but not being a servant to them (or any other human); doesn't matter if they are good or bad people.",sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-11492,"It’s amazing, men can’t even get custody from women who are known child rapists.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15188,hamster doesnt run for guys shes not attracted to,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-10779,"I had a friend who went to the DR several times with his wife and they never had any problems, and this guy is a goofy white dude.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-4164,LOL ok those are hot. But their are hot women in pretty much every movie.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-6370,Women are working hard on being more batshit insane Female progress for the strong independent women. Insanity is their gift to civilization.,sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-19318,"No woman will ever be turned off by your intelligence, unless you're arrogant about it. Generally, women like older men, stick to women your age or younger and you'll do fine. One you're all more mature you'll be able to get older women.",sexist,3. animosity,3.2 immutable gender differences and gender stereotypes,dev sexism2022_english-11825,Never let a woman hit you... Dont become the victim as that just screams breaking frame to me.,sexist,3. animosity,3.2 immutable gender differences and gender stereotypes,dev sexism2022_english-5966,"All depends on the divorce agreement, or if you go to court, depends on the state you live in, and the judge you get. And by ""depends,"" I mean ""how bad it will be for YOU, the man. It WILL be bad, but just how bad depends on several factors.",sexist,4. prejudiced discussions,4.2 supporting systemic discrimination against women as a group,dev sexism2022_english-19057,It's not like she's the only one who gets to have additional partners. He can also go out and seek others,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-5445,The deluth model is such to where men visibly beaten with black eyes call the cops and still get arrested while the woman doesn't have a scratch on her.,sexist,4. prejudiced discussions,4.2 supporting systemic discrimination against women as a group,dev sexism2022_english-9483,yep....but she has a big head...I think I can hit it in a shot or two...,sexist,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement",1.1 threats of harm,dev sexism2022_english-13862,It's better to get a slap on the face kissing a girl than to wonder if you should have. You can always apologize politely,sexist,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement",1.1 threats of harm,dev sexism2022_english-17476,"So you know what I did? Took her home and banged her without protection, making sure not to pull out. Just kidding U had me rolling in tears LMAO",sexist,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement",1.1 threats of harm,dev sexism2022_english-3405,"[URL] Muslims home roots no need for women , closed their holes . Genital mutilation , Infections & death is what a women deserve they rather fuck boys & goats. Sex with women is anal anyway . Muslims culture is beautiful homos that act like real men",sexist,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement",1.2 incitement and encouragement of harm,dev sexism2022_english-8555,Why they haven't hung her is. Over me head. But we allowed Obama to get by with treason many times over.,sexist,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement",1.2 incitement and encouragement of harm,dev sexism2022_english-11601,1. She's a fuckin idiot. 2. She knew he'd help her. 3. Damn I wish she fell.,sexist,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement",1.2 incitement and encouragement of harm,dev sexism2022_english-2448,You can't seriously make the argument that there is NEVER a reason to hit a woman anymore.,sexist,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement",1.2 incitement and encouragement of harm,dev sexism2022_english-18680,"We should end the white women genocide to end with loli supremacy. If we gas 6 trillion women, will the lolis bloodthirst finally be quenched?",sexist,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement",1.2 incitement and encouragement of harm,dev sexism2022_english-16351,To much Dementia and Alzheimer's in Feinstein's mind once you hit her she would forget it.Hell you could hit her over and over and she'd still say good morning who are you😂😂😂😂😂😂,sexist,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement",1.2 incitement and encouragement of harm,dev sexism2022_english-7936,"It is not new that unchecked female behavior leads to cuckoldry, this was known. What is new is the huge wave of soyboys that are on board with this crap. I was shocked to see how popular these ideas are.",sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-1615,"Dude there are no decent girls, they are all sluts. Also the I have a boyfriend is just a classic rejection technique by women. Lastly if you are alpha enough women will fuck you despite having a boyfriend",sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-3580,to be fair UGLY young girls are natural feminists,sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-7412,"Or try dating like me and my friends do. We don't pay for shit, or at most go 50/50. Being an icy dick has some attractiveness. Spending money on her in the beginning is like her test trial to squeeze more out of you later on.",sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-1441,"No, they've never been domesticated. You can thank the simps and white-knights for putting them on a pedestal. This new age of cameras constantly recording and YouTube is putting all the Karens and Ambers in line, though.",sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-1073,Another stupid mom giving her kid an idiotic name. Don't they know the kid will get treated like crap?,sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-15168,"Classic female move - when life gets hard, just cry some crocodile tears in hopes that a man will come along to save her.",sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-6864,"It's a constant isnt it, whenever women fall behind in any matter they immediately blame something other than themselves. Unfortunately it's not just her, it's also half of the population",sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-11349,"If a woman has had a significant amount of partners, there is no way she can truly bond to a guy. There is no real difference between normal women these days and prostitutes.",sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-6082,"Oh god, don't enrage a feminist at a shooting range. You'll easily be able to disarm her, but not if you're laughing your ass off. You know she'll shoot and blame the guy, then a bunch of feminists will back her up.",sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-15111,Those “men” trying to be women are not men... they are faggots,sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-19300,"Look at the cunt who wrote the article, she's FAT AS FUCK.",sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-611,Y'all ain't Chad's. You can't be picky. Find an ugly bitch and fuck her. Case closed.,sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-15384,It's cute af how you jumped to defend your nazi fag hag lol😁,sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-11940,"You're not a girl, and making faggot posts on reddit wont change your chromosomes or bone structure. Also, a Chad would never even touch you.",sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-1668,Lets put this to rest with a study ordered by a SJW in Denmark's government a few years ago that resulted in egg on her dumb bitch face. [URL],sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-16710,Bitter old bedpan licking slag Mindy looks back at her piece of shit life and blames everyone else. She takes zero responsibility for her terrible choices and loves being a professional victim.,sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-8743,Not surprised at all. A terrible mother will produce terrible daughters. Both of these daughters are hoes.,sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-1562,god please make her go away evil bitch,sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-16650,RT Twitter [USER] RT [USER]: #RUDE Lessons for life. How to deal with nasty bastards (usually women). [URL] [URL],sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-9778,So 98.892% or 70945.1207 of those women are dirty baby murdering gutter sluts.,sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-13849,This bitch hasn't ever found her own pussy.,sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-9783,"Nah, the foid was a dumbass for staying don't get me wrong, but she didn't deserve to die.",sexist,2. derogation,2.3 dehumanising attacks & overt sexual objectification,dev sexism2022_english-7915,"Absolutely serious, fella! I'm ready to settle down now. I feel like I've had my fair share of hot asian THOTs with them tight pussies and now I'm ready for my princess who'll give me my children!",sexist,2. derogation,2.3 dehumanising attacks & overt sexual objectification,dev sexism2022_english-17934,yep. No fapping means you have to chase the vag! Better bring a full wallet to!,sexist,2. derogation,2.3 dehumanising attacks & overt sexual objectification,dev sexism2022_english-1074,wmaf are always the most awkward looking couples ive ever seen in my life like the foid is always walking at least 2 metres in front and they always look so angry and downtrodden,sexist,2. derogation,2.3 dehumanising attacks & overt sexual objectification,dev sexism2022_english-12041,"Good times? It sounds like this bitch shat on you repeatedly and unless you have a poop fetish, that doesn’t seem like a very good time to me. Don’t look back there is no such thing as being friends, especially with an adulterer.",sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-19408,Demanding money for sex = whore ​ Tbh hes good looking too. If anything she should be paying him...,sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-17438,I'd rather have a loyal friend than a dumb thot,sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-4138,I didn't say you had to stay with a crazy bitch ex-wife. Again this was directed towards men who did not even try to reproduce but are going their own way.,sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-15023,"Neither. Slutty dudes are far and beyond more gross than high n-count women, but the virgin is probably religious and his values and lifestyle don’t equate to mine. An acceptable number to me would be somewhere in the teens.",sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-8194,"Imagine being pansexual polyamorous. Well, seems I'm a slut. Ethical Slut.",sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-6180,Wait what the fuck? He ordered 5 pizzas? That's like $25 lmao. Plus read the first sentence. This guy is a cunt. Obviously his friends ate the pizza. They were fucking starving. Is this guy autistic? Lmao,sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-14982,"I wouldn't receive that treatment as a woman. You also couldn't talk shit about women the way they do, and get off scot-free. You'd be called a chauvinist asshole, at best.",sexist,3. animosity,3.2 immutable gender differences and gender stereotypes,dev sexism2022_english-9473,again is opposite those 20% of men don't compete each other. 78% of women compete each other fro 20% of men.,sexist,3. animosity,3.2 immutable gender differences and gender stereotypes,dev sexism2022_english-5833,Did you even kiss her you mangina?,sexist,3. animosity,3.2 immutable gender differences and gender stereotypes,dev sexism2022_english-608,Even if the law favored men and women weren’t AWALT I still wouldn’t do it. Truth is people change. That could be her or me. To say early in your life that you’re gonna be with someone forever seems unrealistic.,sexist,3. animosity,3.2 immutable gender differences and gender stereotypes,dev sexism2022_english-19677,"Because women want low inhib aggressive males. You gotta be the dancing monkey, my dude.",sexist,3. animosity,3.2 immutable gender differences and gender stereotypes,dev sexism2022_english-11875,Yeah like they have a stick up their ass. I always find it odd when normies judge you on looks. It's not like they have a superficial reputation to uphold. It's meterosexual. It's what women do. And seeing guys do that makes me cringe,sexist,3. animosity,3.2 immutable gender differences and gender stereotypes,dev sexism2022_english-17667,"To add what others said (Bare in mind I’m not experienced, just theory), start lowering the amount of attention you give her, that’s their currency. You’re in a relationship with a kid, not gonna say anything about that but you should tread lightly.",sexist,3. animosity,3.2 immutable gender differences and gender stereotypes,dev sexism2022_english-13944,Nope. If women want to get involved in men's business they should expect to be treated like men.,sexist,3. animosity,3.2 immutable gender differences and gender stereotypes,dev sexism2022_english-15848,"Really not true, you can say most women that can't get a guy to stay committed that they really want lack girl game, and lots lack girl game.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-5231,"There is a socioeconomic component in every selection a woman makes. If your question is ""can I have a long term relationship as an ugly dude without being a blue pilled cuck"" you're posting this line of questioning in the wrong sub.",sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-4441,"You're referring to the vocal majority. Not necessarily that actual majority, and typically not. Yea probably. It's also empowering. And women love to complain.",sexist,3. animosity,3.2 immutable gender differences and gender stereotypes,dev sexism2022_english-16574,Her forearms are bigger then David's biceps he's built like a woman bet he's transgender.,sexist,3. animosity,3.2 immutable gender differences and gender stereotypes,dev sexism2022_english-10726,Cope both white and Asian girls equally hate Asian guys lol,sexist,3. animosity,3.2 immutable gender differences and gender stereotypes,dev sexism2022_english-1232,"I don't think this is true, a lot of girls are that lazy and used to guys making every move that they won't even bother acting interested.",sexist,3. animosity,3.2 immutable gender differences and gender stereotypes,dev sexism2022_english-15769,Control all the women and you control all the men. Shit haven't change at all when it got modernized.,sexist,3. animosity,3.2 immutable gender differences and gender stereotypes,dev sexism2022_english-5450,"As you get older, you realize how mediocre the girls in high school were. Now 10 years out of high school, even the hottest 10 from back in high school is like a 6-7 compared to everyone else I have met.",sexist,3. animosity,3.3 backhanded gendered compliments,dev sexism2022_english-9183,There is a Huge Fucking difference between a woman being forcibly raped and a woman having sex to advance her career. These women are not heroes. These women are an insult to actual rape victims. Fuck Time,sexist,4. prejudiced discussions,4.2 supporting systemic discrimination against women as a group,dev sexism2022_english-13281,Society cuddles women. The AITA is so pathetically blue pill and feminine you csnt even tell whether it's a bloke or a woman in the comment I.e it's becoming difficult to distinguish between female in group bias and white knighting.,sexist,4. prejudiced discussions,4.2 supporting systemic discrimination against women as a group,dev sexism2022_english-9514,"Based on the language, responsibility falls on man again, never females.",sexist,4. prejudiced discussions,4.2 supporting systemic discrimination against women as a group,dev sexism2022_english-14812,"Why it tanked?? Well, the answer is easy: Patriarchy wanted it to tank, we cannot let a female-power movie succeed 🤣",sexist,4. prejudiced discussions,4.2 supporting systemic discrimination against women as a group,dev sexism2022_english-19085,This is why women should have no rights.,sexist,4. prejudiced discussions,4.2 supporting systemic discrimination against women as a group,dev sexism2022_english-14707,Balance is a pipe dream. Order comes when masculine rules and feminine submits. Anything less is an invitation to degeneracy and death.,sexist,4. prejudiced discussions,4.2 supporting systemic discrimination against women as a group,dev sexism2022_english-12131,"The best question to pose to a socialist is; “how do you manage the cost of goods and services, to the wages paid to the one providing those goods and services?”",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-10156,"That is Blaspheming! I think she WANTS to live out the rest of ETERNITY in a real, real HOT PLACE !",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16486,Taylor Swift SHOWS HER TRUE COLORS..... Bashes Republican Blackburn in FAVOUR OF DEMS...Exposing her LA Values!! #BoycottSwift #SwiftIsShifty [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15099,"Is this the one where he negs her on the train and he tells her she's not his type and she says why because I'm strong(something to this effect) and he responds no, you're single I watched it the other night drunk and I laughed",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16841,Lots of career women learn quickly that they want to stay home & raise their kids instead of having a low IQ stranger get that pleasure. It can be a difficult switch to move to a one income family but it can be done.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-12466,that's why i don't go on mgtow. too much hatred for women.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-12840,"I’m sorry my dude, but it’s not the case. I’m a confident guy—It seems like I’ve been ugly SINCE middle school and been kissless since. I just gotta talk to more girls at once.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-17244,NO they can't do this. THE TREES AND SKIES AND WASTED CO2 EMISSIONS! WHY!!!!!! Because these idiots never plan ahead.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-2554,"People think we have insane standards cuz for jokes, we post pics of male and female models on the sub. It doesn't mean that we require someone who looks like that.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-10932,The shitlib bugman cuck lets niggers fuck his wife as he preys on little kiddies.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-3978,"That is why Trump sent not #water bottles but 100 million $$$ water relief to #Flint, dumb nut,after 3 years with dirty water with #Obama ""doin nuffin"". [URL]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-2125,The idea that every attractive female is going to be able to rake in the bucks every month in lieu of working is straight up nonsense. Of course some will make more money and not all of them can afford to not work.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-14571,Justifying for the fact that you consider your husband less of a man because he got depressed over the death of his mother ? Why am I not surprised ? Oh yeah because you’re still defending academic fraud,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11261,LMAO curry msged her instead of white chad so she broke down crying hahahahah,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-13935,Report it to Marsha Blackburn R Tennessee Senate Candidate Same thing happened to her & she is now on a mission to stop them!,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-6595,They're projecting. They simultaneously hate women and would commit warcrimes to get laid and they are convinced that every man on the planet thinks like they do,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-18421,"Tbh, having a lot of black homies, they tell me its harder. Only a select few black dudes , get the ladies. They’re either the funny ones or the ones that are borderline gay with the way they dress and shit. It just appears that way",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11111,"I hope people boycott her show. If she can shed tears for her crazy statements about our country, Then she could put on the same act when her elderly husband was dying, and dead and gone.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-18322,"Nah, confidence isn't about external factors. And I'm curious about what you think it would be that attracted these women when I was at rock bottom and had nothing going for me.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15536,"Thousands of stupid Goyim march in Paris to honor holohoax ""survivor"" Jewess burned by gang of thugs like she's special. Nothing but a Jew led money grab to promote anti-hate speech. [URL]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-10837,"All Mosques belong in Arab countries, not civilized ones.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-5012,It's beautiful. All of the people that hate us having meltdowns on one video. Magnificent. [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-5745,"ha yeah i am the last person i ever thought would be divorced. i'm against it in every way. came down to me doing what's best for my kids, and that was getting her the hell out of the house. lost her damn mind.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-19420,"Do you think this big push for everyone to go to college and move to the city is part of this whole ""single motherhood"" culture? Maybe I am a weird traditionalist, but who gives a fuck. I've seen the effects of single motherhood firsthand.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-3900,Does that mean that the women will be going topless and the boys will be wearing bikinis?,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-10325,That's why I love ma Cats they are like Shit u better chew that phone up before I eat it LOL.. My cats are so lazy they don't even want love from me LOL,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15563,Only the moslems could turn Buddhist Monks into exterminationists: [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-602,"If you get jury duty, you get paid $15 per day to sit there and listen to the rape survivors. Why doesn't the court-of-public-opinion have to pay? Because it's not a legitimate court? #DiFiChiSpy owes me $15.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-13520,"#HillaryClinton decries fake news in first speech since election loss | [URL] Lol how cute, she's still making an attempt to be relevant",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-10978,Don't eliminate yourself just because you don't have a car or an apartment. Find you a chick who is down to bang you in her car in the parking lot or some shit haha. When girls wanna bang they'll bang anywhere.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8105,I am going to go out on a limb and assume she has a white boyfriend/lover on the side anyway. She comes off as a glorified troll/someone who is projecting hella hard to me.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-520,Eventually a woman defeated Fallon,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-13275,And of course she goes back to being butthurt about losing. [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-2419,"As someone who is also invested in and deeply passionate about video games, I don't give a fuck if some girl wants to play them with her baps half-out. More power to her. It's not impacting my game in any way, so who cares?",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15666,Don't forget that human manikin Lankford from OK. He is just as bad of a cuck piece of shit going. Oklahoma of all places voting for such a globalist piece of shit is beyond head scratching?,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11536,And this has what to do with non-abusive clingyness in a relationship manifesting as excess affection?,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-1214,Just look at the lust in her eyes.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-10293,"You need serious help. You are delusional. Only a brainwashed idiot believes that the EOC wrote the Bible. It's really sad. My great aunt's husband had schizophrenia too. It's tragic, but treatable. Praying for you.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-5744,I've thrown a few bucks at Mia Love - I like backing conservative black candidates (to the extent I can). I hope she wipes the floor with Tweedle-dum.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15274,Cowards. Guess they can't handle their lies and agendas getting out.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-7846,"you see them EVERYWHERE! idiot, elfish,extremely stupid white girls and boys who have NIGGER ON THE BRAIN DISEASE it's 7/24/365 nigger this..nigger that! White America is so over..stick a fork in it..",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-17047,"My wife drives like Batman. If you ever rob a liquor store, you'll want her to be the the wheel man. She could probably jump Snake Canyon in a Toyota Corolla.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-17456,"An early examination of our modern celebrity culture's damaging effect on young women: Norman Rockwell. ""Girl at Mirror"" 1954 Oil on canvas",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-17061,VIDEO ► Black girl beats WHITE boy with cleaning tool This is why schools were racially segregated; to protect white students from black violence. [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-6313,I bet she is a stand up woman .,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-4852,I hate men of any race who are above my smv,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16630,cashapp her ten bucks,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-5305,"""I believe her story, whatever it currently is.""",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-4051,Then why tf is he dating her?,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-13657,Damn white people and their protesting against the president whom we also hate! [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-10434,"Not really. If you can't get woman or sex no matter how hard you try, it doesn't make you competent just because you got lucky ages ago under very special circumstances. People claiming that non-virgins can't be incels are ridicoulous.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-10408,Did she actually 'storm?',not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-6929,The next four years (crossing fingers its a one term presidency) is going to be a shit show,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9838,My mate suggested I use Vaseline for anal. Now the bloody tub is stuck up my furious wife's arse.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-333,Anyone who gets defensive about his looks and calls other subhumans is obviously a fakecel. You’re the biggest kind. A narcy who wants stscey but stscey wants chad which you aren’t.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16146,And it is happening here. The inferior races are raping our girls like mad.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-18374,If only they could find that little hex wrench....,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9070,"Honestly i was gonna call u a dumbass by just reading the title, but if its tinder and she matched with you that shit has a good chance of working.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-5728,"No, do not speak your mind. What are you looking for from her? If you just want to bang her then try to continue that, and don't let it get in the way of going for other girls.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-2316,Your new Führer ladies and gentlemen,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-7648,"-Good good, now ask her about what she's gonna major in.. -But.. She's not even in college.. -Don't go off-script god dammit!",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-18936,If he was what jews say he is in wwII why hasn't the mossad kill him? The jews need this propaganda to destroy all white CULTURE to is the white race they fear,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-14636,"Nay, compete against the hooker porn star as got to keep the Satanist's happy",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8591,"Dating a girl named Noni long time ago, as I recall, she wasn't that therapeutic. Lol. I'll investigate it, thanks for the advice, appreciate that.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-4015,"This is not our meme. This is what shitlibs actually think. You can't dress up as a common man or woman, only as a NOTABLE SHITLIB PERSONALITY WITH A TRADEMARK ETHNIC LOOK, they hate stereotypes precisely because they're accessible and fun: [URL]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-18980,incels: zomg why are white girls so vain and arrogant???? also incels: HOT BLONDE WHITE GIRL = ULTIMATE ASCENSION AND VALIDATION !! also how dare noodles date white guys for validation they're so self-hating,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15903,They are muslim bastards and terrorists. They must be killed on sight.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-4619,"If a man has no enemies, he has never stood for anything in his life. From the way you go on and from the fact you're a liberal journalist, your wife probably snaps at you every day. You're still a nigger who dindu nuffin.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9962,Pity that she learned the hard way not to fight apartheid. [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11397,What do you mean by a high value partner? Surely if a woman is having sex for sex’s sake nothing matters except attraction,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-2759,"YOU FOOL, THIS IS HOW THE SECOND RENAISSANCE STARTED!",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-5292,The tactics seem to be familiar to what is happening now with Wikileaks. [USER],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-13437,* Is it as simple as putting the arm around the girl and escalate later when you are more alone?* Yes. it is. just do it,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-19787,yall can duckin erm wrap seven black belts round yo waist here and still get yo ass fuckin obliterated,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-13357,"Yeah but it’s really crazy and stupid, when you know real fighting women of the MMA dress like [this to fight matches]([URL] geez they sure aren’t wearing much!",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11103,"1 white guy with an ar15 shoots 20 ppl, and the media is frantic, but a muz can kill 20 ppl in Europe, and it's not terrorism. 🙊🙉🙈👿🤔 #Trump #News #CuckVille",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-1019,i hope all you niggas here saying this mom is based are joking because this shit aint funny,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-12149,You wallow while she could have swallowed 😜,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-3303,As it should be. These are stacies. The problem is even beckies want chad,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-14392,"To be honest, dude, that's kind of fucked up. This is like that Men's Rights bullshit or something. We're here because we like women, not because we want to get some kind of advantage over them or put them in their place.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-3891,It's all about the noice with women. [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-18077,"That's fine too. So long as youre not directly disagreeing with her in a defensive manner(""you're wrong""), and you're not pigeonholing yourself into something against your frame(""you're right, I'll buy your ugly friend dinner""), its fine.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15588,Her collapse during the campaign was the devil reminding her she sold that soul....,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16230,Did you kick his ass?,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11229,Yep got banned from there like a lot of guys here who don't hate women and would like to have a nuanced conversation. Mods are incels or controlled op who want to turn it into an incel sub.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16188,"she’s not hot and young, so her ‘career’ cant be used as a defense, like that woman who, if i recall correctly, stabbed her boyfriend and got no sentence from the judge",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-18498,"you consider 80% of men to be subhuman trash Pretty sure its not women who believe that, You're​ thinking of incels on this sub.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8293,I think the bigger issue is that she was dishonest about it by hiding it. Like the fat gurl with face-only pics. The single-mom that doesn't mention her 4 kids. Etc Etc Etc.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-13605,Wimmin hating Trump appoints Gina Haspel 1st female CIA Director fires White Guy from State cue feminist outrage… [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-10459,Where are the real Swedes?,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15994,We need new threading so we can see the Amazing conversations on Gab: -I love Trump -Me too -Trump is the best -Fuck Trump his daughters a Kike -Alex said 9/11 was done by the joos -Fuck you Nazi follow your leader -I love bees And so on...,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-3383,another doosey! share freely to abcnbccbspbs msnbc [URL] Happy Halloween Hillary! witches brew she created here with Kaiser Mueller who should recuse himself today,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9255,I'm 7 and I'm invisible to women,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-4699,#ElizabethWarren has about as much Native American in her as #Obama has #American in him... Maybe a snippet more.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-10886,she is ***OUR*** wife comrade,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8475,I'll take a pair Kavanaugh Hightops😳,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16083,#rihanna wears dead animals and I get banned from twatter because I let her know. [URL] #FuckOffTwitter,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-13445,I hope she is okay with the gag reflex. My mastercard will be rough on the throat,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-2156,"90's Hipster: ""I think I might be gay."" Today's Hipster: ""I think I might be the wrong sex/race."" Tomorrow's Hipster: ""I think I might be a toaster.""",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-17408,Sorry to say but it's lost! If you really want to finish her the best approach I think would let her coming to you by posting stories on your social medias.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8764,14-year-old girl kills her father 2 months after moving in with him [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-7278,"My wife may be rolling her eyes, but the Legoland staff all love my shirt! [URL] [URL]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11072,"I learned the hard way myself. If she'll cheat on and abuse her first husband, she'll do the same to you. Won't be making that mistake again in this lifetime.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-2086,"Sure, that's as good an excuse as any to avoid fielding a rational argument.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-3399,All this For a girl that’s miles away from you?,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-18929,"When you see her online the next time shoot her a ""told you we'll run into each other again ;)"" and take it from there.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-2593,I still decide to practice my game on her Tell more about that and help your fellow sedditors.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-17686,"RT KayaJones You can’t stop a mentally ill person or bad guy from walking into anywhere and shooting, but what we can do is arm ourselves to shoot back! [URL]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-13400,For real. If they actually lowered their standards and get off their ass and approach they can get any Beta Bob who is willing.. just because not only exisiting is not one of their cards anymore to get Chad they gave up lol.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-4759,"the same goes for women to be honest, im not attracted to meek, clingy women that will just give it up whenever i want it, where's the fun in that",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-6260,Why couldn't you have given academic help without any other hidden agenda underneath? Because I felt like I was being played....I don't like it when a girl blows me out and then asks me to give her stuff/help her as if nothing happened.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-10312,would you smack her ass?,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-2543,I'm thinking Clinton is being thrown under the bus to protect Obama. I think she (with her cold Chi hubris) fucked a lot of shit up that deep state can't hide anymore & they're cutting her loose so that Barry doesn't get drug down with her.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-7581,"[USER] I have no sympathy for this horrible person. If she were to die, a family would lose a wife, mother and grandmother and that is sad for them.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-13222,Its a great qualifier. I'd call that more of a filter; I don't want to be with a girl that can't have some fun.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-13861,"None ,but some of the girls I bang are on ecstasy or weed 😂",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-4749,Get out and go Back to IT loser.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16184,my dentist is crap.. my national health dentist is crap. i would name her but it's so fucking hard to find a dentist that will treat you on esa.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-2815,Sounds to me like she friend zoned you. I would blow her off the next couple times and see how she responds. That should give you your answer.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-2813,"Poor Nancy, she went black and can't go back, can't even speak now. Who knows how far up her they all went!",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11385,"Sometimes it has something to do with your looks, are you fat or really ugly ?",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-19060,"""her baby's father"" - you mean her *rape victim.* Funny how they never get that right when it's a boy being victimized.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-581,"Yes I wonder if he did threaten the cubs, and maybe she killed him because there was no other dominant male lion around.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16637,He probably has to share both of his teeth with his sister cousin momma.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-547,Then you’re nothing but a cuck simp for allowing yourself to take or from women like that.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8415,A (((nutter))). His mom is a jewess.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-587,Sure but if they got divorced now she would deserve half their earnings from that period as much as he does. Not every wife carries her weight. But some do,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-3482,Fuck her husband too,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8670,"I'm sincerely pleased that you appreciate the subtle balance between aggravated pettiness and subdued vengeance. Also, I'd read all her emails and spit on her desk!",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-7861,"Dude whatever, its not your responsibility to read her mind. its not like you are telling her you love her and then bailing. if she lies to you, then its on her.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-6371,"Don't worry about us cuck boy, their are plenty of cucks and single moms that will keep the system rolling. No interest in contributing to a rigged society that only caters to certain types of people.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-6671,"[URL] ""Earlier this year, the museum let her go, though the circumstances of her departure remain unclear."" Uh, no, we know why she as 'let go'.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-10845,"That's what I did. I banged a 5 when I was 19 to lose mine at college, I knew I was way better than her but I enjoyed it and look back on it with fond memories. Do it.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-19124,I'll give the guy/gal some credit -- so far s/he hasn't blocked me. [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-3132,"""Expert Jim Diamond told FOX 13 that illegal immigrant criminals are essentially “invisible” if they are freed or escape custody after a crime has been committed."" OR GIVEN BAIL! [URL] #MAGA #GabFam #Trump",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-1221,Let's hope this guy ==> [USER]‍ or the other Republican guy that is running in her district can knock this corrupt racist anti-American batshit CrAzY shriveled prune out of Congress once and for all.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-1000,Just imagine if she came in wearing a hijab.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-325,"Apparently not mate, she ended up coming over that night last week, we got plans for next weekend too. I'll admit I felt as if I fucked it up pretty badly, and I didn't have much confidence she'd come back around, but all's well that ends well.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-18961,And sweden is queen/kimg/queeing?/insert other non binary gendered pronoun here. Topping the charts in worst place for (white straight) men.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-2819,"Christ-lunacy is a jewish production, just like inbred redneck persona, sportsball fannery, Faggotry, drag queens, professional conservatives.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8207,[USER] INTP female here!,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-3546,The Religion of Leftism: It's racist as fuck !!! [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15039,good for her! none of us are getting out alive so you might as well live like you wanna. my mom's tipple is dewar's straight.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11870,Tell #Hillary the 'glass ceiling' is below her.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11605,"Dude, I was an incel for the first 28 years of my life, at 5'4"" and barely 135lbs, built like a fucking bird. If I found myself a girlfriend, you can too.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-17746,Plenty of fat women get it too,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-5143,"2 more weeks until our 5th wedding anniversary, 3 weeks after her birthday [URL]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-6822,I bet her left hand is on the quran .,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-17140,Bro i just got banned from female dating strategy 1 minute after posting this lol,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11881,All females get success on Tinder though.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15086,"Drunk girls, aproach them, drunkish is a worldwide language",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-2072,"Does anything have a conscious choice in how they evolve biologically? I'd say no, so then why place the burden on a class of animal? (human, female)",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11219,Autism - Banning a woman who won't stop sharing IRL pics of her hot asian body because you prefer only cartoon porn in your group.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15304,"That it's fairly fucking normal, mother fucker",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-7514,"No, the gay dudes fucked each other after a bad date. That is not typical of how women treat men after a bad date.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-6233,Nigcop pulling over women for dates. He knows were the white women be at [URL] [USER] [USER]‍ [USER]‍ [USER]‍ [USER],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9252,2. Farm girl pin up,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-18520,"Russia, Russia, Russia! It's starting to be as annoying as the old Brady Bunch TV show line, Marcia, Marcia,Marcia!",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-5110,That’s because they know what you are doing. It’s exactly the kind of approach women use on men. It doesn’t need to be a good excuse or logical. It just needs to break the ice to find out if there is mutual interest.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-14422,"/u/xQueen-Bx Atlas, you need to put that you're a woman in your op. So much pearl clutching here about the how awful men are that they'd post such a thing!! Disgusting creatures, all!",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15577,Fucking random women doesn't make you fat where did i say it did? are you retarded?,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-13380,"[USER] yes these are mentally damaged human beings from the the beginning of their lives, not children or women we want in our civilized society (yes we have violence not the same) they are 12th century barbarians #GabFam",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-742,"""You're right, all of us guys have a big annual meeting to figure out how to piss you ladies off"". Don't know if that would work, but those are the first words that would probably come out of my sarcastic mouth.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-5984,"You're wrong. The only thing that matters is being cared for and loved, and shown affection by someone you have developed an extreme oneitis for. A career means nothing when a 6'5 homeless chad can take your girl in an instant.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15830,"Lauren seems to be big enough there are a ton of ""pick me"" type posts about hating her. I'm all for valid criticism but it seems to mostly be ""finally this bitch fucked up I always hated her"" just for clicks.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-905,her BF needs to fuck her in the ass,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-17862,"Where’s the LGBTQ and Women’s Rights activists Where’s the outcry for what happened to this lady? What about the pink-haired pussy hat-wearing mob? Makes you curious, doesn’t it? Shame for what happened to the women, and a bold move at that. [URL]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-19173,"Yea, that sounds bad. At the end of the day, your girlfriend is supposed to make *you* happy. But it's okay, most people are guilty of being in that mindset to different degrees. And now that you've become consciously aware of it, you can change it.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-2803,catholic CHRUCH call a wealth woman in a village a witch than have her murdered so Catholic CHRUCH steal the wealth,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-10030,[USER] now we are cooking! welcome Michelle! the woman who is the single most important person who brought me to the fight against the #Elites in both parties to fight #amnesty she is a #Warrior,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11685,you miss the part where he sucker punch her.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-12861,"Women go for men that they're attracted to. A girl could see this guy is ""above"" you but still wanna fuck you more than him. Why",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-10642,"When my father had his second stroke, he laid paralyzed in his room for almost a full day before my mother discovered him.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-3282,deadweight- I prevail And in my experience it’s every single woman.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-238,"bi-sexuality among women has risen considerably, I imagine that explains a portion of the growth.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-18794,"Some are, some aren't. Some thin women will date bigger guys.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-12127,CNN has declared war on an innocent meme farmer #kekistan born of and living in the web; #Kekistan shall prevail #Memes #MemeWar #CNNBlackmail,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11975,MS-13 has nothing to do with race or ethnicity and it's wrong to smear all Hispanics And anyway the New Americans are still a distant second to blacks in murders and crime,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16838,Her own fault she didn't invest in anticreep mines,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8059,on this whole girl thing always sigs do this do that what if .. its just a waste of time to get lost in these thoughts,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-7628,"Liberal Sexual Misconduct by MEN, has been covered for by Liberal WOMEN who preach about women's rights.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-2810,you will always be the same little GF with penis to this girl. [Finish Him]([URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-5631,So what is your opinion of women trying to change that? Because me and a few others get hate from feminists for being “Traitors” then get called a not so creative list of names from MGTOW and accused of lying.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-19567,Listen to yeakevinc; he fucks mad girls.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15153,He's angry because he has a little baby penis.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-19405,"Sure! She is a piece of shit, that tries to pull the wool over our eyes with her Rino and Jew loving ass, and she should not be TV spreading her bullshit! Is that better?",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-18707,"it was the human waste pile Donna Brazile, CNN fired her on Oct.14th. she has the nerve to still speak out. it is 'DRUGS OR THE LACK OF"" THANKS [USER]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-10665,Where are they when females are hourly killed by serial-killers? They luv killing prostitutes.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-2826,"Someone sent me this!! 😂 You forgot to photoshop your neck, grandma! 😂😂",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-18786,"what, pray, does it say about Muslim males that they apparently cannot remotely control their holy doo-jigger? To such an intense degree, that wrapping females in billowing curtains is the only way to prevent doo-jigger anarchy and moral chaos?",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15079,This dumb fuck attacks women and acts all tough. If he attacked me like that I would probably end up in jail for eliminating his existence.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-10946,rape murder and lifes mean nothing in the arm pits of the so why are we letting them in Theresa may you stupid cow to many fucking goody two shoes if this was my daughter fuck the law,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-19152,"Antisemites fall into either of two categories, they are either stupid or muslim. mohammad was a pedophile that married a prepubescent girl. Are you also a filthy muslim or are you just stupid?""",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-7660,I feel you in a way. I've got pathetic unresolved daddy issues that make me hate myself,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-5989,Trump doesn’t care about the sexual dynamic between him and his wife. Whether his wife chose him for his money or not (she did duh) doesn’t matter. super red pill stuff here guys,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-207,Bet you she wouldn't talk half the shit in front of those guys in real life. The guys woulda fucked her up.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-17315,"For you or for her? If i'm not wrong, for you it is dangerous if she has any cut in her mouth",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-17202,And now the MSM and the gossipmongers rear their fugly heads!,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8215,RT UK ([USER]) Tweeted: People are calling to boycott [USER] after this man launched a racist tirade on an elderly woman. MORE: [URL] [URL] [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-2679,"The worst they can do is actually pepper spray you, or scream rapist, or call the police, or tell your uni board that you're approaching women and get you expelled.. A lot of bad things can happen. Watch out for that ""outrageous"" shit you say",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-17655,[URL] This woman is mentally ill,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11006,"I have yet to see a female garbage person. Had to correct myself from saying ""female garbage-*man*"" because the cultural-norm is so concrete.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-19360,Men....creators of all technology you see.....lucky to get an average woman to touch his wenis....and mom gives tips on how to possibly get a woman to change her mind about not liking you.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-3569,Even if you're not on shit. And she had someone spell check those words.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-14157,"((( Shapiro ))) is a slimy 2 faced filthy kike that needs a long oven bath , he is not r friend nor ally , he is a gate keeper subversive zionist heeb",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-3662,"I mean her family accolades helped as well. I'm not saying she's not talented and couldn't have made it on her own, but having a model for a mother and super famous comedic actor as a father helped. Rob Schneiders her dad.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16786,No she’s fucking some random guy,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-4003,"he still had sex with more woman than sigma's weight in pounds, you are coping hard OP",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-1697,You're simplifying female cheating to a numbers game - it's not. It's actually an emotional starvation 99% of the time.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-14894,"I hereby Rescind ANY & ALL Sympathy that I ever held for the death of this little whiny bastard's wife. It Serves Him RIGHT! Sometimes, karma works ahead of time. Forget ""Lock 'em UP"", it's time for LIGHT 'EM UP, Maga Troopers!!",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-17147,They are evil,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-17416,"3rd wave #feminism is dead and we have killed it. Good. If 4th wave feminism ever becomes a thing, it will be anti-Islam and right wing. Or, #trad girls will replace 3rd wave feminism for the future.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-748,Do you approach a lot of male/female (2 person) sets? What do you say to them to figure out if he's the bf/husband or just a random friendzone guy?,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-5342,Idiot. Even fox news covered the majority of these stories.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-6569,"Take this as a legal warning mother fuckers im sick this shit, with OBS and GAB BS !!!",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-12005,Never forget the writer of sex and the city now writes articles saying how deeply she regrets never getting married and having kids and she's utterly miserable and completely alone,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-14356,Dude be idiots 🤷🏻‍♂️,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16586,"George Lucas agrees to sell American Graffiti franchise to Disney; upcoming The Graffiti Awakens to feature drag races by lesbian hot rodders, and a devout hijab-wearing muslim girl who enlists in the Marines",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16865,Her social skills are lacking as does yours. Did you miss her too? I sense you were hurt by her absence.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-10328,"Well, 2020 was a shitty year so i guess its just fair choose a shitty woman :D",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8902,[USER] at least i'm not lonely enough to give hate to someone who is trying to have fun on this website. Get laid dude.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-2103,I want women to cuddle my cock with their cock cuddler.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-12823,"The fug? Ramzi Paul has Loomer on his Live show and refers to another Jew, Stone, how much of a ""brave"" journalist she is. Screw this. I need to think whether I'm going to unsubscribe after so many years.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-643,"""Ugh, stop assuming all women are meant to be nurterers!"" ""Ugh, why did you call a bomb a mother? Don't you know mothers are naturally kind and nurturing?""",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-3899,"There is actually a ""feedee"" culture where women get off on making their counterpart fat. Its a thing. Albeit a very small population there is a certain calling for obese men.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-5625,I remember some cat lady called me a white nigger when we were walking out,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15275,"I stopped giving them advice about it and yea there is alot of hate of seddit, but that is life maybe they will learn one day",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-5059,Men most of all should have learned this from history: Invaders kill the men and take the women.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-3675,"You just had to post that! Gorgeous woman. Ive heard that she's a sweetheart in the real world. Damn, I'm all fired up now. Hopefully the boy will go to bed early tonight and the wife home early lmao.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9056,"Yeah I bet lol those that cry the loudest as they say. Yeah u black guys r great at making women cry. When u get drunk and beat them up, when u knock them up and run away, when u go to jail and call ur cellmates name. Yeah u guys got it to a science.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-6719,a Real Hero! Passing motorist rescues woman trapped in Montana flood [URL] via [USER],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-7942,Move on but fuck her again if the opportunity arises and you're down with that and won't fuck your frame up by doing so.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-5475,"Legit question, what would you say if she cheated on you with another girl (she's bi/bi curious, we talked about it and she *thinks* that's what she is).",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-5227,"I don’t think he’s necessarily backpeddled, I think the dems are making every move he wants to make painstakingly difficult.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-12305,"Tell blacks they can no longer wear shirts and shoes, strictly loin cloths lest they culturally appropriate white clothes.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-1341,Her fingers are up my butt is she into me?,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-14129,"Tinder didn't work, talking to college girls didn't work, even asking out one of my friends didn't work.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-1062,"Twitter suspends [USER] for her views on extreme Muslims, transgender troops [URL] via [USER] [USER]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-12591,"""Active"" Yeah no. ​ And wow, what a deal, 5 bastard kids, a woman a decade past the wall and a mountain of debts? (Don't think she put ""Take us in ASAP"" for no reason)",sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-18208,Rapunzel is one of my favorite Disney princesses!,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-13392,well.....both...the plastic surgery deal with the age but she keeps opening her mother to reveal her evil,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-10090,"Why do the police refuse to prosecute ? FGM cutters 'being flown into UK to mutilate girls to order', survivor warns . campaigner programme to warn primary school children [URL]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-14989,Dude go cold approach. Online dating is mostly for attention for women. They now know a hot guy likes them that makes them feel as good as you getting laid by any woman.,sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-5266,"and that sigh behind her head, the people calling to ban AR-15s, and Diane Franklin contradict her point. [URL]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-17076,"I know there aren't that many lesbians out there statistics-wise, but they always seem to be the ones I end up hanging out with and am attracted to haha.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-7909,"Old magazine ads. Them there are fightin' words. ""You mean a woman can open it?"" #VintageAds #Vintage [URL]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-452,halal only they're so inclusive,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-2332,Silk and lace Come sit on my face Didn't want to add To the human race So I put it in her ace,sexist,2. derogation,2.3 dehumanising attacks & overt sexual objectification,dev sexism2022_english-11623,"Walk away and never look back. If she reaches out, set a date and hang out, have fun and hook up. And start following Coach Corey Wayne.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15213,I wonder how many other men are in prison right now because of ~~her~~ racism. Fixed it.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11335,True. My sister is extremely lightskin and only dates men of her own race.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-832,"[USER] you must have me confused with someone else. I have never seen your ex and my ex wife was fat, so that makes no sense.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-3748,"Says no whites allowed in the sign, the person in the altar is a white person. Were are the trans-racial Filipino handicapped women?",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-5372,"As a woman, do you see other women saying this a lot around the female circle? If so, did you do anything against it?",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9638,I wonder if he were to speak to leaders in real life about a girl not being fit to give advice... would they kill him or just hunger him and let biology do the work?,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-12206,"Flashback: Watch Elizabeth Warren Lie about Her ‘Oppressed’ Parents Eloping Because Her Mother Was Cherokee Goddamn I hope they run her in 2020, she'll get destroyed Lol #News [URL]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-3097,Is that really her fursona? Because I have a similar onesie. It's comfortable and warm and in no way perverted,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-708,"She could lose track of her drink, then tip it out rather than drink it. But I was trying to adjust the example so that the woman's behaviour affects the rapist.",sexist,4. prejudiced discussions,4.1 supporting mistreatment of individual women,dev sexism2022_english-15386,"In addition to what others have said, women want to be accepted by their peers. If saying they hate white men makes them more accepted by their peers, they will say it, even if its not true.",sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-8997,I was openly secretly hoping she'd have a heart attack when he got confirmed,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-12129,"He prolly stalked her for a long time and she felt she had to gave in. Then she's paid him off $380k. She keeps her teaching license, get's lil probation",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-17251,"Lol she's the best weapon #Republicans have ,every time she opens her mouth she gives Republicans more ammo....[URL]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9408,"i don't try to use dancing to pickup women, i use dancing with women to dance with women, when I want to pickup women i use conversation",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-3253,"Chelsea Clinton spent a lot of money to look worse than if she were ""hit by a shovel"" then... [URL]",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-970,Hezbollah will try to kill presidential candidate Bolsonaro [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-17447,"You're delusional. As of 2016, there are only 4,760 mixed individuals in Richmond BC. Of that number an even smaller are Hapa.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-18376,"""I hate you. Thankfully, there are thousands of gorgeous Japanese, Chinese and Korean girls in ~~Sydney~~ Asia, so I will be okay.""",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-1403,"call him or her up! I told you never take being a nice guy as a weakness of mine. I give folks the benefit of the doubt until they threaten and then I will fuck you up got me? You're only the next complex over, keep poking sticks!",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-2271,"Not common these days. They just don't have an interest in it, even my female housemate said that.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16006,"And you're so obsessed with her age... I've told you once before you gross ass incel (on another throwaway account because you're literally so much of a cunt that Reddit doesn't even want you around) she's past 13, so she's waaaaaay too old for you.",sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-18751,Tinder should be a supplement to you gaming girls in real life. It can be nice for down time but shouldn’t be your main source of women. Also a lot of girls on there do just want attention n,sexist,3. animosity,3.4 condescending explanations or unwelcome advice,dev sexism2022_english-7954,"There's no shame in being a lightweight. There is shame in blacking out drunk because you don't know your limits. Try to gain her interest again. Now she's probably thinking you can't even responsibly drink, and she why would she have sex with you",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11259,BREAKING - TRUMP FIRED acting attorney General for failure to do her job! After she played politics to get her name out there refused to defend the President of the US Trump Winning! #MAGA,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-4586,Rand Paul's wife: 'I now keep a loaded gun by my bed' after activists threatened family,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-439,"women don't care about intelligence, good looks and big dick is all that matters",sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-3494,That post was a woman replying to the incel,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-13276,That guy is an NRO plant. Cuckus Maximus,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-18779,"Would like to cut but wife gotta have her shows. Happy wife, happy life",sexist,3. animosity,3.2 immutable gender differences and gender stereotypes,dev sexism2022_english-2338,"Btw, those kitties are adorable😹😹😹",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-19590,Subscribe to this sister in Christ [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8592,I now remember all the women raped by immigrant niggers in my country,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16976,"It is a two edged sword. A lot of guys would not be listening, would be thinking about drinking her bathwater...",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11379,"""Show me a “successful woman,” and I’ll show you a dick that’s been sucked."" Andrew Anglin[USER] One of Andrew's better articles! [URL]",sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-10397,so sad but you must remember now little white boys are lower then little girls .we have the laws on the books to stop this but nobody will enforce them because. They just don't want to they want it to all fall down but why.,sexist,3. animosity,3.3 backhanded gendered compliments,dev sexism2022_english-15961,"Well, women do have high AF sex drive, and I agree, but it's only present, when there's a Chad in scene. Otherwise, it's non-existent in all other cases",sexist,3. animosity,3.2 immutable gender differences and gender stereotypes,dev sexism2022_english-3941,Imagine how FUCKED we would have been had she won...,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-10650,Jup. Have you ever seen mothers pimping their daughters. Horrible whores. A friend of mine was loaded (his dad was). We went on vacation in Egypt and man did these whores try to get his nuts. He was like 15 at the time. Pathetic.,sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-4503,"[USER] To find a life partner she needs another face and another personality, not another President. Either that, or a Costco sized pack of AA batteries.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-4946,"The black dude is going to try and bone your woman, guaranteed.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-16434,"hahahaha. great pictures, esp the 2nd. say, didn't you recently also post a really good one about veggies cut to look like animals? I guess I'd better follow you to be sure I don't miss these. Thanks!",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-260,This young Aryan lass is both equal parts hilarious and inspiring over on Twitter. They keep banning her there though. She will inevitably end up here eventually. Go ahead and give her a follow guys. You won't regret it. [USER],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9596,"What fucking new moves does she need to learn really? If she can suck a dick, lay down and get on all fours that's most of what women need to do.",sexist,2. derogation,2.3 dehumanising attacks & overt sexual objectification,dev sexism2022_english-10725,*Implying that women could crush a grape Am i right or am i right fellas!?,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8387,"It's her genes, poor suuuiee cant deny her family characteristics? ALL THAT GIRL NEEDS IS A PROPER FEED BAG! IMHO",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-19975,If she's dead and she knows it then it's best to hurt them before they kill her. Go down swinging.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-2647,People think women love chad but they don't give a fuck about chad either because he is nothing but a walking dildo and sperm donor to them. Chad is also catching regret rape claims later too.,sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-18120,You don’t think it’s a bit early to tell a girl you’re gonna impregnate her?,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-14015,This is the guy who sent Enron executives to prison & appeals court overturned convictions. They use our tax $ & their power to destroy people & lives. Despicable!,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-4117,so you're telling me....i just need to find 3 girls to go out with me on the same night to get a Girl? cool cool,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-5565,Only woman you should hate is your mother for the bad genes,sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-5093,"after what she wrote, how can her husband show his face around town? what a puss",sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-344,Do it in public not your mom,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-6536,I love the tribal ritual drums banging in the background to support her hedonistic reptilian brained urges. YOU GO GIRL!,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-3049,She never said she doesn’t like big penises. Quit making shit up.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-15269,"[USER] So, if I'm screaming, ""kill all the nasty women!"" what happens? I get arrested, that's what. Silly, silly, silly.",sexist,4. prejudiced discussions,4.2 supporting systemic discrimination against women as a group,dev sexism2022_english-7271,"If all 20 guys paid up...They didn't see her as a fit mother or potential life partner...That should send an alarm off in her head that she's kind of a peice of shit...Not ONE guy said ""I'm willing to try with you"" Nope, women think they are perfect.",sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-8456,HaHahahahahHAHAHAHAA,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8954,Oh shit. I commented and saw she was hit. I love it when dummies get their just desserts.,sexist,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement",1.2 incitement and encouragement of harm,dev sexism2022_english-4029,"The Department of Labor announced that applications for unemployment benefits fell to the lowest level in three months, and continuing claims hit their lowest level not seen since the Reagan era.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-17634,"Why does women’s studies even exist? There’s no chance of work, but then they’ll talk about “oppression” when they can’t get a job. Give me a fucking break.",sexist,4. prejudiced discussions,4.2 supporting systemic discrimination against women as a group,dev sexism2022_english-18182,"This post basically sums up why you don't let women vote. Their altruism and caring nature was intended for their own families and communities, and becomes a pathology when applied to national politics.",sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-12624,"Yeah, it's not a big deal if a person is a teenager and their identity is constantly changing- that's to be expected. But goddamn I have seen so many adult women do it, and it just looks pathetic. It's like they have no sense of self at all.",sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-6388,Every father should demand a paternity test by law.,sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-10607,look at how many IT cucks who come here and call themselves female are trannies,sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-13776,No. We need to dominate them and take them away from this lunacy. If you reject them all you do is give white girls to the Jew and his colored hordes.,sexist,2. derogation,2.3 dehumanising attacks & overt sexual objectification,dev sexism2022_english-12401,Well to be fair the guys league is really the girls league with all the sissy’s faking injuries and crying like bitches. This is why I only watch Hockey.,sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-13428,"well i guess we know which one wears the pants, check out the two white traitor dikes god go get fucking #AIDS you sick liberal dikes!!",sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-12916,"Gargle some more nigjiz, then go spit it into your moms mouth. Please.",sexist,3. animosity,"3.1 casual use of gendered slurs, profanities, and insults",dev sexism2022_english-5563,FTFY: Seduction 101: women want what other women have. Simple as that. Sounds better that way.,sexist,3. animosity,3.2 immutable gender differences and gender stereotypes,dev sexism2022_english-17425,women are aware because they have to compete. chad isn't aware at all.,sexist,3. animosity,3.2 immutable gender differences and gender stereotypes,dev sexism2022_english-5312,2 Bangladeshis spike a drink force a woman to drink it then rape her. Jailed. This was 20 minutes walk from my home. [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-19253,Hang the bitch for treason..,sexist,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement",1.2 incitement and encouragement of harm,dev sexism2022_english-12660,"I don’t see what’s so bad about a gangbang, many people have sexual fantasies that doesn’t affect current relationships or their life at all. He even said she was a nice family orientated girl. How does a sexual fantasy change that?",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-1737,"You want your Daughters to NOT be sent to A Salughter? Teach them Self defense, guns and sense.",sexist,3. animosity,3.4 condescending explanations or unwelcome advice,dev sexism2022_english-10718,"I'm bi and my crush is a man. I tried to know if he preferred men or women because I have never seen him with anyone, but apparently he's straight so it's possible. I lurked again and no new status, aaaas usual",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-6728,women gon be women. only a blue pilled simp will be surprised by this if you date **DO NOT EXPECT MONOGOMY** it is borderline ignorant to expect monogomy,sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-13211,"Our country is divided based on lies created by Satan. Let us pray that God will help those who are trying to obtain justice for the poor, the weak and the children. Pray that justice will prevail and that Satan's lies will be defeated.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-18170,Send her a text you wanna do it silently then block her.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9216,"PERFECT PICTURE, note her finger is not on trigger, she knows her shit and has looks that kill.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-1171,"use your phone cam for agreement, and send the video to your mailbox ... while fucking the girl doggy, do another video where ask her if she is happy to be fucked and again send it to your mailbox",sexist,4. prejudiced discussions,4.1 supporting mistreatment of individual women,dev sexism2022_english-2701,"Anyone who actually WANTS to have a kid is basically a blue pilled fucking retard. If you just made a mistake and forgot to pull out because you were too fucking drunk or horny, I understand.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-2863,"No. I think what made him an incel was his social anxiety, low self esteem, and Aspergers. And it caused him to build a wall to keep people (especially women) away from him.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8134,"First time we chatted and i asked her out she said. yeah sure, and then i asked are you free next week she said maybe maybe, then second time i brought it up (a day or two after this chat) she said i dont know, i dont know you",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-5542,"You are so sweet Gary, I can see why she loved you too. Xoxo",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-4222,"there's an army of simps and feminists that will run you under a bus any chance they get for pussy. Stay ghosted, don't be captain-save-a-simp",sexist,2. derogation,2.1 descriptive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-16819,"Daaaamn shots fired!! I have to admit I’m still a little bitter towards women, but only because my mom is/was an alcoholic. Fun times growing up.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-1099,Fuck that little shit. That downvote of his/heŕ means he/she got hurt by your truth,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11988,And here I was thinking she was worthless.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-14291,That's why I hadn't seen her posts lately. :(,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-2056,100 years ago he would be a serial killer like ted Bundy or whoever the fuck kills and rapes women,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-18310,I think perhaps we are both over thinking it. I need to get out of my head and quit having such an ego about how I look. Who the fuck cares how I look? I need to be more focused on other shit. We both do!,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-1861,"Yup, retarded freaks like you are indeed ruining Gab! Sad. +1 (Neo) #Trump #KAG #GabFam #SpeakFreely",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-6951,"What normalisation? This fucking witch needs to be thrown in a river and burnt if she floats. It's no more than a pedophile cover-uppererer by day, pedophile normalisation salesperson by night. Fucking sick! And the sick sheep watching all clap!",sexist,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement",1.2 incitement and encouragement of harm,dev sexism2022_english-7429,Captain of yacht Natalie Wood was on before she died says her husband Robert Wagner killed her | Daily Mail Online [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-5650,"The vagina is just as sensitive as the balls. Kick a chick there and she will be in so much pain its not even funny.... ok, mabe a little funny /s",sexist,"1. threats, plans to harm and incitement",1.2 incitement and encouragement of harm,dev sexism2022_english-12495,Fortnite mobile: Android beta gets major boost from Galaxy reveal [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-3373,[USER] ΒIRMINGHAM THIRD WORLD: A group of nonwhite thugs brutally beat and robbed a white man unconscious. #ThisIsEngland [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-10949,import low IQ Somali > give low IQ Somali badge and gun > let low IQ Somali loose on US streets > unarmed woman shot dead through police car door Bodycam and dashcam switched off. Surprised? [URL],not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8131,"I told my friend she looked like a Fraggle once. I never thought someone would reference me as a Henson character, though, other than Miss Piggy.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-412,#MAGA #Trump #GabFam She can put meat back in the lunches LOL. And Trump can put 3 orders through without a comment LOL. She commands. Let them talk about the dress or whatever - attack but she is dominant. Accept it.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9082,Forgive me for sounding dumb but can you explain?,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9662,"Imagine thinking that ""Men Going Their Own Way"" involves non-stop bitching about women. If you spend all day thinking about them, they still control you. Find somewhere else to whine about bitches.",sexist,2. derogation,2.2 aggressive and emotive attacks,dev sexism2022_english-9028,Re: Sheila Jackson... How can a nigger that stupid be sitting in congress... good lord she's stupid.,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-5674,"Probably did his stupid kike ""herr herr herr"" retard laugh while he was feeling her up.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-7467,Meh whatever. I wouldn't be offended. You could just hit it then quit it XD,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-11087,How naive that Hillary thought she could hide her email server from our dead #Benghazi Patriots. Duty and honor prevail #EmailGate #NeverForget,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-10539,"Sometimes all you need is the unbiased opinion of a complete stranger to give you the kick in the balls to feel confident enough to try. Thanks for the tip homie. Hopefully if things go well, I get a chance to her mine.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-4379,"All well and good , but can it make a sammich?",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-3556,[URL] It was 2 days after she turned 18...,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-9444,Oh lord... someone whiter than me? I feel sorry for her! LOL,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-8292,"Well, girls usually ease up as well if they get some booze in them. I'm no supersuave pua, I am in the process of learning though, but it brings dates with it. So, yeah. Any recommendations though on replying?",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-6672,The future is female guys,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-12605,Dude do not ever text a girl something like that. ever. ugh,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-10008,"I cum really hard from anal & clitoral stimulation. Never had an orgasm as strong any other way, it just enhances everything.",not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-17035,Oooh that hurt kind like that Jewish girl who broke your heart hurt when she left you for a guy with a bigger dick. Let it go!,not sexist,none,none,dev sexism2022_english-18781,This. Let go of anger. Of cognitive dissonance. Accept the truth about women. Get past the anger phase. You're wasting your precious time of freedom.,not sexist,none,none,dev