diff --git "a/test.json" "b/test.json" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/test.json" @@ -0,0 +1,13571 @@ +{ + "1": { + "context": "Austin left in a huff of rage after they were beaten in the video game competition.", + "speaker": "Austin", + "turns": [ + "I got so mad, I couldn't contain it anymore", + "Did you huff off?", + "I did, I flared up into anger", + "You need to calm down, it's just a video game", + "I know, I should not let it get to me like this.", + "blow off some steam and come back" + ] + }, + "2": { + "context": "Austin left in a huff of rage after they were beaten in the video game competition.", + "speaker": "Austin", + "turns": [ + "I was so devastated after the defeat.", + "You should have put more effort into it!", + "yes, I know! I left in a huff of rage after I was beaten in the video game competition.", + "You need to buckle up next time!", + "I know, I will." + ] + }, + "3": { + "context": "Austin left in a huff of rage after they were beaten in the video game competition.", + "speaker": "Austin", + "turns": [ + "I was so upset that I lost yesterday.", + "What did you play?", + "It was a video game competition.", + "Who did you play against?", + "They were players form the town next to us.", + "That happened sometimes. Better luck next time." + ] + }, + "4": { + "context": "Cameron had accidentally broken the door, so they decided to tell their mom about it.", + "speaker": "Cameron", + "turns": [ + "Remember when I was playing with the guys while you were leaving?", + "Did you break something?", + "Yeah, the boys tackled me and we broke the door. So I called my mom and told her.", + "What did she say?", + "She was really mad and told me to call the repair man.", + "Well at least you aren't grounded, yet." + ] + }, + "5": { + "context": "Casey walked out of the room in a huff after the argument. Taylor shut the door behind Casey.", + "speaker": "Casey", + "turns": [ + "I think that Taylor is mad at me.", + "Did you guys get into an argument?", + "Yeah, she shut the door on me.", + "You need to just let her be.", + "I need to stop arguing with her.", + "That would be a good idea." + ] + }, + "6": { + "context": "Casey walked out of the room in a huff after the argument. Taylor shut the door behind Casey.", + "speaker": "Casey", + "turns": [ + "Taylor and I got into an argument today.", + "Was is about money or just you two in general?", + "Us in general, and after I walked out, he slammed the door on me.", + "What? Why?", + "I don't even know. I am just sitting in the living room by myself at the moment.", + "Well you can come over if things don't get better." + ] + }, + "7": { + "context": "Kai climbed to the top of the mountain. It took a long time and a lot of effort.", + "speaker": "Kai", + "turns": [ + "I am to the top of the mountain.", + "You finally did it.", + "It took hours to get here.", + "And a lot of effort, I bet.", + "Yeah with a lot of effort.", + "That's so good, happy for you." + ] + }, + "8": { + "context": "Kai climbed to the top of the mountain. It took a long time and a lot of effort.", + "speaker": "Kai", + "turns": [ + "This was a tough climb but it was all worth it.", + "The view alone is worthwhile.", + "It also teach me, that anything can be achieved if I work hard work for it.", + "We all have more ability than we credit ourselves.", + "I need a new challenge to undertake.", + "How about hiking a taller mountain?" + ] + }, + "9": { + "context": "Addison was driving recklessly and they almost hit Remy, who was walking down the road.", + "speaker": "Remy", + "turns": [ + "I was walking down the road last night and Allison came out of no-where and almost hit me.", + "She has been drinking again.", + "We need to stage a intervention and get her some help.", + "I will call her parents and you can call our friends." + ] + }, + "10": { + "context": "Sydney met Carson's mother for the first time last week. He liked her.", + "speaker": "Sydney", + "turns": [ + "I met Carson's mother.", + "Was it your first time meeting her?", + "Yeah, I liked her, she was nice.", + "Carson gets his friendliness from her." + ] + }, + "11": { + "context": "Sydney met Carson's mother for the first time last week. He liked her.", + "speaker": "Sydney", + "turns": [ + "I met Carson's mother last week for the first time.", + "How was she?", + "She turned out to be really nice. I like her.", + "That's good to hear.", + "It is, especially since Carson and I are getting serious.", + "Well, at least you'll like your in-law if you guys get married." + ] + }, + "12": { + "context": "Sydney met Carson's mother for the first time last week. He liked her.", + "speaker": "Sydney", + "turns": [ + "I had a big moment in my relationship last week", + "That's awesome! What happened?", + "I met my partner's mom for the first time", + "Oh wow that is a big step!", + "Yeah everything went really well! I think we liked each other", + "That's great news! I'm glad it went well" + ] + }, + "13": { + "context": "Carson sung Remy's favorite songs, that she had practiced for choir auditions. He know she was practicing them.", + "speaker": "Carson", + "turns": [ + "I know everybody is mad that I sang the songs.", + "I think it is the fact that you knew they were Remy's.", + "More than one person can sing them.", + "Remi is supposed to be your friend though.", + "I' ll talk to Remi and let her know that she can have them.", + "That's what friends do." + ] + }, + "14": { + "context": "Carson sung Remy's favorite songs that she had practiced for choir auditions, he knows she was practicing them.", + "speaker": "Carson", + "turns": [ + "I feel like crap but I did not know Remy was doing the same song. Really! I did not know.", + "You are full of crap, Carson. No one does Tom Waits songs like Remy does.", + "No one knows who Tom Waits is. But he's my favorite. I was just trying to be unique.", + "You know Remy only listens to Tom Waits. You bought her the box-set for Christmas, you idiot!!!", + "Oh yeah. That's why I could not get those tunes out of my head.", + "And now you just lost your Jersey Girl forever!!" + ] + }, + "15": { + "context": "Jordan wanted to give his sister a fun time, so Jordan took his sister to the circus.", + "speaker": "Jordan", + "turns": [ + "Do you think it's fun to go to the circus?", + "Are you planning to go to the circus?", + "Yeah, I want to take my sister there, I want it to be a fun day for her.", + "I went to the circus last month, it was fun.", + "Okay, I'll get the tickets .", + "Your sister will love it." + ] + }, + "16": { + "context": "Jordan wanted to give his sister a fun time, so Jordan took his sister to the circus.", + "speaker": "Jordan", + "turns": [ + "I like my sister.", + "She is a good kid.", + "I wanted to give her some fun time.", + "What did you do?", + "I took her to the circus.", + "She will remember that gesture until you are old and grey." + ] + }, + "17": { + "context": "Robin had been working her own as well as her friends shifts, because her friend was sick. She was exhausted when she came home from work.", + "speaker": "Robin", + "turns": [ + "I can't remember ever being this tired before.", + "You look like you haven't slept in days.", + "I was working two shifts because my friend's sick. I haven't had time to get more than a few hours sleep a night.", + "Your friend's indebted to you now." + ] + }, + "18": { + "context": "Robin had been working her own as well as her friends shifts, because her friend was sick. She was exhausted when she came home from work.", + "speaker": "Robin", + "turns": [ + "I am so glad this week is finally over.", + "Robin, I really appreciate that you were able to cover my shifts this week. I am starting to feel better now.", + "I'm glad you are feeling better. And of course I would cover for you. My feet are just protesting it at the moment.", + "Well, when I feel better, I will give you a pedicure to make up for it.", + "That sounds like a deal! Thank you.", + "No, thank you." + ] + }, + "19": { + "context": "Robin had been working her own as well as her friends shifts, because her friend was sick. She was exhausted when she came home from work.", + "speaker": "Robin", + "turns": [ + "I'm so tired. How long do I have to keep taking over your shift?", + "I know, I'm sorry! I have a virus so I don't know how long I'm gonna be sick for.", + "Yeah, well, thankfully we are talking over the phone and not in person.", + "I wouldn't let you come near me right now!", + "I know. Well, I hope you feel better soon. Karen and Jack really miss you and so do I!", + "It shouldn't be too much longer now...I hope. Thanks again for covering for me." + ] + }, + "20": { + "context": "Robin had been working both her own as well as her friends shifts, be cause her friend was sick. She was exhausted when she came home from work.", + "speaker": "Robin", + "turns": [ + "I can't wait to go to bed tonight. I am exhausted.", + "You've been working pretty late lately.", + "I am covering my friend's shift at work while she is sick.", + "That must be very hard. When do you expect her to return.", + "Soon hopefully. I can't take it for much longer.", + "You deserve all the rest you can get,." + ] + }, + "21": { + "context": "Robin had been working her own as well as her friends shifts, because her friend was sick. She was exhausted when she came home from work.", + "speaker": "Robin", + "turns": [ + "Oh man oh man, I am super beaten up. I am ready to pass out.", + "Sorry you had to work my shift Robin. I appreciated it.", + "No problem. I am so tired but I can really use the money.", + "Those double shifts will kill you but I know what you mean.", + "I hope you feel much better. I can't do this anymore.", + "Well, my doctor told me to stay home for the next two weeks. Sorry bro." + ] + }, + "22": { + "context": "Jordan wanted to play a prank on Sydney, so they hid Sydney's phone under a bushel.", + "speaker": "Sydney", + "turns": [ + "I was so annoyed at Jordan. He hid my phone under a bushel as a prank.", + "Did it take you long to find it?", + "Yeah, it did. I hunted around twenty minutes for it, and he was laughing all that time.", + "How'd you finally find it?", + "I borrowed someone else's phone and called it. I could hear it ringing and was able to locate it.", + "He wouldn't like it at all, if you hid his phone." + ] + }, + "23": { + "context": "Jordan wanted to play a prank on Sydney, so they hid Sydney's phone under a bushel.", + "speaker": "Sydney", + "turns": [ + "The prank we played on Sydney was epic!", + "What kind of prank did you fools pull on her this time?", + "We hid the phone under the bushel, she was looking all over for it.", + "What if she had got a important call and could not take it because you hid it?" + ] + }, + "24": { + "context": "Jordan wanted to play a prank on Sydney, so they hid Sydney's phone under a bushel.", + "speaker": "Sydney", + "turns": [ + "We played a prank on Sydney", + "That must have been fun", + "It sure was", + "What was the prank?", + "We hid her phone under a bushel", + "I would have loved to be there" + ] + }, + "25": { + "context": "Jordan wanted to play a prank on Sydney, so they hid Sydney's phone under a bushel.", + "speaker": "Sydney", + "turns": [ + "Jordan played a prank on me. He hid my phone under a bushel.", + "How did you find it?", + "I just lifted it up and there it was.", + "Were you upset?", + "A little bit but Jordan is a prankster. It's what he does.", + "That's good, glad you did not mind it." + ] + }, + "26": { + "context": "Sasha had a test coming up in a very difficult subject, so Sasha spent the whole day studying.", + "speaker": "Sasha", + "turns": [ + "I really seem to have trouble figuring this stuff out", + "well, try to focus on the beginner stage and work your way up", + "Yeah, I understand the basic math but the algebra is just too hard", + "I don't see why we have to learn algebra anyways.", + "it does seem a little outdated to me", + "I guess if you want a good job you need to learn it" + ] + }, + "27": { + "context": "Sasha had a test coming up in a very difficult subject, so Sasha spent the whole day studying.", + "speaker": "Sasha", + "turns": [ + "I spent all day studying because I have an exam in Chemistry. It'll be a very difficult test.", + "At least you are studying for it.", + "I am too scared not to study. I don't want to fail the test.", + "what is your grade in Chemistry?", + "It could be a C or C- judging from my midterm.", + "Alright, I guess you better study some more." + ] + }, + "28": { + "context": "Sasha had a test coming up in a very difficult subject, so Sasha spent the whole day studying.", + "speaker": "Sasha", + "turns": [ + "I can not believe how long I had studied for this test. It was a major test so I wanted to make sure that I was prepared.", + "Yeah, I'm very proud of you.", + "Thank you, I wanted to make sure that I was able to be fully prepared for it.", + "I know you will get a great score for it, you got this." + ] + }, + "29": { + "context": "Austin and Addison made a big announcement about their plans on getting married in the Summer.", + "speaker": "Austin", + "turns": [ + "Addison and myself are getting married this summer.", + "Congratulations! Have you told everyone yet?", + "Not yet, we are going from person to person to announce this news to our closest friends and family.", + "I remember when you first met her five years ago.", + "We got along right from the start.", + "I felt that it could be something permanent three years ago." + ] + }, + "30": { + "context": "Austin and Addison made a big announcement about their plans on getting married in the Summer.", + "speaker": "Austin", + "turns": [ + "Addison and I have decided to make you my best man on our wedding.", + "Are you serious, that is awesome!", + "I think you always knew it would be you, you' re my best friend.", + "I think I am gonna start crying man.", + "I just can't wait to have you standing up there with me on our big day.", + "It is going to be something neither one of us will forget." + ] + }, + "31": { + "context": "Austin and Addison made a big announcement about their plans on getting married in the Summer.", + "speaker": "Austin", + "turns": [ + "I' m getting married!", + "What!?! Many congratulation on your big news.", + "Thank you, you are invited to my wedding.", + "I wouldn' t miss it for anything on the world.", + "Great, I'll send you the invitation.", + "Thank so much Austin." + ] + }, + "32": { + "context": "Austin recently lost 200 lbs. Austin wrapped a belt around the waist of his old pants, but the pants still fell down.", + "speaker": "Austin", + "turns": [ + "I' m so happy that I was able to finally accomplish this goal.", + "You don' t know how proud I am of you, Austin.", + "It took a lot of hard work and commitment, but I did it.", + "Losing 200 pounds is a big deal and you actually did it.", + "You need to write a book or a blog or something that tells people how you did this.", + "You' re not the first person to suggest that." + ] + }, + "33": { + "context": "Austin recently lost 200 lbs. Austin wrapped a belt around the waist of his old pants, but the pants still fell down.", + "speaker": "Austin", + "turns": [ + "I was shocked that my old pants didn't fit.", + "You have been doing a good job working out.", + "Yes, I do push ups everyday.", + "What about sit ups?", + "No, they hurt my stomach.", + "But they build up your abs!" + ] + }, + "34": { + "context": "Austin recently lost 200 lbs. Austin wrapped a belt around the waist of his old pants but the pants still fell down.", + "speaker": "Austin", + "turns": [ + "I can't believe I've gotten so skinny, my belt isn' t even enough to hold my pants up anymore.", + "Yeah, you've lost a ton of weight. How much exactly?", + "About two hundred pounds.", + "You lost more weight than most people weigh. It's like you've lost a whole person.", + "I know, now I'm going to have to buy all new pants though because the belt isn't even working.", + "At least it will feel really good to buy some new clothes." + ] + }, + "35": { + "context": "After much practice Austin finally wrote their first sentence in cursive. Austin dotted the is and crossed the t' s and sat back.", + "speaker": "Austin", + "turns": [ + "I finally wrote a cursive sentence. I crossed the t's and dotted the is. Look at it! it's so beautiful!", + "Good job Austin. I knew you could do it!", + "I can't believe it. It took me like a week to learn, but it was worth it.", + "Yep, it's a good skill to have, too. Really helps your writing like a pro." + ] + }, + "36": { + "context": "After much practice Austin finally wrote their first sentence in cursive. Austin dotted the is and crossed the t's and sat back.", + "speaker": "Austin", + "turns": [ + "I feel pretty happy, that I can finally write in cursive", + "you should be because you have worked so hard", + "I didn' t understand it at first but now it just comes naturally to me", + "things usually do when you repeat them over and over" + ] + }, + "37": { + "context": "Carson had named their baby Bailey in a hurry. But later changed name because they had found a better sounding name.", + "speaker": "Carson", + "turns": [ + "We decided to change the name of our newborn from Bailey to Clara.", + "Oh, really? What prompted that decision?", + "Well, we think it sounds better, and now she's named after my Grandmother.", + "Oh, I see. Well, I think that is a really great name.", + "Thanks. What are you going to name your kids one day?", + "Ha ha. I don't know. Maybe William after my Great Uncle." + ] + }, + "38": { + "context": "Jordan wanted to write Riley's autobiography, but realized the pen and paper was left in the other room.", + "speaker": "Jordan", + "turns": [ + "I hate being so absent minded.", + "What did you do?", + "I left my pen and paper in the other room.", + "What did you need it for?", + "I wanted to write Riley's autobiography.", + "Did you get started on it yet?" + ] + }, + "39": { + "context": "Jordan wanted to write Riley's autobiography but realized the pen and paper was left in the other room.", + "speaker": "Jordan", + "turns": [ + "Do you need help for your autobiography?", + "Yes, I need a ghost writer.", + "I'm a writer. Let me help you with your autobiography.", + "Sure. I definitely need your help, thank you. I left the pen and paper in the other room. I'll get it now.", + "I'll be waiting." + ] + }, + "40": { + "context": "Jordan wanted to write Riley's autobiography but realized the pen and paper was left in the other room.", + "speaker": "Jordan", + "turns": [ + "O.K, Riley, let's get started on your autobiography.", + "I'm ready to go.", + "O.K where were you born?", + "I was born in San Diego and...", + "Hold it, I left the pen and paper in the other room.", + "Nice to know you're so organized." + ] + }, + "41": { + "context": "Jordan wanted to write Riley's autobiography but realized the pen and paper was left in the other room.", + "speaker": "Jordan", + "turns": [ + "I think I left the pen and paper in the other room", + "I guess I will wait here until you get back", + "It's my favorite pen that my dad gave me before he died", + "I believe it is really sentimental to you, and you should really try not to lose it" + ] + }, + "42": { + "context": "After finding a way to fix the duck, Cameron made some rice and bought napkins.", + "speaker": "Cameron", + "turns": [ + "I tried to cook something new and different.", + "Did you succeed?", + "I found a way to fix the duck.", + "That is a good start.", + "With the duck complete, I made some rice and bought napkins.", + "I hope you plan on sharing it." + ] + }, + "43": { + "context": "After finding a way to fix the duck, Cameron made some rice and bought napkins.", + "speaker": "Cameron", + "turns": [ + "After I fixed the duck, I went to the store but they were out of everything. I just got rice and napkins.", + "That is so random. What's the duck?", + "Oh, my car.", + "You call your car the duck? Why?", + "It makes this stupid duck quack-like sound.", + "That's so funny. Glad you fixed it." + ] + }, + "44": { + "context": "After finding a way to fix the duck, Cameron made some rice and bought napkins.", + "speaker": "Cameron", + "turns": [ + "That was tricky", + "the duck you were trying to fix", + "Yeah, kinda hungry wonder if my rice is done, are you hungry, too?", + "Yeah, I love to have some food", + "oh damn I don' t have napkins, let me buy some", + "if you think its necessary" + ] + }, + "45": { + "context": "After finding a way to fix the duck, Cameron made some rice and bought napkins.", + "speaker": "Cameron", + "turns": [ + "Rice pilaf is a pain in the butt to make.", + "You made rice pilaff? That doesn't sound like you!", + "Yeah, well, it seemed like the best thing to make after I fixed the duck.", + "You cooked duck too? I am amazed! Is it as greasy as they say?", + "You are mistaken. I broke that wooded mallard statue in my father's office. So, I had to go, buy glue, and piece it back together before he got home. Somehow, after fixing the duck, rice pilaff sounded good to me. But thanks for reminding me, I have to go get the napkins out of the car.", + "Let me guess, this has nothing to do with dinner either. What are you doing, stuffing your bra later?" + ] + }, + "46": { + "context": "Cameron just got a new game and invited friends to come over to his house. Cameron played video games with some friends.", + "speaker": "Cameron", + "turns": [ + "Everyone's over here playing Madden. You should come.", + "When did you get Madden?", + "I just got it this morning! I sent everyone an invite on Facebook, but I guess you didn't get it.", + "Oh I haven't checked Facebook yet. Yeah maybe I'll stop by. That sounds fun.", + "It is! I'm so glad I got it. Bring some beer if you decide to come.", + "Okay you got it!" + ] + }, + "47": { + "context": "Cameron just got a new game and invited friends to come over to his house. Cameron played video games with some friends.", + "speaker": "Cameron", + "turns": [ + "Its great that you could make it.", + "I know, I am really excited to play video games with you.", + "I've been wanting to test this new game, but was waiting for you and the crew.", + "Now that we are here, we should try it out.", + "Ok, lets get started.", + "The game looks awesome, I like the graphics." + ] + }, + "48": { + "context": "Cameron just got a new game and invited friends to come over to his house. Cameron played video games with some friends.", + "speaker": "Cameron", + "turns": [ + "Do you want to come over?", + "Sure, what time?", + "How about 7:00 this evening.", + "Okay, sounds good. What are we going to do?", + "I got this new game that we can play.", + "That sounds fun!" + ] + }, + "49": { + "context": "After a heated argument, Ash had been worrying that Jordan was getting greedy and overweight. So, Ash decided to get Jordan one hotdog.", + "speaker": "Ash", + "turns": [ + "Sorry, Jordy, I was worried about your health.", + "Since when do you care about how I look?", + "I would love to spend more years with you, and staying health is the key.", + "I understand, but I love to eat, eating is my life and happiness. I guess we can work on it.", + "Okay, I get it. Here's the hot dog you wanted, but only one.", + "Deal. But can I have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for dessert?" + ] + }, + "50": { + "context": "After a heated argument, Ash had been worrying that Jordan was getting greedy and overweight. So, Ash decided to get Jordan one hotdog.", + "speaker": "Ash", + "turns": [ + "You just can't eat anything you want, Jordan.", + "I don't think that's any of your business.", + "I'm just worried about you.", + "Well, don't be.", + "I'll get you one hot dog.", + "If I hadn't forgotten my wallet, I'd get three hot dogs and fries like I want." + ] + }, + "51": { + "context": "Jordan was looking to feed other people so he put the hot dogs on the grill.", + "speaker": "Jordan", + "turns": [ + "I spent the day grilling dogs.", + "What was going on?", + "I had a bbq and I wanted to make sure everyone was fed.", + "How many hot dogs did you grill?", + "Probably around 80." + ] + }, + "52": { + "context": "Jordan was looking to feed other people so he put the hot dogs on the grill.", + "speaker": "Jordan", + "turns": [ + "We had a family gathering over the weekend.", + "That's awesome. How did it go?", + "It was great. I remember putting a lot of hot dogs on the grill.", + "Why so?", + "They were hungry.", + "Oh I see. Glad to hear you had fun." + ] + }, + "53": { + "context": "Kai took into consideration the report about the company filing for bankruptcy before he made a deal.", + "speaker": "Kai", + "turns": [ + "It was a good thing that I knew the company filed for bankruptcy before I made the deal.", + "Do you think you should have made the deal at all?", + "Yeah, with some new ideas, I think I can turn the company around.", + "Are people still going to trust the brand?", + "New ownership is going to excite the market.", + "I wish you the best of luck with your new business venture." + ] + }, + "54": { + "context": "Kai took into consideration the report about the company filing for bankruptcy before he made a deal.", + "speaker": "Kai", + "turns": [ + "Thanks for telling me about the company's financial troubles.", + "Did you use it when you were negotiating?", + "Yeah, I was able to make a better deal because of the bankruptcy report.", + "It pays off to have information." + ] + }, + "55": { + "context": "Aubrey and Carson were supposed to meet at the diner, but Carson worked late so he joined Aubrey later.", + "speaker": "Aubrey", + "turns": [ + "I ended up meeting up with Carson late last night.", + "What did you guys do.", + "Well, we were supposed to meet for diner but he had to work late.", + "His job is very demanding.", + "Yes, it is. I'm just glad we saw each other.", + "It's nice of him to always make the effort." + ] + }, + "56": { + "context": "Aubrey and Carson were supposed to meet at the diner, but Carson worked late so he joined Aubrey later.", + "speaker": "Aubrey", + "turns": [ + "Carson and I had dinner at the diner yesterday.", + "How nice! I know it's been a while since you've seen him!", + "Right! I was looking forward to it, but he showed up very late, so I was a little upset.", + "Oh, no! Did he say why he was late?", + "Yeah he did, but it did turn out all right.", + "I hope you had a nice time despite of that!" + ] + }, + "57": { + "context": "Aubrey and Carson were supposed to meet at the diner, but Carson worked late so he joined Aubrey later.", + "speaker": "Aubrey", + "turns": [ + "I have been waiting for a while now.", + "What are you waiting for?", + "Well I was supposed to meet Carson at the diner, but he had to work late, so he is going to meet me later.", + "I see, yes unfortunately this happens.", + "It does, I totally understand where he's coming from.", + "Yeah you really don't have a choice." + ] + }, + "58": { + "context": "Aubrey and Carson were supposed to meet at the diner, but Carson worked late so he joined Aubrey later.", + "speaker": "Aubrey", + "turns": [ + "Yah, he ended up coming, he just came a little later than expected.", + "Do you know what his hold up was by any chance?", + "Yah, he had to work late, so I just waited and he joined me later.", + "Well, that was very nice of you to wait!", + "Of course, it wasn't anything that he could really help!", + "No, I guess it wasn't. Still, nice of you to wait!" + ] + }, + "59": { + "context": "Aubrey and Carson were supposed to meet at the diner, but Carson worked late so he joined Aubrey later.", + "speaker": "Aubrey", + "turns": [ + "I was supposed to meet Carson for dinner but he worked late.", + "So did you end up not going?", + "No, we went. He just met me there a bit later.", + "How late was he?", + "About half an hour. I just had a drink at the bar while I was waiting for him." + ] + }, + "60": { + "context": "Jesse brought the show to a close with an uplifting, crowd pleasing number that received a standing ovation.", + "speaker": "Jesse", + "turns": [ + "Now for my last number, I will perform a new song.", + "I love this new song, it sounds so good.", + "This song is inspired by a close friend of mine.", + "I think the song might be about me.", + "This friend has been so close, and always been there for me through the years.", + "I feel so happy that I have such a great friend." + ] + }, + "61": { + "context": "Jesse brought the show to a close with an uplifting, crowd pleasing number that received a standing ovation.", + "speaker": "Jesse", + "turns": [ + "I always save one of my more uplifting songs for the end.", + "I thought the show was great, but thought you had that song earlier in your set.", + "I have before but I read the crowd and decided to sing that last.", + "Well the crowd loved it. That standing ovation lasted forever.", + "It wasn't forever but I felt all the love for that song and the show.", + "You are a great performer. I am always impressed." + ] + }, + "62": { + "context": "Casey had volunteered at the school carnival, so she put the ride in motion.", + "speaker": "Casey", + "turns": [ + "I had fun at the school carnival.", + "Did you enjoy the rides?", + "No, I was running a ride, because I was a volunteer worker.", + "What did you have to do?", + "I just put the ride in motion and stopped it after a few minutes.", + "So, you enjoyed seeing everyone else have fun." + ] + }, + "63": { + "context": "Casey had volunteered at the school carnival, so she put the ride in motion.", + "speaker": "Casey", + "turns": [ + "I really love my job at the school carnival these days.", + "It sounds like a lot of fun to help the school.", + "Yeah, I get to put the rides in motion for the kids.", + "This is so much fun and I love each ride there.", + "The school is doing a great job for the kids this year.", + "I'm really happy to be a part of this and I hope this happens again next year." + ] + }, + "64": { + "context": "Taylor and Kai were at war with another country. They attacked the army at night.", + "speaker": "Taylor", + "turns": [ + "I am glad to be home again .", + "We are glad to have you back. How are the injuries.", + "They are healing. I don't think I will ever forget that night.", + "You did what Kai told you to do, when attacking them.", + "We did not need to kill those kids, who were being held hostage." + ] + }, + "65": { + "context": "Taylor and Kai were at war with another country. They attacked the army at night.", + "speaker": "Taylor", + "turns": [ + "We have to fight when we are told.", + "You have to follow orders at all times", + "I always follow what I was told.", + "Yeah that's how war goes.", + "I made Kai attack an army", + "Hopefully it worked out well" + ] + }, + "66": { + "context": "Taylor and Kai were at war with another country. They attack the army at night.", + "speaker": "Taylor", + "turns": [ + "I really want to win this war.", + "What is your strategy to win this war?", + "I made Kai attack at night.", + "Why do you think that's the best strategy?", + "Because at night they will be less prepared for a surprise attack.", + "That does sound like a good strategy." + ] + }, + "67": { + "context": "After hearing their concerns about a new job, Skylar gave Carson some comfort and boosting.", + "speaker": "Skylar", + "turns": [ + "I am sure you're going to do a great job you always make it works.", + "This is very lovely of you to say, thanks you so much. I have been anxious about starting this new job, but it's a step I need to make.", + "Yeah, you've got to do what's best for you.", + "It's just hard going on a completely new project. So much uncertainty.", + "You got it up and running on this one in like a week. You will be great for sure.", + "That's true, I really appreciate the pep talk." + ] + }, + "68": { + "context": "After hearing their concerns about a new job, Skylar gave Carson comfort and boosting.", + "speaker": "Skylar", + "turns": [ + "There were so many things about this new job that I did not like. Thankfully everything has been cleared up", + "I have heard terrible things about this position, I am happy that you got it sorted", + "It is not as bad as it was since we cleared this up. I met the manager today and he was super nice and respectful", + "Alright, I am surprised.", + "He is a great person and this job is actually going to be interesting", + "I am glad to hear the great news." + ] + }, + "69": { + "context": "After loving her time on the phone, Sasha made some rice and took a bathroom break.", + "speaker": "Sasha", + "turns": [ + "I just made some rice and taken a break now.", + "this sounds nice. I'm still on the call.", + "Did you get all the answers you needed?", + "yes got a few answers, but still waiting for a few to be answered.", + "Try to ask questions that is not too common, which makes it more interesting.", + "this is a great idea, will do this." + ] + }, + "70": { + "context": "After loving her time on the phone, Sasha made some rice and took a bathroom break.", + "speaker": "Sasha", + "turns": [ + "I just had such a good conversation on the phone!", + "Haha I bet you were on it all night!", + "Ii was, it was a very interesting conversation, I really enjoyed it. If it was not time to make some rice and, I would still be on the phone. I also need to use the restroom", + "Oh yes, I fancy some rice, too. Could you make me some as well?", + "Sure no problem, I only have brown rice, is this alright?", + "Yah sounds awesome. Thank you so much!" + ] + }, + "71": { + "context": "After loving her time on the phone, Sasha made some rice and took a bathroom break.", + "speaker": "Sasha", + "turns": [ + "I just had a lovely chat on the phone. But right now I feel like today is my lazy day. All I want to do is to kick back and relax.", + "You deserve it Sasha, you studyreally hard all week.", + "Yes, I did, really want to get a good grade on the test, fingers crosssed. I going to make a cup of tea now, and may cook some rice for dinner, really fancy some rice.", + "That sounds awesome, let me make the tea.", + "Wonderful! Wanna stay for lunch? I make some rice for both of us and we can lounge around all day.", + "Yes, love this idea, it sounds like the perfect afternoon." + ] + }, + "72": { + "context": "Jesse out of the country, so she had to put her all life dog up for sale.", + "speaker": "Jesse", + "turns": [ + "I am so upset and emotionally distraught at the moment.", + "I understand Jesse. Sadly this seems to be the only option. I know how much you love your dog.", + "I can't believe that after all these years, I have to put my beloved dog up for sale.", + "Well, it was your decision to leave the country.", + "That doesn't make me feel any better.", + "Apologies, and try not to worry, I am sure your dog will find a loving home." + ] + }, + "73": { + "context": "Jesse out of the country, so she had to put her all life dog up for sale.", + "speaker": "Jesse", + "turns": [ + "I am leaving the cointry and need to sell my dog. It is really upsetting, but I need to get out of the country.", + "Can you leave it with a friend or family?", + "I already asked my friends and family, they are unable to take care of him. They don't have the space.", + "Did you put an add out?", + "Not yet, I am thinking about doing it this weekend.", + "Just hold on for now. Let me ask my mom, maybe we could have a dog at the house." + ] + }, + "74": { + "context": "Jesse out of the country, so she had to put her all life dog up for sale.", + "speaker": "Jesse", + "turns": [ + "I have to sell my dog, Binks. I am really upset, I've had him since I was a kid. But I'm going to be out of the country for a year at least and can't take him with me.", + "I am sorry to hear this, I am sure he will find a nice family, he is a lovely dog. Did you find someone?", + "I think so. They seemed to be a really nice family, and they really like him.", + "This is good to know.I know you are going to miss him. I am so happy he is in good care.", + "It's going to be hard to ever forget him. Binks is the best dog in the world, we shared so many fun times together." + ] + }, + "75": { + "context": "Jesse out of the country, so she had to put her all life dog up for sale.", + "speaker": "Jesse", + "turns": [ + "I am really upset, that I had to let go of my dog.", + "Why are you giving that lovely dog up?", + "I have to travel abroad for at least a year and I can't take him with me. I had to put him up for sale.", + " I am so sorry, I bet he will miss you dearly.", + "Yes, he will, I miss him already. I hope I can fid someone nice to look after him.", + "When will be coming back? Let me ask my parents if we can look after him until you get back", + "this will be so great, thank you, so much. I should be back next summer." + ] + }, + "76": { + "context": "Jesse out of the country, so she had to put her all life dog up for sale.", + "speaker": "Jesse", + "turns": [ + "I have to stay on for another year, the project took longer than expected.", + "I thought you were coming back to the states next month.", + "We had a few long delays due to the harsh weather. I am so upset, as the only option is to put pooky up for sale.", + "Don't worry, he is a lovely dog, I can keep the dog at my house and you can still see him, when you come for a visit.", + "You would do that for me? This is wonderful, I am forever grateful for this.", + "this is not a problem at all, he keeps me company and he is such a sweet dog" + ] + }, + "77": { + "context": "Quinn was so happy about the news, she picked Austin up and spun him around.", + "speaker": "Austin", + "turns": [ + "I am so dizzy, my mum just picke dme up and spun me around.", + "Why was she doing this?", + "She got some news on a letter she received today, and was so excited.", + "It must be good news for her to be so excited?", + "yes it was, she was delighted, and in her enthusiasm she spun me around in the air and I weigh 200 pounds.", + "That is a lot of delight." + ] + }, + "78": { + "context": "Quinn was so happy about the news, she picked Austin up and spun him around.", + "speaker": "Austin", + "turns": [ + "My mum is overexcited and so happy when she read her email, she started cheering and laughing.", + " Oh did she get the job, she applied for last week?", + "Yes she got the job she really wanted! She was so excited and suddenly picked me up and spun me around. I was so surprised.", + "This is very good news, please send her my congrats, I am so happy that she got that job, she was so excited about it", + "I will pass this to her, thank you." + ] + }, + "79": { + "context": "Quinn was so happy about the news, she picked Austin up and spun him around.", + "speaker": "Austin", + "turns": [ + "I have some exciting news, Austin proposed and ask me to marry him.", + "oh this is fabulous news, many congratulations. Such great news.", + "Yeah, I'm over the moon and so happy.", + "Yeah, he really loves you.", + "Yeah, I'm so happy that I picked him up and spun him around.", + "this is so lovely." + ] + }, + "80": { + "context": "Kendall followed the doctor's advice, and ended up losing 100 pounds in two months.", + "speaker": "Kendall", + "turns": [ + "Can you believe I have now lost 100 pounds in two months!", + "You look amazing! How did you lose the weight?", + "I followed my doctors advice and boom it was just gone!", + "I need to go see your doctor as well, I have some extra pounds to shed", + "It was easy, just do what the dr says and it seems effortless", + "Well congrats and I might grab your dr's number from you" + ] + }, + "81": { + "context": "Kendall followed the doctor's advice, and ended up losing 100 pounds in two months.", + "speaker": "Kendall", + "turns": [ + "I did exactly as the doctor said. Look, I lost a hundred pounds in 2 months.", + "That's a lot of weight and you look great.", + "It really was. It was not easy to lose it.", + "I do believe it took some efforts. I know you were trying for a long time.", + "I'm going to continue the doctor's advice to keep it off.", + "That is no small achievement. Many congratulations." + ] + }, + "82": { + "context": "Sasha wanted to hang out but Carson was busy. She texted Carson's friend instead.", + "speaker": "Sasha", + "turns": [ + "I tried getting hold of Carson, but she was working so I texted her friend instead.", + "Her friend as in that guy she brought to the party the other day?", + "Yeah, him.", + "Oh, what an interesting development. Did you guys hang out?", + "We did, it was a lot of fun actually.", + "Oh I can only imagine!" + ] + }, + "83": { + "context": "Sasha wanted to hang out but Carson was busy. She texted Carson's friend instead.", + "speaker": "Sasha", + "turns": [ + "I wanted to go to the movies with Carson, but he was busy. So I texted one of his friends instead.", + "Did you hang out with his friend?", + "His friend is so funny. He makes me laugh all the time.", + "Where did you guys go?", + "We found out there was a comedy show going on at the bar so we went there.", + "Drinks and laughter. Perfect combo." + ] + }, + "84": { + "context": "Jan had just lost her job so Jan's friend, Ash, lent her some money to pay for groceries.", + "speaker": "Jan", + "turns": [ + "I can't believe I lost my job.", + "That's terrible. What are you going to do?", + "I don't know--I can't even afford groceries.", + "I can help you with that for a while.", + "Thanks for lending me the money.", + "Don't worry about it. You can pay me back when you get back on your feet." + ] + }, + "85": { + "context": "Jesse fell down the hill and hurt her ankle. Austin offered to carry her and she wrapped her legs around his waist.", + "speaker": "Austin", + "turns": [ + "Are you ok Jesse can you walk?", + "I can't, my ankle hurts really badly.", + "It looks like its broken, lets get you to a doctor.", + "It really hurts, I want to cry.", + "Hold on tight, I will carry you to the car.", + "Thank you very much Austin." + ] + }, + "86": { + "context": "With their great eulogy and memorable song to honor their father, Jan struck every chord of the congregation's hearts.", + "speaker": "Jan", + "turns": [ + "He was the greatest dad ever. I am not just saying that because he was my dad. He did so much for the community.", + "I know. He use to clear the snow with his snowblower for the entire neighborhood.", + "I remember that. He also cut the grass for juice or a nice cold glass of lemonade.", + "He took me and my sisters to the beach every year!", + "I remember that! Those were good times, I will treasure for ever.", + "He use to come over my house and help my mother with making the bed every Friday." + ] + }, + "87": { + "context": "With their great eulogy and memorable song to honor their father, Jan struck every chord of the congregation's hearts.", + "speaker": "Jan", + "turns": [ + "I am glad I was able to stuck every chord of the congregation's hearts.", + "That sounds like a hard task.", + "It was hard, took a lot of preparation.", + "I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your father.", + "I cried because of his loss and so did the congregation, its been hard for us.", + "I can imagine, loosing a father can be really painful specially if you were close." + ] + }, + "88": { + "context": "With their great eulogy and memorable song to honor their father, Jan struck every chord of the congregation's hearts.", + "speaker": "Jan", + "turns": [ + "Oh my, I was so nervous, I almost fainted when I was on the stage.", + "Don't worry, you did wonderful up there. Almost everyone in the congregation was in tears.", + "Thanks so much, I can use a drink, how about you?", + "You better believe it, follow me. I must say you sang great. I never knew you were so good.", + "You think so? Thanks. I've come to realize that when I'm in an emotional mood, I sing better for some reason.", + "Hmm, that makes sense. It's gonna be so different without your dad around." + ] + }, + "89": { + "context": "With their great eulogy and memorable song to honor their father, Jan struck every chord of the congregation's hearts.", + "speaker": "Jan", + "turns": [ + "Thanks for coming to my father's funeral yesterday. It means the world to me.", + "Absolutely nothing could keep me away. Your father was one of the nicest people I ever met.", + "I was so sad that I didn't think I could say a eulogy for him, but I let my heart do the talking.", + "And what a nice eulogy, everyone in the congregation loved every word you said.", + "I am trying to think of some other way I can honor his memory.", + "Your father was such a kind, generous man. As your friend, I'm wondering if maybe we can think of kind little acts to pay it forward..." + ] + }, + "90": { + "context": "After years of working their way up, Sydney finally interviewed for his dream job.", + "speaker": "Sydney", + "turns": [ + "I've been wanting this job for so long. I finally got an interview.", + "That's so exciting. Where are you interviewing at?", + "It's at the top accounting firm in town. They have so many big corporate clients.", + "I hope you get the job.", + "Me too. I know someone who's working there so I am hoping that would help me.", + "I am sure that helps." + ] + }, + "91": { + "context": "After years of working their way up, Sydney finally interviewed for his dream job.", + "speaker": "Sydney", + "turns": [ + "I have no idea how I did on that interview, yesterday, I was so nervous.", + "You were probably fine, you have wanted that job forever.", + "Yes, but that does not mean I aced the interview!", + "If it does not work out for you, my uncle knows people on Wall Street, and can get you a few interviews.", + "Oh that is good to know. Your uncle is a great guy. Thanks so much", + "Sure thing. Just let me know if you need his number." + ] + }, + "92": { + "context": "After years of working their way up, Sydney finally interviewed for their dream job.", + "speaker": "Sydney", + "turns": [ + "This morning I got a call from the Pritz company.", + "Hang on, you mean from the prestigious Pritz?", + "Yes, they called me for an interview. I have applied countless times for a job there.", + "Wow! How did the interview go?", + "Can you imagine it was surprisingly easy?", + "Really? I can't comprehend that Sydney." + ] + }, + "93": { + "context": "Quinn gave Bailey the best of everything. He deserved it for being a good son.", + "speaker": "Quinn", + "turns": [ + "I would do anything for you, my son.", + "Thank you dad, I would do anything for you too.", + "You are the best son a father could ever wish for.", + "And you are the best father a son could have!", + "let's give hugs to the two most wonderful people." + ] + }, + "94": { + "context": "Quinn gave Bailey the best of everything. He deserved it for being a good son.", + "speaker": "Quinn", + "turns": [ + "Bailey, I put the car keys in your lunchbox, today, as a surprise. What did you do with them?", + "Oh no, I traded lunch with Spats today.", + "Bailey, what did you do? I wanted to surprise you with a new card for being such a great son.", + "I will call Spats to get those keys back, but I think he was cruising around town.", + "Ugh, Bailey call him NOW!! Its a new car.", + "Can we just drive around town and look for him. By the way, I don't like tuna sandwiches." + ] + }, + "95": { + "context": "Quinn gave Bailey the best of everything. He deserved it for being a good son.", + "speaker": "Quinn", + "turns": [ + "You know kid, you're a keeper", + "aw thanks dad, this is so lovely of you to say", + "You never have to worry about anything, I'll always be there for you", + "you are a great dad, anyone can wish for", + "Whatever you need son, let me know", + "Just to let you know, I'm here for you, too, daddy" + ] + }, + "96": { + "context": "Quinn gave Bailey the best of everything. He deserved it for being a good son.", + "speaker": "Quinn", + "turns": [ + "I think my son needs a break.", + "You are doing too much for him.", + "He is such a good son, I took him out for dinner.", + "He had lobster and I was stuffed with a steak!", + "That is because he earned it!", + "I agree, he does work very hard." + ] + }, + "97": { + "context": "Jordan was nervous about being in the new school, but nonetheless, started his first day.", + "speaker": "Jordan", + "turns": [ + "I'm so nervous about this new school.", + "I can see what you mean, but I think you should go to school.", + "Yeah I will, it's important.", + "Also we have sport today.", + "Yes, I was told to run the track.", + "I did that too." + ] + }, + "98": { + "context": "Ash felt tired and unprepared for the test after staying out at the concert the night before.", + "speaker": "Ash", + "turns": [ + "I should never have went to that concert, last night. Now I know, I will do terribly on the test, today.", + "Didn't you study prior to going to the concert?", + "I did, but the extra 3 or 4 hours would have helped, I supposed.", + "I am sure you will be fine. You have a B, and it is the end of the semester.", + "Going back to the concert, was really good though. So yes, maybe everything will be fine.", + "Just relax beforehand and clear your mind before you go in to take the test." + ] + }, + "99": { + "context": "Ash felt tired and unprepared for the test after staying out at the concert the night before.", + "speaker": "Ash", + "turns": [ + "I think I am going to fail the last test I took at school.", + "Why? Didn't you study hard for it?", + "Well, yes and no. I attended a concert the night before and I was really tired the following day.", + "What? You stayed up all night knowing that the finals was in the morning?", + "Yes, but he concert was only on for one night. They might never come back to our town sometimes soon.", + "I don't know what to say, if you don't pass the exam, it will be all on you" + ] + }, + "100": { + "context": "Ash felt tired and unprepared for the test after staying out at the concert the night before.", + "speaker": "Ash", + "turns": [ + "I think I am going to fail this test today", + "Why? Did you not study for it?", + " I did not, but I was up all night and was distracted", + "why were you distracted?", + "I was at the concert last night, now I feel so unprepared", + "I see. Best of luck though!" + ] + }, + "101": { + "context": "Ash felt tired and unprepared for the test after staying out at the concert the night before.", + "speaker": "Ash", + "turns": [ + "I shouldn't have stayed out so late last night, now I am so tired.", + "How was the concert though, did you have fun?", + "It was great, I had a lot of fun. But now I feel like I'm going to fail the test.", + "You'll do fine as long as you studied a little bit.", + "I don't feel like I studied enough at all, and I feel so exhausted.", + "Well next time you'll know better than to go to a late show the night before a big test." + ] + }, + "102": { + "context": "Carson did the honors to speak at the wedding. He was the groom's best man.", + "speaker": "Carson", + "turns": [ + "I was so nervous doing the best man's speech at the wedding today.", + "I thought you did a great job.", + "Thank you. But I could have sworn I was shaking so much, that I thought the mic would fall out of my hand.", + "I don't think anybody at the event has noticed it.", + "Being the best man at a wedding kind of made me want to get married too.", + "Just don't make me the best man. I'm really horrible at giving speeches." + ] + }, + "103": { + "context": "Carson did the honors to speak at the wedding. He was the groom's best man.", + "speaker": "Carson", + "turns": [ + "Okay, I agree. I'll do the honors to speak.", + "You are his best friend after all, Carson.", + "Greetings to you all, welcome to the wedding of Eugene and Ashley.", + "Three Cheers!", + "Never has there been a more loving couple.", + "Give a Toast! Give a Toast!" + ] + }, + "104": { + "context": "Carson did the honors to speak at the wedding. He was the groom's best man.", + "speaker": "Carson", + "turns": [ + "My friend made me the best man at his wedding as well. I did the honors and spoke nicely of him.", + "You mean you didn't make fun of him?", + "Well, maybe just a little. I don't think I embarrassed him too much.", + "Where was the wedding?", + "It was on this old plantation along the lake.", + "Those plantations are beautiful." + ] + }, + "105": { + "context": "Aubrey was scared of the new dog, but Kendall placed Aubrey's hands on the dog.", + "speaker": "Kendall", + "turns": [ + "I had to help Aubrey get over her fear of dogs.", + "Aww, that's so sweet. Is she still scared?", + "I think she's getting a little used to them.", + "That's good enough. Rome wasn't built in a day." + ] + }, + "106": { + "context": "Aubrey was scared of the new dog, but Kendall placed Aubrey's hands on the dog.", + "speaker": "Kendall", + "turns": [ + "let me put your hands on the dog", + "That may make me feel better.", + "It's a new dog.", + "He is so sweet", + "just stroke him gently", + "He is so soft!" + ] + }, + "107": { + "context": "Aubrey was scared of the new dog, but Kendall placed Aubrey's hands on the dog.", + "speaker": "Kendall", + "turns": [ + "It's ok, he won't bite you. You can pet him.", + "I'm scared. What if he does bite me?", + "He won't. He is a very friendly dog. See? I'm slowly putting your hands on him.", + "Aw, you're right. He is a very nice dog. ", + "I told you!", + "Ok, I think I'll be leaving now." + ] + }, + "108": { + "context": "Aubrey was scared of the new dog, but Kendall placed Aubrey's hands on the dog.", + "speaker": "Kendall", + "turns": [ + "Wow, what a beautiful dog. Do you want to hold it?", + "No, I'm scared of dogs.", + "Come on, the dog doesn't bite.", + "No thank you, I feel uneasy on holding him.", + "It's nothing, give me your hand.", + "Okay, but just my hands." + ] + }, + "109": { + "context": "Jesse's relatives next door had a car, so he gave Lee's girlfriend a ride home.", + "speaker": "Jesse", + "turns": [ + "So how have things been going with you and Lee", + "We are great, thank you. Lee proposed to me last week, and we are going to get married soon", + "that's amazing news. My girlfriend is pregnant, so we will have a baby in about 5 months", + "well this is exciting, congratulations to you both, too.", + "I guess things are going great for everyone" + ] + }, + "110": { + "context": "Jesse's relatives next door had a car, so he gave Lee's girlfriend a ride home.", + "speaker": "Jesse", + "turns": [ + "I gave Lee's girlfriend a ride the other day.", + "She looks like a nice girl, doesn't she?", + "She does and she is really in love with Lee", + "I'm glad to hear that, they do make a nice couple." + ] + }, + "111": { + "context": "Jesse's relatives next door had a car, so he gave Lee's girlfriend a ride home.", + "speaker": "Jesse", + "turns": [ + "I was so glad I ,was able to give Lee a ride home last night.", + "She told me that she was glad as well.", + "She gave up her own time to help me out with my homework, so I had to do something for her in return.", + "It seems like you both were appreciate of what each other did.", + "She's an amazing person, and I will do whatever I have to do in order to make her happy.", + "That is very kind of you Jesse." + ] + }, + "112": { + "context": "Austin was hesitant at first, but then he was alright about going to the play, this coming Friday.", + "speaker": "Austin", + "turns": [ + "You know, that plays aren't really my thing.", + "I do know, but this one has good reviews.", + "What's it about?", + "It's basically a western, with lots of action.", + "That doesn't sound so bad.", + "Great, let's plan to go and watch it on Friday." + ] + }, + "113": { + "context": "Lee saved Kai's car from destruction by grabbing the steering wheel when Kai stopped paying attention to the road.", + "speaker": "Lee", + "turns": [ + "I don't like it when Kai drives!", + "He is always distracted while driving!", + "I saved his car from destruction by grabbing the steering wheel yesterday.", + "I am sure he wasn't paying attention again?", + "Yes! he stopped paying attention to the road all of a sudden.", + "he really needs some advice on how to drive safely." + ] + }, + "114": { + "context": "Quinn was standing on the end of the board and filled his lungs with air, then started to run.", + "speaker": "Quinn", + "turns": [ + "I jumped off a diving board yesterday afternoon.", + "How did you finally work up the courage to do it?", + "I just stood on the end of the board, filled my lungs with air, and started to run.", + "Once you started to run, there was no turning back, I bet!", + "That's right. Once I started running I was fully committed.", + "That took a lot of courage. I'm proud of you!" + ] + }, + "115": { + "context": "Quinn was standing on the end of the board. He filled his lungs with air and started to run.", + "speaker": "Quinn", + "turns": [ + "So I was pretty nervous before the race. I decided to do my stretches and listened to some music.", + "That's a good way to start for sure. What happened next?", + "Well, I stood on the board, took a deep breath so that my lungs were full of air, and kept my earbuds in my ears until the race started.", + "Nice, you sounded like you were really prepared!", + "Yes, I was totally in the zone.", + "That's awesome, I'm glad you did so well." + ] + }, + "116": { + "context": "Ash asked his parents for one more cookie after he finished the one he had, but they said no.", + "speaker": "Ash", + "turns": [ + "I asked my parents for one more cookie after I finished the one I had, but they said I shouldn't eat any more sugar.", + "How many cookie did you have?", + "Just one. I am diabetic so they are very strict with my sugar intake even when I am not.", + "They are looking out for your health.", + "I know that. I love desserts so much and they are unhealthy for me.", + "You can have a cookie once in a while." + ] + }, + "117": { + "context": "Jesse ruled it was okay to bring up creation vs the big bang theory in the discussion.", + "speaker": "Jesse", + "turns": [ + "So I did something that was a little controversial in my class", + "What was that?", + "I decided to let the class debate creation versus the big bang", + "Oh I bet that it got very heated", + "Yeah the class was definitely split into two groups", + "Honestly sometimes a discussion like that is really good for the class" + ] + }, + "118": { + "context": "Jesse ruled it was okay to bring up creation vs the big bang theory in the discussion.", + "speaker": "Jesse", + "turns": [ + "Okay guys is everyone ready for the big debate tonight?", + "Yeah, but what we discussing?", + "Tonight's panel discussion is on the origins of the Universe.", + "Oh Wow, the big one. I might ask are we accepting any new theories?", + "Mainly just the main two narratives. The side that leans toward creation versus the side that believes in the big bang theory.", + "This should be a good debate." + ] + }, + "119": { + "context": "Skylar didn't think she was going to like school. Skyl had a good first day and loved school.", + "speaker": "Skylar", + "turns": [ + "Im glad everyone was so nice at school", + "people are really nice to you because youre pretty", + "i dont really think that's the case but it is nice to hear", + "i'm sure you will be really popular with everyone and you're good at sports too" + ] + }, + "120": { + "context": "Skylar didn't think she was going to like school, but she had a good first day and loved school.", + "speaker": "Skylar", + "turns": [ + "I was so dreading my first day of school, but it was actually fun!", + "See, you just needed to give it a chance.", + "Yeah, I guess so, I loved it, it was a great first day", + "Did you meet new friends?", + "I did, everyone was so nice, including the teachers", + "Good, that makes school life easier!" + ] + }, + "121": { + "context": "Casey recently got a new job, and she loved her new job.", + "speaker": "Casey", + "turns": [ + "I just celebrated my first week at the new job!", + "So, what do you think of it?", + "I already love it. It's exactly what I wanted and there's so many possibilities there.", + "I'm glad to hear that. I know you were unhappy at the old place.", + "You have no idea, I'm just so happy that I am here now." + ] + }, + "122": { + "context": "Casey recently got a new job, and she loved her new job.", + "speaker": "Casey", + "turns": [ + "I just started a new job.", + "Really? How do you like it?", + "I really love it.", + "That's great to hear. Most people don't like their jobs.", + "I just started, so it may be too soon to know if I'll still love it after a while.", + "At least you like it so far. I hated my job from the beginning." + ] + }, + "123": { + "context": "Casey recently got a new job, and they loved their new job.", + "speaker": "Casey", + "turns": [ + "I started my job last week.", + "How's it going?", + "So far it's great, the best job I've had.", + "Do you like your new co-workers?", + "They seemed great. They are friendly and really helpful to me.", + "Fantastic. I'm glad it's going so well." + ] + }, + "124": { + "context": "Kendall played football with Ash's dad after a long day and wound up winning the game.", + "speaker": "Kendall", + "turns": [ + "I played with a ringer today.", + "Who did you get to play on your team?", + "Ash's dad joined in after a long day, and we wound up winning the game.", + "Ash's dad was All-Pro.", + "The other players didn't know that.", + "That is what I call a ringer." + ] + }, + "125": { + "context": "Kendall played football with Ash's dad after a long day and wound up winning the game.", + "speaker": "Kendall", + "turns": [ + "Wow, what a crazy long day today was!", + "Oh? Tell me about it!!", + "I had a really long day at work, then got invited to play football with Ash's dad.", + "Oh wow. How did the football game go?", + "Surprisingly, I won! I was surprised to win because I was so tired.", + "That's awesome! Congratulations on winning!" + ] + }, + "126": { + "context": "Kendall played football with Ash's dad after a long day and wound up winning the game.", + "speaker": "Kendall", + "turns": [ + "Man that was great.", + "What was great?", + "I played some good football with Ash's dad after a never ending day at work. The best part is we ended up winning.", + "Very cool, congratulation." + ] + }, + "127": { + "context": "Kendall played football with Ash's dad after a long day and wound up winning the game.", + "speaker": "Kendall", + "turns": [ + "Hey guess what? I saw Ash's dad at the park the other day, playing a game of football with his friends.", + "Oh cool. How did it go?", + "He asked me to join in to fill in for a player on his team.", + "That's nice of him.", + "And the best part was that I got to score the winning touchdown!", + "That's awesome." + ] + }, + "128": { + "context": "Lee arrived on time. He was able to eat dinner with his family.", + "speaker": "Lee", + "turns": [ + "Wow, that dinner was outstanding. I really enjoyed it.", + "I have been watching the Food Network and learned so much.", + "Really. Who needs to go to culinary school when you have the Food Network.", + "I am trying to be the next Iron Chef.", + "Go for it. Just give Guy Fieri a buzz.", + "I will, his cooking is amazing." + ] + }, + "129": { + "context": "Lee arrived on time. He was able to eat dinner with his family.", + "speaker": "Lee", + "turns": [ + "Good to see you Mom.", + "Hello Lee. I'm glad you could make dinner.", + "Yeah, it's been a while. Jan keeps me so busy around the house. And we're expecting a baby.", + "Yes, this is exciting, but please, you have to make time for your old mom and your dad and your sisters and brothers. We love to see you around", + "I try really hard to Mom. You know how work is.", + "Oh never-mind Lee. I'm just glad you're here with us tonight for a change." + ] + }, + "130": { + "context": "Lee arrived on time. He was able to eat dinner with his family.", + "speaker": "Lee", + "turns": [ + "I just got back from visiting my family!", + "How did it go?", + "There was so much traffic so I wasn't sure if I'd make it to dinner on time. Luckyly I did!", + "You should leave earlier next time to account for traffic.", + "I know. I totally meant to but I had to stop at the bank on the way there.", + "Well, I'm glad it all worked out for you this time." + ] + }, + "131": { + "context": "Lee arrived on time. He was able to eat dinner with his family.", + "speaker": "Lee", + "turns": [ + "I am here everyone!", + "Welcome Lee! I hope you're hungry!", + "I am! Nothing better than dinner with the family.", + "I completely agree!", + "Such a great time all around." + ] + }, + "132": { + "context": "Cameron locked the door behind Taylor after they had a big argument, which ended with a breakup.", + "speaker": "Cameron", + "turns": [ + "I can't believe we broke up!", + "What happened?", + "We fought for awhile and when she left, I locked her out.", + "Oh I bet she was mad.", + "Yeah, so mad she broke up with me", + "I am so sorry to hear this." + ] + }, + "133": { + "context": "Jordan bought a new suitcase for her friend, Jane,and gave it to her at Christmas.", + "speaker": "Jordan", + "turns": [ + "I finally decided on what to get for Jane.", + "What did you get her?", + "I got her a new suitcase for Christmas.", + "That's nice of you.", + "I handed the new suitcase to her at Christmas.", + "Glad it worked out." + ] + }, + "134": { + "context": "Jordan bought a new suitcase for her friend, Jane, and gave it to her at Christmas.", + "speaker": "Jordan", + "turns": [ + "Last Christmas, I bought Jane a present.", + "What did you get her?", + "I bought her a new suitcase.", + "What do you plan on giving her this coming holidays?", + "Definitely not another suitcase.", + "You are so funny" + ] + }, + "135": { + "context": "Jordan bought a new suitcase for her friend, Jane, and gave it to her at Christmas.", + "speaker": "Jordan", + "turns": [ + "Jane lost the suitcase.", + "What suitcase?", + "The one I bought her for her birthday!", + "Oh, no! I know she loved that gift! But wait. I saw her with that bag yesterday!", + "Yeah. So, when I found out about her loss, I bought an exact duplicate suitcase and gave it to her on Christmas! You saw the replacement!", + "Well, she is an absent-minded girl. I suggest you fill your closet with a few more replacement suitcases. It is only a matter of time before she loses this one too." + ] + }, + "136": { + "context": "Robin came from a good place when he asked how he could help care for the old woman.", + "speaker": "Robin", + "turns": [ + "I think that it's always good to help out people in need.", + "I agree, especially the elderly", + "A lot of times they are forgotten by people including their own family", + "I can never so this to my family.", + "Sometimes, people can be irresponsible .", + "I'm glad that you were there and able to help as much as you can." + ] + }, + "137": { + "context": "Robin came from a good place when he asked how he could help care for the old woman.", + "speaker": "Robin", + "turns": [ + "Interesting.", + "What do you mean?", + "I honestly wholeheartedly want to help the care for the old woman.", + " This is very nice of you." + ] + }, + "138": { + "context": "Cameron didn't want to go swimming today. Aubrey took Cameron's friend swimming instead.", + "speaker": "Aubrey", + "turns": [ + "Thanks for coming along to swim with me, today.", + "Thanks for inviting me.", + "I'm glad you accepted it. Cameron didn't feel like going.", + "Yeah, I think he's just being lazy.", + "Which is too bad since he could use the exercise.", + "Swimming is so fun, I don't even consider it an exercise." + ] + }, + "139": { + "context": "Cameron didn't want to go swimming today. Aubrey took Cameron's friend swimming instead.", + "speaker": "Aubrey", + "turns": [ + "Heya, do you want to come swimming today? Cameron opted out.", + "Sure Aubrey I don't mind. What time will we be leaving?", + "Great, we will leave this Saturday at 09:00 am with some friends, to go to Lake Lenier.", + "Awesome, should I bring anything for personal or group use?", + "Yes please, bring a pack of sodas and your own towel, swim short, and a snorkel.", + "Okay, will do. I'll see you later." + ] + }, + "140": { + "context": "Cameron didn't want to go swimming today. Aubrey took Cameron's friend swimming instead.", + "speaker": "Aubrey", + "turns": [ + "I just got back from the local swimming pool.", + "With your son? I hear he always enjoys swimming.", + "Cameron didn't want to go swimming today. I was thinking of going by myself but decided to invite Cameron's friend instead.", + "Did he accept your offer?", + "Yeah, he did, we had a fun time there.", + "It's too bad your son couldn't make it. But you could always try again next week." + ] + }, + "141": { + "context": "Cameron didn't want to go swimming today. Aubrey took Cameron's friend swimming instead.", + "speaker": "Aubrey", + "turns": [ + "I cant believe Cameron didn6't want to go swimming on such a nice day", + "I can come with you if you like", + "that sounds great. just grab your swimming trunks and we can leave", + "let me get some money for snack too and my water bottle" + ] + }, + "142": { + "context": "Bailey wasn't available, but her friends were there when Jesse came by.", + "speaker": "Bailey", + "turns": [ + "I feel really bad that I wasn't home last night when Jesse stopped over.", + "How did you know he was there?", + "My friends were there and talked to him for awhile.", + "You better be careful with them spending time around Jesse.", + "I trust Jesse, even though I don't trust them after what happened last time.", + "Maybe you should tell Jesse to text you first to make sure you are home." + ] + }, + "143": { + "context": "Bailey wasn't available, but her friends were there when Jesse came by.", + "speaker": "Bailey", + "turns": [ + "Hey Jesse, whats up", + "I thought you were busy Bailey", + "well I was, but then a few things got opened up", + "why didn't you tell me", + "oh I thought you were busy", + "you know I wanted to see you, to collect a few books I left." + ] + }, + "144": { + "context": "Bailey wasn't available, but her friends were there when Jesse came by.", + "speaker": "Bailey", + "turns": [ + "Jesse came over today, but I wasn't there.", + "Then how do you know he came by?", + "Two of my friends were here. They said he stayed for about 15 minutes.", + "You left your friends at your house alone?", + "They're visiting from out of town and staying with me.", + "So this was their first time meeting Jesse. What did they think of him?" + ] + }, + "145": { + "context": "Jesse was going to meet a blind date, but because he were nervous, he brought Tracy along for moral support.", + "speaker": "Tracy", + "turns": [ + "I am going on a blind date and am a bit nervous", + "it's okay to be nervous, their is nothing wrong with that", + "Oh really? had to bring Tracy along for moral support", + "oh, that's good then, did it help", + "Yeah!! just needed someone here to keep track on me", + "I think Tracy is the best option when it comes to that." + ] + }, + "146": { + "context": "Jan opened a store, but no one ever came, and it quickly closed down.", + "speaker": "Jan", + "turns": [ + "I really wish that my store had a better experience.", + "What do you mean.", + "It only lasted for a short while, we had to close .", + "What happen that made you guys have to close it", + "We didn't get too any visitors and we lost business", + "I see, that is horrible. I am sorry to hear this" + ] + }, + "147": { + "context": "Jan opened a store, but no one ever came, and it quickly closed down.", + "speaker": "Jan", + "turns": [ + "I had to close my store today. It lasted no longer than a month.", + "That's awful! It just wasn't getting enough business?", + "Yeah, nobody came to purchase anything. Everyone's too preoccupied with purchasing stuff online or at big chains.", + "I know, the modern world is so tough on small brick and mortar stores. There's not much you can do.", + "I worked hard to open this store, but it was all for nothing.", + "Not necessarily! You could always apply your newly acquired business skills to a new enterprise. Or use them to help out a larger, more stable corporation." + ] + }, + "148": { + "context": "Jan opened a store, but no one ever came, and it quickly closed down.", + "speaker": "Jan", + "turns": [ + "I had to close my store for good.", + "Oh I am sorry, why?", + "I think it was in a bad location, no one would ever come in and look around.", + "Well, you know what they say...", + "Location, location, location.", + "Maybe you can open up again in a better place." + ] + }, + "149": { + "context": "Jan opened a store, but no one ever came, and it quickly closed down.", + "speaker": "Jan", + "turns": [ + "18 years ago I had my own store.", + "Really what did you sell at your store?", + "Knick knacks I picked up on my travels. But no-one must have wanted them because I had to close the store after the first month.", + "Why did you give up and close so early?", + "I didn't have a single customer coming in.", + "That's too bad. I would have bought something from your store." + ] + }, + "150": { + "context": "Casey knew Aubrey's attorney had a great reputation. Casey hired Aubrey's attorney.", + "speaker": "Casey", + "turns": [ + "Aubrey gave me her attorney's number to consult with him. He has a great reputation. He got Aubrey a huge settlement on her case.", + "Everyone needs a good attorney on their side.", + "I agree, it is very helpful.", + "Why do you need a attorney?", + " I am being sued, so now I need to find representation.", + "Who's suing you?" + ] + }, + "151": { + "context": "Casey knew Aubrey's attorney had a great reputation. Casey hired Aubrey's attorney.", + "speaker": "Casey", + "turns": [ + "I know you have a great lawyer, can you please have this number?", + "Why? What to get yourself into?", + "I have a car accident. I don't know if it was my fault, so I need a good lawyer.", + "How did that happen? I know you are a careful driver.", + "It happened so fast. It was raining and I didn't see them crossing.", + "I'm sure he can help you, so give him a ring right now." + ] + }, + "152": { + "context": "Casey knew Aubrey's attorney had a great reputation. Casey hired Aubrey's attorney.", + "speaker": "Casey", + "turns": [ + "I needed a lawyer.", + "Have you found one?", + "I remembered Aubrey had an attorney with a great reputation.", + "Did you contact him?", + "I called his office, interviewed him over the phone and hired him on the spot.", + "That was a smart move." + ] + }, + "153": { + "context": "Tracy is tired of Skylar not paying her child support. She just listed all of Skylar's belongings for sale on Craigslist.", + "speaker": "Tracy", + "turns": [ + "I'm so fed up with Skylar's behavior.", + "What did he do this time.", + "He hasn't been paying me the court ordered child support.", + "Oh, this is not very nice of him.", + "Guess what I did, I put his stuff on Craigslist and kicked him out.", + "Oh, wow. I hope things get better now, that he is gone." + ] + }, + "154": { + "context": "Tracy is tired of Skylar not paying his child support. She just listed all of Skylar's belongings for sale on Craigslist.", + "speaker": "Tracy", + "turns": [ + "I was tired of Skylar not paying child support.", + "Did you do anything about it?", + "I listed all of his belongings on Craigslist.", + "What belongings?", + "When he moved out, he left half his stuff behind.", + "I think your entitled to sell his things after a certain period of time." + ] + }, + "155": { + "context": "Alex was very rich because she was smart and she provided good financial advice to people.", + "speaker": "Alex", + "turns": [ + "If you want to be rich, you have to be smart.", + "Is that how you became rich?", + "Yes, aside from being smart you have to be open minded and take risk.", + "What other advice would you have for someone who is trying to be rich ?", + "Read books on financial advice and network with people.", + "Great, I'm looking forward to it." + ] + }, + "156": { + "context": "Alex was very rich because she was smart and she provided good financial advice to people.", + "speaker": "Alex", + "turns": [ + "I'm glad that I studied finance market", + "I heard you were really doing pretty good with your earnings", + "I cant really complain, I love to help people", + "I've been told you were the best planner in this city", + "I don't want to brag, but that is pretty amazing" + ] + }, + "157": { + "context": "Riley made enough money today, that he went shopping for clothes.", + "speaker": "Riley", + "turns": [ + "I need new clothes, I'm going shopping after work today.", + "Do you have enough money?", + "Yes, I made enough money today.", + "What do you plan to buy?", + "I need some new clothes and get shoes later.", + "What mall are you going to shop at?" + ] + }, + "158": { + "context": "Riley made enough money today, that he went shopping for clothes.", + "speaker": "Riley", + "turns": [ + "I made quite the commission today.", + "Nice, how much did you sell?", + "I made some huge sales, probably a few thousand.", + " Good job, well done.", + "I think I'll buy myself some nice clothes to celebrate.", + "Sounds well deserved." + ] + }, + "159": { + "context": "Riley made enough money today, that he went shopping for clothes.", + "speaker": "Riley", + "turns": [ + "I feel so good that I have been working so hard", + "maybe we could go shopping for some new clothes for a celebration", + "I think I made more than enough and can spend a little", + "you could even buy me something nice if you feel like it", + "I guess we will see about that" + ] + }, + "160": { + "context": "Sydney woke up in the middle of the night because they heard a loud noise in the house.", + "speaker": "Sydney", + "turns": [ + "I was scared last night.", + "What happened?", + "I woke up to about 2 A.M to a loud noise in the house.", + "Did you investigate?", + "At first I was too frightened to move, but eventually I discovered that a stray cat had knocked over the trashcan outside my window.", + "Just scrounging for food. I bet you were relieved." + ] + }, + "161": { + "context": "Sydney woke up in the middle of the night because they heard a loud noise in the house.", + "speaker": "Sydney", + "turns": [ + "I didn't sleep well last night, and I feel tired now.", + "Why didn't you sleep well ?", + "I heard a loud noise in the house.", + "Did you get up and see what it was?", + "No. I was too frightened to get up.", + "So you just laid there awake?" + ] + }, + "162": { + "context": "Sydney woke up in the middle of the night because they heard a loud noise in the house.", + "speaker": "Sydney", + "turns": [ + "A loud noise woke me up in the middle of the night", + "The wind was blowing hard last night, did you ever get that window fixed?", + "Maybe it was that.", + "I can help you fix the window." + ] + }, + "163": { + "context": "Remy bought a new gem and put in in his collection, that he had been building.", + "speaker": "Remy", + "turns": [ + "I finally got a new bright blue gem, I had been wanting for so long.", + "How big is the gem?", + "It is almost as big as my fist.", + "That is pretty big, is it worth anything?", + "No the material is fake but they are supposed to look real.", + "I guess if it was real, it would have cost too much." + ] + }, + "164": { + "context": "Remy bought a new gem and put in in his collection that he had been building.", + "speaker": "Remy", + "turns": [ + "I really enjoy gem collecting.", + "Is this a new hobby?", + "Yeah, I've been building a collection.", + "Did you get any new gems?", + "Yeah, I got a new one that's green, I added it to my collection.", + "Sounds like a nice gem." + ] + }, + "165": { + "context": "Remy bought a new gem and put in in his collection that he had been building.", + "speaker": "Remy", + "turns": [ + "I'm so excited!", + "What happened?", + "Well, you know I've been collecting gems for a while.", + "Yeah, it seems like a really cool hobby.", + "I just added a really special gem to my collection.", + "You'll have to let me see it some time." + ] + }, + "166": { + "context": "Remy bought a new gem and put in in his collection that he had been building.", + "speaker": "Remy", + "turns": [ + "It took me so long to build this collection. I just added a new gem to it recently.", + "Really what type of gem did you add to it.", + "It was a really shinny green stone I think maybe emerald.", + "Oh those are nice and very valuable.", + "I know, I love it." + ] + }, + "167": { + "context": "Ash had a water pipe burst so she hadn't showered for days, she smelled.", + "speaker": "Ash", + "turns": [ + "I don't think I will be able to go out for days.", + "Why what happened?", + "I had a water pipe burst so I hadn't showered for days.", + "No wonder you smelled", + "Hmm so can I come to your place?", + "No problem you are always welcome." + ] + }, + "168": { + "context": "Ash had a water pipe burst so she hadn't showered for days, she smelled.", + "speaker": "Ash", + "turns": [ + "I really need to take a shower.", + "Yeah, you kind of smell bad.", + "I'm sorry, I haven't taken a shower in days.", + "Do you want to take a shower at my house?", + "Would you let me?", + "Sure, I'd do anything for a friend." + ] + }, + "169": { + "context": "Ash had a water pipe burst so she hadn't showered for days, she smelled.", + "speaker": "Ash", + "turns": [ + "My water pipe broke.", + "You smell.", + "That's because I haven't showered in days.", + "That probably has something to do with your broken water pipe.", + "I need to get it fixed." + ] + }, + "170": { + "context": "Ash had a water pipe burst so she hadn't showered for days, she smelled.", + "speaker": "Ash", + "turns": [ + "I feel so dirty and unclean!", + "Why haven't you showered?", + "A water pipe burst in my apartment and I am waiting for the plumber.", + "When is the plumber coming?", + "Next week sadly.", + "Grab some clothes and come shower at my apartment." + ] + }, + "171": { + "context": "Lee was riding Ash's bike home from school when Ash found them and took the bike back.", + "speaker": "Lee", + "turns": [ + "I thought I could just take Ash's bike to school because he was sick today.", + "Did he come and take it back from you?", + "Yeah, I guess he wasn't that sick so he wanted to ride it.", + "Maybe you should have made sure before you took it from him.", + "We always borrow things from each other, but he seemed mad about it.", + "I think you guys should talk about it, and you can apologize to him." + ] + }, + "172": { + "context": "Robin felt their oats to see if they were too wet to feed to the horses.", + "speaker": "Robin", + "turns": [ + "Let's feed the horses.", + "We need to check if the oats got wet from the storm.", + "Let me just feel them. The are a little damp, but we can feed it to them.", + "We need to get them so fresh water, too." + ] + }, + "173": { + "context": "Robin felt their oats to see if they were too wet to feed to the horses.", + "speaker": "Robin", + "turns": [ + "These oats are too wet to feed.", + "Yea let's get them dried off.", + "I love these horses.", + "It makes me feel good to take care of them.", + "Me too, they are beautiful.", + "I agree." + ] + }, + "174": { + "context": "Sasha was a musician. She won another award.", + "speaker": "Sasha", + "turns": [ + "Hi Jess, what's up?", + "Hi! How was your event.", + "It was great. I won an award for one of my new songs.", + "No way. So happy for you. Shall we open that bottle of champagne?", + "I'd love that." + ] + }, + "175": { + "context": "Sasha was a musician. She won another award.", + "speaker": "Sasha", + "turns": [ + "Wow, I cannot believe I won another Grammy. Whoa!", + "That's nine in a row. How did you do that?", + "I just know how to move people with my music.", + "You are a genius. I don't understand how you crank out this music.", + "Simple, I used this new app on my phone. No sweat.", + "seemed like a good app" + ] + }, + "176": { + "context": "Sasha was a musician. They won another award.", + "speaker": "Sasha", + "turns": [ + "My band won an award at last night's talent show.", + "That's great news. One day you all will be famous.", + "There was a scout from one of the major labels there.", + "Maybe you'll get lucky and get a phone call.", + "I hope so. We need this badly. We are all practically starving.", + "Good luck! You guys sound great and deserve it." + ] + }, + "177": { + "context": "Jan felt lonely in their home all alone, so she bought a cat.", + "speaker": "Jan", + "turns": [ + "I have to show you a picture of my new baby cat.", + "Aww, you got a cat!", + "I did! He's so wonderful. I got him from a rescue. I was just so lonely all alone in my house, especially at night.", + "A cat was a good idea, then. Has he been keeping you company?", + "He has, he's always cuddling with me and very talkative too, always meowing.", + "He sounds like a fun kitty. I'll have to come over and meet him soon." + ] + }, + "178": { + "context": "Jan felt lonely in their home all alone, so she bought a cat.", + "speaker": "Jan", + "turns": [ + "My cat came home with me because I didn't want to feel lonely.", + "Were you going to leave your cat?", + "My roommate said she would look after her.", + "Did your roommate not go home for the holidays?", + "She can't. She's an international students. There are no international flights right now.", + "That's right." + ] + }, + "179": { + "context": "Jan felt lonely in their home all alone, so she bought a cat.", + "speaker": "Jan", + "turns": [ + "Meet my new cat.", + "Oh my goodness, she is so adorable!", + "Honestly I bought her because I felt so lonely.", + "That makes sense.", + "Are you thinking about getting a cat yourself?", + "I don't think so actually. I don't think my dog would get along with one." + ] + }, + "180": { + "context": "Jan felt lonely in their home all alone, so she bought a cat.", + "speaker": "Jan", + "turns": [ + "I really feel alone in this house sometimes.", + "Are you going to try and meet someone or something?", + "No, I actually got a cat instead!", + "What a great idea! Nothing like a kitten to cheer you up!", + "Agreed, I love him already!" + ] + }, + "181": { + "context": "Jan felt lonely in their home all alone, so she bought a cat.", + "speaker": "Jan", + "turns": [ + "I am feeling lonely in my home all alone.", + "I am sorry to hear that.", + "So I bought a cat.", + "What have you name it?" + ] + }, + "182": { + "context": "Jesse was taking the scenic route home from work and thought he knew the way. He was taking a long time to get home.", + "speaker": "Jesse", + "turns": [ + "I really love the beauty on this route.", + "I agree, it really shows off the season.", + "I love the changing color of the leaves.", + "The white aspen trees are so beautiful.", + "I don't really remember this part of the route.", + "Are you lost?" + ] + }, + "183": { + "context": "Jesse was taking the scenic route home from work and thought he knew the way. He was taking a long time to get home.", + "speaker": "Jesse", + "turns": [ + "Today. Isort of got lost while driving", + "Was it after work?", + "Yeah I took a scenic route, but made a wrong turn somewhere", + "Oh that is no fun, did you make it home?", + "I did, but it took a while", + "At least you got to enjoy the scenic route!" + ] + }, + "184": { + "context": "Jesse was taking the scenic route home from work and thought he knew the way. He was taking a long time to get home.", + "speaker": "Jesse", + "turns": [ + "Yesterday, I got lost as I was going home", + "How could you get lost in a place you know?", + "I took a route that has a beautiful scenery, you know the park area?", + "Yes I know the place, its beautiful", + "Yeah! so I didn't know how to get out of there", + "Well, next time take routes that you are familiar with" + ] + }, + "185": { + "context": "Remy obtained an education for Quinn so that he could work in the field of his choice.", + "speaker": "Quinn", + "turns": [ + "Remy paid for all of my school fees. He's such a good person.", + "That's so great; you must feel so grateful.", + "I really do. I hope one day to be able to repay him.", + "I think, you getting your dream job will make him happy.", + "Probably, but I still hope to pay him back in other ways.", + "You will, your a good person too." + ] + }, + "186": { + "context": "Remy obtained an education for Quinn so that he could work in the field of his choice.", + "speaker": "Quinn", + "turns": [ + "I'm so grateful for Remy. If not for her I would not have this awesome job in my favorite field.", + "What exactly did she do for you?", + "She paid for my all tuition. I had no money and was contemplating just getting a full time job after high school.", + "She must have really recognized your potential.", + "I suppose so. And now I'm doing what I love and getting paid for it.", + "You should buy her a nice present as a thank you." + ] + }, + "187": { + "context": "Remy obtained an education for Quinn so that he could work in the field of his choice.", + "speaker": "Quinn", + "turns": [ + "Remy is educated and makes the money. That frees me up to do something I enjoy.", + "How long have you two been married?", + "A little over two years. He's so supportive of me.", + "That's so important that he's supportive of your endeavors.", + "He told me not to worry about the money, to just follow my heart.", + "He's the breadwinner." + ] + }, + "188": { + "context": "Remy obtained an education for Quinn so that he could work in the field of his choice.", + "speaker": "Quinn", + "turns": [ + "I will be leaving to start classes soon.", + "So classes are starting already.", + "Yes the upcoming semester is just a few days away.", + "When did you decide to go back to college.", + "Remy offered to pay for my classes and is going to hire me after I graduate.", + "That sounds like a really good deal, good luck in school." + ] + }, + "189": { + "context": "Alex wanted their hair to be bright blue but needed to remove their natural color first.", + "speaker": "Alex", + "turns": [ + "I wanted my hair to be bright blue.", + "But it's still black.", + "Yeah, the hair dresser told me that the natural color needs to b remove first.", + "Oh", + "Yeah, am going there tomorrow.", + "I am exciting to see the new hair color." + ] + }, + "190": { + "context": "Alex wanted their hair to be bright blue but needed to remove their natural color first.", + "speaker": "Alex", + "turns": [ + "Have you ever tried to bleach or color your hair?", + "I haven't because I am too scared of messing it up.", + " I spent so much money and time trying to bleach my hair so I could color it blue.", + "I see it is back to your original color, what happened?", + "It did not work out and I paid $200 for it", + "That is exactly why I have never tried!" + ] + }, + "191": { + "context": "Alex wanted their hair to be bright blue but needed to remove their natural color first.", + "speaker": "Alex", + "turns": [ + "We are going to strip the color from your hair first.", + "What for?", + "Well we need a uniform color for the band. I chose bright blue.", + "I don't want bright blue hair.", + "If you want to be in the band, then you will have bright blue hair.", + "I'd rather concentrate on the music than the hair." + ] + }, + "192": { + "context": "Alex wanted their hair to be bright blue but needed to remove their natural color first.", + "speaker": "Alex", + "turns": [ + "In order for us to get our hair blue, at first we must strip the natural color out of our hair first.", + "How hard will that be?", + "It is easy. We just need to buy the chemicals from Sally Beauty Supply.", + "I am somewhat scared to put all of those chemicals in my hair.", + "It is safe. Don't worry about it.", + "If you say so, Alex." + ] + }, + "193": { + "context": "Alex wanted their hair to be bright blue but needed to remove their natural color first.", + "speaker": "Alex", + "turns": [ + "I'm going to the hair salon today to get my hair dyed.", + "Are you getting the blue color, like you said?", + "Yes, I can't wait, I just have to get it bleached first.", + "I am not keen on getting my hair bleached it hurts.", + "Same, hopefully it won't be that bad this time.", + "I can't wait to see te new color." + ] + }, + "194": { + "context": "Austin called Casey's dad to let him know Casey was doing bad and had no job.", + "speaker": "Casey", + "turns": [ + "I can't believe you told my dad about me!", + "I only did it because I was worried. He's got a lot of good ideas for jobs!", + "It was still bad. What did he say? Was he upset?", + "No, he gave me this list of people for you to call. They all have businesses.", + "Well I probably wouldn't have asked him, but please let me see the list.", + "Try these people. I didn't want to get you in trouble but I really wanted to help." + ] + }, + "195": { + "context": "Jordan wanted to go out to dinner, but left his wallet at home.", + "speaker": "Jordan", + "turns": [ + "Oh, no. I forgot something. We need to head back.", + "We're already halfway there. What did you forget?", + "I forgot my wallet at home.", + "That's pretty important for paying for meals.", + "Could you stop giving me a hard time.", + "Alright, lets head back for it." + ] + }, + "196": { + "context": "Jordan wanted to go out to dinner, but left his wallet at home.", + "speaker": "Jordan", + "turns": [ + "I don't feel like going home and cooking. Do you want to go somewhere for dinner?", + "Sure, you pick it.", + "How about that new place on Division Street?", + "Good idea! I've heard they have great pizza!", + "Oops, never mind. I stupidly left the house without my wallet this morning.", + "Don't worry about it! You can pay me back." + ] + }, + "197": { + "context": "Jordan wanted to go out to dinner, but left his wallet at home.", + "speaker": "Jordan", + "turns": [ + "Shoot, I left my wallet at home.", + "No problem, I can cover you.", + "Are you sure, you don't mind?", + "Yeah, it's totally fine.", + "I will pay you back as soon as possible.", + "Okay, cool!" + ] + }, + "198": { + "context": "Cameron was playing video games for days in end and even forgot to eat or sleep.", + "speaker": "Cameron", + "turns": [ + "I don't even remember the last time I ate or slept!", + "How does one not remember the last time they ate or slept?", + "I can't stop playing the new videos games, that just came out.", + "Well that's cool, except you need to sleep and eat!", + "I know, but I just get lost in the game, that I forget to eat and I am not even tired.", + "You are going to crash one day!" + ] + }, + "199": { + "context": "Cameron was playing video games for days in end and even forgot to eat or sleep.", + "speaker": "Cameron", + "turns": [ + "It is true what they say about video games.", + "What do they say about video games?", + "They say they are addictive.", + "Are you addicted to video games?", + "I was playing video games for days on end, and even forgot to eat or sleep.", + "You are addicted to video games." + ] + }, + "200": { + "context": "Cameron was playing video games for days in end and even forgot to eat or sleep.", + "speaker": "Cameron", + "turns": [ + "I think I have a problem.", + "What's happened?", + "I am addicted to the video game, and it is out of control.", + "You need to stop playing the game and go outside for a bit.", + "you are right, I have not eaten or even slept in days.", + "If you need help I am here." + ] + }, +"201": { + "context": "Jesse affected others in ways people couldn't understand when Jesse stared at them with his beautiful green eyes.", + "speaker": "Jesse", + "turns": [ + "He laura did you go to the ball game?", + "Ball-- what? Sorry I got lost in your eyes....", + "Haha. Thanks but I really wanted to know what happened in the game?", + "Yeah, it was great what color are your eyes hazel green or plain green?", + "Plain bright green, what happened n the game?", + "Yeah it was great..." + ] + }, + "202": { + "context": "Jesse affected others in ways people couldn't understand when Jesse stared at them with his beautiful green eyes.", + "speaker": "Jesse", + "turns": [ + "Sometimes I let my eyes do that talking in regards to meeting new people and stuff", + "I know. There is a lot of things going on in the situation when you stare at people", + "eYah. It is almost like I have some sort of mindpower over them", + "Right. Its so cool and profound", + "It really is. Your so observant about my abilities", + "Thanks I know" + ] + }, + "203": { + "context": "After looking at many different shirts to choose from, Austin bought a new shirt.", + "speaker": "Austin", + "turns": [ + "I was looking at all these different shirts, there were too many choices!", + "Did you not buy any shirts, then?", + "No, I bought this really nice polo shirt that's black and white.", + "That sounds really nice, can't wait to see it.", + "I'll see you tomorrow, I'll be wearing it, so watch out.", + "I will, I'll see you tomorrow." + ] + }, + "204": { + "context": "After looking at many different shirts to choose from, Austin bought a new shirt.", + "speaker": "Austin", + "turns": [ + "I need a new shirt.", + "Yea you are sweating and I see it.", + "Kinda gross right?", + "What's the style? Conservative.", + "Yep exactly.", + "Alright you got this one it's black." + ] + }, + "205": { + "context": "Addison always spoke to Ash when they were worried or concerned and after an incident with Addison's girlfriend, Addison wanted to go to Ash for advice and did so immediately.", + "speaker": "Addison", + "turns": [ + "I am going to introduce you to my friend Ash because I think he will be able to help you.", + "I don't know if I want to talk to him about my girlfriend cheating on me, it's embarrassing.", + "The same thing happened to me with Leila when I found out she went out with somebody else and Ash gave me some good advice.", + "He didn't tell anyone else about it?", + "He never tells other people what we talk about, that's why I always confide in him when I have a problem and he always has good advice.", + "I guess I could try, he sounds like a nice guy." + ] + }, + "206": { + "context": "Bailey didn't get what they wanted and through a tantrum in the store. Bailey made a spectacle of themselves.", + "speaker": "Bailey", + "turns": [ + "So I threw a tantrum in the store.", + "And she still didn't buy you the dress?", + "Can you believe it. What does this mean?", + "It means your Mom's onto the whole tantrum scheme." + ] + }, + "207": { + "context": "Bailey didn't get what they wanted and through a tantrum in the store. Bailey made a spectacle of themselves.", + "speaker": "Bailey", + "turns": [ + "I had a tantrum in the store. I was yelling because my mom would not buy me a balloon.", + "That's not nice. If your mother didn't want to buy it, maybe she had a good reason.", + "No she is just cheap. It only cost $1.", + "Well, you should still listen to your mother and not get so angry." + ] + }, + "208": { + "context": "Bailey didn't get what they wanted and through a tantrum in the store. Bailey made a spectacle of themselves.", + "speaker": "Bailey", + "turns": [ + "Give me the candy bar!", + "No! Stop being such a little brat!", + "I will throw these eggs on the ground if I do not get it!", + "Would you stop it Bailey, please! You are embarrassing!", + "Not until I get my candy bar!", + "You will never get that candy bar if you keep acting like this!" + ] + }, + "209": { + "context": "Robin is a good parent. He is supportive of his kids.", + "speaker": "Robin", + "turns": [ + "I recently brought baseball gears for my kids.", + "How nice of you. Are they learning how to play baseball?", + "Yes. They've been watching a lot of baseball on TV lately, and ask if I can teach them about it.", + "That's sweet of you. Nice to see how supportive you are to your kids.", + "I just want to be a good parent to them.", + "That is a wonderful thing." + ] + }, + "210": { + "context": "Robin is a good parent. He is supportive of his kids.", + "speaker": "Robin", + "turns": [ + "I don't want my kids to have the life I had.", + "You are good dad to them and very supportive of everything they do.", + "I do not want them to feel like they are not important, like my father did to me.", + "You coach their teams, read to them, talk to them, you are a great dad.", + "I want them to know they are my everything.", + "They know that you love them, by all the things you provide them." + ] + }, + "211": { + "context": "Robin is a good parent. He is supportive of his kids.", + "speaker": "Robin", + "turns": [ + "I am really sad to see the kids go to away to college but I am okay with it.", + "But Robin, moving to Moscow for school is ridiculous.", + "I know. I tried to convince them that they can learn Russian history at home.", + "That's a little crazy. Harvard has a fantastic Russian history program.", + "But they wanted a real experience from Russians at home.", + "Understood. You are really a great mom by letting them move to Moscow." + ] + }, + "212": { + "context": "Skylar asked Ash if it would be cool to go to the movies this coming Friday.", + "speaker": "Ash", + "turns": [ + "I'm a little busy this week. I'll see if I can go.", + "You need to take more breaks. You're working too much.", + "I know, but I'm making a lot of money.", + "Whatever. How much money do you really need?" + ] + }, + "213": { + "context": "Skylar asked Ash if it would be cool to go to the movies this coming Friday.", + "speaker": "Ash", + "turns": [ + "What are you doing on Friday?", + "I don't think I'm doing anything, but I'm not sure.", + "If you're not doing anything, do you wanna go watch a movie?", + "That would be great, I've been looking forward to watching a movie for months now.", + "Skylar asked me so I'm looking for others to come.", + "Well that's awesome I'm gonna make sure that I can make it so we all can hang out in a huge group." + ] + }, + "214": { + "context": "Skylar asked Ash if it would be cool to go to the movies this coming Friday.", + "speaker": "Ash", + "turns": [ + "Hey Skylar, do you have any plans for this weekend?", + "Not really. I might have a bbq this weekend.", + "That would be cool. Do you want to go to a movie on Friday?", + "Oh... ya, that would be cool. What do you want to watch?", + "I'm not sure, maybe the latest Bourne movie?", + "Ya that sounds good." + ] + }, + "215": { + "context": "Bailey saw the instructor asking who wants to go on the field trip, so Bailey raised Quinn's hand.", + "speaker": "Bailey", + "turns": [ + "Guess what happened in class today", + "What?", + "The instructor asked us who wanted to go on a field trip", + "Did Quinn raise her hand?", + "No, so I had to hold it up for her!", + "I'm glad you did" + ] + }, + "216": { + "context": "Bailey saw the instructor asking who wants to go on the field trip, so Bailey raised Quinn's hand.", + "speaker": "Bailey", + "turns": [ + "I really want to go on this field trip and see the animals", + "I think it will be a nice time and we might even get to see some monkeys", + "I really love monkeys but tigers are my favourite", + "I like the meerkats too they are the cutest animals there", + "Hopefully we can see some hippos too" + ] + }, + "217": { + "context": "Sasha had never had pudding before but loved sweets. Sasha knew she would like pudding.", + "speaker": "Sasha", + "turns": [ + "How did I miss having such a delicious dessert all these years. I can get this stuff all day.", + "Really, were you ever a child? We had pudding for lunch all the time.", + "No, my mom thought it was not healthy and she absolutely hated Bill Cosby.", + "Make sense but her dislikes should not be your dislikes. Just indulge!!", + "I am. I just loaded up on a variety of pudding flavours to catch up all the tasty delicious treats I missed out on.", + "Okay, now that is a little obsessive." + ] + }, + "218": { + "context": "Tracy pressed upon Austin accidentally in the elevator and had to make an apology about this accident.", + "speaker": "Tracy", + "turns": [ + "I accidentally pressed against Austin in the elevator. I was so embarrassed. I apologized for this accident.", + "I am sure he's fine with it.", + "He's so chill. That's why he's one of my best friends.", + "I can't get over how you guys work in the same company and went to college together.", + "I've known him since elementary school. He used to live two houses down from me.", + "He's like your little brother." + ] + }, + "219": { + "context": "Tracy pressed upon Austin accidentally in the elevator and had to make an apology about this accident.", + "speaker": "Tracy", + "turns": [ + "I had an awkward moment in the elevator today. It was so crowded that I accidentally bumped up against somebody.", + "Yikes, that's uncomfortable. Did you apologize?", + "Yes, but the person I bumped into was Austin.", + "Isn't Austin the name of a co-worker of yours?", + "Yeah, which makes it doubly awkward." + ] + }, + "220": { + "context": "Tracy tried exercising at home. It was hard to discipline themselves.", + "speaker": "Tracy", + "turns": [ + "I am trying to exercise at home instead of going to the gym.", + "That is even harder. I can't do that I tend to get lazy", + "Yes it is kind of hard to discipline myself, especially when my exerciser is right next to my couch.", + "That couch sure to be very inviting, right?", + "Yes it is. That's why I put some exercising music on, so I can get motivated", + "I'm sure that helps a lot. A good beat should get you going." + ] + }, + "221": { + "context": "Tracy tried exercising at home. It was hard to discipline themselves.", + "speaker": "Tracy", + "turns": [ + "I cant keep to a good routine", + "I know its tough to stick to a good exercise plan", + "especially at home", + "I can help you out with a few pointers if you like", + "I really would, I want to be serious about this", + "Well then, want me to come over this Saturday, I can bring some stuff" + ] + }, + "222": { + "context": "Tracy tried exercising at home. It was hard to discipline themselves.", + "speaker": "Tracy", + "turns": [ + "I'm starting to exercise at home.", + "How is it going so far?", + "It's been really hard.", + "Why is that?", + "It's hard to be disciplined when my tv and fridge are so close by when I'm working out.", + "It's even more difficult to exercise at my gym since there're fast food restaurants all around it." + ] + }, + "223": { + "context": "Quinn spent many years studying. Finally it became graduation time for him.", + "speaker": "Quinn", + "turns": [ + "I can't believe I'm finally graduating!", + "Congratulations. I know you've had a hard time getting through school.", + "Yeah, I've spent years and years studying. But it's that much more satisfying for all the hard work to pay off.", + "You should be proud of yourself.", + "I am." + ] + }, + "224": { + "context": "Quinn spent many years studying. Finally it became graduation time for him.", + "speaker": "Quinn", + "turns": [ + "I can't describe how happy I am on this day.", + "You worked hard on this.", + "Finally. It's our graduation day.", + "I am looking forward to a brighter future.", + "Congratulation to us friend.", + "Congratulations Quinn. Let's have a party later." + ] + }, + "225": { + "context": "Lee wanted to play a prank on his friend Quinn, wanting to scare Quinn to death.", + "speaker": "Lee", + "turns": [ + "I have got a prank to really scare Quinn.", + "What are you going to do?", + "I am going to sneak into their house and hide in Quinn's closet.", + "That sounds a little overboard.", + "That's not all of it. I'll have on a scary Halloween mask, and when Quinn opens the door, I'll jump out.", + "I wouldn't call that a prank; that could literally scare them to death." + ] + }, + "226": { + "context": "Lee wanted to play a prank on his friend Quinn, wanting to scare Quinn to death.", + "speaker": "Lee", + "turns": [ + "I had such a good laugh today.", + "What was so funny?", + "I played a prank on Quinn.", + "What did you do?", + "I dressed up in a scary costume and screamed at him when he wasn't looking. He was so frightened.", + "You're so hilarious." + ] + }, + "227": { + "context": "Lee wanted to play a prank on his friend Quinn, wanting to scare Quinn to death.", + "speaker": "Lee", + "turns": [ + "I want to prank Quinn. Any ideas on what can give him a good scare?", + "You should dress as a ghost and hide behind the door.", + "Quinn may not fall for that. Scaring him to death is my aim.", + "What are some of his fears?" + ] + }, + "228": { + "context": "Austin spent the whole day creating a cake. Austin told Cameron he made it from scratch.", + "speaker": "Austin", + "turns": [ + "I made the most amazing chocolate cake from scratch for Cameron.", + "Sounds delicious. Did you tell Cameron you'd made it from scratch?", + "I did, and he really appreciated it.", + "I don't supposed there's any left? I'd love to have a piece.", + "Sorry, Cameron and I ate the whole thing.", + "Save a piece for me next time!" + ] + }, + "229": { + "context": "Austin spent the whole day creating a cake. Austin told Cameron he made it from scratch.", + "speaker": "Austin", + "turns": [ + "Today is my girlfriend birthday.", + "That is great, what are you doing for her?", + "I made her a cake.", + "That is amazing! I did not even know you can bake.", + "I searched for a recipe, made it from scratch", + "That is a good thing, I am sure she will be very impressed." + ] + }, + "230": { + "context": "Austin spent the whole day creating a cake. Austin told Cameron he made it from scratch.", + "speaker": "Austin", + "turns": [ + "I spend about eight hours trying to make a cake from scratch, and there was a knock at the door", + "What is it you're baking?", + "A cake. I spent eight hours trying to get it together.", + "Why did it take so long?", + "It was my first time and I was trying to make it from scratch.", + "I'm sure it will be very good." + ] + }, + "231": { + "context": "Austin spent the whole day creating a cake. Austin told Cameron he made it from scratch.", + "speaker": "Austin", + "turns": [ + "The cake is finally finished! What do you think?", + "It looks beautiful! If I didn't know any better I'd think a professional baked it.", + "I made it from scratch too.", + "If it tastes as good as it looks, we're in for a treat!" + ] + }, + "232": { + "context": "Austin fought for Quinn's life, but they eventually died on the operating table.", + "speaker": "Austin", + "turns": [ + "I knew if Quinn died, I would really miss her", + "Yes! it is so sad. You loved her so much", + "I fought for her life, but she eventually died on the operating table.", + "I feel so down right now. May she rest in peace!" + ] + }, + "233": { + "context": "Austin fought for Quinn's life, but they eventually died on the operating table.", + "speaker": "Austin", + "turns": [ + "There are a lot of issues going on that makes it hard for Quinn to live", + "oh yeah? What seems to be the problem?", + "Well for starters her vitals are terrible", + "Oh yeah that is important", + "Yeah Quinn just could not make it", + "Yeah she was a real trooper" + ] + }, + "234": { + "context": "Kai hired a chef to cook for the party so she could spend time with guests.", + "speaker": "Kai", + "turns": [ + "I'm having a big party this weekend.", + "Cool, but isn't that a lot of work?", + "Yeah, that's why I hired a chef, so I can spend time with my guests.", + "Guess I will be seeing more of you at this party!", + "Yes, you will!", + "I can't wait!" + ] + }, + "235": { + "context": "Kai hired a chef to cook for the party so she could spend time with guests.", + "speaker": "Kai", + "turns": [ + "I'm not going to be cooking for the party this time.", + "What is everybody going to eat if you're not cooking for us?", + "I hired a chef to cook for the party so I could socialize and spend time with all of the guests.", + "That makes sense. That's good delegating!" + ] + }, + "236": { + "context": "Kai hired a chef to cook for the party so she could spend time with guests.", + "speaker": "Kai", + "turns": [ + "I hired a chef to cook for the party.", + "Why did you do that Kai? You're a good cook.", + "Well, I want to spend more time with my guest.", + "Ohh, will there be some important guest?", + "Yes, some of them are my friends that I did not see for a long time.", + "Then you should really take your time Kai." + ] + }, + "237": { + "context": "Kai hired a chef to cook for the party so she could spend time with guests.", + "speaker": "Kai", + "turns": [ + "I finally decided to hire a chef.", + "I thought you loved cooking?", + "I do, but I want to spend more time with the guests.", + "That's great. Whatever makes you happy." + ] + }, + "238": { + "context": "Skylar was making Jordan feel uncomfortable, so Jordan pushed themselves away from Skylar.", + "speaker": "Skylar", + "turns": [ + "So how many guys have you dated?", + "What? I don't want to answer that.", + "Why not? It's not a big deal of a question.", + "Actually I find the question to be quite intrusive.", + "I think you are being too sensitive.", + "I'm going to walk away from this conversation right now." + ] + }, + "239": { + "context": "Skylar was making Jordan feel uncomfortable, so Jordan pushed themselves away from Skylar.", + "speaker": "Skylar", + "turns": [ + "I was only telling Jordan the truth. I didn't mean to make him feel uncomfortable.", + "You know that is a sore subject for Jordan.", + "I know but he needed to hear the truth from a friend.", + "The way he pushed away from you was frightening.", + "I hope Jordan is ok. It was said with love.", + "Give him a day or so to cool off before you approach him again." + ] + }, + "240": { + "context": "Sasha had only one light bulb in the house and could not get another because of the storm.", + "speaker": "Sasha", + "turns": [ + "I only have one light bulb left and all my lamps need new bulbs!", + "Oh no! That stinks", + "I would go get more but I can't leave the house because of the storm.", + "I can bring you one tomorrow if you don't make it to the store.", + "That would be awesome!", + "I'll touch base tomorrow to see if you still need the bulb." + ] + }, + "241": { + "context": "Sasha had only one light bulb in the house and could not get another because of the storm.", + "speaker": "Sasha", + "turns": [ + "My house is so creepy right now!", + "Why is your house creepy?", + "I only have one working light! I need to go to the store to get bulbs but I can't because of the storm.", + "What about your neighbour? Maybe they have extra.", + "That's a great idea. I'll put on a raincoat and walk over.", + "Okay, call me as soon as you get back!" + ] + }, + "242": { + "context": "Cameron did not want to knock the boy out so he handled him with kid gloves.", + "speaker": "Cameron", + "turns": [ + "That jerk down the street challenged me to a fight.", + "Was it the little kid with the big mouth?", + "Yes, and I did not want to knock the boy out.", + "What did you do?", + "I fought him but I handled him with kid gloves.", + "Oh wow." + ] + }, + "243": { + "context": "cameron did not want to knock the boy out so he handled him with kid gloves.", + "speaker": "cameron", + "turns": [ + "Sometimes you gotta hold back.", + "I agree.", + "Yeah, I didn't want to knock the boy out so I took care of him with kid gloves.", + "What are kid gloves?" + ] + }, + "244": { + "context": "cameron did not want to knock the boy out so he handled him with kid gloves.", + "speaker": "cameron", + "turns": [ + "You are lucky I don't fee like slugging you today", + "why is that ?", + "I am putting on my kid gloves so the impact of hits are soften", + "wow you are so kind", + "So this means that any sort of punch I throw at you will hardly be felt", + "I sure am lucky" + ] + }, + "245": { + "context": "Cameron did not want to knock the boy out so he handled him with kid gloves.", + "speaker": "Cameron", + "turns": [ + "I figured if I used regular gloves I would have knocked him out cold.", + "Is that why you used smaller kid sized gloves?", + "Yeah, and I am glad I did not hurt him that much but it was still a bad fight for him.", + "I mean he wanted to fight you so that is on him.", + "Maybe I should not have taken it so easy on him though.", + "If you didn't take it easy, you would have just beaten him quick and he would not get any time to learn." + ] + }, + "246": { + "context": "Remy searched all over the house for her precious toy, but couldn't find it.", + "speaker": "Remy", + "turns": [ + "I lost my favourite toy.", + "Where did you lose it?", + "Here at home but I looked everywhere and couldn't find it.", + "Which toy was it?", + "My Doctor Barbie.", + "I'll help you look for it. We'll be Detective Barbies!" + ] + }, + "247": { + "context": "Remy searched all over the house for her precious toy, but couldn't find it.", + "speaker": "Remy", + "turns": [ + "Have you seen my doll with the pink tiara, I can't find her.", + "No I haven't seen her, did you look in your toy box?", + "Of course, I have searched every room of this house and I can't find her.", + "Let me help you, where was the last place you've seen her?", + "When we were coming home from grandmas.", + "Ah ha, let's go look in the car!" + ] + }, + "248": { + "context": "Remy searched all over the house for her precious toy, but couldn't find it.", + "speaker": "Remy", + "turns": [ + "I am disappointed because I could not find my precious toy.", + "Where did you last play with it?", + "I was at the backyard then.", + "Did you look there then?", + "That is the first place I looked at but it is not there.", + "Don't worry, it should just be around the house." + ] + }, + "249": { + "context": "Austin grabbed Taylor by the short hairs on his head and slammed him to the ground.", + "speaker": "Austin", + "turns": [ + "I got in a nasty fight with Taylor today.", + "I saw he had a bloody nose. What happened?", + "He was starting trouble with me again, so I picked him up by his hair and threw him to the ground.", + "You need to try and calm down, Austin. You could really hurt him next time." + ] + }, + "250": { + "context": "Jan, the boss, wanted to celebrate getting a new client, so Jan took their co-workers out to a fancy restaurant for lunch.", + "speaker": "Jan,", + "turns": [ + "I had the most delicious steak for lunch at Rory's Steakhouse.", + "Wow, Rory's Steakhouse? What was the special occasion?", + "I landed a new client. I'll be doing all the marketing for a new shoe brand.", + "Nice! What kind of shoes do they sell?", + "They're sandals made for hiking. It's a cool company. They donate 10% of their profits to charity.", + "I really love shopping with companies that help others." + ] + }, + "251": { + "context": "Jan, the boss, wanted to celebrate getting a new client, so Jan took their co-workers out to a fancy restaurant for lunch.", + "speaker": "Jan,", + "turns": [ + "Good job everyone, we closed the deal on that new client, the biggest deal yet for our company.", + "Hey that's fantastic news, we've been working on that contract for months now.", + "And its because of everyone's hard work that we got it done, so I am taking everyone out to lunch to celebrate.", + "I'll go let the folks on the first floor know.", + "Tell them to meet us at Frank and Son's Steakhouse, this deserves a special meal.", + "That's the fanciest steakhouse in town, everyone's gonna love it." + ] + }, + "252": { + "context": "At the after-concert party, Cameron talked to a lot of people and quickly made a lot of new friends.", + "speaker": "Cameron", + "turns": [ + "I added five new contacts to my phone last night.", + "You've always been good at making friends.", + "I just really like to talk to people. I went to a party after the concert, and everyone was so cool.", + "I guess talking about the concert was a good ice breaker.", + "It was. I just said, \"Hey, did you like the show?\" and the conversation got going.", + "I wish I was as outgoing as you are." + ] + }, + "253": { + "context": "At the after-concert party, Cameron talked to a lot of people and quickly made a lot of new friends.", + "speaker": "Cameron", + "turns": [ + "I just went to the after-concert party.", + "How was it?", + "It was great. I talked to a lot of people.", + "I wanted to go but I had to leave after the concert.", + "I made a lot of new friends there.", + "That's great! It must have been a great party." + ] + }, + "254": { + "context": "At the after-concert party, Cameron talked to a lot of people and quickly made a lot of new friends.", + "speaker": "Cameron", + "turns": [ + "The place was packed. There were people everywhere and the music was so loud.", + "Did you go to a party last night?", + "It was the after-concert party. They had a couple of bands playing. People were nice and I made a lot of new friends.", + "That's good. You are such a popular guy. It's easy for you to make friends.", + "I think people are just comfortable around me.", + "You are easy going." + ] + }, + "255": { + "context": "At the after-concert party, Cameron talked to a lot of people and quickly made a lot of new friends.", + "speaker": "Cameron", + "turns": [ + "The party after the concert was off the chain.", + "Shit, I wish I could have went with you guys, but I had to work.", + "I met a bunch of new girls to hang out with.", + "You always make friends easy, that's a gift." + ] + }, + "256": { + "context": "At the after-concert party, Cameron talked to a lot of people and quickly made a lot of new friends.", + "speaker": "Cameron", + "turns": [ + "I made so many friends here.", + "It was a really good concert", + "Yes it was.", + "It was a fun show.", + "Yea loved the second song.", + "That's a classic." + ] + }, + "257": { + "context": "Austin and Cameron went out to dinner and each ordered a meal. Austin finished his meal and Cameron did not. Austin asked Cameron if he could finish his meal.", + "speaker": "Cameron", + "turns": [ + "It's no problem for me to finish the meal because I was so hungry", + "I've just started this new diet and I'm trying to lose weight before the summer so I can feel good", + "That makes sense, do you think you will be able to do it?", + "I've been doing pretty well on my own so far and I just need to work out more", + "We can work out together if you want to", + "That sounds great. Call me in the morning" + ] + }, + "258": { + "context": "Kai received a letter from her grandmother. Kai wrote a letter back to their grandmother today.", + "speaker": "Kai", + "turns": [ + "I just heard back from my grandmother. I sent her a letter a few weeks ago.", + "That's nice that people still write letters. What did she say?", + "That everyone is doing fine . That my aunt just had a baby girl.", + "That's great. I love how your family is so close.", + "Yes, it's nice to have a big family." + ] + }, + "259": { + "context": "Kai received a letter from her grandmother. Kai wrote a letter back to their grandmother today.", + "speaker": "Kai", + "turns": [ + "I got the sweetest letter from my grandmother yesterday.", + "Oh how nice! Are you going to write her back?", + "Yes I wrote her back today.", + "Good for you! That is so nice that you have a good relationship with her.", + "Yes I feel very blessed to have such a loving family.", + "You should be!" + ] + }, + "260": { + "context": "Austin was so excited to see Remy that they couldn't sleep and then they saw the sleeping pills on the table.", + "speaker": "Austin", + "turns": [ + "I was delighted to see Remy.", + "She is a true friend.", + "I was so excited to see her, and she was so excited to see me that we couldn't sleep.", + "What did you do?", + "We saw sleeping pills on the table but decided not to take them.", + "You made the right decision." + ] + }, + "261": { + "context": "Austin was so excited to see Remy that they couldn't sleep and then they saw the sleeping pills on the table.", + "speaker": "Austin", + "turns": [ + "I am so thrilled to see you! I don't think I am able to sleep tonight.", + "Me too! Maybe we can just stay up all night and catch up.", + "That's a great idea! But I think I'm getting tired.", + "Do you see that bottle of sleeping pills on top of the table?", + "Maybe they'll help us wind down and relax so we can get some rest.", + "I'm sure it will. Let's take one each right now, and say good night" + ] + }, + "262": { + "context": "Ash never had a lighter, so Ash borrowed one from me.", + "speaker": "Ash", + "turns": [ + "Hey, thanks for letting me borrow your lighter. I never needed a lighter until today.", + "No problem. Did you like the medical marijuana we smoked?", + "For sure! I've only eaten edibles until now. I really liked the smoke, but I think I should stick to edibles.", + "I think I like edibles better, too. Some candy bars are really good!", + "Yeah, my favourite is chocolate. I wish I had some edibles right now.", + "Well, come on over! I have candy bars, gummies, and an infused pasta sauce." + ] + }, + "263": { + "context": "Ash never had a lighter, so Ash borrowed one from me.", + "speaker": "Ash", + "turns": [ + "Do you know who I borrowed this lighter from?", + "It was a blonde girl. I think her name is Kim.", + "Oh, okay. I wanted to return it. I never have one on me.", + "I think she works again tomorrow night if you stop by the bar.", + "Okay, cool. She was pretty cute. Maybe I'll chat her up a bit.", + "I'm pretty sure she has a boyfriend, but you can try." + ] + }, + "264": { + "context": "Bailey attracted students' interest by offering free tutoring services at first and then charging for them after.", + "speaker": "Bailey", + "turns": [ + "I don't see anything wrong with my business model.", + "You're honestly telling me that you think what you do on campus is fine?", + "Yes, I offer a great service by tutoring for free!", + "But it's dishonest to say it's free when you ask the students to pay you after the fact.", + "It's their choice to tip me or not. Don't you understand?", + "I don't think the students would agree with that." + ] + }, + "265": { + "context": "Bailey attracted students' interest by offering free tutoring services at first and then charging for them after.", + "speaker": "Bailey", + "turns": [ + "I'm going to give out free tutoring.", + "that is great! But you will charge after, right?", + "Yea just for the first and make money after.", + "That's good so they can see.", + "Exactly it's marketing.", + "That's what we do!" + ] + }, + "266": { + "context": "Bailey attracted students' interest by offering free tutoring services at first and then charging for them after.", + "speaker": "Bailey", + "turns": [ + "I am offering my services on the area and is being really good.", + "Really, what are you doing?", + "I am offering free tutoring services!", + "Oh wow! How does it work?", + "I attract student's by offering them free tutoring services and after a short time I start to charge them for the service.", + "Oh nice that's a cool idea and nice for the students!" + ] + }, + "267": { + "context": "Carson was struggling to make end's meet while they studied to become a doctor so Riley met Carson's expenses.", + "speaker": "Riley", + "turns": [ + "Carson has been really struggling lately.", + "Does she not have enough money or something?", + "Yeah, she's trying to work but school is so demanding, so I decided to cover her rent.", + "That is really nice of you, can you handle it?", + "Oh yeah, it isn't that big of a deal and I am happy to help.", + "That is really awesome Riley." + ] + }, + "268": { + "context": "Carson was struggling to make end's meet while they studied to become a doctor so Riley met Carson's expenses.", + "speaker": "Riley", + "turns": [ + "I helped Carson pay off some of his bills. He's struggling to make end's meet while he studied to become a doctor.", + "He'll be making the big bucks when he gets out.", + "Maybe. He has a lot of loans to repay.", + "The debt is harsh.", + "He's so in debt. He says he doesn't think he could pay it off in thirty years.", + "That sounds like a lot" + ] + }, + "269": { + "context": "Carson was struggling to make end's meet while they studied to become a doctor so Riley met Carson's expenses.", + "speaker": "Riley", + "turns": [ + "I know you have been struggling financially.", + "Is it that obvious?", + "Well when you are eating ramen for every meal.", + "I just can't keep up with the expenses, I'm struggling.", + "Well let me pay for everything around the house so you can save up some money and get back on track.", + "I can't believe it, you are a real hero." + ] + }, + "270": { + "context": "Taylor pressed Skylar's hands on the table to make an impression in the clay for Taylor's latest art project.", + "speaker": "Taylor", + "turns": [ + "This is what Skylar made for his dad for father's day.", + "His hand prints? That is so cute. Where did he do it?", + "His kindergarten class had parents come into their art class to help make them.", + "Why did they need the parents come in to do it?", + "It required adults to press the kid's hands into the clay on the table to get the imprint deep enough.", + "Oh, okay. A lot of physical interaction so parents would be necessary." + ] + }, + "271": { + "context": "Taylor pressed Skylar's hands on the table to make an impression in the clay for Taylor's latest art project.", + "speaker": "Taylor", + "turns": [ + "You should have seen Skylar's face today during art!", + "Ha, I can only imagine, what did you do this time?", + "I needed a hand impression for my clay art project!", + "So you took her hands and pressed them into the clay?", + "That I did, she did not like the feel of it one bit.", + "Well, I wouldn't either haha!" + ] + }, + "272": { + "context": "Taylor pressed Skylar's hands on the table to make an impression in the clay for Taylor's latest art project.", + "speaker": "Taylor", + "turns": [ + "I just made a new art project using Taylor's hand. I made an impression in the clay with her hand.", + "That sounds really interesting. What are you going to do with it?", + "It's going to represent the work of the common worker. Showing hands of many.", + "Could I be a part of it?", + "Sure. Come over tomorrow and I will use your hand too." + ] + }, + "273": { + "context": "Riley went rock climbing without safety equipment, fell and suffered greatly as a result.", + "speaker": "Riley", + "turns": [ + "That fall almost killed me. I will never do that again.", + "What did you do? What happened?", + "I was climbing a rock wall and didn't have my safety equipment on. I fell and got hurt pretty badly. My back really hurts.", + "Damn, why did you not wear your safety equipment. You should have known better than that.", + "I wasn't thinking. I thought that I would be okay.", + "Never do that again! You are a nut! Safety first." + ] + }, + "274": { + "context": "Riley went rock climbing without safety equipment, fell and suffered greatly as a result.", + "speaker": "Riley", + "turns": [ + "I'm recovering from my injuries.", + "How did you get injured?", + "I went rock climbing and fell.", + "Did you wear safety equipment?", + "I didn't wear safety equipment. That's why my injuries were significant.", + "I hope you'll get well soon." + ] + }, + "275": { + "context": "Riley went rock climbing without safety equipment, fell and suffered greatly as a result.", + "speaker": "Riley", + "turns": [ + "That was a brutal fall. I could have killed myself.", + "Well, you are not dead. What happened to you?", + "My friend, Alex, and I went rock climbing without safety equipment. I was right behind him. Then I lost my grasp on the rock and fell.", + "How far did you fall?", + "Too far. It must have been 20 feet. Luckily I landed on a grassy patch below. There was a little crater where my body hit the earth.", + "That sounds bad." + ] + }, + "276": { + "context": "Making too much racket, Kendall gave Skylar a headache with the noise.", + "speaker": "Skylar", + "turns": [ + "I've been having some difficulties dealing with my upstairs neighbour the past few weeks.", + "I can relate. I know exactly how hard it can be.", + "They have been causing a racket for hours. And the noise was really loud too.", + "If you're this upset about it, it must have been really bad.", + "I felt the noise reverberating in my ears and got a headache. It sounds like he's constantly throwing incredibly heavy metal objects against the wall.", + "I never imagined it would be that bad. But if it continues you might need to intervene." + ] + }, + "277": { + "context": "Making too much racket, Kendall gave Skylar a headache with the noise.", + "speaker": "Skylar", + "turns": [ + "Could you quiet it down, Kendall.", + "What's your problem?", + "You're giving me a headache with all that racket.", + "I have to practice my cheerleading.", + "In the house? Go outside.", + "It's raining and this is the only place with room to do my flips along with my cheers." + ] + }, + "278": { + "context": "Making too much racket, Kendall gave Skylar a headache with the noise.", + "speaker": "Skylar", + "turns": [ + "Cant you take a break from practicing the drums", + "No Sky, I got a gig coming up I gotta be perfect", + "You're giving me the biggest headache", + "Go for a walk then I need to practice", + "This place is mine too and you've been doing it for hours", + "Fine ill go get some lunch" + ] + }, + "279": { + "context": "When Addison finished the test early, she made sure of her answers before turning it in.", + "speaker": "Addison", + "turns": [ + "I just handed in my test one hour early.", + "Why the rush?", + "I just found the questions very easy. I even made sure to double-check my answers before submitting it.", + "Sounds like you prepared well for that one.", + "I spent all week studying for that test.", + "I know you will ace it." + ] + }, + "280": { + "context": "When Addison finished the test early, she made sure of her answers before turning it in.", + "speaker": "Addison", + "turns": [ + "I finished my test early because I studied a lot for the exam.", + "Are you sure you answered all the questions correctly?", + "I reviewed all the answer again before turning it in.", + "You'll probably ace that test. When do you find out your grade?", + "I really hope so. And I find out on Monday." + ] + }, + "281": { + "context": "When Addison finished the test early, she made sure of her answers before turning it in.", + "speaker": "Addison", + "turns": [ + "That was such an easy test.", + "I feel like I flunked it.", + "Well I studied for a month.", + "I just studied the night before.", + "When I study for a long time, it makes the test so easy!", + "I need to take your advice!" + ] + }, + "282": { + "context": "Riley is a supervisor of Jesse, and is charged with making sure merchandise is not damaged.", + "speaker": "Jesse", + "turns": [ + "Riley has been watching me like a hawk today.", + "Me too, she is taking the job too seriously.", + "It's not like if anything breaks it comes out of her pay checks.", + "That's a great point, I didn't think of that.", + "Hopefully after this week, things will get back to normal.", + "I hope so, because things are getting pretty weird right now." + ] + }, + "283": { + "context": "Riley is a supervisor of Jesse, and is charged with making sure merchandise is not damaged.", + "speaker": "Jesse", + "turns": [ + "Riley has been breathing down my neck lately.", + "What do you mean?", + "He's in charge of the merchandise, so he's very strict with how we handle it to make sure nothing gets damaged.", + "Riley has a lot of responsibility now. You should cut him some slack." + ] + }, + "284": { + "context": "Jesse took a flight across the country to go visit their long distance girlfriend over the holidays.", + "speaker": "Jesse", + "turns": [ + "I flew out to see my girlfriend for the holidays.", + "Does she live far away?", + "Yeah, it was a five hour flight. But it was worth it.", + "You had a good time with her?", + "It was awesome! I missed her so much.", + "Long distance relationships can be tricky. I'm glad yours is working out." + ] + }, + "285": { + "context": "Jordan left their father's special tie at the dance and couldn't find it when he went back to look.", + "speaker": "Jordan", + "turns": [ + "My dad is going to kill me! I left the tie that grandpa gave him at the dance.", + "You can ask on Monday if they found it or have your mom call Mr. Jones.", + "I hadn't thought of that.", + "They have that lost and found box up at the office." + ] + }, + "286": { + "context": "Jordan left their father's special tie at the dance and couldn't find it when he went back to look.", + "speaker": "Jordan", + "turns": [ + "Man my dad is going to kill me.", + "Why what happen?", + "I lost my dad special tie, I think back at the dance but it wasn't there when I went back for it.", + "Man that really sucks, what does it look like I'll keep an eye out" + ] + }, + "287": { + "context": "Jordan left their father's special tie at the dance and couldn't find it when he went back to look.", + "speaker": "Jordan", + "turns": [ + "I'm going to be in huge trouble with my dad.", + "What exactly did you do?", + "I lost a tie at the dance this weekend.", + "Hopefully someone found it and turned it in.", + "That's what I'm hoping for, if not I'll have to buy a new one.", + "You'll have to wait until Monday to find out." + ] + }, + "288": { + "context": "Jordan was shout to take the most important test of his life but he remained calm.", + "speaker": "Jordan", + "turns": [ + "I'm doing deep breathing techniques to stay calm for the exam.", + "I'm glad. Don't worry.", + "It's the most important test of my life. I am doing everything I can to stay calm.", + "You will do well.", + "I hope so. I am prepared.", + "Then you are right to just try to stay calm and focus on the test." + ] + }, + "289": { + "context": "Sasha was in the mood for a treat, so Sasha took the ice cream out of the freezer.", + "speaker": "Sasha", + "turns": [ + "I really want some ice cream, do you want any?", + "Yeah sure, what kind is it?", + "It is chocolate chip cookie dough.", + "Oh that is my absolute favourite, can I get a big bowl for it?", + "Sure, we need to clear room out of my freezer anyway.", + "Awesome, I love ice cream and I am glad you had some." + ] + }, + "290": { + "context": "Sasha was in the mood for a treat, so Sasha took the ice cream out of the freezer.", + "speaker": "Sasha", + "turns": [ + "I had an ice cream day. I can't believe I ate a whole container!", + "What? How big?", + "Oh about a pint or so. But I was really in the mood for an indulgence treat.", + "Well if you only do it once in a while, I'm sure it's fine.", + "Yes, I rarely eat sugar but I needed some sweet comfort food.", + "Ice cream works for me too." + ] + }, + "291": { + "context": "Riley's friend accidentally punched her in the face, but Riley forgave her friend.", + "speaker": "Riley", + "turns": [ + "Sammy accidentally punched me in the face, but I forgave him.", + "Were you badly hurt?", + "I had some bad bruising the next day. My right cheek swelled up. I iced it all day and it feels and looks better.", + "Take some pain killer to help the pain and inflammation.", + "I did that already. I just want to sleep.", + "Sleep helps with everything." + ] + }, + "292": { + "context": "Riley's friend accidentally punched her in the face, but Riley forgave her friend.", + "speaker": "Riley", + "turns": [ + "I've spent the last hour icing my eye, because my friend accidentally punched me in the face!", + "Oh my gosh, how did that happen?", + "He spun around and threw his hand up to point at something and my eye got in the way!", + "Oh my goodness. Did how did he feel?", + "He apologized to me a lot. He felt awful.", + "I'm glad it was just an accident and that he did feel badly about it." + ] + }, + "293": { + "context": "Riley's friend accidentally punched her in the face, but riley forgave her friend.", + "speaker": "Riley", + "turns": [ + "I'm sorry I punched you in the face, I wasn't looking", + "it's ok. my nose only bled a little bit", + "I guess it just looked way worse than everyone was telling me", + "Nosebleeds tend to be like that because of all the arteries in them", + "I guess that's a good thing then" + ] + }, + "294": { + "context": "Skylar visited Kai's new city after he moved away last year, just like he'd promised to do.", + "speaker": "Skylar", + "turns": [ + "It was so great being able to visit my friend this weekend", + "Yeah it's always nice catching up with friends", + "It's definitely harder when they're in different cities, but sometimes you have to make it work", + "I totally agree. Especially if it's a good friend", + "Yeah this was one of my closest friends actually", + "Well it sounds like it was a trip well spent" + ] + }, + "295": { + "context": "Tracy practiced sprinting for half a year, but Tracy was still really slow.", + "speaker": "Tracy", + "turns": [ + "I'm feeling really frustrated with my times on the track team.", + "Why is that?", + "Well, I've been practicing my sprints for half a year now, but my times are still really bad.", + "You just need to follow a healthier diet, the way that Coach James tells you to.", + "That's a good point. I've been eating too much junk food.", + "Junk food weighs you down and keeps you from performing at your best." + ] + }, + "296": { + "context": "Tracy practiced sprinting for half a year, but Tracy was still really slow.", + "speaker": "Tracy", + "turns": [ + "I can't believe I'm still so slow", + "I think you should be proud that you've been trying to get faster", + "I know, but I've been working for half a year and have barely made progress", + "Sometimes these things take time. Don't be too hard on yourself", + "I really appreciate that advice", + "That's what friends are for! You'll get better with time" + ] + }, + "297": { + "context": "Addison wasn't sure what to make of the painting. Addison collected Casey's thoughts about it.", + "speaker": "Casey", + "turns": [ + "I took Addison to the museum.", + "How did that go?", + "I showed Addison my favourite painting.", + "Did she like your choice?", + "She was not sure what to make of it and quizzed me about it.", + "That was diplomatic of her." + ] + }, + "298": { + "context": "Addison wasn't sure what to make of the painting. Addison collected Casey's thoughts about it.", + "speaker": "Casey", + "turns": [ + "I thought that painting was really nice.", + "Did you? It was a nice piece of abstract art.", + "Yea, the colour mixture was really nice. Well balanced.", + "I completely agree. It was one of my favourites.", + "I'm glad that you liked it. I thought it was very well done.", + "Yes, I completely agree. I can't wait to see more works by this artist." + ] + }, + "299": { + "context": "Addison wasn't sure what to make of the painting. Addison collected Casey's thoughts about it.", + "speaker": "Casey", + "turns": [ + "What do you think of the painting, Addison?", + "I'm not sure; I'd like to hear your thoughts.", + "It's very colourful and symbolizes man's struggle against the universe.", + "Just seems like a lot of random lines to me.", + "Well, it's open to interpretation.", + "I guess I have a lot to learn about art." + ] + }, + "300": { + "context": "Sydney wanted to celebrate the holiday with friends, so Sydney had a Christmas party.", + "speaker": "Sydney", + "turns": [ + "I want to celebrate the holiday with my friends.", + "Me too. How about we have a Christmas party?", + "Yes. I will organize a Christmas party for us all.", + "That's a great idea.", + "Please announce it to our friends so that they can all attend.", + "Sure thing, Sydney." + ] + }, + "301": { + "context": "Sydney wanted to celebrate the holiday with friends, so Sydney had a Christmas party.", + "speaker": "Sydney", + "turns": [ + "I wanted to celebrate the holiday with friends.", + "So what did you do?", + "I had a Christmas party.", + "Did you have fun?" + ] + }, + "302": { + "context": "Robin held a four leaf clover and to receive good luck because she loves the leave because when she was younger her parents gave her them.", + "speaker": "Robin", + "turns": [ + "Guess what I found yesterday while walking!", + "Oh tell me, this is going to be good!", + "I found a four leaf clover!", + "Awesome, isn't that a sign of good luck?", + "Yeah my parents always told me this when I was younger, so Im happy", + "That's great, make sure you keep it safe!" + ] + }, + "303": { + "context": "Robin held a four leaf clover and to receive good luck because she loves the leave because when she was younger her parents gave her them.", + "speaker": "Robin", + "turns": [ + "Take a look at this four leaf clover.", + "You like to find them don't you.", + "Well, they bring good luck.", + "Do you believe that?", + "When I was younger, my parents would give them to me and tell me that.", + "You are pretty lucky." + ] + }, + "304": { + "context": "Jesse found some cash and put it into their bank account that they had just opened up.", + "speaker": "Jesse", + "turns": [ + "I'm glad I made a deposit today.", + "Lucky you, since you found all that money.", + "Maybe this will change the luck in my life.", + "You're going to go on a long stretch of great things happening.", + "I really do hope that's true.", + "Just keep believing and you'll see." + ] + }, + "305": { + "context": "Jesse found some cash and put it into their bank account that they had just opened up.", + "speaker": "Jesse", + "turns": [ + "Hey I have good new, I found some money!!!", + "What do you mean? What did you do with it?", + "I found some cash, so I went to put it in our bank account!", + "Oh cool, now we have some more money in the new account, awesome!", + "Yeah, it was an smart move!", + "Sure it was my friend, thanks!" + ] + }, + "306": { + "context": "Jesse found some cash and put it into their bank account that they had just opened up.", + "speaker": "Jesse", + "turns": [ + "I think it would be a good idea to save it before I spend it", + "You do have a bad habit of spending money right when you get it", + "This way I can save up for that new bracelet I've seen at the store", + "It was so pretty I think I'm actually jealous" + ] + }, + "307": { + "context": "Jesse found some cash and put it into their bank account that they had just opened up.", + "speaker": "Jesse", + "turns": [ + "I had a great turn of fortune.", + "Tell me about it.", + "I found some cash.", + "You found cash?", + "It was right there in the street, in a plain brown paper bag, and I took the money to the bank and deposited it into an account we just opened up.", + "That was a wise decision." + ] + }, + "308": { + "context": "Aubrey felt very hot outside and noticed that the air conditioning was on in the house.", + "speaker": "Aubrey", + "turns": [ + "So I tried to get some sun yesterday, boy was it hot I needed to go inside with the AC running", + "I bet these summer days are horrid", + "Yea, I just wanted to get some sun but it was so hot.", + "Maybe next time do it in the afternoon it will be not so hot." + ] + }, + "309": { + "context": "Aubrey felt very hot outside and noticed that the air conditioning was on in the house.", + "speaker": "Aubrey", + "turns": [ + "Gosh it's so hot out here. It's getting harder and harder to dig this 6 foot by 3 foot hole, 6 whole feet deep.", + "Well, once we get done out here, I have a surprise for you.", + "Really? What is it?", + "Stick your head in the door right there in the front of the house and feel how cold that AC is.", + "Woooow. That air conditioning feels great, Kim.", + "Yeah it does. That's gonna be part of your Job. Well done." + ] + }, + "310": { + "context": "Aubrey felt very hot outside and noticed that the air conditioning was on in the house.", + "speaker": "Aubrey", + "turns": [ + "It's a real scorcher today. I think we're in the triple digits.", + "Ugh, I hate being outside when it's this hot.", + "The air conditioning is on in my house, if you want to go inside and cool off.", + "That's a great idea. Let's get indoors!" + ] + }, + "311": { + "context": "Aubrey felt very hot outside and noticed that the air conditioning was on in the house.", + "speaker": "Aubrey", + "turns": [ + "Hey do you want to go inside? I'm hot.", + "I'm hot too, does your house have air conditioning?", + "Yeah you can tell that it's on from here.", + "Oh yeah I see it. Is that a new AC?", + "Yeah it was cheap.", + "That's cool that you saved money." + ] + }, + "312": { + "context": "Addison has been having trouble sleeping, he went to seek medication and got his best fit.", + "speaker": "Addison", + "turns": [ + "I finally got some good sleep last night.", + "What did you do differently?", + "I was having trouble sleeping all week, so I went to get some medication for it.", + "So I'm guessing it worked?", + "It definitely did. I'm gonna use the medication from now on.", + "Is there any way you can let me have some?" + ] + }, + "313": { + "context": "Addison has been having trouble sleeping, he went to seek medication and got his best fit.", + "speaker": "Addison", + "turns": [ + "I just picked up some sleep aid pills from the pharmacy. I hope they work.", + "You having trouble sleeping lately?", + "Yeah, I don't know why. I'm so tired and I get in bed and I'm wide awake.", + "Have you changed your routine. Eating late or something like that.", + "No, it's weird. It just started about a week ago. I just can't fall asleep." + ] + }, + "314": { + "context": "Addison has been having trouble sleeping, he went to seek medication and got his best fit.", + "speaker": "Addison", + "turns": [ + "I slept relatively well last night!", + "That's a relief. I know you've also had trouble getting good sleep.", + "Thanks. I can't tell you how great I feel!", + "Hopefully it lasts this time and you can fix it for good!" + ] + }, + "315": { + "context": "After Skylar failed multiple tests and received a warning from their teacher, Skylar tried harder in the class.", + "speaker": "Skylar", + "turns": [ + "I've been doing so horribly in school, it's really making me rethink things.", + "There's still time to get back on track, let this be a learning experience.", + "My teacher had a serious conversation with me about it and it made me really disappointed in myself.", + "It's normal to feel that way, just try your best", + "I plan on it, I have a plan of action I just hope I could stick to it and get my grades up.", + "I have faith in you, you got this." + ] + }, + "316": { + "context": "After Skylar failed multiple tests and received a warning from their teacher, Skylar tried harder in the class.", + "speaker": "Skylar", + "turns": [ + "I have to try harder in class.", + "How are your grades?", + "I've missed several tests, and my teacher warned me already.", + "That sounds terrible you should study more.", + "I will, otherwise I could flunk the class.", + "Do you need any help?" + ] + }, + "317": { + "context": "Addison played the piano after school, but they didn't know the song they were playing.", + "speaker": "Addison", + "turns": [ + "Did you like the song I played after school.", + "I did like the rhythm, you are a great player.", + "Thank you, years of practice.", + "I just have a doubt about the song you where playing.", + "Yes, do tell me.", + "What is the name of that song?" + ] + }, + "318": { + "context": "Addison played the piano after school, but they didn't know the song they were playing.", + "speaker": "Addison", + "turns": [ + "I don't know this song and it's so hard to play just looking at the music.", + "We'll get it. Maybe we could search it online and listen to it, that might help.", + "Ok. Would you grab my phone and see if you can find this song for me?", + "I don't see your phone. Where is it?", + "Oh, its in my coat pocket. Here you go.", + "I google it first, but there has to be a music site I could check." + ] + }, + "319": { + "context": "Quinn loved dogs, but he couldn't have one in his apartment so he signed up to volunteer at a dog shelter.", + "speaker": "Quinn", + "turns": [ + "I worked at a dog shelter today.", + "I didn't know you were working there.", + "Actually I volunteer. I love dogs but I can't have them in the apartment.", + "Oh what a great idea to be able to be around animals.", + "It seriously works, too. I feel like some of them are mine so it's always uplifting to go there.", + "That's generous too. Dogs need people as much as we need them." + ] + }, + "320": { + "context": "Quinn loved dogs, but he couldn't have one in his apartment so he signed up to volunteer at a dog shelter.", + "speaker": "Quinn", + "turns": [ + "I've been so frustrated that I can't have a dog at my apartment. So I started volunteering at the shelter.", + "What a good idea. You'll definitely get to see a lot of dogs there.", + "Exactly. And the dogs there are really wanting attention, so I get to play with all of them.", + "You probably wish you could take them all home with you.", + "Seriously!! It's a good thing I'm not allowed to do that!", + "That's why I don't think I could work there. 'Id bring them all home." + ] + }, + "321": { + "context": "Quinn loved dogs, but he couldn't have one in his apartment so he signed up to volunteer at a dog shelter.", + "speaker": "Quinn", + "turns": [ + "I feel so wonderful and helpful at the animal shelter.", + "It sounds like the perfect way to spend an afternoon.", + "So upset that my landlord won't allow me to have pets in my apartment.", + "Well, at least you get to play with the animals in the shelter.", + "That's true, you know how much I love animals.", + "I absolutely do Quinn." + ] + }, + "322": { + "context": "Quinn loved dogs, but he couldn't have one in his apartment so he signed up to volunteer at a dog shelter.", + "speaker": "Quinn", + "turns": [ + "I love dogs so much, but since I can't have them in my apartment I volunteer at a dog shelter.", + "That's awesome dude! Which one?", + "The one on 5th street.", + "I think that's great, not only will you get your dog fix but you are helping out those poor dogs.", + "I know! I want to take them all home but I'm just glad I can help them out while I'm there", + "You are the sweetest person ever!" + ] + }, + "323": { + "context": "Taylor is responsible for reporting at work, she looked closely at a new report.", + "speaker": "Taylor", + "turns": [ + "I really can't make heads or tails of this report.", + "I thought you knew the reports like the back of your hand.", + "I do, but this is a new one, from the new boss.", + "Just ask him what this report is in reference to.", + "I'm worried he'll think that I'm an idiot since I've done reporting for so long.", + "If you act like you know, but you don't, you will end up looking stupid." + ] + }, + "324": { + "context": "Taylor is responsible for reporting at work, she looked closely at a new report.", + "speaker": "Taylor", + "turns": [ + "Are we required to report to work going forward?", + "Yeah, it's part of the new policy here.", + "I didn't do it today.", + "You don't know how to do it?", + "I'm not really sure. I'm gonna take a close look at the report.", + "Just tell me if you need help on how to do it." + ] + }, + "325": { + "context": "Taylor is responsible for reporting at work, she looked closely at a new report.", + "speaker": "Taylor", + "turns": [ + "This report is very confusing and I have been going over it for an hour now.", + "Isn't that your job to report the day's earnings and other information?", + "Yes but I feel like I'm missing something.", + "Well it looks like someone forgot to add earnings from yesterday so that is why it looks so messed up.", + "Thanks, that is what I was hoping for.", + "No problem, I am glad to help anytime." + ] + }, + "326": { + "context": "Taylor is responsible for reporting at work, she looked closely at a new report.", + "speaker": "Taylor", + "turns": [ + "I got a new duty at work.", + "Congratulations. Is that a good thing?", + "Yeah, it's good but I have to look really closely at new reports.", + "Sounds a bit tedious.", + "I found some mistakes that I have to report to my boss. Wish me luck.", + "Good luck." + ] + }, + "327": { + "context": "Jordan took the man to the shoe store because the man was homeless and had worn down shoes.", + "speaker": "Jordan", + "turns": [ + "There was a homeless man on the sidewalk yesterday with holes in the bottom of his shoes. It was so sad.", + "That's terrible. Homelessness is a tragedy in a country as rich as ours.", + "I know. I can't imagine having the means, and not helping others. I couldn't just let the guy sit there on the street without decent shoes.", + "I feel the same way. What did you do?", + "I took him to the nearest shoe store so he could get some decent shoes. It's just the right thing to do.", + "You're a really good person to take your time and money to help that man." + ] + }, + "328": { + "context": "Jordan took the man to the shoe store because the man was homeless and had worn down shoes.", + "speaker": "Jordan", + "turns": [ + "I helped a homeless man today.", + "How did that come about?", + "He was on the street and his toes were coming out of his shoes, so I took him to a shoe store.", + "How did that help him?", + "Well, I bought some shoes for him. Did you think I just dropped him at the store?", + "No, knowing you I figured you bought him shoes. I was just trying and failing to be clever." + ] + }, + "329": { + "context": "Carson was looking at a painting on the wall and wanted to show Jordan. Carson turned Jordan's attention towards it.", + "speaker": "Carson", + "turns": [ + "Hey Jordan look at this.", + "That's pretty!", + "It is such a nice painting.", + "I wonder how long it took to paint.", + "Way longer than I would try to do it, haha.", + "Haha, yeah me to!" + ] + }, + "330": { + "context": "Bailey gave Austin detention to teach him a lesson even though he was her favorite student.", + "speaker": "Bailey", + "turns": [ + "I gave Austin detention today to teach him a lesson. He's my favorite student so that was difficult to do.", + "Did he mess up?", + "He was acting up in class and wouldn't stop talking.", + "That's not good. He was disrupting the class. He deserves detention.", + "That's why I did that. He needs to learn that there's a time and place for everything. Break was over.", + "You need to retain control of the class." + ] + }, + "331": { + "context": "Bailey gave Austin detention to teach him a lesson even though he was her favorite student.", + "speaker": "Bailey", + "turns": [ + "I had to give my favorite student, Austin, detention today.", + "What did he do?", + "He's been misbehaving in class and he's not listening to my warnings.", + "I guess some kids learn the hard way.", + "Yeah. He's still my favorite student, though. Just don't tell him that!" + ] + }, + "332": { + "context": "Bailey gave Austin detention to teach him a lesson even though he was her favorite student.", + "speaker": "Bailey", + "turns": [ + "I felt bad, but was forced to give my favorite student Austin a detention this morning.", + "That must have been difficult to do. What was he doing?", + "He spoke out in class twice, and I warned him to raise his hand. He did it a third time and I had to give detention.", + "Well the good thing is, he will learn his lesson.", + "Unfortunately it has to come to this sometimes.", + "That's ok. No one ever said teaching was easy, that's for sure." + ] + }, + "333": { + "context": "Taylor wanted to start a garden. They wanted to have a new hobby.", + "speaker": "Taylor", + "turns": [ + "You know how I've been looking for something to do during the lockdown?", + "Yeah, you kept talking about starting a new hobby.", + "Well, I think I've found my new calling. I've been getting into gardening lately.", + "That sounds great. You have a big backyard too, so there's plenty of room to plant things." + ] + }, + "334": { + "context": "Taylor wanted to start a garden. They wanted to have a new hobby.", + "speaker": "Taylor", + "turns": [ + "I've been thinking about growing some herbs and veggies in my backyard, is that crazy?", + "Not at all! My brother grows a bunch of stuff and he makes the best pickles out of them!", + "Really? Do you think he can help me out? I don't know anything about plants!", + "Yeah, I'll text him. He loves talking about plants so I bet he'd be happy to help.", + "Yay! Finally I can be an adult and have a productive hobby!", + "Just promise you'll share some of your harvest with me!" + ] + }, + "335": { + "context": "Taylor wanted to start a garden. They wanted to have a new hobby.", + "speaker": "Taylor", + "turns": [ + "I need something new to occupy my time. I think I've come up with a good idea.", + "Oh, you have? That's great. What did you settle on?", + "I want to get a garden going. Tomatoes, carrots, that sort of thing. I've wanted to for quite some time.", + "I think that's a nice idea. That would be very relaxing for you.", + "Yes. And it would eat up a lot of my spare time.", + "It sure would. And at the end, you wind up with food!" + ] + }, + "336": { + "context": "Jordan found Jan's keys out in the back yard so he picked it up and gave it to Jan.", + "speaker": "Jan", + "turns": [ + "I was lucky, let me tell you that I lost my keys and for some curious reason Jordan found it and gave it to me!", + "Oh wow, it's nice he found it, what would happen if you lose the keys and never find it?", + "I have no idea, big problem I guess. Thankfully he was there and gave it to me.", + "You better be more careful next time and pay more attention to the keys.", + "I promise I will, I already learned the lesson.", + "Good, be careful and pay attention to your keys all the time!" + ] + }, + "337": { + "context": "Taylor explained everything to Ash. Afterwards, Ash broke down and cried bitterly.", + "speaker": "Taylor", + "turns": [ + "I finally told Ash about everything. She cried so much.", + "It's good that you are finally being honest.", + "Yeah, she needed to know what really happened. I don't want a relationship built on lies.", + "Hopefully, she will find peace with the information now and forgive me.", + "We will see what she'll do " + ] + }, + "338": { + "context": "Taylor explained everything to Ash. Afterwards, Ash broke down and cried bitterly.", + "speaker": "Taylor", + "turns": [ + "I finally broke up with Ash today.", + "Wow, when did you do that?", + "After school, before I headed home for the day.", + "So, how did he take it?", + "He cried and was pretty upset, but I think he'll be OK.", + "Well, I'm glad you're out of that relationship. You can do better than him." + ] + }, + "339": { + "context": "Jan made a popular song. That song is now famous.", + "speaker": "Jan", + "turns": [ + "I have been in the studio making hits.", + "Oh, nice, what kind of music?", + "I've been making some EDM beats that are really cool.", + "I listened to your old tracks and they were pretty awesome.", + "Yeah, but just wait until I drop my next album as it will be fire!", + "I can't wait and hope you let me know when it's released." + ] + }, + "340": { + "context": "Jan made a popular song. That song is now famous.", + "speaker": "Jan", + "turns": [ + "Hi! I haven't seen you in years!", + "Jan! Aren't you a famous singer now?", + "Oh, a song I made is popular, but I'm still Jan.", + "Yes, but now you are a star!", + "I guess that's true. It's still just me, though.", + "You were always famous to me!" + ] + }, + "341": { + "context": "Jan made a popular song. That song is now famous.", + "speaker": "Jan", + "turns": [ + "I can't believe my song is a hit.", + "Number one on the charts.", + "I hear it everywhere I go.", + "Your song and you are famous.", + "It is so gratifying to sing a song that you wrote and have people like it.", + "I can imagine." + ] + }, + "342": { + "context": "Jesse traced Riley's call back to the source after she finally called and let Jesse knows she was fine.", + "speaker": "Jesse", + "turns": [ + "Well Riley finally called me.", + "Oh thank god!", + "Yeah I finally was able to trace the call from the number she called me from.", + "I am just glad to hear that she is okay.", + "Me too! I have never been so relieved.", + "I can only imagine." + ] + }, + "343": { + "context": "Jesse traced Riley's call back to the source after she finally called and let Jesse knows she was fine.", + "speaker": "Jesse", + "turns": [ + "Have been disturbed since Riley is not home.", + "Call her.", + "I just traced her call now.", + "So what did she say?", + "She told me she's fine.", + "That's okay then." + ] + }, + "344": { + "context": "Jesse traced Riley's call back to the source after she finally called and let Jesse knows she was fine.", + "speaker": "Jesse", + "turns": [ + "I just got off the phone with Riley.", + "Where was she?", + "She was getting her hair done and had her phone off.", + "Did you tell her how worried we were?", + "No, but she apologized for worrying me.", + "That's good." + ] + }, + "345": { + "context": "Bailey had a job interview, so Lee offered to babysit and took Bailey's baby to the park for the day.", + "speaker": "Lee", + "turns": [ + "I don't mind watching the kid for the day if you need me to.", + "Thank you so much, that would really help.", + "I just don't want you to be stressed out or worried since you have this job interview.", + "I really appreciate that, I hope I get the job.", + "Well just make sure you ace that interview and I'll make sure the baby is safe and sound so you don't have to worry about it.", + "I can't thank you enough and will make sure I return the favor." + ] + }, + "346": { + "context": "Carson was having a hard day after work, so when they had dinner, Quinn put their arm around Carson for comfort.", + "speaker": "Quinn", + "turns": [ + "I'm so sorry you had a bad day Carson. Here, let me put my arm around you.", + "Thanks Quinn. You're a really caring person. I'll be fine though.", + "Well if you want to talk about it I'm here for you.", + "I know. Right now I just want to relax and enjoy this delicious looking dinner you prepared.", + "You got it. I got a nice bottle of Pinot Noir to go with it.", + "That's perfect. I'll open it for us." + ] + }, + "347": { + "context": "Carson was having a hard day after work, so when they had dinner, Quinn put their arm around Carson for comfort.", + "speaker": "Quinn", + "turns": [ + "I hope Carson is feeling better. He was really tired from work at dinner.", + "Carson's been having a lot of long days on the job. He sounded stressed last time we spoke.", + "I put my arm around him at dinner and tried to comfort him.", + "That was a really nice gesture. I'm sure he appreciated it." + ] + }, + "348": { + "context": "Even though they were broke, Sydney paid a lot of money for the tickets, using loans from friends.", + "speaker": "Sydney", + "turns": [ + "I got tickets to see the Backstreet Boys!", + "Really? How did you do that? They are so expensive!", + "I borrowed some money from friends.", + "I hate borrowing money from people.", + "I know but it's the Backstreet Boys! It will be totally worth it I promise.", + "I do really love the Backstreet Boys!" + ] + }, + "349": { + "context": "Even though they were broke, Sydney paid a lot of money for the tickets, using loans from friends.", + "speaker": "Sydney", + "turns": [ + "I paid so much for those tickets.", + "You're are so bad.", + "Why? It's expensive.", + "Yea that's why you are broke.", + "Relax man I'm good.", + "Go get a job dude." + ] + }, + "350": { + "context": "Even though they were broke, Sydney paid a lot of money for the tickets, using loans from friends.", + "speaker": "Sydney", + "turns": [ + "I did something I probably shouldn't have. I borrowed money from some friends.", + "Why did you have to borrow money?", + "I hate to admit it but I bought concert tickets. I had to borrow because we're broke.", + "Well, if you're broke, maybe you don't need to go to concerts. Use the money to buy food or pay bills.", + "See, why do I tell you anything. You don't understand.", + "Oh, I understand, alright. Grow up, Sydney." + ] + }, + "351": { + "context": "Riley saved her injured dog by using the local vet to stitch up the wounds caused by the car.", + "speaker": "Riley", + "turns": [ + "I took my dog to the hospital today. He was so badly hurt.", + "Poor thing. That's so sad.", + "Max got run over by a car. He had a broken leg.", + "How's is he doing now?", + "The vet had to perform surgery on Max's leg to fix it. It'll take some time for him to recover.", + "I am glad you took care of him." + ] + }, + "352": { + "context": "Riley saved her injured dog by using the local vet to stitch up the wounds caused by the car.", + "speaker": "Riley", + "turns": [ + "aw poor dog", + "woof woof", + "you will be okay dog", + "woof", + "here you go all better", + "woof woof woof" + ] + }, + "353": { + "context": "Remy brought Skylar together with him because they were a good fit and would hit it off.", + "speaker": "Skylar", + "turns": [ + "I went on a date with Remy.", + "Oh really? how was it?", + "It was really fun Remy and I really hit it off", + "Where did you go?", + "Just for a movie and dinner", + "What movie did you watch?" + ] + }, + "354": { + "context": "Remy brought Skylar together with him because they were a good fit and would hit it off.", + "speaker": "Skylar", + "turns": [ + "I really like Remy and I am glad that he invited me along on the trip.", + "I think Remy knew that the two of you would hit it off.", + "We definatley did! It was so perfect and harmonious.", + "You two seem to have a lot in common.", + "We share so many similar interests and beliefs.", + "You two were meant for each other." + ] + }, + "355": { + "context": "Jordan lived a mile from their job. Jordan kept walking to work.", + "speaker": "Jordan", + "turns": [ + "I hate not having a driver's license.", + "How do you get to work?", + "I have to walk a mile to get there.", + "I know that has got to be hard on you. How in the world do you do it?", + "I am use to it know. I have walked it for over a month now.", + "I bet your tired by the time you get to work." + ] + }, + "356": { + "context": "Jordan lived a mile from their job. Jordan kept walking to work.", + "speaker": "Jordan", + "turns": [ + "Hey bill, haven't seen you round here", + "Where ya heading?", + "Work, walk here twice a day", + "Oh still at the ol Robinsons spot", + "Yup Monday through Saturday", + "Glad to see that place is still around" + ] + }, + "357": { + "context": "Jordan lived a mile from their job. Jordan kept walking to work.", + "speaker": "Jordan", + "turns": [ + "I am tired.", + "Why do you still walk to work?", + "I like the extra exercise.", + "True. Staying in shape is important." + ] + }, + "358": { + "context": "Bailey judged the lack of righteousness by the man's actions, which showed no remorse for their victims.", + "speaker": "Bailey", + "turns": [ + "I passed down my sentence today in the court case and i know that guy did not care about what he did.", + "He deserves to be locked up for a long time.", + "When you callously take someone\u2019s life over money then you deserve life in prison.", + "I agree, he should never see the light of day.", + "Sometimes my job is worth it for being able to put away monsters like that.", + "You are a great judge that\u2019s for sure." + ] + }, + "359": { + "context": "Jan was very weak from her long illness, and could not get up to greet her guests, so Kendall knelt down beside Jan in their bed.", + "speaker": "Jan", + "turns": [ + "I had some people come visit me today", + "that's nice, who came by?", + "Kendall came and visited me, but I could not get up to greet her since I am still so ill", + "I understand, what did she do when she saw you?", + "she knelt next to me so I didn't have to talk loudly, so nice, right?", + "yeah, it is very nice of her!" + ] + }, + "360": { + "context": "Jan was very weak from her long illness, and could not get up to greet her guests, so Kendall knelt down beside Jan in their bed.", + "speaker": "Jan", + "turns": [ + "Its so amazing that I have the greatest friends ever. I need to send out some thank yous.", + "That is so sweet. We are all behind you, Janny!!", + "I am so damn tired to write these notes. Its these damn meds.", + "No worries. I can help you write them.", + "You are too sweet, Kendall. I have to go out and buy the cards.", + "I can make them with my Cricket machine. No worries." + ] + }, + "361": { + "context": "After Lee divorced his first wife, he married another three times.", + "speaker": "Lee", + "turns": [ + "The strings of wives have bankrupted me.", + "How many have you had?", + "My fourth one just filed for divorce. She's such a thief. She stole everything from me.", + "What did she steal?", + "She got addicted to drugs and sold every single one of my valuables. I came home from a business trip and my stuff was gone.", + "Oh my god." + ] + }, + "362": { + "context": "After Lee divorced his first wife, he married another three times.", + "speaker": "Lee", + "turns": [ + "I can't get this marriage thing right.", + "I came to that conclusion about you two wives ago.", + "After I divorced Joan I still thought I could find love again.", + "And again and again and again.", + "I have been married four times.", + "You are on a bad streak." + ] + }, + "363": { + "context": "After Lee divorced his first wife, he married another three times.", + "speaker": "Lee", + "turns": [ + "I believe that I will never have a successful marriage after four attempts!", + "Some men are just unlucky with women.", + "Nobody could be that unlucky! I don\u2019t think women even like me.", + "That\u2019s ridiculous! They married you, so they must have liked you.", + "But they never wanted to stay with me and share a life together.", + "Maybe you should take time to be alone for a while." + ] + }, + "364": { + "context": "After Lee divorced his first wife, he married another three times.", + "speaker": "Lee", + "turns": [ + "I still can't believe I am on my fourth marriage.", + "I know, you never seem to have luck with that.", + "Yeah, after divorcing for the first time I never had thought I would marry another three times.", + "Well, you can't always predict the future.", + "I know, I just hope this one works out.", + "As long as you are willing to really work hard, you will have a chance." + ] + }, + "365": { + "context": "After Lee divorced his first wife, he married another three times.", + "speaker": "Lee", + "turns": [ + "I divorced my first wife 10 years ago.", + "So you're onto your second marriage?", + "Actually after my divorce, I married three times.", + "Wow! That's a lot of ex-wives." + ] + }, + "366": { + "context": "Jesse told Cameron to relax, because she was worried about her upcoming exam.", + "speaker": "Jesse", + "turns": [ + "You have nothing to worry about the exam because you studied so hard for it", + "I know, I'm just worried about failing it because it's 75 percent of my grade", + "you always get above 95 percent on all your tests so I'm sure you will be okay", + "I guess you're right. lets go get something to eat then", + "sounds like a great idea" + ] + }, + "367": { + "context": "Jesse told Cameron to relax, because she was worried about her upcoming exam.", + "speaker": "Jesse", + "turns": [ + "Poor Cameron is freaking out about the exam we have coming up.", + "Are you helping her study?", + "I think she's fine. It's more that she is just panicking so I talked her down a bit.", + "Wow. I feel bad she gets so upset.", + "Yeah, she's a good student so I don't know why she worries.", + "I am sure you got her to relax." + ] + }, + "368": { + "context": "Jesse told Cameron to relax, because she was worried about her upcoming exam.", + "speaker": "Jesse", + "turns": [ + "I told Cameron to relax because she was worried", + "I hope you were able to calm her down", + "Yes, she was just worried about her upcoming exams", + "Oh! I understand why now" + ] + }, + "369": { + "context": "Alex was kept up late from his new pet singing. His new pet was a bird and he couldn't take it anymore, so he had to return it.", + "speaker": "Alex", + "turns": [ + "I am both sad and tired today.", + "Why, what happened last night.", + "I got a pet bird a few weeks ago and it would keep me up late with all its singing so I returned it today.", + "Did you put a blanket over its cage like your supposed to so it goes to sleep?", + "No, I felt bad about it being covered and now I feel bad cause I returned it, but I just couldn't take the singing any more.", + "This is why not everyone should have a pet bird, next time just get a house plant." + ] + }, + "370": { + "context": "Alex was kept up late from his new pet singing. His new pet was a bird and he couldn't take it anymore, so he had to return it.", + "speaker": "Alex", + "turns": [ + "I thought I was going to be able to have a cool pet but that was a no", + "What happened to the bird that you got?", + "Although it was a cool bird it would not let me sleep.", + "How did it stop you from sleeping?", + "I\u2019m a light sleeper and lots of noises of all types wake me up.", + "So what did you do with the bird?" + ] + }, + "371": { + "context": "Kendall took the kids to the museum. They had a great time looking at fossils.", + "speaker": "Kendall", + "turns": [ + "Work was so fun yesterday, we went to the natural history museum.", + "That's my favorite museum. What did you all do?", + "The kids liked the fossils the most, so we spent a lot of time there.", + "That's cool. I always liked the rocks and minerals.", + "We looked at those, too.", + "Sounds like a great day." + ] + }, + "372": { + "context": "Kendall took the kids to the museum. They had a great time looking at fossils.", + "speaker": "Kendall", + "turns": [ + "We had a really fun time at the museum today.", + "We? Who else did you go with?", + "I took the kids with me. They love fossils and dinosaurs, so I knew they'd enjoy themselves.", + "I don't know what it is with kids and dinosaurs, but they're fascinated by all those prehistoric animals." + ] + }, + "373": { + "context": "Kendall took the kids to the museum. They had a great time looking at fossils.", + "speaker": "Kendall", + "turns": [ + "Me and the kids had a great time today.", + "Where did you guys go?", + "We went to the museum. I thought it would be educational and fun.", + "What was their favorite exhibit at the museum? Was it the mummy?", + "Actually it was the fossils. We spent over an hour looking at them.", + "That's great! I was always partial to the mummy but I'll look for the fossils next time." + ] + }, + "374": { + "context": "Cameron was a very good piano player. He won an award for it too.", + "speaker": "Quinn", + "turns": [ + "You know I play the piano.", + "Of course, you've played for me before.", + "Did you know that I won an award?", + "I did not know that.", + "When I was younger, I won the award for outstanding pianist under 21 in the City of Chicago.", + "Well, I knew you were good." + ] + }, + "375": { + "context": "Cameron was a very good piano player. He won an award for it too.", + "speaker": "Quinn", + "turns": [ + "My son Cameron won an award last night.", + "Congratulations. What award did he win?", + "He's an excellent piano player and won a tournament.", + "Oh wow! Can I hear him play one day?", + "Yes. Come by the house this weekend." + ] + }, + "376": { + "context": "Cameron was a very good piano player. He won an award for it too.", + "speaker": "Quinn", + "turns": [ + "My friend Cameron is an excellent piano player he has even won an award.", + "What award did he win?", + "I don't know what they call it but it was for a competition at a music school.", + "That's pretty impressive what does he play.", + "Classical and church music mostly I guess.", + "Yeah not a lot gigs out there for piano players I guess." + ] + }, + "377": { + "context": "Cameron was a very good piano player. He won an award for it too.", + "speaker": "Quinn", + "turns": [ + "You have been practicing piano so much lately are you having a competition", + "No, I'm just trying to practice so I won't lose my skills", + "I do the same thing with my violin sometimes when I have free time", + "yea, I would hate to forget how to play piano since I love it so much" + ] + }, + "378": { + "context": "Cameron was a very good piano player. He won an award for it too.", + "speaker": "Quinn", + "turns": [ + "You should have heard him play.", + "Was he really that good?", + "Yes, Cameron is the best I have ever heard.", + "Does he enter competitions to show off his skills?", + "Yeah, he just won an award.", + "That's cool, I will have to listen to him." + ] + }, + "379": { + "context": "Bailey was not doing well at work but wanted to change the perspective to feel better.", + "speaker": "Bailey", + "turns": [ + "I am really struggling at work", + "I feel you on that. Are you okay?", + "yeah it just feels like a lot right now", + "I understand. I know you have been going through some tough times.", + "Yeah, but at least I have a job! I'm grateful from that point of view", + "Yeah, lots of people are out of work right now." + ] + }, + "380": { + "context": "Bailey was not doing well at work but wanted to change the perspective to feel better.", + "speaker": "Bailey", + "turns": [ + "I'm doing horrible at work. I need to find a new job.", + "What is wrong? I thought that was your dream job.", + "Well it was , but my boss is very demanding. He expects me to work 60 hours a week or more.", + "That's a lot of hours for any job.", + "But I do love the work. And they plan on hiring help soon which will take some of the load off of me.", + "Maybe you should wait and see if things get better." + ] + }, + "381": { + "context": "Kai wanted to save money so he went to the car dealership and haggled and bought a used car.", + "speaker": "Kai", + "turns": [ + "I finally saved some money and bought a used car.", + "That is awesome, what did you buy?", + "I bought a 2015 jeep cherokee.", + "What color is it and how many miles?", + "It is black and it only had 25000 miles on it somehow.", + "That is a pretty good deal I must say." + ] + }, + "382": { + "context": "Kai wanted to save money so he went to the car dealership and haggled and bought a used car.", + "speaker": "Kai", + "turns": [ + "I just got a new car!", + "Cool, you deserve it.", + "Yeah I have been working hard,", + "So you bought it cash?", + "Yeah, I went to a used car dealer and haggled for it.", + "Congratulations!" + ] + }, + "383": { + "context": "Jesse has a best friend which his family knows about. Today, he brought the friend home.", + "speaker": "Jesse", + "turns": [ + "All my family knows him, he is my best friend.", + "He is a good person!", + "I brought him home today.", + "What do your parents think of him?", + "They see him as a good boy too." + ] + }, + "384": { + "context": "Jesse has a best friend which his family knows about. Today, he brought the friend home.", + "speaker": "Jesse", + "turns": [ + "O.K., Jesse this is my house.", + "It's nice.", + "Well, come on in.", + "Where is everybody?", + "Work, school. They'll be home soon. I've told them all about you, and they can't wait to meet you.", + "I'm looking forward to meeting them too." + ] + }, + "385": { + "context": "Casey was taking risks and was driving their car unsafely when they got in an accident.", + "speaker": "Casey", + "turns": [ + "Can you hand me my phone? I just heard a text go off.", + "You're driving, don't you think you should pay attention to the road?", + "I didn't ask for your opinion, I will just reach back and get it myself.", + "Casey! Watch out for the stop sign!", + "That came out of no where! I never thought I would hit the stop sign!", + "Dude, I told you to pay attention to the road instead of your phone!" + ] + }, + "386": { + "context": "Casey was taking risks and was driving their car unsafely when they got in an accident.", + "speaker": "Casey", + "turns": [ + "So, last night I played chicken with a friend of mine on the road.", + "That doesn't sound smart. Is that why you have a cut on your head?", + "Yeah, I had to swerve into the ditch to avoid hitting them.", + "Wow. Is your car ok?", + "It has a crunched in front bumper from the accident.", + "Well, at least you didn't get more seriously injured." + ] + }, + "387": { + "context": "Addison took the work Kendall sent to Addison as an e-mail and used it for the assignment that is due.", + "speaker": "Addison", + "turns": [ + "It was awesome that Kendall was able to send me that email.", + "Her email was a lifesaver for our assignment.", + "Will have to do something to thank her.", + "We can take her out to lunch.", + "That\u2019s a great idea, I\u2019ll text and ask her.", + "Let me know what she says." + ] + }, + "388": { + "context": "Ash' mom moved across the country, but Ash called her often.", + "speaker": "Ash", + "turns": [ + "Even though I've moved across the country, I call my mom all the time to check up on her.", + "It's important to stay connected to your family.", + "She's so supportive of me.", + "You're mom is the nicest person. She's supportive of everyone.", + "I feel bad for living so far away, but it's where my work is located.", + "I am sure she understands." + ] + }, + "389": { + "context": "Ash' mom moved across the country, but Ash called her often.", + "speaker": "Ash", + "turns": [ + "I really miss my mom!", + "Where did your mom go too?", + "She moved across the country.", + "I can see why you miss her a lot", + "I call her often tho!", + "That is good." + ] + }, + "390": { + "context": "Bailey was really skilled at basketball, so Ash suggested Bailey play basketball.", + "speaker": "Ash", + "turns": [ + "Bailey you are really good at basketball.", + "Thanks I have fun playing it.", + "Have you ever played on a basketball team?", + "No I just play with my friends for fun.", + "I really think you should play for a basketball team because you would make a great player.", + "Thanks maybe I will try." + ] + }, + "391": { + "context": "Bailey was really skilled at basketball, so Ash suggested Bailey play basketball.", + "speaker": "Ash", + "turns": [ + "Are you going to play any sports this year, Bailey?", + "I don't know, I don't feel like I'm good enough at anything.", + "You have to be joking, you're really good at basketball!", + "You think so?", + "Definitely, you should try out for it.", + "Alright, I guess I should." + ] + }, + "392": { + "context": "Austin just poured themselves a huge glass of orange juice, but after putting the jug back into the fridge they knocked over the glass and spilled their drink all over the floor.", + "speaker": "Austin", + "turns": [ + "And here's your orange juice.", + "Thanks, my favorite drink.", + "Now I'll just put the jug back in the fridge.", + "You knocked over my glass.", + "No problem; I'll clean that right up.", + "And more juice please." + ] + }, + "393": { + "context": "Austin just poured themselves a huge glass of orange juice, but after putting the jug back into the fridge they knocked over the glass and spilled their drink all over the floor.", + "speaker": "Austin", + "turns": [ + "What is wrong with me, I keep knocking things over these days. I just knocked over a glass of milk that spilled out everywhere.", + "How did you do that?", + "I was putting away a jug of orange juice and knocked over the glass inside the refrigerator.", + "Man that sucks but I will help you clean it up.", + "Yeah I want to enjoy my huge glass of orange juice. I've been craving it all day.", + "No problem. We will clean it right up." + ] + }, + "394": { + "context": "The groceries wouldn't fit in those bags, so Taylor put the groceries another way.", + "speaker": "Taylor", + "turns": [ + "I did a lot of grocery shopping today.", + "That is nice.", + "It was my wife's car that I had with me and the bags she had were the tiny ones. The groceries wouldn't fit in them.", + "Why did you take your wife's car?", + "I had no gas in mine. It's okay, I just had to put the groceries differently.", + "Ah I see." + ] + }, + "395": { + "context": "The groceries wouldn't fit in those bags, so Taylor put the groceries another way.", + "speaker": "Taylor", + "turns": [ + "I couldn't fit any of the groceries in those tiny bags at the store.", + "Well how did you get the food home?", + "I grabbed some boxes from the store room and filled them up without any trouble.", + "I never understood why grocers just throw away the boxes and put food in bags. It makes no sense.", + "Some stores have people bag their own or use the store boxes, but it's not common practice.", + "you're always coming up with better ways of doing things. They should implement it all the time!" + ] + }, + "396": { + "context": "The groceries wouldn't fit in those bags, so Taylor put the groceries another way.", + "speaker": "Taylor", + "turns": [ + "I can't believe I bought so much groceries.", + "How did they all fit in the reusable bags you use?", + "I actually had to put some of the fruits in my purse.", + "I bet some of the customers were looking at you weird.", + "Yeah, but I already paid for them so it didn't matter.", + "Your purse also ended up smelling nicer I guess." + ] + }, + "397": { + "context": "The groceries wouldn't fit in those bags, so Taylor put the groceries another way.", + "speaker": "Taylor", + "turns": [ + "Hey girlie what are you doing?", + "I am trying to put these groceries in a bag to take to my mom.", + "Would you like some help?", + "Yes please.", + "Ok look we can put all the large grocery items on the bottom and put the smaller groceries on the top.", + "Thank you so much for getting all the groceries in the bag." + ] + }, + "398": { + "context": "Remy did not have a ride to the fair and called all her friends bugging them to give her a ride.", + "speaker": "Remy", + "turns": [ + "Thank you so much for helping me out. I really appreciate it.", + "It's no problem. I remember what it was like being without a car.", + "Yeah, it's not easy. And I really wanted to go to this fair.", + "Me, too. I'm glad you called me before I made other plans.", + "So am I. You're the only friend who was willing to help me out.", + "I'm probably the only friend who wanted to go to the fair, too." + ] + }, + "399": { + "context": "Remy did not have a ride to the fair and called all her friends bugging them to give her a ride.", + "speaker": "Remy", + "turns": [ + "I called everyone to try to get a ride to the fair.", + "I wish you could have come. It was really fun!", + "Me too! I called some people two or three times, but no one was willing to come get me all the way out here.", + "Where is your mom? Could she not bring you into town?", + "No, she always leaves me out here with no way into town. She went bowling with my aunt this evening.", + "I'm sorry. You can ride with me if we go back tomorrow." + ] + }, + "400": { + "context": "Remy did not have a ride to the fair and called all her friends bugging them to give her a ride.", + "speaker": "Remy", + "turns": [ + "The fair was in town. I called my friends to give me a ride to the fair.", + "Did you go with them?", + "My friend, Scott, gave us a ride. He dropped us off but had to get to work. It was just Alicia and me who went to the fair.", + "Did you have fun?", + "It was so much fun. We got on all the rides. The lines were long but not terrible. We've been to the fair every year since we were kids.", + "Is this the fair that came to town every year?" + ] + }, +"401": { + "context": "Remy did not have a ride to the fair and called all her friends bugging them to give her a ride.", + "speaker": "Remy", + "turns": [ + "Hey, I need a ride to the fair! Are you going as well?", + "Uh, I'm really not in a fair mood, right now.", + "Oh, come on! I've called all my friends already! I'll let you have the prizes I win!", + "I've seen you play those games. But alright. I'll pick you up in 20 minutes.", + "Yay! Thanks! You'll have a great time, I promise!", + "I hope so. And you owe me." + ] + }, + "402": { + "context": "Robin wasn't having any luck finding a job. Riley got Robin an opportunity at work.", + "speaker": "Riley", + "turns": [ + "Robin called me and told me how she desperately needed a job.", + "What did you tell her? Were you able to help?", + "It took a few days and a little convincing but my boss is willing to give her a try, he just wants to talk to her first.", + "Well, that's good. Do you think she will work out okay? You know it may reflect poorly on you if she quits or doesn't work out.", + "Yes, I know. I was a bit concerned about that but in the end I wanted to help, you know?", + "I understand. You're a good person Riley. You did the right thing." + ] + }, + "403": { + "context": "Skylar went back to the store after forgetting to buy butter for the cookies they were baking.", + "speaker": "Skylar", + "turns": [ + "I am such an airhead.", + "Why would you say such a thing?", + "I was sent me to the store to buy ingredients for the cookies we were baking.", + "So why are you an airhead?", + "I had to make a second trip to the store after I forgot to buy the butter.", + "You are an airhead." + ] + }, + "404": { + "context": "Skylar went back to the store after forgetting to buy butter for the cookies they were baking.", + "speaker": "Skylar", + "turns": [ + "I was already at the store and forgot something.", + "What did you forget?", + "I forgot to buy butter which we needed to make cookies.", + "Did you have to drive back to the grocery store?", + "I had to.", + "So if you bought the butter in the end, does it mean I will be able to taste your cookies this afternoon ?" + ] + }, + "405": { + "context": "Skylar went back to the store after forgetting to buy butter for the cookies they were baking.", + "speaker": "Skylar", + "turns": [ + "I went to the store to get all the ingredients to make these chocolate chip cookies and forgot the butter.", + "Oh no! What did you substitute the butter with?", + "I didn't. I went right back to the store and bought the butter.", + "That's the worst. That's an extra hour going back to the store and driving back home.", + "By the time I got back from the store the second time I didn't even feel like baking.", + "So you didn't even get to have the delicious cookies you wanted to begin with?" + ] + }, + "406": { + "context": "Casey set up a private show for her friends who wanted to see the band. The invitation said doors close at 7pm.", + "speaker": "Casey", + "turns": [ + "The doors close at 7pm so I told my friends to be there around 5.", + "Is it at the club by work?", + "Yeah, a bunch of my friends will be there and I'm looking forward to seeing them there.", + "Sounds like you have all planned!", + "Yeah, I'm really excited!" + ] + }, + "407": { + "context": "Casey set up a private show for her friends who wanted to see the band. The invitation said doors close at 7pm.", + "speaker": "Casey", + "turns": [ + "I'm not sure all my friends are here after I invited them to my private show", + "What time did you tell everyone to be here?", + "The invite said the doors close by 7pm so if they wanted to see the band, they would need to be here by now.", + "I can check out the front if you want me to.", + "No, it's okay. If they came, they came. We'll see.", + "Okay. Don't worry. It's a packed house." + ] + }, + "408": { + "context": "Casey set up a private show for her friends who wanted to see the band. The invitation said doors close at 7pm.", + "speaker": "Casey", + "turns": [ + "The invitation to my private show says doors close by 7pm.", + "Are your friends coming?", + "Yes, they are.", + "What do they plan to see?", + "The band.", + "I'm sure they will like the band." + ] + }, + "409": { + "context": "Casey set up a private show for her friends who wanted to see the band. The invitation said doors close at 7pm.", + "speaker": "Casey", + "turns": [ + "I'm frustrated with my friends right now.", + "Did something happen?", + "They missed the private show that I set up for them, after they said they wanted to see my band play.", + "Did they have some sort of conflict?", + "No, they just arrived at 7:30pm when the invitation clearly said that doors close at 7pm.", + "I'm sorry they didn't respect your time." + ] + }, + "410": { + "context": "Quinn surprised us with a graduation party for passing our classes and getting a college degree.", + "speaker": "Quinn", + "turns": [ + "I threw a party for my friends when they graduated from college.", + "That sounds like a great time.", + "It was. I hired a DJ and blasted music all night. We rented a house on the hills for the weekend and invited everyone.", + "How many people showed up?", + "People wandered in and out all weekend long. I wouldn't be surprised if over 500 people came by.", + "That's a lot of traffic." + ] + }, + "411": { + "context": "Quinn surprised us with a graduation party for passing our classes and getting a college degree.", + "speaker": "Quinn", + "turns": [ + "I want to do something special for my guys this year", + "what are you thinking about doing?", + "I gave them a graduation party for working so hard and passing all their classes and getting a college degree", + "you sound like an amazing person", + "I'm just so proud of them you wouldn't believe it" + ] + }, + "412": { + "context": "Quinn surprised us with a graduation party for passing our classes and getting a college degree.", + "speaker": "Quinn", + "turns": [ + "I was glad I could give the guys a graduation party for passing their classes and getting a college degree.", + "They seemed to love it.", + "They deserve it. They worked hard.", + "I think you had a part in that. You were a good mentor.", + "Thank you. But they were all determined to get their college degrees regardless.", + "When they get good jobs, I hope they remember what you did for them." + ] + }, + "413": { + "context": "Jan threw a hook to catch a fish and spent the next hour waiting for a catch.", + "speaker": "Jan", + "turns": [ + "I have been waiting so long for a fish", + "are you fishing right now?", + "Yeah but I am still waiting for a catch", + "how long ago did you throw a hook in the water?", + "it's been about an hour", + "maybe it's time to try a new spot" + ] + }, + "414": { + "context": "Jan threw a hook to catch a fish and spent the next hour waiting for a catch.", + "speaker": "Jan", + "turns": [ + "I spent so much time catching fish.", + "We can stay one more hour.", + "We been here an hour.", + "Let's keep staying around here.", + "I have to go to work.", + "Let's go then." + ] + }, + "415": { + "context": "Jan threw a hook to catch a fish and spent the next hour waiting for a catch.", + "speaker": "Jan", + "turns": [ + "I went fishing with Dad yesterday.", + "How many fish did you guys get?", + "Only one, I waited over a hour to get my first bite, and finally snagged one.", + "How big was the fish?" + ] + }, + "416": { + "context": "Jan threw a hook to catch a fish and spent the next hour waiting for a catch.", + "speaker": "Jan", + "turns": [ + "I enjoy fishing.", + "Not me, I hate sitting there all day.", + "I threw a hook yesterday and waited for a catch for next hour.", + "I can\u2019t stand being idle.", + "That is the fun part as you sit quietly by the water.", + "Can you just do something else while you wait?" + ] + }, + "417": { + "context": "Sasha settled among Bailey's friends, and soon became one of the group members.", + "speaker": "Bailey", + "turns": [ + "Sasha was feeling like an outsider in the group when she first met my friends.", + "I noticed that was happening.", + "The more she settled in, however, the more things improved.", + "How did things improve?", + "My friends took to Sasha and soon she became one of the group members.", + "You really have such good friends." + ] + }, + "418": { + "context": "Sasha settled among Bailey's friends, and soon became one of the group members.", + "speaker": "Bailey", + "turns": [ + "The group really likes Sasha. She's one of us now.", + "I didn't realize you introduced her to your friends.", + "Yeah, she came out a few times and now she's just a part of the group.", + "That's nice because she is nice.", + "Yeah, she's a good friend.", + "I agree." + ] + }, + "419": { + "context": "Sasha settled among Bailey's friends, and soon became one of the group members.", + "speaker": "Bailey", + "turns": [ + "I wanted my friends to meet Sasha.", + "How did you meet her in the first place?", + "I met Sasha at school, and yesterday I invited her to join us for dinner.", + "That was a great idea!", + "Now she has become friend with my friends.", + "I knew that was a good idea." + ] + }, + "420": { + "context": "Sasha settled among Bailey's friends, and soon became one of the group members.", + "speaker": "Bailey", + "turns": [ + "I'm really excited about my new friend Sasha. She is a lot of fun.", + "Where did you meet?", + "We met at college at a party.", + "What have you been doing lately together?", + "Sasha's been hanging out with our group and despite she felt like an outsider at the beginning, now she's one of the group.", + "Sounds like a cool friend." + ] + }, + "421": { + "context": "Lee fell asleep while driving the car. They lost control and ended up in a ditch.", + "speaker": "Lee", + "turns": [ + "I was so sorry when I lost control of the car the other day.", + "I hope you are okay now. Did you fall asleep?", + "I did. I didn't think I was that tired, I felt so sorry.", + "Did you get the car out of the ditch and got back on the road?", + "Yeah, but I let the other passenger drive for a while.", + "I hope you took a nap while they were driving." + ] + }, + "422": { + "context": "Lee fell asleep while driving the car. They lost control and ended up in a ditch.", + "speaker": "Lee", + "turns": [ + "I cant believe I fell asleep at the wheel the other day.", + "If you were tired why even drive.", + "I didn't realize I was that tired.", + "That's crazy man, pay attention. You could have died.", + "I know, I was so sorry.", + "You must have been, yeah." + ] + }, + "423": { + "context": "Jordan runs a small coffee shop downtown. One day, Sasha went to the cafe and tried Jordan's coffee.", + "speaker": "Sasha", + "turns": [ + "Since it was my first time at his coffee shop downtown, I asked Jordan what I should get.", + "I always get the mocha when I go to his coffee shop. It's a cross between coffee and chocolate and you can get it hot or cold.", + "I actually got the mocha.", + "Did you have it hot or cold?", + "It was super hot outside so I tried it cold.", + "Did you ask if Jordan was there so you could say hello?" + ] + }, + "424": { + "context": "Jordan runs a small coffee shop downtown. One day, Sasha went to the cafe and tried Jordan's coffee.", + "speaker": "Sasha", + "turns": [ + "I really want a good coffee this morning.", + "Have you ever had the coffee at the shop that Jordan runs?", + "No, is his coffee any good?", + "Yeah, it's great, it's right here.", + "Wow, that is close, thank you for suggesting this shop.", + "Oh, no problem." + ] + }, + "425": { + "context": "Cameron met up with their friends to play football at the park, they stayed there all day and Cameron had so much fun playing with their friends.", + "speaker": "Cameron", + "turns": [ + "Me and some of my pals from work met up at the park and played football today.", + "That sounds fun. How many games did you guys play?", + "I lost count. We were there the whole day.", + "Wow, you guys must have been really into the game.", + "We were. But now I think I've overdone it.", + "Yeah, you may be a little too old for all day football." + ] + }, + "426": { + "context": "Cameron met up with their friends to play football at the park, they stayed there all day and Cameron had so much fun playing with their friends.", + "speaker": "Cameron", + "turns": [ + "I'm glad my friends met up with me to play some games at the park", + "Feels just like me and you in the old times when we were younger and played in the backyard", + "I guess some things never change except we get older", + "Unfortunately I guess it has to be that way but at least we can have a good time", + "you're right I guess" + ] + }, + "427": { + "context": "Jesse had been afraid of everything, but he was no longer afraid.", + "speaker": "Jesse", + "turns": [ + "I was scared of my own shadow.", + "I was scared of my own shadow, too.", + "I was really afraid of everything.", + "But I heard you say \"was\".", + "I am no longer afraid of everything.", + "You must have grown out of it while I wasn't looking." + ] + }, + "428": { + "context": "Ash sold Casey's house and refused to take a payment from his friend for the service.", + "speaker": "Ash", + "turns": [ + "Okay so I just found a buyer for Casey's house.", + "Oh wow, that's great news! How much does she owe you?", + "She doesn't owe me anything, it's on me.", + "She can't not pay you though, Ash.", + "It is fine, really. This is just a friend helping out another friend.", + "Casey must have really appreciated it." + ] + }, + "429": { + "context": "Ash sold Casey's house and refused to take a payment from his friend for the service.", + "speaker": "Ash", + "turns": [ + "I put Casey\u2019s house in the market last week.", + "I did not know it was up for sale.", + "I closed the deal yesterday but did not charge her anything.", + "That was nice of you.", + "We have been friends for a very long time.", + "You are a great person." + ] + }, + "430": { + "context": "Ash sold Casey's house and refused to take a payment from his friend for the service.", + "speaker": "Ash", + "turns": [ + "I just sold Casey's house, but I don't won't to take money for that.", + "Why not, you used your time to help her", + "Call me crazy but I feel like friends don't take payments from friends.", + "That's pretty cool." + ] + }, + "431": { + "context": "Riley gave Ash another chance at making the baseball team by the end of the week.", + "speaker": "Riley", + "turns": [ + "Ash didn't do so well at batting practice last week.", + "But he worked so hard for this. Does that mean he can't make the baseball team?", + "Not necessarily. His batting average and statistics are lower than required but I see some potential for him. He still has a chance.", + "Wonderful! So what will happen next?", + "On Tuesday, we will have another session of batting practice. If he does well I think I can give Ash a spot on the team.", + "Baseball has always been a sport I've been passionate about. He must have appreciated the opportunity too." + ] + }, + "432": { + "context": "Riley gave Ash another chance at making the baseball team by the end of the week.", + "speaker": "Riley", + "turns": [ + "I think Ash can make the team if he practices his hitting", + "can you throw the ball to him so he can get a few swings in", + "Good idea, he needs to practice. ", + "try not to throw too hard so he can get warmed up", + "Good idea." + ] + }, + "433": { + "context": "Riley gave Ash another chance at making the baseball team by the end of the week.", + "speaker": "Riley", + "turns": [ + "We are making the baseball team this week.", + "Oh nice to hear, how is it going?", + "I gave Ash another chance", + "More time to make the team?", + "Yeah, I just gave Ash another chance at making team by the end of the week.", + "cool." + ] + }, + "434": { + "context": "Cameron wanted to sell the car. Cameron cleaned their car.", + "speaker": "Cameron", + "turns": [ + "I have a good feeling I'm finally gonna sell the car today.", + "I hope so. I know your dad is getting tired of seeing it in the driveway.", + "Yeah, and I need the money. It needs to happen soon.", + "Don't you have someone coming this afternoon to look at it?", + "I sure do. And I cleaned that car inside and out. It looks great.", + "Maybe today will be your lucky day. I'm crossing my fingers for you." + ] + }, + "435": { + "context": "Cameron wanted to sell the car. Cameron cleaned their car.", + "speaker": "Cameron", + "turns": [ + "The car needed a thorough cleaning before I sell it.", + "I didn't know you were selling your car. Your jeep?", + "Yes. I don't want to let it go, but I have to raise money to help my mom out. She needs surgery and her insurance doesn't cover all of it.", + "You can always buy another one.", + "That's what I am thinking. Mom is in a lot of pain. I will sell anything to help her.", + "Why is she getting surgery?" + ] + }, + "436": { + "context": "Remy was looking for someone to play with. Remy found a girl in the park.", + "speaker": "Remy", + "turns": [ + "I was at the park the other day. I wanted some one to play with.", + "What are you, ten?", + "Oh, that sounded funny--I meant play tennis.", + "Any luck?", + "Yes, there was a girl hitting against the wall, so she agreed to play for awhile.", + "Well, glad to hear it worked out for you." + ] + }, + "437": { + "context": "Remy was looking for someone to play with. Remy found a girl in the park.", + "speaker": "Remy", + "turns": [ + "I wish we had one more person to play tag with.", + "Yeah, maybe that girl over there wants to play.", + "I'll go ask her.", + "Well, what'd she say?", + "She said she has a friend that's coming to the park in a couple minutes and then they'll come over.", + "Maybe you can ask someone else then!" + ] + }, + "438": { + "context": "Remy was looking for someone to play with. Remy found a girl in the park.", + "speaker": "Remy", + "turns": [ + "I want to find someone to play with.", + "Do you want to ask the girl with the kite?", + "Oh, that looks fun.", + "Ask her to play together.", + "Not sure it is possible with a kite to play together.", + "Using the handle there you can play together." + ] + }, + "439": { + "context": "Remy was looking for someone to play with. Remy found a girl in the park.", + "speaker": "Remy", + "turns": [ + "I asked a girl in the park if she wanted to play a game.", + "What game?", + "I wanted to play tennis and needed another player.", + "Did she accept?" + ] + }, + "440": { + "context": "Quinn was applying for a job in the place Cameron worked so Cameron gave Quinn a couple of words and tips of advice.", + "speaker": "Quinn", + "turns": [ + "I really hope I get this job. Cameron already gave me some advice, do you also have any tips?", + "Hmm...I have a few tips. Be yourself most importantly. And remember to make eye contact.", + "Great. Got it. Anything else?", + "Be prepared to answer any surprising questions because some people love to trick other people.", + "Cameron also said so. I think I\u2019m ready for the interview now! Wish me luck!", + "You\u2019ll do great. Good luck!" + ] + }, + "441": { + "context": "Quinn was applying for a job in the place Cameron worked so Cameron gave Quinn a couple of words and tips of advice.", + "speaker": "Quinn", + "turns": [ + "So what do you think of me working with you and Cameron?", + "That would be great! He should tell you some stuff though.", + "oh? like what?", + "You need to do exactly what the boss says and always double check orders", + "Yeah, Cameron also gave me that kind of advice, but that sounds quite easy to do.", + "you'd be surprised." + ] + }, + "442": { + "context": "Quinn was applying for a job in the place Cameron worked so Cameron gave Quinn a couple of words and tips of advice.", + "speaker": "Quinn", + "turns": [ + "I have actually applied for a job where Cameron works.", + "Awesome, what makes you want to work there?", + "I think the atmosphere is great.", + "If you want a bit of advice, strive to be a team player and do what you're asked, they love that here.", + "Cameron also gave me the same advice, but thank you so much!", + "You're welcome, good luck!" + ] + }, + "443": { + "context": "Quinn was applying for a job in the place Cameron worked so Cameron gave Quinn a couple of words and tips of advice.", + "speaker": "Quinn", + "turns": [ + "Cameron told me to be honest during my interview since the job is where he works.", + "You didn't lie on the application, did you?", + "I didn't state why I was fired from my last job.", + "Kind of. You said your boss and you didn't click.", + "I was also late everyday! I hope they won't call my previous job.", + "You had too. You'll never get this job if they think you will be late everyday." + ] + }, + "444": { + "context": "Jan and Austin were not supposed to play with mud. Jan heard Austin's mother's yell.", + "speaker": "Jan", + "turns": [ + "I think Austin got in trouble yesterday.", + "Why do you think that?", + "Because I heard his mother yelling at him.", + "What was she yelling at him for?", + "Because we weren't suppose to play in the mud but we did anyway.", + "I hope he isn't in too much trouble." + ] + }, + "445": { + "context": "Jan and Austin were not supposed to play with mud. Jan heard Austin's mother's yell.", + "speaker": "Jan", + "turns": [ + "I think we should get out of the mud since it always makes Austin's mom mad", + "Last time I heard she was extremely angry when he got his shoes dirty since she just bought them", + "He should have tried washing them off with the hose ", + "Austin said he just turned the hose on lightly so his mother didn't hear it and he didn't get in trouble with her", + "Bu you have to try to be really quiet" + ] + }, + "446": { + "context": "Jan and Austin were not supposed to play with mud. Jan heard Austin's mother's yell.", + "speaker": "Jan", + "turns": [ + "Austin and I were not supposed to be playing with mud. We were making a huge mess. I heard Austin's mother yelling from the house.", + "She doesn't want you guys to get dirty.", + "We were already dirty. It was too late. It started raining. I think she wanted us to come in from the rain.", + "It could be dangerous to play outside in the rain. There could be lightning.", + "We were just having fun in the mud. We didn't think about that but eventually we did go inside the house.", + "That's good." + ] + }, + "447": { + "context": "Alex threw big kisses up into the air after doing his musical performance at the theater.", + "speaker": "Alex", + "turns": [ + "I loved my performance today! I even threw big kisses up into the air after doing it!", + "I heard it was an amazing performance.", + "I practiced so hard to nail this routine for months and it paid off.", + "You sound like you could be in a real professional band.", + "Really? No one has ever told me that before.", + "Yeah, no joke you really do sound that good." + ] + }, + "448": { + "context": "Alex threw big kisses up into the air after doing his musical performance at the theater.", + "speaker": "Alex", + "turns": [ + "What did you think of the show?", + "That was a great performance", + "thank you", + "how long have you been playing guitar", + "it feels like my whole life", + "I heard you were throwing those kisses in the air after, that sounds so much fun" + ] + }, + "449": { + "context": "Alex threw big kisses up into the air after doing his musical performance at the theater.", + "speaker": "Alex", + "turns": [ + "I am so happy after the performance, I was sending kisses up into the air at the end!", + "You had a great performance, congrats!", + "Thanks, I am loving it, I love my job at the theater.", + "I can tell, you look happy performing!", + "Yes, and I love to throw kisses to all my people that came to see me.", + "We all love it haha" + ] + }, + "450": { + "context": "Alex threw big kisses up into the air after doing his musical performance at the theater.", + "speaker": "Alex", + "turns": [ + "I had an amazing night last night performing.", + "I heard that you did a great job on stage, I\u2019m proud of you.", + "All the extra rehearsal time paid off for me.", + "When is your next performance going to be?", + "This Friday is going to be our next show.", + "I\u2019m going to try to see if I can make it to that one." + ] + }, + "451": { + "context": "Carson brought out his Bible for the family to pray because Carson thought they could find peace.", + "speaker": "Carson", + "turns": [ + "I brought my Bible to the family last night.", + "How did your family take it?", + "They were happy, I read a few verses that bring me comfort.", + "Nice of you to try to bring them comfort." + ] + }, + "452": { + "context": "Carson brought out his Bible for the family to pray because Carson thought they could find peace.", + "speaker": "Carson", + "turns": [ + "I decided to bring my Bible out to pray with my family because we just lost one of our cousins.", + "That was a good idea because I think they need to find peace.", + "They are so upset by what happened and so am I.", + "You guys are strong you can get through this together.", + "I know eventually we will but it is just hard right now.", + "If there is anyone strong enough to bring your family together it is you." + ] + }, + "453": { + "context": "Cameron had trouble paying his bills. He thought about ways he might come up with the needed money.", + "speaker": "Cameron", + "turns": [ + "I really need to come up with some ways to make some money.", + "What do you need it for?", + "I'm having trouble paying my bills.", + "Well, have you figured out how to make some money?", + "I figured I first try asking to borrow some from you.", + "That's too bad because I also need to figure out how to make some money." + ] + }, + "454": { + "context": "Cameron had trouble paying his bills. He thought about ways he might come up with the needed money.", + "speaker": "Cameron", + "turns": [ + "I'm having trouble paying bills.", + "What should you do?", + "I'm not sure.", + "I think you should bag groceries.", + "yea that could be fun.", + "It pays alright." + ] + }, + "455": { + "context": "Cameron had trouble paying his bills. He thought about ways he might come up with the needed money.", + "speaker": "Cameron", + "turns": [ + "Do you have any ideas how I could make some extra money to pay bills?", + "Do you have anything sitting around at home that you could sell? That's always my go to for some quick easy cash.", + "I do have an old gaming system I don't use anymore, I could probably get at least $100 out of it.", + "Sell that! And any other things you may have laying around, Facebook marketplace is super easy to sell on", + "I think I will! It might be good to declutter too.", + "Nice! Let me know if you need help figuring out the market place." + ] + }, + "456": { + "context": "Cameron had trouble paying his bills. He thought about ways he might come up with the needed money.", + "speaker": "Cameron", + "turns": [ + "I need to figure out a way to come up with money to pay these bills.", + "Hm. Maybe you should get a job?", + "No! Instead, I heard that you can make big bucks by selling antiques from garage sales. Maybe that would work.", + "Let me be honest: Your life attitude is seriously messed up." + ] + }, + "457": { + "context": "Jordan's wife has been vomiting most mornings. She tells him she has a big surprise, the two have wanted to start a family.", + "speaker": "Jordan", + "turns": [ + "My wife was vomiting in the morning for the past couple of days.", + "I hope it's nothing serious.", + "It's actually a really good thing.", + "How is that a good thing?", + "She's been having morning sickness because she's pregnant. We've been trying to have a family.", + "That's is great news. I am so happy for you guys." + ] + }, + "458": { + "context": "Sasha had a horrible hangover from the night before. As a result, Sasha slept late.", + "speaker": "Sasha", + "turns": [ + "I slept late today,", + "What happened?", + "I had a horrible hangover from the night before.", + "You shouldn't drink that much." + ] + }, + "459": { + "context": "Sasha had a horrible hangover from the night before. As a result, Sasha slept late.", + "speaker": "Sasha", + "turns": [ + "Is it 12 pm already? I can't believe I slept so long. I have a horrible hangover.", + "That's ok. That party was wild last night and you drank so much .", + "Was it that much. I only did 4 shot, 3 beers and a coke. Oh and water.", + "That's all. Good thing you were spreading it out." + ] + }, + "460": { + "context": "Sasha had a horrible hangover from the night before. As a result, Sasha slept late.", + "speaker": "Sasha", + "turns": [ + "I literally just got into the office now.", + "Why are you so late?", + "I got so wasted last night and woke up late.", + "So I am guessing you are hungover now?", + "Yeah, I really need a coffee.", + "Don't worry, I will grab you one." + ] + }, + "461": { + "context": "Sasha had a horrible hangover from the night before. As a result, Sasha slept late.", + "speaker": "Sasha", + "turns": [ + "Oh, I have such a headache. I shouldn't have had so many drinks last night.", + "You did sleep until early afternoon.", + "But I didn't go to bed until after 4.", + "You're getting too old to do that.", + "Isn't that the truth. But I did have fun.", + "Yes, you did have lots of fun!" + ] + }, + "462": { + "context": "Even though Robin asked for a lot of substitutions, Jordan got Robin's order correctly.", + "speaker": "Jordan", + "turns": [ + "What did Robin want on her burger?", + "She wants non dairy cheese instead of regular cheese.", + "Okay, right.", + "She also wants a veggie burger instead of a burger.", + "Okay.", + "Oh wow, you actually got her order right for once." + ] + }, + "463": { + "context": "Even though Robin asked for a lot of substitutions, Jordan got Robin's order correctly.", + "speaker": "Jordan", + "turns": [ + "Robin came in to eat the other day and it seemed like everything she ordered she wanted to substitute something.", + "Why couldn't she just eat what was offered?", + "I don't know. She is picky I guess. I think I went back with eight subs to the cook.", + "Did everything come out right?", + "Yep. It was just what she wanted and I even got a nice tip.", + "That's good! Can't beat a great tip!" + ] + }, + "464": { + "context": "Jesse would win a prize for the best time, but was disqualified from the competition.", + "speaker": "Jesse", + "turns": [ + "I thought I got the best time but I was disqualified from the competition!", + "Wait, a challenge?.", + "Yeah, and I thought what's going on?", + "So you've been disqualified. Is it because you started before the bell?", + "No way! I started on time!", + "I'm sorry to hear that." + ] + }, + "465": { + "context": "Kendall was searching for ring with their eyes closed. They hit something.", + "speaker": "Kendall", + "turns": [ + "The chlorine in the pool water made my eyes so red and they still burn!", + "Why did you let the chlorine burn you so badly?", + "My friend dropped her ring in the pool and I had to swim down in the deep section to find it. I kept my eyes open for as long as I could but finally it burned so much I had to search with my eyes closed.", + "That sucks! So were you able to find your friend's ring?", + "Yeah, eventually I just kept feeling around and finally I hit the ring with my fingers and grabbed it.", + "Well, I'm sorry your eyes got burned like that but I'm happy you found that ring. Rings are expensive." + ] + }, + "466": { + "context": "Kendall was searching for ring with their eyes closed. They hit something.", + "speaker": "Kendall", + "turns": [ + "I'm so excited to get a ring, but I don't know which one to get.", + "Why not just leave it up to chance? Try to pick one while having your eyes closed?", + "That's a great idea. Let's do it.", + "This should be fun. Wait, watch out!", + "Ouch! I bumped my knee into something.", + "Yeah you did, it was the glass casing for the jewels on display." + ] + }, + "467": { + "context": "Kendall was searching for ring with their eyes closed. They hit something.", + "speaker": "Kendall", + "turns": [ + "I'm so happy I found my ring!", + "I didn't know you lost it.", + "Yeah, it fell off my finger and rolled under the bed.", + "How did you find it?", + "I closed my eyes and just moved my hand back and forth under the bed. Then I felt something and it was my ring.", + "That's great! Next time be more careful." + ] + }, + "468": { + "context": "Jan drove Skylar back home after Skylar had been stranded on the roadside in the rain for an hour.", + "speaker": "Skylar", + "turns": [ + "Dude, where were you earlier, I was calling you for help?", + "I slept in because I had a rough night last night, why what happened?", + "I was out crossing the mountain road and I hit a wolf. It wrecked my car and I was in the middle of nowhere. Then the lightning storm came and I thought I was gonna die!", + "Sorry man, my phone was on vibrate, how did you get back?", + "It took me a while to find a signal in the storm, then I called Jan and she came to pick me up. I was out there for a whole hour and right before she arrived, I heard other wolves howling close by.", + "Wow! Next time don't go alone up there. Take off your clothes and put them by the fire, I'll get some dry clothes and help Jan with supper." + ] + }, + "469": { + "context": "Carson was at a friend's house. The others didn't really like him except for his friend.", + "speaker": "Carson", + "turns": [ + "I was at a friend house, but nobody liked me there", + "Nobody?", + "I could tell, tough crowd.", + "Wow they were mean.", + "I hated them.", + "Well you should have left immediately man." + ] + }, + "470": { + "context": "Carson was at a friend's house. The others didn't really like him except for his friend.", + "speaker": "Carson", + "turns": [ + "Thanks for having me over.", + "You're always welcome at my house.", + "The other people at school don't seem to like me.", + "It's hard for many people to get used to a new person, especially someone from a different culture.", + "I wish I had more friends.", + "I'll include you with my friends. They'll like you once they get to know you." + ] + }, + "471": { + "context": "Kendall ran at the town square clock for his friend to take a picture of him.", + "speaker": "Kendall", + "turns": [ + "So I run over there.", + " I heard you friend I took a pic of you.", + "He did.", + "It's really a nice picture.", + "Yea a classic of the clock.", + "That is a great picture, your friend is good." + ] + }, + "472": { + "context": "Kendall ran at the town square clock for his friend to take a picture of him.", + "speaker": "Kendall", + "turns": [ + "Okay so can you see where I stand in the picture?", + "You should have run over to the clock over there and then have the picture taken.", + "Okay, maybe I can run there now and we retake the picture.", + "Okay great, now just stand still.", + "Like this? How am I doing?", + "You are doing great, just put your hand on your hip." + ] + }, + "473": { + "context": "Kendall ran at the town square clock for his friend to take a picture of him.", + "speaker": "Kendall", + "turns": [ + "I ran at the town square clock just so that my friend could take a picture of me.", + "Did you do it for social media?", + "Is that the reason I do everything?", + "That's the reason you get dressed in the morning.", + "And undressed. I go through multiple outfit changes so that my pictures don't look the same.", + "Your life is just one photo shoot." + ] + }, + "474": { + "context": "Kendall ran at the town square clock for his friend to take a picture of him.", + "speaker": "Kendall", + "turns": [ + "I had a fun afternoon today!", + "Really? What did you do?", + "I went shopping with a friend in the town square.", + "Fun! They've got good stores there.", + "Yeah, I ran towards the clock in the center of the square and she snapped a great pic of me!", + "I'd love to see it!" + ] + }, + "475": { + "context": "Robin made lasagna, then ate it all.", + "speaker": "Robin", + "turns": [ + "So, about that lasagna I invited you over to eat? We'd better do it another time.", + "Why what happened?", + "Well I'm embarrassed to say. But basically it was delicious.", + "Was delicious? You mean you ate it? All of it?", + "Yeah, sorry. I couldn't help myself. I was so famished after my run this morning.", + "Well I'll stop at the store and pick up ingredients to make another batch and we can make it together." + ] + }, + "476": { + "context": "Robin made lasagna, then ate it all.", + "speaker": "Robin", + "turns": [ + "The lasagna was super fast to make", + "Do you have leftovers", + "No I ate it all", + "You must have been very hungry", + "Indeed I was" + ] + }, + "477": { + "context": "Robin made lasagna, then ate it all.", + "speaker": "Robin", + "turns": [ + "I made the most delicious lasagna yesterday and I ate it all in one sitting.", + "Wow, you must have been really hungry!", + "I was hungry, but I only made a small lasagna. I made enough for two servings for me, one for dinner and one for lunch today. I didn't mean to eat it all in one sitting.", + "Oh, that is not too bad. I thought you made a very large pan of lasagna.", + "No, not this time, since it is only me at home right now.", + "I'm glad you enjoyed it, it sounds delicious." + ] + }, + "478": { + "context": "Robin made lasagna, then ate it all.", + "speaker": "Robin", + "turns": [ + "I've never felt this full before in my life.", + "What did you eat?", + "I made a whole pan of lasagna that I had planned to serve everybody for dinner.", + "What happened?", + "I got so hungry that I ate the whole thing myself." + ] + }, + "479": { + "context": "After giving a lecture to survivors, Sydney affected a young lady's attitude.", + "speaker": "Sydney", + "turns": [ + "I just finished my lecture, it totally worked on this one girl.", + "Oh, what do you mean?", + "This one younger girl was kind of iffy about it at the start. She was crying at the end!", + "That's sad but it shows how passionate you were.", + "Exactly my thoughts, I'm proud, honestly.", + "You should be, you did a great job." + ] + }, + "480": { + "context": "After giving a lecture to survivors, Sydney affected a young lady's attitude.", + "speaker": "Sydney", + "turns": [ + "So I had a great lecture today", + "wow, tell me about it?", + "It was a lecture I delivered to survivors", + "very interesting, I am sure you must have impacted many.", + "yea, I am very convinced I affected a young lady's attitude.", + "That is just awesome. Good job pal." + ] + }, + "481": { + "context": "After giving a lecture to survivors, Sydney affected a young lady's attitude.", + "speaker": "Sydney", + "turns": [ + "I think I finally reached someone today during my lecture.", + "That's promising. What happened?", + "A young girl came in with a snotty attitude and then changed it.", + "Was she a teenager or older?", + "A teenager and after the lecture, she came up to me with tears in her eyes and thanking me. I grabbed her and hugged her for a few minutes.", + "That's a wonderful story. I love it when we can actually touch someone with our words." + ] + }, + "482": { + "context": "Alex is a construction worker. They can not work while it rains, so today they ended there way very late to make up from the lost time last week.", + "speaker": "Alex", + "turns": [ + "I missed a lot of work last week.", + "What happened to you?", + "It wasn't me, it was the weather.", + "Oh yes, it did rain a lot last week.", + "In construction you just cannot work while it is raining so today we ended very late to make up for lost time.", + "Get some rest my friend." + ] + }, + "483": { + "context": "Alex is a construction worker. They can not work while it rains, so today they ended there way very late to make up from the lost time last week.", + "speaker": "Alex", + "turns": [ + "I'm so sorry I'm late, I almost didn't make it all!", + "What's going on, what kept you?", + "We had to finish a job today that we couldn't work on all week because of the rain.", + "Well that must suck during rainy season", + "It really does, we always have a little leeway on time but not much, we have to get it done when we can", + "Well I'm glad you're here now, let's grab a beer!" + ] + }, + "484": { + "context": "Alex is a construction worker. They can not work while it rains, so today they ended there way very late to make up from the lost time last week.", + "speaker": "Alex", + "turns": [ + "We had to work today until very late since we didn't work last week.", + "Why didn't you work last week?", + "It was raining and we are working outside so we can't work when it rains.", + "Oh, I see.", + "Yep, just making up for lost time last week.", + "I guess the rest of the week will be busy." + ] + }, + "485": { + "context": "Alex is a construction worker. They can not work while it rains, so today they ended there way very late to make up from the lost time last week.", + "speaker": "Alex", + "turns": [ + "Since it rained so much last week and we couldn't work we are having to make it all up this week", + "Man that sucks, does that mean late nights?", + "Yah super late. The wife is not happy", + "Haha I bet. But at least it's good money", + "I know. I just wish my job didn't depend on the weather so much", + "Yah I totally understand that" + ] + }, + "486": { + "context": "Jordan didn't care that they left nothing for Remy when they got a divorce and took everything with them.", + "speaker": "Jordan", + "turns": [ + "I might sound like a horrible person, but I could care less I took everything when Remy and I got divorced.", + "What do you mean? Did you leave him something?", + "No. I took the house, all the furniture, and cleared out the bank accounts.", + "Is that legal?", + "Well, it's what the courts decided, so yes.", + "Wow. I'm kind of surprised about that one." + ] + }, + "487": { + "context": "Jordan didn't care that they left nothing for Remy when they got a divorce and took everything with them.", + "speaker": "Jordan", + "turns": [ + "Remy was a mistake from the beginning but I didn't know he'd be such a terrible husband.", + "Well you're divorced now and you look well off.", + "I didn't leave him with anything in the settlement.", + "You got everything?", + "Yes, even the house. And he deserved it too. He cheated and was cruel.", + "Well then I suppose in some way, justice was served. You're better off without him." + ] + }, + "488": { + "context": "Quinn told terrible jokes at the first comedy show so they were booed off of the stage.", + "speaker": "Quinn", + "turns": [ + "I'm so sorry guys we got booed off stage.", + "It's your horrible jokes.", + "they are bad what should I do?", + "Work on them!", + "What else.", + "Watch the movie Funny People." + ] + }, + "489": { + "context": "Quinn told terrible jokes at the first comedy show so they were booed off of the stage.", + "speaker": "Quinn", + "turns": [ + "My dear friend today was bad.", + "How? What happened?", + "We were booed off of the stage", + "Why?", + "I told terrible jokes at the first show comedy.", + "Oh you should have worked on your jokes before going on stage." + ] + }, + "490": { + "context": "Quinn saw kai had fungus on his feet so she made him an appointment with the doctor.", + "speaker": "Quinn", + "turns": [ + "I took a look at Kai's feet. Guess what I saw?", + "You saw some fungus.", + " He needs to see a fungi doctor.", + "A boring doctor will do too." + ] + }, + "491": { + "context": "After getting feedback from their professors and friends, Lee gave their speech a rewrite.", + "speaker": "Lee", + "turns": [ + "I felt like a rewrite of the speechwas needed after everything that was told to me.", + "Your friends tried to give you some good feedback.", + "Everyone gave me really good feedback that I used", + "Send me a copy when you are done with it", + "I was already planning on doing that", + "I look forward to reading the rewrite." + ] + }, + "492": { + "context": "Remy found a dog injured on the roadway. Remy returned the dog to his family.", + "speaker": "Remy", + "turns": [ + "On my way to school this morning, I found an injured dog.", + "Near your school?", + "No, on the roadway and the injure was petty bad.", + "Oh that sad! what did you do to it?", + "I returned it to the family it belong to.", + "That was nice of you." + ] + }, + "493": { + "context": "Remy found a dog injured on the roadway. Remy returned the dog to his family.", + "speaker": "Remy", + "turns": [ + "I am so glad that I got to reunite this dog with his family.", + "It's a good thing you stopped when you saw the dog hurt by the side of the road.", + "I can't believe how many cars just drove past him.", + "Hiss family must have appreciated you saving him like that.", + "They actually wanted to give me a reward for helping.", + "If I know you, you wouldn't take anything for doing the right thing!" + ] + }, + "494": { + "context": "Remy found a dog injured on the roadway. Remy returned the dog to his family.", + "speaker": "Remy", + "turns": [ + "I found a limping dog as I was driving home today.", + "Oh no! What happened?", + "I have no idea. Maybe he tried to race a car to get across the road and didn't win.", + "Poor guy, what did you do?", + "I put him in the backseat and took him to the address on his collar.", + "I bet they were really grateful you brought him back." + ] + }, + "495": { + "context": "Remy found a dog injured on the roadway. Remy returned the dog to his family.", + "speaker": "Remy", + "turns": [ + "I just got back from bringing that injured dog back home.", + "How did you find out where the dog lived?", + "He had a tag with is address on it.", + "I'm glad he didn't die. The dog looked really injured when you first found him.", + "Yeah, I figured he got hit by a car. But nothing was broken, so I didn't even need to take him to the vet before returning him home." + ] + }, + "496": { + "context": "Kai decorated their house for the party so that the others could enjoy themselves even more.", + "speaker": "Kai", + "turns": [ + "Sorry I've been busy decorating for the party all day.", + "It's okay, did you use the dark or light blue streamers?", + "I used the light blue streamers, I think they look nicer.", + "I can't wait to see it.", + "Thanks, do you think everyone will enjoy themselves?", + "Of course they will, you're a great host!" + ] + }, + "497": { + "context": "Kai decorated their house for the party so that the others could enjoy themselves even more.", + "speaker": "Kai", + "turns": [ + "I want to throw a party tomorrow.", + "Great, that is good news.", + "I decorated the house for everyone to enjoy.", + "Need help?", + "I can use a hand in the kitchen.", + "You know I'll be there." + ] + }, + "498": { + "context": "Austin offered Casey a chance to win a million dollars in the lottery, so Casey took Austin chances.", + "speaker": "Casey", + "turns": [ + "Austin bought me a lottery ticket. He said it's a chance to win a million bucks so I accepted it.", + "Casey always buys lottery tickets. He bought me one for my birthday.", + "Did you win anything?", + "No, the odds were not in my favor.", + "I don't think they are in mine either but I can always hope I win big.", + "Don't lose hope. That's the reason why a lot of people play the lottery." + ] + }, + "499": { + "context": "Austin offered Casey a chance to win a million dollars in the lottery, so Casey took Austin chances.", + "speaker": "Casey", + "turns": [ + "I want to win the lottery.", + "I heard Austin offered you a chance to win a million dollars in the lottery?", + "How do you know? And what do I need to do next?", + "Just fill this up and enter this number.", + "Okay I will take the chance.", + "Good choice, Casey." + ] + }, + "500": { + "context": "Austin offered Casey a chance to win a million dollars in the lottery, so Casey took Austin chances.", + "speaker": "Casey", + "turns": [ + "I got a million thanks to Austin!", + "Congratulations man! Glad you go the chance.", + "Me too! It's been amazing to win this, I can't believe we won the lottery.", + "Would you share with your friends now?", + "haha you are funny man!", + "I'm serious!" + ] + }, + "501": { + "context": "Austin offered Casey a chance to win a million dollars in the lottery, so Casey took Austin chances.", + "speaker": "Casey", + "turns": [ + "Austin just spent some money on a lottery ticket for me.", + "Why would he do that? It's such a waste of money?", + "I know, but he is willing to risk a little money to win a lot.", + "Whatever. You both are just throwing money down the drain." + ] + }, + "502": { + "context": "Kai offered to help Riley with their kids today. Kai took Riley's kids to school.", + "speaker": "Kai", + "turns": [ + "Riley's been so overwhelmed so she let me give her a hand with the kids this morning.", + "That was very thoughtful of you! I know she definitely needs the help.", + "Yeah, the boys are so cute, but they never seem to calm down. They can run you ragged.", + "Well, it's not easy being a single parent with three boys under 10 years old.", + "I was exhausted by the time I dropped 'em off -- and all I did was drive them to school!", + "They're a handful, to say the least. I honestly don't know how she does it." + ] + }, + "503": { + "context": "Aubrey and Lee arrive home and find a body in the house. Aubrey makes their son Lee go wait outside.", + "speaker": "Aubrey", + "turns": [ + "The police say the person found dead in my house broke in.", + "How did Lee react to finding a dead body?", + "I was the only one that saw the body, I made him wait outside.", + "Who do they think that he was?", + "Just a homeless guy off the street." + ] + }, + "504": { + "context": "Aubrey and Lee arrive home and find a body in the house. Aubrey makes their son Lee go wait outside.", + "speaker": "Aubrey", + "turns": [ + "Myself and my son Lee found a dead body in our house.", + "You can't be serious, what do you mean?", + "I mean the house was broken into and this guy died of a heart attack according to the paramedics.", + "Of all the crazy stuff to happen to you, some guy dying in your house has to be number one.", + "I need you to watch Lee for me if you can because he is a bit shaken up by this.", + "Of course, you can bring him by anytime." + ] + }, + "505": { + "context": "Aubrey and Lee arrive home and find a body in the house. Aubrey makes their son Lee go wait outside.", + "speaker": "Aubrey", + "turns": [ + "Did you hear what happened to me yesterday? I had to call the cops!", + "What happened?", + "Nothing had been moved and nothing was missing, but there was a body in the house. I made Lee leave the house and wait outside!", + "Oh gosh, poor Lee.", + "And you know what, it was my old boyfriend from college that I dumped for you.", + "But that was 25 years ago. I am sure he got over it by now." + ] + }, + "506": { + "context": "The thugs were chasing Kai. Kai ran really fast towards home.", + "speaker": "Kai", + "turns": [ + "I can't believe I made it. I had to run like crazy to get away from those thugs.", + "Oh no. That's horrible. What are you going to do next time?", + "I don't know. I might need to get a knife.", + "Those are dangerous. If you try to fight them you might get hurt.", + "It's ok. I will just use it as a threat. Then run. Maybe they will leave me alone." + ] + }, + "507": { + "context": "Skylar would always have all the latest video games ready. Skylar sounded like fun.", + "speaker": "Skylar", + "turns": [ + "I just got a new game and I can't wait to play it.", + "You always get the new games.", + "I know, I have turned into a hardcore gamer.", + "It is great because I always get to try them out.", + "OK it is installed and ready to go.", + "Let's see how it looks on your monitor." + ] + }, + "508": { + "context": "Skylar would always have all the latest video games ready. Skylar sounded like fun.", + "speaker": "Skylar", + "turns": [ + "I love video games.", + "I didn't know that.", + "I always have all the latest video games ready.", + "That is fun and cool!", + "Do you play?", + "I don't know how to play. Maybe one day, you can teach me." + ] + }, + "509": { + "context": "Skylar would always have all the latest video games ready. Skylar sounded like fun.", + "speaker": "Skylar", + "turns": [ + "I always love to play videogames", + "Yeah we can tell. You have a closet full of the latest video games", + "Right. I am glad that other people think they are fun to play as well", + "It is important that you know", + "Yeah. Thanks for being here to play with me", + "Of course. It really is fun" + ] + }, + "510": { + "context": "Skylar would always have all the latest video games ready. Skylar sounded like fun.", + "speaker": "Skylar", + "turns": [ + "What's your favorite hobby?", + "I like to go fishing. You?", + "I like to play video games. I have all the latest video games.", + "Wow. Sounds fun. Can we play together?", + "Of course.", + "Thank you." + ] + }, + "511": { + "context": "Jesse found a well paying job in another state and was moving. Jesse told their friend last night.", + "speaker": "Jesse", + "turns": [ + "Last night I told my friend that I got that job I was telling her about!", + "Was she happy it is the higher paying one?", + "Yes, she just wasn't happy I will have to move out of state.", + "Oh, I didn't realize that, I'm not happy about that either.", + "Neither did I, but for that pay I am willing to give it a try.", + "You will be missed for sure but I wish you the best of luck!" + ] + }, + "512": { + "context": "Jesse found a well paying job in another state and was moving. Jesse told their friend last night.", + "speaker": "Jesse", + "turns": [ + "I am calling friends to let them know that I am moving out of state.", + "What happened? Why?", + "I got a new job.", + "It must pay well for you to move.", + "It pays really good. I have informed other friends last night.", + "We are going to miss you." + ] + }, + "513": { + "context": "Kendall brought Jesse's hands up amid an effort to try to teach her how to box.", + "speaker": "Kendall", + "turns": [ + "If Jesse follows my lead I'll teach her how to box", + "What are you teaching her first?", + "To take your hands and bring them up like this...", + "with one above the other?", + "yes, keep the left hand slightly above the right hand about chest high", + "alright, that feels easy enough" + ] + }, + "514": { + "context": "Kendall brought Jesse's hands up amid an effort to try to teach her how to box.", + "speaker": "Kendall", + "turns": [ + "I am going to teach Jesse to bring her hands up", + "Is that going to help her not get hit when boxing?", + "When you are boxing, you want to protect your head and body", + "Is this the right way to hold them?", + "Yeah, it allows you to block a punch" + ] + }, + "515": { + "context": "Ash had a horrible sun burn. Ash put aloe on his skin.", + "speaker": "Ash", + "turns": [ + "I got such a bad sunburn yesterday.", + "Did you wear sunscreen?", + "I did, but then I was out longer than I expected.", + "I hope it's feeling a little better soon.", + "I put some aloe on it, so that will help.", + "That's a good idea." + ] + }, + "516": { + "context": "Ash had a horrible sun burn. Ash put aloe on his skin.", + "speaker": "Ash", + "turns": [ + "My skin hurts a lot.", + "It's really red, that looks like a nasty sun burn.", + "It is, it was worse but thanks to aloe it's getting better.", + "You should put sunscreen on.", + "Trust I won't forget to put some on next time.", + "You always say that but end up forgetting about it." + ] + }, + "517": { + "context": "Casey was an only child and their parents spoiled them. Casey got anything they wanted.", + "speaker": "Casey", + "turns": [ + "I guess I had it pretty easy as a kid.", + "Yeah. The rest of us were happy to get anything for birthday and you got the newest and greatest gifts out there.", + "I guess my parents could spend the money since I didn't have brothers and sisters.", + "I wouldn't trade my sisters and brother for anything.", + "And I would give anything to have a brother or a sister.", + "I guess we never really know what is important until we grow up." + ] + }, + "518": { + "context": "Jan was in class and her teacher asked them a question and Jan knew the answer so Jan raised her arm.", + "speaker": "Jan", + "turns": [ + "I was in the class when the teacher asked a question.", + "Did you know the answer?", + "Yes, I did.", + "Did youi let the teacher know?", + "Yes, I did raise my arm.", + "That's good." + ] + }, + "519": { + "context": "Jan was in class and her teacher asked them a question and Jan knew the answer so Jan raised her arm.", + "speaker": "Jan", + "turns": [ + "I had to raise my arm in class for that question because I had just studied the answer the night before.", + "You were so enthusiastic about it that you almost jumped out of your seat!", + "I know, but I just wanted to show the teacher that I am participating in class.", + "I think you definitely proved that point.", + "I wasn't too much of a show-off about knowing the answer, was I?", + "Some of the class was laughing at you, but I think they were just surprised by your ambition." + ] + }, + "520": { + "context": "Riley was really hard on Aubrey that day after she kept failing to get the ball in.", + "speaker": "Riley", + "turns": [ + "I told Aubrey we really need to score more baskets.", + "I know she has been missing a lot of shots and it could be because she is a bit sick.", + "I understand but we can definitely use Aubrey on offense.", + "She'll go back in and try her best, you'll see.", + "If she keeps shooting the ball, they will eventually drop.", + "I am sure Aubrey will play better in the second half." + ] + }, + "521": { + "context": "Riley was really hard on Aubrey that day after she kept failing to get the ball in.", + "speaker": "Riley", + "turns": [ + "I think if Aubrey practices for about an hour each day she will get better at pool", + "I don't think she wants to practice that hard because she hates this sport", + "She wouldn't hate pool if she was good at it like me", + "not everyone can play pool for five hours a day since they have to work", + "guess I'm just lucky then" + ] + }, + "522": { + "context": "Riley was really hard on Aubrey that day after she kept failing to get the ball in.", + "speaker": "Riley", + "turns": [ + "I think I may have pushed Aubrey too hard.", + "During the game?", + "Yeah, she couldn't get the ball in the entire time.", + "I think she just needs more coaching.", + "I agree, but I think I hurt her confidence.", + "You should apologize." + ] + }, + "523": { + "context": "Austin and his dad were playing a game of go fish. Austin won.", + "speaker": "Austin", + "turns": [ + "I feel really good about myself right now.", + "Glad to hear that. Has anything excited happened recently?", + "I was just playing Go Fish with my father.", + "That is a very fun card game. How did it go.", + "I won every game. I'm really proud of myself.", + "Go Fish takes a lot of skill. You must really be good at it!" + ] + }, + "524": { + "context": "Austin and his dad were playing a game of go fish. Austin won.", + "speaker": "Austin", + "turns": [ + "I finally beat my dad at a game not involving a ball.", + "Was it chess or some board game?", + "No, it was a game of go fish.", + "Your dad is really competitive over things like that.", + "Yeah, but with me, he truly feels like it's win-win.", + "Yeah, he can now claim to have the best go fish playing son in his peer group." + ] + }, + "525": { + "context": "Austin and his dad were playing a game of go fish. Austin won.", + "speaker": "Austin", + "turns": [ + "I cant believe I beat my dad at go fish three games in a row", + "you're learning so quick that you're getting too good at the game", + "maybe I might let him win one the next time", + "I wouldn't get too cocky ." + ] + }, + "526": { + "context": "After the initial orientation went so well and ended up being fun, Skylar decided she would like the job.", + "speaker": "Skylar", + "turns": [ + "So, I had my orientation for my new job today!", + "Oh, nice! How did it go?", + "It went a lot better than expected. I had a lot of fun!", + "Great! I know you were not sure if you'd like the job.", + "After the fun day at orientation, I've decided I will like this job a whole lot.", + "Cool. You know what they say, if you like your job, you'll never work a day in your life!" + ] + }, + "527": { + "context": "After the initial orientation went so well and ended up being fun, Skylar decided she would like the job.", + "speaker": "Skylar", + "turns": [ + "At first, I didn't know if I would like the job, but after orientation, I know I will.", + "That sounds awesome. What do you like the best?", + "My orientation went super well because I really liked the other co-workers.", + "Yup. It makes a huge difference if you work with good people.", + "It really does, plus I know my new job makes a difference so I'm gonna love it!", + "That is so cool. I'm so glad it all worked out!" + ] + }, + "528": { + "context": "After the initial orientation went so well and ended up being fun, Skylar decided she would like the job.", + "speaker": "Skylar", + "turns": [ + "I was really unsure about this job until today.", + "What happened to change your mind?", + "They had orientation which was nice and fast and then wound up being a social event and was fun.", + "So you think your co-workers are nice people?", + "I think they are and the job seems like it's going to be a good one for me.", + "I'm glad because you were worried about it." + ] + }, + "529": { + "context": "lee was a honest person who always told the truth so he called a spade a spade.", + "speaker": "lee", + "turns": [ + "I always call a spade a spade.", + "Why is that?", + "Because, I'm a honest person who cant lie.", + "Honesty is the best policy.", + "Yup." + ] + }, + "530": { + "context": "lee was a honest person who always told the truth so he called a spade a spade.", + "speaker": "lee", + "turns": [ + "I call it like it is, if people don't like it than that's fine with me.", + "Is that always a good idea? You might hurt peoples feelings that way.", + "I don't really care if other peoples feelings are hurt, I am honest and not afraid to call a spade a spade.", + "I just think honesty isn't always the best policy Lee or at least don't say everything that pops in your head.", + "I can say what I want. I'm sorry that you don't like that.", + "Alright Lee I just hope you try to watch your words." + ] + }, + "531": { + "context": "Quinn was trying on outfits at the shop, with each outfit they tried on different shoes and left the shoes everywhere. The shop assistant looked crossly at Quinn.", + "speaker": "Quinn", + "turns": [ + "I should check out this suit!", + "Nice man, I think it'd really look sick with these shoes.", + "Ah hell yeah let me try those on!", + "Try these shoes too.", + "For sure, I can never have too many shoes.", + "Hey, the employee is starting to look irritated, maybe we should bounce." + ] + }, + "532": { + "context": "Quinn was trying on outfits at the shop, with each outfit they tried on different shoes and left the shoes everywhere. The shop assistant looked crossly at Quinn.", + "speaker": "Quinn", + "turns": [ + "Can you get me a size 6 shoes to go with this dress than give me the blue jacket. Thanks!", + "Quince, you can only have 5 items in the fitting room.", + "No, its 5 of each item. What about a pair of white boots or maybe some Vans?", + "You should try the green skirt with these Crocs or you want the platform shoes?", + "Do they have high heel Crocs and a green scarf?", + "No but the employee is starting to look irritated, maybe we should hurry up." + ] + }, + "533": { + "context": "Quinn was trying on outfits at the shop, with each outfit they tried on different shoes and left the shoes everywhere. The shop assistant looked crossly at Quinn.", + "speaker": "Quinn", + "turns": [ + "I love trying on the outfits at this shop!", + "Hey Quinn, I think you are getting on the shop assistant's nerves with your selections.", + "But there are so many different shoes here to try!", + "You should probably put them back after you try them on.", + "Oh yeah, I will do that once I'm finished with all these awesome shoes.", + "Okay, I'll help you since you've made a mess." + ] + }, + "534": { + "context": "A very angry Riley pushed the much weaker Kai on to the ground at the county fair.", + "speaker": "Riley", + "turns": [ + "I got angry and asked Kai if he stole my candy at the fair.", + "And he said he only took one piece.", + "Why did he take it without telling me?", + "I don't know but you should not hit people for that.", + "I didn't hit him. I just pushed him. I hope he doesn't do it again.", + "Please don't do that again either." + ] + }, + "535": { + "context": "A very angry Riley pushed the much weaker Kai on to the ground at the county fair.", + "speaker": "Riley", + "turns": [ + "I let my anger get the best of my when I ran into Kai.", + "Wait what do you mean?", + "Well I saw him there like he was going to meet up with our group.", + "Really? After what happened last week?", + "I know. I ended up freaking out and pushing him to the ground.", + "I bet that caused quite a scene." + ] + }, + "536": { + "context": "A very angry Riley pushed the much weaker Kai on to the ground at the county fair.", + "speaker": "Riley", + "turns": [ + "I pushed Kai down at the fight.", + "Yea I know fun game at the county fair.", + "Hope all is well with that fun, but I was also angry.", + "Yea that's crazy glad we stopped.", + "The worst is coming later this afternoon.", + "I'm ready to see that." + ] + }, + "537": { + "context": "Skylar kept Quinn from becoming a waitress by telling him about a landscaping job he liked better.", + "speaker": "Quinn", + "turns": [ + "I was going to take this waitress job but Skylar said there was a landscaping one that he liked more. He thought I should apply for it.", + "Did you get the job?", + "Yes I got the landscaping job. I'll start next week.", + "That's great. Does it pay more?", + "Yes it does and it's more creative which I like.", + "You are a creative person." + ] + }, + "538": { + "context": "Skylar kept Quinn from becoming a waitress by telling him about a landscaping job he liked better.", + "speaker": "Quinn", + "turns": [ + "I really think I could have made more money by being a waitress but the landscaping job is nice, I like being outside in the sun", + "You wouldn't like being inside all day anyways since you love the outdoors", + "yea, well I guess Skylar was right", + "I'm just glad you listened to Skylar's advice in the end", + "He gave you really good advice" + ] + }, + "539": { + "context": "Remy wrote Skylar a note and Skylar planned to write back but had nothing to write with.", + "speaker": "Skylar", + "turns": [ + "I am going to write back to Remy", + "I think that is a good idea. That was such a nice letter she sent to you the other day", + "Of course it was. I think that she is a great person", + "Better get on that letter soon", + "Right, right. Thanks for the reminder", + "No problem" + ] + }, + "540": { + "context": "Remy wrote Skylar a note and Skylar planned to write back but had nothing to write with.", + "speaker": "Skylar", + "turns": [ + "I saw the note Remy wrote for me.", + "He's now waiting for you to write it back.", + "Yeah, but I had nothing to write with.", + "Tell him before it's too late.", + "Okay, Thanks.", + "You are welcome." + ] + }, + "541": { + "context": "Remy wrote Skylar a note and Skylar planned to write back but had nothing to write with.", + "speaker": "Skylar", + "turns": [ + "How did I go to class without something to write with?", + "Good question, however, that just means you didn't have to write down any work!", + "True, but Remy wrote me a note, and I wanted to write back but I didn't have anything to write with!", + "Oh no, why didn't you ask someone in class?", + "The two seats that were near me, were empty today!", + "Well just talk to Remy after class so she doesn't think you ignored her." + ] + }, + "542": { + "context": "Remy wrote Skylar a note and Skylar planned to write back but had nothing to write with.", + "speaker": "Skylar", + "turns": [ + "I'm sorry I didn't write Remy back. I don't have a pen or anything.", + "Why would you come to school without anything to write with? How are you doing your work?", + "I've been borrowing from my teachers. I didn't feel it was right to borrow a writing utensil and use it to write you a letter.", + "That makes sense I guess. You really need to be more responsible.", + "Who are you, my mother? Are you going to ground me?", + "I might if you don't write Remy a letter soon!" + ] + }, + "543": { + "context": "Robin told their children a story about a land before time, and other adults in the room listened in.", + "speaker": "Robin", + "turns": [ + "I was telling a story about a land before time to all the kids earlier today.", + "How did it go?", + "Well, the kids seemed to like it. But that wasn't the funniest thing.", + "What was the funniest thing?", + "All the adults in the room were all interested as well and listened in.", + "I might have to hear this story." + ] + }, + "544": { + "context": "Robin told their children a story about a land before time, and other adults in the room listened in.", + "speaker": "Robin", + "turns": [ + "We had a few friends over and we were just sitting around talking. Then the kids wanted me to read them their nightly story.", + "Did you read to them?", + "Yes, I took the kids to bed and read them a story about a land before time.", + "You're a good mom - your kids always come first.", + "I was just about done and looked up and saw all the adults in the doorway listening to my story.", + "That's funny. You must have been telling a good story." + ] + }, + "545": { + "context": "Robin told their children a story about a land before time, and other adults in the room listened in.", + "speaker": "Robin", + "turns": [ + "I just told a story for the kids in the room.", + "What story did you tell them?", + "I told them stories about land before time.", + "It Should be interesting for them.", + "I believe so. Even the parents were listening so intently.", + "I can imagine the adults listening." + ] + }, + "546": { + "context": "Robin told their children a story about a land before time, and other adults in the room listened in.", + "speaker": "Robin", + "turns": [ + "Those kids loved my story. The adults did too, they were tuned in as well.", + "What was the story about?", + "A land before time, in another dimension of space.", + "That sounds kind of unusual. Where did you come up with that?", + "I made it up myself, took me a week listening to it. Apparently everyone loved it.", + "Apparently so, if the adults listened in as well!" + ] + }, + "547": { + "context": "Kendall moved the car in a new direction after noticing all the traffic on the other side.", + "speaker": "Kendall", + "turns": [ + "Is the road in front of your house a one-way street.", + "Yes, it is. Why do you ask?", + "After I parked, I noticed that the traffic was only flowing one way down the street.", + "Have you moved your car yet? You could get a ticket if you don't.", + "I just moved it to the big parking lot nearby.", + "That's good. Your car will be safe in that parking lot." + ] + }, + "548": { + "context": "Kendall moved the car in a new direction after noticing all the traffic on the other side.", + "speaker": "Kendall", + "turns": [ + "Jeez, man. Look at all this traffic!", + "I know. It hasn't been this bad in months.", + "Must be that ABBA reunion concert or something. We should take another road instead.", + "How about we turn left here? We can cut across the city and avoid all that stupid traffic on the highway.", + "Good call. Gonna turn there. Good eye!", + "Heh, well my friends call me \"the navigator\" for a reason!" + ] + }, + "549": { + "context": "Kendall moved the car in a new direction after noticing all the traffic on the other side.", + "speaker": "Kendall", + "turns": [ + "I moved the car to the left lane after a while.", + "Why did you switch?", + "The traffic seemed to all be on one side of the highway.", + "Did not many people move into the open lane ahead of you?", + "No, it seemed that everyone needed to get off at the exit for some reason.", + "I think it might have been a football game." + ] + }, + "550": { + "context": "Robin brought Kendall to the attention of the police when she realized she fit the description of the wanted person.", + "speaker": "Robin", + "turns": [ + "I turned Kendall in to the police when I realized she was the one who broke into my store.", + "Wasn't she your friend at one point?", + "Yes, but she started running with a bad crowd and I stopped talking to her.", + "That is good, look at what her new friend group got her.", + "It got her jail time, hopefully. She isn't a good person.", + "Maybe time in the slammer will help her re-evaluate her life." + ] + }, + "551": { + "context": "Jesse contacted their friends to see if they wanted to go to a party that night.", + "speaker": "Jesse", + "turns": [ + "I have already contacted my friends but no one wants to come to the party with me", + "What party?", + "The house party later, you were not invited? Do you want to come?", + "Absolutely I been looking for a party all night.", + "I'll come get you in a hour.", + "Great see you then." + ] + }, + "552": { + "context": "Sydney carried out Alex's plan because Sydney was the leader and Sydney was sworn to be loyal to Alex.", + "speaker": "Sydney", + "turns": [ + "Hey, I have a question.", + "What's up, Sydney? Is something wrong, boss?", + "Nah. I'm just curious. I'm supposed to carry out Alex's plan. But I'm the leader. So if I'm the leader, why am I not carrying out my own plan? Why am I sworn to be loyal to Alex?", + "Well, I can't rightly say, boss. Are you saying you don't wanna carry out Alex's plan?", + "No, I guess for now we'll do it Alex's way, whoever Alex is. But never forget, I'm the leader. Okay? I'M THE LEADER.", + "Ok, boss, no problem. You're the leader. Now let's carry out Alex's plan." + ] + }, + "553": { + "context": "Sydney carried out Alex's plan because Sydney was the leader and Sydney was sworn to be loyal to Alex.", + "speaker": "Sydney", + "turns": [ + "Being the leader, I had to carry out Alex\u2019s plan", + "That was very responsible of you", + "I\u2019ve always been loyal to him.", + "You are a great leader and a true friend.", + "I always want to be on top of things.", + "You surely do." + ] + }, + "554": { + "context": "The patient asked for the tooth as a keepsake. Taylor saved the patient's tooth.", + "speaker": "Taylor", + "turns": [ + "A patient came in to the office today for a tooth extraction and it was a very interesting procedure.", + "Really? What was so interesting about it?", + "Well, when I examined the tooth, it appeared to be a fang, like a snake or a vampire.", + "Really? It was pointy? And long and sharp?", + "Yeah, it was really long and pointy and sharp like a fresh needle. I would show it to you but the patient wanted me to save it for him as a souvenir.", + "Dang! I would really love to see a tooth like that. I believe in vampires." + ] + }, + "555": { + "context": "The patient asked for the tooth as a keepsake. Taylor saved the patient's tooth.", + "speaker": "Taylor", + "turns": [ + "The dentist gave me the tooth to give to the patient after their appointment.", + "What did you put the tooth in?", + "We have tiny keepsake boxes for patients to keep their teeth in.", + "Is there a charge for the box.", + "No. It is a gift from the office.", + "I wish I had my teeth for keepsakes." + ] + }, + "556": { + "context": "The patient asked for the tooth as a keepsake. Taylor saved the patient's tooth.", + "speaker": "Taylor", + "turns": [ + "I'm saving the patient's tooth.", + "Is it a souvenir?", + "Yes the patient asked for it as a keepsake.", + "Good for him.", + "Yea I think it is a bit unusual but I was happy to do it.", + "Yes you did that is so fun." + ] + }, + "557": { + "context": "Jesse traced Riley's clothed back. Jesse didn't even ask for permission.", + "speaker": "Riley", + "turns": [ + "Jesse traced my clothed back. He didn't ask for permission.", + "How did you feel about that?", + "He made me feel uncomfortable so I told him to quit it.", + "Did he?", + "Yeah, I told him he doesn't have permission to do that.", + "Good for you that you are drawing your boundaries." + ] + }, + "558": { + "context": "Riley pulled over to safety when they saw that there was black ice on the roads.", + "speaker": "Riley", + "turns": [ + "I hate driving after snow storms.", + "I know because so many people are crazy on the roads.", + "How can they be crazy on the rules when they know there\u2019s black ice out there.", + "People are inconsiderate and always in a hurry to get to where they need to be.", + "I just pulled over to the side and let the idiots crash.", + "If I was on the road, I would do the same thing." + ] + }, + "559": { + "context": "Riley pulled over to safety when they saw that there was black ice on the roads.", + "speaker": "Riley", + "turns": [ + "I think it might too dangerous to drive in these conditions", + "It is a good idea you pulled over because I see some of these cars sliding around on the road", + "I would hate to wreck my new car and my dad would be pissed", + "Yea, he wouldn't like you wrecking your new car and I am sure he cares about you too" + ] + }, + "560": { + "context": "Riley pulled over to safety when they saw that there was black ice on the roads.", + "speaker": "Riley", + "turns": [ + "This is too dangerous to drive on right now.", + "Yeah, I heard there is black ice everywhere,", + "It's true.", + "You did the best thing pulling over and waiting." + ] + }, + "561": { + "context": "Aubrey was late getting home because she had stopped to play, but bent the truth about it.", + "speaker": "Aubrey", + "turns": [ + "I was late getting home because I had to stop to play. I had to lie to cover for being late", + "What did you play?", + "I played on the playground and just hung out with some old friends", + "that sounds relaxing. I am glad you had a great time", + "Thanks I really did. It was nice", + "I bet it really was" + ] + }, + "562": { + "context": "Aubrey was late getting home because she had stopped to play, but bent the truth about it.", + "speaker": "Aubrey", + "turns": [ + "Hey.", + "You came in late yesterday.", + "Yeah, I stopped to play a game but I couldn't tell my husband about it so I had to bent the truth about it.", + "If he eventually founds out?", + "He can't.", + "Okay then." + ] + }, + "563": { + "context": "Aubrey was late getting home because she had stopped to play, but bent the truth about it.", + "speaker": "Aubrey", + "turns": [ + "I told my husband I was late getting home because I had a flat tire.", + "But he knew that was a lie.", + "Yea he did.", + "Did you talk about this then?", + "I don't think talking about it is really needed.", + "I think it is." + ] + }, + "564": { + "context": "Cameron has really gone downhill lately. No one can trust him. Cameron took the money from the office at his job.", + "speaker": "Cameron", + "turns": [ + "I can't believe I am saying this but I think I need to go into rehab.", + "I agree, but can you even go right now since you stole that money from work?", + "I am working with my attorney, my family won't even talk to me anymore.", + "If you want people to trust you Cameron, you have to quit lying and stealing.", + "I know the past few weeks have been really bad, I can't stop using and that means I can't stop lying or stealing.", + "I care about you and I just want you to be the Cameron who has been my friend since kindergarten." + ] + }, + "565": { + "context": "Cameron has really gone downhill lately. No one can trust him. Cameron took the money from the office at his job.", + "speaker": "Cameron", + "turns": [ + "Do you think I'm sketchy?", + "Honestly, I do.", + "What makes you say that?", + "You took the office money from your last job.", + "I needed that money.", + "It's why people can't trust you." + ] + }, + "566": { + "context": "Cameron has really gone downhill lately. No one can trust him. Cameron took the money from the office at his job.", + "speaker": "Cameron", + "turns": [ + "Everybody is against me. I feel so down all the time.", + "Just because you feel down doesn't mean everybody is against you.", + "Well they all know that I took that money and now feel like they cannot trust me.", + "You have to work hard to rebuild your character.", + "Yeah. I really screwed up and now I have to fix it.", + "Right. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. You can fix the situation." + ] + }, + "567": { + "context": "Even though Jesse was having a difficult day, Jesse faced every challenge.", + "speaker": "Jesse", + "turns": [ + "I am having a bad today.", + "Why is your day so bad?", + "I ran out of gas, I was late to work, my roof is leaking and the toilet is running.", + "Wow, that's a lot of problems in one day.", + "I took care of everything though.", + "You were always good at facing things head on." + ] + }, + "568": { + "context": "Even though Jesse was having a difficult day, Jesse faced every challenge.", + "speaker": "Jesse", + "turns": [ + "I'm so proud of myself today.", + "Did the going get tough?", + "Yeah, there were so many problems I had to solve.", + "And you solved them?", + "Every single one.", + "As they say, the tough get going." + ] + }, + "569": { + "context": "Alex had offered to host the village meeting at their fathers house. People were waiting for him outside when he arrived.", + "speaker": "Alex", + "turns": [ + "people were waiting for me outside when I arrived at my fathers house", + "oh why was that, were you late for something?", + "I decided to host the village meeting, so they were waiting for me", + "so you were late for your own meeting", + "yeah, I should have planned it better" + ] + }, + "570": { + "context": "Alex had offered to host the village meeting at their fathers house. People were waiting for him outside when he arrived.", + "speaker": "Alex", + "turns": [ + "I made an offer to host the village meeting.", + "Where did it take place?", + "I offered to hold the meeting at my father's house.", + "How did it go?", + "Everyone was early and waiting for me when I arrived.", + "It sounds as if the meeting got off to a good start." + ] + }, + "571": { + "context": "Riley imposed their will on others to be able stay with the old house and sell it.", + "speaker": "Riley", + "turns": [ + "I finally sold the old house.", + "I thought your family wanted to remodel and keep living there.", + "That's what they wanted, but I wasn't going to listen.", + "So you had to put your foot down and make things go your way?", + "That's what it takes sometimes.", + "As long as you're happy with the result that's what counts." + ] + }, + "572": { + "context": "Riley imposed their will on others to be able stay with the old house and sell it.", + "speaker": "Riley", + "turns": [ + "I told the other I want to keep the old house until we can find a preferable buyer.", + "Why do you like that old dung-pile so much?", + "That house has sentimental value. When we sell it I want to know it went to someone nice.", + "That's a lot of work and concern for just some old house.", + "Yeah, but we do this my way or no way at all.", + "I see Riley. It's your granddad's house after all." + ] + }, + "573": { + "context": "Riley imposed their will on others to be able stay with the old house and sell it.", + "speaker": "Riley", + "turns": [ + "I feel bad for being so forceful with my old neighbors", + "I guess you really wanted to sell this house", + "it's just that my dad gave it to me and I really don't want anyone else to have it", + "that is understandable but you didn't have to be so rude" + ] + }, + "574": { + "context": "Skylar decided their friends would like their new recipe so invited their friends over for dinner.", + "speaker": "Skylar", + "turns": [ + "I hope my friends liked what I cooked for dinner last night, it was a new recipe.", + "Are you kidding when has someone not liked what you cook?", + "I guess so, I just get nervous whenever I make something new.", + "It always smells delicious in your house and I can imagine even if haven't tried the food you made last night.", + "Well I hope they enjoyed the dinner.", + "After hearing this I am so hungry right now." + ] + }, + "575": { + "context": "Skylar decided their friends would like their new recipe so invited their friends over for dinner.", + "speaker": "Skylar", + "turns": [ + "I have developed a new pizza recipe.", + "Sounds good.", + "I think all of our friends would like it. I'm inviting everyone over for dinner.", + "I'll help you host.", + "Great, let's make a guest list and a shopping list.", + "O.K., then we'll text everyone and hit the store." + ] + }, + "576": { + "context": "Kendall prepares sandwiches for a party. Kendall knows some people don't like things on their sandwich. She prepares some without mustard, mayonnaise, and lettuce.", + "speaker": "Kendall", + "turns": [ + "I am making a bunch of sandwiches for a party.", + "That does not sound like a lot of fun.", + "It is not, especially when you have to make plain ones.", + "You mean without condiments?", + "Yep, just bread and findings.", + "That does not sound appetizing, just very dry." + ] + }, + "577": { + "context": "Sydney was really excited for the concert and paid a lot of money for the tickets.", + "speaker": "Sydney", + "turns": [ + "Are you still coming to the Nine Inch Nails concert with me this weekend?", + "Of course! I am so excited! Thank you for buying my ticket!", + "You are welcome. The tickets were super expensive!", + "I know and I really appreciate it! I wouldn't have been able to afford it on my own.", + "No sweat. That's what friends are for.", + "I'll definitely make it up to you! I promise!" + ] + }, + "578": { + "context": "Sydney was really excited for the concert and paid a lot of money for the tickets.", + "speaker": "Sydney", + "turns": [ + "I can't wait to attend the upcoming concert.", + "Have you purchased the tickets?", + "Of course I have. They cost me an arm and a leg.", + "I bet you are going to have a blast at the concert .", + "Me too. It better be worth the loads of money I paid.", + "Who will be playing?" + ] + }, + "579": { + "context": "Sydney was really excited for the concert and paid a lot of money for the tickets.", + "speaker": "Sydney", + "turns": [ + "I'm really excited.", + "About what?", + "I'm really excited for the concert coming up and I've already paid a lot of money for the tickets.", + "Wow, can I come with you.", + "Let's see if tickets are still available.", + "Okay pal." + ] + }, + "580": { + "context": "Alex was looking for a knife they dropped. Alex searched the woods.", + "speaker": "Alex", + "turns": [ + "Now where did I drop that knife?", + "Did you look in your car?", + "Yes, I already checked there. You know I think I dropped it back in the woods.", + "Oh. All the way back there. Do you want me to come with you to search?", + "Hey I was right. The knife was here underneath this rock where we stopped to drink.", + "Glad you found it. You've had that thing for years." + ] + }, + "581": { + "context": "Lee gave some food to the homeless people. They also gave some money to them.", + "speaker": "Lee", + "turns": [ + "I did something good today for my community.", + "That's great to hear. What was the event?", + "I was visiting a homeless shelter today and provided some food. I also gave a small amount of money.", + "They must have really appreciated the generosity.", + "They did, but more importantly I think sometimes it's good to do things for others and not just yourself.", + "So true. I try to live by that rule myself." + ] + }, + "582": { + "context": "Lee gave some food to the homeless people. They also gave some money to them.", + "speaker": "Lee", + "turns": [ + "I felt so bad for some homeless people outside the grocery store.", + "That is sad they don't have a home.", + "I knew they were hungry so I gave them some of my groceries.", + "That is really sweet of you.", + "I also felt that I should give them some money too.", + "Wow, that is inspiring to hear about how much you care." + ] + }, + "583": { + "context": "Lee gave some food to the homeless people. They also gave some money to them.", + "speaker": "Lee", + "turns": [ + "I feel so bad for homeless people ever since I was homeless too", + "I know how you feel because I feel bad for them too", + "you think they would want me to get them a job?", + "you can always ask them and see what they say I guess", + "I guess I will see tomorrow" + ] + }, + "584": { + "context": "Kai was under pressure and his company needed to increase profits and efficiency so Kai found a way and increased their production.", + "speaker": "Kai", + "turns": [ + "I found a way to increase the profits", + "you're so smart with your company", + "Yeah I increased production and efficiency", + "does it hurt your hours?", + "no, it doesn't when it is done efficiently", + "you must be such a good employee" + ] + }, + "585": { + "context": "Kai was under pressure and his company needed to increase profits and efficiency so Kai found a way and increased their production.", + "speaker": "Kai", + "turns": [ + "The production was raised by adding the light into the mixture.", + "How were you able to blend the light in?", + "We took out the oil and added the light. It increased the efficiency by 23 percent.", + "I am impressed. I have recommended that the boss give you a raise." + ] + }, + "586": { + "context": "Kai was under pressure and his company needed to increase profits and efficiency so Kai found a way and increased their production.", + "speaker": "Kai", + "turns": [ + "I think I've found a solution to my company's problems.", + "What problems does your company have?", + "The company needs to increase profits and efficiency, I found a way to increase production.", + "You must have been under a lot of stress.", + "The pressure was insane, it's like I need to save the company.", + "I hope you're well paid for this." + ] + }, + "587": { + "context": "Kai was under pressure and his company needed to increase profits and efficiency so Kai found a way and increased their production.", + "speaker": "Kai", + "turns": [ + "I have been under so much pressure at work and I think I finally came up with a solution.", + "What are you planning to do?", + "I came up with a way to get things done more efficiently and it should also increase profits.", + "That sounds really good. I bet your boss is thrilled.", + "I think so when I showed her how we will increase the production she wondered why she hadn't thought of it.", + "Hopefully you get a raise or some recognition if it works out!" + ] + }, + "588": { + "context": "Kai was under pressure and his company needed to increase profits and efficiency so Kai found a way and increased their production.", + "speaker": "Kai", + "turns": [ + "I found a way to increase production at work today.", + "That's cool. I'm sure your boss was very grateful.", + "All the managers were grateful. They have been putting everyone under pressure saying we need to increase profits.", + "So I'm sure that your new plan will do just that then.", + "Yes it will be a moderate increase in profit.", + "Will you see any of that profit in your pay check?" + ] + }, + "589": { + "context": "Kendall tripped over a log while hiking down a hill. They were more careful in the future.", + "speaker": "Kendall", + "turns": [ + "I sprained my ankle this afternoon while I was hiking.", + "Really? So that's why you've been limping.", + "Yeah, I was out there and I completely didn't see a large branch that was on the trail.", + "That sucks. I've always hated that trail because it's always a mess.", + "Yeah, I usually pay a lot more attention. I'm just going to take it easy and relax on the sofa.", + "I can order us some food if you want to just hang out and watch a movie." + ] + }, + "590": { + "context": "Kendall tripped over a log while hiking down a hill. They were more careful in the future.", + "speaker": "Kendall", + "turns": [ + "It took me three hours to get down the last hill today. I'm exhausted?", + "Three hours? What were you doing...walking on your hands?", + "I wish I could have. I tripped over a stupid log on the way down and twisted my ankle.", + "Why didn't you call me? I'd have come up to help.", + "Actually, I tried but I didn't have service there. I finally got service when I reached my car." + ] + }, + "591": { + "context": "Austin pulled Aubrey close after they got down from the car that took them to a date.", + "speaker": "Austin", + "turns": [ + "Aubrey and I had a date.", + "That is sweet.", + "I held on to Aubrey once we got down the car.", + "Did you guys have fun?", + "It was a wonderful evening.", + "I am glad you had a good time." + ] + }, + "592": { + "context": "Casey had not been feeling well and the couch was uncomfortable so Casey went to the mattresses to lay down.", + "speaker": "Casey", + "turns": [ + "Hey coach, I am not feeling well today. Can I go lay down on the mattresses a bit.", + "Sure, You can go lay down on that mattresses right over there.", + "Thank you, I will bet better after this", + "No worries just make sure that you are better" + ] + }, + "593": { + "context": "Taylor loved to read to their child every night, and having read so many books over the years, Taylor filled Kai's mind with stories.", + "speaker": "Kai", + "turns": [ + "Taylor really loves to read to me and the kids every night", + "I am sure he loves it, what is his favorite book to read", + "he really loves the cat in the hat by dr suess", + "that's my child's favorite book too", + "I guess we have something in common then" + ] + }, + "594": { + "context": "At the end of the day Lee gave Carson and overview of the production numbers for that day.", + "speaker": "Lee", + "turns": [ + "When I told Carson the production numbers, he was pleased.", + "Really? He never seems happy.", + "We doubled our goal in a few hours.", + "That's great. Will you get a raise?", + "Hopefully I will.", + "You should demand a raise." + ] + }, + "595": { + "context": "Baileys friends didn't want to watch the same movie as Bailey so she used trickery to deceive them into picking out the movie she wanted .", + "speaker": "Bailey", + "turns": [ + "My friends didn't want to watch my movie.", + "What did you do?", + "I gave them all 3 choices of movies that I would love to watch.", + "Smart girl.", + "You know me." + ] + }, + "596": { + "context": "Aubrey wanted to make a good impression with Sasha. Aubrey took Sasha's mom to lunch.", + "speaker": "Aubrey", + "turns": [ + "So, Sasha really is a good kid, you did a great job raising her", + "why thank you and thank you for bringing me out to lunch", + "oh don't mention it, I figured I need to get to know the people important to her", + "you seem like a good person yourself", + "thanks, I try to be, did you say you grew up in Kansas", + "I sure did, we had our own farm" + ] + }, + "597": { + "context": "Aubrey wanted to make a good impression with Sasha. Aubrey took Sasha's mom to lunch.", + "speaker": "Aubrey", + "turns": [ + "I really like Sasha and I wanted to make a good impression with her so I took her mom to lunch.", + "She's really close to her mom so that makes sense.", + "Yes and I know that Sasha has to take care of her mom so I wanted to give her a break.", + "That's very nice. How did it go?", + "I think it went well, Sasha was pretty happy.", + "It sounds like you made the impression you wanted." + ] + }, + "598": { + "context": "Aubrey wanted to make a good impression with Sasha. Aubrey took Sasha's mom to lunch.", + "speaker": "Aubrey", + "turns": [ + "I want to make a good impression with Sasha.", + "What are your ideas to do that?", + "I think I'm going to take her mom to lunch.", + "Go somewhere nice!", + "She likes sushi.", + "That's a great idea!" + ] + }, + "599": { + "context": "Sydney did not like the religion their family had chosen. Sydney changed their religion.", + "speaker": "Sydney", + "turns": [ + "I'm going to convert to a different religion.", + "You don't like your current religion?", + "No, it's the one my family chose, I'm my own person.", + "I hope you find the religion that's right for you." + ] + }, + "600": { + "context": "Robin put their finger on the doorbell. They were deciding whether or not to ring it.", + "speaker": "Robin", + "turns": [ + "I went to my mother's house.", + "Was she there?", + "I stood on the step, put my finger on the doorbell and hesitated.", + "Did you ring the bell?", + "I thought about ringing the bell and decided not to do it.", + "That might have been for the best because your mother is so critical of you." + ] + }, + "601": { + "context": "Robin put their finger on the doorbell. They were deciding whether or not to ring it.", + "speaker": "Robin", + "turns": [ + "I was standing on their doorstep with my finger on the doorbell and I could not decide if I should ring it or not.", + "So, did you ring the bell or run away?", + "I just decided to run away when they opened the door to leave.", + "Oh my goodness - what did you do?", + "I couldn't do anything for a minute and then I laughed and said something stupid like \"good timing.\"", + "Ha ha - good save!" + ] + }, + "602": { + "context": "Austin did not agree with Remy at first, but decided to reconsider Remy's decision.", + "speaker": "Austin", + "turns": [ + "Maybe Remy has a point after all.", + "He sure does, and he has been trying to convince you all night.", + "It's just that I didn't feel that Remy knew what he was talking about.", + "Well, now you've got to consider his words.", + "Maybe you are right, I will consider what Remy said.", + "That's the right attitude!" + ] + }, + "603": { + "context": "After graduating high school and being accepted to college, Casey decided to study philosophy, because Casey valued ethics highly.", + "speaker": "Casey", + "turns": [ + "I just gradated high school and am now attending college.", + "That's great! What are you studying?", + "I decided to study philosophy.", + "Why philosophy?", + "I just value ethics highly", + "I didn't know you were into ethics so much." + ] + }, + "604": { + "context": "After graduating high school and being accepted to college, Casey decided to study philosophy, because Casey valued ethics highly.", + "speaker": "Casey", + "turns": [ + "So I had a meeting with the counselors at the college today.", + "Nice. What happened at the meeting?", + "I had to pick a major, and ultimately went with Philosophy.", + "Good choice! What prompted your picking Philosophy?", + "Well, I like the concept of morality and ethics. The idea of good and evil and the many shades of grey in between. Ethics in general fascinate and matter to me.", + "They matter to me too. Maybe I'll pick that major too!" + ] + }, + "605": { + "context": "After graduating high school and being accepted to college, Casey decided to study philosophy, because Casey valued ethics highly.", + "speaker": "Casey", + "turns": [ + "I graduated high school and was accepted to college.", + "That is commendable.", + "I selected a major.", + "What course of study have you chosen?", + "I decided to study philosophy, because I valued ethics highly.", + "I wish you the best." + ] + }, + "606": { + "context": "Kai had a crush on Riley, so they asked Riley to prom.", + "speaker": "Riley", + "turns": [ + "I'm so glad that you asked me to the prom", + "You're the first person I thought of asking", + "What time would you want me to meet you before the prom?", + "Just pick me up an hour before prom so we wont be late", + "Shouldn't you be the one to pick me up since you have a car?" + ] + }, + "607": { + "context": "Kai had a crush on Riley, so they asked Riley to prom.", + "speaker": "Riley", + "turns": [ + "I've been worried about not having a prom date.", + "But you do now, right?", + "Yes, Kai asked me to go.", + "That's awesome. Do you like Kai?", + "I guess so, they've had a crush on me.", + "Aw! So sweet." + ] + }, + "608": { + "context": "Kendall hired Addison to help sell cookies. Addison put Kendall's ideas into action.", + "speaker": "Kendall", + "turns": [ + "Had a lot of fun last weekend.", + "What did you do?", + "I hired Addison to help sell cookies. She put my ideas into action.", + "Sounds fun. Did you sell a lot of cookies?", + "Yes we did!", + "Good to hear." + ] + }, + "609": { + "context": "Kendall hired Addison to help sell cookies. Addison put Kendall's ideas into action.", + "speaker": "Kendall", + "turns": [ + "Thank you again for helping me to sell these cookies", + "Of course! I think you had a really great plan to sell at two locations across the city", + "Yeah, I figure we can always sell more if we both are at high traffic areas", + "Yeah, and it was a good idea to sell at different times of the day so we make sure to see as many people as possible", + "Well I couldn't have done it without you! You've been such a big help", + "I'm glad I could help! Plus I think we've sold a lot more cookies thanks to your ideas" + ] + }, + "610": { + "context": "Kendall hired Addison to help sell cookies. Addison put Kendall's ideas into action.", + "speaker": "Kendall", + "turns": [ + "Thanks for hiring me to help sell cookies.", + "Oh, I am so glad that I hired you. I mean, I seriously need all of the help I can get.", + "I hope I can be of use.", + "Totally. I'd like to start brainstorming now.", + "Okay, I will make a list of my ideas.", + "Great, I will then put those into action." + ] + }, + "611": { + "context": "Kendall hired Addison to help sell cookies. Addison put Kendall's ideas into action.", + "speaker": "Kendall", + "turns": [ + "It was such a good decision to hire Addison to help me sell cookies.", + "I take it that you guys sold a lot of cookies.", + "Yeah, we did. He's a good salesman.", + "What makes him so good?", + "He was able to take my ideas and put them into action, like being active on social media.", + "You should give him a raise." + ] + }, + "612": { + "context": "Lee have finally solve a cold case that plagued the town for years when he arrested Sydney.", + "speaker": "Lee", + "turns": [ + "After so many years, Sydney is finally behind bars.", + "I saw on the news that you arrested him.", + "It wasn't an easy case to solve but I'm glad he's locked up.", + "We all are. The town's been waiting a long time for this.", + "Another cold case solved.", + "Congratulations. You did us all a great service." + ] + }, + "613": { + "context": "Jesse decided to go crazy last week because he had several tests at school and shifts at work prior.", + "speaker": "Jesse", + "turns": [ + "I decided to go crazy.", + "You really were crazy last week.", + "That's because I had several tests at school and work prior.", + "You are too crazy.", + "I know. I just want to enjoy life.", + "Go live up to your imagination." + ] + }, + "614": { + "context": "Jesse decided to go crazy last week because he had several tests at school and shifts at work prior.", + "speaker": "Jesse", + "turns": [ + "I went a little crazy with my diet", + "Did you eat a lot of sugar again?", + "Yeah, I had several tests at school and a lot of shifts at work prior", + "You need to rest, that's a lot to do!", + "I treated myself and went overboard", + "It's okay sometimes it's a good reward to have" + ] + }, + "615": { + "context": "Cameron lived in the country where there were some trails. They wanted a bike for Christmas.", + "speaker": "Cameron", + "turns": [ + "I'm thinking of asking for a bike for Christmas.", + "A bike? Where would you ride it? The roads are so busy in this town and they don't have any bike lanes, it's a bummer.", + "I live pretty far out in the country, and there are lots of trails there. I always see people on them, they look like they're having a fun time.", + "Oh, really? Maybe I should get a bike too and go riding with you.", + "Definitely! Have you ridden on bike trails before? They can be pretty rugged.", + "That sounds like a great challenge, count me in!" + ] + }, + "616": { + "context": "Cameron lived in the country where there were some trails. They wanted a bike for Christmas.", + "speaker": "Cameron", + "turns": [ + "I'm going to ask my parents for a bike for Christmas, these trails look perfect for riding on.", + "That'd be great, then we could ride together.", + "Any suggestions for a type of bike?", + "Definitely a mountain bike of some sort, either a Schwinn or Diamondback. Those are the best brands.", + "Cool, thanks for the recommendation." + ] + }, + "617": { + "context": "Cameron lived in the country where there were some trails. They wanted a bike for Christmas.", + "speaker": "Cameron", + "turns": [ + "There's never anything to do around here. I want a dirt bike.", + "What are you gonna do with a dirt bike Cameron?", + "I'm gonna explore every back road in the county.", + "That sounds awesome I think I want a dirt bike too.", + "If we ask our parents to get us one I'm sure they'll agree.", + "Yeah, I'll also ask my parents for a dirt bike." + ] + }, + "618": { + "context": "Cameron provided care to the children at the orphanage while they dreamed of having parents one day.", + "speaker": "Cameron", + "turns": [ + "I feel sorry for these kids because they don't have any parents", + "You're such a nice guy for taking care of them", + "I sometimes feel like a father figure to them", + "They're lucky to have someone like you working here at the orphanage" + ] + }, + "618": { + "context": "Cameron provided care to the children at the orphanage while they dreamed of having parents one day.", + "speaker": "Cameron", + "turns": [ + "I feel sorry for these kids because they don't have any parents", + "You're such a nice guy for taking care of them", + "I sometimes feel like a father figure to them", + "They're lucky to have someone like you working here at the orphanage" + ] + }, + "619": { + "context": "Cameron provided care to the children at the orphanage while they dreamed of having parents one day.", + "speaker": "Cameron", + "turns": [ + "One day all of them will have loving parents and will leave poor old me behind. It is every orphan's dream to meet wonderful rich parents.", + "Maybe not all of them will leave. Some of them might want to stay with you and ride the ponies.", + "No, all of them must go one day.", + "Maybe they won't want parents because they will have to do chores and homework.", + "They won't be any different than what they have to do here.", + "I am sure some of them will want to stay and let the others dream of having parents." + ] + }, + "620": { + "context": "Casey is Cameron's best friend and it was a huge surprise when Casey started dating Cameron's father.", + "speaker": "Cameron", + "turns": [ + "You'll never guess who my father is dating?", + "I don't know...tell me.", + "My best friend, Casey. She's my age.", + "Really? Your dad is dating your friend?", + "Yes, it is upsetting. I can't be around either one of them." + ] + }, + "621": { + "context": "Casey is Cameron's best friend and it was a huge surprise when Casey started dating Cameron's father.", + "speaker": "Cameron", + "turns": [ + "You're never going to believe this, but Casey is dating my father.", + "What? Isn't she your best friend?", + "Yeah, she is, and this is not something I'm having an easy time with.", + "Wow. How long has this been going on?", + "They'd been seeing each other for a couple of months before they told me. I was shocked. I didn't even know what to say.", + "Well, I'm here any time you want to talk about it. I'm sure it has to be hard getting used to." + ] + }, + "622": { + "context": "Casey is Cameron's best friend and it was a huge surprise when Casey started dating Cameron's father.", + "speaker": "Cameron", + "turns": [ + "I am very shocked today", + "Do you want to tell me what happened?", + "It is huge news I have to process", + "I am sorry you are having a hard time with it.", + "Turns out Casey told me she is dating my dad.", + "That is huge news, indeed! Take all the time you need to process it." + ] + }, + "623": { + "context": "Jordan wanted to spend some quality time at home with the kids, so they took the day off work.", + "speaker": "Jordan", + "turns": [ + "I am so glad I took off from work today.", + "What do you plan to do?", + "I really took the day off to have some quality time with my kids.", + "That is great! It has been a while since you last did this.", + "I know, so the kids are enjoying this tremendously.", + "Awesome! Have lots of fun yourself, too." + ] + }, + "624": { + "context": "Jordan wanted to spend some quality time at home with the kids, so they took the day off work.", + "speaker": "Jordan", + "turns": [ + "It was a great day at home with the kids.", + "That quality time is important. They will look back on it with gratitude.", + "We've all been so busy#, it just seemed like we hadn't been together in a while.", + "Did you take them out to lunch?", + "They wanted McDonalds and I was happy to take them.", + "That sounds like a great day." + ] + }, + "625": { + "context": "Jordan wanted to spend some quality time at home with the kids, so they took the day off work.", + "speaker": "Jordan", + "turns": [ + "I took today off from work at the last minute.", + "Oh, what do you have planned?", + "Just going to spend the day with the kids. I think we'll finally start building that tree house I've been promising them.", + "Oh that sounds like fun! I used to have a tree house.", + "I know. We used to sneak girls up there, remember?", + "Maybe you should think twice about building one for your kids." + ] + }, + "626": { + "context": "Jordan wanted to spend some quality time at home with the kids, so they took the day off work.", + "speaker": "Jordan", + "turns": [ + "I am taking a day off work to spend time with the family.", + "That's great you should keep a healthy work/personal life balance.", + "I agree, plus the kids are on vacation now so we get to spend the day together.", + "Sounds like a solid plan.", + "They are going to be so happy to spend some time with dad.", + "I bet they will, hope you have a nice day off with them." + ] + }, + "627": { + "context": "Jordan wanted to spend some quality time at home with the kids, so they took the day off work.", + "speaker": "Jordan", + "turns": [ + "I haven't spent quality time with my kids for a while now.", + "What has been happening with you?", + "Work! I've been busy at work. I want to spend quality time at home with them.", + "How do you plan to do that?", + "I've taken the day off work", + "Good!" + ] + }, + "628": { + "context": "Sasha was an incredible long distance runner, and Sasha threatened every record.", + "speaker": "Sasha", + "turns": [ + "I am surprised with the results of my last long-distance run!", + "I know! You are so good, you might even break the record!", + "That's what my coaches said. They say I might even break everyone's record in this school.", + "Isn't that amazing? I am so proud of you!", + "Thank you. I still can't believe I'm doing this good.", + "Your parents must be so proud of you." + ] + }, + "629": { + "context": "Sasha was an incredible long distance runner, and Sasha threatened every record.", + "speaker": "Sasha", + "turns": [ + "I'm a great runner.", + "Did you run in college?", + "Yes, it was very fun.", + "What was your time.", + "I ran in the fifteens.", + "That is very fast." + ] + }, + "630": { + "context": "Taylor was doing math homework, but there was an equation Taylor could not solve. Taylor asked Lee for help, and Lee solved Taylor's equation.", + "speaker": "Lee", + "turns": [ + "Taylor asked me for help on her math homework. I was able to help her.", + "I always knew you were good at math.", + "I just pay attention in class.", + "That's why you're so good at it." + ] + }, + "631": { + "context": "Taylor was doing math homework, but there was an equation Taylor could not solve. Taylor asked Lee for help, and Lee solved Taylor's equation.", + "speaker": "Lee", + "turns": [ + "I'm impressed with all my pupils, but Taylor has really managed to stand out.", + "Taylor, really? I thought he was one of your problem cases.", + "He was, but something happened and he's managed to start turning himself around.", + "That's so nice to hear. Good for him.", + "Yeah, he's reaching out and asking questions now whenever he doesn't know something.", + "That makes all the difference, doesn't it? Knowing when to ask for help, I mean." + ] + }, + "632": { + "context": "Riley was curious about Aubrey's pet cat, so Aubrey told Riley the name of the cat.", + "speaker": "Aubrey", + "turns": [ + "I asked Aubrey about her pet cat. She didn't want to tell me at first but then I kept asking her because I love cats. She named her Cleo.", + "Cleo like Cleopatra?", + "I think so. I assume that much.", + "That's a good name for a cat.", + "I don't know if I would name my cat Cleo. Cleo sounds like a crazy old lady to me.", + "It is a bit dated." + ] + }, + "633": { + "context": "Riley was curious about Aubrey's pet cat, so Aubrey told Riley the name of the cat.", + "speaker": "Aubrey", + "turns": [ + "Turns out Aubrey has a cat.", + "Does she? I didn't know you liked cats.", + "I love cats! And hers is so beautiful and fluffy.", + "What is her cat's name?", + "Her name is furball.", + "Well, that's appropriate since she is so fluffy!" + ] + }, + "634": { + "context": "Riley was curious about Aubrey's pet cat, so Aubrey told Riley the name of the cat.", + "speaker": "Aubrey", + "turns": [ + "Riley has a cat. It's a really cool cat.", + "What's so cool about Riley's cat?", + "It acts like a human. If you call its name, it'll answer, and it stares in your eyes as you speak to it.", + "So it's like having a real conversation then?", + "Yes. I asked Riley \"what is the name of this cat?\" and where can I get one like it?", + "Sounds like that's a pretty rare cat. You would be disappointed by most others." + ] + }, + "635": { + "context": "Alex drove so fast on the highway that they missed the exit to the closest gas station.", + "speaker": "Alex", + "turns": [ + "We were driving in a rush this morning.", + "You must've been late.", + "I was running out of gas but missed the exit.", + "That happens at the best time.", + "I can't believe I missed it.", + "I'm glad you got to the destinations safely." + ] + }, + "636": { + "context": "Alex drove so fast on the highway that they missed the exit to the closest gas station.", + "speaker": "Alex", + "turns": [ + "I had a really bad day today.", + "Oh no, what happened?", + "Well, it's kind of my fault, but I was driving too fast on the highway which made me miss the exit to the nearest gas station, and I ran out of gas.", + "Oh wow, that sucks. Did you have to walk to the gas station?", + "Unfortunately yes, and it was so hot out I almost passed out.", + "Sorry to hear that. Next time don't drive so fast!" + ] + }, + "637": { + "context": "Kendall found a new job because their current one was not going to last much longer.", + "speaker": "Kendall", + "turns": [ + "I finally found a new job!", + "Oh! That's awesome, cause your old job was about to end, huh", + "Yeah, I was getting nervous about being out of work", + "So perfect timing then", + "YES! I'm so relieved", + "I'm glad you found it!" + ] + }, + "638": { + "context": "Riley ate a fish burger from a street vendor and at the time was concerned it didn't smell right but decided to eat it anyway. Later that day he started to feel unwell.", + "speaker": "Riley", + "turns": [ + "I feel terrible, I have stomach pain.", + "Did you eat something spoiled?", + "I think I did, I ate a fish burger that didn't smell right.", + "That must be it then, where did you get it.", + "I bought it from a street vendor.", + "No wonder you are sick then." + ] + }, + "639": { + "context": "Riley ate a fish burger from a street vendor and at the time was concerned it didn't smell right but decided to eat it anyway. Later that day he started to feel unwell.", + "speaker": "Riley", + "turns": [ + "The fish burger from the street vendor didn't smell right but I ate it anyways. I felt so sick that night. I threw up three times.", + "Are you feeling better now?", + "I am better but still not quite myself. I think I am dehydrated.", + "You need to replenish the electrolytes in your body.", + "My body lost a lot of liquid. I think I have a couple bottles of electrolytes in the fridge.", + "Drink that." + ] + }, + "640": { + "context": "Riley ate a fish burger from a street vendor and at the time was concerned it didn't smell right but decided to eat it anyway. Later that day he started to feel unwell.", + "speaker": "Riley", + "turns": [ + "I wish I had passed on that fish burger from the street vendor.", + "Did you not like it?", + "I think it upset my stomach. From the way it smelled, I think it may have gone bad.", + "I hope it is not food poisoning. You should see a doctor." + ] + }, + "641": { + "context": "Riley ate a fish burger from a street vendor and at the time was concerned it didn't smell right but decided to eat it anyway. Later that day he started to feel unwell.", + "speaker": "Riley", + "turns": [ + "I need to bail on going to the movies tonight.", + "But you already bought tickets, why can't you go?", + "I am not feeling good, I ate a fish burger from a street vendor for lunch today.", + "Uh oh, that sounds like food poisoning coming on.", + "Yeah, I was concerned it didn't smell right but I ate it anyway and now I feel sick and shaky and am starting to sweat.", + "You should go to the bathroom. Later you can try to find someone to give the tickets to." + ] + }, + "642": { + "context": "Jan saw Lee with someone else, so Jan accused Lee of cheating.", + "speaker": "Jan", + "turns": [ + "Lee was cheating on me.", + "Yes he was.", + "I knew that he was.", + "He was with someone else.", + "Yes, that's horrible.", + "He did a bad thing to you." + ] + }, + "643": { + "context": "Ash has a new dog and it was playful but would not listen, so he had to call the dog often.", + "speaker": "Ash", + "turns": [ + "I got a new dog and I am struggling already.", + "Why, what's wrong?", + "The dog is playful, but would not listen.", + "Just call him loud.", + "I have to be calling the dog often because it doesn't stay.", + "Give it a bit of time, and the dog will learn." + ] + }, + "644": { + "context": "Ash has a new dog and it was playful but would not listen, so he had to call the dog often.", + "speaker": "Ash", + "turns": [ + "I'm trying to do some training and commands with our new dog.", + "How is it going so far?", + "She is just so playful, it's hard to get her to listen!", + "Yes, I'm sure she will learn over time though.", + "Yesterday I must have called out to her ten times before she came back into the house.", + "Well, you have to remember that she's still just a pup." + ] + }, + "645": { + "context": "Ash has a new dog and it was playful but would not listen, so he had to call the dog often.", + "speaker": "Ash", + "turns": [ + "My new dog is such a funny little puppy", + "I love him, I saw him yesterday", + "He is a bundle of energy but he doesn't listen", + "Do his ears perk up?", + "Nope, I have to call his name", + "He will learn within time" + ] + }, + "646": { + "context": "Ash has a new dog and it was playful but would not listen, so he had to call the dog often.", + "speaker": "Ash", + "turns": [ + "My new dog is really starting to annoy me.", + "Why? New dogs are always a struggle.", + "He just doesn't listen to anything, so I am constantly calling his name.", + "Sounds like a child to me, but also a dog.", + "Ha, that is funny, but yes, like a child.", + "We all know children and dogs don't listen." + ] + }, + "647": { + "context": "Addison wanted to go abroad for the summer. Addison spent hours practicing their French each day.", + "speaker": "Addison", + "turns": [ + "I had been thinking for months about going to France for the summer.", + "That sounds great!", + "I know, I literally have spent every day practicing my French.", + "Are you near fluent?", + "Not near fluent, but I am mediocre right now.", + "It's great that you want to learn the language before travelling abroad." + ] + }, + "648": { + "context": "Ash was finally able to redeem himself after the belly flop at the swimming pool last weekend.", + "speaker": "Ash", + "turns": [ + "I am so glad that I was able to redeem myself after that belly flop at the swimming pool last weekend.", + "Really how?", + "I showed everyone what a good diver I really am. I jumped in from the deep end and did a perfect dive.", + "Well you ain't got to tell me what a good diver you are. I already know.", + "Thanks friend.", + "No problem." + ] + }, + "649": { + "context": "Ash was finally able to redeem himself after the belly flop at the swimming pool last weekend.", + "speaker": "Ash", + "turns": [ + "I went to the pool today", + "Did you land on your stomach again?", + "Nope, I did the double back flip!", + "Woah, I am glad you redeemed yourself", + "Told you I was going to do better than that belly flop", + "You're right, that was way cool" + ] + }, + "650": { + "context": "Bailey thought maybe it was true, but all the evidence showed it was false.", + "speaker": "Bailey", + "turns": [ + "Can you guys help me with this scientific case?", + "What's the matter, Bailey?", + "I'm trying to prove this hypotheses for biology class but I'm having trouble.", + "Did you follow the scientific method?", + "Yes, but all my evidence contradicts my initial expectations. I expected a positive answer but all my answers show the readings were false.", + "Then you have to present false as your conclusion. In science evidence is everything." + ] + }, + "651": { + "context": "Bailey thought maybe it was true, but all the evidence showed it was false.", + "speaker": "Bailey", + "turns": [ + "I was sure it was true. I was absolutely sure they killed them!", + "Why did you think that? Why would they kill them?", + "Well, everyone knows they were messing around with their wife...", + "Yeah, but when they died they were on tour in Europe and them and their wife were split up and they were already involved with that Russian supermodel.", + "Yeah but they were killed with their gun!", + "Yeah but the robber confessed that they found the gun in a drawer while they were robbing the place!" + ] + }, + "652": { + "context": "Bailey thought maybe it was true, but all the evidence showed it was false.", + "speaker": "Bailey", + "turns": [ + "I believe that what they said was true.", + "I know, I can't believe it either, Bailey.", + "All the evidence shows that it was false, though!", + "You're right, Bailey, once they went through everything, they realized it was false.", + "I can't believe it. I thought it was true!", + "We were all really fooled with this one, Bailey. Don't feel bad!" + ] + }, + "653": { + "context": "Bailey thought maybe it was true, but all the evidence showed it was false.", + "speaker": "Bailey", + "turns": [ + "I am telling you it's true.", + "The evidence shows it's false though.", + "I an telling you an UFO landed in the field.", + "They can't find any proof though.", + "I saw it and thousands saw it.", + "The authorities said it was just a weather balloon that came down." + ] + }, + "654": { + "context": "Bailey thought maybe it was true, but all the evidence showed it was false.", + "speaker": "Bailey", + "turns": [ + "I think it's true, the pandemic is a hoax.", + "Then how do you explain the thousands of people who are dying from CO-VID?", + "It could be fake news.", + "So many people got CO-VID and died.", + "I'm so sorry to hear that, I guess the evidence shows my belief is false.", + "The virus is definitely real and we all need to do our part to help stop the spread." + ] + }, + "655": { + "context": "Addison wanted to go to Mexico, so they looked into flights for the trip.", + "speaker": "Addison", + "turns": [ + "I'm just looking at some flight schedules.", + "Are you planning on going on a trip?", + "Yeah. I've been wanting to go on a trip for a while.", + "Where are you planning on going?", + "Mexico. I've never been there.", + "I hope you will have a great time." + ] + }, + "656": { + "context": "Addison wanted to go to Mexico, so they looked into flights for the trip.", + "speaker": "Addison", + "turns": [ + "I want to go on vacation!", + "Where do you want to go?", + "I really want to go to Mexico, I have never been there.", + "You should go then!", + "Okay, let's start looking at flights and see how expensive they are.", + "I hope you find a good deal!" + ] + }, + "657": { + "context": "Addison wanted to go to Mexico, so they looked into flights for the trip.", + "speaker": "Addison", + "turns": [ + "I think I found the perfect flight and hotel package. I need to call them to see if it works for them.", + "Where are you guys going?", + "To Mexico! I haven't been there for 10 years. I can't wait.", + "It must be beautiful there.", + "Yes, it's like paradise in some places." + ] + }, + "658": { + "context": "Cameron went to the park with their friends and had a lot of fun with them.", + "speaker": "Cameron", + "turns": [ + "I went to the park with some guys in my building.", + "That sounds fun. What did you guys do?", + "We played a couple of games of basketball. It was really fun.", + "Which park did you guys end up going to?", + "The one up the block.", + "I am glad you had a good time." + ] + }, + "659": { + "context": "Cameron went to the park with their friends and had a lot of fun with them.", + "speaker": "Cameron", + "turns": [ + "We had such a great time playing basketball today ", + "I am glad it was fun, did any of them dunk on you?", + "There is no way I would ever let them dunk on me, man.", + "Well next time you go to the park they will have to try.", + "Do you remember when I shot that three in their face and swished it?", + "Yeah don't remind me about that one." + ] + + }, + "660": { + "context": "Cameron went to the park with their friends and had a lot of fun with them.", + "speaker": "Cameron", + "turns": [ + "I was out at the park all afternoon today.", + "It was perfect weather. What did you do?", + "I went with some friends; we played ball then had a barbeque.", + "Oh, that's cool. I didn't know you could barbeque there.", + "You can grill at designated spots. It was so fun.", + "I'm glad you were out all day." + ] + }, + "661": { + "context": "Cameron went to the park with their friends and had a lot of fun with them.", + "speaker": "Cameron", + "turns": [ + "I had a great time at the park.", + "I am glad you enjoyed it.", + "My favorite moment was when we played at the water splash area.", + "Yeah, that sounds like so much fun. I can't wait for you to go back.", + "Let's plan to go to the park this weekend. We can play in the splash area again.", + "I'll plan for it." + ] + }, + "662": { + "context": "Alex invited Sasha's friends over, but Sasha's friends made a mess.", + "speaker": "Alex", + "turns": [ + "I invited Sasha and her friends to my party yesterday. Big mistake.", + "I already know what you're going to say. They're inconsiderate.", + "Putting it mildly, yes. They're rude and have no manners. And they made a complete mess!", + "Now you know for next time to tell Sasha NOT to bring her friends.", + "Obviously. They nearly ruined the whole party!", + "Sasha really needs to reassess her friendship with them." + ] + }, + "663": { + "context": "Alex invited Sasha's friends over, but Sasha's friends made a mess.", + "speaker": "Alex", + "turns": [ + "I will never invite Sasha's friends over again.", + "Why, what happened?", + "They made such a mess. I was up all night cleaning up their mess.", + "Did you make Sasha help you clean?", + "No, but I told her I pray she doesn't make that kind of mess at their homes.", + "I'm sure she doesn't. She has good home training." + ] + }, + "664": { + "context": "Before she started riding her bike today, Sydney wore a helmet.", + "speaker": "Sydney", + "turns": [ + "Today I will ride a bicycle, would you like to go with me?", + "It would be great, but why are you wearing the helmet before? If you are not on the bike yet", + "It's a habit that I have had since I was little", + "That's a good habit to have, better to be safe than sorry!", +"My dad always recited those words when I complained.", +"Sounds like he was a smart man!" + ] + }, + "665": { + "context": "Before she started riding her bike today, Sydney wore a helmet.", + "speaker": "Sydney", + "turns": [ + "I went for a bike ride today.", + "That sounds nice.", + "Yeah it was and obviously I couldn't forget to wear my helmet.", + "Yes of course! Safety first!", + "Indeed, it is certainly a necessity.", + "Well I am glad to hear you are being responsible." + ] + }, + "666": { + "context": "Ash asked them what happened, and listened as they told them about all of their troubles.", + "speaker": "Ash", + "turns": [ + "I am worried about my friend Bill.", + "Oh, no! Want to talk about it?", + "He told me he lost his job and his worried about not being able to pay his bills on time", + "That is really bad news.", + "On top of that, his wife asked for a divorce and he's late on the car payment. I told him to ask for a loan for now. ", + "I think that is good advice, hopefully he will be better soon. " + ] + }, + "667": { + "context": "Austin went to the bakery and bought a cookie. They shared their cookie with a friend.", + "speaker": "Austin", + "turns": [ + "I went to the bakery.", + "What did you buy on the bakery, Austin?", + "I bought some cookies and gave some, to my friend.", + "The cookies I told you about?", + "Yes, those ones. And my friend seems to like them.", + "I am glad that your friend likes them." + ] + }, + "668": { + "context": "Austin went to the bakery and bought a cookie. They shared their cookie with a friend.", + "speaker": "Austin", + "turns": [ + "I went to the bakery today to get a cookie. It was the size of my head.", + "That's a pretty big cookie.", + "That is a humongous cookie. I ended up sharing it with a friend.", + "That's good. It was probably a lot of sugar.", + "It was way too much for one person.", + "I bet your friend enjoyed that it was." + ] + }, + "669": { + "context": "Austin went to the bakery and bought a cookie. They shared their cookie with a friend.", + "speaker": "Austin", + "turns": [ + "I went to the bakery to get some treats.", + "What treats did you get?", + "I heard their cookies were really good, we could share between us and even take some home", + "That sounds like a delicious plan!" + ] + }, + "670": { + "context": "Quinn watched ''Learn French in 25 Minutes'' videos on their phone during a long journey on the train.", + "speaker": "Quinn", + "turns": [ + "I just travelled to my grandma's by train.", + "How long was the trip?", + "The trip actually was twelve hours so I had to keep busy.", + "What did you do to occupy all that time?", + "I decided to watch all sorts of \"Learn French in twenty-five minutes\" videos.", + "Now you can travel to France for the next trip!" + ] + }, + "671": { + "context": "Quinn watched ''Learn French in 25 Minutes'' videos on their phone during a long journey on the train.", + "speaker": "Quinn", + "turns": [ + "I finally got to Nice.", + "How was the train ride?", + "It was so long! I kept myself occupied watching \"Learn French in 25 Minutes\" videos on my phone.", + "And did you learn French in 25 minutes?", + "Oui, Monsieur!", + "Wow, you're like a real Parisian now!" + ] + }, + "672": { + "context": "Quinn watched ''Learn French in 25 Minutes'' videos on their phone during a long journey on the train.", + "speaker": "Quinn", + "turns": [ + "I watched that French movie.", + "It's hard to watch.", + "You have to use your phone for this.", + "Yeah, it's like two hours long.", + "That's too long for me.", + "Yeah, hang in there." + ] + }, + "673": { + "context": "Quinn watched ''Learn French in 25 Minutes'' videos on their phone during a long journey on the train.", + "speaker": "Quinn", + "turns": [ + "It took nine hours to get there on the train.", + "Did you sleep the whole time?", + "I took a short nap, but mostly watched videos to learn how to speak French.", + "That's cool, learning languages is a great skill to have", + "French is such a beautiful language, I really like learning it.", + "Say something to me in French." + ] + }, + "674": { + "context": "Jesse needed to buy a new car so they started looking online for something that would work.", + "speaker": "Jesse", + "turns": [ + "I think I can find a good car online at this website my brother gave me", + "what kind of car are you looking for?", + "Probably something cheap with good mileage and a decent paint job", + "I think you can get something for under a thousand if you look hard enough", + "Sounds great to me" + ] + }, + "675": { + "context": "Jesse needed to buy a new car so they started looking online for something that would work.", + "speaker": "Jesse", + "turns": [ + "I needed to buy a new car so I looked online for something that was within my budget.", + "Are you looking for a cheap car?", + "I want something nice so I would be willing to spend more. Something mid price range would be good.", + "Do you have anything particular in mind?", + "I went to a BMW dealership and test drove a few cars. There's one that I love.", + "Great choice. BMWs are good cars." + ] + }, + "676": { + "context": "Since the weather was always warm, Taylor never wore a coat.", + "speaker": "Taylor", + "turns": [ + "I love this time of year.", + "The leaves always look beautiful turning colors.", + "Yes, and the best part is that it's not hot but not cold enough to need a coat.", + "So true. Hopefully the weather doesn't start acting up.", + "Luckily, the weather has remained warm.", + "I know. Let's enjoy it for as long as possible" + ] + }, + "677": { + "context": "Since the weather was always warm, Taylor never wore a coat.", + "speaker": "Taylor", + "turns": [ + "When I was in Brazil, I never wore a sweater.", + "Weren't you worried about catching a cold?", + "The weather their is warm all year round.", + "It must be nice to live there." + ] + }, + "678": { + "context": "Since the weather was always warm, Taylor never wore a coat.", + "speaker": "Taylor", + "turns": [ + "I hate wearing coats because it is always too hot here in Florida.", + "I know what you mean, but in Minnesota it can get chilly in the summer sometimes.", + "I like certain types of coats though but I can never wear them unless it gets unusually cold which never happens.", + "Yeah, I feel like it would only get cold at night and never during the day.", + "When it rains sometimes it will be in the 60's but that's about it.", + "Get yourself a nice coat and go for a trip to Minnesota in the winter then." + ] + }, + "679": { + "context": "Since the weather was always warm, Taylor never wore a coat.", + "speaker": "Taylor", + "turns": [ + "I just never have the need to wear a coat.", + "Why do say that?", + "Because the weather is always warm.", + "Yeah, but there's a few days where it gets a little cold", + "I love the cold. I'm thinking of getting rid of my coats.", + "You should just give them to charity." + ] + }, + "680": { + "context": "Kendall got my money the other day to pay for the school dance tickets for next week.", + "speaker": "Kendall", + "turns": [ + "I just got the money for her tickets.", + "Which tickets?", + "The school dance tickets remember?", + "Oh yes, it will be so fun." + ] + }, + "681": { + "context": "Kendall got my money the other day to pay for the school dance tickets for next week.", + "speaker": "Kendall", + "turns": [ + "I got money from my mom for the school dance the other day.", + "Did you buy the tickets already?", + "No I'm going to get them after school today.", + "Who are you taking to the dance?", + "I was going to ask them if they would like to go?", + "I didn't see that coming. I think they would love to." + ] + }, + "682": { + "context": "Kendall got my money the other day to pay for the school dance tickets for next week.", + "speaker": "Kendall", + "turns": [ + "I finally got all the money I need from the kids to pay for the dance tickets.", + "That is good, when will you buy them?", + "Tomorrow morning during the first break of the day I will buy them at school.", + "How many will you be able to buy?", + "I have enough money to buy tickets for 10 students.", + "Be careful carrying around that much money all day to be honest." + ] + }, + "683": { + "context": "Casey drove to a local country park, parked the car and decided to go on a hike to the top of the park.", + "speaker": "Casey", + "turns": [ + "I had a nice hike at the country park.", + "Did you climb the mound?", + "Yes, I got to the top after parking nearby.", + "Did you know people broke into cars in that park?", + "Yeah, that's why I parked nearby.", + "You could certainly see everything from the top of the mound if something did happen." + ] + }, + "684": { + "context": "Casey drove to a local country park, parked the car and decided to go on a hike to the top of the park.", + "speaker": "Casey", + "turns": [ + "I went to the local country park today", + "That sounds great. Did you drive there?", + "Yes, I did. I parked on the shade and went for a hike.", + "Did you have your hiking gear with you?", + "I always have my gear and water ready in the car. I made it to the top of the park!", + "Wow! Good job!" + ] + }, + "685": { + "context": "Casey drove to a local country park, parked the car and decided to go on a hike to the top of the park.", + "speaker": "Casey", + "turns": [ + "I just came back from a really cool hike", + "That's really fun! Where did you go?", + "I went to the local country park", + "How far into the park did you hike?", + "I actually went all the way to the top.", + "Wow! That's really impressive! I bet it was very fun." + ] + }, + "686": { + "context": "Casey drove to a local country park, parked the car and decided to go on a hike to the top of the park.", + "speaker": "Casey", + "turns": [ + "Guess what?", + "You are going scuba diving?", + "Funny, no I'm going to the country park. Once I park the car then going to hike to the top of it.", + "Oh that sounds like fun." + ] + }, + "687": { + "context": "Cameron sold Sasha's products at affordable prices and made a lot of money for them both.", + "speaker": "Cameron", + "turns": [ + "My friend Sasha gave me her bracelets to sell over the weekend.", + "Where did you sell them?", + "At the art fair at school.", + "Did a lot of people buy them?", + "Yeah, they did. I sold them cheap but still made a lot of money for both of us.", + "You are such a business man." + ] + }, + "688": { + "context": "Cameron sold Sasha's products at affordable prices and made a lot of money for them both.", + "speaker": "Cameron", + "turns": [ + "I can't believe how much money I'm raking in with these things.", + "So Sasha wasn't lying when she said her products were in demand.", + "Nope. They just about sell themselves. Especially at the price point she's got them at.", + "That's cool. You guys make such a good team.", + "Yeah, I want to keep this going. I'm having fun.", + "I'm sure she is, too. After all, you're making money!" + ] + }, + "689": { + "context": "Cameron sold Sasha's products at affordable prices and made a lot of money for them both.", + "speaker": "Cameron", + "turns": [ + "I can't believe how much money I made from selling Sasha's stuff.", + "I'm so happy you found such enthusiastic buyers that pay well for the products.", + "Well, she had some good stuff in there, a lot of vintage video games and toys.", + "What brought in the most money?", + "She had a copy of the Super Nintendo Game Earthbound with it's box and instruction manual. That rakes in a lot with certain collectors.", + "And to think, this stuff was just sitting in her basement. I am sure she is thankful you helped." + ] + }, + "690": { + "context": "Cameron sold Sasha's products at affordable prices and made a lot of money for them both.", + "speaker": "Cameron", + "turns": [ + "I did really well selling Sasha's products.", + "What products does Sasha have?", + "She makes affordable jewellery. She was having issues selling them. I made a deal with her.", + "That's great, you were able to help her out and make money while doing it.", + "We made lots of money. I'm taking a trip to Hawaii next month.", + "Lucky you! Hawaii is so beautiful!" + ] + }, + "691": { + "context": "Ash only shopped once a month. Ash put groceries in the car and it took an hour.", + "speaker": "Ash", + "turns": [ + "I should start shopping more often.", + "Why? How often do you go?", + "I only go once a month and it takes forever.", + "Maybe it would help if you went every 2 weeks.", + "Yeah, it took like an hour to just load them up last time.", + "You should definitely go more often." + ] + }, + "692": { + "context": "Ash only shopped once a month. Ash put groceries in the car and it took an hour.", + "speaker": "Ash", + "turns": [ + "Hey, you know I only shop once in a month right?", + "Yes, I do. Why are you bringing that up?", + "The last time I went shopping it took me an hour to put the groceries in my car.", + "Wow, really? Maybe you should consider going shopping more often." + ] + }, + "693": { + "context": "Ash only shopped once a month. Ash put groceries in the car and it took an hour.", + "speaker": "Ash", + "turns": [ + "People always complain about how long I take to shop, but that's because I only go once a month.", + "Why do you do it like that?", + "I live far away from the grocery store and want to save gas by only going once a month, and then buying in bulk to last me in between trips.", + "I'm surprised you could fit all of those groceries in your car in one trip!", + "Somehow, I manage." + ] + }, + "694": { + "context": "Riley lost their very first tooth and put it under their pillow for the tooth fairy.", + "speaker": "Riley", + "turns": [ + "Is the tooth fairy going to come tonight?", + "Only if you put your tooth under your pillow!", + "Ok. I just did that. How long do I have to wait?", + "You are just supposed to fall asleep as usually. It only comes when you are sleeping and will disappear if you wake up on it!", + "So I'll have my gift in the morning?", + "Yes. Look under your pillow when you wake up." + ] + }, + "695": { + "context": "Riley lost their very first tooth and put it under their pillow for the tooth fairy.", + "speaker": "Riley", + "turns": [ + "I just lost my first tooth.", + "Did it hurt when it came out?", + "No, I even put it under my pillow.", + "Why did you put it under your pillow?", + "So the tooth fairy takes it and gives me money.", + "You're going to be rich!" + ] + }, + "696": { + "context": "Riley lost their very first tooth and put it under their pillow for the tooth fairy.", + "speaker": "Riley", + "turns": [ + "I got five dollars last night.", + "Really? How come?", + "The tooth fairy gave them to me.", + "How lucky! Usually the tooth fairy gives one dollar.", + "The tooth fairy must love me very much.", + "It is because you're very good, Riley." + ] + }, + "697": { + "context": "Riley lost their very first tooth and put it under their pillow for the tooth fairy.", + "speaker": "Riley", + "turns": [ + "We lost our first tooth. We were told to put it under our pillow.", + "Why do you put it under your pillow?", + "The tooth fairy comes at night and gets it from under the pillow and leaves a money treat.", + "What did the tooth fairly leave you for your first tooth.", + "We got five dollars for the tooth.", + "Wow. That's amazing news!" + ] + }, + "698": { + "context": "Jordan saw they could get some foods and that was all they could think about after that.", + "speaker": "Jordan", + "turns": [ + "Me and Phil are both on diets, and we passed a McDonalds.", + "Oh man, that's dangerous. Did you stop by?.", + "Well, no we didn't, but then we couldn't get the idea of burgers out of our minds.", + "Oh, so what did you do?", + "We went to McDonalds in the next town over. Those burgers were all we could think about.", + "I hear ya. Sometimes that craving is hard to resist for sure!" + ] + }, + "699": { + "context": "Jordan saw they could get some foods and that was all they could think about after that.", + "speaker": "Jordan", + "turns": [ + "We were so hungry last night.", + "Why? Didn't you have dinner?", + "We have no money with us. Would you believe we found free food at the end of the street?", + "It was perfect timing then.", + "We were so glad. We left full and happy.", + "You should always have money in your pocket in case of emergency." + ] + }, + "700": { + "context": "Jordan saw they could get some foods and that was all they could think about after that.", + "speaker": "Jordan", + "turns": [ + "Did you see the deal that they are running at the new steakhouse?", + "No, I didn't even know there was a new steakhouse in town.", + "I should go. They have a $15 steak meal with drinks that has great sides.", + "Oh, man. That sounds delicious. Will you go over the weekend?", + "Yeah, I plan on going Saturday before the dinner rush.", + "OK, can't wait to hear all about it." + ] + }, + "701": { + "context": "Carson gave Addison a piece of their mind. Addison talked badly about Carson behind their back.", + "speaker": "Addison", + "turns": [ + "Carson found out I had been bad-mouthing him behind his back.", + "Uh oh. What happened, did he confront you?", + "Yes, he did. He really gave me a piece of my mind.", + "Well, if you were talking about him behind his back, do you think you deserved it?", + "Yeah, I guess I did. I should have said what I said to his face.", + "Hopefully this won't have a lasting impact on your relationship with him." + ] + }, + "702": { + "context": "Carson gave Addison a piece of their mind. Addison talked badly about Carson behind their back.", + "speaker": "Addison", + "turns": [ + "Carson was full of spit and vinegar and told me off.", + "What brought that on?", + "I do not know but as soon as he left I went to see our boss.", + "What happened with your boss?", + "I talked badly about Carson behind his back.", + "I hope nothing bad comes from this." + ] + }, + "703": { + "context": "Carson gave Addison a piece of their mind. Addison talked badly about Carson behind their back.", + "speaker": "Addison", + "turns": [ + "Well I got yelled at today.", + "Who yelled at you?", + "Carson yelled at me because they heard I was talking about them behind their back.", + "Were you?", + "I didn't say anything that I haven't told them to their faces so, that's a no.", + "Well, hopefully everything blows over." + ] + }, + "704": { + "context": "After several years of dating, Sydney finally met their boyfriend's parents at their home.", + "speaker": "Sydney", + "turns": [ + "It was an unmitigated disaster!", + "Are you talking about the dinner you had last night with your boyfriend's parents?", + "Yes. It played out like one of those horrible movie scripts!", + "Like \"Meet the Parents?\"", + "No, more like, \"Dinner for Schmucks!\"", + "Oh, my. Were you one of the Schmucks?" + ] + }, + "705": { + "context": "After several years of dating, Sydney finally met their boyfriend's parents at their home.", + "speaker": "Sydney", + "turns": [ + "I finally met my boyfriend's parents.", + "About time, after dating for years.", + "I was really nervous.", + "How did it go?", + "They were actually really nice; I wish I hadn't waited so long.", + "Well, I suppose your boyfriend was not ready for that." + ] + }, + "706": { + "context": "After several years of dating, Sydney finally met their boyfriend's parents at their home.", + "speaker": "Sydney", + "turns": [ + "His parents are so funny", + "How so?", + "They just had this really bright attitude and kept telling me things about him", + "Oh, like stories of the stuff he did as a kid?", + "YES!" + ] + }, + "707": { + "context": "After several years of dating, Sydney finally met their boyfriend's parents at their home.", + "speaker": "Sydney", + "turns": [ + "So psyched. I finally got to meet my boyfriend's parents!", + "Awesome! How long have you been together now?", + "Well, it's been several years, so it's about time! I met them at their house.", + "Sounds like you guys got along well?", + "Yeah. I think I made a good impression, and I liked them a lot.", + "So glad he finally let you meet his family. That's a big step!" + ] + }, + "708": { + "context": "After several years of dating, Sydney finally met their boyfriend's parents at their home.", + "speaker": "Sydney", + "turns": [ + "My boyfriend and I have been dating for a while.", + "Have you met his parents?", + "Yes I finally did recently.", + "How did it go?", + "He took me to his home to meet them. They were nice.", + "I'm glad they like you." + ] + }, + "709": { + "context": "Finally able to work to help the family, Alex gave money to their mother.", + "speaker": "Alex", + "turns": [ + "I gave my mom some money last night.", + "Why did you give her your money?", + "She has been working hard and providing for us the best she can since he died.", + "I know that it was hard on all of you when that happened.", + "Turning 15 and being able to go to work and feel like I am helping.", + "You are a big help to your mother and sisters." + ] + }, + "710": { + "context": "Finally able to work to help the family, Alex gave money to their mother.", + "speaker": "Alex", + "turns": [ + "I'm so glad that I can contribute to my family.", + "That's so awesome that you're helping out with money from your job.", + "My mom works so hard that I have to do my part.", + "Your mom is pretty awesome and a hard-working lady.", + "Yes she is, so helping her out is a blessing to me.", + "You're a great kid Alex." + ] + }, + "711": { + "context": "Finally able to work to help the family, Alex gave money to their mother.", + "speaker": "Alex", + "turns": [ + "I'm so happy I got this new job.", + "Yeah, I bet.", + "Yeah, it feels good to be able to help the family.", + "It sure does, and I bet it feels even better to be able to give your mother money.", + "Yeah, my mother is a good lady. She deserves the best.", + "Well said." + ] + }, + "712": { + "context": "Finally able to work to help the family, Alex gave money to their mother.", + "speaker": "Alex", + "turns": [ + "I gave some of the money I earned at my job the past two weeks to my mom.", + "That was really nice of you man, I'm sure they appreciate the help.", + "Well with my dad being laid off we really need the extra money.", + "I know you are in a tough spot but you have to do what you can to help.", + "It is just hard sometimes because I want to do things with my own money but I know they need it.", + "Good things will always come to those who wait, always believe that." + ] + }, + "713": { + "context": "After not looking around at the various surroundings, Riley slipped, fell and cut their knee.", + "speaker": "Riley", + "turns": [ + "I was running on the hike and it was very bumpy.", + "Was the hike leader going fast?", + "Yes, and I tried to catch up but I slipped and cut my knee.", + "Oh, I am sorry to hear that! Does it hurt?", + "It hurts a good bit but I put some Neosporin on it and it will be better.", + "You should let the hike leader know to slow down in the future for everyone else's pace." + ] + }, + "714": { + "context": "After not looking around at the various surroundings, Riley slipped, fell and cut their knee.", + "speaker": "Riley", + "turns": [ + "I was pretty careless yesterday.", + "Can you tell me what happened?", + "I was not paying attention to the various surroundings.", + "That spells trouble.", + "I slipped, I fell and I cut my knee.", + "Your head is too often in the clouds, my friend." + ] + }, + "715": { + "context": "Robin wanted to keep their first date simple, so he took her to the movies.", + "speaker": "Robin", + "turns": [ + "I went on my first date with that new girl, I just took her to the movies.", + "Why didn't you guys do something special?", + "I wanted to keep it simple. I'm not even sure if I really like her.", + "I thought you were really into her?", + "I thought so too. But she's kind of vain.", + "You're too laid-back of a guy for a vain girl. Not into the high maintenance type." + ] + }, + "716": { + "context": "Robin wanted to keep their first date simple, so he took her to the movies.", + "speaker": "Robin", + "turns": [ + "I believe in simplicity.", + "Same here.", + "For example, I wanted to keep my first date simple so we went to the movies.", + "You can't go wrong with a movie." + ] + }, + "717": { + "context": "Robin wanted to keep their first date simple, so he took her to the movies.", + "speaker": "Robin", + "turns": [ + "I wanted to keep this date simple, so I hope she doesn't mind going to watch this movie.", + "I hope she likes movies.", + "Me too. I'm glad we're both going to enjoy this.", + "I am sure you're happy to be spending time together.", + "I think our relationship is off to a great start.", + "I am glad to hear that." + ] + }, + "718": { + "context": "The seats got built-in on but was too expensive for her to afford so she had to get a credit card.", + "speaker": "Skylar", + "turns": [ + "I wanted this car with built in seats that were too expensive for me. I am applying for a credit card so I can pay for it.", + "I didn't know you were in the market for a new car.", + "My last was totalled in the car crash. I had coverage on it so I got some money back to put towards a new car.", + "Are you okay? I didn't know you were in an accident.", + "We haven't talked in a while now and a lot has happened.", + "I hope you're okay.." + ] + }, + "719": { + "context": "The seats got built-in on but was too expensive for her to afford so she had to get a credit card.", + "speaker": "Skylar", + "turns": [ + "I hate to get a credit card but it is the only way that I can afford these seats", + "I'm sure it will be alright as long as you try to pay it off as soon as you can", + "I would just hate to go in debt and fall behind", + "As long as you are careful there will be no problem", + "Thank you, you're such a good friend to me" + ] + }, + "720": { + "context": "The seats got built-in on but was too expensive for her to afford so she had to get a credit card.", + "speaker": "Skylar", + "turns": [ + "I got some new seats built into my car.", + "Did you like the end product?", + "I loved it, but it was too expensive for me. I had to get a credit card.", + "Those must be really nice seats" + ] + }, + "721": { + "context": "The seats got built-in on but was too expensive for her to afford so she had to get a credit card.", + "speaker": "Skylar", + "turns": [ + "I wanted the seats to be built in.", + "That would be perfect then.", + "I did not realize it was so expensive but I went with it anyway.", + "Where did you get the money?", + "I had to use my credit card.", + "It should be worth it anyway." + ] + }, + "722": { + "context": "Alex bet that Susan would win the race. Alex won the bet easily.", + "speaker": "Alex", + "turns": [ + "Did you hear about Susan's finish?", + "Susan must be an amazing athlete.", + "She has been training for this race for months.", + "She is really fast, isn't she.", + "That is probably the easiest hundred dollars I have ever made!" + ] + }, + "723": { + "context": "Alex bet that Susan would win the race. Alex won the bet easily.", + "speaker": "Alex", + "turns": [ + "I just knew Susan would come first in that competition.", + "Was that yesterday?", + "Yes. I cashed in on it when my bet on her came through.", + "I bet you made good money.", + "It's a decent $50 from a $20 bet.", + "Congratulations on your winnings, and well done to Susan!" + ] + }, + "724": { + "context": "Alex bet that Susan would win the race. Alex won the bet easily.", + "speaker": "Alex", + "turns": [ + "I knew Susan would win, that is why I bet so much money on her!", + "You bet on her to win? I guess she should be flattered.", + "Susan is clearly the best runner out of everyone.", + "I am glad she finally won a race.", + "Tonight she was so fast! She won and that is all that matters.", + "Surely she is happy you were cheering for her!" + ] + }, + "725": { + "context": "Alex bet that Susan would win the race. Alex won the bet easily.", + "speaker": "Alex", + "turns": [ + "I knew the whole time who would win.", + "Who did you think was going to?", + "I knew Susan would, she is super fast.", + "Sounds like an easy bet.", + "It was a piece of cake to guess and I won.", + "Good for you!" + ] + }, + "726": { + "context": "After rear ending another driver in the way to work, Jesse called their insurance company.", + "speaker": "Jesse", + "turns": [ + "I had a car accident on the way to work.", + "Oh no! Was anybody hurt? Are you okay?", + "No, I'm fine, the other driver was fine. I already notified my insurance company.", + "What were the circumstances? Was it your fault?", + "Unfortunately, yes. I was fiddling with the radio and rear-ended the car in front of me.", + "That's a common first accident. Try paying more attention behind the wheel." + ] + }, + "727": { + "context": "After rear ending another driver in the way to work, Jesse called their insurance company.", + "speaker": "Jesse", + "turns": [ + "I just rear ended another person so I need to report the accident with my insurance", + "Oh, no! Are you ok? Any injuries", + "No, I am fine, but the cars aren't", + "Ok, did you file a police report?", + "No, we just took care of it ourselves.", + "I hope you took the other driver's information for the insurance." + ] + }, + "728": { + "context": "After rear ending another driver in the way to work, Jesse called their insurance company.", + "speaker": "Jesse", + "turns": [ + "I wasn't paying attention today and i rear ended another driver", + "Was everyone okay?", + "He said he had a neck injury but I wasn't even going that fast to injure him", + "I bet he is just trying to get some easy money off of a scam", + "Probably, because I was only going about ten miles an hour" + ] + }, + "729": { + "context": "Lee thought Cameron's plan would be the most profitable and sustainable for the company so they put it into effect.", + "speaker": "Lee", + "turns": [ + "I'm really impressed with Cameron's plan for the next few quarters.", + "So you're going with Cameron's plan then?", + "Yes, it seems to be more profitable and sustainable for the company.", + "That's great for you and Cameron. I hope it works out.", + "Same here. If it doesn't, I'm gonna look like a fool." + ] + }, + "730": { + "context": "Lee thought Cameron's plan would be the most profitable and sustainable for the company so they put it into effect.", + "speaker": "Lee", + "turns": [ + "I've thought about Cameron's idea and I'd like to try it out.", + "That's excellent!", + "Yes, I think it seems very profitable and we'd like to start with it as soon as possible.", + "That's exciting! Do you need him to work out anything else?", + "Yes, we'd like to make a presentation for the meeting next Monday.", + "I am sure he will do that." + ] + }, + "731": { + "context": "Lee thought Cameron's plan would be the most profitable and sustainable for the company so they put it into effect.", + "speaker": "Lee", + "turns": [ + "I had to establish a new business plan at work today.", + "Were there any good ideas?", + "A few. Cameron had the best concept of diversifying our interests and products. Risk-averse but also with a mediocre reward. But better than going bankrupt!", + "I agree. Better to play it safe in these tough times.", + "The rest of the board agreed and voted on it. Cameron's gonna get a promotion for his great ideas!", + "Good for him! Glad you guys are moving forward." + ] + }, + "732": { + "context": "Quinn was gone from her home a long time for job training. As she unlocked her front door, she wondered if Tabby cat and Rover would even remember her.", + "speaker": "Quinn", + "turns": [ + "I was gone for so long.", + "Yeah, wasn't it a month?", + "Yes, for job training.", + "I bet Tabby and Rover were happy to see you", + "Yes, I wondered if they would even remember me, but they did, they were so happy.", + "I bet they were really glad when you got back." + ] + }, + "733": { + "context": "Quinn was gone from her home a long time for job training. As she unlocked her front door, she wondered if Tabby cat and Rover would even remember her.", + "speaker": "Quinn", + "turns": [ + "Where's Tabby and Rover?", + "They're in the basement with Jill.", + "I thought they'd miss me, let me call them, I'M HOME!", + "They must be running to you now.", + "Ok, slow down Rover, now I know you missed me. Oh, and there's Tabby", + "I don't know why you were so worried!" + ] + }, + "734": { + "context": "Quinn wanted to evict the non-paying tenant, so Quinn served an eviction notice.", + "speaker": "Quinn", + "turns": [ + "I had to evict one of my tenants the other day for non-payment.", + "How do you go about doing that?", + "I had to file the paperwork with the city and send an official eviction notice.", + "What did the tenant say? I bet they were upset.", + "They were upset and yelling at me, but you gotta pay your bills you know?", + "Of course. What a tough position for everyone to be in!" + ] + }, + "735": { + "context": "Quinn wanted to evict the non-paying tenant, so Quinn served an eviction notice.", + "speaker": "Quinn", + "turns": [ + "My tenants haven't been paying.", + "Ugh that's tough.", + "It is. I researched a few ideas but decided I needed to evict them.", + "You have? Do you think you need a lawyer?", + "No, for now I just served the eviction notice. I'm going to give them time to clear out.", + "Makes sense. Let me know if you need next steps." + ] + }, + "736": { + "context": "Quinn wanted to evict the non-paying tenant, so Quinn served an eviction notice.", + "speaker": "Quinn", + "turns": [ + "I hate to do this, but the tenant has not been paying their rent. I must give them an eviction notice.", + "That's sad. Are there no other options?", + "I am sorry, but I cannot afford to have a tenant who does not pay.", + "I understand. That's unfortunate.", + "I am sorry that I had to do this." + ] + }, + "737": { + "context": "After months of legal preparation for the defense, Robin brought the convict to trial. It was a notorious murder case and the courtroom would be packed with journalists.", + "speaker": "Robin", + "turns": [ + "I finally got this convict to the trial he deserves", + "Is the case getting a lot of attention?", + "It was packed with journalists, and it was months of legal preparation, so we are ready.", + "Is a big murder case, I guess people are curious to know what happened.", + "We will se, we are finally on trial", + "Yeah, good luck." + ] + }, + "738": { + "context": "After months of legal preparation for the defense, Robin brought the convict to trial. It was a notorious murder case and the courtroom would be packed with journalists.", + "speaker": "Robin", + "turns": [ + "I'm so excited for this trial to begin.", + "You have a tough case on your hands but I think you'll still do a great job.", + "I've been having plenty of sleepless nights with this case.", + "Do you think that you actually have a shot of winning?", + "Right now I'm just worried about getting one jury member to be on our side.", + "That's all it takes in the court room." + ] + }, + "739": { + "context": "After months of legal preparation for the defense, Robin brought the convict to trial. It was a notorious murder case and the courtroom would be packed with journalists.", + "speaker": "Robin", + "turns": [ + "Well the hard part is over, the case is underway now. Did I tell you?", + "No! That's exciting. Do you think it well go in your favor?", + "Well it's pretty high profile, there were lots of media and journalists in attendance.", + "I'm not surprised. It is a pretty notorious case.", + "If it goes well, I'll be set for life. If not, well I'll still be well known.", + "That's very true but I'm sure you will bring truth to light." + ] + }, + "740": { + "context": "After months of legal preparation for the defense, Robin brought the convict to trial. It was a notorious murder case and the courtroom would be packed with journalists.", + "speaker": "Robin", + "turns": [ + "I'm bringing the convict to trial.", + "It is a notorious murder case, very exciting!", + "I know, right? The courtroom will be packed with journalists.", + "You'll be a hero.", + "I hope it will go well.", + "Try your best!" + ] + }, + "741": { + "context": "Riley was stuck on the side of the road and called Tracy for help so Tracy fixed Riley's flat tire.", + "speaker": "Tracy", + "turns": [ + "I got a call at midnight because Riley was stuck on the side of the road.", + "What was wrong with Riley's car?", + "Riley had a flat tire and didn't know how to change the tire.", + "You know how to change a tire?", + "Of course, I do. My father taught me." + ] + }, + "742": { + "context": "Riley was stuck on the side of the road and called Tracy for help so Tracy fixed Riley's flat tire.", + "speaker": "Tracy", + "turns": [ + "Last week Riley bought a new car, did you know that?", + "I did, but I was told she wrecked it.", + "Nah, she just hit a curb and blew out her tire. She was stuck so she called me.", + "Did you help her out when she called?", + "Yeah, I drove over and changed her tire and put on the spare. It only took about ten minutes.", + "That's cool. Everyone needs a friend to call if they need help like that." + ] + }, + "743": { + "context": "Riley was stuck on the side of the road and called Tracy for help so Tracy fixed Riley's flat tire.", + "speaker": "Tracy", + "turns": [ + "I had to help Riley change her tire.", + "What happened to her tire?", + "She must have ran over a nail or something.", + "That sounds awful. Was it hard to change it?", + "Not really, and helping my friends is important to me.", + "I am sure she appreciates the help." + ] + }, + "744": { + "context": "Riley was stuck on the side of the road and called Tracy for help so Tracy fixed Riley's flat tire.", + "speaker": "Tracy", + "turns": [ + "Riley just called me.", + "What's wrong?", + "He car is stuck on the side of the road wit a flat tire.", + "That sucks." + ] + }, + "745": { + "context": "Riley was stuck on the side of the road and called Tracy for help so Tracy fixed Riley's flat tire.", + "speaker": "Tracy", + "turns": [ + "Riley called me in a jam last night.", + "Oh yeah, what was going on?", + "He blew out a tire and was stranded on the side of the highway.", + "That's scary. Were you able to fix the tire?", + "I changed it, and got him on the road, but he's going to need to get a new tire.", + "Poor guy! I hope he will be okay." + ] + }, + "746": { + "context": "Jesse knew that before he went off to work he would need to feed his friend's pet.", + "speaker": "Jesse", + "turns": [ + "My Friend asked me to feed his pet!", + "Were you able to feed the pet?", + "No! I knew before I came to work but it escaped my mind.", + "How will the dog eat?", + "I also asked a friend to feed it.", + "That is better!" + ] + }, + "747": { + "context": "Jesse knew that before he went off to work he would need to feed his friend's pet.", + "speaker": "Jesse", + "turns": [ + "I almost forgot to feed my friend's pet before I went to work.", + "You're taking care of your friend's pet?", + "Yeah. He went out of town and asked if I could feed it until he returns.", + "What kind of pet is it?", + "A lizard.", + "Lizards are scary!" + ] + }, + "748": { + "context": "Jesse knew that before he went off to work he would need to feed his friend's pet.", + "speaker": "Jesse", + "turns": [ + "I need to feed my friend's pet tomorrow!", + "Will you do it before going to work?", + "Yes, and the cat is stubborn so it will only eat wet food.", + "Many cats are picky eaters.", + "They are, and the best time to feed them is bright and early in the morning , so I will go and fill up her bowl so she has enough food for the whole day.", + "You're a good friend" + ] + }, + "749": { + "context": "Jan was very confused about the math homework that night, so Jan called Aubrey's girlfriend to ask a question.", + "speaker": "Jan", + "turns": [ + "I hope she has some free time.", + "Why? What's up?", + "I know she is great in math, and I am having some trouble maybe she could help with.", + "I hope she will help you.", + "Mr. Sam's classes are difficult and I just don't get a lot of this stuff.", + "Maybe he is not a very good teacher, but you will figure it out!" + ] + }, + "750": { + "context": "Jan was very confused about the math homework that night, so Jan called Aubrey's girlfriend to ask a question.", + "speaker": "Jan", + "turns": [ + "I am going to call Aubrey's girlfriend.", + "What's up?", + "I am confused at this math homework. I don't know if we have to do numbers 10-20, or numbers 20-30?", + "I hope she has the answer!", + "We will see!" + ] + }, + "751": { + "context": "Jan was very confused about the math homework that night, so Jan called Aubrey's girlfriend to ask a question.", + "speaker": "Jan", + "turns": [ + "I called Aubrey's girlfriend for help with the math homework.", + "You guys are in the same math class?", + "Yes.", + "Was it awkward to talk to her?", + "No, she was really nice. I'm just happy for Aubrey.", + "Okay." + ] + }, + "752": { + "context": "Jan was very confused about the math homework that night, so Jan called Aubrey's girlfriend to ask a question.", + "speaker": "Jan", + "turns": [ + "I thought I understood it, but when I tried to do the math homework, I was lost.", + "Math can be confusing.", + "I didn't know what to do. Finally it occurred to me: I could call Aubrey's girlfriend.", + "Good thinking. Is she still good at math?", + "Yes, she is a math tutor, and she was able to answer my question and make it all make sense for me.", + "That was a smart idea, to give her a call. Sounds like it really saved the day." + ] + }, + "753": { + "context": "Jan was very confused about the math homework that night, so Jan called Aubrey's girlfriend to ask a question.", + "speaker": "Jan", + "turns": [ + "I don't understand the new math.", + "Math can be a confusing subject", + "I was confused by the math homework tonight so I called Aubrey's girlfriend.", + "She must be very good at math.", + "I asked Aubrey's girlfriend a question and she chewed off my ear.", + "I guess you're still confused about the homework." + ] + }, + "754": { + "context": "Jesse went to the zoo with her family and they got tickets for the orca show as well.", + "speaker": "Jesse", + "turns": [ + "I went to the zoo with my family today.", + "Did you see anything you liked a lot?", + "Yes, we got tickets to the orca show.", + "And those were your favorite animals?", + "They were so big and did tricks.", + "The orcas are very intelligent." + ] + }, + "755": { + "context": "Jesse went to the zoo with her family and they got tickets for the orca show as well.", + "speaker": "Jesse", + "turns": [ + "The zoo was amazing today, we saw orcas as well.", + "Who did you go with?", + "I went with my mom, dad, and sister and also my girlfriend.", + "You all must really love animals.", + "We do, and none of us are scared of the snake section.", + "Probably many people wouldn't be going anywhere near the snake part!" + ] + }, + "756": { + "context": "Kai and his friend crowded around Sydney to shield her from onlookers after split her pants.", + "speaker": "Kai", + "turns": [ + "You're not going to believe what happened to my pants.", + "What happened? Are you okay?", + "They just split right open!", + "Oh no! Hope not many people saw you.", + "My friends helped shield me.", + "They are good friends. Hopefully it won't happen again in the future." + ] + }, + "757": { + "context": "Cameron, a very reliable friend, watered Sasha's plants free of charge while he was away.", + "speaker": "Cameron", + "turns": [ + "I had to water Sasha's plants.", + "How come?", + "She went away for a bit and didn't want her plants to dry up.", + "You are a good friend, I am sure she is very grateful.", + "She is! She wanted to give me some money, but I couldn't accept it. She invited me to a coffee instead.", + "Surely she is glad to have such a reliable friend to count on." + ] + }, + "758": { + "context": "Addison knew a boy who would hit off with her friend so Addison set her up on a date.", + "speaker": "Addison", + "turns": [ + "So I set the two of them up on a blind date.", + "Are there any blind dates anymore? I mean with the internet everybody knows what everybody looks like?", + "I don't know if you can trust the internet. Now there are deep fakes.", + "So nobody knows what anybody looks like anymore." + ] + }, + "759": { + "context": "Addison knew a boy who would hit off with her friend so Addison set her up on a date.", + "speaker": "Addison", + "turns": [ + "There's this boy in my class who would really hit it off with my friend so I set her up on a date.", + "Did you tell her that?", + "Not yet. She is a bit shy. She's going to be mad at me.", + "You are just trying to help a friend out.", + "That's true. I think this boy is good for her. She's had some bad relationships.", + "Hope things work out between them." + ] + }, + "760": { + "context": "Addison knew a boy who would hit off with her friend so Addison set her up on a date.", + "speaker": "Addison", + "turns": [ + "I just set my friend up on a blind date.", + "You're a great matchmaker! Who was it?", + "There's this boy who I know will get along smashingly with my friend, so I arranged a dinner date for the two of them.", + "I hope their date goes well!" + ] + }, + "761": { + "context": "Addison knew a boy who would hit off with her friend so Addison set her up on a date.", + "speaker": "Addison", + "turns": [ + "Hey, do you think my friend would be willing to go on a date with my other friend?", + "You mean like a blind date?", + "Oh, it'll be fun. I think they will hit it off. I trust them.", + "You should tell them. They will be excited.", + "I am excited for them to meet.", + "I hope they will like each other." + ] + }, + "762": { + "context": "Lee started his new job, which he had to get up early.", + "speaker": "Lee", + "turns": [ + "Shoot! I got to remember to set my alarm to four.", + "In the afternoon?", + "No, morning, my new job starts real early.", + "Oh, yeah! Are you ready for it?", + "It was very sudden but I think I will be okay.", + "I hope you have a great first day!" + ] + }, + "763": { + "context": "Lee started his new job, which he had to get up early.", + "speaker": "Lee", + "turns": [ + "I am so excited about my new job. Gotta get an early start!", + "But Lee, it's a second shift job. Why are you getting up at 6am?", + "I rather play it safe. I ironed my clothes, got new shoes, took a shower and had my haircut.", + "Wow, you want to really make a great impression on your first day!", + "I am jumping right in. Ready to take on the world.", + "So when is your forklift training at Amazon?" + ] + }, + "764": { + "context": "Alex tried hard, but felt defeated and quit playing all together.", + "speaker": "Alex", + "turns": [ + "I keep trying but I can't win the game. I am quitting.", + "Oh no. You got to keep at it. Don't give up.", + "I am so upset. I hate losing.", + "Maybe you should try something new then." + ] + }, + "765": { + "context": "Alex tried hard, but felt defeated and quit playing all together.", + "speaker": "Alex", + "turns": [ + "Playing this game in the computer is very challenging.", + "What are you playing?", + "I am playing chess with a robot I think.", + "That definitely is a hard battle. They are programmed to win.", + "I guess you're right. A better just quit this.", + "Yes, or you can play with another human being instead. Not sure is an even game." + ] + }, + "766": { + "context": "Alex tried hard, but felt defeated and quit playing all together.", + "speaker": "Alex", + "turns": [ + "I'm so bummed out right now.", + "What's wrong?", + "I really tried to be good at basketball but I just couldn't get the hang of it. I quit the community team today.", + "Nonsense! It just takes a lot of practice. How about you ask your coach to give you some pointers?", + "Alright. I will give that a shot.", + "By the time he's done with you, you'll be Michael Jordan." + ] + }, + "767": { + "context": "Alex tried hard, but felt defeated and quit playing all together.", + "speaker": "Alex", + "turns": [ + "I quit playing Fortnite.", + "Why? It is so much fun?", + "I could never win no matter how hard I was trying and it started getting aggravating.", + "It can be pretty hard at times.", + "I felt like a failure since I keep losing and everyone has at least one win.", + "You should try it again, maybe you will get lucky." + ] + }, + "768": { + "context": "alex met with their friend after the show and brought them a gift that they could open.", + "speaker": "alex", + "turns": [ + "I got my friend a little something.", + "That's nice. What's the occasion?", + "It is their birthday, I got them a ring.", + "Must be a beautiful ring! You're a good friend.", + "I saw them looking at one that looked like it." + ] + }, + "769": { + "context": "alex met with their friend after the show and brought them a gift that they could open.", + "speaker": "alex", + "turns": [ + "I met with my friend after the show. I hadn't seen them in a while.", + "That is very nice. I hope they are doing well.", + "I got them a gift that they liked.", + "Aww you are so sweet. What was it ?", + "A new mug.", + "I am sure they were very thankful." + ] + }, + "770": { + "context": "alex met with their friend after the show and brought them a gift that they could open.", + "speaker": "alex", + "turns": [ + "I met my friend after their show!", + "Lovely! Surely they were thankful you attended their show.", + "I brought along a little gift for them too.", + "Really? What was it?", + "A necklace I thought they would like.", + "That is a beautiful gesture." + ] + }, + "771": { + "context": "Sasha remained quiet throughout the game because they were paying attention but then their team lost.", + "speaker": "Sasha", + "turns": [ + "I was so engrossed watching the game.", + "You must have been quiet.", + "I was sorry my team lost.", + "I am sorry to hear that.", + "We will do better next time.", + "Good luck to your team." + ] + }, + "772": { + "context": "Sasha remained quiet throughout the game because they were paying attention but then their team lost.", + "speaker": "Sasha", + "turns": [ + "I can't speak right now", + "You are focused on the game.", + "Damn, we lost.", + "Good try." + ] + }, + "773": { + "context": "Sasha remained quiet throughout the game because they were paying attention but then their team lost.", + "speaker": "Sasha", + "turns": [ + "I am so sad because we lost that game.", + "I am sorry to hear that. Weren't you cheering for your team today?", + "I was trying to concentrate so much, I forgot to boost their morale.", + "It's okay, I'm sure they'll get them next time. Your team always comes back.", + "I guess you are right, I'll cheer for the next time.", + "That is a very good idea. Maybe you can practice for the next game." + ] + }, + "774": { + "context": "Sasha remained quiet throughout the game because they were paying attention but then their team lost.", + "speaker": "Sasha", + "turns": [ + "Sigh. They may come back.", + "But its a blowout. They're down by 30 points", + "Have some faith bro! Be a true fan.", + "Well, they are not doing very well today..", + "I believe in miracles.", + "Okay, five minutes left down 30 points... Let's go team!!" + ] + }, + "775": { + "context": "Sasha remained quiet throughout the game because they were paying attention but then their team lost.", + "speaker": "Sasha", + "turns": [ + "Hey friend, how are you?", + "I am well how are you and what's up?", + "I am good too, nothing much we lost the game.", + "How?", + "we remained quiet throughout the game because we were paying attention but still my team lost.", + "Don't worry, you will win next time." + ] + }, + "776": { + "context": "They had been friends since childhood, and Alex knew Jan really well.", + "speaker": "Alex", + "turns": [ + "I finally talked to Jan after a few weeks.", + "How are they doing?", + "They are doing very well. They bough a house!", + "Wow! So they are a homeowner now!", + "That is awesome! They should give you a tour.", + "They will next time they're in town." + ] + }, + "777": { + "context": "Robin had been working hard for a week to get their new business started, so the morning after the big opening day, Kai let Robin sleep.", + "speaker": "Kai", + "turns": [ + "Yeah, the opening was a big hit!", + "Tell me about the opening.", + "Well, everything went smoothly. The crowd size was perfect, and they really responded well to all of the end displays and the window display.", + "Nice. Was Robin there?", + "Yes, she was the real hero of the day! She planned everything, burned the candle at both ends getting ready for the opening, and stayed all day for the event. That's why I am letting my little hero sleep in today.", + "Sounds like Robin deserves the rest! Congratulations on your successful event!" + ] + }, + "778": { + "context": "Robin had been working hard for a week to get their new business started, so the morning after the big opening day, Kai let Robin sleep.", + "speaker": "Kai", + "turns": [ + "Did you see how great Robin's new business did on opening day?", + "Yeah, that was an awesome opening!", + "I know, I am really proud of her and thought she deserved a break.", + "I agree, what kind of break did she end up getting?", + "I let her sleep in, I thought that could be the least I could do for her.", + "That is really nice of you and I am sure she will appreciate it!" + ] + }, + "779": { + "context": "Robin had been working hard for a week to get their new business started, so the morning after the big opening day, Kai let Robin sleep.", + "speaker": "Kai", + "turns": [ + "I am working two shifts today dear, can't meet them for lunch", + "I thought you had your meetings scheduled for today.", + "I know, but I am sitting in for Robbin. He worked so hard the whole week and I had to let him sleep today so that I could cover up for him", + "Well, that's quite understandable, maybe you should plan your meeting for some other time", + "I guess so, I'll let them know when I'm free", + "Sure enough Kai" + ] + }, + "780": { + "context": "Ash spoke Korean but did not hear it much in their new country. Bailey used Ash's language.", + "speaker": "Bailey", + "turns": [ + "Ash speaks Korean too.", + "That's awesome! Is he from there?", + "Yeah, he is. I hadn't heard Korean since I moved here.", + "What are the chances!", + "I lived there only until i was two but my mom made sure i learned it", + "I am glad you found someone to speak Korean with." + ] + }, + "781": { + "context": "Ash spoke Korean but did not hear it much in their new country. Bailey used Ash's language.", + "speaker": "Bailey", + "turns": [ + "Ash really depends on me a lot.", + "I don't blame him. You are a great friend to have, for sure.", + "Thanks. Actually, he depends on me because he speaks Korean.", + "Oh. So, he doesn't know English?", + "No. He does, but he never hears Korean here and feels more comfortable because of that.", + "That makes sense. It's got to be difficult coming to a new country and everything." + ] + }, + "782": { + "context": "Ash spoke Korean but did not hear it much in their new country. Bailey used Ash's language.", + "speaker": "Bailey", + "turns": [ + "Ash just got here from Korea. She is learning a few words, but I must speak to her mostly in Korean.", + "It's good that she has you to help her understand what is being said.", + "How do think I can help her learn English faster?", + "Why don't you speak to her in Korean and then repeat it in English.", + "That's a good idea, that is how I learned." + ] + }, + "783": { + "context": "Alex never looked when they crossed the street. They were almost hit by a car.", + "speaker": "Alex", + "turns": [ + "I was almost hit by a car today when I crossed the street if you can believe it.", + "I mean, I can believe it because you are always looking down at your phone when you walk.", + "I looked for a second man, and plus I swear I looked and no one was coming.", + "Well, they came around the corner and you have to be more vigilant next time.", + "Yeah, I mean, it isn't like I want to be put in the hospital from getting hit you know.", + "Yeah, I know. Please be more careful." + ] + }, + "784": { + "context": "Alex never looked when they crossed the street. They were almost hit by a car.", + "speaker": "Alex", + "turns": [ + "I think I'm gonna have to start practicing better pedestrian traffic observations.", + "You do because you were almost hit today.", + "I'm just used to not doing such a great job at following the rules.", + "You're gonna have to stop that because it's getting dangerous out there.", + "If you're with me and see me not following the laws just pinch me or punch me.", + "Anytime someone gives me a free pinch or punch I'm in." + ] + }, + "785": { + "context": "Alex never looked when they crossed the street. They were almost hit by a car.", + "speaker": "Alex", + "turns": [ + "Dang. I almost got hit by a car today.", + "Oh, no! Can't believe there was a car. No one drives through here.", + "Got so used to no one driving here I never look.", + "You always need to look both ways before crossing the street.", + "My mom always told me that. Don't tell her this happened. I'll never hear the end about how she was right.", + "Mums know better." + ] + }, + "786": { + "context": "Jan wanted to donate all of the clothes for those that had none, and today, Jan accomplished their purpose.", + "speaker": "Jan", + "turns": [ + "I donated all my old clothes to the homeless today.", + "That's wonderful. You had a lot of designer stuff.", + "I also donated all my kids old clothes.", + "There's a lot of kids that could use quality clothing.", + "I could have made a lot of money selling them, but I don't need the money.", + "It will be paid forward immensely." + ] + }, + "787": { + "context": "Jan wanted to donate all of the clothes for those that had none, and today, Jan accomplished their purpose.", + "speaker": "Jan", + "turns": [ + "I always think about and empathise with those who are less fortunate than me.", + "Indeed, it's always important to put things in perspective.", + "I have a whole treasure trove of old clothes that I never even use. I felt guilty having so much when others have so little.", + "You said you had a bunch of old clothes that you never wear. Do you plan on doing something with them?", + "I already did. Today, I made a trip to Goodwill with bags full of used clothes and donated all of them.", + "Then you accomplished something worthwhile and should feel proud about that." + ] + }, + "788": { + "context": "Jan wanted to donate all of the clothes for those that had none, and today, Jan accomplished their purpose.", + "speaker": "Jan", + "turns": [ + "I am on a mission.", + "Tell me about your mission.", + "I want to donate all of the clothes for those that have none.", + "Have you completed your mission?", + "I accomplished that purpose.", + "That is an amazing gesture. You're very generous." + ] + }, + "789": { + "context": "Riley had gotten icing all over her face at dinner. Bailey washed Riley's face until it was clean.", + "speaker": "Riley", + "turns": [ + "The other day I was baking in the kitchen and I turn around and Riley was standing there with icing all over her face.", + "Oh my gosh! I bet she was so cute though!", + "Yeah she was, but it was a mess! I had to scrub her face and hands off.", + "I am sure she did not enjoy being cleaned up.", + "No! She was so upset with me about that, but she loved the icing.", + "I bet. Kids are the craziest!" + ] + }, + "790": { + "context": "Jan needed a change of pace in their life. They moved to Cambridge in 2013.", + "speaker": "Jan", + "turns": [ + "I've been in Cambridge since 2013.", + "Why did you move there?", + "Way back then I needed a change in my life direction.", + "Did it work?", + "It did and now I am thinking of moving back!", + "Wow. Well, that is a big decision!" + ] + }, + "791": { + "context": "Jan needed a change of pace in their life. They moved to Cambridge in 2013.", + "speaker": "Jan", + "turns": [ + "I am so glad I moved 7 years ago", + "Why did you move, by the way?", + "I really needed a change of pace in my life", + "I see, where did you end up moving?", + "I moved to Cambridge, it was in 2013", + "That was a good idea, it is quite nice there" + ] + }, + "792": { + "context": "Jan needed a change of pace in their life. They moved to Cambridge in 2013.", + "speaker": "Jan", + "turns": [ + "I've been living here in Cambridge since 2013.", + "What made you do that?", + "I needed a change of pace in my life.", + "Did you find it here?", + "I did. I love it here.", + "I'm happy you did." + ] + }, + "793": { + "context": "Riley quizzed Casey on the subject to make sure they were ready to pass the test.", + "speaker": "Casey", + "turns": [ + "I think I am all ready to take the test", + "Are you sure? It is easy to miss questions.", + "I missed three, but I looked them up and I know the answers now and I know I will do fine", + "You should take it one more time just to make sure you will understand it", + "Sure, I guess it's no problem" + ] + }, + "794": { + "context": "Riley quizzed Casey on the subject to make sure they were ready to pass the test.", + "speaker": "Casey", + "turns": [ + "Riley's over here right now, I'm just taking a break from studying.", + "What's the subject you're doing?", + "American history, Riley's giving me a pretty good quiz to ensure I pass the exam", + "I hope you do! You got my best wishes with that.", + "Thanks, speaking of which, I better get back to it, so I will talk to you soon.", + "Good luck with the studying and good luck with your exam!" + ] + }, + "795": { + "context": "Riley quizzed Casey on the subject to make sure they were ready to pass the test.", + "speaker": "Casey", + "turns": [ + "I think I'm ready for my test tomorrow. Riley quizzed me for a long time this morning.", + "Were you able to get the answers when he quizzed you?", + "Most of them, then I looked over the material I wasn't sure of.", + "I know it's an important test, so good luck.", + "Thanks. I feel really confident going in that I'll do well.", + "I hope so! Let me know how it goes." + ] + }, + "796": { + "context": "Riley quizzed Casey on the subject to make sure they were ready to pass the test.", + "speaker": "Casey", + "turns": [ + "We spent this whole weekend studying.", + "Do you think that you're ready for the test now?", + "Yeah, I'm ready for the test because of all the studying I did.", + "Well, good luck on it and I'm sure you're gonna do well.", + "Riley did a great job quizzing me and teaching me everything I needed to know.", + "Riley is a great teacher." + ] + }, + "797": { + "context": "Bailey worked all night in order to get all of the finishing touches on the project done.", + "speaker": "Bailey", + "turns": [ + "I stayed up all night to finish up the project.", + "What was the project?", + "It's something I needed to finish for work. I was working on the finishing touches. We had to present it to the client today.", + "How did the presentation go?", + "The client loved it. They gave us feedback so we'll make the changes and make another presentation next week.", + "Cool. Sounds like you are making good progress." + ] + }, + "798": { + "context": "Bailey worked all night in order to get all of the finishing touches on the project done.", + "speaker": "Bailey", + "turns": [ + "I haven't slept in two days, but at least I finished the project.", + "It would be better to start working on projects earlier, Bailey.", + "I know, but there were more finishing details on the project that I expected and had to work through the night.", + "Well, the important thing is it's finished. You can catch up on sleep tonight after you submit your project." + ] + }, + "799": { + "context": "Bailey worked all night in order to get all of the finishing touches on the project done.", + "speaker": "Bailey", + "turns": [ + "I worked all night.", + "You must be exhausted.", + "I did it in order to get all of the finishing touches on the project done.", + "The project looks complete.", + "I'm thrilled with the result.", + "Mission accomplished, my friend." + ] + }, + "800": { + "context": "Bailey worked all night in order to get all of the finishing touches on the project done.", + "speaker": "Bailey", + "turns": [ + "Oh, wow! Am I tired after a long night like last night.", + "Yeah, you were up all night trying to get the project done.", + "I was, and most of it was for putting the final touches on.", + "It's great that you have such attention to detail there.", + "I think I am going to get a spectacular grade on this.", + "I hope so too as you need to pass this class." + ] + }, + "801": { + "context": "Taylor created Jordan's system from scratch and did not have time to finish their own work.", + "speaker": "Taylor", + "turns": [ + "I created this awesome system for the trivia app here!", + "Oh, this looks very fun to play and very easy to add questions.", + "I know, I put in a lot of work for this but I wasn't able to finish my actual assignment for school though.", + "You are a workaholic but I think you need to prioritize your schedule better!", + "This was way too much fun to build but I understand what you mean.", + "Next time let me know and I can help you with your schoolwork if you don't have time." + ] + }, + "802": { + "context": "Taylor created Jordan's system from scratch and did not have time to finish their own work.", + "speaker": "Taylor", + "turns": [ + "I created this system from scratch for Jordan!", + "You did! Did you have time to finish your own work at least?", + "Sadly not." + ] + }, + "803": { + "context": "Taylor created Jordan's system from scratch and did not have time to finish their own work.", + "speaker": "Taylor", + "turns": [ + "I created it from scratch.", + "Created what?", + "Oh I'm sorry. I created Jordan's System.", + "Oh that's cool.", + "Yeah but I don't have anymore time to finish it.", + "Oh ok." + ] + }, + "804": { + "context": "Taylor created Jordan's system from scratch and did not have time to finish their own work.", + "speaker": "Taylor", + "turns": [ + "I have been extremely busy lately trying to work on this system for Jordan.", + "Have you been able to focus on your own work?", + "No, I haven't I'm already past the deadline on one of my projects.", + "I think you overextended yourself helping Jordan", + "Yes, you're absolutely right I can't do that going forward.", + "You can't put someone else's work above your own next time." + ] + }, + "805": { + "context": "Taylor created Jordan's system from scratch and did not have time to finish their own work.", + "speaker": "Taylor", + "turns": [ + "I think I'm going to be in trouble at work.", + "Why would you be in trouble.", + "My co-worker Jordan was having problems so I decided to help him.", + "Did you not have time for you own work?", + "Yeah, I didn't finish my work, but I made Jordan's system from scratch.", + "It's better if you put yourself first next time." + ] + }, + "806": { + "context": "Aubrey ate a sandwich because they had gotten really hungry and couldn't wait for others to eat.", + "speaker": "Aubrey", + "turns": [ + "I need to start eating now. I am so hungry.", + "Go ahead and grab a sandwich while we wait for the others.", + "Are you sure it's okay? Are they not going to think ill of me?", + "Oh that's fine, we're all friends here. No one will think bad of you.", + "Thank you. I'm sorry I forgot to eat lunch today.", + "Oh that's no problem, eat all you want. We have got plenty of food for everyone." + ] + }, + "807": { + "context": "Aubrey ate a sandwich because they had gotten really hungry and couldn't wait for others to eat.", + "speaker": "Aubrey", + "turns": [ + "I had to eat. I'm sorry I could not wait.", + "Its all good, I figured you were starving.", + "I worked all day without eating, that's why.", + "The meal was good and there are plenty of leftovers.", + "Thanks, I'm coming by to get some later.", + "I'll be here all day." + ] + }, + "808": { + "context": "Cameron had no money but was really hungry, so he persuaded the cook to give him a sandwich for free.", + "speaker": "Cameron", + "turns": [ + "I have been so broke lately. I got a free sandwich today though.", + "Really? How'd that end up happening?", + "The cook at the local diner is really nice, so after talking to him a bit, he was willing to hook me up with one.", + "That's awesome. Any luck on the job front?", + "I put in some applications and have one interview; just keeping my fingers crossed.", + "Well, good luck. I can give you a ride to your interview if you need." + ] + }, + "809": { + "context": "Cameron had no money but was really hungry, so he persuaded the cook to give him a sandwich for free.", + "speaker": "Cameron", + "turns": [ + "I got a free sandwich!", + "How did you manage that?", + "I saw a really nice sandwich and I told the cook that I am poor and he was nice enough to give it to me for free!", + "That is very nice of them!", + "I know. I'm very grateful." + ] + }, + "810": { + "context": "Riley asked Kendall to cater an event but didn't have much money. Kendall was more than happy to cook meals for Riley's family reunion at a discount.", + "speaker": "Kendall", + "turns": [ + "My friend Riley asked me to cater his family reunion, but he didn't have a lot of money to pay me.", + "Really? What did you do?", + "Riley is my best and oldest friend, and his family is like my own family. I was happy to give them a great catering service and I gave them a really huge discount so Riley could afford it.", + "That's great. And also I bet that was great exposure for your new catering business.", + "It was, it brought me a lot of business and now I cater Riley's reunion every year for free.", + "Hey, would you like a job catering my wedding in four months?" + ] + }, + "811": { + "context": "Riley asked Kendall to cater an event but didn't have much money. Kendall was more than happy to cook meals for Riley's family reunion at a discount.", + "speaker": "Kendall", + "turns": [ + "I told Riley that I would do the catering for her family reunion.", + "That's very nice of you. If you don’t mind me asking, how much did you charge?", + "I said I would do it at a discount because we have known each other for so long.", + "That's really nice of you! I am sure you have saved them a lot of money." + ] + }, + "812": { + "context": "Riley asked Kendall to cater an event but didn't have much money. Kendall was more than happy to cook meals for Riley's family reunion at a discount.", + "speaker": "Kendall", + "turns": [ + "I told Riley that I would cater for their family reunion.", + "That's very nice of you but do you think they can afford it?", + "I know they are going through a rough time so I said I would do it at a discount.", + "Wow Kendall! That's so nice of you!", + "I will try and do whatever I can for one of my friends." + ] + }, + "813": { + "context": "Cameron gave Quinn a couple dollars. Quinn often was struggling financially.", + "speaker": "Cameron", + "turns": [ + "I just gave Quinn some more money.", + "How much?", + "Just a couple of bucks.", + "Poor guy. He is always strapped for cash." + ] + }, + "814": { + "context": "Casey felt like talking to their friend. Their friend wanted to listen as well.", + "speaker": "Casey", + "turns": [ + "I wanted to talk to their friend earlier.", + "What did you talk about?.", + "We just spoke about how we are.", + "How are you now?.", + "Better after talking to a friend." + ] + }, + "815": { + "context": "Casey felt like talking to their friend. Their friend wanted to listen as well.", + "speaker": "Casey", + "turns": [ + "I really need to talk with someone, I just don't know what to do about work.", + "I'm here if you want someone to listen.", + "I was hoping you would say that.", + "What is going on at work?", + "I just feel like it is such a dead-end job, I am thinking about leaving.", + "If you aren't happy there, you should at least see what else is out there.," + ] + }, + "816": { + "context": "Tracy had a crush on Bailey, so she placed her hand near Baileys hand. As a result, Bailey pushed her hand away.", + "speaker": "Tracy", + "turns": [ + "I had a crush on Bailey so I placed my hand near hers. She pushed my hand away.", + "How did that make you feel?", + "I felt rejected.", + "Maybe it doesn't mean anything.", + "Maybe I just need to keep my hand to myself is what she's telling me.", + "You should talk to her." + ] + }, + "817": { + "context": "Remy was done eating, so Sydney took the dirty dishes to the disposal.", + "speaker": "Remy", + "turns": [ + "It was nice of Sydney to take away the dishes.", + "Whilst sheis doing that we can clean up in here.", + "That's a great idea.", + "The sooner we clean up the sooner we can go and do the things we want to do.", + "Where do you want to go after this?", + "I'm not sure but we can talk about it later." + ] + }, + "818": { + "context": "Remy was done eating, so Sydney took the dirty dishes to the disposal.", + "speaker": "Remy", + "turns": [ + "Where did my plate of food go?", + "Sydney just picked it up from the table and put it in the disposal.", + "Sydney? Wow, she has never picked up after me before.", + "Well I guess today is your lucky day! She didn't take care of mine!", + "You must not be as special as I am!", + "Don't get a big head over a dirty dish!" + ] + }, + "819": { + "context": "Remy was done eating, so Sydney took the dirty dishes to the disposal.", + "speaker": "Remy", + "turns": [ + "Wow, that food was amazing. I am so full!", + "Sydney has already started to clean up.", + "She is cleaning all the dirty dishes?", + "Yes. I've never seen her do it before.", + "We are very lucky then!" + ] + }, + "820": { + "context": "Remy was done eating, so Sydney took the dirty dishes to the disposal.", + "speaker": "Remy", + "turns": [ + "Wow, that was such an outstanding meal.", + "I spent hours on it. I am so glad you enjoy it.", + "Thanks. I am in heaven. Time for a nap.", + "I will take those dishes and dump the remains down the disposal.", + "Don't I am still licking the plates.", + "Dude, that is disgusting. Just ask for more." + ] + }, + "821": { + "context": "Kendall was tired of driving to school. They walked to school one morning.", + "speaker": "Kendall", + "turns": [ + "We should walk to school this morning.", + "Why? Why don't you just drive your car to school?", + "I'm bored of of driving. I just wat to try and walk.", + "That's good. It good for your health too.", + "Come on I do want to be late." + ] + }, + "822": { + "context": "Things were happening so fast, the entire mission was in jeopardy, but thankfully, Sasha thought quickly, and saved the mission.", + "speaker": "Sasha", + "turns": [ + "If we don't get to the location in time this whole thing will be messed up! How are we could to get there quickly?!", + "I don't know, we are going as fast as we can.", + "What if we took Lincoln road? Isn't that a shortcut to where we are going? It'd take us almost all the way there with no traffic", + "It is! Hurry, the road is coming up, turn and take it!", + "Done! There's no traffic on this road at all! We'll make it in time!", + "That was a good idea!" + ] + }, + "823": { + "context": "Things were happening so fast, the entire mission was in jeopardy, but thankfully, Sasha thought quickly, and saved the mission.", + "speaker": "Sasha", + "turns": [ + "Get behind the truck! We have to get the girl.", + "She is over there on the street.", + "If they see us, we are going to blow our cover.", + "Put this mask over your face, so they don't know it's us." + ] + }, + "824": { + "context": "Kendall was in the wrong class and didn't realise it till the rest of the class started to write a test.", + "speaker": "Kendall", + "turns": [ + "I am ready to start this test and I am excited", + "Hey I have never seen you in this class are you sure you're in the right spot", + "I'm not sure. What class is this?", + "This is calculs for people usually two grades a head of you", + "Right, I'll be leaving now", + "Alright. everyone makes mistakes so it is okay" + ] + }, + "825": { + "context": "Kendall was in the wrong class and didn't realise it till the rest of the class started to write a test.", + "speaker": "Kendall", + "turns": [ + "Hey friend, how are you? what is going on?", + "Hey Kendall, I am fine thank you. How are you and what is going on?", + "I am well, going fine.", + "So tell me how was your test?", + "I was in the wrong class and did not realise it till the rest of the class started to write a test.", + "Oh.. is it?" + ] + }, + "826": { + "context": "Jesse needed to have some keys to play with the cat. Kai got Jesse together with her keys.", + "speaker": "Kai", + "turns": [ + "Jesse has had my keys since yesterday.", + "What did she need your keys for?", + "She just wanted a toy to play with the cat.", + "You should call her and ask her to bring them now." + ] + }, + "827": { + "context": "Jesse needed to have some keys to play with the cat. Kai got Jesse together with her keys.", + "speaker": "Kai", + "turns": [ + "Have you seen Jesse play with her kitten? It's clear she loves it so much.", + "I have. They're adorable to watch together.", + "The other night Jesse needed some keys to be able to play with her cat. It was so silly watching her, because she didn't have any keys.", + "I can imagine. Jesse can be very emotional.", + "I gave Jesse some keys, though, so she was able to play with her cat.", + "I'm sure the cat was just as happy to play with her." + ] + }, + "828": { + "context": "Jesse needed to have some keys to play with the cat. Kai got Jesse together with her keys.", + "speaker": "Kai", + "turns": [ + "I forgot that I gave my keys to Jesse.", + "Did she need to drive somewhere?", + "No. She was playing with the cat.", + "The cat loves playing with the keys?", + "Yeah. The cat seems to enjoy having somebody dangle it.", + "I don't understand cats. That's why I have a dog." + ] + }, + "829": { + "context": "Lee thought he had failed his final exam. Lee worried for nothing after receiving an A.", + "speaker": "Lee", + "turns": [ + "I was so worried about this exam.", + "Me too, how did you do on it?", + "I wound up with an A, originally I thought I'd failed.", + "That's a nice surprise!", + "Turns out I was all stressed out for nothing.", + "At least you can be relieved now." + ] + }, + "830": { + "context": "Ash couldn't decide between three books to read but finally decided on one book to read.", + "speaker": "Ash", + "turns": [ + "The three books looks interesting", + "Just choose one to read.", + "I don't know which one to choose.", + "Maybe you should go for Gulliver's travel.", + "Oh!, That will be better.", + "Nice." + ] + }, + "831": { + "context": "Ash couldn't decide between three books to read but finally decided on one book to read.", + "speaker": "Ash", + "turns": [ + "I bought three new books. It took me two days to figure out which one to read first.", + "That's funny. I guess it's too much of a good thing.", + "Yeah, I lost two good days of reading because I was arguing with myself.", + "Ha ha...you better be careful, they have places they put people who argue with themselves." + ] + }, + "832": { + "context": "Ash couldn't decide between three books to read but finally decided on one book to read.", + "speaker": "Ash", + "turns": [ + "I can't decide between three books to read.", + "Just pick one.", + "I do have a ton of time right now.", + "It's all good man, they all look great.", + "Why don't just use audio books.", + "That way one could read all them." + ] + }, + "833": { + "context": "Ash couldn't decide between three books to read but finally decided on one book to read.", + "speaker": "Ash", + "turns": [ + "Which book do you think I should read?", + "The one you don't want to read.", + "That's an odd way to choose.", + "If you want to expand your mind you have to get outside your comfort zone." + ] + }, + "834": { + "context": "Skylar used to live with Casey but moved away. She recently decided to move back.", + "speaker": "Skylar", + "turns": [ + "Casey called last night and said she wants to move back in with me.", + "How do you feel about that?", + "She's a great roommate. I had a good time with her.", + "When is she moving back?", + "Next couple of months. She found a better job here.", + "That's a good reason to move back home." + ] + }, + "835": { + "context": "Skylar used to live with Casey but moved away. She recently decided to move back.", + "speaker": "Skylar", + "turns": [ + "I want to move back in with Casey.", + "Oh, I'm so happy to hear that. I've missed you very much.", + "Yeah, I miss you too." + ] + }, + "836": { + "context": "Skylar used to live with Casey but moved away. She recently decided to move back.", + "speaker": "Skylar", + "turns": [ + "I knew it was a mistake to move away from Boston.", + "Glad you're back, Skylar. But I thought you hated the big city! Did you just miss us that much?", + "Of course I did! But the main reason was Casey. She was such a great roommate. We got along very well together and had no issues.", + "Yeah, a good roommate is hard to find these days. Everyone's just so closed off.", + "Not Casey! I'm glad I moved back. We've been having a lot of fun and haven't missed a beat!", + "Good for you. Hope I can find a fun roommate some day myself!" + ] + }, + "837": { + "context": "Tracy did not want to go to the concert alone and they persuaded a friend to go with her.", + "speaker": "Tracy", + "turns": [ + "I'm so glad you decided to go to the concert with me", + "I always wanted to see this band so i really don't mind", + "Did you know they're coming out with a new album next week?", + "I'll be sure to pick it up as soon as it hits the store." + ] + }, + "838": { + "context": "Tracy did not want to go to the concert alone and they persuaded a friend to go with her.", + "speaker": "Tracy", + "turns": [ + "I know you're not a fan of them but I really don't want to go alone.", + "I'm just not really in the mood.", + "Come on, we always have a great time at concerts when we go together.", + "That is true, we had tons of fun last time.", + "Exactly, so come on and let's go to the concert together because I don't want to go alone.", + "Okay, let's do it." + ] + }, + "839": { + "context": "Skylar saved their father's watch so they could pass it down to their child one day.", + "speaker": "Skylar", + "turns": [ + "I still got my father's watch with me.", + "What are you planning to do with it Skylar?", + "I want to pass it down to my child one day.", + "That's nice, It's like a family treasure.", + "Yes, it has a lot of sentimental value on it.", + "Well, Good luck Skylar." + ] + }, + "840": { + "context": "Skylar saved their father's watch so they could pass it down to their child one day.", + "speaker": "Skylar", + "turns": [ + "My most prized possession is my father's watch.", + "That's sweet that you feel that way.", + "Yeah, I miss my father. I want to pass it down to my kid someday. It means a lot to me.", + "I'm sure your kid will really appreciate it." + ] + }, + "841": { + "context": "Skylar saved their father's watch so they could pass it down to their child one day.", + "speaker": "Skylar", + "turns": [ + "I am getting my Dad's watch fixed.", + "The gold one with the blue face?", + "Yeah, the battery died, and I want to pass it down to my kids.", + "That is really beautiful.", + "Thanks." + ] + }, + "842": { + "context": "Skylar saved their father's watch so they could pass it down to their child one day.", + "speaker": "Skylar", + "turns": [ + "I had to go to the pawn shop to get my dad's watch back.", + "Who pawned the watch?", + "The very child I want to pass the watch down to.", + "It seems like they have no interest in the watch.", + "That might all change when they get older.", + "They are already 15, though." + ] + }, + "843": { + "context": "Robin was Remy's mother's home nurse, so she helped Remy's mother while Remy worked.", + "speaker": "Remy", + "turns": [ + "Hi. How are you today?", + "I am good how is your mom?", + "She is doing well today.", + "That's great news.", + "Tell Robin that I'm so happy she looked after her." + ] + }, + "844": { + "context": "Robin was Remy's mother's home nurse, so she helped Remy's mother while Remy worked.", + "speaker": "Remy", + "turns": [ + "The home nurse for Mom is great.", + "Does she do lots of things?", + "Robin helps out with Mom while I am at work.", + "That's nice that there is someone there", + "Yeah, Mom likes her a lot also.", + "That's good, does she cost a lot?" + ] + }, + "845": { + "context": "Robin was Remy's mother's home nurse, so she helped Remy's mother while Remy worked.", + "speaker": "Remy", + "turns": [ + "Robin was a big help to me and my mother.", + "It's no big deal. It is her job after all.", + "She goes beyond her job and does the dishes and laundry.", + " It keeps her busy. Your mom also sleeps a lot." + ] + }, + "846": { + "context": "After being insulted for an audition that was obviously a top notch performance, Taylor called forth the person who had belittled her skills.", + "speaker": "Taylor", + "turns": [ + "Hey you!", + "Yeah?", + "Why did you belittle my performance??", + "It was horrible! You can't dance.", + "Ok. Well thanks for the honest feedback.", + "You should keep working hard." + ] + }, + "847": { + "context": "After being insulted for an audition that was obviously a top notch performance, Taylor called forth the person who had belittled her skills.", + "speaker": "Taylor", + "turns": [ + "I got so mad at the audition yesterday.", + "Did something bad happen?", + "I had a great performance at the audition, but somebody insulted me.", + "That doesn't sound like the response you wanted.", + "No, so I called them out, they were so embarrassed.", + "I'm glad you stood up for yourself." + ] + }, + "848": { + "context": "Ash was off sick for 3 weeks so when they returned Aubrey provided Ash an overview of what had been happening.", + "speaker": "Aubrey", + "turns": [ + "Ash is back form his three weeks off.", + "How much did he miss?", + "Quite a bit but I managed to catch him up with everything.", + "That's really nice of you." +] + }, + "849": { + "context": "Ash was off sick for 3 weeks so when they returned Aubrey provided Ash an overview of what had been happening.", + "speaker": "Aubrey", + "turns": [ + "I had to fill Ash in with what happened in the last 3 weeks.", + "Was Ash out or something?", + "He was off sick for 3 weeks", + "That is quite a long time to be off.", + "I got him caught up on what had been going on around here so we have nothing to worry about." + ] + }, + "850": { + "context": "Taylor bought some food, but found out that it was spoiled.", + "speaker": "Taylor", + "turns": [ + "Last Thursday I went grocery shopping and I bought some shrimp and oysters for a stew, but I think they were already spoiled.", + "Really? Why do you think so? Were they nasty?", + "No, they tasted great, but after I ate dinner that evening I was up all night with really bad stomach cramps and then I started throwing up all the next morning.", + "Oh, no! Spoiled seafood can be really bad for you, it's probably the worst kind of spoiled food you can eat.", + "Really? Do you think I should try to sue the supermarket for selling me bad food?", + "I don't know, but let's look up some attorney phone numbers and start making some phone calls!" + ] + }, + "851": { + "context": "Taylor bought some food, but found out that it was spoiled.", + "speaker": "Taylor", + "turns": [ + "I just bought some food and it had spoiled before I got home. It was so gross.", + "Where did you get it from?", + "I bought the package at the store and it was already spoiled.", + "Did you take it back in to the store.", + "It was nasty so I threw it out.", + "That is probably for the best anyway." + ] + }, + "852": { + "context": "Jesse was horrible at saving money, they nickled and dimed everything.", + "speaker": "Jesse", + "turns": [ + "Are you serious? Coming after me for a penny!", + "Everything fifty-fifty remember? That was the deal.", + "Go outside. I'm sure you will find a penny on the ground somewhere.", + "You go outside and find one. It is your part of the bill and you're always shorting me.", + "What kind of friend are you? I'm really trying to save money.", + "A good one, letting you move in here with me. You are always short on the bills. You owe me $23.01 not $23.00." + ] + }, + "853": { + "context": "Jesse was horrible at saving money, they nickled and dimed everything.", + "speaker": "Jesse", + "turns": [ + "Let's go to the casino.", + "Don't you think we should save some money instead of gambling it all away?", + "I've never been good at saving, money is for spending.", + "Ok. Let's go hit the slots.", + "I'm feeling lucky today, we might hit the jackpot.", + "That would be great since last time we lost big." + ] + }, + "854": { + "context": "There had been a lot of robberies in Robin's neighborhood. She organized a watch program and kept an eye out for thieves.", + "speaker": "Robin", + "turns": [ + "Have you seen signs up around the neighborhood for the new neighborhood watch program?", + "Yeah. I was thinking of joining.", + "Guess who organized it? I did!", + "You're the one who put together the whole program?", + "Yeah. My neighbors' houses kept getting robbed and I wanted to do something before the criminal came to my house.", + "I'm glad you're getting involved." + ] + }, + "855": { + "context": "There had been a lot of robberies in Robin's neighborhood. She organized a watch program and kept an eye out for thieves.", + "speaker": "Robin", + "turns": [ + "My neighbor John's house was robbed the other day.", + "That's scary, his house is right next to yours right?", + "Yeah, I've started a neighbourhood watch since this is the second robbery in a month.", + "That seems like a good idea.", + "I already have a few people signed up.", + "I'll bet John is one of them." + ] + }, + "856": { + "context": "Casey wanted to experience the thrill of dirt biking, so Casey took his motorbike off road.", + "speaker": "Casey", + "turns": [ + "I took my bike off road yesterday.", + "How was it?", + "I had a great time, but it was pretty dirty.", + "Did you have to clean your bike when you were done?", + "Oh yeah, it was filthy.", + "I bet it was." + ] + }, + "857": { + "context": "Casey used their program to render every frame of the scene of the animated movie they were hired to work on.", + "speaker": "Casey", + "turns": [ + "I used that new program, Blender, this weekend.", + "Oh yes, you've been talking about learning that, how did it go?", + "It was great! It was easy to render every frame.", + "Was it for that movie you got hired to do?", + "Yes. I finished it on Sunday.", + "Cool, can't wait to see it!" + ] + }, + "858": { + "context": "Casey used their program to render every frame of the scene of the animated movie they were hired to work on.", + "speaker": "Casey", + "turns": [ + "Hello friend, I got a mail that we have been hired for the movie.", + "Which movie is that?", + "The animated movie we gave a proposal on.", + "That's good. So what's the plan?", + "I already use our program to render every frame of the scene in the movie.", + "Fantastic!!! I'm so relieved." + ] + }, + "859": { + "context": "Casey used their program to render every frame of the scene of the animated movie they were hired to work on.", + "speaker": "Casey", + "turns": [ + "I did every scene in our new program.", + "Wow! This is pretty impressive.", + "It took longer than I wanted, but we need to make a good impression to build our brand.", + "This is Pixar quality.", + "I hope the client thinks so.", + "They have to, the attention to detail on things like the fabric and hair is amazing." + ] + }, + "860": { + "context": "Jordan decided to help Sasha catch her dog. The muddy canine was running wild in the neighborhood for the last hour.", + "speaker": "Sasha", + "turns": [ + "I'm so thankful that Jordan was here to help.", + "This means you have good news for me?", + "I have some great news for you, we found the dog", + "That is awesome because that little dog cannot be lost for too long.", + "Definitely wouldn't survive on the mean streets", + "Goes back alleys would take that dog down." + ] + }, + "861": { + "context": "Jordan decided to help Sasha catch her dog. The muddy canine was running wild in the neighborhood for the last hour.", + "speaker": "Sasha", + "turns": [ + "Thank you so much for helping me find my dog. You are a huge help.", + "No worries I know how it can be when you lose a pet.", + "Yes, they are like family. I had this dog for a while so to me its family.", + "Yep same with me I know I would be crazy if I lost my dog." + ] + }, + "862": { + "context": "Jordan decided to help Sasha catch her dog. The muddy canine was running wild in the neighborhood for the last hour.", + "speaker": "Sasha", + "turns": [ + "Thank God Jordan was here! He helped me to track down my own dog, who was running wild through the neighborhood for an hour.", + "Helpful sort that Jordan. So you got the dog OK?", + "Yes. The pooch was a muddy mess, but we caught the mangy mut.", + "Mangy?", + "Well, not really mangy, but definitely muddy!", + "Well, good job!" + ] + }, + "863": { + "context": "Sasha liked the dress that Tracy was wearing so she told her that she looks good.", + "speaker": "Tracy", + "turns": [ + "I like your dress too.", + "I'm just so in love with yours.", + "It's from polo", + "Yea that's a great company.", + "What do you think I paid?", + "Fifty." + ] + }, + "864": { + "context": "Sasha liked the dress that Tracy was wearing so she told her that she looks good.", + "speaker": "Tracy", + "turns": [ + "I'm glad that you talked me into buying this dress.", + "I told you that it looked amazing on you.", + "Even Sasha told me that I looked good at work today and she is the most fashionable person in the office.", + "I guess that makes me pretty fashionable too since I told you to buy it.", + "I am making you go shopping with me again the next time I am looking for a dress.", + "No problem, that's what friends are for." + ] + }, + "865": { + "context": "Addison scheduled Casey a time slot in the horse show at the very end when people were tired.", + "speaker": "Casey", + "turns": [ + "I 'm glad I got a time slot but everyone seems to be asleep by now.", + "They all wake up once you start putting on a show for them.", + "I hope so, this could be my big break.", + "You've been working hard for this and it's all going to pay off trust me.", + "Thanks for all your support it means a lot to me.", + "I'm always going to be here for you girl." + ] + }, + "866": { + "context": "Addison scheduled Casey a time slot in the horse show at the very end when people were tired.", + "speaker": "Casey", + "turns": [ + "That stupid Addison. She gave me the worst time slot at the horse show.", + "What time did she did she give you?", + "She gave a slot at the very end. Everyone's tired and cranky and they won't be paying much attention to me.", + "Is there someone you can complain to? That doesn't seem right, at all.", + "It's not right but I can't prove she did it on purpose. But, I'll get her back for this.", + "Well if you need help, let me know and I'm there!" + ] + }, + "867": { + "context": "Addison scheduled Casey a time slot in the horse show at the very end when people were tired.", + "speaker": "Casey", + "turns": [ + "Addison scheduled my in for the end of the race!", + "Why would she do that?", + "I don't know. It might be a mistake but I was meant to be on at midday. Now everyone won't care because they will be tired and want to go home.", + "You are amazing. I'm sure you will hold their attention until the very end.", + "That's very nice of you to say. " + ] + }, + "868": { + "context": "Sasha purchased milk cereal from the store knowing she would not have time for a big breakfast in the morning.", + "speaker": "Sasha", + "turns": [ + "O.K, I'm checking out.", + "That's what you're getting--milk and cereal.", + "I don't have time for a big breakfast tomorrow morning.", + "So you're getting children's food?", + "Hey, a lot of cereal are good and not just sugar coated flakes.", + "I see you've got sugar coated flakes there." + ] + }, + "869": { + "context": "Sasha purchased milk cereal from the store knowing she would not have time for a big breakfast in the morning.", + "speaker": "Sasha", + "turns": [ + "I knew I would not have time for a big breakfast in the morning.", + "So what did you do?", + "I just got myself some milk and cereal from the store.", + "I like milk cereal myself." + ] + }, + "870": { + "context": "Sasha purchased milk cereal from the store knowing she would not have time for a big breakfast in the morning.", + "speaker": "Sasha", + "turns": [ + "I am in a rush for work this morning.", + "Did they call you early today?", + "Yes I even had milk cereal for breakfast, bought it from the store because I knew this was coming.", + "Good thing you were prepared.", + "Yeah, I usually like to make a big breakfast but it was impossible this morning.", + "Time flies in the morning so wise choice." + ] + }, + "871": { + "context": "Sasha purchased milk cereal from the store knowing she would not have time for a big breakfast in the morning.", + "speaker": "Sasha", + "turns": [ + "Now that I'm going back to work, I am worried I won't have enough time to eat breakfast in the mornings.", + "I know how much you love your eggs for breakfast!", + "I picked up some milk and cereal so that I can quickly eat before heading out the door.", + "That's much more practical for sure.", + "I'll miss my eggs, but at least I won't be late for work!" + ] + }, + "872": { + "context": "carson took his son to the eye doctor instead of going to the birthday party for their other child.", + "speaker": "carson", + "turns": [ + "Sorry I am late.", + "Why were you gone for so long?", + "My son got something stuck in his eye and I had to take him to the doctor.", + "Is he okay? ", + "Yes it was just an eyelash." + ] + }, + "873": { + "context": "carson took his son to the eye doctor instead of going to the birthday party for their other child.", + "speaker": "carson", + "turns": [ + "I am so bummed that I missed my daughter's birthday party.", + "Did they have you buried in files at work?", + "No. I had to take my son to optician after he injured his eye.", + "That was quite the dilemma but you made the right call.", + "I know. She is going to want my head on a platter.", + "Your daughter is very sweet. I am sure she will understand." + ] + }, + "874": { + "context": "carson took his son to the eye doctor instead of going to the birthday party for their other child.", + "speaker": "carson", + "turns": [ + "I'm finally home.", + "Where have you been? You missed the party.", + "I had to take my son to the doctor. He had something stuck in his eye.", + "That's a shame. Is everything alright?", + "He will be fine. He just needs some eye drops.", + "Well that's good news." + ] + }, + "875": { + "context": "Alex was seeing what color Aubrey's eyes were. Alex looked at Aubrey closely.", + "speaker": "Aubrey", + "turns": [ + "They are brown.", + "Brown eyes are great.", + "They are good but I like yours too.", + "They are blue.", + "I wish I had green eyes.", + "Me too." + ] + }, + "876": { + "context": "Alex was seeing what color Aubrey's eyes were. Alex looked at Aubrey closely.", + "speaker": "Aubrey", + "turns": [ + "He was kind of creeping me out last night.", + "Why was he creeping you out? Did he do something wrong?", + "He was trying to figure out the color of my eyes but it was weird.", + "It kind of sounds romantic.", + "It kind of was. I guess he's a little weird but that's what I like about him.", + "Are you going to see him again?" + ] + }, + "877": { + "context": "Cameron had so much fun playing with friends. They decided to do it again the next day.", + "speaker": "Cameron", + "turns": [ + "I had so much fun playing with you guys today.", + "I had fun to, the monkey bars were my favorite.", + "How about we do it tomorrow, I can meet you here again.", + "Yeah, and we can play baseball tomorrow too to keep active." + ] + }, + "878": { + "context": "Cameron had so much fun playing with friends. They decided to do it again the next day.", + "speaker": "Cameron", + "turns": [ + "I had so much fun playing with my friends.", + "Yeah ,we should do it again sometime with them.", + "Lets do it again tomorrow. We can ask everyone else.", + "That sounds great. We should play baseball this time.", + "That sounds really fun, we have enough to play different teams.", + "That is true. Plus, we could even bring drinks for everyone." + ] + }, + "879": { + "context": "Cameron had so much fun playing with friends. They decided to do it again the next day.", + "speaker": "Cameron", + "turns": [ + "I had so much fun playing games with my friends that we are going to play again tomorrow.", + "What did you guys play?", + "We played games online.", + "Are all of your friends gamers?", + "Yes, we all play, but not all the same game.", + "That sounds like a great time." + ] + }, + "880": { + "context": "Even though Alex was simply another player, one day the running back decided to deviate from the play to disrupt the game.", + "speaker": "Alex", + "turns": [ + "I've seen this play on a movie I watched last night.", + "Don't be dumb and try making your own plays Alex.", + "I think it will work and they will never expect it.", + "The coach is going to be annoyed if you do this.", + "Not if I score the touchdown." + ] + }, + "881": { + "context": "Even though Alex was simply another player, one day the running back decided to deviate from the play to disrupt the game.", + "speaker": "Alex", + "turns": [ + "I am so sick of this game.", + "What're you talking about Alex?", + "Football. Playing running back. I am sick of all of it.", + "What are you doing?!", + "I'm running my own play!", + "You're going to ruin the game!" + ] + }, + "882": { + "context": "Even though Alex was simply another player, one day the running back decided to deviate from the play to disrupt the game.", + "speaker": "Alex", + "turns": [ + "The running back killed my mojo.", + "You are a good player, what happened?", + "They disrupted the game.", + "How did they do that?", + "They just deviated from the play and stopped it.", + "That's a dumb move on his part." + ] + }, + "883": { + "context": "Taylor thanks Skylar's mom for giving them a ride home from the dance, as their own parents were out of town.", + "speaker": "Taylor", + "turns": [ + "Skylar's mom is so kind, she gave me a ride home from the dance.", + "I got a ride with my friend Mark. I'm glad you got home safe.", + "Yeah my parents are still out of town.", + "I hope you sleep okay tonight given the situation.", + "Yeah I will. I text my parents every night.", + "Great, I'll keep in touch." + ] + }, + "884": { + "context": "Sasha went and bough Kia tickets to the game tonight. Kai got Sasha's tickets from them.", + "speaker": "Kai", + "turns": [ + "Sasha bought me tickets for tonight's basketball game! I'm so excited!", + "That's awesome! Are you and her going together?", + "No she just gave me both. I can take whoever I want.", + "I have a great idea on who you should take.", + "Oh really? Who's that? It would have to be someone who loves basketball as much as I do.", + "It's me!" + ] + }, + "885": { + "context": "Sasha went and bough Kia tickets to the game tonight. Kai got Sasha's tickets from them.", + "speaker": "Kai", + "turns": [ + "Sasha bought my tickets.", + "Okay great I already got mine.", + "Sasha came over and handed them to me.", + "Are you excited for the big game tonight?", + "Yeah I haven't seen baseball in so long.", + "Let's make a bet." + ] + }, + "886": { + "context": "Sasha knew that the school was low on pencils for the kids. Sasha supplied every pencil to the school for them.", + "speaker": "Sasha", + "turns": [ + "I brought some extra pencils for the test today since we were low.", + "That's great, I saw that we were low but forgot to bring extra.", + "I'm going to give every kid at least three pencils so they don't run out.", + "You're an amazing teacher to them." + ] + }, + "887": { + "context": "Sasha knew that the school was low on pencils for the kids. Sasha supplied every pencil to the school for them.", + "speaker": "Sasha", + "turns": [ + "Did you know that the school keeps running out of pencils for the children?", + "How could that happen? Is there some kind of pencil shortage?", + "I'm not sure, but now I just buy the pencils and supply them myself.", + "That's good of you to do, how are the kids supposed to work with no way to write?", + "They sure do need them.", + "Does the school reimburse you for the cost of the pencils?" + ] + }, + "888": { + "context": "Casey followed Quinn's lead to battle. They made a great team.", + "speaker": "Casey", + "turns": [ + "I followed Quinn during the battle and we slew a lot of enemies.", + "Quinn is quite the fighter.", + "Yeah, he spotted all the openings the enemy had.", + "Will you follow him during the next battle?", + "Of course, he's so skilled.", + "I think you'll learn a lot from following Quinn." + ] + }, + "889": { + "context": "Casey followed Quinn's lead to battle. They made a great team.", + "speaker": "Casey", + "turns": [ + "We won a huge battle today.", + "What type of battle and with who?", + "It was a video game battle that I followed Quinn into.", + "That sounds like fun.", + "Yeah especially since we won.", + "I'm happy for you guys!" + ] + }, + "890": { + "context": "Jan threw Aubrey back into the penalty box for another 10 minutes after their second foul during the match.", + "speaker": "Aubrey", + "turns": [ + "Jan! Why the hell did you throw me back in the penalty box?", + "I told you, Aubrey, no more slashing the goalie with your stick.", + "I couldn't help it! I think they were cheating!", + "Well, there's no proof of that so the burden is on you, so you will sit in the box for 10 minutes.", + "That means you've got about 10 minutes before I get out and slash your head for being a donkey!", + "You do and you can sit the whole hockey game in the box, doesn't matter to me." + ] + }, + "891": { + "context": "Jan threw Aubrey back into the penalty box for another 10 minutes after their second foul during the match.", + "speaker": "Aubrey", + "turns": [ + "I think the referee is picking on me today.", + "They were making bad calls all game.", + "I feel like our team has a target on their back.", + "Hopefully that's not the case because your season could be ruined.", + "If we want to win we just have to fight the refs as well.", + "That's the attitude to have and you'll be all right." + ] + }, + "892": { + "context": "Jan threw Aubrey back into the penalty box for another 10 minutes after their second foul during the match.", + "speaker": "Aubrey", + "turns": [ + "I really don't think I deserved to be sent to the penalty box.", + "I don't know. I mean, after that last foul, I don't blame them.", + "That wasn't my fault. Jan just blames everything on me.", + "It was your second foul and the game has barely begun.", + "Whose side are you on anyway?", + "Only the side of the truth, my friend." + ] + }, + "893": { + "context": "Jan threw Aubrey back into the penalty box for another 10 minutes after their second foul during the match.", + "speaker": "Aubrey", + "turns": [ + "I had to go back into the Penalty Box during the game.", + "You said back. You'd already been?", + "Jan put me back in after my second foul.", + "So you'd already had a foul in the game?", + "It was called a foul. I don't see it that way though.", + "That's too bad when that happens. Just try to avoid that kind of behavior so you don't have to stay in The Penalty Box so much." + ] + }, + "894": { + "context": "At the end of their first date, Cameron gave Alex a peck on the cheek.", + "speaker": "Alex", + "turns": [ + "I think I'll go out with Cameron again. It was a good date.", + "First date that went well? Tell me more!", + "I met him at the diner for dinner and we talked. We just seemed to connect.", + "Oh nice! You love the diner. Any sparks?", + "Yes! As we were leaving, he gave me a peck on the cheek.", + "That's exciting! Hope he calls you again soon." + ] + }, + "895": { + "context": "At the end of their first date, Cameron gave Alex a peck on the cheek.", + "speaker": "Alex", + "turns": [ + "Cameron gave me a kiss", + "What kind of kiss?", + "Just on the cheek.", + "That is so sweet.", + "I think he's a keeper.", + "Time will tell." + ] + }, + "896": { + "context": "At the end of their first date, Cameron gave Alex a peck on the cheek.", + "speaker": "Alex", + "turns": [ + "I really had fun tonight!", + "Where did he take you for the first date?", + "We just went to the movies and out to dinner.", + "Did he try anything?", + "He asked to give me a kiss on the cheek. A sweet guy!" + ] + }, + "897": { + "context": "In their article, Michigan gave the reader a thorough analysis of Riley's perspective.", + "speaker": "Michigan", + "turns": [ + "I just wrote a detailed article explaining Riley's perspective.", + "I would love to read that.", + "You can be sure to gain a clear insight into Riley's perspective.", + "Has the article been published?", + "You should be able to see it in tomorrow's paper.", + "I really look forward to that." + ] + }, + "898": { + "context": "In their article, Michigan gave the reader a thorough analysis of Riley's perspective.", + "speaker": "Michigan", + "turns": [ + "I was reading through and figured I give a thorough analysis of Riley's perspective.", + "What do you think of how she feels on the idea of immigration reform?", + "I believe she incorporates a lot of good ideas for having different paths to citizenship.", + "There's a certain crowd that also feels that there should not be those paths available.", + "While I agree that legal immigration should be the only way to go, I don't know about disincentivizing people that are here without their choice.", + "Yes, there is not an easy solution for that issue now." + ] + }, + "899": { + "context": "Riley and Sasha went hiking. Sasha was more experienced and went ahead before realizing it and stopping. Riley hurried to catch up to her height on the trail.", + "speaker": "Riley", + "turns": [ + "So I went on a hike yesterday with Sasha.", + "Oh nice. How was it?", + "It was okay but Sasha was much faster than I was.", + "Were you having issues keeping up?", + "I really was! I had to hurry up the hill to catch up to her.", + "I bet you did!" + ] + }, + "900": { + "context": "Riley and Sasha went hiking. Sasha was more experienced and went ahead before realizing it and stopping. Riley hurried to catch up to her height on the trail.", + "speaker": "Riley", + "turns": [ + "I went hiking with Sasha and I have to say she is so experienced I could hardly keep up.", + "I bet you couldn't. She is so good at hiking.", + "I had to keep running to keep up with her as the trail inclined.", + "I would have just given up and waited at the bottom.", + "I almost did but I wanted to make it to the top!", + "You are more determined than me !" + ] + }, + "901": { + "context": "Riley and Sasha went hiking. Sasha was more experienced and went ahead before realizing it and stopping. Riley hurried to catch up to her height on the trail.", + "speaker": "Riley", + "turns": [ + "I went hiking with Sasha yesterday.", + "How did it go? I know she goes hiking a lot.", + "It was really hard. She stormed ahead without realising it and had to stop and wait for me.", + "That's nice of her. How do you feel today?", + "I'm exhuasted." + ] + }, + "902": { + "context": "Remy didn't want anyone to know. They had an important secret to keep.", + "speaker": "Remy", + "turns": [ + "I know I have been acting distant lately, but it is for good reason.", + "Is everything alright with you? I have been a bit worried honestly.", + "I am fine, but it is important that I keep my distance and keep a secret for now.", + "Okay, well if you need anything you know I am here to talk.", + "Of course and I promise I will come to you if I need help.", + "Ok good because you mean a lot to me." + ] + }, + "903": { + "context": "Even though they were told not to touch the thermostat, Austin raised the temperature by a degree.", + "speaker": "Austin", + "turns": [ + "I'm raising the temps here.", + "Why are you doing that?", + "It's so cold.", + "No it's not, I'm hot as hell.", + "Ok, I'll go get a jacket then.", + "Sorry friend." + ] + }, + "904": { + "context": "Even though they were told not to touch the thermostat, Austin raised the temperature by a degree.", + "speaker": "Austin", + "turns": [ + "It is way too cold in here so I am turning the temperature up a bit.", + "We were told not to touch it man.", + "I don't care, it is cold.", + "You are going to get in trouble and get all of us in trouble too.", + "No if I get caught I will say it was just me who did it.", + "Thanks because I really like this class and I don't want to get kicked out." + ] + }, + "905": { + "context": "Even though they were told not to touch the thermostat, Austin raised the temperature by a degree.", + "speaker": "Austin", + "turns": [ + "I hate being cold and our house is always freezing. My mom is a freak about not moving the thermostat.", + "I hate being cold too. I couldn't deal with it set so low.", + "The other day I moved it up a degree. She still hasn't noticed!", + "You better move that back or your mom is going to become furious with you!", + "I know, but I kind of want to see how long I can get away with it set a degree higher.", + "Your mom is going to get so mad at you. I would move it back before you get caught!" + ] + }, + "906": { + "context": "Jan had a nomadic nature and couldn't settle down. Jan moved from place to place.", + "speaker": "Jan", + "turns": [ + "Hi, thanks again for inviting me over for dinner, I really appreciate it.", + "Oh it's no problem, I enjoy the company and I don't see new faces in church that often so it was a nice surprise, you coming to our tiny little town. Where are you from?", + "Well I grew up in North Carolina but I was also an Army brat, so we moved around a lot. I've lived in so many places I don't even think I could name them all.", + "So where did you live before moving here?", + "Just before moving here I was in Washington for a few months, before that I as in Virginia for a few months, and before that I was in Ohio for a few months. I still have a nomadic nature and don't stay in one place for very long.", + "Well that has to give you lots of stories and adventures to talk about." + ] + }, + "907": { + "context": "Jan had a nomadic nature and couldn't settle down. Jan moved from place to place.", + "speaker": "Jan", + "turns": [ + "I have changed location more than 4 times this year", + "Why that? you don't like places you stay?", + "I jus have this nomadic nature and couldn't settle down", + "You should try and control that." + ] + }, + "908": { + "context": "Ash ate chicken for dinner. Then he went to the gym.", + "speaker": "Ash", + "turns": [ + "I want to get even stronger.", + "Have you changed your diet?", + "Yeah, I'm eating more chicken.", + "That's good. It has a lot of protein." + ] + }, + "909": { + "context": "Ash ate chicken for dinner. Then he went to the gym.", + "speaker": "Ash", + "turns": [ + "I shouldn't have eaten so much before going to the gym.", + "What did you eat?", + "A whole rotisserie chicken.", + "How much did it weigh?", + "Minus the bones, probably two pounds.", + "Wow, were you excessively sweating during your workout?" + ] + }, + "910": { + "context": "Ash ate chicken for dinner. Then he went to the gym.", + "speaker": "Ash", + "turns": [ + "I know what I'm eating tonight.", + "What is that?", + "I'm going to eat chicken for dinner and then I'm off to the gym.", + "Isn't it better to eat after working out?" + ] + }, + "911": { + "context": "Ash ate chicken for dinner. Then he went to the gym.", + "speaker": "Ash", + "turns": [ + "I had a tasty fried chicken dinner tonight.", + "Sounds yummy, did you also eat mashed potatoes?", + "No, I cut out the carbs because I went to the gym after dinner and didn't want to be bloated.", + "Was the chicken enough food to get you through your workout?", + "The chicken gave me plenty of energy. I ate some more when I got home.", + "I think I'll start eating chicken before working out too." + ] + }, + "912": { + "context": "Wanting to raise money for breast cancer, Addison took part in the Life Race.", + "speaker": "Addison", + "turns": [ + "I was so excited to help out in the Life Race.", + "Who does that raise money for?", + "That is the race to help support breast cancer.", + "My aunt died of breast cancer, so I know this is a great cause.", + "Yes, I was so happy to help support those in need.", + "That is wonderful, I'm proud of you." + ] + }, + "913": { + "context": "Wanting to raise money for breast cancer, Addison took part in the Life Race.", + "speaker": "Addison", + "turns": [ + "I wanted to do something about a cause I believe is important.", + "What did you have in mind?", + "I wanted to raise money for breast cancer.", + "Did you have any ideas?", + "I took part in the Life Race.", + "That was very noble of you." + ] + }, + "914": { + "context": "Wanting to raise money for breast cancer, Addison took part in the Life Race.", + "speaker": "Addison", + "turns": [ + "I need to find a way to raise money ?", + "Why do you need to raise money?", + "I need to raise money for breast cancer.", + "Okay, do you have a plan?", + "Yes, I'm taking part in the Life Race.", + "Good, that's a good plan." + ] + }, + "915": { + "context": "Wanting to raise money for breast cancer, Addison took part in the Life Race.", + "speaker": "Addison", + "turns": [ + "I am interested in the Life Race. It's to raise money for breast cancer.", + "When is it?", + "It's the last Saturday of next month. Did you want run with me?", + "I think I am busy that weekend. My friend is having her birthday party. I'll donate to the cause though.", + "Cool. I need to start running every morning to prepare.", + "How long is the race?" + ] + }, + "916": { + "context": "Addison got her story straight before going to the police station to lie for her friend.", + "speaker": "Addison", + "turns": [ + "I am headed to the police station.", + "What are you going there for?", + "My friend needs me there.", + "You sure are a true friend.", + "I will do my best even I have to lie.", + "I don't think it's worth it." + ] + }, + "917": { + "context": "Addison got her story straight before going to the police station to lie for her friend.", + "speaker": "Addison", + "turns": [ + "I lied for my friend.", + "You told the police a lie?", + "Yes I had to lie in order for them to be safe.", + "You should feel a little bad.", + "I do but I felt awful for them.", + "I don't condone it." + ] + }, + "918": { + "context": "Addison got her story straight before going to the police station to lie for her friend.", + "speaker": "Addison", + "turns": [ + "I just went to the police station and told them a fake story.", + "Why would you do that?", + "I had to lie for my friend or else she would have gotten into a lot of trouble.", + "Aren't you afraid you're going to get punished for lying to the police?", + "I do. But I think I'll be fine since I got my story straight.", + "I hope you know what you're doing." + ] + }, + "919": { + "context": "Taylor was upset about a problem they were having. Lee told Taylor how to re-frame the problem into an opportunity.", + "speaker": "Lee", + "turns": [ + "Tell me what's troubling you Taylor and I'll see if I can help.", + "I just feel like I'm going nowhere at work. I've been doing the same thing for three years now.", + "Have you talked to your boss about this? Maybe they think you're happy in your position?", + "Yes and they just keep kicking the can. I think they just don't want to train anyone new to do my job because I'm good at it.", + "Well, even before this you mentioned that you'd prefer to work in a different environment. Maybe this is the opportunity you've been waiting for. Spruce up your resume and find out what's out there.", + "That's a great idea. Thanks Lee!" + ] + }, + "920": { + "context": "Taylor was upset about a problem they were having. Lee told Taylor how to re-frame the problem into an opportunity.", + "speaker": "Lee", + "turns": [ + "I know you going through some stuff aren't you?", + "Yeah, I am. I just hate not being able to find a job.", + "Try to look at the positive side. You can only control what you can do.", + "Yea, I understand that. It just gets discouraging.", + "I definitely understand that, but if you keep doing the right thing, it'll be fine.", + "Thank you so much for looking at the positive side of things." + ] + }, + "921": { + "context": "After a long drive they finally arrived at the hotel and Jordan got Lee's things out of the car.", + "speaker": "Lee", + "turns": [ + "I am so glad we are finally here.", + "I know, it only took three hours to get here.", + "Okay let me open the door here.", + "No wait, I will open the door for you.", + "Thanks, I appreciate that.", + "Okay hand me your bags please, I will carry them." + ] + }, + "922": { + "context": "After a long drive they finally arrived at the hotel and Jordan got Lee's things out of the car.", + "speaker": "Lee", + "turns": [ + "Thanks for getting my stuff Jordan.", + "Your welcome, it was a long drive.", + "Yeah I am exhausted", + "I will finish unloading car and we can sleep.", + "It feels good to stand up after driving so long.", + "Yeah it does." + ] + }, + "923": { + "context": "After a long drive they finally arrived at the hotel and Jordan got Lee's things out of the car.", + "speaker": "Lee", + "turns": [ + "That was the longest ride ever. I couldn't believe it when we finally got to the hotel.", + "It really is kind of a long drive, though.", + "Not that long. There were road crews and detours everywhere. Then Jordan got my luggage and it took another hour.", + "Why another hour?", + "They couldn't find my reservation. They had to give us another room.", + "Sounds like a nightmare trip. Make sure no one puts you in a dungeon." + ] + }, + "924": { + "context": "After a long drive they finally arrived at the hotel and Jordan got Lee's things out of the car.", + "speaker": "Lee", + "turns": [ + "Finally, time to relax. It's a beautiful hotel, Jordan.", + "Let me grab your things and carry them to the room.", + "I can help you carry it. I'm anxious to hit the beach.", + "I want a short nap. It was a long drive.", + "We should grab a bite to eat too, then hit the beach.", + "At least we have a full week here to relax." + ] + }, + "925": { + "context": "Aubrey had worked 10 days straight as some of her colleagues were off sick so when Aubrey had their first day off they enjoyed their day.", + "speaker": "Aubrey", + "turns": [ + "I've been working for 10 straight days", + "What for?", + "Just saving for college.", + "Let's take the day off to party.", + "Sounds good.", + "Work isn't everything." + ] + }, + "926": { + "context": "Aubrey had worked 10 days straight as some of her colleagues were off sick so when Aubrey had their first day off they enjoyed their day.", + "speaker": "Aubrey", + "turns": [ + "I am so tired.", + "Have you had a bad week?", + "I had to work ten days straight. A lot of my co-workers have been sick.", + "Well, I guess you can at least be thankful that you are healthy!", + "I guess you are right. I'm just going to enjoy my first day off in a long time.", + "Yes, make sure to relax. You deserve it." + ] + }, + "927": { + "context": "Alex signed up for a programming contest with his colleagues and to his surprise, he won the contest.", + "speaker": "Alex", + "turns": [ + "I signed up for a programming contest with my colleagues and guess what, we won!", + "You guys must be great programmers.", + "We had a good idea and we implemented it. We were up against some tough competition.", + "What did you win?", + "We get a cash prize of ten thousand dollars. The organizer is also donating a thousand dollars to our favorite charity.", + "Everyone wins." + ] + }, + "928": { + "context": "Kendall closed the door with a slam after Sydney left. It had been a bad fight.", + "speaker": "Kendall", + "turns": [ + "Sydney why don't you ever listen to me?", + "I do listen to you, but I am my own person and sometimes I just need to do things my own way!", + "I understand that but when it comes to important matters you need to listen to me!", + "I am my own person Kendall and I will do what I want!", + "I have had enough of this I'm leaving!", + "Thanks for slamming the door on your way out!" + ] + }, + "929": { + "context": "Alex was babysitting one night and got hungry while there. Alex decided to get pizza.", + "speaker": "Alex", + "turns": [ + "There's something about babysitting and eating pizza.", + "I know, even Hollywood plays that in their movies.", + "Every movie or TV show the babysitter always gets pizza.", + "They go hand-in-hand like turkey on Thanksgiving.", + "That's a good analogy.", + "Once in a while I have something clever to say." + ] + }, + "930": { + "context": "Cameron played basketball with some friends, and afterward they were all tired and hungry.", + "speaker": "Cameron", + "turns": [ + "That was exhausting. I just got back from an intense game of basketball.", + "Basketball is a very demanding and taxing sport. You spend a lot of energy moving around.", + "I was playing point guard so I had to constantly bring the ball up the court and chase after the opposing guard.", + "And basketball games are pretty long as well so you're out there for quite a while.", + "Naturally, we were all tired and hungry after the game.", + "Do you have any plans for dinner?" + ] + }, + "931": { + "context": "Cameron played basketball with some friends, and afterward they were all tired and hungry.", + "speaker": "Cameron", + "turns": [ + "Man I'm beat", + "Yeah that was a great game.", + "It was, how many rebounds did you get.", + "I lost count after 10, you were on fire with your threes.", + "I know, its like I had a magnet in the ball.", + "They really didn't stand a chance." + ] + }, + "932": { + "context": "Taylor extended their power by making sure all of their opponents were either dead or disgraced.", + "speaker": "Taylor", + "turns": [ + "I have the perfect formula for success.", + "What does that entail?", + "I have ways to extend my power.", + "How do you do that?", + "It is as easy as making sure all of my opponents are either dead or disgraced.", + "Whatever works for you pal." + ] + }, + "933": { + "context": "Taylor was an outstanding boy scout and Taylor obtained every badge by the time they were 12.", + "speaker": "Taylor", + "turns": [ + "I was a Boy Scout until I graduated high school.", + "Do you lose membership after you become an adult?", + "I don't know, but I got every badge by the time I was 12.", + "Did scouting lose its appeal then?", + "No, since I helped younger kids receive their badges.", + "Does that organization allow girls into the program now?" + ] + }, + "934": { + "context": "Jesse spent money online buying cosmetics, jewelry and clothing.", + "speaker": "Jesse", + "turns": [ + "I spent a lot of money online last night!", + "What did you buy?", + "A whole bunch of clothing, jewelry and cosmetics.", + "Why did you buy all those things?", + "Because I like to keep up with fashion and be trendy.", + "It would of been better to wait for all of that stuff to go on sale." + ] + }, + "935": { + "context": "Jesse spent money online buying cosmetics, jewelry and clothing.", + "speaker": "Jesse", + "turns": [ + "Look at all of this stuff I got for a little bit of nothing.", + "What all did you buy online?", + "I got some makeup, jewelry and some clothes. All of it was pretty cheap.", + "What store did you shop at?", + "I bought most of this from Amazon. There have a little bit of everything on there.", + "I love that shop." + ] + }, + "936": { + "context": "Jesse spent money online buying cosmetics, jewelry and clothing.", + "speaker": "Jesse", + "turns": [ + "I spent so much money today", + "I hope you didn't buy clothes again", + "I did, along with jewlery and cosmetics", + "I told you to keep track of spending", + "I know but they all looked so pretty", + "You need to check yourself" + ] + }, + "937": { + "context": "Quinn wasn't well liked, because they always made a lot of assumptions about everyone they came across. It was rude.", + "speaker": "Quinn", + "turns": [ + "I'm not well like right now.", + "People are rude right now.", + "You need tor relax as well as others.", + "Just focus on work man.", + "Just focus on making money.", + "That is the spirit." + ] + }, + "938": { + "context": "Jordan is an honor student at his middle school. He plays football and baseball in his spare time. He also volunteers his time at a local animal shelter.", + "speaker": "Jordan", + "turns": [ + "You know how I'm an honor student?", + "Yeah what about it?", + "And how I also play football and baseball and volunteer at the animal shelter?", + "Yes I know all about your accomplishments; what is your point?", + "I just wanted to remind you about all my accomplishments.", + "Consider me duly reminded." + ] + }, + "939": { + "context": "Jordan is an honor student at his middle school. He plays football and baseball in his spare time. He also volunteers his time at a local animal shelter.", + "speaker": "Jordan", + "turns": [ + "I'm always so busy", + "What do you mean?", + "I do a lot as a honor student, I still play football and baseball in my spare time and also volunteers when I'm free at the nearby animal shelter.", + "Yeah, you got a full plate for someone in middle school." + ] + }, + "940": { + "context": "Jordan is an honor student at his middle school. He plays football and baseball in his spare time. He also volunteers his time at a local animal shelter.", + "speaker": "Jordan", + "turns": [ + "Hey Liz, we need another hand at the animal shelter this weekend you in?", + "Sure, I wouldn't mind feeding some kittens.", + "Great about twelve should be good.", + "No problem, how do you find time for all of this, you pay so many sports on top of the schoolwork we get.", + "Oh its nothing really, I just like to keep active.", + "You're parents are the same way." + ] + }, + "941": { + "context": "Cameron was the only one at home. They at pizza for dinner.", + "speaker": "Cameron", + "turns": [ + "Hey! Are you hungry?", + "Yeah, we could do pizza if you want.", + "Ok perfect. We're the only ones here so we only need one pie.", + "Ok, do you just want to do a plain pie?", + "Sounds great to me.", + "Perfect. Make sure you order extra cheese." + ] + }, + "942": { + "context": "Cameron was the only one at home. They at pizza for dinner.", + "speaker": "Cameron", + "turns": [ + "I'm all alone tonight. I ordered a pizza.", + "It's a pizza and movie kind of evening.", + "Yeah, that's a good idea since there's no one here.", + "You can really let it all hang out.", + "I will. It's actually the best pizza place in town too.", + "Nice! I hope you enjoy it." + ] + }, + "943": { + "context": "Tracy kept trying to get Kendall's attention. Kendall would not answer Tracy no matter how much she tried.", + "speaker": "Kendall", + "turns": [ + "Tracy won't stop trying to talk to me.", + "What do you mean?", + "She keeps calling my name.", + "What won't you talk to her?", + "She's the one who got me in trouble at my job.", + "You should talk to her and find out why she did it." + ] + }, + "944": { + "context": "addison was good at talking to people so he decided to put it in another way.", + "speaker": "Addison", + "turns": [ + "The key to success is treating other people right.", + "I don't understand. How could treating people right help me?", + "Let me put it another way. If you scratch my back, won't I remember and be better disposed to you next time you need your back scratched?", + "Hm, that makes sense. Say, you're really good at talking to people.", + "It's really all about trying to make the message fit the person. See? I put effort into helping you, and in return, your opinion of me improved.", + "That makes a lot of sense, actually." + ] + }, + "945": { + "context": "Remy left the puppy behind and the neighbors had to find a new home for it.", + "speaker": "Remy", + "turns": [ + "I heard that Rex has a new home now.", + "You didn't take Rex with you when you moved?", + "No, our new apartment doesn't allow pets. I left him with the neighbors, but they only wanted him temporarily.", + "That's so sad! Who took him now?", + "A couple that the neighbors know took him. I guess they were looking for a dog anyways.", + "Well that was lucky. Hopefully they are good to him." + ] + }, + "946": { + "context": "Remy left the puppy behind and the neighbors had to find a new home for it.", + "speaker": "Remy", + "turns": [ + "I left the puppy behind!", + "Where was she when you left?", + "she went to play i never saw it.", + "I hope she is okay now", + "Yes! the neighbor already found a new home for the puppy!", + "That is relaxing." + ] + }, + "947": { + "context": "Remy left the puppy behind and the neighbors had to find a new home for it.", + "speaker": "Remy", + "turns": [ + "Why is everyone so mad at me. Nothing I can do.", + "There's a lot you can do. You just don't dump a puppy. I shoud report you.", + "What else can I do if they will not take pets at the dorms?", + "You have so many families who would love a puppy.", + "I tried, no one wants this runt the shelters are packed.", + "Excuses excuses, I'll take to pup. There's a crowd out with pitch forks waiting for you." + ] + }, + "948": { + "context": "Jesse wrote a note on the board. She really wanted her students to understand the lesson.", + "speaker": "Jesse", + "turns": [ + "I hope my students can pick up this lesson easily.", + "You're a good teacher so I am sure that they will have no problem.", + "I even wrote a note on the board so they can look at it if they need it.", + "You really deserve a raise for all your hard work.", + "Thank you very much." + ] + }, + "949": { + "context": "Jesse wrote a note on the board. She really wanted her students to understand the lesson.", + "speaker": "Jesse", + "turns": [ + "I was trying so hard to make sure my kids understood the content.", + "I hear you! Sometimes it is hard to get the lesson across.", + "Yeah, I was writing the notes on the board.", + "I hear you! Did the students understand the notes?", + "Yeah, they understood most of them.", + "That is awesome! That is the best feeling." + ] + }, + "950": { + "context": "Jordan always practices the game and in the finals, he ran the bases smoothly.", + "speaker": "Jordan", + "turns": [ + "I spend my weekends at the park. They have a baseball diamond where I can practice.", + "Well it's paying off. I saw you in the finals.", + "I was really trying, for the team you know.", + "You ran the bases smoothly.", + "Too bad we didn't win.", + "Well it was not for lack of effort." + ] + }, + "951": { + "context": "Jordan always practices the game and in the finals, he ran the bases smoothly.", + "speaker": "Jordan", + "turns": [ + "I always practices the game so for the finals, I ran the bases smoothly.", + "Are you talking about baseball?", + "We had a final in baseball. The coach wanted to see how we play in a game.", + "So he graded you individually.", + "He only grades us on how much we have improved. He's not comparing us to other students in the class.", + "Interesting." + ] + }, + "952": { + "context": "Skylar worked as a nurse and was looking after a very sick patient. Their job was to monitor the patient's breathing.", + "speaker": "Skylar", + "turns": [ + "I am looking after a very sick patient.", + "Sounds like a lot of work.", + "As a nurse, my job is to monitor the patient's breathing.", + "Better you than me." + ] + }, + "953": { + "context": "Taylor was bored sitting around her house so shes decided to ride her bike around town.", + "speaker": "Taylor", + "turns": [ + "Hi friend, want to come bike riding with me? We can ride through the new forest trail in Foghorn Forest.", + "Wow! They finally finished it? Sounds like fun, okay I'll go get my bike.", + "Nice, you got new pegs on the back wheels. Hey lets cruise around for awhile before we head to the trail, yea?", + "Okay and yeah I bought the pegs just in case someone needs a lift. I thought you said you were going to stay inside today?", + "I was but then the internet went out because of a fallen pole and I was bored out of my mind so I rode around for awhile. There are a lot of people outside today.", + "Awesome, we should stop by the arcade and see if anyone's there that'll come with us before we head to the trail. It's going to be kind of scary going through there during dusk with just us two." + ] + }, + "954": { + "context": "After spending much time thinking about it, Bailey wanted Aubrey's parents.", + "speaker": "Bailey", + "turns": [ + "I'm thinking about talking to an adult about the food in the cafeteria.", + "Aubrey's parents work in the kitchen. Maybe you can talk to them.", + "I'm wondering if I should talk to Aubrey's parents or the principal.", + "The principal will just relay your message to everyone who works in the cafeteria.", + "Okay, I'll talk to Aubrey's parents about the food.", + "Great idea." + ] + }, + "955": { + "context": "After spending much time thinking about it, Bailey wanted Aubrey's parents.", + "speaker": "Bailey", + "turns": [ + "I just don't know which parents to pick for this experiment.", + "Well who did you have in mind?", + "I think Bill or Aubrey's parents would be ideal.", + "Then you should ask them both.", + "No. I've made my decision. I want Aubrey's parents.", + "That's a good choice." + ] + }, + "956": { + "context": "Jordan and his friend were hungry and saw that there was a place they could go get food.", + "speaker": "Jordan", + "turns": [ + "Do you want to go to eat at the new chinese buffet down the road?", + "Sure, as long as they have those wontons I love so much.", + "I am sure they do, it looks like a normal chinese restaurant and most of them have wontons.", + "I bet they even have those tasty chickens on a stick that I like so much too.", + "Well why don't we get there first and then decide if they have everything your heart desires, ok?", + "Yeah I guess that sounds like a plan." + ] + }, + "957": { + "context": "Jordan and his friend were hungry and saw that there was a place they could go get food.", + "speaker": "Jordan", + "turns": [ + "I'm famished and don't care what we eat. What do you have a taste for?", + "Doesn't matter to me. I saw a place down the road a bit.", + "How far down? Lets turn around and go back.", + "OK. I just want a burger which I think that place has.", + "OK. Sounds great. Lets go. I could eat a horse.", + "LOL. You won't eat a horse. We'll get a burger and fries." + ] + }, + "958": { + "context": "Jordan and his friend were hungry and saw that there was a place they could go get food.", + "speaker": "Jordan", + "turns": [ + "I found a nice spot with my friend yesterday.", + "How is the food there?", + "The meal we had was delightful", + "Who referred you to the place?", + "My friends and I were feeling hungry while in town so we decided to try it out.", + "I can't wait to try it too." + ] + }, + "959": { + "context": "Sasha dropped their engagement ring in the Quarry so Sasha spent the day digging around the quarry but sadly to no avail.", + "speaker": "Sasha", + "turns": [ + "i am sorry i dropped the engagement ring in the quarry", + "just try to help me find it the best you can", + "it is going to be hard with it raining out here and it is starting to get muddy", + "i dont think we are going to find it", + "unfortunately i do think it is gone somewhere" + ] + }, + "960": { + "context": "Sasha dropped their engagement ring in the Quarry so Sasha spent the day digging around the quarry but sadly to no avail.", + "speaker": "Sasha", + "turns": [ + "My friend gave me her engagement ring, because she wanted me to get it cleaned at the local jeweler.", + "I want to see the ring. Is it pretty.", + "I can't find it. I dropped it in my backyard.", + "Let me help you find it.", + "I spent all day digging in the yard, but I haven't found it.", + "I'm sure one of us will eventually find the ring." + ] + }, + "961": { + "context": "Sasha dropped their engagement ring in the Quarry so Sasha spent the day digging around the quarry but sadly to no avail.", + "speaker": "Sasha", + "turns": [ + "I lost my engagement ring.", + "How did that happen?", + "I was at the quarry, and for some reason took the ring off to look at it closely, and I dropped it.", + "That doesn't make any sense.", + "Don't rag me--I'm exhausted from digging for the ring all day.", + "Appartenly with no success." + ] + }, + "962": { + "context": "Quinn was trying to get Remy to talk. Quinn demanded that Remy answer but just sat there.", + "speaker": "Quinn", + "turns": [ + "Remy is just the worse.", + "What happened this time.", + "I was trying to talk to him but he ignored me and remained silent.", + "He behaves like a child some times, how do you put up with him.", + "Well I love him so that's why.", + "Oh I see, well you should try to reach him using other methods." + ] + }, + "963": { + "context": "Quinn was trying to get Remy to talk. Quinn demanded that Remy answer but just sat there.", + "speaker": "Quinn", + "turns": [ + "Remy tell me why you killed the dog!", + "Yeah Remy, what the fuck is wrong with you?", + "Remy can you hear what I am saying?", + "Remy, answer the question.", + "I am going to kick the shit out of you if you don't answer me right now.", + "Remy, why have you done this? Answer us right now." + ] + }, + "964": { + "context": "Sydney had a long and tiring day at work. Sydney got home and ended the day with a bath.", + "speaker": "Sydney", + "turns": [ + "You're not gonna believe how my day went today", + "Why, how did it go?", + "I just got home. A very long and tiring one. I am just taking a bath and going to bed.", + "Oh, you poor thing, go ahead and the rest will. Tomorrow is another day.", + "Yes. Thank you for checking on me. I'll pray for a better day tomorrow", + "Okay. Good night." + ] + }, + "965": { + "context": "Sydney had a long and tiring day at work. Sydney got home and ended the day with a bath.", + "speaker": "Sydney", + "turns": [ + "This was a very long and trying day.", + "What happened to make your day so long?", + "I got to work at 7 and did not leave until 7. And everything was a little bit off.", + "Yeah, that sounds like a long day. What are you going to do now?", + "I took bath for an hour and now I'm going to have a glass of wine.", + "Sounds like you deserve it. Cheers." + ] + }, + "966": { + "context": "Sydney had a long and tiring day at work. Sydney got home and ended the day with a bath.", + "speaker": "Sydney", + "turns": [ + "Wow, what a long tiring day.", + "Oh yeah, you worked today right?", + "Yes, and it was brutal. I came home and took a bath to relax.", + "That was a good idea, a good long soak must have felt great.", + "It did, I had a glass of wine after and then went to bed.", + "Sounds like a perfect night!" + ] + }, + "967": { + "context": "The group was late for the important meeting again. Ash asked them what happened.", + "speaker": "Ash", + "turns": [ + "So why weren't you make it to the meeting on time agaIn?", + "I'm so sorry, I have been having car trouble lately, and my engine has been giving me trouble and I stalled out on the way here.", + "Well, in the future, since you know this is an issue, you should probably start leaving earlier if you can't get it fixed.", + "I know, and I feel really badly about being late. I was running behind this morning, but would have still been here early if not for the car.", + "Well, we really need you here on time, so this can't happen again.", + "I completely understand. I won't do it again." + ] + }, + "968": { + "context": "After battling the way through traffic, Lee came to pick Quinn up from school.", + "speaker": "Lee", + "turns": [ + "I was late picking up Quinn today from school.", + "What made you so late?", + "My boss asked a question and I was 5 minutes late leaving and hit way more traffic than normal.", + "There must have been some hold up on the road that caused the extra traffic.", + "Yes. Road construction had started and I didn't realize it. I'll have to start leaving 20 minutes early.", + "I bet your boss won't be too happy about that." + ] + }, + "969": { + "context": "After battling the way through traffic, Lee came to pick Quinn up from school.", + "speaker": "Lee", + "turns": [ + "So I had pic up Quinn today but the traffic was horrible.", + "I wonder why it was so bad today.", + "Im not sure but I sure do what traffic.", + "Yea I do too traffic is one of my biggest pet preves." + ] + }, + "970": { + "context": "After battling the way through traffic, Lee came to pick Quinn up from school.", + "speaker": "Lee", + "turns": [ + "Sorry I'm late!", + "It's okay. Did something happen?", + "No, just had to pick Quinn up from school. Traffic was a nightmare.", + "Oh yeah, I heard there was a big accident on the main road. Did you see anything?", + "There were a bunch of cops and a fire truck around. It took me almost half an hour to move one mile.", + "Sheesh, that sounds awful." + ] + }, + "971": { + "context": "Riley looked them straight in the eye so that they would be too intimidated to perform.", + "speaker": "Riley", + "turns": [ + "I can't believe I did that.", + "Did what Riley?", + "I looked at him straight in the eyes to make them feel nervous about their performance.", + "Interesting tactic, do you think it worked?" + ] + }, + "972": { + "context": "Jesse was at home with their family, and Jesse called them all into the living room.", + "speaker": "Jesse", + "turns": [ + "I was home with my mom and dad when I found out. It was one of the most exciting days of my life.", + "Do you have good news?", + "I got into USC. It's my dream school. I called my parents into the living room to tell them that I got in on a full scholarship for football.", + "They have such a great team.", + "I've been to most of their games. My dad also played football at USC when he went there.", + "I am so happy for you." + ] + }, + "973": { + "context": "Jesse was at home with their family, and Jesse called them all into the living room.", + "speaker": "Jesse", + "turns": [ + "I hope this isnt about something bad", + "sounds like an important family meeting that you need to go to", + "I think it's about me skipping school and my dad found out", + "seems like youre going to be in a lot of trouble so i would try and be good", + "sounds like good advice" + ] + }, + "974": { + "context": "Riley needed milk from the store, but didn't want to go so they sent Jordan's son.", + "speaker": "Riley", + "turns": [ + "I really want to go get milk but I don't want to go to the store, Jordan.", + "Well, not a problem as I'll send my son to go to the store.", + "Okay, that would be excellent and can he look for some honey wheat bread as well.", + "I'll make a list for him to look and buy the items.", + "Thanks for your help as I don't think I should leave the house today.", + "My son is always willing to help us so it's not a big deal." + ] + }, + "975": { + "context": "Riley needed milk from the store, but didn't want to go so they sent Jordan's son.", + "speaker": "Riley", + "turns": [ + "I need you to get 2 gallons of milk please!", + "Not a problem. What color of label?", + "I need the dark blue label.", + "Not a problem.", + "Here's the cash, please hurry!", + "I'll be back as soon as I can!" + ] + }, + "976": { + "context": "Riley needed milk from the store, but didn't want to go so they sent Jordan's son.", + "speaker": "Riley", + "turns": [ + "I ran out of milk for my coffee. Jordan's son came over and he wanted to go out to buy cigarettes so I asked him to pick up a carton of milk for me.", + "That's convenient.", + "I was happy about that. I was tired and didn't feel like going out to the store.", + "If Jordan's son was going to get cigarettes anyways, I am sure he didn't mind picking up some milk.", + "Not at all. He came back in like ten minutes. He just grabbed it from the store on the street corner.", + "That was quick." + ] + }, + "977": { + "context": "Casey had been busy asking their mom for a puppy. Casey stopped asking about it after their mom said no.", + "speaker": "Casey", + "turns": [ + "I spent the last 3 weeks asking her if I can have one.", + "Do you think that she is going to give in about the puppy.", + "No, I asked this morning and she screamed no to me, that I didn't take care of the last one.", + "Give it a few months and ask her again, maybe she will change her mind." + ] + }, + "978": { + "context": "Casey had been busy asking their mom for a puppy. Casey stopped asking about it after their mom said no.", + "speaker": "Casey", + "turns": [ + "I saw a puppy at the mall the other day and wanted to take it hom so bad.", + "Did you ask your mom?", + "I've been asking her if we could buy it for days now.", + "What did she say?", + "She said no. So I just stopped.", + "You can always adopt a puppy." + ] + }, + "979": { + "context": "Tracy protected her teammates from injury when she saw an accident about to happen prevented it.", + "speaker": "Tracy", + "turns": [ + "Man, I was so lucky. I was able to protect my teammates from injury by seeing an accident about to happen!", + "Don't think it was just luck. Without looking ahead, you wouldn't have seen it.", + "Well, it doesn't hurt to be aware, but still, it's not like I was a hero or anything.", + "Yeah. I think you were. It's really remarkable what you did.", + "Hey, it worked out great, but sometimes these things happen by being in the right place at the right time.", + "I agree, but give yourself the credit you deserve here. You saved your teammates from injury by looking out for them!" + ] + }, + "980": { + "context": "Cameron performed for the very first time at a comedy club. Thankfully, Cameron was really funny.", + "speaker": "Cameron", + "turns": [ + "I was so nervous. I thought I was going to faint.", + "The important thing is that you did it. That took a lot of guts.", + "They actually laughed at almost everything. I was shocked.", + "Why? Your stuff is funny, you know that.", + "Yeah, but you never know how a crowd is going to react.", + "I don't know about that. Funny is funny." + ] + }, + "981": { + "context": "Cameron performed for the very first time at a comedy club. Thankfully, Cameron was really funny.", + "speaker": "Cameron", + "turns": [ + "I was so nervous to perform in front of that crowd at the comedy club, I have never done that!", + "How do you feel it went? Did you like the place?", + "It was great, the owners and staff were so supportive, they all knew it was my first time in front of a crowd like that", + "It sounds like it went well, I wish I could have been there, I would have been your loudest supporter haha", + "I appreciate that, luckily it got real loud with laughter, turns out, I'm pretty funny HAHAHA", + "HAHA then you have picked the right career, keeping telling those jokes my friend!" + ] + }, + "982": { + "context": "Alex had a discipline problem with every school he attended. Alex therefore had to change schools often.", + "speaker": "Alex", + "turns": [ + "I may have to change schools again.", + "You didn't get in trouble again did you?", + "I did but it was an accident.", + "Alex, they are going to send you to military school soon.", + "I know. I will behave at this one.", + "It was only a mistake; I'm sure you will do it this time." + ] + }, + "983": { + "context": "Alex had a discipline problem with every school he attended. Alex therefore had to change schools often.", + "speaker": "Alex", + "turns": [ + "I have to change schools, again!", + "Why do you keep changing schools? I hardly see you?", + "They say it is because of my behavior!", + "Have you ever thought of not acting up all of the time?", + "What the hell is that supposed to mean? Wanna fight?", + "See, that's what I'm talking about!" + ] + }, + "984": { + "context": "Alex had a discipline problem with every school he attended. Alex therefore had to change schools often.", + "speaker": "Alex", + "turns": [ + "I hope that I wont have to switch schools so many times one day", + "I think so", + "You have been a great support in terms of trying to help me stay out of trouble mom", + "No problem. I know that you are a good kid ,but to the school you are just a bad boy", + "I have been bad. I need to get my life together", + "You really do" + ] + }, + "985": { + "context": "Alex had a discipline problem with every school he attended. Alex therefore had to change schools often.", + "speaker": "Alex", + "turns": [ + "Hey, this is my last day here. I'm going to have to switch schools this week.", + "What? Why?! What did you do this time?", + "I pushed Billy down on the playground. He scraped his knee and told on me. They said it was the last straw.", + "What school are you going to?", + "I don't know. This is the second one this year though, they always move me around.", + "We're going to miss you, this is so unfair." + ] + }, + "986": { + "context": "People were bullying Riley, but Austin had Riley's back and defended him.", + "speaker": "Riley", + "turns": [ + "Thank you guys for defending me. they have been giving me problems for a long time.", + "im sorry that they have been doing that to you", + "they used to bull you last year didnt they?", + "yea, i took karate for about 6 months and i challenged them to a fight and beat them up.", + "wow, maybe i should take some karate so i could do the same thing", + "i would highly recommend it if you want them to stop." + ] + }, + "987": { + "context": "People were bullying Riley, but Austin had Riley's back and defended him.", + "speaker": "Riley", + "turns": [ + "Austin, they are picking on me.", + "Who is picking on you?", + "Those kids right there they made me cry.", + "No one messes with my little brother, hold on tight they will learn a lesson.", + "Thanks big bro those kids are mean.", + "Only I can tease you, you know that, they will regret teasing you." + ] + }, + "988": { + "context": "Cameron letf her phon and wallet at the house, so Cameron asked the first man she saw a favor. The man kindly let her use his phone.", + "speaker": "Cameron", + "turns": [ + "This morning I was carried away shopping in the mall so I thought I would be late for work today.", + "Did you let your office know you would be late.", + "Unfortunately, I forgot my phone at home.", + "What did you do then?", + "I asked a favor of using phone from the gentleman I saw in the mall as soon as I realized I didn't have the phone.", + "I am glad it worked put for you." + ] + }, + "989": { + "context": "Sasha wanted to sneak out of the house but Sasha decided to listen to her mom instead.", + "speaker": "Sasha", + "turns": [ + "I am so bored and I want to go out shopping.", + "Where did you go?", + "I ended up staying at home because my mom wanted me to.", + "You\u2019re a good kid.", + "I realized it was late and she had no company.", + "I am glad you decided to stay home." + ] + }, + "990": { + "context": "Riley and Jan are lost in the woods. Riley saves Jan's life by using their survival skills. They made it home safely because of Riley.", + "speaker": "Jan", + "turns": [ + "Riley is my hero.", + "He has always been my hero.", + "We got lost in the woods and he saved my life.", + "What did he do?", + "He used his survival skills and we made it home.", + "I knew that Boy Scout badge of his would one day pay off." + ] + }, + "991": { + "context": "Riley and Jan are lost in the woods. Riley saves Jan's life by using their survival skills. They made it home safely because of Riley.", + "speaker": "Jan", + "turns": [ + "I am so glad you helped me out of the woods.", + "It was my pleasure.", + "How did you learn all those skills?", + "I was involved in Scouts and learned how to survive in the wilderness.", + "That was truly amazing.", + "I'm so glad I could help you." + ] + }, + "992": { + "context": "Riley and Jan are lost in the woods. Riley saves Jan's life by using their survival skills. They made it home safely because of Riley.", + "speaker": "Jan", + "turns": [ + "There are a lot of ways to get out of this mess hopefully.", + "Yeah Jan, we should start to use our survival skills that we learned at boot camp", + "I am going to get a flare and you make some firewood to el pme signal that helicopter", + "Okay....Oh wait I got something! The helicopter sees my phone light", + "Oh were saved now! I see them coming down to get us. Thank you so much Riley you are a true trooper and a lifesaver", + "I know thanks" + ] + }, + "993": { + "context": "Riley and Jan are lost in the woods. Riley saves Jan's life by using their survival skills. They made it home safely because of Riley.", + "speaker": "Jan", + "turns": [ + "I'm really thankful to Riley for getting us out of the woods.", + "I can't believe you guys got lost.", + "It was really scary. But fortunately, Riley was able to use his survival skills to find our way home.", + "I am so glad you're both okay.", + "Me too. But I think it's going to be a while before I go camping again.", + "Or you can just make sure you go with Riley." + ] + }, + "994": { + "context": "After accidently seeing her with another man, Kai called Riley's husband to inform him.", + "speaker": "Kai", + "turns": [ + "I was downtown doing some shopping and I saw Riley there with a man who wasn't her husband.", + "Did it look like it was a work thing or just a friend thing.", + "No, it was an affair thing. I called her husband and told him.", + "Are you kidding? You called Riley's husband? That's an awful thing to do.", + "I don't care. I don't like Riley or her husband. I thought it was funny.", + "You really are a jerk, Kai." + ] + }, + "995": { + "context": "After accidently seeing her with another man, Kai called Riley's husband to inform him.", + "speaker": "Kai", + "turns": [ + "I saw Riley with another man.", + "Are you sure? She's supposed to be at a business meeting out of town.", + "It was definitely her. I wouldn't be calling you to inform you if I wasn't sure. I'm so sorry.", + "Where was she? And with who?", + "Purely accidental. I was at a new club the next city over. She was there with this guy. Don't know who he was.", + "I'm filing for a divorce. This isn't the first time she's cheated." + ] + }, + "996": { + "context": "Even though they both worked on the class project together, and did equal work, Casey never gave Cameron credit.", + "speaker": "Casey", + "turns": [ + "My class project turned out great!", + "You mean OUR class project?", + "Yeah, whatever Cameron. I did all the hard work.", + "Not even! We worked on it together and both did the same amount of work.", + "Well maybe we did the same amount of work, but my work was better so it counts for more.", + "You're so rude! Hopefully I won't have to work with you on a project again." + ] + }, + "997": { + "context": "Even though they both worked on the class project together, and did equal work, Casey never gave Cameron credit.", + "speaker": "Casey", + "turns": [ + "I am so glad that class project is finished, Cameron.", + "Me, too. It was a lot of work.", + "I took care of handing it in, so you don't have to worry about that.", + "Thanks, but did you add my name on to it?", + "I didn't know that you hadn't put your name on it, Cameron.", + "Now I won't get any credit for it!" + ] + }, + "998": { + "context": "Even though they both worked on the class project together, and did equal work, Casey never gave Cameron credit.", + "speaker": "Casey", + "turns": [ + "Although we worked together, I felt like Casey didn't deserve any credit.", + "Why did you feel that way?", + "I was just jealous, because we both put in equal amounts of work.", + "I think you should change that and give the due credit." + ] + }, + "999": { + "context": "Even though they both worked on the class project together, and did equal work, Casey never gave Cameron credit.", + "speaker": "Casey", + "turns": [ + "I don't think Cameron will like this.", + "What?", + "So we both worked on the class project as a team, did equal work but I didnt give him any credit.", + "That's not cool Casey. Why did you do that?" + ] + }, + "1000": { + "context": "Robin got Aubrey's hair cut. It had gotten really long since her last hair cut.", + "speaker": "Aubrey", + "turns": [ + "My hair's gotten really long!", + "Yes, we need to get it cut. Sit in the chair, so the hair dresser can cut it.", + "OK. I hope my hair looks good after.", + "I'm sure it will.", + "My hair looks very pretty, Mom!", + "Yes, say thank you to the hair dresser and we can get going." + ] + }, + "1001": { + "context": "Robin got Aubrey's hair cut. It had gotten really long since her last hair cut.", + "speaker": "Aubrey", + "turns": [ + "You like my new haircut? Doesn't it look nice?", + "It looks great! It must feel so wonderful after all this time.", + "It does. It was driving me nuts, it was getting so long.", + "I love what they did with your bangs. Where did you get it done?", + "My friend Robin got me an appointment at her buddy's salon.", + "Robin always comes through for you. She's such a good friend." + ] + }, + "1002": { + "context": "Robin got Aubrey's hair cut. It had gotten really long since her last hair cut.", + "speaker": "Aubrey", + "turns": [ + "Hey! Thanks to Robin, my hair is finally short again!", + "It's strange seeing it this short, good strange though.", + "I know, but it had gotten really long since my last hair cut", + "Well I love it, are you trying any new styles?", + "Nope, only difference is the length.", + "Smart! No point in changing something that works!" + ] + }, + "1003": { + "context": "Jan was making lasagna. Jan cooked the pasta.", + "speaker": "Jan", + "turns": [ + "I'm almost finished making the pasta, then we'll crack on with the sauce.", + "Of course, how many cans of sauce do you use?", + "I only use two, but it'll depend on the amount of guests really", + "And what else goes in to add flavour?", + "Well we have our onions, peppers, garlic and tomatoes. Then throw in your herbs!", + "That sounds delicious! I can't wait to try it for myself!." + ] + }, + "1004": { + "context": "Jan was making lasagna. Jan cooked the pasta.", + "speaker": "Jan", + "turns": [ + "I'm making lasagne, right now we're cooking the pasta.", + "Oh nice, so it's a lot of work going into this meal?", + "Yes but it's so worth it, homemade food is the best", + "I couldn't agree more! The pasta is looking great.", + "Once it's finished, we'll get started on the sauce.", + "The sauce makes the lasagne, or so I've heard." + ] + }, + "1005": { + "context": "Jordan gave Jan a new one. Jan smiled when she saw the gift.", + "speaker": "Jordan", + "turns": [ + "I finally gave Jan her birthday present.", + "Oh yeah, what did you get her?.", + "A new vase! She knocked over her old one.", + "That's really thoughtful! I hope she liked it..", + "Well she had a huge smile when she saw it, so I think she did!", + "She's lucky to have you as a friend." + ] + }, + "1006": { + "context": "Jordan gave Jan a new one. Jan smiled when she saw the gift.", + "speaker": "Jordan", + "turns": [ + "I finally gave Jan her gift.", + "What did you give her?", + "I bought her a new mug.", + "Was it like the one that you broke?", + "Yeah, I wanted to replace it for her.", + "She must have been happy to get it." + ] + }, + "1007": { + "context": "Carson is a dedicated man of his trade that likes building things with his hand. His son, Kai, often assists with tools in the workshop.", + "speaker": "Kai", + "turns": [ + "I'm going to be helping my dad out in the workshop today.", + "That's awesome, are you just his assistant or do you make your own things? ", + "I'm just his helper today, we're building a treehouse!", + "Oh wow, that's going to be a lot of work for you.", + "Yep! But it'll be worth it when I can relax up in the branches!", + "You'll have to show me the finished product!" + ] + }, + "1008": { + "context": "Carson is a dedicated man of his trade that likes building things with his hand. His son, Kai, often assists with tools in the workshop.", + "speaker": "Kai", + "turns": [ + "I helped my dad, Carson, build things with my hands. He's teaching me so much.", + "You guys work out of the garage then?.", + "Yeah, my dad turned the garage into his workshop.", + "What did you build?", + "We built these cool wooden hammers that we are going to auction off for charity.", + "That's so awesome." + ] + }, + "1009": { + "context": "Carson is a dedicated man of his trade that likes building things with his hand. His son, Kai, often assists with tools in the workshop.", + "speaker": "Kai", + "turns": [ + "I really like helping my dad out with building things.", + "Are you learning a lot from him?", + "I am. He's a really dedicated man of his trade.", + "Where are you guys building stuff?", + "We work out of dad's workshop, there's so many different materials there!", + "That sounds like a lot of fun." + ] + }, + "1010": { + "context": "Riley had their arms raised for most of the concert, but lowered them toward the end.", + "speaker": "Riley", + "turns": [ + "Oh man my arms are so sore! I'm gonna feel this in the morning.", + "Why are they so sore? You were just at a concert.", + "I was cheering and singing and dancing all night long, waving my arms in the air. I thought they were gonna fall off, so I had to drop them down by the end!", + "That sounds like a fun concert, I take it you enjoyed yourself?", + "Oh yeah absolutely. You'll have to come next time they're in town.", + "So long as I'm off work, I will definitely join you. I'm jealous hearing how fun it was." + ] + }, + "1011": { + "context": "Riley had their arms raised for most of the concert, but lowered them toward the end.", + "speaker": "Riley", + "turns": [ + "I had my arms raise for most of the concert.", + "Really, how long was the concert?.", + "About four hours, but I dropped my arms around three hours in.", + "I can't say I'm shocked, that's too long to have your arms up.", + "Yeah it wasn't my smartest move, really fun though!", + "It sounds it!" + ] + }, + "1012": { + "context": "Riley had their arms raised for most of the concert, but lowered them toward the end.", + "speaker": "Riley", + "turns": [ + "I had so much fun at the concert last night!", + "Oh yeah? You must be exhausted now though.", + "Yep, super tired! My arms are so sore too.", + "Why are your arms sore?", + "I had them raised over my head for practically the entire show! I had to put them down during the encore because they were getting weak.", + "Well you can skip your arm workouts this week then!" + ] + }, + "1013": { + "context": "Addison had been feeling some odd symptoms for a few days, and they appeared to be getting worse, so Addison wanted to go to the doctor.", + "speaker": "Addison", + "turns": [ + "I've been feeling a little out of sorts lately, maybe I am getting sick", + "Give it a day or two, maybe your symptoms will go away.", + "I was thinking that too, but I actually think I am starting to feel worse over the past few days", + "Oh no, that's not good. Do you think you should see a doctor?", + "You're right, I should go and see the doctor in case something is really wrong", + "That's a good idea, let me know how it goes!" + ] + }, + "1014": { + "context": "Addison had been feeling some odd symptoms for a few days, and they appeared to be getting worse, so Addison wanted to go to the doctor.", + "speaker": "Addison", + "turns": [ + "Thanks for coming with me. I hate going to the doctor, alone.", + "I know, I hate going to the doctor, period. Hate it. So why are you seeing him today?", + "I've been feeling really strange and my appetite is just gone. Plus, I keep getting headaches and body aches and they seem to be getting worse.", + "You're probably right to go see the doctor then. If it's nothing, it will at least ease your mind.", + "Exactly, better safe than sorry." + ] + }, + "1015": { + "context": "Addison had been feeling some odd symptoms for a few days, and they appeared to be getting worse, so Addison wanted to go to the doctor.", + "speaker": "Addison", + "turns": [ + "I have been feeling rough for a while.", + "Why? What's wrong?", + "My eyes have been watering, I've got a rash on my feet, and my arms ache.", + "Those are some odd symptoms.", + "And they keep getting worse. I think I'm going to go to the doctor.", + "Good idea. It sounds like you need medical attention." + ] + }, + "1016": { + "context": "Tracy told Jan to take hold. Jan knew she was in a bit of danger.", + "speaker": "Jan", + "turns": [ + "Tracy told me to hold on.", + "Wait why?", + "I wasn't sure, but I knew in my gut that I was in danger.", + "Oh my god. Are you ok?", + "Yes, I'm fine.", + "Thank god." + ] + }, + "1017": { + "context": "Tracy told Jan to take hold. Jan knew she was in a bit of danger.", + "speaker": "Jan", + "turns": [ + "Tracy told me to hold on for a second, it was weird.", + "What were you guys doing?", + "We were out for a late run, but all of a sudden I felt like I was in a dangerous situation.", + "Oh no, what was wrong?", + "We weren't sure at first, but then we heard a bang and we ran.", + "That's scary, I hope you're okay now?" + ] + }, + "1018": { + "context": "Robin had to clean his room out and store stuff. Robin kept his stuff together.", + "speaker": "Robin", + "turns": [ + "I just finished de-cluttering my room. I am exhausted.", + "I bet it is worth it.", + "Yes. I've been meaning to clean out my room and put away whatever I don't use.", + "What do you plan to do with all the stuff you have stored?", + "Well I'll keep it all together for now, but maybe donate it if I don't use it.", + "That is thoughtful of you." + ] + }, + "1019": { + "context": "Robin had to clean his room out and store stuff. Robin kept his stuff together.", + "speaker": "Robin", + "turns": [ + "I finally cleaned my room out over the weekend.", + "Oh nice, I bet it's looking tidier now?", + "So much tidier! What didn't get thrown out is in my new storage bins.", + "That is such a smart idea. I like where you are heading with that.", + "Great, right? So much easier when my stuff is all together.", + "Yeah you don't want to be looking everywhere for one thing." + ] + }, + "1020": { + "context": "Robin had to clean his room out and store stuff. Robin kept his stuff together.", + "speaker": "Robin", + "turns": [ + "I just need to get all this stuff packed up.", + "Are you moving back home.", + "No, I found another apartment.", + "That's brilliant! Just remember to pack things room by room.", + "For sure, it's easier to find cutlery in the kitchen box.", + "Beats finding it in the bathroom box!" + ] + }, + "1021": { + "context": "Robin was an expert on the subject of cats, so Riley picked Robin's brain.", + "speaker": "Riley", + "turns": [ + "I heard Robin was an expert on cats?", + "From what I've heard, yeah she is. Why?.", + "I want to get a cat soon, so I want to pick her brain first.", + "What kind of things do you plan on asking?", + "Just about diet and exercise requirements, the important stuff.", + "Makes sense! She's over at her desk, go ask her now!." + ] + }, + "1022": { + "context": "Jan's friend Kendall was being bullied and today she saw that they gave Kendall a black eye.", + "speaker": "Jan", + "turns": [ + "Did you see Kendall's black eye?", + "No, but I heard about it.", + "I was there when the bully smacked Kendall in the face! I couldn't believe it! In our school!", + "That bully is in trouble....", + "I hope so!", + "Hope? Kendall's dad is the District Attorney! I see a future with one fewer bully in our town!" + ] + }, + "1023": { + "context": "Jan's friend Kendall was being bullied and today she saw that they gave Kendall a black eye.", + "speaker": "Jan", + "turns": [ + "I feel so bad for Kendall. She's been getting bullied, and today she got a black eye.", + "That's so awful. I never understood how people can be bullies.", + "I never understood that either. What's the purpose of being mean to people.", + "I have no idea. I don't know why people seem to thrive on making other people miserable.", + "It's really pathetic. I hope they get in trouble for what they did to her.", + "Is she going to report it?" + ] + }, + "1024": { + "context": "Jan's friend Kendall was being bullied and today she saw that they gave Kendall a black eye.", + "speaker": "Jan", + "turns": [ + "I feel so badly for my friend Kendall. He got a terrible black eye.", + "Oh, that's awful. How did that happen?", + "This kid at school gave it to him. He bullies Kendall relentlessly.", + "Poor kid. Why does he do that to him?", + "I guess just because Kendall's kind of small and doesn't fight back.", + "Yeah, bullies are very good at spotting the best victims." + ] + }, + "1025": { + "context": "Jan's friend Kendall was being bullied and today she saw that they gave Kendall a black eye.", + "speaker": "Jan", + "turns": [ + "My friend Kendall was just bullied again today", + "That is so sad.", + "His friends always tease him.", + "He should report that to the principal.", + "He did, but they gave him a blackeye.", + "That's awful, the teachers need to stop it!" + ] + }, + "1026": { + "context": "Taylor became best friends with them, and they stayed in touch all their lives.", + "speaker": "Taylor", + "turns": [ + "I can't wait to see my best friends this weekend.", + "How long have you guys known each other?", + "We became best friends in elementary school, and we stayed in touch all our lives.", + "That's great that you have friends that you've known for so long.", + "Yes, they are really special. You should meet them sometime?", + "Yes, I would love to meet them. I keep hearing great things about them!" + ] + }, + "1027": { + "context": "Taylor became best friends with them, and they stayed in touch all their lives.", + "speaker": "Taylor", + "turns": [ + "Even though we only saw each other every summer since I was ten-years-old, I became best friends with them.", + "Summer friends though, right?", + "More than that; we've stayed in touch all our lives via snail mail, then email, and vacations.", + "It must feel great to have stayed close friends for over 30 years.", + "It really does. I hope you can meet them when they visit this summer.", + "I'd love to; thanks." + ] + }, + "1028": { + "context": "Taylor became best friends with them, and they stayed in touch all their lives.", + "speaker": "Taylor", + "turns": [ + "It was awesome seeing my friend again, it'd been too long.", + "How long have you known them?", + "Almost fifteen years now, we were friends as kids and stayed in touch ever since.", + "Now that's commitment to a friendship!", + "It really is, not many people can say they've known someone for that long.", + "Very true, my longest friendship is only ten years long!" + ] + }, + "1029": { + "context": "Taylor became best friends with them, and they stayed in touch all their lives.", + "speaker": "Taylor", + "turns": [ + "I'm glad I still have good friends, even if they do live far away.", + "Yeah, it seems pretty hard to make friends when you get older.", + "That's why it's important to keep in touch, we've been friends for twenty years!", + "I understand that, you need to put in effort to receive it!", + "I one hundred percent agree." + ] + }, + "1030": { + "context": "carson went to visit the amazon rain forest 3 years ago and jan finally heard back from carson.", + "speaker": "Jan", + "turns": [ + "I asked Carson about the amazon rain forest, we just finished speaking.", + "He was away for three years, he must love being back.", + "He's really happy to be back and see everyone again!", + "I could imagine, how did he find the trip?", + "He loved every minute of it, he's matured so much!", + "It's great to hear he's doing well!" + ] + }, + "1031": { + "context": "carson went to visit the amazon rain forest 3 years ago and jan finally heard back from carson.", + "speaker": "Jan", + "turns": [ + "Carson went to visit the amazon rain forest three years ago. He gave me a call when he got back!", + "Is he back in the city?", + "He told me he just got back and was reaching out to all of his friends.", + "What did he do in the amazon forest?", + "He's a researcher with the university. He went there to study a new species of beetle!", + "Wow, that's amazing!" + ] + }, + "1032": { + "context": "Cameron usually knew this place well but after her accident she was confused on where she was.", + "speaker": "Cameron", + "turns": [ + "I feel a bit disoriented. I know this place well but after my accident, I get confused about where I am sometimes.", + "You might have some kind of brain injury?", + "That's what the doctors are telling me. They said I had a concussion.", + "That could be dangerous!", + "Hopefully it passes with time, I trust the doctors.", + "Well I've got my fingers crossed for you." + ] + }, + "1033": { + "context": "Jan took her son to the doctor to get some shots even though they were afraid of needles.", + "speaker": "Jan", + "turns": [ + "My son is so afraid of needles", + "Did he get the shot still?", + "Yes, even if he whined a bit", + "I'm glad he went through with it", + "Me too, he needs to understand it's for his wellbeing.", + "well he is only 6," + ] + }, + "1034": { + "context": "carson took a boat across the shore so he had to wait to go back home.", + "speaker": "Carson", + "turns": [ + "It took so long for that boat to hit the shore yesterday, I just wanted to get home!", + "Really? How long did it take you?", + "Almost three hours, it was ridiculous.", + "That's way too long! You'll have to get a taxi next time.", + "Yeah, for sure! I'd even be warmer!", + "Well that's the benefit of hindsight I guess." + ] + }, + "1035": { + "context": "carson took a boat across the shore so he had to wait to go back home.", + "speaker": "Carson", + "turns": [ + "I took my boat over to the mainland yesterday for an oil change, then got home really late.", + "What were you doing over there all that time?", + "Well, I was waiting for the tide to come back in so it would be safe to travel across the shore again.", + "That must have been boring, just waiting.", + "No, I was okay. I walked into the village and had something to eat.", + "Ah, yes! Good food is the best way to beat waiting!." + ] + }, + "1036": { + "context": "Sydney was a stern cop and wrote out their ticket, ignoring their plea for mercy.", + "speaker": "Sydney", + "turns": [ + "I stopped someone for speeding the other day.", + "Oh really? How fast were they going?", + "Twenty miles over the limit, they were trying their hardest to get out of a ticket.", + "They always do! But this way they'll learn their lesson.", + "Exactly! Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.", + "That should be our new slogan." + ] + }, + "1037": { + "context": "Sydney was a stern cop and wrote out their ticket, ignoring their plea for mercy.", + "speaker": "Sydney", + "turns": [ + "I had someone trying to beg their way out of a ticket last week.", + "That's always fun, did you let them off?", + "No, I'm a stern cop. I don't brake that easily.", + "Well that's fair, it's their own fault.", + "Exactly, I'm just out there doing my job. I don't have time for people ignoring their crimes.", + "Well at least you can take pride in a job well done!" + ] + }, + "1038": { + "context": "Sydney was a stern cop and wrote out their ticket, ignoring their plea for mercy.", + "speaker": "Sydney", + "turns": [ + "I stopped a driver for speeding through a school zone today. It was hilarious.", + "Why? What did the driver do?", + "Both he and his girlfriend or wife were begging and pleading with me to just let them off with a warning. At one point they were both actually crying like little children.", + "Hahaha! Really? How fast were they going?", + "They were going forty in an area posted for twenty five. It wasn't such a huge ticket but one rule I have is that no person who speeds in a school zone gets off with just a written warning. They all get a ticket.", + "That's a good rule. People should have more sense than to drive dangerously when there are little children anywhere in the area." + ] + }, + "1039": { + "context": "Sydney was a stern cop and wrote out their ticket, ignoring their plea for mercy.", + "speaker": "Sydney", + "turns": [ + "I can't be too lenient on anyone, or they will all expect to get away", + "But surely some people have good reasons?", + "Sometimes, yes. But this driver kept begging me to let them off and that's not good enough for me.", + "I'd say that's fair, if they didn't have a reason then there's no excuse." + ] + }, + "1040": { + "context": "Addison was new at the school, so Remy showed Addison around.", + "speaker": "Addison", + "turns": [ + "I started attending a new school.", + "Had you been there before?", + "No and I felt lost.", + "What did you do?", + "I asked Remy to show me around.", + "That was very nice of him." + ] + }, + "1041": { + "context": "Addison was new at the school, so Remy showed Addison around.", + "speaker": "Addison", + "turns": [ + "I had a great first day at my new school.", + "Did you meet any nice people?", + "The teacher picked a girl named Remy to walk with me to all of my classes and eat lunch with me.", + "I am sure that made you feel a lot more comfortable.", + "Remy introduced me to some of her other friends and we all walked home together after school.", + "You are a great friend and they are going to be glad you are at their school now." + ] + }, + "1042": { + "context": "Addison was new at the school, so Remy showed Addison around.", + "speaker": "Addison", + "turns": [ + "It was great to get shown around by Remy today.", + "He\u2019s always a very helpful person.", + "This was my first time getting to know him and I look forward to developing a long lasting friendship.", + "Definitely a person that you wanna make friends with.", + "How was your day today?", + "Got a few classes and then had a meeting afterwards." + ] + }, + "1043": { + "context": "Addison was new at the school, so Remy showed Addison around.", + "speaker": "Addison", + "turns": [ + "I had my first day at school, and Remy showed me around.", + "I'm glad you had someone to show you around.", + "Me too. It's a big school, so it was nice to not be on my own.", + "Do you feel like you know your way around now?", + "Pretty much. It'll probably take me a few days to feel really comfortable.", + "I can understand that. But before you know it, you'll feel right at home there." + ] + }, + "1044": { + "context": "Addison was new at the school, so Remy showed Addison around.", + "speaker": "Addison", + "turns": [ + "I met Remy on my first day at school and she was so nice. She showed me around the campus.", + "That's great you are making friends at your new school.", + "It's hard at first because I didn't know anyone, but people have been pretty friendly.", + "You are a very charming guy. People will be nice to you.", + "Not always. There are some mean people out there.", + "That can't be helped." + ] + }, + "1045": { + "context": "Kendall's parents recently decided to divorce. Kendall was confused by this event and had questions about why his parents wanted to divorce, and he finally asked them.", + "speaker": "Kendall", + "turns": [ + "I asked my parents what was the reason for the divorce.", + "Did they actually give you a reason?", + "No, they just skirted around the situation and gave me typical talking points.", + "Perhaps in due time you\u2019ll know.", + "I personally like to know now.", + "I think you'll have to be patient, at least until your parents are ready." + ] + }, + "1046": { + "context": "Despite being extremely nervous, Cameron asked Sydney out on a date this evening.", + "speaker": "Sydney", + "turns": [ + "So Cameron asked me out on a date yesterday evening.", + "He finally asked you! I hope you said yes!", + "Of course I said yes, he's so cute! Even I could tell he was nervous though.", + "Well that's understandable, rejection hurts. What are you going to be doing on the date?", + "We're going on an evening picnic, do some star gazing while we chat.", + "That's so romantic, I hope you have a wonderful time!" + ] + }, + "1047": { + "context": "Carson dropped his tray of food on the floor and then he immediately picked it up.", + "speaker": "Carson", + "turns": [ + "I felt like such a clumsy person today.", + "Why? What happened?", + "I was carrying a tray of food, and I dropped it on the floor. I was so embarrassed.", + "Oh no, I'm sorry about that. Did you at least pick it up?", + "Oh yes, I picked it up immediately, hoping no one else noticed that I dropped it.", + "That's good. I'm sure no one noticed, and you did the right thing by picking it up." + ] + }, + "1048": { + "context": "Carson dropped his tray of food on the floor and then he immediately picked it up.", + "speaker": "Carson", + "turns": [ + "I dropped my tray at lunch, my food went everywhere.", + "Oh no! That would've ruined my day!", + "It almost did, but I picked the food up and carried on like nothing happened.", + "Calm and collected, as always I see.", + "Well as the saying goes, no point crying over spilt milk!" + ] + }, + "1049": { + "context": "Carson dropped his tray of food on the floor and then he immediately picked it up.", + "speaker": "Carson", + "turns": [ + "I dropped my lunch all over the floor at lunch.", + "That's embarrassing. What did you do?", + "I tried to pick it up of course. Looking even dumber.", + "Oh that's too bad. Things happen like that in life, don't let it get you down." + ] + }, + "1050": { + "context": "Carson dropped his tray of food on the floor and then he immediately picked it up.", + "speaker": "Carson", + "turns": [ + "Do you think I can still eat this tray of food?", + "It looks fine to me.", + "But I dropped the tray on the floor so it might have germs on it.", + "Did you follow the five second rule?", + "Yes, I picked the tray back up immediately.", + "Then all the food should be safe to eat." + ] + }, + "1051": { + "context": "Remy loved Robin's gift of a new coffee machine; it was just what Remy had asked for.", + "speaker": "Remy", + "turns": [ + "Robin got me a coffee machine last week!", + "Oh that's so kind! How are you finding it?", + "It's saved my life, works so fast and minimal mess! I absolutely love it!", + "Robin really knows how to pick her gifts!", + "Indeed, it was exactly what I wanted!" + ] + }, + "1052": { + "context": "Remy loved Robin's gift of a new coffee machine; it was just what Remy had asked for.", + "speaker": "Remy", + "turns": [ + "Robin got me a coffee machine yesterday.", + "For a special occasion?", + "It was a birthday gift, it was exactly what I wanted.", + "Does it have all the bells and whistles?", + "It makes regular coffee as well as cappuccino.", + "I wish I had a machine like that," + ] + }, + "1053": { + "context": "Carson had a stressful day at work, so Carson went to a friend's house to play video games.", + "speaker": "Carson", + "turns": [ + "After yesterday's shift I had to go and see my friend to relax.", + "Oh yeah? What happened at work that was so stressful?", + "Just everything being stuck, we couldn't actually work today.", + "That sucks, how do the two of you relax then?", + "We usually just play some video games, very therapeutic.", + "It sounds it, well I'm glad you enjoyed yourself." + ] + }, + "1054": { + "context": "Carson had a stressful day at work, so Carson went to a friend's house to play video games.", + "speaker": "Carson", + "turns": [ + "Work's been stressful lately, so I've been over my friends a lot.", + "Nice, do you get up to much?", + "We just played some video games, nothing major.", + "That's a great way to relax!", + "I like to think so, fun too.", + "Well I'm happy you forgot about work for a few hours!" + ] + }, + "1055": { + "context": "Carson had a stressful day at work, so Carson went to a friend's house to play video games.", + "speaker": "Carson", + "turns": [ + "I ended up at my friends after work yesterday.", + "How come? I thought you were going straight to bed.", + "That was the plan, but I was too stressed to sleep.", + "Makes sense, so what did the two of you get up to?", + "We just played some video games.", + "Great way for you to chill out!" + ] + }, + "1056": { + "context": "Carson had a stressful day at work, so Carson went to a friend's house to play video games.", + "speaker": "Carson", + "turns": [ + "I was playing that new game all afternoon.", + "How was it?", + "Pretty good. I'd been stressed out from work and went to my friend's house and he had it.", + "Did it help you relax?", + "Yeah, it's an interesting game so I got my mind off things.", + "Sometimes you need to put your mind on other things to get stress relief." + ] + }, + "1057": { + "context": "Kendall was unable to work after the accident, so Jordan paid her medical bills.", + "speaker": "Jordan", + "turns": [ + "I just wrote a big check to the hospital.", + "Did you have an operation?", + "No, I was paying off Kendall's bill.", + "I thought Kendall had a good job, why couldn't she pay it herself?", + "She's been unable to work since the accident.", + "That was very generous of you to help her." + ] + }, + "1058": { + "context": "Alex was reading an article about a tragedy that happened to a family which he could really relate to.", + "speaker": "Alex", + "turns": [ + "I read an article about a family car crash the other day.", + "How did you find it?", + "It was a tough read. My parents went the same way, so I could relate to the article.", + "I'm really sorry to hear that!", + "It's okay. It just stings when I'm reminded of it.", + "I understand, well I'm here if you ever want to chat about it." + ] + }, + "1059": { + "context": "Alex was reading an article about a tragedy that happened to a family which he could really relate to.", + "speaker": "Alex", + "turns": [ + "I was in tears over an article I read yesterday.", + "What was the article about?", + "It is about a family that lost everything due to Hurricane Katrina. It is just so sad.", + "Hurricane Katrina caused devastation to many.", + "Yeah and I was just remember when my family lost everything when I was a kid to Hurricaine Hugo. It was a disaster.", + "Yes that was a sad time for your family back then." + ] + }, + "1060": { + "context": "Amid the turmoil that was swirling around her, Aubrey depended upon circumstances out of her control.", + "speaker": "Aubrey", + "turns": [ + "I'm glad that issue is sorted now.", + "Yeah I bet, you must've been stressed.", + "Stressed was an understatement.", + "Really? How bad could it have been?", + "Super bad, I couldn't do anything myself. I had to rely on everything out of my control to work.", + "Okay that makes sense, those situations are the most stressful!" + ] + }, + "1061": { + "context": "Taylor was absent from Kendall's daily existence because Kendall was mad at Taylor for not coming to the party.", + "speaker": "Taylor", + "turns": [ + "Kendall was mad at me for not coming to the party so she has ignored me since.", + "Why didn't you go to the party?", + "I told her I would go with her but then last minute I changed my mind.", + "Did you tell her why you changed your mind?", + "I just told her I wasn't feeling it. I was really tired and wasn't in the mood to party.", + "She should respect that." + ] + }, + "1062": { + "context": "Taylor was absent from Kendall's daily existence because Kendall was mad at Taylor for not coming to the party.", + "speaker": "Taylor", + "turns": [ + "I rarely ever see Kendall anymore.", + "Why, what happened? You guys use to be such good friends.", + "Kendall got mad at me for not coming to her birthday party.", + "Was there a reason you didn't go?", + "I told her that I had something else planned for that day and she got really upset with me. We don't spend time together everyday like we use to because of that.", + "Well I sure hope you guys can work out your problems together." + ] + }, + "1063": { + "context": "Taylor was absent from Kendall's daily existence because Kendall was mad at Taylor for not coming to the party.", + "speaker": "Taylor", + "turns": [ + "Kendall's been mad with me ever since I skipped her party.", + "Why did you skip it?", + "I just needed a day to myself to recharge.", + "That's completely understandable, she needs to accept that." + ] + }, + "1064": { + "context": "Aubrey took Cameron's friends to the library to do research on the effect on climate change.", + "speaker": "Aubrey", + "turns": [ + "We are back. What a night!", + "Did you go to the library as you had planned?", + "Yes, but I had to take Cameron's friends with me. They needed to do some research on climate change. So, I said I would take them.", + "Did they find what they were looking for?", + "Who knows. I left them there. They were messing around instead of studying, so I couldn't focus.", + "Smart move. You don't want to feel like you've wasted your time!" + ] + }, + "1065": { + "context": "Aubrey took Cameron's friends to the library to do research on the effect on climate change.", + "speaker": "Aubrey", + "turns": [ + "So I ended up taking Cameron's friends over to the library for some research.", + "That was nice of you! What are they researching?", + "The effects of climate change. They have a project coming up for it.", + "Nice! A great topic!", + "They seemed to appreciate the help.", + "Hopefully they'll get good grades, all thanks to you!" + ] + }, + "1066": { + "context": "Aubrey took Cameron's friends to the library to do research on the effect on climate change.", + "speaker": "Aubrey", + "turns": [ + "Cameron's friends asked me to join them in the library yesterday.", + "Oh yeah? What did they want?", + "They wanted my help doing some research for a project.", + "What did they want to research?", + "The effects of climate change. They were all super engaged!", + "That's brilliant, they didn't go wasting your time then." + ] + }, + "1067": { + "context": "Sydney had a lot of work to do but was dedicated to getting the job done.", + "speaker": "Sydney", + "turns": [ + "I've had a lot of work on lately.", + "Been busy for you then?", + "Non-stop. But that's the job, working hard has its own rewards.", + "You have always been dedicated to getting your job done promptly.", + "Of course, that's the only way to do it!", + "You are a brilliant employee." + ] + }, + "1068": { + "context": "Sydney had a lot of work to do but was dedicated to getting the job done.", + "speaker": "Sydney", + "turns": [ + "I've missed so many happy hours lately.", + "That's a shame, why have you missed so many?", + "Work's been rammed as of late, I haven't really stopped.", + "Oh no! But props to you for working so hard!", + "If nothing else, I'm dedicated.", + "And the rest! You're a great employee!" + ] + }, + "1069": { + "context": "Sydney had a lot of work to do but was dedicated to getting the job done.", + "speaker": "Sydney", + "turns": [ + "I was so busy at work today.", + "Why so busy lately?.", + "We've just had a lot of work in for the past few weeks, it's slowly built up.", + "That's not good! But you're a dedicated employee, you'll smash through it!", + "I hope so, I really need to relax.", + "It'll be well earnt when it comes!" + ] + }, + "1070": { + "context": "Sydney had a lot of work to do but was dedicated to getting the job done.", + "speaker": "Sydney", + "turns": [ + "I've had to miss a few lunches at work lately.", + "Really, how come?", + "We've just had a lot of work on, so I haven't had the time.", + "That's a shame, but at least you're working hard to get it finished!", + "That's true, dedication has always been one of my stronger points.", + "Well keep up the great work!" + ] + }, + "1071": { + "context": "Quinn had to draw something beautiful for their homework assignment. Quinn drew Casey's hands.", + "speaker": "Casey", + "turns": [ + "Quinn had an art assignment due the other day, she passed thankfully", + "Always good to hear, what was the assignment on?", + "She had to draw something she considered beautiful.", + "That's a pretty broad topic, what did she choose to draw?", + "She drew my hands in the end, she kept telling me they were beautiful.", + "Not my first choice, but clearly it was good because she passed!" + ] + }, + "1072": { + "context": "Quinn had to draw something beautiful for their homework assignment. Quinn drew Casey's hands.", + "speaker": "Casey", + "turns": [ + "I had to help Quinn out with her homework last night.", + "What did she need help with?", + "She had to draw something beautiful for her assignment.", + "How did you help her out?", + "I let her draw my hand.", + "Did it turn out good?" + ] + }, + "1073": { + "context": "Quinn had to draw something beautiful for their homework assignment. Quinn drew Casey's hands.", + "speaker": "Casey", + "turns": [ + "Quinn had to draw something beautiful for her homework assignment.", + "So what did she draw?", + "She drew my hands, I guess she thinks they're beautiful.", + "Yeah they are!.", + "I hope she gets a good score.", + "I'm sure she will!" + ] + }, + "1074": { + "context": "Quinn had to draw something beautiful for their homework assignment. Quinn drew Casey's hands.", + "speaker": "Casey", + "turns": [ + "Quinn's a really good artist. I never noticed before.", + "Yea, he draws all kinds of things. He draws portraits and landscapes.", + "He drew my hands yesterday for our homework assignment.", + "That's kind of intimate.", + "I know, right? He said he had to draw something beautiful and that's what he decided on." + ] + }, + "1075": { + "context": "Robin had been very busy lately and not had to take her children to the barber shop, but she had some free time on the weekend, so Robin got Aubrey\u00b4s hair cut at the barber.", + "speaker": "Aubrey", + "turns": [ + "My mom has been too busy to take me for a haircut lately, but she said she's got some time at the weekend.", + "I can tell, your hair is crazy long!", + "It's too long, I really hope it gets cut.", + "Well just remind your mom that you need it cut", + "I have been, I don't want to wait anymore!", + "Smart plan!" + ] + }, + "1076": { + "context": "Robin had been very busy lately and not had to take her children to the barber shop, but she had some free time on the weekend, so Robin got Aubrey\u00b4s hair cut at the barber.", + "speaker": "Aubrey", + "turns": [ + "My mom finally took me to the hair dressers to get my hair cut.", + "It's about time! Did she say why it took so long?", + "Yes, apparently she's just been very busy lately and didn't have the time.", + "I guess that's fair, everyone is busy sometimes!" + ] + }, + "1077": { + "context": "Taylor put down the ingredients and took inventory, but was missing the flour.", + "speaker": "Taylor", + "turns": [ + "I had to make another trip to the shop yesterday.", + "When I got back and checked the ingredients, I realized I'd forgotten the flour.", + "Not ideal, but at least you caught it before you started cooking!", + "Good point!" + ] + }, + "1078": { + "context": "Taylor put down the ingredients and took inventory, but was missing the flour.", + "speaker": "Taylor", + "turns": [ + "I checked for all the ingredients I need and found out I was missing the flour.", + "Did you go to the store?", + "Yeah, I had to go to the supermarket by my house to get some flour.", + "Bet you're glad to have that store so close!", + "It was a real life saver!", + "How did the cake turn out?" + ] + }, + "1079": { + "context": "Taylor put down the ingredients and took inventory, but was missing the flour.", + "speaker": "Taylor", + "turns": [ + "I wanted to bake a cake yesterday, but after checking my ingredients I noticed there was no flour!", + "Oh no! So you didn't bake anything then?", + "No I still baked. I just had to go to the store and grab some flour first.", + "You're more motivated than I would've been!", + "Well it only took fifteen minutes, might as well do the leg work for it.", + "That's pretty mature, I'm jealous!" + ] + }, + "1080": { + "context": "Kai knew Addison's history. They knew all of their secrets.", + "speaker": "Kai", + "turns": [ + "I've gotten pretty close with Addison lately.", + "That's great! What kind of stuff do you talk about?", + "I'd rather not say, it's pretty personal stuff. Secrets, y'know?", + "Ah that's fair, good of you to keep it to yourself.", + "Well I want her to trust me, which won't happen if I go telling people her secrets.", + "I'm sure she really appreciates it!" + ] + }, + "1081": { + "context": "Alex's boyfriend didn't know how to make a fire while camping. Alex walked over and made a fire for her boyfriend.", + "speaker": "Alex", + "turns": [ + "I can't believe my boyfriend took me camping, but couldn't start a fire.", + "Oh wow, didn't we get taught that a few years back?", + "Yep, but apparently he didn't remember doing that training.", + "Must have been cold without a fire going.", + "Nope! After half hour or so of me laughing at him, I got up and started the fire myself!", + "He must have been super embarrassed over that!" + ] + }, + "1082": { + "context": "Alex's boyfriend didn't know how to make a fire while camping. Alex walked over and made a fire for her boyfriend.", + "speaker": "Alex", + "turns": [ + "My boyfriend failed at starting a camp fire the other night.", + "That's brilliant, so you went without a fire then?", + "Hell no! I went over and did it for him!", + "And that's even better, how did he take it?", + "He was a little embarrassed, but he quickly got over it.", + "Well I'm proud you could do something a man couldn't!" + ] + }, + "1083": { + "context": "Alex's boyfriend didn't know how to make a fire while camping. Alex walked over and made a fire for her boyfriend.", + "speaker": "Alex", + "turns": [ + "My boyfriend took me camping, but didn't know how to start a fire.", + "And it was his idea to go?", + "Yes. I think he just wanted to look macho.", + "That's funny. So you guys were out there with no fire?", + "No. I can start a fire. I walked over and got it going.", + "So you ended up being the macho one." + ] + }, + "1084": { + "context": "Bailey took Robin's revenge personally and decided to get back at Robin for what they did.", + "speaker": "Robin", + "turns": [ + "I can't believe Bailey took that personally.", + "Well you did break her and her partner up.", + "I was just trying to prove he wasn't a good person! Now she's trying to get back at me!", + "You could have just spoken to her instead." + ] + }, + "1085": { + "context": "Kai was feeling ill lately, so Quinn made them an appointment with the doctor.", + "speaker": "Quinn", + "turns": [ + "I made Kai a doctor's appointment yesterday.", + "Oh no, what's up with him?", + "I'm not sure, but he said he'd been feeling ill lately.", + "Well he's gone to the right place to check it out.", + "The doctor's will be able to help him get better!", + "I've got my fingers crossed for him." + ] + }, + "1086": { + "context": "Cameron divided the teams into classes, teaching them each a unique aspect of the game.", + "speaker": "Cameron", + "turns": [ + "I had to split the teams into separate classes today, it was great!", + "Nice, what were you teaching today?", + "Rugby today! I taught each class a different aspect of the game.", + "Oh wow that's great!", + "They seemed to enjoy it, especially the wingers group.", + "I don't blame them, it's a great game." + ] + }, + "1087": { + "context": "Cameron divided the teams into classes, teaching them each a unique aspect of the game.", + "speaker": "Cameron", + "turns": [ + "I was trying to teach the teams about the game that I made up.", + "What did you do?", + "I divided the teams into classes and each class learned a different part of the game.", + "That sounds fun. How did the class respond to the game?", + "The class enjoyed it. I was trying to teach them about cooperation and competition.", + "That's very creative of you." + ] + }, + "1088": { + "context": "Cameron divided the teams into classes, teaching them each a unique aspect of the game.", + "speaker": "Cameron", + "turns": [ + "I had to divide the teams into classes today.", + "Why was that?", + "I wanted to teach them a unique part of a game.", + "That sounds like a good way to learn and focus in on it.", + "It was that way so they could figure out the parts of the game that worked and those that didn't.", + "I bet it was easier to have them work together as a team." + ] + }, + "1089": { + "context": "Even though he knew he would get in trouble, Riley imposed their desire on others.", + "speaker": "Riley", + "turns": [ + "I was trying to make some dicey jokes the other day?", + "Dicey how?", + "Let's just say I would be in trouble if the wrong person heard them.", + "Well it's probably for the best if you don't tell those jokes.", + "Too late, I had to tell them.", + "Well if you get into trouble it's your own fault." + ] + }, + "1090": { + "context": "Ash ran as fast as the others in the race that she was able to keep up.", + "speaker": "Ash", + "turns": [ + "I was so exhausted after the race.", + "Did you win?", + "No, but I ran as fast as I could to keep up with the others.", + "That sounds tiring.", + "It was, I need to keep practicing so that I can get faster.", + "Next time I'm sure you will win!" + ] + }, + "1091": { + "context": "Ash ran as fast as the others in the race that she was able to keep up.", + "speaker": "Ash", + "turns": [ + "I was really surprised I was able to keep up with the other runners.", + "You've worked so hard in your training, I'm glad it paid off!", + "I guess all the hard work does pay off eventually.", + "It probably feels good to know that it didn't go to waste!" + ] + }, + "1092": { + "context": "Ash ran as fast as the others in the race that she was able to keep up.", + "speaker": "Ash", + "turns": [ + "I participated in a race this morning.", + "How did you finish?", + "Well, I didn't win, but I was able to keep up.", + "That's good. You must be in shape.", + "Yeah, I've been running almost every day.", + "Wow, you are a lot healthier than I am!" + ] + }, + "1093": { + "context": "Addison made lots of money yesterday during the heat wave when they sold cold bottled water at a high mark up.", + "speaker": "Addison", + "turns": [ + "It's really a good time to earn some cash.", + "Really, in this heat wave?", + "Yeah.", + "How are you earning?", + "I sold cold bottled water at high mark up yesterday, I made so much money!", + "Wow, I wish I had that idea first!" + ] + }, + "1094": { + "context": "Addison made lots of money yesterday during the heat wave when they sold cold bottled water at a high mark up.", + "speaker": "Addison", + "turns": [ + "I'm rolling in the dough now.", + "Did you get a job?", + "Sort of, I was selling water during the heat wave.", + "How much profit did you make?", + "A lot, I set a high mark up price.", + "Now we can go out!" + ] + }, + "1095": { + "context": "Addison made lots of money yesterday during the heat wave when they sold cold bottled water at a high mark up.", + "speaker": "Addison", + "turns": [ + "Screw lemonade stands, I made a ton of money just selling bottled water!", + "Yesterday was triple-digit heat, so I'm not surprised an entrepreneurial business person like yourself took advance of the situation.", + "I sold the water at a mark up too. I knew people wouldn't be able to resist during this heat wave.", + "If you really want to make a lot of money next time, sell bottled ice water." + ] + }, + "1096": { + "context": "Kendall brought the fire under control. The fire was in a residential neighborhood.", + "speaker": "Kendall", + "turns": [ + "Last night we had to rush over to a little residential neighborhood, there was a pretty big fire.", + "You were on that call? I saw all the smoke.", + "Yeah, it took us most of the night to put it out.", + "Another job well done! Excuse the pun." + ] + }, + "1097": { + "context": "Kendall brought the fire under control. The fire was in a residential neighborhood.", + "speaker": "Kendall", + "turns": [ + "You won't believe the day I've had!", + "I know you're a firefighter and there was a ton of smoke over the neighborhood earlier, so I'm going to guess that had something to do with it.", + "That's exactly what it was. I managed to get the fire under control and prevent anyone else's house from catching on fire.", + "Good job! The neighborhood appreciates the effort." + ] + }, + "1098": { + "context": "Kendall brought the fire under control. The fire was in a residential neighborhood.", + "speaker": "Kendall", + "turns": [ + "The team and I managed to get a pretty big fire under control last night.", + "Great work, where was the fire?", + "In the middle of a residential neighborhood, we had to act fast!", + "Oh no, was anyone hurt?", + "Thankfully not, we worked hard to ensure everyone's safety.", + "Well I'm sure every single person there was grateful." + ] + }, + "1099": { + "context": "Kendall brought the fire under control. The fire was in a residential neighborhood.", + "speaker": "Kendall", + "turns": [ + "I can't believe I was able to put that fire out yesterday.", + "I can't either. We were lucky, we're in the middle of our neighborhood!", + "I know right! So many people could've been hurt.", + "For sure! We have to be careful not to forget the oven is on again.", + "Seeing those flames spewing out is burnt into my brain, I won't be forgetting anytime soon.", + "Well I'm so glad you saw the fire, it could've been a lot worse!" + ] + }, + "1100": { + "context": "Sydney expected a child any moment now, and it happened just as she arrived at the hospital.", + "speaker": "Sydney", + "turns": [ + "It's been a crazy day, especially with this little one arriving.", + "She must've known where she was.", + "Even so her timing is impeccable, we'd just walked through the hospital doors when she was ready to come out.", + "Well I for one am glad, this little cutie is perfect!", + "She's got your eyes for sure!", + "She has your nose, thankfully!" + ] + }, + "1101": { + "context": "Sydney expected a child any moment now, and it happened just as she arrived at the hospital.", + "speaker": "Sydney", + "turns": [ + "I need a bed right now, the baby is coming.", + "Are you sure?", + "Yes the contractions are getting stronger.", + "Okay take a deep breath.", + "My water just broke! I need a bed now!", + "Okay, let's go over to the front desk." + ] + }, + "1102": { + "context": "Sydney expected a child any moment now, and it happened just as she arrived at the hospital.", + "speaker": "Sydney", + "turns": [ + "I can't believe this one had such spectacular timing!", + "I guess she was ready to meet us.", + "Sure, but coming out the second we reach the hospital? That's perfection.", + "I bet she just didn't want to sit around waiting anymore.", + "Can't say I blame her!" + ] + }, + "1103": { + "context": "Sydney expected a child any moment now, and it happened just as she arrived at the hospital.", + "speaker": "Sydney", + "turns": [ + "We're lucky we arrived when we did.", + "I know this little one wasn't waiting around for anyone!", + "I knew she was coming any minute, but popping out as we get into the hospital is crazy for timing!", + "Let's hope she stays quiet for the next few days.", + "I'm sure she will be, she deserves the rest.", + "She's so cute." + ] + }, + "1104": { + "context": "Casey put food into the oven so that the family could eat when it was ready.", + "speaker": "Casey", + "turns": [ + "I cooked the food in the oven for my family to eat.", + "Do you usually cook for your family?", + "I am the best cook out of my siblings so they want me to cook.", + "Do you mind?", + "Not at all. I am going to study to be a chef when I get older and open up my own restaurants.", + "That's marvellous." + ] + }, + "1105": { + "context": "Casey put food into the oven so that the family could eat when it was ready.", + "speaker": "Casey", + "turns": [ + "I cooked for the family last night.", + "Oh yeah, what did you make?", + "Ah just a roast, nothing fancy.", + "Well I hope they all enjoyed it!", + "Yeah it was fresh out the oven and everyone was ready to eat, they seemed happy enough.", + "Nice work, it's hard to please everyone." + ] + }, + "1106": { + "context": "Casey put food into the oven so that the family could eat when it was ready.", + "speaker": "Casey", + "turns": [ + "It was my turn to cook for the family last night.", + "Nice, what did you make?", + "Just a stew, it was sitting in the oven ready for whenever people were hungry.", + "That sounds delicious!", + "It was okay, not my favourite meal.", + "Well either way it's good to hear you're cooking!" + ] + }, + "1107": { + "context": "Casey put food into the oven so that the family could eat when it was ready.", + "speaker": "Casey", + "turns": [ + "It was my turn to cook last night. I left it in the oven for when everyone was ready.", + "That's good. It didn't burn, did it?", + "Don't worry. It was on a low heat.", + "Always a win, I hope they all enjoyed it!" + ] + }, + "1108": { + "context": "Riley and Quinn were working together so Riley gave Quinn a view of the background of the project.", + "speaker": "Riley", + "turns": [ + "Quinn was put onto my project today.", + "That's awesome, you two love working together!", + "Yep, it's going to be fun! We spent the first couple hours just running through the project background.", + "That was smart, Quinn will be all caught up after!", + "Exactly, it'll save us a lot of time down the road." + ] + }, + "1109": { + "context": "Riley and Quinn were working together so Riley gave Quinn a view of the background of the project.", + "speaker": "Riley", + "turns": [ + "Quinn was super happy that we get to work with each other again.", + "I bet, you two work so hard when you're together.", + "We had a pretty easy first day too. All we did was cover the project background.", + "That's still important stuff!", + "I guess, it will save me from answering questions all the time.", + "Exactly, you'll both do great!" + ] + }, + "1110": { + "context": "Riley and Quinn were working together so Riley gave Quinn a view of the background of the project.", + "speaker": "Riley", + "turns": [ + "I was happy to find out Quinn would be helping out on my project.", + "That's great, you two always did get on!", + "We're going to be working closely on this, so we ran through the project background before starting the work.", + "Smart move, you don't want any mistakes.", + "Exactly, that'll save us some time down the line.", + "Well it sounds like you've got everything under control." + ] + }, + "1111": { + "context": "In the woods, from the hunting shack, Jordan saw movement and grabbed their gun.", + "speaker": "Jordan", + "turns": [ + "I was so scared in the woods from hunting shack.", + "Did you see a wild animal?", + "No! I saw movements, grabbed my gun and took aim!", + "Did you see what walked across?", + "No!" + ] + }, + "1112": { + "context": "In the woods, from the hunting shack, Jordan saw movement and grabbed their gun.", + "speaker": "Jordan", + "turns": [ + "There was something moving in the woods. I looked out of the hunting shack and saw movement so I grabbed my gun.", + "What was moving?", + "I put on my snow boots and heavy jacket and wet outside to check things out. I opened the door and there was a bear standing on the front step.", + "That's must have been frightening.", + "I am a hunter so I am trained for encounters like that.", + "Did you shoot?" + ] + }, + "1113": { + "context": "Riley had to work hard to fix her garden after a storm uprooted a tree onto her garden.", + "speaker": "Riley", + "turns": [ + "Have I told you about the storm last week that knocked a tree down in my garden?", + "No, that sounds horrible! Is everyone OK?", + "We're fine, but it was a lot of work to clean up the tree and fix up the garden.", + "I'll bet! I'm glad to hear everything is fine now. Did you plant a new tree?", + "Not yet, we haven't decided if we will or not.", + "Well, I'm kind of sad to hear about the tree falling. It looked really nice." + ] + }, + "1114": { + "context": "Riley had to work hard to fix her garden after a storm uprooted a tree onto her garden.", + "speaker": "Riley", + "turns": [ + "We are lucky to have survived the storm.", + "Thankfully the tree fell on the garden instead of the house.", + "I just need to chainsaw the tree into small chunks.", + "I will stack the logs over there.", + "The garden is already looking so much better.", + "See that didn't take very long at all." + ] + }, + "1115": { + "context": "Riley had to work hard to fix her garden after a storm uprooted a tree onto her garden.", + "speaker": "Riley", + "turns": [ + "That was a really bad storm!", + "It was, the wind tore down trees all over the place.", + "One fell down and wrecked my garden.", + "Oh no, are you going to fix it?", + "Yeah, it's going to be a ton of work.", + "I hope it's not too bad." + ] + }, + "1116": { + "context": "Jan was in art class for the first time. Jan will oil paint fruits and vases.", + "speaker": "Jan", + "turns": [ + "I went to my first art class last night.", + "Awesome, did you paint anything?", + "I did! We painted fruits and vases with some oil paint.", + "That sounds amazing, do you have any samples?", + "I'll send them to you later!", + "Thanks, I look forward to it." + ] + }, + "1117": { + "context": "Jan was in art class for the first time. Jan will oil paint fruits and vases.", + "speaker": "Jan", + "turns": [ + "I have always wanted to take an art class, and so I finally started taking one yesterday.", + "Really? That's great! Do you like it so far?", + "Yes, I already love it. I think I'm going to make a good artist.", + "What kinds of things are you painting yet?", + "Well we were using oil paints, and we painted stuff like fruit and vases.", + "Fruits and vases? To me, that sounds super boring!" + ] + }, + "1118": { + "context": "Jan was in art class for the first time. Jan will oil paint fruits and vases.", + "speaker": "Jan", + "turns": [ + "I finally attended my first art class!", + "That's great, how are you finding it?", + "It was really fun, we painted a few things through the class.", + "Nice, like what?", + "Fruits and vases, we used oil paints this time.", + "That sounds like a lot of fun!" + ] + }, + "1119": { + "context": "Jan was in art class for the first time. Jan will oil paint fruits and vases.", + "speaker": "Jan", + "turns": [ + "The art class yesterday was so much fun, it was my first time going!", + "That's amazing, I'm glad you had fun!", + "Me too, I was super nervous going in.", + "That's normal! So did you paint anything?", + "We used some oil paints on some fruits and vases, I was expecting a canvas personally.", + "I guess it's cheaper to paint fruit than a canvas." + ] + }, + "1120": { + "context": "Sydney received a letter. It was an admission letter from one of the colleges that they applied for.", + "speaker": "Sydney", + "turns": [ + "It came in today! It finally arrived!", + "What did?", + "The letter! The letter from Brown!", + "The admission letter from Brown University?", + "Yes! I am so nervous, I can't open it. Will you come over and open it for me?", + "I got rejected by Brown. I'm not sure I am smart enough to read their letter. Just kidding. I'll be right there!" + ] + }, + "1121": { + "context": "Sydney received a letter. It was an admission letter from one of the colleges that they applied for.", + "speaker": "Sydney", + "turns": [ + "I just received an admission letter from one of the colleges I applied for.", + "Have you opened it?", + "Not yet. I'm too nervous to read it.", + "Just open it and find out what it said.", + "I got in.", + "I'm so happy for you." + ] + }, + "1122": { + "context": "Sydney received a letter. It was an admission letter from one of the colleges that they applied for.", + "speaker": "Sydney", + "turns": [ + "Hey, I have some great news to report today!", + "You seem cheerful. I'm all ears. What happened?", + "I applied for admission at a state university and just received an acceptance letter.", + "That's wonderful. You've worked really hard on your academics and it's paid off.", + "I'm happy that my efforts have been rewarded. Now I can continue my studies at a reputable higher education institution like this one.", + "I'm happy you're doing well. I still haven't received an acceptance letter." + ] + }, + "1123": { + "context": "Cameron was a big hit at the party after showing off her dance moves to the kids.", + "speaker": "Cameron", + "turns": [ + "I went to that party.", + "I had no idea you were even planning on going.", + "I had some new dance moves I wanted to show off to all the kids.", + "How did they like it?", + "I was a big hit. Everybody love it.", + "You have to teach me how to dance so I can go next time." + ] + }, + "1124": { + "context": "Cameron was a big hit at the party after showing off her dance moves to the kids.", + "speaker": "Cameron", + "turns": [ + "The kids seemed to love my dance moves at that party.", + "You were the star. The kids were talking about it even afterwards.", + "I just want to show them what a real dancer looks like.", + "Now, don't go and get a big head about this." + ] + }, + "1125": { + "context": "Cameron was a big hit at the party after showing off her dance moves to the kids.", + "speaker": "Cameron", + "turns": [ + "I was a big hit at the party last night.", + "The kids party right?", + "Yup. I showed them my dance moves and won them over.", + "You should give me some lessons." + ] + }, + "1126": { + "context": "Cameron was a big hit at the party after showing off her dance moves to the kids.", + "speaker": "Cameron", + "turns": [ + "I went to my friends child's birthday party last night. There were so many kids there!", + "Did you have a good time?", + "Yeah, actually I did! I showed the kids some of my breakdancing moves! They loved it!", + "You do have some good moves! Sounds like fun!", + "It was! Until the cake I ate almost came back up.", + "Too much dancing, huh?" + ] + }, + "1127": { + "context": "Cameron was a big hit at the party after showing off her dance moves to the kids.", + "speaker": "Cameron", + "turns": [ + "I think the kids had a good time at the party.", + "What fun things did they do.", + "We danced, I showed them my moves.", + "Did you do the flip thing?", + "Yes, I did the flip thing.", + "The flip thing is your best dance move." + ] + }, + "1128": { + "context": "Jan used Sasha's language and coined lingo while giving a presentation on a topic much influenced by Sasha.", + "speaker": "Sasha", + "turns": [ + "I gave Jan some tips on how to give the presentation.", + "What kind of tips did you give?", + "The clients were Spanish. I told her if she spoke and used some of my language, it would impress them.", + "That was good of you to help her some new clients.", + "She is new, she has what it takes, just needed a little help." + ] + }, + "1129": { + "context": "Jan used Sasha's language and coined lingo while giving a presentation on a topic much influenced by Sasha.", + "speaker": "Sasha", + "turns": [ + "Jan did a great job in the presentation yesterday!", + "I heard it went really well.", + "She was well versed in the presentation, she also used a lot of my vocabulary when presenting.", + "That makes sense, you did write all the documents she read through for the presentation", + "I just wasn't expecting her to use words I only say.", + "It must've been weird hearing how you talk." + ] + }, + "1130": { + "context": "While they were on a very long hike, Sydney lost Kai along the way.", + "speaker": "Sydney", + "turns": [ + "Have you seen or heard from Kai?", + "No, why?", + "We were on a long hike and I just turned around and he's not there. I can't find him.", + "Oh no, did you call him?", + "I did but he didn't respond. I think his phone might be dead. He said the battery was low before we left.", + "I'll come out there and we can search the trail." + ] + }, + "1131": { + "context": "While they were on a very long hike, Sydney lost Kai along the way.", + "speaker": "Sydney", + "turns": [ + "Myself and Kai got separated on our hike over the weekend.", + "That's terrifying! I hope you both found each other!", + "Don't worry, we found each other before it got dark!", + "Oh thank god for that!", + "I don't know how it happened. One moment we were walking along chatting, then I was all alone.", + "No point on dwelling on it, you're both safe and sound!" + ] + }, + "1132": { + "context": "Cameron finally found a way home when they found a car to rent from the airport.", + "speaker": "Cameron", + "turns": [ + "I thought I was never going to get out of that airport.", + "Sorry I couldn't pick you up myself, but I was preoccupied. How did you end up getting home?", + "I found the car rental place and just rented a car for myself.", + "There's also a bus that takes you out of the airport and into the city." + ] + }, + "1133": { + "context": "Cameron finally found a way home when they found a car to rent from the airport.", + "speaker": "Cameron", + "turns": [ + "Hey, why didn't you pick me up from the airport yesterday?", + "I'm so sorry! My mom had a stroke and I had to rush her to the hospital.", + "Oh, that's terrible. I'm so sorry. I understand why you couldn't make it.", + "How did you end up getting home?", + "Eventually I found a car rental place right next door and rented a sedan.", + "I'm glad you found an alternative to get home." + ] + }, + "1134": { + "context": "Cameron finally found a way home when they found a car to rent from the airport.", + "speaker": "Cameron", + "turns": [ + "It was a mission getting home from the airport yesterday!", + "I'm not surprised, it's always super busy there!.", + "In the end I just rented a car from the rental place next door.", + "Smart, saves you having to get a bus or taxi." + ] + }, + "1135": { + "context": "Out of breath and winded, Tracy finally came within sight not far off from the finish line.", + "speaker": "Tracy", + "turns": [ + "There is a part of the race I love.", + "I know you love marathons.", + "It comes at the point when I am almost out of breath and winded.", + "How far into the race is that?", + "It comes when I am within sight, and not too far off from, the finish line.", + "I know that feeling." + ] + }, + "1136": { + "context": "Out of breath and winded, Tracy finally came within sight not far off from the finish line.", + "speaker": "Tracy", + "turns": [ + "Did you see me at the race?", + "Yeah, you looked look you were going to collapse! Glad you finished though. Did you do good relative to other races?", + "Yes, I really pushed myself. It was such a rush crossing the finish line. I felt my lungs collapsing!", + "You should really learn to pace yourself and be more careful. People have died of heart attacks while pushing themselves on those races!", + "I'll keep that in mind!" + ] + }, + "1137": { + "context": "Kai kept Kendall's hands at their sides since Kai did not want their son to touch the expensive merchandise.", + "speaker": "Kai", + "turns": [ + "Well, our family made it out of the china shop in one piece.", + "That surprises me since I know your son Kendall has broken some items in shops before.", + "I know, he has a real knack for touching expensive merchandise and then breaking it.", + "What did you do this time to keep him from touching everything?", + "I kept Kendall's hands at his sides the whole time.", + "That's a smart parenting trick." + ] + }, + "1138": { + "context": "Kai kept Kendall's hands at their sides since Kai did not want their son to touch the expensive merchandise.", + "speaker": "Kai", + "turns": [ + "My son almost broke an expensive piece of merchandise the other day.", + "Did he really, what did you about it.", + "I told him to keep his hands by his sides.", + "Children are just not careful.", + "I agree, my son is reckless.", + "As are all eight year old kids. ." + ] + }, + "1139": { + "context": "Kai kept Kendall's hands at their sides since Kai did not want their son to touch the expensive merchandise.", + "speaker": "Kai", + "turns": [ + "I had to restrict Kendall to prevent him from touching the items.", + "Are the items delicate?", + "I don't know, but I don't want to take chances given how expensive the merchandise is.", + "What were you looking for in the shop?" + ] + }, + "1140": { + "context": "Remy put cream on Lee's face with SPF 15 so they would not sunburn so easy.", + "speaker": "Remy", + "turns": [ + "I had to put Lee's SPF 15 sunscreen on his face when we were at the beach", + "He really hates that stuff.", + "Yeah, but it stops him getting sunburn so it's a lot better.", + "Hopefully he appreciates it." + ] + }, + "1141": { + "context": "Remy put cream on Lee's face with SPF 15 so they would not sunburn so easy.", + "speaker": "Remy", + "turns": [ + "I had to put more sunscreen on Lee's face a bit ago.", + "It's so crazy how red he gets without it.", + "I know! I always worry about skin cancer too.", + "Me too. The percentage of people who get skin cancer is really high.", + "Yeah, my sister had to get a mole removed last year.", + "That's good she caught it. That makes me want to start wearing extra sunscreen." + ] + }, + "1142": { + "context": "Remy persuaded the judge to change his sentence so that he would not have to go to jail.", + "speaker": "Remy", + "turns": [ + "I'm so glad the judge didn't make me go to jail.", + "You're not the type of person that would like jail very much.", + "Yeah, I'm more of an introvert and I don't get along with new people.", + "You should try and be more outgoing so you can get over being shy.", + "I might try it I guess." + ] + }, + "1143": { + "context": "Carson was talking to Cameron's sister after school. Carson told Cameron's sister they were pretty.", + "speaker": "Carson", + "turns": [ + "I think I want to ask out Cameron's sister.", + "I thought she was a senior in high school. Senior's don't date sophomores.", + "I know, but I was talking to her after school today, and we had a great conversation.", + "That doesn't mean she's willing to date you.", + "When I told her I thought she was pretty, though, her eyes lit up.", + "I suppose that's a promising sign." + ] + }, + "1144": { + "context": "Jesse created the Taylor situation by going around spreading a bunch of rumors that weren't true.", + "speaker": "Jesse", + "turns": [ + "I told some lies about Taylor that I am not proud of.", + "At least you can admit it. What did you do?", + "I told people Taylor was cheating on her boyfriend, even though I know that isn't true.", + "Why did you do that? That just causes trouble.", + "I know. That's probably why I wanted to spread rumors. I know I am a horrible person.", + "No you are not. Just don't go around hurting your friends by making up lies." + ] + }, + "1145": { + "context": "Jesse created the Taylor situation by going around spreading a bunch of rumors that weren't true.", + "speaker": "Jesse", + "turns": [ + "Hey, did I tell you about Taylor and the donkey?", + "Man, cut that crap out. Everyone at school has been talking and we know what you're up to.", + "What? No, honest. I caught them out behind old man Johnson's barn.", + "First, what were you doing out behind old man Johnson's barn, and second -- no you didn't! Stop being so jealous because Taylor is dating Jenna.", + "The dude doesn't deserve her, man.", + "Neither do you if you're going to act like this." + ] + }, + "1146": { + "context": "Jesse created the Taylor situation by going around spreading a bunch of rumors that weren't true.", + "speaker": "Jesse", + "turns": [ + "I know I'm wrong for spreading false rumors.", + "So why did you do it in the first place?", + "Honestly, I have no idea why I did it.", + "You should apologize to Taylor as soon as you can!", + "I might or I might not, I'll see.", + "You are in the wrong here, you need to explain yourself!" + ] + }, + "1147": { + "context": "Robin wanted to make an appeal to the judge. Tracy gave Robin a hearing.", + "speaker": "Tracy", + "turns": [ + "I got an appeal from Robin today. I was surprised to get one.", + "What did you do with it?", + "I granted a hearing but I don't think he'll win.", + "That's too bad. I thought he was robbed with that verdict.", + "I don't know how to think of it." + ] + }, + "1148": { + "context": "Robin wanted to make an appeal to the judge. Tracy gave Robin a hearing.", + "speaker": "Tracy", + "turns": [ + "Robin thinks the decision on her case was unfair.", + "I see.", + "I'm going to give her a hearing.", + "That is kind of you.", + "It's the right thing to do.", + "You are a good person for doing that." + ] + }, + "1149": { + "context": "Alex escaped Cameron's cage. Cameron is now going to jail.", + "speaker": "Alex", + "turns": [ + "I just had to fight my way out that cage, Cameron had me in there all week!!", + "Why was he holding you in a cage?", + "I have no idea, but now he is going to jail for a long time", + "He should get some serious time for this." + ] + }, + "1150": { + "context": "Alex's parents were out of town for the weekend. Alex decided to have a party at her house while they were gone.", + "speaker": "Alex", + "turns": [ + "I'm throwing a party this weekend at home.", + "Can I come?", + "Absolutely. My parents won't be home.", + "When's the party?", + "It will be this weekend. You can bring a friend", + "I certainly will. I look forward to it." + ] + }, + "1151": { + "context": "Alex's parents were out of town for the weekend. Alex decided to have a party at her house while they were gone.", + "speaker": "Alex", + "turns": [ + "I had a party at my house this weekend. My parents were gone. I invited a few of my friends but they brought their friends so the house was packed.", + "Where did your parents go?", + "They went out of town for the weekend for their friend's wedding.", + "How nice. Did you tell them about the party?", + "I haven't yet. One of the vases broke so I will have to explain that to them. I haven't decided if I am going lie to them.", + "Do you think they'll get mad at you?" + ] + }, + "1152": { + "context": "Austin went to the first baseball game of the season. Austin enjoyed the game.", + "speaker": "Austin", + "turns": [ + "I went to my first baseball game yesterday.", + "Did you have fun at the game?", + "I really enjoyed it! You should come with us next time.", + "Just let me know when!" + ] + }, + "1153": { + "context": "Austin went to the first baseball game of the season. Austin enjoyed the game.", + "speaker": "Austin", + "turns": [ + "I had so much fun at the game. Its nice to see baseball come back.", + "I know but the social distancing at the beer tent was crazy.", + "I know but I love these New York Yankees masks they were giving away.", + "I did not like that we could not keep the foul balls due to potential contamination.", + "I loved the hot dogs and cracker jack. Missed baseball. Plus they won!!", + "I hated sitting six seats away from you. Felt like a lonely loser." + ] + }, + "1154": { + "context": "Austin went to the first baseball game of the season. Austin enjoyed the game.", + "speaker": "Austin", + "turns": [ + "Did I tell you where I went yesterday?", + "No, I missed your call and it was late by the time I got back.", + "I got to go to the first baseball game of the season and I really enjoyed the game.", + "Have you ever been to a baseball game before?", + "I have, but never the season opener! So that was an experience.", + "Well I am glad that you enjoyed your time." + ] + }, + "1155": { + "context": "Addison kept asking sydney for the directions until sydney got mad and refused to give the directions again.", + "speaker": "Addison", + "turns": [ + "I think being forgetful is taking a toll on others.", + "Did you annoy somebody?", + "I was going somewhere with Sydney and I kept asking for directions.", + "Is that a big deal?", + "I guess so, Sydney got mad and wouldn't give me the directions anymore.", + "Maybe you should get a GPS." + ] + }, + "1156": { + "context": "I watched an historical drama which depicted Jan as a magistrate condemning a murderer and commanding that he die by the sword.", + "speaker": "Jan", + "turns": [ + "How did you like my new drama?", + "I loved it! I'm into all those historical dramas. You did such a good job.", + "What did you like most about my movie?", + "You were tough and believable as a judge condemning a murderer to death. I can't believe he died by the sword.", + "That's how they were executed back then.", + "It was such a good movie. You deserve an Oscar." + ] + }, + "1157": { + "context": "I watched an historical drama which depicted Jan as a magistrate condemning a murderer and commanding that he die by the sword.", + "speaker": "Jan", + "turns": [ + "I played a magistrate in the historical drama who condemned a murderer and commanded him to die by the sword.", + "You look good in a period piece.", + "My voice coached helped me perfect my British for months.", + "You played a British magistrate?", + "The story took place in Britain in the 1900s. It's quite fascinating.", + "Is it out on cable or in theatre's?" + ] + }, + "1158": { + "context": "I watched an historical drama which depicted Jan as a magistrate condemning a murderer and commanding that he die by the sword.", + "speaker": "Jan", + "turns": [ + "I have strange friends. One of them told me he had a dream that he was watching a historical drama in which I was a magistrate.", + "That's a weird dream to have.", + "I know! Then I was condemning a murderer and saying he will die by the sword.", + "What the heck makes someone dream about you like that?", + "He must think I'm a vicious wannabe ruler. I think it's funny, though.", + "It is funny but really strange." + ] + } +}