
Script to handle licensed data for which underlying text cannot be posted online (e.g. LDC data).
Users need a copy of the LDC distribution of an underlying resource to restore text in some of the corpora.


__author__ = "Amir Zeldes+Damien Sileo"
__license__ = "Apache 2.0"
__version__ = "0.0.0"

import io, re, os, sys
from glob import glob
from collections import defaultdict
from argparse import ArgumentParser

class EDict(dict):
    def __getattr__(self, k): return self.get(k, None)
    def __setattr__(self, k, v): self[k] = v
    def __delattr__(self, k): del self[k]

PY3 = sys.version_info[0] == 3
if not PY3:
    input = raw_input

gum_docs = {
    "GUM_reddit_macroeconomics": [
        {"year": "2017", "month": "09", "id": "6zm74h", "type": "post","source":"undef"},
        {"year": "2017", "month": "09", "id": "dmwwqlt", "type":"comment","source":"undef"}
    "GUM_reddit_stroke": [
        {"year": "2017", "month": "08", "id": "6ws3eh", "type": "post","source":"undef"},
        {"year": "2017", "month": "08", "id": "dmaei1x", "type":"comment","source":"undef"},
        {"year": "2017", "month": "08", "id": "dmaiwsm", "type":"comment","source":"undef"},
        {"year": "2017", "month": "09", "id": "dmkx8bk", "type":"comment","source":"undef"},
        {"year": "2017", "month": "09", "id": "dmm1327", "type":"comment","source":"undef"},
        {"year": "2017", "month": "08", "id": "dmaoodn", "type":"comment","source":"undef"}
    "GUM_reddit_polygraph": [
        {"year": "2014", "month": "12", "id": "2q6qnv", "type": "post","source":"undef"}
    "GUM_reddit_ring": [
        {"year": "2016", "month": "09", "id": "5570x1", "type": "post","source":"undef"},
        {"year": "2016", "month": "09", "id": "d885ma0", "type":"comment","source":"undef"},
        {"year": "2016", "month": "09", "id": "d8880w7", "type":"comment","source":"undef"},
        {"year": "2016", "month": "09", "id": "d88u7dg", "type":"comment","source":"undef"},
        {"year": "2016", "month": "09", "id": "d88unu3", "type":"comment","source":"undef"},
        {"year": "2016", "month": "09", "id": "d88v0sz", "type":"comment","source":"undef"},
        {"year": "2016", "month": "09", "id": "d88xaqu", "type":"comment","source":"undef"},
        {"year": "2016", "month": "10", "id": "d893mj9", "type":"comment","source":"undef"},
        {"year": "2016", "month": "09", "id": "d88s4bb", "type":"comment","source":"undef"},
        {"year": "2016", "month": "10", "id": "d88zt6x", "type":"comment","source":"undef"}
    "GUM_reddit_space": [
        {"year": "2016", "month": "08", "id": "50hx5c", "type": "post","source":"undef"},
        {"year": "2016", "month": "08", "id": "d7471k5", "type":"comment","source":"undef"},
        {"year": "2016", "month": "08", "id": "d74i5ka", "type":"comment","source":"undef"},
        {"year": "2016", "month": "08", "id": "d74ppi0", "type":"comment","source":"undef"}
    "GUM_reddit_superman": [
        #{"year": "2017", "month": "04", "id": "68e0u3", "type": "post", "title_only": True},  # Post title not included in this document
        {"year": "2017", "month": "05", "id": "dgys1z8", "type":"comment","source":"undef"}
    "GUM_reddit_bobby": [
        {"year":"2018","month":"06","id":"8ph56q","type": "post","source":"undef"},
    "GUM_reddit_escape": [
        {"year":"2017","month":"05","id":"69r98j","type": "post","source":"undef"},
    "GUM_reddit_gender": [
        {"year":"2018","month":"09","id":"e5lw5t6","type":"comment","source":"undef"},  # Blowhole
    "GUM_reddit_steak": [
    "GUM_reddit_card": [
    "GUM_reddit_callout": [
    "GUM_reddit_conspiracy": [
    "GUM_reddit_introverts": [
        {"year":"2019","month":"06","id":"by820m","type":"post","source":"undef","title_double": True},  # Possible title was repeated by annotator

    "GUM_reddit_racial": [
    "GUM_reddit_social": [

def underscore_files(filenames):
    def underscore_rel_field(text):
        blanked = []
        text = text.replace("<*>","❤")
        for c in text:
            if c!="❤" and c!=" ":
        return "".join(blanked).replace("❤","<*>")

    for f_path in filenames:
        skiplen = 0
        with io.open(f_path, 'r', encoding='utf8') as fin:
            lines = fin.readlines()

        with io.open(f_path, 'w', encoding='utf8', newline="\n") as fout:
            output = []
            if f_path.endswith(".rels"):
                for l, line in enumerate(lines):
                    line = line.strip()
                    if "\t" in line and l > 0:
                        doc, unit1_toks, unit2_toks, unit1_txt, unit2_txt, s1_toks, s2_toks, unit1_sent, unit2_sent, direction, orig_label, label = line.split("\t")
                        if "GUM" in doc and "reddit" not in doc:
                        unit1_txt = underscore_rel_field(unit1_txt)
                        unit2_txt = underscore_rel_field(unit2_txt)
                        unit1_sent = underscore_rel_field(unit1_sent)
                        unit2_sent = underscore_rel_field(unit2_sent)
                        fields = doc, unit1_toks, unit2_toks, unit1_txt, unit2_txt, s1_toks, s2_toks, unit1_sent, unit2_sent, direction, orig_label, label
                        line = "\t".join(fields)
                doc = ""
                for line in lines:
                    line = line.strip()
                    if line.startswith("# newdoc_id"):
                        doc = line.split("=",maxsplit=1)[1].strip()
                    if "GUM" in doc and "reddit" not in doc:
                    if line.startswith("# text"):
                        m = re.match(r'(# text ?= ?)(.+)',line)
                        if m is not None:
                            line = m.group(1) + re.sub(r'[^\s]','_',m.group(2))
                    elif "\t" in line:
                        fields = line.split("\t")
                        tok_col, lemma_col = fields[1:3]
                        if lemma_col == tok_col:  # Delete lemma if identical to token
                            fields[2] = '_'
                        elif tok_col.lower() == lemma_col:
                            fields[2] = "*LOWER*"
                        if skiplen < 1:
                            fields[1] = len(tok_col)*'_'
                            skiplen -=1
                        if "-" in fields[0]:  # Multitoken
                            start, end = fields[0].split("-")
                            start = int(start)
                            end = int(end)
                            skiplen = end - start + 1
            fout.write('\n'.join(output) + "\n")

def get_no_space_strings(cache_dict):
    import ast

    no_space_docs = defaultdict(str)

    for doc in gum_docs:
        for post in gum_docs[doc]:
            if post["id"] in cache_dict:
                json_result = cache_dict[post["id"]]
            parsed = ast.literal_eval(json_result)[0]
            if post["type"]=="post":
                plain = parsed["selftext"]
                title = parsed["title"]
                if "title_only" in post:
                    if post["title_only"]:
                        plain = ""
                if "title_double" in post:
                    title = title + " " + title
                plain = parsed["body"]
                title = ""
            if "_space" in doc:
                plain = plain.replace("&gt;","")  # GUM_reddit_space has formatting &gt; to indicate indented block quotes
            elif "_gender" in doc:
                plain = plain.replace("- The vast","The vast")
                plain = plain.replace("- Society already accommodates","Society already accommodates")
                plain = plain.replace("- Society recognizes disabilities","Society recognizes disabilities")
                plain = plain.replace("- It’s a waste of time","It’s a waste of time")
                plain = plain.replace("PB&amp;J","PB&J")
            elif "_monsters" in doc:
                plain = plain.replace("1. He refers to","a. He refers to")
                plain = plain.replace("2. Using these","b. Using these")
                plain = plain.replace("3. And he has","c. And he has")
                plain = plain.replace("&#x200B; &#x200B;","")
                plain = re.sub(r' [0-9]+\. ',' ',plain)
            elif "_ring" in doc:
                plain = plain.replace("&gt;",">")
            elif "_escape" in doc:
                plain = plain.replace("*1 year later*","1 year later")
            elif "_racial" in doc:
                plain = plain.replace("> ","")
            elif "_callout" in doc:
                plain = plain.replace("_it","it").replace("well?_","well?").replace(">certain","certain")
            elif "_conspiracy" in doc:
                plain = plain.replace(">", "")
            elif "_stroke" in doc:
                plain = plain.replace("&amp;", "&")
            elif "_bobby" in doc:
                plain = plain.replace("&amp;", "&")
            elif "_introvert" in doc:
                plain = plain.replace("enjoy working out.","enjoy working out").replace("~~","")
            elif "_social" in doc:
                plain = plain.replace("the purpose","those purpose").replace("&#x200B;","")
            no_space = re.sub(r"\s","",plain).replace("*","")
            no_space = re.sub(r'\[([^]]+)\]\([^)]+\)',r'\1',no_space)  # Remove Wiki style links: [text](URL)
            if no_space_docs[doc] == "":
                no_space_docs[doc] += re.sub(r"\s","",title).replace("*","")
            no_space_docs[doc] += no_space

    return no_space_docs

def harvest_text(files):

    :param files: LDC files containing raw text data
    :return: Dictionary of document base names (e.g. wsj_0013) to string of non-whitespace characters in the document

    docs = {}

    for file_ in files:
        docname = os.path.basename(file_)
        if "." in docname:
            docname = docname.split(".")[0]
            text = io.open(file_,encoding="utf8").read()
            text = io.open(file_,encoding="Latin1").read()  # e.g. wsj_0142
        text = text.replace(".START","")  # Remove PDTB .START codes
        text = re.sub(r'\s','', text)  # Remove all whitespace
        docs[docname] = text

    return docs

def get_proxy_data():
    import requests
    out_posts = {}
    tab_delim = requests.get("https://corpling.uis.georgetown.edu/gum/fetch_text_proxy.py").text
    for line in tab_delim.split("\n"):
        if "\t" in line:
            post, text = line.split("\t")
            out_posts[post] = text
    return out_posts

def restore_docs(text_dict,dep_files=[],rel_files=[],tok_files=[]):
    def restore_range(range_string, underscored, tid_dict):
        output = []
        tok_ids = []
        range_strings = range_string.split(",")
        for r in range_strings:
            if "-" in r:
                s, e = r.split("-")
                tok_ids += list(range(int(s),int(e)+1))

        for tok in underscored.split():
            if tok == "<*>":
                tid = tok_ids.pop(0)
        return " ".join(output)

    skiplen = 0
    token_dict = {}
    tid2string = defaultdict(dict)
    for file_ in dep_files + tok_files + rel_files:
        lines = io.open(file_,encoding="utf8").readlines()
        underscore_len = 0  # Must match doc_len at end of file processing
        doc_len = 0
        if file_.endswith(".rels") or file_ in rel_files:
            output = []
            violation_rows = []
            for l, line in enumerate(lines):
                line = line.strip()
                if l > 0 and "\t" in line:
                    fields = line.split("\t")
                    docname = fields[0]
                    text = text_dict[docname]
                    if "GUM_" in docname and "reddit" not in docname:  # Only Reddit documents need reconstruction in GUM
                    doc, unit1_toks, unit2_toks, unit1_txt, unit2_txt, s1_toks, s2_toks, unit1_sent, unit2_sent, direction, orig_label, label = line.split("\t")
                    underscore_len += unit1_txt.count("_") + unit2_txt.count("_") + unit1_sent.count("_") + unit2_sent.count("_")
                    if underscore_len == 0:
                        #sys.stderr.write("! Non-underscored file detected - " + os.path.basename(file_) + "\n")
                    unit1_txt = restore_range(unit1_toks, unit1_txt, tid2string[docname])
                    unit2_txt = restore_range(unit2_toks, unit2_txt, tid2string[docname])
                    unit1_sent = restore_range(s1_toks, unit1_sent, tid2string[docname])
                    unit2_sent = restore_range(s2_toks, unit2_sent, tid2string[docname])
                    plain = unit1_txt + unit2_txt + unit1_sent + unit2_sent
                    plain = plain.replace("<*>","").replace(" ","")
                    doc_len += len(plain)
                    fields = doc, unit1_toks, unit2_toks, unit1_txt, unit2_txt, s1_toks, s2_toks, unit1_sent, unit2_sent, direction, orig_label, label
                    line = "\t".join(fields)
                    if doc_len != underscore_len and len(violation_rows) == 0:
                        violation_rows.append(str(l) + ": " + line)

            tokfile = True if ".tok" in file_ else False
            output = []
            parse_text = ""
            docname = ""
            for line in lines:
                line = line.strip()
                if "# newdoc_id " in line:
                    tid = 0
                    if parse_text !="":
                        if not tokfile:
                            token_dict[docname] = parse_text
                    parse_text = ""
                    docname = re.search(r'# newdoc_id ?= ?([^\s]+)',line).group(1)
                    if "GUM" in docname and "reddit" not in docname:
                    if docname not in text_dict:
                        raise IOError("! Text for document name " + docname + " not found.\n Please check that your LDC data contains the file for this document.\n")
                    if ".tok" in file_:
                        text = token_dict[docname]
                        text = text_dict[docname]
                    doc_len = len(text)
                    underscore_len = 0

                if "GUM" in docname and "reddit" not in docname:

                if line.startswith("# text"):
                    m = re.match(r'(# ?text ?= ?)(.+)',line)
                    if m is not None:
                        i = 0
                        sent_text = ""
                        for char in m.group(2).strip():
                            if char != " ":
                                sent_text += text[i]
                                sent_text += " "
                        line = m.group(1) + sent_text
                elif "\t" in line:
                    fields = line.split("\t")
                    if skiplen < 1:
                        underscore_len += len(fields[1])
                        fields[1] = text[:len(fields[1])]
                    if not "-" in fields[0] and not "." in fields[0]:
                        parse_text += fields[1]
                        tid += 1
                        tid2string[docname][tid] = fields[1]
                    if not tokfile:
                        if fields[2] == '_' and not "-" in fields[0] and not "." in fields[0]:
                            fields[2] = fields[1]
                        elif fields[2] == "*LOWER*":
                            fields[2] = fields[1].lower()
                    if skiplen < 1:
                        text = text[len(fields[1]):]
                        skiplen -=1
                    if "-" in fields[0]:  # Multitoken
                        start, end = fields[0].split("-")
                        start = int(start)
                        end = int(end)
                        skiplen = end - start + 1

        if not doc_len == underscore_len:
            if ".rels" in file_:
                    "\n! Tried to restore file " + os.path.basename(file_) + " but source text has different length than tokens in shared task file:\n" + \
                    "  Source text in data/: " + str(doc_len) + " non-whitespace characters\n" + \
                    "  Token underscores in " + file_ + ": " + str(underscore_len) + " non-whitespace characters\n" + \
                    "  Violation row: " + violation_rows[0])
                sys.stderr.write("\n! Tried to restore document " + docname + " but source text has different length than tokens in shared task file:\n" + \
                          "  Source text in data/: " + str(doc_len) + " non-whitespace characters\n" + \
                          "  Token underscores in " + file_+": " + str(underscore_len) + " non-whitespace characters\n")
            with io.open("debug.txt",'w',encoding="utf8") as f:

        if not tokfile and parse_text != "":
            token_dict[docname] = parse_text

        with io.open(file_, 'w', encoding='utf8', newline="\n") as fout:
            fout.write("\n".join(output) + "\n")

    sys.stderr.write("o Restored text in " + str(len(dep_files)) + " .conllu files, " + str(len(tok_files)) +
                     " .tok files and "+ str(len(rel_files)) + " .rels files\n")

def run(corpus="all", rel_files=[], dep_files=[], tok_files=[],
        rstdt_path=None, pdtb_path=None, cdtb_path=None, tdb_path=None):
    opts = EDict(corpus=corpus,
    todo = {k: v for k, v in opts.items() if 'files' in k}

    if opts.corpus == "rstdt" or opts.corpus == "all":
        if rstdt_path is None:
            raise ValueError("rstdt_path is required for corpus rstdt")
        if not os.path.isdir(rstdt_path):
            sys.stderr.write("Can't find directory at: " + rstdt_path + "\n")
        files = glob(os.sep.join([rstdt_path, "RSTtrees-WSJ-main-1.0", "TRAINING", "*.edus"])) + \
                glob(os.sep.join([rstdt_path, "RSTtrees-WSJ-main-1.0", "TEST", "*.edus"]))
        docs2text = harvest_text(files)
        restore_docs(docs2text, **todo)

    if opts.corpus == "pdtb" or opts.corpus == "all":
        if pdtb_path is None:
            raise ValueError("pdtb_path is required for corpus pdtb")
        if not os.path.isdir(pdtb_path):
            sys.stderr.write("Can't find directory at: " + pdtb_path + "\n")
        files = []
        for i in range(0, 25):
            dir_name = str(i) if i > 9 else "0" + str(i)
            files += glob(os.sep.join([pdtb_path, dir_name, "wsj_*"]))
        docs2text = harvest_text(files)
        restore_docs(docs2text, **todo)

    if opts.corpus == "cdtb" or opts.corpus == "all":
        if cdtb_path is None:
            raise ValueError("cdtb_path is required for corpus cdtb")
        if not os.path.isdir(cdtb_path):
            sys.stderr.write("Can't find directory at: " + cdtb_path + "\n")
        files = glob(os.sep.join([cdtb_path, "*.raw"]))
        docs2text = harvest_text(files)
        restore_docs(docs2text, **todo)

    if opts.corpus == "tdb" or opts.corpus == "all":
        if tdb_path is None:
            raise ValueError("tdb_path is required for corpus tdb")
        if not os.path.isdir(tdb_path):
            sys.stderr.write("Can't find directory at: " + tdb_path + "\n")
        files = glob(os.sep.join([tdb_path, "*.txt"]))
        docs2text = harvest_text(files)
        restore_docs(docs2text, **todo)

    if opts.corpus == "gum" or opts.corpus == "all":
        print("Retrieving reddit data by proxy...")
        data = get_proxy_data()
        docs2text = get_no_space_strings(data)
        restore_docs(docs2text, **todo)