""" Will open up a pytho file and split out all functions into chunks with relevent data for embedding To use: Open up a file and store its contents as `code_string`: with open("RAG-accelerate/src/accelerator.py", "r") as w: code_string = w.read() """ import re func_list=[] func = '' tab = '' brackets = {'(':0, '[':0, '{':0} close = {')':'(', ']':'[', '}':'{'} string='' tab_f='' c1='' multiline=False check=False in_class = False decorator = None class_name = "" for line in code_string.split('\n'): tab = re.findall(r'^\s*',line)[0] if re.findall(r'^\s*@', line): decorator = line if (re.findall(r'^\s*def', line) or re.findall(r'^\s*class', line)) and not string and not multiline: if re.findall(r'^\s*class', line): in_class = True class_name = re.findall(r'class\s+(\w+)\s*[\(:]', line)[0] elif len(line.lstrip(" ")) == 0: in_class = False func += line + '\n' tab_f = tab check=True if func: if not check: if sum(brackets.values()) == 0 and not string and not multiline: if len(tab) <= len(tab_f): # Append the metadata metadata = f'File: accelerator.py\nClass: {class_name}' if decorator is not None: func = f'{decorator}\n{func}' decorator = None func = f'{metadata}\nSource:\n{func}' func_list.append(func) func='' c1='' c2='' continue func += line + '\n' check = False for c0 in line: if c0 == '#' and not string and not multiline: break if c1 != '\\': if c0 in ['"', "'"]: if c2 == c1 == c0 == '"' and string != "'": multiline = not multiline string = '' continue if not multiline: if c0 in string: string = '' else: if not string: string = c0 if not string and not multiline: if c0 in brackets: brackets[c0] += 1 if c0 in close: b = close[c0] brackets[b] -= 1 c2=c1 c1=c0 for f in func_list: print('-'*40) print(f)