{"source_url": "https://lifeboat.com", "url": "https://lifeboat.com/blog/2020/02/your-stories-from-the-coronavirus-outbreak", "title": "Your stories from the coronavirus outbreak", "top_image": "https://lifeboat.com/blog.images/your-stories-from-the-coronavirus-outbreak2.jpg", "meta_img": "https://lifeboat.com/blog.images/your-stories-from-the-coronavirus-outbreak2.jpg", "images": ["https://lifeboat.com/blog.images/your-stories-from-the-coronavirus-outbreak2.jpg", "https://lifeboat.com/images/layout/main3.facebook.png", "https://lifeboat.com/images/layout/main3.youtube.png", "https://lifeboat.com/images/themes/black/left.page.numbers.blog.black.png", "https://lifeboat.com/images/layout/top.50.chemistry.png", "https://lifeboat.com/images/layout/main3.twitter.png", "https://lifeboat.com/images/themes/black/right.page.numbers.blog.on.black.png", "https://lifeboat.com/images/layout/main3.kickstarter.black.jpg", "https://lifeboat.com/images/layout/main3.indiegogo.black.jpg", "https://lifeboat.com/images/themes/black/icon_login.png", "https://lifeboat.com/images/themes/black/right.page.numbers.blog.off.black.png", "https://lifeboat.com/images/layout/just.ask.amazon.alexa.black.png", "https://lifeboat.com/images/layout/main3.rss.png", "https://lifeboat.com/images/layout/main3.linkedin.png"], "movies": [], "text": "The restrictions have also brought unique challenges to scientists. Some have suspended their usual research to study the coronavirus. Others have had their work or personal lives disrupted by lab closures, travel restrictions or problems sourcing equipment and reagents from suppliers in China.\n\nIn a Nature reader poll, more than 600 of you told us that the coronavirus had affected you, your colleagues and your research. These are some of your stories.\n\nFrom laboratory closures to equipment shortages, researchers worldwide tell Nature how they have been affected by the epidemic. \u2018No one is allowed out\u2019: readers tell Nature about their experiences.", "keywords": [], "meta_keywords": [""], "tags": ["existential risks", "Artificial Intelligence", "wellness", "bioquark", "aging", "Interstellar Travel", "Death", "research", "singularity", "space", "humanity", "sustainability", "immortality", "AI", "ira pastor", "longevity", "politics", "bitcoin", "biotechnology", "futurism", "Google", "reanima", "anti-aging", "lifespan", "cancer", "transhumanism", "regenerage", "bioquantine", "Harry J. Bentham", "Life extension", "technology", "risks", "NASA", "Alzheimer's", "future", "extinction", "healthspan", "blockchain", "biotech", "brain death", "ideaxme", "regeneration", "health", "cryptocurrency", "culture"], "authors": ["Derick Lee"], "publish_date": null, "summary": "", "article_html": "", "meta_description": "The restrictions have also brought unique challenges to scientists. Some have suspended their usual research to study the coronavirus. Others have had their work or personal lives disrupted by lab closures, travel restrictions or problems sourcing equipment and reagents from suppliers in China.\nIn a Nature reader poll, more than 600 of you told us that the coronavirus had affected you, your colleagues and your research. These are some of your stories.\nFrom laboratory closures to equipment shortages, researchers worldwide tell Nature how they have been affected by the epidemic. \u2018No one is allowed out\u2019: readers tell Nature about their experiences.", "meta_lang": "", "meta_favicon": "", "meta_data": {"og": {"image": {"identifier": "https://lifeboat.com/blog.images/your-stories-from-the-coronavirus-outbreak2.jpg", "width": 1000, "height": 563}, "description": "The restrictions have also brought unique challenges to scientists. Some have suspended their usual research to study the coronavirus. Others have had their work or personal lives disrupted by lab closures, travel restrictions or problems sourcing equipment and reagents from suppliers in China.\nIn a Nature reader poll, more than 600 of you told us that the coronavirus had affected you, your colleagues and your research. These are some of your stories.\nFrom laboratory closures to equipment shortages, researchers worldwide tell Nature how they have been affected by the epidemic. \u2018No one is allowed out\u2019: readers tell Nature about their experiences.", "type": "article", "url": "https://lifeboat.com/blog/2020/02/your-stories-from-the-coronavirus-outbreak", "title": "Your stories from the coronavirus outbreak"}, "description": "The restrictions have also brought unique challenges to scientists. Some have suspended their usual research to study the coronavirus. Others have had their work or personal lives disrupted by lab closures, travel restrictions or problems sourcing equipment and reagents from suppliers in China.\nIn a Nature reader poll, more than 600 of you told us that the coronavirus had affected you, your colleagues and your research. These are some of your stories.\nFrom laboratory closures to equipment shortages, researchers worldwide tell Nature how they have been affected by the epidemic. \u2018No one is allowed out\u2019: readers tell Nature about their experiences.", "google-site-verification": "UDH_dK3qoijQzyBZOgusnZIedal8XB6ZsYax4K9sDqU", "viewport": "width=device-width, initial-scale=1", "twitter": {"card": "summary_large_image", "creator": "@LifeboatHQ", "site": "@LifeboatHQ", "image": "https://lifeboat.com/blog.images/your-stories-from-the-coronavirus-outbreak2.jpg"}, "fb": {"admins": 757344836, "app_id": 816735248405814}, "SKYPE_TOOLBAR": "SKYPE_TOOLBAR_PARSER_COMPATIBLE"}, "canonical_link": "https://lifeboat.com/blog/2020/02/your-stories-from-the-coronavirus-outbreak"}