{"source_url": "https://www.thecompassforsbc.org", "url": "https://www.thecompassforsbc.org/sbcc-tools/grassroot-soccer-skillz-covid-19-response-curriculum", "title": "Grassroot Soccer SKILLZ COVID-19 Response Curriculum", "top_image": "https://www.thecompassforsbc.org/sites/default/files/icon.ico", "meta_img": "https://www.thecompassforsbc.org/sites/default/files/icon.ico", "images": ["https://www.thecompassforsbc.org/sites/default/files/icon.ico", "https://www.thecompassforsbc.org/sites/default/files/Horizontal_RGB_294_1.png", "https://www.thecompassforsbc.org/sites/default/files/styles/resource_detail/public/cover_image/grsoccer.png?itok=WoUa5sAT"], "movies": [], "text": "The SKILLZ COVID-19 RESPONSE curriculum was developed in March 2020 to help address the COVID-19 pandemic. Grassroot Soccer (grassrootsoccer.org) and its team of curriculum advisors rapidly designed this sport-based tool as a way for coaches, educators, and parents to easily facilitate fun, simple, and effective sessions with young people (ages 9+).\n\nThe curriculum aims to increase comprehensive knowledge on COVID-19, promote healthy behaviors such as proper handwashing, provide skills for mental wellbeing during stressful times, and dispel common myths about the disease. Use this SKILLZ COVID-19 RESPONSE curriculum to connect with young people either in schools or the classroom (if deemed safe by local health authorities) or remotely through video-conferencing and WhatsApp (where available). .\n\nParents and caregivers can also use this tool to provide COVID-19 education to children at home.\n\nGrassroot Soccer (GRS) is an adolescent health organization that leverages the power of soccer to educate, inspire, and mobilize at-risk youth in developing countries to overcome their greatest health challenges, live healthier, more productive lives, and be agents for change in their communities. Since 2002, GRS has reached over 2 million young people in 50 countries with life-saving HIV prevention and sexual and reproductive health (SRH) information and services.\n\nOther related documents are:", "keywords": [], "meta_keywords": [""], "tags": [], "authors": [], "publish_date": null, "summary": "", "article_html": "", "meta_description": "", "meta_lang": "en", "meta_favicon": "https://www.thecompassforsbc.org/sites/default/files/icon.ico", "meta_data": {"viewport": "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"}, "canonical_link": ""}