Stereo Vision in Structured Environments by Consistent Semi-Global Matching
[ "A Space-Sweep Approach to True Multi-Image Matching", "A survey of motion-parallax-based 3-D reconstruction algorithms", "Combined Depth and Outlier Estimation in Multi-View Stereo", "Real time correlation-based stereo: algorithm, implementations and applications", "Computing Visual Correspondence with Occlusions using Graph Cuts" ]
[ "Design of a Clutch – Spring Knee Exoskeleton for Running", "Learning to Classify Documents According to Formal and Informal Style", "Knowledge tracing: Modeling the acquisition of procedural knowledge", "Learning multiple-question decision trees for cold-start recommendation", "EVALUATION OF GIS AND BIM ROLES FOR THE INFORMATION MANAGEMENT OF HISTORICAL BUILDINGS", "Self-intersection Removal in Triangular Mesh Offsetting", "Author Identification Using Imbalanced and Limited Training Texts", "A broadband series power divider using zero-degree metamaterial phase-shifting lines", "Comparison of two approaches to building a vertical search tool: a case study in the nanotechnology domain", "Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Fourth Edition (WAIS-IV) processing speed scores as measures of noncredible responding: The third generation of embedded performance validity indicators.", "Same Stats, Different Graphs: Generating Datasets with Varied Appearance and Identical Statistics through Simulated Annealing", "Finding Overlapping Communities in Social Networks", "Exploring the Potential of Gamification Among Frail Elderly Persons", "Brain Activation during Face Perception: Evidence of a Developmental Change", "Smart phone based robotic arm control using raspberry pi, android and Wi-Fi", "The neocortical microcircuit as a tabula rasa.", "Stability of networked control systems", "Pattern Extraction for Time Series Classification", "Influence Factors of Understanding Business Process Models", "On seeing human: a three-factor theory of anthropomorphism.", "Evaluating the Performance of a Single Phase PWM Inverter Using 3525A PWM IC", "Predicting Collaboration Technology Use: Integrating Technology Adoption and Collaboration Research", "Design and modeling of a microwave imaging system for breast cancer detection", "Predictive analytics with surveillance big data", "Big data in healthcare: Challenges and opportunities" ]
A 78mW 11.8Gb/s serial link transceiver with adaptive RX equalization and baud-rate CDR in 32nm CMOS
[ "Timing Recovery in Digital Synchronous Data Receivers", "A 1-to-6Gb/s phase-interpolator-based burst-mode CDR in 65nm CMOS", "A fully integrated multi-CPU, GPU and memory controller 32nm processor", "100GbE PHY and MAC layer implementations", "A 22nm IA multi-CPU and GPU System-on-Chip" ]
[ "Implementing a Wall-In Building Placement in StarCraft with Declarative Programming", "Component-Based Recognition of Facesand Facial Expressions", "Optimization of floor cleaning coverage performance of a random path-planning mobile robot", "Statistical mapping between articulatory movements and acoustic spectrum using a Gaussian mixture model", "Collective Stance Classification of Posts in Online Debate Forums", "Twitter Content-Based Spam Filtering", "Decomposing Consumer Health Questions", "Software evolution storylines", "Information Extraction", "A Survey of Software Estimation Techniques and Project Planning Practices", "Deep learning in very high resolution remote sensing image information mining communication concept", "3 D differential phase contrast microscopy", "Feasibility of a serverless distributed file system deployed on an existing set of desktop PCs", "A passivity based Cartesian impedance controller for flexible joint robots - part II: full state feedback, impedance design and experiments", "Understanding customer knowledge sharing in web-based discussion boards: An exploratory study", "A TOA-based location algorithm reducing the errors due to non-line-of-sight (NLOS) propagation", "From novel to familiar: Tuning the brain for metaphors", "The OCRopus open source OCR system", "Image quality assessment based on a degradation model", "Task selection in spatial crowdsourcing from worker's perspective", "An efficient framework for learning sentence representations", "Tuning in to RF MEMS", "A 2.3-mW, 5-Gb/s Low-Power Decision-Feedback Equalizer Receiver Front-End and its Two-Step, Minimum Bit-Error-Rate Adaptation Algorithm", "The Knowledge Awakens: Keeping Knowledge Bases Fresh with Emerging Entities", "Automatic Steering Methods for Autonomous Automobile Path Tracking" ]
Automatic Panoramic Image Stitching using Invariant Features
[ "A testing platform for on-drone computation", "Hemi-cylinder unwrapping algorithm of fish-eye image based on equidistant projection model", "An improved method for fisheye camera calibration and distortion correction", "Adaptive as-natural-as-possible image stitching", "Deep Model-Based 6D Pose Refinement in RGB" ]
[ "Cognitively Engaging Chronic Physical Activity, But Not Aerobic Exercise, Affects Executive Functions in Primary School Children: A Group-Randomized Controlled Trial.", "Signal and Power Integrity Analysis on Integrated Fan-Out PoP (InFO_PoP) Technology for Next Generation Mobile Applications", "Fine-grained evaluation on face detection in the wild", "Question Asking as Program Generation", "A flexible method for criticality assessment in driver assistance systems", "Learning to Implement Enterprise Systems: An Exploratory Study of the Dialectics of Change", "Power Control System Design in Induction Heating with Resonant Voltage Inverter", "\"Highly Recommended!\" The Content Characteristics and Perceived Usefulness of Online Consumer Reviews", "Social influence: compliance and conformity.", "In vivo oxidative degradation of polypropylene pelvic mesh.", "A Reliable Fingerprint Orientation Estimation Algorithm", "Spectral clustering for multi-type relational data", "Weakly-Supervised Acquisition of Labeled Class Instances using Graph Random Walks", "Applicability of Artificial Intelligence in Different Fields of Life", "A Large and Diverse Dataset for Improved Vehicle Make and Model Recognition", "Information-Flow and Data-Flow Analysis of while-Programs", "Computer shogi", "Towards predictable datacenter networks", "UnibucKernel: An Approach for Arabic Dialect Identification Based on Multiple String Kernels", "Characterization and management of exfoliative cheilitis: a single-center experience.", "The effect of shame and shame memories on paranoid ideation and social anxiety.", "KinectFusion: real-time 3D reconstruction and interaction using a moving depth camera", "Band gap fluorescence from individual single-walled carbon nanotubes.", "THU_NGN at IJCNLP-2017 Task 2: Dimensional Sentiment Analysis for Chinese Phrases with Deep LSTM", "Deep Learning Based Feature Selection for Remote Sensing Scene Classification" ]
A recommender system for job seeking and recruiting website
[ "FoDRA — A new content-based job recommendation algorithm for job seeking and recruiting", "Quantifying skill relevance to job titles", "iHR: an online recruiting system for Xiamen Talent Service Center", "Adaptive methods for job recommendation based on user clustering", "A Deep Matrix Factorization Method for Learning Attribute Representations" ]
[ "Tutorial review of synthetic-aperture radar (SAR) with applications to imaging of the ocean surface", "Parameterized and Scripted Gaits for Modular Snake Robots", "Segment Graph Based Image Filtering: Fast Structure-Preserving Smoothing", "Deep Convolutional Neural Network Design Patterns", "Mobile Crowd Sensing and Computing: The Review of an Emerging Human-Powered Sensing Paradigm", "Hierarchical Focus+Context Heterogeneous Network Visualization", "Automated Parameter Optimization of Classification Techniques for Defect Prediction Models", "Sparse Non-negative Matrix Factorization (SNMF) based color unmixing for breast histopathological image analysis", "The Smartphone in Medicine: A Review of Current and Potential Use Among Physicians and Students", "A compact FPGA implementation of the hash function whirlpool", "Classification and Comparison of Routing Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks", "A new zero-ripple switching dc-to-dc converter and integrated magnetics", "An advanced detrending method with application to HRV analysis", "Biometric Recognition : An Overview", "Security Metrics for the Android Ecosystem", "Ontology Based Expert-System for Suspicious Transactions Detection", "Remote Moisture Sensing utilizing Ordinary RFID Tags", "Point Cloud Skeletons via Laplacian Based Contraction", "Structure-Sensitive Saliency Detection via Multilevel Rank Analysis in Intrinsic Feature Space", "Spoken term detection with Connectionist Temporal Classification: A novel hybrid CTC-DBN decoder", "Image Splicing Localization Using A Multi-Task Fully Convolutional Network (MFCN)", "Unsupervised RGBD Video Object Segmentation Using GANs", "Algorithm aversion: people erroneously avoid algorithms after seeing them err.", "Supervised Bilingual Lexicon Induction with Multiple Monolingual Signals", "The Feature Selection and Intrusion Detection Problems" ]
Memory Architecture of 3D Vertical Gate (3DVG) NAND Flash Using Plural Island-Gate SSL Decoding Method and Study of it's Program Inhibit Characteristics
[ "A highly scalable vertical gate (VG) 3D NAND Flash with robust program disturb immunity using a novel PN diode decoding structure", "Novel 3-dimensional Dual Control-gate with Surrounding Floating-gate (DC-SF) NAND flash cell for 1Tb file storage application", "Novel Vertical-Stacked-Array-Transistor (VSAT) for ultra-high-density and cost-effective NAND Flash memory devices and SSD (Solid State Drive)", "A highly pitch scalable 3D vertical gate (VG) NAND flash decoded by a novel self-aligned independently controlled double gate (IDG) string select transistor (SSL)", "A highly scalable 8-layer 3D vertical-gate (VG) TFT NAND Flash using junction-free buried channel BE-SONOS device" ]
[ "Fast ε-free Inference of Simulation Models with Bayesian Conditional Density Estimation", "The Value of Purchase History Data in Target Marketing", "An overview of research on \"passive\" brain-computer interfaces for implicit human-computer interaction", "Parenting narcissus: what are the links between parenting and narcissism?", "Active Learning with Feedback on Both Features and Instances", "A Seven-degrees-of-freedom Robot-arm Driven by Pneumatic Artificial Muscles for Humanoid Robots", "Detecting privacy leaks using corpus-based association rules", "Analyzing Uber's Ride-sharing Economy", "Gait Analysis for Human Identification", "A Comparison Between Five Models Of Software Engineering", "Autonomous driving in urban environments: approaches, lessons and challenges.", "The OpenGrm open-source finite-state grammar software libraries", "Low complexity and efficient dynamic spectrum learning and tunable bandwidth access for heterogeneous decentralized cognitive radio networks", "Machine that can walk and climb on floors, walls and ceilings", "Bilingual Correspondence Recursive Autoencoder for Statistical Machine Translation", "Bob: a free signal processing and machine learning toolbox for researchers", "Enhancements to Bluetooth baseband security", "Excellent resistive switching properties of atomic layer-deposited Al2O3/HfO2/Al2O3 trilayer structures for non-volatile memory applications", "Subcategory-Aware Convolutional Neural Networks for Object Proposals and Detection", "Multi-class pattern classification using neural networks", "Impact of packetization and functional split on C-RAN fronthaul performance", "Learning to Optimize Via Posterior Sampling", "A Position Encoding Convolutional Neural Network Based on Dependency Tree for Relation Classification", "ANEMA: Autonomic network management architecture to support self-configuration and self-optimization in IP networks", "Classification of Three Types of Walking Activities Regarding Stairs Using Plantar Pressure Sensors" ]
Not All Contexts Are Created Equal: Better Word Representations with Variable Attention
[ "Open Domain Short Text Conceptualization: A Generative + Descriptive Modeling Approach", "Learning Word Representations with Regularization from Prior Knowledge", "Combining the Best of Convolutional Layers and Recurrent Layers: A Hybrid Network for Semantic Segmentation", "Mobile app recommendations with security and privacy awareness", "Contextual Text Understanding in Distributional Semantic Space" ]
[ "Convolutional Neural Networks on Graphs with Fast Localized Spectral Filtering", "Feature Selection for High-Dimensional Data: A Fast Correlation-Based Filter Solution", "Effort-related functions of nucleus accumbens dopamine and associated forebrain circuits", "Grounded Semantic Parsing for Complex Knowledge Extraction", "Oscillometric Blood Pressure Estimation: Past, Present, and Future", "Optimisation of the SHA-2 family of hash functions on FPGAs", "An Overview and Comparison of Smooth Labeling Methods for Land-Cover Classification", "Using CoreSight PTM to Integrate CRA Monitoring IPs in an ARM-Based SoC", "ILQUA--An IE-Driven Question Answering System", "Multi-modal volume registration by maximization of mutual information", "A Personal View of Average-Case Complexity", "Design considerations and results for an overlapped subarray radar antenna", "A cost driven 24GHz Doppler radar sensor development for automotive applications", "Likelihood to abort an online transaction: influences from cognitive evaluations, attitudes, and behavioral variables", "A Brain Mechanism for Facilitation of Insight by Positive Affect", "Identifying the Intent of a User Query Using Support Vector Machines", "If walls could talk: Patterns and anomalies in Facebook wallposts", "A Survey on Educational Data Mining in Field of Education", "Analytical loss model of power MOSFET", "HAST-IDS: Learning Hierarchical Spatial-Temporal Features Using Deep Neural Networks to Improve Intrusion Detection", "Time Series Data Cleaning: From Anomaly Detection to Anomaly Repairing", "Multiple-Implementation Testing of Supervised Learning Software", "DHAES: An Encryption Scheme Based on the Diffie-Hellman Problem", "Predicting program properties from 'big code'", "Efficient and self-tuning incremental query expansion for top-k query processing" ]
Deeply-Fused Nets
[ "FusionNet: 3D Object Classification Using Multiple Data Representations", "A Downsampled Variant of ImageNet as an Alternative to the CIFAR datasets", "Joint SFM and detection cues for monocular 3D localization in road scenes", "Improving Deep Neural Networks with Probabilistic Maxout Units", "Training CNNs with Low-Rank Filters for Efficient Image Classification" ]
[ "Training Skinny Deep Neural Networks with Iterative Hard Thresholding Methods", "Are Microgrids the Future of Energy?: DC Microgrids from Concept to Demonstration to Deployment", "Towards gameplay analysis via gameplay metrics", "The Quest Draft: An Automated Course Allocation Algorithm", "Spectral Hashing", "Hough-Transform and Extended RANSAC Algorithms for Automatic Detection of 3 D Building Roof Planes from Lidar Data", "Smart city architecture for community level services through the internet of things", "Methods for exploring and mining tables on Wikipedia", "The LilyPad Arduino: Toward Wearable Engineering for Everyone", "FlashCache: a NAND flash memory file cache for low power web servers", "Influencing users towards better passwords: persuasive cued click-points", "Using MVA and EVA to measure financial performance.", "Malware Detection Using Dynamic Birthmarks", "What is sexual orientation and do women have one?", "Strategic alignment: a practitioner's perspective", "Automated speech-unit delimitation in spoken learner English", "Reduction of walking time in the distribution center of De Bijenkorf", "The DLR-KUKA success story: robotics research improves industrial robots", "High-Frequency High-Efficiency GaN-Based Interleaved CRM Bidirectional Buck/Boost Converter with Inverse Coupled Inductor", "Dynamic Pricing in the Presence of Strategic Consumers and Oligopolistic Competition", "Data Mining for Wearable Sensors in Health Monitoring Systems: A Review of Recent Trends and Challenges", "An object detection method for describing soccer games from video", "Specifying IT Security Awareness", "Fast and \"soft-arm\" tactics [robot arm design]", "A Real-Time Distributed Light Field Camera" ]
Predicting direction of stock price index movement using artificial neural networks and support vector machines: The sample of the Istanbul Stock Exchange
[ "Intelligent agent-assisted adaptive order simulation system in the artificial stock market", "A Stock Market Forecasting Model Combining Two-Directional Two-Dimensional Principal Component Analysis and Radial Basis Function Neural Network", "Predicting equity market price impact with performance weighted ensembles of random forests", "A Stock Selection Model Based on Fundamental and Technical Analysis Variables by Using Artificial Neural Networks and Support Vector Machines", "Stock Market Prediction using Financial News Articles on Ho Chi Minh Stock Exchange" ]
[ "Estimation of population firing rates and current source densities from laminar electrode recordings", "Generalization Error Bounds for Extreme Multi-class Classification", "Understanding Emotions: A Dataset of Tweets to Study Interactions between Affect Categories", "Code Smell Detection in Eclipse", "A Distributional Semantics Approach for Selective Reasoning on Commonsense Graph Knowledge Bases", "State of the Art: Embedding Security in Vehicles", "Blockchain-based payment collection supervision system using pervasive Bitcoin digital wallet", "20nm DRAM: A new beginning of another revolution", "Recursive Context Propagation Network for Semantic Scene Labeling", "Definition, Dictionaries and Tagger for Extended Named Entity Hierarchy", "SHORT-TERM TRAFFIC FLOW PREDICTION: NEURAL NETWORK APPROACH", "Text-Line Detection in Camera-Captured Document Images Using the State Estimation of Connected Components", "On-the-fly detection of instability problems in floating-point program execution", "The NIDS Cluster: Scalable, Stateful Network Intrusion Detection on Commodity Hardware", "Deep Markov Neural Network for Sequential Data Classification", "Three-dimensional menus: A survey and taxonomy", "Cross-Lingual Type Inference", "Design of an algorithmic Wallace multiplier using high speed counters", "Authoring Data-Driven Videos with DataClips", "Quantum-inspired evolutionary algorithm for a class of combinatorial optimization", "Abnormal brain chemistry in chronic back pain: an in vivo proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy study", "A Secure System For Pervasive Social Network-Based Healthcare", "Objective reduction using a feature selection technique", "Variational Bayes In Private Settings (VIPS)", "Improving Robustness of Deep Neural Network Acoustic Models via Speech Separation and Joint Adaptive Training" ]
Opportunistic beamforming using dumb antennas
[ "Modeling Heterogeneous Network Interference Using Poisson Point Processes", "On the achievable throughput of a multiantenna Gaussian broadcast channel", "Transmit power adaptation for multiuser OFDM systems", "On beamforming with finite rate feedback in multiple-antenna systems", "Enhanced intercell interference coordination challenges in heterogeneous networks" ]
[ "Dynamics and trajectory optimization for a soft spatial fluidic elastomer manipulator", "Comparative Survey of Indoor Positioning Technologies, Techniques, and Algorithms", "The academic social network", "Artificial bee colony algorithm, its variants and applications: A survey.", "The potential of dwell-free eye-typing for fast assistive gaze communication", "PathNet: Evolution Channels Gradient Descent in Super Neural Networks", "RF Tomography with Application to Ground Penetrating Radar", "Conversational AI: The Science Behind the Alexa Prize", "Theory of keyblock-based image retrieval", "Web page classification: Features and algorithms", "Matching with Shape Contexts", "Traffic flow on networks : conservation laws models", "Weakly Supervised Learning of Part Selection Model with Spatial Constraints for Fine-Grained Image Classification", "An Efficient Proximal-Gradient Method for Single and Multi-task Regression with Structured Sparsity", "Management of impending necrosis associated with soft tissue filler injections.", "A MIMO System With Multifunctional Reconfigurable Antennas", "Image Segmentation-Based Multi-Focus Image Fusion Through Multi-Scale Convolutional Neural Network", "Complexity of Information Systems Development Projects: Conceptualization and Measurement Development", "Efficient many-core query execution in main memory column-stores", "Evaluating Pattern Recognition Techniques in Intrusion Detection Systems", "A Dual Circularly Polarized Horn Antenna in Ku-Band Based on Chiral Metamaterial", "Semantic Wordification of Document Collections", "Data-Efficient Off-Policy Policy Evaluation for Reinforcement Learning", "Robust Part-Based Hand Gesture Recognition Using Kinect Sensor", "Text Classification Methodologies Applied to Micro-Text in Military Chat" ]
Adoption of security as a service
[ "A Cloud-based Intrusion Detection Service framework", "A Survey of Defense Mechanisms Against Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Flooding Attacks", "Addressing cloud computing security issues", "Network virtualization and software defined networking for cloud computing: a survey", "Can We Beat DDoS Attacks in Clouds?" ]
[ "Design and evaluation of a command recommendation system for software applications", "Inferring user interests in the Twitter social network", "Defining Computational Thinking for Mathematics and Science Classrooms", "Automatic Acquisition of Linguistic Patterns for Conceptual Modeling", "Order preserving hashing for approximate nearest neighbor search", "Evaluation of segmentation methods on head and neck CT: Auto-segmentation challenge 2015.", "Principles of Mixed-Initiative User Interfaces", "Reversible Watermarking Algorithm Using Sorting and Prediction", "A generic fisheye camera model for robotic applications", "Abnormality Detection and Localization in Chest X-Rays using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks", "Decision Theoretic Generalizations of the PAC Model for Neural Net and Other Learning Applications", "Capstan brake: Passive brake for tendon-driven mechanism", "A Threat for Tablet PCs in Public Space: Remote Visualization of Screen Images Using EM Emanation", "Marker-less Tracking for AR: A Learning-Based Approach", "Bio-inspired Unsupervised Learning of Visual Features Leads to Robust Invariant Object Recognition", "Accurate mobile malware detection and classification in the cloud", "LSRN: A Parallel Iterative Solver for Strongly Over- or Underdetermined Systems", "A Feature-Enriched Completely Blind Image Quality Evaluator", "Maximum margin planning", "Neural basis of alertness and cognitive performance impairments during sleepiness. I. Effects of 24 h of sleep deprivation on waking human regional brain activity.", "Large Scale Dense Visual Inertial SLAM", "Switching regression models and fuzzy clustering", "Evolving Inversion Methods in Geophysics with Cloud Computing - A Case Study of an eScience Collaboration", "The Organizational Impact of Enterprise Architecture: A Research Framework", "VMbuddies: Coordinating Live Migration of Multi-Tier Applications in Cloud Environments" ]
Exploring Strategies for Training Deep Neural Networks
[ "Text categorization based on regularization extreme learning machine", "Modularized Morphing of Neural Networks", "Handwritten isolated Bangla compound character recognition: A new benchmark using a novel deep learning approach", "Convolutional deep maxout networks for phone recognition", "On the Analysis and Interpretation of Inhomogeneous Quadratic Forms as Receptive Fields" ]
[ "Hybrid Excitation Topologies and Control Strategies of Stator Permanent Magnet Machines for DC Power System", "Attentive Recurrent Social Recommendation", "Novel compact net-type resonators and their applications to microstrip bandpass filters", "The developmental psychometrics of big five self-reports: acquiescence, factor structure, coherence, and differentiation from ages 10 to 20.", "Compact Crossed-Dipole Antennas Loaded With Near-Field Resonant Parasitic Elements", "Perceived usefulness, user involvement and behavioral intention: an empirical study of ERP implementation", "Introduction to automata theory, languages, and computation, 2nd edition", "Firewall Security: Policies, Testing and Performance Evaluation", "The fundamental matrix: Theory, algorithms, and stability analysis", "Self-Calibration of a 3-D-Digital Beamforming Radar System for Automotive Applications With Installation Behind Automotive Covers", "Mining Education Data to Predict Student's Retention: A comparative Study", "Robust Order Scheduling in the Fashion Industry: A Multi-Objective Optimization Approach", "Life Satisfaction and the Pursuit of Happiness on Twitter", "Unsupervised learning of hierarchical representations with convolutional deep belief networks", "Future E-Enabled Aircraft Communications and Security: The Next 20 Years and Beyond", "Deep Neural Network Optimized to Resistive Memory with Nonlinear Current-Voltage Characteristics", "SQLrand: Preventing SQL Injection Attacks", "Learning to Pinpoint Singing Voice from Weakly Labeled Examples", "Formal verification of security protocol implementations: a survey", "An Associative Classification Data Mining Approach for Detecting Phishing Websites", "Interpretable semantic textual similarity: Finding and explaining differences between sentences", "Public opinion on automated driving : Results of an international questionnaire among 5000 respondents", "A Novel Approach Towards Building a Portable NLIDB System Using the Computational Paninian Grammar Framework", "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: A Theoretical Framework for the Assessment of Continuous Colormaps", "An evaluation of a multiple interface design solution for bloated software" ]
Controlling the Sensitivity of Support Vector Machines
[ "Graph stream classification using labeled and unlabeled graphs", "ROC graphs with instance-varying costs", "Forex trend classification using machine learning techniques", "COMPARISON OF MACHINE LEARNING ALGORITHMS RANDOM FOREST , ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORK AND SUPPORT VECTOR MACHINE TO MAXIMUM LIKELIHOOD FOR SUPERVISED CROP TYPE CLASSIFICATION", "SVM Based Models for Predicting Foreign Currency Exchange Rates" ]
[ "Person Re-Identification with Correspondence Structure Learning", "Synthesizing highly expressive SQL queries from input-output examples", "Stable-Aware Evolutionary Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks", "Energy Delay Trade-Off in Cloud Offloading for Mutli-Core Mobile Devices", "Tweetchain: An Alternative to Blockchain for Crowd-Based Applications", "The Relevance of Data Warehousing and Data Mining in the Field of Evidence-based Medicine to Support Healthcare Decision Making", "Algorithms for coplanar camera calibration", "A study on exception detecton and handling using aspect-oriented programming", "Pole-zero analysis of multi-stage amplifiers: A tutorial overview", "How Far Can You Get by Combining Change Detection Algorithms?", "Loop gain analysis and development of high-speed high-accuracy current sensors for switching converters", "Implementation of detection and tracking mechanism for small UAS", "Constructionist Design Methodology for Interactive Intelligences", "Low Resolution Person Detection with a Moving Thermal Infrared Camera by Hot Spot Classification", "Error patterns in MLC NAND flash memory: Measurement, characterization, and analysis", "Distributed aggregation for data-parallel computing: interfaces and implementations", "Stanislavky's System as a Game Design Method: A Case Study", "Stereo vision images processing for real-time object distance and size measurements", "A study of the behavior of several methods for balancing machine learning training data", "Stance Classification in Rumours as a Sequential Task Exploiting the Tree Structure of Social Media Conversations", "Approximation Algorithms for Offline Risk-averse Combinatorial Optimization", "An evaluation of the robustness of existing supervised machine learning approaches to the classification of emotions in speech", "COBBLER: combining column and row enumeration for closed pattern discovery", "Estimation of Human Body Shape and Posture Under Clothing", "Recommendations on a Knowledge Graph" ]
Two-factor user authentication in wireless sensor networks
[ "Anonymous Two-Factor Authentication in Distributed Systems: Certain Goals Are Beyond Attainment", "Wearable and Implantable Wireless Sensor Network Solutions for Healthcare Monitoring", "A dynamic ID-based remote user authentication scheme", "Information theoretic framework of trust modeling and evaluation for ad hoc networks", "An appraisal and design of a multi-agent system based cooperative wireless intrusion detection computational intelligence technique" ]
[ "Information Retrieval Support Systems", "Geospatial Big Data Handling Theory and Methods: A Review and Research Challenges", "Jupyter Notebooks - a publishing format for reproducible computational workflows", "Programmable Reverse Engineering", "The Effect of the Performance Appraisal System on Trust for Management : A Field Quasi-Experiment", "Analyzing an automotive testing process with evidence-based software engineering", "HOMR: a hybrid approach to exploit maximum overlapping in MapReduce over high performance interconnects", "Workshop on Computational Personality Recognition: Shared Task", "Mixed-effects modeling with crossed random effects for subjects and items", "PCA vs. ICA: A Comparison on the FERET Data Set", "JPE 11-5-2 A Current-Fed Parallel Resonant Push-Pull Inverter with a New Cascaded Coil Flux Control for Induction Heating Applications", "Pleasures of the brain", "Isomorphic Transfer of Syntactic Structures in Cross-Lingual NLP", "Contextual Gamification of Social Interaction - Towards Increasing Motivation in Social E-learning", "Design of High-Performing Microstrip Receiving GPS Antennas With Multiple Feeds", "Scale ratio ICP for 3D point clouds with different scales", "Iris waveguide bandpass filter using substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) for satellite communication", "Smart Mining for Deep Metric Learning", "Near optimum error correcting coding and decoding: turbo-codes", "Robust Adaptive Segmentation of Range Images", "Segmentation Methods for Recognition of Machine-Printed Characters", "Biomechanical Design of a Powered Ankle-Foot Prosthesis", "Challenges in Teaching Test Driven Development", "Mining the search trails of surfing crowds: identifying relevant websites from user activity", "Ms. Pac-Man Versus Ghost Team CIG 2016 competition" ]
Deterministic Non-Autoregressive Neural Sequence Modeling by Iterative Refinement
[ "Multivariate Time Series Imputation with Generative Adversarial Networks", "Deep Voice 3: Scaling Text-to-Speech with Convolutional Sequence Learning", "GAIN: Missing Data Imputation using Generative Adversarial Nets", "VoiceLoop: Voice Fitting and Synthesis via a Phonological Loop", "Born Again Neural Networks" ]
[ "Anaphoric Annotation in the ARRAU Corpus", "A Probabilistic Approach to Feature Selection - A Filter Solution", "Encoding Reality: Prediction-Assisted Cortical Learning Algorithm in Hierarchical Temporal Memory", "Deep Structured Energy Based Models for Anomaly Detection", "Identifying hot and cold data in main-memory databases", "Animated Agents for Procedural Training in Virtual Reality: Perception, Cognition, and Motor Control", "A family of algorithms for approximate Bayesian inference", "Fuel cell power conditioning for electric power applications : a summary", "Online Contrastive Divergence with Generative Replay: Experience Replay without Storing Data", "Modeling and Formalization of Fuzzy Finite Automata for Detection of Irregular Fire Flames", "DDoS defense system for web services in a cloud environment", "Recognition using visual phrases", "Operator Scheduling in a Data Stream Manager", "An improved centroid classifier for text categorization", "Compositional Vector Space Models for Knowledge Base Inference", "Architectural Support for Software Transactional Memory", "Ischiofemoral impingement in an 11-year-old girl.", "Technology as Moral Proxy: Autonomy and Paternalism by Design", "A comparison of autoencoder and statistical features for cattle behaviour classification", "Planning in the Presence of Cost Functions Controlled by an Adversary", "Inventory Models for Substitutable Products: Optimal Policies and Heuristics", "A portable 24-GHz FMCW radar based on six-port for short-range human tracking", "An OFDM System Concept for Joint Radar and Communications Operations", "The role of rumination in depressive disorders and mixed anxiety/depressive symptoms.", "Design of a Multi-Segmented Magnetic Robot for Hull Inspection" ]
Joint Distant and Direct Supervision for Relation Extraction
[ "A survey of noise reduction methods for distant supervision", "Simple Customization of Recursive Neural Networks for Semantic Relation Classification", "Type-Aware Distantly Supervised Relation Extraction with Linked Arguments", "Reducing Wrong Labels in Distant Supervision for Relation Extraction", "RobotReviewer: evaluation of a system for automatically assessing bias in clinical trials" ]
[ "Concepts for mars on-orbit robotic sample capture and transfer", "Advances in all-neural speech recognition", "Three-dimensional optical holography using a plasmonic metasurface", "Single-Stage Power-Factor-Correction Circuit with Flyback Converter to Drive LEDs for Lighting Applications", "Pixel-wise Deep Learning for Contour Detection", "The role teachers' expectations and value assessments of video games play in their adopting and integrating them into their classrooms", "Towards large-scale twitter mining for drug-related adverse events", "RoXSum: Leveraging Data Aggregation and Batch Processing for XML Routing", "Lining in nasal reconstruction.", "Evaluation methods for unsupervised word embeddings", "Bilevel Programming for Hyperparameter Optimization and Meta-Learning", "ShadowCuts: Photometric Stereo with Shadows", "Exposing native device APIs to web apps", "Biobehavioral responses to stress in females: tend-and-befriend, not fight-or-flight.", "Simulating gait assistance of a hip exoskeleton: Feasibility studies for ankle muscle weaknesses", "The Microfinance Promise", "Fact-checking Effect on Viral Hoaxes: A Model of Misinformation Spread in Social Networks", "A Rule-Based Classification Algorithm for Uncertain Data", "OPTIMIS: A holistic approach to cloud service provisioning", "On the importance of single directions for generalization", "Learning to detect natural image boundaries using local brightness, color, and texture cues", "A Harmonic Suppressed Bandpass Filter and its Application in Diplexer", "Safe for Generations to Come: Considerations of Safety for Millimeter Waves in Wireless Communications", "SoftLight: Adaptive visible light communication over screen-camera links", "Improving player balancing in racing games" ]
Tinmith-Metro: New Outdoor Techniques for Creating City Models with an Augmented Reality Wearable Computer
[ "Image-based ghostings for single layer occlusions in augmented reality", "Interactive augmented reality techniques for construction at a distance of 3D geometry", "Mutual occlusion between real and virtual elements in Augmented Reality based on fiducial markers", "Vesp’R: design and evaluation of a handheld AR device", "CavePainting: a fully immersive 3D artistic medium and interactive experience" ]
[ "Modifying smartphone user locking behavior", "Task switching", "The prolongation of the lifespan of rats by repeated oral administration of [60]fullerene.", "A comparative evaluation of approximate multipliers", "Lightly supervised recognition for automatic alignment of large coherent speech recordings", "CHORUS DETECTION WITH COMBINED USE OF MFCC AND CHROMA FEATURES AND IMAGE PROCESSING FILTERS", "Clustering for improving educational process mining", "Outdoor Flight Testing of a Pole Inspection UAV Incorporating High-speed Vision", "Nipah Virus-associated Encephalitis Outbreak, Siliguri, India", "Protein Surface Representation and Comparison : New Approaches in Structural Proteomics", "Algorithms for Energy Disaggregation", "Selection of Optimal Stopping Time for Nonlinear Diffusion Filtering", "Processing Social Media Messages in Mass Emergency: A Survey", "Exploiting Unlabeled Data for Neural Grammatical Error Detection", "A Dual-Band Dual-Polarized Nested Vivaldi Slot Array With Multilevel Ground Plane", "A Data Mining-Based Solution for Detecting Suspicious Money Laundering Cases in an Investment Bank", "Automated Generation of Oracles for Testing User-Interaction Features of Mobile Apps", "Hard Drive Failure Prediction Using Classification and Regression Trees", "An ECC-Based Blind Signature Scheme", "FreeSentry: protecting against use-after-free vulnerabilities due to dangling pointers", "A translation system for enabling data mining applications on GPUs", "QR Code and Augmented Reality-Supported Mobile English Learning System", "Ultra-Wideband Phase Shifters", "Rule extraction: Using neural networks or for neural networks?", "Evolving Culture vs Local Minima" ]
A Dataset for Breast Cancer Histopathological Image Classification
[ "Deep learning model based breast cancer histopathological image classification", "Forest Species Recognition Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks", "Prostate Histopathology: Learning Tissue Component Histograms for Cancer Detection and Classification", "Breast cancer histopathological image classification using Convolutional Neural Networks", "Breast Cancer Histopathological Image Classification: Is Magnification Important?" ]
[ "Query Evaluation: Strategies and Optimizations", "Large-scale factorization of type-constrained multi-relational data", "Brain graphs: graphical models of the human brain connectome.", "REALM: A rule-based evolutionary computation agent that learns to play Mario", "Introduction to the Special Issue on Meta-Learning", "Trading end-to-end latency for composability", "Hydrogen Production from Sea Wave for Alternative Energy Vehicles for Public Transport in Trapani ( Italy )", "Breaking the Chain: Liberation from the Temporal Markov Assumption for Tracking Human Poses", "A Model for Learning the Semantics of Pictures", "Device-to-Device Communication Underlaying Cellular Communications Systems", "Online Learning for Time Series Prediction", "Strategic Performance Measurement and Management in Nonprofit Organizations", "Using the Middle to Meddle with Mobile", "The Five Factor Model of personality and job performance in the European Community.", "2000-01-0288 Validation and Use of SIMULINK Integrated , High Fidelity , Engine-In-Vehicle Simulation of the International Class VI Truck", "Named Entity Recognition with Bidirectional LSTM-CNNs", "Improving Packet Delivery Performance of Publish/Subscribe Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks", "Shape Descriptors for Non-Rigid Shapes with a Single Closed Contour", "Bitter to Better - How to Make Bitcoin a Better Currency", "Global landscape of protein complexes in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae", "A Multi-tiered Recommender System Architecture for Supporting E-Commerce", "Advanced data preprocessing for intersites Web usage mining", "Transforming Cooling Optimization for Green Data Center via Deep Reinforcement Learning", "Frame-Based Ontology Population with PIKES", "L1-Regularized Distributed Optimization: A Communication-Efficient Primal-Dual Framework" ]
Data fusion through cross-modality metric learning using similarity-sensitive hashing
[ "Parallel field alignment for cross media retrieval", "Submodular video hashing: a unified framework towards video pooling and indexing", "Web media semantic concept retrieval via tag removal and model fusion", "Discriminative coupled dictionary hashing for fast cross-media retrieval", "Image Fusion Incorporating Parameter Estimation Optimized Gaussian Mixture Model and Fuzzy Weighted Evaluation System: A Case Study in Time-Series Plantar Pressure Data Set" ]
[ "Automated Detection of Threat Objects Using Adapted Implicit Shape Model", "Ship Surveillance With TerraSAR-X", "Classification using discriminative restricted Boltzmann machines", "Person Re-identification: System Design and Evaluation Overview", "Tagless staged interpreters for typed languages", "Continual learning in reinforcement environments", "Interval type-2 fuzzy logic systems: theory and design", "Investigation arabic speech recognition using CMU sphinx system", "A Survey on Device-to-Device Communication in Cellular Networks", "Deformable wheel robot based on origami structure", "A new optimal adaptive under frequency load shedding Using Artificial Neural Networks", "Software watermarking via opaque predicates: Implementation, analysis, and attacks", "Fast Domain Adaptation for Neural Machine Translation", "Natural terrain classification using three-dimensional ladar data for ground robot mobility", "Price Fluctuations and the Use of Bitcoin: An Empirical Inquiry", "Hierarchical Matching Pursuit for Image Classification: Architecture and Fast Algorithms", "Remote-Touch: A Laser Input User–Display Interaction Technology", "An HIS-Based Spiral Antenna for Pattern Reconfigurable Applications", "Emphasizing Essential Words for Sentiment Classification Based on Recurrent Neural Networks", "The mind in the machine : Anthropomorphism increases trust in an autonomous vehicle", "Development of an ultra wideband ground penetrating radar (UWB GPR) for nondestructive testing of underground objects", "On complexity and optimization of expensive queries in complex event processing", "Word Embeddings , Sense Embeddings and their Application to Word Sense Induction", "Look and Think Twice: Capturing Top-Down Visual Attention with Feedback Convolutional Neural Networks", "Congenitally Missing Lateral Incisor with Orthodontics, Bone Grafting and Single-Tooth Implant: A Case Report" ]
Utilizing IOMMUs for Virtualization in Linux and Xen Muli
[ "Hardware Enforcement of Application Security Policies Using Tagged Memory", "mSwitch: a highly-scalable, modular software switch", "CuriOS: Improving Reliability through Operating System Structure", "Decaf: Moving Device Drivers to a Modern Language", "Mouse Trap: Exploiting Firmware Updates in USB Peripherals" ]
[ "Atlantis: robust, extensible execution environments for web applications", "A novel corner-fed patch to reduce cross-polarization for a microstrip antenna array", "Cyber Bullying Prevention: Intervention in Taiwan", "A hybrid dynamic time warping-deep neural network architecture for unsupervised acoustic modeling", "Do Transitioned Athletes Compete at an Advantage or Disadvantage as compared with Physically Born Men and Women : A review of the Scientific Literature", "Review of Energy Harvesting Technologies for Sustainable Wireless Sensor Network", "Growing pains for deep learning", "Some future trends and implications for systems and software engineering processes", "Log-Euclidean metrics for fast and simple calculus on diffusion tensors.", "Entity resolution in the web of data", "Dynamic Vehicle Routing for Robotic Systems", "Unique Signatures of Histograms for Local Surface Description", "Adiabatic charging of capacitors by Switched Capacitor Converters with multiple target voltages", "Modeling and Predicting User Actions in Recommender Systems", "Mining Students' Academic Performance", "Effects of mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) on emotion regulation in social anxiety disorder.", "A contribution of image processing to the diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy-detection of exudates in color fundus images of the human retina", "MRI fuzzy segmentation of brain tissue using neighborhood attraction with neural-network optimization", "StudentLife: assessing mental health, academic performance and behavioral trends of college students using smartphones", "Automatic Transcription of Flamenco Singing From Polyphonic Music Recordings", "Highly Efficient Doherty Amplifier Based on Class-E Topology for WCDMA Applications", "Review of locking devices used in robotics", "ERONTO: a tool for extracting ontologies from extended E/R diagrams", "Image Segmentation Algorithms Overview", "A Monte-Carlo approach for ghost avoidance in the Ms. Pac-Man game" ]
Factoring Polynomials with Rational Coefficients
[ "A Generalized Wiener Attack on RSA", "A ] 1 0 Ju l 2 00 1 Nonlinear Sequence Transformations : Computational Tools for the Acceleration of Convergence and the Summation of Divergent Series", "Lattice-based homomorphic encryption of vector spaces", "Sieve algorithms for the shortest vector problem are practical", "The Number Field Sieve" ]
[ "UWB CPW-Fed Fractal Patch Antenna With Band-Notched Function Employing Folded T-Shaped Element", "A Two-Layered Permission-Based Android Malware Detection Scheme", "Checking More and Alerting Less: Detecting Privacy Leakages via Enhanced Data-flow Analysis and Peer Voting", "Robust lane detection in urban environments", "Kernelized structural SVM learning for supervised object segmentation", "Animated Pose Templates for Modeling and Detecting Human Actions", "Design and Control of Concentric-Tube Robots", "Rank Pooling for Action Recognition", "Wireless power transfer and applications to sensor networks", "Artificial neural networks in medical diagnosis", "An Overview of Event Extraction from Text", "Deep learning of binary hash codes for fast image retrieval", "Continuous Integration and Its Tools", "Fun and usable: augmented reality instructions in a hospital setting", "Unsupervised Domain Adaptation by Backpropagation", "Prediction and ranking algorithms for event-based network data", "Determination Inventory Level for Aircraft Spare Parts Using Continuous Review Model", "Optimal solutions for multi-unit combinatorial auctions: branch and bound heuristics", "Biobehavioral responses to stress in females: tend-and-befriend, not fight-or-flight.", "Cross-Project Defect Prediction Using a Connectivity-Based Unsupervised Classifier", "Explicit Model Predictive Control for trajectory tracking with mobile robots", "Single-Image Refocusing and Defocusing", "Understanding figurative and literal language : The graded salience hypothesis", "Monitoring Public Health Concerns Using Twitter Sentiment Classifications", "Evaluation of Filesystem Provenance Visualization Tools" ]
Tutorial: Point Cloud Library: Three-Dimensional Object Recognition and 6 DOF Pose Estimation
[ "Object Recognition in 3D Scenes with Occlusions and Clutter by Hough Voting", "Diffusion-on-Manifold Aggregation of Local Features for Shape-based 3D Model Retrieval", "Statistical Analysis-Based Error Models for the Microsoft Kinect™ Depth Sensor", "Efficient Organized Point Cloud Segmentation with Connected Components", "3D Object Recognition Using Convolutional Neural Networks with Transfer Learning Between Input Channels" ]
[ "Joint Trajectory and Communication Design for Multi-UAV Enabled Wireless Networks", "Jumping NLP Curves: A Review of Natural Language Processing Research [Review Article]", "Model Predictive Multi-Objective Vehicular Adaptive Cruise Control", "Interference-driven resource management for GPU-based heterogeneous clusters", "Teaching a Smarter Learner", "Understanding quantified-selfers' practices in collecting and exploring personal data", "Postal address block location in real time", "Syntax highlighting in business process models", "A Cross-lingual Annotation Projection Approach for Relation Detection", "Use of computer technology to help students with special needs.", "How Anywhere Computing Just Killed Your Phone-Based Two-Factor Authentication", "Internet: Diameter of the World-Wide Web", "On Orchestrating Virtual Network Functions in NFV", "Smart Meters Big Data: Game Theoretic Model for Fair Data Sharing in Deregulated Smart Grids", "Drone sound detection", "Human Behaviour Modelling & Analysis Using Artificial Neural Network", "Multiresonator-Based Chipless RFID System for Low-Cost Item Tracking", "An 80-Tile 1.28TFLOPS Network-on-Chip in 65nm CMOS", "A New Intelligence-Based Approach for Computer-Aided Diagnosis of Dengue Fever", "Unsupervised Nearest Neighbors Clustering With Application to Hyperspectral Images", "Social Interactions in Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Gamers", "Modeling and Prediction of Human Behavior", "Fuzziness based semi-supervised learning approach for intrusion detection system", "Learning Deep Context-Aware Features over Body and Latent Parts for Person Re-identification", "Comparison among dimensionality reduction techniques based on Random Projection for cancer classification" ]
Tracking control for multi-agent consensus with an active leader and variable topology
[ "Decentralized Robust Adaptive Control for the Multiagent System Consensus Problem Using Neural Networks", "Consensus of Multiagent Systems and Synchronization of Complex Networks: A Unified Viewpoint", "Graph Theoretic Methods in Multiagent Networks", "Foundations of Control and Estimation Over Lossy Networks", "Information consensus in multivehicle cooperative control" ]
[ "Being there : the experience of presence in mediated environments", "A Framework for Push-Grasping in Clutter", "Remembering the earthquake: direct experience vs. hearing the news.", "Reassessing the Goals of Grammatical Error Correction: Fluency Instead of Grammaticality", "A genetic algorithm tutorial", "Region-based license plate detection", "Non-venereal sclerosing lymphangitis of the penis associated with masturbation.", "Reducing memory access latency with asymmetric DRAM bank organizations", "Mechanical Stress Reduction of Rotor Core of Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor", "Looking-In and Looking-Out of a Vehicle: Computer-Vision-Based Enhanced Vehicle Safety", "Cyberbullying Prevention and Intervention Efforts: Current Knowledge and Future Directions.", "Defeating Image Obfuscation with Deep Learning", "The neural basis of addiction: a pathology of motivation and choice.", "A Fast Computational Algorithm for the Discrete Cosine Transform", "Video game-based coordinative training improves ataxia in children with degenerative ataxia.", "Evolutionary Ensemble for Stock Prediction", "Automatic 3D reconstruction of manifold meshes via delaunay triangulation and mesh sweeping", "Joint Deep Learning for Pedestrian Detection", "Resource optimization in fog enabled IoT deployments", "Parallel surface reconstruction on GPU", "Design of automatic target-scoring system of shooting game based on computer vision", "Revisiting Classifier Two-Sample Tests", "Stakeholder Excellence ? Framing the evolution and complexity of a stakeholder perspective of the firm", "Unified segmentation", "Aggressive quadrotor flight through narrow gaps with onboard sensing and computing using active vision" ]
A Printed Monopole Antenna With Two Steps and a Circular Slot for UWB Applications
[ "A Compact Dual-Band Fork-Shaped Monopole Antenna for Bluetooth and UWB Applications", "Bandwidth Enhancement of CPW-Fed Circle-Like Slot Antenna With Dual Band-Notched Characteristic", "Compact UWB Printed Slot Antenna With Extra Bluetooth, GSM, and GPS Bands", "A Compact Multiband Monopole Antenna With a Defected Ground Plane", "Compact Tapered-Shape Slot Antenna for UWB Applications" ]
[ "Opinion Extraction and Summarization on the Web", "Suitability analysis of in-wheel motor direct drives for electric and hybrid electric vehicles", "Layered foil as an alternative to litz wire: Multiple methods for equal current sharing among layers", "A Vision Based Top-View Transformation Model for a Vehicle Parking Assistant", "Nourishing the ground for sustainable HCI: considerations from ecologically engaged art", "Characteristics of Generatable Games", "Praise for intelligence can undermine children's motivation and performance.", "Automatic Construction of Inference-Supporting Knowledge Bases", "Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for generalized anxiety disorder.", "Chimera: Collaborative Preemption for Multitasking on a Shared GPU", "Periodicity detection in time series databases", "An Overview of Near Field UHF RFID", "Fuzzy clustering with artificial bee colony algorithm", "Operational profiles in software-reliability engineering", "ICFHR2014 Competition on Handwritten Document Image Binarization (H-DIBCO 2014)", "Human Activity Recognition from Accelerometer Data Using a Wearable Device", "Comparing Blockchain and Cloud Services for Business Process Execution", "Dynamic Integration of Background Knowledge in Neural NLU Systems", "Enhancing Light Blob Detection for Intelligent Headlight Control Using Lane Detection", "Robust material discrimination by a soft anthropomorphic finger with tactile and thermal sense", "Aggregating inconsistent information: Ranking and clustering", "Design, Implementation and Evaluation of Congestion Control for Multipath TCP", "Closest Pair Queries in Spatial Databases", "MAX-MIN Ant System", "Self-Oscillating Fluxgate-Based Quasi-Digital Sensor for DC High-Current Measurement" ]
Evaluation of pupil center-eye corner vector for gaze estimation using a web cam
[ "EYEDIAP: a database for the development and evaluation of gaze estimation algorithms from RGB and RGB-D cameras", "Hough Transform and Active Contour for Enhanced Iris Segmentation", "On visual gaze tracking based on a single low cost camera", "Head pose-free eye gaze prediction for driver attention study", "MPIIGaze: Real-World Dataset and Deep Appearance-Based Gaze Estimation" ]
[ "Extended-State-Observer-Based Output Feedback Nonlinear Robust Control of Hydraulic Systems With Backstepping", "Effect of Multilayer Windings With Different Stator Winding Connections on Interior PM Machines for EV Applications", "StructSLAM: Visual SLAM With Building Structure Lines", "Ball tracking and goal detection for middle size soccer robot using omnidirectional camera", "Latent topic model for audio retrieval", "A Wavelet-Based Anytime Algorithm for K-Means Clustering of Time Series", "Sensorless control of ultrahigh-speed PM brushless motor using PLL and third harmonic back EMF", "Top-N Recommender System via Matrix Completion", "An 8-b 400-MS/s 2-b-Per-Cycle SAR ADC With Resistive DAC", "Two-stage Convolutional Part Heatmap Regression for the 1st 3D Face Alignment in the Wild (3DFAW) Challenge", "MeSH Up: effective MeSH text classification for improved document retrieval", "Cyberbullying perpetration and victimization among adolescents in Hong Kong", "Detection of unknown computer worms based on behavioral classification of the host", "The neuroscience of mammalian associative learning.", "A robust method for speech signal time-delay estimation in reverberant rooms", "A scalable hash ripple join algorithm", "ELM-ART: An Intelligent Tutoring System on World Wide Web", "Mindfulness and emotion regulation difficulties in generalized anxiety disorder: preliminary evidence for independent and overlapping contributions.", "A meta-analytic review of experiments examining the effects of extrinsic rewards on intrinsic motivation.", "A Probabilistic Approach to Collaborative Multi-Robot Localization", "Resource Allocation Optimization for Device-to-Device Communication Underlaying Cellular Networks", "Model-Based IT Governance Maturity Assessments with Cobit", "Sertraline treatment of major depression in patients with acute MI or unstable angina", "Vector Control of an Induction Motor based on a DSP", "Secure QR code system" ]
Vision meets robotics: The KITTI dataset
[ "Accuracy analysis of surface normal reconstruction in stereo vision", "Road Damage Detection Using Deep Neural Networks with Images Captured Through a Smartphone", "A Lightweight Simulator for Autonomous Driving Motion Planning Development", "Simultaneous Traffic Sign Detection and Boundary Estimation Using Convolutional Neural Network", "Bi-Real Net: Enhancing the Performance of 1-Bit CNNs with Improved Representational Capability and Advanced Training Algorithm" ]
[ "Semantic Mapping between Natural Language Questions and SQL Queries via Syntactic Pairing", "InkTag: secure applications on an untrusted operating system", "A Scalable Concurrent malloc(3) Implementation for FreeBSD", "Continuous Head Movement Estimator for Driver Assistance: Issues, Algorithms, and On-Road Evaluations", "Single bit error correction implementation in CRC-16 on FPGA", "Crowdsourcing in logistics: concepts and applications using the social crowd", "The interim test effect: testing prior material can facilitate the learning of new material.", "Stochastic computation", "Large-scale assessment of mobile notifications", "Identifying Non-Explicit Citing Sentences for Citation-Based Summarization", "Credit Risk Analysis in Peer-to-Peer Lending System", "Environmental Impacts of Distributed Manufacturing from 3-D Printing of Polymer Components and Products", "Fingerprint Based ATM Security by using ARM 7 1", "Aliasing Detection and Reduction in Plenoptic Imaging", "Verbal fluency and repetition skills in healthy older Spanish-English bilinguals.", "Security Metrics for the Android Ecosystem", "A survey on metrics for the evaluation of user simulations", "Narrative Visualization: Telling Stories with Data", "Advancing NLP via a distributed-messaging approach", "A music notation construction engine for optical music recognition", "Exogenous testosterone decreases men's personal distance in a social threat context", "Software-defined networking (SDN): a survey", "Coordination-variability and kinematics of misses versus swishes of basketball free throws.", "Interference Management in Femtocells", "A Novel Approach Towards Building a Portable NLIDB System Using the Computational Paninian Grammar Framework" ]
Development and Evaluation of a Bluetooth EKG Monitoring Sensor
[ "An efficient stream cipher using Genetic Algorithm", "Energy-aware resource allocation heuristics for efficient management of data centers for Cloud computing", "Maximum Achievable Efficiency in Near-Field Coupled Power-Transfer Systems", "Big Data Analytics in Mobile Cellular Networks", "Symmetrizing the Kullback-Leibler Distance", "Can hardware performance counters be trusted?", "An efficient watershed algorithm based on connected components", "Real-time precise detection of regular grids and matrix codes", "Blackboard vs. moodle: Comparing user experience of learning management systems", "Static and Dynamic 4-Way Handshake Solutions to Avoid Denial of Service Attack in Wi-Fi Protected Access and IEEE 802.11i", "Tracing female gamer identity. An empirical study into gender and stereotype threat perceptions", "the Bolivian Rainforest First Impressions From Faces Among U . S . and Culturally Isolated Tsimane ' People in", "A 0.4 V driving multi-touch capacitive sensor with the driving signal frequency set to (n+0.5) times the inverse of the LCD VCOM noise period", "Perceived fit and satisfaction on web learning performance: IS continuance intention and task-technology fit perspectives", "SemEval-2016 Task 8: Meaning Representation Parsing", "Clearing the Skies: A Deep Network Architecture for Single-Image Rain Removal", "Know Your Phish: Novel Techniques for Detecting Phishing Sites and Their Targets", "Mathematical Language Processing: Automatic Grading and Feedback for Open Response Mathematical Questions", "A compact soft actuator unit for small scale human friendly robots", "Distributional Memory: A General Framework for Corpus-Based Semantics", "Network-Centric Warfare : Its Origin and Future", "Abstractive Multi-Document Summarization via Phrase Selection and Merging", "The Penn Arabic Treebank : Building a Large-Scale Annotated Arabic Corpus", "Fast low-rank estimation by projected gradient descent: General statistical and algorithmic guarantees", "Feature vector selection and projection using kernels" ]
Fractal video compression in OpenCL: An evaluation of CPUs, GPUs, and FPGAs as acceleration platforms
[ "Performance comparison of FPGA, GPU and CPU in image processing", "A Survey and Evaluation of FPGA High-Level Synthesis Tools", "The Battle of the Giants - A Case Study of GPU vs FPGA Optimisation for Real-time Image Processing", "A performance and energy comparison of FPGAs, GPUs, and multicores for sliding-window applications", "From opencl to high-performance hardware on FPGAS" ]
[ "Motion-based grasp selection: Improving traditional control strategies of myoelectric hand prosthesis", "Scalpel: A Frugal, High Performance File Carver", "Robotic Disease Detection in Greenhouses: Combined Detection of Powdery Mildew and Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus", "Sentence Extraction Based Single Document Summarization", "Autonomous Multisensor Calibration and Closed-loop Fusion for SLAM", "Exploring the Impact of Pragmatic Phenomena on Irony Detection in Tweets: A Multilingual Corpus Study", "Exploring Customer Preferences with Probabilistic Topics Models", "IT Governance and IT Investment Performance: An Empirical Analysis", "EEG signal classification using PCA, ICA, LDA and support vector machines", "PDF-TREX: An Approach for Recognizing and Extracting Tables from PDF Documents", "CryptoDL: Deep Neural Networks over Encrypted Data", "Joint optimization of signal constellation bit labeling for bit-interleaved coded modulation with iterative decoding", "Robust uncertainty principles: exact signal reconstruction from highly incomplete frequency information", "Learning Analytics: Definitions, Processes and Potential", "Analyzing Newspaper Crime Reports for Identification of Safe Transit Paths", "Analysing the use of interactive technology to implement interactive teaching", "Cross-domain activity recognition via transfer learning", "Enhancing visual perception of shape through tactile glances", "A four-component decomposition of POLSAR images based on the coherency matrix", "American Society of Clinical Oncology guideline recommendations for sentinel lymph node biopsy in early-stage breast cancer.", "Feature representation and discrimination based on Gaussian mixture model probability densities - Practices and algorithms", "Dimensions and Relations of the Dentogingival Junction in Humans", "Multipath Sparse Coding Using Hierarchical Matching Pursuit", "THREE OMNI-DIRECTIONAL WHEELS CONTROL ON A MOBILE ROBOT", "Automatic and unsupervised methods in natural language processing" ]
Using Paxos to Build a Scalable, Consistent, and Highly Available Datastore
[ "Cassandra: structured storage system on a P2P network", "Throughput optimal total order broadcast for cluster environments", "Generalized Consensus and Paxos", "Mencius: Building Efficient Replicated State Machine for WANs", "Data Consistency Properties and the Trade-offs in Commercial Cloud Storage: the Consumers' Perspective" ]
[ "A new optimum topology switching DC-to-DC converter", "Night-time dehazing by fusion", "Dissecting Video Server Selection Strategies in the YouTube CDN", "Five disruptive technology directions for 5G", "ActiVis: Visual Exploration of Industry-Scale Deep Neural Network Models", "Vision-based bin-picking: recognition and localization of multiple complex objects using simple visual cues", "Bitcoin's Security Model Revisited", "Register Allocation for Programs in SSA-Form", "Mixed Reality: Future Dreams Seen at the Border between Real and Virtual Worlds", "Contextual Video Recommendation by Multimodal Relevance and User Feedback", "Hidden in plain sight: Automatically identifying security requirements from natural language artifacts", "Linked data partitioning for RDF processing on Apache Spark", "Robust Real-Time Periodic Motion Detection, Analysis, and Applications", "A compact 433 MHz antenna with enhanced performance by using multi-resonant meander line structure", "Plasmodium falciparum: multifaceted resistance to artemisinins", "SemEval-2017 Task 2: Multilingual and Cross-lingual Semantic Word Similarity", "Human Identification Method : SCLERA RECOGNITION", "Plug-and-Play priors for model based reconstruction", "COnGRATS: Realistic simulation of traffic sequences for autonomous driving", "Miniaturized electroencephalographic scalp electrode for optimal wearing comfort", "Boosting Algorithms for Parallel and Distributed Learning", "Think Locally, Act Locally: The Detection of Small, Medium-Sized, and Large Communities in Large Networks", "A survey of statistical user simulation techniques for reinforcement-learning of dialogue management strategies", "Buying or browsing ? An exploration of shopping orientations and online purchase intention", "Working memory and language: an overview." ]
Orchestrating Virtualized Network Functions
[ "An Approach for Service Function Chain Routing and Virtual Function Network Instance Migration in Network Function Virtualization Architectures", "A Virtual Machine Placement Taxonomy", "Resource Allocation in NFV: A Comprehensive Survey", "Divide and conquer: Partitioning OSPF networks with SDN", "Delay-Aware Scheduling and Resource Optimization With Network Function Virtualization" ]
[ "THE IMPORTANCE OF PAY IN EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION : DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN WHAT PEOPLE SAY AND WHAT THEY DO", "Expletives: neurolinguistic and neurobehavioral perspectives on swearing", "A high-stability, ultra-low-power quartz differential oscillator circuit for demanding radio applications", "Combining Memory-Based and Model-Based Collaborative Filtering in Recommender System", "Architecture and measured characteristics of a cloud based internet of things", "Treatment of keratosis pilaris with 810-nm diode laser: a randomized clinical trial.", "The use of asymmetric numeral systems as an accurate replacement for Huffman coding", "Improved routing strategies for Internet traffic delivery.", "Supply chain ontology: Review, analysis and synthesis", "Adaptive importance sampling for value function approximation in off-policy reinforcement learning", "Parallel Clustering Algorithms : Survey", "Toward Seamless Multiview Scene Analysis From Satellite to Street Level", "Shining the Floodlights on Mobile Web Tracking — A Privacy Survey", "Supporting social presence through lightweight photo sharing on and off the desktop", "A short physical performance battery assessing lower extremity function: association with self-reported disability and prediction of mortality and nursing home admission.", "Adaptive Traffic Signal Control: Deep Reinforcement Learning Algorithm with Experience Replay and Target Network", "Deblurring Low-Light Images with Light Streaks", "Named Entity Recognition for Linguistic Rapid Response in Low-Resource Languages: Sorani Kurdish and Tajik", "A time-delay neural network architecture for isolated word recognition", "Morphological Analysis and Generation for Arabic Dialects", "Event-Triggered Real-Time Scheduling of Stabilizing Control Tasks", "Person versus process praise and criticism: implications for contingent self-worth and coping.", "Toward Minimax Off-policy Value Estimation", "Effect of body mass and clothing on decomposition of pig carcasses", "Enhancement of Residual Echo for Robust Acoustic Echo Cancellation" ]
RACS: a case for cloud storage diversity
[ "Cloud Federation: Effects of Federated Compute Resources on Quality of Service and Cost*", "Exploiting Workload Characteristics and Service Diversity to Improve the Availability of Cloud Storage Systems", "Improving Storage Availability in Cloud-of-Clouds with Hybrid Redundant Data Distribution", "CDStore: Toward Reliable, Secure, and Cost-Efficient Cloud Storage via Convergent Dispersal", "A Survey on Cloud Storage" ]
[ "Dynamic Reasoning Systems", "Convex Regularization for High-Dimensional Tensor Regression", "Practical eavesdropping and skimming attacks on high-frequency RFID tokens", "Photoplethysmogram intensity ratio: A potential indicator for improving the accuracy of PTT-based cuffless blood pressure estimation", "Annotating Multi-media/Multi-modal Resources with ELAN", "Augmented reality for board games", "Leveraging Multi-Domain Prior Knowledge in Topic Models", "How many child deaths can we prevent this year?", "Study on sliding-mode based MPPT for PV array and supplying power to AC grid", "Data X-Ray: A Diagnostic Tool for Data Errors", "Face Translation between Images and Videos using Identity-aware CycleGAN", "P-Rank: a comprehensive structural similarity measure over information networks", "Game AI revisited", "A Robust and Efficient Approach to License Plate Detection", "Private Query on Encrypted Data in Multi-user Settings", "Focal-plane-arrays and CMOS readout techniques of infrared imaging systems", "Mapping and localization from planar markers", "3D Whole Hand Targets: Evaluating Slap and Contactless Fingerprint Readers", "Network visualization and analysis of gene expression data using BioLayout Express3D", "Secure Computer Systems: Mathematical Foundations", "Short text classification by detecting information path", "Combining multiple clusterings using evidence accumulation", "Tweets and Votes: A Study of the 2011 Singapore General Election", "AffectAura: an intelligent system for emotional memory", "WebRTC technology overview and signaling solution design and implementation" ]
Geometry-Driven Diffusion in Computer Vision
[ "Modeling Textures with Total Variation Minimization and Oscillating Patterns in Image Processing", "Iterative Methods for Total Variation Denoising", "Selection of Optimal Stopping Time for Nonlinear Diffusion Filtering", "Scale-Space and Edge Detection Using Anisotropic Diffusion" ]
[ "Conception, Evolution, and Application of Functional Programming Languages", "TruSpy: Cache Side-Channel Information Leakage from the Secure World on ARM Devices", "Improving neural networks by preventing co-adaptation of feature detectors", "Exoskeleton robot for rehabilitation of elbow and forearm movements", "Periodicity detection in time series databases", "Face recognition using PCA and different distance classifiers", "Bayesian Face Revisited: A Joint Formulation", "Life-iNet: A Structured Network-Based Knowledge Exploration and Analytics System for Life Sciences", "Key Technologies for Big Data Stream Computing", "IT Consumerization: When Gadgets Turn Into Enterprise IT Tools", "Linking Tweets to News: A Framework to Enrich Short Text Data in Social Media", "Machine Learning Techniques for Cooperative Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks", "Discriminative Video Pattern Search for Efficient Action Detection", "Bayesian Model Selection and Model Averaging.", "Visually guided grasping produces fMRI activation in dorsal but not ventral stream brain areas", "Attribute-Based Access Control with Efficient Revocation in Data Outsourcing Systems", "Bounding the Partition Function using Holder's Inequality", "A Progressive Search Paradigm for the Internet of Things", "Adaptation and Evaluation of Recommendations for Short-term Shopping Goals", "Summarizing court decisions", "Collective context-aware topic models for entity disambiguation", "Edge-based compression of cartoon-like images with homogeneous diffusion", "Abusing Social Networks for Automated User Profiling", "A cluster-based directional routing protocol in VANET", "Brand Loyalty Programs : Are They Shams ?" ]
A Database of Human Segmented Natural Images and its Application to Evaluating Segmentation Algorithms and Measuring Ecological Statistics
[ "An Architecture for Deep, Hierarchical Generative Models", "Image Segmentation by Probabilistic Bottom-Up Aggregation and Cue Integration", "Aliasing Detection and Reduction in Plenoptic Imaging", "Denoising based Vector Approximate Message Passing", "Surpassing Humans in Boundary Detection using Deep Learning" ]
[ "A CMOS nested-chopper instrumentation amplifier with 100-nV offset", "Physically-Based Rendering for Indoor Scene Understanding Using Convolutional Neural Networks", "Towards smart traffic management systems: Vacant on-street parking spot detection based on video analytics", "The CMU METAL Farsi NLP Approach", "Visualizing Digital Forensic Datasets: A Proof of Concept.", "Real-time classification of malicious URLs on Twitter using machine activity data", "POI2Vec: Geographical Latent Representation for Predicting Future Visitors", "Corpus-Based Induction of Syntactic Structure: Models of Dependency and Constituency", "Micro-Expression Recognition Using Robust Principal Component Analysis and Local Spatiotemporal Directional Features", "CRITICAL SUCCESS FACTORS (CSFS) OF ENTERPRISE RESOURCE PLANNING (ERP) SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION IN HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS (HEIS): CONCEPTS AND LITERATURE REVIEW", "Compact Mixed-Mode Filter Based on ${\\rm{TE}}_{\\mathrm {101}}$ Cavity Mode and ${\\rm{TE}}_{\\mathrm {01\\delta }}$ Dielectric Mode", "Looking Beyond Text: Extracting Figures, Tables and Captions from Computer Science Papers", "Multiple extended objects tracking with object-local occupancy grid maps", "Spatio-temporal characteristics of bursty words in Twitter streams", "Recovery of Traceability Links between Software Documentation and Source Code", "Parsing Natural Language Conversations using Contextual Cues", "Writeprints: A stylometric approach to identity-level identification and similarity detection in cyberspace", "Trust in multi-agent systems", "An Atomatic Fundus Image Analysis System for Clinical Diagnosis of Glaucoma", "24.7% Record Efficiency HIT Solar Cell on Thin Silicon Wafer", "Real-time facial animation on mobile devices", "A Runtime Assertion Checker for the Java Modeling Language (JML)", "Hybrid intrusion detection in connected self-driving vehicles", "Multi-fingered telemanipulation - mapping of a human hand to a three finger gripper", "Building a Virtual HPC Cluster with Auto Scaling by the Docker" ]
The impact of social media on software engineering practices and tools
[ "An exploratory study of the pull-based software development model", "Gamification: designing for motivation", "GHTorrent: Github's data from a firehose", "Mining Stack Exchange : Expertise is Evident From Earliest Interactions", "Crowd Documentation : Exploring the Coverage and the Dynamics of API Discussions on Stack Overflow" ]
[ "The INTERSPEECH 2013 computational paralinguistics challenge: social signals, conflict, emotion, autism", "“Neural” computation of decisions in optimization problems", "Movement control of two wheels balancing robot using cascaded PID controller", "Real-time reactive motion generation based on variable attractor dynamics and shaped velocities", "E-Government and Developing Countries: An Overview", "Spoken Arabic Dialect Identification Using Phonotactic Modeling", "Analysis and characterization of large‐scale Web server access patterns and performance", "Does core strength training influence running kinetics, lower-extremity stability, and 5000-M performance in runners?", "Incremental Exact Min-Cut in Poly-logarithmic Amortized Update Time", "Medical images enhancement by using anisotropic filter and CLAHE", "Ethical Principles for Socially Assistive Robotics", "A Perceptual Colour Segmentation Algorithm", "Damage prognosis: the future of structural health monitoring.", "Artificial emotion expression for a robot by dynamic color change", "A Clustering Approach to Unsupervised Attack Detection in Collaborative Recommender Systems", "Wavelength selection for low-saturation pulse oximetry", "Adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system for classification of EEG signals using wavelet coefficients", "Intimate Partner Violence as a Risk Factor for Mental Disorders: A Meta-Analysis", "What makes good research in software engineering?", "Global optimization of cerebral cortex layout.", "\" Intelligent Heart Disease Prediction System Using Data Mining Techniques \"", "Hyper/J: multi-dimensional separation of concerns for Java", "Examining Patterns of Influenza Vaccination in Social Media", "Evaluation of Parallel Coordinates: Overview, Categorization and Guidelines for Future Research", "Scientific Workflow: A Survey and Research Directions" ]
Asymmetric Transitivity Preserving Graph Embedding
[ "DynGEM: Deep Embedding Method for Dynamic Graphs", "dyngraph2vec: Capturing Network Dynamics using Dynamic Graph Representation Learning", "Network visualization and analysis of gene expression data using BioLayout Express3D", "Fast Network Embedding Enhancement via High Order Proximity Approximation", "LATENT SPACE MODELS FOR MULTIVIEW NETWORK DATA." ]
[ "Tools for dynamics simulation of robots: a survey based on user feedback", "Technical Brief: Agreement, the F-Measure, and Reliability in Information Retrieval", "Embodied Construction Grammar in Simulation-Based Language Understanding", "Recurrent Highway Networks with Language CNN for Image Captioning", "Localization using automotive laser scanners and local pattern matching", "Shadow detection for moving humans using gradient-based background subtraction", "Wasserstein Propagation for Semi-Supervised Learning", "Model-Based Threat Assessment for Avoiding Arbitrary Vehicle Collisions", "Industrial Applications of the Kalman Filter: A Review", "HOT BUTTONS AND TIME SINKS: THE EFFECTS OF ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATION DURING NONWORK TIME ON EMOTIONS AND WORK-NONWORK CONFLICT", "RDFPeers: a scalable distributed RDF repository based on a structured peer-to-peer network", "Shape driven kernel adaptation in Convolutional Neural Network for robust facial trait recognition", "Mechanisms of action in youth psychotherapy.", "Low-power FPGA using pre-defined dual-Vdd/dual-Vt fabrics", "Complex Graphs and Networks", "Distributed Agile Development: Using Scrum in a Large Project", "Last Line of Defense: A Novel IDS Approach Against Advanced Threats in Industrial Control Systems", "Improving Neural Knowledge Base Completion with Cross-Lingual Projections", "A Survey of Augmented Reality Navigation", "The Colletotrichum gloeosporioides species complex", "Analysis of Statistical Question Classification for Fact-Based Questions", "A robotically-augmented walker for older adults", "Associating neural word embeddings with deep image representations using Fisher Vectors", "Hindi Subjective Lexicon : A Lexical Resource for Hindi Polarity Classification", "What-and-where to match: Deep spatially multiplicative integration networks for person re-identification" ]
The Balanced Scorecard: Translating Strategy Into Action
[ "Exploring the role of dynamic capabilities in fi rm performance under the resource-based view framework", "Critical Success Factors of Total Quality Management and their impact on Performance of Iranian Automotive Industry", "Intellectual capital ROI : a causal map of human capital antecedents and consequents", "User Satisfaction: An Overarching Measure of Enterprise System Success", "The golden rules for implementing the balanced business scorecard" ]
[ "Unsupervised and Semi-supervised Clustering : a Brief Survey ∗", "Smartphone use can be addictive? A case report", "Battery health management system for electric UAVs", "On extracting feature models from product descriptions", "Creating knowledge maps by exploiting dependent relationships", "Combining information extraction and human computing for crowdsourced knowledge acquisition", "Learning to share visual appearance for multiclass object detection", "Separating agreement from execution for byzantine fault tolerant services", "Interorganizational Collaboration and the Locus of Innovation : Networks of Learning in Biotechnology", "Visual data mining in software archives", "A Puppet Interface for Retrieval of Motion Capture Data", "Clique Graphs and Overlapping Communities", "Identification of Design Elements for a Maturity Model for Interorganizational Integration: A Comparative Analysis", "Time-Varying Graphs and Social Network Analysis: Temporal Indicators and Metrics", "SENSEI-LIF at SemEval-2016 Task 4: Polarity embedding fusion for robust sentiment analysis", "High-performance secure multi-party computation for data mining applications", "Exact Recovery of Sparsely-Used Dictionaries", "Enhanced Dual-Band Ambient RF Energy Harvesting With Ultra-Wide Power Range", "SMM rootkits: a new breed of OS independent malware", "A Small-Size Dual-Feed Broadband Circularly Polarized U-Slot Patch Antenna", "A multidimensional approach for detecting irony in Twitter", "Automatic Keyphrase Extraction via Topic Decomposition", "Glioblastoma multiforme tissue histopathology images based disease stage classification with deep CNN", "Development and validation of the goal content for exercise questionnaire.", "Narcissism on Facebook : Self-promotional and anti-social behavior" ]
Sherlock: Sparse Hierarchical Embeddings for Visually-aware One-class Collaborative Filtering
[ "Neural Attentional Rating Regression with Review-level Explanations", "Effective Recommendation with Category Hierarchy", "Vista: A Visually, Socially, and Temporally-aware Model for Artistic Recommendation", "FLAME: A Probabilistic Model Combining Aspect Based Opinion Mining and Collaborative Filtering", "A Probabilistic Model for Using Social Networks in Personalized Item Recommendation" ]
[ "Automated Checking of Conformance to Requirements Templates Using Natural Language Processing", "A time series approach for profiling attack", "Spanner: Google's globally-distributed database", "Plenoptic depth estimation from multiple aliased views", "Deep Learning for Object Saliency Detection and Image Segmentation", "Transfer Learning Based Cross-lingual Knowledge Extraction for Wikipedia", "Developmental mechanisms channeling cortical evolution", "Building a Japanese-Chinese Dictionary Using Kanji/Hanzi Conversion", "Time Series Segmentation through Automatic Feature Learning", "Functional System and Areal Organization of a Highly Sampled Individual Human Brain", "Detecting bad smells in source code using change history information", "Color Invariance", "Design and Modeling of a Textile Pressure Sensor for Sitting Posture Classification", "Community Structure in Graphs", "Team Effectiveness 1997-2007 : A Review of Recent Advancements and a Glimpse Into the Future", "Accelerated image processing on FPGAs", "Identification and evaluation of corporations for merger and acquisition strategies using patent information and text mining", "Bird detection in audio: A survey and a challenge", "Personalization and Customization Technologies", "The Effects of Background Music on Primary School Pupils ’ Task Performance", "The extraction of neural strategies from the surface EMG.", "Lipedema: an overview of its clinical manifestations, diagnosis and treatment of the disproportional fatty deposition syndrome - systematic review.", "Semi-Supervised Nonlinear Hashing Using Bootstrap Sequential Projection Learning", "WiFi-SLAM Using Gaussian Process Latent Variable Models", "Polymorphic malware detection using sequence classification methods and ensembles" ]
Hyper-class augmented and regularized deep learning for fine-grained image classification
[ "Weakly Supervised Fine-Grained Categorization With Part-Based Image Representation", "Learning Features and Parts for Fine-Grained Recognition", "Scene Recognition with CNNs: Objects, Scales and Dataset Bias", "Coarse-to-Fine Description for Fine-Grained Visual Categorization", "Deep CNNs With Spatially Weighted Pooling for Fine-Grained Car Recognition" ]
[ "Physical Security Evaluation of the Bitstream Encryption Mechanism of Altera Stratix II and Stratix III FPGAs", "Characteristics of cross (bypass) coupling through higher/lower order modes and their applications in elliptic filter design", "Effective Social Graph Deanonymization Based on Graph Structure and Descriptive Information", "Reliability of Capacitors for DC-Link Applications in Power Electronic Converters—An Overview", "Social Media ? Get serious ! Understanding the functional building blocks of social media", "BD180LV - 0.18 μm BCD technology with best-in-class LDMOS from 7V to 30V", "Covariance Tracking using Model Update Based on Lie Algebra", "Fog computing dynamic load balancing mechanism based on graph repartitioning", "Learning Setting-Generalized Activity Models for Smart Spaces", "Home network configuring scheme for all electric appliances using ZigBee-based integrated remote controller", "The effect of Big Data Analytics Capability on Firm Performance", "Sympathy, empathy, and compassion: A grounded theory study of palliative care patients’ understandings, experiences, and preferences", "Sambot: A self-assembly modular robot for swarm robot", "A Wideband Dual-Polarized L-Probe Stacked Patch Antenna Array", "An assertion language for debugging SDN applications", "Flare: Native Compilation for Heterogeneous Workloads in Apache Spark", "Short-term load forecasting in smart grid: A combined CNN and K-means clustering approach", "A REVIEW ON HILBERT-HUANG TRANSFORM : METHOD AND ITS APPLICATIONS TO GEOPHYSICAL STUDIES", "The ACL anthology network corpus", "Short-circuit behavior of the three-level advanced-active-neutral-point-clamped converter", "On the Stability of the Passive Dynamics of Quadrupedal Running with a Bounding Gait", "Psychological flexibility as a fundamental aspect of health.", "Handover performance in LTE-A HetNets through inter-site distance differentiation", "Dual-polarized microstrip array antenna with orthogonal feed circuit", "Class Proportion Estimation with Application to Multiclass Anomaly Rejection" ]
Learning Longer Memory in Recurrent Neural Networks
[ "Residual memory networks: Feed-forward approach to learn long-term temporal dependencies", "Deep Recurrent Neural Networks for Time Series Prediction", "TAC-GAN - Text Conditioned Auxiliary Classifier Generative Adversarial Network", "Regularizing RNNs by Stabilizing Activations", "Text Generation Based on Generative Adversarial Nets with Latent Variable" ]
[ "Turn Waste into Wealth: On Simultaneous Clustering and Cleaning over Dirty Data", "Surprisal-Driven Zoneout", "Towards Motion Aware Light Field Video for Dynamic Scenes", "People Hearing Without Listening : ” An Introduction To Compressive Sampling", "Development of Novel Non-Contact Electrodes for Mobile Electrocardiogram Monitoring System", "On feature combination for multiclass object classification", "Experiments with Convolutional Neural Network Models for Answer Selection", "Learning Styles and Learning Spaces : A Review of the Multidisciplinary Application of Experiential Learning Theory in Higher Education", "Crowd disasters as systemic failures: analysis of the Love Parade disaster", "SFC-Checker: Checking the correct forwarding behavior of Service Function chaining", "Urban magnetism through the lens of geo-tagged photography", "Artificial Neural Networks architectures for stock price prediction: comparisons and applications", "A Wideband L-Probes Fed Circularly-Polarized Reconfigurable Microstrip Patch Antenna", "Development and Applications of CRISPR-Cas9 for Genome Engineering", "Arbitrary Size Benes Networks", "Irradiance Forecasting for the Power Prediction of Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Systems", "Efficient execution of memory access phases using dataflow specialization", "Automated segmentation of multiple sclerosis lesions by model outlier detection", "FAB-MAP: Probabilistic Localization and Mapping in the Space of Appearance", "Zero Knowledge in the Random Oracle Model, Revisited", "Fast and effective orchestration of compiler optimizations for automatic performance tuning", "Describing Videos by Exploiting Temporal Structure", "A 79-GHz LTCC microstrip half-grid array antenna using a laminated waveguide feed", "Family issues in child anxiety: attachment, family functioning, parental rearing and beliefs.", "Remote heart rate measurement using low-cost RGB face video: a technical literature review" ]
Multiobjective cuckoo search for design optimization
[ "A random-key genetic algorithm for the generalized traveling salesman problem", "Flower Pollination Algorithm: A Novel Approach for Multiobjective Optimization", "A process prediction model based on Cuckoo algorithm for abrasive waterjet machining", "Cuckoo search algorithm: a metaheuristic approach to solve structural optimization problems", "A framework for self-tuning optimization algorithm" ]
[ "A committee of neural networks for traffic sign classification", "Design and development of the wearable hand exoskeleton system for rehabilitation of hand impaired patients", "Linking the Big Five personality constructs to organizational commitment", "Robust Object Tracking with Online Multiple Instance Learning", "The BellKor Solution to the Netflix Grand Prize", "Pebbles: Fine-Grained Data Management Abstractions for Modern Operating Systems", "Design and evaluation of a wide-area event notification service", "A Bridging Model for Parallel Computation", "Survey on Cloud Computing Security", "Privilege Escalation Attacks on Android", "Symmetry-Based Semantic Parsing", "A charge pump that generates positive and negative high voltages with low power-supply voltage and low power consumption for non-volatile memories", "From Pixels to Response Maps: Discriminative Image Filtering for Face Alignment in the Wild", "Multi-Task Label Embedding for Text Classification", "An investigation of user perceptions and attitudes towards learning objects", "DoublePlay: parallelizing sequential logging and replay", "Morphogenetic Engineering: Reconciling Self-Organization and Architecture", "Sentiment classification: The contribution of ensemble learning", "Wideband Four-Way Out-of-Phase Slotline Power Dividers", "Why are some people happier than others? The role of cognitive and motivational processes in well-being.", "Deep Neural Networks: A New Framework for Modeling Biological Vision and Brain Information Processing.", "Review of image-based rendering techniques", "IPython: A System for Interactive Scientific Computing", "Remaining trouble spots with computational thinking", "A neural network approach for attenuation relationships : An application using strong ground motion data from Turkey" ]
Generating artificial errors for grammatical error correction
[ "Grammatical Error Detection Using Error- and Grammaticality-Specific Word Embeddings", "Attending to Characters in Neural Sequence Labeling Models", "Automatic Annotation and Evaluation of Error Types for Grammatical Error Correction", "GenERRate: Generating Errors for Use in Grammatical Error Detection", "Exploiting N-Best Hypotheses to Improve an SMT Approach to Grammatical Error Correction" ]
[ "Audio-Visual Speech Recognition with a Hybrid CTC/Attention Architecture", "An Intelligent Personal Assistant for Task and Time Management", "SALICON: Saliency in Context", "Use of mass media campaigns to change health behaviour", "Accurate, scalable in-network identification of p2p traffic using application signatures", "A Fuzzy Ontology and SVM–Based Web Content Classification System", "The development of face expertise", "Coordinated multipoint transmission/reception techniques for LTE-advanced [Coordinated and Distributed MIMO]", "A SiGe-HBT 2:1 analog multiplexer with more than 67 GHz bandwidth", "X-Band Robust AlGaN/GaN Receiver MMICs with over 41 dBm Power Handling", "Models and Issues in Data Stream Systems", "Leveraging personal metadata for Desktop search: The Beagle++ system", "A substrate integrated waveguide leaky wave antenna radiating from a slot in the broad wall", "Point Cloud Segmentation and Denoising via Constrained Nonlinear Least Squares Normal Estimates", "FAULT SENSING IN A REMOTE TRANSFORMER USING GSM & AUTOMATIC ON / OFF OF STREET LAMPS", "Named entity recognition and disambiguation using linked data and graph-based centrality scoring", "Reasoning about knowledge", "Parkinson disease: systemic and orofacial manifestations, medical and dental management.", "2.5D building modeling by discovering global regularities", "Sequential Event Prediction with Association Rules", "Global optimization and simulated annealing", "Volume Parameterization for Design Automation of Customized Free-Form Products", "Unsupervised RGBD Video Object Segmentation Using GANs", "Active Appearance Models Revisited", "Feminist HCI: taking stock and outlining an agenda for design" ]
The biology and evolution of music: A comparative perspective
[ "Archaeological Evidence for the Emergence of Language , Symbolism , and Music — An Alternative Multidisciplinary Perspective", "Fossils, genes and the evolution of animal limbs", "Adaptation to tempo changes in sensorimotor synchronization: effects of intention, attention, and awareness.", "Feature The Singing Neanderthals : the Origins of Music , Language , Mind and Body by", "Low-frequency neuronal oscillations as instruments of sensory selection" ]
[ "Stride directed prefetching in scalar processors", "Anomaly detection via 3D-HOF and fast double sparse representation", "Scalable Clustering of Time Series with U-Shapelets", "True Online Temporal-Difference Learning", "SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY OF INTERGROUP RELATIONS", "A Review of the Optical Properties of Biological Tissues", "Research into Cyberbullying: Student Perspectives on Cybersafe Learning Environments", "Agents and the Semantic Web", "A Discourse-Driven Content Model for Summarising Scientific Articles Evaluated in a Complex Question Answering Task", "Industry 4.0 - Potentials for Creating Smart Products: Empirical Research Results", "Generating electricity while walking with loads.", "Core affect and the psychological construction of emotion.", "SybilInfer: Detecting Sybil Nodes using Social Networks", "AMADA: web data repositories in the amazon cloud", "Fast moving-object detection in H.264/AVC compressed domain for video surveillance", "Semi-supervised feature extraction for EEG classification", "Facial expression recognition based on transfer learning from deep convolutional networks", "To offload or not to offload? The bandwidth and energy costs of mobile cloud computing", "Outperforming LRU with an adaptive replacement cache algorithm", "Computer-aided system for defect inspection in the PCB manufacturing process", "Overcoming resource underutilization in spatial CNN accelerators", "Who Owns the Data? Open Data for Healthcare", "Object hallmarks: identifying object users using wearable wrist sensors", "CellSDN : Software-Defined Cellular Networks", "A Monte-Carlo approach for ghost avoidance in the Ms. Pac-Man game" ]
CARDWATCH: a neural network based database mining system for credit card fraud detection
[ "Peer Group Analysis – Local Anomaly Detection in Longitudinal Data", "Credit card fraud detection system", "Fraud Detection in Credit Card System UsingWeb Mining", "Real-Time Credit-Card Fraud Detection using Artificial Neural Network Tuned by Simulated Annealing Algorithm", "Investigating hidden Markov models capabilities in anomaly detection" ]
[ "Cities and complexity - understanding cities with cellular automata, agent-based models, and fractals", "Energy characterization of a tiled architecture processor with on-chip networks", "Semantic technologies for historical research: A survey", "Weapons of Math Destruction: How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy", "Evaluating FrameNet-style semantic parsing: the role of coverage gaps in FrameNet", "Efficient and Robust Retrieval by Shape Content through Curvature Scale Space", "Data Mining Application in Customer Relationship Management of Credit Card Business", "A MINIATURIZED PRINTED DIPOLE ANTENNA WITH V-SHAPED GROUND FOR 2 . 45 GHZ RFID", "Predicting the Semantic Orientation of Adjectives", "A Low-Cost 60-GHz Switched-Beam Patch Antenna Array With Butler Matrix Network", "The Music Ontology", "Finding Waldo: Learning about Users from their Interactions", "E-hubs: the new B2B (business-to-business) marketplaces.", "Optimized Cost per Click in Taobao Display Advertising", "Evolution toward 5G multi-tier cellular wireless networks: An interference management perspective", "Image Classification using Random Forests and Ferns", "Exploiting smart-phone USB connectivity for fun and profit", "Improvement in cancer-related knowledge following use of a psychoeducational video game for adolescents and young adults with cancer.", "CONTEXTUALIST RESEARCH AND THE STUDY OF ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE PROCESSES1", "Spatial Databases: With Application to GIS", "Least-squares orthogonal distances fitting of circle, sphere, ellipse, hyperbola, and parabola", "Modified CMOS Cherry-Hooper amplifiers with source follower feedback in 0.35/spl mu/m technology", "Recovery of underwater visibility and structure by polarization analysis", "Evolution for automatic assessment of the difficulty of sokoban boards", "Photometric stereo with non-parametric and spatially-varying reflectance" ]
Virtual reality in the treatment of spider phobia: a controlled study.
[ "Reality-Based Models for Vibration Feedback in Virtual Environments", "Virtual reality and tactile augmentation in the treatment of spider phobia: a case report.", "Virtual reality treatment versus exposure in vivo: a comparative evaluation in acrophobia.", "Using augmented reality to treat phobias", "Effectiveness of virtual reality exposure therapy for active duty soldiers in a military mental health clinic." ]
[ "Model-Integrating Microservices: A Vision Paper", "Endless Flyer: A Continuous Flying Drone with Automatic Battery Replacement", "Privacy preservation for V2G networks in smart grid: A survey", "A Two-Stage Pretraining Algorithm for Deep Boltzmann Machines", "Nonlinear Dynamic Modeling for High Performance Control of a Quadrotor", "High performance air-filled substrate integrated waveguide filter post-process tuning using capacitive post", "Predicting Process Behaviour using Deep Learning", "A rapid protein determination by modification of the Lowry procedure.", "A 79-GHz radar transceiver with switchable TX and LO feedthrough in a Silicon-Germanium technology", "A Simple and Global Optimization Algorithm for Engineering Problems: Differential Evolution Algorithm", "Hierarchical Self-Organization in Genetic programming", "Real time face detection/monitor using raspberry pi and MATLAB", "Design patterns in FPS levels", "Hand synergies: Integration of robotics and neuroscience for understanding the control of biological and artificial hands.", "Three Models for the Description of Language", "Penalized-Distance Volumetric Skeleton Algorithm", "Simple Inductance Formulas for Radio Coils", "A Multi-Layer Stackable Thin-Film Transistor (TFT) NAND-Type Flash Memory", "An Enhanced Visualization Process Model for Incremental Visualization", "Global Optimization Using Interval Analysis : The One-Dimensional Case", "Autonomous Helicopter Flight via Reinforcement Learning", "Robust and fast moving object detection in a non-stationary camera via foreground probability based sampling", "Determining the Number of Factors to Retain in EFA : an easy-to-use computer program for carrying out Parallel Analysis", "Speech Recognition: Keyword Spotting Through Image Recognition", "Optical Flow Estimation for Flame Detection in Videos" ]
[ "Feature Cross-Substitution in Adversarial Classification", "Phishing Websites Detection Based on Web Source Code and URL in the Webpage", "Detection of phishing URLs using machine learning techniques", "Suspicious URL Filtering Based on Logistic Regression with Multi-view Analysis", "Development of Anti-Phishing Model for Classification of Phishing E-mail" ]
[ "PM wind generator topologies", "Managing Congenitally Missing Lateral Incisors Part 2 : Tooth-Supported Restorations Learning", "MIT Autonomous Vehicle Technology Study: Large-Scale Deep Learning Based Analysis of Driver Behavior and Interaction with Automation", "A Knowledge-Based Approach for Real-Time IoT Data Stream Annotation and Processing", "Adaptive online scheduling in storm", "A more pragmatic Web 3 . 0 : Linked Blockchain Data", "Dynamic User Task Scheduling for Mobile Robots", "Self-Presentation in Online Personals The Role of Anticipated Future Interaction , Self-Disclosure , and Perceived Success in Internet Dating", "Evaluating the accuracy of wearable heart rate monitors", "Music Structure Analysis from Acoustic Signals", "High-Voltage Gain Boost Converter Based on Three-State Commutation Cell for Battery Charging Using PV Panels in a Single Conversion Stage", "Watson, more than a Semantic Web search engine", "RDBMS, NoSQL, Hadoop: A Performance-Based Empirical Analysis", "Medical Concept Representation Learning from Electronic Health Records and its Application on Heart Failure Prediction", "Seq2seq-Vis: A Visual Debugging Tool for Sequence-to-Sequence Models", "The mystique of numbers: belief in quantitative approaches to segmentation and persona development", "Why Scrum Works: A Case Study from an Agile Distributed Project in Denmark and India", "Bus detection device for the blind using RFID application", "Personality and aggressive behavior under provoking and neutral conditions: a meta-analytic review.", "Automatic Exudate Detection from Non-dilated Diabetic Retinopathy Retinal Images Using Fuzzy C-means Clustering", "Computation and validation of rail-to-earth potential for diode-grounded DC traction system at Taipei Rapid Transit System", "Predicting User Replying Behavior on a Large Online Dating Site", "Defining architecture components of the Big Data Ecosystem", "Locality preserving indexing for document representation", "Polymorphic malware detection using sequence classification methods and ensembles" ]
Subcategory-Aware Object Classification
[ "CNN-RNN: A Unified Framework for Multi-label Image Classification", "Growing random forest on deep convolutional neural networks for scene categorization", "Multi-view Deep Network for Cross-View Classification", "Generic Object Detection With Dense Neural Patterns and Regionlets", "Multiclass Boosting: Theory and Algorithms" ]
[ "Loneliness, social contacts and Internet addiction: A cross-lagged panel study", "Characterizing Adversarial Subspaces Using Local Intrinsic Dimensionality", "ATAC: A 1000-core cache-coherent processor with on-chip optical network", "Overview of the 2nd International Competition on Plagiarism Detection", "Use of lean and six sigma methodology to improve operating room efficiency in a high-volume tertiary-care academic medical center.", "Modeling of Permanent Magnet Motor Drives", "Finding a Collective Set of Items: From Proportional Multirepresentation to Group Recommendation", "Work strain, health, and absenteeism: a meta-analysis.", "Spatially Nonuniform Scaling Functions for High Contrast Images", "The impact of emotionality and self-disclosure on online dating versus traditional dating", "Deep Counterfactual Networks with Propensity-Dropout", "Using quantitative analysis to implement autonomic IT systems", "Automated Diagnosis for UMTS Networks Using Bayesian Network Approach", "Stack-Based Genetic Programming", "SAND: Towards High-Performance Serverless Computing", "A Bayesian Perspective on Generalization and Stochastic Gradient Descent", "Stanislavky's System as a Game Design Method: A Case Study", "Exploring the role of customer relationship management (CRM) systems in customer knowledge creation", "An ensemble method for extracting adverse drug events from social media", "A survey of Web clustering engines", "Provable Subspace Clustering: When LRR meets SSC", "Shielded coil structure suppressing leakage magnetic field from 100W-class wireless power transfer system with higher efficiency", "The distance correlation t-test of independence in high dimension", "Simplified Design Methodology for a Slotless Brushless DC Motor", "Multi-pedestrian detection in crowded scenes: A global view" ]
Weakly Supervised Object Localization with Latent Category Learning
[ "DeepBox: Learning Objectness with Convolutional Networks", "Random Walks on Graphs : A Survey", "Weakly supervised localization of novel objects using appearance transfer", "Weakly Supervised Object Detection with Posterior Regularization", "Efficient Learning of Domain-invariant Image Representations" ]
[ "A 1.2 – 6.4 GHz clock generator with a low-power DCO and programmable multiplier in 40-nm CMOS", "Cloth grasp point detection based on multiple-view geometric cues with application to robotic towel folding", "Integrated Anomaly Detection for Cyber Security of the Substations", "Scalpel: Customizing DNN pruning to the underlying hardware parallelism", "Linking the Big Five personality constructs to organizational commitment", "Lessons learned in ITIL implementation failure", "DRAW: A Recurrent Neural Network For Image Generation", "The five-step lower blepharoplasty: blending the eyelid-cheek junction.", "Recognition of QR Code with mobile phones", "Body, biometrics and identity.", "Channel estimation in millimeter wave MIMO systems with one-bit quantization", "Cloud computing data capsules for non-consumptiveuse of texts", "Narrowband Internet of Things: Implementations and Applications", "Design of High-Performing Microstrip Receiving GPS Antennas With Multiple Feeds", "Plan explicability and predictability for robot task planning", "Car detection in low resolution aerial images", "Privacy-Preserving Audit and Extraction of Digital Contents", "Securing Internet of Things with Lightweight IPsec", "CHECK: a document plagiarism detection system", "A complete analytical solution to the inverse kinematics of the Pioneer 2 robotic arm", "Does SMS text messaging help or harm adults' knowledge of standard spelling?", "A Survey of Security and Privacy in Online Social Networks", "Integrated Lane and Vehicle Detection, Localization, and Tracking: A Synergistic Approach", "Universal Dependencies for Finnish", "Practical Stabilization of a Skid-steering Mobile Robot - A Kinematic-based Approach" ]
Shift-Reduce Constituency Parsing with Dynamic Programming and POS Tag Lattice
[ "Agreement on Target-Bidirectional LSTMs for Sequence-to-Sequence Learning", "What Do Recurrent Neural Network Grammars Learn About Syntax?", "Span-Based Constituency Parsing with a Structure-Label System and Provably Optimal Dynamic Oracles", "Incremental Parsing with Minimal Features Using Bi-Directional LSTM", "A Classifier-Based Parser with Linear Run-Time Complexity" ]
[ "Level-of-detail visualization of clustered graph layouts", "Large-scale factorization of type-constrained multi-relational data", "Maximum and minimum stock price forecasting of Brazilian power distribution companies based on artificial neural networks", "Hybrid Deep Neural Network--Hidden Markov Model (DNN-HMM) Based Speech Emotion Recognition", "State-of-the-art, single-phase, active power-factor-correction techniques for high-power applications - an overview", "The developmental psychometrics of big five self-reports: acquiescence, factor structure, coherence, and differentiation from ages 10 to 20.", "SVM-Based Classification of Segmented Airborne LiDAR Point Clouds in Urban Areas", "Arabic speech recognition using Hidden Markov Model Toolkit(HTK)", "A deep representation for depth images from synthetic data", "A finger on the pulse: temporal rhythms and information seeking in medical work", "The Cognitive Systems Paradigm", "Context-aware citation recommendation", "Using Discriminant Eigenfeatures for Image Retrieval", "Recovering the spatial layout of cluttered rooms", "Computational modelling of visual attention", "Frontal fibrosing alopecia: clinical presentations and prognosis.", "The impact of full disk encryption on digital forensics", "KenLM: Faster and Smaller Language Model Queries", "Meta-Analysis of the First Facial Expression Recognition Challenge", "Interpretable and Informative Explanations of Outcomes", "Collaborative Filtering on the Blockchain: A Secure Recommender System for e-Commerce", "Energetic Cost of Locomotion in Kangaroos", "Capacitive skin sensors for robot impact monitoring", "A CSRR Loaded MIMO Antenna System for ISM Band Operation", "Automatic transfer switch (ATS) using programmable logic controller (PLC)" ]
Deep Learning applied to NLP
[ "A Review on Entity Relation Extraction", "HDLTex: Hierarchical Deep Learning for Text Classification", "GRAM-CNN: a deep learning approach with local context for named entity recognition in biomedical text", "On the Recursive Neural Networks for Relation Extraction and Entity Recognition", "Predictive modeling of hospital readmissions using metaheuristics and data mining" ]
[ "Accurate camera calibration using iterative refinement of control points", "More Accurate Student Modeling through Contextual Estimation of Slip and Guess Probabilities in Bayesian Knowledge Tracing", "An integrated CMOS micromechanical resonator high-Q oscillator", "Simple Electromagnetic Modeling Procedure: From Near-Field Measurements to Commercial Electromagnetic Simulation Tool", "Zebra: An East-West Control Framework for SDN Controllers", "The Design and Use of Algorithms for Permuting Large Entries to the Diagonal of Sparse Matrices", "Mining Approximate Top-K Subspace Anomalies in Multi-Dimensional Time-Series Data", "An Intelligent Model for Pairs Trading Using Genetic Algorithms", "Pushing the Limits of Design Fiction: The Case For Fictional Research Papers", "Increasing Efficiency of Evolutionary Algorithms by Choosing between Auxiliary Fitness Functions with Reinforcement Learning", "A Probabilistic Interpretation of SVMs with an Application to Unbalanced Classification", "An algorithmic overview of surface registration techniques for medical imaging", "The Gilbert-Elliott Model for Packet Loss in Real Time Services on the Internet", "VLSI implementations of threshold logic-a comprehensive survey", "Inferring Networks of Substitutable and Complementary Products", "Deep Learning for Image Denoising: A Survey", "Wideband cancellation of interference in a GPS receive array", "Scripts, Plans and Knowledge", "Semiconductor losses in voltage source and current source IGBT converters based on analytical derivation", "The Diffusion Decision Model: Theory and Data for Two-Choice Decision Tasks", "Occupational therapy using a sensory integrative approach: a case study of effectiveness.", "Automatic PCB Defects Detection and Classification using Matlab", "A Planar Electronically Steerable Patch Array Using Tunable PRI/NRI Phase Shifters", "Blockchain Technology: Transforming Libertarian Cryptocurrency Dreams to Finance and Banking Realities", "A Corpus and Model Integrating Multiword Expressions and Supersenses" ]
Modeling Dynamic Hair as a Continuum
[ "Hair animation with collision detection", "A Thin Shell Volume for Modeling Human Hair", "Predicting Natural Hair Shapes by Solving the Statics of Flexible Rods", "Animating Hair with Loosely Connected Particles", "STRANDS: Interactive Simulation of Thin Solids using Cosserat Models" ]
[ "Working relations of technology production and use", "ADAPTIVE LEAST SQUARES CORRELATION : A POWERFUL IMAGE MATCHING TECHNIQUE", "Intimate Heartbeats: Opportunities for Affective Communication Technology", "A time-varying subjective quality model for mobile streaming videos with stalling events", "Weak leakage-resilient client-side deduplication of encrypted data in cloud storage", "Landmark matching via large deformation diffeomorphisms", "Facial performance enhancement using dynamic shape space analysis", "Parameter design of voltage balancing circuit for series connected HV-IGBTs", "A prototype empirical evaluation of test driven development", "A flame detection algorithm based on Bag-of-Features in the YUV color space", "A real-time extension to the Android platform", "Genetic algorithms: a survey", "Sketch-a-Net that Beats Humans", "Competitor Identification and Competitor Analysis : A Broad-Based Managerial Approach", "Tapped-inductor buck converter for high-step-down DC-DC conversion", "Visual Analysis of Eye State and Head Pose for Driver Alertness Monitoring", "Large-Scale Automatic Species Identification", "A multi-camera vision system for fall detection and alarm generation", "Convolutional neural network-based encoding and decoding of visual object recognition in space and time", "Revisiting Android reuse studies in the context of code obfuscation and library usages", "Text messaging as a tool for behavior change in disease prevention and management.", "Flattened Convolutional Neural Networks for Feedforward Acceleration", "General duality between optimal control and estimation", "Comparing SVM and naïve Bayes classifiers for text categorization with Wikitology as knowledge enrichment", "Q: Exploit Hardening Made Easy" ]
Feature Extraction and Classification of Brain Tumor using MRI
[ "Automatic Medical Image Classification and Abnormality Detection Using K-Nearest Neighbour", "Classification of Abnormalities in Brain MRI Images Using PCA and SVM", "Brain tumor MRI image classification with feature selection and extraction using linear discriminant analysis", "Textural Features for Image Classification", "Image segmentation evaluation: A survey of unsupervised methods" ]
[ "One Microphone Source Separation", "Discriminative Probabilistic Models for Relational Data", "Bias in algorithmic filtering and personalization", "A food image recognition system with Multiple Kernel Learning", "Online travel reviews as persuasive communication : The effects of content type , source , and certi fi cation logos on consumer behavior", "Overview of Full-Dimension MIMO in LTE-Advanced Pro", "Developing a Multi-Criteria Decision Making Model for PESTEL Analysis", "Virtual reality-augmented rehabilitation for patients following stroke.", "Replacing Paper Contracts With Ethereum Smart Contracts", "Natural Language Acquisition and Grounding for Embodied Robotic Systems", "Continuous-Time Mean-Variance Portfolio Selection : A Stochastic LQ Framework", "Microplastics in the marine environment.", "Sparse Recovery of Hyperspectral Signal from Natural RGB Images", "Ontology-Based Interpretation of Natural Language", "Six dangerous myths about pay.", "Session-based item recommendation in e-commerce: on short-term intents, reminders, trends and discounts", "An ISFET based sensing array with sensor offset compensation and pH sensitivity enhancement", "The Business Impact Of Social Media Analytics", "Recursive Noise Adaptive Kalman Filtering by Variational Bayesian Approximations", "Unanimous Prediction for 100% Precision with Application to Learning Semantic Mappings", "THz 3-D Image Formation Using SAR Techniques: Simulation, Processing and Experimental Results", "A 50V high-speed level shifter with high dv/dt immunity for multi-MHz DCDC converters", "Automated Mass Detection in Mammograms Using Cascaded Deep Learning and Random Forests", "Going Deeper into First-Person Activity Recognition", "OctNetFusion: Learning Depth Fusion from Data" ]
Emoticon Style: Interpreting Differences in Emoticons Across Cultures
[ "Multimodal Sentiment Analysis of Social Media", "Knowledge will Propel Machine Understanding of Content: Extrapolating from Current Examples", "Textual Paralanguage and Its Implications for Marketing Communications", "Intent Classification of Short-Text on Social Media", "Emoji as Emotion Tags for Tweets" ]
[ "Big Data׳s Impact on Privacy, Security and Consumer Welfare By: Nir Kshetri", "A Tale of Two Kernels: Towards Ending Kernel Hardening Wars with Split Kernel", "Collection statistics for fast duplicate document detection", "Simulation of attitude control of a wheeled inverted pendulum", "Audience empathy: a phenomenological method for mediated performance", "An Experimental Comparison of RGB, YIQ, LAB, HSV, and Opponent Color Models", "Gender classification from hand shape", "Cyber extremism in Web 2.0: An exploratory study of international Jihadist groups", "An RFID attendance and monitoring system for university applications", "Flexible Domain Adaptation for Automated Essay Scoring Using Correlated Linear Regression", "A Paradigm for Situated and Goal-Driven Language Learning", "Zero-voltage-switching PWM hybrid full-bridge three-level converter", "Extracting Patterns and Relations from the World Wide Web", "\"It Won't Happen To Me!\": Self-Disclosure in Online Social Networks", "Overview and Evaluation of Bluetooth Low Energy : An Emerging Low-Power Wireless Technology", "Authentic leadership development: Getting to the root of positive forms of leadership", "Analyzing the Bitcoin Ponzi Scheme Ecosystem", "Sapienz: multi-objective automated testing for Android applications", "A Generalization of Bayesian Inference", "Latent Max-Margin Multitask Learning With Skelets for 3-D Action Recognition", "Components of executive control with advantages for bilingual children in two cultures", "An integrative approach to the biomechanical function and neuromuscular control of the fingers.", "Nearness diagram navigation (ND): a new real time collision avoidance approach", "An Ontology for Skill and Competency Management", "Dengue disease prediction using weka data mining tool" ]
Proxemics with multiple dynamic characters in an immersive virtual environment
[ "Characteristics of personal space during obstacle circumvention in physical and virtual environments.", "Analysis of Physiological Responses to a Social Situation in an Immersive Virtual Environment", "Funneling and saltation effects for tactile interaction with virtual objects", "Does the Directivity of a Virtual Agent's Speech Influence the Perceived Social Presence?", "Social VR: How Personal Space is Affected by Virtual Agents' Emotions" ]
[ "Above the Clouds : A View of Cloud Computing", "Performance Analysis of Reduced Common-Mode Voltage PWM Methods and Comparison With Standard PWM Methods for Three-Phase Voltage-Source Inverters", "Accurate estimation of influenza epidemics using Google search data via ARGO.", "On the Benefit of Synthetic Data for Company Logo Detection", "DEVELOPMENT OF WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORK USING BLUETOOTH LOW ENERGY ( BLE ) FOR CONSTRUCTION NOISE MONITORING", "Teaching Smart People How to Learn", "Visual Sentiment Analysis for Social Images Using Transfer Learning Approach", "Enumerating possible Sudoku grids", "Educational Video Game Design: A Review of the Literature", "Replacing Paper Contracts With Ethereum Smart Contracts", "SGRank: Combining Statistical and Graphical Methods to Improve the State of the Art in Unsupervised Keyphrase Extraction", "Overview of the Evalita 2016 SENTIment POLarity Classification Task", "A 128-Channel, 710 M Samples/Second, and Less Than 10 ps RMS Resolution Time-to-Digital Converter Implemented in a Kintex-7 FPGA", "Artificial Intelligence Technique Applied to Intrusion Detection", "Optical Metasurfaces and Prospect of Their Applications Including Fiber Optics", "Anomaly Detection in Time Series of Graphs using ARMA Processes", "Feedback control for adaptive live video streaming", "Web Image Annotation Via Subspace-Sparsity Collaborated Feature Selection", "emoji2vec: Learning Emoji Representations from their Description", "Computational Models for Speech Production", "Neural Audio Synthesis of Musical Notes with WaveNet Autoencoders", "Performance evaluation of Latent Dirichlet Allocation in text mining", "Look and Think Twice: Capturing Top-Down Visual Attention with Feedback Convolutional Neural Networks", "Introduction to Data Compression *", "Design of Last-Level On-Chip Cache Using Spin-Torque Transfer RAM (STT RAM)" ]
A novel ultra low power temperature sensor for UHF RFID tag chip
[ "An ultra low power 1V, 220nW temperature sensor for passive wireless applications", "A 405-nW CMOS Temperature Sensor Based on Linear MOS Operation", "Self-powered wireless temperature sensors exploit RFID technology", "A Modular 1 mm$^{3}$ Die-Stacked Sensing Platform With Low Power I$^{2}$C Inter-Die Communication and Multi-Modal Energy Harvesting" ]
[ "Deep Convolutional Neural Network Design Patterns", "Tourist Trip Planning Functionalities: State-of-the-Art and Future", "Perspectives on cognitive neuroscience.", "PsychoPy—Psychophysics software in Python", "Crowdsourcing a Large Corpus of Clickbait on Twitter", "Genome engineering using the CRISPR-Cas9 system", "Straight to the Facts: Learning Knowledge Base Retrieval for Factual Visual Question Answering", "Understanding choice overload in recommender systems", "Named Entity Recognition with a Maximum Entropy Approach", "Structural Minimax Probability Machine", "Internet of Things for Smart Cities", "A survey on algorithms for mining frequent itemsets over data streams", "Network function virtualization in 5G", "Music Key Detection for Musical Audio", "Dynamic Probabilistic Drivability Maps for Lane Change and Merge Driver Assistance", "A Large-Displacement 3-DOF Flexure Parallel Mechanism with Decoupled Kinematics Structure", "Multi-task Deep Neural Network for Joint Face Recognition and Facial Attribute Prediction", "Towards identifying software project clusters with regard to defect prediction", "Named Entity Recognition using FOX", "Information Complexity in Bandit Subset Selection", "Web Security: Detection of Cross Site Scripting in PHP Web Application using Genetic Algorithm", "Progress in Tourism Management Progress in information technology and tourism management : 20 years on and 10 years after the Internet — The state of eTourism research", "View invariant human action recognition using histograms of 3D joints", "Knowledge Management Strategies: Toward a Taxonomy", "Constructing a personalized e-learning system based on genetic algorithm and case-based reasoning approach" ]
Ambulatory system for human motion analysis using a kinematic sensor: monitoring of daily physical activity in the elderly
[ "Automation as Caregiver : A Survey Of Issues and Technologies", "The Sonification Handbook", "Classification of basic daily movements using a triaxial accelerometer", "Autominder: an intelligent cognitive orthotic system for people with memory impairment", "Eye movement analysis for activity recognition" ]
[ "The Ambivalent Sexism Inventory : Differentiating Hostile and Benevolent Sexism", "Toward a statistical mechanics of four letter words", "Quantifying over play: Constraining undesirable solutions in puzzle design", "Multi-layer alpha blending", "Problematic Online Behaviors among Adolescents and Emerging Adults: Associations between Cyberbullying Perpetration, Problematic Social Media Use, and Psychosocial Factors", "HMOG: New Behavioral Biometric Features for Continuous Authentication of Smartphone Users", "Concrete Dropout", "Autonomous UAV path planning and estimation", "Bayesian color constancy.", "Charagram: Embedding Words and Sentences via Character n-grams", "Causal Effects in Nonexperimental Studies : Reevaluating the Evaluation of Training Programs", "Using Abuse Case Models for Security Requirements Analysis", "Self-compassion , Achievement Goals , and Coping with Academic Failure", "Lift-Based Bidding in Ad Selection", "Discovering informative content blocks from Web documents", "Investigating the determinants and age and gender differences in the acceptance of mobile learning", "Age-related differences in walking stability.", "Some Advances in Transformation-Based Part of Speech Tagging", "Comparing NoSQL MongoDB to an SQL DB", "Routing protocols in Vehicular Delay Tolerant Networks: A comprehensive survey", "A new hybrid ant colony optimization algorithm for feature selection", "Low Complexity Damped Gauss-Newton Algorithms for CANDECOMP/PARAFAC", "Supply chain management : theory , practice and future challenges", "Emotion in criminal offenders with psychopathy and borderline personality disorder.", "Fast Stochastic Methods for Nonsmooth Nonconvex Optimization" ]
Temporal profiles of queries
[ "Crowdsourcing step-by-step information extraction to enhance existing how-to videos", "Temporal Analytics on Big Data for Web Advertising", "FINDING A MAXIMUM CUT OF A PLANAR GRAPH IN POLYNOMIAL TIME *", "Unsupervised topic discovery in micro-blogging networks", "On-line relevant anomaly detection in the Twitter stream: an efficient bursty keyword detection model" ]
[ "Sexual differentiation of the human brain: Relation to gender identity, sexual orientation and neuropsychiatric disorders", "The Boeing 777: no Chainsaw Massacres, please!", "Intersubjectivity and Sentiment: From Language to Knowledge", "Predicting Valence-Arousal Ratings of Words Using a Weighted Graph Method", "Gaussian Processes for Underdetermined Source Separation", "Learning about problem based learning: Student teachers integrating technology, pedagogy and content knowledge", "Cloud technologies for flexible 5G radio access networks", "Understanding Human-Computer Interaction for Information Systems Design", "Pressure ulcers in intensive care patients: a review of risks and prevention", "An Ensemble of Fine-Tuned Convolutional Neural Networks for Medical Image Classification", "TMSUI: A Trust Management Scheme of USB Storage Devices for Industrial Control Systems", "A Review of Information Quality Research - Develop a Research Agenda", "High-Speed FMCW Radar Frequency Synthesizer With DDS Based Linearization", "Depression, loneliness and Internet addiction: How important is low self-control?", "The Fano resonance in plasmonic nanostructures and metamaterials.", "Automated Identification of Cryptographic Primitives in Binary Programs", "M3Express: A low-cost independently-mobile reconfigurable modular robot", "A Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Proxy Re-encryption with Chosen-Ciphertext Security", "Primate frontal eye fields. II. Physiological and anatomical correlates of electrically evoked eye movements.", "Binaural Classification for Reverberant Speech Segregation Using Deep Neural Networks", "Embedding a Semantic Network in a Word Space", "Learning to rank using gradient descent", "Data-centric and logic-based models for automated legal problem solving", "MODIFIED BROADBAND SCHIFFMAN PHASE SHIFTER USING DENTATE MICROSTRIP AND PATTERNED GROUND PLANE", "Online and Linear-Time Attention by Enforcing Monotonic Alignments" ]
Semantic Annotations For Wsdl And Xml Schema
[ "Web Service Modeling Ontology", "SAWSDL: Semantic Annotations for WSDL and XML Schema", "WSMO-Lite and hRESTS: Lightweight semantic annotations for Web services and RESTful APIs", "Toward SWSs Discovery: Mapping from WSDL to OWL-S Based on Ontology Search and Standardization Engine", "Federated Access Control in Heterogeneous Intercloud Environment: Basic Models and Architecture Patterns" ]
[ "Adaptive and Quality Quadrilateral/Hexahedral Meshing from Volumetric Data.", "Learning From Explanations Using Sentiment and Advice in RL", "A new I slotted compact microstrip antenna for L1 & L2 bands", "Neuroplasticity: Changes in grey matter induced by training", "URLNet: Learning a URL Representation with Deep Learning for Malicious URL Detection", "Data Integration for the Relational Web", "A primer in game theory", "Understanding current causes of women's underrepresentation in science.", "Speed Control of Induction Motor using Scalar Control Technique", "Exploring the representation capabilities of the HOG descriptor", "Smartphone App Use Among Medical Providers in ACGME Training Programs", "Attitudes towards user experience (UX) measurement", "Hierarchical Bayesian Models for Applications in Information Retrieval", "Incorporating Unstructured Textual Knowledge Sources into Neural Dialogue Systems", "The Impact of Corporate Sustainability on Organizational Processes and Performance", "Recent Advances and Industrial Applications of Multilevel Converters", "Role of Big Data Analytics in Rural Health Care-A Step Towards Svasth Bharath", "Artificial Intelligence Technique Applied to Intrusion Detection", "Deep discriminative manifold learning", "Support Vector Machine Active Learning with Applications to Text Classification", "An improved eye feature extraction algorithm based on deformable templates", "1 Image super-resolution : Historical overview and future challenges", "Enhanced intercell interference coordination challenges in heterogeneous networks", "Improving Accelerometer-Based Activity Recognition by Using Ensemble of Classifiers", "Towards fully autonomous driving: Systems and algorithms" ]
Bayesian Compression for Deep Learning
[ "Fixed-Point Factorized Networks", "A multi-modal parcellation of human cerebral cortex", "Riemannian Walk for Incremental Learning: Understanding Forgetting and Intransigence", "Combined Group and Exclusive Sparsity for Deep Neural Networks", "A Structured Variational Auto-encoder for Learning Deep Hierarchies of Sparse Features" ]
[ "A monopulse slot array antenna based on dual-layer substrate integrated waveguide (SIW)", "Group sparse representation based classification for multi-feature multimodal biometrics", "Improving relevance judgment of web search results with image excerpts", "Fiber Optic Sensors in Structural Health Monitoring", "Fuzzy sets and systems: theory and applications", "Cell segmentation in microscopy imagery using a bag of local Bayesian classifiers", "Classifying food images represented as Bag of Textons", "Security Issues in Healthcare Applications Using Wireless Medical Sensor Networks: A Survey", "The Complexity of Enumeration and Reliability Problems", "Development of a Multi-fingered Robot Hand with Softness-changeable Skin Mechanism", "ARMin II - 7 DoF rehabilitation robot: mechanics and kinematics", "Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radar: performance issues", "Drivable Road Detection with 3D Point Clouds Based on the MRF for Intelligent Vehicle", "Mining for bidding strategies on ebay", "Algorithmic Game Theory", "Prosocial lies : When deception breeds trust", "Heart rate variability and its relation to prefrontal cognitive function: the effects of training and detraining", "Empirical Study of Artificial Fish Swarm Algorithm", "Transition between Level Flight and Hovering of a Tail-Sitter Vertical Takeoff and Landing Aerial Robot", "Conditional generative adversarial nets for convolutional face generation", "GreenThumb: superoptimizer construction framework", "Motivation and barriers to participation in virtual knowledge-sharing communities of practice", "Conditions and circumstances predisposing to death from positional asphyxia in adults.", "Reimagining HCI: toward a more human-centered perspective", "Old Communication, New Literacies: Social Network Sites as Social Learning Resources" ]
Relating Personality Types with User Preferences in Multiple Entertainment Domains
[ "Relating Newcomer Personality to Survival and Activity in Recommender Systems", "Personality Traits and Music Genre Preferences: How Music Taste Varies Over Age Groups", "Personality and Recommender Systems", "MovieGEN : A Movie Recommendation System", "User model interoperability: a survey" ]
[ "What’s So Different about Blockchain? — Blockchain is a Probabilistic State Machine", "Extracting Product Features and Opinions from Reviews", "Understanding the recognition of facial identity and facial expression", "Among the Machines: Human-Bot Interaction on Social Q&A Websites", "Overview of the ImageCLEF 2017 Tuberculosis Task - Predicting Tuberculosis Type and Drug Resistances", "Wireless ad hoc sensor and actuator networks on the farm", "Comparison of a four stage sequentially rotated wideband circularly polarized high gain microstrip patch array antennas at Ku-band", "A Study of Interspeaker Variability in Speaker Verification", "A highly scalable vertical gate (VG) 3D NAND Flash with robust program disturb immunity using a novel PN diode decoding structure", "AutoTutor: A simulation of a human tutor", "Adapting to User Interest Drift for POI Recommendation", "Anonymous Usage of Location-Based Services Through Spatial and Temporal Cloaking", "Fool's Gold: Extracting Finite State Machines from Recurrent Network Dynamics", "EMC compliant LIN transceiver", "The hippocampus as a cognitive map", "A secure address resolution protocol", "A CMOS low-power low-offset and high-speed fully dynamic latched comparator", "Assessment , Enhancement , and Verification Determinants of the Self-Evaluation Process", "Stress, coping, and social support processes: where are we? What next?", "A general approach to control a Positive Buck-Boost converter to achieve robustness against input voltage fluctuations and load changes", "DeNet: Scalable Real-Time Object Detection with Directed Sparse Sampling", "Fractional Fourier transform as a signal processing tool: An overview of recent developments", "LTE System Level Simulation with Matlab", "Autonomous exploration of motor skills by skill babbling", "An effective hybrid learning system for telecommunication churn prediction" ]
Improving Distributed Representation of Word Sense via WordNet Gloss Composition and Context Clustering
[ "Similarity, separability, and the triangle inequality.", "Computing Lexical Contrast", "Best of Both Worlds: Making Word Sense Embeddings Interpretable", "A Simple Language Model based on PMI Matrix Approximations", "Bringing Machine Learning and Compositional Semantics Together" ]
[ "SMORE: software-defined networking mobile offloading architecture", "REPAIRING PROGRAMS WITH SEMANTIC CODE SEARCH", "Fast Cryptographic Computation on Intel ® Architecture Processors Via Function Stitching", "Analysis of Perceptron-Based Active Learning", "Fabric defect classification using wavelet frames and minimum classification error training", "The Human Central Nervous System", "iBump: Smartphone application to detect car accidents", "Understanding the Demographics of Twitter Users", "An Introduction to Variable and Feature Selection", "FFRob: An Efficient Heuristic for Task and Motion Planning", "A Systematic Literature Review of Crowdsourcing Research from a Human Resource Management Perspective", "A Statistical Model for Scientific Readability", "A large database of graphs and its use for benchmarking graph isomorphism algorithms", "Microcontroller based PMDC motor control for driving 0.5KW scooter", "Divide-and-Conquer Reinforcement Learning", "A Multi-Stage Strategy to Perspective Rectification for Mobile Phone Camera-Based Document Images", "The Concept of Flow", "Building and evaluating a location-based service recommendation system with a preference adjustment mechanism", "A biologically inspired robot for lunar In-Situ Resource Utilization", "Overview of data quality challenges in the context of Big Data", "Probabilistic Community and Role Model for Social Networks", "Subcategory-Aware Convolutional Neural Networks for Object Proposals and Detection", "A New Reconstruction Filter for Undersampled Light Fields", "Vision-based control of a quadrotor for perching on lines", "A generalized Gaussian image model for edge-preserving MAP estimation" ]
Visualization & assessment of ADS-B security for green ATM
[ "Investigation of multi-device location spoofing attacks on air traffic control and possible countermeasures", "Aviation Cyber–Physical Systems: Foundations for Future Aircraft and Air Transport", "Security in next generation air traffic communication networks", "Integrated aviation security for defense-in-depth of next generation air transportation system", "Localization algorithms for multilateration (MLAT) systems in airport surface surveillance" ]
[ "Effect of a human-type communication robot on cognitive function in elderly women living alone", "Analysis and design for RCD clamped snubber used in output rectifier of phase-shift full-bridge ZVS converters", "Determinants of Successful Website Design Relative Importance and Recommendations for Effectiveness", "The Relay–Eavesdropper Channel: Cooperation for Secrecy", "A Survey on Online Judge Systems and Their Applications", "Culture in business process management: a literature review", "The radiation properties of electrically small folded spherical helix antennas", "Improving Students' Learning With Effective Learning Techniques: Promising Directions From Cognitive and Educational Psychology.", "Survey of real-time processing systems for big data", "A Sensitivity Analysis of (and Practitioners' Guide to) Convolutional Neural Networks for Sentence Classification", "Arithmetic Coding for Data Compression", "Design and validation of the RiceWrist-S exoskeleton for robotic rehabilitation after incomplete spinal cord injury", "Mobilyzer: An Open Platform for Controllable Mobile Network Measurements", "Deep Packet: A Novel Approach For Encrypted Traffic Classification Using Deep Learning", "Comparison of support-vector machines and back propagation neural networks in forecasting the six major Asian stock markets", "One Big Net For Everything", "Histograms of oriented gradients for human detection", "Magpie: Online Modelling and Performance-aware Systems", "Resolution Recommendation for Event Tickets in Service Management", "GRID codes: Strip-based erasure codes with high fault tolerance for storage systems", "Measuring Fairness in Ranked Outputs", "High-voltage high-frequency power supply using phase shift PWM full bridge inverter fed ozone generator", "A Depth Space Approach for Evaluating Distance to Objects - with Application to Human-Robot Collision Avoidance", "Graph Theoretic Methods in Multiagent Networks", "Integrated circuit security: new threats and solutions" ]
General Road Detection From a Single Image
[ "On Detecting Road Regions in a Single UAV Image", "Appearance contrast for fast, robust trail-following", "Road Structure Refined CNN for Road Extraction in Aerial Image", "Road direction detection based on vanishing-point tracking", "Color-based road detection and its evaluation on the KITTI road benchmark" ]
[ "Identifying Intention Posts in Discussion Forums", "DACC: Distributed Access Control in Clouds", "EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH METHODS", "An extension of the technology acceptance model in an ERP implementation environment", "Metaheuristic Scheduling for Cloud: A Survey", "A review of object detection based on convolutional neural network", "Design and experimental evaluation of cooperative adaptive cruise control", "Fog computing dynamic load balancing mechanism based on graph repartitioning", "An efficient overloaded implementation of forward mode automatic differentiation in MATLAB", "Goals as Excuses or Guides : The Liberating Effect of Perceived Goal Progress on Choice", "Chronic stress and obesity: a new view of \"comfort food\".", "Versatile and robust 3D walking with a simulated humanoid robot (Atlas): A model predictive control approach", "Robust rank aggregation for gene list integration and meta-analysis", "Accelerating the Lee-Seung Algorithm for Nonnegative Matrix Factorization", "A Context-Dependent Attention System for a Social Robot", "Efficient Analysis and Design of Novel SIW Leaky-Wave Antenna", "Strategy for Navigation Inside Pipelines with Differential-Drive Inpipe Robot", "BitBlaze: A New Approach to Computer Security via Binary Analysis", "Cell segmentation in phase contrast microscopy images via semi-supervised classification over optics-related features", "Robust Joint Graph Sparse Coding for Unsupervised Spectral Feature Selection", "Processing Social Media Images by Combining Human and Machine Computing during Crises", "Patterns Generate Architectures", "Diagnosis of Diabetic Retinopathy: Automatic Extraction of Optic Disc and Exudates from Retinal Images using Marker-controlled Watershed Transformation", "A Survey of Interaction Techniques for Interactive 3D Environments", "A Hybrid Model for Chinese Spelling Check" ]
A Multiband Antenna for Satellite Communications on the Move
[ "Dual-band feed systems for SATCOM antenna applications", "A simultaneous X/Ka feed system for reflectors with a F/D ratio of 0.8", "A C/X/Ku-band dual polarized Cassegrain antenna system", "Efficient design of a novel wide-illumination-angle Ku/Ka-band feed for reflector antennas", "A center fed multi-band antenna for simultaneous satellite communication at C and Ku bands" ]
[ "Location Systems: An Introduction to the Technology Behind Location Awareness", "Security threats in cloud computing", "Omnidirectional Coverage for Device-Free Passive Human Detection", "Vision and Rain", "The declarative/procedural model of lexicon and grammar.", "Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithms for Graph Coloring", "High-Voltage, High-Frequency Pulse Generator for Nonequilibrium Plasma Generation and Combustion Enhancement", "Nonlinear 3D Face Morphable Model", "Batch normalized recurrent neural networks", "Unified Framework for Automated Iris Segmentation Using Distantly Acquired Face Images", "On the collective classification of email \"speech acts\"", "Normalizing the Normalizers: Comparing and Extending Network Normalization Schemes", "Crowdsourcing Multi-Label Classification for Taxonomy Creation", "Artificial Intelligence as a Positive and Negative Factor in Global Risk", "On-board dual-stereo-vision for autonomous quadrotor navigation", "Discrimination of focal and non-focal EEG signals using entropy-based features in EEMD and CEEMDAN domains", "Alternatives to Peer Review: Novel Approaches for Research Evaluation", "Building a smart home environment for service robots based on RFID and sensor networks", "In Search of a Metric for Managing Architectural Technical Debt", "A Low-Rank Approximation Approach to Learning Joint Embeddings of News Stories and Images for Timeline Summarization", "Scaling-up behaviours in EvoTanks: Applying subsumption principles to artificial neural networks", "Text sentiment analysis based on long short-term memory", "Road region estimation using a sequence of monocular images", "Factors Influencing Adult Learners' Decision to Drop Out or Persist in Online Learning", "perf fuzzer: Targeted Fuzzing of the perf event open() System Call" ]
Column Sampling Based Discrete Supervised Hashing
[ "Locally Linear Hashing for Extracting Non-linear Manifolds", "Quantization-based hashing: a general framework for scalable image and video retrieval", "Discriminative Least Squares Regression for Multiclass Classification and Feature Selection", "A Survey on Learning to Hash", "Supervised Hashing Using Graph Cuts and Boosted Decision Trees" ]
[ "Algorithm 755: ADOL-C: A Package for the Automatic Differentiation of Algorithms Written in C/C++", "A study of user behavior on an online dating site", "Scalable product line configuration: A straw to break the camel's back", "Learning Arithmetic Circuits", "Regionally accelerated batch informed trees (RABIT*): A framework to integrate local information into optimal path planning", "Aggregating Local Deep Features for Image Retrieval", "Towards Context-Aware Interaction Recognition for Visual Relationship Detection", "Limiting the Impact of Stealthy Attacks on Industrial Control Systems", "An Approach for Text Summarization using Deep Learning Algorithm", "Conditional Gradient Sliding for Convex Optimization", "A dynamic core loss model for soft ferromagnetic and power ferrite materials in transient finite element analysis", "Improved preprocessing, labeling and scaling algorithms for the Weight-Constrained Shortest Path Problem", "A Novel Distributed SDN-Secured Architecture for the IoT", "Word Spotting in the Wild", "Building emotional dictionary for sentiment analysis of online news", "LIMA : A Multilingual Framework for Linguistic Analysis and Linguistic Resources Development and Evaluation", "Data extraction from web pages based on structural-semantic entropy", "Multi-Touch Table System for Medical Visualization: Application to Orthopedic Surgery Planning", "MarrNet : 3 D Shape Reconstruction via 2 . 5 D Sketches", "Polarimetric SAR interferometry", "Kinematics and Dynamics Modelling of a Mecanum Wheeled Mobile Platform", "Supervoxel-Consistent Foreground Propagation in Video", "Impression Management 2.0", "Time series clustering and classification by the autoregressive metric", "A UWB Unidirectional Antenna With Dual-Polarization" ]
CVSscan: visualization of code evolution
[ "code_swarm: A Design Study in Organic Software Visualization", "Visual data mining in software archives", "Code Flows: Visualizing Structural Evolution of Source Code", "CVSSearch: Searching through Source Code Using CVS Comments", "3D Representations for Software Visualization" ]
[ "Machine Learning for Dental Image Analysis", "Cortical networks for working memory and executive functions sustain the conscious resting state in man", "RGBD Salient Object Detection via Deep Fusion", "Wideband millimeter-wave SIW cavity backed patch antenna fed by substrate integrated coaxial line", "Pneumatic and hydraulic microactuators : a review", "Design, kinematics, and control of a soft spatial fluidic elastomer manipulator", "IPA: A New Class of Power Attacks", "Is Question Answering fit for the Semantic Web?: A survey", "Constance: An Intelligent Data Lake System", "Learning to Detect Rooftops in Aerial Images", "Gaming control using a wearable and wireless EEG-based brain-computer interface device with novel dry foam-based sensors", "The design and evaluation of multitouch marking menus", "Latent semantic analysis", "An alternative text representation to TF-IDF and Bag-of-Words", "A Proposed System for Touchpad Based Food Ordering System Using Android Application", "MetaSync: File Synchronization Across Multiple Untrusted Storage Services", "No Noun Phrase Left Behind: Detecting and Typing Unlinkable Entities", "Improved algorithm for estimating pulse repetition intervals", "Skin lesion image segmentation using Delaunay Triangulation for melanoma detection", "Deep Hashing Network for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation", "Robust Location-Aware Activity Recognition Using Wireless Sensor Network in an Attentive Home", "Health Recommender Systems: Concepts, Requirements, Technical Basics and Challenges", "A layered approach to cognitive radio network security: A survey", "COLABA : Arabic Dialect Annotation and Processing", "LTE-Advanced and the evolution to Beyond 4G (B4G) systems" ]
A Coarse-Fine Network for Keypoint Localization
[ "Look into Person: Joint Body Parsing & Pose Estimation Network and a New Benchmark", "PersonLab: Person Pose Estimation and Instance Segmentation with a Bottom-Up, Part-Based, Geometric Embedding Model", "Multi-Person Pose Estimation with Local Joint-to-Person Associations", "Articulated Multi-person Tracking in the Wild", "A Greedy Part Assignment Algorithm for Real-Time Multi-person 2D Pose Estimation" ]
[ "An Analysis of Temporal-Difference Learning with Function Approximation 1", "ISO / IEC 9126 in practice : what do we need to know ?", "Fa: A System for Automating Failure Diagnosis", "Speed/accuracy trade-offs in target-directed movements.", "Fast Model Predictive Control for Redistributive Lithium-Ion Battery Balancing", "Reconstruct argorithm of 2D barcode for reading the QR code on cylindrical surface", "Building Textual Entailment Specialized Data Sets: a Methodology for Isolating Linguistic Phenomena Relevant to Inference", "Simultaneous calibration, localization, and mapping", "Assessing the Validity of Online Drug Forums as a Source for Estimating Demographic and Temporal Trends in Drug Use.", "Reviewing the evidence on how teacher professional development af fec ts student achievement", "- 1The Theory Underlying Concept Maps and How to Construct Them 1", "Humanoid robot indoor navigation based on 2D bar codes: application to the NAO robot", "Detection of Faults and Attacks Including False Data Injection Attack in Smart Grid Using Kalman Filter", "Design and Modeling of A Crowdsource-Enabled System for Urban Parcel Relay and Delivery", "120W Ka Band Power Amplifier Utilizing GaN MMICs and Coaxial Waveguide Spatial Power Combining", "A Survey of Current Methods in Medical Image Segmentation", "Cyclostationary Approaches to Signal Detection and Classification in Cognitive Radio", "Approximate Radix-8 Booth Multipliers for Low-Power and High-Performance Operation", "Postural instability precedes motion sickness", "I ’ m not a human : Breaking the Google reCAPTCHA", "Handwritten Character Recognition by Alternately Trained Relaxation Convolutional Neural Network", "Biomechanical Design of a Powered Ankle-Foot Prosthesis", "Proofs of Space-Time and Rational Proofs of Storage", "An efficient MFCC extraction method in speech recognition", "Fast Stochastic Methods for Nonsmooth Nonconvex Optimization" ]
Current map-matching algorithms for transport applications : state-ofthe art and future research directions
[ "Fusion of laserscannner and video based lanemarking detection for robust lateral vehicle control and lane change maneuvers", "Demonstrating map++: A crowd-sensing system for automatic map semantics identification", "Mode-detection via median-shift", "Some map matching algorithms for personal navigation assistants", "A High Accuracy Fuzzy Logic Based Map Matching Algorithm for Road Transport" ]
[ "Smart Home System Based on IOT Technologies", "Substucture Discovery in the SUBDUE System", "Choosy: max-min fair sharing for datacenter jobs with constraints", "Foundations for engineering biology", "Application of Machine Learning To Epileptic Seizure Detection", "Towards an Environmental Psychology of Workspace : How People are affected by Environments for Work", "Deep Learning Quadcopter Control via Risk-Aware Active Learning", "Nonlinear resistive electric field grading Part 2: Materials and applications", "Adaptive Mixtures of Local Experts", "Hierarchical Attribute-Based Access Control with Authentication for Outsourced Data in Cloud Computing", "Unsupervised Learning for Solving RSS Hardware Variance Problem in WiFi Localization", "Self-disclosure on social networking sites, positive feedback, and social capital among Chinese college students", "Video Saliency Incorporating Spatiotemporal Cues and Uncertainty Weighting", "Fast Curvature Matrix-Vector Products for Second-Order Gradient Descent", "Pedagogy of the Oppressed", "Volumetric modeling with implicit functions: a cloud is born", "Fast Calibration for Robot Welding System with Laser Vision", "Framing as a Theory of Media Effects", "Bézier Curve for Trajectory Guidance", "Lossless and lossy memory I/O link compression for improving performance of GPGPU workloads", "Working Locally Thinking Globally - Part I: Theoretical Guarantees for Convolutional Sparse Coding", "Hidden Markov Measure Field Models for Image Segmentation", "Using Boosted Features for the Detection of People in 2D Range Data", "Nonline-of-sight error mitigation in mobile location", "Generative Face Completion" ]
Predicting Student Academic Performance at Degree Level: A Case Study
[ "A Systematic Review on Educational Data Mining", "Data Mining: Data Mining Concepts and Techniques", "Mining Student Data To Characterize Similar Behavior Groups In Unstructured Collaboration Spaces", "Early Prediction of Students Performance using Machine Learning Techniques", "Investigating performance of students: a longitudinal study" ]
[ "Speech and gesture share the same communication system", "Attention for Fine-Grained Categorization", "Structure mapping in the comparison process.", "Metaphors We Think With: The Role of Metaphor in Reasoning", "Using Machine Learning Methods and Linguistic Features in Single-Document Extractive Summarization", "Modern information technology in an old workforce: Toward a strategic research agenda", "Exploiting Bluetooth on Android mobile devices for home security application", "Effective Techniques for Message Reduction and Load Balancing in Distributed Graph Computation", "A comparison of statistical methods for meta-analysis.", "Introducing the Check-Off Password System (COPS): An Advancement in User Authentication Methods and Information Security", "Facial expression recognition using Support Vector Machines", "MagNet: A Two-Pronged Defense against Adversarial Examples", "Benefits of Cloud Computing: Literature Review in a Maturity Model Perspective", "A test collection for entity search in DBpedia", "A Multi-Representational and Multi-Layered Treebank for Hindi/Urdu", "Mentally simulated movements in virtual reality: does Fitt's law hold in motor imagery?", "Multimedia event detection with multimodal feature fusion and temporal concept localization", "Motivation Classification and Grade Prediction for MOOCs Learners", "Context Dependent Claim Detection", "Stacked fully convolutional networks with multi-channel learning: application to medical image segmentation", "DeepPermNet: Visual Permutation Learning", "A conceptual and methodological critique of internet addiction research: Towards a model of compensatory internet use", "Integration of RFID and WSN technologies in a Smart Parking System", "Age-Invariant Face Recognition", "Toward supporting stories with procedurally generated game worlds" ]
Document Summarization Using Conditional Random Fields
[ "Bilingual automatic text summarization using unsupervised deep learning", "A Redundancy-Aware Sentence Regression Framework for Extractive Summarization", "Induction of Word and Phrase Alignments for Automatic Document Summarization", "A new sentence similarity measure and sentence based extractive technique for automatic text summarization", "CTSUM: extracting more certain summaries for news articles" ]
[ "Chipless RFID Tag Using Multiple Microstrip Open Stub Resonators", "Gameplaying for maths learning: cooperative or not?", "Classification of breast lesions based on laws' feature extraction techniques", "ARPKI: Attack Resilient Public-Key Infrastructure", "The Blurring Line Between Electronic and Physical Channels: Reconceptualising Multichannel Commerce", "Malware fuzzy ontology for semantic web", "Which tone-mapping operator is the best? A comparative study of perceptual quality", "Beyond Prediction: Towards Automatic Intervention in MOOC Student Stop-out", "Bregman Iterative Algorithms for \\ell1-Minimization with Applications to Compressed Sensing", "\"What is relevant in a text document?\": An interpretable machine learning approach", "Gender Differences in Emotion Regulation: An fMRI Study of Cognitive Reappraisal.", "Role of mask pattern in intelligibility of ideal binary-masked noisy speech.", "A survey on multistage/multiphase statistical modeling methods for batch processes", "Gradient boosting machines, a tutorial", "Monitoring Breathing via Signal Strength in Wireless Networks", "Compositional Vector Space Models for Knowledge Base Inference", "Depth Matters: Influence of Depth Cues on Visual Saliency", "Domain Controlled Architecture - A New Approach for Large Scale Software Integrated Automotive Systems", "Teachers ' Beliefs and Educational Research : Cleaning up a Messy Construct", "Embodied hands: modeling and capturing hands and bodies together", "Content based SMS spam filtering", "Importance of Online Product Reviews from a Consumer ’ s Perspective", "Life-Long Disentangled Representation Learning with Cross-Domain Latent Homologies", "On compressive sensing applied to radar", "Why do people play on-line games? An extended TAM with social influences and flow experience" ]
Indoor deployment of low-power wide area networks (LPWAN): A LoRaWAN case study
[ "Urban channel models for smart city IoT-networks based on empirical measurements of LoRa-links at 433 and 868 MHz", "IoT-based health monitoring via LoRaWAN", "Smart traffic light for congestion monitoring using LoRaWAN", "Wireless sensors networks for Internet of Things", "Experimental performance evaluation of LoRaWAN: A case study in Bangkok" ]
[ "SDN-based solutions for Moving Target Defense network protection", "Measurement of Driver's Consciousness by Image Processing -A Method for Presuming Driver's Drowsiness by Eye-Blinks coping with Individual Differences -", "Hardware architecture design and implementation for FMCW radar signal processing algorithm", "Attack taxonomies for the Modbus protocols", "An effective algorithm for hyperparameter optimization of neural networks", "Stasis: Flexible Transactional Storage", "Electric load forecasting in smart grids using Long-Short-Term-Memory based Recurrent Neural Network", "Adult attachment, dependence, self-criticism, and depressive symptoms: a test of a mediational model.", "On the Design and Analysis of the Privacy-Preserving SVM Classifier", "Measuring User Credibility in Social Media", "Parameter estimation for text analysis", "Object Counts! Bringing Explicit Detections Back into Image Captioning", "Colorgorical: Creating discriminable and preferable color palettes for information visualization", "Neural net pruning-why and how", "Benchmarking of Beyond-CMOS Exploratory Devices for Logic Integrated Circuits", "Development of the NAIST-Hand with Vision-based Tactile Fingertip Sensor", "From gulf to bridge: when do moral arguments facilitate political influence?", "Happy People Live Longer : Subjective Well-Being Contributes to Health and Longevityaphw", "Gender identity and sport: is the playing field level?", "Schema Extraction for Tabular Data on the Web", "Consciousness and anesthesia.", "Combining multiple clusterings using evidence accumulation", "Linguistically Motivated Large-Scale NLP with C&C and Boxer", "LB_Keogh Supports Exact Indexing of Shapes under Rotation Invariance with Arbitrary Representations and Distance Measures", "Software-defined caching: managing caches in multi-tenant data centers" ]
Intelligent tutors as teachers' aides: exploring teacher needs for real-time analytics in blended classrooms
[ "A Roadmap for a Rigorous Science of Interpretability", "Directions in Hybrid Intelligence: Complementing AI Systems with Human Intelligence", "The classroom as a dashboard: co-designing wearable cognitive augmentation for K-12 teachers", "Community based educational data repositories and analysis tools", "SPACLE: investigating learning across virtual and physical spaces using spatial replays" ]
[ "Events Detection for an Audio-Based Surveillance System", "Socio-cognitive gamification: general framework for educational games", "Sensorless control of induction motor drives", "Conceptual Graphs and Formal Concept Analysis", "Wireless Sensor Network Operating System Design Rules Based on Real-World Deployment Survey", "Understanding Replication in Databases and Distributed Systems", "Walking from thought", "Data muling with mobile phones for sensornets", "A folded dipole antenna for RFID", "An Amharic Stemmer : Reducing Words to their Citation Forms", "Training CNNs with Low-Rank Filters for Efficient Image Classification", "Algorithms for Hyper-Parameter Optimization", "A fast procedure for computing the distance between complex objects in three-dimensional space", "Social capital on facebook: differentiating uses and users", "Public Management Reform and Economic and Social Development", "Switching terahertz waves with gate-controlled active graphene metamaterials.", "A tablet-based paper exam grading system", "Simultaneous wireless information and power transfer in modern communication systems", "A graph distance metric based on the maximal common subgraph", "Robust camera location estimation by convex programming", "A multiple model PHD approach to tracking of cars under an assumed rectangular shape", "Information, Community, and Action: How Nonprofit Organizations Use Social Media", "Predicting US Primary Elections with Twitter", "Learning , Mutation , and Long Run Equilibria in Games Author ( s ) :", "Managing the transition from products to services" ]
Driving behavior analysis with smartphones: insights from a controlled field study
[ "An evaluation study of driver profiling fuzzy algorithms using smartphones", "Fusion of Optimized Indicators from Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) for Driver Drowsiness Detection", "CarSafe: a driver safety app that detects dangerous driving behavior using dual-cameras on smartphones", "Trip analyzer through smartphone apps", "A New Customer Satisfaction Index for Evaluating Transit Service Quality" ]
[ "Model-Based Methods For Steganography And Steganalysis", "Users' Awareness of Privacy on Online Social Networking Sites - Case Facebook", "The Alicia/sup 3/ climbing robot: a three-module robot for automatic wall inspection", "Eye Scrutinized Wheel Chair for People Affected with Tetraplegia", "Scilla: a Smart Contract Intermediate-Level LAnguage", "Show, Attend and Translate: Unsupervised Image Translation with Self-Regularization and Attention", "AppDialogue: Multi-App Dialogues for Intelligent Assistants", "Efficient Periodicity Mining in Time Series Databases Using Suffix Trees", "A Modified FCM Algorithm for MRI Brain Image Segmentation", "A Stereo and Color-based Method for Face Pose Estimation and Facial Feature Extraction", "The Nature of the Quaternion", "Low-Profile Folded Monopoles With Embedded Planar Metamaterial Phase-Shifting Lines", "Wideband crossed-guide waveguide directional couplers", "Semantic Structure Analysis of Noun Phrases using Abstract Meaning Representation", "Web application security assessment by fault injection and behavior monitoring", "Approximations with Minimum Packing Constraint Violation", "The incentive structure in an online information market", "Neural mechanisms of language comprehension: Challenges to syntax", "High-Resolution Side Channels for Untrusted Operating Systems", "Mining Roles with Multiple Objectives", "A new a-Si:H TFT pixel circuit compensating the threshold voltage shift of a-Si:H TFT and OLED for active matrix OLED", "Computer-assisted pop-up design for children: computationally enriched paper engineering", "The hippocampus as a predictive map", "Autonomicity in Oracle Database Management System", "ShapeWorld - A new test methodology for multimodal language understanding" ]
UnrealCV: Virtual Worlds for Computer Vision
[ "3D Object Localisation from Multi-View Image Detections", "A dataset for developing and benchmarking active vision", "QuadricSLAM: Dual Quadrics From Object Detections as Landmarks in Object-Oriented SLAM", "AI2-THOR: An Interactive 3D Environment for Visual AI", "Structure from Motion with Objects" ]
[ "Semantic smoothing for text clustering", "EventMiner: Mining Events from Annotated Documents", "CRF-CNN: Modeling Structured Information in Human Pose Estimation", "Partition Search", "A Level-Crossing Based QRS-Detection Algorithm for Wearable ECG Sensors", "Gratitude influences sleep through the mechanism of pre-sleep cognitions.", "Are Bullies More Productive? Empirical Study of Affectiveness vs. Issue Fixing Time", "Musical expertise, bilingualism, and executive functioning.", "Development and comparison of homography based estimation techniques for camera to road surface orientation", "Human Activity Recognition on Smartphones with Awareness of Basic Activities and Postural Transitions", "A Neural Network Approach for Knowledge-Driven Response Generation", "Face detection using SURF cascade", "Real-Time Upper-Body Human Pose Estimation Using a Depth Camera", "Efficient algorithms for document retrieval problems", "Development of anthropomorphic robot hand with dual-mode twisting actuation and electromagnetic joint locking mechanism", "Detecting False Data Injection Attacks on DC State Estimation", "The evolution of jealousy", "Robust Partitioning Policies of Multiprocessor Systems", "Automated robot-assisted surgical skill evaluation: Predictive analytics approach.", "An Analysis of the Interacting Roles of Population Size and Crossover in Genetic Algorithms", "STRATEGIC ALLIANCES AND INTERFIRM KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER", "Judgmental forecasting : A review of progress over the last 25 years", "Faster Secure Two-Party Computation Using Garbled Circuits", "PolyPUF: Physically Secure Self-Divergence", "Text Simplification using Typed Dependencies: A Comparision of the Robustness of Different Generation Strategies" ]
Recurrent Convolutional Neural Networks for Scene Labeling
[ "Copy-move forgery detection based on convolutional kernel network", "Fusion of color images and LiDAR data for lane classification", "Recursive Context Propagation Network for Semantic Scene Labeling", "LSTM with working memory", "Deep Learning Lane Detection for Autonomous Vehicle Localization" ]
[ "ASSESSING TEACHING PRESENCE IN A COMPUTER CONFERENCING CONTEXT", "Personalized Multitask Learning for Predicting Tomorrow ’ s Mood , Stress , and Health", "Multimodal Multi-task Learning for Dimensional and Continuous Emotion Recognition", "Study of induction heating power supply based on fuzzy controller", "RFID in the Warehouse : A Literature Analysis ( 1995-2010 ) of its Applications , Benefits , Challenges and Future Trends", "Diversity-multiplexing tradeoff in multiple-access channels", "OBLIVIATE: A Data Oblivious Filesystem for Intel SGX", "Breast Tumor Analysis in Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI Using Texture Features and Wavelet Transform", "Fast app launching for mobile devices using predictive user context", "Planar broadband annular-ring antenna with circular polarization for RFID system", "Virtual experiment system for electrician training based on Kinect and Unity3D", "Growing network with local rules: preferential attachment, clustering hierarchy, and degree correlations.", "Dynamic tire friction models for vehicle traction control", "No Grouping Left Behind: From Edges to Curve Fragments", "A Convolutional Neural Network Hand Tracker", "Intrinsic firing patterns of diverse neocortical neurons", "Challenges of Connecting Edge and Cloud Computing: A Security and Forensic Perspective", "A Model Seeker: Extracting Global Constraint Models from Positive Examples", "Network neuroscience", "A 300-MS/s, 1.76-ps-Resolution, 10-b Asynchronous Pipelined Time-to-Digital Converter With on-Chip Digital Background Calibration in 0.13-µm CMOS", "Intelligent Buildings of the Future: Cyberaware, Deep Learning Powered, and Human Interacting", "Conducting behavioral research on Amazon's Mechanical Turk.", "Semantic Facial Expression Editing using Autoencoded Flow", "The Behavior Grid: 35 ways behavior can change", "Learning to Parse and Translate Improves Neural Machine Translation" ]
General-Purpose MCMC Inference over Relational Structures
[ "Lifted First-Order Probabilistic Inference", "A simple approach to Bayesian network computations", "Bucket Elimination: A Unifying Framework for Reasoning", "SPOOK: A System for Probabilistic Object-Oriented Knowledge Representation", "Template Based Inference in Symmetric Relational Markov Random Fields" ]
[ "Information resonance on Twitter: watching Iran", "On the Semantic Mapping of Schema-agnostic Queries : A Preliminary Study", "Plan Explanations as Model Reconciliation: Moving Beyond Explanation as Soliloquy", "Optimal Portfolio Selection using Regularization Marine Carrasco and Nérée Noumon", "Micrometre-scale silicon electro-optic modulator", "Online Social Networks: Threats and Solutions", "Reading Scene Text with Attention Convolutional Sequence Modeling", "HSI-Based Color Error-Aware Subpixel Rendering Technique", "Improved and Simplified Inapproximability for k-means", "ATHENA: Automatic Text Height Extraction for the Analysis of Text Lines in Old Handwritten Manuscripts", "Whoo.ly: facilitating information seeking for hyperlocal communities using social media", "Predicting the severity of a reported bug", "Feasibility study of micro hydro power plant for rural electrification in Thailand by using axial flux permanent magnet", "Fast Implementation of General Matrix-Vector Multiplication (GEMV) on Kepler GPUs", "Recurrent Neural Networks for Emotion Recognition in Video", "Learning Structured Output Representation using Deep Conditional Generative Models", "Big data analytics in E-commerce: a systematic review and agenda for future research", "Efficient Design and Decoding of Polar Codes", "Curiosity-Driven Reinforcement Learning with Homeostatic Regulation", "Schema Theory for Genetic Programming with One-Point Crossover and Point Mutation", "A randomized controlled trial of compassion cultivation training : Effects on mindfulness , affect , and emotion regulation", "Application of Extreme Learning Machine Method for Time Series Analysis", "Strengthening Customer Loyalty Through Intimacy and Passion : Roles of Customer – Firm Affection and Customer – Staff Relationships in Services", "A case study of open source software development: the Apache server", "22 kV SiC Emitter turn-off (ETO) thyristor and its dynamic performance including SOA" ]
Boosting and Maximum Likelihood for Exponential Models
[ "A Comparative Analysis of Methods for Pruning Decision Trees", "Exponentiated Gradient Algorithms for Conditional Random Fields and Max-Margin Markov Networks", "Maximizing text-mining performance", "Boosting Algorithms as Gradient Descent", "Boosting and Rocchio Applied to Text Filtering" ]
[ "THE MYSTERY OF THE MOZART EFFECT : Failure to Replicate", "Dermatoscopy of genital warts.", "Structural Deep Network Embedding", "OCR-based chassis-number recognition using artificial neural networks", "Mobile phones in education: Challenges and opportunities for learning", "Discovering statistically significant biclusters in gene expression data", "The Stanford Hydra CMP", "Intrusion detection in wireless ad-hoc networks", "Polling-based MAC protocols for improving real-time performance in a wireless PROFIBUS", "Switching-Type H∞ Filter Design for T - S Fuzzy Systems With Unknown or Partially Unknown Membership Functions", "Topic Compositional Neural Language Model", "On Motion Planning in Changing, Partially Predictable Environments", "The Market for \" Lemons \" : Quality Uncertainty and the Market Mechanism", "Static Detection of Malicious Code in Executable Programs", "EMBROIDERED FULLY TEXTILE WEARABLE AN- TENNA FOR MEDICAL MONITORING APPLICATIONS", "Evaluating gesture-based augmented reality annotation", "Towards Unified Programmability of Cloud and Carrier Infrastructure", "Music and language side by side in the brain: a PET study of the generation of melodies and sentences.", "A Low-Phase-Noise Wide-Tuning-Range Oscillator Based on Resonant Mode Switching", "CloudSim: A Novel Framework for Modeling and Simulation of Cloud Computing Infrastructures and Services", "Predicting Learning Behavior of Students using Classification Techniques", "The automated will: nonconscious activation and pursuit of behavioral goals.", "SemEval-2015 Task 1: Paraphrase and Semantic Similarity in Twitter (PIT)", "Grasping money game used in wireless channel resource allocation", "Pretty as a Princess: Longitudinal Effects of Engagement With Disney Princesses on Gender Stereotypes, Body Esteem, and Prosocial Behavior in Children." ]
A data mining based system for credit-card fraud detection in e-tail
[ "Fingerprint Liveness Detection from Different Fingerprint Materials Using Convolutional Neural Network and Principal Component Analysis", "Example-dependent cost-sensitive decision trees", "Feature engineering strategies for credit card fraud detection", "A Survey of Credit Card Fraud Detection Techniques: Data and Technique Oriented Perspective", "DATA MINING APPLICATION IN CREDIT CARD FRAUD DETECTION SYSTEM" ]
[ "Telemanipulation with Time Delays", "Mixed Methods Research Designs in Counseling Psychology", "Assessing the severity of phishing attacks: A hybrid data mining approach", "MuseumFinland - Finnish museums on the semantic web", "Dexhand: A Space qualified multi-fingered robotic hand", "Hierarchical Text Classication using Methods from Machine Learning", "Single-Feed Circularly Polarized Aperture-Coupled Stack Antenna With Dual-Mode Square Loop Radiator", "Message-Locked Encryption for Lock-Dependent Messages", "Effective Value of Decision Tree with KDD 99 Intrusion Detection Datasets for Intrusion Detection System", "Text mining approaches for stock market prediction", "The Neural Network Pushdown Automaton: Model, Stack and Learning Simulations", "Achieving IT-Business Strategic Alignment via Enterprise-Wide Implementation of Balanced Scorecards", "Unsupervised Construction of an Indoor Floor Plan Using a Smartphone", "Number of people with glaucoma worldwide.", "A compact LTCC branch-line coupler UsingModified-T equivalent-circuit modelfor transmission line", "Finding others online: reputation systems for social online spaces", "The effects of font type and size on the legibility and reading time of online text by older adults", "Augmented Reality Oculus Rift", "Multivehicle Cooperative Driving Using Cooperative Perception: Design and Experimental Validation", "Shrinking the Tube: A New Support Vector Regression Algorithm", "A New Writing Experience: Finger Writing in the Air Using a Kinect Sensor", "From senses to texts: An all-in-one graph-based approach for measuring semantic similarity", "SOK: (State of) The Art of War: Offensive Techniques in Binary Analysis", "Expecting the Unexpected: Training Detectors for Unusual Pedestrians with Adversarial Imposters", "Governance on the Drug Supply Chain via Gcoin Blockchain" ]
Joint bilateral upsampling
[ "Multiresolution splatting for indirect illumination", "PISA: Pixelwise Image Saliency by Aggregating Complementary Appearance Contrast Measures With Edge-Preserving Coherence", "Curve Networks for Surface Reconstruction", "Neural style transfer: a paradigm shift for image-based artistic rendering?", "A comparative analysis of image fusion methods" ]
[ "Primary-Side Power Flow Control of Wireless Power Transfer for Electric Vehicle Charging", "Effective 3D action recognition using EigenJoints", "A Native and Adaptive Approach for Unified Processing of Linked Streams and Linked Data", "Natural Language Processing in Accounting, Auditing and Finance: A Synthesis of the Literature with a Roadmap for Future Research", "Interactive virtual try-on clothing design systems", "A multi-reflection-point target model for classification of pedestrians by automotive radar", "GPU performance prediction using parametrized models", "Large-scale brain networks in cognition: emerging methods and principles", "A 233-MHz 80%-87% efficient four-phase DC-DC converter utilizing air-core inductors on package", "Optimization Techniques for Semi-Supervised Support Vector Machines", "Effective Inference for Generative Neural Parsing", "A novel wireless power transfer for in-motion EV/PHEV charging", "A survey on Human Mobility and its applications", "Dendroid: A text mining approach to analyzing and classifying code structures in Android malware families", "The measurement of happiness: development of the Memorial University of Newfoundland Scale of Happiness (MUNSH).", "Robust 3D Object Tracking from Monocular Images Using Stable Parts", "Electronically Tunable Doherty Power Amplifier for Multi-Mode Multi-Band Base Stations", "Data Security in the World of Cloud Computing", "Hadoop Based Defense Solution to Handle Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attacks", "A Probabilistic Fault Detection Approach: Application to Bearing Fault Detection", "Ontology based combined approach for sentiment classification", "Unsupervised Learning by Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis", "The Beta Generalized Exponential Distribution", "Generalizing the Hough transform to detect arbitrary shapes", "Alternative Narratives of Crisis Events: Communities and Social Botnets Engaged on Social Media" ]
Super-resolution: a comprehensive survey
[ "Single Image Super-Resolution With Non-Local Means and Steering Kernel Regression", "An effective document image deblurring algorithm", "Real-Time Neural Style Transfer for Videos", "1 Image super-resolution : Historical overview and future challenges", "Bayesian combination of sparse and non-sparse priors in image super resolution" ]
[ "The 3D Model Acquisition Pipeline", "New classes of miniaturized planar Marchand baluns", "Multiscale Categorical Object Recognition Using Contour Fragments", "The CMU METAL Farsi NLP Approach", "Playing games for security: an efficient exact algorithm for solving Bayesian Stackelberg games", "False data injection attacks against state estimation in electric power grids", "Adapting to a Changing Environment: the Brownian Restless Bandits", "Upper-limb robot-assisted therapy in rehabilitation of acute stroke patients: focused review and results of new randomized controlled trial.", "Search log analysis: What it is, what's been done, how to do it", "Convolutional Neural Network-Based Human Detection in Nighttime Images Using Visible Light Camera Sensors", "Extracting Cylinders in Full 3D Data Using a Random Sampling Method and the Gaussian Image", "User Profile Modeling and Applications to Digital Libraries", "Which tone-mapping operator is the best? A comparative study of perceptual quality", "System-level throughput of NOMA using intra-beam superposition coding and SIC in MIMO downlink when channel estimation error exists", "Dopamine in drug abuse and addiction: results from imaging studies and treatment implications", "An Interactive 3D Holographic Pyramid for Museum Exhibition", "51 . 1 : Novel Simultaneous Emission Driving Scheme for Crosstalk-free 3 D AMOLED TV", "The impact of the transient response of organic light emitting diodes on the design of active matrix OLED displays", "Creating a Probabilistic Graph for WordNet using Markov Logic Network", "Alert Correlation for Extracting Attack Strategies", "On The Mathematical Foundations Of Theoretical Statistics", "Ku-band dielectric-loaded SIW horn for vertically-polarized multi-sector antennas", "Boosting as a Regularized Path to a Maximum Margin Classifier", "A ] 1 0 Ju l 2 00 1 Nonlinear Sequence Transformations : Computational Tools for the Acceleration of Convergence and the Summation of Divergent Series", "Alpha-Beta Pruning for Games with Simultaneous Moves" ]
Control of cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverter with individual MPPT for grid-connected photovoltaic generators
[ "Multilevel Converters as a Utility Interface for Renewable Energy Systems", "A Modular Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Generation System Based on DC Bus", "Overview of PI-Based Solutions for the Control of DC Buses of a Single-Phase H-Bridge Multilevel Active Rectifier", "Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Converter for Grid Connected Photovoltaic Generators with Independent Maximum Power Point Tracking of each Solar Array 0", "Energy-Balance Control of PV Cascaded Multilevel Grid-Connected Inverters Under Level-Shifted and Phase-Shifted PWMs" ]
[ "Collective Entity Disambiguation with Structured Gradient Tree Boosting", "Genome editing with engineered zinc finger nucleases", "A Convolutional Neural Network Approach for Post-Processing in HEVC Intra Coding", "Approach , Avoidance , and the Self-Regulation of Affect and Action", "Fingerprint classification using fast Fourier transform and nonlinear discriminant analysis", "Mechanism Design via Differential Privacy", "MCS Selection for Throughput Improvement in Downlink LTE Systems", "A Neurodynamic Approach for Real-Time Scheduling via Maximizing Piecewise Linear Utility", "Driver Drowsiness Detection System Based on Feature Representation Learning Using Various Deep Networks", "Cloud-assisted Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) - Enabled framework for health monitoring", "SDHM: A hybrid model for spammer detection in Weibo", "A Better Balun? Done The Design of a 4:1 Wideband Balun Using a Parallel-Connected Transmission-Line Balun", "Funneling and saltation effects for tactile interaction with virtual objects", "Strategic Performance Measurement and Management in Nonprofit Organizations", "Current and projected rates of hip fracture in Canada.", "Color transfer in correlated color space", "A review of KDD99 dataset usage in intrusion detection and machine learning between 2010 and 2015", "Arabic Dialect Identification", "Business intelligence in risk management: Some recent progresses", "Bandwidth enhancement for transimpedance amplifiers", "Automatic Vehicle Parallel Parking Design Using Fifth Degree Polynomial Path Planning", "Design of Multiplate Back-Reflector for a Wideband Slot Antenna", "Development of the Human Infant Intestinal Microbiota", "Natural Eye Movement & its application for paralyzed patients", "Automated Behavioral Regression Testing" ]
Query-by-example keyword spotting using long short-term memory networks
[ "Acoustic Modeling for Google Home", "Deep convolutional acoustic word embeddings using word-pair side information", "Phonetics embedding learning with side information", "On the efficient representation and execution of deep acoustic models", "Discriminative acoustic word embeddings: Tecurrent neural network-based approaches" ]
[ "A stochastic framework for evaluating seizure prediction algorithms using hidden Markov models.", "DCTCP: Efficient Packet Transport for the Commoditized Data Center", "Cyber-physical system product line engineering: comprehensive domain analysis and experience report", "Path Planning with Phased Array SLAM and Voronoi Tessellation", "Semantic Representations for Domain Adaptation: A Case Study on the Tree Kernel-based Method for Relation Extraction", "Emerging Technologies and Applications on Interactive Entertainments", "Oscillations in the alpha band (9-12 Hz) increase with memory load during retention in a short-term memory task.", "Localized Supervised Metric Learning on Temporal Physiological Data", "POLY: Mining Relational Paraphrases from Multilingual Sentences", "Enhancing LambdaMART Using Oblivious Trees", "Exploiting the Cost (In)sensitivity of Decision Tree Splitting Criteria", "Q-learning with heuristic exploration in Simulated Car Racing", "Inverted Files Versus Signature Files for Text Indexing", "Agricultural Production System Based on IoT", "A scalable random forest algorithm based on MapReduce", "Organizational Ambidexterity : Past , Present and Future", "Prediction of Helpful Reviews Using Emotions Extraction", "Suicide and suicidal behavior.", "Advances in type-2 fuzzy sets and systems", "Snap ML: A Hierarchical Framework for Machine Learning", "A miniature jumping robot with self-recovery capabilities", "Organizational citizenship behavior and the quantity and quality of work group performance.", "Semi-supervised Learning for RGB-D Object Recognition", "Data acquisition and control using Arduino-Android platform: Smart plug", "Provenance management in curated databases" ]
PiOS: Detecting Privacy Leaks in iOS Applications
[ "AdSentry: comprehensive and flexible confinement of JavaScript-based advertisements", "Concolic Execution on Small-Size Binaries: Challenges and Empirical Study", "Detecting Antipatterns in Android Apps", "An optimal distributed malware defense system for mobile networks with heterogeneous devices", "jFuzzyLogic: a Java Library to Design Fuzzy Logic Controllers According to the Standard for Fuzzy Control Programming" ]
[ "SoK: A Study of Using Hardware-assisted Isolated Execution Environments for Security", "mirracle: An augmented reality magic mirror system for anatomy education", "Multipath Issues in Unicast and Multicast Next-Hop Selection", "A compact 12-watt high-efficiency 2.1-2.7 GHz class-E GaN HEMT power amplifier for base stations", "Estimating 3D human shapes from measurements", "A vehicle license plate recognition system based on analysis of maximally stable extremal regions", "A Probabilistic Approach to Feature Selection - A Filter Solution", "A 32nm fully integrated reconfigurable switched-capacitor DC-DC converter delivering 0.55W/mm2 at 81% efficiency", "Millimeter Wave MIMO With Lens Antenna Array: A New Path Division Multiplexing Paradigm", "Motion planning for a mobile manipulator with imprecise locomotion", "CANN: An intrusion detection system based on combining cluster centers and nearest neighbors", "Endocrine disruptors in bottled mineral water: total estrogenic burden and migration from plastic bottles.", "Real-Time Coordination of Plug-In Electric Vehicle Charging in Smart Grids to Minimize Power Losses and Improve Voltage Profile", "Unite the People: Closing the Loop Between 3D and 2D Human Representations", "Gridlock Resolution in Interbank Payment Systems", "Steering symbolic execution to less traveled paths", "An in-depth study of LTE: effect of network protocol and application behavior on performance", "Optimal solutions for multi-unit combinatorial auctions: branch and bound heuristics", "Using word embeddings in Twitter election classification", "A peek into the future: predicting the evolution of popularity in user generated content", "Implementing A Data Mining Solution To Customer Segmentation For Decayable Products – A Case Study For A Textile Firm", "Automatic placement of authorization hooks in the linux security modules framework", "U-Healthcare System: State-of-the-Art Review and Challenges", "A Socratic method for validation of measurement-based networking research", "Why do metaphors seem deeper than similes ? In" ]
An Implementation of DES and AES, Secure against Some Attacks
[ "Breaking Cryptographic Implementations Using Deep Learning Techniques", "The EM Side – Channel ( s ) : Attacks and Assessment Methodologies", "Side-Channel Leakage of Masked CMOS Gates", "Securing Encryption Algorithms against DPA at the Logic Level: Next Generation Smart Card Technology", "Generic Side-Channel Countermeasures for Reconfigurable Devices" ]
[ "AppInk: watermarking android apps for repackaging deterrence", "Comparison of GARCH, Neural Network and Support Vector Machine in Financial Time Series Prediction", "WebNav: A New Large-Scale Task for Natural Language based Sequential Decision Making", "A Taxonomy of Attacks in RPL-based Internet of Things", "Cell phones: modern man's nemesis?", "On Security Analysis of Proof-of-Elapsed-Time (PoET)", "STRUCTURAL HEALTH MONITORING WITH PIEZOELECTRIC WAFER ACTIVE SENSORS", "Mining for bidding strategies on ebay", "Android Security Permissions - Can We Trust Them?", "The BOSARIS Toolkit: Theory, Algorithms and Code for Surviving the New DCF", "The Forget-me-not Process", "Deep Learning For Video Saliency Detection", "Speed Sensorless Control of PMSM using Model Reference Adaptive System and RBFN", "Chapter 0 Immersion in Digital Games : a Review of Gaming Experience Research", "Insider Threat Security Reference Architecture", "Local Feature Based Multiple Object Instance Identification Using Scale and Rotation Invariant Implicit Shape Model", "Assessing binary classifiers using only positive and unlabeled data", "How to Estimate and Interpret Various Effect Sizes", "An Ontology of Meta-Level Categories", "A Survey on Radio Resource Allocation in Cognitive Radio Sensor Networks", "Curl-noise for procedural fluid flow", "Optimal relay path selection and cooperative communication protocol for a swarm of UAVs", "Classification Using Association Rules : Weaknesses and Enhancements", "Activity-Conditioned Continuous Human Pose Estimation for Performance Analysis of Athletes Using the Example of Swimming", "A 2-nW 1.1-V self-biased current reference in CMOS technology" ]
Planning, Scheduling and Monitoring for Airport Surface Operations
[ "Overview: Generalizations of Multi-Agent Path Finding to Real-World Scenarios", "Planning optimal paths for multiple robots on graphs", "Optimal Target Assignment and Path Finding for Teams of Agents", "Efficient SAT Approach to Multi-Agent Path Finding Under the Sum of Costs Objective", "Lifelong Multi-Agent Path Finding for Online Pickup and Delivery Tasks" ]
[ "Novel dual Marx Generator for microplasma applications", "Multi-spectral SIFT for scene category recognition", "A study in two-handed input", "The Unified Accumulator Architecture: A Configurable, Portable, and Extensible Floating-Point Accumulator", "Inducing decision trees with an ant colony optimization algorithm", "Radar: Residual Analysis for Anomaly Detection in Attributed Networks", "Predicate Expression Cost Functions to Guide Evolutionary Search for Test Data", "MODELING AND CONTROL OF BALL AND BEAM SYSTEM USING MODEL BASED AND NON-MODEL BASED CONTROL APPROACHES", "Stippling by Example", "Performance studies of a separately excited DC motor speed control fed by a buck converter using optimized PIλDμ controller", "A combined deep-learning and deformable-model approach to fully automatic segmentation of the left ventricle in cardiac MRI", "3D Human pose estimation: A review of the literature and analysis of covariates", "An Empirical Comparison of Parsing Methods for Stanford Dependencies", "Automatic Skin Lesion Analysis using Large-scale Dermoscopy Images and Deep Residual Networks", "BioBench: A Benchmark Suite of Bioinformatics Applications", "A Question Answering System on Holy Quran Translation Based on Question Expansion Technique and Neural Network Classification", "Automatic Collocation Suggestion in Academic Writing", "Succinct: Enabling Queries on Compressed Data", "A low-voltage, low quiescent current, low drop-out regulator", "Functional imaging of brain responses to pain. A review and meta-analysis (2000)", "Life \"modes\" in social media", "Kernel principal component analysis and support vector machines for stock price prediction", "TopicRank: Graph-Based Topic Ranking for Keyphrase Extraction", "ProvChain: A Blockchain-Based Data Provenance Architecture in Cloud Environment with Enhanced Privacy and Availability", "An Ontology for Skill and Competency Management" ]
Aligning Sentences from Standard Wikipedia to Simple Wikipedia
[ "Learning to Classify Documents According to Formal and Informal Style", "Hybrid text simplification using synchronous dependency grammars with hand-written and automatically harvested rules", "Readability-based Sentence Ranking for Evaluating Text Simplification", "Simple English Wikipedia: A New Text Simplification Task", "Improving Text Simplification Language Modeling Using Unsimplified Text Data" ]
[ "Fine-grained DVFS using on-chip regulators", "Identification of multiple intelligences with the Multiple Intelligence Profiling Questionnaire III", "Time-frequency feature representation using energy concentration: An overview of recent advances", "Effects of Situated Mobile Learning Approach on Learning Motivation and Performance of EFL Students", "Introduction to Pattern Recognition - Statistical, Structural, Neural and Fuzzy Logic Approaches", "An approach to position sensorless drive for brushless DC motors", "Automatic Adaptive Center of Pupil Detection Using Face Detection and CDF Analysis", "Three-year follow-up and clinical implications of a mindfulness meditation-based stress reduction intervention in the treatment of anxiety disorders.", "Three-dimensional integrated circuits", "Fitts' law and expanding targets: Experimental studies and designs for user interfaces", "Risk as feelings.", "New training strategies for constructive neural networks with application to regression problems", "Energy-optimal trajectory planning for robot manipulators with holonomic constraints", "Multitask Learning for Mental Health Conditions with Limited Social Media Data", "Supervised Learning of Places from Range Data using AdaBoost", "Software Traceability : A Roadmap", "Sensorless Sensing with WiFi", "AMADA: web data repositories in the amazon cloud", "A Nonisolated Single-Phase UPS Topology With 110-V/220-V Input–Output Voltage Ratings", "Dynamic particle image velocimetry study of the aortic flow field of contemporary mechanical bileaflet prostheses", "XHOUND: Quantifying the Fingerprintability of Browser Extensions", "Reporting results of cancer treatment.", "Once More with Feeling: Supportive Responses to Social Sharing on Facebook", "Methods of combining multiple classifiers and their applications to handwriting recognition", "Automatically Early Detection of Skin Cancer: Study Based on Nueral Netwok Classification" ]
Audio-based Music Classification with a Pretrained Convolutional Network
[ "Multiresolution Deep Belief Networks", "K-Pop Genres: A Cross-Cultural Exploration", "Learning a robust Tonnetz-space transform for automatic chord recognition", "Learning Features from Music Audio with Deep Belief Networks", "Genre classification for million song dataset using confidence-based classifiers combination" ]
[ "Guidelines are only half of the story: accessibility problems encountered by blind users on the web", "Big Data Analysis with Signal Processing on Graphs: Representation and processing of massive data sets with irregular structure", "SentEval: An Evaluation Toolkit for Universal Sentence Representations", "Highly Automated Driving on Freeways in Real Traffic Using a Probabilistic Framework", "Putting the users center stage: role playing and low-fi prototyping enable end users to design mobile systems", "Routing in telecommunications networks with \" smart \" ant-like agents", "Review-Level Sentiment Classification with Sentence-Level Polarity Correction", "An Experimental Comparison of Stereo Algorithms", "Graph neural networks for ranking Web pages", "Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Certificate Policy and Certification Practices Framework", "Processor Design in 3D Die-Stacking Technologies", "User Intent Classification using Memory Networks: A Comparative Analysis for a Limited Data Scenario", "Autonomous Crowdsourcing through Human-Machine Collaborative Learning", "Soft-computing techniques and ARMA model for time series prediction", "Tangible user interface for chemistry education: comparative evaluation and re-design", "A Resolver Angle Estimator Based on Its Excitation Signal", "Automated Brain Tumor Detection and Identification Using Image Processing and Probabilistic Neural Network Techniques", "Finding the weakest link in person detectors", "The callosal angle measured on MRI as a predictor of outcome in idiopathic normal-pressure hydrocephalus.", "Performance modeling from software components", "Large Scale Business Discovery from Street Level Imagery", "Local Privacy and Statistical Minimax Rates", "Scaling agile methods to regulated environments: An industry case study", "Technological Forecasting – A Review", "Efficient fuzzy full-text type-ahead search" ]
An Improved Microcontroller-Based Sensorless Brushless DC (BLDC) Motor Drive for Automotive Applications
[ "A novel line-to-line back EMF calculation for sensorless brushless DC motor drives", "Sensorless Brushless DC Motor Drive Based on the Zero-Crossing Detection of Back Electromotive Force (EMF) From the Line Voltage Difference", "Position Sensorless Control Based on Coordinate Transformation for Brushless DC Motor Drives", "Indirect Back-EMF Zero Crossing Detection for Sensorless BLDC Motor Operation", "Identification and compensation of torque ripple in high-precision permanent magnet motor drives" ]
[ "Towards an Ontology Design Pattern Quality Model", "Physics Informed Deep Learning (Part I): Data-driven Solutions of Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations", "Applications of big data to smart cities", "SPIFFY: Inducing Cost-Detectability Tradeoffs for Persistent Link-Flooding Attacks", "DIGITAL PHEROMONES FOR AUTONOMOUS COORDINATION OF SWARMING UAV'S", "Different Arrangements for Dual-Rotor Dual-Output Radial-Flux Motors", "Heart rate monitoring from wrist-type photoplethysmographic (PPG) signals during intensive physical exercise", "Design Considerations for Direct-Conversion Receivers", "CONFIDENCE LIMITS ON PHYLOGENIES: AN APPROACH USING THE BOOTSTRAP.", "Development and Navigation of a Mobile Robot for Floating Production Storage and Offloading Ship Hull Inspection", "MANAGEMENT CONTROL SYSTEMS AND STRATEGY: A CRITICAL REVIEW*", "The treatment gap in mental health care.", "3D People Tracking with Gaussian Process Dynamical Models", "Design and Application of Surface Wave Sensors for Nonintrusive Power Line Fault Detection", "PolyUnpack: Automating the Hidden-Code Extraction of Unpack-Executing Malware", "Beam-Steering SIW Leaky-Wave Subarray With Flat-Topped Footprint for 5G Applications", "Removing electroencephalographic artifacts by blind source separation.", "Dual-band planar quadrature hybrid with enhanced bandwidth response", "Digital watermarking: algorithms and applications", "Automatic 3D ear reconstruction based on binocular stereo vision", "Learning From and About Others: Towards Using Imitation to Bootstrap the Social Understanding of Others by Robots", "Modeling a Retweet Network via an Adaptive Bayesian Approach", "Deep Heuristic-learning in the Rubik ’ s Cube Domain : an Experimental Evaluation", "Evaluation and design for an integrated modular motor drive (IMMD) with GaN devices", "Combining latent factor model with location features for event-based group recommendation" ]
Fast als-based matrix factorization for explicit and implicit feedback datasets
[ "Collaborative Topic Regression with Social Regularization for Tag Recommendation", "xCLiMF: optimizing expected reciprocal rank for data with multiple levels of relevance", "Nonlinear latent factorization by embedding multiple user interests", "Applications of the conjugate gradient method for implicit feedback collaborative filtering", "A session based personalized search using an ontological user profile" ]
[ "Speech recognition by machine: A review", "Rectenna Design and Signal Optimization for Electromagnetic Energy Harvesting and Wireless Power Transfer", "Parallel Selective Algorithms for Nonconvex Big Data Optimization", "Frequency-Scalable Nonlinear-Transmission-Line-Based Vector Network Analyzers", "Using neural network ensembles for bankruptcy prediction and credit scoring", "IARPA Janus Benchmark-B Face Dataset", "A new zero-ripple switching dc-to-dc converter and integrated magnetics", "TRAUMA, DISSOCIATION, AND DISORGANIZED ATTACHMENT: THREE STRANDS OF A SINGLE BRAID", "3D Interpreter Networks for Viewer-Centered Wireframe Modeling", "IP-Geolocation Mapping for Moderately Connected Internet Regions", "On-the-fly detection of instability problems in floating-point program execution", "E-broidery: Design and fabrication of textile-based computing", "Medium Access Control protocols for ad hoc wireless networks: A survey", "Dynamic background modeling and subtraction using spatio-temporal local binary patterns", "A compositional approach to statecharts semantics", "Development and Applications of CRISPR-Cas9 for Genome Engineering", "Representing Animations by Principal Components", "Securing smart maintenance services: Hardware-security and TLS for MQTT", "Robust Lane Detection using Two-stage Feature Extraction with Curve Fitting", "Exploring Ambient and Artistic Visualization for Residential Energy Use Feedback", "Dense Semi-rigid Scene Flow Estimation from RGBD Images", "Shake, rattle, ‘n’ roll: the representation of motion in language and cognition", "Anti-phishing detection of phishing attacks using genetic algorithm", "Accurate Recovery of Three-Dimensional Shape from Image Focus", "On-Device Federated Learning via Blockchain and its Latency Analysis" ]
3D is here: Point Cloud Library (PCL)
[ "Ground truth evaluation of large urban 6D SLAM", "Real-time general object recognition for indoor robot based on PCL", "CAD-based pose estimation for random bin-picking of multiple objects using a RGB-D camera", "Point Cloud Attribute Compression Using 3-D Intra Prediction and Shape-Adaptive Transforms", "Serious Games for education and training" ]
[ "Stress, burnout and health in the clinical period of dental education.", "Application of artificial neural network in detection of DOS attacks", "OSPRay - A CPU Ray Tracing Framework for Scientific Visualization", "Software Engineering for Self-Adaptive Systems: A Second Research Roadmap", "On the Discrimination-Generalization Tradeoff in GANs", "Variational Shape from Light Field", "Complete coverage path planning and guidance for cleaning robots", "Dissociating contributions of ACC and vmPFC in reward prediction, outcome, and choice", "High gain printed antenna array for FMCW radar at 17 GHz", "The ODD protocol : a review and first update", "Automatic Evaluation of Text Coherence: Models and Representations", "A hybrid artificial intelligence model for river flow forecasting", "Adversarial Feature Matching for Text Generation", "Business Intelligence in the Cloud", "Integrating computational and creative thinking to improve learning and performance in CS1", "A Scalable and Privacy-Aware IoT Service for Live Video Analytics", "A RFID-enabled traceability system for the supply chain of live fish", "Smart Cameras as Embedded Systems", "Cross-Domain Image Retrieval with Attention Modeling", "Effects of gamification on participation and data quality in a real-world market research domain", "Impact Of Employee Participation On Job Satisfaction , Employee Commitment And Employee Productivity", "Design, simulation and manufacturing of a Tracked Surveillance unmanned ground vehicle", "IT Capabilities, Process-Oriented Dynamic Capabilities, and Firm Financial Performance", "Open source real-time control software for the Kuka light weight robot", "Empath: A framework for evaluating entity-level sentiment analysis" ]
Methods for the synthesis of qualitative research: a critical review
[ "Worked examples of alternative methods for the synthesis of qualitative and quantitative research in systematic reviews", "Conducting a meta-ethnography of qualitative literature: Lessons learnt", "Consolidated criteria for reporting qualitative research (COREQ): a 32-item checklist for interviews and focus groups.", "A synthesis technique for grounded theory data analysis.", "Sampling in Qualitative Research : Insights from an Overview of the Methods Literature" ]
[ "Suitability analysis of in-wheel motor direct drives for electric and hybrid electric vehicles", "MicroLib: A Case for the Quantitative Comparison of Micro-Architecture Mechanisms", "String similarity measures and joins with synonyms", "Improving the accuracy of a flood forecasting model by means of machine learning and chaos theory", "Large scale distributed neural network training through online distillation", "Software Aging Analysis of the Linux Operating System", "Weighting Finite-State Transductions With Neural Context", "Where Am I? Investigating Map Matching During Self-Localization With Mobile Eye Tracking in an Urban Environment", "Neural Syntax: Cell Assemblies, Synapsembles, and Readers", "The Market for \" Lemons \" : Quality Uncertainty and the Market Mechanism", "Discriminant Adaptive Nearest Neighbor Classification", "Bias compensation and tracking with monopulse radars in the presence of multi path", "SemEval-2016 Task 8: Meaning Representation Parsing", "Ontology-based Text Summarization for Business News Articles", "A new kind of science", "Design and testing of a low-cost robotic wheelchair prototype", "Getting the Message?: A Study of Explanation Interfaces for Microblog Data Analysis", "On the importance of single directions for generalization", "Human action recognition using transfer learning with deep representations", "The Third International Chinese Language Processing Bakeoff: Word Segmentation and Named Entity Recognition", "Benchmarking Derivative-Free Optimization Algorithms", "Effort estimation in agile software development: a survey on the state of the practice", "Big data, bigger dilemmas: A critical review", "The Penn Arabic Treebank : Building a Large-Scale Annotated Arabic Corpus", "A Robust 3D-2D Interactive Tool for Scene Segmentation and Annotation" ]
Detecting metamorphic malwares using code graphs
[ "Image Similarity Using Mutual Information of Regions", "Dynamic Android Malware Classification Using Graph-Based Representations", "Binary-code obfuscations in prevalent packer tools", "EROS: Ensemble rough subspaces", "MEDUSA: MEtamorphic malware dynamic analysis usingsignature from API" ]
[ "Automatic Facial Expression Recognition System Based on Geometric and Appearance Features", "IntentNet: Learning to Predict Intention from Raw Sensor Data", "A Toolset for Navigation in Virtual Environments", "Compressibility and Generalization in Large-Scale Deep Learning", "Pushing the Limits of Design Fiction: The Case For Fictional Research Papers", "Idea expander: supporting group brainstorming with conversationally triggered visual thinking stimuli", "Handwritten Digit Recognition Using Multi-Layer Feedforward Neural Networks with Periodic and Monotonic Activation Functions", "Integration of RFID and sensor in agriculture using IOT", "Securing cyberspace: Identifying key actors in hacker communities", "Ceramic Based Small LTE MIMO Handset Antenna", "On the Complexity of Teaching", "Enhancing stance phase propulsion during level walking by combining fes with a powered exoskeleton for persons with paraplegia", "Unions of balls for shape approximation in robot grasping", "Autonomous Real-time Vehicle Detection from a Medium-Level UAV", "EVENODD: An Efficient Scheme for Tolerating Double Disk Failures in RAID Architectures", "Filtering for Texture Classification: A Comparative Study", "Deep networks with stochastic depth for acoustic modelling", "neuralnet: Training of Neural Networks", "A survey of malware detection techniques", "Model predictive control of the interleaved DC-DC boost converter", "from entailment meshes via semantic nets to learning webs", "History and State of the Art in Commercial Electric Ship Propulsion, Integrated Power Systems, and Future Trends", "Selection of Support Vector Machines based classifiers for credit risk domain", "Multi- and Cross-Modal Semantics Beyond Vision: Grounding in Auditory Perception", "Multi-Domain Learning: When Do Domains Matter?" ]
Temporal filtering for depth maps generated by Kinect depth camera
[ "Depth hole filling using the depth distribution of neighboring regions of depth holes in the Kinect sensor", "Reliability Fusion of Time-of-Flight Depth and Stereo Geometry for High Quality Depth Maps", "Variational Depth Superresolution Using Example-Based Edge Representations", "Coherent Spatiotemporal Filtering, Upsampling and Rendering of RGBZ Videos", "Guided inpainting and filtering for Kinect depth maps" ]
[ "Rear Vehicle Detection and Tracking for Lane Change Assist", "Coarse-to-Fine Volumetric Prediction for Single-Image 3D Human Pose", "A Comparative Study for Single Image Blind Deblurring", "Three-Phase Dual-Buck Inverter With Unified Pulsewidth Modulation", "Mapping brain asymmetry", "Compact Root Bilinear CNNs for Content-Based Image Retrieval", "Automatic Segmentation of Brain Tumor using K-Means Clustering and its Area Calculation", "OpenSoT: A whole-body control library for the compliant humanoid robot COMAN", "Deriving common malware behavior through graph clustering", "Performance of Feedforward Current Regulators for Field-Oriented Induction Machine Controllers", "Sparse nonnegative matrix approximation : new formulations and algorithms", "Bayesian Optimization with Tree-structured Dependencies", "Event Detection in Social Streams", "Bottom-Up and Top-Down Attention for Image Captioning and Visual Question Answering", "Unsupervised transfer learning for target detection from hyperspectral images", "Fashioning the Face: Sensorimotor Simulation Contributes to Facial Expression Recognition", "Automation Architecture for Single Operator-Multiple UAV Command and Control", "Detection of unknown computer worms based on behavioral classification of the host", "Vacant Parking Space Detection in Static", "GPS based bus tracking system", "Dynamic Clustering of Streaming Short Documents", "A Compact Wideband SIW-Fed Dielectric Antenna With End-Fire Radiation Pattern", "Design of new intelligent street light control system", "Brief mindfulness meditation training alters psychological and neuroendocrine responses to social evaluative stress", "Posture recognition with a top-view camera" ]
Design space exploration for 3D architectures
[ "Architecting phase change memory as a scalable dram alternative", "Die Stacking (3D) Microarchitecture", "Feasibility of monolithic and 3D-stacked DC-DC converters for microprocessors in 90nm technology generation" ]
[ "Accelerating Critical Section Execution with Asymmetric Multicore Architectures", "Analysis and Optimization of Convolutional Neural Network Architectures", "A Two-Stage Pretraining Algorithm for Deep Boltzmann Machines", "Metrics for Software Adaptability", "The MSR Cookbook: Mining a decade of research", "Template detection via data mining and its applications", "Large-Margin Predictive Latent Subspace Learning for Multiview Data Analysis", "Convolutional Neural Network Based Automatic Object Detection on Aerial Images", "A Ka Dual-Band Circular Waveguide Polarizer", "Challenge on Opinion Mining and Sentiment Analysis", "Confusion Matrix-based Feature Selection", "On label dependence and loss minimization in multi-label classification", "Human error: models and management.", "NIST GCR 16-010 Survey and New Directions for Physics-Based Attack Detection in Control Systems", "Finger Vein Authentication Technology and Its Future", "Analyzing behavior of DDoS attacks to identify DDoS detection features in SDN", "Gradient boosting machines, a tutorial", "VFDB 2012 update: toward the genetic diversity and molecular evolution of bacterial virulence factors", "A survey of trust computation models for service management in internet of things systems", "Word of mouth communication within online communities: Conceptualizing the online social network", "Aging , Obsolescence and Organizational Innovation", "Gradient Response Maps for Real-Time Detection of Textureless Objects", "Self-ensembling for domain adaptation", "Models and Statistical Inference : The Controversy between Fisher and Neyman – Pearson", "DeepProp: Extracting Deep Features from a Single Image for Edit Propagation" ]
HumanEva: Synchronized Video and Motion Capture Dataset for Evaluation of Articulated Human Motion
[ "A Generative Model for Parts-based Object Segmentation", "Recursive Least Squares Dictionary Learning Algorithm", "Understanding and improving the realism of image composites", "Marker-less Deformable Mesh Tracking for Human Shape and Motion Capture", "Efficient ConvNet-based marker-less motion capture in general scenes with a low number of cameras" ]
[ "Conversational Gaze Aversion for Humanlike Robots", "Twin Clouds: An Architecture for Secure Cloud Computing (Extended Abstract)", "An empirical evaluation of models of text document similarity", "CONSUMER: A Novel Hybrid Intrusion Detection System for Distribution Networks in Smart Grid", "Clustering WordNet word senses", "A Modified Z-Epicanthoplasty Combined With Blepharoplasty Used to Create an In-Type Palpebral Fissure in Asian Eyelids", "Categories of digital investigation analysis techniques based on the computer history model", "How does capital affect bank performance during financial crises ? $", "A Framework for Clustering Uncertain Data Streams", "Automation of Question Generation From Sentences", "A Review and Future Perspectives of Arabic Question Answering Systems", "Correlation-based Feature Selection for Discrete and Numeric Class Machine Learning", "Forecasting Social Unrest Using Activity Cascades", "MobiCloud: A geo-distributed mobile cloud computing platform", "A case study-based comparison of web testing techniques applied to AJAX web applications", "Markov Models for Written Language Identification", "A Wideband Aperture Efficient 60-GHz Series-Fed E-Shaped Patch Antenna Array With Copolarized Parasitic Patches", "Storylines: Visual exploration and analysis in latent semantic spaces", "A 4-to-10.5 Gb/s Continuous-Rate Digital Clock and Data Recovery With Automatic Frequency Acquisition", "Effective Domain Mixing for Neural Machine Translation", "Discriminant Locally Linear Embedding With High-Order Tensor Data", "Green vehicle routing in urban zones - A neuro-fuzzy approach", "Burst Mode Elimination in High-Power $LLC$ Resonant Battery Charger for Electric Vehicles", "A Survey of Music Information Retrieval Systems", "Korean text summarization using an aggregate similarity" ]
Big Data: Survey, Technologies, Opportunities, and Challenges
[ "ANALYTICS ON BIG FAST DATA USING REAL TIME STREAM DATA PROCESSING ARCHITECTURE", "A Comparative Analysis of Different NoSQL Databases on Data Model, Query Model and Replication Model", "Collaborative interdisciplinary astrobiology research: a bibliometric study of the NASA Astrobiology Institute", "Using clustering analysis to improve semi-supervised classification", "Differentially private random decision forests using smooth sensitivity" ]
[ "Combinatorial Testing for Deep Learning Systems", "Web-based 3D Reconstruction Service", "C-Store: A Column-oriented DBMS", "Relations in biomedical ontologies", "Feature selection for high-dimensional data", "Meta-learning for time series forecasting and forecast combination", "Spectrum- and Energy-Efficient OFDM Based on Simultaneous Multi-Channel Reconstruction", "Introducing IoT and Wearable Technologies into Task-Based Language Learning for Young Children", "Be Conservative: Enhancing Failure Diagnosis with Proactive Logging", "DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR AUDIO PRESENTATION OF GRAPHS AND TABLES", "A modified bow tie antenna with U-shape slot for Wireless applications", "The small world of the American corporate elite , 1982 – 2001", "Predicting links in ego-networks using temporal information", "Adaptive Multi-Resource Allocation for Cloudlet-Based Mobile Cloud Computing System", "Design and Kinematic Modeling of Constant Curvature Continuum Robots: A Review", "Heritage Recording and 3D Modeling with Photogrammetry and 3D Scanning", "Web-based visualization of marine environment data", "A Q-band (40–45 GHz) 16-element phased-array transmitter in 0.18-μm SiGe BiCMOS technology", "A survey of statistical user simulation techniques for reinforcement-learning of dialogue management strategies", "Mobile Edge Computing Empowers Internet of Things", "Incremental Analysis of real Programming Languages", "Data Mining Approach For Subscription-Fraud Detection in Telecommunication Sector", "Fuzzy Logic and Its Application to Approximate Reasoning", "Combining OCR Outputs for Logical Document Structure Markup. Technical Background to the ACL 2012 Contributed Task", "CLARE: A Joint Approach to Label Classification and Tag Recommendation" ]
A Taxonomy and Survey of Cloud Computing Systems
[ "Survey on Cloud Computing Security", "Schema clustering and retrieval for multi-domain pay-as-you-go data integration systems", "An Overview of Virtual Machine Architectures", "Load balancing cloud computing: State of art", "A Survey on Open-source Cloud Computing Solutions" ]
[ "An Abaqus implementation of the extended finite element method", "Determination of the PID Controller Parameters by Modified Genetic Algorithm for Improved Performance", "WebNav: A New Large-Scale Task for Natural Language based Sequential Decision Making", "Paraphrasing for Automatic Evaluation", "Comparing information graphics: a critical look at eye tracking", "The Event Calculus Explained", "An SRAM Design in 65nm and 45nm Technology Nodes Featuring Read and Write-Assist Circuits to Expand Operating Voltage", "To block or not to block, that is the question: students' perceptions of blocks-based programming", "Functional connectivity classification of autism identifies highly predictive brain features but falls short of biomarker standards", "Learning to Play the Game of Chess", "Dynamic programming and influence diagrams", "Kyoto University Participation to WAT 2017", "Investigating Redundancy in Emoji Use: Study on a Twitter Based Corpus", "Programming algorithms for multilevel phase-change memory", "Prevalence of overweight and obesity in Turkey.", "Large-scale learning of word relatedness with constraints", "Android malware attacks and countermeasures: Current and future directions", "Investigating Information Security Awareness: Research and Practice Gaps", "Multi-Task Feature Learning", "An exact algorithm for the elementary shortest path problem with resource constraints: Application to some vehicle routing problems", "Estimation on Location, Velocity, and Acceleration With High Precision for Collision Avoidance", "Molecular MIMO: From Theory to Prototype", "Increasing performance in byzantine fault-tolerant systems with on-demand replica consistency", "Real-time facial animation with image-based dynamic avatars", "Accurate reconstruction of image stimuli from human fMRI based on the decoding model with capsule network architecture" ]
The neighbor-joining method: a new method for reconstructing phylogenetic trees.
[ "Inferring tumor progression from genomic heterogeneity.", "MEGA-CC: computing core of molecular evolutionary genetics analysis program for automated and iterative data analysis", "A novel hybrid feature selection via Symmetrical Uncertainty ranking based local memetic search algorithm", "A dynamic programming algorithm for haplotype block partitioning.", "Biological identifications through DNA barcodes." ]
[ "A Comparison of Waveform Fractal Dimension Algorithms", "mRMR-ABC: A Hybrid Gene Selection Algorithm for Cancer Classification Using Microarray Gene Expression Profiling", "A correlative analysis process in a visual analytics environment", "A survey of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for traffic monitoring", "Realtime Procedural Terrain Generation", "Improving the accuracy of a flood forecasting model by means of machine learning and chaos theory", "Pors: proofs of retrievability for large files", "On Horizontal Decomposition of the Operating System", "XPONENTIALLY VANISHING SUB-OPTIMAL LOCAL MINIMA IN MULTILAYER NEURAL NETWORKS", "Performance Studies of Underwater Wireless Optical Communication Systems With Spatial Diversity: MIMO Scheme", "Look, Imagine and Match: Improving Textual-Visual Cross-Modal Retrieval with Generative Models", "Personality, emotional intelligence and work preferences in software engineering: An empirical study", "Channel Agnostic End-to-End Learning Based Communication Systems with Conditional GAN", "Non-rigid range-scan alignment using thin-plate splines", "A Multimodal Anomaly Detector for Robot-Assisted Feeding Using an LSTM-Based Variational Autoencoder", "Mesh editing with poisson-based gradient field manipulation", "Piecewise Planar Modeling for Step Detection using Stereo Vision", "Workplace harassment: double jeopardy for minority women.", "A taxi business intelligence system", "Associating text and graphics for scientific chart understanding", "Human-Inspired Control of Bipedal Walking Robots", "Nonlinear random matrix theory for deep learning", "Anger, disgust, and presumption of harm as reactions to taboo-breaking behaviors.", "Consciousness and anesthesia.", "Tree-Based Multi-dimensional Range Search on Encrypted Data with Enhanced Privacy" ]
Reinforcement Learning: A Survey
[ "An Analysis of Stochastic Game Theory for Multiagent Reinforcement Learning", "Chaotic time series Part I : Estimation of some invariant properties in state space", "Review of MRI-based Brain Tumor Image Segmentation Using Deep Learning Methods", "Exploration for Multi-task Reinforcement Learning with Deep Generative Models", "Deep Reinforcement Learning: An Overview" ]
[ "On the Accuracy of Hyper-local Geotagging of Social Media Content", "Switching Convolutional Neural Network for Crowd Counting", "A-Lamp: Adaptive Layout-Aware Multi-patch Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Photo Aesthetic Assessment", "Musical training influences linguistic abilities in 8-year-old children: more evidence for brain plasticity.", "Flying Ad-Hoc Networks: Technological and Social Implications", "DESIGN OF BPF USING INTERDIGITAL BANDPASS FILTER ON CENTER FREQUENCY 3 GHZ .", "Combining CNNs and Pattern Matching for Question Interpretation in a Virtual Patient Dialogue System", "MINDFULNESS AND TRAUMA: IMPLICATIONS FOR TREATMENT", "A class of parallel tiled linear algebra algorithms for multicore architectures", "Affordance Prediction via Learned Object Attributes", "Fast routing in road networks with transit nodes.", "Camera Pose and Calibration from 4 or 5 Known 3D Points", "Hough Transform and Active Contour for Enhanced Iris Segmentation", "Radio Frequency Identification: Applications and Security Issues", "Predicting Exploitation of Disclosed Software Vulnerabilities Using Open-source Data", "Graph Classification via Topological and Label Attributes", "Multicriteria User Modeling in Recommender Systems", "Fractal Antenna Elements and Arrays", "Remotely sensed small reservoir monitoring", "On Estimation and Selection for Topic Models", "Measuring user confidence in smartphone security and privacy", "Online Human Action Detection using Joint Classification-Regression Recurrent Neural Networks", "A Low-Jitter 1.8-kV 100-ps Rise-Time 50-kHz Repetition-Rate Pulsed-Power Generator", "Cyber-physical systems as the technical foundation for problem solutions in manufacturing, logistics and supply chain management", "Path integral guided policy search" ]
A GaN transistor based 90W AC/DC adapter with a buck-PFC stage and an isolated Quasi-switched-capacitor DC/DC stage
[ "Effects of X Capacitors on EMI Filter Effectiveness", "MHz-frequency operation of flyback converter with monolithic self-synchronized rectifier (SSR)", "Shielding-Cancelation Technique for Suppressing Common-Mode EMI in Isolated Power Converters", "Dead time optimization through loss analysis of an active-clamp flyback converter utilizing GaN devices", "Analysis and reduction of common mode EMI noise for resonant converters" ]
[ "Discriminative Hierarchical Modeling of Spatio-temporally Composable Human Activities", "Improved SVRG for Non-Strongly-Convex or Sum-of-Non-Convex Objectives", "An Algorithmic Solution of N-Person Games", "Data Encryption Standard: past and future", "Convolutional Neural Networks for Sentence Classification", "A Four-Channel 94-GHz SiGe-Based Digital Beamforming FMCW Radar", "Fast object localization and pose estimation in heavy clutter for robotic bin picking", "A Review of Relational Machine Learning for Knowledge Graphs", "A semisupervised learning method to merge search engine results", "Visual closed-loop control for pouring liquids", "LLC resonant converter using a planar transformer with new core shape", "An Approach to Forecasting QoS Attributes of Web Services Based on ARIMA and GARCH Models", "A recommender system using GA K-means clustering in an online shopping market", "Multi-dimensional trade-off considerations of the 750V micro pattern trench IGBT for electric drive train applications", "Optimizing Strategic Safety Stock Placement in Supply Chains", "Performance Evaluations of Hard-Switching Interleaved DC / DC Boost Converter with New Generation Silicon Carbide MOSFETs", "Intrusion Detection: A Survey", "Infotainment and road safety service support in vehicular networking : From a communication perspective", "Design Procedures for Three-Stage CMOS OTAs With Nested-Miller Compensation", "Correlating events with time series for incident diagnosis", "Setting Goals and Choosing Metrics for Recommender System Evaluations", "Sketch-based modeling with few strokes", "Multi-objective reinforcement learning using sets of pareto dominating policies", "Absolute Depth Estimation From a Single Defocused Image", "An Empirical Comparison of PDDL-based and ASP-based Task Planners" ]
Measuring KMS success: A respecification of the DeLone and McLean's model
[ "Measuring Online Learning Systems Success: Applying the Updated DeLone and McLean Model", "How Software Process Improvement Helped Motorola", "Perceived usefulness, personal experiences, risk perception and trust as determinants of adoption of e-government services in The Netherlands", "Perceived usefulness, ease of use and electronic supermarket use", "Social Media Engagement Theory: Exploring the Influence of User Engagement on Social Media Usage" ]
[ "Normalized amplitude modulation features for large vocabulary noise-robust speech recognition", "Mapping CMMI-DEV maturity levels to ISO/IEC 15504 capability profiles", "Conception, Evolution, and Application of Functional Programming Languages", "Automatically Classifying Question Types for Consumer Health Questions", "Unsupervised Feature Learning for RGB-D Image Classification", "Improving Term Weighting for Community Question Answering Search Using Syntactic Analysis", "Exploring the Processing-in-Memory design space", "Wireless sensor networks: applications and challenges of ubiquitous sensing", "Automated anomaly detection and performance modeling of enterprise applications", "QEx: robust quad mesh extraction", "Recent advances in 3D printing of biomaterials", "A snake-based method for segmentation of intravascular ultrasound images and its in vivo validation.", "No-reference perceptual quality assessment of JPEG compressed images", "Dominant forces in protein folding.", "A simple classifier for multiple criteria ABC analysis", "A Single-Ended Disturb-Free 9T Subthreshold SRAM With Cross-Point Data-Aware Write Word-Line Structure, Negative Bit-Line, and Adaptive Read Operation Timing Tracing", "Design, fabrication and analysis of a body-caudal fin propulsion system for a microrobotic fish", "Purely Sequence-Trained Neural Networks for ASR Based on Lattice-Free MMI", "Subject metadata enrichment using statistical topic models", "Physics-Based Planning for Planetary Exploration", "Managing information sharing within an organizational setting: A social network perspective", "Algorithms for Characterization and Trend Detection in Spatial Databases", "Self-Reported Symptoms of Depression and PTSD Are Associated with Reduced Vowel Space in Screening Interviews", "Biometric Recognition Using Three-Dimensional Ear Shape", "Essentials of electronic testing for digital, memory, and mixed-signal VLSI circuits [Book Review]" ]
Aligning supply chain strategies with product uncertainties
[ "Defining Supply Chain Management", "Towards a theory of supply chain management : the constructs and measurements", "Effective supply chain management: theory and practice", "Responsive Supply Chain : A Competitive Strategy in a Networked Economy", "Just in time , total quality management , and supply chain management : understanding their linkages and impact on business performance" ]
[ "Example Based 3D Reconstruction from Single 2D Images", "Optimization of perturb and observe maximum power point tracking method", "Dynamic Social Network Analysis of a Dark Network: Identifying Significant Facilitators", "Cash Forecasting: An Application of Artificial Neural Networks in Finance", "Dry and Noncontact EEG Sensors for Mobile Brain–Computer Interfaces", "Overview and comparison of OpenCL and CUDA technology for GPGPU", "Boosting and Differential Privacy", "Apps to promote physical activity among adults: a review and content analysis", "Circularly Polarized Substrate-Integrated Waveguide Tapered Slot Antenna for Millimeter-Wave Applications", "Using the Revised Dictionary of Affect in Language to quantify the emotional undertones of samples of natural language.", "Socioeconomic Status and Academic Achievement : A Meta-Analytic Review of Research", "SNAP and SPAN: Towards Dynamic Spatial Ontology", "Spatial parallel soft robotic architectures", "Control of Robotic Mobility-On-Demand Systems: a Queueing-Theoretical Perspective", "Stochastic Backpropagation and Approximate Inference in Deep Generative Models", "Comparison of Wavelet and Short Time Fourier Transform Methods in the Analysis of EMG Signals", "The volcanormal density for radar-based extended target tracking", "Conversational Contextual Cues: The Case of Personalization and History for Response Ranking", "Value of magnetic resonance imaging in the evaluation of sex-reassignment surgery in male-to-female transsexuals*", "Exploring Ways To Mitigate Sensor-Based Smartphone Fingerprinting", "Autonomous Underwater Navigation and Optical Mapping in Unknown Natural Environments", "Deeply-Recursive Convolutional Network for Image Super-Resolution", "Intensification of Intimacy in Computer-Mediated Communication From Perception to Behavior : Disclosure Reciprocity and the", "THU_NGN at IJCNLP-2017 Task 2: Dimensional Sentiment Analysis for Chinese Phrases with Deep LSTM", "Steered crowdsensing: incentive design towards quality-oriented place-centric crowdsensing" ]