{"_id": "120122", "text": "How to enqueue script or style in a theme's template file?"} {"_id": "120126", "text": "WP Query / Meta Query"} {"_id": "46136", "text": "Archive by Year"} {"_id": "16709", "text": "meta_query with meta values as serialize arrays"} {"_id": "95799", "text": "Is it possible to disable a function of a parent theme?"} {"_id": "124354", "text": "Why wp_register_style() is important while I'm using a complete wp_enqueue_style()?"} {"_id": "114225", "text": "Set default Screen Options on theme setup"} {"_id": "151384", "text": "Help to cleanup this code"} {"_id": "115278", "text": "Admin Post - Keep Child Below Parent"} {"_id": "23263", "text": "Syntax highlighting for post/page editor"} {"_id": "10706", "text": "WP 3.1 - archive pages for custom content types possible now without a plugin?"} {"_id": "6774", "text": "Restricting access to files within a specific folder"} {"_id": "145811", "text": "Menu items (all menus) being deleted randomly on their own"} {"_id": "121540", "text": "How to access WP database inside ipn.php?"} {"_id": "154271", "text": "Why is my ajax live search not working when i use a shortcode to call it?"} {"_id": "120772", "text": "Updating existing table in wordpress plugin"} {"_id": "124358", "text": "paging is not working properly on news archives page"} {"_id": "64808", "text": "conditional shortcode not working"} {"_id": "36174", "text": "How to disable generation of default image sizes for some custom post types?"} {"_id": "77661", "text": "Next_posts_link() works only with original $wp_query"} {"_id": "158284", "text": "Plugin update without overwriting the functionality"} {"_id": "16004", "text": "Redirect user to original url after login?"} {"_id": "64001", "text": "Best way to customise wp_nav_menu"} {"_id": "49154", "text": "Hide other users' posts in admin panel"} {"_id": "12201", "text": "WordPress Multisite - global categories"} {"_id": "160041", "text": "How to make this change without changing the core?"} {"_id": "120193", "text": "assign 2 $args to one wp_query"} {"_id": "144627", "text": "How to remove a filter that has been added as a function"} {"_id": "23710", "text": "Why isn't the Settings API designed to work for plugins using custom admin menus?"} {"_id": "32584", "text": "Localization: I want the backend: english and frontend in defined language"} {"_id": "56476", "text": "How not to display posts from a certain category?"} {"_id": "56781", "text": "shortcode outputs first before the page content"} {"_id": "36772", "text": "Image Captions Have a 10px Extra Margin, And It's Not CSS?"} {"_id": "83435", "text": "Wordpress video end function"} {"_id": "125050", "text": "How to Override \"Blog pages show at most\" in tag.php"} {"_id": "138329", "text": "Make WordPress search for only this tags or exclude certain tags from search"} {"_id": "14306", "text": "Using wp_query is it possible to orderby taxonomy?"} {"_id": "99282", "text": "Code Only On Mobile"} {"_id": "125937", "text": "Lock my blog only for me"} {"_id": "21367", "text": "When you create a custom post type, does that also create capabilities for editing/deleting that post type automatically?"} {"_id": "78357", "text": "My wordpress site must be being affected by outside sources"} {"_id": "199", "text": "Steps to Optimize WordPress in Regard to Server Load?"} {"_id": "194", "text": "How to show a single post on the front page but have normal paging?"} {"_id": "33913", "text": "Exclude admin from the top commenters list"} {"_id": "154454", "text": "Remove Parent Image Size and Create Different Size"} {"_id": "47049", "text": "What is the correct way to use wordpress functions outside wordpress files?"} {"_id": "87478", "text": "How do I position meta_box on post edit screen after the title?"} {"_id": "31512", "text": "Custom Post Type Slug / Page Slug Conflict - Prevent use of reserved slug on page save?"} {"_id": "89886", "text": "How to create a custom search for custom post type?"} {"_id": "71922", "text": "how to change capability required to view an admin page?"} {"_id": "91166", "text": "How to disable WordPress from creating thumbnails?"} {"_id": "3041", "text": "Make WordPress WYSIWYG not strip out iframe's"} {"_id": "106559", "text": "dbDelta using Foreign key not working on update"} {"_id": "24443", "text": "When is it appropriate to create a new table in the WordPress database?"} {"_id": "131399", "text": "Share login data/cookies between multiple installations"} {"_id": "22134", "text": "Add Plugins to Wordpress Theme"} {"_id": "147194", "text": "I have a wp_media uploader question"} {"_id": "149013", "text": "Display a list of subcategories a post belongs to"} {"_id": "98226", "text": "Admin Menus - Name Menu different from first Submenu"} {"_id": "74160", "text": "Showing A Menu When Only Users Are Logged In"} {"_id": "120710", "text": "query multiple posts orderby two custom fields?"} {"_id": "42891", "text": "How to create live autofill search?"} {"_id": "42893", "text": "Wordpress Plugin function callback by URL"} {"_id": "103227", "text": "Exclude subcategories from the url"} {"_id": "114271", "text": "Retrieve categories of a WooCommerce product in hierachical order"} {"_id": "21152", "text": "display all posts in wordpress admin"} {"_id": "92103", "text": "Disable Wordpress URL auto complete"} {"_id": "136322", "text": "WP Cron: Save third party data as user meta"} {"_id": "106371", "text": "gallery - size is thumbnail by default change it to medium"} {"_id": "99042", "text": "Pagination problem in custom post type used as front page"} {"_id": "142221", "text": "rewrite url for a single custom post on a multisite"} {"_id": "112088", "text": "Let admin users edit member profiles from front end"} {"_id": "71381", "text": "How to disable `SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS`"} {"_id": "42586", "text": "How to troubleshoot WordPress issues?"} {"_id": "121143", "text": "Show only second level menu items?"} {"_id": "126266", "text": "Report/Flag post function?"} {"_id": "61749", "text": "Adding meta values to permalink"} {"_id": "60831", "text": "Duplicate posts"} {"_id": "120216", "text": "Include wp-load.php in custom PHP script"} {"_id": "103181", "text": "Sorting: custom query with orderby meta_value_num THEN by title"} {"_id": "100547", "text": "How to redirect all page requests to a single \"goodbye\" homepage?"} {"_id": "84254", "text": "WP.org API: Accessing plugin downloads \"Today\" value?"} {"_id": "65446", "text": "Load wp_editor via ajax"} {"_id": "27941", "text": "Getting 404.php instead of single-.php"} {"_id": "100833", "text": "FB - Comment Moderation Tool bug or error in the code?"} {"_id": "32297", "text": "Use template_include with custom post types"} {"_id": "147385", "text": "Is it OK to remove theme credits from footer?"} {"_id": "113196", "text": "Send message to author without showing email address"} {"_id": "4984", "text": "Resizing all images"} {"_id": "135083", "text": "WP_Query & posts_per_page"} {"_id": "134062", "text": "How to get date using timezone saved in options?"} {"_id": "134069", "text": "Getting start_el() error"} {"_id": "51005", "text": "RSS Feed Custom Title?"} {"_id": "56256", "text": "Custom Post Type Pagination Doesn't Work in Wordpress 3.4"} {"_id": "117385", "text": "date_query seems to be ignored by wp_query"} {"_id": "105772", "text": "Move Title and the Content WYSIWYG editor position"} {"_id": "63424", "text": "How To Modify The Loop in archives.php To Have 11 Posts Per Page and CSS Styling"} {"_id": "106451", "text": "load plugin with ajax"} {"_id": "31143", "text": "How to remove attachments size attribute"} {"_id": "61455", "text": "Cron job not run on activation"} {"_id": "24652", "text": "subdomain archiving"} {"_id": "24650", "text": "Hooks for Links Box"} {"_id": "134661", "text": "WP Nonce with Ajax- is it always neccessary?"} {"_id": "71304", "text": "Action hook for custom tax edit"} {"_id": "81591", "text": "Making epub, pdf, mobi formats available in a post?"} {"_id": "5748", "text": "How to replace the domain name in a Wordpress database?"} {"_id": "152334", "text": "How to show file size of featured image?"} {"_id": "62573", "text": "Remove the Yoast SEO Post Metabox"} {"_id": "94705", "text": "Link to subpages on the same page"} {"_id": "104307", "text": "How does wordpress distinguish a plugin's main php file from other php files?"} {"_id": "24924", "text": "Programmatically change post templates?"} {"_id": "30139", "text": "Adding a class (arrows) to main menu links that have children?"} {"_id": "78630", "text": "ID of images from wordpress galelry"} {"_id": "4336", "text": "Is There A Hook To Process The Content Of The Text Widget?"} {"_id": "41207", "text": "How do I enqueue styles/scripts on certain /wp-admin pages?"} {"_id": "140966", "text": "How do I disable comments on a page?"} {"_id": "123237", "text": "Pagination in get post of custom post type"} {"_id": "116514", "text": "Setting up a virtual subdirectory to display identical content as root directory"} {"_id": "119899", "text": "How to increase excerpt length in wordpress?"} {"_id": "9202", "text": "Thumbnail (featured image) of next and previous post is not being properly displayed!"} {"_id": "131767", "text": "Overwriting a theme function with a plugin"} {"_id": "20194", "text": "Super WordPress debugging toolkit and triage procedures?"} {"_id": "20196", "text": "Transient / object cache maximum key length"} {"_id": "62054", "text": "Custom Walker: how to get ID in function start_lvl"} {"_id": "82051", "text": "Meta data posted in different table"} {"_id": "126186", "text": "How can I process $post->post_content before echoing it?"} {"_id": "26595", "text": "Listing Authors - URL Formats"} {"_id": "75565", "text": "How to use same email for multiple users"} {"_id": "79903", "text": "Author Pages For Custom Post Types"} {"_id": "105641", "text": "Help with Wordpress Walker Function"} {"_id": "137409", "text": "How to print a shortcode?"} {"_id": "133985", "text": "Multiple WYSIWYG editors with settings teeny => true"} {"_id": "131589", "text": "how to change the default login page of wordpress from wp-login.php to custom login page?"} {"_id": "116288", "text": "Getting the count of a shortcode that is nested"} {"_id": "130675", "text": "How to change posts page to use own template"} {"_id": "141132", "text": "Automatically Share Posts Across Wordpress Multisite"} {"_id": "5331", "text": "append_content help"} {"_id": "36149", "text": "How to place random widgets in the Wordpress sidebar?"} {"_id": "29822", "text": "Custom bulk_action"} {"_id": "124300", "text": "disable comments if array exists"} {"_id": "140141", "text": "Random posts loop order"} {"_id": "64050", "text": "Does WordPress send data about your blog to WordPress.org or Automattic?"} {"_id": "42120", "text": "Remove slug in taxonomy url"} {"_id": "115021", "text": "date function not correctly returning date"} {"_id": "115020", "text": "Listing pages which uses specific template"} {"_id": "50092", "text": "Custom meta box shown when template is chosen"} {"_id": "66180", "text": "Programmatically insert hierarchical terms & set terms for post causes glitch?"} {"_id": "160568", "text": "How do I create a link that will always show the latest post?"} {"_id": "73385", "text": "Make search result returned only from tags!"} {"_id": "32004", "text": "How to validate WordPress generated password in DB using PHP?"} {"_id": "104722", "text": "Media Library page super slow, loading up full quality images"} {"_id": "109985", "text": "How to pass arguments to add_action()"} {"_id": "154470", "text": "Why this Wordpress page.php file contain the posts loop?"} {"_id": "159089", "text": "Get \"wp_get_nav_menu_items\" to sort alphabetically"} {"_id": "4751", "text": "Adding Pages to Menus - No Page Hierarchy in Backend"} {"_id": "125066", "text": "Image gallery thumbnails on product page"} {"_id": "88062", "text": "Preset categories in wordpress by GET-paremters"} {"_id": "49339", "text": "Notice that the wp_enqueue_style is not being called correctly! "} {"_id": "124573", "text": "Using a url variable, is there a way to display a draft post when not logged in"} {"_id": "67790", "text": "Custom search form with empty parameters"} {"_id": "56652", "text": "Filtering the Admin Comments List to Show Only Comments from the Current User?"} {"_id": "45437", "text": "Including jQuery and JavaScript files the correct way"} {"_id": "138977", "text": "Adding help for user when using $wp_customize->add_control()"} {"_id": "118742", "text": "Auto-create/assign category from post title"} {"_id": "16414", "text": "Can't edit style.css in subdirectory of my theme?"} {"_id": "93830", "text": "Really simple query giving error in SQL syntax"} {"_id": "133665", "text": "Can variables be used to rewrite a Custom Post Type permalink?"} {"_id": "39665", "text": "custom htaccess rewrite rule for page"} {"_id": "46398", "text": "Check before publishing, if already exist post with current custom field value"} {"_id": "158469", "text": "Paginate Term Archive?"} {"_id": "112773", "text": "How can I inject html after the [x]th widget inside a Sidebar?"} {"_id": "160595", "text": "Why I can't align an image center using Tiny MCE editor?"} {"_id": "113901", "text": "Don\u00b4t allow access wp-admin for non-admins but allow to upload files"} {"_id": "76072", "text": "$wpdb->prepare() warning in WordPress 3.5"} {"_id": "71000", "text": "paginate_links refers to \"Not Found\" page"} {"_id": "71005", "text": "Theme development: Pre-activated widgets"} {"_id": "133545", "text": "Sort posts by title, sort array by largest number"} {"_id": "60383", "text": "Correct process for a new Page Template?"} {"_id": "133674", "text": "How to show an error message after publishing a post?"} {"_id": "78325", "text": "How to add dynamically the main parent pages's custom fields and their values to all sub-pages?"} {"_id": "129512", "text": "get_template_part within plugin"} {"_id": "70519", "text": "Shared Members between two different wordpress installations with different databases"} {"_id": "121406", "text": "How to remove/hide elements from the admin menu?"} {"_id": "40994", "text": "single-{$post_type}-{slug}.php for custom post types"} {"_id": "21341", "text": "Alternative to query_posts for main loop?"} {"_id": "5422", "text": "How to move the wordpress site from test url to main url?"} {"_id": "127277", "text": "How to use ajax_url in front end when using with theme?"} {"_id": "69772", "text": "Execute function when post is published"} {"_id": "52489", "text": "the_date() not working"} {"_id": "48145", "text": "\"Discussion\" checkboxes unchecked by default on pages?"} {"_id": "124420", "text": "Local environment update WordPress require FTP server"} {"_id": "36493", "text": "Get post thumbnail size"} {"_id": "67480", "text": "Custom background for the index page only?"} {"_id": "40173", "text": "How-to: push a GitHub repo to the wordpress plugin servers"} {"_id": "87746", "text": "query_posts() vs get_posts() multiple loops"} {"_id": "19607", "text": "Wordpress Copyright Dillema (i.e. Powered by)"} {"_id": "100726", "text": "Add custom attributes to menu items without plugin"} {"_id": "46469", "text": "Can I Prevent Enumeration of Usernames?"} {"_id": "1395", "text": "Adding Custom Field to Taxonomy Input :Panel"} {"_id": "116917", "text": "Notification when new post is submitted"} {"_id": "56206", "text": "Permalink: postname EXCEPT for blog"} {"_id": "117353", "text": "How to add images to taxonomy terms?"} {"_id": "63418", "text": "Removing user fields"} {"_id": "94615", "text": "How to set up wordpress domain mapping on MAMP Pro"} {"_id": "115676", "text": "Change core metaboxes labels"} {"_id": "132260", "text": "query two meta values"} {"_id": "50044", "text": "how query string in wordpress receive the value other than post and page"} {"_id": "94682", "text": "Issue after changing permalink structure"} {"_id": "134839", "text": "Is it possible to install WordPress within WordPress installation?"} {"_id": "70979", "text": "Remove Meta-boxes (Yoast SEO plugin)"} {"_id": "123182", "text": "Custom admin column disappearing when using Quick Edit"} {"_id": "120377", "text": "Declare plugin dependency"} {"_id": "121132", "text": "How to trigger the core WPLANG to make automatically set a language when the theme is activated?"} {"_id": "143727", "text": "setting global and using as argument"} {"_id": "50530", "text": "custom post types, wp_get_archives and add_rewrite_rule"} {"_id": "20923", "text": "How can I make add_image_size() crop from the top?"} {"_id": "113631", "text": "Putting PHP variables into javascript"} {"_id": "76334", "text": "Prevent menu from loading in a page template"} {"_id": "127653", "text": "Sessions in word press"} {"_id": "52400", "text": "How to save a translation of a plugin in \"CodeStyling Localization\"?"} {"_id": "9231", "text": "What's the preferred method of writing AJAX-enabled plugins?"} {"_id": "80266", "text": "Performance and styles problem after changing permalink structure"} {"_id": "21952", "text": "WP_Query with checkbox meta_query"} {"_id": "3725", "text": "WordPress frameworks and parent themes"} {"_id": "3727", "text": "How can I install a plugin on a Wordpress.com hosted blog?"} {"_id": "2100", "text": "Database synchronization between dev/staging and production"} {"_id": "126871", "text": "Without user loging inner page is disable wordpress"} {"_id": "15764", "text": "\"Leave a comment\" link even when you can't"} {"_id": "133953", "text": "How to add a box underneath the Post Box in Wordpress admin?"} {"_id": "83650", "text": "Adding admin-ajax.php to the frontend. Good or bad idea?"} {"_id": "147867", "text": "Export my posts from WordPress blog, each to single PDF file, incl. images"} {"_id": "158194", "text": "Multi site - pass post between sites"} {"_id": "43643", "text": "Make a navigation menu in the same post"} {"_id": "58391", "text": "Is moving wp-config outside the web root really beneficial?"} {"_id": "114909", "text": "WordPress Image Scaling Quality"} {"_id": "143303", "text": "Child theme preview missing"} {"_id": "143301", "text": "Default image (logo) for customizer"} {"_id": "1507", "text": "Steps to Take to Hide the Fact a Site is Using WordPress?"} {"_id": "140139", "text": "multisite: allow only specific users to update sites"} {"_id": "141149", "text": "Duplicate domain database to local - How?"} {"_id": "69388", "text": "How can I track active users of my plugin? and why doesn't WordPress.Org offer this?"} {"_id": "69386", "text": "shortcodes output before content"} {"_id": "120247", "text": "How to add an image in the widget zone?"} {"_id": "97895", "text": "Plugin works for default post types, but not for custom"} {"_id": "119271", "text": "Text Widget Automatically Adding Website Link"} {"_id": "2680", "text": "best way to overide plugin CSS?"} {"_id": "116260", "text": "Turn Custom Post Title into external link"} {"_id": "145692", "text": "Sort posts by category priority"} {"_id": "175", "text": "Marking future dated post as published"} {"_id": "137986", "text": "WordPress 3.9 - Trouble Editing new TinyMCE"} {"_id": "38361", "text": "Advanced search form with filters for custom taxonomies and custom fields"} {"_id": "90241", "text": "Dynamic content in a static page"} {"_id": "16727", "text": "Questions about WordPress.org theme review"} {"_id": "63041", "text": "Removing the URL field from Comments"} {"_id": "21634", "text": "What is your take: TimThumb vs. WordPress Thumbnails? The great debate"} {"_id": "50478", "text": "Scan for first image in post and display it"} {"_id": "25385", "text": "How to autologin users after creating a new site (multisite)?"} {"_id": "100230", "text": "adding the full image path to a wordpress javascript file"} {"_id": "36118", "text": "How to HIDE everything in PUBLISH metabox except Move to Trash & PUBLISH button"} {"_id": "8050", "text": "Definitive list of WordPress books"} {"_id": "158113", "text": "How to change the publishing date of each posts?"} {"_id": "19031", "text": "WP plugin updates"} {"_id": "11798", "text": "Loading template files from a subfolder in my theme?"} {"_id": "152253", "text": "Multisite: List all Blogs alphabetically"} {"_id": "58481", "text": "List Custom Post Types by Date Archive"} {"_id": "117546", "text": "is_active_sidebar() Always Returns False"} {"_id": "58903", "text": "Mandatory fields in Custom Post Types"} {"_id": "27840", "text": "How to have a custom URL structure for a custom post type?"} {"_id": "4789", "text": "Changing the 'wp-admin' URL to whatever I want"} {"_id": "859", "text": "Show a WP 3.0 Custom Menu in an HTML Select with Auto-Navigation?"} {"_id": "5220", "text": "Automatic Updates For Private And Commercial Themes?"} {"_id": "17947", "text": "Expanding the allowed HTML tags in comments?"} {"_id": "129620", "text": "Reduce repetitive code filtering custom post type categories"} {"_id": "123135", "text": "Shortcode executing order wrongly"} {"_id": "74853", "text": "Apply custom role capabilities to administrator (without plugin)"} {"_id": "92551", "text": "How to retrieve an image from a post and display it before excerpt of a post?"} {"_id": "73782", "text": "Showing shortcode of contact form instead of displaying form"} {"_id": "113235", "text": "Add number new posts (post_status = pending) to administration menu"} {"_id": "14169", "text": "Return $post_id when DOING_AUTOSAVE?"} {"_id": "15699", "text": "Export whole wordpress blog to PDF or similar including images"} {"_id": "19446", "text": "WordPress upgrade now receiving Error 101 (net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET): Unknown error"} {"_id": "124555", "text": "Filter username field on registration for profanity and unwanted words"} {"_id": "125200", "text": "How can I loop into two different DIVS without repeating the DIVs"} {"_id": "114350", "text": "how to saved the values \u200b\u200bof selected checkboxes in an array"} {"_id": "96563", "text": "Call sidebar from a template"} {"_id": "76216", "text": "How to add a filter based on custom field to admin user list"} {"_id": "17715", "text": "Plugin search sorting for admin section - Wordpress"} {"_id": "67065", "text": "Properly add an upload media button in a meta box field"} {"_id": "147797", "text": "Getting latest posts from network"} {"_id": "458", "text": "OpenID for WordPress 3.x?"} {"_id": "35416", "text": "Re Order Editor to be after meta box"} {"_id": "25461", "text": "How to determine the current widget's parent container (sidebar widget id)"} {"_id": "47346", "text": "How can I display parent and child taxonomies in separate drop downs?"} {"_id": "158432", "text": "How to increase menu size limit?"} {"_id": "41934", "text": "Plugin that would allow WordPress Authors to \"follow\" other Authors and query \"Activity Info\" from that"} {"_id": "113211", "text": "Calling up a second Theme functions.php"} {"_id": "66606", "text": "replace plugin .po without modifying plugin core?"} {"_id": "114673", "text": "Articles show some of text"} {"_id": "60132", "text": "How can I add custom fields in a custom post type?"} {"_id": "52002", "text": "Add Page number to Meta Description in Wordpress SEO by Yoast"} {"_id": "25118", "text": "Change comments form title on a page by page basis"} {"_id": "98913", "text": "Add Parent to List of Subpages"} {"_id": "4259", "text": "Limiting sessions to one IP at a time"} {"_id": "128979", "text": "How to return Javascript variable to wordpress"} {"_id": "77597", "text": "How to Create a Custom WordPress Install Package?"} {"_id": "116953", "text": "Show all post types in the same table of posts"} {"_id": "75665", "text": "Archive listing of posts by publish year (multiple years)"} {"_id": "33198", "text": "First item in each category list is not a link"} {"_id": "33193", "text": "How do you load WordPress from an external script when using MultiSite?"} {"_id": "36017", "text": "custom slug for custom post type"} {"_id": "154579", "text": "Most commented post should be the first post in the blog"} {"_id": "35139", "text": "*box for images displayed as a post's [gallery]"} {"_id": "114734", "text": "How To Customize Position of \u00bbadd to cart\u00ab of WooCommerce on Product Page"} {"_id": "25099", "text": "Change login error messages"} {"_id": "139850", "text": "How to reinit tinymce for wp_editor after ajax?"} {"_id": "101619", "text": "adding parent link to submenu"} {"_id": "124626", "text": "How to include taxonomy.php from wp-includes the proper way?"} {"_id": "141017", "text": "relation OR instead of AND - Filtered term ID's in loop"} {"_id": "44110", "text": "PageLines theme: how to change the background color of the main content vs. entire page?"} {"_id": "70203", "text": "Final Attempt - Adding default post content based on category?"} {"_id": "41634", "text": "How can you upload an image from within a settings page?"} {"_id": "119560", "text": "How can I edit the content in index.php?"} {"_id": "43004", "text": "wp_enqueue has a resource but doesn't generate a script tag"} {"_id": "99386", "text": "How to load wordpress sidebar using AJAX"} {"_id": "131758", "text": "Migration from Squarespace to WordPress: Remove leading 0 from %monthnum% in permalinks"} {"_id": "152453", "text": "Wordpress metabox file upload in custom post"} {"_id": "39446", "text": "Change The Title Of a Meta Box"} {"_id": "159238", "text": "Custom register and login page for Wordpress"} {"_id": "11822", "text": "how to limit search to post titles?"} {"_id": "139638", "text": "Adding a photo to each WP user"} {"_id": "126942", "text": "Multiple taxonomies & terms (no hyperlinking) in 1 function"} {"_id": "12531", "text": "Is it possible to add a first and latest posts link?"} {"_id": "124848", "text": "Security: How to disallow viewing/browsing by author?"} {"_id": "98995", "text": "Custom post type archive and single.php files not working"} {"_id": "68040", "text": "How to be notified when a YT video becomes unavailable on my website?"} {"_id": "136756", "text": "Retrieve all posts within tag OR category?"} {"_id": "78792", "text": "How to select featured images for 1500 posts?"} {"_id": "111254", "text": "What are the minimum database privileges to run WP?"} {"_id": "73367", "text": "How do I sort multiples pages?"} {"_id": "56779", "text": "Check if post is being published for the first time, or is an already published post being updated"} {"_id": "56775", "text": "Add Comment Custom Field"} {"_id": "132179", "text": "How to load dynamic content via jquery/css in a page?"} {"_id": "69460", "text": "Get multiple custom field values in a $wpdb query"} {"_id": "23089", "text": "Are get_bloginfo queries cached to start, or should they be cached?"} {"_id": "87514", "text": "Make Google index the entire post if it is separated into several pages"} {"_id": "85416", "text": "Advanced custom field plugin not showing in admin sidebar"} {"_id": "83102", "text": "How do you change the theme location?"} {"_id": "124344", "text": "How do you make your theme Child Theme-able?"} {"_id": "124341", "text": "Redirect to correct author template based on author role"} {"_id": "110768", "text": "returning 404 page error on form submission"} {"_id": "141117", "text": "CPT search using meta_query and meta key as array"} {"_id": "141110", "text": "Why does wp add slashes to $_POST?"} {"_id": "130926", "text": "How to move images from /uploads to the /uploads/Year/Month structure?"} {"_id": "129425", "text": "Why I have this error when I try to install this old blog on my local webserver?"} {"_id": "154873", "text": "How to make Next and Previous attached image navigation on the attachment page?"} {"_id": "63917", "text": "Can a developer adopt a plugin marked as \"not updated in over 2 years\"?"} {"_id": "145589", "text": "Post label \"new!\" in wp_nav_menu using class?"} {"_id": "138076", "text": "Wordpress pie register custom registration"} {"_id": "14677", "text": "Automatically create pages in a post based on number of words"} {"_id": "27832", "text": "WP_query 'orderby=none' Problem"} {"_id": "131405", "text": "Adding dashicon fonts to the admin of pre 3.8 installs"} {"_id": "77012", "text": "publish_post action hook not working"} {"_id": "134128", "text": "ajax response is 0 instead of 'script'"} {"_id": "6247", "text": "Can I turn off write-in tags/taxonomies?"} {"_id": "66944", "text": "Conditional Tag Based on Age of Post"} {"_id": "66943", "text": "How to repeat a loop after 4 posts"} {"_id": "110766", "text": "Multidimensional array problem with update_post_meta"} {"_id": "98899", "text": "Creating Theme Settings Page"} {"_id": "80454", "text": "How to know which one is the main query?"} {"_id": "87779", "text": "Taxonomy view page doesn't show terms with parents"} {"_id": "139269", "text": "WordPress taxonomy radio buttons"} {"_id": "149850", "text": "Static posts page with home.php"} {"_id": "15376", "text": "How to set default screen options?"} {"_id": "88093", "text": "Settings API enable default settings on theme install?"} {"_id": "59753", "text": "Wp_Insert_Post: Do not insert if the title exists"} {"_id": "121464", "text": "Can one display a specific page on the WordPress dashboard using the WordPress dashboard API?"} {"_id": "12889", "text": "Will WP work on a multi-server environment?"} {"_id": "56343", "text": "Template issues getting ajax search results"} {"_id": "56966", "text": "Custom $wpdb Query for Custom Post Type by Category"} {"_id": "129497", "text": "Transferring WordPress Instances"} {"_id": "55550", "text": "Short_title character problem"} {"_id": "77424", "text": "Show category list on attachment page"} {"_id": "87264", "text": "Do I need to use The Loop on pages?"} {"_id": "42882", "text": "current_shortcode() - detect currently used shortcode"} {"_id": "52330", "text": "How to remove \"login to reply\" from individual comments"} {"_id": "121058", "text": "Permission of uploads folder"} {"_id": "10582", "text": "How to add Disqus comment count"} {"_id": "90199", "text": "How to declare WooCommerce support in your theme"} {"_id": "44516", "text": "Can someone please help me find a solution to my youtube embed problems?"} {"_id": "3396", "text": "Create custom page templates with plugins?"} {"_id": "132282", "text": "Removing WordPress version number from included files"} {"_id": "142792", "text": "Monthly Archive page for custom post type"} {"_id": "76943", "text": "Add New Footer Widget Area with Limited Options?"} {"_id": "96762", "text": "How to make a meta box field a requirement"} {"_id": "121219", "text": "Words After Url Redirect to Matching Blog Posts"} {"_id": "138627", "text": "Wordpress double post name distinguish by term"} {"_id": "96361", "text": "Categorising themes by folders in backend"} {"_id": "119988", "text": "Loading post like facebook on scrool to bottom"} {"_id": "49020", "text": "Handling jQuery Component Collision"} {"_id": "125980", "text": "Worth enqueue_scripts for mobile via is_mobile?"} {"_id": "59590", "text": "how to style an individual page in a category"} {"_id": "130519", "text": "Loading jQuery and jQuery plugin script files correctly"} {"_id": "29338", "text": "How to show 'login error' and 'lost password' on my template page?"} {"_id": "51281", "text": "Add a Save Button to Custom Meta Box"} {"_id": "63840", "text": "Is it possible to have full category-parent/post-name with custom post types?"} {"_id": "78062", "text": "How can I fix this code"} {"_id": "156820", "text": "I need to run a AJAX Fuction from within a WP_Query but only works on first item"} {"_id": "127252", "text": "page template within custom post type"} {"_id": "116609", "text": "What is meant by __('page','twentytwelve')"} {"_id": "53403", "text": "Wordpress Beginer to Guru"} {"_id": "143540", "text": "Sort pre_get_posts by multiple Simple Fields meta values?"} {"_id": "128768", "text": "WordPress Updates 3.5.2 to 3.8 Any Problem?"} {"_id": "110349", "text": "Template Hierarchy: confused with index.php, front-page.php, home.php"} {"_id": "63098", "text": "How do I turn comments off for pages, but not posts?"} {"_id": "40805", "text": "How to secure WordPress XMLRPC?"} {"_id": "104373", "text": "Custom template for a product in Woocommerce"} {"_id": "79894", "text": "Save Thumbnails From wp_oembed_get Function"} {"_id": "2623", "text": "Include custom taxonomy term in search"} {"_id": "99138", "text": "Creating a Custom Post Type as a Plugin? Why?"} {"_id": "134249", "text": "When using a cache plugin I destroyed a menu structure"} {"_id": "99338", "text": "Loaded JavaScript file not showing"} {"_id": "53486", "text": "How to add or remove metabox each page separately?"} {"_id": "79914", "text": "Limit the post for differents custom post type in the same wp_query"} {"_id": "116880", "text": "Serve HTTPS requests from subdomain"} {"_id": "76125", "text": "Change the default-view of Media Library in 3.5?"} {"_id": "115783", "text": "I'm not able to get access to $wpdb"} {"_id": "125356", "text": "Get custom taxonomies from multiple posts"} {"_id": "13636", "text": "How to add pages to custom menus on the fly"} {"_id": "72116", "text": "How can I display all Multisite blogs where this user is administrator?"} {"_id": "125634", "text": "How do I use update_option to give me a new option name each time a form is submitted?"} {"_id": "112043", "text": "How can i list all user registered on my website and have pagination"} {"_id": "12360", "text": "custom registration form"} {"_id": "149263", "text": "Enqueue Stylesheets After Theme's \"rtl.css\""} {"_id": "112685", "text": "Thickbox doesn't respect dimensions when used in admin"} {"_id": "67780", "text": "Restrict url to one segment, even when page or post is nested"} {"_id": "100939", "text": "simple solution for restricting access to (some) uploads/downloads"} {"_id": "101042", "text": "Changing upload directory for plugin uploads only"} {"_id": "137307", "text": "transition_comment_status gets called when untrashing comments"} {"_id": "222", "text": "Do deactivated plugins slow down a WordPress site?"} {"_id": "150122", "text": "Woothemes Canvas - Variable Excerpt Length"} {"_id": "26110", "text": "What methods to use to create small, editable pieces of text for static pages?"} {"_id": "63292", "text": "how to make custom posts sticky?"} {"_id": "157779", "text": "Error opening in a admin panel"} {"_id": "84986", "text": "How to add additional JavaScript code"} {"_id": "74517", "text": "Must Log In to Visit Site"} {"_id": "10310", "text": "authenticate user without password from email activation link"} {"_id": "62820", "text": "Custom post type not displaying content from single-{custopm post type} page ctd"} {"_id": "59891", "text": "trying to add custom landing page to Twenty Eleven- can't get rid of Twenty Eleven header/container?"} {"_id": "57944", "text": "Why does wordpress keep asking for ftp login info when I go to install a plugin"} {"_id": "77227", "text": "Enqueue Google Web Fonts Without Messing Up Symbols In URL"} {"_id": "78881", "text": "Wordpress 3.5 Media Manager - add a button"} {"_id": "109333", "text": "Twenty Eleven Theme"} {"_id": "127487", "text": "How to change location, charset in Wordpress query"} {"_id": "158089", "text": "Echo Insert Media in input"} {"_id": "102451", "text": "Export data as CSV in back end with proper HTTP headers"} {"_id": "157865", "text": "Function in Child Theme not overriding Parent Theme function"} {"_id": "107249", "text": "Remove title attribute from tag cloud widget"} {"_id": "477", "text": "How do I get the size of an attachment file?"} {"_id": "101834", "text": "CPT admin column auto order by date instead of title"} {"_id": "33072", "text": "How to remove feeds from WordPress totally?"} {"_id": "55227", "text": "How to execute conditional script when on new customize.php (Theme Customize) screen"} {"_id": "96945", "text": "How do I just display the part of the array that I want to?"} {"_id": "131958", "text": "Queries gone haywire since update to 3.8.1"} {"_id": "117349", "text": "What is the Best Way to Secure a Commercial Wordpress Plugin?"} {"_id": "98939", "text": "Allow acces to wp-admin in wordpress"} {"_id": "109646", "text": "Active Plugins for current blog in WP Multisite Network?"} {"_id": "6163", "text": "Commenting in user profile page?"} {"_id": "4514", "text": "How do I customise the new user welcome email"} {"_id": "147885", "text": "$post->ID not working but the get_the_id() is"} {"_id": "82718", "text": "How do I implement the Wordpress Iris picker into my plugin on the front-end?"} {"_id": "5742", "text": "Change the Author Slug from Username to Nickname"} {"_id": "128969", "text": "Get_post_meta returns Array instead of actual value"} {"_id": "6645", "text": "Turn a URL into an Attachment / Post ID"} {"_id": "140444", "text": "How to edit the admin photo?"} {"_id": "158874", "text": "Is it possible to use meta_query with both AND and OR relations?"} {"_id": "53866", "text": "How to use a Must-Use plugin to hide a regular one and to hide itself?"} {"_id": "121686", "text": "How to make category page as the home page?"} {"_id": "134026", "text": "Setting an attribute as variation in woo commerce via php"} {"_id": "84314", "text": "Custom .php page that contains json for dynamically loaded content"} {"_id": "89409", "text": "Need oop for wordpress theme?"} {"_id": "11722", "text": "Applying automatic link class to images embedded to posts"} {"_id": "114914", "text": "rewrite script to use wp_remote_get instead of file_get_contents_curl"} {"_id": "128535", "text": "post_date_gmt and post_date"} {"_id": "57446", "text": "Custom Taxonomy Archives on Custom Post type Page"} {"_id": "15251", "text": "Moving a blog from Tumblr to Wordpress"} {"_id": "75723", "text": "Get user input from a form"} {"_id": "104061", "text": "Auto generate meta data value in post"} {"_id": "106", "text": "Can I rename the wp-admin folder?"} {"_id": "73031", "text": "Where to put my code: plugin or functions.php?"} {"_id": "24173", "text": "How should I best incorporate WordPress in my static website?"} {"_id": "13", "text": "Updates for a private plugin?"} {"_id": "112010", "text": "Strip shortcode from excerpt"} {"_id": "43657", "text": "White-list file types for media upload"} {"_id": "46547", "text": "How to use logout function on custom menu link?"} {"_id": "78368", "text": "is_singular won't call my functions?"} {"_id": "131190", "text": "Transform php shortcode into a widget"} {"_id": "129865", "text": "Is a conditional image creation with add_image_size possible and which would be the best hook?"} {"_id": "22943", "text": "how do I get_sidebar into a varaible?"} {"_id": "76720", "text": "How to use taxonomies on attachments with the new Media Library?"} {"_id": "135581", "text": "Privacy Blog, maybe?"} {"_id": "118731", "text": "WordPress keeps writing rewrite rules to .htaccess"} {"_id": "51444", "text": "Add extra parameters after permalink?"} {"_id": "105940", "text": "Passing a variable into Contact Form 7"} {"_id": "11920", "text": "Submit post and upload image from front-end"} {"_id": "55522", "text": "How to prefix post permalinks with /blog/ - without affecting custom post types?"} {"_id": "120339", "text": "Difference between do_action and add_action"} {"_id": "130158", "text": "custom admin screen or setting screen for a custom post type"} {"_id": "37828", "text": "Is there a plugin that will override the \"Error establishing a database connection\" message?"} {"_id": "64389", "text": "WordPress independent plugin upgrade notification system"} {"_id": "50649", "text": "How to scale up featured post thumbnail?"} {"_id": "109793", "text": "Delete Associated Media Upon Page Deletion"} {"_id": "63277", "text": "How to get the top most term (top ancestor) of a custom taxonomy child term?"} {"_id": "88549", "text": "How to reduce the database query-es"} {"_id": "31531", "text": "Automated adding of one tag to all the posts in a category"} {"_id": "59767", "text": "Order by custom field date with ASC order"} {"_id": "25344", "text": "How do you make relational post types in Wordpress?"} {"_id": "82343", "text": "How to display links in specific page"} {"_id": "78544", "text": "How to write an efficient metabox with repetitive fields"} {"_id": "3068", "text": "How to detect WP plugins used on a site"} {"_id": "14773", "text": "Retrieving a custom link on an attachment"} {"_id": "138051", "text": "How do I enqueue a js file in functions.php for a if lt IE 9 statement?"} {"_id": "114581", "text": "Replace Paid Shipping Method With Free Shipping Method WooCommerce"} {"_id": "6106", "text": "Remove parent category from permalink? Basically only have the child category?"} {"_id": "9308", "text": "How to split a loop into multiple columns"} {"_id": "21742", "text": "jQuery plugin function is not a function"} {"_id": "57512", "text": "Determine if Term has Grandparent/Great-Grandparent"} {"_id": "135315", "text": "Change default gallery image size?"} {"_id": "96199", "text": "What does \"_x( \" and \"__(\" mean in Custom Post Type Arguments"} {"_id": "50033", "text": "featuring old articles without messing up with the archive"} {"_id": "37256", "text": "Paged posts - how to use numbers and next/previous links?"} {"_id": "128323", "text": "Wordpress Multisite - Change Permalinks On Subdomain Posts To Postname"} {"_id": "62036", "text": "How to show Next/Previous within the same Category?"} {"_id": "4307", "text": "How can I add an image upload field directly to a custom write panel?"} {"_id": "11085", "text": "Truncating custom fields"} {"_id": "120675", "text": "add_submenu_page set for multiple roles"} {"_id": "15840", "text": "How to rename default posts-type Posts"} {"_id": "131890", "text": "Apply comment to different post (not the current post)"} {"_id": "40353", "text": "Change custom post type to hierarchical after being registered"} {"_id": "62999", "text": "Worthwhile to restrict direct access of theme files?"} {"_id": "95576", "text": "Increase of failed login attempts, brute force attacks?"} {"_id": "90939", "text": "All-in-One Event Calendar: Custom Query - Getting each event Instance"}