{"_id": "35544", "text": "How to use Automorphisms[] on a graph?"} {"_id": "55292", "text": "A problem about function N"} {"_id": "55294", "text": "DeleteDuplicatesBy is not performing as I'd hoped. Am I missing something?"} {"_id": "19392", "text": "Integration over region given by inequality"} {"_id": "48026", "text": "How to view code of CDF demonstration?"} {"_id": "25061", "text": "LogLinearPlot analog for Plot3D?"} {"_id": "43874", "text": "Hide MathKernel Tab on Taskbar when using C++"} {"_id": "6796", "text": "Using the result of Solve in subsequent calculations"} {"_id": "46136", "text": "Ordering the Terms in an Expression"} {"_id": "37414", "text": "limit calculation step by step"} {"_id": "25285", "text": "Generating partitions of a set with a specified size of the parts"} {"_id": "25282", "text": "Preventing cell height adjustment when rotating 3D graphics"} {"_id": "16252", "text": "Plotting complex numbers"} {"_id": "16259", "text": "Importing .zip file"} {"_id": "16258", "text": "Dynamic Chart Elements in Bar Chart"} {"_id": "17250", "text": "Is it possible to change the color of plot in Show?"} {"_id": "46702", "text": "Simple subtraction question"} {"_id": "24882", "text": "What causes strange line artifacts to appear in plots with certain PlotRanges?"} {"_id": "45447", "text": "How can I compute the real part of $zeta^2$ numerically?"} {"_id": "11950", "text": "Stategies to avoid NIntegrate::slwcon error"} {"_id": "22876", "text": "Symbolic Calculations with formal matrices"} {"_id": "3518", "text": "Using PlotLegends with Show messes up the graphics"} {"_id": "3510", "text": "How to replace the style of the inline cell in a StyleSheet"} {"_id": "2688", "text": "How to efficiently Append a result of an operation on each element of a list to itself"} {"_id": "96", "text": "What is the distinction between DownValues, UpValues, SubValues, and OwnValues?"} {"_id": "57366", "text": "Test a wooden board's vibration mode"} {"_id": "30417", "text": "Partitioning a list of 2D points into sublists that fit into non-overlapping equal-sized squares"} {"_id": "13054", "text": "Estimate error on slope of linear regression given data with associated uncertainty"} {"_id": "13055", "text": "How to run a Mathematica program using command line on windows?"} {"_id": "18707", "text": "Programming Mathematica - Introduction by Paul Wellin"} {"_id": "17826", "text": "How to automate generation of image files?"} {"_id": "41569", "text": "Optimizing a bubble art code"} {"_id": "40320", "text": "How to get the Mathematica output in Python?"} {"_id": "44421", "text": "Use of N@ with Table"} {"_id": "40748", "text": "Order of operations, precedence in Mathematica"} {"_id": "1172", "text": "Discrete Convolution"} {"_id": "34554", "text": "NIntegrate receiving a function with NumericQ which returns a list"} {"_id": "50418", "text": "Select duplicate values from a list"} {"_id": "23656", "text": "Contour3Dplot more graphs in one picture"} {"_id": "42889", "text": "save data in parallel table"} {"_id": "8295", "text": "Local variables in Module leak into the Global context"} {"_id": "22019", "text": "Changing default range for x- and y-axis in ListPlot3D"} {"_id": "4729", "text": "How to format numbers with at least one figure after the decimal point"} {"_id": "4727", "text": "Does Mathematica support variable frame rate for any video format, in analogue of GIF-style \"DisplayDurations\"?"} {"_id": "4720", "text": "Labelling ArrayPlot Charts"} {"_id": "17622", "text": "Sort date list in format DD/MM/YYYY"} {"_id": "3747", "text": "How to change the axes' origin and direction?"} {"_id": "59646", "text": "How to pattern match an association?"} {"_id": "16398", "text": "Loops and subroutines"} {"_id": "39089", "text": "How to do subtraction with sets in which the elements have multiplicity indicators?"} {"_id": "25549", "text": "Does resizing plots produce new data?"} {"_id": "42483", "text": "Join matrix based on conditions"} {"_id": "21284", "text": "AxesLabel in Histogram3D unreadable"} {"_id": "42334", "text": "Restoring a Mathematica session without notebook interface"} {"_id": "42330", "text": "Make output be to a certain number of places after the decimal point"} {"_id": "42628", "text": "Question about a ParametricPlot with a shading grey family of lines and/or different sizes"} {"_id": "10391", "text": "Is Mathematica matrix multiplication with its inverse wrong?"} {"_id": "58475", "text": "Adding Text to a ListLogLinearPlot"} {"_id": "8619", "text": "How is pattern specificity decided?"} {"_id": "7214", "text": "How to Set parts of indexed lists?"} {"_id": "38152", "text": "How to make a control array of buttons or togglers?"} {"_id": "6210", "text": "Memory leak in FE?"} {"_id": "41170", "text": "Plotting: Basic Question"} {"_id": "21421", "text": "Plot3D has a break in the center of the plot"} {"_id": "8841", "text": "How can I plot the direction field for a differential equation?"} {"_id": "47154", "text": "How to put the values/points in a loop into a plot?"} {"_id": "7668", "text": "Why won't Mathematica Solve a set of two equations for one variable?"} {"_id": "23517", "text": "Question about rendering axes"} {"_id": "29590", "text": "How can I convert a list to an expression?"} {"_id": "24556", "text": "Open-source IntelliJIDEA plugin to support Mathematica development"} {"_id": "11195", "text": "Is my expression too complicated for FullSimplify or am I doing something wrong?"} {"_id": "1542", "text": "Exporting graphics to PDF - huge file"} {"_id": "11196", "text": "Determine page count programmatically"} {"_id": "5619", "text": "How to create a floating image with no window background"} {"_id": "9523", "text": "How to provide your own example data for a custom package?"} {"_id": "39019", "text": "Exporting images in a Mathematica array to a PDF s.t. each image is precisely $n \\times m$ millimeter in dimension"} {"_id": "16233", "text": "How to create functions of arbitrary number of variables?"} {"_id": "42411", "text": "Use Map with OptionValue"} {"_id": "31829", "text": "Exp of big negative numbers"} {"_id": "55308", "text": "LegendLayout not working as asked"} {"_id": "18549", "text": "Strange ::usage behavior in v9"} {"_id": "14645", "text": "Prevent Part[] from trying to extract parts of symbolic expressions"} {"_id": "38622", "text": "Using the actual subscript as a variable within thecontext of definitions using the Notation package and Symbolize"} {"_id": "30432", "text": "RevolutionPlot3D: revolving around a line NOT an axis"} {"_id": "58465", "text": "How to display movie without controls"} {"_id": "18091", "text": "Adding three integer sparse matrices is very slow. Adding only two is fast"} {"_id": "20272", "text": "How to work with the symbol EndOfFile?"} {"_id": "20277", "text": "How to define a vector of arbitary length"} {"_id": "38196", "text": "Importing and running a notebook"} {"_id": "52381", "text": "Integral over geometric region"} {"_id": "23074", "text": "Finding Maximum Root"} {"_id": "29129", "text": "Button evaluation inside DynamicModule"} {"_id": "28028", "text": "How can I generate a generalized product to two lists in a special way?"} {"_id": "34535", "text": "ContourPlot of implicit function doesn't work when I square the equation"} {"_id": "37792", "text": "How to make use of an interpolating function outside of Mathematica?"} {"_id": "43485", "text": "Plot parametric solutions using Manipulate"} {"_id": "22651", "text": "Applying a transformation rule on an Image"} {"_id": "13981", "text": "How to generate a RandomVariate of a custom distribution?"} {"_id": "37860", "text": "Unable to solve the expontial equations"} {"_id": "22032", "text": "Is there a convenient way to localize all variables in a new notebook?"} {"_id": "43449", "text": "Extracting second value of each sublist"} {"_id": "4744", "text": "GridBox/packed array behaviour"} {"_id": "17357", "text": "Do you really want to quit the kernel? Yes!"} {"_id": "4608", "text": "Why does the Front End group backslashes into pairs?"} {"_id": "19253", "text": "Plotting a 3D list causes kernel to crash if x and y axes have vastly different scales"} {"_id": "46053", "text": "Sectional averages of a list"} {"_id": "25562", "text": "Solar System Orbital Parameters"} {"_id": "48941", "text": "How do I perform the riffle function backward?"} {"_id": "15718", "text": "Can I make a default for an optional argument the value of another argument?"} {"_id": "2729", "text": "Ordering problem"} {"_id": "7235", "text": "Exchange axes in ListLinePlot"} {"_id": "7941", "text": "How to nest my own \"times\" function to get powers"} {"_id": "6236", "text": "ShowLegend values"} {"_id": "29358", "text": "Using Select on list of vectors"} {"_id": "9772", "text": "Determine whether some expression contains a given symbol"} {"_id": "8865", "text": "Pass function or formula as function parameter"} {"_id": "14987", "text": "Machine learning. SVM algorithm"} {"_id": "24167", "text": "Select performance"} {"_id": "26837", "text": "\"Go back\" and \"Go forward\" in help?"} {"_id": "24156", "text": "How can I place gui controls inside Grid?"} {"_id": "14189", "text": "How do I Export through a standard system file save dialog activated by a Button?"} {"_id": "14185", "text": "Solve an equation in $\\mathbb{R}^+$"} {"_id": "15858", "text": "Bifurcation diagrams for multiple equation systems"} {"_id": "40201", "text": "How to write a variable in terms of the other"} {"_id": "34321", "text": "Where are the functional programming constructs: `every` and `some`?"} {"_id": "38388", "text": "How to get back name of the number from Max function?"} {"_id": "9942", "text": "How to change the style definitions for Default.nb?"} {"_id": "27921", "text": "Problem with ListVectorPlot3D"} {"_id": "56785", "text": "Generate all strings of fixed length from an alphabet"} {"_id": "45181", "text": "Index of iteration inside NestList"} {"_id": "21655", "text": "Tick marks shrinking with ImageResolution"} {"_id": "21870", "text": "Why are there two separate MathKernel processes running when I start up Mathematica 9?"} {"_id": "58690", "text": "How to build a game board"} {"_id": "2537", "text": "Plotting Partial Sums of Fourier Series"} {"_id": "47161", "text": "In a list having triplet elements, how can I change the third element of a triplet when it has a given value?"} {"_id": "38819", "text": "What are the limits of the Prime-functions?"} {"_id": "938", "text": "How to make a drop-shadow for Graphics3D objects"} {"_id": "57434", "text": "Plotting Semi-hollow spheres"} {"_id": "14661", "text": "Why isn't the matrix product computed?"} {"_id": "48690", "text": "How do I fit NDSolve result to experimental data?"} {"_id": "48696", "text": "How would I take a variable from a string and reassign its value?"} {"_id": "38604", "text": "Define an operator without Built-in Meanings containing a Power function"} {"_id": "13090", "text": "Getting imaginary data from known real data using Kramers-Kronig relations"} {"_id": "44428", "text": "The precision of the number"} {"_id": "41521", "text": "Return only one numeric solution to equation"} {"_id": "32346", "text": "How to plot crossing lines shown by one function"} {"_id": "1137", "text": "How to \"Copy as Unicode\" from a Notebook?"} {"_id": "26995", "text": "message about string expected in pattern"} {"_id": "23014", "text": "Defining a function that completes the square given a quadratic polynomial expression"} {"_id": "24291", "text": "Import large amount of data with time stamps"} {"_id": "26527", "text": "How to decompose a complex expression containing repeated subexpressions?"} {"_id": "13652", "text": "Can an Interpolation function be 'saved'?"} {"_id": "13657", "text": "Plot showing discontinuity where it shouldn't"} {"_id": "11247", "text": "How to combine ArrayPlots?"} {"_id": "19035", "text": "What does # mean in Mathematica?"} {"_id": "47019", "text": "appending element to sub list"} {"_id": "17370", "text": "How do I expand a sum (again)?"} {"_id": "1571", "text": "How to distribute proprietary Mathematica code"} {"_id": "11794", "text": "Get polynomial interpolation formula"} {"_id": "37557", "text": "Is Mathematica an Implementation of the Wolfram Language?"} {"_id": "20841", "text": "Correspondence between eigenvectors and eigenvalues"} {"_id": "25502", "text": "How to type a capital 'E' in Mathematica 9 using 'ToExpression' and 'TeXForm'?"} {"_id": "33405", "text": "find the number of integral solutions a+b+c+d+e+f = 18"} {"_id": "9171", "text": "Controlling the 2D $x\u2013y$ aspect ratio of a 3D plot"} {"_id": "9719", "text": "Replace values which obey certain criteria"} {"_id": "8544", "text": "How to plot Fit functions?"} {"_id": "33373", "text": "How to get a list of pairs into the form $(x,y)$?"} {"_id": "26857", "text": "Is there a way to add arrows along a parametric curve inside a manipulate function (Mathematica)?"} {"_id": "33314", "text": "How to improve the quality of 3D rendering?"} {"_id": "5242", "text": "How to import all files of a folder at once?"} {"_id": "52043", "text": "Stopping Mathematica from reordering expressions"} {"_id": "20334", "text": "Numerical integration of a numeric data available as a nested list"} {"_id": "38012", "text": "Exporting SmoothHistogram plot data"} {"_id": "24036", "text": "Put local variables for Block in a variable"} {"_id": "23734", "text": "Manipulate a Plot that contains a variable that contains symbol"} {"_id": "28283", "text": "Unwrapping a list when invoking a function"} {"_id": "27023", "text": "Animated 3D graphics is low resolution"} {"_id": "23221", "text": "Help bogged down at first query"} {"_id": "7772", "text": "More on combining 2d and 3d plots"} {"_id": "7779", "text": "How can I easily eliminate the dependency of a stylesheet on a non-built-in stylesheet?"} {"_id": "3912", "text": "Using several anonymous functions mixed together"} {"_id": "8310", "text": "Using the Mathematica front-end efficiently for editing notebooks"} {"_id": "9926", "text": "How to find palindromic numbers (Project Euler #4)?"} {"_id": "19264", "text": "Converting a list of replacement rules into a list of real values"} {"_id": "6081", "text": "How to create a heatmap from list of coordinates?"} {"_id": "25775", "text": "Can I use GoogleMap or other GPS data in creation of the Graphs?"} {"_id": "43813", "text": "Is there any way to define a new binary operator?"} {"_id": "21672", "text": "Exporting large numbers to a text file"} {"_id": "3646", "text": "How to make a 3D globe?"} {"_id": "45424", "text": "Why does the filling on my ListPlot not reach the axis for some values?"} {"_id": "4413", "text": "How can I influence the spaces between labels on a BarChart"} {"_id": "38265", "text": "How to exit from the innermost enclosing pure function?"} {"_id": "9544", "text": "Integro-differential equation"} {"_id": "9540", "text": "Problem with Financial Data"} {"_id": "45528", "text": "How to get a number from a dynamic variable in \"manipulate\""} {"_id": "20105", "text": "Efficiently determining if 3D points are within a surface composed of polygons"} {"_id": "48672", "text": "How to use results of Dsolve and get derivative of that?"} {"_id": "49230", "text": "Exporting pictures in their correct size when using Grid"} {"_id": "55517", "text": "Generating a Table with a certian Density"} {"_id": "29708", "text": "Use of $Assumptions"} {"_id": "29254", "text": "Defining a polygon by clicking on an image"} {"_id": "29700", "text": "Why is my funtion is wrong?"} {"_id": "15153", "text": "Simplify function notation"} {"_id": "33561", "text": "Classification of a linear system of equations with a parameter"} {"_id": "44955", "text": "How to find the local maximum of a list"} {"_id": "26644", "text": "valuation to a function using a list"} {"_id": "46595", "text": "Append subscript to variable name"} {"_id": "41920", "text": "Typesetting - entering derivative in traditional form"} {"_id": "1446", "text": "Syntax highlighting for your own functions"} {"_id": "23034", "text": "StreamPlot in Polar Coordinates"} {"_id": "22349", "text": "Mathematica for teaching orthographic projection"} {"_id": "22611", "text": "Autocomplete short symbol names in non-global context"} {"_id": "57470", "text": "Values of an algebraic curve"} {"_id": "28611", "text": "Phase portraits and StreamPlot"} {"_id": "47030", "text": "Filter sublists that contain a certain value"} {"_id": "31902", "text": "Do any users know of methods to capture Twitter feeds and subject them to analysis?"} {"_id": "23692", "text": "How to import sound file from computer?"} {"_id": "32938", "text": "Obtain the coordinates of a point by clicking on it"} {"_id": "32223", "text": "Obtaining the name of a variable as a string"} {"_id": "25343", "text": "How to tell Mathematica to make assumptions?"} {"_id": "25340", "text": "Distribution above pointplot"} {"_id": "39654", "text": "How to exclude numbers in a series and still plot the graph?"} {"_id": "27274", "text": "Sort+Union on a list"} {"_id": "197", "text": "How can I test properties of a symbol from the string name without the symbol completely evaluating"} {"_id": "21993", "text": "Equidistant points on a polyline"} {"_id": "54993", "text": "intersection between two curves in Mathematica"} {"_id": "2769", "text": "NDSolve Problem"} {"_id": "16404", "text": "How to prepare data for ListVectorPlot[]?"} {"_id": "9483", "text": "How to put terms in lexicographic order?"} {"_id": "20823", "text": "Where to find a summary for Q functions?"} {"_id": "37416", "text": "Annoying errors in sections of plot"} {"_id": "46945", "text": "Plot two functions of two variables against each other"} {"_id": "21444", "text": "Can't see updating performed by NMinimize[...,StepMonitor->(...)] outside of Button in which it's called"} {"_id": "13538", "text": "How to make 3d solid volume from set of images"} {"_id": "850", "text": "How do I clear all user defined symbols?"} {"_id": "43683", "text": "Accumulate 2D points that have the same first component"} {"_id": "55086", "text": "Mathematica 10 doesn't support path containing Chinese characters"} {"_id": "44812", "text": "Convert epoch seconds to date"} {"_id": "23751", "text": "Passing an iterator"} {"_id": "1300", "text": "ListPlot with each point a different color and a legend bar"} {"_id": "32447", "text": "How to take the log of an equation?"} {"_id": "27049", "text": "InputField with Scrollbars"} {"_id": "6472", "text": "Intermediate display similar to PrintTemporary"} {"_id": "7756", "text": "Using pure functions in Table"} {"_id": "34727", "text": "how to plot 3d graph with its projection on the plane?"} {"_id": "39076", "text": "Keep data in memory inside a notebook without having to evaluate it again"} {"_id": "39078", "text": "Return \"true\" if point is in Convex Hull"} {"_id": "59206", "text": "How to plot the result of this singular integral?"} {"_id": "19201", "text": "Embedding Mathematica Console into a Java/.NET Application"} {"_id": "13754", "text": "Time varying equation plot"} {"_id": "13757", "text": "How to make a function that evaluates an expression?"} {"_id": "24807", "text": "Dynamically labeling a family of curves"} {"_id": "56296", "text": "How to modify a Dataset?"} {"_id": "41291", "text": "Plot and Parametric plot give different results"} {"_id": "48386", "text": "How to eliminate the margin between figure and frame in DensityPlot?"} {"_id": "39980", "text": "Evaluating a String that is a Variable"} {"_id": "45476", "text": "Is it possible to obtain vector differentiation results in terms of vectors rather than components?"} {"_id": "45475", "text": "How do I get all possible solutions in an underdetermined system?"} {"_id": "48030", "text": "Question about plotting one function with different colors"} {"_id": "41077", "text": "How do I extend (prepend or append to) an existing TagSetDelayed rule?"} {"_id": "27868", "text": "Combining the items with common available dates from two lists"} {"_id": "8922", "text": "position of sequence of elements in list"} {"_id": "18526", "text": "Built-in unit strings recognized by Quantity?"} {"_id": "15176", "text": "Problem to connect remote Mathematica Kernel using J/Link"} {"_id": "41350", "text": "Mathematica Semilog (LogLinearPlot) using x,y points from table"} {"_id": "39511", "text": "One fill color for a curve when it is above the x-axis and another when it is below"} {"_id": "37602", "text": "Best method to do a List Plot of two series with the same x-Axes"} {"_id": "28014", "text": "Importing specific columns of a .txt file"} {"_id": "28056", "text": "Using Through to evaluate complex expressions"} {"_id": "49311", "text": "Create a matrix of matrices using Band and ArrayFlatten"} {"_id": "35603", "text": "Executing several input cell simultaneously with parallelization"} {"_id": "313", "text": "How to collect result continuously (interruptible calculation) when running parallel calculations?"} {"_id": "43350", "text": "Working with symmetric polynomials"} {"_id": "25325", "text": "How to estimate system recource usage of a SparseArray?"} {"_id": "25324", "text": "List of Tribonacci Polynomials with Mathematica?"} {"_id": "37346", "text": "How can I get Manipulator control elements to appear on one line?"} {"_id": "51188", "text": "Timing of ParallelDo versus Do: simple example"} {"_id": "33724", "text": "How do I include both text and variables in Input[ ]?"} {"_id": "42403", "text": "How to do Inverse formulas/Rearrange formulas in Mathematica?"} {"_id": "51776", "text": "How get eigenvectors without phase jump?"} {"_id": "7926", "text": "Randomly selecting elements without repetition"} {"_id": "16429", "text": "How to partition a list and leave in the last sublist which is of different length?"} {"_id": "22828", "text": "Factorize and find the null space of a polynomial in several variables"} {"_id": "33721", "text": "While loop not breaking when condition is met"} {"_id": "22956", "text": "DeleteCases and Inequalities"} {"_id": "38498", "text": "Reduce of a table"} {"_id": "13179", "text": "Plot with Legends and Markers"} {"_id": "18310", "text": "Mathematica and Python integration?"} {"_id": "18647", "text": "How to check if an expression is a real-valued number"} {"_id": "11192", "text": "How do I efficiently navigate the command line interface to Mathematica?"} {"_id": "18643", "text": "Packages problems on version 9 under OS X"} {"_id": "14340", "text": "How can I define an option \"packet\" for plots so I can only alter the definition and all plots with that \"packet\" will change appearance?"} {"_id": "29609", "text": "Where is my memory? -- LibraryLink never returns the memory"} {"_id": "31302", "text": "How do I create a package from an existing notebook?"} {"_id": "1096", "text": "List of compilable functions"} {"_id": "28258", "text": "Are FEM methods integrated in NDSolve yet?"} {"_id": "55716", "text": "Can't get Append to append a record (association) to a dataset"} {"_id": "39026", "text": "Loop function over list"} {"_id": "31063", "text": "Writing to file as it goes"} {"_id": "32569", "text": "Mapping function onto two lists, simultaneously"} {"_id": "8353", "text": "Why aren't these additions of integrals and summations equal?"} {"_id": "57430", "text": "How to prevent function from substituting the part of the parameter name if it has a subscript?"} {"_id": "35294", "text": "Comparing large numbers"} {"_id": "5782", "text": "Implementing continuous phase/Arg function"} {"_id": "52308", "text": "Customizing the distance of plot frame tick labels to frame"} {"_id": "27178", "text": "How to simulate with a user specified bivariate continuous probability distribution"} {"_id": "6338", "text": "Prefix operator with low precedence"} {"_id": "27883", "text": "Understanding the coordinate system for ImageTake"} {"_id": "21764", "text": "Define a Plot3D function with custom options"} {"_id": "37048", "text": "Not getting the range I want when plotting a function with Show"} {"_id": "33039", "text": "Extract matrix from a system of linear equations"} {"_id": "26939", "text": "How can I control the controlplacement of Manipulate?"} {"_id": "42964", "text": "Contracting with Levi-Civita (totally antisymmetric) tensor"} {"_id": "55663", "text": "What is wrong with ContourPlot"} {"_id": "2821", "text": "Does Mathematica have advanced indexing?"} {"_id": "51732", "text": "How to use Fold with 3 variables"} {"_id": "1400", "text": "Removing unwanted appearance of underlying mesh"} {"_id": "45994", "text": "iterative programming"} {"_id": "5790", "text": "How to make Jacobian automatically in Mathematica"} {"_id": "19705", "text": "DensityPlot on spherical surface?"} {"_id": "5575", "text": "How to find all the local minima/maxima in a range"} {"_id": "334", "text": "How do I evaluate only one step of an expression?"} {"_id": "55972", "text": "Which function definition is used to evaluate an expression that matches the lefthand side of more than one definition?"} {"_id": "39137", "text": "Finding a 3d curve from torsion and curvature with NDSolve"} {"_id": "37755", "text": "How to Clear variables represented as a list of strings?"} {"_id": "16194", "text": "Movable text on a curve"} {"_id": "6102", "text": "MapThread with non-rectangular lists"} {"_id": "10934", "text": "Plotting Complex Roots of Unity"} {"_id": "9440", "text": "How to get the list of defined values for an indexed variable?"} {"_id": "21150", "text": "How can I compile a ColorFunction with Blend?"} {"_id": "55600", "text": "How to solve an integral equation by iteration method?"} {"_id": "3412", "text": "Conditional Gathering of lists"} {"_id": "21374", "text": "Show doesn't show all the plots"} {"_id": "10669", "text": "How to make a Line[] with no end?"} {"_id": "29098", "text": "How to create a ListPlot containing two lists?"} {"_id": "20355", "text": "Export plot data in Mathematica"} {"_id": "40029", "text": "Is it possible to modify the options for a particular cell from another cell?"} {"_id": "44507", "text": "About making a fraction \"taller\""} {"_id": "37242", "text": "is there a way to speed up rule replace?"} {"_id": "451", "text": "Saving a notebook as PDF, preserving syntax highlighting"} {"_id": "6923", "text": "Edit a Mathematica plot in Illustrator, missing font problem"} {"_id": "26355", "text": "How to add something like a shadow to my resulting figure?"} {"_id": "4001", "text": "FindFit returns Infinity::indet error when data contains {0,0}"} {"_id": "55568", "text": "Why isn't Refresh working as expected?"} {"_id": "51885", "text": "Saving many plots in files"} {"_id": "45040", "text": "Notification when evaluation completes"} {"_id": "10432", "text": "How to avoid nested With[]?"} {"_id": "36995", "text": "Code to give center of circle given three points in 2D?"} {"_id": "21742", "text": "Extracting Facebook Managed accounts (pages) in Mathematica?"} {"_id": "26917", "text": "Why are my plots displaying behind the axes?"} {"_id": "58992", "text": "How do you turn off the Dashed graphics directive?"} {"_id": "5434", "text": "Using D to find a symbolic derivative"} {"_id": "38792", "text": "Save an indexed function"} {"_id": "13961", "text": "Plotting graphics as ASCII plots"} {"_id": "38242", "text": "How to solve initial value problem using Runge-Kutta method?"} {"_id": "30090", "text": "Use the same scale for two ListContour plots"} {"_id": "27748", "text": "Elegant way of obtaining the envelope of oscillating function"} {"_id": "25673", "text": "How safe is the use of Block and Internal`InheritedBlock"} {"_id": "353", "text": "Functions with Options"} {"_id": "10956", "text": "Can the toolbar be moved to the code window?"} {"_id": "24988", "text": "Can one identify the design patterns of Mathematica?"} {"_id": "25587", "text": "How do I automatically \"trim\" the bounding box for a Graphics3D output?"} {"_id": "22917", "text": "Unexpected behavior of rule matching a pattern"} {"_id": "2789", "text": "Aborting evaluation when the memory exceeds a certain limit"} {"_id": "2073", "text": "Remove tick labels, but retain tick marks in RegionPlot (and related functions)"} {"_id": "11608", "text": "Why do Arrowheads interfere with ImagePadding?"} {"_id": "54899", "text": "Addition of all elements of two sets with each other"} {"_id": "18460", "text": "Import Excel sheet into 3D array?"} {"_id": "17736", "text": "How can I get Mathematica to produce better Fortran code?"} {"_id": "15655", "text": "Preserving labels when using graph functions"} {"_id": "6497", "text": "How can I implement object oriented programming in Mathematica?"} {"_id": "9801", "text": "How can I tell mathematica to generate an histogram from nominal data?"} {"_id": "8390", "text": "Plot not plotting entire range of function"} {"_id": "4390", "text": "Threading behavior of SameQ vs Equals"} {"_id": "28977", "text": "Split dataset based on the first column"} {"_id": "26370", "text": "Exporting HTML code to file.html"} {"_id": "3991", "text": "Saving high-quality graphics through commands"} {"_id": "296", "text": "How to export large graphics?"} {"_id": "47881", "text": "Matrix exponential via Cayley-Hamilton Theorem"} {"_id": "8829", "text": "What is the difference between Set and SetDelayed?"} {"_id": "9322", "text": "Omit part of a 2D plot"} {"_id": "9631", "text": "find subsequences of constant increase"} {"_id": "8943", "text": "Formatting Framed - some FrameStyle graphic directives don't work?"} {"_id": "552", "text": "How do I replace a variable in a polynomial?"} {"_id": "33690", "text": "Plotting a defined function gives different results from plotting the function directly"} {"_id": "5454", "text": "Implementing bookmarks in the front end when editing a package"} {"_id": "18142", "text": "How can I seperate specific elements from the list?"} {"_id": "42512", "text": "N[number, 100] does not give 100 decimal places"} {"_id": "23470", "text": "Conflict among Permutations and Graph utilities once Combinatorica is loaded"} {"_id": "25610", "text": "Question regarding function definition overloading / argument passing test"} {"_id": "5919", "text": "Finding the area, algebraic curve and jaggedness of an arbitrary shape"} {"_id": "22705", "text": "Simplify expressions with Log"} {"_id": "2051", "text": "Kernel Management"} {"_id": "4537", "text": "Rotating 3DPlot into animated gif"} {"_id": "13440", "text": "Wrapping EventHandler by Table"} {"_id": "9406", "text": "How to ensure that Polygon[list] plots a simple polygon?"} {"_id": "52414", "text": "Error changing Dataset using Part"} {"_id": "21410", "text": "Construct file names using a number and a string prefix"} {"_id": "13197", "text": "Custom Magnification Setting"} {"_id": "20468", "text": "Collapse matching brackets"} {"_id": "10086", "text": "Nested definition: How can I define a function with a passed-in expression?"} {"_id": "13420", "text": "Composition of mappings not working as expected"} {"_id": "41774", "text": "Drawing a shape on the mesh of a Plot3D"} {"_id": "15679", "text": "Difference between function definitions"} {"_id": "33992", "text": "Double sum over primes"} {"_id": "50713", "text": "Hide your controls inside Manipulate"} {"_id": "18090", "text": "sliding a tangent line along a curve"} {"_id": "40422", "text": "Prevent Mathematica from \"romanizing\" a string of letters?"} {"_id": "48387", "text": "Convert Tube[BSplineCurve[...]] Graphics3D object to polygons"} {"_id": "11024", "text": "Combine DistributionChart and ListPlot"} {"_id": "38166", "text": "Pulling constants out of integrations"} {"_id": "23280", "text": "Calculating Taylor polynomial of an implicit function given by an equation"} {"_id": "27801", "text": "Ignoring Indeterminate Results"} {"_id": "19174", "text": "How to Initiate a queued evaluation from a Dynamic GUI without using a Button"} {"_id": "56213", "text": "Possible bug involving Dataset/Query and RightComposition"} {"_id": "25134", "text": "Making large tables easy to read with frozen headings and scrollbars"} {"_id": "42035", "text": "Problem with With"} {"_id": "39904", "text": "To put a plot inside of a plot"} {"_id": "41141", "text": "Sorting lists element by element"} {"_id": "6350", "text": "How to estimate time series from a plot?"} {"_id": "21701", "text": "Find closed form expression for series expansion coefficients"} {"_id": "49289", "text": "Converting strings of the form \"1.34e5\" to real numbers?"} {"_id": "33051", "text": "How do I generate arbitrarily many integration bounds?"} {"_id": "41215", "text": "Exporting Animated gif"} {"_id": "14083", "text": "How to Plot an Infinite Series"} {"_id": "1602", "text": "Resource management in Mathematica"} {"_id": "4002", "text": "Minimizing a function of many coordinates"} {"_id": "51049", "text": "ListDensityPlot and ListPlot3D with big data"} {"_id": "44154", "text": "Integration of any interpolation generates invalid comparison errors"} {"_id": "20074", "text": "Why does the syntax highlighter color a local symbol red inside DynamicModule?"} {"_id": "20079", "text": "Controlling Bar Color in BarChart precisely"} {"_id": "30508", "text": "Blend code for built-in ColorData schemes"} {"_id": "533", "text": "Placement of Condition /; expressions"} {"_id": "27700", "text": "Looking for an elegant way to construct this tensor-product-ish list"} {"_id": "15021", "text": "Insert $+$, $-$, $\\times$, $/$, $($, $)$ into $123456789$ to make it equal to $100$"} {"_id": "15023", "text": "Multivariable Taylor expansion does not work as expected"} {"_id": "35139", "text": "Monitoring progress of long calculations"} {"_id": "51042", "text": "Find the values of 3 variables that best fit 6 equations"} {"_id": "50507", "text": "plot data with small differences"} {"_id": "35683", "text": "Finding the volume of a sphere using the Monte Carlo algorithm"} {"_id": "50548", "text": "Put a rounded parentheses in a label"} {"_id": "6164", "text": "Formula Formatting is Small and Chunky?"} {"_id": "10990", "text": "How to join two Style[]d strings"} {"_id": "2214", "text": "Point Renderings Slightly Off in Mathematica"} {"_id": "42951", "text": "3D Point in Epilog of Plot3D"} {"_id": "51880", "text": "How to add PlotLegends in a Show function?"} {"_id": "42778", "text": "Plot periodic function from Dirac delta function"} {"_id": "48307", "text": "How to find the maximum values and the place of the max value in the list?"} {"_id": "9288", "text": "Sum or Product with Exclusions"} {"_id": "46064", "text": "Vector-calculus"} {"_id": "15929", "text": "Graphics exported from Mathematica 9 are very large because even standard fonts are embedded"} {"_id": "39361", "text": "How to generate a random snowflake"} {"_id": "2988", "text": "Can I make a plot with gradient filling?"} {"_id": "24373", "text": "How to monitor the progress of Importing files?"} {"_id": "14523", "text": "Can we teach Mathematica about functional differentiation?"} {"_id": "14525", "text": "Reading a specified line number from a text file"} {"_id": "32878", "text": "Finding hidden treasure (aka finding undocumented functions)"} {"_id": "21898", "text": "Mathematica: How to apply a function to a list of tuples"} {"_id": "10838", "text": "Why does mathematica crash when I rotate a 3D graph?"} {"_id": "56565", "text": "Behaviour of Plot3D with large numbers"} {"_id": "1835", "text": "Using a PatternTest versus a Condition for pattern matching"} {"_id": "2157", "text": "Customize front end to add notifications when evaluation finishes?"} {"_id": "14063", "text": "What is the correct way to conditionally add elements to lists?"} {"_id": "3306", "text": "Extract real part of a complex expression better than Re does"} {"_id": "20051", "text": "How do I get my equation to have the form $(x-a)^2 + (y-b)^2 + (z-c)^2-d = 0$?"} {"_id": "40146", "text": "Filling only part of a plot"} {"_id": "54781", "text": "Where is the \"Function Navigator\" and \"Virtual Book\" gone?"} {"_id": "18183", "text": "How to install the Wolfram Workbench plugin into Eclipse Kepler?"} {"_id": "23659", "text": "How to make traditional output for derivatives"} {"_id": "23125", "text": "Getting poles of a Gamma functions"} {"_id": "3871", "text": "Plotting contours of a function for different values of a parameter"} {"_id": "24581", "text": "Plotting heat equation in a Manipulate expression"} {"_id": "32601", "text": "Simplify vector expression - is there something like \"Factor\" for vectors, dot products etc.?"} {"_id": "2230", "text": "Mathematica Debuggability"} {"_id": "5930", "text": "Is it possible to change the colors of the highlighted code in the Mathematica frontend?"} {"_id": "13406", "text": "Annoyance: Plot Markers disappear when ListPlot options are set in SetOptions instead of in ListPlot"} {"_id": "13513", "text": "Plot Even Piecewise function"} {"_id": "42097", "text": "Defining Piecewise Functions"} {"_id": "46459", "text": "Little triangles appearing in a Mathematica region plot with \"opacity\" saved in a PDF file"} {"_id": "42209", "text": "Tick labels above axis"} {"_id": "39731", "text": "How to use relative paths in a notebook?"} {"_id": "7366", "text": "Evaluate continued fraction"} {"_id": "15634", "text": "Inputting abbreviated units"} {"_id": "34916", "text": "System Modeler can't find g++ in Mac OS X Mavericks"} {"_id": "15945", "text": "How to implement FittedModel like objects"} {"_id": "20718", "text": "Keep function range as a variable"} {"_id": "14543", "text": "Antialiasing of horizontal lines"} {"_id": "8661", "text": "How can I load packages automatically after reopening Mathematica"} {"_id": "38126", "text": "Arrowed circular arc"} {"_id": "4081", "text": "Using the Graphics command, how do I limit the output to a specified region, say a disk?"} {"_id": "4084", "text": "Finding a \"not-shortest\" path between two vertices"} {"_id": "30381", "text": "NonLinearModelFit not generating a model without the use of \"BestFit\", not sure why"} {"_id": "22193", "text": "Can anyone identify these plots?"} {"_id": "16562", "text": "Is it possible to customize the Suggestions Bar?"} {"_id": "52207", "text": "Get names of all folders in a directory"} {"_id": "7804", "text": "Evaluation inside Button stops after some seconds"} {"_id": "21075", "text": "How do I read a CSV file and remove comments from it"} {"_id": "19867", "text": "Trying to plot a velocity profile in x-y plane"} {"_id": "6397", "text": "Is it possible to set a variable as a positive one in the whole notebook?"} {"_id": "46866", "text": "Is it possible to auto-load documentation for current function?"} {"_id": "48208", "text": "Why evaluation doesn't fail if arguments are invalid?"} {"_id": "43619", "text": "The introduction for Context in Wagner's book is out of date?"} {"_id": "54645", "text": "Simplifying (A+B)* C doesn't work"} {"_id": "18210", "text": "Interpolating 2D data with missing values"} {"_id": "28541", "text": "Embedding text on an opaque plane in 3D"} {"_id": "47475", "text": "Drop last element of parts of a list"} {"_id": "31636", "text": "Using a variable in Get"} {"_id": "58228", "text": "How to do a region plot with many functions"} {"_id": "28103", "text": "Extracting function variables from a list"} {"_id": "16324", "text": "Is there a Mathematica equivalent to MATLAB's logspace?"} {"_id": "13426", "text": "Why doesn't Mathematica solve $x=\\cos\\,x$ properly?"} {"_id": "56984", "text": "File-name completion for custom functions"} {"_id": "30429", "text": "Complement on pre-sorted lists"} {"_id": "32168", "text": "Method -> {\"AxesInFront\" -> False} for Graphics3D"} {"_id": "29822", "text": "Plotting list-valued interpolating function"} {"_id": "33176", "text": "Plotting a piecewise parametric curve"} {"_id": "29085", "text": "MathKernel doesn't return all Messages"} {"_id": "39604", "text": "Interrupting FactorInteger automatically when it takes a very long time"} {"_id": "745", "text": "Fontsize is too small"} {"_id": "32727", "text": "Can TreeForm be displayed \"sideways\"?"} {"_id": "18025", "text": "How do I remove the flat parts that are not part of the function in Plot3D?"} {"_id": "8646", "text": "How to insert guide-lines in graphics without specifying range?"} {"_id": "5740", "text": "Using MapAt to map at a particular depth (levelspec)"} {"_id": "55056", "text": "How can I name and manipulate several Input Fields?"} {"_id": "28946", "text": "Fastest way to add a constant column into a array"} {"_id": "28829", "text": "How can I make ArrayPlot use one pixel per plot point?"} {"_id": "21238", "text": "How to force Pane to always scroll to end of content?"} {"_id": "45574", "text": "Generate polyhedron from coordinates"} {"_id": "40204", "text": "Reflecting the Polya-Aeppli distribution"} {"_id": "23454", "text": "I can't use PatternSequence with Cases"} {"_id": "51711", "text": "Understanding Mathematica: How to write fast code?"} {"_id": "1911", "text": "What is the fastest way to locate an image inside a larger image?"} {"_id": "13210", "text": "No result from DSolve"} {"_id": "45398", "text": "How to read long numbers?"} {"_id": "54486", "text": "How to access new colour schemes in version 10?"} {"_id": "59613", "text": "Binning of listplot"} {"_id": "6862", "text": "Plotting complex Sine"} {"_id": "30836", "text": "Encrypt the password used for SendMail"} {"_id": "15516", "text": "How to get an adaptive frame which fits auto-wrapped text?"} {"_id": "29696", "text": "Making a C++ callable .lib or .dll file from a Mathematica notebook"} {"_id": "8438", "text": "Minimal effort method for integrating C++ functions into Mathematica"} {"_id": "47656", "text": "How to take single item out of List?"} {"_id": "51560", "text": "How to joint symbolic expressions together"} {"_id": "38931", "text": "Can Mathematica identify formulae or sequences of numbers?"} {"_id": "27091", "text": "Unresolved differential equation"} {"_id": "25031", "text": "How to draw some 2D curves in a 3D plot?"} {"_id": "25255", "text": "How to crop graphics outside PlotRange with Show?"} {"_id": "25257", "text": "How can I assign EdgeCost for the graph edges?"} {"_id": "42717", "text": "Explicit multiplication * sign in Mathematica"} {"_id": "42712", "text": "Extract coordinates from a polygon"} {"_id": "6055", "text": "How to get rid of warnings when using Solve on an equation with inexact coefficients?"} {"_id": "2639", "text": "What does the construct f[x_] := f[x] = ... mean?"} {"_id": "44289", "text": "Writing equations from Mathematica in Matlab"} {"_id": "21558", "text": "Confusing efficiency and evaluation when returning pure functions?"} {"_id": "3541", "text": "Why does Assuming[x > 0, TrueQ[x > 0]] return False?"} {"_id": "761", "text": "How to enter matrices in block matrix format?"} {"_id": "5375", "text": "Extract current viewing parameters from a 3D view?"} {"_id": "4338", "text": "Graph relationships between functions and variables"} {"_id": "17857", "text": "How do I troubleshoot when I get a Part::partd or a Part::partw error?"} {"_id": "31402", "text": "How to implement this simple product rule in mathematica"} {"_id": "15184", "text": "Precise Timing for nested functions, how to?"} {"_id": "28805", "text": "How to make a list of the roots of a polynomial equation without the ``x ==\" s in each entry?"} {"_id": "46920", "text": "Import .dat table but losing decimals"} {"_id": "32983", "text": "How do I remove \"->\" in output so that I can ListPlot it?"} {"_id": "40763", "text": "Gram Schmidt Process for functions"} {"_id": "46927", "text": "How to put x-Label below the x-Axis?"} {"_id": "46350", "text": "Automatic method for NDSolve"} {"_id": "41872", "text": "Coloring selected elements of a list created with Table"} {"_id": "11725", "text": "How to find circular objects in an image?"} {"_id": "52358", "text": "What is wrong with combining two programs with event handlers?"} {"_id": "54607", "text": "Mathematica 10 Dataset doesn't format more than 4 columns?"} {"_id": "31299", "text": "Why is a function I defined in a package not visible when I load the package?"} {"_id": "2076", "text": "How do I plot coordinates (latitude and longitude pairs) on a geographic map?"} {"_id": "18258", "text": "Plotting Inverse Functions using ParametricPlot gives error message"} {"_id": "14122", "text": "DeleteCases messing with my mind"} {"_id": "19027", "text": "Is there a way to ask Mathematica for the RAM installed?"} {"_id": "3897", "text": "Plotting Error Bars on a Log Scale"} {"_id": "17342", "text": "How do I get the equivalent of the $\\LaTeX$ \\tag{} in Mathematica?"} {"_id": "33067", "text": "What is the syntax to combine conditions and options?"} {"_id": "4612", "text": "Mathematica slope fields"} {"_id": "47749", "text": "ListDensityPlot with discrete bins"} {"_id": "25277", "text": "Visualize Plot of a function of 3 Variables using color and contours"} {"_id": "2652", "text": "Labeling a bar chart, changing how rotated labels are centered"} {"_id": "2651", "text": "How to pass a symbol name to a function with any of the Hold attributes?"} {"_id": "51783", "text": "How to find these two intersections?"} {"_id": "3561", "text": "How to add a vertical line to a plot"} {"_id": "702", "text": "Undocumented form for FilledCurve[]"} {"_id": "14611", "text": "Function behaves differently inside a package than outside"} {"_id": "5314", "text": "Solving complex equations"} {"_id": "20873", "text": "Graphing the amount of time a function takes"} {"_id": "3152", "text": "Funny behaviour when plotting a polynomial of high degree and large coefficients"} {"_id": "20228", "text": "How to use \"Drop\" function to drop matrix' rows and columns in an arbitrary way?"} {"_id": "27645", "text": "Calculating volume between two surfaces of revolution"} {"_id": "59043", "text": "Is there a reliable way to compute the Hurst Dimension of a time series"} {"_id": "23880", "text": "Teaching Plan for High School Students"} {"_id": "47175", "text": "SmoothHistogram with sharp boundary"} {"_id": "34565", "text": "Pattern matching list elements in pure functions"} {"_id": "8576", "text": "Managing Exclusions in Plot[]"} {"_id": "7408", "text": "ListPlot with plotmarkers determined by point"} {"_id": "46336", "text": "How to get integer/rational and real eigenvectors to be the same?"} {"_id": "41813", "text": "Remove list elements that contain NaN Symbol"} {"_id": "4679", "text": "Is there a simple way to plot complex numbers satisfying a given criteria"} {"_id": "59113", "text": "Graph embedding and edge weights"} {"_id": "20766", "text": "Enforcing correct variable bindings and avoiding renamings for conflicting variables in nested scoping constructs"} {"_id": "11705", "text": "saving Manipulate data inside a notebook"} {"_id": "57632", "text": "Does Dataset round?"} {"_id": "15885", "text": "Combining two lists of different dimensions into a list of all combinations of points?"} {"_id": "15734", "text": "Streaming Data into Mathematica from a serial port"} {"_id": "14282", "text": "Width of two plots"} {"_id": "8748", "text": "AbsoluteOptions of a Histogram with PlotRange"} {"_id": "8215", "text": "Prepend Information to Warning Messages"} {"_id": "30302", "text": "Create a new window from CDF, such that it contains a Manipulate. Force this Manipulate work."} {"_id": "15381", "text": "Removing an ordered pair from a list of ordered pairs if the second element in the list is Less than a Value"} {"_id": "28300", "text": "Using Dynamic to import the chronologically newest file in a directory"} {"_id": "58502", "text": "DelaunayTriangulation in Mathematica V 7.01.0"} {"_id": "34682", "text": "Esc-esc for special characters and autocomplete in Mathematica 9"} {"_id": "35553", "text": "Mathematica's ArcTan function"} {"_id": "44751", "text": "Points on circle equally spaced"} {"_id": "44200", "text": "How to modify the file \"KeyEventTranslations.tr\" to use Enter to evaluate the current cell?"} {"_id": "47352", "text": "Voronoi diagram for line segments in Mathematica"} {"_id": "33513", "text": "How to remove the background noise from a single sound file?"} {"_id": "17811", "text": "How to import data from Blender or 3DS max file?"} {"_id": "20243", "text": "TabView resets to default when selecting data using Control object"} {"_id": "41523", "text": "How to vary thickness of line on the plot?"} {"_id": "7463", "text": "Is this the most efficient way to round approximate integers to integers while leaving other Reals untouched?"} {"_id": "3723", "text": "Filling a polygon with a pattern of insets"} {"_id": "17381", "text": "Distributing elements across a list of lists"} {"_id": "46315", "text": "Bizarre behavior of With, Compile and Break"} {"_id": "45662", "text": "Always the same problem with Conjugate"} {"_id": "57878", "text": "Disable Input Assistant Mathematica 10"} {"_id": "7679", "text": "Sort lists according to the order of another"} {"_id": "1283", "text": "Permutations[Range[12]] produces an error instead of a list"} {"_id": "14405", "text": "Determining the local extrema of discrete data"} {"_id": "59013", "text": "DSolve not returning \"trivial\" solutions"} {"_id": "30014", "text": "How to create a simple cross eyed 3d plot"} {"_id": "246", "text": "How to combine images with the same dimensions in a grid?"} {"_id": "24892", "text": "Outputting a set of graphics 3D objects with positions defined by one array and colors by another?"} {"_id": "45725", "text": "How to simplify a polynomial and get the results in the order that I want?"} {"_id": "29808", "text": "Detecting a more general pattern"} {"_id": "44439", "text": "How to change default font?"} {"_id": "47207", "text": "Prevent trigonometric simplification"} {"_id": "27038", "text": "Simple Macro or Meta Programming for Data Analysis"} {"_id": "34526", "text": "DialogInput inside ButtonBar freezes Mathematica"} {"_id": "11298", "text": "Map-Thread-Through-Apply a list of functions onto a list of (lists of) values"} {"_id": "17633", "text": "How to set a TraditionalForm output for a symbol"} {"_id": "13520", "text": "Evaluate while external command is being run"} {"_id": "46662", "text": "Scope of variables within a Manipulate expression"} {"_id": "4764", "text": "Non-commutative symbolic linear algebra"} {"_id": "10501", "text": "Plotting discontinuous functions without spurious vertical segments"} {"_id": "31566", "text": "How to keep front and back colors of Polygon in Graphics3D same all the time"} {"_id": "57242", "text": "Remove curly brackets _completely_ to map a function to the elements of a list"} {"_id": "19902", "text": "Copying one symbol into another"} {"_id": "51597", "text": "How to check the decimal accuracy of result?"} {"_id": "18889", "text": "How to change brackets in TraditionalForm output"} {"_id": "48681", "text": "Works in mathematica but not as cdf preview or web embedded cdf"} {"_id": "59596", "text": "Removing the unit \"pm\" from atomic positions"} {"_id": "25885", "text": "Numerical solution of Schr\u00f6dinger-type equation in Mathematica"} {"_id": "18081", "text": "How to interpret the FullForm of a SparseArray?"} {"_id": "26425", "text": "How do I generate a table of data points from a function and add random noise?"} {"_id": "23398", "text": "How to implement a set method?"} {"_id": "26282", "text": "Combined NonlinearModelFit"} {"_id": "17617", "text": "Using the symbol I for electrical current"} {"_id": "25394", "text": "Anti-aliasing won't work when there is PlotStyle command"} {"_id": "145", "text": "How to find out which method Mathematica selected?"} {"_id": "33293", "text": "Why does AbsoluteOptions give the wrong answer for ListPlot?"} {"_id": "2712", "text": "Filling global arrays in parallel calculations"} {"_id": "2715", "text": "Generating graphs interactively (GUI)"} {"_id": "4406", "text": "How can I connect to a database using the 32 Bit ODBC on a Windows 7 (64 Bit) machine?"} {"_id": "14193", "text": "Good way to discriminate between Mathematica/PlayerPro/CDFPlayer"} {"_id": "28553", "text": "List elements and iterator name collision"} {"_id": "15311", "text": "Square both sides of an equation?"} {"_id": "11460", "text": "Download binary file bypassing Import/Export?"} {"_id": "17154", "text": "How do I use RSolve to solve a system of recurrence relations?"} {"_id": "25185", "text": "Add a sub-matrix of zeros in big matrix"} {"_id": "44744", "text": "Chopping pure Imaginary numbers"} {"_id": "40919", "text": "Coloring the points in a ListPlot with the value of another function"} {"_id": "34291", "text": "Get pattern from rising numbers"} {"_id": "26983", "text": "How to apply a free-form input Function using InputField"} {"_id": "37656", "text": "How can I remove the singleton dimensions of an array?"} {"_id": "33574", "text": "What's the correct way to shift zero frequency to the center of a Fourier Transform?"} {"_id": "34073", "text": "How to calculate contour integrals with Mathematica?"} {"_id": "26519", "text": "Making a ListVectorPlot3D from data in an external file"} {"_id": "45551", "text": "How to reduce notebook or CDF file size with many images in it?"} {"_id": "42366", "text": "How do I define a tensor from another tensor with summations?"} {"_id": "55309", "text": "Marking certain detected points on an image"} {"_id": "47028", "text": "If statements with a Boolean"} {"_id": "17093", "text": "Exp[I \u03b8] + b Exp[-I \u03b8], Part II"} {"_id": "54464", "text": "Bug in NDSolve (Mathematica 9.0.1)?"} {"_id": "46950", "text": "Meaning of backtick in conjunction with units"} {"_id": "21328", "text": "how can i convert data into string format?"} {"_id": "1584", "text": "How to convert between various ItemSize/ImageSize units?"} {"_id": "5235", "text": "Why doesn't Evaluate appear to work in this RegionPlot example with MatchQ?"} {"_id": "33966", "text": "How to \"explode\" a list inside a function call argument list?"} {"_id": "5644", "text": "Partition string into chunks"} {"_id": "48802", "text": "My \"N\" turned red randomly"} {"_id": "32715", "text": "Function to subdivide interval into n evenly-spaced points"} {"_id": "34710", "text": "map rational number"} {"_id": "45010", "text": "Set Standard Plot Thickness"} {"_id": "32293", "text": "Find eigen energies of time-independent Schr\u00f6dinger equation"} {"_id": "9558", "text": "How to express ticks in scientific form?"} {"_id": "58918", "text": "Mathematica 10 loads too long time"} {"_id": "46893", "text": "How to Plot a function that returns multiple values?"} {"_id": "57975", "text": "ToExpression from commandline"} {"_id": "7174", "text": "(Non-Convex) Polygon Union and Intersection Functions"} {"_id": "7173", "text": "SetOptions for every new notebook"} {"_id": "37894", "text": "Treat all variables as local in a module"} {"_id": "40640", "text": "Compiling Visual Studio C++ to Run on Computers without Mathematica"} {"_id": "40837", "text": "How do I switch between two notebooks in Mathematica 9 interface?"} {"_id": "5580", "text": "Dr. StrangeNumbers or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Floating Point Arithmetic"} {"_id": "11271", "text": "how to read in a file in the same directory?"} {"_id": "2752", "text": "Listing subgraphs of G isomorphic to SubG"} {"_id": "45371", "text": "Import LaTeX from Wikipedia to Mathematica"} {"_id": "44533", "text": "How to avoid malicious code when opening & executing notebooks"} {"_id": "18655", "text": "How can I transpose x and y axis on a Plot?"} {"_id": "1315", "text": "Customizing syntax highlighting for private cell styles"} {"_id": "15351", "text": "Is there an equivalent of MATLAB's Workspace window in Mathematica?"} {"_id": "59253", "text": "How to get a multiple line plot from a list of lists"} {"_id": "31501", "text": "Conditional printed output"} {"_id": "3943", "text": "Usage displays properly only after second call"} {"_id": "22419", "text": "Benchmarking expressions"} {"_id": "29545", "text": "How can I suppress rotation of 3D graphics?"} {"_id": "46284", "text": "How do I plus these values in a list"} {"_id": "38846", "text": "Mathematica how to plot objects with labels in 3D plot"} {"_id": "44709", "text": "adding vectors of unequal length"} {"_id": "50831", "text": "RK4 Gravity Simulator"} {"_id": "1679", "text": "Dimensions of the results of Text[] within Graphics[]"} {"_id": "58229", "text": "Transformation of Derivatives under change of coordinates"} {"_id": "43638", "text": "$H_{\\infty}$ optimization of transfer function matrix"} {"_id": "46986", "text": "How to change $n$ variables with $n$ Buttons automatically"} {"_id": "39696", "text": "Create a new infix operator"} {"_id": "17324", "text": "How to search for initialization cells?"} {"_id": "22948", "text": "Why is ReplaceAll behaving like this?"} {"_id": "44987", "text": "Needs, Get and <<"} {"_id": "8695", "text": "Is there an easy way to put time ticks on a parametric plot?"} {"_id": "33", "text": "How to run mathlink external commands in parallel?"} {"_id": "28925", "text": "Can I make the subsection CounterBox continue counting across section boundaries?"} {"_id": "44756", "text": "Intersection of surface with parallel planes"} {"_id": "19457", "text": "Finding the likeliest path in a Markov process"} {"_id": "5799", "text": "Delete duplicates in a list, depending on the sequence of numbers"} {"_id": "11403", "text": "Can the banner in the Home Edition be removed?"} {"_id": "51440", "text": "How to calculate this derivative?"} {"_id": "46581", "text": "Visualizing Dynamic Time Warping"} {"_id": "3394", "text": "Arguments to If[] are not evaluated"} {"_id": "5409", "text": "Interdependent controls in Manipulate"} {"_id": "21161", "text": "Plotting an array of data onto a sphere"} {"_id": "44126", "text": "Make ConditionalExpression go away"} {"_id": "10619", "text": "Sort strings by natural ordering"} {"_id": "15649", "text": "Setting the default font for PlotLegends"} {"_id": "29016", "text": "Short circuit logical operators"} {"_id": "30038", "text": "Is there an analogue of the Variables command for general expressions?"} {"_id": "6955", "text": "Is it possible to insert arguments into functions when they're used like Function@ or //Function?"} {"_id": "26776", "text": "Keeping memory to reduce the running time of recursion"} {"_id": "4019", "text": "Map and Apply a function on a nested list"} {"_id": "4017", "text": "Computing and plotting a spectrogram in Mathematica"} {"_id": "45693", "text": "relative directory paths within a mathematica package/what directory does a mathematica package see as local?"} {"_id": "4244", "text": "Visualizing a Complex Vector Field near Poles"} {"_id": "30085", "text": "The order of the result $x^2 \\left(b-\\frac{a}{2}\\right)+(a-2) x^3+\\left(2-\\frac{b}{2}\\right) x+4 x^4-1$"} {"_id": "41966", "text": "How to generate closed-form stiff matrix of triangular prism element by mathematica"} {"_id": "39106", "text": "Define new 3D graphics primitives in Mathematica 9"} {"_id": "32658", "text": "Combine 2D images perpendicular to each other"} {"_id": "31244", "text": "How to divide all rows of a matrix by their row sums"} {"_id": "2047", "text": "Automated testing for compatibility with older Mathematica versions"} {"_id": "14435", "text": "How can I focus cursor at specific position?"} {"_id": "9623", "text": "How to make hollow polyhedra?"} {"_id": "30984", "text": "How can I manipulate a circular part of an image?"} {"_id": "6562", "text": "How can I create a rectangular graphic with curved edges?"} {"_id": "7531", "text": "How can I label a ListDensityPlot with a color bar?"} {"_id": "20470", "text": "Function with custom Options and modified Options for built-in Symbols"} {"_id": "45878", "text": "Creating If statements programmatically"} {"_id": "43204", "text": "Dot shading a.k.a. Stippling effect"} {"_id": "19165", "text": "How to generate a 3-d simple cubic lattice of length 4 in each dimension?"} {"_id": "26879", "text": "How to get all possible Rules and Elements of Functions like ExportString"} {"_id": "41517", "text": "densityplot + world map overlay"} {"_id": "17196", "text": "Order of integration changes output of indefinite multiple integral in Mathematica 7"} {"_id": "3780", "text": "How to determine the convex hull of some text?"} {"_id": "43415", "text": "Set Image Size and Page Orientation When Exporting to PDF"} {"_id": "1945", "text": "Using implicit differentiation to find a line that is tangent to a curve at a point"} {"_id": "50519", "text": "Why PlotRange doesn't work for this set of values?"} {"_id": "24623", "text": "question about Inner"} {"_id": "1", "text": "Usage of \\[InvisibleApplication] and other related invisible characters"} {"_id": "30290", "text": "Checking for duplicates in sublists"} {"_id": "37093", "text": "mathematica function autocomplete issue"} {"_id": "42763", "text": "Why isn't my Stream code plotting multiple solution curves?"} {"_id": "18419", "text": "How can I improve Mathematica's resolution on a macbook retina display?"} {"_id": "59140", "text": "Solve equations within range and plot"} {"_id": "14534", "text": "How can I get information about properties of a style?"} {"_id": "49190", "text": "$IterationLimit and parallel computing"} {"_id": "3319", "text": "Handling failed FindRoot calls"} {"_id": "20023", "text": "Plot 4D data with color as 4th dimension"} {"_id": "18193", "text": "balanced Shortest[] and string-patterns"} {"_id": "32119", "text": "How to join held Lists?"} {"_id": "9035", "text": "How Can I use Solve/Reduce Output"} {"_id": "37247", "text": "Convert separate digits of a number into an array"} {"_id": "4368", "text": "How to insert graphics primitives into a plot?"} {"_id": "19127", "text": "Can you fill in a closed curve?"} {"_id": "57588", "text": "How can I plot weather data?"} {"_id": "11698", "text": "Customizing FrameTicks in DistributionChart"} {"_id": "6043", "text": "Is there a way to make the tick marks larger?"} {"_id": "1041", "text": "How to pipe a stream to another notebook?"} {"_id": "11059", "text": "Combining lists with common elements efficiently"} {"_id": "25798", "text": "Using anonymous functions instead of module or block. Bad idea?"} {"_id": "50738", "text": "Grabbing columns from a matrix"} {"_id": "45450", "text": "Why does evaluating an integral within a Plot expression take so long?"} {"_id": "25260", "text": "NDSolve with vector function"}