__label__2 Perfect size!: I used these baggies to package cookies for a wedding, and the size is perfect! They work really well to insert cardstock to act as a "background" for cookie packaging!
__label__2 Best Tuner I've Ever Owned!: I use this tuner at home (in my basement) and take it along on the job sometimes. If you want a selective tuner, this blows everything away I have ever used. I'm especially impressed with the FM reception in fringe conditions. I've compared this unit to a GE Superadio III, and side-by-side, the Teac wins (and I used to be a champion for GE's excellent receiver). But now, I've got a new favorite. As long as there is analog AM & FM out there, this Teac tuner is the winner.
__label__2 Fabulous Phineas: Outstanding performance and original approach to standards. Subtle and swinging, a very enjoyable record.
__label__1 Why?????: This book had no purpose and I personally hated it. Did anyone who has read this book enjoy it or get what the message was suppose to be. It certainly not pleasure reading.
__label__2 a veritable tour de force: Written with deftness and wit this novel remains unsurpassed as a tale of what happens when a womanwakes up one morning and decides she's had enough of men bothering her,iambic pentameters and all..
__label__2 Read this book: Why didn't I know about this book sooner? Read this, then recommend it to your friends, you won't regret it.
__label__1 Sorry to have this book: not very nice story line.not my line of reading, I really don't know how I come to have it on my kindle.I wish I could delete it.
__label__1 An obnoxious writing style gets in the way of the story: This book was alternately published as The Weekend: A Novel of Revenge in its first printing.I like dark comedies, and I thought I'd give this one a try, because I was hooked by the first page. But the narrative declines quickly. Some readers complain about the novel's graphic and violent imagery. I don't mind extreme violence that is obviously intended as a joke. And I generally enjoy the strut and swagger of noir prose, but the style in this book is over the top. Almost every action and thought is reexamined and retold before moving on to the next one. An example: "She laughed, and her laughter was a terrible sin. It was sinful laughter." The entire book is written this way. You can literally skip two in three sentences (and this is the only way to get through the text) and still get the complete story. I could never get into the story because of the irritating style.American Psycho is a far superior dark comedy of manners. Read that instead.
__label__2 Excellently written, clear explanation.: I bought the book when I took the course from Yogesh Jaluria (the authur). I found it to be an excellently written book with clear explanation of the numerical methods before each example. This book is a reflection of his teaching which is also superb. It might not be as comprehensive as Numerical Recipe but I found it to be much more tangible and clearer. I highly recommend it to to all engineering AND science students. There are only two grips I have with the book, all the codes are written in FORTRAN 77, which is a bit dated depending on your point of view, the other is that the pages like to fall off over time in the softcover copy.
__label__2 Love it: This is an amazing show, I think it's pretty insightful some of the people and or situations leave you shaking your head and confused and that's why the title is called TABOO lol
__label__2 Interesting: Simply put this program is about how certain rituals, food, religion, etc. can be completely normal for one culture, but "taboo" for another.This program is a very informative watch, and gives insight into other cultural norms from all over the globe. It makes you look at the world in a different way, and ponder how your own culture may seem entirely baffling to someone who lives elsewhere in the world.This show is not for the squeamish, it does not hold back, and in my opinion shouldn't. It may be disgusting, gory, and odd to some viewers, but it a way of life for a group of people somewhere. These rituals are apart of the culture of the group, tribe, etc, and should remain as close to what occurs as possible.Perfect program for someone looking to gain insight into the lives of other people, and better understand the world as a whole.
__label__1 A waste of time.: Sorry Amazon to pan a product but this is absolute rubbish. I prefer to not dignify this DVD set by describing the contents. I borrowed it from the public library. Good I didn't waste cash renting or buying it. The folks at National Geographic have produced many high quality educational programs. What happened? Learning about our world is a worthy activity but can be done in ways that truly merit our attention. Parents and educators please do not think this is something to show the kids. It is not educational. This DVD set is sick and depraved. There is no redeeming quality in shows that can leave such awful mental images in our minds perhaps for a lifetime. Do yourself a favor and forget about Taboo.
__label__2 OK, Nothing Special: Like the title says...these are OK but nothing special. How much can you say about a pick?
__label__2 Top quality blades Made in Switzerland: Need I say more? These are well made Bosch blades Made in Switzerland. The pouch is Made in China, but not these blades. Many brand name blades (including some DeWalt ones) are now Made in China.Get Swiss made Bosch blades for less under the Skil brand. It was a good move that Bosch bought Skil a few years back.
__label__2 Masterclass in biblical interpretation: John Calvin famously failed to produce a commentary on Revelation. I believe he said he did not understand it. Richard Bewes does. The Lamb wins is the message and here it is lucidly explained chapter by chapter.The author is a very gifted preacher. His sermons abound in masterful memorable illustrations. So does this book which is based on talks he gave in Africa. Here is much for the edification and enlightenment of the ordinary Christian as well as great help for anyone wishing to preach or teach this perplexing book. He divides up each part very well sometimes using all four schools of interpretation of the text. Study questions are given too.Read it and be thrilled to share in the victory of the Lamb!
__label__2 A short parallelist viewpoint: This book is an overview of the book of Revelation from the parallelist viewpoint (other viewpoints, each briefly described early in the book, are preterist, historicist, futurist, and idealist). In the parallelist viewpoint, each section in the book of Revelation runs parallel, at the same time, but looked at from different angles. Perhaps it is because the book is only an overview and only about 150 pages, but I don't think Bewes provided sufficient basis to make his case for his viewpoint. The book makes some good points and is worth reading, but I would recommend also reading commentaries by other authors on Revelation that are more substantial and that are based on other viewpoints. And if only one commentary on Revelation is to be read, it perhaps should not be this one.
__label__1 typical junk from disney for material young girls: terrible and moronic screenplay and dialog, horrible acting, bad directing with formulaic sound track, mimicking every movement of all the characters just like disney's cartoons. don't why all the movement even expression on the faces of these terrible actors need music to exaggerate or emphasize it. these two young female actors need go back to performing art school to learn the basics or just quit. i strongly suggest that dmv files a complaint to disney for the low blow insult to their driving test people. what a big yawn with teary eyes, i just couldn't help it.
__label__1 cow belles: This movie was junk, It is one of the worst movies that is coming out.My friend was going to buy it but I told him that it was junk, and the price is way to high. You people should know that Walmart, and maybe Tower Records might not sell this item on the internet(maybe).The movie grade is F+
__label__1 Okay.......: I really like Aly and AJ, but I wasn't too impressed when I saw this movie. It definitely wasn't the worst thing I've ever watched, but it's not worth buying or even watching twice...
__label__2 A Nicole Review: Sister singing sensations Aly & AJ make their DVD debut in the all-new, hilarious Disney Channel Original Movie -- COW BELLES, with an exclusive alternate ending. Super-spoiled rich girls Taylor and Courtney Callum have a lot to learn when their dad insists they take summer jobs at the family's dairy while he goes on a long-overdue vacation. While struggling to balance the pressures of popularity, crushes on totally cute boys, and the pain of really growing up, will these "Cow Belles" be able to save the family business and become better people in the process? Full of hip and hilarious adventure, this all-new DVD includes a cool behind-the-scenes featurette and two Aly & AJ music videos. So rustle up some friends and join the fun!
__label__2 Great tool.: I have tried other manufactures electrical testers and was not happy with the quality. I use the tester quiteboften and sperry testers can take a little abuse.
__label__2 Great Book Must Read: I love this book. Even though I'm just 15. I thought is had an amazing plot and a wonderful ending. The only reason I'm giving it 4 stars is because of the beginning. It was incredibly slow and boring. But I'm so glad I decided to keep reading!
__label__2 GREAT BOOK: This was also a WONDERFUL BOOK by a GREAT AUTHOR!!!!!! This one took off a bit slower than the first two books in the series!
__label__2 Takes your breath away: I was so overjoyed to find this on a CD.....I grew up listening to thealbum version my Dad had.....he searched for years for this version of TheGreat Waltz & happen to stumble on it in a record store, back in thelate 60's.....My Dad taught me the appreciation of opera & started withthis album.....My Dad is gone now, and this CD means more to me than everbefore....I play it all the time & never get tired of it....The music,and especially the singing is so powerful it sometimes overwhelms me.If you like the classical music & opera, this is definitely the one for you.How I wish it would become a braodway music again in this day & age.
__label__2 An excellent, long-lasting addition to physical fitness and flexibility DVD libraries: A new DVD from fitness teachers Ana Brett and Ravi Singh - whose clients include Olympic athletes and celebrities such as Madonna, Sting, and The Red Hot Chile Peppers - guides the viewer through easy-to-follow, yoga-based workouts. "Yoga for Beginners & Beyond" (90 minutes) includes strengthening techniques to improve one's total fitness, chair exercises, a posture primer, and much more. The segments guide one through using Yoga to promote flexibility in one's entire body as well as build up muscle tone. This DVD has a special "Matrix menu" option that allows the viewer to customize his or her workout, and makes an excellent, long-lasting addition to physical fitness and flexibility DVD libraries.
__label__2 A really great comprehensive Ravi and Ana DVD!!: This is an excellent all around yoga DVD. In comparison to other ravi/ana DVD's I would say this one is moderate level, but can be adapted to beginner--it is challenging in a nice way. This particular workout is very well put together, is well balanced, and has plenty of options for the matrix to choose from. Although there is some minor glitch with the matrix option at times when it doesn't always work--but I think that may be DVD player compatibility issue. Overall, I would say that out of other 7 ravi and ana DVD's that I have, this one is at the top. Love it!
__label__2 Amazing & complete workout/yoga practice: I own several DVD's from Raviana and this is by far my favoriteGreat workout gets your full body moving, cleans your body from stagnant energy and gets you ready to go!Great music, easy to follow
__label__2 Another great workout!: This is the fourth video I've gotten from Ana and Ravi and I enjoy it as much as the others. I really like the Matrix thing where I can select chapters and make my own workout. It is fun to do, challenging, but not overly, and really helps my back to relax. These videos are especially good for aging bodies as the asanas really warm up the muscles and keep your shoulders and neck in good shape. Don't let Ana's gorgeous body intimidate you into not buying! These videos are for every body type.
__label__2 Really good for beginners to intermediate: My first ever Yoga video. As the dvd goes on the techniques become more advance. First 20 minutes is really good for people who have never done Yoga.
__label__2 fun,challenging, enlightening yoga class!: I am sure you many people have written 5 star reviews already but had to add that in my 4 plus years of practicing yoga I have never encountered such enjoyable and effective home yoga workouts as the ones presented by Ana Brett & Ravi Singh. You will want to collect them all. I haven't tried one that has not immediately become an important part of my rotation. This one is no exception and, though I can no longer label myself a beginner, I get a great workout because it contains almost all of my favorite poses (favorite because they are so effective) for strength and flexibility.I love the way this workout builds. I love the challenging poses, the way Ana & Ravi give information for each of the poses and also their warm, fun energy! I really love the fresh take on Warrior 3 called "The Challenge!"Thank you Ana & Ravi - I am so fortunate to have you as my teachers!
__label__1 Not the best Ana & Ravi have done: I am a huge fan of Ana and Ravi's. I find when I switch my workouts to more weight or even cardio intensive with less kundalini yoga, I miss their workouts and have to change my routine around again to fit in more! Maybe this routine is better for beginners who really do need a slower pace. After any of the other Ravi/Ana workouts, I feel like I've had a really challenging workout. This is the only one where I just don't feel that way. I don't feel particularly stretched, strengthened or challenged.I like Ana's singing, but I do find it distracting during the meditations-- especially when I'm supposed to be focusing on my pulse.If you're looking for a more energetic practice, I wouldn't recommend this one. I am a big fan of their original For Beginners and Beyond, Bliss Hips, & Fat Free Yoga.
__label__2 La biblia del matrimonio feliz: ya que, leyendo este libro y aplicando sus sugerencias, no necesita uno ningùn otro. Es un libro que hace justicia a EL y a ELLA
__label__2 Curbs Cravings: This is the exact product that I have been using. As I stated in the review for Mega Hoodia, it has helped me. I gained about 30 lbs. since last July. In just a few weeks, I've lost about 7. I'm eating smaller portions and feeling full. I'm not having the cravings as much and when tempted, this product helps me to have some will power to resist all those sweeties. NOW brand has proved to deliver quality and value. I have used NOW exclusively for about two years. The proof was when I ran out of Melatonin and bought a grocery store brand. I didn't get any sleep until I went to my alternative medicine shop and got the NOW brand of Melatonin.
__label__1 10 pills???: No matter what any Hoodia products have labled as far as dosage, you must have 1500mg of pure Hoodia in your system for it to work. This particular product contains just 150mg per pill, which means you have to take 10 pills at once! Also, keep in mind, there are only 60 pills per bottle, so 1 bottle =6 doses or 2 days. Save your money and find something stronger.
__label__2 Great product.: Works perfect. Easy to read and it is accurate. It is for my sight challenged mother in law and she loves it because it tells her things she wants to know.
__label__1 Bad choice: I ordered 5 of these for Christmas presents, I kept one for myself. We installed it per directions, my mother-in-law has had one of theses for several years, I was impressed with them. However, the one we got mal-functions all the time. As far as I am concerned, its a piece of junk, the only reason I don't return it for a refund, is I don't want to invest anymore in it, by paying postage for it. Ripped off again!!!
__label__1 slow and poor quality: Only one good track (long black veil), otherwise poor production (acoustics bad) and overall is slow and not heart felt.
__label__2 hasbro baby alive wet & wiggles doll: my granddaughter is very happy with this doll. She has the baby alive & now she has a boy. my younger granddaughter is enjoying it also; so they can play together.
__label__1 Not the best choice for a two year old: I thought this would be great for my two year old daughter to have when her baby brother came home from the hospital, but once the novelty of a giggling, moving doll wore off (in a few days) she much preferred her simple baby dolls. This doll is not cuddly and is very hard to hug and drag around the house the way my daughter likes to do. There are too many little accessories and it's just too complicated for a two year old - may be better for an older child.
__label__1 Are you kidding?: My daughter got this doll as a gift for her birthday. I am SHOCKED to find that he has boy parts - anatomically correct. What the heck? Does my 3 year old little girl need to have a doll with such obvious differences? I appreciate that there are people who would like that, but nowhere in any description of the doll or in any review have I heard anyone mention a word about it. For heaven's sake, if they're going to make a doll with 'parts' they should give some kind of warning so we can choose something else if we don't want that.
__label__2 Lovely: This is one of the most beautiful, light and lingering scents I have ever worn. It has come to be my favorite. I bought it while in Hawaii and was relieved when I was looking for it again that it was still available.
__label__2 My 5 -yr. old LOVES it!: My son saw this book at a friend's house months ago and has been asking about it ever since. We ordered it for his birthday and he just LOVES it.
__label__1 Same old same ol: This political propoganda speaks nothing to the limited lives of the suburban youth that listen to this band. The lyrics are the same text book rage and the music is the same sound as the last album. Tom's guitar work is the only redeeming quality this album has.
__label__2 Pretty Damn Good: well, lets start from the beginning... I'll keep this pretty short. RATM is my favorite band in the entire universe. Guerilla Radio is a great track that has the coolest solo I have ever heard Tom do. Without a Face is much better live, but wholly I don't like the song very much. The main riff isn't very interesting, and it's pushing the hip-hop limit. All-in-all, a pretty good CD. I recommend their s/t CD, then Evil Empire, then Battle of LA in order to get the full feeling of Rage Against the Machine
__label__2 Excellent Song: Defintely one of the best songs that Rage has put out. Zach's great lyrics combined with the bands mind blowing sound makes for an awesome combonation. Give it a listen, you'll definitely like it.Can't wait for the whole CD to come out!
__label__2 Great comeback,even better song: Rage's new single once again took me by suprise. It cobined their old stuff with elements that are all new. November 2 seems almost too long to wait for Battle Of Los Angeles. Rage once again has won the battle and is soon to win the war. RAGE ON
__label__2 Awesome new single from Rage!: I was introduced to Rage Against the Machine by my sister back in '96, when "Evil Empire" came out, and got totally hooked...but where did they go? Well, wherever they went, they made a spectacular comeback with "Guerilla Radio". It's hard to describe the song, it's one of Rage's best, cool beat and lyrics. Zack De La Rocha is as angry as before. :) The only thing about it: it seems that the 3 minutes and 28 seconds this song runs for is way too short. Can't wait for the new album "Battle of Los Angeles" on Nov. 2nd!
__label__2 Looks like Rage is back: I've been waiting for something new and improved from Rage, and this is it. It sounds more like funk that average Rage, but this is good new style for them. I hope the rest of the new CD is like this.
__label__2 i have been waiting for the new cd for 3 years: the first single off there new album is excellent, rage against the machine is the greatest band ever, great music/lyrics.
__label__1 Somewhat disappointing: It works, but there are no instructions other than for how to set it up and hook it to the Nemo. There are features that allow you to modify tank values and other info, but they are disabled in the Nemo Wide. The Nemo Air and Puck can use these features, so why they're disabled for the Nemo Wide is puzzling, and annoying. It would be good to be able to input beginning and ending pressures and have it calculate your BVR, especially when the features are showing,but don't work.So far, As a Nemo Wide user, I'm not impressed
__label__2 Isn't the original, but a good movie none the less: I loved the original Lilo and Stitch, it's my favorite Disney movie of all time. I thought Stitch! the Movie was disappointing, but I think Disney recovered with Stitch has a Glitch and now Leroy and Stitch. I loved how we got to see all the experiments together, and that they banded together against the evil armies of Leroys. I was also pleased that 625 finally got a name, because he has been a staple since Stitch! the Movie. The original Lilo and Stitch will always be my favorite, but Leroy and Stitch was a surprising sequel that makes a great addition to any Disney library. A good family movie to watch over and over on a rainy day!
__label__2 Impressed...: Yes,I was upset since Lilo & Stitch the series was ending it's 3 year run(pay attention to the movie,Lilo actually confirms that it was a 3 year cycle..hehe),but this is a nice big "aloha" to the series.Elvis has some music here again,Lilo's very sad since her alien ohana leaves ....eh Hammterwheel("No viel,like the delicious meats!"),getting out of prison,Leroy & Stich fighting the heck outta each other....eh go watch it! I reccomened this,since you will see experiment 625 getting his true name,and stay tuned for the credits because:all 626 experiments are listed,names included! Plus you may(as I did) get all misty-eyed,like Lilo in the movie.A great aloha indeed,even though aloha means goodbye,it also means hello,and it will always come back to you.
__label__1 stupid movie: this movie is a little different then the other lilo and stitch movie. my daughter did not care for it.
__label__1 Not even worth one star.: I just rented this.I was hoping this would be better than the lackluster 2nd Lilo & Stitch, but I was wrong. This was SOOOOOOOOOOOO BAD! As a matter of fact, I think this is even as bad as the 2nd one.Here we go with the plot...Lilo, Stitch, and Jumba catch the experiments and find their homes. Gantu has left earth and frees Dr. Hamsterviel out of jail, and together they create Leoroy, who will dominate the earth.I really hated this film. If the 2nd one sucked, why see this?AVOID AT ALL COSTS!
__label__2 An Intergalatic Showdown In The Aloha State!: Leroy and Stitch is a 2006 Disney direct-to-DVD animated film and the final chapter of the Lilo and Stitch saga. In this sequel, Lilo and Stich are commended by the Galatic Federation for capturing all 625 experimental aliens and have been rewarded with a heroes' homecoming. Little do anyone suspect, Gantu escapes earth and frees Hamsterviel and now the two evil-doers have created an evil clone of Stitch named Leroy. Now it is up to Stitch, Lilo and 625 of their "Ohana" to stop Leroy, Hamsterviel and Gantu and save all of Hawai'i. The special features includes a never-before-aired episode of the Lilo and Stitch TV series. Leroy and Stitch is the perfect addition to any Disney DVD library and a great way to enjoy everyone's favourite alien one last time!
__label__2 leroy: My customer is very happy that I could find this movie for him, so he could add it to the collection he plans to take on his cruise around the world.
__label__2 Used DVD: I love Stitch! LOL - it played fine with no problems. Leroy was a baaad boy but Lilo and Stitch saved the day. Ohana forever!
__label__2 My kids like it even more than the original: This sequel is so well made. It's quite funny and the quality of the picture is good. A lot of time with sequels I feel you get the original movie copied and pasted into a new one. This one isn't like that. The characters you know and love from the first are back. Really well made. My kids 4 and 6 regularly request to watch this over everything else. Plus...isn't it fun to have your bad guy named "Leroy". Love it.
__label__1 not a cd: Was not satified, because it was not a CD like I thought. I will not order from this person again, for one thing it took too long to come and then I find out that it was not a Cd.
__label__2 I shall call it, "LEROY!": A very funny movie, my husband loves the series, so I bought this for him as a gift. He enjoys watching it and will quote from it, which is his way of saying 'GREAT MOVIE!" It is a great one, and very orginal.
__label__1 Poor quality: There were marks all over the test book and I can't use it without having to erase them one by one.
__label__2 I'm addicted!: I received this mix as a gift about a month ago, and I have listened to it just about everyday since. It is quite addictive.If you are a fan of Bonobo you have to check this one out. It is more dance oriented than his studio albums. He acheived this by mixing some of his own familiar tracks with some other really choice cuts. As a mix, it has its good and "just OK" points, but as a collection of good tracks, it truly shines.If you are not a fan of Bonobo, than this will be a unique experience. Bonobo is kind of a combination of world rhythms, jazzy hip-hop injected breaks, acoustic bliss, and superb production. Sometimes dark, sometimes melancholy, sometimes just relaxing and soothing... I recommend all that Bonobo has to offer.
__label__2 For Serious Bonobo Fans: This is an excellent mix album by Bonobo (aka Simon Green), but is a slight let down compared with Bonobo's original work from "Dial M For Monkey" and "Animal Magic". Nevertheless, for the serious Bonobo fans this is a must have - tons of tracks artfully selected and mixed by Green. Some of my favorites on the mix would be one of Bonobo's songs, "Recurring", and "Easy Muffin" by Amon Tobin and "Paths in Soft Focus". The cd progressives from Indian beats to bossa nova and everything in between. I am certainly glad I bought this cd and think it is worth the money for any fan of acid jazz. Buy and enjoy.
__label__2 Incredibly groovy and eclectic mix. Diverse yet cohesive.: An amazing achievement for Bonobo on this Solid Steel mix. A variety of sounds that go from hip-hop to nu-jazz.Beware, most of the tunes here are not from Bonobo, they are from different artists, some of whom are in the same Ninja Tune label. Nonetheless, the track selection is impeccable and the flow of the album is exceptional.If you like his previous stuff like "Dial M for Monkey" or "Animal Magic", you'll definitely love this one.Insanely good beats on top of jazzy music.Sexy, edgy, cool, sophisticated, hip, but most importantly smart. A truly intelligent album. Get it. Enjoy it.
__label__1 A little disappointing: I bought this paperweight for a friend who collects them. It is pretty by not very impressive, it is small a rather plain. I guess I should have expected it given the low price. It did arrive promptly and was nicely boxed.
__label__2 Great Series!: Our 9 year old granddaughter loves to read about mythology. These books have a great fantasy feel to them, but deliver a great Christian message.
__label__1 Boring: I remember playing rampage on the nes with my brother 15 years ago. Several versions have come out since then and NOTHING HAS CHANGED.The controls are as impricise as it was on the NES. The larger selection of characters are just filler, since they all have the same powers. Oh yeah and "3D neighborhoods?" No that is total BS. You can move left or right, not in or out. How is that 3D? Oh that's right - 3D characters, 3D buildings in a 2D world. In my book being able to move left and right means that this game is 2D.If you loved the original (it is included), or the 64 version (also included) this may have some value. If you wanted to check up on a familiar franchise to see how they have changed, move on.
__label__1 Completely shattered: After reordering this product because last time i received the wrong item, now i received a pile of shattered glass. Come on now, how hard is it to ship a light bulb as "FRAGILE"
__label__2 great kid stuff: Got it fast. i had an old Orley 78 rpm record when I was a kid. great memories and the fables still hold up. The orchestra music sound effects are fun for kids and adults too. Mr. Green Jeans is not Frank Zappa's father, but he's a expressive storyteller. Fun on a road trip. Fergy
__label__2 Does not cause drowsiness: I love reading anything about history, but sometimes those books read more like a how-to manual, than an accounting of history, so I was very glad to find that this book caught my interest & kept it from the beginning. I recently became interested in the Borgia's (yes because of the Showtime series), and this book was a great pick for my first look into the Borgia's famous & infamous deeds.
__label__1 terrycloth insoles: I wasted my money buying these. I wear a size 71/2 to 8. they are to small for my shoes. I've only worn them once and i can see that they are coming apart.
__label__2 Amazon Pumpals: This product is quite comfortable, giving good arch support. However, having the choice of neutral colors would be a definite advantage. The current color being offered is white, which is too noticeable in black shoes.
__label__2 great sounding adaptation of Christmas and other songs: This CD has great arrangements, talented performers and is very easy to listen to. There are some cool modern adaptations of classic Christmas songs as well as other great compositions covering various styles such as swing/rockabilly, alternative, rock, pop and dance. 2 thumbs up.
__label__2 Moriya is an Asian American Christian Marvel!!!: Moriya, in this AND his own CD (Trusting with Tears), is stunning with his soothing vocals with complementary instrumental backup. Brian Min is a sheer genius in arrangement and production. Steve is also not a bad looking guy...
__label__1 think twice you buy this: Even, this product was rated as compatible to Mac, it does not work with certain Macs, G3 PowerBook (Pismo) is one. Tech support does not understand why.
__label__1 awe inspiring- and NOT in a good way: I bought this book because I am a huge fan of horror stories and it seemed to have great customer reviews. It was the ultimate waste of time and money. The dialogue was laughable and so pointlessly detailed, to the point where what each and every person at the table ordered to drink was written about. Some parts were mildly creepy but mostly just annoying and childish. If you're looking for something to really freak you out, keep looking. The writing itself distracts far too much from anything that might have been decent about the plot. Atrocious.
__label__2 If you like horror, you'll LOVE this book!!: This is an exceptionally well-written first novel by this author. If you enjoy the writings of John Saul and Dean Koontz, you are bound to enjoy this book. The set-up of the story is done nicely, and when you flash forward to the meat of the novel you have a whisper of an idea of what might be in store, but still have the breathless anticipation of what will happen next. Alister Jak needs to publish more novels! Bring them on!!
__label__2 Tainted Lake: Tainted Lake is an excellent read. The author's vivid descriptions of both scenes and character moods gives the readerthe sense of participation with the characters. Being an experienced scuba diver the author has done his homework. The multiple plots of the story are complexly interwoven and requires the reader's full attention start to finish. I have personally read this book twice cover to cover and actually enjoyed it more the second time. This is an excellent investment of your reading dollar.
__label__2 And watch the FREE videos on the MIT site: It's hard to rate the textbook by itself, because I'm also watching the videos of the author's class on the MIT Open Courseware website. But no doubt, the two of these together are an unbeatable combination. The website videos are excellent. I do find the book somewhat hard to follow when I try to read it before watching the videos, but afterward, it's quite clear. So maybe I'd rate the book a 3 by itself, but a 5+ in combination with the FREE online videos. Strang is an outstanding lecturer.
__label__2 This book is the best on the subject.: I have found the flow of the so striking and the effect of it is almost immediate. This is a wonderful book and I recommend every serious learner of Linear Algebra to definitely have this book with him. No matter when but he will always find the book helpful.
__label__1 poorly written text: The author seem to forget that this is a higher mathematics course. His over-exciting (lots of exclamation marks) habit is annoying at best and distracting at worst. The book reads like a novel which I think is very immature for a higher mathematics text. If the student doesn't already know what the sigma symbol means, then maybe this isn't the class for them. Such juvenile definitions only added to the distraction. The book goes off tangent continuosly because the author is too eager to make students see the supposed beauty of Linear Algebra.
__label__1 An academic in need of a lot more: Paglia has read everything. Good for her. She is also totally out of touch with the real world. All of her references are taken from books, books, books and pop culture. Her arguments never hold up once you analyze them in any depth. Don't be fooled by her way with words. Underneath it is a vacuum and the final effect is one of a very intelligent woman wasting her mind on utter nonsense and the debris of pop culture. She has nothing to say, but is satisfied to be a character in a culture where image is everything and substance is woefully lacking.
__label__2 Fun, Irreverent Ramblings by That Woman: I enjoy Paglia. This disqualifies me as an intellecutal which is fine.What a lot of people don't quite get is that this is suppossedto be funny and irreverent. She writes very well and she grabs your attentionand too bad to all her "enemies" who don't have her charm. That's life.It's not like people will be reading Naomi Wolf in the next century.
__label__2 Ruthlessly accurate, which can help nearly everyone.: Ms. Paglia... I find the substances of your books, public dialogues, and values contained therein nearly perfect in logic and useful meaning to societies and individuals. Perhaps your are before your time and ours. But without persons like you in this American society, there would be no seeds for other, better, healthier, and fair qualities of human life. Thank you. And I would like to meet you one day.
__label__2 Exactly what I wanted.: When visiting Gettysburg National Military Park, considering its grand scale, it is best to have the facts when trying to picture in your mind what happened there. Scott Hartwig's descriptive book does just that by clarifying the difference between reality and the fiction work of Killer Angels by Shaara.The "Companion" was a pleasure to read.
__label__2 A satisfied reader: This book was just what I was looking for after finishing The Killer Angels, my friend who lives near Gettysburg recommended Mr. Hartwig's book to me. I enjoyed The Killer Angels but I don't know enough about the Battle of Gettysburg to be able to discern fact from dramatization that one expects in fiction. I think this book was well worth the money spent. I plan to give the books together as a gift. A great companion!
__label__1 Subpar: Though Blue Note saw fit to issue unreleased material from Jimmy's trio of 1961 that established Jimmy as a major musical innovator, this session is surprisingly bland and subpar. The trio renders the tunes competently but without the panache or vitality expected from this potentialy soulful and exciting trio as evidenced by their other Blue Note efforts. As much as I love this edition of Jimmy's trio, perhaps this session should have remained in the can.
__label__1 Overrated crap: I don't know what these other reviewers are talking about because I took two of the ginormous pills and it did absolutely nothing. I would say you are better off buying an espresso maker or maybe actually exercising - since both are dependable ways of getting more energy...these pills are not worth your money.
__label__1 Waste of Money: I found these to be a complete waste of money. I took the max as stated on bottle & still needed a 2 hour nap!
__label__2 At Last Available: Finally this masterpiece is available. It wasn't ever on VHS. LADIES IN RETIREMENT has one memorable line. "Once you sell your soul to the devil, it's so much easier the second time. The way that it's delivered by Ms. Ida Lupino you'll never forget it. She was probably the most under rated actress in Hollywood history. She was just brilliant in this. Ida conveyed many varied emotions quite well. How she was not nominated for an OSCAR, I'll never know? The plot to me is quite believable but still entertaining. With today's movies, the plot goes over the top too often. Lupino is forced. to to do something horrible and then regrets it. The way the story unravels it's logical and satisfying. TCM does show this but its worth owning. They should put it in their essentials show. Maybe Ida Lupino was not a better actress than either of the Hepburns or Bette Davis, but they weren't any better than she was.
__label__2 Finally...a classy film can't go neglected...: I've been waiting for this film for a long time. Columbia finally released it on DVD, and the transfer is excellent. Great cast, led by Ida Lupino, carries the intrigue to no end of fun and suspense. Supporting characters are all excellent, especially Isobel Elsom as the sweet old broad with a wicked past of her own. Edith Barrett repeated her stage role, and Elsa Lanchester plays goofy again, uniquely. The appearance of Louis Hayward only adds to the perfection of the ensemble cast. Let's not forget the lovely Evelyn Keyes, a reliable 40's fixture.Didn't know what kind of quality would come with this DVD, but it's excellent in sound and picture, and highly recommended.
__label__2 See how children come alive with a rich curriculum!: This book gives outstanding detail and theories behind classroom instruction in a Waldorf School. He includes actual stories, poems, and math exercises used in class - and shows which elements appealed to various temperaments. Have you ever thought about adding somber details to a math problem to appeal to a melancholic temperament? How brilliant! All through the book I kept finding myself saying, "Yes! This is what school should be like!" If you've wondered what's wrong with schools today... when you read this book you'll know... and you may find yourself wishing you could go back to school and be in his class even if just for one day.
__label__2 Buyer, please be advised...: This book is based on a teacher's experience in a Waldrof school. As these reviews are meant to help the potential buyer be an informed buyer, I think it needs to be mentioned that Waldrof schools follow Rudolf Steiner's philosophy/religion Anthroposophy. It is part of, if not one of the founding influences of, the New Age movement. One might want to do a quick google on the both Steiner and Anthroposophy before purchasing a Waldrof based book. If that is your world view then I am sure you will enjoy this book.
__label__1 Nothing new under the sun: I thought this book was going to intruduce NEW teaching strategies for foreign languages, but in the end, it came out as a summary of methodologies and activities already being in use. If you want a better book (and not so expensive!!!) get Superteaching by Eric Jensen (co-author of Joyful Fluency). I think the book is EXTREMELY expensive for the "new" information it provides.
__label__2 Great book.: I really liked this book. It really went into depth about the way second language learners retain the information they are given. Interesting read!
__label__2 Update on a very misunderstood area of pedagogy: Jensen, Dhority et al. are pioneers in a horrendously misunderstood and largely ignored area of pedagogy that is loosely based on the work of Georgi Lozanov and used to go by the awful name of "Suggestopedia" (no, not a disease!). This book is a very fine distillation of their generation of experience in teaching and training. It preserves the best of the old and certainly can revivify any teacher's interest in Humanistic AND accelerated education for the new century.Don't miss it!John Driscoll University of San Francisco
__label__2 A Great Package: The positive reviews I have read here are quite accurate. This offers a alternative take on the Space Ritual Tour. The recording quality is quite good for the time period, though the post production is quite a different story. If you thought "Space Ritual" sounded too good to be true, then you might want to consider this to compliment the original live album.The overall package and the enclosed cotnents were quite elaborate as well, which provided a wonderful surprise when I opened it. Back in the day, you could often find a decent-size wall poster inside an LP. But, I don't I had gotten a "mini poster" out of a CD until now.
__label__1 HUGE Disappointment!!!!: I would NOT recommend this DVD. It is a serious disappointment. The graphics are poor. Anna does her routines in front of an obvious static set that is more distracting than calming. The cardio section is weak. She dances around and looks rather ridiculous. She is also off beat several times. I expect that a cardio workout would be more involved. There is none of the umph or even excitement that she has in the Dance the Chakras DVD (which I also have and would HIGHLY recommend).I have 11 Ana and Ravi DVD's. All of which I adore! This Cardio, Stretch, and Strengthen is so far below their typical quality that I am surprised that there are so many positive reviews for it. If you get a Ana Ravi DVD, skip this and go for their older workouts. You'll be glad you saved the cash.
__label__1 disappointed: I have purchased other DVDs by Ana and Ravi before, but this one was a far departure from the others. And not in a good way. Unlike the Kundalini focused moves in their other DVDs, this one incorporates alot of ridiculous dance moves on a fake set while Ana totes around in white go-go combat boots. Serioualy distracting.
__label__2 Kundalini & Cardio Together as ONE!: This is one fun DVD. It's got the new set, new music, and new look for Ana. (Keep your eye out for her in her white Doc Martens for the cardio segment!)You will probably want to wear shoes for the cardio portions of this DVD as they suggest. There is some impact in the cardio moves, and depending on the comfort & health of your feet shoes are a good idea.It's yoga and it's cardio. Great combo, great results.Read some of the other reviews for a break-down of the exact content of the DVD.