1 value
In year 2013, month 11 and 13th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.0 Adj close is 28.886982. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 35.07, high value is 35.169998, low value is 34.849998 and volume is 22327200
In year 2013, month 11 and 14th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.099998 Adj close is 28.961111. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 35.16, high value is 35.380001, low value is 35.060001 and volume is 13851200
In year 2013, month 11 and 15th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.119999 Adj close is 29.18351. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 35.43, high value is 35.48, low value is 35.099998 and volume is 17685500
In year 2013, month 11 and 18th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.470001 Adj close is 29.323536. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 35.599998, high value is 35.639999, low value is 35.369999 and volume is 15037700
In year 2013, month 11 and 19th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.639999 Adj close is 29.422382. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 35.720001, high value is 35.830002, low value is 35.560001 and volume is 12493700
In year 2013, month 11 and 20th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.869999 Adj close is 29.158802. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 35.400002, high value is 35.93, low value is 35.330002 and volume is 17441400
In year 2013, month 11 and 21th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.450001 Adj close is 29.076431. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 35.299999, high value is 35.580002, low value is 35.18 and volume is 23017700
In year 2013, month 11 and 22th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.259998 Adj close is 29.175272. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 35.419998, high value is 35.419998, low value is 35.049999 and volume is 16080400
In year 2013, month 11 and 25th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.459999 Adj close is 29.134089. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 35.369999, high value is 35.549999, low value is 35.32 and volume is 14068600
In year 2013, month 11 and 26th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.400002 Adj close is 29.059954. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 35.279999, high value is 35.540001, low value is 35.27 and volume is 14180900
In year 2013, month 11 and 27th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.290001 Adj close is 29.167042. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 35.41, high value is 35.419998, low value is 35.200001 and volume is 11471300
In year 2013, month 11 and 29th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.48 Adj close is 29.002296. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 35.209999, high value is 35.529999, low value is 35.200001 and volume is 9284700
In year 2013, month 12 and 02th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.18 Adj close is 28.664587. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 34.799999, high value is 35.209999, low value is 34.799999 and volume is 23703700
In year 2013, month 12 and 03th for company T, the stock value is open in 34.77 Adj close is 28.61516. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 34.740002, high value is 34.790001, low value is 34.52 and volume is 17551000
In year 2013, month 12 and 04th for company T, the stock value is open in 34.34 Adj close is 28.499842. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 34.599998, high value is 34.650002, low value is 34.200001 and volume is 27221600
In year 2013, month 12 and 05th for company T, the stock value is open in 34.419998 Adj close is 28.21155. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 34.25, high value is 34.560001, low value is 34.209999 and volume is 25106700
In year 2013, month 12 and 06th for company T, the stock value is open in 34.529999 Adj close is 28.442186. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 34.529999, high value is 34.580002, low value is 34.299999 and volume is 19544900
In year 2013, month 12 and 09th for company T, the stock value is open in 34.509998 Adj close is 28.573977. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 34.689999, high value is 34.73, low value is 34.27 and volume is 18035700
In year 2013, month 12 and 10th for company T, the stock value is open in 34.790001 Adj close is 28.335104. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 34.400002, high value is 34.91, low value is 34.389999 and volume is 18389100
In year 2013, month 12 and 11th for company T, the stock value is open in 34.400002 Adj close is 27.964447. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 33.950001, high value is 34.450001, low value is 33.919998 and volume is 27491400
In year 2013, month 12 and 12th for company T, the stock value is open in 34.049999 Adj close is 27.915016. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 33.889999, high value is 34.130001, low value is 33.75 and volume is 21927000
In year 2013, month 12 and 13th for company T, the stock value is open in 33.880001 Adj close is 27.882069. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 33.849998, high value is 33.950001, low value is 33.599998 and volume is 24862800
In year 2013, month 12 and 16th for company T, the stock value is open in 34.060001 Adj close is 28.129181. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 34.150002, high value is 34.509998, low value is 34.060001 and volume is 21348700
In year 2013, month 12 and 17th for company T, the stock value is open in 34.200001 Adj close is 27.882069. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 33.849998, high value is 34.290001, low value is 33.759998 and volume is 23472800
In year 2013, month 12 and 18th for company T, the stock value is open in 33.880001 Adj close is 28.318634. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 34.380001, high value is 34.439999, low value is 33.630001 and volume is 25849700
In year 2013, month 12 and 19th for company T, the stock value is open in 34.290001 Adj close is 28.376291. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 34.450001, high value is 34.470001, low value is 34.130001 and volume is 20043000
In year 2013, month 12 and 20th for company T, the stock value is open in 34.490002 Adj close is 28.252737. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 34.299999, high value is 34.619999, low value is 34.259998 and volume is 34022200
In year 2013, month 12 and 23th for company T, the stock value is open in 34.459999 Adj close is 28.573977. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 34.689999, high value is 34.77, low value is 34.419998 and volume is 19954900
In year 2013, month 12 and 24th for company T, the stock value is open in 34.740002 Adj close is 28.788137. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 34.950001, high value is 34.98, low value is 34.700001 and volume is 7960000
In year 2013, month 12 and 26th for company T, the stock value is open in 34.98 Adj close is 28.961111. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 35.16, high value is 35.18, low value is 34.939999 and volume is 11024400
In year 2013, month 12 and 27th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.060001 Adj close is 28.977585. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 35.18, high value is 35.25, low value is 34.959999 and volume is 14111600
In year 2013, month 12 and 30th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.029999 Adj close is 28.994057. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 35.200001, high value is 35.299999, low value is 35.009998 and volume is 14464600
In year 2013, month 12 and 31th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.169998 Adj close is 28.961111. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 35.16, high value is 35.279999, low value is 34.959999 and volume is 18425400
In year 2014, month 01 and 02th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.240002 Adj close is 28.788137. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 34.950001, high value is 35.290001, low value is 34.950001 and volume is 20229900
In year 2014, month 01 and 03th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.150002 Adj close is 28.664587. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 34.799999, high value is 35.16, low value is 34.610001 and volume is 24618300
In year 2014, month 01 and 06th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.009998 Adj close is 28.796373. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 34.959999, high value is 35.049999, low value is 34.799999 and volume is 20791500
In year 2014, month 01 and 07th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.130001 Adj close is 28.788137. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 34.950001, high value is 35.150002, low value is 34.91 and volume is 25725100
In year 2014, month 01 and 08th for company T, the stock value is open in 34.450001 Adj close is 28.579473. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 34.240002, high value is 34.599998, low value is 34.099998 and volume is 37745500
In year 2014, month 01 and 09th for company T, the stock value is open in 34.240002 Adj close is 27.99519. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 33.540001, high value is 34.240002, low value is 33.509998 and volume is 36082200
In year 2014, month 01 and 10th for company T, the stock value is open in 33.740002 Adj close is 28.061964. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 33.619999, high value is 33.810001, low value is 33.509998 and volume is 25342100
In year 2014, month 01 and 13th for company T, the stock value is open in 33.59 Adj close is 27.794867. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 33.299999, high value is 33.650002, low value is 33.200001 and volume is 29281000
In year 2014, month 01 and 14th for company T, the stock value is open in 33.330002 Adj close is 27.945107. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 33.48, high value is 33.549999, low value is 33.16 and volume is 22883600
In year 2014, month 01 and 15th for company T, the stock value is open in 33.66 Adj close is 28.203867. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 33.790001, high value is 34.0, low value is 33.549999 and volume is 25786400
In year 2014, month 01 and 16th for company T, the stock value is open in 33.889999 Adj close is 28.345755. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 33.959999, high value is 34.080002, low value is 33.810001 and volume is 16239000
In year 2014, month 01 and 17th for company T, the stock value is open in 34.029999 Adj close is 28.12874. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 33.700001, high value is 34.029999, low value is 33.68 and volume is 23921700
In year 2014, month 01 and 21th for company T, the stock value is open in 33.84 Adj close is 28.020231. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 33.57, high value is 34.0, low value is 33.200001 and volume is 29421500
In year 2014, month 01 and 22th for company T, the stock value is open in 33.599998 Adj close is 27.828255. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 33.34, high value is 33.66, low value is 33.310001 and volume is 17411700
In year 2014, month 01 and 23th for company T, the stock value is open in 33.220001 Adj close is 28.212202. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 33.799999, high value is 33.799999, low value is 33.150002 and volume is 28463300
In year 2014, month 01 and 24th for company T, the stock value is open in 33.830002 Adj close is 27.895025. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 33.419998, high value is 34.290001, low value is 33.419998 and volume is 33184100
In year 2014, month 01 and 27th for company T, the stock value is open in 33.529999 Adj close is 27.97015. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 33.509998, high value is 33.740002, low value is 33.43 and volume is 32786300
In year 2014, month 01 and 28th for company T, the stock value is open in 33.5 Adj close is 28.12874. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 33.700001, high value is 33.810001, low value is 33.349998 and volume is 25457600
In year 2014, month 01 and 29th for company T, the stock value is open in 32.400002 Adj close is 27.803217. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 33.310001, high value is 33.549999, low value is 32.009998 and volume is 83139800
In year 2014, month 01 and 30th for company T, the stock value is open in 33.540001 Adj close is 27.836599. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 33.349998, high value is 33.59, low value is 33.009998 and volume is 29077000
In year 2014, month 01 and 31th for company T, the stock value is open in 32.970001 Adj close is 27.811562. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 33.32, high value is 33.689999, low value is 32.77 and volume is 34211900
In year 2014, month 02 and 03th for company T, the stock value is open in 33.32 Adj close is 26.668047. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 31.950001, high value is 33.32, low value is 31.9 and volume is 68010500
In year 2014, month 02 and 04th for company T, the stock value is open in 32.080002 Adj close is 27.085388. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 32.450001, high value is 32.450001, low value is 32.0 and volume is 35940100
In year 2014, month 02 and 05th for company T, the stock value is open in 32.400002 Adj close is 26.776556. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 32.080002, high value is 32.43, low value is 32.040001 and volume is 29793500
In year 2014, month 02 and 06th for company T, the stock value is open in 32.310001 Adj close is 26.709784. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 32.0, high value is 32.310001, low value is 31.74 and volume is 45322100
In year 2014, month 02 and 07th for company T, the stock value is open in 32.18 Adj close is 26.960184. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 32.299999, high value is 32.360001, low value is 31.950001 and volume is 29170600
In year 2014, month 02 and 10th for company T, the stock value is open in 32.450001 Adj close is 27.07704. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 32.439999, high value is 32.459999, low value is 32.220001 and volume is 20621000
In year 2014, month 02 and 11th for company T, the stock value is open in 32.619999 Adj close is 27.502728. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 32.950001, high value is 33.040001, low value is 32.509998 and volume is 26228800
In year 2014, month 02 and 12th for company T, the stock value is open in 32.91 Adj close is 27.494377. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 32.939999, high value is 33.07, low value is 32.810001 and volume is 16554700
In year 2014, month 02 and 13th for company T, the stock value is open in 32.830002 Adj close is 27.953457. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 33.490002, high value is 33.5, low value is 32.709999 and volume is 28062200
In year 2014, month 02 and 14th for company T, the stock value is open in 33.380001 Adj close is 27.669668. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 33.150002, high value is 33.380001, low value is 33.060001 and volume is 18274800
In year 2014, month 02 and 18th for company T, the stock value is open in 33.23 Adj close is 27.39422. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 32.82, high value is 33.23, low value is 32.630001 and volume is 22311900
In year 2014, month 02 and 19th for company T, the stock value is open in 32.720001 Adj close is 27.419262. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 32.849998, high value is 33.02, low value is 32.599998 and volume is 19410900
In year 2014, month 02 and 20th for company T, the stock value is open in 32.849998 Adj close is 27.694702. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 33.18, high value is 33.380001, low value is 32.669998 and volume is 20488900
In year 2014, month 02 and 21th for company T, the stock value is open in 33.080002 Adj close is 27.377525. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 32.799999, high value is 33.23, low value is 32.779999 and volume is 19327200
In year 2014, month 02 and 24th for company T, the stock value is open in 32.830002 Adj close is 27.102085. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 32.470001, high value is 32.869999, low value is 32.459999 and volume is 33499300
In year 2014, month 02 and 25th for company T, the stock value is open in 32.509998 Adj close is 26.851681. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 32.169998, high value is 32.52, low value is 32.049999 and volume is 41048100
In year 2014, month 02 and 26th for company T, the stock value is open in 32.25 Adj close is 26.709784. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 32.0, high value is 32.290001, low value is 31.889999 and volume is 36742200
In year 2014, month 02 and 27th for company T, the stock value is open in 31.99 Adj close is 26.90176. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 32.23, high value is 32.299999, low value is 31.809999 and volume is 54923000
In year 2014, month 02 and 28th for company T, the stock value is open in 32.25 Adj close is 26.651356. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 31.93, high value is 32.32, low value is 31.790001 and volume is 43468000
In year 2014, month 03 and 03th for company T, the stock value is open in 31.799999 Adj close is 26.592926. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 31.860001, high value is 31.98, low value is 31.76 and volume is 30481700
In year 2014, month 03 and 04th for company T, the stock value is open in 32.099998 Adj close is 26.834986. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 32.150002, high value is 32.220001, low value is 32.029999 and volume is 28444100
In year 2014, month 03 and 05th for company T, the stock value is open in 32.240002 Adj close is 26.818291. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 32.130001, high value is 32.240002, low value is 32.009998 and volume is 24144600
In year 2014, month 03 and 06th for company T, the stock value is open in 32.150002 Adj close is 26.993572. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 32.34, high value is 32.369999, low value is 32.099998 and volume is 19531800
In year 2014, month 03 and 07th for company T, the stock value is open in 32.48 Adj close is 27.160507. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 32.540001, high value is 32.59, low value is 32.259998 and volume is 27103000
In year 2014, month 03 and 10th for company T, the stock value is open in 32.279999 Adj close is 27.135468. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 32.509998, high value is 32.540001, low value is 32.189999 and volume is 24935700
In year 2014, month 03 and 11th for company T, the stock value is open in 32.529999 Adj close is 26.90176. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 32.23, high value is 32.529999, low value is 32.139999 and volume is 20731600
In year 2014, month 03 and 12th for company T, the stock value is open in 32.25 Adj close is 27.02696. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 32.380001, high value is 32.48, low value is 32.16 and volume is 25024400
In year 2014, month 03 and 13th for company T, the stock value is open in 32.5 Adj close is 27.001921. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 32.349998, high value is 32.66, low value is 32.299999 and volume is 21708400
In year 2014, month 03 and 14th for company T, the stock value is open in 32.290001 Adj close is 27.118776. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 32.490002, high value is 32.59, low value is 32.259998 and volume is 22368600
In year 2014, month 03 and 17th for company T, the stock value is open in 32.68 Adj close is 27.45265. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 32.889999, high value is 32.889999, low value is 32.529999 and volume is 23584900
In year 2014, month 03 and 18th for company T, the stock value is open in 32.93 Adj close is 27.527765. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 32.98, high value is 33.040001, low value is 32.849998 and volume is 25998200
In year 2014, month 03 and 19th for company T, the stock value is open in 33.02 Adj close is 27.511072. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 32.959999, high value is 33.34, low value is 32.82 and volume is 31803400
In year 2014, month 03 and 20th for company T, the stock value is open in 33.07 Adj close is 28.454269. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 34.09, high value is 34.139999, low value is 33.009998 and volume is 62615900
In year 2014, month 03 and 21th for company T, the stock value is open in 34.34 Adj close is 28.629547. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 34.299999, high value is 34.799999, low value is 34.130001 and volume is 51002700
In year 2014, month 03 and 24th for company T, the stock value is open in 34.41 Adj close is 28.763102. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 34.459999, high value is 34.759998, low value is 34.23 and volume is 53804800
In year 2014, month 03 and 25th for company T, the stock value is open in 34.380001 Adj close is 28.980114. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 34.720001, high value is 34.889999, low value is 34.369999 and volume is 33408500
In year 2014, month 03 and 26th for company T, the stock value is open in 34.91 Adj close is 28.888298. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 34.610001, high value is 35.029999, low value is 34.610001 and volume is 38594500
In year 2014, month 03 and 27th for company T, the stock value is open in 34.66 Adj close is 29.180433. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 34.959999, high value is 35.029999, low value is 34.599998 and volume is 33382700
In year 2014, month 03 and 28th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.080002 Adj close is 29.272249. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 35.07, high value is 35.169998, low value is 34.77 and volume is 24745300
In year 2014, month 03 and 31th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.299999 Adj close is 29.272249. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 35.07, high value is 35.5, low value is 34.990002 and volume is 30486500
In year 2014, month 04 and 01th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.009998 Adj close is 29.288948. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 35.09, high value is 35.139999, low value is 34.650002 and volume is 28773700
In year 2014, month 04 and 02th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.16 Adj close is 29.522655. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 35.369999, high value is 35.48, low value is 35.040001 and volume is 28086800
In year 2014, month 04 and 03th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.450001 Adj close is 29.739674. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 35.630001, high value is 35.669998, low value is 35.349998 and volume is 25397900
In year 2014, month 04 and 04th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.830002 Adj close is 29.672901. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 35.549999, high value is 35.880001, low value is 35.5 and volume is 29350200
In year 2014, month 04 and 07th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.540001 Adj close is 29.62282. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 35.490002, high value is 35.790001, low value is 35.490002 and volume is 32673300
In year 2014, month 04 and 08th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.049999 Adj close is 29.825775. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 35.27, high value is 35.27, low value is 34.91 and volume is 29291700