text_hash,text 7152b0ad7ab67d6eb49a147e54989b038deb96dd,"DURING THE PAST FIVE YEARS, EXTENSIVE DEVELOPMENTAL EFFORT HAS LED TO THE PRODUCTION OF COMPUTER-COMPATIBLE POSITION-SENSITIVE ION DETECTION SYSTEMS FOR STIGMATIC IMAGING, SECONDARY-ION MASS SPECTROMETRY. A TREMENDOUS BODYOF KNOWLEDGE AND SEVERAL PRODUCTS HAVE RESULTED FROM THIS WORK, WITH APPLICATIONS TO THE LOW ENERGY ION BEAM REGIME (KEV). THE OBJECTIVE OF THIS PHASE I RESEARCH PROJECT IS TOASSESS THE FEASIBILITY OF TRANSFERRING SOME OR ALL OF THIS TECHNOLOGY TO THE NONDESTRUCTIVE TWO-DIMENSIONAL DETECTION OF HIGH ENERGY PARTICLE BEAMS. THE BASIC APPROACH TO BE EVALUATED WILL CONSIST OF COLLIDING THE HIGH ENERGY BEAM WITH A LOW MASS DENSITY/LOW Z THIN FOIL TRANSDUCER FROM WHICH SECONDARY ELECTRONS WILL BE PRODUCED. THESE SECONDARYELECTRONS WILL BE FOCUSED ONTO A MICROCHANNEL PLATE (MCP) INTENSIFIER USING PROXIMITY FOCUSING OR STIGMATIC ELECTRON EXTRACTION OPTICS. THE AMPLIFIED ELECTRON SIGNAL PRODUCED BY THIS MCP INTENSIFIER WILL BE ACCELERATED ONTO A FLUORESCENT SCREEN DETECTOR, VIEWED WITH A VIDEO CAMERA, A RESISTIVE ANODE ENCODER WITH A POSITION COMPUTER, OR A HYBRID COMBINATION OF THE TWO. THE FEASIBILITY OF THESE VARIOUS DETECTOR STRATEGIES IN DETERMINING THE SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION OF HIGH ENERGY BEAMS WILL BE EVALUATED USING 1-5 MEV HE OR O BEAMS PRODUCED IN A 1.2 MEV TANDEM ION ACCELERATOR CONVENTIONALLY EMPLOYED FOR RUTHERFORD BACKSCATTERING SPECTROMETRY." 4cdafb0d51de501a3d3dbe1ea22bdd7b322947d2,"The proposed research addresses the design and testing of a flight-worthy combustion pattern factor control system, suitable for integration into legacy aircraft. Operating point control would be achieved using fuel modulation, passive optical sensors, and the FADEC to identify aberrant fuel injectors and trim fuel flow to reduce overall pattern factor. Miniature sensors, which would be integrated into existing engine components, would collect radiation emitted by the hot gas and process multiple-spectral bands to produce a moderate frequency (order 100 HZ), intensity-independent control signal. Multiple sensors, distributed around the annulus would provide redundant, overlapping information on local and global combustion properties. Logic in the FADEC would identify an association between a specific fuel injector and increased temperature pattern factor, and modify the fuel flow accordingly. In Phase I we will perform a detailed engineering evaluation of the spectral, spatial, and temporal information available for sensor operation, and identify and rank candidate sensor and control schemes. In Phase II, we will use a flexible prototype to make measurements of the functional relationships between fuel modulation, pattern factor, and sensor signals in a multi-injector high-pressure combustor. Control relationship(s) will be demonstrated in open loop tests." a8f9536a339c4ddd05a191c302b71de8f3b4129a,"This Small Business Innovation Research Phase I project addresses the development of solid state ultraviolet/blue light emitting diode (LED) using novel approaches for ptype doping of ZnO. The proposed concepts offer a solution to current p-type doping problem, which is the main obstacle in the development of all ZnO LED. ZnO has the distinct advantage of having three times the exciton binding energy than that of GaN, leading to potentially much more efficient light emitters. By alloying with other elements, ZnO-based LED can emit light from ultraviolet to the visible. The proposed project will focus on p-type doping and epitaxy growth optimization leading to the realization of all ZnO LED. Understanding gained from the proposed work will benefit and spur the development of other UV devices such as laser diodes, modulators and detectors. If successful the outcome of this project will find widespread applications in civilian and military markets. The applications include general room lighting, traffic lights, outdoor displays, automotive application, and ultrahigh density optical storage systems. The proposed devices will enable unique high power and high temperature operation. This development would provide enabling technology for achieving light emitters based on p-n junctions. Novel emitters with improved performance will expand SVTA's optical product portfolio." 9e6311d5a2118f30661e2e2b16b66a2009132d92,"This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project focuses on the implementation of a Terahertz (THz) module that can emit coherent and tunable Terahertz waves. This project naturally follows the recent result obtained by the Project Investigator. Recently, coherent Terahertz radiation was generated at room temperature, which could be continuously tunable from 56.8 mm to beyond 1618 mm (5.27 to 0.18 THz), in Gallium Selenide, based on difference-frequency generation. The peak Terahertz power can be as high as 69.4 W at 196 mm. The corresponding photon conversion efficiency reaches 3.3%. This value has been greatly improved owing to the combination of extremely low absorption coefficients in the Terahertz domain and a large second-order nonlinear coefficient for Gallium Selenide. On the other hand, it has been demonstrated that optical parametric oscillator in Lithium Niobate can be used to generate a Terahertz wave tunable in the range of 110-460 m (2.7-0.7 THz) with a peak power of 300 W. However, Lithium Niobate suffers from photorefractive damage. One needs a much higher laser intensity to achieve parametric oscillation. The Terahertz source will dramatically impact molecular spectroscopy. Such an instrument can be eventually used to control pollution and to identify toxic chemicals, for remote sensing, bio- medical imaging, and security screening." 1b4ee72ca712e8418ad0272f6ea5fb65c2de17e1,"Not Available BRC proposes to design and create a prototype software suite called Biomechanics Assessment Toolbox (BAT) Software . This Software will comprise a set of software tools and utilities aimed at optimizing the processing and analysis of digitized biomechanical data. The Software will directly interact with the Air Force Biodynamic Data Bank (BDB) to calculate commonly used severity indices for implusive accelerations, derive statistical measures regarding injury probabilities, and, at its broadest, the proposed Software will be capable of operating on given time series of data with general pre-defined, and possibly user-defined, mathematical functions. The Phase I BAT Software will feature a preliminary user interface, an interaction capability with Air Force data stored in the BDB, and a preliminary output capability, in tabular and graphical formats. A successful Phase I project would provide a foundation for the full implementation of a comprehensive suite of analysis algorithms and the development of a fully functional software application in Phase II. The Software will be designed to operate as an integral part of the BDB, or as a stand-alone module commerically available to research institutions interested in accessing the BDB. No such application is presently available to the commerical accident resconstruction and injury prevention industries." 7beb3afa1d0595f7f07777a3f4e15d221c6b10dd,"A team steeped in military electro-optical systems, flexible displays, and printed inorganic electronics proposes to prototype a flexible UV through short-wavelength infrared (SWIR) detector array, fabricated from solution using a novel set of flexible, transparent doped metal oxide semiconductors. The detector arrays will be implemented on the team’s ISO-qualified roll-to-roll flexible display manufacturing line. The conductors will be patterned on a pre-strained substrate in a herringbone/wishbone pattern for maximum flexibility. An n-doped ZTO anode will be nanoembossed with high-aspect-ratio features to increase flex and provide more surface area for the 5-nm PbS nanocrystal absorbers. This will allow 100% quantum efficiency from 400 to 2100 nm and background-limited performance (BLIP). The detector is already relatively mature, and the Phase I effort will be to integrate the detector materials in p- and n-doped metal oxide flexible circuits - ranging from simple passively addressed TFT circuits to 3T and dual-state omp-amp circuits - using all-inorganic materials. The Phase I platform will be designed to integrate the existing NC detector technology into a 320 × 240-element, 4"" diagonal detector array. Attention will be paid during the program to integrating commercial driver sets and DC-DC converters developed for existing bistable electrophoretic displays." f6acf2839fc03cd7f5f01edb49792779f76c18fe,"The intent of this proposal is to develop key building block technology for lightweight composite structures suitable for cryogenic fuel depot storage as well as human in-space habitat. The effort will incorporate and expand on previous work by the participants in the cryogenic performance of composite materials as well as improved impact technologies for micro-meteor/space debris survivability. It will then develop radiation resistant capabilities. In order to develop reliable composite structures for use as cryogenic fuel storage, human habitation, or other mission critical application a solid understanding of constituent material environmental capabilities is required. While good progress has been made in expanding the knowledge of how composite fibers and matrix systems (resins) react to loads and strains at extremely cold temperatures little to no effort has been made to incorporate radiation exposure such as would be encountered with in-space fuel storage depots. With a view to developing dual-use lightweight composite structures the proposed effort will develop improved composite material resistance to the harsh radiation environment a spacecraft would be expected to encounter during the life of its mission. Our intent is to develop robust light weight composite structures which are cryogenic capable as well as impact and radiation resistant." 22cdea2de301b8bf5e404b2a1ddf993fd38a8fc8,"High performance vacuum electron devices are widely used radar, communications, sensors, and navigation systems, where they provide an efficient and reliable source of microwave power. For many applications it is extremely important that the device be optimized to provide improvements in efficiency, power, and tolerance insensitivity, which significantly impact system performance, lifetime, reliability, and cost. Modern stochastic optimization strategies provide a powerful approach to obtaining an optimal design in a variety of disciplines. To be effective in vacuum electronics design, however, appropriate methods must be identified, supporting technology such as adaptive mesh refinement techniques must be improved, and tools must be better integrated. A prototype design system will be built to address this need and used to study optimization and adaptive mesh refinement methods for application to the CHRISTINE and MICHELLE codes. The system will extend the existing MICHELLE user interface and integrate other existing components to minimize development work, and be applied to the gun and slow-wave circuit of a traveling wave tube. A successful project will establish the viability of the system architecture and develop technical options for optimization and adaptive mesh refinement that will be valuable for the Navy, and be the focus of future research." 153c5c1b817052edf6fd3730944e351b0bf594e1,"DURING OUR PHASE I PROGRAM, WE DEMONSTRATED A NOVEL APPROACHFOR INCREASING THE SURFACE AREAS OF MIXED METAL OXIDES OBTAINED FROM COMMERCIAL SOURCES. IN THE CASE OF LACO03, WEOBTAINED A SEVEN-FOLD INCREASE IN SURFACE AREA USING OUR NOVEL TECHNIQUE AND DEMONSTRATED THE MAINTENANCE OF THE PARENT PEROVSKITE STRUCTURE USING POWDER X-RAY DIFFRACTION. ADDITIONALLY, WE CONFIRMED AN INCREASE IN OXYGEN REDUCTION ACTIVITY RELATIVE TO THE AS-RECEIVED SAMPLEUSING ROTATING DISC ELECTRODE TECHNIQUE. IN PHASE II WE WILL INVESTIGATE MIXED METAL OXIDES AS DUAL FUNCTION OXYGEN CATALYSTS AND AS GOLD CATALYST SUPPORT MATERIALS. WE PROPOSE TO PREPARE MIXED METAL OXIDES PRIOR TO SURFACE AREA ENHANCEMENT. ADDITIONALLY, WE WILL EXTENSIVELY CHARACTERIZE THE MATERIALS AT VARIOUS STAGES OF PREPARATION AND SURFACE AREA ENHANCEMENT USING ELECTRON MICROSCOPY, X-RAY DIFFRACTION, BET SURFACE AREA, THERMAL ANDCALORIMETRIC TECHNIQUES, CONDUCTIVITY, AND CHEMICAL AND ELECTROCHEMICAL STABILITY. WE WILL EVALUATE ELECTROCHEMICALACTIVITY AND GOLD CATALYZATION OF THE MOST PROMISING MATERIALS. WE WILL DEVELOP GAS DIFFUSION ELECTRODE FABRICATION TECHNIQUES AND TEST ELECTRODES' ELECTROCHEMICAL STABILITY IN SINGLE CELL FUEL CELLS. SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF THE PROGRAM WILL LEAD TO DUAL FUNCTION OXYGEN CATALYSTS FOR REGENERATIVE FUEL CELLS AND/OR STABLE SUPPORTED GOLD ELECTRCATALYSTS FOR PRESSURIZED FUEL CELLS." f7bd4bdb587935d9709f94c09bc1788d4f31a9ea,"DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant): The objective is to develop a fiber optic-based, real-time, in-situ method for distinguishing bone from polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) cement during replacement hip arthroplasty surgery. The proposed method is based on near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy, which has been shown to be a viable method for distinguishing bone and PMMA in the laboratory. The program is designed to test the usefulness of the method under realistic conditions. Bone-PMMA models will be prepared using cadaver femurs and PMMA- cemented components, and fiber-optic NIR spectroscopy will be used to obtain sets of spectra across the bone-PMMA composite surfaces to determine the extent to which the materials can be uniquely identified under a variety of realistic working conditions. Changes in the spectra will be interpreted for correlation with changes in, e.g., the nature of the fluid bathing the sample. Statistical methods (chemometrics) will be used to build a predictive model based on the spectra, and the model will be tested for accuracy in determining the bone/PMMA distribution in additional samples. The development of a quick, accurate method for distinguishing bone from PMMA cement during surgery is expected to facilitate the removal of PMMA during replacement hip arthroplasty, an operation that is performed over 40,000 times a year in the United States." 4d7755b16e1e79b76cc13dfb62cf4a49edcb0179,"Manufacturers of aerospace propulsion systems are well aware of the positive effects of compressive residual stress (RS) fields on turbo-machinery components in terms of improved fatigue life and durability. Tensile RS, however, can cause unfavorable conditions which may lead to premature failure during operational usage. Thus, the industry objective is to capitalize on compressive RS and prevent or minimize tensile RS at critical locations of engine components but this requires a new NDE/I capability. The Proto Team intends to exploit high energy x-ray diffraction (HEXRD) technologies and demonstrate feasibility for measuring RS distributions non-destructively at subsurface depths in a high-strength aerospace material. Initial experimentation will be performed on laser-peened titanium as the basis for establishing feasibility. The related challenge in this effort is to define and design a small transportable system that can be installed in a factory or depot setting while retaining the depth and resolution performance of the much larger research systems. The Proto Team will capitalize on the experimental research of Iowa State University into HEXRD for measuring subsurface RS and Proto?s expertise in developing, fielding and delivering low-energy, highly portable XRD systems. The Metal Improvement Company will provide Ti-alloy LSP specimens and modelling support." ba5720972f6df72e645c5a53d7e72069024a8292,"Metis Design proposes the development of a novel intelligent-aerosurface system for ice-detection, de-icing, anti-icing and structural diagnostics in fixed-wing leading-edges and rotorcraft rotor-blades. The basis for the system is carbon nanotube (CNT) enhancements embedded within composite laminates in conjunction with direct write (DW) electrodes patterned on a flexible abrasion-proof substrate. CNT provide improved delamination & fracture toughness to the material, but also introduce multifunctional capabilities by virtue of their excellent thermal and electrical conductivity. Impact detection can be achieved by observing changes in local resistivity. Ice-detection is based on effective heat capacity, where power is applied to the CNT through DW electrodes for a brief period, and the temperature rise is recorded with DW thermocouples. The slope of that rise can been well correlated to the thickness of ice present on the surface. For de-icing (melting) and anti-icing (prevention of ice formation) a resistive heating principal will be used. A sparse network of DW electrodes will be applied to an abrasion-resistant layer and bonded to the CNT-enhanced composite, and when voltage is applied the CNT will heat due to their small but finite resistance value. Due to their high thermal conductivity, heat will be distributed relatively evenly throughout the aerosurface." 7e4703230c44e803f69573892484acc0571fb819,"The secure messaging on a Blockchain architecture (SIMBA) project will architect and design a decentralized mobile peer-to-peer, end-to-end, secure messaging application that uses Blockchain technology. We aim to build SIMBA from the Fabric (Open Blockchain) implementation due to its novel approach to smart contracts using chaincode services and several other features including membership, consensus and identity management and flexible distributed ledger implementation. We identify several extensions to support secure messaging and smart contracts including the use of mini containers for smart contracts, a data transaction layer to support messaging and their access, and the ability to seamlessly move Fabric onto mobile ad hoc networks through the use of a UDP-based transport mechanism. By building on ITAMCOs CryptoChat technology, connecting it to a Web app and the Fabric API, we will provide a platform for delivering secure messaging and other messaging features including: the ability to interface with smart contracts, send files, and even send Docker containers securely across the underlying blockchain infrastructure. The SIMBA mobile phone app and Web dashboard act symbiotically, mirroring and synchronizing content as the user moves seamlessly between them resulting in a flexible and powerful decentralized secure messaging infrastructure to meet the DoD needs." 91e1d1cf45f162ade7e0898768a33e1d68b36f54,"

The use and applications of radiological sources, for power, medical, and defense applications, continuously increases with time. Illicit nuclear materials represent a threat for the safety of the American citizens and the detection and interdiction of a nuclear weapon is a national problem that has not been yet solved. This represents an enormous challenge to current detection methods and monitoring technologies that have to be substantially improved to demonstrate accurate radiation identification capabilities. Using neutron signatures represents a promising solution, however, such a detection technique requires capabilities of detecting neutrons while rejecting effectively background gamma rays. Rugged and low-power neutron detectors are highly desirable for large-scale deployment. This research develops a neutron detector that has the potential of replacing pressurized 3He-tubes and current solid-state detectors with an ultra-compact detector based on CMOS-SSPM (Solid State Photomultipliers) technology. This technology provides a low-power, portable unit that can be mass-produced and deployed in a wireless network on a large scale. The detector is very fast and, in addition, can provide time and spectroscopy information over a wide energy range, including fast neutrons and is, therefore, capable of identifying threatening incidents at the speed of life.

" accdd0eae1a2f3ecb02a213f102bda72bdc4ac17,"The Army""s intelligence and operational information sources in the era of net-centric warfare and cloud computing are highly distributed and diverse. The challenge is to meet the wide variety of requirements of battle command staff who search for and analyze data for mission- and time-critical decisions. Time criticality, data source autonomy, and bandwidth limitations impose further constraints on transferring relevant data to local computational nodes. Mobile agents take computations at data sources, thus maintaining the autonomy of individual data sources, but security is a prime concern in regards to their free movement. Here we propose to design and develop a Mobile Agent-based Distributed Search and Analytics Tool (MADSAT), where a web interface allows agents to be spawned within a controlled environment for increased security. MADSAT translates a search query to a set of sub-queries via a combination of planning and traditional database query optimization techniques. MADSAT then spawns mobile agents corresponding to sub-queries for retrieving data from appropriate sources and then filters and merges data from these agents and returns the answers. For complex analytics supporting situational awareness and decision-aiding, query decomposition and remote execution of mobile codes are guided by a distributed fusion architecture based on Bayesian Network models." 69a5ddb7dd4330101dca96134d3bb631e087b5f8,"ACTIVITY LOGS ARE CURRENTLY MAINTAINED BY COAST GUARD WATCH PERSONNEL. THE CONTENTS VARY DEPENDING ON THE WATCHSTANDER AND EVENTS. THE ACTIVITY LOG MAY CONTAIN HANDWRITTEN ENTRIES, COMPUTER GENERATED TEXT, COPIES OF RECEIVED FACSIMILIES AND VARIOUS OTHER ENTRIES. THE COAST GUARD NEEDS AN IMPROVED METHOD FOR CAPTURING INFORMATION. THIS SYSTEM SHOULD BE CAPABLE OF HANDLING INFORMATION AS IT IS RECEIVED (I.E., IN REAL TIME). FURTHER, IT MUST BE EASY TO OPERATE, AND IT SHOULD BE ""INTELLIGENT,"" ANTICIPATING WHAT INFORMATION THE USER WILL REQUIRE IN PERFORMING AN ACTIVITY LOG QUERY AND PROVIDING THAT INFORMATION TO THE USER. RECENT ADVANCES IN SPEECH SYNTHESIS, VOICE RECOGNITION TECHNOLOGY, NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE SOFTWARE AND AVAILABILITY OF HIGH-PERFORMANCE LOW-COST COMPUTERS NOW MAKE IT POSSIBLE TO AUTOMATE THIS PROCESS. RETICULAR SYSTEMS, INC. PROPOSES TO IMPLEMENT A RESEARCH PROGRAM WHICH WILL DEFINE AND SPECIFY AN AUTOMATED ACTIVITY LOG PREPARATION SYSTEM (AALPS). THE SYSTEM WILL PROVIDES MULTIMODAL DATA INPUT ALLOWING THE USER TO EASILY CAPTURE EVENTS IN REAL TIME. PHASE I OF THIS PROGRAM WILL DETERMINE THE FEASIBILITY OF USING STATE-OF-THE- ART SPEECH SYNTHESIS TECHNOLOGY, VOICE RECOGNITION TECHNOLOGY, NATURAL LANGUAGE GENERATION CAPABILITY AND MULTI-MEDIA OPERATOR INTERFACE TECHNOLOGY FOR IMPLEMENTING AN AUTOMATED SYSTEM." 94bd4d865d9ff7b5be921584c05d9862db9dc9f2,"DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant): Obesity is recognized as a major public health concern and has become a national health priority. With the prevalence of adolescent obesity nearly triple what it was two decades ago, effective interventions to prevent and treat overweight and obesity among adolescents are needed. Programs to enhance the healthy behaviors related to obesity prevention with cost-effective, science-based and easily deliverable interventions can be effective solutions to help curb the rate of childhood overweight and obesity. The objective of this research is to develop and test a Transtheoretical Model-based intervention for high school students that promotes the adoption and maintenance of healthy behaviors related to the prevention of obesity. The successful completion of our Phase I project demonstrates that a stage-matched, multi-media expert system is both acceptable to high school students and feasible to conduct in a high school setting. The primary goals of our Phase II application are to complete the development of the expert system intervention and to assess its effectiveness in a randomized clinical trial. Effectiveness will be assessed by comparing fruit and vegetable consumption, physical activity, TV watching, and several secondary outcome measures among high school students randomly assigned to the intervention or control condition." 2db7828746efe99a432cc051301f52e0faca1c11,"THE OBJECTIVES ARE TO OPTIMIZE AND BEGIN THE PHARMACEUTICAL DEVELOPMENT OF CHEMICALLY- DERIVATIZED POLYMERS OF LYSINE FOR USE AS THERAPEUTICS IN THE TREATMENT OF GRAFT REJECTION, AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES, OR ARTHRITIS. SUCH DERIVATIZED POLYMERS HAVE BEEN SHOWN TO INHIBIT THE EXPRESSION OF CLASS II (IA) MOLECULES ON MACROPHAGES. SPECIFICALLY, WE WILL: (1) VERIFY THAT MALEYLATED POLY-L-LYSINE (MAI-PLL) INHIBITS ANTIGEN PRESENTATION BY MONOCYTES/MACROPHAGES, (2) DETERMINE THE CELLULAR SPECIFICITY OF MAI-PLL, (3) OPTIMIZE DERIVATIZED POLY-LYSINE IN TERMS OFLENGTH, DENSITY OF DERIVATIZATION, ACYL GROUP REQUIREMENTS, AND STEREOCHEMICAL REQUIREMENTS OF THE LYSINES, AND (4) TEST OPTIMIZED VERSIONS OF DERIVATIZED POLY-LYSINE IN ANIMAL MODELS OF ALLOGRAFT RECOGNITION. ANTIGEN PRESENTATION IN VITRO WILL BE ASSAYED BY MEASURING PROLIFERATION OF LYMPHOCYTES IN RESPONSE TO ALLOANTIGENS OR RECALL ANTIGENS. CELLULAR SPECIFICITY WILL BE DETERMINED BY EXAMINING THE EFFECTS OF DERIVATIZED POLY-LYSINE ON FUNCTIONAL ACTIVITIES OF NEUTROPHILS, LYMPHOCYTES, FIBROBLASTS AND ENDOTHELIAL CELLS. IN VIVO ASSAYS OF ALLOGRAFT RECOGNITION WILL MEASURE GRAFT-VERSUS-HOST (GVH) RESPONSES AND SKIN GRAFT ACCEPTANCE IN RATS. DERIVATIZED POLY-LYSINES MAY HAVE COMMERCIAL POTENTIAL AS NOVEL, SAFE, RELATIVELY CHEAP AND EASY TO MANUFACTURE, AND EFFICACIOUS AGENTS FOR THE LONG-TERM TREATMENT OFIMMUNE DISORDERS." 9f0819056d75da782f42145739883510e8a26617,"Additive Manufacturing (AM) promises to be an innovative technology that can enable rapid manufacturing of complex parts at greatly reduced cycle time. With the maturation of selective laser melting (SLM) AM technologies there is increasing interest in applying this manufacturing method to the production of aircraft structural components, many of which are made of high-strength stainless steels. However, recent results from a number of researchers has indicated significant process sensitivities in the SLM processing of high strength stainless steels such as 17-4PH, which if not corrected may limit the application of this manufacturing method. In this Phase I STTR program, QuesTek Innovations, a leader in the field of integrated computational materials engineering (ICME), is partnering with the University of Louisvilles Rapid Prototyping Center to design and develop a new powder specification for high-strength martensitic precipitation-hardenable stainless steel optimized for the unique processing conditions and challenges of Additive Manufacturing processing. QuesTek is uniquely suited to rapidly designing new alloys specifically optimized for AM processing using its advanced Materials by Design stage-gate alloy development process, which is based upon computationally-implemented mechanistic models to predict process-structure and structure-property relationships." 4e599e6d44d8ae607df945ff687eb6ca3a0424ab,"A-Z Innovative Solutions proposes to develop a computer- numerical-controlled deterministic polishing machine specialized for X-ray mirror surface finishing. The proposed new technique is particularly suiting for large cylindrical X-ray mirrors (between 100 and 1,000 mm in height, 50 to 5000 mm in diameter, varying radial prescription along azimuth, ~2 mm in thickness) for NASArsquo;s space X-ray observer by introducing the substrate X-direction step-rotating scan mechanism. By incorporating chemical reactive removal mechanism, this new tool will drastically speed up the deterministic process with much better surface smoothness finishing quality. In this program, we anticipate to achieve:nbsp;Ultra-high precision surface finishing capability of 0.1 arcsec half-power diameter (HPD) with RMS lt; 0.6 nmnbsp;nbsp;Radial slope error lt;0.1 uradShape error out-of-round lt; 0.4micro;m for X-ray cylindrical mirrors5 to 10 times better surface smoothness (0.1 nm RMS) is expected over the present deterministic techniquesWith the innovative removal mechanism, 5 to 10 times better surface smoothness is expected over the present deterministic techniques as the chemical reactive removal is at the atomic level, rather than to knock off material as aggregates of molecules by bombardment from FJP, MRF and Ion-Beam Figuring flows.High-speed for use on large areas and cost effective" b003613ed8a3ebfab00f3ce4f03689f9fcb66524,"Micro Aerial Vehicle (¿AVs) will open up a wide range of new missions for the US Armed Forces, but also present a new set of technical challenges. The power and propulsion system will have a significant impact on the ultimate capabilities and range of missions of ¿AVs. While advanced battery technology can provide good propulsion performance for ¿AVs, miniature internal combustion engines can offer several times higher energy density for ¿AV flight, thus greatly expanding the scope of ¿AV missions. The proposed program addresses the ¿AV power and propulsion challenge by demonstrating the feasibility of using a miniature internal combustion (IC) engine for this application. A miniature engine will be designed and manufactured, using as a starting point the design and test results of an existing oscillation piston/alternator engine developed at MIT. This design will be refined and advanced, focusing especially on the fuel/combustion/control design aspects. The newly designed engine will be tested and its performance and operating characteristics will be evaluated. In addition, a study of critical system integration issues will be performed. The anticipated results of the Phase I program will be the demonstration of the feasibility of using a miniature IC engine for ¿AV propulsion and the determination of the important operating characteristics of the engine." dcd30e2241f20112202a25647c784675c3a6d3ee,"The purpose of this proposal is to assess the use of Micro Power Radar (MPR) to aid in providing the individual Marine Infantryman with air bursting munitions to enhance his battlefield effectiveness. Current fuzes compute the time of flight and set the fuze for a time or counting revolutions with an input to the system to tell it to detonate after a specific number of turns. These technologies allow for significant variability in the actual height of the airburst thereby limiting the expected effectiveness. The addition of non-inertial sensors to the munitions could ameliorate the problems faced by current fuze technology. Based on emitting and detecting very low amplitude and short voltage impulses, MPR has a sensitive window for accurately detecting reflections from boundaries and could be implemented as a smart fuze that always knows how far the round is from the impact point. Designing a fuze that can be depended upon to burst at 2 meters (or another to be determined specific value) from the target would greatly increase the effectiveness of the round. A fire control system or possibly a weapon upgrade kit that attaches to the current legacy systems device for programming the round’s impact height if variability is part of the design. Beyond using MPR for smart fuzes, it could be applied to munitions testing or other impact testing in the commercial sector." 06a1cb6275a2ace98270b7b36cc3fcfc8fa1aaa5,"Novel explosive initiator materials are proposed based on fullerenes containing energetic molecules. The proposed innovative multi-layer structure safely stores highly reactive fuel utilizing fullarene chemistry, isolated by a novel metal layer from an oxidant containing fullerene. The final structure will be a unique fullerene-fuel-oxidant composite that can initiate a rapid chemical reaction (detonation) by removal of the separating layer via an electrical discharge. In Phase I, we will identify various energetic elements that can be safely incorporated into fullerenes. Furthermore, we will fabricate a multi-layer structure, which will consist of an oxidant/thin metal isolation layer/fuel/thick film packaging layer. We will initiate the fuel/oxidant reaction via rupturing thin metal isolation layer by applying voltage across the isolation layer. We will determine the transient time of detonation and the peak stress generated using a high speed photographic technique and x-cut quartz crystals, respectively. In Phase II, we will optimize the configuration of the multi-layer structure for the effective detonation of insensitive high explosives. Parameters to be optimized will be thickness, width and resistivity of the separation layer, and choice of reaction coupling and amount of the reactants to ensure safe and effective detonation of insensitive high explosives." 88e55a8257b8518c2fefecd9fbcd21bf30acf8d3,"The Navy’s AN/DVS-1 Coastal Battlefield Reconnaissance and Analysis (COBRA) system conducts unmanned aerial tactical reconnaissance in the littoral battlespace for detection and localization of minefields and obstacles in the surf zone and beach zone prior to an amphibious assault. COBRA collects multispectral UAV-based overhead imagery which must be examined for targets of interest: mines. Since mines exhibit specific spectral signatures and sizes, and are typically placed in linear patterns at regular spacing, e.g., “minelines,” there are algorithms currently in use to exploit these characteristics. Existing mine detection strategies universally assume they are placed in strictly linear patterns, so if mines are instead placed in a curvilinear pattern, the algorithm performance degrades and false alarms increase. An approach is needed that allows for the detection of non-linear arrangements of mines. The team of In-Depth Engineering (IEC) and Miami University (MU) proposes a solution that combines conventional machine learning approaches for mine-like object (MLO) detection with a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) approach that searches for a broad class of mineline patterns, including curvilinear patterns. The proposed approach combines MLO detection with mine placement strategy so that mineline recognition can be used to improve the performance of MLO detection." 2e37c34f31c4acdc314598dbffff4ff064f3adf2,"BOVINE PANCREATIC RIBONUCLEASE A (RNASE A) IS A MODEL SYSTEMFOR ESTABLISHING RULES THAT GOVERN PROTEIN STABILITY AND FOLDING. BY LEARNING AND APPLYING THESE RULES, MORE ROBUST ENZYMES OF VARIOUS TYPES COULD BE DESIGNED FOR COMMERCIAL APPLICATIONS. SYNTHESIS, CLONING AND EXPRESSION IN BACILLUSSUBTILIS OF A GENE ENCODING RNASE A WILL ALLOW FOR THE ECONOMICAL PRODUCTION OF VARIANT PROTEINS WHICH ARE GENERATED BY OLIGONUCLEOTIDE-DIRECTED MUTAGENESIS (ODM). THTHESE VARIANT PROTEINS WILL THEN BE USED FOR STRUCTURE/FUNCTION AND/OR FOLDING PATTERN STUDIES. THE EASE AND EFFICIECY OF PRODUCING SPECIFIED PROTEIN VARIANTS IN THIS SYSTEM COUPLED WITHT HE WEALTH OF PHYSICAL DATA AVAILABLE ON RNASE A SHOULD RESULT IN THE RAPID ACCUMULATION OF PERTINENT DATA ON THE FOLDING BEHAVIOR OF PROTEINS. IN PHASE I A STRAIN OFB. SUBTILIS THAT SECRETES RNASE A WILL BE DEVELOPED BY FUSING A SYNTHETIC GENE TO EACH OF THREE PLASMID VECTOR SYSTEMS DESIGNED TO PROMOTE EXPRESSION AND SECRETION OF FOREIGN PROTEINS. IN PHASE II, THE CLONED GENE WILL BE USED TO PRODUCE SPECIFIC PROTEIN VARIANTS BY ODM FOR STRUCTURE/ FUNCTION AND FOLDING PATTERN STUDIES. THE POTENTIAL CO COMMERCIAL APPLICATION AS DESCRIBED BY THE AWARDEE: BY ESTABLISHING THE RULES THAT GOVERN THE STABILITY OF A PROTEIN RELATIVE TO EXTREMES OF PH, HEAT, AND DENATURANTS MORE ROBUST ENZYMES CAN BE DESIGNED FOR USE IN INDUSTRIAL SYSTEMS." 688d51fbd5bc1b55443042974f4fad3fd2b97c43,"DESCRIPTION: (Adapted from applicant's abstract): The feasibility of screening borns for hearing impairmflent in an assay paralleling routine metabolic screening will be demonstrated. Hearing loss owing to heredity factors and cytomegalovirus are analyzed. DNA from the universally collected newborn filter paper blood card serves as the source of nucleic acids to perform the assay. Several target sequences in the cytomegalovirus genome will be evaluated for their utility to identify viral DNA in the newborn specimen. The following mutations in connexin 26, Pendrin, and connexin 31 genes serve as model systems for hereditary hearing loss: (1) connexin 26 35 del G, 167 del T, .Usher2A 23l4delG; (2) Pendrin L236S, T416P; Mitochondrial A1555G. Amplicons that are diagnostic for CMV DNA and the described mutations are analyzed using a low-density oligonucleotide inicroarray in a multiplex format. The microarray vjfl clearly distinguish homozygous wild type, heterozygotes, and homozygous mutants for the described mutations. Screening for hearing impairment in a laboratory-based program, parallel to auditory screening, will provide an overall superior screening service. The lab assay will identify many newborns that would be missed where auditory screening is not available. PROPOSED COMMERCIAL APPLICATION: NOT AVAILABLE" 5d094c4396b2fe1fdf9c61b4098213c89733b708,"ArchieMD proposes to develop an augmented reality 3D training technology that can be combined with its existing MEDRILLS interactive training apps for mobile devices. MEDRILLS teach critical and high risk, low frequency medical procedures. The proposed enhanced MEDRILLS prototype can be used to develop, maintain, and improve operational readiness of Aerospace Medical Service specialists and other Air Force medical staff, with greater flexibility and at reduced cost. Users first practice a procedure through interfacing with a given MEDRILLS app and then translate what they’ve learned to a manikin/ live simulation with the guidance of the AR overlay demonstration. For this Phase I project, ArchieMD proposes to: 1) Conduct a feasibility study on applying AR 3D procedure demonstrations to existing MEDRILLs apps; 2) Develop prototype AR projection technology for overlaying demos to determine technical feasibility, and to assess risks and potential payoffs of our approach. In Phase II, proof of concept will be established through a prototype demonstration, usability testing and pilot evaluation. In addition to military application, the resulting AR training platform can be integrated into civilian medical first responders training opportunities, including a subset of already commercialized non-enhanced MEDRILLS apps accredited for continuing medical education credits." 5114189ec9ba560205b80c8f8f859ad5f53a4584,"Our objective is to assess the feasibility of detecting adversarial information campaigns by using a blend of stance assessment, and bot/troll/cyborg/meme detection techniques for automated classification of BEND actors and maneuvers. BEND includes 16 social media information maneuvers used in information campaigns for influencing topic groups through content or social network manipulation. We propose a three step early detection approach. Step-1: identify and classify the actors by type – bot, troll, cyborg, news agency, satire site, other. Step-2: classify the actions of those actors (who they follow, retweet, mention, quote, messages sent, sites linked to, memes sent, and content into information maneuver types = i.e., the BEND maneuvers. Step-3: identify signs of collaboration and orchestration among actors and sources on an information campaign. Unlike traditional approaches to information campaigns, we consider: 1) both content and social network manipulation, and 2) sentiment and stance. Unlike traditional approaches to adversarial behavior that consider only automated bots – we consider multiple types of actors i.e. bots, cyborgs, trolls, news, false news, and the relations of those actors to each other and sources. Baseline testing and demonstration will use data focused on Russian and Chinese information campaigns around NATO, Sweden and the Philippines." c52399927ae077c71e9ca2e2deed5ecaf278979a,"Midé proposes an automatic active trim tab solution that will significantly reduce the maintenance effort and cost of helicopter rotor track and balancing (RT&B) process, as well as minimize airframe vibrations. Midé's trim tab adjustment system may be performed automatically without maintenance. A major Phase I contribution was the development of a technically feasible Solid-State Active Trim Tab that holds several key advantages over hinged tabs studied by other researchers. The Solid-State tab is significantly lighter in weight and less sensitive to centrifugal loads. The Solid-State tab will minimize the additional mass behind the helicopter blade's elastic axis and with its smooth shape its aerodynamic performance will be substantially better! In Phase II Midé will further develop the Phase I Solid-State concept through two prototype iterations. An eight-foot diameter prototype will be designed, fabricated and tested structurally in a windtunnel and on a whirl stand. The second prototype will be a section of a full-scale blade. This prototype will ensure that the innovation can be integrated on a full-scale blade while withstanding the harsh helicopter-loading environment. Sikorsky Helicopter, a Phase II sub-contractor, will provide relevant helicopter blade tracking and trimming engineering experience and assist with transitioning the technology." 015ab8a8bdc655ecc9b2b01b48ab823dc0832b8c,"We introduce a concept and a design for a high-speed, high-temperature infrared (IR) scene projector for midwave and longwave infrared application.Results from this study of carbon nanotube (CNT) material characteristics, along with field emission and electro-thermal modeling show that 2000K effectivemidwave infrared (MWIR) temperatures can be sustained and projected by this carbon nanotube pixel with little or no spillover to adjacent pixels.The proposed projector utilizes groups of selectively grown nanotube arrays to construct the projector pixel.Pure carbon nanotubes can sustain temperatures as high as 4800K and emit as lambertian blackbodies.The nanotube thermal time constants are on the order of nanoseconds to picoseconds and since the nanotube array consists of individual isolated nanotubes or minimally connected (touching) nanotubes, the entire nanoforest will exhibit the same ultra-fast response.The projected image will be continuous in time as with the microemitter arrays but will be able to project significantly higher temperature, high dynamic range scenes at frame rates far above 400 hertz.The projectors high frame rates, small pixel sizes, and blackbody emittance over the entire infrared region fully supports real-time testing of sensors and may provide considerable size and weight advantages.(Approved for Public Release 15-MDA-8482 (17 November 15))" 5ca562e12d014ea234ce260fcbc9f731850330c5,"Because C&D materials constitute a significant waste stream, increasing the diversion of C&D materials, through recycling and reuse, is identified as an area of need in EPA’s Sustainable materials management (SMM) Program Strategic Plan.Due to lack of technologies to quickly identify constituents, C&D-materials recyclers often dispose of potentially usable materials as a matter of precaution. There is a need for inexpensive technologies that can quickly identify potentially harmful constituents prior to deconstruction or in C&D recycling facilities to increase C&D materials recycling. Hyperspectral imaging is emerging as a non-destructive, real-time detection tool for industrial sensing and inspection processes. The long term goal of the proposed work is to realize a hyperspectral measurement system for C&D materials inspection applications by utilizing a novel optical system designed using a set of low cost components to achieve cost, size, and performance goals. The Phase I effort will focus on: an in-depth study of how the technology can and should be adapted for use within C&D materials inspection applications; detailed design development, and proof of principle experimental testing/demonstration. The target market for the innovation is the construction and demolition industry as well as organizations that specialize in waste collection and materials recovery." 677dcc553e9d3ac41405128a3c43fd0ef77f8c03,"Infected open fractures are a common battlefield injury, particularly in the current conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. The current standard of care for infected open fractures involves irrigation, debridement, initial stabilization, and antibiotic therapy. In order to provide local antibiotic therapy and fill dead space, antibiotics are often combined with bone cement, rolled into beads, and placed in the bone defect. While this approach has been effective in preventing infection, it does not address the growing incidence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria or the highly resistant bacterium, acinetobacter baumanii, that has emerged as the most frequently detected bacterium in warfighter wounds. In addition, since bone cement does not resorb, numerous subsequent surgical procedures are required to remove the beads and harvest and graft bone, increasing morbidity and cost. Luna is developing a novel bone graft substitute material that will simultaneously deliver antimicrobial drugs directly into the infected site and act as a resorbable scaffold for new bone growth. The base material has a biomimetic architecture that is designed to resorb at a patient-specific rate via the natural synergistic remodeling activity of osteoclasts and osteoblasts. Luna has assembled a highly qualified, multidisciplinary technical and clinical team required for a successful program." 1ed2774fffc52bbaec6ad6e3b10bb2e977353a84,"This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR)Phase I project addresses a scanning thermal microscope (SThM) system, which can be used for measuring thermal parameters such as temperature, thermal conductance, and heat capacity in nanotechnology, semiconductor, and biological applications. The SThM system consists of a micromachined scanning probe, an interface circuit, a scanning stage, and instrumentation to synchronize and control the individual components. This proposal addresses critical issues regarding its feasibility as a commercial product by evaluating the manufacturability, robustness, accuracy, repeatability, and ease of use of the SThM system as a whole and by extending the potential applications. The tool is intended for use not only by researchers, but also for pre-college education in nanotechnology and microelectronics. It is also intended for use in process monitoring for yield and reliability in manufacturing applications. Since the technology being evaluated for commercialization originated in an educational institution and will be licensed from it, this effort will indirectly serve to support higher education if successful. This effort will also provide an avenue for undergraduate student involvement in a variety of areas ranging from microfabrication to circuit design to testing the scanning thermal systems." 873dae5a4a8450b1621ab7eba09177819a1321e7,"We propose to engineer a low-cost computer-controlled optical diagnostic system for measuring sound speed, thermal diffusivity, density, and velocity. This system will use laser-induced thermal accoustics (LITA), a transient-grating technique capable of making accurate single-shot measurements in luminous, multiphase, high-pressure flows. The LITA signal intensity is quadratic in fluid density for a given gas composition, making it ideal for high-pressure applications. The data from LITA signals will be extracted in real time via FitLITA, a fast and accurate signal analysis program that we have developed.We propose to engineer a system that a technician can install and operate in harsh test-stand conditions. We will design the remote computer controlled system to be immune to noise, shock, vibrations, and temperature fluctuations that are encountered in such environments.The system that we propose to design and build will be portable and capable of automatic alignment and three-dimensional spatial scanning. A system of coordinated electro-mechanical beam-positioners will allow remote computer control of beam-crossing angles and alignment, two important factors in LITA measurement. FitLITA can provide measurements of and account for beam misalignment. These measurements will be used to alleviate beam-steering effects and automatically correct beam alignment." 666f57625eba526a3c20f2a04680e6573711ddb6,"Technology Service Corporation (TSC) and our academic partner Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) present an innovative approach to radar imaging of ships and other maritime targets that exploits monostatic, bistatic and multistatic wideband radar signals. The new signal processing technique is applied to the problem of imaging maritime targets using fixed-site surface surveillance radars, to identify traffic that is potentially hostile. The TSC team will develop and evaluate an algorithm that employs monostatic and bistatic wideband, high resolution radar returns to generate image signatures of ship targets. These images can be used to classify maritime traffic and identify potential threats to US Navy assets. In Phase I, TSC and RPI will generate high-fidelity simulated image data and evaluate the improved performance offered by our proposed bistatic radar processing technique when compared with conventional monostatic Inverse Synthetic Aperture (ISAR) radar processing. TSC and RPI propose new signal processing techniques that automatically determine the ship motion state, handle complex ship motions in which scatterers do not move linearly, exploit bistatic radar geometries where the transmitter and receiver are separate, produce multi-aspect images from a single coherent measurement, and allow longer coherent integration to suppress noise and interference." 318a5059a41af42d55b758d0ac73a8f9a679bdb3,"We propose CADET (Cognitive Assessment During Evaluation and Testing), a flexible and minimally intru-sive machine learning enabled software sensor that classifies environmental, human behavior, and physiolog-ical features to measure and predict near real time workload (WL) and performance. We will combine SIFT's prior WL research in zero-intrusion techniques in linguistics, keyboard dynamics and video-derived heart rate (which achieved WL classification accuracy levels between 66-100%), with Dr. Bradley Chase's research in eye movement parameters for WL identification. CADET will tailor and further extend these measures to in-clude interaction dynamics, posture, and prosody to increase operational coverage for a Test and Evaluation (T&E) environment. CADET will include a multi-dimensional array of metrics to provide WL estimates, em-ploying statistical models to consider in-task cognitive load, and allow for changes in an operators WL rela-tive to learning. Further, CADET will customize result visualizations pertinent to different stakeholders, providing a truly flexible and actionable measure of WL useful for a wide variety of T&E situations. Addi-tionally, such a WL assessment assay would be compatible with both team and individually performed tasks. Phase I will provide the necessary requirement and design specifications to validate these measures in Phase II." db2c32ceff321b155bd89ae0849f0721b6455eac,"Wargaming plays a critical role in the modern military, both as a decision support tool for command and control centers and as a training tool for developing the future force. In both of these applications it is valuable to have access to highly skilled automated actors. In a decision support context, this facilitates fast, high fidelity simulations with a variety of possible battlefield conditions. In a training context, this supports interactive learning tools and allows commanders to hone their skills through competition with difficult opponents. Historically, Artificial Intelligence agents that can match or beat expert human performance have been limited to turn-based games. However, due to the success of IBM’s Deep Blue system at Chess, and more recently, DeepMind’s AlphaGo system at Go, the latest research has begun to investigate if the techniques employed by these systems can be improved to achieve expert-level performance at less well-defined, real-time games. To manage the fundamental complexities that military-domain AI systems face, DECISIVE ANALYTICS Corporation proposes the Framework for Intelligent Simulation Command with Hierarchically Embedded Reinforcement Learning (FISCHER). FISCHER will leverage the latest developments in Game Theory and Reinforcement Learning to provide a wargaming artificial intelligence that can perform at a humanlike level." f7bd4bdb587935d9709f94c09bc1788d4f31a9ea,"DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant): The objective is to develop a fiber optic-based, real-time, in-situ method for distinguishing bone from polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) cement during replacement hip arthroplasty surgery. The proposed method is based on near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy, which has been shown to be a viable method for distinguishing bone and PMMA in the laboratory. The program is designed to test the usefulness of the method under realistic conditions. Bone-PMMA models will be prepared using cadaver femurs and PMMA- cemented components, and fiber-optic NIR spectroscopy will be used to obtain sets of spectra across the bone-PMMA composite surfaces to determine the extent to which the materials can be uniquely identified under a variety of realistic working conditions. Changes in the spectra will be interpreted for correlation with changes in, e.g., the nature of the fluid bathing the sample. Statistical methods (chemometrics) will be used to build a predictive model based on the spectra, and the model will be tested for accuracy in determining the bone/PMMA distribution in additional samples. The development of a quick, accurate method for distinguishing bone from PMMA cement during surgery is expected to facilitate the removal of PMMA during replacement hip arthroplasty, an operation that is performed over 40,000 times a year in the United States." e906dfcd7020295b527511fb94473ca421f65221,"The Benefield Anechoic Facility (BAF), a state-of-the-art installed system test facility (ISTF) at Edwards Air Force Base, California, is systematically upgrading capabilities to include infrared and electro-optical system testing. Future capabilities and testing will also include operation of high-power RF equipment. The BAF currently has a requirement to monitor the potential hazard of RAM (Radar Absorbing Material) heating and ignition during the use of high-power RF test sets, to monitor the infrared (IR) and ultraviolet (UV) background environments for unwanted, anomalous sources, and to verify operation of IR and UV point sources operated at the BAF. Technology Service Corporation (TSC) is proposing an innovative and low-risk solution to the BAF requirement. Specifically, TSC will develop an Infrared and Ultraviolet Background Monitoring System (IRUVBMS) based on static and transportable IR and UV video cameras positioned in the BAF that are integrated with a common IRUVBMS controller. The controller will perform real-time processing and display of the camera video data. Automated, real-time detection of RAM heating hazards and anomalous background sources, including location in the BAF, will be reported and displayed to the operator. The IRUVBMS will significantly enhance operation of the BAF test facility from a safety and credibility standpoint." 8ed7b0ecc4553c28b1a302e28d20ab93cc1e4d65,"The goal of the proposed work is the development of an unified framework ofanalytical and testing tools, proven energy dissipation mechanisms, andsystem level approaches that will enable membrane and inflatable (M/I)structures designers to confidently predict and achieve the desiredstructural dynamic characteristics. In Phase 1, the efforts required toestablish the feasibility of previously undeveloped key portions of thisoverall framework are proposed. These efforts include: 1) the developmentof new membrane material energy dissipation property test methods, 2)demonstrating structural energy dissipation mechanisms for use on M/Istructures as needed, and 3) developing the analytical methodology requiredto accurately predict the response of M/I structures to realisticdisturbance loads. The motivation for this work comes from several areas.First, M/I structures, being optimized for minimal weight through thereduction of load bearing material structures, are highly stressed. Thusany additional dynamic stresses can lead to eventual fatigue failures.Secondly, unknown structural dynamics can lead to control structureinteraction and the possible loss of the spacecraft. Finally, structuraldynamics with long settling times can cause degradation in missionperformance. The proposed efforts will help remove such uncertainties andlead to improved/optimal M/I structure designs." 478bbe851df7bde461b914e0db6f501987035485,"To address the U.S. Marines need for an energy-efficient Squad-size water purification system, Physical Optics Corporation (POC) proposes to develop a new Electro-Desalination and Neutralization (EDEN) system based on the integration of the robust micro-filtering and ultraviolet (UV) sterilization technologies with POCs innovative deionization apparatus. EDEN will combine commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) hollow fiber-based filtration unit with COTS UV bio-sanitization components, along with our unique, low-power desalination approach, in addition to water quality sensing capabilities. Use of the new desalinator will guarantee that EDEN, lacking the high-pressure components of reverse osmosis units, is lighter, cheaper, and more portable, making it an ideal choice for small (squad or platoon) size water purification system. The integrated device will operate automatically, producing drinkable water from local sources of contaminated and salt- or brackish water. Requiring 6 gallons/hr of potable water from seawater, while reducing turbidity and eliminating microbiological contaminants. In Phase I, POC will demonstrate the feasibility of EDEN by developing a scaled design of its desalinator and integrating and testing a prototype of a water purification system, reaching TRL-4. This experience will be utilized in constructing an optimized prototype in Phase II (TRL-6)." afd04d1922a568416463dfe020427a861807e408,"75057-Transforming the United States from a fossil-fuel base economy to a ¿hydrogen economy¿ will require cost-effective methods for manufacturing and delivering hydrogen. The electrochemical dissociation of water into elemental hydrogen and oxygen is a well known and widely practiced means of generating hydrogen. However, commercially available water electrolysis technologies are capital-cost intensive, leading to high hydrogen costs. This project will develop a Solid Membrane Alkaline Electrolyzer system, based on a unique solid alkaline membrane, which is expected to provide high-current-density, high-differential-pressure electrolyzer operation. Phase I will develop the solid alkaline membrane, identify cell operating conditions, fabricate a three-cell stack, and prepare a preliminary design for the system. Phase II will demonstrate a complete system powered by a renewable energy source. Commercial Applications and Other Benefits as described by the awardee: The hydrogen generation system should find use in hydrogen-fueled vehicles (both fuel cell and internal combustion-hydrogen), as part of a home-based hydrogen generator, in a bulk hydrogen generator for electric utility applications, and in on-board transportation power applications. Small hydrogen generators also could replace cylinders for the supply of hydrogen gas for analytical instrumentation." 2f1dd5dcc4e8256b35be2c88ecf0235f5247ebca,"Multimodal biometrics for screening presents unique challenges. The evaluation of them presents even more challenges. The Securics team is leveraging 7 years of effort and past DARPA HID funding, on unique biometric evaluation approaches for measuring and comparing failure/performance predictions. The approach models what is important for a particular task and then learning the coefficients of the reliability measures from empirical datasets. It extends our past work on Failure Analysis from Similarity Surface Theory. The learning/training allows the measures to adapt to population, sensor, and algorithm specific properties. The resulting algorithm can be applied in real time. The effort includes two unique approaches to experimentation for large-scale multi-modal evaluation of non-cooperative and adversarial subjects. A second important and unique, aspect of our work has been the development of formal metrics for comparison of biometric reliability measures and fusion. While multiple papers develop quality-based measures and fusion techniques, there has been no paradigm or framework for quantitative comparison. This Phase I SBIR presents a unique opportunity to advance the state of the art both in multi-modal biometric data quality by developing a toolset in which different reliability can be quantitatively combined and compared on real data from real algorithms." c7f19fac487802ff27b4e0de4d35e9e797df0095,"Serializer/Deserializer (SERDES) components are the key components for high speed serial data transfer. Low latency, high bandwidth communications between processor nodes with upgrade ability within a box is of utmost importance in advanced NASA communication systems. Parallel architectures represent a bottleneck in terms of bandwidth and pin count. Several new standards such as Infiniband, Hypertransport, 3GIO, and RapidIO are evolving with a common direction towards serial system interconnect for next generation back-plane developments. Commercially available SERDES to support new standards have well known bit ambiguity at the deserializer output thereby requiring additional circuitry as well as software to solve this problem.In order to overcome the bit ambiguity problem, Advanced Science and Novel Technology (ADSANTEC) proposes a novel ternary SERDES technique. The technique uses a ternary signal at the Serializer (SER) output to mark a reference bit position. The marked bit positions are used to recover a low-speed clock signal for receiver word alignment using a clock multiplier technique. The proposed concept will lead to the development of a new generation of serial data interconnect. ADSANTEC?s innovative solution will offer high throughput (up to 50Gb/s) and eliminate latency introduced by the switching fabric of existing digital interconnect approaches." 9d7e451b720aed267414770253a2474bc8deedcc,"The ability to assign a level of confidence for build quality is fundamental to the deployment of powder bed technology. Accordingly, the research objective of this work is to use probability theory as a glue to combine the physics-based models used for the selection of processing parameters together in order to produce quality deposits using the following approach: (1) Use probability theory as the glue to combine physics-based models for melt-pool thermal-fluid behavior and track cross-section formation in order to determine the deposition parameters; (2) Enhance the physics-based model to predict vaporization and expulsion of the additive material, melt pool buckling, transport of gas bubbles, determination of hatch distance, inter-track and inter-layer wetting; (3) Perform probabilistic assessment for the performance of the deposition parameters for their ability to mitigate defects, attain consistency of size for the fused tracks, flatness of the top layer, and the material microstructure; (4) Use the solidification parameters and thermal cycling during deposition to predict the precipitation reactions; (5) Perform deposition experiments to demonstrate the ability to engineer the deposition parameters. This work would result in reduction of effort for the development of process parameters and part qualification for specialty materials of interest to NASA." aa39ddbf7127f9f9aef959eca79da809467a0421,"This proposal is to develop a system for Knowledge Extraction for Prediction and Visualization of Terrorist Networks (PVTN). The PVTN system will provide tools to discover, extract and display trends in the evolution of terrorist networks as an aid to the tactical decision maker. We propose a three-pronged strategy to assist tactical decision makers in extracting critical concepts and understanding the temporal dynamics of terrorist behavior patterns and organizations: The first feature involves a multi-dimensional animated visualization of the terrorist network which will emphasize visually the temporal elements in terrorist behaviors, interactions, and organizational dynamics. The second feature involves consensus analysis of databases to identify emergent sub-networks and sub-groups and thus to target the emergence and diffusion of new concepts for terrorist activities. The third feature involves leveraging the economy of relations to predict the future state of the terrorist network and thus to predict shifts in terrorist organizations. We also propose to integrate the PVTN tools with a comprehensive decision analysis system in order to: create an end-to-end support system for superior tactical decisions, and provide practical working software framework and proven user interface for rapidly placing the PVTN tools in the hand of tactical decision makers." 4ee87ae6dc32b786726dad6cc79924801082d0e7,"The U.S. Navy seeks a proactive approach to reinforce the thin walled corrosion resistant steel (CRES) pipes at the welded joints in order to prevent potential leaks from occurring in situations where joint cracks are generated. Currently, there is no known product available to meet this need. Resodyn Corporation proposes for development a clear, tough, corrosion protective, VOC-free thermoplastic, joint reinforcement coating (JRC) to address the U.S. Navy's need under consideration. The JRC will be capable to strongly adhere to CRES substrates, and will be sprayable in hard-to-reach, confined spaces. The clear thermoplastic component will be primarily based on a strong and affordable thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) characterized by excellent chemical resistance to hydrocarbon fluids such as JP-5, transmission fluids, motor oils, etc. The resin will be further reinforced with cutting edge anisotropic fillers in amounts that will not hurt transparency. The JRC's ""see through"" nature will offer the possibility to non-destructively inspect the joint welds periodically through a visual examination. Resodyn Corporation's patented Polymer Thermal Spray (PTS) technology will be employed to deposit the resultant JRC materials starting from precursor materials in the solid state, powdery form. The PTS technology also allows for coating repairment in short periods of time." 73f67a3672c3e553ef43ecaa64e85f96a1aaa0eb,"Redondo Optics Inc. proposes to develop and demonstrate to the Navy a miniature, lightweight, and low power, wireless multi-point fiber optic acoustic-ultrasound sensor (FAULT™) SHM system suitable the un-invasive, in-situ, real-time, and un-attended detection, identification, localization, and classification of crack formation and propagation within solid propellant grains commonly found in propellant actuated devices (PADs) and cartridge actuated devices (CADs) used in aircraft canopy rocket motors. In the Phase II program, ROI will complete the engineering development and production of a stand-alone FAULT™ SHM crack detection system and tested within a relevant MK 109 Canopy Jettison Rocket, under a variety of static and dynamic test conditions suitable to detect and localized hidden cracks within the rocket propellant grain structure. In Phase III, ROI in collaboration with a strategic prime contractor commercialization partner will produce MIL-SPEC aircraft ready FAULT™ SHM systems that will be qualified onboard canopy rocket motors, i.e., MK 109 Canopy Jettison Rocket, at a TRL = 8-9. All of the Navy’ current and future operational PADs/CADs platforms will benefit significantly from this project, wherein the key technological challenge is to develop methodologies for high fidelity detection and characterization of flaws and degradation in complex structures." 00e3d479e7121d58b6b29e6e3ad13a3b3f42713d,"Despite decades of research, there has been little progress to operationalize the construct of adaptability nor to assess proficiency as a means of providing insight into the cognitive readiness of the Force. The military requires research and development of well-defined performance criteria for adaptability assessment and training. The research team proposes to develop operational definitions of adaptability and three supporting cognitive skillscognitive flexibility, anomaly detection, and change detectionto provide clear criteria regarding performance of the constructs. Hypotheses as to the relationships among these four constructs will be generated. Finally, a domain-specific assessment instrument will be developed within which the well-defined performance can be elicited and assessed. The instrument, a Virtual Adaptability Module, will employ a domain-specific approach to stimulate and measure the performance of interest. A series of interactive vignettes and videos will be produced by leveraging procedural content generation to gain efficiencies in development. Adaptive assessment that scales the level of difficulty to individual test-taker proficiencies will be employed to realize assessment efficiencies. The final Virtual Adaptability Module will function as a standalone assessment as well as a component of the Small Unit Decision Making Assessment Battery." c50aa51310153285954d5d0b194f99a03961e988,Progress in the area of intelligent automation is impeded by the lack of standardized architectures that promote software reuse. Conventional design methodologies require tailored software solutions that are expensive to implement and difficult to modify.This proposal addresses the need for flexibility and reusability with a scalable architecture that supports a component-based programming paradigm. Phase I will demonstrate the feasibility of the offered approach - in the context of demanding real-timeintelligent automation applications - with a suite of interchangeable hardware/software components. The robustness of components and supporting architecture will be tested in simulations. Metrics that quantify costs savings and percentage of softwarereuse will be used to assess potential impact of the component-based methodology. Phase II will culminate in a prototype demonstration of two different material handling platforms sharing common components. The proposed solution will provide acomponent-based approach for software design and implementation for a wide variety of automated material handling machines. This will enable the Army to lower development time and cost of these machines while leveraging previous work. These softwarecomponents can provide equal benefit to the commercial sector by providing a software development standard for machine automation. f9b7178368731c8e80a7e0dcf2f3f6daba7ad543,"Current combat simulations use polygonal representations of the terrain, augmented with vector data, for terrain reasoning. While these data provide the basic terrain representation needed for vehicle dynamics and weapon system effects, they do not provide the semantic information needed for higher level reasoning, especially for modeling of human behaviors within a combat environment. Semantic information goes beyond the physical characteristics that most terrain databases provide, and includes relationships between terrain features and how they can be used in the performance of specific combat missions. Humans can interpret this additional semantic data and make decisions based on it, but human behavior algorithms need these data to be represented within the combat simulations. MÄK Technologies proposes to develop terrain representation enhancements to augment common terrain representations that support the incorporation of semantic data that will enhance the current polygon and vector representation. We will develop automated tools to extract semantic information where possible, and other tools to assist terrain developers in extracting semantic information where it is not possible to fully automate the process. We will demonstrate this terrain representation in MÄK VR-Forces, a commercial-off-the-shelf CGF system, and the IWARS dismounted infantry simulation." bea60d58d6a72875ac3ccbd306c76e2f14db93c1,"Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) has shown great promise for applications in chemical, biological and explosive (CBE) sensing [1-12]. Nearly all previous LIBS experiments were limited to measurements in the UV-VIS and NIR. However, molecules exhibit spectroscopic signatures in the MIR to FIR wavelength region from vibrational and rotational transitions. Therefore, an extension of LIBS to the IR region promises to provide information which can augment results from conventional UV-VIS LIBS measurements. Recently, we have demonstrated the first infrared LIBS emission signatures in the 3-5 um spectral region [13-16]. By adding the feature of laser energy control it can operate both as LIBS and Laser Induced Thermal Emission (LITE) technique/system. We propose a detailed study of IR LITE/LIBS in 1-12 um range for potential applications in CBE sensing. We will systematically irradiate CBE species (and related materials) with a laser at progressive energies and parameter settings to yield evaporation/desorption/vaporization or ablation, and capture the IR spectra of emitted photons. Particular attention will be noted for point (short range) and standoff dual use utility. We will develop a breadboard system and outline a roadmap for a field portable instrument. We will also develop a signature library from selected biological and chemical solid-state materials." 61a74354981d232a1ca00da217bfbd6fdc7df0d6,"Microgrids are being used today in non-defense applications by energy utilities, as well as residential, commercial, and industrial users to help ensure energy availability, improve efficiency, and provide energy resilience. Heila Technologies, a MIT-born startup, has developed a distributed control platform - called Heila IQ® - that simplifies microgrid installation, operation, and optimization. The Heila IQ® Platform offers energy resiliency, efficiency, scalability and cyber security to microgrids. It makes it easy to connect solar arrays, batteries, fuel cells and other distributed energy resources from multiple vendors to grow self-managing microgrids. The system has been tested successfully during the 2017, 2018, and 2019 wildfire seasons in California, where it successfully kept our demonstration site in Sonoma (CA) operational for several days during the frequent power outages affecting the region. The platform has already been deployed successfully by several customers generating revenues of $1.2m in 2019. To determine the technical feasibility of the Heila IQ® Platform for defense applications, Heila is willing to meet AF potential customers to discuss potential AF applications. Initial contact points are to be found within the Advanced Power Technology Office (APTO) of the Air Force Research Lab (AFRL) and the Air Force Civil Engineering Center (AFCEC)." e47682151d092d5362596d945a0725f88ce2cf12,"Electric generators for military and civilian applications produce large amounts of waste heat. This heat can produce additional electric power via a bottoming cycle. The resulting power would enable the use of more electronic devices and/or reduce fuel consumption and its associated costs and logistical burdens. Large power plants frequently use bottoming cycles, but smaller generators rarely include them. The primary reason is that the bottoming systems would be relatively large and inefficient for the low heat source temperatures and low power capacities associated with mobile generators. Fundamental thermodynamic limits, scaling penalties, and manufacturing constraints are the greatest limitations. Fortunately, Creare has focused intense effort on the development of miniature turbomachines, heat exchangers, and thermodynamic systems for nearly 30 years, making us an ideal candidate for this project. We propose to develop a 10 kWe turbo-Rankine system that can be used as either a bottoming cycle or a standalone generator. The resulting system will have extremely high power density and efficiency. We will perform design analyses, conduct trade studies, develop preliminary designs for the components and system, and assess producibility and life-cycle costs during Phase I; followed by fabrication and testing of a breadboard turbo-Rankine generator during Phase II." be713fcc6bd352cdb34361ebd534827eae594aae,"This proposal describes Phase I of a research and development program to develop and commercialize a compact, affordable Particulate Matter on-line, Real-time, Physical and Chemical Characterization and Monitoring System (PMCMS), that will quickly and accurately analyze the chemical constituents and size distribution of particulate emissions from Air Force Operations. The PMCMS will provide size related chemical speciation for all particulates within the size range 0.003 - 30 microns with a 1Hz sample rate, a particulate sensitivity of 0.1 particle/cc for particle diameters > 0.003 micron, and a chemical sensitivity >ppb. The spacial resolution is 3 dimensional and >0.02m. The proposed objectives for Phase I are: the laboratory-based coupling of a mass-spectrometric chemical composition function to a state of the art particulate characterization system; the performance assessment of the laboratory-based PMCMS with respect to sample rate. Specificity, spacial resolution and sensitivity; a comparison of the laboratory-based system with data gathered by current practices; the development of a conceptual design of a field deployable commercialized version of the PMCMS; a field demonstration with an engineering model and the presentation of a technical report describing the Phase I activities and including plans for continued experimental development in Phase II." 87359d828588bc27600f0ab39a9b38f49f6b3402,"Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) using Photofrin is nearing regulatory approval both in the U. S. A. and abroad. It has been shown by a number of researchers that hyperthermia (HT), less than 45 degrees centigrade, has a strong synergistic effect in combination with PDT. This synergism appears to be maximized when the HT is given concurrently with PDT instead of sequentially. It has also been shown that the local hyperthermia condition can be produced by a near infrared laser, Nd:YAG or AlGaAs diodes, through the same delivery systems used for PDT. This has been referred to as Laser Hyperthermia, or LHT. It is our objective to develop an integrated LHT-PDT delivery system with a common computer-based control and monitoring system. The system will allow for use of pre-existing lasers, both HT and PDT, which are delivered to the system via fiberoptic cables. Each laser is to be individually controlled and combined into a single optical delivery fiber. The control system is to be based on a PC compatible computer and will provide active control of the LHT and PDT power levels, treatment intervals, monitoring and display of eight temperatures and four light intensity levels, tissue temperature stabilization, light dosimetry, and display the information in a user friendly manner. The emphasis in Phase I is to develop the system, and to test it in an appropriate animal model." 5151dbf35cc509712a2ce2082e4c45ee5acda011,"The smaller warcraft envisioned by The Electric Warships and Combat Vehicles Future Naval Capability need to reduce the size and weight of shipboard systems such as auxiliary systems, sensors, or other items embedded within the propeller or its associated hub, ducting, or shaft. Wireless sensors based on MEMS technologies offer enormous potential for meeting these needs by eliminating heavy, costly and failure-prone wiring, and reducing sensor size, weight and power. TPL proposes to develop a MEMS Electrical Power System for embedded propulsion train sensors. The approach will combine a piezoelectric micropower generator (MPG) developed at Washington State University to harvest ambient vibrational energy, with TPL's patented volumetric micro-supercapacitors to store the energy and deliver it as needed for high power transients. This approach integrates energy harvesting and energy storage in a single hybrid device that delivers longevity with high power density without the need for refueling or recharging. The unique combination of energy harvesting and microsupercapacitors is the ONLY way to meet the disparate energy generation, storage and delivery needs for embedded wireless sensors with a minimum volume, and a minimum weight system. Supercapacitors enable more than AN ORDER OF MAGNITUDE reduction in size compared with energy harvesting systems alone." 8c455e11657c477fb29cf416c68806d8071ab404,"Computing systems built on identical foundations (hardware, operating systems, etc.) will be vulnerable to the same attacks. To avoid widespread failures, techniques have been sought for introducing""synthetic diversity""into systems. The best studied are low level randomization techniquesfor example, pseudorandom run-time decisions that make it impossible for an attacker to predict how a program will be laid out in memory. ATC-NY and Cornell University will develop the DivA system to provide a fundamentally different, and complementary, logical diversityto generate modules that provide the same service by different computations. DivA exploits the constructive logic principle of""proofs as programs.""To generate variant versions of a module, a developer creates an initial seed, implementing it as the program corresponding to a constructive proof; DivA uses heuristic methods to find alternative proofs of the same proposition, and therefore alternative implementations of the module. The NuPrl logical programming environment provides powerful support for creating the seed. By choosing from many versions of many modules, a system integrator or automated recovery mechanism can create a vast number of logically distinct versions of the same system. Testing them all is infeasible, but DivA justifies these combinations by providing strong guarantees of functional correctness." 15a9502f9a3f40fefbba8eae0fd05eafab2b7084,"Fulfilling the promise of a net-centric service oriented architecture for information systems depends on the availability of dynamic discovery of services. The premier standards-based service oriented architecture of today is based on Web services; the specifications include those for the Universal Description, Discovery and Integration (UDDI) Registry service. These specifications are geared to the eCommerce world; the development of UDDI standards supports development of commercial-off-the-shelf software tools. As long as the UDDI specifications meet the needs of the Navy, it is able to leverage the commercial tools for its mission needs. Problems arise when there is a mismatch of Navy needs and the specifications or standards. Our innovation offers a standards-based solution to the Navy needs with our proposed Multi-Enclave Federated UDDI (MEF-UDDI) framework for use in a Dynamic Service Oriented Architecture. The MEF-UDDI will support federation of UDDI registries, policy-based access to registry service information and agent proxy capability. In order to realize the MEF-UDDI, we propose a two-fold approach, with (1) engagement with the standards organization OASIS and the UDDI TC in order to address development of architectural recommendations and potentially new (or extended) specifications that serve Navy needs and (2) a software agent-based implementation." 1765db4bf78e7ff17cc8603d2009fc519a58cf63,"In this SBIR effort, COVEGA Corp. will design and demonstrate a more efficient technology to address challenges associated with bias voltage control of lithium niobate (LN) based modulators using a Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI) design. We herein present a solution for elimination of conventional feedback-loop-based bias control, providing three critical advantages for analog RF photonics: (i) elimination of dither-tone-based bias controller side-effects, (ii) enhanced accuracy of MZI phase-lock, and (iii) allowance for MZI operation at any arbitrary phase. In Phase I, COVEGA will meet or exceed the specified system-level requirements by developing a new combination of bias controller which is intimately related to our proposed device architecture. The Phase I project will build on COVEGA’s existing MZI designs, but will incorporate all of our patented device technology, design rules, and processing know-how to achieve low bias swing/drift during changes in environmental conditions. Through the Phase I effort, we intend to prove the feasibility of our proposed design and methodology, resulting in a bench-level prototype of the bias control system as a whole. In Phase II, we intend to further refine the bias control system and fabricate prototype electro-optic modules, integrating both the bias controller and modulator, for DARPA evaluation and deployment." afaf4b2c953b86f347dfadb74c2ecb43a9c133cd,"NASA space missions utilizing application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs) under extreme conditions have a critical need for high performance analog cell libraries to support the mission requirements. With the introduction of silicon germanium (SiGe) processes, there is an opportunity to provide resilient analog circuit designs that handle both temperature and radiation hardening requirements. Our experience has indicated that meeting extreme temperature requirements is as challenging as meeting the radiation-hardening requirements and innovation in this area is warranted. Maintaining key operating specifications such as linearity and dynamic range while under both extreme temperature and radiation exposure conditions is a difficult problem requiring an innovative solution.Ridgetop Group will build a cell library of key ""building block"" analog cells needed for pipeline, flash and successive approximation register (SAR) ADCs; and capacitor array DACs. We will develop transistor-level designs and simulate these blocks to prove feasibility and demonstrate the effectiveness of the minimal temperature response (MTR) design techniques. After achieving desired MTR, rad-hard by design (RHBD) methods will be employed to meet the radiation specs. In Phase 2 of this SBIR program Ridgetop will fabricate and test a 12-bit ADC based on this library to validate its efficacy." 23160fc3b294c73a8cdd612b83aec254954fd36a,"Inertial Measurement Units (IMUs) that can provide high-resolution Line of Sight (LOS) stabilization and accurate inertial pointing are needed to support future interceptor avionics systems advanced ballistic Missile Defense Systems (BMDS) missions. IFOS, bringing years of pioneering experience in Fiber-Optic Gyroscopes (FOGs), proposes developing an advanced, ultra-low weight FOG that can meet stringent conditions for interceptor IMUs, including withstanding radiation in excess 300 krad as well as the high shock and vibration that accompany launch, yet can also deliver excellent pointing accuracies with drift rates of 0.1 deg/hr and 0.003 deg/rt-hr angular random walk capabilities even after prolonged storage. IFOS will exploit innovative techniques including newly available radiation hard (RH) smaller fibers and optoelectronic components, tighter coiling, and packaging concepts that would allow substantial reductions in FOG weight and volume. Phase I will focus on design and subscale testing of proof-of-concept RH, lightweight FOG components and elements. In Phase II, IFOS will design and develop reduced size and weight RH FOG prototypes and will work with Lockheed Martin to incorporate the FOG within functional IMUs and develop testing and characterization protocols for performance demonstrations when subjected to radiation levels at thermal ranges of interest." 5dda852463ea2dd7a25b332fc950b5aa06433fc1,"Threat signature phenomenology plays an increasingly important role in the development of a wide variety of missile warning technologies, both at the tactical and strategic levels. There has been a recent proliferation of the number of missiles developed that use trajectory-shaping maneuvers as a method of range and flight profile control. This trend is also driven by the desire for advanced operational capabilities such as more accurate placement of warheads, performing evasive maneuvers and dogleg trajectories to defeat missile defense systems. CRAFT Tech will develop tools that will provide instantaneous knowledge of the angle of attack to support accurate state vector estimation for a missile warning system, and also for post-flight trajectory reconstruction performed by technical intelligence analysts. Another pressing development has been the recent testing and flight demonstration by adversary nations of highly maneuverable delivery systems such as hypersonic glide vehicles that fly non-ballistic trajectories. They pose a particularly potent challenge since they have dim optical signatures that arise predominantly due to the effects of hard body heating with very low wake emissions in the traditional IR bands. CRAFT Tech will develop high fidelity modeling tools to characterize their electro-optical signatures and help support development of tracking tools." d25c8eccc6b60887cfbaa58fbb29a7d001392cca,"Magnesium aluminate (MgAl2O4) spinel is a material of interest for visible to mid-wavelength infrared (MWIR) windows and domes that operate in demanding environments. However, spinel is not as strong as other materials, such as sapphire or ALON Optical Ceramic, which are currently used for such applications. In order to be acceptable for the most demanding of these applications, the strength of Spinel must be increased. Surmet recently demonstrated a substantial increase in the strength of spinel through modification of its microstructure. Typically, spinel exhibits a bimodal microstructure (i.e., large and small grains), where the large grains act as stress concentrators. By limiting the growth of these grains, and achieving a uniform, fine grain microstructure, the stress is more uniformly distributed, resulting in higher strength. Furthermore, these improvements are expected to be cost neutral and fully scaleable. We propose to further investigate process improvements to yield microstructures for high strength spinel in Phase I. Process refinement should further improve strength from our initial observations. Phase II will then scale the process to large plates. It will also investigate utilizing refined finishing methods to further capitalize on the fine microstructure and further increase the strength– which Surmet has previously demonstrated on ALON." 18a785df505b7c4ae9b323f65fe379e7f369da7b,"""MRC's Phase II objective will be to enable DARPA to resolve the issue of BioFlips and Simbiosys technology developers not having access to quantitative, prioritized set of user requirements to design against. The Phase II product will be the expansion ofour Phase I VIDTS requirements analysis software into a tailored requirements management tool and requirements database that will enable DARPA supported developers to better design and implement to the needs of key end users and government instrumentdevelopment agencies. For Phase II, we will complete VIDTS development by integrating a customer-driven requirements database with the instrument and module design and optimization package. We will capture requirements through user meetings with our teamof an IT expert, a microsystems expert, and a systems engineering expert, by coordinating splinter sessions at DARPA PI meetings to refine requirements and technology development paths for key case studies, and through a web site dedicated to performinginformation outreach and exchange between the developers and end users. MRC will complete the development of the VIDTS architecture and will provide interfaces to other microsystem modeling software. The completed architecture will be scalable,extensible, and web-based for ease of use. The requirements database will be integrated as a separate, upgradeable library.""" 8e75998ea3ca25ffeb590aba79e65e860539c9ed,"In many DoD intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) scenarios, the data streams not only have a high dimensionality, but also belong to different sensing modalities. Current ISR surveillance typically employs stove-piped exploitation systems. Based on a single sensing modality, a stove-piped system senses, captures, and processes only one kind of target signal or signature. IFT proposes a subspace tracking and manifold learning based heterogeneous data fusion approach, for unexpected event discovery, from upstream sensor data. In the Phase I research, we have developed a prototype with four main components: (i) CCS and PETRELS based joint subspace tracking for linear modalities; (ii) joint sparsity support recovery for mixed or nonlinear modalities; (iii) joint manifold learning framework for nonlinear or mixed modalities with training data; and (iv) a multi-viewer, multi-layer visualization and prototype with GUI. We have tested our prototype on AFRL datasets. Supportive and promising results have been obtained. In Phase II, we refine and expand the Phase I technologies to unify real-time upstreaming data discovery, pattern of life, and anomaly detection, as well as diffusion based distributed paradigm. We evaluate the performance of the developed executable prototypical system by using realistic metrics, real-world data, and operational constraints." 616c3eb14b69156cfc85a95eb03bdf5458242278,"Parachuting is the primary method for the pilot and aircrew to escape when unrecoverable emergencies occur. However, the aviators, in most cases, have no parachuting experience prior to emergency egress. To ensure their safety and prepare them for extreme circumstances, they must be trained to handle such situations. Currently, PARASIM, a virtual reality parachute simulator developed by Systems Technology Inc. (STI), provides such training. In this Topic, the Navy has identified enhancements to the current training that include:Seamless interfacing with real flight equipment across all Navy platformsComplete ejection and bailout training from under canopy to landingIntegration of visual environment and physical flight equipmentAfter action review (AAR) to include procedure checklist and cause-effect analysis of the decisions in the descending process.STI proposes to develop an Immersive Parachute Descent Trainer (IPDT), a low-cost, robust solution to address the desired training needs, interfacing with standard flight equipment across all Navy platforms. This concept builds upon STIs parachute simulation expertise and leverages STIs patented Fused Reality technology, combining live real-world video with the virtual environment, and enabling the trainee to wear, see, and interact with standard flight equipment during the real-time, interactive parachute simulation." 918e1fa3524f0e3fab180fdf57babe4c914c8d85,"Recent reports indicate the activity of more than 6,000 botnet C and C servers. 70 million zombies are responsible for 80 percent of SPAM. Given the exponential growth of the botnet threat, the security of our nation s cyber infrastructure demand automated botnet activity monitoring solutions. In Phase I, Milcord developed a feasibility prototype of a Bayesian Activity Monitor for Botnet Defense. We developed: indicators for measuring botnet behavior, mechanisms for capturing and analyzing packet content to detect bot commands, blacklist interfaces, and a set of Belief Networks that fuse network indicators, DNS data, and bot commands in order to detect and classify botnet behavior. Our results have in general shown the feasibility of learning and predicting botnet behavior at the network level, and blacklist membership in DNS queries. In Phase II, we propose to develop a full-scale prototype of a Botnet Analytics Appliance, BNA, that leverages botnet intelligence contextual knowledge and integrates with Security Event Management platforms, and transition this technology to commercialize use. The development of our Phase II prototype will not only leverage contextual knowledge obtained from real-time aggregated botnet intelligence data and cybersecurity infrastructures but also contribute to the botnet community knowledge base enhancing DHS cyber security mission." 534e72db78d78d380e45779ff8c9b0654357f032,"TRICHLOROETHYLENE (TCE) IS A WIDESPREAD POLLUTANT AND IS REPORTED TO BE THE MOST FREQUENTLY ENCOUNTERED CONTAMINANT AT HAZARDOUS WASTE SITES. ALL PREVIOUS ATTEMPTS AT IN SITU BIOREMEDIATION HAVE USED A PROCESS WHERE METHANTROPHIC BACTERIA WERE STIMULATED BY THE SUBSURFACE DELIVERY OF AIR AND METHANE RESULTING IN A ""FORTUITOUS"" COMETABOLISM OF TCE. THIS PROCESS AT ONE TIME APPEARED PROMISING FOR THE IN SITU BIOREMEDIATION OF TCE, BUT ONLY LIMITED SUCCESS HAS BEEN ACHIEVED AND NO FIELD SITE HAS BEEN BIOREMEDIATED TO EPA ACCEPTABLE LEVELS. THIS LIMITED SUCCESS IS PRIMARILY DUE TO PHYSICAL PROBLEMS ASSOCIATED WITH DELIVERING SUFFICIENT LEVELS OF METHANE AND OXYGEN WHICH ARE WERY INSOLUBLE. THEREFORE, AN INNOVATIVE APPROACH TO IN SITU BIOREMEDIATION WOULD BE TO FACILITATE TCE COMETABOLISM BY USING HIGHLY SOLUBLE COMPOUNDS. NITRIFYING BACTERIAL ELABORATE AN ENZYME (AMMONIA OXYGENASE) THAT IS A BROAD SPECIFICITY OXYGENASE SIMILAR TO THE BROAD SPECIFICITY ENZYME ELABORATED BY BACTERIA STIMULATED BY METHANE AND AIR. ALSO SOME HETEROTROPHIC BACERIA CAN ELABORATE AMMONIA OXYGENASE WHILE SIMULTANEOUSLY RESPIRING WITH NITRATE THUS DECREASING THEIR OXYGEN REQUIREMENTS. THE OBJECTIVE OF THIS PROPOSAL IS TO STIMULATE TCE COMETABOLISM BY STIMULATING HETEROTROPHIC BACTERIA THAT CAN SIMULTANEOUSLY NITRIFY AND DENTRIFY USING THE WATER SOLUBLE COMPOUNDS, AMMONIA, NITRATE, AND ACETATE." 18a785df505b7c4ae9b323f65fe379e7f369da7b,"""MRC's Phase II objective will be to enable DARPA to resolve the issue of BioFlips and Simbiosys technology developers not having access to quantitative, prioritized set of user requirements to design against. The Phase II product will be the expansion ofour Phase I VIDTS requirements analysis software into a tailored requirements management tool and requirements database that will enable DARPA supported developers to better design and implement to the needs of key end users and government instrumentdevelopment agencies. For Phase II, we will complete VIDTS development by integrating a customer-driven requirements database with the instrument and module design and optimization package. We will capture requirements through user meetings with our teamof an IT expert, a microsystems expert, and a systems engineering expert, by coordinating splinter sessions at DARPA PI meetings to refine requirements and technology development paths for key case studies, and through a web site dedicated to performinginformation outreach and exchange between the developers and end users. MRC will complete the development of the VIDTS architecture and will provide interfaces to other microsystem modeling software. The completed architecture will be scalable,extensible, and web-based for ease of use. The requirements database will be integrated as a separate, upgradeable library.""" 688d51fbd5bc1b55443042974f4fad3fd2b97c43,"DESCRIPTION: (Adapted from applicant's abstract): The feasibility of screening borns for hearing impairmflent in an assay paralleling routine metabolic screening will be demonstrated. Hearing loss owing to heredity factors and cytomegalovirus are analyzed. DNA from the universally collected newborn filter paper blood card serves as the source of nucleic acids to perform the assay. Several target sequences in the cytomegalovirus genome will be evaluated for their utility to identify viral DNA in the newborn specimen. The following mutations in connexin 26, Pendrin, and connexin 31 genes serve as model systems for hereditary hearing loss: (1) connexin 26 35 del G, 167 del T, .Usher2A 23l4delG; (2) Pendrin L236S, T416P; Mitochondrial A1555G. Amplicons that are diagnostic for CMV DNA and the described mutations are analyzed using a low-density oligonucleotide inicroarray in a multiplex format. The microarray vjfl clearly distinguish homozygous wild type, heterozygotes, and homozygous mutants for the described mutations. Screening for hearing impairment in a laboratory-based program, parallel to auditory screening, will provide an overall superior screening service. The lab assay will identify many newborns that would be missed where auditory screening is not available. PROPOSED COMMERCIAL APPLICATION: NOT AVAILABLE" cecf234ca28353581f5b157f9504808e58371d19,"Many applications exist for structures, surfaces and materials whose shape, mechanical properties, or functional behavior can be altered in real-time to respond to changing conditions without explicit external commands. Automated systems which interconnect, address, and control large numbers of distributed sensing and actuation elements (pressure sensors, shear sensors, microflaps, etc.) are key to the implementation of such ¿smart¿ structures. Fiberoptic technology shows promise for this application since many devices can potentially be multiplexed along single fibers, and the fibers may be easily integrated with structures.SRC has a technology for interfacing such devices with fiberoptic communication lines. The fiberoptic interface is fabricated using SRC's proprietary cylindrical micro-fabrication technology and is much smaller than existing optical modulators. The technique involves a microfabricated piezoelectric actuator on the optical fiber. The actuator is used to modulate the light in the fiber to transmit data. When SRC matures this technology, distributed networks of microdevices, such as pressure sensors or strain sensors, could be interconnected and addressed. With our technology, a single optical fiber could be used to interconnect many microdevices and communicate their data to a central receiver at high data rates for each interface node." 23efae28ca9f34e3880c0d9462029bd69b40667e,"A recently patented connectionist paradigm, called the hine hose of thin film growth and removal. Trained by exposure to cumulative experimental data, this paradigm may autonomously compute processing routes toward specifically targeted end goals. In the case of thin film growth and removal, the Creativity Machine may readily experiment with alternative processing routes, finally recommending all growth and/or etching paths that lead to desired stoichiometric and crystallographic film properties. Furthermore, it may design any thin film process within the constraints imposed by environmental compliance regulations.Until now, a significant difficulty in applying this technique to `real world' thin film growth/removal problems has been the sheer size of the data files normally encountered. Typically, thousands of data points, taken across multiple process parameters, must be converted to `neural newtwork digestible' form before the paradigm may be applied. Herein, we propose the development of a novel signal compression technique that will enable the Creativity Machine paradigm to solve difficult and complex materials processing problems. We then propose how this combined process compression and discovery technique may be appled to varied problems in thin film growth and removal." 1c64386fddaeccc46b04c4e4c585dea000c26fde,"Enabling a new generation of high-speed civil aircraft will require breakthrough developments in propulsion systems, including novel techniques to optimize inlet performance in multiple operating conditions. Maximizing propulsive performance while minimizing weight and mechanical complexity is a key goal, and rapidly maturing smart materials technology can enable adaptive control of inlet geometry to allow in-flight optimization of engine flows. Phase I of this effort built on established device technology using high strength Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) actuators and initiated development of adaptive inlet concepts for application to Supersonic Business Jets (SSBJs). Leveraging this work as well as prior efforts in SMA device design and testing has permitted the first steps in the development a family of actuation and flow control devices for use in flight applications. Phase II will build on this work with mutually supporting design, analysis, and test activities including: detailed definition of the effectiveness of geometry adaptation in improving installed engine performance at low and high speeds; construction and test of a benchtop adaptive inlet component demonstrator using high temperature SMA alloy actuators; high-speed wind tunnel testing of sectional components with realistic thermal and aerodynamic loads; and construction of a model 3D adaptive inlet." 0be4764c4234e88f0a8e2cc938005ca2af3c0da2,"Mayflower Communications Company, Inc. (Mayflower) proposes a Topology Management technology, the Prioritized Unbalanced Traffic Total Yield (PUTTY), to meet the Navy objective, namely, to develop advanced approaches for readily deployable Topology Management algorithms that address the complexity of mobile Ad Hoc Mesh Communication Networks constructed of directional antennas, and demonstrate its ability to optimize total network carrying capacity in a tactical ad hoc environment with unbalanced traffic. The proposed PUTTY topology management includes (1) network monitoring and analysis algorithms, and (2) network topology optimization algorithms. These two categories of topology management algorithms are applied repeatedly to dynamically optimize the network topology. Low complexity of the algorithms ensures that the proposed topology management is able to manage networks with hundreds of heterogeneous nodes. The proposed PUTTY technology leverages Mayflower’s expertise in network design and topology management, and builds on technology developed under several SBIR programs and Internal R&D. The PUTTY system, when proven feasible in the Phase I study for the Navy application, has enormous potential for military and commercial applications. Mayflower will develop a prototype PUTTY system in Phase I and II, and ensure its commercialization in Phase III and beyond." 528f0849a72cf7935155ffc1c897193cfe4d4748,"Chronically implanted neural electrodes are used to treat various neurological and neuropsychological disorders and for brain-machine interfaces used to control advanced prosthetics. Powering these systems with batteries is risky due to loss of power and energy over time, necessitating additional surgery, creating a lapse in treatment and additional risks from potential exposure to toxic material. Energy harvesting from the human body is a promising alternative, but current strategies have many drawbacks including inconsistent power production and poor lifetimes, among others. In response, Lynntech is developing an energy harvesting strategy that transforms chemical energy in the blood into electrical energy using a unique, bioengineering approach. The energy harvesting construct will be able survive for extended periods within the body and is capable of providing power that can directly be used to run the functions of a neural implant for deep brain stimulation. In Phase II, design concepts will be developed and scaled for animal testing and characterized in vivo. Additionally, preliminary scaled-up bioengineering will be explored along with integrating our system with a deep brain stimulator. Innovative designs coupled with long-lasting materials will enable this device to achieve long term goals of harvesting the chemical energy available within the human body." 7e3785043d291155fedfc4e93e745435ee46b6a3,"Farmers, crop consultants, and regulators are constantly faced with management/policy decisions that require the integration of current crop and soil conditions, and current and future weather conditions. Farmers and crop consultants must make these management decisions within a regulatory environment that is becoming more restrictive and complex. Regulators are forced to make policy recommendations without sufficient understanding of the environmental processes they are attempting to regulate. In short, evaluating alternative management strategies that account for the broad variability in agro-ecosystems can be difficult given the complex processes impacting soils and crops within climatic conditions and farming practices. Dynamic, process modeling can be an effective tool for assisting farmers in effective management strategies to enhance profitability while protecting the environment. This project will evaluate developing a tool to provide crop consultants, farm managers, natural resource mangers and policy makers with the technical resources needed for the evaluation of best management practices and site-specific applications. This tool will utilize geographic information system (GIS) capabilities to capture spatial and temporal variability in agricultural, environmental, and climatic conditions, and will be implemented within a user interface on the internet." a1601d8cae0c91aab30dffe64c28d43a31f9f467,"Conventional coronary angiography requires cardiac catheterization to inject an iodine contrast agent. If dual-energy digital subtraction angiography could be performed in clinical practice using intravenous iodine injections, patient risk could be substantially reduced. Additionally, x-ray exposure of the angiographer and other technical personnel during the catheter manipulation/placement would be eliminated. This project would evaluate combining two newly developed capabilities to achieve such a dual-energy angiography system. Science Research Laboratory (SRL) has constructed a compact high-flux characteristic-line x-ray anode source for dual-energy angiography. The effectiveness of this source would be greatly enhanced if the high energy continuum photon flux in the x-ray spectrum could be attenuated. Recent advances in Kumakhov optics utilizing x-ray capillary optics have demonstrated the ability to focus x-ray beams and to filter out high-energy photons. The expected result is a complete system would sequentially provide two very narrow x-ray spectra which bound the iodine K-edge for use in dual-energy digital subfraction angiography. The research performed in Phase I will establish the feasibility of filtering the characteristicline x-ray spectrum with a capillary optic. In Phase II, a Kumakhow x-ray will be constructed and tested with the SRL x-ray source." cc5f8af12de882c1f1446f01b127150764911605,"AMERINEX ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AAI) IS PROPOSING A PROJECT CALLED TRACS (TOOL FOR RECOGNITION AND AUTOMATIC CLASSIFICATION OF SOLAR FEATURES) AS A PHASE I SBIR PROJECT IN SOLAR IMAGE PROCESSING. THE TRACS PROJECT IS DESIGNED TO FACILITATE THE AUTOMATIC RECOGNITION, ANALYSIS, AND TRACKING, OF SOLAR FEATURES IN DIGITAL IMAGES. THIS PROJECT WILL PRODUCE A SUITE OF COMPUTER PROGRAMS THAT WILL AUTOMATE A VARIETY OF ANALYSIS PROCESSES THAT ARE CURRENTLY PERFORMED MANUALLY. THE DEVELOPED ALGORITHMS WILL BE ABLE TO EXTRACT SOLAR FEATURES,SUCH AS FILAMENTS OR SUNSPOTS, FROM IMAGES THAT ARE TAKEN WITH A VARIETY OF WAVELENGTHS, AND WHICH ARE TAKEN UNDER VARYING CONDITIONS (DIFFERENT TELESCOPES, VARYING CLOUD COVER). SIX CLASSES OF ALGORITHMS WILL BE DEVELOPED UNDER THE TRACS PROJECT. IMAGE PREPROCESSING ALGORITHMS WILL CORRECT FOR VARIABLE OBSERVATION CONDITIONS. FEATURE EXTRACTION ALGORITHMS WILL EXTRACT THE DESIRED SOLAR FEATURES, AND FEATURE ANALYSIS ALGORITHMS WILL BE USED TO MEASURE AND IDENTIFY SPECIFIC CHARACTERISTICS OF THESE FEATURES. FEATURE GROUPING ALGORITHMS WILL BE USED TO CONSTRUCT HIERARCHICAL DESCRIPTIONS OF IMAGE EVENTS, AND FEATURE TRACKING/PREDICTION ALGORITHMS WILL PERMIT A DESCRIPTION OF THE MOVEMENT OF THE FEATURES OVER TIME. FINALLY, USER INTERFACE/DATA DISPLAY ALGORITHMS WILL MAKE THESE ALGORITHMSUSEFUL TOOLS FOR SOLAR RESEARCHERS AND FORECASTERS." 91b9104227053480a133f98cfbf4220a3f6620b4,"75654-In liquid-electrolyte lithium-ion battery systems, such as those being developed for electric and hybrid electric vehicles, the tin based anodes react with the lithium metal, causing the formation of a reaction layer that reduces the cycle life of the battery. To this end, efforts to coat the anode and cathode with a non-reactive solid electrolyte within the liquid system, have yielded some improvements in cycling behavior; however, the vacuum equipment used in the coating process is cost prohibitive. Solid electrolyte-anode nanocomposites could improve the charge transfer kinetics and rate capability by using an active material with smaller particle size and creating strong anode-electrolyte interfaces. Therefore, this project will develop combustion synthesis methods for producing both anode and electrolyte materials in a single nanopowder composite materials structure. In Phase I, a combinatorial approach will be employed for the rapid electrochemical screening of composition/material structures, in order to establish the appropriate structure-function relationships. Commercial Applications and Other Benefits as described by the awardee: Enhancements in rechargeable battery performance, such as improved cycle life and energy density, should speed the introduction of lithium-ion batteries in hybrid electric vehicles, cell phones, and laptop computers." 084b8c10c82ccd0743f1950877e1471d4cb1ccd3,"The US Department of the Navy (DoN) is developing a low cost, one-time deployable, autonomous undersea vehicle (AUV) that crawls along the ocean floor burying a hydrophone array. As these are fire and forget type deployments, it is important that the vehicle lay the array in a desired shape or let the array processing system know the shape of the array. Effective deployment of these assets require highly accurate navigational capabilities, but current high accuracy underwater navigation techniques have size, weight, power consumption, and cost (SWAP-C) requirements that exceed platform limits. To enable high accuracy navigation on small AUVs, we propose Low Cost Navigator (LOCONAV). LOCONAV uses a novel hierarchical particle filter to combine noisy measurements from multiple Inertial Measurement Units (IMUs) and direct observations of platform state from secondary sensors, including speed sensors, compasses, and inclinometers. This approach allows LOCONAV to model complex uncertainties from a variety of sensors while leveraging the strengths of each sensor to maintain an accurate estimate of AUV geolocation and orientation. During Phase I, we will identify promising low-SWAP-C sensors through a trade study, and build a functional LOCONAV system with software components to demonstrate the feasibility of the LOCONAV system through virtual and real data feed testing." 1049d566567f82d58b6baf663f1ff102db17408b,"The primary objective of the SBIR research program is to develop small balance technologies having the capability to accurately measure forces and moments on extremely small weapon store systems. The small size of the balance disqualifies the use of traditional metal-foil strain gages due to manufacturing size and resolution limitations. Ahmic’s proposed innovative approach is focused on the successful implementation and demonstration of advanced semiconductor gages. In Phase II, a custom semiconductor strain gage will be designed and manufactured specifically for small balance applications. The gage will improve upon the performance and accuracy of commercially available semiconductor and foil strain gages. Advanced FEA and topology optimization techniques will be implemented to guide the balance design process. Over the program, two iterations of six-component balance will be designed, manufactured, instrumented, and calibrated. The balances will undergo an extensive experimental campaign in relevant subsonic and supersonic flow environments including a large-scale facility. Test data will be validated with other balance results and companion flow simulations. The balance will be shown to meet all SBIR performance standards. The program will conclude with a commercial six-component balance, calibration report, and support documentation being delivered to AEDC." ab8138d52bbab1a3a4f96808976af0660d6d23e6,"Caregivers need ""answers"" to questions such as ""What is the current thinking on therapy formy patient?"" A three dimensional (3D) display of potential answers, e.g., pertinent paragraphs, will letcaregivers use powerful perceptual capabilities to find the right answer quickly. But 3D displays needa semantic organization to be effective. That is, oncology sources such as PDQ and CANERLIT needto be structured by meaning, in order to support content-directed navigation. Information abouttherapies should be together, regardless of its source. In contrast to ""scientific visualization"", this kindof access to information is called semantic visualization. During Phase I, an inter-disciplinary team will1) design an information environment for oncology care, 2) compare three levels of visualizationtechnology, 3) determine the requirements for semantic source integration, and 4) evaluate theacceptability of the selected semantic visualization to practicing oncologists. Technologies to beevaluated using PDQ include the Xerox PARC Information Visualizer, the Montage Viewer, and theMontage Object-Relational Database. During Phase II, a prototype providing 3D access to PDQ andCANCERLIT will be coupled with one Computer-based Patient Record (CPR) and deployed at an oncologycare site. Phase III will produce a semantic visualization product for use with both local and remotesources." ef8232e7f5eaf498dbf85f77c77aeda305d9b7a3,"The proposed program is for the development of a fundamental-mode S-band multiple-beam klystron (MBK) circuit and collector compatible with an eighteen-beam electron gun presently under development. The feasibility of the circuit to operate as a broadband high-power amplifying component when used in conjunction with the eighteen-beam gun (41.6 A at 42 kV) has been conclusively establish under the Phase-I program. Under the Phase-II program, the major objectives are to fabricate and integrate, in collaboration with our industrial partner, the circuit with the gun and collector into a high-average-power compatible MBK and to characterize and demonstrate the full capability and functionality of the MBK as a potential RF sources for advanced radar applications. The program structure and approach to be undertaken in this proposed effort are designed to parallel the same development path for the successful eight-beam MBK, which is the first fundamental-mode MBK developed in the United States and is presently under operation at the Naval Research Laboratory. In addition, we propose to perform a study to investigate the feasibility of utilizing multi-stage depressed collectors in future broadband high-power MBKs. If feasible, such a collector can greatly improve the overall amplifier efficiency and substantial reduce cooling requirement of future multiple-beam amplifiers." 387a7ad4fb945d5eedaeb1a89a534bce0b9ea6ef,"Not Available Combat systems have historically been developed through a process that focuses on insular subsystems. This process has resulted in severe limitations on system interoperability and technical obsolescence. In addition, excessive life cycle costs are associated with maintaining multiple configurations to ensure some level of interoperability. To overcome these limitations, new emphasis has been placed on the use of Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) technologies. To support the use of COTS, DSR has developed a real-time middleware framework for integrated combat systems and joint warfare coordination systems that is becoming widely used in the Navy. Transportable Middleware (TM) permits software developers to take advantage of the continuing technology advances in the commercial computing industry, because application software can be ported quickly. TM is being applied to the Cooperative Engagement Capability Processor (CEP) because of the desire to use a common software baseline on many different hosts located on different platforms. The overall objective of this Phase I research is to extend TM by designing a suite of test and performance analysis tools that will minimize the need for complete regression testing when introducing new hardware and software. The ultimate goal is minimizing life-cycle cost, which is particularly crucial to the CEC Program." 8ed7b0ecc4553c28b1a302e28d20ab93cc1e4d65,"The goal of the proposed work is the development of an unified framework ofanalytical and testing tools, proven energy dissipation mechanisms, andsystem level approaches that will enable membrane and inflatable (M/I)structures designers to confidently predict and achieve the desiredstructural dynamic characteristics. In Phase 1, the efforts required toestablish the feasibility of previously undeveloped key portions of thisoverall framework are proposed. These efforts include: 1) the developmentof new membrane material energy dissipation property test methods, 2)demonstrating structural energy dissipation mechanisms for use on M/Istructures as needed, and 3) developing the analytical methodology requiredto accurately predict the response of M/I structures to realisticdisturbance loads. The motivation for this work comes from several areas.First, M/I structures, being optimized for minimal weight through thereduction of load bearing material structures, are highly stressed. Thusany additional dynamic stresses can lead to eventual fatigue failures.Secondly, unknown structural dynamics can lead to control structureinteraction and the possible loss of the spacecraft. Finally, structuraldynamics with long settling times can cause degradation in missionperformance. The proposed efforts will help remove such uncertainties andlead to improved/optimal M/I structure designs." bc1ccc5573bf5d16ae19c73c087f6fbc29cd3f37,"Recent developments in low pressure plasma spraying (LPPS) show that shape memory alloy (SMA) materials can be successfully created with the plasma spraying process. Thin, near net shape foils (100um thick) were produced using the LPPS method. Using this process no significant change of their transition temperatures (max 5C) in the sprayed and heat treated condition could be found. Tensile strength and elongation of 2,100 Mpa (300 ksi) and 3% respectively, were measured. The objective of this proposal is to demonstrate the feasibility of producing superlastic NiTi shape-memory alloy (SMA) foil material by the low pressure spraying (LPPS) technique for the development of robust, corrosion resistant and long life sealing technology. This development may solve a long-standing Naval problem of reliably preventing green water and other fluids or air born contaminants from entering a vessel. In Phase I, a preliminary design and material process technique will be developed and the feasibility of spraying superelastic shape memory alloy foils in various sizes and thickness will be researched. In Phase II, the development of an optimized full scale LPPS system to produce seals is envisioned. Furthermore, the capability to produce continuous lengths of near net shape seals will developed and the superelasticity of the foils produced in Phase I will be characterized." 9a1b315a34ff469ff00b34ac7c14e892a5f50da7,"A fundamental challenge in United States Air Force (USAF) intelligence processing, exploitation and dissemination (PED) is balancing the need to have human analysts in the PED process against the capacity limitations of human analysts. At the same time, military requirements demand an increase in quality & validity of metadata supporting AFPEO for Battle Management Operations C2 Division intelligence needs by providing timely assessments, enhanced battlespace awareness and threat warnings. To meet this dual challenge, the primary objective of this Phase II effort is to continue to research, develop and demonstrate enhancing situational awareness using Patterns of Life on multi-modal streaming data, reducing time and improving quality in their definition and application through interactive collaboration by USAF intelligence analysts and automation technologies. This objective continues to be pursued in this Phase II through the strategy of using “models as first class objectsâ€� in the PED process. These capabilities will ultimately be integrated into the Watchman for Defense analytics platform for delivery and deployment. As part of the proposed effort, an option period is proposed to bring these and related Phase II capabilities to maturity and transition them into the Open Architecture Distributed Common Ground System AN/GSQ-272 SENTINEL weapon system program." 056c63553042756f3da38d97f54933cbc3c0944e,"Active magnetic bearings (AMBs) appear practical for momentum wheel energy storage (MWES) rotors. However, AMB eddy current losses reduce the MWES efficiency and the accumulated heat can only be dissipated through ineffective thermal radiation which can cause rotor thermal problems. While homopolar AMB designs with extended pole edges can reduce the losses, they do not completely solve the eddy current problem. Mohawk Innovative Technology, Inc. (MiTi) proposes development of a MWES rotor system using a unique Stator Controlled Magnetic Bearing (SCMB) and powder lubricated backup bearing (PLB). The SCMB is a stiff, highly damped magnetic bearing that eliminates eddy current losses associated with the flux discontinuities of conventional AMBs. The PLB is a solid film lubricated journal bearing that has been successfully tested at speeds to 58,000 rpm using MoS{sub 2} space qualified lubricant. By integrating the SCMB and PLB, a low-power-loss, highly reliable MWES rotor suspension system will be possible. The Phase I effort will demonstrate feasibility of the SCMB, and will establish a preliminary MWES integrated rotor-bearing system design. The support of Boeing Defense and Space Group has been enlisted for Phase I to provide guidance and review the preliminary MWES system design. Under Phase II a prototype MWES system with SCMBs and PLBs will be tested." b4067ce1e4bfc69f6de344caf4f5a3a1df7a530a,"This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I Project will significantly increase the energy density and reduce the manufacturing cost of ultracapacitors for NGV applications. Cell voltage constraints presently limit the energy density and increase the number of cells required for high voltage ultracapacitors. The composition of porous carbon electrode materials will be modified to adjust the open circuit potential, thereby increasing the cell voltage. Anodically stable electrolytes will be investigated to further increase cell voltage. The objective is to increase cell voltage to 3.6 V versus 2.5 V typical for present commercial carbon-based ultracapacitors. Since energy density scales with 2 V, 3.6 V cells would more than double the energy density. This increase would also reduce manufacturing cost by reducing the number of cells in high voltage devices by >30%. Prototype capacitor cells will be prepared and evaluated to determine the cell voltage window. Extended charge/discharge and constant potential measurements will be made to assure that the increased cell voltage is sustained. Ultracapacitors complement or replace batteries in applications where weight, peak power, and battery life are key factors. Commercial applications include cellular phones, power conditioning (UPS), electromechanical actuators, and conventional or next generation vehicles." fe4e213d4a002f7075a99f2ca46ec915d862432e,"Accurate oceanographic sensing of temperature, salinity, velocity, noise, and turbidity is important to broad scientific, commercial, and military applications. The subsurface environment directly affects animal migration, sonar propagation, global weather patterns, and the primary productivity that underlies the ocean food chain. Most current methods for subsurface sensing require stationing of a research vehicle at each measurement point, resulting in limited spatial resolution, short observation periods, and high cost. An inexpensive, long-duration, three-dimensional sampling platform is needed. Creare, together with our research institution partner, the University of California, propose to develop a Bio-inspired Profiling Float to fill this unmet need. The Bio-inspired Profiling Float adapts a proven autonomous underwater platform to this mission through the addition of a jellyfish-inspired lateral propulsion mechanism and energy harvesting technologies. The integration of lateral propulsion in addition to the host platforms existing buoyancy control, will allow any individual Bio-inspired Profiling Float to drift along at a programmed depth profile or maintain station depending on mission requirements. Energy harvesting allows for unconstrained mission durations providing detailed, three-dimensional sensing with unprecedented spatial and temporal resolution." 9dbf59f22d9fbd393a9e9a270ea863230e8ddad0,"Two-electron reduced-density-matrix (2-RDM) methods represent all of the electrons in any molecule or material with only two electrons by replacing the wave function by the 2-RDM as the basic variable for quantum many-electron theory. The 2-RDM methods, developed by David Mazziotti at The University of Chicago with support from the Army Research Office, have polynomial scaling with system size, allowing for the computation of strongly correlated molecules and materials that were previously inaccessible. They are capable of providing chemists, physicists, and materials scientists with the ability to predict and design novel molecules and materials with properties optimized for serving as power sources and energy storage and transfer media. We aim to transition previous 2-RDM method development into a user-friendly, parallel software platform RDMChem that can be utilized by a wide variety of scientists both within and outside of DoD for solving current problems in energy transport, storage, and release. The software RDMChem will be constructed upon three proven 2-RDM-based methods, developed by Professor Mazziotti and his research group, through a partnership between RDMChem LLC and The University of Chicago. It will include fast algorithms for large-scale semidefinite programming (SDP) with significant additional applications to medical and military imaging." da08233b28f2cc933a6199d08383c368719a39b0,"This program seeks to identify, design and in the Phase II program develop an improved Jet Vane Thrust Vector Control (JVTVC) System for small diameter (6"" maximum) tactical missile control applications. The sponsor wishes to improve the performance of this class of missiles by reducing vane and system weight, and improving vane thermal durability and abrasion resistance to enable it to withstand the hot alumina particle impacts from the propellant exhaust. PRI has direct experience with this type of JVTVC system and with the 18% aluminized HTPB proplellant environment required on this program. To achieve the sponsors goals for this research program, PRI will bring together the scientific expertise of three highly competent aerospace companies, PRI, FMI and Ultramet. These companies will research all aspects of the JVTVC system involving vane configuration (airfoil and fineness ratio), materials of construction, applicable coatings, heating and structural aspects, thermochemical attack (erosion/oxidation) from the 18% aluminum solid propellant exhaust, plume and radiant heating to the retract mechanisum and tail fins. Total JVTVC system mechanical design and packaging involving ARIES solid 3D CAD modeling of suitable stowable JVTVC system designs will then accomplish maximum missile performance with active JVTVC control during initial maneuvering and at end-game." 59d9385f78281ea30c9b5a7f89cd7a7eb26dd653,"The objective of this research is to develop and demonstrate affordable secure, high performance solutions to enable shipboard use of wireless sensors, computers, devices and applications that transmit data and information via RF/IR over wireless/wired LANs. Our approach is based on recent advances in networking technology such as VPNs, active networking and industry standard protocols. Drawing on these commercially available products and standards, Trident will specify, develop and test an innovative secure environment for use in a shipboard setting. This environment will facilitate the use of wireless sensors, computers, devices and applications, and will enable the Navy to make use of commercial wireless LANs and devices. A secure wireless shipboard environment will provide a powerful medium for using wireless sensors, computers, devices and applications. Given a secure environment, the Navy can use the wireless medium to push/pull data and applications to each sailor, regardless of their physical position in the ship. Applications such as log taking & analysis, maintenance related tasks, safety and damage control evolutions, will all be made easier by the free flow of secure data. Sensors, both equipment monitoring and operational, could take advantage of the secure wireless network to provide real-time data on the state of the ship and its systems." 8642d28578ec377abdd5bd16b3b404c8e55224d4,"Luna Innovations proposes to demonstrate a simple all-optical processor by developing programmable optical logic gates based on the highly integrated photonic switch platform developed during the Phase I. These logic gates, once developed, can be assembled according to the principles of digital electronic design to construct a binary processor that performs functions such as add, subtract, increment, decrement, NAND, OR, XOR, etc. During the Phase I, Luna Innovations and its partner overcame significant hurdles to demonstrate the viability of a highly integrated photonic switch through electromagnetic modeling and by successfully patterning the device on the necessary scale (photonic lattice constants smaller than the wavelength of light) for true monolithic integration. Because of the novelty of the approach, the photonic switch is capable of integration several orders of magnitude more dense than any other known optical platform. This dense packaging capability is an essential enabler for practical optical computing. Luna will leverage this success and experience for the Phase II to design the proposed optical logic gates. Luna's partner will concentrate on the fabrication of the structures using the processing parameters developed during the Phase I while in parallel optimizing a nanoimprinting process that will support volume manufacturing of the devices." 77e9d86315df5ca1962109c232c53779b5508206,"THIS RESEARCH IS BASED ON THE THESIS THAT OXYGEN-FREE RADICALS CONTRIBUTE IN A SIGNIFICANT WAY TO THE DELETERIOUS ASPECT OF REPERFUSION AFTER A TISSUE OR ORGAN IS DEPRIVED OFOXYGEN AND FLOW IS RE-INITIATED. THE OBJECTIVE OF THIS RESEARCH IS TO DETERMINE THE POTENTIAL OF A NEW SERIES OF COMPOUNDS TO PROTECT AGAINST ISCHEMIA REPERFUSION INJURY. THESE COMPOUNDS, ORIGINALLY DEVELOPED FOR CANCER CHEMOTHERAPY, HAVE FREE RADICAL SCAVENGING AND ANTI-INFLAMMATORY ACTIVITY. REPRESENTATIVE FUNCTIONAL GROUPS WILL BE INSERTED, AND IN VITRO EXPERIMENTS WILL BE PERFORMED TO EVALUATE THE ABILITY OF EACH SUBCLASS TO SCAVENGE FREE RADICALS, INCLUDING THE SUPEROXIDE AND HYDROXYL RADICALS. THE FE-CHELATING CAPACITY OF THE DIFFERENT CONGENERS, AN ATTRIBUTE OF THESE COMPOUNDS, WILL BE MEASURED TO EVALUATE WHICH PART OF THE STRUCTURE CONTRIBUTES TO BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITY FOR NEW DRUG DESIGN. FINALLY, THE EFFICACY OF THE COMPOUNDS TO PREVENT REPERFUSION ISCHEMIA INJURY WILL BE PERFORMED IN THE PERFUSED RABBIT HEART MODEL. THE DRUG EFFECT ON THE FORMATION OF OXYGEN-FREE RADICALS ON REPERFUSION AS DETERMINED BY EPR TECHNIQUES WILL BE MEASURED. SIMULTANEOUSLY WITH THE EPR FREE RADICAL MEASUREMENTS IN THE PERFUSED HEARTS, THE FUNCTIONAL CAPACITYOF THE HEART WILL ALSO BE MEASURED. THE GENERATION OF FREE RADICALS FROM THE DRUG MOLECULE IS EXPECTED, AND IT IS PLANNED TO MONITOR FOR SUCH RADICALS." afa51292494ff00b421944e893a88f5598a5c3b8,"Although several critical energy saving technologies under development today require Gallium Nitride (GaN) based semiconductor devices, a source of high quality and inexpensive GaN wafers does not yet exist. This lack of GaN wafers adds complexity to GaN device production and makes development of new GaN device based products slower and more costly. Lowest cost, highest volume, wafer production approach is to expand high quality GaN seed wafers into large crystal boules which can then be sliced into hundreds of individual wafers. Though GaN seeds exist, their production is the primary industry bottleneck due to low yield processes ( & lt;20%) or low growth-rate processes (5-10um/hour). Kyma Technologies, in cooperation with Sandia National Laboratory, proposes to develop a new low-cost, high-yield, GaN Seed Wafer production technology. Templates will be produced by Sandia that will enable fast cycle time seed production runs at Kyma. Phase 1 will develop a high yield GaN Seed Wafer process and Phase 2 will improve seed quality, size, and begin GaN boule production processes. Commercial Applications and Other Benefits: High-volume low-cost seeds will enable cost reductions of GaN wafers of 40-99% because inexpensive GaN seed wafers will enable GaN boule growth with acceptable yields. GaN based devices will all have simpler growth processes and higher performance." 34faf2cbae0fc174de5b2d76aae995abab2dee37,"Existing repair methodologies for cracked structures aboard US Navy ships are currently limited in efficiency and effectiveness. New repair methodologies that directly address the local stress states leading to fatigue cracking and stress corrosion cracking are possible with laser peening technology. The proposed laser peening solution allows repairs independent of the cracked structure geometry, requires no hazardous chemicals, requires no additional NDI, and does not jeopardize the existing structure or corrosion resistance of the material. To demonstrate this materiel solution, proof of concept is demonstrated through a rigorous coupon testing program that replicates in-service cracking conditions and the treatment of these crack conditions via laser peening. Further technology developmental efforts are focused on identifying requirements, options, and an optimal solution for a portable laser peening system design. The laser peening system concept will be designed to meet the key performance metrics for the laser peening process, the size and mobility requirements for shipboard usage, and the hazard mitigation requirements for laser peening in an open environment. The portable laser peening system is anticipated to achieve significant cost savings in comparison to conventional laser peening systems through the use of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) components." 3fd9a795068fab36aea99cb7772bde945775fe49,"Research to extend current operation of high frequency flight motion simulators (FMS) is proposed. Advanced control algorithms for simultaneous collaborative control of conventional FMS will be developed, and new solid state drives for servo hydraulicvalves will be created. A high bandwidth FMS currently in development will meet many of the requirements for hardware-in-the-loop testing. The proposed research will explore technologies to increase test system effectiveness after integration withconventional low frequency FMS, and will further improve high frequency FMS capability by extending actuator performance. New control algorithms - independent, fully integrated, and intermediate - will be developed using models of high and low frequencysystems. At least one algorithm will be implemented on an existing hardware testbed. The development of advanced actuators will make use of new smart materials such as piezoelectrics and magnetostrictives to control directly key servovalve components.Analytical models of the actuator and servovalve will be developed and a portion of the new design will be prototyped and tested against conventional valves. The research will continue in Phase II with implementation of the advanced control algorithms ona combined low/high frequency FMS and possible replacement of existing actuators with devices based on the new servovalve." 9f91c80f03c38226940d52fa613a695adda8d766,"The Global Positioning System (GPS) and other Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) have created a single point of failure for many military applications requiring precise time and position. The Long Range Navigation (LORAN) system was a proven navigation aid until it was abandoned because of the success of GPS. Now it is clear that a backup to GPS is required and the enhanced-LORAN (eLORAN) system is being proposed for that role. However, eLORAN cannot achieve the precision that GPS provides. Alternative navigation sensors include vision-based and celestial, yet neither can provide an all-weather solution like GPS. While there have been improvements in the performance of inertial measurement units (IMUs) based on micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) technology, they still do not achieve the type of stability required of navigation-grade instruments necessary for aviation. Other RF-based solutions include signals-of-opportunity (SoOp) and pseudolites, as well as collaborative navigation using existing communication networks. During this Phase I program Toyon will investigate the state-of-the-art in navigation technology and identify the most promising approach to meet the needs of missions conducted by Special Operations Forces (SOF). At the conclusion of this effort, a prototype system design will be completed in preparation for a Phase II demonstration."