import sys import os from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET import json from test_set_map import igc_map def get_xml_paragraphs() -> ET.Element: """Return paragraphs from an original IGC XML file, defined by the imported igc_map.""" igc_file = igc_map[TEST_DATA_FILE] igc_xml = os.path.join(IGC_PATH, igc_file + ".xml") with open(igc_xml, "r") as f: tree = ET.parse(f) root = tree.getroot() paragraphs = root[1][0][0] return paragraphs def get_correction_map() -> dict: """Get the correction map from a json file.""" with open(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "Type2", "IGC", TEST_DATA_FILE + "_correction_map.json"), "r") as f: correction_map = json.load(f) correction_map = {int(k): v for k, v in correction_map.items()} return correction_map def change_text(correction_map, paragraphs) -> str: """Make corrections to the original text based on the correction map.""" corrected_text = [] for key, value in correction_map.items(): original_text = paragraphs[key].text # Counter for the shift in index positions due to deletions total_shift = 0 for idx, corr in value.items(): idx = int(idx) # Account for any previous deletions in the text adjusted_idx = idx + total_shift if corr[0] == "del": original_text = original_text[:adjusted_idx] + original_text[adjusted_idx + 1 :] total_shift -= 1 elif corr[0] == "add": original_text = original_text[:adjusted_idx] + corr[1] + original_text[adjusted_idx:] corrected_text.append(original_text) return "\n\n".join(corrected_text) if __name__ == "__main__": TEST_DATA_FILE = sys.argv[1] IGC_PATH = sys.argv[2] correction_map = get_correction_map() xml_paragraphs = get_xml_paragraphs() corrected_text = change_text(correction_map, xml_paragraphs) print(corrected_text)