                "I’ll not deny you’re very beautiful." He said. "But seeing the heartbreak it brought my mother, I would never bind myself to an Elf."
                Alleria nodded. She knew the story of his parents. It made sense that on some level he might think that way.
                "I can understand why you would say that, Mason. But, I assure you, you did not feel that way yesterday. Or if you did, you had made peace with it."
                He picked up a stick and poked idly at the fire with it. "Perhaps this punishment of Strahd’s is for the best then."
                "How can you say that after what I have just told you?" She was taken aback slightly.
                "It would never work between us in the long run. Your kind is too fickle of heart and cruel. We are all just your play things..."
                Alleria looked as if he had struck her, eyes wide and mouth agape. "You are the one who is being cruel, Mason. Your feelings for me may have been stolen, but mine were not. I would have thought you not so unkind as to speak to me so, knowing that."
                "Then I am truly sorry." He said duly, without any hint of emotion. "That he did not curse us both." He tossed the stick into the fire and wiped his hands off on his pants. His gaze stayed firmly on the flames though, with not even a sidelong glance to her.
                "He wanted one of us to suffer loss, like he had. I suppose." She murmured softly. "We should be thankful he did not just take one of us like he did last time. I could not have bared it. At least I know you are alive." With that said, she stood back up and strode away from the fire.
                After a few minutes the mournful how of a wolf broke the quiet night sky. It was soon joined by a full chorus of others of varying volume and proximity.
                The morning mountain air was harsh and biting, forcing everyone to hurry to break camp. It had not been as cold the night before, but it looked like a storm was moving in. Regardless of how their day went in the temple, it looked as if they would be forced to stay for a while. Alleria’s mind was preoccupied with her conversation with Mason the night before. Finding the tools to kill Strahd and return home was her only focus now.
                They found opposition inside the temple, barbarians, demonic skulls, mad wizard apprentices and even a group of witches. None of it proved too difficult, as they had chosen to take their time, be thorough and rest often. The amber guardians proved to be the most difficult. They appeared to take no damage from non-magical sources.  Tallonon was disappointed, as he had summoned a large earth elemental to assist him and its attacks had no effect on the guardians.
                They encountered the Mad Apprentice in a scorched chamber on the far side of the temple. The frail little man with burn marks on his skin explained he had come to the temple with his master, but had fled when they were attacked by the flame skulls. Unfortunately, the group had come across the remains of what they suspected was this addled little man’s master. His charred corpse had been in the room with three flame skulls.
                Offering to take him with them, the Apprentice declined. He wasn’t of his right mind, and was quite firm he must remain where he was. That it was safe there. He boasted having an item of power that would protect him, though he wouldn’t reveal any details about it.  Once they had left the man behind, Quintis showed off a shiny amulet he had nicked from him.
                Tallonon looked the amulet over, checking it for magics and then announced, "When you speak the magic word, it will summon a shield guardian to fight for you." He told Quintis.
                 "That could be a big help, against Strahd." Both Quintis and Keening said in near perfect unison.
                Dhamon looked a little dubious, perhaps not overly happy about leaving the Mad Apprentice alone without protection.
                They had searched nearly the entirety of the temple and still not found what they had come for. In fact, it was completely by accident that Alleria found a secret door in the walls of one of the chambers. Behind the door, in a closet like room, there was a chest suspended from the ceiling. Upon future inspection, Quintis found that the chest was trapped and when he used his trickster magic to manipulate it from a distance, a deluge of skulls poured from the chest and the floor of the room gave way. A door on the other side of the room was revealed as well.
                Keening pointed out a trap was a good sign they were on the right path, and the others were inclined to agree with him. They rested for a short while, discussing how to get past a room without a floor. During a brief meal and a drink, it was decided that Alleria would magically imbue Dhamon with the ability to climb walls like a spider. That he would tie a rope to the now empty chest that was suspended from the ceiling, and the rest would swing across.  It worked like a charm, but seeing Dhamon, fully dressed in plate armor and carrying a heavy pack, scuttling along the walls like a bug – or ghoul – was disconcerting to more than one of them.
                What they found on the otherwise was extremely unsettling.
                The second secret door opened into what would have once been a grand sitting room. On the far side a large arch leaded to a large library and a spiral staircase. The furniture of the sitting room looked like it had once been made of hand carved wood, fine velvet and delicately woven fabrics.
                Baasha had been checking a small table by a large green velvet armchair when she let out a startled screaming, jumping backwards and drawing her bow. "It moved!"
                The it she spoke of, was not a chair, like she had first thought, but an emaciated corpse. It was so gaunt and covered in cobwebs. It was nearly completely sunken into the cushioned chair and thus easily missed.
                Undeath had not been kind to the protector of the temple. His head, which was no more than a skull with a thin layer of nearly transparent tissue paper like skin stretched across it, lolled to the side slightly. The corpse leaned forward, as if to get a better look at the group, though where there had once been eyes, there were now only empty, lifeless pits.
                It made no move to attack, but Dhamon hefted up his shield, the Sunsword glowing in his hand and ready to strike. Baasha was still trying to calm herself, with Mason placing a hand on her shoulder to steady her. Quintis was, nowhere to be seen, having snuck off into one of the shadowy corners of the large room, no doubt poised and ready to attack. Kasimir, who had gone to the library to search for information, was nowhere in sight either.  Alleria, though not shapeshifted, still appeared to have her hackles up. The presence of undead always put her on guard. Tallonon stood to her right, murmuring an incantation under his breath.
                "I know what it is you seek." He corpse said, his voice dry as dust. "Know that if it were up to myself, I would turn it over without a struggle. But, my bond will not allow it."
                It was Dhamon who spoke first, "Please, guardian, we have no desire to fight you. We require the Holy Symbol if we are to defeat Strahd and free this land."
                Alleria gave the Paladin an incredulous look. "Speak for yourself, Dhamon. I will fight and kill this abomination. Have the Undead become so common place for you that you will parley with them like this?"
                Mason eyed Alleria and piped up. "Some of us would just like to return home. We have bigger fish to fry. Our quarrel is not with you...?" he let his words trail off, questioningly.
                "Exethanter. Though my name matters not." The husk of the man rose, and though he looked like he should crumble to dust at the barest of movements, stayed completely intact. His robes were likewise tattered and threadbare, with the pieces falling off as he moved.
                "As I said, I cannot willingly aid you!" he voice was strong and firm, a complete contradiction to his form.  The air around him began to crackle with necrotic energy.
                The group took the show of magic as a sign that the conversation had ended and weapons were drawn. The dark energies swirling around the Guardian built and then exploded in a shockwave in all directions from him. 
                Those that were visible, were bowled over and laid out on their backs. But, not before the spell that Tallonon had been holding went off.  A large circle of glowing runes appeared on the ground where he, Alleria and Keening now were laid out.
                "Baasha, move to the circle!" The half-Drow called out from the floor.
                Shaking off the effects of the shockwave, they moved back to their feet. Alleria, still standing in the protective circle, took a minute to cast a spell as well. The air crackled and sparked around her as she murmured an incantation. 
                Mason moved to the circle as well, pulling out his blade and calling on the divine, "Valkur, aid my friends!" Again, a sea-mist like shimmer rained down on Dhamon, Alleria and Baasha.  Keening, deciding to stay in the safety of the runic circle as well, pulled out his lute and began to play.  His melodic voice paired perfectly with the notes of his instrument. The fervor of the song continued to build as the Bard recounted a tale of a brave Knight and his army who faced down an evil god and his demonic minions.
                Dhamon abandoned his sword and shield as he struggled to regain his footing. He was dead center of the path of the Lich, vulnerable and defenseless. As the husk of a man began to cast again, his frail boney fingers moving in an intricate pattern. Quintis leapt out from the shadows to attack.  With one expertly aimed strike, he slashed at its desiccated hands, severing one completely and leaving the other hanging by a bleached looking wrist bone. 
                There was no sound of pain from Exethanter, no verbal queue that he had just lost a hand, and nearly a second. "I still have magic enough to kill you all." He hissed.
                Dhamon scrambled to his feet, equipping his shield before once again taking up the Sunsword. Baasha rolled to the safety of Tallonon’s circle and then popped up to her feet, taking up her bow and drawing an arrow in one fluid, well-practiced movement. Keening’s heroic tale of yore finished in concert with Alleria’s spell.  The room was filled with moonlight, as if a giant hole had been cut from the ceiling of the room. It centered on Exethanter and the radiant light caused the thin layer of flesh to pop and peel from his boney frame.
                Though Exethanter was far more formidable in death, than he had been in life, he was still no match for the sheer force and determination of the group. And, while in his heart, or whatever memory of what it had once been, he wanted to help the adventurers. Their quest aligned with his desire, as he too wished to be free. Whatever vow he had taken before he died, it permitted him from willingly sharing the secrets of the Amber Temple with anyone.
                "YOU WILL ALL LEAVE NOW!" he commanded, having to rely in spells that did not require him to use his hands. It was not the best choice of spells, given the protective circle.
                Dhamon was the only member of the party fully vulnerable to the command, but his Paladin discipline was strong enough that he would take no orders from the Undead.  Mason rushed up to assist Dhamon and both struck with the fury of the gods. Their magic blades slashed and cut into Exethanter’s frail form.
                Baasha, protected by the runic circle, ignored the command and let fly one arrow, and then another. At such a close range, her aim was impeccable and had the creature before them still been living, the arrows would have caused fatal damage. 
                They had no way of telling if they were hurting him. He didn’t bleed. He didn’t react to their blows. He didn’t show pain. His lack of hands didn’t seem to be slowing him down either.
                 "Enough!" he said in a harsh whisper and then, he was no longer standing in front of his chair.
                "Where did he go?" Baasha cried as she glanced around quickly.
                "I can’t see...I can’t see anything!" Dhamon cried out, waving his hands in front of his face. A cloud of inky blackness clung to the upper half of his face like a mask. He collided with Mason who was standing still, in one place, a dumbfounded expression on his face.
                Tallonon and Keening both turned around at the same time, to see the Lich had teleported inside of their protective circle and was in the process of casting another spell.
                "He must have stopped time!" Tallonon said as he reflexively fired off two bolt of crackling energy at the desiccated mage.
                Keening, stumbled back, dropping his lute. Clearly he was more disturbed than the others by being so close the horrific sight that was the temple’s Guardian. He nearly cried out the words of his spell, "You were a failure in life and in unlife as well!" The Bard mocked, though not very viciously.
                Tallonon’s blasts slammed hard into its chest, the cracking of brittle bones accompanying it. The spell also knocked him backwards and out of the protective circle.
                Alleria chose to cease the magic moonlight, rather than move it to where Exethanter had reappeared. With Dhamon temporarily out of the fight, she shapeshifted into a large white bear and moved in close.  With her large clawed paws, she swiped at the Mage and then leaned in to bite deep into its boney shoulder. She hoped to distract it so the others could wear it down with precision shots and magic.
                Quintis was eager to oblige, moving in behind Exethanter to stab twice at lightning fast speed with his rapier.  Baasha, not to be outdone by Quintis’ swiftness, volleyed another pair of holy oil dipped arrows in rapid succession.
                Still, they had no immediate sign they were winning or losing.
                "I tried to make you leave, I tried to spare you, but you wouldn’t listen. So be it." The guardian wheezed. He focused intently at Mason, black necrotic energy swirling around him as he opened his mouth to speak once again.
                At that moment, Kasimir walked back into the sitting room, an open book in one hand. "Friends, I believe I have..." He blinked a single time as he surveyed the scene in front of him, and though as if without much thought, he raised his free hand and pointed a finger at the Lich. His lips barely moved and a ray of sickly green energy sprung from his finger, connecting with its target.
                None of them, least of all Exethanter, had time to react. His body was already barely one step away from dust, and the spell reduced him to nothing more than a pile of powder.  Glinting in the pile was a silver sun shaped amulet with a large red gem in the center.
                Tallonon stepped forward and picked up the amulet, studying it closely. "I do believe this is it." He said and looked up at the others. "Mason should have it."
                Mason’s stun was starting to wear off and Dhamon was blinking, his vision slowly coming back.
                Kasimir looked perplexed by the situation. "I fear I cannot leave you lot alone for a single moment. How did you manage before I came along? Surely you should have all perished." He looked to Mason. "He was about to speak a Death Word at you. You’re extremely fortunate I came back when I did. Now, as I was saying, I do believe I have found the source of the magics I need to bring back my sister. Would you care to accompany me?" He paused and then added, "Perhaps you should, for your own safety."
                They insisted on resting for a few minutes, to give Mason and Dhamon time to recover. When they were ready to travel again, Tallonon handed the holy symbol over to Mason. "I think this is best in your hands. Hopefully your god will not be jealous."
                "Valkur favors those who solve their own problems. I believe this relic will aid in doing just that." Mason said with a wide grin. He clasped Tallonon on the shoulder, smiling at his half-Drow comrade. He put the chain around his neck, hiding the symbol under his shirt.
                While they were still quite spent, the group followed Kasimir into the library and down to the lower floor. He led them to a side room with three dusty sarcophagi. "This one, here..." he motioned to the one in the center. "It told me..."
                "It told you?" Alleria asked, her nose crinkled up in more than mild distaste.
                "Yes, it told me that it would grant me the power to resurrect the dead." He explained, sounding completely casual about it.
                "At what price?" Alleria asked. "Do you not have any priests that could bring back your sister?" The notion of using dark magic or ancient relics to bring back the dead did not sit well with her.
                "No, this is the only way." The Dusk Elf said, firmly and fearing one of them would try to stop him, he touched the sarcophagus. Before their eyes, he transformed into something that looked very different. His skin paled to the point of looking translucent, his veins visible in many places. Patches of his hair fell out and his eyes went milky white as well. Even a few of his teeth fell out. In short, he looked like he had become a ghoul.
                Keening recoiled, stumbling back and both Alleria and Baasha gasped something. It was Dhamon who spoke though, "Kasimir, you look...dead."
                The grim looking figure nodded, his thin lips looking strained as he talked. "It told me I would take on the appearance of death. This is..." he looked down at his hands. "...more extreme than I had imagined. But, there was no price too steep to rescue my sister."
                "Your people, will then accept you like this?" Alleria asked.
                "It matters not, my sister will be returned to me, and that is all that matters. I..." He hesitated, pulling his attention away from his hands. "I thank you for your help, but I must leave you now. Please, be careful, and good luck with Strahd."  Without another word, Kasimir shuffled out of the room and off into the darkness.
                Though tempted to explore the rest of the temple to see what other treasures it might hold, it was decided that they would return to the upper floor and wait out the storm. They had all the items needed to beat Strahd, none of them wanted to delay that more than required. Luckily, they encountered no resistance, and made camp in a side room near the main entrance.  A lengthy discussion on what exactly to do next was not required and it was decided they would take the fight directly to Strahd.
                It was fortunate for them they had taken the full night’s rest, as the next day, when they stepped outside to check on the weather, they found they were surrounded by legions of undead. At first, the situation seemed manageable, as they cut down a dozen or so skeletons with relative ease. Then the flameskulls arrived, and then a wave of vampire spawn and ghouls.
                It wasn’t long before they were completely outnumbered and overwhelmed. One by one, each of them fell to their wounds or were knocked unconscious.
                For one who doesn’t sleep, who’s mind is never truly switched off, coming to and not knowing where you are is extremely disconcerting. Alleria sat up, quickly glancing around to assess her predicament. She saw her friends nearby, laid out in similar fashion on rough stone slabs. They were unconscious, but unbound.
                "I was hoping you would be the first to wake." Count Strahd von Zarovich, the Devil of Barovia, stood before her. His voice was cold and stark, devoid of any emotion. He cut an impressive silhouette in the dim candle light of the large room.
                Stepping closer, he raised his hand to show her a glass vial. "As I am sure you have discovered by now, I have ruled this land for a very long time." He paused, almost as if for dramatic effect. "The mists have brought many people here, before you and will continue to do so long after you are...gone." He stressed the last word, more than implying he did not mean gone as in going home.
                "None have gotten as far as your little band has, but that does not mean I had not planned for such an event."  He stayed stone still as he spoke, his voice unwavering.
                Alleria listened closely, without comment. She knew it behooved her to remain calm, that out right attacking the Vampire Lord would accomplish nothing, but perhaps her own end. Still, it was difficult. Her jaw had already begun to ache from clenching.
                "Now, I may not be able to send you home, but I do have something else that might persuade you to...stay your hand." He held the small bottle up again, shaking it this time, so that the thick silvery liquid inside sloshed around.
                "And what would possibly interest me more than going home?" She asked curtly, her jaw still clenched tightly.
                "Why, your lover’s memories, of course." A sick smile played on his lips as he waited for the Elf’s reaction.
                "How convenient." She scoffed. "And for this gift, I am supposed to abandon my companions?"
                "I know your loss, child. Countless centuries of heartache." Though there was no show of such heartbreak on his face. "Is that really what you wish?"
                "Not at the price you ask. Not if it serves to continue your evil." Alleria’s voice was firm. She wanted that vial with all her heart, but she was not prepared to strike a bargain with a devil.  "Your offer is clearly motivated by fear."
                She could hear the others starting to rouse behind her. "No, I think I will fight." She slid down off the stone slab, shapeshifting into a large white bear as she did. "I will take Mason’s memories from your corpse, when we are through with you."
                 "Then you are a fool!" he said, a flash of anger in his eyes. Before she could attack, he stepped away from her and phased through the wall as if he were mist.
                Castle Ravenloft was filed with various traps and pitfalls, and it took the group several hours of searching before they crossed paths with Strahd again. They thought it had been luck, but he had drawn them to that location, feeling it granted him the greatest advantage.  The ambush scattered them like rats.
                The battle that ensued was not one that would be measured in minutes, but hours. As they had been taken by surprise, there had been little time to formulate an actual plan. Thus, the first portion of the fight served no purpose, only wearing them down as Strahd magically shrugged off their strikes. Even the cuts and slashes made by Dhamon with the Sunsword were brushed off. Meanwhile, Strahd battered against Dhamon and Mason’s shields repeatedly, wearing them down and slashing up their armor.
                When it became apparent to Tallonon that they were making no headway, he pulled Quintis aside.  Amid the battle, he urged Quintis to search the castle Strahd’s lair, to find his casket. "Use what you read in the Tome, find where he is vulnerable." The half-Drow whispered.
                Quintis was the best suited for the task, skilled at discovering the hidden and slipping unseen through rooms of potential foes. Though Alleria could have just easily snuck through the castle as a bat or rat, Strahd would have noticed if the giant white bear had disengaged from the fight. It took Quintis only half an hour to find the location of Strahd’s casket, but equally as long to get back to the group, given the number of restless undead that walked the castle’s halls.
                Seeing the group was beginning to tire, Keening put away his short sword and took up his lute. He played a rousing and peppy tune, singing words about an underdog knight who bested a monstrous barbarian in single combat. Mason likewise pulled back from the fight to cast some healing magic on the group, closing some of their wounds.
                Using a combination of gestures and prestidigitation, Quintis successfully relayed the direction of which way they needed to move. With coordinated strikes, they maneuvered Strahd to the room that held his coffin.  It looked more like a fancy sitting room than an evil lair, though Alleria wasn’t sure what she had expected they would find – other than a coffin.
                The thick mists of the land might have blocked the sun’s light and made it difficult to tell dusk from dawn, but Strahd could still keenly feel the approach of a sunrise. He still needed to retire to his coffin for the daylight hours. And as dawn quickly approached, he was at his weakness. He had never dreamed the outsiders would have lasted this long, nor that they would find his coffin. He cursed himself for his own arrogance.
                The group didn’t rest, nor did they give up, even though up until that moment, he had looked as healthy as he had when they first encountered him. Then, one of Baasha’s arrows hit Strahd in the shoulder. It sunk deep into his pale flesh and blood trickled from the wound, staining his flawless coat.
                With the protection of the Crystal Heart used up, Strahd had to make the choice: flee or summon aid.   
                He was denied that choice as Mason disengaged from the fight. The priest pulled the silver and ruby holy symbol from beneath his shirt and activated it.  The room was bathed in a blinding burst of holy light and its effect was immediately apparent.  Strahd howled with pain, his flesh seared where the beams of divine light struck him. Even with half his face smoldering, he parried Dhamon with ease and effortlessly brushed Quintis aside. He was intent on reaching Mason to snuff out that holy light.
                Baasha buried another round of blessed arrows into the Vampire Lord’s torso. The large white bear attacked from behind, grabbing him by the back of the back of the neck to sink dagger sized teeth deep into what remained of his charred flesh.
                Stumbling back, away from Strahd, Mason managed to only just keep his footing, holding the religion icon aloft and aimed at Strahd.  "Valkur protect me!" he shouted, determination written plainly across his face. Dhamon likewise called out for divine assistance, "Torm, aid us in our quest!" He attempted to brace his shield against the Vampire Lord to impede his progress.