                 "Aye, aye my Captain. My Siren, my Nymph, my goddess..." He replied, awkwardly stepping out of his clothing, hopping on one for and nearly falling over in the process. Once naked, he crawled into the tub with her. His presence caused the water to rise to their chests.
                 "Captain." She replied simply with a broad grin.
                Sloshing about, he moved to her side of the tub, his hands moving to her wet body as his lips sought out hers. She had no issues with him kissing her in his tipsy state.
                Between somewhat sloppy kisses, she murmured, "You’re a little drunk, lover and very naked. I hope you can control yourself and keep your vow."
                 "There is still so much of you to explore, my dearest. I will be on my best behavior." His mouth reclaimed hers, kissing her deeply while his hands came to rest on her knees.
                 "You’re make a very good point." She replied as she ran her hands up his arms, coming to rest on his shoulders. Done with words for now she nibbled his bottom lip playfully.
                His hands sunk below the surface of the bath water as he ran them down her thighs to where her legs met. Delicately, exploringly he caressed the bare mound there. "So smooth." He whispered between kisses. Teasingly she ran a thumb over the divide where her netherlips met.
                Pulling her head back from his she smiled but said nothing for the moment. She let him explore on his own without distraction or guidance from her.
                 "You’ll find I’m quite adept at holding my breath, but I would rather not drown myself in this tub pearl diving." A drunken grin was plastered across his face.
                Alleria laughed softly, "You’d like to move to the bed? Just as well. I am starting to wrinkle." She slid out from under him and stepped out of the tub. Rivulets of water ran down her former, trickling to the floor and pooling at her feet.
                Mason inhaled deeply in an appreciative manner. "You are so beautiful." He whispered, taking in the full sight of her.  "You’ll never cease to amaze me, both in beauty and your agreeable nature when it comes to my needs." He stepped from the bath carefully, stumbling and nearly falling as he did.
                She chuckled at his comment. "Agreeable? You make it sound like a chore." She went searching for a towel to dry herself off. As she reached for one, he grabbed it away.
                He placed his hands on her hips and squeezing them gently. "I want you wet." He smirked and his hands went to her rear end, lifting and kneading her firm cheeks. Pulling her closer, he rubbed his hard shaft against her damp body as he began to walk her backwards to the bed.
                 "I assure you, Mason, I am." She said with a sly smile and an equally devilish wink. When the backs of her legs hit the side of the bed, she fell back slightly and only his hold on her stopped her from falling onto her back.
                He wasn’t all that steady himself, the drink making him clumsy. As he leaned in to kiss her, he lost his balance and they both tumbled onto the bed, laughing.  It put them in a rather precarious position though, as with one good thrust of his hips, he could have broken his promise to her.
                Feeling her body pressing up against his, damp and warm with desire, his passions flamed and he once again sought out her mouth with his own. He kissed her hungrily, his lips tugging at hers, their tongues meeting.  His lips moved from hers, to her cheek, to her throat and back. The brush of his lips excited her skin, leaving a trail of goosebumps where ever they touched.
                Sliding down her body, he kissed his way down her throat, pausing at each of her breasts to claim them between his lips, to run his tongue over her nipples. He could hear her excitement, the catch of her breath in her throat as he teased each sensitive nub. It drove him on. As he made his way down her stomach, he ceased his kisses, running his tongue along her damp skin instead.
                Alleria lifted her head from the bed, watching his progress along her body. Her expression was appraising and curious. As he slipped off the bed to his knees and spread her legs open, she couldn’t help but laugh softly at him.
                Placing his hands on her knees, he couldn’t help but stare at her smooth body with hunger in his eyes. Wetting his lips and swallowing, his gaze flicked to her face for a moment before his head dipped. He slid his hands the rest of the way up her thighs to where they met. Like he had in the bath, he slowly ran a thumb along the edges of her netherlips. He was entranced by the view, by the feel of her smooth skin.
                Resting her head back onto the bed, Alleria shut her eyes and exhaled softly as she savored his touch. He placed a single, yet sloppy, kiss on each thigh before turning his lips to hers, parting them with her tongue. Probing and teasing with his tongue, drinking in the taste and smell of her arousal for him.
                Her body writhed and squirmed in response to his ministrations, each caress of his fingers and brush of his tongue causing her body to crackle with electricity. Her hands clutched at the bed sheets, her nails digging into the bed. Between low moans, she whispered his name repeatedly, urging him on.
                Despite being extremely enthusiastic, Mason had consumed a goodly amount of alcohol that evening. Not enough to impede his mind or desire to pleasure his woman, but enough that his body had different plans for the night.
                At first, Alleria thought he had simply paused for a moment to catch his breath or marvel at her bare figure. As the moments passed with both Mason’s mouth and hands falling silent, Alleria lifted her head to look down her body at him.
                An amused expression formed on her lips immediately when she saw that Mason had passed out, his cheek pressed up against one of her thighs.
                 "Oh, Mason." Sighing, though still with a smile on her face, she wriggled out from under her drunken sailor. She was mindful to do so in such a way that he wouldn’t slump back and fall on the floor. It took some effort, but she managed to drag him up onto the bed and under the covers.
                 "You will owe me one for this, my sweet sweet fool." She whispered into his ear after kissing his cheek gently. "And I am not likely to ever let you live it down."  She added as she crawled under the covers with him.
                In the morning, as they readied to depart, they were approached at the Inn by one of the native Dusk Elves. He explained that he was seeking individuals who possessed both ability and bravery to fight Strahd.
                "That is our quest." Dhamon explained, "The Vistani tasked us with finding three objects that would help defeat the Vampire Lord, but up until now, we have been unable to find any information about the third."
                "Do you know anything of large doors crafted of amber?" Tallonon asked, though his tone would suggest he wasn’t hopeful. They had asked everyone and anyone from the Village of Barovia to Krazk and back with no luck.
                The Dusk Elf smiled, "I do indeed know of the place you seek, and I will take you there, on one condition."
                Alleria, Baasha, Keening and Quintis remained silent, content to let the other two speak for them, or use the time to assess the Elf and his credibility.
                "All I ask is you take me with you. The amber doors you seek belong to the Amber Temple. It was once a place of great power. It still is, but like everything else in this land, it has succumbed to darkness. I wish to search the troves there in the hopes of finding something to bring my dead sister back to life.  Strahd drove her to madness and she killed herself." He said, his face emotionless.
                The Rogue and Bard both gave a nod to Dhamon, letting him know the strange Elf was telling the truth.
                Alleria bit her tongue. It was one thing to bring the dead back to life, but to use an item of dark magic, that went against her principles.
                When it was decided that they would help him, the Elf introduced himself as Kasimir and he was formally invited to join their group.
                When Kasimir explained that they would be journeying into the mountains, the party set off to the general store to buy any additional supplies they would need. Alleria stayed behind, mediating to prepare her spells for the day. She was pleased to find, that as she communed with the Mother, that she had been granted new powers, including the ability to shapeshift into more powerful beasts – namely those that could fly.
                Between the information they had gained from the Abbot, and now Kasimir, they could chart a course through the forest and foothills that would lead them to the mountain pass that was the only access to the Amber Temple.  There was a renewed sense of purpose that rippled through the group, no longer were they wandering aimlessly across Barovia. They final item they needed to defeat Strahd was within reach.
                Marching across Barovia gave Alleria and Mason ample time to actually talk. And while she didn’t announce it so the entire group could hear, she made sure to playfully mock Mason for the night before.  Once she had him begging for mercy and promising her the moon and the stars in apology, she finally let it be. From there their conversation turned to more serious matters: the past, the future, hopes, dreams, desires.  She had requested a relationship of more than just physical intimacy, and it was this sort of deep conversation that she had meant.
                She was genuinely heartbroken when Mason told her he had been on his way home, hoping to see his dying mother one last time when the mists took him. Trying to use levity to brighten his mood, she put forth that, given Elven longevity, she might know or even be related to his father. The idea of it did at least get a smile out of him. 
                "Have you given any thought to what you will do when, and if, we are returned home?" She asked, as they walked side by side in the middle of the groups loose marching formation.
                "I will continue with my original plan." He said. "I am sure that too much time has passed, but I still have to go, just in case." His smile was forced, his face not holding any of its usual good natured disposition.
                Alleria nodded. "If we are dropped off back where the mists originally took us, I will be quite a way to the north."
                "After all the walking I’ve done here, nothing seems too far away now." There was a small glimmer of a genuine smile from him. "In the even that is the case, I suppose we should pick a place to meet. That is, if you wish to continue this?" He asked, trying not to sound too invested in her response.
                "Yes, I would like that, very much." She said simply. Giving it some thought, she fell silent, trying to come up with a location that would be central to them both.
                Before she could off up any possibilities, the air began to chill around them and the sky darken. The blackest of nights descended on them, and even those with the gift of dark vision could not penetrate the shadows. It choked off all sights and sounds in their immediate area.
                An ominous voice boomed around them, coming from within the darkness.
                "You have stolen from me! You have cheated me of my prize!"
                Though he could see no attack, Mason threw himself on top of Alleria, knocking her to the ground. Strahd had already taken one of their number before, and the Cleric wasn’t about to allow a repeat of it.
                In confusion, Alleria fought him at first, though when it occurred to her that he was shielding her, she relaxed.
                "Now one of you will suffer the same fate!" The voice thundered ominously.
                The words caused a chill to trickle down Alleria’s spine like ice water. They had stolen Strahd’s bride to be by freeing her. If he meant to do the same to them...she and Mason were the only two romantically linked in the party.  She could still feel Mason atop her, protecting her. She could feel his breath on her neck and his hand on her wrist was still warm with life. Could Strahd have meant something else?
                As quickly as it had fallen, the darkness lifted and they could see each other again. She waited for Mason to rise before standing up as well.
                It was Dhamon who spoke first. "Everyone still here, and all right?" he asked, is voice full of concern.
                "Aye." Tallonon replied and one by one, the others chimed in.
                "I am still here, and fine." Alleria added as she dusted herself off. When Mason didn’t add his voice to the chorus, she looked to him with concern. "Mason?"
                The look on the Half-Elf’s face was clearly one of confusion.
                "Who are you people?" He asked, his hand moving to rest on the hilt of his short sword. It was plainly evident, from his expression, that he was not joking this time.
                "Not funny, Mason." Baasha said, frowning slightly.
                "I assure you, my fair maiden that I am not attempting to be humorous."
                "Strahd must have done something to his mind." Alleria offered, looking on with concern. Turning to him, she asked, "Mason, what is the last thing you remember?"
                His hand moved from his sword hilt to his face, rubbing his chin in thought. I was making my way up the Sword Coast to visit my mother. I remember waking up to a strangely heavy fog one morn..." He assumed a far away and thoughtful look, searching his memory for any additional memories.
                "That would have been nearly two months ago, Mason." Dhamon explained. "You don’t recall any of what has happened here?"
                "Where is here..." Mason asked, glancing about. "No, from what you’re telling me, I suppose not."
                "We’re in a land called Barovia. Which is, as best we can tell, not part of Faerun at all."  Baasha explained.
                Tallonon continued, "The land is ruled by a monster, a vampire lord named Baron Strahd von Zarovich.  He’s unlike any vampire we’ve ever heard of, ten-fold stronger and has a strangle hold on the land and its peoples."
                "The mists brought us all here. You, Dhamon, Keening and Quintis first." She motioned to each of them as she named them off. "Then Tallonon and I joined, and most recently, Alleria."
                Alleria dipped her head as Baasha "introduced’ her.
                "Aye. A strange group to be sure." He paid Tallonon an especially critical once over, to which the Half-Drow rolled his red eyes.
                "We are friends. I assure you. You even vouched for my character when she arrived." Tallonon jerked his head towards Alleria.
                Mason chuckled, "Alright then, friends. You seem a trustworthy lot, and Valkur would seem to agree."
                Alleria seemed content with what the others had said in way of explanation, adding nothing more herself.  She was more intent on studying Mason for any signs that his condition was hopefully, only temporary.
                Kasimir, whom they had all but forgotten, stepped out of the tree line to their right. "Did I miss something?" he asked curiously, wondering why the group had stopped walking.
                "Only Strahd." Dhamon said, his tone dry.
                "Aye, apparently, he has stolen my memories." Mason said with a weak shrug, a hand moving to his hair to brush it out of his eyes.
                The Dusk Elf looked taken a back. "I wasn’t gone -that- long, nor did I think I had scouted that far ahead. "One would have to guess though, much like getting you all home, that killing Strahd would be the solution."
                A few of them nodded in agreement, but nowhere had they read, nor had anyone told them, that killing Strahd once and for all would do anything other than end his reign of terror over the land. There were no guarantees that the mists would lift.
                "Yes, it might be nice if you could remember the last two months." Alleria murmured softly to herself.
                Dhamon continued, "We would help regardless. It is the right thing to do. None the less, returning Mason’s memories and going home would still be an agreeable conclusion as well."
                "Nothing important was ever accomplished by standing around yapping about it." Mason said, his usual puckish grin having returned to his face. "Let’s get me my memories back and send us all home. Oh, and free the people." He said with a clap of the hands.
                Alleria had been able to hold her tongue, waiting until their trek resumed to ask Mason if he remembered their relationship. She didn’t get the chance though, as he gave Baasha a sweeping bow. "Tell me more of this land, and all it has to offer, my fair lass."
                "Could he really have forgotten all that had happened between the two of them? Furthermore, if he did not, how could he snub her in favor of Baasha? She never thought Mason shallow, but beautiful women were a weakness of his. There was no way he could pick the Baasha over her.’ Alleria thought to herself, a frown forming in her fair face.
                They had never officially announced themselves a couple, but they had certainly fallen short of everything but that. Baasha certainly had to be in the know, so as Mason put all his attentions on her, Baasha only gave Alleria an awkward little shrug.
                The Elf shrugged back and motioned for Baasha to just go with it. She had already made her mind up to wait until evening, when they could be alone.
                "I will scout ahead with Kasimir." Alleria said and shapeshifted into her signature white dire wolf.
                "Valkur’s Beard! You don’t see that every day!" Mason exclaimed.
                "Actually, Mason. We do." Keening offered with a chuckle.
                "You, more so than the rest of us." Dhamon added as they watched the wolf bound off down the road to catch up to the Dusk Elf, that had once again slipped off without notice.
               The day was spent, in its entirety, by walking to their destination. This had provided Mason with all the time he needed to reacquaint himself with the rest of the group. Save for Alleria, as she had kept her distance, always on the periphery and always shapeshifted.
                Her mind was set to task. Finding the lost relic would mean they could face Strahd and put an end to all of this.  They made camp outside the temple with the amber doors that they had searched so long for. After a full day of walking, most of the group was eager to sleep. Mason had volunteered to take last watch, so Alleria tranced early. She would take that opportunity to talk to him.
                Once rested, she patrolled the perimeter of the camp, coming back to the fire once Mason was awake for his watch.
                "I hear you." He called out, as she padded up to his place by the fire and shapeshifted back.
                "Only because I wanted you to." She replied and crouched down, resting on her toes beside him at the fire. "Have you pieced it together then? Why Strahd did this to you?" The fading light from the fire made him look older, the fine weathering of his face more pronounced. He looked more serious than she could recall ever seeing him before.
                "Aye" He replied, reaching up to run his fingers through his long brown hair, checking for twigs or leaves. "I can’t say that any of it makes much sense though."
                "He is vengeful."
                "Aye, no. I get that much. What I cannot fathom is why he would single me out."
                At that moment, she realized the others had not told Mason the full truth of the matter. "We took his love away from him. So, he took away ours. Erased it."
                "Ours?" Deep lines of confusion etched in his brow.
                "Yes. Ours. It had not been very long, but..." She went on to tell him of how they had been separated from the others and grown closer. How they had been lovers since then, if only for a brief time.
                "Me? In love with an Elf?" That hardly sounds in character.
                "Yes. You had not given me much peace since I arrived." She said with the faintest of smiles.