Crystal B-evidence Structure I-evidence of O the O SPOC B-structure_element Domain O of O the O Arabidopsis B-taxonomy_domain Flowering B-protein_type Regulator I-protein_type FPA B-protein The O Arabidopsis B-taxonomy_domain protein O FPA B-protein controls O flowering O time O by O regulating O the O alternative O 3 O ′- O end O processing O of O the O FLOWERING B-gene LOCUS I-gene ( O FLC B-gene ) O antisense B-chemical RNA I-chemical . O FPA B-protein belongs O to O the O split B-protein_type ends I-protein_type ( O SPEN B-protein_type ) O family O of O proteins O , O which O contain O N O - O terminal O RNA B-structure_element recognition I-structure_element motifs I-structure_element ( O RRMs B-structure_element ) O and O a O SPEN B-structure_element paralog I-structure_element and I-structure_element ortholog I-structure_element C I-structure_element - I-structure_element terminal I-structure_element ( O SPOC B-structure_element ) O domain O . O The O SPOC B-structure_element domain O is O highly B-protein_state conserved I-protein_state among O FPA B-protein homologs O in O plants B-taxonomy_domain , O but O the O conservation O with O the O domain O in O other O SPEN B-protein_type proteins O is O much O lower O . O We O have O determined O the O crystal B-evidence structure I-evidence of O Arabidopsis B-species thaliana I-species FPA B-protein SPOC B-structure_element domain O at O 2 O . O 7 O Å O resolution O . O The O overall O structure B-evidence is O similar O to O that O of O the O SPOC B-structure_element domain O in O human B-species SMRT B-protein / I-protein HDAC1 I-protein Associated I-protein Repressor I-protein Protein I-protein ( O SHARP B-protein ), O although O there O are O also O substantial O conformational O differences O between O them O . O Structural B-experimental_method and I-experimental_method sequence I-experimental_method analyses I-experimental_method identify O a O surface B-site patch I-site that O is O conserved B-protein_state among O plant B-taxonomy_domain FPA B-protein homologs O . O Mutations B-experimental_method of O two O residues O in O this O surface B-site patch I-site did O not O disrupt O FPA B-protein functions O , O suggesting O that O either O the O SPOC B-structure_element domain O is O not O required O for O the O role O of O FPA B-protein in O regulating O RNA B-chemical 3 O ′- O end O formation O or O the O functions O of O the O FPA B-protein SPOC B-structure_element domain O cannot O be O disrupted O by O the O combination O of O mutations O , O in O contrast O to O observations O with O the O SHARP B-protein SPOC B-structure_element domain O . O Eukaryotic B-taxonomy_domain messenger B-chemical RNAs I-chemical ( O mRNAs B-chemical ) O are O made O as O precursors O through O transcription O by O RNA B-complex_assembly polymerase I-complex_assembly II I-complex_assembly ( O Pol B-complex_assembly II I-complex_assembly ), O and O these O primary O transcripts O undergo O extensive O processing O , O including O 3 O ′- O end O cleavage O and O polyadenylation O . O In O addition O , O alternative O 3 O ′- O end O cleavage O and O polyadenylation O is O an O essential O and O ubiquitous O process O in O eukaryotes B-taxonomy_domain . O Recently O , O the O split B-protein_type ends I-protein_type ( O SPEN B-protein_type ) O family O of O proteins O was O identified O as O RNA B-protein_type binding I-protein_type proteins I-protein_type that O regulate O alternative O 3 O ′- O end O cleavage O and O polyadenylation O . O They O are O characterized O by O possessing O N O - O terminal O RNA B-structure_element recognition I-structure_element motifs I-structure_element ( O RRMs B-structure_element ) O and O a O conserved B-protein_state SPEN B-structure_element paralog I-structure_element and I-structure_element ortholog I-structure_element C I-structure_element - I-structure_element terminal I-structure_element ( O SPOC B-structure_element ) O domain O ( O Fig O 1A O ). O The O SPOC B-structure_element domain O is O believed O to O mediate O protein O - O protein O interactions O and O has O diverse O functions O among O SPEN B-protein_type family O proteins O , O but O the O molecular O mechanism O of O these O functions O is O not O well O understood O . O Sequence B-evidence conservation I-evidence of O SPOC B-structure_element domains O . O Domain O organization O of O A B-species . I-species thaliana I-species FPA B-protein . O ( O B O ). O Sequence B-experimental_method alignment I-experimental_method of O the O SPOC B-structure_element domains O of O Arabidopsis B-species thaliana I-species FPA B-protein , O human B-species RBM15 B-protein , O Drosophila B-taxonomy_domain SPEN B-protein_type , O mouse B-taxonomy_domain MINT B-protein , O and O human B-species SHARP B-protein . O Residues O in O surface B-site patch I-site 1 I-site are O indicated O with O the O orange O dots O , O and O those O in O surface B-site patch I-site 2 I-site with O the O green O dots O . O The O secondary O structure O elements O in O the O structure B-evidence of O FPA B-protein SPOC B-structure_element are O labeled O . O Residues O that O are O strictly B-protein_state conserved I-protein_state among O the O five O proteins O are O shown O in O white O with O a O red O background O , O and O those O that O are O mostly B-protein_state conserved I-protein_state in O red O . O FPA B-protein , O a O SPEN B-protein_type family O protein O in O Arabidopsis B-species thaliana I-species and O other O plants B-taxonomy_domain , O was O found O to O regulate O the O 3 O ′- O end O alternative O cleavage O and O polyadenylation O of O the O antisense B-chemical RNAs I-chemical of O FLOWERING B-gene LOCUS I-gene ( O FLC B-gene ), O a O flowering O repressor O gene O . O FPA B-protein promotes O the O 3 O ′- O end O processing O of O class O I O FLC B-gene antisense B-chemical RNAs I-chemical , O which O includes O the O proximal O polyadenylation B-site site I-site . O This O is O associated O with O histone B-protein_type demethylase I-protein_type activity O and O down O - O regulation O of O FLC B-gene transcription O . O Although O a O SPOC B-structure_element domain O is O found O in O all O the O SPEN B-protein_type family O proteins O , O its O sequence O conservation O is O rather O low O . O For O example O , O the O sequence O identity O between O the O SPOC B-structure_element domains O of O A B-species . I-species thaliana I-species FPA B-protein and O human B-species SMRT B-protein / I-protein HDAC1 I-protein Associated I-protein Repressor I-protein Protein I-protein ( O SHARP B-protein ) O is O only O 19 O % O ( O Fig O 1B O ). O Currently O , O the O SHARP B-protein SPOC B-structure_element domain O is O the O only O one O with O structural O information O . O As O a O first O step O toward O understanding O the O molecular O basis O for O the O regulation O of O alternative O 3 O ′- O end O processing O and O flowering O by O FPA B-protein , O we O have O determined O the O crystal B-evidence structure I-evidence of O the O SPOC B-structure_element domain O of O A B-species . I-species thaliana I-species FPA B-protein at O 2 O . O 7 O Å O resolution O . O The O overall O structure B-evidence is O similar O to O that O of O the O SHARP B-protein SPOC B-structure_element domain O , O although O there O are O also O substantial O conformational O differences O between O them O . O The O structure B-evidence reveals O a O surface B-site patch I-site that O is O conserved B-protein_state among O FPA B-protein homologs O . O Structure B-evidence of O FPA B-protein SPOC B-structure_element domain O The O crystal B-evidence structure I-evidence of O the O SPOC B-structure_element domain O of O A B-species . I-species thaliana I-species FPA B-protein has O been O determined O at O 2 O . O 7 O Å O resolution O using O the O selenomethionyl B-experimental_method single I-experimental_method - I-experimental_method wavelength I-experimental_method anomalous I-experimental_method dispersion I-experimental_method method I-experimental_method . O The O expression O construct O contained O residues O 433 B-residue_range – I-residue_range 565 I-residue_range of O FPA B-protein , O but O only O residues O 439 B-residue_range – I-residue_range 460 I-residue_range and O 465 B-residue_range – I-residue_range 565 I-residue_range are O ordered O in O the O crystal B-evidence . O The O atomic B-evidence model I-evidence has O good O agreement O with O the O X B-evidence - I-evidence ray I-evidence diffraction I-evidence data I-evidence and O the O expected O bond O lengths O , O bond O angles O and O other O geometric O parameters O ( O Table O 1 O ). O All O the O residues O are O located O in O the O favored O regions O of O the O Ramachandran B-evidence plot I-evidence ( O data O not O shown O ). O The O structure B-evidence has O been O deposited O in O the O Protein O Data O Bank O , O with O accession O code O 5KXF O . O Resolution O range O ( O Å O ) O 1 O 50 O – O 2 O . O 7 O ( O 2 O . O 8 O – O 2 O . O 7 O ) O Number O of O observations O 78 O , O 008 O Rmerge O (%) O 10 O . O 5 O ( O 45 O . O 3 O ) O I O / O σI O 24 O . O 1 O ( O 6 O . O 3 O ) O Redundancy O Completeness O (%) O 100 O ( O 100 O ) O R B-evidence factor I-evidence (%) O 19 O . O 2 O ( O 25 O . O 0 O ) O Free B-evidence R I-evidence factor I-evidence (%) O 25 O . O 4 O ( O 35 O . O 4 O ) O Rms O deviation O in O bond O lengths O ( O Å O ) O 0 O . O 017 O Rms O deviation O in O bond O angles O (°) O 1 O . O 9 O The O crystal B-evidence structure I-evidence of O the O FPA B-protein SPOC B-structure_element domain O contains O a O seven B-structure_element - I-structure_element stranded I-structure_element , I-structure_element mostly I-structure_element anti I-structure_element - I-structure_element parallel I-structure_element β I-structure_element - I-structure_element barrel I-structure_element ( O β1 B-structure_element - I-structure_element β7 I-structure_element ) O and O three O helices B-structure_element ( O αA B-structure_element - I-structure_element αC I-structure_element ) O ( O Fig O 2A O ). O Only O two O of O the O neighboring O strands B-structure_element , O β1 B-structure_element and O β3 B-structure_element , O are O parallel O to O each O other O . O Helix B-structure_element αB B-structure_element covers O one O end O of O the O barrel B-structure_element , O while O helices B-structure_element αA B-structure_element and O αC B-structure_element are O located O next O to O each O other O at O one O side O of O the O barrel B-structure_element ( O Fig O 2B O ). O The O other O end O of O the O β B-structure_element - I-structure_element barrel I-structure_element is O covered O by O the O loop B-structure_element connecting O strands B-structure_element β2 B-structure_element and O β3 B-structure_element , O which O contains O the O disordered B-protein_state 461 B-residue_range – I-residue_range 464 I-residue_range segment O . O The O center O of O the O barrel B-structure_element is O filled O with O hydrophobic O side O chains O and O is O not O accessible O to O the O solvent O . O Crystal B-evidence structure I-evidence of O the O SPOC B-structure_element domain O of O A B-species . I-species thaliana I-species FPA B-protein . O Schematic O drawing O of O the O structure B-evidence of O FPA B-protein SPOC B-structure_element domain O , O colored O from O blue O at O the O N O terminus O to O red O at O the O C O terminus O . O The O view O is O from O the O side O of O the O β B-structure_element - I-structure_element barrel I-structure_element . O The O disordered B-protein_state segment O ( O residues O 460 B-residue_range – I-residue_range 465 I-residue_range ) O is O indicated O with O the O dotted O line O . O Structure B-evidence of O the O FPA B-protein SPOC B-structure_element domain O , O viewed O from O the O end O of O the O β B-structure_element - I-structure_element barrel I-structure_element , O after O 90 O ° O rotation O around O the O horizontal O axis O from O panel O A O . O All O structure O figures O were O produced O with O PyMOL O ( O www O . O pymol O . O org O ). O Comparisons B-experimental_method to I-experimental_method structural I-experimental_method homologs I-experimental_method of O the O SPOC B-structure_element domain O Only O five O structural O homologs O of O the O FPA B-protein SPOC B-structure_element domain O were O found O in O the O Protein O Data O Bank O with O the O DaliLite B-experimental_method server I-experimental_method , O suggesting O that O the O SPOC B-structure_element domain O structure B-evidence is O relatively O unique O . O The O top O hit O is O the O SPOC B-structure_element domain O of O human B-species SHARP B-protein ( O Fig O 3A O ), O with O a O Z B-evidence score I-evidence of O 12 O . O 3 O . O The O other O four O structural O homologs O include O the O β B-structure_element - I-structure_element barrel I-structure_element domain O of O the O proteins O Ku70 B-protein and O Ku80 B-protein ( O Z B-evidence score I-evidence 11 O . O 4 O ) O ( O Fig O 3B O ), O a O domain O in O the O chromodomain B-protein_type protein I-protein_type Chp1 B-protein ( O Z B-evidence score I-evidence 10 O . O 8 O ) O ( O Fig O 3C O ), O and O the O activator B-structure_element interacting I-structure_element domain I-structure_element ( O ACID B-structure_element ) O of O the O Med25 B-protein subunit O of O the O Mediator O complex O ( O Z B-evidence score I-evidence 8 O . O 5 O ) O ( O Fig O 3D O ). O The O next O structural O homolog O has O a O Z B-evidence score I-evidence of O 3 O . O 0 O . O Structural O homologs O of O the O FPA B-protein SPOC B-structure_element domain O . O Overlay B-experimental_method of O the O structures B-evidence of O the O FPA B-protein SPOC B-structure_element domain O ( O cyan O ) O and O the O SHARP B-protein SPOC B-structure_element domain O ( O gray O ). O The O bound O position O of O a O doubly B-protein_state - I-protein_state phosphorylated I-protein_state peptide B-chemical from O SMRT B-protein is O shown O in O magenta O . O Overlay B-experimental_method of O the O structures B-evidence of O the O FPA B-protein SPOC B-structure_element domain O ( O cyan O ) O and O the O Ku70 B-protein β B-structure_element - I-structure_element barrel I-structure_element domain O ( O gray O ). O Ku80 B-protein contains O a O homologous O domain O ( O green O ), O which O forms O a O hetero B-oligomeric_state - I-oligomeric_state dimer I-oligomeric_state with O that O in O Ku70 B-protein . O The O two O domains O , O and O inserted O segments O on O them O , O mediate O the O binding O of O dsDNA B-chemical ( O orange O ). O The O red O rectangle O highlights O the O region O of O contact O between O the O two O β B-structure_element - I-structure_element barrel I-structure_element domains O . O Overlay B-experimental_method of O the O structures B-evidence of O the O FPA B-protein SPOC B-structure_element domain O ( O cyan O ) O and O the O homologous O domain O in O Chp1 B-protein ( O gray O ). O The O binding O partner O of O Chp1 B-protein , O Tas3 B-protein , O is O shown O in O green O . O The O red O rectangle O indicates O the O region O equivalent O to O the O binding B-site site I-site of O the O SMART B-protein phosphopeptide B-ptm in O SHARP B-protein SPOC B-structure_element domain O , O where O a O loop B-structure_element of O Tas3 B-protein is O also O located O . O ( O D O ). O Overlay B-experimental_method of O the O structures B-evidence of O the O FPA B-protein SPOC B-structure_element domain O ( O cyan O ) O and O the O Med25 B-protein ACID B-structure_element ( O gray O ). O SHARP B-protein is O a O transcriptional B-protein_type co I-protein_type - I-protein_type repressor I-protein_type in O the O nuclear B-protein_type receptor I-protein_type and O Notch B-protein / O RBP B-protein - I-protein Jκ I-protein signaling O pathways O . O The O SPOC B-structure_element domain O of O SHARP B-protein interacts O directly O with O silencing B-protein mediator I-protein for I-protein retinoid I-protein and I-protein thyroid I-protein receptor I-protein ( O SMRT B-protein ), O nuclear B-protein_type receptor I-protein_type co I-protein_type - I-protein_type repressor I-protein_type ( O N B-protein_type - I-protein_type CoR I-protein_type ), O HDAC B-protein , O and O other O components O to O represses O transcription O . O While O the O overall O structure B-evidence of O the O FPA B-protein SPOC B-structure_element domain O is O similar O to O that O of O the O SHARP B-protein SPOC B-structure_element domain O , O there O are O noticeable O differences O in O the O positioning O of O the O β B-structure_element - I-structure_element strands I-structure_element and O the O helices B-structure_element , O and O most O of O the O loops B-structure_element have O substantially O different O conformations O as O well O ( O Fig O 3A O ). O In O addition O , O the O SHARP B-protein SPOC B-structure_element domain O has O three O extra O helices B-structure_element . O One O of O them O covers O the O other O end O of O the O β B-structure_element - I-structure_element barrel I-structure_element , O and O the O other O two O shield O an O additional O surface O of O the O side O of O the O β B-structure_element - I-structure_element barrel I-structure_element from O solvent O . O A O doubly B-protein_state - I-protein_state phosphorylated I-protein_state peptide B-chemical from O SMRT B-protein is O bound B-protein_state to I-protein_state the O side O of O the O barrel B-structure_element , O near O strands B-structure_element β1 B-structure_element and O β3 B-structure_element ( O Fig O 3A O ). O Such O a O binding O mode O probably O would O not O be O possible O in O FPA B-protein , O as O the O peptide B-chemical would O clash O with O the O β1 B-structure_element - I-structure_element β2 I-structure_element loop I-structure_element . O The O Ku70 B-complex_assembly - I-complex_assembly Ku80 I-complex_assembly hetero B-oligomeric_state - I-oligomeric_state dimer I-oligomeric_state is O involved O in O DNA O double O - O strand O break O repair O and O the O β B-structure_element - I-structure_element barrel I-structure_element domain O contributes O to O DNA B-chemical binding O . O In O fact O , O the O β B-structure_element - I-structure_element barrel I-structure_element domains O of O Ku70 B-protein and O Ku80 B-protein form O a O hetero B-oligomeric_state - I-oligomeric_state dimer I-oligomeric_state , O primarily O through O interactions O between O the O loops B-structure_element connecting O the O third B-structure_element and I-structure_element fourth I-structure_element strands I-structure_element of O the O barrel B-structure_element ( O Fig O 3B O ). O The O open O ends O of O the O two O β B-structure_element - I-structure_element barrels I-structure_element face O the O DNA B-site binding I-site sites I-site , O and O contact O the O phosphodiester O backbone O of O the O dsDNA B-chemical . O In O addition O , O a O long B-structure_element insert I-structure_element connecting O strands B-structure_element β2 B-structure_element and O β3 B-structure_element in O the O two O domains O form O an O arch B-structure_element - I-structure_element like I-structure_element structure I-structure_element , O encircling O the O dsDNA B-chemical . O Chp1 B-protein is O a O subunit O of O the O RNA B-complex_assembly - I-complex_assembly induced I-complex_assembly initiation I-complex_assembly of I-complex_assembly transcriptional I-complex_assembly gene I-complex_assembly silencing I-complex_assembly ( O RITS B-complex_assembly ) O complex O . O The O partner O of O Chp1 B-protein , O Tas3 B-protein , O is O bound O between O the O barrel B-structure_element domain I-structure_element and O the O second B-structure_element domain I-structure_element of O Chp1 B-protein , O and O the O linker B-structure_element between O the O two O domains O is O also O crucial O for O this O interaction O ( O Fig O 3C O ). O It O is O probably O unlikely O that O the O β B-structure_element - I-structure_element barrel I-structure_element itself O is O sufficient O to O bind O Tas3 B-protein . O Interestingly O , O a O loop B-structure_element in O Tas3 B-protein contacts O strand B-structure_element β3 B-structure_element of O the O barrel B-structure_element domain I-structure_element , O at O a O location O somewhat O similar O to O that O of O the O N O - O terminal O segment O of O the O SMRT B-protein peptide B-chemical in B-protein_state complex I-protein_state with I-protein_state SHARP B-protein SPOC B-structure_element domain O ( O Fig O 3A O ). O Mediator B-protein_type is O a O coactivator O complex O that O promotes O transcription O by O Pol B-complex_assembly II I-complex_assembly . O The O Med25 B-protein subunit O ACID B-structure_element is O the O target O of O the O potent O activator O VP16 B-protein of O the O herpes B-species simplex I-species virus I-species . O The O structure B-evidence of O ACID B-structure_element contains O a O helix B-structure_element at O the O C O - O terminus O as O well O as O an O extended O β1 B-structure_element - I-structure_element β2 I-structure_element loop I-structure_element . O Nonetheless O , O the O binding B-site site I-site for O VP16 B-protein has O been O mapped O to O roughly O the O same O surface B-site patch I-site , O near O strands B-structure_element β1 B-structure_element and O β3 B-structure_element , O that O is O used O by O the O SHARP B-protein and O Tas3 B-protein SPOC B-structure_element domains O for O binding O their O partners O . O A O conserved B-protein_state surface B-site patch I-site in O the O FPA B-protein SPOC B-structure_element domain O An O analysis O of O the O SPOC B-structure_element domain O indicates O a O large O surface B-site patch I-site near O strands B-structure_element β1 B-structure_element , O β3 B-structure_element , O β5 B-structure_element and O β6 B-structure_element that O is O conserved B-protein_state among O plant B-taxonomy_domain FPA B-protein homologs O ( O Fig O 4A O ). O This O surface B-site patch I-site can O be O broken O into O two O sub B-site - I-site patches I-site , O with O residues O Lys447 B-residue_name_number ( O in O strand B-structure_element β1 B-structure_element ), O Arg477 B-residue_name_number ( O β3 B-structure_element ), O Tyr515 B-residue_name_number ( O αB B-structure_element ) O and O Arg521 B-residue_name_number ( O β5 B-structure_element ) O in O one O sub B-site - I-site patch I-site , O and O residues O His486 B-residue_name_number ( O αA B-structure_element ), O Thr478 B-residue_name_number ( O β3 B-structure_element ), O Val524 B-residue_name_number ( O β5 B-structure_element ) O and O Phe534 B-residue_name_number ( O β6 B-structure_element ) O in O the O other O sub B-site - I-site patch I-site ( O Fig O 4B O ). O The O first B-site surface I-site patch I-site is O electropositive B-protein_state in O nature O ( O Fig O 4C O ), O and O residues O Arg477 B-residue_name_number and O Tyr515 B-residue_name_number are O also O conserved B-protein_state in O the O SHARP B-protein SPOC B-structure_element domain O ( O Fig O 1B O ). O In O fact O , O one O of O the O phosphorylated B-protein_state residues O of O the O SMRT B-protein peptide B-chemical interacts O with O this O surface B-site patch I-site ( O Fig O 3A O ), O suggesting O that O the O FPA B-protein SPOC B-structure_element domain O might O also O interact O with O a O phosphorylated B-protein_state segment O here O . O In O comparison O , O the O second B-site surface I-site patch I-site is O more O hydrophobic B-protein_state in O nature O ( O Fig O 4C O ). O A O conserved B-protein_state surface B-site patch I-site of O FPA B-protein SPOC B-structure_element domain O . O Two O views O of O the O molecular O surface O of O FPA B-protein SPOC B-structure_element domain O colored O based O on O sequence O conservation O among O plant B-taxonomy_domain FPA B-protein homologs O . O Residues O in O the O conserved B-protein_state surface B-site patch I-site of O FPA B-protein SPOC B-structure_element domain O . O The O side O chains O of O the O residues O are O shown O in O stick O models O , O colored O orange O in O the O first B-site sub I-site - I-site patch I-site and O green O in O the O second O . O ( O C O ). O Molecular O surface O of O FPA B-protein SPOC B-structure_element domain O colored O based O on O electrostatic O potential O . O Testing O the O requirement O of O specific O conserved O amino O acids O for O FPA B-protein functions O We O next O examined O the O potential O impact O of O the O conserved B-protein_state surface B-site patch I-site on O FPA B-protein function O in O vivo O . O We O mutated B-experimental_method two O residues O , O Arg477 B-residue_name_number and O Tyr515 B-residue_name_number , O of O the O surface B-site patch I-site , O which O are O also O conserved B-protein_state in O the O SHARP B-protein SPOC B-structure_element domain O ( O Fig O 1B O ) O and O were O found O to O be O functionally O important O . O The O mutations B-experimental_method were O introduced B-experimental_method into O a O transgene O designed O to O express O FPA B-protein from O its O native O control O elements O ( O promoter O , O introns O and O 3 O ′ O UTR O ). O The O resulting O transgenes O were O then O stably B-experimental_method transformed I-experimental_method into O an O fpa B-gene - I-gene 8 I-gene mutant B-protein_state background O so O that O the O impact O of O the O mutations B-experimental_method on O FPA B-protein function O could O be O assessed O . O Control O transformation O of O the O same O expression B-experimental_method constructs I-experimental_method into O fpa B-gene - I-gene 8 I-gene designed O to O express O wild B-protein_state - I-protein_state type I-protein_state FPA B-protein protein O restored O FPA B-protein protein O expression B-evidence levels I-evidence to O near O wild B-protein_state - I-protein_state type I-protein_state levels O ( O panel O A O in O S1 O Fig O ) O and O rescued O the O function O of O FPA B-protein in O controlling O RNA B-chemical 3 O ′- O end O formation O , O for O example O in O FPA B-protein pre B-chemical - I-chemical mRNA I-chemical ( O panel O B O in O S1 O Fig O ). O We O examined O independent O transgenic O lines O expressing O each O R477A B-mutant and O Y515A B-mutant mutation B-experimental_method . O In O each O case O , O we O confirmed O that O detectable O levels O of O FPA B-protein protein O expression O were O restored O close O to O wild B-protein_state - I-protein_state type I-protein_state levels O in O protein B-experimental_method blot I-experimental_method analyses O using O antibodies O that O specifically O recognize O FPA B-protein ( O S2 O Fig O ). O We O then O examined O the O impact O of O the O surface B-site patch I-site mutations B-experimental_method on O FPA B-protein ’ O s O function O in O controlling O RNA O 3 O ′- O end O formation O by O determining O whether O the O mutant B-protein_state proteins O functioned O in O FPA B-protein autoregulation O and O the O repression O of O FLC B-gene expression O . O FPA B-protein autoregulates O its O expression O by O promoting O cleavage O and O polyadenylation O within O intron O 1 O of O its O own O pre B-chemical - I-chemical mRNA I-chemical , O resulting O in O a O truncated O transcript O that O does O not O encode O functional O protein O . O We O used O RNA B-experimental_method gel I-experimental_method blot I-experimental_method analyses I-experimental_method to O reveal O that O in O each O of O three O independent O transgenic O lines O for O each O single O mutant B-protein_state , O rescue O of O proximally O polyadenylated O FPA B-protein pre B-chemical - I-chemical mRNA I-chemical can O be O detected O ( O Fig O 5A O and O 5B O ). O We O therefore O conclude O that O neither O of O these O mutations O disrupted O the O ability O of O FPA B-protein to O promote O RNA O 3 O ′- O end O formation O in O its O own O transcript O . O Impact O of O individual O FPA B-protein SPOC B-structure_element domain O mutations B-experimental_method on O alternative O polyadenylation O of O FPA B-protein pre B-chemical - I-chemical mRNA I-chemical . O RNA B-experimental_method gel I-experimental_method blot I-experimental_method analysis O of O WT B-protein_state A B-species . I-species thaliana I-species accession O Columbia O ( O Col O - O 0 O ) O plants B-taxonomy_domain fpa B-gene - I-gene 8 I-gene and O fpa B-gene - I-gene 8 I-gene mutants B-protein_state expressing O either O FPA B-protein :: O FPA B-mutant R477A I-mutant ( O A O ), O or O FPA B-protein :: O FPA B-mutant Y515A I-mutant ( O B O ) O using O poly O ( O A O )+ O purified O mRNAs B-chemical . O A O probe O corresponding O to O the O 5 O ’ O UTR O region O of O FPA B-protein mRNA B-chemical was O used O to O detect O FPA B-protein specific O mRNAs B-chemical . O Proximally O and O distally O polyadenylated O FPA B-protein transcripts O are O marked O with O arrows O . O The O ratio O of O distal O : O proximal O polyadenylated O forms O is O given O under O each O lane O . O ( O C O , O D O ) O Impact O of O individual O FPA B-protein SPOC B-structure_element domain O mutations B-experimental_method on O FLC B-gene transcript O levels O . O qRT B-experimental_method - I-experimental_method PCR I-experimental_method analysis O was O performed O with O total O RNA B-chemical purified O from O Col O - O 0 O , O fpa B-gene - I-gene 8 I-gene , O 35S O :: O FPA B-protein : O YFP B-experimental_method and O FPA B-protein :: O FPA B-mutant R477A I-mutant ( O C O ), O FPA B-protein :: O FPA B-mutant Y515A I-mutant ( O D O ) O plants B-taxonomy_domain . O Histograms B-evidence show O mean O values O ± O SE O for O three O independent O PCR B-experimental_method amplifications O of O three O biological O replicates O . O We O next O examined O whether O the O corresponding O mutations O disrupted O the O ability O of O FPA B-protein to O control O FLC B-gene expression O . O We O used O RT B-experimental_method - I-experimental_method qPCR I-experimental_method to O measure O the O expression O of O FLC B-gene mRNA B-chemical and O found O that O in O each O independent O transgenic O line O encoding O each O mutated B-protein_state FPA B-protein protein O , O the O elevated O levels O of O FLC B-gene detected O in O fpa B-gene - I-gene 8 I-gene mutants B-protein_state were O restored O to O near O wild B-protein_state - I-protein_state type I-protein_state levels O by O expression O of O the O FPA B-protein SPOC B-structure_element conserved B-protein_state patch B-site mutant B-protein_state proteins O ( O Fig O 5C O and O 5D O ). O Since O each O surface B-site patch I-site mutation B-experimental_method appeared O to O be O insufficient O to O disrupt O FPA B-protein functions O on O its O own O , O we O combined O both O mutations O into O the O same O transgene O . O We O could O again O confirm O that O near O wild B-protein_state - I-protein_state type I-protein_state levels O of O FPA B-protein protein O were O expressed O from O three O independent O transgenic O lines O expressing O the O FPA B-mutant R477A I-mutant ; I-mutant Y515A I-mutant doubly B-protein_state mutated I-protein_state protein O in O an O fpa B-gene - I-gene 8 I-gene mutant B-protein_state background O ( O S3 O Fig O ). O We O found O that O FPA B-mutant R477A I-mutant ; I-mutant Y515A I-mutant protein O functioned O like O wild B-protein_state - I-protein_state type I-protein_state FPA B-protein to O restore O FPA B-protein pre B-chemical - I-chemical mRNA I-chemical proximal O polyadenylation O ( O Fig O 6A O ) O and O FLC B-gene expression O to O wild B-protein_state - I-protein_state type I-protein_state levels O ( O Fig O 6B O ). O Impact O of O double O FPA B-protein SPOC B-structure_element domain O mutations B-experimental_method on O alternative O polyadenylation O of O FPA B-protein pre B-chemical - I-chemical mRNA I-chemical and O FLC B-gene expression O . O ( O A O ) O RNA B-experimental_method gel I-experimental_method blot I-experimental_method analysis O of O WT B-protein_state A B-species . I-species thaliana I-species accession O Columbia O ( O Col O - O 0 O ) O plants B-taxonomy_domain fpa B-gene - I-gene 8 I-gene and O fpa B-gene - I-gene 8 I-gene mutants B-protein_state expressing O FPA B-protein :: O FPA B-mutant R477A I-mutant ; I-mutant Y515A I-mutant using O poly O ( O A O )+ O purified O mRNAs B-chemical . O Black O arrows O indicate O the O proximally O and O distally O polyadenylated O FPA B-protein mRNAs B-chemical . O qRT B-experimental_method - I-experimental_method PCR I-experimental_method analysis O was O performed O with O total O RNA B-chemical purified O from O Col O - O 0 O , O fpa B-gene - I-gene 8 I-gene , O and O FPA B-protein :: O FPA B-mutant R477A I-mutant ; I-mutant Y515A I-mutant plants B-taxonomy_domain . O Together O our O findings O suggest O that O either O the O SPOC B-structure_element domain O is O not O required O for O the O role O of O FPA B-protein in O regulating O RNA B-chemical 3 O ′- O end O formation O , O or O that O this O combination O of O mutations B-experimental_method is O not O sufficient O to O critically O disrupt O the O function O of O the O FPA B-protein SPOC B-structure_element domain O . O Since O the O corresponding O mutations B-experimental_method in O the O SHARP B-protein SPOC B-structure_element domain O do O disrupt O its O recognition O of O unphosphorylated B-protein_state SMRT B-protein peptides B-chemical , O these O observations O may O reinforce O the O idea O that O the O features O and O functions O of O the O FPA B-protein SPOC B-structure_element domain O differ O from O those O of O the O only O other O well O - O characterized O SPOC B-structure_element domain O . O