diff --git "a/test.csv" "b/test.csv" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/test.csv" @@ -0,0 +1,1920 @@ +ID,statement,conditions,law,classification +A50,"We, the undersigned subscribing witnesses, do hereby certify that we +witnessed the foregoing Last Will and Testament of [Person-1] at his request, in his presence and in the presence of each other, and that he signed the same in our presence, and in the presence of each of us, declaring the same to be his Last Will and Testament. This 5th day of December, 2001.","Two disinterested witnesses have signed the will after they witnessed the testator signing his/her will (in the presence of the testator and in the presence of each other). Also, they were eligible to serve as witnesses","32-1-104. Will other than holographic or nuncupative — Signatures. +(a) The execution of a will, other than a holographic or nuncupative will, must be by the signature of the testator and of at least two (2) witnesses as follows: +(1) The testator shall signify to the attesting witnesses that the instrument is the testator's will and either: +(A) The testator sign; +(B) Acknowledge the testator's signature already made; or +(C) At the testator's direction and in the testator's presence have someone else sign the testator's name; and +(D) In any of the above cases the act must be done in the presence of two (2) or more attesting witnesses; +(2) The attesting witnesses must sign: +(A) In the presence of the testator; and +(B) In the presence of each other.",1 +A50,"We, the undersigned subscribing witnesses, do hereby certify that we +witnessed the foregoing Last Will and Testament of [Person-1] at his request, in his presence and in the presence of each other, and that he signed the same in our presence, and in the presence of each of us, declaring the same to be his Last Will and Testament. This 5th day of December, 2001.",One out of the two witnesses was ineligible to serve according to Tennessee state law.," +32-1-103. Witnesses — Who may act. +(a) Any person competent to be a witness generally in this state may act as attesting witness to a will. +(b) No will is invalidated because attested by an interested witness, but any interested witness shall, unless the will is also attested by two (2) disinterested witnesses, forfeit so much of the provisions therein made for the interested witness as in the aggregate exceeds in value, as of the date of the testator's death, what the interested witness would have received had the testator died intestate. +(c) No attesting witness is interested unless the will gives to the attesting witness some personal and beneficial interest.",0 +A50,"We, the undersigned subscribing witnesses, do hereby certify that we +witnessed the foregoing Last Will and Testament of [Person-1] at his request, in his presence and in the presence of each other, and that he signed the same in our presence, and in the presence of each of us, declaring the same to be his Last Will and Testament. This 5th day of December, 2001.","Two disinterested witnesses have signed the will after they witnessed the testator signing his/her will (in the presence of the testator and in the presence of each other). Also, they were eligible to serve as witnesses","36-6-414. Evaluation. +The parenting plan processes established by this part shall be evaluated by the administrative office of the courts after the program has been in effect for three (3) years.",2 +A50,"We, the undersigned subscribing witnesses, do hereby certify that we +witnessed the foregoing Last Will and Testament of [Person-1] at his request, in his presence and in the presence of each other, and that he signed the same in our presence, and in the presence of each of us, declaring the same to be his Last Will and Testament. This 5th day of December, 2001.",One out of the two witnesses was ineligible to serve according to Tennessee state law.,"13-2-101. Federal aid for public works — Application by state, county or municipality. +The state of Tennessee, any department or division thereof, or any county or incorporated municipality in this state with a population of more than five hundred (500) by the last federal census, is authorized to make application for funds under the provisions of any act of congress heretofore or hereafter enacted making grants, loans or advances to the states, or any department or division thereof, or any county or municipality, for the purpose of aiding in the financing of public works. Municipalities with a population of less than five hundred (500) by the preceding federal census may make application through the appropriate agency of the county in which they are located.",2 +A50 ,"We, the undersigned subscribing witnesses, do hereby certify that we +witnessed the foregoing Last Will and Testament of [Person-1] at his request, in his presence and in the presence of each other, and that he signed the same in our presence, and in the presence of each of us, declaring the same to be his Last Will and Testament. This 5th day of December, 2001.","Two disinterested witnesses have signed the will after they witnessed the testator signing his/her will (in the presence of the testator and in the presence of each other). Also, they were eligible to serve as witnesses","36-4-120. Ill conduct defense. +(a) If the cause assigned for a divorce is that specified in § 36-4-101(a)(11), the defendant may make defense by alleging and proving the ill conduct of the complainant as a justifiable cause for the conduct complained of, and on making out the defense to the satisfaction of the court, the bill may be dismissed with or without costs, in the discretion of the court. +(b) But, if the court is of the opinion that the complainant is entitled to relief, it may be granted, according to the prayer of the bill, by annulling the marriage, or by ordering a separation, perpetual or temporary, or such other decree as the nature and circumstances of the case require.",2 +A71,"ARTICLE 3. All the rest. residue and remainder of the property which I may own at my death, real, personal or mixed, tangible or intangible, of whatsoever nature and wheresoever situated including all property which I may acquire or become entilted to after the execution of this Will I bequeath and devise to my husband, [Person-3], if he be living at my death, and if he is not living at my death, I bequeath and devise this property to my son [Person-2].","All the items have not been disposed of at the time of the testator's death, and a contrary intention was not manifest during the testator's lifetime.","32-3-111. Specifically devised or bequeathed property. +(a) A specific legatee or devisee has a right to the specifically gifted or devised property in the testator's estate at death or if the property has been disposed of and a contrary intention is not manifest during the testator's lifetime: +(1) Any balance of the purchase price, together with any security interest, owing from a purchaser to the testator at death by reason of sale of the property; +(2) Any amount of a condemnation award for the taking of the property unpaid at death; +(3) Any proceeds unpaid at death on fire or casualty insurance on, or other recovery for injury to, the property; and +(4) Property owned by the testator at death and acquired as a result of foreclosure, or obtained in lieu of foreclosure, of the security interest for a specifically devised obligation.",1 +A71,"ARTICLE 3. All the rest. residue and remainder of the property which I may own at my death, real, personal or mixed, tangible or intangible, of whatsoever nature and wheresoever situated including all property which I may acquire or become entilted to after the execution of this Will I bequeath and devise to my husband, [Person-3], if he be living at my death, and if he is not living at my death, I bequeath and devise this property to my son [Person-2].",Testator has manifested a contrary intention during his/her lifetime.,"32-3-111. Specifically devised or bequeathed property. +(a) A specific legatee or devisee has a right to the specifically gifted or devised property in the testator's estate at death or if the property has been disposed of and a contrary intention is not manifest during the testator's lifetime: +(1) Any balance of the purchase price, together with any security interest, owing from a purchaser to the testator at death by reason of sale of the property; +(2) Any amount of a condemnation award for the taking of the property unpaid at death; +(3) Any proceeds unpaid at death on fire or casualty insurance on, or other recovery for injury to, the property; and +(4) Property owned by the testator at death and acquired as a result of foreclosure, or obtained in lieu of foreclosure, of the security interest for a specifically devised obligation.",0 +A71,"ARTICLE 3. All the rest. residue and remainder of the property which I may own at my death, real, personal or mixed, tangible or intangible, of whatsoever nature and wheresoever situated including all property which I may acquire or become entilted to after the execution of this Will I bequeath and devise to my husband, [Person-3], if he be living at my death, and if he is not living at my death, I bequeath and devise this property to my son [Person-2].","All the items have not been disposed of at the time of the testator's death, and a contrary intention was not manifest during the testator's lifetime.","50-10-104. Enforcement — Rules — Civil action. +(a) The commissioner shall enforce this chapter and may promulgate rules necessary to effectuate this chapter in accordance with the Uniform Administrative Procedures Act, compiled in title 4, chapter 5.",2 +A71,"ARTICLE 3. All the rest. residue and remainder of the property which I may own at my death, real, personal or mixed, tangible or intangible, of whatsoever nature and wheresoever situated including all property which I may acquire or become entilted to after the execution of this Will I bequeath and devise to my husband, [Person-3], if he be living at my death, and if he is not living at my death, I bequeath and devise this property to my son [Person-2].",Testator has manifested a contrary intention during his/her lifetime.,"6-3-107. Vice mayor — Vacancies in office. +(a) The board shall elect an alderman to the office of vice mayor, who shall serve as mayor when the mayor is absent or unable to discharge the duties of the mayor's office, and, in case of a vacancy in the office of mayor, until the next regular municipal election. +(b) +(1) By affirmative vote of a majority of the remaining members, the board shall fill a vacancy in the office of alderman for the unexpired term, but any portion of an unexpired four-year term for alderman or mayor that remains beyond the next municipal election shall be filled by the voters at that election, if the vacancy occurs at least twenty (20) days before the latest time for filing nominating petitions for candidates in that election. +(2) All such elections by the board shall be made by voice vote, on the calling of the roll. If a tie vote occurs in filling a vacancy on the board, the presiding officer shall vote a second time to break the tie.",2 +A71 ,"ARTICLE 3. All the rest. residue and remainder of the property which I may own at my death, real, personal or mixed, tangible or intangible, of whatsoever nature and wheresoever situated including all property which I may acquire or become entilted to after the execution of this Will I bequeath and devise to my husband, [Person-3], if he be living at my death, and if he is not living at my death, I bequeath and devise this property to my son [Person-2].",Testator has manifested a contrary intention during his/her lifetime.,"20-12-105. Number of witnesses. +(a) Not more than two (2) witnesses called to prove the same fact shall be taxed in any bill of costs against the losing party, except in case of witnesses called to attack or sustain the character of a witness or party. +(b) If more than the number of witnesses allowed are examined in proof of any particular fact, a motion shall be made at the term at which the cause is tried, and the court shall instruct the clerk as to the taxation of costs. The motion shall not be made afterwards without good cause shown.",2 +A57,I further direct that my said Executor will not be required to file any inventory or final settlement of this estate.,The person named as an executor was eligible to serve and agreed to serve as one.,"30-2-301. Making inventory — Return — Notice to beneficiaries. +(a) The personal representative, within sixty (60) days after entering on the administration of a testate or intestate estate, shall make a complete and accurate inventory of the probate estate of the deceased, and return the inventory to the clerk of the court exercising probate jurisdiction in the county of the estate, and verify it by the personal representative's oath before the clerk or before any person authorized by law to administer oaths in such cases whether within or without the borders of the state. When the will of the deceased excuses the requirement for making and filing an inventory of the estate, or when excused by all of the residuary distributees or legatees, no inventory shall be required of a solvent estate, unless demanded by any residuary distributee or legatee of the estate.",1 +A57,I further direct that my said Executor will not be required to file any inventory or final settlement of this estate.,The said Executor was not eligible to serve as he/she is 17 years old.,"§32-3-110 + +(a) This section applies only to powers of appointment exercisable by will. +(b) Capacity of holder of power. A power of appointment by will that is not subject to an express condition that it may be exercised only by a holder of a greater age may be exercised by a holder who has attained the age of eighteen (18) years. +(c) Manner of exercise of power. Unless a contrary intent is evidenced by the terms of the instrument creating or limiting a power of appointment, a donee of a power of appointment exercisable by will may: +(1) Make appointments of present or future interests or both; +(2) Make appointments with conditions and limitations; +(3) Make appointments with restraints on alienation upon the appointed interests; +(4) Make appointments of interests to a trustee for the benefit of one (1) or more objects of the power; +(5) Make appointments that create in the object of the power additional powers of appointment to permissible objects of the power of appointment pursuant to which the powers are created +",0 +A57,I further direct that my said Executor will not be required to file any inventory or final settlement of this estate.,The person named as an executor was eligible to serve and agreed to serve as one.,"48-56-302. Termination. +(a) Unless the charter provides for the removal of a member and termination of a membership without cause, no member may be expelled or suspended, and no membership or memberships may be terminated or suspended except pursuant to a procedure which is fair and reasonable and is carried out in good faith. +(b) A procedure is fair and reasonable when either: +(1) The charter or bylaws set forth a procedure which provides: +(A) Not less than fifteen (15) days' prior written notice of the expulsion, suspension, or termination and the reasons therefor; and +(B) An opportunity for the member to be heard, orally or in writing, not less than five (5) days before the effective date of the expulsion, suspension, or termination by a person or persons authorized to decide that the proposed expulsion, suspension, or termination not take place; or +(2) It is fair and reasonable taking into consideration all of the relevant facts and circumstances.",2 +A57,I further direct that my said Executor will not be required to file any inventory or final settlement of this estate.,The said Executor was not eligible to serve as he/she is 17 years old.,"24-4-101. Basic per diem and mileage. +(a) A witness in a court of record shall receive compensation of one dollar ($1.00) per day for each day's necessary attendance. When a witness resides at a distance greater than ten (10) miles, such witness shall receive four cents (4¢) per mile for going to and returning from court, and tolls and ferriages as allowed by law. Mileage, tolls and ferriages shall be allowed only for one (1) trip going and returning during the term of any court, unless the witness is discharged by the parties, to return, and does return, upon a given day. +(b) Witnesses in courts of record attending under subpoena in a civil matter shall receive upon request to the clerk thirty dollars ($30.00) per day for such attendance. In addition, when such witness resides at a distance of greater than ten (10) miles from the court, the witness shall, upon request to the clerk, also receive reimbursement for travel expenses for each mile traveled when going to and returning from such court at the rate allowable under the state comprehensive travel regulations in effect at that time. All such compensation and reimbursement shall be taxed as cost. +(c) No witness attending any court of record under subpoena in a civil matter shall be entitled to receive the witness compensation and travel expense reimbursement provided for by subsection (b) until such compensation and reimbursement have been taxed and collected as cost by the clerk of the court of record in which such witness has appeared while under subpoena. Nothing in this subsection (c) shall be construed as preventing the party causing a subpoena to be issued from advancing travel expenses or attendance fees to witnesses.",2 +A57 ,I further direct that my said Executor will not be required to file any inventory or final settlement of this estate.,The said Executor was not eligible to serve as he/she is 17 years old.,"12-3-302. Bidding not to include statement that bidder willing to meet lowest bid price — Exception where negotiation permitted. +(a) Any statement or agreement in which the respondent is asked to indicate a willingness to meet the low price, if such respondent is not the low respondent, is adverse to the competitive procurement standards and shall not be included in any solicitation to be awarded by any state agencies. +(b) This section applies to divisible contracts. +(c) This section shall not apply when applicable law permits negotiated contracts. +(d) For the purposes of this section, contracts for the administration of specific service signs pursuant to title 54, chapter 5, part 11 shall not be negotiable.",2 +A30,"I, [Person-1], an adult resident citizen of +Lauderdale County, Tennessee, being of sound and disposing mind, +memory and understanding, do hereby make, expressly revoking any and all testamentary dispositions heretofore made by me.",The testator was an adult (over 18 years old) and was being of sound mind and disposing memory when making the will.,"Tenn. Code Ann. § 32-1-102 +Any person of sound mind eighteen (18) years of age or older may make a will.",1 +A30,"I, [Person-1], an adult resident citizen of +Lauderdale County, Tennessee, being of sound and disposing mind, +memory and understanding, do hereby make, expressly revoking any and all testamentary dispositions heretofore made by me.",The testator was under 18 years old when making the will.,"Tenn. Code Ann. § 32-1-102 +Any person of sound mind eighteen (18) years of age or older may make a will.",0 +A30,"I, [Person-1], an adult resident citizen of +Lauderdale County, Tennessee, being of sound and disposing mind, +memory and understanding, do hereby make, expressly revoking any and all testamentary dispositions heretofore made by me.",This document satisfies all legal requirements as a will and thus constitutes as a legitimate will.,"Tenn. Code Ann. § 32-1-201 +A will or any part thereof is revoked by: +(1) A subsequent will, other than a nuncupative will, that revokes the prior will or part expressly or by inconsistency;",1 +A30,"I, [Person-1], an adult resident citizen of +Lauderdale County, Tennessee, being of sound and disposing mind, +memory and understanding, do hereby make, expressly revoking any and all testamentary dispositions heretofore made by me.",This document did not satisfy the legal requirements as a will.,"Tenn. Code Ann. § 32-1-201 +A will or any part thereof is revoked by: +(1) A subsequent will, other than a nuncupative will, that revokes the prior will or part expressly or by inconsistency;",0 +A30 ,"I, [Person-1], an adult resident citizen of +Lauderdale County, Tennessee, being of sound and disposing mind, +memory and understanding, do hereby make, expressly revoking any and all testamentary dispositions heretofore made by me.",The testator was an adult (over 18 years old) and was being of sound mind and disposing memory when making the will.,"45-4-301. Membership — Qualifications — Entrance fee. +(a) The membership shall consist of incorporators and persons, societies, associations, copartnerships and corporations that have been duly elected to membership and have subscribed to one (1) or more shares and have paid for the same in whole or in part, with the entrance fee as required by the bylaws, and have complied with other requirements that the certificate of organization may contain; except that a credit union shall be limited to groups having a common bond of occupation or association or to groups within a well-defined neighborhood, community, or rural district.",2 +A70,"ARTICLE 2. I give and bequeath to my son, [Person-2], the +following property, to-wit: (1) Any automobile I own at my death; +(2) All the property I have in the nature of profit sharing in +the Tupperware Corporation of Halls, Tennessee; and (3) All the +money I have in the Lauderdale County Bank of Halls, Tennessee.","All the items have not been disposed of at the time of the testator's death, and a contrary intention was not manifest during the testator's lifetime.","32-3-111. Specifically devised or bequeathed property. +(a) A specific legatee or devisee has a right to the specifically gifted or devised property in the testator's estate at death or if the property has been disposed of and a contrary intention is not manifest during the testator's lifetime: +(1) Any balance of the purchase price, together with any security interest, owing from a purchaser to the testator at death by reason of sale of the property; +(2) Any amount of a condemnation award for the taking of the property unpaid at death; +(3) Any proceeds unpaid at death on fire or casualty insurance on, or other recovery for injury to, the property; and +(4) Property owned by the testator at death and acquired as a result of foreclosure, or obtained in lieu of foreclosure, of the security interest for a specifically devised obligation.",1 +A70,"ARTICLE 2. I give and bequeath to my son, [Person-2], the +following property, to-wit: (1) Any automobile I own at my death; +(2) All the property I have in the nature of profit sharing in +the Tupperware Corporation of Halls, Tennessee; and (3) All the +money I have in the Lauderdale County Bank of Halls, Tennessee.",The beneficiary listed here has murdered the testator.,"31-1-106. Effect of felonious and intentional killing of decedent. +(a) For purposes of this section: +(1) “Disposition or appointment of property” includes a transfer of an item of property or any other benefit to a beneficiary designated in a governing instrument; +(2) “Felonious and intentional killing” or “feloniously and intentionally kills” includes the felonious and intentional act of conspiring with another to kill or procure the killing of an individual decedent; +(3) “Governing instrument” means a governing instrument executed by the decedent; and +(4) “Revocable,” with respect to a disposition, appointment, provision, or nomination, means one under which the decedent, at the time of or immediately before death, was alone empowered, by law or under the governing instrument, to cancel the designation in favor of the killer, whether or not the decedent was then empowered to designate the decedent in place of the decedent's killer and whether or not the decedent then had capacity to exercise the power. +(b) An individual who feloniously and intentionally kills the decedent forfeits all benefits with respect to the decedent's estate, including an intestate share, an elective share, an omitted spouse's or child's share, a homestead allowance, exempt property, and a family allowance. If the decedent died intestate, the decedent's intestate estate passes as if the killer predeceased the decedent.",0 +A70,"ARTICLE 2. I give and bequeath to my son, [Person-2], the +following property, to-wit: (1) Any automobile I own at my death; +(2) All the property I have in the nature of profit sharing in +the Tupperware Corporation of Halls, Tennessee; and (3) All the +money I have in the Lauderdale County Bank of Halls, Tennessee.","All the items have not been disposed of at the time of the testator's death, and a contrary intention was not manifest during the testator's lifetime.","71-5-902. Poverty reduction plan. +(a) The poverty reduction plan shall: +(1) Assess the current and future impact of poverty on the residents of Tennessee; +(2) Examine the existing barriers, services and resources addressing the needs of persons living in poverty and their families; and +(3) Develop a proposed strategy to mobilize the state response to the poverty crisis;",2 +A70,"ARTICLE 2. I give and bequeath to my son, [Person-2], the +following property, to-wit: (1) Any automobile I own at my death; +(2) All the property I have in the nature of profit sharing in +the Tupperware Corporation of Halls, Tennessee; and (3) All the +money I have in the Lauderdale County Bank of Halls, Tennessee.",The beneficiary listed here has murdered the testator.,"63-1-402. Prescribers required to hold a current federal DEA license and to complete continuing education — Exceptions to application of part. +(a) On or after July 1, 2014, all prescribers who hold a current federal drug enforcement administration (DEA) license and who prescribe controlled substances shall be required to complete a minimum of two (2) hours of continuing education related to controlled substance prescribing biennially to count toward the licensees' mandatory continuing education. +(b) The continuing education must include instruction in the department's treatment guidelines on opioids, benzodiazepines, barbiturates, and carisoprodol, and may include such other topics as medicine addiction, risk management tools, and other topics as approved by the respective licensing boards. +(c) This section shall not apply to veterinarians, providers practicing at a registered pain management clinic as defined in § 63-1-301 or to medical doctors or osteopathic physicians board certified by the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS), or American Osteopathic Association (AOA), or the American Board of Physician Specialties (ABPS) in one (1) or more of the following specialties or subspecialties: +(1) Pain management; +(2) Anesthesiology; +(3) Physical medicine and rehabilitation; +(4) Neurology; or +(5) Rheumatology.",2 +A70 ,"ARTICLE 2. I give and bequeath to my son, [Person-2], the +following property, to-wit: (1) Any automobile I own at my death; +(2) All the property I have in the nature of profit sharing in +the Tupperware Corporation of Halls, Tennessee; and (3) All the +money I have in the Lauderdale County Bank of Halls, Tennessee.",The beneficiary listed here has murdered the testator.,"23-3-108. Falsely representing self as a lawyer. +(a) It is unlawful for any person, either directly or indirectly, falsely to advertise the person as, or hold the person out as, a lawyer. +(b) A violation of this section is a Class E felony.",2 +A17,"Should my wife not survive me, or should we die at +the same time, or as a result of a common disaster, then I will, +devise and bequeath all my property to [Person-3], son of +[Person-4], in fee simple.",The wife of the testator was dead at the time of the testator's death.,"32-3-111. Specifically devised or bequeathed property. +(a) A specific legatee or devisee has a right to the specifically gifted or devised property in the testator's estate at death or if the property has been disposed of and a contrary intention is not manifest during the testator's lifetime: +(1) Any balance of the purchase price, together with any security interest, owing from a purchaser to the testator at death by reason of sale of the property; +(2) Any amount of a condemnation award for the taking of the property unpaid at death; +(3) Any proceeds unpaid at death on fire or casualty insurance on, or other recovery for injury to, the property; and +(4) Property owned by the testator at death and acquired as a result of foreclosure, or obtained in lieu of foreclosure, of the security interest for a specifically devised obligation.",1 +A17,"Should my wife not survive me, or should we die at +the same time, or as a result of a common disaster, then I will, +devise and bequeath all my property to [Person-3], son of +[Person-4], in fee simple.","After this will was made, a new baby was born. He/she survived more than 120 hours at the time of the testator's death.","32-1-201. Actions effecting a revocation of will. +A will or any part thereof is revoked by: +(4) Both the subsequent marriage and the birth of a child of the testator, but divorce or annulment of the subsequent marriage does not revive a prior will.",0 +A17,"Should my wife not survive me, or should we die at +the same time, or as a result of a common disaster, then I will, +devise and bequeath all my property to [Person-3], son of +[Person-4], in fee simple.",The wife of the testator was dead at the time of the testator's death.,"16-15-403. Conservator of peace — Oaths. +Every general sessions court judge is a conservator of the peace in the county in which the judge serves, and has authority to administer oaths when required by law, unless the power is expressly entrusted to some other officer, and to exercise such other powers as are conferred upon the general sessions court judge by law.",2 +A17,"Should my wife not survive me, or should we die at +the same time, or as a result of a common disaster, then I will, +devise and bequeath all my property to [Person-3], son of +[Person-4], in fee simple.","After this will was made, a new baby was born. He/she survived more than 120 hours at the time of the testator's death.","39-16-605. Escape. +(a) It is an offense for any lawfully confined person arrested for, charged with, or found guilty of a civil or criminal offense to escape from a penal institution, as defined in § 39-16-601. +(b) +(1) A person commits the offense of escape who is in the lawful custody of a law enforcement officer and knowingly escapes the officer's custody. +(2) As used in subdivision (b)(1), “lawful custody” means a person has been taken, seized or detained by a law enforcement officer either by handcuffing, restraining or any other method by which a reasonable person would believe places the person in custody and that otherwise deprives the person's freedom of action in a significant way. +(c) +(1) A violation of subsection (a) is: +(A) A Class A misdemeanor if the person was being held for a misdemeanor or civil offense; and +(B) A Class E felony if the person was being held for a felony. +(2) A violation of subsection (b) is a Class A misdemeanor. +(d) Any sentence received for a violation of this section shall be ordered to be served consecutively to the sentence being served or sentence received for the charge for which the person was being held at the time of the escape.",2 +A17 ,"Should my wife not survive me, or should we die at +the same time, or as a result of a common disaster, then I will, +devise and bequeath all my property to [Person-3], son of +[Person-4], in fee simple.",The wife of the testator was dead at the time of the testator's death.,"32-5-110. Foreign unprobated wills. +(a) Where a foreign will has not been probated in another jurisdiction, any person interested may apply for its probate before the probate court of the county in this state in which the real estate or any part of the real estate is located.",2 +A19,"If for any reason my wife is unable to serve, then I name and appoint [Person-4] as Executor, also without bond.","The testator's wife was unable to serve, and the person named after was eligible to serve and agreed to serve as one."," +§32-3-110 + +(a) This section applies only to powers of appointment exercisable by will. +(b) Capacity of holder of power. A power of appointment by will that is not subject to an express condition that it may be exercised only by a holder of a greater age may be exercised by a holder who has attained the age of eighteen (18) years. +(c) Manner of exercise of power. Unless a contrary intent is evidenced by the terms of the instrument creating or limiting a power of appointment, a donee of a power of appointment exercisable by will may: +(1) Make appointments of present or future interests or both; +(2) Make appointments with conditions and limitations; +(3) Make appointments with restraints on alienation upon the appointed interests; +(4) Make appointments of interests to a trustee for the benefit of one (1) or more objects of the power; +(5) Make appointments that create in the object of the power additional powers of appointment to permissible objects of the power of appointment pursuant to which the powers are created",1 +A19,"If for any reason my wife is unable to serve, then I name and appoint [Person-4] as Executor, also without bond.",The testator's wife was eligible to serve and agreed to serve as an executor.,"30-1-101. Letters testamentary or of administration required. +No person shall presume to enter upon the administration of any deceased person's estate until the person has obtained letters of administration or letters testamentary.",0 +A19,"If for any reason my wife is unable to serve, then I name and appoint [Person-4] as Executor, also without bond.","The testator's wife was unable to serve, and the person named after was eligible to serve and agreed to serve as one.","30-1-201. When bond required. +(a) +(1) The clerk shall not require a bond of the personal representative before issuing letters testamentary or letters of administration if: +(A) The decedent by will excuses the personal representative from making bond;",1 +A19,"If for any reason my wife is unable to serve, then I name and appoint [Person-4] as Executor, also without bond.",The testator's wife was eligible to serve and agreed to serve as an executor.,"5-8-202. Contracts — Execution and effect. +The finance committee, to carry out the will of the county legislative body, shall be vested with full power to formulate, make and sign a contract upon the terms and conditions specified, which contract shall be approved by the county mayor, and attested by the county clerk, with the county seal attached, on the part of the county, and shall be binding on the county.",2 +A19 ,"If for any reason my wife is unable to serve, then I name and appoint [Person-4] as Executor, also without bond.",The testator's wife was eligible to serve and agreed to serve as an executor.,"13-22-116. Graduated payment mortgages — Requirements for commitment to insure. +(a) For the purposes of this chapter, the agency is authorized to make commitments to insure mortgage loans and to contract to insure mortgage loans eligible hereunder upon such terms and conditions as the agency may prescribe, provided: +(1) Application for mortgage insurance or for a commitment for mortgage insurance has been submitted to the agency by an approved mortgagee holding, or proposing to hold, an insurable mortgage on the housing accommodation; +(2) The mortgage will have a remaining term of not more than forty (40) years from the date of the issuance of the insurance; +(3) The mortgage bears interest, exclusive of premium charges fixed by the agency, at a rate not in excess of the legal rate for such mortgages in this state and agreed upon by the mortgagor, the mortgagee, and the agency; +(4) The mortgage contains a provision satisfactory to the agency varying the rate of amortization to correspond to an anticipated variation in the mortgagor's income; +(5) The mortgage is in such form and contains such terms and provisions with respect to maturity, hazard and title insurance, repairs, alterations, maintenance, payment of taxes and assessments, default remedies, anticipation of maturity, additional and secondary liens, waiver of equitable and legal redemption rights and other matters as the agency may prescribe; and +(6) Such mortgage insurance is necessary to enable the mortgagor to obtain the mortgage loan upon reasonable and affordable terms and conditions. +(b) If the agency, pursuant to the terms of a contract of mortgage insurance, makes any payment upon a defaulted mortgage loan to the mortgagee thereof, the agency shall be subrogated to the rights of the mortgagee. +(c) The directors, officers and employees of the agency shall not be subject to any personal liabilities due to any obligation or debt created or incurred by the agency.",2 +A22,"I, [Person-1], widow of [Person-2], an adult +resident citizen of [Address-1], being of sound and disposing mind, memory and understanding, do hereby make, declare and publish this +instrument as my Last Will and Testament, expressly revoking any +and all testamentary dispositions heretofore made by me.",The testator was of sound mind and over 18 years when making this will.,"32-1-102. Persons qualified to make a will. +Any person of sound mind eighteen (18) years of age or older may make a will.",1 +A22,"I, [Person-1], widow of [Person-2], an adult +resident citizen of [Address-1], being of sound and disposing mind, memory and understanding, do hereby make, declare and publish this +instrument as my Last Will and Testament, expressly revoking any +and all testamentary dispositions heretofore made by me.",The testator was not of sound mind when making this will.,"32-1-102. Persons qualified to make a will. +Any person of sound mind eighteen (18) years of age or older may make a will.",0 +A22,"I, [Person-1], widow of [Person-2], an adult +resident citizen of [Address-1], being of sound and disposing mind, memory and understanding, do hereby make, declare and publish this +instrument as my Last Will and Testament, expressly revoking any +and all testamentary dispositions heretofore made by me.",This document satisfies all legal requirements as a will and thus constitutes as a legitimate will.,"Tenn. Code Ann. § 32-1-201 +A will or any part thereof is revoked by: +(1) A subsequent will, other than a nuncupative will, that revokes the prior will or part expressly or by inconsistency;",1 +A22,"I, [Person-1], widow of [Person-2], an adult +resident citizen of [Address-1], being of sound and disposing mind, memory and understanding, do hereby make, declare and publish this +instrument as my Last Will and Testament, expressly revoking any +and all testamentary dispositions heretofore made by me.",This document did not satisfy the legal requirements as a will.,"Tenn. Code Ann. § 32-1-201 +A will or any part thereof is revoked by: +(1) A subsequent will, other than a nuncupative will, that revokes the prior will or part expressly or by inconsistency;",0 +A22 ,"I, [Person-1], widow of [Person-2], an adult +resident citizen of [Address-1], being of sound and disposing mind, memory and understanding, do hereby make, declare and publish this +instrument as my Last Will and Testament, expressly revoking any +and all testamentary dispositions heretofore made by me.",The testator was of sound mind and over 18 years when making this will.,"44-16-102. Certification as accredited flock and hatchery. +Each poultry flock inspected and meeting the standard requirements thus fixed shall be certified by the department as an accredited flock, and each hatchery using eggs from accredited flocks only, and otherwise meeting the standard requirements, shall be certified by the department as an accredited hatchery.",2 +A10,"I hereby will and bequeath one-half(1/2) of the balance of my estate to [Person-11] or to her children, if she is not living and the other one-half(1/2) of my estate to [Person-3], [Person-2], [Person-9], [Person-10] and [Person-8], equally.","There was no surviving spouse of testator, and no beneficiaries listed in the will have murdered the testator. Also, a contrary intention was not manifest during the testator's lifetime.","32-3-111. Specifically devised or bequeathed property. +(a) A specific legatee or devisee has a right to the specifically gifted or devised property in the testator's estate at death or if the property has been disposed of and a contrary intention is not manifest during the testator's lifetime: +(1) Any balance of the purchase price, together with any security interest, owing from a purchaser to the testator at death by reason of sale of the property; +(2) Any amount of a condemnation award for the taking of the property unpaid at death; +(3) Any proceeds unpaid at death on fire or casualty insurance on, or other recovery for injury to, the property; and +(4) Property owned by the testator at death and acquired as a result of foreclosure, or obtained in lieu of foreclosure, of the security interest for a specifically devised obligation.",1 +A10,"I hereby will and bequeath one-half(1/2) of the balance of my estate to [Person-11] or to her children, if she is not living and the other one-half(1/2) of my estate to [Person-3], [Person-2], [Person-9], [Person-10] and [Person-8], equally.","There was a surviving spouse of testator, and he/she decided to take the elective share of surviving spouse. He/she was married to the testator for more than 9 years.","31-4-101. Right to elective share. +(a) +(1) The surviving spouse of an intestate decedent who elects against taking an intestate share, or a surviving spouse who elects against a decedent's will, has a right of election, unless limited by subsection (c), to take an elective-share amount equal to the value of the decedent's net estate as defined in subsection (b), determined by the length of time the surviving spouse and the decedent were married to each other, in accordance with the following schedule: +If the decedent and the surviving spouseThe elective-share +were married to each other:percentage is: + +less than 3 years10% of the net estate +3 years but less than 6 years20% of the net estate +6 years but less than 9 years30% of the net estate +9 years or more40% of the net estate",0 +A10,"I hereby will and bequeath one-half(1/2) of the balance of my estate to [Person-11] or to her children, if she is not living and the other one-half(1/2) of my estate to [Person-3], [Person-2], [Person-9], [Person-10] and [Person-8], equally.",Beneficiaries listed here have murdered the testator.,"31-1-106. Effect of felonious and intentional killing of decedent. +(a) For purposes of this section: +(1) “Disposition or appointment of property” includes a transfer of an item of property or any other benefit to a beneficiary designated in a governing instrument; +(2) “Felonious and intentional killing” or “feloniously and intentionally kills” includes the felonious and intentional act of conspiring with another to kill or procure the killing of an individual decedent; +(3) “Governing instrument” means a governing instrument executed by the decedent; and +(4) “Revocable,” with respect to a disposition, appointment, provision, or nomination, means one under which the decedent, at the time of or immediately before death, was alone empowered, by law or under the governing instrument, to cancel the designation in favor of the killer, whether or not the decedent was then empowered to designate the decedent in place of the decedent's killer and whether or not the decedent then had capacity to exercise the power. +(b) An individual who feloniously and intentionally kills the decedent forfeits all benefits with respect to the decedent's estate, including an intestate share, an elective share, an omitted spouse's or child's share, a homestead allowance, exempt property, and a family allowance. If the decedent died intestate, the decedent's intestate estate passes as if the killer predeceased the decedent.",0 +A10,"I hereby will and bequeath one-half(1/2) of the balance of my estate to [Person-11] or to her children, if she is not living and the other one-half(1/2) of my estate to [Person-3], [Person-2], [Person-9], [Person-10] and [Person-8], equally.","There was no surviving spouse of testator, and no beneficiaries listed in the will have murdered the testator. Also, a contrary intention was not manifest during the testator's lifetime.","38-9-104. Restrictive orders. +After proclamation of a civil emergency, the chief administrative officer may, at the officer's discretion, in the interest of public safety and welfare: +(1) Order the closing of all retail liquor stores; +(2) Order the closing of all establishments where beer or alcoholic beverages are served; +(3) Order the closing of all private clubs or portions of private clubs where the consumption of intoxicating liquor or beer is permitted; +(4) Order the discontinuance of the sale of beer; +(5) Order the discontinuance of selling, distribution, or giving away of gasoline or other liquid flammable or combustible products in any container other than a gasoline tank properly affixed to a motor vehicle; +(6) Order the closing of gasoline stations, and other establishments, the chief activity of which is the sale, distribution or dispensing of liquid flammable or combustible products; +(7) Order the discontinuance of selling, distributing, dispensing or giving away any firearms or ammunition of any character whatsoever; +(8) Order the closing of any or all establishments or portions of establishments, the chief activity of which is the sale, distribution, dispensing or giving away of firearms or ammunition; and +(9) Issue such other orders as are necessary for the protection of life and property.",2 +A10 ,"I hereby will and bequeath one-half(1/2) of the balance of my estate to [Person-11] or to her children, if she is not living and the other one-half(1/2) of my estate to [Person-3], [Person-2], [Person-9], [Person-10] and [Person-8], equally.","There was a surviving spouse of testator, and he/she decided to take the elective share of surviving spouse. He/she was married to the testator for more than 9 years.","39-16-604. Compounding of offenses. +(a) It is unlawful for any person to solicit, accept or agree to accept any benefit in consideration of refraining from reporting to a law enforcement officer the commission or suspected commission of an offense. +(b) It is unlawful for a complaining witness to solicit, accept or agree to accept any benefit in consideration of abstaining from, discontinuing or delaying the prosecution of another for an offense. +(c) It is a defense to prosecution under this section that the benefit was solicited or accepted by the victim and did not exceed an amount reasonably believed by the victim to be due as restitution or indemnification for loss caused by the offense. +(d) +(1) A violation of this section with respect to an offense classified as a misdemeanor is a Class A misdemeanor. +(2) A violation of this section with respect to an offense classified as a felony is a Class E felony.",2 +A88,"I nominate and appoint my sister, [Person-2], of Lauderdale County, Tennessee, as Executrix of this my Last Will and Testament, and request that she be permitted to serve as Executrix without bond, and that she be relieved of the necessity of filing an inventory, settlement, or any other accounting at any time in any Court.",The person named as an executor was eligible to serve as an executor and agreed to do so.,"§32-3-110 + +(a) This section applies only to powers of appointment exercisable by will. +(b) Capacity of holder of power. A power of appointment by will that is not subject to an express condition that it may be exercised only by a holder of a greater age may be exercised by a holder who has attained the age of eighteen (18) years. +(c) Manner of exercise of power. Unless a contrary intent is evidenced by the terms of the instrument creating or limiting a power of appointment, a donee of a power of appointment exercisable by will may: +(1) Make appointments of present or future interests or both; +(2) Make appointments with conditions and limitations; +(3) Make appointments with restraints on alienation upon the appointed interests; +(4) Make appointments of interests to a trustee for the benefit of one (1) or more objects of the power; +(5) Make appointments that create in the object of the power additional powers of appointment to permissible objects of the power of appointment pursuant to which the powers are created +",1 +A88,"I nominate and appoint my sister, [Person-2], of Lauderdale County, Tennessee, as Executrix of this my Last Will and Testament, and request that she be permitted to serve as Executrix without bond, and that she be relieved of the necessity of filing an inventory, settlement, or any other accounting at any time in any Court.",The person named as an executor was not eligible to serve as he/she had been imprisoned.,"40-20-115. Disqualification from fiduciary office. +The effect of a sentence of imprisonment in the penitentiary is to put an end to the right of the inmate to execute the office of executor, administrator or guardian, fiduciary or conservator, and operates as a removal from office.",0 +A88,"I nominate and appoint my sister, [Person-2], of Lauderdale County, Tennessee, as Executrix of this my Last Will and Testament, and request that she be permitted to serve as Executrix without bond, and that she be relieved of the necessity of filing an inventory, settlement, or any other accounting at any time in any Court.",The person named as an executor was eligible to serve as an executor and agreed to do so.,"Tenn. Code Ann. 30-1-201. When bond required. +(a) +(1) The clerk shall not require a bond of the personal representative before issuing letters testamentary or letters of administration if: +(A) The decedent by will excuses the personal representative from making bond; + +30-2-301. Making inventory — Return — Notice to beneficiaries. +(a) The personal representative, within sixty (60) days after entering on the administration of a testate or intestate estate, shall make a complete and accurate inventory of the probate estate of the deceased, and return the inventory to the clerk of the court exercising probate jurisdiction in the county of the estate, and verify it by the personal representative's oath before the clerk or before any person authorized by law to administer oaths in such cases whether within or without the borders of the state. When the will of the deceased excuses the requirement for making and filing an inventory of the estate, or when excused by all of the residuary distributees or legatees, no inventory shall be required of a solvent estate, unless demanded by any residuary distributee or legatee of the estate.",1 +A88,"I nominate and appoint my sister, [Person-2], of Lauderdale County, Tennessee, as Executrix of this my Last Will and Testament, and request that she be permitted to serve as Executrix without bond, and that she be relieved of the necessity of filing an inventory, settlement, or any other accounting at any time in any Court.",The person named as an executor was not eligible to serve as he/she had been imprisoned.,"33-2-602. Licensees to adopt conflict resolution procedures and appeal processes. +Every licensee under this title shall have a clear conflict resolution procedure, including an appeal process, that complies with the department's rules and shall communicate the procedure to each service recipient and family involved in the service. Termination of service or support because a third party payer refuses to continue to fund the service or support is not subject to the conflict resolution procedure. The location where service or support is to be provided is not subject to the conflict resolution procedure unless the location is inaccessible to the service recipient and the service recipient's family, as appropriate. The procedure must include the means to resolve a conflict informally and expeditiously in conformity with the department's rules. A licensee may not cease to provide services and supports to a service recipient with a developmental disability during the pendency of the conflict resolution over the objection of the service recipient.",2 +A88 ,"I nominate and appoint my sister, [Person-2], of Lauderdale County, Tennessee, as Executrix of this my Last Will and Testament, and request that she be permitted to serve as Executrix without bond, and that she be relieved of the necessity of filing an inventory, settlement, or any other accounting at any time in any Court.",The person named as an executor was not eligible to serve as he/she had been imprisoned.,"31-2-107. Kindred of half blood. +Relatives of the half blood inherit the same share they would inherit if they were of the whole blood.",2 +A63,"Should my wife not survive me, or should we die at the same time, +or as a result of a common disaster, then I will, devise and bequeath all my property to my children, [Person-3] and [Person-4], equally.",The wife of the testator was dead at the time of the testator's death.,"32-3-111. Specifically devised or bequeathed property. +(a) A specific legatee or devisee has a right to the specifically gifted or devised property in the testator's estate at death or if the property has been disposed of and a contrary intention is not manifest during the testator's lifetime: +(1) Any balance of the purchase price, together with any security interest, owing from a purchaser to the testator at death by reason of sale of the property; +(2) Any amount of a condemnation award for the taking of the property unpaid at death; +(3) Any proceeds unpaid at death on fire or casualty insurance on, or other recovery for injury to, the property; and +(4) Property owned by the testator at death and acquired as a result of foreclosure, or obtained in lieu of foreclosure, of the security interest for a specifically devised obligation.",1 +A63,"Should my wife not survive me, or should we die at the same time, +or as a result of a common disaster, then I will, devise and bequeath all my property to my children, [Person-3] and [Person-4], equally.","After this will was made, a new baby was born. He/she survived more than 120 hours at the time of the testator's death.","32-1-201. Actions effecting a revocation of will. +A will or any part thereof is revoked by: +(4) Both the subsequent marriage and the birth of a child of the testator, but divorce or annulment of the subsequent marriage does not revive a prior will.",0 +A63,"Should my wife not survive me, or should we die at the same time, +or as a result of a common disaster, then I will, devise and bequeath all my property to my children, [Person-3] and [Person-4], equally.",The wife of the testator was dead at the time of the testator's death.,"4-1-503. Presentation to firefighters or next of kin — Submission of information to council — “Firefighter” defined. +(a) A Three Stars of Tennessee Award shall be awarded to: +(1) A firefighter who suffers a career-ending injury in the line of duty; or +(2) The surviving next of kin of a firefighter who is killed or sustains a fatal injury in the line of duty.",2 +A63,"Should my wife not survive me, or should we die at the same time, +or as a result of a common disaster, then I will, devise and bequeath all my property to my children, [Person-3] and [Person-4], equally.","After this will was made, a new baby was born. He/she survived more than 120 hours at the time of the testator's death.","7-63-106. Issuance of citation or complaint after investigation at scene of accident or place of violation. +All the procedures enumerated in this part as to giving citations or complaints in lieu of making arrests and taking out warrants shall also apply when the officer, as designated in § 7-63-101, makes a personal investigation at the scene of a traffic accident, or makes a personal investigation at the place of violation, as a result of which the officer has reasonable and probable grounds to believe that the driver of any vehicle involved in the accident has violated any traffic ordinance, law or regulation of any municipal, metropolitan or city government in this state; or in the case of violations other than traffic accidents, the officer has reasonable and probable grounds to believe that the owner or occupant of property involved in a violation has violated any ordinance, law or regulation of any municipal, metropolitan or city government in this state.",2 +A63 ,"Should my wife not survive me, or should we die at the same time, +or as a result of a common disaster, then I will, devise and bequeath all my property to my children, [Person-3] and [Person-4], equally.",The wife of the testator was dead at the time of the testator's death.,"65-2-102. Adoption, effective date and publication of rules. +(a) The commission is empowered and directed to adopt rules in the following circumstances and in the following manner: +(1) The commission shall adopt rules governing the procedure prescribed or authorized by this chapter or by any other statute applicable to the commission; these rules shall include, but shall not be limited to, rules of practice before the commission, together with forms and instructions; +(2) The commission is empowered to adopt rules implementing, interpreting, or making specific the various laws which it enforces or administers; provided, that the commission shall have no power to vary or deviate from those laws, nor to extend its power or jurisdiction to matters not provided for in those laws; +(3) The commission may adopt, amend, or repeal such rules on its own motion, or on the petition of any interested person. The commission shall prescribe by rule the form of such petitions and the procedure for their submission, consideration and disposition; provided, that the commission shall abide by any such rule adopted by it, until it shall have been changed in the manner provided for in this chapter; and +(4) Prior to the adoption of any rule, or to the amendment or repeal of any rule, the commission shall, so far as practicable and in such manner as it deems expedient, publish or otherwise circulate notice of its intended action, and afford interested persons opportunity to submit data or argument in such manner as the commission shall prescribe; provided, that no person shall be entitled to challenge the validity of such a rule, or the amendment or repeal of such a rule, on the grounds that such person failed to receive such notice or was not given an opportunity to be heard. +(b) Rules adopted by the commission shall take effect at such date as the commission shall direct. The commission shall compile and publish all rules adopted by it in such manner and in such form as it deems expedient. The commission shall also furnish copies of such compilations of its rules to all persons requesting same at a price fixed by the commission to cover publication and mailing costs.",2 +A9,I hereby will and bequeath five (5) percent of my net estate to [Organization-2].,A contrary intention was not manifest during the testator's lifetime.,"32-3-111. Specifically devised or bequeathed property. +(a) A specific legatee or devisee has a right to the specifically gifted or devised property in the testator's estate at death or if the property has been disposed of and a contrary intention is not manifest during the testator's lifetime: +(1) Any balance of the purchase price, together with any security interest, owing from a purchaser to the testator at death by reason of sale of the property; +(2) Any amount of a condemnation award for the taking of the property unpaid at death; +(3) Any proceeds unpaid at death on fire or casualty insurance on, or other recovery for injury to, the property; and +(4) Property owned by the testator at death and acquired as a result of foreclosure, or obtained in lieu of foreclosure, of the security interest for a specifically devised obligation.",1 +A9,I hereby will and bequeath five (5) percent of my net estate to [Organization-2].,A contrary intention was manifested during the testator's lifetime.,"32-3-111. Specifically devised or bequeathed property. +(a) A specific legatee or devisee has a right to the specifically gifted or devised property in the testator's estate at death or if the property has been disposed of and a contrary intention is not manifest during the testator's lifetime: +(1) Any balance of the purchase price, together with any security interest, owing from a purchaser to the testator at death by reason of sale of the property; +(2) Any amount of a condemnation award for the taking of the property unpaid at death; +(3) Any proceeds unpaid at death on fire or casualty insurance on, or other recovery for injury to, the property; and +(4) Property owned by the testator at death and acquired as a result of foreclosure, or obtained in lieu of foreclosure, of the security interest for a specifically devised obligation.",0 +A9,I hereby will and bequeath five (5) percent of my net estate to [Organization-2].,A contrary intention was not manifest during the testator's lifetime.,"11-24-202. Programs established by formal agreements. +The governing body of any municipality or the recreation board or commission, as appropriate, may enter into formal agreements with business and civic groups and individuals for volunteer services to maintain and make improvements to real and personal property in municipal parks in accordance with plans devised by the municipality or its recreation board after consultation with the volunteers.",2 +A9,I hereby will and bequeath five (5) percent of my net estate to [Organization-2].,A contrary intention was manifested during the testator's lifetime.,"65-2-110. Commission reporter — Preparation of official record. +The commission is authorized and directed to employ a competent court reporter or stenographer, whose salary shall be paid out of the general appropriations for the commission, and whose duties shall be to attend all sessions of the commission, to take down and transcribe all testimony offered in contested cases, to prepare the official record of all contested cases, which record shall include all petitions, applications, testimony, exhibits and such other matters as required by law or as the commission may direct, and to perform such other duties as the commission may direct; provided, that the commission may, in its discretion, direct the reporter not to transcribe particular proceedings if it appears that no such transcript is necessary; and provided further, that any party to a contested case may obtain copies of the transcript of testimony made by the commission's reporter upon the payment to the commission of the cost of same at such rate as the commission may determine.",2 +A9 ,I hereby will and bequeath five (5) percent of my net estate to [Organization-2].,A contrary intention was manifested during the testator's lifetime.,"7-90-110. Audit. +(a) The board of directors of each authority shall cause an annual audit to be made of the books and records of its authority. The comptroller of the treasury, through the department of audit shall be responsible for determining that such audits are prepared in accordance with generally accepted governmental auditing standards and that such audits meet the minimum standards prescribed by the comptroller of the treasury. +(b) Such audits shall be prepared by certified public accountants or by the department of audit. In the event the governing body of the authority shall fail or refuse to have the audit prepared, then the comptroller of the treasury may appoint a certified public accountant, or direct the department of audit, to prepare the audit, the cost of such audit to be paid by the authority. +(c) Each authority shall prepare an annual report of its business affairs and transactions. A copy of such report shall be filed with the municipality granting permission to the authority to organize.",2 +A51,"I, [Person-1], being of sound mind and +disposing memory, do hereby make, publish, and declare this to be my Last Will and Testament, hereby revoking all wills and codicils +heretofore made by me.",The testator was an adult (over 18 years old) and was being of sound mind and disposing memory when making the will.,"Tenn. Code Ann. § 32-1-102 +Any person of sound mind eighteen (18) years of age or older may make a will.",1 +A51,"I, [Person-1], being of sound mind and +disposing memory, do hereby make, publish, and declare this to be my Last Will and Testament, hereby revoking all wills and codicils +heretofore made by me.",The testator was under 18 years old when making the will.,"Tenn. Code Ann. § 32-1-102 +Any person of sound mind eighteen (18) years of age or older may make a will.",0 +A51,"I, [Person-1], being of sound mind and +disposing memory, do hereby make, publish, and declare this to be my Last Will and Testament, hereby revoking all wills and codicils +heretofore made by me.",This document satisfies all legal requirements as a will and thus constitutes as a legitimate will.,"Tenn. Code Ann. § 32-1-201 +A will or any part thereof is revoked by: +(1) A subsequent will, other than a nuncupative will, that revokes the prior will or part expressly or by inconsistency;",1 +A51,"I, [Person-1], being of sound mind and +disposing memory, do hereby make, publish, and declare this to be my Last Will and Testament, hereby revoking all wills and codicils +heretofore made by me.",This document did not satisfy the legal requirements as a will.,"Tenn. Code Ann. § 32-1-201 +A will or any part thereof is revoked by: +(1) A subsequent will, other than a nuncupative will, that revokes the prior will or part expressly or by inconsistency;",0 +A51 ,"I, [Person-1], being of sound mind and +disposing memory, do hereby make, publish, and declare this to be my Last Will and Testament, hereby revoking all wills and codicils +heretofore made by me.",The testator was an adult (over 18 years old) and was being of sound mind and disposing memory when making the will.,"12-12-106. List of persons engaging in investment activities in Iran — Ineligibility to contract with state. +(a) +(1) No more than one hundred twenty (120) days after July 1, 2016, the state chief procurement officer shall publish, using credible information freely available to the public, a list of persons it determines engage in investment activities in Iran, as described in § 12-12-105. The list, when completed, shall be posted on the state's website. +(2) The chief procurement officer shall update the list every one hundred eighty (180) days, using credible, freely available, public information regarding the persons or entities described in subdivision (a)(1). +(3) Before finalizing an initial list or an updated list, as reasonably practicable, the chief procurement officer shall do all of the following before a person is included on the list: +(A) Provide ninety (90) days' written notice of the chief procurement officer's intent to include the person on the list, if the state is reasonably able to provide the written notice by electronic communication or through the U.S. postal service. The notice shall inform the person that inclusion on the list would make the person ineligible to contract with the state. The notice shall specify that the person, if it ceases its engagement in investment activities in Iran, may be removed from the list; +(B) The chief procurement officer shall provide a person with an informal opportunity to comment in writing that it is not engaged in investment activities in Iran. If the person demonstrates to the chief procurement officer that the person is not engaged in investment activities in Iran, the person shall not be included on the list. Nothing in this section requires a contested case hearing as set forth in the Uniform Administrative Procedures Act, compiled in title 4, chapter 5. A person contesting being placed on the list described in subsection (a) shall exhaust all administrative remedies provided in this section prior to the initiation of any judicial review of being placed on such list. +(4) The chief procurement officer shall make every effort to avoid erroneously including a person on the list. +(b) A person that is identified on a list created pursuant to subsection (a) as a person engaging in investment activities in Iran as described in § 12-12-105, is ineligible to contract with the state. +(c) Any contract entered into with a person that is ineligible to contract with the state shall be terminated by the state.",2 +A107,"We, the undersigned subscribing witnesses, do hereby certify that we witnessed the foregoing Last Will and Testament of [Person-1] at her request, in her presence and in the presence of each other, and that she signed the same in our presence, and in the presence of each of us, declaring the same to be her Last Will and Testament. This 23rd day of January, 2001.","Two disinterested witnesses have signed the will after they witnessed the testator signing his/her will (in the presence of the testator and in the presence of each other). Also, they were eligible to serve as witnesses","32-1-104. Will other than holographic or nuncupative — Signatures. +(a) The execution of a will, other than a holographic or nuncupative will, must be by the signature of the testator and of at least two (2) witnesses as follows: +(1) The testator shall signify to the attesting witnesses that the instrument is the testator's will and either: +(A) The testator sign; +(B) Acknowledge the testator's signature already made; or +(C) At the testator's direction and in the testator's presence have someone else sign the testator's name; and +(D) In any of the above cases the act must be done in the presence of two (2) or more attesting witnesses; +(2) The attesting witnesses must sign: +(A) In the presence of the testator; and +(B) In the presence of each other.",1 +A107,"We, the undersigned subscribing witnesses, do hereby certify that we witnessed the foregoing Last Will and Testament of [Person-1] at her request, in her presence and in the presence of each other, and that she signed the same in our presence, and in the presence of each of us, declaring the same to be her Last Will and Testament. This 23rd day of January, 2001.","One of the two attesting witnesses were unable to act as a witness, according to Tennessee law.","32-1-103. Witnesses — Who may act. +(a) Any person competent to be a witness generally in this state may act as attesting witness to a will. + +32-1-104. Will other than holographic or nuncupative — Signatures. +(a) The execution of a will, other than a holographic or nuncupative will, must be by the signature of the testator and of at least two (2) witnesses as follows: +(1) The testator shall signify to the attesting witnesses that the instrument is the testator's will and either: +(A) The testator sign; +(B) Acknowledge the testator's signature already made; or +(C) At the testator's direction and in the testator's presence have someone else sign the testator's name; and +(D) In any of the above cases the act must be done in the presence of two (2) or more attesting witnesses; +(2) The attesting witnesses must sign: +(A) In the presence of the testator; and +(B) In the presence of each other.",0 +A107,"We, the undersigned subscribing witnesses, do hereby certify that we witnessed the foregoing Last Will and Testament of [Person-1] at her request, in her presence and in the presence of each other, and that she signed the same in our presence, and in the presence of each of us, declaring the same to be her Last Will and Testament. This 23rd day of January, 2001.","Two disinterested witnesses have signed the will after they witnessed the testator signing his/her will (in the presence of the testator and in the presence of each other). Also, they were eligible to serve as witnesses","49-4-706. Minority teaching fellows program. +(a) +(1) The Tennessee student assistance corporation (TSAC) shall administer a minority teaching fellows program for talented Tennesseans who aspire to be teachers. +(2) Participation in the minority teaching fellows program is limited to: +(A) College juniors, seniors, and post-baccalaureate candidates admitted to educator preparation programs in this state who pledge to teach in the public schools of this state for up to four (4) years; and +(B) Students who received the minority teaching fellows program award prior to July 1, 2021, and who continue to maintain all eligibility requirements. +(3) Recipients must maintain continuous enrollment in a degree program leading to licensure as a teacher in a higher education institution within this state with an educator preparation program approved by the state board of education. +(4) Each fellowship award is in the amount of five thousand dollars ($5,000) and is renewable up to three (3) times, contingent upon satisfactory academic progress. +(5) +(A) Recipients who become public school teachers in this state shall receive forgiveness of the fellowship balance based on one (1) year's teaching service for each year the fellowship was awarded. +(B) TSAC shall forgive the loan if, within seven (7) years after graduation, the recipient teaches for three (3) consecutive years, unless the recipient takes an approved leave of absence, at a public school in an LEA that, at the time the recipient accepts employment with the LEA, is determined to be a school system that is marginal or in need of improvement as determined by the commissioner of education according to the school district accountability framework adopted by the state board of education. TSAC shall also forgive the loan because of the death or permanent disability of the recipient. +(b) +(1) TSAC, in conjunction with the state board of education and the Tennessee higher education commission, shall develop rules, regulations and criteria for the selection of minority Tennessee citizens and for the management of the program. +(2) All scholarship loans shall be evidenced by notes made payable to TSAC, which shall bear interest at the rate of nine percent (9%) per year beginning September 1 after completion of the program, or immediately after termination of the scholarship loan, whichever is earlier. The scholarship loan may be terminated by the recipient withdrawing from school or by the recipient not meeting the standards set by TSAC.",2 +A107,"We, the undersigned subscribing witnesses, do hereby certify that we witnessed the foregoing Last Will and Testament of [Person-1] at her request, in her presence and in the presence of each other, and that she signed the same in our presence, and in the presence of each of us, declaring the same to be her Last Will and Testament. This 23rd day of January, 2001.","One of the two attesting witnesses were unable to act as a witness, according to Tennessee law.","46-8-103. Duty to protect graves or crypt — Disturbances prohibited — Transfer of remains. +(a) A deed for real property that indicates the presence of a gravesite or crypt containing human remains on the property conveyed obligates the immediate and future buyer or buyers of the property to protect the gravesite or crypt from disturbance. The owner of real property has the responsibility for taking appropriate action, prior to conveying the property, to ensure that the deed reflects the presence of the gravesite or crypt on the property. +(b) Real property that has a deed that reflects the presence of human remains on the property is protected from disturbance or development as follows: +(1) A gravesite may not be disturbed in the area of ten feet (10′) surrounding the perimeter of the gravesite; and +(2) A crypt may not be disturbed in the area of five feet (5′) surrounding the perimeter of the crypt. +(c) The owner of real property that has a deed that reflects the presence of human remains on the property has the option of transferring the remains, at the owner's expense, pursuant to the procedure for termination of use as a cemetery in chapter 4 of this title. However, prior to filing any action in chancery court to transfer the remains located in a gravesite or crypt, the proponent of the action shall first publish a notice in a newspaper of general circulation within the county in which the gravesite or crypt is located. The notice shall include the name of the proponent of the action, the location of the property where the remains are located and any name that can be discerned from the site of any person there interred. Upon complete transfer of all human remains from the property that are properly described on the deed, the buyer has the right to the use of the area previously containing the remains as is consistent for the remainder of the property.",2 +A107 ,"We, the undersigned subscribing witnesses, do hereby certify that we witnessed the foregoing Last Will and Testament of [Person-1] at her request, in her presence and in the presence of each other, and that she signed the same in our presence, and in the presence of each of us, declaring the same to be her Last Will and Testament. This 23rd day of January, 2001.","One of the two attesting witnesses were unable to act as a witness, according to Tennessee law.","31-6-103. Escheat of tangible personal property customarily kept in this state. +All tangible personal property owned by the decedent, wherever located at the decedent's death, that was customarily kept in this state prior to the decedent's death, escheats to this state in accordance with § 31-6-101.",2 +A27,"I name, nominate and appoint my daughter, [Person-3], Executor of this my will and estate, and direct that she be allowed to serve without bond.",The person named as an executor was eligible to serve as an executor and agreed to do so.,"§32-3-110 + +(a) This section applies only to powers of appointment exercisable by will. +(b) Capacity of holder of power. A power of appointment by will that is not subject to an express condition that it may be exercised only by a holder of a greater age may be exercised by a holder who has attained the age of eighteen (18) years. +(c) Manner of exercise of power. Unless a contrary intent is evidenced by the terms of the instrument creating or limiting a power of appointment, a donee of a power of appointment exercisable by will may: +(1) Make appointments of present or future interests or both; +(2) Make appointments with conditions and limitations; +(3) Make appointments with restraints on alienation upon the appointed interests; +(4) Make appointments of interests to a trustee for the benefit of one (1) or more objects of the power; +(5) Make appointments that create in the object of the power additional powers of appointment to permissible objects of the power of appointment pursuant to which the powers are created",1 +A27,"I name, nominate and appoint my daughter, [Person-3], Executor of this my will and estate, and direct that she be allowed to serve without bond.",The person named as an executor was under 18 years old.,"§32-3-110 + +(a) This section applies only to powers of appointment exercisable by will. +(b) Capacity of holder of power. A power of appointment by will that is not subject to an express condition that it may be exercised only by a holder of a greater age may be exercised by a holder who has attained the age of eighteen (18) years. +(c) Manner of exercise of power. Unless a contrary intent is evidenced by the terms of the instrument creating or limiting a power of appointment, a donee of a power of appointment exercisable by will may: +(1) Make appointments of present or future interests or both; +(2) Make appointments with conditions and limitations; +(3) Make appointments with restraints on alienation upon the appointed interests; +(4) Make appointments of interests to a trustee for the benefit of one (1) or more objects of the power; +(5) Make appointments that create in the object of the power additional powers of appointment to permissible objects of the power of appointment pursuant to which the powers are created",0 +A27,"I name, nominate and appoint my daughter, [Person-3], Executor of this my will and estate, and direct that she be allowed to serve without bond.",The person named as an executor was eligible to serve as an executor and agreed to do so.,"30-1-201. When bond required. +(a) +(1) The clerk shall not require a bond of the personal representative before issuing letters testamentary or letters of administration if: +(A) The decedent by will excuses the personal representative from making bond; +(B) The personal representative and the sole beneficiary of the estate are the same person and the court approves; +(C) All of the beneficiaries are adults, who are not under a disability that would preclude them from acting, and all beneficiaries consent to the personal representative serving without bond by filing a sworn statement, or a statement under penalty of perjury, with the court and the court approves; or +(D) The personal representative is a bank that is excused from the requirements of bond by § 45-2-1005.",1 +A27,"I name, nominate and appoint my daughter, [Person-3], Executor of this my will and estate, and direct that she be allowed to serve without bond.",The person named as an executor was under 18 years old.,"49-5-302. School counselors and school teachers. +(a) A school counselor or school teacher is responsible solely for providing counseling and guidance to students at the school or schools at which the counselor is employed. If a counselor is employed as such on a less than full-time basis, those hours devoted to guidance and counseling shall be specified and adhered to closely. A school counselor is not responsible for general school administration or reports, except such reports as may be connected with the school's guidance program.",2 +A27 ,"I name, nominate and appoint my daughter, [Person-3], Executor of this my will and estate, and direct that she be allowed to serve without bond.",The person named as an executor was eligible to serve as an executor and agreed to do so.,"71-4-302. Bond of director — Liability. +(a) The director of services for the blind shall be required to execute bond for the faithful accounting for and distribution of the funds coming into the director's hands under this part. The bond shall be in such sum as may be fixed by the commissioner of human services, with the approval of the governor, the payments for the bond to be made from such revolving fund. +(b) Any person having a claim against the director for an alleged mispayment or nonpayment of the proceeds of sale under this part shall have a right of action against such director under the bond required by subsection (a).",2 +A48,"I name, nominate and appoint my son, [Person-2], Executor of this my will and estate, and direct that he be allowed to serve without bond and without accounting to any Court.",The person named as an executor was eligible to serve and agreed to serve as one.,"§32-3-110 +(a) This section applies only to powers of appointment exercisable by will. +(b) Capacity of holder of power. A power of appointment by will that is not subject to an express condition that it may be exercised only by a holder of a greater age may be exercised by a holder who has attained the age of eighteen (18) years. +(c) Manner of exercise of power. Unless a contrary intent is evidenced by the terms of the instrument creating or limiting a power of appointment, a donee of a power of appointment exercisable by will may: +(1) Make appointments of present or future interests or both; +(2) Make appointments with conditions and limitations; +(3) Make appointments with restraints on alienation upon the appointed interests; +(4) Make appointments of interests to a trustee for the benefit of one (1) or more objects of the power; +(5) Make appointments that create in the object of the power additional powers of appointment to permissible objects of the power of appointment pursuant to which the powers are created +",1 +A48,"I name, nominate and appoint my son, [Person-2], Executor of this my will and estate, and direct that he be allowed to serve without bond and without accounting to any Court.",The person named as an executor was not eligible to serve as he/she was under 18 years old.,"§32-3-110 +(a) This section applies only to powers of appointment exercisable by will. +(b) Capacity of holder of power. A power of appointment by will that is not subject to an express condition that it may be exercised only by a holder of a greater age may be exercised by a holder who has attained the age of eighteen (18) years. +(c) Manner of exercise of power. Unless a contrary intent is evidenced by the terms of the instrument creating or limiting a power of appointment, a donee of a power of appointment exercisable by will may: +(1) Make appointments of present or future interests or both; +(2) Make appointments with conditions and limitations; +(3) Make appointments with restraints on alienation upon the appointed interests; +(4) Make appointments of interests to a trustee for the benefit of one (1) or more objects of the power; +(5) Make appointments that create in the object of the power additional powers of appointment to permissible objects of the power of appointment pursuant to which the powers are created +",0 +A48,"I name, nominate and appoint my son, [Person-2], Executor of this my will and estate, and direct that he be allowed to serve without bond and without accounting to any Court.",The person named as an executor was eligible to serve and agreed to serve as one.,"Tenn. Code Ann. 30-1-201. When bond required. +(a) +(1) The clerk shall not require a bond of the personal representative before issuing letters testamentary or letters of administration if: +(A) The decedent by will excuses the personal representative from making bond; + +30-2-301. Making inventory — Return — Notice to beneficiaries. +(a) The personal representative, within sixty (60) days after entering on the administration of a testate or intestate estate, shall make a complete and accurate inventory of the probate estate of the deceased, and return the inventory to the clerk of the court exercising probate jurisdiction in the county of the estate, and verify it by the personal representative's oath before the clerk or before any person authorized by law to administer oaths in such cases whether within or without the borders of the state. When the will of the deceased excuses the requirement for making and filing an inventory of the estate, or when excused by all of the residuary distributees or legatees, no inventory shall be required of a solvent estate, unless demanded by any residuary distributee or legatee of the estate.",1 +A48,"I name, nominate and appoint my son, [Person-2], Executor of this my will and estate, and direct that he be allowed to serve without bond and without accounting to any Court.",The person named as an executor was not eligible to serve as he/she was under 18 years old.,"6-33-111. Franchises. +(a) No franchise or grant for the operation of a water, electric, telephone, steam, or public transportation or other utility that is not revocable at the will of the council shall be granted or become operative, except by ordinance. Such ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days after its adoption by the council unless twenty percent (20%) of the qualified electors of the city sign a petition and present it to the council during such thirty-day period requesting that the ordinance be referred to the electors, in which case it must receive the approval of a majority of the electors voting thereon at a municipal election, and all renewals, extensions and amendments thereof shall be granted only in the same manner.",2 +A48 ,"I name, nominate and appoint my son, [Person-2], Executor of this my will and estate, and direct that he be allowed to serve without bond and without accounting to any Court.",The person named as an executor was not eligible to serve as he/she was under 18 years old.,"40-1-111. Appointment of judicial commissioners or magistrates — Duties — Terms — Compensation — Continuing education. +(a) +(1) +(A) The chief legislative body of any county having a population of less than two hundred thousand (200,000) or a population of not less than two hundred seventy-six thousand (276,000) nor more than two hundred seventy-seven thousand (277,000), according to the 1970 federal census or any subsequent federal census may appoint, and the chief legislative body of any county having a population of over seven hundred thousand (700,000), according to the 1970 federal census or any subsequent federal census, may initially appoint one (1) or more judicial commissioners whose duty or duties shall include, but not be limited to, the following: +(i) Issuance of search warrants and felony arrest warrants upon a finding of probable cause and pursuant to requests from on-duty law enforcement officers and in accordance with the procedures outlined in chapters 5 and 6 of this title; +(ii) Issuance of mittimus following compliance with the procedures prescribed by § 40-5-103; +(iii) The appointing of attorneys for indigent defendants in accordance with applicable law and guidelines established by the presiding general sessions judge of the county; +(iv) The setting and approving of bonds and the release on recognizance of defendants in accordance with applicable law and guidelines established by the presiding general sessions judge of the county; and +(v) Issuance of injunctions and other appropriate orders as designated by the general sessions judges in cases of alleged domestic violence.",2 +A66,"IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto signed, published and declared this instrument as my Last Will and Testament, in Lauderdale County, Tennessee, on this 17th day of July, 2001.",The testator signed his will while two witnesses were present.,"32-1-104. Will other than holographic or nuncupative — Signatures. +(a) The execution of a will, other than a holographic or nuncupative will, must be by the signature of the testator and of at least two (2) witnesses as follows: +(1) The testator shall signify to the attesting witnesses that the instrument is the testator's will and either: +(A) The testator sign; +(B) Acknowledge the testator's signature already made; or +(C) At the testator's direction and in the testator's presence have someone else sign the testator's name; and +(D) In any of the above cases the act must be done in the presence of two (2) or more attesting witnesses; +(2) The attesting witnesses must sign: +(A) In the presence of the testator; and +(B) In the presence of each other.",1 +A66,"IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto signed, published and declared this instrument as my Last Will and Testament, in Lauderdale County, Tennessee, on this 17th day of July, 2001.","One of the two attesting witnesses were unable to act as a witness, according to Tennessee law."," +32-1-103. Witnesses — Who may act. +(a) Any person competent to be a witness generally in this state may act as attesting witness to a will. + +32-1-104. Will other than holographic or nuncupative — Signatures. +(a) The execution of a will, other than a holographic or nuncupative will, must be by the signature of the testator and of at least two (2) witnesses as follows: +(1) The testator shall signify to the attesting witnesses that the instrument is the testator's will and either: +(A) The testator sign; +(B) Acknowledge the testator's signature already made; or +(C) At the testator's direction and in the testator's presence have someone else sign the testator's name; and +(D) In any of the above cases the act must be done in the presence of two (2) or more attesting witnesses; +(2) The attesting witnesses must sign: +(A) In the presence of the testator; and +(B) In the presence of each other.",0 +A66,"IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto signed, published and declared this instrument as my Last Will and Testament, in Lauderdale County, Tennessee, on this 17th day of July, 2001.",The testator signed his will while two witnesses were present.,"8-4-603. Open meetings laws — Review of proposed legislation — Report. +(a) +(1) The advisory committee shall, with the guidance of the office of open records counsel, hold meetings to review and provide written comments, if requested, on any proposed legislation regarding the open meetings laws, compiled in chapter 44 of this title, and the open records laws, compiled in title 10, chapter 7. +(2) +(A) The advisory committee shall select two (2) co-chairs from among its membership. +(B) One (1) co-chair selected under subdivision (a)(2)(A) shall represent the interests of advisory committee members appointed under § 8-4-602(b)(1)(C)-(E), (H), and (J)-(L); and one (1) co-chair selected shall represent the interests of members appointed under § 8-4-602(b)(1)(A), (B), (F), (G), (I), (M), and (N). +(C) +(i) The advisory committee shall meet at least once during each calendar year, with the date for such meeting to be set by joint agreement of the co-chairs. +(ii) The co-chairs of the committee: +(a) May, by joint agreement, call additional meetings at any time; and +(b) Shall, upon the request of a majority of the members, call additional meetings. +(3) All meetings of the advisory committee shall be open to the public, pursuant to § 8-44-102. +(b) +(1) The office of open records counsel and the advisory committee shall separately provide a detailed report of their activities to the governor, the speaker of the senate, the speaker of the house of representatives, the chair of the state and local government committee of the senate, the chair of the local government committee of the house of representatives, and the chair of the state government committee of the house of representatives by March 1 of each year. +(2) The advisory committee shall provide reports on open records and open meetings laws and issues as requested by the governor or any committee of the general assembly. +(c) Any written comments or reports provided by the advisory committee shall require unanimous consent of the co-chairs.",2 +A66,"IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto signed, published and declared this instrument as my Last Will and Testament, in Lauderdale County, Tennessee, on this 17th day of July, 2001.","One of the two attesting witnesses were unable to act as a witness, according to Tennessee law.","39-12-202. Legislative intent. +(a) The general assembly hereby finds and declares that an effective means of punishing and deterring criminal activities of organized crime is through the forfeiture of profits acquired and accumulated as a result of such criminal activities. It is the intent of the general assembly that this part be used by prosecutors to punish and deter only such criminal activities. +(b) +(1) It is not the intent of the general assembly that isolated incidents of felony conduct be prosecuted under this part, but only an interrelated pattern of criminal activity, the motive or effect of which is to derive pecuniary gain. +(2) Nor is it the intent of the general assembly that employers or owners of businesses or corporations that are licensed to dispense controlled substances in this state be subject to this part because of violations of this part committed by employees of the businesses or corporations, if the employers or owners did not know or have reason to know of the violations. +(3) This section shall be construed to further the intent stated within this part.",2 +A66 ,"IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto signed, published and declared this instrument as my Last Will and Testament, in Lauderdale County, Tennessee, on this 17th day of July, 2001.",The testator signed his will while two witnesses were present.,"49-2-405. Use of school buildings and property. +(a) The boards of education of the respective municipalities shall have the right to permit municipal school buildings and municipal school property to be used for public, community or recreational purposes under such rules, regulations and conditions as may be prescribed from time to time by the boards of education; provided, that this right shall not extend to the use of the school buildings and property for private profit. +(b) No such board of education, whether incorporated or unincorporated, and no member of any such boards of education, or other municipal or county school official, shall be held liable in damages for any injury to person or property resulting from the use of school buildings or property authorized by subsection (a).",2 +A37,"I, [Person-1], an adult resident citizen of [Address-1], being of sound and disposing mind, memory and understanding, do hereby make, declare and publish this instrument as my Last Will and Testament, expressly revoking any and all testamentary depositions heretofore made by me.",The testator was an adult (over 18 years old) and was being of sound mind and disposing memory when making the will.,"Tenn. Code Ann. § 32-1-102 +Any person of sound mind eighteen (18) years of age or older may make a will.",1 +A37,"I, [Person-1], an adult resident citizen of [Address-1], being of sound and disposing mind, memory and understanding, do hereby make, declare and publish this instrument as my Last Will and Testament, expressly revoking any and all testamentary depositions heretofore made by me.",The testator was not being of sound mind and disposing memory when making the will.,"Tenn. Code Ann. § 32-1-102 +Any person of sound mind eighteen (18) years of age or older may make a will.",0 +A37,"I, [Person-1], an adult resident citizen of [Address-1], being of sound and disposing mind, memory and understanding, do hereby make, declare and publish this instrument as my Last Will and Testament, expressly revoking any and all testamentary depositions heretofore made by me.",This document satisfies all legal requirements as a will and thus constitutes as a legitimate will.,"Tenn. Code Ann. § 32-1-201 +A will or any part thereof is revoked by: +(1) A subsequent will, other than a nuncupative will, that revokes the prior will or part expressly or by inconsistency;",1 +A37,"I, [Person-1], an adult resident citizen of [Address-1], being of sound and disposing mind, memory and understanding, do hereby make, declare and publish this instrument as my Last Will and Testament, expressly revoking any and all testamentary depositions heretofore made by me.",The document containing this sentence didn’t satisfy as an attested will as there was only one disintersted witness.,"32-1-201. Actions effecting a revocation of will. +A will or any part thereof is revoked by: +(1) A subsequent will, other than a nuncupative will, that revokes the prior will or part expressly or by inconsistency; +(2) Document of revocation, executed with all the formalities of an attested will or a holographic will, but not a nuncupative will, that revokes the prior will or part expressly; + +32-1-104. Will other than holographic or nuncupative — Signatures. +(a) The execution of a will, other than a holographic or nuncupative will, must be by the signature of the testator and of at least two (2) witnesses as follows: +(1) The testator shall signify to the attesting witnesses that the instrument is the testator's will and either: +(A) The testator sign; +(B) Acknowledge the testator's signature already made; or +(C) At the testator's direction and in the testator's presence have someone else sign the testator's name; and +(D) In any of the above cases the act must be done in the presence of two (2) or more attesting witnesses; +(2) The attesting witnesses must sign: +(A) In the presence of the testator; and +(B) In the presence of each other.",0 +A37 ,"I, [Person-1], an adult resident citizen of [Address-1], being of sound and disposing mind, memory and understanding, do hereby make, declare and publish this instrument as my Last Will and Testament, expressly revoking any and all testamentary depositions heretofore made by me.",The testator was not being of sound mind and disposing memory when making the will.,"29-19-104. Action for property lost. +Any person who has paid any money, or delivered anything of value, lost upon any game or wager, may recover such money, thing, or its value, by action commenced within ninety (90) days from the time of such payment or delivery.",2 +A69,"ARTICLE 1. I direct my personal representative to first pay +all of my just debts and funeral expenses out of any funds coming +into their hands.",One of the people named as an executor was eligible to serve and agreed to serve as one.,"Tenn. Code Ann. § 35-50-110 +35-50-110. Specifically enumerated fiduciary powers that may be incorporated by reference. +Without diminution or restriction of the powers vested in the fiduciary by law, or elsewhere in the instrument, and subject to all other provisions of the instrument, the fiduciary, without the necessity of procuring any judicial authorization, or approval, shall be vested with, and in the application of the fiduciary's best judgment and discretion in behalf of the beneficiaries of the instrument shall be authorized to exercise, the powers specifically enumerated in this section: +(3) In behalf of the estate, to perform any and all valid executory contracts to which at the time of the testator's or settlor's death the testator or settlor is a party, and that at the time of the testator's or settlor's death have not been fully performed by the testator or settlor, and to discharge all obligations of the estate arising under or by reason of such contracts;",1 +A69,"ARTICLE 1. I direct my personal representative to first pay +all of my just debts and funeral expenses out of any funds coming +into their hands.",All the people named as an executor declined to serve.,"Tenn. Code Ann. § 30-1-112. Resignation of personal representative. +(a) Any named executor in a decedent's last will and testament may decline to serve as such personal representative by filing a sworn statement, or a statement under penalty of perjury, with the court. +(b) Any personal representative may resign and relinquish trust in the following manner: +(1) Filing Petition. The personal representative shall file the petition in the probate court or chancery court having cognizance of the settlement of the estate of the deceased whom the petitioner represents, praying to be permitted to resign; +(2) Notice to Legatees, etc. When the legatees, devisees, or distributees entitled to the estate reside in the county where the letters testamentary or of administration were granted, five (5) days' notice shall be given them, their agent or attorney, of the filing or intention to file, the petition. Where they reside out of the county, the court shall order notice to be given by publication in a newspaper, or by posting at the courthouse door, or in such other mode as it thinks reasonable; +(3) Petitioner to Settle Accounts — New Administrator. After notice has been given, the court shall cause the petitioner's accounts to be settled, and may, at its discretion, accept the resignation of the petitioner, and appoint a new administrator, taking from the appointee a good and sufficient administration bond.",0 +A69,"ARTICLE 1. I direct my personal representative to first pay +all of my just debts and funeral expenses out of any funds coming +into their hands.",One of the people named as an executor was eligible to serve and agreed to serve as one.,"44-11-104. Issuance of license — Fee. +(a) The annual license fee to operate a livestock market shall be set by rule pursuant to § 43-1-703. +(b) Upon receipt of an application for a license under this section, accompanied by the required bond and license fee, the department shall examine the application and if it finds the application to be in proper form and that the applicant has otherwise complied with this chapter, the department shall grant the license as applied for, subject to this chapter.",2 +A69,"ARTICLE 1. I direct my personal representative to first pay +all of my just debts and funeral expenses out of any funds coming +into their hands.",All the people named as an executor declined to serve.,"40-2-105. Suspension of statute because of irregularities in prosecution. +When the judgment is arrested, or the indictment or presentment quashed for any defect in the indictment or presentment, or for the reason that it was not found by a grand jury regularly organized, or because it charged no offense, or for any other cause, or when the prosecution is dismissed because of a variance between the allegations of the indictment or presentment and the evidence, and a new indictment or presentment is ordered to be preferred, the time elapsing between the preferring of the first charge, indictment or presentment and the next subsequent term of court must be deducted from the time limited for the prosecution of the offense last charged.",2 +A69 ,"ARTICLE 1. I direct my personal representative to first pay +all of my just debts and funeral expenses out of any funds coming +into their hands.",One of the people named as an executor was eligible to serve and agreed to serve as one.,"58-2-205. Effect of remaining in state after disaster response period. +After a disaster response period, if a responding out-of-state business or a responding out-of-state employee remains in this state: +(1) Such business or individual loses the protections of this part; and +(2) For purposes of computing franchise and excise tax imposed by title 67, chapter 4, parts 20 and 21, and the business tax imposed by title 67, chapter 4, part 7, the computation must include in the tax base net or gross income or receipts from activities transacted during the disaster response period.",2 +A61,"I direct my Executor to pay all my just debts and all funeral expenses, +which shall be probated, registered and allowed against my estate, as soon after my death as can conveniently be done.","The testator had debts at the time of his death, so his executor would pay the debts. The person named as an executor was eligible to serve as one and agreed to serve.","Tenn. Code Ann. § 35-50-110 +(3) In behalf of the estate, to perform any and all valid executory contracts to which at the time of the testator's or settlor's death the testator or settlor is a party, and that at the time of the testator's or settlor's death have not been fully performed by the testator or settlor, and to discharge all obligations of the estate arising under or by reason of such contracts;",1 +A61,"I direct my Executor to pay all my just debts and all funeral expenses, +which shall be probated, registered and allowed against my estate, as soon after my death as can conveniently be done.",All the people named as executor were not eligible to serve due to a sentence of imrprisonment.,"40-20-115. Disqualification from fiduciary office. +The effect of a sentence of imprisonment in the penitentiary is to put an end to the right of the inmate to execute the office of executor, administrator or guardian, fiduciary or conservator, and operates as a removal from office.",0 +A61,"I direct my Executor to pay all my just debts and all funeral expenses, +which shall be probated, registered and allowed against my estate, as soon after my death as can conveniently be done.","The testator had debts at the time of his death, so his executor would pay the debts. The person named as an executor was eligible to serve as one and agreed to serve."," +5-4-102. Order of election. +The county legislative body may at any regular meeting, a majority of the members concurring, order an election to ascertain if the people desire the county seat to be removed.",2 +A61,"I direct my Executor to pay all my just debts and all funeral expenses, +which shall be probated, registered and allowed against my estate, as soon after my death as can conveniently be done.",All the people named as executor were not eligible to serve due to a sentence of imrprisonment.,"29-5-204. Appointment of arbitrators. +If the arbitration agreement provides a method of appointment of arbitrators, this method shall be followed. In the absence thereof, or if the agreed method fails or for any reason cannot be followed, or when an arbitrator appointed fails or is unable to act and the arbitrator's successor has not been duly appointed, the court on application of a party shall appoint one (1) or more arbitrators. An arbitrator so appointed has all the powers of one specially named in the agreement.",2 +A61 ,"I direct my Executor to pay all my just debts and all funeral expenses, +which shall be probated, registered and allowed against my estate, as soon after my death as can conveniently be done.",All the people named as executor were not eligible to serve due to a sentence of imrprisonment.,"36-5-403. Powers of magistrate. +The magistrate shall have the same authority and power as a circuit court judge to issue any and all process and in conducting hearings and other proceedings in accordance with this part; provided, that all final orders of a magistrate must be reviewed by a judge as provided in § 36-5-405.",2 +A32,"(A) I give, devise and bequeath all my property, real personal and mixed, of whatever kind and nature and wheresoever situate, to my children, [Person-2], [Person-3], [Person-4], [Person-5], [Person-6] and my granddaughter, [Person-7], in equal shares, share and share alike, a 1/6 interest each.","All the items have not been disposed of at the time of the testator's death, and a contrary intention was not manifest during the testator's lifetime.","32-3-111. Specifically devised or bequeathed property. +(a) A specific legatee or devisee has a right to the specifically gifted or devised property in the testator's estate at death or if the property has been disposed of and a contrary intention is not manifest during the testator's lifetime: +(1) Any balance of the purchase price, together with any security interest, owing from a purchaser to the testator at death by reason of sale of the property; +(2) Any amount of a condemnation award for the taking of the property unpaid at death; +(3) Any proceeds unpaid at death on fire or casualty insurance on, or other recovery for injury to, the property; and +(4) Property owned by the testator at death and acquired as a result of foreclosure, or obtained in lieu of foreclosure, of the security interest for a specifically devised obligation.",1 +A32,"(A) I give, devise and bequeath all my property, real personal and mixed, of whatever kind and nature and wheresoever situate, to my children, [Person-2], [Person-3], [Person-4], [Person-5], [Person-6] and my granddaughter, [Person-7], in equal shares, share and share alike, a 1/6 interest each.","After this will was made, a new baby was born. He/she survived more than 120 hours at the time of the testator's death.","32-1-201. Actions effecting a revocation of will. +A will or any part thereof is revoked by: +(4) Both the subsequent marriage and the birth of a child of the testator, but divorce or annulment of the subsequent marriage does not revive a prior will.",0 +A32,"(A) I give, devise and bequeath all my property, real personal and mixed, of whatever kind and nature and wheresoever situate, to my children, [Person-2], [Person-3], [Person-4], [Person-5], [Person-6] and my granddaughter, [Person-7], in equal shares, share and share alike, a 1/6 interest each.","All the items have not been disposed of at the time of the testator's death, and a contrary intention was not manifest during the testator's lifetime.","64-2-203. Powers. +(a) Within the region of the authority, it may acquire, construct, operate, maintain and dispose of railroad facilities, properties and equipment, and may, in addition to continuing the above-mentioned railroad service, provide any other rail service in the region as it is needed and feasible. +(b) The acquisition, construction, operation and maintenance of such properties and facilities are hereby declared to be public and governmental functions. The powers granted in this part, in connection therewith, are declared to be public and corporate purposes and matters of public necessity. +(c) The authority may use any property, right-of-way, easement or other similar property right necessary or convenient in connection with the acquisition, improvement, operation or maintenance of the facilities authorized in this part, held by the state or any county or municipality in the state; provided, that such governmental agency consents to such use and that there is compliance with all statutes, regulations and procedures regulating the use, management and disposition of state property.",2 +A32,"(A) I give, devise and bequeath all my property, real personal and mixed, of whatever kind and nature and wheresoever situate, to my children, [Person-2], [Person-3], [Person-4], [Person-5], [Person-6] and my granddaughter, [Person-7], in equal shares, share and share alike, a 1/6 interest each.","After this will was made, a new baby was born. He/she survived more than 120 hours at the time of the testator's death.","10-7-606. Annual report. +Together with the compilation required in § 10-7-604, the secretary shall annually deliver to the governor and the general assembly a report containing the following information: +(1) The number of vacancies occurring in the preceding year; +(2) The number of vacancies occurring as a result of scheduled ends of terms, unscheduled vacancies and the creation of new positions; +(3) Breakdowns by county, legislative district and, if known, the sex and race for members whose agency membership terminated during the year and appointees to the vacant positions; and +(4) The names of any agencies which have not complied with the requirements of §§ 10-7-601 — 10-7-606.",2 +A32 ,"(A) I give, devise and bequeath all my property, real personal and mixed, of whatever kind and nature and wheresoever situate, to my children, [Person-2], [Person-3], [Person-4], [Person-5], [Person-6] and my granddaughter, [Person-7], in equal shares, share and share alike, a 1/6 interest each.","All the items have not been disposed of at the time of the testator's death, and a contrary intention was not manifest during the testator's lifetime.","24-5-103. Notary's certificate as to notice of dishonor. +The certificate of a notary public in or on the notary's protest, that such notary public has given the parties to negotiable paper notice of the dishonor, is prima facie evidence of the facts stated in the certificate; and, in like manner, entries in such notary public's books to the same effect are prima facie evidence, in case of the notary's death, of the facts therein stated.",2 +A36,"We the undersigned subscribing witnesses, do hereby +certify that we witnessed the foregoing Last Will and Testament +of [Person-1], at her request, in her presence and in the +presence of each other, and that she signed the same in our +presence, and in the presence of each of us, declaring the same to be her Last Will and Testament. This 12th day of June, 1989.","Two disinterested witnesses have signed the will after they witnessed the testator signing his/her will (in the presence of the testator and in the presence of each other). Also, they were eligible to serve as witnesses","32-1-104. Will other than holographic or nuncupative — Signatures. +(a) The execution of a will, other than a holographic or nuncupative will, must be by the signature of the testator and of at least two (2) witnesses as follows: +(1) The testator shall signify to the attesting witnesses that the instrument is the testator's will and either: +(A) The testator sign; +(B) Acknowledge the testator's signature already made; or +(C) At the testator's direction and in the testator's presence have someone else sign the testator's name; and +(D) In any of the above cases the act must be done in the presence of two (2) or more attesting witnesses; +(2) The attesting witnesses must sign: +(A) In the presence of the testator; and +(B) In the presence of each other.",1 +A36,"We the undersigned subscribing witnesses, do hereby +certify that we witnessed the foregoing Last Will and Testament +of [Person-1], at her request, in her presence and in the +presence of each other, and that she signed the same in our +presence, and in the presence of each of us, declaring the same to be her Last Will and Testament. This 12th day of June, 1989.","One of two attesting witnesses were unable to act as a witness, according to Tennessee law."," +32-1-103. Witnesses — Who may act. +(a) Any person competent to be a witness generally in this state may act as attesting witness to a will.",0 +A36,"We the undersigned subscribing witnesses, do hereby +certify that we witnessed the foregoing Last Will and Testament +of [Person-1], at her request, in her presence and in the +presence of each other, and that she signed the same in our +presence, and in the presence of each of us, declaring the same to be her Last Will and Testament. This 12th day of June, 1989.","Two disinterested witnesses have signed the will after they witnessed the testator signing his/her will (in the presence of the testator and in the presence of each other). Also, they were eligible to serve as witnesses","43-1-704. Adjustment of fees. +(a) Notwithstanding § 4-5-229, rules establishing fees promulgated pursuant to this chapter before July 1, 2016, shall take effect following expiration of the ninety (90) days as provided in § 4-5-207. +(b) Beginning in 2020 and at least every five (5) years thereafter, the commissioner shall evaluate fees associated with the statutes specified in § 43-1-701(b) and may make adjustments through the rule-making process. Individual fees shall not be adjusted more than once every five (5) years. +(c) After the initial adjustment under subsection (b), the percentage increase of any subsequent adjustment shall not exceed the percentage of increase in the average consumer price index, all items-city average, as published by the United States department of labor, bureau of labor statistics, between the dates of one (1) adjustment and the immediately subsequent adjustment. Individual fee adjustment amounts may be rounded up to the next tier amount provided in § 43-1-703(f). +(d) Fees established under § 43-1-703(a) and the statutes specified in § 43-1-701(b) shall not be increased in any year when the fund's fiscal year ending balance exceeds one hundred fifty percent (150%) of the fees collected in the previous year.",2 +A36,"We the undersigned subscribing witnesses, do hereby +certify that we witnessed the foregoing Last Will and Testament +of [Person-1], at her request, in her presence and in the +presence of each other, and that she signed the same in our +presence, and in the presence of each of us, declaring the same to be her Last Will and Testament. This 12th day of June, 1989.","One of two attesting witnesses were unable to act as a witness, according to Tennessee law.","9-11-107. Resolution for issuance of bonds. +(a) At any time after the passage of the bond order, the governing body of a unit shall have full authority by resolution to provide for the issuance of the bonds authorized by such bond order. Such resolution providing for the issuance of the bonds may be introduced and finally passed at any regular or duly called special meeting of the governing body and shall be in force and effect from and after its passage.",2 +A36 ,"We the undersigned subscribing witnesses, do hereby +certify that we witnessed the foregoing Last Will and Testament +of [Person-1], at her request, in her presence and in the +presence of each other, and that she signed the same in our +presence, and in the presence of each of us, declaring the same to be her Last Will and Testament. This 12th day of June, 1989.","One of two attesting witnesses were unable to act as a witness, according to Tennessee law.","25-3-122. Motion by surety. +Sureties are entitled to judgment by motion against their principals: +(1) Whenever judgment has been rendered against them as such sureties; +(2) Whenever such judgment, or any part thereof, has been paid by the surety.",2 +A38,"I direct my Executor to pay all my just debts and all funeral expenses, +which shall be probated, registered and allowed against my estate, as soon after my death as can conveniently be done.",One of the people named as executor was eligible to serve and agreed to serve as one.,"Tenn. Code Ann. § 35-50-110. Specifically enumerated fiduciary powers that may be incorporated by reference. +Without diminution or restriction of the powers vested in the fiduciary by law, or elsewhere in the instrument, and subject to all other provisions of the instrument, the fiduciary, without the necessity of procuring any judicial authorization, or approval, shall be vested with, and in the application of the fiduciary's best judgment and discretion in behalf of the beneficiaries of the instrument shall be authorized to exercise, the powers specifically enumerated in this section: +(3) In behalf of the estate, to perform any and all valid executory contracts to which at the time of the testator's or settlor's death the testator or settlor is a party, and that at the time of the testator's or settlor's death have not been fully performed by the testator or settlor, and to discharge all obligations of the estate arising under or by reason of such contracts;",1 +A38,"I direct my Executor to pay all my just debts and all funeral expenses, +which shall be probated, registered and allowed against my estate, as soon after my death as can conveniently be done.",All the people named as executor was not eligible to serve due to a sentence of imrprisonment.,"40-20-115. Disqualification from fiduciary office. +The effect of a sentence of imprisonment in the penitentiary is to put an end to the right of the inmate to execute the office of executor, administrator or guardian, fiduciary or conservator, and operates as a removal from office.",0 +A38,"I direct my Executor to pay all my just debts and all funeral expenses, +which shall be probated, registered and allowed against my estate, as soon after my death as can conveniently be done.",One of the people named as executor was eligible to serve and agreed to serve as one.,"6-22-110. Due date of taxes — Tax collector — Distress warrants. +(a) All taxes due the city, except privilege and merchant's ad valorem taxes and street labor taxes, shall, until otherwise provided by ordinance, be due and payable on November 1 of the year for which the taxes are assessed. +(b) The treasurer shall be custodian of the tax books and shall be the tax collector of the city. +(c) Distress warrants may issue for the collection of taxes and any such distress warrant shall be executed by the chief of police or any police officers of the city by a levy upon, and sale of goods and chattels under the same provisions as prescribed by law for the execution of such process of courts of general sessions.",2 +A38,"I direct my Executor to pay all my just debts and all funeral expenses, +which shall be probated, registered and allowed against my estate, as soon after my death as can conveniently be done.",All the people named as executor was not eligible to serve due to a sentence of imrprisonment.,"37-1-303. Filing of petition — Designation of judge to hear and determine petition. +(a) To begin proceedings under this part, the petitioner shall file a written petition with the clerk of the chancery or circuit court in the county in which the commitment occurred, naming the state of Tennessee as the respondent. No filing fee shall be charged. +(b) The petition shall be heard by the judge of the chancery or circuit court in which the petition was filed. If the petition is filed in the circuit court where a de novo hearing regarding the petitioner's juvenile court commitment was heard, the case shall be heard by the chancellor of the county or other trial judge by interchange as authorized by title 17, chapter 2. Where an issue is raised as to the effective assistance of counsel representing the petitioner at the de novo hearing in the circuit court, the circuit court judge who presided over that hearing, where available, shall hear and determine the petition.",2 +A38 ,"I direct my Executor to pay all my just debts and all funeral expenses, +which shall be probated, registered and allowed against my estate, as soon after my death as can conveniently be done.",One of the people named as executor was eligible to serve and agreed to serve as one.,"24-8-107. Intervention by true owner. +If the actual holder of such lost instrument brings an action thereon after the lost instrument has been recovered in accordance with this chapter, the true owner may intervene and defend the action.",2 +A81,"I am making individual gifts of personal property to persons named in +a list in my own handwriting which is attached and made a part of this will by reference, and in addition I have tagged items of personal property with the names of beneficiaries.","The list was handwritten and dated by the testator, and the descriptions of the items and the devisees were reasonably certain.","32-3-115. Written statement or list to dispose of items of tangible personal property. +(a) +(1) Notwithstanding the requirements of a holographic will, a will may refer to a written statement or list to dispose of items of tangible personal property not otherwise specifically disposed of by the will, other than money, evidences of indebtedness, documents of title, securities, and property used in a trade or business. +(2) To be admissible under this section as evidence of the intended disposition, the writing: +(A) Must: +(i) Be either in the handwriting of the testator or signed by the testator; +(ii) Be dated; and +(iii) Describe the items and the devisees with reasonable certainty; +(B) May be prepared before or after the execution of the will; +(C) May be altered by the testator after its preparation, provided that the testator signs and dates the alteration; and +(D) May be a writing that has no significance apart from its effect upon the dispositions made by the will. +(3) If more than one (1) otherwise effective writings exist or a single writing contains properly signed and dated alterations, the provisions of the most recent writing or alteration revoke any inconsistent provisions of all prior writing.",1 +A81,"I am making individual gifts of personal property to persons named in +a list in my own handwriting which is attached and made a part of this will by reference, and in addition I have tagged items of personal property with the names of beneficiaries.",The list was not dated.,"32-3-115. Written statement or list to dispose of items of tangible personal property. +(a) +(1) Notwithstanding the requirements of a holographic will, a will may refer to a written statement or list to dispose of items of tangible personal property not otherwise specifically disposed of by the will, other than money, evidences of indebtedness, documents of title, securities, and property used in a trade or business. +(2) To be admissible under this section as evidence of the intended disposition, the writing: +(A) Must: +(i) Be either in the handwriting of the testator or signed by the testator; +(ii) Be dated; and +(iii) Describe the items and the devisees with reasonable certainty; +(B) May be prepared before or after the execution of the will; +(C) May be altered by the testator after its preparation, provided that the testator signs and dates the alteration; and +(D) May be a writing that has no significance apart from its effect upon the dispositions made by the will. +(3) If more than one (1) otherwise effective writings exist or a single writing contains properly signed and dated alterations, the provisions of the most recent writing or alteration revoke any inconsistent provisions of all prior writing.",0 +A81,"I am making individual gifts of personal property to persons named in +a list in my own handwriting which is attached and made a part of this will by reference, and in addition I have tagged items of personal property with the names of beneficiaries.",The descriptions of the items and the devisees were not certain enough.,"32-3-115. Written statement or list to dispose of items of tangible personal property. +(a) +(1) Notwithstanding the requirements of a holographic will, a will may refer to a written statement or list to dispose of items of tangible personal property not otherwise specifically disposed of by the will, other than money, evidences of indebtedness, documents of title, securities, and property used in a trade or business. +(2) To be admissible under this section as evidence of the intended disposition, the writing: +(A) Must: +(i) Be either in the handwriting of the testator or signed by the testator; +(ii) Be dated; and +(iii) Describe the items and the devisees with reasonable certainty; +(B) May be prepared before or after the execution of the will; +(C) May be altered by the testator after its preparation, provided that the testator signs and dates the alteration; and +(D) May be a writing that has no significance apart from its effect upon the dispositions made by the will. +(3) If more than one (1) otherwise effective writings exist or a single writing contains properly signed and dated alterations, the provisions of the most recent writing or alteration revoke any inconsistent provisions of all prior writing.",0 +A81,"I am making individual gifts of personal property to persons named in +a list in my own handwriting which is attached and made a part of this will by reference, and in addition I have tagged items of personal property with the names of beneficiaries.","The list was handwritten and dated by the testator, and the descriptions of the items and the devisees were reasonably certain.","32-4-106. Original will lost. +If the original will is lost or mislaid so that it cannot be produced on the trial of the issue, but the paper has been copied into the pleadings, or spread upon the minutes of the court, the court may proceed with the trial of the issue in the same manner as if the original were in existence and before it.",2 +A81 ,"I am making individual gifts of personal property to persons named in +a list in my own handwriting which is attached and made a part of this will by reference, and in addition I have tagged items of personal property with the names of beneficiaries.",The list was not dated.,"50-2-109. Assessment of penalties. +(a) If, within thirty (30) days from the receipt of written notification of penalties assessed pursuant to this part, an employer fails to notify the commissioner in writing of its intent to contest the imposition of the penalty, the assessment of a penalty as stated in the notification shall be deemed a final order of the commissioner and not subject to further review. +(b) All penalties owed under this part shall be paid to the commissioner.",2 +A59,"The foregoing paper writing consisting of Four (IV) Articles was upon this the 15th day of March, 1982, by the said [Person-1], signed, sealed, published and declared to be his Last Will and Testament, in the presence of us, who at the Testator's request and in his presence and in the presence of each other, hereto affix our signatures as witnesses.",The will was signed by two witnesses and the testator.,"§32-1-104 + +(a) The execution of a will, other than a holographic or nuncupative will, must be by the signature of the testator and of at least two (2) witnesses as follows: +(1) The testator shall signify to the attesting witnesses that the instrument is the testator's will and either: +(A) The testator sign; +(B) Acknowledge the testator's signature already made; or +(C) At the testator's direction and in the testator's presence have someone else sign the testator's name; and +(D) In any of the above cases the act must be done in the presence of two (2) or more attesting witnesses; +(2) The attesting witnesses must sign: +(A) In the presence of the testator; and +(B) In the presence of each other.",1 +A59,"The foregoing paper writing consisting of Four (IV) Articles was upon this the 15th day of March, 1982, by the said [Person-1], signed, sealed, published and declared to be his Last Will and Testament, in the presence of us, who at the Testator's request and in his presence and in the presence of each other, hereto affix our signatures as witnesses.",One of the witnesses was not competent to be a witness in the state of Tennesee,"§32-1-103 + +(a) Any person competent to be a witness generally in this state may act as attesting witness to a will. +(b) No will is invalidated because attested by an interested witness, but any interested witness shall, unless the will is also attested by two (2) disinterested witnesses, forfeit so much of the provisions therein made for the interested witness as in the aggregate exceeds in value, as of the date of the testator's death, what the interested witness would have received had the testator died intestate. +(c) No attesting witness is interested unless the will gives to the attesting witness some personal and beneficial interest.",0 +A59,"The foregoing paper writing consisting of Four (IV) Articles was upon this the 15th day of March, 1982, by the said [Person-1], signed, sealed, published and declared to be his Last Will and Testament, in the presence of us, who at the Testator's request and in his presence and in the presence of each other, hereto affix our signatures as witnesses.",The will was signed by two witnesses and the testator.,"41-3-103. Payment of earnings to prisoner held for safekeeping. +If a prisoner is confined for safekeeping, the prisoner's earnings, after paying for board, shall be paid over to the prisoner on discharge.",2 +A59,"The foregoing paper writing consisting of Four (IV) Articles was upon this the 15th day of March, 1982, by the said [Person-1], signed, sealed, published and declared to be his Last Will and Testament, in the presence of us, who at the Testator's request and in his presence and in the presence of each other, hereto affix our signatures as witnesses.",One of the witnesses was not competent to be a witness in the state of Tennesee,"27-3-128. Remand for correction of record. +The court shall also, in all cases, where, in its opinion, complete justice cannot be had by reason of some defect in the record, want of proper parties, or oversight without culpable negligence, remand the cause to the court below for further proceedings, with proper directions to effectuate the objects of the order, and upon such terms as may be deemed right.",2 +A59 ,"The foregoing paper writing consisting of Four (IV) Articles was upon this the 15th day of March, 1982, by the said [Person-1], signed, sealed, published and declared to be his Last Will and Testament, in the presence of us, who at the Testator's request and in his presence and in the presence of each other, hereto affix our signatures as witnesses.",The will was signed by two witnesses and the testator.,"47-23-106. Creditor to notify debtor of creditor's change of address. +(a) Each creditor shall notify its debtors of the creditor's change of address, within fifteen (15) days of such change of address, if failure to so notify may result in a debtor being assessed late charges or additional interest for failure to timely submit payment. +(b) Each violation of subsection (a) constitutes an unfair and deceptive act and shall be subject to the procedures and penalties prescribed by chapter 18, part 1 of this title. +(c) This section shall be enforced by the attorney general and reporter, in accordance with the procedures prescribed by chapter 18, part 1 of this title.",2 +A28,"IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto signed, published +and declared this instrument as my Last Will and Testament, in +Lauderdale County, Tennessee, on this 25 day of June, 1987.",The testator signed his/her will while two or more witnesses were present.,"32-1-104. Will other than holographic or nuncupative — Signatures. +(a) The execution of a will, other than a holographic or nuncupative will, must be by the signature of the testator and of at least two (2) witnesses as follows: +(1) The testator shall signify to the attesting witnesses that the instrument is the testator's will and either: +(A) The testator sign; +(B) Acknowledge the testator's signature already made; or +(C) At the testator's direction and in the testator's presence have someone else sign the testator's name; and +(D) In any of the above cases the act must be done in the presence of two (2) or more attesting witnesses; +(2) The attesting witnesses must sign: +(A) In the presence of the testator; and +(B) In the presence of each other.",1 +A28,"IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto signed, published +and declared this instrument as my Last Will and Testament, in +Lauderdale County, Tennessee, on this 25 day of June, 1987.","The testator signed his/her will while only one eligible witness was present, and he/she didn't acknowledge the signature made to another witness.","32-1-104. Will other than holographic or nuncupative — Signatures. +(a) The execution of a will, other than a holographic or nuncupative will, must be by the signature of the testator and of at least two (2) witnesses as follows: +(1) The testator shall signify to the attesting witnesses that the instrument is the testator's will and either: +(A) The testator sign; +(B) Acknowledge the testator's signature already made; or +(C) At the testator's direction and in the testator's presence have someone else sign the testator's name; and +(D) In any of the above cases the act must be done in the presence of two (2) or more attesting witnesses; +(2) The attesting witnesses must sign: +(A) In the presence of the testator; and +(B) In the presence of each other.",0 +A28,"IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto signed, published +and declared this instrument as my Last Will and Testament, in +Lauderdale County, Tennessee, on this 25 day of June, 1987.",The testator signed his/her will while two or more witnesses were present.,"65-3-113. Compensation of witnesses. +Each witness who appears before the department of transportation, by order of the department of transportation, shall receive for attendance the compensation provided by law, which shall be paid by the state treasurer on warrant of the commissioner of finance and administration, upon the presentation of proper voucher sworn to by such witness, and approved by the commissioner of transportation; provided, that no witness shall be entitled to any witness fees or mileage who is directly or indirectly interested in any such company in this state or out of it, or who is in any way interested in any stock, bond, mortgage, security, or earnings of any such company, or who shall be the agent or employee of such company, or an officer thereof when summoned at the instance of such company. No witness furnished with free transportation shall receive compensation for the distance traveled on such free transportation.",2 +A28,"IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto signed, published +and declared this instrument as my Last Will and Testament, in +Lauderdale County, Tennessee, on this 25 day of June, 1987.","The testator signed his/her will while only one eligible witness was present, and he/she didn't acknowledge the signature made to another witness.","5-4-104. Counting of votes — Removal. +(a) The county election commission shall make its return to the county mayor, and at the next regular meeting of the county legislative body after the election, the vote shall be counted and the result declared. +(b) If the proposition to remove the county seat received the requisite number of votes, then the county legislative body shall proceed to make all necessary provisions for the removal.",2 +A28 ,"IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto signed, published +and declared this instrument as my Last Will and Testament, in +Lauderdale County, Tennessee, on this 25 day of June, 1987.","The testator signed his/her will while only one eligible witness was present, and he/she didn't acknowledge the signature made to another witness.","22-3-104. Peremptory challenges — Effect of consolidation of cases. +(a) Either party to a civil action may challenge four (4) jurors without assigning any cause. +(b) In the event there is more than one (1) party plaintiff or more than one (1) party defendant in a civil action, four (4) additional challenges shall be allowed to such side or sides of the case; and the trial court shall, in its discretion, divide the aggregate number of challenges between the parties on the same side, which shall not exceed eight (8) challenges to the side, regardless of the number of parties. Even when two (2) or more cases are consolidated for trial purposes, the total challenges shall be eight (8), as provided in this subsection (b). +(c) If a party is both a plaintiff and a defendant, that party is considered one (1) party for the purpose of this section.",2 +A103,"I give, devise and bequeath all my property, real, personal and mixed, of whatever kind and nature and wheresoever situated, to [Person-2]. I leave to [Person-2] the opportunity to make any gifts in my name or any disposition of my personal things as she sees fit.","The beneficiary survived the testator, and there was no surviving spouse nor unmarried minor children of testator. Also, a contrary intention was not manifest during the testator's lifetime.","32-3-111. Specifically devised or bequeathed property. +(a) A specific legatee or devisee has a right to the specifically gifted or devised property in the testator's estate at death or if the property has been disposed of and a contrary intention is not manifest during the testator's lifetime: +(1) Any balance of the purchase price, together with any security interest, owing from a purchaser to the testator at death by reason of sale of the property; +(2) Any amount of a condemnation award for the taking of the property unpaid at death; +(3) Any proceeds unpaid at death on fire or casualty insurance on, or other recovery for injury to, the property; and +(4) Property owned by the testator at death and acquired as a result of foreclosure, or obtained in lieu of foreclosure, of the security interest for a specifically devised obligation.",1 +A103,"I give, devise and bequeath all my property, real, personal and mixed, of whatever kind and nature and wheresoever situated, to [Person-2]. I leave to [Person-2] the opportunity to make any gifts in my name or any disposition of my personal things as she sees fit.",The beneficiary was dead at the time of the death of the testator.,"32-3-105. Death of devisee or legatee before death of testator. +(a) Whenever the devisee or legatee or any member of a class to which an immediate devise or bequest is made, dies before the testator, or is dead at the making of the will, leaving issue that survives the testator, the issue shall take the estate or interest devised or bequeathed that the devisee or legatee or the member of the class, as the case may be, would have taken, had that person survived the testator, unless a different disposition thereof is made or required by the will. +(b) Subsection (a) shall apply also to a revocable (living) trust that became irrevocable upon the death of its settlor or grantor. The surviving issue of a beneficiary who predeceased a settlor or grantor shall take the trust interest the beneficiary would have received had the beneficiary survived the settlor or grantor, unless the trust agreement provides otherwise.",0 +A103,"I give, devise and bequeath all my property, real, personal and mixed, of whatever kind and nature and wheresoever situated, to [Person-2]. I leave to [Person-2] the opportunity to make any gifts in my name or any disposition of my personal things as she sees fit.","The beneficiary survived the testator, and there was no surviving spouse nor unmarried minor children of testator. Also, a contrary intention was not manifest during the testator's lifetime.","15-2-106. American Indian Day. +(a) The fourth Monday in September of each year is to be especially observed in Tennessee as “American Indian Day,” and that on this day schools, clubs, and civic and religious organizations are encouraged to recognize the contributions of American Indians with suitable ceremony and fellowship designed to promote greater understanding and brotherhood between American Indians and the non-Indian people of this state. +(b) The people of this state are invited and urged to observe American Indian Day with suitable ceremony and fellowship. +(c) The department of education shall provide, within the limits of funds available for such purpose, information available to all people of this state regarding American Indian Day.",2 +A103,"I give, devise and bequeath all my property, real, personal and mixed, of whatever kind and nature and wheresoever situated, to [Person-2]. I leave to [Person-2] the opportunity to make any gifts in my name or any disposition of my personal things as she sees fit.",The beneficiary was dead at the time of the death of the testator.,"31-2-101. Intestate estate. +(a) When any person dies intestate, after the payment of debts and charges against the estate, the deceased's property passes to the deceased's heirs as prescribed in the following sections of this chapter. +(b) Any part of the estate of a decedent not effectively disposed of by the deceased's will passes to the deceased's heirs in the same manner.",2 +A103 ,"I give, devise and bequeath all my property, real, personal and mixed, of whatever kind and nature and wheresoever situated, to [Person-2]. I leave to [Person-2] the opportunity to make any gifts in my name or any disposition of my personal things as she sees fit.","The beneficiary survived the testator, and there was no surviving spouse nor unmarried minor children of testator. Also, a contrary intention was not manifest during the testator's lifetime.","32-1-109. Requisites of will executed on or before February 15, 1941. +No last will or testament executed on or before February 15, 1941, shall be good or sufficient to convey or give an estate in lands, unless written in the testator's lifetime, and signed by the testator, or by some other person in the testator's presence and by the testator's direction, and subscribed in the testator's presence by two (2) witnesses at least, neither of whom is interested in the devise of the lands.",2 +J13,"I direct the Executor of my estate to sell my house +and lot at private or public sale as he deems best and to divide the proceeds as follows: [Person-2] - an undivided one-sixth interest; [Person-3] and [Person-4] - an undivided one-sixth interest; [Person-5], [Person-6], [Person-7], [Person-8], [Person-9] and [Person-10] - an undivided one-sixth interest; [Person-11] and [Person-12] an undivided one-sixth interest; [Person-13], [Person-14] and [Person-15] - an undivided one-sixth interest; and [Person-16], [Person-17] and [Person-18] - an undivided one-sixth interest. I hereby vest in my Executor such title as necessary to make such conveyance.",The testator didn't have debts at the time of death,"32-3-111. Specifically devised or bequeathed property. +(a) A specific legatee or devisee has a right to the specifically gifted or devised property in the testator's estate at death or if the property has been disposed of and a contrary intention is not manifest during the testator's lifetime: +(1) Any balance of the purchase price, together with any security interest, owing from a purchaser to the testator at death by reason of sale of the property; +(2) Any amount of a condemnation award for the taking of the property unpaid at death; +(3) Any proceeds unpaid at death on fire or casualty insurance on, or other recovery for injury to, the property; and +(4) Property owned by the testator at death and acquired as a result of foreclosure, or obtained in lieu of foreclosure, of the security interest for a specifically devised obligation. +(b) If specifically devised or bequeathed property is sold or mortgaged by a conservator or by an agent acting within the authority of a durable power of attorney for an incapacitated principal, or if a condemnation award, insurance proceeds, or recovery for injury to the property are paid to a conservator or to an agent acting with the authority of a durable power of attorney for an incapacitated principal, the specific devisee has the right to a general pecuniary devise equal to the net sale price, the amount of the unpaid loan, the condemnation award, the insurance proceeds, or the recovery. +(c) The right of a specific legatee or devisee under subsection (b) is reduced by any right the legatee or devisee has under subsection (a). +(d) For the purposes of the references in subsection (b) to a conservator, subsection (b) does not apply if after the sale, mortgage, condemnation, casualty, or recovery, it was adjudicated that the testator's incapacity ceased and the testator survived the adjudication by one (1) year. +(e) For the purposes of the references in subsection (b) to an agent acting within the authority of a durable power of attorney for an incapacitated principal: +(1) “Incapacitated principal” means a principal who is an incapacitated person; +(2) No adjudication of the principal's incapacity need occur before death; and +(3) The acts of an agent within the authority of a durable power of attorney are presumed to be for an incapacitated principal, the presumption rebuttable by clear and convincing evidence of capacity.",1 +J13,"I direct the Executor of my estate to sell my house +and lot at private or public sale as he deems best and to divide the proceeds as follows: [Person-2] - an undivided one-sixth interest; [Person-3] and [Person-4] - an undivided one-sixth interest; [Person-5], [Person-6], [Person-7], [Person-8], [Person-9] and [Person-10] - an undivided one-sixth interest; [Person-11] and [Person-12] an undivided one-sixth interest; [Person-13], [Person-14] and [Person-15] - an undivided one-sixth interest; and [Person-16], [Person-17] and [Person-18] - an undivided one-sixth interest. I hereby vest in my Executor such title as necessary to make such conveyance.",The Testator's debts exceed the value of his net estate. ,"30-2-305. Debts chargeable against all assets. +Every debtor's property, except such as may be specially exempt by law, is assets for the satisfaction of all the debtor's just debts.",0 +J13,"I direct the Executor of my estate to sell my house +and lot at private or public sale as he deems best and to divide the proceeds as follows: [Person-2] - an undivided one-sixth interest; [Person-3] and [Person-4] - an undivided one-sixth interest; [Person-5], [Person-6], [Person-7], [Person-8], [Person-9] and [Person-10] - an undivided one-sixth interest; [Person-11] and [Person-12] an undivided one-sixth interest; [Person-13], [Person-14] and [Person-15] - an undivided one-sixth interest; and [Person-16], [Person-17] and [Person-18] - an undivided one-sixth interest. I hereby vest in my Executor such title as necessary to make such conveyance.","Testator had $100,000 worth of debt at the time of her death, the house is worth approximately $650,000","30-2-305. Debts chargeable against all assets. +Every debtor's property, except such as may be specially exempt by law, is assets for the satisfaction of all the debtor's just debts.",1 +J13,"I direct the Executor of my estate to sell my house +and lot at private or public sale as he deems best and to divide the proceeds as follows: [Person-2] - an undivided one-sixth interest; [Person-3] and [Person-4] - an undivided one-sixth interest; [Person-5], [Person-6], [Person-7], [Person-8], [Person-9] and [Person-10] - an undivided one-sixth interest; [Person-11] and [Person-12] an undivided one-sixth interest; [Person-13], [Person-14] and [Person-15] - an undivided one-sixth interest; and [Person-16], [Person-17] and [Person-18] - an undivided one-sixth interest. I hereby vest in my Executor such title as necessary to make such conveyance.",The testator didn't have debts at the time of death,"§44-18-102 + +(a) In any nuisance action or proceeding against a feedlot, dairy farm, or poultry production house brought by or on behalf of a person whose date of ownership of realty is subsequent to the established date of operation of the feedlot, dairy farm or poultry production house, proof of compliance with §§ 44-18-103 and 44-18-104 shall be an absolute defense; provided, that the conditions or circumstances alleged to constitute a nuisance are subject to regulatory jurisdiction in accordance with § 44-18-103 or § 44-18-104.",2 +J13,"I direct the Executor of my estate to sell my house +and lot at private or public sale as he deems best and to divide the proceeds as follows: [Person-2] - an undivided one-sixth interest; [Person-3] and [Person-4] - an undivided one-sixth interest; [Person-5], [Person-6], [Person-7], [Person-8], [Person-9] and [Person-10] - an undivided one-sixth interest; [Person-11] and [Person-12] an undivided one-sixth interest; [Person-13], [Person-14] and [Person-15] - an undivided one-sixth interest; and [Person-16], [Person-17] and [Person-18] - an undivided one-sixth interest. I hereby vest in my Executor such title as necessary to make such conveyance.",The Testator's debts exceed the value of his net estate. ,"Any person who willfully conceals, cancels, defaces, obliterates or damages the declaration or revocation of another without the declarant's consent, or who falsifies or forges the declaration or revocation of another shall be civilly liable and subject to criminal prosecution for a Class C misdemeanor, and if a provider, subject to administrative and professional discipline.",2 +J82,"We, [Person-7] and [Person-8], after being duly sworn according to law, depose and say: +1. That we are adult citizens of Crossville, +Cumberland County, Tennessee. +2. That we witnessed the execution of the Last Will +and Testament of [Person-1], dated October 22, 2001 which the Last Will and Testament this Affidavit is +attached, and that this Affidavit is being made at the request of +the Testatrix and in accordance with Tennessee Code Annotated, +Section 32-2-110. +3. That our signatures are affixed to the Last Will +and Testament, that we signed or affixed the same at the instance +and at the request of the Testatrix, and in her presence, and in +the presence of each other, at the place and on the date recited +in said Last Will and Testament. +4. That the Testatrix signed said paper writing as +and for her Last Will and Testament in our sight and presence. +5. That at the time we witnessed said Will, the +Testatrix was, in our opinion, 18 years of age or over, of sound +mind, and under no constraint or undue influence. +Further, deponents saith not.",The witnesses were both disinterested and competent in the state of Tennessee to be witnesses in this capacity.,"32-1-103. Witnesses — Who may act. +(a) Any person competent to be a witness generally in this state may act as attesting witness to a will. +(b) No will is invalidated because attested by an interested witness, but any interested witness shall, unless the will is also attested by two (2) disinterested witnesses, forfeit so much of the provisions therein made for the interested witness as in the aggregate exceeds in value, as of the date of the testator's death, what the interested witness would have received had the testator died intestate. +(c) No attesting witness is interested unless the will gives to the attesting witness some personal and beneficial interest.",1 +J82,"We, [Person-7] and [Person-8], after being duly sworn according to law, depose and say: +1. That we are adult citizens of Crossville, +Cumberland County, Tennessee. +2. That we witnessed the execution of the Last Will +and Testament of [Person-1], dated October 22, 2001 which the Last Will and Testament this Affidavit is +attached, and that this Affidavit is being made at the request of +the Testatrix and in accordance with Tennessee Code Annotated, +Section 32-2-110. +3. That our signatures are affixed to the Last Will +and Testament, that we signed or affixed the same at the instance +and at the request of the Testatrix, and in her presence, and in +the presence of each other, at the place and on the date recited +in said Last Will and Testament. +4. That the Testatrix signed said paper writing as +and for her Last Will and Testament in our sight and presence. +5. That at the time we witnessed said Will, the +Testatrix was, in our opinion, 18 years of age or over, of sound +mind, and under no constraint or undue influence. +Further, deponents saith not.",The Will was not actually signed by either witness.,"32-1-104. Will other than holographic or nuncupative — Signatures. +(a) The execution of a will, other than a holographic or nuncupative will, must be by the signature of the testator and of at least two (2) witnesses as follows: +(1) The testator shall signify to the attesting witnesses that the instrument is the testator's will and either: +(A) The testator sign; +(B) Acknowledge the testator's signature already made; or +(C) At the testator's direction and in the testator's presence have someone else sign the testator's name; and +(D) In any of the above cases the act must be done in the presence of two (2) or more attesting witnesses; +(2) The attesting witnesses must sign: +(A) In the presence of the testator; and +(B) In the presence of each other.",0 +J82,"We, [Person-7] and [Person-8], after being duly sworn according to law, depose and say: +1. That we are adult citizens of Crossville, +Cumberland County, Tennessee. +2. That we witnessed the execution of the Last Will +and Testament of [Person-1], dated October 22, 2001 which the Last Will and Testament this Affidavit is +attached, and that this Affidavit is being made at the request of +the Testatrix and in accordance with Tennessee Code Annotated, +Section 32-2-110. +3. That our signatures are affixed to the Last Will +and Testament, that we signed or affixed the same at the instance +and at the request of the Testatrix, and in her presence, and in +the presence of each other, at the place and on the date recited +in said Last Will and Testament. +4. That the Testatrix signed said paper writing as +and for her Last Will and Testament in our sight and presence. +5. That at the time we witnessed said Will, the +Testatrix was, in our opinion, 18 years of age or over, of sound +mind, and under no constraint or undue influence. +Further, deponents saith not.",The witnesses were both disinterested and competent in the state of Tennessee to be witnesses in this capacity.,"28-2-102. Action barred after seven years. +Any person, and those claiming under such person neglecting for the term of seven (7) years to avail themselves of the benefit of any title, legal or equitable, by action at law or in equity, effectually prosecuted against the person in possession, under recorded assurance of title, as in § 28-2-101, are forever barred.",2 +J82,"We, [Person-7] and [Person-8], after being duly sworn according to law, depose and say: +1. That we are adult citizens of Crossville, +Cumberland County, Tennessee. +2. That we witnessed the execution of the Last Will +and Testament of [Person-1], dated October 22, 2001 which the Last Will and Testament this Affidavit is +attached, and that this Affidavit is being made at the request of +the Testatrix and in accordance with Tennessee Code Annotated, +Section 32-2-110. +3. That our signatures are affixed to the Last Will +and Testament, that we signed or affixed the same at the instance +and at the request of the Testatrix, and in her presence, and in +the presence of each other, at the place and on the date recited +in said Last Will and Testament. +4. That the Testatrix signed said paper writing as +and for her Last Will and Testament in our sight and presence. +5. That at the time we witnessed said Will, the +Testatrix was, in our opinion, 18 years of age or over, of sound +mind, and under no constraint or undue influence. +Further, deponents saith not.",The Will was not actually signed by either witness.,"11-3-101. “Park” defined. +For the purposes of the department of environment and conservation, “park” means and includes any and all areas of land heretofore or hereafter acquired by the state, which by reason of having natural and historic features, scenic beauty or location, possess natural or potential physical, aesthetic, scientific, creative, social or other recreational values, and are dedicated to and forever reserved and administered by the state for the recreational and cultural use and enjoyment of the people.",2 +J82,"We, [Person-7] and [Person-8], after being duly sworn according to law, depose and say: +1. That we are adult citizens of Crossville, +Cumberland County, Tennessee. +2. That we witnessed the execution of the Last Will +and Testament of [Person-1], dated October 22, 2001 which the Last Will and Testament this Affidavit is +attached, and that this Affidavit is being made at the request of +the Testatrix and in accordance with Tennessee Code Annotated, +Section 32-2-110. +3. That our signatures are affixed to the Last Will +and Testament, that we signed or affixed the same at the instance +and at the request of the Testatrix, and in her presence, and in +the presence of each other, at the place and on the date recited +in said Last Will and Testament. +4. That the Testatrix signed said paper writing as +and for her Last Will and Testament in our sight and presence. +5. That at the time we witnessed said Will, the +Testatrix was, in our opinion, 18 years of age or over, of sound +mind, and under no constraint or undue influence. +Further, deponents saith not.",There is no surviving spouse and no children of the Testator,"30-2-104. Death of surviving spouse or death, majority, or marriage of minor child during year. +(a) Death of a surviving spouse within the one-year period for which the allowance is provided under § 30-2-102, for the surviving spouse's maintenance, shall not affect the vested right of the surviving spouse to the allowance or the ordering thereof by the court. +(b) If an unmarried minor child dies, marries or comes of age, no allowance shall be made under § 30-2-102 for the minor's maintenance for any period after the child's death, marriage or coming of age.",2 +J30,"I incorporate by reference as fully as if set out verbatim herein, all of +the provisions and powers set forth in T.C.A. Section 35-50-110, which section +enumerates the administrative powers that I hereby confer upon my Executor.",The Executor did not resign and no contrary intent was expressed by the Testator subsequent executing this Will,"§35-50-110 Specifiically enumerated fiduciary powers that may be incorporated by reference. + +Without diminution or restriction of the powers vested in the fiduciary by law, or elsewhere in the instrument, and subject to all other provisions of the instrument, the fiduciary, without the necessity of procuring any judicial authorization, or approval, shall be vested with, and in the application of the fiduciary's best judgment and discretion in behalf of the beneficiaries of the instrument shall be authorized to exercise, the powers specifically enumerated in this section: + +...",1 +J30,"I incorporate by reference as fully as if set out verbatim herein, all of +the provisions and powers set forth in T.C.A. Section 35-50-110, which section +enumerates the administrative powers that I hereby confer upon my Executor.",Executor was under 18 at the time of Testator's death.,"32-3-110. Power of appointment. +(a) This section applies only to powers of appointment exercisable by will. +(b) Capacity of holder of power. A power of appointment by will that is not subject to an express condition that it may be exercised only by a holder of a greater age may be exercised by a holder who has attained the age of eighteen (18) years. +(c) Manner of exercise of power. Unless a contrary intent is evidenced by the terms of the instrument creating or limiting a power of appointment, a donee of a power of appointment exercisable by will may: +(1) Make appointments of present or future interests or both; +(2) Make appointments with conditions and limitations; +(3) Make appointments with restraints on alienation upon the appointed interests; +(4) Make appointments of interests to a trustee for the benefit of one (1) or more objects of the power; +(5) Make appointments that create in the object of the power additional powers of appointment to permissible objects of the power of appointment pursuant to which the powers are created; and +(6) If the donee could appoint outright to the object of a power, make appointments that create in the object of the power additional powers of appointment that may be exercisable in favor of such persons or entities as the person creating the power may direct, even though the objects of the additional powers of appointment may not have been permissible objects of the original power of appointment pursuant to which the additional powers are created; provided, however, that the donee may not create a power that would violate any applicable rule against perpetuities. +(d) Disposition of trust property subject to power. In disposing of trust property subject to a power of appointment exercisable by will, a trustee acting in good faith shall have no liability to any appointee or take in default of appointment for relying upon a will believed to be the will of the donee of the power of appointment, for assuming that there is no will in the absence of actual knowledge thereof within three (3) months after the death of the donee, or for requiring that any will purporting to exercise a power of appointment be admitted to probate. The trustee's action in accordance with the preceding sentence shall not affect the rights of any appointee or taker in default of appointment to recover the distributed property from any person to whom the trustee has made distribution. +(e) Applicability. This section shall be construed as being declarative of existing law and shall apply to all instruments granting general and special powers of appointment and all wills exercising those powers, whether existing or exercised before, on, or after May 8, 2002, except that no trustee shall be liable to any person in whose favor a power of appointment may have been exercised for any distribution of property made to persons entitled to take in default of the effective exercise of the power of appointment to the extent that the distribution has been completed prior to May 8, 2002.",0 +J30,"I incorporate by reference as fully as if set out verbatim herein, all of +the provisions and powers set forth in T.C.A. Section 35-50-110, which section +enumerates the administrative powers that I hereby confer upon my Executor.",The Executor did not resign and no contrary intent was expressed by the Testator subsequent executing this Will,"§32-11-109 + +Any person who willfully conceals, cancels, defaces, obliterates or damages the declaration or revocation of another without the declarant's consent, or who falsifies or forges the declaration or revocation of another shall be civilly liable and subject to criminal prosecution for a Class C misdemeanor, and if a provider, subject to administrative and professional discipline.",2 +J30,"I incorporate by reference as fully as if set out verbatim herein, all of +the provisions and powers set forth in T.C.A. Section 35-50-110, which section +enumerates the administrative powers that I hereby confer upon my Executor.",Executor was under 18 at the time of Testator's death.,"§35-3-106 + +Investments may be made in bonds and notes of any county, city or town in any state or territory of the United States that has a population, as shown by the last federal census next preceding the investment, of not less than forty-five thousand (45,000) and has not defaulted within twenty-five (25) years next preceding the investment, for more than thirty (30) days, in the payment of any part of either principal or interest of any bond, note or other evidence of indebtedness.",2 +J30,"I incorporate by reference as fully as if set out verbatim herein, all of +the provisions and powers set forth in T.C.A. Section 35-50-110, which section +enumerates the administrative powers that I hereby confer upon my Executor.",Executor was under 18 at the time of Testator's death.,"§32-3-108(a) + +(a) +(1) IF, +(A) A decedent dies after December 31, 1981; +(B) Leaving a will executed, or a trust created, before September 12, 1981, that contains a formula expressly providing that the spouse is to receive the maximum amount of property qualifying for the marital deduction allowable by federal law; +(C) The formula referred to in subdivision (a)(1)(B) was not amended to refer specifically to an unlimited marital deduction under federal law at any time after September 12, 1981, and before the death of the decedent; +(D) The will or trust also contains a bequest to, or in trust for the benefit of, the decedent's spouse that qualifies as qualified terminable interest property pursuant to § 2056(b)(7) of the Internal Revenue Code (26 U.S.C. §  2056(b)(7));",2 +J47,"I incorporate by reference as fully as if set out verbatim herein, all of +the provisions and powers set forth in T.C.A. Section 35-50-110, which section +enumerates the administrative powers that I hereby confer upon my Co-Executors.",The Will satisfies all of the relevant requirements to execute a valid will in the state of Tennessee.,"35-50-109. Incorporation of § 35-50-110 in will or trust instrument. +(a) By a clearly expressed intention of the testator or settlor so to do contained in a will, or in an instrument in writing by which a trust estate is created inter vivos, the language contained in the introductory paragraph of § 35-50-110, and in any one (1) or more of subdivisions (1)-(33) of that section, may be, by appropriate reference made to that language, incorporated in the will or other written instrument, to be applicable either to the fiduciary authorized to administer the estate of the testator, or to the fiduciary authorized to administer a trust estate established or to be established pursuant to the terms of the will or other written instrument, or to both types of fiduciaries, with the same effect and subject to the same judicial interpretation and control in appropriate cases as though the language were set forth verbatim in the instrument; provided, that the language contained in § 35-50-110(1)-(4) is appropriate only with respect to powers to be vested in the one (1) or more executors of the estate of a decedent, and is available only for incorporation by reference in a will, as powers of the executor or executors of the will. +(b) +(1) “Estate,” as used in any subdivision of § 35-50-110, is construed to mean the estate of the decedent if by reference to the subdivision it has been made applicable to the executor or executors of a will, and is construed to mean the trust estate if by reference to the subdivision it has been made applicable to the trustee or trustees of such an estate. +(2) As used in this section and § 35-50-110, “fiduciary,” and the masculine singular form of the pronoun referring to the fiduciary, are construed to mean the one (1) or more executors, whether male, female or corporate, of the estate of a decedent, or the one (1) or more trustees, whether male, female or corporate, of a testamentary or inter vivos trust estate, whichever in a particular case is appropriate. +(c) Nothing contained in this section and § 35-50-110 shall be construed to limit the power of a court of competent jurisdiction to prohibit a fiduciary from taking any action, or to restrain a fiduciary in the taking of any action, notwithstanding the authorizations or powers vested in the fiduciary by any written instrument in which all or any part of § 35-50-110 is incorporated by reference.",1 +J47,"I incorporate by reference as fully as if set out verbatim herein, all of +the provisions and powers set forth in T.C.A. Section 35-50-110, which section +enumerates the administrative powers that I hereby confer upon my Co-Executors.",One or both of the executors is/are under 18 at the time of Tesatator's death,"32-3-110. Power of appointment. +(a) This section applies only to powers of appointment exercisable by will. +(b) Capacity of holder of power. A power of appointment by will that is not subject to an express condition that it may be exercised only by a holder of a greater age may be exercised by a holder who has attained the age of eighteen (18) years. +(c) Manner of exercise of power. Unless a contrary intent is evidenced by the terms of the instrument creating or limiting a power of appointment, a donee of a power of appointment exercisable by will may: +(1) Make appointments of present or future interests or both; +(2) Make appointments with conditions and limitations; +(3) Make appointments with restraints on alienation upon the appointed interests; +(4) Make appointments of interests to a trustee for the benefit of one (1) or more objects of the power; +(5) Make appointments that create in the object of the power additional powers of appointment to permissible objects of the power of appointment pursuant to which the powers are created; and +(6) If the donee could appoint outright to the object of a power, make appointments that create in the object of the power additional powers of appointment that may be exercisable in favor of such persons or entities as the person creating the power may direct, even though the objects of the additional powers of appointment may not have been permissible objects of the original power of appointment pursuant to which the additional powers are created; provided, however, that the donee may not create a power that would violate any applicable rule against perpetuities. +(d) Disposition of trust property subject to power. In disposing of trust property subject to a power of appointment exercisable by will, a trustee acting in good faith shall have no liability to any appointee or take in default of appointment for relying upon a will believed to be the will of the donee of the power of appointment, for assuming that there is no will in the absence of actual knowledge thereof within three (3) months after the death of the donee, or for requiring that any will purporting to exercise a power of appointment be admitted to probate. The trustee's action in accordance with the preceding sentence shall not affect the rights of any appointee or taker in default of appointment to recover the distributed property from any person to whom the trustee has made distribution. +(e) Applicability. This section shall be construed as being declarative of existing law and shall apply to all instruments granting general and special powers of appointment and all wills exercising those powers, whether existing or exercised before, on, or after May 8, 2002, except that no trustee shall be liable to any person in whose favor a power of appointment may have been exercised for any distribution of property made to persons entitled to take in default of the effective exercise of the power of appointment to the extent that the distribution has been completed prior to May 8, 2002.",0 +J47,"I incorporate by reference as fully as if set out verbatim herein, all of +the provisions and powers set forth in T.C.A. Section 35-50-110, which section +enumerates the administrative powers that I hereby confer upon my Co-Executors.",The Will satisfies all of the relevant requirements to execute a valid will in the state of Tennessee.,"§32-5-101 + +A will, duly proved, allowed and admitted to probate outside of this state, may be allowed and recorded in the proper court of any county in this state, in which the testator has left any estate.",2 +J47,"I incorporate by reference as fully as if set out verbatim herein, all of +the provisions and powers set forth in T.C.A. Section 35-50-110, which section +enumerates the administrative powers that I hereby confer upon my Co-Executors.",One or both of the executors is/are under 18 at the time of Tesatator's death,"§34-2-104 + +The petition for the appointment of a guardian, which shall be sworn, should contain the following: +(1) The name, date of birth, residence and mailing address of the minor; +(2) The name, age, residence and mailing address and relationship of the petitioner; +(3) The name, age, mailing address and relationship of the proposed guardian and, if the proposed guardian is other than the petitioner, a statement signed by the proposed guardian acknowledging awareness of the petition and willingness to serve; +(4) The name, mailing address and relationship of the closest relative or relatives of the minor and the name and mailing address of the present custodian of the minor who should be notified of the proceedings. If the respondent has no then living parent or sibling, the petition shall so state and more remote relatives are not to be listed; +(5) An explanation of the reason for seeking appointment of a guardian; and +(6) If the petition requests the guardian manage the property of the respondent, the petition also shall contain: +(A) If the financial information about the minor is known to the petitioner: +(i) A list of the property of the minor together with the approximate fair market value of each item. The petitioner shall state whether the property listed is all of the minor's property; +(ii) A list of the source, amount and frequency of each item of income, pension, social security benefit or other revenue received by the minor; +(iii) A list of the usual monthly expenses of the minor. The petitioner shall include an explanation of how these expenditures were met prior to the filing of the petition; and +(iv) A description of the proposed plan for the management of the minor's property if a guardian is appointed; or +(B) If the financial information about the minor is unknown to the petitioner, a request that the court enter an order authorizing the petitioner to investigate the respondent's property.",2 +J47,"I incorporate by reference as fully as if set out verbatim herein, all of +the provisions and powers set forth in T.C.A. Section 35-50-110, which section +enumerates the administrative powers that I hereby confer upon my Co-Executors.",The Will satisfies all of the relevant requirements to execute a valid will in the state of Tennessee.,"§36-3-105 + +(a) It is unlawful for any county clerk or deputy clerk in this state to issue a marriage license to any person where: +(1) Either of the contracting parties is under seventeen (17) years of age; or +(2) One (1) of the contracting parties is at least seventeen (17) years of age but less than eighteen (18) years of age and the other contracting party is at least four (4) years older than the minor contracting party. +(b) Any marriage contracted in violation of subsection (a) may be annulled upon proper proceedings therefor by such person or any interested person acting in the person's behalf.",2 +J49,"I hereby give, devise and bequeath to [Person-4] my bedroom +suite, including the chest of drawers, bed and dresser. +I hereby give, devise and bequeath to [Person-5] my +diamond ring, four poster bed and dresser and my Sears sewing machine. +I hereby give, devise and bequeath to [Person-6] my buffet in +kitchen, the antique mirror in the living room, and the table under the mirror. +I hereby give, devise and bequeath to [Person-7] my dining +room table and six chairs. +I hereby give, devise and bequeath to [Person-3] my desk in +the living room. +I hereby give, devise and bequeath to [Person-8] my cabinet in +kitchen. +I hereby give, devise and bequeath to [Person-9] my farm +known as the ""Vaden Farm"", except for the house and lot situated on this farm. +I hereby give, devise and bequeath my house and lot located on the +""Vaden Farm"" to [Person-10] for her life, with remainder interest to [Person-9]. +I hereby give, devise and bequeath to [Person-10] all of my +bank accounts, Certificates of Deposit, my automobile, and all of my remaining +furniture, appliances and contents located in my house. +I hereby give, devise and bequeath all of my interest in the [Location-1] to [Person-10] for her life, with remainder interest to [Person-11], [Person-3], [Person-4], and [Person-8].",This Will is valid under all relevant laws in the state of Tennessee and no contrary intention given by Testator after executing the Will.,"32-3-101. Operation of will. +A will shall be construed, in reference to the real and personal estate comprised in it, to speak and take effect as if it had been executed immediately before the death of the testator, and shall convey all the real estate belonging to the testator, or in which the testator had any interest at the testator's decease, unless a contrary intention appear by its words in context.",1 +J49,"I hereby give, devise and bequeath to [Person-4] my bedroom +suite, including the chest of drawers, bed and dresser. +I hereby give, devise and bequeath to [Person-5] my +diamond ring, four poster bed and dresser and my Sears sewing machine. +I hereby give, devise and bequeath to [Person-6] my buffet in +kitchen, the antique mirror in the living room, and the table under the mirror. +I hereby give, devise and bequeath to [Person-7] my dining +room table and six chairs. +I hereby give, devise and bequeath to [Person-3] my desk in +the living room. +I hereby give, devise and bequeath to [Person-8] my cabinet in +kitchen. +I hereby give, devise and bequeath to [Person-9] my farm +known as the ""Vaden Farm"", except for the house and lot situated on this farm. +I hereby give, devise and bequeath my house and lot located on the +""Vaden Farm"" to [Person-10] for her life, with remainder interest to [Person-9]. +I hereby give, devise and bequeath to [Person-10] all of my +bank accounts, Certificates of Deposit, my automobile, and all of my remaining +furniture, appliances and contents located in my house. +I hereby give, devise and bequeath all of my interest in the [Location-1] to [Person-10] for her life, with remainder interest to [Person-11], [Person-3], [Person-4], and [Person-8].",The will was burned prior to the Testator's death with the intent to revoke it.,"32-1-201. Actions effecting a revocation of will. +A will or any part thereof is revoked by: +(1) A subsequent will, other than a nuncupative will, that revokes the prior will or part expressly or by inconsistency; +(2) Document of revocation, executed with all the formalities of an attested will or a holographic will, but not a nuncupative will, that revokes the prior will or part expressly; +(3) Being burned, torn, cancelled, obliterated or destroyed, with the intent and for the purpose of revoking it, by the testator or by another person in the testator's presence and by the testator's direction; or +(4) Both the subsequent marriage and the birth of a child of the testator, but divorce or annulment of the subsequent marriage does not revive a prior will.",0 +J49,"I hereby give, devise and bequeath to [Person-4] my bedroom +suite, including the chest of drawers, bed and dresser. +I hereby give, devise and bequeath to [Person-5] my +diamond ring, four poster bed and dresser and my Sears sewing machine. +I hereby give, devise and bequeath to [Person-6] my buffet in +kitchen, the antique mirror in the living room, and the table under the mirror. +I hereby give, devise and bequeath to [Person-7] my dining +room table and six chairs. +I hereby give, devise and bequeath to [Person-3] my desk in +the living room. +I hereby give, devise and bequeath to [Person-8] my cabinet in +kitchen. +I hereby give, devise and bequeath to [Person-9] my farm +known as the ""Vaden Farm"", except for the house and lot situated on this farm. +I hereby give, devise and bequeath my house and lot located on the +""Vaden Farm"" to [Person-10] for her life, with remainder interest to [Person-9]. +I hereby give, devise and bequeath to [Person-10] all of my +bank accounts, Certificates of Deposit, my automobile, and all of my remaining +furniture, appliances and contents located in my house. +I hereby give, devise and bequeath all of my interest in the [Location-1] to [Person-10] for her life, with remainder interest to [Person-11], [Person-3], [Person-4], and [Person-8].",This Will is valid under all relevant laws in the state of Tennessee and no contrary intention given by Testator after executing the Will.,"§24-2-105 + +During the attendance of any person summoned as a witness, and during the time that such person is going to and returning from the place of such attendance, allowing one (1) day for every thirty (30) miles of travel, no writ, process, warrant, order, judgment, or decree in any civil cause, subpoena to testify as a witness only excepted, shall be served upon such person.",2 +J49,"I hereby give, devise and bequeath to [Person-4] my bedroom +suite, including the chest of drawers, bed and dresser. +I hereby give, devise and bequeath to [Person-5] my +diamond ring, four poster bed and dresser and my Sears sewing machine. +I hereby give, devise and bequeath to [Person-6] my buffet in +kitchen, the antique mirror in the living room, and the table under the mirror. +I hereby give, devise and bequeath to [Person-7] my dining +room table and six chairs. +I hereby give, devise and bequeath to [Person-3] my desk in +the living room. +I hereby give, devise and bequeath to [Person-8] my cabinet in +kitchen. +I hereby give, devise and bequeath to [Person-9] my farm +known as the ""Vaden Farm"", except for the house and lot situated on this farm. +I hereby give, devise and bequeath my house and lot located on the +""Vaden Farm"" to [Person-10] for her life, with remainder interest to [Person-9]. +I hereby give, devise and bequeath to [Person-10] all of my +bank accounts, Certificates of Deposit, my automobile, and all of my remaining +furniture, appliances and contents located in my house. +I hereby give, devise and bequeath all of my interest in the [Location-1] to [Person-10] for her life, with remainder interest to [Person-11], [Person-3], [Person-4], and [Person-8].",The will was burned prior to the Testator's death with the intent to revoke it.,"§24-2-103 + +If a witness fails to appear when summoned before a judge of the court of general sessions, notary public, or commissioner, the subpoena is returned to the circuit court of the county, with the endorsement of such failure made thereon by the judge of the court of general sessions, notary public, or commissioner, and scire facias issues, as in other cases.",2 +J49,"I hereby give, devise and bequeath to [Person-4] my bedroom +suite, including the chest of drawers, bed and dresser. +I hereby give, devise and bequeath to [Person-5] my +diamond ring, four poster bed and dresser and my Sears sewing machine. +I hereby give, devise and bequeath to [Person-6] my buffet in +kitchen, the antique mirror in the living room, and the table under the mirror. +I hereby give, devise and bequeath to [Person-7] my dining +room table and six chairs. +I hereby give, devise and bequeath to [Person-3] my desk in +the living room. +I hereby give, devise and bequeath to [Person-8] my cabinet in +kitchen. +I hereby give, devise and bequeath to [Person-9] my farm +known as the ""Vaden Farm"", except for the house and lot situated on this farm. +I hereby give, devise and bequeath my house and lot located on the +""Vaden Farm"" to [Person-10] for her life, with remainder interest to [Person-9]. +I hereby give, devise and bequeath to [Person-10] all of my +bank accounts, Certificates of Deposit, my automobile, and all of my remaining +furniture, appliances and contents located in my house. +I hereby give, devise and bequeath all of my interest in the [Location-1] to [Person-10] for her life, with remainder interest to [Person-11], [Person-3], [Person-4], and [Person-8].",The will was burned prior to the Testator's death with the intent to revoke it.,"§32-11-101 + +This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the “Tennessee Right to Natural Death Act.”",2 +J68,"We, the undersigned subscribing witnesses, do hereby +certify that we witnessed the foregoing Last Will and Testament +of [Person-1], at his request, in his presence and in the presence +of each other, and that he signed the same in our presence, and +in the presence of each of us, declaring the same to be his Last +Will and Testament. This 26th day of July, 1989.",Witnesses signed in the presence of the Testator and the presence of each other,"32-1-103. Witnesses — Who may act. +(a) Any person competent to be a witness generally in this state may act as attesting witness to a will. +(b) No will is invalidated because attested by an interested witness, but any interested witness shall, unless the will is also attested by two (2) disinterested witnesses, forfeit so much of the provisions therein made for the interested witness as in the aggregate exceeds in value, as of the date of the testator's death, what the interested witness would have received had the testator died intestate. +(c) No attesting witness is interested unless the will gives to the attesting witness some personal and beneficial interest.",1 +J68,"We, the undersigned subscribing witnesses, do hereby +certify that we witnessed the foregoing Last Will and Testament +of [Person-1], at his request, in his presence and in the presence +of each other, and that he signed the same in our presence, and +in the presence of each of us, declaring the same to be his Last +Will and Testament. This 26th day of July, 1989.",Witnesses did not sign in the presence of the Testator or the presence of each other,"32-1-104. Will other than holographic or nuncupative — Signatures. +(a) The execution of a will, other than a holographic or nuncupative will, must be by the signature of the testator and of at least two (2) witnesses as follows: +(1) The testator shall signify to the attesting witnesses that the instrument is the testator's will and either: +(A) The testator sign; +(B) Acknowledge the testator's signature already made; or +(C) At the testator's direction and in the testator's presence have someone else sign the testator's name; and +(D) In any of the above cases the act must be done in the presence of two (2) or more attesting witnesses; +(2) The attesting witnesses must sign: +(A) In the presence of the testator; and +(B) In the presence of each other.",0 +J68,"We, the undersigned subscribing witnesses, do hereby +certify that we witnessed the foregoing Last Will and Testament +of [Person-1], at his request, in his presence and in the presence +of each other, and that he signed the same in our presence, and +in the presence of each of us, declaring the same to be his Last +Will and Testament. This 26th day of July, 1989.",Witnesses signed in the presence of the Testator and the presence of each other,"53-1-105. Food deemed misbranded. +(a) A food shall be deemed to be misbranded if: +(1) Its labeling is false or misleading in any particular; +(2) It is offered for sale under the name of another food; +(3) It is an imitation of another food, unless its label bears, in type of uniform size and prominence, the word “imitation,” and immediately thereafter, the name of the food imitated; +(4) Its container is so made, formed or filled as to be misleading;",2 +J68,"We, the undersigned subscribing witnesses, do hereby +certify that we witnessed the foregoing Last Will and Testament +of [Person-1], at his request, in his presence and in the presence +of each other, and that he signed the same in our presence, and +in the presence of each of us, declaring the same to be his Last +Will and Testament. This 26th day of July, 1989.",Witnesses did not sign in the presence of the Testator or the presence of each other,"69-4-104. Engineer — Contracts. +The levee commissioners shall employ a competent engineer to assist them in the location and construction of such levee, and shall have power to let out contracts for the work.",2 +J68,"We, the undersigned subscribing witnesses, do hereby +certify that we witnessed the foregoing Last Will and Testament +of [Person-1], at his request, in his presence and in the presence +of each other, and that he signed the same in our presence, and +in the presence of each of us, declaring the same to be his Last +Will and Testament. This 26th day of July, 1989.",Witnesses signed in the presence of the Testator and the presence of each other,"55-52-202. Penalty for operation of off-highway motor vehicles by minors — Defenses. +(a) Except as provided in subsection (b), a violation of this section is a Class C misdemeanor, subject only to imposition of a fine, not to exceed fifty dollars ($50.00) and court costs, not to exceed ten dollars ($10.00), including, but not limited to, any statutory fees of officers. No state or local litigation taxes shall be applicable to a case prosecuted under this section.",2 +J11,"I direct my Executor to pay all my just debts and +all funeral expenses, which shall be probated, registered and allowed against my estate, as soon after my death as can conveniently be done.",The Executor was over 18 at the time the Will was executed and no contrary intent was manifest by the Testator subsequent the execution of this Will.,"32-3-110. Power of appointment. +(a) This section applies only to powers of appointment exercisable by will. +(b) Capacity of holder of power. A power of appointment by will that is not subject to an express condition that it may be exercised only by a holder of a greater age may be exercised by a holder who has attained the age of eighteen (18) years. +(c) Manner of exercise of power. Unless a contrary intent is evidenced by the terms of the instrument creating or limiting a power of appointment, a donee of a power of appointment exercisable by will may: +(1) Make appointments of present or future interests or both; +(2) Make appointments with conditions and limitations; +(3) Make appointments with restraints on alienation upon the appointed interests; +(4) Make appointments of interests to a trustee for the benefit of one (1) or more objects of the power; +(5) Make appointments that create in the object of the power additional powers of appointment to permissible objects of the power of appointment pursuant to which the powers are created; and +(6) If the donee could appoint outright to the object of a power, make appointments that create in the object of the power additional powers of appointment that may be exercisable in favor of such persons or entities as the person creating the power may direct, even though the objects of the additional powers of appointment may not have been permissible objects of the original power of appointment pursuant to which the additional powers are created; provided, however, that the donee may not create a power that would violate any applicable rule against perpetuities. +(d) Disposition of trust property subject to power. In disposing of trust property subject to a power of appointment exercisable by will, a trustee acting in good faith shall have no liability to any appointee or take in default of appointment for relying upon a will believed to be the will of the donee of the power of appointment, for assuming that there is no will in the absence of actual knowledge thereof within three (3) months after the death of the donee, or for requiring that any will purporting to exercise a power of appointment be admitted to probate. The trustee's action in accordance with the preceding sentence shall not affect the rights of any appointee or taker in default of appointment to recover the distributed property from any person to whom the trustee has made distribution. +(e) Applicability. This section shall be construed as being declarative of existing law and shall apply to all instruments granting general and special powers of appointment and all wills exercising those powers, whether existing or exercised before, on, or after May 8, 2002, except that no trustee shall be liable to any person in whose favor a power of appointment may have been exercised for any distribution of property made to persons entitled to take in default of the effective exercise of the power of appointment to the extent that the distribution has been completed prior to May 8, 2002.",1 +J11,"I direct my Executor to pay all my just debts and +all funeral expenses, which shall be probated, registered and allowed against my estate, as soon after my death as can conveniently be done.",The Executor was over 18 at the time the Will was executed and no contrary intent was manifest by the Testator subsequent the execution of this Will.,"T.C.A. §21-1-202 + + ""Attachments, injunctions and all other process issued to any one (1) county shall embrace the names of all the defendants required to be served with the process residing in that county.""",2 +J11,"I direct my Executor to pay all my just debts and +all funeral expenses, which shall be probated, registered and allowed against my estate, as soon after my death as can conveniently be done.",The Executor was over 18 at the time the Will was executed and no contrary intent was manifest by the Testator subsequent the execution of this Will.,"The system shall be composed of: +(1) State scenic trails, which will be extended trails so located as to provide maximum potential for the appreciation of natural areas and for the conservation and enjoyment of the significant scenic, historic, natural, ecological, geological or cultural qualities of the areas through which such trails may pass. Each of these trails will be limited exclusively to foot use, except that the use by horses or nonmotorized bicycles may also be permitted on segments of scenic trails where deemed appropriate by the department. Because of their extended length, the state scenic trails shall be supplemented by support facilities located only on that part of a trail which is in a state park, recreation area or wildlife management area. Such support facilities may include, where deemed necessary and feasible, primitive shelters, fireplaces, safe water supply, and other related public use facilities. These facilities shall concur with department standards. No open wood fires shall be permitted on state scenic trails except in areas with support facilities specifically designated for such purpose; +(2) State recreation trails, which will provide a variety of outdoor recreation uses in or reasonably accessible to urban areas. These trails may be of the following types: +(A) Foot; +(B) Horse; or +(C) Nonmotorized bicycles; and +(3) Connecting or side trails, which will provide additional points of public access to state recreation or state scenic trails or which will provide connections between such trails. They shall be of the nature of the trails they serve.",2 +J11,"I direct my Executor to pay all my just debts and +all funeral expenses, which shall be probated, registered and allowed against my estate, as soon after my death as can conveniently be done.",The Executor was over 18 at the time the Will was executed and no contrary intent was manifest by the Testator subsequent the execution of this Will.,"§ 11-13-118 + +The department shall maintain a registry of riparian lands along those segments of designated scenic rivers specified in § 11-13-104, that are not in state ownership and whose owners have voluntarily agreed to maintain them in a natural state. Such registration shall not be binding nor shall it involve any transfer of property rights. However, owners of riparian lands so registered may at any time voluntarily consent to have such areas included within scenic river boundaries as provided in § 11-13-108. The commissioner may adopt guidelines or regulations for the administration of this voluntary registration program including, but not limited to, the uses that may be made of lands in the registry. Owners of lands in the registry shall be permitted to make public the fact that the area is so listed. If the commissioner finds at any time that the owner has failed to maintain any such lands in a natural state, they shall be removed from the registry.",2 +J11,"I direct my Executor to pay all my just debts and +all funeral expenses, which shall be probated, registered and allowed against my estate, as soon after my death as can conveniently be done.",The Executor was over 18 at the time the Will was executed and no contrary intent was manifest by the Testator subsequent the execution of this Will.,"§25-2-101 + +(a) Any power of attorney or authority to confess judgment which is given before an action is instituted and before the service of process in such action, is declared void; and any judgment based on such power of attorney or authority is likewise declared void. +(b) This section shall not affect any power of attorney or authority given after an action is instituted and after the service of process in such action.",2 +J23,"We, the undersigned subscribing witnesses, do hereby +certify that we witnessed the foregoing Codicil to the Last +Will and Testament of [Person-1], at her request, in her +presence and in the presence of each other, and that she +signed the same in our presence and in the presence of each of us, declaring the same to be a Codicil to her last Will and Testament. This 4th day of April, 2000.",Witnesses were disinterested,"32-1-103. Witnesses — Who may act. +(a) Any person competent to be a witness generally in this state may act as attesting witness to a will. +(b) No will is invalidated because attested by an interested witness, but any interested witness shall, unless the will is also attested by two (2) disinterested witnesses, forfeit so much of the provisions therein made for the interested witness as in the aggregate exceeds in value, as of the date of the testator's death, what the interested witness would have received had the testator died intestate. +(c) No attesting witness is interested unless the will gives to the attesting witness some personal and beneficial interest.",1 +J23,"We, the undersigned subscribing witnesses, do hereby +certify that we witnessed the foregoing Codicil to the Last +Will and Testament of [Person-1], at her request, in her +presence and in the presence of each other, and that she +signed the same in our presence and in the presence of each of us, declaring the same to be a Codicil to her last Will and Testament. This 4th day of April, 2000.",One of the witnesses was not competent to be a witness in the state of Tennesee,"32-1-103. Witnesses — Who may act. +(a) Any person competent to be a witness generally in this state may act as attesting witness to a will. +(b) No will is invalidated because attested by an interested witness, but any interested witness shall, unless the will is also attested by two (2) disinterested witnesses, forfeit so much of the provisions therein made for the interested witness as in the aggregate exceeds in value, as of the date of the testator's death, what the interested witness would have received had the testator died intestate. +(c) No attesting witness is interested unless the will gives to the attesting witness some personal and beneficial interest.",0 +J23,"We, the undersigned subscribing witnesses, do hereby +certify that we witnessed the foregoing Codicil to the Last +Will and Testament of [Person-1], at her request, in her +presence and in the presence of each other, and that she +signed the same in our presence and in the presence of each of us, declaring the same to be a Codicil to her last Will and Testament. This 4th day of April, 2000.",Witnesses were disinterested,"§32-1-112 + +(a) With respect to a testator who is living, any will in writing, being enclosed in a sealed wrapper, and having endorsed thereon the name of the testator, the testator's place of residence and the testator's social security number or driver license number, if any, and the day when, and the person by whom, it is delivered, may be deposited by the person making the will, or by any person for the person making the will, with the court exercising probate jurisdiction in the county where the testator lives. With respect to a deceased testator, any will in writing may be deposited by any person with the court exercising probate jurisdiction in the county where the testator lived at the time of the testator's death. The preceding provisions shall apply only if the clerk of the probate court has a secure vault or safe for the safe keeping of the will. The probate court shall receive and safely and securely keep any such will, and give a certificate of the deposit thereof, and for this service shall charge a fee of five dollars ($5.00).",2 +J23,"We, the undersigned subscribing witnesses, do hereby +certify that we witnessed the foregoing Codicil to the Last +Will and Testament of [Person-1], at her request, in her +presence and in the presence of each other, and that she +signed the same in our presence and in the presence of each of us, declaring the same to be a Codicil to her last Will and Testament. This 4th day of April, 2000.",One of the witnesses was not competent to be a witness in the state of Tennesee,"§33-2-102 + +(a) Within the limits of available resources, it is the goal of the state to develop and maintain a system of care that provides a comprehensive array of quality prevention, early intervention, treatment, habilitation and rehabilitation services and supports that are geographically available, equitably and efficiently allocated statewide, allowing people to be in their own communities in settings, based on the needs and choices of individuals and families served. +(b) The state's purposes are to: +(1) Establish and sustain a broad range and scope of flexible services and supports across the domains of residential living, working, learning, community participation, and family support, including crisis, respite and other emergency services, that help service recipients maintain respected and active positions in the community; and +(2) Promote the early identification of children with mental illness, serious emotional disturbance, developmental disabilities, and developmental delay to assure that they receive services and supports appropriate to their developmental level and changing needs. +(c) The general assembly finds as facts that the needs of persons with mental illness, serious emotional disturbance, and developmental disabilities cannot be met by the department in isolation and that those persons need to receive services and supports that are integrated, have linkages between and among other human service agencies and programs, and have mechanisms for planning, developing, coordinating, and monitoring services and supports to meet their needs.",2 +J23,"We, the undersigned subscribing witnesses, do hereby +certify that we witnessed the foregoing Codicil to the Last +Will and Testament of [Person-1], at her request, in her +presence and in the presence of each other, and that she +signed the same in our presence and in the presence of each of us, declaring the same to be a Codicil to her last Will and Testament. This 4th day of April, 2000.",One of the witnesses was not competent to be a witness in the state of Tennesee,"§34-7-105 + +Costs of public guardianship for the elderly will be met by annual appropriation to the commission on aging.",2 +J44,"The foregoing instrument was at the date thereof +signed, published and declared by the said [Person-1], as +for his last will and testament, and in the joint presence +of us, who at his request, and in his presence, and in the +presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses.",Signed by two witnesses in the presence of the Testator and the Testator signed in the presence of the two witnesses.,"32-1-104. Will other than holographic or nuncupative — Signatures. +(a) The execution of a will, other than a holographic or nuncupative will, must be by the signature of the testator and of at least two (2) witnesses as follows: +(1) The testator shall signify to the attesting witnesses that the instrument is the testator's will and either: +(A) The testator sign; +(B) Acknowledge the testator's signature already made; or +(C) At the testator's direction and in the testator's presence have someone else sign the testator's name; and +(D) In any of the above cases the act must be done in the presence of two (2) or more attesting witnesses; +(2) The attesting witnesses must sign: +(A) In the presence of the testator; and +(B) In the presence of each other. +(b) +(1) For wills executed prior to July 1, 2016, to the extent necessary for the will to be validly executed, witness signatures affixed to an affidavit meeting the requirements of § 32-2-110 shall be considered signatures to the will, provided that: +(A) The signatures are made at the same time as the testator signs the will and are made in accordance with subsection (a); and +(B) The affidavit contains language meeting all the requirements of subsection (a). +(2) If the witnesses signed the affidavit on the same day that the testator signed the will, it shall be presumed that the witnesses and the testator signed at the same time, unless rebutted by clear and convincing evidence. If, pursuant to this subsection (b), witness signatures on the affidavit are treated as signatures on the will, the affidavit shall not also serve as a self-proving affidavit under § 32-2-110. Nothing in this subsection (b) shall affect, eliminate, or relax the requirement in subsection (a) that the testator sign the will.",1 +J44,"The foregoing instrument was at the date thereof +signed, published and declared by the said [Person-1], as +for his last will and testament, and in the joint presence +of us, who at his request, and in his presence, and in the +presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses.",Both witnesses were interested at the time of the will's execution and were given more in the will than they would have had the Testator died intestate.,"32-1-103. Witnesses — Who may act. +(a) Any person competent to be a witness generally in this state may act as attesting witness to a will. +(b) No will is invalidated because attested by an interested witness, but any interested witness shall, unless the will is also attested by two (2) disinterested witnesses, forfeit so much of the provisions therein made for the interested witness as in the aggregate exceeds in value, as of the date of the testator's death, what the interested witness would have received had the testator died intestate. +(c) No attesting witness is interested unless the will gives to the attesting witness some personal and beneficial interest.",0 +J44,"The foregoing instrument was at the date thereof +signed, published and declared by the said [Person-1], as +for his last will and testament, and in the joint presence +of us, who at his request, and in his presence, and in the +presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses.",Signed by two witnesses in the presence of the Testator and the Testator signed in the presence of the two witnesses.,"§32-1-113 + +(a) Any person or corporation who has possession of or discovers a written instrument purporting to be the last will and testament of a decedent shall mail or deliver that instrument to the personal representative named in the instrument as soon as the person or corporation has knowledge of the death, and a photographic copy of the instrument shall be mailed or delivered to the clerk of the court having probate jurisdiction in the county of the decedent's residence. +(b) +(1) If the personal representative, or the personal representative's address, is not known, is deceased or is not eligible to serve; +(2) If the instrument does not name a personal representative; +(3) If the personal representative declines to serve; or +(4) If it appears that there is no estate that will require administration; +then the person having possession of the original instrument shall mail or deliver it to the clerk. +(c) The receipt by the personal representative or the clerk shall relieve the person of further responsibility as to possession of the instrument. +(d) The clerk of the court shall have no responsibility to perform any acts regarding the probate of the will and shall not accept any claims for filing against the estate unless and until the personal representative or other interested party files proper pleadings to initiate such an action.",2 +J44,"The foregoing instrument was at the date thereof +signed, published and declared by the said [Person-1], as +for his last will and testament, and in the joint presence +of us, who at his request, and in his presence, and in the +presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses.",Both witnesses were interested at the time of the will's execution and were given more in the will than they would have had the Testator died intestate.,"32-2-103. Withdrawal of will for proof out of state. +Whenever any will has been proved and recorded for six (6) months in any county of this state, as required by §§ 32-2-101 — 32-2-104, and the will is required to be proved out of this state, the judge of probate may, on the application of the executor, so stating, duly sworn to and filed, allow the executor to withdraw the will, upon leaving a photostatic and certified copy and complying with such other terms as may be prescribed.",2 +J44,"The foregoing instrument was at the date thereof +signed, published and declared by the said [Person-1], as +for his last will and testament, and in the joint presence +of us, who at his request, and in his presence, and in the +presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses.",Signed by two witnesses in the presence of the Testator and the Testator signed in the presence of the two witnesses.,"§33-2-501 + +The department shall develop an array of options for transportation for all regions of the state that shall include, but not be limited to, willing family members, transportation agents that are available twenty-four (24) hours per day, ambulance or other medically appropriate vehicles, law enforcement, and public and private service providers.",2 +J67,"IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto signed, published +and declared this instrument as my Last Will and Testgment, in +Lauderdale County, Tennessee, on this 26th day of July, 1989.",Testator at the time the will was executed was over 18.,"32-1-102. Persons qualified to make a will. +Any person of sound mind eighteen (18) years of age or older may make a will.",1 +J67,"IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto signed, published +and declared this instrument as my Last Will and Testgment, in +Lauderdale County, Tennessee, on this 26th day of July, 1989.",Testator at the time the will was executed was under 18.,"32-1-102. Persons qualified to make a will. +Any person of sound mind eighteen (18) years of age or older may make a will.",0 +J67,"IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto signed, published +and declared this instrument as my Last Will and Testgment, in +Lauderdale County, Tennessee, on this 26th day of July, 1989.",Testator at the time the will was executed was over 18.,"32-1-107. Foreign execution. +A will executed outside this state in a manner prescribed by §§ 32-1-101 — 32-1-108, inclusive, or a written will executed outside this state in a manner prescribed by the law of the place of its execution or by the law of the testator's domicile at the time of its execution, shall have the same force and effect in this state as if executed in this state in compliance with those sections.",2 +J67,"IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto signed, published +and declared this instrument as my Last Will and Testgment, in +Lauderdale County, Tennessee, on this 26th day of July, 1989.",Testator at the time the will was executed was under 18.,"32-2-105. Proof of will of person serving in armed forces. +(a) Any last will of any person in the military or naval service of the United States, made outside this state, or at sea while in military or naval service, may be admitted to probate by the probate court of the county where the testator was domiciled, upon the certificate of the colonel, lieutenant colonel, major, or commanding officer of the regiment, or captain or commandant of the vessel, setting forth that the testator acknowledged, or that the subscribing witnesses proved, the will before that officer; but the heirs or next of kin of the testator may, in like manner and time prescribed for other contests, contest the validity of the will, in which case the authentication shall be prima facie evidence.",2 +J67,"IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto signed, published +and declared this instrument as my Last Will and Testgment, in +Lauderdale County, Tennessee, on this 26th day of July, 1989.",Testator at the time the will was executed was under 18.,"37-2-301. Authority to provide. +Counties, through their county legislative bodies, are authorized and empowered to set up subsidized receiving homes for the care of dependent, neglected or abandoned children, or children without proper parental care or guardianship, whenever an order is made by proper resolution duly adopted by a majority of the members constituting the legislative body and placed on the minutes of the legislative body.",2 +J24,"I, [Person-1], instrument as a Codicil to September 21, 1998. hereby make and publish this my Last Will and Testament",The testator was at least 18 and of sound mind when the will was executed,"32-1-102. Persons qualified to make a will. +Any person of sound mind eighteen (18) years of age or older may make a will.",1 +J24,"I, [Person-1], instrument as a Codicil to September 21, 1998. hereby make and publish this my Last Will and Testament",The testator was 16 at the time the will was executed,"32-1-102. Persons qualified to make a will. +Any person of sound mind eighteen (18) years of age or older may make a will.",0 +J24,"I, [Person-1], instrument as a Codicil to September 21, 1998. hereby make and publish this my Last Will and Testament",The testator was at least 18 and of sound mind when the will was executed,"§35-5-103 + +Whenever the advertisement cannot be made in a newspaper, the officer shall make publication of the sale for thirty (30) days by written notices posted in at least five (5) of the most public places in the county, one (1) of which shall be the courthouse door, and another in the neighborhood of the defendant; if of realty, in the civil district where the land lies.",2 +J24,"I, [Person-1], instrument as a Codicil to September 21, 1998. hereby make and publish this my Last Will and Testament",The testator was 16 at the time the will was executed,"§58-1-203 + +The land force of the national guard shall be the army national guard and shall comprise the army units which are a part of the national guard on March 2, 1970, and such other army units as may be organized hereafter, including the personnel who are enlisted, appointed or commissioned therein; provided, that all persons who are members of the army national guard shall be federally recognized as such.",2 +J24,"I, [Person-1], instrument as a Codicil to September 21, 1998. hereby make and publish this my Last Will and Testament",The testator was at least 18 and of sound mind when the will was executed,"§71-1-109 + +The attorney general and reporter shall, when requested, advise the department on matters of law. The department may acquire, hold, and alienate property necessary or desirable for the performance of the functions vested in it by law. It shall have all powers necessary and proper for the carrying out of its functions, including the power to adopt and promulgate rules binding upon itself, and all persons subject to its control.",2 +J59,"I name, nominate and appoint my son, [Person-2], +Executor of this my will and estate, and direct that he be +allowed to serve without bond.","Testator's son was over 18 at the time the will was signed, the Testator did not manifest ontrary intent prior to Testator's death. ","32-3-110. Power of appointment. +(a) This section applies only to powers of appointment exercisable by will. +(b) Capacity of holder of power. A power of appointment by will that is not subject to an express condition that it may be exercised only by a holder of a greater age may be exercised by a holder who has attained the age of eighteen (18) years. +(c) Manner of exercise of power. Unless a contrary intent is evidenced by the terms of the instrument creating or limiting a power of appointment, a donee of a power of appointment exercisable by will may: +(1) Make appointments of present or future interests or both; +(2) Make appointments with conditions and limitations; +(3) Make appointments with restraints on alienation upon the appointed interests; +(4) Make appointments of interests to a trustee for the benefit of one (1) or more objects of the power; +(5) Make appointments that create in the object of the power additional powers of appointment to permissible objects of the power of appointment pursuant to which the powers are created; and +(6) If the donee could appoint outright to the object of a power, make appointments that create in the object of the power additional powers of appointment that may be exercisable in favor of such persons or entities as the person creating the power may direct, even though the objects of the additional powers of appointment may not have been permissible objects of the original power of appointment pursuant to which the additional powers are created; provided, however, that the donee may not create a power that would violate any applicable rule against perpetuities. +(d) Disposition of trust property subject to power. In disposing of trust property subject to a power of appointment exercisable by will, a trustee acting in good faith shall have no liability to any appointee or take in default of appointment for relying upon a will believed to be the will of the donee of the power of appointment, for assuming that there is no will in the absence of actual knowledge thereof within three (3) months after the death of the donee, or for requiring that any will purporting to exercise a power of appointment be admitted to probate. The trustee's action in accordance with the preceding sentence shall not affect the rights of any appointee or taker in default of appointment to recover the distributed property from any person to whom the trustee has made distribution. +(e) Applicability. This section shall be construed as being declarative of existing law and shall apply to all instruments granting general and special powers of appointment and all wills exercising those powers, whether existing or exercised before, on, or after May 8, 2002, except that no trustee shall be liable to any person in whose favor a power of appointment may have been exercised for any distribution of property made to persons entitled to take in default of the effective exercise of the power of appointment to the extent that the distribution has been completed prior to May 8, 2002.",1 +J59,"I name, nominate and appoint my son, [Person-2], +Executor of this my will and estate, and direct that he be +allowed to serve without bond.",The Testator's son (executor) officially resigned.,"30-1-112. Resignation of personal representative. +(a) Any named executor in a decedent's last will and testament may decline to serve as such personal representative by filing a sworn statement, or a statement under penalty of perjury, with the court. +(b) Any personal representative may resign and relinquish trust in the following manner: +(1) Filing Petition. The personal representative shall file the petition in the probate court or chancery court having cognizance of the settlement of the estate of the deceased whom the petitioner represents, praying to be permitted to resign; +(2) Notice to Legatees, etc. When the legatees, devisees, or distributees entitled to the estate reside in the county where the letters testamentary or of administration were granted, five (5) days' notice shall be given them, their agent or attorney, of the filing or intention to file, the petition. Where they reside out of the county, the court shall order notice to be given by publication in a newspaper, or by posting at the courthouse door, or in such other mode as it thinks reasonable; +(3) Petitioner to Settle Accounts — New Administrator. After notice has been given, the court shall cause the petitioner's accounts to be settled, and may, at its discretion, accept the resignation of the petitioner, and appoint a new administrator, taking from the appointee a good and sufficient administration bond.",0 +J59,"I name, nominate and appoint my son, [Person-2], +Executor of this my will and estate, and direct that he be +allowed to serve without bond.",The will is properly executed under the state of Tennessee and the Executor is able to serve as a fiduciary under state law. ,"30-1-201. When bond required. +(a) +(1) The clerk shall not require a bond of the personal representative before issuing letters testamentary or letters of administration if: +(A) The decedent by will excuses the personal representative from making bond; +(B) The personal representative and the sole beneficiary of the estate are the same person and the court approves; +(C) All of the beneficiaries are adults, who are not under a disability that would preclude them from acting, and all beneficiaries consent to the personal representative serving without bond by filing a sworn statement, or a statement under penalty of perjury, with the court and the court approves; or +(D) The personal representative is a bank that is excused from the requirements of bond by § 45-2-1005. +(2) If the preceding exemptions from making bond do not apply, the clerk, before issuing the letters, shall take from the personal representative a bond payable to the state, with two (2) or more sufficient sureties or one (1) corporate surety, in an amount determined by the court. If bond is required, the bond shall not be less than the value of the estate of the decedent subject to administration nor more than double the value of the estate and the court may increase or decrease the amount at any time by order. +(b) Any interested person may petition the court to suggest and show that the personal representative is wasting, or likely to waste, the estate. In this event, the court may require bond in an amount it deems advisable.",1 +J59,"I name, nominate and appoint my son, [Person-2], +Executor of this my will and estate, and direct that he be +allowed to serve without bond.","Testator's son was over 18 at the time the will was signed, the Testator did not manifest ontrary intent prior to Testator's death. ","§33-11-103(a) - (b) + +(a) There is created the Tennessee opioid abatement council. +(b) The council is composed of fifteen (15) voting members and one nonvoting ex-officio member. The commissioner or the commissioner's designee shall serve as the nonvoting ex-officio member. Voting members must be residents of this state and have expertise and a minimum of ten (10) years of experience in public health policy, medicine, substance use disorder and addiction treatment, mental health services, drug misuse prevention programs, or drug court diversion or other programs in which people with substance use disorders interact with first responders, law enforcement, or the criminal justice system. A member shall not serve more than two (2) terms consecutively but may be reappointed to the council after not serving as a member for two (2) or more years.",2 +J59,"I name, nominate and appoint my son, [Person-2], +Executor of this my will and estate, and direct that he be +allowed to serve without bond.",The Testator's son (executor) officially resigned.,"§38-2-101 + +Lawful resistance to the commission of a public offense may be made by the party about to be injured, or by others.",2 +J88,"ITEM V. My spouse and I may have a promissory note payable to us by +[Person-9] and wife, [Person-10]. If any monies are due at the +time ofmy death, then I hereby cancel same and grant unto my legal representative thepower to cancel said note and Deed of Trust. I direct said representative to do the +cancellations at my death.",The executor has the ability to act as such under Tennessee law.,"35-50-110. Specifically enumerated fiduciary powers that may be incorporated by reference. +Without diminution or restriction of the powers vested in the fiduciary by law, or elsewhere in the instrument, and subject to all other provisions of the instrument, the fiduciary, without the necessity of procuring any judicial authorization, or approval, shall be vested with, and in the application of the fiduciary's best judgment and discretion in behalf of the beneficiaries of the instrument shall be authorized to exercise, the powers specifically enumerated in this section: +... +(3) In behalf of the estate, to perform any and all valid executory contracts to which at the time of the testator's or settlor's death the testator or settlor is a party, and that at the time of the testator's or settlor's death have not been fully performed by the testator or settlor, and to discharge all obligations of the estate arising under or by reason of such contracts; +(4) Pending the administration of the estate, to permit any beneficiary or beneficiaries of the will to have the use, possession and enjoyment, without charge made for the use, possession and enjoyment, (and without the fiduciary thereby relinquishing control of the property), of any real property or tangible personal property of the estate which, upon completion of the administration of the estate, will be distributable to that beneficiary or beneficiaries when, if, and to the extent that, that action will not adversely affect the rights and interests of any creditor of the estate, and in the judgment of the fiduciary it is appropriate that the beneficiary or beneficiaries have the use and enjoyment of the property, notwithstanding that it may be subjected to depreciation in value by reason of the use. The exercise of this power will not constitute a distribution of the property with respect to which it is exercised; and, whether or not exercised, neither the power nor the exercise of the power shall be deemed a constructive or actual distribution of the property to which it relates; +(5) During the fiduciary's administration of the estate, and subject to all the other provisions of the instrument, to receive and receipt for all of the assets of the estate, and to have exclusive possession and control of those assets;",1 +J88,"ITEM V. My spouse and I may have a promissory note payable to us by +[Person-9] and wife, [Person-10]. If any monies are due at the +time ofmy death, then I hereby cancel same and grant unto my legal representative thepower to cancel said note and Deed of Trust. I direct said representative to do the +cancellations at my death.","Subsequent the execution of this Will and prior to Testator's death, the appointed Executor served time in prison.","40-20-115. Disqualification from fiduciary office. +The effect of a sentence of imprisonment in the penitentiary is to put an end to the right of the inmate to execute the office of executor, administrator or guardian, fiduciary or conservator, and operates as a removal from office.",0 +J88,"ITEM V. My spouse and I may have a promissory note payable to us by +[Person-9] and wife, [Person-10]. If any monies are due at the +time ofmy death, then I hereby cancel same and grant unto my legal representative thepower to cancel said note and Deed of Trust. I direct said representative to do the +cancellations at my death.",The executor has the ability to act as such under Tennessee law.,"35-50-125. Release of personal health information to determine capacity. +Where it is necessary, under the terms of a trust to determine the mental or physical incapacity of a patient, a healthcare provider may release personal health information to a licensed physician or licensed attorney at law if the physician or attorney at law signs and furnishes the healthcare provider with an affidavit that the release of information is necessary to determine the mental or physical incapacity of the patient, or of the settlor, or of the donor, or of the trustee, or of the agent or other fiduciary under a trust that was signed by the patient where incapacity causes the document to come into effect, discontinues its effect or calls for a change in a fiduciary acting under the document.",2 +J88,"ITEM V. My spouse and I may have a promissory note payable to us by +[Person-9] and wife, [Person-10]. If any monies are due at the +time ofmy death, then I hereby cancel same and grant unto my legal representative thepower to cancel said note and Deed of Trust. I direct said representative to do the +cancellations at my death.",The executor has the ability to act as such under Tennessee law.,"35-50-122. Generation-skipping tax — Definitions. +(a) As used in this section, unless the context otherwise requires: +(1) “Generation-skipping tax” means the generation-skipping transfer tax imposed by chapter 13 of the Internal Revenue Code (26 U.S.C. §§  2601 et seq.); +(2) “Internal Revenue Code” means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and successor provisions and codifications of that Code; +(3) “Trust” means any express trust, with additions, wherever and however created, or any separate share of a trust, and includes any arrangement, other than an estate, that, although not a trust, has substantially the same effect as a trust; and +(4) “Trustee” means an original, additional or successor trustee, whether or not appointed or confirmed by a court, and, in the case of an arrangement that is not a trust but is treated as a trust for purposes of the generation-skipping tax, includes the person in actual or constructive possession of the property subject to the arrangement.",2 +J88,"ITEM V. My spouse and I may have a promissory note payable to us by +[Person-9] and wife, [Person-10]. If any monies are due at the +time ofmy death, then I hereby cancel same and grant unto my legal representative thepower to cancel said note and Deed of Trust. I direct said representative to do the +cancellations at my death.","Subsequent the execution of this Will and prior to Testator's death, the appointed Executor served time in prison.","36-1-101. Purpose of part — Construction. +(a) The primary purpose of this part is to provide means and procedures for the adoption of children and adults that recognize and effectuate to the greatest extent possible the rights and interests of persons affected by adoption, especially those of the adopted persons, which are specifically protected by the constitutions of the United States and the state of Tennessee and to those ends seek to ensure, to the greatest extent possible, that: +(1) Children are removed from the homes of their parents or guardians only when that becomes the only alternative that is consistent with the best interest of the child; +(2) Children are placed only with those persons who have been determined to be capable of providing proper care and a loving home for an adopted child; +(3) The rights of children to be raised in loving homes that are capable of providing proper care for adopted children and that the best interests of children in the adoptive process are protected; +(4) The adoptive process protects the rights of all persons who are affected by that process and who should be entitled to notice of the proceedings for the adoption of a child; +(5) The adoption proceedings are held in an expeditious manner to enable the child to achieve permanency, consistent with the child's best interests, at the earliest possible date; and +(6) The adopted child is protected in the child's adoptive relationship from any interference by any person who may have some legal claim after the child has become properly adjusted to the child's adoptive home.",2 +J26,"In all other respects I do hereby ratify, reaffirm +and republish my Last Will and Testament dated September 21, 1998. +In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto signed, published and declared this instrument as a Codicil to my Last Will and Testament in Lauderdale County, Tennessee, on this 21st day of August, 2000.",testator was over 18 and of sound mind when this adendum was published,"32-1-102. Persons qualified to make a will. +Any person of sound mind eighteen (18) years of age or older may make a will.",1 +J26,"In all other respects I do hereby ratify, reaffirm +and republish my Last Will and Testament dated September 21, 1998. +In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto signed, published and declared this instrument as a Codicil to my Last Will and Testament in Lauderdale County, Tennessee, on this 21st day of August, 2000.",Testator was under 18 publishing this addendum,"32-1-102. Persons qualified to make a will. +Any person of sound mind eighteen (18) years of age or older may make a will.",0 +J26,"In all other respects I do hereby ratify, reaffirm +and republish my Last Will and Testament dated September 21, 1998. +In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto signed, published and declared this instrument as a Codicil to my Last Will and Testament in Lauderdale County, Tennessee, on this 21st day of August, 2000.",testator was over 18 and of sound mind when this adendum was published,"§34-1-119 + +(a) At the request of the petitioner, the fiduciary, or on the court's own motion, a standby fiduciary may be appointed by the court to take the place of the fiduciary on a temporary or, if necessary, on a permanent basis. The standby fiduciary shall have the same powers, rights and obligations as the fiduciary.",2 +J26,"In all other respects I do hereby ratify, reaffirm +and republish my Last Will and Testament dated September 21, 1998. +In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto signed, published and declared this instrument as a Codicil to my Last Will and Testament in Lauderdale County, Tennessee, on this 21st day of August, 2000.",Testator was under 18 publishing this addendum,"§67-2-104(a) + +(a) The tax imposed by this chapter does not apply to the first one thousand two hundred fifty dollars ($1,250) for each individual return or two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500) of combined income for persons who file jointly, of income otherwise taxable under this chapter.",2 +J26,"In all other respects I do hereby ratify, reaffirm +and republish my Last Will and Testament dated September 21, 1998. +In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto signed, published and declared this instrument as a Codicil to my Last Will and Testament in Lauderdale County, Tennessee, on this 21st day of August, 2000.",Testator was under 18 publishing this addendum,"§31-5-102 + +All advancements, whether by settlement or otherwise, in the lifetime of deceased, or by testamentary provision, shall be collated and brought into contribution in the partition and distribution of the real and personal estate of the deceased; those in real estate, first in the partition of real estate, and those in personal estate in the distribution of the personal estate.",2 +J14,"All the rest of my property, real, personal and +mixed, of whatever kind and nature and wheresoever situated, I will, devise and bequeath to my brother, [Person-2].","devisee is alive at the time of testator's death, no contrary will was ever expressed by the testator, and the Testator died of natural causes.","32-3-111. Specifically devised or bequeathed property. +(a) A specific legatee or devisee has a right to the specifically gifted or devised property in the testator's estate at death or if the property has been disposed of and a contrary intention is not manifest during the testator's lifetime: +(1) Any balance of the purchase price, together with any security interest, owing from a purchaser to the testator at death by reason of sale of the property; +(2) Any amount of a condemnation award for the taking of the property unpaid at death; +(3) Any proceeds unpaid at death on fire or casualty insurance on, or other recovery for injury to, the property; and +(4) Property owned by the testator at death and acquired as a result of foreclosure, or obtained in lieu of foreclosure, of the security interest for a specifically devised obligation. +(b) If specifically devised or bequeathed property is sold or mortgaged by a conservator or by an agent acting within the authority of a durable power of attorney for an incapacitated principal, or if a condemnation award, insurance proceeds, or recovery for injury to the property are paid to a conservator or to an agent acting with the authority of a durable power of attorney for an incapacitated principal, the specific devisee has the right to a general pecuniary devise equal to the net sale price, the amount of the unpaid loan, the condemnation award, the insurance proceeds, or the recovery. +(c) The right of a specific legatee or devisee under subsection (b) is reduced by any right the legatee or devisee has under subsection (a). +(d) For the purposes of the references in subsection (b) to a conservator, subsection (b) does not apply if after the sale, mortgage, condemnation, casualty, or recovery, it was adjudicated that the testator's incapacity ceased and the testator survived the adjudication by one (1) year. +(e) For the purposes of the references in subsection (b) to an agent acting within the authority of a durable power of attorney for an incapacitated principal: +(1) “Incapacitated principal” means a principal who is an incapacitated person; +(2) No adjudication of the principal's incapacity need occur before death; and +(3) The acts of an agent within the authority of a durable power of attorney are presumed to be for an incapacitated principal, the presumption rebuttable by clear and convincing evidence of capacity.",1 +J14,"All the rest of my property, real, personal and +mixed, of whatever kind and nature and wheresoever situated, I will, devise and bequeath to my brother, [Person-2].",The Testator's surviving spouse did not elect agains the Will,"30-2-101. Right of surviving spouse and minor children to specific property. +(a) +(1) The surviving spouse of an intestate decedent, or a spouse who elects against a decedent's will, is entitled to receive from the decedent's estate the following exempt property having a fair-market value (in excess of any indebtedness and other amounts secured by any security interests in the property) that does not exceed fifty thousand dollars ($50,000): +(A) Tangible personal property normally located in, or used in or about, the principal residence of the decedent and not used primarily in a trade or business or for investment purposes, and +(B) A motor vehicle or vehicles not used primarily in a trade or business. +(2) If there is no surviving spouse, the decedent's unmarried minor children are entitled as tenants in common only to exempt property as described in subdivision (a)(1)(A). Rights to this exempt property are in addition to any benefit or share passing to the surviving spouse or unmarried minor children by intestate succession, elective share, homestead or year's support allowance. +(b) Where a deceased dies intestate, leaving a surviving spouse, until letters of administration are granted, the surviving spouse may take into possession and make use of any crop then growing and of the provisions on hand as may be necessary for the support of the surviving spouse and family; the surviving spouse may also use the stock, implements and plantation utensils for the purpose of completing, securing and selling the crop. +(c) The surviving spouse or other custodian of unmarried minor children shall apply for the property named in this section before it is distributed or sold, but the property so delivered shall in no case be liable for the payment of claims against the estate. If the surviving spouse or unmarried minor children do not receive the property allowed under this section and the property is sold by executor or administrator, the court shall order the money to be paid to the surviving spouse or unmarried minor children at any time before the money is paid out for claims or distributed. +(d) Any action to set aside the property designated in this section shall be brought within the limits set by § 31-4-102.",2 +J14,"All the rest of my property, real, personal and +mixed, of whatever kind and nature and wheresoever situated, I will, devise and bequeath to my brother, [Person-2].","devisee is alive at the time of testator's death, no contrary will was ever expressed by the testator, and the Testator died of natural causes.","§45-2-302 + +The bank may not vote shares that it holds in any capacity other than as fiduciary.",2 +J14,"All the rest of my property, real, personal and +mixed, of whatever kind and nature and wheresoever situated, I will, devise and bequeath to my brother, [Person-2].",The Testator's surviving spouse did not elect agains the Will,"§64-1-202 + +It is the intent of the general assembly that the various counties and cities of the state that are members of the Chickasaw basin authority and within the designated area have the most effective and efficient means of organizing themselves on a regional basis for the purpose of general and comprehensive water resources planning and development activities to provide coordinated, efficient and orderly development of the surface water management plans and projects within the area as established by the Chickasaw basin authority programs and all approved amendments thereto. Such development includes all recreational and conservation developments adjacent to any water management project. It is the intent that local governments through the authority be guided and assisted in making maximum use of coordinated federal, state and local programs designed to stimulate the development of all water and land resources within the drainage area of the Wolf and Loosahatchie Rivers and Nonconnah and Horn Lake Creeks. It is the further intent of this part that in order to ensure the success of such regional planning and development the state may provide financial assistance to the authority for such purposes as are approved by the general assembly. The Chickasaw basin authority and the counties and municipalities within the designated area are authorized to request, develop, maintain and make available to the residents of such counties and municipalities the recreational and conservation areas adjacent to any approved project within the area of the Chickasaw basin authority. The authority shall have jurisdiction over such programs related to the rivers and streams and their respective drainage areas that flow within Shelby County. In addition, the authority shall have jurisdiction over such programs related to the Wolf River and its respective drainage area without regard to county or municipal boundaries.",2 +J14,"All the rest of my property, real, personal and +mixed, of whatever kind and nature and wheresoever situated, I will, devise and bequeath to my brother, [Person-2].","devisee is alive at the time of testator's death, no contrary will was ever expressed by the testator, and the Testator died of natural causes.","§64-4-301 + +(a) All contracts for home loans made by a nonprofit lender with a zero percent (0%) interest rate or low interest rate loan must contain the following restrictive covenant: +This zero percent (0%) interest or low interest rate loan cannot be refinanced, replaced or consolidated without the prior, written approval of the local board of directors of the nonprofit lender that financed the loan so long as this initial, zero percent (0%) interest or low interest rate loan is in existence.",2 +J18,"We, the undersigned subscribing witnesses, do hereby certify that we witnessed the foregoing Last Will and Testament of [Person-1] at her request, in her presence and in the presence of each other, and that she signed the same in our presence, and in the presence of each of us, declaring the same to be her Last Will and Testament. This 21st day of September, 1998",The will was signed by two disinterested witnesses and the testator in the presence of each other,"32-1-104. Will other than holographic or nuncupative — Signatures. +(a) The execution of a will, other than a holographic or nuncupative will, must be by the signature of the testator and of at least two (2) witnesses as follows: +(1) The testator shall signify to the attesting witnesses that the instrument is the testator's will and either: +(A) The testator sign; +(B) Acknowledge the testator's signature already made; or +(C) At the testator's direction and in the testator's presence have someone else sign the testator's name; and +(D) In any of the above cases the act must be done in the presence of two (2) or more attesting witnesses; +(2) The attesting witnesses must sign: +(A) In the presence of the testator; and +(B) In the presence of each other. +(b) +(1) For wills executed prior to July 1, 2016, to the extent necessary for the will to be validly executed, witness signatures affixed to an affidavit meeting the requirements of § 32-2-110 shall be considered signatures to the will, provided that: +(A) The signatures are made at the same time as the testator signs the will and are made in accordance with subsection (a); and +(B) The affidavit contains language meeting all the requirements of subsection (a). +(2) If the witnesses signed the affidavit on the same day that the testator signed the will, it shall be presumed that the witnesses and the testator signed at the same time, unless rebutted by clear and convincing evidence. If, pursuant to this subsection (b), witness signatures on the affidavit are treated as signatures on the will, the affidavit shall not also serve as a self-proving affidavit under § 32-2-110. Nothing in this subsection (b) shall affect, eliminate, or relax the requirement in subsection (a) that the testator sign the will.",1 +J18,"We, the undersigned subscribing witnesses, do hereby certify that we witnessed the foregoing Last Will and Testament of [Person-1] at her request, in her presence and in the presence of each other, and that she signed the same in our presence, and in the presence of each of us, declaring the same to be her Last Will and Testament. This 21st day of September, 1998",The will was only signed by one witness,"32-1-104. Will other than holographic or nuncupative — Signatures. +(a) The execution of a will, other than a holographic or nuncupative will, must be by the signature of the testator and of at least two (2) witnesses as follows: +(1) The testator shall signify to the attesting witnesses that the instrument is the testator's will and either: +(A) The testator sign; +(B) Acknowledge the testator's signature already made; or +(C) At the testator's direction and in the testator's presence have someone else sign the testator's name; and +(D) In any of the above cases the act must be done in the presence of two (2) or more attesting witnesses; +(2) The attesting witnesses must sign: +(A) In the presence of the testator; and +(B) In the presence of each other. +(b) +(1) For wills executed prior to July 1, 2016, to the extent necessary for the will to be validly executed, witness signatures affixed to an affidavit meeting the requirements of § 32-2-110 shall be considered signatures to the will, provided that: +(A) The signatures are made at the same time as the testator signs the will and are made in accordance with subsection (a); and +(B) The affidavit contains language meeting all the requirements of subsection (a). +(2) If the witnesses signed the affidavit on the same day that the testator signed the will, it shall be presumed that the witnesses and the testator signed at the same time, unless rebutted by clear and convincing evidence. If, pursuant to this subsection (b), witness signatures on the affidavit are treated as signatures on the will, the affidavit shall not also serve as a self-proving affidavit under § 32-2-110. Nothing in this subsection (b) shall affect, eliminate, or relax the requirement in subsection (a) that the testator sign the will.",0 +J18,"We, the undersigned subscribing witnesses, do hereby certify that we witnessed the foregoing Last Will and Testament of [Person-1] at her request, in her presence and in the presence of each other, and that she signed the same in our presence, and in the presence of each of us, declaring the same to be her Last Will and Testament. This 21st day of September, 1998",The will was signed by two disinterested witnesses and the testator in the presence of each other,"§32-4-102 + +""(a) If the legatees or devisees, or any of them, are adults, and have notice that the probate of the will is contested, the court shall require them to enter into bond, with surety, in the penal sum of five hundred dollars ($500), conditioned for the faithful prosecution of the suit, and, in case of failure in the suit, to pay all costs that may accrue on the suit, but an adult legatee or devisee who makes known in writing, to be entered of record, to the court that the adult legatee or devisee claims nothing under the will, and is willing that it be set aside, shall not be required to enter into bond. +(b) If all the legatees or devisees are adults, and refuse or fail to enter into a bond, the will shall not be admitted to probate, but shall be held for naught, and the property of the supposed testator shall be distributed as the property of an intestate.""",2 +J18,"We, the undersigned subscribing witnesses, do hereby certify that we witnessed the foregoing Last Will and Testament of [Person-1] at her request, in her presence and in the presence of each other, and that she signed the same in our presence, and in the presence of each of us, declaring the same to be her Last Will and Testament. This 21st day of September, 1998",The will was only signed by one witness,"§32-4-108 + +All actions or proceedings to set aside the probate of any will, or petitions to certify a will for an issue of devisavit vel non, must be brought within two (2) years from entry of the order admitting the will to probate, or be forever barred, saving, however, to persons under the age of eighteen (18) years or adjudicated incompetent, at the time the cause of action accrues, the rights conferred by § 28-1-106.",2 +J18,"We, the undersigned subscribing witnesses, do hereby certify that we witnessed the foregoing Last Will and Testament of [Person-1] at her request, in her presence and in the presence of each other, and that she signed the same in our presence, and in the presence of each of us, declaring the same to be her Last Will and Testament. This 21st day of September, 1998",The will was only signed by one witness,"§29-5-203(a) + +(a) On application of a party showing an agreement described in § 29-5-202, and the opposing party's refusal to arbitrate, the court shall order the parties to proceed with arbitration, but if the opposing party denies the existence of the agreement to arbitrate, the court shall proceed summarily to the determination of the issue so raised and shall order arbitration if found for the moving party; otherwise, the application shall be denied.",2 +J90,"ITEM VII. I hereby name, nominate, constitute and appoint my wife, [Person-2] , as Executrix of this my Last Will and Testament. I do hereby expressly excuse +them from the posting of any bond, inventory, reports or accounting and settlement ofmy +estate with any Court. In the event that she should then be deceased, or should die while +serving, then I name and appoint [Person-6] and [Person-4], as my Co-Executors. I further relieve them of any bond or inventory +requirements.",Person 2 agreed to serve as the Executrix,"30-1-201. When bond required. +(a) +(1) The clerk shall not require a bond of the personal representative before issuing letters testamentary or letters of administration if: +(A) The decedent by will excuses the personal representative from making bond; +(B) The personal representative and the sole beneficiary of the estate are the same person and the court approves; +(C) All of the beneficiaries are adults, who are not under a disability that would preclude them from acting, and all beneficiaries consent to the personal representative serving without bond by filing a sworn statement, or a statement under penalty of perjury, with the court and the court approves; or +(D) The personal representative is a bank that is excused from the requirements of bond by § 45-2-1005.",1 +J90,"ITEM VII. I hereby name, nominate, constitute and appoint my wife, [Person-2] , as Executrix of this my Last Will and Testament. I do hereby expressly excuse +them from the posting of any bond, inventory, reports or accounting and settlement ofmy +estate with any Court. In the event that she should then be deceased, or should die while +serving, then I name and appoint [Person-6] and [Person-4], as my Co-Executors. I further relieve them of any bond or inventory +requirements.",All the people named as the Executrix declined to serve,"30-1-112. Resignation of personal representative. +(a) Any named executor in a decedent's last will and testament may decline to serve as such personal representative by filing a sworn statement, or a statement under penalty of perjury, with the court. +(b) Any personal representative may resign and relinquish trust in the following manner: +(1) Filing Petition. The personal representative shall file the petition in the probate court or chancery court having cognizance of the settlement of the estate of the deceased whom the petitioner represents, praying to be permitted to resign; +(2) Notice to Legatees, etc. When the legatees, devisees, or distributees entitled to the estate reside in the county where the letters testamentary or of administration were granted, five (5) days' notice shall be given them, their agent or attorney, of the filing or intention to file, the petition. Where they reside out of the county, the court shall order notice to be given by publication in a newspaper, or by posting at the courthouse door, or in such other mode as it thinks reasonable; +(3) Petitioner to Settle Accounts — New Administrator. After notice has been given, the court shall cause the petitioner's accounts to be settled, and may, at its discretion, accept the resignation of the petitioner, and appoint a new administrator, taking from the appointee a good and sufficient administration bond.",0 +J90,"ITEM VII. I hereby name, nominate, constitute and appoint my wife, [Person-2] , as Executrix of this my Last Will and Testament. I do hereby expressly excuse +them from the posting of any bond, inventory, reports or accounting and settlement ofmy +estate with any Court. In the event that she should then be deceased, or should die while +serving, then I name and appoint [Person-6] and [Person-4], as my Co-Executors. I further relieve them of any bond or inventory +requirements.",Person 2 agreed to serve as the Executrix,"29-2-101. Writing required for action. +(a) No action shall be brought: +(1) To charge any executor or administrator upon any special promise to answer any debt or damages out of such person's own estate; +(2) To charge the defendant upon any special promise to answer for the debt, default, or miscarriage of another person; +(3) To charge any person upon any agreement made upon consideration of marriage; +(4) Upon any contract for the sale of lands, tenements, or hereditaments, or the making of any lease thereof for a longer term than one (1) year; or +(5) Upon any agreement or contract which is not to be performed within the space of one (1) year from the making of the agreement or contract; +unless the promise or agreement, upon which such action shall be brought, or some memorandum or note thereof, shall be in writing, and signed by the party to be charged therewith, or some other person lawfully authorized by such party. In a contract for the sale of lands, tenements, or hereditaments, the party to be charged is the party against whom enforcement of the contract is sought.",2 +J90,"ITEM VII. I hereby name, nominate, constitute and appoint my wife, [Person-2] , as Executrix of this my Last Will and Testament. I do hereby expressly excuse +them from the posting of any bond, inventory, reports or accounting and settlement ofmy +estate with any Court. In the event that she should then be deceased, or should die while +serving, then I name and appoint [Person-6] and [Person-4], as my Co-Executors. I further relieve them of any bond or inventory +requirements.",All the people named as the Executrix declined to serve,"35-50-122. Generation-skipping tax — Definitions. +(a) As used in this section, unless the context otherwise requires: +(1) “Generation-skipping tax” means the generation-skipping transfer tax imposed by chapter 13 of the Internal Revenue Code (26 U.S.C. §§  2601 et seq.); +(2) “Internal Revenue Code” means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and successor provisions and codifications of that Code; +(3) “Trust” means any express trust, with additions, wherever and however created, or any separate share of a trust, and includes any arrangement, other than an estate, that, although not a trust, has substantially the same effect as a trust; and +(4) “Trustee” means an original, additional or successor trustee, whether or not appointed or confirmed by a court, and, in the case of an arrangement that is not a trust but is treated as a trust for purposes of the generation-skipping tax, includes the person in actual or constructive possession of the property subject to the arrangement.",2 +J90,"ITEM VII. I hereby name, nominate, constitute and appoint my wife, [Person-2] , as Executrix of this my Last Will and Testament. I do hereby expressly excuse +them from the posting of any bond, inventory, reports or accounting and settlement ofmy +estate with any Court. In the event that she should then be deceased, or should die while +serving, then I name and appoint [Person-6] and [Person-4], as my Co-Executors. I further relieve them of any bond or inventory +requirements.",Person 2 agreed to serve as the Executrix,"37-5-405. Penalty for violations. +Every person acting for that person or for any agency who violates any of the provisions of this part, or any agency or corporation that, through its agents, violates any of the provisions of this part, or any person or agency that makes any false statements to the department of human services regarding the placement of such child, as herein set out, commits a Class A misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine of not more than two hundred dollars ($200), or by imprisonment for not more than six (6) months, or by both fine and imprisonment.",2 +J7,"I hereby will and bequeath the rest and remainder of my assets as follows: +1. A one-fifth (1/5) interest and share to my sister, [Person-14], and if not living, to her children, [Person-3] and [Person-6], per stirpes. +2. A one-fifth (1/5) interest and share to my sister, [Person-7], and if not living, to her children, [Person-4] and [Person-8], per stirpes. + 3. A one-fifth (1/5) interest and share to my sister, [Person-9], and if not living, to her grandsons, [Person-10] and [Person-11], per stirpes. +4. A one-fifth (1/5) interest and share to my brother, [Person-12], and if not living, to his daughter, [Person-13]. +5. A one-fifth (1/5) interest and share to [Person-4] and [Person-3] for looking after me. ","There was no surviving spouse of testator, and no beneficiaries listed in the will have murdered the testator. Also, a contrary intention was not manifest during the testator's lifetime.","32-3-111. Specifically devised or bequeathed property. +(a) A specific legatee or devisee has a right to the specifically gifted or devised property in the testator's estate at death or if the property has been disposed of and a contrary intention is not manifest during the testator's lifetime: +(1) Any balance of the purchase price, together with any security interest, owing from a purchaser to the testator at death by reason of sale of the property; +(2) Any amount of a condemnation award for the taking of the property unpaid at death; +(3) Any proceeds unpaid at death on fire or casualty insurance on, or other recovery for injury to, the property; and +(4) Property owned by the testator at death and acquired as a result of foreclosure, or obtained in lieu of foreclosure, of the security interest for a specifically devised obligation.",1 +J7,"I hereby will and bequeath the rest and remainder of my assets as follows: +1. A one-fifth (1/5) interest and share to my sister, [Person-14], and if not living, to her children, [Person-3] and [Person-6], per stirpes. +2. A one-fifth (1/5) interest and share to my sister, [Person-7], and if not living, to her children, [Person-4] and [Person-8], per stirpes. + 3. A one-fifth (1/5) interest and share to my sister, [Person-9], and if not living, to her grandsons, [Person-10] and [Person-11], per stirpes. +4. A one-fifth (1/5) interest and share to my brother, [Person-12], and if not living, to his daughter, [Person-13]. +5. A one-fifth (1/5) interest and share to [Person-4] and [Person-3] for looking after me. ",Person 7 died prior to Testator's death,"32-3-105. Death of devisee or legatee before death of testator. +(a) Whenever the devisee or legatee or any member of a class to which an immediate devise or bequest is made, dies before the testator, or is dead at the making of the will, leaving issue that survives the testator, the issue shall take the estate or interest devised or bequeathed that the devisee or legatee or the member of the class, as the case may be, would have taken, had that person survived the testator, unless a different disposition thereof is made or required by the will. +(b) Subsection (a) shall apply also to a revocable (living) trust that became irrevocable upon the death of its settlor or grantor. The surviving issue of a beneficiary who predeceased a settlor or grantor shall take the trust interest the beneficiary would have received had the beneficiary survived the settlor or grantor, unless the trust agreement provides otherwise.",1 +J7,"I hereby will and bequeath the rest and remainder of my assets as follows: +1. A one-fifth (1/5) interest and share to my sister, [Person-14], and if not living, to her children, [Person-3] and [Person-6], per stirpes. +2. A one-fifth (1/5) interest and share to my sister, [Person-7], and if not living, to her children, [Person-4] and [Person-8], per stirpes. + 3. A one-fifth (1/5) interest and share to my sister, [Person-9], and if not living, to her grandsons, [Person-10] and [Person-11], per stirpes. +4. A one-fifth (1/5) interest and share to my brother, [Person-12], and if not living, to his daughter, [Person-13]. +5. A one-fifth (1/5) interest and share to [Person-4] and [Person-3] for looking after me. ","Another, person 13, is the named executor of the estate in this Will and no other person named is considered a fiduciary.","35-2-103. Application of payments made to fiduciaries — Validity of right or title acquired. +A person who in good faith pays or transfers to a fiduciary any money or other property, which the fiduciary as such is authorized to receive, is not responsible for the proper application thereof by the fiduciary, and any right or title acquired from the fiduciary in consideration of such payment or transfer is not invalid in consequence of a misapplication by the fiduciary.",2 +J7,"I hereby will and bequeath the rest and remainder of my assets as follows: +1. A one-fifth (1/5) interest and share to my sister, [Person-14], and if not living, to her children, [Person-3] and [Person-6], per stirpes. +2. A one-fifth (1/5) interest and share to my sister, [Person-7], and if not living, to her children, [Person-4] and [Person-8], per stirpes. + 3. A one-fifth (1/5) interest and share to my sister, [Person-9], and if not living, to her grandsons, [Person-10] and [Person-11], per stirpes. +4. A one-fifth (1/5) interest and share to my brother, [Person-12], and if not living, to his daughter, [Person-13]. +5. A one-fifth (1/5) interest and share to [Person-4] and [Person-3] for looking after me. ","There was no surviving spouse of testator, and no beneficiaries listed in the will have murdered the testator. Also, a contrary intention was not manifest during the testator's lifetime.","§32-11-109 + +Any person who willfully conceals, cancels, defaces, obliterates or damages the declaration or revocation of another without the declarant's consent, or who falsifies or forges the declaration or revocation of another shall be civilly liable and subject to criminal prosecution for a Class C misdemeanor, and if a provider, subject to administrative and professional discipline.",2 +J7,"I hereby will and bequeath the rest and remainder of my assets as follows: +1. A one-fifth (1/5) interest and share to my sister, [Person-14], and if not living, to her children, [Person-3] and [Person-6], per stirpes. +2. A one-fifth (1/5) interest and share to my sister, [Person-7], and if not living, to her children, [Person-4] and [Person-8], per stirpes. + 3. A one-fifth (1/5) interest and share to my sister, [Person-9], and if not living, to her grandsons, [Person-10] and [Person-11], per stirpes. +4. A one-fifth (1/5) interest and share to my brother, [Person-12], and if not living, to his daughter, [Person-13]. +5. A one-fifth (1/5) interest and share to [Person-4] and [Person-3] for looking after me. ",Person 7 died prior to Testator's death,"§32-11-106 + +A declaration may be revoked at any time by the declarant, without regard to the declarant's mental state or competency, by any of the following methods, effectively communicated by the declarant to the attending physician or other concerned health care provider: +(1) Written revocation by the declarant, dated and signed by the declarant; +(2) By oral statement or revocation made by the declarant to the attending physician. This revocation shall be made a part of the declarant's medical record by the attending physician.",2 +J21,"I hereby revoke Paragraph IV of my Last Will and +Testament and in its place substitute the following: +I will, devise and bequeath my house and lot located +at [Address-1], +Tennessee, to my brother, [Person-2].",The document containing this sentence satisfy as an attested will.,"32-1-201. Actions effecting a revocation of will. +A will or any part thereof is revoked by: +(1) A subsequent will, other than a nuncupative will, that revokes the prior will or part expressly or by inconsistency; +(2) Document of revocation, executed with all the formalities of an attested will or a holographic will, but not a nuncupative will, that revokes the prior will or part expressly; +(3) Being burned, torn, cancelled, obliterated or destroyed, with the intent and for the purpose of revoking it, by the testator or by another person in the testator's presence and by the testator's direction; or +(4) Both the subsequent marriage and the birth of a child of the testator, but divorce or annulment of the subsequent marriage does not revive a prior will.",1 +J21,"I hereby revoke Paragraph IV of my Last Will and +Testament and in its place substitute the following: +I will, devise and bequeath my house and lot located +at [Address-1], +Tennessee, to my brother, [Person-2].","Testator was married subsequent the creation of this Will and, as a married couple, they had a child.","32-1-201. Actions effecting a revocation of will. +A will or any part thereof is revoked by: +(1) A subsequent will, other than a nuncupative will, that revokes the prior will or part expressly or by inconsistency; +(2) Document of revocation, executed with all the formalities of an attested will or a holographic will, but not a nuncupative will, that revokes the prior will or part expressly; +(3) Being burned, torn, cancelled, obliterated or destroyed, with the intent and for the purpose of revoking it, by the testator or by another person in the testator's presence and by the testator's direction; or +(4) Both the subsequent marriage and the birth of a child of the testator, but divorce or annulment of the subsequent marriage does not revive a prior will.",0 +J21,"I hereby revoke Paragraph IV of my Last Will and +Testament and in its place substitute the following: +I will, devise and bequeath my house and lot located +at [Address-1], +Tennessee, to my brother, [Person-2].",The document containing this sentence satisfy as an attested will.,"§34-1-107 + +(a) +(1) The court may appoint a guardian ad litem in any proceeding and, except as provided in this section, shall appoint a guardian ad litem on filing of a petition for appointment of a fiduciary. If the respondent is represented by counsel who has made an appearance for the respondent, the court may appoint or continue the services of a guardian ad litem or may waive appointment or terminate the services of a guardian ad litem in the best interests of the respondent. +(2) The court may waive the appointment of a guardian ad litem if the petitioner or at least one (1) of the petitioners for the appointment is: +(A) A parent of the minor for whom a guardian is sought; +(B) A minor who has attained fourteen (14) years of age; or +(C) An adult respondent. +(3) The court may waive the appointment of a guardian ad litem if the court determines the waiver is in the best interests of the minor or person with a disability.",2 +J21,"I hereby revoke Paragraph IV of my Last Will and +Testament and in its place substitute the following: +I will, devise and bequeath my house and lot located +at [Address-1], +Tennessee, to my brother, [Person-2].","Testator was married subsequent the creation of this Will and, as a married couple, they had a child.","57-1-103(a) + +(a) The three (3) members of the commission appointed by the governor must be appointed for terms concurrent with the term of the governor. In the event a vacancy occurs, the governor shall appoint a person to fill the vacancy for the unexpired term.",2 +J21,"I hereby revoke Paragraph IV of my Last Will and +Testament and in its place substitute the following: +I will, devise and bequeath my house and lot located +at [Address-1], +Tennessee, to my brother, [Person-2].","Testator was married subsequent the creation of this Will and, as a married couple, they had a child.","§32-5-106 + +Any person interested to contest the validity of a will of another country, state, district, or territory as to realty may do so in the same manner and time limit as though it had been originally presented for probate in that court.",2 +J32,"A.) I hereby give, devise and bequeath all of my property, real, +personal and mixed, and wheresoever situated, to my wife, [Person-3], +provided she survives me. +B.) In the event that my wife, [Person-3], does not survive +me, I then hereby give, devise and bequeath all of my property, real, personal and +mixed, and wheresoever situated, to [Person-4].",No contrary intention was made manifest subsequent the execution of this Will,"32-3-111. Specifically devised or bequeathed property. +(a) A specific legatee or devisee has a right to the specifically gifted or devised property in the testator's estate at death or if the property has been disposed of and a contrary intention is not manifest during the testator's lifetime: +(1) Any balance of the purchase price, together with any security interest, owing from a purchaser to the testator at death by reason of sale of the property; +(2) Any amount of a condemnation award for the taking of the property unpaid at death; +(3) Any proceeds unpaid at death on fire or casualty insurance on, or other recovery for injury to, the property; and +(4) Property owned by the testator at death and acquired as a result of foreclosure, or obtained in lieu of foreclosure, of the security interest for a specifically devised obligation. +(b) If specifically devised or bequeathed property is sold or mortgaged by a conservator or by an agent acting within the authority of a durable power of attorney for an incapacitated principal, or if a condemnation award, insurance proceeds, or recovery for injury to the property are paid to a conservator or to an agent acting with the authority of a durable power of attorney for an incapacitated principal, the specific devisee has the right to a general pecuniary devise equal to the net sale price, the amount of the unpaid loan, the condemnation award, the insurance proceeds, or the recovery. +(c) The right of a specific legatee or devisee under subsection (b) is reduced by any right the legatee or devisee has under subsection (a). +(d) For the purposes of the references in subsection (b) to a conservator, subsection (b) does not apply if after the sale, mortgage, condemnation, casualty, or recovery, it was adjudicated that the testator's incapacity ceased and the testator survived the adjudication by one (1) year. +(e) For the purposes of the references in subsection (b) to an agent acting within the authority of a durable power of attorney for an incapacitated principal: +(1) “Incapacitated principal” means a principal who is an incapacitated person; +(2) No adjudication of the principal's incapacity need occur before death; and +(3) The acts of an agent within the authority of a durable power of attorney are presumed to be for an incapacitated principal, the presumption rebuttable by clear and convincing evidence of capacity.",1 +J32,"A.) I hereby give, devise and bequeath all of my property, real, +personal and mixed, and wheresoever situated, to my wife, [Person-3], +provided she survives me. +B.) In the event that my wife, [Person-3], does not survive +me, I then hereby give, devise and bequeath all of my property, real, personal and +mixed, and wheresoever situated, to [Person-4].","Testator has only $49,000 worth of mixed property at the time of death, his wife does not survive him, and he has minor children (not Devisee 1)","30-2-101. Right of surviving spouse and minor children to specific property. +(a) +(1) The surviving spouse of an intestate decedent, or a spouse who elects against a decedent's will, is entitled to receive from the decedent's estate the following exempt property having a fair-market value (in excess of any indebtedness and other amounts secured by any security interests in the property) that does not exceed fifty thousand dollars ($50,000): +(A) Tangible personal property normally located in, or used in or about, the principal residence of the decedent and not used primarily in a trade or business or for investment purposes, and +(B) A motor vehicle or vehicles not used primarily in a trade or business. +(2) If there is no surviving spouse, the decedent's unmarried minor children are entitled as tenants in common only to exempt property as described in subdivision (a)(1)(A). Rights to this exempt property are in addition to any benefit or share passing to the surviving spouse or unmarried minor children by intestate succession, elective share, homestead or year's support allowance. +(b) Where a deceased dies intestate, leaving a surviving spouse, until letters of administration are granted, the surviving spouse may take into possession and make use of any crop then growing and of the provisions on hand as may be necessary for the support of the surviving spouse and family; the surviving spouse may also use the stock, implements and plantation utensils for the purpose of completing, securing and selling the crop. +(c) The surviving spouse or other custodian of unmarried minor children shall apply for the property named in this section before it is distributed or sold, but the property so delivered shall in no case be liable for the payment of claims against the estate. If the surviving spouse or unmarried minor children do not receive the property allowed under this section and the property is sold by executor or administrator, the court shall order the money to be paid to the surviving spouse or unmarried minor children at any time before the money is paid out for claims or distributed. +(d) Any action to set aside the property designated in this section shall be brought within the limits set by § 31-4-102.",0 +J32,"A.) I hereby give, devise and bequeath all of my property, real, +personal and mixed, and wheresoever situated, to my wife, [Person-3], +provided she survives me. +B.) In the event that my wife, [Person-3], does not survive +me, I then hereby give, devise and bequeath all of my property, real, personal and +mixed, and wheresoever situated, to [Person-4].",No contrary intention was made manifest subsequent the execution of this Will,"§11-15-103 + +In order to carry out the purposes of this chapter, the state of Tennessee, acting through any of its departments, agencies, or institutions, subject, in the case of the state, to the approval of the state building commission or any other public body, may acquire interests in real property in the form of scenic easements. Acquisition of interests in land or in structures (scenic easements) may be by donation, purchase with donated or appropriated funds or otherwise, but not by exercise of the power of eminent domain. However, no interests in land or in structures (scenic easement) may be acquired except to assist in the protection and preservation of those historic, architectural, archaeological or cultural resources listed in the National Register or Tennessee Register or those natural areas that are included among the park or recreational lands administered by the public body. In addition, any public body may designate a scenic easement in any real property in which it has an interest in order to provide protection to and assist in the preservation of such listed and designated resources and areas.",2 +J32,"A.) I hereby give, devise and bequeath all of my property, real, +personal and mixed, and wheresoever situated, to my wife, [Person-3], +provided she survives me. +B.) In the event that my wife, [Person-3], does not survive +me, I then hereby give, devise and bequeath all of my property, real, personal and +mixed, and wheresoever situated, to [Person-4].","Testator has only $49,000 worth of mixed property at the time of death, his wife does not survive him, and he has minor children (not Devisee 1)","§32-3-109 + +Any court of record having probate jurisdiction has concurrent jurisdiction with chancery courts for the construction or interpretation of wills, or parts thereof, and for establishing lost, spoliated or suppressed wills.",2 +J32,"A.) I hereby give, devise and bequeath all of my property, real, +personal and mixed, and wheresoever situated, to my wife, [Person-3], +provided she survives me. +B.) In the event that my wife, [Person-3], does not survive +me, I then hereby give, devise and bequeath all of my property, real, personal and +mixed, and wheresoever situated, to [Person-4].",No contrary intention was made manifest subsequent the execution of this Will,"§29-3-104 + +Where such bill or petition is filed by citizens and freeholders, they shall make bond, in such sum as the judge or chancellor shall prescribe, conditioned to pay all costs and damages in the event the court trying the case shall adjudge that the proceeding was instituted without probable cause; but no bond for costs or damages shall be required where the proceeding is instituted by and upon the relation of the attorney general and reporter or a district attorney general or a county or a city attorney.",2 +J6,I direct my Executor to reduce all of my remaining property to cash. I authorize him to sell my real estate and sign the necessary papers therefore and do all thing necessary to convert said property to cash. ,The Executor was over 18 at the time the Will was executed and no contrary intent was manifest by the Testator subsequent the execution of this Will.,"32-3-110. Power of appointment. +(a) This section applies only to powers of appointment exercisable by will. +(b) Capacity of holder of power. A power of appointment by will that is not subject to an express condition that it may be exercised only by a holder of a greater age may be exercised by a holder who has attained the age of eighteen (18) years. +(c) Manner of exercise of power. Unless a contrary intent is evidenced by the terms of the instrument creating or limiting a power of appointment, a donee of a power of appointment exercisable by will may: +(1) Make appointments of present or future interests or both; +(2) Make appointments with conditions and limitations; +(3) Make appointments with restraints on alienation upon the appointed interests; +(4) Make appointments of interests to a trustee for the benefit of one (1) or more objects of the power; +(5) Make appointments that create in the object of the power additional powers of appointment to permissible objects of the power of appointment pursuant to which the powers are created; and +(6) If the donee could appoint outright to the object of a power, make appointments that create in the object of the power additional powers of appointment that may be exercisable in favor of such persons or entities as the person creating the power may direct, even though the objects of the additional powers of appointment may not have been permissible objects of the original power of appointment pursuant to which the additional powers are created; provided, however, that the donee may not create a power that would violate any applicable rule against perpetuities. +(d) Disposition of trust property subject to power. In disposing of trust property subject to a power of appointment exercisable by will, a trustee acting in good faith shall have no liability to any appointee or take in default of appointment for relying upon a will believed to be the will of the donee of the power of appointment, for assuming that there is no will in the absence of actual knowledge thereof within three (3) months after the death of the donee, or for requiring that any will purporting to exercise a power of appointment be admitted to probate. The trustee's action in accordance with the preceding sentence shall not affect the rights of any appointee or taker in default of appointment to recover the distributed property from any person to whom the trustee has made distribution. +(e) Applicability. This section shall be construed as being declarative of existing law and shall apply to all instruments granting general and special powers of appointment and all wills exercising those powers, whether existing or exercised before, on, or after May 8, 2002, except that no trustee shall be liable to any person in whose favor a power of appointment may have been exercised for any distribution of property made to persons entitled to take in default of the effective exercise of the power of appointment to the extent that the distribution has been completed prior to May 8, 2002.",1 +J6,I direct my Executor to reduce all of my remaining property to cash. I authorize him to sell my real estate and sign the necessary papers therefore and do all thing necessary to convert said property to cash. ,Executor is 17 at the time of Testator's death,"32-3-110. Power of appointment. +(a) This section applies only to powers of appointment exercisable by will. +(b) Capacity of holder of power. A power of appointment by will that is not subject to an express condition that it may be exercised only by a holder of a greater age may be exercised by a holder who has attained the age of eighteen (18) years. +(c) Manner of exercise of power. Unless a contrary intent is evidenced by the terms of the instrument creating or limiting a power of appointment, a donee of a power of appointment exercisable by will may: +(1) Make appointments of present or future interests or both; +(2) Make appointments with conditions and limitations; +(3) Make appointments with restraints on alienation upon the appointed interests; +(4) Make appointments of interests to a trustee for the benefit of one (1) or more objects of the power; +(5) Make appointments that create in the object of the power additional powers of appointment to permissible objects of the power of appointment pursuant to which the powers are created; and +(6) If the donee could appoint outright to the object of a power, make appointments that create in the object of the power additional powers of appointment that may be exercisable in favor of such persons or entities as the person creating the power may direct, even though the objects of the additional powers of appointment may not have been permissible objects of the original power of appointment pursuant to which the additional powers are created; provided, however, that the donee may not create a power that would violate any applicable rule against perpetuities. +(d) Disposition of trust property subject to power. In disposing of trust property subject to a power of appointment exercisable by will, a trustee acting in good faith shall have no liability to any appointee or take in default of appointment for relying upon a will believed to be the will of the donee of the power of appointment, for assuming that there is no will in the absence of actual knowledge thereof within three (3) months after the death of the donee, or for requiring that any will purporting to exercise a power of appointment be admitted to probate. The trustee's action in accordance with the preceding sentence shall not affect the rights of any appointee or taker in default of appointment to recover the distributed property from any person to whom the trustee has made distribution. +(e) Applicability. This section shall be construed as being declarative of existing law and shall apply to all instruments granting general and special powers of appointment and all wills exercising those powers, whether existing or exercised before, on, or after May 8, 2002, except that no trustee shall be liable to any person in whose favor a power of appointment may have been exercised for any distribution of property made to persons entitled to take in default of the effective exercise of the power of appointment to the extent that the distribution has been completed prior to May 8, 2002.",0 +J6,I direct my Executor to reduce all of my remaining property to cash. I authorize him to sell my real estate and sign the necessary papers therefore and do all thing necessary to convert said property to cash. ,The Testator wrote a list to dispose of property in his own handwriting and with his signature.,"32-3-115. Written statement or list to dispose of items of tangible personal property. +(a) +(1) Notwithstanding the requirements of a holographic will, a will may refer to a written statement or list to dispose of items of tangible personal property not otherwise specifically disposed of by the will, other than money, evidences of indebtedness, documents of title, securities, and property used in a trade or business. +(2) To be admissible under this section as evidence of the intended disposition, the writing: +(A) Must: +(i) Be either in the handwriting of the testator or signed by the testator; +(ii) Be dated; and +(iii) Describe the items and the devisees with reasonable certainty; +(B) May be prepared before or after the execution of the will; +(C) May be altered by the testator after its preparation, provided that the testator signs and dates the alteration; and +(D) May be a writing that has no significance apart from its effect upon the dispositions made by the will. +(3) If more than one (1) otherwise effective writings exist or a single writing contains properly signed and dated alterations, the provisions of the most recent writing or alteration revoke any inconsistent provisions of all prior writing. +(b) A personal representative is not liable for any distribution of tangible personal property to the apparent devisee under the testator's will without actual knowledge of the written statement or list, as described in subsection (a), and the personal representative has no duty to recover property distributed without knowledge of the written statement or list. +(c) If the writing is admitted to the probate proceeding as permitted in subsection (a), the recipient or recipients of items distributed in accordance with the written list or statement shall file a receipt for the item or items received in accordance with § 30-2-707.",2 +J6,I direct my Executor to reduce all of my remaining property to cash. I authorize him to sell my real estate and sign the necessary papers therefore and do all thing necessary to convert said property to cash. ,The Executor was over 18 at the time the Will was executed and no contrary intent was manifest by the Testator subsequent the execution of this Will.,"§28-2-101 + +Not more than two (2) new trials shall be granted to the same party in an action at law, or upon the trial by jury of an issue of fact in equity.",2 +J6,I direct my Executor to reduce all of my remaining property to cash. I authorize him to sell my real estate and sign the necessary papers therefore and do all thing necessary to convert said property to cash. ,Executor is 17 at the time of Testator's death,"§27-7-101 + +Any person aggrieved by the judgment of any court in a civil case which is not governed by the Tennessee Rules of Civil Procedure by reason of a material error in fact may reverse the judgment upon writ of error coram nobis as provided in this chapter.",2 +J86,"ITEM III. In the event my wife predeceases me, or should we die in a +common accident or disaster, then I direct that all my property be sold and the proceeds +therefrom be devised and bequeathed equally unto [Person-3], [Person-4], [Person-5] and [Person-6] .",A contrary intention was not made manifest during the Testator's lifetime.,"32-3-111. Specifically devised or bequeathed property. +(a) A specific legatee or devisee has a right to the specifically gifted or devised property in the testator's estate at death or if the property has been disposed of and a contrary intention is not manifest during the testator's lifetime: +(1) Any balance of the purchase price, together with any security interest, owing from a purchaser to the testator at death by reason of sale of the property; +(2) Any amount of a condemnation award for the taking of the property unpaid at death; +(3) Any proceeds unpaid at death on fire or casualty insurance on, or other recovery for injury to, the property; and +(4) Property owned by the testator at death and acquired as a result of foreclosure, or obtained in lieu of foreclosure, of the security interest for a specifically devised obligation.",1 +J86,"ITEM III. In the event my wife predeceases me, or should we die in a +common accident or disaster, then I direct that all my property be sold and the proceeds +therefrom be devised and bequeathed equally unto [Person-3], [Person-4], [Person-5] and [Person-6] .",A contrary intention was made manifest during the Testator's lifetime.,"32-3-111. Specifically devised or bequeathed property. +(a) A specific legatee or devisee has a right to the specifically gifted or devised property in the testator's estate at death or if the property has been disposed of and a contrary intention is not manifest during the testator's lifetime: +(1) Any balance of the purchase price, together with any security interest, owing from a purchaser to the testator at death by reason of sale of the property; +(2) Any amount of a condemnation award for the taking of the property unpaid at death; +(3) Any proceeds unpaid at death on fire or casualty insurance on, or other recovery for injury to, the property; and +(4) Property owned by the testator at death and acquired as a result of foreclosure, or obtained in lieu of foreclosure, of the security interest for a specifically devised obligation.",0 +J86,"ITEM III. In the event my wife predeceases me, or should we die in a +common accident or disaster, then I direct that all my property be sold and the proceeds +therefrom be devised and bequeathed equally unto [Person-3], [Person-4], [Person-5] and [Person-6] .",The Will was typed and properly signed,"11-3-122. Driving a golf cart within state park. +In state parks, a golf cart, as defined by § 55-1-123, may only be driven on golf courses in accordance with state park rules and policies and on the paved roads within the campgrounds, subject to regulation by state parks to protect public safety. Nothing in this section shall prohibit the department of environment and conservation from requiring a valid driver license for the operation of a golf cart within the properties described in this section.",2 +J86,"ITEM III. In the event my wife predeceases me, or should we die in a +common accident or disaster, then I direct that all my property be sold and the proceeds +therefrom be devised and bequeathed equally unto [Person-3], [Person-4], [Person-5] and [Person-6] .",A contrary intention was not made manifest during the Testator's lifetime.,"11-3-302. State park fund. +(a) There is created a special agency account in the state general fund to be known as the “state park fund,” hereinafter referred to in this part as the “fund.” +(b) Any fund balance remaining unexpended at the end of a fiscal year in the fund shall be carried forward into the subsequent fiscal year. +(c) Interest accruing on investments and deposits of the state park fund shall be carried forward into the subsequent fiscal year.",2 +J86,"ITEM III. In the event my wife predeceases me, or should we die in a +common accident or disaster, then I direct that all my property be sold and the proceeds +therefrom be devised and bequeathed equally unto [Person-3], [Person-4], [Person-5] and [Person-6] .",A contrary intention was made manifest during the Testator's lifetime.,"30-1-119. Procedure for removal. +Any executor or administrator may be removed in accordance with the procedures in § 35-15-706.",2 +J40,"I, [Person-1], being sui juris and over the +age of eighteen (18) years and being of sound and disposing +mind, memory and understanding, do hereby make, declare +and publish this as and for my last will and testament, hereby +expressly revoking any and all testamentary dispositions heretofore +made by me.",The Testator was over 18 and of sound mind when executing this Will,"""32-1-102. Persons qualified to make a will. +Any person of sound mind eighteen (18) years of age or older may make a will.""",1 +J40,"I, [Person-1], being sui juris and over the +age of eighteen (18) years and being of sound and disposing +mind, memory and understanding, do hereby make, declare +and publish this as and for my last will and testament, hereby +expressly revoking any and all testamentary dispositions heretofore +made by me.",Testator was not of sound mind during the execution of this will,"32-1-102. Persons qualified to make a will. +Any person of sound mind eighteen (18) years of age or older may make a will.",0 +J40,"I, [Person-1], being sui juris and over the +age of eighteen (18) years and being of sound and disposing +mind, memory and understanding, do hereby make, declare +and publish this as and for my last will and testament, hereby +expressly revoking any and all testamentary dispositions heretofore +made by me.",The Testator was over 18 and of sound mind when executing this Will,"§32-1-107 + +A will executed outside this state in a manner prescribed by §§ 32-1-101 — 32-1-108, inclusive, or a written will executed outside this state in a manner prescribed by the law of the place of its execution or by the law of the testator's domicile at the time of its execution, shall have the same force and effect in this state as if executed in this state in compliance with those sections.",2 +J40,"I, [Person-1], being sui juris and over the +age of eighteen (18) years and being of sound and disposing +mind, memory and understanding, do hereby make, declare +and publish this as and for my last will and testament, hereby +expressly revoking any and all testamentary dispositions heretofore +made by me.",Testator was not of sound mind during the execution of this will,"§32-1-111 + +(a) Married women, after February 15, 1941, may dispose of their property by will according to §§ 32-1-101 — 32-1-108. +(b) Wills executed on or before February 15, 1941, by married women twenty-one (21) years of age or over, are valid to dispose of their realty or personalty, legal or equitable, in as complete manner as if executed by femes sole.",2 +J40,"I, [Person-1], being sui juris and over the +age of eighteen (18) years and being of sound and disposing +mind, memory and understanding, do hereby make, declare +and publish this as and for my last will and testament, hereby +expressly revoking any and all testamentary dispositions heretofore +made by me.",Testator was not of sound mind during the execution of this will,"§39-16-108 + +(a) A person commits an offense who: +(1) Offers, confers or agrees to confer any pecuniary benefit upon a juror with the intent that the juror's vote, opinion, decision or other action as a juror will be corruptly influenced; or +(2) Solicits, accepts or agrees to accept any pecuniary benefit upon any agreement or understanding that the juror's vote, opinion, decision or other action as a juror will be corruptly influenced. +(b) Nothing in this section shall be deemed to nullify or repeal any contempt power of any judge of any court of this state. +(c) Bribing a juror is a Class C felony.",2 +J8,"Signed by the said [Person-1] as for her Last Will and Testament in the presence of us, the undersigned, who at her request and in her presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto signed our names as attesting witnesses the day and year written above. ",Two uninterested Witnesses Signed the Document in the presence of the testator and the presence of each other,"T.C.A. §32-1-104 + +""(a) The execution of a will, other than a holographic or nuncupative will, must be by the signature of the testator and of at least two (2) witnesses as follows: +(1) The testator shall signify to the attesting witnesses that the instrument is the testator's will and either: +(A) The testator sign; +(B) Acknowledge the testator's signature already made; or +(C) At the testator's direction and in the testator's presence have someone else sign the testator's name; and +(D) In any of the above cases the act must be done in the presence of two (2) or more attesting witnesses; +(2) The attesting witnesses must sign: +(A) In the presence of the testator; and +(B) In the presence of each other.",1 +J8,"Signed by the said [Person-1] as for her Last Will and Testament in the presence of us, the undersigned, who at her request and in her presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto signed our names as attesting witnesses the day and year written above. ",Two Witnesses Signed the Document in the presence of the testator and the presence of each other,"T.C.A. § 32-1-107 + +A will executed outside this state in a manner prescribed by §§ 32-1-101 — 32-1-108, inclusive, or a written will executed outside this state in a manner prescribed by the law of the place of its execution or by the law of the testator's domicile at the time of its execution, shall have the same force and effect in this state as if executed in this state in compliance with those sections.",2 +J8,"Signed by the said [Person-1] as for her Last Will and Testament in the presence of us, the undersigned, who at her request and in her presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto signed our names as attesting witnesses the day and year written above. ",signed by testator and two witnesses wherein the witnesses sign the will in the presence of the testator and in the presence of each other. Both of the witnesses is getting some wealth from the Will above what they would have gotten if the Testator died intestate.,"32-1-103. Witnesses — Who may act. +(a) Any person competent to be a witness generally in this state may act as attesting witness to a will. +(b) No will is invalidated because attested by an interested witness, but any interested witness shall, unless the will is also attested by two (2) disinterested witnesses, forfeit so much of the provisions therein made for the interested witness as in the aggregate exceeds in value, as of the date of the testator's death, what the interested witness would have received had the testator died intestate. +(c) No attesting witness is interested unless the will gives to the attesting witness some personal and beneficial interest.",1 +J8,"Signed by the said [Person-1] as for her Last Will and Testament in the presence of us, the undersigned, who at her request and in her presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto signed our names as attesting witnesses the day and year written above. ",Two Witnesses Signed the Document in the presence of the testator and the presence of each other,"T.C.A. § 29-2-101 + +(a) No action shall be brought: +(1) To charge any executor or administrator upon any special promise to answer any debt or damages out of such person's own estate; +(2) To charge the defendant upon any special promise to answer for the debt, default, or miscarriage of another person; +(3) To charge any person upon any agreement made upon consideration of marriage; +(4) Upon any contract for the sale of lands, tenements, or hereditaments, or the making of any lease thereof for a longer term than one (1) year; or +(5) Upon any agreement or contract which is not to be performed within the space of one (1) year from the making of the agreement or contract; +unless the promise or agreement, upon which such action shall be brought, or some memorandum or note thereof, shall be in writing, and signed by the party to be charged therewith, or some other person lawfully authorized by such party. In a contract for the sale of lands, tenements, or hereditaments, the party to be charged is the party against whom enforcement of the contract is sought. +(b) +(1) No action shall be brought against a lender or creditor upon any promise or commitment to lend money or to extend credit, or upon any promise or commitment to alter, amend, renew, extend or otherwise modify or supplement any written promise, agreement or commitment to lend money or extend credit, unless the promise or agreement, upon which such action shall be brought, or some memorandum or note thereof, shall be in writing and signed by the lender or creditor, or some other person lawfully authorized by such lender or creditor. +(2) A promise or commitment described in subdivision (b)(1) need not be signed by the lender or creditor, if such promise or commitment is in the form of a promissory note or other writing that describes the credit or loan and that by its terms: +(A) Is intended by the parties to be signed by the debtor but not by the lender or creditor; +(B) Has actually been signed by the debtor; and +(C) Delivery of which has been accepted by the lender or creditor. +(c) For purposes of this section, a writing, or some memorandum or note thereof, includes a record.",2 +J8,"Signed by the said [Person-1] as for her Last Will and Testament in the presence of us, the undersigned, who at her request and in her presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto signed our names as attesting witnesses the day and year written above. ",signed by testator and two witnesses wherein the witnesses sign the will in the presence of the testator and in the presence of each other. Both of the witnesses is getting some wealth from the Will above what they would have gotten if the Testator died intestate.,"T.C.A. § 32-4-102 + +(a) If the legatees or devisees, or any of them, are adults, and have notice that the probate of the will is contested, the court shall require them to enter into bond, with surety, in the penal sum of five hundred dollars ($500), conditioned for the faithful prosecution of the suit, and, in case of failure in the suit, to pay all costs that may accrue on the suit, but an adult legatee or devisee who makes known in writing, to be entered of record, to the court that the adult legatee or devisee claims nothing under the will, and is willing that it be set aside, shall not be required to enter into bond. +(b) If all the legatees or devisees are adults, and refuse or fail to enter into a bond, the will shall not be admitted to probate, but shall be held for naught, and the property of the supposed testator shall be distributed as the property of an intestate.",2 \ No newline at end of file